The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, July 24, 1869, Image 2

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    jfi`. XOUtllal " t
fitiltls .
f rtt
• - .
'.st I llt u,t 1569.
r• ,^,7,
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. - . ~T FT F. ..j. la
trOniti 11. . D.-,iii 1:.
sevrral ':es-51 , v.t rc bnve 1.0
tte.L.waN..-%; t, iinker
,I,C-1,11',111.1'.'_'31:1.1,.15ine...! in int!. 11,
r . We Inac.
.0 V._l, !, • t br rspcti.m rll
wc ED. tare
erci' c 1 npcw Stem E.,gine to rim
ar'e n(Ns - pe
/. , , , i:( 1 , i . r.i r•_e • W., 1 r ! .p2s_ i1:4•;,,g a ,wct I,j
ii .!,!•,,,,,,,, (r,ry ii:holay„ r:,.,,pt';.1,. 0.C1V1i1!... 1,,,
.1 ' 3;:44 : 11 ttle bt, i
...1 . 1,17; ( c;: sentlei,i , n with
de4A,i), v.,7! Li..l,e it alum ottilctilt to r usual,
n y.p , t t, th , .:l teeny o•If p:aceP,
ppc:ution will , : the for
'.Lr'ctinn is no• tniethrter to try 11. F cxj,crinault at all IF7.,rtie
Lu'.l c trlrd:;tg the net
1 - i.:.lnty b:II4I'L -.x..t.r., , e I , i its:l.c.ste, ht ping that
L . the eiite.. , , - rise of : lice I tegion srlll extend. the .
I ' i i i.coisary patronage to enstain * Lt. ',. •
Ile J.•Cr.: : ;AT : will, after the close ofthewr
. .
. Preiiect year, at, - p:tir in an entire new dreta,
cod other - imp: , vemin'a will tie made. It.
1 ' is low, with Wt vne - excepviiin,Atie - targeat.
.paper issued to the •t.•cltil Sates, and we ;
1 ire determined to make it one of the sisal
a ' eati‘so. - .- '
This A trivritlniVit wiit durtrig this - or early
in 'Le ensuing, :,e.r be rst!fied by the !tools
unn.l,tr tt b' tarts and become a pyt cf
tLe'rupren.e lars,of the .Then,•no man
. 1n the liet.uWy* . , whtircver his rant: or color, to
:Aribe excluded from - the'rinht to vote, em-, tip
ply cm — sc-ount of that rare 1-r Crbf.
_There on'
are eon.; b ind except it be the usi
lesdLot in Ptd.usylyania . .ol-tiie Democrstix to ,
psr.y. as no• to seelthst,unlvelaal irticagela
ii.C`Ydeb'te: that this concluding act • o;
Qt - iu,...uue is al,bat be consummated.
fc the dub. the Dernotrtiny are mare pro
svcs.;ve on s quesliC,n ttigt In this Stale.
Vtysiitid. tip D:r.toerstic puly 1.,A8
cume Eql,ort of negro stit. fe
C ;:171 , ,1 neer votes, and elertiti
tegrosAnd . i.thiPs in the 1-NlEllU:ire. It will
try .thri.err.e ky.,Tcry•A,:laire Spnib..E.ven 5 ,1
I.OlLe B •, entiicky, .11.1-41yikna,
and r.),,, The I),c - hum acy reel that hal
ser7.o ..ntirave. rum ntevall4nd that If They
t. 1.; 1.:; , ,r..5 to riihintettleit powet.
i n t b,.. e y tilant prcp,re to . yield to,
the pro:re , ..p of CVc;IIF. To .bow bow toe
.D unocr :ry nrecilfilerableil:mocratie
talk.nnw on this
4•ltftti•al to. the follol-lag
arum a 1%..e nuall);;I' of the Logiscllle Cornier-
Tfetra lr Ceti -1-.711y. , ef the [only_
tell - vnrl he tt. t..: t, ‘cPt the place to Ken•
in try f eulTra.te id-rt To .t,ta alter
the: r e rat f,atdrby ,e. m4:11 or
aro nut; Ur Nt. knnetta
, mee tlltitt nO• r 3, ~,c
-• ..roh 'n2 t Cl4,p2nr ex. 'the
51 , 1 e ea! n ne-n.truent wOl or. dcc'et d to bare tteex
rantl,lt.tate• ant Cc par
of tr Let ;WA taro all th • evert. a r? 1,
Fate art! , be eaters. end n... 110112 can exclude Item I I
'horn the . ..'T•ll:ll War r 00.1.94 ALC.U.Ii- :1
ttd Satanand rtat, Nt;:t bet It Tr , old be rtgllteotle or y
no: :Ole.. win riot be ...temp:l4.
Now,wben vie road iu contradbitinction to
ttb‘ "that the Demacrwle patty of Pesrinsyl
*Feu fs (Tv:Fed - to e tuterrinq. upon the Dr..'
gro ILO light 10 . .must natnrally
coucluie ttl: its Is support of the
er ror.e and iruprlct:c.b.e ribele,'Whlch 611te
it loose from - tbn Crs...lE!Pt Pal lie DCMICTX.Cy •
the Staab
reed Elwtll en the jtukice 'os en
franehing—tlie tc:enty twenty-Ilve thmi
sand coldr,d men of this State. The Irduis
. of them are intelligent and pi-osprrirtii; -and.
.111,41M:11'y underluandoer instill:Ilion!: Tl4y I
' holifproia.trynnt ere idstitlded, end syri i ipa 'E
th,:u with :he pr- ~ ., - .9 'cf - the Rgratild.= ' 1
lisny ol Ojticu Ft eyed with honor In theAtlniv3 i
. and navy of the est n.q. Alqraly, Intellectual- , ;
ly 'mid -pl , v-dnally. they air' fully fe.nrope- , c
Cent to hate thr;..g.ight cMilsrred upon them,', r
1 end the only r.4.-on tia'st :Can be and Is treed .!
; that they 'h ni'd not receive it, is' because: I
their skin , sr-i.larlr. Truly, a . most avrrlgla'y' l
and , .. ,
it ullttKii hie r... - g , t , el Are the Derritieraeyitt
not soinewn it B ,dit .msh ; in this day in . i.l
Pent . dylvtiwaoO - cist incurthtm these twenl.l
. ty five t r in , Ist r o ts, of colored men . stint:6 t
will most rerfainl'y be Teorded-in a year (lII'
two? Da they suppose that the cc..lured maid
will have so little self respect, as to vo:e 'the'
D.rmocraletick.d of er the persistent oppo ,
ninon of titat party to Conferring upon him
the right of suf. site? .. , t
to their Connie in tilts matter, Ibis yeary
the Dmorrary t - f Ponsylvania have ahown'
a want of co,:nat , n-icnse, quite pitiable to 24. 1
' in this enlightAtrill.mrd pri-gressic6nidergezA l
century? 1, , , - w .u s Lvtdeutiy, a mistake when
'they cot fide;d_le that po'dtical foseil and rein':i
.syrapsthizsr, r.,,, - .IV. Hughes, ' the task o ,
~ drawing up thelre-oiutions for this year'
• Convention. P..riodiCally; Mr. Flushes as :
Cella the Dzinerracy Isre, - retires from tetivt..,
poilticai life, and intim:lenity he reepperite ell
- theyirenn, behind lhe progress of the tlm6 '
- - at-last fif y years, tend like the Boarbore,
forgetting nothing and learning nothing. Tb
reso:utions are SuMnied. tip Lifter the styfe(,
Brick Pomerny, sa-avell. by the Press, th t
o e
:we copy thew , as an antiquarian curiosity:
The Den:c•tracv cf Faaretylcaala, In caraltine c •
tutl.M. do Cc,are: • • -
tse door ,her tSr Lots& le grow.
3 IT•td V - 0 r167:1‘.. • 1. not the 6
pro 3 •.$ etionit ion%
4 L. , . iSe'Tnnettry.'s la _Fiord and 1
0 , 1 —•
S. to c.,.!ch votes: ,
6. Jahmoti. • .. " ,
7. ra , ,,
.." Cotloc c,.red r..i....far,ion papefi . :Jor e.
9. Lk.; pa 7 TCII,, • . • , •
• We lasee tu!'. c.,i,tirlenn In the Intel e
and sentie(r.: intige of the citizens-el Pain- I
ey;ve.nie, sad th-' the y ‘c4,ldectdelitt
t - he polls in 9: ,, ,hbr - tacit:, that they have n°
• deeire to ei..1143e any nltlne barn 'Anaeri4n
fr, , m 1: r , ,?b tto •r•••e, simply ileceine
his ;E dz. , :k: The Detr.imrskey brie -
tbe po t ha , be ton tbe excluded. pot
becanee he le en 1.:*. -, t,tl, man, n tr.dr mttri,
on tan; or a dar.i-,qoue min, but
an, c he his a Eisl: prO i on
• ae en restrict - ea, rn durnetring. tbAt"
they curse thdr leaden bcft,re
long. - for Lavine •11'.a..7.9d them In kt...put
" the g , (13 erOuld dea'r-y they rat
make mad 1 • •
11 •
PEON "11E. portrixat TO THE Ci!lt.
• • :\ the'Ne* -- YQrk Tribune re
• likat - ti•eri am - )a; the Igo. .
' Ile to ep.lect,.tegeti•er in tee large pur—er
in the eitie, if inane of :hose who are •or
• tale ....n ~.., t .. T t.....1ei "were in.tb.e country. he.
f il
1 •,e a iiiii.g ty.eitlier vngagini it
' , MC occupation or•agrienitu
._ Sow i 1..• i• 411 eery. grad and proper. ' e
. :we sau , .. itifyrm 'Mr. Greeley iliy. 4.10 ie
the prefeat ti.spioi:lon exit.ti to legialtile' i
~ faro (.1 the monied intereits, steak jol+veli,
sad 4.eiz,tor'eli•ii• of - Ott-Titles, !ma petMe art
-.• attracted' thtther in ... ilie..lzege of makinem' On
: - -ey repi . .l'y,--tehich in many instances ihir a '
.. juts that I.lng-1 - 1:11 , t. , ; - , , ple float to thosece
2, 1
" 'tree' in 'place of rana.ia-i - ng in th e e antrt
where me n 'must dept , nd upon legi itttl
business to make money, .and then ate
•' . slowly. the building up of c , ...10.,,a - f
, rtunl
- h the cities is done at the expense of iindn l
'trial infereste in the country, and for stistail
. the.e monopolising! and depressing ta i
'deaciesihe picas of the .titici has
t , 1
k . ''•
answer. foi. . .: •I ;
, .... Between the Traducer and ,the eo *s ut
of an article there are to many asiddlti n
. 1
' . and Itni,s who sicallvw up the profit ' ~ti
. . . rn?t,;Wil money to incest and work ttp
• . . .s.r_in .. : ..,d tit,. they can r-alise a ioneli t art
cr.r... , i, il,ck',; and motif , 'rlie
spec •
ous in. the cities, than if they 'put
Int. VailliaiS InAIICIRZ . tfitsinc is , r) ~i
, ,
11.21 iik.'ltctpf Ibis we need only statel hat
• .- 'lllint.,l2 tt-I.I.:, mrn is lying in i rot
, e , . einatuities in the cribs., -and" actually ' stab
ehite bee in the East it is worth f 's'
SI. lti per bushel ray
,r, not . at
- .trali4orted East anti sold-at half : • 's . }
stated' . Simply because of the Lig /rat,*
' transportation be railway, canned - b a E V
age: Dent telmse bight,: shill teems to bt
-- ',
, .cao, water ael stock
-.- ' the 7 en . .eti , e intviv. , The ; , e things bee
depres:ng ant r.p. , ,q industrial an4lagrit
i . Versa piusaitglz tit..i.LArk - r, 144 ttia. '
- .
, ht pi' tr. , Tlithr.. 'leo. , a v la, .•• .I ?al C •••;., ..i yew, 0 .I,i of Omiaty, was
, vitulited 10 , o • lAuuviivik.ok.• Hatpit4l. rbl.t
ir l
' 'r. ' ri:c h ' '' .'' ' ' ' ''' '''" •1r r ': ' ' adelphia, 0...,..1",:4,141.-a: ii a laukou I.m • , caneed
le , tWe ,b50:1 ,. . , h .. a - , .N,.. , \ .1, 111 by . r,,n of c,4 La i_wici .1, .ti r
:life"ak AI, Ist4trs 1,,,e1 KO Gi•,‘ ea.
~,,,„, ~..,1 ~,,-,.... - T., •. / -C , .'l aim f•: , 11,4
t, Al-, ..t.61 }err- tit‘ :111.1 I:l,tv.ifin 1-60,
• r j - • :.1. , : t‘ : re A.l";‘,•t ,1 , .• 1
_ I .
m/E „t.
Lca uhni
. .
c .1. - 4 ' tLe couc,Cry t, 1.,.
c tr:l cwtlle, ic.....ra•Alcalls, ci,cic.!: vts
I,;,i4bope iliaruck:.r-rt, 0 :. l' , ,!.
, i
.Le f,.. , ,i;.•t the Sts'yl; - ,... ,
-• -'
4',,,,,• I .
St is 1 . 1 fi l ..-1 Iti legi-lro•Erl
whi . rh 1- t..c...!: , tt co e.t. :41.4
..`.list ac. - l lowtb nr1*.rr,....r,.•:: , f +l..` ...i.,
v. , ..ti0: cly "e,cLc..l,..nt 1.1,.. :i.e ~"
Lich Lc I,llVry 1,-f-ulk, 1 hr,l i ... i. 1.•
•, 14;:.....x...L'i. i.
Zed theree: ,l er , ;%;
afs"xti :+rl
Wee_ S t e inducements or deprese suers;
tads lie cilica arc t.ginn , nt; i , it.e , i,
~ 5 , 4 17f Litt, - ~,,.7:3111:1,n which In dm e,
fic lrl c:rigre;:ate au 1 clerate ';fl the Cl:
and i c t:,€..1 tilt country, ;:!:. teal :our.: , :',
t. i..;1 r. tis le wealth and recolieliCi of a
1.- n, , ,ivy cc two *thee Its Press. doted
f.idt. uat roof estate w as falling in :al sir
•rlsielphis: and [Let 'ail - otect - .altt.o•
-lig afro-fed. And we bel::,ce t
...,....41,-i,,er polio; %Lan be indorser , ked . io
li.e lo;:iittion'of 'the nsl'o,fo, tr , : ~'los w: , l
f' , .,1 if - i,.. more sorerody.
jr -‘111(...r.,01e; would et ore;..: Lls '.i.rmy
i..4lt.b;lii)-e., o,dst in har'n; t.r.... , err!
.c. i .ki.i, we lieheie that judo r,lry f' ,, w 3 - Zsti
, till hire hot lithe ocesisibri to 41 - ~..., any!
-14 .f the denier:ll..oF T.,.ti,.. t- • ft ti,,',..
I ~ i i
no to the coup! ry. , .
il as —The outiticat.en of inconica'in, i
;rev,. ',l iirk 'by the Tribune, btu cauetel a
- insiii.lebic etir. It Fhcivr.s that it large
...tohliri of miltionalres and - others, rine,
I iii'lyi (IN perbeech., made to returti what
ever, j r jo alltHion to all'ennejlvanian who,
1.,,, (4r,,,1n,...8, T-tid part tot his Income
ii . i . tiie4:l , riot, and sent Ithe halig.ce Cioict to
Ito I i scary at Viaabingtop,. l i t Triiidne
- rematit i . __
"ale eooer, tor or to say t hit the 111er tele/nit ned
us 00
In Wasik a'anois , by lli Trear
ary Di , :tweet toSin an income-taxpayer. who bi.l
not re) .vixed Lie fall Income to the protat -ea.,. tort
ao Seri teed to ;ay It dtrect, wee Ildt. NMI trt/10 New
Voik..‘, - o the hetet of oar knowlettee —we say nothing
t I tarliil4,' W i rridfitollie "Unsnarl here la sh en . at the
tall & • nt whicti:tbe party intends to psi opno. We
have tloyttamtl of It etnele inat arts to whine ay . /bode
bet spilt W.Va. that it. emeratnent Is too low. Dar we
hare heir r d t 4 teatee al .casee In whirl vattera not as
, aer.oril all hard inidenly-dieturrcreS that. by lit
mace ver.14:14 in the world, till have vetrit ,- tid to
otaktr nine of that income until raw taa mance
um a, rritione. Tee aataaeora and collectors are
dilly . ' b t ae
mtor a cnteequett tertral of bn4tiest
, In *Or Ina "
kgreat many people object to the .pribil
° es o of the income!, but - the publication' .
- not i tending , has put ealradefor dollars
!obi ti e public treasury, which wOu'd never
Tau t, it liiirere tot for the publication of hel i s. • -11 i look as It 'lts law, It Is noluat
hat.!tie Honest man, lib(pus Ids jutt - duce
t the,Government, ribOnld be taxed in addi
rli ti,pay for the disboneat undo". and the
0 -7 s.y to avoid It is for the Government to
,q it". the dlnts at 11l dOrdttland, :gendettyor
eo lect the Weems taxes trod' all Who
tglq to pay. It for this reason that the
iv meat not oily permit!, tot eocour:
es he publication of the list of incomes.
• _ _......_ -..
tCn Srth.ivios its Visten4a la romedt at
tirt bet that the Democrats have little to'
ip over In that S ate Is evident frotn'the
t. hat they are now cr..leaviaring to harilt.h
1.ja 2 1. or from the Goreinonship to the U.
e e, to get rid.of hart, while th,;lilohreond
:la leer Says that therebun inch thing as
-racy in Virginia, that " it, very bones
Sv rotted, and now_ crdathle at the torich.
in aurreci lon could bring the party to
nd its ashes lie Mingled with and
;xis and from time:rid Whig party." The ma.'
drily of Walkerls If bitUtd dagu to le,oon,
:all this notwithstanding the intimidation,
inccurful efforts to keep the colored men
LiOuil the polls, etc. In Walker, however,
90111lbstandIng his prolusions of Republi
Sanilm, anti thstAttedddate was'earried In at
Drdence with the pulley of General Grant,
Re have 'very littielconfidence. A man who
a his speeches wilidenounce the radical Re
'ilium) as carpet-baggers and scalawag's,
e titled to but little confidence.
