7 8H Counig gMwk Local and Miscellany. Cor TJmeaf Mild r way. Xrle Express East - da do West : m- do Mail East t - J:" P- m- do do West 2 ' P- Local Freight East 0. d0 do West r.Mf. m. Elk Lodge, A. T. H. Stated meetings of Elk Lodge will be Imlil Tuesdav evening, on or before the full moon of each month, once every two weeks thereafter. J. K. WIUTMORE. Sec'y. I. 0. 0. T. The Retrular meetings of Rideway Lodge, No. 256, held every AVedncsday evening at their Lodge Koom. Ulnar A. Pahsos, Jr.,-Secy. Methodist' Episcopal. Rev. P. Vkhkox, Pastor. Morning vice, in the Court House, every Sunday. Ser alternate Thi commissioners will meet at their office la Ridgway, on Monday, Dee. 7th., 1868. P. DICKINSON. Clerk. Rcuoiooa. Methodist eetvicea will be held at the Court House. Sunday morning at half past ten. " Onward, right onward, Into the Valley of Death, Rode the Sil Hundred." But larger, by hundreds multiplied Into millions, than the band whs rode to swift de struction in Tennyson's poem, is the great cav alcade of unhappy men who are rushing to nnlimoly graves, followed by the gaunt spectre Dyspepsia. This is all wrong and should cease. Tlantation BitterB, the great stomachic Pain Killer, cures Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Headache, Vertigo, Dullness, and all symptom of kiadred character, as if by magic. For Languor, Lassitude, Great Weakness and Mental Depression, they have a most wonder ful effect. AGENTS FOR THE ADVOCATE. The following named persons are authorised agents for the Advocate to receive subscrip tions, advertising or Job work, take pay there for and give receipts. Wilcox. A. T. Atnmcn, J. L. Bbows. Kano Fbask W. Mebcb. Johnioosburg. Isaac Haoa. Bt, Marys. Chas. McVba. Centreville. Home B. Liaoh, Maj. Buweb. Caledonia. W. P. Smith, B. A. Weed. Kenneietto. Joiis C. Babb, J. A'.Bbowh. Shawmut. Joim Fabbib. Spring Crock. A. W. Iavm. Highland. Levi Ellothohpe. Horton. D. C. Oyster, N. M. Bbcckway. At a recent railway festival the follow intr stiikine sentiment was given : " Our mothers the only faithful tenders never misplace a switch." who HYDE GILLIS & CO- N EW GOODS 1 A Savannah culprit attempted to escape trotn an officer by shamming death, but was orou'-hs to lite by the pouring ot water into his mouth as he lay on his buck. lh (ountjj irctorLn. Judge H. IV. ' HnoiABta. The Good Templars' sociable will be held at Mr. D. 8. Luthers' residence, next Thursday evening- A general invita tion Is extended. Sunday 8chool Books. Service and Tune Books, and Question Book No. 2, for the Epis copal Sunday School, for sa'.o at the store of Powell A Kime. The Rev. Dr. Litch, late editor of the Ad vent Herald, Boston Mass., says of the Macamoose '" : "I know it to be a valuable uedicihe for Scrofolous diseases, colds, fevers, fever and ague, &c." Sociables. H. B. Leach, of the McCauley House, Centreville, will give a Chrietnus part j on Thursday evening, Dec. 21th. Dleasant aflair. MinehoBtof the Hyde House, Kitigway wi i liave a New Year's party on Thursday evening Hist. Of course it will be a tine anair. COUNTY OFFICERS. President Judse It. G. White Additionul Law Williams. Associate Judges E. C. Schultae, Jesse Kylcr. District Attorney J. K. P. Hall. Sheriff James A. JUuUine. Prothonotary, &c G. A. Rathbun, Treasurer Claudius V. Onus. Co. Superintendent James Dlakcly. Commissioners 11. Warner. J. V. Taylor, Louis olluipr. Auditors Clark llcox, isyron Jones, Jacob McCauley. County Surveyor Ueo. Walmsley. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. Secoud Monday in January, Last Monday in April. First Monday in August. First Moudny in November. J. MAHIUEl). November 22d, by A. W. Gray, Esq., at his .fflce in Jay. Elk Co. I'n.. Mr. L. C. WATHUH, uid Mrs. D. L. WATSON, both of Williams- (ort Pa. It will be a bilious Acciubmt. jaines ftHuuiejr, m La ma. ii on the local. conductor Butler's , i ... m VhistletVown, by failing under the cars. Hi arm was lArokeu in three places, and his leg hadlv fracttured. He lies in a critical condition. lmt it is hofned he mav recover. Mr. McCauley (g a young jinitu, ofexoe e t liubits, and niucl respected. ' Wi aro bnVipy to notice the appointment o Col. A. I. Wilcox of th's county as ono of th, n;.l.