A Frrak of Coli.kor' Studpntu. Th 8 collegians eeem to foci the loss of their well curb aa deeply as they did the losa of the "old-oaken bucket.," not long since. In con sideration of this fact, a nnmbcr of them as sembled nenr tho college Inst evening, end, with faces masked and persons enveloped In "winding sheets" of white, took up their "line of march" through the principal streets to tho enlivening music of fife and drum. Their ghostly Appearance, as they marched in single fllo under the glare of bine i ing torches anff trnnspnreacips, attracted the nttention of every one, and as it was near that "witching hour when churchyards yawn" some who gazed upon the wierd procession did not know but that the grave in reality had given op its dead. Regardless of surmises, however, the "grave" visaged 'corps" mover ou to the "dead" beat of the drum, and not a word tpoke they until the circuit of the principle thoroughfares had been made. We inferred, from the transparencies which they bore, that like a certain biblical character they wanted water, and thnt they were "drawn up" in snch imposing array for the purpose of getting it We did not see any beverage of that na ture, however, and we enme to the conclusion that the demonstration did not work " well.' The procession coUnpsed on Thnycr street, where they gave six very able groans, equally divided in favor of two parties, who were not present the finale being brought abont by a shout that " He's coming 1' which was followed by a miraculously sudden pitting out of the transparencies and torches, and equally rapid "putting out " of the proces sion, who disappeared by a species of leg-er-deinain with which our reporter is not con versant. The curtain falls upon a forlorn drummer and an equally forlorn fifer, keep ing time to the music of flying feet, and wrapped in wonderment, as to who wag to settle for their valuable services in the great demonstration. Providence Herald, How to Make a Coal Fire. If everybody knew how to make a coal flro, thero would be more comfort Inside, and less smoke outsido the house, in cold weather. Before yon throw on the coals, pull all tho fire to tho front of the grate to ward the bars, Gil up the cavity at the back with tho ciaders or ashes which will be found under the grate, then throw on the coals. The gas evolved In the process of roasting tho coals will be absorbed by tho cinders, and render them In nn increased degree combustible. The smoke will thus be burnt, and a One, glowing, smoko loss fire, will be tho re.-ult. To Remove a Mote from the Eye. Take a horsehair and double it, leaving a loop. If tho mote can be seen, lay the loop' over itr close tho eye, and the niote will come out as the hair is withdrawn. If th irritating ob ject cannot bo seen, raise the lid of the eyes as far as possible, and place the loop as fur in as you can, close the eye and roll the ball around a few times, then ilr.iw out the hair ; the substance which causes so much puiu will be suretocomo with it. This method is prac ticed by ax-makers and other workers in steel. Don't. Bont advertise ; it is a very bad plan. It will call attention to your business, and it is much bettor for people who wish, to trade with you to hunt you up. It gives your customers ex ercise, and makes them healthy. liusidus, if you advertise, somebody will buy up all your goods, and then you will havo to get more and It will be a great bother to you. Exchange. W'obth Krfowixo. A correspondent of the Maine Farmer says : "Many a housewife may be glad to know, when sho has a piece of fresh meat that she wishes to keop a few days, that it ean be successfully done by iilacing it in n dish and covering it with milk. Sour milk or butter milk will do as wolL I havo prar iced the plan for years,"' A Itzzlk. When a girl of 13 veal's of aso marries a man of 45 