It lainteresting - totiote however, that while
to Detnocraey ! of Virginia are anxious to
, vt it underetood that they, cheerfully con-
feed negro engine, the Democracy or Perm
tyl4anir. continue to fight on the ea, dead.
.irotin, and explodelheresica which urn pow
.11 rly 'abandoned in:Virginia.
!riefv,York the other evening Mr. larak
Ill'omercry lectured before rather... Mather ?, 9a
I ciely, 2. Tho Tribune Raul that tbe
Ispiaker had a gcod deal to say about Brick
Pra.eroy; yet took tine to give gomuexcel
le. i'advice to bli beirers. Work, said be,
-..- .
s hat which has made Am.rica a grei! 3;1:
l i,
:ictis country. "iork put down 'he "ll -•
~. !!on, and only by work can any Aube. ea.-.
,e .t 10 - Frceeed To be temperate a Man
. sinbt be idle . In speaking of hls bm.l-
.( , . Mr..Pomeroy said that after losing
.. ch money 'through the arrelessneas or
'r nking me; be had long ago made up his
r nd never to hire an Intemperate than
lon - Rh be bad.' almopt 200 persona in bla
, wPOlper officer, yet not one of them male
raetice of using' intnziesti,g lblhor es a
Terage. ,Tne temperante tame . was siza• ,
k o ass one worth fighting 1,.r, and be 'was
- illing7o welcome spy of Its stivhcates, re•
rdless of their veliglop or politics, ..)3rlck'
i decidrilly. wrong ()tribe ileito and reprii:
a ion-ipposing'the. firmer, and advocating
titAe latter—but he is unquestionably , right on
e Tempersne:e question. - '-.
The Flatten Carus.—lt b announced from
ilashington that there VII be rtif Inlet f-s
-en ce itta the'lending of the French telegraph
tlble. The cable, Company have promised .
conform to
. whatever terms. may be tm..
weed by Cong ress-, This 14 sal right, for it
11 not likely. that Congress will require less
• titan equal right's with the French Govern
,• int over a Cable which, to to ,connect our
erritory with theirs. - As dm cableV m pany
I .
t reroute compliance with whatcmand,
here.will be no farther trouble, and the ca.
I .le will be speedily landed at Duzbu:y.
ALL books and pariodiegie noticed In thls de
partment can be bad at, Barman & Baamey's
Spoliators at the pnbUshwir prices.
Tug Usrvcrtga—The sinned Yoh= ,of the
"'venoms commences with the title changed
to 2 ',e I , irkrse, the ant number of which is
received. It is eolarged to en sheet,
Wad contains the commencement or • story by
Airs. Corbin. entitled, "Minted. ore Womairl'e
e ception ;" a capital story by Mrs. Jennie T .
alllasen,—"Dahiv, or the Married Mare* Story,"
nd a great yeasty bf other matter. Among the
lurtneipel articles Inoue on 'l3puituiLam all Ira)
and Social Necessity," by RANA Dale 0 wco, and
many an venous plases f the "Woman Q.ies.
[ thin," and Spiritualism roblished weekly, a t
$144 per year, by 11.14 A lotto, 112 Madison
street, Chicago
DLISLADVEI rlitiltM 708 Aeorgr.—The Angina
ntimbtr of this •Viteett •of the Monthlies" Jo
adorned with's boson! ul steel engraving of those
two youthful lovas, "Paul and Yug.on."—a
1 double-paged and bancommaly ctokired fashkin
Plato, containing the taunt Paris atyles—a,pm.
tore of Maidenhood. in illnatratton et Lent 1,1.
Ica's sweet poets—and the feast number of
nalecollaneorie engravings.
t o el tu
. s t tat iog, site
costumes, children's la,blons, hats, haul Celt •
1 11111 g 1Z1Ittgl e n t 041;e l it^ea l f IT!
1 foe literary contents are "An in Raid that blew
t Somebody Omar by 'Madge Cartel "lnc
Heist'so•mioitult.. by Una Locke , ''Jarring
Chords," by A. LI. Dana, and "Bitter or Sweet, "
b y Florence Percy. Those !actuating ncvetebi,
r...artna Torte ; or, Done In Patainc," by - lan.
Henry Wood, itud "Between :at by Mt.* Eiz I
*tette Power% are continued. 'We are glad to
son that the editor, in hig usual settlble way,
i oTtects deddedly to the high h-el folly. Pqlb
, boned by Peace° &Bateman, 519 ITaluot street,
l'lniadelpbia, at sil 50 a year (which air , Incledne
• • large steel engraving.) Four omits, 16 Five
, cop:, a (and one gratis), fa "The DOT , ' Friend .
- ,
1 and "The Saturday Beaming Put" (Mid one en
.] grerloc), 14 W. Steams trusbers sent fir
,I ten cents. .-,
groat Vfairo.
Weekly Alumnae
16. 'VOW% 0.:111 , 43.
EMS aX1111;
94 54422n.9.... 1 .4 ..49 T 110 D e. U.
t4r2044 , 4 6/1/ T .210144119, 1 Z 6 0 . 2 9 .
26 14442.42 4 001 .111,11424 R.. 9 5 45 910.
Y. 214*049... . 4 4 4 1 11 51W. Q.lll •1 Mll ism.
28 4 52 7 teValt 7C !I 21 66 260.
24 Tarsi**, .. • 4 511 19 UM c.lll 0 11 22.
*0 P.m. t 4 WI T
re"hp/Sabi/re Joe the 144ek.
to..te of tbellenootetter for tbe week end bor Thaw
day. Kept for tbellue,wJerwma. by W. b. Limber:
' 16 Prlds,
IT Satuntsy
.. I .
ir l i =:T wamidip H: ...4 .
; Ti T5ciday.........
.. I "(Arlen Pan?",
Prirrhare your maid. the rell.irrilla 6:11 yard
gi aeg
sl n
. .
Pm , ' B. R. bliaii• winttivement .
spacerrolamn. te
Tr,. eltholien of. Tremont will 2411-T4r in
Sepumber. -
X,. Saml. area, ati old iwatdeat of Sebtxtkill
14..,m, died week.
I.1;:t g e r : N e l Ft.".4t.P24 *o ell"Air , r for
rciee.'sl , drige . Malertsm, Bolettrir sod '1.191N
at txtantif battings' puns at Foca* Mut!.
of To ruirrtar.—Tblrtieth" Sudsy of thn yes"
and ninth after Trinity. Day's length, II hours
a and 34 minutes.
. .
Tot meted Hier coal at Pottivill• col
; L
I,' d
" 1:61r1 , •• ••
• . 5.1,..../Ala{l.a;e.aet. Vatic:
I r r !".•ct tl.ll
•• .
4 ,. ‘'.. ' ' i•- '• , ...• I.s.i owe iirdlle lege
i• , ..1 , . I) 1..1 , 1 , • .1 at !..clif•i Miulle Oaths.
'.:.1 n,t., dud , ,? s .1.,:a) 1. , ..g1at leg.- -
I • 1
! • I.- . .-,,;,!!. j.•-, 13. tn:ubl.-4, .'. ••• • ,r ft. r
'''....;/..ri , :1..1, et ~...1:•,. ca :: 1. , 1.A.,...1 ra.J. , ,..r. 0.,,,..,
....... ti ~re ' , n.te, No, `....-•!(:. Cu trt• etri-t4. ti
...t.• —• ' •• ~,,,,- P. ••••.,r 1 i' ,1., I P. N . Lae
1..,..,.,- - •, t '1.1•.. , ni!vr,•!,!4.1.1. Arl4l.;:i:. L.l:rlr.i..n
11.1 1,1 i'.: UK , k 1,) ~, e', +l2.' Pr.lirrsa.neen.
—y .or piT nie
"1.1 3.4
. ,
I_: CI .tll. OM I r1..M.01.0z0, il,p.
"1.0 . 2 g frill st , vk at Dry. (;,(14 aLd
..v.. 1 - ,i , P,6t Ft .clVey '14'.1 Ceatre
■ ; It, , NI .
am ...1 it.) •t
t --.-----.....-- -
i, • r , , ;1 r ;,71 f , ..1 the 'Arent ....t .1, C.:4)1111Atil
1, /..1,..,........t. Coup.c . 3 . 0 Now Yogi:, before In.
II •ing r:e., tiro orirtrtrresodut cu. third
1" , ; - . i ; . 1
4rlng , l , tylee
Uccare St. !_
11.41.%,111.11prc1ich loStcond
P ICI I tti 1 . Z.11,/1, Ma e fuatP, to-morrqw
;„ ,;c:0c.1.. lil are ct44l* l, luTiled•
. •
. . , .
~ tt;t. ; .1 t!. , t Mr. A W. "OittO,Pe
dt t t t :oo. I. ott -o. to 'tilt . fr, m 1 . 1'01.01110 to
P ,ILO.,lOhts—a of mot limocksit mile.
In t•out-tbroo 1201116 I i .
- - '
Than! A.sociato Jedgn ,of l'rer
li,eino!rtati.l c.O 14lV, dial ILI relidatte
htt.hip, on Thereley of Lit Reck:from
~tack of ' .
QGc rclitCd brethren C!!ntelr of !Them:il:l,
which l berm rola-trod end rerecelelel, Will be
Eleotcated on hrspday, the lit prolate!). Biala*
PrJ•f.•.f.f. A 044,4 - the ii.itstt tiling eyei
dtrrea m LLI. 1410
T . enriavr • cf the r carb4lic Charch tat
bdri or liat'dsy, tast r Large dcle
gstic,n9 Irtre, ID attendance from tOo nefsbboring
tow., spd tlsans, It is .estgroited, were
. • ;
~ . ,
J '-,, ,-J. ~ 7 r.derx'Di., editor 01l the Treceont
f,,,c,a Ni,r, hap beet held to ttottfor his appear.'
•DCU at the daytember term of Cet.trt. to itoeme,r
a. charge of libel, preferred bjf.• the Trauma
13r.a bend. ..
' ..
. ,
11 ,, n45y Heil, 2641 last-. Ter,
"neoLt Cii Apter, No. 221, U. Si. A. Macula, will be
couuthuted by.DI. E. G. U. P. Griecete: Yew-
I. bers cf Chapters le the District Ste Wetted to be
present. 1
Tae !memo Hose Company Mill give a
Gie in Agrirullurel Park on awl 18'13 proximo,
.ar.lch ere have every aeanratax Will he one albs
moat piespa3t they ever 61148. The ladl4ll
rupectfully !mite& , • .
StICS , 2 ,- k-, Cloaking Ctril, Laces, Flinger
etc., at Maggie Boland'i, 12.44.:e1tre street. 1
- A large rre'llfer has been'procured Irma
rhitedelphia, and w alcortlY be placed lm tLe
rcpt at the Court E.ouse, for he .porpooe of
veot}l4ting the Conti tooto.• will reader
t more comfortable and Ilealtby:
I,ft Cane aod.Preeerilne Kikke CALI be had
st liotatopO Hanel* No: tes Centre ht, 22-to
Wa are revealed by. Hr. Eitankoriteb, the.
',Linn tuner and Fvpairer, wt.° has been here tbie
reek on a prnfematotial vlalt:te Atte that be
.111 {crania daring ma, week, end eail upon all
tie enalomere. 1.0 they may au - expect to too
him berme be leave,.
For a . immptuona hangart of anibmatlratilage
and brown bread laeut to oar' tote at lunch
_hour otiWedoeittay,:i , s , U t,lporgeae, 6bCt4lll
2, ha will amp'. oar siknorlottgraerds. Mtge
utdceoro tiro thought it rstlior took down our
exptriet,ce to tbo tame line thlt .pre7ions day.
T? Continenfal Late Inanranee Cceoptoy of
Neo; I rk, ia not in any way onfineoted with any.
other company either, an or fire. It is the meet
ancei,rial Lde loanrsuet Camtaany of it., aite.-L ,
fieia advarumamett on 1101 pear, • 134 f
. .
lienry '..nitt'.;ektn, • saddler of lte late
E.lvvt.nth l'tnns. Ctavviry, shi.tlird In this Bwr
,nugh on tlte•lsth kit'vt „utter et; prolonged Illness
" from tissesse emit, eted In ILO set-view, vs. in•
teller!, in thp - Odd Fellows Mwod•Y
afternoon Net. TOG bearers Were several of, ins
cOmpanions-in-arins. .
n, Tho hest etlele
t 2. dollar, at. UslitP:
i.rrnere r.. 70 "feed to c 1 sC , ditritg tbn
prod forty 1I- gel.lor. in t it ent., whield
Ivo nnnen•iir too. It is r.tim Ur d ttaid the erro
of nal. Stitt be tho bearield for ir;en," vean. TL e
Crap of p,tatoee and corn preinitiee to be unarm
ahr boair •E 4 ,1 the wheat-Clop wia never bet
Pre it rr..t sa•gcral. • • i , • -
&AI ter?, Grape s.l,inti —Met?: E,
of this Borough, h. tregtei' , llftj• eight ruses.
stones at this' heads of nntfrtrkod soirliera'.grarea
to thr different ormol•ro to of this Borough. at
ons t. in ths Tryst 1.2% Mt. Eiserdnorro did
ths wont at a -sou rrasoualtia ptior, io cause
gurfice OlAtos oldact.
. •
Lej . /froken.—On TOule . .lay itanbeh Retta:y,
of Batt:tub, from a r op e
tr.nipilie tiles - the •'B.vert , ters." Hie ebt
leg fractured *been the, knee. He was
brought up to town by Wca:!Eiaue, who came
atom ohortly after Ina Yeetaiday. Reif
euyder wu to kap to the Mme Howe. :
Fraric 5.74 - by the pint For dresses, cheap for
cash, at bleggsT Bel at,(1,1.?-1 Cesare street. tt
. . .
„.. • ,
'L . .. W.l7lclV 1
1:1.1411•1'11gi Ls 150, ill rub Dintiic , which
atatab.ata inrortioP kt,tl
ataatron to $121..33 In Pt . * It ,amtattalia to
!1(1 b 74. ShoWitJg an:ant/4o° la 1149, of p,•
EQ. The prop - atom for'fbei: twOATIIMP•
followe•,—ficbtrylkill .90,000; Xetia•Wiio MAL! •
Don't t'..:•"rg-t to call at Pottir Ladies sod Gents.
OY. , er, Ice errant and Dm* Baloon, where hot
mffee, tea, ovatera in every 110 - le, at well as o th er
1.-freed:at-Ws be .proeored at all home. fon,ltheil Pith Oyster %uppers
at Wort noliro and orieeal
.Contra St., seeood door from Mabantongo. - a
On Iloocirry tart, a ilt.The ettached to a btlAer7,
the property of isrtio , WeAllhge of ,finenrilk,
etattrl from the front of Critunliall, and ran op
re rood to ..11.1ket. where ti into wagoo.
fle then a tree In froi trot Dr. Dearman'.
Nr,l broke the warm. Theiborte beoo4lthit de
teehtd, ran to.ljettra street, where be Was stoP•
Oto. .ackomeledgments 4 - rs doe Oapt.
Gluier. the ohelar And tame* daub?, for • path
sire of Dothan' =Mahar tobacco, procured by
him directly hole them eoufacturer In 'North
Io out opinion it is the 11 nest plenty
of thickthar tobacco in thimarket. Cip-'
lath keeps on band beeideir choice eigare r chenr•
log tobacco, eta remota/de
- - _
.17/gaat Grenadines, beautiful Poplin s tlrtudres,
Roubaix. Una, Toil d'emilee, Lama*, Orgaudb,
Jackosete, Percales, etc.,at cost, at Oil.
land's, 210 °entre street e Are determined to
dear out our entire steels,
Accident cm Vie Reheyklit rulfey Itaaroad.—
On Wednesday last ebtaa an ereptvepal train
.• proceeding beteeen kniladelphla and
Ifiddispoet, It nu Into a heed Of nettle on the
track, lulling three, and piling up. and "reeking
twenty-cos oars. The, i rcicQ'Vel!sy ;masa
ger trepan's! detained toy several tears lertta
arrivel here, tratt.tog-for the tract to be elopd.
' Phoenix Fire COtthery of Ude- Borough,
-- a:panted by Jones's Oornthliand, Attended
•Ic Oren on Teeethelut by the Rumen°
ate Company, Ilabariof•Chty. The thutipany
end Bind returned- on if edeethey tunreuutr•—
While. in Ilehaucy City tii,y "pat•up" at the
, The raembfrs of the oompay
!peak in gleetnn terms of their treatment by
air. Smith, the prorrietor.f• •
Suddfn De'J .
t 4 _ Wednesday
sr ruing, about 7 o'ellek. Rebecca Sharp, aged GO
coats; i.resident of St. Clair, fell dead at bet
residence in that Borough. That day she bad
walked to Pottsville and Was apparentlyin bee
bealtb, up to the Sour of berdsalb. • On
Thursday Depury.corrrtiot OPurad held WI in
qnpst on the body, sod e:verdiot of death Ism
, beast:4ll*am was raudessid. -.L • -
;Wu whis.e - trarne Dm:Lott CArptte. at E.
