*writ Mountal. POTTSVILLE, PA. SAT ILI RDA 9,04199 99 a 9, '11999. -. ILUPIIBLICAS STATE dE4' -- Fos iitopainou. , Gen. JOB N et AN T s cz.■.y. JUDGE or stentala Cattail • Mini HENRY W. WILLIAN3; et A IleglsoTer C4mutty. kEtIBLIEII Jolt:* PARGlinit. ttflthatul 1 1 1 ;•• wr. P.Atstrtt.•. JA1.1.:13..1 N EVER, k t. Ltsift. - 11rraillooketiitY. kum , •!! oa. T.ezoat. ' . . Trrikaaiet. JUAN WitaNER, rot.!arttio!' . • : • Bee•sOir. S. P. CItAWSHAW, tut Ntrivesitti. Respite► • PECiC. rat.nsy,7 Clerk of the IliritsLiam. • ••• It azt.:llCA. SchulkU.l . l.law,t . , - camormisdaser. - JP). R. fthig, i 4 . ryitrabtr; ' • Ilireciir of tie Parr. • t 1 IWAII 4110111311 k ficm4 enniyllo I. •e ANUor. F. W. ILIA& Washingtos Toind4p. PleeHoe. Tired.f. Oei•ier 114. JP. REPLIBLICAN SURUCGIF TICKET. • 'r ler Bitrigess. DANIEL CU HIETLAF. Mllaie Cintstabkc I:II2LARD BAIL Tieaaue► anilt snurrut. P.FOCALTACB. v , A. B. 00CEUZA'.. f): V. PAITRati Ulgt ANNOlllnie4ollllllrit,—To oar Ilttladelphla eahealbara and adworibent. We bare enherel Into anangesa4di with J. Wilzig' Meizthar, l.aq , attai n* at Law, r-niVahinaatree', Platladelgida, to attend to the collotion neon_ bills kw inthentletkeo and sd aortlalne kahtt Cllr, rat we hereby glre entire that Yr. Ilarthatis reeetra .111 be reeozniaed at d atic. nowledged qJ as for all nodes pad hba on nes ac count. • • COAL; IRON AND OIL. 'ST DADDOW AND BOMAN. 'Thy Great - Wqrt on oar Mineral Rom eta, la taie ent; wort , pailisiatel In the United Mateo ttit gins fall deacriptfon of. , WLITIL6TIN6 NINIaI"b7 the FAN. *tab is ea* Deist° semen] us as safer and ciramerlttan any otter raceloof "Inflation. jybe km , don Mlntag Journal mays they Lan no Mille anima aqui trek In Eng!ind. Sat °Mayo Non; irttli sp. et *CO Mapa)md Illsitainkeas;;;.Pftri r 30. Drat na 17 man cir receipt of mica.. Wiest . 11A2a$ATI as 14 aIISICT. Pottarllla,Pa. HIC,FI{IIII, 11.'il Theeldzafgrant fra alit:elated Tbataday. Nor. 1.1, as a day of eittlaost ttaaargivieft. . The Tearteeeee L'gtelatate fir eeselo% stated that flieie sic r.fAmore t . t . an lateloY:rett.b re to both bhasta whorrill sAle for the Laid ci tte attend.% atreedntent.,. . c- Pr .den! C.rfax woo' s: Lak, on Tot sod mods nsm, econ a ols4t. Iseys;amy. Kt Preildett I...rwe Mot yeateader. acrd St years. At Bangor. Mk, ou Thatoday, fferogy V. &Mardis) head &naiad Captain Cloorge Wentworth, of Orting• ton, of tie iFbooiler Wait.' Wailer, "on the thane of cciamlttlaganptisgt,on the hit; station the 1,.50e of a girt tort Ilya fourteen year. Of age. 'aith , t ley a gauwanger on his vesatt from Orilagtou to New 'fork. The evidenta against htm Is nine belitroog. Lk is over 110 yout of err. . An stump( was made on Wedneed.ty evettlog to as. etwinste the par 11184 flinty Dolt; on Igor tr (mei street. Ban Prattitte,. a was khot twice; iodl2 In a entleal ego litlor., Tt.t,sisimiti Was attested. EorTzTtie reader's atteuil4l, Invited to rdterring to For Store of Jo.. Itosenbsura &Co rtiO Aria St., ?Citadel phis.. This Is an old and relisblo belittle arid worthy of public attention, Doer Vote- the Dentocratii - drita. unless yon want an incompetent and fiithiess Gov 'eroor, a partisan Sadge, 'lnd a corrupt Leg. islatnre. • . Tebel Ilya:Tag:l'3ler be elected ‘Govero4 of Pannsyl►enisT Packer is one. . •L FULL REPUNILICA:i t ,, tE WILL/INSURN A ULINUOUA RIPUBLICAN VICTJRY TURN OUT . nt TOCIATNNOTR IF yoewant fin experienced, learned and Just ;edge on the Sapretne benetri ' , vote for •• - . Ir yett . waut faithfullcgiatataie, who .will guard the inietetti of the State, veti.fur the Republican candidates. IF you want:good, times, and • wise and economical administration of the Suite Gov ermiaigt, •o!e for Jots W. Gisay, Ws refer our renders •to the auk fsta Bunks County Farm, said to contain a Ana fain of load Ora. A sample of the ore Offal* wan at this office. Foa...the sake of argument; 'Oppose. we grant that some of the Reps blik:to party-. eadus 'repot what they, should be.' Will the -- Yplading of such men- in power uliss Packer, Sim lomphs, Bill McClellan; C. Ii Pershing, and the like; better the iltnation f ' We pause for a:reply. Cruses, you who complain orelectiont, and curse the whole tribe or member that "the price of lretir , is.eternel vigilance," and that , are just what preepte.ebose to make thew. 11. you attend to your political dutios, thti pitliticians 'will be good and - honest cnotlgh.• Dee% what ever yon do, stay.-awatqfrom the polls 'ow Tuesday. Vote yourself; iud get •aU your friends to do the same: JUDOS PACKER is Forth-two:p" miktioa &Alan, but not a penny of that vitst: fortune, Ins ever gone to the support of the Govern- 'mew. lie Is one of the peoplelltho never believed in his Government, or cued enough for It to btfach oat hls h.d in succor. 1111 'ls thought by a great party to ho the mat 'deslrleg end dt mart to be Governer of 'Pennsylvania, yet be acknowledges that he Las ne °vestment bonds, never had - any nor ever.yeld have. T2&T - “otralissr• issonrrwt LAW. i An exchange .remarita ~14•3, ' Iroise ma. icoundrel to the canotry. im 14) , - , posed to th'e' Registry Law. .Rmtry 190Ast voter thinks' God for lia wholesome pro- . • shirr. '-We beard • prominent Democrat declare that "Guar coot.? xx*y:im.a.p.. : Low tr re7ral SOT 7011411 AT Law ; • • , • _ The cutting down of 16,0a1 99tettfirhife: del Mace osifuL - • • IT is a pleasure to tell the same atom, ever end over sole, it it vs it twatal story- Our awry DOW t, of the eallstsclPMwo eajoj la in wearing the clo'hes which they mate at the . groat Brownas iliTniladelphis..- 'The fact is there are no othel Clothes; made else; where; test loot hill as*ell pelmet' half as le k =loss, es .the 'Rocklyill - Wilson -et Ches! The homes , * and vsr saeortMent alas -clothes Lwr FA! which )ctidll & Wilson now display is worth the talon or all who ge to ths city. 18 to Rorthill &IWilson's ad vertimmeut In anoihernolnrem . - to ReootukT.—CittzerterF.rtelgu that ithe object. of the Republics* tarty ere to !preserve the 17noe ; to eitablt4 Jo Ilea ; to ban TLACICIULIi to Pregia, to promote the several Wsti.t.iut ; sad to ° isecup; the bleesingeol Linz_ sot only to thie ;reentry, but to art the Vorld. Mimeo, ° jar you lore Froodourtiod the roberlsad.,. lyote. the Ittpubilcan ttelurti Thehates. eitiou love the 'dead of your With, and .hope to Ines to see It tree: 'vote tor. , sad must] the • 1 1 tePub Putt; for Itio,rpread of Ttriutti•- • - i bean fdeii 10 Items aim% irlit et* free 1 - do= tithe down-trodden eat appears& of I the "BM itegnarikni tieketlJ, , . Fere= rilrAeteree'e letter, is Lai resetuatddrosidal.ttrasa.4si acs gas beat thealthereetiori pat upeiljt at to Ise. psplk of tothe apedialith set the Papt j swat *was . the Saws doei say lar,4lmakikardi sot mask to beFtetterid le Me speed* lastimakkardwatabrimpai i pee width, la IdeOplekthlki** l 4 ol,llo the !Atli** pi Gluie. 4 , ll e oho reco:, I Damn saalirk Sad dieralsom tie ihf . lyt.thlj am lobs to AGA Cothran the gem& laitheithelets-elthealeethollk W i ft 001404116al I'7ll mat Oethedgal et Nolte Dame, oe to rearm IA hb coareet. Ulm pouthie heal( ,WA= the Cestahrtt bet eg preeme r se weir Lather did IS abelmaltidaLandiastaiM la elthiold7 st 1 1 03• 4 1 # 11 °Ig I. f l l3l lkt V I / 44 ft produelag I diampluem . /7- Bre It d7tlYwt,7lM - a 11 irXgalitallo lallaro un tadbo Imam liai/dadon altdattle lia, fad odds a dirt ot Moods Moods at , ter Oldatal... l llama .ba Mama etyma to $ tad dooNrop tb• look °many IMMO . la ato übs Limn. anis toItIIONV a i M a rEara g oa Who dim osalata 1.12 aglow. oladadi Id 1011ost imeoliairle."- OW WO • ireauriyamo ziacTion—cjimutorieN. if4u=ki—wi(iitasaiget mums: tar ycar nr.+41:414'1,0 tyy oarsakpi DArcr Jareessotkaissa;tta Taidstet 4 at:* k la tie sanasbart , !lk slew leashes tbelleseelsweb• tag •leasseeti the boots ft Jils sad WOO Oda* IL WWI Ida Pty Maine poi outlet We 4 ere Irei Ibis I, . t take s/I. at Che optics or lee lb* e esya.- knee its Ilbseelas bevel, the Mlle rhea be elm. eel et sal Nib' the Cauca tbs dsir War fifers le ha ears altboritir f6resapq the Palls else beeremess tbia teasty tom blare MI IVAN *fere 42104 la war lon6tetiUs advent easallegef W eetee psilak *Leto( the 67. Thew Is op es" srbee'lly pew Ms premed thefts Totals apirtlloa ceidtaal etabialtify to lbsetty of PhlladNplla. atAk l 111,17 lv eas las tay:doy to .a fay otbatidta a, Casio. tor 15344% *Mom, tt liddeecki by ewe dti, Ptak(throat,. and *tea u)y mode C.ll. tail tdattittkoa provided by taw. ' - I mid sa; aseretiod 'Am New iifir %et IT aid& unt•-I.4atobsit Ulm p. dt. llloB, odi tstal ( imitative to tba done* aS geseloa (Ma" out- Ada of tholodt Ode, pet:tidal kt dltradielplat. ?be pettalmt altetailooa ate Woe: I*. The smolt *Mare \ elnje beritoron q sow, tut tin d. to vOlds ektoisal see et the tort Lee. vivify dresadis teritise. lived by the bolts. had Ilbdi with theokeiks pp. n. Via b C Wadi. ithd. . ,la es43p of saves Ail ka43l. !unit Use I aim as tees • vele • at Om emu Pea, !..e to eamiteaftiyeift W alversitsPl33 aninkft *vat : k r*"..4. 0 4. yaw Weed spoiJi daall se eadoutd. M IHI the wad •vcits. sad do wooer, do*. (Snag tl43lili j • • Yogi; Ike. .1 'u • egurioram Pimenn.i.r,i) . cl.ll.l6l3o • ' 111313.118K14 lit% Wail I soteremest Of the' People for the People s Lea b 7 Peoiole. and. that the indlyideal wit° does sot ezerehe the privPirit 3 fot. Is Bee f -worthy of the digtste of Anterksa tikeesbilL • ' • moss arozuzia sma Tbao r onalbe whim . Moor 114.16 Lamsu I•SIaUT.ML . .4III NO ass with ii peromort family, la tree fro. t* L D* wit ch latthOm ao Po W s a tt r e Pros - .ke lzrarn astaxatir&aa. , :=l ash salaam fur wise Ina. am, pm! sad batter, preserved Ina. ie.. at a I Mao team imam ato 6 Ratios. at JOHN S. MOH ! 181.9 8084 tajirser al Oastra Ilaskat Hateata. 8 , 141'1'4 it CAI ESRMM!gEii:3OII yoa iroald • propkny wafted letalioNsk Spuslaa, apply So. J. DUNA annuus's"' Wstaggsam, Inhei Cbstr• Eared. Palk bib"• (Mabee 14 1101-4341 at.=NedlOloOmod Plam to mot every Isom 1111‘ PrIP& D. A. lowa clears strait. - A ambit% tMaire Mae lot. we -amp at LAMM mee1,,113 04c. U• P., 'annals. Pa. Ma said Ilarabatra Matt tut tboadaeas sad ily . * • a pita ad bats boat talbely mod by Its am. sad Pat nicasualal It to_all. stuttalitalletad. I. DQNICtb. Pai. Ilaaday badyabbha, Mad& . ra. 17. SI • raimm: ihartm 1114 AfterlEsa autos tut w+► mod of the Maelt • irpatlties. at D. ♦. fleptUrs. Oisus mode THE , ',QUAL TRADE. PearyUM. October IN Tux quantity sent try railroad hi, week is 69,93.19; by nail. 7,878.10; for the yeti, 77,32Q.09 tow With* 183,415 for. the correspondltig week hie year. The gap mita are; for tiur days' by railroad and two by eattt.. Tun demand for coal hes increased a little, but the 'operators frimUthis region are con— fined to the iitilroad alone for transportation 'until the canal is repaired. The rapacity et the rolling etnekof 'the road cal balms Op to 140,0)0 '!.tons per Tea, In cue of great necessity, sad might aterage for fore or aii weeks,'', , with no accidents occurring, and will, a brink demand for coal. The Sehniiiill wilt be in nnvigabl r e oilleir in ablaut. ten Ilays, trim pre- sett appearances 'PO ratas;of toll an the canal hays been reduced froin the first of October .23 cents, and the shipping aspens's, 224, have beim remitted mi Port Richmond by the railroad. company, "This,still make no difference in the • price df coal 'on• board at Port Itich• -mood, as . 45 . Cents has been added t the Price of coal here. • This will help rotors a little; as they 'bait had a bird time of it, antl.;many of them lost money at list month's prleee• r Taz.Leidgit:Valley Railroad wail repaired in a few date after the freshet ? , and 'accoid-, ing to the folloWing dispatch frarn Bering, the;',Lehigh and Susquehanna Raik road is ready for transportation,: ' ..Carasentia, Clark..iisq.: The .damage to the Lehigh and Susquehanna Rill road at this point is about repaired. and we have a clear track the whole., length of Our line.. We ',shell pus paasinger and coal train to-day, • Tax Lehigh Canal and the pelastare . „ sion, we twit: will be repaired for businase in. about twelve or fifteen days frets Seta, perhaps ionises. With regard to the condition of the compti , tile; in the . ; Leekawanna region, we fuid ihe foiloWing from thl Scranton .. 11epublican of Wednesday. . The Screntim of the D., L. Sr...W. .Railroad eat' hors - du COMI:Wi. No trains have left or -arrived from that direction as yet. Superintendent Halstead. witlihis bun dreds of hard working men. is toiling _with Wight an4 , miin toget the road in order, but thg . jab is par of mammoth praportionn and as intelligVnee is gelaea from all along'. the line, it is found that - the damage is greater then at fait enppoMxl.'. .The road is all right , to Strouditlonrg : bat. beyond that y01.10.1'11: full of breaks. , Three insportant entrant are. gone before the thford tunnel is reached,. and- theseriannotbe repaired until tliey":, are!l worked up to from either way. Between An, Most southerly bank and Bell's bridge Meth log be Jona. because there ere .no motives construction trains to be had.