The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, October 02, 1869, Image 2

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    ~ ,-':liorts:',...,...liintliat
1 1:ilt. 114 PIAk•‘.,, ~n
"Sr put( imeitar *4l. - •
tit .41'04 mit. 4 , reit shwa at be eAr arerstrga
574 ‘l4* r tot.geo.% ' '
T#l36if_Aiatial a the arl'3l3 of Ike I,et Leg-
, . •
pasTnz., he 11.gistrji Law It teem
;pliged lathe veal. reduction In aseetemetes
is Eut h adphla sit, other Itee'loes of the
State, as eonapared with last year. In Phu
' Instance the redittion emaciate
toeonan tz'enci" thousand, ten thousand of
which ere in the extra assessments , , always
the wore* of the (rands perpesiVed .
by the I)zmociacy _ fn that Coy. The-law
thee In advance check.' frauds which have
berelaprit been perpetrattd with Impunity,
and if aerie) , eareel out en the day ofetec
lion, Whisk' we tiast It will ba strictly In not,
only Phlledelphia, abut throughout thaftlate,
it will pnivent the polling of.thousands - ot
• freudilent votes which have in former years
gone to "Well op the Democratic vete; and in'
some Inatences carry elet:ionts u wee the
cue last yier. ' sv
There hews s'rotiger pro ;f of 'the Manner
. in which thc.l3emonreitle 'party 13 Wedded to
fraud, than the oppatition which the Regis
LIT LAW, which only 'provides f r an honest,
faireeetton,,k.aa tnet frpm the Democracy . ..—
, Snordy after to pliange, they tested its con
stitutionality In thC Conroe and !klieg in that
they have endeavored to ilirow every Snipe
descent in the way l eri' its 'operation.
in Philadelphia so camel Esse they be
come at the prospete of defeat Under ha op
erations, that tbeir'roughs, aided by the po
• Pre, almost nightie' mike attacks upon
Iteputalicies meetings. Oa Thursday night
while that fine belY of young ditptiblicans,
the Invinclblia, were return i ngfreim a meet
ing in West Phlisd.ilphia, they were waylaid
' and ettacke.l. Cuba and stonei were need
by their assailants Who were not pollee 'cm
„errs, white several of Mayer Pox', model pc
'icemen lased their revolvers on tee members
• of the club., Several ‘ , l the young men were
injetZi, Iwo very siilously, one by a pistol
shot fired by one o the Democratic policy
, men. • -
•• We advert to this.efl dr mercy to show *
he animas which inipiret the
Fraud violecce, injustice, seem to be the
Only patine:pies aniettring a party which once
occupied a lilg4 aedhocored position- In the
politiea , history.t f ihe countiT. it
I; Is evident - that this f.l en party is buten
leg to ilainevitabiefiestiny—utter and con
p.ote ar chilat!on. on - !he 12th of this month
• its eleat.hknell atill_ba rung In no unceitain
lone3llß Pet niylvillsia and Ghtio, ler' what
.;:eft Citie , s; what' men, With any self-:ea
puce, who has her4infor acted with that
con 1. - n;er aroie With a political . organ
devo'd of prineir letand Immersed to
iii throat in co'rvu nt to 3 and -wickedness?
none.- We therefore, prepared
3113 announce motile m:ort.iirg of the 13 h a mt
-Jority in Pennsylvania end Obi° of fit y thou -
I;uiand f ir. the Gisly trifieallmtieratic principles
' which exist in the Country, and which are
embodied in the nie6 - erms, in those Stater, of
the'lepubliceta .partY.7
. ' the:publican's, the news from every secti?n
of g estate is of the moe cheering charade/
It Way thought Hist a spirit of apathy existed
in' .our ranks which wined' endanger our
ticket. It was het seeming. The 'western
part ot the Style Is ezr with enthusiasm
for the Hero ofd, itikitiOtlouutaln as against
the rich tueiriopolist,i, 'end he will, on the
night of the 4:2:1], Cotter over the mountains
cast with an nriprerdilentediy large nrjlrlty.
The spirit Is sOcaiilig like the fire on the
prairies. ana thces,t!is eitching the enthral--
mai. - The 'the State
feel that the traits Cif victory • will-not be
secured folly Until the Repablicih party ob.
eg oat and exact justice fur all classei o
men on our soli. Coy. (leery; ,whose ad:
ministration has, beeh in creditatile to Mutel
arid so advantagioni to the State, is the
Xepresentitive of of
p trty, while he is a soldier:
. who 'fought in the brunt against armed treW
on, and Who bad the 'unspeakable agoriy of
seeing, at the battle ref Watibstchic,biteldest
son, Capt. Edward E. Cleary, a-noble youth,
' only nineteen years of. age, tall at his aide,
Pierced through the I lepert by a rebel bul
let. Ilia oppopentrkr."Packer, is a man
who not on , y never lent his persons' service_
• nor material a,d to the Givernment in the
hour of Its severest /Hal, bat who% Europe,
•t part of the time, tchiclrd in the • Society of /
rebel envoys sent, abroad` to court fortigg
supp.crt. Mr. Packer is 'ne. friend of the
' Government, of the Sqtte, or workingmen.
The Brit he opposed , during the Rebellion ;
. to the msterialinterests of the second he is
hostile; while to tiretkiagmekhe Is
as 'monopolist wh'coselnitrienie wealth was
based on 'grindinghis emplOyees down to
starvation wages, and who now practically
. opposes every, measure for their welfare and
prosperity. Tab' last fact is so well known
-to miners and laborers in the coal region ;
that we confidently jitrlfficithat Ms' lightest'
panty tote will be le these sections where be
Is best known. :
aln tile-question of p hieb de , the proper
. man to place, in. !he
,Cinberriatorital4isair for
the comingJ yearr, thepe.oplelare right
Bat one thing remains for the RepUblican
inlay to do In every- drstrict in-the Stale, to
re-elect Cr 3 . 9. Geari by twenty thousand
..majority:,. It is, cotuplete and thorough or
- ganizstioit, so thsovery soldieein our ranks
- will stand shoulder to shoulder .In line .01
battle, ready tor, the engagement with the
enemy. Tney neer 'clote watching. Not-
Withstanding the Registry Law, they will pt. ,
Minor-,ettact the frauds'at last year, and
the greatest siiiilsnee will be required to
prevent tbsur. te:tt' the. vole out.. Defer
business and p'easure; bo • not,tielaway
,from-home. See that every Republican In
your district votes, indsherigtat"-of the 1211 s
4olOrt,blr wilt 'lollin one of Stie II oat glor-
Spas Republiesn'victb:lial ever achieved In,
the gocd old ReF, stone State.
232 . AL i 7 ,a..4sLt.R.3—.SENATOR
_ .
. Ifs mob bad hung up the (101 l GrinNere
in:New York last Fridsy, to the Isznp Toast
there would bare been great • rejoicing
,throughout the count'ry. They- 4 144e com
pletely-stopped and paralyzed business for.
the time, and it May yet bring about worith,
- 1 7 which we believe the lead.ttig spirits In it
were resolved to effect' political'
measureeand change:Abe financial. policy of
the yotuatry% Among the eight or ten prong-
Meiti persons' connected . with it ,were two
Tammany 'llOl leade:re. It willii,7lsowever,..
hirie tagmitt etreel in the next Col*rese . and
XDO to my member:2slm Tf4e,s io favor °lib,.
sidd ganibletv, or in favor of nOn-prodoetive
capital 'against
.produCtire capital tend labor.
Ile will be utterly repudiated by - Ae people.
t•ienstor , Wilson touebed tbeipopular feeling
When he declared', at.e meeting-Ai Phliadel
phla a few evenings since,: that he would ad
vocate a law Making a penitentiary offence
, fOr - any stock jobber or gold gambler. to sad
on time, when they hive nothing• to deliver.
'ireetre - gratified in ,being able tgiihnounce
to'oxif friinde in whditi we de ,
"eier-tniubseribt for rho Daft 31:se Jotta-
Set., that we hnvO smade arrangements -for
its-sale•and distributio n i n that eiti, with
Wm: P. H. CoVert, proprietor .of for
PZetestachangte in the Continental - Hotel and
Philadelphia Post office. •
The DAIiT JotiateA will hereafter
he found regularly on the counters at both - the
places named above, and 9.1 r. Covert *ill have
his .agents , call entLour subscribers to the
....*Eartr hitains'Joresat as soon as possible
and take the nameat of all who desire the
DAILT, which we will hare promptly deliver
ed at their places of business immediately
upon its reaching thi -City, which will be at
least one hour in advance of the New Tark
paper*. . •
ICt all the subscribers to the Iremai
kliegs** JOURNAL will:give theit namos as
ottbacribers' to the lltiteto ?dr. Cosert when
hiiegenti call on theta, or lease them at ei
!Ler of- his places of husinem:—t*ontinenl.
(al Hate or . Philadelphia Post thice .
long ii;tperience in business to a sort slam
lee of,-TrOniifnees Lind his abililY to please.
That the paper will be valuable to ill par- .
ties itatereited is the CoaeTradt; thqe can be
ao torestion,- if they. have any desire lobe`
kept fully Peitted in all that occurs in the
trade litre Se well as 'bread Wie shall qui
to pains or t 'expertee,isi keeping our readers
folly infoistted, and shop gige at all. times
most correel and reliable _ information We can
Cloioroli)iitia Sketch of his
Life t
_Chtiasisfer, and. 13er-
Nims as Btatesmsai, -
13dikr, and
Swa D ie* Ml WI, ow SEW Thissost, Weir
-maim' coat% Pepantioria; as of Maid
ma XisZotaWkilieenti. mow So ma
argettel sail 4.91110
- Pmaienli4. . ;
in ;
inter 1111:1101 cosucoa;" cmioss
. 11C1110, 11111111170201 Cart, PL. •
/WWI bor. sod it aim' 161 to die Dm Ise moo.
Lisa oo embed CM Voqftsaa. aro foollgoof of
• • Ado estocom* &Ant >lllollsoryooner.
.4kooo goo goo*. /4011MOIOLIOSnbaflablf 1154.;
w3ll tas pas a
■adman. aridles. ilk!" I,Lows
AMMO IN!Y ripotabotk 6y.Posti Po*.
Ogkiti b tittattalatat cooOttioialCalkodo, ood
. ttio groat Me of ooloratioa aittattioo . is. of time
al i g 0611,4 lad .114.011101. DIMS bile
stA el Ur Gosinstaa.
Oa Oh irßy to Colarids,s, ftedatird Rem at Pr
'num, wi42l4g for ILe . stionser Otero. Spade
tug mak, sot la an toodies of me
sad *Wm& 1110 bt aisahlog
which prom agoecita al Mkt to Wino& of ani
ma tositagtmt ase Oa tit* nit Psalm
tow, as ta diatatna dansasamooga.
April I. $O, Intelsat am Thapiama. bran mama
after bavtag taut two allada as
tw 11 ?” •
4lia 1, lOU. hat waft oda Ms antral, by a exas
. - corer wit r dime b7,the ter* .
Olacesidadged fr UNI llaaeia tam of • • • •
unta( tin". erhata4aadtaaithaill,altaisdictias
coattaaaw„ to Let, to tgadialva, Menthe,
and pitktal fanctialaita at disarm
• aulgafaae, awl requttiog nza taloa*
W' ase nth. yea MP, le canasta* by tba people to
Inn tanntan ilia vets etanlma
Par Garry, 7,10 . 61 Annie Gary. II!
raTile Ms - annlalwrallan, the aennad estaa al nal
estate ta tna Prtactaeo raw tron MON to
$0,101.000, sod of kOOO and atonal cum
abates:ad 671* wean are tans la ,
not *tell= taelvt, sin an en, Y
lay 1, 1610, Is ammo, asdir the ael Chartlit%
tkith*-01ce be perletls Ibs Iseboateauneetpal gee
r - emmeat, nano riots, criAbltsbes Lw ard Oa*,
cbscfl 4..dran g sze N emeatei the city end%
lad °mane S MOM
(111101 ELF • r TIM BLUM
W whom minty. on visas! eteasiews, the elf y 15
wed iron till:wowd total elernseUca.
Wham Mayor of Salem tre4, labors with ?mow.
attl otSere, to Irmo tie
awl Unto alto Ia Wing th.g Snit &d. froo. 1411
bUght4og <wok olfila6ty. •
&terra to Pawnhula, &pall 1, WA harlot to tea
• 'than three years sehfeved more kw `sod of
Ids colastry. Sad of menkink than most „
sumarlieve la a La of threoweere •
Jetly7l. 1E64. without any solleitation on hie part. and
Without Ma licookdge, bi mimeo solely of its
: eminent drama far the ton, I..ppoish
el by ?reddest Mite.
Thee regarded by meson arweat. WTI to the dis
tracted c mditiot t the Vrtitu.y, sad the foi:oro
of three other Oovererre to mecum pews, the
moot impnitast bay order the Ocereri- •
- moot. lonianinomuly confirmed by
• the Senate. without rektentie to •
• — a committee.
84ptimber 9th, 1856, !millet' larti, , loseenwcrth
_demands •
cad . Rosa Justiee - to AU,"
As the c vdirtal mirth* of his admirdstratiem due.
.coeds la re•Mal^g - low and Order, although often
Ihteatesed with anaseinstlas. Wise golden •
opinimo from all mem cant to. Botts'
Bellow mod thek allied Perdido •
• - • tho Sobetgas Met Mimeo, if • .
speedy .sew wee .
isahni to chef a.
][arch 4: 1817. steins that Place and his liccretary of
War, JeffenonDerla ere resolved. at the eon.
ma's mouth, to form upon the people
- • T.,- ct- Koreas •Wime-Constitatioe. •
',9Aedthat Sachem wet malt • „
do the *ma, rather
- • Wed - blire't to'
Infamy. 6e•
litesigas M Goverseriki p jet Xsuisass.
Lid .earns to Pansylvimts to prints M.
Kart 4 lfiefkle nomhteled by the Renelima lente.
' . l:inteentioe is the offim of: '
Gafraer et Peassylvails,
As the emeeersOr of &lbw O Cords. After en eel
mated ant 14 Is elected over 800 Meeter Closer,
the Demoture mid 'date, 'by
' • 11,11106 11114•1111%
die ;inaugural Addreimi t ,
Melva himself to emtizued. aueervjog I..lvedtg to
the felon. and to the pelt prk t etlerof Eoceuer
or Mears, deteimlaed by rte
"wok; resolves ..
• •to .311 ,by the 61ralded Bc4ere end Mr
ORPHANS of the talks heron;
• Toms the Commas &toed Po.
-- • tol,. mod some ettldesf pude
Itoonotey In the Pablte lltspeaddoiva.
A Felittf6l Extratton of I:ma, sad a Jost rigid to
the lute:atm of the grad Common tresDA
, over Viols detVadde tur le tailed
. to: prieldA • .
Them pledgee have ell' been taltdolly sod modes.
The Suds Debt du been reduced t Tames bate busy
Much evll legtdatios Au bees vetoed, sod the-mei
; Cie or the perdbmiog MIRY gnattr Canal/ed..
April, Ilia , whbot suaoloyed ao nA anemia sad
1:15rlotoodott of the Alliabeo, Portage Ball
Hd, hootilltleo bests with Mak;
whoa do at wee meths la
ciLlizta coca% Pa.,
, • agoras?
i,Ati..4.4 to the WI Itsituisat, !leantFluals Van
tem: L Isransdlstelylbenstist semi
rasysly elselsd
Lieutenant Colonel
'at lbe mental. • Jotna tba army of Cale ! . tient it.
. Ten Can, Ind In naltned to italannan
• ebn. The regnant greedy dials.
intend! Ind: la the banes at
[La ! Hays, Oro Gado . , CAttoakepeo, and Gore;
de Benna, •
•• ne Win In Wen* Me defame at the Capful.
atter he tan at Calmest lbebertn—the Int Wray
annmbetas evaVetettred by se' Annerkve fa
• .: ae piamt dty at tbe Mantenatan
F Mang bee
"I woe from Make at tbeenabsee
wells to bit tot boas to Penneytnada, Lien al&
*data and debly-deternd Mena
*eh 11. 1911, Trams epos It hotted. ha Fait
Sumpter. lImT Itle nazi hane fa Wastaloa.
mot" at the tigt et the that Eras, mid • .
victim tress President Wee& s Ixot
sag= to Wet a radoolot Is rolort
oh weal or woe butte, to -,
out do tbo Gtorrnment, ad Natolibilks lon
totablithod to do-Woodat sod nlot klo
sod our Calm.
rh. rorsoint Itiolsod at lot uptosoillit3l4 *M..