Morns', 18G Centre stmt.! . • to
riten&tho lbot ii beob*og a feTortte eCtOttlet
retort. The lower bottl,Lt ant Of:copied by a
distinguished cittzon 1 of Ibis B3rxtßb, sod his
. :Ho (the thlttli),Phee. but p belirte
cot ,with the, wart ees e f iin 'old soldier ma 'eV'
the tt her dee et the lOwer data Palling - the
“sonset" cei ie large oarobbra dmplyb Masan
of ...worm tied to a wee,' of .eteing.,D_ . *alit
was the tenet pro-di-gVone thing ;be bad seen
ekes Ow returned !rota Repo. - •
.1)-ers in roost beautiful ut Gel
Lure, eloatug unt WO. •
Fn iti4.leg Atedent. ther26th instant.
an acei , inr.t to.k place at!the ”Wierrfara"
L'eenstdale, sneak resulted in'the killing of Win.
Ulrich aril ht. ir - at. .It . !iieerne that. work".
ihg /a a brrast, a souk: of fire rat ronurtentea..:
ted to an open keg of txrarder. A. keg aid •
epplode4, - killine (both. 111 r. Mier war
Menne 40 and hie see IS Yeesrkif age.. Thry re:
sided to Pahlentl. itieTwthe of . W.e. Winch died'
ithenit a towithAdece, add the'indy one of the
family o, alive lu a daughter.
A.r-triefy of sir/molt 'Dry
CAlT'pd .1 root. t's store, tOentie St: to
J. Gardt..^4 ~ D Centre strlet, lot olt.
Ing.oat thelir entirtstrsk of - Dry °sods, ;sera-
Oen, to tbrjr remerellato their um doreroom.
Dow in emirs° of os. Centre street.
you wish to strovebezzeios to Dress Goody,
Shams, Cicala, White goods, Notions, rertsols,
'sty., give ihm as call.
7 he'T , ain fp . Zi!.aderphfa.-...-Ls ft may
not he generay lzativn to Oct ehigene, si kohl
• enbliatt the feet that Otrain now tome holfe tot
Philadelphia at .10 minutes to '6 o'nkck is the
morning, reaching the' city at it pazUg peat 19
reeloelt. Pomona soh* duwo boo ,from, that
War until • quarter peat 3 o'clock hi the
own to trananct bastoesa, ate when they , ate
to rettmn, reaetanK bent -et Wirth:Mtn to 10
'elook at night. 'Fare to the city and 610,
H 23, Theo leant has base pat on for/he 'OM&
I otodiatioti at ant ettigens, Rod oi they 046 sin
tooney by -veins it, the shonl4 pattonile St Wt.
coal?. •
sr j SP 59.
. IfS M
1 TO I
...... Of ; i 6 Si
......... ; 4 1 '
• .
./...mrezour lila- in ate :North Anteriese *MA/
Lite Lrnraern C.spory of MIL pbetbmise
• atiliotstathl 'lOO.OOl a *blab in Gay
mtaett Ithp!la, is 411v4liott sith lb@ MAIM
es.nirol Pap a, seendt7 for PoiSa
botcleti..Ssies bar qd diviticolt subtanal. Put
torthst ott.rtaatiout apply to Unbar R. Ltolfana,
Cteoeul Agent, Minetetile, ra. • 264te
. .
The t,2Mipit it. tat: irti-tten itettehttogto
the rettedt Pod 0111ne, Teti tqw
A dd,. tri e r. Gueettreth Purtel !Brit
AnwEr Ws,l - Omar Vrish Wear Pi* •
Live. him 111,0tdo Anne SII.II Cosh -
tfratitteritStrili flunt ietnt - Nat
Oterctly Meld it H•sultzthot tztb
Cat, Ittrir . •nattpitt, Who' •••
DPW, - ',sop Yr, - fame SOO
Drm;ltet . Pultris 1/salaie rt Tweet Drell -
avasdisitiltet Plutlinisnas Vitith Mogi.
Oldlitir+ Pak:
nose who desire tb tueo tkud np to there In
the beet Alio, lm Cunt, hot a, is and us,
riyitelv. armed rained or ts' the steal. Pa la
itt ry•fm4ssetita ipprotirista to
the . beet.
lave, rbooNl can, it crtur Sseurs Lee Cretan,
Chen.° st'al Ccateetiopo 903 Dell"
atirot, Oyster aapptre tornoa at - deal Dodo
sod an roonnFagr tains.. by lgumpts $ V
' -
Sloe of RltiW Goo to-and roubruiS=
price at clontng nut price.' at G & Hat Wl' 1.1 Cell
i:iv street. l.uloa Gito to • rive clAcce.
_ -- •
Insure your hie in Penn. Itltltnal Lan limit
•EK. CO. P, tritia, • etti4 . tly mutt.:
I,nry. H. 1; ,
11,rot.c.,LLO Icily t. I,IA.
Ilr. 1:o-oArr., ent Cr ta Matual
In LL )1, the
oioe, yoc. peg. , pit , l to lare wet fon lor.olut a ate
of coy Isla Jobs Wyman.
Moor .Wnza.s.
Gr.,' dorm; out. mmlo of summer Stack m
d .
Ness tom dm at tt4ince..4.4464-, at Mortut 11.4
Albumin's cl4-414hing atar, pia.tultigtaltan 111.
te , 4A.
.ifor—t.ta tle• 1.! It Instant,
Gourgo Chm:l44 r. • 1,,11.rr titt.1.,,1 at %La
limp of 0,-0.0 l 1;4: Sigt4l4 ,l mt MI. !.albs - . •a
-ttiN.ll toiutatl (al Lt.cuml. Ile died oi.
romoe,my multroluilast. 111 A Si. ••tatlVOS,!tiim
f,t4l-htte, roilsr.d, end tb, Za , cult,. of a rs e_
Mod tad Leal: I.r ow•tern 1. irn
. 1,441.4•70 lift it 1:4-4illa,i A ton tt•
0. tit/ Tt tam! I/ le 1,4
term: Iw I,t. Clu2r; iLn IT, sal la 44..0 largely
44.1,441td ItY N 1n4r4.0./.41 fit+, NV 1141otamp's
ita.14,44k0t Ats be ass, a
siat.naLer. , ,
C.1114131i,•. . Lt. oCoar
f f
itt s-ot Haut,'looN. A hag. , titanieer
....c.tit_gte Lacy knelt erli.ntiii.l to ettAtber..•
ottip 'lto Great ittooboct o
'Sh of the Cfrlie.
J.,Ehre A. Pitman., of y Jetvey,,.11, 1 tin: folic% tog nevi,' elected ettittitt the
• Orval C" •
firo6l tiwct, tn, Ctitrh - e C. i.7..hley • iar , at
or Itiolittoore, A.tlaM Gist • , unior Saes,
more, .Lo. A. /lost Great Semnel
Wei.ter Great Chid of Atnir..w
Gres! Keeper of War..purp,.L.Nria C.
`740 bletbroluta cif-Port Cui[pn tiara taken
down tLeir old chinch building preparatory to tie
rrt qinn on , morn larger "al .1 better atlepted
tr‘ tohcien. waste t tte con[ Intl
74 feet, with a tectee of four feet iwbuiti
the The building will be of brick,
oiott, ate In if "orbiter:tire. with • aterple
feet in heOrlit. A• • p worahip dor irethe
erection rf the now building, th[o• nave pat hp
,a'frirtrre tabernacle on the rear end r f the elarrb
It: It rery eatt‘ble Vltca for worship anr
tog the flommer 101000, bi 0/ 01 be .I>rnol for
the Virzi, time tto It
liatt a•b, Joie Zth
-Iteli•luna tlerriccc, In :11 ft. M., AA 7 30 P. M.
SaLbath 13clear4 Z n'eltek to the LlT:rum)°, All
[ are outialliicisitcd to come.
irlittre m the Mrytail Fire !nearlnce Carripszy
uF Micoreri\le. a god company with res.
'unable taus. l'or farther information all on
or elite. c , L. 9r Itantictioi Minereville, Pa. ,',lf
IT.A. Lin l'Aeho:oenife romehed thin 13f-rongb
on:te:ale! emeninclaat from t Mier trip_ on to
P.iettloitalimattimtse as °Mond°, Mr. Box
thabotiao coottoopl.tod slum ha martad=o
izo an far SI thailontia, but - when he
Culorado sad *at co eiremal aspkotog t , ipton•
nowt asmag ttop motholgoa with th4..,Wm. A.
L,salg,-Barve)ot 'General of Coborado, be ball
that time sod bi a tiptoe loosgameto • mould ot
p rmit him lb Wirt out Ala otininia ustentlen.
et, ha Aisle son* oroolnci lip. Sad It tanbad &Aar
an abeoLoe of sbont trot *tete, alttetr - pltsped
with htn ',Me' We hope to publish tA OW next
e tie linpremaloade made CID= Ur. B arthoiumeWe
Isola Oat-bell:a - trip. Urn - L Otte mho
wept tatib idr. Diathefontee had colgtolled hie
jout hey to CaTo.t la, will rettrn .10 B,:ptembar:
MO'Grulre - 61..ret1. G: and cklaiog pnt gals at
Dn. Ce;ro?.e at Gaitiel'e..
Bet. M. B. Page hie received for his work.,
dotter.e•tres 'to acknowledge .a donatkm of iL
• mg. for the Se.netuai from A. 8 II mete
ittla '. 141 and 118 -William mreNi Neer ;Fmk. —'
Bong• to' the Sanctuary,. Is a IVO and Dem'
afully Lont.d rclame of hrmes and Mese nom
laikd by Dr. , Lbieron. It is printed In large
clear ty p-. on listed toper, azui eoutahw a melee..
then , more thatil,4oCl of the eholoSet hymns In '
one hu.guage, tenompuded by well adapted
tunes, andent-fend modern. Tides book is rme
need In Dr. Curler's Chang., Brooklyn. and to
most ofß ap tist
a C
ches b thr ter u i g a h n o u C t o t n he r n a l t a ion Y . •
Its general lntroeltotton would work a mob
needed revolution to the mntic of our climate,
aradqlo amen 1.., hasten the glad day When. 'al!
the people" shall "praise the lard," •
rte Grand Andy of the Republic bead Paverii.
email °catenation at Anima, on the la h.. The
reports'of tbeltrand-Qtatatander and Af A. G.
show the Order to beau a very prosmirerni am
ditkm. Pince its organisation in Ills kl , ao 17
Poste have been chartered, neatly' all of which
are new le ircr.d !rtaktraranier.
pittelairrrwa. ssiectid es the place of bolding
the vex' anneal cooreetior; which meets oat the
suond Wrdrireday of JIOCIST7; 1570. '
The Pennaylvania Radlroed, through the coot'.
terry of Mr. Cur a.t, extended to the daleg !Owe&
special beta to viva Crewel:l Springy. The lotto
loft' Months at S o'clock on the afternoon Of
. Wednesday, uLd reterned at 7 P. N. All Vito
highly delighted , rith the rbit and er jryed their
reeoption at the Spripee. They Were *remain.
pled by the band from the Pennsylvania Railroad
' whops at Altoona..
do intraeoie strict of litttilinP, Patti', Dalatoite,
Ticks Yutakal.,
frin Cbrc ßibt ks,
ntttt Buttons Ntttiott Ski p,
TTrimmings,Silk ges, xd
ionnmortblo o th er stitch,. at cost ; perem ptory
sale I stare opportuntty "at Ospited's. , •
. ,
• ,
7 , 4 Eirih Ord .inveotion of the. Rik
M. Moult of London, who thecOverelf that dry
earth /a the beet rirodorm, r known. The brine ,
plc wag called to the attention of tbs Brideh
goverment, who tested It thoroughly In the
Emig lodise, ana with such malefaction std see-
Cede, that ft ass ordered ?bathe sum t f t 2.500
be paid to Mr. Monte sea gratuitnnarscognition
of his valuable discern/3% 'lt wee'', afterwards
adopted get:tray throughantisoglandund with
'such attelisctor; Mules; that no the earth
&Wet Is ?shelving reelections eves the. water
clans ilmest univutwally.
• ' A, palest was granted in this conntry, and a
pompon, organlgsd for the manufacture of the
' closet sad allures; and to noir under full opera
and'hateting with gement favor In• the
The principle of this closet is that dry earth I.
need to prate of tinter, and the system bar the
following advent orre : No plumbing is rroolrd.
Ir or ver got. on , : of order. It ja - ronslabis!and
can be moved from room to nom ac pleasure.
It is an ornamental piece of furcirrtra, arid the
expense Is kirs than Onol , sirtn of a rarer closet.
very family should possess one of these malty
valuable and convenient articles.
Orand'elcillgt out sale at Garland's emir:am:els
to clay.
/rem the Beading Datlp Tines of 'lncsday
we extract thtt-t,ilowion: •
"On Saturday lot a man who gave his name
sil'O'Brian arrived to Plindeboro and stated,rhat
he was from Pottsville. He, bad bean 'drinking
Mestaerstde tom drain th day and badl the
upposrsoes of being a pretty rood - patrol:to; the
indent." Overoome by influence of uor,
he went to the tam of Hr. Hali, and
laid down to eleep_whers hi was foetid, during
ilk, evening locked in the cold embrace of di sib,
a victim to the tell destroyer.' His remake sent
Intemad In the cemetery at that Place yesterday.
Those with whom he conversed on Saterday are
of the opinion that he was of good family oon-
nrcton at Pottsville."
Is he known to any of our citizens?' We ars
not aware that he belongs bent.
Since the above was placed in type', welded
the following id referents to the matter In o the
Pottstown/.. , tlgre -
' •111arthe O'Brian, an Irishman who Worked cm
Section 4; Wdminetou aiwd Hoak* Seined. ;
diedsuddieW, on liaturday evening last, the 17th
Met', at IWeboto, it Is supposed of apoplexy- ,
He was a man of Intemperate habits,. an had
drank considerably during ;the day. About 2
ifck;ck he fell doer' suddettly; opposite the
- Birdsboro Grist BUIL - He wee Gleans, ropetly
eased for by Dr,tlLP.,llnoti, tint srgplred the
same evening, ibteit 6 o'clock Deimated was
about 55 year* of age, was rf fine sebelt?. aorf
bad been clothing for several years stffilferent
places. Ho was a strange/ In tree neighborhood,
but bus • - eon and daughter at Pottsville. la nom-_
forbids circumstances. He was buried:in Bt.
- 112chsere Cemetery, Birdeikey:"
Ames Shawls ! Shawls! 5:421.71s t The
nne:t iive bf litimmar shawls of every descrip
tion and latest designs et Gelland's at coif.
...Adj^to - nta meeting of Schuytka(lia'reit num
P.Aincii..-31embers present, Messrs. , Brawn,
OCit2,. Wagner O'Brien, Freed, Teter, Itruplie„
Relltall , `, sod Fusident 001111 C-W.
Of tut Meeting read and spproved!
- Road Committsit reported that the road from
Bud's to Borough line hi South Ward, hoe,Oons
placed in repair, -and that the - paving of; gutters
was progresting. , .
tea on inch-op reports - preemie.'
^l ( PtV . orter preaceted his bond for the collet,.
thou of 'Borough taxes with sectuity,o When •
Motion the bond wee aooepted, eF dripllsghti
Placed in collector's hands for collection.
On motion the propene TOT Mr: Tchrltlite
liver brick wee accepted, and the Sercitaryin.
. *treated io to notify MM. ' , • , •
On Motion the r ad committee were instruotzd
to select a place to unload brick on their arrival.
. p. 1%. C.llgia member from the Welt Want,
prisetbad his reeiguation, which Way=
. Bon
kk.uari 1 11e'Gor was.tobtinated in
~plaes'of -
Mr. Caution. When on motion- 14r hiolitry
was sleeted by &octant:an.
Joseph Banter member from the:South Weed,
purpled his resignationh. into on, Motion the
same was accepted.
• Tho clerk stated that the Bonerritertr hewing
died, tt wan sectimary to elect a Bupervieor.. -
Joseph Etngsr nr nominated, sad tuning ret
Oppoittiontwas elected Supervisor by noels*.
tion, place of 'John Saylor, (daoriarri.), •
On motion . Mr . Ulcer wu lammed of ids
election, and inettnetedloshare hie, bond ready
by next meeting. ; ' -
On motion therced tencmittee hytruetet tbn
Stopervisor to pot in,,enrb, commencing staloidee
eon's curb. - • , •
Oamotion the boid of John Saline (det4teed),
be'retureed to his securities. .
On motion en order of SS:A — 00 was drawn in
Ilene OrStronnoMoso;for part,Torrnsot of lons.
Issue for ttie : esenimg...
Pre?ions ksac ......
1 .19322.111-,
,rk ga r ch Ho% LI Didellie, rii4. ire mani•
lad Ins Holm Frolitteg of maid= pd.
attni. - Ho their ti or Grsciaa . Betal Window
Hood far wide all damn. Parkietilese will be
fieridisboll Wm a application. ' .. 28 4t.
... ~
Sons of dwerica.;.—Tae State Catip of POE
IMYriou. lAtkoldjui aorrealosmiou alytearger,
mottle Mk, UM ; lid 120.dee of iteltott-*
irCexpceted that.. ate • rtl be moot the largest
emk* bald bf Sem of itostica.—
rd i trEo3keeg, •or.Orap 49, Piregromi, to
promkteelliy..itanotirlbr Che posttioo of Mate
Preaident,_entkas the V. catty ctorenntbroj
tWI,- ettrith lately'ogoverted .. at liskently
Let madawsuity arecommorlded hire, It to
bop;4l We Rid tot succeed al.
oo Akitimil ;movie of
' Order eiti Mks place lltb, and se
a m ity fri wimps ham itignided their breedirs
o f pardelpe.ll Will mutely Do a enocess - .
c mp 47. of delmmikill Haver; tae appcioted
Akio Comarttiser to templed* the nsasseary
ratagentwite' for them to participate. They will
muster 03 meet; clad In black oal t. light saps.,
and blot badge% _weefitel . the gorge= and rich
migmatite of the Ord,"
P ea`
014; 11 k G.,dotri P. Y.,
balder Warm fled. W mod Inee l ikroowelo,
tt i . r o ttorma .
lit e r p o st , at. Arm ts
Schojikill County Oredle dveltiog to pettier,
goo ems camp 47, are moues& to relrirt, to
littiert Bohemia: ftwoolfrt of Gilleleik4ela Me for.'
