Local and. Miscellany. Car Time at lllilgu ay. Erie Express East 12:45 a. m. do do West 8:84 a m. do Mail East - 6:16 p. m. do do West 8:21 p. m. Local Freight East 9:40 a. m. do do West 7:30 p.m. Elk lodge, A. T. M. 8tated meetings of Elk Lodge will be bold Tuesday evening, on or before the full tuoon of each month, once every two weeks thereafter. J. K. WrUTMORE, Scc'y. I. 0. G. T. The Regular meetings of Ridgway Lodge, He. 206, held -every Wednesdoy evening at their Lodge Room. llkxnr A, Pah sons, Jr., Secy. AGENTS FOR THE ADVOCATE. The following named persons are authorized gents for the Advocate to receive subscrip tione, advertising or Job work, take pay there for and give receipts. Wiloox. A. T. Atomon, J. L. Brows. Kane Frank W. Mercs. Johnsonsburg. Isaac Haoak. Bt. Marys. Cbas. McVeak. Cenlreville. ITomfr B. Leach, Maj. BrRKi. Caledonia. W. P. Smith, U. A. Weed. Bennezette. John C. Baku, J. W. Brown. Bhawmul. John Farker, Spring Creek. A. W. Irvis. Highland. Levi Ellothorfe. Horton. D. C. Oyster, N. M. Brockwat. tmmBtBimfmmmmmriKmimnmmmmMMimn Willi ami Sxow. Last Monday snow fell here to depth of nearly two feet. the RBLtmocs. Services at the court house, funday morning at half past ten o'elock, by Itcv. L. Little. Thanks. Oar thanks are due D. B McCreary for a copy of the Adjutant General's report for 1868. No use for doctors except for surgical opera tions. Use " Macamoose " and cuve yourse' it is a perfect Tienlth restorer. Sociable. The Good will be hold at W. S. ext Thursday evening tion is extended. Templars 'sociable Services' resirlenc A general invita Dental. John Saner dentist, of Warren Fa. .will be at the Hyde House on Monday, .Tan. 18th, 1869. All those desiring nnr work in his line wiUdo well to give him a call. Snow Pi Off. We think the snow plow fha made paths through the streets on Monday, after the heavy fall of snow, is quite nn im jirovement on the way of making paths hereto fore. Comr. The court this-weekt has been a'mos exclusively enenged in trvinc an imnnrtnn land suit. William Reed, v. Breeden & Brad ley, involving about $100,000 worth of lands We will give full proceedings next week. ft-fot HKAniNn. The select reaMinc" given at the court hanse on Wednesday even ing.by Prof. Rtifus Adams of Philadelphia were excellent, and those who did not atten m'-ee l a good treat. f 'It will be noticed by Tr. Plel'bin's eard another column that he wil' prolans his slnv i inn piace uniu rrinay oi next weeK. i hrse requiring the services of a reliable dent mourn noi mil io avail memselvcs or tots op portunily. fiET A TTome. (Tot n homo, rieh or nonr. and lonrn to lovo flint homo, and mnVo it hanny wironnu cninimn ny your henni'nor prnonr, learn to Invo simplo pleasures, flowers of Cod wn planting, and musio of hm own tin bird. wind, and waterfall. So shall vmi help firm tlw Hdo of desolation, poverty and ilvrni hat cnmostipon so many throntrh the scorn little thintrs. Oh, tho charm of a litlln home comforts dwell thero that slum tho uilded halls society. Live happy in your littlo homo, ai lok to God for a grander one. Stale Guard. Politeness. A polite behaviour can never lie Jona maintained without a real wish to please nnd such a wish is a part of good nature. N Ill-natured man can be long well-bred. No goo. iiuiurou man, uowever nnpoisiimi in Ms man ners, can ever be essentially ill-bred. From nbsurd prejudice in regard to pood nature, some 1ooplo affect to substitute good temper for it lmt no qualities can lie more distinct. Many good-tempered people as well as many fools, are very ill-natured; and many men of first rate ge nius, with which perhaps entire good temper Incompatible, are porfectly good natured. W ho ark Intelligent. Education in colleges or Academies does not necessarily muke one moro intelligent than anothor, as many