The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, March 05, 1869, Image 2

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Subject to the decision of the alepublicnn
Slate Convention.
The inaugural of Geu Grnnt, delivered
on taking tho oath of office ns President
of tho United States, Till be read w.rh
pleasure by all who confidently looked to
hi in as the vindidator and supporter ot the
great principles of the party which elected
him to his proscut position. lie starts out
boldly by saying that lie did not seek tho
Presidential office, which is the truth. The
President next alludes to the necessity of
collecting the revenues and harvesting the
publio resources, declaring in the same ron.
nection thut ho will not admit any but
competent and honest men iu the public
service. If he succeeds iu this, he need
do no more to render his countiy immense
service ; and if he rids the revenue service
of the thieves who sre now fattening on it,
and declines to appoint men as bad in their
stead, be will not have Glicd half his first
term until the reduction of our debt and
taxation will astonish the world. For the
payment of that debt the President pledges
himself, emphatically declaring that every
dollar of it must be met. The ease of the
Indian tribes is discussed iu a manner
which will result in legislation ultimately
to admit , them all to citizenship of the
United States.
Of suffrage he speaks as follows :
.The question of suffrage is one which is
likely to agitate the public attention so long
as a portion of the citizens of the nation arc
excluded from its privileges in .my State
It seems to me very desirable that this
question should bo settled now, and I en
tertain the hope and express the desire it
may be by the ratification of the fiiiecntli
article of the amendment to the Constitu
tion. In couelu.-ion, I atk patient forbearance,
one towards another throughout the. land,
and determined effort on the par' of every
citizen to do bis share towards ei nieiiting a
happy union, and I usk the prayers of the
nation to Almighty God in behalf of thi.s
Gen Grant Formally Notified cf his EIcct:c2
Washington, Sunday, Fib. 14.
The Joint Committee, composed of Sena
tor Morton, Representative Jas. F. Wilson
hu3 Representative J. V. L. 1'iuyn, ol
New York, appointed by Cultures to
officially inform Gen Grant of his election
as President of the United States, waited
on him yesterday morning at 10:80 o'clock,
at his headquarters, and discharged the
duty assigned them The ceremony took
place in the General's private office.
About two dozen gentlemen were present .
among whom were nearly all tho nieinbris
of the General's staff, Representative Hcb
ertsou, Gen. Logan und one or two j ersonal
friends of Gin. Grant. The whole affair
did niit occupy inure than twenty iniuuiis.
After the usual courtesies, Senator .Morton,
on behalf of the Committee, said :
Gkxkual: The Joint Committee, up
pointed by the two Houses ut Congress
visit, you, tliis morning tu notify )uu officially
ihaty)uhave beeu elected President of
1 lie United States for the term of four
years from the 4lli tf March next. 'J lie
great majority of ynnr countrymen hail
your election with delight, while cveu those
who did not support you tit the pull enter
tuin lor you the highest coiiCdeucc and re
Fpect. The friends of our country and the
friends of liberty throughout the world re
joice at your elevation to the Presidency,
and all believe thut you will bring to the
performance of your duty unalloyed pa
triotism, inflexible integrity, great powers
of iutellect and all the high qualities thut
enabled you to achieve such distinguished
success io another sphere of duty. They
cherish full faith io your uLiliiy aud
virtue, entertain the highest hopes of your
hucsess, and that during your adrninistra'
tion the work of reconstruction will be com.
pleted and the wouuds of civil war healed,
und that our country will tuko a new de.
parture iu growth, pi ogress aod prosperity.
Senator Morion, then handed the oGicial
notification to Gen, Grunt, of which the
following, is a copy :
Re it known that the Senate and House
ot Representatives ot the United States of
America, being assembled at the Capitol iu
the City of Washington, on the second
Wednesday, being the 10th day of Febru.
nry, in the year of our Lord 18G9, the
underwritten President of the Senate, did,
io presence of the Senate and House of
Representatives, open all the certihcates,
and count all the votes of the electors foi a
President aud Vice President, by which
it appears that Ulysses S. Grant was duly
elected, agreeably to the Constitution,
President of the United States, for four
years, commencing on the 4th day of
March 18C9.