years ho, of courso, is 3 times as old as sho. After having lived together for 15 years, ebo will be 30 and ho will bo 60 years of age, tho husband being but twice as old as bis wile. How long accordiug to this rule, would they have to live together that fho would be of tho same ago as he T Anotueb. Walk. Weston the walkist and hnuibub has started off another walk and this time from Bangor, Me., to St. Paul Minnesota and return by a different route to New York a distanc. of 5,000 miles. The task is to be accomplished in one hundred days for a purse of 820,000. A BEtMMENTAL coflin-maker was asked whom ho was making a coffin for, and mentioned the intended. " Why, lie is not dead, man ! " said the querist. " Don't you t.ruble yourself," replied the other : " Dr. Coe told us to make his eoffiu, and I guess he knows what he gave Lieu.", To make a valuable speckled dog bulletproof, Mark Twain says: "Take off.his hide and line it wieh sheet iron Kussia iron is the best, and is slleky and more slowey than the common kind. Dogs prepared in this way do not mind bullets." A Word to the Farmers' Hoys. Stick to your fathers' farms, young men. tore your miuds at home with good practicable knowledge. Begin early to raise stock, and to care for valuable ani mals. Love your noble calling. Feel a deep interest in it and strive ever to suc ceed. It was the first vocation which God on earth assigned to man j it must be the occupation of the last man, too. Commune with Nature and Nature's God. Become that noblest work of God, an honest man. . Earning your bread by the edict of the Almighty in the sweat of your face. Tub Zion's Herald says that a few weeks since a little girl was brought to the Massachusetts Hospital, in Boston, to be subjected to a severe surgical operation the only thing that could save her life. As the medical professor, in the presence of his class, placed her on the surgical table, she lay down, and clasping her J bands together and lifting up her eyes, I 1! I i, -VI. T T t nil ctciiiiuiuu, "uu, tiesus, x kdow iiiou lovest me, and if I die I shall go right home to heaven." The good professor was so much affected that he could not Immediately proceed, and nearly all were moved to tears. Aktmaij v Hindostah. The Hindoo saint extends hospitality alike to friends and enemies. When he eats bo shares his food with .whatever creature presents itself. He refrains from honey from re luctance to deprive his bees from their nourishment, lie will not eat flesh be cause he shrinks from causing the death ot any animal. . He avoids lighting a candle at night lest insects should be drawn into the dame j and he filters the water he drinks lest he should incautious ly swallow some creature. Hindoos will die rather than taste beef a fact which has often been proved on board of vessels where all the provision were expended except salt beef. Indeed, all animals have a degree of sacredness to a devout Hindoo. Those thnt subsist on vegeta bles are supposed to be favored by divine beings. They believe every animal is endowed with thought nnd memory, and has some mode of communicating its ideas to its own species. At Surat is a Banian hospital where disseased nnd aged animals are watched with tenderness care. Kindness towards animals inculcated in all the sacred books and everywhere practiced as a religious duty, foi ins n 'ovely fe: tire in Asiatic re ligious wlii';.i CbrK r -'iv would do well to imitate. True, it N founded on sym pathy produced by be1;iT in ti e transmi gration of souls. But a frioiMi'y relative between men and animals i I n'.