of our most Intelligent men never entered eithor as pupils. Many of tho ablest men in the pulpit, the forum or the press, had very few advantages when young; many men graduate from institu tions of loarning, and fail miserably when pitted against the self oducatod man In any of the jippor walks of life. migence anses from early training, and the boy who sees his futhor read a newspaper is very apt to desire to do the same. It was just such stimulus that Henry Clay and Horace Greoley had; when young, and this fired them to acquire knowledge and "knowledge Is power." A L'sicL WoKS-Messrs. Goo, P. Rowell fc Co., of New York, have sent us tho advance sheets of their American Newspaper Directory, and from an inspection of them we are satisfied that their plan is a good one, and that they are about to produce the niost perfect work of the - kind ever given to the public. It aims at giv ing an accurate list of newspapers in the Unitud ptea and British colonies, their politics, relig ion and circulation as fur a can be ascertained, although in the latter particular they can only state the claims of publishers, loaviug others to judge of the justness of the claims. It will also - g' a lift of towns ia which newspajxTar pub Jisbed, thnir population, general couimercia cliaracter, Ao. It will be a very valuable book for business men, and being the best book of rt-f-irenoe yet furnished fur their use, coutaiuing be (aeea three and four hundred pagoa. Pemorist's Moktsi.t TO FlBaUAlT. This admirable parlor magazine receives large diii.ions to its list of subscribers, with every returning holiday season, beoause of it popu- arity as a Christmas and Mew Year's gift, and undoubtedly deserves them, for it is always eloome and seasonable. No better invest ment can have been made for the New Year than a snbscription of the small sum required secure its monthly visits. To housekeepers, mothers of families, and all those who wish to know how to do woman's work it will prove a treasury of wealth and knowledge. $8 Yearly. Published at 838 Broadway, New York. Its Good Effects Ars Permanent. Ia this differs from all hair dyes. By its use luxur- ient growth is guaranteed, natural color and gloss are restored. One trial will cause you to say this of Mrs.' S. A. Allen's Improved pew fvle Hair Restorer or Dressing in one bottle. Every Druggist sqlls it. Trice One Dollar. NEWS ITEMS. Coal ia scarce in Pittsburg. The Central Pacific Railroad sheds extends 22 miles. - The late Gov. Todd, of Ohio left an cstute of 8500,000. The Emperor of China is 14 years of age, ana nisauiaucea cnae ii. Mississippi has, in dome parts, raised three crops oi hay last year. Nine cents a piece is all they charge for eggs id .Nevada. -A new wrinkle is to smoke the tub into which hams arc to be put, instead of smoking the hams. 'Id Polk's administration ODe agricul tural patent per day was the average. Jhe average dow is seven. rlrisb Ripple post office, ia Lawrence county, has had its name changed to Wam pum post oiheo. Pittsburg some days ago seized two hundred and ntty pounds oi outrid poultry She dumped them into the Mouougahela Lafayette Lentz has 45,000 ova of trout in the hatch-room connected with his ponds, on his farm near Mauch Chunk, Carbon county. -Charles Oakford of Detroit, who calls himself the champion skater of America, will soon skate sixty consecutive hours without rest, on the new skating rink at Providence. -I tie village ot Ceres is situated in two States and two counties a part in Alleghuny county, New York, and a part iu ilul.ean county, this fctato. The grave of John Harris the found' er oi llarrisburg, is at the loot of the tree to which he was once tied by Indians and a fire kindled about him to burn him alive. A bimple iron ience surrounds the grave. Minnesota is in trouble about