Id witness whereof I have hereunto set
my hand, sod affixed the seal of the
Senate, this 10th day of February, IS GO.
li. F. WADE, President yro irm.
of the Senate
Gen. Grant, on receivieg this certificate
made the following response, ipeakiug very
deliberately ind with evident embarrass
ment :
I can promise the Committee that it
will be my endeavor to call around me as
assistants, such men ouly as I think will
carry out the principles which you have
said the country desires to see successful 1
economy, retrenchment, faithful collection of
the revenuo nnjl payment of the public debt.
It I should fail in my Cist choice, I shall
uot at any time hesitate to make a second
or even a third trial, with tho concurrence
of tho Senate, who have the eoiifirini.ig
power, and should Just as soon remove one
of my own appointees ns tho appointee of
my predecessor. It would make uo d;ffor.
Thcro is one matter ihat I might prop
erly speak of here, and that, is the selection
of a Cabinet. 1 have always felt that it
would be rather indelicate to announce or
even to consult with the gentlemen whom
I thought of inviting to-positions in. my
Cabinet, before the official declaration ol
the election w3 made, Althotmh I pro
surned that there- was no doubt about what
that declaration would be, but after con
sideration I have come to tho conclusion
that there is not a man in tho country who
could be invited to a placo in tho Cabinet
without friends of some other gentleman
niaking an e ffort to sewiire the position ;
not that there would bo any objection to
the party named, but that there would bo
oth eis whom they had set their hearts upon
having iu the place, lean tell that from
the great number of requests which come
to me, in writing and otherwise, from this
particular person or that one, from diffier
ent sets and delegations. Il announced iu
advance efforts would be made to change
my determination, and therefore I have
come to the conclusion not to announce
who I am going to invite to seats in the
Cabinet until I send iu their names tothe
Senate for confirmation. Iff say anything
to them abont it, it will certainly not be
more than two or three days, previous to
sending in their names. 1 think it well to
make a public decoration of this to the
Committee, so that my iutentious may be
A Little Peak. In the olden time
before Maine laws were invented, Wing
kept the hotel at Middle Granville, and
from his well stocked bar furnished ae
comiiiodatioiis lor man and beast, lie was
a good landlord, but terribly deaf. Fish
the village painter, was afflicted iu the
same way.
One i'ay they were sitting by themselves
in tho bar room. Whig was behind the
UoiV,;!l wailing for the next customer,
while Fish was lounging before tho fire,
with ii thirsty look, easting sheep's eyes
occasionally at Wing's decanters, and wish
ing devoutedly that some one would come
iu aud tieut.
A traveler from the south, on his way to
Uraudon stepped in to inquire the diss
tai:ee. Going up to old Wing he said :
' Can you tell me, sir. tow far it is to
Uruudou '! "
" Hrandy,-' says the ready landlord,
jumping up. ' Yes, sir, I baVe some,"
at the same time hauding down the de
canter of the liquid
' You misunderstood me," says the
stranger; " I asked you how far it was to
- They call lit pretty aood brandy, says
",p " ?ou ,a'ie 8gl" sugar with
it ? " reaching out, as be spuke, lor the
howl and toddy stick.
The despairing traveler, hoping for a
proper answer, now turned to Fish.
' The landlord," said he," seems to be
dr.f ; will you tell me bow lar it is to
ilrandon ? "
" Thank vou." said Fish ; " T .Im.'r
cure if I do take a drink with you I "
iuc stranger treated and fled.
S.Tt:tti.vv Niinir. Soinpiimlv ctetK r,fr
the iullowing Iciiniilul paragraph on the
closing night of the week. Thcic is 3
volume ol truth iu it.
Saturday night makes the people human,
ets iheir hearts to beutiiu- softie
used io do before the world turned them
into war drums and jarred them to pieces
with tattoos. The ledger closes with a
clash ; the iroa deor vaults come to with a
bang; up go the shutters with a will;
click guts the key iu the lock. It is Satur
day night, and business breathes fiec again.
Homeward ho I The doer that has btcn
ajar all week gently closes behind him;
the world is thut out. Shut out ? Shut
in, then rather. Here are his treasures
after all aud uot to tho vault, and not iu
the book -wive the old family liible and
not in the bauk.
