The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, March 05, 1869, Image 4

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Love ia an Almshouse and Singular
A correnpomloiit of Iho' New York
Sun, at Fouglikeipsic, N. Y., dated 2;M
inst., relates tlio following singular .Mory
of lovo in nn Almshouse niul wngular
Wo have had a (sensation in onr Poor
house n whsmI'ioii rivnling in intensity
the story of lVriiliole." Sonic months
ago n woman, squalidly dressed, but the
owner of a face singularly beautiful, was
committed to the almshouse for vagrancy
A little child accompanied her. I lor
manner, though coarse, gavo unmistaka
ble evidence of her former refinement.
Her voice was soft and melodious, nnd
her eyes lustrous and sparkling. She
was miserably poor, both in pttrso ard
dress, nnd appeared to have suffered in
past years much agony of mind She
clriuud to have once moved in respect
able circles, and registered her name in
a benntitul hand as Kloise liiontano. She
pcrlb' inc'd all her duties m the almshouse
i'aithfirly, and frerpient'y, in the evening
rang sonnets in French and Italian It
is reported that she was formerly an
opera singer of some note When spok
en to on the subject she gave an evasive
answer, and preserved a long silei ce.
Two weeks ago, one Clarence lJeau
most, a " Piqnillo," tatterd and torn,
hungry and forlorn, was commit ted to
the building on a charge of vagrancy
lie was possesseil of more than ordinary
intelligence, lint seemed to have been
embittered by the trial if life, and his
conversation wrs marked with coarseness
and profanity. After being in. the alms
house three days, he manifested a strong
attachment for Eloi-e, nnd sought her
company constantly, waiting upon her
with tho assiduity of a servant, and pay
ing her the most respcctiful attention.
lie soon gained her lieait and affections
Onu day before his discharge they had u
long interview, and separated with
mutual tears and caresses.
Nov, Mark the seipiel. Clarence Uoau
niont was discharged from tho poor house
on Friday morning, liefore ho left, the
pair had made preparation for an elope
ment. At 3 a m., E'.oise stole out of her
not, with her sleeping child on her arm,
met her lover beneath the cold stars at
the gate, and caielully crept away over
the siuiw. At 7 a. m they were seen
arm in arm. lloatiug down the Dutchess
county turnpike since which time nothing
has been hoard from them.
It no turns out that. Ji'oise had fallen
heir to some 830,00.) by the death of
a aunt in Adrian. -Mich., and that Mr.
ljcaunionis' attentions were paid with a
view of securing the money.
Fasiiioxaki.h Pi:i k;:on Fanny Fern
makes the following sharp thrust, at
fashionable religion : Our Catholic broth
em have set us, at least, one good ex
ample; their churches are not silent as
the tomb on week-days. Their worship
pers do not do up all their religion on
Sunday. It may be oniy for a few mo
ments" they step in through that open
chtirohdoor, oi a week day. to kneel and
lay down burdens too heavy cKe to be
borne. J like the custom. 1 should
rather say the remainder, and tho oppor
tuuity thus afforded them ; and I heartily
wish that our protectant could
thus bo opened. If licit Christians ob
ject to the promiscuous use of their vel
vet cushions and gilded prayer books, at
(last let aisles and tho alter be fiee to
those who need (Jod on the week day
for the poor, the tired, the tempted fur
those who shrink, in their shabby hab
iliments, from tho Sunday ixhibition uf
fine toilettes, ard supeiline Christianity.
Were 1 a minister, and obliged t preach
to paniers and diamond and satins, on
Sunday, 1 think I should have to case
my heart in some such way as this' to
make my pastoral life end'.irable, else my
ollioo would seem to mo tiio most hallow
of all mockeries. "The rich and the
poor met together, and the Lord is the
Jlaker of them all,'' should bo inscribed
out side my church door, had 1 one. I
could not preach to those paniers and
their owners. My tongue would bo par
alyzed at the sight of those kneeling dis
tortions of uomunood, bearing siah a
resemblance to organ-giinders' monkeys.
I am not sure that I should not grow hys
terical over it, nod laugh and cry at ti e
same breath, instead of preaching. I cm
never tell w hat vent my disgust would
take ;' but 1 am sure it must have some
escape valve. You may say such wor
uliippers (Heaven save the mark!) need
preaching to I tell you that women
given over to the devil and his works"
lire past praying for having eyes they
Fee not ; having cars, they hear not."
They nre ossified impervious; they are
Dead Eca apples, full of nshes.
A Washington dispatch tells tho fol
' lowing story about ('Jen. Grant and a
lady questioner on Cabinet matters:
A gay party was assembled at Gen.
