The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, April 09, 1869, Image 3
"Local and Miscellany. Var Time at ltttlgtcay. Erie Express East 12:45 a. m. do do West 8:84 a. m. do Mail East , 6:16 p.m. do do West 3:21 p. m. Local Freight Kant 9:40 a. m. do do West 7:30 p. m. Elk lodge, A. Y. M. Stated meetings of Elk Lodge will be held at their hall on tho secoud antj fourth Tuesdays of each month. J. K. WHITMORE. Sec'y. I. 0, 0. T. The Regular meeting of Ridgway Lodge, No. 256, held every Wednesday evening at their Lodge Room. H. A. Parsons, Sr., Secy. jy AGENTS FOR TEE ADVOCATE. The following named persons are authorized gents for the Advocate to receive subscrip tions advertising or Job work, take pay there for and give receipts. Wiljox. A. T. Airmen, J. L. Brown. pane. Frank W. Merck. Johnsonsburg. Isaac Haoaw. 6t, Marys. Chas. McVeas. Centreville. Homer B. Leach, Mnj. Burke. Caledonia. W. P. Smith, By A. Wised. Bennezette. Jons C. Bad, J. . Brown. Shawmut. John Farrer. Spring Creek. A. W. Irvin. Highland. Levi Ellotiiorpe. Horton. D. C. Oyster, N. M. Brpckwat. Younq gentleman may be pleased to learn that it is jiei)ing fashionable for bride to live one year with their parents. Ik a velocipede race at Indianapolis lately, mile was made in three minutes and six seconds. Lumber is so scarce in some parts of Kansas that thieves steal planks from the side walks. JtrpiTKR, the largest of the planeis, is now our evening star, and will continue so until the 17th of April. Said an ,aged man : Some folks always complain about weather, but I am very thank ful when I walieup in tho morning to find any weather at all. Advestists announces that things terres trial terminate on the 10th of next July. Whoop ! Wo will enjoy one mure glorious Fourth befae the en 1 cometh. Whits kid gloves are no longer fashion able for full dress occasions. Light yellow. cream or lavender are the "correct" colors now in vogue. Mr wife'a choice, and the whole' fnmily pre far it, Mrs. S. A. Allcu's Improved (new ttyle) nair Restorer or Dressing (in one totllc.) Evry Druggist sells it. Price one do'.lar. The belief appears to be now very generally entertained that there is a fine prospect for fruit this seBon, as the buds have not been matcrally injured. Sfh Advertisements. Please see adver tisement of Wilcox Tanning & Lumber Com. pany in to-days paper. They have an i:u roense stock of goods and are selling very cheap. QjE;rB.n the Gallows. Twitchell, the murderer of Mrs. Hill in Philadelphia was found dead in his cell yesterday morning, having taken poison. He was to have been executed yesterday. UK -lit h of April, being the fiftieth anni versary of the pope's having said mass for the first time, grand demonstrations of congtatu lation are expected from jtfl parts of the Catholic world, accompanied by valuable testimonials of love and respect. Women are said to have stronger attach ments than men. It is not so. A man is ofien attached to an old bat; but did you ever know of a woman having an attachment for an old .bonnet T Echo answers " Never ! " Teachers Institute. This Elk County Teachers Institute will he held in St. Marys ,on Monday the 19ih inst at 2 o'clock P. M. .and continuing until the following Saturday. Arrangements have been made with the citizens and hotel keepers so that teachers will not be at any expense while attending the Institute. The ofEciul notice of the County Superintend ent will be found in another column. Rxv. David W, Flanders, of Bradford City, Canada West, who for the last ten years has .occupied the position of Secretary of the Messiah Conference, Bpeaking of the " Maca ,moose," says : "Asa remedy for scrofulous complaints it is seldom if ever equaled; as a general Tonic and Blood