May be you are a bachelor, frosty and
forty. Then poor fellow ! Saturday
night is nothing to you, just as vou are
nothing to nobody. Get u wife, bfue eyed
or black eyed, but above all true eyed ;
get a little home, no matter how little, and
a little sola, just to hold two or two and a
half, and thu get the two or two and a
half in it of a Saturday night, and then
read this paragraph by the light of courage.
The printers who foimerly stuck typs at
the side of Horace Greeley have died out
of the office, aud Horace himself, though
a practical printer, rarely visits the com.
posing room. The last time the writer saw
him ut work in the composing room was at
threo o'clock iu the morning following
President Lincoln's election, when ho ran
his eye over the type of the New York
election table on the editorial page, and
suddenly cried out : " Here, Sum, bring
me a bodkin ; Rome d d fuol has spelled
Allegauy with au " h." And though the
pressmen were impatiently clauging the
bolls for the forx.s. Horace deliberately
drew a jack knife from Lis pocket and dug
" h " out ot Allegany before he would
allow the forms to go down.
Railroad Emp-oykes. The new law re
lative to the liability of railroad employees for
ucglcct of duty, it substantially as fo'.bws :
"If any person or person! in the service or
employ of a railroad or other transportation,
company, doing business in l'l'uu.-tylvaiiia,
shall refuse or neglect to obey any rvguluiiou
of such company, or by reason ot negligence
or wilful misconduct shall fail to obtcrvo any
precaution or rule w!ii"U it was his duty in
obey aud observe, and cause injury or death
t) uny person the person t) oti'ending shall
bedueiued guilty of misdemeanor, aud on
conviction thereof, ahull be sentenced to pay a
fine not exceeding fire thousand dollars, and
to undergo au imprisonment iu the cou- ty j ul
or in the Hiate penitentiary not exceeding tire
years. It ia the duty of the county district
attorney tj prosecute offenders agiinst this
Deechcr approves of nine pins.
New York now harbors Breckenridge.
They now call G. F. T. a train run by
The citizens of Tionesta are trying to
get up a public library.
$u00,000 ol buildings were put up in
Sharon d urine; 1868
8500,000 worth of tabacco Was raised
in Lancaster county last year.
Religious revivals are actively poing
on in several of the churches iu Millers
burg, Pa
New York denies having a vigilance
lloston boasts a velocipede rink 10,
000 feet in area.
In Cincinnati velocipedes rent for
fffty cents an hour1
Hartford, Connecticut, has grown
rich on insurance.
Rut three dea'hs occurred in the
Western Penitentiary last year.
Gold closed in New York on Satur
day at 131 j
oetKTal S. Kilby Smith, American
Consul at Pauama, has arrived at New
The steamer Alaska from Asp'nwall,
with 8104.000 iu gold, arrived at New
York Saturday.
Nearly half of thb town of Chippewa
Falls, Vis, , was burned on tho 27th iunt
In the Illinois House on Saturday
morning, a bill to repeal the registry law
was defeated.
Pennsylvaoians now think that Aubrey
II. Smith, Esfp, is the man for the
The publio debt statement for Febru
ary will show a decicase of twelve million
Eighteen inchos of snow fell at
Augusta, Maine, Saturday. The railroads
are blockaded all over the State.
The Park Savings Rank in Brooklyn,
New York, was robbed on Saturday of n
small tin bos containing 15,000 in mony.
No arrests.
Mr. McPherson, Clerk of the House
of Representatives, has not yet completed
the roll of members of the Forty. first
Congress. M any credcutials have uot yet
beeu rutcived.
Saturday night Rosenbatun & Co.'s
store and petroleum oil establishment, on
Main street, Memphis, were destroyed by
lira. Loss, Slo,000. Insurance in
Eastern offices.
General Grant's first order on entcri'ntr
the White House, will probably be to order
Sheridan to New Orleans, Sickles to
Charleston, aud Reynold's to Texas.
Mr. Mcpherson will be Clerk of tho
House ; Mr. Caston, of New York. Door
keeper ; Mr. Ordway, of New Hampshire,
Sergeant. at arms; and Mr. King, ot Min
nesota, Foal master.
About three inches of snow foil at
New York, Saturday, which fruzo during
the night, and made good sleighing in the
outskirts. Tea inches lell ;n Massaenu
colts, New Hampshire and Mains.
