o 2 . (l!iCatwttt5U)loc;ttc, rvni.iir.ini Kvrnr riiuiAT aonxiso, dt . - 1 i an. aouLD, EJitot-r TEKU, TWO D0U.AK9 A YEAK IN AH ill) . (Ill do !:! do Two (!(i do do - do 1 4 Column uu 3 '' i ,5 j i do IS 3 mnnll' 4 1 S(-'ohimn 1 j, n no l J'J 1-J Dj do 0 1 vc 1 '."i! do H 1 r.ntfih -n .ii) 1 Comma 1 tl f VI K OH J -J (H' IS. OH. week' 6 (Hi moulli " W .. do. do do 1 it (i ' a 13 l.'i (HI " SO 00 ' 2-- IK) week 7 Ml montli 12 00 i0 oil " 80 (10 " JO (HI week la no montli SO no ' 85 (Id " 45 00 ' HO (10 " 75 00 Special Ktlce altar Mnrrhwos and Dentin an fldl tional of iVfJifiir (hi! above rates. Hitsini'Hf Card five lines or Iw, - JSW pet yenrj over flvMl'ir. nt tlr.i uinl rato of ndvi'rlMnjr. NEWS ITE2IS. Mrs. Elislia 15. IVro, of Davenport, Delaware county, N. V., was intmlereil, as was supposed, by burglars, on Tuesday liiglit Her lmsbaiid stated that he was nwakoned iltirltijf the nipdit by some one putting his 1 under his pillow, and saw a man standing witli a pistol pointed at his head. He knocked the man's hand aside, the pistol was discharged, and Mi's. I'Vrno ivnsi killnd. An inrpiPst hold by t lie Coroner revealed the tact that in addition to the pistol shot wound Mrs. l-'ero had sustained fractures of the skull in two places, and consequently" returned a verdict holding the husband on suspic ion of murder. Alleged infidelities on his part are put forth as his motives for the couiini.isioii of the deed. On Saturday last si -negroes, two of them women, were attempting to cross the Savannah 1 fiver, near Savanrah, in a small boat when the boat upset, and three men and one of the women were drowned. Their frantic cries while strug gling in the water brought to the shore two or three hundred persons of their own color from neighboring plantations, who mingled their wild shouts with those of the drowning persons. One colored man swam out to the capsized boat, and with great risk seized two ot the six- and placed them on the boat, and after ascer taining that the ether four had disappear ed, swain with the boat and tiie rescued negroes to shore. About 4 o'clock Friday morning bur glars entered the Franklin Institute Imil ding in Philadelphia and blew open the sale, in which theie was no valuables. Una ot tliein was cai'lurcl as lie was leaving the build'og. Tiie c. plosion was so violent as to 'm . ,k ie windows in the neighborhood : "i c, the sleepers, v ho believe. i ;! e . 1'ipi.ike had occurred A com li t i i K 'lesion, Canada, Peni tentiary v..- - u, i;ead by the guard, on Thursday, fi-.- , detected trying to cut the co d i '.'!icd to the alarm bull, and taking i il 'I was shot, On his body a laijj v . jer of tkeletou keys was found,-iiidv g ili it a general at-, tempt to break j.el ii.- I lice'ii contemplated by tiie prisoner. Scoville, the defaulting cashier of the St. Stephen's Hank, at fit. Johns, N. JJ., escaped from the custody of the elierilF, on Thursday morning. Arrangemuntt have been made " which will enablo the bank to resume business speedily. Gens. .Sherman, Thomas, Seholield.aud many of their stall' oUicers, are going to intend the reunion of the Army of the Cumberland, in Chicago, on the loin and 10 th of December. James Grant, the young man who is charged with having shut II. Hives Pollard, in lli:jhuiaiid, on Tuesday last, was admitted to bail in the sum of $10,- OOU to answer at the February term of Court. The Tenth Ohio District, which went against Ashley for Congress by 802 ma jority, gives Grant a majority of 2,588. Chief Justice Chase is holding Court in Ikiehmoud. It is' given out that the trial ot Jeff. D avis will be further post poned. Wo suppose they never intend to try him A (ii-:i!MAN w rote an obituary on the death of his w ife, ot v hieh the following si a -opy : ' If mine wife had lived ui til next Friday she would have been f'ail shusi lo weeks. Is'tithing is pos-.