-n ! ; I tl and and good 5 and though Chrisinins 1L1 not believe the soul of an ancestor may have passed into a horse, they might practice from a Lighter motive. Tenderness to wards the dumb creatures of God would harmonize with the spirit ot the religion they profess 5 and to arquire if they merely need to apply the first and most obvious rule of natural religion : How should I like to be treated if I were a horse ! " Lydia Maria Child. Two persons in the Bloomington, 111. jail, gagged and bound the jailer and es caped. After they had bound the jailer securely, they rolled Lira into the cell which Cruse had just before vacated, put a thin pillow under his head, spread a coarse blanket over his breast, hoped he would be comfortable till morning, told him to ring the bell if he wanted anyt hing, suggested that he would rest easier on his back than in any other position ; nnd after all this useless ceremony they locked the door of his cell. Tliey then unlocked the doors of several other v' and told the prisoners they might . their choiceof staying or leaving. ri next move was for the jailer's roo.u. where they made a stay of more than an hour. They wrote a letter to the jailt and one to Sheriff Pike, and informed those officers that they had nothing to complain of except their confinement. Both protesteJ that they were innocent and hoped the jailer would not blame them for leaving so unceremoniously. Then walked quietly out of the jailer's room at about three o'clock on Saturday morning, and left no direction as to their proposed route. The names of those ja'd birds aro respectively Cruse and Wilson. You are getting into years. Yes, but years are getting into you the ripe years, tho genial years, the lusty, luscious years. One by one the crudities of your youth are falling from you, tho vanity, egotism. the insulation, tho bewilderment, the un certainty. Nearer and nearer you arc approaching yourself. You are consoli dating your forces. You are becoming master of your situation. On tho ruins of shattered plans you find your vantage gronna. lour DaoKen nopes, your thwarted purposes, your defeated aspira tions, become a staff of strength by wnicn you mount to a subiimcr height. With self-possession and self command ot all things, the title deed of creation, forfeited, is reclaimed. The king has to his own again. Earth and sea and sky pour out their largest of love. All the crowds pass down to lay their treasure at your feet Ik Marrel. The story of the Princess de Metter nich having nursed the babe of her for mer maid at her breast, reminds an Aus trinn journalist of the fact that the Em press of Austria, in 1859, did the same lung with the babe of tho widow of a oh: vs, who had been killed atSolferino. His wife lived at Luxemburg, and tho news ot her husband's death threw her upon a long sich-bed, so thnt she was un ble to suckle her child. The Empress who knew her and came to visit her found that tho poor mother could not nurso her child, and took the little creature to her own breast until a wet-nurse, for whose services the kind hearted Elizabeth paid, had been provided. HAVEN Si SON'S FURNITURE STORE. Emporium, Pa. Keen constantly on hand a full assortment nf HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, which il.ey will sell VERY CHEAP and warrant rerv article. j U N DEBT A K I N G ! CoSiiio kept constantly on hand and furnished to order. Shop on Fifth street east of the Court House. UE HAVEN SON. Emporium, Much lbGt1, m TOBACCO ANTIDOTE Warranted to remove all desire for Tobacco This great remedy is an excellent appetizer. It purities the blood, invigorates the avstem. dos- sesses great nourishing and strengthening power, enables tba stomach to digest the heartiest food, makes sleep refreshing, and establishes robust health. Smokers and Chewers lux Sixty Years cured. Price, fifty cents, post fre, A treatise on the injurious effects of Tobacco, with lists ot references, testimonials, Ac, sent free. Agents wanted. Address Dr. T. R. ABBOTT. Jersey City, N. J. I2w. Guide to MaiTlotre. Young 1'en'g Guide to Happy Marriage and Conjugal