to - t t 1 1-1, I U t 1 2 w ' ' ' ' r Volume i , ma iMil jTT1T"r' " " J-. II ill ! Ill I W ! 1 - . . . . Rli)GWAY, ELK CO. PA., FRIDAY, DEC. 4 imk HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BIT1ERS, iiOOFLANO'3 GERMAN TONIC, rjn.i'Miici) nr fit. c. .w jackux, IIIILTCI.Ill1.t l'. Tfit greatest known lin'sJhs-Jlr Liver Complaint, DYSPSFSIA; Nervous licuilii v. JAUKDIC2, "Discaf es pi tlie Kidne; s, EHUPTI0N3 of the. GKIil, 'mill nil lllsene.i nt-lsliitj; I'l-oni n DiN-tirtlei-eil Liver, Momneli. or im fruity or mi: niooi. ,'.ti V fni'ini-iivi f imi-hiii-: mi! ,'' .'i ft ' ti-n-..'W. m i ,i'.-,7,.' I.; nit i.f If" m. iimt i"v -7 tts.nrr.t ihitt ei..i..' hut rmnm. .I'-i-'l '..- .itnt.-b -in l.'il tn-i.-7 iniji-n-t ntt in ."""' ' rA.vl'tl ''.' ''" " ' ""'" 'I''"' ' ''.' li'e, tun ti i-.nitmliii.t in tl: I'll, n ,7 h t'i-' 'Constipation, Fl.-Uuleneo, Inwartl Fill"), I'lilnositot Blood to Itu JloiUUA.'i-l.ty of tho Htonirtoh, N:in,se:i, Heart burn, D;irust tor Fund. 1'ulnos.i or WuiKlt in tho Btonuu-h, Hour .Kr-.uit m i'.mii. fink ing or Flalturinir nt tlio 1'it of tho Sitomnoli, iv.viinmine of tho iljinl, llurriel or Diilioiilt , Urr-tUliinpf, i'lutlerm;: nt tho Heart, Choking or Kull'oeat in- Sensations wnnn in n Iiyini; Post lire, lni.n?ss ot Visum, D ili or Web bet.n-o the Kit; lit. Dull P.iin in tlio Head. I.ii citnuy of 'oi-.".riiral inn, 1 el- low'ness of llu Skin mid E.cs. lain in tlio Kilo. TJtiilk, CIiokI, Limbs, ete., iSnd rlon Flushes of Jleat, I3tuninj- in the Flesh. Constant li-.iiiKini hkh of fevil, and Ureub Djpiom.ioii f bpi-.-its. jit r.V-.v iiulit-tte til we. "I'l'i- ! r ! IVy-slic Oi't7'iN.-f, I'vm'iiifA it'i'h intjuii-e lilnml. ipofliinb's Ofvman DiUcra n rndri'ly- vi'R'.'l n V. , fimtnlUH no lienor. 1: Ik cfr.i;l"vtl oi' Kl:llit J''. jioil. Thr llotils, 11, liH. una llnrkt from M-lilf'U (tii-m -ti-ntw ni'f miMle hit iii licri'il in i' All tliu nieilli imil vIHiim lire mil .ii' IViiiii Sliilil ly li Kili utlili- !!. -i.i. Tlio t-Xll'ilClN ll" I ?M II flM'VIil fll'll (II IhU l. mill IV to br nrll czpri .!' f'ir III lin iiiil'iic i it :!' i' I ii 15 t f 'I'iivi't; Is no nlto.i'illr ilitii;ic- of liny kind n,.,-,i In ninnjionililiii.'; till" liilli-l'K, Sinirf It lit t!'1' inly iilllim tlint rnil llr itrfcd 111 i-nri ii lii i-f leoiiolic i ni ulaiilft uri' ii nt mil li:il;lr. ?itill:uii's OfV".i.ut (Ionic V:.I f'i.; '-'vM.''''iil nil Hi.- i:"il'.' i.f t'f .'i' .ViV, : . . i.i .. . j. j' . .a.. i .,.- s,,r:. :,'' Hit. r. in c '.x 'n-' j. a.:' ill '-'T-'lil'. I.': rniti,'.'!. V.'l irilt '"itf ill :.. I ' .r 1'ir - III.- tii'iv.H-l :.i-i:i- )'.:. r--('.i.iltt "I' hli 'li-'il'.ll f.., .,1. trli.'i- tli: llitf. "i: .it' l l- il-' ." li'iii.i t-l' l il'il :,, , ;;. "v.- .i-Ju: If !.-' ... !' o-.l.l! ."' :l.l. iv:-l. '... n; ,-,!. I ti I'..'. i-H-i:-. '." I i.'.''" i. y'i' M'..-' '. i. i- .'Vf ir',i!- V.'y r..-l,i!.n:i'ii''j, ini'l m.-'li. iit'il !,::. A.iiv'.'.ii':.. ii I" I'- ;..." '! on tl. !!i: .:!.st cf ;..i,..v. AFTER THD VICTORY. IIV A. l. MITIIIKI.!.. The ay lins lern ilreury nti.1 gloHti'y. 'J'lio mill, increasing si nt"! hiorninfr, !iua iottrpd Htpailily nil iliiy, nhd li'it tnoro thati half a t'.uzou pel-suns" have passed ukinr tlio rond and in front of tho fratc. . J-ul't to myvelf, during tlio long liour.-i, niid tli"? light work "pun v iiit-h I. huVo lu'-M t-i'aeil iiot 8tr'--:!lg Inlly 1o ot-fiipy my miltil, ) liavo Ueen tliink ini?"oVer I ho liit Hie yeu". of H!y life, ami the Btrngglo am! irtory frhlth fo chttiigod tho whijlo L-onrso of my rVistetlri. Very Iri't'iljly, very sorrowP.illy; I have liectt milsii'i-, y'tt st'fl with n t-oiist-iousnt's.s of a duty ierlutineil, which tuinas with it a devout ecuso ol rnititiMo to tluit lieing who proinjits to (Uitj Feeling Hit's, 1 havo lli(iuii!it, since tho u i ylit fell, that peichi't'c'. il'i s'lVii'ld toll tho story ol' my strug.lo; soma olio I'ilqhiv thrtjoih my poor example, he led to ninhe the saiiio ell'ott that I was liwul In iii il.i, mill r-ivo On their ovu Pom- lott, at tho call of duty, mid for tho euku of others. , Acroh'.iilgly, I llavo drav-it my d' ik heat- l-te, ti!!''' lighted my lamp, uMtl wliilo tliorani lulls withtHtt )iai'.-e,a:nl tl'e hie Ula.os ntul rra-l-.!e:-i lit th fnltf, i loo!: btick iipau. Ill v tiil'o of nt'rrow. "Jt IjefTim on one of Iho faitf.-t aiUi'init evuniniis -Vist alter pntnlowii. 1 was Ktuti in-r hv the L'atOi l'j'akinar tip nlnl down tlm road, adiiiiiing tlio mi tit til n al tints on the niapie-ti'ee opposi'", Itnd listening tt ft w re u who was chit iing ii cood night to mo front ft neighboriiu tree. 1 t.-as ;-'iting for Ilah-y, who caino u tho road by oi.r hoas's at this time every night, and wh ) aiwieys stojiped to chat, with ino a lew moments at thl- gate. Ho came later in the evening apiin; f'(r 1 tarry an 1 J were shortly to bo nianied, bi't 1 never would miss tho few moments at the I. Mll 'I'lio wien had not finished In r sorg. V hen j I saw the rwr.n? 1 knew so well, in tho dis tant".', ami tatf remainder ol tan hi nlii war ble was lost upon me us 1 c jntempla't'd his udvaneim.r I' nil. 