(Kill flMurtg g,dpjwpt. FRIDAT, DECEMBER 25, 1808 ETTB8FE. Tbe latest dispatches regarding tbe Eastern question represent tbe Greek Gov ernment as King more disposed toAisten to the protests of the other European jpojwrs than heretofore. The popular feeling against Turkey is said to have forced tbe Greek authorities into tho position they pow occupy, This warlike sentiment is undergoing -a chango, n,nd it is thought that i;' the Sultao wjll .grant lime for fur ther negotiation war rfiuyr.be averted. The report that Russia hod sett,to Prussia an unfavorable note xccatdiug he Kas'ero .question is prqnounoed.uoir.ue, The election of members of tbe Cortes .began Saturday in the incorporated uitios pf Spain. It is reported that a large ma. jority of those thus far elected are in favor pi a mona,cclual form ol Uovernment. 1 h statejecent that a renty of peace with Chili may be considered n.n accomplished fact, js authorized by the Government. TnE Columbus Cr!i, a leading Demo cratic paper in Ohio, has an article layiiu down the basis for the reconstruction of the Democratic party. It is to cancel tbe bonds, .abclish ,the legal tender., abolish the banks, abolish the tariff, abolish ail internal revenue duties, ana support the govern me.it by a direct tax levied on the property of tbe country. It declares the previous ;uonotary and financial schemes of the Democratic party all wrong, and that the only way to restoration ,?f tbe party is by coming back to these true Democratic principles. And la vdejv of tV'ir advent it declares it the duty of tho pros of the country to warn tbe widows and orphans and poor people ot tbe country to disposo of all the bonds in their posession, for " repudiation is inevitable." This is Democracy simmered down to what in practice it would have shown itself to be. Only the defeat of Seymour and Blair prevented the consummation of its ruinous schemes. Fowls in the Horse Stable. Fowls should never be permitted to have access to the horse stable, nor the feed room, nor the hay-mow, 1 heir roost shon'.d been, tirely separate from the sUble, so that they rnay not always be ready to slip in when ever a door is opened, and that the vermin whioh invest poultry may not reach horses or cattle. It is a well known fact that fowls of all kinds frequently drop a very sordid, offensive, viscious odor, and when allowed to go on the hay mow, or iu the feeding room, or anywhere in the barn, they damage more fodder than we are Font to suppose We would as soon allow fowls to live in the kitchen, and hop on the dinner table while we are eating, and to roost on in beadstead, as 4o have free access to tho horscstable and bain. Some horses are always afraid of fowl,, and when cue enters the manger, or rack, the timid hordes will immediately surrender their entire right, however hungry they might be, to those lawless marauders Exchange. Definitions of Bible Terms. A day's journey cue fifth miles was thirty.three and A Subbath day's journey was about an English mile, Ezekial's reed was eleven feet, nearly. A cubit is twenty two inches, nearly, A hand's breadth is equal to three and fivcteight inches. A finger's breadth is equal toj one inch. A Shekel of silver was about fifty cents. A Shekel of gold was $8,09. A talent ot silver was 8538.33. A talent of gold was $813,00. A piece of silver, or a penny, was thir teen cents. A furthing was three cents. A gerah was one cent. A mite was one cent. A homer contains seventy-five gallons and five pints. A nepha, or bath, contains seven gallons and five pints. A bin was one gallon and two pints. A firkin was seven pints. An omer was six pints. A cab was three pints Tell Youa Mother. I wonder how many gills tell their mothers everything, ffot those " young ladies " who, going to and from school, smile, bow and exchange notes and cart at vmrei with young men, who make fun of them and their pictures, speaking in a way that would make their cheeks burn with shame it they heaid it, AH