IIt ifanijt bbotatc, PCHLisnio irznr fbiday ontntra, bt G B.OOULD, Editor. TERMS, TWO DOLLARS A TEAK IN ADVANCE Rates of Advertising. 1 wcck.tl mi 1-4 Column a months S ' l (Wi do 6 " 8 " 9 () do tl " 9n Sqaore do do do do do 19 00 IS (HI so (HI S (HI 1 Ml 19 (HI SO (HI 80 (HI 40 00 14 (HI SO (HI 85 (HI 4:. (HI CO (HI 13 00 4 " S Mi do li S months 4 ("1,1 at'oiumn l week month 0 (HI do do do do do Two Sort, do do do do e " 7 Ml ia " 12 to 1 week 1 TO 1 month 8 Ml 8 " 8 no 6 " J Ul 14 " 18 (Ki do 1 Column do do do do do week month 14 Column 1 week o (i 1 nioulh t 00! M ao Special Notices after Mnrrlnesnnd Deaths .an addl lonnl of one half the above rates. Business Cards flvo lines or less, 00 per year; over five linesat the. usual rate o advertising. Anecdote of the Elder Booth. Mr. Elilm Bun itt contributes to the February number of Packard's Monthly nn interesting nrlielo under tlie title of " Breathing n Living Soul into Demi Words," in which the following auecdote is told of the elder Booth : The elder Booth was a man who threw into his impersonations on amout of heart nnd rouI which his originals could scarcely have equalled. lie did Hichard III. to the life, and more. lie had made human passions, emotions, nnd experiences his life's study. He could not only act but feel rage, love, despair, hate, ambition, fury, hope nnd revenge, with n depth nnd force that half amazed his auditors He could transmute himself into the hero of his impersonation, and ho could breathe a power into other men's written words which perhaps was never surpassed. AjkI what is lather remarkable, when he was inclined to give illustrations of this faculty to private circles of friends, he nearly nlwnys selected some passages from Job, David, or Isaiah, or other holy men of old. When nn aspiring young professor of Harvard University went to liim by night, to ask a little advice or in struction in qualifying himself for an orator, the veteran tragedian opened the Bible and read a few verses from Isaiah in a way that made the Cambridge scholar trembled with awe, ns if the prophet had risen from the dead and was uttering his sublime visions in his car. He was then .residing in Baltimore, nnd a pious, urbane oid gentleman ot that city, hearing ol his wonderful power of elocution, one day invited him to dinner, although strongly deprecating the stage and all theatrical performances. A large company sat down to the table ond on returning to the drawing room one of them requested Booth, as a special favor to them nil, to repeal the Lord's Prayer. He signified his willingness to gratify thorn, nnd all eyes were fixed up on him. He slowly and reverentially arose from his chair, trembling with the burden of two great conceptions, lie had to realise the character, Attributes, and presence of the Almighty Being he was to address. lie was to transform himself into a poor, sinning, stumbling, benighted, needy suppliant, offering ho mage, asking bread, pardon, light, and guidance. Says one of the company present: It was wonderful to watch the play of emotions that convulsed his coun tenance. He became deathly pale, and his eyes, turned tremblingly upwards, were wet with tears. .As yet lie had not spoken. The silence could be felt; it had become absolutely painful, until at last the spell was broken as it by an electric shock, ns his rich-toned voie, from white lips, syllabled forth '-Our Father, which art in heaven," &c, with a pathos and fervid solemnity that thrilled all hearts. He fin ished; the silence continued; not a voice was heard nor n muscle moved in his rapt audience, until, from a remote corner of the room, n subdued sob was heard, nnd the old gentleman ('the host) stepped for ward, with streaming eyes and tottering frame, and seized Booth by the hand ''Sir," said he, in broken accents, you have afforded me a pleasure for which my whole future lifo will feel grateful. I am nn old man, and every day, from boyhood to the present time. 1 thought 1 had re peated the Lord's Prayer ; but 1 