Miura Marital PO - TTSVILLE. PA.! iIkiIrIITINDAIN ;IMMUNE'S* MN II • Be jr.olsaelfatesott • ket.att theWs' thoullp. he thy • elatrim Thy' Goes awl truth...." . Trra Laws moviumorrs. ' The ilia teens with labor raorevienta. There artiNationat, State and County Cotieen , trans of the Workingmen of the.piunirz,.l4deh are natal-a : 4y, exciting. great 'attrition. hAll feel that there are impedimenta in the progresa of the productire industry of the conits7. .•tut none hare proclaimed the real issne. 1, Sc nator Sprague made come rather foolish, eihl 'speeches on the .subject, yet they contained many •trutits . , calculated Lb . cluse peopfe to pawns and think. Other prominent, and in fact some of our best men, are taking hohrof the subject, and giving it (bat attention which' itif importance merits. , The fact 'is, that thcpresent contest istfriell is auractisti so tench auentiop, Iq sinspiyibe ' tweets PRODUQTITE CAPITAL and LABOR, —on the one stle, and :TON-PRODUCTfrE . CAPITAL, TRAFPICERS, IDLERS end MO.' tan the other,' 'Sifted down 'this is the Onti to, which will be irrepresSibill... until' the 'te definitely setOell.; On this que , titvu the mate of the_pcople Base riot so pOtiLivelytsicensides ns therwill when they more thomiughly nriderstadd the (lens. 1, UM. "` 2 . To a certain extent, "}here will f.' antagonism between prod.uctiv, capital and Ither,liut it'ebould be, tome in tpind that 're , ally the interesti of the - Jireductive nies; :Capital and labor, are synipathetic—the' in the same Goat, in'Which they. mint Swim or sink' together:. Therefore; in their reoveneletts,- ettecially theie iof the working men, who are more dependent, they shouldlbe etipeeiilly preful.not to weaken eachl other. BAs foritbelegisistion of the country, it" is too much in the interest of clocks,. dividends, higher . rates; of interest, the movements [of which vire inimical to the productive interest' of the counut, To so great an extent is ibis - the case thaiinany ceipitalists haewithdraWn thelr,investetiefite f i rom_productiee industry, to inesseit in the game that legislation tostsis 0120 phue of the present contest is to bring theproducer.. and consumer more closely to gether, and - thus, by lessening the large army of MillleMen who step lti between the prodb eer and consumer who thus rob tbroproducer, and tat the rot:isomer. There are -too tosny drones and non producers. There are in traffickers and cachet/gars, who _lye on the 4 , producers where there ;, should be ;r hat* one. And there are twenty'. P.rokeis anti ldony Sharers where one only would Le necessary under benificial legislation. When these drones become producers articles ;will . .be, chett.- ettidin price lo consumers, and the productive - industry will thrive and prosper, because eoi , ptimPtion*ill be largely increased, Too many arents now bring their eltildren'nplo do no .thing, actin g , ou the erroneous idea (hit it is disgraceful to labor:. ltt placAf putting theM to learis . a trade or till the soil, we find therm growing •up with the hope of living by their wits, in any way except hy Y bcinest labor in some deparkent -of- proAuctire industry. Thestreets of our citiesabd towns are filled withsUch idlers, and many of them will brit:4 • down the gray hairs of their parents in sorrow • • • to the grace., , • This is thiLeatittest. It Is • a battle wits =ZI=t!MM one aide, and the idlers and drones of s'ocieti,. 'who bare to be supported by the workers, oit - the other. The' vietory must eventually " lie with either the pro j ducing Cr nOn.proditing ,etas, for as we have eaid,.the context is irre pressible; and will go on, for the 'very mainly. :nines of the Goverment depends upon foster _ log the product ive , interests of the coin try, anii also depends niaigiluPou'elich. a polio/ for revenue - to defi3y its expenies.. In this coaflict let productive capital and labor harnionixots mufh as possible, for their own, interest. „Let . tkapital concede to labor all that is right, and on the other handletlar her do nothing that will cripple product's, capital. By, lost-ding those interests:labor will-protect its berm: . lie but true to yaw:lota % sion, woritingt4en of thenonntry, and your sweets is 'assured oser that class otstronee the busy hir'n of lite; who would lire where those who wort. - Labor movements directed tbeydo nor produce, an..ienjOy the industry of vs such a cet4ummation s are in the highest clegrie Praisew . nrthy. • this :is.Eaubject, Oar will be discussed ?in Congress it . the next session Ia adjusting legislation, we from time to iime advert in the !object. -.01110. --=••• • TEA *MS 6 AND TIZANSPOILTING , , • p OD:P.MM IEB . 'The Wilkesiiirre priposes that the Legislature shad naether the Filed: • poratti coal .CI , DI'4W.:A. suit reining s and' _ transportation kri‘i:ege,7, have not .by Conduct violated Clair franchises, by using ...them s ti the ilettiuients.i - Pennsylvania inter', este. Thi s is 4i vivre in the right direction,' „no is merinlyi apparent to every thinking mind at all con'rersant with the coarse purl :. -sued bythe afs - i - lesil'companies, - which is to Anildlip their oWn int Frests nt the expense of the individual aPcrotor and of the community: at laige.` It is high tide that the growing power .of three'dorporations.with mining and iiransp_orting privileges he checked, and that' the rights of theindividuatbe more Carefully: gnarded.. It is a question in whieh all the, people of Pennsylvania are directly interested;; and the consumers of coal everywhere Oleo. Every charte granted by our Legislature -contains a repsialing clause, provided. it is found to he injqriouti to the intereuts of the State; and. thirSo !monopolies are , controlled New York nud principally. owned there,. ;and are conducted upon the reckless 'and. grasping disposition tnanifestestby the stock .-„,,yekieri and money gamblers , 'of that city,; 'regaidlesi of the in:kit:eats of .Pctnsylvanie Eien if the chatters cannot be - annulled; the! fatillature lids 4,cleer right to protect the peopls from theseinjuriits by additional letion intheliigipeof taiation, and then give them the prilitege of paying the - Aixes, or' earrendering t 4 obnoxious privileges, :t r ained many jeers ago, before it. was known ; iq what use they-would he applied : t We are aware that they loped to screen themselves frail such a polity, ty . bribing M Legisla ture. Legt' la tare. But we .here take occasion toreenark that the bribery business, which ixn some quarters is treated in a very trivial way, is amusing a:feeling among the people, that if nontinued much donger,- they, will take', ! the matter into their, own hinds, and will hang the-bribed antithe briber to the nut lamp.: post as a salutary warning to others; The slue Trade could not' be checked until Abitibi= Llnesla bung one of the miscreants, and front that hoar 'it ceased. BIER zooxs-roz3rzc4 AcorioNY. 2, tkt Editor cif Ndtme : In order to help the editer of the N. Y. World along. and ',mist. its Polibical Economy, I will mate, that.Ameridan Fish illioks are sold zit, per cent. kas .tl4n : the I:imported English ooks—tariff 45 per. contrleaving us a Pro ' t•etion of .10 per. cent: ;importing tons of English wire froni Birmingham, paying the duties on it. add teshipping the , wire made Into Fish Hooks to Birmingham, to be sold there 10 per cent-less thin they can be made for in England, we have frequent orders for these Hooks from Hie. Great Areffs, Birmingham. F ?Ist novitiate! Jule edam." • . ' F Terme trnly, C. 0. Cao • P. S.—l made the in ve ntion on the Fish. ( Hook machine on:the basin'of datiell;4ls per t i es on the flocks ; ' duties on English wire ea Tarijgb price of American labor Taxes Ito. I end, after speeding Inthe busi , ness* 'shoat St-1 1 0,000, and employing some 100 • hands, thst.l can now snap my fingers at the Tariff; but if it had slot been for -the Tariff, pehould not have started the manufacture 4 here; but mien he inventions to England. . These i a ientio i for Fish-linolts are patent.- ali in-all ford unities where Patent laws exist.. I was .ob iged to do this to protect my Interest here; 'hot refused to sell thegateste of outsidethis country. Aim Ilaixx, Angus!, ISGSI. . The obove.eells the whole story. Protee tion establishes new -busineii pursuits in, the country and ,then cheapens prices by: competition, Wei never would. hare model' ' railroalitori in this country if- we had nbt 'pot a duty of iTii a ton on foreign rani, be? fore we. ha I no mina erected . in this countiy to 'rotas it. rtut eider the duly was put ilia, W Safrwisat atimi , ei..r , on mills were erected in le., ti.o.n f.tie , :roars stierwerds, to turn out fttiotri.-An rail, to Liy down rt mile of road a day -; lai•lt in xis. seats afterwards Atnericen rails Were sellta - 7 as low with I duty of 32.:.i ' per ton in their f4v0r,..0. the prirew paid for . English roils befo l te the duty kit's put on.. , . .'" . ..e..gonfOrcoadicoo, boaatUal .Iklltio, bra Roobata. Loma, Toll 41coose, Laos Orassat., Jackboot.; rorc,ieti, ic., etc., at coot, at 014.. Jaotra. 210. 08,itt0 dose: We on distareathoil Se skit ow : opt aktinvetcck. The; Avondale catastrophe. lbw• It' Wu Indirectly Brogght WHO, AltE TO BLAME• if-aay eatewill tab the trouble to fistulae the Legiorihi Bawd for the Seenion otlfiftB and 169, hi 141 souranziastathstothe conelesioa. that the Deseeratis members of the Beasts aim to all Inman peobipllity, in. directly the •111170 Of thCATIMage lealamlty. Ann Hoseabill No. 459, "ea act tor the bet tkr itraimice onsizes, aittd for the protection of the the of letheti, is the carat! otSf.huyl kill," was boned up on second reeding Mr. Cidemaa:Mip. proposed to amend it by ma king it a emend Ism; to eterbr aA pae‘ of tie• litati la lids he to seconded by eery Rs publican member at the Senate excepting three foiwry, Osierhout, and Suits man,- Mr. Turner; Den. of Lueern• County acting entirely L the Warns of tie Corpo ration; opposed the siosndment in toto, in 'bah opposition' is was seciondol by all the Demoorstie ammberepiediestj On the -qusetion,, Will the Senate agree to . the amendment of Mr. Coleman f The you and nays were required by Turner and Mr. Coleium, and were es fellows, . . Colema'n, Con . Den, Emit, miaow. Grassi, Werr,.olMeted, &Wein, Taylek White sad Worthington, Speaker-42, di leblicans. • • Wire—Mum Zeck, Barnett, Jac)mon, Underlain, Lovry,‘ Idtandless, "Claire, Oaterhant, Beturight, Tusher Mid we lice-4, all Democrat, except three. -- 84 the question wee determined in the neg 41re. Senator Randall was present, but declined voting on the queition. ' l'ending further action, the hOur of two o'clock hiving arrived, the orders of the day were called, and the Speaker adjourned:the Senate until 71 o'clock Mitt evening : , Now had the provisions of the Schuylkill County act been extended to the 4tiernefte floc, and a oompetent Mine inspector been appointed to act, like ltis in Schuylkill Coun ty, he'srould have compelled another means efressoind another means' of ventilation' substituted for the ant: in use; and in'doing so, the awful calamity would have been avoi ded. The Democratic leaden ars always loudmouthed in their proteitstions of friend ship for the workingmenAut their actions. is in .this case, an seldom in accord teitii their inschnia Mitten aid Workingmen -of Schuylkill .County, if you lint year interests takeif care or itithiviefislature by men who know= wants, and are capable of making them known, go to work and Elect Nam., WISLACS: and Wises. • • . 