Purifier it has no suc cessful rival. Its medical virtues require only to be known to be valued. tcciDENT. There was an explosion in Dr. Ayer's Laboratory yesterday, which caused 'some excitement in the vicinity. Ayer's Pills re manufactured under an enoimus pressure iu .kj uuubi , ft.nv nuiuu Bumcumes prove too weak for the compressed forces, and burst with terrifio violence. Fortunately .the pieoesdp not fly far, bo that do one has ever been burt by tliem. The action is .more like ice than powder; makes Tills wbioh all the world acknowledge are Pills Daily Journal Lowell " Wb dejire' that it should be clearly under stood that we do. not hold ourself responsible for the subject matter of .coinmunicaliohs that appear in this paper: Some men are ai much attached to the bantlings of their brands a mother is to her first child, and to refuse to insert their articles would be to give .mortal offense. Short communications, on any sub ject of interest to the publio are always ac ceptable And cheerfully iuserted if written so as not' to require transcribing before being plaoed in the hands of the compositor, but .sourrilous, jersoqal cooimuuioation are thrown in the waste paper basket aud no further notice taken of them. Newspaper LAW.--Tbe pernsal of the fol lowing law, relating to newspaper?, will ao- quamt our readers with Important facts t ' 2. Subscribers who do not gijre express notice to the contrary, are considered as wish ing to cqntinue their subscriptions. , , . 2. If subscribers order the discontinuance of their papers, the publisher may continue to send It to them till all that is due is paid. 8. If subscribers neglect to take their pa pers from the office to which they are directed, they are held responsible till they have settled their bill and oriiered iheir paper discontinued. 4. If subscribers move to other parts with out imforming the publisher, and the paper is sent to ihe former direction, they are held re. sponsible. 6. Refusing to take a paper from the office, or removing and leaving it uncalled for, is prima facie evidonce of intentional fraud. 6. A postmaster neglcoting to inform the publisher when a poper is not taken from the office, wakes himself liable for the subscrip tion price. N. B. Delinquent subscribers would do well to cut this out, or else commit tho above to memory. The Chicago Tribune is wisely preparing the minds of all the farmers and present holders of whoat in store, for low prices the coming season. It shows them that in London and Liverpool the price, of wheat, low as it has ruled for the past eight or nine months, is again failing, owing to the arrival ,of grain laden vessels from the Orient regions. Odessa is pouring in wheat, and the neighboring ports are sending forth their grain in numerous vessels, while the news conies that California has a very large surplus crop, which she must export, and prom'ses to do greater things next season. Libberai, Salaries. An exchange says : Tho European sovereigns named below get the following salaries, in addition to the free use of a dozen palaces apiece : Alexander II ...$8,250,000 or $2-", 000 a day Abdel Aziz 6,000,000 or 18.000 a day Napoleon 111 5,000,0(J0or 14,2,9 a day Francis Joseph 4,010,000 oi 10,000 a day Fred. William 1 3,000,000 or 8,210 a day V'ctor Emanuel 2,100.000 or 6.810 a d;iy Victoria 2,200,000 or 6,270 a day Isabella 111 1,800,000 or 4,G43 a day Leopold 600,000 or 1,6-13 a dny . Immfbiately after our last snow storm, the following was perpetrated by a new beginner iu the poetic line : "Softly, softly, while wc slept. Came the snow flakes gently down, Came and sorrowfully wove A shroud of white for the buried town ; We rose with feelings grand and intense Aud hired a middle aged