1., sti tomanteo so* to tortatidoo to jots lto -
mien*. Sive toeUteat is rdsod l• '
tut otiodard otrlxties tarok
i '7 -7 Na. a etibtoon lino- ,_ •
I. _ _ C 141111141. .
I ', An*Pri ' ;al •
i• • . ' Lathy Won, to tl
mdtatd b Atrefori WM. tala 'lie bat• is as.
; • dismal to MO econssod of the llsrp
bad &Wets mad the deb •
- bolt fa he ad'ea
Pletoter 11, 1911. be sod Ws owe BOOM, nem* Ica
Landed by Gan. Ashby sal Mayo.
• •
• Tlur Battle
1 - 4auitimrmozo in Tat BIOS? ton.
Oursv to -loom vu bat ma tbettotst ins mai
tour gott. oplut a nW tom et thus
, . ttg.uult Otte mod sena oss. ,
US§ %mixt at Ink istnadarrd a Up* ebtuadoil
. Valley, wbeno bike/Vara leabluip mat
dlakdies tiie Mot tem tie& nowt •
bolds sifieldare. Ashbra. Naar
sas, Thanks% am Chula '
.010. .
. .
I _
ANUS, Irk pecuni4 tir ;oak at •
- •
I. • Brigadier Geier/U. . .
Jam N. leti." (Ikon • ecionma• part bibs
1. BATTLE OP . CEDAR ').1101:714TA1N.-
aidis solawcaric siistatrta us lsR a 3 ,10. lad
• amperely m ead t am • •
' p••••••,„ leas,awns 11•1•••••4.
• 1 . 1 . 1 •0 1 14 1 • 11 1. web rm &Use Is tta
c dlitlair eybo lamet WIN." of reg . brirniii. w retetift th• detlimetaa, glad' It relakos SO
. • Os god a w :w. of tbs ,
`.; Wirri etas:.
ithbi whales tab la baba shi
( *lmo abl•liattlgaiyalos the waft
• sad A thi big b leav, the' gbh:
air. ISM la a ;tablas* Wag. with Ids *ebbe. b
• I
bask ant
„lband Ulm Cale" OA Ohl lig
trate gagiabb Meshy dd.i iltaittre
arm t e Weser cobaird at bar
tigmalatiolitith►ttle tttbCsy.s Oast
ogme Oraberliad. aware 'Lt., bathe a
. %maim& labiks Wye; elmoia.
itesauts. air War drat: •
B atry ABOVZ Till! mops.
At the btL, at ltaabialati begs ids "Vat ate.
!algals Yd.a4 .:per. Irma, Y•itth of •
, / 0 1ala Pbee at
the. lb
Pea ba iribmosab dis,saroud.
, .
Op *lid of 1t4434 io Joined no gkesaaaakhe
dtrati . .
New -
13. Reck:No.46i
cfr ..WAAL%
InA Cal. f.
. .
ACii 701401.8113,
the taniztk4... j.
dpt. Istol by
311141 , , • ; •
invtht. by driglis ttf
bbe, sorqserd Cur .. 1 1 , 12.14 rm 114t*esf , cr;
m rraierlog 'thtLt terries (tun 11:44: , ,
sad their pyir,ity fn.= triisy ab 4,
- with *ea see Ira. WA, •r•'• ; •
tratlei inthat p 9 itha. ,
. •
laroary 11.1 . .144, !e ‘ aritaff al n ni eV; "n t+
. meat Maui to, Olnal , nd *id IT:alp:ibis '
• „ "Ad aveatr.",-la
•- •
Jeemerecaei Feaaalae Ca b 4 inure ttociti:e, the .014 .
' au & eed pamernito Id me badldiada
bon:, Dar itOrg‘ V . A.:ilk/111411k, Ntif (41.4
hosts £‘ll3+. Red ttaz.t. .
, are, Watt 11.1; and Ba:
• A to:sine, in.d. is pn '
ardet,hla M,re "Widu
• Par . Di,y,
O .
srr. Re.Etirtr. F JOHNSON.
bittor put!cips•Ed to lit.'rg• font
Cams w,,uttiva. r-d +4 , , the rtt,it of the
'tntin text Couttulcr,ey.GgLialtl, ranolion
from bugle to4xate, c9uioair g oith bV
the tlnd to &il
c never once ra cleg x 1.1, a in
. salvo or a nit g a ele' I
read the g het.. in I Peeteyl
-, 44,4 1 41ept7taLi1, Yogic's, Wist.
''eg:lce, bomb gmiior.)
Gimes. *hayscr.s. u d Trutt*:
P tr4veraig
14— 'ie.:tatty. IstAsti. : - •
• ar.l Ohio. •
pro.sentu• the 6.•=tllinvlen - In tbnly pr Womb.
Ing-trif%! retires to Ve qt.nt and penenial
boae on the b-ok. r So: qnt ban. •
. na, to .Valtry (10
. Cuirlbethn 1.
.; . •
PERS( IA Nktl:
pers= cool efx 4et high, eOld!crly acd :s!alirae
aobnatatdb dI, %Alt a CIA:MI.3MM 61/1k
Lo.l trlrilltg. plu.itzg addtkess,,ea.a:.;: , ,
No sad dlicre•t, cu.:Arca:cu
lu mxitucil, cropttai, '
, •
A Mu for nod fret" tkr rrepte,
In morale pure end tLeorreleed. cot brineler nor
calker; rot Rhea tEirOVAOI.7IICr it ride ;
Free tryert the vit., , ,ef.Drenter.tere, Lteenticnseetr,
ar frtfrini,y:
kfinn Be lever In, net P•of,."r of, the Belie.on of
Chrtstertit t 1 Apoel!,;.: '
/Wilde's a;n3, a Pab,r. a Cit . v.A. a Nett to
birr, a F•tand;
nibitually under a ern , r ob:igstints to
C d phd C•an; rt..;
• A brave: Sol ler. an ppmht 3.l;;:teraio; ,
The morn Enrmy a! Crinerotou ; '
!be true fame. •o! Ei.:Ota a Vim;
O; gnatto WI Exr.lVroTyrsiily ;
'The Primo! et the Fotta:er . tt: Fetiple•e 13=4 . sit the
Natior.ll GJ',lll.lllclif,
.7441 JORJ TV 0, • ,
To me Mrti us n iILAn isra4 T., The
: great leontost of; the day, is I..e.:ween the
People on the one side and the monopolists
.on the -other. ci Werner Gjary repreaenia
pie people, whilel andee 'represents
th e m e eepolie.s. Ivow , • if - The' miters and
,borers of Si hity.kit • efinnry, vote for
seller, they givyt iitt , p) all at,ei r prores-
MODS, and all thelr eto pretect them
aelves will be scattin. d io the tone winds
heaven. The c ex, threilYears will Fettle the
question,- either for the one:or the other, in
this State and In the coal regions; - 'and if
Packer inflrence tie Governor
will force all the" coal regions uriatiir the heel
of the mnnopoNts. there. never Was a
better opportunity f r the peante•th show
their 'adhesion JO !heir principles :is they
have at ibis Litre, in iFehewir,g mire party
feeling, end vritieg for who have proved
to be their friends while is power. Briry.
thing Is calm; tiutjiiitte party feeling 1,5
played; and
, the lbetter j uls,ment Or the
people cap thua be exerci;eil in casting Their
ballots on the te•cond .Tuesilsy of o,,ttober
nut. D 3 not let, the opportunity slip, nail
It Will comtitanri mire influence to yrulr favor
than all - your united r IT :It's in any
rection coal! achi eve.
F. elle Mirerr Jrrarnal.
now Ur Tre.r, Gr., man Erniorratk:
In-the meh h July, hfgr., n (Irninn
blacksmith rtn!dirg tun --". 1 P.Ano•L
, ,
eras"—one *Mt hat. 'sit c.ll the DAriocratte
ticket. eycr since he has hetn ow Ilft,FEtd-t.
started a * livery stable," there being but one
in town at the.time, . and that inadequate to
the demand Ti r , (infra every cent Mr.
Frederick Redierer ("he blachtn.i li) OONStil
sed, and all tie -could borrow on a small prop
ty by mo r g Igiar, 41 set him up DT DU •I
nest. The money he hitt Doriow..d was pq-
We In a's moat!. s,. with secumulattClutar.
NC You can eesd by! this that oar: lack
smith wee ink tight plice it his business did
,not pay. When bet began business DC . 11 , 1 , 041
ADZ horses sod is -Many carrtagas, arAl would
undoubtedly have. ft unshed bed riot the
"Pride of ,he LehitiVAilley"CTOMed his pleb.
One morning l e teamed Judge-- (Asa
Pecker), sccompthied by Use fellow Cann'
4 of the L -high Valley petrified, arrived 'in this
, town by thp- mornirc train on that ;road.
They were going to Gitirdviiit --a daimon of
, eight mile, from beter-thoween which place
and this the L.N. R. R. Co.. had a new road
,to 1 process of cons.rucl, n nay were (I
-suppose) going to examine the new road, and
a surveyed route over which the new road
would pin. for their own pleasure. ''i After
reaching Oirerdvilie they were to proceed ox
nor through the wooden- along the proposed
route of the ro oi, as far as they saw fii. On
their mere in town, Me . Packer made it his
hastens to see after a suitable oonveyence to
take them to Grardvi le. He caltd do our
new proprietor, and hired his two best 10fiell,
and a doable spring wagon.
,Mr. Packer did
not wish a driver—he would drive "himself,"
be said. Ile promised to lee that the horses
were well cared—made himself respotialb'ell
they were Injured—end paid for them TO (31.
RANDTILLE AND rum. _The party then mart;
id from here—Packer obeilding the ribbon'
—and followed the sew fattened, After .they
were out of town. instead of folloateg the
turnpike, .and delve over old log roads,
throu g h the wood!. and, , indce', wherever
th ey cou ld urge the horses. When: they
"drew up" en (brat - debit., their first pleasure
was to satisfy the cravings of the "inner
May," and also to forget; those Of the linnet
bone. Perhaps they did not know that a
hone had inwards to satisfy, or, if tbty did,'
they (the men) had no "hovels of compas -
sloe. "A eighteous man regardeth the- life
of his beast." They then followed the survey
of the new road between Addend and Gl
nutrUle, never' feeding or watering the
I twin, but leaving them stand in the sun by
the hour; and entinly, forgetting that; they
WI horses with them. When Mr. Parker re
turned the horses to Mr. R ; , in the 'evening;
on. of them was skit, sod the next day he
died. Mr. R. then,went to ilancb u cbunk,
where Packer rmidid at the time, though be
(Picker) dented it to the tax collective. When
asked concerning pay foe the dead horse; be
mid. 'O, you'll be paid! reveal be paid!" -
premising it should be paid at an early date
After some weeks bed passed Mr. R fond
it noxesary to call balite Parker again. as
the horse bad not yet been paid for. :This
time Packer said. "Well. I don't knOw—d
don't know; perhaps the horse was sick when
I hired him—and, besides, those °allergen -
Memel' don't wish to pay." When told that
bathed promised to be responsible, be add, '
"I don't know that I did ; but lii see what
'me be done, however, and will write you
isel t
.. net! lien nen I edo nothing."
•311. B stied until * next week"—the!ttme
watt marl p when he.wonld •btve to. pay
die' misney e had borrowed, with sectanu
lated Interest—end 'having. heard tolling
Isom Packer, concluded to call on him again.
Mr. Packer nowliaid, ' - 1 do not think it;ctrr
horses are cream TI ore—everything must
die—even on *CST etc—and I cannot be ex= '
Vto pay under. THIVIT CIeCTIESTANC.te
II saw it was weirs to, argue this point
farther, and concluded to try the law., Re •
seal the L. V. R. R. Co., and 'lost the salt
by hating sued the wrong party. ' Bellies
seed 'Pecker, - but that gentleman had too
ninth money for a blacksmith to succesefelly'
trope with,und after barlrgspenteome thirey ,
dollars, be thought it better th ine the price. ---
of the horse [three hundred and fifty dollars}.
Akin all be owned, and etopped the sult..Mr.-
B. Wee then obliged to sell talsetockimdlake
to his trade sgeie which be did. I happened
to mit him the other day—not knowing of
in. difficulty existing between tainted Pick
-0-4f he would vote,a solid "Democratic
*kW Ibis time *OW " Ile answered ute In -
Vr*nag terms-such ' terms Oa' only a
nun can use. I -then asked him if be
would not vote a toll Republican ticket-
"Well, I don't know," he said, "it makes me ;
feet mean to think Lbw° been voting. with .
thelmeng petty its long.-.but I .wou's yo le
'with Mae piny any more if they cut -nee
ema better men then-Packer, and I think,/11
tots for Getty, anyhow " •
.I think so, too, decidedly.. 'lt Is evident
that Packer has either ftylmtten Ibis - little
trannoion ol hiii, or eisethe never kneefehat
lir. &diner arm a Dmecrat,' , or tos.might
have paid for "Met horse '', ft. nan
ye be:h
heard th at Packer 'O ka - pa the "earners of
Ms first be, m-hoste." end if he dots that, the
IK,] weeders if looking. at the banns dose
not make him think of Mahar*, and If Mak.,
Mg of the hone don notretnied him blithe
horse be killed for the pro - plater ore cettaill
livery stable, sod for which payment, the
never been made and forinitia be mat to.
ho coolfelled to Pte, or be "dipped" 'Ohs. -
• Yuen Int el - 4... N. 4...N. 41.
• Igenestav Carr, pt 29, 'O9, :i
. .
lataire Ur, nee)lirthia *dila TO& /gm
Uwe Oolispaty, at Tufleieleida. tram!: MU. -
117.114 /laws, larret.eo,' $2 :JOAO, Mirth"
"Raw 11411111brel the wiry. imam Ow
s ,
. Dir old 11 eithde 50 per reel it.eretdrarthithioe
apairwtob, Llary br
kaaspb n Eieb&rdll, est, P/.: if
witty Wi on filmammo& times;
• • „
ITErn mlwzits ticsirnx .41.,X# (T'S) Ja..rdt=l.. Laetp
T 4 : OII DAIr
On IWO piiese ommiloa 01 Teodoro
to •ete oa-the 12th Wet. Pogetoe, glees
16 outs A alailo i Tots my
"dedols : tho Offtion of oodidatoo to this
oouoty. • -` •
itn ehmei Merited excedlerierso¢
ele of the reivijsousou of the Registry , lair.
It is tu}rl6 anal-shell, and should
the careful 'lady of teary Republican voter.
Go exesolie the Refffeell nets and yotir aims,
satiThr it L i N dled properly r st not have Ih
,-• —id lintnediately. Do not dekly lbs
matter: d rag .yoursel on the: requirenients
of the law, and be prepared to challenge any,
Illegal voted Mho may present thenuetres a
./M i t‘. -•• •"
"Of Amesessna. •
It IN the duty of each Amer,A in lulling
his Itst otresident Mashies:
I ~Teratrikei front the list thcoutter of every
pump IMO blowers by him o have died,
or reflerwod built bls datriet, and of such as
shill hive been madeteown to biro to , have
died or removed from his district, dhoti the
old list was Male 00 t
2. Ile shall add the names of such Persolli
as be shall know, and atlch is shall be mace
known to hln:to have become qualified vo
ters since the presto= assesionent. •
3. fienball alas add the names of perious
who matte claim 10 him to be qualified voters
in the district; hulas , be knows them to be
non residents or not legal voters
4 id lel tis northeadditionofs haute to
list by -,tbe asiemor, be shalt suea a tax
forthwith, and ascertain upon what ground
pooh person claim to be a Toter.
L. What regierstien is completed, the as
sessor shall make an alphsbetical list of the
white freemen, &bole 21 years of age, oppo
site each nape slate whether the alined vo
ter be a housekeeper or not, and place •of
6. No rase - riot should register any person
claiming to Tote hJJ moon of bang natural
leA finless be exhibits certllkwe of nstur•
stizoicen, or has been a voter to snob district
for fire consecwOre years next preceding
sorb reristratinti
7. 'When the ;arson-registered claim's to
vote because iall his beim betwetm the Plea
or 21 and 22; ilia assessor *hal write oppo.
rite each name the word "age."