What taketiotommeldere-
Stmejlibt th at wer
tbta Order ts we hese dliteoli'lrgzi
OA. .Mrtist ars Oro skivers ertitirlitederr
Ws me immured that tI to rho_ mil notional wry
outissee ow .lo prtireipis;-
stoked 15 membrthip e .sad ziatiosa alt oven
oreantration telmaireof of Stone Saterbied
ed Metter so a body.ot patriots to Mhimisi the
eases of Gad, their amtstr7 led Meer Osier,:
fogketoteememat hiethee ter tom Oda sew&
sty vlsi, sod tb. vintmakr &an. or% Ow
their good adrotnistratleit selltrlee, g g ib uis
4‘4 44, 44 20011 yours owe to tilortnty
ssere drat osessizadom ware Orraithitog,• rem
aro tie try .tof piettrase mart.rakitoss
time, orris ahoy me about rah* .04
4 . 4 .0 4 . t., It mime benietted this
oed Ittreet. , Ws eme to d thol this - peal , '
of Onlte..te serest Metregteme
P0t4e914, Wog the weakest pald* Wrogertki
mere ameba of intrattitoont. Wipe Mee teas
teise Ipn eemerty Wile Meted ;;,' Ye epphamis
fora charter to ere UMW way, 411 promillac
they Demienitest Rarbliesak so futiditertir
elesteino to tle OM" sod lessbeds
Won of Wee only pees EMMA' arisor
, tiselamt, , . - •
Th. tannic sail best sepottatelti d lkoPidri•
to tam st U. It. Mardi'. , 411
- `q • E
. .
.fr,akvo of the F.mbew,k,ewmt of Lower Staa b.
Sat wart erymptoma of
le break in the embankment at the breast Olaf.
er Tu,nbling Ron Dais. nen visible. W M
ratter. to guard epi th et a dbmatroos SU
[aide, by Lams di • portion of the water. It
did out prevent a break boomer, fur as Model
tobrelog het, ibout 3.=quitbe . but
woo etTlet
awl, Ike oiler rushed re tepidly
not to soffit:tout body to do. may damageto.
yeller betas. It la th anght that the water Viii
.be all out by to-day. It la estimated
ained that from
try to three mon th * will`ba reg to repair
the damage.
The drawing odd this large body of triter pot
fitheemen ne Me QM tree. the lendendif
beteg stocked with a largo mambos of lbeh • ,We d
learn that a party from Schuylkill Salon list
I..eritb s seine cot Wald,
Wedettetay mad tat atm*
of sackers, pike; eels, bat , no
; The most , oampista Mat oil Drum Goode ia
thin,. al to ba Nasal at Gallattdia; Co: a. 210, Op
tie stmt.
liretifir.f I Gouorit eta bold on Tbee.lay *Tannic
leer ('rent. Maus. C. Ileffaor, atiearer,
ma, Brom,. Lx, Lather,'Stosslir, Cochrall, Su
rto hat., doer, sod Tax, Presidrot.
The C,MWILLOII of Faro Apparatus rcrrted
*tat th * -s plus of tbs Biarospb bad boss ol
io:Rani god put in compl , to order. •
It!roui,b Thaaniees otatiment wan road and
Cotomnnlcstlan. from lotus P. Rodman molars
Connell to .tablisD a better 0140 02 the Part
1/Itlo Of Cc ctris 1420011j.0420101 NAlket 110 d Nor
wee rafartedlto the 86(T01 CU:comae*.
' Coiamuniestion tram Jobs W. Bickel, Latta
that street to trout of Marta sajnbtaa property,
1 , 0 eroded, was twbood to the beast Committee
yob power to
. A p.. 111,00 2.001; Cil.i2ool fiddling 02 nOWIrd
. Ao,•oar, asking that a Ars plug be artetA at
it Arsons sod Woe street, eras - referred to
the Cartudtee at FireApparatno. with potter to
Petition teltirirr Cievalvert in Chi' attest was
lekrred to the Street Committee. •
I Petittnm tot erection of firs plug at Shah and
;1100 &recta, was refined to the Outuantuts of
rise Apparatus with power fb art.
; Notices of road viewer' In miaow@ to pro-,
reed stew roods ist the Barcurb, were read and
'referred to the Street Cotiamhtee.
Oct tooth* of Kr. - Browo it was resolve I. that
the property holders Go the cut *kW Of Hotel
street, be 'mulled to Garb sod pare.,
' Oa rontiberof Mr. Coe:brut it sat reaulsed that
the reeled, of ths Beading Ittffroad Co. rumen
tie trick In Barad stress above 4170 grade of
trie street, be referred to the SoreerVouuStse,
with p ower to set.
B of Peter flellenthall, Al 30, was referred
to the Street Committee.
The folettems bills were mad sod ordered to
be paid :
Jesse Bawtri..
Jacob' Madan
street lauds
Rienzi/ a ICUs
S. Y. Greer ......
Mich. Zlriebel to July stand
*Walker A, Pelee
Geo. Evens....
d. H. Panty..
Sara. Melba
Jac. absistlaa
Joe. Troagb. :
Jaime( Band.
lowa for arresting
Previa= Wm..
Gallants an t l 4‘bol• 4141 0 f
Drl Goods and rote to boi bac
Aktorpoi , Cap Affatru—Penis . the ILdnimety
Gazette of Saturday last we =Link the kdkag
WM 4O2 Wedneedef lad llio Y P lb°
rights and privileges at lb* Sew ems* was
sully tendered lath by ear Met Coadahle.
roping them Into pcsed.
The Lehigh Valley Railroad Csm bas laid
&doable neck se their 111shanaY.D.
03 and alter tomorrow, the day patestateme.
train to Tausequtrom Stlessolda. will =Aaiun
new.= at Tamaqua for Fettertlir.
The Rey. Ur. J . A.
Bortgad has been appoad.
ed to take chir p s rat the 14 R. Sooliety at Ciliber.-
ton and Ilahaney Mugs.
The Shamokin A Tremeton B. H. wu opened
Tor freight laustnees to Tuesday. Z. P. Bayer A
Co ,at Trentham. shipped the lint coal over .11.
The train oonalsted of S 4 oars.
We moderstind puesager trades will be pat
on nest week.
On Tuesday last, a trot had pleas between tile
cites &arm. Nicholas between Mr. Haughners
eckbrated hores,"Ftrefly" and It. Levu'. well
known steed .Lisbuthae." Dwaine* about 14
.anlai. The ISM WIIIIAULA lively and =Wog,
"Firt fly* wining by about eight lengths.
The mamba's of the blahs:toy charge ot , the
Lathersn Church, compoed of seven tooMiregs.
door, in Little Ilahattoy, Jackson Jordon, We:eb
b:4nm and Upper Std aisy townah'pe, Northam.
br:lend coenty. bin by a unanimous ad* deci
ded cc seeept the eavicas of Bee. Mr. Boyar u
their minister.
0,1 Monday lest Runnel Burdock while ptuan
log his deity avocation at Wigged* Colliery, end
hie ankle meanly fractared by • tall of sna g. A
man named Liddte Gotildney. woe she slightly
Lratsed at the tame Mtn* and place.
On' Sdutday atorming last Thomas Fits:elm-
Morn, a ettincr,Ar eking at Jackson's, was severs.
ty Hared iy Steil or.onsi. •
Hb Eze-lonej, John W Gamy, Governor of
this Commaawedth , bseConamistioned the fol.
losing named gentlemen as • State Oast sod
Iron I..fice force. for We section of the Comely,
o z 13.. H. Reed and B. B.litanifer. for
11.13auoy CitY_DA'net : John Button and Peter
Crews, far Ilitenantbstt Otte Btalrhat Franklin
Besieger and Duda Quietism. for Ashland
The foregoing pollmmen were Emma and tiros
hued in on Monday lama: The Act of Assembly,
coder which they are ceraminioned, gine them
the same mivilempaw_em and gallmedl7 as die
Car Police of Padolola posesse.
The engine "Mtenesde was rather tuaforta
nut on Tbarsday. In the morning about 10
o'clock 11 tan into and smutted a number of
care: at PaChf's beetles at Bostcs Burn boat'
.knocking One ar two rapport* fiver under the
*chants. IQ the afternoon abouti ceaktek it ran
eft the track at tithitifi switch thus eletilning
the through freight into about two hours sod
the up passenger Wall &boat to. hour. The
clue of the letter mishap was the too near ap
proach to th e swish bebee' it could be toter d.
avik awl Drappylking, Dress Pernishing
Goo* eta., 114 lOW Balmer', 1241 01111 M It.
Five our EthOhilr ecempoobeht ye
Oho the
cahmmag, whieh Re chimera, Wert ooh
• •
In CO? tut we'sfientioned the esd'occartence
at St. Oistr, Use &aerate( WM» vsal Intenstr
los and peamislenk lacte, ll'aiblailan Ducal
Owns and Damen 11. Want. issebun
chat, *warren» cue .•
mad gloom aver the entire
Boroed, neb of St. gals. Wel as the eiwe was
wewetted people gashared. armed. Winn
tte bodies were be brows» bows, the pabl le
thoroughfare was deasely Blled, ea that it was
airman »minable.'
. The bodtee must hew laid to tbe enter Souse
these boars: Sepastal of bel hero made to
get them out. Persons wen diving and diving
yet no traces out.,
be tow& The °tattling of
the lade lay eke», togethu by a rock close by,
end there su an doubt ehataver, bat that It be-
Tht body 014dItlig Hull
_ass fished oat. That
of young u se vim mem to light by Kr. Jr
Lawless of K. Cleiroslis mate a diva lino the
pond, sad aftetheing down a short time. we
tug? Mwst ap i , him up , reeling ea ble saes. • Ur.
LL. an beeverl see hte said, hat
roomed may wipes from Mg • Wag
oes metes.
Through his oar sad lessup,. the bode Was
brought to shothtla the usembly
led around the fetal sosegof Me disaster, we e.
MU/Ted to exerts/IWe of tbeekteleese repo the
risme of the liailke.. . ..
Dimas D. K. Heel vas balled co Sete via
in the Odd Mount Cemetery, IPanstille. and
ass attended to the gravelay a lame oommires
of sympathising Mode. Th e ea. Clair Ildkoci
dirt Epheowl &MUM lidlioot-of vhioh he was
• femoral and atter:Um member-oseuriud the
remains to the lover mad of the tram. •
Pereeveranee Secata, , No.ll. Codas of Tala
peataws-of which be hod pup boo sleeted Baer :
reary-stuended the reneMs of their worthy
brother to Ma Imiteigleg them , - • :..
• ' Oa fluo4y, tut iessee&Ussweelus were beia
•In the IL W. Obtereh: Bor. S. Diatom" Pater
ofiltelL T. aboreh.lbstmills, mai seise wiry
totem sibm ressedm, to the
meseme. Pipits == lisW ile the
abilities sad plead* dam= bole.
thus sharriag tie e le mid* OW were
held to the at Hsi. Kr. Hera
bill, Pemba If. K. age end
as tatted tem the Hwy O w, which
he baud? bad pined iiMe
magas at Colentetlej 11 02 0 10 b iL usi
22 4AVa 1l- luis s re Wile In_, e kag tl .
'"' • yea ammeted ei t ar damp eesstme
and joloed the ohateitee boos. There
was sot the slightest ihrebt Mt Ms sametaste
with his Oat.' Ile bed ranee Ids esldet lad
sketiae ruts.,` 11 le intlelehm to stem the
&Way sad still Ciphered fe tin
Wad of Old inelonede. The co=
silt ,___ 4l .
rinse sacensioe letelles, sad this hubs,
weriendoe bock se hese wassildag whirli
maid be • coedit to nee sena old ea pats.
EUs bereaved plumbs prise thisammeato of their
leeelmeigineverthealeettle el pad se alter.
Bev. Edina Benet alto Aldo some my sp.
peopento aWafti spin the siewasier ot an two
boys. 'The swarm veto made mars Impur
ely, ty tbs eingleg"of Wads* tabedoes. The
large ecatmistiau wore meted to tunas the,
heard reed the lime tad manly traits of them
promising boys.
_They were both members of
the lisbtath deboar, sad knee to be food in
[ S
owinganise Wasse." - Tered was '
~ real
et the we. bilk, de ,o each. mu= se I
[ have opt space to Insert in fall. Halal wee ea
orphan boy, realm see of the most proud:mot
lini be Mph sobeet, at. Mete. He poesseeed rare
abilities, vas affable sod anataxis to his de.
meteor, and pan 'me seldom of sardeMe&to
Protelmara enditadatorlee imu j ai teave years.
i lea ewes, showed trits, il , =
I MI sa intellect ot _ weaannee Ins
1 Pi *III 1 0 1 . sere is ads sessmon, 104
witleseitflo evtdist a r im= s - a vise sad
sem Mlle dar tied . A daft
time eines, tils=i lm e talking%
blia oe "pm&
1 set perstesr " sneer Inn milee
Silfamlow, aslatl biet 'timed yea bo *aid to die
•I` - See mom was elophatia,
Sie l irtierles "wooed saber Um sad do
same owls sb _"wooed,
Dent to de rigid It'
"Oa Haodey asots&d, Ms body was telloo to
'Philadelphia far babiostatt la tie Noma Mierisit
Oemstary. Um Imeisajpemealof the misdebas of ,
thtsMadleHMt 11. R. Osallmimei. Hisirmestes
more meetted to the divest by the W. Z. Benda
Bobcat, of tat Cddr. Thetseral serelse• wee
. - widetettwinsindilereb-Omesii, Plitiadelhia,
tee tannin nisionts dlissedell __Bswllwida.
H. F. last; Wm. *Detrymph• mamas IMra.
kitirreail• Mari. A- AMNIA The sad Mamma
. • Tba assrefias Wen bwpowisfy*
Sabath liobool et PlaWo Illisipst, (lows Pew.
B. Owes ins eratfooeclyft , rell
also the IL liebbel f leas
R. hal served ATII years, sod ahem ice
• bees. Theo soo. farmed a Made .roa d
beradhd **pie, tad earn wag le Meese of
moseefelmArema Bat a lese Vaal lilleh tba
Mimi fana - of the/ Wow wassfeakm. the eAsed
teen bred . dine b.M swim; ibis palate
foams wall badly Mac their hyena stnise.
The knew dune: of Perlikeare Chaell, ass
repreeeetadorttUe mai aka that el ties penes
~ ; •
gm 11. O. Iste, T ine se lie Cilegmdtle hem
Ckmelenhoebelletterd„ raid madelless
of ip ths berested faailly
ahat he all Matt sidiellow.
1 Tularaemia& usedei"Prowstadl g a lg • a- •
I and fuggy • piii basimies their esseestitri,
pubis, loth. - MMed le Ude Wit Were lmg,,
Lod tistelthallaisollod se their sembee ar
rotweeene them at tbe feserillbeartaide: IL IL '
1, W. Li Gray W. C. Botireas, IL B. Ow e
A. a ii: room T. K-Twwww. ,
Ann& ...0,1110101
T. B. Mier, if. J. lithem. Pftaallm - - - •
Me Um eat spamito Ismerttbsse mehillielea.:
fieneestbe.-larnawtesnilseildliAw id, 0. et
T., riet.cillerilefleglaNagfallgffi mr = l "
I I-
=ll=yeildell dee ms !it , AN
. .
,Taa tonimene minim Ilielleise Win end
to vhdPolikWdektird Inwe Wanes siliellow,
et** rnpn 0 this sosioneed. geyee ewe
'in• isms scene le name netiewil• dir,ro mat
of the veldigh
Il rre r eatte a.
eatei rse,
'grMask .
i i nt i tiaped a dr
' re=steM mir lielr irdegieree,
”penadiei liwill
unlit iselw,-
...81,00 05
itnesik VMPIM4
irs• Imo
rianbli auk/
Moor , atm was doe t
hare Berm - mt . &anai!: (Warn. —Brae
Will be faxed a lilt editor of Merl.
kill Cruel who - comae dating theleat
usa , st odeerty,. • Ice be taxable undleribe
revenue tsar of the Valid States. Thrlat.
bowers dor or erne, e fait idee &Air jib.
curie of our people, u truce liner, retcroihoro
bat been &dared the ellageraose of slDOOodrieh
by law, a notated • oho. kiss boned 011bera
and tam= tn prerion yearly, hat *WA
has proved deriul INS to brrinethose..blem
rent ddany paid ; Intereillf War doe LAWN.
paid during tedS. We bower& went oinatera
returns. Lod have added fo quit. a rember
bible,. -Imo recoares' truce hare, rather& and
c a w o arponabooa a1.4,b witirbeidabelara,—Dea
We bare done In just ce to these chignon who
bare areiderable income from these amarese a !
aeon which the , / PAY tae, add Om NW
Rettemly appear to Lb. pa d:abed hate.
ram eared the ameaet. pobitebed by-at Wei
• fifth We might state that a number of chi
les.. made returns at she areeent'a alike, in
ado,o. k e eaa rune that 'belt Wreath Maim*
Marin , 14..:8 exceeded their beroceee.. 0:104.
quenuy, their name. do toot tops:ar r as the ant.
jawed tut
.: . .
A. _ Mortimer el X._ " IN
... Potence' Win kr!"
Attlee C. Y ••• 38 152 Beeenuta 98041.1.
