lh (fymnlj guluorafc. . Local nnd Miscellany. Var Tlmcut Mdgti-aj. Erie Express Fast 12.4.ri a. m. lu do West. in. do Mail East.,,. :lft p. in. do So West S:21 p. rn. Local freight East 0;40a. m. do do West 7;i0 p. m. Elk lodge, A. Y. M Stated meetings of Elk Lodge -w ill be neld Tuesday evening, on or before the full noon of each uiolitli, once every, two weeks thereafter. J. K. WHITMORE. Scc'y. I. 0. 0. T. The Regular meetings of Ridgway Lodge. No. 250, held every Wednesday evening ut their Lodge Room. II. A. Paksons, Sr., Secy. AGENTS TOR THE ADVOCATE. The following named persons are authorized gents for the Advocate to receive subscrip tions, advertising or Job work, take pay there for 'and give receipts. Wilcox. A. T. ALDBicir, J. L. Biiown. Kmkv-Frank W. Mkeck. Johnsonsburg. Isaac IIaoah. fit, Marys. CltAS. McVkan. CentrevlUe. IIomkb B. Leach, Maj. Burke. Caledonia. W. V. Smith, B. A. Weed. Bennczette. John iD. Babd, J. X. Bnows. Shawmut. John FarreRc Spring Creek. A. W. Ibvin. Highland. Levi Em.otiiorpis. Ilorton. D. C. Oyster, N. M. Brockway. WE ARE ANXIOUS TO KNOW. The Chinese tea plant is being very sue cessfully cultivated in east Tennessee. The recent taken census of Missouri shows k total population of 1,28.1,803. W'k in the United Stales are said to use 8G5,000 000 postage stamps yearly. Nebraska is giving all lUt public lands to railroads. It is a good thing for the railroads. A Paper suggests that parties addicted to the disagreeable habit of snoring, should dress their noses with clothes pins when thoy reliie. A printer has sued a woman in St. Louis for breach of promise, laying his damages at $5,000. Four thousand million pounds of rags are estimated to be annually made into paper in the World. Evkbt plain gill has one consolation though not a pretty young, she will, if bhc lives, be a pretty o'.d one. WHEN? " Macamoose " has cured numbers of cases vt Dropsy that have been pronounced pnst cure by physicians. It has never been kuown to r.iil. Kxw.CHCBOa, The Catholics ore erecting a church edifice in this place, on a lot generously doaited by Heniy Souther, for that purpose. It h to be a cotLniodimis ana nnu iuukv,.& build illg. New Factory. The SI. Ma:y's peoplo ex pect to have a woollen Factory. We hope they will build it, jid many other manufacturing in,ibii:ihments. It is a good point for manu f-.cturing; so is Itidgwny. To Cure A Fklon. When indications of a f 'luri appear, lake a piece of rennet and soak u in warm milk until it becomes soft ; then ap ply it to the part effected, renewing it occasion. Uy, and keeping on till a cure is procured. Manufacturer and Buu,rEr. A new monthly, published by Western j- Company iiT Park Row, New York, $1 60 a year. It is plciulM!y illustrated with engravings of everything new relating to Manafacturing tnd liuilding, and filled with useful and valuable natter. Send for specimen number which tiill cost only 15 cents. "WHY DON'T YOU ? Finv Ter Cent. Added All persons who failed to make their incoeme returns on Mon day. March 1st, are liable lo be assessed by he Assessor, according to the best informa tion he can obtain, and the law requires fifty per cent, to be added to the amount of tax. To appeal, from the valuation and ' enumera tion, can be made. The law requires every person suspected of being liable to pay an in- i-oiue tax to make a sworn return, whether he has been supplied with a blank or not, notwith. standing the amouut may fall short of $1000 which ii the amount exempted by law. At ho period, perhaps, in their life do young men need the inspiration of virtuom love and the Fympathy of it Companion as when they first enter the battle for their own support. Tal ly marriages are permanent moralities, und deferred marriages are temptations