The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, June 19, 1869, Image 1

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$275 tier anum.h ativancarea 00if sapid . hvadviinO.
. To :(-411.5.s 1 iubiapitoas: ii/iiihaWfi *I. act. - .
Threirc epic* to our attdreoso .. - .1.t,4 - 1 . 4..474/441,
Mt ,'' ' • '' -: ' '"` :, :. - Zir•-•••• iuz..........,• 1 1.4241
jrifteon _ 4" - -'
SDEALI:i4f.-11)4 Cbkpet 40000111.4,4016.
•-• tirCeroakof arnl 91.ent Toss MB Mild silk the J0W12141.16 14.10
• " r.. v! ' cc, O r el 2 , At peel ettlkla Ike belle4.l4llll.YOU 41 .:!IX Mob .`
....- .
For 0 -f- @gum ee..eet :eborteelsre •er lero. Pbeesebeerestel. ee•lmiertles.ll OP. ' '
-I - • ,•• . ErAt.24 , ... • . .
35 CO
. 2 • 00 • • :- •• a gee 1 . 1 siel 2 n'ar,lbil IT t - i ---.. es ialre;
. ........- .-...-.. ....:-... --.... ...........
. .. .
: 03 e b , i4en or. bbia.... ... t'. . ...r...........i, .nlO II 30011 5 00,4 II 41500
•Ta ... se*. .:“...:
.....,..... :f - Ala S:
12 II 00 11l ‘ 25 00
Ti mi, --- 7- • ' ..•: 'i - ::Z i 'far) 133' 24
Voir '! I.—. ... :. . ......,...•. • • •-.t.i..., • :e.... , !° 1 10:. ~./2 .. lib 00 in 42 50
.... a,i.,. v., na ,of c..nla SWIG , . ~..,,,.; f
~, ; • • f
Local Nftlicer and =al meta atfonaksiNstale mei tiostko: I. .-.
ki.orwero-rolasspeemessemeeok-, ~,,, i-, • ~
• . TteiroitoopaotauttLostoo so loyettiorpspettotelbst
is We h , ate. atull ormolus mare bey able Mee east elle.
i ..,, , ,k!h..4 In the Unita% &Web ells • Woof Ur swam, et eoss
• t.l Nl:lofted te a elr.:,'e number of lbe betableol lor Az team velem
', an eLtbeate, wed lee ed UNO 2:
Ai t
el Qom be Clabticad ts a 111 Boat
~.„,.a t,,,,,, t the ety oehtishiree hams - Aid sell r raelb beim! erttl be linisbei
~ u , „... e ),.- toe ez thieve:me*. of GU emote per met. •-•- . ,
T. , te.iee eit;4ol.l= i rneeel gn= te o . r It pos.
..5.,, ~,5, , 44.6 *or Mk& M ad bp.
~ r • t.l.l*.lwe le besols, obi lieteultbr 4111. 011=11Ma AS as
,:, a .:. .. lb'. nee IPA ni lb. labillikitilthillt riptflaa ,ff f,' , f . ,
M EN -Ts.
kr i - f
1 7
• 1.;:a
Terminus of the
Oil. , I 3 Nerth. - rort Riebineild. •
'TT, 11' AtTEIt & CO.,
wunir terr, or Trltii tff
C, 194 14 .
A:zcatt,f.".• ttv MA07..1L 01413-IDo444,raiz•
Ph tlii drisib ts,'-,l&rrr 745'4204 4:00111 1
EROS. t 11),
11101;v:rt. I•
it 6,4.11--
wrtrict, apt, ritti•Prie
C O As
Spr .411. Iriaksborii., •
L" unt Dale, . Merriam- -ctolcr-Anderson's
h',;11.! .9finmoklin.l7E Tremi6ior
-417 II ,c'r;tl: • DiamowL ti 7 Clenftel# 4
Rtri• -
111 carazr7
Gra6c'e ri-eil: and road : Top; '
N' l i i ew h t4 ll : •
I),STICE; ,/ fiiniy Sti,,hatoodso. . • .
BJr.i.h alttoors. St ,Proltitemos.
7 , ,PrrNr; WTI vrfrits ittostioaa, Pint 3,:d4, ,
city. Illttimore.'
;- .
csonos,l3. POTTS.
m (1. AM En: A 111141.11 . 1 CHILD, ;
• •
DAY, lirlYDE_____
LLI& ' ,CO ,
MlNER4. l olllobaipexaBer, 1 '. l
CP .leli /ma .
(~,-.4.4 . .._N,,- , • , :4 liAt Bt., Ptlladd -
:: ill 11.ndalty,(Tzisttzr NY
I} ...r , St r.rt, Baton :
~..,,, 4 ...-:„..., :I, s„e. ~f Aeyolloteinit .etted
, -JO'S.
lIICKOfiI 4PA s c0. , 4 nicimulf fe
nu a PLC: COALS. .14
b I:loalE:tUt.miatttt COAL 410.4 ill.,-
, stoti`s3; CO It. • - ,
bmrp”... :Va.., .4 —vier Mr; 114 Pt litelultand.
Pier Me. illitulbefatmet.
• .. i.i.3. Jan 1011)....aa
Pita. 10 Part
S I 'N 15 I Ci 0 5-N*.( ..
Isktroeis sprl Wiolessle Dosing or ths
, • 0* LIiKItiVOiVALL3II%
• .6,)1e tli!ri;cre.ana Deniers of Unik ereniliunrli •
• ' •
- • ,
14i1.11 • • ..m VULI, G. ccna Agent.
• awaits anni WARM 010
LORREILIIT uo Locus? Benno eolL,
'wore a a lire tiniratindirinNtins et
Walnut stroa,PkilfidetplAs.
id Trinity Doikill% Tot.
19 Deane Hums.
100 Westminster 131., Plcoyiaite.
VIVI; No. 4, Peritk d •
WELD, NAGLE & C0.,.'
virrmoul lap apirricis n• .
'll/ Lith • T'QUA IT7E3'
.... •
rofi AND ciaIIZEMO umL
AND SOLE * AGENTS it ML awns._
.era TAE ogcna.ttri
ABS Walnut. BA,
iiira;ihit. •
OFFlris.s : Y lIY firoadway. New TOW.
• ' 19 nova !Week Bogau -
or, M. lirmay NAsn.s. Sawa Ilimorce.
ll:.'t A. M.. 0., J..
Pier No.'ll nt4;rtin rt.
0. J. & a. B. EASTWIOK Ok 00.,
witurc. ;A CM RED ASII
. No. ..1%. DqCF fiT., VII lADELPFIIA,
NO I S' ssr 11,/d7'o3.
tarniaiAir Hod %.b,
likessok in %vales, A.b, •
Locnikt 311agmt. Wkite AI COAL. ,
1. •,.9 • •
1 3 11.11ARVHIA - ,.&4.
ihifying- Wharves for liTllllllll tan. at
Gr,r moth, vetivare rum, rhumb.
LI: Wit: A lIDIMILMIED." .Co.h :
• .t.:11::; , .1..b if. 1.14 Till: FAL", 07
'• We (+re< k UtomewB Cowl Oft Visi.llllll
14,-d . 4.1' Black Sleuth Waage Askillimis,
1 7-* Pt=1•11•1&114
(4,• - •
uFF.L'ft.9r <1,4 ay, lives Tack.
- • Ll< F4aos4 BoAcal. •
, Wharf MN * *. • • '
racrimir.n. & BIM
rm. w.,lnacePocailksti.abili.
OYFICZa ; rux rstrt.+3. Now "CAL .
• '
- • • •-•.
rm.s. Lumen. ma" .464: 1-11 .
VIS EAUSON I . llv Ce•'. .
SWAM )1..4D stunimi a as •
cght•Lakra) LoaLST IIOUNTAM Wei
• and VSLIP
- wa.idi wed; COAL.'.,
, Nu.airdww, am% ma 'Taw,
• ,N 0.41 Dolma Street, Hada. -
WHARF—OId/WM% usta.waits
Janl, C 9
1. at mt 111..1..eblib.inborn . ..MitaHP
Iris. also Alleilisfy mai Top
c •
rt, omit ar,6o 4 l . art •
G EORGE"S csram, cti#E;z!..alCD.
m cOr7Ctoista -4 Alai arid . Paltissorit.
0 tar,313
saner, V‘i ' • ":4
-FrilidEt6- 37 ----
esece,sseou vo nom
Uadcr . ilclinklistlloo/04A
E C. Dah-anne. -n i r arAllainerlL
DU P1,2%.11•TE &NEVES
13RABB romittas 4 z 314 ) r i t
t ' Aint-Vri 1111•10614. I
ripe !Metals. C•peeri Viasimidiat
w•ider. {ldle aft I
rigtalas. Pewter. nm ti
.11earir sad Lista Calitlapjatimil
I.maer Work.
Rolling Wit Joni k .
- Road - Var SEM, • -
TA.W 3gt
760 Pon* leriad Ifte. , "'1 1 1121 1 0 1 klaili.
to - ar .loorio or MAI
Hank G. -• • Vihkr
. .. . ....... ..,,...,., .
, ALL . O.II.R.A, Atirtailli_ imm a i fetu
N Commehpl - ria/M/S4,
.- "..., .......... ';....- ...t , .t7ii - :q• ","
COAL.. , • , -7,,
ar a4.
ire Nimustosievezi - * - "
mobs' of 114 . 2 4 OndtStre, 111114 . 4 ..b'
opailltr,to ;ladle frost •'.
sl ht7Trirh
we:Athi the worm as ... , . . .
Orles In Cattalo. - . to
...: e _ .' ,
.crtagek -',, :'''''' :: , , ..e . , • ,, ' ,
EABt= ' AltfidEvalit-
J.Q.11u!,~ s~+A
, • -- • • •- - • ,
At ttAi
o stnotetwir 0)14 , 1011b140ratige
f. cc:.L 20104=ra
t wakes mots. setioromtra 1-th,
Drinrinrell ". -Xtar 7t:01.476cii
,:k stpsOlirtlial ildnAls .5 ( 7 1+-1
l i gtrag e ll r;
vireo id u. 1M1X01.1141 FASIVI
trrall; No. vi Walla itistaAft, ftlartel.2llll.
MAI 15, - W l . l
. •
IL. en th e
• NUT M. 10. Ps.
• Pine Street. Sea York.
'SO.I Walesa " sakt tos talletplita.
Rigby a Mot.
Jar L' 4o4
• Pier Mk 13 Pon 111elwead.
1111113 • • r
0 A. .1.4 -
11iivulm snots= a t 43.51 Loci!
610.14. I,lllll.llllOccalugh Vela.
DUIIO4II COAL 0n.% Levis Von OW lah3.
°maw( MVO Walset Yin IPlkll.ll.liliiii.
.1 111 lirooduray, Rear Yea*.
Ollllessello, 11•eleo.
Janu)l p 1-1,/
• Mks M. f Partlilieimead. i
1011N1 - 11. W1111641k114)111,
Ile. PS 'abet Street, Philadelphia,
mime ma sioataa An. aux 'or
Aa 814 et.,Srat Tad.
No. Of Aresixe. Ik. Yak•
• Ives' Wind, Ilk. b bath 84, Provi.tleacs. • • '
l!lisC, it. Writagtott Assam. beitlff4.
test. ostait. . •
.tea. . •
• Pier SI.
Kilos ail !Uppers of.
0 CO_ A •
Lipamin'T Kiev ititAlN, mo. ow ° aim
DI:IL Ind comitrireprAL comissues. •• •
Loutinsisir. from SIDDLI CM= eig..,„
Wilma mat,
OPPWSll:agememy, liar - Ta
j t
... 1 *4 ars Dim Knot, lititas.
cant, Rion & oon;
4 ' '
comm i e . 6 7 Air 111111411111111 CO. .
' 1.., OCVNT 0
210 . UNTIIA O . .
, i
ge% im sw t l . -. • IBLAtig, • .ii
MI. 611 girlitlme .., —— •
Jo, 111.1 Waist Met. -Philidelptes, aid Wallkill
. Wharves, easyllcill
% wa y cit. l ll:rasa. `Js Cloom
ataii B. OTRTILSR. Newer sod
Jm 1,13-1 . • ' retard ill
LEUWq, LOtTST 110111T4111 )
Meats 4 iihuirrfOlaslia o3l 4 ' LoCast Ili Mal.