(ie.eamt uf Gov. Gcarv. If there is noi mucli except hoor in the office, there is noth tne but honor (a the man appointed. The adage that extreme meet is reveised in thit case, for like has met, The compliment paid the Col. and the couu'y is fully appreciated by all. When the Governor made a visit to tin county lust fall, we did not then suppose thai he was looking for a gentleman to fill the po sition to which he has appointed Col. Wilcox. If that was his business we can assure him thai hia mission was most eminently successful. Il Advocbtb Association Certificates of Stock are now ready. All that have paid can cell on Jas H. Hugerty, Ridgway und re ceive the same. Those that have nt paid we hope they will send in soon. We cannot nd- vaoce any Certificates, as we have to number every one, also the name and amount and keep i book thereof to prevent frauds, J. R. BAIRD, J. 8 BORDWELL. JAS. 11. HAGERTY, Trustccsi NOTICE. Came to.the premises of the sub. scribiT in Fox townNUip. about one.moniu igo, a lied Ileiler, aooui mrce yearn um, auu lescribed as follows : Wlntc luce, anuwime on .ior bellv. A1-.0 a pale red steer, about tliree years old. aud marked Willi severui wnue spots. The owner of tho above named property, An have t ho same by proving property and .uiving the necessary charges, otherwise they ill be disposed of according to law. JOHN IUfclltLS. Dated Dec. 1, 1808, 3t. W. S- SERVICE. JUST RECEIVING AT THE STORE C7 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. HARDWARE, QUEENSWARL CANDIES, NUTS, &o. DRY GOODS & GROCERIES. THE REST AND CHEAPEST. IN ELK COUNTY. CALL AND SEE AND BE CONVINCED THAT WE SELL CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN THIS SECTION. WE ARE CONSTANTLY ADDING TQ OUR STOCK COME ANb SEE US. W. S. SERVICE, Wilt from tbia data be prepared to sell U tho lowest prices. STOVES FOR PARLORS, STOVES FOR KITCHENS, STOVES FOR HALLS, STOVES FOR BED ROOMS, STOVES FOR STORES, STOVES FOR MILLS, PHILADELPHIA t ERIE RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. TKrcvgh and Dirett Route between Philadelphia, Baltimore Harris lurg, Villiamsport, and the GREAT OIL REGION of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS On all Night Trains. M0S.DAY, NOV. 2Sth, the Philadelphia & Erie and after the trains on Railroad will run as follows WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia .10.45 p. m. " " Kitigway - 8.21 p. m. ' arrive at. Erie 0.50 p. in. Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia 11.60 a. m. ' Ridgway 8.84 a. m. 4i arrive at Erie ... -10.00 a. m EASTWARD. Mail Train leaves Eric 10.65 a. m. ' Ridgway 6.10 p. m. " " arrive at Philad'a .10.00 a. m. Erie Express leaves Ene 6.25 p. m. Fidgway M 12.45 a. m. " " ar'at Philadelphia.... 4.20 p. m. Mail and Express connect with Oil Creek and Allrglicny River Rail Roid. BAG GAGE CHECKED THROUGH. ALFRED L. TYLER. General Superinlende . -yy HT MRS, SMII.VE YQC ui;ARD xnB NEWS T Wbyno! pray what', hap, C(J ftny wo'dicd or going to get married f s mm La saVcs 1 no, Mrs. Smith. But I heard Mrs. Sandwioh, say to Mrs. nuckleboo that she heard Mrs. Spendthrift say to Mrs. Stingy, tother day, that, as hov8 when sho was down to Ridgway seoiog the sights, she called at Thomas' warerooms, and of all tho sights she ever ever beheld, la me " she says that that young man snwed her mor'n thirty different kinds of chairs, and I deolare to goodness, if she didn't say mat sho believe! every other one was a baby ehair, and the oribs for babys, why ! they open and shut just like doors, sb in the day time