never heard it before, never." You arc right." replied Booth. "To read that prayer ns it should bo read cans-, ed me the severest studyand labor lor thirty years, and I am far from being sat isfied with my rendering of that wonder ful production. Hardly one person in ten thousand comprehends how much beauty, tenderness and grandeur can be condens ed in n space so small nnd words so sim ple. That -prayer itself sufficiently illus trates the truth of the Bible, and stamps upon it the seal of divinity." "So great was tho effect produced," says our in formant, that conversation was sustain ed but a short time longer, in subdued monosyllables, and almost entirely ceased; and soon after, at an early hour, the com pany broke up nnd retired to their several home, with sad faces and full hearts." Trichina Si-huts Ukatu of Several Fer soss From Katiso Diseased Pork. The trichina lever which prevailed here to such a fearful exteut a fcw years ugo, says the New York Sun, of Tuesday, hits agaiu brok en out oftcsh, and so far with equally fatal results. ' After a careful sciotific investiga tion into the causes of this dreadful malady, the savauts traced it generally to rats, from which hoja receive it by feeding on them in sewers ami elsewhere, and these iu turn impart it to human beings who eatlarglyof pork. When these aniniacala get into the human body and effect a lodgment, the case is hopelefcs. It was proved by this investi gation that boiling is the surest method of destroying trichina in meat. Last week seven boarders iu a German bonrdiog-bouse in Carlisle street, sickened with this malady and were taken to hospitals. Two of them died a day or two ago in the New York hos pital, and a piece of flesh taken from the arm of one of the men while he was alive, when placed under the microscope, revealed millions of these creatures. It is also re ported that several deftths have occurred from the same cause in different parts of the rity. From the Memphis Avalanche, Feb. IX MAD-STONE. Curious History of a Remarkable Mad Stone. For tho Grst time in onr lifo we Raw, yoa tsrday, n genuine mnd-stonc, nnd henrd its history from the owner, who inherited it from Lis tut her. Tho fortunate pnfwoRsor la Colnnol B. Lee Milnm. of AVnterford, Mnr shall county, Mississippi. Colonel Milam is a prominent citizen of his county, nnd his statements sot nt rest nny doubts which wo may hnvo hnd nbout tho efficiency of lfi nind stono In curing tho bites of mail dogs, cats, snakes, spiders, or other venomous nn'nnuls or insects. Colonel I.ee M ilnm is a native of Madison comity, North Alabama, from whence ho removed in 1935. Tho family enmc from Virginia, nnd tho Colonel inherits also tho middle name, being a second cousin of (Inn. Kobert K. Leo. Tho mnd-slonn iu his possession is nbout tho sizo oT n hen's egg, ns heavy us so much brick nnd rather more porous, and is of a light cbyish color. Ono end is flat, ns if it bad been sawed off, nnd n grain runs through tho stone from etui to end, ns if it had, iu some former ni;e, been so much wood or bone. About fifty years ago this stone was split in three or four pieces, but was carefully fasten ed together with n wire, which i-till performs its office. The stone was brought from Chi na iu the year 1810, by Dr. Marker. The Dr. died iu n few year?, and the stono was sold nt n public sale among his other property. Mr. Jams Mibin, the Colonel's father, was tho purclmser, nml nt his death he willed the stono to the present owner, with the con dition that nil tho family should have the use of it as often ns necessary, tree of choice. As to its virtues, Colonel Lre Milvm states that it has been applied with success in over one thousand cases, and has only failed in two, nnd iu those tho part affected could not lie successfully reached, lie has used it him self over two hundred and fifty times. Wbrti applied it adheres as if by suction, and usu ally remains on ten or twelve hours. When the poison is nil extnrcted the stone fulls off During the process