0 3 11 , 1% 49:1011V=.:
emirs,' incur& 4 WiamOrair,
Bilia‘rs awl Shipperlo of C0a1...,
Ilsreelea (tram tbeir Baraddle'Ool. &Maar* ab
Loads Vela Clied
Leese, Slesaralitnae A. „ '".--
.01 - tee= I PIL I Ze in aros Y t ilail etZehl g r.. l 2t - • ;
. . tee Dome Sneak Been"
illrlierilt no. IL reit IllinkeseoL Plaihs,l
Jan I, Ye •
Wirrt, FOWLER & SNOW,.
Whippets tti
soterrow Ida •
t 4 •
C 0 A •
pines - NO 73 Tiatxtrr Ku mama et Faaomi
Alva -A3647
VAXtICSEN, - 11901r1IGit.
_at Co.,
A - la • S
aunswa Wawa I FlJabottiport.
Jalopy CUT.
Wit street, Plllll6llOll
OMCNii 4 1 I I Orolawt& New Tot?.
. Wise uor.on. • Jen t.
C. z. Dirno*D.
sou Tax ails O➢ Tat custw►T&D
Room. Run (LehiglD'
. Recently *Mined by tbe
Messrs ` Pgt o
vain . mins vibi -•
1 1 ll' 131111 MN
Ibt WM b 7 the Camp le7 tbetheetTie 160 ohettch cl
eft NSW, hhinahhillen Is the reperolos . el lON
Chal Wm yese. •
Oeteis grieved teem 70111%KrUICILANOTY l t,1
11:41193, had theilltADlL , •
- '
, - :•. OFFICES: -•-.. .. - -.-:•
3EOO &i 42 Triiliti Batling,i
. . NEW .ycatic,
primpantoft?Ai mi. Tt airr r a;.+7.) .
Eft n sm. r. e. MGM NG. GlO4.
• 4)
1 a CI
1s P 8 r en NW! eb
isnl3 EM 2 1 a l I'4B
3 a 1W _ ._ . t .
. 41011 tieehetho
• be 6/07/I._• 91111 Milialtifit- .111111WEINOL.
Mom mg hilly cosik, hos the lilhh7prho Slam
Jai ,11 •
Wllkesbaire, _-
i SeratiMOlNlVii•
• Shamokin
. CiP
T.& a s k. In JOSS ,
orisce—atki's Tr:alit.w e aM. , • ,
71s*Tellt -Ompona mos "
cuansfzug katlitlet:
,4 Xetiltirsamil t iet- • •
an; -
144,14 Looook
; Num Mita, ;
Bond Top.
I.C . 0 - A 1 L is-;:-
. , .: ....,,-:#1.
..-..:_.50z.5.. AG
M& 1
I 74; 1 8` lbw York el theSseciera ' -t C):: -
i 71:211131tarlalaNG -430hiot.
e Zittr i AßUlZZ eis ei t t
1 =llla6Minillikbartig. .
iAllent. :: ~..• v -., ,---.., -_,.: _
....a.:_v..1.6,z,,,.. ..
Au* • ?mow
- s . •.4111044
impish -
thdair iron* /111_
Intl mertmet
I Irat-R Itl'A Ott
-1.2361111 allelWrilift. je
Al ltiti aide it 'Noe&
cvv i ", h , ricee7 A ,
Ims Stub, evilmaii. •
• •
_ „.4.4,_
~.,„,,,7„;,.^.-.% ?-'''''‘.l::4l:43
44:y : , :_.. 717- 7----' . ~,,,,:.',..- . :17, 1 ,;, *A r- -....- 4 , -.. .: i.. - c -......,....14, :-_ ....! ,
. e.
t 6 2 , S .,: k , 1,
4 4 . . ii .: 41. 4 . .
.4 i1 .0 . --- ....,rl'!' ; '_ ' '•
. 71 .:.+ ; ':
.. - 44 ::-. ..' - =' 4.4. - - '''• ::.. 7 ---:-=,. _........,.., .............- AIM&
r _.!_, t .E. '- , . ,' - - I , .' 4t:'-.• j " 7 :414"' - ' r 'f . -
.•. . - .
• , . -.- . .
:-- . . _ ..
. , .
WI. ', - 1i 1. - . .
... e k,-- . .. • - ,
: .
i 7 •
t , , 4 ,,. 4 ! ' .- :'' '' -.-. ' 11 "/ At -... 0 /1 1 4/--, - .''''' - ' ~.----- , , • ...-,, -; ‘. ' .1:
i' XVI , / ( I P • ;74 ,
.-". '
I : : . 1 : * : It\ • ''''' ''' ' . +.)..„.....*/,
4., ,,,10: 4 ,1r .... :L5' ... 1 . : ....0.
• ..-
7, ._. / : •.... ' ....--;--. •..
- ' ...:,'•
~ .
. . .
- .. .
- ..
. . . •- • . .
,-, 4. ,ii , . a - , f - - •
• ' ..., 5.,tr , ..• . ' II U
' \l - Al .
. ... L: 5 ...,.„. - . - .:' ' , ~. • ;!.db
-- - -
~ .._6 . 2.1.L•0 f ... 2 .
• • - -
~: '1 ! „ • -, ' .-- L!.' ~ ~ - :. ~/. .. .2. ' ,4,.........c1 1 - p. - 3:_ r-itZ. 7 , ri - ~ 1, _ :...... ~- • - . -,-" ' •
. .. . II •, ' .
• 1
. 8...1t....-......
'•i . '• '' •4-' ° -4 ••• :rm svILLE .:., . -, Ji.j..ii ..,:i. , , • •,- •- i iw,.... ~. • , ..-: ~..... -.., .,
, __ - .........••••••.•••'- im" ' ir
, ..-41
Pili3l:lBM*RY SATURDIY , M6ANIiiG 'ItY I 441 4 1NAN RAMS
1rgi1,X1P471 4, T43::12&
mate, at .11411,14kia..
rue li, isrtb.
Bortia,, Keller & Nutting,
C '0 A
war mom GREENWOOD. .
TGARILETEION, aillsdville
omen I -41k MDT annrcrs.
BordU, Keller & Nutting,
NOIitTaOWN -16 , firrE' 6s.
19 Port &Helm Mod.
. .sonila!; or
F'nia:4lal Coal ofLykensVitEey
;Deep Red Ash - .
. - .
Hill iff“: - White Ash
Henry flay &Daniel Webster.
Bio4o TOP SEMI-BMILL191:113
" . *a
..•. , - .
Walsall. Room IC*. Ita
1 . 11 V
aulty 114
7.Q. ItiOODY,' Qbner:l Arent.
Pieria. O. •
~1111119 ern arm or to
elebrated ASHLAND COAL,
rfOII NAIL&POI stomerstta.
0771c2-An Wainse tureetrectuierdal Daildiar.
Bro.dway. ?entry %Ming.
16. Agent. &Mon,. VA Wine
• •
inn:Eli of THR =swum'
Fuli0;1' ) & "ala i (Lehigh) Cloak,
I FOWL the raga - yak iad the Stott Collieries, at as Ile
. flarß 4trea mivar L we basal alma; at P;
0 EVICE6-11 4c 40 Trinity
II I 141Wadwa7, Now Vert. assaPanip it
) Broadway. tlr
[ - kW IL ,te
.1' J. I:lOVitY
1 , i 1711.014 LSD illaPPEra Of
D 0 1,47, KENDRIcir & co.,
a„.l. DO#Y, . w siontacu. J. F. mirror
I • .7
Rainbow &Plank Ridge C oals
illilearll9•. 91 IN's , * 11habsain1.116,
' L : OFFICX3: .
Piaui:6lols —ins Dock Waal...
ronwrillie—Centre /West. ._ . ,_
Moir Ireille—Trlnlty -MICA". ROM SW Arekter
siebt.Sitler, Arcata. ... , .
inimiaci—Ro.. 17 Dow' Bt . 32.111112 IL MN. Agt.
Wablikireail. 0. 0.--fferrry Jaws. Vt.
rchrarri MIMS - 9 a
4,,a411Es I. (5011111114113,_
Miner Lai Stappor tk Uri Oelcimia% •
ffteivalltUll Chwimarr, Peas&
]in I, Id /-
3 - 0 - A.14 LA-N /I 8
rre vita Pilt —TM richolkill COMM MIS
SPOrterveral stake Wool on Indr lode la
Tod& 'Xuivellp. Schuylkill eclunty. There bride ers
en the Ivy pOrtite at tbe Hedracter Ma.
Su, tool= men tour miller run as lbe
Man. a u nt all tbe vane roost In. Une Ss=
above w ieTe. • Favorable Lem slat
us iftollu= ot Umber tor reopuner. irill nun
be •• to _rood leosare,' cs appeceles to H. 11.
• 4 Tied•W di the etenneo. sleet Me;
, 41.1. re —t• •
E: "irri coiiii" I"; sass*
egtilitigmPtsrateMCbd Is sow volt apt&
GORDON Sr Co. vim
Are rid* Awes- . Totten
dints .80884,1140* rt,....eurft-rp
.. .21111,m0t..,i,
- t i...
Ottol#l44ollllY UM COIL
totegn!tbst,lcir:e Watt el asTistzir ,
iijejleirsist .11r4ists,1 tuff Clare OW;
AMA not ipy argon are -
fiMeglin iv., Pert Itlckund,
11114.-A , MAL• Nik. 21$ Siatb
, rano IPMlllolgar •
moms sigiaitlea to ca l a r cirses ii3l air la
0,4/mike tlew_odow raostbra. •
• Vt'l - r, 7 1 t - . ' . Dem: .
pkatittelowribrun sck. AVA: tam
iIS III‘v ii )I T ‘ LANTIC
Traiirme Mond terms.
!girilooD Gamma= '-ssso• .,
VI 111 R.; ;Di i - HM
01111001 fit 00AL 800011501,
swat Aimpromfimesivo
' 2 1 1 kV magi
• li - • r
• - ••1 •;jr - -- Je o . • • - •• t i !
; f • Zt/
*lmmo ,
b 'Sanat,
4,rs:llLl W. NM 4104 G. atillllo2l.
' ll 4 4 . asavra.imaa -- visa -au eat a
,Cro.or Ur& mkt I WON" 011111117 111111Miblek
Art isaimnibillo CU at Dow
Ist Wits llidtheale
ircaxstrai mow •
imesmazda nienele.
1614:11 1 5 1- ' 14 ALIS8l.
I :PViEru-"acs sitERIDAN'
4 / 411 " 1161114 4 "OWNOM
- •
. - _
. 5t.25, 4 - •
a 111100.1111.14:,au use" • • .1,
.21, 41 0 11 33 1 1 Wm.
a• -moo MOM
plu vadmileitia :
; IMP alligkela9.• PPM "do
GM • ,
sal ri•s4 D'ii.l.l4 . Lifft IN., ;
ILehrgb, 6...t.ety11411 and liiiiamiaitus
' G 9
aoksiGtnarirs om:00/11 - 44i - H
SION Scoicitod an 3 Takeit zi t
vorable Terms.: '
( c- 11 - CI MIV
E 541
. ,
Tl,to,rl Ira a'3slcel Irav Email far
olnr. rltttev, Eirtaktes
e ~t ..e,y oit , 4 also far tri , jade -
Ordos allca II,: . i
Mon -6 etyma. ,Carban
NE P. 'Milt' !ITER; ita oar gametal . agrat r
Seauy'l..t'l I 'on ...$ tt.calude cd.abosh•
[.faro G.rl G. .a ry,'•111..; arr,rgla.
Iteten. ncd 31 • .1. n Teo, k....ft IT,
We are - General A.genis, hr.
Made Ly the ti ALTO /BON CO. All siztioe
hand from 16 the th the 3ad ina ° Stinelai
lengt . wide to nr6en. L. C. 'ILIOMPIPON CO.a
- - ;1
o u MI 1.-1 'OM l'atn•fl....l at gnim.f.citrenl
Wan. either 4.i u 4.• II I ZAK .111-NUIF AV":
1.78/11:1144 4'0111+10.) 14 IAM
1141.11.. n I tifti. (Jr 1,, 1. toe
General A ge,acir,;,i,,„..,:rii.te,a
m.u..o4auut (4 A.m. ea) rtazier of Ire. t.:l et., I J 1. C SOU.
4 1 c• e•'"
A inl` 311 i. vtd, pat cri, In gniii
bond t•Pr.elr, ra.d n , nv.nnt.e.wrrros It lain by
LI,THUALFigin 41, .