-ill... w ii the Almighty. As do tree ai!s so must it stanl. Dr. Horace V "kemnn, Superintendent nf tlia Atmi o-h (Mass.) Stuto Altnsliouso. was acou"01' on Saturday in a trinl fortlio Kli(S,.1nlega1 detention of an Inmate of that 3. A. Marsh, lutd the firm of Temnl! iMursu, uroKers in wull sl., AeW-lork, was arrested in Memphis on Haturdny. lib is held fiwnitniff a requisition from the Gov ernor of New-York. . Memphis, Nov. 28. The Appeal's Arkan sas correspondence snvs : Un the lOtli. body of 200 men, claiming to lie militia. entered the towu of Centro Point, Sevier county, nrrested all of the .iuliabitauts, mnrchud tliem luto a an open field, und placed .a -guard over them. They theu sacked the town, und departed. On the next Uuy the citizens of the udjoiuiiiff county llockod into the town. A meeting had beeu gotten up to express the sentiments of the people, and while the meeting was progres sing tue same body- ol men dashed into the town and opened nn imlescnminato hro nnon the nssemlily, shootir.g down a number of tliem. 1 Hey arrested tlireo of the oldest citizens, named Hester, Anderson, and (lib nert, and carried them out to the field and shot them. The baud aro still lu possession oi uiu town. The monster fossil remains of nti lihtedilo vian lizard, discovered in ew Jersev. have been set up in the Philadelphia Academy of rciencs oy i roies'or u aterliouso JlaWkins. It is thirty feet long, and attracts great at teution. , On Saturday evening, while Margaret Ludwig, nged sixteen, was setting asleep nnnr a uirnace, in I liiiacieinlna, her clothes took lire auil before slm could be rescued her body was burned to a crisp. She lingered some hours ami died jn great agony Sunday iiiorniiir Tlio Cincinnati Insurance Companies lose fifteen thousand dollars be the wreck of the steamer "Star of the Union," They aro the liuekeye, Central, Kuterprise, Boatman's unci l inon companies. Blach Suffrage In Pennsylvania. An urtielo in tile Iloitsttu.. "-"nblie, V, ritten by F. P. I'eiiainion, e.sn., Lives so clear an account of the history and present bearing of tins subject, that we reproduce it in full : In 1CS2 William Penn promulgated '-The rami! of (lovennneiit'' of l'eunsvlvunia. under uatliority of the charter granted him y King Charles 1 1, la this document t ie right of 8ulliaico Is given, without restriction to "the freenvn of said province.'' In lTdt Pcim granted what is know as the Charter of Privileges.'' JJv this instru ment the right of still'i-aee was broaillv srivi-n to "the firemen of each respective county.' The fir.-t constitution of Pennsylvania was udopted in 1776. The contention tliat fram ed tliii siiislruiiient 'as presided over bv IJepjiitniu franklin. It gave the right of sufl'r.igi! to "every freeman of tL" full age of 21 years." The men ef the llefolution, while asserting their own rights aud liber ties ugaiust proscription, were careful to stand last to the cardinal idea of the politi cal equality ot an men. In 1700 a new constitution was framed. Tlios. Millliu presided over tho convention that made it. This iii.-tntment gave the right to vote to "every freemen over tho age of 21 years. In 18119 the constitution was revised. John Sergeant presided over the convention. I ne lia.