Allons, Boon 8.. 3e,r..8 91 , 0arnard Ju 8... 1741
Ackerman. dam. .. 911 He I,r Jutal AL...., 131
Alger, Jo. 4Rj Rana Geo .983
A bow., J 8 ' ?TO Murray JO 111
AArtll/1., ide ..amtey•Jr• ' 9 0
110 1•10"±Y, ball. . !MuoraJm.. 109
gtt. Lk.. 110' alotro
Braman Remy. 8 l'+'l4•lcr Peter so
Is tent, Ytciael. .. 3'14 V fee, D
Ik•ta. W .0 8 111411 r Jas. 11$
boa Jo 11 1,015 3191.4 Aa as
43.94- o , Ws . . . 1" U. - 4oreherd Ales IL MCC
%Ara, Ck,o T. so
/1,4.. r. Wm F_...... Moyer lord- STI
e ..... 4 1.244
Borne Ber 11.1mI IllcOuwan Kral 11 . .. Ma
11,x bmer I,l i NLca 1)
Snug. Cdird C 114
Rena, 11,111 11 • • • 8 81 :VILMA. Xlt 1,15 T
11,16. e 0 p ....... 1,471 !knew', a I L
Bruce Il'ltort 1/11g sunk 088 T 191 I
4 901, Polled Wa aa
1316. r 6,411 PlOusata Henry- 1901
Bltlis Marks 4 / . , 3 Price Bond. . . 14111
tartar. Vred. . • •
- ••• Parry Edw. Oerain.,. 1,319
Boy T.... '1. 8 1 4 Pethev44lll4•4, - . IPRI 1
HAM u 11100 P.... 0 1 67 Pon JahnL. .. ... 11,1113
Boum Precut 8.. 3.01 a pow. . P. __
Bunion Sohn err 11 &09 1 Pries Jacob
8,,8.8 T•Lor H.... .9 1 81 retort Jacob 331
Belt 7 , 3 „ . r s c Puller Robe 1311
BUltt7 39. .. IAI I iA Mt
tae rc.ri C% N I , P.At Bel Joatlste ai) LT RV
Barclay el V4 s ` Polls Wen W 1,138
B:r4i J o hn W .. .. Tl , lPeUmnan Fred Gte
attullo:lr Le. 4 Ir 9 tin
awoke L P . 9 0 4'• Koseberry Juan
Beet Jahn 0. . 49 Roc:mats= Andre.. 11.1111.
y k ,„....1,4. v.. , 12.148eDard..... 9,110
Bell J0b5..,..•: ° • 50 ` 14111171t4/1314.....0 8500
Hell Geo . 11 8 Ranudy_llo94X..• .
lima Wm e= Rees/ Tba111...,: IOW
Wyex Z P B . l ' o Ravel I,al
Coal' , . Jot/. Si , Rap) A (esti. 00 , 13 1 448
Crtts Do'd 80 Raper Bear, .Tel
coeme C. r ... • . Ito wet ir : sit
Colbcol Rutri .• 81 2 Ryan Jon. W...... 1,151
Taa. • 4 09 Robloon W
(8104m1a9 Bet .. 4,43 54114155 K
L9rpeetu J. . 4. 5 : Battik Mean
Candader Jobe T.. 9,04 1 Reeser Redeem 0 94
eau !,i 4 'Rode J -7 . 1,139
Romer Je4.1.. 10- 1 tt 474
Dose. OW H.... 1.0 11 4 1
0.•8111004. .. ,
Des Jobs .1 ft RI& car: • 'I it
Wawa 011wer I,lra . 485
De Praetor Jug..... 114. Harengertes Healy 1.09
Dub. J . - ... 141 asles.... 9,314
Drumheller Jam. 1101 131000 dme n•11 Je
0006 9.48 8
Duiralag Or 91111Man.1111.111.... 11.954
Derr 1150nn........ 1.1 181 elichlar H P 474
NALIIIALL 8..- ... • 114 Smith Ws jL 11.119
Beat Ikuoo oo -• • • 137 11 . 1 1 . 1 _180e 95.
Bens Rai • • - 01 1 . 18198
Winona Henry IL 1.110‘1884 181;, ...k .. , tam
rooter 13.25 1199 . •• . 0. 113 •81.195 MR Tte
80 , 88 _ 81 SUfte Babas Lir9
Frick 9e l del D H.. 171
Peter Jceill 1119.
Ysetcr 1 1 401 • 04 r11341%1We........ 419
Pout Ake 9. mom, low
OW Qatar 0 c. 1 . 163 &Wel DR 13.44
Podt Jae. : ... .. .':1 811 Snyder Railed 1,341
Rs: Clld,tlll A... /./44=4/1 B. it
WE Waal 1.1.• 500. ' Meer
Godlrty Thoa .. , 1 1 11 - 911M4P'.... 1,549
pi,. use 1 . 614 Nasal Denl. . ..
Grew 11.414 C 1. 156 %dna Am. • lee
Grew.% 11. 11 7. • SebeldlA W......
Glean 340. ••• • • 147 chenle Datil.;
0.1.7 Joe W . ... • 800 teutt 0....:7.9
Geoff Jail' est. 01 478 *bee& Be, W... Tot
Grkeesem Rubles Tr.kbortler 881.804. use
H. 4,331 Jobs P Seeded M ut 193
Ripple CO. . 41 D I.4mlth II 13 De
1 1. 8 .. 8 , Bc, 31 1 13aDdenerie • Ale
ac.c.:ll 4. 5 _ 11 ,bch111114' NT
Ba q nle t.e l ere 9A • • • I.sz4ll9eleelleri .228
Haus user W 1.815,88.8ky. IL
191010 11 . W lO D... I/I 549 e I.leloB Tsj
Halben t edt A 211 1%.1031.99
Heywood 1.7 0 4 Tromprott Hyper 11 1.019
Bur. stepbes 14 101 Tesessons L kap
Verve Juba.. .. ....1,V=J '1.014r Derj r 1,108
0 0 Tye. ID H.' ' fir
Bea* Fratlete • • 73',102111eGasrleteapee GA9I
Hews Jacobi-. Vt., e.90.1039 , b Ile
0 5. ToessUnt Thor
Hrodlier J.. •.... C.. de
Berleety Geo. • ..... 1 ,11 . Toessehd 441
Pruden.' Ales- 5 51 Tbegros
BMcM et,.. 41, auf
Molt . 1 111 vsartaa Taa 841
Hughes Franc% W. 10.154 ;Vet WOW. OD
11 sneer Jr Clio- 1 5 Verine'Ainete low
Ileiberstedt A H... 5.
194 Wei* J
mart Le ,.. 1 71 Wams Geo 419
Hoetztorer,Jecoir..l 14. 111 Wow Aim 344
Hefter 1:390 , • • . 28,Widermatla Cbri:;.• . 153
Helene:Pre& ...... 111 We're 12.131.,..,. erre
Juokarth BY. • • 8 , Wasalegil, 1611
/JIM W LIM Walker Tbo. 2,1•18.
Jeremy D ....... . 41Woll Wm 10
Err.ll Andre.. .. • . P ll. Weber Hew
Kish? Ben)ren.... 9181 Woo 1.1111
Kterel•cr r B ... ... . 1,841 Weld Isaac. 418
ITS' Whitney 94981 1... 133
-p•veh Caas T.. I,Ta4 WmawirJasatk... 1,100
Hlehr J,R .. . 195 W 1119302 Wrs R.-. 400
Krebs Dual .... 11 0• 1 03 11 5 11(9. - SO
Kuhn Hennas _ 205 Wereeefty. 1,711
Huy Weherd W.. tell Womeledorg Lan,. TAN
Redd& WPllam. 7.oosrme7 Fronk.... WO
Helm Gee dell .... 11.094 1 We0er11 1 Jobx w... ass
1.4 „. Richard 4,263 Weaver RI ON T... . 11841. gam' 111 s
Luber ] „ be 9. Wells Ws ' B LOU
Least . Cbuks.... 1.2.9 Wl9t3est Joe
',rebel Beery-- 391, WeLery 1,118
Irene Quid., _ 'll4lOl, 8 8 , IF, 559
um . c 8 8„ 8 „ 8 i... 1.791 1 1841141111/1 • s, et
Lase.rein Led- 1.1111 DWA.50U80111....
Lloyd Ellsebetb.". tesT , Webridra Amos- 139
W cee•T utiles Chas . Es
Lee MA*3 Y. ' 8113,111.00198 DU. . 10,511
Loose C0r5e1104.... 815; 4
Loner J L OTC Ztatry 941
liergen S 1.1r5:029411113 103
• -
Pala WIN.
Betrincer 151 1 8 11110 W1 1 11 1 110 -WO
Hamm; Wm 1119191
,Lo WM L.. ST
Lee Tres SM. ' 1141
193' Wilde* elarlehm. ,Ist
Gwen Ake. WIIRIVT BolstslB.
JE1.03/ E 14117.. TO!
k 9117 Jam OWL=*. 8814
Butes ....... 101.• .I•Wps U
11e,4 .... • 4.*1 Oa H. 4.= 6, 01 ,Wi
Budd.W 8....... 139.H.04 Weslo
Irks Henri 131 T 11.14.0... 8,444
Bender P C.., ..... o.lHria Tim 1L...-. -SO
Dead! . 16'0Kx:salsas 1. 190
Dusubreeer J W.. 2611145811018 1010
Dusk. &erten.... 058 LI Mae
Felix Saml . 1,001
Pretler Deal Set liana •
Pox Jowl , 1 lei, V a n e - 11
Gunk, Joe C 11179 3181erJubs ftl
Guns A B Passe Jet . 1114
Geer Se th . Hoven ?boa ' 19
Heckman Geo W.. I RI Weed. Frank... .. 1.1 0 0
Rehr 13 J 143111.90.18./ 2 / 4 :.. vie
Hester Abests92... • ,521105
Heider Freak .... GUM.,
Herds Wan .Liet sidoenurgaloai sr
Jure* Dedst A 988beilesbetsw ADI 510
Feu Wm
.0 8. 3 :e 111.111nal k oba... 5.
Rest R 41.32 , 51Wdet • 310
s.ra; B lkitomuusamaJolaa.... • 1,890
0 4 1 Wen. 2.949 1 . t
We. -
at n nt 8 C Valtarva Da& '
apron Jame 191, 1 12erberti811 1 401.... . 081
1110.. Ruiloe 1,1134 1 11 GM-. MSS
Belt= Andrele.... 13118 5311 /....3. .. "'
Bayer II 0 al a-- 10 ,
. 8441 Ch" A. ' mqvue .106.
Crcatpli 'Moe /a tape Heed
Caryell R H ' 875 Zeiss Coed! UR.,
Coryell Caroline. 11.280,08 C, 121110 i
CompsoetWm. lOW Polkit ' thke ~.A. Ist
DORM Pstddr.... 1411 4 . 411
Deldoull .13.. 4081112,1D41•18D.:-.... Al
= 2 l Emma -..` 8.8 0 3 WD11151891.1...... ‘lO O
• • $ lO 941:84fteXML...
•• • • / P CI'
TWP. • -
35 22
200 50
0 50
5 00
54 00
11 00
55 05
2 25
6 OD
0 DO
29 15
IMO 51
$22,415 77
sn.sq 23
Zlll3lllll Jahn T
Ximmpl Uw T.
M-14 -:,
• Cr
.... CP& 1 Wllitalia 111141,1:: il
'.•.. . .'
wanel.. . !leg 11 ..... !.. ... ' •
I'IU ' ...
. g
asidalf S:: - t.. : . 11,11111111•6 '.- WI
Itetla Aar0n . ....... 00,1:40#0 _ •;•• ' ' lOO
t•- • : , • i; . •
rogiOmp, , - ~. •,
Le o Inuit_ mu - P.- . •., ' , •i '
' Part C 111.241111. ::::. .
•111•Ntito6att..„. •1411104...... iffil
Iletnnk2r(ko w.. him/!4. ...... •AS
Madam doe*. -. SIM - ",,•' :. • 4.,
UT Jos 11., ..-- . - --• alarm ...... 11 5 1 1
Vartgli awl. 9 4 i . . 7.. -1 4.2 1 4 '
lhooseedar.: . .. 1.22122 M _ '..... 44 5 4
Biaea Wu a SIX° r4O l att._. , Pril2
Bawer Cacerst..... ' 59ai "anam....,4- At
Bisbon Wm p .., , ...- s Bay er ohs •W ...... : .at
Doogbarq cam._ . - 11 nada $ll4l .- 11111
Orbs Deal -- -- lallimlPtill4.. - « •SS
Ham Remy. ~. ..; • OP martins.. ..:. - .lar
Holland Ocal• 116 Thompson J ... - •
Lome ramicllaa... ,113111Wadaat i Mr; -;-. s
Kantoot Jacob MI Caps • . """
' . North Discabolls• Tarp. !.•
Adam boo . 11,101141151011W-1L:.....: UM
'Deibacc aF : ...... 15 WlZOilf Ndw7r.... Las
Lamm; Walter"..... -liSy Werner Jolt 1 , .111..
lissii ■lllelsiiiihm-Tilli. - - ; -
Soo I • - - . , .. -
Dom Edward ' -
Sift 41•12•1212 b.,..... --4104
Clayton Mx* 11-. 6111162611.111 0111114,-....... i!,
Ram IIhrooll1S 0 10 6 " ' '
-... *II rajOigiCif,--• • . 'n ,
.., :
111.2m2,IPOsk' 1 w '.
.I w ;2 ntwitYoem D. • 12,11111N - Lml.:. '
Mat Paw •... • ' ' 55Notilm ...
tone Wa.........
Punt law . i 2.124 •E. 4.
. V
Gagtemer J T _ . I INT.lieo IL,-412D
liusaag1.01111••• aIU.. W
Cam D a n -. 1 ..
Ili t . . rellibis - '2l/h . 1
di W - .... - !MGM*. WI 1 . ' ... • • 111
/Wm Jam H. . ' 111 , • ,i _ .
.4_ - ,; • .
- 0.11110111.100. - ~ 00
r 6 i i ik .. „
aiimui II - 41114111dbt1atp.a....... , i in'
Akita Job_ ....... ..14111LiNc517111111..a......kar•
Mum L IL ..... ...., 4
Abpacca Tlatilii...... WACO ..... ; Ili
Ueda Jr. Tha5...... Mg r '-4 , ... ...E
=1115•1....... . 51114011551T im. ,.ca. ~..:
1=1 11 24 1. ,......:::: 1 ;111 1 1=1 • ... '1" : '. •
poldaltai Ow W.. si • ~;
Doodot iota: .....• - • lIIIIMMII 4...
baina Wa1........ _ 11•115051tia ....». -
1155ab011111..... Ifflailibillala ••••• ".•
Dodos Ibitar..... , ISlrdamilialll 1... - I
I•Scilin• MY.. II•
.11550 L V..f.'... . - 1•111=1 '
m ihi =r a- 11184
. 1.7...:.
Fry 2/ • ' 1.01 ... ,
Ilais WON& . ~. 11111 , ••!4+-t
• GanYot II • *-- ll* ...«........ 1
IlissamlinsL..... • • til MYR
Mem P. .-. OK W / 1
&Wen 11.00"...... • IT
.. .Mom ayb5....... - • W lFil=4.
11516111F4111 :11111510•111D ':',-" ,- z' i.
&...L1N1V15..:..... ::111112151k011*.
osergt... 1191111112 .., a
lilt P
ril .c . .. ..... ~ex . • t ....i . .k 1 a
l"..":1C-1-411-"' -.7- ' 1 a
a u si r ~..... • Ni t Mil ;,.- .. ..1".......;,: '
=C igar
• " ---,. •. L tip
War IS V./.•7 9 1 "
100.0.reiliti . t ant
we I' ...1" :15
'` 11111•
a L.,„ 5•110111114X:- . ..Z . , lit
i1at...7. - '- ' , - - -:::. OR
Boakwits JOG
Mime Edw..
Mod Henry—
Nagle Wm
1414dn..1 , Jane , Wm
Ba B l , l l ll , 128;Pti:,r‘ 1/.r1,1 L.n
, PlB.l Frank .....,.. *XS Saabl F.. .
C.l. .111 m LI. . 19] Slmrard
Cbeirad 8;111m4 X 8...,•..
Ilhbr IClthan ...... I.v wcnei E
itaWr 8.. 1:1 14.1
Tether Wm. ....
.., II 3. Wm L
lisnrinibi:4l-C : 141 • •
• , ,11181.8•81. To ormiallip.
Lid•: ' ,,;cr 11,4, . I
%Liars= 1F....... ILIX,:s• pet": go.
BordattlLr A..:., I 1I Olt•weer Jac . 171
penal NMI 41:PartaelLiari;....,.
FAIR J0hn.."......170L 4 43
GUell (Us 1,411
(1 4LLlTble.hene Wm ' Icl
lunar 4•80 , WILIme A F.
W.2. ler Pt " :ol . ..
1,314 i:
• • 0•14 TogratiAity..
Outtrir ‘ C .,
sllol4Cemelt.r•r " 41'1 ,
Wt:ltsau iihrgbaul 1 4 ' .
Wanliburo,lL LA;
11!ynk,li Bet] • 19°
DOI'WOLI joosttiza.. `--114
Thug (lend
-77 Pipeadat
1 Itteh
drag ria. .
a elwr Hatay
trimitir Tewn.11.46
Brum* Altai,
Ts• aa
Orator Coarad
Pie 11476411 Iheins.l6ii;
Acc.1.1141 J•+ha J
Flew, Philadelphia. a ' •
. t:11 . 01 J sca t
!lowa Cass Toriss/10...
Clark. WI/1 ... .• t 4,lo.ll..lletbtlreer TEt . 2 1 k 0
tkiLisilso.l 8... .:. Zs. Viika4 F 1.27.2
peril Jain R '22
, • Plervregii.
Catrad -11,19;
SI i. Cambia
• liramckTimiltaidp..