to wicked ness. And yet every year it becomes more find more diflicult, coucuirent with the reign ing idtas of society, for young men to cuter upon that matrimonial sta'e which is the proper guard of their virtue as well as the Source of their courage and enterprise JStechcr, Scketdiko Extra fob Boys and Girls. I is "well known that The Little Corporal, the briiliaat Western Juvenile, has a larger circu lation than any other Juvenile Magazine in the world. ThU hat been gMBed by real merit and enterprise. The Publisheni are enJeavorine to double their immense circulation this year, and haveJ umerunneu to send their Magazine free for three monthsJanuary, February and March numbers of 1869-free te every family who will send their address before the first of May, with four eenli in .lamps for return postage. These are intended as samples to those who are not now taking the Magazine in its new, enlarged form. Address ALFRED L. 6EWELL & Co., Publishers, Chicago, I1L WILL YOU DO ITf Semoontic vs. republican Figuring. EniTor Advocate : In your issue publishing the Auditor's Statement I find a.great error in the county Treasurers balance sheet and would respectfully call the attention of our horned Auditors to it. nnd as a tax payer would in common (villi others like l see it rectified. Tho following is the table as published : C. V. Giliis Treasurer of Elt County, in accmnt wiih the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for the Year liifiS. Jauuury 4tli 18G0 To atn't ree'd from Tav Licences $ 530 00 " do " do " do " do " do do do Liquor do Biewers plo 1'lat'g h's do Retailers do l'edlais do 25 00 3i) 00 80 00 552 00 30 00 $1250 00 do do do do do do do do January 4th 1809 By State treasurers receipts ' $ 105 CO " Treas com oc 1000 at5-jr ct 50 00 " do do do 250 at 1 pr ct 2 50 " Ballauoe due Cuuitnouwealth G08 44 $1256 00 And if they can make it ballanee short of $400 it is very strange. There must be a nigger in the fence somewhere. A TAX TAVER. An Exponaiva rakfaii. There seems to be a diversity' of opinion about one ot Cleopatra's breakfasts. It was the most costly breakfast that' has ever been served to a single human being. I will, therefore, tell what I know about it. After having partaken of Cleopatra's necklace, Mark Antony determined to de rise the costliest necklace ever given. After several days of astronomical weuL tat ions, not having found what l.o was lookiug for, he summoned his cook to his presence, und told him that if he could get up a dainty breakfast for a lady, which should be composed of as few aud as small dishes as possible, and, at the same time, be most costly, ho would tewurj him accordingly,- Several weeks afterward, the cnok en tered Mark Antony's study, and told him that he was ready to serve the dainty break fast asked of him, and that it was com posed of ono-Dliye only. At the nppnited hour, the cook entered the diningroom, followed by one hundred men carrying the olive in on artificial envelope) on their shouldeis. They deposited it on a table made for the occasion, and fifty carvers were set to work on it. After several hours of hard work, the triumphant cook placed the olive before the Egyptian Queen, who looked at it with amazement, still with perfect delight. The olive had betu prepared in the foU 'owing way. After having been stoned, it was stuffed with k lieh custard, then put inside of a bimed cauary, w hieh was used to stuff an oit.ilan. The hitter was placed inside a Loucd oiioel, which was used to stuff a thrurh, whir.h thrush Mnfled a boned lark. A. boned snipe ivas stuffed with the lark and plucl itiridc vi a robin, which na.3 used to stuff a plover, und which latter bird filled a quail, which was thcu placed inside of a pigeon. Tho p'geon fiiled & woo acock, ilie woodcock a putiidgo, tlip latter a grouse, (hs grouse a pheasant, 'the pheasant n chicken, the chickeu a guinea 'owl, which was placed inside of a gtose ; he goose filled a turkey, the turkey a swan, i he latter iiu ostrich which v. as usi'd to -luff a sheep, the sheep a calf, the calf au antelope, the latter a pig, the pig a deer, the deer a hear, the bear a heifer, the lat. ter an elk, the elk an ox, !he ox a hippopo tamus, the latter nil elephant. 