TERMS OF THE al . z El' JOURNAL,: $2.75 - $2.75 per annum in advance. A IX) ftitiatpaid in advance. TO CDU I3SBubsciiptions lim' riablt hiadosnes. Three c opies to one addre55...................... 4......47 SIX 64 •• 46 13 O H O 46 Fifteen ~ ,' --SO 410 To m-Nrsrria.Eng—sa • o p per 1 , 0 co? i:••;. 1.6 is%• , r gym, r cud School Tesclwrs srlll Os farolgted on usiiersuaLscsi so u ~,.,„, „ r . 1 le it peed within the year—oter we year at tall sum BATES OF ADVEBTISIIIQ. „ ; b ra arg term atm at les% Marladtait WO/ ow tasettlati. P et one egaity cot mew Two witttil... nl.* ". voor • " 1:47- - ....1A it - I:Tibet us oro r• — • - .4 .- a . . nigher. _-_, . , * • - Lear Moore , and•bues over a rocure, se tents a Ilia et& titertke. larger Advertisement*. pet SVOCCIItta: Tex KIN AltledidirtNAL ti now one &AVM Istgeeiban ix/ed. paper Vibrated m tt,..i 131 e, ref cm:Wu* spare handing natter Man. atty i.us. pip, Cianit one. 1,-bert -o tba• Vr.,.!..1 :gat. To glee tbe reeler some Ida of dean.= at mate r coutal.d to a einve number of the JOURNAL. fundebed for sit tent; ',ban Isnle nu n•ticantc, 1,44 fontd that It tontalra more Iban Is contested In a tIO book ~,,,,,-,1 cum Ile city puttliding houses.' And oet SS root Ramberg will be h i nd i d ie s ri; a year for .g,i 77 , ri. 0...., or to,. nets per week., - -, • T:.• preeperlty of ape JOIALNAL hr been great and grattiltho to ea. It ipor. 1....1.7 now outwde of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, the Losseso, ciiii,ku o v z4 ~ i ... übtAbed In P. torylvenle. arid le steadily on the initera. Art ea t ~, 1 7mat It: ltd. t.“ttno of the SO.. it It net tios/led. - IIMI.I • --;41,..-.„,;,F5„'54.t.-., ‘ . Vatliwkr2W:: Terminus t tliP; Philadeb 13 - I•rth, P•rt !it ichrsead. & .1111,111&AP illll4l or Aim • La nt.i.:LWal w ra , : v t St .. 1 5 Stadelph1a. .1 , (Tinity N Y • " 7 111,,Ann strtal., Booms. NM ryen!slot L'a• uf the. fe,;ll.. , !rtng Clerbraleci 174, LEZIIIIGIFI COAL. lIICKOIIII.CtIA S. 1'11..1.1 gliclitoilLY 114'. lII= nmdtter RXCRI:•4IOI[ lIVAL . CO.* ROA. 1?1 , 0K UV 6'O At.. )I.larrt,,i Wsl•ays.A:..—Pirr N. lIS Pt.s-Weltinotil Picr Pa.. 31:14rigtw4lnnil. N. J. , Jikti 1-. ILO Port Richmond. SINNICKSON Si Co.. Shippers. eaa Whnieesie Denlent or the DELEI3RALTED FRANKLIN COAL OF 1.114L0N ri FAILLE - Sole aippers and Dealera ot tat, Original" HENRY OUT COAL , [ 135 WallYut 11111miclyhtli.' fGiTel. it e I.lqlltllnz. New York. . JOSEPH O. 11/.01.10Y. Cieneral „Jul. L - C=! BL§SISTON, & 00., non= amp atorrico/oi. ILORRIZET LOCIST lIOr97►Q cop.. itgr;...a of other nvoroliod quillaira of WRITE AND RED ASH COAL. ' . • oFTICEs 819 Walnut Street, Pbtiotteftint. le Trinity Bninitun, lino loft s • 1> Doane finite!. Bono , 1043 Wentintnetinn SC, Proyldence. Jan 1. •a 9 1- .Pler 111•. 4, 1 5 4-.-r. WELD;--NAGLE & CO., rrlg BRAT c QITALirtirs Locust Mountain & Black Heath •. •-.0 A L-S UR MANDVACTLIRING :ND DWISTIC 1:14, .LID SOLE SCOTS IN ILL lIIILEETS I, Daniel Webster Deep Bed Asla' AOKSON LO - irl3l — ißY". COAL §, 40534' Walota 84. P.MloOrlyble, OFFICES : 1110 liroarlway. Nr* York, . ID Dn.., Mtrecrt, 130,t.na. " -% 1 24. WILD. .11aNzv W. NAOLZ. RI , KR. 9tUIPMVII. 11. Ar A. 1... Rm., Ja. -`...., Jaz 1„V , 4 .. : 1 'Pier No. II North Pt. liieassesd,T.,,,, C. .T...& J.. 11. EASTWICK d; PO'.l • . . . 15131FREP-5. OP - ~.: *HITE AND RED ASII COAL, , . • , . NO. 121 , 11:10 ,- ,!K Tr.. Pill LADSLPIIIA, and .... ... , . NO.' OW DOAN II ST, ISOSIVN. . ilarewidic ned - -ll.b. - , .... ' nbasokin Whike A 1... • • Locust Mount. W Wile Abh CO'AI San 1, T. 2 ,• .. • 1- PHILADELPHIA, • iII,CIII.JYLKILL NAVIGATION,' 111dppLog Wharves Air ITIBLICITE COIL al . Greenwich, Delaware Riser, PldWok, • • • LEWIS AUDENRIED a Co., -• WANTS POITtIiE SALE OF TEX Wolf Creek Dinomendi Coal eiVal Diamond Red &Mark Went% Whirr 4.11 Coal*. W•lralt tr•Frto_r,l'hilaAletkkak , UFYICItO3 lo Brusilvvo,..New York.. . 14 glib) ftroet,ll.,rtiar.. • Wharf:U. J. - - ITEPPLIEICA Bap. - - Pi : mr.,Wl:43t A, Fourth rte., nal& OFylcmi, • rifle Stn., New • ilicrokkr. - tre Lack Ilathtng,.Prorldeock • 'lmo*. into m. um% UntißD. DA Vls 4* . Co., Nett tilivrtl4loV 1 0EB &la= • 1,0e11 , T MOUNT4IN. WHITE ME • Lad grow! VEIN.) RED ASH CO-AL.. - - o. 131. Walnut Stmt, Philadrqh. lll ; °ma w _No. Ilt Broadway, Ramp No,. malty •__ Vigow Ymt.. 80. 11 Donna tr-rwat, Beetaa. -WHAILF—GREMATICH, DEL4WAB.II AVNRIII. Jan 1, 61 1- • fr .40A10 G. FRICK. TSCOCICSSOR TO BROM • SELOIMLIETA) itasynortmn tie WIRE COAL SC R " EN S --Under tbeJesiLla. , Pat t.. 0011. ILALTLIKULD dt NOBAingo POTTSVILL. aO.. . Fs . W. SUBAlVEnliesit for °iv.Fra. FOR RENT • Collieries - and Leases. - . . - 13ne Rod Ash 'east of LlevreD7ri Om Rod Akb Lease on the r Isto Veln, feet•thlek. A lease on Mammoth, Stsidotsre end -Primrose on N Ii Cro k. • A Lease on the Lewis Bod on Esti N•wwegian. - One Coal Lease on Inn Als.mmoth Lome!. Gip. . A m ei Be d Ash on !a sb e water level. FOR SALE: . 111111Rati AND PSItJE LANDS. . - 21.0 - scree eplemdid %Ica. Oak timber Land, *citable •lo cap anal..• - • law scree Therm Land on Will Creek. ,1 1600 aCrel.Tmsberjated with Saw Mats In' Marlin is van. _„, I 1600 acres ThnberLead In Potter Camay. . 100 acres yellow 6lns for v 6-metng. .. .. _ 1• ' UM sows ell and prep timber. . . 600 acres chestnnt grata land. I • - Afro Jet and sera We near Plnegrofe. I . j ltrdsift c.a. 40 Inch guaga 1 600 our geed Bed bade Pere:age land: -between 1 ' asnertlls sod teas TonneL cat haw luta to sell parches. l .as and offered asap—veep desirable. I-A Farm near Williamstown. Llungtbs Coeuty see - 'ewe acmes with' letprovementa, lag house and ' goad • barn. , . • . TOWS isms ANIT.; w f10ra5...... ' 1 .- - A haute aid lot= IlLshau.imau street, 66 feet wank Dwellleg Elosems and Lot-et 6pm:entitle. - , • 1 ' TOWN LOTS In Shmuusdush, laabenof testy. Potts ivilla Gliberingi. RVAOII, -o•loAtCtil. Terve:loß 1 Tower - 081. KklldkPoirt,f:allerox l / 2 bunbult aad ItmaJdatra A good dwelng And store Dom gur sale al Giber . • I , WC. Deaf kear m l lWies. d good buena' stand: T ' A lot an Sanderres urea, 100 feet Inn tby 360 bet I deep, with 'attack frame-bons. sad kttaben. .., Pottsellle, rettrtun Vtli. 18.13.. t 9- COAL, IRON AND OIL. BY DADDOW AIU) BANNAM. The Greork OD'OTIZ Tfatiopal gej o urx i s.. A Lain* ATP 17T.tio, 8L non, .3TO UP; lor•zos or WO WATI 41.1 , ritallertlMS Terailtorsemme eavese ems is the mat maim! ant exhaeretieo mane. on the retetect that come andel .er on:ovation. and one that &sena to be and by ail inMillecat men." TbeiLon learilmo'docerm. says i—". 4 more tom =ail and estmosi i ivi t i=pott tte tve . riar i ray este', -be said thi r t tr 9 awe no Mega Morie eta ementey No thoevably c donated to aced the. be vector colat end tro.worker cr. the Intonsatker be NArea connection With BM batmen" eat attia be Dearly mai:Wed, and en Ober edlti owing In the ezpenee, will be pablhilisd for Patelre-4 yam , pai r& 7 $ 4O Cadet Pali Turkey MIL, Par am by bookseller!, oe lent herby atel, a receipt 01 Mita Addeena MINJABSIN BANNAM,_rablisker, rewirill% Woo Mill 044 pm. illo..ll — zus. l 3 itpc.l6 ?us ! 12 00 1 3 0011 5 00 $ 9 00 115 00 ..3 501 6 001 600; 16 ixy2s tx) 600; 900, 12 00 24 OCI I 35 00 8 001 12 OW 16 00 52 00• 45 00 44 Reading. a_ s, a the Delaware, at' Mtilagielpi Q.IIINTARD; WARD, & 00. 9 Pfne Street. New York. 990 litstinut ieklindelitktn.; .94 Betty " Boston. GOAL ALL KINDS BY Tilt CARGO. Jan 1. •41) -1. No; 13 Prt litlektairad. . GEORGE- S:!„-REPPLIER ; - inn WIT= or - • .RfPPL+BIt M i trlE & to Pe In 1loonlabi: GEO.& REPIIt'S Mammoth Vele. DUNCAN tVAL V . cit (Rea Ob)'. , • • Beg Eltr a OD.* Lurberry. 01110131:• 329 Walnut Nt.,, • • 111 Ittaritrat, art Pork. pane Mi n lartme.. - . Juitts.7l, C 9 . Pk,. Net. 9 Pere . Apaix R. WHITE& SON SHIPPERS OF.COAL, No. 816:Walnut Street, Philadelpitia. POI s+ouss Lwu SALE Or MILL, „110. Fl Wed Thinowith York. No. Third Arene, New York. • . lero' When, No. 99 India Providetwe, Onlhee Wharf. Mt. WeaLtoglos 2.1n0w, car Fed en; Streit. Butica. Jen I, 4111 . 4 1. &lIDENREED. NORTON & Co.; 11[Welt sad Shippers at ' O 0 A ILOCUPkT IMOVNTAIN, from. act . u..azia; DELI, and CONTVZICNTAL COLLIERI7e4. 