1 ' *Sem Its this emeten the emstraction and Aso arement of Wane le lota to the caolcllv at owners. °Aida IPPollriliall EVenknowe."—/f. Y. Tribe* This 'lli correct so far as ill the coal et:lou nce except Schuylkill are concerned. We have .1 lair for the protection of the lives of the co'ners, in a Walt In s p ector is appointed by Um - Governor of the Sate, and be cannot enter upon his duties. without an : examination by competent raining engineers as to his capa city: lie to pall for his services out of the State Treasury. The inspector for this County .entered upon hie-duties last April,andhe states that the Weals Schuylkill County are in bet ter condition, so far as safety and ventilation Is concerned, than he supposed, particularly the collieries that have been erected within the last few yam. AU hare at least two out lets. Beadle's suction fan is urli instead of the furnace, 'irlikh is only con Wed to - 11 few small trollleries, whore there Is but little gas. and eves in theme as ass is being gradually introduced as the larks Jarmo. We hive no companies mining coal In thle County as comlaisies. . To erect °Main according to the ideas suggested 'abroad by there papaw, who have abused the miners and operates In ate most. thamefil manna for trying to , maintain's fair price for coal, Salida' inrcilee a tremen dous expenditure: ated'ianld add at least one dollar to the :expenses .of tminlng a ton of told, Then of 'aura there would be a terri ble i howl in•ur cities about the _high price of, coal. And besides the Trulsow, in advocating protection. to branches 'of business. which can be carried.on by an-expenditure 'of tea than 00,000, while an extensive colliery cohid not be erected and ventilated according io their ideas, much ender • IIALF DITLLIOx DOLL4IJ, and in a very precarious business under- any cfrouniatancee, openly advocates free trade for *oat, whichaquires such hairy expenditures to produce, tad which mast itl-* ways be more or less liable to accident, in proportion to the ability of the producer to make his Mine! productive and pay. , Such incensisiesg, to say the least, is unaccounta ble, And Teem only attribute it to one. of the erratic ideas that frequently mars the columns of . no powerful a journal as the New York Tribune lain life cause of Protection to Amer ican Weary. To do not for . a moment sap .pose that ire adv eaey is in the'Lnterest, of those 'New York's' and New llngland men who have iaiest ed larger; in Nova Scotia coal lands, Settle said.opal was admitted Nee of duty' under the •Iliciprocity Treaty, and therefore ha course in this respect became/ the more inexplicable. There is no business in the country that will require.sa large an . expenditure of capital in the next ten years to satire a full supply of fuel on'the seaboard, as the development 44 the Bituminous coal regions ; and for the next test years no busi ness will require all the fostering aid of the °thermal to icedieplish that 'object more than Lids fade; Aftor- i thet period we believe the trade will be able to suetain itself. ' Ida. Warms, vas IsroarzanmerSevoloara roe rue imaisiateas.—Rine OM late Re noble:sit County Convention ieft one nomi nation uncompleted If the Legislature, the question lukbeen Mkt:o4 who Is the man "dirt can Concentrata the entire II ?publican vote and a hirproporUon of the,honest part of the Democratic vote upon himself. From what we can ham we strongly in ethic, to the opinion that Mr. J. J. Weber, school teacher, of St. Clair, le the roan. WhiM be favors all the' important principles . sad measures Mika, will, it adapted, add to the growth and prosperity or the country, d to the dignity rind Mispeedence °f law; 'he is not In the strict sere otthe term a pi. thin. , Every Republicati.can vote- for him, • while - every honest Democrat who daily., to see legislation without party hiss, can rots for him without say sacrifice of cherished principles. fie is a worktugman, and ilke Mr. Palest and others on our ticket, sprang from the working chiles, and Is thoroughly kientifiermith them in feeling and sympathy. • Mr. Wilds history may be briefly smn mud up es follow r Els father, Gimp, las a Gutman mils. Re manila Mb court try fit 1852, and waked in the mints for II C. - Billyman. The cog Mr. Weber. Is a Ger man by WO, and wind he this country In 1853. Ili worked for a year in the mines u a driver; sitd sevaa yams kt Kirk & Bum's breaker, until head with an raiment, Which 'disabled Malmo doing outdoor work. Me then applied himself to study sad fitted self to become siesebsc With strong nat ural ability this was so Micah task, and he became a ammetsat instructor, while the contributions which it time we ken pub. Rated in oar Edunwhanst mama from his pen, prove him to be to Orlginsi thinker and goodmmitm. Jo 1864 hY father wukaled in the tabus at &irk at BIT% loving three children. Mr. .Weber le wow 01141 of the biotite" who by their Indust, !WPM w 1163"10 tiger sod tam two Chlktrea. Hte diameter for Integrity ankapeeeltable. WAY,* does not pop= to mak. s :camas of litll OMR% but via coatirnie teleily sad unobtrusively to attend to the dada of his school sad the wants of those &Valdivia epos him Its support We believe that Mr. Weber would bi a ingealltathe with an eye Angle to the best luturests of the Clowity sad the Siete, sid that' the people al &MOW' will act wisely by dewlap Ms. We byre *Very mandates that he welsh! eel bourettp. taithially, add with ablttq . P.A.1372Eut_44f10 17111111 TAA.DIL Tam VIM la as mommisa. Malta CLoa4a4 Oa Mel ark la Lam bit, latlactooanaal mbar psaalta saaar Maw • total 'of 110 0.1141a111,110Miy• fa WAN - am maw at lE. latimaaloat•pa. at Um rag ta lust la Aura, lat• was lataia—aa bane, la paas at S.M.- Tal d•Aa =Await um kg hisirsai Pa! pros *. gnat Ilatrapalla Thlchteraue holds --go had. Already th ere are od a elerteurhout great many free traders The &BM that trio ends is a failure, which is the count. of Haug pauperize the mat Millt of the • population. For free Ueda the e‘tolled Dementia party of the eouatiy are working se at to paoperin mrr working clime also, end thousands of itork• ingmen the aimed Tneecley of. Q u o. her vote aria th at sad la Whir of 25er :ZP74 1 4 11 1.,, 11,11 ft.... At mk .10 141,114, nakier theasehreataapera Em th e ten- b ie bei l i m ndo nm di by ik:Eieribir7 1114 doe Pill Jral4 Gazette, the organ of the iris- Two .. Vite=sibei= swot ' lllOO yid Mit Adblidedir ettendeklidukt- a l lMr Tare wee flow • at. editat log b Mee ie ~zit* tee soutz e tzom. ages le !mil mar eedl ilmeasesVellgleco ike vutse witibs teres let or d Inia faMtaid fat tr.& M. awe QUM ber• alai Oaf Ned ft pc A litopica ,ereZdtis A5ame,„41,6 47 rem beeree moll le az!! iri=s nag ima se l ig s ie ?, 6 - atm aftleigastra=iirdelVplii Wow. IMF Ali PRININON tit eigesir. 0.04 OPPalk , I poi torero Or m. ohrdih= tr r. b own m b Om by NO Mot Woo been boat spft tord. so it 1/00011 ea tomb we• opt to •Troo =doss bJNI Is do L{ & Wittig doom Our salmi boron to do tan M. Mr. somas ortooood • pot& nestbioritt Lbsobsuo ecocide , propcooknelb mama ttl is = Xt. Mkt" s oorldiumo. Mond mo b ar Mho Thoistbrob reboolog tin owbOW fobelo Obteb proutbd to Lbw worm lo impolliOns at tantes io 'War ta orlotsom Abo.roloott ot i rbolbalol‘4lll l 2i tritebisedo, Imam Niwooltorslllo tbo sal to Hrilo not..` • • . • •In cobbactittio. Lib 144 1114 reatqkr,_ . ' ago fro= latolligout and oroaby oosatry gestlasma sostalstai tbe Slaw lag wallas whim. ge ssis • • - lold as to your Proturtiro greeirsalts. Ern Otter Pair wand debt shoal fl ba Paid of, 4ftlet itiooSon t. Podia ass Polity nada , spy. ciretuastik uoits. The lino yoliOy oi • sf 'nation desOutrii: lectiono of its boom industry u 4 Yaw no . soitroeu" . "IMAM IO SPI:1121t arr . 111lEt e -In &spotlit, stenits. pada& by Gs poldsaat Mingo of an avenging eoesteete• sad the tam .uf the hereafter, the adrid-tormadadilliabeas of all ago bars called to their usistuloo, from' the Saud unknols, the potent spirits of the past. PniforinlY, the despearisg be. roes - end wirriois of the cleric Authors cam. moiled to theirmid the shadowy etritagtk of departed grestnesi and, .like Sul of the Scriptural, leaned for support on the imagi nary semi of their Bamnei Seelig to politi cal madness, and by the tears of an colluded miss defect at the approaching Election, thi Democratic party, in tie person of P. pair MEEK--- , Q, hearessl whist a maim to ill tho trump dmotinding fame,"—Editor of tie liellefonte Rachman, and Legislative- repre sentative from Cadre Comity, has calla to its 'aid the disembodied spirit of the late sui cide and kurderir, GesegelltiwitoitelL Now, in this, P. GREY *ERE, or rather; the Dem- . °cretin party,_ . his shows as originality it new and startling; but; - at the same 'time, in pertect liseping • with the rut of its doings. Parties or societies, having.good for the r object, you will note; in astremity, 4 . 0: . ably invoketbe aid of giod spiral. The Israelites in their wanderings. Theism lusrtli pressed, called the Holy Spirit to l their ald ; so' did the Pilgrim Fathers; • so did our Rev.!. olutionary siren , Lucifer, alone, summoned id' his host, the spirits of ,tle dated, when with impious force he AMID tO Midst the tall tletnsnis of beaten. 'Dante pirogue/slog thrOtigh hell, when mortal terror, called to his, side ;`the' beatified shade of Virgil. but P.- Grey ldeek. "Huh Eyed" leader oldie Gat ocracy, itinerating thought the *Weal hell of Republicanimn,lit ilVdieguissd fear, escheis the shades of Jeffersoa ind)=, and sol morm to his aid the spirit of ell-- - PArity Mesh. Ob! P. OM MIA They 'should be wise who spirits sea. But, seriously; that a Editor laying claim ,to penalty. sbould atooP to Ebel despicable means to further his object myths !Full= and publication of a falsehood: whicliallsgsa that Tw.itchell eicapet punishment through the instrumentality. of Gov. Gary, vbe'oom. nivel in having the body of encibee penes placed in the cell, and that tbeteulprit is sow atiarge, almost exceeds .belief; thitt there tire liioae living in the fitaie who live credence . to the fabrication is pasehttattruge,ind that the Governor should be compelled to defend himself in print, backed by . the testimony two Democratic' Office holden—Shireiff and the prison keeper, Is the strangest thing of all: eat, indeed, mtasCia that partyirhieb numbers - r the ateares mob ob. IMO ar 1111 .016 1 51 1 21 beak hate sod mem Willicorraq• • . • • ...Dress Gooas hi' wet beettlifell misty at Gai te% at elostecest Mee. 4 al poly of desperele kakis ohereetese, tat /stab, s aw tho op • triad Wid- Ctettehe,"6"Vd. eitlo thalr ptea o pet wet Mlle ase..oee cede t 0 am, Wool. Why lea eseemit funned to lade ine of it ea die zedeteee. A petkau t i k as the tufa Wet, N Of ettie eorandlor 11 reircarer. bat ofterwerde fear, stasteethent bens sahtla be Elam, Woe Et ant eigebile lbe mamas was obeli to es roams beiletr, seeigted witheet miter essy tem ad sok to Umbers. bs ase Dot -pp thser fare fens 'Web piece lA=l. • ewe iteeed far theft iterettot Hem. ber, leeway most% 11)1! sher ks - rao hew Lid UPON hot be mod. - vie Clinbunkl Lib lassnass Omani at Pm Tan, Solent, say VII 7 easaseted inn COW ht• or firs. it IN mei mosnodd Lth imam Compui of Ita jthetl494 4 t Ytisia ardMeffa 1 1111. 