Anglo-African ahoveliit to clean, our side-walk off, for fifty cents." JotlN AnAMS wnq rpnmrlc-il.ln ns nn early riser, as a great smoker, and as a lover of cider. It was common with him to rise at three or four o'clock in the moiyi niir, and read, smoke-, and drink cider for one or two hours before tho rest of the family was stirring. When he went out to iit.e, he was never at case unless he had with him his owu pewter plate to eat from U was his invariable custom to take the latter article with hi'ii whenever ho "went Laughter. No man who has once iieartily and decidedly laughed can bo alto gether irreclaimly bad. How much lies iu laughter tho cipher key wherewith wo ieci dier the whole man ! Some men wear in everlasting barren simper ; in the smile if others lies a cold glitter of ice ; the 'ewest are able to laugh what may be called laughing, but only sniff aud titter from the throat outwarJ, or at least proiluco somo whiffling, husky cachination, as it they were .laughing through wool, the man who. cannot laugh is uot only fit for treason, stratagems atid spoils, but his whole life is already a treason and a stratagem. Curljle. Oh a certain occasion, " Damon and Pythias has been played -in a theatre iu Washington. In the last "act, as Damon was about to be led to execution, straniug his eyes in the effort to discern hia friend in the distance and asking. " Is he coming ? " a locomotive whistle sounded close by. '.'He'll be here onhe next train," shouted a wag, and in an iustant the emotion was changed to laughter. Lawns. Grass lawns, newly made, must not be so closely mown as old tuif but mowing niusi be performed with regu larity, or it is impossible to obtain auniform vefvety green surface. To mow close a well. established turf is to encourage the fiue grasses and kill out the coarse kinds Salt and plaster are good manures. Use at tho rate of one bushel of plaster and three bushels of salt to the acre, and sow just before a rain. A devotee of liacchus was overheard the other uight thus addressing his hut, which had fallen from his head : " It I pick you upf 1 fall ; if I fall, you will not pick me up ; the,n I leave you j " aud he staggered proudly away. In the last illness of the witty George Column the doctor .being later than the time apoiuted, apologized to his patient, saying that he had called in to gee u .mm who had fallen dowa a well. " Did he kick the bucket, doctor ? " groaned Col man. When a man and woman are made one by a clergyman, the question is, which is the one 1 Sometimes there is a long struggle between tbeiu before the matter is finally settled. " Do you think thut raw oysters are healthy ? " asked a lady of ber physician " Yes," he tepliod. " I never knew cue to complain of beiog out of health in my life." m Misfortunes are moral bitter, which frequently restore the healthy tone of the ruiud after it has been cloyed and sickened by the sweets of prosperity. The Printing Office. This is a very eood niece towotk in as many of tho ablest and best men of our country can testify, but in no other placo ! at.. I I . i r m luu worm is ineie to uttlo demand ior oafers and idlcra as in a nrintinr office : for a priutets work, aboye aluicst aoy other requires his undivided attention, and if ha desire's to do welj jdlers around him are a great annoyanco. And idlers are gener ally not Batu-fied unless they handlo things aiound them, or receive some attention torn others ; honco the poor nrinter is often compr.llpd to explain and show every thing about tho office, even down to " type lico." " . iV These remarks however have not refer ence to persons who nsk to see the wonders ct the printing office, who " look sharp and touch nothing " and talk nothing ex ccpt to the proprietor