• ro,kt rifit; 71 1
040 ~o ten buret it rt.
lir.ery r cce, auJ reta . tei ali 111 • Minty:
ra. A.A. At A1...h. AL AA A.A.41 AA A A:
."1 , it,a21ei,..,,-.., ~, •' "
". ''
:!' I . 1 -'% IN'. GALES
Are ;11:nziorchher Kale markultatnnede le
rk,r of what We Pt raw nee tat» Lae th , ta ta
rtr . .. A fen & , Clywftal Oen. tn hand. breading teas,
ter. BateLer, Platform, Day crd Cann, Eccles. • , Can
and get a tilrlll , al .L. V-. TII• tII P. , 0:. & (11...5.
ther.eral Adds for c.:4eyh,l , , N eihrlm'Re lan& car-
Lon C. , a/2.1 , . 1.. n 1 c“an•lee.
___------ -------.
Coal Holst.iiittlgarlitie .
Patented Aptil -12, 186 i •
Yare tb,. 77rr1. f Oar 11.0eine, 111101111 tel ire fro,
to use. - They s n Wasp e, durAb.rt.sael r s• , ! -ntria
betcs 1.1.0 lugs ro.d. &Ent its, p3feo
rsfiranntlon tries. • tsnyt fnr catslngSo
costsintss mire• nrdlesttrrostlnlS trete frOltliS
using;.a/sa tonuOnlas jaw list ciao, Wood
end Inn rats,, liack 'noesMarone, Duck sad
Ilaok 13.64 ; a., r.t.u.ta Rir4 'inch UlLnalll
- wenni to ens! Isn , rfl stir. ,
6thar 7 Agrkniurnlarlitclilso Warb, .labluki.
Apri 1 17. - .A
1 1 1k 3-.P OTE.I. v 1 LS 1i...T0 ell minima LS,
May l'Oserrn ni.d to reerideratiSt of
IsPott bend pod by
ty littEl ERRE of the Abnormal Of
sville. fittordlOft., to Lela ROZI:=
Of Phlleftel'obla. rho b...n,npt whereof lila been
edged, the -aid itllumboo7 ha arid to pea JAMIE
WREN It^ Heht toarply It W the (Vasty •O Rani.
Mil, fame a Penne) as alt. Strom liaalvalleoll
la roe or that my hereafter ho nee.l,Literle guabir
fps Improved Cat-off (Sr.Eeresoma e. :12
SW ri
IMS by Esponion—f for whirb letterh
ent. dated November , I , 4l,lturve been to
Ik Olia Leone IDataben7 bYthe Teem azotectat
pima dadrma of information rodardlorgabe
of tilts Vero (An meeire the one a stu offee m Cud .
menet. Tb a 1". y,fit lb% Val‘T to all pawns
Stem Tuna& ia ftrm %I to SO per cent, co - EdtZ
,endm Kean be option to advaiprvolo
Imo arc rayrestcd to take. part OWN.
sat est.. They Pea= ont SW the tad
OW neer eyet end Oleo for nutting WO WEE
rimpvezpeny ct. Cllll 11170111Va0010
Woo arisen it, C0..1 etreet,,, heoll legate, tee
m i put 113t0111R-4M JA.IIOIICIMI, • •
Wili*lsatos Ina IWO:
„Stephenson Safety -Lehipe.
last rime C faience an damp t . tikvft isrelffent,
siet the Mpg= Danip 13 rot. Walk
we have meth red a 1:4 of yoSttPbeniPa SAW, Wolk
which contain a ell calm aim talhg k 044141 the W r.:
savne Ttit•lnfc:A from meet exprilmentatrivile to
noilmai to Minable-lei the &eat Wen in Ole. nel
saw extensively wail in all the Any tolrellef la
litasid P. r aide laboleptiff ac-1 Watt.
CLVAINT Ltsr, the DAVY LltifratMff Sarctf
Imps se all the Meat improve pit - •MenrAllmetriet tn.
opected Garitauseslin e, bytheatapilldMAM
These Lampartra all.m..aantaeineihlleintarnern *lra
s of the --- nretenmen
gnil - Wraia 1 - 7Zca bat vote or, ___-_
1?y the Itnatth 117Ma<roment hr adetr.
swopcoustantly on tan* touct imp, Is MINI
swop um: wn cat aortal aa7 PC , Waa . 4400 g t 4 r e -
PESOS gina..4.llal hare tat-nor= oat. panios
bops lirlzrraorholrage and ratan.
" .
Jakinlaan &„
- 11411 VENTRE 111,14011102;
wi goo Author's, lo WU A essOleolit , ors, - .
altttli IMO,. for the oda of thdr /111:ajogg Sod
saes Lemdcm., sr. 1 yin rplutgot tto Otrogolle
elan or &viral, 0404 or ownodkinercr+Ndi
Wei& as %Mtn* ot rtevlrlosolholgolk :Nee oat 0!
gine Xrattrago la sot cotlool to Mow .ogo
bat are alp' cable n warrirs,,t4m.:l[o,..Catrr=
oa. co say Veto where semi polio te Itiodred.l'
6e t informstSorg se tticolsetty asoliaN
(Ward lelftt elm:Malty spppe . 1519 a ear
Ititireeree rips*.
totglotreottrOd Withal** Ittoripeeti
I 71r. 1' pill 0P tt z., Iteaustt •• " •'•-
*O. Pottery& Jilsorb9ll ,l o: _.• •
Drateh‘rier o Ligtor Xothltikt;
al elgibrtg p , , , re the &Tice; to meet ittionrlV - •
• Thgralottolitt Doi agmciroy,soll;llB l o~garoir
o• fat st 4
wo Mar to uncietea. - .
tls • • kNiVAN-6c . MdfWEV "
vitimele *triter; IPiiiss-
• .4 •
:VI I 0 N
"Is teens csi atliairi Ole 10,44aikortlat
um stip_peveni AI 7,cbsst
beg mid., 11 lantet. Alt ;
10YeatOttkereven - IA 11V;
sid uprt the 'MT teurfOill ,
, balm Araseuted 11001,'
10.116 111111111111111 pietas 3841188*• 1 !
*do prelate ti!eitt VOA, Vor OW. rr
a z
ibiart•iL l edam% IrraVal
pcippgrAlalS ,
ZtZe . altert4Mile ..: 5 1rIPAta
0111011 cue wlO vat stia iVi• - 14.'&UrS c ang
gagimparsin Os IMiii•welUtllagr
L vensoutimtif
nwoolumas ae- " * l-1 -1 4`
saysiumut swAN,
irioutik 'ina ir Eacata
EIN• Vivi tor wow *ad cm I, SAL =WWI
unridascrar piss. -- BM
AMIN bredllelacasigh
~ln B. MS , demi
, 1•10•14. -
'MI a swift:4 i ll'
ifieliteamts, • 'der
- 1141 , 1 1 1 1 0111.
7+o. - • d 3
AlidOAl llLlavver '
Caner OD
tiß+e game i none
411119401weer', •act
Arenale"Leset: ' as
141 their. yrutior* 'a the ,
!ter 43,v,hx. ut SO.JI/Ptt
44 la
vows -AFIA
%Nei" peTame*
of lit*
Cessitv. w 4 =,
te Ur ton Warday.
i t 'ul TlY. u k r ,g :SI ''.
%I'll= lortu!t • 1
ntatt'llildce , ' (SO .
roan Al-. , 'da•
antel4t lit.ll -_ . d 't .:
It lrbYtt, T.-... Tile ' du .•
rat`trt—a Wier da
littchul aittvy , da
Ge...rge I.o t ,tft • (la
(Oho S. e.r.d • e ,,
Ann iiir(i.,3,_ll • do :,
, Itt — PP - t,(••Artt,.119, 11- ,
littL. ;IN rr (Y..1 , -t. . .
etit, Tr ,t 144 , T..rtra
lapel SI L•arrrt . el 60 ..
• ' • /tea Ara.
Wo Deii•lrcr ,11(to.1(
I Pattlct 101.41 .nt,ll•r.lttitat.) .
_ _._ . ....
• " 4/2i
tbrard tlArcr
itboca, Prrnr
100- - 1,131d.r
itrOmialr I
lobo *Von '
244461 , 641reer
Onrke! - -"do
306611..fi5ed do.
Duda PODetaod - do ,
MI6 Wood•ned do
Jobs' VW*. I.ll roe
Truk .7 Bender di
Sateeib= %Mira
'Mims Tern " de
ThodunliTodbli ddi
Jots Galan
Jblut , 'Of • •
reit Hecker
Did= 6 Denim* per . plider
J D old Delluolra • do .
haat. , • do
Pargsalllfets 60 .
into* *it do
(I , orti DA 43 47 4 4
• •do
AVltrar ritholllC do
Dewy J Dadsprloa do
Iddlim.3••••• • do
Data} do do
J.".ta, 6 Iris 3 Moor,
IIII•so Levi* do
iliktad Vedder. . ,
4. to Iftwtre : do
&ha liaddes do
Ktf..tool Datobua An
Day 1166dOellta
Jaws Dv•alr
Soidaid - do
Duda Witold /1 1100 1
(los HOW .
mkt Mao ' do
Riotaid Donor 'riven
Itiort.•• isYektlek •
' ea ~bat Oda:
MJReret Soily Toon.
'TWO** Qedll - It lan'
- lale ADA."
Wararet Warm Tin 466
oatriek Ctioidin do'
/Imo Dadool 6o'
• Merge
Doniflo±bit 40 _
taw Nem644l , '
6ii6.666=6 4r4 . 4
' l l lo6oV hilli t r yto
440elliwo 1146Q!''
atelPellro , •••• • '4 lO
mewls.Mkkul Qo
Qadeo Clary • . fo
0•626661061 r do ••.
Atte, or Bruktinka L. VP
Ar•NW IDenter en
oe.oart Dottemeleo do
J,t.a ammaug do
Jemmied. Curran eo
if 3 do
fircrer do
CA IC,: . Y Bow
' Jabs tollase do
Wlthall.B4lllB do
Citri.thAqireldie 40
Leilfslettnia do
qual Fall raw , do
FlawSW • da
Mom,. Doughaty
Dewy oi•no. ' do.
lOotr , p ; do
. skt
Nichol Olsrri'
VII wild Po
Asotpel 11.34tormt
ti-htt Ftwe ey
(coma grbe461:1,7,
.11109. ftr.mnui
' ls, r'lltAriasa
lobn J W.11;lido
I,o , lana StorY•
Adel:m . ol7 , d: to •
; d -
9tireeter Rodtkott - fro
I.Tameot Pox 11•10
Illletorl•Wud. •.; ,
,( liars ; ; do
113.-erze WsUlune do
4 11 4 .1. `•••ovo'll: .
Peer F Kely • • do
flouryPt•rk'o do
Juhn Doette , do • ,
lez•eitts Jon do
Keen Fhoottt •1n
30bn Cord -7
Llt•lo . do
!Stetpi &I'VN•t• ''
illteplutt 1.1•'• Oder ' • do
illoro, COoOr'th do
'Rubor, .I.r
12: Owl h Tholteg d o,
Nbulre Donne, , do's
31.1cb.el -Tatr6
PlERennrpc•.ee T:V.TII
P ImseLw.•',. @
'lllnArth B Oft .
Poritd 8010 . do
@MA a Hew:Org.: A.)
&an Cansphell • do
. Toss atr. 1. • •
lAtarA lt,ro . ?mos
. 4 114 Iffisitat do.
. 1 1111e'u4 Clark do
Li A IlaHlrtian do ,
Harks 'do
4rdst • do
ti inist ilartopin R Rooms
111..03 - do
tiooalti Arlort an
• 'I do
rale' Tie* " , do
Jotn rim Pm In
rllltierllV.l3 • '1 . 4
I Dart•l R dotsn do
tPkaroc. P Rims do
Igatosol it Tinto ;
13-dtzer "ds
Ltelo A Mold] o - do'
11nab Tnna, " !do
1 1 1,4111 am Sas do.ak ' dr '
forays Morey • do
Jtddrill. , r k tt: do'
Pot IA Delansy do
'Andros. Ranh /..osno
Arlon Rano 'c't • . do
t likta Fron:ccbar,,,or do,
Yuen S I/1115C
Yu k Cr :112 do
• • &der.
Edward flak . Mar i am '
— ' _
Jar ob lath iki.
Juba Burke - ,do Chtdr7 hall • Tavern
- John ' db Wards Crrivan do
Urrdret Potlhei •do )t.thl+alt ddlnptde do
Patrick Connors do 31r1 03 ,, k P: Vlr-"e
Wbbron Love do .tiretargi rit Vol
Serra rd Goias 00 Johngirr - myr .7•113 . ern
Sillntlel36ot66fiii do •Pin , . - rrOre., •
Martin Weber.' do 1 Antbouv
artehylis 1l lit 'do / J ahn PeAz - do
John TErou •11 Whoa Akin
C Marc
Paula Cats Ittri.lar. •
'James Bredberry
-I taba Tavel n
Ax,thony Boole do Ahrahanutt Evade et,
• WU. Itanle - Z..rby do'
%mita Poet Virrerti,`Jo -Oh Perry °- do o.