% The Dell's bridge break is a huge Cue, itatl will require two or three days 8f labor-yet. .. understand that. the SoperintendentiL thinks be - will be able to get one hark' through by Saturday, but that of tutu:an, is not absolutely certain. . . The trains on the northern division • of thee D. 4, Si. W. are running as usual. - Several of the D. L. &W, mines is t , Ira cinity•have been stopped, as no cost "can be ahippont : . Itiareport,ed that the New 'York and i Erie road, east of Binghamton, wilt Probabfr in renniitt ordetir to.dey.. The, lridges - .at Deposit an Larkawaxen were said to De its • dangerons condition yesterday. ; Coal. shipments on the Vennsylvanit Coal CompanY's road were suspended yesterday, on eccoutin te, damage to the Hawley Branch of the Erie - Railway. . The Lackawanna river fall rapidly lister- Tho Lehigh Tall 4 trainirrfred at Pine* last night. tire hours late. Cars will futile . day - at usual. = •' 4 The • Delaware and Hudson Canal had 71 feet in 'length of bank' and 40.feot in depth corded f l away at Pond's Eddy HIES. day, or • tonne Emending nosiffillod. .A telegrem annoiness that the, D. & C. Cotes puny - are shipping coal by Erie ;from -Remodels to New York, but will not* able to ship west of Lsekiwasen on the Eris.. far about Well (Yyli, 01 wooed., t of ,daniage , to that read: . • , • Inthis on thercolleriee are i itt ll • work , ; except two or three; which have been Snipped „from 1.41,0!is ow et. •, • .f ' In 4k. Lehigh regions •the dilsenities that , existed for tie last sight or nine weeks with lirgard to the basis, *HP:continues, itifklao EO, ofid pigment: The =en are itt Iwo* eliewhets: I • • ; • Otte lilsni. - eartanallbasat, tinder: ?diete' l 4. Oit..Bth, Writes as . (0/10111t : • ,• • • Trades” eery nails. with little dada* to is u tt= ' anal Ow retests of the lleaeettlen ted i hod ta tally boars. ~ 1 1.30 almeatt Was net Wig • 01001010111 be Oweaela Wawa tkaz~ dr teltall. mat tbtstaagb,;wta *emu vastlentoo ta end. Tat talletwdecut autteila asesita sa t uot. sal that o,in be alai the 01.111111 r, a. tesinaattle 1 1 1,4 1 11==111 141 00 1" a I web tosesEttast gained fray Now tort v eorrerisiudestf. utider date of , oit* ***o * • Tealielteditstaii ;if nom or Wieland total atacwin= • • ' foe Mee weir. ceowiatibt *Sib tboalla lea 413 t am. , TIN Ilabolteat wiloaate opte pools as um, wpm a l k. Iwo*. 'lt le tattatated these win be hoes three ao loaf boiled nweoktaaa.,iteeraella la tanastre. past the etahr the 110a16 aat SW. owasat ileareate&walt Owl Itjalear Obese smears It we •'an be reacleseellta usrannt sonoW .41 law teatent'ol mil It bilk to 'plot WO teat% Wog taps ttanealr ;bat we atom 1004 to abase, a* Iltairitoa ' Iklow bore mama boo taw of 10501 awl Ur nap of paotstiona as wile rift WILL* sad Loma latataaabb 11711 is ta.. The Lockawsam Onapeni ars edit ostall. .tat at Ate by Ye Wails vldietba Queteoti Wart SI. Coal acitaage Saba ores •at Mat. taw plow at vatobleia are not /11WI7 tot=x tr lawa moat. qestatima. ifs &mem ea twatwoble at as ballowb. Ss we tom ratlealawwila Newar i CCr a pael s . rballus Xenia Onal was ore Amp 1r al l & tl i ta /1~ amok harassharass Swat CUM , Ira" two sonlos: oll~lllL 21•111mIalea.saw~liaftw. 1 !bat . Wm; louts iamb Awl =a; • also. fokoftionor, ftsa. NOM 109 Wes. lli.P 11 4 01 14; EASollail Mill omit, brlmmo viro — dehe 4 l.. 'of so,ooo - t OOO . u fo.a.oS esilu, ;TIM ehiitaasla tallshort 76,839 this week cosaparsd witht the corresponding week last year,scd the : dais* amount short for the Ye5x,,146,642 Ws.: The table will, skit: art - bit:masa in tie iemi..authracite coal *Mr the bard aathtteite 4091,318 lost so fee, which added to the 143,342 toss elm; would-tasks ei.deliciarteref %6,348 teas 'of enthmede *Stewed trifle last par. The Worminess 'trial saved towards the uatioa d ibis )rear" still *how as iscreais sled Use likui 000,000 Less - eras last , - The decrease to tathriiite seat week will kalargor Asa this week, because eat° titbit, this week embraces the qsastitinserstruit'. , lost ildardery sunhat &email the Monis e 1..: sapt the SchnylkW, which is to Thuradey ',Wag; Mace the food of lad. Slushy tai/Ads Ind !tuts coal has bees seat from the other region' for this week, and fir two weeks more, et lead, .Masseur* must felt Of fres Ma astkracita regions, largely tom pared With last year, is consequence of die *insp. inestali"4 by sways! the eels-riles ,Pispaties. ' . Of oscra% 'cal will not be lever, aid we: again advise cireausters to lay is their stoclis tif is order 4o keep deviltries. later is thifieasos. We repeal, Um remarks, ,be. blade we Wars that _them are .'great atisy Who really belles* coal wilt be low‘etr, sad censequerttly are bolding, back. 'iAl liro Essoz.—Tke Philadel phia Ledger, ill illisniag.ap the coal trade of the Schuylkill regloa last Monday made as ttror,, whisk .it is necessary to car i'irot la the pressat stale of amends. It gives ths Increased pewhictioa from the Schuylkill regieri this year solar over 1868 at 780.285 tons. It shield be 1 tt1,81:8 tone. The whole trade to the above meationed time embraced hi our tables, compared with last year,which In aseenact as shy table sawhe - made ac ed aisles* of the year. shows i bas of 111.- 888 tool compared with last year,--while-at the same WWI last year we- were about one . minims tone ihsad'of 1867 la the supply. Tza Saw Toitt.Enclaisaina La n Minna Joraisc.—Tte decal impudruee of some of the New Yoft papers is refreshing. Two weeks ago we pond that limit/On seationed Paper, la its stAtistics of the coal trade, gave about 200.00t$ toai more eoal in the market than tberi was, eonipitred with last year. They corrected the table partially, by reduc iig the supply upwards of 100,000 tons, but: tamed round and showed a strong diepositiOn to tlb on theaubject. We woold now advise' them to give it another overhauling, if they hare not done se this week, and they may probably get it notract. It is better to omit the statietles altogether,- the* to peddish false one. to mislead the trade, particularly :it the present time. They also charge: us with copying from their paper price! of coal and freights,,,ko. .We admit that we bays copied the prices of gas and foreign coal,' and Pie the credit for 'it ; but is to freightennd prices -of coal,- we .1.4 not copy from said paper, for if we did we. 'Would be very•likely -to mislead the public. We have correspondents at ail the points, who trend us the returns every week. Oceanian 'oily one fails, and we estimate it fai the *reek, compared with the business of e i ther weeks, and Then correct the table Madill,/ the nett week, and these estimates generally vary but two' or three thousand tons. When the Mining Jouinal was com menced, about seven years ago,-the only MB- . 'vial statistics of the anthracite coal trade in .the United States ezianfwere collected, sopa :mated. and tabulated by the editors of this : paper, from the cominenerinent of the trade up to that time, yet the editors of that paper stole these tables bodily.. without giving us : credit. and "defied °lir wholi pian of It porting thnsame,-that la. copying ettionode .of reporting the trade—and hays continued to do so ever since, with a few .slight miters tiuns. Now, we might copy all their statistics 'for upwards of 30 years, and our account• would not ba balanced for what.they have ;taken from us without any credit whatever, As the days and weekido not always agree, • ,from one year to another, the quantities sent Ito market compared:with the .previous -year . ;always vary a little; bat to show that'ire `were right in adrisiag the editors 4 correct ;their tables, we will give' few specimens' of their inaccuracies:as follows: , • work Tata Ineveste. • Set*. It 113 . 4,151 143.1t4 Sept pa 1t134,41.9 19* Oa. 5. *11 ..311,381 1404140 13 7, Now, by deducting 9,423,538, for Septum ' ber 21, from 9,536,480, for September, 28; it would give an Increase Of 112,931, and not. 237,198. By deducting 9,536,449, for Sep tember 23, fr0m'10,143,100, for October 5, it would giro so *rase of 606,611 lons. lid not 118;397, as giien in their table, making • diffeitnee in a INCA of 488,214 tone. At Ibis time the supply wan upwards of 100,000 tens behind last year's supply to date, and we challenge the editors of that paper to prove to 'tie contrary. Yet the have say they are tt,heddquartars, and have faeffitles that others have eet If w, there te lean ex case for suer- oink iimountin to nearly Widen tons in a siegle week. - . - We are allure that people do not like to hive errors pointed out to them, but these errors for months put hese been so . great, in '.the outer-Maly of the trade which has prevailed for strum tiaosPest, *ben accuracy was so important, that wo oonsidered it our ditty to point them calla 'a courteous moa ner, for which *ill. out of ten would have • thanked us ; but their reply is ia, , ,tdiaracter with the impudence and assursial of the press in New: York City generally. and is ; some other citiss, that it amounts almost to -deldierate lying. is many cam. We know ikat this will not be considered complinter. I tory, lout it is nevertheless true: i Son umb for do quantity of cost. We willi now look to the quotation ei . ptiees. - : ' ! - - • The . Ingineerieg and - Wising lowest liar:m.oM iirities of coal on twirl Tara& si, ' Philadelphia as Willows t L • • L. - -•- IgrAl- iko:/k kit 'W. 100.-"; • W. A.. Loma ..tb us ' " • L' , ansmer I 111•20 ' • B Ot edwa.... .... IWO 116 - Nan Sum • Bum A, 10087 . - - I ... 11409. ~,,. ' .) AMO 0 -.' - , Chesnut% aft The commit quotations woe as follows: gyp- re. eem - te.•llma.st leptie • W. lmess* Wass* ~ISWelif Lawsese....... A una se a AAA tif ~ suss so Arolms.... ;....110010 A aka NI Aim- 101 hill 0 la ' {2300 audit - and 0 • ewe - ...'. .. . i •mss so arum :-., 'EMU* Pelmet s mes vs .s tem et •• .4 nos te Thesepriesaara furnished to us by . one of. Wie Wind dialers hi Philadelphia, and . .ShOw ' • great dilemma in the quotations. -,. ' We have ' iciked time to astable be If., . York rims, but dad that they •put . the mod frOm the Lehigh sadLaekswenna regions . Asada Hid Ask These rogioaut do not / 147 'pen to mead any fted Ash to initial. - ' .'l , ‘ Woodall that the labial will not glee the of quantity of mai sent te snorkel, OM reuse it mina be tatabsed nail. tko slued [ the year ; but we dolts quasi the bide that iii doubled up on thiSdiffimtat roads, and et the close of the yea out tables Will be ' found to vary very little from the official L•i • quipmdti.r-The New York papiriiteltes - tidif -doubled-up trade. and that MAO the diferL sacs. For Wiens,. they . quote all Mal tke teedingliallieedtesspany eransforts from - 1 Ilarristarg. : Now iltrertowiths of tils , tratte . Is as .- toritiai lit pair:Pats et iiiiitai. Via we 'Oily glee that pint wkick is notlitiothi slaserherep ; therefor" their table ir WA ea , rick and the only way at:plats it , aorta ; is to espy it from the .looma.. Oilier Novara La the class trial to versa am BA ipine Atm F'pre3%, bat failed, sad want .than' e ff y ars they goo it sii. We advise .tai %Ail on enema either to copy our meets or giveft elms, tad sit stained dealers tad afar , fmtmetketmal ;break • ... ... -,.: ,:::., .: , - , 1 .4;... .If drtlitakiesse. vs alai iSititl* . inerelkisallustki lit lisek . ressadajtit7, ;kin ' k * Silak ' lieflitll - 1 detl es. ' - ' toss{ l * ll .7- ' , 60 " , 9 141 9 04 '':0. a." ; :.:,.....-, 4 .•..., -.-• -• • ' -...,:... - .141'.. - l - fiitiseTirT,a le ..W f ewe' inmost. TU ATOalkklit iimaanui Aii.l4.lz, . ) i: ~ nAcasiziasumcum.. .. ';'..i LOS. Ihnem: ' Ile pm*. /s gran! 0 Man We We lei asersa"" tat Was elesemr.. WI 4ai gaga* aldwalirmakti at as estartaitah tam era kaleeptudialethnierammttulas , is by the sdidaftelleg endloilat lies well se saw sal game mieselltes Itr esilr.r7 on' well ea. 110 AAA all stwooliirs Mak . beweves, game Will*=9o.o4‘lolllollll4WWlB44lol4o* adl so atelisq iillestartalieg Usk at basso beleastseetralwagerresaiellk•lbelleilairil amsiwyp sanabefellessasrlioloil tit* us - 00w ilt OA► loathe hagreeksmiem easasegrar .swah, eel lew pm at the mil* anaMe led rah sr ///006" -- mg . 1110•00111604 -- `iiijillivatai Ira I le whilurlimissat shiik assit tit lifsl l ~ ll6lll,lo 04.1, MIONII 0 1 11 4 111 1 0 /10 "W illi T all 4siamilhaii Mama% iliariertal but dramartakurapasis t _ill viribe* am, pasiNarit - .4014111•211i gas Orriol; O." 0 tie aloft 1111111rair 101 add NM r 42 **WM! rritairrottli Vail* #1 -vote asiprimas sow ' %. la liss ausionst Mpliest,,,Tr piwaialitmilipiiikber, Emile st 4141014~fabbibsinli_ Namemele big Mit asweN , aIIOW ris Eli MINERS'J - 70 0 ,9 18-619 " Tiler *Mr irks aobz,d r aiksaid ipa mr: sicuagn4 iinge.l s . ilia sattrielts attimooll - r)4apL,iradibatedGrtcaaetLp.lec crcesoted 14." Cal, Lost rel 03.