The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, February 12, 1869, Image 4

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    dclh flkiniji jpfaeatt,
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O B. GOULD, Edito
Sates of Advertising.
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Special Notices after Marriages and Death! an (ldl
lonal of one balf the above rates.
Business Cards five lines or less, (5.00 per year;
over lire lines, at the nsual rate o advertising.
Twenty Impolite Things.
Loud and boisterous laughter.
Heading when others are talking.
HeadiDg aloud in company without
Talking when others are reading.
5. spitting about the bouse, smoking,
or chewing.
G. Cutting finger-nails in company.
7. Leaviug church or chapel before
worship is closed.
8. Whispering or laughing in the
house of God.
9. Gazing rudely at strangers.
10. Leaving a stranger without a seat.
11. A want of respect and reverence fur
12. Correcting older persons than your
selves, especially parents.
IS. Receiving a present without an rx
TtreBsion oF gratitude.
14. Making yourself the hero of your
own story.
15. Laughing at the mistakes of others,
16. Joking others in company.
17. Commencing talking before others
have finished sneaking.
18. Answering questions that have been
put to other.
19. Commencing to eat as soon as you
get to the table ; and,
20. Not listening to what one is saying
in company.
I'kince Au'Kkd'8 Description ok his
Ei-epahst IIckt. The following account
of an elephant hunt at the Cape is taken
from a letter which the Duke of Edin
burgh wrote to the Prince of Wales :
'As soon as the elephant saw us, he
charged us. There was so much excite
ment prevailing, that I thought I had
better wait as long as possible. The sight
of this enormous beast towering above
us, and coining on at this tremendous
pace, which one can scarcely understand
bo unwieldy an animal in appearance
coiner, was magnificent his ears, which
are three times as large as those of the
Ceylon elephant, spread out square on
each side. I could not help being rc
minded by it of a ship with studding'
sails set on both sides. When he had
reached about twenty-five yards from us,
I tired at his head. Tiie ball struck, and
ho instantly seemed to stop himself as
much as he could, and 1 gave mm the
Bbell just over tho left eye, at which he
swerved to the left and shook. Two or
three others fired ; and by this time he
was nearly broadside on, when Sir Wal
ter Currie's engine went off, with the
bullet through his neck" (tho Duke
means the elephant, not Sir Walter) " and
and he rolled over, as I may say, at our
feet for seven yards was ihe outside he
was from us as lie lay and we cheered
lustily, lie however continued strug
gling for some time, and 1 put four more
bullets in his heart, at about three yards."
A Tocgh Yarn. There is a place in
Maine so rocky that when the natives
plant corn they look for crevices in the
rocks, and shoot the grains in with a
musket. They can't raise ducks there
no how, for the Btones are so thick that
the ducks can't get their bills between to
pick out the grasshoppers, and the only
way the sheep can get at the sprigs of
grass is by grinding their noses on the
But this ain't a circumstances to a
place in Maryland. There the land is so
poor that it takes two killdeers to cry
' Kildecr,' and on a clear day you can see
the grasshoppers climb up a mullet) stalk,
and look with tears over a fifty acre field,
and the bumblebees have to go down on
their knees to get at the grass, all the
ninsquitoes died of starvation, and the
turkey buzzards were obliged to emigrate
But there is a county in Virginia
which can beat that There the land , is
so sterile that wheu tho wind is north
west they have to tie the children to keep
them from being blown away, and takes
six frogs tc raise one croak, and when
the dogs bark they have to lean against
the fence the homes are so thin that it
takes twelve of them to make a shadow,
aud when they kill a beef they have to
bold him up to knock him down.
Hydrophobia. This terrible disease
prevails to an alarming extent throughout
our country, and in case any persons have
tbe misfortune to be bitten by any of these
rabid animals, we reproduce the following
remedy. Never having bad occasion to
try it, we cannot speak of iu efficiency, but
give it for what it is worth : " An aged
German forest. keeper, who is on the verge
of death, has published a secret cure for
hydrophobia, which he sayi ho bas used
with success for fifty years, saving many
men and animals from a horrible death.
The wound must be bathed as soon a pos
sible with warm vinegar and water, and
when this is dried, a few drops of muriatic
acid poured into the wound will destroy the
tahra and relieve the patient from daoger.
