MEM At it .giuntat.- ads? • ,'. 3 ashy tithes a.l,aeli aver sae etilAtleal altritllla awe itV/ti die Rowan Wiereor. Mom-eer's-a' Caleb - 410 the Stan.) , or ilar"ilr'ell3eiglll.lKl3637.s t At hit I her s.track it haven or rest At last I her eitmor shins place, lot a time at least.- flew keit' may - Wir oxbow soon I mai'Peoltuv eued- to plc likin7. l 94 }4 nr • torealtirtAti wad 610 , 1 cfrel ..r.autpmeynt 14 141 .*4 32 the - wthgriv a matt Ind hal-twentrealllions ne Wttca „LITZ ' , mat at saletilin rate. - Smtbilaw the . .drin et theivideithewu la a Win onto me, and Linr4ontent. That bl.4wareentenvisrvaeersiir- -I am az well Or at I cool• be.. I -bet...ww;me . 'Penetrated -the august pre4nt.eafar,thellebitaeratic candidate for ()armor _cf I'ennailwany, recresentin sopa ez Pre. t ident us ,aripatoriatic club at Phitadelphy, and twice have I received a Mitered cloths+_ to carry on the goodwork - The yeaang man With stealsthe outer dna ter the candidatorkal ineuhen ts a meet &Coot Istlgeof 'Mimeo richer. The meant at the dock &stator creJedsheb, at wick the young Man who happeoed to be in the hall, noticin nee, rebuked him for delaph toe. tlerencer remark!. he sharply, 4 tatiznit aP •.01 mem without onwtion. Yon be; they in our trends" m l That note hez thousands wr other _people's doiiis la keep It up !neater. Thank Ileaven, its repayin me temente the trouble l her gan to no I's account Ism writ enull okend possibly ought to bit sathfi-d, but the condliilten ter the D.ta3 will it rife. The fee Iz, we are in a bad way, and ther ain't co way cat inv it. We ain't got yootitinimhy—we ain't * got untie • in toll e fot', sod the country her hed markt tally Rood crops. Tr a weittbeet bin see us. EI we ()Doi bed rain in -haven enuil tuber mold thewhest, and muff fol. I - ie Yin the wteat Lamest War rotted the per Utters, and then a joie) , attsek or ei;elerk and ytilow fer,r, end o her-dlsnenam av that slather, so Ibet the people coed hcv got die ',whiled and arty anti etch, thee ood het bin totektione for or. The potato for is western Penney - Wary wood her made times anis etv,y itei this i'.l aline. Cot vest's She yoosniii talkin to f.rmeni with mai in y..tot eyes ur a coating coin to rooln, -when every recubm's son ,cy em her they pockets erotica .with gretni.)t and a ban fail lir •whcat 14 • bring mint4' \'r,t;6-the )0 se , Iry elamorin for charge when the ,tmatly'a tio.tOz we I t-ez It kin w 'rhea agtn,'on - 11)10.- , lsd I.r. fate' In Onio, eas 4e. gamin, iv 3111, Isr,ttLik- , hen tl, , Hatt:trans -lewtsza t t In thu oit:Ico . hit our pt • triots who ha... that cvta...., out by Lb s • ,Itonerans io west .i. kr /31 - ;.5i;1.). lAA taken bounty era Ind de.t .tal tit. Ccrady,. to r ea for Itoseerans, pit! .k et bend:, de or em hed ton dragged emir y.a twit riles at em. hurrahs mock in tLe throats.. J. must c 111 . 1 t they Lassie a brave attempt .at it, but they ;coked nick while y dl.l it. ,Tutr ctTcrts to httn'ait fct Ito/camas, and the fete they made at , ii tc - minded er.eur an tr.t.ideat with occurred to sae wunet. I bed it friend wlio;e name :was Brown, . -who wax gi ven to inidelgeicu iu the tlowin Ms'e to . a !carrel ellen.: Wee nits be at. fee:wed to b eoavivyel on a now brand nv whiOos, and hil ,ored'him. At tt, y..Ju , found blot olio& to a lamp post and ,vomit- In ez tho tber scuz a minaloor earthquake , -Jiro bis inehrtm. • , 4 "Brown r - rernirked l f, layin my send feetionately. onto tie ifiOuldet, "Brown are lon alek _ . fl.ek V./ replied he, swingin around to the Viler aide ny ilia post and diathaigin another avalanche. I b—il do X6O think I'm darn this for theft:a-m:0 thanking' ' - , . Oar n matte in Ohio ewellered Rote.; abs wae so much like 'lie retell'n nv a men- with a load onto Ms . . . ° e,nmiek, that-it reminded me ut - , my friend Drown. In Petit's ylvania we clot math better oft Qur_e_andUla. - erMz pints , abist biro. Hewer a copperhead dOotin thelvar,tvich makes all • tithed clan uy Demaclite enthoostastie in thruipport ; but on tract tasii It drives rll . the war Demo . srats, without with, we tint ' worth socks. He bez money though: . and tz he's bleedity freely be may keep the organ. -within alive till we kin make a flue 'with - Man Wich'we kin eleeo; , - •' ' The principal trouble is however to out . wat'Demciersey IS at tills Janette. In *hie . its sginnegger eialitt end to favor us' either ptyln ok the bonds in greenbacks re reriudit , ashun; id Tennessee if intger Suffrage sad nigger rills holdhi; fn Coneecticnt I s pitylo • the, bonds ingo . M. hatereet and principle-; la Calliernyroi anti-Chlneee,- end in Loolsisni, its ChitteM., In MOne4nr 'people ere tannin perbibertory likker isw,-snd everywhere este they're for free Whtskey.• . Democracy le tree trade; In .Penosylvurry, Its high'pro'eetive tarlfr,end so on emerod. In short ifs en high shred that - rw.oodelit 'enrol to to from one county fit another - 4e . tasks spieehosc withnet having first carefali ' ascertained Wit !he' Democracy toy that perk tlkeler Orntroy believed fn. "I got Dimocratte papers from ell the S'ates one day, and by persistent resdin * tr em tire Mune I became so mixed as to be a pros mining cybibisie I'4 sloonbile Asylum. I abet stay wle.l I are as :lopg az there is' . any irking ! , o be pit-out 'us the rsliFben. I hey pert!matill a (Mee:man us Peitailel4 Commv tees twice yrbb success; to-morrow, • " I libel try, it agile, and after that filth otheZ: characters . ss tday occur. do me. I 'suet ." make hlty ; t%.e trn shines, for the furi-'' • • ons as,aults onto Packer's-pl 4 tr,iedo;sin It . - i • .l" V. - Nest:7, -1 • Witt woz PoleMarter.i • 1, - I,rougrts AM) FEEDIIRS mill And s c.l4.nt .51: id tell trnutdillAtl'lnza, Fb ~_, t ffinti, Atkoro-nmo-u,se or p. TiStit Is liete,;'Dc _ ra•,...,t t ard 'Onkre by wgi'r. [Lc:. W 74.11 TIV:ISIAq S CO. Sna ' Sqo 15, .61 • rlifortg , 1-”„;1 t..