they can be put away. And then the different styles oi BEDSTEADS, TABLES, BUREAUS, AND WASHSTAXDS, SPRING-BEDS, way, Elk county Pa. niar-22'UO ly H MATR.ESSES AND LOUNGES; OHN O.HALL, Attorney at law, K'S" wv v will vou LonoTO it, Lo said ho had Lounges, and Brackets, and Ilat-Troes, and what do you call em's, that come all the way from Bosting, only I don't boliovo no such stuff as that. But, Oh ! my, that wasn't a begin'in of all I saw, but as this was tho uuwt wonderful of any I thought I'd tell you. Cauta if you want to buy furniture, or any of your neighbors they can't do better than to patronize the establishment of ENRY SOUTHER, RidgWRy, Pa. Attorney-at-Law (feb'J'0), ALPINE HOUSE, Sl. Mary's man Kretz, Proprietor. Pa., II or- nigO GO DR. W. JAMES and Surgeon, St Pa. BLAKELY Physician Mary's, Elk comity uiar-22'Uli ly. Vlnltf. II. II. THOMAS, Ridgway Pa. TT'RANK S. BARRETT, Attorney-at-Law, 1 Clearfield. Pcnn'a. Will practice in tlk and Cameron courtics. sopO, 08-y . XECUTIONS, SUMMONS, SU15PUS. nns. Warrants, sc.. on liana and lor s ASH SASH! I SASH I ! ! E sale at this olhce. DCORS ! DOORS ! ! DOOR ! ! ! vlnltf. A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN JUST published in a scaled envelope. A Lecture on ihe Nature, Treatment and Radical cure of Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary EmUsions, Sexual De bility, and Impediments to marriuge gencrall. Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy aud Fits; Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting from Self-Abust, 0c, by Robert J. Culvcr well, M. D., author of the "Green Book," etc. Prioo in a sealed envcloo, uly six ceats. . .... The celebrated author, in this admirable elearlv demonstrates from a thirty years' succersful practice, that the alarming consequences of self abuse may be radically cured without tne use oi laiurum mtuiciut. or the application of the knife, pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, oerUin and effectual, by means of which every sunorcr, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radi- ca"y- .. . . , ,..,., 6,1 nis iecture snomu oe in me mum v, eTery youth and every man iu tne land. Seut anaer seal, in a piain envHiope, io buj address, postpaid, ou receipt or two post slumps. Also, Marriuge Guide," price the Publishers. CHAS. J. C. KLINE CO., 127 Bowerv, New York, P. 0. Box 4,680, janlu-iBtw CH. VOLK, Manufacturer and Dealer , in L.igtr Beer, opposite the Railroad Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. Mar-22 00-1 . D,m G. HAI.fi 'AS. K. V. HALL. HAL.L1 & BltO. AttorneyllAt: - Law BENZINGER P. ). ELK COUNTY, PA. September 20, I860, ly. JS. HordwcU, M. D. Eclectio riiysician . Office and residence opposite the J ml. on Centre t., magway, io. iromin at tention will be given to all calls. Office hours : 7 to 8 A. M-: 1 2 to 2 r. M. ; ana o to i r. Ji. Mar. 22, GO-tf. riHAYER HOUSE, I RIDGWAY, PA. DAVID THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a large and ooinmodious hotel on the southwest corner of Centre and Mill streets, with good and convenient stabling attached, respect fully Eolicits the patronage of his old friends and the p'tblio geuenlly. dec!3 00 ly DAVID THAYER. MO ULD1XGS ! MO ULD1XGS ! I MOULDINGS! ! ! For every man who Is going to build a HOUSE. BARN, SHOP OR SHANTY. HARDWARE- N EW HARDWARE STORE ! The subscribers bavt just 'opened in ST. MARY'S A new and Complete Stock of Heavy & Shelf HARDWARE ! hand a great IT YDE HOUSE, KinawAV, fci.K uo., i'A. M. V. Moore, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro iinnes. fcv navine strict attention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the same Oct 21 1800. T? li A N K LIN HOUSE, P St. Marts, Pa. LARGEY & MALOSE, Pnnra's. The proprietors respectfully ask the attention of their friends and the public in general to their laree and commodious hotel. Every attcutiou paid to the convenience of guests. r H. LARGEY, my5)-l3'.