Massachusetts claiais a Cabinet seat.
Mr. Wilson decliucs. Mr. Boutwclf,
although a warm personal friend of Gen.
Grant's, docs not expect it. Mr. Sumner
is in a hopeful state of expectancy.
Saturday morning the west, half of
Empire block and three buildings on West
avenue, Kankakee, Illinois, were destroyed
by fire. Cause unknown. Estimated loss
i'75;000. Insurance large.
Mrs. IJeitzhold, wife of a liqnor cmn
pounder in Butfalo, was fatally burned on
Tuesday by the explosion of a jug con
tviDg orange peelings, spices anil high
wines. The jug had been placed in a pail
of boiling water.
The oil and water color manufactory
of ll-iiucsiann & Stciner Bio., Titian?
street, Brooklyn, was destroyed by fire
Friday morning. The building was owned
oy i nomas V. Lyman. Loss ?'5,000.
Governor Fairchild presided ac an im
mense audience of legislators and citizcus,
who Saturday evening were addressed iu
Madison, Wis., by Mrs. Stanton, Mi.-s
Anthony and Mrs. Liveruiore ou the bub-
ject of woman suffrage.
Iu the Richmond Circuit Conrt a
charter has bceo grunted to Joseph F.inno
iian, ani other citizens of Georgia and, to build telep;aph lines through
and in Virginia. Capital ni t to exceed
Another railway war has just beeu in
stituted in the Courts ; this tine between
the Atlautic and Great esteru and Eiie
Companies. It is instituted by the Great
estern parties to compel the Eric to ap
propriate certain money to paying mort
gages on the Atlantic aud Great Western
The skating match for the champion
ship between Frank Swift, of New York.
and E T. Goodrich, of Chicago, at Buffalo
Saturday night, was a failure, as a compe
ted! referee could not be obtained, and .the
judges were able to agree oulyuu eighteen
nguies ou; ol twenty six. Auother at
tempt will be uiado this week.
C. D. Robinson, of the firm ot Wood
it- R'ibiuson, brokers, 3 J Brown street, New
Yoik, is reported by his partuer to have
absconded witli 810,000 in Eve-twenty
u.iojs if! jom, iiiree ceunieu ( necks ol
810,000 each, and 6 J0 shares of various
kind of stock, valued at $-i(j,000. A re
ward of 55,000 is offered for bis arrest aud
recovery of the securities.
Advices from Cuba state that tKe emi.
"ration of Cubians from tho Island con.
tiuues uudimiuiohed. Additional supplies
of troops are needed lrom Spaiu to occupy
the whole Island, and drive out the insur
gents. The troops now there can douoth
ing more than hold their owu. Meantime
he people in the country ar" suffering all
kinds of deprivations aud distiess. Thur
eompliiiuts are heartreuding Thousand
are leaving their uuej seeking refuse
To Young Men.
To the lackadasical youth with an inner
consciousness of fitness for a " great life
mission' we particular commend the fol
lowing sensible advice :
" It is easier to be a good business man
than a poor one. Half the energy dis
played in keeping ahead, that is required
to catch up when behind, will save 'credit,
give more time to business, and add to the
proGts and reputation of your word. Honor
your engagements. If you promise to meet
a man, or do a certain thing at a certain
moment, bo ready ut the appointed time.
If you have work to do, do it at oucc,
cheerlully, and therefore mora speedily
and correctly. If you go on business, at
tend to the matter promptly, r.nd then, as
promptly go about your own business. l)o
uot stop to tell stories in business hours.
If you have a place of business be found
there when wanted. No man can get rich
by sitting ntouud stores and saloons.
Never "fool" on "business matters. If
you huvo to labor for a living, remember
that one hour in the morning is better than
two at right. If you employ otheis. be on
liana' .to see that they attend to their duties,
and to direct with regularity, promptness,
liberality. Do not meddle with any busi
ness you know nothing of. Never buy any
article simply because the man who sells
it will take it out iu trade. Trade is
money. Time is money. A good busi
ness habit and reputation is always money
Make your place of business pleasant "and
attractive ; then stop there to wait ou eus.
tonic rs.