8. UPoll 'Completion at. list cf regulation
gni assessment, the smarmt shall forthwith
return the lame to the cammistioners ot the
comity, who 'hall cause duplicate-cook:a of
iskl list to be made out, and the assessor
shall return. one.for Inspection offal the Ira
tare, and' the other to be' where election Is
bed In each district..
9. No isthastnett or reghtratlon shall be
made within ten days next before electfav,
by soy asiessor, ander i.penaltyci fine riot
excecdirg on tondo d dollars, or imprison exceedirglhree Month., or both.
10. Alter attainments Pre completed, on
theleoth dal before the Sad Tumidly la Oc•
toper, the anemia chill, on.Mnadsy Joliet/.
htg, 'spate a return to the county commissio
ners of the names .cf such person., us hive
from time to time, union pertonal,applquition,
chivied to bs:voteer, slace billet previous
return. ,
Duty of ttoonty.Commissioners.'
I. It is duty Gt, the county commissi
oners to_farnish tire rusessore with the list of
tazsbles .or transcript rrqiired by the etgb'h
Sec. of act otApritts,
, 2. Upon the rE tiro by seressors, dames:-
meats and oddrilonsl suseannents and real
str t ons.bylhe litscrsors, they shalt furnish
to the asseiariro duplicate copies theta. •
3.. It . 13 their duty. to furnish to the &Ike
tioe racers :a fall and correct
_copy of the
aasersratnts, Containing the names of all per
cons returned. by the arcs , ors of the !teepee- .
titre districts as resident Mashies in said dis
trict, together *it the accuser" eliettoi
Duty of Election 0111cers.
I. It is their duty to ripet the vo - es of
feted by ail' persons whose names are not
found - en the iasaesement or registration list
famished limai by commissioners, notes*.
*uch persons can make satitfactory proof of
-their tight
. to vote. ' - •
2. Any' person. right to voie
whose n.,me, is not
.0a lisp, must prove by
at least one •qmilliled voter of the diirrict,
that that was, his residence at least ten dap
next preceedicg the election. Toe party via
• ling must subittribe a written or peneiled'af
fldavit stating *ben and where be was ben;
thitt.helssl Citified of this commonwealth and
ef the rattedSitatev, sod that he did not re
move into this district for the purpose of vo
ting ; that_he ?paid a State or Citenty tax
within tioyeart
• .3. To all eyes of a voter deleting large
by reason of nsttralization, the election offi
cers shall require him to produce his certifi
cate slowed, nolo" be has been A voter to
district ibrat least ten sears preceding
such election.
goad clffairs.
Weekly Alumni! ae.
1 4. " .
11,1 a
a irta 41
• 63 6 El
I VI 13
O as 14
• 15
6 1.5 511
I 15 311
8 Tosang.r...
7 hrersomr
8 RUM*,
Mnperature Jar the Irret.
State of thilbeeisaaarter for.
emelt 44 thy Than
da. Kept Lot the Mummy Joao, ea by W. 8. Lather.
Si Friday • -
Si Saturday
si Mindy
27.1loadis, .. ...
Toisdis '
Th'iwyroto —lPoniAlb Sunday of tbs. yisie and;
tinsteentb afte r Dare length 11 pa y s ;
sad itt minutes.
E. GodoeskAtigimootb, Ps., Tress. of ke
rn:o4/e Fmk koreiriedgz.s tba rec,lpt from
ng in addition tn,what beg heretofore been gear
To Ur. L. Refeetielaff, •ho recent if visited the.
Isie bum at•SptiaßL.ld, lit., of the if satyr Lin,
eie tte ledekted fore beantlal sprat groint
no the - moods; : . -
Toyfir lodge, No. 228,* and I, , eturt, Mounted)
Lodge/ No. 548, I, O. of O. F., of Ase feed, tare
medeVdonattue kto the Avondale aufferets, the
farmer 810, and Ibe letter, $2O.
K. M.. A. Feell, saddle and harnesi maker,
horrsaisn Strest,'east at Centre; has jast re.
coluNd a hoe Simko, borne blankets, &etch lip'
blabkrts, ram He. to which 'he instate the at.
tantion of purchasers. W. base examined his'
stock sod banal= nothing anpariorlo U.
Acrtikoti.-00 Thursday last Phillip Pal.
lie, a o , rman, nag anted. al Rarenittut, near
by' "a shot." It bnog dre ; he
thought it had Rope out. sadist irsapprosobed It,
bat just nibs goa up to it the ''sbre went Ad,.
and struck him en the head sad body. $e did
in about all hoar afterwards. Hs leaves s tangly
of tour 'mall children.
Go to B. R. Koala fro your Sid Worm. to
..Tutice.--Tiorannnal of Ulll iflllllTO
- Anaelagon of Potteville, wall ble bald at the:
Connell CbantbereMatkat etre., on - Pridny
Srb nit ,11..t$ &tied, P. W. The annual ;morn !
.111 be ;veinal.); mad efitans Ste th e atoning;
pot will be - aieeta. Theintblk) eta YmIW ta;
attend. • ' r ;W. L. Worm; Pnefilent,
Jim P. Bastin, Peengavi.
. *there da, Dr. O. H. Hamlet.
a 091 . 104 n lec isil."by invitation, to the sio;
'date of the Hapoinasa Mallets! Cohere of
Dlo sobjsfil "Tim Bubo , '
Lm of Mow,. Wdleulan. forShiklisa." Ttre
licher° wee reosivild with so mneb fayet,„ that'
the Faulty of the Mihail:my, rooked noon its
paiiiitatlsa la paaphles farm. '
,Tei It: it. gartirs black T•ria; sad be . coo
'fiord at tbidr qa,,Hry. to
'TO Arcuutala Nut. itatirripikiiiir
Ws Once up to forsnlog tor theausodals
eat am% wriclif MA": •
.Idrueor Tette. I.A. bf R. 111.:U 41; •
Potuntau 010 ra
Ptestoubly iclumurledled • • tai as
herwigicai Nominations lasi SNAL—Tbs
nontammis Lberliongiab met in thssr newt.
rive 'ads lad West, affni mar th• Moline
nctakhutuoas . •
:. • Boca WAID. ' ' •
CarlaL , --3591411. Eisial. B. Eaual ; 4 pars,
/ass Droahhusr,
Imes ilassa-3 may J. A. IL Paiisexec
2r . Jas. 8, flapasr. .
raws-Ssaiali Manus.
amiati-4 - seat( °them.
, Jcsas :a Eillnal-W. B. Lou... •
.",' • 110111, aida#4l
I - . Z ''..< ' A. E ms .
CieClittt.—ir la., Ssioscos" Pater ; 91 yra,
Peter D. Lather. •
Sena= Eautz...-Iles.; P. W. Shasta: ; II yrs.,
L. WammaidailL ,
Cosinuaz.-Arista Mars- ..
, Jcpoia sm. -4, B. Wallsoo. .
.. il:.44reasssis. . . .., ,
a st=
1 . `. • 12,(7 •
ate''"". • . ;74 Tan; /L a
Elcinoi, bust : Sists• Karts; 1 ram
A Q T. Ifluittioitr. v .-, .
- ainoncs-V. aisiller.
Oasurrisza-laramoflarser.-__ I .
4arsaa as Erzones-Jaases
lassorce-Eoliare Iforrtroo.
• - X, Wass.
Convi4-9)*191.44abes limn; 21 ma,
Jamb LYoaM.. .
&awl. Boast-.t rum Wm. D. MX*. ; 9
yews. Bolomou .
Ocarreasts-T. Pitzaootsoa.
- Awes es Ifticmcs.4l. Sr: Doty: k •
LUMMOX " .-J. l. Haerim.
TL maims Nei Is staff glib*
Hood, far the paspisre of savasistlag I, At
• I
140 o6ofirees s •
- South Ward—W. Iklopita, Z. Paltormagi,
Jam Ealbsett. 4 • -
11 E. WAMS.;43IIO. a. !IDA% J. :F. otrung..
wa5— . 9.,:i4.14.*. B. Marta, J.olia
It Ward— Ws, H. Bans. &Ibis !W-
V.% Ws ataTEMPA.
• 'N. . Wed H. a. Reatilegir, Rap 24.
was. W. agar: -
The tieltatimmainalea Is is ram i•
CIRO pp.
.#04: 1 401•10.1164.1sak • ,
'Nuts .rtwas„..E.llart. , • •
Arratc BB 7 7 - * -8,41 /"N 1 00 . 0 . 1, 4 11 ? 8. i•
!chi tilt itariteri, Patio .
COwletkill 011 104dAlestme.111,,.,Plell
resthillfa •.4 ' ' - • '
taboiliii vplikailigt/Osists-'
—... • . . •
*laalls".ll,l4•laur.-----, ,•••• .... 8
f4logrtexii” : -
P. 11; %Maw • '
Bud decides!.—Jam.. Dugs, • Tsang led ot
twelve yews, b&3 bts ten leg 'angel eatobbs
les the Sae* try Wag ease* to • taw
Vas ea lg beauggeid sag es ble leekees-bost
whlN is Ups Wakes Csest piegesg Trot= ee
Bugled mistime was isuoedletstrobietoed
et Tont= sad tlerthab dressed. We we glad to
beer, that hetes sittar neoveredesto be ales to
lee brought babe - ea' *Way sondes hie
Ilthe ha
egges O f
of Me fstlisr,Mt. John Tramisjeaset
- '
liorset. .
TM bost-sock stove la the multst.lllo .
Skim, Asa be bad at Soloman Illoomall bum .
!palatial' stom a 'MOO Goats* street: ' to
Yoftes—!opts Mow qf' Mina= Sinew.—
Tberbeeretary of tbe lete Schu}latil Haven Bo
stuultb:Ganitaltiloos gtree Both* re the *Wm. of
eitil Bantosb, inrespeettvw of pair th at th ey
rialto meet la th eir mood* werdion Taselay
mr a l ip bth, the ash of October. t 0 setniaate ward
;mad elect tile delegates to represent each
Used, to salt to Boronitt - Gotnrentwo, at the
on Wildman. maim the Orb shy
of Ostbber, for the pmpia dimming a &amk.
IrAirmla Males p maw ,l
twat the of Elacootiamia ottawls The
kioO !toot Whoa Oomali;,,ot ood.
Ptiband Feigool cl as P. C. /L. of A.—
Viabbittoo tOotwsk, No. 14, P. O. 8. ,:of a, will
labld Tak sod lfsetinl at Maws Bali, cm
stowing Deeemberl3,, std to omnibus 8 days, •
n Tau wilt be for tostiesefit of the Camp.
This worthy order stake to 'West° the chanc
ier-of lb. sodas nwa of our twid,aodi wo feel
VA it . &genres liberal =MRS. Wolin mtfi -
loot :bet this appell stilt .twisiire the tsvorebk,
consideration of all who' &sire to see yO l / 1 3¢
men edozated to the prinelples of pat:Litton sod
Ansel/eon ire to be sleeted on the 1211
ptottmo. The following section of the Br i ghtly
law. settles that Towhee
1 !ism M. AU mentions :far city.. ward, bele.
.ougb, township and election officers shall hereaf
ter be held no We *mood Toeedsy of alobcf,
subject to all the de.lsloea of the laws n gulitir
the election of such Maws not incounstect with
this act ; the persona elected to such ',Pates at
Ahat.time shall take their *ewe at the expire.
don of tonnocflanaota bolding Ma saws at 'be
'time of each election ; bat no election for the of.
toe 'Assesior shall be bald until the year one
thousand eight hundred sad seventy,.
Th., Cootinental Life Insurance Company of
, New York, is not-in any way enameled with any
other encopany either We or ire. It is the most
soccess!al Lae .Inionmen Company of ite see
Serfotra Arvldewt.LOri Itotaly a end accident
baripeard to Dr. Walter Albright. aged 19 year...
of (Irrepona, eon of Mr. David 11. Albright. Ire
ID a; on the Mine Hit and libellant
;Haven Railroad, thd when iont.igg on.rhe 'road
-batmen Gorden and Ashland, antijo the set of
plating donna. bralt . be slipped,-and falling no
der the train e e ear wheel famed over one cf,hie
feet. embalm it in etch s rerillairr that amrtna-
Gon wan , rendered nee earl. The operation was
performed yesterday-inertial* by Dry.. J. 0:
Koehler, Bland and F. Shannon. We learn that
Allbrighte doing well.ssidthatlbers is ergry
probability be will recover.
Dread"Aolo in most beautiful variety al cit
and's, at dogleg oat vitas. •
• r,rretsfian —We are m:Pleated to Male that
the electors of that - poet of Noah Manheim toms.
ship whaforovr voted In the South Wud of
the ;"borouith id .onsville. and all that tmitri
57 on the east sAe cf the river end
wiibio the Pentmen elre•lon line. the son•her
ly line clam borough of Pottsville, sod, the old
line of the townohip of Iliebeim whore enema
hittietrto voted in Nce - wegian electi ci etric ,
except that Part now i'mprisiug the borough of
Mount Carbon will hi l l their eleotiou at the
ben. of Peach Philips in said township, and
nnt :Prascia- Donohoe, as ptddiahed Sher
ta 'a proclamation. - •
nit* —195 Centre Street • L now
re•dr trr eei tLe celrbrated Mitre Seeing -
chid. ori the kabilatect plan by monthly pay
net 'MTh", to a littt cf letter. w•mstßirig ID
ORt'roltavi:lo PG.! OM., Oct, I,
U 3& s'y Joon , . Mt.:: 'P.,rter. Mt a 9 -
Catitntg.m. Wm I.3coti Coal CR., k.atlattn.
POOP It. T . - stiott . ' -
Oita, K. • M•irphy. Ltd, littlter. Pi
Dokee, R. Mdikeva. A 14 Itta. ft .
INairs. II • 11,'Ito. 01 fit, D '
Rot, Wm . . J - 91actlt. U'•
Paha. las M wit," IC
firei,s, John McCormick, T Timm'.; JN m
0,41 t. 111.u7 Otkrly, 14 ' Wad. Mat 9
first, Wm • Potter. Wnlkt r, J •
Renders/RA A E Wgror; A
lluo'i Co, B V
I'4 celebrated Hickory coal at rottarilm ens
7 11 4. lit if
. Ai. Aged's Fxst Rile in ci /I:ll7road'eir.
MI.. A itottormel, 85 years of age, reside. in
Zerby Valley, near Trevorton. T• is alremorkatile
ftetthst nntit iddrday the wintlly old lady
bed r criacr ridden ins rail.-rail car. Oolhat d.y
hiving Declaim to go rum her brine to Trevor ••
ton; the-not on the trait! et 11.ker's Statim. sod
ie ,h2
Jule to that 'place a distance . } mike.. Throe
erbomittraard•theoare 111i' Which the old lady
got On the iraio ; and. ilie actions manner in
which she Wriit .oep b r k, • "......ay, out
to casks a diet. i speed ornpariii.oo, that it re
mind e d Mato of tip c whin and ears raercieed
by . that StgleibatlLDl6lll. the 61(111410, when for the let tirnr...,-a - bridge. Shelf/La
not epos that it wear ntirely safe to be there. •
.AiTheationi for Lit. !Loom :en is the Mniaal
lee :ll:entente Ootepaoy or-Ntr , York IT! re.prct•
fully ; onlieited be 'Wooly. Nair Pefladel
nblei 13ebaylkill Orally, Pa. - Ateete Lot the On
patty. over C 11,000400.
*Condos Relief fund. -We have beeti.requee.
fed to pubhata the 'following ackeowledgment of
the receipt of the contntovisnehf the Schu)ll'll
oouSly Sancta and Bar.-ke: . '
7 _7 • • Pkru , rru, Pa, Bet.t. 22.1, 18C9.
Sok, Pceiu, J 4,,, tap Porsentzu, Pa :—llaut
Bs;—Your Imre!' ta9 . 2oth,,e rem irytrd, with
toolosuree as stated, me.. your cheek -for Two .
Snedred and Vorty•flre dollars ($245),• for the
relief of the Avondale 'offerers:, tdeloted, to
make known to tbe Bench and Bar of Schuylkill
00651 and the County odic,* of the came,
tho46personally, they have my unfeigned thanks
fey their hberat mad t•ttely aid to the o •rdoto
Belief akeeociation." I also, on behalf of y ail
own and orphan. tender Many thank..