• I NCI rear et area to re inert stericr that of ertfletre. • Preentre Use rya ptaateiilor aI rankle allgt, Nu CLe r/IclateC error le baker Llse erre et she amencet. it vat be as Opi serer, trek s to rib sber issuer inteh mar doer erl ma reLeerre rpm:La teerri record Vberilie . dime. .. • _. L ~ - 11 4 1!,1-• • 1 , !..::- 1 . :! ,= .' : irital• \ H ;-. 3, 1 .11 - . El _ s. _3 11 ,, -* 1 - 7 if 43 Z ~.- .... 4: tri - 5 '1 421 > 7.,41-a -cla.rb • trill 0 if.l ll uI ,.•X iii;if tJ. p 6._ I* E v i r -6°.2..1 4 ii tif i P -4- A , tli - W . trr'r t .1 ' lig 9lii• - : ' c.o.= . ..!.....T...... '''' ataertimple eel Tint plan down tie "doers rollira at the IL it; sad eta , etnaletirst tbroin the wawa sal ./..lausters• at the snit Pi OM Vl* ",ff.ellit" 1:01*A1 cf tbs tit.; salad Ire the hest nested by the St a mm ts si 1* w st:ta Let. • if Ibis, tartest at az; saki be wady pissed teat' Me eitettell. or dirstry be costal& alai tit deur atdlast of the lansdereset •tolciart• ttvely /m 1 Waite sica'd sztleially mite the sod /rests s tressated colsisa. Bid to tee • as We* esd is mealy at Hey cost aloes F.Vreat *postgame) . ca !weed Oldostes. It would its be pada* to somas ersicaleau this ems tins Is direct contact itttl the Lusa of tie fusses. • It 1. that 4r• sesaas., tq;etterrel . t.t.• veatlistied Retries) est eat over tr areetettlis Smits %Stitt= sot ales is tatter: aids *east; Let adagio will the Folios* tsta of WGPL is d ths car is tiemimic& . . The "Mies °reed eameMed Milk ttalielatoo. be s: int to way to Ibis Wald luau% se lege • to' use of alt at style won* to property etattale a meow' aka; far It stag. he lalmakmad i _bat' meetly tweedy roasts of Otero meal to soder perfeetty ode call volasta Of tutemated Itydlapea." It tulded that theta men ti thi Amdahl able eon bused Coat t mita See tram au day, and that te bet • met qustt'y withered ;with the etAtero sod batty toot seed le &nee sedum* ethealumbets. . ; Wreathe spent Watt le dip and dathead foreers , . ly. et mot of tea sataraelts Ms in herd. *Mad at bear leaned with bee a othe u la taupe, there ie cleated denser of toll tun lames the wood la ;bee pupated math at leameied is effect tbalthorldle Mc e actually aransalattrs toot, or Its yertlebe of Farb. o ere. es this peewee ir,.tod, as the Weber aye-. are • match. hit sot ipttil sad the matt Asthma , - that to the weld for tab earifelly prepaid made • to lotto t .. , .. ; . ¶ll. aptist chef is 1101bliq were ene len tea a NW mei.. !Us he gaud: ao Slawadeated Ia the ta chattel leras of the mice.: The rereableme mad rudest of the wee le to Fta Isla the boo that It is al woe taioneelVe to iildhatthett the dlifereath. ,The fie the the t truce was MO it boa the bottom Of the than did net thateddll after the undid" flaite be uvula of has reqdeed. Sal the repdthy of ito weerdlee edema weld cony ap the soot at byes.. 'eon d its.. ambits la a watt asst, Outtestadi spokehuh etal was pot oa the 1-e. The"WM . ..puke of It, Weiss meta!" the htededparittouto i• elle the whole isle. *Wilma pondefe aid tem. istaret. .: faked, It wu eatitiottly probable., We [mut feel mewled at the wain. We my! ail •w, War how deemed so 1,1h7'• It sur • 1,1 maw Dieu to dam the freed Mai to the" laceadlary• torch ^ utak t owtde dresmieru. bet Ith 0 10 N" 'of beemiolty We are dare& to wept thei natant :tophouthew rather tau the, totostual,—Palifthlarb whoa tai oat wurbeth port,* and probable, while the other areas lausuble sad middy Mochabis I It maybe Mad erly this disaster at Medals is the teethe has camel dote( testy MU • fell !tory or slang musks' be ilia intimeits Meek al PeauOlvtate, while the fames mode of watchd6s bat been to &CAM ate dll the newt rod. In wW stele fait bile s Musa tO Metall thisoitake.• 11.7 espirieu el are Mods sas7 sears7Wwo sal rim dis rice ma faatueet. items* the "'wait,. Or taw put, of way threacethadated tool Wass were Ignited by the fermata ' • ' WI a bltther• 00 Otte of tali tharboaßlll pith it Wepteeteog, Ith tad, was tiatted In this ashen. Ile atom aide so al= 0 ;mlreetleis 'setae by cAtateg ui the aseriedull ear, , ad mules theseds the Ss 1 3 MR te ertagdehiee a art, orightatted time' a thrwite la a IftthlHdit 00 alas, led Is mad can reeerster naiades d the Guar lad Is, tut . -The Teems duster, however; le tar more Wing less rata Say ewe d Utehleras this onto% Haply beanie .t la media wo Set arsh a a admire of drantitilam beldam Its dlesatee. :Nearly all oar sal plekted, 'Nano.. are wet, if estarreely damp. at MU Metal Nuedlthia. Ido tth member a tball•'thal PP. Mad, tat fur slum we ladhisa la Midi the water dope sat Melds lam Us skies. seteraties tie Idabel. 101 marsh to Ms am • data It le hipoteltdee hi tcaltw Mega. I; bon si • dadet hid Iluet Ma Standale pa. itat ta doe seels4- , sea Stipples coMdes brim the al,lusael, It wean be Magi 11 GLUM*. Bet he ILI .rolatinuele sac, a materal dititito the elude theme hatiort Vs aid oticele MS thee 0 SSA of ebah:abore the it'd mail , lad truth 'wiry as te11y:4..04a beta perpirei la lipildos as du Umbria' ille.tweeker. above ht; beau* soteritlerhedues Ile dimmer of tie lower part of the ebabillue tot aims of hostel dr oast bet at the Sep of the pd le l* htld allied selk4 boteordlUM no 44'*Mil be eliiiiettAia loges mom austa, sot ma* wart toulel." Wadi &Wilt Ms beta Wetted by atePolitz the pth, ithdre ctais6l: ma sieggeta *Of, : al- he math a' Van IMP* Sim of the eatteratthe eael Dram s , 1 ' ' yorcre.ded etho teed two seam opeetur;.-titel ; , Del tre lite aoi le - ad ileii d airs the" Kind 14 an, se ait-wwiri*ls alma wevillikthelis,ylo ervists -le eies of acciddlia, iseldeataiie ell Males D e ets, doss: lb Moms me memeerm and emeardiss um self pealed, stead. • ; ; • .• • , • . -- .; ' It ise, 'scruples stitesird. yet i Oat i sue jiti; tolfyitriliWiiriiiii7atiEttias - dud; latatidhadlaliniattiltaillAitiilf .4. Mete ere dlredJy lad tedbutly elargaMe to the. busiest Wide of alattatica;.ll,the 11111tilit .Cll4 Sid Sunda' bilimatit Aim 64 inmi 14 elPti kiep Al ftwituo bt thrthaf ' , id thilthth• warathe4 guts usa *trauma GI astral 1 3 0 1 11 .1. 1 11l 16....An* I darted the due of Whet bye feel. muff a Weft . 1 the hi the erunat. The Mee ar .tithr of She rest' illadoSiditerat or Mu Miser, buy bd. mak' MS L the Imam sedw - via r .berd!at , gm min as r eepledu 11setil war weed Wm apts. 1 slow fi r 'har Elora hi tbs sdieuedrem AM 1 tesimay to Wiry iim vim Ile ctr l lied aid Isle I —Mast equildetile eleteitlubs Wail dead the dad, reauldsdhadhst tie weds et llu lieraris The adios 1.1 Ow Niedas lha• Jr dudes* Milt , ktie tussah bet the iiiiits•Mstesastesl eatiikt. , 1 1/ 0 . 8 11 1 .L. , Milton thin tali, watt wild, sad es sometime oldie dr ad the Mae el 111 WO., BMus Mew adartha mild the wed* t. It, 14 ' sty beetant.- Us aetim lesUmeSed, the Mem see Mew alipletimionlis *la itio4 sllMib to , awe. ,ft opium coat slam. did any be 'sae ' 131 •4 1 OS Ith ol .o ll l . Of. feWilitthth eduay,-4 Aseelk itiaikti Ilar bettuird de mos. . Nee s . , Dot sbi lareellibi *Pews all the weak irdidS• WI iliaeries tithe Imams masa, The ussfraldh opilust et the 'Mums le the Lap otredlutles . whisk rls releik liti ==e;d4 aid., Ett area le sat la as amaimus el OM Mao. Wall ~4 61 =11 . 1 1 114 . ,114 • 411 V I P- 1 - 11 , . I:Lordee sadden lemw Midas deiet;s/ Mills - 11rie it a ratileataimis la di lista shisslim• it le - piiraikclidot Wilepram . i: , ,i bit3stieittlit= wt . 441 0. 14044 111011100 iliak igilit , eils ide 1.1 ad to the "eg more.. DENO& 11411 P 1 01 41 .11450 / 6 4 ofßiarfil*Plaratia U 'weld et MOIIIOI4IO ..det 44 alislidt Isigelbe sail • • iset agostity to ow Mb' dile Mau:. 11, sit-soars illerusemahl be it easad mien waled, er tee mu ,1111167017 s /- ~,..,,,,,•,- r, ,, ~r. or. r...,.. ,aor r , lail.D. , , .. Aticribili Wip ti t mots ,11110 iistveny goes auk esitsreaf esni braie. tom gm but oGiidTel. • - • z: Y P. - tyro s isilenor wooer* la asap =MOM • •Ise eseat fila-umismos YP.,46011116.1,86•111111 111 10 111 4 1 gait 1 . ilg odeg=dra wa " a t ska ga"l3l‘ qu i / m.l / 41 a . — iiratlia4.' "1"411aZ dall ette 4 06.11. • IL P. illiolltrais esuipmatel awl frit lOW Vefildol4 MI!! '0.4/ , 81101112A10- lhoriMp aOmik twimapmr.s4sa* , ~. ,,, - 43.415ei5414111.1111111111111~1111 1111.0111:' ad7l4 - • . . i.. . . a . ..d4 - ? 1 , sea t Ei z .•=A r g Ms IL sTh will Alm gees Will lira 0 Twfifig/tWf is ' -.' 1 . ~.. • • -..---- -..- .~'-~: POTrBVniLROOAL YM I P 18111340 ressarrseNmsov m imuargas.: Woo Ab's saboatliki 117 3 1411, kis ailb• boas onattlaseal w Warta. on pasoosal boa a oemteitaitiesoias noloanal from,. Woof sasaa ao tau ei Ibis OtOotboll Ilabotaroot P.; aninatris. PO. PIIVIO One. •CI rally pfampis suali o n. w. a. nazi aim ee. • ~• . , IMAM stiosjo al No elm .01 C 111144 S 4 = l.6ll lbiloslal .111 rat eat. mill Is potaatif suarlsol - 110illinina • I Wrimi• tift 'eau TOO Iteift bi !Drip 5t..... • Palumbo& Mani- . 0 .. ............. lan Uhabi& Chad kirTatil=' • APotathe *wk. - •••\ • To Mae tissuo pear ..... • •• : na&aea.a..: rallr~..& iita ..... ....... iiiisiaseva vistait,“. Wash of eheefol using the hot ern ma, . taM.ep Ilaga_ ft_ . r 4 401 Of u.tsi - • 44:44,111 4101-1 VII • 22.;•1 L7' 1:10. • 1••••••11 ricurrion ' owl 4~001 , 1,6,1 tp7 411040 eh, elomititht: 1 /01 1 m .Twaws ," .. % I <=473t-siZi;i /1 L. • WU tl3 1a 1 1 !..11 calf roadmit mi beaus: haw I *on'. VtOrstiollog Shea: , WM , Uwe Loft* Ilimglat. I: _ Reetw. I.Vhs All yam,* I'.lll 45,tv. t 001,914 441111•4,114.1711 Culima Go I. slam 1r75 14 lade mola-1w wow, a eia Balmy aOa 014. fat dm Mal !all* as Te.at to: -Pita weft . .. • cvitainmaine coal, Tilton. = ann, : i trinzri p t r. 1:11X,d rte Le i " c litt lila W" ll- 4 °"" ths Tear 2 WWI LIMO ,1,914 Eel laelb 211,166 41M L • lamas t, 11115.;..14tit16 WWI 4Wis THE 'OOA.t. MARKETS MOBS OP 00AL OTTER OAROO. ',99999=0 yams fesiem.. , ato.aij, .' AT PIEILLDEMPIIIA.. .. 00 L &HS 9 1911Vilin Bed Aik Pawed, ;. 4..16 6.79 AnarmN Illbito ,Iti.;;;;4 . ''' " ..::: 6 7 '6OO " - BL Ektat " - b 7 600 " I. ' - 67' 600 “ KU 5 V 600 us -' • 81077... Roam . ...... .......... 5 WO 0 00 - 1 4 obuttni4 ~.... 4 750 5 00 Wail Xt. Limp. ' ~... 64741 600 . 04 . 5 75'4 6 too ' ",. :. Brain .' • .. 0 754 44 4 6 tio M . GS Egg . • ' 1 . :. 0 174 600 " I _" Moto ... 5 ' 4 7:./ 600 .4 -- I °' Obasizask 4 7 $ lJ 600 ,_ . B a • eligoee bt one! bave been soli atlow ea IS II tut it le fat rand goal:DT:and other one goat *Lave been wad atotb eit SS oo which the tale one only 12 00 pet ten there 'being a !bow_ ~ baolt of 00 orate pat ton Owed.' ttl a MM. to isir aid U 5ua1.....'i... sl,oa 6 0 Woken oi :^4 • -do - La , 6 tr. 46 t *I Nom 4 10‘.41 110 ' ai.66.66t Ihiatlla al Woos Wary nao 6 7 C 6117 6164.dSkint WiwilLsybota ell oportal nets ait..delel lett t yr the meth be fitryetted by the Duties taam.•:ld. AT NEW WOUE.. • - opt. i t 58t. . IMO/SIM /Intl Sad 8 , Ohartnot, 6 501 - - n admit ' " N6IK.AaA Lams 754 " etiNgoa,Bostand 1iaip...6.7:4) 7M. . . 7 554 775 4 7 751 R OO " 01101611311.... • "62/ '• 6•5,1 BOWL .. ... 8 504'9 55 • WWl= Lib Limp_ • • su " . Boat 60 . 7 Fa 41,_ ' " atom• " CbeiBBBd, ‘.... 6 25a IWO .. .... . 9 6 0‘a 9 , 50 Ammo Cleat & Port Jollisamay, Ca ta 0.09 I 07 50 Stomp..::.: Stoes ., • .Ql - 15 Bmtm - :7 Snit' 0 •. Itratiht miter To, 110•434 rie*, ~. . • • . i • 18,111kithivirocsal atilihbollum, . • Lamp..--... 56 WU i SAL . • .'.. - -87 006 D -Btotopor... 6 5031 • Putty:...., 7 618.1 ‘ &alum ... 6 MI Cb!tittiti.:'6,oofa. .. ,•-- - It4all ' ' ' ... 8; 5063 850 Pislitltt to liMiaill 43 Cellp! : 6l4. too. Primo ,4016Peututte Coal t a *AU 241bestiper Leap._ - -1,5 7511 • 1 1 48/.4-- bit 4 151•1001 M... 5 103 Stove .2.... 1 10 I BM= 6 55,2 Ohat;iat....l 50 8- • , UetB B : ' • ' i 5O • ' • • :Litalatrossit Oiled us 81mtaiptig. *ramp, „.,•.16, .[Egi..; i.. , .117 t 004 -. ,Ekutoti... 6 6t076, 1 ...... 76048. - BMus. ... 6'75 •• ' • Clbiottuat .. II 5441 830 Prokilit to gift ja - iiti . eisitiOst tut. , . : P..... 0 4 0. Priest fse..taiiitat ea , board ' Uttrattl! at ,Newitrui: f , Luttp..... 1740 -. ' lEgt_;:-... 7 741 etragtar... 7 60® • 810 ,1*. 2" -,- - 0 0t 1 "41 , 0t0ti1.....r7 SOU Obutus. - : 71,5048 ' ' - nitaii ;,- - - 6,50 • !MOM to Saw Tort TO mei per km.. . . ' r•-•'• ?Am stem Clete.. . . 1410tutitt. NU. 111 U. i ' 4stsfa.t. -- Ustri=i . ctato. GB6....Deltrould at N T Canonry_ Dlo T. Glootio • 1 Ti 1 . 8 40 E - 1.,. 1 Tt i...„„..ic.iii,-.r. '' ~. .so I 1311.Weit Fatratoant (at 0 01 t 13119P.meltra th 0,....... 1 N. =thaw ki...'.1 00 14 ' furl in , " ts cum ta , 1 to to . -, Slack ill Mlle to 111111 •, i - , Prortoclattolabta to hes Irdek SS 23-to 114ator nap 410 pet too, • ' • - AT 1114ILTLI90111M - ~... .. Oa: 9,V?. Told' ,Dyeing° or ear kr*l. • *lllaire a Plttenik W. Aab...:;'. ...f 8 . 00731 9 80 Vol IL Ash— - • 7 tO 3.7 90 whit.," 11....5,th . '. .. '711013 80 0 Tm c loj' i ricti of liblet 5041 1 4 ixiiii.lostagla: 990auwatmo - 9 o9:41 9 75 illmitgla. art sad °unbent/A Owl.. . . Lo.l.at Lo gout INAst Ow *Who. A.i. Loa .AT - GEOWOBTOWiIIi Ili C.. asid TA. Or "WM 0.1k.c Ts 3 I lAT HAVRE tit CilitACE. MID. - a Milos as kart.