The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, September 11, 1869, Image 2

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    ,Vturtsi- Varnal• I
7 '
salvmP*T"" nn asie at. is*
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Let .e!/ it, tn.'s' tle• - ne t em•se•ee.: be rkg .8111,07 8
Tl 4 G , I . :1 enl (.Ittioe.",
Trts Baste—Wris: :rr Oranr ro
Dintend that a bids betw t een.tbe prOduCtlie
capital and labor et the ormr,try,is scorner.
. ptincipic, and we airbelleve that if , isibeonly
agitation oa the labor question, In connection
'with coie(i'rration.lo thiVand all other proda
ring conntriis. lt is effect co:operation:
vrithont .steiek tiperat ton Ls based
twi stock interest in a coneern ; the.o.ber
is a
lair distribution of prof"' s end losses without'
sthek interest. A. fe,r biais would be this:.
Capital invested in husle ,, ss IS worth 6 per
cent in Reopi:vinia;l%wili'eTamsni ^thit
wlibont pnaing it In business under almost
. any circettnstfthees: That mutt be added to
. capital ; the services of. the P Irvin who works'
the ottani, and :the. business, must also be
ialdedtto capita), snit !aro a per centage for
annust lossea,and en annual land for renewal
of the" works. This beings to capital, or
thoney invested in the prodnctive Indust'' , of
' the country, Nov suppose an operator for
s i esta' flioo,ooo le building ap a colliery ;
when finished, it -will ;produce nothing on
the capital inrestrd Without labor; be tits It
withlab were who eel: tbeine - spital to him at
• flied imp Now suppose the pro
" fits over and 'ethnic the exrenses
N4 absve 'enumerated should prove to be
t1e30,0(9 at the ad of the `.. - Yesr; . the
question, then arises, • shcota capital
have all that .profit . Without . giving
anything to the wear and - leer Of labor? A
sensible man wontd say Dol , Then should
bor have hall? The same p - raen would say
no.. Then the fairest policy would be to de
. "vide Ivan:tong both parties according to : the
oipltal Invested. This is the tags prineple.-
. lint says one man, suppose nothing is made;
. then of course each -party le.ises, his profit,
.for the year. Capital looses, and the work;
Ingman looses a you'a .profv. The' binds
• •however, starts 71:12 wages at. a minamum
point, giving capital its iiroportion, and labor
its proportion. If there is no rise above' that
• • ‘point,it is presumed there will be no toms,
and at the end'of a year each party will sustain
themselves; but in an advance, each party
partake' -of that advance in equal propor.
lions. Bat says one; `sitiftl;' , ie there It alose:
The bards Is predicated orr 7 a felt. return for :
birtk.labi.r and capital, at • the start, and if
pri9Ea fall below a certain pilot Er as to
tore, the working men rays, atop until price
an he maintaluel, and we. will; beer our
•itharc also in eustiension: • if is
• beat lb goon without preilt and oven ties
. 1001 e, labor mrvt . be. reduced : pro.
.PorttoMttefy to m'ect the 'e - mer t teacy t In
inch.; cue the laborer loses a portion of his
capttaltrilso,'which is lArir given at : lower
than fait . remanbratteg rates. Now this
'is a hula carried out one tar principle, cod
;we firmly believe thit if .all branches of bumf.
nee;, not ce-operative,can tie carries
out on that principle, it would be to The
adfantagi of all fair minded business men,
and woad !eat more to Ittrmocize
.tlre capital and labor than any oiler. policy
• at this titne. We admit It Would not wit
• either employer er einpl,,yeC, who would
' gram at regardless r f the rights of others.
llat as the laboring reset are being educs•
ted, are claiming, end having the ability to
claim, what they c , ecelve to he their
.rue.rigit's. it ilmo , ir the men t f progreaa
te - consider the rit.:= et canto, and govern
them7elvcs Here dtmuncistiou
and abase NlT.un arguinen..9, but they tend
i to do miachiel, richleVinir any geol.
The basis in Sibiyraid e minty Is fixed at
'Abe ayereiv (Rice ef per tan f.,1. coil de
livered in earl! or b,Ta's at Vert Carbon.
• This ctineedes to'ni - Iners inside lar
borer!, and • ontsile laborers, 'ell per
week—and Inr 'claw &et wick in thcsame .
. proportion 'priees will enable both
pubes to live and neahe a t ,ir rollt on cap.::
,itr,!siazylabot . /0,1 advances beyond that
• prke, R per'eate.: of the advance is to be glv
, epic, i!ds.w.. At, present prices of • living, U.
COll Fbould go beioe that p:e.rit,whieh would
prevent fair wages to -be paid, sat:hoot loci
to the operator, the Men prefer !wending
until theta prices c'n he malmained. - When
becomes chciper, and prices can
'be-put below the sal, named for coal, a near
. basis Is to be ail,; , M to meet the lower
rates. •
This we believe. to he filr, sal blitretnie
we advocaie tu-the hstia ptfuelpia wrhith car
ried:rot fsirly ots terth ebles. f .
Will .eotee r operroi or of.hers who are
potted up, birtt.l4l 03 with the propoi.ion
pad lo" nut :"!ab , r ell the Qa bvis,
after de.ine'ing :di other expenses! The cal
. calations cut t..e asde 'at the collieritn and
we woultbprefer a Vat - meat -from : diffrrent
collieries. It it: a question un 4 ersliseuselon,
and weAtairp the',inftrebatioofor oUr private
:use, so thst It csn be fUt'irCli!Ctl.Eed on core
feet date. -
.. - Ilicethe Avail - dale di-utter, much has been
-.said and . ..written concerning It, and many
theories advancelze• tothe itunediate cause
at the death of the unfortunate victinis••••-one
Writer in particular etributing it to the in•
judleiout use 'of the "Infernal Fan," as he
. eitoses tu,:dei';anto
• :row the s tett: of ventilating by the Fan .
is the ono most in vogue in this ,County.
and iatterly, in taiglind, as the Zlicapeat,
mast perfect we'd etfectuol in •the but to
lava attempted to uoe holt this shift after ,
the Ere had burned the air passages, either to
.fare. air down or to draw it out, 'was 'simply
tidiouloue, and had nothing to do . whatever
with the 'death 'of miners, they being
deed-long bcforellialtattiele was brought up-
DO the - grOtinds : • I 'ls . 'l' • • -
From olhihe feats connected with the case,.
wear. Impressed, with tfre belief that the par.
rise root title deat h by tptfocation from smoke
and deleteriaus gasses from the burning de
bris whia'h permiated the entirety of the work
ing, through the inability of the miners to
closeihe tangwai down against its' adren
als: !Lad they been 'have done so,'
and to hive prevented the escape of the air
In the mine. by sealing tip the partway and
air passages, Inthcient of it 'might hay . e been.
retained to base prolonged their existanee'ito
laneas they could have been able' to bare
den, without food.
ineffecthal attempt ni.pears to havo,been
. • made to 'secure andi fast e:1 the gat sir ay: do or
of the hot:ern 'of the Shaft. But the person
who attempted it, was found by it side;-with
• every evidence upon his featuretand conrect
. ad with bra person that, he died suffncatld by
' the blinding smoke an I fumes 'arising from
the benaingleltra.- His comrades seeing.his
•.. .intimely end, and elosely followed ' by l lhe
smokes and tames from the burning mtgs.
retnrned to the places there, their bodies Wen.
• feMnd, where', otter a valit add ineffejoat
etruggle with the .destroyer, they yielded•uli
.the ghost. • .
. ‘ Whst. eon:races -the truth of our
,theory 'of the parties 'being suffocated by
smoke, is the fact that when the bodies were
' found, the teamties of a4ny of the men were
Contorted otters fiom•theie positions,:
f ' shoit.ed that they Ind writheclin agony, their
clenched Ests and ti•t teeth telling that they
. had not relioqui ed life without • terrible
struggle. Had death ens - ted froM inhaling
..'cliblte damp", the egret showed-would hitt
b!en different, and the victims mould have
yielded up their lives as calmly as y they were
stinking into,a quiet • •elitmber,_ which fact
would have . been viaible on tlitir iratenatt
The destroyed must hero stelen-.upon his
victims is such a Manner as-to haVe almost
instantly, paralyzed their/energies and
' p•Oliatectiliem .from acting ill their own be
. Veit Certainly iitiou,gst the laundrol'Or mere
• - destroyed. many of Them old and experienced
miners, there were thoie Who were eqtial: to
the emergency, andit the tinie had been even ;
Tould - havo 'known bow to have acted. But
littlelime appears to have been-given. The
bitading, enffocating ;auks enveloped them ,
is its deathly folds, and writhing,in its ere
. mewiioae grasp they tottered out;their
Testae are those intrzons in the ummo•
all who haye litemse impressed witlrthe
Misr That she/ the calming elttelictb, the
•'Patti Joritlcat. will extet. •
l• To all sae - it art diabardmi year
Wadi at °see of thwdea. - : The 11.11. T he a
axed feet! we lishoi-atoter great
eapease ro man i a it ;ye ri wits Niue..
um to the end.- We *bin ate cr our
dewroura-to make i prt-i-t•at atftemodented
ilitiOnsie imminent ; and shirt nos spare time.
at meaty, to ensure that eid. Tee D.EiT
hitszai Socesat shall, and - mast ctice.el
Recollee% the ptlce is mar two 'coots fen
tangle copy—leT ere's the wteh ; ot`o With
"t the Satarella : Nunes Jocwt., coati. -
Weekly Alma,Bar.
4 44444444..... I it if: tal
inov9t, t ! IVA N stt 19 I
499A99....: 6 SII TI 1441/.11
9919aut B 1114 191 Fall IC II
Y9949999.9t. ..11,•13 IV V 1.914
76r5109T ... 6 ,646 to
==%M=M l
Star of MI Thersolortr , for tta lora set* ?tom
Xot tor tte, limy AMOY. M IL Labor.
20 Mk;
21 WonIRA .....
A.% •• ...
. 21.22422.• • •
iran.a4, at tido • • good.ittetigetat boPb
lean the plans baticiar.
Dannctra.—BAlllng on teropike at !atom°.
tko 41-G ge rassaca rosd Waif Vi ' Locks:
Mfr. 71. , yd's ssaistaats are armed torn, Wu*.
Warmly learoliartlika for Ms am Directory of
the D..raceb.
To morror.—Tbirt.t.sizth ficodayed the year.
aucl,fdlev:tb alter Triult7. - Day's 10%04'12
Isere ud 56 talents,. .
Slaw:s !. Shaul, I . Motels! FA atetr! The
9to4t hoe t,f Sommer eh•sie or every deeeri r p
tion sad lalaat designs at Oalland'a at oat
Erivirin/.—Thr road in the Borough
from the heat of Market street to Yorks'Mkt io
tad condition. •
A neer tennis bring ere etea around the Situp
Voustaln schml tontek—an itoproihnent which
has beon Lad;p aredad there.
Prat Jan, jelly Jam plly tumblers, do, for
prrre`eviag araeoo, cab be had at Trose Ire Obtaa
awl 'olau Store, No. 256 Centre Streit.
31-x111 , 79 , 1aq —New flagstones have bee .hid
on part of the sidewalk at ltdaseguten'a corner.
Centre and liabasitongo sixeett.
7Vint 7ilegraph. Ojkc —The geadiegltillread
Company ha. estabbehed a 1:11), telegraph cities
at pzeter .9' &time, six miles below &allow.
Ca Z. P. Dnter bu sold hie niohu leases at
Travortop, to F. B. Goereo, Eeq. We have cot
•btard.the amount of the partings toodey.
Judge Retty, of this Borongh, is pushing for•
ward. with characteristic energy lila contract - on
the Anbirn and Alletbwril Railroad, which ia
ram fully wider way.'
TA, FGT. Mardtt , But prrAch in the SAC..
and Presbyterian Cborch, itarktit ,ecitutre. to.
morrow Morainic, 5t.10,1 o'clock. All are Invited
to hear him. firsts fr4e.
atbe tnetnbeie of Anthracite Ihdge, No. 21t.
1. 0.. of O. T.. are rogue/Lod to attend the next
regular neveting,of the Loire, to ditetute
bustriesx. LI. O. Samaras. Secretary.
- •
Picnie'i—Post No 2 1 1. O. A. R., of Schuylkill
Ekrto. lort,l bold tboir firot Azonal Pk,-Ble le
Lloyer'iOrore on Sat utdey the 2Stb of Saksep-
Ns. It tiromlsca to ho a .ploodid 'der.
Apirrications for dAte lasorence to the Mutual
L h. Lulleatlee COW( 1/11 of Sof Toy k are reepeeb.' .
fully solicited by Jamrs lVd:dy.• New Plalladel-
Va., Schuylkill CoaLic, P. At t ests of tho 00M
, over 1ra.000,000.
Tien wood bogs wanted Wren Ibe DAILY MIS
.I"I.II.NAL seep otorateig. ' •
A's moo boy to tell papers itt talrrharricarrror,
sod wee to sell to Jtriappo and• Itialarach. Can
have pap , es at 5 o'cloct in the peon:dog: Apply
at tide allot.
aod, Oar Ckeintry, atiofittur Order."—A. grand
pie Die will' be gives b y astanatoo Camp, N.
I'. 0. H. of A.. at Centralia, on Tuesday,
Sept embet 21, Itsfo The Committee of Arratge
met.te tom made oc>ry preparation to have it nos
et the, matt euzzesefal pied:les ever given Made
Fafat Mining .I%:i.lenit ..(:)n Ts/4day last a
weer named J. fr. Thump ;on, employed it'll*
oollitry of Wm.libmteline S to near Kt. Car
met, was in►tanUy.killed by a fall of =al. Ms
Lady was badly et irt!ated fle leaves a wife and
gee cldldree, who fottalataly, are not left dull•
Rol many mike tom here, a *bort tlaxer , olate,
rellioas melees Were pint reralna la a ettarehliw hen
a loktrel vun 111 , 44. tu'iro nut. The rnweebee r 'ele.d :
T,T.nir am. 1f yoo l / 4 1 rather go to bill than bear the
Peoctl. 700 DO)." 'lle str.aer atopped and ere.etal
a mount. and thee raid. reepectial:y, Walt, Ibe
Ike. 1 soak I " and great oa.
ilireschad Rap, Deer article. Bor rile a
hiorriee.' Try 1t ' to
Cool Ro li'Sine , .—Tbrirsdsir morning the yard of
Mr. Wm. Williams, No. C. 3 East Noririgian St.
was entered from the front,' and an overcoat
which was hanging out of • window, carried off.
Hon►ekeepers should keep ihviir gates and' front
d - ors locked, wham they have occasion to go
abroad, or ka occupied in the rear part of the
flartateiry.—kixttit noon' yesterday, a hone at:
tanned to a carriage belonging to BST. JU/eph
grechoo7, , of St. Clair, canape.' from a boy wbo
was driving, and strapt at -• fearful rate down
titthaotanco -street. Fortunately, the animal
was checked_ in its sic cue career, and brought
to a stand-atilt in °tante street, below the Her-
Chants' flute!. Ito ono was injated, trot /the are
biele. will afford employment for the carriage.
. • . •
. . .
An.elegant floe of Whit e n Goods and Embrold
rire at dolling not priOsa it OaHand's, 210 Cm
.tre eireet. Lent. thte 1a a rare chance. • . '
11 , q10r0,21 - 1,2,4ery —On the 4th Instant Dui
ole ly was commtttc,4 to prison 1.• Moire J.
P. GI Entailing, charged on oath cf Won. Abel
white with et irming him on the highway In Caw
Township, on the nisht oft he SI. and. robbing
him of a slicer waiCh. , air Is also, "gbarited
with committing_ an aesatilt and batten no M.
Abele - Trite at thArtarn, time. Mr. Abelwilite
a resident of C e., and Itrlly le a. caganond
do Immense stork or Due ,
nice; Flannels, Drills, Clirrke,Hoelery,Notionty
Trithminua, Silk Iringee, Ribbnne, Dutton., and
innnmerable otlrr attirlre at rest,' peremptory
sale ; a rare opportunity at DallanO, .
',..7rg o ors Arrident.—Cs Thursday last, 9th last,.
Incised 011aky a reeident„ of alinsiavale, ern
pry.e at the mines-of Richard Rear, at Wolf
Creek, while Wetting wa.aaerinnaly blared by e
-premature explosion, blowthe off his left fore-atm
betide./ being setionely injured about the few
and orates put of Ma bode. Rig am wee eat
put ted by Dr. Rofivick of Minetaville. Yettar
day-be wee teken to e baspral for
surstcal.ettendence. - The injured toin,was then
doing an well as could be expected under thesis'.
, Silk Seeks, Cloak Ing Cott). Lsces, Fringes,
etc., et Maggie Boland's, 172 Centre street; tf
AntertiCan Hone Cbmpoug.—This eflloiett OimJ
papa has elected the following raters to serve
thrgoneuito: 3 1 %r
President—lL Ali. Brew*: PIN .Prelident—
Reuben Snyder ;.Trueenrer—Samuel Bee:
See*y.-19..P. Hun'zinger ; Firancial Secy
_Joseph Mame Foreman—Blurb Stereo= ; 'Nue.
tore—Jacob Britton, Joese Drumheller, I. R.
',cobs • Directore—Jrarree MeGorl., Joseph
Plerhwilod, DittilDl Ideticrtl, John Simmons, Peter
Wool, d. J. limitzinger.
!Fry E. Et. Iderria'a blank Tau; and be cm,
annuni at tnalr quality. to
Indian Itrwmgettem has re
mired from his daughter, wife of Lieut. Wm.
Amen, 13th IT. B. lotanfrY.': now stationed at
Camp CoA, Mountain, a buffalo robe, foimerty
the property of a ehlettind a Woe pipe. The
rfbe is quits a earimity,snd 'rattly of examisa-
Um. Oa the tanned'eide, ere .anguler fig
ure►of men, horses, implements of war, forts,
eto , and representations of engagements, snips
taken In•battle, etc. It represents the poems
skot end deeds' of the warrior to whom the robe
belonged. Call at "Ikea's," and take a loot at
Don't for l et to °sit at Potts` Ladies arta thorta.
Oyster, los cream sod Dining-96km, *bare hot
pollee, tea, oyeters in every styas well as other
refreshments onobe procuM at all burrs
Parties always furnished with Oyster suppers
at abort ratios and modern" rises. No. 191
Centre Bt, momd day from Illatmlonito. tf
Arres4.-00 Saturday morning last, Mania
Relater with Jag. H. Lem tweeted Dennis
Kelly for highway robbery au the eight of Jolf
tat. last, between Oleo tattoo and Mount Pleas
ant. The arrest was made oo Primrose Hill.
