, TOILIIBID ITEnT FRIDAY HOBMtSO, ST O B.GOULD, Editor. TEHM3, TWO DOLLARS A TEAK IN ADVANCE Hates of Advertising:. 9nt Square 1 week, II onl- Column months 13 00 15 00 SO 00 V 00 7 50 13 00 V0 00 80 00 40 00 13 00 20 00 1)5 00 45 00 ttO 00 W 00 do 9 ' 1 N) do do do do do do do Two 8qr, do do do do a " t 00 do 9 4 " I BO! do la 8 months 4 8 Column 1 week month 8 S (HI do do do do 6 " 14 ' 1 week 1 month 8 " 6 u u 7 6(1 13 m 1 75 50; 1 Column week mouth 8 (Ml! 13 00 do do "do do do 18 ( 1-4 Column 1 weett 6 00 CO 1 mouth 7 00 Special Notices after Marriages and Deaths an addl lonul of one-half the above rntos. Business Cards flvo lines or less, 15 00 per year; oror five Hoes, at the usual rnto o advertMui;. A Bio Stohe and a Bio Stock Joiinsom fc Bhevillikk. Being on tho lookout, as tisiinl, fur anything new. yesterday, wo noticed that the new doublo store iu Wayne Hull Block hud oc cupants, nnd naturally drifted in there lo seo what it meant, nnd found Messrs. Johnson tt Brevillior, the wholesale grocers, with a consid erable force of clerks and warehousemen, busy in filling orders lor goods for customers many miles south and southwest of this cily. The etoro is tho finest for tho wholesale busi ness of any in this city, and so far as wo can learn, surpasses any wholesale store in Pitts burgh or Cleveland. . It is located on French St. oppusito the Heed lions." ; it has a frontage of fifty feet, nnd is one hundred and forty Hot deep in the clear, with ceilings cixloen feet high. The office (nicely fitted up) is a little room forty by tweut.y-tlireo icet. and it is soppcraled horn the rear of the store by a sash purlition of French plate glass, so clear that urticles at the further end of the stoic can bo distinguished tluough it almost as readily as though uothiug interposed to obstruct tho vision. The store is divided into two ttppai'Uiients, lengthwise, by a wall, which contains doors aud arches with which to counect tho two appartmeuts. Nearly the entire Iront is composed of magnificent windows that lis ' front the floor to within a few inches of the ceiling. These, with the rear windows, furnish abundance of light u disideratum that puiehassors of teas and sugars know the value ot. From the immense space for tho slorago of goods, we should have supposed that any slock they would bo likely to have, would have looked lost.tliere, but, were surprised to find tho place already comfortably well filled, although there ore a good many of their heavier articles, such as hogsheads of molasses, etc., that have not jet been put in. To give an idea of what wo saw of the stock would rYUiiiro uotuiug more like a cat alogue than we are iu the habit of doing, and in fact there was so many more articles than wo could possibly remember if wo hud tried to, that any such catalogue would bo a very impeded ono. One thing wo were satisfied about, and that was that if thero was anything in the grocery and provision line not there, it would take a clo ser observer than pours truly" to find it out. Among the '"items" we noticed a few cords of sugar, the heads being ornamented wilh hiero glyphics lio doubt intelligible to tho initiated: ditto of pork, tierce beef, hums iu tierces and lard in barrels; about a rod aud a half square of canucd fruit; kegs of pickles by the gr oss; whito fisii, trout, salmon, codiisu, etc., iu lurge quan tities; a lew thousand feet of rope; about oUU dozen brooms; a lurge lot of tubs aud pails that we recognized as of Erie manufacture and can endorse most heartily ;tlour by the hundred burrels foreign fruits und nuts by the drayload; candies ditto probably over a hundred sacks of coll'ee of va rious brands; one huupred and fitly large chests of tea; yankce notions too numerous to men I ion; pyramids of cigar boxes and u cord or two of to bacco in packages, all bearing the regulation