Jobn_K Dm** do , Thrs MaG•rvern n
Jots Keetleg. , UolOselltolpert Weir , L'Ao• r
Wear .Plurr Porh:
Jorge D Predericl TaMen,,Phlllp Gin. ear r T de rn
..u.obla Moyer • „ rip Indiana P Ittyr dd
John L &hart' . ;Coady Santa •
Berjunin log' • } damsel •Ma.n. do
Wart ch ' dd Prdrtric LIR ely II Ram
Lrorronrig Wed 1 Mary decoy do
Voles Walborn Taletal - •• • Cada YorrA '
Brunei. , • ! earth Prn-y1 'Nairn
Thor McGovern • SldearyPThenadvi , or. 'E 11 •arn
' Cam ; tr
11Plegio Dr-re tevendjohn Preto* •
.hafleS Mora= -•- do r Mt v.
nor Idleung Z !bran Pay: -c • Tarots
th.nre Mealy • da - •• - •
Ebbr.d rgeneardp , ff,nry red • I' arz
I 'road M•deartj
11 Berleuvrater 44 • 4.7 12:ttine• c • Trve;er
Enot-Dreresedu I..Sety-,t.b.
Aurae Teter "It tioree'ichn Tar,cu
• P ailry.. ' • :thr.r..t,
Martha Gerailde, Mrinie:riett *4,11 do:
ger • do ,',Jatue• ncher!
Mahavay. • Illisty o I 1-. h d.)
John A trek tirrarer,ldaryMP
n dyne , do
Jekyll Illtroddet • ' do earer.
sob. 11 40 rglettard Dora , Tuverti
Winos it)ch lame'' Wed frevya
• Nee Cad**, " Itevrtityrtve. ' "Therm.
Stroud Mega* Tavared Bane, Iladrer r do
SLL - lt .at • r'• Alb
DlSMAlGUrv . 4 l owhweria Drlbla. Tama 'Ede 'PP
Edwin. Itedng ;Soma tiketutadoda; Ildhard
George. Zahn MosierAidadd.
libeetateltdb. Palk Cnieck.,litopla Scv:ein,,Esting
Hradec Ashland Ithhard Gnats. Jacob , Ba. roryt.
/Wag Mower. Cam To a Daniel bradley,TaVere •—• ,
S. air
_WWkr, r!etePi_l assn, Sating Mouse Pain
Alta htdovr, Saline Gard, Pottsville, ,
Seheolatalla IMP* MGM' Ballet 'Fp, Jiro. Itaf'.
Audi arolliestannuat License,
tor oteddnoria.avery petition erten peele d to -the
C h eat, dull be aundepanlet - In.uaccuaterted cares by
te &ild= two adtuded. tetra Wore a Coro •
ruhvirmer, Wotan Fab** or Jetatics of the P ‘ racr,l
mrving that the tr. mem . place
llevr .11 Iv re-I
merry tor letoutetodebt, the ("arability ad.!:
, la c th trerstar and euemOrtenef of the :fp ir.le tut .
litr.ted cum, the &paddy:AU tont witnrseer
rt 4 he Proutor • r
• lidtie staid Ind p lea of the txl.lo nt !he
oakdl be the Clerk at the thv
doss with Um Ontrot each attestation, du
hha at leaden day* tart •thor erna
Lli' l etatrli y entanatritted • carer; and In - chariot
mesa dada nollidabaltbs retard on the rirceprao
et btu cam&
Alt errant:MP to the Mho* of 116334311 stroll
Med at MA Ihe dm b br• Os Sine dyed by
Co u lltrenese rt to gran ug
A reited try qe and taken n
wig ydreura der!rms tli!o time of gran4g, will
Saklant..Cletk of Seeded&
Smelt ‘l9
TIINIL L. ayataaal., - sio .1r2•11,13 W. 6.131111.
To' MI lkiddsilas' OA.
TUE ataiusigiid aoccccdca P.ocht a
Warreo, to lie NO moo lac tura of MAI", cola
steer ireciug .
la* :. 5 , 1 •
7 7-
0:4 POOOl1 4
MI6 ill US •
1110/ 1 1. /MX.,
Itepetei bifin 431 or*, Midi proa3p3ars.
_. _ I
-.- . • ,
complus 'of Mil Pa r i
VW Ow thi . . IL3Wilsz. Scoop . ~
ttte sole
ma Dodt-PiadsOmMulasa ea' Pen= girth , * - t
dattazinist.- Ise =M. trim Lay ...
Caiaellra Chie out ,se We 'wilt f.e.t.
ZtaiaIMIAMW(L ilia He kliegs • 1
. . li
' : - .6.7MAIERMi,EcodIor. •
'4041 - 174111116 1 10 11111111,,,
,Aia'iar 'lobar
MOW 1 "Z
J ogrvosats 4111-40.1* ,
I=l9l==trtlafieM l =
...msenimmtem witorwis • -
S Tiata2AA'. 4•1"
am no , um ,
I 4.4 via 'swat I
• ' iimeavezreskiir.
4 c, -•—;
Sc,c-1114., 1 1, - 5
- ,
- 1• c• 1
4 t. .7. • .
SNP 011 1 ,16
iim io imi - mar milood a slaw
'''tY! . : f4L -. 5C.; ,- 11Yi,g . 144, : • cqu$TY,..istN,sYL,4 . .T41,L . IL - ,
„ . .
` OR ,
• . . ,
..,.... 1: rizine I. to. faialitalittAltrolw.
•• .' - I? '• '.. I .
nti . ..- 7 .• t .
"'i . •• 9 - ...- ..-II ' rr, •,.
", N• • . 4
- -skl. , . * 4 ' e. 1-: , .
Wet '2 447 .4 414.711a bL ais leof . ' . .
Wes Ile res:r BO _ISE
t,...015e Mamie MIS nee Stead
t. 1 itenh Stray mei Clout Valle tut firsts
~. .-11.{1e; 044 &el Ansi* Woes Pk*: SOO
I I. , cliC.lumn Pkc.• IS fret at lath Colman
1., G PIA N1.'14,40: 'Three It- tr..el. Pule
4toe , lied % Double aisles Tam ertit Oa:nom;
I` 4 4' ,. .t`io :POMP; i let of Yonlory Enke:
...4411elser:le toocl/enet4 Iran Mat.
-,, euktkuter Skate.) Ono 4 Pal Die nlea
tat,.• 11,n • Pversotry, r • lilkeileiedtk ,i6OOl
..f. Xati. , ..Pris4 Ilur the miner • dart. k 4
~r a kb , ....k.l.4Srbutee: 1 krill , Menu" to, I bulge ramp Wboil, &Uri and WOO .
Ibl r:kc Ch.ln ;.1.0 rnaele. Sail art toll Mai:
• , II`t• II a t rump 6[410: sko. SO Use or
, - .l7ht c 9„, i
AL tit IlLrehiren 'Depot nu Did Street.
:5' I • - JAB= tkPA#lOl. •
ri ,
I 4
d an
eo I ,vo,
111 lb ,
AIR ir.-4, bind' lawrlag, and tboullare
/ ao,l ',able lat 4, datpied WI. J. claw
:ste roisaisten Ovum butedlaely. lip
' .1.4.43014101..1 . 1
1. #4 ' • • f • II it
Po I.
,' *UAL —Oas traliered acres of hug, goat
; ace•triock wsti Irma, bani. - -te4.:9l.kge coay
r 4a==tritrisa rat( tem:
i:ik 2 [lain VW.
; _ :440
Lir - alit •TO LET.—Th• Rosa,
, niumrd it 13%10 In Mmes. ftmerly cat
blV *Oat. 97.9Hil Motives palm
tsar oripperiivad • Wham wiser to.
i g... 1 .Peaualoo tivea as the ILA
. , s. .roar Jl4.
• I:Ileta go. emir* Pottaill
3.4 ta, Y. 9 - , -
IA . 3,ll l3ll.llltlnltereintlir AT PUN
, ATM 11 1 1111LIK..0boapealigh lallotoit So 3631•
tx.c• ca.llLod blamelo Tomsk* 11310trittll •
4%itcrAnro ea tietellt. • ! me Mal tootob
• t % • • •
1 arts trno si COAL NM lOWA UMW
to Mty Touttehly ing . • • "
V,‘..totbir baild liNti Makoodaymo's3333l.,••-•!
oa Scboyatill imam% 33 MK frost on tbe•
!MM. lull 33 bet tmtvo Mu& lla. •
0: ,40.1rth lutcreot chit .1.343 HIIP. T . kit Md.,
Stroyikill Tawilltip, to dome the outgo - of do Igo
• tS?•:•:-
iltAime awl Noma. Aligemt.7
Pnti l" l.lB. , / ,‘ • 17
.. .._• .
evisvi iresivent f y roc .- (err ample*
:.! 1.,. , Appl_to U. PLINIO:M. 1111alat .
~ •,:k , .. RatroaullZiMig.Pat.plile; Pa: .
. h tAii • - • -_ - 16-tt . :
ill 1,.,W11.-11," vitae*, tart of Oast
r. 1.11i,w0 as I.lobto I Wtsebicsor Iffy% WO
.0., efitAto 10 , 1i01b000d achutl4ll Tonskto. l .
crtuit, I , g emu rto aerekla *ETA kr Uri op.,'e tenets. A ppltio_ - •.• .. r
~ B. itIANNILW, 4l, Potty/We alt Stem. 1
mtn.' ' , WI ' .It tS' - i
vt &vs Windt alio* So
r2taVe . l l LYes ' 4 2l4 k4 . iiio 0t00071400d boa. ) :
L(L tc Llookby,fttooteita Ohmmeter- _
Mint .Drool-bad ICI 14 abort
. Lroto. Lb,
hrp.t no L:Loal weft. • . • • •
I•v!!ru,t .listaimkg, ria ellti et *Bet red
ide c-elng. - . JABIEZerAREEP. ;
r!..; . - . • •..: r •
, ".;6.2 Vourbtorry for tare.—Tim GU kocor
t. , 10.0, and ?A Wye even.% bullan; frank._
No.• , f 'TO.. WM*" ke.., itt tie. Illiatooth 15/opt..
: 4 '-' ...itruO t t s. l 6 4 t aludi b lllartil d.' e°2ls"e• Alr____ft tO
sitgl - V, EtUfk. , SLainal aide &Sea. 1 11, ...1.-
',;,:•,-. • • • la 1... 416 - 1 ' ' •
OR 144 4.11.-4 i wisp and • nid ethve Wagam
4 Dirt I .. , nrsei. •am Water WiWoL_Al 14211 17
A. tut. Lit 40 lull trait. ' GAO. W. ENTIII4B.. I
~41. 'V.- I. • • . • Putlaill4o
In It 14.11.11 1 C.—NTive Tun • • • - outtstdo
t. A. t f=act coon nod. • Hs boodusel dr tomer
cool tdd ,o.t . diet dke inWasliodiom good wt.
A. • . GAO. W. .11N.,` rogoolLe.
• t '63 ,
I NI crew 11111411111 IMO 111441314.-..
,tdet of tbo Ougtati PrYm •!..• • i•r v._ -
Nt n.l rior .eleck • usti Seamier is, cm
At: Ala) 111 MOM' BOOTS ANDSROIN, ;whicb
ere to r !WI., 111 the Pena,' at kw priest, be
Maim.* embiriedi te Carpet Ram I •
Jlllllk. ISAIID,WARD.;
ilOtt iiA i, V.-...l+cians 114tinPnthie Ihrelngis
. Haw ,A. nn Ibirritios in , mu& tbeCoset anew
,n r. V. , ' , rt._ 1.,.,t. nl2 SONNY@ ei• litlollilbg an
. ~ /.' . r• yr, tr. oconible: Good 'onion may. remain
. !to,. ,-I WM In .old tolivltier of KIPI.U. In van
rtintaxem. Pain tiro bpiszer In fit 4
A..L Ilek. St. 1icr..116
WECII.II I IIO 'foveae Vet
ireory Wet, llsimatrogellt. ; • • ' !*.
4 1 - 11kre ante* direntngs. dad.: Apply**
C! I:1AS ta, Peal Ilatate AO., is m.tukirocrta;
liiitoppoiertnerz TO OOTAII
uffneen LEASE a, portion of th ine Locust Dale
• iota an 1.4,. onoato& the dahlatell bode of the
alum. :f tvnion, ungallant the leak
non o dsto.4 lad Quadrat VILZKI• ney he caw
ap- - nca. to be .inide tO GEO. W. POTTS.
