The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, December 11, 1868, Image 1

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rniLAtinnnA, I'a.
The greatest known remediei for
Liver Complaint,
Nervous Debility,
Diseases of the Kidneys,
nnil nil Diseases arising from a Dis
ordered Liver, Stomach, or
Read tht following symptoms, ami if yon find that
your system is affected by any of them, yon maj rrit
assured that disease hat commenced ill attack on the
matt impoi-tant organs of your hotly, and vnlesl toon
checked 01 tin iw of powerful remediet, a miterablt
life, toon terminating in death, will be the retttU.
Constipation, Flhttilenee, Inwrd Piles,
i'ulnessof Blood to the Head, Acidity
of the Stomach, Nausea. Heart
burn, DisftUHt lor Food, Fulness
or Weight in the Stomach,
Sour Kruotationg, Sink
ing or Fluttering at the Fit 1
of the Stomach, Swimming of
the Head, Hurried or Difficult
Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart,
Choking or Suffocating Sensations when
in a Lyini; Posture, Dimness of Vision,
Dots or Webs before the Sight,
Dull Fain in the Head, Defi
ciency of Perspiration, Yel
lowness of The Skin and
Eves, Pain in the Side,
Bni'k, Chest, Limbs, etc.. Sud
den Flushes of Heat, Burning in
the Flesh, Constant Imnginings or
Evil, and Great Depression of Spirits,
All these indicate, titrate nf the Lifer or Digettiit
Organt, combined with irnjmre blond,
fjooflanu's crmmt Dillcva
is entsrcly vegetable, nA contains no
Itiinor. It Is l coiiiiwilv-ii of Fluid Kl
Hurts. The limits, llriflis, nntl Unrkl
from wlili-li tliese extracts are made
are jrnllirred In On'imdf All tlie
medicinal virtues are tllftlnl from
tlicm by a sclrntlllc cli.-ti'st. These
tilracti are then forwarded to this
country to he until expressly-for the
liiaiinfacture or these tuners, i nere
Is ii o alcoholic substance of any kind
used In compounding the llllters,
hence II Is the only Hitters that, can
be used In cases where alcoholic stim
ulants are not advisable.
IjjoflaulTo crmmt (tonic
is a combination of all the ingredients of the DiUerl,
villi mm Sm'a i.'rut Hum, orange, etc. It is tiled for
Ihe tame ii'wrn the Kitten, in cases where tome
pur. iicnWIc tlimulul is required. J Kill hear in
viiid that these retiudi'S are entirely ilifli-rent from
ai-g a'tiert adnrtited fr the aire nf the disease!
u.iined, there being scientific prfpnrutiont of medicinal
ejtrtelr, while the others are mere decoctions of rum
in some form. The TONIC it decidedly one of the most
pleasant and agreeable remedies erer offered to ihe
,.-i!..-. Its taste is exquisite. II is a pleasure to take
i. vhile lit tife-giriog, exhilarating, and medicinal
I tntilies h.ive 'caittid it to bt known as the greatest of
.t tvlliCt,
Thousands of cases., when the pa
tient supposed he was aflllcted with
tilts terrible diseusr, have been cured
by the use of t hese remedies. Kit rente
emaciation, debility, and cough are
I lie uxitnl attendants upon severe
t iies of dyspepsia or disease of the
digestive organ. Even In cases of
genuine Cons u in pt Ion, these remedies
Mill be found of the greatest hcllcftt,
utreiigthenliig and luvlgoruting.
Vi -re is no medicine equal to lfooftancTt German
Fitters or Tonic in catrt of Debility. They impart a
to...: and vigor to the whole tystem, ttrengthen the np
petite, cause an enjegna-nt of the food, enable tht
stumi-h to digest it, purify the blond, give a good,
sound, healthy complexion, eradicate the yellow tinge
from the eye,' impart a blann to the cheeks, and change
lie patient from o short-breathed, emaciated xjtak.
Weak and Delicate Children
are mode strong by using the Hitters
or Tonic. In tact, they are Family
Sleillclnes. They can be administered
with perfect safety to a child three
months old, the most delicate female,
or a mun of ninety.
These ll'mcdiet are the best
JUooa IMirlllers
erer known, and will cure all diteaset resulting from
bad bto,.d.
Keep your bloeil pure ; keep your hirer in wfr i
hep ioiii- diqestire organs ill a sound, healthy condi
tion, by the use of these remediel, and no disease will
ever assail yon.
Ladles who wish a fnlr sltln and
cood complexion, free from a yellow
ish tinge and all other disfigurement,
s bo ii 111 use these remedies oceaslon--ally.
The Lhvel-lu perfect order, and
the blood pure, will result In spurt
ling eyes and blooming cheeks.
lhoftanaVt fin-man Uemediet are counterfeited.