Felicity. The humane views of be nevolent Physicians, on the error ami abuse incident to Youth and Early Manhood, sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Bi I'., PhiladeU phia, Pa. , , liyl NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Merchants or Farmers desiring any of the aliove for their Fall or Winter trade or uso, should ad dress It. H. ALLEN A CO., T. O. Box 376, New York. A NEW FLAN For the formation of Libraries, both public and private, for towns, nnd villnjrps, nt a Btuall cost. The details will be made known in a circular, now ready. Address 1). APPLETON fc CO., New York. GENTS WANTED for "THE BLUE-COATS," And how they lived, fought and died for the Union, with scenes and incidents in the Great Rebellion," It contains over 100 fine engrav ings and 500 pnpe, and is the spiciest and cheapest war book published. Price only $1.50 per copy. Send for circular and see our terms, and full description of the work. Address JONES DRUTHERS ACO., Philadelphia, Pa., Cincinnati, Ohio,; Chicago, 111., or St, Louis, Mo. ANTED. Clergymen, teachers, and Superintendents of Sabbath Schools, and others to act as agents for tho HOME HOOK OF WONDERS. A work of grcat.inlcrest fully illustrated ; also for the COTTAGE BIBLE, AND FAMILY EXPOSITOR, "ov . .containing nearly fifteen hnn -.tit-. tiie Old and New Tcs - iir '..iv I expositions and explaua- i 1:1. - !. ! im - tVilliam-i. -' o .! :--iy 1'eco.nmendations r ihhn !;;. .lue Hawca, D. D. , Pas- ' 1 i-'i'-t Ci.i.tfi-i vaiionnl Church. Hun- t. 1 kno v nf ni commentary so cheap 1..:. isso yic;it nil iinicuit of valuable IIT .i .'' J'.o ,i Rev. Jf. II. Evnlf-'oii. D. D. . r.itv 11 f PlviiMK'.h Chii ch. Cu ciivjii, 111 I cliecri'ul'v reconnrend it a i:o bit cimmrt i.-r on Scripiure for viit.ul u'-.e." For le: us and cir culars, address A. HR I N' A UD, Hartford, Conn. B O O K A G E NTS Are meeting Willi rare success in sel!in' S Mb o. n. oak Ku rt -.xii,;irnnons nnu AHjii;ures among tlio 'ii.k J..iitr.RiM it Auvsmma, to which is now added ."11 n .'.nut of the Ciipiiiity and relcao of KngttMi ; ;rC,, ami the career of the late Einpe tn 'I lie .10:0. tiu book is re ceived nun njj all cl:;-c- of people will) such unbounded tuvor, r so fully combines thrilling ii'ic c-i. wi,h solid instruction. Agents, male n il 1 ,::;e, sill it rapidly. "An admirable O IT , . , I . . . scientific exiiloraiittn. ireoL-rnnliirul ovc. y, and personal adventure " xXcw York T.i It is issued in a very attractive fin in. enteilainin as a romance." Button Full particulars sent on application f SE it CO., Publishers, Hiiril'onl. Ct. n... io O. Y-.INTS WANTED. The JCew and Popular Illustrated Work. RECOLLECTIONS ot a BUSY LIFE, BY HORACE CUKELEY. Is now ready I'oi delivery, and we want agents for Hie same in every township of New Jersey. Every family should have it. and il will havu a good sale, fold only by subscription, and ex clusive territory given. Send lor circulars, and see oi:r terms and 11 full description of tlie work. Address lll.lsS fc CO., I'M liioad st., Newark, X. J rj'IIE OR EAT NhW WlUi ACRICUL- X TFBAI., HnllTICTf.TTRAL AXI FAMILY N RWS- rAPKR. The RURAL AMEIUCAN, published in the city of New York, is now the Largest and Most Elegant paper nf iu class in tin- United .Stales. Price $'1.50 a year ; 10 copies $12.50 ; 20 copies $-U, or only One Dollar a year I every subscriber in clubs of ten, at $150, will receive a free package of Early Ito.