This cure appears in the Leipsio Journal,
and we give Has we find it," -Grcenebtrrg
Two old ladios livinz near Unionport,
Ohio, oa a pioce of land which they owned,
were taken suddenly tick last week, and ono
of them died. Examination showed that
they had been poisoned. The man who
managed the farm is suspected of having
committed the murder.
A bassenirer train on the Lackawana and
Bloomaburir Railroad ran off the track at
Deechhaven Friday morning. Many persons
were injured but not fatally, lion. Galusha
A. Grow was severely burned.
Some weeks since Edwatd IT. King, Jr.,
agent of the Virginia Express Company, in
Norfolk, reported that he was robbed of 10,.
000, collected by him as agent for a bnnk in
Petersburg, He was arrested on suspicion,
and has uow made a full confession of the
robbery, restored part of the money, and
said that the balance of it was in the handa
of his father, E. II. King, Sr., of Richmond.
Tim latter bas been arrested.
The failure of Kickey, Sharp & Co., one
of the largest dry-gooda houses in Philadel
phia is announced. The amonnt iuvolved
in tho failure is put down at about half a
million of dollars. A compromise with
creditors is talked of at seventy-five cents to
tbe dollar.
A locomotive ran into n horse-car near
Cohoes, N. Y., on Thursday, and knocked
it off the track. There were ten passengers
in the car at the time, three of whom, ladies,
were seriously injured.
Solomou II. Sharp, of the town of Root,
N. Y., murdered his futher-in-low, John
I'ulver, aged 73, last week, by breaking his
skull with a maul,, Sharp had come home
late at nighl with a compuuion, both drunk.
Sharp dragged his wife out oT bed and com
pelled her to wait ou them. Pulver objected
to this treatment of his daughter, when
Sharp seized tho maul aud beat the old man's
bruins out. He and his conipuoiou' were
Tho Memphis Ledokr of tho 1st. inst., says:
Requisitions from Governor Clayton on
Brownlow, properly approved, for sixty
young men of this city, for the destruction
of arms from the steamer llesper, have been
received. Tho- LnDunn warns tho Uov.ernor
that au attempt to carry it out will result in
In Connersville, Giles county, Tennessee,
a few days ago, while a young couple were
iust on "ihe point of getting married, the
.brother of the lady who was opposed to the
match, hred a pistol through tlio window,
fatally wounding tbe bridegroom, lie died
in au hofTr, but before he expired the lady
insisted on having the marriage ceremony
The Pennsylvania Union Republican Con
vention is to be held m I'hiludelphiu on
Wednesday, Jan. 23, to nominate candidates
for Governor aud Judge of the Supreme
Court? It seems to be generally admitted
that Gen. John W. Geary will bo renomi
nated for Governor.
Tho plasters of New York are ou the eve
of a strike. Thy claim a dollar an hour
and that eight hours shall bo a dny's work,
giving them the buudsome income of $48 a
week tor a very moderate and commonplace
kind of work.
A young girl named Mary C. Ilougbtaliiig
died suddenly at Medway, iM. Y., last week,
and the Uororer s jury renucrea a veruici
setting forth that she died from rum nud
violeuce aduiiuistered to her by a man named
A Church has been organized in the con
nection with the American Protestant
Chapel iu Paris. It has forty-niue members.
The palindrome is a line that reads alike
both ways. One of them is Adams first
observation to Eve: "Madam, I'm Adam!"
Auotber is the story that Napoleon when at
St. Helena, being asked by au huglisliuiun
if he could havo sacked London, replied:
"Able was lerol saw Elba." The latter
is the best palindrome, probably, in the
lamruatre. The following, the third and the
lust, reads precisely the same backward as
forward: " Snug k raw was I ere I saw war
& guns."
Greut efforts are being made for the estab
lishment of a line of steumers between Phil
adolphia and Bremeu. The projectors ask
the Leeislature for u subsidy of five thousand
dollars per trip, fifteen trips yearly. The
projectors banqueted the members of the
Legislature at the Continental, Philadelphia,
on Saturday evening. I ho Pennsylvania
Railroad Company is interested, and promises
to contribute 82,500 per round trip, amount
ing to 25,000 per year. The Company
signify their readiness to contribute ten times
this umount to a Liverpool line, and the
probabilities are that steps will soon be
taken in that direction also.