The genuine hare the signature of i M. .w.-wuH
ou the front of the outside wrapper nf each bottle, and
the wjiiw o f lot article bloii-n in each bollU. All oilies t
are counterfeit,
Thousands of letters Have been rs.
eel ved, testifying to the virtue of these
CLlef Justice of theSuiui'iiie Court of reiiusylvsnls,
1':!iladi:lpiiia, Mauch lOih, 1S67.
I find ulfoot1ands German Bitten' it not an iutax
icuiiug betirrage, but it a ao, tunic, useful in ditor-
dert of the dioettive hroans. ariu ofnreat lienefii in
cans of debility and u-ant of nerioat action in the
iysiein. jours trittt,
Jmtge of the Supreme Court uf l'tnnsy'lvauis.
I'mtuiEi rHU, Apbil 2stli, 1806.
I rous' iter " Ilootland's German Ult
tees a rttlitttn' tnvil ivill In case of at
tacks of Indigestion or Dyspepsia. 1
can certify this from my experience
vflt. 1 ours, w it h rrnrci,
Enrlt day when (l.e glow cf tbo Bitnaet
Fatlos'in the woslorn sky,
Ami the woe ones, tired of playing,
Ho tripping lightly hy,
I slfftl away from my husband,
Aslqep In his easy chnir,
And watch from Iho open doorway
Thfir luces frosli and fnir.
Alone in the dear old linrnestcad,
That onco wits full of life,
Ringing with girlish laughter,
Helloing girlish strife i
We two are waiting tocethcr,
And oft as the shadows como, .
With tri'iniilons voice ho culls me j ;
"It is night! aio Iho children nt home!
"Yes. love,'" I answered him gently,
"They're all homo long ago;'' .
And I ting in my quivering tremble,
A song so soft ami low,
Till Ui" old man drops to slumber,
Willi his head upon his hand.
And I tell to myself the. number
llome in a better land.
Homo, where never a bIuhIow
Shall dim their eyes with tears;
Where the smile of God is on thein
Through all tho summer years 1
I know! yet my arms nro empty,
That fondly folded seven.
And the inot'lier heart within mo
It almost starved for heaven .
Sometimes in the dusk of evening
I only shut my eyes,
And the children arc nil about me,
A vision from the skies;
The babes whose dimpled lingers
Lost the way to my breast,
And the beautiful ones, the angels,
l' tho world uf tho blessed.
With never a cloud upon their,
1 see their mdicnt brows;
Mv boys that 1 gave to freedom;
Tlio red sword sealed tlieir vowsi
In a tunnlcd Southern forest,
Tnin brothers, hold anil bravo.
They fell, and tho Hag they tiled lor,
Thank Uoii: lion is over men- gr.if.
A breath, and the Vision is lifted
Aivuv on the wines ot light.
And again we two are together,
All alone in the iik"'
They tell me .bis mind is failing,
lint I sMiile at nno lenis;
lie isonlv back with the children,
In the and peacelul years.
And still as Hie summer sunset
Fades away ill the west.
,nd theweo ones, tired ol playing,
(.ro trooping Home 10 rest,
Mv lm-ban Ic.ills I rum hi" corner,
"Suv, love, have the children come:
And 1 unswer, with eyes upliltcd.
Yes dear, they tire all at home:
From 11EV. JOSKl'H II. KKXXAI'.D, D.D.,
Pattor of the Tenth li iplist Church, l'liiludelptits.
rit..l ACKos Dear Sib : I hare hern freonentlyre
tjnetted to aainect my name with recommendationt of
uiffere:ii kinds of medicines. Ltd regarding the practice
us out of my appropriate sphere, I huve in all cases de
clined ; but with a clear proof in carious instances, and
particularly in my own family, nf the usefulness uf l)r,
Jluotland't (lermaH Jlitters, 1 depart fur once from my
usual course, to exprett my full conviction that fol
general itebilily of the s.viitem. ttinl eje(-mHy for l.ivor
Cnurpluint, it is s safu arid viihubl irei:iraliou. In
tome cases it may fail ; but usually, I doubt not, it will
he very beneficial to thou who suffer from the abort
causes. l'ourt, very respectful 1 1,
Eighth, below Coalel St.
Price of the Belters, 41.00 per bottle
Or, a half dozen or $5.00.
Trice of the Tonio, $1.50 per bottle
Or, a half dozen for t7 60.
The Tonic is put up iu quart bottles.
Recollect that it it Dr. lloqtauoTi German Remedies
that are to uuiiertally used and to highly recommend,
td; and do not allow the Dniffgitt to induce you to
take any thing eltt tluit he viay tay it just as good, te
cause lie utak-s a larger profit on it. These Uemediet
Kill be tent by express to any locality upon application
to the
. Jvb.tttl ARCH BTRKKT, Philadelphia.