14, MO : am ihaaac'Lpalus Belsaa. E GUM* ?nit Jib* 2traia. Val E. isoffir. l ig= 1 taproortlia . rei *Damollaa a / 1 4.03 We I • I.'7 l V:c,tEllr achi libiassOitoe', ruis _ w, ra ja .4. IL 11.- .7. Om:=4 1i..... ,* C. Oth, Una Ilikuvir: i r ii i i i mi l ; • * 2 •—•••• ahonea a r m; inieDr: A.l.oolaa. p. m e o w za• Gamp r iar i wak.- . _ L eia aitst •_. - ; - zoos . r! le n = .. . .....:„.‘lo*. Talait..Jaimarif" - W - Clebadialialasa. Glig4 'ROW eldala 4:41. w il, a • leak ok . ihavaleal c. Row— att WV's - 44 I „, k , rolhool ti i ime,..e...k . : trik• but esei doe latbit INN. mita be -AM at aslosur Baseutie hefts art Mu% pmen aim*. 02411 310h4itihairifilisis ibid.'s** filsi SaaChi sok hait.ft_siaa4 dila is Walhashat i rA lib hiss shim. Pat his ipso el iiiiiisb• liall Sight as* Me it lip &Nowa & lie ' hiliblis sera eshisaiiiis is Os auntandes shallaha . • s alms' kw Am, ; iha suet hai hobo ha ban, AM his iiii atill arlaissil Sba blmsy MO 714 ash Posairms. • • •i Oa Aliiiedi II lisinsi• ills Ma _iiiiishaSh rah. illis WM Us I abaher ofilislihsain O. asisisoit his bar- arsisiksri=litsibarihatbm I ts 1 .• agabia:he period sit skim, 1 swami lih Vas. INN idt ftis• VI the Skb. • apisissse at ashaths sad Mesh MINIM ON* tad miles phi& haush use IMO Inas as Oa striasbilli ts& ishistelllaliir. 1 11.-411 e•IT lel see aisibsi bit lih lisit • fta. She is bor phi show amass• lasasa :te a . " eb dims bat iih. • sassarsf• . • i ' .• • „ ....,..... awls, 1 1 1 1 2 1 A,21_11== 704 am . hairs a 3 not miss the orsoo dada* out Ws of Z. Oallsnd & 00.. 210 °sotto serest ; this is CO. tatinbtiSr4 ' .ws Wood to sitar oat oar idols promo stook os cellar to odor oar Dew *stab. !Ohms& with so souks pub dock.. Plain favor to with ► gin. • • sth.yikak,ta,k.s..-ppkwigy.—at urestbsig Ptutadesab tirY Carmen tele on Tbateday ask a asweehttlie pmeentei lad tabilects Its amdipt. sal mseigstem Ma:My. attar Earth the dames to the onstestlattetd trade ea their lisehy tho m grilot Mama is older to simply mar far the r a mi Water Works dories the Pat droaM*be ateteadMitatem that the .nettmllea tat tat the Moles dam d :My up to the protest and that Male tee fate of Ansa tr whole of tee tratesOf tta MUM= wee plead at CM tllebtlit the ette be the me of lialabelettaats. The amass asetattlea was thus contanted (ate mate that a manth, sal at. call penally esiociall as the 4th bat lby which Co boas as the Ilse wore allow id to sue WI to thete deattnetta• Met the looramentishi , Met al fa. The amortel aka that met Lot the cm elderades Maslow tor deism the aim of the seE atm haellora shoold he attested to oat • fate bus. abridger Wes M math of they acid hem sensed battbe amimellat oft bate totatertal„ and pg 2 a ammo am4diar y of eerga. .tiMYlemeeld draw as follows: - ttussfere, witted lamediVe mateltral ahal be Wear tress be it mulamat hued ob the habr principles, and Met wawa Mel be teals t e tint hes lased, been lest by the boet, sed tee btatottionCostmay. sad thst if the =ristall be wattoped be • loam setlloatat• Mall be meet% and peVaern, thtreM be areorded-oe the ems Mat. - 1 Alkah the ilettalldse abate eotatented, It is we maid that the pp clam emitoet the city aroma% to nom:deaf COO 000, Mice walla be Mont equity . dillood- hawses the bottlitee aid Co anemia 4:lastesay. and an this two Ism may 525,400 have yet bees —l9O aemseal ems teamed to the Omittee tat Water. It le to be presimard di warm tlat m the ma. male Wm' rf the Chisel Compaq audit, boa•me n will be prtmatly g sated by the Philadelphia 'whorl di Weir= Moak gt Moines. PIMMI. Dealt es, Ticks; Flume* Drills, Meeks, Elosiss7, Notions. Trinnninge 81:k Menu, Ribbons,. Datums, and innamerabla other article* st ocat ; peremptory Ws; e rare opportonlly at Oalland'a. COITZT P I/MIT= D•tiT Mine loft. JUL WI CaIIaTOMILIZ 1611112, 1.44, • . . Ternior, Sept. t7.—The Donahoe and Beata ease enetimed MI day. The ev:desoe was dosed. bet !be ease war not caschnied at tbs time of snaking rep oar report. We passes to pobitab a serf fell roam ol the evldenre In fiatorders Jointed. Illoardr, re,d. MlL—The Court opened at, le ok! clock. the ihre• Jodie., Ryan (Preaident). Henna arstallse (dasoetateea as the bench. - • Ages thi ealbas of Jercrk roixtriesurte •Jary was empanneled In the hianklde cote of Joseph , Z.:Merman, charged with. the Millar of David Pills, in Utdon lownstip, to Atly km: Rea yet coacreded. A • • Teraina; Sept.' 'll.7 -Joseph Zl2unenomo, ferreted on ?rialto! the of David Prl• rr, was Laid malty 01 mansimighter, Net yet sentenced. The two mini-were emphyal at harreekg, taet July, MP Lt Rein Beekb, a farrier tiring near Meg. lowa fa lJekaioarselka Toward I o'clock of Lie Skeins of Me-gad the, ?lumped. Z Imola rime tog Fria of hreakbarchlt epee:Lades. which the latter deubd; but sold • that If .Zlssilersoon would pleb a !quarrel with Iron, he warrealy for Lths. !pally they Isla:bed,: and alter S stroggie, Prig goo Zleir.a. ;man Moor, and irakild kg elm shoot •the bed and ;rice, what Mr. fi-eish came op end took grits off 'nominate eat down outside the bank his sok :bleeding,' tat the wrangle still cominednif by word* ;baleen Om, Trite went au and struck lihn alue aide the fat', when Ir. Smith again ildirfened and 'teak Ihtic away. ALI had bees nearly tore of in the scam .; and one of the Other em s went to Mr. hoe 4 epee by, and got a clean one far Mat trbliehe was in the ict of patting on the shirt, Stand , -?ns to the middle of the bun g as, sad einholen his ,bardeript: talk, numeneal quietly approached bhn Rom behind. and t-knes up a two-pronged ding drag. Shark Fritz over the head with It, me of the pawn nalering exartwo or three Inches Wood' the ekell into the bray, grt.s Imeantly fell and was canted late the hone *berg he' !located for fame eerie days, 'sadldlW Prom the time of Fritz slippier Zimmerman In 1.1. r tamvanct the datt and not- patina, till the later 'attack the tarsi Wow. wee from iris to fiftemi minute Villa waa thirty to thirty Are man of age - Zimmer Man Is beams Steen yoke! elder. , After the rendering of the mrd'et la this mais,tat t 'Other best inialedialsly ready, ths Cuoit estiancti,d tt I it oitiotlittdelnerniner. 1 rams?. likr; 11.—Illoaerres sso-lbaras will be remembered by thinesdeis th • Isic WC AL that not a I.ttle excitement was created In thislcom maul toom the ehootiou bypo lemma Comer, MT:moot. of an trishaw eleva - tile name 'as Fairy, who bad secreted Weisel! In the woods, by the roadside. at New blitzes. near Swaim.** the manifest purpme of sobbing. perk*. of Inuniarbir. elasde Mae, Oil hie way oat from PUttarilla Itba Imre sum of money, to mete a paving et a bottle, ybe was then M11311111.Z. it accarrcd on gator day, the 11th of Member. Tinley wet broeght late Men, nearly deed sa it *ll thou:lt trWis two ballets balls body. end Mier a formal commitrairtd,warkcon , intyed toprami. where be died of hie. wound ' , .abont p fortnight at time:dr. There were tom or Mc other prreasalrog In welt with Virden bat upon Ckineers,ettaddre him they dad and .. .Limpid. Sold cloy, fir tome reason, ti 11 upon th ine Dinabue and Patrick guitar, or Ash. hued, r Iwo of Finle,le accomplice., and Douglas was, accordingly arrested onstbc following Tateday, though A. ',Mr not mail February aLerwarde. A to lof edict. rant was dilly renamed against ttero„at March term la t ad an tEetneedey . they were put on teal—the Marne helot technically. an much with !steed to 10 00 ... 77 50 . .16500 A lame number of thea , o4 were examined, both he behalfd the Commonwealth and for the defences dem; WS the Court L the WI menmetit on Thrualay , amens;. % = The Mnaleclitter Anorney, Ito. Hippie, we Misted by Mem: Potter. L . Velie and Bertbohnnew, the nemeUyeatimaatondolics : the ease on ths part of the COnamentealtd For the defence, Kowa Marc, Kthavatmese ;tad J. W. Bum .. • eel neetants. Poe the imitation :-J. Oand White. sworn: Was Superintended of Beware Rae teen_ COM.. y on .Ibe 14th of November, It & be Oared ham a.% • • 'Mnre 16ot/oft situ betweee itkada and Mks. , tot 'fteoliterypert 1h su Omen Wale In Oa warm who him Mr. Maher. Mr. Mith end Clover, the di Om Mathes the cirmastances of the ride out. the netreesty d Molly bid ut the hairs. the shoot leg. Um tight . cisti 81inces ll:Cioeuer. *lmre Wae pollee dicer end Mat with Panda Whim on the Ink ot November het; tee re .thed Ire other a de of Amara Cemouirer* lot ma to Veep tart el the WI Smith Meted out of the warm; we &wean ten or Maw taw: atw lasecomitad ma the VI Cooed rap sbabbllt ; be preen oa eu lee rite; I I *tea np the sty and afar ' zizttp hale Ore I raw two of theetpna aa cal setae wands. to tee dove the WU. Wm; ena m pealed to M sitting on his made and feet. His holing down the hill: I dent .00 anything; Moot that line Dor diammared a its wo - d-t we arm ap Le a harry, god gibes we ad opposite mare we lad amthen, I diancanthd um the hind Eat I; I had tcatrath I beard a ratiling In the bolas, and gm . beam me to the mode the idled of as new le I am tell. are men. matte ed ont in a kind of altiondi Item tdemandas %her ourader ; one of the slat bad as a etooth hat and a Mahal:Mel armed by neck: in et bet had ate Ma th velvet hap. with darts ethiles; be tin behind the man with a Mooch het The Moen then deserthed Memel, the r.idd rx 'theme of theta bottom lonwelf sod Mat ri Ttie heru pistol wee Memo& Sand eith bin imm : inn other pate n itethalately am away. attunecosh! not W 1 any d them.• The Matto' took dem between It Ito. W ordock In the ilnta tbla Etneeeana Walla MN Joha Midi la Coed seneal perms tag met cm- the toed as gab seem to Pounillit Jams Lem swan that Maher came Bah) 61s filla• ble'm holm at J or Scfolotk oa the erselng of the day Resist to, sod got an omeneat, and an bend to dare away wok a mime Imo after. . Jobs Kano ;worn :Ills in Mawr thm I know. Markt Bade—have known him Most 1f yearn IL* textlect him *West Wood, then at Lasalle, and the at Loom (late I tame Timm Donahue. hum known Wm elms I was a boy ;ws bye to. Mho: biethemela bolsi Mae aid limy; deal aOM In. HMer and Daubs, Ode In a Warn MTh me from Mtheroule to. dulled in. ito embar lam it alp after dark; they didn't came to ay piece and hire • listhis ; they dui sot mat In wm a at my home; tbry got Imes: rigging at the the upper old of town; / stopped tbe Maw on the crest ; I palled Mount.