• •r 1 ittZ Ve-y -best No, li110:3; iL yv. t L 3 , ,, y. e ticapered at 'be •• -• t-1,11 , ...7; at Spat In arming': tt,clearb f l 9 zti • beet.; hld t. hLUA th, A 6t , 11 .1 :al Of trta lh .-,4? 'Pt . Flt!at! _ C cc, fi IRSrS et 11,0110 , nfuil yor e . of all t•:...f •• F4aire ivA tc AI - f liarl n .:rraia •{Ctt ~liens ani • Mak. .1.1. , c‘trie.cprel. Lon 01 /LOC. ani tot. Eal atolkti - • . L. C. TriOSUSIN Co. FRENCet rmkpr ift.I)ITRICRANEAN WHEAT —We tine j4ft oTelvod frn New York and New X.:m*7 s of !WA very floe-tote., of Wheat. 1h *ld, tt4ll.eie of strew. and kneed head.: w ; l 4 unthipbtkhy txt-la 41.0U0e esre,lee Vorir and Rt.y no. berme per sere_ wore genwo - th , n IC3Onti In N.w York; and hunt New Jersey we bone the WW OII of • ate'd ol one hundred ea ninety baelFle fromten trlibe's town. We boarsample, of the .101da of the' New leows sown. wheat at en , etorr, and will he planted t , ,,eslOble theta , to illl.lawoodwek , ,llbr ink wholoale inn r.-tau by B. MINGLE lellYstket etrent,Thil,delphlk :EWA. 1, 4 1.9 • r 1 e 3 :111VigirrT41 . _ • .. • . NIIRT4TENT ShiutteirlEirikei au.l Chest Nap , • plo - rtir. • ,Aus Indei theatme. Arent entakat and hoed' enarantred: et s o .n , F. , g=nASs .bolow Joeb. PlaadO.phia. l'sn.e4. &weds, •IDatk atoddna% Centeno4 at ladT eteadatd. Jane ea, ,tan ' S ETWS AND W .1111.1PZ:!Vii Ca 11, SELLERS T TRIQTI-lERS, #23 Market Street, Phila. st•prvi4 . • mu& Ckrpernatind Off Allattlea I—We nebald..tayint the httEhtioh of au fOnods and the publiA, in oar Wye gnat of CARPETS, It'd% h u e horn retectrd h treat tare, and to *bleb de bate added-in trflbe an and thAce 7v patsy, Draw% Ttove Sty and Is. vain Carwta : also ell tde nro and Varied 'tyke; of anny and audr woes.. OZL cLOTEI fries t It. fa lif ft. yd.—eat tv t Imam of may Rae. - WINDOW BUM In dreg isrlety, basted and vials bands. ' Cocoa end to on Watttratn.Rnonilanta Stara/04 Dinvets. te. .1111,Vpit1 the lopeet. "alma =WOO ale Ole !ac IVIIMITIMGII., .11„ , „T. 3 4 War!. airrre Nnbch. met liAti„ "ee. THISATELMIItfit -PILE3 1 - -fILEB I ntimatubmaiftilotts.t • .listertaienti tltts4,lll,4trit Patttively t'ly terGstitt itelimindatt.x ,116. oat pgin, Ilarrc: bastrutter 14 at cmkts. wonktussk M. D. L. • No. ma SPRING VAS/JAM UT, YUCGALIA.- PA. •tttio Can We' .t.t.c tmer ttl.a lt,tvazd LL. be; best eit'selite Pit fora Ulu - 4Atiiitt, A pra;k..t 18 'nimbi llas Atoms I .l.lxnge.cAliFe, PiddlecAti alllbee. • Ba4l rts - ;" - .• Reit. 'Estate .:4kgency. . 811,17111T1114-01,1..,' ci,.?tat tt. aracqtatll ral adjantra Con, etra Tab , atm. bk. 'tank'," to mama* ta, leardla Rod a...., r's wawa"! la sdatd • -• aelcasse sal .0.. at rat al EMstl. VannaticniJ and I .rarttyafr• at Cntl !ABA,. • raniasti.4llll, d ltaqadt rniavaaaao of to.terla% Colkeli, aof 11.1.4 Paata. oL r. 9 RiT. • '1 • Impel. of Ykta, Lead Lata, . • cxn T - En. , Prmi•trtt /4ler•g • -.16 • ANllt V,‘ n v.** trA or X,ti0 , 247A , rq.6 4,4 etwer Cti . • C 3 i •gt.rl Uvt, k i . 4 Au, uriall3-11007% A51fx114.16 4 , "but, at om., t low prloes, lot bat. - Ram • • • All: 20,111-1 k - MAC. VARA I . lnU AWatches Watcheq.. ..Llesimpres I'lmm , / Jag. - frai Tow. Jar 4 .0117EIBROPS Orhaticiag sitaticotb• rnollmn l. ALM thliallTil nil Tut ' . - . ' ....• Prim ENGLAN D) ernAL lila amanimovil icostriOlt ,09 liontlroo.. - The OLDWIT seiel one of abilllutlT ii2LIASLI LIIII leehreaue CompuilAs to AAIA - ' ,- ' llV'Ttei &Wee ye ming the OLDIMIT old VO4T =Ail= torantee CU:diva6W Outre boolore Illt US mint ET. TnArict ear* Pad Ir.? 5a3.001111.0111 in 1011111111151 , 311 a. : JD= 1$ 'O-31. RTH MERIO AN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE PHILADELPHIA. TENIIA. . . . - . _ • • , ~ , . iso.A.RaD - op. - - DIRECTORS 1 .. ': . , ,•,, V.., KURTZ ulna of Huns & Herward.. 11241.114 aL i RICHARD WOLlCL;rallaar I hx4.• Altai*. lizeirard.: maim (t pAntiett. Carkler Onnusercial Nall Sankt &U. tlUll Mirk*/ IX • . JY. KINGSLEY. Continental HoteL _I MUNCIE FUNK. 114 Market 8 L : PhUadelohte. . HENRY W. awro . Gera TM= ar.4. Passerrew l JACOB &GARDNER. Late of the Flue of Hallo Wen Penn R. . Arent Pen R. - . Oerdeer &Cu: 4L5 thaerant Sr. • . . JAR. KingWir. Firm of Sh!elle & @o.. 11/ N. td et., rain P. KKLLEB. Ihrra of nerd*. K et &Natant; THOMAS K PRTILIUNIN. No. SG loath Foarth St . — 1131 Watson Sawa . .. _ A. D. WOODRUFF. Tie, Prealdeut of M*ooE:pa* :- BILISJ. iv. slant. Columba*, Otto. 0 W. CHILD& Pneddent Central Trannortettoa Cat!' ANDH SW cAItNIGIE, New York.. .. Akin% F. TOBILS, J. P. Taman & Co. - SUB Soo& W. it HAVEN. Pitteleureu Va. - i ... ---, Front Street W 0 Hl/ KOK. Canteen's. Pa. THOMAS N DAVIS.. PenseslisuMa R. H.OGlttpary.' , THOMAS L WiIL,LAC.Si LIGIO4hAM.ISL ClSouth Third Street. Ar.. • ''''. L . . THIS COMPANY HAS DEPOSITED ' ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLAR- is GovernanentyNondn, tie Auditor General of Pennsylvhia; . 6 se - etWdr . POLICY HOLDEBSI yus Crioßthoes who Lawn with thts eawPwoi. tinzattptit rettrifeWbar I . . • • . : • This Company offers _the:following_ adtantagea to those contempla ting Insurance : • , : tj i • :.•:,,?. "1 • ..'_:-:... 1 • ; .'..4 . . -. ~..,.. -'..:-.) ...1'..L......,... ~; 1 7...".0 ... • t.. - -11/oiititte rates of Premium!.. • ' ' - • • 14,411 Paean tun Nr.l4•Forfeltsble. .3.—There us no Pestalunt Note, to aim, •-, .4,,fientlasts are sayable to bash—hut &loan of tatie•th . Ini !AU be granted br lb, [bray *ben ,the ' inu annul premium la pal& 0.-11. mark:Wm von toad ate leas than in tang Pomploiei. . . . .. ll Dlvldend• as &eared annually in dab on th e e.sartbut3t.n oar. on- lit g t artievauce wicks. 7.—Podletat aositenid span oh desirable plain .. . i ~ ~ • • .• , . i • .. B.—fo:kies are broad opoalbc hoe ate stock plan ; . ' o.