A Nashville letter skys Brownlow will re
sign his office as Governor of Tennessee at
the end of February, his Senatorial term
commences fourth of March. His unexpired
term as Governor will be filled by DeWitt
C. Senter, Speaker of the Senate. Brown
low is a confirmed invalid, and as a Senator
he will bo no doubt carried about the Capi
tol as was Thad. Stevens, a man ho resembles
in many respects.
In tho woolen mill at Peoria, 111 , on the
30th ult., a girl had her scalp torn off by
being drawn into a carding mill, yet she is
likely to recover.
A private dispatch by cable announces
the death of Miss Agnes Elizabeth, youngest
daughter of Gov. Claflin of Massachusetts,
iu Rome.
English papers of the 18th ult., state that
Americaus arriving at the South of France
have frequently suffered annoyance from not
being provided with passports. Tbe reiter
ated efforts of Geueral Dix have at last ob
tained a regulation requiring that passports
shall be hereafter entirely without effect
A circular from M. Pinuid, when Minister
of the Interior, and bearing the date of Dec
18tb, 1868 declares that all citizeus of tbe
American Union shall be hereafter permitted
to enter, travel and sojourn in Franco on the
simple declaration of their nationality.
Major-Gen. Ayers, Inspector-Gsneral of
the Department or the Uuir, bas made an
official report of the condition of affairs in
the State of Arkansas, lie corroborates the
report mrde by Gen. Horace Porter, of Gen,
Grant's staff. He considers that the diffi
culty encouutered in the execution of the
laws in certain districts justified the Gover
nor in calling out the militia. He further
says that the conduct of the militia has been
greatly exaggerated in the reports given to
tbe public.
The debate oa the Constitutional Amend
ment regulating Suffrage takes a wide range
in the Senate. By dint of night sessions,
however, and steady persistence. Senators
hope to reach a vote soon.
An universal religious revival is in pro
gress amoug the various Methodist Churches
along tbe Hudson River, and the covereions
are numerous.
An insane man, named Hoofer, living near
Hannibal, Mo., on Saturday strangled his
daughter, aged 10 years, and then cut her
body in two. Ho said he offered her as a
sacrifice to Christ.
A few evenings since Mr. JohnThompson,
City Marshal of Covington, Ky., arrested a
man for highway robbery committed in tho
suburbs of the city a few hours before. The
man surrendered quiotly, but while on tbe
way to jail suddenly drew a revolver and shot
the Marshal in tho abdomen and made his
escape. Mr. Thompson's wound is consider
ed a very dangerous one.
At Cincinnati recently the railroad compa
nies got npa lively competition in the prices
charged for carying freight, which resulted
in a reduction of their rates nearly one-bull.
This was found to be too expeusive, and a
compromise has been effected, whereby a
new schedule of freight charges goes into
effect to-dny.
At the burning of tbe International Hotel
at St. Paul, on Wednesday night, a number
of the guests were rescued only after great
difficulty. Two State Senators aud their
wives were tukeu from the third floor by
means of ladders. A Mr. Holvoke became
bewildered iu the halls and nearly stifled by
smoke, but was rescued by a lady, against
whoso door he fell.
A Colorado paper furnishes the following
accouut of a singular work of fur western
art: "Charles Ostner, a native of Baden,
and for the last four years a farmer on the
Upper Payette, Boise county, Idaho, has
chiseled a full-sized equestrian statue of
Washington in military dress, out of mouu
taiu fir using only a common chopping axe,
a hand saw, a chiel and ' a gcuge in the
operation. It is said by gentlemen of culti
vated tastes who have seen it, to be, consid
ering its origin, a most wonderfully perfect
work of the chisel. It was presented to the
Territory of Iduho, through the Legislature,
ou the 8th tilt. A temporury pedestal was
erected ou the corner of Iduho aud Seventh
street, Boise City, uud after a procession
and military salutes, the stutue was unveiled
in the presence of a large concourse of en
thusiastic people. Hon. J. R. McBride
made the presentation speech on the part Of
the Governor, and Hou. 'Frank Ganah re
sponded on the part of the Legislative As
sembly. Ostner, the sculptor, was born in
Badon, in 1829. became involved in the JIuu
gariun rebellion of 1848, and came to Now
l ork in 18.)0. Ho went to the 1- loreuco
mines in Northern Idaho iu i860, aud in
1864 settled upou a farm in Boise county,
where he chiseled Washington out of the fir.