Bally was conteditad to prism by Squire Aran-
LDS. ,
On the same day.and hy the same ofBeits. Pat
ti* and John Moran, father and sou. were &t
-weeted to aseanit and battery coo Kos. Patrick
Koran, step.toothei to - John Boren Ths old
reatleraan was committed to Owe by Squire
21a lor. while ths yowls man made his peace
the injured ataosootbar.' and was let el:
?Twat who demi» to hare warred np to them In
the hest sty lee Cream, hot dellod and tea;
roasted et to the shall, mod In
c tar :11.refreshatents Appropriate to the host•
neer, should call at Cyrus Ensiles Tee seam. Oyster and GOofrotionsts Saloom, Ns. WO Centre
street. Oyster suppers furnished at duet notice
mod on reasonable terms. Pay Sheets a 'bill. ft
4 lodge of the Knights of Pythias vu fostl4
in /Maud on tee 7th Mei, with the
:owing akin :—V. P Jss J. Late;
Jas. Dooden ;V. C., Ju. W. Bowes.; 8.,
Jerome L. Et.eeer ; W. 8.. Wm. Latalefek; F.
8 , Jas DAerty ; W. 0., Om N. Dandies L 8.;
Moue Reimer ; O. 8, ReeuT. Cuts: •
The Lodge Owen with 'upwards of sivisety
- clutter members. The tame and utuaber of the
Lodge, are, Athens., Na.lS5.
Tbe . celibriklid .14 - *4 aqi! rottinille ew
yard. 18-tt
Zia 21nie —Dy the early train a weal dad
lease thte Dnrongh eV 649, A. Id., end waive
to Itseton at 8, P. IL—that t., wee ean brsakrut
in the Iloantain City and take tea the wile day,
In the "Itab.'" One eat are; go to PhtleAelphis,
remain there about seven banes, and return at
night, thereby geeing fear at !LT& dollars In faze
and betel menses The early train la a great
atownteodatron to one badness people, and we
are glad to know that It ta well patrun ,hted sad paye the Leading Ita.Uroad Oomplay hyaena
illy. • =
~ . .
Oidr at thwthaio.—the Toesdaiglght that.
.about 12,reekck, o party of wee weed to tie rest
deuce of Jobe Jackass, to Omaha's, end asawalt.
ed it with stoma, lareakine to vied:ma, end de
ath other damage. lin Jetaktua la caw of the
halide Were at the Glthw.sth•Oulliery„. Eagle
E LI, J. &W. P. Ryon kW. and It is ataixwed
that the motive of lb. a;sscult W 44 rosily
ceased by bia breaklag coal fur the nee of the
eaglets whith are being rue by ahem Far
the 1111139 freasoa, pantie -bare rthectly dinette
MO shoot Bsthl. Morgan, another boas at the
earth caLtiery.. •
A +Parley a sossonsteo Diy goods jolt is-1
wised 84 Sodas atom 23 Cadre St. to
It 4.1..nds sts meth r Sea•ore to ps'Atith %of tonne ,
tcg. La War. llto liVitITCII ate policy la** tit this
exoelltrot cow pomy : -
*pt. S. It
Panomrs. dprat Cmaictinar Imo:
new, Cumpant. ilertp.d, M:
ti behalf of lee bkli of 1.4.1 Cecina. dieciladi
padtlike , to rents Snaps tate tame it a. a lathe
I,..emoptuteli dad er.c crlDct.l by y. a in
, tea Bee mazy p ro of 6nl deal, de., % r yine=a,
In le tab dee awl bad Lea Cared t a Cain wan.:
liar:viands no leatea Ves•um to vetcoidet* tea
meat of a dear. /a lbw frit filinlaBl kw ielab aa.,
we totoral. etdacati ao erCli
tamte, tilos bilidaltlt Velma too taw ilitet a ll=
1. lis to the Cabled, a the Itapicy to talowe.
yet. VIA taiarandeic wields' al% TP=l_
tali es tho atarlraolo Viso fa maim; ....Now
Pea ii. 71:0 teal a thaacaned aeash3 le• male
Itmy to tarsi-hoof l a
to Char poorittea
cornice/ the acillad Gapaor, dos ei,AIWI7
t, (sr .
Mier of Os to of Ma Iff H loas um o, fii=.
I he debt-, by ,bcAlive esdall elary &Mel
ea the osoye,t reacorodloo , * Oohs bg the
Veltud 8 *to,
_NO**. soasocoed last ow*,
gm go Sr. *Pr om& a Abil *Or tatotottg
donator, sod veolideood to try ► Is* =Oa
el Tailors. -
lode !Mal prop os* to dim* thawitorloo,
...weakd the tootottloogf Clintlobi, wove* of
Limbo* be boottelal to the
t n Vo
t ke p d ett i , tal M
00 0 r o
as lo . l Wo *a em,ealwoapoldybor,
doso F Ood this orotiog of the ocdee7. .
gbgt thor may *tea gad mos Todd god=
god thst they go . stsa early boor.
swore a..+•
1 le 444.
4 .11 in.
It 44 IT
il II LT.
Go to B. B. KORAI I MT 41 Glom. to
Police Claxei—Cle Tardy tdubt: lifiebsed
BU. sad Wllliss. Abelian wear matted tot
&saes sod disorderly aoladost. T.
Ewan they were Wore likladre Conrad,who
limed aims eseb 'Wood eolate. They us firm
ldill'Crealt;:sad is they were yesterday to
"tbi WOG old ali," we *oppose UM d
sofa wet lob the clutebee of tbe law, floyla
be wet up for ebisty dams.
Ora Tueedefattwilooe Siebard Melees of New
Castle Tounablp, was muted Is ibis .floraelub:
for duaekee wed diearderly coodeet. Yesterday
!weaker be was eemwatitted to vie= by Notre
Cowed In default of mullet of Abe wad Cu,!..
a L... t 50m. , 110.1.
. 11
171 17 171 0
W 5 el •
1 ss II Ts .
111 : 'll
Sil i , IS
Ztr..! SS
I SI '1 i U
.....„ i.
::::: i a
P.P. gasaell bessiaa Puts Lew:awn Course:.
. • . Noe ae tat Pon Preece, '
• • Itiriar Vass- hes&
P Dosere—Pear:- , The Committee ewe*
ed by all the taderertliere i d the isle ere rt Petrel
s:mho St eel in Made phis, erentikeed, the sejell,
meets OA. 4•d= to lanes an the Igloo.'
'nos msg. mocnt them Walt
use $lll4 0(0. hatnextiatety nitre the tejattraehts
wets wade. ste pakt an partba h.. dine mar pagers/
thee testrecille esker., sakenslag 1n Uakiit Se.
y c yi TtRUIP,42
• B be. ststsalllaniger. •
The rood eoniplete .toot of Demo Goods to
towsl, is to be found et Geilabd 210. Cep%
ire istreeL .
fie Deeruciion qf .lltr.- Ge‘iertnares Dvaker.—
Ise reportirg the destruction of lir. Gain rmaia
breaker, we were besmear loran* •
ed in nkfertec 4 to some partlentars. The breaker
waged old. Oke hal was buiit eight years since,
tbtother half was brea ke r. Yeas ego. It wee
a good substantial la addition to the
bunter of the breaker, Six daft care, mloiog
tools ~f all lads, std the eogine boner, eagtue,
Sehinery; etc., were destroyed:
)jr.: °Wien:LW& lose Is heavier, thut we it
Me 1• erteting a temporary bleaker io be in op
eration in about three wee ks. • r •
P r Re . nt epOrcquenee -of early!, IrtOreit to
O tiz tele dote, We (Ater forma the me preeret
'coke by as ix the anexptred term of our boao. un
til AWL. 1511. Cu.o. Simms & SIO (Übe
limit, Time )2.llll3M3diam Potterille, Fa. . Si if
Arrivaysi Ike boar of i slet4o of time
AvomilaJe DisoNter
The bodY of Patrick llcOuirk, ona of the sio•
time of the Avondale diasatorOsaa Viand's af•
ternoots binuatit Is his old resilecce at Boit
Miura, btfneen ttos B rough aid Bt. Clair. ;
body Iris taken cut Vitdnetday.tdebt 'hoist -10
o'clock. Ile arse 2-l years 0 site, ad lesiva a
arlre and three childrro to tannin his loss. Re
leiil be interred - to-day,.lll the Oatbolia burial
gronod, %Whorl:ugh.
For the charitably disputed in our midst, this
is en excellent oppertanity in display beil
eanred that whatever is siren will return to
them, after nutordays.
A young man balling from Nehenoy City mg,
feting from auarks of ePdePrr, bad • violent and
Noway afternoon in towootra after hewn snp
posid• to hate recovered, eluded the obeervs-
Woe of hie Mends, end wee bond by them ste
=t* his fingers from one of the plerslS ff.
61, of the my bridge In process of on,
stratetim on Nitta.. etreet. I.nekily they soon
mane upon biro aid with strut .preesoce of Miod
raised him to tbd top of the pier, sod curled him
to hie hotel whilst • the fit. This evideOce
of mental abearation le • meatier &stare of the
and makes • It fir moth dangerons'in
character than wisbed intpposed it to be, for bud
they not happened ,to come upcor Mtn, h• woolci
probably have lost hi. If, by the fall.
A reryfbiiaaeorttnaot of abased Woe Mace
for sale at reaaotabLa prices, by the bottle, or
Vat. at yoaL Brawl/ea, io. 27,9„ Centro Watt,
A Rotlkktnn Faecal Perty.—On Mei Prldry Wks
moos an liiiiStrutml perry abet hid been mesa
pining a earwe from filiation to Taataitooou their.
rerun. Mopped at Me public haute ad Philip
Itueb brornehip. in a petst Male of don't =rag
darnMecem The Pomace of their deputed
Maid troubling than. to keep it tkorn. they
llama as they had bros. pouring down other Write
to keep It ektipany. The spirits within them Wean
troablrsome. taatlcaled the party to • get up •
miniature- rewestalatka of h Lioneybetok. Pak .
daring erbkh they west through Me
in Maar weal free and easy manner.—n% ksgettird
the landlord, arbors they tinted as the thiema of
old dld that gentlemen whom the good &madam'
relieved. Philip apt liking the libnifts , wbkb they
bad taken with ha penal, Mot Ma Dote' up,. and had
two of them arrested, and otfely lodged to Um Pate-
Mils receptacle for each as oda it apes tbansilvaisto
make hum for theleown benefit.
arse& I Cornfs °mats ! The teat tales
efat cffeteti, at one dollar. at Galland'a.
Nom the Colorado Tribune of Deafer City
under date of Rep. nod We outraet the bglowieg:
Woomm Intr. A.C. Rout ra con
tract to J. J. Oath and J.. B. Care On Toes.
day last for half a millircr brick on behalf of
Gen. H. L. Cake of Penninvania, who during
Lis meat visit here determised to establish a
woolen mill in Denver. • rite hes been lotto.
led on Coy. Hunt's property,' rp.ertY. 'Vert Denver. a
abort Maumee eontheavt of LW residence. The
building will be ltd by SOO feet.
high. and will be Tarnished wi , h alltthe modern
improvements. " Gen. Cato will be here again
libelist the middle of October, when it la eipeet.
ed-that the oontract for the erection of the
building will be lot. We. oaogratulate the peo.
ple of Colorado upon the prospects of this much
needed mita-prin.
110 Centre .Ireci. /}recd closing out sale of
Dry Goods at slistxll.
..ftee Purreffure .11Nmeroorns —thir old friend,D.
IL Karcher, No. 2.10 and 23.5, Soatb , 2.7 Bt,,
has added to hie former large wareroeme, the ed.
'Joining commodious four-story building which
haw been elegantly !Pled, up u show rooms for
is vatted god beautiful firuiture. the but the
pleaeuro of • personal leepection of. his Meek a
day or go since, and we moat admit tat we hive
never ieme• handsomer collection of furnittire In
• any. wareroom .either in Philadelphia or New
Yolk.. Many now and beautiful style* meet the
eye on every hand, and Mr: Esreher Wen shoaled
baring his own extensive workshops, that he den
mumfacture anything not on hand to order, and
on the lowest terms. In perch...log ilwould be
well fur our elliaeOs to remember that In the lo
cation, Ur. E. ta. superior advantagre, as there
are •no exorbitant. rents to be mule up, ae.d he
is thus enabled b sell a bolter artte, at low 4
rates. •
J. GallaiTlTCo., 210 dentin eiieei, are se' 11:
ing oat their entire stcck or pm Goode, pn per-,
story to their removal into their new etoteroont
now in coarse of erection on Centre street. If
von wish to wore biunnins in Dread Goode.
hhawle. Notione.Tarteols;
eta, we theme call e -
The fah:wine te a Het d letters ern:mining , in
the Ifottavine Pokt Office, Sept. 10. ISO :
Andrews Smola Jones Jekkin • Moyer Wm A
Blanche Z R Joiklrs 5 lawn M '
Bechtel Oco James Finkel Moray Nadia
Roller H Ise 'Outten Dr J B Jas
Beadle 81i - Knnedy M Mc Jae 8
Beier Ja., Kenny limy %Aro Snead
Bran Wenn' :tinnier 0 • • Ow. Ttine
Brannan f Fair Nancy . Pike Mrs X
Crthbons A ' Louts ti II • Ricketts Robert
Chrhaman O. W Leary Lanikrice Sowers Marin
Clark Mary Ann Lent^sa, Lnke So, Cioptiarl
Maley John Mtn= Marna Rain Geo
Delany Jn .I.nrreurie M U Eatan;o4
Delbler P W Mel/oleo Jar !loan Bike&
Darla 8 R Wean" M Streßer Rainy
Dem6s McDuff Pat lorr
Body. Sean G Patilek Mon Min II
ltrutie Mrs A D Meßsaa R Phfp Thornan B -
PleUhirtieo Meltanamy ,T 'McMinn Jos
Oilitions MrDonciell C Van Male C
Grover T • Meek-inn A Wits:o Jr E.
Ornery 1118 Mattlinrs X Whalen M
Hiner Chas ' Xoykr Yen 'Yong B X
Yarn Kate Moreau Wm
Rattle Spangle Mattresses, 11.1steti and Pillows,
at tosooloctoritro! Oicer ii Eo bt., 261 Centre
stmt. .
• Aims Hon
. 15•Tiort,-,The redidar • monthly
welds of tbe Dirsetore of the Poor. at &Mid.
kill Comity, was held at the Aims Wass, Supt.
11303: Present, B. 'l7.•lludies, 21.11. Palm and
E~redetiek•Beck." -
- The &diming le tint oar sus of the DMus for
'the Ismaili eliding Aug; 31, 1369 : -_ •
No: of Inmates is the Some July 5i5,1 569 . • JO
" Atilt- 3 4. / 889- ••
I Decrease tut ... . 10
No . . Of Inmatei Me Roues 31,1818 848
•• to emus
time this year:: ..... .307 -
Dwane lid year.
Of the abase, 51 am beam and Idiotic ; un
der medical (rearmed; 45 children.
Admitted during-06 mouth, 51; Dtsebteg ed
and absconded , 32; Bound out, ; Bank ;
Died, , • . •
Lodislog sad meals arere.totuirilied to 121 per-
ROM. •
Oniolxr roller arra Ranted" to 87 fer4i/e s.
amounting to 1397 CC - ,
Total In 1839, 122 IZ I 94. •
Than ware no orders pardon ,ths Treasurer.
WI toonet. . .
GaDead's .are erlllaß •oai.tbalr whale ataFt
=coda at coat. A rare .aas to buy bat
O'ReNtous Cerroiesim is Dills :tie aturtilu if '
Pc - mail& and Nr„ Clair.-0a Bands} lasillishop.
Wood of. Philadelphia, the rfts of
rewfinsatkm la the Germ= Catholic Church,
this Botoceb, also to Si. Patrick's.' The Bishop
thee proms—fled to Si. Clair; where he aoodr med
about two handfed pereoas . Alienist& ti Mal
ted the March of e Itureasohtt• Caw* la
the sloe liansish. where the ceresomu sa
of l-
oathe was performed. Our :which a ii 4 emu
RAO *e woe celebrated by Iles. Mr. Be.-.;
toreatte, of Pcitnills, sod - three Modred bets
mid fOriscotUruad. The satire setestusist mem
of the oat laterutisit eleureille). -. • *
) Ties ablderd Wt. Patrick), OW** ce at abr.
awl itazu oat the oresakm of thwthteis et
the Luteartdate Cucuta= Church. s.
' Twelfth Witis." under the eoudnetondilp it
T. L.Tinter, Prof . T. L. Vetisit presidlitf lit WI
. =The stemiat tea excellent, sad 4a "0
is Pouts" of Lae Liithii /same was
nadered in ezbalket itylia. - : :
,•l and mast boasts asa be bid 33 kir
aom Is Vets and boom fuslidatof story
No. 233 Omar" sit*. - • 3343
by Mr. Th fix the
, k y r Mei /toort."—iiielbilas
'peroration f apasolt, •
colored Immo who boats MI 1111 1 /Bigi
Oantl, delivered Monday maanin la obi
11torabilioa, st thi oonoinabs• of • attrete the
pe acepe ow.,
anthm,in etdob' ha min fondant , tad Yr.
ry E. H alao Wooed, Ins proneentor.
Ur. Swam eras nemdtted en din gamma timit.
be over used Um abeted *basis la Ilissider,'
. The &Wally gram oat Of 'an 11 ,
dria..llaStkian, and from • Sherpa
that lunar hadreantsd off an Lipped (Mild
of Hagan. aft., 11. r. ROOM had lmooldra to
the prostenbx his panottaisandinanta Pr so ray
grub lazirmage trod. promenaded nplad dawn
the Mhos with bilsobonst book in anziatzt,ml
the other ratan in air, he Aoki .
%at IMEEltiabeOvis brim to tallio
the nut, sad that tar tint bb joifibi slab* PI
•*bot Pm untillky.tout. Taeb►ngNe as.
Mena under his arai, lie sprit rank to his
Mama and ebb& *mita( lobos - ton.
emit adopted-Ohild,' hum* .•• stole,
der atolor toy ohne sios7.°
"OM Altar." dr ili. Mk +LW ,110Varipow Ms,
Altalwaso sod laUl talitoir Wrote AtaAX ab and.
PattaniUe. well kocen.tb bap to Ws ...',.