Vary neeneetfully and truly 'nuts,
• H. OirL?IlD, Treasurer.
1592511. 5 9 93 *id
7124 q. 12 6 9 oso.
7511 X. 2o 9 3. sod.
Lut Q. 99 3 13 mo.
..11444e to role —There sill be four bolts at ev.
ry'eleedoe poll in Pennsylvania this year. The
Anti labelled "Ante", to Include Daly tee !rote for
Goveraor. Th. seeo , d "Jsdretary,". to' include
- the 'rote for Jndre of the Bop rm. Coati, and al.'
eel the ro • for Judges of Bounty C00t . .., *hero
*nett • wi.• is to be cloven. Tbe third box
will be I.bellrd not!,', and sill Include the
"le bete .l 'ht.B. hits and Nona. of
ptcsenta %rev, slot ...' damn" The
burnt bra lid be laball-d "C .If .. 11.1rostyl." or
"Itstnat tp" as the e.s. way be. arid will tensed
In the rotes for Chy, Borough, or Township of
fing*. _The tickets- to be voted be beaded
tot respoodiogly. Tht grr.eral ehetion ticket" be.
lrirotnid.d into '..g.tte,• . .fedidtry', and 'lima.
ty", sod the Ilkod Whets into Ward', 'Bo
rough' or !Township', as the east !nay be. •
Mir...fors, jelly Are, jelly tot:abler', &e., for
presorts' season, can be bed at Troxell's Mins
and Glue done, No. 256 Centre street. U .
• TO
hdelligenm—Yekteeday 'Dude, Skelly
war beet* 'Nein charß.d with [mutt
and battery ou Thos. Howley." He worn bald to
$2OO to aroma. ,
Ysetesdiy - girlie Bulger, wai thinumitisd to
'Prison by Squire Conrail, charged with
the la.^eruy of • pair of pantaloons, st - tae °kith
leg a Lire t.f illoob Green, earner of Marrs and
Eat Market streets. It seems that Martin who
artind from Ireland ooly a =path adage, sad
stopped at Minerseine mW yesterday, rams into
hero : yes'erday, with mime of his 'betties."
They all wont foto Green's atom sad whit* some
of tee party wire exanaining clothing, It ante
walked oft unperesivsd, with • pair ,of paws.
He afterwards went iota Louie &biomes shire,
and ranted him to haki them, pretendiou that
that vu where be bad bought thaw. Martin
was moiled sad disposed of as staid store.
It is :likely to prgrra a dear pair, of: for
Morin who mat Ile in Trim WM
Woe* he will be tried. . =‘
&rads ! Corsets ! ants - ! The bast setheila
arse tem d, it ohs dollar, at Gallteura. •
Nr: Eichatok • and Air. Shooting Experience ifs
Europe.—Mr On ewe lichalo t , the well-brown
gianentitb, sad p Tula cl• man of this Borough,
Frothed his home - on Tonna ry *treeing last,
whh Ms estimable wife,. after an absence ot eome
bear tirontbeve Europe.
We had not the .pleimrs until yesterday of
meeting Mr. Seasick. sad welcoming' bleu back.
By om desire he - showed is the silver gobiete,
hair in number, which be won last summer at
several 'emotive &stasis In Gormley and Belt ,
melted. They ace sit beat/fol. The Beret one,
however, to workmanship. Is ihnidliali r
the Betas
Ten of the goblets Were won by Mr. Beitalck at
OtErnbrish, neer .Frankifort•mi-the• Maio, Jane
20th. On. wits a premium - for . general good
shooting. a This other foe making the third best
anojow fattraL •
The ttetrd was won at Zug, EeltscrlaMit.
Wa the 13th of Jnly. Lt thrums Festival Mr.
&hair! also won a eampoyprize of 1000 0ence.
The workmanship on Ike goblet ismthie elabo
ratetiona. sr
hist repudiate emote of Merest leitelen .
national ory.
The fourth goblet we won by Mr. Bahia at
Kaierniantens, Kali : on the 1341 of Aulettn• '
la Fraction these is yearly batik" • society a
abomitot feetleal. This festival bag beset:mid an
purify. annually, for a period of four hcm.
and Yeats. It taking place r his yesrt the time
lir. Beheld& wee in Geometry he atte nded It. He
won two secrptabli prime aid a money. venni.
1141 dmlt e. He also got a fancy sort box
there. :the for , th premium for the best ethootiog
all through **festival. -
Most of the shooting dew by Mr. &hale* at
thee. Mobs% of akin was at an hundred fret
BM the target. and r Whana. He need a ride
of hie trio manufacture, Which be took own wilir
Win from he,..
M. Sabah& Inform ni - thgl big trip viii
virginal anisin ivory reiprek and that both bun-
Ant and wife bevoreturned In haprovid bgaltb.
Onai and Drama hag, Dew Famishing
Goods, eta, at Maggie }Wand* 122 Centro St. •
Sek Sada, Oicattiag Oak, Laces;
att. at Maggie &had* 123 Clown atZilit
Mitt of assacatabla Dry Goods jut to
eallirad at Focht% atm%96l Outs Bt. to
- - -
EOUlthOki II DM ankle. tor aaM s
IS; B. Monies. I Try
Gonaves aro matting at their whole stock of
Dty Goods at toot ♦ ran diatom to buy bat.
The most
in Garai
"40: 61•- .14.4, —...._ os
. to be taa!ri at
,thatasad 0o:s. 211); Opa•
Off' J -
IJfSe eon to canea the Leent'of the Ooottmotel
looersooe Compaq of New INtk, balm to.
etertes eleserbie.. I.lli
. .
Ad diarist &NW Whits Goods and Panbeeld-
Moo at'elodnß Wt Rile at Gotland's. 210 C.
ti, stews: • Lan We le • ram chum:
Ld mob" tatortsoest all:totem Milne Wines
fah oak iirritnewinls prime. br Ito bat* or
wout,itLdithi Moir liallltkCisolsoildge*
;Lain, do rolmits Lb. olodoo cot Edo
of .1: Maud Oa., U 0 Vista wrest ; tot" t.
ro boabti; inklattod to char Oat what"
r= stock order to attar row .r.ass tobtb-
Is t
obit Ale tiara bulb dock. Plow
fear as wttb Ikon.
dacried & Oettes irtruits
hit Oak ttek elsrltiratock of Dry Goody wpm.-
apyry tti Oak moral tob Daft sinr
noir Is mom at eriretioa Osstes = g c.
rim 0* to seamy burillis In Drew Ciemak
aka'Oulta, White Good'. Sfraftes,paisoN
Of!, ire Ulm ND.
Aye, faros to ea st Potts' Indisonetd
Woes. maal
Ta mi Di Vain eakilli `so " roars
isiosinonni toe .to - prottand Unto.
Patna idiom fondling! oat Opts Noma
as non wisp sad indissot fins; Igo. Di
Oinks It...tosail- dotteltoss Ishontasen.
illeaftsie 'Weir& Nimasty Mak
Miaszbeals. Obiedig„ &Wm% Man%
Mailt ft = B M gigr k"llll.
" reprommotassalua
. .
. -
Arridoe.—On Tbaraday Letterman Mel...ed
Thomas Donate d OA. acerb Dom tole 8 a
Esh.l Km :As 11 It-orm. • bay about 10
. 01 . • ornm meta Ms hest i f
hood sad Me diolockted Me are le Mkt
from oloaded oast ear hoskehlok 1, had bas ordered to pkit cattle lata... l ' •
It wilt be membered MS tleooloBllo.X.
ateo betbeett ma lulled neat&Maim Law
tor. 4ba reed, to Wow , acrfts pill • I,l*
plisilyird WA.,damn% trap atro4
oi•nkbeing ;IN may am eldraa ma
_ ..
Distirtrin2 fertormee--0* TbandaT sor. -
aim Um - Hod at Jacksan'Oatekortempled kr
IdeMo a Ors with ead olf. Hem as &MS Olt'
mattootod to the pek,whoodexplediA Mod sour
ri ediM ee r
w retoped tat
io b jcal ee nt ieVlEF lreo4 . 110ena_toto
tamed tram bar cduit if. be“ . AL4 at am
-sager aide MN oftwody sad pee.
time at bar ern aerial/ stinted.stinted. Bee
berate vas &ISO barnief from libellee Me
I mo.
Dub,' Fair.—Thif Fettered brfhe ladtse et
St. Jobp'o. Brateilkil fionk Clezrek dined
dtt Sowa I' maim/ : Mot. Wet maw.
mat of Br. Smaterat is mare my pm.
wily. *at Tomah* am a The NW
=t• marated Stereos
ram tr 0
I for tbi
Inintre pair ith; in* itiotig:noiejrhna killed
Life Internees faTzt•lidena II leandeen
• int•tUl l i l ea 000 Of Videk iIt:G3V,I
Innen how*, le de al arith ibe deditar
Grad of Acuson at ameaitylar• gag
hoiden. -halm and &ladled§ onisneL iltd.
Intim enLanken!..anallnin.
4 :. ' y . '• - - iZz . ..,.....:. .., -.,-.,y.e.--,-,,.,• Y .1:
roe WELL, :MS-
unnaiiirmaremnow ismas.
- cantiielideckg 7110
preying resiOnsd tie silvers Irtimotill
tam gram reask-Js". Inca. to. *bin
Aoalbe hoprieonarest. POWs etiOtimist. da , labor.
and to Naas Mt sm 1
ut" “611. et ;ay Ile Wee*
realmustie, epreistul d Imeeteightertit klbeig
Fills la Woo Sawaship. wasallidencedlo sub a Ow
cf ral aid 13 !radar) ma hntli-191sienE of three
reser solftry enr_thetsest. at Met.' ' " -
Rite Oat ape on the dell 11.. tie title me*, thelep
MOO' A - CO.IW Cada s Mai
WI aid.= tetl,ln on a peo.alsve7asole of dedansteets
to the trata of pl.LDlA.,.datett Jolt 4, iitt, Clary
tbkive, fx .1 IS 1127 *we in= ottly pm In Caw
der. Binds han=g eatand tar WPlNlfitice. ILig jai*
meet now token ac to 11%. t , On Imo.
Moo. The' defense; elltscitlliat ellit nis•
to of and. non torment of toe note, the gm. ..of.
ddhad-toe a,lt ulrel,Coaau retiring Ctrs tl.atihe
aedltnre fr'stnily, !teeing the Oh, - served
imp/fg - the p:ittes s=teer,* be4est.: Is
rekive crammer. 'BM the prof fated, and
Anent wee ttlett4. tt cuacadolol6%...'l4. Ve
one kii&ed int eiractpeliht - 4iUsze, so dig mid
spa. itti the 1141,titIrs.
Jale no,,ineb ad.lfallle linisocknijittb. • Tbl.
was to acoerr fdt tho • ealoo orttttO cari .1 eal4 *cid
db . d ebipped to Vant. Tam defence was Chit
tbq east was ebtier on•ef feeelved. of; If melted" di
wet alte3dy ' iaikthod
the ei.detie thnalghoot W. wry bat. -sal ansatia.
fartory, Vera.e. to foray of PA. lot St=sll. '
Lycocetnt Coady 14 !Jul Icaar - toe Cosayany, In
Jabo L -55zett4 , 13.:13151440n sod ollbets. - Cob°
had bore anott.telklanllff 'a agnat ifft. and sic•s3
14 each p. 1• 1 4131,111,10 was, &Iran •detendawa
lbin. dated 15 ft &twist. 11c4 'tcorAudiatwo
Lit 'onoinco . - cf bla duty. to tecnecetn
ba.U•ce doe frooilda agency. funinfhflcY4 514.50013.•
betne'ute .1 the eare:tnt Ve..Okt.',Sur plalarlS Lt"
Sz4 • • • ~ .
. ‘ ,1,1e. Sept. ta.-:.!Thaurits. At - 2111fIrd
13 ammo!: EJ can •re- 13• agreement
diet ee.0511 It (dear - of to ht tam of on
Pt 'shot by d.twidant of 4 . 1•70 wit to lon,' dor. wag
Apr, Inure. randwben plaintiff
at. 4 no'e en.cato 57.1e • taset,for the pre:W*lllla pm;
aviary,. .
jutio a Konpolre..Bentetel futon. This 1111111-111:
SCOI to canker Sure* tn• daVa Wick yenta Willi
Cir*di:l.lll.axt ease. flalmed by - pl. Iran an
agnsenaeut, lb 1 , Z2. iqd ft " fear , place dead.
Al.! - .5. the rube d. 7 vrt, c numbed In
to:t °tale vlf.•,a alma.* =date dirtneidon of wee.
• oral taw palate Weed; till the Cotarie patine.
math= cabtwtcl, they on.le:of ti came coll.laaad
ti , the Lang On, 114. at t he coated the Plff, -
Mandl rr. Japes
lautgan, was ac,lda brought to; SO,. to
n..rir a cltak ant inithai srlth lei ovsr, fibs,
roundel spot etr'al.o Orgill advance. 'of mobef by
Ine pi fo• the WI-ant, to tent, Ind f,o•
nee abant-that lifec rendered on drft.Netfrettali, ' ' '
nar.'e note to I MI hider, doted hag. 1.
411,5 - 1.11 thatiti. (Mitt :11 - cant Mary celdt.nFes
of std,.ll..httcht - hettet.en the rirtles,ithe ptin alleg e d
ben et Ott pat: twec: - .ed big !mid{ bi
The, lad. was sterpiri, the " memo
cooeht" hat Ihr er. dad Of t,..c.Oreri • contended fqr
Iris that certain eudeleAobl'elloits, Atwell Ay
to OC., wire belidby . thohotrelar stale ttn or twrlre
years, Erect ti e m . irrepr, Kota:l,n or deft. 11,41 1 the'
mere', hue to War lii Nese Jene7. and steam& by
than eolatehar, Ltd lees attathel, and osymect
thereuvre ,e-hoetre; awl - that It war Oply *short
date ter lc, s> or: se,t thtt , pp' tr. L i st
d'ecoverca. throarh the d Lt. LtIAL be . (t.l!3 4ert,) Elms
eel; tad Let? !AM:U:O 11/./.loloa these te!let
end& ,
Yea,yeY, 3rgut a, eDastltt. frsact
Ist! •,a ti tic, 'o3d:claim. - hicii woad o!h•
I roylw It 1143,v totyy, ago butts by the et attiteuf
Iheitaq6 .r, net of the 444'et.-; h oth wa,l4._tbst
th . e.t Out, vo.kul fe,fte foeih: i;tee the
03 tr %err o - ioL(d qffi: it, frerptioi
air a treg - eg ttr evleersic Tolate 'theta
Ibv.:lj Cm-et pee , ;e th : retneena ott the; Kal
;clot. o .e h: h cptnhee,-and dlree.f ft
: thin*
.1111,iJ.1 as the fa/Temp the bra., ;
tie d, the deft. dal • ea:Aerated all
t I , :zont - ,4 al 1;: t n ect, eT plffla tb4q , and deale,l
tha e Lt- c to part, that the isso
1.1111.1 . 310., ILA for another add
ebtird) anrwee: 1a fact to fined, a attldeir
t;:km, 'o- (Way to Noel Jtercy: b lecare
tat t c,uceys th,te clalme,l by :deft...‘
The au•C e,:r411,41 : te - rty the entire day-,Jhe Jeri,
,f'ex an boor'. call'afavou,:etern!ag ;Vol before the
oljuorwaest Of the Carat as Gu'eluea, itt• • Vadat.