'How is Millie, this owning.' ho as!;eii, n-td on his orni and niy face on his BliOulder, burst into tears. . . IIo tried to soothe nrM cbriifovt W, for a few inihV.t'cS c-eti his i'l'bi-ts failed, til nt. Inst, he beLfan to nfk me nmwtions; I to niiswi'i-, iintil Ilia tears wei-'i d'-iieil back, and 1 rtfi cnlill again. Ho s-hiitedi !f it could bo possible; cVett indro nht-cked udd sb'ibfrful than J was; b'.it he tried to hide it in brdei- td si.dtho mo. I wasipiiet and still, at length, tinder hia genllo and pal lent, ef forts, rod sat there it':etly talking until 'hey called n!o frotrt within; al-.d then, know ing that T could havo no more, leisure, I told him so, and, bidding him good-uight, went iii., I wuS to shnt-o tho iiighfH watch with our young serVnut, Mary; and in accordance with this arrai'geint'iit, I sat at tho bedsido un'Jl midiiight, attending to tho many wauls of llotai-e, who was sull'eriiig fearfully, and needed constant attention. Ho wan easier, however, beforo Mary etimo lo take n'y place, and I felt that I need have no anriety, a"d that it would bo much better for uio, iu tho prospect of tho morrow's trial, if 1 (piietly sl. pt tho retnaiiiiler of the night; A lay down in niv riiom with inv face, towahte '.h'! window, throi-gh which tie.' nUionligbt wa poi-ring, and batt le ol t'-'t'oli 1 - oi-i i mm tl',. wi'iviiiT lii-iiiicl--;'i l' lr;M'S. l'o'!'!-iiiaed tc -'-i iniliediatelv to slee-. '.lit 1 lallt'U ..i'.-i.( Hi ll i:, .. r ,i::,- c; CCKSUblPTIGK. TlioMniiilK of -nrj wlu n Hie pn Vh'lll Kiippoiii t In- M ils nltlirlt 'l villi 'hi t vi- ti III r tlUt-iiHC, tinvp lulu ttiit l liy in use of 1 lii"(- i-i' in t-iilt'i. K nl rt-inc -niKi itii Ion, ili lillliy, ami rtiitsli y !n nsiini ttl fti tin tt iu upon Kt- vrre ;.-Htl'H Ol' llyNpipIll OL lllsfllisf 1,1' lll lil'jl'sIlK "rtttiK. I'.VI'li in CM if it of f;i'u ul:if 'oiii. it nipt Ion, lln-sf i-fiit'it It villi tip Omuil of ilif (iff :ilf.-! Inliflll, nl.iugliii'iilii it ml liiviS'ii'i'l'iii'i ' c.:liu: up. leachim: PE3ILIT7i 1"i."r it v" mnliciiii. fiHitl tit ltn.J'. in'Vt e,'c:;i-i''l i.'V-s r '!. ni: ' '"fi'v. pity "'' 'i I'li'it' I'r.'.'V'. V"-. "''"' "-' II n;i- !i I.'.-, ., '('''.."" ''i'''." ' ""' .""' tlin'.lr lite iit'ii ' 't i- t it. t"" 'fit " ff ' .,1.1, l...tli:i'l ..i.i;' iMii-m.V I':- It'll- in '.;' fr'-.n Iir- ' -. iiiil'iifl ' I'lii-'itt In ll.f chf l.x. '.in- dt tttiiit lit: lltti.lll t,:.M .1't'tl, fHWfl'.tirf iwfc Weak r,nd Collcals Children hrc iiintlf niriiiit," by i!l"S " Hint-1' nr Ttinlf. 1 i tit r:. Il.iy tiff Ktilnily tif illt In. .. They vim hf mlmliil"! i i f tl villi pilltll mi IV If l it tulhl Ii t t! innut lis tilil, I l-f in ti I tit llv tile ;'einiiU-i or n nittit til' niiif i . Tifte li-:f '!i'-: r'-i- I'i: it itlooi.1 I'lirlilors ti. aii.l it-ill curt all ills, r.rul!i-j j.-m in liis own nieasaiit wav, a "Wtll," i said, with a smile, linn my hand. '('a"u she bear to hoar some news?' he asked again, with a little saiiio which prom ised soua tiling' worth while. V os, " 1 returned, "i would like somo news i'ery iiim-h, indeed, is it pleasant'. " Von" may jadgo of thai y.oarself," ho said lighth . iin l handed me an opeu letter. i read it, and then handed it hack without a we'd to offer in emmm-nt, and with li-eui-blitig hands and chicles idlaaie, for it was a Ihiil' e.pi'.-t"d letter from Calilornia, bid liin'ii hi in rei''e o'.lt th-'to itnmeiliately; and it had d:' . o been dei-iih'd that when ho went hi; v.ile .-hiiuld iici-oinpauy "JIuW iVi'ihleiied is," he said, laaga incr, and Mill h-ddl' ihe hand that n turued tlio letter'I'vW bi-iiding down, he said .i i'i. v..,i p,..nlf to i'ii nr.- dear .Millie?" . .My head was bcii'U'or a niiiiiitn, and then I lift',.,1 it t., his tic" oh! so l'-lil of Ij-'O and lied without lalVeriiig rvtr i.-ni'ti-U'l l.t.""l , A'"-' "! 'iii-i-: '' ;' H""r ' I-., ;. ili'li .t. if .-..t. tt ""' '.' i-(.r: .' 'i.''l'l ;) 't.-sitil yi.t'. r.l V ui.J W m'. m ' - I i.uttlfs vim visit It full' nUIii h l.l kii-hI t-finiilf l.ii-.. IVtf fi-tin i" yi-tlovr-l.ll ilitije iinil illl ol ! ' (lls'lKl-i-l'lf'Ki shimltl use rt llif tie - :i I ti -ntly. The l.iifi- in pi l i'ft'l tinier, .mil the lil.iotl pine. Mill lesiill in liaik tlits eyes mill blooiiiliis cliet-Us. t ' ' X ) V. . .i.-l.m.- t;.,i.iH lira til' r.'itnl.,. rin- ri.-ii,,ii,.' t,.i .:.,...':. iv : .i. .jiw.-'ni nil tin- h-"iit a f Hi'- t'l'l.'i'lt t'-.ifi" i- "I i't'-'i ' "" tl.t u nil.' mii k U.'ii-n in . 'J.''t It-'H'.'-'. .1.7 '. to'f f" :iit -J' -. '. - 'I'lloitsitmls t-t letlers liitve liren If be I veil, let il'yiii Iii I lie In lie ol lh.