His unlit humor soil turfy reourforinni toads
tdoz Media With IC. Hs lsao ids Was Oa gull:
trained. that to torratio sonny *Ube Suitt or:
kft, or on.tilos. hokum/My to enatit=:
utile lin sill folksy Andy like a eldild its 1
Ws war room lobar to halo OM fads top
„wry Intb tny prone on VIM Ina . -.Zoe
ditilitoolay aflame hit d airily t i
u kit
morel tried by_hia fhwepkvias. tot 444l
drive tdot
}fore *art Ulm Otalt.'
not the bass ad thwiat asythth of i MO kW *
Ho tacked the thiroo kdoagattoraird at
around math ID Mars dirupat ,trbo wiled
his whip and Jetta al atka sauna "Will tat
palm contalood 'ln artassdlitun . frin h rpaik a .
nouns comoarad ; turned arlsOna.Tra lb* hulk
T. matt a sou t 11... Mktly, bon* ata vaituo,llugf
wet* gohn Ontitfortifor wenn ghost; Intna tti. , 7
notion of ifinoronena an* his Iota? inii
oriel moil how - WOl~ lO Ilat Wm , 1 1 04/,
eshihrlyr =As a 3whitatw itilhOleg., Tam this
mpg of pobillias SW IP': ir act" 44 star tar
tdo jpoulutadattagnaiaWknornt, .„. 1 ' y
. . . . . . . . .
,I:kaatipss: VaCtettva, eats' Staktfats, Item
'sad Shoo; sad s WlGads us"
Growth u be plow at .?"t's, Yet Oa*.
arm& .4
meadimittlat verve me Loot 'Belt w e
histais rialwals 0114,-111•• wen
vittb te•stod liande% eta ess mild Si the
Skid Lew alio% Tel *Otos •111114~0 1 * - M
tae 1"061 1 4110. cm taw Os letkai lawar6e• War
011111011111 pirlig Ise MOW . et OM. th•
ree••••rom is ups 1••• : e
0••••. , 4 • parmsi
mei (*oat Plsbasslsh is
7.423 sag.. ..lusssipSss.
ril.04 11 • 11 els• .1 -.
WK. um pit • •
IPteeseti Oils /101••/: Pi— •
law laws it.••••/a Wei* ...... • :
Drd Ckesay. Ostad. S. a
~vtulslAlo4l4egth •lalaskin 4o . tams. • '
I i
llitsellokildalk.l.. • • :
Masud IkbaSik Useluidemint, Ismsj .11 .1
MONO Balch mow* I's. . _
Oge_inr• Ilen.Wl.e,A 71.-.
LA. "Imo. ramint. es. r ;
Xo. Saimaa Noyes; 71i, *Not .
Geo. 41 Thostoood, M. P P. 0., f•r
John natasoui. Emmet. Moot
J. P.: II liter. Brectoosvrille.
tido Ivo Bob,. reludikdlCoosay.
Michael Ph zr add. do
lbal4* W. Stodge, do
Dr#l Goods In most boaptifttl.vailetyrt Q&1 ekstes out ratio,
r WATati r BOG:Ram *ad their Odett:tiott.=
Oo Tneeday . salt a cotatalttee or beeline; aloe in
tootboe, ficootthe Ladd Meek Web. sad this
er end of limatt Canal; went to Pothuielphle to.
" ^-7 . Yr. Wally; with tie lerewae to the diitentiote,
thin boats oo the Canal. The madonna.'
prtainted about 700 Wats, and preatinid 'tnte .
.foliannif petition :
To lion Amid/at sad Beard 'eff hfuteprea er o,*
Seraaattla ..hartgarfea anyway: • . •
We.!tb• widereddlini. boatmen of the laid Minn Mid
Canali now lytagynag the oil OW with loaded
bee ell, beefed bent 'nesestrit be lie cower-silt,
ba from proceeding *me boats 0111
. ame one qweies of end Clen na talay giving ur sertn Cebeb,
red of water toe the en ottbe My of Mule& !plata;
we gee Dowsed.% d with a luny sageote u c ow
queen a NM dela , . ebb ibree boo and t*o wen
to each bust; to-y q vetly wa are taxed with a heavy
exaest;e, Irian we dad oareehee arable' to 7.041..
We therefore ask the above lt•eideat sad finned
Idanstren of the shwa di Canal: what they bind to
, Menton to th e dwells
tatoo We do tbendore ask yea to tat , In* canal..
Patton the position we an phead be baring familia
who ink tom Pr pnteettos sad le; poet.
The ab....nte be, Mon bears the sigritnrn. of
&hoot Ba 9 tattletale I f buts Val arelOaded.Sod
1 toW tyros below Readied. -Them are stoat'74n
• bottle • lying baleen Re-dlt g" awn . Fahortlnd
. .
;11:F:ratify t the'Otimmilte that the esp.
ti:would !taro to toeing mutt against the
- pin lot the detention and it e Cow pay would
then leg tan against the City •
build? your life in the North Amtziesit Alu 4 sisl
Litelnsuratee Cow td IMO'. It 'Orsas..esa
• subat antis' cipit at, $100,130J of erittnbi la 0 ii
ernnient Bede, is 14 posit : o with tbei Auditor
Ciewital of Nortsylsanut. IRS steuril policy
hosrs. Raul km end dis , dot.ds'euritsl. For
further .t.foriostienspply to Lollies'& E,talTrn an,
Genial Agent, itlinentrods, Ro tO
Lire Nes. Nary Ileasek.—The rtrealui of,
this aged resident of AniallorOugh. Were latant .
In the Presbyteries:. Ceroitery,nn Tuesday after.
noon hst, attended to the gravely Irma of her,
retailers, and by a Isrgesotmource r roar ctn.
Zna who lutt.ber to high eatichatice.
Dierobg a brief ateteb.of the life of Imo) who
ree'ded so mmy you* m oar midst, soil taught
buothrds who see now mth and women acting •
theirs( pirate puts on ilfs's stage, wen have cans
elided to gin it. •
• Shp ire toss in Jolt I
1779. la sm:ton. Dili.
hind. Wale gild younarshe lost bar Atunnts.,
She iu reset a by sn.nceleln the torsi district i
at the County of Lent. , She mann and Is
moved with her hestand„ 3eukirts Snob ',and sic
.children . to' America In the Sommer ,of 1.%
• She - settled in the Ito. onah of ' Pottsville. to the
9 Prialt of. 193 0 , mad for a cumber of years tamed
• primary eohool, and heal among bet ;molls
many who are now married and et teed In active
life .in the Dtlmagh and Vl:lofty. She Was rt
member of the IL E Math, from 184.1 to the
- date rf ber • death. tat the year named elle
united with the membership in this town under
Ptiunsh Ogden as ; Paster: tine waariived Sod
tospegadia the Spiloopel Church, of Shish she
lib • conamneticant member to the early period
of her life She was • diligent attezdant,al. thee
Gaon of Clod; while in health, and rateadfast
believer ha the doctrines c.f Christianity.. She
possessed a hieesed hope of immertalay daring
her life of considerable sfdiction, sod et the ler.
minstion of life's prone, she died in ithe' faith
of t h e Gospel. a
1810 lessee behind, LC &Combats, u follows :
-4 children,23 vend ottildren, 99 meat -g rad
eldllzen an d ettest•gtest.grand
Try R. B. 11lirrte's feold burns.ab'od ceedlos
orstybod) that ease them inpooomesuli, taw.
_ r --, •
141flle Senor Board—it the Meeting the.
Board. on,Wadttensy evening lama there here pres -
mit Means_ Moser, eh,ofre. Mattimpr. 'Mader, Marta
lfuntriugar, Paresnore, Little Smith, anti La-
The &meter,. misoiled haring 'lssued in onIM for
51641 1 on the written authority of the, LuLtding
In firror 4 f helium & Armee. the balm+ In full of
thele contract price for building the Jalapa home.
Mt. Little on behalf of the Cbon to whom Was re.
ferrtel, the applications of two teachers forin, cease of
salary. zmnested that the whole lint Pularl44 , here
bia 411 them, Guidon might be en:meted tip.m
. I " frereport was trfnedby a solo of 4 toll.. _,
For the Cum 88. Little reported that Ma Guthrie
and Mira ?puke had been temporarily appolWed,by
the Coln toaupplr the vacancies In the lint of Teich
err.: The action of thoOont. wail &mirrored it.
1 , 114,t Pamela's mutably report! for AMo IMakW l l.
nibmitted and orlemel to be fled.
The following WI a were prenatal MO *Ned:
David Beveridge rent 3 moo. to I Ju1y..... ..SY3 PO
An G. Stalhases paid for healing water, 4n., 663
David Conrad, draft' piper in at
Jonth..Schtun catpentering, repairing. at 31
SUM Bali d'Bro . p1ank......... . DO
. he bill of Asp I. Dill, for gas pipe and natures.
to IS. Norwegian aunt home. 466 111, was referred to
the Gam who had the szperiatendence of miS de
tain wttblustructiona that the maw be paid Ii found`
Balanee in Tenancy' reported $l3ll
' alit Briber was allowed nicest darslabliessee from
berachool—she prosidliag as amitstabla %obstinate In
the meantlena. • t .
tin annum of the excessire fuller= of thermal?
echhols, Mews, Snyder Paeomore and Skrea at - M ere
appointed. special committee to open an addltionul
KIIOOI La the .Orchard. with 'Detractions to ,rent a
mote, entrodopa limiter. and pet the school la , opera
tion as neon as pamible.
The Sept aiw rocanWarods an wiitnnt Traehet be
prarlded for Mks damn . e5h001.. ,
lipring Styk• 1 Spring' Wiles 1 Ikprii:g q.ty:te
at 010, Clears St.
Ponied. Occureence,4 Ceara ,;f V. MOtnefongo
ft rmrr from his-carrge to Palming, ;MaraLai/
audliijiind.,__Tblizik* mareinglast.,
Mc. Jusu 1.. him, of Bough and Heady, kli
haptoorto Valley, who wit In town atteodnig
Coot!, drove to St . Clot in a falling top buggy
with friend tamed Michael Shillttorne. They
relorned to this Borough between 11 and 1i
O'clock, and when coming aloes 0 stent near
the pof the S.hitydittl Coast, Lumber Coot.
patty, Bone proposed to Shiliihoroe, asithe latter
says to kt ont his horse which is a fist one.
Hs did go awl drove along at a vety rapid rate
:and when ha embed Oatomings• the for.
ter of which the residence ot Mr. Win.. Lit tk ,
bans is situated; be attempted!, turndown the
4110ry to &iv* do Me. Olaunre'd botel,vbere ,
Mt. &Mira up. In turning the corner which
to a sharp one, both Silas and Saint/tonic were
threw* out. hhilithorne escaped witheut,lejory..
brit Mina fell alibis head and left tilde:and wlien
be was picked op was lbsettailne. - We :exam.
Inn the ground, and found that bleteld had
attack a projectktg, sharp atone, In tin tinirt
undue. It.waa feared, a fracture of the 1
df:er arnica interlace had been seem and
examination of .his iolunee inellitind, Mr.
State was Met amveyed to a house on githend
dint and tarn to' Yr. l'llasamire'a hotel. On
his person wen over 11100,, which Wail taken In
charge bykir 'Glannatre. IN remained in an
teepaelble erudition for several 'home, and it
*as feared lut eremitic that be was id a ytitkal
tYr. Bane Ins flimsily • residtat of Mt. Oar
met, where he kept one. He is now, is ire have
slated • einem of Mahantoner Township, this
Ow - Way, sad a man of means and •
Meetly after the unfortunate ocean - eon In ' for.
nation was sent .his Lmlly, sane
. Of whom
Mere down last antokig.
Tiers or Me. Firma —TM nnforriulats man
died lut night at I put 7 o'clock. He Was on
eneselotis boss the tans of the Reddest mmil he
ilktd. Ha sue 60 yeas of aka. His rschilsa were
imareyed to Die late mblsaee lit MaMintosgo
Tribiadsi hot Iliad. •
..IPiocteithigs ef Itorrnigh Cintnoll; -41 elided
minter of canoe wee beki on Tuesday evening
List. Primed, Yews. Kindle, Lee, MAKI. La.
ther;ll. Barer, gbrerter, Ltner, 8414:C. &f
-her Cookson end Iftrtinber.
'lllO :Ohm of Kr. Letter thaStrael thirentille
Sere authorized to continua the culvert front
Lad aide et Centre street at: Month Chink to
'Betel etsset; ideal se sthan n caperba. the
advert to be the Nose else u the me* is tgancb
chant street, 4 . 14 plat al nada the is, eateert
• • •
4 . 41 1igt indiminpoitt for An stated that lid
Ades WA been nodanded ned,p a to Therms
castanditu on MN . Appeninn- reported •am
Ow plead Hama Annals, rod et Mirth end
Ire inn*; alinneeolnf 13:T. tidal, for "S
:-Tbe Ognamitteetn falpror, meld of Clay. Moan.
met pees& reported that they are enable to
obtain an hitintuda of the value of the ground
10 trust terkeighl too. BINIISeII erttide.
.I.leniteittee at Wearing book 'ladle&
der iterepl ll isi~etreleid net the tetrad so
hest Wads* td llarithth th e seetikertk o.detdats d
'it pre, Philad, 1000, sad reoommabdrd its
setehteleert Va.IM id-
Oi 11 nenntnne Mei modal that
the itessihre to time slifoliPasson ie bs the
Phoonden willing. The retnct wan JledePted•'
and enosideratiot et the questionposennned - entu
inaturnther.: • . -
• ThelloastaiUse appoiated kr watt ileitis dm
ty Ormanbstswere to reference to beetles pet of
"spews of . estieetstt Nichols etneltj was die.
*med. , _
Daratsgtrrestreree's stetemect wee tes3 sod
4 1144,
Ootoureolltillow of deb. W. Bidet tehtos 001311.
WI to erarhtish et so early dal, I grade OD
.Adios' r• between .Pe streetsufdliw ,
way dUen. - iedepao tem& terse He fed width
;hew do ma eidea.TolinAlcCaratleVsmoperty
' , meet*
1111. Wm. Etassuore soil poi ta.e. Bat-
Abet eia nod, -. • , i
Thewtyeetdoeuhtohlo= tho grade
terred,W- tholtervoy Ootomittor, eel Wit of
=Loma s!..roatoratretensi tots Sent
Goromeratoorico . ot B. D. Mo'Oooll.'llret;ideet of
illittlieresecowpory. ear* Otiose' Se drams
arty walla she. aarkat bode, for
re mixes% On relined lo the Chum-Woe as
lire Amtstes, with power to act. I! , r
A ps.tuton fawn rains °firing's:. es_kitsi for
mr a trof ou ss i m si m ire t. Chabot asthas a of e' prapsetir, war tt
thud Si Ufa thud '43eher*k• irdkpewer te
th;liiidetrittittr tttr tiaMdizoos-
ate, Z. I t Gave% Pr u ett ' . otitis IP. AIL L.
fat pr great easimallifissi sfrailed td
try •the ritookhograed
the ' art kook tem% St onerteg_ : ad
to 11,,.. - Met* E. ~ Proddeot Spew,
4 .
Isr Mir 'deka& , eat edetottet , name to
width the Woe tad eateproi, Imo bee*
. Mr, ktielifile tie iodoeblik s
kotetts, - The stook Ideas troll WWI
sod - areers .of Ifithikesse shut, tomes
Third ` end ' IPthlt streak ha% beams
nward& WU* cdtkeeket that Il ro ky. ood
Al' to eatWer diver, 1 ,
l ' Venetia toted Chundow be di.
clewed [0 the MI6. Dad thee W sot.
kale it oreat.:*: :,, :
- 11 r.. elitheititbe t • • •
.' Wu :ma The wedgies denterer wands Is
Urarita.dh ilifreakee te reader WWI* so.
- , led aup dereaqi to poiteattioa *a
. , .
Il iZtid, That 611 - Oaeltridee he dl I
Wetted to ripsfr, fatteirik the Itollawiwwillweri r
falg-41141101tM0101104 DlPD.Third street MID.
lewd. korunor West trota Third street west
werd. 'Mt, Sib ita
eat lithstnote. between Oboe*
Alley nit Illsloset sal Me Areal balms
7841021 .00 Jae iklevelltsw. ,dod also, to se.
Vats 'the halit It LAY. nun ci Meth sad
IMO Pettevill•alis Get, OM "aVi Ill's Wand
-b ilitiallii lad Wile& Ooliastiliii.'
, • 241,14 . $ ll, E. Alioniel; SVS_CTorsa rehire to
AllibiVlt- I.a.s.i.:t ~..
... ! --
Thslailoeingitetli= Foss Naa asa crows to
, _
Os pate} :
-2,m:4r . .. •
Strad Imo& .. . .
Jamb Merits
it c . coml. tikt bargees
. •
',.!....;:i '1... ~„-, P ,„,
• , • T.." a.
7. ....... ........... • 130 it
:..i... -4.-.. • : 11 . II
--,....... ..... ti:: lie
... nag
Lou for tb• feed ' 1010111
Prolog/bac, 4.. 5A,571,70.
Doh*rake dlestemp cif ties alitin Zessoarees,
to all.
i t
t il e , =la, Dos winol of
the Gaiety held • emeetteit at the
Oseirt Hameln this Borungh,_msftrillity after
mum Jobs Bare. al Pon Clitatea. preskird.
asmated by 0.8. Trim D..10 -- 11..terley. nicht
Weaver sad Whim 'Vlos `Pierfalents, ago
Messrs. IluedMiael. Ste e l, Hods% eed eilitill as
?be Are miesker was Ibit itoommehibcd &mar
gowns,7. IC Hughes He has &boat as. hide
1 peemiselsymnitey with warktimmen. WO cares
molly shout their toteregis ea little es MY mu
In pabbn illbs, who (mild be tamed.- Tat be L
load inprdeseioo; mid to beer tarte talk, me
who dM not blow tde rest Inditilmsoim_ wham
surpass that be wars Item to beetroot of haute.
Rat, es Coldstream MP. i" iheren nothing in
it.' He opined by • roving of the affnaillon of
(bet:Woo from hie standpoint. thigh of mums
Mu gloomy. lb Una attempted to be face Vous
at tee expose, of Presiderot Graz t taking &Auk,
reereation hart De eared of offichil Imainette.
He asked what the Presid ee i d wu doing to der
seastazaticm. forget sa
at the me time
to inform bit eery i apillenot that
by rigid economy la all Ciammucient in.
7KW.ltares• aductag the cleileal fame la
Weehata ; popping the emitter of the whin.
key other nage which existed under Ao
drew Jobseno, and rectoelling a stricter acillec-
Um of the revenue, President Grant has de—
arsued the pnblic debt sines the commencement
of** Adminietntka, now some six months,
over $40,000,000. - That Is molt= apparently no.
worthy of Mr. Hughten notice. Vat be was
compelled to compliment the Republican party,
ton, for tic said ft was a positive party, and that
"t• it fatties tly aseetted its prlo&iples. Ls speaking
of Tel:mews Hr. Hughes cud it was like ly that
State would send Andy Johnson back to the U.