First Locomotive Bcii.t in
America. Tho first effective locomotive
engine, built in America, was ount in
Philadelphia, from a oialt by Rufus lyler,
..-in. Ifll . ..1 ... - . I -
in lo.i-2. lms gcmitman waj at mo
time considered the best mechanic in
America. The wheels of the engine were
made of wood, with broad brims aud thick
tires, the flange being bolted on the side
It was called Old Ironsides, ohe was hrst
put in motion on the Germantown and
Norristown Railroad She ran one 'mile
an hour, aod was considered the wonder of
the day. It wa3 ascertancd that the
wheels were too light to draw the tender,
and to overcome this difficulty the tender
was placed in front of ihe engine. This
kept the wheels on the track. The maker
and his partner pushed the engine ahead
nutil it obtained some speed, and then
jumped on the engine. The boiler being
too small for the engine, jteam was only
generated fast enough to keep it in motion
a short time so thev were compelled to
alternately push and ride during the whole
trial trip. It was regarded as a success
The heels were afterwards replaced with
iron wheels. The old eugine is still in
existence in Vermont.
Liquid Manure. Iu every one hundred
pounds of cow's urine there are 6ixty-five
pounds of water, five pounds urea, five
pounds of phosphate of limo, twelve pouuds
01 Baiammoniac una muriate poiasn, uuu ten
pounds carbonate of potash uud ammonia
while the solid excrements obtained from
ono cow are estimated to manure three times
the amount. Urine is more efficient on light
soils thuu on clay lauds uud strong loams
ou the latter much of its carbonate of am
monia is evolved before it can penetrate into
Tub bodv of William Peon lies in a little
church yard scarcely twenty miles from l.on
dou. The church uud surroundings nestle in
a deep gorge among tho C'hiltern bills, in
Buckinghamshire. Tbe gruve is enclosed in
a little 'square of hedge, and no murble or
other oruaments mark the spot The fouuder
of Pennsylvania had but little in life in
common with English pageantry. In death,
only tho faithful can guide the stranger to
UIS grave. Ills puuosupuy uuu ruugiuu were
of thai kind which needed a country like
America to devnlope in.
Good Hams. After hami have been
smoked, take them down and thoroughly
rub the flch part with molasses, then im
mediately apply ground or powdered pep
per, by sprinkling on as much as will stick
to the molasses, when they must be hung
up again to dry. Ikms treated in this
manner will keep perlectly sweet lor seve
ral yeirs. This must be done befcre the
fly deposits its egg, for then nothing will
stop their ravages.
Many people in the neisbborhoo of
Scranton have been victimized by a medi
cal humbug, who claimed to cure diseases
by " lavina ou ot the hands." Mavin,
some six highly charged electric batteries
concealed upon his person be certainly
produced wonderful effects, instances
even alfordinq; temporary relief by tbe
shocks, and filled his pockets some.
Michael Kauffman shot and killed a boy
named Edward Miller in Pittsburg, Penn
on Saturday last The boy was looking into
tbe barber's window, and did not go away
when told to do so. Kauffman fired at him
throuch the windo with a revolver, killing
bim instantly. It was with difficulty the
officers prevented the crowd from lynchiu
A couplk were to have been married at
Innianapolis tho other evening, and the
bride was ready for the ceremony at the
appointed time, but the bridegroom was
not on hand. A messenger was sent for
bim, but instead of fulfilling bis duty, he
sent back woid that he never intended to
mam tbe lady, and only ".wanted to see
bow she ooul-i tak a joke." :.
Tim Provisional Government of Spain has
in many things disappointed the just expec
tations of that nation and ChristeBdom.
Men whose mission was to be tho Apostles
of Republicanism, and who started fairly
apoa that shining road, have preferred to
turn back and become the champions Of Re
action. But at last we have one evidence
that the expulsion of the Bourbon has not
been in vain; one illustrious proof tbtft
Prim and Serrano comprehend the logic of
their insurrection. A Cable dispatch, con
veys the authentic intelligence that the Pro
visional Government will, on the assembly
of the Constituent (Jones, submit to it a
Constitution of which the great feature will
be Tns abomtiow of Slavery throughout
Tim Spani'sii dominions 1 Thus do the
Nations reap the golden frnits of onr bloody
sowingl Whether Cuban revolt succeed or
fail, Cuban slavery is ended. The Brazilian
and Fortugueg Governments most speedily
follow the beneficent example; and within
ten years from the emancipated of American
slaves it may yet come about that not a
ingle Blavo shall darken the light of Chris
So fur as we can see, the " Alaska Inves
tigation" business, which started out with
such a prodigious clamor of trumpets, is sub
siding to tho very smallest sort of a squeak.