this, most iperedulous and romantic young ladies, they will do, although they gaie at your fresh young faces ad. miringly, and send or give you charming verses and boquets. No matter what " other girls do, don t you di it. School 'girl flirtations may end disastrously, as many a foolish, vretched young girl could tell you. Your yearnings for soma one to love is a great need ot every wama& heart. But there Is a time for everything. Don 'I let the bloom and freshness of your heart be vrusnea on in sniy mrtatiaas. And, above all, tell your mother everything. Never be ashamed to tell her, who should be your best friend and confident, all you think and feel. 1 1 k W very strange that so many young girls will tell every person but motbe. that which is most important that she should know. It is very a&j that in different persons should know more about ker own fair daughter thaa she does her self. Fanny Fern. " Ae you a skillful meohanio 7 " " Yes, air." u What can you make t " Oh, almost anything in my line." " Can you make a devil f " " Certainly ; just pu: op your foot, and I will split it a three eecoods. I never saw a chap in my life a; requ'rod less alteration LJM'JIE" Wmi'lJLJBijaJIHU.lJJJljl s. lACKTLK. Good plot for play A jgrass plot. A desirable domcstie ,b,irdr-A duck of wife. Plain enjoyment Sheruku'e jnaaner of passing the Indian Summer. A .conductor's baton it theifaatest (thing out li beats time. A very unpopular .ej5ce or indolent ladies We&oHr Jlqusesiuok. Ihe,tniwt appropriate wood for iroodeD shoes Sandalwood. Idleness is not tolerated at the Crntnn reservoir. There's where the water works. " Your pen wants mending," as r4e shep herd said to the strfy sheep. When may we .suppose that man is very hungrjr.? When he will devour books. The most precocious child ever heard of is probably .tho child " that's laUier to the mau. Whc.p Ate jrarsons bound in honor not to j&wse theatres f When they take orders. When is a lane dangerous to walk in When the hedges are t hooting and the buL rwtnet out. Our proof reader ,complai,p ,bocsusc, as he says though he isjoojt m a ail, foe as con unca tninuiise.oi .correction. i Electricity," says the scientific D " trtvcls faster tbafl light." " Yes," said the reflective 1$., " it is easiQr to shock than instruct." A New York boot-black has sis iiousand dollars in the bank the proceeds of the labot of many a " shining hour." A eruei wag twe a ibald'headpd friend into a oeiy ij 4riiaiug bim to have Ills .'ircal toescocd. Said an iVish Justice to an obstreperous prisoner en trial, " We want nothing but silence. Mi but little of that." .in vJ bachelor is a traveler on life's railway who has entirely failed to make tho proper connections. some one says tne best way tor a man to train up a child in tho way it should go is to travel that way occasionally bimsell. An irritable man bavins been disan pointed in h?s boots threatened to chew up the shoemaker, but compromised by drink a cobbler. If you are truly bencvolont and charita hie, perhaps yni will, when you see i neighbor in distress, ask some other neigh bor to beip bim. A western paper states that the Iowa Agricultural College has two " lacy" stu dents, it probably means ladv. " 0 Ma," said a little girl who had been to the show, ' I'vescee the elephant, and he walks backward find eats with his tail." An epitaph in a rural eravsyard reads thus : " If ere lies Bernard Lightloot, who was accideotly killed in the forty -fifth year of his ago. This monument was erected by bis grateful family." Thb Poor Hot. Don't be ashamed, my lad, it you have a paten on your elbow : it is no mark of disgrace. It speaks well for your industrious moiber. tor our part we wouiu ratner see a dozen patches on your jacket than hear one profane and vulgar vrord trom your lips, or to smell tbe tunies of tobacco in your breath. No good boy will shun you becanse you cannot dress as well as your companion : and if a bad bor onietiuies laughs at your