Gr mt's resilience several nights ago, and
the ladies composing it formed a group
around tho great man of the mansion,
talking pleasant small talk for some time,
when one of the party, a spriglrly and
handsome lady, thought tho oppoi tuuity
favorable and tho General's mental guard
Kutlii'iently negligent to venture, in where
u'.her folks than angels have hitherto
toured to trend. 'Gueral,' started the
venturesome, fair one, ' now won't you
tay who you intend to put in your cabin
ed f 'The general paused for a moment,
while a battery of bright and anxious
eyes wore d'ueeted upon hini. llo sa-v
the critical naturo of his position, mid
that skill alone secured him a graceful
triumph. 1 Wei, Mrs ,' said lie,
witn a twinkle of humor in his eye, ' my
wife has asked me that same question al
eady, but 1 havu t told her yet. "
Which Kots Fihst? Of three kinds
of timber used for telegraph-wire Hup
ports, the chestnut poles decayed first, the
cuisr mx tb loan ir Mil tcnad.
Ohio thinks V ado will get a position in
Oriml'g Cabinet.
Uo.aton bus two potatoes on exhibition,
for which is nuked fc."0 ciieh.
On. Grrtnt, it is said, will re-instato. Gen.
Shormnn in coininand lit New Orleans.
At New Unveii, recently, n poor family
were discovered making a dinner ou boiled
(Jrnnt's salary for President will h nine
thntisnml dollurs moro p r annum than bis
present pay.
It Is roi.sidored cool to take ro-n's lint
with bis name written in it, simply beeim.-o
you want bis nntopraph.
The telegraph is it failure in Mexico.
The people steal the wires us fast us I Inj
ure put up.
A on leppil soldier nnd n oim nrmed
sailer have gone into partnership in the band
orpin business iu New Yoik.
Ijnito n iiimilKT of cnwitfrfrit fifty ihdlwr
'jTcenluicKs were llirowtliuto circulation at
New York lust week.
From 1MH to 123 North Carolina fur
i.isie'd nil the. puld jirndnci d in the l.'nitvil
States. I bo liL'r'Jiati' iif nil ber (Julil lelil
up to l!-'CG is !?'.), :UH), 000.
(Ji-oriP H. Twitchell, under gentrnee of
deatb fur the murder of bis motber-iii-hiw uf
Philadelphia, bus been denied u new trial.
Senator lloolinle is puns' to locate in
New York city, where lie will find bis uf
Unity in politics. No wonder be does not
like to iro buck to Wisconsin. Cowan
should locate in New Yo'k, too.
The wor-t feature on n man's face is his
nose whf n stuck in other people's luisio' ss.
llip paper into strong iiUini water, nnd it
will resist the action of tiro.
New OrleuiH markets arc supplied with
st i uw berries.
We in the United SluV.i are said to use
;hi3,(KI(),0li(.l fortune stamps yearly.
Rev. Charles II. Piatt, reel -r of Clu'st
llniseopal Church in Iliiiuhatntun, mi 1 Clinp
luin of the llnvnl Arch Ma-eus of New
York State, died a few days siu-.-e.
The Fourth National l!ank of Phila
delphia has probably pine up."
rinpir makiiiif has coaiinetice.1 iu Wyoin
in;; County.
The remain of Andersotiville- Wirz have
been delivered to bis f, lends.
The Maine SemiW has p i-sed a bill allow
ing physicians to ohtiu sabji-etsfur tlissee
iioii. The Chinese in S.m Fruneisen nttinpt d
to soiz.t n newly arrived curo of their eoua
tiy women.
Martial law liM b-M'ti declared iu (,!ile
eounly, Iviuieijee, and 10) iai!ilia have sent
Complaints are male that t!n American
li.-bi riie-ii are so thick in the IJ.iy ol Finely
ih;;t the Cuaadiaua tiud uo rooia lu ca.-t tueii
nets. (ieneral IbiaslufT. the H'.nz' tf Peninark's
Mini.-ter of War, lirsr-s t!i sale of tlie
liani.-li We.-t Imlia Islands to the United
states. .
'I he woods in the r.eiirhhoibood of Camp
bell Court House, Vi pnia, lire beiiii ravag
ed by n vi ry extf n.'iv. lire, wl.iub is m'ao
doiiii' ih.rnap' to the t'-i eirjj
John Delvia, the revenue swin Her, par
doned bv Ppsiuei.t Johi son, i so ii! wilh
siiiull-pux thiit he caeiiot leave th Aibany
Penitentiary ut jiffseiit.
Iirtre imtnbers of converts to the Cut'iolie
CliHich are reported iiiiioag the negroi s of
the fro'ltli.