Btatnps; lamp chimneys and inkstands by hogs head, aud and if wo hadu't seen so much of each we should not have iemembercd bull so long a list, though it is only a portion. We wero pleased to see that tho firm were as busy as bees in filling orders for their customers, knowing well that they sell at a very slim mar gin above cost, a fact thut country merchunts within easy reaCh of this city by rail, should re member if they wish to save freight on goods. If untiring energy, industry, courteousness, strict attention lo business and a judicious selec tion of articles for customers, combiud with tho principles of always selling at tho Ion est living profit, will eventually secure prosperity, Messrs. Johnson A BreviUier are deserving of it. That their popularity as dealers is increasing is evinc ed by tho fact that, although the times have been harder and money scarcer during tho past winter than for many years before, tho fit in never had so large a business as during that time uud it is increasing every day. We clip tho above from tho Erio Despatch, The numerous customers of Johnson it -BreviUier In this section of tho State will heartily endorse every thing iu the article, and all will rejoico to learn that thuir greatly increasing trade has com pelled them to materially enlarge their business faculties. Seo their advertisement in another column. Growth of Philadelphia. As Pennsyl vauiaus, w feel a just pride in the steady end rapid growth of our commercial metrop olis. Philadelphia claims to possess a popu lation of over niuo hundred thousand, uud probably the claim is not unfounded. It is said that prior to 1307 the increase was.ubout thirty thousand annually, and thut now it is above thut rate. The Xokth Amkrica.v. which is intensely devoted to the interests of the city, aud should, cousequeutly, be well informed iu regard to its statistics and pros pects, says: "At the present time it is not extravagunt to say that tho populution which may fairly be considered as belougiug to Philadelphia is fully a millioV It will soou amount to thut much exclusively of ull rural aud Jersey suburbs, as the estimate based en the nuuics iu the directory shows, lluuce, when wo see somo of our sister cities seek ing to eulurge their rural boundaries, in tho belief that in that policy lies the greatness of Philadelphia, we cau afford to smile. AVe have repeatedly shown by indisputable BiuuBiius iuc pie-eu:iueucu oi mis city in the aggregate of houses, uurabcriug now about one hundred aud twelve thousand, which extends the array of JTew York, Brooklyu aud Jersey city combined. We liavo also shown from the census our pre eminence in manulactures. Iu these two causes will be found the secret of the aston ishing growth of Philadelphia." The Columbia Srv says: On the 8th inst, the locomotive built expressly for running over the bridge, with freight train attached, passed' over the uew bridge at thut place iu charge of Win. F. Lockurd, Superintendent Philadelphia Division 1 euusylvuuia Kail road. Quite a crowd of spectators were as gem bled ut each end of the bridge for pur pose of witnessing the passiug of the first train oi cars over tue uew structure. A velocipedist in- Xew .Haven, while crossing a street, ran iuto a horse and knock ed him down. The horse was so injured by the fall that the owner was obliged to kill him, aud be now holds the velocipede rider responsible to tue extent oi fcdUU. 