appearance, say nothing, my good lad, but walk on. We kuow of many a rich and good man who was once as poor as you. Fear God, my boy, and it you are poor but honest, you will be respected a great deal more than if you were tbo son of a riob man, and were addicted to bad habits. The soul of the Paris police is a com paratively young man, named Andre Ber nard, who used to be chief of tho French detectives and spies in London. lie has a truly wonderful memory, knows most of the revolutionary characters of Franco, is very fertile and ready in " working up: difficult cases and is endowed with the most impcrturbablo temperament. lie receives an annual salary ot ten thousand francs He sleeDs and eats at'the Perfojture, which be very rarely leaves, save on holidays. A resident of Elmira reached borne the other night just in time to prevent his wite trom roasting the baby, she having the stove ready heated and expressing her intention to " cave ono good meal out of that child." Irioh am Again. Brigbani Young has. according to all accounts, a heavy bur. den resting upon his shoulders. His time has been so much taken up lately, that be is unable to find enough young masculines to marry his hrst installment of thirty six daughters. In despair, be is now looking about for a lively young man to marry the whole lot. Imagine tbe affectionate leave taking when Brigham gives away those thirty .six. i i m i The Democratic President.'' Here is a consoling paragraph tor some Demo, crat who feels that General Grant is with ' their party " Said a friend to the Gen eral recently, " General, I see the Demo cratic papers are claiming you as their President." "Ah!" said Grant, "I neveree them now nor read them. The last Democratic paper I saw had an edi torial denouncing ma as a drunkard." The. colony of Van Diemen'a Land was a few years ago a flourishing community. Favored by nature with abundant re sources, it was a land ol great promise. In an evil hour the British Government made it a penal eolooj and sent. thither its worse eooviots. Tbe result is a state of society that borders on barbarism. I be most notorious criminals oecupy tne highest places in tbe Government, trickery and fraud are matters of merit, and orime finds a secure asylum. The trade aud commerce of, tbe country are languishing, and its re sources left undeveloped. The lesson of all this should not be lost upon our own city and State. Tbe peaal colony ofNe York i iko Tammany Kiog.--.AC 1". Tribune, L.JUi.il L'JiU! A Runaway Kkoine. On Monday evening last, something about the machi. Wry of the shifting engine, " Cora anche," got out of order, so that tftfl engineer, Mr. John Boyd, fond it impossible to shut off uteam or slop her. Away Bhe -bounded iu the direction of Port Cliatoo, and the crew finding the iron horse completely beyond their control and constantly 'increasing in speed, inmped of! and left tbe engine, to its fate The engineer hastened to the tefe iztaph office and dispatched to Ringgold t) have her switched off there ; but a short distance below town the engine " New En gland " .encountered upon the same tradk. iler engineer, Mr. W.ni. Swope, when he saw the runaway , dashing ,down upon him, regardless of his signals, appre hended the troublo at once, aid prepared to meet it. lie pullod ruit wilb -hie engine and ran away from 'the pursuing Co manche," gradually slackening speed until he allowed die flatter to, conic goiulsin con tajoith him, nbeo Jie " shut off " and holding back soon brnnght the fugitive to a dead stop from exhausted steam. Nobody hurt. TumagHn Journal. m, m i . A Iseautifcl TnouoHT. t he soa is the largest of all c.emctarics, and its slum- berets lecp vrk.fe.out monuments. All Other graveyards, in all other lauds, show some .distinction between the groat and smll, tho rich and poor ; but iu the ocean ceuietary the king and the clown, the prince and peasant are all alike undistinguished. The same wave rolls over all the same re quiem by the