James Wartanhatet rt. Datil:lo7, a. ; 314.,
ML-Sit wu c - . 4 fermi la 014:21 i4TO: of pfg c
tad eiseteS,as4
PLlat. Ott.let —Patrick! Senbedy i. Patrlck
liAtoett. T.4l+ tem Anti:tics, ttOttel4llly,'.e f trempaes
el e ct arm's tote-ever Sam etal. It: as 5114.1 illegal
a-real ird Impassesact. Barnett li a JoA.lse of lb*
Peace at Palo Alta. the pllf tad been attested On a
atraclt std battery what to kir, sad
braves halore Lam, atsl In default f tetionatal
ta-srlton • Sab qa.tdr. tha prior er iounktual cot
oaeta bar to:fga lett:co Recd, of Pottrelle,lthogaat
h tti a cpr - lIca:i: n; eschans, atiltrrictt to Barnett,'
ba:.•i't - atvist!fft^a the Fltiatte order atOkta the
seltreer Lol been bald, or otbetithe Identlhlag the
cut. pp - ' MS prisoners way home. be was to arrest.
ol at Itarnatt's lestmee—be himself wrath g, It oil
alleLted, and sant bick to thieve. It Ca riot mimeo.
from tte cvheate whettaat fhe eanataltle, to wheel,
clismeMe prises= orishaslly was. had fella exaveled
DU L'n•lmw err is . ' •
• -
.. • . • •
Tee le. a! gleadott of whe:lei the actica wall prop.
estylvva.,l., ur etwald hsr-j=, bwn qta r, was wilted
lad arzuol; elan whteh the. 'r.wrt delivered the fel
towlrg nl itloa, whew a ,e . .xt:ct woi Latttitttli taken
the thiezdaht.. - I
con? e C.Lik,rt. •
firm of actlost carl“,!. Posuanoi. -(arty
The wei rent apf eery to' hove ben executed' by
barb exit real thu plaintiff awl Lade seise bangs
the I: .rr.ett. who wal_siolug
and Abu l-ru.d to w-rreni:
' There le partner. Go arrested Wed
Ulm littrote Joel Co - Rm.& area entered ball to Ids
appewarce lot a .ton der effete:; but lebethee I, e
Won was ulart the fame warr.ot 01 on plaintiff
was enteoquently &monad. :does not Appear In lb,
ear= Ann ibte is • refills% kr If the warrant re.
ma Ined rt• seented, the Juetlre was. attlog under
ro're of legal pr cam and tresp.artri of Grease b tot
the prE per letudy
y.;es the cen . ficele rt.lettilca Reed torte to
Barnett that n e ; bort lid ent,td Hap of re.
rAntoon.e to az eer r the mar end upon
the sense rture. .The ern:ideate b took:nett& and
won= hard) J ofy • ..I.Lfc4 to :tome I Panne
cbaeged with an • MT.= p.v 'heat hall. If lim
per, ceiareed• bad g,e. a cup? Of the re= If=PenCe.•
w Ilk mated •by el br= tbe warn= was aseed.tbe
offense chimera rut Ober titemuitate of bell. tie
wooed perbepe Lave been n tee to the Aiello= but
the tiy th e w b
t eal , .bond Crust vl a re
tee lei at
ther Jas
and prove th If anthentkby. bud , Olitn. II the Juitlea
-act. oPPreetelet'it. Whiffs this foot tt action =le=
be =bread, open the eviend tbrif, flat fOroo of Elko
warrant was • alienated by the find bhuttlecover. ;WIN
The vtofleedaf ride= at Lie Waco. Is WWl=
the pistol item the pa:rate. Ms =Ohne more this
wt at anon= be r an every ease by officeolafal Metz
own perolinittou, and to ptereat escape. Althilaffle the
emdart r,f eekrident was apparently eppeesedee,
to tbe_miumer to cb the 'prinaellr was conducted
to pawn;
the conweble • had • the trimmer In
charge, acid the d. readapt here wee ac al waist.
ant. and alp heal was be tareabei and no liuree 'used:
Cora the c ere before the =owl fpspalnild bCnot
imbued to sorer.
Pklntld cietro the chafe of lb. Cclrrt.'ll34
lab ' the ertexime to to mate a part at tba.rstarC
Bamtel Camp ro. Brennan Coal and lan. Co, Ti
vu to retorrr arms flxa , br.ll-te aNged to be due
'on i eirdieet tar bulb-loz s breaker tot defendant,
A litre amount had h.len p ‘l.l on aeratr.t as the welt
prar.wd, and ri nrehanivo Den Cod tat $lO9-2000
Wanes, whiz Wu arrant& remeered. Tbs 6s.
{ape •tt on wen sustaintd by thetenit. to tte 'tire;
that tbs contract nu an entirety, and that the pm.
seeding on the lien *as • bar to soy farther dem
Vodka, &midi-T - oy, for deteaset.
Attn!nistratare of E R Bland, re. JIM', RIMMI"L
Itt: Bind in his Ittetlnti oirotd taw mlli, ealLeets•
tratttd to sea !amber toidokaduni e certain keen
Ice atcount watprtren, showing a balance due plain.
tat of about fibs. DiL.r.dant CEOs" the lento ot
the tin:Laser, claimed inert endll Ulan" ellotted the
PlahOtit aodaje2ed farther that I. (deteadins)
Was pot personally rondttan at the dew
Melt PIMP - 7 OIL of agent !ter.tila,larette,, -Gangs
Itta s!li. of Pnilol Iphia , - Verdict tot the pleintido
for Mgt tn.
Casrn9 in .fa Mine—Destruction cf
&hers in /kanger,
. ,
Entroti,:-aOrtrkinied itioe viilege4as
thrown into a Resat cancioiten ttniey Ise=
Mpg; dtpt. 23iE, abbot IP trabehi httitte staid tg
of ilte teil-gate bowie. Mr. Bet*: Batik AU
gatekeeper, hod been atptiabil of MI
ootnetiote ago, and had moved nottrf it He
so oeairty chickens and alinnilwr of .dacto /111
an ant budding. nal InGE durineZir bairns
and *tam bending". klr. Geo. Si
ran Wider that part qt.thea tows, and dry aro
taking oat the pillars, "high cattood a fidhwig-bi
of the outface.
aro two or Una; Malw
bonnie in danger, but the oonagatita ha l" M.
them: - The n.tteo th at went dew* wan eldenda!
the pike company. I !oppose Kr; Itepplitin
have to pay lot u, or at brat I 'Wald thUdirlik.
It does net teem right to throw down 'a twlr
pedant witiont eompentisting him for it. Scan'
of the tioaiwo which aro ripened to shah re at
least are mitered unfit tohettley are *wood by
poor ;nee — laboring men—who worked bard to
get Bows for theft (milk* • aid tub' ap,N
um& brat dale to ammoniating the,. Milo pray.
web* Now to have 'beware's Ow* Anat. ,
oat mellow silos for think aim mans* to
room and to joatiot. - - -•- r-• -
Het CASTLz, Sept. 27,
. [Fnon TIM Ourrra et Sm. 25.
pia-nia Imitated by.tho CI: L.
IL of ibis Borough on Oc6 - 2.' puguklal• .b . d•
stony itd eb!lt affair. .
Oa Uond►y ever fog last fir. John Bedford he
from 'a Dee and epr►lcni Wi ankle vary boor.
Be sill ant be able to wilk Cs or Work of NW*
C. 1, - 11-Voi 7 -A conceive ;Irma taken up itiliSa
Pre•baterian Choreh of th 4 'Lynn' on Sunday
last fur the Imbeds of th. Avandais =Um.
TOe asacunt related Sli SS,
.. :
Reif7or Sreke —Herta ter !titian Sabbath'
afeTION 1 , 141 be held, isertie sad event*, by
8. John's Eagbab bitaeras NeliebeY
Arentlo. paler the pastoral, dune of Bit. B.
w•bie. • .
. .
• Cum Not. ff. Ilea
int:Pnies.i—As• our - .mos znosiost.
awry, to-ese Violet:et ettettr tee Deem Of
' rtlu t"tmr:llt,iff. wag ef Iltaderetr•ek r dee ••Dateb Jack cue, ,up to
Um end abuse bests the son ..larettbte
tdergite Um eta Ireatielbe maw titea teut opus.
ttle r Ltersge to- ten dem • besides cabin Wit
Mem not.% to b. moral by say ettea3 ow
Oar !witty Provident OM Rot Ape bleberultblif
largeseeleg Inner. Ir, be pettels So eiltrin
htuse'L tine gut Ids inr ami
deed eAred We. Ibe meet wee a taw
salt betwe Jostles &Mobley esill • Yr. .Ihttek aser•
sae ;aims aer toSkierk seder OW 0f_41110., 1
•• • Weeztaseez:
**Oiteirs'i writes, the Nahum Gazette
under: dais of Bop!. St, u fancies ;
The Telegraph' office at this ' place has been
istooitod from the depot inenThe RePPlicrilh, lo .
Thief; a epicadid move, ma it puts the ethoe Ca
to about the oentro of the. Botorsett. Luisa of
three4carthe of mile outside of it. Who nye
we ere not itoprorina f I hope the same entarpri•
etas eitie-u %bat induced the change of loca
tion to the telegraph take, will have put oa The ,
"People'• Line" of hank* to ram to sad .from the
dep*. In doing this, tO make it a paiing
tits backs should not rail ia the interests of any
panlGulo hotel. but beloade avlierti fay el ho
•s de ht bans 4 well es all forividereelducee.
The Co/Inaba' .coorty state riParted to my
bet still continue. Tut dbllll/odll, Q 0 the per,
of the awa have bee* dimmed sizeilduat.
the &inlayer' bottled of the fut. Instrer
asking their pat vial four Matti as at
Bret dratstak.d.- they WI now wIUI to mirk
provided the opershina strew to oa the ere-,
and Saimaa, aftlenit Ned evety.moeth. Wheth
er !heat:gestate of Columbia all do WS par
4intspoodezt knoweth act.
Bancroft; Bawls & who' wers on
terike" for the ' , foie-weeks pay; hare goes
Salvos k upon tiatted tenor, usaudy—pay tug
third Baturdej of the mont:ta..
- •
SIWATAILL. ' ' 1 •
• ' Bwarala, &pt. 29:1814..
Dory Jotirnal :-0:4 Monday, me 20:1 inst., a
God accident orcuned st the upper breaker of ,
'dm Boaters Palls Coal Company.. Albeit Pin
ky wee outraged in feeding tlot Monkey rollers, ,
and for someressattlett his foot les therapist to
push down the coal, and slipping; .lily toot Was
441144 in the rollers,-ad toe foot sod leg Wm , .
lily 'Mound to a pornicettp to thokute. It re.
gaited mealy throe Timm:sot an boar to Celesaci
bun emitter orbit& time be bore hie torture with
istonishion fOrttlade, wily semis Lug from time
to time that bo wool be all right when be Rot'
att."; The shock to hie eyetero,lioneroroires Ito
groat; and he died its -about an hour efts; his
retecto, and before Dr. Brandt, ot Treinnot,wbo
cad bank sent tar, conld_reschl Her was a'
'ocianLof gocdtbsracter, orderly, sober and in';
duetrtute, and was esteemed by all who' hewer,
him. Ills els &WM snowy revert see. Bel
wdl he buried thiaaftemmoes at Tremoot. „
. • fax 1
, , ...
. .. 0.,..gz00k.0..d.,) .
• g.',.‘,...r.3.... 6,-pt. m.
iii,..., ramose: —0 Pt D. In lout Ifeoe r the
15 h tOtOt hthe been let.Cdy tal.thfonard• to retard
tu the to. Clair theft. TO Pelt to tat ol , ple .a Potto
lOC* la tto style leedoe.elaeU path. (1 W.. D. sad
Ili ht.:ft - U.6. err; of eon•ee at hued, to It ye wman
they lOthee. bat I base kneel) of etontothlnth ay las.
idsettl.4e. , a I ml) U ate Voli 'etc .; fad In Ale la
oithe:••1 eta ilA•tl, ft. F. It. that it ii •• low , s' idea
lost.' :• Ta.:lSt. C alt That OA the • Ike, gth e , heal.
nese. hat aehthe nest trial II F. D. glees la .ereete
a... Itoneed I (MI lih•raire bribe • fele dayitheark,
110 . 1 , path newel the Lam,- and healed of the
lamella Aventine ten tooe'of been cosi; tbey *do not
@Temp ova soot tone-bait treeA leer) .ed tee dol.
lure O . )11 the only `hoof Ihd atthoesthaPhed the Air,
d.,.. *let that 9, Y..D. (se's NI Well elstad:shmt.
What Ur toe ea aecoooll4t oa eel tata days, voq
ta•t^ermoto oezta to aztOevoevery Arr. '), Moil),
wool I first the .tiler tipster phumeemthan to eta /OD
ono nh: bode h dated doll not, tie Ito nisi. bat 16'r
or e would =Leh 1011e7 ittlirg (Le f Cs PI foe •to th
d i
sorrel and WI mote .sch ii ism alie 'tamp.. P.m ,
• Liu will be dote if earn aid lia C 1131,8 ta pre
'rho firs of the matter ts. If u. P h *ante to tea his
a pat to It flu'._ (gore fl)c-IfeutchatCy In mat, he
onght 42 toalthe beneelf to the.trtoh ;'tor Calais y net
a detlclow nether I e Moot a lama.. :•
~ • 1 . • • • 111,10/ %RC
' i Sri
' IIIFER ire lour grate cv:iirgetagse.t
P titer, the Detoocratie•eatid!dale tor Clover
ernoW He got Irk:ilia imams& lu'Ptithidel=
ci‘escapii Ibu payment in Ctibin vm ! .
ty of da borough, poor, county sod school,
t.i. , •
Tha twee; million dollarer Male tile 'fb
': ,i
-loir'ng retry of property When be goy
atiraiies3ed in tte Stith Ward, Ptlladetratla
M 41 , gsic_r p ' ' SSOIWP
Moneys on jivertat 8,,3,0C!
B+l4fy as Vice Pres% untie L. V.:1L.1t.. 2,sto,
Two gold watcher • • • • 200,
• Is'imaa eapsWe of this petfy tottaaaels,.llt
tq be OJTerOZOT of Peeuylnbiat Lot the
hpneet taxpaylok eitizats of Peattiy!viala'
newer at the imitot box ia Oatober.
- -
jge Id Grenadines; beautlfel .
Roubaix. Lew e, d'reoeme, Lamo, o!gsaltio,
Jackal - las, Parettre, tie, ere.; at; cost, 'at Cial
laad'•;2lo Camp) serest. ' We are determined to .
cltru Oat our POW*. weelx. • . • .
• *
Thane csn ocarceiy any doubt that:we!
shall no; hays a thorough Nellie Railway, a;
roait that wi I tun ferry day In the year and
be free from the dangers orlon)* and atoret,,
mei! we hsve r built It through New 'Mezieb,
and Xtteunas! a'ong the 3.5' h usralle. They
Greet Trunk Ds tween li3 Feanelaro and!
New York must, It seems to us, tie in this.
waits country; for here snow rarely faits, and
the loot! wealth of the region will guarantee I
to the road an immense trade. ' Fax ibis
reason we loot uhon the enterprise of the'
Rause Pacific Itsilway. Bet Ault' in smother,
cotlitmn, se ote of material Importance Tee
Nuns. road runs through one of Li.e dehest
perm of the American contlnebt.' Ten yearn
age the plains span which it d bent were
abandoned to the Indian - sad Buffalo COW
they are settled by a bady 'ronulattoM, and
chasten of thriving toots. The fien is to'
be six. and • half intilims of Collo.; .It I.
'eff, by IL K.lesnp ot Co. Nod Fl.bney,
Morgan it Co two of the beat' helixes to
New York c pays 7:per emit. la gold. free of
tense, kiss 80 yee.ntio Me, and la secured by
a Best morgsge 'arra the ex crud=
Kansas PAWL; road to Denver, and a sem)
morgiga, upon the realms stoat and frau .
chase of the Whole rood, together with 11, -
0011,000 of 'acres Of !sad is Kite ms, - whieh
ats being sized for Ps developinentt, and, 8, •
oan 000 of acme in Colorado tad ICAnutt,
.whith ire Set apart as a slaking lend for the
pyfrient of the principst., At • time when
Grversiment securities are gel log eo high, it
would be well kw tbasebbidiag them to look
Leto tide new 7 per seat., gold_lewo, gut see
*limber karoold cot be s matter or memo
to tithe- Wastage of. the security which
theashmskOu offer. ' •
B. raimM & WILIOINI • advertleetaa4 Ia
enntlWtensita of MU Wan 'make far Its- ,
self. Toe doilies nn the teas of am beet
eilmati atm eneeke.voMmes to pm* of
Kodak} & tTneckilt beblia Barb for men •
and for Um ems at men, Roekbill
Sena to bele aerritleagtbei bean ma Older,
or MI Amy • eta lama after. Man of the
hippy Mak Meiatty are lode
pler itte Ira Mit tbe nes ead re of tee
bon d get Matt Mabee sa ' the ru g
Bahr, MIL Rid , sad me Gar yeariedme.
