The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, November 20, 1868, Image 4

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    a PSAi.M cr LOVC.
Hk' A I.ONtf l)tflt'ARlD FRMOW.
7- 1 r rot yon can't rter-e'.ve me
" Loe le but mi empty Jronm;"
Von had betturf sr believe m,
Women are not what tbey seem.
leTel i rest ! Love In oiirrtest I
Bpooneyism's not tin plnn
"Pup thon art, to pup retnrncst,"
Was not spoken of a man.
O'er the fllrt'n brosd field of hatting
In the oft-tried flight of love,
fie nut like a bahy'a rattle ;
Be an baulk fur your duvo.
Trout no female; frowever plcfliant'
Let the spooney heed her vows:
Iltic kfis In the thing Present!
hover minding Future rows.
Ltvea of flirts do all remind rw
Wecnn hnve a flrM-rate timof
Or, rejected leave behind us
(Here 1 cannot imike a rhyme.)
Something, that pome poor preen devlj,
Pitching in where we hnvc tried
fmne poor ronl whoe hend not level
Seeing, tnkes her fur his bride.
Let n then po in for lyins
Wit h a heiirt for nny ftite J
And while for nnswer we are dying,
itnke il fay if wc must wait.
A Temperance Story.
1 Once heard Dr. Day relate the occur
ence which produced in his mind the con
viction that drunkards could be rescued
rom the domination of their morbid
appetite. One evening, when lie came
home from his work, he heard that a
certain Jack Watts, the sot of the neigh
borhood, wa9 starving; with his wife and
three children. After tea lie went to see
him. In treating his first patient, Albert
Day hit upon the very method he has
ever since pursued, and so I beg the
reader will note the manner in which he
proceeded. On entering his cottage he
was as polite to him, as considerate of his
dignity as head of the household, as he
could have been to tiie first man of the
village. " Mr. Watts," said he after the
usual salutations, " I hear you are in
straitened circumstances.'' The man,
who was then quite sober, replied : " I
am : ray two youngest children went to
bed crying for food, and I had none to
give them. I spent my last three weeks
over there, pointing to a cros: shop op
posit, " and the bar-keeper said to me as
he took the money, says he, ' Jack Watts,
you're a fool, and so I am." Here was a
chance for a fine moral lecture. Albert
Day indulged in nothing of the kind.
IT . I tr ItT n
xio saia, "xur. watts, excuse me lor a
few minutes ; " and he went out, return
ing soon witn a Dasket containing some
flour, pork, and other materials for sup
per, "jnow, Mrs. Watts, cock some
thins: and wake vour children nn. and
give them something to eat. 1 11 call
again early in the morning Good night."
Perfect civility no reproaches no
lecture practical help of the kind need
ed and at the time needed. Observe, too,
that the man was in the condition of
mind in-which patients usually are when
they make tlio confession implied in en
tering an asylum. Ho was at the end of
his tether. IIo was to use the language
of the bar-room'- dead beat."
When Mr Day called the next morn
ing, the family had their breakfast, and
Jack Watts smiled benediction on the
man whom he had been accustomed to
regard as his enemy, because he was the
declared enemy of Jack Watts' enemy.
Now the time had come for a little talk.
Jack Watts explained his circumstances;
ho had been out of work for a long time,
and lie had consumed all his substance
in drink Mr. Day listened with respect
ful attention, spoke to him of various
plans for the future, and said for that day
he could give him a dollar's worth of
wood chopping to do. Then they got
upon the liquor question. In the soflen
ed. receptive mind of Jack Watts, Albeit
Day, deposited the substance of a rational
temperance lecture. He s ,oke to him
ki:idly, respectfully, hopefully, strongly;
Jack Watts' mind was convicted ; he
8'iid he had done with drink forever.
He meant it, too, and thus he was
brought to the second stage on the road
to deliverance.
In this particular case, resting from
labor was out of the question and unnec
essary, for the man had been resting too
ltig already, and musts needs to go to
.vork. The wood was chopped. The
dollar to be paid for the work at the close
of the day was a fearful ordeal for noor
Jack, living fifteen yards from a bar-room
Mr Day called round in the evening,
paid him the dollar without remark, fell
into ordinary conversation with the
family, and look leavo. John stoo 1 the
test; not a cent of the money found its
way into the till of the bar keeper.
Next morning Mr. Day was there again,
and, seeing that the patient was going on
well, spoko to him about the future, and
gliding again into the main topic, dwell
ing much upon the absolute necessity of
total and enternal abstinence IIo got
the man a place, visited him, held him up,
fortified his mind, and so helped him to
complete and lasting recovery. Jack
Watts never drank again. lie died a
year or two ago in Maine at a good age,
having brought up his family respectfully
l'arton, in Atlantic Aluntiy.