-is of sullVnge was changed, so as to lnelii'le only "every wiiitb freeman of the age of 21 years'" ' For one hundred and fifty-six years black men, if black they were, voted in Pennsylva nia, ou precisely tao same condition as white men. .None ol tho evils u.iw predic ited of niucK Mintage were experienced. Neither the mental or social eiiu.tiity of the two races was therehy est:iblished. Amalgaiuatiini. either through liiatriinonv or without was not encouraged. Not a bleck man was made Uovcrnor or Legislator. Social order was uot subverted. The (joi'crumcnt was not made by white men. for white men, but bv ull whito men, for llie benefit of all. ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE. T 1U AUVKIISK3,.. .:t:- THE ELK' COUNTY ADVOCATE i .pi. EVEUY FRIDAY MORNING, C. B. GOUID. Editor, OFFICE IX TIIE COURT HOUSE RtOGhAV, T. TIIE .I'JdST ADVERTISING .MEDIUM NEW ADVERTISED I I S. EX h US P yj A O-A ;2 INK; The fiitt amt Clirnt in l!,c TTorMT' SfLENlUD OFl'ERS FOR ELK COUNTY 11071 la AND FOREIGN ADVERTISEMENTS INSERTED ON RE-VONARLE TERMS. ri,IIIS popular Monthly jMngazinc g'ves more X ,uforr.fhe money tlmn nny in tl,0 world lor lC'J, it will be greatly improved. It will coiiinin : , ' ! I '.1 1 ('it Due lliousnnd pages, i Four. ecu epii'inlid piel j.hlBa, Tncive iiiaininut'i faslnon plates, ' Twelve colored llerlih patterns, Nine huhilred wood uts.; J in.i- wc,n,y-1'0"1' rges of Music 1 .ill tins will bo given lor only TWO POL LARS a year, or a dollar less, than Magazines of the cluss of " Peterson." Its , , TIIRILLliVO TALEfi AND No VELLfclipS Arc the best published nnywlnre. All the most popular writers are employed to wi i to onguiaUy for l'e,erSun. 1 il t nildT ion o it. usual n.ua,,lity of tl,rt s,'orie8. p( u". Or.gn.al Copyright Novelettes will be given viz : ' Marie Antionette's Talisnmn," by .Mr, Aun S. btepliens ; " The Mystery ot JUaekl wood Grange," by the author of - Sir Voc l-s Heir ; " hat.Vs winter in Washington." by 1 rank Lee liened.et ; ami the " Story of Ma gic," by the author of -tSuny L's Diary." MAMMOTH COLORED FAS E ION l'L.'TES. Ahead of all others. There plates are en graved on steel, twice the usual 8ize, and co -lams six hgui es. They will be supe bly c, W ed Also, n jiuttcrn. Iron, which tt dress, Mam ilia, or child s dress may bo cut but, wliitliout Ibo aid of a inantua maker. Aiso, several pages of household and other receipts ; in short everything interesting to Ladies. Superb I'rcmtnr Eneravtn?. To every person getting ,,p a cn,b for 18'JO w-ilbesimtURATlS, a copy of our new aid plend.d Mezzotint lor framing, (she 24 inc""" o, The star of jle.h.el.Cn.,BaWr tl o ce o bra ed nias.er-p.eee of Uuro.no, the famous . ....... xi,,s ,s me most desirable pre- umiiii ever ollered. For luro .... , di"ion.e,OW' "" " ry ,U1 bc s'cut 1,1 a J- TER. MS Always !! fi'l'fance One Copy, one year Three Copies, for one year""?."""" louiv-opiM, ior one year, and one to getter up up of club. Light C..p:es, lor 0 y,r, nua 'V" gelierup of elubj l ourteen C..,ies, for oee y,. f'iiw one to getier up of cluoj..... Add:-CS. I'o.-t imiil CllAKLEs, J. l'EIi:i!SO.V, .. 0; ''Uli '-'iH'-tmil suect l'hila., Pa. l ; Jmm'i imicih Sl'lll In I I. n to . .5 2,00 o,00 8,00 12,00 20,00 "I I iKjiiesliouuU the hrtt xiloinr,l , ike. kind in (hc world." vie of HAIUT.U'3 XE W MO X TliL Y jfA CAZIME Cndml Xoucs of th: I'.-r ill L most n -.niilui- f..n.i, c i i' luiy ir'ewanl thinks it will be ueci s :iy for tl.e J'tesiiient tu issue u proclamation .' M liidiiiog tl.e lining out of fiiiousteriug e-iii-iitiniis ! e.iptuie Cuba, iu our large !;. . Ii c.ii.iig iur iiieu to help tho?ei-le-..aid lu lie iu jirugt'L-AS iii eiv York, 1'hilu 'iiljjii'u , Lain i). ore uiiil .New Orleans. "Why is it," Kiid one ol our school tiu iUi tu t Jijung ecape-raco who had c ni-eii her aiii.-ii truublo l.y his bad coiiihict, V'iy i.H i i V'jii behaved so woll wheu you jr.-1 came t. tciioiil, aud aro BO disob idient iiw '. '' ' "I w i.