'J he olive was then roasted in its envelope, which eu pe was ihrowu uway, ai,d the olive only was served. Alack Fwis. Iu crder to prevent the killing of fur seals, which are specially protected by "the law of July, 27, 1808, the S tcrelary of tho Treasuiy, to whom the mutter is in trusted, lias issued recent stringent orders, tor the execution of which u revenue of ficer, sustuiued by a military force, is to be stationed ou each of the isluuds, of iSt- J aul aud bt. Oeorge, in Uchnng's Sea, aud a steamer will cruise in their neighborhood. T!i; seals frequent in numbers only these lsiauus, aim their habits tnd tnndity are such as to make oeccasary the utmost cau tiou in dealing with them, or they would be speedily driven from the Territory. During the seal scasou guns are not to be fired, uordogs permitted uu the islaud, uor any proceedings that experience has shown apt to disturb the rookeiks, or fiighten aud drive tho animals away No person not a native of the islands will be permitted to land and remain their unless under au thority from the Treasury department ; and no stores dessined to be used in aid of seal huuting cau bo landed. Spirituous liquors and tire arms not belonging to the military are absolutely prohibited, aud any fouud on the island will bo seized. Ten sons killing seals will be arrested and sent to California, Oregon or W'ashing'.ou Terri tory for trial. No land claim, ou the islapd, unless prior to the treaty of cession, will be recognized ; natives to bo treated with the greatest kit;dne.s and consideration, and iu ca.-e the stoppage of seal huutiug is likely to create want among the n, food is to be furuished by the government. These regulations are to be euforced until Con gress shall make provisiu by law permit ting the auimals to be killed. Baldness, ciaynessand oilier imperfections of the Hair will- be regarded as inexcusable after a trial of Mrs S. A. 'Allen's Improved Kncw yie) jiair Restorer Dressing, (in one bottle.) Evry DruegIbt sells it. Price one Dollar. Henry Ward Dekcmeh made $10,000 last year, of which $12,000 was made by preaching and $28,000 by practicing various gills. HF. C. KRUMME, M. D., t-o. i. Office above store of R n r;iii Ohc. "' from 8 to 10A. M. end 6 to 8 P.' l.i8if, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS JglCKK&CAMEllON,- Leases ' of the Mines of the Kersey Coal Company . Miters and Shippers of. BITUMINOUS COALS! Of sapciior qualify, for OAS, GENERATING STEAM, MANUFAC TURE OF IRON, SMITHING AND DOMESTIC USE. Are prepnrod to receive Ordcts nnd make contracts for these well.kuowu coals. OFFICE, KERSEY, ELK CO., l'A. Kersey, Ta., March 12, 1808. vlnlTtf. GENTS WANTED A B03K OF GENERAL INTEREST TO ALL CLASSES REcOLLECTIOXSof a 7Ji(.y LItE. EY HORACE GREELEY- In one clrgant octavo volume of over 000 pages, well printed on fine paper, and illus trated with au admirable Portrait, on Slccl of Mr. Greeley, with pictures of his various Homes, his Farm, &c, Ac-, together with a beautiful portrait of Margaret Fuller, en graved by Liutou. Mr. Greeley has said of il : "I shall' never write anything else into which I shall put so much of mii-lf, my experiences, notions, con victions, and modes of though!, as these liccol lections. I give, whh small reserve, my men ial history." The book embraces