S. &paste, which statement elicited Much milk:a
gain& He than &sated about ten ratneveklb—
personal meets on the President. Tee Stale
movies and the ciodidatai &newt his atten
tion for • brief period, during which to hied to
be fumy, auk iimed in being drearily ap, at
Governor Gearyn reputes. He asked what he
bad dime to lessen the burden, of taxatlcrn
again forgetting as in the former Moro:
eta, noted that. during Gm. Geary'a
Admidstratlon the State indettuineas hie
torn reduced over 13 000,000. In enlogiting
Packer, lir. Hughes arid ilemblickna were pus,
sled to fled any mono& for coutplkint a gairAd
him; and that If be was a nth men, be did not
make tas money by lobbing the Government or
stealing spoons, aria° forgetting tabus trench.
emus memory Fronk has l)' -to state that the ,
foundation of Ma Packet's, fortune ate laid by
grinding his poor implores down to ',Vitiation ,
wages, for which be got a &Rhine in the Im- 1
high in 11311 at the hat de et his °omelet-a cod
Main:mut boatmen. Whim Mr. Hughes also I
speaks of his importance to Ile balloon h t r..
termite and prosperity of PeopeAvaras, another
singular lapse of memory tet noted, for all
know that Asa Pecker is • mosotivist, whine in
ternee are Ocetieted with Hew li•W and hos. ha
to Pennelhanis. We were amused to ,Inten to
Hr. Hoge. a' warm di feces of the platform of
"penchant" whir!, be drew up, a &Lich, was
adep'ed• at (be late nankin, Cotrcttion.
They ate old fogy, attedrinfan, and Imre re-
Mitred the hearty nisintuttion of city proem s
alve yearn Democrat in the S e. Thy hid
enough to weigh them down with t tine add
, non of such • way - behind - the - ge platform.
We was 6,4N1 more iimmea till hear Hr. Hughes
berate the logieratars for adopting the 15th
Amendment, center:frig the fight of inefirege on
Midas's' Of 'eritliens. It Was vortifiroir 4illllolo.
enteralsing to bear the greatAdogal of:th ma
ngy in Pennsylvania dtelaiming_againsi attic r
eal suffrage, wive we remembered that W. hetet,-
the eminent Eolith& inxicognpber, (Mince
Dixecorr to be : •• , . ..•
"DSIIOORIT. One who &aborts to •gni.
ininssot by the people, or fangs the extension
of the right of suffrage to &lichens of men."
Qaerr shaped Dratocrate, there machete f e l_
lows I Mr. Hughas wound tplida speech by at
tacking Hr. Parker. tie Repeth3oan candidate
for the Legislative, of whom .ISection - lei' may
well be afraid, and by editing Mat the Demo.
amide p atty is the triad of workinnnen, when
all know that if its Free Trade Heap were carnal
out, woridorman would be egtopelkd , to labor '
far the amnratton wages prinaleat in 'Europe.
Elea. George Sandersoa, of Lancaster ; flavor
of that city.'was the mut speaker. Hr. Hog
in introducing him stated that be had atood
Seale by the Constar:aka of the United Stales.
which is waltellarig, as be It a Ws's* night'.
Man of the Calhoan etunp.i Hr. Sanderson
stated that it was hie ait *tilt to Schuylkill
County. Really, It he cannot get off anyilior
better than the vulgar with which he
entertained tar audience vesteriley, we a 'rise
him never to rinse: it. We imagine lir. bah
donna MUM her. boo asleep daring the poet
two years, for be stated that thereav VIM 1 len
et Mars States one the Tvion, and-r 1111,i.
fairy role. The fait' is. that there are only
three State* vet strecopettner. (11,.1 e• gin's,
Utestotaippi and T efts. Ile note .f the
t i l i zatr in ic t i b r i tte e tt e r n e , ta. In .a Vn a tlt ,,, r s . t;.el t ri n t o n ti: h t
Itebottlon Cod than tbo old argemerd. "stale. ft d and
Wwprodtabla.•—the *ergot" Hr. SmArrev. ral.l
dive tee negro th t rhea In role and pm wlll'itave to'
• rot him to the Legislate., and I ItOtlet know but
what be will he ae good a, some who go there. (oho c.
leg at who was nitre nem : then be will goon
until be mantes Tref dengtder., Three tar dim Dan.
oasts wore to nave ache.,l2 c fen al sector. tann
ing their daughters. Yr. altdc,ola then monie d en
anecdote, the iteimleentree of ortktr le only readkd
by its sac Ilegkxsaore. An Liebman and • term con,
mei of novo T. Wts maltreat to EllttlMer to be
Mtn. The Itlttanas was h ni-hearted atd !repent.
tont Th. metro •■• pen'tent. The clergyman said
to the LI brut. "Yogi are a hardened Mtn Lent
at your CNnpatlioll. Be II peal Mt. In a few mlnotta
be wilt be in Alwahamw how= o *Krell.. end the
irtabetan lathe clergyman. ••Abraldun was% think ye
futestefliag Mr hone wtte morns, trti• hot weather,"
in Wreaking r f be Prrstdegt and hl, (Win% he M•
hided to
Its cr seed, l y sayirg. atenswell I n
arm i., ely -= Intro it - bidet bees his
neck" Alen. I, d a l e to the mom. be
said "Efts enure:, ale atPun% neither ere his
censenk, t• Sash Narver a.
.the corning P.,"ra a p-r
a . prof...Ong to e . retak..., c yrs, it. Gant tom.
meet. with It. n o caLnot .pr kof Ms a:crown , be
eitlae thee wan nose.
re It wee a po trial
hump err directed to there j Wow of Pm people and
not their . 'mi e
n. II e. Seritor n bar rar epeel
urn of th eof tie I,mm-en .
• f har. meter.
the Lard preserve as from any content with the mem
Elese Henry Plearants followed Vr. 9andet. m. The
General Is s meet better rweter than br Is a - a peak,.
le Wes the old Make la revereankend reads •nix agreed -,
mithtter than the pen...
Atter the Ortend rtiolutleLs were
read, sad the a:grantee/ sellearned.
Se/ryl-MTh:d - Id Good Marion CbtreriNiiii.—
The S cood Q latterly Clovenlion of .thu ()owl
Templar, of Schuylkill District, Inca in the hall
of Roolight Lodge, No. GM, Shenando.h City,
PA., August 21th, IP62,Att,half pas
The Cor,vati ion was called to order by G. W "C.
T., & The R Bonita officers. pro ht.,
were appointed :-11.11. S. Roes Mew.; 1.
S.. Elizabeth Johnson ;W. Chao , itee. S. , r
W."I. G Ant le El• Swan ; W. O. G.. if n! , -
or: W. M.. J 11Kalinter ; W. A.."S , SAllle .
Deosioger 1 W. S. Will Rama-y.
Ccenmit"se-on credentials,. Bros. Curtis, Rio!,
afde and BraSley. Gni:Minna oa basin. es, Illtaa.
Gillingham, Hendrick sad Comer.. •
After sir.gine +several Temperate.. (Mee, the
Corivtolil2 .rj timed to crat at half-ling eeetn
. The Corset t,.a meet ,cc ediog In a&lforon•
mint; whet the 4,mmitt., wae ryceiiii.o the
credentia l s of &le/liter, and names of visi•nre
arrived sine, the afierreinn ft Info°. "The Win
ners? es R.llyiug was Yong. directed by
Bro and Si-ter Reidy, who presided at
the trm.: G. W C. T. Chase, rotd.ersied.ther.-ti
yention on the tin' tell and pi iviieces of Good
T. =plus ; the IL., prOgri es, aid the present
f v wattle nepu oin
i :f the carder 'hie Sate and
G!, til ed ales, had loige meetintu
Interest log, the canoe of - die urr conent•lo lodge,.
and their dowayll. Be paused In bit remark',
while 'the song "Bute to tho Beene" was heir.;
sung ; he than reentteued his ;mark,. Sod towed
the necessity of holding trablia temperat,. wet
' loge ' • after which he' explained th e unwritten -
Ira lof the order. • Sister Hard/ thee by sycia I
rsquest rang ' Dm% blurt • Man , f he ID,lnks "
Tbs fallowisq ululation wu &red 'by Bro.
Ilicturds, and carried by & tieing vote,
mohnly :
.Reentret i That we hail with pleasure the pre',
emu among; no of onrCb W. C. T . S. B. Chess,
and hereby cencratilats him on his re.elee , ion to
the highest r Stu in the gift of the Ovol Tamp
lays nt the Keystone Stale- •
The Committee on. credeltiale tonic their re
' part • thre'Conientioal adjoirmed to meet at uhu
(Meet in-the moult!: i
mollusc& suet os, Atom 2.5;1W1.
The 'll3uoyention met an per adjour&annot. The
fallowing quattlon mai answered by G. W. C. T.
eusafam.—.l•3o . 4 the W.V. T. entntnt• a melon
to oialsose • ersamlttot that has teen soadntunt to
tnvenitatsetdinet pretested efaha• • member. end
ht older to take a sots to expel the en-
Ant seer.-..N0. Ruh person chatted with as of.
re m. aolem to cutlet coatempt commlutd le ere
Lamm is Wined comturcionativ m have an terms:.
.tattoo ard utal before a mmarrittee. aid It a um
laute, appointed fall to aet.'the melee shall appoint a
la wasters tee. _la ell areteary Remoras of le/We.
Noe shim, are net *mend area the Conititptkui to
be Wavle to eeramists& the Wise can at sty time
d'Eliaa• a ColoalUee said proceed to tat span etch
tpareriorm at cats.
The following coestiore after botng debtied
were by motion amereerd in the mesh re : is it
dateable to Mamas the per capita ton? Is at
for the tool of the Order to abolish the Degree
Work! Oa mo'irat of Blether Was Elargreares,
the 0. W. O,T. Iris requeeled , to isolate the
unwritten Degree Wolk. AlPsed to. Ad/eery- 1 d
to meat at 2 reckrek.
AirlirS - 031 lingtlS.
Thi Convention met according to adjminunent.
e T art ei a7ra t f d2rl: 9 I fs nelir e de i r%en i m e t
fired ,t,e the tent 11:Brewton to Igoaas.), Noe
17, 2r, at half put 2 o'clock, P. M., at Pitt.
eitio. The °Moen elected for twat OPerention
1, . Cr. T , Gre. Warta; W. V. T., Sallie E.
itigair ; W. 8 ,BM J. A. Cooper ; W. T.,
Daniel Rumble.
TIM Dmunitise repented rdsolutimm, which
vete taken up seal acted upon striatum The
forbe stet being debat were a depti d
WZMIII. ti kw pleated the aapreme Brier ot the
r shoroo,loporult as owe mots to areemble biro ti
health and Orergth to deliberate ,yon the Cult tats
Ms at our gloriosa sadgrow= a owe torle.
Mame te car no" etairtisatty;
anoint. That we at, esemerered to loon &smut
t oar rest week of araellarstleg the cmollti A of
useat d. tally sewed et littlre saprobancte, sad to
Prefer the thyme tar Mare wt ea teaks mid tem.
panes mUI be adremsted Marsh tide. is Ur Opera..
altos peleellplos of advanced eke . - '
Amaterd, Ttot agar Good Teurplar shmild endeavor
Ito mem the olmateges of Tampenmee tamales.
that ho e boner sedustand all the pladpirs
embodied la ter Tempeanceftelhos.
Arise. That The WIWI gegen el car Order the
Moose God Toesisfteoussadi , NNW teem Mont
• and ta view of Its removable
of sate
=Mi. It la the tam of i'Vt4 stassbat to aatotrito
fer sow.
Wane.% fkrilber Ws. Usumisrm Me, at tom
eldemb'e expose of ratan ma time. established the
Mod lies, • tempermice sip, pattnehed
e porme atl lied
guwteey a e paper err UM _ uV rtermblted.tagha.tyi
Cm phioltroda tres . therkwe.
goului. mail h
alt to Ms mar.
W 7 mill ilea tetustilor to om low, ta
r deceall yrecan tetra the Geed Ida medal and
. 1110.
, ratospeort.
fitssisill. T agshrows of littealcalag *Mks Is a
state woes at root cd cm body plan sad car
, Ima
1 Berobeet, That the Legtdebtre develd abse to eath
Olt u rstrolTll.toemitip sad mad the Mem to donde
at ballot Um tibedser ar ad tatextcatteg Maks
, thalltherele Wields. a bermes.
areolm& That kossefter all delegate he Oda 0010
reatie a = revered to weer mesas.
Thet Um W. fa to testrated te I i 4111,
taleta of tbe promedtigs -or 01.11.0amenitka the
Arley, fesofeed. Peel Mts. t.peteas Omd Thu
plemlflomer ilecasat. sad takeese Gams.
Aseelle& llet g hee or thls Oanmatkm Im
tortmot to OM and hi& or Soldlelt
bates 111•1109,11 or Mete kneasesule theetettlag mom
et *ls Otersestiest.
Amelsed. TWA oechlodge is thellikteiet aheald fan.
the beauties Otres. (al hoe 010 week Wm".
the Ciememattos), SWIM, probers mtiabor of dais.
phis OM Tenon manor sroolitsloolloi may
he mob fro illem. Ake, We Immo
Um Chmdttessara mmettstetelliswittor to Plotele
Meth= We asinidkineathm. *Wm Im imedistg.
The &Awing as babe, vas sakes
by • riga metia sod adopted
irbous, The senshers of thdir emintse, hem
inn Parra te ham of the mil hmeasamma
lailly of ear_ .41, W. O. T haehu a mer , 0 alletatned
Oa lases( so mustimomcmildls
Ameload, Thee oar haeriggi spopetkalt
holing theatre:l4 lands *as last 4=
, - -
On Walla, the Mort lie *Pia& was *Opted)
lib bag ~ S bory b Ow iholroot:' Els rag b 7
A, robb=a was bowbbia colbolbat Blob,
aft abi IlbtOr thoty, for tfteir lothimble maniere,
b IssiOult the leg- ef tlOiliendidg ; it itub
b ast . Drafter Dr.. asougla. Air thit aso
oa ad*opooal to mot at 1 obbotio st. 4
lead Om pelt& imeaflat, lii air lif.. Z. Oftch.l
Atlas Mated tiros the datibilal WOO IIOO IO to
the ILL Chunk vim or abbe of BMW,
eilbelsai-looshob bor. J. A. Mow sates
, elt Ohainnan Were Weellmg. After illagteg. sad',
11 0 111, 11 7 *atm lin. IL Owl* G. W. CI. T
•Wi° Bi b etOtillettrassl sardlsi.
the alletletrat =m IWO Aar. rt Alter
e= W sootbor I
Wra:oUL eh
T it . A. toeb&
Woosa. !is bemolos brobabo woo samtk ,
111 =_= m 14 .41 = 4 `
thethadas at Me Wiehl
lithearsolltsassarresellas tone ribs maw
vow Xing lt eked ignilimmit ta WIN.
i Me Dere drag drig
, msillem AM ahm itftoptp.
NO theirgiOlgmh,
a it
, ItAboaans.. . Soo. ,
liniassas OEN abiraill. IVA :• , .
001721 P1100121:411016
. •
IR , : • '': ~.
QtAIM SWUM- Is7babst Tetat,-,Ths C F I
Aperient' 10 rttkak (Nondeyi morning. i'll4 1
airmbei dr f IGNICIN to stretchy:re, wh, thee a, a - jdron.
"nada. or lopettilda errand mutant oFtolltpod
the led,* cai the dialed Cold, lad eabsetelly at
the Septa oderrZetat. Whole eaantrate freiseraily raw
at for siteralisitlos pap:4C 1 ' ' :1
' Most ot the aseralas ematonerar Ocompied with that
toots aldmr retnran talllagjawan, Fid 1410•0
usalloes. , Two:37llm oat at 114 twenty-lont nor.
sou itsmlpart es Chard bora= iinswendltopitsolr
tome I 611 hat edttrixt , oat tg OF V01 , ,0t trq
;oh jaryzeno and stioral of thou Matte; ,th alto &
.draa wort dented ostseroant titbit iddrumn et theta-,
ee:roo. or of their fint.l4e. ike. Tbet,theatt sp,oloted
Yr. *fatale I.llcek forsaute of the Grand Jary.'l '
The armanally prolonged ateelon Of the Damcaefk
wartlag to the afterzona loft bat It4tie dins few ithe
bastrairot the aril. •I , : • • ', ' 1
The lollowtog arrtte daytairs tilayanwl of up de
the se Jorionskant let draw 1 -, •
• J peep!' Mons was pretwahot by salmi Adtharda I
for threatentng to ahead bee. The parties both IT.
In Pottarlllt Betel:fait had he& meter with; the
proreentrti for some• alas tidal, and &two* her
and her rigre bad been eonslderably bleedosiltd, lid
alma from Lls ' , flout to pay di more 1246Nrip al
so= other cum. they had , treanded; After Marian
the eircumetannee, the chart diret:td dela {Arty to
_ray halt the cora„ k 1 •
' Tilghman Waller and ILUIII0i; KtilWeiir. :two
yooog mm of Tremont plead gulp, to hsttaltodol, oo
tome hues and two peke nr shod. Their cadres was
that they bad bees on aortae fur; fetid &W and
dklesot know what they were Omit.' They wit botb
eiLito be of good thraldom red this was the drat of
knne they 'had seer been thargcd with. renter the
ercerostaxer, the Court limbered a Ildit peptide by'
remang those to,nrienn foe runty days. They bid al.
their been la prison .404 the taller peat of Jalr.
Jens Stison was rbirgt3l by: &Lion wall
malichmetabehtel. to fluorite dents and tneddror
the dint of MI home.. The buttes hum been inatrk4,
pada* thldren (dee of arm Arid,) ant crft had
*lnce proenret II dITJrC2. It RUMS they WIN Itema
near to seep other at Utranitlile, int OM of the chit- I
&en raved tot', the reverent:it's bode, the !natber
Wowed P. and be or dered bee mi. lar.theed by hie
Inaretteg tandure and `et Wrenn, to parreerlce her,
chili, the turned. when bontitti, threw lows, or din
at the4o.r. Tile was to Kay last. The Wort Ohm:.
ed that nn e,mutetkm einald be hid nue the thdlet.
IXICIII, ilblch allre,d the bretharg of a 4rion;but w , th.,
out totter th,g It with an/ dwelling, or oeher budding.'