a very offensive stench fills tlie room, making the nir 6ickcuing iu tlio extreme. The stouc is then soaked in warm water from twenty-four to thirty-six hours, when it becomes cleansed and is again rnnd for use. Colonel Milam assures us he can cure nny case of dog, su:ii;o or other bite where madness or dess.dntii n has not actual ly set in. Cures have been effected even as long ns two weeks nftrr the bite. Lest week the stono was used successfully in several cases, ft is known for many leagues mound, and the people come from fur and from near to be haled. Colonel Milam has been offered five thou sand dollars for this wotindcrful stone, but always refused to entertain the proposition, lie said, playfully, yesteaday, that he might sell it for ten thousand dollars if tho buyer would promise to nlwnys allow him the use of it. Croat is the mad-stone. Wo are converted. Wluit says the medical world? A New Vklocipeoe. The Detroit Ynr.K Tress says: (Juite n fckokk was created on tho streets yesterday by tho appearance of a velncipedist on a tricycle or three-wheeled velocipede, whirling along at a tremendous rate of speed. This velocipede was invent ed nimiul'actured by a gentleman residing in Ypsilanti, who claims to have ridden on it from that place to Detroit, n distance ol twenty-eight miles, find to hate made a mile iu Ypsilunii, ou Thursday last, in two min utes nod thirteen seconds. The wheels are forty-two inches in diumitcr, nnd is propelled by means of a double handerntik, no treadle being used ns on other velocipedes. On each side of tho hub of the forward wheel is a grooved pulley, ond nttacl.od to the straight portion of the crank are two moro pulleys, the four being connected by belts. At each revolution ol' the pulleys the vehicle is pro pelled a distance of sixteen nnd a half feet, and when nu odinnry rate of speed is attain ed, it runs quite easily. Its weight is forty nine pounds, and tho inventor claims that it will sustain . two hundred pounds without danger of collapsing. It certainly possesses ono feature that render? it superior to those now in use, and that is tho comparative ease with which it can beruuou ordinary carriage roads. Tin: Mixr.uAT. Wealth ok Pennsylva nia. -The product of tho three nnthra cite coal fields of Pennsylvania for tho year 18G8 was 13.074,257 tonsa very considerable increase over 1807. The bituminous coal product for 18G8 was at least 18.000,000 tons. It is staled that 43,000,000 was distributed among the producers. Of the product of the oil le gions, at least 100,000,000 gallons were exported, valued nt 52, 000,000 in cur rency, and adding the domestic consump tion, the value is not less than 37,000, 000 for 1 10,000,000 gallons of petroleum produced. The product of iron for 18G8 was ns follows: Pig iron of all kinds, 872,825 tons; from forges and bloomcries 32,104 tons ; rails, 253 3S0 tons ; manu factured iron, including sheet, plate, hoop, nails, &c, 205.821 tons, valued at the current rates at G8,000,OJO. Tlie aggre gate valuo of the annual product ol these three articles is f 195,000,000 a sum nearly three times that of the annual pro duct of the precious metals iu tho United States. Five months since, a Dr. Ridley, of Boston, amputated the leg of a five year old son of liia, who bad been injured by being run over by an omnibus. I1 or this damage to his son ho collected six thousand dollars. It now turns out that the boy's great and next to the great toe were alone iniured, and tins not Kiimcicnt to acquire more than two splints, bandages and a little care, .but, to recover d.im ages, the Christian father gave him chlo roform, amputated tlie leg below the knee, and recovered pay for tho damages he aloue had caused. Innocent Keply. The pastor of a popular church at the South End, on Sabbath evening, nt the Sunday School concert, said: Boys, when I beard your beautiful songs to night, I had hard work to keep, my feet still. What do you suppose is tho trouble with them t ChilLlains, sir, cried out a little six