Coek.Ul Kr.=
. t
tally Tlirp.
stal White 3 Ctrui , ;
WYS //Ebert 6.: ' til ca '1
bPI.OObISUPA Of Pis PDgs its
Ledgers," P_!OADIS fiegkor stilt s fete days
Siplior,lllolll.Collatlas of facie iii refieSoe
eo otts . .Batositranl vicisdiy, Ii glees s
Ireps . . to . pipet, sicylowr :
Praia ?A . Jet,
Itlibettleh Saptuktr i tl L neru essiaos OS
Mew* et Philedelleht. helmeted ce
Wallkill Mar. tuot above Ige, outage them* Mem
uppeshiosed telleruetellt el•hemetts• na
SINOW la sane pima rime seareWp ,
Ileflat l r ui r s lesdy be o4slned hy berag
the Idffs of rusher bm& Alm* Ike
met theslamme: vakeywldenaosel Wade
epee* for • Want of etneats-Oe dinelpd COI be
tog .oentre She lowyrte well tacit, 0.110 01
brick bogus. ow et hers Wig cammcdioas and
trey. The strew are InetCaseedakdaged. and
•ICaltete la pod coodllino.
ra zallghtell lihoM and eddy n it U Henn l
wale so esteulor bedsore, whid, II sald, creed be
10 • 000004 weIT U LL wee - not for the high
charges Oftessipersons 'se sae ffehdleg Railroad
The end. ladled le Weed In ag liar Lumber of -collie
the. MOM in match toll to gatto dot =Aria ip4i
mope ti is la It ham to traeport the alma
ResetO to keellam The m il nlm also Ina
dewed le sande dr:Una* and Oder rtetibt to
Me data. • • •
Iss , nsusi Ma the Official ~a lamtenti in de
horde& send hemotheevictslty. The Pottrellle tolling
mill, Waning!. Atittot i lkotber. Is Is the vtig there
pet of the sOll. la e lli*Me elm as Plenbada. Fora
bitel Nee ma • and about he Mew of- •
tall. are meg ter day. pig Iron meal lo the
lelergest the Phnom !MOW b/A.l.plft Ike
WAS %reemployed, and Nrty •
•of produced dally. The fendro wee Ike flayd • .
As. lenge to stal inithftette we In Um pod
of its bon. Throat home has-bees Write.
wed j a vored. 104 irei4 d ne meted ,hatmedlaw •
103 The wen e to Wlll and
sedn Sr Sr For Y.
• OcceMtivri amder employe mese OM men In
mato* lad foscdry. *Do Make from gy to 11
Pe„ , ... l •Mf•_„,__ter o urgitmkalyedeelbsg temettne.y, Ate.
mum neenest Mad ate as At the yummy ti
there is betas made baleen, worldnety far the letd4
• strogstss tiompany; and tainving engines Idea .
compasy id !TIMM fg • -
Jusisa Dar god Henna Derr auk km a M
ind stove end tin works. • entrloy about 84
men, sad topply the country darociad P.Attattle wt •
their work.. Water and gin *pipes are oleo beanuft• -
tared st their works.
At Um nueldns &colt °UV" rmaray Stan,
Wiebteaton I= Worts of James Wren. all Ma •
of is% w taseliftery le aide:. Prom 1110 to LO
The crowd the tows atoll throngh the ntell
Oita allays enabled teed r Moab es a race
Mad from missy polote basinful mew le ha of e
nom tons malt villages sad rnemandleg coottry
Improvemests are being made on the lode Wee
wasood west. Mlle taws. hod within the pest •
mot handfed of scam of land on their
suemolts • •
Oeea toustit wader narration. •
The cats' to this plate woe completed Mktg= t
boo. • half wale below. be MI. mile ISM the
meet of . teal oommemed, sled daring the year I
woe ow wee son Itel market At -the time of
taesp of the tent the town of Mount • • •
our Led oat, list. a- want of mom for exteaded
promempts helmet/ Ur. dohs , Pott. to Delon • a •
awn =meow the tows of ,Pottavlllas ; too rum -
ter tbist, abut heat. Pottatte bed wane too
tenivage In that yea Ibe 'Mg vim' dm:MAL wee
' tehlbesd. Is Me, the we parcbaraal by
=Lpeoprius. yr. Waansa. - the . popadtion
et 1100; at the prevent Limy It le cot
a 1 AMC is th st:pea the Memmet Coil
pee mactud TIM lees. sedating Men thee 1 . 0
' 0.0 isms have beim sent ii nee men
'Neer the Mem of tad.** Reading Raffled
mod MO tend of east met to market la
pea; 11 1141. lb. cad tomegintelf °moths
amooshed to 6,61.11,84 tad:
Daring Ms week endow on Shared', 1eit.,109 AO
tam Were shipped via the road. Tic's Is the te l tee
amend wawa ewer 04 road In • "Ingle
Them ant vent by the canal dogleg the mod tine o .
IMO toonending a toed of ursoou Rms. The
ladßalboml proper. Yis rar, rankle are aware, er
ansehle polity 1011* the Wont thereat
bill Creek theft conthem p the, , g o eller• UM , a
norsrottscolherlie to that geskm, the Saute! et
Up road awr tun brarthm. lb. ana flp
lesocltterg of at Schaylelil Limn. resetting tho
Isoleci the call air In the %cis: a part of &bat 011
scow, all ad 'LB feed. to to. the be.,¢lng hall
The velem of coonyattrn symtbeeroul bet
Ude Sete to be knows m the • as
Cafactorerw erodConeneemw Rattme4 Camgeom," be
tog attated. It le keeled that tlyo road cm to 11
sod Melted foe $4,000.000, and, that coal could].
,eyed to Phllidelphla for 60 cents per wasod
Meddle cf per c The Warm& ,4,!,Ca .1"
$119• on chestnut ', 61 40, .
Tbej ell lb P.ateill •gs a c telly and betdeame • g
Lure.-tend with we: • large end alai
r. hue also Mee emoted cm one of Merle:di a Moo 6
tares Throw are free , mismanyaws, Orwebeeke .1
a antral of about WOO* sr d see,l4 toed kw
dee, which does a largo Melee% %him Is a
welt eqpidaed thergdeperthent. eacebtletr of me
Mee sod there bentecareehleo, The chloche%
of theme feseetnictennowe t tatter. ,•
Sewed. I Pdatesiontilipimaoal.l Ilethodlye. 1 .
I.le, I llepant, wed s Preebyteden . The p • pil
acheig beading la ettall to any in the State. • • •
. me e nelesof theCoort times
wmegeletbm of sheet stesekev se Me, emedeed In I bor.
=4 . 3 4 l?catirallle. Port Nicene Pilo Alto, St.
adamlllll Ilmetteed Ilbsserrille. col
Ilerhe to the tkintry of Mete places number faun
twenty to twenty 111,6,,and all In 101 l operation.
The Ordiendlgue Woaksof P.nt i Teethe . • ploy
. - 100 bands wheoto operatloe. Thlsontbl meta
pude= rediae not: machinery prlyeepally, •• •Is
mut to all Mart of the halted Suite*
At tba works of the Palo Alto Don Company, from
1400 to OM sentare and from 60 to 2 tom
4.:kvi heir ditly.
excitement welerwer• •
de mothers to Imo In thnietetuy,. the du. .
' Mar Pt theft. two fades ham PaMig , sUriwol a re tt,
buck Wad Iron ore. It Is an called hem the the
Uls meted wlldrenficleld coal to metes It. Th v, It
was shoat bar feet thick,* sod give promise o greet
eseeltejlet SAM W(// a in, months ash
i c c iz m4. ol. It& wax the wherever the • we
awl oil taut cow remain of dila ••
.1a •kw spectate* of the. a• In the hinds • thaw
• interensein it. • Woe putiesl=oa W 1 think
that the erewill he found - In q • g to
pasksassommis.tor mimics 11 -
Tbe sccldests In the alms ire imam nem • • . Ir
*end by them whoham etadled mine
grearzr umber Maaellinte cc= ti the mines • to
satire nylon, the same mo te t . of cost r
Una le 0-mat hfUlfielt
i ; I
thiss ul Ey retned; soft: the
law sa OP IRS sweles a Our •
melon toe tbe atrownwliew'
thwedent • at de Were ROMs% at.
~ u nutlay, Went. Ilulth And 1636. wew ItnitiTby
plailos, a soutlayne Saba in a lug pew!
wth tru
La dist ie dier
shoat betel Marto Othhlleft.
central hallo* In this regions minuet beep
Me seemmoodaffteal those worts in the sin
peopamdto Writhe Minds by p44lcc to
coal.m the
Nib gee NM oh midi OM el
AllesePt. sale be sillily evflected. end
to • fattiest sum In i Tem or two.
proper beffill01111•0 0 fl0f• Opeltildea.
A UM ITS • ••• •
Dien reamtmels mailber. Mao Itommifft tbet
lest OMNI a ^MOO* Da Me Comartiom tb,
S. U. awe a Altammom tam 1414 loot b c
m i
Wlth asmortar
*amid famed fiat , lb.
pbsee cm Triads:, mt 1.45 P.N. The
mmUiV gem fitortft ema Ttut brry
amltewlti Or treble: drab( sofas. met et.•
Mammal kw the Milt l!tdim deldtpkgmle. .yfmr_lrem
tamt vet ofbUsit.
mass of = 4 121
tbe .
t il itt Mimi in
testa maim m
Itt* la to
=flott gal&
Uwe oterfri mim
far emollit "
At ItamileiVire Ott
DaMeM tar
mm k
wades pima mott
wmr to Um Com
atom at amtvemarlf
mots el the dAtiger
were listiMeM berm
at= Omittantted, r
mmab beet. - but
limm I am mgt.
M a u
twit 's
office Mimi be
Tio 4orlows k
my VII 0014
boom to
TM mg la k
ono et TM,
idiniek 1
mill &gm
Li am
I =2
sa m!
Wt 4
21111111 a.
via On lin
met e 111 W
_7=ffilliMlNlWae 1 6-
4 au4 bag bdor•
lisisas fro
ma till iim= t u dil Vl.,
n t i fira m
IN• =IT=
''''' lars. am ,
biiii...........L1-. . .
XaOpt al NA sOus SM. raid
etNI. 0•1101111¢".1110 awn
10 asabs el ilu ammir ghat
= o r im la ortia I* e.g., ea
lob se alki soft
Ilms VNei. - -
To pumADIAPI .
• w• afir Li' rev mime •lia
~yor ailaht walk thaw.
lat i' lg t t ;V .' s
11,1 1 might ride on the I •
I .lOU might eh behind,* • •
1/Itillt IS A RETIIMII ,
YOU seed gmodoties -1
YoU lifitYtiaber. 1
YOU most fret thew cbeapix
"Y uU .111 treq them In'
.. Tatum; To socenn :agiwn.
- ..
: . WC ran , ease low Railroad . t
I lOC can i use year Ithoetliesek chart.
You no: L ure your Born Arida
' YOU can •se all year I •
77 41: p,., A tA‘ Itt rsT : oh lUlt ocbe....p ' A p T -117 . l nt iL L 41Ir
•helle.traltl , l4
- .1
: • - ,IrTAA . ,-,4,.., 0.1 ..
, .1191-6 st'llS, Ito r he. e - , tbi w yoe k ill rave
111 crele you to come totems. aett . •
1 t • -- 1
. 11 1 -'• .
. - ,
SUMMER . ., .; -.. 1
1 - - , , TOCK
. . , ; ..
•, ; . .
~.„,...,.f., tee letei tot . cures ! ill_tOrla , a alai
telre sloe Is the world I .. ..
YOU NAY ItOplaCilbesPown. .
• bletallaftere of UMW. als dere= elide
. t:VOrta Of Pats sad the beet ItrtoterPo. =et
• • three / 0k all Ur greet entre cei Me aide of the
deatte, bat you will sat Ind la dud am
. 7
4rrEit cmmUls ! ' •!..
• , , ft •, • . ,
----.IO&E.DCBMILie • . LOTINS Or
r •• _ ;
I • . . -
- TI -
Eti l Mi
I,''- t • ; - '
-. GR
. ..,
603 & 605-Che
P.I i 1 E
• • .
NNNNNN. BUB; Sytiplat
preparattout tut ow Meads who ttq ion* at Unita.
Wt wW Ma ta. you • yi NW Ned, !Du
dottuut to the tratti.
41.11M11T, c 16 ilia
..AYER'S iuditiLviitoit z ,, .
Fax _sum azycwarlariwr 'rell iss—
Tbm Ateidut, ' Mai dOleif . . die 4141*.
1 - - - .• A ACING
•• sad offmto- '
s ',. '--- fbr prioandatt the hair. 1 IPA
. ' &*41141'
..., 4 - lbsaltill tillia it.ail ta emir iti
a..4,4 it 11l 1 extetslau dotal
. ~.), t. . Armen stem ANDAPIIIIImitis 01,
, 1s ' - ' l"lar aved iti"& by hr 7" l:6Cl4ek : Ig .
et N " :7 l"4" ltt bil l .
el, f..,,; s ;
teeters tb balk totem tbd taut•
N A O ' 6 t
- 7tMed an deoTytt e %tt
t -- a
•r a _ ,-•— each as MEW* me beeooed for
• ' ' • ,- .-- . areadittpAby tie sapitaGam-
Ituttesti or 4.0.44 the hair Oh I }Lily Indbliwit, It
wintiOtPti cleat sod itomatal /to ecesillasal vas 0111
l im,
magma the bate from torodteg y tor !Ohm, og, and.
atto•optoutly mere= baldest*: Tam troop thaw Mt.:
kLeriou• flaw...tees wed.* • area preoarattom
me ant ••trj ortora to e , heir. Ike 3,r4M. as
ably Imotter..hat mt harm tt.. If mated mottl for a .
a ,L hob
. i GAGE Itlft MING, - •' . •
• moth - Ws ,4e,• Cali bolollati DP ' Ira Comfatag
pettier oil u..r dye, It does ootaoll orbits earabrte. sad
M LOW !otter as the AilieriAN -Y• th:h.
• -glasaf
- heir.. o load a witehalperfarea • I • , t . .
Preposd by Dr. d :Ajar It 004 ' .
Pucdpo.t. b Agat.rnem clarinet; LOMA Yi n,
Pelee. el 00 ht act Umber Drag 1 Atom:-
Pothrtimp, .o :d all dreamt. and dekko
I. Netter Rare, Imaareettl: . - - +
RILL ii.. 11 , . • , • ..
Gil • ,
' .., VS ILI LEIS wirl• mistime
Wlttatiptws or other Ph i, cal (, are In
vq,o4 tet pint Phitadelphts. 4 can at C. ll: Nr 2l)-
LWOW& 1t0..1114 - 1M
i WA XVI% bot retell
idottet Trawl% Broom depeOrterA ie.. A lady at•
' tetuat colodnets Ms dem.ttrat with aroMoiat
ability. Rues - lnatkral made Ind MUM* ua,tru:swi/a
tar Prolapse, "patted. - ' ll' I t •
• C. I. lIICIIIILrod styes 1 4 -
patter's at hie aloe, Oar. II
Num of Nietsgolcat
.correet tteatePeat. •
INNuiryli. Mt , ,
. .
,Ilfirlf0111.1: MIMIC Ott 11.-- - DOomoil of oro.
;L ; . Ilfttiiii& l ito ' hatiestt
fOct 11. vs_os_t,
ii •-sintsT.—TtalSand tamikly far Mir
Mara** , DbflUalfri.
ate: rlata,;,a. Pawarsalas ow
, Dianiaia awry Lasatls lir!Filt Bbsdliiallas sad
it bientaloa, althea Night be, It ta el eats ready
„ - to re-MAT jp4n. Thl.l.l7.arn t luta been In see fa CC*
": Dot 15 Teaal. aril his glyeareesatbfatlaairberma
7, tt ball been nensi.
" ._ Prepsecd it,4 snl.l by n. C. SAitOR. !Da. 1111
Centre St., Paturille. L . T ., 1 !!.: Itnerevillei, LAW ,
DiDICII a BMWS. .11. D.
MS , ZII, Liensitst. 7 7 . 4V
. 1 IlMf l a am.
411 PC
s.c -I
• .ki , .. i7.. , s • i •
14 , •_ Thlismlltaliprensnillemals ntiartitereil lOW ti oblie
- dfs a reliable enbetttate l'lor the way worthier Oa,
viand" wbtcb now flood twain. It Is *rely see-'f
eel's conciptsca, ot. .ftcan the
Irma do/bum Or ' luil t r= " 4ll l the at
we. It Isnot teen as a Orssiist,.bat
ht Its Street Ind lidittlity l tams', wpm On Heart
Liner, Kidneys, Lanka. biome& and BOINIII. It acts
bra Aga ganaltri sad I've Spew's, of Ow Owes
to which those organs are "abject:Ml. a relbtMe Validly
Nedieinta end ca m bartaltek br . : eater What at admit
IMO. aura 44241.4 :WM It Is of oettala.
. prom.soct •peed, re tor OISMIIITIITie-
ACK& as:
CE111.74 Asa WWI 01111 Ida*
,It Is far better sad selettr oan iallaino . wttbaitt WI Of
its perrdclorieyeftrebt. - 'lll ma salfailits, ptoTelts
I kr ia ttlig . .Vg,.. ,tiadYirfil obiatainiet z tibe at
-BCnifetb of
t ilau. lok ratita - W 7 l=lo2tll and
Bart, by ail
rimy. il" ' -r . "., • . I;"[Vtitt.
lo of
t Ulu
II N., In
• wen
WIT treiit t
‘ 46-44
.tiner 1111bium.
- . . - -
waiessewalsowmagis I. TOOle* tab
~,,...0......1 4 ems
ge= ii t het II , ane, tie _
earn „
_awn miss
_., et 11l Ulke SSW*. ~.
rneit. is mute a box : • ate 410 eastL , • Lildrur
wawa aqtenixist no Wiedallic.4. l kilam
Wm: - • • , •
It li
, Was
lios i V4
Ilikottivorarolgosatoo u Jiaaaha Alfaitoth"
. 1 :to , ot loaliket art disco': psa of
Os Oslo* timbre 4OO or
tido adiedoitladaysaliChlia.Chatera liastaa.
alutIMP Drodillo INUMang 4, ot
talow at Woos, wise 41e.
