TERM THE;' $275 txtralizinni inidvaiie $5 „r CA tax. TO C/I.4l" ' Bks t.U.010 - / krari copies wo oar ;h 6 ?Mee. -' ) " .......... as RU lIEWSWES-LEIM-0 I 00 Cd lee ervim—ireiti, IlErlageirmon cad F. •• ..fir....thoci IlarittAAA. wok kt,extulf44,7ol,l sb E' anstworip 15 If • • 'o:maim Tor --.." 0 " reu a fur. 444 • .5 SUITES OW ii.OVISIWWWUOu.. • ";-,'",,:; •7/Yrr • ware emexacks IMO Bees- WO. Ott , ettedist). sod Sseettks i. flato.i2 urs. 3 x./.. 6 teas . - ...,, Ottirgetarear mit ' e.,...••••••-•. Teo squares • •....! ''''' -, . . Velar " - Last Pales aa4 oar a Slam 111'0104 Ss mit .. ' Tbst MAIM JONIIIII4IIII. us ambush Writ Sal satatbaa pars ' 114111101 in tweak &al males, Nan tablas astir ties au ear Saps- suit SS al lb* Theltaloa •IS the tba maw atm Soot alll MOM al iamb Wart=loll4 us*, teas JOURNAL. landabal br SI beak IND abla gudeas wasp. OW =aids alms *as be rabrim* 112 boat lama Cm Abe cal 411 1 114 • web mobrai algae larliakel .4•114 a paw lar ri =lv Sit Wastate ars& i • i Tba ~OA laa JOURY ha aim gaol WI Vll „tea la 2 psi ram low Wass Or ristamoks aid Maxialbiba WW I -00111 1 =c r . Yr ems litbleaactlas Stlaallllll Ildtallaal la Paisast ad baiimsitly as Oa Ibeams iLa 1 la se - " - cO.A.Ta TRAM*, AbVMEMIEM Tsut of the N.M.'S Monk Pain Witham SCOTT, WAVTER - & C 7 .0 41. . sob A gu as tr le* Das cow= All4die liPilar4KM7ivazn • CU, ne IMMO et. Work_ —WALT= EROS. Al 00.1ttotty Bentft, Weed wv SOOTA *Ai 7101 00.11111 Dada* fit. ass I. , 147 •: LEINIO WESIIIIOI CO gen* iials aims at Lehigh Spring Xt. it Wilkestarre; Locust Dale,• Atria' ns and Anderson's Lams/ Nt., • • - • Buck Ridge Shamokin ifi',2Ventotti Los ,. Wolf Creek ,Diamond : and Gieniworik Red;Ash, • ' • • • Ili carssed and .s"'ltenandoah • What Ank, . George's tend Broad rap. Oflwß feaumerelslMalls • tllo Brooding', Tier Taft slitgg . , lIIIIPPINO WE -• • iticampe4,Part. Jobs. stok•Jscrei CO. >••• • • - • • - - MtADD • • • GIORGI $. . ADD 1: I ADDISON . • TYLNDICENCIE A. PO VS. - • his I. ' DAY ) ; . IiUDDELL & CO , WHEN JIM surens or . . .‘- 20,y witeeet., lit deeihnty. T • , .“ Done Wed. Ebbe Agee& jar the &deaf Ma foikeebv (Aerated thaLs : BAUM MOH LIRIZIRMIR q &L. 1112€11110111 , ROAR. Ik. DRAPRIII thlhajial_ sad the RICE JANOS IMAM PRO RM. ARMIN OW» lhaertea Wis.este:—Pfer Nit 10 Pt Whew* • it J. ids 11 Peer Re*.ll Re.llll.t eehltbret • • • , . Pier £0 Port NN I a C w IC,S 0 N (!e i fo, 0 A RATED MODEM 00AL . Or 1.1(11LENII VALIUM admen, sad Dealers Oda well-Went . -HENRY 13LLY GOAL A 32:11Aillita. Ht Pinidelphia. • Orman : 68 Trinity Beildlezi New Tort 11 Room 45. flowdesj..New Tqrk. - MOODY. General 'digest. • ' JEL • !ler . • • BLAYLBTOS, GRAM & 00.,, • 4.0111=11 IN Loan Rom= CM. Wmre at Whist mewed isiitMisi of Ina= JunziourD Asir ovrxesse: • • ' -Walnut Street, rldlidelpits. , tS Trfattlaal Nar aig. le Dom Stmt. law Jo 1. Yf . - 1- Pier if*. 