Jerry ute.. .' , - •: . , 1 i
&Told P.; , .—Cum'! nfrael at it ve'•eln PrmethMt:
Joe ltyan on the Beech, with .Jade di Dollars , tut'
mime, nwcittr..
.Dmect. Atlyrtf , Y. ulni.D• UM.:
p?e, &AIL The c eon roOm - ters fated. and !Comb cop.::
ni. , .ce maned before the baritev conld he ieglearli
. .
rtetta.el. • •
Ile I` e teflon etre, the lir, brunet: in a Teedtet of
•-ext nett the eosin be vie Slly divided
between ibeparileeJor p tyment.
Adam Porier wire charged with to aaranit and bat'
td Henrietta Hewes. She IWCet2 poodaVed.l to
the defeedebre com , see Into bee bease, and lieu lame
er mate: 2.100 br peesecitteiZ,ll,24 [wily 'Wang
-pont ihe dekradantle wle, be ,tint bat 114Faill
. tbd
month and teem.. Defendant utter'] denied the 'chirp;
bht exatai ao wineseca to anelala Idsi allege 1 lane;
edam be plead enlll, and rrairdded bl the Giant twG
and toes. The puttee are Imp Ashland. '
-*rands Candela, of Palo Vail, tae eareed , by tit
wits. Ilaptda, with twin g, Tel tier apace ewe"
eral oecaslano, exit' on the .11 of /Wog hat he ler?lir
Der dawn on a beaplot nttmea and othamtlae ebarod
ber...lsbeadeallted test she bed reads emnp'alntd et
her teshtaal to Ids ranee el Sou, and hal toneettreee
strtek the. Bat hL , drtendird had no ultcmcs. eel
oty teowdlasty found him guilty. sttbost Darlnd
the boo. Not yet setrenOtd.
Tre-r Iffiest sod
. 11'tn wl Dooley. two yoind men;
„In irrilfr.ed for the rotbrry of old man !Tamar.:
')foyer near Otwinttuty: as the ilta. ot•Jine 1.814.
They won! to hi. hoini t otetnt drape eta O'clock tit'
the artertten,'.foar.d Wirt slung, and *Deart... , hits
eeth jointed p'..ttol. esti:Acted ellenee aid demanded to
know • h7le LES annefirirs, and retarded to sea: eh
'lnd ranee k ttin tle,ks, deaden; throuthout the
hoots Thep hand and twirled Sway a meter arch
acrd toms twit!, dollars Inlet 'Toy: Probable timber
violet(' tAt r Moyer woe Invented by theater's:4M
'mini Of 11 naVelter t with horse and wagon, at the,
door. when the defendants riut *Way. The7,rs:o int
ard'ately Whored, sod Dooley las atroslid• toward
daybreak Of the follownit wonder Able reettletwe he I
New Phllsdelphis, and Ellie laq:taller. linbettreutly
the stolen Intel and googly wet; IT covrAvd by as 011*
ter at Dooley. boos.. where they' ad hero Secreted In
-schist. Tte Jrify four:lda TC7a,:t or I ullty, 'without .
leavizif the bnx.. ife. 'Moyer ts krshops ;petards of.
eighty rots old. ,he r -defe tdintt tune cdt.been awn-.
KM. Cahalite Gaziacio, r f rotistilfie; Was tried tar
being a common meld to the anunyince erect neigh. •
bezhand and the couunualty. Chides Crosland woe
the premenbr, with hie withweete;ewere td.ei
very,feal testae Ih defendant:li bead. ',the other
• hand, dtfendant armed that the Present &Mt* rem
out of a quarrel with Creased. tat pit:dated lemma at witrieee, who kqew wail= of her el;
lege!. term'iare DercsiMere cannot Catered a tin
oral demurrer to the ladlrtmenq Oft the ground .1 at
'the offence r bagel was cat iad'etabla Lt; PeDdl lie
ibt the. Court overruled the demurrer, end dlreet
td the lets' to proceed.' The Jai tendered a to edict
of gutty. dui tht Carert septum ickber a ficM of
$lO and the eireteand to giro wait, be $lOO for her
Tilbobatior for reoe"year. i . , •
t prevent the anneyents oft the repeated 'miller
from day to k tr c f wibrefetby the Die.riet. Atter - hey
and kie ee,betact, to To cut betwethe Grand JIL - y"
the Court dircricd that hathafter tic!
ba bat etee. • i
The Court ins directed that °littera:to httaited pad
*event< ntic ori the Orli llet trial, the Week: of
that etth, only the fired jeven.y Lee ;be' preptted for
L •
teal. .
• • The Grand Je-y himicalg; end • bill of Indictment
for penult and be !err. prefe-red Viedee r
, k barde
agalcuit Jesup!' .
pent tbe e for.
der, the Coot reatescrSlbirri ec The was
part of a general free I at'll:lttl'Ula, ,POttlele , ' ere theta
tat tattnae l out of wbteb gm W
* the Li:*l44'lth
bona care. - I
At....111as Neocene was tried f it la netailt a• d bab
toy en Catharine Parer. Tait ptvecutrix it oirci•
itat lb:, .1 •f:sprit, 1n tat melte, etelze 1 her; the
threat aid tore hoe alma -M
% V kt, net gulf ty, bat
• cab party to per half lieu c
Emma Tieleterr, • littligtel of icene thjrthen cutler..
trot year* of ego, 01 reel actable Parentage. ',lvies Ma.
Pettish e , ted Ikea tif . tech d In -the Melt of several
yards of caini. at a stem . In boon to which the bad
been Pent by the faintly mi an errand. Ici iteusidera
bon of ber.youth, the Court permitted her to Do dla:
Charged, ce the peymret of carte: ; • •
The mull marine of tandueei wu afightty Par el
a Weddle/4 In the twee of the afternoon. llbiz that:.
()Shatter had prt,tertia a ch.tritti of Ain:kW= and
Ramardy agatest but tnistfani, Ellaibeth Is a fine
lonlang written. led law tenhipi enoe2edtcg. !Ton
erfi ;Minn (coder the quickening preset, of the pet&
lag pri.ersti in, w'llt conaition 'almost' certaln.).that
be might farther and fare swer..preptient. nark% Was
I:titbit. and by the CAIIHte p itet lM on cm:di:ion of
the ;lyre, tof the cage: - tbe, prim repaired to. the
Library. whoa WI Coast by s lb ..rt bet lmpresilve
• eartec made th. So Meth and wars; ;
Daniel McArrt, of Hodes Ron In hist-they Towns.
*MN MO tried neva._ siely on two 11:11.. , for pellind
iletnr atthlot 1....e.-eli, ant by wiling on !Mildly. ', Ile
wtt cony - oat to etre..wlnptti'ati Jury 'eaten
the btn, fleh;ket w ito bar or reDdar, Ole. of sale,
MA by hienwit or till Lie or Atichter, sold fa hit
trOw at soy and all Ds W. hr 11 drink or by the
yOrt, and to any - petard th at sla kat-pc tt.•
• A surety of the pace ewe bin filtrardrills was
beard, with more thus used will shnit It. „Truk '
Ireollonsh room toil Petrkk Rine, with three sib•
ers hid strode! his bonne oneßriurday Watt; about
tiolO meets spa, an I hatterzed It til atinitrfroeS r 10X
oselock until 4F( the E.Howing niorning.i' ADA WWI
lough mild the bad prose ented or for Sanaa Nue
nn her boaband, sad thkeleanlt arstrithrreeenge. The
.dsfendard at Ike bearing Was le that bask newelltell.j
them the effeete of • teeste4.o4. 4 as apparestly to tabs
Ilule whether school waft or not. Me lila perekdrd
in.talkirg so Incneantly that the Coact bed to gays her
Into the Sintrirs thugs Both pinks were wry noisy,
tilt the Coati c it the manic *boil hydketWag the de
feetdant to pi, tie ea/teat:A give ban in OM Ostalrot
toed behavior for we year, . ; ..,
' A nasty eue.Of Ilkhsel pianos mead Dialital
Cretinad, sue rear!., - : . . ': ,
Torso Dan.-. 06 mottos Of Gay Pitainkit. *Ati •
George Chaniberse Ds, °Dead 'lrranklla coney Bar,.
was admitted to phietice is ire several starts at this
Dainty. Kr. Claiptters teopoeits po eel* Mal Per.
menially. , . ..., ,
. John T. IteAter. Was cdrarg 4 erkh , sanikloss rads
' eitlet In tiring two goati betel:tale: ti Year Grey.
Both poises Ike West XL Claris& !gutted bite a.
gild, to whia foi it couaide.thtlast, be look goals to
grass. Riley poldlabis tot the yalkove crib:Wesel
OW of bb withestor :wort -that ono Sundq -
about tattlak. the eta WO flakidsat Di to ON ld
add set hiedog on owe, sad 1111 li. Verdict. not
"ii, bat the code divided for !Althea between the
ties, Bale takes by easesel. la Now ohm why the
fairekt drink! sot be set sabie be to the prossetWer.'
Thomas WA:Valley was sneigirti for Is: Argon
had Beater: an a bale girl, 11th t &Own, sieves raw
OA with totem to eciamtt • Raped.. It =iced on
the lad of Atigsmalest, st GirardriDe. • Then she a
Coats there that day.. About et &doe* hr the *nil.
Ing, the datesdant mallard tato the shirty, ert4 the
tittle lid was skew sweeping j the . roam. lie lied
her tt she dSdn't went to go to !wthe Octth,Whd ale,
bid declintor, tooltbo,d of Iwo; . Wear in flows, and
ittenied beam nerve libeitleil•tooiff 4 .
an op= ter bet, sad 'cinema, Inn men• Tbe
102.1 Mel rts to the Act% State bet wan . bin a'
tpartared a edledlattot, sod iteld bet of lotOd bid
*coned. The neltibors Insedietady seentilin
and s9w learctiThidudiodurd mt. :mid emend se.
a golly.. He tboo pidopied to bells 6111Itif
in mellowed ea Ifebedl7 epee 11~ .
tottkr )add an Wag tele:oaf , sod tt• eppeen.
elm e'en tie nine babe fen bean .thene► lin
noun and ran like • dee& pieecd by a need din
nee sod vise Mow tottisigi oc a ustio!oadra
lobed tut oao crtettokioi, bratitit ben been 1, *en
We, and aa.. Deering tosondttot to pelt*:: : '
Then en ea defface, abd tee jay, tedelbe
pow" charm toodored a Tootkt d dieti
lamed Um has. sad fie Clan Ins non I* neon*
laps ant lateen whin ft ins dfneeend net*,
al Me Won tansed, Tbeyeen Wines 11'"dfe.•
beaded to • 'Sod* of itsitr.;'"
'news thrtobi .**/A
ow of too sus lOW oohs s font Isesillisisk MOO
as Amos *arsisson hho of& 1 ** 0 4 11 10 1 4,
Pores= iris WWII goiter at Iliillsolftlac**
Stove Palo 12* ftlf SASE at asty. atoll ;it: Oil
if at* hos oats Iptioisliol IS*
ipso btu ',abaft as! paiml*alissi -41 INN*
OM sad lost idot odd suessend*Siiiirs '
*obeli of s hdOol.: sad ptlish:l***osk
lea *lfilhotiof TM* *Op SIWISM had
. 11s
!wet. Ls use sots osi• :shilt.! l / 4 0101,
vallaiiis Mop to ravibiao MK"
hot ls dialsogy rs, be *Ms* so Ow is ilicistki
M Oieta.dfiastgy** liphishidelOss • bid
Sequhfilsei 4ll. aid kik* '
at pond vas sam. :
• Dash sok hoser lisping" ithhh lala.d imp!
1 11•41116, this 61411104 si taraaoaWNW*
Omiallsolis we Is Os bogitsl oh the eso *j Miff
llossSullsoliallod*Oholstibr sth.. *a,
ClO*Konnank ibekleitia clokasik, tai
"Men amis. Sobwoh,
11 obi** sralusselhlsill bot
tom sad robbery; 114111** Ukkilf,
iossaslopl36olOf Zatf iloh:* * *t
fri.%**Aftrrialik 4
Noss Oft box ifiyis Ars.:
*lse fir Irma weelorssaiAeiz
arnolout salipAr witAdßallasii*,r
hilekß, Maui fsidolosislillp.a
114 . 1 .15 11 1 111
116 • 4 1 0 q00 1 . 11011 L 1441 “wr
trapassaguniarl Mit
*pis rash lo war Nimmi f
Um me at Man WIN Arse(
did, giddy. learnt Ile Jut '• • *bor. Sew:
taco COG trod et d tape. ••• CM'
• ormast, at Mo. Ow Who
pawed Dey:— George ark, as old sew of
Soler% woo • - 'o'er 0 1 1 )*
co:lnds oral! ' Tomtit:lN dar ntdory,,lit lai
tei mew to Woe • • of lawl'writto two'yeari
• order to • el ttid lionseld,eleedith to fibre-
Utili r. • leetece &lewd sod droved Itud
pd} to ht toftrxdiortioneithto u Jazieri.
de& ter &Wm a swab of tdr two mai
• tio TN a ewe reldidadag tad:Writhe toto ediothle•
F.• et Itolkottta•Ltoisry Igtilo o Via sport/10 Coo
iioloccooat of tbe bets. drama to, tow roc • coolie.
thoci; cx&ttoo =au tototolocUoro Auto do Cook
inatertl➢ Tress attafpka..istlies aka eaim ea
tka Ontazp—sba aromatic betas a DIM* dam:
Wlatara Ikea ( Vasa galltstar tetra' ttna liaber of
a liaaaad cbfd begatlia al Reass Dot, of Pottival*
?be child lo ripe some Chas Little old. Tbo att.
kft to axles. lee; waa'alalarautrledl, and la maw
. 1.171 aw la ,Tawstaari . Latium wry. Ina ger
1/ eta bury ► lie a dad us was. sia
11100. far tilos to mamma sod autotroiocal et the
'daktsptothlsWo,iad 41 h. reoltibr trash orstilt
Omit loaalld& re to the the wool bold la Woo to
the trec'oes of the Poor. • . - •
Wit)lsin lisepp w e dismal oar:. 4Uptuti. &L`d Al.
malt /PM batmen Me vale Ste wore to Lii
bril*lhribtity. lint ItioUt:Pagarlian aM et 14ber
Thrdatisee alleged that the saattiiiiasiea.
erally qaterafacaha,. hog. Jeidaas of bit haebtad
eeProsang to ena time ate ;imagined
liethee hiandul or nowectUdi elm bad AVIA to In
is newepaperV. wed emplaned beileitt when In
tut WE vu entht* ol 11. The May bonnet found
tbe d;fetdant gleti
. , ,
Cat:Latins lirsal7plead gunty to i:tame.ot sel
ling liquor itlittoat tense; bat noon application' of
hts smut i rally: that on **ant of her poterty rho
twat in to 1.11 ltsecteneeil no, bet imitate was de ,
Wed 1.1,, the I:let-mhos Than. . .
,Loob Weaver was bed for. OW cin , tSo mi., one
lorrorcible iotry and Detainer. and the other for Ler
Tho proilecitoe via eo old ono. cooed Yranc'e
Elteibleils: YU los oiros4 home In-Wren-
IBM, and met the brat )oir, ml laded Lei seca)4
to.itsS detendtot. Thlnd rf , Els tessat, he tok the
seat legit shim to pet tid of hlm; attedit Lill ?trotter*
cat. St toe a thlngS rent:Onto& the detendsnt re •
tamed to gist . It woe about this Mato the
p m serntor al li fd Quit he Socha One. of'Sds beds op
stairs In the room assisted Ity the defendsnt ne
issrsrentors story was sO las t,t - ong.liost. tIISI the
Cal , io orderid a not. iorik. to be entered In eel, eno.
Zict order asp wits. ~ ' , .. , „ •
''Mrs. Nal Ifsgraw enroVitteief - Y•s..Xvorettina•
teflon& kw site the most: offeestie and triteditni
Insane tows:Miter sad beirfseellyorttbdot singe or
prowiestioci army kind. Tbe7 lived it ttn nos items).
a eV:both , * Pa Mama" Cilr. and t;1:4 lieSesetlanya
criatantly ibitelvi. braining.' toward the prosectitor
have become unbearable- Ted tam wen beard IS a
rarely, . was no defence. Tne Coact directed
the defendant terthe meth, and o'6o, C3./17 barge*
f..eber fotate bebtrior; i, bet to temstearatiorl of
l od
her poverty, a d haring a ideated ' ebb her,she was
pentallted to a home ter th e present. . • - ,
&wept Ron ins was cheaged with Fornicalion and, .
pastenly with Clara Meath. ,Huth pieties of Ash-I
144. The baby was a boy. new "best km nett. old.
The apegonnber was not yet of are, , The proretna •
trig was metriedat Readlinheis. le tea ago. trireme Ja.
nth Hiker angler be ling from Oetly.barg. aft.tiongte
she allegro 4e has never seen bits since. Rider tote I
stated tidal and In the atinince of proof °lianas- i
ass by bee Misbrand on the pert ot the preseentrin. the
Detest Attorney. Si the innireg/012 01phe Conn, de- I
ein•d to peers eur a convicil 4 of Hasid hly.l. The de-1
' lendantplesdanilty ot,abe'Porniettimi. and wits rent
traced to pay shoe of of etas, and the tone; .. ; .
Thomas Williams. of allocurrelea adaitted his eel-'
tog lie eer without theme • He II a poor. betoken
cripple-onstaria vilf„'seuhtlee other bard almost can-
Pktell ambled * borMag. The Covet therefore'
ocomented that the44fesiciael tided go fur the areent,
bet with the lradentsedlni that he mat stop eel Ow.
Mod tar anynetlike; of sorb cedar. be !sieneld be lm
!midfield, beelaglet betas the Coen iseVienteaced. °
thews Wad, of 'Pottracika yea colvlctcel on a
ebarze of.dinniecneed litre arm' ex asestintly in
Ilea, leing shoat the carats, talkie*. and ,heliaring,
thdecently. 14 to 14 a cowmen snlsinte. Seat to
prison kw fio aye. ' • . . ",
• Patrick Devlin weetritd for manedt end battery on,
Mary Aan ligeerd, sad for sassblig In the window
erith's brkk bat. Rm. 1. ameadkeeps s drinking es
fabilitmeat In Monts" lathing, at 44 lower bed of
. Pottsville. Ttit deferdeutta . link two or Huse other
`ism west there and ailed 'for Mika :and if reward
reload to toiler thinifand bender beanie Imadent
Awned the promentrieeltence,ehe ordered him 'mit
and partly Pushed . him. oat, Outside the 'doer he'
i His* sled struck bee a vitient blow tet the, forehead,
cud al.eva d • took nje'n brick. and th ro w li git
r ithrote th ei .ieb i ten penes of Wert. Ver
dict *milli, t th e jaty leaving the b - x. Sen.
ti i i
traced' hater , Oa ino bile, arid a Ana of ,It 3.
litury Ruecniect.,, en wmiindieted for inetaiiiiieg a
na i saree, le Itteing4ity am Third strset, bee
tweet, Market at and !Yr: en . strceta.the s tench aris
ing from withhig,„yata ~ rcffenstveto the neigh.
bodoad, and warpartlafatldering the late! hot!
weather. - The trident° ims....abeodint to peeve the
in& - lac', 'talky.' ' DeleredinV4 *anael
Intl ?Cat= arngra judgment, and eye a De!