Never uso quick words or allow yourself
to make uncntlcmanly remarks to those
in your employ ; for to do so lessens their
respect for you and your influence over
them. Help yourself, and others will
help you. Be faithful over the interests
coulided to your keeping, and in all lto-hI
time your responsibilities will be increased
lo not be in too great haste to get rich.
Do not build until you have arranged und
laid a good inundation Do not as you
hope or work for success spend time in
idleness. If your time is your on, bus!,
iicsscd will suffer if you do. If it is given
to another for pay, it belongs to him und
you have no more ri.'lit to steal that, than
to steal money. Be obliging. S.rive to
avoid harsh words and personalities. Do
not kick every stone in the path ; more
miles can be made iu a day by g"ing
steadily on than by stopping to kick. Pay
as you go. A man of honor respects his
word as he docs his bond. Ask, but never
beg. Help others when you cau, but
never j;ive wl en you cannot afford to, sim
ply because it is lashionablo. Learn to
.-ay no. No necessity of snapping it out
dog fashion, but s:n it firmly aud respect
fully. Have bat few roiijiitantex, nud the
fewer the better. lTsc your own brains
rather than those of others. Learn to
think 'and act for yourself, lie honest.
Be vigilant. Keep ahead rather than be
hind the times. Young men, cut this out
and ii there is tolly iu the argument let us
A Wor.D to Mont sits. Each mother
is a historian. She writes not the history
of empires or or nations on paper, but she
writes her own history on the imperishable
mind of her child. That tablet hnd that
history will remuiu indelible when time
shall be no more. That history each
mother shall meet again, ami lead
eternal joy or unutterable- grief, iu the
coming ages of eternity. The thought
should weigh on the iirud of every mother,
and render hc-r deeply circu'jspcct, prayer
fill and faithful in her sole inn work of
training up her children for heaven and
immortuli y.
The minds of children arc very suseepti.
ble and easily impressed. A word or look
or frown, may engrave an impression on the
miud of a child which no lapse of time can
elface or wash out. You walk along the
seashore when the tide is out, and you form
characters or write names or words iu
smooth white sand, which is spread out so
clear aud beautif ul at your feet, according
us your fancy may dictate ; but the return-ir-i;
tide shall iu a lew hours wash out and
efiaco all that you have written. Not so
the lines atid characters of tiuth and trior
which your conduct imprints ou the mind
of your child. The.e jou write impressions
for the everlasting good or ill of your chil
dren, which neither Hoods nor s'orms of
earth can wash out, nor death's fingers
erase, nor rhe slow-moving ages of eternity
obliterate. How careful, then, should each
mother be iu her treatment of her child !
HoW prayerful und how serious, and how
earnest to write the eternal truths which
shall be his guid'i and teacher when her
voice shall be silent in death, aud her lips
no longer more in prayer in his behalf, iu
commending hef dear child to her covenant
God. l'hreuol ;u ul Journal.
A 1'sr.rri, Tabi.k. To aid fanners in ar
riving at accuracy in estimating the amount
of hind in iliflVreut fiuldd under cultivation,
the fulohving Ubie is given by un agricultural
cotcnipoiary :
j yards wiao by 078 yards long evutaius 1
10 yards wide by "SI yards long contains 1
20 yurds wide by 2-12 yards long contains 1
40 yards wide by 121 yards long contaius 1
80 yards wide by CO yards long contains 1
70 yards wide by C!iJ yards long contains 1
220 feet wide by 198 feet long contains 1
410 feel wide by 09 feel long contains 1
110 feet wide by S'JS feet long contains 1
CO feet wide by 720 feet long contains 1 acre.
Fkkd mm A I.C so. In order to publish a
good local paper it U necessary to know what
is going on through the county, aaJ to gather
all item of interest from the several lacalitits.
As it U impossible foi us to have a reporter iu
every section, we must tbefefjsrs look .to Our
friends to aid us in this inatier. We will be
thankful Io any who will furnUh us interesting
local occurrence in their midst. If tliey but
tend Ui particulars we will put thcui iu shape.
Position in Sleeping.
It is.better to go to sleep on tho right
sidi nays Hall's Jonrnal of Health, for
then the stomach is very much in the posi
tion of a bottle turned upside down, and
the contcuts ot it arc aided in passing out
by gravitation. If one gots to Bleep on the
left side, the operation of emptying the
stomach of its contents is uureliko draw
ing water from a well.