year old boy, which notwithstanding the solemnity of the occasion set the whole audience in a roar. . ' What advantage will the ladies derive from the fashionable practice of chewing gum f They will expect to-rate with gentlemen. KQOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, rnnd HOOFLAND'3 GERMAN TONIC, PREPARED Br DR. C.H. JACKSOX, Philadelphia, Pa. Tht great tit knoiun rtmtdies for Uver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA, Nervous Debility, JAUNDICE, Diseases of the Kidneys, ERUPTIONS of the SKIN, ttt all Illnrnsrti nrUliif from a Dls ordered Liver, KtomitcH, or iMPCitirr of this m.oon. Rtad tfin ti!!orinp pimj!nmt, and if ycu fiml th it your Ktstrm l nfffclM ty rrti.tf nf them, you mtty rest at.umi f.W ttiiftts Int. mmmrtwrrt itt at!(rlf on tit m.tf imp'trl.int iiti of your twh, ntt vnlrn toon chfktd hy tli ww ffwrfttl mnttliH.a nn'waliti I'e, loon termintling in ile illi, wil! be Hit rault. Conntipation, Flutulenen, Tnwnrd Piles, k'ulnosiior JJIuoci to thu Head, Aoidity of tho HLomncii, jVnuffi, iiofti-t-burn, D.KKiint for I'oml. Fnlnosa or WelKl't in the Btomnch, Bour J-'.ructntionii. (tink Inil or Klutlorin; nt tho Pit of tlio Htomnoh, Mwimininrt of tho Hitni!, Hurried or Dilllonlt Brontlmin, Kluttcrinu nt tho Honrt, Ohokinft or Hutl,iMitiiiii SbiisuUoiih whon in n ItyingPiMtiiro, Oininnnn of Viniou, D in or Wolm betoro I ho Hfht, Diill Puin in the Henri. uien'.'jr of lVrpirnHoA, Yel- luwiiens of tho bkin nml Eyes, l'nin in the Bide, ' Diu'k, Cheat, Iiimbs, r-te.. Bud don Flushes of Hunt, llurntnrt in tho Flesh, UonM.tnt i nmmium of Evil, ami Urent Doproa.-iiun of Bpirits. AU tin'' imln'rtte ttiirase rtf V l.iver or Diyetlivt Ol'JitHSfCnmt'inrtl with imjinre blood. finoHuVo Serma:t Ditt?rs I rt v vtffi'l 3ji, iiA rontnimi no litunt I In h 'ftiktiitvl of KJulil i; Intel. 'VUv. KooIm, 1 1 nn lltirltn fi-niti trlitrli Itirnr t-Klructii nrc inmle ftif nUirntl In 'i-mni All the turdlcliifil vlrMirM nit- -xt-r tl front tlirm liy n NClrnltli- rt ( 'i'Utntt rxti'rti-t if thru flitrivni'ilrfl tUin COUllUy (O l4t IIS-(1 X)tt-fr.Ml- fr (he innnulMCtiiiv of Itivft? iliitr. There l no nlcoltotlc Militniii c of any kind II ftcU i U cum poti mltrt!? lit It I. It? I'M lirut'e (1 In ti- only tiittertt flint ru bt nwed In t-nitrit whvrc nlcotiolic slim it lun I it nre no i utit iaubli fjjctliinb'o cvimit ffonlc if n Cm'i'u of uU Vt itHrrttirnts nf the. lhtlTif l'fi! Xn'.t f 'nt: H'tm, fmmj-, rfe.' II i-t uxnl for tht lAitif if! til lh Hi'ttr, in CM'n uline t purr ilff't'ci-'i' ,imnln is rnfnirfl. J'.'i itt'( hntr in minti fi-tt I tt"'. rewti nr. mUri-ly different mm B-jy n"ir a-iwtifl fm' the rttrt i.f the tiifMicg IU--U 7. :):' It 'nj xn'rn'iic prrp tft'Onn of tnettninal tjlrj-t', if'.iV ! f''4rrs-it,t nt"r ilea"-! inn nf rum ir. i.nf i' if T 'N IC i'.t tl-riiWubi 'f I'te mist j 'r.nit oifi it-ftr-'dllr rrmeid'X trtr T.jvf to (lit j;rV.' lit !$! if t rqi'i-itf. i it a ir-mirr? to take T, if '(''( tit I J -f7 V'f f.r titrating ftui mttHcirt'tl f 'i.uv cimttt it U be kiwivn iv tie yrtattst of U'.i il'HIC. . CONSUMPTION. Tliousn ii ' I h of rnxrit w!icit tlie pn lirtil Mitnsil he miih nfHIrlnl ullli errMl dlsfiiff, Un v ifen cni-eil Uy 1 le ne of I i f mt-tUtx. Kxtrcme tMini'lni Ion, 1-VIfy, nti.l 4-tiiii nre I he uhuhI nt irt.ilniit n;ion ticvere ! of ti -t (Uhcuhe of the tH;--iH vp oi;: n h. Even In fnnrfl of ill lilt 'OUOltl tl to Itt t llfHC If ltftllf be I'utt nt! ol ifr r'nfKl lifitelitf m.i-eili!iuiiy rikI Invlgovating. V n e it r-i vu-L-:in? tjusJ to Ifooft infTs German R Itnt nr T"'n'c in rwtrs of IhhiU'y, JVn'.v iti'firt a ' .t-jJ vi'tnr in tin' vfait rystrm, xtre.r'uthm ti.e -. pf!it-t caa.'f nn .' nt'ttl of tht, fi-ot, nutMe the i'MM t 'ft f.i th'gest it. purify the. Moml, girt, a W, ?'tH', fin j it ft if cnmpirri'in, entilicate. the ttrlfaw tiny from the we, intpitrt a bin'-m t' the cheek., antt chany tat yaiirni fium a !tort-brathtdt etnacMil juk. Weak and Delbata Children. nre niaitr lroit hy using tUt HI c I em or '! on If, 1i irttt, 1 Iiey nre l-'nni t ly J( eil v titfx, 'V hey can be tl mtiinf ei-cil t tfii juilVcl iirnVty in u cfllil tln-ee inoulhs old. t he most ileal c fciaale, or a ioiiii of Btlnrty, " T'ttse A'Trf diet are tht hett Jtlood Znvlflci's err t;ncn, and trill cure aI difeantt remttity from Lat ultu.il. AV-i inr U'yod pure kp your I.ier in order ; kwp t'-utr tt:';r!ire f-ryfln in a C'Uuity hndtl,y cn'i ti.m, l i ti.e ii-e of thut miudies, and no ui. euw it-tYl ireritftaii you, n H"4 Vy W m'm m mJ W W w '1 I,:m1U ivUli a fnlr uliln nnd Co.mI rotti jvifxlfi, free from a yellow i.