-. renietlie. HEAD THE RECOMMEND ATI0:t 3, KltiiM Iloy. (li:0. W. WO lliWAKtl, Cliiif Jil'lim nf III'- ::iiiifiiip O 'lii't uf l-.'i:nyli mii t. l':vl. VMI.l'IMl. Mtin-ii l'lili, l"1'" I. Hint 'IF"'illiiii-.r.t ti-1 ...-' IU i.t it"1 'in i'.';- - ir.liin lu-f-i-'Ulf I'l'i t. it ll'f' ti-fi.: ll:','l'l iii ' dr t.i tlif. tti'.-'-f'ti-'' f,iv;,l';.', tin., 'it' t,;,tt -;-;7 ill t-if V tf''ly tlm ''""'' .''''" tt'li'il in M-KltiH. 1 ''"' I'.' y'l- . . di:o. ir. wo'juwa ;::. l-'UOM JJON. JAMf.S TllnMI'.-OV, Jinlie nf lllf Sllpll llif IViut ft l',-iiii-.vlninii. 1' I.I'iai, Ai'Kll. 'JSlli, li'it. I eom'iliv " Iloiiltiiiiti'H Cii-i initn J'"" Wrs'- u rittttttn' ini-ttii-iiii- in eiise of HI" InrUa uf I atll rhi iii or llyopi pt". 1 jinn certify t itia from my eperleiice f II. Volli-s, M il It re-pt-el, JAMKS TIli."iilO.V. Friiiii kkv. .iof't:i'tt it. Kr.xx.uti, p.p., utiir uf Hi Ti'lillt l!:iiait C'lutr. ti, l' I ill. J acksiin Uf. vli Sir : Imt-r Ii" it t'r'iintii''ltj rt q'if.1' ii In c.nnt-ft mil ii'iittf tt-illi r.'-t"iii t- ii't'tti"ii tt i; i-'i.l kiwi nf m'tli'-iint, Iml n i.i'ii iliitii Hie in ;''''' ' toout uf mil ,ii;rr'f,- i--,i fj'hrrt-i I Ailw i;i ill -iiUf liwil I'"' t'-i it " ''""' r!""J l" ft: in, timet, nutl ti-liritlttrlit in lift t'icn fnnu'ltl. ""' " '";-' "'' I'r. I.H'litmCi ti't initn Jlithr, 1 i.,.ci7..,l- mi r. 11,111 nuj Lu'.U count-, tit trpettt my ,1 nil t-f ti ii-.n ,( lm C-ii.-nil ,. .'lvi.f llif system. 1111.I e.-..'i-ull.v f.r 1.IVIT "niftJil 't'.- ini'l l--"i'i-"- , In V,';i. ( M-V.I.7 : M Js.L.tll.l, l.tiinU u.l;ilttHll V r.-,-if l,i',v .- Hi"" vlf '".. ' ,i'""l lle ""'' l'.ijltlli, Itclt'tt) Cituttl St. Vi'lsa of tho Bitters, Jl.00 por bottle Or, a half doxen for S5.0D. Vrioe of the Tonic, $1.50 por bottle j Or, a half dozen for 57-80, Tonic in nut up hi nmivt buttltn. U'cnllit tlial it it lr. 's.ft.ii.r Cermm Rrmriia .tl tire to HHivt'rtitiiti iitta onii tii itnitni iTc-iiiiiir,.,- .... ... . ..11.;.. i.. i. , . ;...;...u in ; unit tin W" u.l.'K, till msi ittftltai t'i imi.M yy.. -t tiny tttinff tit Unit he m(iy uy it just a ,i,ix, hti- t-imxe he. Uttlkt-i a htrijei- VrttJ't oil il. Tirte htliwticl ill lie tent bu trttrtii to una LkoUIij uittudt'liWatlun to tilt riUXCIPAI. OFFICE, XT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, An. Wl AliCU BTltUET, Vltihideltitiia. CHAS. M. E VAN B, Proprietor, 0. M. JACKSON & CO, t'i, fie Ueuiedie are tor ale by rjr'u ,'"" 1 Biurtkeeiien, and Medi tine Dtler ery wlitirt). Do vtt f"rH't t trimiin Kelt V.t Mid ou tiny, Ol ,, ittrlv li"" I' '"' care for me, and r "Ves, 1 am ready!'' lit-thanked in..' gravely and geiuly, and then jnviiii.-iti-i to come again in liie ev. nil;g, went awav up'lho sttv-et. My "'.''W foUo-'eil him uatifhis figure I'-'t in tiie dL-Ui:ice, and then plurkin.' a re.e !Vvini a bush near me. mid nlaving with it as I wnilced, I pass ed tip ami into the huii-e, so happy' to .ad. Oh! how it all ci'i-ei back to 1110 ut'ter these ,.u..j I s.-t tha iabl.! for supper i" tin -v-'io hqi pv mood, taikiii" gaiiy and to my ululher, who .-at hiiittP'g by the window. Mv mother vas a:i ii-va'.d, but always cheer- tut and "ncomphiin'ng; si"' was very good c-Jmiianv. When 1 had 1'l'ishedi and the table was in spotless order, 1 set down to await my b-'otlier's relu-'ii f-'oul tie.- mill. Me was 'very Into to t'ight, -and 1 held my Watt-h iu my hand lor til'teeii minules, Voii dering what kept, him; but at length I put it awayj and took up a book to while away tho moments, saving my new joy "lit'1 Harry nt,,,,,'. I . .1.,, n mill wo coit'd talk it over to- ..otlii.i- At lin.rtl. I heard Farmer Alindd's ultt;!'-. The events of the day passe.l 111 array before my excited brain, and lorbado till rest o!' body or mind. had lai'i about ati hor'r, trying in vain to sleep, when smhioiily, jii.t ns 1 was begiti 1'iiitr to lose mvself,"tht thought of ills Cali- fVi-nin le'ter, and what it involved, came over tiie. with th't sudden l'eir that 1 could t'ot gri either now ;! any time. Our family were erv coaifoi taidy fdaced indeed, Weee wealthy;" but my brother wan tho only 6110 liesiilo inysi'lf w'h'd was strong enough to car ry 011 the duties of a large f irm and. the mill. 1 knew that mv brother would be, mi'st be, a cripple fof lift", and hero J. had been ph'tlning to leave my mother aih' n'y brother 4,0 'he tei'del- iiiereies of st range! s. 'Vho tl'.o'.'ght of hoir V.nuld bo if V st.-- hd a', home my agony, and tie- deep sorrow of t'ae heart which i knew wits all n'ine; win ill most, o-'cr- whebuing. Could I ever bci--i'? And y' t was it not mv duiv'.' 'I'lio t ' i':',"gl'; . a, killed me. j loved ! ! at -;- v. it li a'l l".v Ical't, ami liovy cotild 1 hear tia' I inn-'in ri 1 i-iu am "0 awav to that disli'v.t lat'd will! no hoie of ever seeing him airaiit. - 'y -ein' throbbe.l a:id beat witli tilt' tumult el my heart until it began to frow light iu tho east, ami then 1 threw iny-el! en my Knees, and spent tin next two hours struggle and prayer. . I low the dei isiou win; Id have been, if 1 had not gone to Hod, 1 shall lief er know, but lie slioiY.ul me tltetl so t-i'an, so tdainly, that mydify lay her.', and that no goeil 1 i-oilld do in that far-ofl' land, could ever atone fur having left my mother ami brother thin, that 1 ' gave up at last, and buried lay head iu my pillow 1:1 an agony of grief. L must remain at homo. 