-e Potatoes, selling at $10 per bid., Post Paid, wortli .il.,,,.'i. The RiaAf. American is everywhere admitted to be the Best. Cheapest, and ihe most Prac.ieal fann ers' nnd fruit growers' paper in tins country. I s editor-in-chief is an old farmer and fruit grower of Forty Veals' expel ience ! The pub lication of this paper was removed in June last from Utica, N. V. Io New York Cilv ; and th Editorial and Business oflice to New Uinns wick, N. J., (near New York.) where its pro prietor owns a farm wiiliin the City limits, of lQ'J acres, worth $."0,(I00 ; and also has a large Cash Capital to ensure Periiitneucy to liis pub lications. Club Agents wauled ev'erwhcre, who ere paid a very liberal compensation. Samples of paper, blank subscription lists, Ac., free. Address T. B. MINER, New Brunswick, N.J. s T. LOUIS and IRON MOUNTAIN Railroad Company's Seven per cent, firt Mortage Bonds. February and August Cou pons. The earnings of the completed roml lu Pilot Knob arc now more than the inlere-t 011 the entire mortage. Tho proceeds of these Bonds are adding to tho security cverv day. Over $8,llll(l,H0:t have been 011 I lie propel t v. and not over $2,(100,000 of bonds issued thus "far. The constantly increasing trallic of carrying ohk, with the in os pec t of conlroliug all the travel from St. Louis to the Southern States, ensures an enormous revenue. The Directors own st.0 of the stock for investment, nnd are interested to clinch the property as well as to economise its expenses. THOS. ALLEN. President, Mo. We, tho undersigned, cordially recommend these seven per cent mortage bunds, of tine St. Louis and Iron Mountain Railroad, as a good se curity. Ihe revenue of the affairs of Ihe Com pany is in capable and experienced hands, and is entitled to the greatest coutideiue of the pub ic. Dames S. Tuomas, Mayor of S. Loiiim, Johm J. Rck, Pres't St. Louis Chamber of Com. E. W. Fox. Pres't St. Louis Board of Trade. Barton Baths, pres't North Missouri Railroad. J. H. Urittox, Pres't Nat. Bank of State uf Mn. Wy. L. Ewixg. Pres't of tho Mer. N. I!, of St, Louis. Oeo. H. Rka. Pies't Second N. 3. of St. L Jab. B. Eads, Chief Ea-r. St. Louis. A III. Bridge Co. Oko. W. Taylor, Pres't Pacific R. R. (bf Mo.) Wji.Tassio, Pres't Traders' Bank. St. Louis. John R. LioxatiuutR, Pies't T. N. Bank, St, iouia. AuoLPitrs SIeiir, Vice-Pres't U. Pacitic R. R. Robkbt Barth, Pres't Herman Savings Iusti'tn. CouMiii8 payable in the city of New York. A limited number ot the above named Roods for sale al Eighty -rive. Parties living out of the city can remit by draft or express, and the bonds win oe reiurnca oy express lice or charges. We invite tlie attention of capitalists and others to them as, in our opinion, a very desirable in vestment, destined to rank as a tirst-clais se curity. Descriptive Pamphlets, Maps and in formation can be had on application to TOWN. SEND, WHELEN t CO., No. 3 HI Walnut at. Philndelnbia. Aeenta of ll. Kt I Mountain R. R. Co. Philadelphia referencen- f! Gaw. Baoos & Co. Tho. A Biudl 4 Co. WANTED AGENTS In every town foe CrSHMAN k. CD'S ' Great Ono Dollar Store. Descriptive checks 910 per hundred. Coa- soraors supplied diroct from the manufactories, and all goods warranted. Circulars sent free. Address , CUSHMAN &. CO.. . 32wl2 , , . jo Arch at., Boston BOOKS, STATIONERY &c JMrOIlIUM BOOK STORE The Subscriber has recently opened a BOOK & STATIONERY STORE In this place where he will keep, always on band, a full assortment of BOOKS, STATIONERY, . BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS SCHOOL BOOKS, FANCY ARTICLES, NEWSPAPEU , PERIODICALS, feC, &C, tfcC, tfcC, fcC. tverything usually kept in a First Clas. Book Store will be found at all times, REMEMBER THE V L A C At tbe Post Office, Emporium M. M. LARRABEE Emporium. Pa.. Nov.. 7, 31-t.lG7 CARD TO TIIE LADIES 1 DR. TIUI'OXCO'S GOLDEN PE MODAL PILLS, For Females. Infallible in Correcting Irregularities, Removing ObstrBctioiis of the Monthly Turns, from whatever Cause, and al ways Successful as a Preventive. ONE PII..L, IS A DOSE. Eemales peculiarly situated, or those suppos ing themselves so, are cautioned against using these Pills while in that position, lest they in vite miscarriage, nller which admonition the I