minstrels of tbo ocean is sung to their honor. Over the remains the same storm beats, and the same sun shines, and there, unmarked, the weak and power ful, the plumed and unhonorcd, will sleep on until awakened by the same tiumpet. m t . The old Wilmot District gave Grant a mnjority of 9,318. Though dead ho yet speaks, says the Tioga Agitator. This is nearly equal to the Republican mnjority in the State in October, which isn't a bad ac count of counties formerly all strongly Democratic, until Judge Wilmot conquered them to our faith. We believe this Dis trict is unanimously for Mr, Grow for United States Senator. Tho West aod Northwest saved the Stabs from Demo cratic rule, and their invincible Republi canism deserves to bo rewarded. We can secure some ono ot our best men it we only stand shoulder to shoulder. m A Queer Hymn Book. A good joke is told of a preacher in Nebraska, who had dined with a friend just before afternoon services. As it happened, this friend occa sionally luxuriated in asmilo of the ardent, and sometimes carried a morrocco covered flask in his overcoat pocket. By mistake the miuistertook the friend's overcoat for his own on his departure, and, walking into the pulpit, began the exercises without doffing the garment, it being rather chilly In the room. Looking very ministenaly over bis con gregation from behind his spectacles, he began drawing Irom his pockety as he sup posed, his hymn book, with the introductory remark that the congregation would sing fronj a particular page which he had se lected before band. The minister hell the supposed book up in lull sight ot the congregation, and at tempted to open it sideways, but it was no go. The situation was realized in a moment, but alas ! too late. His reverence was dumbloun led, the audience giggled, and the whole scene was made ludicrous by a fellow in the back part of tho congregation, not nltogothar too sober, who drawled out : Say, Mister, kin we all (hie iinc in that 'ar hymn ? " It has bee a distinctly and officially notified to Queen Isabella that she cannot be received at tho French Court with royal honors. It she cbooscs to reside in fans, her ex-majesty must understand that she can only do so as Madame Isabella de Bourbon, and in fact be considered a pri. vate individual. UCEirSZS. Notice is hereby given that the following named persons have filed their annlications for Licenses in my office to Jan. Sessions 1809 as required by the act of Slut March 18o0. 1. urove U. Messenger, Store, Itidgway. i.eonara i;ooit, lavcrn, Kiugvray. M. V. Moore, Tavern, Riclgwuy. Francis Gill, Eating House, Fox. D. C. Oyster, Tavern. Uorton. John Koch, Tavern, Fox. David Thayer, Tavern, Ridgway. John Ilanscora. Tavern, Ileneietto. John Kine, Store, Jay. 3. 4. C. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Jacob ltibergcr, hlore, SI. Marys. 11. Thos. gimniet, Tavern, St. Marys. . 12. A, Fochtman, .Tavern, St. Marys. 13. Jos. Windfelder, Tavern, Ft Marys. U. C. II. Volk, Tavern, St. Marys. 15. W. Qeies, Eating House, St. Marys. 16. Geo. Whitman, Kating House, St. Marys. 17. Ed Blinder, Kating House St. Marya. 18. Jbo. Heuly, Tavern, Ridgway. 19. Joi. Wilhelm, Store, St. Mryi. 20. Wm. Zelt, Tavern; St. Mary. 21. Patrick Shannon. Eatini House. St. Marys. Ti. II. B. leash, Tavern, Joxv 23. J. F. Mariio, Tavern, Tor. 24. John Vaughn. Tavern, Fox. 25. Geo. P. Devling, Eating House, Jones. 2i. B. . Morey & John CoDOUfhton, Tavern. Beneieite. GEO. A. RATHBCN, Clerk. List of Cauaes set down for trial at January Term 1809, commencing Monday, January Uth, 189. 1. Bell vs. Weruer, etal. 2. Lawrence, el al vs. LuHr, et a). 