'I'll is was a wretched begitiniii'i' for such a day as 1 keow was bel'oie me, and 1 was in n very poor state to bear anything, as 1 slowly de-'ce;ided the stairs, and made my way to my brother's room. Marv exclaimed tit my looks I caino in, but I checked her iiiidwuv -ami cimi) -hp to-tlio budsido. Horace, was better, and opened his eyes and spoke, "A ro you well?" ho said, fearful for mo amid his own suffering. 1 replied, that "1 was iptitc well and rea iK- to iiur.-e him." woiideriii'' at the same and I foeiitep. It wu lni!' tin Knti-; t'tey told iiic I afterw atds, btit il seemed to ilie t'ges before bi'.t I they tailed iTt. The room which 1 entered nit-! was filled with the odor of the chloroform they lu-d been using, and the blinds wer? closed. 1 advanced timidly, and asked how Horace was. "Di'ttor," ho atiswered eheerfully from tho bed. 1 hastened to him, nti-1 allied him timidly, "How he had borne it ?" Ho replied with tt slight smile "Very well. The Presence support'':!! me, as 1 told you, uuil it will go with 1110 during my crip pled life." I bent down and kissi d him villi quiver ing lips, praying mentally that the Presence might, support me, too. I bore the rest i f the day well, because thtr'J was no time for thought. There was t-'t'eh to do lor ltor nee Mary must bo helped i- the kitchen, and my mother, to whom the day had been peculia'-y ing, had gomi aay tip-stairs with tl siel- lieailaclie. in it-o aiteriiuiiu lMh'.ce felt strotrger, and told mo all about, tl'e accident at tiie mill. and the great wheel 'hat crushed hint. 'any people canU- with I'ind in-piiries during the day. and Harry's mother sent, soiuo beautiful white grapes for Horace. Theru were two or three tears dropped among them as carried them in j but 1 took care that Horace should see no traces of them. '1 went out tipntl the pi.i;'a after tea, and stood where 1 had talked with Harry in tho morning, wondering whether I should see him again, when, happening to look up, 1 saw him opening Uie little gab! at the end of tho walkway. 1 mot mm hallway ami grto. ed him jovially. He si'ni'ed.and then gravely asked "Have vein t'hannod vour wild ideas since moru la,,, v ."Oh!- Hai ry, you did not expect that !" I cried, hurt bv lits manner. "J surely did. Why, .Millie, I coith) not go without 111'y wife," hii"s".;.l, tenderly leading me to a sent on tho piazza. Shall 1 ever forget how he pleaJeil for the r.ext half hour 1 1 never step out upon the pore!:,' where 1 can at this moment hear the lain poutv.i'-', without thinking of that fear ful tint". 1 was 'so thankful for tiie struggl" of lho inoi'iiiiig, a" I t'ae Itivino help that u given ule. Kverythii'g that love and tete'.eiae.-s citld do. lie 'to dra-v me from v. hat J. I'i It to be t'iy duly; bi-t lie failed,, ami llien I was weeping ; but. wlieil i saw his own head b"i-d in utter sorrow, and heard Ins crv-'- 'Oh, Millie, how V;':i t gi-o f ou up!" it itlmost broke my heart it! twain. - Then ho bade 1110 good-bye; t'rftve'.y, lov ingly, 'very, vei l- s-.-'dly, i-'.'d 'vent away into tho night;" and i went straight through Ill's housu up the stairs, and s'a'.'t myself ill with my overwhelming sorrow. At twelve o'clock 1 V..'.s i wat'.-U i't t he s-ek ri'i'iiti. tjuiet too, for the next three days, to iiiinearanee. but full of sorrow ill nan BwB-'mi r Deatli cf theEidor Roth3Child. NUMBER 3 iliijlii .iiwiiiiMyMyiy; Thioe Betrothed Tliico Jilted. We fire ng.-iin forcibly ictuitnlod that Dea'.h tn:ike;i tiii J.tstiitttirjti of persons. Tlio rich niv.l tlid jior riro Kliko cut, ildtvii by his rt'tiioi-sulcsa scytlifj when this renptT wills, ri?:inUboa bt tin- .Jhfluch'cpa of mortality. : Jinrbti iTnnics I?othscliild, one of the. ivCMlthibst tii'eii rjf the tittle, iVietl hist Jldn.iay l!i tlio city of Paris: He w'rts the hist survivor of the five sons of Mayer Anselin llothsehihl, the fouriilcr cf tho fatnotts Hotltschilil faiiiil. The latter was burn at Frankfort on the Main in 1743, nml educated for n Uabbi, but, cotntilt'iict'il bttsiiiOsa as a sina',1 trader, and itf'er holding a situation for soriie time in a Hanoverian banking house, he returned to Frankfort and established himself as a banker in that city. The rich Landgrave of Hesse, William tho IX, niadf iiitn his banker, and in 1 02, win:!' the French General Costine imposed upon the Frankfort entite a heavy rrttl sottt as the alternative of sacking tue oily, he was first employed as a negotiator of Government loans. Tnis event may tiiolinhlv lie rei'm-ilod as tho orU'in