0 Ji. few days ago two men fired at some wild (lucks iu a pood near Eutztown, Berks couuty, when the ball from oue of tbeir guns glanced from the water and passed through the heaa of a boy some four bunded yards on, caus.Bg acuta in tew tours. NEWS ITEMS. The Arkansas Senate pnsped the Constitu tional Amendment by 9 to 3. The barque, Harvest Queen, from Humboldt Bay for San Francisco Feb, 10 is supposed to have fonndered at sea und all on board lost. Nothing bos been heard of her since suiling. Four end a half miles of track on the Central Pncific Railroad were luid on toe 18th of February. It was anticipated that five miles were to be laid the next doy. Dr. Gilmer, Chairman of the State Cen tral Committee of Viginia, in out in a enrd bolting the non, ination ot Gov. Weill aid others iu the Petersburg!! Convention. Tho ico on the Hudson river has again broken tip. Rev. Wm. Millntrn, the celebrnted Ameri can blind preacher, bus hud au operation per formed on his eyes at. Berliu. 'J hough much prostrated thereby, ho was so far recovered that a second operation, which it is expect ed will be successful, .will be made. Petitions uro to be circulated in Missouri, asking the Legislature to submit an nmeuil mcMt to tho constitution striking out the word "male.'' A meeting of citizens of Nashville, irres. pective of party or color, wua held on the Pith inst,, to indorse President Grunt's inaugural. Henry S. Footo made a speech expressing confidence in the uew administration. The peach buds in Somerset county, New Jersey, were killed by the cold simp lust week, and the crop is likely to provo a fail ure. , Hon. James Guthrie, lute United States Senator from Kentucky, died ut his resi dence iu Louisville, on the 13th inst. Dr. G. W. Harden, who killed Chns. Wullace, edt'or of tho Cliitkh, was taken from jail at Warrentoti, Georgia, on tho 12th inst., by a party of disguised men, who took him some distunco from town, where they shot uud killed him. Potatoes were selliug nt thirty-five cents per bushel, iu Madison, Lake couuty, O., lust week. Tho Sullivan county Dkmocrat snys that the continuous discovery of coal has caused the price ot luud to go up iu that county. The Democrats of Bedford couuty huve udopted tho Cruwl'ord couuty sytora for the selection of candidates for ofl'ice. F. A. Crundall has retired from the Scran- ton Reitui.ica.n, leaving J. A. Scrautou as sole proprietor aud manager. Westir.orelaud couuiy rejoices iu probably the oldest married couple iu the State Put rick Murphy aud wife, aged respectfully 110 uud 80 years. A Welshman, named Thnnius Davis, a re turned soldier, residing in Wilkesburre, com mitted suicide on the 3d inst. , by shooting himself whilst laboring uuder a temporary Dt of iusauity. Thero is now the report that the solitary ringlets which young ladies sport ure u noti fication ou the part of those who wear them, that they, the girls, are not engaged. The Ellershauseu process ot refining iron, at a cost of 15,000, is about to be tried at the Juniata Ircn Company's Furnace, iu Blair couuty. The nece;sury machinery is being put in. A. voung colored woman named Elizabeth W. Basfield, recently employed as a teacher iu Washington borough, died in the railway depot at Toledo, from disease of the heart. Sua was ou nor way home with ner brother at the time. Scran :ou had a velocipede contest the other day. Fouryouug fellows rode for a silver cup. One named Edwards got it. His time was oue quarter mile in one miuute nnd tweuty-tive and a bulf seconds. Tho Mercer county Democratic Convention met ou the 9 th inst, uud elected Messrs. M. C. Trout aud Seth T. Kcuuedy, delegutes to the state Convention, with instructions to vote for Geu. Cuss for Governor. Mr. Bruginus has disposed of tho Green ville Anocs to Mr. Miller, formeily Superin tendent ot tho Common hcbools in Mercer county, who will immediately enlarge uud otherwise improve the appouranco of the paper. Francis Moxlev, Ksq., living near Near Milford, SusquchuDuah county, hud a flock of thirty-six sheep which one morning lust week was found with thirty-two deud aud four" badly worried. Iwo suspected dogs wero killed, und tho sheep became mutton. Mr. N. W. Pierce, of Bebford Co., kept four cows during the summer of 1 808, mak ing aud selling 800 pouuds of butter at 40 cents per pound, uud from buttermilk realised iu calves uud pork ?T0. Total So'JO 5?'J7 SO to each cow.