. Mittets' Nintmat. porrsvm4 PA: rATUEIDAT. 1113. p4Olll, COAL. IRON AND.OEL. tY =DOW AND BURIAL T Gest Ws o, parNtlisUllscum" ta the aely.uorl while:et to ttatted tatate. that Ow a tall eath:Too bl SCRTICjTjip ypsts ha t t hi ar u roTtiutir tutariaul use PI tfafeepfy cheapeuthe a vial OW? =awl aualltattnu. The Lob &tors.ow Arm!! awl% have up stogie valaska Kull m l• tdtaeMf. 'SI Cetus Nu. Uhl al . Is aOn 3 aye Zaa msnftlaot IMu f 7 to , 13,33 lee 1 y Mead , ettlpt ce pica:Addregia Balllat , ll #IIIIIILIST, Pottrrills, . . NOTICE TO'ollB, - IMBEICIRIBEIS. We desire as many offer teadsni, who sapre :vt, the peplr, puttee/illy In thin Chanty, to 1.1.2. the Deur tlexa.ellottreat..:lt is coy tan eel het rreavaell, at our ageWie vivrt enh.ore Melt es*blebeff. Where 'tent no vaVIV I they eel Kiceire tbe'paper try mail rue ar poetene wllLfu ttb liqUe of the County,. 'After this ie.& we IntentfrAlletting but little of t Le news in the Saturday:a foilmer, that swam inthe daily ken*, corny gently it will be *Port= ••ant to t rke the Daily to keg, posted op with the beli Intelligent*, h. 1., at home, and - they will al so meats the West telegraphic neweabout half day *War than'they eau • nieelve It tram any **we setup. "Me is kapott**, and rat* to appreciated by end,' Chisel to the Potimy.. • • IkJ Daly - Isoetablished. The patronage has not oily coma up • Jo, bat erase& oar *pease Clots en far—bat ft is .till tar fronapayiket ex penses, 'ant must oontiaus for a emaidera- Ms time yet to be a beau drain on oar pockets. The labor andexpeose otpublishing a daily paper hero is trrecollette to make it semptible, witch greater than wo anticipated—bat notwithatetd nig these constrlcratiena, we desire to enlarge it to half ikon** of the Saturday Ifittere-lonmtl, I,y tho tint' of /anneal. when !twill appear .1n a now and beautiful form, with entire new. type. - Tie *alto! the enlarged form, of mute, will de . neri WWWie Meagane on the patter age we receive in the meantime. We bare never called upon the people of Schuylkill county to which tht.y have failed reepotnlink, and we do not tellere that they wid do so cow. W. can then Rive cur readers a greater varisty of reltreella -orme real ling in the Dane Jammu, which will commend it farther to theft support. When it: ie taken into tiooelderal ten (hit it will eat only' -ton Cen . P a week, or fifteen cents, including the Saturday Joranaz. also, hat few persons are too poor 10 take boat,' and it will-be of great benefit to all. To aim the eiedie of our readers, Satur day /orates'. mill' be made Into a . qaartn tom T arter the Brat of January, and it also Will appear in new type with thehegtnnitla of the-year. Bend in your names ae rapidly ae peasitte far the DAILY ;Joiawat.„ We mast Lave 3,000 sob • scribers by-Um:l-Brea of January to make ft pay expenses.' AU ilia feel a pride In hiving a lire - and creditable daily in the county, ought to patroeiio It by taking it and edit:lA.l.in in it. RAG WI OW Till 111111ORRINO Detontehes boast New TOOL eve &telt of the ex citement to Net York yertMday Maimg the gold ism. b'en. The mice of nod wakened tip ba lit' and it fell again to Ili. Fortunes were Met to s moment.— .Seeretary MT : twill Asa ordered $4 000.000 in end to -herld to day, and $400 4 ,006 of bands hotted. - ln We Ington there Is it good deal of endttement .over the Cale-SPlllb L 7o3 ble. ban it to believed it wIl • Jetted,' without ar y Material malt !mond an adman* Is g ad. Whaterer attitude May be manned by Kplatl, whether forena *Chnote. or In earnest, there will be to Mtn donee frnm the porblon oar florernmeat has taken opts lit. time on the Cbbln qaestion. In tr. ?metre the irealdent himself Meade fireseet, and to I. it, cktrirLy trarly el the CabrOttexcvpt Secretary I eh who le dreadfully alarmed Moat Men sweeping ror Ml= ter , frthrt the Bra. Ito 'remake appointment w,'114 reed, of a enererror to the late General Raw' 1t0..., Secretary of Wm. nova eller the annual report of thenepirtment kw been made up— c. . • ' The Grand army 41 the lleviblie be, ordered a ape. e ptid to cnitt.•2 gt-d re int/Intr. 1111 1 VIT , - ran:. uuuu ..ivr Prai. 1.110 s. e . Vlrsetrire ilttasl lisy'ast Futditamodialso cfillnuthlite. willsell M pabl...c sole au the prude% On i ' '. • ; Slattsaillarn tElte en linir ,at 4 Si that rattnable lot of round It the -*sae: et Parker. Juni Line Anent. tens novelty feet f eat. sae hand-s 4 nod /pet dap tarty. seven font atone or into is Um rear, talth • pis tOry I as* deti hey there: Terms.catb.,* ()tarnitglos , count* ea AI. Pars.bett to sa order of the Urptiaor Vaasa of the Gawp of Daitub , o, titte ril Beenirrinals, the rube erlbet, Atha*. Rem& of tbe orate of Madan Bottles. late of Ilse ,B L eode, of rfnegfuwe; III( Da Conley of richoylkiP, &reseed. will tip an Waite. by pghlic veulor, N Wedioradare Oaliabor UMW. , Al 10.0VI , xt 10 We fort&aeo, on the tkeheses. ia the ce e em of Dauphin, accrual All that' certain FORM. Ad TRACT d Latia 1110,10 to tboToan stitp r.t Koe Hume% In said C‘irity of Deop:,ls, to llanada Cal. ley, taro arc a .tc - Also •ds (iota and eix ern alias frogs list ?Übangi Wale Ifottl.lo4l, de , erttedfOlunrin. Booneed by bends of Williams- Huesca, S. C. p. Gra , tl, Tb..maa Bop r and ot hers andrientainhapl acres tad M pectin., aioni'or kora with tta ain.arat. oance, a meeting of s Termatma Leg Deeiltr.a noose awl s Iv., Bank Darn, 60 t 415 feet; wl!h 'her 1q proirtal itts. tars tae ertiuri of f1UCC 4 0 . 24 AfIUGLINS, &ceased, Thetas and C. otfilaas wde.axiiiins at tbit the tine and place of sale by ; • • WILLIAM u.luracoant, By order oftte Cepkane Of euti Aebialeeratof; • • WW.RUBN, Chyle. ' 1(.,,t0mr. Aap.