- - . sy *1 t 75 , • , T TO• =ig ' •w• ' .4' 0 71+ EILEIGHTB., ••• • . Rot - • Mr, ....... tll t• ' it, . Sails fitit 111; INV tit Lett , ttailitlerpat ... tes ' _ Stestar±pme, .. &keit litslusg . . ... ..S W.: 214 asere.• . Prossissi.• so 'MeV Id 110 pasaitat llt '1 IV .11:1=4 . 1,8 .....; cm ..res, 1s• - 1 ss ^ 11U ate • 1 It 1 41 1 41 Xv. Bairn I . lld 1, t l ele-' Iti 1 Ile =II L ' .............. •1 4 ' 110 ) . ld 130 45: • ' IV ' -. Iw. .00 •15, Joni., lily &en • ... Arrived for resistmissels Mid 124 . 1teietA, Pirktoo. T,14 womb. 111 bode. two or? fide tVau t Olt Matista" Metbead PtlSt If itat• AK. OW' Owsnestat.) . . . Tbraitlnenaditi:". 111111 , 0111 is se am purl ra. rimedihpflas;:.4.. Is no els, lls • s 41 = 'as Is itydied km lamas Mr rood. , Vie ion marl Ilimeatin thumb par Ice nue, me Ila• t eam psi Sara 111Nr. - IMPlon la tall basillhipelt Milt its Ranted alpill Mottle Illieilles ppt , .. Tai. IL .i ; • • liowi.rta. ,I: ILIAILIMIL.— . LOCAL II le tll 110Milint•pil....:. , La I lA, tiempimr.: ' ,' .... • . .; . ;,.. IS . , ..-... .: . . 1 ' .- Ta .....1 '._:.—l, : Tote.' - - ..12 a ' IL - ALIIIII.Msk. di. ; li!/na'alescia, 1041 ran 1 1.. T. 1.- Pt. 16011111.4., ~ j . . la. • 11et.....r.:-. _'- lisibekiki i IL- ..r. - • , :cam.= 2, , .. ~ ,„ 4:1I I 0 igeosse...;. •••.... . IL IL IL •.1 ID I i T0ca.....'.:4 -• :• ~... .....- fi t'i -,l ` ll . l ,lbinlatiV Calial." 1 .•,•,,'.. !11• Ole ' .etlig inakatagaT:*s fir!: •:•cov:-. .... _2,19 .. ... , -' ." - . L .......' '. - 1.-.....; : ..." I,_'' .it fi .. ' ' Stir '"': Irlit ' . : I $ll Ilipill Se ,1 „It It: 1.'71 IS . . 111 . , PliklitVi* ' .11a • Aire ss. - _,"aarl'ak et lig lithdq, ja Ow =", Kill Kiwis' 16 Ildr 111i1Mallill e s bi w ane . aid CONIONme liras, UNP lois al !- hStaillia Nita III: :r ig wag . .... it aosabiga , ol. -*- •1 1 1 11 .- . aafiaXiiiiiya all. ma. atilt_ ,_...,.- .*: - '•• -- .... id M. amartlaai_ftnrwirm"!'"! ... - ti mitatalaw 1aa.:..„, .. , ...... : ... ~,..*„; 1 as •04 .. - ; 4 , ". ,- -.:.... fig fi , k _ , , ..., aviaadelll4,_ ,1:7 • • . , ~..' i • :*.• Opirmailleihstaliessilelkixtle - : " it thilaiiiGniVidik..«.:::: ... isa ad. a am Cloritsperi.u.i...;;;;;7... • or, 4.11i111,.• .`.jilt' ' p...rigrieHM , irllt/"ll;iiiiiiiiillll. • . ' - - - --- ' ~: :- ` llllrUlaia Veasi : • .-. 11iaite11inii1ibi1i5 4 .. „, ,4....t........:-... 61 lysteiliimit - • -.....:.—.......--...,;. LlS gral 1 06 is ti lt i ts ll.l .. 14 irradimmotioliamlio: - ' ,'. •is st . GOAL TRADE. •f•T flu. o , :asaimss. kr 44 mak 4;144 Pt art OD siHl•l 0111 • *404 ' ,0.1 IT. Oat j Itt lee lb 2,Tre,714 it 7;1:3 le 86101 lII*IIIIII 11110127 114,2411 i 1450011 it 111,211.1.Vit tot That .187,611 PS MISS ID 144,10/1 041 11 141.11 ~. 411.11 It „..„ 11,119 11 .... Isli 11t ... 1111111 it Emamcasaxh, MEM `1166 .IM .iu `ADVERTISEMENTS: . . tap PALL ANS tit I W" O . GOOD ; ' :• ' -: -. Edwiil - Hall & Co saving. awn: wirgEr.- PHIL .30the the atteetlia istrehareis 44 viable*. PI de'phit to their tine east ehlrost. stick br Y - .P ." s..Nxx • -ialrg la lad el .' • • Ottat - - • • t.rat a kaelt h Apasi. Dive. arras ne thelciest Wier tortimised"... - WO Blatt Dim fasede gramit Thai./ Lunt mut mum , tiredte itt4llr ' TS!"1", - 81 k Rabb Y.hddrs~. : ja Pletba% k 6134.41., NaEa tOd 01411111Vrel4 . 'TALIUseed 0.04 klaS. • • ' • • .FttieretuAt scd Stitztlosm... , sod Cowstorritus. . Pianos:id TO% Cxer. Mato Glodo, rrs, Hotta' . •- Le: ' ' • - I • •D.—We tio*,l la rix4ll.l. etais..v.i. tie 9/I.Barn Won tit} trig *lry 11 , 11 1 . BE4 iiiArkla te:C:its Hill . •,411.1* • folt too • et' t. . EDWIN HAT:. - M;M ece TUE "BIVE-U IVE"i , '' Popular DkV GOODS J. W. PROOTO] , . • NO 9-2110 CHLOTNET STRUT, i :.REAILADELI 6 .IIIA., NEW COobs Clonstantly J4oeivin :- (PRICES r in; s ill 1 hi Plai n .Fl res, WITHOUT DE lATION-, ] ' 1 / 1 1 ' 1 1 1 4 i 2.1 1 &Lg. Izt Orphan',Court Sale op the Premises. r, es . ATE or 'taut''' *romp. 1 1 VAT r Anix BAAL ESTATE, Balm AND . wO4:llx. 1.*N11,--Pa outset to am meet f tbe. Orixbaist, G . oof for Bei Bounty of 22spz1/01, *Ube, Cold IL =, Pied c Sala 'ea . . " 1 I '.._ • ..TbaerllaY. Ifforroinber Alb, 110111111; at BNB krc tie .pei,esiee; fo 115 tot strausokk Torrtabtp4 antsaylkill O entr,l at Ruse?* notion: en - the Lawton Sebveltel Raltro.at anent t) sakexacatb aN. w FOrgretd. the thlce nnahrided tenth larresofned s Int Alliofire Overltisol• Real IfOaste. loon( :WIN 8AT.12 , 7. dieraenn;'lr-lert Owl Auer tr. - e la of see wasent )• Wren rf YANA!, 13. Nandd decreed. cd tne'renvor Pante of 10ontaaX Raer.."Crtr l / 2 ste; and of 11. R n•lx At the None time. rti trawl:llr g:i. tenni, In lid to tt e • .14,11 - al all a r nn'.l hr the airs h neje •ler all.M R ot 4. ,(l;:egt:led ger 3piti the xteki.it,,ed, to tnerlt rac the NEM andoto ex, a fall utlatntlso odd ff.e.l Vete n. pnrenrwel The lfan.ien )'arm I, a: def ht I tad of Si. rod J {mei RAlth (.1 await B mien. lihat P. Bent •y aid Coattloo... e. preebeS. AbiAllaaa saner ace cleared Sow to a bisdeta'e 1 Mini. :be balaat. anal %3 d . and n.rutl•pel. The ilalaMtrlnc WM, lama e two-arotr at One - taanriaa with ingot too 'tone ron a; het holnltt r. Lib to', rithont iolchann a Nose framedv,ra waZon tanre b cook." op p, , evaitry , turrerfa•lng rpttryz tunellett sOr Witte • Par yinla*C. %rep,: treceofaslt ar welt of exc,dts oak a Dump tboielc , near NO d Met; a larcttosch Bad of alio (ar.lLe 'li r e and laer .61:3 canoe of bassi 4. 1 boJas t!r.i tykb linitroad be• within A few nerd. of the th.• *Wear sistno * Lift'c 2..bn3lksk Blear mei the s :n the p - operty le 'vv . of netbal l :llnm on wt, to • en y axes Ad .weer-o.wer (lint Ine. alto of inn pat:- Fentklialtal.lnz Wit •No 2 f..ew frerenfall ' abet.: it. Little ' Schuylkill Kuhn.' Wad Iliad rd Joan . IP,Bestx Annie Boat, caatadnirg wren lad Akre& Caal 114 , 1.0 a Oaf 1".11i.41:1..d • 1 -gn stale , f clittnoldual. Ohl tutu ett'antal wood Lod. T ,e An ea Una proikt:ll,,,ral wren twice - onto of ex:caveatlMl . r..44 tolan p Telco* for. b. 4 :,4,qt encaegoon tr.4e. H., • cloy:- ktie. , •rane Lbracatklbll otoscrny, on width Xs a very 'Tat Vatter rower. '• No 3. .1 tr3t ef land aJladeda4 Bette Noe. acd taut larditl PASO. Nick • d Jae.tn 11.211-A a.natakao2l2 l vacs end 6.1. {menet ' Oast -3.l'acres*A4 alleare l l *ad fn ab l z) gate of cant iron.: illy entree isercrol L l s cicalas:a sad orAer mak i t tee bdariesi steed salleno•nt weenie.; The Little tienort- Ind li.llt.id p Aura itononnl3ll4 rifoaarty.. Tb..' lot • pmeetorn t • act a tee ahoy •O taw and at ably ar rikieli a at yip I Water [mulles door. No. la A Irats xf pot 1i,02 owd . part expel Well, na)dnree,ocopert .bso: 3.- Land I 1 ;Be Bankea Asdrew reellteskof Jaka 1 , 4 1 es 2 . .. Nal B sce are •Jeccer BAP. trotalnla2 a l e:.! and 4.1 ptrt•,,a olledb l r.l of skit tee.' ti coward web excellent •cte • ant, plow sad 'other tlasber. tea 'ft patellar brace wan !auk • - • - • Neadarr! I. 2, 3 and 4 b 1 slab dlvelon• of the floacyliii4 *Mt. lone+, th..prothao tired sod uloe T-tiveo • se,a sot altar y it rot y d and dirkled for I . • N • i• tot fan alitarl a till &Solo; {arid o 1 Ja c finflar, Otte: lira t age D oa to. cwt titl ing 11 snot told to panto:a. This tract la wall corers! with Cuipttallt and otnet timber._ • No' tract rf litioirchablillibd &boa. limb r Irad, kj aciod Ur above lalsd 'Jamb sbalfer ord . Debar., c caws slid lsci en:beat No. i 411. tram of g oaf eirconral and bow. timber' lard, adyrolalair the angst, hoodoo Aiwa Hanna& and coottsloiria 11 seta era: lb knit • No. S. IA lactol clownott.atal what Umber lead, td}lalagtha above land ql. Ai4ao Duna , J Mal r and b Ivry, nnualtiat 19 ante .ad 65 po.thCa No. 9 A tract of Ombra last •Ic worm Ojetiµ,t too. feet (booting& pireao di - awe thole. adjololoal lama f 111111,4 e arts - , Yvtla Nahrit Is a cAasizb . tor to ants road to µwelt ‘ , ..1 N to : surer w lard & c oared witi:i.tha• twat qstlityth coot, lite nit other MS: r, Wring. Lbw shot a /sad ..1 Witilaaa 11 avant, Asroo calitiNA • sbl col: it, to AValu4C) r acpmr,v.ll 75,9 rich s. ' ar;No ,A tun of &a tints's Dad. 14rt wood aad .41.1DiNg taw _aura laud cf Naravaa ,Itissarca .Jacsmaiw.« ,44Arg4 itait3,o std others, c !awning 19 ors and "t pochilt. No. 191 A natt of fold takeout stirout itr ri of 00%11 .1 5 rein!' gr.orth, atilt .intlig lb. it , sof b. )4,1 4 f lira l Wawa std a bar"; oontaloina sot acreirat4 Dot., •.. too. 19, A trod cf grad etralattic %prob. U abbot Is year*? g: rota. a:dolma. the ahLr.:. soil 01 Town Nbinits asaLattif Volairlara..49 podium i. ' No 14, A tract of ebildnat 46,riot land, of &Soo IS 'oft* , growlf. a. 1 doing tho oh ma, .1 6L , 41 of Renjwito Nader aadottlefo, tosdaltdre4 Woof fend -66 poefbw. 6,0 ' ta • ~11 Viet of - fgafilf: 4ll,,,, - 14 i• el. , of i trift firmed, rale rr.olli, .. .„, t d 01 p,ta• IEIII4 t gal patitatult awl an. , e r n, &to+ tog St ad au and if prate* , , „ ~ . Nozoto,n, 6 to 11. teates4l:4o4tog.fritfordlstoe. of a (roof of moofol'lto 'fosALCOotaffda4 Of •Wilf Whole isa rare and Ti perebra..sar !fed fed foe f ~ I ode f and with that feafftWiWorA lame , Met cf UM- ilraertne -.lPeekti X repot. 4, wbSeb Weft:4 Sicade 1011 , 2 - w , 014644 WW Nitold. ty ltfieetara, m ado -thd L iod ol- D,oldf ,, ' 'h4rs AfiLD battc4lB4l,4X tettya - it, ems Odell. D. d 1t0..-t-1 4 pAll._ tag. Va. , ei--. grated ,Ilft Polo erred iotqfbanifares, lo kr - i 1 , Nd._ 16. A Nato. voodiffle daltielt -110/ WOW Net fact 4.1 ft: &a v..'.a.4, t,"4.' raw Doelr, Setowati soon W. W. EOM IL :=.aitakalalt at ... tl, at• tame falrfel . 464, Idiom 41. =I OtalW, by lt,tara Ladle *lt Member. Mei. grailfedVo Jolts I% 250;00 1 .1. foe. 'lie said Joao likeleUer:be vehicle ead4to. I It Abend". NreelXeel, eel Pee en, Als AO ee11,41640 Ileadlalld.talldact 4 f Ume "WI _.3w N ut0.,...t,.. , .• lang to "es Wee Oeopett,l6a; , o abode any lokamitfoo ftspodtAg ;Ad aaste, eon d 4 an by tailleg MI Mu Atoll "mu_ reagirg at NILW 81140.041. D, teat the p defftY, sod wham .4•p. and MAW dare:Wine otlacertalettidt tossalautor. , ~ ... - 'JOHN T. RIII,TZIKI. I A ILIOLIAT T. LA -• theartna* • ' . ~ ' : Riussous.gayal.. . - i ... -, , c ;:j u ..li t i u lli=4}. : , 1 &,,,.444.,,.. ... .. . • Ftaltrii Issas • a raisable ; . 'SL n& ATE I 0. UARR :ST . T6l. ta,ivry Is lb thel 4 Peach Miami oltanits,'t Bert- Ire Latunty„ 'Mg nese th e lbele.witer Fatal. Tie loses 'easels ataset.l7. onballoCt tie AMA moats atlas te tbsColued &ties t bee at,* Sit year Jo ;tea. and Will be roll ois errs reasonable lama is tila Witt teals tsbneeders eta the bamboo pa . pelme. ;Wahl Tuaps•ntelalt spaly to • . • • 1110- at C. Stillan elk Altoiney a n te .._ ••, ILA Cattle *UM, Paitiville,.. 04 ' _ 1.. P (V4it.% • • 4 . . ' ,-YERCSANT-TilLoll, • SO. OS WALNUT ST.. PR ad. 'Primula nninittid aft* lasilkoklollk iN l MTirut. iestsbn,Ameat ISTSSISIVS allXll. or easionials gnni.vatwaya vs Mod, tba repatstdia sakla.de.;.ld.fikineN and Uri lead belittled koiralild (Jr ado lib/kindle. ald-pranka &Awe% et -; A • Alddiagn esalnant Übe per*" etl,at cinion brined alba Loud& ini Ike psolnalik Denial: 41 lnd O e n' • amber dir..aka•di Pant Out n synkniially..ll anlinine : wliebli artpot obtidonlow dlialikagn dim arteirrit oid pinata. dedrant Odisand *IOW Tgotalcralt: nlind to dna ine&t.4 (Ott 2 1.10—.04ne , . . . ~ , ,I\TCO. 111, . Starke - eltiovili, Pernau!ai, 1 7 1 - 4., - * --r-Th t t lisietraPl'imitsusir of LadlesPut:lntlnd sod tallish llliktba ass a - 1 ' ! . 14E*-OLOAr.4 ituraptots , , _ '.' .. . ='--- - 1281°4" ' Oas lisd ara=riphortastarm um. I was osa. A, 11 W } Meti t tr ia li: ‘. 2, 0 , .1 . psi Of ,` i : f: Niall SULLIE.:In't`i '.- • . . , . - . -, '...: •'lntass Asp lime zotos;' , " . 1,, , Also seme.V rtae lnite a rtitalOw.taliE, -1 - : ... -, 1.1 iiiiii Lir raw ta crOgir:l a r wirr: - rt . ** Lisaiii Pas; -.- t• . . ~ voralimnim ix asiemou . ' : :soe ems irgillkei Adeg beton* Oa . all Is il o L lS lMjsollirssidi ... . d igie ., :mg, iforrilia „:- . i rommoin: i iii a da -1 "i: /m ijil• L OVA!. . , '1'0'11(+'!!` ~l~ro~ii'.' . 2 4". 1F_____......4 110 AP4111......--. 14 - ...14441014 4;1 44* Aradar 1311,114111114414, tams 1141 lealarA IleaillAS alaAilloat •. i. - :. ',..• • ri.: 1.1. 1:' -.• ~...• AM laws ar sae AteliTalastma. I ;.... ~ • ~ Along Mak We ill i r EOM*. In. ase llik ig=tr. bulliiiaillat, , -.•• ~. Aka 4 1 / 4 04. kity 104117 pl,llll VISA iniii ailllllll4 .• - SAW. 1 - ~...J pml,msf:lllml," 0 - TE cs it biniby glees lathe shiver of Sant that ea eleelesrirtl. be-held ea Mr lteuND Ultellea CICTORSJI mak the Me Asrs. moo et the alai beselaiika, I word. fie the rtre t tom et Stale esti °nig trlltol,tre brow, Iss-eittti t • - A. • E • Oee WWI fat 9 0V&V$ 0 3,t,Of PtochttetTe,akh tunboroalL • • (tee person far sstressatir • L. assis : t4 resrert nes. t "Thee_ • .PerhOetr Ist-e the Cosner or'. mew the (WU= Or RiIrIiIIACTSATILVAI4 oe Pees& Oita CLANK, OP' TEM WM OF; COMO* FLite.e /st , pelehythill Oat eller covireT - ritual:MOß et. th e Votary et Scestrlllel. One perms tot t1t1.001134 OF DUDSter ktll'Codo . One bonen 14:11sourea CIP *TO /ma CURE TIIIS•ORPIWISC, COMM or fralioel4lllooseiy. , tt,:ree parents for - eLltlet or" TUZCOTIRTS of OTIS thalrrifteltaltit AND quAsist ILEBlONittitle I>stesty of edtertkill. • - • ; - • Ooe perms tag 100.104551051118 ail' 4clterlk Oser pewit i t DatiCTOR arras rcpa et p r esylintionete; ; . • mrse some tor e.CDMIR Sltryltill Come. 