A little boy five years of age was
sent to a grocery store on some trifling
errand, and while there his bright eyes
lighted upon a barrel of pippins exposed
temptingly to view just outside the door.
In goii'g out he took one and returned to
his mother munching it. 44 Where did
you get that nice apple, Willie '( " in
quired his mother. " Dot it at de docery,"
replied the boy. "Did the man give it to
you?" "No, I took it." "Why, my
son, fJTat was naughty; you should not
take apples or anything elso without per
mission. " But nobody saw me." -Oh
yes, my son, there was one who saw you."
Who t" " Why, God saw you." The
bov stopped a moment to consider, and
'iien w'tn 600 deal satisfaction ex
pressed in hia face, repf.ed : "No, he
lidn't, ma, there was an awning over the
,t0 . t t
The Commissioners of Northamton
pounty advertise lor a loanoi o,ouo
in Bain not less than 8100, to carry
La the erection of the uew jail at Eastou.
Willintrisport supporU thirty-one
schools, with about two thousand children
irr attendance.
The first sleiffbinff of the season took
placo at Eric, on Wednesday. Snow fell
to the depth of one inch.
The Columbia bridere last week stretch
ed itself to the York county sido, and
will be finished by New Year.
The Bellefonto Watchman has been
sued for libel by the President of Dickin
son Seminary.
The trial of William Drum for the
murder of David Mohegan is in progress
in Greensbu.rg.
Mr. Ii. F. Howard, high constable of
Easton, has resigned his office and James
Simons has been appointed in his place.
Lancaster county has produced an egg
whose greater and lesser circumferences
are respectively eight and one half and
six and three-fourths inches.
The Good Templars of New Brighton
met on Wednesday, on the occasion of
the dedication of their new spacious and
beautiful hall.
A twenty inch Rodman gun was sue
cessfully cast at the Fort Pitt foundry on
Tuesday last, and was named " General
Grant'' Tho gun weighs eighty-five
tons and ia destined for Fortress Monroe.
The contract for building the Soldiers'
Monument of Cumberland county has
been awarded to Mr. Richard Owen, of
Carlisle It is to be located on the Court
House Square, Carlisle.
Co-operation is gaining ground in
Pennsylvania, gradually but surely.
Large associations exist among the min
ers in the coal regions, and on or about
New Year's day a co operative store will
be opened at Scrantou.
The size of the car shop which the
Northern Central Company are erecting
on their grounds below Sunbury, is GO
by 200 feet, and will furnish aruple'acomo
dations for repairing and rebuilding the
company's ears Jt that place. The buil
ding is now bein roofed.
The Republicans of Tamaqua are talk
ing of having an ox roast on Thanks
giving Day, Thursday, the 2Gth inst., in
honor of the election of Grant ami Colfax.
The entire community, without regard
to politics or nationality, will be invited,
and everything will be free to all who
choose to paiticipato.
To persons unacquainted with the slate
interests of the Lehigh Valley, their ex
tent may prove astonishing. In and
around the town of Slatington alone, clus
ter twenty eight quarries in active opera
tion, and some four or five which arc
lying idle on account of want of co oper
ation among owners and pending disa
greements. The total valuation of these
quarries is about 2,000,000.
The Lehigh Valley Railroad Company
have acquired, by purchase, the coal lands
of the Locust Mountains Coal and Iron
Company, the Coal Ridge Company, and
one half the coal lands of the Trevortan
Company. The consideration price paid
for thoso acquisitions amount, it is said,
to less than one and a half millions of
dollajs, payable in first mortgage Lehigh
Valley Railroad bonds. The object of
the purchase is, doubtless, the securing
of the coal tonnage to tho Lehigh and
Mahanoy Branch of the Lehigh Valley
Railroad, and also to the Lehigh Valley
mail trunk, from tho Sliamokin coal re
gion. A few days before the Presidential
election, a disciple of the Seymour school
in one of the many villages in Mercer
county, bantered a young lady of Repub
licau ideas, for a pair of slippers on the
result. She accepted the banter and the
bet was clinched. Election day came
around, and as the gentleman aforesaid
stepped up to deposit his vote, it was
plainly hinted to him that he had violated
the law in such cases made and provided,
and had forfeited his right to deposit his
ballot. After some altercation, the young
lady was advised of what was going on,
and making her appearance at tho win
dow, was sworn to tho facts by the pro
per officer, and thereupon the voto of the
young man refused. lie went away a
isatWcr, if not a wiser man, As she re
t tired to her school, she observed, in
good humor, that she had got her vote in,
any how.