New Yorkers no-.v talk of a tubular iron
Mililiel under ea-t rivtr to coulieut ti.elil with
The Newport police arr-'sted a blind mid
dei r pid lie'pin oth r day, and found
.Jl II! in pdd o:i bis per-un
A je dous wife ia R ,n Francisco dressed
hi r-elf in in do clothe, tin" l, tter to follow
mi l w itcii a ' iv h.iVoau 1, aad brought up in
the srntiou boiue.
The average reminds of the boys who
sweep the ci osv.u-.'s of ibe London t-iieets
:Te trotn two to loi:r sh.iiiitiL's a d:.y, but on
holi-htys they ei.rn much inure.
A negro prl, in Lou'svillo, in revenue for
ehusti.-emelit lit her mi.-lre-s bands, oil 'I iiurs
day, poured 'ye down the thru it of the lady's
-on, a child oi two years ot njje, and caused
his death.
An amendment to our Constitution has
lieen proposed deci.o itiir t li it whenever the
Piesidei:tii;l election oei urs. f he til ate dee
lion sba'l bo he'd upon tiiat day.
It is said in Washington that Hairel Pratt,
the bi;r Indiana renator. has di enb d that
none of (lie .S -nato chirrs are stion enouli
to hold bin), so that tie contemplates having
one made on purpo-e, of iuimeu-o strentli,
with "ample room mid verge enough.'' H
is also binleil that Mr. 'unmer will oppose
this as establishing un iin ipiaiity, nod us
dangerous precedent. He will introduce a
joint resolution regulating the size uud eulor
of all Senators.
(Jen. ll"iiohls has been for two days before
this KecntistriC't ion '('iiininittee jriinir evi
dence in relation to i. flairs in Texas From
!ns ntaleia -ut it appears that the lawlessness
and violence which prevail there have been
.greatly underrated, lie says that hundreds,
of iiiiudi r have been ei iiiinil ted anil nobody
punished, lu answer to th Committees in
quires be suge-ted the proper remedies to
bo applied, among which the removal of
srmo officers of rank who liavo been btation
ed there.
The speech ma le by Marshall Serrano
at the opening of the Spanish Cortes on
Thursday, is such as has rarely been
heard in that country, and holds out
fresh ground for hope "that Spain will im
piove her opportunity, nnd come from it
strengthened in every particular lie
recommends that Spain shall pattern the
progress of other countries and construct
herself anew, and coir:scIs economical
legislation The radical liberalism adopt
ed in religion and education must bo con
solidated The rebellion in Cuba must
be conquered by reforms, and slavery ex
tinguished. These are advanced views
for that kingdom, and sound anywhere.
If they represent tho opinions of tho
Cortes, nnd if lliat body caries them into
effect, the Iberian peninsula is at the
dawn of a brilliant a day as its history
has ever known.
Ir is very evident that, while the Di mec
ruey intend to opposu impartial manhood
sull'rapv they will do wlmt they can to iden
tity themselves with feniulo suilVnge, so
hereafter we may expect to bee uml hear us the
champion of lleiaoera'.ic candidates, the
ablest of our lady orators in the land, who,
as a matter of self advancement in polities
will be compelled to uttuch themselves to
tbflt OrdDiastioc
Tiir 'Skvkns" op Human LIfb. ncieutly
a child was not mimed before 7 days Dot be
inif accounted fully to hne liTe before thnt
periodical day. The teeth spring out in the
ith mouth, niul nre shed nnd renewed in the
7th year, when liifuney is changed into child
hood. At thrice 7 yenrs the faculties ao de
veloped, manhood commences, nnd m.,n be
comes legally competent to all civil nets.
At, four times 7 u ninn is in full possession of
his strength. At five times 7 bo is fit, for
the buouoi-s of the world. At ei. times 7
he becomes grave nnd wise, or never. A:
seren tin es 7 lie is in his iipogee, nnd from
thnt deciiys. At eight times 7 be is in bis
first climacteric. At nine times 7 or 03, lie
is in bis griind climacteric, or year of (buignrj
and ten times 7, or tbn o snore yenrs nnd ten,
lias by the l!oyal Prophet been pronounced
the natural period ol human life,
The Israelite, the organ of tho Hebrews in
Cincinnati makes tho following suggestion:
"In order that we niny have n day of rest, a
he At. Sahhiilh, which can ho observed by am.
Israel, we propose to adopt that duy, which
is set apart by hundreds of millions, nny the
hole civilized world, for physical rest nnd.
the worship of Ood. Let our prayers nnd
thanksgiving wi'.h theirs, osccud to His
throne on the same day, Sunday.
To Curb A Hon ok Siikkc TjpI
him see the sheep he has killed; in his pres
ehce take of the pelt, fasten it tightly around
him, uml make him wear it from one to three
days Wo think you will never be troubled
liy his meddling wilh sheep uguin. Kx.