- Union conuty has no debt, aud has 4,000 in the Treasury. Its taxes are only two mills and a half ou the dollar; one of its townships is uhead on the next draft: its goal is ueuriy ulwuys cmptv; it has a univer sity, high school aud to academies, aud which may uccouut for the rest has not a a siuglo Democrat iu oflice. rOHNSON 4 BUEVILLIEK, Wholesale Grocers AND DEALERS IX PROVISIONS, WANE BLOCK, 505 Oi 507 ntEJNCH ST.. EM E. PA Having in nnrr.ew and capicious (Store ample faculties for djing business, it will bo our con stant aim to keep a Larire and Well Selected Stock of Goods. By many years' experience in the business to L'etlier with direct and lai'Ke purchases from 1 111 porters and Manufacturers, we are enabled to oner Retail Dealers Extra Induce ments, Orde'k from the country will receive our special attention. JOHNSON 4 BREVJLLIEIt, March 11, I860. 3w hOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, PREPARED ST DR. O. M. JA0K80X, Pan.tDEi.raiA, Pa. Tht grtatttt known nmtJiti fir Liver Ccrmplaint, DYSPEPSIA, Nervous Debility, JAUNDICE, Diseases of the Kidneys, ERUPTIONS of tht 8ZI1T, nil nil riuraira nrlaluir from a Dis ordered l.tvrr, stomach, or IMPVlllTr OP THE JILOOB. Rend the fnjlowinq symptoms, and if you find that yonr system is a reeled by any ,1 Ihr'm, ymt mat rtrt attured ihal diiean?. hat cmnmfiited its attack im Hit mont important organs ft ynnr hotly, and unless smm cheeked hy the. use tf power f 'itl remedies, a miserabU I'e, fowl IsrnunxUng in deMh, mill be ltt rttult. CoimtipnHon, T,lntulenae) Inward Piles. Fill lies of mood to the Ilend, Aoidity " of Ihe Btomnch, NniiKen, Heart burn, Discunt tor Fond.Fiilnogg or W eight in tho Btomtiuh, Bour I'lrnotiitions, Hink ln or FluttoriiiR at. the Pit of tho Btoninuh, bwimminc of tho Ilnnd, Hurried or Dillloult TJrenthinc, I'lutleriiiK nt the Heart, Chokini? or Siirtooatiiiij Sonmitioim when in a liy init Posture, lnnno of Vmiou, D Im or Webn before the Bight Dull Pain in the Uend, Veil oioii'.iy of Pi!i-pirat,iou, Yol- I0WU6MH of tho Bkin nnd Kvoh, Finn in llio Bide, TJivk, Cheat, I.nnbs, fto Bud rlou Klushes of llent, BurntiiK in llio Jf'loNh, (J. m.-i mil liiirtudiiniis of Evil, and Grunt Soproaxiou of Spirits. AU these iwUctile diitetse of the t.iprr etr tigc4tive Vrjaiie, comliiiu d wiiH impure tiluud. oflanVij Ocruuit CUtcrsi Im eittli'rlv vru,r tn tilv, il1 coillnliln no It.juor. I Ix u com ,vii l of Kluld Jflx ti'Kcln. Tiic ltiMim, lin o., iiiki Unrka from wlili li Hint ilrnc( are mnile are Kalheii'il 1 11 .ei ,nu.i; All a lie medicinal virtue are exw .fed from tllenl by 11 Hclenl Hv cl..atl. TIicns exlriit't are -lliru fiirwrnilril fo 1I1U country to he iikimI expreHly for i iitaitiil.icl lire of lliee llillem. There Im no alvo'iolic tuoilauce of any kliitl meil In ioiiiouiiiiiiir the Hitler, Hence It Im tue only liilterM that cau be llMCct In nun where alvoiiolic Mtliu ulaikiM are not uilvinable tpoaiinya I3:routt tTonic if a cmhtnatit-n ,tll lh? itifjrttlimU nf the JittUri, u-iiU Whl Statu ( at It urn , Oi-utiift etc. It i$ used fur Vtt fame a'f"fjc'M u i'te Hittrrn, in ccjcj whtre tome fmvt ulcnh-iti-- stimulus if rufitifat. )',n wiU tVo-rin tuxnti tmt tliest rnneUirs are entirely diiTurent from aiy ni'itn ti U'crtit'd fur the cure of the dimisr$ nt 'ut I, tUfff hting $ci'-n'iflc prcjmratwnt nf medicinal extru t ivfuU the ft,ers art vtere ifrntctumt of rum in toinr. firm. The TONIC u d'tuUdty one nfthe most yit.tsxint nnd ttrjrrcuble rrmedirt ever offered to tht )t:Uir. Vt Utste. is exquisite. It i$ u plmmre to take itt white Hi Ufe-fiiriiti, eshihtralivg nnd medicinal f r-ii'itV.s Wit tuu..U U iu hi known u i-te greatest of kit ivitin. CONSUMPTION. T ltoHsnmlrt t i-umc, when tlie pn llvm kti,iMMcfl he s n n (Heeled with 1 UIa (eii il.v (l.Hfiitoi'. tin to iurit cured ly t iv iikc if I lieKr t-f itK'iIictt. Kxtreme cmncint it. lollltiy nnd i nitU are Hie UNiial hi l f ii1 tt.it t m upon kvri- cttHrs (I'h(a1 or il.ht-itMe of tlie dicMflve oryiiikt. Even tn cnttefi of Kia til ittt l't'i.uiii t toiit Itieav remrdltta be i'oiiikI erf Ihr ffrvnlviat benfltf fc,4n 1 ..eiklng niu. Invigorating. DESILITY. 