. Pere idelvar.., Lets.—Aatoog the steady
god ea ing tr , let i ty, have some
an ' anions that t N=l
adtalidina'. whomever will ' them
'lady. Among thpst the Peon Lanai Ws
IN comidatoss. sag desenediy act Organ
ized treaty- two yean 'am
qstetty , but steadily, the Resar Mutual has
earned . ' name for prudent management and
solid Worth of vrhicbsay company might be
proud. -
There are many pants of finer 'to which
the . nansges .lake plants la calling
attends's:4 and among. them, wa note
the • teonoMiCit le
ted ,by the wry low rate of expo=
era income, falling. as it do a below
ail Its.other cbmpanies ;,tbe rating of Meets
to, habilittes and assets to ammo are also
very valaater, I and commend the company
to' all Oho reek . Solid SOCUthy as a guarantee
orpretant and In erg safety. Now York
Immune Monitor,—
' Tan Gaup - Orestsci. —The open nit',of
the great Peelle Railroad was an °cession
of great snd wida.spresd Werra, and so
will be die opening of the pat Trade at Oak
Mall. On Thursday eat' September 23J.
Wanamaker dr Brown stakes grind
dlsplerettkeir s nem Mock, sad Wife: So it
tbe readmit of our paper. Tkapit who
-hate been present at Armee "Openings" at
OA Hell, know' now p levant these orici-
Ike, are, and know how well Ir pays .to
spend's while in
_looklng thron gs inch it.
stack ornew and Bak' elothhig. .
We call sttetitios to the "Ca'. of Z O.
Thompano, Merchast'Tellos. .908 Walnut
Milk% Pliiikkiplils. We' cis tatonosd that
thetas workutaaablp and desirable styles of
Ifs clot/ling suit every costooser:'.ud that
the most fastidious ate espeetaltr; 'pleased
ar ils
with Ms mode of Pantaloon Oinks, whit
k ikkkkaid et 4 *wail okiii• sate •
*Tit. ;-- . • - k. , ' 1 .
~, ~
, .
1 PAM !Agri Al D - 11/011111•Rie
4..niett J. Gin l 6.'lllol46w 'To& "filo;
Li soda at large. " •
.4..Ttei'Rer. W. H. Green, , the wife rola•
tate, ion beat found Oily of Murder let
the secs ad 'degrei.and stationed to, State
'Neon for rug, et Litchfield. OMR , •
.The lamas glee at Wald*
neer tbe z beid 'Atoms lake, hes been oar
ebseed-lne $25,000 by E. B. Earates, of
,Hrii(lictrd Oita** Pr..,wbetWoenott -
prove It as a popular summer mod. , •
putt; Hickaiee'tames - boa &fonds
with slettere on the chissuons, ;entitled
qlown Brakes," and in other on Belt Ltke
is !'.Do Profandii." ' • -
Lit irgrat itsow that 110 "Old
Eileen Boston Common ennived last Weeks
gale: Tide else hr 'the est cadre of Ahe
Ni 4 sad etwordieg to s sires:-dd.'epos lk
Is swooned to 10» stood far is saksows
QPilltin s Wet of, Palmy % Nerds"
ing s avis t lakeathrewcuateri of s
leg sad tram caw wiener to aswielf
Is some portkios of akkh Ike bate";
haCterive leas speeded. It hr no Wet sr
oast, aid WSW with eseellest SA. -. •
quits D. (Aslver, sikasetteta hooker, &b
-eta oi liaturdr) ill, hiking witk. kia
AG Woes* to several basks . •
The How Gum - 1 0 . Patten; ti htgy
shloplog menbps oil( ail* died
. -1 7 * ARO at ' the art, of eighty two
4.. The iietr. Oasis Nemeth; ei Bow
as, bast erewed,s esti 1w New Yolk and
pr4eW.. his Liresadi stems I Nab*.
ss earrespoSasst 'into minis ell &Dom
aga *lamle kassetthassar t list .10
is is Iseetents awoken-lad
sheisallat lie edam love Waved lib*
'ooosee foes eibris di? tsis t y •
Basiati OWOO Uri tWisisid old kg*. - Is
big 8 0 6 4061 Mille% es
tta Ladd ikst
the teadleasisse -yr • Nawas :latilvel
'lto* atidataliol boad*6 d
W0H4 0 1 1 01 1 11 1 01 1 1.7' . . . '
liteirsblireia Ilitiafer;Ceatrild
Rana aim threw Censai. corierres. N0.11f3
Chaalluit y • Plidadelptila.—To" Ital lanai .bus
ptldntsjfiu =lto.pproach Olio stactlun fat Or ,
mot of tho Stale art Judd* oft Ow eapisuso Camt
cab upon es to address yoa.. •
01.1bousb trallnal to Ws odleinii;
may bora ant Vet bound taws I LIM 'and nerd*
aa lasportaal haws= bersaftez nti tba aidlidea add
deetlay . td this Lasko.
Armlet' What u Inderdetrierirer to ninon loin ,
votes candroor -Is the same Tiontreratle
glossa tettlad web enrerarbeladnaly repodlatad, by the
people at the lad Prlialdwaital ceettlat.l
.. It boa dirtied torso( ha pain( ad reterdied
noir of Itabeselloo. bats ao odious today to all
loyal Waste It ha bathe lasetedow.. •—••- •
bona/J.lqm auto mono ibo itstipillota. sad edam
by anotid 0.18.10 read In mats teat eloeuna Valon
obi& was orineoted by it: blood of tror futons :
Xortbrrix wear iptTe all tbliner.exty...i!d and - won. 1
tues 0 be.lbbendon lYat lt dead. ny myna+ tow fn
an auto eadataucsal Coosentfrat, and by ti y.deo
of fns amber; boor State and Na looat,t.taotataroB
Want all Dintwidlkait and Mita timid ly /wit atra
teMdllts atreagtliea the are. lathe liatkohlGasaas.
'moat la Sta itala to crab lb. 11,bellna.. •
• Teat part, &red theerptantlaos of bar ttaniasald
eallliusis of iol'are of the palate: snowy, and la the
mlay and* ot limn data Qat Le atm. porn*
doers aathinat le:hoary. • 1
1118 inmwrant,hr toe blood of hall entllkai Of
loyal nits nar4Jkad ta adott , ci traidr out lb.
telesailess,;o4l tar wonathi and "nt Ash.
trade otiliounandir gore.. I
thowlsis Ish rtfullrlbla tue wa atsa anid kettois poseily Of
s nrado istd , Una
ANN as Damara* bards cidldnia wad* ,
10 tat Wawa." Coawasibao the leorthera WWI P -
Wird tbe lhanhont'llobels to Metre alt. National
ahnnatie platkria and potte7,:. cod ha ay illa_takaK
to Mao= Übe sea lamme bawit'imi cot yet CWllisila
tithe blunting Wolters patriot&
Thal part] Is la ',Tar CIVN vide easueervaie
Polly two as when ha Vice. Posldetit, Dar.l l l B Bd la
cfallnit 100 , mend Amiricia . =miry . awe.. Wit
yellui sins. I
It talon drartiadreaadigtoo or tba =lota dabk
by Pt7tna LantderratAtcorlag bonds madam able
gold watt kid swab'. es. len beating no Water. Bad s
nbleb. Rum r lholro =MR !mild berms aa troablert
eauttosatad paper.
omen a as us candidate kr fliorcetint. Vs man.
thoroughly liapregnated fib all time aboartaabbe
brrodatt. wto., Orman nob . baptise the. ammo pm lad
Witatirel Amy era. WA. andel: women*.
oat Was wed attar ibasosyman t Or taus, and
throtwettirle tat of Ina cm lb. Stara visa
share of Me bank= ed Statilhduits left be. 8 147
boated to ben.
aim d On at.batanateln wilt be
"clay In tba bards of Vs tataart•—ta ape handy of
that anienarlons not of sok tro wall am.. to tie
Kate and MOND .1 ..lbe tr,ffiie I s m Kilt." who
bars pordeLesdav (Tyre( t• s isolate 4wjaw,
bY whores's tottileot talaranistkai • PROM arld
fraadailltlet election retina% to dodo* the Una Cl
Ina olentlso ha , ttite.
It PIIMat•••• !teed 41141.11 e tar isit Id,ittrar jallel4l
terlx age 'Mogen antnoiro - lb& "Aaiun. and
urbusii twist tspaticnae render* "iiha usable- to
grapOt;,verth the g eat'quetiorm that am enentnnatO,
pewee ted 10 oar oopiener Conn
Oath tore. our ay. are lot eathliii to Ibis flipp.ort bf
loyal and Intelligent freemen.
On the rue,. band. an aware tta Mph:leen
poi. Lithe I:otty 01 totally, cf ett.iatora to the Mena
fn tht rtabbe 0411 taaa. -
It .land :10e, Owatroment. In 'the tone of iii
ontest a:ON:alto. Its young men 'teat to the•
battle l 4 sOd not rod up net. hers In detour of Ws.
vorrity of 113.8'1:abr. walls hi opponents maul it
home Lai irJoko to Rohe stet , iteri '
Its caollahate. yawn the ere 43. 44 the ilkswinesent
Vu 'aeon.: affront op their *told: to warp ri rut W
ales In dot dell, and to pa reide bwldttil* fAlb°ll l k
1.411wv01..1 . 6 ,nn , far the ecoldif re, hod dad
10. on. tor ale cpratetst. al d rm. It. void wr. lad
to -
latu...eMlß 1471,K de .4, And 1. new, In•the *aro
r 88 .c.7 18 . O slaw, • t h.lf. mt 01401.
tan L e t a f 11: 6 41 , 1"14 10' otil.lll dosed not
• •
WowWOW' lb: duly rf an enirli•enell to romoot
•to provide C.lnthl - coentungetitrus of lbo frdtts• of
tte Pcni4o. On. none: d tooffo L. prevent undo.
e'; tiro 030 a r" tabor :Puller cututrUn
tritt, OA. 'our the Aco...fleon Clasen. • ;
R•conl'ot- thn p Um. d f,Pb of Ike Got vr.rot
he rt.4t varzidoblizel,m It tut retens, nd thst tYe .1,17. e aictot bree ott , agreed
tp n, nt.ll ne oa;d leg Id Io the bur. no:tar.
' In too • t• ati•it 11! ailintontratl , .a !t hoe reCrestra !le
t • tpr pave bt Cl•rntrAllic ..Sete.
boirts; by reit the perone• .and
n rs
btry•ttue..a. in tei., 'o,lhl-.(
r. ckx. WM,. or doVars e r4.1”..0
. Ovto, ti
• oNt tS tl
e.m. eney, and onto lb, ``.r'-1 ett
P , Pote It., nOlionv 'three '
Groono n; Ittro !n toe 'Mon adonntit
ttotn.•; trolet .Itltifol n•on. c inent f .terskt
aty, : tt boa p:111, E.. s of.! CP pro al coot
M. .1* I:3l,brvocit :o, d btn!elkeretttto pto;.t4 tot*,
sI toutk,n real Mater cllttant torpna4o..•
' Ikon Am LEL; p•y c pia a ; l1 iota . the Itipabgetin
.1 31 ntY• •
~- - • ,
• As the reprimustailte of thou prlneigres. we pee
lent.. 44 lto fooltill r candidate f r (toreros ttie
outtoman and patriot. Jain W. Only. • Ile bierkey
la known to Inn &II- We netd • 4 ripest It. B.
lallitioy' o zoiloiLi are wrt lea 'on tbe; maul Okla/
Gusto tut 'be sir kris of Cbutiltecim. ; Illoy are In
scribed oaths - ridges r 1 our Glen s'ont. T 4l th , Pro's'e
of wansioinirOst the tonsils of Ittnogold and Mkt.
ehmset Ridge, and stems the elunds on the blibla cif
Lookout ViAnotate I ' -. •I
Ile reaee.4 service in riot, battle., nterlsed fosir,
woulde and w ri t hie kLiort aet La this' service of his
Ile bar beet namely tees diatturalth:idas a a'_4 0-
man, led Id td* 1ift444...e, id:Airmanwl we we bio
dented kir lb. , prevention of truly sad acme., end
nneoneflittil 7ifie legislation. and for tie' pethetionstit
of• suds:eta noon a Imo Itmet eanctilli• 1 0 114 WOO
allowed toeseinst,• .... I
la /edge Wotan.. ire pet ate ante and accomiir
Dieted DidA,Siotai Imo Mt °sox on the Brun- Ind hid
a large ittulearled.etterlenee. and Whites - nronenna
d vistatio, sawn le I ny ih s trapieste Cowt nave brut
ri cotton:4 by ; Alit tone° a' u being mold law. - and
ea teed u. 4,4110ter went. of ma filgh nom tent
tkuu. la Ws bands the tights, of Unt pi intone
will he
, . .
'fie electfon'of thus two acs wlll- • of Gtal in
pieta., e tolbil tieople.. tw o
will derany - kbe thimani
tensions Sod Peameloor 4 th•Demilemte. P ut '.
we's Atom's in& cod. ion r fainted.- It slit ta
eeblle -
the propelityof_,lbe gook ea an eadub• twig. .
Wey eabo:t tiny fiend of gunk* renabllcantata
to awl Ist the frontal a rote for Gray aid W I lama;
D-t n ewe I nit e solkitht. 0, not let en apathitte
trin .1,, te render yin cue° el 'in *GU ens-lc:no et
sithrt to not a ruere prtrileg••; bite dear. 1 .
Pecidatber LW,' • elart on •of Garr will nivel:lo
an boast admki.istorian 03 Rate. adits. while Ma
.e'ertlon et a Elan ebo evades the naraient of bir
Taos; weld be tinkly to be Ms advent to pmu Of palm.
Renteamer, too. gat the present entel' leio stay barn
gn Imo °tart :blun, on the west Predderdlat elec.
Ron.i and if Putorylran'it itsonld'alOw fall tams th e
bards, 61 an tdete Old t. erupt Democracy, It ms
tiro e.lbe .nent Natkmo AnalskUittlon Into th e y
t oweir'ofoete li• fri e truer* and, 'limitation.A fall
lirlinthilcui sire to a full Republlcso °intim,. , •
• Let roam patriot d t bis duty, and all will be well.
- -.J.ese cevoos, .
I . i ; ,
limn Iletith. Sts&l. aral Ltattiattlea.
• , , •
Le he Mr congieitulet,l _
3, • ‘ . t
• the Is t iht , belt . _
ok. '
him '
i p eaki tre , ry bet
Thi , teeiviattlizsem..rr
- .
the tea ani Oldent. Epash?l , 44‘.l Cotbb* Rowe
• of Phals.ietplia r •
•PY Loh,- P"erit, arta Ail of their
Wale r e .n rill' relict iv, rat trey haft.trutite - tri.
imp!. Vrraipr.r t SLUMP": an to.mitagie bt . ratr-it for
Lt. mulct • • e . . r•
t •
-LL: . •
to .i " WILSON
',liarr tail iu an of be moat eeflO•
eh'e [•r tt.• hutll 04 Muecenn Mat utrto.• and
rotrylem IghtorcAna, from uh eh they Ito> crioat
tetpruttut':i flot, .. eft.t.r rezoy-snace or to on
der Lbr.Nlrtr.6.l.t-ible nut.'re, •. , ' •
:• ; .
ROOtlitttdt WILSON'
fr,ta tart' oarroand;at C 011,1114
Tm••••, Caw. a- 7.1 a et • to rail at them Ottitar
BROWN latrta IULI. S 4 sad Ma atillataL"t
lama, war" tat, wilt Oat wpm natty to aa'oet.
Vat aboo-ante a tt'ogsat Fa lt at paw, at tor.•lptitet
lhaappy•rts • Ith• us town. . •
Gifet Bro7n Stpne 110,
ElO3 'and 45 cIIESTAII sheet„
. .
irs3kaami sivripaisiwo. '
With Roptoro or other SPhysteal Waskoess* ars ht._
slut -110 , 1 0 1elphts. ,aao st C. B. WILID- 1 .
LEW (tees. No.qs4 Twelfth W. tel. ROM to obtain
wpotr ?Mon. &sow Aspoortara, it. A lady at
magyar:vs:dirt* this departswat with prolsestoosi,
Ittsailhatloos suds and allthtiquydrhaseass,
Ice nolspeor spOtted.
C. R. 14gEDIX3 gtves 'onsoitat.athrstios to mile'
Cs at hie &Oka Cot 15th Sod rtaor. Sta. PAIL.'