—All loom ate promptly ita'AL - , . . Agents Wanted in every Towkand District. garIiBIKRAL Toys will bs sake Cat GOOD CANVASSIMS who a;e firdWll... to 'Urea 114.5.4^. CMCISLAIIEVPAILIIILETS acd fall'perticalart ctiertntly even on atittentlon to AUFFNA-N - , , Mintrsvill©, Schuylkill t:loUntv,'Pa. S, - 41i-431 General *um far and Carina Caviler. I ..CHARLES LOGI.JE DIM= . - /0111EIGIN AND DODEATICWINIDID Lrieress, Loodei •Brous StootLEdlubatgO - Me, and Dublin !one!, , se. 1111! Clmft•ala.• cßinlite Aserien . Ease. qt.... -• MAO Deis mare VOL Niagara .Star Bitters, , , • (arm muumosrouneersia.) HERB EITTt,RII.II' ABB MILLS BOURBON. WHISKEY. • Oct. It acs . 4,47 1 44.11W-MUUMBllielit 1 1 0.1111111 SCtitany A enne Cates and aseetakee ONION* of the SUL ere IWood to L. I. Kest eel Sot km ciety. zed detemehe Plrrelelaos to droller. an ea apples: MA& A.INIBDI& General los Is 30 111 ,- 1 ?* sys. r. mu t , EA Ott -CLOSETs, Couples ls. Stork. 138IGIrr & . CO., &GMT& asAr' . PLUMB INCI. WILLIAM C. RHOADS, titia Swim Paw% inguiplialifoill* islet fed Else rake& hat, Bast Petree sn bws. Ilartle lkaratere eelr ror llearteak WOW. tad noel. Serrerotte Pim Illitireisifletit ele- am* , al lialstel wet wit it pie etwe. let le • . =. E. T. TAlf L&U OPTS MI OP Otta& OTOIIO & CO. 1124 ICiestroit 1116 Plitto&o.• , • Acsonals* Ms Moo& is g boolostaaPiderMa m mitens . t it with t thie day, April 121 k. MN arecialid NAP !few C lit It Eigaapthliiimee Flied toady-Xs& Gonda losaMe Tallsdar, • 818 Saul IMO Cfiesiata• SONIII, .Xl3. 'SOH - WANAILIKEL Add lold in idan id loam lb,lt MP , Wr o t n t e . Oft to Wad to Ida Ist ealwills U. Ladd Swot dad d did% snit d )14. bidddlid.d. Odd to god Wads iambi ra_ilid* 800 S' odour Mae diapdiedelmid —dam 11 10 I_ dm de prat of ddr wet. ' ~ . .• . . . . . .9jas Zfro slitirrit ti d, Of tie woos et le Lto w a of Otroopow aot It aolostrosto m nolo oaf UM on Oho ts. mom esslart red frametso toublitemoat loti g to to look MA la Ms tooloom WON. lit 410intWANAMAIDEIEV IPPI. - 01111011111111 SOIN/Wittribeo:ll! THOMAS J. DCONOMPIE I ; DviciazoP First Class Carri , ages . and; Bugg4l, or WM? A. O NOR • tIiBOV/D erns. ' iLIitP.ACTOIST—Cor, s 44 Or riii , x;inismalgo.ertgistre. lack •fillottiitV ElLease, Poste! la ' ' tieWtstaly our Ladd Mood ilrol of um sad litkoMprot Conform aad,Baßßl 6 .• , i . 111,11pectal litteattoti paSil to repairing. Lutz -- - - Li; u ie. iiriliti i r sAli.illoAss. , ! , . iidlEll . , TRAINS ON Tilt LEHIGH ALLAY RAILROAD ON AND AFTER MONDAY, ARO. INA; ISM will ran In earametlan with the eneraii rode rainriet to Wilkesterre. New 'Tortola PhDad*Ager re Moira. DOWN TRAINK 1 21 4 $ 4 .W.. 1 :RF‘111 - :lire, Li 12 410: . dei IFllkostm:rm . . • . , 11 1 0, I.l* logniCanael. ..... ....':, f . 155 ... • „ 1 ... ...... . , 6.60 1.1 6 Unt= ' -, - LSO 10.46 4.25 , . Ang,k,,, - ~ • 0.00 11.4.11 0.56 t i Bethlebest. 11.16 6.16 1.61 Lean 1.06, 6 - .44 111.16 6.40 Le Plilladelptda‹ , . ' 0.18 6.110 -- 8.40 . 16441 York.' 10.16 1.1616, 00 11 00 . icticiziosastipan , ' fun- , 1.6' . -;','"-I Ad 4 j>;A " •rir . 41ii g 4 go: W4'44 44 ' • •CV I".oe' 11. 4 / 1 1 T. 46 6.20 ::. La . s,ist 0.60 triss WOO 16.80 4.06 9.88 111.66"11.16 Leave Nee Tort—. Pidladelva Made iuratown. • mu X Mink ' CUP 11.15 Lm/City ' 11.00 .2.11 ........ .• . • be . Wilkambyre 5.06 ' ' • lag Use. IN'ta r = j adis.:, • • • ONIMIAL Lit. or Intor 2l2 .6 . lrtie fit Dp aLd Down Dabs comet at Nokia link tie table of Ihe 3Dental Itatlned of Xontionta tome troll New Ifurk. soma AND PM 1111.61110•3; Dam Anths Nix 1. * and '4 atd w tien Nta I , 114 comect Liam with tram, of tbi Mc& and Ilissaz ttaltaurk So nal hen paw Tait. mat rimaismik z - Don' &atm Tha 1. Emma T„: op bales Tins. I ma% mama alftchtehea otlai Mila dor .11111101.1. OIL M i t* from nalatiDiel acommt 13111kbes gab Sawa loft No. T. and Wl* **tolls Tha ILT. sart rimminnina.a. ix ~_... , Douni teat= New 1 sidli. Islip 1111.7.1fflya n t fed 11, wawa at AlleMinnk lab twos Ix ad liallikser. tam Eianiolort sod DwOOSI saw stAlkooows idea loWl sifilositallir. . swam wow wapolos„. t . DoWs Moo S o :„;,"1 MII&Sas iota' Woo OW amowe a SlMfto lOUS sp — roatoTho.. liani. odi WNW lesaiwo i mass* V& SW-latos licallaill sa eainalik Ilielis Alibi SW. S. sod ws WO* .met fiesliilb Joetkit Ida Wow wr Ibi IL R. ' DoOS Solso Nam. Sad I. awl and it i li&lio' k la, caw mak Was al 111611aalgam • . lama WM , 1111111111•01111 1 / 1 /11." ' Dowi *Was Dao. 1 osi I. owLausbosw litaA so O. amid la 11110•__ wrai l i sm t Vii• LW. seassalaalW 111 Innlinhate. a awl between NU., n , T ' •Wo dans ac t w bowels owl aw 1 .0 0 0/1020Inl IL. Old iltetWit V. Ji• IL 111111W= "14- mor, AstMoirl lost , "coiniii PAULI, rmwli~ wain' ' . d ' • • `r=fmk. • 11EIREll BROTHERS, Ullieimieirith N. •Lin/raj • WATOII4AtiBB sirMVl24ll,, aiit tied.* 4-3 0 4, rt abtaglema mixt it GOLD AttnIFIMVE sitivirtltas, '.AIELOGILII,..4IIII.IIIOIIka"~sas settle& mode* wee * et Naligallndedinentet rialtentellilia %Um* auli. r - aurfp.ip es. Amore sum im•dariadittignes. KOOM - Sa t ;' 4l 919 Nara/ X sp rume... rOiltiellePli:,A*ll6ll,olllintiC " .`!'-R Il' M a reWlSPitax iithir jr/M amino er, awn* " g -IFaxregiowir aossouLieuenpv-i WHIMELI, .4 1 -11101111,, . 0000 . 8:44, ,e v° ll - •' i" et ' .71 74 doselairc. corms_ , oireval, unserhaii .._.zaztowzranciewatA ' _.3o9witorsPairearanatiarni4. itamPliansaintwarairditas. Alas smilavalliCOPl22lllllllralltlikgrba 111111MiOnigiestail . ARS e. 7 ; MEIN -R' ' f-s:' 'B,O . IIARDWA j. BRICHT. & ° MIXES . ItARDWARE, PAINTS,'GLASit num: moths 2= - POTTE4n=, An*" la BRIGHT &-C HA R , W PpitelVIL.LE. . OEURALND. 'GLASS WARE - swings a sirra,' ns Cantos, it.. Ana.). I ""'Wisa. bm staw an Timer rat = ll ".rearsits."7n —n " - sir Ikea . • Batt rats Gael. Mali cud I"da Ipplaceo AIN &Air 4,l3l4,Dtsididad lie* 0114 Peci* I lar 1140. !rort Imo SWIM a.L.w 4.4 _pia, kr VI !no" rub amate Tot be, 44 Mem* for it 1 * Lto*-1511l Mos To. 44 places. ltd 812 110.: : Treat Gobl to P dose* Cot hooch Tablet s obss, tor Itt SSA dim= • Cat Pauli Goble for Pa or • . &amMlati Dcps_rat Goblets tar led doirlr• Mlle Imo ritcarTollet oet complete, to • Vane F. 40. 