.tad-to De are, d tlite monslog. ! ‘ . .
Chard Fista,47 . Aponte time pasta then: be. brae
a iptrited twirl al vasty Clarbdrame eau' ;timed
among thcmceiree, to the farther n blurt of the, con
y! math*. Who •vph .tte German Refereed pcole.,
owl, end leave' far many yar , I been, alterndef
worshlrping he Fateden[eTherth.ler ran y.
tersreship. One piny want to get rid of the! idltieter.,
Rea Jacob F WI k'eto, aid allege that be by been
rev:Vert - land formally diethuged. and Res. (a) F.
Werner chorea le h's stead; whlie the * other early
want to rotate ttim. - sed topeetentlir.. Water hem
crielatleg. . , - l • . .i :
A bill In Ewell lies flied to Aletch trem--ithd; by
the Wirklein party, to ieetnin the frecnda of litWer:
ner from Intelfeeence while their (he fanner 's. iccas •
etem.d sec of the Search; and Coi Cala:ha:a moo a
preliminary. l 11.. r toibit 1r rct. .' , . •
On [Federate „. Wleklethie: fneads appearei to
Wart, red cOmPlaincd that Oa flanday lest., the key
of the ebuth bed been wiLtbeid Rom than. sod they
were compel climb' lie through a hack window to
• bold lieu eorvida In the Church: an) further that Pe
ter t:tertart, thictirgan! st of the other ply, to I tea
trail with the intro% so the,.. it woe a not pay. for
tberhato Wlcaltnists . Tate. ther Meted, I ad•beco
e ape ler allow td the iestnnetiat kr a constdere
wlltUe tis 1-4% sioald stay endg Yr.' Gerhart:li at-R
-IMS. Le ill, [Fern cre ear Ica, bre: whenevar . .ltt' l / 4
FlckirlivoOlriarid, It ward d. nothing but stream
with rue exentiher as, shell *Dinh, • ' .. '
At the close i elite ordinary b ;sloes. ma lieder ' edty;
evening, the Co beard' the parties pie thin 'charge
against (kraut: &len] witnesses' were examlard,
when the Court 'd tie Matter ceder adrisalmecii, op.
p hating a otl k the following (yestday) ermine.
fora forttreb tug.: The main WT* 14 the Deeding '
proceedllge, SObstentiell . corericir the !pro tic charm
unmet Hr. Gerhart, to the cliental whether 31. r.
Width” re:att r -s all rotor toward the coparmation.
have been riot is soldered,' according to the mash.
lithe& raise and esiatome of the etairear.
A greet number et whom., were examleted °Staab
sidraaal the mate esatepttd the grater part of the ;
entire day. Alter all, however, the whole gist of the
'evidence for the traced!" simmered dthin to this ;
tbathaeveren the Morning [ nixies!, ...then the organ
'would'aie to and the fanetat service he the afternooti, ;
liken it did go. tr. ihrhiert moat. into th!e church and poi-
horded tie examine the tralenmenttin the presort 'of ,
erierel parties. come of whom bad remained purposely L
'to res what haiiiipeesie Resegtit euiplyne change. Its'
evedition., After some search. i little plebe 'of taper,'
apperentlipisteboard. hilt astariens a Mad Penny.;
was diecovered in oos of the Telma ..A, whores ford
the defect* who hatibis paper to Me band and loam-;
lad ftcarefelly, add It was lot tenthly
_tut, bat bud
the appearance et betels hid and ink n Gerhart polled
or seraPeil'oat this piece of pier with his- perckelfr,i
end stialablioed a matig or two, when the' insfra-'
meat went 'bent ['fent- as amid. , The ergo. Is a,
eery olitiine; and for the defence it Ivo 'alleged -that'
t' heedste maul ilokesing to keetttt In even ordln*:
ry contadent.' , _ I '
Tie jury retired slltile before' ther adjournment at
- ,
- Fifth filet'. -Matthew. Walker. of ' Patratlie, was
charged with.saeault'and battery pi Mary Linde*.
month I The proieciitor4s one of the Bonmeh Poo-:
'lke: ad bee been mycelia's detailed li m preserns - or.,
'order at - We Peet Only. ;Icon the, lee et the
event , mdl on that July Jilt. Waler lashed In
, lciertrd :the detlrcey. window , ehrottgb and jostling
' the cro eqterbeze the cams attempted to step Mat;
' , UV,' tlln enseed, and defendant took bold of the
proaecn . The tery.kentil the Rolm:wilt sot Vat),
bet pet Ma C-Ads ite bite: •' -- . • . :
A rutty - case • wee braid betrians John fientner
and Chutes ftettremder.twta. Pinter Men of Ithenanl•
dealt City' It sterna then had seen bed bfoed be.
Amid them foe soma time previins; and oa Ilittutiair
, lest they met In slivers: and very itatnetry the old
'fend was meted aid a reubble fel!Ovrad, resulting
lit the bloats over ot, tie keep the: peace..
Ties Coate dlreeted ' to la* admits: .
' Pea Gerhart wile e' - wttb mandona stlacteet.
In hovered arlthlhe erect at Prleden'sChniel I. *
gut' Brunswick toVirahtn;sta se to itit It oat of or
der for Ind In the serylea on Banda last. Helm ac-
Bused 0! Making pipet Intorettatiparts, so that thip:
mines would notleleie:,, Mid I.li4whad accomiro,
who'll* balottieras operated, *shed thrOlib . the
pips to ohs prolopired.shrttl widtels.
This Is part Of the Ctiatta fight, reported In yestes
dere Lem mated of rmontne thelmeattat via:: sp . .
toltitifor Tlinnally evesdatg, wpm the 'appllcattera
Isla attachment against Gerhart tinder:the IROOOII4
WON Matt% 010 0:04 0:111,1061* , 40 Walt the. a..
Women* lea this Ornate= .: i , • :
, Gus I'm Riraor.—klia Dna 3103 V Maks
aookokata Ode bottom adokial Dak roDI4 Ts'
twig taistakei al Igloo% .' , .' •
IpipsuppmbeirAlsJiidges. at Do Court at Ow
_Qaolik•enloot•oa Po Pup am
;- ilkokal lap Darark Wipe kit kw carnal of
, 1 1 = o V aitititaki - saigookk Wins.
ton - Ilut stie btUtalo a rt se =
'ilint, Dr otritaa. Ai. D. r-latteol
*SW poktrot to _ or
L ' oPE rtaill'lNV lllMl_==t .s too to! -
arid tokatamp4oll•4lllll.ltW s manata 0141,1
trot 111Da. . , ' .. _r i v en .
litailankaMiwitkaoti fiat nal.
ablkilt Ato wow kneatta alai
WNW . De at ow
=r . 1a rm.",........ dv .
teMilles maga 110NR 21
. L igli reaer Ilik Imlclibille areilogol
Willi alia ii.
i Veselvirsifte seldom
leopitillattioft•ofti_ , toe
-seralre r Mkoolt lot Isocoa.
fa ia Wit alastko, at
.I 1 thastrolmaillor moo
, . rolkikaaa. • sad
NASD solotrit
iati=eg . 111 =1
_Wit ititanitail ito
at ate Amity eimatioks..
1ia0...........01=11018 pl
111011P01111Wil Mr olittairmike kik
ammo Um Mad. .
kluirritiotrolltotte hi sot NOM tiro ii=y
milk aid - vs - Ipoolit 'llloatort Iket
knobs t* kook Ms
711.01 Wan mod Rimini sliowlifte U ftik ty rI
aid the Mame MUT Oft... kat •••• WW4 ID
tatesema to a pettettp totkatoom wan_ . .irt. •. - •
lito sal Bak OA rook Wok* to as Tralmezir
Wks imp iresliallitaillai*Coplal cir
•Aaao l .-- - - . ,
.tliai Mao orialkOmit auk • sod low 1/11111r . ID
11111 0 w ....... 6 " 1 3 6 , 1 M C la n ! ,1 4, 1,11 ,Me l M ike
4- Inanaldlibieig tailinia lAA aft imitate.
10= n a l ti sta a i t i b a learaN t o
at elledielt 0,1406•11. , .-• ••
Ana kik a afiall.g larZell4 bo.
beam kr mil Mimi Oa ftli
Datioool awl Amp Woe staireit alig
_ ____ ... • I. I - • •
14 quit very lout 41 9 1 *** *10 4 0 -PrIP!
'Keme ho ding ;Widest melee* to the Cterat norm
at * nun obelilame and ottoman ho?. bele OE
mooedraid are to ettenduxe, thereby ene.h*lt deb/
tropentape Lied b. be fa attesdents alum wooer
a toe co oti, tbne WW2 to the erooolaa**ih*****.
ty and 61 M ' ';
'to condo* e u . & the 43,11 d knoll* *Ad &nitro to
retorolog tb bthAli to the firetiattee Ciao, the
110eser. lad Other °Sorra or the Omit AOF
thole cooettrintion end the montane* .eat odor to the
dialtirceol:their dattoe twin Chi meet". •
I‘iiriinalto. we. . 1 rut r 6a l rcif":"!
'0 U Y
GarßattlyAM liatka 4krarpsndeiblrrites AS •
tallow* .1
"f ifttelglitlfer.
• t • Scanists. 11.9T.119, 11111.
Wentbtronnernt.: Pont. Grammer. Melina Wee
per, Gra. Drtettehrla. flat hr. Tana, Whsoa,
On °lined, 11-Vertnned, Cold Salem Eittrif-
Tee sautes of lett mold and apectal osettind
mil trod and approved. , I• • I
ed tatentaittee moots the Woad Cla Gotha
'fornaltaddeldied. and reonnatenete eta aptotag or 'a •
totter to the W. W. to the Wreet roman , atool - the
seta) deice. Woo. the »wise of the retire -on
Wrath aide Pt Front ittort.mart of St. Pear street. V
74e: committee on Inciano report, that d oper
-IPelts had barn placed m the diffonat dame of .se Id
I . 1 '
L __The:ecnuntre. &patented to eredi 'tbel, dais' of
Kremer re.; UmSamoan. report that the tome
beset bebde tee fan Jarlaw on e.Rt, dth, ;bat that'
no dee *tool aad yet hem atom. _
On nedket,: th e bit* of L °idler lad 9 9999 1 91 9 1 1
warp referred to the Armee Comothlset.
Oa inotton. tbv 0111o(Gro. Bled: web redered7 id
the rune chsountttee.
!anti , " •b• Amatory ern" Lostracted.9o9l9l
She &dare pardeli for wboat the' Borlotan had set
"nub sod lett pavement to make paitatet on - or
.bewor tha chit of Septentber, otherwise a Iten erceld
be told. 1
Ttereoundl went tato alsobsailon for Reece Co o:
stabki. when Jacob Delbert. Jr, war nonleated. •
or. ovules...tort Dotted, Jr wan •O'reted Binh
raertohn. !If V."00,,1tt olm al. l Jolla Jones.
d •
1.L119 Ira?) Maud orders drawn, tharetattet to
•`•,t it ot. Mt' provtata taw L. $3.1911 I9 j Total,
ds.44T 19.1
Ormotlon almond. . 4 . ,
I:n4oAL:tie& Vanc9 . 19.411 &UMW -119911199,11.(il
...e. , ..--
180 mat: , there will be atitnd ratthkal Valthert held
In Srm ylkillifaern by the, Sehayiltdl at** Strut
Hindi welded be Pref. J: IL tthwell e lath ptithe
Richter's q uire 'troop% • gaits Ai 017 treat le
aatielasted: Tleleor ants tio'citithketat Jere. A.
the Il
e Book tad nale.Stora. i• - ' . -
.1 "We. Ilan Iv whit ts math -needed In • IMO
ToWinetult hoenturb. and It was eipredi thet%the
Attlee.Citi UCCtuitics who had Orthleatret the mire
• Ito tt, woototestry It threugh, to they tad attheilisted
a Coin:title< tor tho pinta. Acelento, however,
Item, enmcithf It. mm that the m atter has beta
drorthtl or a..p.a.At. • i • , q, 0::.4 /114-rust Se, (It A, E have 14ieNivamen, f ,
e Ver,l.• I o lb •thrld In &mule gnme, Sthayleal 1141 - alt
~,, , the 51,g1i last, Vti4 hot nneberi Cerroone ban.
duel Wine node lbeethemacd or CAM. II a Holetts,
and in to I' ct the otfty P at lathe toothy that how tot
held a fair pr. the biota of their widors liqd orptadv.
Tb' eater atnlanel far thie, le bracer they hate n a
rooni that win euemer far Su pa:poen net le all
•Ill.Stla f w aid toro been tame cat by! thai members.
, :meta few yolunthry cotellbel.looks on the part of th e
i c4',,sr 01, It `s, thereto e, hype!. than ebb eff rt to
re.' re ':.nektgr the kb tea Iniqkkke
,ge'll be 11b#allf •
,C.i11,3V, 4by our CiIiVLII. . I i, • •
.r,f25.n.. - 4 Dikrorery of Mineral terei.vator ei-
Lcapit Stamm lk ilt Llafeik eorresecludept asyk:'.l,llll2-
. e al nallt haa been- dke reveal In gni 1 &Nutt the
thiart, , , , h,tho dercl.gyeaeut of ktbkil Will. edd I i the
Itrpgtanci, a the 1.1 ce. 'One mite bele* the 'Por
t egb, tal the farm oat Ito. tinny. Dektert. a party
fa nt 1".-ttivil'a eel :thentan Cr. teal:V.oth an el.
a tairetuil ofietloar g cite; and wittglet the Befoogb
'•t nice, gle le toe: Af -land ity,tied by Ur- Funnel
Ithahr,..itikral veld. tiara b l ed dlfenwered or differ
er t eta,in;l-ovi b lag mien Mir i., rut proteanthd
1 a 11-et etu!n* quatiy or cuireral mho. 1. 44011garg
lbte, t. onset-e: lot. tattooer gto tb4 wldaw Of the
hi e •,) ain S :Natty, wtich•ato Stowe stiong ladles
; Login or 14.2 some ITl;atil : 1_ ' , ''! •
. . ,
r, i. S 14.—W AC No. :tar oi ehisorlier, li clod at'
&hal. 11 aura ie - : Addrireed ea Walla emilith- ' set
6, Fre ly It K totter X q... If ltuei'lliellain 0. .4 -
Pa.:. 'lllr- X clue bi tint • 'ow ciao. lad eat 'gine''.
reoliiid iu 1.1.0,1p1p‘, , Iliol "aro, on aids:oreaurn ii
a ild t bear bend tI-o boat yet drilvored lb ul4.rac
tentheot, ivbab Oa rod in • azidotace over theatre
yeare. lithicred not only Latcrestibb ta the at. -
MM wittilr. Jai to runr without. area : arena idea.
tivalr it,ibirg to die einiii-aileriug rabaika tf the.
10411 E g;.....ivemi p . WC iiii.e bust requited ta date
titst the asplic wen fir avirorpanan ot this o.thr,. to
be. !byte., s , , Peit•vil.e, Will Nose lay Under tett
Airport. laic:Valle to lootob-ribtp, Idrehlic to .1 .111
a •Acqui •rd patriotic onraziritioti, at ?bidet once
all on X. 11.. 11, - -Aitcr, Zit.. ai bla 411th 4 n Mae an-
LOPUti PIL'-tt, VOL, will Oe, M
theta , eta Ito neormary -I
Iniormatitin. ' : -; ; •
... ,
Alban" e f Bum Ball was plaxed-oa Saturday ,
grim:rain (Par obamp6thabia,) beilacuptbellnant
Chita a fir i .I,C a and Blur litockidge of thie Olive.
ithitc`i rieuhrel in four of the BAtei IlhOokings. by , re bt r, to 35. _TioSigethe veto cl-xei4 eon
'lei t 2 and veer caclutig, lathering ea'Asuellent
dii play of 11 •lillog.
• Tbe-fyilxving is the mono of tbe Inil fop.; '
1 2 3 t-5 11,'7115 6:. ,
ll tdeliinith.: I OIL 6 3 t 5- I-,
Grew .. J. . . .; . 1 0 G 3 , 0
I.s 1j 1 4
til'acri, ii. 11! Foe ref, Jas. jthra l ell. :-
.I'in-,, , i.0, 11. A'. flosoor. - i
- 2 boy at :f,L1.6. 2 4611.4 and 25 barites;
a race, t Wirrner of tidy il ite aria aleribtoly itlared
oh -ut the ra, cured by Ma 'belicui thrown f-ern's
wfigon, the-in attached to the eared-branaire nu
suritheable. e raideb t cc - eerie-I ba , your Rot-
Dub.' 33currii-Lcc preseits — a[diedth 6 2 0,
penult' - ob by wsi /011,1[141111 hi qOt ioefog bla
We. ' 1 ' - :-6_,,i
3 1 ,
• • • —7, ;
Ilatrattan ACCIDENT.—TCO'en4Ine l et taqu d to
la coal item f the rt. ,t S. U. U. but oat& vale
and a. half t weet of rturgrotte,, axle'
cane:. g' he rouine to TOO cif the talcUt Velma
lthinu it d. ptling up the fre4ht
ears ditante4.l ut the 11•10. Fortunately, be. one
Erj.:a Geiger, the rturttirer,
the jtimpr4 Irons the endue itid - aptaftA We
tokltn.. I
, , ,
4 , 114 N T .—t6' • ir,Or lean seeendiost the
i s ?'pe at'taetermstfit ihers, be the Broad Untle.
tato. Irew rtf:Tr:abont. 6 les kllcettally ftial beck
ward„dvre the *le •mettialg er,th'qbettni
I, • P. 11031 TA2[ AGU
,Ararrtitsrin A•
trAmof 1.4;10t.5.-B:Attral days; ago ,an Irishman
whoso - yirate we had not born able lo learn, bet
raw ibldri,us :if RAO" into the hors" blob:item:
Not bit.rlr# tlot crtpttal—'3p b.i n.itrno Tray eon.'
airb the D tie" : 14nErt"' Jere's". or NM,
Fork Leilger;:-"liii bit tiprn thit balmy i*pedient
'of.trelling by ntealth, the stablii of.P. Ji etolllca
erre trec.ots on the Netrinehenine ljailroad,
.now h. rtg built tar:ally"' coo•ry,ard Oar noted
'rierefri in a parr t f Heavy draught Loner'', at
least, et It is 1.13,110 to tat rTnM bettg "Imo,
to h* qai aotae.tov,, km. meandered ;tbrmigh the'
c , triNry Until erre tied by Spilee,b.lel llaiiand of
Mibtooy Cit., •V. JUarot‘ die t s tulles firm Tit
mantle, "".i:h the laritn.l. in his poireationt;
,Conned to the ezprti , tril withet of 1,14 e party
;who urgently protref'd "mania the whrilo pro-.