7Vr is nn mrdicine equal to ffmjt'tnd's German Bitters or 2'unie iu case uf Debility. Thru impart a Une and vigor to ihe whole sy. tr m, strengthen the o pstUe, cause an eiiymnd of the ftxnl, enable the stuma'h tn difftt tt, puriftf the. blrd, give a good, sound, healthy complex i-m, eradirate the. pdlnw tint ' from the eye, impart a bhftn to the cfteeks, and change Uii paiitnt from a ftort'lreai,'ieUt emaciated ;mk. Weak and Delicate Children are made strong by iiHtitg the Biltera or Toiiii-, In luci. llavy are Family lHetf iciiiK. 'A' hey vau be ntlniliiltti ered lllt iicrfcvt alel to a child three ' moniliH oltl, the most delicate lemaJlC or a muii of ninety 2" f 1 medies are the best JSlood Purifiers ever Irnnu-ti, and will cure all diseases resulting from bad bh.. d. K'.mp ynr bhtnd pure t lsp your Liver in order; kfi your ditjrstive ufjaus m a sound, hralthy cunWi trioti, by the ut t.f Uuse tuncUuS, and no distant will ti tr atuil iou. mm mmi W m'm m h1ImJi I, ti die n whn ui.li a fair skin and Coml c(iitt)ft xtn, free froiu, a yellow iU lltti' antt nil ol her lillui emeiit, blionli ifv lht'e remrille oci'iihIoii lly. The l,i vci In perfect order and (iie hi 0 tit! pure, w ill i-emilt In uptuk ling eye and blooming vheekaf. C A v r XOM. Iftftflamt s fs'i i-man Jinufdies are roun'nf ited. The uttiutne have the signature of C, M, Jaciimm on the fit.tit "f lUe outside xvrapptr of fuck botth, and the name uf the ai Ude bimvn in each buUle. AU others an cuuiUtrfcit. Thousand of letter have been re eel ved. testify in 4 lot tie vii'l uvof these rt.mei.ieh READ THE RCCOMMEIIDATKm FIIOU HON. U KO. V. WOOUWAIU), CliiufJual'' twf Iliv Siiirt-n:u Court uf lemu Ivania, r::LAii.i.Piii, Makcu lCih, 1N07. 1 find uIt4itand't ivr,?.n Bitters" is not an intn& i&Uiiig bereraite but is a . ' ohi, uxr'ul in ditr dm of tht div'tltty orfjatt, tnt uf ireat heurU in tarts of dcUUij and want of nvrvous action in Lb syatetiL. Your truly, Osu. ti WOODWAItD. FROM II0N.JAMK3 TiloMl'tfOX, Judo uf lilt Su'jrcmc Court uf PtJiiiiMylvania. 11111. A KCI.I'JIIAAr-HIL 1SC6. I eons' der Iloutlti lid's German Bit trr' w wituanu'c ttf'ivitii in ease of at lacks uf I i.lleBi ion or Iyspepsia. can certify this from my experience Vfit Your, wli h repf cf, From KKV. JOSIll'lI H. KIINNAIlD, D.D.( ratur of iLe Ton ill Uipti.t Chinch, I'luIiiUi11ii4. 1)r..7acicson I'eab .ir : 7 have ht:n fr nnenUy re ifitfuted to connect my name with rfcoinmewfuti'ms nf diift rcui kinds of Mrd'-ins btU rryitrdiny the practice as out of my appropriate sphere, 1 have in alt tutus de ztinot ; but with a cltnr proof iu various iutances,und ptrtiutarly in my own family, of the usefulness of Or. Jioojland's Herman Miters, j durt far once from my usual course, to erprrss my full c-Hvictbn that fo geneisl dt bility t.f the yteni, hu enpociully for Liver Cf-u:j.'!wril, it i a tufts tiiui vhIuhuIu pn-pniHtiun. in feme custs it may fail ; btL v.