-If J. A. niALOSE. I hove on hand SASH Glftied or not, of all kinds, sixes and patterns. Also DOORS OF ALL KINDS, and MOULDINGS of every description from a half inoh board to a heavy crown or architecture moulding. BUILDINGS put up by the day or job, at short notice. LIME by the peck or load, always on hand. Anv of the above named stock can be seen or had by calling at the Furniture Warerooms of H. H. THOMAS, above corner of Main and Depot streets Ridgway, Pa., who is tne agent for the sale of the same. 3b,2 SALYER JACKSON. TOBACCO ANTIDOTE. WARRANTED to remove all desire for Tobacco. This greot remedy is an excellent appetizer. It purifies the blood, in viirnratea the svstcm. possesses irrent nour- . - . : ishing and strengthening power, enaoies me stomach to digest tne neaniesi ioou, hihkub sleep refreshing, and establishes robust health. Smokers and Chewers for 8ixty Years Cured. Prine. Fiftv Cents, cost free. A treatise on (ha iniurious effects of Tobacco, with lists of references. testimonials. &C, sent free. Aients wanted. Address Dr. T. K. Auuur, Jersey City, New Jersey. Aug. 15th 12w. And will kesp constantly on variety or COOK AND HEATING STOVES, Bar Iron, Steel Anvils, Bellows, NaiUs Horse Shoes, isjirings, JJuiUU ing Hardware, Saws and Files of Every Descnptio it GUNS, PISTOLS AND CARTRIDGES, Cntlcry, Plated Ware and Houbs Furnishing Goods. AU kinds of Mechan ics' Tools! TINWARE Of every description, which will be sold at. the LOWEST CASn TRICES. They have also the exclusive agency in St Mary's for tho IMPROVED ORIENTAL BASE.BURNINO COAL STOVES AND PARLOR FURNACES 1 of six cents, Dr. Culvcrwell's 25 eeuts. Address TfALIIABLE LOTS FOR SALE.- Y The uudersigned has laid out a vil. age upon his ground adjoining tne magway Depot, to be called ELK. 'J lie lots are OU feet front by 100 feet deep fronting towards the railroad. I XCH AN G E HOT E L, RIDGWAY, I'A. J HALEY Proprietor. This hotel is plensantly situvted on the Vinnkn of t he Clarion River and Elk Creek, at the lower end of the village, Mr. Healy will spare no pains for the convenie.ee of his opiiAnia. iib invites one aauuuio iciveuiua call and try his house. Sept, 17th'07-ly. HEELER & WILSON'S SEW ING MACHINES. The under signed having been appointed Sole Agent for the sale of Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing Ma. chines for Elk county. He keeps an as sortment eonstkntlv on hand. Machines soid at Philadelphia and New York prices. Any LOOK HERE! CENTREVILLE TIN-SHOP. TOIIN WAPLE desires to make known to the citizens of Centreville and tho surrounding country that he lias taken tin shop formerly occupied by R. J. Moloney, on "McCauley's Corner" in Centreville, ana that he hones bv pavine strict attention to his business and the wants of his customers. to merit their patronage in his line. He will neap on hand a large and well selected assort ment of tTitt aud tttct-gt0trt Va; of his own manufacture, which he will warrant to be of the best Quality. His stock consists Terms For the first lot sold, $100. Foi the I Plrtieg desirous of obtaining them can address of everything that is useful in the tinware line oM lin Fn tlia (Ml-ll lnt I ' T IT IB IIITlinU H I .knnt I, -.11 mo Rapical Ristoration. Its good effects aie permanent. It not only lestores tho color of the hair, but the quantity and natural glossi ness. This is said by every one using Mrs. tJ. A. Alien' Improved (new ttijlt) Hair Re Htoreror Dressing (in one bottle.) Every Drug gist sells it. Price One Dollar. There is no medicine prepared that has a reputation for excellence superior to that of Hooflakd's Gkbman Bittbbs. This article is looked upon by those who are not ac quainted wi'h it, as most patent medicines are a mere clap-trap to catbh Ihe simple. ' It is not in reality a Patent Medicine, but a genuine article, piepared by men who have an