The Homoeopathic Medical Society of
Cumberland Valley met in Carl sleon the
4th inst Dr. M Friese, of Harisburg,
wasadmittel as delegate from Dauphin
County Society. On tho subject of tho
formation of a Central Pennsylvania Med
ical Society, the good results of frequent
interchange of views among physicians,
lead this society to think favorably of the
project. Dr. Bowman reported on bo
half of the delegates to the Stato Society.
Dr. Cook called attention to the following
Hygienic subjects, which elicited discus
sion. The deleterpus use of cast iron
stoves, where a seperate fire pan is not
used in their construction. Carbonic
oxide gas is effused, poisons the air,
whence headache, vertigo, and a whole
train of aliments result ; better use more
and warmer clothing on the body, and
fewer stoves, and more freely unhoused
air. uood warm tianneis worn next the
skin need to come into more general use
to guard tho human system agaiust tho
sudden changes of temperature in a vari
able climate ; especially useful in the de
veloping state of the body, and to ward
off tho ills of declining life, that all will
be benefitted thereby. Another greatly
needed reform is the substitution of
earth closets for the horrible vaults
and wells now in common use, which
load the air of our towns and cites
with poisonous products. This is dea
lined to be the greatest hygienic re
form of the age ; our present state of
civilization demand it, and it is the duty
of the physician to encourage it The
dry earth commode is peouliary adapted
to the sick room.
A Texaa child, stolen 25 vsars ago. boa
jui found its mother.
Unto God, our Creator, we arc inrleuted
for life and all its blessings. It, there
fore, becomes us ut all timet to render unto
llim the homage of grateful hearts; and
in the performance of our sacred duties,
to set apart special periods to "enter into
His cates with thanksgiving and into His
courts with praise." For this purpose, and
in accordance with i?staV.lished custom, I
iinve designated THURSDAY, the 2Gth
day of November next ; and I recommcud
that the people of the Commonwealth on
that day refrain from their usuaj avoca
tions and pursuits, and assemble at their
chosen pluces of worship, to " praise the
name of God and magnify llim with
thanksgiving ; " devoutly to acknowledge
their dependence, and lay upon His altars
the cheerful offerings of grateful hearts.
Let us thank llim with Christian hu
mility for health and prosperity : abundant
harvests ; tho protection ol commerce,
and advancement of scientific!, mechanical
and manutac.uring interests ; our progress
in education, morality, virtue and soeial
order j the increase of our material wealth ;
exemption from pestilence oud contagious
diseases and the destructive influence ol
war ; for having blessed us as a people and
a nation, and opened before us tho bright,
est prospects for the future ; and for all
other blessings, both teaiporil and spiritual
With sure reliance upon divine lavor let
us pray for the forivene.-s of our sins,
making public coufession of out depend
ence, that we may continue worthy of His
parental love and protecting care ; that
our civil and religious liberties and political
rights may rcui'iiu unimparied ; that we
may remember with gratitude our country's
brave defenders, onJ cherish with sympathy
their widows and orphan children ; and
that our paths through life may be directed
by the example and instructions of the
Redeemer, who died that we m;ght enjoy
all the blessings which teuiporially flow
therefrom, and eternal lif'o in tho world to
Given under my hand and the great Seal
of the State, tit llarrisburg, this tweuty
eighth day of October, in the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and sixty.eight, and of the Common.-
Wealih the uinetv-third
By the Governor :
F. Jouoan, Secretary of the Common
Clovkr as Manure. In an article
published in the Report of the Agricul
tural Department, a correspondent says,
the cheapest, most easily attainable and
best of all manures for a corn crop, is a
dense mass of red clover, either in its
green or ripened and dried state, plowed
down three or four inches only ; just deep
enough to prevent wastage, and yet near
enough to the surface of the ground to
be acted on by the sun's heat and air.
In its decay, clover thus affords certain,
active and constant nourishment to the
young nnd expanding roots of the corn.
Both com end wheat grown over a clover
lay are very generally free from diease
and insects, and better in yield aril
quality than crops grown on or with
animal manures. But to secure this, wc
must manure the clover while yet young,
with liberal supplies of plaster, lime, or
fine well-rooted manure spread broad-cast
over the growing plants.
Josu Bii.linos says it is his " honest
opinion that whiskey is second on only-
tew original sin ; it is millstuu Hung upon
the neck ov poor, degraded humin nature,
and if the devil was allowed leave uv ab
senco for six months tew visit this eyrth,
tho first thing he would do would be to
lobby our legislatures for a repeal ov the
excise laws, and then invest his pile in
gin mills."
Oun debt statement this month is par
ticular pleasing, showing a reduction
since October 1 of $7,514, 100.13, and
leaving the sum total but 82,527,129,572.