wolves. It pays a bounty ot ten dollars a head for their seniles, aud this has duriog the past year a charge upou the treasury of ll,a00. The worst of it seems to be that the wolves are increasing, giving ground for suspicion iiiat some one if raising wolves. Last Friday afternoon a brakeman on ,i freight traio luuriing between llarrisburg and Maysvillo fell between the cars, his loot catching in the machinery, his head Hauling downwards. In this position he as diagged over two miles. When dis covered, Lis skull was mashed almost to jelly, ins remaius were properly cared tor by the Pennsylvania Itailroud Company. ;t iaeKawanria, juzeroe couutv, a boy named Daniel Boone (uo doubt a de pendent of the historical Daniel,) thirteen years of age, while skating on the ice near ihb residence of his parents, heard his mother scream, and immediately repaired to the spot when he observed a wildcat about attacking her. Quick as a flash he darted iuto tha house, secured a loaded un joutained therein, and returned just in timo to put a load ot buckshot into his cat. ship as it was about to make the fatal spring. Not killiug the auimal at the first shot, the lad followed it, und reloaded cs he run, fired two more rounds into its body ana men dispatched it with the butt ot the gun. The animal is said to be the largest ot us species id this country. A short distance below Karryville, Wayne county, on the line of the Delaware aud Hudson Canal, a large mass of rock has been for some time regarded with anxious eyes oy tne company, fears were entertained that it might some day, during the season of navigation, be precipitated into the canal. It was .finally determined to take time by the forelock, and disloge the mass id the winter season, and accord ingly on Friday last the thing was aecora. pushed, iweoty-five kers of powder hav. ing been deposited in a fissure, and well tamped with the sand, the match was ap plied, and at one blast the immense body, known as " Hanging Rock," was Jiurled from Us foundation. About ' half ot the mass lodged in the bed of the caoal, and the balance, crushing the tow-path like an egsshill, made its way into the river. The rock was of the following dimecsions : 9 feet long, 81 feet high, and 32 feet thick : containing upwards of 9,000 cubio Tarda : its weight over twenty thousand tons the largest mass, it is believed, evei disloged at one blast. Anna Cora Mowatt Ritchie writes theatrical letters from London to the San Francisco Chronicle. She speaks ot Ada Isaac Menken's death as follows : '' I learn from a private source that the Pari sian physician who atteuded Miss Menken io her last illoess declares that the con sumption which terminated in her death was caused by tho strap with which she wag bound to the horse as Maxeppa. It is a singular coincidence that the first words of her books of poems, which bad been in press for some months before she was tkken ill, but only appeared a few days after she died, are, " Yes, I am dead 1 " It is said that the ordinance will be re pealed which regulates the running of the cars of the Hoboken and Jersey City, N. J , Railroad Company, aud which requires said company to pay a remuneration of $20Q per anDum for each car to the Jersey City aud Bergen Railroad Company. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS nF. C. KRUMME, M. D-, FbvsicUii and Surgeon, 'Ridgwny jjijj Uo. Fa. Office above store uf li. O. Gillis- Office hours from 8 to 10 A. M. and o to n r. M. vinmr. DR. C. W. STEBBIN3, Dentist. Will remain in Ridgway, until Friday, Jan. 22. Artificial Teeth inserted or Uetecuve teeth preserved. Ether spray appiiea lor alleviation of pain in extraction. Rooms at the residence or Mr. r. i. iroo. vlnOlt. 1809. 1809. A PAPER FOR THE TEOFLE. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE, FOR THE riTTSBURG DAILY DISPATCH One of the largest, liveliest and most widely circulated papers in tne state. THE DAILY DISPATCH Is an Eittht page paper, independent in politics, and contains forty eight columns of matter, embracing 3 he Laten Ntrt by Telegraph, The Most Reliable Market Reports, The Latent Cable Telctjrams, The Fullest Local Reports, With the latest news by mait, including the most interesting personal and political items, full TELEGRAPHIC MARKET REPORTS From all points of importance, East and West, and much other matter of an entertaining and instruotive character. , The Ditpatch is furnished by mail at $8 a year, or may be nau lroin our agents at uiteen cents a wcck. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN COPT. THE WEEKLY DISPATCH 0iLY $1 A YEAR 1 ! 1 In issuing tinir prospectus for 18C9, it affords the Publishers gratification to be able to state that their Weekly like their daily, enters upon the new year under very nattering auspices. It has been enlarged to nearly doule its former size, and now contains THIRTY TWO COLUMNS Of matter printed in bold, clear type, making it one ot the handsomest, as it has long been one of the cheapest, if not this cheapest, Week lies in the country. It contains all the latest news of the day- Political, Commercial and General, and as an enteriain'ng and acceptable FAMILY NEWSPAPER . Is not excelled by any paper, in the State. The M eekly impatcn is furnished to enisle sub scrioers at$i,uu, or in clubs or ten lo one address at $1,00 each, with a free paper to tne party getting up the club. Subscribers may remit us by mail, either in bills or by Postoftice order, which is the safer mode l ost mast era receiving subscriptions for the Dispatch, either Daily or Weekly, are authorized to rennet twenty per cent on our published rates, for single subscribers, or ten per cent, on our club rates of ten papers for ADDRESS O'NEILL & ROOK, Publishers Daily and Weekly Dispatch (DISPATCH IRON BUILDING,) C7 and 09 Fifth Street, TitUburg, Pa. vln'J It. A1 LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN JUST published in a sealed envelope A Lecture on the mature, Treatment an Radical cur of Spermatorrhoea, or Sominai Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Do bility, and Impediments to marriage general! Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits Mental and Physical Incapacity, resultin from Self-Abuse, Jc, by Robert J. Culver well, M. D., author of the "Green Book, etc. Price in a sealed envelope, ouly six cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years succeratiu practice, that the alarmin consetiueuces of self abuse may be radically cured without the use of internal medicine or the application of the knife, pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, way cure himself cheaply, privately, and radi cally. lKThis Lecture should be in the hands of very youth and every man in the land. Sent andcr seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid, ou receipt or six cents, or two post stamps. AIbo, Dr. Culverwell1 " Marriage Guide," price 25 eents. Address the Publishers. I HAS. J.C. KLINE a CO.. 127 Bowery, New York, P. O. Box 4,680, janl(il07 JTF VOU WANT TO BUY CLOTHUTG for tht Million Go to A. DURLACHER, DEALER IN CLOTHING! CLOTHING GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS TRAVELING BAGS, 4o. ST. MARi-8, ELK COUNTY, TENNA Jan218U8lypd "VTOTICE. Came into the enclnn,, nf il.a JJl subscriber in Jay Township, about the 80th of Nov. lust, a YEARLINu BULL blaca, wun uruwu ainpa on us Dack, the owner bcrvuj isuiiomii iu cuuie iorwara prove prupenj, pajr vunrgei uu tune jnm away, he will be disposed of as the law directs. "Jj. it. MO&EY. Jay, Dee. 8l,fc, 868, no-Su , tb ERIE RAILB0AO, TIME TABLE. Tlv.'rvijh and Di'rttt liouto between Philadelphia, Baltimore Harris """77, Wiliamsport, and the OR BAT OIL REG IOH of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT On all SLEEPING Night Trains. CARS ON ar the and after MONDAY, NOV. 25th, trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Iluilroaa will run as follows i WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia .10.45 p. m. " " Ridgway .3.21 p. m. " " arrive at trio fl.ot) p. m. Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia.. 11.50 a. m " ' " Ridgway 8.84 a. m " " arrive at Krie 1U.UU a. m HASTWARD. Wail Train leaves trie 10. OS a. m. " " ' Ridgway 6.16 p. m. arrive at l'tiilad a .10.1)0 a. m. Erie Express leaves Erie 0.25 p. m. " ' F.idgway 12.45 a. m. " arat l'hilauelphia..... 4.20 p. m. Mail and Express connect with Oil Creek and Allegheny River Rail Rod. BAG GAGE CHECKED THROUGH. ALFRED L. TYLER. General Superinlende. XOHN G. HALL, Attorney at law, Ridg- if way, Elk county Pa. mar-22 Co ly H ENRY EOUTnER, Attorney-at-Law Ridgway, Pa. (feb29'C8), A LriNE HOUSE, St. Mary's Pa., Her- maa Krets, Proprietor. ug9'ti6 W. JAMES BLAKELY Physician .l o at m.. fik Mn..n Lmar-boiy. F RANK S. BARRETT, Attorney-at-Law, Clearfield. Penn a. Will cractice in Elk and Cameron courties. sepO,'C8-y. EXECU nas, XECUTIONS, SUMMONS, BUBPtE, Warrants, &c, on hand and for sale at this otlice. H. VOLK, Manufacturer and Dealer I Jm in Laetr Beer, opposite the Railroad Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. Mar-22 lili-l . X O. HAL!. JAS. K. P. Ut HALL & I3RO. Attorneys - at - Law ST. MAUI'S : BENZINGER P. 0. ELK COUNTY, PA. September 20, I860, ly. J- Jail, ( S. Bordwell, M. D. Eclectic Physician' Office and residence opposite the on Centre St., Ridgway, Pa. Prompt at- cntion will be Riven t o all calls. Office hours 7 to 8 A. M-: 12 to2 P. M. : and 0 to 7 P. M. Mar. 22, C6-tf. I1HAVER HOUSU, I RIDGWAY, PA. DAVID THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a large and eommodious hotel on the southwest corner of Centre and Mill streets, with good and convenient stabling attached, respect fully solicits the patronage of his old friends and the put ho generally. decloliUJJ UAY1U THAI Ell, TTYDE HOUSE, 1 Ruwwat, Elk Co., Pa. M. V. Moore, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, cy paying strict atteution to the comfort and convenience of guests, te merit a continuance of the same. Oct 24 180(5. FRANKLIN HOUSE, Bt. Maet's, Pa. LARGEY & MiLONE, Pnora's. The nronrielors respectfully ask the attention of their friends and the public in general to their large and commodious hotel. Lvcry attention paid to the convenience of guests. II T A I, n t V H. LARGEY, mVf30-lSSl ly J. A. niALON'B. XCHANGE HOTEL, RIDGWAY, TA. J. HALEY Proprietor. This hotel is pleasantly situvted on the banks of the Clarion River and Elk Creek, at the lower end of the village, Mr. Healy will spare no pains for the coavenie.ee of his guests. He invites one and all te give him a call and try Ins house, Sept. 17th'07-ly. mm VV ING MACHINES. The under signed having been appointed Sole Agent for the sale of Wheeler & Vt ilson s Sewing Ma chines for lk county. He keeps an as. sortment constantly on hand. Machines sold at Philadelphia and New York prices. Any parties desirous of obtaining them can address j. wmoioiiE, March 0t-'66-ly. at Rideway, Pa. SOMETHING NEW! House, Sign and Ornamental Painting. rpHE SUBSCRIBER WOULD RE I spectfully inform the citizens of Elk county that he has just started in the above business in Ridgway, and feel confi dent that ha can please all who may favor him with their custom. GSAIMSU, TAPER HANGING AND CALCIMIN1NG DONE ON SHORT NOTICE AND IN.THE rcost fashion able and improved manner and style. Orders left at this Office or at the Banking House of Souther, Willis & Souther will be promptly at tended