Intimate acquaintance with medicine, and the require ments of the system when laboring under disease. For Dyspcpsie, Liver Com plaint, Nervous Debility, &., it has no equal. We know of a number of persons who suffered for years with these complaints, until they were relieved by a trial of this remedy, aud one person in parti:ular, who suffered from Dyspepsia for ten years, desires us to elate for the information of the publio, that be has teen entirely relieved and restored, be be lieves, by the use of this article alone. The above is taken from the editorial col umns of the ."Dispatch," Erie, Pa., and apeake volumes. Hoofiand's German Bitten " is entirely free from all Aloobolto admixture HoorLi.b's GeA Toio Is combina- Kftion of all the Ingredients ot the Bitter, wb purs Santa, Crus Bum, orange, anise, &e. It iiWsed for the sa-ne diseases as the Bitters, in casT where an Alooholie Stimulant is re quired. It is a preparation of rare medicinal value, and most agreeable to tne palate. Prinoipal Office, 681 Aroh St., Philad'a, Fa. gold everywhere by Druggists' and others. STOVES FOR HOTELS, STOVES FOR OFFICES, STOVES FOR CHURCHES. Anl iu fact for all places where stoves are needed. Give him a caul. TIN WARE AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. JOBBING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, ROOFING AND SPOUTiNG, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, TOYS, BIRD CAGES, " PUMPS, riPEING. Ridgway Nov. 13, 1808, vlnltf. second lot sold. $110. For the third: lot sold, $120 and bo ou increasing in price as lots are sold. First purchasers get the choice lot, at the cuenpest rates. Purchasers will De registered in tne oraer of their application. Ten per cent ot the pur chase money must be paid at the time of the application. EPfAApplications will ne maue 10 jonn u. Hall, Esq., Ridgway, Ta. J. S. HYDE. Kidgway, ruar,zy oo-ir. Years. Patroniie the Best. March 9t.'G6.1y. J. K. WH1TMOKE, at Ridpway, Pa. CUSTOMERS IN FOUR Having the largest capital, most exper ienced buyers, and extensive tiade of any concern iu the Dollar Sale business, we GUARANTEE SATISFACTION in every instance, and also Ihe best selec tion of goods ever offered at ONE DOLLAR EACH. No other concern has any show wherever our agents are selling. Our motto, " Prompt and Reliable." Male and female agents wanted in ci'V and country. THE LADIES are particularly requested to try our popular club system of selling all kinds of Dry and Fancy Goods, Dress Pat terns, Cotton Cloth, Castors, Silver Plated Goods, Watches, Ac Established 18G4. A patent pen fountain and a check describing an artiole to be sold for a dollar, 10 cents i 20 ior $2; 40forl; 00 for $6 j 100 for $10; Bent by mail. Free presents to Jgetter up, (worth 50 ber cent more than those sent by any other concern,) according to size of club, or if nut do nrt fail to send for a circular. N. B. Our sale hould not be classed wih New York dollar jewelry sales or bogus Tea Comprnies," as it is nothing of the orl. EASTMAN & KENDALL, C5 Hanover Street, may23-Cm. Boston, Mass. NOTICE Came into the enclosure of the ubsoriber, in the month of August, a large RED OX. The owner can have said ox. by proving property, and paying expenses. If not called for within 80 days, the ox, will be sold to the highest bidder. JUSEl'U PKA&E. Kidgway Nov. 13 1868, it SOMETHING NEW I House, Sign and Ornamental Painting. ri'UK SUBSCRIBER WOULD HE y spect fully inform the citizens of F.Ik county tli ut he has just - started in the above business in Ridgway, and feel confi dent that he can please all who may favor him with their custom. GRAINING, PAPER HANGING AND CALCIMIN'ING DOSE ON SHORT NOTICE AND IN THE most fashion able and improved manner and style. Orders left at this Office or at the Banking House of Souther, Willis & Souther will be promptly at tended to. W. P. WILLIAMS, May-17C0-ly. . NAILS, SPIKES, HINGES, RIVETS, locks, bolts, and