or when they are taiKcu to. itiefo are welcome ior tliev will never cuter a composing room without asking, and they will strictly observe the rules given them. Ihe press being acknowledacd as one of the mot powerful elements of ctvtl'za. inn, no one should p,iS3 through life with out seeing one, as well ns the little bits of luctal that have surh power for "weal or woo " and tho manner in vftiich they are so nimbly handled ; hut let us leave von into a little secret. All are aware that many great tueu biiiicnced ihejr career as printers apprentices, but romcoiber thb when you enter a composing loom that if you find thcra a boy or young man who is very communicative and reauv to fcton the busy fingers to wait on you v.usolieitated, or when you hear him siug, whistle or fie- q'leutly ask questions of the other boys, you may rest assured that tho person bo- toro you will never be a Dr. lTaukiin, a Horace (jreeley or a J . V. Forney. It is estimated that thcro arj two hundred aud Jtwfjuty.five thousand thresh- ng machines in the United States, without counting flic school inarms. Tub principle difference betweeu a luxury and a necessity is the price. Some of the Chicago dealers are 'adul terating lard 'oyjft process of mixing water with it, by which they can undersell the market by two cents per pound. Ihconly test is by remeltiug thejlard. ADVERTISEMENTS COUNTY . INSTITUTE. The Elk County Institute will be held in the borough. of St. Marys, commencing oii .Monday the 19th day of April at 2 o'clock P. M. and will con tinue until the following Saturday. The teachers of the comity are earnestly requested to be in a tendnucj at tho opening of tho session, and those who intend becoming teachers are invited. Professional Gentlemen have.been iuviled to assist and have proia-.std to attend. JAMi'lS BLAKtLY, ' n21i2 Couaty Superintendent. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of &cvaria Ficias, issued out of the ccurt of common pleas of Elk County and to me direel ed. I will expose to public sale or outcry nt the Court House in P.idjpvay on MONDAY April 20th 18GD at 1 o'clock P. M. the following desui ibed property to-wit : All that messuage or toimcuieut 'uein u two story frame building .eighty feet long and seventy-two loot wide erected for a sawmill and -manufactory of lumber, laihs, pickets &o. Situated upon end together wii tbe following t.tvo described pieces of land situaied iu Bciiiiuser township Elk County Penusyl vania. lit-ginning nt a water beech supposed to be t lie south cast corner of the two acre lot conveyed to the " Benzinger Coal cud Iron Company "by Anthony Hanliauser, thence north fifty-four and a half degrees west (N. 31J W) twenty-one and three tenths rods to a post (21.3 rods) thence north fifty-seven and a quarter degrees weit N 67J V) flfteeu and nine tenths (lo.O) rod-: to the center of t he new Brussels road, tlieuee cast thirty a.nd six totalis rods (uO.Orods) ulong the center of Eu'nl road, thence south twen y-one rods to the place of beginning Containing one acre and one hun dred and rifiy-threc cud seven-tenths perches (1 A. 1G3.7 perches bo the Eauie nioro or less. Aho, one other piece' of ground on tho north westerly side of tho Benzinger Coal and lriu Company's rail road track courses and dbtan res as follows : from the water beech north fifty-four and a half degrees west (N W) twenty-one .nd three tenths rods (21 ii rods to a post on the north easterly side of the nferesuid ruil road trnck, thence south thirty two and threcfourths degrees west (S 323 V) across the rail road fifty feet to a post on tho south westerly Bide of the railroad. Said post being tho north east corner of tliofithiu do scrioed piece of ground. Beginning ut said post thence