82. f rom this amount should be deduct
ed the Union Pacific Railroad bonds, 42,
194.000, which arc in fact but an endorse
ment, making our actual liability 2,484,
935,572, or under two anil a half
A gentleman uud his wife were playing ut
one of the tables in liudeii in the midct of a
crowd. "Hold !" said tlio lady, "ue idea!-'
"What is it?" "I um goiug to bet ou the
number of my own ago." "All right," re
plied tho husband without turning his head,
lieiug occupied in ogling a pretty waiter.
His wil'o placed a Ion is ou the number twenty-live.
"Thirty-six," drawled tho croupier
iu a nasal tone. "Thirty-six, you have
won," exclaimed the husband with delight.
Madame reddened to her eyebrows, watched
tho rake as it drew away tho louis from num
ber twenty-five und quitted the.rooni, vowing
never to lie again about her age.
Tiie Paris Figaro is responsible for the
following yarn : " An enthusiastic sportsman
hi franco reoenlly went to a breakfast given
in sign of the beginning of the shooting
season, Ino lalK was ot game, wuen suu
denly iu rushed a servant exclaiming to the
host that a hare had been seen moving about
on the lawn. Out went the sportsman, gnu in
hand, fired at the hare uud missed him. The
hare, sera lolling his nose, stood tip on his hind
legs, presented a pis-.ol, nnd fired in returu.
No one was hurt ; but the sportsman was
naturally astounded, until it was explained lo
him that the hare was a performing oninial
whiuU hud been hired from a neighboring
The Home Journal, which is 'high au
thority, says the lollowing young ladies are
acknowledged belles of the cities ia which
they reside : Miss Tudor, of Boston Miss
Emily Schombcrgh, of 1'hilude'pliia ; Miss
Daniels, of Baltimore ; Miss llonote, of Chi
cago ; Mies Kale Parke, of Brooklyn Miss
Butler, of Washington ; Miss Burnett of
Cincinnati ; Miss Josie Fenton, of Albauy ;
and the Misses of New York.
Tho Jlomt Journal, under the manage
meat of Morris, Phillips & Co., is as spark
ling as ever. lis appearance is always wel
come, and its old friends, singular as it may
seem, notice no falling off since the days ot'
Willis and Morris. , ,
Josh Billings says ha has " seen soma
awful bad throfe diseases completely cured in
three days by (imply jiuin' a temperance
Coal is $12 50 a ton in Boston.
Oxen are wanted la Oregon, at $1,000 a
The banking capital of Columbus, Ohio,
is $824,642.
Beymour's official majority in New Jersy
There are 100,000 school ma'ams in the
United States.
Murdered negroes are not so plentiful as
before the election.
Wisconsin Indians have inaugurated trial
by jury among themselves.
Tho Mayor of Washington has had a coach
and pair given to hi in.
The disfranchised rebels of Missouri ore
holding "important meetings."
Europe Is said to fmva $938,000,000 in
vested iu American enterprises.
Chicago's new theatre will Fent 1,250 per
sous, and will open next month.
About one million of postage stamps nre
used iu the Uuited States daily.
The Mormons nre cultivating raisin grupes
and figs iu Southern California,
The Goddess of Liberty for the Gettys
burg monument weighs 15,000 pounds.
Shocks of earthquake were felt in Floyd
county, Va., on the night of October 10.
The girls who make Manilla cignia in Ma
nilla receive Beven cents u day wages.
Tho Wisconsin State prison now contains
one hundred nnd eighty-uiue prisoners, seven
of whom nre women.
According to the voto at the last election
Chicago ranks as tho fourth city iu the Uu
iun in population.
It is predicted that in ton years tho Neo
sho Valley, Kuusas, will contain a million in
habitants. The boot-blac!;3 of Washington nre to be
sent to school for a certain number of hours
and licensed for the rest of the time.
Alabama having gone for Grant and Ore
gon for Seymour, tho final count stand n fol
lows : Grant, 214 : Seymour, 80 : Grants
majority, 134.
A Paris paper says that if Andrew John
sou visits Eur-po next year he will bo stared
ut by thousands who read about his trial and
sunnosed that if convicted ho would huve
been executed.
The health of General Rawlings, chief of
stair to General Graut, is very precarious,
lie undoubtedly has consumption, and is iu
such a bad way that serious fears for his re
covery nre entertained.
The New Vork Society for tho relief of
the ruptured and crippled acknowleilire the
-. r,- j; Mi.ii'i'i e.intrib'ited t mvnrU !!,.
Li(MHI'l reiiaii-eil to eomplete their hospital
t.o'-v in course ! eroetion.