After going to sleep, let the body take
its own position. If you sleep on your
back, especially soon alter a hearty meal
the weight of the digestive organs and that
of the food resting on the greni vciu 'of the
body, near the backbone, compresses it,
and arrests the flow of .ho blood more or
less. Il the arrest is partial, tho sleep is
disturbed, and there is unpleasant dreams.
If the meal has been recent and hearty, the
arrest is more decided ; and tho various
cusatioiis, such as falling over a precipice,
or thi) pursuit of the wild bcatts, or ether
impending dangers, and the desperate el.
fort to get rid of it, arouses us und sends ou
the stagnating blood ; and wo wake in a
fright or trembling or in a perspiration or
feeling exhausted, according to tho dogreo
of stagnation, and the length and strength
of t lie efforts mndo to escape the danger.
But when we are unable to escape the
danger when we do fall over the prccL
pice, when the trembling building crushes
us what then ? 'J hat is death ! Unit is
the e'eath of those ol whom it is said when
found lifeless in the morning. " That they
were as well as ever the day before; and
ollen it ii added, " und ate hi artier than
common ! " This last, ns a fictjucut cause
of death to those ho have gone to bed to
wake no more, e give ii.i rely us a pri
vate opinion. ') be possibility of its truth
is I'tioiigh to deter any rational loan iVoin u
Into and hearty meal.
H. H i:.". V1CK,
Will from '.bis date bt prepared to sell
at the lowest price.
An J in fact for all places whers stores
are needed. Give him a caiil.
ruMis, nrEixa.
Ritlgivty Not. IS, 1SC8, vlnltf.
It. W. W. ffllAW Vrnciices Mediciue
aud Surgery, t'eutrcville, Llk county
mur-22'60 ly.
A CARD TO TliK LAlUE8.Ur. Dupou
lr females. lufUPblo in correcting iireg.
uUriiiex, Removing Obstructions of lie
Monthly Tuiu-, from whatever cause, and
always successful as a prcvuntive. One Pill is
a duse. Females peculiarly situated, or those
supposing tlienmelves so, are cautioned against
using these 1'ills while in that condition,
lest lliey iimie miscarriage, after whiva ud
munitiou I ho Proprietor assumes no re
sponsibility, although their mildness would
prevent any mischief to hcullh ; otkerwisa
the Pills are rccomnicu dud as a Must Invalu
able Remedy for the alleviation of those
nutturing from any irregulaiilios wtatoter,
as well as preveut an increase of family
when health will not permit it ; quieting the
nerves aud bringing buck the rosy color of
health " to the cheek of the most delicate.
1'ntl and explicit directions nccompany
each box. Price f 1 per box : 6 boxes, $i.
Bold in Ridgway, '., by O. U. Messenjcr,
Druggist, eole sgent fur Ridgwuy, Ladies, by
sending him $1 to the Ridgwuy P. O, can
have the 1'ilU lent (confidentially) by mail to
any part of the connlry, iree of pontage.
Sold also by Pwayuj & Rcynoldf, St. Mary'i,
and by one Druggist in every village iu the
in; 2 08-ly. Sole Proprietor, K. 'r
Powell & kime.
At their capneious stores both ia
Have on hand, splendid assortments of
all seasonable Goods adapted to the want)
of the people of Elk and adjoining
counties, which they are eelling at f rices
that defy competition. They would simply
state here, that being very largo dealers,
their facilities for purchasing ars ud
equalled by any establishment in thb
county. They buy directly from manu
facture! and on the
Another advantage. Yuu can alwsya
L'ot what you want nt their stores, hiueo
you will save time by going dirstly to
thiH-and TIME 13 MONEY. We
have no space here to enumerate all the ad
vantages you will have in patronizing &es
establishments. !nt Cill aud see, ni)
reap the the advantages for yoarsches.
Among their Good you will find
DRY GOODS in eiiiless varieties,
GROCERIES choice and fresh
CLOTHING of best material superior
cut and iiidb.
ROOTS Si SHOliS of Uie best
stocit and make,
CROCKERY for newly married,
uiddlo aged aud cldeily.
2G inch shaved stloglet tat en torgoei
at the market pnct,at botb. stores.
Alio most other kiucU of country pro
dace taken at the market valuer 1