%) feet Met the tangoes, la front 1: of McCormick% home; Methemkk was Medina et the Mu Miaowed of the leant a rasa cum Join end hind meth take two moss 10 Maud. illcDormick. the man who head In that boon ma the sesaf; I did not cab Bernal and Deashes to Itableed. het fall, et night, non thaa kteem Joseph Heisler. :JeteeeLertn.lk. MOW and CUM Dransa. a 'others, VIM ban , bar.roon one I eland; Iget ate: Monad behest mud Min a muthate in she Mast I wag asked where I we Meg to; I sad I wee goiter to *AM sod t was asked who Dare going to take. and I sad two mama can't my mu inontiribbi mat Ijadcelt wee ladterithe DU of snow: I Ms in remain that dem dart remember slating an Ma going an him I dent reallevi, rosette an; one to Pottenial I am mule White ow that rvds W e LIMB tepe berory. taming d the Chime ens with Mot Tiosema me Mtn tikey was II a PROD; three WM Ma lAA( "Sae COMIC apt bend Meade are: be Wood habeed end id Ma ete; this me tbe sans day few Dombee sod Meter to AMINO la the Ma that I I can recut MAIO messatd to me wham I tom the i tir ra for aim I reatetell ihs ea Moil ten 5. eater; they bad dot coats on: trier ay I%PM UM of con th ey bell as Mk hem* Covent Media Met at Um Me; tamed at B. thenre tierce-; this of my own mod. I manta that Ettleler. Lang reed o th er, ware dem , look aid I 'ern. this Meg Mans occon4 spy meld be toy lo soon embody sow hon. hessm Dminew end, ..111tet fa' . I drove to Mink =l—Ma Meath OM Hal Orm to OM Mal t didn't elk than whore thin NO then Mblietablet to Mr; Me attack on OMB" White me bakes ti; Thome Daub Wed eta Net the melded ma bad MI. lad Itiatlda be me dam, at llil. I remarked thatisirokrtad at the thee I Wit 1 said us mold be la sates Ma, If we me Med as the rood; Downie and they wean base a eke thee Mar% as be had e rasp; bon that 1 solid not NM I id% Yottegille that Shy la alma lo tat barna berm Mkt I raw ?Batnfj lesson Mat my Canal month uss betwese le mill Web* thet n=reed Memo sad MIN honk they sot eel et mond tell* bobs es own se I I Mid to teem the I hod tatter eat solo with Mat DM Old it was • se, aid got new TM Dose 'ltietplgas was Ikea cppestre the Ilepellis Howe; 'lt was sossakmentr • ealf km the yisai Oar Ott out to kis p sem My did ecit Meet to say gaol tooth lot non It en.in itemea.4ms two boom It wis elb .00 reda. Old lehemmat. mks me in thief,. the My adiltbsal Ma ast etched etched bogs the Mom M b`t McCormick had held bias 1 Whole be was te Me MIMS& eM tot it ear ser. fahld abaft It sad thatilthOgestbit wee whiz; Isr dm wlna be 1M beck beam The *time ate se steam his mmemmem with Oa pistates aaosi Per I la an he bed Mid thin be bed bee to Potterilles aid Ma a man that wsshot, tag they ismend what hibi MSS WIN abff be um deed or alhelt - M. hi. MM. Mt met MI ghettos bed Ma I Clad that day. sled dm wanted to tot Moe to ctreiafc L iediffs. thit &dart eqemlabsal of etit altambile stage! ble less Is the ... s ~his isa. to the elect NOM MIMI M Y ~ i akeew the of dt. Shillhoet Mem petits ethos. tenthed *gal the Seth of M e mber Mho bola mom tha MMus tod lam ni Ms Mt own dsi fee ths snot Mem, to bat la meld-est kn Moder der Ina eke his Demur 111 • leL. taribbal bri handwrittes: IMO ' lease ow so tin to midestr awl a Waal tad sal AD* tato% Mt aaa al im t o tklhalinelieMigeleli bee fee sato selamar Itasaba• arla • Daniar la k boma ell slig. bed anemia! fer n atived hts bond ism be left, OM sot frees Idte. • Os moramesdia. nomtheiedd theleb/althely lean was MOM the I t e msLawk brat neinso. tested tom M knew tthletty ahwt -Pamottllb• mit aboatthe Mier by aM da OM the IM Mien. WM** by Means ad Jaseose Jam Bath IMMO that be Imil lowera i = tit mem sew sad 'Moe *lda set PM. ee the males el the day of sillinvenallar Mai Ingo—lkin dm M. • 'Jabs Asa* bark as Ida Linos MOM Sthdraff4 ' teetildel that ale tesw Lamy Ind -I sem slim abeet thstresillor dat. . Ile MI so pertlea- Jerbodnowbutans ono samba, put at Ili lOW se Darome lli A Nam ate en that ibriboauss. bet I bba lees athent Mies II natant the oat made& So . SI Mies asa st lallintr • Wines medal easinkbe fin the to gm as ' boastar tab the, bed Mt on a sate. ab laaaatealdall'Mw Domino t sal ft , the mks* of wean babes, with $ bons mil ONO; 'IOW Ilbsweest ba NY be vim apoesaik ta at hand. Ni.,p 11".41.11 "1 0116 0 1111 g the llidedatimed Ahoodoid e aska ma bad mos can as ea 11 001410 i mail lh 14th Ilebabbar. rat delletelid Ibilkiellidallap, emir. fie. awl alit Meth otth Meer the Cher et the plementattemptaL Ililtjeet MO thetts aelsoiM us, ke Ms min Ow betook glibet lathe destimmer eleb inthentotelldied Is darn,. • Oil Mil** of the dolma. a Immi seethes of bilwiltraa la awed; at Dialers. vas canal . „lilt 1105 1011daati bbabl - *lap Et Oe gebibarriai art iomikaikismaafamesum bale &eft& la Isees././ tip WA Si I to Ilya attioes at Ile /wilmak t; 4.1 , - • - - ,- iii - Time s• voitotttlei srtiiito tbstitgioo; tbi tear* that the primal wee, tom to tie testi of ittiek am Mails, thoiltaitavlls. spirants of' Lae stisttliteit. - I •• • •it way.apilttil oat ale Wawa veto at Wien- Tin. Alit oink& Oat no 131g* Out f *it to thaw Uwe it*Mistiott for t a rob LL XeCkeitterp. lir. ladle r•Onuerittra the ctodart gee*" 'fa the jury, as the pot of lb thirsuwanaallh sod Iris lei hand Is order. by tbe,, Primula tortueuts Nam. ths, Woos gad ltyiO. 11•1131 r maw **err do km the Commonwealth. Mlle occophd the Wake dhr, purte , dry, bid Ibr P. 11.* . . . *mid Jane bead 011.4 4 lakat ChUtO. Nbita had ldwourred lows' sew Orldoutly tying hi wad tha btar, as a- farmer ooratai, m the anteroad4 and bozo wartUde the, Prepuret t agitart as to tad Ws*. • Mato Imp* India at taut Dal% hi Coto tont Costly. >tad Duratuar is Zarin( akar ar. They err the• aae polars' whir ram !Weir triad to Co'aabla County. kw tbaratudet sod robbery at.lteu Oratralls, lartirell; bat It al trah The coin , . thaw to the jury ochtpted upwards of as hour. qui the ash *at haethic . abed !k am; Ith to the carpi, deflect, the Court lastrathoi thathry la with to =oda ea/ Yorth al cathte the turrinihaes. 'them! Ira Plathy; LC omit loth be tetrad to thetth , toped a tharthable thichl. that the Oiled sad inlaid o f pug., sad Ids patty. Ca that oecialos,,mth to cm' aft an:Atha% Y etkgait Bat to davit ithall thig;P:#l la tbsli ettrAs. *eyetooth to able thatiethably - to at. Aland for the proem of the piffles Qom rot .61. - odor wpm.. ar Meta* other theciyi ' ' ' The jwy mine at sac o•Hock, aottth halt mei hoar vethenel a 'mike of oat nty, The Obit Mei Athos! un monAst atomhej p in t at 10 ottock. , n o tater, ambit!.tilleirit a - eopr: ram„mu pots toad as Itee door, 17‘ 111Dissues etas it Local Gap. It was *lad ~!Psetl spared frrandppoilly—lq witati did not iippeu , . tt lei paitimked find addeened to Mr. Sett Masses, Vasa alp. Nast penal .pot - ot. W. Ikabsatratied Ctouttr. Pesos: . ' E. 1221 • Leeatta, Ploreathee $l, Yr Mai Catteasa. *lra. ela n Kogan : take up my tea to write ease few llama **kg that they an dad ye all la real health le the tteparteas kern woe is at premed. teeth 114 to god fee Wu kind stem ton all • I left !When ea tlaw•wy mint leg Sad loaded at two Velvet - au filday Wahl at Walk, I kit teseentat ea the way Alla Laren, came ea far u Ahab. and Um wet beck AO kid me Oat be was th e to tenable" write to ate u mom ea yea get . 1 - etter Lad 80. ewe that waa egad was the whole Potash= meowing that I dater tau there • search after mei tare they Say ett•Vekta Om I CM* Oda Hints la tame that there la a wtopteloa I will" net aka here. I feel ateley wet!! I he= Irma you sik write hesolit. kooky mot let me too r ail the yortirel , nk•ileci I =at fee Mane lo led XIS leee did `year math= do what she earlobes t leasing do le t aea Ow& Be or will daditcrei Bois= or end MI =II seder. • • be= on monk toter= Preee= Bet god b!iree ye and fete fat of fOOT B•rect your !titer t , . Politick Kolkokry Leslie Po. of; lee Loa= a .sett' Whole. Jolt Boyle a= Ls= No= 'they l'xe lad Sort Rau:recta to y , ell In Betted of hie lig it le the ram, ay Wien my mottot kft they oroatd mite BefortYkts Bete:meted the/ Oli- leg volt come Bettor eekry ocher =F. [The Retorter aekeoeledlfeede oblinsilyas to tie, Camel on both 'WY, h.I the rise of they 110iO4, and ocher fed ttles Worded him Lye nuking op the Sumo.. • leg cies) ! ' •• Ot i /..94,'i. - amireik Llt.11:1310 Cr... flept 9D , 12f9. Minns Eorroas Krona. Jot:aura. —We are situated bent grotty tied to the north cut end of the Allegheny tango of lifeantales.. on the hoe et the Pldholeiphia and Erie Railroad, 25 miles north of Williatorporr, In what b,designit ted in year book ou Clod, Iron and Oil, as the Btitton hula of the bituminous mud metsates. We are abrot 11 mike eoath mr.the and west of the Bartley Coal basins. MTh?" trodied year book no Coal, Iron and Oil, (which, by the way, ks the best. work I hero gnu at the' 'c's treated), in 'bleb you give erotical mo ttoes of the stsaatmes at /Bombing and Barclay.. I came to the clue:it/inn that tbo treks' rf the Ralston baths as glum by Taylor, was at frhilt Easing remand to this place from Mahal:ay City, to rapiers the lands Weintyre snd Bob. I.wk.d upon this tdra,trbiob bu ere's% rd hi finding toe Betels!) socking bed tee E .which Ls here 5) frot thak of the poreet led best out that 1 ainow•Of to this emetics of the countiy. Besithe the bed E, srs bows two other bed• not 'skin in TOM' SeCtioBl of the .11.1stno wain, II 2) as th e . other feet thick,. If you • d deetrm R. • Otte ermine of chi. butt taro 8 use, by .writteg to ate I mild secrets modal* you. , Altbnogtt Talley ties loin der. rota: fora no intrri of years and borne bat a pror name. I that k the clouds are breekii,g and ere loan we shell 11311 throe reeriutains do:tad yeah mai ,ir (ohne !afore roused the deer, bear. do , unmolested) and the coal rolling down the Cite el toots monOtalos or kenos tistoti in to the:valley, to be barna - friths Philadelphia of Eric Railroad worth to Pours,. and from to I to be distributed th ro ughout New York St ale 1 TbereUre inumber of .ropitalists ready to take held ben as mum as they raw Sc. good openings for Investment. But pre sit them is nothing Pitied.. Tole part of fimPit &male • k par ,to the .kurses 'of. _good. Imisti-g ard tithing. Th e loam anti' game, and the streams with gib. It is ebb an especially healthy place to live is, which I trap tattify td.from coy own expert' 'See. -Tours Truly, LOrottromer Bunn. C1it.A.11102.111 NOT REPOZIL The leaders of the oppinitiOn are continu ally preaching Retrench Meat attd Reform in the rninagement - of the affairs of tiler/Awe. If one, were to place belief I A their patently reiteratmU simians,. he would