Ask totikdi~a aid tate soaidwr. tie
Ai bolt law
an koalas tdaa aqui to a "bon opaoltal
= l odic Odd dracciet, sad
1411.11111110(101,0 14111 =-
"Mk MR doll M.,
,c 11114 . 161 0: 1 M - f i t.. 1,40
Atiiirit ' i.; - dei - idc;aa.. &mi. lay
lbw anktaasa. aali u td alleetad saw* Ika allow
drgalbriNOlMS.• ' roaddr balediaatrodans
gial ea 'maw el ono los& Two
trive mow bad. • ilanamdlOoadol.
Asdliati ; • • Jam*
- • _' - . 4. :.'''';7 7 -2 .- -'4 7 11: ''7, - 4 ,7." ." - ".: - .1:.:' ' - •
Jrho iff .:'''
il,omet e tre ' as . oinr. MO. of :
Il faitiolii
tbsoutable beeuisebo, llearttotru. And $ triln of oboll:
!Cfoomor: loupe,
ou e tterloirlmoto 04ored wttli .
noojal ref cseolo el:fe brile:cal trouble* o
1 bout, of oarooootritienomd so tar the poriur s.
ivirveorEvadokias ageati - Tutirwisoni
#Ol4, la rowsguifOligliiirmt OW lay
,tr+As tps-1
lariloslirrflut• ex* 41 11 0.4 4. 1 0 1 044
daty towards the gene ebinhusalty.—Yonarys ibilli
• . . I - I . -. • r . • t
PM= . oj7l Liar iga smut.. 4 1
. -Aii. iii&sam&i.i. & CO.' _; 1
.....: ;'.. 7 ..i".,:', -3.2 : . * Silitilti• P. 4 0 1 401 11.: 1
tiisilitio-tit a* , um i
viggintioodtsoot oil tato Mit moss-
Aotlokome oortosourop to
toosietiptaaltree, es rior of allalle7 a ail
, ISOILICII 11M110/1- 1 -
- . *Oat: , iia•rdialild poll i omit ti l t
Atifis,iimay iiiiiititlimi. axe Sal
' *Paw bit llida*OpiprollwOlw•alf••
311 MT all* a al
«netorbs - - Aso: simeirikx - , Miss - wid"
artillein a , amp= Ilittsm' . I
Wilifianailit 41 / 0 illallaa ltrillaq
Wit lie tork 1110.cmOs_
esuliebild 101100iNie lobe
and ICOMiafikeliker It Ma Wilde. b• WOritt;
* lalgiergaii. ill fillallaValasbablar/ al:
al•Wabil 4 11. 0 6 4, B lalalallanals tal poism
b q o Itmeft Mal
ai latalara tli l
*Ott MiFelliii, I/ allariltsit 01101111111
alrais atihr seetilits ii•almOw Cm* •
iossritilillit Wane will tit Inewase
410 el. tarsi aohker; .I* )4111111pal et
lawliaadiliklail•rallid = I
Wei Wiwi litiWt-, Oddlatt; mailroom' toot-
MI Oa al/7 Waal a astral":
aellbaelad ,Iflii, thwthoot acetone elk NV
liblat 0 ' ' ' • • '1
eiliti WM6 ina eiiiiy lisp %dr
Mean? la eamout allawk try Oa ray is aeibb
taikidel veleta ball:' vie bee ^Nitg-
Ira" ear sprig.T o*o sow* "7 allit
Ail' loadoww•ww•••••••1•1.r
bor. will tad Is tbit mambo ettilt 4 , woo sodo.
sem . • . -: ; ''''' j • Met'
Law* joss& I
ll eillg4owAVi
ot WM. D: 's, i n eon of
.UI III JR. IIOI 4O. lIIIMISW*Ook bon itioa Obi OM
14.411 IE R
e;ro.= =r t i nc llolotto inti
Woe tlodare sOlOono of
1111mModhoup..11. 1111mholi Imo '
malt km ea folloa.i
; ;
Liwr• to Olen fir 4
monk doom am tOtl
aeta" +s
Owns MOM IS dr
1111414411 - • IMMO, -
Nit • sd •• - ilk tie NOSS
ism, iternsiti
wiat iork MOM
low ":: 1 " •
. .lie si tt
air *lob
• r
Desipievvo, atal , t' •
Witt•t 11. Li and Pro.
ilex of, 1. , t; a. I! Eor th;
r- rigLcv.(ttintosey.l
of Leidtr, t, f't,tts. T.
ttlitilaul;•• =II, LE...t f-xcarty
Aft !WIWI ti,,acc4 trt‘,,,,. Italy PktieDik IA le has 00
IlWrits4l trk prey. v. 1 0 .:' 3..11 eyvv .:,ac: Lai ~ tllollt.
. r L_Lrr. 4 • •
I,'s; oTTING 114 N
. •
1. 4 PE'S ), I
Embroidered Piano and T ablc•Ooiiels. N i •
Window is GP:, Waltnt ; and 80re
...-. woodtacd-C P2t. • •
T.—m• lates 7 Prez -h Dr.
Fine Window
. •
A Br33's ratPtc. 'spring Balance
Shade fixture:winci iequ;ref co Oord.
Carrington, Pe Zoucle & Co„
S. E. t'Cli...Thiiteciiith t Cheqtutit.
, 14-13,
gooioui . gutOgena.
11W1/11well Preebl ' Cl*nieb. Thirri lod
Nabatitatne titreieta. IZei J. W. F...iirt.e.. , Puttor.
babble b ,Srtfrii-ticrnine. ; elrntars
fxx Galva. Sabbath- t nieleea. Peary.
Meeeing,-Sebneta Lc,doso-
Tbannts* giamtna. TI, e'eln*Y. .
Pant ,cat loam No Ti. a ,t.Tett.
1W SO:wpm• eta entreat Invited. and
alwari heartily *likely, Meete will be 'poscided•
Yessial, foe all-wito will be pieved to attend any
of the' sierriceo.
Litilornsa trlewreli-Rer. D.Vreema,
hatoe.{- Sabbath &rein ayblo: •itt*rtilYY * 1
In o'clokit.; ce4 'n:t at T. .S..TOwtht,. re , Melt.
Tbanday'esevitm, I. tare imd Prete_ 0-
Tuesday cvco.n . I.arolj i....);" (
11.1” i °IVY renginer retYr.Pett.
81•10,kbre and the pnht if , grl,ers y y - ec feeiteit to at
tend all these meetliww.
• Ore Mel Chnr. 't e'reet.-
Ile, 14 IL finnia., Mato . , citeeet tterman et.
ery Somata Manntni, to Cilecii.min Saga.* to the
peening L.
air alao !racer remei itnnitay.
maling. (rum t;031.; tt• Irst, 1111ra
011SONidStrat, between SLeratannd Norway art SW.
MI are Invited,
Ariflecemed Przeboetim..— _
•114,011 114 A, 1 , 4 A.
, P. M ,dn tLc C m .11V1Wod
Cbil 7 tb 1 7, 1 id2qlA)-14‘it• t Alt Are - 11,s1led.
See• (rm.. Sund3y ". P -
113.71rbe Trtr , i , c Itet , rl,7
et etre..., Third and zb -n. Mo. e .1.
A„-Rnery else, c.
3( P M. -1`1 , 11•
-.BabhalitAkt , rsl l I.; P. M ardiPriy , r NATl
bur TAariplay tratmatite 7 Oflor le I. '41 , 4 . 11 rl M.l 11,1 , 11
FridaY trail:dug at 7 it PrAlbes at4dy In tba,
Clemeß Redding 4
prsilogbedi“ p;•roonl ('R+.e Is.
.treed. Rey. J Preirm_am. • P•0 - m. re. -
.bah Momlng at to lec4n tz, atd el , lug at IN.
Sabbath fcbooi meet.. 1.1 •
`.l M.
Melding eftrePar,d‘Y ••,.•‘•73,1t ••: `I. CS, C , •••.
Meet 02 SalMatT. 6 1, 0 r m tih a•. ref, TV.M.-
dm , prtacutim at 3 mita ;01, , , cduct...
day, 'Fflaradat and Friday t vi.,fue at 7%,. cdclociL
ut St,
P 47 ,1 /,
A I t/srsdkNP Noif , es roe.: twliserm.sliluttei Sir
eizast*.gntectrila the Javer..s.../. •". • '
BICXEL-R6lMfillL uniJ .It en ten , . by Rev. I
In 11. ties,o, of Ltro
*se t s M d‘,o• r, .1.-.11
pestsetene, to Vs. tisotteer ,f Mormons
Inetnothl. Esq.. of 1.,r.c.teer..1
Wi3loßg-WBAVILR-A. , y,,Foit' Derail!, MUT,
luta, on the ifettluie, b, th e ~ Itarl Er, cb, O.
X. fi futons tontines SA • It. Wr•ser of Poosell ft.;
• Ps. F - , . .
PEASTERMA.CTIER-1117EttEll- 00 in,: Intb !net..
b, ntrellk , - Tl.a.Neim Mr W,f. FewrttleaGa.t. to
YIPS iti.o.ot. linsamt. Loaf ofrfrunnot. 2 . ..,• ,
Itr .-11EINBAili-6; the '1...15t of ;Toon lane,
at restdenne r 4 the- brid...ftnotbee, 14 the Rev C •
8. ilsesso, Mr. Joint WatAtlitzfroo, oL,Trvt...x.t, lo
./Ittt. A: mfrs tom 13 ktxpt -o, of iTiocipo•tz. . • •
t . .
PARR.P4I.-finOliftlf—k.* ;Wlrle'f•Vl , ... n - 1 . IS tl.r.ay,
July .lit. 1;49 A by lbo licv.;h 11 , ..a,"..1. ul fq.Llttf.
Mr !Jai" PA min., to_ Mr lit.i..ota L. G. um, F, b-1.1
of Wit.d.sTille. P t •
RIVE—TIBBEY-- kt St.;C•ilir, -on ito.trwtily wren.
1.1 f: July 2 1 d, by K,r. ti ki...401t. Mr. NI -A an R..
,to Maw A.itt Tt.,..1. both li.f St. (.I.llr, • ' . '.. •
1 •
SEITZItiIiEW—TICAIR —tit:Potts:elk, on Weddes
dlly,lst Inst., by fiev..l eilth
51121.1.1..1111. And Irrufv E., trd..rl. uagnSter
Jaen Hook, Esq, , bull of 7,invo,
.lIIHIZTT . pan tlio laths of .11 1 y, th Taira.
Ship, WI. fo the Tfcl pro - ,f I nko. •
D.l3lllEN s to this Itor.lolit, ly, Jay 11;-
IMO, MAST Jess, frithog. fliOz!rfor of 'P. V. .end A. G.
Orsnoo,f.grd i yrar,l ittuhth .1,12
The little form we flllll7lll
That male ourhowe so Drist.t
in the gni . , --the , stove —.
• To drell-th tevrenly -
attention to toil'
and Ma Ma: PIM
- tug ta It& ',pedal
• ;RICED— On the 19tEt of .61y. ti Srh.y , klO area.
Siam. Rat', ( ma nth
42112 23 de's • . • ' •
1 11C131 7 1.TZ . —Oia t
WK. I.l2Nar, eon of Wm.l• - cod Anna-S:11a:: 7, 22t.1 2
t q ouths sad-IS daft , . , •
tho P
ship, Julia 13-F.IN, szr I • - -
NOTICE la boot. ivrn omy wlro. . SO Ali o;!: ,••": • ..t1 MlJ..{ Lourd
b•ot 20. j00.04,,50 004%0/04...00, I - ill psi no
itetos 01 Cu ticolni[tlwg otter lb' • d‘l
•I Ei•WAttl)
. •
NOTICE —R tit 13-eri.r:acre' Vii
tifilki to ps lOn chirccs c
• or potable ithLn days Irmo gt.te..othe - wise
• • brlrte'lall be sold acwrdtng 7., •
- '. P. eit.ASMttit.
• A 1,041111 PIOT I e 116.— TTl4:ltO:iT
-111. CH AMUR. NO. VI, It. A. It‘eone, wdl:
t2/6 constAteei en MONDAY. 31. 7 1. Y Ye. lU.9.:kt 114'
&clock. Y.- It., by It. IL Ul' (1 000 re: la; er
the eonettoitiem the Clatter work wlll he rAerne d
the Grand captor Ofteere. The ideal bare or Medd,
Cl/Ptek , h DA District :ire rorerslll lordl3
immeem. 1 Mao. Y. °wax,. U. P.
Wit Nd. , 111.
IJai) 94 ' e • '
ere fed" Isel
formal eresse.—
Corr-zeroes Orr. o•r. Pearl Ui.rr.rcr ..v P.,141.
Time Tax en Income' foe ate year rodang alai Der
'camber. ,1:59, Ind on j \recto,. l'Loe. 3c., and the
;Speen I Tea (generally V . vntnj on' Cu
interlin: - Fs Fro Tee - enable Mr; 1. 13;05 & , r tbil
jeohntv of SchnTik rt. 14 no , • 1,1 •, at 011.
rPOITIIVILLE; aattl 4[7filTST' - 15. ;Jet); lIK/Olh*
after dote the rose d y ar-d bee cf dffi
trent .411 be rfoldly inf.seed. • . -
.Aal Taxes =net be pit. it curn.ecy m tic Culled
State!.. (.IScla and Ilnalts csnnot reczbo.d In pa*
arena . srmox .J a kTlc cot' , enr.
Tenth Dlttr;ct;ri
Jay U. stg
gap,'fan PiliirrlOttl.i.ft
COMP AISIP.:, • - m e
dlvldend of t per 0:43.t he *lto the Sh.ek.-
olden, it.thelroffloe lO,Pot trib.,toa' And Julf
nth. ISG9. -. • MILTON;
' Jaly.l7.lsG9 • . t
PIOTIIC TO ('0"11. U 6 2.67i9
ANN , PINI4 Cotembtte
of t . ettViee et. the. ht-viitte Scleval tear*. bode
Imeled 11.;• due lardml
*bey way! *tom, 4,11 sap bandied tomcat mit
mat, at the rEff.., cut - *chnoli hon..
TOL coal must be of %be Fe:gt
mramba 211216 M Onabood. ta ton Safi Ibbltt of netl
stated. Ptotasals Mt be r.eetrel 7tb,
190. . . J. F.
.!,10fiRS. • •
bhatrixtai Commiite• 01 • Supp,lice, Itrading. ru
July IT, 14e9 !t
,11W60141, ANI A P IT
1869.0• R BECHTEL, A , . rmey Shaw
W bear= M Lis neNi , date,: 111,terloy,tilimm Ant'
eateastrshad itshkitooste Jowls Rooew-Rbirtand
6, Itomodlately o - er tb4 ' Nattnna% liAnk
Mardi ' 13 tf , •
sow' Fiima
• ItaShetm Telleleb:p.erin n,t Id *ea reveler
:eeeetlef et ASPaitlie,lftMlie ps!ri
tbertiet.p, ler the punn, of <<i n prn;',,,o9' far
the etection at a a.w it+eanol 11. u on A urn,t 7:14'
1;140. Piopasala to to rata Irv./ au to 1 0 7 -einck. P $ •
' •yleet ted eptellosiaosa to bo staa ay callldQ on the
DANIEL BOYER, Sqr - ,yor. En , Feary.
Seboylkill Hawn. 4all 3 1;1;4*. ".
NOT IC her, bv Zeen Leta
ettePollealtrn law be nuido t tt, nett
Le teltetaret to CbiTter a Mitt. "x•
rorisviug . BAF e DErObIT B ftos ; Bins.
to be kezetati In ibelion. anti t.t Po:Ls:ill^. GAMS of
Stbnyadlt, State Ot.l434.elettdr-. - eitta Oo eee to wenn
Met& MON destaita sod =olio' diamond:N.. with •
mobil of One Ilardirei Ttoocutt rinttnie. -glib. tee.
frefellege of Intro.-elf 67 th e eseue to le" Mos.'
Seseldelkets. r .
Pottsville. Nap 21,1::.11:
Wes A ct il Lass iEl).-' 16 4 81: 4 81 4 : l t i '7. l,;,m ;h e C r i . .. -4 1:81 . 1 1. y .
two Ili family. 73“4.) rot a• Y 'th:e.. r ll :% , '‘v pad'
- - Addrus, Pal ate Yost 081ce.-13,a198.
WAMPUM .11311JIBDiAllitLV;-- •.• •
VT 0000 TM Lou sr/vs . :tato!: wowEER.,
L. Sail ILL Bk4.,Qtr. -
staid, Mt gire3l
' Atb I* iv - , saiit
- 1 1 .11Moottr. tat asal-st.
WAT1111101):-)br U. P.,tomb
ii of Moot Carboa —lO months. tibelsloaluiv.-
70f tegkrnteebuirofliblorar eV' air lbw oilemigned,
_ _Olt_l7o_B69 ; • • 4 ,f9if
41111.1 . 6211111“ WANT If NA.-arrit the Onalg,e
1. bon filetrleaylfrehel *dime ; arm •kr tits eltaf ge
of the Gle= if t i • &Iwo', one fnr Secondrarrm - bLiol..d
ma for ArtearL 4 APP; boo. meat 1 - made
- ma Me eemsod ooday in AL he t ne xt. School term
mostUre. commancilig on the rim . 31rikily in Sep
tember wit and =thee- iiith month. ef t =
UM By order of ',Loud rat Dint tore of tey
Leeerter. : 4..11. ZWleligtaiPeTenCtrY.