•11.,1111111. &vitt Q mut Greenwood Ni4sery, Pottsville ,E'LANTING.•. We: taw II ARID Odt AM. Ain& FLIIIII. sad Cb rilllY Titala ter Fell . Pleatlem eaakearbir ya ebobat Mod or Fruit, ea3able tor thie dow', seta of eadali . ere oiLd atm is bailer.: Sirs 'Ails kite' awe loom be name; mid .111 be maid ease Abe, SHADS TE/81 fir i tae staid aad IV,Lid iialtfliti, wadi as Maxturiprea. Janiprs. Mamba Arbor:Wpm& te. td. . I' • - rye Himileed Choice MemTotal airs s'aN for cke,p, is ttey Mat be removed • mars amotramai WORM'S VINO. belodbig Meditete; Coward. lam. IM bomb: Alin, the sow °mom Niue*. 51 Wittea , amarad. sal Dr Oria,V. N OngiktkelForpto. tl N doom owl* thin the Cawood. • - I For ale et flitligNllOOD SMUT. Totliottio, Warlll9ll4 ;TOM pi.crocas AM alter tpliodki Flolearburda:be, taped.' by.. ! Can Hulked. Tate s who vas trowe bilbe be blame fast d,ram _admitted apt bed aver emir amdikba Item deem betas. , Far tele kr the Maga, d sasm at Ni lausi Comtiat dos to Woos wto perdue d *ow: Appir al dift2.lllWOOld • The aloe Gtr tiammisai tag trees is ttoi Fall ream I.lle eddie of Deaba, teas middle et bore= Gr. ar,adtr.G to We Male of the ereetbar. da, "CV • H 4IILISS Is p►,l» IS TotaL ,111.11.3 11' 113 Ira r 4 lu.ll 111 `166,111 16 To Manufacturirs. Len'e to ins "A,LL*III , AIPIATICRIP ANTI; LA MINA , ' irill be lewd an eppllcelan t t i the ander elned. . 13, Is a . . Flre Prerernird oj. Seatri stews Tlb i Lieu•nrbe ltriiilded at FIX DOLLARS rim C fli t "!a we TIS etll dibts to stoke sal aim Wu safe TEN. DOLLARS' PER A.V.VOI FOR , • PACHIBOILER. . . . Thee:eerie. ke.,,,i5411; the "IitTtLAKIIi*. .111 eetrotteela so, H deet•ed, - et Inor prim. NORMS **Camelot. Itateeer other Tentwey turf tait it it . tatea... ' , • I . • i • AI;LEN " kV NEEDLES, .;‘ , ' - -- -DEAtERs.O OrLi3, - • • 24. 42 ..,Scnaii, Dr/ware. Phila#lpAria. 11:1!rTthiss . etll M iatm appilaCoa. bpta.• SPSCIAL 4,N,koo,tiLlikff . . t - ELIA O. • • , ••• " r.• • .- • ..-. JVAXCLP2IB, ,'9o2,o 4 iettont s treeti ead ;coy «i h. &grayed by Ire la isomer We,. leas opts* the emu LA bmisme. . • - With, ea. Wire New Stock Zumfaatared and. Imported looib, scrauoa c zt u re EVIL/AL nil lice earns* Milts a'l to obit sal lisped atom J. E. CALDWELL. & Op ISO aliolinnet . VS 1017 EVERY SUBSCRIBER TO THIS; PAPER /4 be.eby enoinlate 3 d the Leet, tint be bop T h ' ' DV2 177 11 T er P!'.::.,..:,, , : . .. 1.. iii-ciiio4lviiiak Tit Silt mad oa t * leap, 4f . s . r s t cklelblag a'iosee 11311.60 his art 1100131111 L 6 WIISON • ••• L• itield may lo ell tie iintiseh sad an it their sele eetbleom led Mat. telly lore weave* root iseete teees ar taws krifragesi toe. tie pegiit fa: 11100111111. 4 MIAOW - • - Nati airmisieee wmata (*APIs' able nom% kith et immix ti .ad let Tamen Isemetst‘e tam ediell &bey sea ON met de v i d i al ton mu% dim reedy-anti or to cr. *tat tie Astra pant" Bask*, UV= a WILSON r• . . . . ,layttoi erailligis lean die inneestakag 1 431 se4 WWI% al their 0 • nolo arosa OW Mil MO wbilitaiyllllllb4llo•l4a4l ID eiNet Mei aiumalliell GLOOM 11 1 1 1 apPlgre. lit Wirer pacot Qui al:lite:lF obi Is tows. • B•n*CF7./Q1 2, 4 Rocianu & mv;os, ereat Brosilltona Silk oj3 s a l iis name week Yana . DELPIII4. *minis _Olitormeas,s, WEL 111111111111 FM„ indig ra maw ;mien . aingiams iheratms47 I gthfs ..4.2114he sag .wart, I 1 : ,E R - I 8 6 9 Election Proclimatiom igha to *Wellman apdliM *1 10114tiwyjnos as a n y se IN 110.1UND OCOPPINS.aI= at pies TN **dim al Suns w assay Man as Minn, 10-41 t Os wan lar YQYYi>nldOsComotwalL at reanfthwes. On* perm tat M4Al=4O- into _pflost en al ta T BM= OP Is strum. prow Ow PillalltuiltOTMlLT attain OP TUR-00119112 O.F 'COSMO* Miastikin342l On Won far - 43:0171"711ZUM1t ot tbs. gawk, of lIONO ld._. _ _ ____ • • Ow forawfor WiIIdWIZOIP pitentomptagr4 vas wawa Or 1121111fillt Off MILS ad CU= Of MI 1,161.0a1 1 40 Obtelad Odwdkto Ow wow foe Mitt oF TOO CurldilliMi .1111DTVIIIINgi /Op outran issexis dam Omosty of L . • * oll• trIV I TCOSCIPIIIMIIt tif 111164111 . Couto. i, qt Om poem fat DMICIVII . Op . I'lll PO= of od ldOCaanty. , 0 4 ., yams lar apnrrot et sainorm own,. . Tao obleom of ObatiOddle Wee ad tof louV o i s. d Lataitod WU bold taw olottido at Or bows of T 0... to odd Ina& .. •. ~ - claim of tto ,Olot .Iford of I w *ow% of id will bold' uireisligs at the liaise of ism ad a RAI. la odd wait • - - • Tbe Locatt of is wen IV/di offli. et Ashlandwill lic44 *dr siiiitiiii iii, the kill, al • tin. Cuiata adding*. me sl f , alba botooldtedilinioallnodile,d, 4.., tbslatoawd ,11Walwa !LIM 111 add to. • , • I aketwo cltW tootalVp Wien WEI bold tlafe ' , eIoWOO at the bao,:o or Po. ot 11. hill ow, In doal TVotetots of Ow *cob MOW of the twonwildp of . Della will bold abaft adoefloo-ell tai bows ad Jobs HOW. to Graphing. , . • . 1 no dodos dde Gottit Idottictot Ilinnatit et Better *HI th4' dual& at do lime debt*. Camel s ot Teastao %elm toadtotradtV. - TO* dada* dd. totradOp of Bed Ilededg ttll 101 l WIZ earallll.l2i Uill Ist *doe Nem h deltdowilorg. to odd ttendtp. • • TO, abloom of the ttooddit dyed Belsodi blade* 0 4 as at the Ow, d Xkfied Mass ,to odd teimd!p. • - Sho del rf el Hu toietobto of lryditilll boa sigir We od ald ditto boon Of Markt fowl." Wit dew a+ ! The eledared Ate loweielo fe Inlet% ,1011 hold thee tketlos at the beer of Corselet Oakum% to said to • The altars of no Nation Darla of.reet tom. &Op ,wal to!fl the& Mead= tribeffe of Ws. (Mr am lased toletable,. • The elector of the loaders Ladled td Cede tour aMpatlll hell the" elettloa It thersrase al /Odd& tr fag venetida The eleakes the Idedeth 610rIlletit all boll =seam dew boom of Wargo P. Dueler, amid -N. The &otters of de tome rip of indeed vlil he'd thelti,sleara the