.cetilmerr, saying "lirt hi • devil of • tree
.o'clathrY *l3-10 a train, ea tie pleases."
Ate was 'Aker" to when .ho vas fn.
to.leled to Friliebr John (.111.1.'41, 'who hooored
Lnia rtte pies stir* letter of introductieo
t o dirt tLe Carbon pat Letitutjon,
kl.e , loriratrei. • I '
orry; - . •
(FtC re the f;',-nt!f , c r s. tufday we ti!net-tbe
• Mt:•.414 —Wm T. Smi , h.striae - IA leader or
the Cit;p•tio'C.,rnsi ]tarsi ut IMahaney ;City, is
eal:ing I n 51. ed a-t a tar t 041.1 ipti , Cll hr the
pniptdoiet purchoeing nee inj.trautente;
- Tot SAr..O -,rno t our IScrensh 'oars tut
denz ens', a t heroes ti ft is wins, and;sse, Dow in s
neat and etnat,r,oblo
-1 1 t.t - slTuterc.. —During tl#e pasc v week RiCh
ard ;i-nr,o and Itiehad Ilan" a u ITO eaelt bad
s x %tete da4 4 e stolen.' " se*" will be •
to tsve vane vacant toms -nest week,
atticN nn be re.:at to those who rtdate. the
"F•Ghth cluimandnaeld.• ,
ciTtiTsTa ;•—Matthew W 1 5 10164 .1 a miner em.
played at the - Sheemakeraille Col ety....had hG
spine serenely glared by a tall on,toalron Wed
-0.44:14Y last. ~
Thomas Mc4ao7 was:O./Mk It•lnsed b. a
'tall tit Coal no Thursday at the M4ple Dale Cot.
lute: . ' • tr • ' •
On TUerlitY lost, - .l..bnlych wki Lolcirtd by
a fall nt c at the McNeal Co,
'Co Thee ay J.tmeiCentnalhad his ayssevete
ly'tt.J,nld at lb., IIeNE al Col IticY•
Curzon. kon.—The P•ltAt R.!lm's Eng
lish Lug, Chntch Elarrith, nig open
at .he.Ttwu.H4ll, on Mlwisr, the' 19th fast. .to
c ,, ttnne donne tbp entire whet. lilmlne salty
of the floe 9.99ortment of &Weln. no - the, 1191
which us t, be disposed pt b 3 items and
wotinc wire tootle* ceewlne machtne. hiller Tee
3. t. &f n., tides ud °notlog 13 , ,ovetri Oar of
Coal, !ruble rit, Silk Dens Pitt Valet
ble Books ity.l Folgbinf.P.Algee
ASBLAMM. - I • j
[Prose the Aehland letter of ne, ohorloY Ga
zee of Baited'''. we extract the following :1
Carr. , L. 0.1. m, and armor two others, I em
toil. hare organized a now firm.fer the purpose
of mining coal at-a new onlhery near this place.,
They 000 template doing a t good budges§ after
they likes made the 'vet/eery imporramenta.
Ttey hare mused the niiataintelP rain. The
"Cap* 41 a good fellow and,deseries eamese.
4:Uri Pas/wimp are •alidhe pp' in Ws town
now; and judgiog from the reambeesiready down;
and to be pnt.dowp, I should think it '
about as
diftlettlt,to =eine* those Intervened that they
are wrong as to prove thm the priscipleei of
present pemcisti axe tight.
Act-inn-re 'during the week ,11119 apparently.
few - in tide wienisy A li ttle daughterof Jam b
Stinebilber, one id . tio% protivietom a 'Big Mine
Run Colliery, aretdentslqr Oboe hcritelf through
the forefinger of the loft banditti% Saturday of
aut. - week. Dr. Yocum aaitteal the Anger.
sod, I im glad to On the little girt le doing
. .
David Darla, a miner MaPieled at Big Rim
Ron Cullla ry , was badly braked by a tail of eaei,
Ou Wednesday afternoon, 1 At east ne• blips of
his seetiretj seers ertiferaintri.;tut 1 - a x e now
creditably informed thai - b.l will Mame. Boner
saye Davie Ismail insured &prim:dude - tint
fthat Ino reason , Irby be d not 'lse the e
uture. , I
leuMmial Eiiivuum *vela be sold falba Ear.
liab,Lutheiraartikureir hereon Sander "nett. In
the forenoon er moth* Wyk* the 'Lord% en.
per Will* dispensed cry Rev. B. Cprefs. the
• pastor,- Malawi by Rev.:. Sikes, ef drives.
idle T., formerly pular twee ; inihe after
librel the buseintrit of the ini t re m l e t::' balding,
bu time lateiy Steed up Mt the KIW-
I ,vWcu of tine pastor lot pinkie", 1 oarpreee,
: rill be dedicated to its proper easel and, at the
uguter ;outdoor isomioas Item. Saes UV
' Mr. Hiles' agivedranet ba oar pulpits
here wth be% quite a treat ^ td one Church
going people she have nor bad the phase» of
beerier any of his interesting surd • tedue •
discanapes since here =mid to AfturriMal.l.,
nearly or quite tem years tea. • ,
• - 4 -
ifitosaai4 Palette lf ?Id Ifin, St. Clair..
aciardbig to sat. prevtaady Bade la Odd
Merto._ attained wads sad We ate tact -pbatia Ilt.
_ :Naafi" tom leM mast tbtaarpfeas Mead
bt ' • Of th e Cobitobts Mom callow at ft. Mb.
. -merewtayst blame ot. X.' &if ftft waif Isms. is
dm lodo. •
iitexi i
Mkt Maritil. o Jabs et ad tbsSabta Sipe.
Mow "two /bad, at St. Er. _
- Keyeabby Bank teed Ire* Caorttimfdetitiftsa 4
Tam qua. Twra_tmattsbear &Wald fitabsoir. baby.
tittle Wit sad
1: 71 : S o ‘ _ . - 7 . '.-•,:: • .. '
Pcsassatwal Haat aftediund °Masque;
dtbea lababeett exiled elf. rid out 1114
bask plata ' • '
ama* Pita Complayafradtottle:abitila seet.
at* ebb Mitt Istaad'al daisedr. dim by two disk
boas; attbsd to baits babaat. yysty *Oa sad dui
plats 1 - • , 1
Stye Mad Q5a& L. 41 , 14 6 511=11f• ten._ War Wia,-- , 11,
LSI tabs eats ta t ittiriaa — tr
• Lair tar.
!tam Ittddi Itla ad. vat draws by
two aarditstay realm' 4bla9isaloqatittiod sawn
' ballad. dad laaltias sea. add Iftsdatad a tea . .dto•
boarsta. ' , .. .. • , • .
• Obllatdancial at it. :Cab= lir'
lasabert : Charts r... ; a.
tom II aim ens/. Wad lad 4 = l did. 7,Tbdr_
delidtaias_ Ity datatated, Ittalltddb_by9lllllddboteft
imr a t zdad'PlaiSr Pridlrad it TM ONO ,
,- SWIM( •tai m itidt bay IMAM! idatesureb
. _
aatlaad. at tba at seataartillb Ill& tat
tatamat: stamens. • pa Ina of
,Radispbonea • koki Ow tare-AB diElliks 4 vast
twateeue to cssai•asso acedindloi. .' It
'II 1411 :
I :giikla l tLibiat M i re de astsma le ti s l
-117: 01 ,. list at 1 Oa aids. it or
WY% SAO if if . bald =
I Mind. -TM late
, de ratistoosada nal MOM do SUP
= la the
t jhaistip ii =v i r
ischwboulio imp a limy amr. s:411r04114611 wig
: •
an bon an sop
I i • l -
mespi s
l tp W i ,
1 de*eis w •
ed swum i
g l r . tjrselem i4Ai
no will ie•
. ' ibtaitrt►taill tar alrlM a
ampatbutbrearabd • 04 No lalkillallilo l ,
adialdratmad Iroaddia to. ,- ''- •
- Wow bbti irattraft NM Se atm -! ill s
It, • Cladt..: ars lad • to t lb
ark= ffbaCataidda lola stralidattnea • 10
1 _ At
Lpissoft S erigsq ped,Wlsfils% 14
-mil' e
. ~- I
111111 diMISSALT ffalllDlVAlt; MISMTAIMII
t'f 'oratei;ditsh wee en Otter tegtect of Gantt*, yen:
crinkle& INo ACACIA *MIS were ad,pted for the
terrentleat H etch* e+. newer/go yea aelotown to
Balm ; 4101 1 / 1 1, wee rarely &unwed to thet , netey.
(temp of tifa were left to rot In the pobac stare It.
and &terra deardineen the great enthtotato Weft
dletwaol. WWI eadb leeellietee. It to not •to now._
abl Itengrotelenteropte testitett.tae end elle last
on nary_ pt Mts. etre: to treat extent. weeded the
ea Woe .te this .Prereettes toe* eedtoe b
hilted atatertalty to I ewe the ruts of toottallty. It .
• =curet sty that Ewe - of vim& ewers
enheelthy wrweeirt In mergence of Com
ae teetronvei the r note= in Menet, ity a ewes
of nosnermars STOMACH BITTERS. Thle pare
atte peewit fat vitratahle bode and attendee compares
Uw 1111:tratie.aad wweireee of a vadety at irate and
herbs. ralownod *eh'terensthease. uoothlea.
tatl*lnd and patthits Drogrettket Thole
taeteemporated . with tplrft atwohltAr bre
s aced poSeos width &Ales, Iltore or low, all
theltaeors of coesseet A and. the, affect is dlffeard •
thenewl the whole Case by. We aCtift yet kanikair
atlatahnti. • The see; la netts emdlUon of the two
tow as modem It 1111,01 herniates. to the exterior
tames of eteaser. each as demo. frig sudden sherna-
Oboe or tee perantre an. terreneti. aid the terrlbet
• t=t All the I•mcdowe of the body. an the beet
eashut atatoepberie pleb. n end the efforts
el marwholeeese wider. soda ~ f ftltlffS SITT2gII
matte biet idneagthentag and rewetalls e. medicine at
patient known! • For dyenetteta and bulocientie they
are alpecyleabootate.
. ;osspepiii wed contton - sre the boll foes of
ty:s exthsbil Aeseelean,smil with thew some
hewleeltin ttestibana; set et testa of mall
blesses, Klizie hew boss prepared with
special refetenee to thins, coosthotlowil usable' of
ap tl;f ow COlult/7 1 *. itad 'So Olt per . tirs-
Um by vioiro • 0:110 meters. .110 propecton
- feel ttwt.ln wesausoodieg It now eer the tried ex
perienee 0 yetre. they; we bat falfilley •bnotine
dety tawswhoths vowel eosakswity.—Foitera £P_.
_IkICEOYEmiLLAR 41Pt Barna _
AL suasu4t.s. a co..
13U 1
,N4RItEr Siltin PHIi4 DEi PBId
srsofirbrat. W. h. ROBEItSO.I, tißdetitte Et
Enmity IS. SP 447
. !hisses Bleed rirtfillinig ~114Peng. • -
The jObldett PeoProt Agent now Pi is
that of Dr. IX Maim German/ dm teen genets of
rantemnagbable. *ratter have been' given led vent
Pone party et ,ha: omintry. permanently earleg
tended; I.Rheinnatind. Mimic tares and Itanggive
Disease, to IttodateigMatlng jed imps : itto e ib
1 Pr gimetelmitiag of PeniVet.4 has • Invitation.]
which has tßompbed over ati doubts, leaving eentli•
tee vet the candid elathgOOM of tingle 'mien dy
Mond. bet now entirely eared by Woman. .valaalde:.`
rerred.Y. • . .
Yew the Wm, Luegi and Irldneyaja abort far every
ordinie dtveam teppnattme to tame vital party of the:
human aytt , n, leovevergare the Moat Cobham Invite
end !totem tee loped end healthy action. .While b T
*kit headache. vant at p.,tilaknain to the tack at.d
hubs, 11'3 hen avmvitea to. dirgelloar,„ b Nate rue f.
c. a rptedt cite. 1:1a NITOV vegetable, reqnbine
no lateen -dieing to rtinevrkifeetoo trevrendy let
by rdtir, medicines. IN reeoennenW.- best thy-,
al 7.111111 and by all eh f b etoercd lh ebe had at any
dreg etere, ePh .Nr‘rjed direditudgvine every bottle,
and at ntio. , evale,by . me;mteter. It D. Kite Mb.
land. Pa..J. P. birviV,ht. Y., and Johrmt n, diode.
nays Cowden. Phpida. Jenvlh. , ta - 25•Jaa
lrilStßff. • • '•
Mlertleeragybelganenece of Jamaica Glatger,
Ortionbla etrcretli. end the rn'7 unto Zareccea.if
donates Utterer In the m-rtel, therefete the ref ar
ticle to be relied en ilksers of (lode, cinders ...Hier.
Mahal, Dl:eatery. ind'ircatioa: the MC&
. 0f
e.k foe antitke no Oth(T. kiwi( tea l
eporieful a II Is atom than equal to a rpouttfa
°limy ether Bald drugebita and woreter
My rude tuff horde. Jr turetae, & t:qtr
den. 60$ etch 6t, Philedelphla. .
Chit/reit Cu for Ifilitanwal.• Terialreae
• fs Ctill•••
they an fro The One tam_ and,
Lae, ire th. maid sate and effretnal remedy f wow
tens far WOSIIS.' The grau'lne byre. ire wig - averts
ell he nenrprtetura ee tte,whinier errata 13,2 X. Twen
ty are p. ota pe•. ban, dobrudim,liol4W., inr.rdrl l .
US Agri St.. PUBL. ipsida 'O-I*l,ll'
, , •
• lbeccDeree, O floclaeoe at rat ar.rh P'eated
Ye*, meccas. by J. Isecue, V. D.. Prof of !Newts of
Er scVI Vac: •fte.e spelthy) the ble,tectl Cciltore of
Pa" 111 *ate ext*Ohnee. trnsmetty c f trydet. alul•
land, Nn. 601 .iteh et.. PhDs, DesthroolaLe at br cr
am. The entdbeal Welty are bfyhect to imulopauy
their pettehts:. :blithe* er • Wetted Irl , h , cat pain.
Exualnancal tree. Joy bl. "GS - nt Ost
*AM_ 8 1 :0111O11110
With 'Daphne or Diner Plapparal Western,ire ,In-"
stied rislt Pailddettla cat{ at C. H . ABED
LBS' C.Stres Ho. lad asallin Bt. SW 'P
- .c.. to obtain
proprriTrusse, Brawn Supported. ke- A lady at.
&instant conducts' Oda ecpartmcnt lk Ith pu,krslorod
&NAM; sexstonsatlnen made and unttals Instrnmctda
foe l'rqaptond assnlled.
CittßSDLsrad ewes swoons' sitetalati to Sosle
UstS sat Isti Inn and Race Stn. Plitt,
ADS 1111. Sitatelre practice In this sp , rlal
tuned oCallechastalilemedites Una,* Inieltdrot sod
cortetnnudmont. Bracer dalosted.)
Jar a/try a, aka lore
•w.arairt ElCEiderOkl 11 6CRATCJE 111
fwon to to 40 boon.
Oliva ] oft% OONOWVBII area The Itch._ •
WirroW•WW Moores* 'cow Oats Ellbeum.
lOWewswwW Oilowerso atm Toner.
WbeswooPo Olowesow taut Tharbwesite•
WllsewSwooo Olianowoos mak Old I , lares.
Wboratwahs Ohmura cares gorry
I;.' et lilwwww Übe
nice. 40 &Ida bat : mil Oo maw Mkbow -
! WWW.K3 POTTIOt. Va. ILTO RublawtonSt... Damp
Rio! _ .; •
111%,rialo- ellaranWto. 'Met afrO-ly, -
' .
- •
Emhcoidered Piano and Table Covers. ,
Window Cornices, in Gilt, Walnut; ind Rose
-1whollw:4 Gilt.- -
Window Dries from latest French be
lips. • ,
Tine Window Shades. Eta
I . ,---
Algente for- Bray's Patent Spring /3 Alsace
' Shade F#ture, Which requires no Cdr &
CiOngton, De Zquche & Co.,
S. Coe. Thirteenth it Cheirani.
Se IRS : . 14.1 y •
pifouo gisttUigvao.
• •
11P - IFlres Presbyterian. Chnereb, ! Third and
• - oncoatreeta. Rey. J. W. POsesen, pastor.
Saban% nrovires—Moretur. lOW o'clock; Banner,
72te'eleek. Sabbath School-4 oclock. P.N. 4 Przzet
Iteenag—kiabtedb Xerntho: 2X- Oclock..! Lettere—
Thursday eveithm. 7), o'clock. •
Pateesinesidisinalln 70, centre street..
Iltrainam and Weems medially finned, and
always heartily welcome. Seale will- be provided
reathey tor
icas.all who will be pleated to &need any
at the serr
ltasialsh I.wthersies Slam,
"Pasitaniabbsiti-Pnreiese.—Prochloir morning at
le Weineic.;.evralmitt 7. ilabhaihriebnol IX &clock.
Thriralay emir 2sol.ortere and Pram, at Us - o'clair.
lieerday -evening, 'Timm limes Meeting tor pryer,
.led oth• r religiose' eserrlses. , - -
Mr= ger* ancrtro public generally are lovitellq of
terOall thaw nthetises.
• girstgiggegge.g Church; Callowhill - soecL— .
Pee. L ., EL Gtheria, Pastor, will ;mewl% German ' en.
try Sunday matins tt 70 o'clock. and English Id the
Went= at 7 a(elock. • •
_ W*llnleaC Prayer Mareltai s aver Sawn
=pmts. from I)( to Ix 'Atha. in the frame Chem
co Second Stied, between Market anci*Norwerian
MI are honed:
or Ottani* PerebYerriam 11:16 wren, at Potts.