views of early New England settlement, tho author's own youthful life, education, apprenticeship, suvvlitlircs, professional and political reminis cences, experience iu Congress, newspaper life in New Yoik, nnd much useful talk about farms and farming. It is a peculiar entertaining and valuable work, a look behind tho scenes during an important period of the country's history. For terms &c., address, with stamps C11AS. S. G It KEN & Co., Ko. 413 Chestnut Street, Philad'a. Pa. vlnlT lt. GENTS WANTED $10 A DAY. TWO $10 fl.WS FOR $4. LLOYD'S P t'cnt llci-jloinj JDouUe Mips Of Amei ica and Europe, Awcrica and the United Stales of America. Colore in J0U0 CoUnlies. Those great Maps, nowjusl completed, show every place of importance, all Railroads to date, and tliclale.it alierali 'ns in the various European States. These Maps aie needed in every School and family in the land the occu py the space of one Map, and by means of the Reverser. either side can ha thrown front, and any part brought level ti the eye. County Might) nud largo discount given to good Agents Apply for Circulars Terms, and send money for Hamplu-Maps, to J. T. LLOYD, vlulOH "3 Cortland Street, N. V. N OTICB TO 13 CILLERS. Commissioners of Elk Co., at their office in Ridgway on the Crs Monday of April next for buil 'iug a stable upon Ihejuil premises. To be a frame buildii.g Hi fret 'wide, L'J feet long Vi feel high ami ha veu stone foundation Proposals shall contaia i,ln..m ond cost of buiMi"K- J. K. P. HALL, vlnl 0U cicrk. GENTS WANTED. LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS OFFERED TO GOOD MEN TO SELL MACHINES. THE WONDER OF THE AGE, TJ1E FARMERS PRIDE, THE STUMP & GRUBBING MACHINE. It will do more work in one day than Ttm Men with grubbing hoes can possibly do, and leaves no roots or slumps to sprout up in Hie spring After grubbing with this Ma chine the farmer can cut. his grain or grass ihe first season with the Reaper or Mower. Itdoes its work effectually. Any person or persous desirious of making money, will do well to Address, J. ('., Dot 227, vIullfl- Uellcfonte, Pa. N EW STOKE. The subscriber horn Inn lie In ;., f,,r., il...:,: zens of Riilzwav ami vimniiv 1 1 . t i,. i .... j .. iic ii a c opened a store where may be found PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, TOILET ARTICLES. STATIONERY, FINE 'CONFECTIONARY, OYSTERS, ORANGES, LEMONS, in season. n,2Tl" J. R. PAIRD. A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN JUST published in a sealed envelope. A Lecture on the Nature. TV!.....!,. Radical cure of Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakuess, lnvolunlarv Kinivsirn fi....i i, bility, and Impediments to marriage generail. Nervousnees, Consumption, Epilepsy aud Fits' Mentul and Physical Incapacity, resulting from Self-Abuse. Ac... bv linl.uni T r..i . well, M. D., author of the "Green Rook," kiv. j. rice in eeaieu envelope, ouly six ceuls. The celebrated nnllmi. tn -i , . ...,, ... 1Ilta auiuiraoie essav. clcarlv demons! rut p iv,., . . i. years sucoeibful practice, that the alarming eonseoiienccs of self nbnA ma v.. i:..,. . - .....j w tuuiuniiT cured without the Use of ialernal medicine. or me application ot the kuife, pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer no matter what bis c,in,i;iin v. ' , uo, mioy cure . himself cheaply, privately, and radl. HrThis Lecture should bo ln i-u. every youth aud ev"" - handsxf l i . . - i ...an in IK. 1 1 J ' ' " O IU UU. ui.iih Hlld.'P Ban! 1.. a .!.:. . , "m cuviope, to anv address, postpaid, on teceipt of tix cents, or two post stamps. Also, Dr. CulverwelP. 