of tlio iiumenso wealth for which tin;- family lias; since become famous. lie had tcti child ren, five t?f theiH dtts, all of whotii sl'.r vive'd hirii. We ihei'.tion theni iti tlic order of their arfs. y!tsc!tit, who was born Juno PJ, 1770, and died lW'Ptber 0, 18.".), was father's partner and st'.o cessor at Frankfort . tfldnion, who wria born in 177-' rind tiled iti 155, was nt lirst the trnvclit'sr partner of the linn. but eveluallV tattled in Vienna. Nathan Maver was "born in 1777. and died in 18-Id. He settled in London iti 1708, and liecame the nidst prominent financier of the family. Ch irlei:. yM was b'riru in 178S, and died in lSoo, to'ik up his residence at Naples in 1821. James, tho lastot the live, was born on Mayo. li r2 ', was associated fur a time with his brother ol.imon iu Vienna, but finally fettled in I'aris, where he died' hist Alonday. While the live brothers were living, they constituted a firm in which all h:.d an oit'ial interest, but conducted their business in live branches, each of the brothers taking charge o.t one branch. The l.'othschihls have been for years past iho ilio ni-iii, .iivil takrU of loans of the govei-hiilents and sojiotenltal liave the houses combined been tiuaiicially thi'.t in some instances they havel-eep. able ady .rJV ii-.y and serene, all outward apil 'vouble r sitntew here thiek- vo.nt-s n?o n votina lady, in tazeweil county was wooed by rt young litan. lie obtatneil Iter consent mo '.,' f ii.n nbl folks, but three days toiisiuiii, tjt .,.1 , : . beforo the wedding she took n freak into her head nml went oil rtna tnai neii atis sifni'. i..o,t Tim vniiiio' man was neait- broken, and packed up his clients and went to New York city. There ho hid his grief, buried lumselt in business ani engaged in speculations, was successful rind became wealthy. i youugei f isiui of tho girl that had jilted him, moved by sympathy commenced a correspondence with liiinto endeavor td tuitigato his sorrow. The correspondence became in terestin. The yontig girl grew up, and as years idlled on lipcnnil into great betitily. .The sight of her photograph awakened in the young man's bosom the left ; that he had" supposed crushed for ever. Ho proposed tb her and was ac cepted. Her father was a widower and was anxious to get married himself as soon as his daughter was out of the way, l-ii ttr.Toil the match forward. The iii,"iij Hf "'tho lover now admitted a bril liant wedding, and -preparations were made lor it. mey were w uuinau io.i last Wednesday in style, and depart iiu mediatelv for New York city. A few" days ago the expected bride re ceived a letter from her betrothed, staling that he had entered into a fpectil;-tti'. that would keep hint iti the city, so that he could not possibly be with her tit tho time appointed, thld risking her to delay ii,.. tv i-.otioiiv for A clav or two. He also referred td the time when ho had expect ed td lie united to her sister. Provoked tb think that he etUl remembered his former love, the ydung lady wrote him iu :i passion, and sitliiig down at the same time wrote tort, cousin of Hers, a lUrnsoT . I . 1 1 - 1 ..... 1 t.,... in Iowa, wno nan long iot-u in-, tv-iuu him that she had broken her engagement, relatino- the circumstances to him, and ending' by saying that she was all ready to bo married, and if he come, ami be there at tho time set for her wedding; she would marry him. He complied Her betrothed in New York, astonished to receive her letter, closed up his busi- ness as best he couiti, ami came to .laic- Well county by the next train. 1 1 e reacli ed the little village where she lived itnd was hastening tip to the lidtisc td tull-1 Ins wairon c'liuimr up tue roail. I coucnuu-u to-i.itM :i out In lilt -t" t l.iiii. for he had come from the mill of which my brother was tin.1 ,.iv,,i. mi. I mi rlit. Im able to five me some i, n t M' litin a Uiill" t'i .-. W I vt-:,'l:...l slmvlv down the path, and had just reached the gate .is he drove Up, ami much to my umu.ement, ho checked hi 1.,.,.,. nml siii-iiii'i-out. "Miss Liliie, I'm very sorry for you, I'm cure," lie beguu, awkwardly; but I interrupt ed hint. 'What's the matter?" I ashed liurrtt'illy .li-i,,- ti,,..-i.'s l.i-i ti trouble at thu mill, ho said,"cautiouslv, as if ho f'eatx'd ' lo hurt me, "ad I've brought Horace home, lor he's hurt pretty bad. LoulU you can .lohuathati to help t'tie men lilt linn out: 1 was round at tho back of tho wagon be foro ho had"d speakit-r, fitd gazing eagerly inside. llo:aco lay there witli his head upon his arm, unu ins ejes luut, ..... i"" very pule; but I could not bt-e that he wus very much hurt; Until sudibnly, as tho met: lifted him, and iu doing 6o loosened the blanket they had thrown over Lim, 1 saw that both limbs were fearfully crushed and mangled. . . I hupposo I cried out, and It startled htm, for ho lifted his head aud looked towards me. "Millie, I'm used up," ho said, family. lil nut. reply, but lol- l(?wed, tooatuutied eveu lo weep, tx6 tbey "He ueeds cureful utteutiou, and a steady hand," was tho lirst thiug 1 heard distinctly; ,i I f,nl t tlm il.icter stood near, uud .....j tu.