'lectors or His Werl trie troagh, or A - 44W welt bat ilelr eked,* el the tone otTiosh maw .111ppareo, 4 n want. • • - " Tte letters-of tNe tem Weed of the NotoOeS,ef, 'W.I a.! ell bAd ttett elaretto at lb& board°, &eel •ta 1141.1 a told wool. • • The MeV* of de We* Waif of the Itoreoet:of 11 "" tille b tlerr:f" "" of , Tb ' elt t e of the booelfa *renewal. 41111;o34 tlettfl reiao at, the thasio of ;beaten% 11.444.1 e mkt pew . i he &foot" of ite . teinteb , .Uttle theiten at tee Imp of chisfais aaAt jameoettt. - flits eretors ut tke Noviof tSe tteraidtki of Bake vitt held Mete ekethet la. twat folio .3oltef. to ITrardirtfo. , • 3151. 1144* 41 ltm , The rlecbre of Wee Swibllietilet obtlat Towhelblb , 4 altar dill bold lbelf, &eclat *dal Weir %law,. amel: at Ifoaalain Sieded. bread tmnobla, , The Ceders of the them. !Op of Nan andwatir Wlll bold Weir - eledlida ll' flimflam in labium awyw,lla Ilea wa.balfh thwneblp. . TIP ak-d ors of the taweabip at West ltraanft wln boldl bar 'Wades at Ike boar a Wiwi Newt, to 'add towhablp. • , . . tie t -ea of Ibblowalbip of Blithe will bold :half *lntim it the beam of Pattie*. Fworty. ta Olga Tee electreS of the tailtahle of ar tick 'MI told. 'Sear realm at the loon of. Corattloa Cobetbao, 'l red townal e ke.oli ip of . tie . liarthent Dlotitet Cass torn.. dip will bold thee Seethe et thotictotat Of Ms Veto. nee. In vate . ,iownielp. •• The Seattle of the Soothero Diet , ed of CsatL ainia will boAttelr elactlis at the Acre Of' hteturt la /old bamitkip. • • . The et- thre of she ecorolzh of Omens 'ortfl toll ,tfrlrreeloheithohnosact tiooty t. Stmeter. Mosel tairocoh., ; • • .; deetoga Otrtii• lortnitee' at direr lthie their olectlan_al the tense - a Jobo Wrest. In alai an vahlit . Keeler, of the . townthip di Feeley will WS their stirton at the home of Della Lauthen, in teal ban of 50rtt.4•40.. ot sale town4lile Toe if creasy I the towns\ 1p • (Pima will boletteir election at the b• oei el Jews Wed. to said torieledle, The,'idolsof tea toetablo Helios 'will bold their elocikaitat the bees of Wei. If. Waster. bright thweablp. i. Ts. steroid of the tineoSep of ttnhteT.will 101 l trek I , etion at Selena, oI.MO lLooesbalsr.lit sag Tlreelectcrs of the baroigh of IL' atitinit*Sl hole. ine!r electton at MO na0.14 Jim Gem. said te lleslyiethrs of that watt of Worth lithheith tooth.. Ship who Linnet{ gob* Je. the baroopta,d omits eves will bold their altetiott at the boosoof t till col ey, in Luting vale. In said towthel.t. The nom of that 'Net of Muth II Imhof*. loin. thip who fivosorth weed In iSe South 'Wart of the berooth Of PutittOo. eal &SOU henry tol the Sot Ode of the river tithayhtll,,saa *within the poems ' ', etamilog line tee • toothed, fine of theiltetheeti Pattseilla ail tegold lino of tha wornaiiiprit Kan. heist whets elide* bithale weir Norweetan • leetla eteriel mewl that put low .volinert-lott She borough at lenottliwthara w4l bold milt, election at the bowed Poe fehtinalips. tale talireithW Teo elect:vs of Mirth Sthesioatowsiale. not. em- • b.seet io les kweitgeg; districts will elide:tin elect Om at lb, hone of Geo S. Solot, lb solesSinseile • The that:oleo! the township/If sate Soothe* wit. bold thee eta:Want the brows of AferstaSyStail ;In NgErnflep, of the e eaclado Le Wee of the borisch of M y thy *lllOl4 their it. OAS at As gnaw cd, P-trick Ryan. In voM ter wee. • Tea electors of the Watt Ward of the boniest . of Nakano; COy will told tleir eacticii at the hear of Mathew Donohotalo tdr bonnet. • ; The elector' of the sleuth , * of I/Mum will bold the'r ietton at Sub lon' Vale bawl Sousa, in afd ; The etetoro of;lbie Wild oftLo tomisk o.` lethenville will hold:their afietlon .at the bonattof Juba SLithar.thesle terms:b. The Cedars of tea Wont Wed of the borough of inutereellis gill hole their *bathe at. the hews ;of Jahn MOhlui in laid The neetil a of the Weevil a Wbidteseet will hale abet eica.loo stile loan &client, lath* in ovle So- vortat The c1(C . .11 of the township of New CULTS brie iW'raa va t py it l ee p, l. at no home of Seifert t &mete Weald . A . Tice aierora of 11 o township 4 Norwegian Will. pod :belteeetain at the hauxs of Martin teeran„in lid toarte/A.P. t -- • ' The elect o te Mate t.. , araehip . of Sot lithwesian will !told lte+'rriaatloo At - the it mei .4 Juba .Dottter, lu .rtl , l ' . The elector. , of tiro brooch of New rbiletol phis W ill It,ld tr warn= sates bowie at stirgialliAlt/OP .... • * Lt.*, . IVtr r etr .. te of Ite of orwiesectra ;will trod their arect4arallhe o:kit:tort floce*, la uhf tio• , . he Ostia:ate the ineyeal of liniencest will hi l t!! else 100 at the Letea ell ileorge P. Fe,s`o. la Odd hereegh •• - . • The en. tfors of ,6,4 Unruh 1p of aNallas".• will (ibtd'- their elec...LOi u ftlf.bu*ao el Jecohaler.is Sala blot tea eic.lonauf b4ittzt Pats Alto will. told: 'tit le el stale eseitauf Thmasollelloaseletflo bir3ll4ttl. -' --+ td the . kont,4lr' TOR d\Co., Tee 0.13.1. 4. ins , bor.`4ll/11 oho thr4 clack cicalae stlts boow°l rioncen—whilteti to Feld ha _ t 4 tissidt 'sr 't,.C.it:toei via h. d their ot thou al the Po, C alma Beale, to bid Toe elorieto f the townhhio of Porter will !Intl -their **tattoo at the b ewe of Georg Atrium, to gall ,townettio The Meeterit of 11w. beroith of Potterilte. to 9 iiith Word, will hold their election at the bower of J Peter le CA. tld wed. . ' Tn• e'ertroar4 the hmaregh of Patorthe, In liknata Reed Ward, wtli b Urea eleetkon of. the , einertes lira ch; cif Nord ward. • • Tb•Olocrom'or lb. boron Lk of Pottrvilly, le le Utile Ward. jwill trtild their e'ett col at the boos: of Mott Mente4ett, In eat twee, The bleetaw of the herons% of Potterre, is N ath Rut Ward. sip It 14 their electloo at the h ush of Mee 'plea Carry, F eet weed. • ' • The electors tr inn of Pallid' lie. to Mural Wert Wart 1011 hth. it e'er:Soot at the beau, of lasothioa Brecht la cold wrd - The *Mecca Met_wrehip of Rahn will bold their etch.° si the Fe 10.1 LOOM of that Dole, to void ocornalOP. • Theetiettort of the tnwnehla of Roth will MR Poll elealdwat the hones of Philip Olothes„ le sad tows ..., • Le , * of the towoebl p of R. illy wig told there elergen at the Mho sf Ittiwork Clooporlik to Lad towcnblo. " - • The; electors allci therohblp of Ryon watictititheit cleat* stl•cnon't Mose N h is fold toloriStp.; Therierents retie boo? Hebuyikalittwohlte Stoat* Warn, will toned their election at house of Wochemer, tn mid ward. ; Tbeeee.c. of the boftwigh ofilettailloth iltrea.• to' Bert Want win bo'd theirrelectlow at Wm b o ar of lnl'areee. In saki word. electors of lb.; through of Relcollel I In Wet will bold their ate dote at the h at Mrs /ohm t.l Sumter,. Is rii ward. Ted ele-tots laths borough • t EfiLisa la North Waniorill bold MeV reeks* at OW borne 01 Seel ;mni Toys, in mad wad. Tow el clolw of tee part of ketutyiltill township W ick thelh of a line to the t tip of ;Pro MnontataJ will b 44 Mir election et the MO of Beget Boggerty, to Toervors.. ' The eiectolo sliest Part of fleabyllffll terwrialthe Pce.. 1:11"112,1=11 = ten' x"rg 4 k.,,,,711 1 Ltimbtown., • The stoma" of the baronet; . f thenandoak will he'd teak *wok* of Be house of Maim L Blekelr kt sad bums The/lotorsiof the b erogth of titbit Clair. In ilnoth 'glint slit Wad chair eleake at the house annals Conolon. In sold .want:.. lbw electors of the hoetwith cif Stint (Me hr North Warp, will had their eieption at We_ tttt of Amti Thewleetorrof the boroorgt of Saint.Clotr,M kiddie Wardorill bold their election elthe • heose of',John Betals soldwans- Thr &cetera of theitoosolh of Tastatine ei the HIS -Ward, and all these reoldtric north nt B arp Nownetzt In Nod Pews tolitehip. awl sla, all throw trio nerd. within the Ilmite tome, a pail .if Wed Petro towooptilit YAM.; sosezed to fns lath:welt of ,Seginalog at •et re •la Vale* Area to said tanough, end OM haled DE On Wine sorth to degree" Shwa ts coda to a post ; t 17 dearer , toot le rode to howelt lessee 17 3 1 he al'ry roach 7 1 1 degrees west... Mewls to the bernoloz, witihold their elm-lin, at the horse of thogrhae nut. de baser, is said h cough, • , The electors of IM baronet Of Tatrotosec WI Batik ~Wald, will held their election at the Issoo of Michael' ;Beset in aid wool: , • 'foe elects.* of the boron% of Tomtits; Is, Booth . Wald, win bold their election at Me hens of MOW • bre; Dosieboa a said **rd. - . The electors of Trement boorish 'will bead Wit eleenon at the hoses of inset& =ca steperger, to sold • • tronouthThe ago:hereof Tweiont township will hold Bch election at the bear, Of Jr mit - the tionnagi of Tneflent• • _ Tie *lapel re the township of Upper ,Itahas in hold Itch election at the hoots of L IL fie e A - a Brother: inroad tow-outdo. • The eleetant abbe township of Rohm will hold gads election at the bootee of Jana Poore In raid lonewollle The else *trot the toimahlp of Sao Union will WA thole elect' los at the bolos SI John P. Crawry, to &Of 'township. - • - The electors a the lownshipof Vol% 171110 to• yin hold their eleetuost tbel.ololl4 Johilford,th salt Theliorora the fowerhipot Wet Perm vial PM their lehentos at the bereseof Mestweit Witt ha wild sb • The etrtors oitbe tartiddje of watimreat bold heir ethnics' at the boom el Istai Begort, to gale townahlp. The electors of Ili townsbcp of Weise. Will hold their slactiom at the bowie of Jails* out to ouddlown- The electors et the bratesh at Tbehetile stiff holell I thar eleeska at the hawse of Mleiteolltudder, La eats The The Orient realms, to 111 lb. Wards. TownAlpe, Marina awl Boenughe of the lei cry, to be awe d hart= Le bean of Az sad 'ewe onkel In awls*. oww, and oh al wallow witholit istarratelon , or ed. Jaersment math seem , o'clock Ist the cowling,. 'oleic, ..olt floe Loge shall be eiscocaLt - • .•• The Gement tectlon. In addle Wards; ToweshiPea ilkertaa and tronsaght of tlfeeMoty,ls to be opened between thr hOsnee „. „. 6. 4 111 . 0 ,goar hearoun i altolg hoes all ' the pal* WWI be closed. • • N 174 .1 7 .07 1.• Shcebe attire' stlitli Psitso. who Owl] goy take sppobatment of prod! to trait under the Downottent stoke GaitedSestereor al this Bate, or of soy eke or incorporated district, whether s heamisorocht anew Wot a h eutprdloate of ficer°, WWI. attach el imam the eitafttnetife of the' Mate to the hutted Stinet frog soy dAy or iscsips: rated dlataict•uk ehoi erserriemtwor st (kerma or at the State lecialsparre, and Jibe Sakes and loam= Carnal, Of any dty. or ClentoodillidcWw of any incorpo• rated Mart, ha, by law. Lonapoble of bulling or exec• clOas al the lame thee iteroMee or ippolotmest of Judger impart* or dealof say alietioa Okla foal: lannehasith, sot so•limajpataar. judpoe atieso caw at say salt skews Mesa Its ifigible Mw ,, ==sAta• T hos ledge de Mr at Pm feapotifts *am. Emulated he boat* Mar .balaog. of 'P t oaaa keMat. • 1 44 0 , a l asaar tio kirlarrloal i tar at alals tar OW. sat aallwilhg ttbs#Mf~l~asten N yad $1100,14811/6t A tammasulaideliss- saw am Of tow Hero askainat eiscom eat trepaam by -- la * saw. tie Vialaiza woks lb* pales frara ateg.—. lila V .1 totiO2oid. `en seashor eiretPlee eat at 0.1 *WM ammo malamal arlior Viat. arms he - .as Will SO ~ -...— - -..-- Xi ---- asamealial tot lismaliall ID ids AI oaf** KA. aim agwokiksillarfliaahealka alarm el tin 'vas WNW faa•-al.o - i l 1. 1 . 1011•20,Alibilassinetioll latimrla amp Ma saaaalasai las 4sab 'Oa' indiailailaw awl Villiaattalk VIE=IN itotrEillekli lan bola Inst. aimakal 4 =tr wo, Os daalca... ,40•• * clans Ustaisilopabattra4 irl=ZinigaVaitiV 45,a Quill aimi pate:MOM Sibleala. ale Wog. that woos saatarilisaritibirilmratrocadai t =a , I , . 04, 1410.1148 ittelttrajeas ous arbe Usilt• irk* boi*A4lo lb ditill. I*.*B***** Abilli lis *Wilbli s tio V" ay Mau* ; • SO pinta Amp Da amaikra 60.121 4 1Wift. Ilin. As . . ~.. na ._. R • , • - .' ' 'I •". itild jari Rae for WNW, OM ___. • ' *aria* Coaat mam. NM Ow/ - --- • ' able as bib „hind' oridlleala • b - . . It" af alp .. :Vat, = • .i "F s * Mod. It til ellibli ' • Iltibio* 4114110 1 1 41 /1 Am" tuft Mum a ' rei gr i INZIIieL: ..11" "M4I ' 1 /1 11111 l ON I ZSPIPIL Ius" r " elairlhollaig " 7 - IMII4IIIOO/111P011.110401110 sims fasal '• 4'' • - .10121$1111ra,`‘ 4 .- 1 ' Er .. • . • . deem sib required by it* sr t, *bean pon tbe• same et the mrson to yr toenail be tiorated la ?De alptebadesl L. by the Inspector* and • tens amide messiah tbzooby unbind the niniii•-•tisx . tt tvattail le adnesird *nit by eke.