• ote,fel...i Do. II ICI Dioadwan . Net York, et to :
• ' • '
/gad at Peturrilbs.,ll , 24;
J., 1, 4 as
P 1 C)1=1.
mining Eaclun* ery-.
ox, ta,6 yu‘searu =apt= elaidne.
dcaß I VO p l arret l
V4ll ejv-fSh 1.4 r 14 tab Ong= =en Inet Mato
rt 1,4,—f
Fo bre Whdatg Matta ill tech cylinder ilmit
strt cubic sod boilers care Arte.
.etle B asar
Wren toes bap= beady awn
ew,-- 6.'44 feet Yea sea isers WM ban=
bed r wavier.
rintittnete Ilyth4 18 barb
Cl; e'er ha wok% watt ruld ban and two
, t(t nt Oro,* lOn judo alln 14 Wilt plungers.
1e t
The enterc.maillnent ben been is scats bat%
Ia e. aIF. k...; older.
GitOilthi W. tatt le
111.•ttswillio. ••
Isrviry", 1412
,a!gLE.,.uta.csaassaaa a• now rim
u. it to zmu Lams am pa fanoodoi You of
0 • inn abloh bora bees oduitc‘ ow sod'
Lao cod •141:1•41 rash 01.6 r . 11: 114.11 1 4-.
mere c . el, fe,t thick; the &TM hot Peg 2 lot
tteck. lbw VOA Iltonn * run of out
•11,0, Inn king • tw* feat flm.lid re wit bong
tar talFotaisr voliertyb7 %Wail/ Eaton
Cdii Cm• van!. Timm isCile too lame Tifton:seeing
u0,,0g0 tee N,,tell oaten 'Wrath, that. earta the
Stook Wants* saiske LeSeripeit of lila So II
Cola. Wit, and rho Mbar ama . 91st,erkkh
lemfted no. TOO diatace,
Inc.* ifrcabettoon so Erika • - It Lam.
Thoo fr. mooch Clank •
or.-4o !knelt Cloak to andevino....; . ; .. • .. '
, .
, .
N 0
. - .
. .
Al 1n; Mn• re eliln, milliner* 1134 WillMullo4l.o.
Its" F4T r.s.ktftgro Amer to •
, • ~. .. ~,,, i t li Milll githiT i CAHIt. " rel ' .
.. rot well, • • Ilan+ Mt. Inel. , ‘l . '1=4.111.
- F . 1tA.NK1.41.14 COAL ,
ar - .
I)iwitelra . ars Camases& ad O aasUta4b
rebid nontalhm ol Ude Coal. W latwad ihs WOW
putialt7 or warn; 7 , 7 other dodos of Oa pal.
Icorortio I. word to oar Was Sark. Os m .17711711.
LPL'. ,LOVier toes which-I=l*r the wad .1141077.-
ow' Wit otokr , words aro oar adiesdi la Ore raw et
eloa on, ono. sad are a* enikelp dlOweld arid a
Th.) ale; of thla awaken I. Jamey to aardiribart
Oitc.owl.4 hatPleialoadlaar. t _ _
All aOA rod article wadi Bode teattel la Yew
,T.e.klit , l the New Erolead im.loO le
_basted h 7
Nli iOC .1:13., sod MIR 1/011.11M.• JIL , ma.
0 1 . Their X T. Woe la Room 4s. Warty
Oadd-hit. Y. J.6.740077.00L TbalrOcatoo oaks
Is 4171Th:70, st., F. MO= agt. Orbs 'Wald ho
re 14. Übe nj Lai share sewed awl" or 10
AWLS. Trammel. of the
Booth 1/11.
,soOlte 147.7r177 1 . told Oa. O. siallaw i Uwe.;
„ Jaa 1. , 67-1 .
etc, Irostori.
'tliVi o KALIKENZIEfAIeptt
E C °
limul.pmeor can cULT-11.awirmilis
T.ti.coas Sm. ss sew" ppm:. •
sys.wstsrr. !M •- • • -•-.
OOP OEB. Dzavitab rin OLD RTE
— .Trim. ifs sikim Hopi nisrfilsoashir
- - -
*ARE fc 7±117. SCIECEIM
trs`tsb`i►s»Roat Tan.
tor b . invOrehmitt Sodisia tdis4..Car •
asilliciald tastier
nom, on elem. atltlia ,
' "rua114 1 14 336146110 . 6 . Wit Pdaleb . . •
, ~,,,• the ~„ , . wee. itr.
vr„„„•, ( 4,,L5,.. •
, T ei VP. 11.41,11 . 1
4 1 1epaw a% t W a t# l4 Th i t aa , Willim insid—diE
l iggrar cg itstobL aiiiirtmoi!eqms. ill,
' : 1 11eltelr. -- immusw-, , eor !,
'f . l
'',i 'u•m— aitsviumiwo., J ,
Aide pook4
mai* Ai*
l'llOlllX- .01,110011 M.
C4.7 4 ollCAPAS.64:blir*finide 111400
eumir•fn weir, • LNlffirOls.
4lisiirs , *artist.
14: rti G
cisiu . ‘"tuumaiimm i z4witsokvi
nag o.e
FOX &BROnlit,
276 Centre St.i.-.Pottayillet
DRY G-00D.S,
commatsti 4/ Tus Lansr orruil or as
10111614 . 11111111 HIM,
- -
'Black and Colored Siski l '
4nesatO Embroideries,
-White Goods and Dassestiost
liosiery ' -
I(ibm ' s of WI We i '---
•wi l
, • Maks, lic.. 4:11.6 el .
Ll , O cklp Am :mos fa Ora MCC . 010;
Whittila i •nid *east with Ss 0106 WO
ft IldttWe de oat dad* it adamort•
enentetatevdedw la* tot dterttldsi Y 111014dOW
NT Goods t:ttlltocad Mom ,eta bur lid WOW ad
Adtil IT; •
1: - lAND22.._
13 • illhertastilto
Of ni far Mil MU a: twat iipbs of
mama 'max 0111 re lid 1T11 , 01 3 .
13111NG AND 51:3111112 L Dea. ,
LZPttYR 1* 1 314110. (0114/ =WOO Ira 1111117.71
PA1T33201. 1131 D 1 and 11113=11=1"
co Ind &NI gad siretisist.
/RE, rE24O:
, Ali.
/I', ~
r . ~._
4. Dl WIT% RIM a .
.33 1tarbu544454.41d1444.
rA - ctim:o 411017 COLLIKTION
Grow tineenijure.
WO4IIID AA.Dit - •
• • • FDot• It ;Mr abaft sake
/ him
..:: ' - il w
wrour - s., •
abiesand Kyles. alimony ea giorVisits
warrimal for himry .ark. '
and geed *puffy
walghlag .
MIN 1•44 k 11110111 ed Odd
I'llPor . stle b 7. tbit ' '
- Rase rse.. !tors.
a. is. wary. -
Joky 4.,va
• ,•11FAR:Ir CONWAY.
sta N iospeoil.mhthwripiaa.
i t ,4o 'irsooo. Moro[
.;, ,t io rAramr t r Wine Meniiad bat alaltba
tatrealog Draws. e a t . SI tag - .-aallassllßedblo
a calm tae man Ova* a/W
-In oakma_ Varaials64 Lab* lial *sr stald aro
LeMeal ilart raft Avow ler
Lew inettaag Oa CM Own 71, 1 ==. 1 111411
bars Ott: arabossa marl fat Waal issima.
• J. IL ILIII4MIUII.IOO • 1014 CM4411214
/1 4450. =MX CRUMMY s C0.. -eta s ir
'Matra 11. Musk II; 410-111.110
BOOKS; • 11 1 :
- ;11 '
• • ' - •
inzom THE 1110.01LAXD:071ns•Usais
. ,
vss i re:or . Ire" A'sinnote. wipe aptiom
ttez i riam Ro LIGHT -I autos. asa.
mai moos, .11... by aiir a. 'w.euara
rsai cuinato soli q a eadasere.
LAST ; AI ty Vidalia:Kb/ft.
MSS biflOtAlt.
ionmoxs, by it% Ealeaff:
, rwlo rims sirntivai .
Mier: Dw.
irrums miseminon - ini;o4. -
xlinstra 11Uratr....a !Wild Lallsrat." •
sruzirt mins. • . •
Li> t l
OE Anna% 14111111kliMaiir.
. , . . ... •
01111011/ War WOMPllakirolll.l% MOM*
wiFlusr44a iissx, by ica ram% O P. •
Main, cat un ll potrailut. .
iiril s etsrsint—altara—sertei.
W, AMOS. H • ,
rEFAtstAiwi by ciejewasi.
NINICRIM •, • 7 ~•
if 00215.
.1132 L1371111.*: '
Nair TIM casse.-
fin maxim D&t is au. Awls AID coall*,
Goat DaC° ll3lllll3 C 113131 . 21:41111 X
t~titlD or tour—wasterid.
mil soar ramorsks . /MULL
Torsi Bon or shFrris:
Tor morn memo aro.
isrararwmi Glenn ammo
rut lop pr watt. iittaak CMOs.
riatain• arms.
Toi Rasa.
Iwo Estanims Auer MIL
1 - tatileiailm oat Illarrasal Ma lialralitimi
I ... Clumartr us r a ai rniso Law...«.
Vilma IMP
Illit7 al Sisilisilk. ail
Meali l m il kaali • ad
dasaataa; His Malaga
.. •
Oen lIMIlle lOW.
381.0100.101111KMOMIlli Villt,l l ll. ll
'bat tleillPlT"Lialith. 14011% ,
84,111VOIN — J ~,. ,ii , -• : l'. '• • ,
1 1
it=erk= l th i % el=loll
gllWElMitat i lle c U er
,x.o.4..reet. -+n
" • ^
t` , • ' 14.10 6ii.4 1 1104,411 16
plr=alijilliMg * WI =
c=esin=llllllB 1.41111.11-
•spoiow roma lkir
elin. be. wattle gorged WIWI. Its Oa
• TbePrep:Jet:or WWI salt ma 0111011111.11 ed um
Phalls_ to bliNt VIM, selessil
midi IL •
Ma v! • .
. . - •
I x
Sh 4 ,le C°Pies - Six Cents;
, .
tho Niorne...behodal r.
42a tem assiati iseitims t•bt br..b A.-.
it. is.
0 tiaftg lava , tm Seise - r•Oktwts Mal td.ntilk,
' bolt silken setteime, Gdinl ktotalmety, ' •".
henia' owe lbotabmist *luta ",
lirse tt Weak Whist that made thy teimsomMy„
PM he, betel mamma et that insole dye.. •
natant .rel ebesk ensettwill tamtia_ -I . ':
blusiinWsList sad 941astsd,s41490killirss:ii.
as =nimbi to tp oraka car; • . trials empire of the heising el.; • ,
;iirunfiranirriik..bounrin,‘ • : •
',fent tided wee lila 1 1.efte
Down be doended from
Bat usswsres bpd matinee.. ,
-Uabossed titlp Wes snial tans' heft s4s, biding
If* tat, I not pceee4 sus thoilitt Ms& • - '
Or that Oh sweeps terrept tie!.krth'i dirk *Oink
Or that Oti terrain lb in rrnrorr ; PA! , • •
Ont Gam them rid is it •.
1111V011 for plti, then - se Mriet:rdenett. , •
Oh apt ter something in thy llea (Ltd mb» ... •
.abode tectedeltly, that signrst Otto Vont dtettit.:
Oi welt than of the golgen'artes.ja heet, *- ,
Who laving elm! thyself to,tiogien wrna',; . • .
"'comae from thy !red ant dial{, teift. . -
Aid arta 'shod auX trtth 'Pm.? •
As If to show Ming' efeilates,lleMini doM
TWO, to Kr the Matte of Mein on !re.
To Keen the weld, ind inta . Urven
Thee, Omagh the weber 01 so hired web!y„
Ha (ass lamitnei toes came l° Imes!,
.had .44 ram to earn Az Sclerosis
Think what e present that to God tim
t hett-render lam with pitheme.Srhsthe
I Tv. Orton A.), be e.'"'" •
Tent tilt the eiMieke Isat Doll make endoelm thy mime to
...Theo to the ent...—thine and distal Naked, - • '
WILL thew : paw' Ups halo Ito la form lb? name •
I=Ln templotten—ln aI Mc ter Ilbrrons-.