Ptit ittesolvs issothar W Ibis *metal
of IllothsalosiCeossales loges totetat sod •
Warmest . . (8411211Thall Boma an craed4
. hums gt . ;1/ ;
OltiSlativerta Ileirtnas awf.tlfaunaplana elloger, r
la of doable etiiihrth, sod the ova' Doti lateaaant
Johann Wages to the inutel.t:tharefore the only or
tole t 0 b pelted Vows of Oak, Cholera!! rbol.
Dlnaboa, Diem ballgeolpn, nazi's:to of
phut. of Water. do. le.
AM for flollowaVa and take DO otber. A half ter
eCuotsfal of It Y Wire than equal to trtmla . . .
asap Oboe Sold by town* an( at otakesaea
Ray coats pet bottle. • Abtolent Hoiloway.
Out, OKI Asch Iti Phdlattalpitbt.:. • , •
Cillitireu Opp OneligaMoirgeria iteiirrage
the, ars ato dalkfilas. Tha itie.tora Sad another' Do
they are tbeatostaati awl cranial afflandy . e* Owe
puts kir VOLUM The meat Imo the alignehsee
of Oa peturhatonten the armour offoeltlazj Twits.
Rata:esti per hon. Oinataa,, EhaticompAtaosdol t
Andifit.,, Rona. Jon 0.141.-Cll.lalf
r ITIOH I 1T614 11.. ITCH If I
ociarcpt sasaroa is sasaavat
maTiemir rayel'ira.
1111rIlessipipa dmii Malt Itheins.
Wbeamoses eissaresi ens .11reellter.
ilrbevuestalkleurras dna savilper% Itch
awes 011,111orre. .
unisiumay• 1 111uumaten eaves Ihrlary Wad
M II : =liter ie. •
vim a 111!6 . iht
. rersai; . by al Snetesta. amen. W-11147 •
sanni ir co., Ag. A...
, •
. ,
, . pan onamk.'
Ealooldorod PFsns amd Tat;
1114n!Claroicil, in Gftt. Volosi •
mood mod thlt.
Illkidow %OW, from hied TromelDr
its• window nodes.
limit fi s t lim's Patent apette Balsam
Muth ratareo4 ivxabesackes47,
qirtilithii i ; De:gnaw:4 aoi;
Tigiorti.fteut Chi l i*,
i!iwn some , •
Illisisrift, lelsailremi
IND agerg i kg .1.-IYDADy V: D. Natal,
DR OW Ibrk thitiuggimitAre lbakikOshmit,
go. Ilgaragskimease. - _ .of .11111&•
WOW INADelkkg, Mk omm*
.......... gag , Ike limbed UM ent IMMO INIMIMMISOM
1 8. 0 4.4 WhlMlllt
1111 . fay; • - 41111 ildi7ll,ollo-11%, •
a ziag Um
BRICIRT.& Ageous.
• MAREIIinLI - EUXIB . - '
Dietepatti Rad aosattutito t ar . the hardy belt at
the rwthat, aultabbehatertath, and with than came
=area,' haattetw, bear:bait. sad a Min a! wash
diaawat. iferabillollatr has beast prepanat with
atedal We/awe • to thew ataatitatlowil ' traataa wt
imam, of oar aviarpnea, toad so far der pa -.
aim tam proved a dealol eaten. 'I he prowl ton
.li nt
Jett Utah lb =iota eadlag it talw alter the tri -
tartince of roma they are' hat taltilithg aha a
dial towards the gtheral otaatentti..-reratke irela
. •
• , ragg D&
2141,11111 ARA.* co, •
• Druotiers. Prowletors.
1301 ..V4IIKR7 erratum PHILADELPHIA.
111Er 8 old D 7 Dr. W. II Boons,sci motie IL
Jasow7 x 5.69 • • • . 417
pcatmps ADVANCE...-
As sic* SO ID lr9Cl. Llsr. 7 -4 1 t.g tr 3 be et utility hu
tr4rehneet tad lii merhs endonet by public opts.
bor.snirrinoled peace in Wire to rept wish their
- depleted perm by kocurbrefarez. ard - aabrtbatteg
sporlons toe the rasher ect'ele-, Noire Uwe Curie
Iperrowf.hithe WirreArto of this. powdfoie, *e. woo
Veen for all diner's of the itontaar sad peen while
waltire wai flea, adagio:Waived fw the cbllL~. At
length LlOSTVentid 81 . 011Ai./1 wade'
- its aeveat sod aa lanky nose apt= Irtliest!ngwee
Inseetorabed. Tao' bessacal el& es of ibis Waage
:paparat'oe mania* ocoin aelorowleeced, and animal
ponoes 'offered to sitar Iwo% that Obscurity to larch
so eiTherten44 ass has toastAsid fleas bare
been many spatioaa Smarr palatial upon as eonnen
nay: wLRS . af.wr trial , hues been bind perieeti •
iinahhase while BokrILITCR.B Tea 'firma a Ws
War thowenli: who ow., to it 'their resiar Was la
heshb. •
Pot may rev we hint watched the steady *o.
.nreie of 110STli ITILR•S Qrosuce innres :In
pablkestlesntloo r end its beige:est 'effectaille • arra
kw an e renown!" weather from the Meer eb. of a 11201%';
bit nature. aid we are free to try Wet it ear to re
lied siren we a eero4o telt( and ireciedy. "Its rope,
ekes bare Wade the above preparation. after 6611 of
-weal Mid, anti ailing. ant ire now. eaptc4 the
!weard clabWed by this vidorinfo and shleb
they so richly meth It Is the only preperafon of the
hand Una fa n 11104141 In all our a, and It Wien fwe de
'mud. the lit:whoa of hbe adllaed. eo-tt
: 1 ,
IV Flesa Pirsalltyierlito fitstieb. Tatra eel
i11ea 2 14.44. - O &nett.. I. J. W...Seetisea. Ita.tor.
Nitstith *esters...Nitta:Out. 101 e 0"..1..e1t: //seelac.
1M 10e.k. Sattb.s.b ltellool-4 ovine:. I'. N. Prayer
latering—titibbreh Oli ockd. I.ectree—
Tbaneley ercelnz. '
Pastioes; No 'to. ckntx.. street.;
[lf Mesterei 'and cittzcos dfally
Slsris heartily welcome. Recta 'will be molded
teemtey all se):to. will be pleased to sliced cit.
:A the perste... -•. .
_ .
Rani ht. /,utkr , n■ Clout*.ii—ret: D. t.rxrx.
!hot., SObrh , b :Herviekv.—Yrearnin k t itt,rairlF 1.1
ID wriock: evreint •t 7,. tttbNialr et•hrut
Thpr'eli ro'd prover at 73i
Tai -d,) rrcatcy,sllnta MetUng )vir 10.)C1.
lilll Oth, r rrl•et.+ar r zenrhico.,
p‘tpirkwr. and true:, puhltc luvite4 Lott
r 111.," C's - angel/rut Cb.mtrb. Caltmrktll qtreeL,
L. 11. Liont.., presch German •••••
Szne..l9 nuAlnOnz' tt 10'0 elOck, said - Eng/1A t.t.r
irrcirr .11. 7 yenek
_. . •
•IIW: Union. Pienerr ]Meetl y
'6101n11.4. from ex t. o'clock, In the Imo Ctn.=
an etreit.beteecX Market and Norwegian bte.
Alt are Invitee.'
• itlinierceind Pairsibrierliim tiburele • dete
trgolsirg est,' litbbiuhatt 1 X A.
13( P. 31 .1n tbn C-tincil (lumber. Old learind
char& ' , Motet Mutt. argltaited.
gee, (reel banibuntbool. it P. 11. • ! •
Cr Vine Chtinb (Eullett). ye t
et . between Mint iutd•Poortb emir, Res'. J.
A. llorrimerg — PUlor.- Verviebi every Eunday it 10
A. AI.. awlP. 111: ,Etuts Gen., •
lintituth Saved IX P.M •; Lecture and AnuerMeet
teg Tituragny evening. 7 (Mut ; Catubitimil Clow.
Prnisy ',tiling- at I' Oritglt.l Prii.torn study In the
plumb nniiiiine.
Iltreet. Rea. A Dines.. re. Pottle Pret.caltm AO,
bath enemas at le tre*k, old le the - eve^ leg et TX.
Rabbet ff &Zoo' meets at - 2 o'clolck. P. M. Puler
/fleeting every Imelda Teeing at 7..44 o'clock. Cato
likened on nabhatti, after m integ service, on Tann.
day afternoon at a o'clock, and on Monday, Wednes
day. Thonolof lad IPridaY events( at 7y teeleelc..•
Cl2 - 1111apilail ltahantooto St., Re,. A.
R. Illettemen., Pastor. Reeldoeee U 4 Noreettlen St.
Pres.:bine deery Sabbelh flyi o'clock A. M., and
Beeelock P. Y.. '
'BoatbiScbaolerery SabNaik afternoon. at 2 o'clock.
,Prafecineetfod every We - dee:day evaulata at TX
Bible Clan every ?rids) evening. it TX o'clock.
, All we eon:llan, Invited tokttend -Snag free. '
'A /I%oa:rise. Arograt maw be, dminiiminged MA
ants to wpm' fa as Joaimat, - . •
HALL tY—BßACHT—Onl•taulty eyco`siz, /Vona:
-1-7414- - 14 , 9. by the R. Ttiebyd Tomer, ILL Jaya
Aux, u• to Way 71• c I._ nark raanalt, Duch •
' ' •
' •
BUYER—V nte.4.)it Ehatday. kso. by
It e_Rer. Dani, I bt*.ct. Vti11.1...i,1 11. Bort* to
Yln VornA Vtot.z. body al
Shiapie. eitareoterinents eretie. re. nolle •
aeopeisiod oularnericre, dm" siwat Kpaid jltr at air
rite or 70 ost• per Una.
• DEDPORTi, lk•atifeber %ilk. Is a. " tau of
Ge eg, and Elko Bo tfard, aaa..l. P. 4 "earl atid If dap..
-11fuae.a1 .I m f noday ;aff.,rooms etS
frat.e.a. from the reCdenal of tits psraiata, NS
West Nuke t etfe,t.,
', •H• ppy ar.t; 'ty days ars sided,
• Al ,_!.67 sodding dap below: . •
HOINHH—Ost tbeld'b halm, at Yt , Cebam CwaaLes
Haws*. aged muatio and I t days. - ,
f . e Grave* , of She Dc .. r1.7 .
soawk GiAy sr; ibten.Ceotiti'amrdi
• -4 , : o :.
, •
The haze erect nt leathern atil Isreeiteita
Pis!. t eirialnewtral •11 ctrl
O. Utr
mo 4 Qmilmrs'vAtiruns..i.mtis,
WE ittri, Pollit, GAL•
viNizgu sc., •
IP tow off led ter woe ar growl, wdae-4 rakes,
fam eurarlitled to,rrdoG. my stAytit f tn.
t,I wort a th!o throe mow te that
Hero I. row a 'chance ,opet to le{ a good
Normand cheap. ' , .
P. F. ainartemowN
T ,
o Cp slalom Cot toolteak ral cat rts:—Wact
aanatkno sa Clerk- or to hare charge of
meal, Bar has leis years *aped, Me, Goal, eferer ao
ertn. Abirras Box 378, Potkielllo PU. Pr.' 'V tr.•
A Bz. u ur c lt Awpit mart (.4. LArnse.,m s ..
11 '9 11 _,,,_ WM , P ' j f ar e 1 1,2?
asonatarnt of Trare4lng Rat. bey! -7
4" ic, tsi. ts•
A.l.—Porwinnt to
nitaaordef of the, Orptoor Court of rte Con.fy of
Dolob , a to or reonsylimnts. the athect per, Adam..
!WOW of the mare Of Hudson Raabe. late of 'ta
Boennah of FinettloO. 10 ILO Cooney of Ikbarkll,
&Thal, Itill'eno sato We by, poalk sownle,;;
OR OallawoOon Oeladaer 110411. 10111111.
Alt 10 olelcetda Itni foranwe. oo the modulo. l lb.
County of Doaphm, Remold All that Certain F IRM
and TRACT RLablak chute la the Toe. ablo of Ea..
Hasinor„ la odd County of Onarda,lo Mansda
lantow On m Rasada O , and striae tolls
Rao lianhboria Mani aforesaid. deowthed at follow.:
Bonded 'by lard* ct ORLI= Elogbes, E. 6 It . B.
Gra*, Tboataa Oyer and othen a and onsialnina
.acteo and Oa 'pertiva, moon oe by. with II e.apnotdo
smolt en., WWI of Twordorv.Log Dweller Clouse,
sat law, Darn;llo :413 feet. 5110 other Im
ae .LL Uwe dotal*. of 1/1:10001 , 1 HUORICC,
Term tad C . :maniocs load* knowa at he
tlw thao and plow of sal. b 1
WY Byaedee of the Llowet.i AdmObtrator.
gandamit, SI. IIC9„ !WINO, MI la-at
-Crieenwoal Nursery, Pottsville
lve• have IM IMf MAR APPLE. PLUM. end
CURIUM" TRW& far .Pall Pleetteld inehrestneffte
chants aind.ot trait milahte alonwe, timeof which are thhe rEd ano beetle. Many of the
lege tome tenet he Memel sad will be told these
Alea. AM/MI TIMIS for till 'net and ma.
vaairrs. rack taikewayiptece JialpeteAmerfeas
Arbor,Yitete. Ate •
Tire Bandied Cheleti Chary Teem saws kw, fa
ae A
C le itte.ta as they mast ba removed.
ROkll ItillOrtameot . ol lIMAPEa Inetudirg
Delaware. Concord. Jena. Diteel , twirls: elm, the
new Grams: Muth; or Whtte Unatenk eel Dr
(lmre the Streit% whkh tepees carnet
Foells at, oftlflalfOoD NLIZSXIIT. PotterMle
Tullps.CroCas '
And ow mironta romerter Leib* Whored by
Ran Doused .
_'Tiptoe who tee More Bugle Is WOMB
loM ,Str reg. eamitted beet, saw anythhet
Idlt• these bete*.
Por plebs the Moils. 4 - aen,, or biII:MIST& MOM
'dimmest media to tame whlaTerthem Mena RIM.
ravoir MIIIIIIIMOO6 rantuity. •
The Use for tramplemeg time le the Pall ream
from the middle of Octobo, tome middle of borent',.
ten. eayodloa to tte same CI the weigher.
To jp6ittfactureis.
ihriftto. raTuni' I WTI.
11111111 NO sol, to *o<4 ,ost appftottloo to the
andarstgeol. b. lo •
I';eventire of ales in &tern Rotlies.
'rile% .I.lllbe faia4krd arm DOLLARS
C ar se *ln se! rhatte - to make and ma UN mar
EA cil .Bonsm. •
•71e tauferlfli . for sr Aim the "Aarrta.sidixe.
NW soovlled M at. if 4111.1 , 1* ukw
Illyaals tor roantica, bum or whar =7.6
aft s!lIq tales , . . •
• DEAI. IN ono, •
42 Eketi Ddayeari Amu., PAsTadelpia.
:9PEC:IA.4' 4;Y:fp USCENOTT.
. .
-- ALA . & II
- t '.
, t^l, -' - • i'• .. . . el.
in - -c•- * t
ta. ' - - i• -
. .
002 Chestnut Street,
... .174 4 , 4 / 0 1Z 11 7aripatia. savoy MK art lan
an Zatireqfew Sbxt,
itiiadvoidia ind :Imported, Ooods,
*maim to ANT Illt• liar* M3ll
milt= Tlllll3lluo,
tu t= pm, Prim ip is* lago4
PUGIJECCA LS•IIICa lato of tbo..Boooogb of ar:
.olgotiorg. Coont.Y.` %grill "
Oceo `ranted tbolinderolize4—lell pomons tatiebt
od Lb the mild is..tto are estoostid to l isi toszent,
cod Mow having dela* *Rah f - moot'
thus olt.boat delay to , JaZill LUela.
Oct t VS-4344... - ' Ondtobtot. Pa
11a Um DlN.riet Cosi. *Jr illiii•Vislied awes"
. Owe skip Za*tenni Alfatofu af AFereasyles. - -
mufti sPitiscan. arostraroisli cilthsentae.