From a big question of "bribery," it bus
turned to a very little question of "black
mailing." A Mr. Painter seems to have got
himself into trouble, but Mr. Painter is not
the Government. We were promised some
thing implicating the Administration, and
we havo dwindled down to something alleged
to implicate a few newspaper correspondents
i a private raid on tho Russian Embassy.
Out of the " three black crows," we haven't
even got, for sure, " something so black, Sir,
as a crow."
Gen. Gabfielk's promise of a bill effecting
substantial reductiou of the army will
gladden tax payers, and furnish effective sup
port to finances. We trust the Houso will
not suffer tho moasuro to be crowded over
through press of other business, or aDy
purely technical parliamentary grounds.
Iiet us have useless officers mustrered out,
offices created on'y as rewards for special ser
vices of idividuals no longer enjoying them,
abolished, and the whole establishment
brought by a well-balanced reduction within
tho compass of our more moderate necessi
Sioxs -:We havo never been a very
strict observer of signs and lience have
not placed much dependence upon them.
Persons, however, who muke them a sub
ject of study and the examination, say
that the sinus ot last tall indicated an
open winter. The muskrata and other
animals that burrow in the earth, did not
line their nests, ns usual, which is a sure
indication, it is said, that the weather will
remain mild and pleasant throughout the
season, bo be it.
AROUMENTUM AD IIominkm. A doo.
tor, who at tho end of a philopbical pro
fession of unfuith proclaimed his disbelief
in 'future existence, was thus answered
I am not surprised, doctor, at jour ma
terialism, and tliut you should think your
patients too effectually killed ever to couit
to life naiu."
EniTOKiAi. Comfort?. I bo task of an
editor is difficult euouuh. What is food to
tho politician isnoison to the philanthropist,
and what is calculated to please the guy or
amuie tho frivolous, will offend the sober
sense and mature judgment of the man of
thouebt and reflection. It is hard for an
editoi to suit all classes and keep out of hot
Col. Henry D. Tierce, a brother of ex-
President Pierce, is doing good work as a
temperance lecturer, iu New Hampshire.
Frauk would make a good "awful example.
Daniel Pratt, the newly elected Sena
tor from Indiana, is fifty-five vears old,
six feet four inches high, and weighs
two hundred and ninety pounds.
Cromwell said, ' Not only strike
while the iron is hot, but make it hot by
One would think lrom tbe loud voice
with which some pray in public, that they
supposed God to be deaf, or so far off that
He could not bear.
Some, callins it prayer, deliver orations
to tho Deitv. and some to their fellowmen.
" Be not deceived, God is not mocked."
" Blessed are the poor in spiiit, for theirs
is tbe Kingdom of Heaven.
He who has not yet forgiven an enemy,
has not yet tasted one of the moat sublime
enjoyments ot lite.
Good Intentions. Many good reso
lutions lie in the churchyard.
liver Complaint,
roughs, Colds,
Chilli L Fever,
Fever Soret,
11 $losb 9'itnitfr
fii It DrucgiaM.
- 0m' I A$mu,
He. 714 1BCH ST,
0. B. G0U1D, Editor,
Our facilities for doing all kinds of Job
Printing are equalled by very few establish
meats in the country. Orders by mail prompt
ly filled. AU letters should be addressed
. - , a . QOCIB.
The Last
Hair dressing
Gray or Faded Hair is qnictly
restored to its youthful color and beauty,
and with the first application a
beautiful gloss and delightful fragrance
is given to the Hair.
It will cause Hair to grow on Bald 8poU.
It will promote luxuriant growth.
FALLING HAIR is immediately checked.
Fr Mule br all Driffltti.