-iii,r to mi. 1 roused thou, and took up my task ay! my 1 i to work and uever since have 1 lor one uiouieui law u uuu. 'Itiitli limbs must bo- amnatated; nud it must bo doua to-morrow morning," the dofc tor was saying; "in tho meantime care nlust be taken," aud so on. I listened with a throbbing head, aud ti led to atteud and 'all necessary ipiestioud. At leutrth the doctor took his departure, audi accompanied hi in to tho door, very loath to have him cot bPt bo left, tiromisiug lho tlrft thiti"- ill thO ltioril- lug. As 1 turned to go into the' hortse again, 1 saw Hurry leaning agaiuit'oue ol the piazza pillars, lie catue forward imtne diatelv, and as 1 Ptet him 1 plated pit band tune, how he would bear to bo told ol tmr eoniinr triable. !;-t lie anti. ii'ated hie. '''tie (-perii'i.'i- is ti! be performed to-day, is it "lot t" neas ked liuiellv. 1 started, and replied, breathlessly, that I believed so.'' "You need not fear f.'r nt , Millie,'' he I'lintii-.m-d : "I've been thinking it over, and I knn-.v il' Ond sees lit to snaro mv lil'o it niiit In, Cm. Kiine fond, even tliiiil'll HIV limbs are 'jour. -Who mil I that I shoul ilisiiitt' l!ts will. 1 can bear the operation with I'.-ttitudo, 1 think, knowing who stanU ni'.i i In mtiti i. mi. " 1 was leaning on the back of a chair, am! it was well for nie, lor I could not have stooil otherwise. ) o haifalmost given up life; could I not give lip happiness? Dared 1 doiib' inly more than he the Hai'd that sent tho blow v . . , It stilled ii'.y heart utterly; so utterly, (ha when Hurry ciimo in alter breakfast I only felt faint for one short moment, and then iplietly gave him my siat by the bedside. lint when he rose to go, J followed him out, an ! 1 know I Was pah' us t laid niy hand bn his arm and said, with infinite, compassion in my heart lor his sorrow "Harry, I've somethiii,' to tell you." ".Nothing sorrowful, I h"ie," ho returned, sniiiing down upon me, nud then added, "Oh, how pale those cheeks are. They must get brighter, for you have a long journey before vou, mv love." II is tone of tenderness almost killed nib. "Harry," 1 said, leaning mora l'oavily on his arm "I cannot go with yen now." "Oh !" not imnlcdiately, 1 know,' ho said li.'htly. "1 will wait a few weeks. I would ive yon a lotiger time, but they aro expect ing 'ae. .... I nnn nnvnr rrn with VOU. HaiT'-. 1 Raid, tremblingly. " oil will havo to go without voiir wife." ....... , x i . o n'l. .Millie, wuai no you mean i i i- raugetneiits aro all niude, aud thou ho sain tenderly "It would oreuu my ueari, my "Harry, do i-ot wound ino so!' I cried; "I eau never go with you. thoiMi it almost kills nie to tell you bo. I am the only strong member of tho family liow, add to go uwny aud leave them la their hulplessiiet's would be most cruel ujid wicked." "l'ttt; Jlillio;" bo retilrned anxiously; "you are mine uow, more than theirs. You will bo uiy wifo iu a few weeks." nt 1-i.r.ii, It is ioitui-p. llurrv." I re turned; "but I havo . thought it over, aud prayed it over, and L cau coulu to uo o'.uer h..,L;.. UVIII.IUI." .(,., HetrifUed away 'then, and went . on tno steps, and down the road without even i..,.i ;.,r. l.ilr liiiivin.r inn Ktaudiui; there, lUWil'lB in all alouo, and with a heart so wrung uud so sore. . . , i within, and loiiirimr to irO uiva mid escape the darkness that scorned cuing around ino ut every s;.'p. At length a neighbor, silting l!! Horace, a room one nioi ning, told him, witu a curious, half t'latica at me, that " t oung Harry :(i:;-'n hud eont to (.'aliforain.''. I tiiana2"d to say "indeed;'' but wliep-l atP'lit my breath 1 wits outside the house. Hu had gone and, 1 was alone ! and the next hour was bitter. Then Horace scut for -me and 1 went in. i.W'1,.,1 ij I 'nit T hear. Minnie ? Has llarrv gona away for good?" In- demanded. " Yes, ",1 returned, shortly. " tin t he is coming back foryou, Minnie ? " " No, Horace'" 1 ri turned, with an ell'ort. " Yon did not quarrel, did you, Minnie ? " "0:i, no," I replied; "but my duty lies !...,. ,, .-Mi, l.-iii.u' ; " for I felt best lor mv own fast la'iling compoiiii-o that ho should tiol know the whole. t " Yo i did not give It i in up for mo ? he cried, starting up ia lied, seizing my hand. 1 bad" him hastilv to " lie down." but lie said hurriedly--" Tell me!" And i could onlv hod my head, for 1 was choking. He fell back on his pillow with u groan that wont to mv hear. till'.', in some liisiaiiifs inej iiaiv..w.. " -a . . to compel the niaiiitenat-ce tt peace, by engagement wheri ho was rttet by Soil o . ... . ... i, . r... .i r i,; ii-ionrla nutl lolil that ltts bnuo occulting to iimirtn too iiiuih-j a -- - , ti... ii.-,.'. am.