-ii t much acijuaiuted tue!;," said tin.' young hnpefiil. An Irishman, iiotieing u woman passing along; tho street, spied t.vu strips depending from undvr th-lady's cloak. Xot knowing Hiat these were strled sashes, and were hang ing in the right place, he said "Faith, ma'am, your gadasecs aie untied." I. F. Kelly, a well-known Philadelphia broker, died Sunday. Leeds Jfc (Jit 's auction sture, in PhUa. tleljihia, was. hurned on Saturday, The Colo Iliscnok iniirderer trial was coiil imicd iu Albany ou Saturday, 1-u IJuirlo, on Saturday, (.'liristiau Karlio iVas MUli iieed. to lie liaueu Dec. H. 'i be Third Presbyterian t'huich edifice in Vittsburgli was dedicated biuiduy. It cost ?r2U0,0Li. ,- - . Rhodes ,.t Co.'s dry goods store, in Vheoling, W. V a. r wus robbed, on Saturday of 000 worth of oiks uud velvets. Paddcn A Sons' brewery in Louisville, -.fas burned ou Hatarday, uud Joseph 'Woodruff, actor, was killed by tho fulling of one of the walls. . , , , TERMS OF SUBSCRIFTIOX : -',00 l'Zll AXNUJPLV ADVANCE Chi.mt and Coin- I'kttkh 1'iiosrP' ts The November coin interest is now about ull disbnr.-ed( ami nearly tho whole of it h as been retained in the country, jn addition to the nuts of gold thus put upon the market, the Sub-Treasury in this city is. at the present time, Belling at the rate of i?.-)00,000 per day; and it would seem that the necessities of tho Treasury will icquire considerable safes between now and the close of the year. At tho first of the incoming year, or in about a month from this date tho Jannnry dividends will fall due, and there will then "be disburs ed nenrly 630, 000, 000 in coin. MthIi the greater part of this is due td American bondholders, nnd wo may extinct that the whole of it will be retained in the country:! r .1 , .. a . t'f ior iiiu very large supply oi cotton ulreudy at the seaboard will presently furnish uu amount of exchange sufficient to obviate all danger of our being compelled to make ship ments of gold, It will unquestionable boa difficult thing for the speculators to retaia the present high premium in the face of the immense outflow unon the market from th T.easury, through interest-disbursetneutsand curreut sales ; and their lato spasmodic movements and attempted combinations u-ive evidence of their' npprehenaious, both for the present and the immediate future. Even after tho beary disbursemeut-j of tho next thirty or forty days, tho Government a ill hold u very great mpply ef gtilJ in its vaults ALL JOB KIND$ I'll IN TIN a of .ion WITH S'ATX:sij .IS JJ IMl'.UCii, AM) I N Til V. liAijr.6r AM) MOST . I'l'IK) Vl'l SUCH" AS V.'ORK DONE STVLE TBI I vV v ri ' i" Hie World.- iVe must refer in terms of eulogy to the b ghtone nnd excellence o." Harper yhlT. about 1,0,000 copies;,, wll0se be ound soniH of the choice,, lig h na ' wo I?'"8 -,th iUy- " m-TBZu i .v as on evidence of the culture, of the American people , ud ,1,0 pop.da,. ly h 1 s ac,n,red is mevriied, Eael .LibeA-o! ta , Klcly illas nued with good . wood Juts a-i'l , combine, ,i,,,,f .he racy monthly a n l i e ".ore philosophical .piarterly, bleuJed w h f ' " "'-"feminaiienof a lo ; 7 iiumiers tiuio'c lo A l.ttrralitre, London. We '-ft seotint kt l's micccxs md i, t.i.te, tuiiii.sl,,s a variety of pleaino- and ia- SUIJSCnii'TlOXS-1809. TEUMS : Back numbers can bp supplied nt any time. n llie Antiiii'.l Volumes of ilnrpcr'a Wccklv. neat ololU biHtltHffr will he ent by expressf ' cc of expense, for $7 00 each. A complete Sof, comprising Eleven Volumes, sent ou, rm ceipt of cash n't 'the rate of $5 25 per 'vol.! treiglit .at expanse , of purchaser. Velum All, ready January ll, 18UH. J h pongo on Harper's Weekly Is 20 ocntg a yoaj', which.: must be paid