Fia,Goini cootty. fadblithrally. and as . 41 Mem* of
the late Aria r f MRCS e, hp.ricris, , aye or ,
Jriagnill.7Blo4 Beebesot. Mild :
petitheeedbad` Id. the
a antenna of °eda..
, erill be on +the Seri day of Cktober, A: D. Pe% -
et lb Aitlec. A It ..betafe }l5l seer JOHN' P. 10..
it \ftT. let lee 1l 1, Vatart Clc.l. PrierriDeiPa a b e d .
axelatee , kat'ol self Reolfropt beef be Se •
TI e lerafrr OM certify inteuber lb. Barduapt bee, .
means* bra dot,. A: bestir 0111 0111 a'.'pn bellad Olt .
W 99 . 2 . ll eid‘f.DeLobet Va. JED, I , eV, Ware the Dead
Ptiledetada, 010 oticmll..k. -ki... w l4 O 1 3 . 11 ,141. hi.
.....easee *plait 1114dInilitve. •
Wltato th e Dam Jot ti Clidiy*lt'aet Ades;
.tad teal of the Coal' et ralledelawa the Ma
• dey of Seat.. A - D..1.401,'..„Ii:OX, Qat.'
~ AI vi— Ica* P. Mai/00 C• 11141% •, . - , • •
- • $ l5 . la . _ , •
or' ,um D • • alum
1 - 4 Lettere Of Aeminlattlitor.. clef b • 'ollon4
Irma the meats onfolse gemaevlvte Oita
ot Stoneville. te .l litt. County of acitalkll4,,nleneetvi
ktve bent retard he Ito i Wagon of sole for Pale' ,
loaely. to Ka, S Srltonliao, tfe So- 4
hat ef )111r..envil.e. aka pod; t kre %cola to rata
tv• an reqleelvd to toot, lentialete likttailll,"aul -
all panto, Dant g calms,* dmootle aoleat ID e , a yi
once. are ;novend to wake luiavo.tlmj MSS - WU- , •
oat Way . to tre veld to
taratnx. '-- I .
. • SART 13. wlTT,lESAflt.A.thololorawx,
11floenntre. fine 14..119 ES
FOIt SALI;;.*;r11111.1'.
VOR S 11.1: -4 !hat taiti.a4;•ted ‘tartiaaa Apra
11 - at (kw ral Tiros 010.tri 13 Octant *tree t..Patta.
' Vell-404/
ILLIARD "Anti! FltIL 1 11 / 1 A16 2 ,41 ( 1
LA , LAN 4t CpLIANDIW BIMINI "I'o4 - fa offm<l
for ell« thesp.. Poo ben let MU* ti.e4l . Apply
t a;" nviaT GU PROLPlteimiTif Pi
von •starti......t e ccicieveitcotlin ("tel.+
r mavii to me etett'etore. Ire ofae foe t the atOka.
at present oceajotedM cm. to rut . ' rut jam of
me lore . Mtn Aped. , Ult. ; • '.- '
Caa,s.l WOLTIIIP , I .4 kt.o.. -
110Ceatre St . Toys UZI Batldtag, Pottiottet Pa.
Ottat 21. VT •- . - I - : ,' t U tl.,
-"Ten Acres Erto — eg4._ ..-- •
- it.i fibsle Fettebtit tase, 're the ii.zikabni Rat:
roidniu Bies.l4, .14 mute. for sere bY
H. C. 81314.1ZEt, enc.:ter teeth/teem " '
led COTIII Street. Totterllle. '.
Nth! t -
1 0 te h . l.B.—Ttattttl. faint' tht, 1000 'ehr e ,..Tf
seodtan4 to Le - beton Constr.( MI txthee em,th
7r‘iTe, abwg the hue II the Lehttee a- and Pte.- •
Belltestl tta Vtaher to prinelktd.7tatik
IghttON tat: Pietwt le,,ht..
W. OIS WEIDYLIB: Uht ;Pore P. 0 ,
t. It .ett ßß t..r 4bince Plc
ro el
rly to
or to VI
Vegi PlA l l.l6.—•,'P`ann -? tt tpn !nevi who 0 h ...
4wo4cronta and nocic. wage' on. SOO lowcf }be
and Suoquebanea ftoittowl • 14 tall , ' from
tioviiin.• leo acre of theism:lan nwiteppati-lo Atom.
73 "news
re covered City ctustnutespiplUp -14 teat
7:7•oo•ll3.!iohich onni'd moic eOcell•ht emi3 twiner— Z.!.
3.3 et*, ong touted with heavy. 073-"er. The impture. • a s sabatulld to•noe, a mop Owl.. tutu, •
out 11133.00. had a new ens mill.
! ..wntec peortt.—
S:.,ct wololoto hurtwk tine, grain, hav,.oill ten,
Toe pree • otilteol con' be .7 oahood
fn in t ont•er T. two .50 r A1;414'10
JOtIN N oIIEAREIT. F.on!riey'3. tioAlcl4it P0t,011.,
ntin P 171071.18 G. FA1NC4.3.17.,N0. 7.4. i Ventre nit s
ionteolito •• . • I Aognot 1,•• *69-
) 7iory lirick...,llliitabldygo St: • ,• -
neva .101.9 Frick drcrlE or* 0111.!rivq.. ipp:y
Jam 1. 172 1 ' 11 'll
VA lin pole co ILR.. - ' licate•in liartisy
L Video Colfay. rootalLtax . arm:lr leg
slung thn north flank of rents .'rata, 1 -Abont. Iw
rat are ui.der crAtivaii — aolis rat ,itoilet is r. Med '
"ninth Data timber of Whnii•llifii• .Stsl.lo.', Pine; sLit
Hli korpl - The dsrsliirsir bni•o3 bll taitory Gins,
wart, haror. a Bank liani-10.134, nearly new, ape •
atever failing spring 111 , •fi the INnie..wnp spin g •
bean*: smarritatareepausdria the Isrd '—
It IF si stijal neighbolher irate • within wisa of
,baretx.o, • .t . re, *fourth WI; ery.'reatili *hop:,
&c.. and' ne.tavein vigils, Wien Trls pro seas :I*
be veld eta vary ion prlee. and on essi '4nreos et ory. ,
te,•st W clan an estate. Paiaaisialon
Apply,to.the sn'aetribeer. ' • , • •
JOHN YOUPP.Ii.I Zuvatcpi,-
Po!tnille, Jabs I. 1 - 7•111 • . SS44 f k •
Orr:l y ric' FOR,II . *Is T.—A
ply to Lg.l47l;te'(777l4'iti:'-,H Ap.
• •
BIENT—A t.trate aalthiesattineLt at:
F tubed, Ng. 137 Coatra Meet. Polarilte :
-• -194.
• V OW RUNT —Two Otte.* to' Rtifero (M c;.
• Butidlog. corm? Ititrondlold'Alibontoogo otrepta.
loosesfamApril le; 'Apo!, to HENRY' C. 'RUSSEL .
rest 'Coate Pror.t. IR Ihhh.satimmittn.Q 13kr
',Tett IS A11.16.—A Pint:clam Whhi.4l..b Colliery
in Yoh woe Coal Pled. leisn Al • years to inn ;
A Eplendid Yam, LO ant* On the drogattaanni
-AA treaty foci tot in BeaREE steeet, aai A (Or Pit;
va:e realdetee. . .
TOgn2 .1o:• lo Rahway 67,, .• f •
To Lemaa—llammolta Ardmore atafrriaaritee' Tenn
near Nature., Cry. . • -
For Rent—An alai Eilver Terme. - -
Apply to - PRANK CARTER. .• •
Real Eaten Agent,.
8'1;119..0 . • ; •, .4gstr.-•
VOR bnek ilynfitag. aid afore
roota And at able lab ly lncrtipledAy - Conn*
&Co.; Aablaad.. POIIKIPIIOI2 glee* ImmedL.tqly,
lo J. J,OONNER, — Puttp‘tile.
AvtICI. .* • latf
V I I.ILIABit. Pliteenfillrlf AT PRI..
VATIC 11 A11.164.—Onotereatieth Interest In tha
tract at coal land in Now Cie.tle
.Coonty (known as the Pett 4 Baum, contain;
log about On woe.
A tract of 111 acts Or COA L .a.nd,TIEIOI2I . LAND
la Mei T
Valoanle tote, on Ifahaabmgbstreet.
spletald lot on Sclntylkill Avenue, 33 feet front on - the •
Avesta. and IS7 feet front on Charch .
I=4= i thi In the "(b6l l l l tata , of. i 'll tua late
Km Sarah Lfait
Apeory_to . • MLNIiT C. affirm„
. Real Deana sad Ittatontxx Agent. Ito. IS. Matactr"...
M qt.. Potteetre. Pa. I.' .
IVOR .4.l[4els,—Tbe •Glusale - laic Uul
Land known u -Ittab i Wleislltiesti Tract, lo•
Unfold, titaate tul3l.,tho and Sramtalll Tuwroitlma.
sad antainle abcatil3astree, brava lb/ Om up
on Teulunsb.e. g
terms. apAy • •1 ' '• . •
hat. PEat/lIIS.or rt Carbon. Tebroary IT, II II It
VOll /Atte al new and old Wois, Waitron.
4 DM Dasspors, a nen Water Wagons, all brrirll7
Inmed, to salt 4,0 torn track. (120. W. SNYDER.
FOB Fire Loiageottee, pitiable
taa I foot eu.P.mad • nap boat - usedlor convey-
Inot sad coal inn tie.mizQ y rio
!lc 3 4917t0 W
O. n.
A 404 Ol i tioliTuzirrx. 10 gETAII .
, C O
to LIASt ipwtr4 of tbetr 'Loan lOW
Dena se yet snaaft.. hi the deblead lode td the
Idslasor .Regico, castststog the ILSYKOTH, .
the msderlythe sod aerodyne V/I=4liliery,lbui axe.
Aprlkattos to b no* ea GM 11.4471411,
President, No. 1 arrodery. New Tart, to to
• their Mins Potesirelln, IPS.
. 11W, Mutated at ...9.Mayb 111 Verna. airaimly.rer
rfed on by Wm. Seyfert. :the MU M tbine pang
of bon, mae pair of dropper.' ad a 40 bend power en
eim—an good order., Pemmernoin &earn* tbe Int
day of Apra sea.
• • -
t sou rtgimmtag.:
come No. Its contod tt, Petteltlts. l's.
IVOR A 11,11 T.—A 13041 1 3113 Oita on Nagel. Stmt.
etriiind Lhot — krat•Zionni hug Came stied. rat
ty nt light Poragiglotrghon liamiidlidely 1 Apply's,
Nay tit 1111-9141 G. THOMP6OII • CO.
VCR L 6. —11 r orLsottlilllgh'Preesere Teem 100
e - hone power, three Dtirnt, eneder. 00 freffee
diaiewer, ft feet 'trete, teltif here) Ord ellen 1 1 '
Wheel and Wel Tor Itiee• ae• - legatee of JACK'
rOtt BlTAlN,Fbannoovite. lloofirowitry. Mosey or
to It IL 11.11.,EARD . , 19 Nweetifftreet,Newjart
rept 11
Y. A. efem..
ou usoLvirium wksairwan.
%oar. —Tte part erst fe h vet Gra
king behieen THONAi and - W1L11.1.11 O. MOOT,
fn the marabou,* of powder at th 4 In - fan Powder
• Ml's. behaylltlll County, iris dieenhied on the nth of
Almost lan by sated cement. The aernsale of the
late arm erfll be willed at It* WOW.* be the amt.
beta thereat and thebartnete tellt; I. teethtee:. d here.
atrt by TRONA! . RIM. •
Oct 44-40 Cl WILLIA.V.c • wttri:-
. oli
-••• • emir Jemmies tem* et rue
4 wwireiroros AND READING RAILROAD Co.
seatufiap v.:Wheel. mill be soy, fres pluses, al sal
•Dei that day it Di. Danktepriwere et
Y. P%lsTait co. Rn.Det TRIPD Ri PEAL
wiLuma b FLUE& Scastall and Tillwity•
Oet Ire .
NOTICIL • Antlestfae Ititirbottealenluoi
Weave hte bun wade ttl the . roort by L.
AD= / tf ?Gummi,. Gad DABIEL
alsesaGGask. 'e V / be 'heath
At/ et Dreher. IMP.
• !TAXIS GLIM% (nil* of FiikaiGoi. •
IllratilLAS BALL of tal• War tits ' odetraiing for
Calibrate shout the Irtb •ef .I.lth ineeth.,
Adieus he Weeds seeseese the stiaLeg ertetet. ul
Me tesehwes MI LO* curled ae try Me SAN,
M.. Deems absereas. Ids sew Balk Vother, Mil min two
at wort, bola litith Minar.braibit Uld o *g • 2
Mae el lumber as shouts* milks add Miespet .
Offte as the Lumber Tod of HI% Oral •:• , -• , •-
stmt. mar.lteeeted - ' -.• ''•-• •
&eel 11 +lll I • ' ‘9.-•
lateollUSlA HAAB it101)11Alt ham Oda day,
adAthelt satire stock - ot &pagoda; Om.
ernes. Qatiodewaret tood-will so d -Smoth ai °trade
?db. Pa to John U. Amin • and Ilainoel' ( latest.
who veld awhile the boththae at the • Id steed under.
et• dna alma of DAWLII•CLLIVIER , All prem.
Ore Indebted to the old arm we •reqersted to settle
their moues wWthot delay, sot thoee haele l ir dimes
to pram dine totoodtamy to wit.
Stile. foe esttletheat. WN . HAIM -
J. BARILAR zioona. .•
Girardetde;lteottle:•th ' i •
PROPOSAL:I will. he received- op td Ottobfr
411 b Ink tar tf • , tolfooty, of ISO Wes of
Rim OW to 50 totui of age at% If Creams Iduxl,
~t . *vied raid, foe tie fletoollflll tzaaq Alas'
gown. PlOpOglell to heitddresord
-811, 104711.
IL IC }Umtata ft
- arricit—rkor• 61 bees • Veen Os%
as apolleatton wUI hemade .to the next
LeftWoolmt to Charter :a Birk; to, Le !WWI .111.11
rorrentui RAPII DEPO.SIT Ban ;.• arld.paak
to belneatad - la thellawawat ot Potion:* Com"' of
iklooritok nits et soom7koldo.oritO power to secapli
trams, math* aeollatta and' make dtwasaaa. Intl' , a
ttal or Hama named Bottler. wit* Om
e f t lacaudog tbaasiaelotwoaniaanak
sod dol
Prawn* N 0714.141; 111.6i
1..... 7 .- ...... x .,the hisseheieve. War We
at esy
_mepe ere, le lartiereeet oe hallows
NUM% /mid si. 18117. ai thir will be pioe7
opted to the Meet et Me ken. 1 ' '
4 bae trity ettiumerd lett.... enenOeit•
1 Wur tm A i r e 1 ".• • ' ita.1 1 71=101:
le 01 ....... te Ni soplis4 it mine.
4 . 118 pion by Ur , •
--" Zreeir a
heaklia boa pees. ha tiitak. Iri.
As 1. 110
olel iinnisav nowt Int a pawl lot
to rell sigsbhaza gnat to mg umber at
fotly at to ay gams newanatbst=l!)./
isffir. al I NM AT say WAIN*
&Pt it. le
The Stoma oh
• wrissed aid beet etmdltkii thetionoilo'*
oaf bottler owes bombed' la dtbbitkot, it it SSW ,
bettral cum stabuoi To IS Wee:tool to.
Things to llist or olbtrobe. 11 - betiosi‘ ott
Woo Who ewer s lug Mak, usselptift '
oath as Mantilla Aatalloompttobtoototb Bingo
.40.114 to bo—ood !Webb Ravi is eilisiereli sie4
le so gime/ stioottbed * no arse obolottok
dotoclbaa'ietoiteakbrw. Is iluemned,
• utii Ihspitals: Twig ma Ag 74.. aissdpfr.
Dina.ogle.lloll4 ma an, ow inmetawiretest
Awn lollraintai et lava ms.- lib wine, Ns
b %kw Imes ce bow* la "Onkel "
so tbt but maks samE rom
.41171; et /*wood P tlti at boo, , • e
lEMEIIIIO Urs'Ueidio hanu• MAW - irte . cog•
°rimier, an 13 $ 132, e0 0 .2sabet alt 1015.1" renew
Pollk swam tie 0011/4. sal stun *NI Witt
U •