bite, of Jahn Wesel. la said The — Tlector" of thotoombro or Fiala iittl bold las" elee I st home of David Wears, la the welt of Deothl.Qe. laid town hip. . SW CONS tba averadde el hetet "QUM nor Arita) lathe beer ot ire= Tad, la veld Tie • email of tle teersaato of ne• :Tied tiktl orci h. at die ,boom of Was H. Mahe. la mid tor: Alp:• octant of the torrelp crinkles, _ellt bald ( h olm at thetas& °lapel aspeMalorstesaill Tqe H. tats of the toldeit al It Chrio• whl loth t tlittloo at the. he... of 111a.Vsba. la odd Co rm* • , The elects, of 'IBA out of Moab Mahan town .Lip' who seemly voted tale taxer& et Om* roil ettt hold Matt dram at of ham df nal tat. 4 , a Latatoestlle. to WI taratake._ The . tenon that tut of Nadi Nadethe t 0... Water, falsetto wad to Ida Swell Weil of Ur tread' of autumn's. art all that landosplal Ur art we'd the liver a lad" Id. dad etUda the Pawed eladloe Usa the eoetbedy flea of the brou'ob of .INatietlla sat Meek thee of die Wmhy of Mar heir %bre elated blboeto voter. to Noreealao &taloa .11herki. • eept that pot am IssateLtce Isar" use el deem Carbon wit hold their SIIIC/0111 at the bore to heads Daeoloa. la odd temedp.. The ded ea of Math Mathedes tosteldp. cut to tradd 'he Ibragolas &abide. Ell hold UAW else tre t i hoofed tip' KO* ta oats turatildp, The &edam of the todealesot loath Ormototo el3l bold der eladloo at lb! Woe of Mame Weer, I. saki tseetcskOp. .i . reettra of dui , Let Ward *LIU Irma of Cal alit hold err aim sloe et Ile blase of Elfish 6a. bold Omagh • El eleeues of Ile Wort Wad Or tbo 100 - volk Or IlNa de Ltiarry OE7 will hold tier Wades et the here ol r nesake, add bleertli. ofilialeatoesal he eselebtr of lishafref ortll bold dolt .I"Alte, at tle noels Deb Mod Haus.o • ld 471 2101fte 1111 d the net Ward of Br batugi or DI awa it! cli bold theft Weeded at the house Jed kahir. Ladd hoesseh. - The cores of the Wee Met of the leateell rf ditestitte hole Oak ekteloa et the hum of Jobs Wotan In red lent. am: Pt ditto in le 1 Id 114 su, ter . gOT 1115 - - 00 The elecie a et Ow bomb el _11141;11.6 et will kid the e:tet kia utM befeeispt Kw" la add bce. Nieces et i he teerneklp etitar Ortkiln 'ord •they eke La et the bo-el of Levi 11 , eteer. lambi toyer of lb keroitto a Sams vlll toad, that, e'ettke at 1 town of Rank Mom to esattoosolgo. • Thiehooksc Ur horakipot Rik Pkoweeka ttifit Weir ttoetfoo - ar the beer a Job. Omer. to oak A Ol,OOl O. Tao eket.re a the kook* of Nem IP6oote , pe ha will bold doh o:octioa ektlie boor of Ilkeprotlal4. k Tts, et,czars at Uss botooth cit OraOptntot oul bold IMO tdeetiria M Oto aM ftms Imo% In taM le• tae eliefon of Me bonenet pviomi It s = 'WU elactiso at MO bow P. Bin/ tRY N. Pket. New rt. SIL9 3..11 Ths doctors of tee 07..t11540k Ptomaines win bola tbeissaannoi at tbs lawaaatasah fir, timid tows., . Ig Ait ete:eloSs ot the , rob bold Wit &moos at ths now of Thom to Li -" Ttie l =ra tba boOmagit 'of Past worm win bout that ticatlpo at thOhosto of &wool Weikal,,ta Tba siectors af. the barcolgh. at Rid Cattail • will bold.thelz.sletlion'at tha Post Cabot goat% la sat sessicreci tbs lowoaltip at .Pastse win boil 10110 emits at tbs - house of nano aelese. to said township. • The electors of Ile boroith of Pottsville, Is Smith Ward. will bold their eked= at the Man of J. B. Fens It CS., la said want " ' • • TM e'ectoesal the homes% of Totterftle, to loath 'lhish.Ward will thee, electiostat the Sareleas Hoer. In held want , ,I • • bola the toestoth of nettling, to Niddle West will heir elect, on at the house el David Norstalch, Inuit wse& TVs electors of the bornashof Toltavine. to North lb" 'whet real kl their election in w how Of al* Naha thinT. tit zed sad. - • The electors ni the arough of Pothrelha, le Loth West Ws Oteislin In * will hold Nano& et the hoe of' italtidee The therm - or the oW tow wor eship of Naha will bold Near en= St the !School Moose oflhosi Dohs Is mold M i ttens of the lowieltf, of Nish hohithele .- 114•CtiOn stUs• beam of PldlOGlticler,la Wat to•s *tie eleGn of ths . toweeriv ilea= mr is bows at idea* ChWeliffs WIN ' - - t 42etese Of tbe ef ISM se trail theft electios'at School an to said tout — The sloWare of the WroLele Oftte Ninth th• Oath Wit* will hold the* skean eh Wil Of J. Wieheriesee ts vela word. • Ilebaytkill Sims Ira Wart wth Mad titer deal= at We Memel la Ural WMeer. M SBA via • I - The elation of ea mama ot Marin &was M Wet Weld; bold ther Meeks et tbe Memel Km Juba iJ 9labb3ll. t. to was. The &cum of tbss boom. a Wolorei !ate Wor th Were, WI Mid Wl* *Mice stn Mek.flf Ilerlatata Tate, Oa add smut • The el aim at We pet et arbaytkl l tossup fag meta Ma Ike to We toe ft ode _MINOWN. Inc b Usk *Maas at take Mew at amp Ilemerty, le TM L Tti emke edit tut 4 ewe= i 4441, lee soctlt of Ilea ea Pe fee at Mem lasstabs . tat task decoke at We bows ot Am* Dales: to TM Uw stature of the boroesob cflibramilmb eel Mk * 'task aware el km boast et =Ma L Wideid s Is meld - • „ • Thebasseat electors of Utibanekb 'Mist afh. of nett ekaoke at the boom of moms le add mak* • TM *Won, of tie Rd, fa Wet* Wert MOI boldliett et We ham Itg al" • Bream ta WI Ta• laaptays alibi Wasik ~at fOlaltja Weft lewd. wet bolt Ibiltelettbm at the haw W Jaw ; batssaftewas TM Oran atilt betriell ofTseospi etrhaike Wed, sect ell Wee addict earth of • ere Ilkseetate to Peas t eePha. sad alas Meadow thaw Mbe reeds MAL tile tbelte Ise arty a met of West 'Tees tosteldp and saw maned to the bowled et Talkies. Mott: Meyeabre es a dame to, Vito. IMO la =leett god tam techilke Se wee 'iamb to sem IS to& to a NM; Owes Note n dearer ea. Is aide taa mat ft.