* of barite P Sus; as the %turd ..yie," II bre Mud beetattltied 10 vow by Mown of enchants. shalt be called oat to tbs clerks, •be Shall make Um ba. endn on las till of agetr lvtot by tbete. , • • • • Ceti eisen.where the same oritis fanoee claiming banleit Is found en the iii terabit:4 brt. tie (Weans Meares and 11/Iteee ell. or bfa iigbt tt• whs. inheiner Mend thereon is not, to *dente !to by any bad:lW .crCeare- It shift bathe duty el, the laver-Mrs on SS bet mphas tai hie gnof Madan% sad If be Owl. to bare readed-n tibia ine Mete bur od6 year oc mom. lie nal% elinit. be entiletent- proof ibexes( bet ash taste pre. by at Mut one tempo , teatMllessem'erb I shin h. I otelidedeleetor, thee be Ilea resided fa Ibe district foe more thin tea dem ! mat onstodistily pread leg inch en...tinc, and *bail n'rt i hat ble ;balm labs rmidnuce, In uarrattre ot tdi boast rallbes. la toned and Menlo did lei %oft tatbrid district Lie the purpose Remy seem. rt.rdillei nelto auks toe proof, d 'Ng d, the semtetine and tot. Xso.as * ar ea. d, shall to vete . 13 toeletep, ware ornt•ttlet melee' tne *side. 11 any menu *halt pre4nt nr ilittendst t o pr a veit any alas . of any elects= ender this' set from hunting tech elertless, of moor threaten any *solemn to any reettionicer, or eh U Interrupt or hisproperiy Interfere with tdm to the neernsiOn or his duty, or s mil 'Wort tip the grunion ....svelte* Lonny .wunt,:w tirttese the eatoe.lley haidosg, 'sEali tifi14311 . 4" . dts orb Ibis 4escsiiit tech election, or phall,tme soy Intteildating threats, torressr violence; with the design tit inlkeuee mutely o oveasstre oar error. 'se .to "'recent him (ten voting, or usteArsite ttoi irts,sl;nn.,44 elnitee, ands pOrrorto tat 0011%117 t Ott tined any sum not ex eteedmn.itainUest dodia mud nopelvoi:ed- for soy tr. 'Sot t oct threes:ores ie kin trieireirtOritiltr, Ind tt it lh :1 be shone to 'only v. nen: the trial GI sects offence eh an; be had.lbst tEe per,..titit on ethltr.y. is not a eriklent the:e:ty, Ward disyrkt or inweshlit *them the offence . w3e'r ..ottrilite".l, not entitled to vote„Thenelu sheo roticicuon t. 9 IssU tw:seatenced t pay a due at not shsp - une bundstkt y r Intro Haan one bluetit:l d.r luny and h.• imprisoned not , lee, than eIY attutbo nor tuore thou t.no year, . . vat" motto • pertonsr that nrat* snitetne see. aes•tem the molt &eel rlr.ti. n,l rub, e moinotraftbi , or *twit reit to make /XI ....,itt!irt or Car r either y %what trtO'ltttlitt.6ll tlO - ea, r by any yretten tr pattted advetttc-otta. rta,,ll*i in., 'or Invite say polo* ot potstoit to mi orl tett, It ow water; iOttotootiettva !lets,* 1, be orttitt-tttia- tottott ot-ray. three ttatositte smott,t •-• Ix t at afro tato yes Let. Itanyyp-nrceb by lir q-1.141 rbt7.l'..ada rutty :rote itanyArolert ot tat. t Wtee-t ahevW tie ailed RIC • t hltt. b.) ;,..r eh tier,- tt any* bottom knottlod tt • want of arritNal:ittztatton, eball all or creme arch tit: mar •tt • ee,..ttltae n , attetteltag abet on Caotatoo, tet art lk_AJeelta tot a:after:Wt. biro Lambed d 1/l4lP,'Eact. be Vilprettoted tat any terra, not exteadlad t bran dumper ' ; U arty raltat v,ta otitrAtAda - te Osaka dtrt,ltt. or alba - wird trando`elry 'Cho name than tar: co theta= day, or eh ittr:acdn:ently toll 'and di Itver at the Itoyector tea ttckttra ttarctlt.r. watt tco taletbil'erally v, rote, or abaft tt,donre 'al-Aber :oda ba dr they offendlon shall; oe c ,attire on, be dated le any not not lean than BUT n rasa nye ban. Ott! dell" • sad; I t,tr a tent aottran than tbree nor more Mari to - 4) , re ua tette.. , It sly pinion not qe•Vdcd to - sttd k t t'-oxinloct taraltimy.-carey bur tetreArbr a:tna .4 qastitted cltlacstel t itutitaietetr ,ay arca at. et;rt'est ter tbe itorpree of dbroc!rd tbe co . .zen• - qa 44,1 t-tvote: be abet On corm r•tro. treelt:taed te r lip, easd ace aturedtarg r as bandr-et d ttlarr t;e - rcry,rv" ,tttiyatrottriaosodt...r 'nylon:a • tt cyd_ellted three ' •-• REGISTRY 14VI. ' . I ale) glee caked no hi the elmtora of fletnut 1111143ty that, by an *el mural d 'let further to the *et rewire C. 3 tae elretirot thin euemortereeth.. - afp.evel April Ildt, A. 1)... tank tt proeldel as f Owes . • -- daemon I. lie it etereet arta* , • Armee :ft.!. Ar,.1.11, arpawilicttatirra of tit, (aainaraalth of /kunst. mote in Gener al A a4r.bqt nutt - owl ire Acre:v. ca... erted by the antlootty of the wind- Tont It 'hill be ttte duty of eel' of toe, swessornwithin lb•• cormun. wealth. on th e. tent hllw.try' In Jane otearh year. to - take ay tbetrAnscript he terrezerret from tbs bunt, ementeetwere under the debut meth - tont- the act Of. raw.", April, ely klarklre7 as I thief-Tour. and proceed to an basnedtate envision - or the same by stride", therefrom the rimer! every perm ,mbar L known Of him to btu died of removed aloe. the tut Melo= aleesenent from the di-tract Of Which be le the ace. or wheat death or s'no'w free the rem Ala 130 Mete known to 11153 3 and to erld' the Yore the arm al any oust ti , rl ever, also .hail ho totem by ttu to tameta vii tato thu ) dlatrict 'lnez the het pretime imemmencar ebtae rrraall f a t, Na.tae der be or WWI baestsmt mole known to Mat, and abe the raced Mart % - ho stun mite , Ititn to km to bo gaalidod .no ill-spin. 40 awn u this nrrietlti to e =Weed W.h.ird I IrtriteVory .11.'4am boon In his direlet nod malt.* etrefurthqulry If soy tenon 'tow 11:11:12e ta on he Ile ber'lllhd or tumoral rum the eetrlet. end to take the 0.03. d there. fees, or whether any qinird 34,yroter rteldes therein. whore tweet. not 'd the let, and. If so, td and the Name thateelt and In all cute Were a route lu afded* to the 161111.0**UL forthwelt be &leered . ttuinot . tar per. a; and lb, Itrterar 7.11 'lo all C 11.3 .f1a,32.. ttla, by tortury, sprat wtet undad ills pruson mewed eedins to bee voter. 13000 the completion I till. work. It Ulu be the duty of jerk aerator 'lll atisuald to proceed to make oleo list, in alphabetical' onter; of the white teemsuo allure twenty-one yearn Mace Malnllutt to beawitt.l,raters Istifie ward; bo• rouge towastup or riterriet °rent. It ho le the swum. ;r7ri• H „ e rTe ch o ' t 'l :h l tl - tTe ''' ...ey ' r.:• W a i n e ri s Te he rs,• 4 : 4 4 .. number et hot re:Ltesirs' towne4n , t' terejhp name are numbered, with the newt riltiy pert in , watch att ested tr la a town wherethere ate nri numbers. the Immo the .4114.4. elks or court' -whSut .old knee found: Also the oerdpattill,tif the Peeritl;:iad . - . where he not I boil.ekeetwx, the .Ff boardinc, and with knout. and if skork;ng. for an other. Um %remold the etupleyer..en.r.wrt• .;.?p - ,poelte eith.of Bald USZlntskiili wiled '.'voter: - where eJiy. par ion denier to rote b ye iscitt of nwiralitnt ion, he exhibit Ids certificate there."( to the rot,e4reor. be los been for lire I.,thr nest pree...dani .1 voter lu mid &Atria': end tu nII eager, where the per-. eon bee been natnrelired the Wallis:. 1,11211 lib 'harked . . with the letter' where the yerweni - mire - IT Ae dared 614 ItiteutLlll3 tw.berome awl desk Cot sob. weteeelientberea,.the - uret elealies, the -rem chill iTeiWitilitd r4 TS. L s. - Where the elite; in to vat hy retrain of hong bet Ween tot ex's,: ot twenty-oct and trimly-two; as prat - Lied by lie the word —age '• ehet. be est wet{ and if the piston he.l. treAl into 'the election district to re.ele 'tquetC , the h& - t eenernl eleetion. the-leiter •It e shall be tilici9 eppisite. the name.. It iMt let the farther duty of i•orli sep,.. ar aforesaid. upon the 4,41200110 n .t the• t inties prone 'lmposed to matt out a retaliate La of all new newel meats made by tom. and. toe etnautaq,sdnerrel 'upon' e ter, raid frirnith the nduse lowed Aly to t lir ciatity commietioners who SILO' immediate y - said the Danam to the tax defalcate of OM .mlO, borough. tommthip or dig let to whit% they tore tieminreene-L: . •. - Soo d Oa the list hang completed and tee niwore teems aunt re ithweada. the mine Weill f trtheriLh, be returned to the minty c mmestoue who t h di mate dui I icate_c ipli s of said Mau. w lib the'obeeiv it mom sod erplaniukuts it q theft to he named en pleiertaid, to he mediontesiotto m practicable and Paeoilts the hands .: the yeteet r. who...hell prior to rte ti he of 'Stoma to each yew, put bee cape' the reef on then tor of neon the tqn11:•• here the site:dart of the rem se:titre distrwt le ri in Ini he heldend ninth the other Itkilts pep rem+ 14 %gibe tropre tat, free of ch tote. 'of atim,Pc:- eon re-I , -leid In ittentishrtstif ti -' ti ill'nixot vino char !, ce - etre tar d o the sate ; and it ', hall tai the May clef the enittiatereor to edit. toawilme to Crue t on these-Iowa! etiplixittin t f ley me•cltimin , Ulf• tie te'ro v. tit the, peerel faith (Minoltas and 1112tth eppAileth. nerve 'AI: V ,•• and immedidely it—est *til a 'w th'a rim, na iler. es In s ult other owes,Men toilets, whether a-bonder or tiorturke•por ; i r e game,. witi; ..!sear be bawds; and whether natf-allanl or dedgri• in; Mine, martini le at sacs caws the lettere opita rite me name. ale ' or NI 1.,e me theists he , ; If the parade chinning ur be ,see' ed he nethredwal, ha kill:exhibit to tbs.-I~PM liieciritliverstth Our Ilia Oho. • end if he chiding that he doer. t s be net - Illehlted ;ghee (better ; emitter elestinn, he shalt ex • Obit the cart Savo of tre d elecuttim ol in:mob - Of to • Imam where a w rd. is intuits. hen %ship or election dettict It dividuf Ishisett or mire t iinciel ti. the se alant Mel note In all his •eseermienta tee-datum prectort in which eacheleet-teseeldes. led ettall make a erparwe dawn f ir. earn to the konn'y timusimion- . am in att rases in whet, a meanie Di rpatilat from him by the pronelaw of this null and the county emondi rioter% ft mikfchr duplicate oinks:drew each ~tees, • Mail mete doptiette C .plea Mose nerve lei the Were In each preciect t reatratein sod gibed le ollati the same to the weerwir; end the roriessorcired icy this art fit be placed teethe doom Moe tainteidue pitees on or Settee the first of Angara broth ye-ar, shed bootee-el on the d sotodor cm tbeelmilooldnee In-MA.Of raid Sao 5 atter the reenwhectilnil broth emilPlifild an the tenth day pectdter .the see•nd Tuesday 1 f Oc tober of etee's po t Vas Ween o r Mist% be the s(oodsy itheledistair fit lowing, mate a 'stein- to the canine consrune mien of Me name. t f all permits terresil by him niece the remrsithurdrin to be al do hr him by. the lecoudi Elias of tits act, . tilting -uppish,: est.h .name the otwervitirms anti.exalsnation requ aid, fit be Doted is monsaidt and the gm sty. e intuterioners ' obeli therenponcause tberome t a pe slant to the :s -tint required by the tee led redloq if thei , tett ten a Mil and owe et espy thereof te. be mane.- e - ntaluitut the trammel ill peranstio restored set;:itidiritirrib ,bles la lid wed, haerunbt town Alto: - asistXt. nod' kiln the sane, to ethic with the re semi, el - hetet . * touts' to the ono Wei the election le pita ward, torchigh.toweshir or pr-watt. od i t Were etc ie.inlk In the m tinirg t I thdreened-Tosmisysif Oct' biz, aid; r o min coast be paratitted to vote. at the election i n tied My- where. name It not ma r .ltd-lirt, anima be ! r eboil maid pro :t of his right ti Vote, I. here!. e tee '•rerfdrol: Ilto f.' Oo the day o! election iliij berion 'chafe new* to not an the said 11,1, *vie Wailer the right it wen etesti eleediset -shad prudent-Mt learn ans. inane Weer of th e district ass witiate to die reef* ammo jibe el auntie - I a tht- dtutricS to snitch he tieing - vs be neater. - f iir i Period oil - Irt• assttea• emptiest precedirg adds !schen, whist' witsen nail - take nod tabenthe a emitters, re teri4 w.hims mad mill,' printed. edition. to the fac facia . mated, by him. which ening shot) defined - seri, Whey% the rename le of the perem at Othello% lobs -a enter;; it& the thereon 43 claiming the rightto vote. ghat' abut take and eel-sea bea-a film. or party written lb d abut,- plated &ebbed. tastier is the best et Ida knowledge wed-bellet, 'thethere en When be was tent; th at ho tin 'calmed aommatgetalth of retiregirrnli and of the United festelq - thsttre has reeldtss.lri t be Common wealth one na i ve If futestely a citizen - tteneto.• and . . hail moved 1.