inevitably arrive at the tonclusion that the State Itself was on the verge. of rule, sod that those who conduct its affairs, are the veriest set of political reprobates In exiater ea: Thin inch a - conclusion, nothing can ba fur lbcr trim the tenth. Since the foundation of the Prmentrible'gorernment, taking see . rythlog into consideration, never him theif - fibs been r eModieued :with More •Pealbice, economy and regard for the pito.lo interim?. This 1 pullet:110y trite of , the, ewecuiivel, pal of the govertaber. The mead pf qavermar.Gbars Department • will bear fa. v,orabie imam/lion with 'Sri of soy- abet; gnat= who ever eitiplect the Guberna • tail chair. Thai duties nude kicansbetr ,upon him by "reason of his calm have been carried - out to the lettir. To, the bat ; of hb icknowledged . Ski:ldles, he he icier', throughout with as rea r single to the best lb .tereartifsehe rossimoiri at large Ifs tad' • his made Mistaket—hearoulti he more there human if he aid not make some—they are tO, be attributed to - Causes Which, to anti es,". tent, engeti.d his feelings and clouded , hi. Judgment. bliatakaofacharacterdetrimental to theintereaki of thi people, he his se fai made none. Veda hi- adminbtratlon, Ike' chief esemillve department has b:eu a inn can. . , Wtiii ire We saki elite partkalu tweed' . of the rixecutien, eKtilwa with equal troth to the 4i2pitofe and Trust:4es De'pannient. Neter ha the bosineei of either of Hem' branch& been conduc:ei with more con sidearms fideny i or wilit more conitchrtnicitte regard tO Netter. eU . dirintereeted perlons knowing anything at: all about the leaner, know thli to be the fact.', • Now the opposition propoie to'lisograste a reform. Reform: what :Taut sbicti has Main already reformed. Now do' they pro poi.. to do it? By inadenting a change.- that is Ousting Governor Geary and plating Mr P.cher to his stead. 11 aw else t , By changieg the complexion.of, the law-making, power; by electing mach men of Mimin Sam Josephs of Philadelphia is an exponsnt.— WUI the , change of subsiituthag weal.h far competence; a monnprillit for an anti mo nopallst; a roan whose individasi interests centre In Near York for - one whose intermit are all & hti native Siete; a man who has three yea rs executive experieace for oat who has had_noias at. all; a Slavin and at slave-power for a freedomiat ; s friead capital fttrx friend of labor; an anti war et. villan f.r a bravo soldier. be a reform,. We Crow not ; A:change it will be, Weed , ba/ not a reformation for the ; better. lAN taq u a general thing, Iberia premed forward by the. party for the Llgiulrure are in no wise better than their predecessom for wham history we refer those intcrealed to the reo. end of the taw Mat sessions which.will shot that the'r actions Om 3 btOied,thArin4eb• hag; that their hands were always Is deep 'fn the coffers of the &amis . - sax ass else's; sad that they w‘bired IU tile mire of tees: Won as comPlusepti7 id: did 'boss they min the kue and cry against. In Ibis them. mill ha attune but so reliastioi. Barret 1 ISM well entNitt Arrow:ire Breese or Tnanonarante.— The New York Borsht Ind*. that the, lei make of an automatic system of telegraph. lug, to which it has frequently rehertd r , fedi vatimportancs to ike Public, the press sad the *Tawniest, that; if practlcsblp, animas abould -at ouce. oa rearetembibt& make an approprfattoa to teat Its merits. If the Intention should prose ail chat Is claimed for h. ft will cease a rtwentlon In telegraph. leg, as well es is the social and bestows transaatiou of. Use woad. The facilities of communication will be htereised brit tight or ten fold, with but little eadltlonsliabotar cost. Eihoidd the sew Interithow wear ftd.lt will mate 'seethe ittloOdire of agitated teleVepti ayatita hi the Weed -Stense; sea In Ude slew h Y hot mentessaabie that`'- shet gra. should sake sairprettpatatal le-tholt• MN/ %St tts masetto. - --A prieedest based ht die fart that the liateraseent "CM Prof: Morse $30,1300, Is WSJ° hitth smai tlla rwserf. arid we presets, ft irti eat be Oh' - mad that no Clossalitieey ins eel ArMI PrOattadY etweadid. _ Tear. Pet..—Tbs liilksiba Smell (leis, , speakin tis Avoidsle horror, my,' truly rtissrb:- . , "!be Teri isperi oneniprone to alemesit4e the persiatesty mitt with* of eise elniOilde• whisk mkt set* semldestsjpoistble. - will -to morrow Waist as “ehatp ecial."ttati deissikee ths swore for hamistlaithst . east shell net he sold, at lest then in &Matt it, Slim- T e Cotannist hen**93oM:2l4mti isistin for *teethes atthirlrept et the shim ta the vellerieicililli*i Etssiiishasg sad if sli Ms regions' *ilia tell lite the ismaikret, eseperatiems Siely-154 ai 'poor m-4nd theingora it Imilioleses Waste'inietailon tife isistni; **kik' eir• smell ese the rigid! ofklbe' ()iota" ill.* sty foseemi the poeror;ilb Ur, If ins moot restaisAenrl44'int Me . vestment. se entre* ids eteetk, he wilt vs:* 'unmet!) , sell mai is wpe:lap 04113 i WI Ms istesissurontlreir essite r fainay ..ise,intie se, - . 1 , - Saitsios •le voThif: re imoe - ,* If . . THE ORIGIN OP THE &POEMS.= Dlli. ASTER. . A cog operator in, Luzerne month tin a leerhy srliele,on thebriin of the late . tpr sib'e Muster at the Art/dale Collicry, the views we gareist the that, it caught fire frcpinktmillog -Se tire In the far :rues with woOd 'on Monday morning, - an'd that settle of thisperka lodged on some Una Ten surfade of the brettlee.work eels the top} Sixt was , Realty filmed Into a flame . On subject' be asys the:e ban .be no doubt. . He alto states that many °tient:4 personr. 14°11111'Mo furnace Orf4ro the tire, was Im proved with the Mee that it was tonsata:— . , We pcio't langcßge se tolloira • • their g the respeteths taafea Breton Went *An and tiunteed tithe panore thd Ite emcee We with the 'hen or tr;:..ceat, and en eivthey Were they taspeesed with the &net? of Its !ghat dth, tat nee leas to the othmr. when he noticed • weth n the lewd conneethd wnh It eo dry ^lir O d, tt , er is It Mg this pate DWI* Wane Ina Mt ithni:d down h 7, the Sr. The effltea's colliery Is ori' Iwo miles dia lect, aid be was' There *dof, Ater the fire ivas discovered. He scants- the very . Ides }hat It wee set on Me; but Svcs cathed by, the farasei, ivh4 *infirm, !the verglet of the defy: • • . He concludes as ksllows:' • • as/wad la alala e3dl 0.61 d luoatt•O Illor toad Mont Inuit I area; claw=e hut meek • per weld Enka up their ulna pit till:tat outlet do 'OO Errata demos w tatty tollowAtorttera eaoct l l (tba &tool d to go to oltz ittaladOc allb and get VII your easo as woo , d rowdy 'this eilL I Ida la boat at !ill conga It as tar oda" wt4i 0011. ratranoe, tab speedily pcoolda. cd Ma I toot. tatia andclustea• until It E ta dome though I tad no bat a ton Walk better, cad. -,. .Tes,,CLUILIMAI. AID A1t.1420C Tie TICKETS nrriart.aost.rin..e.—The odium' .t the CriMil Oat Copperhead Ticket was 'so' . eat iobtp adelptda that.the patty' were ' omp.eiled to Day them' cif - ok!ch, they did wall a sang Ism—laut the bags .seciald 'not ,agree to the Duple unless they bad them ..ing:of their iaccessom with whom LOS SO said thtY Made an egieement that they ere to have itsit the spelis or ctliCe_.,if elected. , The attains!' then earned candidate:ll - among, the aristocratic portion of the population, who Coat . plunder_ quite as tritlol! Ai thernaeleek . ~ t e.. but who bad DA yet lit their , pee;lhility same hitat. •The by being exposed to the Balletic' is ihowing up the that critic candi dates- tf the so called - DemOma ; and thus Speak ' s of the candid Ile for P oi hod, 'try . „' Fallow-tee dime tie liet, lee beee E Peteiuctioia, it tee blictelet ne: tett pick 4 iccilt kill red...Pie:l. .Wiptikkgtoa licfrereeo .balow. ma :iv . f tae Tt.,,,1 Wert . He 'S, .1 etteeeS Ft fle. %if,' 14: Ito etnEkei). main the 4 vegal baeleeeet ite rel., )es,.. a i., , . \ NIA he sway yel.• a le Oiar. ture , te , ol tae lelAm, so illtecetitlee.tie ciai Win" i &lee Mt h . x.l It see, alas ITN aption• led to the an. anti a 1,r . ,s A. e.. it ,t r _ .it w . Re elswilve tmel ; ant •Iti re Deessc. otcredllee tee treitit.erile tiolverdeitif &Mart cif cue ceeetry pm m. . . I • 4 • i.ese iota° 0( the Po t.vi:ie '.....0 per center ' s tying to intredmi.e+he asine'sylrtm here 'h WALL tiaras. Was frantic' yei , .tyr.l . S.. The gamblers of the 'Stock Eirhang.... held such high carnival states rarely:. been lnowri - be.. fere in the mentory of the'. rble:t member of the floard:— . ..V. Tiitane t f Tiariday„ There would net be tnuchioEs to the coon.. ...terif there was another ''..,arttival" it the tbape of an earthquake that irony s awalloir up all these gimblera. There are mltch bet ter. Men now serying out ierip3in• the Peni. teoliery. There is no woMier that there' Is ap utte,sj under ;current, when, men like Vanderbilt, Pialc,.:arttl others, with theirl manse Wealth. Msfit for Stich purposes, and' flit:is:sport withilke bus i iness :Of the. country, and , Impoverish thousands by the use' of their wealth, which has been;ln many. instan., ,ctut, swindlcd, , fiont the cootihunily by sio2k glieabling.and other villainiitis tralsSactionv. The lawVhat permits suelt : onirsges upon:the rights of otheri must be wrong, bu t , ccintrerY Loth . ", ipirit'of our ' t , • .. ' 'lrrne RADICAL: . published at Jaremon, Trza., la •atinnck Republican paper,, and lirdoinggood service in.tkat ben:gbtrd Start. It Rine pays its' reapcta * to tile' corpse of democracy In that State :, . . Wi BRING IS TIM C3.IINE yeanrago while attending the 4dneral. of person who h:d died of chalera,-Ohe, above signidesat words wets asked. -a le friends' of . the deceasedltd usembleA in ibOChapel, situated "titan the cemetery gron.ids for .the pqrplse of hording the religious services pie psratory to the flail Interment of the body. When all were seated, and the It ict.trr was about opening bls discourse,. the rexto , , rely solethn mtto nett Liked if he should brirg lithe corpse? . Dzenocrary died daring the wer, and whilst ;the ItepnbliCans of 'Teri' are'honnsalieg together relative 'the tore Interests of oar greet Site,' and • how • we shall profit by the errata of the put. .Jack Lismiltoo asks 'f "he..ball brlrg in the corpse of the old rebel' dim 'racy Who . iiti4lo sea lit • Mn., , Si:Joflea, 011 altuvect In the cen!ra 'of r weettirs; coal (1.-Ids." There. is roil at Camden: on the Nor h Ittieitoeti 11114°4 in*nspllve milesfroin S: . ..14oeph ;,1 there la noel on the ti iimibst and ;Jo.seph rout, a intedrill ant 'tweet* miles (Li t,nt; tliere la tieoairthe BE Joseph' sad lEctimard Slit, ilPecdtstutt; there la 6311 411 the St. JatittitiAid D.ravis iced, - iweety tate d.c %Ngi thereb cent at Lestai*Ets.4ol4- eettel titer,4nte ottadree an¢ 64ty utiles ilia ,tllo7- *gat Mere is eon tin the litiiourt •Yakf1e5 4 ,411544 . 401 coufits,l4rEines• ouluit there b ea the • litheeett.:filver Phemicietk; is itebtielte; . f Dee * Ny , mita dluui, 3.: If . , • Win aim Laisiut,.