CH AB. M. EVANS, Proprietor,
Formerly CM. JACKSQNACO. .
These Remedies are for sale by
Druggists, storekeepers, and Medl
clue Uealeis everywhere.
Do not forget to examine well the arlide you buytin
ftedtr to get the yenatne.
It had been snowing heavily nil day, hut
towards night hud cleared oil, and now u
keen, bitter wind was blowing; that cut to
the very bone, it was .so cold indeed that
but lew persons were seen ou me Mieeis, ui
tliomsli it was C'hrUtnia.s-eve. L'.-ually, ut
tliis hour, ou the night before the great Hol
iday, the puvemeuU were crowded with peo
ple"; happy children going, liuiid-iii-hand with
their parents, to buy toys; gay lookers-ou;
, . ....,..,, j. oml Kl'C
inasKers iu groifMiuw hi'" ' ' -
blowing lioi ns; every tliinjr and everybody ju with jov u:id merriment. l?ut now
the streets were almost deserted, lor tho snow
I iv ii foot deen. In vain the shop windows
. y ... 1 i I M .1 .1...:- .......
blazed with gas nun exuioneu men wij
choicest stores. Here unit there a newsboy.
stopping to face the blast, cried lha evening
paper!1; uml now aim tniu u guutury Lin
tlrove ulinost noiselessly through the white
streets. The caln roaretl through the trees of
the public ttiuure, uml the icicles ruttled
down from the caves, it was as desolate u
winter's ii i I'll t us VOU ever saw.
Suddenly a bare-looted little gin, tunny
clad, und tihiveriug with cold, turned a cor-
uer, and came tuce to nice witu onu ui mv
most brilliantly-lighted toy shops iu that
quarter of the town. She hud evidently
been abroad to gather fuel for a scuuty fire,
for she carried tin old, toru basnet oil tier
arm, in which were chips mid other bits of
refuse wood, which had been picked up
anywhere and everywhere.
At Bight of the dazzling window and ol tue
glories it revealed, the poor little tlmig
Hinnned. Her eves snarkled with joy. Her
- i i- - - . - -, .
breath came bhort. ! or a inomeni sue ior
got the waul und misery at home the fire
less room, the empty cupboard, tht? sick
mother and could thruk or nothing but the
lovely things the window contained. Oh !
thai doll, that glorious, gorgeous creature;
the Bpnngled dress tliat seemed covered with
diamonds; the funny, funny masks. She had
never hud a Christmas tree lierscli, out sue
had heard of such things, and she gasped,
breathlessly, gazing at the doll
'Where wi it co. i wonuerr 10 somu
I oue who lives in a beautiful house, I expect,
aud hus everything she wants, eveu to pies
and turkevs for Christmas," she added, iu a
"Oh. dear!
" . . .... .. i-ii .i..i,
1 hat siirli reached tue ear oi u tun, uom
U:ininLf UliOU tllU anil of UUOtb
ss.h.. rr o i ...
er L'entleman. He looked down, at hrst witu
wouder, aud then with pity, upon tue
face aud eyes; upon the little red uuutis inut
upirf irrusui hit the basket, the noor little
-o ... . ,,' i i:...
muds that shou d have tieen wuue uuu uun
tiled: tinou the chips with suow melting
Odd his mother followed of a broken heart,
aud some fur away relatives came and took
his Bister out of charity, .and old Deacon
Moss shut his doors against him. The shame
and anguish of it nil returned on him as
sharply us when he hud first felt it, a lad of
tweuty; but back also camo the memory of
bis Bister, and no almost peraunmm uuh-m,
for a moment that the child before him look,
ed like his "little Lucy" had looked ut her
nn-e. There was a tremor of expectation iu
his voice, as ho said,
"Lucy what, dear ?"
"Lucy Pettigrcw."
Ah, it was u Damo he had never heard.
Hut. remembering that his sister's child
would not bonr her mother's maideu name,
ho asked again,
"And huve you always lived here Y
"Always. As long as" I can remember.
Father was a soldier, you know, and was
killed in the war. Now there is uobody but
mother and mo."
Hn looked nirain nt the child. The fan
cied resemblence to his sister had faded. The
little Lucy' or long ago had blue eyes and
flnx'on llllir ! both hair aud eves here were
There was an end of the dream, then lie
nt the thotifrht. l?ut he put. his
hand iu his pocket, took out n greenback
and oflTered it to tlie child, snying,-
"Djju'tyou wuu't to buy some toys, my
Jl?The child lookud down. Her face was
very red. Suddenly she neomed to take a
resolution she looked up und gnu.,
"Oh, sir it's five dollars ! It would buy
mamma evervthing. She is sick, you know,
und 1 ought to be home this minute; it was
so wrong of me to stop hero. If you please
sir, I'd much rather spend it for her,' she
said rapidly and incoherently.