114.7; r ie , aabsattor, would Oltil tha atteatiott of 2 L . COAL OPEILLTOILS - amen Wilytan IN sastpari • • id elira glaitti of etaaalcs4 ;mated, 1 1 • Ig:ALTPETRE POWDER, intimated Nor TO 101011E3,' L lute tear any 14111. ova ethnic altar a bleati alttouatt toed ta a pare where Mae to 110 seatitarioa.; • fits Ws° from to to to precept. awe tomes' -thaa airy ftl.Vetre Pairnler Dow, to and kw attatair purposes. and eta ha wed with psalm eddy. O..BLVERID4If , lade litashentrer and Proprietor. Orders am. to by Mb at Itameartialha col ty. flll reedy* prompt 'Manta,. Tehran,' la Th. " 114 f _NEW FEE DILL. We hen Waled tae.ur Fret 11111 for leerier* Red Cocabath* revteed end adopted by the telyiestere. Apry thee' hitt Ye mete Milled Abbe op re. aortae - Ltheret ebrnent LI the treed. HANNAN lunrfaor. Dr* Statinwn Rtrnn. M. • 3t). 48311tI3 ' .lET f SHIPPLN (1 'AG EN T. teethes pi g. lltfitl. sad Star lira; &Ed .theri• • 116AVY PH iltidT .1. , , i.,I7,iIVCCUPORT..c.W.STRAL RAILS:NW DOCZ JERIIRIC Car • • •• •• .. 80110kLET ItoHitli li &VEX • ••• . :. sir lure-pnilJellCe and C4.ol , VaLirlitg leeptet rally aollefted. VP" P. 0: Aldtems—Ri.u.Asuxur par, N. J. CO'iriilN 4.Alii," ar A LADY OF JP OTTOVILLE. BANNA I N & RAMSEY'S SAVE YOl3ll MONEY ' BY • - • ~, . BUY: •. • • .' • 't-• . • . c :-, si:. -1 1 :0 ST ER' FE WATER-PROOF GREASE .AITD. • LEA,TRER PRESERVATIVE. - ill.= Q . tlttles f Leather made' impervious to A , ql Water. 018LealRholde ooft sod pliabie with col xat or schwas& once eating than the o th er of its, kind to market. the spiel Moto icy kinds of loather. • Miters will U 4 the Mort arlieth they ow used to protect heir D or Shoes ROW sulphur Wass. For wile wholes snr rest. Mt • LIDLIDS7 8. POBl RlL , Aablawl. , Pan lad to • Pl ii i: by Orista & Ca, L C. Ttraopsoo & Co.; D. L. Is. R. R Morris. Poi & Rio , Jessoiroster.. . sits-roast P. L. taster. ' ! .',- • to, 411-1941 • mem' inatireD Peoptele .Jll arpocroos with other Oarteethe* of Cholla. ahead tetorather that thyera be ratteit wttlatha i mer V it O zro ßlPli DU gRa. Otelaa, meet ellico at Mr Pa , I = l Ire 110.'511,-1241 T: U. wuLU. W. O. 'MALL. Labor Exchange & Mining Annoy, Tell - Bowling awes. N. Y fleneral dOetts Lie enciOyeitbind. illobte and Wiest Oorpoestlowt CUlitt teldriibrinntactrtiers. Farm an, and ally Bracebine of Itnisetry, wbb kg. clean U1ib1:114912 LABOR. trim any awn ' Wrest/ed. I; Special alleatine glees to dm Ittiontsatlanof Mites lindAlletral.;Lainin. sills reports tberien. and advice ', na to the bent 'Delt Eginoid rit developing the snow m a. a 'ei, tkro. " l9 N. wn Weed. lli C. D0y131.6.414.....,. 92 VAlllagi Su t er.Suter. &let .11 QAT Ai (X) :..411 Wall Bullet, JOHN ti.‘llalLENZll9...Plne never, 12101211.19 D HILLICUI& .I`entiviLei.2% The Riohmond Iron Minh) ; . , • nay. FOR SALRIBR. star Q136L1 BIOWN • mml their Rica ca STATEN. ISLAN • Thle On bell to dettivied as woe& Si I. tr deck. WWI glottal eat /s tool mooltwatahle • m rot 'essehle ono.. -The otabeo of the oto to ea E,lltme: heoptlorde of.ttoo., ....,11.11tVegeoltittome. Meow ' I.lOloaolor relbowakolesoteltraolta I.l.l t eltorptorle Ozlatot stahcleees.... it* Wage owl .13 SI ellfee& liedatbe issuer 11.111. 14AR DIEM HS 6o 15oesolietof metalle.boe. "hi t MAO The . Clll le eV preisel• bel lel the !yria& AtirlT he papyle keit Waltkrtt T. iketo &oh H. T. The TOW& boa C ; Veruillelrom Co t leek. N. T. AND • & Telma & Co. ' retie. • &Um ill cedes to CMOS. ROWDII &KM feet • -. Joie 11.1111-116101 Broedwo .w.susiwitie, ii r set tr• FOE RENT Collier* and Luisa: TWO : COAL LEA.SES k uthurra rite= is% . On the e ELY di BEE:LE fiD S, IlEw.nbsrox - ILisur, rltertille. Sol, iO. VA • •: • t st large cola/eke La good worked , Td ,.. itko. ?bras Leona at Ilidionaleja on t 4 below we- . ter • ' . • : Ow Hod MO rat et 'Ono Red dab I. on the Vein. t feet thick. mar roa r Weaker Op. adjoining ins Colliery of Lore Ulm me Kidneport. • A Lon on Ow Laois Boil on o n PLOWeglan. Coal Low on Ike Mammon at Loco? Gaps; FOR SALE. trim Aim cum' zamvs. SO aces sphodld Warta Oak Timber WO. IN arras Timber Load on lain Creak. ' WO owls Tuna Land link law Allis In Cataila. al Valley. , tar awe Thaw Lid In 4littar,Cceasd7. lag lenis Oskar Mac, ow talk mob of Tramenist. ViOnenal Onset Ind es Tablas Creek falatii. • ..11aalotaid has. now WI and TIM* lead in Mayhem Val!ey, wor .6110 nem good Rad Mid, Manta, land on the lot RaUniad, between Bailee and the Tonna, Manias be cart onobasera and adored cliap—Tory didn't& A Pans nor Wilniakons. Auvlellf bocia, . • good sob SOOvlsl.laprommen*liilibm • , • icing Lino Ann 5 Deelalabfloases sag lab fpaccitilb TOWS LOTS b fibistodook_Mchanoy- PoUO bib bilbarb&l 51010 4 .",. Trebetb, • , Um" MIN Mabbob, Mans lot abibary, • Iw sellsio4oo , lowa aft ocre kb to ‘os , rutoe4 g • ; Arra! dlyella=lban base le sale al 1315be5 A psi Osborn *ANL . .11=1=00nota Km& 0.10 bet boot 0$ be $Oll deep. 5.51111055515m0 bomb sat klbben. A las libibras Mad Wad. arib at wk .m breltab... babb• oftwebb ens. •Iwia UM la ! it : 5150515n, Ow Moms b 55151112 0. Ma 1101, Fogg Pli a nled' PL lM Ind& scald Land *en A Mb beaks. • Zaborllso bibbmsl74 INC S. mpuntverak & NEW NOME Cam sat laftleswita BEVAN PER •OENt. BONDS; 'Let* llaupy,'ltail*4 DoiPani '. . A4iided siesaai id ere Vials ti Wand at • ' , 9 1-g -- P' E N B 0 - E . r r , TN Oval it We Or= i C side iiiid, aid Ida Sanwa al li,a am ingaites itgai wu sabarr. ID wrier', es Ur lidlear, into. Wafts* Wise by Li Lekleb Vodka ItesisdCboa luny; ell=ia macadam Orri ad tainsaia mid indi saidamial lam Ur Cloal alga,. a ki _ whip sad Spiabankyisit Task aid tat grill 09171irM ;MIVAIVOIT I ,Ptrao4I I 6I2. SImI4. r i , • , , MELD Ct. ungamers.. - , Taman urop Tar; l i nen co. Isis 11 wig - awn 1 CGAL IRON AND Ili Greif: Ira at ear' tang tegiames. :L usia *nava, toataolllS Pis* went v.. . , llama alt 111 Mos 'am 1111.1111011101, . , AlintAlllMelll iliallial writ—" Wit Olt =et = bag Uhl atbasillat troll s op lbsgolfeet WA lettztatolemilmati . , lliatftionala . 