•-•Tbe Tfaitlikekees lipiOnt4acochmaos of 41b.imbetiand .41,407,*yiteneent "asioq, -." • - . :(111iNEI Wasktsimes . 'atiasimiest - ion Of many mule to dla Chalon bibmies rie4 COW; Ira 2tis esii 0,4404 Derscierney to Ukslr ernsoa against cold; 06 mob, ft ad *Oh_ tlairentes. calrrOltindikaleseteAfcg, 10-4Sigimits . g the iltowstrodilliib merity_ en imXll4 - of the &lot Lac slide theb. (*tor li,hisipe: dim them. irtlimat bi takid ed by , tbal the? 10 , 1 0 14 el*by such a shameful and inbumnn mu;ade. • Di: Crxxreo hill had the 9eietei put on his pi!ject to emend the E IT:mei/lee! Council and the - e try to move limo to meet the Angelical Church, by the explicit fist 4 the Pope. -Tbe Holy Father that-Prow:Rants are laded invited to at lead the sittings of the cearacil r bat- outs for the.r sord's goad. , flay may Inspire all of the Iheololic al balm that la 'ant, bbt they must not bOpe !pla te:far. They ein do nothing Nat ;omit from what i done. . vas new DAILY . J.,CILWAL illincOlg With Immense sums& In Dottsville:—lteediog Dispatch. -; • 11 ' ' • Ter, end' thnstighout fie , County, friend Dispateb r 'tittle Sprightly" as4l22tury). kill nai.earxureepfrepent arreetkitately calls Orr bunlitit, Is growThg so J:411440/141 re; ally, we think that. about thef.flist if the year we shall not only pat It into • new, but a anisidelably enlarged dress. • , Paorasco Maw Nan .1:our thri t —On the 16*It lost, the Hirer Yark Wait. lagnsess' Union hadd an important meeting; and resolved on riming anew ;lathiest kide- Poodiot;lttitY. to 'set in iccord , wilt the Onlnten Modes teoks's Id/int Of fist etti thin witia Woo ritsolvid t 0 iititlist ov. lCß elan to salon* tltti eight heir leek ••i=i! Do not week being asieseett. Friday, Ont. 1, will be the lag; air on which rider sow if you are riot iareadj usessed,Can be put oulbe list to entbdi you to' iota on the 12th. Abend to iikir' : isuportiai ax, • ' Bata fa *had that nay 44etaiiiisatio,. -sr hai la host* to Permylvaalnind hilavar. of New tat. Awl when his Wesson hi,. thaw will his bait bealir. Nay Mwsico.—Mr, Chaae, F tteyobtlea2i, liu bora elected Delegitte' to 'Coegreo -by 2,00 ko 3,000 wilaril7 \ nal 4,111 do. • *vet raw= .4.sods,cissozgai. I—The young tady who took the ges4 - ma's Stacy bat rotund It, with thanks.., ' ...grsaboppal eta &Nagano; Wall& art extmlitlag rainy' outrage* Itl Airtioa6l. • -.ltlth placer aim bale been :diseirtiree ebbs ths of son mooted to oSios b se,leise st to ' upon tari fa:7 that "Am feeevissllo the =Anti avast. • - • . ...oes cies Wass Nos* Is waseste 4eakies . Ale oormetostil see are so v#lttsg M. !tabs ioald oaly illatitilt tato iettinthig lawyer, metes* *wee dastme; hesitate time, blbe world Oat ber,opleiam • ' • —Tiis anstry press Unimak Iliseirthiog Jadp tidies mord la Ceingrom; sad lbw by Itetbsi Lb* .gbpdp asiSorit4 Tosed , wllb too rnaaveiirpoluissaifot the -41111 Peccomd to Plui• °Pm the Limbs word 119pthaillakt la x lifs mismorabl• "Witte mike lomat sane. wok eta*, ice sae rid a Its bin, 'oak tioi as mei Tare hie ovate of attetim Tan are astS. doe falai Oda frau Now Tart u Noe an it tie Berm.- to iaris a "law *tea Ow et hint ;at 3000 to nets of op Sib 011 0014117.1ar& , ' 4 : 141001411 kw! belbrebratd It bdaga,* aye Awa& pal. "dire' moat bibs yin oft tritittaasetettlas m. blest tail Sows *slew. t -Mlle minas a lei PPM& •Z: t:1 0 : • • • • cgcn Is orgenfzing esolgrent done. • • ' •1 , • 1 , • ...The :young swells in yetis now sear hrictCete: I ! ...Thilrhatie the Balton Collseaki Insured for , 1 1 116 ,0 0 • r, -• , citioted cornet bsid - bas been liisrtCli at P•Odthie - I , , „."Jthebaritchanipatne" is the 'agony et .'-Entitug.. • • ' -- 11 10 01261 1" hat been Procticed ' F ret * . I phuianttyeirs:, ~...Chicsgo hu a new children's peperceB. ed os Bright Side. - ' 'I ; t • A.. The ptisons of Naples, are. said lI tto hs .bilirrkf places' l ot suffering. ' - I Haven hsa atechbre Butt NM .100:00 . 0 Oats pncilira day. - &ago" is hi .xpend 'three yemit..and Siouo,ooco pet a new teruicL. . A.New Tork City contains three .Imndred counter:lei : hr. - • ~.CohyriAt tiontlthinsmialoBWMlBo ...Textut . ppers 557 thit more cotton will ,be wilted in the saul thitsesson Ihan Can be saved. - • , . . Cleieland paper acknowledge! the re-. Pvtiiti of i biretta 'of Irish tkiefeillo 'cut In ; • •• ...The 8 lards are said to'be sums •irrrtund cbksyth the the *sips of ' ' • ...Any dine can ImpOrt nitrci•Sycerine Into Ettglazd Ulm la wining to so tojail for tyres as the pan ,7. • A.ln Boehm it is.iseticed as i remarkable fact that `!The Board at Alderman held meeting tta lloz fay iwittlout - Totivgiltatta- Rata. ikdirfner.l The ac r at ”Ir 4 orldli 'gilds" opens in 18 . . Peterslaygi ;May o 45, 1810. H luWard • boys-dewy' that they lived on a vegetable diet in England.' . likseachusetti, has Parr .chir(d,six t uadred per 'of woodchuck care at twenty Cent* per' par. this. season; and paid' i.. 9 for dead hawks.' editor often Ws paty'. for six, iitotrhs to thol t rusn Who brings him the lari at watermloo. . -Jot leper of TN - goes Hc;od wa wrileo to girlltob.rt reel, and in ithis fait Joltl4:ltan made I "Thlath. stops my pen, Lai not Fir pennon." - • , ; I ,, liehols; a 'miler dealt? in 'Nei! 1 - 4,tii, lit a pommitted ..'.li.lathierattattch—the Germaa 'Punch-- It foi!oaing iu b!aek borders: . • , • "Co the Anniversary of Napoieor,, • ' August ix. litetie'mene tekel, aphelian"'. , tin Frid a y last B: , stonettsitial he 2,19 h year, - t it tbla in Franic ste:DIOW pat to glees) In bran. r. • ' . - • ...liewllssrpshire ball • penipklir tine 140 feet long. •1 I • • • • . ; • ...The , chatcliagart trade this year , Mated.22,ooo, bottle , ., • ' . , • r• ew Orl is to be walled In -to pro • , trot it from !pond . ...Esgerilp l receives four , thousand franta a Year for eove money.,, ' • ...TOG amount of available 'Coln le ; tbst". suited Treionty higlEtt.S.i2.343 40 F. all of which, ex pt $4,000,000, is In the sul4l , .trettanry in liew. York. Wise, , larking at a new photo.: pooh, testified to the correct likeseu, by a,yirg, "Thies mr , aed it looks drank.": _ 'Epikeopal Obeich : of Scotland ia: about - to admit lay'reprereatatitin, • only tbe• laity are not to Vote upon otteadorii o: don-1 1 • • ; ~.Idoneicattli years old, good-looking, a good dresser, fencer; 'hooter,. bestir, brie. ter; chibmin; horseman, and. U. ,full of fan and anecdote. • • . " lUegg au recommenced tit Tale, n 0 .... witheianding thelSoithomotea -titomiand the Faculty that, they would-not molest Ma In coming Freshmatselsa. The greit JuggeAant festival at Buns:. pole, /ad* wu 'a failure ibis year. The worshippers not only refused. to be - ground up, hot-also left the car sticking Witte mud. • .:.'What a 141 e. child!" said i'friend— "Att,"replied Itoca, “Ittiaimeatta never ntade tench of him:" ' 1 ' • ' „lbws. Macmillan, the Madan patitiab• ecnounoa a 'new weekli.joarnal of science, to beautified "Nature.” ...lire. Mar l ) , E. Tucker Itu anti , ab le ticle sgeluat thnwomah'Siiihts movement In the October Pachold. She doean't want bar righta. ' • -Mho present Sultan 114 largeV,lneresied the rt venu sot Tartu y„ but still morelargetir the est:stoma. The debt will soon reach half a thou"ned million dollars. ~ ...,The Detroit Free Press says that tar- Rini". la "b*tbcd in tears"' over the ratans lien of Giv. is bat Moat Malaria result of the.new "reign offiqv..Walker. • ...A member ' of a 'church in ,Vermont, do airing "a mint frvm 'prayed hi tide whet 'Sent:rite not en old manta hie dotage,. 'nor a . young. n.to in. his. goalingbood, but a man withal the modern improvement," _Gov. Claftn of Maisochusetta h*ttt.to, , ,.• Ono by the tecintfsilura of a boot And able Arm in St. Louie. Ile cut afford tha The Pennsylrania State Fair, bat 'maim Other preminnie, &Tete r f itXt,to the repot. ,er who Writes the best and fullest account of the 'him. " , • ' I is e'xpectej fo nuke Are mil lions cittiof hit Mtxielh ..Mints eahthereelf "the ottletigo of the South." • - • ...Selling mimed sestet/ railroad ilia la practiced con bootee( the larstera Toed,. • - ..Daring a sudden tlia:4 al irolcotline4 6-: recently, fish were caught In the street' and gardens. .oac man caught a loge pick erel in'ills yard: Several dans Isere indsled ussaY,by the flood : . .j ' ' ' ..irlanclng ling be a decidedly jolly bust. nen in imuisellie, Ay.. flat wean tedbruted that "no iota; than five persons hive 'Actor eat Al balls In thefeby within Usit last few days;"-1- - ' ' '' 4 •:' ~I_A line ni karle-cul are to be run to the hisainioth Cate. •'-'. ....Rich coalmines hie lien dhieovernd at Aethos34l, knit.; said 'to be' inaalausti l . bin! i ' ' - :„' _,, , .., ...Rahway,liew Jersey . ..Us her Audi 101 l of harglars. Thei'went through ,half the business Names In town a law, tights since.- - • - !' ...& comber of meettudits of Coh'eknno.i ry„at Ilittrzr4, have commie,' to go to ; Ppsais, to malusone. . . i• ._. II ...Tbere4re sixty bir-rooms, two ti Ica and •Ooo..iishabimnts in &la. ~ - ...Chinese ' a re at; work on the Oman Midge.! They repeive 4 5 0 50 per Math* ' I:...Ths latest Itaahlon, 'for the wealthy, is lame gold beads string on blue velvet. ... ; i • ' ...31e. 11. Stowe Ma been very, 11/ at 1 Stockbridge, 111 W 1 ' ... 1 • • • '..,11 jeneyessn bat given. chte. Grunt en ' bison black mid, ten pup, • 1 i ' . ..k Liverpool woman, doubtfilirbother .the Soils her stows wu out, poured -glpv• . pOwder rie the eliderrin older-.to *mono the fact. The ant bed no t , gone out, but eke did, 'Cut of the whithw. 4 - - . • i . ...lese Veils Ak".' , • Mien. for the; pint two yeas! pastor of; the • Universalist thirds at Civandish, Yr.; ban resigned and Married Anotlum , minister from Motet 'f j •'- A•beri in West Wbsorted. toms bee been titilng rot Several weeks ft' seven potatoes,' shfch have sprouted sad innip kb* tier iseik , _mt. ming* .Iwilei . iof Dover, Wayne. county, LIMO twined a- sooty -for tbire• demptkwof young mess whew 1011140 ass nit thun. ' ..: 1 i . - ...lferby mauled employe Of Meths Moines fieentok bail beim , 'Molted_ WU a Itaby, widdi the Let two usesha. bi the persons Istithexised ttiokratiVlllllo.:; ' •• L ; - ' ...A CletllMlS*dle. - Vate'.lo •740001 s Ma unsged wink Immerged mitten that , bat waked' to nether itty mationsed Imo ban- Wet pukka In nopeetabla Write fentkr, de. terinined to win a.,hustiand, it at ell, wow her own merit. • • ; •.. 1 „ -,- ...drecettt Pule pipet enyelbit klik Car lothi Patti yetinsmle lie .17a Outes In possession ore pristeely - fartimC the receipt. of her ceaseerte is Vaittulawit sidiseUlt el Our 0,000,000 of Imam ' ' . , • ,'- , • - ...fa watt of Ittaskinist *top le* att...-; ; c'.:- v - _ - . 7 , ...t.a.iseisii*fli 04 aiiiikii . ii Amu all ddelll 0 *OIL. Ti- m ad used weigh, 110 piinnli- , •,,.. 's7 —PcmideetPftllVlllrethei k ta l oa iilL Wianikl-oN mai romi side resswe sts nomie k a paps. :..linie*gra.