"So you shall, don! Hurry homo now,
nt nnv late; but first tell mo where you
live?" ... ,
"AVe live in Carpenter street, rso.
And may I keep the five dollars may I,
sir ?''
"Ceitainly. And you shall have a doll,
too. 1 will bring it to'you myself, to-morrow
" , ,
Oh! will you, 'sir?" she interrupted, her
eyes dancing:
With these words she gathered her shawl
nlmnt tinis.nnil hurried nwav.
'im, rniitioiniin. who had carried on this
niini'fi.u:iliilll W ith Lm-v. took the iirm of
loapiimivminn nirain. tiud said.
"How all this brings buck the past to me!
Vnn limp nfli ii heard mo speak 01 Hetty
t,0 T cm.i.nso she is dead lonil ago," he
.l.lml with a niih. "or married, which, for
me is worse. Hut at sixteen she was tlie
ir.vii.iut . nri'utnrn I have ever seen. I never
shall forget the day, after my father anil
mother had been buried, that I went 10 see
her, intending, even then, to go away and
Irv mv fortunes, Imt expecting tutu sue
would 'bid me God speed, mid that her father
who had always been kind me, woum uo me
same. Ah, t nancy ; we uihm. un, in
later, learn hard lessons; mid I learned my
first cruel one that afternoon. The old man
met me himself. "Well, 1 won't, dwell on
it lie declined to let tno see Hetty; fallen
Ural ; wor.-;-, mo cium
bade me begone, hver
There was nuother knock at the door tint!
a tall man cutered aud stood on the threshold.
The sick woman looked up, aud a great cry,
the cry or uncontrolled joy, rang through
the room.
"Kobertl Koliert!"
Tho tnau was on his kuees beside his sister,
his arms about her, kissing her eyes, ller
lips, her forehead. ' .
biXpiunations came liroKerjiy. jn spue ui
his first disappointment, something kept
telling the stranger that 'Little Lucy might,
after all, be his sister's child, lie could
not rest, therefore, uutil ho had come to see.
And Lucy told him how she hud mnrried,
but her husband and she had always been
poor, and how her husbaud had beeu killed
ut Aniietam.
"Thorn is mv irnardiuii angel, said
the teurful woman, at last, pointing to Miss
Hetty; "you may thank her that I am yet
Vovthn first time. now. the stranger saw
there was another woman in the room. There
wa,s silence for a moment. Miss Hetty .Moss
looked him straight iu' the eye, her color
flitting nod returning, the breath coining
quick through her parted lips.-
'! It is you, Hetty but you do not re
member me, he said, hesitutiugly, . yet ap
peal i ugly. ,
"Yes, I do,. Robert," came with a quick
gasp. "Oh, Robert! and ns he rushed for
ward, her bauds were in his, her head upon
liis Klifiiililor.
Then, came Hetty Moss' story. Who had j
been faithful to her love. Her father, after
some years, had died iusolvent. After his
.h.ntl, llettv left, her native village, aud had
comu t9 the great city in search or employ-
ment Here, by oue ot those iiiscruiut.iB
decrees ot Providence that the iguorautcall
thauco, she had come across Robert's sister,
now a widow, and almost penniless., i ney
had thrown in their lot to-getlier. iiem
had skill with her needle, besides some taste
in dress, and had set up in nu humble way,
as a dressmaker. Sometimes she went out
by day's work, and sometimes she labored
ut home. In these latter cases, Mrs. Petti
grew helped her with her needle. Hut, lut
terly, the times had beeu hard, work was
Rcnree; und both had been near to starving.
Ou the Christmas-eve, when little Lucy went
out to see if she could gather a few sticks
or chips, they had not a dollar between
"1 have more money than 1 know what
to do with," said the newly-found brother.
"You shall never, Lucy, dear, know want
again. '
, Need wo tell tho sequel? How there was
a grand dinner in one ol' the most elegant
private parlors or the Continental Hotel the
nexttlav: and how Hetty became a bride
a week or two after; or how little Lucy never
knew again the pang of poverty, or the
longing lor a Christmas doll. Peterson s
" The Fashions.
It is reported that at Fort Scott, Kansas,
Ol.. 1 nnltnna anil lldOl Til 111 tl lftfl I 1 a .till abltuuts procure all tneir com vj
n i nits uiil'ci uyimuo sij uw ...... ,
Fanny Fern writes for the N. V. Lkdokh;
... i. i: ,i. ctrooti hnro it 18 found 111
Wlin nor I gumma. ""
iruniro. I he world win not. aieu
. ... . 1 !.
in many things, but the sensible part oi u
will endorse bet strictures on some or the
absurd fashions or tbo present day, H the
Lord had made some ladies look as they
make themselves look, we should call it one
r ti.nsu mysterious Trovidences which no
.. I. ..J....nn
A dispatch from Havnnit snys Hint
Sahmvo attacked the town of Jacinol,
lfayti. recently, and was repulsed after
loosing 300 men. He had also commit ted
outrages against thu French nnd English
flao-s. and vessels , ot war nan uet-ti rem
01 UlOSK IIIOini 11. .-, , . , .
body could understand. But hear Fanny! for to protect.loreign residents ank restt t
" - .. .. s j r Li. iinnn t hem bv t-alnnve.