all kinds ot builder's materials in general can be had cheaper at the St, Mary's Hardware Store than any other place in Elk counrty. (n28'6V) about a house. I ask a fair trial, and if my work does not give satisfaction, my customers will not be obliged to take it. juua ivai'ib, seplOitf. Which have received Four First Class 3 miums at the New York State and oth er Fairs ; Also, the Great Silver Medal at the Fair of the Am erican Institute, held in New York City, 1G5. They are Ferpetunl Burners, only one being required to be made curing the season. M. BEECHER, Jr. WM. II. COPELAND. nov28'C7 ly A" ordors for Stoves and Hardware rill be promptly attended to as soon us received, at the 12'07 St. MARY'S HARDWARE STORE. J. 8. BORDWELL, M. D. ECLECTIC M it IS CI.I The word eclectio means to choese or se lect medicines from all the different sohools of medicine ; using remedies that are safe, and discarding from praotioe all medi cines that have an imjurious effect on the sys tem, such as mercury, antimony, lead, cop per, &e. I lay aside the lance the old bloodletter, roiucer or depleter, and equalize the circula. tion and restore tne system io ini state by alterutives and tonics. 'I shall here after give particular attention to chronio dis eases, such as Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Liver complaiut, Catarrh, Neuralgia, diseases of the throat, urinary organs, and all uiseases pecu liar to females. &o. CATARRH I treat with a new instrument of a late invention, which cures every case. TEETH extracted without pain. Oftice and residence south of the jail on Centre St. Office hours from 7 to 8 a. m: li to 1 p. m ; 6 to 7 p. m. Deo. 23'07.ly. J. S. BORDWELL. For doing a family washing in the best cheapest manner. Guaranteed equal to in the world I Has all the strength of rosin soap with the mild and lathering i' ties of genuine Castile. Try Ibis spieL eoap. Sold by the ALDEN CHEMIC WORKS, 48 North Front Street, Philadelpl Sept2 '08:ly ARDS, Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Tags, Handbills, &o., done in a neat manner. aud at the lowest i-bicb, IOR CASH, at the Elk Advocate Printing Office. B LAN KB of all noj. kinds for sale at tbia of I ENVELOPES, LABELS & TAGS neatly 2j printed vt the Advocate Office. VISITING CARDSNEATLY ed at this ofaoe. EXECUT- ATTENTION MILL-0 WNFRS ! rpilE EAGLE TURBINE WATER J WHEEL, patented July 30, 1807, is superior to any wheel in use. The under, signed have the agency for said wheel in Ihe State of Pennsylvania, and can recommend It as beine the best manufactured. For further particulars, and circulars, inquire at our Foundry in Kersey, where machinery, mill-gearing, castings and steam engines will be made to order at reasonable prices. We expect by eivinc satisfaction in our work to reoeive eood share of publio patronage. j . r. nuiuuiouu, R. BELL. Kersey, Elk Co., Pa.,Janl6 13C8pd. JQTl. TAYLOR'S OLIVE BRANCH BITTER A mild and agreeable TONIC STIM LANT, STOMACHIC and CARMINATl B I TT ER8, Extracted entirely from HERBS k ROOTS. Highly beneficial in DYSPEPSIA, GFNERAL DEBILI TY, AND LOSS OF APPETITE And an excellent corrective for persons suffering from Disorders of the Bowels, Flatulence, &o. SOLD EVERYWHERE ! Depot, No. 413 Market Street, Thila'a. 6ep9,'G8-ly J. K. TAYLOR a CO. i UNS," PI6TOL8, RIFLES, KNIVES, pocket and table cutlery, of the best Quality and most approved patterns, very cheap at the Hardware Store on Biberger'i old corner in St. Mary i. T-iLACKSMlTH'8 CARPENTBR'8 AND 1 1 ioiner'a tools for aale " cheaper than the ehsapest " at the St. Mary'e Hardware Store (nev28'67.) OUIS H. GARNER, J PRACTICAL MACHINIST, Can be found at his Foundry at St. Mary a wnere be U ready to have all sbop-wora in hie line done on short notice. St. Mary Benxiuger P. 0., Elk co., Pa. myl 68 JOB WORK of all kinda eriptions done at this office. aud t