-ii 1 1 if jye a it it it 11 other l IhIiui emenl, kntiltl ne tme rcniedieH oreiinion ally, Tle Klverlii perlVet order, nnd Ihe hi Dial pitr4t w ill re m it It, In bpurU liny; eyet und bloonting chetUjf. CAU 'X1 X O !tt . If lf.-tvirs i,et httn irw'iet are mnv'rrf t'trd. Th-' yttitntf hitve tit.: f'.r.nawr rf f, 3. thivf;,son nn the fi .;,' t.f the ouui'U wrapper f bot h, and the ii -ute of ( unite bin .en in eudt lutUe. AU .tnert are c -un.rv 'nt. T UotihikIh of letter. !nvc leen rfm cel ni, (estiiTj lay; lotUr virtue of tliee UAD TITS REOOM3IC!;DATIOS3. Froai jio.v. r.o. w, OODWAim, CUiff Jui'Tof tlie Supreme Cmirt f IVunfylvanla. l':t.DELPHlA, M.VHCH Kill, 1)07. tfiml ' ffooJteithPx fiT-Tiii Iit'frrs ij tint nn into icoliwj lfcerji, but it a y'. ttni- tml'vl in t'isnr dert of the ciy.j(V oiy'tn., atf tf great brwfU in cifi of UcbiUly and vitnt of nervous action in the iystan, l'otr truht GLO, II. WOODWARD, ' FROM HON". JAMLS TMOMTSOX, JuJge nf tlie SupifMiie Com t uf IVfiiiAyivnuIa. riuf.Anri.pim, April 2Sih, VfA. I foiii'rtir llooflnnd' UtniiRii Bit tern' vttttrthiz $nriiicinr In en tie of ai tncki af luflleton or Dybpepin. 1 eini cerlily thin from my f iptrkucc f It Yoiirw, wliU rvj)tfi, JAMKli TllUlPO.V. From ttr.V..I'"StTri II. KKXXARTl, D.D., PaM t of (I T'hiMi li iptist Clmn li, I'lii! uMphlA. I'R .1 A' Ssov Iiear Sih : have If, n r yii(7y re tpifxtrd to ,.t nne-t my v nn vi,h riCon-t-notf:.lnt of d:f'n -,i! kiH'is ",r m'-i'i- in, ht.i ren ii itir.fj the practice 0 tnd o f' :jtf vpprp .i V sphere, I Iftrf in alt cuM(e zlined ; but nUo ii clr.ir prwf in ruriout iiitance$,anj ;tir.' i. n!iitl in di VT"-'i fa;u tl't. ofthf ufftdliefxot' Jr. lli.:und'i (Jtrown bitters, 1 d -pri for'nihu from my umod count.; tt express in ; full cwirtV.'f'in th-'l fui gfllfl ,lt tr-l'iiif V t f Ulr! M'stflll. Illltl Bjpwi:ili.V f 'I'lVPr t-ii''tu-ir, it U u u v;tln.iMo )'itp:i:utinn. Jn $onr v tin it wttfiil ; bn "tyudt'f, tdimbt nl, it will be vf O'luiiid to iore who fi ir J rota the above CJ!Vf. Jburj, vtr'f l"' w'fuit ( J. U. A' ;.v A A .'). i '.jkiht beww (Wt: Sf. Pricfl or tho Bitters, $1.00 per boLtlos Or, a halt' dozou lov $5.03 I'rlco of the Ton to, &1.50 por LotUei Or, u half dozoa for $7-5X Th, T.Htfc 1 put up III l'l;irt biUh4. Jiertitlect tl a' it i'm Pr. If'fjtamrt (iermnn fiemettiet th-it are. to unrermHf td ond " hi:f'hl recommend tit i and do tio! o'doto the Ihiti-fUAt to induce yi.u to take any thiwi e!e that ne. may suy i J;tt uy yt, be Cause he Kiukm a larger proit on it. 'i'hete. liemciHet will be sent by exjnn to any locality upon application to the 'FK1XC1PA1 Ot TK K AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, HZl AKCil Smr.KTt I'hiladetplua. C1IAS. M. EVANS, Proprietor, Formerly C. M. JACKS0H U CO. These llc-medles are for tale liy DnigKtutH, tiiorekeener. and Meill eiue feeler, everywhere. Do not forget to ejrnmint welt the article you buy t in rtJer to git tin genuitu. JCESTH WASTED FOR TUB B L U.E-C OATS And bow they Lived, Foimlit nd tiled fur tne Union, wilo bcennn uud IcidinlH iu thu Great Ut-hnllion. (oiniii Wilis uurullvei. nf lVmoiiiil Adventiim, Thril lm? liu-idt-ntd. Dariur ExplollH lli-roic Ued, Won dei lul Krcnp-s, Lilt) III the Gump, Field di d Uoepiui) Adveuiure of bpieii and fecouiB, with the bon!". Hoi lads. Anecdote una iiuniorou im-iuenia ol iiiu war. It contAiu over l(k tine toiavintcs and ia Hie ppn-l-est and cbeapeat war book published. l'i ic