111 1244. Zama as, saritacalla• liallt ibmillabt .. o lXtrala ented rA ": l7 .... ll 11. = bola all Ur latamalloa Os % ihe bleaalmattattianithitolaele. o 1 :,, iiimpaaaaall asady aalumapit apt to 'Mat =Walt" llt 1 0/111 1 1111% . val.b. Malaita lar l '• MA' micriiiii tr.. . 31halasaasiett eras Imalatlallaal A VAta a = itimiamr viiibu.; " ' t PVlarrhaN.Piamhini.c•.. eg• : iterattioribni • ammo .11111111:111W. Dow*Wren- " jawmaketaftwgimp taw u.. MOD tloosowaw lelefods4iDeo wel ewe • sue Oa ow lowoolloser et DI hag MOM% ALW/NllVeFLealelel WAU *IAA, • .. -, rwititasftllsbinsirdl 'Moe • la-11110 an& di; /*lbas an • imraddlit s 4 41 : w iliri e j= • , .1 1 0 1 alit , 7 • 1 4 01 . 1 4, 110 3. Asit UAL f1a1fi 4 425111. "KV* en- Wr. EffleffEEE LEGAL CARDS. soses!N4.IIALLA" ATTORNIPI-A.T G L.W. Phlltdaplas., Otllcr 2 eolith 411di8t4 itoppoidt e oaks ar, mina. a swims. K. ow • Jas. it Isar ' $. 421. H"Mitt" E. snit* was, ATTOINNIYAT. LAW. 'Ogla lAA 9c..tas I& . nSigAVA. • Mai 19.4/ 1 . • ; !I II BON. T :Pa 1.1111,1011 M. ATTCHINIMAT-LAW J • rottrdlle, Pa :ligtze, lb. Tllabantecto Streeli oppadte Pusi Ofilcis Apil S'63JIIIJ GOOOOO B. IA AMUCIOKIN ArT7lOl7. A1 1 .1.A 1 /7. PoTTIWILLI,PL., • Olare7k7.ll Nta 7o Centielo.. usarl7 oppo.,losed, Bank. .Aptil7l.- . - • 1 VW OHM W. MOM. Na lb° Cettiti SG. rutterill•• P. CU be amble In airbus. • Jan 1 Va—tar • pQslfJ Vann B. mecesa., Boserrer as 41A. Low. VlRPlolll..4lberliteetelliriell — iboiy ' . dot I.'o-4- CiiiisTOrnitit__l4llllrElbj . • Iliterniff arrillitarylPilate; Manama M Lew to adalintei !Mann. Jr. 'reel to tan &punkin. era set nownelgiteits • &eds. tan•Win s z u s efAm jn ean c ti l t i. 1./Carr °Lummox orn A law ttilnikeiu 51.44;pu1te Pctaltee.3 &al, in. • • , . JAMES ILLIL2IIIISIL, ai mow. 801313;11 15 and is r.:;n spnatog:ro.2 . wainut - Jan U.S-2. wact.ctat M. INICITIO. law. No. 16 , 111„katill at, rativille.i. Pa. • Sonary - i. - • ..:1 IIkANIELL D. uss.t.sawn Aturriuwat- Law. PrAwrins, Ps. Rii ftrect. . • - Jan • Te. xj-34.r ._..-FERTILIZERS. FERTILIZERS. 100 Tomo BAUM * wrriesf Polars or &M X. Ilsoaleurml.tly ernan Waraulledi pave. CastalatesbalL wilts sad nellablo avraElzar *Far We by MANN I DILL • Ar-euts. aaa Itails.aar *Wei. Mamma is daakra Iron ealinatretereal *Pew. WIC DO*AUISON.' Poitririne, Much It BOWER'S COMPLETE NANVRE, waiiannurs , slaw So.^ aizzat, MULADIZI4.IIM, ; . . lidier-Plosside d tie, lmoddit . ...emorree rhvi noir exotevloit:' Tble Miele" amiable ail do deep t Vo predate lamb crepe_of all Wade. sad Is highly reensomeedo hi an vb. have need &Ivo dvinceihkhod Weer Vts whe have. by scalp's. tested lie qestidis, , • Parked in Gaga of 200 n 4. each emu JO Naugle Water awl 40 O. Deli. Avows* • PELUADELPIIIA, • • h• • For by WILLIAM 111111rOCILDIN 20 Sam 214rryet, , ! . • • awrixorx. And by dee4nrs gen.:rally thrgudbddi 0d - 4 0 0 111 1 f Poi In:in•tditt, a, sac:rose limp 130110. Maid& • J9.9,,try 9, 19.'.9 ' 11/' MORO PHILLIPS,' Cesurye nrptOvirry . , . I . . Ter 7 1'1.41 . .sphatil , of time - . 111 T.! IDAIRD GITAiIitAIWOILISD. j i.vSale a Msn•tfaadierer4oii, 1 Ire.ll7lVoilb Frost SLOPiilladelphis. MN ii.. 93 Swish Xt., lialtltemere. had by D;A: t!rs to geneill *agbocit' the yoo*ry, I ' - . _ , • • . Tbeet01;11011611.0 OVA NO St which NI ito PUILLIPratt PHOsPISATIN Is andar. 7 , , wavy has been tavanfeetared. Cud di rich be t= ... tele control tor the Milted Mates,) eonfalns WY ova: osort• Pitts Mephitic , than Hair Lyme, thine it la tantedsrable. - • ' ' 7 ' . .. A latee v reentage ' ll &dela, ani•kritertedttltitif plekt iteroniitthment. . ' • - 1 Tiro Pop:totals It cease.= la pate andavatitt b;pti l l II allee—not animal matter, capable eLiteldlelt : ,crautyntatedier dt Clet politica in the atilt7g ~ . _i A . .. Si Nl:latlliir le educe In he tationfactirs to der tithe therateable bapci•Pnoaphate and Ottp: hi: the - market. 1 - ; Bight yews' eXpesience his proved ,4:1 the Parma! that It liderable and eta alesea • be relied on as trabt form In qaality ; and the whams ansolletted todti maw Ws contlnaally reted r its nee in conspetid with other litettitt.a , ', folks attests that it has not , , Pelee ;SIP per tea ' of 71,000- thi. ,Dble&trat t te.das.l.l. 11101Z0 PIIILLiPS, 1 - . . SOLE Pri3PRIBTOR L.ND MANURICT;Itia, 1 .' nasal , . • We Continue ~ To Mnweet - cre ea well-known *inurs RUM PIIO , PAATIC OP LIME- and AMMUIVATID PIMI -11LIZEI and alas bare tor ale ' •i - r - PERUVIAN GUANO NO; 1 dznuiNg novsnactisxT, Pl.ll fl n. LAnd neater sad Iltdraslle Ocerient, ter [abet •I if a c 'opiate seacatianat alI Ilandfag! and Greatleg 41.1 c, at f tie mara..t rater.: ' • • • . Ilioper•Pbamphatrof,ll.lme 1113114tr2 , 04 01111 hi .111alesosialieldOralliscr, $331 ! ! • 1 A . DISC . OIINT TO DIALYR. ALLEN - tti NEEDL . . 421 k Delaware. CO Or OBE sarrAnwhaap 1N1519. Aript.t . ":%9 - - Baugh' RAW BONE Super-Phosphate ofi - ; P ODE MARK • 1 2111r 1 :I , 1 i • r • • STANDARD WARM/MID , Nee offer to -farmers.ed reseerl I t rime. Ft.ertill'S RAW BONS 'KUSH PROSPILATS L!IleS its belts blaoy tots °red. -i, I • BalAi 11'8 RAW BON& oUSER TUOIPLIATZ le. Is Is wee letl teb prepe.ed by dlseuhrtistltsw -Hoses In Oil of Vitriol-141 le, Smelt MSS Itses sot beeq.seettved of esu ores:de antto•-i-, rose end glos—by'bandneor b Ocas. • 'IL thirteen*. proms to testae of the Farmer ALL LOICTAIELOW prlprVelli Of Raw Baseals e biddy concentrated ins-seadas las It at vote alick to sales Intrrery Wieners are termatieuded to =et the ester louts' Is, testy nelebbertiood. Is ildtos. Where DO dealer fa let established tbeYbolidede Iss, be smeared, directly from t be azdei9eSsedi BAUG:H & luatrrecaummi Oiler, No. SO . Bali Deislritils Avian*. ratt.imetrikt.4. •aged U. '0 Dlt. W. 11.. 