3. Mayhood, ei al Vi Crispen, et 4. Shawmut Coal Co., vs. Hyde & Reed. 5. Hyde & Reed vs. Wotnlbury, 0. Reed vs. Breeden, et al. 7. Marker! vs. Duller k Stearley. CEO. A. RATHUUN, Proth'r. Ridgway, Deo. 18th, 18U ISTRAV. Came to. tbe premises of the 2j undersigned in Jay Township in uly last. U.XE TEARLlNu BULL, block. iih whit face and feel. Also. ONE YEARLING HEIFER, red, somewhat brindled and soms white in tbe face. The owner is hereby notified te eon forward, prove properly, pay ehares, and take them away, otherwise they will be dinpoeed f ac cording lo law.. JOSEPU MIL. Jnj u JkOf. apt!, TS&S, noJt. LEGAL SHERIFF'S SALE. BV VIRTUE of sundry writs of Venditioni F.xponas and Levarie Facias issued out of the Court of Common rteas of Elk county, there will be exposed to PVUL1C SALE at the Court House in Ridgvrav on MONDAY, the 11th day of January, 18U3, the following described Real Estate, to wit ; All that niessunge or tcnament, being a two 1T brick bouse and four lots in the Borough qf S'.. Marys in the county of Elk, situate un Centre Strre4. containing a front on said Centre 8t root one hundred feol by two hundred feet at right angles and kciag number forty (40) on Centre Street in the mo-p or plan f the Borough of St. Marys. ALSO. All that certain lot or picee of ground situnted in St Marys and bounded ai follows : Beginning at a point on St. Michael Street twenty four feet north westerly from the North west corner of Michael Gerg s House, snid corner bc:ng the north west corner of Penilergnsts lot, and theiouih west corner of the lots wlione boundaries are now being de scribed, thence north thirty fout degrees thirty minutes en ft (N 84 30' E) ninety four feet and three tenths of a foot (94,8 ft) to a post. Thence north eighty-three degrees east (N 83 E) forty-one feet eight tenths of afoot (41,8 ft) to a post in Lafayette Street. Thence North ten degrees fifteen mimics west l N 1U 15' W) along Lalayctt street to a post thirty feet f 80 ft. Thonce south seventy-five ucgrese len minutes west S 7o UK W seventy-? even feet f77 ft to a post. Tkcnce sgth thirty-four degrees thirty minutes west 834 30' W cigty-lour feet and eight tenths of fk fool 85.8 I'll lo Michael Street. Thence south fif:y-five degrees thirty minutes east .'S 65 30' E) forty feet 40 ft to the place of neginmng. containing hve thousand one hun dred and forty four square feet 5144 sq ft be the same more or less. Also erected there on one two story house 30x80 feet with stone basement also e.ected thereon. Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Geo. P. Hintcnach and Geo. lmhoft. ALSO The following described tract, piece or parcel cf lamt, situated in Jay Towxship Elk Ccunty, Pennsylvania warrant number five thousand and sixteen 5010 warranted in the name of Wilhelm Willmk et al, containing nine hundred and ninety 990 acres more or less, bounded on the north by warrant No. 5007 on t lie east by warrant No. 5015, on the south by warrant 5()19 and on the west by warrant 5017 which said tract of land is unseated and unim. proved. Seized and taken in execution, and to be sold as (he property of The Cherry and Trout Run Oil & Minning Company. ALSO. All thut certa:n Diece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Borough of St. Marya, County of Elk and State of Penn sylvania, bounded and described as follows : Beginning at the intersection of the Philadel phia and Erie Railroad and St. Michael Street being the s:nlh west corner of the lot, thence north fifty-five and one haif degrees 55J west one hundred and nine and two tenths (109 2-10) feet. Thence north thirty four and one talf 84J degrees, eaat eighty-three and three temhs-83 3-10-feet. Thence north eighty three degrees 83 east thirty-two and five tcntns (ijo-ioj rect. l hence south ten an tone fourth (10J) degrees, east one hundred) and and Iwenty.-six and six tenths (1U6 0-10) feet. Thence south fifty. two and one half degrees west (52J) sixteen-lG-lcet along said Rail road lo the place of beginning. Containing seven thousand six hundred and tcn-7610-square feet of land be the same more or less. On which is erected one two siory frame tavern house about 60 feet by 80 feet, one two story frame building used as a drug store, one two story frame building fronting on Michael Street and the Philadelphia and Erie R. R. and one old barn, m by 1!0 feet. Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the property of James Coyne, and of Joseph liuueuu icrre tenant. JAMES A. MALON'E. Sheriff. Militm s Ortica, Riuoway, Pa., December 11th, 1803. St. COURT PROCLAMATION. Whereas, the Hon. II. W. Williams. President J adze and Hons. E. C. Schultze and Jesse Kyler. Asso ciates, Judges of the Court (f Quarter Sessions, Orphans Court, Oyer and Terminer, and Gen eral Jail delivery, lor the tnni of capital and other offenses iu the county of Elk, by their preceipts to nie directed, have ordered tho aforesaid named Courts lo be hnldcn at Ridg way, in and for the county of Elk, on the Second Monday of January, it being the Uth any or me month, and lo continue one week. Notice is hereby given lo the Coroner. Justices of the Peace, and Cons ables of ihesaid county, that they are by these presents commanded lo be then and thero in 'hoir proper persons at len o'clock, A. M., of said day, with their rolls, records and inquisitions, and other re membrances, to do those things whioh their offices appertain to be done, and that all Justices of said coun'y make returns of all recognizances onlcred into before them, to the C!erk of the Court, as per act of Assembly of March 4th 1834. And those who are bound to prosecute the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of the county of Elk, and lo be. then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. JAMES A. M ALONE, Sheriff. Ridgway, Deo. 18, n5lo. List of Jurors. Drawn for January Term, 18C9. GRAND JURORS. Benzinger Adum Geyor, F. X. Erig. Fox Lawrence Mohan, Jr., Enos Hayes, John Mohan, Henry Largey, Pelcr Thompson, Uiiah W. Rogers, C. W. H. Eckie. Horton Hezckiah Horlou, John Wiuklebacb, Redford Seigers. Jay Jacob A Spanglcr, A. E. Goff. Jones Joseph llotchnecker, John Palcn, John Veidcrt. Ridgway W. S. Service, A. II. Ilead, Isaac Horton, Jr. St. MarysLeonard Whitman, Henry Fochtman, Frank Soseuhe'uaer, Joseph Wil helm. TRAVERSE JURORS, Beneieite William E. Johnson, Reuben Wiasiow, Jr., John Emery. Benzinger Anton Bille, Jacob Vollmer, Joseph Bessel, William Grots, Adam Kopf. Fox Fred Schoening, Matthew 1 lores Michael Shariraw, Thomas M alone, Jeremiah Sullivan, Thomas A. Gross, William Taylor, Sr., James MeCloskey, Reeseman Meredith, William U. Meredith. Horton Joseph S. Hyde, Clark A. Wiloex, A. .Sparks, James Pbalun, Patrick Riley, Jr. Jay William N. Webb, Oliver Dodge, Josiah R. Morey, Anson U. Robinson, Thomas Toater, Leroy E. Legget. Jones Michae! Weidert, Joseph Tambine, Erastus Burlingame. Ridgway Nelson Gardner, Patrick Malone, J. H. Mayo, Edward Derby, Horace Warner, Miner Wilaox, C. W. tervioe, Homer Perry, M. V, Moore, Leonard Cook, Henry II. Thomas. St. Marys John Foster, Frank Gerg, Juhn B. Coryell. Spring Creek Martin Ferrin, Joha S. George. NOTICE is hereby given that the following accounts have been filed la my office and will l4nreHented at thm ntxt trm rt th Orphan's Cou. t of Elk County for confirmatiam. Final account of Adam Jeshervpr tiMulm f Jos Erig, deceased. u&u a. K.vmuu:., Ktsiitev. Dse. lltb, '68 a&tt. Job PaiKTma of every description doje promptly, at ihla office, and in a style un equalled la this section, of the fiiste. Entire atisfaction guaranteed. W. S- SERVICE. W. 8. SERVICE, Wilt from tbis date be prepared to sell at the lowest prioes. RTOVE3 FOR PARLORS, STOVES FOR KITCHENS, STOVES FOR HALLS, STOVES FOR 11ED ROOMS, STOVES FOR STORES, STOVES FOR MILLS, STOVES FOR HOTELS, STOVES FOR OFFICES, STOVES FOR CHURCHES. Anl in fact for all places where stoves are needed. Give him a calll. TIN WARR AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. JOBBING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, ' ROOFING AND SPOUTiNG, HOUSB FURNISHING GOODS, TOTS, BIRD CAGES, ruMrs, nrEiNG. Ridgway Nov. II, 188, tloltf. DR. W. W. SHAW Practices Medicine and Surgery, Ccntreville, Elk county P. mar-22'ti ly. A Nkw Rk.mkdt in Cojmiimpt'om. A Physician who