-sfetnit that he this twilled loan to elf mamba it premiline gild Are fun: gnat-be brie an moved into the &spin for thii- re-ofsierpti voting Movie; that he hie paid • mace or cautly pie wittito tam etre:wet oriented nitleset , ten drys beitra add env ; sad,. I! d ntrorallaid citthen. Shall also Mate whey, where sod by what caart be was nature ded: end rhdl *fin prod= hie cif:ld:Ate of natural isitleareir wen:nineties' ice orrald Mildly% eSell aj i r elate when and where lift tat•tisimr id dto be raid • y the offiant wee snorted, and when, ' Whfle tied to ' whoa paid, sad the tat receipt direr!: e shelf be pto. died tor ennicatine. oaten-the Ethan& then elate ht his sfeldrit that It hut bLettd et dr d i eriedied.w. that. be mem- received any, , lad i; fl the pcnin ye dolma' lb& HAM -lei Vafts , aliell [pt., ADA ambecathe an -*Wash dimt be, I. a ;ritits• botticitixenef tbe netted.Sistesjor f baragnewhere, ' theft state that fact In Its affidivit all shall produce swettee that he has Mort topullir pl• rho hi is edited to chlatentlip by risteti of hiii.fether'e mpg, _nitration d arid shell furtlaw elite in his antlasirthat heirs at the time of. tannic the allit-Lisit between' the ages of twenty one arel twenty twee•yart ; that be hat Wielded in thu nate one two midi Is the eleetkat district ten day, next preertilovrcrrh diction he theft be entitled - -to vote.. • a thorizti 'ha allt not have paid min t there'd allidarlis of the einem es bathe% rosidetwe shall be shie ' wront by the elec tion bostriteed at * thud.. of theeltriliin they 'shall - he each:wed with the litc tif einem, le e. list and other pa here required by law to he'died hy She relent: judge With the-prothitnotari and thin remain on ale there with In the prathisaMai•filothee; omitted. to Minims that, Le other elettles papere am; if - the -ere fen idlit-, ans Moll find that the applicant or en t angle" prawn &lithe tegal qtraltemlious of voter:, ilia or-they shell be peeinitted Co vote and the. van* or name* When beediled,to theliat of tainhimbytiirprection Whom, e k e word Vile b4rig'irldei Where ti:t °labsot Cahn* to Von-on tax, andthe Wind • ace here. Irs claim to vot e or. are : the tame wards .wi de added by the elate In each-use reveciiply,isf the Can Cil persols . retains lit Midi election.: ' ••• I• - 1 - • gro 5. It than behawful fir Mg' nuti'lliedeit'inti of • the nth:dd. sotaillidandu-g the widest tag prosserd , : leder la =leaned as the Vali reiltlehrtheatil s, to tuo brthen, . shallow, the ride of. *we • :-Irtirt - dime the be Wad fd the Add of • Wised newreqatree by ,pa Ault ae sleight: side hexed on by the wieddee . board s and the era ads' oirrejeeted t ereardirs to • (be aelcience; eassibeessr claiming to be a Womb bed titian *all be required to pendsciales Detttletl - ashes 01111.011W1 et theelectica bawl wiling, eletpt' `i ropey Dee trarri. ter. the yens, "Leseireatlerly, 5 ye ' Sae in the nettled to Winn "coffers lee egn end ea the wNet WWI bets( eeeetwd, It read be the dray aidhe Widths abide to the menden on mace • *miaow iiim melt eatita t e wit" the iiimak sad ball pa deep ekethse editor or sateen) nerd emigres see. arid Imo on theorem day: by striae °bibs rune car.' dlltste„wagepties where moss ere eatilied -to toot try, Vann nthie anterelladloci of thinsfathera t they aid Unpin% who OW dke each Mood vow, spre oft tangle; 101 l lolfallor et ebioo-mole mmadr 4.• 411 0 caumidios Woof. but teed or boortotoot.to b ot h,. hithadb•Felhalleth•eOltr; bet too,ooo *di nab tatesolooltlooduti *Aro to sea me. oar tie .hcr. pritoosont ate pout its Woe nialsbatant shill be tetelakaileaninthei. in Uri oltimitansleglon who duot ortio• at toile to motet or cow to re , irsibri Um hillenalaillasendrigagabreethlan ant attend • fleactil.*lf del Capin odisrtrAalt raii-Olor an'itt . ,to togateloach root tit am ffett of ingfige let le • reirestind ny thlefin t .at Um am to•wbiel - tire la a • OsPOltsest. freerenyperenn offs tag to vas !Move arsine boo art the dot et' noosed votew or wh,910 Aar icr wee le • ebalieteld by, CA qriatlisd . vita greteiti, sad lOW Malt Inkh per b . , row, wthtwas legating! mica woe entry rem:a tit elfesidint eliall: Moro &inil* rot*, ot I Olt% osio' r tfooskact. - sod dealt be *totem:of, far every teal ogee* Topsy : a loooto *mediae ostboooted &Lary, at S. •a.. dototoe laptigootooot tot looterttoa ono tt !ar;.off 'adult at loottg;st.the Oft it'as of the toot. • ` ' , • , aso. T. Too dor treroetat every tioctto for deo- Tea Of rileddent, Mit Yes Pto-Peel ot the ;up...4 ' &pm It oboltlor the duty of tne deithiroe• to agard , Sil the OM alai far int ii lioktott Into eitillo• Is ' ' totblicelest Olitect. In* ttin ittli Mot Mt Ole': plortioaa offing* Aloe rim at folio boto'cartrel L oth the hit a bawled endow OW !rho' data Unt tide be • bete- of nine MX} less-ex nigM4 alien- the - ann. was- nide - aaf t i•-• 44 . 41 WOO 'odd , Ike :irate ot loch. 'peltoto ..• tbooto to at ittail aim tint Choy are 'twined So the' ilea 01 • '• taltrioralatoodtdberkt,oo the 'moms! 41.p•o•lot ot Utoctalsuott Ott , soS artbirlat moo tom nasty Ms proper teL - glee eseibiegag the thit - a MiftY them* iii4l a• pNicia, ostiki tooi - otOrao shebang whin the claims lc a• boa. si boa eirikt del. be' fan gm eitinkin; mid arthardeaties the mate mares oluttlio pitoook to all rooptoto sits ngttired by ibis Ad nall odo to orbit* -te to "a - suppleracia..o the. telerdfeleitthdb faXcidbec-.lbe:Aasesior shah aim oaks dr moo rooroie to itta aresedethewth at all seneenedus reale by tuns of this Walk* i tad th e . ernidetheddthh death famish weave thereedee '. . rzleiwiliketeferwethAdt &latch la lite SWUM. ID al mpg& SS lenl9o, 14' 130 e pirrill 140e121001 to Ottabor." - ~ - - • • - • -1111 A IC Ifto limos Mai tab retieetege itiluff.th, . aj=brorri oftolkto sod itt.o•ory. tetanus rs'izit reined ~ink fo- •11.04spoms. last dn. not - sot It Tllte'or Oitilocei. lattothoti sod • d tie *Wan igen etch 'bars; um poTor to illiNtg,i MO, Nialig_tio Se% Tcf p.A. Clinton .11111 _ . • to• mewed tit thottettot totttage:ot tOlogold W i°y loam: matte:cut thla- regunT4 to be dome or' iscand imo" by sot of said ,WClSecro =dor &No acts oott 14 7 lON tab. toetting Dy Roy is rettUott to to t. matter or Itklug cow.krydue leb they shall tarty interwove 1 by as, of eekt.albeess shell be pea. bkieel, Denary. , hair. 10. The eaerwroes thaliatm.,..e.am to. se.., ownotemation for the tame wean oily sp. ot Ii p e. ; foram* lb. duke heed* madatd. as t provOrd Ihe Isla de I h , — l Bo Pxr theism thee of their other- /Me& to Ih6 pay ty do conulyamodmiosees as* Iffilia cum add la .bal -1 ‘00; hobo/id for ant atriesor to dams a tax mastast. my person whatever-with* tar days mu wording Itb...!crtios to be bed es the wood To.matem. dein. arr. in Jay year, or wilds ice deja yes[ Odors say abettors - far electemmilVidditatiltd Tee Presammt tithe Iftult.d Matta any viddlat sue lids' pe ftio• shill be a otimdetememor. and, sue - ila the Dash. so otreadinit Js se.month:Wm, am mere toil ate handoeddoltot to totmliemmata not ereved'ai . hues isnot/ trek at the dl maim or the e atm Om IL. On. the amtdonof Amor Mese edam, of 'lto c linty, Wallas seder moth that limy ...ear brans that Pewit will ba twattleat at Me el, dams shot in be *idle any aorta. V dolt he the del? of the .m. on it costar n p'ea. al saki° , asty, It. la moo., or - Knot sin la themof In remit*. to k pdid. two loch Volt mutate sad latatead calm...ad .lee away West as casmeartat la mi Molt*: tild -am Mad ! ..toll be of surd ace /ffiarst politest - me tre wane the Imp woribeloro to rift rent iMtime, sad More lltdd lomeitoo bolero lo the mane yid 10/1 party. to it ot,:the orrseens Owl be Worn from the o, Pd. /led ;arty: mail Mamas dual /teethe to re patent mil the oilicres oftbe ebooloa dole( the in w,* tine theme. he bad. the Wee erstattd and -,e; nem made oat sad sliteed by tlid am lon *those:, to to p • Ildtof motet& U they ass ttem , Mr•. to ebvi . Notre say Petunt - idientit to lets, mod Isterversts hlm mut has Intim. sad., oak, Is mud to his omit of. soli s.,e 11t1B14 &tram sal to exists hie piton prof= d 1 and tie . thou; of raldeleettaa ore romalbed , ' to afford in laid memos so evicted sad 'ffimmeted -roil emmelosest lad hollty I. tie disame. t 1 dm dodo.; and it said Callon olleve test !Him . 'tot mind ..id evetatete to be tram( Affid perehot Ade dare. as slonevild out( limy dab 1 be_drives Away foal Ow rola b? Miriam at Intlaidatka, oh rule to+ ltd!ell aPtoeb effictlon dffitria Map ha es *.ted by •ii 7 *RAM' trying s o wad seder sold else. O ri,Prees of That Du pima olgalig ffilt PIP*. 'doh to ;piloted is menage. - Eleo if. if any prothonotary, ets *. or the dainty Of either, w asp other puma, :Mel affix the seal Of *Nee to my nmandlaadow Palm. o 0 Penal , 11. rime- ,to be affixed. or itve on. or MUM or wan the same to to goat oat in black whereby tipsy be. thendo muy toed oriursidea ow mullsationtonlecaudo say pan* who Mal out tars hem duty exiathed sad ell/0/11 In open cam, la the presto°. of some at the rairmitheront, aceonffing to Me set of thaerees. ne ti n I del In, emetics at„ rola any way the Woe of any Gembloloot mairdastlon : he shell be gol Sy of s MA othdemeaubtra or U any am Mall frandtilentivose any each earth:lads el oduatiodloe, knowing thit It as, fonds sat y heard dr shall vote, or domain tole otothermi or If any one drab cad or attempt to vot, on say be affiats of astaralsatis not lamed to him be dull g, illy at a bleb made. triemOr r - and either or Any al the'perolas e their Maori or abeam, ratty of either of the mademeasors sfdreuld du I, on couvledro, ha deed Is • pm not eXce.sl.lll: one thonsout door., sod lorprisated Is the pebtor edltentery tor a pmeW mot exceeding three p—ri nx. is. TR Any WtiOca todh or 'affirmance, Is or let me any Ocu Ws State, or Alai *shored to administer t. slt,. to .pronve a eitiflosts of cat'und intim, mall or My rat Pe &Ml* decline Cr sal Aar matte to be feet. 'unwire the same[, to totel or shill to lite moo r deny sec trotter to be to t knovitts the lama to be - tese Mall , be deemed entity of MO my; sad thy moiled. Si ! manna. di en tweed. In pursuance at say each dopes! , -dm. devrettoo or .!throats, atoll he nail sad vol/ ' Ed tidal to the dally c I tie cod Wales Ms au& doe prod natal wide helms It that It wse road& !ratty ild...thed. to UM hasit.ilato mamma fops 'ealltie the Ramo Ilar sumilatgoo, sad asy.peramewho shift v,te, r c attempt to vet., Item paper so obtdo ai. or who Mall.* say way ad 16, eve. at or soy earuey modem, lo tbliamodk, a sahibs or am' at ea) WA adakt.t. tatarallafti, n conamei_dall be deemed ifttAy of a Malcom& 4, rd moo loalltictitak ilwett, saillvaderga as lamars modal In MS Pohl. tandem tot are atom this two yews. and hay • Is., .n.d. more dm oa 3 thOtlgillid dollar.. farm* such of. 4.1,e.., or midterm tot.h. at the dlmmtloo of the Mart. has 11. say we tor 'Ceram °Soar or MKS ap p.deded as an overseer, ' who Mal neater[ om r Oils w sationo any do* Stniolned by this ad. Mahon rem. oath* or Intel Mow, shall be added to • peutty of one hundred iodatt atedll say Matioar Matt maim oar proton a It Mir who 111 110 i gmffilled, or ettal . nth.° to ameat layette who le gullet& he shall be' sob* of a mbdoneanor la office, and as convictioti ,be pasiebrd by Au. or Imoitostrowi, sad abo be 'object tau &aloo for /masa ey the party aa: aim* and If t r u y , pent* shall flatuteleffilly alter, add t. , , defies r lleattry of Pat at voters wads. out al deeded . by BeCree Uwe doers or rental* the time Lem soil the Where li bat Matt, Wel. with tondalt °t or hefficia.letent, or foe asy ,tropioper - purport, the in ofesdies Mill ! be *of a • Mee Madedimant. mad on cinvidtto doll he pen. abed by a lee ii it roses/we dee loadoid dollen, of Impel,. em al stotedlag Oirmiyearti or holey - at the di ctutloa I the curt Om IS. MI !Maims for city ward. hostouxh, town. .mhip hall c'ectlew yffierra doll terreofter be held oa . he sec gad Tured.y of October. 1111ffiett. id all the pus. vidoto of the laws sedate/or tie elactioa oiash Me ws net lesandastamt with Ude mil the palms sleeked to Iraq odium at that time that Ina Melt paces at - tbe citation of do termini the pc Imusin.dlim the soma at the time of such elostlon t bat ad alestlea fir .1.1111 01101.0telabble be inoliblit inebibbilill IN Mad , untia this set. until the year osollummard tight bud ! ,ilredmodwnewty. • &soak it ell elieions hereafter held under the Oro Owe ~t rids womb, the Polls seen be °pawl toteurn dot 11 arm oleht met meta o'clock a. as, an& CliaeriAt ern e trel6C‘ P. ta•. 'Cot 11. II II b. the May of the fleastery the . c Mom= to premue Ono* fat W.I. the bloke tode 1 by tab att. an 4 faroleh, omlis of the f b one te the sty .atataboloners of the voreesl en Intim eel tt . Mons-hereolth; aturthe witty cum., 0:e:doom at cooly shall. as moo am may he prlat tai sego,ipt *Me mate, at the valor i.ap2a. a. 4 t tV Pffileabitddl fffialall Pt all the ticodot dual ta at their mmeettre ermuOtaa Mpg* ut both elankr. I *se timer/et aims, te rendered It mmy fat the /Wargo dads 'dada, sod r this sct. • . 7.• . . L • •.. • • , • limo,. IS. T t Olson Of tide Ws laspendly to the dttut or the Craned States ICOVelhl• IC/ 1 Pr otilltr duty. awl who do b vote pioved.ithstl DOS Womb" be deprived vote In thee, twos' eiectlee diAncte If quilted. Mts. DISPWARCIIItINCI LAW. ". lie arrmee of cents, on e hone ihue e .1 (Vie riAht otherarbee DEUR, A , Ctoorein . traded. !also give OBeial soder albs Wowing oir visions of an art sporrod :Jiro 4ta. Pit, mold. ' • Other modernises to the eked= less of idle toonnometedi h." i - W nor ...alba act of the Ingres, of the United fittaree. malt "Mt s 4 to' mood the Sandal acte h i Metoiore dto pordeAw the emoilleig and ,0 tiling not the daillisal fatal mad Or Ober perposes„. and mooed Wadi ad. 1,91141. all odious whir hate doensil the ctoit4o and naval ernes of OM Untied maim. and. to bore WA beta dlichawed tar relieved from the ire ty at dlathility 100.011 provided' ardi deem d anditiken to haws Toluca:lly relteenietiad / end forfelr their rights Of • intirsoblii sad thalr lignta to he me titlneurt. and are deprived of end., .roafire sal. ide to e thou thereof t sad - ' Wel asa ergot treat tattoo of the U. bad aurae, are man r the roodtrodia sad laws of foamy'. ran a. um red rie.tnre of thts Connitaioreslts. ' Morton . its it noted hy its MMUS Sad MOM l ist Ae n ! , p,..., • trakqf a. nuersita el PeseeMss. mo in r rd Assembly no; of to tweedy clods! 