to. W. P. WILLIAMS, May-17'CO-ly. NAILS, SPIKES, HINGES, locks, bolts, and all kinds RIVETS, ot builder's materials in general can be had cheaper at the St, Mary's Hardware Store than any other place in Elk counrty. (n28'li7) A" orders for Stoves and Hardware will be promptly attended to as soon as received, at the 12'67 St. MARY'S HARDWARE STORE. CARDS, Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Tags, Handbills, &o., done in a neat manner, aud at the lowest rami, FOR CASH, at the Elk Advocate Printing Office. B LANK.S of aU kinds for sale at this of Co. NVELOPES, LABELS & TAGS neatly printed tt the Advocate Office "riSITING CARDSNEATLY EXECUT- ed at this oIKee. ZUNS, PISTOLS, RIFLES, KM IVES VJI pocket and table cutlery, of ths best Qualltv and most annrnvarf milAim i cheap at the Hardware 6ter oa Bibtrger'l eld eomei-UA. M-ry's. : ' f 11 HHADELtHIA WINTKR i n. HT MRS. SMITH HAVE Wh7 no ! pray to get La sokes 1 no, Mrs. Smith. But I heard that she heard Mra. Spendthrift aj to Mm. Stingy, tother day, that, afhows when she was down to Ridgway seeing the eights, t,h$ rhta she ever ever beheld, "tcAy la me " she mor'o thirty different kinds of chairs, and I believe! every other one was a baby chair, and shut just like doors, so in the day time they can styles of BEDSTEADS, TABLES, SPRING-BEDS, MATRESSES AND LOUNGES 5 why will you believe it, he said be bad Lounges, and Brackets, and Hat-Trees, and what do ym call em's, that come all the way from Boating, only I don't believe no such stuff as that. But, Oh I my, that wasn't a begin'in of of any I thought I'd tell you. Cause if neiphbnra thev can't do better than to natroniie o lnltf ASH SASH! ! SASH ! ! I DOORS 1 DOORS 1 1 DOOR 1 1 t MO ULD1XGS I MOULDINGS! I MOULDINGS! t ! For every man who is going to build a HOUSE. BARN, SHOP OR SHANTY. I have on hand SASn Gland or not, of all kinds, siics and patterns. Also DOORS OF ALL KINDS, and MOULDINGS of every description from a half inch bead to a heavy crown or archittctral moulding. BUILDINGS put up by tht day er job, at short notice. LIME by the peck or load, always on hand. Any of the above named stock can be seen or had by calling at the Furniture Warerooms of H. H. THOMAS, above corner of Main and Depot streets Ridgway, Pa., who is the agent for the sal of tne same. 3m2 SALYER JACKSON, LOOK HERE! WATCHES, JEWELRY . SILVERWARE. MHARLES HOLES, Praotlcal Watchma ker, Jeweler and Engraver, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. The subscriber begs leave to I announce to the citizens of Kulgway and vicinity that he is prepared to do all work in his line on short notice and at reasonable rates in the very best manner. Shep in H. S. Thayer's Store. Special attention paid to ciicraviue. He lias also on hand a larcre assortment of I Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Silverware which he offers for sale on reasonable terms. Give him a call. nev7'C7tf. LOOK HERE! CENTREVILLE TIN-SHOP. XOHN WAPLE desires to make known f I to the citizens of Centrevilie and the surrounding country that he has taken the snop formerly occupied by R. J. Maloney, on "MCLauley'a Corner" in Centrcvillelt and that he hopeaby paying strict attent.on to nis ousiness Tind the wants or bis customers. to merit their patronage in Mb line. He will neap on hand a large and well selected assort ment of in and hcrt-3frm Ware, of his own manufacture, which he will warrant to be of the best quality. His stock consists of everything that ia useful in the tinware line abont a house. I ask a fair trial, and if my work does not give satisfaction, my customers will not be oougcu 10 late 11. JU11K WAl'liJS. seplC:tf. J. 8. BORDWELL. M. D. ECLECTIC I MI l$ICI1Jr. 