11(1.1tiNg0 . G. Brown aiSOl4 . AND 221 1 44 • DIIIIi;S: 1 Awn C-1116*1i40/11144 • [Perfacateh'Dye'fituffoi, 41-1. • i) •. - . 5i..463 Orem osiers, Posuctllit i ;arentre. A. il Z ar .ei c r gte tt a Vgar.Xtr idlll4 Tsbnianit.laas . I • ; EARTH CLOSETS, , - Iflttrter sal Commoillia tuck. BRIGHT ' ISAAO L STAUFFER, Watches and, 1411 wen* skreeva nuri • 41 , 4 1. 1 1Mi5r. An nneriesent e i r WatreeTwa Fll4er tied P 1 td Watetoonantly MM. lot insteAse and Imes, woms attended t.% . Aar NO-84 Ma s . a l. STEWAIII 141Y 1 " PELLAZIa2II4 ABOVE ti,* 91' ; a rim Ars an Immo assoitmeat ouctonito, WINDOW 211,21)14 . 21111T/S 2 pita% to Alla& p F. Iles 4te 1 . .JOEN: : A. 'IOEBLINGIIII SONS : . irstworTew, iiki#: , • ' , A.. Ittefteii Illsiort.' new. stasdifig Sllfp ROO% toupwides *" Forrift WWI* 01 - 1714 ii, . ps P . Errieit n " Crow eat nearly 1 2 / 6 - . . 1- - , Illidoil6 TOM die. 4 ; • ~ A - taws4 "I' '' • w mea are pope c t ii• Hex& - , . - •,.: , essitemuso. vrtir aleiircat.. srler' keel' lie ' ii:airse' lai eat ism / droly% wkiii ,FicessAmprtr 7 , adaguoiniveritatwaimvaraisielOt.. .• • . , . .•, .mft,ty7l .4xivAL knitorovr-- nwatiiyorzimmtiAT,i , TOMMY. - AID k 23th, Eog, an4,4ttaer ..irmetivretel;iiiiliFeed trto.4 a r se ar *Wei to. leven. 'OW tantelot It. Its 4 =inissill ".1 9 09. =We Invr tbailr • Immo IWOIIDAT OPTITI • lS7.OsiWEaNtMrltif tl• islabitym h • Plan- MUM °Wmr alto letPechlt, As o at .twoidstuoisquertet Newt itetatlotilittlMlt - ' Pilmottilels t lartiofrit Peat tits frog Ur lasi il l b st ' i r m lFtd,=? . ..i lli ="L 41/1 1418 % 61.17 416,31 04 1, 41Ma1ia1ett kaIIIMINSUb QM& Boolookllleirm l et We trom m o ot o K - Mt a viryi aissegelLl CI" , "'IL* lit 4 gailialp u tft e ,-• ; 38 1141411M n igariPf a4sit ' ;7IC • 7.1. • EDUCATIONAL. -"-THE HILL" FAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL• Aar 11; Nil lA, lcal,tWiimaat&ii4Rcl rettlS' tido and Asttstle Illisittosim. YO AND • north 4a./bgetai llaatsomery Co.. Pa. - The Erg Tenn a the Ntattseeth naaf Seasleme vat eo , mace WSDNIADAY. the kb DAY ,Ole nprkaszte. nut. Papal received at aay Uwe. Yoe Cl:tabus lutiress UM= F. WILL; .41, I'VradrAL IkEV...DIXL.4IXas. eetusefer. Won, Muth. Ser. Inttienbug, Storm, Raw. Stork. Co' Iliad. Xsate:g , or; Welk% Isom% Money, Crtilnitabits, tea lailow, Limed Alms. Itansar ?Wye. XI X .Baler : Yost Wester Cl,l- ere. ir4in Wawa. sac • " • :INGO —isms S. Caidaren, Zanies t. Catkin, 0: X ewes. T. V. Wood. Ilarreaantroli. Maxima 1 1 ter i Derr , a. °a ' LWEisr .. C' B ros Jewel ". itra t Z Sworn'Co.: sae. "Inly S.t. —SI if nopeoernoupg scnoot FOR awls wid begtst LP, tte wool yea. on the nth 3411;telnper lat. Um somber a poplb, all of t wig Hos fp the-- bongs. to-litaitod -to Mkt,. Tomtit to tsoyht by a ors tdeot go.l.llexe, and. outer ma px... leittuoto the vmpalbs= Adsr esters, etc, • NUS . peadettelavra. Hot 4 II) `r - y, !clog 7 „ .ISAZARETII HALL. . 110RAVyar BOARDING .scaoou FOR ROTS; !Whine ram lud at my . Om, For catalogue apply to ItaM' ZOOMS. Lltalratt prlt.e;pal, Naameth; Northampton 041111t7 Sa . Nara. Sept 4 te • laa INSURANCE. 08.11611121111. PARTIITLIAL FRANKLIN FIRE ItiBDRAI4I. CO. • °it ruu,tuaLralh- Assets of January t, $2,677,372 13. vailiflt. 44100.000. SO *weed gerplete. ~...7 .. ..... 11.1013.643 7 o leveeing lireede 1,/07.134 Ihneeenlel Otsinsa t llseenee We 1603. . esamris i . 83414.41100. , -.ICBM PALDIII3OII Om 48400.0.00.. I MIZIMA.T. AND TEMPORARY WILT OR =MUM =Me. . • DIMMOTORsos aunuiDa. - .Bezza, . aulurroprruce. SAMUEL GRANT. ' TUGS SPARE& OW. W. 111911413111. . WN. B. GRANT. . MAD Lee. ' THOS. S. SLLIS, - OM 1 , 41.111' - GUST. 3 BlLiallft. ' 41.1. Ile 12 ' O. II Alia et. Peentelest. . GUM FALUN. Ytee.Preeideni. , Vie W. IlnAllieriat. Set. • The entocribee te agent Ike the abate inentloned to elltaten. end le premed to make teetnreee an even eva:Dual al neuM4l the lowest nee. . Ittrldi AO ;LA, .I-1.) No. 18 Itat o: uustongo S t • Pottsville. F. BAAEF.DHEM, Geel Inutrince Agt.• Otago Pelmet[ ratio Hall, Pottsville, to. I.IVIRPOOL a LONDON i (ACHE CO : Cult Canals! end ° A.neete 9141.000, 000 binge.adin Lt :: ilnitod tittles over.... 01,300,000 • HONE MURANO OOKPARY, flew Haves, Cosseeticart. ' 'Crab ........ 0300.00 e Borples Jas. 11l Isat .01311.1170 Insure= effeelut in the beetConvenits on favory. Eie ternet.,Lotome Wavily ettlutpaid wlthoet ddq.]anl. 1. •61,-1. BA WM II WILLIAMS, Ileintlix mad Veil tiles tug Ihritrellesilse, Meta saintirtirbone heater: It is Ccentracted le • to at woe commend beet: to general. favor. being a combination of wrottilit and east iron. It le wry *hook , id Ito censtrocOon. and Itforfohly alvtighti sallkleacting, Metre nO pipes or dram to be takeo oat aid Owned It la to arranged with upright gum wto protium, a larger anrinnt of beat from the same weigitt of.coal than any fumes DOW tn we, The by growelie condition of the we am prodoced by my new a:maw:sew of evaporation will 1$ once demonatrate Inapt I the ort'Y • nor All VIAINAIII will produod a perfectly healthywowipbers. I sating Ave dies rOIITABLgek and ken RANO gpeittel attention is also catltid to wiy New OOLDKZe (WONG' IIkiSCIES, I feel aerated there to nothing In osn that can compete with them. is regard' their durability. scream , and >eft-lacy, with a Lame aworthent at few . Down tOrater, lire Place Stowe. Rollo° ta and Ventilators. bend 1w itinetrated cl maim. inn. a, '4l-2/ C R Y $ i'' A L SPEOT4tXES '4l; EYE GLOBEa. These &wean rfacuad fO3lll the lined Cmtal and wll3 not net dim or scratebal Bap ear to any abet to 1:1110 Conouneted to sena dance wlth tbe &cleans cod palkampay of tutu?! In the pecallar form of • • A cespaare Oases; Et lipl S Adtetrabli adapted to the prom *faith!. im‘perfeell# astpraki to the eve, attonllncattoother the best at tl• [kW tvlo to the horturvfoloa sot Vented. - They eenhWerons witb pored ewe any length 4 tune, giving a.AohlAttg eternal* of 'haat and anneni to the speetsee wearer bttherto unknown. We Peale are &toted to the era - wilt en Onnnnenz and were aged to give tell Info:lke. A tall most. h =unter }Mks ogeniated gismo e intently on band • JOSEPH DUMB. 166 Ositsnallvel. 