4. Pert 1111119.994, ' • WELD; NAGLE'. & mcormo airs astriuser • DEB? Qua:air:a, iasnit Mountain -a Black Heath CO A, ' L • : S DOE MANCIACTURT)SC! AND D911:13TIO Lt 1140ta - II ILL MEM rirr CrLIMILITO iIACISSQN • LOBBEBBL COAL 3,11 Wind ft urnuE s : Breadiray.7l6l Yost! ** 19 Dote atm; 99,. Y W. Elwin W. Zit.us. gems. Ihnonru. Jan 1, VIP . • Phi.N..l4,raprik rt. siernmed. 1:1-1 4'3. & EASTROIE & CO., • 8101121115 OF . • WHITE fAIIID- RED *qit COAL, .IKI. J 2 DOCK 6T. MIL ADILIYHIL and- o. if DOMANI.. BOSTON. AtemissAle Rol AAA, _ • lOomokta Ando Allah adrIMI M• 111014 MOAB Asti COAL. J 0 1. VI PIIILADELPHIA &. SCIIITVIALILL NAVIGATION Ilir•rries kr utuurN Meat !Miran Sher, Mils. Li r iIiriA7AIIDENIVIED & • :inns POILTILI NU OP TIM WattlEhreak RisarruelPosOONs spa . Wed Black BMW Milts As& yeah. 9/ 47011 uo Taft. • lleorherit. New ! 14 ILLIby steroLliaitas. • • 11/baurf XL 2. • irEPPLIEIR a BRO. L iv ia Went i Paula sir., : S 5 Ma Moak Newlll Tait limat2lll4 \ Pzilizaim mama a4ai. DAVIS PEARSON & ‘o \ o., • - str.4 MID IMMO Of 110 \ iIipAISD LOCUST .1101Wi .ir', \ Ai • sad won RED ASH-400AL.\ \ 7 .. us ammo istmas. =nom No. 111 Bloadvidalizort=l I:WW2& riaw - wadi. - Zia 11 Dams IltelatAlaloa. __,__- wliaas —4310124W1C4 &WAWA= 1 3Zliall• 'Am 1. Ili 1- 031/111131 NALL& HAYWARD, Loon* PIC. LAW.. WlLlkasbarre, ILL* Altsisisial est lined .p C 0A L • I • ' tunacao, roatz. , utlr T OM *MT .:••Ormters cezinewra, 'pas iisargetaws. Alsiirdrir sod 111,11biere.. • Odlim—Sill 11.4 Malays 111., ;IstacialWa . LAI 3. G. FRICK. "rums Tosipx: a p, WIRE COAL . - SCREENS, Vaitv the Jael~ ripen, • •it inXlCWaettalL porrsviu.. PA. Joell.'lll-1. J. & LAUBENSTEPE PA., BIALICEI/OD EICIP4IIB . , JUTTED Prtan74l7 4, Tito .ficsui64l6l &wok ty as , esessit Weir ow torltrcoitt darabal ate ago en Mower Oa Car MU walna araF lki% atuilL %MN as lustl., Olen kruesplll Wei it alairelipials.. • . issurfs.lll ' • 1- Sta a.-c..DoPtanni. Pan & 1. 11312 r PLAINE te :REEVES, BRASS FOUNDERS 4 SWELT EBB 1111Nires. — 4 . 14 11.14 Wirer asiftala. Pewter Rad sad MON/ lissig --relAlla,reCOlillll4"-maNt jail& a, bit. Cse:Bous t ._ . 7111111siftb. Brasil Ot s:jryinadymi.ka.. aratiogiu a...au at did • elllet Cif 2 / 1 01 •Art&QAl* ictirtaitilta cow 9 Cesismarrel 1 111111edt. starisio, :00A11 • WAX , : '' Tug inmaakisincativi) • • - mow imam -• • • •iiss 00.14.0=1.- mast userrolow wen bribe Lbw war AM VON OMNI.TYre .. flub. ahr bodies. CM. • MINERS' JOITBSAI4 coossoossars 9 0041.90 3 tiDI 6 COI 11 16'DI salco s 0a)10 to sktai as 12 00 10 *AM 00 LS 0 00 0 -w. Mo. QIIIIMARD.,AFABD..gIk 00. Pine IllireetV New eft Walnut ". .11 killry -. 1 .• BeateL„ • aufOr ALL pm sr inn aim Sea I. ' Pier Nam I raft 111.1101.0.4. GEORGE 8. REPPLIER; sum Lee sums • ..- . , .. I , 0 Oi A. 1.4 isorriitiwwcpiAtt a awe tame sarNiaisi& - .. OMR .-,... lionooth Yet& MI COAL . a.r7 ..0 4 1411.. &CO., Chrotoo SOO Woboni INA, rhnoitilleio. I.