-uu7y, Idouit not, it ivill be vtry beneficial lo those who su't'rr Jruin tVi aiovt came. l'iurst vm reptc fully, J. JI. KkS.XAltD, liiyhih, btluu) Cvatet St. Price of the Bittern. $1.00 per bottle Or, a halt' dozen Tor $5.00. t'nee of the Totiio, $1.50 por bottles . Or, a half dozon for 7 50. VLv Tuuic fs put u iu quart bjttlts. Itecoibci U.at it is lr. fonjt.iHd's German Jit me dies that are so universally us-d and p higdy rr com mend ed ; and do not ailu the hrufujist to induct you to take any thing else that he may say it Jim t as good, be cause ie makes a hiru.r profit on it. These ittmediet unll be scut bj esjuess to any locality upon application to Uit PRINCIPAL OFFICE, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE. iYo. 631 AliVif STKETt Philadelphia. CUAS. M. EVANS, Proprietor, Tonueily C. M. JAOKSOK & CO. These Itemed! are for .ale by nrufeKUta, klorekeepers, and Jtledl- clue ueulvrs everywhere I to ttU frifi-t to examine well tint article you buy, in JITa V. BUETOIT'S Wabrahtku Ts. lutaors aix pbsiut-or Tobacco. U siirWy vmmabts aA karwdtM. lytrtjm aud nrichet iac aud MrsnKllisauuc mu jLcslUoi toeie sud p disesl tue heartiest food. natiier. SDSUaU tb ui iussss Bleep reirMaine, miaUiaqsb rubust bsslih. hiHokmrt ana cmmts ftr uurars ourtL Fries V if if csuu oar box, pti frae. An iuuTSfcilnr trssUM oo lbs iw juriouasOscu of UiCoco, with liiiiiaOftMUDouiaU, isist emssa w ssv bum wuiu kuuiNa vs. s. js amvui fjiiyt fOK SALE BY ALL DRUGGlfl uUoii, 'Beware of huiDbug iralu Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to lis natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore tho hair where the follicles are destroyed, or tho glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling tho hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it docs not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long ou the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, LOWELL, MASS. t PKICE $1.00. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Colds, Whoopinfi Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Probably never before In tho whole history of medicine, has anything won so widely and so deeply upon tlie confidence ol imuikinU, us Una excellent remedy I'or pulmonary complaints. Through a lonfr series 'of years, und unions most of the races ol men it has ren higher ana hmher in their cstiinu tion, its it has becomo belter known. Its uniform chtmit'tcr und power to cure the various aflectiuns of Ihe hm;,'.i and llu oat, have inuUe il known as u re liable protector aKaimt them. While ndaplcd to milder forms ofiliM-.-e and to young children, it is at the fame time the most cilectuul remedy that can be given lor incipient consumpliun, und the dan gerous ulVcclions of the throat and lungs. Asa pro vision against sudden attacks of Croup, il should be kept on hand mi every fumily, und indeed as ull 810 sometimes subject lo colds und coughs, ull should be provided with this antidote for them. Although settled ejoitHitmptietn is thought in curable, still great numbers ol cases where the dis ense seemed selUed, have been completely cured, and tho patient restored to sound health by the C'icrri Petelarttl. So complete is its mastery over the disorders of Hie I.ungs and Throat, that the most obstinate of llicin yield to it. When noth ing else could reach Ilium, under the Cherry Pec toral tliey subside and disappear. A'tif'-i- inU Puhlio Speaker find great pro tection from it. Anlhma id ulwuys relieved and often wholly cured by it. Jirom-hiti is generally cured by taking tlie Cherry Pc.ctttrtil in small unci frequent doses. ho generally are its virtues known that we need not publish Ihe certillcntes of them here, or do more than assure Uie public Uiut its qualities are fully uiuuituiucd. Ayer's Ague Cure, For Fevsr and Actue, Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever, Homittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever, &o., and indeed all the affections which arise from malarious, marsh, or imusmaUo poisons. As its name implies, it does Cure, nnd docs not fail. Contain in cr neither Arsenic, tjuinine, Itismuth, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poisonous substance Vtimtcver, it in nowise injures any patient. The number anil importance of its cures in (he ague dis tricts, are literally bevond account, and we believe without