When I call trie Bireei un.- m " - um ui.-n.nt. y - - -- - . .
ioritv of respectable women or New York Gen Monngns, f Venezin, is leported
L..u iiiHirnstimr. I but feebly exptess my Li..i aiui it j9 feared another revloution
emotions. 1 say the respectable women, wi), be t)ie res
and yet save to them who know them to be
such, their appearance leaven u wm ui..f;...
for doubt. The clown nt the circus wears
not more stunning or parti-colored costnme;
in Tact he has the advantage or being suhi
cieutly "taut " to use nautical phrase not
to intei-rere with locomotion; while their's
what with disgusting humps upon their
backs', and big ro.setts upon their sides and
shoulders; and loops, ami folds, and buttons,
and tassels, nnd clasps, and bows upou their
ci-!,.o nnd strined netticoats. all too short
to hide often clumsy ankles aud more color
aud sh ides f colors heaped npou one poor
little lushion ridden-body than ever was
gathered iu oue rainbow and ull this worn
wilhimt ren'i ird to temperature, or time, or
place 1 say this presents a spectacle which
is too disheartening even to be comicul.
One cannot smile nt the young girls who
are, one day Heaven help them to be
wives and mothers. "Wives and mothers!
wasted baud their eikres: uuon the cleanly thou
thin ir.irmpnts: uiiou the bare feet; aud
thou iimiin into the deen wistful eye.
i urettv child!" he thouglit; 'Poor
little thiug!" Aud be asked, stoppiug, his
voice sol'teued to teuderuess, "Whut is your
name, little one?" I
The little child, roused from her absorp
tion, looked nn. startled but, seeing a
kiudly face, she uuswered, dropping a cour
tesy "Lucy, sir!"
Lucyf It was the name of liis only sister,
whom he hud uot seen for many a loug yeur;
uot silica ho had gone away, alter the death
of their parents, aud the sule or the old
hometead up iu New England, determined
to make his way iu the world. AV hat a
train or memories it culled up. He thought
6r the huppy old tlays.aud of sweet Hetty
Moss, and then of the utter despair that
followed, when his rather died a bankrupt,
mo a ijegiritra
.,( ., l m ,t nnd
,i... l huve had less faith iu human
pun i- uj.ii
."No, vou haven't"' answered his rriend,
bluntiv. " "You think you have. Hut, old
lellow von are too good to talk such nonsense
and, please Cod! you'll be happy yet, though
not with Hetty."' .
"My first task, now that I am rich, and
homo ut last," answered the other, "w ill be
to get on the traces, if I can, of poor Lucy.
After 1 left America, I continued to write
for vears, but never pelting any answers. I
finally gave it up. Christmas once over, 1
shall start for the old homestead; but 1 fear
all clue to her is lost."
Meantime, Lucy was hurrying home, reel
ing herself u new being In spite of the
snow, her bare feet, her cold, numb fingers,
we question if there was ahr.ppiir child in
the city.
.m,n iiw.tlw.r' nh. see!'' she cried, when
she got home, with a great sob of happiness,
w shall have some Christinas, after all ; (
n-antlpinnn iruvn it to mo and said it was rive
dollars. Oh, mother! mother! I'm ho happy!
live whole dollars to spend lor Christinus!
Whv, 1 never heard of such a thing," aud
k.. r,.n r.iirlv olnwed. "lsu t it u a niira-
..... ... ... ... e--
i.iti in m n V'1
'.lv .lour ehild. it seems like one!" said
her mother, bidding out her
nml rnniirdilti' the HlOlieV.
'l' sweet face lighted up with aglow
of 'thankfulness as she listened to the little
Oh, my darling," she cried, "it was
sent for shoes und Blockings ior juu.
nonr feet. 1 cried to seo you go out into
1. , IT - .1 1 i, nnnnv t rt
the suow to-ttay nnti x muivu m j,'v
tl,.. dear Lord to hell) us; UUU IU1S 13 mo "ua
n.,t T .Inii't want the shoes, mama,
,....., I'.liriitmim " said l.UCV. WUU a uioap
i f.,. nil. told inn to iro iu and buy
11U1UICU .l-t. - " .
1 M- .i:.i a ' iristmfis. and
1 wauteito see how it seems.
