FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 18C8. VHTVHMuU, tUTFBAOC Calm has succeeded the storm, says th Eric Itejmhit'can, the smoke of confliot clearing away we are enabled to survey the whole field before us. We cannot turn baok or pause in our career as a party, retrogression is death, and delay or stagna iion is worse than death. Men may cry poace to agitation, but there can bo no peace while any class among us is deprived of political rights, or subject to nbuso be cause of roD-posf-eion of political status, Not only for tho freedincn but for tho cx rebels do wo desire every protection the ballot can give. Not only the African ol Georgia, but the Magnolinn of California do we desire to sec invested with the armor of suffruge. Chinamen have been sub jeeted to gcatcr outrages on the Pacific than ever negroes were in Ne Oilcans or Texas. Intelligent in all tho industria avocations needed in their country ; peaco. ful to a fault, and submissive to our laws the Chinese emigrants have been treated with a harshness and abusive tyranny always a concomitant of disfranchisement It is a law of tho luud adopted after due deliberation in the Senate that all mal citicens of these United States should be equal io civil rights ; that no man should be disfranchised except for crime. It foi lows that any part of the people who may be deprived of civil rights will and do re taliate on the favored classes so surely as night follows day. Lvil works upward and tho permanent degradation of the laborer, follows tho loss of self-respect consentient upon being disfranchised, affects all por tions of the community. Our people need no further instructions on this subject. Suf fering has been a great educator of popular sentiment. Our only danser comes from the leaders of the Republican pajty failing in moral courage, and halting the column when to halt is to endanger our success as a party and enable oureuemies to steal from us the glory of being the truo party of progress. With the inauguration of flrant the lai ve3tigoot doubt will be removed from the minds of thoso who still think some check possible to tho reforms instituted by the Republican party. The will of the people is the supreme law known to Congress and to our luture President, and that will has been disclosed i'i no doubting manner whenever the question of universal suffrage bas been fairly presented for consideration What Are Ton Going to fioid. ino long winter ntgnts are coming. J owns and cities are lull el ymn men whoso- education ha been very limited. young men of good manners, of fair busi ness capacities, who are seeking their fortune, but who have not learned that iu. MliiCHce and tnteintu are the indiprn.a bio conditions of influence, of happiucss. ami success ; What plans have you, my friends, foi this wiutci 7 Business will be attended to. of course. Perhaps, m addition, the pros pect of several parties, a ball or two, the skating ring, jive a cheerful perspective Or, you may be of a sober turn, and you have a winter laid out in which your leisure tiuio is to bo Wlcd with meetings and be ncvolcnt labors. In cither case, what do you propose in regard to Ueadixo, or Study ? Are you educating yourselves? Do you regard books as necessaries of life, or as luxuries? A young man ought to arrange us syste matically tor reading as ho docs for eating Every year there ought to bo the account ol books finished aud mastered. Newspapers and magazines have their own place, and indispensible uses but they aro not substitutes for bonks. And books alone are to be clarified and wisely chosen. Novels and light literature, taken sparingly, furnish wholesome recreation, and sound knowlodge. But history, travels, biography, woiks ou soieuce, criticism, art, mechanics, should be thestaplo of your se. lection. It ought to offend the self respect of a Joung man to spend a wholo year without aving mastered a single new book. lie may bo improving io business tact, and in that knowledge whioh comes from tiling ling with men ; he may be growing in wealth and skill to manage riches, but these things do not reach in tar enough. They do not touch the place where manhood re sides. Now is the time to consider, resolve and arrange. It will require a firm purpose and steady hand to cany you every week through 'an agreed amount ot reading. But, if the plan is once arranged, begun, and carried forward a mouth, the execu tion of it will become easier every week, and the interest will increase at every step Nothing increases self respect in a young man, more worthily, than tho habit of sound reading. Cooks are shields to to the young. Temptations are blunted jo them which nt n np mi f k u w i iii lis inn i . n iu ii u iiuiiii m an who araws sufficient pleasure Iron ks, is independent of the world for bis Measure. Friends may oie. Hooks never re sick, ana tuey uo not grow oiu. xuoaes nelt away. Books are in no danger ot bankruptcy. Our companions hare their Iwo erranus to execute uu men vwu um enj to bear, and cannot therefore, be lwavs at hand when we need company. But books need never get out from us. hev are not sensitive to our neglect : they ft oevtr busy ; they do not soold us, and hey do weloorue us with uniform and genial Jelight What are you going to read this inter J JV. J. meager. . . . . JTKtfS ITEMS, Jennie LlnJ wishes ta revisit Booth lata, he In Host on a month. Kansas li attracting many Swedes. -Opal is the thing for engagement rings. ' ' Vermont haa sixty academies. Bayard Taylor is at a new novel. Boston has 81,710 votes. The mackerel caieh 's light this year. Prim is one of the richest men In Spain. Paris in to adopt the electric light. Isabella ccst Spain $4.oUQ 000 a year. Tad. Lincoln goes to school in Germany. A pnlrof Maine towns hate hoen named Orant pnd C'oifict. Tho Parents of Bayard Taylor celebrated their (golden wedding on the 15 h. Tho Miiisachusctt Homeopathic Society pronounces against the use of butter. Belmont gives llic best dinners in Sew York. tlollnnd proposes to abolish the denth penalty. Tho Into it tiling in fansjs horseshoe t nnndmn weathnrista, still unterrified, premci an Itiilinn cummer yet. Ninety locomotives are now running on tho U.iion Paciflo. Vnllandigham has joined the Church John Allen lias not. ,C !.. - f . . .. ... .n s?wip nas in vent ea a which which is wotina liy mixing the cover. Hoston s boast, the new St. .Tn tries Hotel, nan nroKen its inmilonl nml is shut. The design for the ceiling of the new tars iintiK, ew ork, cost S75.1KMI. Silver is at n discount of -JJjf per cent, nt loronto. Hubert Lincoln and his bride have i turned to Chicago. The New York kitchen girls are Grecian uuuuing us is tncir .atinniil ritrlit. A Maine man'lms packed l.llflll mm oi green corn tins year. I.a,il,,n ,,?ron is ptnying Camilla again in nwti ora, General Meagher's body has never been recuYcreu. Hev. Dr.Rreckcnridge is shortly to marry , mourning ni'iuucKy marioti. A change of Bile for Ya'.e Colloire is tnlked i. - w- The name of Jcddo. Jnnnn. lino lusn cnniigcu to iouKie. Rosescranlx. of Dresden, turned out. his seven tliousundib piano a short time since Jenkins reports thnt Pulti's charms are waning. Some heartless parasrardier announces tnni runny Kcinble wns born in 1811. -Tho Filth Avcntu Hotel talks of adot.tiiiir inc European pian. -BroiiRham has written a new drama for unrnry n illiams. Florence Nichlincale has been connfined to tier room for eleven years. St. Paul is shipping potatoes to St. Louis Alexander II. Stephens is Koine to eivo readings ior me ncneni oi acuurcli. A new apple has been named " The Fourth of July." It must bo huncomc. Four eclipses next yenr two lunar and osolnr, one of the last lolnl. Mrs. Yelverlon h wenrins a dres which was exhibited nt the Paris Exposition. Madame Moore is walking aeninst time at Syracuse. Isnbella is better supplied with heirs than hairs. A nn-varinble compass has been invented hy the Virginians. Phillip llarwood now edits the S.tunhtu Rrvirtr. In the vicinity of Ottawa. C. W.. tax pav rs revenge tliemsulves by poisoning tho horses ii collectors. Knutish soldiers are still branded for niubordiniite language. Frankfort on-ihe-Maine expects to be the I ui nre residence of Mrs. Lincoln. . The British gun boats on the Lvkes arc 1 going to llermuiht for the Winter. The Superior lload goes northward a mile day. Thirty two buwhcls to the acre 1s the Knglitdi wheat average. Miss iteinoiid. n yountt colored ladv. has lust LTiuliinled M. 1). nt a medical school in Florviice, Italy. Gen. Lee has stnrte 1 a Bible class. Tie will in-obably praolico his ;luss in taking Bible ontns. Many farmors In England support tliem- elves and families on six acres and pay henry rents. ltich Londoners have started a mania for Id catved chimney pieces with which to deco rate their new mansions. A Chicngo lawyer who attacked a yountr re nnie in a plea in rourt lias been summoned by her to mortal combat. All Fifth avenoodledom is envious of two young ladies who are engaged to Counts. Kobert E. Lea and forty others represent he unpardoned " of Virginia. Wholesale isfranchisemcnt ! General Older No. 1. Ileaduuarters of rasiiiuo. Moustaciies aud no side whiskers will he the style. The Qucea of Prus tia has recovered from feeble health by much eating of grapes. Bismarck's daughter has married an impe cunious young Pole iu the Russian diplomatic service. Cornell Jewett is in Ottawa, Canada, immi nently threatening a return to the United Stales. Twenty-four bridesmaids and groomsmen are to help a couple of simpletons in ew York join hands. Great Hi ii inn raises 120.0tkl.000 bushels f wheat this year 4N,OUO,000 mure than lust ear. In New York, hist week, Mary Bushel undertook to get rid of her hu-buud by giving i iu a pecu witn a kuite. The parent iul ruler of France has forbid- don Lauonlaye to lecture any more on the meriuaa Constitution. The money Queen Isabella carried off with her was small ehango for a crown. A Boston cook sells seven hundred loaves of brow i bread aud a barrel of baked beans every Sunday. A wag objects to the Danish " Maiden Assurance Companies," on the ground that maidens now-a-duys have assuiauce enough without any organized effort to inoreaso it. Danbury, Conn., is the proud mother of a man who was divorced, married again, filed an application for another divorce, all within four weeks, On Friday Mr. McGrath appeared at pulice headquarters in New York and staled he desired to have a man arreated who had stolen from him a thousand sieain trucks, one of which was lurge enough to remove the St. Nicholas Hotel from its present location to the Batterv. lie further added that he was married to Queen Victoria, but had another wife in China who waseonstanrly sending him valueless presents. As his insane condition was apparent he was locked up in a cell for examination. ITQBY QT A EEFUOEE. At tho RopublioaQ demonstration at Rand's Hall, Troy, on Wednesday even ing Colonel Montgomery, now of Ohio but a native and former roaident of Tcnnossee was one ot the speakora Colonel M. was residing at :he South when the rebellion broke out. Being one of the few not taint, ed with disloyalty, he refused to enter tho army, and was finally impressed. He deserted, but was recaptured, tried by court martial, and sentenced to be shot. Fortunately he escaped, and with his wife and child traveled on foot a distance of one hundred nnd fifty miles to the Uuion lines, whioh he reached iu a destitute and enfeebled conditiou. He was sent North by tho authorities with his family, a'.d in the tall ol lfo.I reached the city ol Troy. We will let tho Colonel toll the rest of the story as ho told it in his spoeoh on Wedues uay evening ! ' ! ivo years ago," said he, " there ar rived in this city a poor destitute refugee Irom tho South with his wife and little daughter. They were friendless, ilcstituto 1 I n i . . nuu unnnown. i ne wile was sick unto death enfeebled by the sufferings and pri vations sno naa undergone, ana the hus, band was utterly without the means to sup ply her wan;, or minister to her nescssitcs 1 hey wero almost in rass. Hut here, iu this good city ol Troy, they met a friond, a gentleman who beard their story and Tclt compassion for them. He took hem to a hotel directly, that thev should bo com forfably cared for, and thny were given a nice room and every attention there wants demanded. A physician was procured for tne wire clothing in abudunoc was provid eu nir muwiie ana cnuu out tne suttering of that poor weak woman had been greater man sue couiu Dear. &he grew worse, and at last her pure spiiit winged its way to the God who gave it. The gtntlcnian I have alluUed to purchased a cofSn for the re fugee's dead wife, and thousands of n i m from the home and friends sho loveJ she was committed to the cold, cold crave " I was," said Colonel Montgomery," that unfortunate refugee j and the man who who succored mo, who gave me shelter, ana my poor wile una babe lood and cloth ingand, who buried her when she died, was your townsman John A. tJnswold. ' as tne colonel said this he burst into tears, and for some momcnts. was .wholly overcome with emotion. Tho vast audi ence ho was addressing fully sympathized with him, for there were very few dry eyes id tue nouse, ana even strong men unused to the melting mood cried like children. the scene wa most affecting, and will long be rcmemlered by those who witnessed it : r . . speaking ot the recent election of firant the Toronto Globe says : " The new Administration will not come into power until the fourth of March next; but the moral effect of this election must be felt at once. Now that the contest tnr th Presidency is over wc may surely hnpo for a cessation oi tne horrid murder nnd out rages at the South." SENATOR bUMXEH thiuks that with (rants election, the sustaining of the reconstructon acts and the consenuent neneo of the South and the country, the m?ifaco of repudiation will cease and that it will be quite prncticblo to resume specie pvvtuents next f ourth of Jul v. A very sad calamity occurred at IVn body, Mass., Tuesday afternoon. Throe of the children of llvron Ooodeli a bov and girls, (twins,) 5 years old and a cirl of 3 set fire to his barn while playing with matches, and were burned to death with it. The mother discovered the fire soon after it broke out but was utterly powerless to save her children. Ths Roman Catholics who commenced operations in China two hundred years uso are making great headway anion;; the Celes tials tbey are erecting a cathedral in Canton o cost three millions of dollars and be put up in Pekic, while in nearly every im. portant city in the Empire they are build. tng a cuurcn. lhejesuits throughout the Krnpire have adopted tho dres. the habits and customs of the Chinese eatina as they eat, sleeping as they sleep, shaving the forehead aad not the crown, iust as the Chinese shave theirs Mr. Hrewster of Philadelphia, in his speech at the Cooper Institute on Tuesday ni'ht, quoted Gen. Grant as having lately said to a friend : " This much '1 wish, and 1 declare this to be my policy : that such a degreo of peaco and tranquility shall exist in this cruntry, that a man may speak his mind in any part of our great laud, and that without molestation or hiudraoce." It is a short plattorm, but a good one, and a happy commentary on the famous saying of Grant," " Let us have peace." Tub leading paper of the Northwest, the " Wucontin,' Milwaukie, gets off some very good things, among tho latest of which we ex tract the .following : As F.SCEU.BST Mkmcixk. One of tho most popular medicines of the day is HoonVnd'i German Bitters, wliieh is designed to keep the stomach and lier in a healthy condition. The Bitters are prepared without the use or intoxicating Liquors, aad if a persou desires Io drink liquor uudor tba fashionable nama of B. Iters, he had best apply for something else than Hootiand's. Druggistj tell us that the sale of this article is large, and is eontiuuully on the iucrease, that all who use it tir pleased with its excellent Qualities, aad thnt they couldjuol think of keeping store without it. In cases of debility or prostration of ike system, Hootiand's Gemma l; uers will be found a n excellent article, ai well us for Dys pepsia. lIoorLASit's Gibmaji Toxic Is a comhina- ualion of all the iugredieuts of the Biiters, with pure Santa Crux Rum, orange, anise, &e. It 14 uped for the same diseases as the Bitters, in cases where an Alcoholic Stimulant is re quired. It is a preparation of rare medical value, and .. most agreeable to th palate. J Principal Office, C31 Arch St., Pbilad'a, Pa. 8old everywhere by Druggists aud others. . Launt Thompson's statue of General Sedgwick was dedicated at West Point on TVeduesday, and George W. Curtis delivered the oration. i i ,i ,. -. f Bichard Grant White says there is no such word as Presidential ; it should be Presidcn-tal. HYDE GILLIS & CO- N EW GOODS I JUST RECEIVING AT THE STORE C7 HYDE, GILLIS & CO. HARDWARE, QUEENSWARI CANDIES, XUTS, &o. DRY GOODS Si GROCERIES. THE REST AND CHEAPEST. IN ELK COUNTY. CALL AND SEE AND BE CONVINCED THAT WE SELL CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN THIS SECTION. WE ARE CONSTANTLY ADDING TO OUR STOCK COME AND SEE US. A LECTURE TO VOUNU MEN JUST I X. I published in a sealed envelope. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical cure of Spermatorrhoea, or Semina Weakness, Involuntary EmUsions, Sexual D bility, and Impediments to marriage geuerall, Nervousness, Consumptiou, Epilepsy nnd Fits; Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting from Selt-AbUM, J-c, by Kobert J. CuWer well, M. V., author of the "Green Book,' etc. Price in a sealed envelope, only sis cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable. essay, clearly demons! rates from a thirty years' succersl'ul prariioe, that the alarming consrquences of self abuse may be radically cured without the use of internal medicine, or the application of the knife, pointing out a mode ol cure at once simple, certain aud effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no mailer what Ins cnmluiou may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, aud radi cally. &ifjU"li!s Lecture should be in the h.inds of every youth ami every man in tha land. .Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid, on receipt of six ceuls. or two posl slumps. Also, Dr. Culverwell's ' Marriage Guide," price i!5 cents. Address the Publishers. til VS. J.C. KLINE CO., Bowery, New York, P. O. Box 4,58fi. janlG-lM" VALIIAHLE LOTS FOR SALE. The undersigned has laid out a vil age upon his ground adjoining the Kidgway Depot, to be called ELK.. The lots are 50 feet, front by 100 feet deep froutinz towards the railroad. Terms For the first lot sold, $100. Foi the second lot sold, $110. For 'he Ihirdjlot sold, $10 and so on increasing in price as lots are sold. BSV-First purchasers ect the choice lot. at the cheapest rates. 1'urchasers will be resist ered in the order of their application. Ten per cent of the pur chase money must be paid at tho time of the application. J.&,Applicatlons will he made to John u. Hall, Esq., Ridgway, Pa. J. S. UVDE. Kidgway, mar,-.".) 00-tf. SOO,OOU CUSTOMERS IN FOUR tears. rvmw uo uce,. Having tue largest capital, most exper ienced buyers, and extensive tiade of any concert in the Dollar Sale business, we GUARANTEE SATISFACTION n every instance, and also the best sclee. ion of goods ever offered at ONE DOLLAR EACH. No other coneern Lns any show wherever our agents are selling. Our motto. Prompt and Reliable." Vale and female agents wanted in ci y and country. THE LADIES aro particularly requested to Iry our popular club system of selling all kinds of Dry and Faney Goods. Dress Pat terns, Cotton Cloth, Castor, Silver Plated Goods, Watches, tic. Established 18h4. A patent pen fountain and a check describing an article Io be sold for a dollar, 10 cents t 20. or $2; 40 for $l 00for$(i; 100 for $10; sent by mail. Free presents to Jgcttcr up, (worth 50 her ceut more lhau thoso sent by any other concern,) according to sixe of club, or if nut do not fail to send for a circular. N. B. Our sale should not be clashed wi'b New York dollar jewelry sales or bogus ' Tea Compruies," as it is nothing of the sort EASTMAN & KENDALL, tio Uanover Street, may20-Cio. Boston, Mass. "VT OT1CE Came into the enclosure of tho I j subscriber, in the month of August, a Urge RED OX. The owner van have said ox. by proving properly, and paying expeuses, If not called for within 30 days, the ox, will be io Id to the highest bidder. , JOSEPH DRAKE. Bidgway Nov. 13 1808, if. Snbscribe for the Advocate. W. S- SERVICE. W. 8. SERVICE, Will from this date be prepared to Bell at the lowest prices. STOVES FOR PARLORS, STOVES FOR KITCHENS, STOVES FOR HALLS, STOVES FOR BED ROOMS, STOVES FOR STORES, STOVES FOR MILLS, STOVES FOR H0TEL3, STOVES FOR OFFICES, STOVES FOR CHURCHES. Anl in fact for all places whete etoves are needed. Give him a calll. TIN WARE AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. JOBBING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, ROOFING AND SPOUTiNG, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, TOYS, BIRD CAGES, TUMPS, PIPKINO. Ridgway Nov. 13. 18i8. J)R. TrV.YT.01VS OLIVE BRANCH BITTERS. A mild and agreeable TONIC STIMU LANT, STOMACHIC and CARMINATIVE B I TT ERS, Extracted entirely from HERBS 4 ROOTS. Iligli'y beneficial in DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DERI LI TY, AND LOSS OF APPETITE And an excellent corrective for persons suffering from Disorders of the Bowels, Flatulence, &c. SOLD EVERY 1MIERE ! Depot, No. 413 Market Street, Phila'a. ScpO,Y,8-lj J. K. TAYLOR a CO. LOOK UEllEl WATCHES. JEWELRY & SILVERWARE. "CHARLES HOLES, Pracllcul Wahhma J ker, Jeweler and Engraver, Ridgway, KTic county, Pa. The subsci iber heirs leave in announce lo tie citixeus of Ridgway and vicinity that he is prepared to do all work in his lino on vhort notice and at reasonable rales in Hi. very best manner. Shop in II. S. Thayer's Store. Special attention paid to engraving. He has also on hand a large assortment of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Silrerwarc which he offers for sale on reasonable terms. Give him a call. novTt7tf. PATRONIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN. rilHE subset ibers having completed their I fiew tirisL .Mill in Rldirway are now prepared to furnish the people of ibe sur rounding country Willi Flour of the Best Quality, and of their own manufacture, at the lowest market rates. The attention of lumbermen and others is called to cur facilities for furnishiug neni wiui FEED OF ALL KISD8, cheaper than it oan be bought any other place in tho county. JKOgriAsu raiu voa uniy.-ia J.S. HYDE, J. V. IIOIJK. J. K. WHITMORE. Nevember 7, 18fi7lf - "F YOU WANT TO BUY for the Million: Go to A. DURLACilER, DEALER IN CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS, &o. ST. MARY'S, ELK COUNTY, PENXA. Jau218tj8lyp4 POWELL & KIME. QQQDS FOR THE MILLION. POWELL. & KIM E, At their capacious stores both in RIDGWAY AND CENTRE VILLE, Have on hand, splendid assoi tnients of all seasonable Goods adapted to tho wants of the people of Elk aud adjoining counties, which they arc selling at pricea that defy competition. They would simply state here, that boing very large dealers, their facilities for purchasing are un equalled by any establishment in the county. Thry buy directly from manu factures and on the Another advantage You can always s$6t whnt you Want at their stores, htneo you will save time by going directly ta them and TIME IS MONEY. Wo have no spaoe here toeuuinerate nil the ad vantages you will have in patronizing theso establibhiueuts. But call and seo, and reap tho tho advantages for joursalves. Among their Qtwds you will Gad DUYGCODS iuenllcss varieties, GROCERIES ohoiceand fresh CLOTHING of best material superior cat and finish, BOOTS & SHOES of the best stock and make, CROCKERY for newly married, Middle aged aud elderly. DRIED FRUIT, BUTTER, EGGS, rORK, HAMS, LARD, FLOUR, CORN MEAL. AND EVERYTHING ELSE ! 20 inch ahaveJ ibia ;'.c taken for goods, at the market price, at both stores. Alto most other kinds of country pro duce taken at the market value Nov. 13, 18C7, tP