- i-Misiyt r'f ii!cutburs of the bad just been married to another man. third and fourth geilcHttidiis cf the lHmily, lie fainted away on the spot, and was r. ... . '...H i i. v.. i .t;...t i,;,,,r ib,. Inst takon no to tho hotel. V hen the brnle .itin'.t's, win- lias i'.n un.-n, ...j, ' i i l , . , 1 1 ; . ; i ti. tn.i; iv'U tod of it she was overwhelmed iv.emuer oi tue t'ttlllll. inv, , -- -- a, tivn mii-fi,,'.- is H.-iron Nathan Lionel with remorse, but it was then too la e. ii ! i e t ...i cii r.f Vniliiin She was lecrallv niiirricd to her cousin jtoiiisciiini, to jivimiMi, ---- r , . . , . i . Maver, the third soii of the founder ot The New o-ker, twico heart-biokco, . .. ., r.,i i . ti... i. l,,(V 1,Ij lininii u'iihnut. seeiiiir ber. antl tlieiamtlv - me memuers oi mu i.mhut '""" r 'have "t'licialiy iiit.erniarrie.t ' so tlhcir she passed through this city yesterday, immense wealth will be likely to remain on her way to an Iowa farm, looking ... t . .. e .... 4Vm. mniH- vm-v (li'iofl.ed . and anvthlotr Out like l (rnist: 'tiptt'ii in :i lew ii.itia ........ ---j j- - - s ve-h-s TheVhave now banking houses bride. Pcwm III.) 1 tuixscnpl; in niost of tho large cities of the world. .iml .In -in enormous Utlsutoss. llley tt,.,n. wt.-iltli bv hundreds of V.itlllU illiU , . V. J millions. it is Ave years now since that fearful time. My noble mother has gone, to her rest, ami mv crippled brother ami I dwell in the house, with onlv Marv, our maid, beside ourselves; All of tender calf that could havo bei-.l be stowed ui-oti me by a noble, loving brother, has beeu'tnine. 1 havo been quiet and Con tented; often happy. My life is or.coitud of duty and comfort for others. Ifsont ' times, on a beautiful uutunl evening, tie tho'-uhts of other days will como, they art1 i ... I,v tlm t inner it o what a p., i, ii nii.iii ...... - - --- -i blessing my louley life baa been to many around' inc. Or if, as on a tempestuous night like this, the hous'i seems peopled with Cpirita of tho days that aro passed, of what i! .1.1 liiiv., I,,., -ii ." if a form rises before ot'e who 1 know is striving awav ill that distant land, unmarried and all uloi;o-"-striviug to do his duty in the " K'ate hf life in which it has pleased Ood to call hiiil," and whom 1 have never censed to love, then for a moment the pain is sharp er than 1 can bear; out ii is oiuy 101 u nm ,..,. t .,1, il mv heart ever rise to tho Ono who has led "llto lln-ongh my trial, uud given me peace fl-r live ulcs.,cd years, aiai i im, oh! so utterly aud ever grateful, that 1 was d to thoo.-e the putU of duty, heedless ol saeriQce. Veston's Long Walk.' Mr. Kdward 1'. Weston who walked, a year since, from Portland to Chicago, and "who, during that trip, failed in two several i.,. mi .is t,i null.- one bundled ' miles within t...,, i t-.t'iiiir cniiseeutive houi's.'.but who, al ter n "decided failure to walk Olio hundred mil, ,5 in twentv-thtee hours on a raco track t '1'i-iiv. did. on tin; Gth of last month, walls ten times over a inea.-ured distance of ten miles (100 in all) on the highway from White iM,,;s I.. l!vi Westchester Co.. X. Y., in .i., ,,.i-. ."i.iv u'n.i t tinio of Tl hours. PJ liiu i nil"" ,x. ...... minutes and 10 seconds, including two rests i -....;,, ,.1, .h mid two of nearly 5 III t; Ul'll.l.- .l v .. , . - .. . ..,-,.,,,..,s .... , start roin liantror, .Maine on the 1st of December next, to walk to St. Paul, Minnesota, and theneo by such routes .. . i .,t..,.t tn thopvtent of 5.000 miles, closing at, this city within 100 days from the time of starting. As he is lo no sun t-veij i...... ,.,,,1 mii, in,, nf oach ol tho loui'teeu in terveniiig .Sundays, ho has but eighty-six walking 'days in which to traverse tho eutiro a;. . .ii it... si. vi-ri'st season of the year. when he'is certain to encounter heavy storms ui-it ilHftcd roads, and lor a good part in n ...A. v',,v,l,.riis flilllli lo. Ho is to have no i...t ihiiwlinliii, r no his success, whether total or partial, nor snail any ono wnu um-u...-, him but Col. Pan 111 ee, -who proposes the walk; Ugieess to raise for him by subscrip tion not less than 20,000 iu case he accom plishes the lent." To do it, he must average , -.j ,.,;i,.s imp dnv in all weather lor Wisdom. The following terse eoti-pliea - tio'u of wisdom was comiii'iuie.iied to tlio New Knv'l and Piirmer ! Too ulaiiy barns tiro defleieut iu win dows'. . ,. , , Monrv invested in needed loCis pays a high per cent. . The more eoiiilortuuio you oan Keep yoe.i animals the mote lliey win vurive. A cood cow is a valuable machine ; the more lood she properly digests the greater tho profit, . A lew roots daily, to all tuo stooiv, are a-, welcome as apples to boys ami girls. , 11 ,.,'.... i:r.'..i TV..,, iron snoes ou sieus nisi, a iiieiiuio. . ire really cheaper in tho end thau wooden ones. All animals aro fond of Sunshine. Let theiP bask in it, if possible. noplace all lue bars wuere you oiu-u pasa. liv Ktrotnr crates-, pud the!, wonder why you didu't ilo so before. , A borrOVed took if biOken, should be .... 