Very soon there was a loud knock at the
tl, .I,., nml when it was opened, in came
twn Btniit. men with.nn enormous basket be.
to.uun them nnd nut. it down; and there it
snt lookiiiLr un into the widow's face with
llitnl OTP nt. round eves of potatoes and
squashes, aud bulging packages that told of
plenty. ,
"Who is this for?" nsked Lucys mother,
quite pule.
"It's for a widow by tho name of 1 etti
grew. "
"Hut who sent it?"
"1 dou't kno who seut it ; it's paid for,
that's all I care ubout."
The door shut, the men had vauibhed.
"Oh, mother I we're dreamiug just as
6ure as you live, we are dreaming !" cried
the delighted child, uanciug uoou- iuc
basket. "Why, there's everything there,
why the Lord kueps working miracles, dou't
He ?"
"Call Hetty Moss, child," said her moth
er, siuking back in her chair, quite over
enniP! and nreseutlv Hetty cume iu, a staid,
BwePt-lnnkiue woniau, uct over thirty, with
soft, dewy blue eyes, and lips that always
looked smiling.
"Why, Lucy, you've been your motjier's
.mod uusre.1 to-day,"" said Hetty, stoopiug
over the basket aud lifting the packages.
"Snrfl enousrh. here Christmas for you
mui took uu enormous turkey from the
How Srieit). To walk along the street
with an umbrella or cane under your arm.
the noint sticking out lor everybody to run
their face into. ' How stupid for three la-
"dies to walk abreast, nnd move so slowly
ihnt nersons ill a hurry must either go be
tween them or get oil" into u gutter. How
sinnid to naif and blow, and well nidi taint
- t ' . . -.i. ........ i .
upou ascending a stairway, wim iony punim
it :IS litniln I e f IlIlK Oil Mini Ui" II. Jiw..
tupitl to go too late to church and annoy
he minister aud congregation by your fussy
i .r
entrance. How stupid to wear a mess ioui
eet too Ioiil'. nudtheli look iluggers n any
r . . . . 1 ... . I I. !
mm sti.liB on it. liow stupm 10 Wllllv io-
exercise when you need rest. How stupid
not to know what you want when you go in
to a drv goods store. How stupid to eat
when vou'ro not hungry, llow stupid to
mother the smell ot your unwashed person
. .1 II 1.1..
ill lnil.-k or inner n
How stupid to think that people s opinion oi
von increases ill proportion to the cost of
your clothes. How stupid to refuse to sing
or play when uiged; or to bore people
distraction bv both singing and pluyin
not asked. .
A colored boy named Ben Gray has
been nrrested at Kiuhinona, cimrgeti
with having misplaced a switch recently
at Temple's Crossing on the liichmotid
nnd Petersburg ltuilroad, and thereby
throwing the mail train from the track.
After some hesitation tho boy confessed
to baving moved the switch while playing
with it, mid being unable to replace- te
lle was committed to answer.
On Sunday mcriiing the jury in the
case of Gen. Cole, charged with tlie mur
der of L. Harris Hiscook at Albany last
Winter, came into Court nnd asked tor
instructions. Thpy desired to know it
tlm iir'wnnpr. brin? nieviouslv sane, was
seized with uncontrollable frenzy at the
sio-ht of Hiscoek, , should be considered
also, it one " obstinate juryman
tlie oilier
lem re
garding the first point that it was one
which they must decide for themselves,
and as to the jurymen if he was honest
in his opinion he should maintain it.
A treaty lias just been concluded with
the delegates ot the sevetaribes rep
resenting the Six Nations, Vvhich they
cede to the General Government the
lands owned by them in Ansa Tho
Government agrees in consideration, to
nay the sum of S320 for each and every
s ,v to mv elf as I see the throat and neck "e ; also I one o.
v itiX tl protection of a gold locket be- should yield his convictions to t he
ween se and the cold autumnal winds, rlo.ven. The Judge instructed the
Wives aud mothers: l say as i see u..
ruining their reel and throwing their ankels
out or shape iu the vain eudeuvor to walk
on heels like corks, fastened far into the
.... n -.1. r iL..:.l.nnla n.wl thriCl)
middle 01 tue son: ot men uuum v..
so high upon tho calf of the leg. and button
ed across it so tightly lhat circulation is
stopped, and violent headaches follow.
Wives and mothers! I say, as 1 see the
heatiii" aud burdensome punier tackled on
the most delicate portion oi a, aumuii n
rramo, to make still surer coiiurmea iuvuiiu
ism. What fathers, husbands, brothers and
lovers can bo thinking ubout, to lie willing
that the women they respect ami love, snouiu
appear in public, looking like women whom
thev despise, is a marvel to me. hy they
dou't say this to them, and shame them iuto
r n . ..I
a decent appearance, ii tueir glasses muh.h
effect it, 1 do not kuow. Oh, the relief it
is to meet a lady, instead oiu nniiet gin-
OU, the relief it is to see a lieaiuiy,' nrin
stepping, rosy, broail-chested, urigiit-ejen
woman, clad simply wiiu u uiveo u
color, nnd free from bunches mid tags! 1
turn to look at Fuch u one wuu true respeci,
that she has the good sense and courage and
good taste to appear on the street in a dress
befitting tho street; leaving to those poor
wretched woman whose business is to adver
tise tlieir persona u free field without compe
tition. If 1 seem to speak harshly, it is be
cause 1 leel earnestly on this subject. I had
hoped that the women of 1SHB would have
l.i.pi, nnithv of the tlav ill which they live.
........ . . . - - - - ,,
I had hoped that all their time would bom .-,...,, ,u)(i hM m,)tea
i t. L,,..t in .npiuiiir tin wit l tne cii.tu - .. .
im' .-j.. .... - - i r "i- - . .
gesof rashions too ugly, too absurd lor tol
eration. It is because I want them to nn
something, or no something higher and
nobler than n peacock might aim at, thut I
turn heart-sick away from these iuuuitcsimul
fripperies that uarrow the soul anil purse.uim
leave uothiug to their wake but emptiness.
Nor is it uecessary, in avoiding all tliis.
that a woman should look "strong minded,"
ns the btiL'bear nhrase sroes. It is not nec
essary that she should dres-t like her grand
mother in order to look line a iteceni woman.
It is not necessary she should forswear orim
nieutatiou, because it were better and more
respectable to huvo it coufined to rest .1 unci
luitiio neeiisioiis und less to the promenade.
She is not driven to the alternative of muf-
" How I Hate the IIaix." -Thus exclaim
ed a little girl in our hearing last evening,
as the big drops pattered on tne winnow
pane, aud she looked ou- almost sobbing in
her inability to enjoy a promenade. It wits
u foolish thought ol" the child; but many a
growu up person is lust as loolish in their
wishes. They would rejoice to exclude
pvpi-v cloud from their social horizon. They
. . t' . ... , i . . ;i .1 1.1 l.
think they would oe uiesi u uiey cuum u.-
insured continuous good fortune no griels,
no melancholy, uo vicissitude of condition.
Ah! what a great mistake. Ihey would die
of vvxi-t in a mouth! The monotony of
untislnetion would be unendurable. Our little
alllictions are actually a relict. Ihey en
able us to eujoy aguin that pleasures which,
if uninterrupted, would siekeu us to satiety,
and sorrow, tronnle und puin,' are the clouds
and the rain, which give variety to social
existence, and fructify our social nature.
The world was not made for incessant joy or
woe. Change is at once our uunoyauce aud
our benefactor.
person entitled to participate in the bene
ficial prov isions of the treaty of Jan, 15,
18:58, (about. 4,000 in number,) the sum
to be invested in United States bonds, to
be held iu trust by tlie Secretary of the
Interior, the interest .thereon to be paid
annua'ly to the members of the several
On the night of Nov. l'J, I la ward A.
Cleveland, a young man about 33 years
of ae, visited his friend, Warren Georgo
nt East Orrington, Mc., to the purpose ot
passing the night Some time during
the night Cleveland cut George's throat
from ear to ear, nearly severing his
head lrorn his body. Ilia mother, an
old lady 70 years of age, then helped
him to conceal the body in the cellar,
after which they robbed the house and
fled. The murder lias but recently been
a great sen
sation from its orutal nature- 1 lie out
lady was arrested a few days since, ami
young Cleveland was apprehended in
boston on Friday night.
A terrible steamboat collision took
place on the Ohio liiveron Friday night,
resulting in a fearful loss of lTt'e. The
regular passenger boats Amkimca nml
United States, playing between Cincin
nati ami Louisville, came in collision near
Warsaw, owing to false signals having
been sounded. Immediately upon coming
together a quantity ot 1 etroleuin on
board the United States caught fire and
Ptivelotipil foot i vessels m names, i
fling herself like au omnibus driver iu Jauu- scene of horror ensued among tlie pnss
ary, or catching consumption with her throat engers, many of them jumping overboard
protected only by o gold locket. to escape the flames. It is thought be-
un, l wish mat a uevy oi young,o... tween seventy ana cignty persons, many
girls, of good social position, would inau
gurated plain lady like costume for street
und church wear. 1 say young and hand-
ii i t. !;
some, because ii an out wotnau uvea, .uo m.
tlo chits will toss their heads aud suy, "Oh,
bhe has had her day und dou't cure now and
now wo want ours."
Now that's perfectly natural, and right,
too, thut you should have your youth; thut
you should us girls say, "make the most of
vnmselves:" but in doinar so dou't you think
'it would bo well uot to lesseu or cheapen
of them being ladies, were either burned
to death-or were drowned Uotli vessels
are reported as entirely destroyed.
Three men have just been arrested at
Toledo, charged with having placed ob
structions on the railroad, near that city,
on the 20th of Juno hist, for the purpose
of throwing a passenger train down an
embankment and plundering the pussen-
... ,1 fr.. . .....i
o-ers. nvin? or aeati. ine nuuiui uiua
yourselves? but I submit, with all deference .)a(i v(:n up a nope 0f tracing the vill-
Cleveland has a bird that sings by
machinery." It cost !?200, and there is
but one more like it in tne unueu otaits.
This one came from tho Paris Exposi
tion. Its olumaffo is o perfect and
beautiful that persons are frequently de
ceived in supposing the una is aitve.
When the chirping, warming, aim w mai
ling is started by machinery, that causes
the bird to open ana close us mourn ue-
tween every note, nna turn Us neaa trom
side to side, the effect upon the spectator
is perfect astonishment. Ihe bird is
perched upon the limb of a artificial
flower that rests iu a uauusomeiy pmiiteu
china llovver pot, which contains the
machinery. The machinery connects
with tho bird through a cleiicate-iooKing
limb of the flower. It is concealed en
tirely from the view, aud works so
smooLlilv that one 'cannot detect tho
sound occasioned by its movements un
less uuite close to the casket, and then
only lor an instant after the bird concludes
warble. ;
to your dressmakers aud mammas, that every
oue ol you who appear iu puuuu iu moin..u
ner 1 have described are doing this very
thing are defiling womanhood, aud bring
ing it iuto derfsion und contempt, whether
you believe it or not.
Sunday Seuooi.8 is Gkbmasv. Sunday
Schools had uo existence in Germany eight
'ears ago. Now there are sixty-six, with
41,209 scholars, aud in the Gerniau cantons
of Switzerland, niueteeu, with 2343 schol
ars. These schools, for religious instruction,
were started hy means or the efforts or an
American merchant, naTiied Woodruff, who
addressed several audiences at Urenien ou the
subject, a Gerniau merchuut acting as inter
preter, the latter geutiemau tuts hiiioo ue-
voted himself to the buuduy bcnooi
with the result uamed.
A caui-e dispatch froirt Cuba says that the
insurgents have retaken Vill del Cobre, aud
are preparing to attuck Suutiugo. We have
sUoug reasous to believe that the prospects
for the insurgents are very iavoraie.
A stokv is going the rounds of the Kn-
elish press, under the heud ot ,;Lauientable
Ignorance." to the effect that a little girl,
ten years old, examined at an inquest on the
body of her tuther, could not ten wuere lit
tle girls weut who told lies. This leads a
correspondent of the 1'all Mull Gazktte to
relate of the lute Judge juauie, mui uuviug
asked a little girl teudert-d as a wituess if
she knew where she would go after dc-ntU if
shetotda lie, aud tho child replying "No,
sir," the Judge was overheurd to mutter to
himself, "No uiore do I."
A "brave tar" of Water street, thus de
livered himself at a receut religious assein
bUge in that locality: "Fellow citizen!
Give me the Pnsoyteriaus for discipline, the
baptists for water, aud the Methodists for
fire; I'm a Presbyterian when on duty, a
hard-shell baptist in lot weather, aud a
Methodist in sinter."
mns, when, a lew uays, two ui
them got into a fight,.and Statt'ord.tlie one
who got whipped, made a complaint and
caused tho arrest of tho other. This last
... . . ... . i . i-. .ii
one, named VVeimoro, matie a inn eon
tession of tho transaction, implicating
Station! and a man named Smith, all of
whom are now in jail.
Advices from Venezuela, via Havana,
announces the death, Sep. 18( of Gen.
Jose Tadeo Monagas, President of Yen
ezuela. Gen. Monagas was a revolution '
ary leader for many years, and as one,
of the most dreaded, because the most
popular among the people, of all the
prominent men in bis country. 11m
lought gallanty to secure the indepen
dence of his country, and then led the
first revolt against its regularly elected
Presilent, Gen. Paez. This insurrection
was speedily put down, as were also two
others which he instigated. In 1810,
however, ho was made President, but in
184G set himself up as a Dictator and
attacketl tho House of Representatives,
compelling his new made trieud, Gen.
Paez, to take arms against him. Mona
gas succeeded iu sustaining himself, nnd
reigued supreme until when ho was
overthrown. Mauuel Fclipo de Tovas
was his 6ucoessor, having been elected
President, but in 18GI Paez was 'pro
claimed Dictator. Marshal Falcon was
elected President in 18U3, and held office
uutil driven therefrom by Monagas atthe
head of an insurrectional y army. Tlie
death of the ambitious leader is likely to
lesult in another revolution before a suc
cessor is chooseu- to till the vacant otB z.