DEPOT rcmoTCd from Greenwich Bit
33 Barclay St. & 40 Park Place.
Splendid Inducement to Subscriber.
rTMIE Lndy'a Friend announces the following
X Novelets for 1800 : " Between Two,"
by Elizabeth Presoott, author of How a wo
man bad her Way," &c.'; " Tho prize of Two
Men's Liven," by Almanda M. Douglas, author
of " The Dobarry Fortune " &c.j a new Novelet
by Louisa Cbiindlur Moulton, author of
" fleeing trom rate," &c: and a new Novel
by Mrs. Henry Woou, the distinguished
ished I
ing it
Lnghsh Novelist, author or " East Lynnc,
so. (unless Mrs. VtooU is prevented writ
by ill health) with numerous shorter storic
by n brilliaDt galaxy of lady writers.
The Lady's Friend will give a finely execut
ed Stect Engraving, a handsome double-page,
finely-colored Fashion Plnte engraved on
steel and a large assortment of Wood Cuts,
illustrating the Fashions, Fancy Work, o. in
every number.
It will give a popular piece of Music worth
the cost of the magaziue in itself in every
A copy of the Lare and beautiful premium
Steel Engraving " The song of home at Sea."
engraved ezpressiy-for our readers at a cost
for the engraving alone of nearly $1000! will
be sent postpaid to every full $2,00 sub
scriber, and to every person sending on a club
This engraving is a gem of Art.
J6J lo New Subscribers. Mark This New
Subscribers who send in their names for 18G9
before the first of November, shall receive the
November and December numbers of this year
in addition, making fourteen months in all.
And all now subscribers for 18(19 shall receive
tbe mngnificicnt December Holiday number,
making thirteen months In all.
a copy and tbe arge Premium En
graving $ 2,50
4 copies 6,00
5 " and one gratis 8.00
8 '- aod one gratis ......... 12,00
One copy each of Lady's Friend and
Post, and Premium Engraving.. 4,00
The gelterup or a club will always receivo
a copy of the rreinium i.n graving. Mem
bers of a club wishing the Premium En
graving must remit one dollar extra-
JftxTSpectmen copies Bent gratis.
31C Walnut Street, l'hiladelp
Enlarged and BcaulUlcd.
rpHE" oldest
r.nd best " of the Literary
1 We
eeklies," Vein icttMly cnlartid
and beautified. It is weekly embellished with
engravings and its Novelets, Stories,
Sketches, He, are not surpassed.
It bas just commenced two splendid Nov
elets " The Queen of tbe Savanuab," by Gus-
ave Aimard ; ana " bt. Ueorge and the Dra
gon, a novel ot eociory, ny r.luatetli 1'res.
cott, tbe author of " How a woman had her
Way," &o.
New Novelets will continually succeed caob
other. Among those already on band, or in
progress, are, " The Mystery of tho lleefs,"
powerlul story by Mrs. llotuner : aud " Cut
Adrift, or tbe tide of Fate," by Aaandi M.
The Post also givgs the gemi of tbe English
A copy of the largo and beautiful Premium
Steel EngraviDg " The song of home at Sea'
engraved expressly for our readers, at a
cost for tbe engraving alone of nearly $100,
will be tent post-paid, to every full (2,50
suDscnuer, anu 10 every person Bending on a
club ! Th.s ia a truly beautiful eneravine.
To New Subscribers. MARK I New sub
scribers for 180lJ will have their subscription
uaiea dbck v ne paper oi September l'JIu,
until the large extra edition of that date is ex
bausted. In that paper we commenced twoi
Novelets" Tho Queen of the Savannah," an
me vragon. rois win Oe htteen papers 14
aauuion to me regular weekly numbers for
1809 or nearly sixteen months in all. When,
our extra ediilion ia exhausted, tbe names ofl
all new subscribers far 186'J will be entered oa
our list the very week they are received. Of
course those who send in their names the
errliest will get tbe greatest number of extra
Owing to the unusuallv liberal character of
this oner, we shall be compelled to adhere
strictly to its terms.
copy, (and the large Premium En-
gravine. ) ...-3 Z,o
4 copiet 6,0
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One copy each of Post and Ladle's
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The getter up of a club wilr always receive a
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must remit oue dollar extra.
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Address, II. PETERSON & CO.
819 Walnut street, Philadelphia.
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Ladies Hair, from 8 inches to 8 feel in length!
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QTOVES Tha largest and Urt aMotimeul
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