1 dome Wye quo Nottlm4 HOW% Patton's. SIGN OP THE 810 BPAOTACLE. Jane A 13-, 8, ' lillhOla. c;car_orcbiv - DENTAL ASSOCIATION Originated Ma lOosiliette taco/ arrniots OXID2 GP. adzowitar It - to thLigialt apprope sans d nothing brit ITTBACT TEMA. gad do that WITHOI7T' rert) woo poems tatty. deo rhOg gioora at thikd ce. xo. ra wawa BL. tiatior MOM Pianadadietteda. • Now It 4/141 FAMHITNEY, - _BANKER, 14461ME6 arickgr, miraux, Dealer la 43003 AND. . SILVER. Foreign Ezehange • Tratteti Shale" dk other Bonds; MONEY RECEIVED 'ON DEPOSIT:— INTEREST allqwed_eOpo special agreonei t STOCKS and 1101. We obi and *old. at the New York and. Phlledelehla Beet* oS Woken at the tonal Conuaimente. Aux IL. 1-17 .4511PHELAIMPHLENNEGRON19 B. AGE EMMET& Na U North NINTH Street, above lariat. a a. zvie- P citte:ey Mee RuPtarell. ru• madam Udine attrodil al by May Ilioit-11-1Y Hn.a.subs.—solr Taft to Plc Vice. ► vett. epactonaDeacing Pietteta. Restiaartekra. dtc .rails bop sad convenient Batting mad Iledn.' an,•eow, vita Wier and - Gentlemen's Drawing 'boos, atentortebte tarniebed. end a opa dome H•ltabrdaedap , all encloeed and Rader corer; aeatiteempleted.,' , • . L Mater, males to be need with the Dsp, ter it. Stadler ra r • chid debmilltion• do Yeti. caiddrd Weer sad Wally as wain and ore of gloneda. baiting% •e . • tad doe Thom Merino to b vow, member/1 ire redivided tabecrties without delay. • Lund nom acidity actrocis. /sc., saximsolidged as tees amble tetra 632111TOPHER tarny, Att. sir Pt Illatutitsno St. Mlti Mimi T. PI 11_ Cressona, Powder Works. trUlll Worreireet baiter takes the Won works, wtd isisalstere OW offer to the tride.feerder tudeby theism WOOS led - et moil guilty whit Wit wader oar New tort WM: • • We WALLWIT all et airesode Ito glee LIMBS SATIsiPao num • • /W 14, ilea, will on& sores geemedukte 10 Capt. iota . " - tiete 7 oneidred Re et tettl re do tterel ham ow 11 1 1POLII POWDIR WOREL Khmer We. 111 T e onaNG t P‘ mina WORKS N BATt'Llt POWDER' WCWILL Ilthts " Za et fitment theitoother Omagh We IP. L. er new ap. gettetioe at the .41tee et July I 011121 S WiIaNDIVWDIIIIO)4 lie Breedway, N. T. FLA I it I' r 4 k HMO. rbikr/tr Oft al. their yell Mem' Noels as amino Wei al Chita al the merest ea* Odom Choke dolor{ m/iWplheea lGd tetrO oea m Teen a l ewelle. l i l ti eet ,Steieltsl hp et t tb. fe ! e to lMm o ° o ol e c pirl6 t Keeowl MoeMiond,sllltott WIMhaLSMm .lelalrmdll,4lul M S arll.POl X ft Fairthorpals Maritimes, OF', scam sumit i v , to Kam Fr, • ckindi sesi to iaTiltaltreed Meet or per ltryireeh es* oe &deem . 11. Ikbehe• etheeast to large 4111—lie /AIL TIP • 1 - s -- ,ILX,. 0.2,04 4 I, d , le- \IQ , • •- M D - . vt t , • tiI°MIRE WORKS; 14 g . E. C. MEDI & CO.". 1 4 , iummem. ) ' Ig s; u tfitiqui. 804' -- ir _ , _, , 3 .. , . Jan i. ilk - -- - - 1." _T -la E BRADBURY . _ . . . m 4 cio . • nivel 111 / 0, m r stiff p eml igru-sr• rep= i rw i • prime 49t, 11+1.111,i,'.• • ~ s . , •-•••- - 'lnt_tbilteidi mime ~um await* imieta= asoc , -oseta nor liwaleablkinerrniunrikeisouregrft,la, w r iiin a. ,21116,• Nopp4ll"wlapsir 2A-14° Plidvdb • • wire Mel. *A I I I O4-4ititiisi , -Th eZsigr" --, • • roma. , i ii mr .;l2‘ . sot hie 44$ t 41/lier SZCIPII2. • .TO3tATO Cttist , cs r:-enoil ote, toes until *ON then egotist' ihrLugh s !I N ittreLeere; add - halt piton tf , vine 4 . B r, fa , and one -110'00 pf silt. two police% don t , cite- quartet- pottcd'oT eipie% ctie sluts hilt ounces tipitoh Repot. 'Otitis libletpei fah cf, black *pcilgti, trod- il!e heed. of 004,, aliened sod ,sepirated ; pis andsholl tutu hoers;or until reduced out; Salt, std 'bottle without Street:lg: ' . • , , •:' NlitetsSieaten eseelleht tett:lp made frnp the 'above recipe: t ile tulle alit be omit. teddy joie wha r do cot deer.: Its rriz! witbont - ; I FILTAZUNG ealtiltlo.—l thick, I.cle .avaluable atm iestioe or I.wo :in your 11;c itle and.fery . . • , Ist. I wonld huilA up .the cistern ar:ilrnt one coat of gaunt. iho xall bca.ra 11:e Skiing Walt ia,plute„,foi: it will eo , GA ter tista, wbcro the wall rpns into tile 'cis 6:1 - wall. Water will iiitiat . assersAlly., tllcer. , nr of the- Ciatiti: hetelusloss _there wAi.!' p roo f miita' .To'strcfg?ttli eoeneetton of thlirWall w(112 then tin of the diteno.,l thialr.iU.tliit is tiereis;ry to plaVer alieliay coat ef cement at ilia I:l4r.Rbtfo the will meets the stile. Yd r.I pattlie pemplAte: ley e6tern bet xe I built the waif a the fltkt i fhcu built wall of .the titter atui.elosed 11 . ove.fat 11. e top, likes brit ores. and . VlVA:fed( it aro& ~Tots meetai_from the, !op: No ?oqbt ItLemepriai s:0 the best elte:i we Co2lo Lsve.' ' Suxi. FosTns. , Wi.xx crrtiporidetV,, a: e Republtcin,„ Vireiqcttes!oc Ps:, ,gl4c.s. The season of the. wine la pinFe 4ad, 'seal have no dotiht (rim, pe4if tut dloationi, that touch _dottiest:kr nine•nl.ll ba manufactured. 'The first-quatt . fort boa do yon will WI you: 11 y wish to piste •go+4,adue: ooe htve eige,..llle pot• fog but the juice of the grapi.. The form "Your wine press h of little aceouot, , prolij,.! you have el lippsfatus which * ill .ez r.ct C 1 the juice trout the grape. • Pahr the jaice mat) into a keg 0i beiFei, fill up even 'wl:' the boot- tio!e, sad a 4 llnie It to Pienent hbont two weeks, keeping It peels .011 et aII times for.i.bich die you .aboald . a q a.r: of the4elce . 