Wo think u belter remedy wuiild be to
t!.o the dog's skin and fasten it tightly
around n in boine prominent place, aa a
warning to other dogs.
I'E TlllSUN't M AGA21M-
Tlie ctt cr.d Chtopttl in Vie 7erU
rj'MllS pnpuhir Monthly Msgazine g rrs mort
1 fii r the money thnn nny iu the world
lor U;(i, itwiil be greatly imp.oved. It will
run nin :
(.me ihiuisand pngis,
four. con Fiikinlid slr-el plates,
Twelve manimot'i fashion plates,
Twelve cidered Ueriiii patterns,
Nino hundred wood cuts
Tneiily-foiir pnges of Muic!
All this will be given tor only TWO I.'OL
MI.S n year, or a dollar less, than Mtigaziues
of ibt class of I'eleis.m." lis
Alt- ilie list Tul.l.sbed iinywii re. A.l the
most J i.pu'ai- writers are employed to write
o. igin.iliy t"i- IVtcrsoa. In lbC'J, in addilion
to l!f i.sinil iruaniity of hl.cit stories. Feur
Origin .1 Cory-right Jv'ovcliMirs will be given,
vii : Maiii AMiunciie's Tiuisimin," by .Mrs.
Ai.ft S Sftepbeiis ; ' Tlie Mystery of Ulnuk
wood Gra;.g,'' by iho nutliur of '-Sir Noel's
Heir;" " Katis's winter in Wasliing.on," by
Kiaiik Lee l tn. diet ; and the " Siory of Mag
gie," by the iiuihnr of 'l.-!iisv I.'s Di.ivy."
Ahead o alloihe.s The-c piates are en
gnivid en steel, twice the usual size, and ooa
laiussix f 4Hi cs. Thev will be sapei lily ci.h.r-
ed. i Ito, ii pattern, 1 rum which a dress, Man
till.1. orehill s dress may he cut out, w!nih,U
il. e aid of a loanl ei iiialri'. Ain, scverftl
niges of h.uis 'he! 1 and othe reoeipis ; ijt
rburt eveiyilung :i.-lorcslirg to Ladies.
Superb ViiKiiinH Enn-rarlnr
1m every person yelling up a club for lioj'J
will be smt O UA I l.s, a copy of cur new Rnd
.-p'riid.d .lez.)i-.iit i,r rVmairig. (sizut inches
Iti,) Tin.' Biar of fieihit'heai,' al'ier ti.e eele
liruivd noisier piece of O .roa;e, the fannies
French ai l ist. 1 his i-i llio rno-l di'.,rab'.e pi e
lain:.! ever ollci eil. For in :? cii;V, will tn
si'.'ii beluw, an extra copy will te st-uc in 1
Uinou. TCHM5 Alwhys in sdranc :
One Copy, one year ? 2,0'j
I liree Copies, for one year o,O0
Four CopiuS, lor one cir. and one to
geitcr up up of club 8.00
Fight Cop es, lur , ne year, :i;.d er.e to
geiier up of eli.ii 12, CO
Foui t :eii Copies, for oi.r, and on
to geiier up of elu'b CO,C0
Address Tost paid.
Xo. Soli Ctiestnut !iel Poiia., T.
tf Speciiuens sent to those wi.-hii.g to get
up cjulis.
" A l?'oailry if fault inn, J'frn$ir, ,
jutti v.rti.n."
A saippleinent eonraiuirg iiuinerniis full
sized p uterus of useful nnieles Heoompniim
the fia,er eviiy fortniglit, and occasionally u
i-IefS'iut Colored Fadiion I'lit.-.
IIaki-kk's IiAZMi cn mains 10 folio pagft ot
the size of 11a, i ih's U:tiLr, priineJ on u
pertiuo calendered p"ptr, and is published
Critical Xtitirrs if t e Prrss.
Harper's Kaziir contains, besii'ns pictures,
patterns, etc., it variety of inntter of especial
use and iuleicst lo ilio family ; nitieK-s on
health, dress mid housekeeping in all its
brandies ; ils eJ it rial m.-ytcr is especially
adapied lo the eirclo ii is inlet. J. d to interei
and instruct ; and it has, b"sidcs. rood s.olie
and literary noiiler of uierrit. Jt is not sur
prising that llie journal, with such fc'tmres,
lias acliieved in 4i short time sn Fit i
cess ; for someiliing of its kind was desi'ed ia
thousands ol families, and its publishers limn
tilled lh deiiiauil. A"'u York llvrninj 1'vst.
Whether we consider its chiin.s as baed
upon I lie elegance and superiority of the
paper, its typographical appearauee, iho Usl
and jud;eiiieiil displayed in ibe enj'rav.ngs, er
tho lileraiy conn .but ions ciutaiici iu its
pnes, we uiilo'. italilily l-rououace il to bt
superior in each ami every particular lo uy
otior similar publieaiiuu hei or abroad.