If Oato hod It tar than anainot
l'lniabg oath Heaven hair the doer of VETO"
fie pal ea sandlot than Inat:terni dean, , '
Par ram awn of beast and ergo of -"
lb rawer. =I blur. 404. comk4. Mm I koro
401ne to the.endr ,
"'abaft° the aid Ttia . g
_ ha
Uses 7:'
Malt wes a Warm( to eher Utility told'.
And inland about tha , &et in 4 weary— . .
Law nova top dub rotation; Coto, and cald,;
They cannot rant the ardlor`of devotee .
Much mum fur Um* criustaat o . nostl." -- •
Coon orona—urn oroia-Aomortina demolation,
;ism bage, al OM. thoalia mord" vi e rat.,
' • hTtune o - tha
"Woe to the end r• Wan .4.4sik4oaf(l Diodr we
wixkli bind tby vielai; • -
wags backward that lath.. daemon oild expectattcni,
When howord_antnnaera *lf blitheNteraiXtber
Rhea tame lowfttli maltainbo human amanita%
hags—potasan and hope--to
TW grim dud) torahs with maimed comolatloa.
Tame kora calm thy oaxest.aad thy .
4 / Woo to the Mal t , •
*Wealsaad to—Jut lilac way (Chen , : - -
itch trot re, now, and tract Itarceennote) • •
AN stn tie of thy Irrre's we. Vriteloa, tragore
A welehtler widen than Vey tn,tm carat bet, re,
Will I gate all will to am lift Oman: -
notion thou barrel, Mar mil *gall roans 7,, •
Ito *tall both. - ba but of.eattb 4111, alm s - • ,
Ctup oat Oriel coiatot to **ray -twra
Stine to theecd
7, . •
• TOP ,
men SJOYMneVet Vela.
el,tney!*cieilOsi - Clf Cttleago..:was
!zed In .lanuuy lee!. it objecu'irei
Ye hails repelled allebnoMensetate sad city lhienis
Wm; to Meath the names and: Weenie of the hotels
usi plorrholol: more usileaMitpatid a siduetkmln
/erne and anima stases on samples; mestahlish
• permanent Imlallatim alklliilor IF h.. 2, ... 0 " 4.
meld obtslaW Imam sry l o raliasslon Leib. evens - se
.and ben walgSrmslme. maps. latest J.l or
acle time labia; also Ma nines:* mad treat Omer ,
Meets! the Northeast. alt,rdornealm 'Moo for
the moral and lotollsomM Improvements 01 ourselves
and Qle.n6Ci scsa um Mauls latelEgnite demet7.
'maser. unitise avenue of a bon be the nnlef at ward
OW leWesemelnismbenn.lbsit tinglyersserAllaren.
On the 24tb the Megeiation- tiniesed
on the woupaticy of He new motile in the
bank building of 'Oennige! . M. ChiileOeh; on
• .
Deirhol street, and etioil4eo therdeceaton
by en chtertainment, Istriely itiendnt% by the
Loafers men of the eitrliCia:ti. o;ineltiott
J.'C sllOore, reta.t 1.'1 . 10.4111g emtte
hag original poem:. •. > • . I
. •-
Pv•Just some oat upon a tl3p• t. • • •
With simples bright 14tresr; • " •
WI PU Digest - blanklts i taltau., -
- And data is see sae ttottiith.. •L . ,•• •
. stladae m dull rind hip toteett* •
cnit bessica mantles or es; .
Orders Waal **spire witn . thold - •
'I I ividc Otis 7e add. , _
rya sees Ike see , T 11!ler*s6ilot, • - I
Bet all to no arsh ; .• f ',:..,- . sboni theiqgwailf: Shooed? riotii
Bot could tot make i WS,' ..1:-' 1
Thaw mem. they skikeil 444 . 1300701 tan 6!I.
. Ito rammer bide ,oladtsst . -.• ;
!Mei theism on fell el thtemeamisisodrr .
Basstajoat one yeir:llo) 7 . - 1. •,
They are dieseneded. i tt 'keio. .: ' - • •
!heir enpretattons -
They att and smoke thetrAity plpee, .•,. ,•- -
Whit ermatinntes foam. -.. i -
They mod Mdraw om itifleinann, - , 1 ... • .
AOS loam sisal tbstehtt . „. i ••, •
*wade I see them emilden sow' • •. -
-- Ism tayptwo tot a . :ciiat.- ... • ;-. :- ,I, r
tistomees ba theta 'are 04ij . : •
.1 . . ...-
.., VW, Awed watt hi milk , ~
Aid *lmo a Maas pimeitk blame 4
' --.': •
They take lem to be,lneine.. -: • ;
- They silt ism all they omkand:thery, ., • .
.hty God` den's slverhkeaaiyaeSe.,
NrstEl wa got, oor pat ..i • ` ' :
.1 :
. ,Thess seems eneosoterolliszy dm. ' •
By drummers when shy are. oot. . t '
- Inereise sanlety and qrs3i • -' - ': 1 :
.;Pet badness op the epsht.' -
~ 'I , ', l 'i'.
Aid when at slot Willst. al P*a • . .
I Cia stems, or pollee feather bed,:•
. - We tin rellorairish sorrow, that . •
..., •
We demi sold arid. ' • • . .
--2 11 .. ~- - ' • 1 4.. •• ''• ' .'
.114 swum oar trap, resssams, dad -..,, - •
..1 illo Woes In the eta .: -,
_' ', _ .
Others volm sad os teleMareroned . : , •
Oar amelolehm and plan.. ` l - ;
•pi them o•r each amotithfooks large, ..
.• I Ordadea sraeghty ,alit, . - A ' • ,
Altdosak am trams day and strait ., . • 1 . .
'' Their uttered tii maibli, ..- ,
,Sr. aislakm:te ft.:emit ,p, ', . ....... .
1 rar . toods spent terstginand hoer.' ••• ,
lie billtardit'eartiiire NAM ml corms, . ' .. 1
' 1 And allikst re* MI elMir' - 'l'• . • •
Tr' haws mislead baidt list "bti i ". •
" Ala away bass teepee( . ' '.. 1. , . •
, easiest irth senallecsalaries -
. And daybed at tlwohina, .-... . 1 .:
ilis'akwelitietsisikid to bite established
Wolf flialy, bathe stbWiiioes of the bullion
stria( Cbtesgo, stir gives minlati ot put
0 6111511 f, The r‘4s WOW. In ,ample
reading room; T he
stred !lib retirssestap.
Itts jotintals;, u we -a's seeepttoit rouse,
kliabking reMas, . eirilerea7ili 4esigne.uto
4 16 a 1 azi 'orozOltflaioit tot .oinimercid
kaels, employees, and,tbers cotipitting this
sistwiatioat , "Mob •iin - be skt. ottut itt at!..
&silks to the plactie_of, tesert . • so 'skillfully
bald 10 entrap, and uSit . il the lettermen ki a
glut ell like Chico*: , , - ~.- •, - •
'— ' ' - • •
Lwrrew imsTort.
Of%i - TZZ - at i iin . . 4or T C•3
r '
a atm, J tine - 10 b, 1569. - . • '
• ~.
Ruing en excellent excha- afl ,rded ntte
by the Coeveidlon here alba. Anterleen. In.
tie of HciesoreiGthyr I =shed myself of
Go oiryartettiry to run orgy trout` tautness
lnd the' troubles of .hfe, hien etiett of =lnge
In thle meet sod er end talkiest "Soh of
the Univente"—thirtifed cute ..tir.
golly skrbnahns ett ortios
; .Pase we rapidly Wei& th. 0. tiro.
and eig-Iltae .11.0 .~-- . a ay, Iran
cerboniferons du= r tic kr , *
tritmersed try the Penneylrenbr der.
ory.Centrel rdiromit 4 -oera that et 3r,11e
gOO% the Newark Heyo.thirAreeddwort
ot old= else= ambled' sneer the 101 Z r ail '
tbhl fridge which iretaiects_ daseity -3 7 e.
WI Ilill the maidAted,.oely that h I.
eta thin% ef the lelph or the Wirt', nor
eNlfy or entllte • not by hOy inetatoo*
parable la =eh • . ' We :erchte
el Small My, tanbark foeil-bosi
soareartbni aegidi the Mee t rie is itent
as beek of s bop 'turtle of thi Metier,
violating cm "If dew= Wes& • iltsl G.
Weld einesoteld ~ _,.adtmernecheobliviasone.
belt of the fderMe Ala ' teats that;
eerie mid Aid nod,drift Wit wire *tit to.
verde ore prom i but *epaulets iranehow
eirdadge tsO~d lt idd hicripe the
iAt fter . l'in the ithsrofil
of Neer Tato= *de ode throteittehe
dtahried Waters Ord traciormarts t
Itom% tedtaired thirrels. 011100,415011 =a .
amp. Grieved. eon&
dews Z illi Z ll = l.‘ lOW WAIN
=nets anises Gaoler le 'Zeit=
preorahletdd And which;
=O/geita Is II: th , =nee= t
et milehopc IV=
&eh=•6, , ii i ttiett id4ose drowns ad'
iol. tif - DRleltrtralltdirbazid, *unit
Astroyabefe It=rt, the vantertemit mete.
r ef irbiels theideek 'of Ate Gen*
Wend .IGO lssit t' eid - dbiteldd" lerk.
or- bldleihdr - *ad the
rtl i erfroildg el Inuartero simonectlisndt.
' enema did Irde.toed at thew w depot ma ,
al:it A l l k4lh, I 4 " 4 4. 112 :A '
mscL Ts sees rebtediel~G.leadt. r leder ret
Maeda sod 'a scar e of sorrountii= Amadei:
IN fit_ etas ittexhi=dert MA
der be= Geer IllUbbitimi
demo i boot Chia' they' ihroinctel l . '7l a
Ss GOON of bilies end Wool= of con
at sersatite Gad Os tenien- - yerti he Owe.
MG an thlehilb Opt Gored. airs. de
tilitotal. Illaiderins rafely is
gift woes of the beistifid, gambits! yohr
PmehbiaG, *OA Wiley ieske. Its UM WO
- etas meow tektelf-Birer..; TWO In trefy e
flood* tabehrdnottressekshareo.
chnelerd nerfeeldnolder-'6lomikity.".:nd thot
lOW di r e dues of and.magnift
ocier.lertil, eme 4 flifell , net dte'
.perred lif Aar - ealore-beat I the:texteei
vs./. I Iliiite , .been told tb st ' incredibte
as is tow reiars, the Arcot of the 'need
kir .stintype r end turns era as It
. . ~ ~ .- "
. . .
. -
ilesle ecil . ,pliolitr :011RTil TINA DEPAIITAIIt:Nr with the we st W'mci'ol
- •
p s imoig Nostitossii, not rcis--toatiod tt watt the moat modern gad ems. .
meetly fort of type, we are Mill batter than err prepared to.ctocute • .' .
.'-. • • . ' II6OIC „AIM JOB' PRENITIN6 • : • -•
of mil dorttitittoti at the Oillm tithe lifllinitt4i JOURNALcbeapar and ile:
than !lean he does at soy otter onthltrtment fa the. ecutety• —zed equal t o o
ell .
mows to the tenetty uoik. Wage" ota.umattn teat anythißg that Ms be does •: •
t too istviiit sits oinmi......asd•rtgrer.l4l2lly tette all la d . -heed a Job 1313412tig to
gfra car Ogies a WI. i- - •
1 gloiamliranspliteto, BM. el Coding. Mete and Litter . lfeaellatige:
k r& 224 ".. 1 .. : ,... v T ickwito, Notre - wail. Cheeks with
==, I'.. Tinte r as : " X " ",.. . Art= e" l " . ' 47: 1' -- -
:, -. i . • Onkir Notikke. -- Carat.- Umbel. sad Taft.
Althevia Pliceteetsottee. Ott Rost 01.70317P11 to sower 44 moss eittrosiwik ..
zimoi tut °flay ot m titieti la that-abetkre et the Sratua and cos hand. are seething •
„ w a w a ox ,r - ohm's . ; Better Pm:WM Pester* ounktlese we well guarantee a 5 ,...
ii ,„,,,, vat". tamed gotta tem cinch ' - - -
. 0 40 lira) COLOaa done Who abetted toilet. . - . '
stahggis ta IA go trth the glades, owl Sonata ciaLtAllgolftr* Irlib Om nap
lid &SWAIM altidgi i OW as larned..
..: • - IL , •
. .
• . . .
. .