* Ikea Whet arm rock to degrees wet el w it te ern Mil mar ketch* ml Mt hotel a Qr7w Ihee de shaker. Os eat befeerts • • a TM famcce d Ur beesteb ot %mum to Saki lesok edit lock ark elegies at ateMesset We/M. kr seW wog Tao 'Miura ot the boned et Iliesqu s tit am" INA Will baId:MAN Gawaas as Saw= al lbw Damao% timid mit T party he Maine ci Tamest barceit will bail Ibele 41421°. ti " / Km " "Me Lig allialaa *MI Tb tam" I deeleket Tteamet Mtwelks wtp bull italic election at le Mese el Meek isetemerom •billeigt Teawele. . stems. et Me feeratedp et Warr Illambileige till bold tbdaillellea a lie tore Ws I "gothic fa era boesebia . • TMMedowd It VeliateltbeillMM Meeks et Use beer Wide /Mee M • Tbe drone elks usewideed tbdr *keno. at teaboints4 Jobs P. elision,. In mosablot TM *flare at the torn** atA i r meta bold kik Make Oe beim al Ikart eel tawasta • el t sMees *Me - faemi4clWatikaaWill Mid Wok osl k M at the bowl alginates/. LW. mill tosraMi - Tae drawn a taa lawimata d Wewhattee win hold the* *ladles at Ws Isom et Ina =MA Is ask idoetalo snebikrl et le bowelz a rlf WV • .1111 etictim it Ur lameem efegb Gel Wei Seam • • • li V # be Merton of the b el Icelardle beNI O easeme at We tame et gleteal ddto. to =GINVM affil on Illmoglo cm MONIo betmea Me Mete of di md was wawa la Oa tom toeaetiti bear. as• IMO Wel•lii swami tebkewelm M ti jetmEtll .ma weirdo the eeetteg wire &RUMP . 0111111,1101111 L . The 'Menke. te ell the Wards Distrika cometke at mem II to= beim' tbawadbamestete the sane *Morn M tbe bow coop, sot shall academe triboat ikernisakim st- Ortmeeek aunt erne Misch to Ws mom illa all tOk yakked] be am& • Esrey Mc* Judea at le Are, ides shaft lolsay oaks m ateblikeret et pads ar trust ander the dommatmat dale Valli Waft ea ef etas craw MI or toowoorolstdlweat, wieder , s asemeliehmed airrpr alisrelea eabonfkme et. eke at sgestolk is or AO be woke We Waletarts Mearrsorielklery laimeiferMe litt or the - Vella Modes MO my' ikor or temp. Wad Clerks sed ales okay menber et Chni=t Moho eteletseddsters sad et** Mkt BM If el4 P " Walaf=s . citing ot;tho mom thee the er applatmel ed irldiftrZror az Clerk et elegies AU& car e n>m ao at dam aerate ott Weaken : 1 1:111 eras tobez i erm •••=ila r r • =fir ,eletklatte We games ge traeefte arm Welk* M We taiklmjegjore ler i =211:110 Wallop meow maw ' bow MI elk MD WM' legleall• Ire m e m ameept et tat lea lameesser Ain • mei ea Oraderetterfileelk Ate Se pre , tee eliefidlbseemedma 11Werl o Atee mats bee Et oda ler Jeep et We me mekkm Nan asta Is Ili lam had la ere Wm tame SploWileWeeelelselllbe bt~freska et cotes temarderrabs• set eland, Wpm We* et Jektmeell wit as liaaarra ad la walla amashaid MOB dada* alaal. that laa Imam via mobs! ea laps* amillar • alima alio a bo ir sa t imin gs aaavaarea am swam a. dr samara/maw dialla• aaa by r e e mem leg eleeMes de vas tam alma aka, wig at **MOI. be gild& mil aim Mall Awair bees *eke. pumill :111 ask WNW ammo ea Star aumase IM seek Nam '; note d irks milt amMllle alin 111 =lllll2=l=l6 rola of isamiala Meeks la Iteleletth 01657=M° d rasa lalamilica selee mem ge au ela.rlMtMed.auamaima ta tamp at ewe= .b eer Pm Meanie el as se We ski t reed et IMO IWO le Mos ; ,...Werehal =CI A i l e WV: .91806 Oho la nir awls raiglior Mural, awl lb =lll JIM Mo. wa. r=e ig e .11.41111111 4•112 1.11 = am= dosaus.• a lidera icartasolaama Wig peetYes mma4 mem MIND MAW tfrlm.def abi Nowa sat vas mal Isaga z A s na Wm IWO ma 001 Sim ma lama wallaa ft Oft duirislei Oil *WM lietkia sollaaaa Wm. amlpanamasaumpapasma, lobs aormailla toga ansama Sam OD alliaaaa, 'MIK= ala "I L 411111111 1ale b t=aam b =Was i bi e r s, imam .la par 1/011=111111=1•01 Wok imasaalmasay fibeif MIMI MIMI" OM/ gni 111111 o" - 11111111.40t10W-Pill:71111 - 01111111 63.11111. doseaMaaa adaaaa =NI Saw d.Waft was ag, orriv mosses run 1 as al srb m bl e M rm e moM s ia mama laan ae• WWI be Mee WOW 11 4 1bamlie miskeigeom Imeabows asp alAl'illalar 11 11, ! • • !! /OA data kitegabwi belles art; Otiercuport• tine Ranee of Mopes= Ant itdrOrriedto rrt.te ellerll •be 'Umbra: , tir oelubsenttme tbit bribe f•wyget 'Mi..; nab -b•te awpotitie lbws* wri•lne the lintrd - •Isa . tf !veil= tie ten Mein voter by resem cathretieß beta its; Pr fits wont iib;ge,. itiellbenleaueit toe tots by Seim re each ern WWI be oat to Lie de. Who than staltelbeliss rtotertuatti,thit tat of YoUtto bele by Man. It lit tness,where the tame rif ?forlorn= tialabltt ID note IS baud no thetit f a t e by the' Comte* • inaber rest soeltacr* nt bin ilea W. wet. •Wheitene. *wet Uresta or mak 16~44 to br Aar 'Onatitiol. • Mann ft reel betbe duty the iht to - cse . Salon each tame no cads se to ittit Wit ha atop! to have resided et:thin -150 Matta for Ow yew Orfila% his cab .elialt . he, =NO* Trout Willa tat alb lute proof or at leiwoue' , valPe twin witsims t ',bland: be • rosilledbketor, Iby no • Ye NAM ta the Mitt , 4l - So time Mau tra-baya_ tsumitiotely pWoullegaucti erectlau. werrelmil labla Idslwatllltear awl Ide - bass trio residence, In' Oblhestwitof Ms lawful calliten le hi wed ebitstre e lest Met be &a ten mote tuba sa".4 detrk - .41,..v the *Ones 11110ttig tbirstiL • • • • testy pimps goallbed a at Lena arel.Whii. drat Mike Mes titocg thatched. of than sidencesed pay.' mit of taxes, no strocsan. stet be a-mt to erste ok time towathip. Watt tie Otarict In Rnichte malt' rider . it say lemma ithatnrereat or nttlempt to. it: year. nay clam of any election ander tldnect from holding Melt Watt% or ma at threaten alke elolsatv a any suctioillosnoteh4t interrupt or traptoyerly-lotertan with Merin Ye szetutioe nt Ids - dory, -no that block • Op the window or arsons to any where the same may he bolding, .ce Mau riotoriely dorarb the peace at with rrltiote Cl bdall see sopt.noroldirlud dorm aline or ,faience; with erlteleteto lollacace midair or 'teenier ens elector, preyeat• hint trona engine or to 'moats the 'freedom of choice; tech' pinata ore mravietioeetrodi be dud" la any ragl.l3ot-ei eoldtng eyelets:bed dolts, tad latorterned - tie any, thilellol lON Man three our more than tette mon tto, audit it abed be shown tettemontt:r, to Court nheretnn wlel of roirei• Whams that he hal, that the twreon xlaufeihling. wan awl • resident of Um city. ward .51:alnict on torirmbip mime the widnee was rucismlttni, ort ehteed to TOM lbefetzt then oe rotorberrer it; • hat lot kinetic...l to Pa 7 ot Ent rem trim von baulked pmoot tkaa awe tbousand eolare, ibilorie..mpt Imethsa Wei mumble nor more theryarp yer6r . • /Ipliy pent:Mot persona:ha - I taste any beim wa, ger gime the result of any ,totem thl•r" C - an: or that of t to ante tiny nabt bet tr . so . Pr. akar metal trociamatt.n ttoreo't F. by any, tidbits Or misled idea trearre.r. my tome ru• poses 10 nob. top tab b for Oster. 511)1111omaiction there I, tit or trier ehel; Iterkit otriert,•, Uwe dam Ye sassed s. Ind or ottani to be t•ar,.. • 11 my plum. by law claaltoiLebbitt: 4 `rebto tut,. Rah stain etectlaa or tit, Vol:anon. eallb., •pr. being otherWtse gnat:bed ottall !via ut f hop - vit 41 , ekt., imy plows tan. tort the west ut 'irro his =orator each [MUM e.On, the liana offiedlair ehY4 4 era 'lc:U.o;Np ansd is any autiait ..esioneg two hundred dotage, ear Se: , if to' awy_tarlo. sat attending thaw mouths. • - t_ ••• say pains atoll r,,u, at tlifue , hl4ls(,:. vd/on ot ;otter:wine traniolettly anti &me thus Or es on VW rase day. cc rha I Land Wet, If t.d and *Wu to the 'mixes... toe Uck...ta tNotb-1. WA the West ilia.ndy to vote, co shaltnrocare another to do to, be as they a/ending shat,-on, C-11/%1,1 orr,.be hied Is sari MO &alms thou fifty toe moo tiro- ban- ' :erne doll" sod be imprison el 17,e al(rO3 Dot tele Yen three oar more than tore Are If se,.gesso tot Ambled to e.ec, 'wealth kgreatly to larit,fercept; th- roue of quints, eblaastr), shall , appear at sty Owe of "feet oti p.rpore of lairrentres the C theca nu e. 11,1 . 13 be stoat on cones - I,A f.,deli d ley , any - awn nor terstelltg use heeerreltlollart for clerk rot a °Vie% end be labeigoital Lz• "any . teita tr.. 4 • eaceeding three sizatero La* • . _ . I also give 011 Mal notice to the'elecitra'af *.t aft. kill wanly that, by an r.c! entry l•• An; Act further seppluerVat bathe let eetatire t at, ke chat:al of ISudicometole neotia,s aipmeod April lII.b, A. Ikt M. tr, p rarbled Wallows r. . • ' .. lannow L - 1 Bs dr, 'meta be the Senator. eat Wane Itt refooratetiew of lA, C0duh..u.,0114 rj Items soda ta barns 4......du0 ono, a i. 4 u i 4 11•,..57 tn. idea bit the eathenty it( the eons. -.To ,1 it ab.. 11 he the duty °teach of the awesome w.(thin thin nuttroon aoltdr„ tal she dna Moeda to Jrris of each year,..t.t. take op the tratianript be bis •eree,..l !ha lb / CQUIV, coma eskusers ender the elithth w ctinetn , tweet ir Mesa Apra: etattiormluuderid 'an 1 . I hlrty. Gat. and wood to an teuredate reviaton of, ter, s a me ,by strialeg therefrom the of every . 1•1•••• •N. ID, LIM. to hbre to hive, e mote ti - re el,,Ved aiLcu the. last metal iliewireet, from the dt allot of Whip, be .le the aureor. , rir saws ,drath or mosur.), tine the same shall be made karma to Mal; and to mid to - tai wee Seams on anywenla d Ste e• why thou et haws by hita So have Mused onto the' Weida . alto. W Ind preview teerenum; or whoa eon oval Into the isms *al. trace attar/ haw Inc I nit is-known tio bisood also the llama of all whe shill te the trial . to am to he qualified Tepee therelo. As- soon a this noteloa is oothated he shall Iva elf rt, die Lei' bows la kb district aod mato eirel i nnaley -if a,., pa Whew aloe teas his list h Ir. removed . Ilea the dwarf. sad Iran to take thei. saw - there to%or whether any quantal goer wildre th , rein Oho* WWI le Sotto the list, end. ti 0.1 . to .CPI the nine diorite; at d Mall ewe: wryer. a the=ta added. ho the ILI a tax shall fortbenth be weasel Maliat IS, pea a; and* lieleellOr war In all e wet etxr- Ma, by lowal.y. upon eh t mound the hereto no amused Mateo te to a ',wee. Ll,oun . the ornaeleddh of Ude Init..% Slob be the duty of.• tart ' roweling. -se aforesaid to hroeired to make enrolee, Pialphatedeal ardor; et the white frotaten abovo.v twenty, one years rage. daindl* to be . earthed cotes In the ward, Iws . - da.i .. ' turrostup Or 'ka or arhi.l , i,he lathe s=eem s. twat' each of a name. cute ' whether old flagman tootle not a keeper : and It he In, the nasober of bieneWer.es In loops where the acme ire onathered, en tb the street alley nr conribi ' which eq ual r and it to a town where there arc mi numbers.. ' the name of the street. 'alley or court ou .phkir mid term fronts:. Also the nectrpetiertior the person: and , where he to lot a bcoutheeper, the 'or trier.= 'place at boarding, arid 'with torts= and if werlUng ..for an other. tar name of the employee, and led ...Tanabe mob of add names the word, 'voter t. whore any per- . ion dams to ride by reason Ouster all-cation, he that evidbit his esellficate thereof to lAe alumeter. ,nlei.. he has been for Ore cocureentlie teSrs orrit'preceding. . a vow to odd diarist r and Mall circa where the per . eon has been nateraliaoLlthli name slaqlt be malted frith the letter °N.;" where the peoinv has' merely de: dared his beretlons to boom" • elt`gola ati'drafgle to be totoralized before the next electron; the name `shall he marked • D.