T!it! l-'imrtli of .hily ".'-xt is 5,w sn.i.'.r'--'-f-1
as the day wh-m the etx-iiir.". of tho on
tno lino ol the I'ae.itlo r.iiii. !'.! is to be
formally celeh.'uti-1, epon a um.-f-.ilk'i.i.t
A. B. Medina, Secretary of tl.o iWuviuu
Legation in New York, acknowledges the
receipt of s?2.",37,48 in contributions fYr
the ndief of the South American earthquake
The late ex-Governor Tod, of Ohio, had
just been chosen oue of the Presidential elec
tors of that State. The vacancy in the Col
lege will be fillet! by the remaining electors,
pursuaut to the Federal statute.
'J he question of the legality of the Ala
bama Legislature is to be tested iu the courts
on the ground thai the law required an
electiou for a new legislature on the 3d inst.
The State is conceded Jtepublicuu by 2500
The. motoric shower on Friduy night was
the expected periodical return of the No
vember showers, but it occurred earlier by
some hours than it was looked for. It was
the finest display of the kind seen in the lust
six years.
The Great Republic closed her general
electious with the first week of November,
and Great Britain entered upon a similar
contest tho week nfter. The parliamentary
election throughout tho United Kingdom
commenced on Friday last, and closed with
tho week.
Little Lottie, whose mother bad been
touching her to any tho Lord's Prayer, hud, af
ter many trials conquered all the hard words,
and feeling confident of being uble to repeut
the whole prayer, on going to bed was heard
to say : "Our father w ho urt iu Heaven, hal
lowed bo ty name. Ty kingdom tome. Ty
will be done here as jt is iu Heaven. Give
us tis day, our daily bread, spread it this
time, if you please. Amen," und gave it up
us a useless tusk.
It is stated by authority that tho Union
uud Central Pucilic railway companies have
como to a mutual agreement that their re
spective lines of road shall meet uud unito
ut a point 1U0 miles west of tho northern ex
tremity of Salt Luke. Oue result of such uu
agreement will be the cessation of the extra
ordinary exertions lately made by each com
pany in pushing tho work of extension, oud,
probably, a much earlier suspension of all
work for tho winter.
The violent deaths in New York city uver
ago one thousand per annum, uud the deaths
resulting from disease, but investigated by
tho Coroner, amount to ubotit one thousand
inure. The fees alone paid to the Coroners
of that city amount to about $26,500 every
Tho New York Mail is informed thut
thera is, in thut city, a young lady who will
whistle the music of tho "Gruud Dtiehesse,"
from begiuuing to eud, for a small con
sideration. As she is a capital whist
ler it. is probable that a purse of tweuty-
Bvo dollars will be mudo up for the enter
tainment. Porter was invented iu tho vear 1731 bv a
Loudou brewer uumod Karwood, who com
biued tho tluvois of 'uulf-uud half, or 'three
thread,' us it was then called, iu beverage
which he was pleased to cull "eutire butt."
the uew conibiuutiou took in the city anion?
the porters, and from its uew patrons it ob
tained its numo.
The authorities of Jasbereny, a Hungarian
towu, have just had the following notice
published ; "Seeing that oaths and blas
phemies are the real causes of earthquakes,
every one, no matter who, is forbiddeu to
swear or usu bud lutigunge, under penalty of
receiving iweuiy-uve stripes witu a rou anil
paying u Due of tweuty-nve norms."
One of tho guests of a New York hotel
'ou uccount of sickness," ordered to his
room toi breakfast "Bet-isteaU, mutV-u
chupi, htttn, bte.v.d oytcr, hau iitfak, j kid-
iniy, mer, boiled v'-H-i. serai)!bti!dfgs,.huin
omelette, biiukwLcul cakes, buttered toast,
tiud collee.'1. Another one, uUo . sii-k ; . for
for dinner ordered : ."Beef tongue, ruuot
chicken, roaatpork, cold-slaw, mushed, ."pnta--
toes, purliog ale, rum jelly, applo, uuts,
praugea and ico cream." '
1 f n P..m.M rlnaiftnlfBllV Pit llm fttwWA
fur their Fall or Winter trade or ue, nhotild ad
dress ' K.H. ALT-EN A CO..
T. O. llox 37(i, New York.
For the formation of Libraries, both public and
nrivnto. fr lnm nnrl villncrPK. nt a small cost.
The detnils will be made known iu a circular,
now readv. Afldress
D. Al'l'LETON A CO., New York.
And how they lived, foncht. and died for the
Union, "Mill (-cones and incidents in the Great
Itebelliiui," It contain over 1 1)0 fine encrav-
inL'S and 500 page, and is the Hniciest, and
cheapest war bonk published. Price only $3.50
per copy, tsend lor ctrcuinr nmt ore ourlerrcs,
nnd full description of the work. Address
JONK3 BROTilliHS .tCO., Philadelphia. Pa.,
Cincinnati, Ohio,; Chicago, 111., or St Louis,
yy anted.
Clergymen, teachers, nnd Superintendents of
Sabbath Schools, and others to act as agents for
I lie
A work of great interest fully illustrated ; nlso
for 1 lie
in ttvn Vfiliimnr. croitiiiniitfr iienrlv fifteen linn-
- - - - , o -j
died pages, comprising the Old and New Ten- j
laments, witn practical exposition and explana
tory notes, by Thos Williams.
A few of tho many Ueeornmendationa :
From the late Rev. Joel Hawcs, P. D. , Pas
ter of the FitRt Congregational Church. Hart
ford, Ct. " 1 know of nn commentary so cbep
that contains so great an amount of valuable
From Rev. N. II. EsRleston. D. D., Pastor f
I'l) month Church, Chicago, HI rl cheerfully
recommend it a the best commentary on the
Scripture for gencrul use." For terum and cir
culars, address
A. BR UNARD, Hartford, Conn.
Are meeting with rnro Kttccess in selling Sin
S. W. Kakkk's Explorations and Adventures
among tlio ' ilk Tiiiiiitaiiiks ok Abvsmmia, to
which is now added nn account of the c.iplivity
ae.d release nf English subjects, nnd tho career
of the lute Emperor Theodore. Nn book 'is re
ceived nmong all classes of people w ith such
n: ! .'Untied iJivi.i-. ,.) n fully combines thrilling
i nt '-V' t "villi s-'iii.l instruction. Agonls, male
and tern :ie, sell ii Mpidly, All admirable
ii ' ini ni' -c -niific. xploru'iwn. geographical
,i'euvi:-. anil i-ir-o'irl ndventuro" A'cic Vork
Ti-'J.iuic. U is i;..stt:d in a very attractive foim.
ard is i:ii 1 i:'ii i ... a romance." JSorton
.j'ir.f) w. Kul! pjii i ic.da rs sent on application
t i U. I. L'AssU ct CO., Publishers, Hartford. Ct
The New and Popular Illustrated Work,
Is now ready foi delivery, and we want ngents
for the same in every township of New Jersey.
Every family should have it. and it will have a
good sale, fold only by subscription, and ex
clusive) territory iriven, Solid for circulars, and
sec our terms and o full description of the work.
Address BUSS clr CO., 1U0 Brond St., Newark,
-L TCnAL. HoRTICl l.Tl HAl, AX n Familt News
pafkr. The RURAL AMERICAN, published
in the oily of New York, is now the Largest and
Most Elegant paper of iu class in lie- United
Stales. Price $1.50 a year : 10 copies ,il2..0 ;
20 copies $'i0, or only One Dollar a vear I every
subscriber in clubi of ten, at $1.51, will receive
a free package of Earl v Rose Potatoes, celling
at 1JI4U per bbl Post I'aid. worth $1.25. The
Ribal Amkrican is every where admitted to be
the Best, Cheapest, and the most Practical laim.
crt,' and fruit growers' paper in this conntry.
I s editor-in-chief is an ohl farmer nnd fruit
grower of Forty Years' cxpciicncc I Tho' pub
lication of this paper was removed in June last
from b'tica.N. V. lo New York City; and the
Editorial and Business oflice to jfew Bruns
wick, N. J., (near New York,) where its pro
prietor owns a farm within the City limits, of
123 acres, worth $5(1,0110 ; ami al-so'has a largo
C.ish Capital to ensure t'crmiiiuncy to his pub
lications. Club Agents wanted evei where, who
ere paid a very liberal compensation. Samples
of paper, blank subscription lists, etc., free.
Addrr-sT. B. MINER, Now Brunswick, N.J.
Railroad Company 'a Seven per cent, fitvt
Mortage lionds. February ami August Cou
pons. The earnings of the completed road to
Pilot Knob arc now more than the interest, on
the entire nmrtae. The proceeds of thee
llouds are addiiM, to the secoritv m-prv ilnv
Over $8,l)tt(l,tl0'l have been on Hie proper! v. und
not over$j,H0U.0()U of bonds issued thus "far.
The constantly inci easing 1 ratlic of carrying outs,
with the prospect of cnnlroling nil the travel
from St. Lotus to the Southern States, ensures
an enormous revnoiip. Tin llii-cctm-a nivn
of the slock for investment, and are interested
to enncli tho property as well as to economise
its expenses.
TliOS. ALLEN, President, Mo.
Wc. the UllderKiirilpiL innli:ill V rnitmmuii.l
these seven per cent mortage bonds, of the St.
Louis and Iron Mountain Railroad, as n aood se
curity. The revenue of the affairs of the Com
puny is in capable and experienced, hands, and
,c utiii'lu,! I., ti fru.1,.1 ...... . ..r
James 3. Thomas, Mayor of St. Louis,
Jons J. Ri-a. I'reVt St. Louis Chamber of Com.
I1., w . fox, I'res't St. Louis Board of Trade.
Hartom Bates, Pres't North Missouri
J. H. Buittiim. PresM, Nat. Bank of Slnln nf Mn
Wm. L. Kwixa, Pre't of the Mer. N. B. of St,
Louis. ,
Gko. H. Rf.a. Pies't Second N. 3. of St Louis
Jas. B. 'Kads, Chief Kncr. St. Louis. fc III.
Itl iihre Co. .
Obo. W. Tailor.. Pres't Pacific ft. R. (of Mo.)
Wm.Tasski, Pres't Traders' Bank. St. Louis.
John R. Lioxbeiigkb, Pres't T. N, Bank, St.
Louis. -AuoLPura
Mkieb. Vice-Pres't U. PaciHo It. Ii,
Robert Bauth, I'res't German Savings Insti'tn,
1 on pons payable in the city ot Jew York.
A limited uuiubero! the above named Rmule r..
sale at Kightj-fke. Parties living out of the
ctt y can remit by Uratt or express, and the bonds
win oe reiurueu o.y express iree ol charges.'
Wl4 ilivitft tllA nl.tflllt illll llf l;lliit,it;la a... I ...I
- j' oin niiu iicoeis
to I hero as. In our opinion, a very desirable in
vestment, destined to lank as tirst-class se
curity. ' Descriptive Pamphlet, Map and in.
formation can be had on application to TOWN
SEND. WHELEN ct CO.', Ko. 8J- Walm.t at.
rniiuueipiiia, Agents of the $t. Loui lul Iron
Mountain It. It. Co.
XiAw, lUcm A Co. -Tho. A Biuit cli Co... ,'
i i iiiiaiiBiiiiiin. rvrHrvnhutt i.a .
WA KiTD-2-Xf! BNTs-i-in every : town' for
j ..... o. v. ,;-
(irout OiH-l)H;tr Store.
Jiesetlpt-vo tIkk fin per 'hundred.'' Co
niners snppliod liitet from tlio' manufactories,
i'ei on pvu-ia wuii.mmu.,- c irculars sent nee.'
IM-odress CU.SUMAN k CO.-, .
' 3213 10 Arch sL, B.8tou.
$5 DOJjLAR greenback
Of Full Value sent free to any Book Aircnr,
Sunshine and shadow m new york.'
1 t. .. .1.V.:ir tntnromt. rpnlf-tn Willi nr..
n woi n m nun,'iui"jj ....... 1
ecdolesand incidents of life in the Croat me
tropolis. Our agent in twriiwu sum m hub
. ... ;.. v J old 227 in 15 ilavs :
Oily , Itnc - - t
one agent in Mass.. old 250 in one week ; one
agent in Conn , sold 304 in one week. No book
puUlisbecl mat sens so rapiuiy.
r re t 1-r.i.Mf Yv,rtr Vnrfunfin nrA made'
JT Jtlll n loll i' ,.. m - ---
and lout in a day ; liott shrewd men are ruineJ"
III UU DlltCt f UW . - -
chants are blackmailed ; how dance halls and
concert snlouns are mooapea ; now pmumm
houses and lnttcris are conducted i how stock
cotiipimics originate and how the bubbles burst,
read this work. It tclln you about the mtsle-'
ries of New York, and contains biographical
ketches of its noted millionaires, merchant.
Ac. A large octavo volume 72U pages, Bnely
ilhistinted. The largest commission given.
Our 3'J-puge circular and $5 greenback sent free
on application. For lull particulars and terms,'
address the Publishers.
J.B BU Hit A CO., Hartford Conn.
An nirent in each town, to take the agency for"
the sale of BradHl reefs Rubber moulding and"
Went her Strips, applied to the sides, bottom,)
lop and renter of doors and windows, '1 lie sale
is beyond anything ever offered to agents.
From ten to twenty-five dollais per day can bo
made. Send for agent's circular. frirst who
apply secure a bargain. J. R. BRADdTUEEl'
it CJ., Boston, Mass.
Oolden Fonntnin Pens. GO lines written with
one pen of ink. No blotting. One dozen as-
sortcj samples seni lor as cis. iigeins iiiuku
a dav. Address GOODS FF.ED Jt CO., 37 Park
Row. New York-
Patented July 9i!i, 18!)7. Re-isued Angus.
18th, 18iif.
Extracts from Letters and lie juts tic
working qralities ol mo Axe :
I. Your a no is bound to be Tun Axe.
II. It will cut 25 per cent, better.
III. My brother lost one arm in the war, but
with your &xe he can cut as well as any one
else can.
IV. If I could not get another, twenty-fivo
($25) dollars would nut buy it.
V. 'lt will cut hoop-poles better than any
VI. 1 would not bn without it for anything.
VII. The only objection ia it goes loo fur into
the wood.
VIII. Men who cimp for a living otiivcrudly
approve ol it, etc.. etc. , aj infinitum.
Fur srle by all responsible dealers in the
United States.
- Pittsburgh, Pa.
Manufacturers of the Red Jacket Axes, Saws,
Miovels, and Scoops, and all approved Shapes
nnd Styles of Axes. Sole owners of Colours-"
)nnn A year and expenses to agents ti
tJPJUvl introduce iho Wilson Sewing Ma
chine. Hitch alike on both sides. Samples tun
2 weeks trial. Extra- inducement to experi
enced agents. Foi further particular, address
the Wilsox Skwixo Maciiisk Co, Cleveland, O,,
Boston,; or St. LouK Mo.
QOMET111NU N EW. Ladies and Gents
O Just patented. It must be seen to be ap
preciated ; therefore we send Simple and illus
trated circular free. Agents wanted. Sl'lOiCK
A CO., 14 i'ntk Place, New Vork,
Is everywhere pronounced, by competent judjjo
to lie superior to others for the followiuj
reasons :
It is made of the finest slock crown,
It has u mild and agreeablo aroma.
It is nnti-iiervoiis iu its effects, as
It is free from drugs, tho Nicotine
Having also been extracted.
it leaves no acrid, disagreeable aftertaste.
Does not sling or burn the tunguo.
Leaves no otFensive odor in the room.
Orders for elegant Meerschaum Pipes
Are daily packed in various bags.
Il is of u bright golden color.
Being very light, one pound will last
Two to three tunes as long as others.
Buy it, try it, and convince yourself. If
Your dealer ilocs. not keep it ask him to get it.
Is also a very good article, und makes an excel
lent smoke. It is much lower in price and of
heavier body than the former, and its sale,
wherever introduced, is not only uerinaucut. but.
constantly uu the increase- Orders for elegar.v
Meerschaum Pipes are also placed in the various,
bags of this brand daily.
Bo Suro yon got Lorillard's.
We are still packing $100 dailv in Centnrv
Chewing Tobaco, nnd have lately iinnrovi.,1 it
(pialily very much.
rills IS NO IIL'MBL'G I-By sending 30 cts.
nnd stamp, with nso. heizht. color of v..
and hair, you will receive by return mail a cor
rect picture ot your tuturo husband or wife, witti
namo and dato of marriage. Address W. FOX
i'. O. Drawer Mo. $, r uHonyillo, N. Y.
BLOOD. ManhoodNothing Ko important
Send two stamps for sealed 72 pages uu the.
whole subject. Dr. Whittitr. cuntiileniuil
siciun, (il7 St. Charles St., St. Louis, Mo., stands
iirc-eiiiinciiiijr uoove an outers in Ins speciality.
No mutter who failed, slate vour CAM I'ft'ionla
treated by mail in every feULe.
A. B. C.
Wo aro prepared to supply tho public with Uso
ful and Oruamontul articles, goods for winter
IV.... ., J.rt V. ' "
", B.u.t o-i;., ituiu our
( Licensed by the United Slates Authority. 1
for tho standard price of One Dollar for each.
Having been engaged in this bustqosl fop soma
time past, and clearly knowing tho wan.ta of too
people, we have enlarged our excliango list over
One Hundred articles, (both" useful and orua..
nienUil.1 more than anv Iw,,,. i.. i... . .
r . ,1.7" " ' wo inwo, .
and we tool conlidout an aaout once cainml win
l mi mtmneci. -
Besides our Mammoth Exchange List, cot lit-,
duceiueois to ammu siikI h... t ...i
bouse in the business.
Any lady or geiilhiiuon, by spending a few of
ttlnlr lioanv m.,i,, . ..1.1 .: .... . .
bilk; areas Pattern, Sowing Machine, etc., Lo. '
- Goods ordord from our house will be sent C.
O. D. whon desired.
Send for circular, giving full particulars.
Circulars and sauipies sent free to., aay address. .
1 6 Lindall st.,.B8tOD,.Ma83..