I'nt'a A ijul luitlhiffiiter.
We Know of no oih.'r English or Amerieaa
journal oi fashion thai can pretend to approach
il iu eompictinvss nnd vaiieiy. A. 1. 'Hint.
It has the merit ot being sensible, ofo nvey.
ing inst! uetion, of giving excellent pal term
in every department, mid of being Hot-hp j
wilh good leading matter. II'u;c.mii and Jit
Ilirii-j Tuiro'iJ yei'1 51
Weekly, or llaz irr will ho upplird gratis
every club o: five Subs.'i ibjis at $i 10 ao
iu one reuiii lance ; or six copies f. r J"-0 0
t-'ubiorijiilo llo llarpi r's MaaziLe, Wet
and P.azur, lo one addreEs lor one ye
$10 0) ; or, ivo of Harper's Perlodicali,
one address for one year, $7 0U.
Uack Numbers can bo supplied at any time.
'i lie postage ou Harper's Bazar is 20 cents a
yea.-, which u-uat be paid at the.kubecriber,s
V Subseriptioui gent from British North
.uiericau Provinces must be accompanied
iili 20 ceutk additional, to prepay Uuiled
States iiostape. Address
iiAhPER & BROTHERS, New York.
C. B. GOUID, Editor,
office ix ran court house
n:n.MS of sunscmrTiox:
rosTrRS of any size,
Our facilities for doing all Linds of Job
'riuting are equalled by very few cstublish
ents in the country. Orders by mail prompt
led. All letters should be addressed
And how ttiey t.lved, Fonuhl find DM fr tnn Cnton,
Willi Sci nn nnd Iclrlenin In the (Irent Iti'lielMoii.
Comii.l-lnp inrnilvps nf Pcr-omil Adventnrs, Tnrlt
Iinir Inridrnt!) I'nilti'.' Exiilelts llerole Heed- Wen
d'-iltil Ki-enp , Life In trw (1,-nip. Field di d II ipptml.
Advi inure, of fr t -s nnd sciiiiih, wlih io M-np". Hot
lints. Aiierdolea nnd Iliinio Ini-lilenlK ol il e Wnr.
It cer.tMln liver 10:' fin,. Krii'iivtied rnd Is t be fTal
rt Mill rlieiippsi w:ir bunk pull 1-tiiO. J'lleeen'y ti."0
pern. py. Smil Tor iienhus nnd see enr teins. nnd
(ii'l de-i r'pilun nf Me, wirk Addre NA'l ll'N AU
)'l Ill.tlllMI . IMiieid-ljiliis, I'a.j llnt- Latl, Ohio;
elil'iij;". III. ; or Hi. I.uis, Sin.
vitKi'MtfM nr in, r. m.,
riiiLipri.rmi, li.
Thi greatest kinvn rcmtJiei for
LiTer Complaint,
llcr70in Debility,
' D-seasca of the KMneys,
E3UPTI0H3 of the 8EIH,
RMfl nil DUrnxf vlln from n Dis
ordered lsl'rr htnmnrh or
iMt'uitnr or ran nr.oop.
.vfff tUt w?0"'' ryrfft'n, ntnt if yf ftirt th t
ymir in -i.TrVit l-'j 'tny tf i'tm, ycti wiff rntt
ll 'ffti ii'vuM r- rn)ti.trn-i i't nttifK' f iht
mt it:tfijnt nr'iint of itur hntit; nml uwl ""
rhf'-k-'i by ft n.t fftwrf nl r'''', n In'waltt
' Ui'tnin.iinj in J t',fit it. II b', t i rt&ult.
CnwtipnUon, F1nMilinno, Tnwnnl Piles,
FuhiKNsof BIoo l to Hi IloA'i. Acidity
of tha toMiR-rh, JV:r.ipii, lloiirL
bnrn. D NciMt 1 v IiVkhI, IuIiioms
or Voifit in ttiu sSt'iniiidh
f5t.-ir t ri.itf uti'jds, Mnk
in? c mlteriMK: k- tins Pit
of iho btomod, Hwirnnnnrr of
tli H'VuI. ilt rrp I or D.UJ'iuH
JirvMithiti., i'liiM' at the Ileurt,
Choking or S'uT-u'Viiust; l?oufi..t'onm whuC
in I.i i"!? lJii.'.t:tr, l.'iir.n'jna uf ViRtou,
J) : or Wuhn be?oro th iJijcht
Dull P.iin in trm Harl,
cii-n 'y oi lrvir tiu:i, Yol-
!o'.vi:Mt of Uiij bUin furl
Eoa, i'A.n ii toa &io,
du F.u 'th ot IK-ftt, IJ.unuii? in
1h Flerh, C '!' nt J :n;isini uks of
Eti1 rinil .Jr-rtt Ijprt!i'jii if Spirits.
AU tUte i'flicn't iiV,ir nf lh I.tvr nr !igttlii'
Or0-jnft r',i-i.( (ff;,'i i-'ij.ii i ti'tjoj,
CooSitnyo Cvnitiin Cttt;n
in f1 1 i-r I ' irgr( nlilt, mR roninXnn tit
I j sr. J is t t:t piit vl T Kls Itl Kx
Itncla. Tm" n io; , i i .!, niul lin rim
rioui whtc i tiwfte -itcl nif iiule
hit ciiiRfn-,1 l; ri Ail Iho
mrtU ti t 1 t-t f vr rxii .(fd Cniiii
tUru hy n mv n : tr t it .ttfu' 'VUrc
rkiii'.-ln irr luru O.y n yl il tn IliW
CtMiii:ry t rii,rly for l:te
in is w c t i f T i lifK f 1 f r r.. 'J' liri c
Ik no it Ic:it: ic si it ; it ?r ut any kluil
t In c ;E ;jom m; t :i it Hi ! i er
lie n it Si 1 i'.4t tr: Oiifr 14 iS'Rt vun
If II C III t'Naf i V I";l'f H I f t Ill! 1C I. ill
. l)jo';i.i;'.y:i 0:ri.Ki co.'.ic
iV ft cm'.'-'fi -ii i-i -i V- in t:
.. 't yvv.k i t'fu: .V.-., ('.
(.'(- 'f.ii ft .' iiii.-f
jt.jiv .'.-''('. i i t tf-i u r- i
ptnt i ; ui t. rr.f-.'i'i . r- t
c-iy ! ! t i.' i f-r t':.
Ii t'.tm '.ut!' j t-;-n ': !
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it:' (. I '-( it i tf " if . .' il n f 'ur !n lul.
i'l, t';(i i.' ' (lii ''.. rrii,tf (.'. g -'vi iH'iUci'tliil
y i.'i. in h ire cnutti it it- k.i-n:u i te t!ate.L of
T lioi ! ct (if r b a w it -1 1Ut pn
I It-til tt;tp'f (1 i.u wuu ftrtitvttil 1 1
t if tf M'i Ki v (!lru.if, l-rivf ttr i r u re tl
li' t ih at l !f ".r t'vim'Ji Kslcrme
riiiNf Ia l r I : yt ui i iu:i nre
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c'M o ! i ii' fir f!iftrti.c a l):r
il i ; i iM'fi" t . k v : I it t-n -!
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v 1 1 1 ii f'.'Ktiitl Ol tin.' tfrr:l t lifiir1:t
iivu 1 ii in ut 1 in v imai i iiy.
T. rr it n-) wt-iicin fff.I - ffrtl'vV (7rm-fn
P (iTi .ir ?' iV m .-(iit t.f ii-liti';;. "t'-j i.tif -tri a
tH .'ll-i ';. '! '. W'l '", J.'f ri,. 'i' Uf
).'i, fj." .in n'my.wu' if i f -U 'Ti-'Hr ,'.
'-') I 'i "'ij'ft f'-iy f i ih ;;ir tt ffmf,
t,;-At ',f;'iy r-.-i ,'tJt-n, fi.tiirlfi v iH tin j
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!.'. yrfirtti f,fA d 'iJf.,-iJvu'i'J, enuuiA'S'l wtuk.
V.--ak rati r:cl:c.-il2 Children
i r.t y i.Uuv. ; y I'.in t Ur i r
l . ; . ; a. J , i v y I n m Iv
x, . c.i ! . mi i !: ia t il
ti . -i ,f ; .hi fi-iy lo i t '.ii'.l liiir
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Ml a I.. Mi! j ltiiv(.
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I' IoilI I'll I'J Uci fl
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I'" V - 'r-.rfti ' :n I n t. (',' -m Ii ' y h-it-
;. ';' ' ' .-.'. t.;.:--(ir, mii ti'i m.f.' ivii'j
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I. nil tm n lu(r Ui nntl
ft .i fiu.iji.n,.,!,, A-rr fi'ii:t a -ilv-
i i -4r m u,i ia ) I . tr iMhH ;i i r iti t-ni
..ti;il i.r iii-e i r nn-tl : r uvcm.imi
t. 1 1 y , I' r 1. 1 i- I :t , i" i" tV it 1 n !r v, rnt
i:r I i .., v ill I'fbltli lu ,)Ulli-
lirtjf tj r ik itl iliitiiiiiii v.'.ttki.
c k u -t inr;,
fi ith'rrft't?rt.
nf fill, I
ft nifi
"tt'l it l.t'-tu;t t.