-I.: il where the china In to vote by Yawn of being between the Alm Al -twenty-Abbe and twenty•two, as previdol by law, the , word'q age Sal be entered: and if the-person has critivolliitii the eleetlem district to i r e.!fle mere' the lAA „I.:nee-al - el tbe tester 7 lie. kali be pl.wel oppoilte the. name. It that be the hinder duty of each rriessior,m , afeeeeeld. nom the weal, ilon .of the. clutiee . basal imposed to note mit acEoparste bit oi all iteW 'mi..- meats made byhien, 'Meth° inutilet, au1...' , ..e1t 'it? ii i . each, and tornialt the some ihnite.liately to the em dry cronniarkmere who sal , thunediate y slid tftli•namea to the tax. duplicate of the 'ward, bon aI.M. buttathlp or diadem la Ella they have eat rovreard. . - • leo. II On the list beteg wmpieted ant tho. oeseit meta made en Muterald. the tame shall f nthwlth he tetareed to the wady e .mmiraloaers. Sitio rhAleirie littraklihi cigars ot said listraerld2 the °Nervations and implasiations nett* to be wooed as sforeadd, tithe wade *Suwon a pracUmble and placedele that/ads at the seeeseer, who Mail prier tette drat ot Anoint Is era par,' mat toe copy thermal cue the'dwrol of on . do bane yhersthe election of the rese,rilive dirdriet., Is totertd to be held. and retain the othr, Millie pm seatio, tar the huipee'len, frie of thaw; Of ate pit- . 0011'110 Wet le the odd shah:Miriam oho shalt dri sae so b the same; sad -it Sp be aerate. or the mall .sewer to add. from time to acme, on Ike personal. applkathon of My one clatmlet the rightto ereter,:tbe. Same of enchCirmint. • and ;auk oppoelte the none ed). Y; sad Immediately uses.. him with.. tax, no , tau es ta ell Oho week hh ormeallna: tr. Moot, whethera use or hourkeepere tie beandeb with *rhos Wheat& r sod-whaler neturallaedor dolga lot en bev startiror In el seal caw • the letters tmervi••• OW the asse,'.2l.. or ..1:1,, 141 ite the cue May he • $1 the pwSoe thawing toile. seeneed betterwatteed, be shall Saba both, illeleile Ws eirtlicaraot near station • Sal If he data. doh le fiesleguika be •nat ' areevred brae the emit elleatoa elleires, be MadeX. NW this eatiPsto of Ms dalarads of Stardom t to a ISM erihre awed, haranith, tameable or reetkm IMMO% le &WM Into tootle MON 1 Mara the-as gram 'Sall WS he all k's. lassiehellat the rearm ptedleet le lett& each rent/ twee trod-shall make Orlepeate Oran for leek to the-tiretsy c =mashy , Et 2.111 ems Saida a stein h hard:id tran biate he Of We net: sod-the boat, dernalle Is W4t thillialle Waal Mail seek retests, SOU Maw Realeettcaise Abe tomes or the voters I to elldh preehre; adalletely. eta Mall favelehlbe same 1 to he somerri sat the Weal redetred by this am to be an the dales at ar oil Oradea Obese cm • - tie doe of Yost, lii slab yeah had/ tio pitted es dr 4xe doe ;us phit?lsAtag. plum la act( it kid - Merteter. the a. Magi wisSi isests . bma ball seheired rat rho boa dey preceilleg the aria.nd Tuesday a f On, Mbar Cl each year, the hovesor shalt, on the elands. Iseasediebity datraleg. mate a retain to the Warta' washrooms of the names e 1 all rsona by rd by him sines the Mum repaired to be e eals by his by the moral teedon otlme wt. ceding .oppratte Each eerie the abesnatten4 and exploit:Jana rewired •to Wooled eadoreald end the coratramthiledonara AO thsteepotrana Meese I, be. !tiled' to there- - tea roptiredby the Wend section f MI nett mob fasters awn et wiry thereed -to be reads, entrain Wm the amen et ell genondera steered as raides beau Ida la aid said, tworatialmeratilp or prerlistt, and Weld thetas*, to Sher re.lb thahet earyietectlon. blab to the Odors of the sloven In obi ward. arm" Ihreeity orpredwre ithre before di &Jock la the meta at the seised Twins of Ort• awe' and ao man dad hod lee your a the rataxi- en that day whore name Want on .old liet, natal he derlineke proA of Its right to vet; ee herein gar. . dee 4. Jtitt the dress( elattan 'Any woo aloes • ire le eat ro the sea 114, end c Watery the . Wit ao vets at old eimatlote. ishall prawn at kat one esellise wan of the distend ae a when to the ma., Mao I f the clamant In the dleckt. In witch. be deem be • vast. f fly s arW' of at Attest On eesestafeg usktrka we 'd *IWO" shell late and eabeerthe • weds. or pertly Initial - and - WI Plated. 'admit to the beets gated by Ida, meal allekett *all deice cheer lama the reddesat Oaths pentitio. aeons* to be a wine: and the moms so Maisie( tbs lien meat. Kan Wm tots see estesalm it VOLUM aroartlyeaktent sad partly Stated den% Naha to the beet el tats knowledge reel belie{ Om* add wawa/ wee batea that bait • • Mina the soiesasweatit of Pritnalnata and of 01•171dteillishre want he bee railed tithe trezeux- Math am la it basset, s Masa therele, and W memil 04e that be be nektee thialdo ate 111111.1 e eta oral claim: MO be be. oat owed tato l district for the 'pergeire of voting ilediat Met be bee paid a ante or county. tat within tow atm el m% me immorl at boa ten dim beim add aleettent sed.if • saeralttel ethos. Oat aka a le 1 11 0 =I stay br Its oyclet e tte of wd = Imam Is Lail salon Abell - also ON, elm ea whew Ilk ;deleted te• be pald by dealing vas sad whueo-abere aid to whewchi. led the Ocala Ward* Vaal be pro. dad mule . Woe the alleat' shall eta, a tale eildetett lie bees I,* Or dowered. or. that bedew My.. - Fat ,if -the posos • el Illableat .debt tri.orial t han 1.00. and eetwerew. se thl . -shit Ji. 16 . • mono boos dams al tbe,Colud *Moo (Sett Does ilsowbere, alga 010•1151 test table 'admit and eked Mance aldokethet be his been nettwalzedi or flat be le attend atelesontdp by teasonot hie !where aster. aloe= :Wand Mahler bet sum, In kb eadait fast le Y. stilts Mae arteklag the alldarts between the ape at totimMeol and twenty Imo yaws; .006 1•0 basosided la th e Knee doe Year and. In -Ibe elation . M OO ao oa e red n t e o n pn voatsei t • a g a a he e l e r e O al lerepile taxes Mot aste lerft et ttrottoestr as to Oda roadooms shake enema by the Oro. COM baart; le a l l et LIM dor. or ta• elation-they *ban berea thabt OP yarrow c• 11. Ito and' other ' bylaw to to Wed 'by the realm Wane =dr peetheentamond doll remote on file theta din laCiapoolioraolKs cam. Worn 166416mbuF . am le ether dation papas vet Wer electlat cal • sere sball bed Met the applicant at spollotots - pmesso ell Ow Mpl muttllestions ot•sovers , be or - they men be poristuit to sobs WWl*, moo or- - name. 