only H 50 per copy, beud fur tlitulaia akd sea our terms, and Full de-r'piion of the work. Address NATIONAL. P0Bl.miNU CO., Philadelphia Fs.j Clncinatl, Olile; Otilaago, ill. i or A Loaia, liu. Ayers Hair Vigor, For restoring Cray Hair to ils natural Vitality and Color. A dressing winch is fit onco ngrecftblc, licallliy, und effectual for preserving tho liair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color villi the qtoss and freshness of youth. ' Tliiu lmir is thick ened, falling hair checked, nnd .bald ness often, though not always, cured hy its use. Nothing can restore tho hair whero tho follicles arc destroyed, or tho glands atrophied nnd decayed. But such as remain ran bo saved for usefulness by this implication. Instead of fouling tho hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent tho hair from turning gray or falling otr, nnd consequently prevent baldness. Free from thoso dulctcrious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to tho hair, tho Vigor can ouly benefit but not harm it. If wuntod merely lor a HAIR DRESSING,, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil while cambric, and yet lusts long on the hair, givitig it a rich glossy lustre and u grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., Practical axd Analytical Chemists, LOWELL., MASS. PHICQ $1.00. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, purpo303 of a Laxativo Perhaps no ono meill clue i i so universally re fuirel bv cvcryliody ii3 n euth.'irti:, nor wa.-. ever nny before, to universal ly adopt eil into wi; i:i c'veryroantiy nml amoM' nil e'l.ies, ui t'lis niiM but etlieient imi-jrative I'itl. 'A'lie obviou-i i-e:i-f nil iJ,tliat it isaino'.'erc. oth,.!.. 'I'im'.o v,-!n hav'o 1 rio.l it, know that it eurcil t!um: timse who bavo not, know lliat it e.ui-e-t llieir neUlibor-i av.d ll-ieml -, nml nil know tli.it wiiat it il-KM owe it iIihm ulways that it novel fails tlii-ou;:'! any fault or noi'lei-tuf ils eoiaitosii.'na. We bavo thou.-anils upon thou. F-iails of eei tirK-ate4of 1lieirroinarkableeun?s of tho lollowin-f eoai;iI iiiil bni sncii euiiM are known in cverv nei-rlibovboinl, and vo need not pul'li-!! tliem. Ada-ited to till ntfe.i and eoaditiou in all eliulale . ; rontainin-,' noil her calomel or nny deli'tovious driur, they may bo taken Willi safely by nnyliody. 'llieir su-r.-ir io'atiiiT preserve- them everfi-iidi and inakiM llieal pleasant to take, wlilla bein ,'imrely ve-retablo n- harm ean arise from llieir u--e in nny ipmutiry. Tliev operato bv their powerful i!illiieii:c o'l'llm internal vi-ieern to puriry the blood nnd ptiniulet it into healthvn -lion remove tile ol-stru-t ions of too itonruli, liowN, liver, nnd other or-rans of loo bo-lv, re-,to!-!n-;r their irre-inlai nelion t health, niid bv corroetln;, wherever tliey exist, rucIi iloriiii30 liienls as ni-3 tlio llrst origin ofdisoa -e. Minute direetions nra p;iven in th-j wrnnjier on. the box, for tho following complaints, tvliieli thuso I'illt rapidly cure: I'm l.vpep; or Fmllrfptf ion, T.ltl-n. run. I-nniiiof and J.o of .lf)ijrt:jj, they Phoull be taken moderntely to utiniulato tho t-toiu ai.-h and restore its healthy lono nnd nrtion. Kor .ivpr t.'ittiijiliii'nt and its various fsmn. toius, t(ilioi: Eil tuil;lcll', Mirlc llc-jtltirlio. .T.i .in, lie e or Jre'n HicLnf-is. Ju.'u;ut (lolic and XIlHou i-'rfr, they f-hould Iu .in tli:'tous!y taken foicaehea?e, lo correct tiicdisea- c.l netion or removo th3 ohstriictiom wbieli enuso it. For it.VJU'nter.y or llturrbueu, but ono mild tlose is frencrally rcpiired. Fur It:,"iu;v.,tlsi:i. (ioiit. Oravrt. Pnlrsi litloil of t!it, IliMit, Sa"n In tii- i5,l, Itiic-k and ff.'.ln. Ihev pliould bo conimuou'-lv taken, ns rorjuire I, to cli;inr3 tiia di-ense 1 iK-t'on of th 6yjlcm. Willi such ciiautro iho-o complaints (lisapp?-". For Iroj)-T nml TJro;lonl Bvi-ci;3n-ri they fliould be takea in huso an I l'ieiuoiit doies to pro duce tho effect oi'a tlrasli ; imrsc. For NiiiirKio3 n lar;."