* .tbisjist itibitiO4 Milikilalida fit All _ 1 1:21W. MOW ' l4ll°l e A °o ea 0 the 1 / 1 01 104 igt*lfii "ntivier elle 111$ 1,_ 4111la t -- ''- -'' tbeir "Nap." ; ' i ... z... 5., 5.,, • • --.. ,„. 11 - Mose ush.eret 'erwsom now , ilossenso. 1 Etch. !wow i iggsissiiii.... , g, Lout_ te sseenstesimissa.psua es. 1 t Fig zoos oat Vamgms, -- : , .- . 1- r '' ' telie=laus".l.l.l.l"... , lir It -Th. Layoeiaboyi s i sroa . - ff iivh ,r i v.= 34=t. 41 is *dia "JR. rar 11141111irdi laimitim •a. alticWit . igg 14%. . Iwo* ..,; ; ,.,.. i i v ~ I * .-it.' *, . CURTAIPISiANcI SHAD E S. • NEW' STYLES G - • • I rt NO TTINGHA,Iti:, 5.W1,88 LACE PITIIIiaNS nor omit% , • • Eanbroifkind Piano and 'Table Coyem Maar Clornicta, fn Obi, Walnut, andlLfg.f, wood and • Sqaticn Thipas iron latest Trench De " • , Pi* Window' iiadOst Eto. -a• „ gents for Bra y ' Patent Spring Balance Skids &tam abinh requires no Cord. • Carrington, Do Zoncha & Co., Cyr. Thirteenth Atiiihtsaut. 4 I*.ELADE.LP , 14. • Apra 1 jIECIO 14-If THE EARTH CLOSET. 8111911 T t CO, ►gents. 11UMW D 411114 LEVI.. An MlENT.—Tbesanernal iireniy tar . Rben enetimen. ilevldnek &Mae nt /Mein le. Win n. earrneetel , qnsittle• u • lininerer, wp Omer Itself I Wawa In teno/y in ewe d ftramatinn and Nenneila4 engig ar swim. It la shim midi be retina Wet We law been In we Sot Mr Lua 15 Sewn. *ad bag deep aline istatilinn wterever Sew been need,. Pniliwed NMI soil by M m C. BAYLOR. 80. US Cann Pettaellie., open at Ilinewirtlle, LW mica • mown. ♦ Aitibpd— B. 111 /Mge Dentsbit. NI-14 em: Udl (.1:11:f.i A DloPriada st 4 eptatisurloa- are the Marty foes of the iestizea adtahle Arserkaii, arid with* tiam CM(' nelarehts itesitsette; hearibsra. gad a train - pf small Manias. lifseahaTe Vizir bas bemi prepared with special ferrates to titers' couditutioard troubles oi• so sassy al oar eisiatraareY aad 'so fu 'the' Irma time has proved a decided =eau. - The proprietors feet teat.Je reeosamoodieg It riCkle after the tried ex-. perteooe of yeas, they ire tat 1011111se a humane deli towards the Aralersi ernaMailty.=Torrieja. Pres. i • FMCS OtEDOLLaIt Pare norrt.s._ • _ . • 31. iisauswit.i. a • briiggleta.PnvtlFtcoer. aaciar4ax3r s *tint PHI Li DELPH.I.I. w& !d be Dr. W. it illollll.q3oikt, itairie'itre :- 7 salterY Mirk . , . Dirsiforya. IRliod'airame /Si tat: Urfa t•caled 1,11.6 auctram, by J: 14,.•0.4 V. I Prof n! P:Ra..x• or Eye and Far; fah apa,..4.1 4 y) la the IlloWttlOolirre rJ n yew* caperleace. Itio:rwrt7 of ie7deß• lead. Nn. F:44l:th 1114. - 15.,11t00r :a I &CIA* of , 'The snival &catty. are 111171 MS lu arcuanlVY ther patteqs. qr. isamted or1:11.411=111. HAaminsuall' freq. Ja'y SI. roe 81 tal RENA IL 11101111 C ONCIIIMIII.—Meiere or ..n. men i.ortVeelnlll curl& by oppling ISA lIRLLA MA. RIA-74:40. I[. I) liorth 11th litßeet. -Phllateph*. P. • • tortr-rt...ms--4s4v. strEdioSillt A DVAIIEB.s., e.>•on:tl ah article mtrinvtimr to bent oUllti has herb toned And Its maim cadorred hY public anon. IsM; onortiekd puttee ultimo, to intf.ofsb their depletai pillillbreosatortdOnsr, ud entatltctiri a Oplarloo4ll fauthe genuine untie. &lane time since: Iccasto7. L litedlielse 4441 10, p •wden, Sci, one Wen itar all disimes of thiretscoaah nod Even while gutting in betty adminb;!end t to Its MAIM Al length HO3TITTER9 STOMACH BITTERS made Its attract and ap entice tow apts.= or bearng web Inangt. The .bein At area of ibis rah:table pteptrat'oa wenut or.or acknowlefted, and miterat • potions vorateakto sink, Into that 'obscurity to which an enlightened age has Matt add them. Theis, bare .tea n many Spurious Baler* palmed 1:1f41111 . 0 .seen. CO. liLicb, Ater Mal; have baen Cann petlacti • -wortblesa, vrhila HOSTETTgIt•3. tar 'pray"! a 1.1.8 ens to Montana", who owe to it their rc►torattop to .rer patty ytiVe Ira hare watched the sh,aoy pro , yieta 'a HOSTETTER'S, ISTOJELOTT :Brryigt3s In pisblie estlinathm, and its bideff:net ef6Yte oa a owe king lb., item ch' of a mm - bid ustnra, and we anefrea to a•y that it eau to rd- Hid 131:0313 ad • cattalo relief and terneeyi. Ice proprl-. atnia-hars nisdeftite above preparst!en, hanr years rit' aireral study sod sitting. Sal are now reaphie the reward claimed byrtbla apepfne. and a bleb they io rf,.hly wroth. Ii u the only pftparat'oa of the kind Chit la reliable fa allow..Wl LL th , " ee ittaedihti attcaloe et thenTfildind. ducat 'grunions guttiiiittra. NOTICES. ilizirbetw VenireßlM Int nil atelutentwo Strati. Reev. laa J. W. FOIIM Pasta.. liebeatti sentews—iitcantar. '303( wile& ; /Waltz. TN o'clock. Sabbath Echool-1. oVrek. P.M. Pzityor Mort.lok—Ssblkub Mamba, fx IrCIO,IL "Thursda), evoking ; o'clock. . Paitne's :wildcats. Nate, teetre West. Pr Sulam* and cttlasair eadhoty Icvlted. eifi always Wes* witleterw. Seta will bat privida Datipay.for wIl. wbo ke to enact s any the weeks% _ ItetillhAiortbevram Vilest Pt. i raNOC.—Sabbalb. Krniear.—Preseeter 'thornier • at 10 o'clock+. *venter_ . ,att,tlabbetb &tee:4.l4e vclork. Tkanidey aming, Levan and Privet. at It( eltd.k. 'ranter eretdor. Yenk Meeting Le pyre, aae etb 1. reit:keit riettiNek , - • ' Strangers cud tbe Weir zenetally ire Invited to at. trader Atm tosetizei. 1 111 "Ireieelfet tlartvcb, CallouriM street— Rev. L. IL Omar, Palm preecb Genera ev errestarry nursing at 10 &clock abdErtelkit ttui, &eying at 1 Yelodc Isr.vosbet retrarer Steettureb every evader .10crIttnr. o =orlockekl are two* Chard' asaseeed piefit, Illaykalusd Narereem&B. .411 an teivisid. illreneeeed Seebiensista elbeenele. 'of Potts. :111 1 1 4; sod 11,4 . 11 rela nii reVer7t e ir't ft rie ll e 6 .l4 Oliva Balkilmay I Market stmt. MI ate ,Itartied. Alleste Rea, -Nada" Shoed SP M. lirThe Trisl4 Hennaed Chareb (lbarlistd, Mut .ea Creek be flird and Foortil rantelia. Rim J. lA:Roirsernsa Yelace. • nervites every fkmday 10 ::••=1 TP. X. &rats tree. _ . Reboot IN P.ll Lecture sad Prayer Mart. tag Ttainday ember T Cateebtiltel Clam I'May meted Wreked, Pastors study la the MOO. eirlarebrales mr .k. cleinneb, Beenati :street.. Rev. J. DICILIZOO" • Pried:llllg Rah. • bath f. at le admit. atd In tbe. ereeled at TX. _'Sabbath &gaol meet* at 2' o'clock, P. X Prayer li 'lleettes every Tubedey reentar at TM Arehart. Claw Reettlet ha eta lamiltessirrfee..ce nano lday afternoon id o'clock, sad oe Mat day. Wrdues. : " 1 / 2 _Ttatteder ail Ihiday medlar at TX admit, - swßayates 401110rele. Wabsidoeen Bt, Rev. A. . anmnren, Pastor. -Residence Ur Norwegian 1 detect P. every Sabbath at lo)ir cesledt and floadity Wool every Reb!atb ifternoon. at 11 oiled', .2.= 4 " ageting . flyer/ Wedaarday evade& K Tye • Bible' Mae every PHI* mated. TX crecdt. 1111 ,* Medially betted to littera Bean tree. • gnitarrhili AA*, mottesiVierteitioJectsau gmilb. "N"P"g ~~saisir. CRRIREF—MARINNIS—Ort Tatiday, theptrisober Ra m at St. Petrletta CRarelL._ rotterhle. iftu•Re.. Pot. U 11,1111113 m flea Maar L. daughter of Juba Mogatuta,..Rei.. 111 of Ude Nice?, lONR-,,RlDGEtiallre. DER by - 41ehlamt no Far: low ening, Sept IS. ISM- by Rev. D. Z Kezuhe fr. l, Joaarata Leary to Mb. Roar Poturratuaon, both of loess Ps... . • • ItIIDDENDUSIT—SOOTT—On Saturday. Seatesoi3er Ink 146 a, bf.tM ROY; learph Ilickartcm.'at the hours of Me bridal p treats.' Mr. -Gamma ..RErumeett to Melt Ruatteara .fain - Pratt,huh cf host Gap. hflaitteunhartaed Dausty, . - ••• : .4katia. Oa; 47b.e'• ampemled etti sedan. 4µ.. slid is Odd /Dr. et the "ea of It immilmwmic I - DrOCHT-4: Us 11* trito is MU Itoroibb, of bout some, f ovum L Photon dooghtor of Rebecca sad tie Ws Ilittuel Toth*. abed UP A l an, IVIDOMIA sad . • LLISSW.—To Orerfolhetrir. oo Ilredeirdry. the Ith tint. Yrs. Rs mime lemma; mother of Sul tate 'John tea. ated SI lean. 2 wells sad 21 dpe. . , I EtTTIMS— it &. Cialr. eis ' the 15th tart., go , Brae 224 Srrias.Yrott or William and sour C. !pi's!" Aged t W. month,, t ent X den. • .Jate emil AMOS paned any-. SSA pain tlike imest elverst So crest-we mold hot edeb:to day ; A Nomient looser here, t . H„ • Ire Soe Lg. him to the Weal tomb Wlrot temkeeed yesr. • r tuat beteS tohie Mona • • het be. 1 222.m1:id Asay.r s, • dir a freataiiiated meets mof %Qat gale L ' odett ' No. 4.1. K. of P.. bale a& teat e Hail. Port Carbon. Met 5192. leo fallowing. emolottote mantameurfy W.taaaa. 11 with bauffelt worm, end regret we an algid to meow* tee metaachoty death of oar beloved Inotlee. Jean Roam. vso met with: en Met veldt meant d demi no gataltete morning. gsta. 11th.1901, lentmood Pegadeptda; theteloce, .4 • • • Iteedaed. Thelma rtstemeepinoant Melon a Mad aid a bloten., sad sill ever abed* mid roe hie =tel. Tbat fib de Btia wier.: to a iMara rot . se t sea worldrael¢to dm voles of mho oammanda •••fh. no Mao mid thomeb ame taigas am sweet of Uod to deatimaln skb Mot sint•by sm. • • Jkleterd, That me amen oreanetiar well the rela tives of our &mewed bindles and estsestly Mae and , 4007 test God wilt sable them co hem (half tad ho e=mliugh Cbrenba eatirode asd haniefpfabialt poutee shkereadtala the balsas of • gmeked. to Mame Ow* ft to the mammy of oaf temo deparlod broths. am gait be ileieeS meatabai ter lwo of LIMO dal. .1 /peeked, That Uwe reeeletkee be gblNeed to tea Nola' Jottematame IftetiMPe be and a nory latimattted the agettudi eit tea deetnnad., . Vallfeasta. ' Jae Warr& •Addini 61movesuluif the iiasiaP 1 • cas wOßks AORTIVIAN . 01e11500tri mt . wermilraLia; PA. ~~.,0 yr. kreintocitot assusnand panatie.tor . • Pisan 41. eaulai n i m a *lad .011171M7*. ?AM. MIL Wm . • MUM§ - 1011111% (We . • VANIVIID aas I an anpalid to saGility ***..4 wet stain Om motto doe. • Ewe * sow a alum cm to *di • . . , IP. W. inGIII.IIINanoWN.. ' 'WANTED. AAUIrr dirtessl!=ia Jaw: at =IV J. Ifr.llo . ..1 ITO lbsicirwonk tiebsemits attates—Wing. adettAsiniii• ar e =1 triantainsumerwar k m. ft . Fate. LEGAL'; . .NOTICES The . 111 tell+ rowel Ibe l's Ii. 1 µ71,-;-`,.. .1 1 t he Aalptrlet del leebee,t,,,., wi Am amo0( t teh .8,-1.0101 yak leilvletet/iy,•fit.o tte late dna el NNW, ..l.‘l•elie EN, a blenaelf sad JOSEHIA: 1 3../. t ,"' 4 pail/load le Id,- d.letealle• a laeli!be ettil be behl ea lb. lila slay olOafobir, A. 11, al la o'clode. A. before Res seer Jel p lN ),,,. ELART. al No. 1410mevel, INitoNtla; the axasaltaelot of laid m-r Nahheatt-irey+e • Ttelleaatet will cerpreirtielheillt., /eate t titiormeelloYa (Puy. A heielne al,,K t. Weela atf:tkata. (Alluber at:b. A.:;1). Pt?, Nr„,, tte a, AslOleefatit.'er otmr•Xl.. "*-trwl4,- ti d teltaier. liritrvW the 1 1.1.1..Juttecd Sr, eve D r the Celle* at Plal'alt!pe'a rla.ley ekl9t A• WIN% . B T.FU C...; Alveaaa.l< bi P.llwauti. 11.41ttar. • Sta• - l"aa s • ). • • VI:STATE: MP JOli:N. WtrZliggl.