'ha be Odd to the net a tectades by the cantos odlotr• des mos um. beta: added Mimi thecialmapt owe . to ~al u*. and Ms trod mes when be daltair WPM aa Oia : Um mom trade salmi Wad .by In. Maki beset ems toommtholy on MOMS orperatto maim ft sidtitedlem' 4 • - • . • H •,, ~1 • ~.. • , • Sr S. tt when be loom' ta nay gositiwrom bi lee dbelet; sehdambettmle M. some r a t Vie proposed 1 mar% omestert es Ilis Dm otpaws ®ttimatl-t• to ebittmelt web ot east ; ' eseseimefit dm eltsbo MOM °Smarms otyr emstessbanMms am ' irea 4 kat ain ettatePois molested sum tottm the ticket 11111111Arle b.Walmltted as Fawned- acaedit g I. lba My mimeo it e trte ter a ttregro= tre l ittott: - slam emtilledest tee *WM= blare Irking. - except alma he Ye Wee be Is , s ot amomil belt ems Orb iis Mow wad 10 '.O6!V MCC% , Me elm et sub Moos tetes It - ilbottbs tee ddo ilecee....• Whoa to wale or damp Oh Sark Ma 1 / 6 111.163147. Seltllllllldain UMW; Mg ea eleaktealitetrealkentasell tecolea leo ' girdraaittireirene i gir Valds "I. ' to vete by memo etas estmottimMte of Motetbdume,they sat Ito pews sem 01111 Met met mottot wets imso so ellbetteMbellabe geStir et e blab abdomen:al ffe elleflmes Mee* be Itse4 or tamestratt, et mite dbentite etas matt bet tits Star allstll : ftiltalrillal l e%Vantir rip i t alteavettes. to tie °Mew of eta As. lbw imil mese et reeve tomato, or meet to to mob% - Ms bule=semett as sfarmsid cm setd tat :rat Wen See S. It a v tractbra t tlemr Mi&Mtme ar urrif f i °Will/ by Mgr , . . wee ....,„ al. • Om aay pewee Ora tin aMe Irks,. Ole ms thatstetot ammeet - noise. or 10.5$ OM ID VIM 111 Itortmgol is rev gin llott matte =egg men ismatimis pastel, Tote —srmsom web most mom t ems so aide= Ms% =willials play Ir s_ deb salaemeisset, • Mt ore/o& *seem pose ceases, Mpg elleemel emmelleg me heated foreari. or ME so, Gimp Se h o st tot mere Mos 44.1 tar, or soberer both, Ono Moe Watt* the coat._ . • _. ‘. Inal i an ik to goveraissot ararytaake kw ash' tone imi We Pre!lttat of Me Dame eats& Ili MIMI Om deft VMS Asetrare to =mar Stllle=r e rer toe harm 1S MO Is' arms Mei OW tad due late. a Siret pemise memo mmeeltme lime seatt'elt sDM Of sistob4 ttgitts• MI Aeta Wet Me Mt Mote es wee' IWO lortismlstmille Me Aide was : Mee or, Sabi Alett• alit alle lams ;et itetb L i a mmee stare ate sada OM got mar em •to tbe t at olbedollenont Sethi en eow g k m .14 Ow 00111114 aft eallerdath ewes wok =per tae. - AM!, toseydeang the Art,, , st• copy tbam stem m Sai rtonst, it . c 4 ° Z; Z. ar. add Mr Ms= tialeirsas conc . . [ E 4 13 ii = " r a t t u r&Vlr ia e omme memo to Mas ememalMatem ad ad • atbea Ha by st ai stodt= mama t24tbst 16. V i rteigt l a r g e S i letett =Ps i g i t el sagetioes ~ . .., , -131 11 M. ' IM Mies IMo:ie . . . t imitietMee et ol g o . 11 401•1•4 1 aq, la al for 1 4 the ra• owl Sao 11. The •-, • "Ini. .in.. sad be maraled or spast , t 0 mirage, or la regard t ' o - E other matter ropnrod to be ta _at467:1 11 61 111 0 1 41 12 = 12 001.101111111: sat 6.1146.111.611066164 .*b.'62 saw 1412.6 Tart ft ow es No AIM' OD 244: sad dra.-d at aims 614 11222•16661662464160166. =oat 5um2 1 =6116 3 82 . .._216 1 / 1 621114_6 A. 6 ts Mb of 114364264114k6 Lisa tk• istkai tetlatasei46642l62lll rent /14602/14 I s the .syted imp 14 dole Moir am the globiHl. • . 4262f1im0t letslithe • les, • ' • • By Telegraph REPORT GE=THE eRbPS Nationid Telegraptio U nion convention. Propiami guards. .10..11. 13erkga. Covultv POWLEItcau, nirsitiam Very Latest: 4N to Midnight.3. - ,- Paoli -sevesErmaTow. • • Tb• craps. . . Winuatertte of AV r eltliare fdralabes a attenrarY of th e amp tr. A sta*aliest Is ghee aliewlett the temper/dare lad rair•rall of the emit Elena tor ,Inly and August., as maimed . with tbase_rnotitlis -het year. The *lan . ttimt enbteet An drought, • that' lket' oi• , the • Misaiiippl sad Ilissollit Itt-' etas, has had the most :ageing Op: pty of, ndr, and the vall y 'of tbs. fanner aas Ind ea abeedant rein fatly! its imemith. . while Mabee* and Elegies hate ' iot{ered ken drought, and the, Atlantic States in: still blither drgreuvnet only tbroegbo.t iha ;Idewater legion; bat to .a large pontos of the Etrent-Sta‘ee Oa the &unbent Allah; tic auticard,tbe beat has bees' greater this leer than is 1868.. and the r* b l 'fen . . North and eat ot New York Melnik hair, fieen less, as alvethe rein fan. In tits one case it fns too hot, la the other too wet ,for can and 'Oar Runner enolle , which suffered accordingly. While the drancht - has • prevailed !nag of ,* the Alleghenies, the ' rein' Illesiselppt - Wen bas had ennensn• II ammo% of rale '!eat Virglele and Ohio !ion, of she °antral area had lest Mafia than • tnlB6B Thomann-m(44ore of thefhieuesi is orwileuid to its close, - nipectinlly In Whican• Mtneelata, lowa, lifebruks. EanMiatd kinsett. • - , .Both' the early , and -the titer rains haver ." been se 4 inewhat ertraonliner.y weal of Um Missonn,.,rt the high temperature and deep " thinly soils of that region days converted the Tisittaloa inta - A - blessing. • The argued.. of the, unaware has not been equalled in teeny Taira. The comparison between thhi yitir and lee Amis. that New England his hatli bat onethird.si much rata la August 01 . tlta