at the subscri- oer s posi-omce. 5ub.cribtions sent from British North American rrovinces,'- must" be nccompnnii!' witii m cents auaitionnl,'' to prepay Un Stales postnge, ! Address. ' IIAHl'ER i 11KOT1IEI1S, 'No w lo , . - . - ., , .i . . , it - Tllli! SATURDAY , EVENING TOST. . t , t i ' , Cntatged and IS am lifted. rpniS nldetf. nnd best. " of the Literary 1 " Weekliest" has been recently enlarged and beautified; It is weekly embellished wit 11 engravings and . its Novelets, : clones, sketches, c, are not surpassed. t It has just Commenced two siilendid Nov' elets " Tho Qnoen of I hc Savannah," by Ons- tavc Auiiard j and. " bu George and I lie Dra gon," a novel of Society, by Elizabeth l'res. colt, the author of " How a woman had her Way," ko. New 'vc1stS will continually succeed each other. Among those already on hand, or in progress, are, " The Mystery of the Reefs," a powerful story by Mrs. Hosuier ; and " Cut Adrift, or the tide of iatc, by Aaandl M. Douglas. The Tost also givgs tho gems of tl'c Enlifh Magazines. A copy of the larjo nnd beaul ifiil rrcriiiuiil Steel Engraving " The song of home at Sea," engraved expressly lor our readers, at a cost lor the engraving nlonc of nearly $1000 will bo sent, post-paid, to every lull (2,5 subscriber, and to every person sending oH. club ! This is n truly beautiful engraving. To New Subscribers. MARK 1 New sub scribers for lSli'.l will liavo their subscriptions dated back to the paper of September 10th, until tho lai ce extra edition of that date is ex hausted. In that paper wo commenced two Novelets" The Queen of the Savannah," and tho Dragon." This will be fifteen papers in addition to the regular weekly numbers for ipou or nenrly sixteen mouths in all. when our extra edJition is exhausted, the names of all new subscribers for 1800 will be entered on our list the very week they are received. Of course those who send iu their names the errliest will get the greatest number of extra papers. Owing to (lis unusually liberal character of this offer, wo shall bo compelled to ndhcre strictly to its tc ius. TERMS. 1 copy, (and the largo Premium En graving.) $ 2,oC I copies ;.ott 0 " ...u. ...fan I one gratis; f.Oi) 8 " ;..(aud one gi.uis) 12,0d One copy each of Post aed I. id e s ' 1'iitnd, and !':-u!H'ui lie; .i u; .. ! (id The gcllcr tj of & I'v'i tt:" ti'w.iys ipi c:e a copy of the Premium '.n- '.iv'e. l of a club wishing llie !' mum i.n,- ..'n uiust remit ohfa Oie'a r e i. " J62TSpecimen coe address, II. " ':. tK X- f'o. :ilO AW u. , . ! .. :,.'. ,v.i. To dress according to ILirper's Baznr will be the nim nnd Munition of the women of America,'. Boston Transcript.- ;- -. Ol VJ '8.'TKSS;-I8j9. f ';) - TERMSt- ' Harpers Caznf, oho yini....'j.l.;uC...$i 00 An iixlrn opyf - ttler"tk. MfMiin, Weekly, or liuznrr will be supplied gratis for every, club ef five' Subscribers at $1 00 each, Th one remittance or six crlples for $20 00. Subscriptions to Hnrprr's" Magnzif.c, AVeckly and Knzar,- tu one address for one'yeitr, $10 00 or, two of Harper's Periodicals,' (o one address for one year, $7 0(1. ' -' " ' 1 -: Back Nnmbers enn be supplied nt any time. Tho postage ftti.HflrpCT's Bazar is 20 cents n, year, which must bff paid ftt 'tho subscriber pos'-oflice. ' - ' ' w Subscriptions sent from British North Ameriean Provinces- .must bo accompanied with 20 bents ..additional, to prepay United plates postage. Address ii l;pEr.