! doso elionld bo taken as it produces the desired ctl'ert bv EVinpathv. As n Jiiiimr I'ill, t:Y.3 one or two I'ills V) pro mole dk'ostion and relieve the stomach. An occasional do;o ftiir.-.iites tlio stomach nml bowels into lie.tbhy n"tion, restore? tho nopetite, nnd invigorate i tlu system. iliice it i. ohon nil vantaeou' n-hero no serious derar-'oiiient exists. One who feels tolerably well, often (lnds that ado.-o oftheso I'itlx make i him feel ileeiiledlv better, from tiieir elcaiisin-r and renovating eflcct'oa tho il.ijos live oppurntns. VII. J. C. AYEIt A- CO., Fvactical Chemists, Lt)Yi:i.Z.. MASS., V. S. A. The Last CifMSfl Success. BAlRDRESSiKts tkv? inoneBolftc BY IT8 USB Gray or Failed Iluir Is qniciily rcstorcJ to ita youthful colurauJ Iciuty, anil villi tlio first apylioaUon a beautiful glos3 and delightful frai-ance is given to tho Hnir. It will causo lluir to grow ou Bald Spots. It will promoto luxuriant growth. FaUINO HAIR U immediately checked. Far Hole by oil DrujigUta. Di:rOT removed from Greenwich St. to 33 lioi clay at, & 40 l'oik flace. rBiCONEDoiljua For doing a fninilv wai-liing in (Le I e -it and cheapest in -inner. Guaranteed equal to any in ne worm : nan nu ti.e strengto of out rosin soap irilh the wild and luthering qualities of genuine Castile. Trv this uplcndid toap. Sold by the ALDEN CHEMICAL WORKS, U Vertk St-rest, rkihviUljiaia, Umt For rul tho Lledioiuo. 1 Attest? 5'? ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE. rpO ADVERTISERS, THE ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE published EVERT- FRIDAY MORSIKG, t ' C. B. G0UI D. Editor, OFFICE m THE COURT HOUSE KIDGIVAY, Vk. THE BEST ADVERTISING 5IEDIUi is E1YKI COUNTY, HOME AND FOKEIGN ADVERTISEMENTS INSERTED ON IIEAS0NADIE TERMS. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: 200 I E II A NNUM IN ADVANCE JOB PRINTING:, ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK DONE with AT.-ir.VrS5 ASD DISPATCH, AND IS THE LATEST AND MOST ATPROVEE STYLE AT THE ADVOCATE OFFICE. tVCU A3 rOSTEUS OF ANY SIZE, CIRCULARS. BUSINESS CARDS. WEDDING AND VISITING CARDS, BALL TICKETS. PROGRAMMES, CONCERT TICKETS, ORDER BOOKS, RECEIPTS, ' LEGAL BLANKS, BILL AEADS, LETTER nEADS, FAMPIILETS, PAPER B00K.3, ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC Our facilities - for doing all kinds of Job "rinting ore equalled by very few establish tents in the country. Orders by mail prompt led. All letters should be addressed C. D. tCL.' THE LADY'S FRIEND. Splendid Inducements to Sulscribers. TIIE I.ndy's Friend announces the following Novelets for 1809 : " Between Two," by Elifnbeth Prescott, author of " IIow a wo man hnd her Way ' &c; Tho prize of Two Men's Lives," by Almandu M. Douglas, author of " The Debnrry Fortuno"&o.; anew Novelet by Louisa Clmndlcr Molton, author of " Fleeing from Fate," &e.; ond a new Novel by Mrs. Henry Wood, the distinguished English Novelist, author of ' Enst Lynne," &o. (unless Mrs. Wood is prevented writing it by ill henlth) -with numerous shorter stories by a brillinnt galaxy of lady writers. The Lady's Friend will give a finelx execut ed Steel Engraving, a hnndsome double-page, finely-colored Fashion riate engraven ou steel nnd a large assortment of Wood Cuts, illustrating the Fashions, Fancy Work, j-e. ia evcrv number. It will eive a notmlar Diece of Music wortn the cost of the magazine in itself in every number. A copy of the Largo and beautiful premium 8tecl Engraving " The song of home nt Sea." engraved expressiy-for our renders nt a cost for the engraving alone of nearly $1000! will be sent post. paid to every full $2,ii0 sub scriber, nnu to every person sending on u club this engraving Is a gem of Art. . t Ogy I o New Subscribers. Mark This New Subscribers who Bend in their nnmes fotj 1809 beforo tlio first of November, shall receive the November nnd December numbers of this year in addition, making fourteen months in all.. And nil new subscribers for 18B9 slinll receive the iiihgnificlent December Holiday number, making thirteen months in all. TERMS. jpy an d tlie arge I'rcmium En graving $ 2.50 -1 copies, G,00 5 " and one grntis 8,00 8 nnd one grntis 12,00 One copy each of Lady's Friend and I'ost, nnd Premium Engrnving.. 