'Tlhe word ecleotie means to ehoese or se l lect medicines from all the different sohools of medicine ( using remedies that are safe, and discarding from practice all medi cines luai nave an injurious effect on the sys tem, such as mercury, antimony, lead, cop per, so. 1 lay aside the lance the old bloodletter. reaucer or aepieier, ana equalize the circula tion and restore the system to its natural state by alteratives and tonics. I shall here after give particular attention to chronie dis eases, such as Rheumatism. Dvsneosio. Liver complaint, Catarrh, Neuralgia, diseases of the mroai, urinary, organs, and all diseases peou liar to females, ko. CATARRH I treat with a new instrument of a late invention, which cures every case. item extracted without pain. Office and residenoe south of the iail on Centre St. OfLce hours from 7 to 8 a. m : 12 to 1 p. m ; 6 to 7 p. m. Deo. 23 C7.-ly. J. 8. BOKDWELI," A TTENTION MILL- 0 WNIRS I 'piIE EAGLE TURBINE WATER 1 WHEEL, patented July 80, 1807, is superior to any wheel in use. The under, signed have the ageuoy for said wheel ia the State of Pennsylvania, and can recommend it as being the best manufactured. For further particulars, and circulars, inquire at our fouuury in nersey, where machinery mill-gearing, castings and steam engines wil' b ' made to order at reasonable price. We e Jy giin satisfaction in our work to reo, a ft0i share of pubiio patronage. J. F. ROBFjRTgoK, It. BELL. ' itersey. Elk, Co. ra.,jai10 l6ftpd, i -.i . I0U HEARD THE NEWS t what' happened, any one died or going married f Mn. Sandwich, lay to wrs. uucnesoom, a . si r called at Thomas warerooms, and of all the says that that young man showed her declare to goodness, if she didn't say that she the cribs for babys, why 1 they open and be put away. And then the different BUREAUS, AND WASHSTAXDS, all I saw, but as this was the most wondci ful you want to buy furniture, or any of your the establishment of n. II. THOMAS, Ridgway Ta. HARDWARE N EW HARDWARE STORE ! The subscribers have just opened in ST. MARY'S A new and Complete Stock of Heavy Shelf HARDWARE! 2 And will keep constantly on hand a grttt variety of COOK AND HEATING STOVES, Bar Iron, Steel Anvils, Bellotcs, NaiUs Horse Shoes, ISprxngs, JituM ing Hardware, Satct ana files oj ,vcry uesertptmn GUNS, PISTOLS AND CARTRIDGES, Cntlery, Plated Ware and Houm Furnishing Goods. Al kinds of Mechan ics' Tools 1 TINWARE Of every description, which will bo sold si the LOWEST CASH PRICES. They have also the exclusive agency ia Ft Mary's for the IMPROVED ORIENTAL BASE.BUKNING COAL STOVKS AND PARLOR FURNACB3 ! Which have received F.our First Clsp miums at the New York State ami ..t. er Fairs ; Also, the Great r.i)v r Medal at the Fair of the Am erican Institute, held in New York City, 186&. They are Perpetual Burners, only nn being required to be made during the season. M. BEECHPK. fa. WM. II. COPE LAND. bov28'C7 ly For doing a familv washing in i h l.-rst r. cheapest manner. Guaranteed equal i ai-. the world I Has all the strength of pure r- soap with the mild and lathering qualitio genuine Castile. Try this splen.lbl s.tap. S ly the ALDEN CHEMICAL WORlvti, la No Front Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Dep. z-OBiy. TjDR. TAYLOIVS OLIVE BRANCH BITTI F. A mild ant agreeable TONIC ST1 M l LAN i , STOMACHIC and CARMINAT1U. BITTER Extracted entirely from, ItERBiJ A. KUiVi Highly beneficial in DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL LLBIUTT, AND LOSS OF APPETITM Allll Kit ATI,all.nl ' vunxjfcuo lor persont sntri-r- ing from Disorders of the BweU. TWulenc. SOLD EVEPrcnERE ! Depot. No. 4 V MarV,t at, rUU'a. Sep O'e.y 'J. K. TAYLOR k (' T r vUI3 H. GARNER, , v ' PRACTICAL MACHINIST, Can found at hi Foundry at St. Mary's whre he is ready to have all ahepnori .' his tine done on short notice, tit. M r Beafc'inger P. 0., Elk , f. my!'"'! JOB WORK of all float tt this offioc. kinds sua ucm-i J