south thirly two aud three-fourths degrees west (S 82J W) six and four-tenths rods(0.4 rods) to a post, thenoe north nl'ty suven and a fourth degrees west (V 67 W) thirty and six-tenths rods 30.11 rods to the center of the neiv. Brussels road, thence east along said road nine rods, 111 n south titty -seven and one quarter degrees east 57J E ten and seven tenths rods 10.7 rods to a post, theuce north thirty-two and three-fourth degrees east N 32JE1 one and a half rods 1 J r-ds to a post, thence south fifty-seven and a quarter degrees east fS C7J" E aloug the south westerly silo of rail road twelve and four tenths rjds 12.4 rods to the place of begin, uing. Containing one hundred and fifty square perches 100 sq. per be the same more or less. Seized and taken in execution as tho prop erty of the Benzinger Coiil and Iron Company at the puit of G C. Harvey, A. II. Bett, aud P. B. Melick doing business as 0. C. Harvey &Co ' JACOB McCAULEY, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office Ridgway, April 1st 18b9. 21. K ERSEY HOUSE, CtNTKiviLLE, (Elk Co., Pa. II. B. Leach, l'roprietor. Thankful for the patronage berototor eCo liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the same. vlu201y. DK. W. W. SHAW Practices Medicine and Surgery, Centreville, Elk county Pa. " mar-22'66-ly. 1 ENVELOPES, LABELS & TA08 neatly 2j printed 1 1 the Advocate Othco. JobPbimtino of every description doje promptly at this office, and in a style un equalled in this section of the State. Entire tisfaotion guaranteed. PTIILADEI,! HIA EEI3 BAILEOAD. .WINTER TIME TABLE. Tkrugh and Dirctt Route between I hilaihtyhui, lialtimjra Hurrh lurg, Williamsport, and th GREAT OIL REGION of Pennsylvania. KLEOANT SLEEPING CARS On all Night Trains. ON and after MONDAY, NOV. 25th, the trains on the Philadelphia 4 Erie Kailroad will run as follows : WKSTWA Hl. Mall Train leaves Philadelphia ..10.45 p. m. " " "' Ui.lgway .......... 3.21 p. m. ' " arrive at fcrie B.ol) p. m. Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia 11.60 a. m. " ' . " Ilidpway 3 34 a. m. " " arriyeat Krio 10.00 a. m sastwaro. Mail Train leaves Erie 10.55 a. m. " " " KidRway 5.10 p. m. " 'f arrive at t'uilai a 10.00 a.m. Erie Express leaves Ei le p, m. " " ', Vidgwny 12.4i a. m. '.' " ar-at Philadelphia 4 20 p. m. Mail and Express connect with (jil Creek and ' 'A'.b'Rheny lliver Hail Rod. 11AO UACE CHECKED THROUGH. Al.KKED L. TYLER. General Superinlendeut. JOHN G. HALL, Attorney at law, Kidg way. Elk county Pa. ' mar-22'60 ly H ENUY SOUTHER, Attorney-(it-Law (feb2'oH), lvidgway. Pa. A LPINK II OU.SH, St. Mary's Pa., Her- man Krctr, Proprietor. sug'J titi DR. W. JAMES BLAKKLY Physician and Surgeon, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. mar-22'tiOly. 17111 A NK. S. UA lUtliTT, Attoruey-at-LaW, ; Clearfield, Peun'a. Will piactiee ia 1.1k and Cameron courties. Lscp'J, uo-y . I EXECUTIONS, SUMMON.?, PUBPffi. mis, Warrants, &c, on hand and for sale at this oliice. H. VOLK, Manufacturer and Dealer y, in Iigtr Beer, opposite tho Railroad Depot, ht. Mary s, 1.1k county l'a. Mar-22'C0-1 . JO. IN 0. IIAT.L JAS. E. V. HALL, HAI.L, & BllO. Attorneys -at 1 r Law Slf. MARY'S : EENZINGER P. O. ELK COUNTY, PA September 20, 18G0. ly. fy Office and residence opposite the Jan. on I entre St., Kidgway, l a. Prompt at tent ion will be (riven to all calls. Office hours 7 to 8 A. M- ; 12 to2 P. M. ; aud C to 7 P. M Mar. 22, CO tf. njlllAVER HOUSE, B RIDGWAY, PA. DAVID THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a large au oonimodious hotel on the southwest corner of Centre and Mill streets, with good and convenient stabling attached, reppect- i fully solicits the patronago of his old friends and the pul lio generally. decl3 0(j ly DAVID TIIAYER. TTYDE HOUSE, Ji r.mowAT, Elk Co., Ta, M. V. JIOGrtE, Proprietor. . Tlienkftil for the pntronaee heretofore so lilrcrally bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of tho same. Oct 21 ltiOG. T7IIANXLIN HOUSE V Sr. Mat's, Pa. LARGEY ot MA LONE, Pnorn's. The proprietors respectfully r.r.k tho attention of (heir friends and tho publio in general to their iargj and commodious hotel. Every attention paid to the convenience of guests. 