Jay 11 ; lAN ! ..1 • . -. to at - •
70111 1 1101161110 11 WANTOID —Three Mile and.
two riballigivr lathers are vran'ei , to take claarge
dibillobiroilitivrtartey Dtgrlet, ithni!k:ll Cuunty.
Tem S stoat, Eirstabtation st b. beld 1ti,..212-
IVARTlllllAtTntetettreClottleiy.' dee M
-11 .ted led elud 111 , 1_;,111 end rteaft
larililinnhe=ote tee Stipitieseralett er4
Yerids Teatime tor the Petal& Echeloill *Me.
allihnhal MY-_ltelhithetiva will be bald OS the 97th ' '
a4=l", um, =pot Home, nem' 10 months.—
tllltene ou the 16hi A o serik • 14bigel
5.14 -
4!rer PV T VW4.
41 / ' • , - .7**449,
111Wile=114AZIPTALIOLielVealad Um
el OIL' dab% • kw etta ten
IPeeisle'rateberei ZZemllatlon will he ived
CleinileemMeeeel by the
it ibe t iefee IkkelHe
t,v= ! 4,ck A.
BP. 1)07 . •SeCretery.
law: xemti a""rt
R a ia4 76 gh t
5 .! • =7.• •
.Tiwmuu w a sir s o.—earisaitmunei
__.vorTnelOGeo eft ie- I'mula.t. Brolmiti t4.Soot•
VUI le=tLantl Bovertateadvat. ta rt
Tursday, dupe 3d, ti
=t *JR. - APptkute Ire !tint - dalto atftd.—,
Wow PosiasTeseuesi Irate& ,ore
Edmsglthoo!li: Tetra,
' , G1N.49.&255:EN a-dtt.r.
s ammez. drop ,;.-osie toad Kaiak. wad*. a
. abaft ot ?undo. . ir i tspoviox4
- - -
9.111201tti a tindsnot,
no, fred. MINN
b. yalikt for st tlr
nArtgahccrg., L.% ota
M..try 1)4., is t4ge
' •.ToRZ
Wt e i g ;fi l et M: Os
illmsaul Cumin • it_poblie mialastwa
Sir. *Katie Us &IVA 'etratrinc_va
willows% allitetlilliWiplz al 9 onlOct, J 9,4
Tinik atmilmostlir LRAM maim win Mped.:
foam* ohaticismiti - ' . PitICIL , Sectr.
ise I, 110 • , I It*
--• .
A Inurresvis NOVILVF-kThc
at Ilattd to dignbuk. „
Ja13,65.11, tale of roinw Te , {;.•1.1.,t .teccappl. ve`2 ,
the p4rticv titent , d :n
Si: IT, Auittet 2f, 1, , ;.+t. 2 1,1 r,•,,,
olattanditig to We 44114..,0 . 4
dp , iIASC.):4;;WEIDIfigN ,• ,'
a the Dieivict Voitti cif the V'at'iird
the the Whalen' District ot.lP'ettu•., 1% ft.
ka Isa." IN` DkNERL'PTCY.,.-:
. • -
In the mntter of dERNS2II I TRAVIISt-4ht,
EFLNLEW TRASIRMAN, or, i'OUiritit; tG :
ty of Schavie:ll, are besteof liersy;i4r 4,1
r incle,l.lnellj. mint as it m2.••ntlter Of tbe hit !Inn '•
IltfA:l , ltll.AN ' renntnAen.t ,t
titt_titktnlt;:tt hnvit..ti efforr re it.titht . - -•••-
•-ainehatete.:f thettettret . 19:11 'be held tlefere Tte7t • ;
JOIIZ4 Y. HtSliAltT, to tee Iteree,r „
the rdrinteesthdter ttegnst;thill, \
' „
when and wnette the rlanfinalitm of , lll .'. y
be tteletied, 10 any btuttnett...d the Eve' erts,
merging of creditors r‘entreg':hy_ the - 17th
&Ohms or the Itnnhini.t A.:t telly he trettpi •„..e* '
Rer•ter cettlry btelf.erit.eth.rht.try.t
itmesideed Vt. duty ALe
- I ). d
w e d,,, s th, -I). tfet, h.jf,t-e• . .a, 11t,,n wdo , t. 4- W.. ut , -.-
tweed L 11,1• llGOW,Cslll.e.S.,,`;i‘liit ,41 • - ,
ego\ Wittndu the llon tOnn w
il4 WV of the Cod.t it
dire Jily, ecrx! ci,
- attest—Rm. P.lsoamm, keri!tfr: :
J9ll , ?4. • • •
- I
.. .
l i leeli C t i eliEst ri s c aa '.6 4l•7l! *ll. er .;.: L;; :1 . 1 4 .
la che
le .C7 M il a N lIA
tter s''. o . P l .f i t : ENl . in . „..--•,,, rr r' . .l , i• • ''.• :..-
.1 Bar k
lilt lall B. ' T;ATTRII - atiel - I, ; r ....t:ani.r.. , ,
in ty of &h., *al; at 4 ..; ., late of T., r . ..) • ‘ 4 ,
top letr.M.. a Baukinct, haiOrse pi , . taintal 1. r! - •
lit e, azteatire d treiltaim ail. , r,;,f.1... - t. •. -
.ge ti... tar., In P i , _
-villa. o. 1 4 4 Cesare oireet,alsett'e till _
eLth day ;I
AogvV, 1969 at le oNioe.k,A II ~ eltr. and al A , to
the exarm . t ...tam of said , Pinata; toY.O.V.e Co 1 hce; • .
and'aily ewer:mall lee lic - 001l Mie T1 . :r0.-v.r . .P."' ••. ,
erotism taqulrml hy'llse ilahfisial .. 1.i.. ,:a ie ..•it... , , ,
Dahltrapt Act may be tratilar led. 7te , P.1.: - ..*,..
OW unify whetter' the ItaMmut,C 94„ •
roofma,, , ,t .
eii defy.' A bearing well atai,be haA on Wed ; t.” , - .
*the Pima dafotfleptember, 'Mk *fore the 1 , art 0 . ., .
Philadelphia, at to cecicce,.A:f al. V 1 lyi.. eartil , 10k. , .
ated may *helot:awe seslnat at , e'ai., 'Lis ray. •' .
(11110 4 Witnela the Hoe. Jetta Cu . .clawl .d.-r. N. 1,.., i,
the eatd Dlotri, t Coen. abdpl.l. kat thereot.. I
at Philadelphia,. the '..l . th day I, f ' July. A , 1) , I
1949. - , •, ' 4,J tilt; F i.. , X . I. tk. ,II .
Attatt-.40M1 P. nOßLlVkitegleter. 7' - • 41 - '
Jely_l4. 1869 ~ • . . „ • 'I o :0-it :1, - 1
is Tux cotisrr ow, icoyan
A. Or 1111Plit WILKE/LC CCM
Adam I,intitnntsti, - tta. gjit. , / • and Jarob Etn ' • •
lanaband, ' '`•
Limd.nnro•fly 144 , , • .•t - '
- •rutA,7lanrati Pert
tom Liwirsulu:S; ,S„arab 4.• 1 . 1 , • I', r. •
math, 111,11 /lAA and ././.0;. ,, .•7 • •
• r "r tf -'
Tste note(bat by:erne x
;the I`.rse'vrn
tiitm lime diemed ir'lOtinc. held,:
Ow pr. als hereto - da,1 3 441,..;tu5t ,• in I
in sald Coactn't , E;i4l4! , !.. l i et 1,, .
& Ika . vbsth..rel.s* 0011: .I.'ademen ,
othrth cnptak'imC63M ,rs. no-
;uh - r, ,t . D.. . c•'<`•-• , s.l A. sr , - r•
tell lad Inquire *mots sOlvr •
pra mites rse he's'artedipA .1 v l / 4 r1....., , thu - ...1 r...,
11 or evAl'uil amyl:4lu •
t I, c ag d ati , ,rsise the Mee; Wltre.n . s , l , d , !slFr.2. yca . ta.,l .
SFree 0111.0 . e 44 , tr 4 4li lj vl E :ll6 ( . ll' irrY l l§. ll ll:: ; t. f •
t:' t. .
4 given ttlatlettente.tilm .*;, g .. ,
DO WELL W. D is. e
Cintr, cli.ixgred. • haring: I t r : elf.fmr ~4.4 1. Ir, •
riene l t —all'pav v rs • tievibgl otti e g airitt -
, late are rt g m-att.& to pre. rut 1A •m 'or +4,ttl. tn. ,
thoet to Ile ealue.,7`.en .1.1• I n, tot,' i
.tumt . • -111flS.'.)e. I-EIN
. r'4lr, Pa., n, - . p(
lik,unrroult ripTiitis.—p , 1:6 C, , ,LL
Common Pees of • •
'la the roamer :4 the •if f...•• Ilan,. •
Veto consaltdated Coal, t tonany, turn ,
Its Charter. . " I „
• The.underetgned .ty
to tertlelM attraantanf y,
notice that be af 11l petrorett tha•dat ti aof hla N. - I.!,
mart at Ma nine. In the. Itc,rne••,h
.W.titaity,'J.ll.2lth, la . oa.),Aet Ityo•clokk, N:.. _
*WO tole and plate trAer eted . ran-a,tyti;•,
July to '69-44 It •44aFf. ELL/1 , 221nd - ,
- ,
11,hia , ill'Itegrt„ 'IOU I exnuipc,
VI rhea*. of Nellksyllitilt lAimielty. • • I.
SOPFILft siresisit he lien , .1' 7. •
taxi friend. Loll Hub e r, . 5
,7cr'.(' T: 1, I; '
• vs. .•=71.41. en. hi •en 1,7 :•:-
SAUL •IL 4rEFFIIIit.J ,7 torre.
To the reerdedent shose-1 - ratiied s,‘ • -
required toistmeer et it CON ',.., 1'
be.d it rotfrrille; for ti - e - CkuutY F‘-'tIL
ET . t NOO/11, of 4septero bet CCtty Ise; ireos 1 r
pieta of the Llbullaut c,• -
,• • . • 114E01 . 1111),tt
heti , •
Ie‘OTICIK ..,.; an i stii• 4'.uirt - - et t a . m....vats
.. • P Pleas of Weboi,l4lll Copal r.
• NATHAN 111.11.+11t- , 1 . , N O, C.Dtl , . - .IL - , , .'-' i
as, . ...,_' .' , Aj-.13, tiiitrl; , , i,3 1; 1, LI.
BAHAII ANN . ITIrjA.T - 1q...1 - ....' - ' 1 , -1 - ,.. t. i_
- ,TutLe-respe,celeated4 ,, ,e Y..Pi , 11.7-- .l :' , K'e -, rep;
ncia t r.4 to aptaor •gt, a
,A;c4rt ol 0r t nae,, 1;',,,,. t..)
Ix re'd at - rt.tteville, for thp-Ct nary : ., r etc_..-., ,
th, Get Monday - orSepicao.a.i nex,..t” .... - - 1.. :- it.,..
complatlitLof the Ilbelitar tn4,l", eti ,,, si r 1 e
. . GEoliti.:E;t:. WYN-84 - Jqi . .....: . r -al..
Sheet:ls:9lllw, Potwitte, :la, 1.. -;...., . - _ ...-
herebrelveti nut letjare r.O. Ad to tr r..
the teats of VIMR WI:UNA:Kt late.
ugb itt Lreeetans;
Ars beib granted tottx . -
All perwoo• lterefore c ac , l - c' •
Tetioeited toareeeLt th ee ell7l _• .1
tt d
antboro ndeb 'ealil
=Lela at ita eaclidate.' ' .
oawlgebarg. lane,
THE EARTH. ilta,T.
FOR SA.V 14 . TO:.VT;
rV . a: incirr.A t•to:1: - C.- ••;
than air tho'beet
ft•r sale cheap. ,Aply to f - J bLEpi. H. AIN I BFI.
Hit: I. ••• , t: , • 3,1 li•
JII PIALIII.-012 allay term., two. email t,
Jalappi: 'ltoat'att.P . ;torona and it,t . tOd
evil boas*: .4ipap,t9:rit.ittr...N.ali,
. .1
pait 12 In. Pvlef cung'en.,*.ete, 1"11?1... 12••_•
lege, One 14 14..:V014 ' , pop 73
4,444 cat 004 Une 14 1 'Pole Pinilo,tl4',, , , e,
yds.. 16 la. culasm 1404.^: • 1 '
'149 9 Caw= rive. Isoiter-ix.a , kilo , , different
ne pair heavy gplicag 1! , f:, ,e 1'
Rode. Ennis dm saran • s't , • • •
Serail equate- 'll2ti 14444: fltra;4, (11b,
BrLot for urea.
Pump B d 8u11er4`41,,1 11c4 , 5
119 Itkips'airs Grt Hl 14. - rv4,11 12 le.; .1, .1,
00.1101nAndet, 14, It
_, l l.luz, tq tl . • fot -.
'log weer. OA 15 80594P44 F.cq ,- • I+, P. •
tilattor Ooh 15 119rt4! Ir,n f1..4e,r9'
Ventilating Fan.!0ne.110.21fire, , 110,11^..... 1.1 ,
111 nm and klearitur Complete. org`el daft
Engine An frond condi, A ;11 1 1 , n,
• • I inid.'l . 2„ ,A1.11616111F.T 1 ,
Wolf Creek Tiiirn6all,ol3 .l id 11,• , Iltre l'`
• J • •111 — a• B. `via, il•teree:ln.
o!, 1 2 ,
,61/, • ,t, ,29,1
VOR sittdit,t - ng 4.p•-L(int , 4" ,rn'• •
14 IMP Otos lho Var4s bh,peiCh.slo
. • • 11: wartTLE-E:ro, w,s: tsiLL.O%. Ar .
lttly le, .03 .. • , • „
FOR 11/11M11,:-Ilortspotal Ifkb 7r: were Er.q.,ct..
100 horse power. thtfle•lLil. ,"
dlemetek, 6 feet Wrote. mina bgvi / 3 ' l ".'.'
Wheel end Shaft: To:l4m, 5,..), 7 .q9alre
SON „BIiVAN. ttbsonoovVie. hl.o4l,toorely.l...oreq. ,
to MB RlCKARlX.l9,l4resolitroct, Now Vsk • -
Job . 10. V.O • c,
. This usldasOffsrie: for o.slit
,odl of.Litaff Dueness. Irieticitre ./..nrs;
I.lo:lllsayass4lsi,...ll4. has* strict:li
baeillen stramerlad.' la lerurtnz fir,t ;AA
wllicti NI.II endtasor tit -
ernissulgerstsrl.liftso ,nr
thrblisanek.Ssut sill. If 'destrod.i ok htt itrc .
thossittestoet., .11SerytInss h ks, arrsoTra .11
yrs:kids arlder. , , tad Ist au= Ae* sr T , f ert. •
Into *a sotabilater.l' tU
oduesseat. • JAK 11F1.1 , ... '
Po; Eta Oeatre
I SS-4 •
.•• • • •
VA AL', wog PF . A
. 1.0{..,‘-lr ; ve:n Bart'
-8. - ..- Ltiloa, Coast.; Pe.: onnten n •• I .rre,
'glom th e north Wilt "tkf F.,.74... r. , ) , ."."
'acres Re neder , ialtivatirri, tb. , r(r4....,.n. r - -.
walk floe tlmbir- o r wtl , e - 0e, , ,;,k, • i
Hickory. TM deviling ., bnasit i ran... •;-
neatly nerria.llllit Win I hear) ,
testi feign spring .eft the, prase. ;It;
boas' ; tuneinone gantries .• ~.peeed 'n.
n i ma• D0 r abc0,.....1 rdin rr. •
ellen - nen a atom.'nentrtme - •..
an ninter.ern n :ten Tide yo;
be PhiMeilleartite l. ap et otptkey Terme
teta rt CIOSIP 111 0,
lsith Apply Wail untbeteenee V •
• Joss auienur u Ereelint
Pettirtlin Pr". r e - IPOIr „. • .
iNisiesear,.-A digabie c 4 ohs Markor e,-•
mood lime. look'doon trciare , eitre fuee '
tr ti
1111, , !,19-214.1 • r?, 11:10APS(. t(
atrial WOE • litsT-.4A deelnibla
ta enz Okhre and *Oka Bur r. A
;;47.10-5/5 C. TnOliP39N ro, 2.,tr
Lou liatlVT.--1 140nriiioak v.!
.ttOtett.,Ncr..ll7 °Spits Writ, IV, ;
to Mal- kill/ . .".
I XlO 111,111 .:.\
. .
/8660414 ; eit.,-*ittsville t .
.• z -
witikiva. call • aipmer.r : tnla tC4
111dortmen!. ot - •
. .
•, ":1 i -
Dry c Gods,
_ .1. • * - •
2. 1111 ' 611 .. el P i g IlMilu7 teelo.o rid V, , 0ra1 , L 2 %;
• •**.
*•• • •
la r rlllre••d." I •
, 1 P *' .! gied
• .a ,,r`a td -"i t ''' .. '1 44...4...
IO T O 44- T f . A'W
111011011.iitill ftAIED
•" • •
r lEL . S •
EVER Y 074.1.1 TY .A:VD ;- 1 " .
114410:1*Is*saded: vei7' .1=441141i to *r. '
WlllikagOirprie 3Q oa fau .? pro tam I C. ,
B?RiNG & 811131 ER,
He ia mallia_ tat enifte Hake "ache Joe in CS • - -
stock /WWI Theo: -
He t • Ma large sea ‘ tiv
=add also ea Hatteigem
stadia og • • I • • - •
•• - eleeninim,
wig& b• on 1;14. sod i±,11% . ::
to genet loopeoLtitodrA figures.' •PV"."-: , `
° T in ?FIPI21 + boa s d ot vd
r7 -. ..AltAtit' ll , o
sayiro,esr, ,
r - - ,L
-,'lmaialirr coL'airnt, •
Off ip• LIB .1