** &CRANE, _ KJ Leary of Adm g nOa rag lea anm t.a datwago Wan Itateatate or.loato Wig gretturcl,te c./ The ciainoararale,W the Coialte ofae tail "`: IM -go Dena- !noted, halal lir Ogler of coolly, to nary Wmathist., orb:, wag:, gigg, mall of allagatraeiVe.alkotesl9; thg.o torkg.i.gt : .stale are otvegsted to Iola.: lame giato • ali pe mkgalaft &maid, Stria t, 4 .4 wave, arc Te.rlePtid to max' ktit.wp,.t,e•ritre oat delay to Wewild Alat.gooar.h„ . • WARY EL WlT2gYarg, AdmiLf..;';'" 8.0 rag. gm • ." • A D.IIIISIbrtRATOWS NOTiffld. —Les tidzielordWeSoptApop eta eelite of OAML7-81A, Ward orlbe 13ofeetti ,Scht,,,, mu. lo•Op been grant I pree .; all pentane Itd,bled to•4ld Warne...l here., f' •, f to make tnuntelfate pi.iment; end Mote ifnr•ee agaltot Abe Arne to pr..Polletteeri tor srpQ4tr,t!,,,, CHAS, E. 4.: !REV A 17DrrOirsn'OT1CR.,..11ie. olohoolino d -;..- [ - a sopoiatod to. dlotribate the. bilince to ta. ofJoba WllLhAwactios Itteettorrof I, klw,l the &mei thret. Clo'. , u, meet tAo Tiati , a,fiVonogral, at his !hp orgti of Pottmitto. otoTiosodato the ts.h Qtr ,r ether. A. D. 15d0, St 10- W.1 , ,r4 to tie. of As sgpc . taticoen_t.' , 11-St . • ' MASSN rktLAS PALL of fib place tlfonsta lariat the tith Irtrete be intim& eprACAR tba cttrr tr.r,t , r At. bosloess *gibe earrtsa MOS bt. hiots.A. y OM Darla' hlashsehes, blasts rotPs . at Sort. from stieh he ref I serliy ho•liir , s• d • DIU. of hooter at shortest hotlessnd sr 0121.0 at - As timbre TAM or 11,11,1. Inprtrii:g 0041 .treet. hetelleadtog Italtesit,D4ot. • 114Q11FrIES NOTICE —ln the D4Lu•trt!..t. 4'1.4 IS. MOW, &Atte. foe the . Pliettlll.Eetittlct tylesnia. 1N RANEE ^'• Itt.the matte! kICEAEL EIOR k.N ' Wbncrcll nmey Concern. ; Tte.'nneeer`e,..: Tooth, of Abb.land, &1 ICU I\4to_ty, beteby.gt,eit ticoo;1 hia tintarellteLl the estate of 'Centel lloreo.--of Aktrlted. to L t ty of Schot taut, In staid Itt4ltc.t.,: aid who vt t •b.: thin! dry etlot«. A. D. t:;.s. 9 : z ilflladizril B. rapt nprot the voittort cram erredit,r,„ by the.th..... ; - C"n.t of the rutted Etetca foe ills, 'Emote fn . ; Tertrylverds. -• Ditlekat Aehleut tbf to Itny i,f •S•eptenaltjr. IfiCe. ." . IL,YOCV.ll.,Afteeenet. , . . s lbw Dishier Camp. aqsllneirehlidiu.i, I Soren Di.trier ed. Viristi.rk, JAVEin fittgrre', ot . P,3:tortile. Sc . ! rt'tt , llvat tr.,lWdes”, red as n •:. to Aria or Iti:ATTYS: .1.11:1,11 Beet , ' +4 , l_Tit:.,Aore ,r 4 the Tata- 11. m of LiIsIFFITLI t s<,l or Wen, u. 41 -Jars al rt, 1,0t3,r.g pett , utee f r hh , 4l/4tatifo. K pi., el.- (41 . . red tiv a tell b. he:ti rat the 4 , 4 h ear 4,1 A I), ISO • rt. tettn•el, ca„'• P. tilt LI ttirr,lN .at hleoM.,r, 4,r'154 tom: r Pen: a) I rad r th‘t the elite: , ni+it t rat a gr.k . Tolle he 6. tehla gut - arty tet'Lcze dth!rdm etrg.l r,qtlrett hi...cU .2.s th. Aet f trlr.otr.eij _; The.Resh , (er *lll tedltyrrhei thn:NrAr•l!), Ml,Co•Trlt'd ita.d,ry. A te . stleg al.cfit q„4.„.., tVetet,tlty, the toth elle t4,ts_4.r. A D. tore th • t.,ri•t. at Yhtheiittplati: at itt wl en and where tilvtiea It( h terry% ..e.ey a s A.t sz the die-chime, ' Witham. the tasirrateeer .r theio4 ow : 1(1410[M ant tte .r .• at Pittlaciethia, the Stit.64,t4 s • • 0,1( Fox. ClFrz,' Attest —,soMgi P. 111.)BART 'Register. • • a7,3i , • , . • , A 11):1111Ati5T51tA.T011,141,.111111.1i.M1C1E...?.,.. xi. t°t at • dalzartrivlcka normt a rte estate of cll.; .1. LOESER, latent th e 80/Tina - POteTI In, dtcea.ort, hsetnie been grante4 to tLe nthbolber.ttone Inds. to the tattle of said. deeequet revleco.d =weal:Le(.+u nwnt, and at) p;rvints,tfalilletlaim..or dent hde ng,lont 0.0 snide Wate, rite rettne,ted to to , 1! khovort be come whbont ' &ley ,to the. one,. re';: reehling at• Nattonsl AbEtk' on!e. ASITIROMI LtlC•AlttL;Actrolohoeir., or to WV. L: yirtlltSlitY; 4y, Atty., - 114 Ventre Angt4t or, f ild .. • • ,•.•• :)I.nt Ilk SAL.' k; TO.:. LEI. ___ • •„ . n IL.LIARD TAIIV.R Frilt.RALE,j—X 1 ult- p•r+l.4le- II L%s & COMANDltli.l3ll2tatit T0.,1a , 4 iTot,2 Sr Ptli . rhc.sp. •Pa. tv , no V iu.llqieli*,i, ANolv- to r. , .,:t...*, - . iteaty riEuncis, 7i444,:i-,., 1.,. ' pan RE In COot:Ater:to' of 'an 113 , •Ll to (Mr cewnt.wFxu,g foiTeot !LP cep , at p•steriVorerpteq oy av for the ttoosytlrel,lattut of ontleatte. tmall Apt 11. , 1b71. • • s, .• • etrAs. WOLTSEII,t ato Conti& St.. Taxa t101.411•1filfr, Potts‘lltt Ps. LAttitust 21, 'C't • ' Br tt • " reo n 111 14f.) Itoo ag.rot of woodland tol...eb'inon.Ca3nty.'ntr:oll,es ,ownill Vincgrove, al , ng the vf..the - Letwzon anal Plnc: ann.. Railroad. Tte t•tati, rte wtoeqwl,.y oak Ap ply In . MACON WRID34 14311. 'or to W. ?tar)Etßli x RIDII.AN, Lirlan Parße It Ct. JE,IS 51, •C 9 ' • -,3.ethintn. . . .14'0 It NIL I".E.:—A Yarea t f AIM . .retri :sr iih inl • a pr.- tenients and stmt. situate! vit. LIII tire - (4 th., &Until:Ill mad Suaquebennu , ll.lllmad; 14 mil ea rie , l3 I . .otarrit le: 100 acrea'uf the laud are under euP I r dirt, r. De , . tl."e [tiered ',Alb abeitnae,rwriata of iil y ears. growth, la Pokit, eurcL'd make eserliatit. i rmy !Father 25 acres am catPred, wi th beavr tiMber. • The .11 00 00 'a • ,iwa wash , DIU eriturtafitat It,IP-e, a new Bst-I. hair, ku1e..„ 20 out tomes, and a new ea.. ill Irlib 'Water peter.— St.ock,bon•!els'et 13:'50,1` ma,ma, Vflin ' s Alai, Arli”, .1S - ;Bo 10,01.0 t. lauta. . ee • esired"tuo be .rean:.:l 'En m the Umber a •• Terate . eaae - .Apay•to JoIDI M .I , IIZ.AF 1., la:relay a A10'4411E114 rol i 4 iiii o ; or to PH.IIIIVIS . • F.114;0:1.1811: .150. 'lse f'..i.ovr,.. . fk ol .ltuir. ; - - -. itqkust 1,..p ,:i;lc • _. -- , rllOr : ,LENG ISOlLTlMillitekt 74.1,11,1,:.-: 2J' 3 2227 Mirk, Xabantoczu EC , ~. • : ,' %, Ilk 112c21 ' • • 2 TherleThntaty bricii dwelling'', kit *tree: 'Apply to LL-C, IT.ltti,„Rglitilst2A•32..'l-94(3,1 21214 . 40, M- . •.• . • 1.7. cli4 is% • nm•l's ■ • ,ce• INtbllca.-cuniez &mad sad 1 1 alli 4 ti , pi4 1 +11,:a. Vueserka Apnl 14. Apply to 1161 RY C.• Ve4l Ertl7o arm, t,:is Nlallantooiro,Stsoa: *„IT-tt VOINC 11 411.11L—.11 P t elasi Whitt if..+ll 'C'ol9..ry 115 qv" 1 14,113 n0y1,11 , .ie1d. tests 1:: t!! run • A Fpielo44.rant luo ifi o • bw,in, sgr. • I'vreney euttttu for *ate reeiCcalre, • • Town to., to Vali 'toy ety. . - • - • To Lts9e—Milisnwth flalitoorttaid I tlmraic Te. 111; Lear Yktuto,,, Ll' ' /for Rent—An office 10 plfer Terrace. • Appl . i to •• • , FRANK. CAITTER: • • , Wet Abdo A aptit;- 81;t0r Tent* Vounlite• Septl9, i 3 9 ~.4111411kbrink end tbeldoie mom a d a t able a t tle ncengind bj.l. 4....13gnner Q.. Aabtand.' rdeaceetnncleen immediately. - Ag• Pil to • . J. con . NIA Potteglije. . VALTAURtat PAIOPKITIT 11.131.• TATE SLIT. E.—One-twentieth tnietrat tract of coal land th New WE° Township, Schoyiklll County (lama as ttek putt BasnAti tzscf4•,tostaln• Amax= CIO saes. • • - ," 'A tract MEM scree Of 'WAY; and =RARE BLA N D . .to Riley TovashlO. . Ts/table baßthue foot on Maintiiiato street.. A splendid lot on' lthoylklll'Aesnoe: a feta front op tt.tr Avenue feet Rpm oh 'Church Alley. One•barth interestat:re foal .R 111•• Tract of Una; K Ihßetoketkill Township. to elate the eats% of chi law - Apo= • . • ...EXCEty =EMU * • • RO POO.pril a V. g u"'l9 7 Age 2 4 ~ JiA ° : , lll ‘ i g .l llltcr ' - ' - . _ o T e ft T mil turd. situate. ln a lltthe at 4 Salts Iklll Tonnellts: atntedim Mau 1130 kir* affS ol / 5 1 :01, /am 0 4a .00 ressosab's Wait Ay to • T. H. LIANNAN, at a Puttertifcror einpan. • Te no l2l7ll. . 10 - • • *ll • LOB SALK...3I new end ' t aid elope Wannynk WI tDtrtDespewe.l pew Wye WV.. beavil, !med. tate to Indatrack• • 1110.. . KNYINIK inn t; 40 _ • , • Pottev).lle. F _ OR -8.111ti1t.',41 Firs i"Ort Lociooolire; stifiable - for 4 foot nage road.- beei vied for oroorer- Mg noel w Ind tbal dtt ranee, and 14 .ce .1n goodd, e.Arty to ' • UEO. A *ARE. 'OPP() EtTUNlrtlo . OBTAIN' • A. - GOOD COAL .LEASE:II-," . .; THE LOCUST DALE C OAL co:: • Offer to twit. tsiaa-at.thist tnenat Ate, &tato etyetsunottebed. to the A2hhat ta.to of The cosßt cootiloitty the ILAJIMIYIII, Idth , . dittoo. the ohdetlyteg aid Wiring 114103 ra7 - 11nes m -. hzenllettliet to: be iota to 1720: It.-POTTS:24. prestopat, lle-ltraedellf Not/ Totk or to . , • Ai; 'it. Am* iat • . LlOO - OALX '0 It TO' Lai T.—i•Tbe Radar a' NIA altaudd at. Samytt 111" Ilyntd.lkdmer;ytar • Medias by W. 11. Seyt..rt. Tbir Pas tame per. -0 of Duty, one,pati cbopperaa .4 •40 rkOtl , C Owe: ep•• • riao—all la gond order. • Ppasaapipp &Om:, tball.t da7,of APO. IS.Ct - • . . • ROL 4.4 * . n . ' Caw Ito. 10 Centro St.,Po9evii na; Pcbrrtary , 10, '69. i • - , 9LI • won nerirr.-Igooble Ohm Ilriatet nandCabr.fuorAoaltrPta erattr Pliett• Pte.'. ty PttrilefilcaillrnialintdiAte, AM/ to Nal / 2 . 4 *-91-1.1 • . 4 . 1 :1 1 101111'SON t CO.. U noneVOR BA EroilzaaW. Naafi R041 44 :100 .r pem ttryra Bonnet! ,ylladia• 40 :titans . diattanen. Cleat. *treks. With M 'Red rate, FI4 Wheel and atm L. Po? Trice; ao.; oismotho JaCK; tiONBEIVAN nultroita. llootgatoory Quay, or , to R. R. It ICKAR DOI ifameau Matt 140 W Ye Cl;y:' Pan, 11119 • -44-1 m tit;?i Eti Al. - --- • arImmene..DAA§a.HOOVAM kiss Mtraa7 mrd their eerkA Qe eare, rood &sateerf mace- el Dry OPAL faro masft Wane tam YUMA% ,to labs IX Mein m i d eSsaell et e. atm WM emtfate the Molnar M tbs,l4 surd neat, ' aska , ss name' at DAVIIN a, CGILAILAII All mrs• acs holistar tottmele. Arm rceareted ao sew. ^ timlr soNmem Witham &!y. to -I Lbw itieri tg &d m to proem term ImismAsteiy 1044 11 4 4 41thamil, alley Ice sdasmeek, . FIMM . • • • IlA41(110611t - in. Seat* • rsDritattttt stuarra LESIVALTUREL—Tee aseendeued • Maaselfat MOll,lll tvbestklaoasky _se gm lade- • musket esscidets tor Aa 5 :111181.T. Mtlacd I M3ll l eaden'. rto rammed the Couple M irctslatare. • arms to saisene Its best timeraKeopa Mem* of the Sept* .69.1 t• „. be'reenved up to Ott,ber Stall uis mictiktbkl_sotur_ trit.2.l7llrbtttletimlltibroiad-°C bßia :P °°• e• g1=1:742 brad= t :s ii i i i" M ", DlEEtntittft OR it,Tlklll4lattoi PIL FREZiT i g 1 . 1)484°T . 1 : 0 ' 4 =o* talliponalsoic Itirwathislo 1.4415au. Anuia a = re = lo s loads .. ? the. Cuisrta L. Imistlas Ito Alth otOetabcr. lat 9. ' sea is" .LZ31.31. ren.souL. *woS AliaairylTlL: *fl. UAL o. P.. EICI • alla asu a Mum oda, Mawlaud Sir Cada ad heirdlasdp.oar them Mag itaade=sadia Ito 4 \ ma • 14.1111117E--Nattre bietby even .thitt ' - ; • appitaittos mill be slats. to. the text LAr ri me t auistor-a Rut to be ulnae '•11111.• /Us. DZPOSITHANK •;. odd Sink tobillefiled U. Boto•O ratiretThei Co•ier_at ater/nrin. eters eiPtlinnhialk come tosetep ‘ Inee• roster &raft sat Elks dia.:oolft *MIR • =I Owe Handsel Thoweinalkelaw•dt• •Uk• wawaor wasodow woowiw two louwdrelthos. • Poems% lb, Si; lltll. ftaa • Illarbalia....arieed Sias 'Mkt . the anee= l e, e r : app reartag e l i ve tedrlegeseat tirelt)eere illandoada UM at akerpta. alma bag awn of al .lissos shrift arammed ad m an Mau fa. as, ad se pmesai ether EL • Iparea.Apn V& • T . ling.L= simast a ma!! Ailld*UM • 1 41 • . - • Pasha inem4 Pod sietde. .. _ OW ilisinftwaierdr 554 ' Ville r.;is . , lismon *Oa Ch l =7l42lMt e lla. got Nom - i ' 40111 to a IMOLAI, ot • Cana*. I* tek -, - " *NOM mg PAM? AMMAN TIIIIIMIt see WO . ' 101110 OM tbenillis ampois t railliNnitromlll • ' =lso cam ail soi4oll or io brignidl• = . Rir OM imaglierm aid of tlisaarit--- . -„, - 3101111 1 10%"”Tia 41644 ' • DAMP OWN .. • • , .., . , , . • . .