127 Boweo-, New York, P. 6. Box 4,583. HHADELrHIA & ERIE RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. Thrrvtjh and DireH Rouie. between rhiUuleJphta, Baltimore Harris Iwg, Wnliamxport, and the G R EAT OIL HE G 102 of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT "sLEEPIXO CARS On all Night Trains. ON and after MONDAY, NOV. 2.rith, the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run as follows : WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia -10.45 p. m. " " Ridpway 8.21 p. m. Hirivc ni r.rio 11. oil p. Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia 11.60 a. " " " Ridgway...... ,. 3 34 a. ii ii arrive at Erie 10 00 a. llASTWAftf). Mail Train leaves Erie ,r..10.f.7 S. " " Ridgwoy fi.10 p. " " arrive at Philad'a 10.00 a. Erio Express leaves Eue (1.25 p. " " Pidgwnv... 12.4.') a. " " arat Philadelphia..,.. 4.20 p. m. Mail and Express connect with Oil Creek and Allegheny River Rail Rotd. BAG GAGE CHECKED THROUGH. ALFRED I.. TYLER. General Superinlende . JOHN G.HALL, Attorney at law, Ridg way, Elk county Pa.' mar-22'00 ly II ENIIY SOUTHER, Attoruey-af-LttW (feb2U'G8), Ridgway, Pa. A LPINK II0U5E, .ft. Mary's Pa., Her man Kretz, Proprietor. HigO'OO D pa. R. W. JAMES BEAK ELY Physician and Surgeon, St. Mary'B, Elk county mar 22' 00 ly. 17RAXK S. BARRETT, Attomey-rtt-Law, J Clearfield, Penn'a. Will proticc is Elk and Cameron courtics. scp0,'li8-y . IXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, BUI1PU3, I 1 nas. Warrants, &c, on hand and for sale at this cilice. CII. VOLtf, Manufacturer and Dealer . in Lagtr Beer, opposite tho Railroad Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. Mar-22'CU-l . JO. IN O. 11 A 1. 1. .....IAS. K. V. HALL. HALL & miO. Attornoyp- ni; Law ST. MARY'S : BENZINGER P. O. EI K. COUNTY, fA. September 20, 1800. ly. J. S. Bordwcll, M. D. Eclectic Physician- Jail, on Centre St., Ridgway, Pa. Prompt at tention win be given to all calls. Ottice hours : 7 to 8 A. M- ; 12 to 2 P. M. ; and C to 7 P. M. Mar. 22, CO tf. ri"MlAYER UOUS, JL RIDGWAY, TA. DXVib THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up n large and commodious hotel on Ihe southwest corner of Centre and Mill streets, with good and convenient stabling attached, respect fully solicits Ihe patronago of his old fricuds anil Ihe putlio generally. declU OO ly DAVID THAYER. HYDE HOUSE, RmowAY, Elk Co., Ta, M. V.- JIoore, l'roprietor. Thankful for the patronige heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, tho new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention to tiie comfort and convenience of guests, te merit a continuance of the same. Oct 24 18015. 17HANKLIN HOUSE, t? M. Mart's, Pa. LARGEY & MALONK, Propr's. The proprietors respectfully ask the attention of their friends snd the public in general lo their largo nnd commodious hotel. Every ni lent ion paid to the convenience of guests. II. LARGEY , miylO 13.JV1 y J. A. iuALON'E. IXCHANUEHOTEL, li RIDGWAY, PA. J. HALEY Proprietor. This hotel is pleasantly siluvfed on the bunks of Ihe Clarion River and Elk Creek, at the lower end of tho village, Mr. Healy will sparo uo pains for Ihe convenie.ee of his guests. He invites one aud all te give him a call and try his house. Sept, 17th'G7-ly. iSOMETIIINO NEW! Home, Sign and Ornamental Painting. f IIU SUBSCRIBER WOULD 111:. I speel fully inform the citizens of Elk county thkt he hiiB just started in the abovo business in Ridgway, and feel confi dent that ho can please all who may favor him with their . custom. 'GRAINING, PAPER HANGING AND CAt.Cl 1 IN INU DONE ON SHORT NOTICE AND IN THE rcost fashion able and improved manner and style. Orders left at this Office or at the Hanking House of Souther, Willis Jt Souther will be promptly at (euded lo. , , . W. P. WILLIAMS, May-l7'C(S-y. 