6i the as yofthegwar, of the SSW, la all she:Mat bei•Pdter . bribed in this ranawealth, it doll ' he-tati are I fire the lodge re insbettore at MO sent detrien in • re any ballot et bandits tram $ ap par.• eon or . w dabraced la the_ proddrete .a n seithi ler.: . Ilvabillty howeed by acid set of °Ogre, appro. t o third, oto thtiasandeittbi handriedand trot• dv tel it shall be untawfuldur est eseld Medea . to tart . say balloter ballots ... Pao. . 1 • 11 any doh ledge and isepettori of thief.. • sernee of them, shall me dee nrooneot 'to reed out net, unlawful ballot or balks. Pidi arm dr rich dli. i . he or they en offendio doll be guilt fm. r. and ondemoßtlon thetieof inner v • q. of alrof . fiersioee of .thiv - wealth, ii" dial OO odors es twateateA l a Poe of n. ilemblian owl handled dolho. a. tar h. cr s fettrrAla VOW! of therpropte coo. On. O. at laany pews deprited el dilator/Wood did :mild as &WOW. shall at an ,1010. loved. ter to be id Made Coitoompolt.b. was to lode, lathe alit ers thereof and oder to tat a ballot nr bd. JIM. III? 4.14(10 , 4•314111bg atn p. ased di it m . and of eonvittlios thereof OM emit of quad melons of thla Chearnoconoldi. shall kw each et re or be polabed le Ilk* manner Ni. prodadi. la, the p eating esetion rif thle act le awes of al vow of el rt e metag web saliortal ballot we WOO '- . Eno. 4. Th at II asy.painica shall hereafter pentorts at invite y as or perrosideoneed ad and dim added as aforesaid. loierev say 5„,..=r. lot. to allows at say eleetico bout 41 to he hews Is thle • • wonwealtb. oe shall pereseds. on MVOs any ouch Acne to Maim say ballot tie Ono's time toy pars deprived of eltis olio od sweatiest es Orem : wadi perms err iddradfne Old 're eddy of • eartar, gad upon eutodetk o kbeirtod .any mot of odor serlase of Olaskszentowealth: Mall be pee .in like mono oit molded In rho See .r..md tea on.of this act la the toe of °dicers ..1 such • dodo .flag each unlawful- bonze or hallo. . i AN, /I Hi THY 11061 t OP YUTLaiI. An dire collated the mode of vottehrst all 'lotto= In the several Wends* of this AbousosimidUlt.e*. pro mach Seib 1946, • . 'Pao.. I. De aweeesddy Mr Bawds nad Hues'!. Repo, N. of (hi Unsewswestra, qf l'essurylese Ms ill . send alionedgy mar sad d 0 hereby earrefsd 'by die That the (piddled votive of . the eiresed toot of this thitannonereattlq at all good. tomb M. be orb sad oweled efieetkon, vs he reby. boo after a • bogged and mitred to vote. by WOO: briar or Mine*. arpuilyptteted OA pert', Ott. • a: mlynlaadthadtas follow, Oee tidbit eball h em [headers of all jedri of coeds voted her, motto labelled outside.- •detteloye owe. ticket Moll Waal the names of all the State 'Odom voted I. mid be labelled infilater" albs ticket doll metro the atria of all etwely aliters voted .ka, la. ending fate of seastar. nootier, eadinasiberoir as dreilY 11.10104 Igh, and to labelled ...rosette WA tad • ell embrace the.lllllo/POI sit townsklp Odom Midi .. and he labelled ••toemshipe oars tkiket • ill • brio the mom of all horeagt Oleo, ratted. - . old, - be labelled Otaweagli e and eadiedree shall be • • sited la serseate hallugbessa. . . • Pam • to Lb* predisioas arataload la Ile TOO me i et tie cep deft Mbeateld.- tlio Judges of the of a fiblidets doll rowettiody take etbarge albs maid. to etritern of Ph MOM= Oldish respoder - dial and predate then at a motto of cooled,. nom • distaiet at the Coot Soma Taw Woreagh . of . Ile, on the Mind day attee tie do of the idire, ttna. eg ON THID&T. THU Lith DAT OVOCTO• LT.I ' I,l k :rota, 4. II . :re l. :Agi t Ole :9 T dit .i I • %bat when, aledo t by dams or meaverida. bit et. fr suable to attend soh meeting of Joilgi te. the eertlikele at IMMO arm be .eke Mord& of by eof the tope et blears Of the .hailed oft the di who doll doled pelmet the 4.1101 re. iliitrid inld /lade Viable to Wend. ' . -.. Ui W t so laid. at my 11111111, la Petteellio. this it day of Septostrer, lotto mato( Or Leedom ales.! elght hundred and ettlifilia god I. the eiroty:Udrit mord the ladepesdowai elf the 114004 liftsges... .. . . • . GIORGI O.IWYWIECK)P, ilbseig. ,etieilirt oak", itsteale. Sept. um um. Saint . -- -- ~~~~~~a~,r.~:r:~ isireadlly ameba InamProolfailtsa% -by GLUM! 411 nIFLL. • • • . I vie* ar l 4 . .. i rSNO,lstis togallt. 'pee Imett...ll I SO to de, do •do , pig c0rt..,.. SIS 4SS do . colts polio el.. 'II Ila to' oallorlioo. - de • . s - ve 4 a ae I.'• ' . do fee tee I. - ••. ' • • pot eut..... I , So II 11l ~. Attar. ... . . — do • !f4 GO prim* wtato - ' Pebtolod.. I .di, net. . do i 11e „I la .nrui v res.. ,1--- —I . , g Da .51 111 MtPot44omAil , ... I .* 1 i° -1. 1 4; qa j l tairett , . :: 1 1 a' t 44traw. Vim eal " i Fa t 441cogi. II& ~. .. • Is ' 10 Bator, ,'. V 141*V . bina qt. .-... Is Ist *so a ••• . , p!1111/ILLE VALIIIIpIt 11•11111,11111 - . ... - Nto -CA kilattig optatakoos tor to-da . • . Km - - ' , Itlitti 7 PrItIN VVllk*, kk Raba ; - 65-.... . im, mu .. t. v •:.,..,. 11 C, ~ • Beal/ 11.....1PateC11141. • A........ - It Rail tVetie It 9, .. le CU. It meat. `., :. ~._. It Ikutt. o West* 6h. . VI Balkh (way). Vgc ; le Lao . •.• • : ,to noun. • tt , ..;. - ....,, Pegs _•. ...... _, ft V....pouter; IP 1b... . 14' Odollktm V 11 001.. 4. l Citk rk i = 2 V a' r.! ....... ZP= t M Pktt. VOAL - ' a :. ekes ?Aida* It Pk .~: iatt stsakisliii. tiVoicae. • blitt tack. . ft oaz4. It 2..1 4. .114101Leal 111 a t ....• poet -' to paw* widippit lam Ihatot. V tlI. , '•• AO (eked) 110 b.. It Illgot Totioures )0 pa' U ltra dem V re. tl4llll`Taimittek. • kkoklik. IT Ekkkelik‘ . 11 k•i....... - OAK ellaataito *dia.:. _ U Pm..., , . , Nos*" 9 Ore-, _ 2412 Postititortet.• Li. , A li I Pau% 111 DEO welt... es ° V V ".. - V l6 i lChigb lrat Pr i"Wi etto • pia% "..I,a- It 1714 OPIUM VG VI Ok? ow* roam, out- ill i ftwiisti. 5 .. kkiftlekkik‘lorc.....,:. : It kkailinkl.: 1141iniips‘VIII .. ..... . . IS Vlb . ..nee ol taftk iellew. IP uk..... - .1411 i ar. atm.. vs It ..lakik. v 8k........ it Mar sham it tsco." mit • V 14 , 4....; .... , .11. • PPS '• . *0.1a.... ... ri %coot. 9 * imolai , ' ....... 1P: . - . 1111 A PSoooit stsarirr. out tn. aft. Oct. 11...414 Ws la 114 In tukKe. at tostorPook 2141. 14 00 at aibl doe ift`i tocoodar. ,• MI aft *W. i!ail !Oa* . .. tang Eirear - . itiliar glitil , claWil Vet kk Ikk kW*. • ' • ... .-....---;....----' • - :.-. ~ . ' =MIT Wrilkir. • nix tv.aisik, Oct.' -TO savoy . pram to 1 • mat, o , • better *agar, ukd I On "MSS Olt. 0 wort . • amass o , • better all puma. asit c.a r...-Oats 101 Wane. Upa side, 14 ,% 11. 70e.•44ts el the du oftlimiti 7,(00 hal4W; the ttivii of lift **et Inv* tome OMB bile.. °tot*, lON veriptxr mat 30,000 k 44,4estatloo. Ilatelpts at 04 i*.k. NAM of Arlitth LOW 'am lanosiesi, ihidr. • ilk.dr, MI AS bile, of skid MVOS us Atairkius.' REMEMBER, WORKINGMEN; That Geary 'Rlgh;l . l the -kill • making eight ►dun diy s lerork, and Oita he li op pcieed by rininTis,ikis County for doing it.- Support the _man gltifiefeisde your litters/fa, workingmen: Vote on Tiiestiny nut for Gen,' Geary. ' • = - 11141111LELIZiTION rAtERs. Fate them to the•polle with you. Do not leave them ut Lome.. You are be required to prodocv them. Do not target. _Take your naturalisation papere-Rith• you: to' the polls •hen you go to vote. Chir Candidates,: gire them "'Miry, ettanimotts seppon 'Tuesday met. It le an edinttablir ticket faint tett to bottom. The legislative Mite; commends Itself to the semart-ot ths•wott 6mana. The mem on it ste aping from the wattle' classes. and If elected they mill k( . hilts:tithe Interests ef tin wotalOgamo. ho "lilt the rest ante tick*. Theme ere. - the people and for the ttople. Elect tbetn and the eff•lte el MS County be placed.oaat more on s load, fair tooting. Bet place igthitlyee efface In the binds of ail' don Ihmortacy,sed Inoreseed 'taxation and added biddies *MU the caalt , . Vote er all tae iki Republica' dowdy ticker, t the IsierimiLai law and or der and dooniiray. IXE SUPREME JUDGE. Dierh PALL we., geW .ta a Fettle to Oki edUotpf tkillidelpkii North - AsuaL• eta, la opeaktag of the great leetwalittry rut* h epos . thlo peopli eteeiriag * Judges, wo ere pen Lid rwatreteat friths - pueblo, Mai ititilLOt Judge Wilms : , Look theo, to your .14 7 Cape- ' tirOrttb them, agog as is boo- goy. Ark yosradres the gaga u. ler mph a man aa Judge Willieragy who toreest- . irrelgy years hes bald a 'blab pidklal post goty without • blur or blemish spa hit- moral or legal character, abrJi gtre piece Pershing, as entirely untried mss tbougli -caudal net to be disparrged cur - •tbie ~*oat , .*oat ot respectability. ": Teas ia, ao quartos hat 'bra be • valeablit eitiseit,_ but Urge art tbouianda a valuable cadgers. who its - ma comperes* to gaga the isbx• sad •sapper the dirtily a die Wilma court is Iles Suds. And, beidmi ite_oppased,:es tee beau eel& to perpetual elde r vs, saki* far • good and adlielests reastas, sad asignidlY such Tama salmi upon tire protest oceesioa. - • ;.Davis Para Hamm October 4, ISM. JOHN _PALI:MEWS ADDRESS- .Workiiesside St Millasyllka; 40siatr. • ~ .. . . - 4' ' .. , • • flaying. . placed la isoalinitioa 'for -tko . togialature.DPes this Cotuaty; I have dewed - . it. just an i t4pcoper to addrese a few words le W. you in re rd to the positioallinid When the publio is etch aandidatiound la dotes ill I . shall use is few words, as possible. - As to *hat will Conatitate aty;eottras steel - lion relative to the genuine isttareste 'of the • workillentee; - should they Altar ow with as 'election, I have only to point you to tsyythele ' ,raterr in.the pest,- During the lait.foralicaN. [ we*: day fad night, has sty Uwe beg ge— -1 pocialls. denoted to your interests,—as Prod ' dent ofilladatnoy City- District ;Ili Vice Prod- ' 1 Neat of the County ; as ProsidenjOf the Gao oral Coattails. and last, es *filar" ot. your • .-Anthracite .1111inaltor.' . _ lean dues trying; era!' laborious - poshAttai 4 love endeavored uto urn :you . faithfully, backend/ _sad eetuditoatly. "Should yea..by your votes On Teseeley, Weber' 12th, decide to fend me-to reprewat.thie Comity at Var. risbary,lbere shall I . j Km -, ote sad watch Over yoat latereits is , ,eat devotedly u . . zuitit as hose. , , . • no trot iaterists of vs bees. Ilia and if elected. shall be my dearest" obleet lad silo. ' Noy thisithat 1 stay be ebbe to do to . forward those intermits I shall feed to be tie - greeted Omura at Fy lito. •..• . • • 1. . Worhingeren of this County. yi• ars • • penile is this costa* sad If yea rota lamest- In connistently, - sad together." you as tarp the weds Is taut of the atadidase win. jag -know so but stn you sad guard your la. taiga. , . . I 01 not beg your rolls. for 1 - het tut: if - I hive esimatl your esaildeuce sad respite; - you irlll awfully east then for as we, .oark elver approbation: of my Idelity to , you in the put, sad Mteliag au your !were i trust set he oieplased. • _ . ' _..- '.' lay , 111 . si . na y you wll! oftl idisima gets :It tnu far ei par nii ir tib. l. bite 4ase. miser* and laborare of ear a 1:16 4411.417 s bian "sr eent anrol t"iia lt erail .7 o : lo. 0 : 11 :- . by for vibe State Tither yin he he. Il Last' believe siar.tbo . beenrsy. w o odigiabeis ea fieheyikill szo to to ied s tble ton by kidgrovediar7 sad atorus. ' eiy nests who to ws , latter. and Slake fable susteesolts. that thoY,ltiiif Pt' Per ba9latt• 'mous //ribose itu tumid toad yes ter, their via tellatt ma, who vosullis. 00 aa...:'-' .• Widen ninekthey trill throw &met' after reativies you Who orris 111th - et deteberr -- I euseedy sad resyssellaby ask. that Ow bud gotta sou of ton. ton • out :iterhetr night,ukettow that thiy Uwe set ae..isi„ finvottei tbeir owet Interests es to veto lbw • lire lug petit:Wen Is patirware to ono who hes bra a vitiator' mei.V i r t its a d with ibeii la the thus 1044 -•.tritui, 'a etude" to be. . . Your use iidveitite; .: Joss Piny.. ' • ItuLtur Crt7i, Pu., 04, 7th, 1669. • &envois k Waion'a • Advirdoleinea*. another colons ot lbls Isine. moan fter Wi ndt: Too duties on 'On becks nt Esti:nit dings Our *oda wasp* to Psis Roman alltliodo Wok, Bdtb anr MS • and bt shinnied lie% &AMU & lrttt6ra ppm to km anddllest Int beat as dadm at the. Iwo an lems sent -Wm ante fanny loamnnodsln.., mzle tint am dismal nod boys a lip • - - VS Oak dockin is On rat Brows UAL Rook aid No kr, yeomen% radial& . •