& BRoriiEn.1, New y ork. THE GREAT INDIAN BLOOD m 1" 1 hi WILL CUKE Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Erysipelas, "Gronchilia, Coughs, Miii IT IS AN EXTRACT or BARKS OXLY. tfiiirnnlcd. Chills t Fever, Pever Sores, filjllll tUai jCliiiMts. Suiil by Druggists. J. P. FELT. S&al KO..T14 AliCH ST., Cbpyriyht loawclt. TI1K liUiVS o ot tiitrtcan ir-rper's Magazine, one year, An extra c.,pv 0f either t Wee My. or lia the ofiuia) estimate ou the sobjoct being, we believe, j?Ca,00O. la ?.teJ, the health ami strength ol the '1 reasury ut tho preset! t '.lltll nrilli iia n.it....H..1 . 1:,, .1 ... l mo gim-lill cui.-uiiron Ol 1110 11- uauees, uud tiie iiutionul prospects, business urn! political, are of a nature to eievate the public credit at borne and abroad. fN". Y, News. Tbomas Clayton of Great Uarrington, Mass., wu8 iustantly killed on riutimiay by th" Bci identul disciiurgo of bis guu, the clwrgo pairing tb.-ousb lis heaj. " - ! Phrhidbxtiai.' Ma.ioritiks. As near as cau be ascertained, in tlio nbsceuce of olliciul fig ures, (ieu. Grunt's majority for Viesiilcnt ou the popular vote is about 2G5.000. This is the largest majority ever given except for Mr. Lincoln, iu 18C1, lie receiving 411,281 majority over Gen. .McCIlIIuii. KUnen States iliil not vote tliut year. Ju lS.iU Geu. Pierce obtaineil 214,309 majority over God. scott; but as John 1. Hale ot the tame time received 109,149 votes, Pierce's abso lute majority was only 58,220. Iu 1832, when, according to the traditional belief Gen. Jticksoii currK"l the country overwhelm ingly against Mr. Cloy,-' he reevi-Ml a popu lar majority ef about 100,6110. Iu 1810, when Geu. Harrison was regarded as having swept tho field, lie only got l-l.ri,00'over Mr. Van liuren. The only candidates who huvo received un absolute majority nf t'Jo rptosuf the people tiuee 1832 ure Vau Uureil,- in 183G, lla?rion, iu 1840, Pierce iu 185 J, Liucolu, iu I8C4, uud Grant, iu 1863. lYom these statistics it aii ars that Gun. Grant bus now roeeivt-d a larger popular mnjorrTy than any candidate' thut ever ran for the Presidebeysinee Electors were cfcasen bytho ueonle, except in the unprecedented instance trf 18Ct , ; ... I ! '., . ' f X PdSTiJRS OP ANY SIZE; CIUCL'LAllS. UUSINESS CARDS. WEDDING AND VISITING CAKDS, BALt TICKETS, PnOOHAM.MES, ONCEKT TICKKTS, ORDER P001CS, RECEIPTS, LEGAL BLANKS, . BILL AEADS, LETTER HEADS, PAMPHLETS,' PAPER BOOKS, ETC. ETC, ETC. ETC. ETf . ETC. ETC. ETC. Our facilities for doing all kinds of Job n-infiAg are equalled' by ?ery tef esff.blish-, meuU iu the eouulry, Oi'ders by uiailpioaiuX Iy filled. All letters should b addressed S4.U0 tllC Mil-:iinn zar will bn Kimr.l;..,! : . ." cVcrycluKof fve Hh.,Hl,;. ,' " V , '', 1 in Oi e lcnii tu ...... . : ... .. '-. . """i , el eiipiiw lor .f Mi enpneus toll rper-.s M:!g:Uii,e, ""'V;,'" "Mu 111 '"'ess fur cue vear !?li) 0(1 JillCK 20.0(1. Weekly c.. .... FRIEND. ' lo bnbcrtljtr. X ryv. t.a.l I Novel" - o 1 b.y Eliznbei Ii I' man had her ay ,. Men's Lives.1' n, ' ,i of " The Debiu ry I o by Louisa (.'handle " Piecing from Palo,' "K " i iie following I'.'. (.! Two," II D' ft wo- 1 'C " ' Two . ' i M Utiii ait iior .hoc ' . - i ii.- ,v u e'ei .M hi'' o'l i r 'i o o'' &c: H'i.1 ri new Novo' A cum volumes, for J miiiil.,i.cs eau he auppli..J nt hny lime uip etcset, now compiuKin J f 'iriv-ser..i in neat eloih biudimr. will f. ssven sent 0-express,, freight at expend of purchaser, Ol t'-.t) riCl Mint, ,n L! 1 ... . . aa.l post-paid. ..!,(.,). Clot b eases f,r bind' ing 00 cents, by mail post-paid. Ilia ..posmgo ( Harper., .Magiue iJ2I c n s a year, u hid, ,U3l bo paid at tb0 .ub. senber s pi.st.ollice. V.Suhscriptioug een( from 1Ji..tish - Z", Pv,ICef "m4' he '""-"""i-anied with harper & BROTHEits, i. . c Kew Vork. to. C. B. GOb'I.D. " A Complete Firforidl 'Joins," History of Ike I -- " The lest, rheajwit. and most succsssful Family i ujxriit the Union." IIARFEIVS WEEKLY, dlHfc'XDIi-Vr ILM-STItATKO. Critical Xoticcs of the J'ress. The Model Newspaper of our country com L'.'n"1,?1 tho JeP''""Cut8 of an American 1.1mlly Paper-Harpcrs's weekly has earned lor itsell .1 right to its title, A Journal of civiluation.