a parallel in the history of Ague medicine. Our pride is gratillcd by tlie acknowledgments we receive of the radical cures elfectetl in obstinate cases, nnd where other remedies had wholly failed. Unaccliniated persons, either resident" in, or travelling through miusmntir locnlitie", will be pro tected by taking the AiVE CirRK daily. For I.ieer Complaint, arising from torpidity of the Liver, it is nn excellent remedy, stimulating the Liver into henllhv activity. For Iiilinus Disorders and Liver Complaints, it is an excellent remedy, producing manv truly re mnrkable cures, where other medicines had failed Prepared by I)K. .1. C. Aykh & Co., Practical nml Analvtical Chemists, Lowell, Muss., und sold all round the world. 1'niCE, $1.00 PElt JtOTTLE. w lst CSJfTauS Success, HiHRDRESSM BY ITS BSE Gray or Faded Hair is quietly restored to its youthful color and beauty, and with the first application r. beautiful gloss and delightful fragrant is given to the Hair. It will cause Hair to grow on Bald Spots. It will promote luxuriant growth, FALLING lIAia is immediately checked. For Hale by all Druggists. DEPOT removed from Greenwich St. to 35 liiupfciy St. Si, 40 1'iu'k l'luce. For doing a fuinilv wa-liiliK i Ihe bes mid cheapest maimer. Guaranteed equal to any in he world ! Huh all ll.e slien"tb of old riit.iii soup Willi tlie mild and Ulhering qualities of genuine l abile. J ry Unit t-plendiU r-uvp bold Tiy the ALPEN CHEMICAL WOHKS. 4a mm SrsiW M . T. f ELK COUNTY ADV0C4TE. rpO ADVERTISERS, ' THE ELK COUNTF ADVOCATE PUBLISHED EVERT FRIDAY MORNING, C. B. G0U1D, Editor, OFFICE LV THE COURT HOUSE ' RIDGtVAY, TA. rilE BEST ADVEUTISIXO MEDIUV ELK COUNTY, HOME AND FOREIGN ADVERTISEMENTS INSERTED ON REASONABLE TERMS. TERMS OF SUBSCR1PTIOX: 200 PER A NJUM IN ADVAJvCE. JOB PRINTING: ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK DONE WITH XE ATX ESS ASD VISPA7C11, AND IN THE LATEST AND -MOST APPROVED STYLE AT TUE ADVOCATE OFFICE. EUCII A3 POSTERS OF ANY SIZE, CIRCULARS. BUSINESS CARDS, WEDDING AND VISITING CARDS, BALL TICKETS, PROGRAMMES, CONCERT TICKETS, ORDER BOOKS, RECEIPTS, LEGAL BLANKS, BILL AEADS, LETTER HEADS, TAMPHLETS, PAPER B00K8, ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. 'Our facilities for- doing all kinds of Job 'ringing ore equalled by very few estublish ents in the coumry. Orders by mail prompt led. All letters should be addressed C. B. G6CI.D, PETERSON' t MAGAZINE. Tht Betl and Cheapest in tht World SPLENDID OFFERS FOR 18C9. rpiIIS popular Monthly Magazine g'vet more . I fo r the money than any in tht world For 18G9, it will be greatly impioted. It will contain: Oue thousand pages, Fourteen splendid steel plates. Twelve mammoth fashion plates. Twelve colored Berlin patterns, Nine hundred wood outs. Twenty-four pages of Musio ! AH this will be given for only TWO DOL LARS a year, or a dollar less, than Magazines of tho elass of "Peterson." Its THRILLING TALES AND NuVELLETTES Are the best published anywnzre. All th most popular writers are employed to write originally for Peterson. In 18C9, in addition to its usual quantity of short stories. Four Original Copyright Novelettes will be given, viz : ' Marie Anlionette's Talisman," by .Mrs. Ann S. Stephens j '" The Mystery of Black wood Grange," by the author of " Sir Noel' Heir; " ' Katie's winter" in Washington," by Frank Lee Benediot ( and the " Story of Mag gie," by tho author of -'tSusy L's Diary." MAMMOTH COLORED FAS ION PLATES. Ahead of all others Thee plates are en graved on steel, twice the usual size, and con tains six figures. They will be superbly color ed. AIbo, a pattern, from which a dress, Mam tilla, or child's dress may be cut . out, whithoui the aid of a mantua maker. Aiso, several pages of household and other receipts ; in short everything interesting to Ladies. Superb Premium Engraving: To every person getting