'VTA I r.S, SPIKES, HINGE, P. T.CTS, locks, bolls, nud all kin. is ot builder's iniitcriiils in gmivral can be had cheaper at tho Si. Mary's Hardware Sloro than any other place iu Elk counrty. (n28 07) All orders for Stoves and Hardware will be promptly attended to as soon as received, at tho 12 07 St, MARY'S HARDWARE STORE. CARDS, Hill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Tags, Handbills, &c, done iu a neat niani;0r' and at the lowkst price, FOR CAJJi' !, the Elk Advocate Priming Ollioe. JF YOU WANT TO BUY CLOTUIA'G for the Million Ge to A. DURLAC1IER, DEALER lq CLOTHING 1 CLOTHING GLINTS' furbishing goods, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS, Ao. ST. MAllY'S, ELK COUNTY, PENNA-Jau218G81ypd y-HYMRS. SMITH HAVE IOW HEARD TUB NEW J? 5 to Lajateafnof, Mfs. Stfiitn. But I heard Mri. SandwieK, say to Mrs. Haoltlo'joom, that sbateard MrS. Spendthrift saj to Mrs. Stingy, tother day, that, as hows whefl nh was dowo to Ridgway seeing the sights, she called at Thomas' warorooms, and of all ifo sights she everet-er beheld, " tchj la ttle " sho says that that young man showed HvV tuor'n thirty different kinds of chairs, and I declare to" gowdnes's, if she didn't say that sho believe! every other one was a baby chair, and the Cribs for babys, why I they open ami shut just like doors, sola the day time they can' bo put away( And then the different styles of . BEDSTEADS, fABLES, BVttBAtT8, ANt WASHStAXDS, PR!NG-BEDS, why will you believe it, he said he had Loiinges, and Brackets, and Hat-Trees,- dud vtlmt do yoti call em's, that Come all tho way from Bo'stirig, only I don't believe no S'Jeh tufi as that. But, Oh ! my, that wasn't a begiu'ln of all I saw, but as this was the most wuiin Tul of any I thought I'd tell you. Cause if yo'i want to buy furniture,- tit any of your neighbors they can't do better than to patronine the establishment Of rlnltf. ash sash:: sash::: O DOORS ! DOORS ! ! DOOR ! 1 ! MO ULD1XGS ! MO ULDlKGS ! I MOC'LDIXGS! ! ! For etcry man vftici Is going to build si HOUSE. BARN, SHOP OR SHANTY. I hate on hand SASH Glazed or hot, of ail kinds, sizes and patterns. Also DOORS OF ALL KINDS, and MOULDINGS of every description from a half inch bead td a heavy crown or architectral moulding. BUILDINGS put up by the day or job, at short notice. LIME by the peck or load, always ofl hand. Any of t li e ttbove named stock en b'e seen or had by calling at the Furniture Warerooms of H. II. THOMAS, above corner of Main and Depot streets Ridgway, Ptt., who is the agent for the sale of thesamo. Sm2 SALYER JACKSON. LOOK HERE ! WATCHES, jfeWELRY A SILVERWARE. C1HARLES HOLES, Practical Watchma- ker, Jeweler and Engraver, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. . The subsciiber begs leave lo announce to the citizens of Ridgway and vicinity that he is prepared to do all work in his lino on short notice and at reasonable rates in (he very' best manner. Shep in H. S. Thayer's Store. Special attention paid to engraving. Ho has also on hand a large assortment of i-iochs. viatciics. Jewelry and Silverware which he offers for sale on reasonable terms. Give him a call. nev7'G7if. LOOK HERE! CENTRSVILLE TIN-SHOF TOUN WAPLE to the citizens desires to make known nf f ..... I . 1 . - surrounding country that he has taken the ol.r.. .......l.. 1 v . .. ...ii.n.iijr uucupieu oy n. J: Maioney, on "McCauley's Corner" iu Centreville, and thai he hopes bj paying strict attention to his" business and the wanis of his customers, to merit their patronage in his line. He Will Kc.ip on baud a large and well selected assort ment of JTin imd hrri-lfran Wixxi, of his own manufacture, which he will Warrant lo be of Ihe best quality. His stock consists of everything that is useful iu the tinware line about a house. I ask a fair trial, and if my work does not give satisfaction, my customers will not be obliged lo take it. JOHN