-Nnc Vork Evening I'ustt Our future historians will enrich themselves out of Hwper Weekly long after writers, and printers, and publishers are turned to dust.r lurk lifawjetist. Tlu i best of its clasf in America. Loston Traveller, Harper Weeklir clayed the best newspaper iu America. The liultjiciulent, Kew Yurie. J ho articles upon Dublin ft ll Pcf inn a u-liinh appear in Harper's Weekly from week lo week .uimu reiuaiKaoie series ot brief politicul essays. Jbty nra disliinriiialie.l l, ,i pointed staleuicnt, by good common sengg, by indepeudence aud breai'lb of view. They aro the expression of maturo convW.tinn i,ii. principle, and strong feeling, uud take their place among the best newspaper writing of the iiuie. Xurii American Ileiiew, Joiton, Man. SUBSCRIPTIONS. 1809. ' , y . ' TERMS i . ; Harper' Weekly, one year i 09 An extra Cory of either tha Mammon tt'eekly, or Bazar will be sunnliud c-raiin for every Club of five Subscribers at $1 00 each, u oue remittance t or Six ooples for $20 00. Subscriptions lo the Harper's 'Magartue, Wekly, naJ iuar. to one addres for cn year- 10 Wj ; or twe of Ho-rpei't Periodicals, v una Buumiia iir on f0k7, ffj 00. .1, I ; - . . it 0, ,.; ;-i j , ,V. ? '. r. . "t - tt, I by Mrs. Henry Wood, llie i! ' -liuvtiished English Novelist, author of ' ':t -t l.ynne," &c. (unless Mrs; Woo:! is ftctc'iitcd writing it by ill health) -with numerous shorter stories by n brilliant galaxy of lady writers. The Lady's Friend will give a finely tfxoc'nt ed Steel Engraving, a handsome double-page, lincly-coloied Fashion Plate engraved ou steel and a large assortment of Wood Cuts, illustrating the Fashions, Fancy Work, ,J-c. in every number. It will give a popular piece of 7dus:o worth tho cost of the magazine in itself iH every nujiber. A copy of the Larcc and boautiful premium Steel Fdigraving ' The song of home at Sea. ' I'ligravcd expressiy-for our readers at a cost for the cnjrffving flone of nearly S1000! will be sent post-paid to every full -',.",il sub scriber, and to every person grading on a Club, this engraving is a gem sf Aid E-uSrioXc Subscribers. Mark This-New Subscriber: vNid -'end in their lames for 1800 before tho fir't of November, shilll receive the November nnd December numbers ef this year in addition, making fourteen months )n all. And all new subscribers for 18i;'.l shall receive the liiagnilicieut December' Holiday nnmbcr, making thir!el months in iU. TEPjlS. 1 cbpj and tho large rrciiiium En graving -J.-.O 4 copies i o,O0 5 ' . .;..'....inud one gratis 8,00 8 and one gratis lL',00 One copy eat!, c'f Lady'a Ffiena a:.d Post, and Preuiiuiit Engraving.. 4,00 The getter up of a club will always receive a copy of the Premium Engraving. Mem bers of a club wishing the Premium En graving must remit one dollar extra" ' JCrvVSpec;nitn copies sent gratis. Address, DEACON & PETERSON, 810 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. bt 1th usil Gray or I'lUlod Il.iir 5: fjiiickfy rc.it ore'J to its youthful color and .beauty) and with the Crdt r.pi'ltatti.ui ueautnui gloss anddrliglitttil fi-.tgi.utce' U given to tlm Hair.' It will cause I!a!r to trrra; on tl.. It will promote luxuriant grow i ALIJXG IIIK is iiiiim-ilLitelvl checked,. For Sole hj nil Driiaci"', tii;POT rcmovcdiroiu Cr. cuni,"' Ml. In 33 Uarclay Kt. 40 lW I''act'. AyE HAVE COME. With great inducements lo agents to co-operate with us iu fcur grand'one dollar sale. Sheetings free of cost lo our Agents'. Watches free of cost, to our Agi nts. ' ' ' '' " Sowing