up a club for ltyUi) will be sent GRATIS, a copy of our new and splendid Mezzotint for framing, (size 24 inches 16,) The star of Bethlehem," after the cele brated masler-picce of Uarome, the famous French artist. This is the most desirable pre mium ever offered. For large clubs, as will be seen below, an extra copy will be sent in ad dition. TERMS Always in advance : One Copy, one year $ 2,00 Three Copies, lor one year 6,00 Four Copies, for one year, and one to getter up up of club 8,00 Eight Copies, lor ne year, aud one to getter up of club. ...i 12,00 Fourteen Copies, for one year, and one to getter up of club 20,00 Address, Post paid. CHARLES J. PETERSON, No. 31 Hi Chestnut street Phils., Pa. Jgt?' Specimens sent to those wishing to get up clubs. . THE LADY'S FRIEND. Sjifcmlid Inducement to Subscribers. . rTTIIE Lady's Friend announces the following J Novelets for 1809 : " Between Two," b.y Elizabeth I'rescott, author of How a wo rn nn bad her Way &c; " The prize of Two Men's Lives," by Almanda M. Douglas, author of " The Debnrry Fortune " &c; a new Novelet by Louisa Chandler Moulton, author ' of Fleeing from Fate," &c; and a new Novel by Mrs. Henry Wooa, tho distinguished English Novelist, author of " East Lynne," &c. (unless Mrs. Wood is prevented writing it by ill health) wilh numerous shorter stories by a brilliant galaxy of lady writers. The Ludy's Friend will give a finely execut ed Steei Engraving, a handsome double-page, finely-colored Fashion Plate engraved ou steel and a lurge assortment of Wood Cuts, illustrating .the Fashions, Faucy Work, j-o. in every number. It will give a popular piece of Music worth the cost of the magazine in itself in every number. A copy of the Larre and beautiful premium Steel Engraving " Tho song of home at Han." engraved exprcssiy-for our readers at a cost for the engraving alone of nearly $11)00! will be sent post paid to every full $2,0 sub scriber, and to every person sendiug ou u clubj nils eugruviiiu; id n gem ui nil. flay to New Subscribers. Mark This New Subscribers who send in their names i'or ISO'J before tho first of November, shall receive the November and December numbers of this year n addition, making fourteen months in all. And all new subscribers for 1 809 shall receive tho mugiiificiciit December Holiday number, making thirteen months in all. TtllMa. ip an d the argo I nnui m Ln- gruvingl $ 2.59 4 copies, 6,00 " and ono gratis 8,09 land one gratis! 12,00 One copy each of Lady's Friend a. d 1'ost, and f remium Lngraving... 4,U( The getter up of nclub will always receive a copy of the Premium bugruving. Mem bers ot a club wishing the 1 remium La graving must remit one dollar extra- tfey opcciintn copies sent gratis. Address, DEACuN & PETERSON, 310 Walnut Street, Philadelp THE GREAT INDIAN BLOOD IT IS AN EXTRACT or BARKS oxix Hatan ted. WILL CURE Liyer Complaint, Dyspepsia, Erysipelas, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Chills &. Fever, Fever Sores, AND U $Uob itmw. Bold b DmjiliU. J. P. FELT, Oem'i Agent, NVU AUCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. Q&yright secured. 11. is l - MACAIKOOSE, Tht Great Indian Jtetnedy. Bj thoroughly cleunaiug tint Hood, it radically curt Dyiipepaia, . Llvar Coiiiilnliit, Coughs, CoMa, bisvtuM of the Kidney. Dropsy, Oout, Hpinal Wsnkntu, Jaundice, Hheunittltm, Chill. Hud Fever, Fhllu.le, Croup nnd Hard llreetliiuf, lever Sorea,' Kryupelu, Halt ltluum. Neural gia, Loee of Appetite, Throat lUeeasea, Sore Eyei, Canker iu all fotuia, Inflammation, General Weakueu. Sou sx Sacaoisri. J. P. FELT, CenM Agt. So. 71 Arch bL, PUUa. ts 1 DD ,m"'lh fa" be made by male and fe O I UU '""'e aitenta. We have nothing f.r curiocity M-fkrm, hnt reliable, steady, pi oulsblo einplcymeni, for those who menu hui-inei-a. Ad dress, with 3-ct. sUnip, C. L. VAN ALLEN I Co, 48 New street, New York. 43 4