present'year. lifrew Turk a little soot" thin one-half,. New. Jersey -ioaraely one eights. - Peassylvaels one-sixth, Marylaad ens- . ninth. • , Extract/ arms correspoadeuti will show the hj Wass elects of thlsexceisiredTitght on corn: coben garden witotableg The cora crop has ilea the , pray of noiercuti iiis la every section of the - country. The only • State. that noir chow - an average ecrodltion„ the Nehrs. , ka, F.orlds, LoSitalana, Texts and Arkansas. Elamite° rates refolded Ploeilog aid meceseltated replinting to. thi spring throughout tbeoyestned Bluth. Cold, wet • weather hialthy and - "true . growth to &Wart every State, Oil In tin' • - wawa of earUlog and maturing, geriona drought affected ,that pithy Atlanti6 MS c with Windom heat la the Bosch and -- in en. . favorable reduction .ot ,temperw ere In tks Hort% . • - . . In dem sot', naturally draleal, the trees metsture of the Welt did no Injury. . In humor cat Iwida, Wlth'elay aubloil. the `• dungy win great, In some curet rimoltfug Iwo total tailors. The lou, u shown hi thr 49 per erns to Virginia; from SO to. iola •Maine; • Tramool,_ ifiaryland;. :North Clanglink; South Oarolitia. •Tenneloie;. lucky, Illlttots, -Idlcbleset arid Wieconsl6; • !rosin W3O In New Hatarebles, Comedi c:l47 New York; New Jetseri n De c entui : Geduld; Ohio. lows and Nine Mint 10 to 20 In lianacboesui and Panztaylranta._ sad from 1 io 10 per cent. hi Rhode Istend, sad 9111- keels. i r l• • 5 raleii the clogs of tbe 1662011 b volt ti sombN; thew:mica be 150.000,000 of Whigs tee than a roll crop. - '• • There will be e reduction In the yield of Ocatriii - frost the Carolinas to Alabama,' sad - a plane el Increase ftaddlielealppi to Tessa, Georgia, ruble and : South Cerolbse The last earned Seise ham uttered Out, stalely bins drought, end le • len laultise hue rut, jibe utterplllar, and bellworst.". Ailasisa sake Ms Inman ha si4 es 'lmaislasa sad Tama, respectly!ly, 10:12aiad Elt ant • • The feesbabittaa at present favor e "ytal4^ of 1050.000 The Wiest civil im a Whole a large. The °sly BMW Allowing • anima. Ms Illbscie, Illtildps, lowa sad California. Some of It is Inferior Is guilty; but • cotaldiephia . portion has bees Wand by plea after har vest. Bet I ooesiderable pontos of the Waiters wheat I. of good qualify, and . that of tie Sash te deeldedly . superictr. - Fruits as intle have yielded abundantly, apples Inc' less degree than ethertspecdes, Sew Y ork , _ Pennsylvania,. Weal :Tirgiele i , blieligan cud Maas, 'en apple DO M, have nearly • fell supply, abbe New Bags. land shim • material reduction. .; Uwe is Int...cal: redilleUo4o Us sum. bee of Moak tuigs,ibut. iL., la iko eonditinn. Missouri, Nebraska aid Df.innimoln, rapidly 'Owing States, baii made an ink aesw ht numbers, as tears some of tb• South= em Stales.. FROM NEW YORK. Te',imamate Csav!ailles: so Yuan. Sept. 24.—The Annuli *Con tention of the Netketal Telegraphic Union was Deld to-d 4 st the Western Hoot. The Tressura's report showed s goad 'Amend coediting. The Armco council of ell the Wm of the Union was otrAed hi sit esenn qn commit* which* composed of the oflcere end pribliaberoAt The Telogrsplfer, the ago of the Union. The foliowing oin ens wets elected 1 Provident, W. IL Young.. Wrobingtos, M.0.- ' run President, W. O. Lowis e Few of 14 - cording fiseretsry, W. W. Berbom, !few: Tort; Ocorespondlog isnri "Lqw.ltrs , Yorks Tnire -ret,4) L. Whjipple. Attiony. -J. X. Ashley trot varctcd re i blisher and editor cf the Tele'- . FROM TSB PAOTEIO VMS?. • T. “aoli alithassat • . . roalorioo. Sept 211.1'tio Red Bta~et laaa of Chminnail raschel tiootaliwuto tg day and will who to this eltt to-slew ? r Tbi7 wei.olay lb* ftnt ammo, of taws ball with ttokt Z ! agii aloe ci Bto lkiittiaeo ow Bstainiap ; thosionia twerps tat V. ft 1111. 4WWWwo. ThethisendMiefinwiWWwetaWed • Salk hitt:viol to ibo.ofil WTI oaddivottofw ofilito Central Vooillailload. to take . tooth* MS Elositoialter . • • rao oraa STATE. • 14110110,111011 , /Mil: itat4lll. 134: Waits County fair will tas held on SasedaY Wednesday; Thursday and Friday asst. It to sapeoted to be i my Iles TL• prouissa Hat ie sausually !Astral. Goy. Geary and Mr. • alter base serreptad larlanlons to be pre*. Pat. . • FRO SOWN OMUTA. . rimpues Wiurantirox, Sept. 114.-41. MI . proestw seat boulassa ono of Oda oillitfolkekMa rash • mad oserndoo to tha PerMkt east! cat' October, orittrsts of tftsriscallkirati Slyer Patiell Car. tow bstosterlit bare*, the Paola* railroads. .Xr. .T. X hellion of it.. fins °Mama & Skov, car Wilda% 10 sow organ!** arOdon for "Mathis yea= railroad sotbortilss ells staktstes N UM' Pftromilks!. • ! 1 • no' THE aotrrit iDesbeirinia liallars arahlkiree Sept. 24.—ilight ofte alert soldiers wbo bais.b•sa calor. weir as step for ecarspirsay to mail is tiro maps of Urge mem Totarday moved •to as - Suits - Priltesilartoader • strong asstd. Ow of • tbo prisolaro tiara. aad mutes tomat o. ..at fa map. No farrier wrests luresberi_ se& Tberit PIIPXN I Meat to Willi. that tba atiaraptot calm , of Yoram was bible ssessurroi by pertisi-frota Roo York *air pay ki dopasiA epos Uro:soccess ttleiseer__ NAIII TOM NOM WIM . - Itisamtialk apaglis 14 IRO at 'art . 7 , sp so C airy Jr Astil Wows _Wog kora , satil•tt. mos nut dim lo IMI el OIL 4 ' s ea id d th aks. er a ayo th p m i O ia f ti loig.u_lpa IpWm Molts helm& Ws isis yaw Taitw ItIN: Mk SIM: alibekitliw; MI • lid ; Milt W. 11116 911114; .Weibilli =W. MIX - • . . _... INN 11111. lit 11110111 Clid”i . . Ism..IO I IMNIK ' - , . Lamm nom s aarsail ,L-Leamso. 11,46 Sir . WI ski , komillitt vtif Mork= imeeksat- eitsitr. EL ISt I=lol6",Zggaugi .11.-20a=rozaurai.11.1. 1 1. brirrfuim. 11111. 111:111,1 1 / 4 •