1 1 311A11701LIN, fromILNTERPRINI OOLLIKRIG COBB RIM, from lINDDLi CREME 001.. • 13271 Walnut street; 1191adelphf• PPIC94I: 1119 Eircodway; New Sort • • 97 Daum &reel, Boerne:. CAIN, RACIER & 0008, COECET GAP. : i.OlOO*E. MOVETAIFR, . BLACK HEATH. LW, dealers In other bit qualtdee WEI= AND RED ReIR 00EIJIL • Wilnat Street, Philathipt; and WcoEsed ,Ncluneq, Schlryll3ll Elm. • . • moracir 13.3ces. • Jim IL 13943 K. • JOHN H . STRTICER. Wpm =A Agent. Jan 1. '4'9-1 Ha m, ea. OABTITEE, BOgHEY & WELLINGTON Miners and Shippers of Coal.. IR armada. Mom their Benue& CoL at tibausoit ee Vele. flied Locate 22rewstala (Wtrite Asia. ree Welty finildlng, New Tat. OPTIMI3 r 4 403 Walue Street, nilwielpeds, • kyr Dame Okstoa. rime( N .. 6. Peet 'rankest, PhlNaell , a. Jan 1 rye -1111. PLIICt ATWOOD. IL 'CO' 1•1101.1%Ala Lehigh, Withesbarre,' •.: . Scranton Shamokin . . . . 'CO . Sole New York Agta. for JOHN E. NVYNEOOPIC EACLE RED ASH COAL.' 17 Thelty Rallataz ft t &Midway, New ork • rg , - 4 , N•q. - ,(31t1.1--NiOOP ;Fallm j aiy TT, +69 fit CALDWELL,,&CON.ANT, .1 . 0. tit Broadway, New York. ( ,Nam 33 sued 36 Trialtyllalblibm,) WIIOLI43ALZ DIALIRS AND SIIIPPERA 01P Lehigh, Locust Mountain, Wilkea , barre, Pittston, Cumberland ' find Broad Top COA L S L • • SOLD AGENTS Per Neer York and tbrXrrAbettbe celebrated DO CIL RIDGE TRIM Blintillin mio•d by Shape, Weir. &Co. Agante lee the P111.11.1t048 and ntbereret•elemOnllierirti and for tke. criebrebrd Pr/MILTON 15einl-bitemleous VOALS, April 3' 69 14 NEW YORK. C. E. DETNOLD DETMOLD & COX, SOLE AGENTS FOR TM BALE OP THE CELEBRATED Room Runt(Lehigh) COAL, Recengy Mined by the Messrs. P#ekor, mince mitucs nom nut - LIE tilit t ilD IMMO CO: Bat now by the Coioptity theateetn% whe &Agit sitery khor forth!: Improteetenti In the preptralloa of the Coat tete year. Orders rewired from 701111DRYKILN, 11.011MA0. 'SURER* add the TRAM. 38, 40 &42 Trinity Bnilafg, • • .NEW YORK: - (lreoperairilf as 1144 71 111,4144,1t;17) ADD REM BY MAIL, r. o. BOX No. seas.. Also Old COMpll.orl tehteb !Orme Yoentabs.-Ise; pin, Meonnes Girt Cumberland Crab, te for Sewers very superior Wllkesharre Steam and Family Coale, from' the InterprlM Mem Jae VANDUSIEN. BROTItEII * Co., an.mu MID onoltss Or C. •0 A. • OLD COMPANY'S LSHIOIL LOONY 110IIXTAIM LOCUST UAP. wuazstiratitz, mom. AND MIMS WHITE . AND RID ASH COALS, = • Szortmo Wrairvse falasbettyport. Jersey Wilnnt street. Philadelphls. ' Oman: {l l 7l Broidway, New Tart. 5 Doane Barnes- • Jaz I. 0 11111-1- , WHITE, FOWLER & SNOW, OgnX 299OI OSTO JOEIN 1k CO4 , Oldprotre LEICIaIi, LOCUST XT., W3IIEXEMBRE soa4rrox sad • C 0 -A. . Orna,—NO TIM= KIILDENU 11111R0.1216 WAY. MEW TOM' CIJIIIBERL&ND *a:6,TUE stabrilebad iio omitted to deliver a prima artada of GIORCIA CRISS MS. SELLAND COAL. ait, baud ii. at DasTatowa. D. C.. at the toast vane Tata'. Dimaxacat :—/Liit National Bank. WalbSitba. D. C., Jam R. throw da.; Ow W. Coc i r wm ir Baltaq." Etilattall•la Gratuta, Eatlan • Au.; E D. Cooke, Ilay Codas Wasa, D. C.,Eldily i BokaaamA D• id Ltl sl• Sao, Paradalbbia. McCallum. Craw .6 Moak 6a.1 Pau Cta*a, (IN Cooks i Ors York Ca. . GLEASON • GLENN. Aprll la. ISM Vt.tt • ND rose CIRCULARII '''.. cottyrS ......,. 1 19 - "i e; 0 PoS .:: ...9. U . = - - - 1 -- z- kv - MEW IV- cP 47 lIPCON P 1 :!. AO PHILADMPHIP. ro t .. ammxrr ST' k_,, ,i elop Bos TA 0.0, .0 Who SAYS .71211 INLIII ?Arms. i• ~ -.. a Vow a pima paid *rase Inas =I : =4lrl=l reserer i lli int.lolll I P.& W 4111 e - • . - . . .. .., . - ,„ • , ‘. - • ' ~' „. • :71A,_ ..•-, ,• ' ~• . , , '. ' 1 , .. t: , j.i . 7.. '. :-. 'i''.• I I, • , '. - ' ' • _ . . I . , .. _ - , , ,• ..• - - .c.' . . ,-- i ::1. ': L ' ' •,... 1 . , . • , I .' ~_ -1 . ..), • •• ! ' - :;,.. 54, . , • • :Z l. .4 '' : l i tliic—pi, ~ - A- ... ~ ~...,,. ouR , ........,_ , , ~....„. ....... ... i .-: 4 .. i ..: I • • -,v1...., . ' r- - /` ' - NDPOTTSVILLE .- -:- . . ..„,:::: • ._" • •.: - „,,,,.„...4 7.. a. a: :7 ~... - • .;. . ' -' GENERAL ADVERTISER ~ • I ••••• , ..... TN , pens ase`Boval ii ft samosa bat asi Ikss the,asane it image . - - .:;: _ , . • ...-: •. - . . ~,. . 1 . • ' •, • -, - • , '.. • ; ! . ' 1 LISHEIY EVERY SATURDAY MORNING BY , BANNAN )47,. RA ii .EY-, ..POTTSVILLE, SCRUY ,LKILL . COUNTY, PENNSYLVI ' _. . PUB VoL XLV.- 1 --No. 52. 123=1M1 OFFICES: tent otAnthruiteg• •• Tier 14, 111•4111. Borda, )(eller & Nutting, r , 4 C: 0 A Li WEST =HIGH GREENWOOD, TAMAQUA MUTT, ; • REEVESDALE; ; "EM MET LORBERSY. • BOATS FRANKLIN Red HEATH.I I . • - BIG - RIIN LOCUST WT. - s GARRETSON, Oirardyille. 0171C113;-44X MIXT Bonos. • ' rriZttq ll rlrri TY .. PI7I7 PIG. T PIZ! IT. Borda, }Keller &;. IfORTH;.FRUIRCIN , -• WHITE ASHL Aptil 44. '6O Pier Aro; 19 Port Richmond. JOHN ROMMEL, JR. & BRO. ; stiorzai or ryaniclin Coal of Lykens Valley . • . 10, f Red Ash. Hill otikl White Ash., Henry, • Mel- Webster. BROAD ' , OP ...BITUMINOUS • I, RAVEN'S WING. LEHIGH (:At Elisabethpott. , ' SOU Walnut. ROW OFFICIEIt . V I T 0:1 71.W V. a. G. "'ill( li a bn a :Z r rrent. • , . 10. • .! ' Pler • No. 9„ UWOIIOI7 LEWIS é Co., , rpm, uu imprzsa 66 Tim Celebmted ASHLAND COAL, _ "NOM .11L1LIANOS MOUNTAIN. ' OM * CE-411 p6 Walnut diret, Ou(timenisl railsclell6; New Tort 00w-1111 Etroadosv. TAO) Bedlam Woes 69. I AC /MUM{ ft.„ Agent. Wotan Office— ., Dame : • t. (Jan PT. JOHNSON & HOBOKEN. . COAL. L COAL. VA'AI: *ICH LE .& STOUT, ]FLYER & BEIIPPE4 OP THE CILEIi i Tt&TED' gi rtatOnl i & li fitont 4 (Lehigh) Coabs, in= the *hernia solth; Mgt pollinates. nest Ur: Deltweei Bract hOlll emblem am bnanl names al PP. JOHNSON ROBOBIDI mad N; BRUNSWICK; N. J. :011 , 11110C111‘...44 & 40 Trials) , lisildbis. I D eves4wo7. !taw Yeelk. iranal74 RD Broadax/. ' . • Y & ICENDRI,CK, L J. DOVInr :KINERB 45D SHIPPER SOP : • CI • CO Mai , A.ND DOM, ICENDDICIE & CO., J. J.Bour, WY. KINDRICIi, J. F. DOTY, BOLE AORNTB FOR THE DELRBRATZD 'Rainbow &Plank Ridge Coals, Winn' N.. 91 P.rt alchinesia. 11.1.111side1pla."--911S Dock - Street. • • rottamfile—Gentrei &net. New Y4irk—Trluity, Bandlag, Roam 49, AestAte9. usdat a Sliver. Arena Bottarit,-N0..11 Dolma St, James 11. Reid, Aggl. Wa.lll.osion. . 43.—HeguT Jones; Aggt. • 4' 494,1 90. 1 0. Ise RHUYLKILL CO.„ JAlnt J. CONNED, lOaQl2Apprft at !bit Orktorated • LOCUST MONTAIN COAL, rittivejle t Way, Jams 1019 . 1- . . LORBERRYIREEK,' EAST FIIANIILLEN '16.0 11,11111 a. RM . 11111111,COAL. My tat Fiasklba t = 4 o)al fa bet oak etas; lavy by Newea. 60141a0.11 a CO.. ado an aly soFe 4. lc Patties ortlertng bum•tbma. may ileinwi aqia4 epaagettanas pas ankle. pa 'Milani Ba., Philadaliada. , - 10,1011 8 t i t sa Pile as. New York. • ' Na. 144 1142aStreeS, Doom ' - . imessif i..- W - - • =MIT in= THOS. C. PARRISH' 9 ' azurnia AND Dui's lX _Lodi* Illekinflplall pad Sieslusins • . . . 11 C r 11. TA - , OONSIGNIENTS ON • 001INIk SION Salleited and Taken on Fa;:: Taxable Tett& -- war r .aat wit..: ta-t) "_., - • J4S,H•N R.. DIEHM.:: NAlfifF/OTWI of GOAL sous* TY 111 f Lasiess died Msst - Apdprovddi MO* tddissdpsd win is a crietiesl Saws Ilisailds Sind. Warns Odd Openitan sad absis,thst 11 losashclisnat a COAL Wanted J sat nottise O,IAmtedA L VIM MN ER Milk VHS imeu.IVILL AL WAYS WITAOII .0111( AL AL WORN ODT. • • cogthsswes Idd faiha. Iddiddltddled Fibornalltddraria,4 _ row at *ere Itantorsse dem ie 1.011-1. - Wk. , ' • ',DADDO7I3 HEW MA P. • , - - :- TER i . • . AIIITHILACiTE AL REGION. NW z. 6 • We Is the 'fat* ' •We •ntemadte Coal Regions at Pameyhhhle. It dllteni to many re. 'weds troe}othael••• polished. beware It Ow th e henna* lad We 's rehttwetetlae of Ur Cool Bs . liati iiit_ _ W =ts mitt' tbe warm Of in OW hopeetee • Oestiehhtew lam. fie. • • . rte. cm Sakes ' - -, .. 41 0 lo seethe Nag ... ,i... ....... ......... ..... : let . Le Shwa i • ..,9,. i 16 •D. oarlinalbt ----- - -1 DI Do. oiltaells dluieted " • $ W Show tn. Pocket kesklorth betted hes* ea on mote el the Movie vier.L Tar ale at ISANDILN • ILMRXTS IloeirstgavVratriffia: AI=R? 11111,1101111ZIENT OW SWAMI Wllll.-.21, all wiser Is may lUeseser oaks sal ta asoillondos of S— ki listi w por by JAW WW of Or llic i e PottnUr ooWy of IWIEU. to Lewis of Pflidsiser, Ur tarsi ~ono boos Mao nil Illastreure sci 4 so ri e i t JAW Al. lad il ltra ir ea NI I 11iftsr a zi la or or OW Os wid i e Cs* Cure ..111, Ws voila Mom mt. Orel 11. SSW, MIS Nes so Ur odd r Imre ilksatmosiMiiiM ut leas OWN Ws . is perms olow of nod/ft of Sr Vila or rata Ur ism at op ciesisposl Otoela •110 Urea el ifts Vier to sti war Orr Mem Deter Isear SO le Si re orL es Ultima r=. I ow tea be 6. rot pia tol to NI oil stereo - . tfill to ais Impel iir Ireoterust. Mity eta oreest4n re Ws lbsbendri ent Weer sal Yr LI Orin. seoverro se old mg/re. Mrs Ws est mew stir mufti la art Wm% Mama bess Um sr INF goo rolft to tar moniesirda Mat We as is ars W W • Pmert WU it Aram • lor• MAW Alb Bonin Ma. JAM , Waidwisali= - F I EANICLIN COAL ILYKENS., VALLEY. orioSwell illot;tio Joon neer oils cask La Mosel las gimp nos pow, IneWa_mar deeks at tie soot latrtwore to bat Tomo Mitils. els r .1111ANI, ! mi Ctbot. cools Ondek Wed, ousol li : . WlelliketWirmftmootMosthW op. Mur lota mos ma on ma ooliptrAlloost bOaMolt tido lourdas Is Oloolpr lo =OE talloi Oialossastoilhogh._ • • . • At al Ur sod oilbSo is. iambi la Soo Me* Now llostomil aorta hoolPol Iv UR- Clll4 J Out 01012011111144 1 1.*1180. of IWO' Ili* P. T. olbos 14 Mora 114 Bw.H.T. L a Look /414.- Ilatitibillos elks id MDOIOIII. a.,. Ma, &EL Ommelienda imis i t ether of Oa above moo ropro*o at Our - Cgao Nona Ina* ir 01111 1 6 11111 COMOItle.: ABA IDA WINES, • Or • . OUR OWN EIPORTATION. OljelltO age ot oar Meads artte Sea sinssltt ad orbit. car beilftlio, • to 'NOON* • It TIIIS PLACA 112 , ti=tkv WINS ItCSEOI2BII am. sectlokwtsts oat • .Eery any 'add reit WOOled al gaging as aztadslterafod trade. add koostortiata oalt penarsal expert& or the diglesly of twoorfat a whim Win% sad parttralar a Wm, for ..dial porpodes, aro coododed to Wl' k a trial, sod Is N,ts(adora ardeftd sod Sava so* Wn Kota at • 014 = Oirii Direct Liportetion. - • MI Eases et erre Roam • TORT WM; SHIRRY.;PONTIT CAISZT. fill. AT . PALILLAC. CHAL"ItAII, oat 011RMISN. MIX LAM 1:511141/44,291 •, &W4' IdattlE. awErr ,ItAllaaa._ _o_, far Lefts, Wise). Alao—Di PT: zawaaux a CO., oil Hasa oda. bested -'• (In All Is A alsIE carrilioris godoeparra =MILL u tuft - • et 4 OWL •. • Aus.llllll[llllef Ell LAW. We imamate* tame *twat to be reaels4 sod am, fill• noonaderat for all We will WI was a elleht 'drama of ate haportetkin. Wt flow Mist% sad netabboie rat it the eaccorwesseat seeded. we will Warr 'too We boo& elan byelaw to each ea extent. as mit bow mecum eta deem& , f Chiw. Wattles /It Bra._ `No. Sal Cemtre Lt.. Pot tarUlr. Pte`. 'Pub orrtcm or Tits NIAOAR& ELETAIIIIIO CO" B Cormosiel N. Y. P 944.• ' larriladflAlCL 'UMW° CO. barbaly a lama inimlor. a Lot Ind Produce, lOU be Mamma of tbs °mob* of yucrtratkor t 0 rree•lre fr the IWO gall. N.ay. tur.e. or Lake, }}Dl quantity a vo.ti f Ii st are of traorblrracat lo any Maar. Eye by Canal or won by the Lakes, arm sa dte Wile :roes as any pack. In Barraln. Tbatr lot I. well totaled for a MI. MI err boalnero. CTRIIS CLARICE, ViteTrank Mardi O. s Epr tii 7 • • • 10),. "•.• 4 7Z2 A 724 • • wo vAP..,LT PHIADELPHIA, PA; r..o7ari,r.) IL• nt 4 -70 rIINCY GOODP L'.:s A.Lc *lt ith..'l.l.lte.l rs7e, fited c:rt uilt Bolles; Labels, Cost:dry re;,,,,its: and Ds:um/Ist • vrr in sql. - 11 to call •• • llti , • ; . 4. 4 • Cl ll.. . 4 INE oda 81 7 . Decic-lt - 524, : Seational Wiotight 'hop S 4:E T'lr BOILERS 11,00TIOXIMOTED TIII3II. UGH • • I • rtneanwp. ftritablo aid Marko. .Double'N'tistott Square liciiiting Hoisting libiehincry oal Shafts, Sloping, • , . ¢ t Mills. Stores, Ode cltheist Saigon; cad be seem rotuedg dal? WILL • Ill* *oi M. ilaggX7 qty. Pa. .• • -Ntleitst attention Is Invited to tho Holster *Wel bus up etiaaL . No deal panto—hulas two ptotosts one eyllud.r, either end of which' to Wend stem whet dos ver to piaarther centre. It requires eth hie thin arum cantina ar brakes of any Lind. ;Started, . emend or stopped Leniently. and at >ay ;ninth renr 7 (Astor by the simple mrmenterat of s • tie lever.— Ilsritut np keys, sibs, set screws, or other selpitaine parts shill in other Waco. regain) the ImovOsitre and ea meant cars of an expeCtred chewer. rah be pet. Iv the bands &the mad trespensoced persona All Ile winking parts are enclosed In the we or qt.. loths. and are thee protected from brekkat.e, the et terse of dun, diet, and vast or weather.', estrum lighteitsi , compectner and, rapid speed, Wirt" eepl. enencYtt for th is use: Orders received for the man. femora by the understated. who will alto Lund& estalosnee, pigs Ms, drawings. - estia sod ether totornisuou. • • . . _ . . NATIIMUM GAitILICT, Mituitioy Qty. 11:•.‘21.TIIRCII. Amine. fa. -•• • .• ' • EARTH: CLOSETS, Fixtures and Commodes in Stock BRIGHT & " Aige)ga, .c., temeriy, wD • Mlner4ol Mapper of Harry Clay - Coal,ft. Mare, afro. Peas CoaL, - Wolff Creek. Harry Harper Cos/. tibruarkleta,lll rem mom ealewiesa Wlth • TACOI3 - RIEGEL Br. 333 lainuriut ater;er. PWadelphlat e The Tiaat brinum sod marrelareat WbfileilliaJote• bine them lo the Vetted Sliver,, sr,' (hr Aaron. and 111.0 i generaltmerratient , of Dry Goode in Phfladel phis, kabell be oar happy to Lime my old Meade sod Lb t e rrl =rittle. traternhy repent%) is rail to sea I parea.w Kill Dry Woe, at the vary low t rem 01 all Palm and will hot allay, myself o be sockimob3 by any ratirelar Joliblek Dove to lb. eomitry, • Flame glee me a trial sad Led for mirk Drat forget. . MX. HAI( rem ' • • • yeth JAUOD fllltUal,ri CO, • : No. 33*Htarket Street. ' Deef 160.1 y WM. ILZSDRICIL To COAk t , ik,reCnlviimmufactqlri; SNELL • Rem ot PoUMW. Howe. Cost street &reef Mull [Warms. Ire now mewed to make aft. kinds of. Screens for Cosi Operator., and will vmantee per fect ssttsfsettec In week and prim. peel Operates will =ebb their Mb:lists, by gleihr of a call sno t ryiny a.: • . . • ..+..a.« •••• mr - Aiso boa ot deeeriptloak, mans Waled he. ns cm the mug ressonsble terma. . Anon I, le. 3141 J. LAUBENSTEIN, MIX EBSVILLE,. SQUARE ROD do WIRE BORREIR • • PAT, TED F7lBitrianr 4, len. t• . nos eontre.ltod Elcieens, on • ottoost of the ft nor. torwaeocth sod dumb ittly. me prebtno. to An ob. en wherever vied.Oir &Ala muileactured itkotese Ernes. Bolts. all slris: always at bond.* • Onforg promptly filled *moderato prim. . - • Vey 1111. 1111'• • • b KAM It. K. SMYTI-I; '. MIEN ,Sll,lll . NlllO Wilt - ,ra s in e' . efommruoi:l,: -'=' *.• , 036)1431UB" IMPLiTICD.) , r ' ' deit If • -- ' ,'''' - *Oki OT Ail* COINS" Cll7 Tillie kr:Geo ocr, Degas. 1,1141 Tomei A copal 'sr isalGar 4tou - • July lusewer• okra ' - • - ••. • • WM. rOLLO 01C, Coal •Aimt: • , . Owe:two Centre stor4iusviiiik:4 •. itioilrame sad (AZT ASH dO/LlCboasta ted add a* Calamine*. Panic*, WWI* Pad calla. , trade Wear or cargo. • -Jaly Id, .41a—In - .4 - 1 el mirk sans/ a-, as. Wades Pi the Musty , Nona ban a Was -Maaperfae 1741 a rND19 861 r * OW 1 1 3 Zt Was for 04, st !hi Prtecm. , at e le kw cad. Men* crib Mao pad kn. Vll-11- • _ are . WART?. Anki:ip . ,ToY4 ' * iney &Wit MINIM DOLL fa 1!411M,P5, • Pinn. NS Nowlin , Street. 11.11144etipktie„: tors." ,FA;Ver,Gooliv . %lateral nada and 'owed Vends la tine Oct,. Jam randrei. klaeamortnanat sf all *oh. • npes, esaakharopnemaaanarb'en, fancy baX•ajtilda ewe /a. .rianad ea sad Mull* osr.tott Wam. To liassisoesiffero BM Viii. fa Mormoo~a, llke., laAkatuyi• kill rms :...TAillt NOTION. laailban• sold to a UMW, ot Pan (lutes. ea to unit I. wir - PATENT DYNAN ?WOK aad bins p=ea s W dr a m W 1 18itts M o nr Ow thissiartarsra• IN of I/Ammo. 1•1•111. a. Pa-ao• 1.411-1.11 , DAVID CIA.= Pali EARTH CLOOT. •uiouT a co., ' ''SPECIAL AN*NOIThr CREPT. . i ,r,.......' . .- . ,- . - , . CALDWELL. & UO. Jii '.. • • - : • „. ~.,, JEWELERS, A. -4,..t • 002- Chestnut Street, VIM raisin. auurn! Ed biembeelelTh Ibbsion, dammed by *rep pasaryobll M's amid no also tat Wm. • . With an bake . New Igo& impoitel goods, saxemilaile ANT Tett' nays *writ= • . add tordlalty finite al to it* oil lucid J. .CALDWRIAL. ("JO.: . iii ;i 4vvi ees clitorises Olsolo . n 4; ntrumm.a.: tea .-WALL PAP t.alit• ROWZLL & SOMME, ; I 11=11760M111111 Ni . ,llsEgineld Windoir Elam 8 . • I:lkaampll...rotcrth /142b9112:. rani aaa matre4rens 62m. slaw um NOW. Dkre 01r90i Owl KULL ; - 111411 .sArru - BDA.Ir ritORNING, DECEMBER 25% FALL GOODS. WALKER NEW UNION FIAU, 1 - 1•3-r. , I ' DRY GOODS STORE. - . ~- We have opened, a nd , are in receipt 'aily of the newest styles of goods in the Market. i The, foLlewinzwill be found in extensive aime,x‘mAs . : Dr:es.i , dOO 4S, -SHAWLS COAL. HOSIERY, NOTIONS, WHITE GOODS, CLOTHS, FLANNELS, Hoop ,SICIRTS, With many other goixli4 which we in-, !Ate all to domino. Oar stobiis fresh and aleiaat etylec. with pfixo that tt !terra:mid the ittention of all Aprlll7.l.fAa - IC-1r TUGS. L. Ainett.e. . 11,410n0 1.1,.7414 To Coal Dealers,. Do `Cos.. te. TQE atdesegned" 61Vair Piet, .41 ed Waren, to the tote !lung Lacture Df roars colel col ratent . , • • ispadwrima, . SCOOP 1313C11.2T111, , • : • . - am rru. ll•lstien Sleeks V fa aPloadink OW. Dre.l9aud V also la the *JaanolaCtitt ' • • IKON CABII • iris' ••••••• r. • • • ADD "it % , - ILBOR•BOX arnalu,siAssaiino,, Are preoaind h0ll11:all orders tub keikafelmat tad Veriti —Beier the ;raeni nt th e Neat, Right tor the Self Dostplak, I.l4rtleg, "Scoop Bo* end Dock Block. Caatkto all •perseee ageless cas atactarhtk tor ;porttategi Ike Barge (tom ant es 4lit otovelree oar ste, ere will towage tole utteeetii. ml 4 toy ingelaraL pik the Lettery,l444. Reeocettelly. • it iADDISON WkDDICY, Reatlkol. Sl,_ muyiNVil 'a 11 - Y0 11R.-111IND FAILL444 - :..:,-.7.t.iiiiit: I - MM:l)r WEDNESDA 3Z121.1 33 ,r • • .• . 'Thee rea • • , Sixth -notl',..Marke- GRA:NI).• CI - 40^,1 T G 'SALE , e.. --. • TO BE EVERT REEVE(' „ F tk - DETLIFATE OF THE . • GREAT EXECUTOR'S held therelyear ago' • ,••• f!•., •- • • ,_•. • •2• ,-, 41t, which the Peieple . ',will " . :ember. secti*ed tire • I HST 11111111A.Cal - .1111 S. • .• •; • . Thia - A eSfa tef rg th' ' •—• , on Antirl:klla[ ai da all lifirtiast... in unososay • :a. iii7iveities irtion•Ain ENSILL/11010 IIIPP014.001:111 I 3 - sad alitiapigw * and clothing Oar bales have etceotal jart year% bet O m LVlen ear. lawn of. aloow,apiandto & to present 0/13ei, k 1 , 10; TlllOO, 41000 . 4,, • • • . . , •• : * 8400,0 ").009 • Leming - si; Pknitlisublireil Ilincistx I) ..13;131 wi th .. win b i onoti c „, ax f !side ep oith the utuou4 Crilb• F I iimertar, Mir! OniellimiLV,Winal WORTH OW WURCIC,VaI willm a , to c• 1 91 ,; Old SW* lido pract pest. Bac, I T OF • AT:ALIT - BAZAR: .TO =KEA '• L.FA''' ' ,A:N r c . w• OF' ALL I . IIIS *.LOtHINC- • • • " Cr:H i : 6, lu* goodlett b o p . _tiTriiiih without' K - At Priees: as Lew as Those preik., gat the,breitt Eiale•lait cell, Bringing Some . of.Otii. Prices far b.. : the ,Cost of treat. • mis.. imillicoATN. male is *mit hohlooshler •an Madill , aim% admehrtlaik ?no* . ar -4.••• alcriA, Cow, Paw ail Vats of tummy aludaillhibmil,..boveliat. "indisioallale Ammoco - hltii, ad.' mrseasmispd, ild !WIN, lierldbi V OW Oaditi. Pro* UM DzegiCatts, Rep.,' cow rs....ipAßT#Liparna. of all mazirbile, su ma siPPMMllltreatirrow sad - Kol!by."' • I.lot we etritrtabia,_ . . . '. • *MO WI% Vibe" vie" rimy voltam Ves Vats. liNgNi Cr td UMW. IQ* at b. - SUMMIT+ TEA WEAL YOB 'X DM, ' ta 'Discount all Cash Sales in our to iteparir m neut. deduct - ing - - sch 1;1111, , , • frigging Dglart" dmul Allow .12 .YO l TIM Decor , we* Ammartrest at per Iffethtl . Store val imMe attesike as rams glitter. ice %Pao THE. MOST 8110,0 E SS FITT. - LIPS IMMO 01)NPAIY THE. NATIONAL Life bunira*e Cemituty . United States of Ameripa.:, ClL•anereiilby Specla* aiastreek Cash Capital-$1,000,000 • wit..tatica eyries. •• ~ I-I I L'A DELT) HI A ~ 4rire, • C tretAnt pellideptits,l%.ldfiot '.' • . JAY COOKL Ftu , ncii., Charm= WAtnen and Itzon , utige vAnunict.e. • ' , '' RWARY lICOOKL Woklarks. Vlnt - PrAnAid. lIIIIRIOSI W. PSC". PAllatli . Sdny I /Victim ' . FRANClijO.surru,N. D., PldAi, Mod. DirEct...*. • ' • .-• } : '. ;' ' • TN SALE (04.13.0 I)OLIJ.A_R AT SUC:II PRICES Halfirast , • •=ll et ow I opriczus. . . • • • : lisbe3, to the Enttpi IIETSMIS of Ittotezbeezety • r. 53 POli ies ICendag a c. 15,142,000. efixpaar draft la It/ rptley-IfoViais IP.ERF,EcT SIS.I:II7RITY bl 1 11 Caak;ald up eiditsl et Oi X " Mk= Dollara i acid fasrastaty toad lamed, b 1 da La* Rated of Piemiam L&IGE DIVIDE MS IN; Ar a Itays.diliiiiity Dividend of IC4 per cent. by its PREKIIIi PLAN. TB. B. Cl:R: N & E Gi:L ßA t l aiteati. .Nrt. as S .atb Thud Fltrrert, Philada; General !Pert! tci4 re , n*, 'sada and Nannies° New Jr nray. - B. S' EI73SELL Managror. t• 1 ; B. Local g L Putttyi PA: :I Nov. 27. 19 WIRE fist and Roland /rria and Steel *lra flier. Pe Sl am!, Badges. Inclined Plata, - Ditracte, Eietfailm aid Canna. Wbe or every.deeerlptlon and rtie for the trade Order! Sled wleh defrpareb, by _, • lIAZ MAN UFACTURINII CO.; ' • Nandi Cheek, ear hen Or.. Pe WIIICUTP4II. opr : a_ at .loan retakm cm toy, ill,- Ugaltd informable setae,* in tetrY. mrenyih. *eight. Air,' artin of n /tore °G9 ty POTTSVILLE COAL YARD,. I S H 13 A :C • ATTIRNTiON liatallolllll4WEEPllllol - We, the Emderalenol. having *aCla.tge kuick of the bona anglifies ~ coat In the motet. are ;prepuce to' bebopr a ii, error article at !estimable poet* !Other ay thew or toe 0.240 ltma. ' Orders Left at the So!tatees of L. P. llif.lllllol3Wi. Ss. la/Snore street, wUI ineeise, batannt- taw:Lee. • • W. IL 11/111*^IiI) &NCO. Aug 24 V t * 35. • .• ED:11 - 40USAND 00.00) WORTH WINTER W§,lflll,B AN TE SALE BIORNING, 11. 1. 186 9, en. O'Clock, 1 - nen,bed. thdi 1 . t.rets, Pfidada., .. . 2 itnient. • . • IllatUrret sal Sir: zals 9Natly Redmaktriices.: • Pr , a. tiattesassa. Prol11: 11 ; itmorskla ii,3lll4,lsUor Row P'=t , TC3Ul4 - . 1869. ; 4; POTI*V,ILLE. t,►TD*D*Y. DEc* tt ti 19p. MINER ‘, Vol. Fig .11370. Now is the Thne to Subscribe ! - Wide Columns,' • • New Type,. , Mew Features, • Great hoproveetents. THE MINERS' JOURNAL will com meOce its forty-sixth year with an entirely new and handsoMe outfit of : clear-faced type, with widened-columns and, other new features, whiCh will make it-not only one of the largest but one of the neatest pipers Greater'effcrts thiln ever. will be , made to keep its readers 'well in .formed-upon all the questions of: the day, besides .having a . full reprt of mattes. tirarispiring:in our county,„ . The! 'paper *ill be madenpUf entirely new and fresh matter, and will, not contain any matter, : that may haVe'lappeared in our, Daily 'during the week; Taken in connection *itli the DAILY'MINERS' JOURNAL, its readers willhave a - complete and.un •iirpassed. fund of news, to be found in no ,i4t'her paper: ol its character in the State. it has now a litger 'circulation than any Other weekly paper in -the State outside of Philadelphia:4a .Pittsburgh, and AS 4N ADVEHTISItib 'HAS NO §UPDIIOII. , ,J Terms $2,75 per Annum , in Advance THE DAILY MINERS' JOURNAL, I'oB 1070. Enlarged Fenn, . 4 .Nei Type, ►ride Columns; Latest News. With 'the twit year, the DAILY MINERS' JOURNAL will also begin new volume, and besides having an en tire new dress of clear-faced readable type—will be materially. enlarged and Otherwise improved:, We have. fut our selves to this larg,iand additional expense in 'order' that the DAILY JOURNAL May be found entirely worthy of patron age and support" and-we now-desire to see it receive .mere ,heirty welcome,' and -be . found in the hands of every intelligent family in the County. $o far its publics 'tion has been, a heavy burden upon our time, and parse; but, we 'have not been . deterred by any - considerations 'of this kind, from incu7ingt•expeuses, which publis,her4 of new daily papdrs in, other interior towns have-,-not hazarded. We work earlylarid late to male a paper and acceptable and kering had wards of coinmendation and approval from many quarters, We now' ask trona . our friends here and eliewhere,4 more tangible and substantialisnpport. • • . To establish a daily•paper in, this local ity, requires hard- and unceasing Working, ind we have neither spared:• time, labor, ar expense, to make it a-success. Thus Will we Continue to work ; 'and we would excite to t4e same end, the pride of every good citizen, that ;Pottavilla and; &host • kill County may not fall 'behind Other see lions in their ,aPpreciatiou of a Daily newspaper. - " . Renewed and.greatet exertions will be inaa. to beep well 'up in all that transpires at home and abroadati4 the paper will lontain • - . TELEGRAPHIC NEW!, • the [intent. LOCAL NB 8, • the Fullest. , GENFRAlL,rirkws,' . • e - ithe most luterestlutr. TO. ADVERTISERS : To oar basiiiess . men ant the• public; kesersfly; .*e", offer' the colnrians of our, papers upon liberal terms, and reCnuimendi both, papers 'is' the best. nipdium.thronghT 7rhich4to offer ',their goods,. or :peke their Wisheaknoirri: • r 4 .? If yeivitatrii goods' o sell—Adoertire. , If yo? Would keep lour linsinea" before the,pul*.et •—.Advertise. ' If you haVe lost anythilig-4/rerrite. If you have 'found anything—Advertise.' . I tyon want help of any kind—Adrerrise.' ,jf yo . i:t , want i'situation--Athertire. • It. saves . time; it eirrei wearisome wait,' jug; it laves' moricy.; , .' 41irdtcietta 44eertiiing will Always Fay. !'W piper. will!-tre delivered to- sub = ricribesi.bi:thi - Girriers, IC 10 cents per 'week, sir williff.the Weekly.;MINERS'., 1 J01.1,0k211.4 ;cents per week. To 115 QV pet year, or. JOURNAL ,$7'..,A0 'per lam , piyablein advance.. - IiktrIZTIIL AZOLOOZYZ , : OnCiio.n time was beard sigh] and cry, es leaves often "do wben a , :gentle mind is abseat... tind tile twig said: oWliatia the' :Uttar, little leaf? . “The wind,” mid' the leaf, "just told mg that one day' it would.pull me off, and thibwime doirri to the ground to die !" Thl r twig told it to the branch on which 'it gre and:thebranch,told it to the fires. And hen the tree heard it it nutted all ove'r"oind setirwsird back to•the leaf: "Do not be afraid, hold on tightly, and yea ekall not go till you want to." And so the' leaf stopped , sighing, and went on pestling andlinging.- And so it•grew all rammer long till Octiter. And when the bright days • of acithrovi. came, .the leaftsaw all. the leaves - around. beaming T ell beautiful. . Some. were yellow and "goineorese scarlet ; and tame were strjped with bath Colon. Then it saked the tree what it meant And the tree said : "All these 4aves are getting ready to fly away, and they hale put on these bean :au' colors because of joy." _ Then the'. little leaf began to Want to and grew very beautiful in thinkiogof it, and when it mai very; gay leo:Aces, it saw that the brandies ofthe "trailed no calor in them, and so the leaf said :"Cl brunet why &tuliplead' color and we Olden : • • ."We mist keep on tier worm &thee," sa id thC tree,"fer.oui:, life is not done'yet, but your clothes are for holidav because, Jour task, is ever." ...lust-then it little. puff of wind. eame, and the leaflet go.without,thinking of it, ; and the,Wind took it upend turned it over and over, and then:whirled it like a spark of fire .in the air, and let it' gently down'under the: edgerof the fence among hundreds- of leaves, and fell into a dream end neverwaked up to tell whatitdreainid about.--Beeelier. Orr or Wom.—.-There are aid to be thousands of persons out of work in New York. The gnat bulk of them we elseeiftell by the N.Y. Tritteee under the &flowing 1. Those 'whohnow how to ¬hing 2. Thom that can .do something, hat nothing that any one Wants to pity them for doing.. • , Those who.srei not willing to do what they can do and might find to do; M will only work at soestling . lighter, montgen-, tm,f, and better ply. ' _ 4. Thom who insist Mi staying where there ii waken them, beneath:4'l*k t'; it Where it% might. ba t03md.:,,. 7 :;.l64lKiiis .Ow . A ma m i Wood k Coil. 'aka 61411 • Woodlial tia; glow; =toe! Ala , Qinblo Cobies Ceritg?. • WaITTION AT=y 11143 , T#MR'8, GZA.VZ: Xi 110.1411 s. iii27lXx. ?be ttembilog daw•drcps fsat _ Casa tlmieltattarad 11,3nnant like rods at reit: . 71m Nam abto2 glctid% 'aid all. , • Sera sae. fetlast, , . mother, !ova thy tried I , • The with La bkesmni'btian shit • _Waves Weir thy head—wheii akeit It way! 4 21 e abetted dovet, let mart . • • • Ita betiht lenge to the testrest how; • t Dear aotku, ',la MI tie etittarm—ilatti . Ant, la as tbj *Ow. - • • ; And I could lore to diet' • • To leers anhteted lifei4aik bitter etr4eliv , tliegs.'sa etK to (1111;34,0d, 114, Azd Mare thy dreulua.,;; ' " Ad Must 1 Hopi. Sere Vo data the plumage of 121.M0 Somo Yftrfr .on the hopes of ebildhowl Jeer, Wit& filttiir taus ' . And mot I Ilagei ben , . - A lowly bruch opal altlas'ed Zree, , Whom lag trig Itat, 9Dtimr y tcre; Wait down with like Oft (rani withered bewet. ' • lu comtionloa eriat the loot X tuna' And Onus ou thee, the only timer , In Memoly's urn. . • . AM wiWe the eituleic pare . Howe like • sweiFrow on the thatt'itt Ward, • I 'trey to Celt the ulight.winds will • - f:Arcatutthy gni. %Intro in tip thdrtt down t firato abold—' thy look fs Icawed mt." I lbws. and thy gent]. toot, . . _ • lo du the alt. i Oh. cow. awhile I pegs - Yz brour opt n thy.tive—idd to,4lbou nitt'd And ttailitanhated tetokrhtio,. • ' . Bleary Wen. thy child! ' ' • . fducatbanaL B. F. PATTERSON. Editor.' ' • As the question.. of , g arnll . lll2 ist. , l he com mon schools is being agitated in, our district institutes and literary meetings generally, • 4 Why not disertia to- some 'extent ihruuX. , the educational colOvine of our leading Your -Ids, since that privilege is . gifen to its gra , , tnitottely . That ;it is c a otieStioiti of greht importance, Ind one which requires careful consideration none 'Fitt for a moment deny', therefore let th oCe 'Who take grounds against It come out .and tell us plairdr'what: thry mean and shoW up the.. futindaiiub upon Which thisy desire to base, the final abolish :Meat of grammar from our sehools?;Eng.r lish Grammar teaches us how to speslr. and write the English 'language correctly.;, that is to say, the Ilia of grimmer .. te'ach u'.; Ent it is argued that our children can•fearn ;o /Peak: and write correctly •by .isso'Ciating With those who have obtained the aka using bar language elegantly ;.this • we admit, so' . far as imitation situpty,can arrive at pence: teen; but were we to ignore. the tech:lived ties'of grammar - and leave the .youth' of our land to the knowledge - they might obtain hum association haw; ong would it. reqoire• to eradicate the elegancies of„ . the gradmati-1 cal•laiguage•mula us of by tire present heti. [ eration of grammarians Then, fur want-of lighfj all linguage would be, of the same nolor, certainly.; but would .400rance be' blue ? It is argued too_ roar in soars 'gone i r by they didn't use any gramaitre,iiit:'irhat Weight in this progreasive age h i 4 such an :argument' In years.gene locotiiotiies 'and the first one, invented_ Like. ;the first graMmars' compared'' with thole of the present day was a p00r:,% - one; but from 'the time of its invention to the present time . it bee (like the gratanaii . ) been. intproiid and now stands as one of the greatest bless-' . :lugs of the age—flyingalreoit•all around fho ,globe,; hauling along with the ~greatest. : t4 ease hundreds of tons and bearing, us ortdong' joitrniffs lightningla f e lathe: first place it was easy... 6 tunlerstand • the 10. °emotive but of late - years it, : dias. become necessary Co hive books printed for-the in-. afraction of those aspiring to: the Posftion'ef : locomodie • engineers—so gees:, ;hare •been. the improvements on .that' machine, And. -has the English language nut been iuiproted aiaoa first.conceived ~.Withont. doubt; add I why, therefore, object to'the use of a- book . from which we derive valuable, nay, iadjs persable information 'concerning . ..it 7 put' • • some, while they . 'have no,objectious, to a goad thorough, knowledge oC :science of grammar, take, eiceptfons to the, method.ol , obtaininalatt knowledgel-drey say that the teacher should givetinatrlictiOnd in grniamer without using the text book: Well, if lib has the!grtunmar from b eginning 'to end In his heal he, can'do so 'but not - otherwise: Sad boil, much easier and better. is 'piecing, the text book in the-hands of the pupil atiditt recitation time :the teacher "chalk in,,banal standing et - the, blackboard illukratit;g, itirlous principles: • .. ; . . - ..11 it were "necessary, for • therleacher to stand before his'elaneand gutk" only t he titres gisen in• the book 'then we would .agree .tblat teaching graintear is a fierce but when We take Into ponsideration that - tte. questions v,kten in test.baoks gratamir . are .enly . . - . .: , iieanhers aids" ; is are the liue4thiap iu to books on other sciences, then we nitiethe d that the kratirimar tea goal insfitutihnj titherntaiament toised spinctimes izz - Zhal when *eta. downtzfarrite, . or arise• to speak the goammer comes between us and 'our 'subject and becomes a detrimcni.to exnression rather than an aid; but this point was !Co Weill:net at our lade:COQ - lit, Cdtmention by tha t gentle.: MLA who brought our knowledge 'of a Musir eel Instranieut to beaj on it that wethinit it, being an,etre, wilt s ylcrithe in pain end dicj 'stud its worshippers." ` • ; • Sow, atito.tihen'tio would teach - graMmer in our common "mixed" • schools and bow:— When the pupil bas learned to read tolerkbly well, that is when he can .prono'unen'Or'ofils -readily, for vieltold that'no one can read an:, litentandingly without a knowledge, of stn . tn. - mar, -then let the work conimetiee.; and ifthe teacher has taken care to Call attention to mistakes wbich,•pupils who have no ktiowl edge of grammar, are constantly making, and which' they nonldnot Make if tkej he a knowledge of grammar, he , will 6nd no-diffa,- nutty in basing tgein learn shti parts .of speech; andlbts wzashoold have them dcz be-, fors .. placing- the .text book 'in-their hands, that is to 'say their definitionn -during- this-. part' of the - traininine exoep dons; idioms; -irregularities or rules.should be Introduced, but all ihe ; tithe cit.!! eliould be taken to shovithe necessity forroinethini . 'of tip kind. ' Whin the ekes Are fat - airier ,nith. ! the porta of speech: we would have each !scholar provide himself.!with,a hook and that •, not primary .ozie either:;' ther complete grimmer Mist be bought ,sometime and an well sooner at .later, if we limber" understand our busluesda • As, loon. privilege of criticiiing the other indthn and oat sad encourage the - m to do so, but of course, in • kindly manner. Next' we •wohld dies abject and indicate that is to iey sob: : jeet and predicate simply, without •divistins or andificatioty at first,. - awfbave them pdint sod eat in every sentence introduced a$ a par sing grantee , and, as .they ; groW (emitter 'With these. iltrodrice the divisions and moth, &Mitsui; We encourage the . pupil - to diss gree with - us, hiving bim'. show upon what vowsde he does so, end sho.giug Jilts rbcts.• in he errs, always treating- him as we ithuld $ grown person, no matter. whatnia age, sin, , condition or degree of• Inning 1 &akin tar fritn, Were "dry mOnotonoes• ding,* grammar in our Schad is ode Of the moot interesting studio. " . 7 ' eimeinding this irtiele,we would say, that i [ theigranuner al a test book were abet' imbed from our *shoots we would neier sa Ininsithun4o child so great is our 'oPimil; time to the exclusion Of grammar from the common mixed sibools. • Jet,: Tan New Sum= Ril:tn.—The gmanui will be- thrilled With delight. on learning that President Gnat has tendered the neant hileteldp on the SaprenitipambJut the greiii Wei . twiner, Edwin -IL Santo% end ant Delis aneepted Mil appitintineit. No: man' hM,ttngtoobly earned the noshing', than Ed- . Via Le Blanton; Ts!' Saes 13csass.:—:Them we Ado° MSS Of bOntil sad about Beat from Boston tq Philadelphia lie sinle week.. Free Trade irgeiddestrcg b WSW ptidqciks. • • EAMON E fe RAMSEYS STEAM -P.SINTING 01711E1E,, _- : • Oa =POW OarJOB P ' DUPARTIErtt 'nth the aroer4 Sad UO _1 __ Peiattag Xsettlam. and relttodsbed It wall the one: ohderrod mu, wastill hew at We, we ere now better thse tier pretend phasorata . :-. • BOOR :.AND ' JOB PRINTING - , -- • t Orem, doceptioa Atha Odle* of WE litinaUP JOURBIAL. ebeetter iaidl US& Ibsen= De dote at any other estahllshaest la the roantj.—aatt elan to all! ' reverts to the beet ettyerott: We are prepared to pent abythle - f that eau be dose to the hurter city ollue,— and rupeetfolly Unite. . all la a Job Ittattall to . Btu oat Offices call. . Beekr4' leamplelets, Mille et Loiters; 'Weeettodtlnetter Berodisw o LIMP Woesees, liehlread Tlekete.Neare aid Cheeks will" - . Mood altla.. .. • rapes lteelua. . Bereave laresep, ~ . Agreement;. • . - Thee Illooke. , • etreolere, Itreelpea, ' . • Sal luilmath .- - OberWeeper. • Cor4s. Lobel* mai Tip,- At the very *bolted Biwa Oar Out orJOII . TITIZia tamer sadtmois eiteeehe Mu that ataxy otterodle In WI Raton of the *Ste. Latour buds are • th at We Jobbloa, Betas Prettleal Mutat owseleee we VW goalaatae Get p . we lobe equal Waal Loudon ha tar einem. • .. SIUNTIM I 114 GOLD AND COLORe dose at the stetted *OWL' " - • Sad 41adnage dolg We Weed to tarp u bet as • •ap web Media* aid tonal' oar *Roma on every Ow a - . NIL. •• - 13, 0.0 Ki• I-N LYE T u. Dna ou • , Iwo goo bee4froodeed az4 •irtch the am co* pkterkt irottoith. • tom 1114. many pars - of expedosee th the. • boa M*** hi PMielephlS. .• • ell to •do Biodta4 In-4 moot uptake •'• tosoart ovel7 virk•t7 of c. •• • • the pialo*l.to the moot elalxusta: !. • BLANK RamaDru.m.s of ry Eeshrl • • ihaled 144 Bound to ourd tha =O m, ihd ofin mot • ! I • • • " ' . Air sc&sirrato arnto: Weasia fee IPrisothei:l6 The Hattforli,Ctimatat "rya,. ' Thifollowinktioneerning a gentlemen whet has-dePtitired with our State Tieaeueer an amoinatattiliclent to net an income of $lOO to - Pay for an annual diaper to ihe,State prison cobv iota, Wiil bti read with-interest, :II:, C. ..iDersey:the Rhode Islander, who 'has given to ; hie own -ar4 other State leads; the annual iaciune of which amnia' be ex pended in ioast-turkey ogee a Year for "the. .itiniafes of The 'perthentiarits, is'thusdeairitr: - ed: lie is a painter by trade, and condugtl an ..e"Sicusive and .lucrative business. s V.e keeps no-books, hut does everything strietyy opouthe cash principle. lie 'makes ntirtil tuto . tif income' to - ,I the intersual , evertue Ida; partmenti .The follawing scene. is said hay. occurred : Enter United Riatellsset4.i . , •Mr,florsWwliatarasionr, inmost, last yasy.••• tt.;•an't say.. , - 7 - keep no 'accounts; yoh Ate that card my - terms are cash, and I live up.tu r Them—never put down one cent with a pen: 'tian you , :not- give me some Idea Of. year re :ceipts the •slightest—have. made' , a lostrgaitu With the Almighty that Twill .neier 13erichektnd Itarry out the contract to the':, letter; 11tgiving•avray a!I through the yeo-r, - and at -tlicend of the year hate from s2ood to ;4X/04{51d spend in giving persons - roast - 11.11:keye ; dot on what you-please by way of tax, and if 'you - should afterward hecome.dis sotisSed come again and take another truck; 1-yentured to ask on what laeothe be wets, te.ts'ed2" .01i/tati-replied,.•tire some • -•- • . He itformett are that Ito mintprisedi Sty hy'hittiself, of which he, leas president, iressttrer, secretary, and board' of directors, end ihst while the poor otbia own town Were 'hie chief care, he had benefieiaries in . 'natty different staies. Be said that he was fernier-. ly tnuih annoyed by applications for loans by persoiutin batty of -whom be accoMmo dated.Aut rarely gotany. . retort's. Ile bee, thi , refo.fe, - posted this notice Over the door of -which le more fovcible than cis-. gone. and is ,certainly free &or all tincture of ruritattiiin , 011:5 • • • star! - N.attdrmitinneo here eieept- on bpsiness ; • No mori..money_lentr '„ 1 don't . mind giving tn'th# needy r 14—n the • lending "..3.1r. - lienoyhtiotogieed for the, roughness i.f.thismotieehy saying that iteas not nteant for profiikty, but only for eMphasis,, and re salled thiviittr's words addreised to the t.ioriliett "mid Illarisetst reepents,•ye Ren ovation of vipers I bow- ca h • ye escape , the datnnation - of hell I. "Last jese'slr. Doisey oftere.l te'llie head oft* certain priSctu ottconditionthet he would g y re his prisoners scfroset tuthey dinnor ; thelium was accepted. un that , dOnalLioll. • iltiptifterwards learned ;,thailhe btrls were boiled ihstead of roasted; omt he sited 'Seethe recovery of the 1.20tt, oii • the rtiund-of d breach of contract. In relattng the eirculustance. he remarded theuld gent:teimart, on the return of his Prod . ho4,said, boys, now kill the fatted -calf, had , ro ost It for the- feast ofiielcome howmould he eie felt if, on going into . the kitckee, he had found them boiling the lie had himself once bees in cireutustances * vti .V kttew'what exquisite pleasure a roast din-. luerforded to one who-had long been. living 911 eteiden food, and he theit and there resolved he ever had the means , he would pro_ videafosist once a yearn for a elate Of men 11....a1it0m get anythifilk but boiled food.:t 10N5, &O BoI.MBICS•XNV SALT Ai. • lilssuals.,-M. .Veltar having, some - time. since,: putillsited an irtidia "on the utility ounnun salt fo r tagriarhnre.in edintitquence. 'of its Altarior Iransfornintion jstdcarbOrtate, shd lea* to nitrate of sous.'." Peligot furnishes a,nritioinfit thereon to the Journal de Pharmacia at de which ho gives the results 'of his own iq- Aecate,hei' .11e Suds that-when common: , Salt, naturally; oectiris in un arable soil Some plant*assimulats this salt, but greater num ber do not. _ • TuE.Rernatrivelasioias os ldr7at.e.— Dr.:-.l.4l:'Gladstonc reads paper before; the liritieh..tpociation ' at rho .Ezeter meeting, on the rololion'of the refractive energjea'and the combining proportion of metals, in Whickibe"Mated that in- mast cases, but,not all, the tesellie emnbininiiroportion'el the metal - the greater . in the refractive energy. The rule seews-te prevail among those W...et ale .whigh form definite Palle, each as-magnea ium; iron, and sine, but does not hold at all With 'nonmetallic elementa:, The coinpiden -Ceti pointed cui by Dr. Gladattine drvitorilhoi - any .dcfinite.. relation between the atomic weight of metals and their respective refract log power. 41 • Longuinine stated at 'a meeting of 'the ...Chemical Society of Parts, thai when this tar is. distilled, eating with water,•there is obtained i light, yellow-- colored 01,.which, oh being treated with Caus tic,' potasli,..yieldsi i crystalline compound, due . to,a Pecular• phenol, which constitutes about, f-15th off the entire quantity or oil ob tained. r;Thn , tetnalnder of the oil yield; chietly'•tereberit boiling read. distilling tiler between it ' ) and lOU'llegrees C: The phenol! .obiained his some of the virtues,of ordinary phenolor,earbolic acid, and exhales that pc-. cut* :find well known smell of itussian leather, Which is tanned with birch bark, and me chiefly rniployed.for book binding put , • . A CEUIt rea.Dcass.—A valuable discovery was aocidentilly mid° by a workman Fiance; who, some little time ago/ in ',sm 's-lib:lg .various pieces of - meted 6 searched him. self moSt dreadfully. in life agony„ and ineuint's reflection, he thrust Lis injured hand into the pot coniaining the var nish, and • iinmediately felt relieved as if by enchantnient.. ilciepeated the .Terstion ,foy m-tlaY . two s and, in a short time ;was per, fectly .ctareil: - :The discovery attracted con ..sideashle'altbrition'in the neighborhood. It. wea merii for to Fete to cure ,tionfeLmen In- j arid .by.s poidsr , explosion ; had; being sue ceisfnl, he wan direeted'te appilf - his cure to patient's, in, the hospitals,of -Paris, where his treatment fur burns was 'noon found ty be more efficient than the old method. • . . is,gr otanis WINING 1107380 N 17tr .7"rrirrlfins iK flynimak on Firs—dins* a Re pTion N (Pr A aondak Illecuter— Anotier • &are 6.„,*•::4,2At 11.4. found Deal fsinkknor li,edyr oJ lh4te-Minere Th. Broginor Destrovell and • Work tw the Misr Rsopestted. The 11:Y. Stitt hati,the following toiler de taillaie. disaster which is t4luded to in Sag ntdayloornhig's despatahen from' the Armed, ' • Pt rwoLT . n. PS'., Dee. IT; 1869 . .—0nei. mile north dt- the Avondale Min*, where the'ap pilling 'catastrophe, still fresh in therecollec lion. of the.publio, occurred last' September, lies the Jcirsey eohl mine. It is the.property" of. the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Conspany; and yields two hundred tons of coal per day. TIM .1119131 i. R 0, 0 34 I)gr 111. i,. •,. • A tile wee discovered in the engine !room •at bail pest foiar O'clocixThursday afternoon Fortunately but three numwere Inside at toe time. .Ttie . alarm Was quickly given and .1 gene 'of the wildest excitement ensutd. .The miners residing .ia the vicinity of 'the mine, - and • large nuMber of people 11061 l'lyosouth, nutted to the spot. eager to learn tiow.msny t men werein the chambers of the mine; They all came fully prepared to wit- Deis a repeUtion of _the A.vondaie bwrur. Great Was their relleWhen they ascertained .that Only' the lives of three human beings . were? in danger. •osa r moat,rterist—llEST DrACE.SI'..., • ~Treparetiona foi a destent .. .wev 114. Mice made, - . About ft o!elock. _Sir. T. J. Phillipe, the Superintendent, and 'severe! other men Went into the.stir way, about half,* mile froth the laneimouth, and penetrated about six .fiun "dredleet, when John J. Warren was over -Conte by . sulphur. Attemptit wens' ', made to get him out,i but the- others. being pa ally *fleeted in the same way they were °Stilted_ •to leave bite to'bis fate. He 'iSl , -tietill.• Later in the night several men went into the tunnel _arid below the bottom of thealope, as far' as 'the stables, of which there are two. , 'They found all the mules (eight in number) dead. The clotbes of the 'men were brought out. This tended to increase the excitement of the crowd; and bed little hopes are entertained of sating the three miners, • TOi4SCOAD DIWINT-.I,ZARYDT stisrmiss Another - desces4 was .made and another • L intgent search instituted fur the miming min ein the chan.iyas of the mine. ';At tilts time 411 the sirwiya were 4 led witti emote, and die decent was accompanied with :danger et Suffocation. . . At Lao o'otook Filler taming; thetwa brot!nri, Dole sad Jima Parcel!, *elven who were below, time pea •at tbe (111111141.... Th - ey crawled out on their heeds aid knees, b order, to bruibe the pata air, which, they could only Inhale - by keepteg their Ameba aerate aloe. When they emerged lotofrhe open air they mere sery.Rale, sad- so weak as to be enable to will, - They had to be mortiedio their Demon' The WO of the 'donut:ate mot. 'lobo 1 Warred, wbo.Mot • kited while makleg.a searctsfor oluaing wileers, as recotered at 4 o'clock mtcrd..y ittedlitoe, eter the fire' WM - dearly maw. galabed.. He lessee &mile sad three Mail diem, -A Small aabacrlptioti has bees raked. tot their relie4 add It is hoped that others ' will eentritinve to the fend for the rappert4 the family of a man who died , arbilb cue leg tb rescue three felloar Way 'from a • The engines ate all destroyed.' The moat In the rate cannot be resumed . before tit weeks.'.. There was =Other seesaw of . es, espe, but.the cement of smoke was sores that it mat lcapseihle to mcaetratelt. , to bRTO -,..,100W-11111816,.-ll Is proposed', to call Is 'New Cots. Wb not pafitay Bey!" • , • • TAD, TELEGtfa.X. Lind t ablyr 'cal! bet &41.1rthie yties I Soh of my tr.. t ,„_ a brem! ley fdtad I White the hot he raataaio the DOM of bh Deer, • Hu hie het to dal kat:a abet Miami • Otte , , • Deed *r oh It it:an:el art be (rap • Let me raid tie for mist:hit I sari : .• Releatlaso, bard, cold, tie, TCWO, .D Tail - Wird-Mel how did yea-4y that they raii? ( - 11ewasiviortaltx(pjlwde7 - De 4 ! &mad. tee I he' rite siren a Wag. - the breath of Jane rdeies acmes to it the pace . ; - 'NOthir.g—notbleg le chargi r d t byahose terrible wads They maraca be true I letiste ere thetiesahi „3 - (''' 44 diet . praiteraly .0) F i , . • • • &sett &letter but yeateirtiy told Of lila bytiell -- Jleetheh tomorrow the will reheat; olf etrini dby thh.tbriederrolt, stare [tom *krt. • Stalhirg my b. arca,' it Lila at my [cell. • C•plinvral 71 ' • • . . ~ i ' Oh ! Ilirliblo tp!!!, - 0,41) i!r.bUe anti oin!.• • Daittag thy h4:llthloim itith,phlleo! !ibis 1 '1 • : ICO bitif.warbing tinpdir—un ttorth boding thrill—. '-" Bet ate !lam dad!y:l.b, ar4 the leart :fieth' ,:).- ' 'rube I - I , , C.Niolio, boftrmia.^) • - . . • I , (Yr= the Plustm . r4h Gaa•4e,l Dimeril Jo Deati . . A few evenlogs since s'tgall welt held In . .. one of die hells of the city, at which a large -- . " • number of the yt',ung (elks were in 'attend ance.; . - Attipeg tit Mute:ions .of •the istril- nlng'wett a..ptts! , , a gold iing,toffered 10'On . . lady who should ontwa I' r all competitors.— - Ai twelve tieloek the baud guitar, up, .11' Asechlo,' . .lnd a full di ern oompetitors Wok' their:places on , the; 1.1.. i. riveting for the' . .• contest.,. At the txptration of twenty min- . " • utos, lotted the rnopleogsve away and took then seats, leading the,reat twirling -and - - • whirling. in the giddy lit+Dogicatingalance. - - . . Otte hour more. ;there wiaten iltilte coup. c i t,„ tea on the floor, s and the Wee' wctit on tilt ,* . after souther hoot bad :used. when' _from . .. . sheer exhaustion.ano,b ' vide gave away, -:: kfesquit the door ter the . intaining two pair .. of terpsichorean di v.:reek The - band 'of wuttc plaited and phtled,.aind the four fast (Silting 'Mu:tetra Anueed and 'danced, and . . danced, till even those who looked upon 4 them grew sick elte: :ry a At the cod Of - - : the feierib. hour, thi; muslciars grew feeble, • . - and from the linger ends of tfie.vii-liniatslthe . • t blood trickled to thelloor, but gill they iiiip • 4 plied the moving p ower to, keep the dancers' - ' agoing. The.,t•iciteltuent grew Intense arthe,. ~. fifth hour itf the dent* came or, sod. therei were ' these...'prefettit who iasialed. oat.- - pu'lmg an end tic the- merry, tbongh . ~,-.... recitalist quartette - suicide. llewaver, 'no Interference,.' ii'la . 11011alitINI, f and . the ;prize 'ilance;* over the jaw; of death ' went on. After. bee hours and three-minntea -, had dal - died, One urthe ladies fainted, and' .. ;. her partner ctitic.k.li' followed Ler exem„ple„ and. amidst chers,rhe prize 'was hwardel, , , " •, ' to the other couple who kept the lidoir.elhen . came:the summing up of damages, The two , . contesting, girls were nigger death - than. life, ant Mid to he. conic) ed ‘!. -their : ihnia. l * -40- get her with tkin4srtneri, who -were as_ bad- . . - ly used up—in nrinrisg , s; and Fill hare since since --- been Au cc precarious cotelition and und.fr-L. meilieal, treatment. The , girls had to have. . - •... their alum eta trom their feet, and their llmba : , were swollen next--day to tormous size. Viol, "young men will - hardly it- over, skii ilio mu- , , 1-1, Onions suffered terxii;ly and will drier again'',', play at wrerpticht,reann k contest. 1 Srr 'clinch f' 1 for foolishness: FRPlCk.—Tfiere Is.no . coun iry 10 Europa where re.igiod "of all kinds" - la so- c a refully arid impar.lally cherished As a • : it a l i Is ie Frce.' The p Tulaiion-of the.edi i.f So sPO,Orlt - Roman Catholics, ~ Wba"ae cleig'y 'trews.. Oa,' the -ftm4inling to• V. 819 931; francs, or atitata ittiOti,ooo; .1,391.9:t0 .PhUestanta,. whose' ;clergy reueiv.d 09.149 'rano", ;or abbot, ' $29 . S ao‘l '159,9:74J.:wa,•wh05e rabble" • recsive 2941 000 I roues, 14..140. Ths i!io . • are> the ofti•iial Sump. ",The whole' income of the Roman Catholic, clergy is about ,$70,000,000, :ts(l..th,t Protestant', linin'sleni. about ii7.10,0(10. . 1 1 ,There are - 1.7' • larehtibthopl and 01 'bishckst. of the CtlholieL Church. The pay t 1 the titchginhop Patin -it S 10,009; each of the tither archbishda - have $1; 1 tu 1 , bishops - have on ly. 103.000 eery. It 111 cocolierably better shrug It appears, to tesminister or a fash:.` losable chntch -in New Yerk•ilisn an arch-. bishop in . France.: Six Of the archbishops, ' , however, get an ex•ra; allowance of t 2,000 on secctunt of their` tieing Ca rdinals, and, as they tru.also . ex-Offlelo Senators} they get.a . • further Sam of SGOO in this capacity. 'Thera • are 192 vicar g.corals, whose pay is ,$3OO to 3500 a ye'it; 723 canons -With 1 1111 & - .: ries ranging from $320 to 3-130; 3,531 Carer ; •.: with incomes from $2lO to 4320; and 31,560 curates, whole stipends are, from . - , -nip lion. Iforice Grce'9o,reeently:voluti teeredn letter on univeilitl..pmnesty4o Oen., Butler, through; the eolunitikof the Tribune,. charging him with being the leader In oppo olden to th'il measure. Wire rather think Mr. Gretjey.made tuiliteke thisOlme. plfpf Gen.'llutler' Is ant of Abe' most eCiih iegwecver:yead, apd we dot think that she Willtrouble the funeral *Wittany more let ter on that subj . eet,,,or.frobobly on any':; - •otber. The whole moil, of Greeley, id ' Mepubflean during and the_tebeillotr, his rendered himself .inctiolroluerable- for .. attacks than any other imminent Repub lican we know of. 1 , 0E1174 UV-EXPOEIT'ATION • The 131I:iteing are the plorninent pointk fa'.; the4United - B , atee'from *blob tee Honk of American prodefete ° were maap for the &cal year ending .foneAo, 186,9: New York altddiS4l.244. New Orleitea.. ... .. • • ; ' Tataoca Wan Franchwo• • 117 8.13.61,/ YoMle • • T.. 31:1567124 • • .......7f. an.ati.tdo Philade Oda. • -6", i • al 14,533 113 Hilda:awe • 13,01,501 Itiaktan and Meadow! 13.113,927 Cturlramn .7,11:;18$ fdehmand.: 1.4‘6,47a1 Pentad' and Italwmoatlf... ' • The expochititins Irciin the SoiOhem mite "Damai, shove etteeia : $l2B 0129,t0e. ,They wiM belargOy cn the hicreale hareafter.• . Soma perions express .uprise that th e expressometary of the. Treasury pus not. eslits . gold to fall too low. that do not.,:, seem taunderitind that a too rapid decline in gold would. affect *tee . : to such an el. • tent uto create a panic the money Mail' vet, Which would cause vyttiespread ruin . And beside", if gold coral too tow; it would ~ lessen protection to home inCluatti mull the: Tariff is revised, and oar connitrWonld be- Hooded with foreign goods, aud ciipplesind close up our 'bonus factories to's certain ex tent. It• is as mach the duty:of the Secre tary of the Treasury managing:the Ginsia• ,-= chi' affairs, to protect the business of the ; .. cotintri, as to guard the interests Of the tar. tiOn. • •, PEN, I'ASTE AND 891E80* , , . fisd game billiards be-' twean tlao men,-on4 of *born ,weighed 32 pociads,:arkd the fighting weigbt of-the wrier was fvriy•fiva pouwis.,: , Tiast Wale man bcat. ..Spesjttng Lithe ecsoircrjtelidays, Nt. Tads v7_ptrqeye, • Pudestbeo. with. huh) ,o3est sttaelied coat s 0411 r. ", lie alludes to chicktte. ' . . . . Vearnboat lar.ded at. s towel oIA the Va.tsaippi the c'c , rk •fatepped up in:if' to Fete packega" es.d, returned with large SiZed.ocedutke up in. ea:ien. lle says It'll: etet gaud for rearaboai daft a ;As baraloaq. Sen Friumlace-ledy who bad.•Eir • Eye kiocked ;our lath a rocket .sees 10,000 .daai‘gea with tte other t ye. Tbe,msembo Locket eta% ate it, fliongb,* with • 1:eo eyes." - ...Sytscure rnercbanfa weet.tbe titci'etita kft . e ft shim* dollar bid, `e* theft eerier. , give charge tem. theni.: thinking :dor .arfi r s'even Ewrceth!rg should., 64_ done for the rellef of these peope.e. , • men . ItOTCW lies in a filcularta pager that be "will t eke Deer Lodge county strip In payment for aCtlice.' it any of our recta. •.= en want a ceffin, and hsve ttett kind of scrip, they lied . better„wtite to the mail. ...1).• rat at; Fort Wayne, Ind., ran, up '` - a` womaal trousers [e.g. - scared her into con.. vutsierts, when-she 1,4 - th down, rolled over a -few times sad killed the seizes' ilia -got above its businesa 81 44 0 , wears a Puck.' ering'string. = R: L. „....Annie James, of Alton. 1 11., is ever.- lined se tern • fr.edeemest piece of feminine )(madness in the West.. A. piper says she has bait like a "weit•ermsta or golden feesk.. , are! That's the goslineit - description a hell We hive seen yet. , . . . s ~..,,Joe it ffeiiOn has gene to- .telre . MAW.. Ind, lo open an open bonne t with - ble..ll,ipi, orithe very ground where, twentr years, ego. be sung comic soars to the irk ea port-peeking -hoagie. Than big been peat •Admine dike!: ibers. say abeam *200,004. . • said' style of dressing .Istilis'At .. My is said' . to httetfcre %with. putting your - arm& iround them.. When the fedles ropesly. appirelate thia difficulty ahoy . make a ehatigs directly. We do tot sptollt ttom f ollows smiet this, you kaOsr." , -• • :..Att editor at Prairie do Chen, wed Weave s ratrud—hridge hes been tea Feriwaiba . Mirdtsipok trod Wel, thus:: th* T ing oat of employment the wee. who vere ectiged - to minder freed - by fer4: - . 3 he itaap remktdi u the- Powr who;•glie-t. • jaded to the. railroads. *wine hw brothsb - Wlaw ion s itsgercoach. ' • ..