4,00 The geltcr up of u, club will always receive a copy of the Premium Engraving. Mem bers of a club wishing tho Premium En graving must remit ono dollar extra JBtsySpccinun copies sent grntis. Address, DEACON & PETERSON, 310 Walnut Street, Philadelp PETERSON't MAGAZINE. The fiett and Cheapest in tht World SPLENDID OFFERS FOR 1809. riTIIIS popular. Monthly Magazine g'ves more Jj f o r the money tlmn nny in the world For 1809, it will bo greatly impiovcd. It will contain : One thousand pnges, Four.cen sp'endid s'cel pl.itcx, Twelve mammoth fashion plnles. Twelve colored lierlili pat-terns, Nine hundred wood cuts. Twenty-four pages cf Music ! All this will be given lor only TWO DOL LARS a year, or a dollar loss, than Magazines ot the class ot " i'eters.in. Its THRILLING TALES AND NuVELLETTES Are the best published anywlitre. All the most popular' writers aro employed to write oi igiimlly for reterf on. In liSO'J. in addition to its usual quantity of phort stories. Four Original Copyright Novelettes will be given, viz : " Mario Antionctte's Tiilismnn," by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens j " Tlio Mystery of Black wood Grange," hy the author of "Sir Noel's Heir;" " Katie's winter in Washing.on," by Frank I.ee Benedict ; and the " Story of Mag gie," by the author of -'tSusy L's Diary." MAMMOTH C LOHED FAS 1U.N 1'LATES. Ahead o' nil others Thc:e plulcs are en graved on steel, twice the usual size, nml con tains six figuroe. Tliey will bo superbly color ed. Also, a pattern, lrotn which a dress, Mam tilla, or child's dress may bo cut out, whithout the aid of a niantua maker. Aiso, several pnscs of boiiupbuM and other receipts ; in shorl everything iftei-eutipg to Ladies. StiptrTi Premium Engraving: To every person gelling up a cTnb for 18uo will bo sent GRATIS, a copy of cur new and splendid Mezzo; '.lit for framing, (size "1 inches 10,) The si a i' of Bethlehem," alter the cele brated master-piece of Garomo, the famous French arlist. This is the most desirable pre mium ever ofi'ercd. For large clubs, as' will be seen below, an extra copy will be sent in ad dition. TERMS Always in advance : Ono Copy, ono year $ 2,00 I brce Copies, tm ono yenr o.liO Four Copies, for one year, and one to Better up up of club a,UO Eight Copies, tor one yenr, and ono lo colter up ot club l.,LU Fourt en Copies, for or.o year, and ono to getter up ot clubj LU.uu Ad Jrcss. Tost paid. CHARLES J. PETERSON. No. Cut) Cliesinut street Phila., Pa. fiu5Specimcns sent to thoso wishing to gel tip eitibs. J7i Great Iiul'.iiu Jtcmetly. ' Bj thoroii.-h'y clean 111:; t'.i tlood, it raaiiully cur l.'.rrr l'nii! ulit. ronu!.". CoM. lu-ui-c. ft Iho K! 'ihv. i1ro,tT, Gnut, Isi.in d NV.-;i',ii-s, Jami'li, . Kh--cmutiim, Chill-i und i-iv-.r, l'lulii-ic. Croup i cl lliwu Hrenlbinf, lover S.r -4, L-rnipvUs ?-.lt i:h inn, Ncural ga, I. "i Appetitf, V'..r "it 1-i-iascu, I..-, C.-.:;i.-- .n r- l 'ui!u3, iaaamiii itici, t.cacr.d clka-v-li. 8DLD lt D::V)j:ti. . . J. P. rnLT, Ccn'l Agt. Kj. Til Arrii bU. PUlls. V. FIRST PREMIUM b. j. Of ex KIlTer Bledal WAS AWARDED TO DIDO FTTl t lilln DTP Trt nlTHr tS1 By tU N. II. State Aiir'cultu! KfIo(r. tu 1 air, huMci) in huu. be ft. -JO, loM. H A S R TP T A Tcgclablc Hair RestorottTe' llcctorct Grmy flair to IH Kntuntl Crtor t pro-mot-r tJi ic'rowth of Ihe Hair tl.anprt h root U) Ihi-tr ont:iuai -nrpniue action ( ersdt- . -TA cb-i I'MiHirua anu liumon i prrvtuu j w- jiiir laniiiK oui i m a Btiierinr Drfaamg, . lt ciintnitiB lio Injuiioim inprre-tlienta, Kim ia n m popular ann ru- a VVl able ankle thrmijrhoat Si 4W J-Mt,Wt,NorUi.aiid ?r H Ira -w R. BARRETT & CO., Proprietors,' MANCUESTEB, K. U. "TV..1 T . A TnX'XttT FOURTH STREET, twoUoore wet of Mather . , 4 Wiley's 8 lore, i- EMPORIUM, PENN A., Will give prompt alUutioo to all calls in the lineof bia profeiwion. i ' ! Einpor-cui July. IW7. UU