' )ttu ut nt IvMrs I'-nvr lircii rr
tihul.ifftiijiiifjoiuf vin ucuf iliuc
rt iu i t in.
HutM u-v. UUD. w. wo ;ivai:i,
.i.'f Jii-l' - t-f llir tiMcn (' t jVitict IvkhU.'HIt, M.irtt II llliti, lMiT.
'-T.;7 .. Bi'trn is if;i iufnr
IP f..
it rt
ut t tt t--. ' torn-:'iil tiff
,t ').', 'j.'f.u irti'i'i m
ft tt if utLilt y if.i v'.t!
wi n. ia uc.'ii H in (An
i,t:t.K . iiiU MM iil,
YiX M !!OV. .1 yY. Til Mt'?ON.
Ji: Ijt- tif t!i Sii.tfitir Cuiii i nf I's-miixi h tiii i.
IVf'MI'.I.IM'M, AIM; II. J - i 1 1 . C'.
I cone' !'?.' Ui)i.Piia r. Ct-i ittnii liit
Ir'.' !;( .'. ncii'iV.ii.'lu i iiir nf tl
l k .' 1 ivl ifs.; :oti tii i-it';iMH, 1
rnil ci(U I'iiimi m riprllt'ucc
i il Vuut v. t: l l r v
.i.lJir::- i lit ii(V.
iv. .in n::v.jiW.:iMi n k):nnai:!, h i.,
r.i tii ii.c "iViisii inj'ii-t ciiiuvii, iM:ii .:.!...
I'k .!n km ik in : '.iw r tftru't: r.
; '. -t i t: r: t-t'ft tu j '(" l' i. r ''ii inv'-tfi-h'x if
1 ' .' " i'"'i'' it. ft. '!. rt. i ifidiif Hit yruriirt
, fuf . my (ii;riJ' t'in'f .),. rr, I iirt in it'l r ifts iie-Uti-J
; hut it".') i (',' jiro in i .triitin in Ainrrftnui
l ir n ',nSi ii v 'j ntnit (' lutiiy.if i,' ; n.-ff'it. nf ir,
it -f itri's titruwu liit; :', r-it't i-r .a ffrmu my 'ii-irf, t., p.'.nsss iu- ft-.' r-u.i i -n' tfmt f.i
Cf-.ittnl 'I'-I.i'ity - I" tli fct"iil. :Hit (-i(',t il f .- Jjvvr
ii",'ii;il, it i n - ii.- Hi:tl v.ili:il! i f p ti at i n. l,
tniur Kt. it in tf ,ii ; iiti 'i.-ut -7 ', tiintt-t it.t, it irili
It rei i Uwji'iiil la that vim sntrrr Jfom Vit ubovt
cu ttci. 'our$, rrt'y ivvcYii'fii,
J. u. Ki:..XAiin,
J-.hih, idvw (Statu Si,
Veto? of tho Bitter, 61.00 per bottle
O', a half dosou for
t'rioo of tho Tonio, $1.00 por bottle j
Or, a ball' dozen for (7.50,
riu T'rtilc ia put ii. In .iui t l.t!l.
AVr-i,V.i an' it it Hr. r-.f.mi (Urman Remtttiti
Ih it Hit $0 MU0tStilty usrti unit ,u Uifihi rconumt ud-
t ; ami dn n alimo the It, w:it tn 'iwlmt ym to
titkt ouy tUtutf rht that Uf may juy is jHt an Pxi, 6.
cans U umkr$ a iur-ti- prufti on it. Thut Jime(if$
win U tnt 6y rj- to any locality ujnu ajiicaiinn
V0.OU AllCil S TKEET, niladetphia.
CIIAB. liL EVAN 8, Proprietor,
Forme:lj C. U. JACK30N 4 CO.
Th Hcmctlle r Tor m by
Oriil.iii, biorikrriirm, aud Meiti
cin ivcmlvr vi Httr
The Last GrMirr Success.
(ray or railed Hair is quicKly
restored to ils youthful color and beauty,
and willi the f;r.4 a; 'plication a
leauliful gloss and delightful fragrance
is given lo tlia Hair.
It will cause Hair to grow on Bald Spots.
It will promote luxuriant growth.
FaI.MXG HAIR is immediately cheeked.
For Male bf nil Drupelet.
I)t:i"OT r-morwl from Or, enirich St. to
C3 liarcLiy Hi. k 40 l'rk i'lacc.