roprietor assumes no responsibility . alihough their mildness Would prevent any mischief to health ; otherwise the Pills arc recommended a' A MOST INVALUABLE Iil'.MKIlY for the alleviation of those suffering from any irregularities whatever, ns well as to prevent an Increase of family when health will not permit it; quieting Ihe nerves ai.d bringing back the "rosy color ot health" to the cheek of the most delicate. Full and explicit directions accompany each box. Price jjtl per box ; G boxes, $5. Sulci in Emporium, L'a. By L. Tnggart. (Druggist,) sole agent " f. r Emporium. Ladies by sending him 1 to the Emporium Post OlHce, can have the Pills sen! (conlidenlially ) by inail to any part of Ihe country, lice 01 I'ostage, Sold also by E, T. Swain, Renov 1, Swain & Reynolds, St. Marys, (J. (i. Messenger, Ridgway nnd by "One Druggist" in every Town nnd Village in the United Stales. S. D, HOWE, Solo Proprietor, New Y.uk. 7yl DRY GOODS CJTERLING STORE New Firm ! New Goods ! Low Prices! HAUL 4t SMITH Are enlarging and tilling up the old stand of B, J. Earl with a new and splendid stock 01 Staplo atxi Fancy Dry Goods, GROCERIES, FLOUR, PORK, FISH, PROVISIONS, Croekery and Glass Waro Boots and Slioee, Hats and Cap?, YANKEE NOTIONS, AX .1 READY - M ADE CLOTI 1 IXU, Of the latest styles and best quality. Also a tine lot of TOBACCO CTGAIIS, We have, and keep constantly on hand, RICH'S PATENT FLANNELS, And all other heavy goods needed during the fall and Winter. Thankful to the geuero is pub'io for past favors, we hope, by our united efforts to merit a continuance of their patronage in future. lleniemljer we will not Le under sold for Casil Cash Orders Solicited, B. J. EARL, 34tf Hi. J. SMITH. W A N T E D An agent in each town, to take the agency for the sale of Bradst reel's Kubber moulding and Weather Strips, applied to the sides botUim, top and center of doors and windows, 'Ihetalo is beyond anything ever offered to agontg. From ten to twenty -five dollars per day can be made. Send for agent's circular. ! irt who apply secure a bargain. J. IL RRADSTREET t C J , liotjton, Mass. G OODSPEED'S Golden Fountain Tens. GO lines written with one pen of ink. No blotting. One dozen as sorted samples sent for 25 els. agents make $10 a day. Address GOODS PEEL) iCO., 37 Park Row, New York. ttOnOn A year and expenses to agents to CP'JUU introduce the Wilson Sewing Ma chine. Stitch alike on both sides. Samples on 3 weeks trial Extra inducemsnU to experi enced agents. . Fol further particulars, address the Wilson Sewixo Maciiinu Ch, Clavtlaud, O,; Uosloo, Wss.; or M. Louin, Mo, DRUGGIST JJUUGS, MEDICINES, &a Li . TAGGA. B T Successor to Taggart & Felt, Dealer in, Dings, Medicines, Fancy Gopds, PERFUME Tilt Toilet Soafts, Hair Oils, Cologne - Brushes, Combs, Trusses, &&, etc. Also liLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, CONFECTIONERY FINE CIGARS AND TOBACCO. A full assortment of all the uopular MEDICINES. Agent for Drs. Jane's, Aycr and Scovil's Remedies. All articles sold nro warranted U e as represented. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Remember tho place No. 2, Phelps' Blotk, Emporium, Pj v3nlyl HRDWARE H ARDWARE AND STOVES! L T. M O R E, Wholesale nnd Retail Dealer in all kinds of SHELF AND HEAVY AMERICAN and FOREIGN HARDWARE No. 8 PIIELP'S "BLOCK." Emporium, Penn'it. I'hu subscriber having been in the business in this county for many years, and being the oldest resident in trade, fenls contident that lie knows the wants of this community and he will be his constant endeavor to supply such mints in his line, furnishing the best cpiality of gnods at tlie LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. His stock consists in part tit Chisels, Augurs, Hammers, Pi i.es Siares, Saws, Bittn, Brace 1 Levels, Iry Njuares, Scratch Awls Hatch ets, Hantl Axes, Single a Double Bitts, Axes, Cmss Cut Saws, Griml Stones ami Fixtures, Shovels, Wrenche, XAIUS, Etc, Horse Brushes, Ox G;ud, Curry Combs, Clmm, All Sizes PAINTS, OIL. GLASS, PUTTY, VAUMSIIES, DRYER; Paint and I'arnish Driixfirx, all kinds oj Odors, Dry and in Oil. BUILDERS HARDWARE, Locks, Latches, Butts, and Screws Fino Table and Pot-ltd Cutlery, Silver-Plated Spoons nnd Forks, RAZORS AND STROPS, STOVES! Cook Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Hall Stoves, Office Stoves, Box Stoves, ami Bar Room Stoves, TIN WARE, Of all descriptions on hnndaiid made to order. Is prepared to furnish Dealers with Tin-Ware at very low rales. No. 3, Phelps Block. fno30-ly.l L. T. MOKE. We do not wish to inform you, reader, tbat Dr. Wonderful, or any other man, has discovered a remedy that cures Consumption, when the lungs are half consumed, in short, will cure nil diseases whether of mind, body or estate, make men live forever, and leave death to play for want of work, and is designed to make oi:r sub lunary sphere a blissful paradise, to which Heaven itself, shall bo but a side show. You have heard enough of that kind of humbuggery, and we do nut wonder thnt you have by 3 this time become digustad with it. But when we tell you that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy will positively cure the worst cases of Catarrh, we only assert that which thousands can testify to Try it and you will be convinced. Wo will pay $500 Rkwakd for a case of Catarrh that wecun. not cure. FOR BALE BY MOST DliCOOlSTS E VEH YWHEKE. Paica o.NLt 50 Ck.ith. 8nt by mail, pos; Daid. for Kixtv Cents : Four I'ankai.na L.r inn er 1 Dozen for $3.00 . Send a stamp lor Da oue s iiiiojniieb uu uatarui, . ' pK.SACE A-CO., Proprietors, . Buffalo. X. Y. ' I ! mi I ; GROCERIES &c DODGE & CO., 1 x ... MAMUfACTKElRS 4l!tD DKALIRS iS L U M 33 E I. keep constantly on fiafvd And for salfer ( I t PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, ' t FLOU R FEED & (j : , 1 AT NO 1, P HE LP'S BLOCK- Emporium, Penn'a- A good assortment of hit goOtrs rr that biM will be sold at a small advance on new York AND WESTERN PRICES We would say to our friends in tbe L U M B R 11 BUSINESS Thst oeiiiut obliged to keep a large stuck for our e use, will bt able to furnish tbe elass of goods commonly Used in .' I-IJ .tl I kll.lt. 1 i AA V'l I AT GREATLY P.E?)UCEI PRICKS 3. A. KXAPP, t . J- W. P'lELPS. Feb. 1I1S tf. "EW HARDWARE .8TOIMS! The Subsrriliers have Just. oieiird In ST. MARYS a new ami rinnplele slock of Heavy nnd Shelf Irl 11 DWARE! And will keep constantly on hard n treat variety of COOK AND HEATJNO STOVI5S! Riir Iron, Steel Anvils, and Bellow, Nulls, Jlorso Shoes nntl Sprin-'s, Building J I. -ml ware,, nnd Sw nnd Files of every description. Guns Pistols and Cartridges. Cnltlery. Plated Ware nnd House FurnMiid Goods. All kir.ds of Mechanic's Tools. T I "N" A V A if TT' Of every di scripiion, which will l,e ,m at ,,c i" v vunii pin'), M BEl'CIIER, JR 34tf WM. 11. COPELANI). J'AGLIS MILLS! Water Street, Lock Haven, Penna. FLOUR AND FEED DEPOT. SANDERSON BUOTIIEKSL MnnufiictHrers. Wliotusiitn i . , . ,.,.11 ..e , " """" ueaia-w ALSO Planter tr,,d in il e gl(,rC( t tl)l notice. All orders a iU receive prompt attention.. BUY YOIR Flour, Feed, and Plaster o. SANDERSON BROTHERS. Lock Haven. Penna. v2iiitf jyjURRAY, HARRISON & CO., Wholesale Dealer lu COAL OIL, STATIONERY,, PRINTING, WKAI'FINO, AMo MANILLA PAPER Printers' Supplies, Paper Hangings. 11LANK BOOKS.&CJ. Doebleb's Hall. East Third Street, W. MURRAY, .w:H:Sosv jWilliamsnwt, Pi. C'o,'t Fail for naijt, and Old Paper. . 22jV OOMETI1IKU KP.WT.,i;.- ...a liut patfiited. it must he-aecn to bo an I'.cviwcu , iiieieioro, we senu Oniapla and i I I'nll'il r'rr ilia v frui A n..ld ... -J c I) L1 , iu, 1 1 imi rtaci!, ssewr Vork,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers