The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, December 25, 1869, Image 2
sH . ,olliiter,o' . Mona rorrsVILLE. PA. iIaTICTBDAIr. OS. MO t444 '7' . ; f 7 7 ~~ ~~ Local. Illktiza.q.—ln -consequence . of•-a' number of our subeeribers complaining that; they de not find the focal newe in the Sear,- - _ day JUra7AL, we now inform them that ail • local newir-of importance to our readers, .will be published in the Saturday Jouanat. here after. • TAM Iklllllllllir MOVIIIAAL. 7116 6141E6 OF THE FORTT7II6II7 'OLEIC[. iVith 101 numbeg closes .tbe 411y -fifth '• 40 . 01 DC Of tbe Moans ' Jogniat.' In closing Age year journalistically, we will* aside .• the old, worn, and battered suit of type • • which - has served us since the year of the opening of Ore Sliveholdem' lisbellioa. is an iteolnie necataity for es to do this, bet we part with our little leaden Rename with regret: • la the cause of loyalty, of instals ing- the Government agates' armed trance, • of the right,: they hive becoule war-worn, ' like Our brave soldiers of the 'Union, won - bear honorable scars inflicted on the battle &lds of the Reptiblie. oar country emerge:l from , the Rebellion moil" glorious, stronger,! More powerful thaw ever, so the • ,heaxat .will - appear op the first of the tom log:year, in a nee dress of beautiful type, one of the Most attractive paper,ele since. in the country, tad one Of the most , proaiierous of the J inroads publihed la the Intrrior of ikatesyllinia. • /t is our desire to make the idritial'loca , nit a model piper, typographically and. edhonaly, and we . are therefore spang no ispehse to reach_this consummation:, We think that we wdl present a paper on the first of the year, of which not oily selves but the community May feel proud. CipWrZILALS To-day IS,Christuths, All from the high , eat In the lowikst, bill the day with those . lee Tings i•f delight which-always character :. liethe occasion There will be • the usual amount of gifts distributed; fare! and - gree , lega, social gatheringiki- dad la te ,nehange of love ani affection around the bond altar ant fireside, and all Will be hippy, .we truer, In the enjoyment of peace . and plenty tinvlay. Our churches will be open atxl saleable discourses delivered from the . . pulpits, sad Christians will bate an Cippor : lenity - of tpeaking with more than the usual warmth upon the great subject which lies - nearest to their helm. ' Christmas Is made a festive day in all parts of the civil world, and in this there Is nothlegla tong as long as the amusements are Al an innocent and harmless 'nature.— ( iatiq sal daub, restrained-by the , rational coreaiderat•nO that we are, at the same time,' e4eteriel, enlightened and responsible. 'People ~ whose duly is to *void excess and I . knett sionaness, are perfectly consistent with the proper observance of the day. Drunkenness 'and Jryic ought by all menus to be kept tint of the programme. • `l. Christi.n•,.Cnriattets la always wel _ kcometnot as a day ttf festivity, bat u one of awe et recncmbranen As' the andiaersuj of the S tyioufe birth, it .is associated with everything sacred and attractive;. belled as the dawn the world's tedemi , - tem, and.eberished as the falrthright.' Mortal and imperishable souls. The Star of the East has to them a immillar attraction.- - 'Tee story of the manger af. -- Bethtehem ; the visit of the wale' meo ; the flight Into Egyp• and the i - seasion that brought it about. are bg wi h interest, such u invests ntS nth& _events In : the lustorrof the world,,antimake . the ri of Dm:unlit r a day .. q . peculiar In terest to them. Wnen Furrtilanded by loved Fines at home, their - tips will grow eloquent '”n she tcrett theme suggested, and the bill. quit. red words and sentences of artless inno m nee niers:Mil tattle 6weet name of Jesna—t ilesiteriemiles upon a scene like Ibis. -An gels look doa'n [row the the Celestial illy and gee their &pup:malt The -crucdits.l bui risen (Sid hallows a scene Oki" thi's with hls unseen preunce, mid love etitweit it with the sweetest lifwirs Of lite. Tn all wiah:s. Melly eeileunes, ape that will iot have the dhat!aw of .1 regret bchle id•er it Lidd pawed sway. C621.21118910N1at WELLS , aI.W.PORT ; .• - •.'l.ietieut nit r readM•s with an abstract .-!, t9rl - 044, Auutua oflCetumissioner Wells on t e•ltevonue and stetedf alse.isouniry. It contains a large amount .oestatistics; which .will prove interesting to ail the taxmen of the country, at frail- if not to others. The `repot is Wells all over again. While it con t•iosta")arge Wont of information, appa ,temly fair in statements with regard to 4he effect that filmy of the laws have on the 1 Willa ryut tl i country ;he winds up is usual in drawing inferences directly opposite Ito the real teaching and bearing that all his statistics so unmistakably show.- We lime ' never known any persistent in eon iradicting himself ac Commissioner Wells and this is the reason why .many unthinking - members of Congress claim him as a' friend to Protection, while the Free Traders scatter his' duCuments bi r Oadcast over the country as arguments in livor of-FreaTrade Only two winters ago we heard Mr. Wells, in a meeting of the irimida'of American Industry„denontice all those who dared accuse him as being op posed to piptectire principles ; that he learri, ed A .. ., principles of the footstool of the great friend' of protection to Arnerici e ri industry, Henry Clay .. After-be had encl.- . 1- ded,xlie Hon. Wro:•11. Kelly exhibited to the - meeting ... the. Sew York FrO Trider, almost filled lulls the conclusions drawn by Mr. Wells, front his own report, in favor of the Free Trade doctrine._ No other/P*4 of pro: iection has been so tinfortunateas 111 x: Wells, iu having his liniments - id - favor of a mea ;aurequoted by the opponents of Mild Measure, as favoring their aide or the question. And - as Mr "Wells is mild to be • no fool, we can only arrive at the conclusion, under' such circum-• stances, that he, may t something worse a ooi He start. out by reiterating•hisdeclarstion t-uf last yeit'i; but in a littie more modified • term, •tthat the r busittesstuf the country had .pryspered the same 4 regardless of the legis latioaof the country whether trO fsred pro tection or nut." It is true that with tbeiner, gy Of the people to a comparatively new country, with a great of eMigration- Punring ,Anto it, our' cobotity will progress under the most damaging-legislation; but wits wholesome legislation, its progress and pros perity would bane been . doubled, if not tech-, fisi, consequently ditch rirgoments -are the . . mere asse.rtlons of ons.who is more,:intent on perverting the truth, than stating i& fairly. filis'itiwn figures show, ample aeltnowlsulges the tact, that we Lave not only !inst all the 'coin ,we have produced it home: since 113.18, but also one thousand four hundred r and eqs-, ty--fire million of'dollari in ,i3ond3, 'added to about Vd80,000,10.1 in coin, mikes -the immense sum of .12,945,000,000 of bonds and coin drained from the country since 1848, fur the want of adequate protection to ear Home Induitry4" 'The . interest on - thie tre ':utelndous indebtitiness abroad, :mount anise. _alit' to upwards of tSb0,0(.00,1.)00 in coin, - whia ie mere than all IA com"' WOW- produced an nually from the iil4nense coin yielding dis tricts of.the coonv:y . :. Bufthis is not all. 14 shows that the Italic:Cc of trade against the countrY , was last year no less than $210.000,- . pia), which he attar is about the annuaNal - ape/. This is much greater than if was sop-- posed to be, and 4counte for our enornioni indaLtednesi ahroul• after Isosirig about' $900,000,000-in coin In addition. Ilia remarks • tout the ".demoralisation caused by nn inflated curt-cul l dm:, together with the diversion of capital frotit the produe ., ttre indhatry of the country, are is the math coirect;butthis was nearly all oattied-by . the want of adequate protection to our Home In dust.ry-r-athicla diverted capital front produc tion-tospechlation in stocks, Sc., where it wee feud more profitable than its/invest ment in developing the country and bout* manufactures. Had ?di: korrill's Tariff bill pas44. - tiingresstlfre years ago, which wu a at that tithe, our foreign indebtedness 41 nut now be one-third what it is, and theltrenltis of this country would have been incgased at least IT A ti actual:la millions of dollareunder iteoptiration. NOTHING CAN, AND NOTHING WILL CFIEC6 THEJYRAIN OF : OM AND BONDS 4'ltoll THE COUN-` TRT UNTIL AMPLE PROTECTION IS OM TO OUR `-tion • INDUSTRY. And the 'Revenue Commissioner. Member, ofCongrst, or any Government officer, who favors . Free' Trade with Europe under existing elrennt stumps, Is no more - fit cerceonsmand, or lisle- Wren the business ttitireete of the coustri these This cosy . be call dime"- pectfil,„ language, but when the-hderests of - forty wulliens of people are thus trifled with 14,41.0 f Muds and purchased tools, who 1911111.11/11 to obtain ; pulls in the goremment, for which they are either too ignorant or too dishosient.ta bit, it is time to use strong lan, gunge. No other country on the face of . the globe could lan stood VICh 111: policy for tin years in lammatUn without hiring leen Otter• ly ruined;, It was nothing. but .oar immense resources that bus sand the business of , the country from Mtn destruCtion!. , - We bad eomparstirs Frei Trade from.lB4o to 134& Daring that period our Importations weretra valued' as follows, in round numbers : Inl tn 5,563. In 1M • ' I.V.,cce,o ooo on In 144 L r.. • 96,000,000. Oar mutation, were considerably less; end the balance of .trade was inereasiog epithet cut. In 1842, a protective bill, was pealed, the lout !effectively ,proteetive , one that the country ever had, It took *diet in 1843, and it in well known that, although it was re- pealed in 1846, the impetus the butineas of tire country bad gained under its operation; 104 the famine that occurred in Europe, and par ticularly in Ireland, in 184? and •1848, which drew Largely on one breadstuff, to pay for habitue, instead of coin, we did not'feel the effect of this bill of abomination, passed in 1848, until 1E49, when it fell upon }lie coun try in all its destructive induct:cm Now mirk the effect of the Tariff of 1E42 on our foreign coanzierce. During-the period of 'di years, from '.1849 to 1849, the imports - - natal:is and esportstlons of the country were as follows In the aggregate t • arrosianctu. MT/MOM GUN. 51.978.03.339 13.121.z15' toisontrie • 49. 4 ;37.0111 1.975,4483 S . • slll7litt e : 519,749,411 • These are all' official figures—pro tection threw the balance of trade in ihr favor, and we gained largely in coin instead of loosing it. The country was lifted up from utter prostration to a degreol of..proiperity unexampled in its history, while both our im portations and exportations increased, under saes operation.. The importations of merchin dise, do.; 'lied during the viz years , 1.179,706,056, andihe exportations $186,836,, 621, independent of.coin, which was a much larger average thee . had ever occurred under s _Fret Trade policy. This of course' was natural, because the foreign commerce of every country is in - proportion to the increase,. of its domestic productions. • .From the day tks*.Tariff of J 842 ceSsed to be affective, the business of k the country has struggled on against every kind of disadvan- A as , fe, and the official records of the country from 11i49 to Did?, does not exhibit &single year in which the-balance of trade has not been r. largely against this country, - arising altogether from the want of adequate protec. tion lb Home industry. It is true thit we had ample protection during the rebellion, and we increased our weilth, tremendously during that period, because ill our work' , shops were running alMost day and night, otherwise the flimsies of the country wool have' collapsed,' the Union would bare en severed, and it would bare sunk to EM!! o . IC e repeat. that since 1849, the balance of. trade-hu. been spinet the •country, :Wet the policy of out Oeternment ; and- Commis sionsr•WellsteHtCus that it now reaches, with the'intereat added, no lesi a slim than TWO HUNDRED AND TEN MILLIONS OF DOL-, LAIIB 'ANNUALLY, and is `on the increase, notwithstanding our', immense Ireton - roes for home manufactures. The Free Traders declared that the Tariff -of 1842, would ruin the ciiiinfry. It lifted it up and sand its busineislfrom hopeless ruin. British gold destroyed that Tariff, by buying Government ofit'eers and members of Con- - gfesa. If we fail to. get s - Protective .Tariff at" this Coniresta, itiwillmrise from the name causes that destroyed the-Tariff of t 442. 'Me theiefore say to- the friends of Ameri can Industry, keep. a close watch upon your public men, and the Press of the country, be cause presses Are perched is well as public men. And alio watt: some of yonf mean and selfish manufacturers,. who'. wonld connive at the destruction of some hotee , inteEests, to benefit - - their own selfish pur poses. These men are worse than Free Traders. We learn that there are some such in Cengresi. The Free Traders, it irmst recollected, afro quite "as attire now in trying to defeat ample pro teotlen to our industry, as they lwere.,in in destroying the Tariff of 184:2'. INCIUM6II OP ISAZis r That some of the salaries of ►t Washington are too Iqyr, and increased a little to secure goof them; may be tine. Pat the It large, and tie idea of increasid time 'ben prices ►n falling, soon come down tot gold buts extraordinary proceeding, 'end ed closely by the people who -these inc u sed, Pillories of pu' they haveTiieti through the lasi six or seven years with the high prices on heir .present Salaries, it does not show that c iheir salaries are so very low, after all, t - an particularly while there never has been any di ffi culty in procuring. competent men to fi ll them. We would increase the salarasof the President of the United States to $30,000 a 'leer, which is ample with his perquisites of house rent, free and furnished, and mizoi l er 'articles free. We never r erstat to see a Went, of the United States letting so bad an example to the pee, pie in winking. an extravagant ishow 'at the :capital of the country;, which is ho mush ear clad- by the trifling and wealthy fashionable people, Orho - congregate there ddring the win ter season, while Congress is in session. We would alsoltreresse the salaries of the Sp prom; .'edges, from - 0, 00 0 - lit„So.o?3 a year, and SB4OO, for the Chief Justice, the same as Cabinet Officers now reeeive.l This is sta ple. The Judges can reside in their di s tricts: only a part of their time is I occupied on the bench, and this salary is ample, parties tarty since Congress has provided for the continuance of - their salary during their life time, if they became superandated in the service. It is well known.that the 'astembers of Congress, who are the advoCates of high salaries': are generally those who lock for word to filling theta offices at a future day: and therefore the press and the people, op peed to. all such foolish extravagance, must waheliNthe.actions of Congress closely on this ittithiectt. With the .present immense debt, and heavy taxation, any ,unneeeisary increase in eateries made by Congressmill call down the indignation "of the people, and. those•who vote for it may begin .to prepare for private life. We make these remarks is connection with the following, which we find in the N. S. Tribnne: "Already there are thick-flying rumors from Washington' tlet - Zuring Ate present session the salaries of •everybody, from the. President down to the dOorkeipers, are to be raised. These prognostikations are set afloat with a purpose: 'They are intended to pre pare the : poblic for a rise ; and they will be followed by distressing:exempts:of the slow starvation,which is destroyinglhe health of the Washington clerks, who cannot, BO mea ger are their stipends„ rake land scrape enough money together to go to market once a week, and who are in danger Of perishing (with their interesting families) in the street In consequence of the altitude or the Wash ington house-rents. • Well, gentlemen, come on with your pathos ; .we are ready for it!" - • READING EVAILICOaD 161YDDs.-1.14 fro 4 the following somewhat different statement from the one pabliihed in the New Yuri' Tribune of the correspondent of the . Philadelphia Ledger: , bade 6 • The- Reeding Railroad Onwaany bad, ronnaily Do Clod the Mort Itodua t ,e of tta parr., to boor $ 00DOOD: err,courorOblr boot.. lo the gamine DM at the aura Rdlooldir $1.1509 SOO ..lsouarr. I S 7B . sod 111. M.lOO Jolt. 15Th. coovertiblo mt Uwe after mos: noon soCOD/ SO Janney 1911, and $1.601010 1111 or MI, Os daye marks, Dot coorertOr p le delft aunttheft bands, Skalneee are tares at ar ld-V -aunt Rroubent, o!Linelow. lad Sr rirosurder. !O also sr as by aldlica,-Borls Cu.,,of Madeira'. Ibis IMF LIMP la t , provide fur the bandlpg 61 an, Minch milk *wainscot', eto, Costume', on Wednesday list; adjourned over unlit the 10th of lanutii: In the Mean• thee the various Committee rill sit and . pre for Utnir action when they re-- arneemble. lbey state that it will not cause any delay in *time neptirsi4 but rather facilitate it, as it ka,Laaposabla for the impor tant-committeentifinature busiiiess;in their rooms, and attend 4" their ditties also during the "notions, of ConOrsi • Paarrn Tnlcn.--A- correspondent from Cass TOWI 2 / I hlpc_ acids us the =ties of LlM ty-tve.prims who keop taverna and grog shops between the upper end' of Coal Castle sad Cireenberry. V alte y, iri;; a distance of Arab-fourths of a- (If the twenty-two Isu than fifteen are widows. The Writer says it is ifsavarows to peas , this road., sad that the con/tablet do not d their .duty la suppreariaaaas grotahopal • • In the Beasts to Wedges*. the Wow ing easteszkes for the Mesh Wert ledger. •u t►tm op =A ratified : . • Rat drab. George P. bagrary. et aral H ia . • • framed - Lomb IL Warble. of se* Teaks, Ilded e . 11 /. - 11dCalaai, at balabbaida. rem, w. B. Waal% ar Abbas. • " L L Maw,. al Wirdipa • derrialr 'Thaaar Drasaaaad. ar Leak b ra Juts P. Übe, af kora. • T. aararba al George Paws. at iiirrybarL - br tom ..LTaarta Cam% aad bat al laressoalarm, at br RUM Matpoaal. rftatba..sad ladr eamibialaa to par Aglakilidad d Jadp . Haet irss bid as ibi table. If pcommed, b• would or bait ben isgsaisd by e issleetty of it it. on Legislature trill meet on the first Tuesdity Saturday, we publiith•the tog correeled thrt or_ the mothers thane!: sunisrLicirue isoni.extras. • She following is •a , complete list of the members of the Legislature elected at the last electjoi. ' la the; Tsreatisth limmtarial District two certificates will no doubt be presanted.' and it Will devolve upon the of the Senate which member is legally enti tled to his seat: - • • 1. W W Wilt, 8.. 16. David Mamma B. . gunk- • 117. E 1611ingfelt, R. . 2. A W Heasiey. J 11 Warfel R. 3, D A Nagle, D. 118. A G Miller, D. - 4. Geo. Connel, IL • 1 111. C M Duncan, D. 6. C 11 Stinson. R. 12). Elbestrd Small, R. H J: Brook.• R. !21.3 K Robinson. R. C. RJ Linderman, D. C.P T hielatire.D. 7. R 8 Brown, D.., - 1 ,22., Harry White, R. 8. J D Davis, D. W A Wallace, D. 9, W M Bands% p.'24. AA Formai, D. 10. AG Brodhead, D. "25.18 L. Graham. B. 11. P(1 Osterbout, ILI nos Howard. H. 12. 5 G Turner. D. S Ratan, R. 13. AG Olmstead, 8.. ' 27. Kerr, IL • 14. .folut R Berk, D. -•2S. 'II Allen, 15. C it Buehalew, 31 B Lowry, It. IIOCIL or serassitarivt l es. . .Pldladrlphia. , • Centre. • 1.; L B Thomas, R. r -. Jacob G )leper, D.. 2.'G Maairel/,11. gain Ci.lwabia oad.Mondnir: .3._Bem Josephs, D. George Scott, D: 4. Wm Elliot, R. ' amber/and 5. Eder 0 Carlin, D. ;Johti.*Lehlig, D. " G. J F Mooney, D. T. Rob Johnston. 1L• L.A C Smith, P. Jas V Stokes, :It Jolla E Patscis P.. t. Sam I) Dailey, U. ' 10- ERA& ia.R. , Tkcel* Cooper, 11 11. Wm . 12. Alex , Adaire,. . I, CO 'Bowman, R. 13,11. Forsyth 1 2. D B McCreary. R s 14. John ‘'l R. • - 13. Adam A bright.Xi T B fiekpriatterly, D. 16.•11areihall nn Prrry.-= B , IV Skinner, D. 17. Watson Ciimly. R. j Milliken, D. *JanceeMiller; R. ..Greene. • , - •Jos.Betigewicti,D: Allryherw. ; • 'luniald 1. M B Humphreys: 1.. II 0. Mcttoer, D. .- R. t - 1. A Royer. D. .2. -Mei R.• Indiana old Waim..ore 3. Joseph Walton. R. • laid. , 4. Jas TaylOr, it -1. 15 3. 1) IV White, R. - 2. A M Fulton, R. ' t. John'll.Kerr, ? !acob-F grope, R. AMAITOrsy Laiiewief. M M Steele, R. ; 1. A theinehelk. R. Bearer and Wa,hing . : 2. . C Reinohl, ° ion: ° ref E, B Beer.. - 1. W C Shurlooi:- B. 4.- John E. Wiley. R 2. A.l Buflington It.: ' te:4anon. R H J Vathkirk, R. Bedford, Fulton and 1 I:.%dim Wu.olerer,D 1.',1 II Longnecker,! 2. DHCreits, D. k. I • Lircerne. 2. F It Lon . R. I.•s W..keenec 11: , • • /krt.. 2. Johtl Wlgalkon: 1. Ilenry .I.lrob ,Di R. ' • 2. AT C Keifer; . 8. George Cory, It.' 3. 11 11 Schwartz,, D.!Lyeonsiny, 'Union and Blair. I r Snyder. Jos Robinson, j'.. .-1. Theodore Rill, -R. Bradford and Sullivan 1 2. Thomas Clinrch,R. 1. j F•• Chamberlain,i„ 8. 'Andrew 11 R. Afontgassery . 2. Jae II Webb, It.l. James Eschbaelr; Burka. I' D. 1. Joshua Beans, D. 2. JohnJ Hersey, D.', 2. EC lloginstry,D.i Northampton. ' Bader, Lawrence and 1.-Ramyel Boilean.D. Mercer. • 2. 1./arid EngleimaU,• 1. C W McCracken,' D. R. .21 — arthots4erfand. 2. U Craig, R. R - Dlontgomery, D.- 3.. E A Wheeler. R. Pike and ;ifayni. • 4. TSlei Ley 'e, It. l Wm II Diinmick,ll. ri Ca, Potter and 21.0 Pa• John I' , .! 1. .11 hitros , ll. R. Canieron,• attd J. It Niles, R. . . McKean: • .. I SehuyikiM A D Aruistiong,, D. 1. Jas Ellis; D. • Carton and 1f0nq,... Y. JlrvinStiole, Dr Wm B Leonard, D. F W Snyder, b. Cheater.r - iSoirteharma and Wvo 1. Jasp Roberts, It Thing. • 2. Joe.' C. Kneela, R. i 1. Geo S Faieett , R. Darlington, R. 2. A.P' Stephens, R. Clarion and friferson. l reitanpo and Warren. R B Brown, D. 11. J.l! lleicultha, B. Cranford. 1 2. Chas W Stoup, 8.. I. 11 CJohpsou, R. •1 . 2. F W Ames, R. pork. •• ' Clrartirld,Elk and .F 4 -• rest': 1. Orli R Ilursh, D. Jon' G 11111,110. 1 :,! 2. B P Pomer, D. • SECANICLAT/O.N. Republican Democrats - Rep. majority t tbrtelyondeora of 11.11111eors' TERRIBLE OATABTUOPHE, -Caving is of. Two Rocks of.liouses ,uhlic officers I. ought to- be Hlmen to fill lumber Is not Two Whole Iftsieolles Phorepl iuia Hier shy Vitalising Warsimit• g them - at a ad we allot is rather "an ill be watch bare to pay lie men. if Abotat-ti o'clock yesterday morning a most terribly calamity ticenrrad in Stockton, a midi mining village of acme three. of four hundred' inhabitants, on tboL. V. B. it, about two miles below Hazleton, by te caving in cf the mine*, taking with it two Linea' of Loners. Four lam. RINI lived in the L nue, two of shun were saved, :the eielnd block,,did not go down immediately, ottierwiee four firnidee instead of two would have perished. • The' houses have disappeared soe4mpietely that nothing can be seen - of them. The hole left, in about forty teat deon,one ham bog and fifty wide. The alarm wee given im edt eteJy, and people, frc'm an parts flookid t he SCOW of diauder., The homes lmmrd • ly caught fire, and mirke tamed frozo,the month , of the cavity. - 7 The Pioneer Steam Fire Elgiiie ' and flow Coaipaay, of Hazleton, were taken to Stocktoti en almok, and all day long, through rain and anowj did oar brave fire boy, Cork in trying to pat oitt the fire, and othcreienhelping to-reecne the nle buried beneath. The famtll t e at were George Swank'e end heed Rough's The family of Swank congaed `as follows t . Gorge Swank Br., Mre.,ftwink, W dtiam Swank , aged •18 yea ; Rasa Swank; aged 16 Years - George Swank, Jr., aged 7 years; a babe, aged it years. ' • That of Bough ...wers:lsaie 11 , nah, •Beugh; acid Ababa about 8 month old ; Mn. Eliza4thliough,. mother of Isaae, aged' about 80 yeeia, bb d , whq wai ATiog with the family—making tea Jo all:. Nothlog L left 01 either family; ill last. The caving in was canard by robbing the mince—that taking.the 'pillars from under where it had been worked.' Telt has been tn - it great eatent Meat everywhere, and olmost every . day we Jelikay be milled upon to record other oaring. in, and perhaps lou et life. • Thin 'affair be. canoed great excitement, and today people ars continually coming in from all parts of the °orrery andgolngtx the sceneef disaster. Work is going on Irously to get mit the dead bodies.' Three ha , been. italien . out very badly tunised-the wife' of Mr. Swank, with daughter sod child. The daughter and of ild, when found were 'together, tits little . orie in its andee's arms; almost flat. gums two `nr three liPlodred dopers have been found ; alanthing, The oompany say . 'they mast be got ont what ever it'may 'wilt." They have working eight stufts of moo-, three bands each shift; There are seven pergolas In yet, and no rune has any idea how pooh they may - bare them out.. Many blame Abe, company for working their place is ernMa maims meaner ; bat when Wit itridenttood that this preeent• o =pally did tot arork-thoeeplates 'which have fallen in, It may titer the cage. ktemirs. Packer It Co. vorkyd , them sod might to have the blame, if anybody. The bodies have all skim, been mu:rayed, and a number of females have deserted the tames in the neighborhood, fearing that they may cave In also. • FLANK LEI FIRE Istramtec Co.—The U. 8 monomer Gsz2tte, cootalier _the pro ea:tidings of the Fortieth Anniversary of the establishment of this Compsty in Philedei• phis. Mr. B iker , the Presikkot of ths Vom piny, after giving a history of its origin and progress, spoke of 41 onesstnnled prosperity daring the forty years of its 'existences as follows: "The company pail over tr , ,:ioo,oo' in louse', joined with the current enottai exponent of,qhe Oleo daring the same tt hod paid to the stoekholiters an annual average dividend of over stamen par tent together with taxes them. .e °vsrl L a l aggregate ltcadnowanca 500 i 0 Oef the cooni withseeeete of nearly 09.000,000, invented in the most retiabis disearitiee." The Met perpetual policy; No. 1, wu loud Jul x 0,1829, to Alexander ileum on a two'. story house fit Second street, at 3 per cent. The policy 'lt add running. on the house. The Sat temporary was Waned as follow! "Tempiliry- rolky Ha, 1: laded' July :1, 18V, to - Matthew Camy, order alifned fur b4m by W. Carey. arming - ewes anguished 'WI& buildings on IL W. corner of PAirt,hi sad Wigan' • shyest., . • Tne'Franklin Is one of, Vein the melt • prpeperoui Fire Iniurenee Company , lo the eoentry. Mr. Henry C. Roue% Mahentoa. go atnet, II the Agent for ISobuyiktn County. Tug ALABLIIIA geltS:ll ~ -Inkrmation his been reeeive at %whiny"' from Misdate" Motley, that the British Boyestefees his consentedlo canoes negotiations loc4he settlement of this notation at This is certainly a tontemdon on the part of the British Government, and our °Sven meat seems disposed to let them Lae the Inidetory step ehearaer It salts their can: "entente to commence negotlationa . Crru. SCIIIIOI Ein.c.—The bill bit/valued Into the United thole* Senate by the .Roo, Cal Sham; tom even further to setae al - dent calmay In the Government Goat that of the Rom' Kr. Jackal in the Roam. Tee sicerdiy of web a bill le ha' ca n men l im a s any day, and the peopleda r a some kgßiation 16 secure • nun ~competa t ad boat dais of merithai have hereto amoy at the aim of the aoii trl z T 7 nE. ' - M - iN - E‘iZ Ss .- . 1. 13 - oit a.y:ea aa... J Bliiinger IF - Smote:'Tutu 19 . 410 • 79. -14 : 40 544 . 5 YU U•ILICIYM, Drc. If , 1.669 • Ws examined yesterdie to the eecool story o Hcfrman's new banding tgo sari ane pianos ece a greed lat e. brought up by Mr. Stank° witch. of Po li adelphia.. Either ODA Or theta would make a vriagniddent holiday present for e'mebodr is somebody. Go acd eft tbein. Mr !I: will remain until New Year in the prostentiwi of his busineas hem tunic' aed re;- pairing pianos. - • to y ,Pviert4 to get a _Fortune . —Last tat, jtr. tietere ' , Bothwell, of Cremona, an E inind,Litn„ about 70 yea/stilt% sailed for his .dative 'sod, for the purpose of to:Cetus a for tune which •ttq have heard stated at 210,000. The property boa beim to chancery for upwards' of forty years, and &division Le now to be made sumo& tome entitled to tt, of which Mr. Roth well is om. Fortunate Mr. Bothwell. - Ton Principal of the Male grammar Schml of tole borongl, was 'erten:lay made the recipient of a bandsmen elms bell with his name engraved mem; and Um following not* final the pupils Ina , it : IM a l, . W. Bradkij: Maas aeospt thie a Hbristmas gift from you friends C. Bogen mitten, John Christian, Chatke Elliott, Bar Nagle, Henry Btittinger, T. B. Stealth, E. 8 Boyer. Y. Ortlx, A. Weston, J. H. Zerby; Charles Oen, W. Berger. .7 • 44.olknitig O s flit of noelaimel letters en. 1169 ta sluing In the Pottrink Pont 001" Den. • IkrtripDolan It Alm NeDeee Be, k B Downie( Orelekensok [Nebo Joe W PeteepoPezteilJ • n (Whir AMN Harahell‘fJ R Bebbsen OkAppen II Bunke 1. Anima; .1 annum IJr icyY Rem* '• . Crostsell W • lonePeng C Clapp BWe Kennedy T • I soma Menem, V., Innen Illektunarber G Bonakne Yam J WeeekUer • Tie fakaritii named Usto es . have each donated ►a car load of to be dwpaesd of for bsoellt of the Atlereeiatly held la lUD &Was, for the papaw of oontribating toward the toad remdrtd to witablieb a . Homaophatia Caopltal to that elm : Boa. B. L. Cake. Sou- draws g.,Ere.; C3l. J, Ocemor, Geo. W .. ...10awk En Tam fibothw=r at iteq_ mem Oureface Beatty. Tbs UMW Clamtway delivered the awl bet of &Seg. as Pbiladajtak GO that the mu In m :or the fair eameated some MO. C. W. Ralweler , cattedtated . la eats Masse SIM, Dr. P. W. Boyar, SU. tubed an sures of NOS time Dattaylklp lusty. To Cbdrieriesit cepa tans liaol4 .90parr . adadag a madlor—Gmego Metter—t, be la Panora Toil. Mily„ lb* laci. la. tam obesity.. !Mat luny sayttiltd about the tin at &suers nom or banal, sours day attar be bed died la a Demescolc boas altar an tome bed Loa Mid by a Domaceatle Comm, aad alter e Destecolic amber taw el yen Met MOO naked, m. o. arm bused. Win about e'dod beam of mil mMier% ttdo rabble cot tbe etaam.. aif optapere Moo WWI 150011a7 lbomalitslil. - • imam bar* alma Mad. Odom Peet. at tide Ie o Mesta OM mobilo iD aurelas sod clai M be Mod Mat lo Ino tba ants so med, OW las our arm r dblitamodiad be bidet mw Medlar tab and Pallor Comm crowd empty vita ocadlen, dead Ce albs Hamm (Wires Cisa , —Tolooday Thome numb etaval with elkoothor *MOM NW* ttrr thraltvlW, on Xaoap idea Wit, wit New swaisto 1111 wot a ink of b•twe tt z The *Mem Wowed that on Ito WOODOO tbo how la WIWI' Cksabor• wardild was • by 1068001 lat OR Mist& of Ow Ambit rot betas betas two to • widow Attie sow ot !MOO sOdooommotil WW2, it a et , doon that Chasms. ate lboie4l k was ma Mad la swu' stoollot tbel •••••••••• tboo weep albite cutddir: Mei be , one wo prow at tft +nodal' orbit Wripaat•O. mid *mg oo moowos (Wm ma otttnitirstwfti it t e ol mtaVr •= l l oi l er W. tosottyrbir gle. : Ctialwa ts 84. 14 " &i= si to TM Ws Mot 11/041.14 11100 .0 1 0 1 rOhlINOW 111" ' EDrfoß l B TABLE. • • • Tai Mimic Xerrruti..i.:-Itte lathers , ter or thie mumble le es war table. Thllo:ek testa are. The Oattudral ; We Ides of: Charles—lL • Joiept: sad ; U Gelds Itteptitasi The Shady of History •;; Asetteraissr Is Literature: •I'iatthatighr, the: Deacon ; ”The Woman nos *sleet isb me" :! What to de with the Surplus ; do 800,. ties: Wash* dead?' Under the IldniXht U. Tbs Damsel GI Neptwre braid the Chub By Ectree.Cei Ilb Bestoe ; Wedeln sturLitereryi /WOOL Barre :Yl.ide,asaoddrOs Ltattli itterariptiou. $4. Oss of the prettied cheap publicatiens . the day is just pandas& by, Turner Brt,th-'• era a co,. 608 etiestuat Bared, rhiladelphia.i Firstly. kloore's "Night before Christmas ;"i woody, Waison'a—Author. of " _Day sad tugi.l Punch's droll parody on the 'former. entitled; `•The Night after Christmia." These fibs ; poems are on tinted 'paper,erith a beautiful i illuminated cover of holy berries, with Sada'. Claus. enwreathod, and altogether makes the prettiest Fifty tent Book of the season. To be hu4 at Barman , Ramsey's. • . Tgt LADY" Pet zoo raft Tuitazi. —The Own I . bet for January, 1870, la • truly splendid Newt Year's gift A thrilling pletturs—"ln the Rapids" of Niegara.te the drat steel plate. The nesoniV, ia a besatift title-rap for the sasgizios. ton obelad with the flowrr.wreathed pothole of eerie of Jul lady Onitributora—the bridal bi talleetnaljeoe of Mrs. Henry Wood matronizing , the youth's" lake—Ere. itoultoo.. Etoreoce Parry. Elizabeth Prearott. His Donuts* , Aortae& BA, and Etc Homer. Every adourer ottbeve Worded' led* will desire to re ebb beautiful plata. : • rti. Colored, Fashion No" as bail. shoo the latent ,etyleal and there I. betide* page of rifkli adce4Pattenti for !brio Week. The amide le the "Rockaway Schottlech.' great variety rot artloke torlealee' dimes, arid for the work table; are illostritted by mood earl: A beautiful story by gra. 'Mottlton—"Did He Porgot Her t'^ is -bursa try this number ; and Chore Is axiom by Donna racy. sad modes' bY Z. IL Ittipley, Moe Dough., 4. IL Hera, de Tbe • pahlistalt •ctla great'iodnOttatota 14 new subscribers, sod we veoonsorod ow readers to too!ooe tee Otte - tort sample copy.- to Deacon patenioo. SIP Wirant street, It/Made:3We. Prim S 2 SO a veer (which 'oleo laded.' &large' ,steal erigravitur ) Four tppkr , SO • Five Copies (gmkuueurritt.) $B. , "The Lady'. Pelted" and .The . ial ardor:Ermine - row Sapid cum $ 4 OP ' " • 'l* - 1 - 041.45, for :Tenuity, conirt-to as replete witti...telovesiunir lartial a, prows. and4oxtry. younsblf In Hie Pleas." ,Charleinteride's dramatis dozy, will centime during the-greater put of 1E570. To' iambi, noe'readorli of The Galaxy to follow-this Earl, the publisher kill gavot° ill new nthseribervgnowynt a handsome velem. of shoot 44 ones, omtalning all of •Put yoursea la hie PhmtP"that has been gab. 11slaisd up to the.ihnuary trilmbilr. The Gaiety% progremme for MO iheludeare clef story from Kra. Edwards, the &tabor dt "Susan Fiehling.". .treble Lovell, ste. ; a 'lrks of - .Editor's Tales,* by An Trollope ; a when of mite. worthy snicks oh Itiathcial rati-cts by Parke tiodirin: etitkal ;Ind social essays by hichud Or White"; critical. analyses; of prontinest itotividuale In politica, eples ce ar.d. letter. by Justin kfretriby • a series of a late Eoeeefaette of dm Bamah Catholici Coutch; to which he will give pe smal reo.4leotioo• of the, interior Woof Boma ; a unique reties of papers ;dealt ir trenchantly with the society of to=day ; admit* artio/m by Dra. J. 0. Donor, and J. 0. Delp3r, atk4 °than. 4 hew &attire will be a comprehensive monthly review of the literature of the World. Address Sheidort 4 . 00., 498 and 500 B ro adway, Nei York . •.. • • Mcrarvat roe 1870. —Batileaabllome by War Mary Gretadraf Datlioe, attic Lit), of .• new serial.story. It will begin - in the Janus,;. su nnber. agninuelbrnagh the' year.: "Battles at Solna" omuse to strae4b repimuatinded by Mfrs Alcul , , and In( Predict bar •lt a oopulatPy equal to that 'bleb her attended .“Littie Wor ,, frsq.v • Io "Detles at -fl‘ re- ,, ." the 'halar tells the -story °flour boys and tier fight they 'made. •Tbe iatereat of the reader he closely mnintalzied-to the etd, and we predlot that "battles kt. Home" will be Toted to be - the irroca or ter seta, by the yortoepeople of America, , Itute , Louim 111. Aleottorlll continue to Tarnish abort 'torte' led eketclica. Other contributions hart; been tenured from mazy Lithe best.writers for the vennu. ' -. P% -Dr ewer oohthmo to be e- -moat etiraoity• Privy will be given every tgarilb tq ititiao .cesoful -solvers of the peace.. The nouttily.Ottsf will receive reherwedittea- Bright, lively, .and justrrit live, in lam - Wee where more lbw,. one Magnum for the young is taken, Museum is the favorite. • - Bubserrtere for 1870, whale rime. are reer Iced f Jeener7ritt.lo4. rewire the pectutaber . number free Terrus.-41 50,a year, in advance. Throe cop-. ion, K ; dye copies. SG ; ten copier. $11...! . . 110111tB B. Fru-an. I'LitAivber.l.- Bronaleld street, Bo•tois: Xocal (I),ifaiyo. Weekly Aliuknae. Z,l'.aar =art gaia.n. •1 U 4 123 • 6 11!" Sex., U. 4 19 .New Y. 6 6 44190. 1 26'4 -Sr First Q. It• C pr.: Streaar..... t 23 4 40T611.116 15 C 64 Cy. eirnacenu. 1 14 4 '424.414,14. it 2 U. it, 71:curty ... I'4 2ln FaiiNkT 1 24 4 4.2' Dpc.—.69 kiTzoaoLoolculLL TAnr.z. State of the Thermometer for the week ending Thom day. kept for the Mum• Jammu. by W. B. Luther Dlnperattire jin ate ;Vet. ;8 A. u., !cum.:6 t. M. Prtaty. „ Saturday... 11) Woody, It Tuesday—. 2 8 Wedbadty, proarldsv.... ; 311 , ' 33 00 , 34 Si 33 j 94 1• 31 i Id 29 3: ' 34 44 14 21 , I 41 i td : :0 ! Thr oelebrsted Hickory ooa I it Pottsville coal Zud• 9 ., 18.1 f. - ticw finut F*ll Store at Ytggie 11)land's 122 Centro street, bJbw Ameriain 119usa 47104 Tb-morrocr.—Fifty•en mod Snoday of the year sixt &A after Cibristaiu. Data leogtb, 9 boars and 1i animate. 'Tux Committee of Arrenweitoute, for the re ;m:e.toetioo of the Drarnm.r Wry of •Shil , h, will Meet at M. H. Pordlre oQlro , ou fifooday erasing ocxt. i' , J. (lata..iNp A - Cu, dry gaol. ira &roe a largo tntaimsa at tb«lr:boatitifal Dew place cf buiocas, 264 Cautre Street, Efullmaa's new ' • Tag Ikv. Lyman Coleman, D. D., in preach in the Scoop& Yreebyteriana - Cbarch, II dig , t. &pare., to-morrow marukta and livaning, atlOt and 74 o'clock. All are icatted. Saida Irce A FEW eVeDifigiviliflce, at Middle) Creek'Wbila IL mac named Edward Barry waa Satins Ida sup. :per, be died suddenly fruria ostraiurn!ation, caused by a place,of moat lodsing in tustatost. Tat Fair for the bluff; t . .f fi. 'Patrick's Church, cotonw;uerd in Union Hall proterden to °mamas ten days. The dipplay good/ to Itrge, and we bare do doubt that the Pair u usual will be it great atiocue. ==:C=EllEl Olre Moat am Ft ger, colleotor . ni State and Coasts tales of the Byttiasti of Pinergoye fur 1849; Yesterday =nine 0.3 d 'at Cott ad Cab otos and the amount of hie dupli cate fo fall. Ufa mikes No. l for 1809. 'MO will be No: 17 • A rifFsen at - the upper end of gfaharmsge street, ensaccd • .serranl gul one day ',deli, Ind within forty-eight boars thereafter she de camped irith &photograph Chi= for which the owner would not - have talm one hundred dol-: lan. Oh, the delight of housekeeping, with bad "Delp." . • The beet &haul's ptesmt a husband can make his wife Is to boy a good Cook or Parlor Store. Also persons wailing to make Macula to their sacs and daughters will find a splendid smart:neat of Skates - sod Sleighs, at Solomon lloor.t's Stara, Tin and boom fornlahing stors, No. 283 Centre street. 50-51. THE follaering members of Astbradite Lodge. No. 2.4.5, A. Y. K. of dt..Clatr electxl ene to 'serve for tbeeneobag ,M 600 121C Year. Com , memoirs, co fit . Joba's ' ; • W, M.. George W. getter ; S. W. Jopetbsti Wesley; J. W.. Deihl .1. Price; Trims., John Pollock; firo ,Tbomu A. Nichol,. • • itiuwavee 7 oeagre &et. wta.. alto, ow yaettatrd lbe lota at Na Montan Base, . 1 of of the Oeigny Coluatedoe Tomitup: Wit name etwoenter Win UN menaer.l ropelling. Ow awes thee to r we yeas sliekta taw demitiiittiam7irmg noiNr W dottiest as Getlet apes the Illanimur Hama mumecuers ailed epos tie Penick, Molter to hemp aia told Map width them prevatliet. itmLly of the bather motor et* tea laterview Pug& imus guilty 0 10 9 01 0 OW, *atinettWmeV am I et.l.e.ohtre. • ' The iohowle PIUS* meelt leStye mad Wpm Bout tea ti Perergh, elms he e ater somewhat Doled Patna Mem of Itatelamste wwY. Mt ere Patrklre wee Poe la Awl VON , beesaders bed eel tateitmei as Mew them. there immbe bow bets a nerelorldthemey • liter Ms lath tree be ad Xt. 1110.110.",ths Wet /1 thew. Ma mem atmemthtile 'Mt tlelphahle medal MelenMeld, • I esL•eltdahe far 'ammettmehie tat the tear be 'Nor A Awe. slot* a foods, last nadved at Pooh!/ Centro and. ' " . • .. • • _ • CIWFOIC or Fuss sea resew Oa Ssuunit Raw mote—Forth" awnwniewer end tstonsatiow of oar readers, we Date the following obartS; the nannies of trains es the berates Its wain Lee, Ned he branches ll46,' 1. N., 12.11 node for Port Carbon, Bt. Pair, New Caw tie, bead of reads and Praekvills 7.16, P. N.; for Pert Carbon and Si. Clair ; flatardays an ,ztra trip as 445, F. K.,for . Port Outwit, St. Clair. fluid of grade sad Frackville ; 8.15, Al. and 5.15. P. foe Harriebwg 'and pia rs iov e . It weld be awned armies* sod secostmni dation to tbetravelltes public, these thaws we r,„uss• tem: by ths Railroad Cksapee7 -symbol' none, of 1101130 kind, when they are • wade, as we an tnlcirtaad of several inetaiess where sullen bars, wised the tastes entirely sbrcssib a wad °Nest inch informaltoo. • The twit Nadel Present 'polio, In the New I".irk lit onnaos Oarapany. Assets tis,ooofion. APpgr. Mat. Potssettlii, Pen /taunt your lifti,ta the North itaitriesolfataat pie Imam:tee Crocopasyktf Phila. It Rettaeoatc :a anbatantiat capital, $1130,00) of 'hi/thin 0 iv-. ttrotosof &Athlete. itith thilcuthof Ociterft-of Pouttailvitit to aectutty for policy. liatta.low - tatunial. farther attormiataa apply to Labor & Llama; .oaoofal AsetA, fratemAls, Pa. , .2640 ,• ALT Gittnivune r —Al &Sat half yea. one Weittek. 'Sunday moising, a Mrci Boni; ranting Oleardvitki, weeshot by one Ttiomu Chambers, with a shot gnu, the entire charge entering the left 'breast near the shoal.; der; fatally woonding her, eb that it is quite, prihable she will die. t ; The cireronstanews of the *booting, eo far u we are ale to leant, are se follows : Chemberw, who bat - a few month* shim cum to thisucept try, wee boarding itithstrdeills, and the,boese to which be boarded rug Go Monday night at tacked by several mini; 'and a number of the pane. of glass broken. Supposing the attack might .he renewed the hut night, Chamber, .prepared a /ceded gnu,. mad it eco happened that Rm. nun, oo Der way hone, It to supposed,' anima the boime Chambers was in for her own, and began rattling at the shatters end door. for; entrance. The statement of Cumbers is that' be thought .It wan a loan dressed in womouni clothes, renewing the: attach of the phrvious eibeiliig, and with that/lea he Sued as above. Stated. • chambers surnmihired•Lbinuielf ti to Noire Lovell, mad wee bronght to Pottsville to • onset, Where Zeno w • ! Pw•cu rxo cr ens Pornrimts, &soot: -stated „meeting of the Board was; ibeld Wedoelidsy umiak_ _ .last Poseent,; Itlyrordmfned, Darr, BilmoudiAtars,: X. 34, Hooter, liconmer, pasemore. tiosafer, Bop; der, Hutalnger, Hodgson, and ilitukti, Preel, Aires, • 4 . ; . Biotic& ailed u tem. • Om:Mose orl QUALiffiC•tioo4llepollell in E4TO(I of nOrradarettie moiety of J: J. Hake to SLID. r month, and the salary of -Str....fitildiey 100 ' • :.• - • Hogroittae on l o ose for building ..keposes is= potted in !Star uf the sppolotmeirof:a com• I Minim .40 obtiin legislation to authorise 'Wel _Board to neirottati a ban of 1 50,000, payable, within twenty dye years, co coupon tiohne,;to be ; lamed by the Board; and bearlorgelts.Par neat.' hit/, payable semiannually, _and .td he re . Owed to the order in which they are designated.. The tore no the adoption the repent resari !Drivers : Yca•-,:-Idreere- &grace , Ilodifnm, Hoy dtr; trkeveti-Plialuout fiesfer. E d monds, Lim :• - - Iloyet,'Pos, Derr, Hutalzinger, • • • . - f . :The President ippolot.4 on the Clainistitte4. *rears. Waded. Ittieafer ind Oa 11141140 at Mr. Higfrie4 it woe ordered Mai tits number of ftnol boors be ay.. pit ditie tintal the drat of April. . , • Mi. - -itheefer 'paled ittait/on to tbe maidier of tboptunebmeot of ebildnon to b. schools. and eheitteted :bar the whole natter be referred to r i : l 3 o zs p mittee oral:VI! , 10 repo t rt a thereoL d t. On raid committee, Besets. i3beafer, - and Boyer. The fulloiriei bills were road, and ordered to be paid ; &Aornoulloorer, Boyles Lard,. . :04. Derr,... :, Lease bloyer...L. Wm. Adj ,orced. I • . only 211.oenfik for a Savaior Oyster Alm al i'lotten Lidiuolliants Ileatacuaat. No. 191 Mel fee street. Pekes reduced to salt lb* Caw. Call and sea folyoarealsree. PACCLILDINOS is nut Lloaoron Colnitotr.?--A mated 'risottos of Council Tali beltilingnetiday meting bat. Prestat, Illieeere. 'Dtruthslier, Ilistris, Christian, Russel, Littber;. Efelfner, Cootiran and Brown, Presideut. Committee ou Puma& reported bill of Mr. $l2 32, ooriso f, aid moommerided pay ment of lb, same, • r; Committee on Fire Apparatus reported • new phut platted aornerof Centre and Illsb streets. Committee on Lamp and Rata reported lam to Centre street opposite Clsy Monument Mt- p . Room Comniittee reported the hater on west aide of C , oneeti , Bodding mettle, and lh, t they Lave a new Llvhflaid heater to be p1..r.• here. Committee nal Construction reported en.vert to Fairview Street ;fitiabecl; . • . A pint COMINIMICait:OD from the severe) fire companteeof the Borough sating Cauca lo ace• iome,tbe payment of their gem bilk, wu read end termed to the Committee on', Firs appals; toe: The Bcpcinigh:Tremor:wart staisidad For read and gird. The following oolumenleatket wits read 'and Sled : rsCounett rf;rht torovjh Of rottorn r 1 1.1! , e to take notice th at the Fast .P.tabytalan t bomb, of the B•icigh of Pottsville. _.elattos that the bonds :me held by thanes Rent; }Ad siren or beard towel chnsib7osid Cooed], are wroestolly withheld by Mahon sstal Chock, sod that the bond now doe and 'the lutenist ah the easse, the p 0 .4 Ping Pnwhytertan Muth. of tba Bwoerk of potteville, Is !malty entitled ta and they do hereby Shin you not to my the amount of tall bond an I i n - Vaal now dna to the eahl Thomas gassel or any ions t pawls, no los de/ antbotteed by the aid ?test Presbytettee Match, c( the Borough of Potte,rthe. .(elved) Jose Watree. . ?inert', tor the Pra.byterlin rommka, Dec ii. ne riot e:. •• •of Pott akar svi & lle. I The followtoil bills were Seidl and Misted to 'be paid:— • - Morgan 'Reed treet hands. M. Zwetbel.. • . ..... Edam Dery H. J. Headier 14 Co U. B. Smith %V. H. Davi. H. 3./L1011011.., . 8. Ilawley..l. W • tik"Jer Previous isine; Adicratned. ' fruit Jors, .1.1:y Jar', . -ay linable* he Pt . P"""ing ?i'leou, ben be bad at Trogelii Sins and O's.s attire, 256 Centre street.'" tf • . i Pierrxsiul Code.' Mr. timid Berger wbo re, iiidee.t bctinylkill Raven, we us told. le fattier! In so uofortunate emunict. He ...reed faithfully lea soldier in Co ? C, 50th Ps. soh:deem and ibt• ten It bite butte Perimmome of bits del, loaded is ins woe with hi. sceontrensents, be kce 10011 . Way and he v.. tined to yield fora tint. tff a tree that finally ended In :hen-present slate.. Christ commanding the 201 b, freoneutty 5 .1 Mr. Berger to mter Me be plied, which be k e ever ref a nd to do, bat staid with his reel ect and b lir ,erred out hie whole tam of tmlbdroont. Os' retumbig boots Mr. Berger was employed by be Banyan! Navigation proupail Oa • oak tisaisoeir, and be wim hers noted for ire. •ofitistry, and it Vol; only when his disease cam pelted hlm • Mod he finally yielded up io it, had laid to his Mre Mach to main Mors until the LPi . .... , day. Mr!. Berger bait raw bon coedited ie bed stone August, 1666. and is real' y fn • lorible copditicita He Is suffeeing free • double enmities of the spits, bail paned out, dictum and cartilages of • ribs loft, mid the tine stint is natty compressed. - Mkt hover intent is weaken, while he is deprived of Me entire nee of ids legs, he not being able to get cat at all, eitber yob's" witbmit enactor. His spinal affection and . triv.kso frame we. Induced by expaturo incident to army liffe, mad hit condi Uou now is indeed pitiable as well se helpless. Bis disease isinettrable, sad theyoktk pbyima My be may this :Ilium snanzie. Re le the Either of four interesting ob mil with the sonotanee of the citizen of sold ace the foal llytave Moe far been kep ,at of— Poet No. 26, O. h. II Um now a= l,l t . a Or fOlaribli (MS of distress on the permits, in Maw arab*, a fund to mean Ibis sere • bonze, and they now appeal to all to ties Monty to gin' but o little in order to Mb brav e onbt whet but kroksebbeuttat soldier. Ve t his dr y t dher then greet of seff,ertog In tble County, and le tru oo ss Mat o oor oug MM. anis Will remember the soldier, and midst Poet 26 to their editta to plass Ude istsa out of want. ChpL Jame C. Helm, has ben outbatind to motive oontributions, and all . each will be .4...... 1igu1uPt1/ abkom M bralgil W d. lad tbe sottosotto'mo'mowsat Mr. B' . UlnWhis apical MU sot cobsmmand is vain, cud It is boped ellamid tbois whir desire lo give stir get to mr, belgb- - Mboroceir it Ought ha WI M. cell lied see , eer, as bia Median VIII offset tit' strong. in of the Moog.' • _ Ocetinaitii Ws Insurance 00eepeay ter Fine York,e not la asq wey OCISON4IIII entb rug oduer exeßtny either life at , lire, dat Is the man saall We lemma ceisvez4 of tia..aittc , /AM vomit to MMBSIZ=::I • Mbewowobor Tel* 1.,...-dos ;, lLimner, Dacembir ftbb.—lbo Mott wooed at II WOIOdt; la the bittrniag thit (MI cwww. known ea "door cameo Oott two owl win WWI Ibis lust WAY. s. katino . San' ?Woe TO. CO' Xszehafter Com Oemplar. tbto was so Nike ItHreowor woos Ibr Work dope by POW for no disodut..t ke eons" at Iradao, vale ts iepiesibereists. lloftetno. Vontlet to 11 . 011 IT, Yam* L PrbnYbr,, to the * nee or-the Iranolief Beior et itboyUCLU (*by b. lbw* I *frt. Tilt .It a Ahmed taste to detreedsebldch et the perdue Ink tai Rs . spa dint 11, yak hbreoert by bites tr. bake la U. !babe oohed be Baser. deb! bobby. clod to be great et 1311:iertab cad wrens Were &breed ea the presdars. Did br bum, webbed Ceepectboy by icheyter sod by wail do raa.ussdimani Ai k Peaseltbh- babe disibed Wog cederii sairlis ad ebbed retesed to Yob libber pity. I lab - ebereiriaathadiv U. Wird 4.6 , 1 AitiP, Jai owauy mart; liiimpea to tail b mulatto. as bee bed ly btreol at robehdbuy ! =s. dada old be obbi bto at 1 • ~Mid thibyter es pekoeb eb Übe to y britideb besteier; bad Iltbayier allowed thog irks buiritiale host blab, aubliet eltroiesn a mkt bele 1,11 orb lathe** betled..d thet atherinoth bdeg tbst hi *own be hocked I •he *be of theta lobo the Debbi abs. OWE. tee* der blicobers bawd Uri Mob tst. y, Otii beam amber Ihr ahem !km said brhaist M hbetr - bcrybdet el be tote led the amtill fir. ND the kitima gbh betbd. thc , *mom to as tlqDdif amsl IL tam ia. ewe sows WAS flair 11111 i elatiau wow; - vrasirtioompimia • am* , - ot. • IlitAWks. *Wary don by nlitiod. 4 ddl.. a remastild view eraddlas of die .dtvideat -t vs br Iplibitle' 4 rldallild• "FM* Vat to , itertoty root Wil e a • didarld to *OM, t Itaati.kid lkodter tat erred to' testate di Ice Weir don on Ids eplatoUlt, Odd. I 11,41•••• Mod ad na. Tao *kW wa• bottled os fee rail sod' the tall of rat to raw' mad* • lam Mottos Widen fraa its Ireat e ,Cio. did leer iimiaamillo iaa Isla imam Ws; tans vielettide me nod t blb elmot. Me Compute Mod tie W. iM dos liar* bar lie malabar Ntet lastaaa Um Wu •11.04 ay mania bar gob. bed* so Nast EOM* MOO Of RalOseadr 8114,424 Pia We Ltaalsa isb ea maw the oda vas la anima, damps kee the laid' &Ulm*: Mame isaa,thot, as anima - Maki% P bad abooloond iaet. ttot all tad' daubed hot dam ram a saws at at eerily to tarp Alit la santiedet eteddlan. Ma air um adeormilta abed slid ispaloot the bad.sad tendered ONO *Wilt In as pad ecetataoraa abe es beam% sobjtet. "MOM Of their eanatelauges as and caeca.. Verax lot 64outast; • • • Joe. Father°lt. Adalithartdth _of George Moe es. Joke Sire sad Mai Sthiraits. Ids was as action to resew to a 'therewory moth dm la the Staab" nothber ponableto pest."4le,) sold try the tthe thcfassisilta, lace maw east.' bed Ildhwerts WEN*, &tad Ili* INS *SU las.. - to theater or George RSA tor Beef'. Gorge Lai to by name wee a dblete 111215. d tatensethiss habits and ear.the hula. who kr emu:Asa [Text:, years Issil mode his home etlth bb brother Jobe. sad Is WA:a wife ,demo bunt to draws Cut Whale= be had left owe Wilda world Mould go toe GUIs boa of Jahn% Ti. dame! AI. lagad thet title ows sash a tosteset so to reseal 'l* eoteei both .I.rho Ines, law stud Is Om puittot of Triggs' for With= %M. TM Crut Med that "ea madam r honest egged both pestles, could mot be assiatabsed oa moth a natio described. sad Sheet. ed.the Joy to lad ix the didadanNh, which mar es o:watt Or Shoe: Teirsoulr. D.V.n Wishes e S Ch. I% Schroeder* CatL This was sa altaatneat resection to otiose. the mated to phdalito al ins • ea a note. is the iljietrrolhele glees by George Laser to the dd itaa;lut t . 114 daioniams alleged that Laois bed ghee twos halm* htadvethep war Mt alb* cote. behec the ittiebasent Gesiod. The Cosset' rulei that the Ouractroa ate Its Um Was 10e01 that rqular, bat! lee AutraCLet 'to bee It huh ategadcw; and thenekeee.)reeted the hog to And So the pitththils.—, Ve4tlftritetattar^^ , lVl. ' both 8 . lelLese 04. S. Yentst.— knout ow a gshmirry nag :sin° gins tithe pries of a sou .iouns . staa by of theST to desksdaub The bast al leged that the wars .wes sot hood and that ► altewae Wtt~j is haosarsyeSottery td p'ethtliTs go manse. rtieetlee is ,e mermen Welled kaird to 'darn 1.. stia, who whet to nears let, ;and she Itself.' tcreeeide pubilely sold as as tatray. • • Ve,thet fat defeediat. . . h,ene Me ney.,Arnatait: the petit dlickwirel sit the jewel, of einputneled l the due ock trial. which Inn 0CC,407 allk liglit Or to ll 012 IMday:nnet tag : -We canal tbs. Om irbetbei the Sally sessions of Us. Cast maid net be bald $1 dZaeat boas bon the Oftent.eo es batter to assieluaod Ma all outlet in. There la noir Ora datlj. eeielnen Sr= olt3 ioclosk and has 1)(to 14 Il lenp.Md to Itibor,ltate Heiler; boat 91'0 9 or 2. 'The fatter arrainreamnit would save we eras walk ' and Aga o t: o oeib,tow ifferY doi; It would at. - font the lawlerklolellttls Un. at' least for sake w , , t. (which* pan; le eat ot, the question); end: ;Doti teenycnter4.linecionettet:e 'and *arm woad the qsq tae , beedt 9f 1 3gUlget to treyel tons 11. at• • ter 24 &11l ; Tne t ET: noune ta.the city e*ts, we benne, are le tnA sad Aoene. wieeneetkete ate ano3 1!" - lteh stench. Jcaireit end lawyer. sifyiitedsallatd ended the pear • • Miaii;MEi;l wastimiroToift, D. .. ~. '... WoutteevostAt C., Dec P. isc& : • Iteieob..penor iireitux: •Di a Jet toptialott derltitt4week tetittoe eafeelatt was doe -tad for the tzi.' ettisioo of to ccisferatan'ltshie of den. Grant. to be; ted on the cloth temp.:4 the Tretsam • Tit thee of Vtrianti will . hi ettLied,' Map" had. dt7 le% sr ' our' treed prompt harm ape the bll In re.facch to {clever,* emaituflosttoes *mei the unlltt ihttlee sad forettit 'eoutatits. • dlectuoton L fotkna as to the proprltty of &tag this meteors preot o'er otters. and micas attempts made to yottp U.' Itr. flattote. %owner, eiteeKty poueol the to of ble WI. WE heroic Beasts has the hetind highest letteetta of the heart, and 7 1iii let he, tf he is tot b ter, the grand otetral kat (.1 the head& ,7 .114 51 . 424 . 26 5 22 9 01 . 11 93 , A 1.7 11vely de'/ija la the Hem' the Geore Is BM. was mhedu We apidatedU Im Teadey tty &ewe of ttWel. Omani Beam the chic:plan of racie st/14 to the Roam meettetel Ita Itimahh 10 spite of movable erePeelthet. prince Committee matdmotety detenalead to Pmt *.,10611.10n thiutgli the Basso warm sparteme day .4 mouth for ettlaidmily Dialtzlekbadated .. . . •Te hr . lamed a ' s t risidnesei the nen. In viewed the maati 0 quake • et th ,Ign MLA* r th lk V . th at all kw . =SW leaving 1611 en; el the next stz months 631211 be i ed. • S kis Is Wipe the cost to Um tout* of lass . Salim{ Instillon. i. - . • • Y.lerdit waa Intadpill7 &Wald bdhcunionsln gas* tad • debit* on the lit: In wa , af. w sea • wpm to this alp la SRL • Tie time me c br in aft Dina* Illilleddt of opposed the bIU oe t►e BMWS of bin& ae !rote anneunlattion with nu ea rlot &Intent' ware curly& Lodi the bW rotund • tilos on the Laidect, • • Wt*,2 mover thµ W prner aomaltbare aelid le Inquire lota the entialiatel or Irh 'a ithi..ninnher at L!eutinint Gleorimp, 'ape, ' • and Midi we to hi tin) eidpienti Ale it+ , • • . pip= ware yesterday r Itantlinicated 1 ;1 tjtio of l tefennee to the pe4rwis at the &Ishi& at falai. Senator Swaim .rostoileat Man inhke, maul and etividell fa trte:rclunet bite adjourned 'wad Jilt. lah, Into: A 11, • !ibex of, fienald,s Lott nitubsta bin airrady At their homes to rued idle goUdar4,l • ' pci . acinlag ere 1 *pike of tar tyro diunitud t irldsmea. ; • • . Indleationt an now that wb will late sae/W. home* In point of wirb4; • hat all die opened, inn the ins is doing his makethinei egreeib!► S. ti . p, . XlDpLivioolT . 1 It • 'J • t A .-0. li• • • 7 . evantog, I*. • larh, antrum of a ?Of genteel appearanoi, • ' • • t ill years of age, came to Cantatas Makes 1ot• •„ to Ilithilagest, and pet iti; tot the idltht•— • Ai be pretended to be . photographer sod went •• .to haul In town sod Made Magagements I;ttouionitam, offering Intake them rag ~ 1 0 1 ! rt• rue cams glad th e mosey la advance. Nom , . • mate his headquTten at; Bosalart Hotel to E; time. - • • ads, Itr. Bowler butchered, anti did not get ... unit omits hoe. In the nieimilma to guy to. ;the key to la boatoten,:rana tali toln he M Mien whiaator .be am. AL WI Darla was • lag to bed Iltil ananitig,ittareiuce I Le_ Cu nut . ..._• . tak a harry to rise neu miming; ',bat tem son; was ready ha treat to Oa mutat room to •• and liana the doer locked and racelont no . • trom eitaln: lie tainaged to gat the door • ud.lo his utatuanuott b kcis , d :go " KIM Illitiuffer, he baehig &unapt! use time eight, taking 1,4 boo a Tamable shawl be: um to K &slit. sad two good mints leg • lk% Bookie. ! be scot bad ii l eg en.. nuoldelog his tantrum ile would oats IS. moranduril aU the dr tolk be' took. .andi up' ~ • mu ins maals, te.„ btu weer' yield pay oat 1 -• I ' ! ' 412 39 ... 44 50 nw .... 100 45 . 4 Otio .. 84 86 ... 45 - so 2 oo .. 2 00 . . 25 00 ... 18 92 to for the Meet of the UM. led lON Itha: He Y e Oold , eacd-rojaing, well =:=s= nerd: LIM swim Kee dri:die Of blind:ese es iteek,Sad a crippled aortae ble i'Figtelsaed. ' etekii he men a 'Sid winc'he wan . suck. l to tell tie MM. *me lisoini lam 'Donis Yours' tml, yr. cws.i `, • !•••••• I• • • • Be : 4a-4* D.l:' wink • Maier hat 'throws tar • Stiosod is. wad . hattimieof antillat r talc cone atth lie chastise sok* vs beaks of as's, tag et Itethhog oath Us Cold guts, easttsg atm to the ;has of tLe - Mad hs b the shrill *Jahr Iha alid,otztatilog felt% tas *es of the acrd balls. sod Wt.. bet sot : kitsti 5)&4/. Is 7. clip • alts—that masa has taltailts totiost atlas". • ad that cold utstatlasSe "tiittla icageavars,* • • • Naos lo be paha; ready for the holida* esscondloos tocidsot to taw: kitty' flaps oar isfacts,try , ; sistitesiss.. %Math gawk thaersAf t _ .h to ' h i" 4411 / 4 ' Swig the holidays. atthottlet Stplattotal • school win CSra thstiestadslaataat an Ist. Mloisuasej edda4 Deassatigi'lith. sad as Ilortos Yoaday rands& D:csaitssilath. le it; MIL She fealstlaes, Mike*, ste:, arc pr* , ay. Thy, mad Orator Osiliskip, tent,: iati will ewe to all isa °p r eload? to Waal Sasebo. Tbdt aka. la the pat b a wail • • urt,timry le I. sod war. "arcilft• Mad.. The oyes Iki • to mint* the Mvary•—in i= yelleenlrenrcark OM Mob of , • • . Sal vell.bilas of thti fltUdne. Pilattre Ilabodis liebbasS mewl gittl to* ase.o anueigeft; i . maw ai New 'fir Witt, Win VT, Pa 1 , 11 0 41136. p0l - • ti Woes list am; Woodsy eyed.", • Iry slisittie of ti;/ DYekt ; Al to Clatr ; Ada PM, Oslo, totk d 11* iikidlay, • sill prieseL :nalstis mind UN. ernine Ihishadatka of a booth& gold void' sod ; lo "sot Du& malt . swim radon. z nes .a.. .a.. . . - Pasidni at *nom . it lona Par. ai la. Olatt Diantata. l. Om sonat• la at Us annals/aft Paputi :. Conn: stoat la WI. in& a no= . 4 . pppanbas. art . .w . di NNW to tis aaciaita. . . VIM !XlMtpl •illoanal.... B. brag . al y at sawn raw a etkossa wont .to , ii Nauss* sins canbage WIWI • • .aura .& OS sasap.dal sad ispossias .L . Is a inn strs• *P. alaal mini Sta. sal, I oassas Is bp *At Ibao atm a • • .• to Pm. A. • taifyi" adipose hi sass as • '. .. . , . . -.: : arr. ma. mama i •- . lba Man% at tia Hair Aputbakibiptp• 1. Ws amino. Ise immerial nallealk taaatt.aideablabba blab ban amitabftr. Nt. Rama% bp kb Had.: mid imaiskiiia the NI ma at amer Mies Mlle Ma. rad la Nan Wt is Wm, MI at Mar. air Min acalla aral Trawairi..aoraMmerbir ablatilliapbpaitteladb*lai IWO; alb. 81114W ollftalko*V. lark It'a let Om 4 .... lidr w bs hit++llsltrtt dzupchat Cierib!lo siaimeisoca• dm* %bag '-'316E . 8 . 1t - ..: 0.'5 1i3:60-. ==l Wiwi the 'name of M. Rochefort • 'wait called the other day, , in the, French titalle'des Etats, the Prince, Imperial was observed to laugh; wheritipon the Rercil f next morning, In replying this 'behavior of the heie,pre: sun:pave to the, throne of France, salted his tutor to,point Out to the Prince 'the page in history which tells how Marie Antoinette lost her life throtigh:a smile and bide the Prince to beware of a gesture of contetopraitned at one chosen in plaeo through popular suffrage The Joutwil (tar Paris thinks it would have been setter had the Prince' repressed his out- wend" exhibition of Joviality, 'but says that Rochefort, is a ; severit pedagogue' to at once take scaffold' from his pocket in order to Peprove the smile of • Prince. • . '• ' A New Cones, .it is &isnot:ll'okt, has been discovered at Marseilles, Prince:, by the:W. tronpmer, TempeL It was first s observed 'at 9 P. 14.. on November 27 , 94 in the Constelli- Aim Pepsins, -Right ascension, 811 degree*, 16 minutes, and•declinition, 14 degrees, .16 minutes. The comet has no nucleus, and,ap-. pears like le . 'nebula, measuring- 15 minutes an diameter- It ativanices froln west to east in Right • Ascension, it this rate of one del gree every twenty-roar , and in: the same time, hanges its,dealinatlow at the rite of ,filli-five mitiutea. . Dec. xl.ll - . Arran sU the attradkos. and. induoments to Wt drawl l isother end taw *thing homed meet Phil ad coweelp we notice that therold establish I.' rs Itocurca. *taw not 'foldl bolds its own. bat tape padt with the niod. urn improredeuts, actually taking the. lead In dust of them. Their; "Great Brown fieli" hi staked trod beamed to root, with ertitything that ehn be Wild for, he meat and.bors wear.' Purchasing their s lPA aterials, es they'd°. ,in masa quantities, fuming tba entire du i dud of wails Ofinikon oortoto Quito atom., !Lets failitke for huniebiag their antra with supertin tidies ere undapaseed. . There is no had a asr Pbgadottthis at say other city, obi& henna emoted arragements for , Mailing Up he gads; sad trimming tam In the mat es, rumba* Vie. Both to the "ready dads" and defertztoutaii- bosta of our readers ais testify that Itivinan 4 Warm Mrs WI to en them magi Antialsollioa. • Joke ' Timm of Is /I yooi Joke Wirer leers agp sod the,bable sheklog, by ecooomt, ?rto the meant of only gee saga • day, you ev the peenehen 013 Oolkn of two ?hemmed Dahl ID Um, AELEBICAN LIFE IHEWBANCE COMPANY. Op PHILADELPHIA. The Amell - Leh teentaaee Comptoy of Philidelphis is Lersuls e ehY AM ls • C. LUAU. th, • 1. . KITIETI Ccarca DIM • • r Our radars moat' not fart that while Wananisker &Own lay 'strati 40int Weir Sitady-mads Clothng, they nersetbs- La him • Custom lawman, largar an te thaniey rairchant woman establishment the cdty.• lon 01111 said oaf your measure tbsr• and got inane elothing ail pa Irmakihill ocald destroy and at most reasorable prima Sidi ikkrenu. 3 , Was= mango to NU ea' cheap as they do, too doo'clolow. Ws ooshint dolt onnoldeo von to by. And so do Add onz Notionally do, thronß to „BOCCI= W ks % eboorfor go that way; sod Madly an °omitted' a 41 to Ad ray , folly toodat4ad, /ohm hr tha Goias Sao di In • vort of Ito porattate. ; Lira Wm/am is far ill dusts. Ms rialrfivie lt beams it 'is • Veal investmat,--mrs sad predates. Tao middle cameo Us it teems It is the but et "vat "isyllautp tzearli". and fame lag tbe mine that •- ma woe us apateeistbst It beams it embial th em oat of aingitas toprmie moron far cid sire sad EM nlk& for .urar attaitalss &L au ha Is has jam Neu decided that a menu bus perfect HOC td wear men's elathea as stare no she *aner. There is so need tar arty Raab the deeielia that,paige• anike abate -ewe ; for IlocaSlU.• & • Wilaull ante maeadaie miasmal. eo dalighltalte adma n! So the Mg' that ale -Wish" davad at swam WINN" thq allegahal dellaines LLineretalkare best ass. f, • ad all WO bra seri hers MI bensanseasn are eillesaked eramealdad la prepartlea as Me? . irr ar deal bay elver !Main elf. . Woo= ' , Owls,* goo timid doosiga sod hom oo you wife% cooassoasoo ? Would los ban yew &nod krodidod tirio demo O d joy wilideeia woo a* boa Wl* In& dot- M Imo, to OW* 0 1 1 Wm= is tsar r boot a , Vita rot moat Ooodiarati ot ibi • irodosalt oomfort. . Lad pm mot a% dco lico for Ur disking of ad the dub bo,ledtollic WU& rid dip by_ dodos hst du& Moe% & wo* toodird. and AC deep. Aka Rocs ad. ZOOM UMI. ft IS 41 Oa ike did that mod toll wpm, ' Oar ardor, old Ma& JuvenilesO Wei dial% (NI we imod lb* boa Wan se iis.) & Wasoot. - annrasitions or An nyvaLsr. • in Air Wiest tit iug gat reaFm• slho voter ana 2l•ntuitZunk ••q pbleg tele mom a! ii&Lcus. W amp 1110 oralkft•Mt; I Dee 11 red suet tn. pa red•tair s postosil eirseadra - mtsrattuik prikannh IL Ir.' • . .• rilikll,,oreSro• , . ismesimmusa - lailtuks•ii tt • - Nrsofsprerdiciamilaalzakaa Lift Brown's Brocelial Intl loot knerwilinh, boost reNati almaaamers, toralia. Clamariama mod Tst.o.l(Duausito 'sr i,se a , arab,* eleetp ' air+PCS=i«dp ..,f. ro dogma itil.'ea•l ta ! 10,64 • - *spat teistatia..- - mqszar at the limbo gm wain rig whop kwilwam dm V IVO' IWO ow owl ,Or motliro Pio* le woo 17 Awn nontaiL ?wag: I. • As 6166 with EN. Jr. a. li k eileniy 'pastor ' is the MU, ems 48 .46 %Win try "maks • annol.--- 4 quaint Mr:am; # . Mario I gave ivgatgagg oe anti:lent Qnan4tjr, isle meat saw give mins be low pa id 420 p .. nun, cHRIsT4.4.s. ?Mal is** All . . :eh -autism, WM all MeV* , the lultial lief a emetare was Mtn. ill area a maw: lbt will bag by the ehliterey In Wee thatilt. NithcMßoor lama be Ms The Mika Pm asetillallana ta therc Why Mill aistoll 40 attar WM+ dam; tt latll MAU • All maws la heit!terchlet, awl I la ity eap, . Had Jew settled asst baba with s loq vtatermap ; Albs act as the lawn there scale tech *clatter, 1 iptaaa lees - ay btd to Nis WM was the waiter. Away to the wtodoar I dew hhe r ,Ttnra,Wpas the thalami, all easy ay the sub. 'lll am am the basest al Is talltilles Gave the Mee of midday triableite bekhr Wl Mt Isis my ircialichat Madan* *MIA gat a :Midas skip ell eight Clay teillev, Whit a little old driver, au They ill Mar I loati la /Mama It on* be *AM. • Md,ilwa eighe We coanwei they maw Wad * wlle ed eied llama all called thaw bl • - . Begatl slats, Itaticest Passel and ..;140 07 . • nun I • • • • O.** emt. CaPtill es. Do:0W eadillitabi I To the tep of thiPasebt.ta th e top at, itail . ! • ,To dash 'env daik•wq, l dish away, all! . dry letteri that Were the wild Maltase - • When nag m ti t•writh o abetiele moan: to the sky,: lb tip tothi'hoine-teptlie ttersent they dm With a aletggtklt of toys and Dildsida• too And thin lota twitikhl I being as the spot the pese dd and *stag tt radb mu' hoot. Is I &elite my head sod use busing atoned. Down the chimney R Nichols@ tame. wj h a kound. He was dressed all Ede Wed to his toot, fad hie &doe venial Webbed irith•sibee sad Pvt.. • tempo of tats he had dug an Ida bsck, " • Lad he loolad llke • was:jilt *Wig Iddpatk: Hid eyes, hoer they i"in)thtil bleed/bp*, tune wary t Rhi &tots were llti roes, lue saes likes them moat! vii down *alike • bir.V . Led ail bout of his elthemie r white se the wow. The memo at a Pipe he held tight la blebs*. • had the intake ft setheled his bead like • wreath., ' He hod abroad ease sad a little pond belly. Tad shootterhea he leashed like a bowlful at Jetty He was shabby end plum a right lolly old 'AM I luOid at" I n • Ida to Dolts of myself. , • A sink ot hla ege atii true. of i , laut. Bow gave mos to ka4w I had aotlilag to dread: • Rat etrolin'acd • woc4, tat went etraigat at 'hi jot had sled all the stocklege—then . tarned With a jerk. dad Wing hi doges; addle at tee 'now • - • And &tag a the e'4laiaey to Sam • , • Re !prang to hie alegta,Lei his team gals • "blotto, Lad slay they all !fir lik the d ion at • *LOS— Bit I heard him ettiella. late drove cat of 6.161, •llerry . cbiaelaa• mid sad to al lived :ft,dAt 01201. • . , , . , auk a buret of beresuly muatc, - • ' ' Fism a band of awsphs;blight, • ' Hodttettly to catih desponding, .La the Oahu sad anent night ; • To the shepherds of Judea, Wetattial fa the 'wittiest dawn, ' Lo„ they,bes; r the Jolla! tidings, - Jeans, Ptioos of Peace, le Donal • cuoars.-'-ftwest lend char that's angel wok*, ' Echoing tbuingh the starry AY. they - ebant the heavenly charts, - • • • "Olori bete God Slumberingfa I lowly entager . Lllsthe 'flighty told Of all, , • 4iid beforeetheLtly, Stranger Sat •thie tree - Allow shephecds . „ hail mos, the long especial, Tull of whidoot, lore and grace,- T: redeem Els ruined fuseattrik To eastern bur fetleat nos. ' • • ingelit-wake ttie °kaiak , Bo lel sensoneed m.a reply. , Chisstlag the ciekedeitiathem, • ' ' be to 130 d ois hlgh.*, , LW stab Mica itorning itteaklegef'sr the world below,— • -Tells agate the waudroas !wary . • 43heotertb! heard 110 long eau. . Who shall eitfll crurleinethl Who the tide of pealed • Wkteb Ile blessed angels taught as ' In the fields of betltlehem? . Crotra.—Ha* We beer again ilia dom e through the atom ski, • • Lod am Son the toomorly - Awtbecci, ' • "Glory!), to Gad oo ANTIUX • , lir Oa Amt.-110,00 God fnSas hfattest 1 . Glory to God, Glory to God, Miry to God to Use lastest I . BhIU be Oar 1014 to-olght, L,l. Another yeses deb aterotes prove ' . aws, and broodier IrrN ; • 110 tat tsw•toitdsat voles' rate . • Oar haPP.T.cart4lawi wig of praise. than Czoays:--GlOry totlod tattbe highist .. Glary to GSd io the h ighest! . • ' POMO am Berta, good will towards area, • • • Glory be to Gad oa,hlgb. httatottoL-014, to Clod la the hicheit.l . , • 1. The Bong that wok* the 'lmitate morn 'When Davkra greetie son vraa bona. Snag by an heavenly host, and we ' Would joltrtle angelic eotaYanY. 111) Coottet:—Oloi to Old la,Che ttlybeati, I ROME= 41 -, " = 1 ARE NO* BRADT atilt : the iltheatanct fleicaaia la moil - Fa gully . 1 1 •• : •". " 4 : ' • o . l7 .barga/11. Clad: menaltaa an. ; • l ecat.tag l / 4 - : ;. . Akilau I.2icilicac • '' i 1 ; ICap tbre I • . _ . ....- Jlegta.orpie tsiiidoso ' • .'. ... . • laasi.d y ' aa aUfbe p • • ~ . Illoatig : at the • •' • . , . I ' 411,91 asdlllll.l ' Lia.Acaa : - i.. Ofeati - ' •• '• .: : ' • sit: . - - . •laNsgao • ash nla.! Dialtorat D.. . , Wirer; Milan ,- • I*eV ' jar emir. tot.aad - Lowesiicesix*ht, 64a;it . ilisiratiiit treta seficseti :, . '. .. len;cits ar:satiani 4,iinici, i '. . . New is the O l af to lay mrtaA water *thee ; tb; and s mai, • :- I 't - ' - Bat the nab. fa treater. . ; A ... FrOV3 an puts of this SIMIL .. 2* Tao bait arm ia .1 ! . ' . Be thaar It; Clo th s . AJ the Gnat Bevaralimil. • ~ • '. , . I i .. • . .. ' ' Ph' Udell Ws ROCKHILI 603 and 605 CH TN L UT Street, PaIL4DELPIIII. alto Sept 918d9 DeafleAm. AllimiseeeCialerrh' treated mlibeaccese. by J. Imam; N. 13...Py01.r0f Iftemeed Nye and Bar: We varlut,i le the Ilidkal chalets et ls yearsammiesce. _ jot Layee. Idol laad. No: 606 Arch le, PIOe TeehleaMiM it Idea. dm The medical famine arCjinittd_ eatlMPara ra= tise l eyes mimeo vitioni pale. Joys tii—it~ !aims Styles PO sad , Meteor Cloutlig. 'Oar frock Is,aanstiall7 and cittra!,,Mitlng any nttrdy ant ad &Stab!, sty Mot - gestured lido .1 . • - • • '- 'ileteo, Youths ' 4. * Boys' .Rmady-tifarie 4artneßts of all ktads. stales aid ski. Tao tam atyllaa goods ; eat lu tae latest Ista'os. as well as phases sad mon =dente area. -matted to ail Wats,' aid belles la 'attle. Pit ead Wodusaaskip. tam MI other 'stock of tead74made Ololauag to Pal:adelthles. Also? a stoke aelectloa of • Nem Pa . • 'ult'en will be ludo up to ceder In the - bestead teat ;imam for tame with prefer. Alt'Prlma guaranteed . lower than lb. lowest elsewhere. md amlalactloa guaranteed army perrhawr la all Min* e! Ono !wig ameelled and =may retmaded: lar llazapien of material seat by malt wbcp desire Tat etEleUla etthP , read74 l olns_!!__BUda to Order. ' mutt, between Blrabi/LTT M CO., . • • MUM and 1. • r • • 1312 4 MAL. ' I Te are !Iret Wee.. Palladelpels. And Win BrostinwNliw rack, 'ea - . _ ; - uovasse Axo•ce Ifriii:' . . - , Tara are DURO perioes dl. crew) from Mutual 000 huts rasa tram askrbthac Cigla. • In.', ono aboo'd•reco:l4.3 that 4 orgloo: 4 .10:4241 or cold oft= to cuestasptwa. —l=oosponad .Byrop of 'Tir. Is th e beet, rehab o ankle kouvra for lb. care of Caubs. WA'. A•thlss. (Itlrottic Catanai and bore Throat. Fortg nalef of Wboophz Corio Wee I. acgivair equal W IT. rrite pr : p l ff. fi Ci aro. l. l 7 =l• l l4.ld i ll g° roAs Drag grq iltlnerrWle. and the aeWelpilL4ng larostahoor the toostry. • : ••; , , •.. , . • RtroaiLL & i. 4. 1 .041. ' i n Pallid*. Not n ,' d7. ; ; . . • ; Thus threat s Plicibettialli . • , Bastetaw's Vatted, &at* Alm •- for tea, i lbr iiktribtition. maitellitleglicint - trui USlod &tato and 0 oyilludcosintries et the Western Hemisphere, is tow ready L..r distribution. and ill sibs) isehiti Orin. ,damtanit the true philosophy of tempi °should red sad ponder the rahmtge suggeatiotia • ebritiina. In, addition to an adrolizbie ined:rx , '" • : op Me ea .. 4u* , preventing and care of - 'C A ,. Jo of ills• eases; It embraces a largelairoon M ien:ruing to the toorchani., jttie minc,' iv , the tanner, the ranger , asillig nal aim,: mid the calcliations hare hew for w t ileilaw s 0 " 1 " 1 " 1 " " Iry meet :table Lii.ll mini and etaatitatanalte Nay statmati,,,p . a . .1 . - • , ,: - . The mason, goes, 114,.,xtre,xd.771:71 irlisets Of B 4 O37IiTTOrd ffimucu g i tie maid. sink and. a` evader - Lore, th" 7 th, v ,r„.u., 74... 11. 1" Mil at t. forth iti. kir .. wham. We li *9 I—e r e r ee d ' , A pletr,rtar tlinstrigem . , yalisia MC.. i ; i Li" f 0 th e be flitaold tad tan; Ittnn taNdatel. " d O *l h ratratt'.4 and actuary' e Rawer. 001'4,4 eli d,iceeted.' ' ,Amon g the At Sala imptaring watt The euitag of tit's . rat, Ma la ma of Oa mast theft , . t..d may be bad tas.the astir Tbrpreprts lors, *aril Hostetter & Smith.. on Ipt of a two teat emp, wi:l f avant ,a my bY ma I to MO petite the ranuot, procure one to his pa! hood. no &Mud untold Mairery eily,tioirii d stank aced are eirtemilirali need Ihreaghoat !Hai entire ittrilend. 004 y Illegleerstre ii4eisee ipiJsaispilga eillegae, of doable naeletth. sad the only me tomes o Janialca ginger- the•maket, therefor the only sr . ,to be relltd co in cues of Colic, Moine Melba* Mato*, Diewti lndigestion, to geta o eVeonesser, Wes, At. ror Holloway's and Lete no *thee , A half tab @Meerut of is =re than Keg to a' libel. Sprortitil of any Other. Sold by druggists, sat 'store Plily ruses pa bottle., ; Johnston 4 goilovig ; 1 111= den, ad Arch hI, Phitsdelptda. . • • • • - • • ckiiireai Cry far •111•11earkly.sI i Tersjsyese Ceriefreals•lb- they Mr ao &Mode. tee doetoriland moth," ay they are the monads end eating Peeled? Mt thou puma furleggas. The grantee Lae ;the slosinnis oldie peprletors Cu the +lnca areal box. Tinn y dreoads what. +Among; Iloikrway 80owden, Arelt re- Fhb& , • Jane elt-131-Irtf ~A'I~Y~EO 411 Ramage JOu Sakes ewe._ sasoiviankml . mail 111 irate,to eivesT a• marra. . • aditta., by the 'Rev Dlckertoo,Yr, Wmman flakier; IA Pah A1414:10 Mile krae . a . 1 1 !.....C1.11: of PUbbadt. • • ADDUCE —DOIDON- Oa tho Slat Dee, by Dee. W. &bletipy P arts. J. li•estaa t 111940,4174 A-. 'hors..., Ouitt!or Yuit s.ole. • • • _bNDarrgpuP—On th e- lett; Ma 4. by fbe Dee. Wm.. P. Lterta, u the residence f The endow pa. new, Mr.' r.hica 'assiorrr ‘ to. me 114.4 . -aanyttles .leaepti D. Wasp. all Of Pot MUM: '• • BONWER—DICEIS—Ity Aar. bk.ble Patna Oet• aota.laate, Xt. Joao Boarra's to Mks Mr 11./1 , MTh 110 M of A - temente. Pe. , EMI lII—SIIIPSON.-:By Parr. Nobl 124 lA% M Jamas ititro to Nes. Hu sox, Oath of Port tArbou. I • -1(.4111ILS-LitUf384.—By Bev. Noble- items. December fttd, , ISM 114. Jam cell Aram% Illattiony City, ; to MumAlmir Witour; of Pon vairbutt,, pa. • 11=03121 ix*P maims - • aww" nis4 e.viu «w"""4".°""&c:Iltuad""kb. h . " - • ' 40 IMir jfac :odd Iwo ad 1/1011“.3- On the ITI Inst., la Ws Beenagt; ZUNI JAVOI, ehlteL deagetea of Wm_ .1. and Agnes dUnkle,-, meld 15 lee",l month ant 3 defy, •- , - 1 - 1 EATIILNIMACH-01 he 'ten Inst., latirryleP, Dr. A. lerammten, it neuve of (lannaia . , • •. i D/1)1: 1 0W=At ithentidash, on the satinet.atemeM ma ,Of dpOth and Ler Daddmr, aged' I jean, 11/ woos a" 7 doe. : • • • y , . riteet to petal Item mile tr.gst; f . . al/O.W 01,4.* Meals Me thai Mitteliod MIMI: - • .-. 4 • - • I MU ead lore It ~_ t . . _ ..• u A il 5`.111J5V-On the 1 inst., in Tetn*At 'lnwrshlP. MOOT doff, dugs I&94.leerr ead lapelle ream. , aged 3 Teem II swag. d adept.' • , .., . .. ; edlLed,li-On 0)0101 Inn ,to Washineloa .114rp... ' Oeesuateig, Ink 01 .bea . fi\leatlioe, anxtv no pin ? 0 Moab IMO T dare, ,;* Kg ifs-On the 10th Instant. 'le Pelt COMM Perim f 101 1i114.11, off° of John II: Ham% toed 30. yea* 5 Months OLd at Aim • ,• , - Clllllblos. the 10 th Instant. et Phlitgetten owe Melt. AIL :KM; yrial, 10 nroetts ' e#AI 15 daye.l i , •.l •• . . OrlILL*2lll , -On ' ;114 10th Itlet. lir lotieellle. JOWIO Oreeeme, In this abet year of hie age, • 01 8I1'NST.-44 the gist inst., tons; lo;t of WD. .lam L. Mltltta7. god layears. : .1 •• ' 01.11issei. Ara Meting of that Oita:Mem of the Pottsville Wan &bur.. tuilowing•menaticata abd prenitble ware asobloady &wood • Wrisam. It has fiereesi Alattieltty God la 141 wise Provdett.o.. to eudnenny ham oat MU aur late Wand and aryw4hay , rem Wsnatat ; fame . foto, be' It , osetvot„ Tbstobile tab lasabils bow I. abode. Mn kerne will of Clod, len will etor cherish als 'tom er, MI 111 it etNI aPit SC110,40,11•14 vae Manta sad Me nicolsetball opus wut *ter pd as outs tb our maw '• • r ftebotveta„ That la Na loath the *boa los , !ea • Gomm oboe pace It trot he ddelealt to ad; add his pouts a datiml zoo, 'oboe maks; thrums h its an, &ova td , . SMOLT* That will as a lam takes of ear ses. odd q.a, ;, ittez i t the Moral In . soft a =l / 1 to..tie Dammed KM Maud mad that trag t 7,77 /Mid la •tail UMW • . Jon. P . Zmr, rased fl.tastroatql kap ItAtstruirei. ammo* G. Dans. • ; • . rArrllloll, •• : CusgsgattaiLY LEGAL' IN OTICES. ' r pi aro thealkantei Vatted awes a tor tali, soma Dlearisit eo/ leshaefleeo teht. BANlDtlert."4. • , • mats 4. eAd ' nutritua & na.• julhahn. thalettoelly. sod he members et the-tale arm et, Elatitiat NALUIDitiBII., weep: old or the Ala CYRUS J. HAILER 'sod Jkktryag.. PAW itINGSD. , Intag eateceily Nand Melt eahreta. atteth sad . I Ppeartair_a thatr appdattlotalor dieetarme, DNA/ ParlisehhW bad out Pita peolkatiort. the hoortiq, ettbenteitt ut WlWedey the MA Asko:Jhelum A. 4., lee, at le Vetoes A. U. ' Rodeo la.hereby . Wei t ' &111 the cridateft et. the We arm. that discati-itie *lll be greeted h 3 the.tutd penmen oe , the sod ill dal Jemmy.' A. D. Mt% t Woe ease be shown 'to the costreq. , RJ enter of pre Chem O. IL PDX; Caeih. ' Attost—lOHN Pt HOMY. haghter .'' . . Dec IN, Vat • at at . 1 A attnantasmi• rgincs.—r.a m i XII laming to olhe gene ot Boort OrosfrO tor a pokos Trout * . Oreeirod tioteg-broo mood la as rororetiorr. Woo be/truer ;to Ur sato of MO rlior• dilit ore *Voted to Aoki! Intooliato papoest„ all Parlors Carlo • or Slid ii W oft to IWO knows Ma ours wttirot 10 It* ottloot IttO l7lll LlMUnalt;.• ' . : • lOolltit /L ItrAtlPalt, ' Or to O. r. Boadd. *kr Lititra—, • ik sik, vs • • - - - - Ur BOTlClL—lattroi or MOOD 4 6 1, k 'num um Ur ea* at IMMO Sher. trOir of Mono Nraimila Tornolow doroorott, Intro len rated to LW Woof %am *nor Maud to Um *ROO of old drostia. iroorited coma tmoottoto py.' Ira% rodoll Doran barboitehomordwomdr obtoor sot MOW ora rurosoot or sake Imam Or -row intim Odal to Or molorkroolt. . . , • ittkasirn Rua* i • - • AdirrobWom Or op a 'Kimmel astel6*a. •: i • Die MAO • • ; • • ETAC: We nillilrllO ii. , ...Lativei tato. serne e t monip a . nolcsol OOMPH ft Is v ti. 3010•01 fsL f tple lai i * t i 0 01 I I I ON Miklilitai M a dodge' at. tapall*.sgramt 12111 ilk4l 41014 . in ninon ;WAY* Inns AM ono notion V - • 1 . InIIALII,PATITINON. Wi g L: WHISAST,i, . .. - • -• nttntin Anti, le f :• 1 lisfti t _ , AMMITRA , _ TORII NOTICL.6 Letters d Admia. AMOS ON um. OC Cjimik. Blopt iess „ lataaTalionk sit lone Plh/Is4 Csarsid. balitie - by* grested to as salwit*l. theta lalattaitim dads el said dvadmil ari veginited b 0 Nub asak 140N14 sod art trims MT*" darror L amb assirt Wel omit ant Vita ,tal lame tbasitt elibeetACV to fladinivoi e!deet, . Cirri. mmignymileit 000OCiati.. • . GILT UWE nrnajj.". MillbjelliCli, /Kin_ WEI= 1114. tealellivegilisi.:- oprale VG leme*4 a thialles a? , Illisolda Csi im ompoz, at OW dam Is haoktittsi luanoir Abbas i rom an es Toll Yaks. .. Imemerecitso yee cm le otallosi etas 06:11 il . ! Ur sa Ilisalete; a*** .- ormirli. ,- ._...;..LJ_1- ' f...,. .. ~- • .-ifqbegsrpt,i' ,-,40,Ftu1/4'w ,• • <.-., r,— ..,,. i•-1 , .114 -'< :i i - FOR SALE 4Y.. TO LET< D. OR 8AL11:;-03e r, ecrerol Sprrer' Weroo,Arfead order, eatteb , ex Store, 13otther or Ile Apt. Irsecm, ' Apply to JO , N Wait% . ikii t. ,“ n o , . ... . Millen. . , .Doe 43. Yr! Belt De V! • PiAole 11011111 /OS SALE. —A Petra.- // .51111 lerrirword T Wire. ormetztery- Ono Tame. *prod trarr.Arld Ira Awed • In ' k • Ire Ado 'at armlike Ihr each: Apply, or awns IS.CLIIEWIVEOTEL, • • 111 1 .11046-1111 ' • • Piu WALTZ MA Ll OW . WALTIAMBLE TIMMS LAND.—The 'anderiegned islet private sale the following geetribcd tract or p!ece aimed, la - Breech Tomehlp. tchoy Or. not y, Wawa between West. Ram and Ilitemirdo, three miles west of Pottenite. The lug llee td. the jentliao . or the Llewellyn and newel( Railroad. teed . nowlbrangh thlalacd Ingo/ itiaettoq eon team Oar bitintred owl thte• Senta., • This ts one of Itorloodi estiialrat bad, of Umber- lad lo iil 030 1 d1. lot all Wade or hear, timber and ea/Rabic beildnagatone .11mvenlept to etzt: timber to all di ' novae". This tied wllt be aold 11th the timber or • Porobaroto to un irlUacott deosy;fro the property. the riodoratred . to, Wert Brroarttk Tovertarchnlatues fist !tom _ vl the Ptofoogb Oro Iv, Ws,* , . urr. • . z 1 MERM IN.' • ' • • No, 1171$ PotOr‘J'e. 1,1 et rOlll 11111111 Mt is ArrMOTEßcraw. L. Amis i . e —wub ekes M th e year, ere anti offer to 411 e MN aniered /ea COM. COI feet lomey, sat Oyettr Salado fn Sckailkill Comfy, for e term or Ire or alma yeanFo - rttlt tale et tel sad are of Mr. attune and dttarar. Beteg as ett tbli.brd *mud of Si yeara, and kaatag =We zoom and mural, trace for au esdandatt son of 44 maim Poteeallaa Apra t$ ltitu,, .141 110 I JOHN M. 0 803Ldltb. • • • as Ur r,aimlses. No. 113 Centre street: • Flltarldei • St at Dee le AT rptivArs rims iv *WatsWag SS havh of wood Bbd Skala Lard, rft, soda to Parka Towlalth. Carbon wooly, Pram. with twWwwasisods, eceodattog of Two • Dwelt= Bowes, Baak 'Barn. Wagon abed, Swing Howe acid Wash Howe, il!pdnif cd hewer fillirg water col:review to ace house; Nabs; of Etestrri of LeN'gh Wiry pawdrg throne; commie:lu • to acbcol ; rccd Iltailtata Within two at d thrro tat Fur paructi!wil 'polio of. - 4:I2ORUIS BODLY. on ibe rrem!s.* or to, IL P. BODIN, pottrcire. Pa. OD ft Doc now von Nuire.--bemesqmaici of an a:rrly sioTal to oar ore atom We ogre , for rent the .tare. at pratoot cceoVed il ISIS. bras. /or the oriesptrad t term out Apr ; CHAS. WOMEN 11. mare St:. Town Esti lfalldicty. run", I le. AL atoms SI. •irr : '4441 LB= OPPCIRTuArrx TO OBTAIN A .000 D . OPAL LEASE. THE LOCUST DALE COAL CO:, Offer to LUSE . a pmtim of itielx Locamt ,Dale Myet asnosawe larmAlbtaad hadn't)! the eaatenlng MAMMOTH, irlia the anderpt . aa lad ovvrlying Y EL NtS very Atte eaa anida/Aliai tei Ee reds to dim: H. POITB,Baq. Prodded:, !o. 1110 Broadway, Nov YOrk, cc to . . .1 I. C. SULU; . • eiveir-Aireat. at Patiletne, * Jai 1. vt • ••• FOR SAI,R. • .* Large Let of Illeehileery.. 1 tievntty hone niece :.1 s'ity hone regime 1 fitly do '• do 9 thirty do .do 11tronty ber do do I.tweire do do - 1 eight h 1 foard9psomlr.giar.Poreddi !ew. • . • . 6113114" aff Inch. dfam.422 fo t torg., 4; do •30 do do 4.20 do 1- do j 30;110 do-z3O do do do 30 -do do - kW do do ' I -do .do • do-412 do do do ' 44:' do do x 6 do do 1 twel4e hove tobtlar 165 jerdi of 16 loch c.Oamo pip.., • : 240, do do 19 do Ito do . Lot '324 itch . r 16 heh polo-pomp, • I f 4 do do do . . 1 , 11 do • .30 1 8 do do - - do X 3o' 6m911 16. do lin MDR • lift sad twee 2 4 14.4. 90' tour dot , . vattotti doer. • 1' 10 feet loitottzg dram with -- tif.:l4' .04 14=tr.3 COOMIELO. 1 .11 lest hoisting drain. ' .40 loth bellows, savlb 2140, sad drew cutting - took.' herding sod. • , • ' 1 ' 4434,0,1 Mug; 3 ibet dime , ' • Alt 3, a large lut palleye..shaftleg: ‘tr.. AN the Xtehtnetyllvot on •.;,' trees. • J. ol' Nov 13;40 WANTED •7" -- "." ILVARTED.-111 snout= by a . • *ell (vat] 11 • lad ea 'Jerk a/ a 0 1111no.A, ar Gird referents,. Aildream 81., caw of • • pr. • ~Dee. 21. 43,11341-32-It. . iniroanciTient ssrA fir r R D.-B' IL D LANDS 1636, SITUATED IN ,LVEEFLNS M- U the hard& at* matched& trtetk-i taro craw of land abpat the rev Ins rt John Dlsmad , rt the of New Toth, cr Alexander Stardern, septa:Nod to be at that time Wild Landr. bring a portion , Of a tart of 19,1805e/eh eanyeTed to Jana Laanatte ad recorded st WOhrobama la 18st If it. Carty or , /hoc . ..helm:a aoPrroll holdtagany deo& of erwarcara,o,frux r a W 1 be rewarded for any rerafaretton of ow. Pan 01 the 4, larcis now de fn tba towasalps of Plvtotinth, Bed E-d, and Sonboreberland. Addreee SAM I.' EL IL LEON. AHD, 888 fth !sienna. New Veg. r Dec 15,111 • 51.1 m - • -- - - • DOOKIILUE PIER —Waisted, a &bastion hr an eilert need Bookkeeper, well 'Nonfatal 'with 'routine - of the coal. badness. Addsca 1100K KEILPICIL Box RN Ash'ands Ea. Dec 111, • ANTSD..—A .altaal!ou xontlemau who W aleal 1 in work Itisoy ai r patity that Debera. make blaweif wd I. halwy riot Kt lunch au or! t Is employeutut. &Nitro Bow- 3.14 'kw!. (Tim, PottaWlte. Pa. I 65-2t4 uw• • WAITTIIDI r tn Attie: tLIE Man liot &fried of . Trek, to tett In • Nip App'y to V WMALRY' t • • Nov IR, lialleny City, r. wit GENERAL 'NOTICES IfteIGMICULITTRAL , VAR&.- I —Al meethigof itre Staab:Meal 041 Agmaltar3l Nat Amoditke, will be helir► at the tericiloa.e. Morgr day; Jemmy 10, et s weluck P. M: ;er tt.e;per-. pose Al Omaha Direciots of the Aastetti 1.. 1 L WONELSt 04F, Pre< P. Et /lamina, See'y.; 1,- c, —*- • 011 lee of time Fad. IP2R :b. lllavei • . 12th Si. eMA, ISc 9 : The ,Iltrimal Ittneticn to's acd tru 31136.. 'Was will billed At tbe Office the .CI - nuruir,74,,, 4 1474 (Voad. th e HAS of I.t m-mtrt. Iv - , 1 0111,sull) A, A L Viri/L/A.AI 131V-CL^•: •••••.:- ' Dec LVIZ iIEIPPING OF TIIII be tkett liten whe Petv, (2,1 Lambe; Cesattaar pf VientVrgitoe, ee 11..41 at the t d hltee et F. P. centre Nett.. !Pte. au Thereby; Jaen ay *oth. IVO, at S'oclock P. 'I.. foe the e:eetloo of Dlreetors to Deere to the &i -nlet pet. - P. PATTIIIISON. they: bo lt Dee tek nwygiviliailLL crunch. AND mum K . R, Comap•oy. , . • Paattsrmor, Dorearber4, P. 49: Ste ann . of Ho Iklers, of (141 r Company will be held on IiIIiXDAY, I,XemrAtr eltb, Hot, st the 'Ake of Hu, Ormpany. Ni. 4.0 T LArary Woes. at II o'clock, A X , at time nu c't - C.n fritoOllcera *ems the muting oar. %fa alto take Pine. , P. C. HOLLIS, Venturer. /AM 8. if.--XLMM 8, pato-•-w-am4s .• . . • traioe, Dee Jul.% thar nwrzesl scavviumiLL vALLEv. h.." Play/tallow anal Rattrioad Compstos, • PALLAELMA. Member 6. The antral meetlyst or e the stockholder+ of this Com. paiyi ortll bo 4td at the DAY Me tkitepaty. 107 Library street, on YODec. 2T.h, Mr., at f 1 o'claelt. A. Y. at winch elect:kw for celicas to save the tak eleg year, trill Mao thke plate. Dce• P. C. HOUK Treat erer. tt, • lel —Ol aee s, 13180_wdee 25 O • wricat or THE 311 T. ittA BMW PORT CARBON IL R. conpArrr, - - 1 . 1112.11.1.111tA, keei.mber • The wareil meeting id the st*Athoideee,,d tide Corneae? wilt bit he'd id that:Cot of the Company. No. 407 L'brary etrcct+un MONDAY. tkrellhor ?Jul, Mk at Ilirelock. A. N.ettkh t!n, an. ekeann hR oglaanr to Mita We matting )ear sit! Mal take P. C. DuLLTS, Tivaaver. , Dee S. IN-a-dee 9. j 3 830 -ar•dre :611 ' A iItEITIMG of the Stackholdcra of the Llfe lentraace Truot 13 7: win be keel 02 Aotaggy. the NI day of January, 12241, between the hours of 1 Led 2 o'clock P. M ger Um election of Dinctorg to gene the eencog Tear. B. P..TAY Loft. Eery, Ll It. Dee It, Water Iliewspwww.--11.4 /awful Mc etlon fiw inawwwcs tif this Cum quay will b held at talc Mt; NO. %SI r. litre meet, os ZaWday. Juilawy 10th, 1910,tierwtta the br,Ors of 3 am 4 Wthick PAIL • MILTON EON Streetaey. Pottsville, Dec 19,,gg ; 51.34.' h~WATIOXAL giAPIK OF ;LTA ruirrisyst.LlK. , rorts• ore l, ~ The entail meeti n g 'some° &reVihno bibic will be held at tbi Banking Mode on TUE 4. DAT. the Ike day 'Jninsly next, heteren it o• M ilt erkel IC k and aP. ~ to eeit nine Director, fu barn theca's:log year 3 ATTILMSON, Cannier. Dec. 11, 119.;-111-dee 11411 . 3-nt-it - Dtittliaral Ism., Din sok. 11691 • ' TILI ANNUAL DEETLNO of tba Stonkholdrra of Wk Dud will be held it tae Hanalei Done rat Tumidity the late day or Jaartary, 'berm en the h•tos o// A. AL and .11 P. ekes Nlz ore, to Baia the ensuing year. • F. B. Wllett.t DT. Dec 11, at je- • . FOX &40THER, 276 oentre St., Pottsville, , MIR* 70 CALL ATTENTION X! .TO TU ft IiEG: Timm Alimmumr op- ': • • • • • • FALL AND WINTER - DRY GOODS, ?Nnariau °r m. wrier. trrnis wawa MI 1 - 10ESTIC Ellin TECLI7OI3(I 411101461 r COLUTIO.Sr Black sad Oo!oral Silks, Laces end,Emroiderixt, - Linens, • ' • White Goods and Domestics, fbeiffiro Gloves of illidunds t Cloaks, dlb..' dro., dr,o. SHAWLS OF : AU. KINDS. trzwcotmiz.arrairrro.v raoussroca oi arbeeriet t . i4neetu* are. acc ! , • • 'AMU limy . lamb eta baigaild tainikoot atattak ". Ito laaci eatbasist atiaman to antatable *bat sable% bat ta Itea.atata Dry Gatalt ear* Om.. am be at ail. st , . 2 011 • .• • my • eirsasea Ofinslast 1110-011114• Lot Ct. •• W 4 811101111 MAGGIE, - BOLAII/ 122 . finite.. tic • • • , Amperlea. atva tor i• operrrll a WSW Mork . or. , and I tiopata suitab'e. tor the itrrsara ratroo, suq l BEAN-hit arn; VRLVSTRVIN, WATERYROOK FRINGES. TRIIr4I.I3iOS. twrwis, 4%. _ Haw an/um& et ' , wet kg , :f . • '• ' v '' • WALL.AND INIITE,III Lgdl.aefokkll4l:o4e to twilit -:Nerv--.Pattrrr.. ' re•zeired. •Oa SO; 'l9 44- CL ARX & D.D L E lewellera, and .Silannnith . s, w iftb Et. ) •. I 12.1 cotircur xrim E T , p1111.4.DELP111.1.. . . • . . pQare acw rp m:wing :lake - Mork ofOSEW Gt,w for Fill ride aid Iloilday Searoa:.c.ortur :mac Amekican Sur,bas . Matcheq„ JriWNLAV,3EVERI.I3'f4' siLVEh EARN. Fish, ALEV2ECi-P4.4 fhb ir•ARKs, :rAftiat• • CETLEIIV. ~ 4C. ' ' ' • • , Also, a arecaarcatruat of ' , .••• • • . Wrench Muriel CloWks. iltrunisro: /Naha, 11-ruit A • Fle!ma, iniihry' invv, aFtiwi Of our own ortecOoti the put Somme* hi Europe.. all of wnluti WO,souLutering st wort roodorairp,i HERRING'S :PATENT CIIABCP/ON FIRE AND DUMB PROOF SA.7,FES: .(WITH DRY/1111A%) ' Awarded the P liedrOs at Ze7Orldk . Palr. I.Le..torq w e ed., PAZ, Nay" York. ikcpcoteloo . , Uoteereeirk Pada- . rARREL,I3I .. ERIN . G. &- CO . , • - ;629 Chestnut 'Street' • gIIAB MATIIISWS, 'PERIL anatdpnii. UEO. W. WiffiliS, - Wirrttisg. Farrel & Ice*, Inn*. lierrlag Cluesase Ilerriag, Marvel ac,(7o.."Nyw Oviedo., • MOM Ulla "-IVO taittl hini,beeri Sod are now In nee ;, sold over in liznwan bare owed therelogh heettkwal flrr. , teuserelstli , .tbeir CM• tense fn emu.: toirtanr.' vrtiere many other% Calfed. !row. Sane 0f . 041. one WI tatter maker. •havir.{: ern neelved•lt..p.A.rt pay for the 'lmproved nrnilyes "ale arlow prices. - • Jane 11. 4 G5 •. • . vAll . Dll,ft, Jr., • 1362 Chestnut Street, Philndeigihfn au co; eml FALL AND WINTER GOODS, ewt *L tbe.rfew rtifes rf EntliOlbElUES , ' 3O WELAAr,K3. " FOOr4RESTS,>.te Alio, a 'full. .I.lAlti./5051F., PAPER I'AITERN . I V ) RgTEt t ..PILI; ' . . titIENILE. and BEADS,' • PRA IP/I'G ON Monog'r. E,te.., • douo to order. EIMETI EXTRA FINE GAVE OBTA (sty 711.1 r, ..!,(ItiNCY [sr ate the liesileat and Etw.L. - flilpren of Bi."l"ltßiri:Ornaith Ca , N. V., and'ath fe . e.i.elted to ell "Work," promptly with yINZ IyTTRIt. ard et thw.ver loTattaark,:. nthen,' ordarthg esn'ileyend open hewing g0..141 sclochms Matte Ii them. . . • • . WIESER/WI:WI and Whoter.Ve .Dealv:e your 12.11v4,140/1 tr:;cs,„ .4, .„ a HUB et s ,, / 1.. v V < -2 : ‘\ . , L 4 y. ..**,.. ...,•qt,. 0-1 -- - , --\-- ---'' o . ~~ ~'.'; m. .~ ~ ~~ .. l to • • - r.R.'<ivi E 88‘;.- A. Ncry 13..60 • .. • , •GL 0: 0 j) A POPUL • ,C RIZ L-W Tlt I, If.yC Pc'r _ • . 140010 AL- AT 111 .LOW.IO4..YRICits • ld ItsPe n!terit4ql to 'our ' ineseut , u t , ortso. - e.l fTr ghetto We.. 1 ) , , , t1 . . ..K.ttSee. I,evest vnte-ty._ • ' -tiCLENDID:TOPLIN,S ITLE 5.71 1. ICI . • • riA: tr:;()%11:1)REss GOOkr, • cAtisLMEttEs,'CLO [as ; LlNl'B, , Oar rtetntry fdetbts erslll.4' , este thrr. Our store nc d ss. e ;SlotTy,.. for We d o se rd Cap iAlr elpetan Ore tbt • ' 1 1.:1T/oRNIEY. • Late. r Wer d Ctlitnj N. IL (7,1 r, Riztdb And tisreed,Rte.. Pb.d 2 d ll . - • N. 14. 'del!verodist .1.0.,;,ar...•u-t Claris Ott 70, I) EMOITA.L.—Bdward *Y.leosi; 'limit...Whine i 4 • ~... 51 ta ai'a iird. rihrie . ,. 11% , r•mhrei.l tilp tyirill wtorii ",.3'' '-'• [nits Rai ti . a.a ea . tr:v..l4 C7Crair a _nearly oytinoll. / lisietlia e iii In vitt re will li.. Bisimt /Tar, kiwi - .... of sriwiell In bln Heectitirtnalls., r hie own man- " ntsc'ure. adopted • expert slPy tar *to reeiiin. - iiwil Caw . • . ii tall Wociitit light - and lux!, goods froceNthisileWiliii -.. • . a.r.‘ the !law. at lew rides. . • r‘. • "'. . • :'• ~ • Oct lst. MY . -•— . FIRES CtIPIRM" to J.clestrs I. 1714. so - . . . . TUE fOUNTRY GENTLEri, • - . , • - • FO 16 - 70 , - . .. • • --- .., “The Peal rf all Attrlefigural WerAs In durerlevr ary• the Ilurtieu•rur r, 'New York . . " . • • Is his no .arriltl In i ho ./Itzrllre'.Plt Id f,f, American. Agt, figural .1 uraulleine.••-l-,Mafiiie Partner, - . . • The riitfrato; and, CoMary Cieottrata contains. from tlitern to twenty litre- q to . ;kiwi* to es ti. ect . er Nombar. and to/drmlot e d to loolaffes•Dot tm .arm hat •to fir% cr 7 Deounro at of Aooeltiffe. Owyk Rstrirg. Ilorrirattore end Drinertle irounmy. Irstract, the/abore, ottith• eorok tLe tuitional opinion of Hiroo . best.qualted io gofer, might be mu:girdled irdeflofte'y, to IL err that N ;so au Olprroolftt rot Jmtraal for the Amer:con Former, lit en, or hitittultylt Is . lin.feinallnl iri Vulue rind "It Extent6.:oi l t : r.ficnidc . ne.e,- , I , • • . l'ractieLt' I tiforntatiort„-•l2_ • .•In Agricitlimirezl—N en i, —TuAr 1T Is Tar 01P,Itle • • The Bert Furriers of 111:e :Whole Cowitrt/ TRIMS: The tetmi are tower ;than .ttaue . t f any • other 1, mir ot 'landing ; flte met, #t be pee Peers Inght reOre,,fl6. Mir All Pr. e am" - bero ti the Dultritter Olen: t .. yftentleman.t. r AN7O, pa,lez In adieu*.erime to ei.h.e of 11itt, will receive .bb pr e raper W00k.4.- from rearlpt cc rema.tatet to!lnintiary te r , 1476, MM. eat charge. r • rer Any prrama artahMe to try • the paper eilbvriblop will be intent with melee riga tarty front date of altOtnation J.1..11; 1811 t. tor AO nOtnth4 print or 25 teat. - ne for tee mulatto( Derma... eon. for ten cents ;Mingle manlier. as epeeltoelk. I • For ftlither Illfortnatton, adilreele , _ •• • Lurii Fat TUCK lift S. soy, rnbitibery, Albany. I': tTbe ftnenniQeotiemen 1011 be eleblx,dwit N.. e Deer ieaMcribers to the HlMesleJ(rellseet fur 11701er $4 -Mt "Nei 17 • impoßwirt YORK THE NEW Boot and Shbe Emporium la now In fell operation. and She &Standoff of toe ladnas of INitteellie b mortally Netted; to the Unto stink now lo *ore and arrfrlng deer; the angst them of geode, Feaster. for lad's.' ...oar ; sad sib/eel to Ude marker. Mr—erine hr' mode keporialty of Mb breeds of fneenere. •el pled tli. partterder adoption so racorlog *e te,t ace of lotto' friar' Over ,tefragfat to tbe dry. • Dret7 ottootion pad cor.ionoilhouid cordial imlution M rit• ed to all. . . • - CHINE CE=IME • . FOR: A Valuable Lease on the Prilarese and. Skldatere Vela, • • • WILIk •;tad of •ow lee to tbs i o yaXW, Joinlng Sr. Nichol" • , Amy up CEA kr *Oa Oct . • Bood Slugs 44.4 &1,,m Tortseeinlin •4 1 j• 4 4,1 4: 4 TOTEM WO INti a sztisowsupervf • . to larnish all clamors sitti •Ivitstast smplorlosst Some. the who of the thus for opus yet • Ilastnev assr..ilettt sad prcelishf... I YersonSof State sox easily ists trots Wt. to Ire S r le 7:ittitlf.• Sal I C="lll7fi''s3 i=c g ittri;! l e l ikt t te n : p sa i Tiuti. That all vim this socks slay wad their scleresi.'. 4 ". mad test its badness, vs maks kilsestaralleSsi ale,: " • •To moth es see not well sistirtled, we stn. refof L, : . ply Se UV Soaks of team. roil; Pliell i Zcs. Namable sizopte. inlet litre° to mimeses os. iSte • sow of ?as Nephew of the largest psi best Emits seviSscsobffskMaim CcesPassiss."o" ed— . 511 sent fee by mall. Reader, /Vs • pssitisti:e work. aktriieW IC BLIRSHALIIS,EWPR.;. I :l4nota atkt amathwih l l are tba imit 11 40-te the reatioes, 'yzekahla Ownwicon s and WU bite anoaahie lecutsebe. boutbon; and attain oinsall diaesani. MOOtall'a Ellin. has Nei Inepund arttb coati raftTetob to than toottkOintal tOlatdowo.l so many of oat countiymenand no •pr Mir prooner tko has gavred adoaded mimeo. ! iftw motto= fog that to recommondlegit now tifiar. the Wad perforce of mra. May ; are ; joy.- Inflator a hoops ditty towards the general coatOlaili.:-4Nnwra Pim!. - . Ph14.40N1; DOLLAR flit BOTTLIF.,. • ' . MAMMAL& 9/ Cliki • . Mt raisin . 'wait PIIILAbIILPEIZA: • awsas by iw. a. ioani4or, mickaa , • 1111V010 VIOL—The Assail Itirtbig "arir Stcelb lien of tire fbet Redoes& Beek el 4 Ittaereellbe, Fovea teet - cfriew pe.letore b wane tot the ambit Taw , wlll be Med b 448 ItoetrOw HOOK as Me *mood Shade of Jammu, *eat. !Woe!. tbit Ivanale 1.1. a 101 *ak. • 40414.14 EY lOLA odd* •