11. LARGEY, miy:'.M3jS l y J. A. w ALONE. 17 NC II AN G E HOT E L, i rtIDGYrAY, FA. J. HALEY Proprietor. This hotel ii pleasantly situvted ou the banks of the Clarion River and Elk Creek, at l'ie lower end of tho. village, Mr. Ilcaly will spare no pains for the of his guests. He invites one and all to give him a call and try his liouae, Sept, 17th't;7-ly. SOMETHING NEW! House, Siin and Crnamental Painting. T HE SUBSCRIBER WOULD R E- spcctfully inform the citiieus of Elk county that ho has just started in the above business in Ridgway, and feel confi dent that he can please all who may favor him with their custom. GRAINING, PAPER HANGING AND CALCI MINING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE AND IN THE no at fashion tiblo and improved manner and style. Orders left at this Office or at the Banking House of Souther, Willis & Souther will be promptly at tended to. W. P. WILLI AM3, M.iy-17'C-ly. TVTAIr-S, SPIKES, HINGES, El-JTSTS, locks, bolls, and all kinds ot builder's materials in general can be had cheaper at the St. Slary's Hardware Store than any other place iu Elk counrty. (n'J8'C7) All orders for Stoves and Hardware will be promptly attended to as soon us received, at the 12't!7 ". St. MARY'S HARDWARE STORE. CARDS, Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Tags, Handbill.-, 6lo., done in a neat manner, and at Ihe lowkst pkicr; FOR CASH, at the-Elk Advocate Printing Oliice. JF YOU WANT 'M BUY CLOTIIIJl'G for the JlUUon Ge to A. DURLACHER, DIALER IN CLOTHING ! CLOTHING GENJS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CArS,' BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS. &e. ST. MARY'S, ELK COUNTY, TENNA Jan218C8lypd iB LANK8 of all kinds ret sals at this of - fie i. EW ST01U3. The subscriber been Iav in inform t. ..tit- tens oi Kidgway and ' vicinity that he has opened a store where may be found rFHFUMEItr, FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLE3. STATIONERY, FINE CONFECTIONARY, OYSTERS, ORANGES, LEMONS, in season. nl2 vltf J. 11. BAIRI). LOOK HERE I WATCHES. JEWELRY & SILVERWARE. "1HARLES HOLES, rraotlcul Watchma J ker. Jeweler and Eno-raver. iilwn ElK county, r. The subsciiber bens leave to announce to the citiieus of Ilidgway and vicinity that he is prepared to do all work in his line on vhort notice and at reasonable rates in the very best manner. Shop in H. 3, Thayer's Store. Special attention paid to cnjrraving. lie has also on hand a large assortment of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Silverware which be otfers for sale on reasonable terms. Give him a call. nev7'ti7tf. A TTEXTIOiV MILL O WNfRS ! 'M1E EAGLE TURBINE WATER J WHEEL, patented July 30, 1867. is supeicr to any wheel in use. The under. signed have the agency for said wheel iu the State of Pennsylvania, and can recommend it as being the best manufactured. For further particulars, and circulars, inquire at our foundry in Kersey, where machinery, min-g"nug, castings ami steam engines will be made to order ht reasonable prices. We expect by giving satisfaction in our work to receive a good thare of publio patronage. J. F. ROBERTSON, It. BELL Kersey, Elk Co.. Pa., ianlO lSGSpd. piCKl& CAMERON, Lc3ses of tho Mines of the Eersey Coal Company. Miners and Shippers of. BITUMINOUS COALS ! Of supci ior quality, for OAS, GENERATING STEAM, MANUFAC- - TURE OF IRON, SMITHING AND DOMESTIC C3E. Aro prepared to receive Ordcts and make contracts for theso woll.koowa coals. OFFICE, KERSEY, ELK .CO., PA. Kersey, Pa., March 12, 1803. vln!7lf. A GENTS 'V ANTED A BOOK OF GENERAL INTEREST TO ALL CLASSES RECOLLECTIONS of a Buy LI IE. BY HORACE GREELEY. 'In one elegant octavo volume of over COO pages, well printed on Cno paper, and illus trated with tin admirable Portrait on Steel of Mr. Greeley, with pictures of his various Homes, ins Farm, Aic, &o-, together with a beautiful portrait of Margaret Fuller, en graved by Linton. Mr. Greelev ha said of it T uT,nll write anything else into which I shall put so .... ...u.y.j. .ia uuui cmuiaoes views eany iew i'.ngiana-settlement, the author's own youthful life, education, ' apprenticeship, adventures, prolesBionnl and political reminis cences, expsiienee in Congress, newspaper life iu New Yoik, and much useful talk about farms and farming. It is a peculiar entertaining and valuablo work, a look behind tho scones during an important period of tho country's history. For terms &c, address, with stamps CHAS. S. GREEN & Co., No. 413 Chestnut Street, Philad'a. Pa. . vlnl74t. COURT PROCLAMATION. Whereas, the. Hon. S. P. Johnson, President Jadgemid Hons. B. C. Schultze and -Jesse Kyler, Asso ciates, Judges of the Court r f Quarter Sessions, Ornhaos' Court. Over ami Tn;. on.t n.. eral Jail delivery, for the trial of capital and other offenses in the county of Elk, by their preceiins 10 m uirecteJ, nave ordered the aforesaid nampd Oniirin tnl l,l,i,.r, u;.i way, in and for the county of Elk, on the iuuuji ui April, ii Detng tne Sitith (blV Of tllO month. nil In ,r)ntlnnn sntt wuU Notice is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices ni luei eace, anu L ons aDles of the Said county, that they are by these presents commanded to be then and there in their TirnriOP nAPnna at ten o'olock, A. M., of said day, with their inn, itsoruj mi inquisitions, and other re membrances, to do those things which their offices appertain to be done, and that all Justices Of 8id eottnlv make r.tnrn. f .11 recocniianccs entered tntn hf,.r tl.m n it,. Clerk of the Court, as per act of Assembly of .uarcu tin joo-i. Ana tttose who are bound to prosecute the prisoners that are or shall be in th' iltil of the rnunlv nf Fllf tn I, ik.. and there to prosecute against them as shall UCJUSl. J ACOB McCAULEY, Sheriff. Ridgwoy, April 2, nJOto. LICENSi-S. Notice is hereby given that the following named persons have filed their applications for Licenses in my office to April Sessions lfcC9 as required by the aot of 81st March 1850. I. M. Weidert, Eating House, Jones. Ii- M. Wellendorf. Tavern, St. Marys. 3. j. Keichard, Tavern, St. Marys, ' 4. Maloue & Largay, Tavern,' -t. Marys. 6. John Thompson, Tavern, St. Marys. 6. Jacob Cei be, Tavern, St Marys. 7. Patrick Jordan, Tavern, Centreville. 8. Samuel Vasbinder, Tavern, Jay. 9. W, A u ui an, Tavern, Fox. 10. Martin Entz. Tavern, Benezette. II. J. Rogan, Tavern, St. Marys. 12. John VYachtle, Ealing House St. Marys. 13 Jas. Coyne, Tavern, St. Marys. 14. M. Rowers, Tavern, Jones. 15. C. Gill, Eating Hon, Fox. 10. Anthony A). Chase, Eating House, FoJ 20te, GEO. A. RAT HE UN, Clerk. " r F. C. KRCMME. M. D.. J-l, FbysicUn and Surgeon, Ridgway Elk vuiee aoove store or K. G. Gillie Offioe hours from 8 to I0A. M. and 6 to 8 p. M-. - vlnStf. 1 A TISITINQ CARDSNIATLT Y 4 at tkii e. JEXECPT. iimvu ui 7iy-ry, my experiences, notions, con victions, r.nd modes of thought, as these Recol trcHor.s. I give, wiih small reserve, my men tal i-;f,,.