h id Consumption fur seveial years, with fiequent bleedings of tho lungs, cured himself witli medicine unknown to the profession, when his e.e apne'ircd bone less. He is the only nhvsicuiu, who has nxed it in his own person, or who has any knowledge of ils virtues ; a-d he enn asei ibti the degree of health he now enjoys to nothing bultli. use of his modicine ; awl nothing but utter dospitir nnl entire extinction nf all linnn of recovery,' together with a want oteoufidence in all others induced bim to hazard the exper iment. To thoso suffering with any disease of the lungs he proffers a treatment he con fidently believes will eradicate the disease. Price $1.50 per buttle, or $8 a half dozen, sent bv exnress. Send far a nireulnr oi nll on Db. E. Boylston Jackson, No. 250, North Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. may3U.u-ly A CARD TO THE LADIES. Dr. Dupon co's GOLDEN PERIODICAL PILLS lor females. Infallible in correcting irreg. ulariiies, Removing Obstructions of the Monthly Turu', from whatever cause, and always successful as a preventive. One Pill is auso. females peculiarly situated, or those supposing themselves so, are cautioned against using these fills while in that condition. lest they invite miscarriage, after which ad monition the Proprietor assi tnes no re sponsibility, although their miluuess would prevent any mischief to health: otherwise the Pills are recommen. ded as a Most Invalu able Remedy for tlut alleviation of those uffuring from any irregularitios whatever, as well as prevent an increase of familv when health will not permit it; quieting the nerves and bringing back the"rov color of health " to Ihe cheek of the most delicate. full and explicit directions aceomnitr each box. Price $1 per boa : 6 boxes. S. Sold in Ridgway, Pa., bv Cf. G. Messen?ar. Druggist, sole agent for Ridewov. Ladies, bv sending him $1 to lbs Ridgway P. 0. cau have the Pills sent (confidentially) by mail to any part ef the country, iree of nestiira. Sold also by Swayne & Reynolds, St. Mary s, and by one- Druggist in every village in the UUIOU. 9. D HOWE, Sole Proprietor, N. T. my2 C8-ly. PATRONIZE HOMB INSTITUTIONS. FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN. rTWIE subscribers having completed their l iew unsi nut tu jtnigway are now prepared to furnish the people of the sur rounding country with Flour of the Best On&litv. and of Ihoir own manufacture, at the lowest uiarxci rates. x , The adent ion of lumbermen anil, nltirra is called to our lacilities for furnishing them with FEED OF ALL KIMSSL cheaper than it ooa be bought any other place in the county.. fETlAsii Palo voa GAiK.t J. 8. HYDE, J. V. HOUR. J. K. WUITMOEE. Ksrsniber 7, ISSTHf POWELL & KIME. QOODS FOK.TUE MILLION. P O W E L L & KIME. At their capacious stores both in- RIDGWAY A-ND CENTREVILLE. Have on hand, splendid aMortaitnta of all seasonable Goods adapted to the want of the people of Elk and adjoining counties, which they are selling at prices that defy competition. They would simply statohere, that being very large dealers, their facilities for purchasing are mn. equalled by any establishment ia tha county. They buy directly from aaaa facturot and- on the Another advantage. Ton oan always, got whvt you want at their stores, htase you will save time hy. going directly t them and TIME. IS MONEY. We have no upaae here to enumerate all the ad vantages you will have in patronising tMe establishments. But call and see, and reap the the advantage for yourselves. Among. their Goods you will find. DRY GOODS in en Ileus varieties.. GROCERIES chaise and fresh CLOTIIINQ of best material superior cut and finish, BOOT3 4 SHOES of ib. stock and make CROCKERY for newly manledv uiddle aged aud eldeily. DRIED FRUIT; li UTTER, EGG 3, rORIC, IIAMJ3, LARD, FLOUEt CORN" MEAL. AND. EVERYTHING BLSB t 20 inch .bared shingles talaa hrgeoiv tt the market prioe, at both stores. Alto most other kinds of ceuafry pre due taken at the market value.- vlaltC