Machines ft-po of uost lo Agonls. Leal tier Omuls fi eu of cot tu Ageing. , , . Linen (loods flee of cost In our Aircnta " Silks aud Shawls free of cost to Agents. ixkiih ami mines lire of cost to Agents. Dress (ioods Ires of cost lo our Agents. - Great Dollar Bargains for Our Custom-' ere. Fend fur our circular. where. Ailtlress 3hvl 'gents wfinti !1 i very .' IIAIUIIS & PLUilMEK, : 34 ilanover Street, Boston, Mm " A Rrpository of fashion, 2'lcasure, and Instruction." HARPER'S BAZAR. A supplement containing numerous full si.ed patterns of useful articles accompanies llie paper every fortuight, and occasionally an elegant Colored Fashion Plate. Harper's Ba.au contains 10 folio pages of the euo of Hari'kii's Wkkklv, primed on su prtino calendered paper, and is published weekly. Critiml Xotices of the Frcxs. IIarpel'j Cazar contains, besides pictures, ptitterns, cto., a variety of matter of especial use aud interest lo the familr : articles nn Health, drcsn and housekeeping in all its branches ; ili editorial matter is especially aWpted to the circle it is intended to interest and instruct ; and it has, besides, good stories and literary matter of meri'it; It itf not sur prising that the journaj, with Such features, has achieved in a short tlmo an immense suc cess ; for something of its kind was desired in thousands of families, and its publishers have filled the demand. Xea l'urk Ecrnimj J'ust. Whether Tte consider its claims as based Vpou the clogance. and! Superiority of the paper, its typographical appearance, tlio taste and judgement displayed iu the engravings, or the literary contributions contuinei in its pages, we unhesitatingly pronounce it to be superior in each and every particular to any other eirailar publication here o tttrdad I'lul'a ttgal lr.lelliijcnttf. . We know of no other Enelisli or" AnterlAm journal ot fashion that can pretend to approach .v ,, uuiupiuiMiess ana variety. JV. X , Timet. It Las thonierit otr being Sensible, of omvey . ing instruction,, of giving exoellent patterns in every department, aud of being stocked with good readme matter. Watrhma j if.. w .. ' w'.M Alb fleeter. , f , . , . . . Cfnido.to HatriuKc. ...K ,. nun nio nappy Marriage and Cijiigal hebcity. TUc humane views of be iieviilnit I liymuiatM. on the errors and abuse incident to Yon.h ,,d Early Manhood, sent, in S'aled lrtlcf envelnpep. free of cliai -(. A. '.I.. HOWARD ASSOCtATION. Box 1'.', AM. phni, la. ja yE HAVE CoTlK ,"" . " : f, . . if : 1 1. l iu Kit-Hi inanccmeiiU tu agents toco-. am n im u iu our Grand One DoTxar opcr. S.AI.K Sheetings free of cost to our Agjnts Watches free of cost to our A"t!iiti ' i Sewing Machines free of osUo Agciils. Leather goods free of cost to Agenie Linen good free of cost lo our Acpnts -Silks und Shawls free ef cost, lo A"enls r Hoots and Shoes freo of cout to Agent ' Dress goods free of cost to our Agi nts.' " '" ' Great Dollar Bargains for Our' Custom'.' ers. , Send for our circular. Ag'erts Wanted every r . where. Addrass . JAS. T. STRWA r?T .tr rn S and -I Dry btiect, N. y.' 2Dim2 HEELER .5- WILSOSS . ' SEWING ! Mactttvv;s. Awarded the hi. 'host in-..,,,;,,.,. , i..i,. i .i., V " . lu iuo nonub' .In 7 al lh0 Expos ton every ve .boon L'ui-' Stale fair' held, .am iu tho Union, where Fairs uav Machines exhibited. These Machines aro on exhibition ami for Laic'' 4IA T0N S HOTUGRAPH ROOMS, ' 'my '' 1 . Einiioriuin, l'. w ... . : t : 1 1 ,- T UMUERMEX.A complcla ahsoflujieut. t' J J Luinbermeu's Ilurdware, at J, o37tf " BEECH fit A COPELAND'S, r- A new Iit of, lion Wu Hubs. Kioi, Pke Ii. Shafts and Seats m HE ECU ER t CQP.'r. XrAND-K . ft. Maiy. 1 ' "' 5t . ', ., t'. .-J ,.; .: . IKu ,... ir ... ...V