1 1,. ...,l.,,.rwt Ki, n ,,.' .,,11. nice piUlliptiJI iiiit,,ui ..jr m- ' v.. - - sense of houdr iti such' mutters is much to bo comnlonded. , ' , , It seems stiubse that housekeepers don't Inly pails aud tubs with brass hoops and trimming. The cost a nuio more at, nrsi, . but last wcr.derluliy. ISulhl safe, easy stairs wherever lieeded iri barns, and save, b'reaklng yoiir boues clialb ... . i .. . i...i.i.., Hi"; iiuiiyurous i.tti..,.-i j. , -. Give a quart of meal daily I'd each of yot'r voting ani.nals, and yoii will sooli be praising "., . ... 1;. :...1..1.I..J ineiit 10 youi - iii-iiiutii -s. Whore a watering tub Is heeded abroad, it should be a deep cite, and set partly in t'.m ground. It will not l'iee''e thetl .in tho cold est weather so as to give much trouble. A lfi.-niiir little bny was asked lady if ho studied hard at school. He replied that he did not hurt lumselt nuicn at it. " Oh," saul the luny, " you must study hard or you will never bo 1 resnieiu Of the United tftcs." " Yes, ma'am," ho replied, "bat 1 'don't expect to uej I am a Democrat. o -i. r.iiTTiin.s." There is a voting bil liard player in Hellofoute, Centre co, Pa., by t!o name ot Charley MoClure, between tho a'o of iii antl n years nose- miri age runs aro from 150 to 300 poir.tson cariui table. Where can hu bo beat! il -'.t t Ti-j lrowuiur fiomowbeie buy VH U net-da us to be strong." Jt must kayo been bo with me that day, for I klibw I carried an artificial strength. 1 did not gee tuo opera tion, but rcmaiued iu an outer room, listen ing to every eouudj aud itarting ot every Montgomery Blair'S pper coiiies . but in luvor of tho Deniscratic members of the Missouri legislature sustaining Sena tor Henderson lor reelection this winter. , - " - r . :.-i.t,.-jti- .niisi.iMitivi. week davs. His feat is a simple test of his powers of endurance. Will) WIl.l. HAVK IXKl.t'KNCK WITH GKS. Ciuv't There is a great dual ot specula tion ou this snl ject now. Some people think that Mr. K. 11. Wa-hbiirno will con trol him; some say that he isiu frequent and ..nnfi.l.oUial et'rresDOudenco with Mr. A. T. Stewart, the dry goods man; sotno say that tien. Rawlins is" nil powerful with him. und others that lien, liaueau wieius wouut-nui ;,,n,,u,w. ' liiivii bi.eii lieinloutlv . asked what we tliink abo it the matter,. and to save the troublo of lurtLer inquiry we, may us wen state our views. On one occasion, wneu Ceu. Grant was riding with us behind I eor less. he rtuietlv remarked: " I should like to take hblil of the reins." Now, we rather thiilli Gen. Grant will hold thej-eius himself the t'ext four years. Ha lias been elected !,., -siilunt and he will bo President. It is true that ho has suid that ho should only ,,.,1'tu nut. t lio W ill of ihu people us declared by iho laws of . Congress, but then ho will carry t nut. . Wo shall have an administra tion.' ' He will do bis duty, and the m-n un der tilth wilt have td do their duty. There fore wo conclude tlint tho most iunueutia-1 mati with tho adtniuistratiou for tho next four years will bo Ulysses S. Uruut.--N; y. Ledger. ,;', . ' . ; ...j Viillandighatn intends td givo up poll ties and stick to the practice of law. ' ' . I- -i i . WniVx is. a man ttiuncr (thaa u ' eliltiglo When he is hshavlu". "i ' ; " ' ' " tv ..- .. -; -.- .; i ii'-t j .-" i v- .1 ' l - ," if i , 1 1 i .i . .-! i i-'t : : :ta . ' i ' Iln.vvr os Axi ii'N-T llisrottv. PartJii, tho author, IS rather pedantic; itild a good story is told of him In this connection. Ilo was efpecla'.ly fond of asking questiousin re gard to ancient history, with a view of air ing his own knowledge on tho subject. Af ter posting himself well in ltolliu, he ca-ue down to breakfast lino nlorliirig. Hud seeing Holmes, who. haviuir ordered. Lid breaklust was sitting in that culm state of mind w hich precedes a inbrning meal bb accosted him pompously with : ' ' : "Ah, iloluies, you are just the ruau to answer u ipiestiou that has couio up , iu my ml, wl II. ia n,,.ni,,(r Ttitn VOU tell lflO 111 what year of his relgu tho second Ptolemy : died if", - , ., j . . IIoline9 leaned ba'ck in his chair; aud.. looking at 'Part tin with well counterfeited umuzeiiient.said in u votco audtoio iuo leugm of the dining room : . ; , "Js Picdemy dead; the pdnr old cuss? I haven't looked at a lioWspnpvr these three -days.", : . - . v" .: -' Partou lias uo mofo histdrical c.ouaudrunwj to pronounce to Holmes. , i EyEK Tout Hood h ultuo-t iuexcusablo for,, 'siicli a description or music as this: "ile.i-; ven reward the man who fi st hit upon tlia -v,tv oi-iiriuul uotiou of daat'iuir tuu iuddl of a j cat with the tall of ahtjriw" t , . h . f til', r ..." :,l '! ! 'T '. "' f'i:-.i ! I ! ' t .-' Li'-.t f t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers