TERMS QZ THE MINERS' JOURNAL . 2.75 pei am= lc advance. $3 00 if not paid. in advance. _ —.„__ TG 01.1 1 13S8ebscriptiona invariably in advance. Three eiiines to one addreiks....... 197'00 poit 66 •• la po irtetten .6 6 , 61, 20'00 IV NEWSDRALERS—S4 00 vet 100 celplak—thult. Itertlinraest Ltd School Theatre will be fond/bed entb the 301:ItNAL sail so S idTazte, IX Si 75 It paid yntblo the you—oeer WA year at, to 71 Wu. HATES or ADVERTISING., . ' r o ta, moire embrarLog toren Ilan or ls. ardadlar dale), we lesertiao. $1 00. I N0..2 mus.. 3 aka. I) Yoe IIK s ()mi Rquare or ices Tort. eqnsres Fodr " IMMEE!EMM Larger Ad ea:wen:so a e 1 ter agreement. The YINILIta. JOURNAL to now one fourth 'enter than any other Pages pablidxd 1n :Mr State, and mtstria more reeding matter than any other :mom +erieePt roe. Vr !Led Miles: To eft the reader acsne Idea of tliainanudatassa t,r cootiturd to a ramie number of tbe JOURNAL; fornlided liridaerewthellbrba reels an stibnite, sod rosedthat lecontaini more than la =Mimed In a $1 book Ward bunl the dal Eabushltsr Oases. Ankara Id suck numbers will be faMdabed est-Mg a year for $2 eta adsance, or lidg 00001 per weak. The promerny of the JOlrkl'int has been vent and grifititht to •It po i. to ... tem ,w uttarde at Pbtlad•lptla arid Pittsburgh, th e larger* Crn MD of icy „ r pealnbcd lu Peanrytmthla, and fa Madill/ cm: tbb Inereme. Al 1149 enkl@lr Mir .talon of a..tinkle:it IS opt filnelEd. COAL TR,- DE AD VERrrISENIENTS. ormolus o ,Pier 13 Norsk, Psrllll;l9l4.9md. . .. . Pier Mo. PS, Pr. 111099910 ad., AP ( ' OTT,. WA L ' l ' Eit &CO QUINT AS D. - WARDr & 00. lIICKTLE &ND . WITTY= Or 1 . 0 Pine street; New York. - . C:0 g M• 11 • . 920 Walnut .. ehiladelphla. - .91 Kllby " Boston. — - - vole Agactll.n the MLE DALE (OLLIERY , °Mer _. ~ 00AL OVALL PIEDS BY Tp . OLE.O O. Philndrliphla—SCOTT„ WALTER .1. CO , fill iii"..cct N. ..1 t • . . lin 1. 499 . Nr... V•rk—WALTER i3llOB. 4 co, Truntp 132.'19mg. 111 Broan•ay. ' i' - ' Pier Rsi-13 Pte / Ricl;assrl. Brirser,.. SCOTT, WALTER A S.'o., t 9 Maur Sc. i GE()1 t ( ; : 1, , ,, s . REpti:t,iEit , .Iry .1, 'CII r r .....€ I.ly " , - LEVVI3 aupENsitc a co mry C a-"i, IMEEMEMI Lehigh .Spring Mt. ! C. 1171kesbarre, .ri,c9sl :Dale, Merrians: , ;and .Anaerf ,, u's _ !o rust Mt., '•• ~ .- - : : Pi. r4II a . 9 Pori Utiliwoomid. Buck Rielye Sha7n , ,kirilS: Trein int 1., , ,r- JOIIf% . WI lINT II 1T E it' IN be PI , bcriy,SHIPFERS- OF COAL, . • Waif Cr, ek. D;among!' and (ar at invilt No, 316 . Wilint Street, Philadelphia.. Red Ash, - ~ . ~. Vl4l.OllllYi .tuna[ &MO .13 or (C AL 4. Mt. Carmel and Sh , nandotth 117 i ;te ' A,1,, lf.ll4lgttinree:(.nl,il.E4evllor. ~32trtiN1 r l Ocgrycto Cree k atr Rr,:ld Tp. •• iy. w wrt r , it Was At . , p a , A,. o.lbri Wl,f "gluica ,L;: beet Pei 'li. Street. Ilveton. ' Jay 1. 1.11 , 1 • ' I. . , rentamercill BciHdlg., Pbilads - 1 114+ Urtadway, .^.:eur 'York.' MILTS t. 414 Hilby Stowt,BostoiL 81 South Si. peatipme, • lax Woctautifmrs rat, ProTidento. Pier Ji. _ , • AiTDENILTED, -NORTON & Co., RID Pritiii WIIARVF-s-I'l. Ricamond, Port John. ' ' Mien and Ettnere of ' - , iton, Jersey City, Dadtimore. L • • C 0 .A. 1., ;. ttln."„liP.jgP, TINI `Etilt"All . 'lT'', I.oeVesT 31 OPEITAIR, from onr ILtZEL FREILIERICII.A- MM. DELL and DaNTIN ENTAL. COLLIERIES. ,Jan 1, 'eli • 1. . _.. Isn A nos" Itil, frqui INTERPRISI ODLLLICRY. DA y , iitl i)iwkvi A,&( • () 1.0111111611111 Y . Walnu tram MIDDLEs Iphia. CRFifit COL.. ' • 39t treet. hilade It . INKY- , AND elill'PEßS OF • OFFICER: 119 141 Broadway, Sea Yogis. • . • C2O IX. • .La - .. • Jan I - .119 . .27 Dame Maul, Ronan. • 5 I t-lironss :—Ro. 0'..,, WC nut tit., l'hilsalelph , s. 111 lir.d./1 V. artnitylla.l.ll,4o Y • OA :HAM M It. & 000 X, • . . 00 . 7 Ilowa. nintet, Bost9n. ' 111111 . ',llllll .5. 4 . 4 2 ,., -. .?'''' a: Y!' ' ' , r . U. f.a ..Mg f We'rat'd ' .I.OVVIT ii AP. C.,.'s: - LOU VEIT IPIOIDNTAIN , - , tiAtii.wital EicurvGn Coil.. - , • BLACK •IIdiATIL LIECKOIIV cOki. C0. , 1.1 iiititOilii dc . . jin.gol•Ett COAE.N. Cot dealers In other IDA tinslitleso . . mil tte ENE.' FILMIC/it COA I. CEL•f1.311173. WAITS AND REID ASH DOALA, , moKIN COAL. • ' ' i.. 'lli Walsot Street, Phlladelphis. and Woodlatd liareemo West, rs :.-Pir r Re. lii Pt El rhtered, ' .ti harms; Octoolki/i Rant - Pier Rs. •3 Ellsalsthi. at. . - . • N. . d. 8 1,, , 60_,. - e ‘ ,,,,,,,, Cs... Masao Roma. Jam 11. 000 r. .IDIOI U. STRYKER. Sl:doper and Jan 1. VS —1 ashaylkill Ilairs.%. Pierl . o Pert Itichommd. S rri N. I SON & &W M. 1114 V. nr4,1,...1e Dealers or the ,CELEBRATED FRANKLIN COALT,I, 'OW I.ll' Ilitt NS VA L I.IE V. , 117..'en , !LO '.original" HENRY CLAY COAL 131 Welont 5.., Phil gjuliolda.' 6.1 Trin't v 11.11131na,11.eW iott . AguLl, - -•Pier No. 13. BL AMMON; G wrr & .04 . • • . MUIEIL6 SWV , forirrna 0/ . -1 t LORDEIVII IND LDLIAT HOCTI111:COIL. Lehigh. • . . • • . stipp,ro. Of Other IlpprlMNl q 68111.1211 Of • . 1 Schuylkill. .; . 9713TrE AND RED ASH COAL. 'I - - Wilkesbacre. . 0/71C13.3 t ' ' - i ' Scranton.* 11 0 Walnut Here, Ptilladuli-tit. . , - . 'T6 Trlnity Buntline, New 1 tAk. . 1 . Shamokin - . 10 u• -..-. : 4trect, lisouni. 100 W.... Ant St., Prosidekes. I ta dr ", A. me N . . i.. 1 , ---- Sole New York Axil. for JOHN E. WINICOOrS Par No: 4, Port Rirlsoorn,!.. WELD, NAGLE & CO., ■1474 t n CER77IIIII 07 . Fair BEST Locust Mountain & Black Heath 0A t S MANTI'ACTIIIINO "..ND DOMESTIC AND SOLE AGENTS IN ALL TIARKETS • FAR la CRLIMIVI3 • Daniel Webster Deep Red Ash` ACKSON LORBERRY" COALS. .10.11 N Walt nt• tit— Phllsdalphls, OFPICai ill° limactarny, New I - mt. 10 Dow., Street, lkston. M. Wax , . lir.r.T a•. N ott.e. Svx-p..9.4w1re c.,,:war A. Rue, J.." Jan 'O. • •1- Pier No, 141 North Pt. Bielmood. C. •J. di J. H. EASTWIOICar.,OO., . , SHIPPERS OP ' ~--.. . • WIIIT AND 'RED ASII*OAL, NO. tiIk.DOCK ST., PRITADELPIIII, Acid NO. 19 DOANE ST., BOSTON; .. . Illaraside god Ash. : • Shamokin Whit. Ash, Locust Moans. While Ask C 91114. Jab 1. Xsi- , PHILADELPHIA, L. CIIIUTLKILL NAVIGATION, !hipping !Charm for altitnlCElS COIL at Greenaith. Delaware !User, naiads. LEWIS AUDENICIED dc Co., AOMiTS FOR THE MIX 0? THE • . Wolf Creirk Diamond C*1.11002 Diamond Red di: Blat4.lllmmis RYlie A.l Coal.. .(P5 Walnit Wee, 1.'771CW 41 11.0 Broadway, Neer Vat. • i Hilby 'treat, BueOn. : . Wharf No. 9. • ItEPPLIER. Ac BRO. a. ttn. Walnut .4 rmlrth las., Phlll. ovincee .{ 53 Pine Sm.; New York,. - .I.lcataszt,te Litmk Bullthng. Pro.l4anal • loustic luas(uructin4. UPAN iS _ PEARSON Or. C 0. .• awns WITTY oe rcla • :RLEERRATND Land OGITST BPUMO WEE= ASH RN VE s COAL. .0.139 Wilinketreet. Phlladielph!s.. , No. 111 rostlifty, Room No.ll Triall7 dim New Yark.. • NO. 11 Ikape Street, BOSWII. WIIARP—GREIWWICR, DELIMARI AVOW= Jer, 1- ••- • I • . • J. G. - FR/OK. tsucctrk4soit_To intocH ¢ SEOZMANIER.I WIRE COAL SCRIENSN Under Je 9 Patent. 008. SLAILROAD NORWEGIAN. POTTEMILL.PA: j w. " 11 E•rita. Atm , ' tor **sem • OfEtt• FOR RENT • Collieries and Leases large eolllertees la gond working-v=4loos. Two Lewes at Relfersteln on Mammoth below ws ter Mel.• one Red Ash out of Llewellyn. One Rat A= Lease on the Gate Vein, 7 feet thick. A law on Mammoth, Skidmore and rrtegore on Ml2l Creek. A Lean on the Lewis Bed on But Norwegian. One Coe Lease on the Mammoth at Lomat CO. A ental Bed Ash (=Mary above water Intel.. FOR BALE... . , : • Mina Asp TAE UMW: • 3.544e5ee splendid Mae Oak Thaw Land, salable 1 et car staff. . 900 ism limber Lend on YIP Creek. •. 1609 sersoTtsbei Land with &LW NUS In Slatasits. so Valke. • IWO saes Thiess land In Potter County. Ica ones yellow pins kr 'Parks. , '• NOD saes sill and prop timber. • MX/screeasap& timber land. . Sondes end acre lots near Pinerkme. • 10 delft ears. do Inch roars , l a r a ir i a d rood Red male Parable land. between the Tassel, at Into lout* soft webs. as saloresedebadvers &strobes . A Partenelsr Dqapais Condty, On se ts dans Itsprossorketa.24 . Sous and rood ' I • TOWN LOTS AND Hot 128: . • A. boned End lot on Naha& aro start, 60 bet boat. Tc nA i rell A bAlit a xses an d Lot atiwE aml . Potts etile.Gnat= Prost= sloaddin. Tower City, OUWeport, Pia.tenos l / 4 ticuz= Areal • • drellUr and store banes kr sale At Otibse. loth near lota co&erien • good Imam. - •A la onliandenou street. 110 fast hunt 4000 lest vritkl awry kolas booms sad klteben: Neturille, Pelentary Trs. 1!50. • 9- COAL. IRON AND 4ML. BT buipow ASD WW. The great Work on our National Ramon. • Laser OFTaro . Val:taz. 6013 noza, iron Cr ...nos or SOD )tars axe iesilTllllll. Toe Sonorrinc Armour eirrat—'lll le the most it. Kcal mad =Unarm treatise on the subject that bar come ender oar observation. end one cnatierame to be reed by all IntellW.at Olett.", The Lerma Worm lomat. .—"h MOM CM' preheat's and obits![,* volume onoa the antertale treated of could warmly be. amend. • • • • It Mai misty. ha mid that we have no rineftewteit to !Ws Gantry so Moron* catculabed to Wart the we —t °Ala end trimerattor ell tbs laletswiton he uVrln connection trlth badosea • trit edition le nearly eatuteeteil, sad no tither etithae, owing to the 'apogee. edit be yablietted ter email ran% • Prkre—P - SA own i flail ratite's 'IL Pm WO by bmkwalear. or amt rpm. or gum* locopt or pits. Addno 1111.11rNAM Publiabar_, COI re.. 12 00 $ 3 00,S L 11'3 00 115 CO 3 50, 600; Boe 16 00 2.5 00 0 00,• 9 No 12 00 21 00 SS 00 8 00',. 12 00' 16 00 32 00 45'00 - '- '4;i - ;i : k1.. ,74 r 7- T-?L',.'" : ".,- - --57-k-'-' ~ - - 7 , 7 .-*6, 4, . 7. 2 8,*.r....1,ta-•:2174 '... -. • .4-4".. t . _ - .....• '_,-:, _ 1.. - - . -- - - '" : ". ---- . 1 7: :.... - - - i3.7-1:- : -4•• • ?' - '7, 14 4.1.4-`, : k - - - ''' ' --• - ' , .::..1.t..,.•!: • --; -,'',.'.- ,:t .0 . • ..4 , -.. e. , 491-t, -, 5 , 451: • _ ~., V.,: , - 1,- ... , • -. I*. -r . "" - . - ,-A.7, - , ..,.. .... ~. ~ _.:„......; . ' .. T . ,: r3 . ; • : . - ‘,..,C.:: - ','", x7: . .!" , .....1 -',•-..--,Zi.t.,--.,,....1,474 ' - •-''.1..-"7"4"-.• in; R. R., on the Delaware, at PI 0 MOONS d •ilatectitt. alone :am CAMS. REPPLII(IO6 M nem..ttb Vein. DUNCAN LOAL LCWIP Vett (RN:Meta. CCREItr d (1).9 Lurberry. ;mums Mid Walnut au, Pinitadolptila • llt Broadway, Mew Vora, 17 Posse Si., Hera. I,ly Jamul 1, CP OLCTNP, STIONNEY & WELLINGTON lainem nod Shippers of Coal. 'Unmade Mom tiler Mauna Col. u! !Li I.eorienein aced otehL Leanne Mountain tWitite Ash). ' . fate Trinity Bntiding. New Tort, went= : 4 Ws Wtivittarcet. ' • Vie Dixie Street, Bonney ATheretio. 6. Pere giitittannel, Philnd's,. VEICILIiti, ENE & EQ, EAGLE RED. ASH COAL. Om,a-3n. 77 Tr:city Building, 1t 1 Broadviliy, .New York, P. W. caPLANCH, JOHN W. ATWOOD, JOHN H WYNEDOP, Putingb, Febravy Y 7; , t• • . . Itf CALDWELL . &CONANT, Broadwiy, New York. (Rums 37; laud 38 Trlaily.BNOllll4o WDOLICNALP. DICALREIS AND SHIPPERS OP y. Lehigh, Lootist -Mountain, Wilkes- Barre, Pittston, Cumberland - and Brcal Top' • 'COALS - - -SQI_X. AGENTS .r, st Few l'n , k and the, Nneth nf thocelebrat;l el /17V1- (71L HIO.E FH4II I.l{lllOH 00AL, into•d by Shvbe, Wel.a AC..AIf% A gm?. tqr the Flint HOSE and Amber .drat-elate Coll:ci l ia% and for the celebrated POWBLTON Seml-blLandhoul COALII. Aped 3G3 • 14- -• NEW YORK. DETMOLD & COX, •. SOLE AGENTS . . FO TUB ad,E OA THSITLEBRATICD Room Run (Lehigh) COAL, Recently Mined by the Messrs. Packer, rsusa 12100 FRPM TEM RR COAL AIO WM CI, Albinos, by the Company themselves, who desks m►= Igni further Improvements to tae Kepirstlon of the coto too - - I=srecelved IfOUNDICCIISIN, MANI:WC• and the TRADIL .OFFICES 38, 40 & 4L Trinity Building, . YORE. ' (Te..peririly at 1.11...71 S resiiray.) ADDIUM ST :MAIL: - P. 0. BOX NO. 4624 Old Oooiraorm Lebl ftrme, 1t0c919t9. - 7a• Witter Geom." emelt earaterianAl Coabo.- ta foe 8 . 0 1 0 r 9 Ter) • 'coerce Wllketterre WA= end Pingly um" from Ll* Eaterprise Woes. JaO 9'99 1- VANDII4EN. ,BnoTnipa 'Cal MOTO OM COMM CO • 0 • A. L.'S . • OLD COMPANY'S LIKIOR, LOCUST MOUNTAIN LOCUST OAP, WILSEMBAREM. IMMIOB.- • OVUM WHITEAnAN RD ED ASH COALS, Smarms View= • • tSOI V • oncoot 11.1 Broodwil, New York. - • Drum &Oak Jos L ' s—t- MEM, FOWLER & SNOW, OSUOCIESORB TO Jowl WEITZ 1 (X)4 •1111.per8 og LEHIGH, . LOOUBT UT., j WI :MUM= , • • SORANTOH and • • 00.&L. • • Or 10 73m1Mit BUILDING !woe.. wet. !my Tonr;' Ain vs • my . CUMBERLAND COAL. ipa z oritit adoniennil son orngral to doltvic wtm Wools of GIORGBCIUCIDE CON. T= 1 044 on bowl mods at Ellocepieloo. lowan going non iten:uonnon : National raisA adugartt a C.. Join R. Mum 4.0. G. W. ROAM PidiffidaPitla ; Orinsa. Inks iirown). do.; H. D. Coots. My Cook* c 10.4. Woinfton. D. C• 11.1117 Notknoorni, 4))).; DPW Leadrotk a ace, hillie'. licaillnah Crum /I lloon. PDICIxec4 (Jay Ckokil C 0..) Boa Nook CDT. OLNAllellk GLEAM A l lijuk len ALBRIGHT & BETUBIBRAIICR, 11=iW!rf. TAILORS, OUR OWA iinvirratos OD mas sow *ma xims's IVIt PAIL ARD - swim* =TS= •T XQDtB►Ts MC" BAIT OD INN: - =NOB AND 1.11308 _ At 915 "Chestnut Urea, PiLLADELPILII Iff I 4 lit ' ‘ ~.._ ...._ _, T-32E - JD : 1 , ,„ . . . , . .. _ - . . .ii 7 "'V . f i t Iv; ... ....t . ,... 3 ii i . ''' ; / 4 41 k 4 A 74 2.-.: .17 ' ; • , -.. , _..- • .., . ..... ,1 , , __ .. • )..• . ...), 1, -...r , - t • „It , i . ... )... . , .t, , . • • • " ~. •_. _, ~ 4 ENERAL ADVERTISER AND porrsviuy, , ,_ . . ---..„:„. . , 1 _ .... ...__ TIBIAS:al? -EV-ERY SAT.ORDAY::itORSINOr BY . , B.ApINAtil!; : - ItOSEY; ~,POTTSViLL.E.,' S Vol. Ni&V.-'--No. O. , ~;i ,. y.. r.-~~ Iphia.—Piertt! for Ili rive 14,114mM. Borda, Keller & Nutti C_•O A L WEST LEGION GREENWOOD, TAMAQUA SHAFT. REEVESDALE. EOKERT LORBERRY. NORTH FRANKLII Red 4. BLAOS REATH; ,t • MG' RUN LOCUST MT. a4Razrsoi, OFileitS.l—Uß RILEY ST., IiORTON. ROOK TRINITY BUILDINE. r sn w44 - ur mum:ulna.. • • PIER 11 , . • Borda, KeitOr NOWill; ,irgaNKLIN :0:1117% • ASIL A pril 14,m -•`•' • 'Pleri 111 o: , 19 JOHN ROMkiEL IL & BRO., SHIPP/LAS OF L Tranklin Coal of Lykens Valley Deep Red And. Hlii -& - Hatris White fish. ' Henry Clay B Daniel Webster. ,BROAD TOP gni:l-BITUMINOUS YEN'S 'WING LEIIIGH .jl . At Elizabethpoet. . - • . 11033‘ Walnut. Ikon Nn.ll, Plain CIFTICTY:, titi Trinity Inni/diaLLll. i y. oa 4 •. .21 Dne. Wren% J. G. MOODY, General Arent.' , : . ' ia4ca 6.'19 ' . , • IG. Pier Nlir. Y. • ; BANCROFT LEWIS & `Oa, i - ithma try rutrriar or rum r‘Cf4ebillte4 ASIILAND COAL, . . FROM MAUL:4O7 mouv. rem. walnut flute', lAnsunenlal lAtUdlne; gblindellAts. linw , lnkoflSeA— . II I itreaelwat; Trltilty Bean3Ang, Room fa, 13 AA C tux/. RR, Agent. 'Boston Ma -7 DU= Street. • -I.lam Ft. JOHNSON & HOBOKEN. ceit. ' . - . • COAL. y.-tpu,wicK Ix &STOUT, 10/ BB hal epsr4t or TUC CIUSURATIO. "Fulton" & "Stout" (Lehigh) Coals, Rom the pante Bl i the Stkal Cc,SLAW, war Mt Del!lured direct ftwm mines oa bawd gawks at PT. JOHNSON, HOBOKEN end ti. BRUNSWICK. .Z. Omer:o-44 4S Trl.lel 111111111411111.• I Ilrama.lway. New York. Nasparsry at lU etwedww.. . • 10. DOVEY & KENDRICK, J. J. i)ovair. WIL KIENDRICIL ' DOVE!, Kum & J. J. Dorn, DOVIT. .$Ol.B 40EVT8 FOR THE CELSIVIATHD Rainbow &Plank Riggo Coals • OPPICES : Pletladelplelei—llll.l Doric Street. • • PeNtlrellls--C.ect , e Street. New Itorlk.:Ttlialty BOS3ta7..Roam el, Redder meld d BRIEer, Atwate. - Elemeses—No. I r Dune kt.. Junes N. Reed, 'Agt.' Wiibr oryeldirtea. M D. c.—Heory Jones, diti• Ye -.• 94f '. ;JAMES coNNee, , Meer and Mapper at the Webakted LOCUST mourrAIITCOAL Pon/Halle, Schuylkill :Comity. Penna. J 1. . 1. JAM S'S S. COX. LI ART . L • IR MI NZ RN Ji:a VEIN COAL: My Iwo Frooklla LosbarryCosl Is row sole nets diLy by Norm CALDWIII.I., GORDON & 00.. *to ors my was 4 Ot P tUOS ritko Write from the. Naa pet . 01 1 7 WE I s No. 16 Me Si. New Tat. No. 144 Waft Woo. Sono& &mazy 1. 44-1. - HURT any TROS. C. PARRISH 9 SHIPPER LSD DZ4L#O, iebll;lllthitylklo sailialearlases. - GO . . CONSIGNMENTS ON COMMIS SION Solicited and Taken on Fa ?nimble Term* . • onse.-341 !Naar si.. PitUalls. is, 1. 110 wit 401-IN R. DIEI-1111. ILASINAOTIIIEB, of GOAL MEI" Of Me Leant sa4.lllhist Apgrrin,illlWass. onlmo lam to poretteal 1101111i2 Ismolke. tam lemma Omar.. we sad othisrA that Mr wonshcOrno• • new/VIDAL ,SIC .I••• ISMond_ asotber istmtw ill arr-FO, RI 01:1• -, THAT TRH 'WHY AL. WATh RITA ITS ORIUMAL . IRMA !HIV& lAA STRUT' WORM O UT. Ha trisoweiHT'rolklts a ecsermimot We miaow ••• Immtalowl so nbie,ai brimmed spat la. JOHN aLanuot, IHllrord IL, rear Cl UMW* Harbin* - Awl. w•-1- . 2.11. PA. Of Tllll' ANTURACITEVOAL ILEGIOIIIII. Ws Map ta Or Lama published ad the Astlaselle Qat Reglativot Pemaylnata. M Was mar to. splay treat Nur law pat:Mahe& became ens the allallattal dad &ha a repreestaallee at th e OW Pa. dah taaether lath the JOCIOXi d to Ma melds la the Atahreella Owl Iteglcah ar r • • Pace.aa Mtalere.„ • 411 la tale liar Pada. • -1 , a la thews. 1 11 is Thom to Pocks ions will be MU his as r litß A a N OXsE a ga A, sryT br W aage. Potteals. Aritvie mirsovatimme ow 11011 bi rilliai 171111... T• NU airfare da ally Caseees t• 414. ma Is amilloilin at di—. • %Mold by JAMBI WILK et Or d , ft al Idakaltill. ba Left ad litaiddada‘ dea unapt miaamelsorbra MY gala as lor add aa La to A bi the at Ibills* M. Saes at as Id ta ma atilt M aw tanda Cam • be wldd ► l l Mos istoilert • uN tea. Dm Ana is th• add Undo Elaaabiard WS* MLA • Ad at 11=al - nalitlist aiderew as mars Co me A ma/WU OW strut. Ifs tomb at tab Valve la di paws ides Moils Badrasa la lam lOW 0 pie mt. aa Om bid airke.6 Item beepaillloglail en saquwarl to tat pet la 'I S I ZEL =TIN us inane ken a' tla re aeon awl slip lir NUMB Os to. piamossaa cid aaapiad nap Ma ma la Naas day weds ta Owl end, viers I leaa las my or =MOB la do lobo Waft dalid. 4 also as an&el Mei a dliwora WA ___ _al Maim 8 ld/L'a Add Lida NM MUIII WIVS 4 _ . Ira ilbeSsa bit 224 t 44 , s. meat of Aathragiitos. • Illtprrsa or CJ. C;111 IL SCHUYLKILL CO. LORBERRY CREEK. DADDOT/PB NEW MAP - PRANKLIN' (744A.L • , cor • tOrKENS. VALLEY. 0811111.11 0..... a pa Ike vell fildaark Ms Wane So saw. arwiloith_ Misr . dieherit s.... l)* Era sore la our rais.Nadt: W.. 7 ather ea* 'bid' toilide le vet War Mrill6 met Woe t. Y. ma te rm We ank sannly Mien weft— mho oitypet dUde artka 11 ap rt " i'!1 .31 A17 , Uri milimilibrilAlN AST r a Wles u r Z r e a t ia am. bens Or stave orsal armAgt..Clei "at le ilmelt lie WM IL, IffMkTrarshir fX font& DruidaL • Aft. sod Illoson , 1 .1-01 vU tossi r.. aliens ak• sank from wok mid Ida .151 ocesa 411 limias *Wiwi" im limns* sio we buil solarost as WINES OF • , DUE OWN .lIIPOIDDATIOIL 1:111716321) bracarira" lasintad t dam t o de saalia'at id walk oar Masoo modest d MS PIACI ea fte 1113111 MIMS a ord. Nada ilia oar so Ouiasia Idris alioraioali rww ot Magi aa saidansadul *mar. awl kaaabuia ova persmal equirimai Oaks lap sraddae Who, ui la pad lodar a Wlaa Oar parpasia us audlearll 1e ttda ti a. Wel, 'sal to tal• aradal red Ism am fa air! GI Our On Direct Impbrtatien. • Ile Cow of Or ltliamoselit. pin.u. rAtirr. We. zu• Pluiude. cuII:RIAU au GICSUILL . ,- Ylar maum 111111411111107111111.11. IRLA.SIA. tilh a shales VW): • 1 . : Ltio—Dl IL IiIAWILIDT 1 00...114701" ask.. • CIHAMPAGN - E: OiXll . l SOCEl3aid ma 1LA1,412. 114 tad 611111/111111!I culls. W• f Sillitel non whir to biAgssidma sad ma Rirdolla hdt in Aram. 'Weal on unn • mamma at taa. at Imletadas. tad traeraimas ea addialace vtll gam aia aaarmasaatt assaad, IPS ell mdse. do ado boob of aim bealmo ta oft • aa WM. 1101 ell lam wawa* oda demad. (lie& & Bre, $llll Oman IL. tot WS. Shea 1111111 4I • ; SIEVE d WIFE CIT._OVT;I, luau mares= BT ' SELLERS BROTHERS. 423 Market Street, !Ma l s , ics,"tt brrics4iz# Tin NIAGARA ELEVATING CO.. • chs.i.or t i I Sleek. SWIM.. 71. T., COAL. COAL. wan sitamti =Ammo 00. Wrist a is ample'L Mame, will b Pmiared lb , hatifertm to rteptre tram the Erie 80. oat. urall: 01 tem, eatquistity at DOLL Jar Mae. ace at trearlamM to Of •Moot Omml or west by 0.11 ame tat iv erMY two. am parties te Itichk‘ TWO tat le mil looted it ms. ere dty Imethem Clitta CLAIM; Vlcerloratt. Karel 12; eh • vi,tEPEZI . .0, 1 7 P . •eg Voil . 7 1 2 & 724 0, . illAWl:ft - STREET, • PHILADELPHIA, PA.! iusomita • ' ;or kir 1110 0 000 n le WHOLIOALE j ti k. eirteis DEA LNlta I.o4.kiiiiik Le: Drog - Stores tfrool out with Bottles, Labels, RL at!stitrp ,VATlamdm mid ..r)AB' imag are 44. / nud livitia • own ssio Der ' . It It • . 047 AOql Beati ol lat Wioog ht lron S'I.FETY'BOILERB urn I~~Ri,ti67l peovo. alatioulen, AMINO owl WAHL Doable Piston inputee Mobilo; Engines, Ifiristain Machinery for; Coal shafts, Sioahor, ' Chin fault.: Sian% ,dtc. or a Mir IMO=an ,Ip• sew nosiag dml SWUM) , caioley.ostatatr, • , • _ Pirtiestsr &Med= Is bread to Ors Hanker ebb! bar . oo mat. PM and too Mow lo oni eytth Aber sad or .mm b tail storm wbso rbs Pvt. is probe mare. A m . • thocatessa r smiths' or basks at soy vd. Iltrotad, eivarssd or sloppall tusteatly. imd st say panto • of atone b 7 Ike smovorms of • 17a Irme.- ,- Hanftivw kers. est marta, or caber altastable porta la car, minks m aws . sad nastsat ram tit sts expothemed votttastro ki = Nat Is Um bomb at most imarlonsensd persona all Ms votitlw teal osekned to tbs/ alas ail tatkroilit an big prolselal tom at Mem et bum Mmitad net or ustalmr. Ps alasms 'Wawa maapsetumn sad nodd dm% We* cam mood tt for ibis ow isretsol a, .Um nano Mery WM who atll abo Ursa& d► antalvs estaingom, doodads. setsailmb sad tabor tidkrsurks. .. • 101.1114ELIAgalthilt llablao7 Pg. ft. Al H. ormumom, mama Ps. Shwa 101. . ' EARTH CLOSETS, Fixtures sad Ceisomoies In Stock BRIGHT es CO., Agents. 41): sitrEs, tonerety use. w zDeg u rLtpuppor_ w. ? ir t uvey cam ota iwe y Coa narw t, Mt. Wale Mmolft,ls mow mesa ISISPIMIS VUY JACOB .RIEGEZ & Ca, ass Market Ilereell,, Irbilaidefftbla, The Mast bratlibl sod meardheiat Madman job.: tang Boma ta Oa tatted &yam, and Ur! Immo sad mos paint amasetnasat of Dry Don& ,tam pal& I dull be very happy to lure ety old tiro, aad tbe vaarcaattla fraternity aetarratly to all foam sea, aal mimes to sell Dry Goads as reey Vow ed mutat Mat at all thaw sod .111 Wasik"? wade to be nabranidl by any torero Jail. H es oare la the comma. Pew ales ea a trlat r ed o des kr your salaam Dose brie. a. IBA wttk iimOß YIIt7LLL OD..\ r Sm. 333 Mute Tbilatelpbba• Dec be . TO ',COAL O PE R A TORS.ER .• , . 1 . • , --..- •. Screen Pliumfectery. : 1 . - 8.14 E ,L L de' O 0 .. , : . ~ . , . rue' at p•tialui. soma; coal Ara% - - Naas. Itacie— ram an bow prepared to at kWh of Aar*, her Cred ' OPerbtoert and 12 11 Tamwe per. Net ortbdortios in work Goa Jerket. Co al OPINVOra will ceowelt their townwer 'by Ayleteg we a eel sad t 171 by *a. . ' 7 . SWAN° trap Rabb* eer all deaciptiows, seas feetthel by us oil the otoetteemosible Wow Morsel T, ••• . . nu . J. LAURENSTIMN, MIFIERIMLLE, PA., 8. CBE ROD WIRE ROBERTO PAIIIINTRD 4711.4W4,141" 4, Ito Bignat•Sai aoresish . as scialmi o 1 Orb tar amok asil durability._ are prahread Oa all WI. ane warmer triad. Oar Botta ramartierami crew eafax. i" all Ou. Weirs as haat. Odors paropttyllll6lll warkarais pram. Mar ra. SAMUEL4r.... SMYTH. • nuussau. isiurataarversi . • MN . HMV UI Val ousirravii saws. PHILADELPIIIA', P*DID WAX:riII:SPUME ! ) MVO • . ' • 40 ft eT*.TaaJsuOrrTins. lor Glie• T is. kalie• witik Tisane Ildems • toad WOW& Ca% . JOT Visslevre Maw Putegraisr Wll.-TOLLOCI, Cost Apo. Mika ITO Osage ..door am an °ow, ballot en and Onadons. , nakatwansake pinto the use. bp cor « gip i . I # l •0-11"' CORM asslamas= r.RhirarTor The Comity 141 ma lie was as. 'attend at as ad Imam Nip as bra Aim A= MO" Will he dlr it st r the Ihnitiogr pria ere. 1"1"1 e . P li - re4 ll= Zan% WA= Chimp To3rs sEd rionty Goods ! , most. r. ws.. & &o i 111••••• e Indlaistribt. .IXPONTEND , ' TOYS it FANOrGOODSt Tim limit Nook ••• Iowa" OM la the. qtr. ils• MON& • ism•••• •• ' Piro. 14 beg bum; 41• S wore r e llisos eimati• air 110• L t 04,1! . . v• .ay . iims.a 1IP " at =Nit Pal it i 414=7 adth ri mai i g da 1 ift sal i • arm le s im r=rt PIM% ise On gift IN A * mei C= F rau aunt au ii minimlir as V-Ai r Vtattiiii ( taloa Ts.as 1. EMIEUIRED 111 *Ali a Ronan; oommoos to aoat o.'lm m* woos,, MArIYAOTURY2III or itzt>t PLICZAtt GRAM of • • Silver ' ~ • Plated . Warm& ail mks au arajr i liatislt .o*-111Na saa. =Zan& lush Naar 11.111 11 =iTim ow earl al as imam at 1 llama Weak alaalay: Aolgual dolma/ ; - • Psei.tur atisit Mlidisimptass.u.mireor . • . W.;lll.ollllll.42Menntirellik. auto'. • MILLIOa igi 1111111Bt r eliiiir eim % 214 V 41 1 2 t a d ; s Pl %til l tio% mg pelionsored Mrs 11116 NOMINIONI MCI% *lna • B.A.TURD istiolitisiT.N . 4;, , pECTE c iii,EtkEi: 11, 186 FALL GOODS. WALKER P I ICI, • . NEW UNION "H;ALL DRY GOODS I STORE. We have opened, +lens in repels daily of the neweit , :etylee 4# ' good, in the market. The fidloninz will be Ibtma in ateniveasiortmente Dross SRA. WLS; HOSIERY NOTIONS ° WHITE COOPS, CLOTHS, RAMS, HOOP SKIRTS, DOMESTICS, With many other giSx' is, which we in vite all to examine. Oar atoolla fresh and eleont Atka. anti priof that* 31 command the attention of all &WO IT. 110 WI/ To Coal . Dealersi. as r•s easentgam Mitt[ wikosia sack& sail Wiens, Ile Us age mum 4Klmmil ot Pearl arkileilid •KLP.so=rsße. misiorame. ' • Ina tir sakssint onV-prs.sand, .; • 4ro It thif loamaselasteof , IKON CAilil , AIM • • . , .. . sitonlAs•x • . ' waisist.silia•Wi; • An 44 ongardi 10131 10 &die vial Paosatara Mbd Klet t Irai gall ls . qie tli, sc4e aitaiti Sal P .=.OO • be tla pes* i licial. • Dada rd Dock Mal. re auktiai MI w n ens ass. . elsetarlas at pettbagas Mb gam tr. sal "51 :aansteas at alai isue, al ala win r am. alatsis lb Us ataialtl adt amt- . gmaid as lii Ware PAW. %•' AG Ir di VLO171:11. iteidliT. Ps.. r VP may 41. VD, MAPIIIIIT“ALE! „ i ',. - • IIIIND• . :ED 11101:1SAND 2 / 0 1 44 ' , 000.60; .L • ' - . DQ • ARS' WOBT.I-1 , . : .... FA and WINTER , FOUR I • AT zITCII PRICES AS SIIALLIINSURE AN • INT.MEDIArrE. SALE: , WEDNESDAY. MORNING, 1:1111 C.! 111,21Ei3 3EI 1:t 1. xeseta, There will. be' Conamen.ced at the - Great :Oak-hail Buildings, Sixth and 'Market - Streets, Philada., . , . ; A . i • , ' : . . _, . . , GRAID. OLo r tET.ING' SALE.. -, • . ~ • , ~ 20 1 BE IN , EVERE RESPECT -A DIIPI I ICATE .Or THE EXECUTOR'S GREAT SALE ' held there 1 year. go • 1 At Which the People' %;41 Remember they:teemed the Iff*Ellti c t*': Olt illT* - 0 - 0 .tii.iiiii ?rev iii AseitHri i. ' . • • disii MILL MINI i dik oda - . 1 .4 wood maim mos sr ion rsA or Pandora sad Xisalretase adflotklad. Oar, ails arta arandad Isit rear*, bat lava Was,* Yonse ou arraCationaiamii uil !W Tetdq,.rarat' Moat gm. fa • i • . ' • 8400;000.60, . . - p .. ! • ! 2 UV* Or raft gaidiad Ilarainr.ddkraiiW Vieth airisigi n t o l b " ,l3l.2 N l4 " Rabb ' I° all ti .11 UV* ,irtia the Aga* era, et ow • raw o f ital. ill dilis • ,DOLIL .11din.NSM a/ waxen OW • Wei lOUs' se ea" aft 1110 Cid aka had 11111 a par. Hem vs are , . iletraidild - • ' .' ' 1 :AT eat MIURA TO !KAMM A . . ! • et: ! . . CLAN: .7 SW E FA 1). - . ; :OP ALL-1 1 10 ) .: C4OTHINC ~,, 9 • =jummii, Ina we., . tab. de atria t• in ma easialii e i lliaMace - t " .14 1411111"*Ilibillkai ', Pin Ar; the; . . . OUR ENTIRE_:,STOCIC. At Prices', as Low as tlxsa p4railing at the .Great Elite laer. Fall, Briagiat someof 'cur Prkees far betel. the Celt -of Vionfeettiring• , . V v Mter si i Is ire surtarair.sero.tiirdea=. • • m , orkiraai as - ssirisorighlirrnieDisiarceighte,.. ammo 4414 4 ...1 . m ini o n nn , ei& n s iilllloll% , • VAIN prik. riumaLowinjo. gir ..11111". sons itiMMI. Talk baba , 111 . 1 " i. I "' b.: "ailsizzoriwipti soDus. - Phloounta g lypA r tzrow e arom t relleat eli, deodnet- Ami 40 ' ' per ma:mi . - teli Aseciciee's* die "nesiiag Dransiest. Yom codiatties. Departama, • ' r = raimimirom 044 _ egg -- iir= maw ire at smigultatlon, , "barons „ imet=a4 um T. , -"- , vas arrouvier nr * a OKELMIM .. 111 / 1 1.-.--1111016 WARAMAER"-&. , • aft I (or. 6tlt . ' and Market tram. Philadelpl 1.4;44 e1, ,52 bay Raditrottling Cleclmbs, Arum rums. - et golf-put Swint O'clock* This is the. Statement ol our . Case : •• •. gtr3;•ooxitiiiiint3 40 Pilra MIL itudmullet - cla UNID .liof4lol cam iitElitkl-FT of the STYLi. SUPERBLY fIpII,SaED amply To sivr was:. o olegt dtiiOWat lase piytY ts twee s see of ilisdyeeds clotithe .pelt Is miyeiss fiat W lereibrkbes Wane So I psW.O,W4 tie he Mem are bed. 'al lbe he sail thus sr* eat by Me esti slaled sail meek suttes, set rids Im disease W telmatt gide •MI sea d ask tardy Is ism lastamsal bitsisolt at 'modest* yeas. NEtAilki# t rict • • Oniso WM" nr obialilftsat, &lamb n..• - • • -• • . . . Sp. •.• • it.r.Lit 'melow milt le daft Is on Tailoring amp la all M. X. bmMr 146. SO Vab. as man remo6sed =Mei, Ipn poet sto . ekg}ll,l ?- 'os T0*3.121111 ann LADIL, Illseuttfti asni Serviceable fiarincts ar imiastrz vazzirry. as maismiaartust ' OMB PIIREGG4RD GOODS, . at to mENT , L gsl i ‘ -__4lllll 030 =MIT irrzirr, • 30)iji iIerANAM. • / Swan INFL-41, aergyisimi goatlarms 40 a dlitsac, au. ar3irr .14.11 caksisy - at geld lam a Agliimminimat sod ainobe Mai g soma whoa 9aaMae. wooer is .4. • 2- . :•I.l..u . vflitqL,L, cotiNTi:PENNsy.Liy:ol4.:: ttlf proud. TTSVLLLE. PA. ~.zQ. AIG IL 11019. 'I+.IIECEI R S'JOURNAL urro. NUN Q, he Time to Subscribe I Wide C OP.; • t New Feeling, THE morose i DeW an type, Rl new fest one of t! Papers Pg will be formed besides trauspi will be ,; matter, I that m 'dttrinig with di ita read. itu I . INERtif JOURNAL will corn forty-sixth.yesrmith an entirely _handsome outfit - of clear-faced h widened colomni and other res,irhich:will make it got only e lest but one of 4 the neatest 'died: Greater efforts than ever ade to keep its readers Well in pen all tholuestions of the day', having a full report of matters ,ng in oue county. - The. paper !ade up of entirely new and fresh . .4 will not. -contain my Matter, y. have appeared in oar Daily the week. Taken in connection DAILY-MINRRS' JOURNAL, -is will have a complete and. m ll fund of news to be fain& in no :per of Its character an .the State. ow a larger circulation than any kly-paper in the StateCC•utside • elpfna and Pittsburg,, and AS u 1 tsIRO MIDIONI it IJAS KO other . Ic bu other • of Phi AN A.. Suezet Terme , $2.75 per Anniun in Adiranie • THE . DAILY - MINERS' , JOURNAL OR 1970. Warp. Pone - New Type, c ilium • • Wi h the new ,year, the DAILY: MIN " " JOURNAL will also- beg* a new ohune, and betides having an en tire n w dress of clear-fared-.readable ty ill be. materially enlarged and otheiw thtpeoved. We have put our selves this large and additional expense In .. r that the DAILY JOURNAL .. found entirely worthy of patron. ,Itie an: stopped, and we now desire to"see it ~re ...lye more hearty lwelcome; and be found in the bitidirof every intelligent Wail in the connty. l , So far ita publica tion been a heavy burden upon our time • ' purse; but we haves not been date by any considerations or this kind, from incurring expense's,. which rad' era 'of new daily papers in other Irani' towns have not hazarded. We work . ly and late to-make a good paper and ptable ; and. having had words of co "Inel/dation and •approval from many ti , we' now ask from our friends here . d elsewhere, a more tangible and subs tial suppcet. -1 l a To blish a daily piper in this local ity, s wi res hard and un ce asing working, and e have neither 'wed time, labor, Or ex nse, to make it a sundae. Thus will continue' to work ; and we would excite to the same end, the pride of every good "Linn, that Pottsville and Schuyl kill ty may not fall behind other bee- Lions n their appreciation of c Daily necap per. ~ , . Re cwed and greater exertions will be made il keep well ap in all that transpires at e and al old—and the paper wi" cattai! TEO lEGRAPHIC NEWS. I .- the Latest 1321:23:771 ' '. tie Fullest. • B AL NEWS,- - 'the vest interesting RTISER A S : oar,4nerifi - rna men and the public dly, we offer the columns of our upo , n liberal ternisind recommend papers is the test - medium th'rough' to offer their goods, or make their known . You have goods to sell-- • , A4,6 rase.- , on would keep your besiciesslhofore Alio—Advertise. [ ou 'have lost anythieg—Adistertise. ou have fotind any thing--Advertfse. emiwanktiel p any kind—Advertise. I, on want a situation—Avii , ertiii. vet time; it saves wearisoioe wait, heaves money. • • ADV, ow Advertiiing mill Alioays' Pay paper wig, b . a delivered to sub scribers by .tee carrieri, at 10 cents per week], or with . the 'Weekly MINERS' JOURNAL, 15 - cents per week. TO yearl enbacribers,- $5 00 per par, or with the Weekly MINERS' JOURNAL, $7 I per pas; payable in advance.. i'xi Younsaii.UssroL."--Thia is ' ding injanogicin to a large dual/ . y and allow/amuse, 'children,' or a .nd" pottier ) ' -whom we Itnowould gard it ai one of the most Lamm: It ! alias childhood can-learn. Many ng Mtn would have been saved atom alter hide learned in his father'S how to "make himself useful" an. I the circumstances of life.. " . • A • d well do we know, teal many a girl wi . a good heart has goo* down , to an earl grave of infamy, , from being brought. up, by it false :iodate, withmt thsr,, res ; ir k tie n l o f u lfte r ?f in ho t t e he was to various changes "make Lar d . adv Miss of life. Very many girls,in this. d winter weather, go to bed hungry, sod rise to hover mend stinted fires, and SUM all day in scanty clothing, wearing the Winkle* of mikes and care on faces yet in their teenp,° willing " enough to workt—snd abundant work to do, with liberal pay, in luxurious mansions, Irhose rich occupantteronld count it a "fortis. nate thing" to find a, pram sni to the r' 0. then, arlithe doors of all our deged and daily throsi_gedil the' pitiful - appeal strike ?eldest:Jan in his early promenade, or nightly r, the lecture, the eorient, bet:Oise thiie Amineere, ere, .sot' bombe up to ix* taught, by. carol 1 1 1 10the5 theY*lo who him immoral or daspeirinlfouse et ahel to cook, for oltalsbee *ark sad Vida say twestpfiser we not say MOO ol welcome boom is ies Wm Torii -st tblok it:degre. nurse, sod week; ma the mon tux. prenti mina and the nest ire startatien.lnicide, dishonored those who eon An& imieseit'en 11 3ilaratt er * diYs tosotable to l ass More to do that ten 'Natio imp. •4* W , be idle froka - f!riogoOf a of Woo rido-Afolzaal mil twit' 'ilia :sip., — the Vika /1611•4ffer Itste= t et s istel staat a poems sad sot ik , • 1 Sin('le Co:xiies Six sCent. Oho :two iike Pre.: Is Plrabarab•.' • • . . As Ott rivet* pure and = . • Nand tb4ix:eitreenta at our 'feet .ruff loon *Ali and envier here, ftenatng oaten atilt and SO these "Ittanehee" Oox-eppear,. Braid antlatrong, ootobiutd, Eau; and Nast the tiding liotth and tilmtb'rean,x,l, Aut.- ;', • Heathen national lend an-ear. ltdavat angels sing is.; sit ! 17., to ea i the wateLnren are • Hand to hand the eldt,ra greet, ' Heart to heart, and glad, au-I fr . -r` • . .4andiecdhrethera move - awl ni,et,, • • ;to our am that gleam and glow a those forkee'iweep and roar, , 11.ns the draw" It, the metal ;herr— alt and mould the native ow, -. the lorelkat dames below • . very trarrheart% furnace dear, ' ginmas•the Church'. worth---' tr . .' Only taw by we dr, lfikaale that melt 'round,all the err h -rti a the warmth that Chtletirtm boner • Elpr toga _ the watchmen son, • • Hand to kind the shirrs greet, , MIA to heart, and glad, and ere, , Santana brethren wirso.rtni 1.11,11 t. As our bills • their summits iiiero Blab and antral aborn'the w.rr Men hare built in litter ,Itye. Splredsad 4lowid In a:Alit. ►ii7 L►Le--- 8o On troltiid • • Par sublimer tisigbas. aria S/ 01 .. Noblai revenues, boxior,,Vreiiif . Path from thoeawho Mora rho L.roi; Theta ski hoz= soboole Phrased, la foitiht, td.ett In Efe• to ey, the walainea seo, • • - Hand:to hand tb r e,ell2etegieft, Heart to heart, and RaotWed . breihren move ILO Meet.' , . As novenas* spread and merge - " . By theie rivers 'round the* Dropping viityre name'. till eerie," • Vide and freight ono Pittibsigh 134 meny ail the Churches aria • .• Breadth at Works and pbm's and :rept, TILL as 'oestb a billow's a e: • • :Narrow bounds sink, o bs one„ • 'And tbs.vuisd wets nvirgn . tiMittnirdoto of God'. Bak I Bye to eye tbswatehinen see; • itsod to hand the ehtere poet, Heart to beast and gird, aridlree; • ", , . Batuiered.bistlirati mireaad av;:t , Latest !Sews. Ni.v ia , 111+39 leduadienal. I. PATTERP;ON, Editof WALIVE *RID . ostriOatit - -01 i • smasiwit• • CAI; itT,V bask • . . . „. The difference between.... the catistritetintri.f. the Latin and Greek lenguagen-and. that IA the English. Language isnatseeidentiik- or' the product of a uterelytincensoh;os, e,airciSe. ; of powri.. It. is . the resuli.of a tlyrect. ever- ' titin . of ihe htionn. Will to -make the it.IOLI'LI • afencvf its expression more and inure'simple and-convenient.' The change' whieh bes - prs.., doted this,difference begsWa- tory lour; while ago, and farmanycenturies lies been waling more (Riess progress among all the Iridn. - EuroPtian languages.. - Latin' is - a tees gram matical language 'then its: eider . sister, the - Greek; : the - modern Lore or ' Eandece• tongues, .Iteliati. Silanish, .French, are . reNli' 'grammalloal than the Latin; the ' Teutoit't . e. tongues are less granimaticel 'than' the elle" 'mance.; and of the Tentanic-tongue,s . 'Eng-: trek in the least .grammitical- , ro litile, der pendent, indeed, upon the foressif,.grammar' for-the atirteture of its sentenc, tlisd if ran not rightly be said io have any gramtiter.. And herel Will remark that it is ut-thlS'ilde difference-between the etimplogy. enl the syntax °rite modern languages—FrouCh, ,t Italian Speniah, 'German r st4 Engli..,l'and those Of he Greek and Latin—that ,i 4 'in. , . 'compete le superiority . of:tti . e .latter 11,1111 ' meaniof education eonsiits.• •,, , - • TheAangtostss-of modern Europe, widely t 1 dissimilar although they seem -to -tlte 'sit ern ' chit reader, differ 'eldetly.in, their rocei 'do ries; and even - hers much ofthefr,,uniike ess l is due to the difference of prontinriattOn 14, incidental variation Which 'obtains to 'a: con. ' siderable degree in the.same.lauguity,e Within ' the period.of one hondred Jeers.. In stroc i ttire . the modern languages 'ire, ioo• Much alike to - make the randy of any of them by 1 . person to, wham the other IS - vernacular stall valuable as a means of-mental .discipline— They ire acquired with great facility' by peo=- ple of- no edocotien and very inferior Mental powers"; „couriers and ? . miss de p/0,,..wh0 - speak and write three or four of them fbieni... ly and correctly, - • being numerous --in all-the capitals t of the Continent,. • - •••• - - - --: . Education is not the getting- of. knowledge. -and it is not for what - we obtain of it at. school and' college, that wa peiti our early years is study. The• men"-knowledge that ' we than painftilly sequin, we 'could. in our matnrer years, obtain. in a tenth,part of the time that. we give t o our education. -Still less is it necessary for European studeprs in mod." ern days to seek -.knowledge from, ttreek. and - , Latin , authors.. ' All- existing .knotiledge' is.' easily attainable in a medun tongue. And , finally, to the demand wy, if Ytys, must Mad, French- ,or German languages Which I are now spoken, and winch be of some practical (i. r.,. money making) use to"them ':' .: —the answer is, that the value of ..the classi sal tongues'u educatore is in the very fact . that they en' dead,' and that' their sine- I tore iv -so remote Prom • 'ours, , . that Ito .dismember - their, • .eeniences - ' an!: rreconstruct them according to our. own fail/- ion of, speaking, is ouch 'ad' exerclie..of per.' septic's', judgment and memory: inch i'trein ing in :thought and the :Use of language -as can be found in no Other: study or intelleetu• al ezarttori to which immature-and untrained persons. of ordinary powers' are competent.. • TO its of E4lian race and speech, this dis cipline is more kvere, and, therefore, mire' valuable; thin to any people of the Continent,' because: of the greater distance; Millis re. 'poet, between our own language "thiti be._ twee:Deny one of -theirs awl. the Greek and Latin, and the wider -diffennee between the English and the Greek .or the Latin- nit of thought. Eleallie to repeat hes alre ady, ' been insisted ripen, 'the Greek and.theLetin languages - ari constructed upon - syntactical Principles; which, in . their turn, rest upon et ymological Or formal Infliction: , and English, being alniost with Out ' forint inflection, and nearly independefit of spitax—without dis, auction of mood 14 verbs, and withalmost none of tense and person--,witli OnlY out:Case of nouns, and with neither number nor -clip in adjktivet7with no genderat all - of nouns, -of adjectives, or of participles 7 -without laws of agreement or of government, - the - Very, verb, in English being in most eases 11:1dij;e0ellt of its nontinative as to form, rests Solely upon the ralatlaus 'et thought. In brief? beesuse. this Greek and Latin langniges bay'egnimmar —formal- gramtnar-rand ti-te • English , lon -gasp in alt intents ind purposes,. has 'pone ; The - Galaxy. .•: .. _• • _ - ; . II gaud seeurt tie Beek of-Veer ate. .. • - . . •• 4 paragraph has been going the a rounds o f all preeethat Praf. Louis .Agassit in' si lec tors at Cambridge, . denied the truth. of the Book of Genesis as recorded in the Ititile.-i--- Prof. Clark, of Scenery fill, - lVaithington' county; , Pa., Hot the Paragraph. 1 0 Prot. I and reiteired the following in reply! . L . l •L atii' H. Cuss, 'Satinet lins, Pe:—Ste: Twee or (bees . w since Ii s Sceired letter from'.gou inelosio ' from iort an extract froews. paper regarding a lecturslielirered.by, main' BarstaiL. I am ittle In .tlas habit of Octic• tug thirty of th ind, being convinced that often it is useless'. Doti Baring , beeome from t o 2 bablt.,sornevitat callous to inisripiesen •• . . Something In the tans °Copper letter Malmo me aroma( unwilling to have , it onspiwered.. and I write lo . sep that - the ' statesmen you : lent me Is false. In sores opeeing reutitekc_ of a course on teologr, which .1 am now •dt niiiiitt Jo 'the Knkrersitz. 1 said that the . kkoolagieil'lnterpretetion - ot.,,the 'Work of flenesie Vitas cis. thousand;yeire el': the . a ge . Sr the world, ent _a !audience .. to :the. under standing Of gsoloVeal e4idenco.'and...heCone. "ha Startect mith this idea .. sock , allowed his resertin to fie Pillatiorce4 tki it; 554141" e •it Ilrnot: remember rat esitet,sierf i, the. tutors being saiensportneonirl tint this is the substaates, and I know - I dldi not :say what your aims* extract reports. •*, - : las gessrevio., . L'f- Antslitr,. Loess ilasixiateasa.—A New York Tam gheeepenktion fouo V lending - af the 1 441 = 1 hack 11;1110e 3n N.l soot. end slain Nelda , GIMP llPmedwllw to torn, what and di; Cinetiami ia port. •• ' • • • Unionists bed saAttibbacco. • Phil/44ULIt castrtroleassi sad "Bead; ire Mote . - Nrit Iraff44 'enrythfing sad air:body; gni flak, Wit viniray noels mitt be Wed tce„ e i Tat •my 0011= 1111 141 2 tag try larsoleilitomp, coslnt!!tripg . • Croas.motsoapo," atineetid - Whop; from tho 'boots sad doors of 'Ahoy hotels; aro ,said to.latoaaanhootarod ,info fatty broads 'of WWI tobwiew • ' lINIPOLD DENIAL- BANNA.Nj* RAMSEY'S _ • STEAM ruN T G 10171 • . , • no•tog sapipital ma JOB ITTSTEVG DEP.CIthtM , with okrielesi eereveved Printats liteLluem and iefizra. l / 4 6ed It wub the tart =doll era:4 Itereat tape. Kew . vow better than ever prepared to exacedie . .-- • .1300W -- AiliD ^ 40R. PRINTING " 7 1 Of ttery •left Option at taw of thiitt!tEttfel JOLitall • - • abeiperilwrietui tbst, It canto dine At my other tarabitthmett.to the toonty,—sot otibat m rrto the Lb:a oty erotic.We Are Pruned tO tent Anything that era to dare to At city on-ot--Arot rcepetttolty Leslie' all inteed ot Job /Th. Wait -to arc °Meet eta. " • ' - - • Boobs. Poi luoh:et.; UM. tadlott. Mmmal' Lauer Ilaidllain Tirketaoimee as Cambia mid:. llama Bill., - Pesro' IBEfake, Itevesm• Stamp, • • 4 greemee Ti me Oast% - T.locator% • ' Bill Bead.;*- TimMe g..k.. Carta, Ilabega sad. Tipp. - At the very stowtoftro , ico, goy etocir et 3033 7TPii to EMIR awl MOM Utatilli.f thin that pt tty other cto , e.mtloo of the. State. tad Or bawl" Ia• .employed Lt. rnerocal Notes otmoltet Ott mot to'bo co.! to shy tasted oat to the citim. PUNT. LNG !NUM.!" ONO ttYLOtta done at the ell ' oftatt' We Inlaid to keep op at t.thp Woos, lad tombh oar Mamma Vitt_ rim aiw and &AMOY. &Aga At Cut se baud, • . B~OOIC B Isl .15E RIC . IlenDepi tun!, r r.q.o)lll:ftte.ti Lao alio bog, reidoUled wad redleed, sod ooxyz e..lsotx sofkmcn hiTcb-4 manyygo:t of oSpoitilos hi the to ru We e t 4, 1....41 to do Bltainir la a 'Mt ImPllioe s}, ,lene,gt to the 111. t elaborsto. = 1314.NK A.Nrilt.td.MlD WOE, tw.tr , oncipucc-,11.1:cd ord, Boand to ood o , s 1 the Ehltle-t toilet!..:4ll,powynost b.:rat €1 . 01;GIIII • AND IMPUOYEMENT OF • • gTV.DIE. PENN. •. Few of the-mink:uswho use a .deel give tts ortAn a thutight... 1 et: tin , te • • ~ . 410 inlentla WEICh is SO :Eileen:ally During thir.itirst twenty sears of this ren tury-a M:rrVaines Perry wit''‘i the proprii,..• Inc. and Oitiluetor of a. Forutar seheol near. London.' .T,..4) save liin.,elf fietn the drud,,i ry it inakiu ,, and mri.dit..-p.u= ureltint,.he invented. it: iiilitatioti 61 n tliC' i atiei.oit.- tve, a pen made of .I.cel rionv unaucces,tUt alt iieptn. cit far ,11,•., eeeifed ni to substitute the schixil.ro, - ,CM. . Mr. Perry, AL1L1101,1 , 411 was a keen 'bwainciii man. lle lowiA up this success` vigoroutly, and it x e.p iirthe production of the eelebvited Ver. .ivatipien,4nown and Used to_ tleis Perry, even in tiloie early' lity-,'lsicesv the value of advertising lie ' - ¶tit. itIVCII6O,II a wide circulation., only fouileais after the tit- t lion et` Five) Fens in Perry' , cheeil•eowip dlobeit.t.iiiffin (who is still,hti:tL;) s : 'During this year 1 Nviat9'i . vit!i pen. ii i of 'steel, niamifactured i under the tion James P e rry—a:lien ilia: ed 'about orAii tie weel:e, w: :about 'eight homi a day.!' In 1.2 r. .Perfy employed 'fifty operator • 'in. Liiti.hiti trikaufact:itr'e steel Tens; but althocr , :li he witts theiiiventor c ieth... -deed - pen, he was' :hot/1114i; male thiiii p , ipehtr. Phut wa,4 left t,r a very remarkable- Man, via : Die still v le- Phil nal:I-is )fr. 11Iasnu, who etidowi.it - :,ii cillhui asylum a few months alto ii. Voletit;M; near, tlitinitigleitn; Englund, II in his yonngCr rat pet virtavo'r in Kidderminster. - lie, linAticer. left tlqi . ,iectiptitMiiau l d writ:to _Flinn': lig. lemi; who lie sold , -shoe hiets.*: pins, nee. Clark 't Bice:' ghee day lie saw the Perryin ren.eirc,;.ed in-a wintialr g the modetatupriee of ,ixrenee 'cull ;Jae tott,,lit three of them, 'defer: mined to see whelliiir he could nut hid ; tate. theid; and soon prodnc,Afa pen lighter and better than - the. original. • Par al t takinf•_a 111CU . IVatigantlfe in selling then: ,bectts - Ipmers, (Perry being .then, ',tlieiinly taitkeo,-.)1r1. Ill'itson 'sent t dree 4.lo.ain:of his pens, daunted.. upon .catels,, to Peir,y ; in Loudon, offering to make them at fifteen 4r4x...5. . Petty, - ; whoseeins%.to havC been, ti liberal and elritArdbusiness - ' , man, soon Saw, that a genius :hailgot hOld of the inVention Who could' make great proglress in the proilne flint: lie -at once accepted Mr. ,Ma:.!im's offer, made him aditanees iil"mory y, 'and only ;stiputited that Mason. should . furl:fat him the yule' ' Al t e, o ri4he& began to give hiS' Wh o le. inind to the subject. first ell irt teas to get the steel roiled to , preper ness, wide]: alone at that mild the lieulty lay_ Inen the,machiniq was oil-- by a regular act- form what h a il tel'ore been shared by Rand, 1C rO - could turn cut more pens in Birmingham; in a iliy than hi rn solt could di with all his distills in 'louden in a week,:he thought to -propose a partnership 'to MaiM, which' 'w34 accepted, and aincti Mr. Perry'd death 'the •Perryan is in:nil:factored anti owned by mt. Masan, in Dirtiiinghinu . 5.. ,. . - , - • • . 17VIkNTIMENr ABOUT DM: PEALiCi.DY; ~ ~ . . 'The t'all lall Grizette be thin fol-low bag: f -:Mr. Peabody was; no doubt a very vs,id and estimable man,,wbose memory we all,, deeply respect, but is there any reaseli why 'he should-always be spoken slif as :,‘ , George Peabody ''"1 . 116 affectation urdy Irt...,p#donable.in it.sfutnp orator, but men like Mr, Gludstonefud theAlislfripi.ild.on donnts.glit to know better. Agin), id_ it jfidaous - or. in accordance with truth L zluxiie. that simply because the late.. Mr. ,Peatiodyesteniled his charity to the'yo:ir - g•-tliiA•: country, we 36.; , t t ert,, ,, ..r,.., - , 'to sear eternal friendship w ' { A in, rrint? Mr...(dlndstonesirof opinion -that it is intst iinprobable ° we stall til- can RCPT q ini . rrt-1 with the "country of George l'eatioily." The' Hey. Newman Hall says that "Georze Peabody is d'link - 61'peace and rove L. tireen the twonationsswhieli mutt to Ft!. bareken.", .-Everybodyknow.s-thatpeq,m, bt;tween England and Aiiiirica does not" depend upon the memory of Mr..Peabods'* .munificence t it - depends on the good tvi , - ' 1 haviorpf bothinations, airs if eitliir. of tbent insulted' br injured •thX: other, the natiod „Width 'bad 'been, or con ceiv'eil .: . •I' self to•liAti•bciet, wronged „would, •a-Ssur eddy, not be derertcd• by resret for .ti.- „late,Mr. PeabOdy'from asserting its . own • rights in a legitimate manner. •Ib.woulib t he-putting the memory” of Olaf-01'11,1os thropistxd a kery bad use;lo make, ii t , n excuse foi acquiescence in wrong : 'an , d, above all, our public men .frill do Fell to -remember that the Americans have in• vunted a word railed "bunkdru, - whii•lt shotis they fully appreciated this kind , of 'oratory 'at its proper value : _There is • no' -greater. mistake than to suppOie- fhai tbe Americans ar .. talr.e . :a in by nott;erip.e., i.f• tlris kin,,,,il if we wish to• . preserYe 'peas . beivieetn.be . two countries;zthe best...mode - orelfectinqur object is ti be .prictical and' ti,ot; sivtitnental, -We . bave oftt ti tried;:toi blvsi fo r yet found it 'ar t iwisr, to Make. odrscfst:p . rit iculotts by tbuspsliey 'of sentimerl: •:-,..._ - . • - )• _ .. .• . THE NSasb ft XOD:US FROBi.VIIIIG I N l.t. The press of Vitginia ewers- day at tracting attmition o thiedrnroenseSc'sodus of negroS from the State. The:iroportauce of this' movement in its. various bearings cannot be overestimated. ' 7 lVe have l. considered it certain to take 'Chico, .1 furabingthe true solutien of question so far as this State is-concerne.h. Thiethe'vacuum iri.the labor supply .of. .Virginia _thus produced- •will 'never -1., again supplied by hireling labor we con. cider absolutely certain, aUd-it is e(innEy, certain that : this vacuktu will be 611,1 by ,the small farmers of the North,• who are already pouring into the. State. The rues . ; obvious effect of this chang e in the. lobar ot'the state will be 'the E.ipid Subdivision - pf: larr and; ill , cultivated planotions into small and high . r,y led farms. Radical ':e.hange , : in. the plea of of production:as well as the_ MO& cultiVationond aboveall a vast increase in the price of land will alao 'follow. The difference hetweed the i•itate densely people with intelligent - and 'en terprising whites. and viruli?od by• tio• . influx of Ndrthern and -14 reign - capitai, and. the State without : capi. and d..pen tient:Z.3r labor on the -negro hireling. _is. teiond calcitlation. Atiotherl: one- but' equally certain .retruli . tk, soutliviaril•tuovement of the negro will ho a similar movement by a very larc...p-4- tion of the , White. Virginian T opulatieol 'Already-the beginning - s orthis are discov ered in our busineara and eorrespubdene , with land buyers and sellers. Many- of eiir.large Landholdera are an wedded' ttr the iirgro that they will employ. no ,other kind of labor, and as the negros leave the State these "old masters" . will follow their Ovate , - and both will. piofit by the change.: Virginia ha's' beenfoimtd by nature for a great manufacturing, mining, - and agriCalturalltate, and..tbese ° mots meet sof population point-to a speedy re alization of the kr:gat destiny In afore for • he , r.—LYnelbarg,l 4 :Va.)Atertiier. , .THII. t;onoptlflratr_lins fstnily fun4ir,litel;ll is York aow ettioutits to t13,200.,-.... RiAtx on ihe ihip. meets ffotiri Nen , 1*,0•4,- 'harbor to Newark, to• begin in .tlye . Epring. Sit,:iVt Finns/1, of 'Sew yorliz -- 13 3pain't , In n i er in this en nnir ii rO4 $.40.000 ~ot• year salary.° • , • • . - 'Tss.profits of the Betlfo-I.ladeti gambrine . teed; lasi Year were SC , oo. o ‘ o 3 :Sh'i 'or The Wiesbaden , • - A Mosi•Als girl rode sixty-fire miles on lorsebeek in one night, to wag eininer the witlios of tier Fluent'. . • • „ . - .iiorinatt. in Canterbury, Coma re eenty ins:sped threetglr the .window a ehamber_ocentiled by a hitt. 'Backus, siren. 'tyttito years otign, and her niece, end with ,:platolln bond, he' demanded, "Your_ m oney or your We ..Y.7CL will har e , - neitdter,'.'. It. plied the plucky old lady, ashe seized-him by the throok.-and hold Min until the niece the neighbors, who took: the follow j PAL • .• • . CVEOE6E rEAI3ObY =SERAMIM=E we e -..1,4y ft , a 1 Llaa Boston Pori an %Lid) giv.:.s:4ottle Interesting, dintnc.: tLi pLilant ttropist. Of dm Ogo, frvj!w f olell worn..ke the folLowini-e-r -crlet;t. they wiiffproyelititere,tiot to our -r,c4:14.s : ' . 1 , 1 ; hi, fr:.hith; and teleithari *L . t,ittlt .1r 1111%11. 4.1.11110.11 X a.. • itri•L•l, .41 VA r..1101W17113 LE the c unit; 0111. L aced at L‘oce ttio`tsspect Lied •4, :•3: - hi, c 4" th t:r with whom be wawa iv Ocutset. : 4 I:e4geo, Ile Peabody was ,very e'Llta -wu blond =MMM . h.. I : cat to a 4- tral. inn i. 4 mraane!is. •lIIs tee.trei.7 . ~ ., ,,y LA , '...: tr , ...i . ..1 , 1 nibet Elea . wers. &rug . ..• -• + ,e, I', r• Brill , f , d`trq *-betsuilvtaaect • i S. ,w , !Ai V" 1. 1 al or ... rvlntrkat4e 10101 s ledis.ellded , . 4,. .. 1 ::1, H . q.: 1,,,..:, th%ll L.: tr.t . ..14 0 1 , 7 Ut, 0 'cola' , 1,1. a • VI., .11 • •,{ ,-.... :J.., v‘t nt 1.10.0 UMW Ili WS ".? 147.1.*t 1....., .-I.Vi .F , .S ily - -terde . t WlLtt th'S haCk.:o4.. , .: . hi , :. Iv ', • .... ~.... o F .,,. ..; .:i _km 1ca...W.0.13h teaderqd :ILx.: • . A L, .... -. f, Lt Y rei ...• .; ~ .. 11, - : .7 .: ,1., .., no et, ~! !...Att [)aun t tab:malt It tte ,vr.lo iire 111 mr , .... . , . tr t Foikbotlit t•ran , tti n:1.• 'Vt - t tt.ttl • I tkat'Lltax ttrtc .antts [or now e.!).. • o ;4, •• .:141.?1,1.-11,1Iteve /a asking a.: ,Lt.! I'h !Dokihetatkie 1..r0 .•• I • • •..%t r w, I,Y - r 1 w,Al,th:* trait that - ye rl • ; ;; h!fn the b¢:li of svor. r we a trrlrr¢.¢nrL k••- h • Irtveleratt p ;0. n . ..i rs rtl 011:.• I.el lit 1.0001 Illell Id .!,.. it Ile.: e ,),,,th of I. fort ono to. !tr.:, 1 not fie •'I , a 14 Awn, 1./L.:a. bop prtleirrd. 9n t.L.IL h .15 ,rou 1,. 'll.,tal,el6!¢ ext. n. 1,4 [:. ark-; t;:.l ai Li Alall eX -a re titter, and got, •-.! IA , an.t to , %t tWohictial 1111Mt001% Lt:ix.vc sa ar c'a of mtelty. Illtt ;•t•a rt A t. 41 1 ,. bit:lA.lll;k ram % •wt th h . . sttht .t , i:rt tart 1.-It 11% P.body' re_ ' ts,xtted m.ll"s'tatith.aut h s , 41 vreforrlC WAtitharg.• I t0...,0ur0 ItWet. TUVNI bOWettlf. t.., mo In .10`1.•x LA d.Evt 1:!e Godta tote th..rus ahua' tberrforb. t.tott wr.h 1.1:n ; :!ard a Lauttte-audt-utgy entrtriat in tie (1 , 2111 P Alt relsion for allay eye. rather that of • ftwoh , :t 15.' ft Inatt a urn:et. lb', 1410 :1114 wtrh I ..111 t 'tau 1 , 1 hit stt th ttr. ot hia..t.atto, tt, ntit QUillf - t4r u 4 A44,..4 t.. tott. eytte.atog CI the • brat w.-.t tv'tkn hr to r. e d, , • ono:- 0gr4'•.1,1,.:•51,,, Mr. reld/Ody .• t.ti , 1,1•, di VIZI n, 034 )..1n al,[ by 111 - . tt; •i d $10). F;ty, elect , detested, bat after 7t,,. on, Mr a o•Oy WMd ao largely to n I •!.‘, ts , dar ir ht [try,. t .7ereary M t344:1 e a item ~ .r.•.rni•lc.rv; • ,71,.. — waJ .loro at t . atoll to ILIA 1 , . • r Conlvt , OL 3 . 4 L crialtrly too. ittat . . . prei nil , .- mAle Of bey . : „ .... , te A r, tWk ta4r, • Salem. and an tr.t te per • fr.,41 cI thr !:11”;1• halo tylltertstion elth. twe htfort, the lettere , 41.1,91.,. troll. AZ..•rita. tit Wlrth omitted tha : ' • *: • V 431; :lit 1 . ..,:x0y 3( ter of many peneamitli )(te, Tit, s gr , qtt ti for 7(P. N. the reply.' :Noe do I'mleart that,. _ o t o.t t, utak , a lull gartitar Somalian toe r rt•ettl P, I hi , Guilin re.a, std. Pqr ' hm, ftd) to I,ly . gifts In caber dlterAteme:. • What I ' • te, t . t.,er. • Will It, pt the itittur Anti - for it aIS toellely m.t.t extiod c•ne n et • • ... . . •••It t, ; thti'the teet tylll et '4l feria:meat ot Ur, Lemittr4llo T o r,',Or in the Pro-.N g.. 1 i; Ca ;no ketchbtehoLl eenterbure. mad oopy ;it roanbt; 't trylt 3114 riled in Thu rrot,.te.ollty et .he ;.,)r diug ',Lament AIL* witaith'itt7 . T.EN: - 1141074,; antl.actee et-ImM to England `he did wit(' lamottor tlonvioil uI t:1.:O.,0011, ighiCh 10,06 L: he 1t tti.tf Loudon: fhitt'liputti. `Kell hit,l,Omtiont, to 010,114'04: to s7,:l.tit,- ttwi.. 1e thii: p.A.ty b0....u1,171 ~$.1:100,1A)4..* to, the ,United Stetes,,, .h +wel!, - 1(4 of the aUnt or •duriuglik 'life tinter . . 111,1900. - in -the' $1,8111,00d r t .- - .1,1011,000 - Wtrkt 0•1 . 0 1. 11,V PC0 , 171/3{ na 010 11 - 0 i 1•,111 of Nor Yorli, who,ifis: S. i Sallar, to - .a ••1;% omit Ling of•the kind, t : i f "watering railroad rzr rt..---puttitig • ey 111, 111. 11 ,110'1 •• nna ta5.1 . 41,3 I.ho coramortitiby4,' in• reo ehotrgi:s io4Rulpoqation. for Went- MEE • EDITOR.% T - • i • •, , . . , 011/111161,1 nelfo,l.l: Cr !,. i! One trkat.juverrilo .putrti- • • tri :"..116txy. rktrliehtql -at it,:gryear . . 51 . % - t•yriretr, by-FiAlils. Osgood • . k contiutien to be tilled with the e kl ffl e t gr rtio•nr: r..!...ert. frtroa korrekt fortign li. Twin zibilcstP)s s Tr...ry largo - , •Yl n . ar Irrtr 'v: n ItIrp . .1140;VrItI111RD11 mea -1 pir.k /int lun, Wit, It has •I •,!:• Itn i nrmu mark in 'the.field .r ".i•,... 11 • ti,•,.% r unckher sterna . ,;„ e health. Fabliabed*by - r Eltarrklin ktrkr t, Boatori, t rt:e ri, ci• S N 2: 1 ion •„T f :Met, • •• - 3 . 14 t 1. I - Crit Tt...1 to: Attila in f.i c.c , .r tewfiy.. It f. deep. ,el 5, trf riffibilionef. riNtatinn.; 'itl Wirsril.: c.;:a th ..‘ set; eta.and . .ls des - .. '.1,11‘.. , 4 Krolt - p. It Is the only 1 rshr,fee. ref• Iha ifil,fl we know - oK has been grjal f-frNt, ant. meets the want. It is lon g'ff 1, 11.'ffq.f' to? 'I - n ,lerge is well Ale foe the ejf - ginal, and allilret diem. 1.34..d11. - • .•.I .111r....Ty - ,.tly _Alfred I...eltorel 1.111.11. , A ...4 , •thet popnlar Juvenile meg e:•;n.., The Lats; (.Iftpnii. l n.; and en; v fat!, et. of .1 a ):ear. pp Art.ett • • I_\ TT tut 1/ , •,• - rdler haft the- follawitg of coutlhlllod. , I h, 11. d Ifret•rt`,•Thc Old Gate ; • fhr ,f T. f Place; ' , I WA , ‘ rri'4 - 17.....t. , ar Swing : A Mar. \:.41 a Th, .:y ; A Novisober -Aftereonn ; An—Edlltd'a Tater , . ,31.11,1% ail'Aldahrie , qt of dolhllhatl `• ti. Lsp SLxollarif r-hiGicod I t , . - - . • - "rut; r. —lt is raid ihtt, y, tll PrOrriOtOr of ' fhb AMolleart Ariskik irked s friend.of 6u, ed old espeit- ' ete,l PnLit.tr r. .how he - should 'Promote the Wolforoif Iris. ytttri...l. • Attertaileihr retherks, . t r the rtt. et t ile , people would', in the lor.ge run p3treelzt:th4t joi,ukl which really contain* the • tfloot'v,111:1,1, lemtiog.tuottor, ted that the only way to ,iccriro this trtiv to *pare 130 labor Lo-et tutu trot the bcot• •' *uuld hay, .hte friend '• ' .e.ed ir/g uta sum rip his advise as ' to It. woy rn taato the American Aplcultntist the tnrr to..oktl...ptitor imprr , in the COUDIfy - Ur, hr ila , a h04L1,,. TS,S: "14. Pat mire) Into it Ir, tw morr ro;woy In Vut some • - ro , ri,m , tey 11.0 it,"-•-That adsiuo lletrlnil to heir,. . b,-en "giber reolithiy Journal or ' 51 . aric uo_fe.g. t e granter eXpeneff labdr stotrtriciy :nen the Aurlealturiete Every pass , • • ' , lows thee. pleeehor. gpgravicgo coot shoot 81,000 to each • r em b er I- 14s ttnir , w' piped ore filled with etrre- cr fol:y pecp,l,l" reeding Netter, hhOhflartli; Inform ,titol urefol to all claw's... Whether iu . C Vi' lace, tir Coma.' y. A , large tee oe of Alio . proc , i.ra: mot-iilot women are coratantly •; ployol tit gel ht., inv, evil rifting., and roodeneirg• Icflamatbm. Yet whilo preptri d et. a wet . IBL. ctwait-g that.,,t the ti- sad magiztnesi the . - *Atni;r4can Arr.s.c.f.t.iiiet, awing to tho large pat- - it tt,j, - e, is .applied at 111.511 per atom., „I of H i re ; r. 7 set, and Cl stilt. lees to c•,0„, Ar,a oukteritktig uow get the foe • - it.r to 1•1•,ler ,, mut,eqptlen tho eget of fo e 11:tpric, ut *yes!. We ;ea iho all our reed 'my:oa.~Qtpcm~cloce ct the opportunity, and. s•the-r.toi rit-w. . Thriy will iltid it a .good tercet- • Tt,e Publftßent ere 4 .3...,47,0•11:11 , 1 A C 0.,. • Ittot.iony , City.- _ 17:t1IIRELLAS 'II A' funny. thing happened as we I}:ft[tl4, pray. !X sudden April shotier had sprung up t and so it found the porches and paa.: sage ways lined with close stacked umbrel las they looked muskets an sane-. rY. ,F,v • 'rvigentletnan took one, and thisse, - , of. the wh.) Augelidea one.to me: It seems tlrtt the city .1L MS I), and firnvikh,, the umbrellas. - When. I 'tape." to the'iun, I, put-minein the ball,- •and that was the last-J eht l ace of it..—. have inquired, and it agent ~/,!:1 a.; rain' is 'over, the agent for this diitriet will conie round ill a wagon 1114 collect thew . , Ii -it ruin . any day whet' f atu here a - waiter from thk., inn will run itod• fetch 1. shall; Barry it tilt the rain is over, and i then leave it.auy.:` where 'L choose. agent for ih'e dis tvi i et wilt pick.it up, and , place it In - 1 - 14.11,telhiptand for the nomeit-e-ilfl case of sudde thuwer, as this to.eight, course, their httsiao..4 t o supply Churches .. or theaters: - I have 'noticed anotW. geed thing abou: wohrellas: A t naf(iik-frni p t..ofirie that day:it rained hAa i . feCter to ,post at u boy w IricStwas On a strict lamp: - If lispl to hold his umbrella with one habit aro the box 'with:another - , - and - to drop in a Letter, with a, third, it. would ' bare h e wn awkward. for - he had bit two f„hand . l. So they litd 'made ther• coiitAt the box with a rifig hatftlfe—he opened it with )tie umbrella hand, catching • the . ring with the hook of the umbrelltiad" posted his letter with bib ether bands:- 44.1.irard Everett-Hale's!.ViairtoOybaria" — G EitaiaN istmottsfrre.--tThe fall Mall ria Gazette; ill an editorial on the' On n emigrants to the ruitef aintes, nati.„t 't, n the phlegmaties . eautiont, entinouti at tlertpn will ben healthy entinterldlaego the lbercurifil, 'reetleas: j -and e3ofi”itizt Americin. atid that" he Teittnmeleleillint is iequireilto oitnterbalande Ificfrtat in flux of Celts. - .Germane, foithe moat fiat, value education, and Italie certain asittbalue Ind intelletioatteates *Melt it Is dears bin to introduce 'among the ulilitarian Yankees." _-' '. ' ].. - --.,, --~, 7- Ise _Pill MellZaactio Pates that Mr. Spar Am kis had as actia at uaall-ra.- •