WAPLE. seplOrtf. J. S. BORDWELL, M. D. KCLECTiC i-MirsMCItJt rphe word eclcotio means to choese I lect medicines from all the different schools of medicine ; using reme'i',e3 tha. . safe, and discarding from prictic. Vl me0U tern iti 6 a lmJuri0-S effect on the sy -tern, such as mercury, ontlmony Jp. re lirnr1!'0 V',e ,anoe-o oH bloodleftor, i?nr ? r -cploter, and equalise the circula. s i- J,,estore tlie 8'8tem t0 i(s natural suiie Dy alteratives and tonics. I shall here--itcr give particular attention to chronio dis eases, such as Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Liver complaint, Catarrh, Ne iralgia, diseases of the Jli rout, urinary organs, and all uiseases pecu liar lo females, &o. CATARRH I treat with a new instrument of a late invention, which cures every case. TEETH extracted without p ain. Ottice nnd residence Suo'th of the jail on Centre St. Office hours from 7 to 8 a. in : 12 to 1 p. m ; C to 7 p. m, Deo, 23X7-1, J. S. BORDWELL, A TTENTIOX MILL. O WNFRS ! 'IMIE EAGLE TURBINE WATER J.. WHEEL, patented iuly 30, 1807, is superior to any wheel in use. The under, signed have the agency for said wheel ia Ihe Slate of Pennsylvania, and can recommend it as belug the best manufactured. For further particulars, and circulars, inquire at ou Foundry in Kersey, where machinery, mill-gearing, castings and steam engines will be made lo order at reasonable prices. We eipeot by giving satisfaction in our work to reoeive a good share of puhlio patronage. J. F. ROBERTSON, Wh flo l'pny Tf nat'k happened, nf one died or (joiny get married t MATRESSES AN? LOUNGES i if. ii.TIlOMAS, Ridgway K HARDWARE JJEW HARDWARE STORE ! The subscribers have just 'opened ia ST. MARY'S A new and Complete Stock of Heavy & fi'U'if And will keep constantly oil hud gieitl variety of cook And nEATiKti tor ox Hit, Bar Iron, Steel Anvils, liellinft. AmV.'s Horse Shoes, Springs; Build-, ing Hardware, At'.tf and Piles of Evert .D'teriptitiit GUNS, PISTOLS AND CA KTlMlKlKiT, Cutlery, Tlated Ware ind Ilourt Furnishing Goods. Al kinds of Mechan ics' Tools! TIN TV-ARK Of every description, which vf i 1 bo solvit tfiB LOWEST CASH PRICKS. They Hatd also the exclusive i'oncy' iiir Ik Mary's for Hie IMPROVED ORfEftTAk BASE.B URNING CQAL STOVKft AND PARLOR FURNACE !' Which have feCeived Four l.i-i" CImss 1. miums at tho New Yoik ::.V!e n cr Fairs; Also, the Grew- K:lv,V Medal at the Fair of i'i Am' erican Institute, Jn-b!'. iu New York City, ls -v xney are i-erpetual Burners: .nly. ou' being required lo- lw- muiie auring Ihe bvuSjii. M. l'.KKivl' A, ''i. WM. II. COi i;l .; r.ov28'G7 ly PATRONIZE noMK -.MniTf-Sig, " FLOUR, FEED" fjl? GRAKJ. TIwuGXjb:,'l?:i''!,,c,-, J w M .... Lour of the Boat Qaantr and of their own manufauiuVe, M die luwioa market rates. , The attention of liiniln'rinnn.. Ktnl' .iVihtja is called to our iaciliiivs iW fuiM-. hltx them with . " FEED OF ALL A , A', cheaper than it can be Ui5 t ii other plaoe in the county. ... it"CAa Paid rn Giia-.k.-ji. j. . n i i;i,, , J. v. ityK... J. K. w iuVfiVnu; Nevembcr 7, 1807tf OU1S li. GARNER, PRACTTCAL 1! A r'nf 'TVr' Can be found at his FouiilVv us. ,.' where he is ready to have all shop. -..oik' in his line done on short notice. St. Mi v' Benzinger P. O . Elk co., P. myVfiH 1 7 OB WORK of all J done ot this office. LulTa ttlilf dtnUI'i- BLACKSMITH'S .CAttlfESTMIfS A.Vft joiner'a tool for sle.."' cheaper rlian the cheapest" at the St. Jlary'e llrd'wra 6tor (bWiftf.l GUNS. riSTOLS,. IfLKB, KNIVES pocket and tab!? cjleij, bf II . be.l quality and most proved JKnl rT cheap at the Havdwar. St0rw 0 I'. corner in 1. Mr ry's. B1" I ENVELOPES, LABELS & TVGS mil X Printed t th AdTat Jo"' ' JB1BL BLANKS of aU kinds for iali ai' tiui at net iymm - - . - .iDvocATi has the I n e J lie eouBty, and is th bei-