111 nAttve,,, - Al the ecd two weeke bug ane tern! . . . a wine grape Ictko fait whO , bey cr 1,1 juice wilLbesr en egg. It beard' an. reg. no sugar inneedc;d; it it does no!, pia itti:)u . d add alga to the jaica until it does.. i rr., lynch ant9antbetries, end'onmnia, and veg - , tabltivi ittc4 as rhutratlkenid - geeen fothatut,, etC.i . will not ma4ite Wine.; - Perk Oa I kead Wan of envie tenter may make a li4aid which will manage' to "keep'. itself, '•b¢t u 1 . 1 . , n”: wlrm...Must re . ce4nif4,wite.dirtt !Le uxat sugar water in - grape , juice th e Is Wrong. :If you must dilmte it, du it whin yeti use4lie wine, ont Wiikll yeti milts,ii. A cii la the best 'hoNltiie wine, Ingo anl . denrlehns tp4ye. fur temporary triwpor4tion; liui net for .cy permanentfioldraL4 U ?end' frr wino bottler .:,,- No. iv oi.l:"insotqs-cturz: , . woof(' ever tui i bottle. or. sell bottled'ehe, If people woetil parclitep wlne bi • ;lie keg. TIA eticemeete =de in the toricoieg, are bared upon the experenee ot•the writer,-eed . eortespnedeeee-w th the cite Lookiverth ft Cincinoatl...• • 130 W. 1311 r: PLAO -.. Peto.aket • are woe . very plentiful.' Dairri iouth they tritko thtn into what Is called ';peach leather." and here ute,People alight do: the:suite to indvantig Cru.h.tbe peaches, bet Was the pits or atono, and force ihrougki large colatidei or eietrre • slue by rubbing,'Fiitil nothing but the - Out and pits remain-In the; sieve, the juke and pulp haying passed through into a trough or receptacle,' The aklur and_plis • Ire throir r n away; and the _poll* "substance ponred and spread upon ptitted kiards with riistd edger, to avoid tel runinireff,'or large sheet tam pew; which bare 'been 'preric greased.' Thew: ears, Planed , In an ,uien to . dry. . the" , preparatiOn 4 - tt hardened; ii peeled afire= the beard , -or pak and packed away bar nu. ',lt is .1 dale . does, nutritive, and healthy esculent,', in IA rawatate; can be 'used st:s lance, cakes, etc, u well as . the' orditare driei peaches is altogether liner and be '.ter t than the ordlnary%diled' . peach. • Polple of moderate ionize shiwtha take • adUrugs of thlsrecelptto sectreaomething • ;lice; cheep and Wholesome Rai *Wei PK- • P • p • • • • . . . Imam itavtacca.—lt la eatimaied, by the American Reetcoologiat that„on an aveltail . the Unteed Stites anfrer an :annual. 000,000,00* from the depredation of ihlsect tithes. From mhatraourea It derive its dui upon which to / bile there; estimates. in nut dated, • They, however, may nbt bp eQ__fir pig of the Way. where "zeconiidet how isa' la the throng M . Inieeta uftot! vegetation. Locusts, pot ? Mhopter?, Ihe>ita 'Ries, Mit cotter', ineT:artgy.: 'worms; yetfly mete sad hiroadi oporilherprodocti of. the And whoever can Itvent -mein!' set appllencii for check* their ravigte • al: Indeed provaa lhene*tor.- , • , Pisa Tesas..6-11say i enema bell es 'dist it obi Dearly s ttf, time tea toflad - Irrar . trega tern .hettrg' 1.0 braid', pasted • did Adatrzetotturtd . ”r" eta kap's,irea. thee mod only ern at Go eeSood !kr' eery, sad they will see =tell Pear trees• rtatelinit amiss WS eme IMO yam ogd, slastat b-eek of d-•a walk the bade attrala• • Way. etandsed rest, bar !abseil S 'to .5' Teri from • Venting,— sr,: we ,weet/d botlideosatbe coattail.' et in. bet o=4- luta OM le Pests on the trNteira rants. I . X.,ePt Dembeas dittoeerea'! width • Se better na the iprroce. - all standards beresier,:ttulee better wart cattiest.; ea denied oe In tba perstaldkil bon .. Fe. base 'also asp d, espetStts,st (Freemen., thir there are rot rainy more tbetals' to Ta ale& o: NO' thrbare sadabb •to our tltspids,dist ttit Inc of TO vaeferien. We abio learn WA tree " ,0 pC taaud Uses Eros Intssillar tree tedlere:ivt base Vase badly t•ttest Ind bet kw.el , the trre• ltd lay bascoot tamed out was expeded." Vstar.: - - - Capqty 'ris•;—/liinee,. very hoely tiro cap at cold reir-te4 and-two boiled - see breads; iteasen with papier, sail; sii:Ce parslei, and Baia') balled otion - cbq - pe4 very:flat ; a large teacup of bread and pti; belled with - a pleca - or batter the eiFe of it egg., Mix all lbgeider shape diem awl tbem'la'eggil . fineftwaker crumb.... Fly In DOiliag lard. • ' ; . Oa:Calm - Csocustrti.L—B4ll. cticken_un... decd .! chop 1t flt take.. Immo or the it'%tet t led l! wiDolled , .with hatei 'the. at!, 01 an Mg; Emil ISclle,ned Pepper sad salt. 1 flute onion;konie panlej, end , nits is the , minced - chicken. :When cold, cittpd them. and dip mai ind - egg..-- ?TY in lard. ; . _ . Ouu. Co= Pribiao,ftwetve - ear, of aora .v061, - 0411 plat at milk ,. two. eggs, a epogafttl :at taf.t; bake: 'ono and es ha FOR rIALI4;- AN DTO LET. Fraiwwtraiiivomositiii Now ONE• a moll to grolti Loan oo Co fallow:se Ve a, Coal as Gkorsteldo. *bleb' bin* boos Ad:ad ta' locout t Tlie Ifsmiaintb 'NIL IN kis thia N. Fkid• Mal Wm. la fafai Welt: ltro dews : aid:. than Vela Wit bola :OW run 0 ! au alloothattous to. mils, tow oxal saw motel co tbo okolslog plooorty lb' , New 5 4 01 ihrooke Cm =oll=4 t a r 411111104 Lalgh. 'Me of ',nein :t foot IW*. tflatelhOf ag;mi SO foot Cal POMP 0110 Woo dedlo to-la dlolt - The dtifoteo holm 51111 1,4, From Zoltan Willi:Oh Clink - Pecpaltaiik Om& patine/Ulla.. ..... • :11/ At : 4 •: •" • us ufT=6;2ft trx ulna tregu• rnttl . tzt DV ViMilke/M14.4 "Maio Wks, CreitE,o la g qr. 6 rit s d.gui &eV= 31410.454, niumonach . . . --• _ SALE. OM 1f rule ISOM. la la enlm .. -0.1.14 IN. . Nag. om'cits; 11; 11. coiss.pS t p' Ott If, hi: rol. rwm, ece59.00. 5 . 1 in **nut ; ' ' • - • Let Coialiallps.Sollo ad refs. ditsrest ens itO pot bays 'Verdi bac lie riogP told •lattis lot Rim Smut sqM,Studillets., Am* 'Sibs; Itar. tzd •• Zoe Pampa: 'Afar, OW Nowt Nadi ne cars bre So. ,rood ; is asidg er" trip,..s. tots. , Olttliteltit kilt. Jarlyster..Ore IS Sews Opole it Vet. maned rm. 0 1 014 + lbw's ran "MI. ' Ol . ll r lirolotioner Ouoi• Bemßalredie Usti" wk. Densest Elsactat Ass S. Mei Psis ' Wee la pod mecum . 411•4_, to , - WIL AGAUDionnu WFdtCnoi Dimas Coal ebiCain plod. mi.. • • ee , A. S. 091114 111,. ittliterillw Pa. J l 4 al.le . ; ; • - - SW_