`One. Wl9 we obtp thaeariy every Sabbath, at lox 'A.
IL. and TX P. P.To the thread! chamber, (old Femad.
March italktithr.7 Market street, All are invitUL.
Seats free. Mosley School. 2P. X.
IthrT he Ttin4. Ref.rmed Ctuuch (flealtvb). Vat
et street. between Thintand Tank insects- Her. J.
A.Horruzusa, •Pritor_ Services every &marl at 10
A. mail P. N. Rath Trea
wit P.lll Lectare,and PraYeriret.
ma Tb y wreathe T Onto& •; intern sties' Clara
Oman ei'dtits at 7 attack. Pastars atedy the
mitdirer. ,
lirMbribettliat Nailseeasal Clungßs Second
etteeds'.,Rev..J. Pwasnwm. Pastor. Pieschtng amts.
bah motnteg et 10 &dear,. and to the seeming at TX;
Sabbath Yaw& nada it 1 o'doelr. P. M. Prater.
Meeting every Tuesday a sentog at TN: ov loci:. Clue
Yeats* on Rabbalb, alter morning tout". on Thom
Aar afteraasse it o'rloen, and on Monday, Wednee
day.Tburedsv turf. Felday and
at TX srelrek..
larispelas Chugs... MailantoeissAl. Rev. A.
H. thiIISO,VIL Pewter. Reektenes 1441 Norwegian Bt.
Pawning ergo Nabbalh at IDN o'clock A. 41. led
II °kinds Pt IL • •
Saida, School every lialtdmith attirsies. e;ctock: ,
=sr meting aim Wednesday ratting, TR•
Bible astleererylriday stinting. at 73a• irdodr,
An am Ossillsits tootled to attend. Seats Ere...
Attitarriape Naked mud bi seemouraw44 will
dints keppiar is tie Joasoms... , . • • .
a 0037'01' 4 1—Atlambts.Sit.. - to the Mi.
-hilt. by the Bev. U. H. withe ro w. I 'Alm,' B.
are*. of PotliThle. to "flee INUIT D. Itocorroo. of
alriVAraernermatts &anis, Yrv , e. Thom •
anipoiled WM. sena., es., mole be V. 4.4 fl.r
rat' re 10 affsta par Um. " • . •
BOWER- Cka tbeitS4.lof -Anent last. to Mb Poe:
Mb. &Us Thzgrea, - -*lis of WilLias &am, aged D
pars," eimatlis aid T dap.
ne11111. , ;—In litls Daroaak on Saturday Wt. Sep
tamtor 4. MM. 11m itr.44u4 sea 10 MAN 1 month
=An age, to tLe arm beta of bsunkrt4llll. .
• ix 11111tOBTAX. • •
IMT.—Died. "I
litl l / 4 .tan. at ?trams it, n.
etrab fleory, .re the Re... R: Mary.
poor's( tbe Znagadad Mr& of the
Gale ta.. LUTZ ARM AttfitatT &:HOOl. 07
Wasesssit bet word act Beitnetty irsiber .; A
sd idisrlee and tieenttent nonlenee, b. frniirett Midi!. by deette.Nrat*Ali Bon. to.
ettee , d ate yenor.lbe nee e.D.Men tbnefoor
Itteedwa, Tea by Oda anion. Inipersidlon. Mr"
ingot bee bleb dgateml of non [MOW sad C. - to
.peteat toner and eatedareadebt; Ow was
eleven Wady do sad to Wee. to mood INC be
wont•• le the awn ef God sad tanestr'wr tbst we
any Dab ere of Mr. Os Oa be man nand the
Cheml sad to eedetT. de lan la to the dale el bit
,teneedOaaeTaTy. • . -
Reeebed. Tbet we bow 'On atettastfoit to' Oa *At
of on Ilarieely lobo." Goon all Ono eren.'
Wien in bleat Metal, atkes. fon diacknity aestote.•
!niters Mt sernet so Erns s mum of dited
vats. se enabled baste taateob to *soon' s
aermer the net I IN sy.• death; sod the rent abysm.
IQ wink we Wok OW do win to Oman tlfa
_Thin we dab . syloOddas with ads
Pend sid =kW. la Ude nett boat of beresseneati
md myna tbat nay antis sestanad by the Got
of ell 'coeseliidea.. •
lea W. Teed eay of the* neolatitrn tra fax.
stain as ORUI trnedeteeted; atd Who the ..listb•
e nut "sae sad .I eJoaraalb kr pablyst.
D. A. lierrmy, anisiitte.
a B.
tit!"" die unwire or Dead.*
loawsouir Br. lbeteas Peitre eat
, ' •
The liege striae( Italian ad 4rneietilisee
illia***testatHeat ,
licettrinewM vex.
vansuleVaugo. Ix.
I soy a , ll , l,_****l wirer nelarAlarteew
• imies Pila t zit
Mem* 'Um Illrianwri
Mirk *Pr * "ridirgoeie
• 1;114.-...
Ri s vokal sz,
4 0 1.
100.4 a-mi
,Areermatx. PA. ,
IIrAN bry i sad
IT4 7 , 4:.:
. STatur - • &. 1t 13 . 0
VIVA: EIS. l u x ,. atict . L thenr •Pr
0= yea. be bed t Ptn Myra, s,n" Tt 31,7;7 4 i --
by IGA..enintecocing It ft o'elocli, .A.AL :
8.040 of dee B. rd., •
yl4l - 161.7 . L . 5RM, •
WANTRII M. limed i,r4,th:ec,
'C.u3taarobatif rr '-sat
..tua halloo at MelLetcosig on'lAtre/a7,
Der? n 1 4 rt ran.orthc a A'S , sk,Nack. . ' -
.14 order thtlkied.. . -
pp,. 4 Is_ . • JAmt nom. fkm6i,7,
11,1911 :.:..At G . r.i . ngmtk . cula , ;; Y. tiar
n, t ][l,l„ickftrrihki; wady rvirt.rd r
ripARTXD.-111 11.1, abd
If. f Nibs eehoo2ad Nor b
EsqlbFatimbb to tete plate Co September.
at, 1 reelect. A. the üblk temee ol 8
ot, ebld Torrairop,. - •.
- 'DAM= sotsye, Sal
'Aotitt IS • ••• ' 33 ..• 'l7
AMIMI Tin iniGingifirLoii
perletee'la eialand ken atone trilnL—,. eeii:7
tit of obtidning , .• itto•ibli. to tilt.,
mine.; wtryet• If•tigdlred , and It t•-i,
dnatided *Mt tbe •them and medice of mad , .
SathrlitlOry refeertairrost be hid iloved i-•
tad. B. n n.vorgrat tritli,,•l••,
Park. lonterne Co:, PA. 4:!.. 7
RPM/AT it CO.; Ageutc
ADX INISTTAITOtt'S ;Cericis:- Letter. of A"L'.7.
opob tbo tstattrotbAli C RI: It a£ll,
et dye Satth Word of Ae.BoYou l tb Of !kb y H -
woo, debated: have tires grantet to tbo
Ul potions tr,debtedlo toad ebtott bore' y r9t 11,4
to cookolmoolleo ot, sod 'pope tok.inz Ott,
WO= ill* bum e ntabeas ,„
;. aSIEt.I). Adbyhtyt
~Replll of
. .
A I:IDPIDR.3NDTICR be: onitorsloolt A,.
•opootntodte dialtittato fits Waive to 0+4 , 4 9 ,-.„
ofJohn , D 4 1 04 rgeootor WCv
Otto. !Weed* &noel of tk..Cllo9`. decoa,!., Al ;
moot the piraea at..tas (Mu.;
with of P.atevitte. oo Turoday. tb ?DIV d‘y
Voibof. A. D.-16190a 10 99.:,11.;.199 azotad. to to c t ;
• tto• of Olt! eq,p6inanent
3749 14.5.0711X5'1D111 AN, .A . 0.1.1.,
tact e. 9 nA LL. o! I kts Oaf. Ittendoer, •
the Ifith or ltk et, r .
Gore be•ltterile.etzetti the' ceinfeh wintry
harters.slll he it/hrrt- hy brother
tEL . Derleg.hl..*:hed. Welty mi:ls
et work, from mike lee *CT, sapp'y'breater ere
bill. of lumhee at .14d4rendiro red at lovnirt
Oftetavater. LOMbrrli4 of BALL lIIROThn
Cilelirttert. now ResattneAteltd Depot. •
terse 14 • . • :7 4:
.9 4 10 4 / 1 113:e0T CE 41nlbe Distrlet 0...e , t,0t Lt.
Vow,' silts, rot. Ihe. F.'.o DiStrlct
11111.STIElltYPTM - . •
to Oa-matter tyIeICSAEL 110R1N
T t Whom It mil t,undern. The uneenueu,,k s t ,
Echiu Centel, l'etnier:,_
hereby gl•et'Sualce of his appointment as A.F.....trt.•
the e rate et Nietrael ot.,AShlso4.luss,
ty of Feaculltlll. In sk , d .111.01 d; sod gall WA , !
on •he third dey sail:Went D.
n al,Supsu petition of Cr.dlW', by the
ti,t-or tteUnited f9r r.ustern Dluita
rettllFJl,llailt. •••• r ••• •-• ,
tteti sr kettlar.d.trie- lit Serkeolt
P L C,. • •• ...' • . . ri.11:01:Xl.
' Sept 11 , - r ...t •
`ll Voisira of ill.. Irsoite4 mi ak ,
..1A11E.4. BRATTY. I3OII3Iitt;I:h.
ty.Peisnrylettetr. ted4l4li •nand as lerth I wr t
Into firm rd J.,lt 'lO Arri b. CO„actespared
telt; dwre 111 lleayiart Therdere . al4
the tate fltnriphOhniltl ru T. /ONE.% S co r , a ."
Tweed dr hparell O latti.T.. dere' and th3rot
Ilea, bastrit p. It o 4 oU frn hie ,dhrr.hartre, h thttt . r;
cra.tera wdl beideli. the - Ith 'day -
A .11 ;10. at terirattniwa tem,
P 110 gOtT• EN • 0 101 .(1*. No lit (Nr,re
trottserite. Petteatleanli• l*lthe eX.Mt , . , an VI 1,,
lk.ruk up!. wiar he lard - any lmin.4
.... , ,coLd and , third ethettngi pal red' by Wells/142 • •
la it the. Alt t r grew tratateted.
• l'htt. Register-will eedlly whether the Ilartterre - n.
Anton:rad Iw his dal ; A heating w 111.0•••
. the 'Nth ea, elOetutter. '•-
lo the Or" el Phlladelphrs.::ll.lo Oct rt
when and where pi. gas Ja • h tweet 'stay taw
Stalest the dlutrarge, •
. tb.• Iltro..John Cbtdvil , ad ,
er the raid Illettlet Court,. and the r•at
at rnuaacktiyi the Sdrdayt of
1 1 1Plsa,. .. Flt&. t krk.
,Attnd.—.loo.l' rratiAirr.
37.5: •. .
X0T114311i.,=.14 the Coart Cents:tan P
lJ I , theiltill Conroy. • •
LATtlattllXE IILaC64 . tX6 lone Tyre',
by her al xt (:le a d Jet xi BreeVall . •
•' • -
.oUN BLACK: • I Alias •
491 Itarch Terre, J
• '74 tAr reriaidott elcto seemed are tee',
.n gaited la sppearat ^Court at (..X.eatiea•Plet, tob
'bald at Pottrehlaloz .the Coaaty of ticletylloll.
septera bet A 4 h. ISter to aniweribo
of e+o 111 tte lIKTO elated rarer , • •
. • • , • OItORGI wimKoor. Eiberr.
SberflPe °nix. rettheille, August :Vb. ISt,.
_ _
the•Diatelet Cults et atm United maw:
l Yet able //wale, allatrica K .11.elisa itt•
In the mitt', of All tY WIWI And DAVID WY:
4.30-Partnets-Ilarltrobtp. ' ADAM
,EtlitN...•l. Franey...rout:o4. Erin, IL' and t cf Pcticayttzals,.:a. Elmo.?
ltrllrAltutlty, and ai • member. .Ww late.ilm•!
* COIItSON , 902 01 b0r,•..1 3•!.
D. , V11/1 C911,3(11. baying pct.ltbarto Lat. (f.,c1,,;:
a mectln• t Dedlbril,wlll,' be .nerd• k be fere erz , ..
P: II0BAKT: at •Oa c11:1:"a t
wreet. Polh•rale;,. Pa. .o the Twent"eth de
Septcioter,',A. D. ISO,. at II o'clock; A, N •
-and• where. the exatiilnailon of tail Itablocit
Anfebcd; . I • . . • .
_ .
The, Remotes oda t artily arttetber heßankturt is
eetiortrel to.ra duty. d.b...ittiug wtll eo b. wa t
Werketelty October tth; D.llO, berore iht
It / 10100 .4 100 , it 10 Okteek t A. ,It. r when
left staler" Iseetrewase ;than the diortiver.
Witness ilea Mil. John
134 seat of the etnurt at Phi 'atlttrh'u tt. 7., 10day of Sept3:l‘. rvX.
Atteth—.lcue r t liot4cet hi titer. • • •
/knelt .42 ' ' • :7' at.
LS. feeol ; Adeiltastrattea 111/011 1110 rc,rr rtiv
WIRER, late of the licacqhh of Poi tty I • ecree,
having.hken gritted tetbe ottheclthrr: , tiroet , t
to titheetala of site dere4ent aro tv.itt., , td to nut.
Immediate paywert,•and aIL pence.;
dot; •zolo Spinet the atterfleete, are rte con ted t• •
lumen the raw without-14,21y •tc..• voe4re.7_,
reloding at liffeer.• e; (met Bhle
?IR& AUDEN - KR LOIRRR. Alztft.l.t•are. -
or to' Wet. t o . Wit ITI4Y; 14.44tfy„ .*';•t"
ZA se, the robecrlbtr, lwrioe bree n p
Istrator of the eel:Aloof 11.11.A.11f.."E3 IILSL.DEX, dtrrs ,
ed.—all" meaner, iailrbrell •tq efe..4 'crate. ue hrr
.1044 Lo &eke plyment. ant ihxn ber!ri
egalifet the name to present them Tor relCemert
()11Q11(in W. 11OLDK.R, Ado:balers,.
Carbob, Schnylbfli
'Arent 14. N 9. • ,
. 1 co.;,Agents
. . .
iiii r
'IVOR 5.4L.3.-Itort t i t Ilf2S . Parasrr, 2,2 , ••
I. bone pArer, I IL Item, -'r'''..• ,
diameter. Ii had . ke, wltb - teary WA r 0: I
WO , 0 and Mat t I.ef.o.,ati, Inoof cnt 7a . `'
ISQN BEVAN. f onvilia... - Mni,lninery It tl , •:"
to ft 11.. PP K',l D, 10 .! , f wick street. New Y.., C. 7
' 'kept 1, 1 'C'D,
.. . • .... . ' . :: Ira .
- Sti,Ag•43Ll.:lllll-1 red ny
flan at ofr, No. 931 .Nl:krket
'of Houreb r
o'd. Pmfliffmr.. 4 9/MPHIP r ore 'f
Cottogi3 Orca&aChlll - 0. 'fable" fledifMi br I 9 ,1, r
(.44.411a Lod vszkAiirolmf fn NON
of Scpteml.r. at 9 'ciciteli
'Warr for ta!iffroia. . . ' '
Fllll IVOR is4ll.lC llaitcate
r Untoneammy,
alongthe nosh boot of Penne Cr“k
wren are n tile , et:lteration, the rerrvordtr
wltq ffhq !..mhor of erblie Oak, Mai 2-2 2 i'
Illekory. ho Ling bona la ait .
: groirtieefite opyrte or
Is In • good [relit It'aortiond eon-
Chart`lmi. a at_re, I flooring m 714 lair cry
• and no Manna within o tones Via t •
be wild atn very low pr`tan and on et,y , It
in_witto dome ear waste. Powiesteon rhea AI ,
1.40. Apia/ be the subscriber
. 6HITPEN ,"
Polearille, Jure], laG9 t
100Mtlillit dooble oftleo oit Mead
• eortred fhor, four egoee from Corr , - .tn
ori•rht. Rwse.slaa gluey isomeillatety - 'd •
may kr, vg -21 tt C. Tuomf , tr , Scu
(bullion Fon ItIERT.—A deplral
x-e Id wore, owner Cantrazend Market Seel n Ar=
pll to LZWIS O. THOMPAON & C 0, 2, it
LAYS 1111 1 111 A otartrotiel watt
II: tackled. No. la Omani k.'
t: -
\s• Pucivt.
Minintg, - Iliac' hitery•
On 3 EFQa etctiWka. Bet
+4x-mw 7 fort irtuji but•e:.. l
IUtSC6IIII, 414 and PM* Otpluslio 60 'it&
inch the isbeirlltg& each r W.
• Aliro, - 03.0 Wlndlig Vagina ISt 1E1(4 .711.1 , i:.11
attrito, with ilnaitmnaclat
eetearesicra inschluerj, _ •
• Alwv-100 Um* tons biota •Wagozus
. _
Also,-4A0014 'Yao % aria - tog Ize wincs
£18:5?-0do Staisorr Ecidadi.:A L, -
cylbairret k feet pin*" with. std hiki•
Pampa 100 Milt lk: kith v.'img` - '
Ttik shaw asr.lo3: Ws bein m keiTiN
As acue wortlcr.order. •
a tiigoiteE W. SNYDER,
' Potta•Hlk.
'Ant 1. IV'VI
IitINFAIAC - 1110'i'll 'ES
IMarll7lol.l .
rborit r
to POPMA COMMON.: rey of the. r ft,.
.of Palo ANN in.the -Comely et Stlft3l - 1. er
bast'irOMANU., i t sy loin% Ned aser brani
adientarK la heir cups 4404,510ds after inn! gtee 1 . e..
not pay sal dills =We/ad,
.ky_ ter . dift r I
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SR hereby Rhea • tit' it" my
tt& leit lay .bed red b ,
• Wrest ray L last eta
entre dr,trdrvestlod. Ito
debts of be controlling atter tats date- "
dug. tVed-:-33110. ,- • &ME& C. !Ms_
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ianne le Lit:toter -a Nat - to be caned • 1E. , .
tote located iIX the VOrtAlgi a. Pottnt 11,.C ,,, t'Y -
Iklaip2l.9. &Alt et Pitstollvabia; with pow,: :: re?
- trots. met.* &wan* and iv ke di•c0ac t 7, , ,.,..
MWel Ow traedrett,Tbodaretrliogam a'a '"
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