. ,
" . :'''''''' ,- ' -. '13Q , 0 - 1C BINDERY.. -, •
. lehisturaiiamt it twit rowataumt Ile also beta remodeled exit iclltted„ end
vlth thereast 000202 t. work:oat who bare It'd nutty years of expedruce In the
blhin illethertee is PlUaielphlw. we sze prepued, to do 111r:din , In • W& 011perfoir
=mi . m il whet ol ntyle w from Lbn pielnest to th e DU.l:l ' ; till:Writ*.
mom AND InitX)lid °Lever/ deuctlptiock—Rated isd Mind le onto,
Whtbewhaewein nab*, and upon mow, Ilberel tr..... • , ,
. .
• . ~ . --
sou 'IMMO. Mai S. millene Um*. 1 Ile
rmidellt , of lbw linc-it James Fisk, if., in
• latter time* so tamest' ter .the ineerielton
ssihneltatiants with which be Is counected ;
for Ws operations with Eriwitoclr. szel4Ock
bolflee.A and for kis:great - weal th . and the
, manner le which he. dilleye It Infant the.
world. IMa IsfonindiWit emy Salerooms,
nom' the ' theo wiliest Ins boats are getting
/NOY to leave, be may tenet!, tie 'seen: pro
menading stsica t the .pler, dressed In the frill
`Onifortei of.a cotomodore; end It is hinted
,therefromr that I seeping process is going.
foie the or g an which is MTPC III4 '
..etik orattot h =til determination& But
thit Pont epee as en err of public Ophr
4Pre"widea.atetiema to be envious frOni In
One% stud noon thwelen foe uncharitable
comer:teems. However this may- be. we
are now eddy under trey ; end eon "dbisb
•ling" the Battery, wawa, 1411041 y agaott the
soaking trials crested by our owe speed.
Prefently we ship - through the , narrow
strait between the beantlial shore. ornamen
ted with teeny handsome eater, of the up :
pOr part of Banhatten bland,' end the 0pp....-
'she shore. of Blsekweles . .lalaud, equally
Meted for the erchitetturel beauties Of its
numerous public buildlms,,and the picnic
, mere garden like' characte r of Its surface
dope the.-entire length of the Wend. i And
then to petting through Harlot% fraught
with legendary lone who that his Oiled by
Pinged on. the. Ithine,..or. the Lund. of that
- river, would not bere alto feel a tremor of
' romance thrill Mu to th e marrow, and ex
pact to see sine • melancholy Liodine ant
rpm:idol by i relents of awe me:melds
pelage - with a. plaintive wall horn rocks
and boMers,„lllanneddry the golden anon
of-the declining sem laid the • foaming and
mysterious depth beneath. The subscriber
did not see nything believer which- might
be detained among the genus mermaid I
;nothing in fact, in any way.akin to this pie
tare, revealed Reef tolls practical eve, ex-
L etemt the trnat,-the watt% 'eddies erially beau.
'Mei inset. At sight o'clock the' psseengi-si
['assembled In the principal Won and tor
!try surrounding le in readiness for the prom
' ensdeioncert whicb fetes 'place every evr
-1 nlng• on• these boats: Progremrnee werja
distributed, and soon the able perforibers of
'l idworth's string band disconned. tons the
delicious strains of Le Grand Duchess° and
other of Offenbseles popular Melodic% This
`;fasted tient ten o'clock, when pretty much
I.enrybdely retired to their stele-mem ; arid
*OOO the leviathan boat ment purling sea
toiling Wild feromedg up on the bosom of the
Sound as though cotocious of the !evenly
dimes seven sleepers-who teemed so utterly.
unmindful of their own safety.- It was like
a grest motherly, isp, in which we were all
- coded- up .and Awl asleep; whoy sudden.
ly, 'at three o'clock in the teething, the lop
ceased its rocking Inl-a-by molten, and then
a cannOn • "shot, "MOO -- .lmmediately by
the firing ofm usecesdere of rockets, it may
be imagined, soon, brought every passenger
tohla meat wide-terske senses. ' I hurried '
one to see whether the boW Waa on fire, or
the boiler bad band., . oil:; at, least what .
alt this. 'kubleth meant; what ad:official'
Jack-Mar Wormed ma that , this , being the
tirsebsat of the sessern, 'they were raising
the.devil general!7 on that account.
• PM-wheels sodltoman candles and rockets
streaked the morning azure with Intl I light
' Wing; cannons and seastsrs4- 'of Chinnze ,
crackers- floodAl the welkin meth the 1111)41.
diabolical sound that any pyrotechnic agency
could 'produce. It seemed'as iliongh two
-rontending hosts of inviable stitrirele the
air .were righting a' battle web the very
earthly mid material mien of Armstrong.
. guns and Springfield rifles: However It pod ti
oil ninon calm Fourth of July In the gray.of e
Jane receateg; sod nobody was hurt:
- Soon out boat was wedged Into the dock,
and then 'the gong, was sounded, to grouse
the-reangrnee as though any- but a Rip
yen.. Wiokte-doeld have slept thronh the
infernal locket .which preceded It. On de- .
berking,there - wo a little, confusion at Pale
River In getting into the carer. Mrs. T. where.
'I , ssel. the.plessure of aceompleylem had
two cadre!), and the weiterhis little daugh
ter, ain-that we had aoratteafflzotY le ken
tteg together during the ruck for the care;
britere Were safdly end then cozily seated
at last, and soon were Lying along through
the bcAntlfully
_pleUlrestawa tittle State of
Rene Used. We arrived at Beaten at six
o'clock, A. le , and it Ins riot long befi re I
'could :distinguish a difference between this
' city and ill the others that I have visited In'
• America, in this that there was system and
order among lb. cab .drivers, who are nes
teethed from eincetkins by fixed Ina—.
i Everybody too, appeared willing to answer
polite* any wealth% wind by a stranger,—
In short my, And Impression of Beaton was a
,Ictrid one. We had to try`s,riumber of ho
tels, -beware% Wears I could gitt s room for
myself end child; the cioesemnoce of which
wet that she had a feerful dies= about it
'the followlag !drat!, when we did get ono In
'Oa Tremont Rouse. She dreseit there was
e. great Muth bemires a nob of strangers
'lnd a: hotel proprietor with his entire , ennuis
'pt clerk% portal, welters,' co , ks and 'nem-
Wend& She says that Loula Napoleon
was among ;the arrivals, and hid a bombe ,
shell shot through his bead, bat still con
tinued to live,. which appeared very weeder
thew her, end so It,- wp. .4t:ango to. say,
the was elected,llke another Join. of Are,
the captain. t. f the boot on her side, and Bed
riffled the - folks lonely, end went on her-
Alert strangling the eldefeleek of the concern,
and doing sad havoc generally. , . .. .
, On Tuesday morning* American' -bell.
' trite of
convened at I:Nelms!.
turd Mill. Thareomecopath were risme several lien 7
dad 'members, and all but the hue rebellious
liatesriere represented. Ting is the oldest
national medkeribrganisdk oi la the emu' ry:
A. large butt of B shammies!, surmounting a
peiestal; and decorated with a bestrifel
Wreath of flow old ermareeus, othaineetr
the speaker s' pis arm , and the ban is deli
decorated with oral ecithelishmente.the
work of the lad GIB *on. ' 1
, Pretest's°, Ladle of-Chicago, was elected ,
Praideat of th 'lnatitate for the caning 1
emir/ But any regular bunirns w se
transacted • oleation was read -from
Mayor Sheeted the C0101330n Council,
welcoming:the I Me to the city of Boa
'ton; and tenderly its members:a reception.
ei Music !101l on , °dreads, evening. Let
ters of Invitatioatiers read floes the (fit - cot
of the Justin:lle o f Techintogy, and the Nat
old Riney Booms, oiling the members to
vidt those places.... Is communication was
also received • ' the Collector M the Port,
inviting the , to • sail down the har
bor, and an of the- Massannsetts
schoobthip.. I I not delta any of the pro.
fentocal trammedons or distitmous ; artifice ,
it to say, that the science of homoeopathic
'Medicine was never so properoos and fl Au ,
/ 2
Laing as IS Is present . Air impreetive
Gust too, wits genteelly Sae and totetien -
seal appearance of the men here arserob'ed ;
arid I vent ure avow, that I artier sew tilts
imposed by body of men to all my life,
On Tnesdayr gan entice:vim delivered
by Prof. Le ,on the setelectof Werner),
end her re 'to degnosopethy.'. The boil
Was crowded 11 . overflowing ' by, _ evidently;
' the best class o Milne% er 'At the address,
which 'Wallin xceilent one, and-eery well
received, the Members and their ladies sad
friends were In rited to U3O lower hall, where
re freshinetate ,
ere boustifelly weed, end
other eithatainemen's in th e way, of' music,
Singing and tecitations wire provided. The
'Beaton - doctors and 'their families were very
assiduous in attentions to their confreres from
abroad, end a delightfal state of social Inter
course between sheet was ereabliittedding
rile evening Yesterday, the, visits ar
'to tbe
Institutions of Yeelenel and of Natural
History, woe ex - Velifliee,alti le*
anthetive, and I doubt oat will be eberiehtd
in the recolleeticitoPtbe tabors for s long
time to comer ` . The 31a1Mett •of 24 &turd
Weary estrephill le via misfeetury, arid I
said to be the sae complete lostittaien of
iii Wad in America. 'ln the aftetemin mars
availed themselves of the invitation tendered
them to visit thesehoolship, which the Bide.
et ) tanssehneetta bat proMd boys emued and keepsput
at bee own events. The
through a seder of exseninstoes• by their
teacher Mr. Brook% on 'peeing, mitemeilc,
navigstleciusi%glog, a olnacku , exercises,
it s.. end yild - e Prattletscl iliat was
truly eberirdsg to hoomm Speeches men.;
g blre ke b 3l3l l li tt Te l t n e . w T7r:s er m a il e d (,li
Game of Phitadelpidue cad 'then the boss
called for some one of the ladles In our co*
party mesa to them.: This ass -complied
with by the nissailthinad soicapilaircd the
' Dr. W., et S. Loot; who sang !!Ameries4
termeming the boys to_ ebb:Nu lo l, with the_
choms..whhth they hitirtilydld,.
. But what shad I say of the levee and*
caption by the my Oolleek 'bleb elm of
bee trfolog at Music Sal t It ' wale per
fect Medea, , 11tharlieutilleamadO stordial
andsninv-Meirms, width we. respendet to
by •WW4'm of the liMittft - The SIM.
of the isallonerell . filled edthWendettdeee •
- sad th e baleonies wets Illswelly erowdede-
The stage was thearatstil• with fkmere and
, tropleil , lanai ,., - Dens e th e eventht mare
' excellent arashriresternuhatfly the'Dermes
nisi Band. nab! perfohnsatesupost the grail
'ma; which Itthere lithe infra in the .
- weed. not tmeerthil.lbst .- oftrtylear, 'la
8 elmeitsed. S. pouts intim by Mae,,lulis'
:Ward fig - the 'oceildebs!'lesatelth KV by
Pm; SIMM - 11tditiberelititIeltlierverf after
tesecloek, boaditollemirelegenceendleelib ,
neat wllleb a S= l4 throes the fad that
'the liry . best - the ltheend
doling ere. Mitheilth ' :AM' this two or
threrbothawaresgessoblythent la dagerrite:
Altegenterittgeopledoo smarg.the visiting
bintherheed or loateretephr2thry.grueri
• allyf We Batavia le 4 04 9 P 244 " 1 " -viait '
This meal- ng_ths IloMo- Stale Medi*
cal Society oellwarettnehe teodtrs the . Jr
dilute a dine%fr.Meetticheipme more
Wogs may be expected. . 1. - CI, IL r ." !
. ..
...."4finiarXifrwrafettd to a mil
°lir', billllll4 - 0 " mi' *et* The 1 1 °'
wiribeam wits beam.. sod haa
tvig‘hailior paiMaliiiliflia 6 4.
::- fir, Cdol:
Tin MI lOWA pork& *tr.
chlah hi l'ex":eoti UK blow_ iitA ; mat of
amiss lamas frmittoottkluk . uwbtottiot of
• iri SOO* tit ilfr
milks in Never MI atom daylf=
• cat oaks of bar Icaboomloa • collimrt; be.
cause she .12adailiadoold,aad alatio family
of childro.., 1 ,_ •.. .. _
. .
ikiivriONB o_w_A Dittrortirortvz - lii..- I -..---. ".
11.61f82 , 1 MK 5.-ISTIGN etegin, ' 1 ' ..".
• . jeesenirnee.) , ' • .. - ,
. . •
From Smyrna we sailed 'by the gzerioui , '
theatre of the reemorsble liege of ancient • .
Troy. The Treisn war Is so far back In the • ..