-w Tt. i v x. oi HARDWARE. N EW HARDWARE STORB I The subscribers baye just 'opened In ST. MARY'S A new and Complete Stock of Heavy & Bhelf HARDWARE ! I And will keep constantly on hand a gteu variety of COOK AND HEATING S TO VEX, Bar Iron, Sfeel Anvils, Bellowt, NetiUs Horse Shod, Spring, Build in j Hardware, &aws and Files of Every Description GUNS, TISTOLS AND CARTRIDGES, Cntlcry, Plated Ware and House Furnishing Goods. AU kinds of Mcchan- ' ics Tools I ' TINWARE Of every description," which will "be sold t the LOWEST CASH PRICES. They have also the exclusive agency in St, Mary's for the IMPROVED ORIENTAL BASE. BURNING COAL ' STOVES AND PARLOR FURNACES I ' Which have rccoived Four First Class Pre. miums at the New' York State and it er Fairs ; Also, the Great Silver Medal at the Fair of tho Am erican Institute, held in ' New York City,' 18U5. They aro Perpetual Burners, only ov.t ; being required to bo maa during the season. M. BEECIIER. J. WM. H. COPELANLi. nov28'G7 ly l'ATRONIZE HOME INST1X VI i" TTF ": FLOUR, FEED AND GR.A' n"IIE subscribers having completci IW.T now JL New Grist Mill in liidgwr.y are prepared to furnish the people of tie rounding country with Flour of the Best Quail ty and of their own manufacture, at the lo. market rates. The attention of lumbermen and r is called to our lacilitics for lun.. them with 'FEED OF ALL KISDK, cheaper than it ran be bought any place in tho county. togrCAsu Paid vca Graiv.-'j J. S. HYDE, J. V. HOUK. J. K. WHITMO'.U November 7, 18G7tf LOOK HERE! CENTREVILLE TIN-SHOP. "OIIN WAPI.E desires to make fcn..w:i to' the citizens of Ceutrcvi'ii- atd t .-i surrounding country that he has taken Ilia shop formerly occupied by R. J. M-ihoo-y, nr "McCauIey's Comer" in Centre d'e.-A'at. t that he hopes bj paying strict aiun iTfi i- his business and the wants of bi eu-'nninv, to merit their patronage in his linn. II. I neap on hand a large an,d well seltclnl ..-.tnrr-ntcut ,of . Ciu and Itfft-grou uvf, of his own manufacture, which be will wm rmt. to be of the best quality. His stock cnnisi -i of everything that is useful iu the tinwr- lino about a house. I ask .a fair trial, and if iny w rk dm- not give satisfaction, my customt-rs !! rot b obliged to take it. JOHN WAPI.E. seplOitf. J. S. BORDWELL, M. 1. ECLECTIC i li y s . 1"Ue word eclectic means to ch. .. .,r lect medicines from all tho dirt'-trni'. schools of medicine ; using remcdit-H liiutaitf safe, and discarding from practic- all tued -ciucs.that have an injurious etiet on the h,t tem, such as mercury,, kud, c!'. per, &o. I lay aside the lance tho old b!, o.l'.ette.-, rolucer or depleter, and equalize tbe oircul.:. tion and restore- the system to its imttm.t state by alteratives and tonics. I ht here after give particular attention to chronic din eases, such as Rheumatism, Dyspepjia, l,ivr complaint, Catarrh, Ne iralgia, disen,Mn of ti.o throat, urinary organs, and all u'iaeus pecu liar to females, &o. CATARRH I treat with a new inst rumoni of a late invention which cures every ctao. . TEETH extracted without paiu. OtUce and residence Sauth of the-ail rn Centre St. Office hours from 7 to 8 a. ui 13 to 1 p. m j 6 to 7 p. m. Deo. 23'G7.-ly. J.p. LORD WELL! JOL'IS H. GARNER, PRACTICAL MACHINIST. Can be found at his Foundry at St. Mury'a where he is ready to have all shou-wori iu his line dona ou short notice. Si Mary's Benzinger P. O , Elk CO., Pa. uiyl'fiS'ly JOB WOllK of all kinds J done ut this offioe. aud ,destii-. BLACKSMITH'S CARPENTER'S AND joiner's tools .for sale cheaper than the cheapest" at tbe Bt. Mary's I1Hm Stor - . (OT28'fl7.) GUNS, PISTOLS, EIFLES, KMVtS pocket and table cutlery, of the be t quality and most approved patterns, Terr oheap at the Hardware Steretin Biberger's oU corner m St. M-ry's. . . .w!?,"AZV00.Tf hfs ,b UrBe,t ireul-i.oa iU Md h tkt keMkHvarSeisn. ,,,.44 ., 13111 lllll.