Till: LA IA"8 FRIEND. -Splendid
I idiui mniti to Subtcvibrrs.
riIIK r.mly's Fi icnil .iiitiuuncps the rollnwinj
t Norclcts for : ' Bolwoeti Two."
liy Kliznhetli lVp-eott, nutlinrof ' How a wo
nnin hiul tier v:iy ' c: The pf'17.0 nf Two
.Mimi'h I.ivpo," by Almnndn M. Douglas, nuthnr
of ' Thi Dclnii-i-y Fortuno " &e.; nnnw Nnvi'lfl
hy Louisa Clin inllcv Monlioti, iiutlior nf
Fli'cing from Fate." &c; and a .new Novtl
hv Mrs. l'ciiiy AYonit, tlio ilistingii:!ieil
I-'ugtii-li NiiTflist. millior of " lvist l.yinic."
c. (uiittK Mrs. Woo.l is )iroYiTiicl wi iiin;: it
ny ill iipit;ii -wjiii nr.iiii'i-nus nuoi-irr yioi-ici jf
liy a Iii-iUiiiiit ff:iluxy nf lndy writer.
The Ijiiil.v's Friend will p vc a linrly cxociit- 2 Su-ei Fnpiavin;;. 11 liiiinl-i.ine doulU'-'iirrp, A
: 1 u 1 v cnloilil Knsliioii Vliite 0 jrnivo.j "isi
tiH'l uml n lurre nsyni-t turrit of WikkI Ciii, J
i:!ii.tiiiiiii tlie l-asniuii!, I aiu-y Work. ,jo. 111
every ininitior.
It will ?ive a iopnlnr pieec ofT.lns'o worth
tl-.e potI of tUu lnagfii-iiie iu iiscll in every
ii'i.utivr. .
A envy of ('ic I-iircn nml liniitifnl riroiii'i: m
tci 1 J'.niiiMviii;; ' Tlia son of lio'ne at Sm,"
piii iv'.-il vxpressiy-for our read'M's ill 11 et
for 1I10 ctiii: viii" alone of nenrly SH'OO I win
lie iH'tir. to every lull S-."!!! mli
M'l ilicr, ami in every person ceii linj on a clul)
! lis enjrniviiij; is 11 gein of Art.
ti& 1 ' New Suli-cr lii'i s. M;irk This Hi v
.""'uliscrih'.rs wtio send in tln ir nnnies fur .-i::l
lipf jri! the first nf Xnvenili"!-'. 'eliatl 1'Pcmvc lln;
Novi'inlur and lieeemhev niinibeis of this year
in iiihlil inn, in.'ikin;t foiirlecii niunlhs in all.
Ami all new subsi iiliers fur lSii'.l jhall rei eive
the majinilieient Duttemlier Ilolidnv liuiubr,
inaliing tliiitcuti liinnlhs in nil.
11 C"1'1 d the urge 1'nfinim
graving J
I cojiics,
5 " ami one palis..
,S ' ami one gratis..
One din' each of l.alv's Friend
I','!, ami rii'iuiniii I'liirravin?.. 4.(0
The poller up nf a elnh will' ahv i vs reee'.vo
a copy of the Premium F.ngrnvinjj. Mi'in
Ik'IM of a (lull wishing the l'remiiim Ka
graviiifr tiiii' t remit one dollar exlrii
J:V!" t;p?c-.tntii copies sent prat is.
Address, I'K AC'iN & I'F. r.-MlPOX,
C1U Walnut Street, l'liiladelp
ii Wfl
WILL CL'PS it ?&
Cnilis & Fever,
Fev:r Scrss,
All jllooi t?,ist3;f).
Cfln'I Agmt,
So, 711 AIM'Il KT.
Q Wright secured.
J. R. BARRETT Ic CO., Proprietor!
Ii tr Street, Lock Jlnoen, Peina.
Manufacturers, Wlmlesaln and Ketail dealer
in all kindii of (iraiu.
Platter trou,,tl i 'ho Stone,' ;.t U.e tlnd
' notice.
AUoidem il! receive prompt attention
F I o u r, F c e d, and 1' 1 a $ 1 0 r f
.: ...I-
-',) 1
a 1 I
1 m
wxxm m
jC J) V.'ii (tut-lili-a by tho N. 11. Olto I bU 0 '
y iul I now toittrtilvvl 1.V tilt- J lie lu t.' a'
ii W l iowruifou l c l.ct loriitp u r.1
IA Gray i,r l'j;.-.l lljlr tr lncilHtM 1 color; f j
P-Vianl'J lu-'!i, t-rr.i'irpiiiis I'll- f'VJ
TCi -f Won tuJ ilnntlvuii', ami Pr I'rxsKnr
n 1 tlw lli ir. Il U(nt j ts $
X.v1 Uwri volvnir.i drum, &ts not V.j
LoV Utvta. Fuu ''