Murry of the world that It is mncertain upon ••
whit exact spot the ancient city of -Troy— ' • . '
oreaesases, stood ; and the deeds of the he- . .
rooreflthat great est r.,:as well,as th e exiaterice . „ ' •' •
of anent of the heroes (hematites, are doubted' •
by . many in 'tele. matter of fact ago. The. • ' ::-..
lover of poetry and history accepts the slaty ', - '
of - Trey wi th out hesitation, ea the husittles .
believing Chriittan accepts everything, seem- • - ..
inyly atrenge and improbable in biblical tote.
-' At " all events there was .11ouut Ida and ' ' ' '
there the mound amid to be the tomb of Ajar.• • •
Through the Hellespont or Dardanelles,.'
we 'ought our way ogling the north Wind,- • - •
which bad beau blowing for some time; dc- .
teeing hundreds of mere:hints veseels boded , •
for Goustacalliopie at the Lmonth of- the i : • .•
Straits. Accidents , freetteu. It , happen fare ' --
from collialens or v..saCis • and there scents to ••
t be he li g t r li eta q t ri co gir tn d m i elet th
al e pen stiP o p f l - 2 th ig e l tissi nt l el .- I T fr h o e f . ‘ 7. ' ' 7 - .
semarry is- beautiful along the banks .of
oboe celebrated channel, dividing two great ' '
andineuts, Dnepr, and Asia,nevengme,
d-in .
many respects - our own beautiful Bacon, .-•
especially in .the. neighborhood el •Yough, -
keepale. .
. resettle Into the P . ropordes or Sea of Mar.
mots, the'shadeg of night overtook us as are . •
cro4ed Martilora's plead' bosom. 'Soon, after -.- -
sunrise the following massing wis arrived in . ...
sight - cf the Turkislecepital. . ... ' ' •• • '
'S. few werdaTtrat to relation to 'Tints slid " 4 .
Turkey. Turkey you ate aware is an Maur*
lute monarchy, all power and authoritybelle - 1 - '
tentcredip the Sultan 'without atiy - contre,,
coiastireadild or,edierwifie. 'Personal safely - • -
am well as religions °pit/tail limit bimhow-
ever to it Certain extent in the exercise bf 'i , •• •
this power. .The Grand.V•zier la the exeeti-' •
'- . .
live officer Infhe Turkhh shlp.of State, and , • -
la entrtishal with the wlp e funciletra of 'goy- .
evoment, r-nnoneible of &aurae for all mast' ••• •• • .
urea and ipolleleir. . . .
.• There is no hereditary nobilit y among the ' •
Turks—all oftleea and digeilles-are
,sorely "•• .
personal and - sulfeet !to the caprice of the •-• ,
Seltzer. The'revenuts are arbitrary and de-- " ' •
rived' from sources -peculiar to the character ' •• .
of the nation. Their relied!' creed Is highly ' 7. '
satisfactery to at:Vol - lent ana6 at tel.evente. ,
• Einiodsly hoWevcr, the Ituraelmsn deveut- '
ly believes• in" one lx netleent God. whose: •
power is ever exerted for the happiness of;_
his creatures; Mitre duly of man to love his; -
neighbor; &salt tlie.poor;• be kind 'to Infe- •
rice animals , and to pray seven times a day.
The pitma.ltiottlese who has made antlefim- -
age to holy !deco, is dirtingelabed frenihts .• •
- fellows by a green' turban; all MIFF . ' %Mktg -
the white one. • , _ .
. .
,r Allah is th eir God, and - ltabouret his . ' .. '
prophet—the last and greatest to where all I.
• ' ' -
. the world Should owe their 613131V11011 to the
true religion. Y ' •
4 In. conseenetee of the warlikeorspacions; '-'. •• . ' 3
andeo far as concerned !cadets, relentless • - .
-character, es well as the voteriumussess aid -
future premises of Wit remarkable creed, It '
was found ro snit the nature of the Aaisilcs, . .•
and rapidly alined numi tons selfinduVug - . • ..„ -.
,vet‘rks. They are hn.comlog 11)0TO tolerant ' • •
of other system., of religion, however. and it . ' - -- ,
°ls to be hoped the time is CCU' when MAotn-•
med Inbar, w ill be absorbed by Christianity as ,
ieflnitely the hater of the two. • ' . ...
. (} Idiom, In the 17th chapter ,d the ','Dceliee •-,, -
and Fill of the - Roman Empire," de,crtties ;: .
the fmndatioo (in
,the yeti of Cheat, 322.)' '
end fount; appearance of.Gonatantinopie in ;
menaced learned, happy style. Constantine ' - - -
the Great, alive to•the hopor and dignity of ' e • ,
perpetuating - his own name and de-irons In 1 i • •
his advanced age of fling the suer g•ii and -.
, 1 •
majevy of the ROMISUI Ten no in some perms- - ' '. •
nent advantageous situation; Vilely wleeted • 1
Byzieticr,orlg•naly roienized•by the Greeks "°
'under Byx watoeut 6.16 years before Ctuite.) $ - • 1 ,. , •
as the centre of the Empire. , - • ,•
"We are at Present, qualltled," says filir• . - • ; .
hart; "to view the advantageous position of ' „ , "--'
Constantinople, which appears to bete been • 1 - , ...
formed by nature-for the cent roam] capital of
a great monarchy: Sitested In the 41sadegree • . .
ot ectithde, the .impirtal city, tomnianded .
from her seven .bills, the opposite shores of . . - .
Burope.end"Asis; the climate was healthy, .-
atrtt temperate, the so]] fertile, the barber" .
'secure and amid:rue, and the approach on, - ' .
the continent ;vs of small•extent and easy, • • . •
defence.; - The Bosphorus seed ilellespout -.
may, be considered - as the two gate& of Con.
startinorile, and the prince who posaused .• . c -
thine! important passages could elways diet
there rig ainst a naval enemy, and °pets them ,
to trete of c?rnmerce." . •,. • -. . • -.. 4 ,
Such them was Constantine's •elty, which :
doting : his eel= and those of his. succesiora,
fora period of over ten hundred years, un- -
derwent ler r dilli succeselon and visibly opt- ••
1 , 1 . 0 ftOtn the effecto.of an endless array of ( •
vici-41ttities ' end inlitations incidebt to so • •
greet -an emplitt-eirom the crusades ;. the _ '. •
desultory and h . artaiNsig warfare of the et* -
Inal Turks ; the Wilms of the Greek church ; . -
the quarrels of patriarch& end Popes; the, •
bitter enmity of the Greek', and Latins; the : .
revolts of dependent tribes; the narnmatione-
and bloody' tempers of many of-its! Empe-;
roll ; various sieges apd cobenestrol Latins .:• .:
and ; pillagesi misery, ascrilege - and
mockery ; .. diviclens o; the empire.; revolt of • .•
the Greeks against th French invaders and. . :
'their recovery of the cty f renewed religious • I
sehlems ; argon of the churches ; subsegeent •
dissolution and persecutions ;Isuperstidone„
wars, min and misery ; the progress - and ' : . '
eosquests of the Moionle ; discord of the tie- ---
happy and timorous Gooks and union of the '
-en omen etnfOr• ' steps of. the city `by the .
, Terkish Sultan, Amurath 2d, in 1422,an4
, thegroat Mewled of gunp o wder. the secret - '
, of w hirb was unhappily for the Gre'ks, first
1 obteleed•by the relentless Turk; the blob of
slatet 23, his reign, hostility and eelehrs , ~ _
lid siege, terminating nosily :In the Icon of
the city and empire; and touniphaf entry of .
the Turks who pillage the city, .o:Mtn Its . • ,
Cht)(Chen and cathedrals Into one-God „wor• ..
stopping mosques, repeople eerier a - new •
finery,' anew religlaN to the grief and terror . ,
of Europe, the famonenity of Conalaptinople --.
:it/ the year 1453. 1 r
I Thus It will s be :seen that Constantinople, •. '
l'wais under the Inflitence and rule of the the- - •
oration! fancies and tapticee of an elegant - ' ,
mythology for the. , rkid of WA years; seen' , -
1 which the purer in , h olier precepts of Chris- -- -
..11suity, adopted cab - encouraged by Its Ems- , •
I perm!, p:evaitedi for succeeding period of -
1134 yearn, whenthe presenter:comma:ll4ot
retigtoned hislacenat triumphed over the (TOES
and kill held its. narrolomintled, Imperfect'
sway for the last 414 yeses. ., to the scprOaching, ' 1
visitor, appears ,tike temia - graniVgeorgemas '
and ever eluting par'ostne; its numerous ,
groves of melancholy cypress -,lnterttectlng • _
at and atembleg.the crime react - Led rays of
..• ..
Its _brilliant sun, giving it the enchanting ap- , .
pearsnce of a vast painting In which tight,
.and shade are leerier:WlT and lermenbtody -:
blended. Its heaven-Magni domes entimht-
:into), its stately pitiless, to besittiful sea ' -;
coveted with light, and graceful: calque., •
darting in all &reddens. with the sudden, ..-
Imcnisive maims of-air' cleaving swelloirs„. r
its exedieut harbor, the climatical Boaphot or, .
fi led isitli mighty wee vessele from which ~
.triumphant ilows.the ensign -of the (resent ; -
the en] , me waving of the cypress, • mourn- •
folly similar; its. great burls! places ; the
busy bum and bustle of active life; the stub
thuds of 'erases giving ,eirdreceiring; their '
precious burdens; the endless variely rl f rich .
and gaudy dresses, godlier decaying, • smoke i'' ,
I reared bundler, ringerrappatently unlit
shave the other—looking sc. pleasant
' inert;
.routautic from a distance , so miserable anti
repnlaive, like. a hasty daub ef -a theatre r .
scene, when close by—altogether colveys to
Indtacrilsable Impression. ,"
The slew twin the lofty fop of the Gatata! • -
Tower, where 1-spent an hoer with ii tele
scope and the Inevitable cigar,. embraceethe •
lengthaand breadth of. the city—the famous
-Bonnbantr , and the distant Mamort.:, Bev- ..
end of the mosenes,--Solyman and that an- ..
Merit and venerable dome, '13 , . &phis, aro
magnificent, But to me the Grand Bseasr„, '
wo the chief point 61 Interest . To ova ec- ,
etudemed to thei umenesi Ind tamers* of ..• -
one style of dress: where even a stray High- , •
-lodides In his native Costume, with gaudy
paid and rt . :meshing bagniN, u anise daps
weeder, the scene in thieTurkiah Nasal-is -
wilderleg; Every variety of eatturr," ii
bereeeprincented; every variety of .fettn'aird „
foss:not is bete- displayed t-every variety of.
rational charaCteristics. Is here exhibited;
,every variety of the human. race Where..
gathered together.
• The whole appears likei we geed -hippy z
fenailyoshere the voluptuous, indolent. Turk
. avian the hated Arab, the Weems
Nubian,, - thee beautiful Georgian, the lively -
Amer the carolling Greek, the tall Per-
Il i
time,- t cringing Iletener. the Celestite; ..
aims an. enterpriaingirsuk ; .in abort, •
2epereent tires frdm alloguntries, sit nations; .
moutl, great, all-froward God, belig
the mid sad aim at Gt..
Ilning. r eert, stay ail Conatantinople lie :
teamed tip the Reechoing to Buyokdere Ord - '
anchored-Wmardely in•forett of th e hind- '
Sale -- residence. :of. Robert Joy 311 1 1 .
Arnesiversilkister to the Sebiline Poste. ..
•'. Thetintian exuberant imagtemion can do! ....
MaCetira:thellabliam, magsefimmt sadrsie .. . i . .,
slated abeam along the Borrdittna:u'egy -
Ws teeggi, on both 4in k '''...' a st hi I. -
end romitstleatil dotted Ali... P . x gedl
1 .
deuces fed' - lovely- villas. --the In
te end_ eletaereoeia tri •
hemp Ct:lisata4 .1
be/ 17.14 120 e -
the..:,,7o7the, In coast
.Listwa.of, 89ills ci.a.
[eosostogl ii se" , .. 1 ---:
. _ .
„„,.M. liissavkar;.e hooch sec% Aolici
N+7; the pan of ea spa would not slume
the amidst' eutll be peso Co tbe ;lofts
detr mita slid ettemeMW Itepoisd- ep os
tee Ted , "_ '
The Cie r's teeth cent es to •WI,
Irene Is telog to the edam. lie bee been
'lllevet*weejlte en t embt elliccezorld , to
414"l i a* Mat
intIl114011190110:Thabl race rl4 1 4
Yom,Ate,: Alouto Wureatere
dtu forty-two yesrez= ll tor.
vice, retires olio MOO
by ble pulddolire