• I 111 Ihoodurry NOW litoOk I • es Darsire Ills. , 0 I , • ii, -• ._ GAZIUMIIO 11, 411 4 OPPICISr-diji mare. 11011102/. 'n i —ll"l arr ial re.,, ,'.. 1 1 4114717 w. i w rr- , , ,4 1.7,e ....-L 4 1., LH i ..,.' •, i ... I, ‘ . t:T;I7 IS . , 80 . rdraellit•. --..„ 4 = t NUTS - API WOO , Alirtt,lanW Iller lki. If m 4,4 I ti n Zasp JOHN R 010""" ge...p!A .7 lizrth r . - . F . i 4. 45 Y 317 _ I P a bl&T. F n uffli n t :. rear . . . x arrevr. 7 i,,, -, • . . - - . mind as editor . mu • ea; Aiodlitable. ar ; • . ~ 44)ptitp, Off. paitthjg t '.11444;•di wins 111311: An wbole Ala i . 111,AlnIVI.- R4141-Saws • ~ es Abler l iisats . r OrkkeliS.Vaillr 00 st o c ilkiiip Mini Ask.. . - - ,=•• qf. - r --- -----lindteL..:ish. _;- Vlay a aim. Webster. i lirorr''l4E- - nt. , ' . .... . , ... e . •T o Ns "*"...,„Aroru: G i_t ed.' "maliw-RaistA . $ 6 flit CS - oil • 11 ' sty „ on ohn. • N - Ft. ir, 103 4 I P , rv i ,... & ; V ..:1, - P: I r is.. 01JITIMR; MN= It 1M1111R1M, 1 .4bk,,...eit, ~ ..., n iieri kk . 1 . 'n. '', lt.. Pirtieivs sad Skippers of Cool. .'," 77 - ",".4. — "••..ceScilb'' 14 mr...10, "mask lassids 09L damn& all "' •' - 7 rii i i7 ladUltri , „... 4. , . =411r41 "mom Al ibi. mia. • • , i . , .._ • illk - 4 P . i rr " lbw Tat, • •tti" It 01171110 IN &pa i r 615111•614111. I me.: COAJI: ~ rms. to. _ =iphaseiw : ... .... ! ' . .1•11.1, r ies .. . I t.; VAN W : . , • . IC ._ '' m.:* ,1,, , 1mt "a d' i 11i Yhe rut na6.llll.4ses nicharssi 40 HO 1111:"VVIIITIE4RION, SHIPPERS OF OPAL. -11 re. US Wad fitessi, RdiadsipitiL aloes vas seaualuars• Gaza ast masa • So. 114 *GS TlttrisonS s. IS. Tat , ' So. OrlSdni Mem Sew Tat. five WYK Sall SMS. itoolSoms. m Colby% Whitt IL W Amu* wir,eii• ai lizati. • Alai. .• - • raw • amain= warm a ft.; lame Illapsisd 0 A. L 1111001ITAIK *as oar =EL DZLL+4oDarinsrat. comanns. • 8111 1 / I .INAIN, leas 1011911P111118 CICSUICIT. 2 .1,401M1111r. am ants csuz - • I ins West go / s, smaggift. sinanl:" 1110 Dicribm, Maw 'Yolk. • • .9l Dalai lemit.Daika. • 11. num 6 iIIXt - • d. Lovvi,lr ai g z airr Lrata } • • • siros. ta oft ens 0016.1 • WILITI AND LID Ain MALL . Mo. RA Tama Sark ItOadia/FW sal Irsoileal • Wilma laliaan . rirsias Naos Hama Jams 1(01116. NMI L Jan 1. . J ••• Dina, PALES & , SELMSO OP . LEM& LOCIIST-RMITAIII, MIMI% LONICILIT, • BITUMINOUS - COAL... aotat• iblr Bay to.t ibiztada . 'I Illaatarat Ma). lato. sauna la., Jim I. tal f WFOIifLER di SNOW, 1 •ro JOIN WWI.. 004 100138rifE, WELICESBLIIRE HORkyjom saa ciatricanzion) COAL. Ornas.- 0 93 TRINUT iItrILIXBO ,11111110L16 Wila, SLW YOU TAXIIIIIEN. • BROTHER At co.,' moms ura MOM OP • . 0 I , $ • OLD 01315P.Orri Liman. ,tootorr imam ' *run CioP, wIi.O.BOSAMIX WRITE AND REDS R MAL% Meb flomos 115rarrara 12Mbethpat, 50moora{15111115 rivit 01ti TM. - rliftiphlli llooram, 5 Dom 13... Daft . Zat 115-4- - I 1 4 1RVI YORK. c. El ningoLD. DETMOLD & . • ' SOLE AGENTS inne ( Tan sus op Taresuzum Itodm Run (Le _high) in 0 - A IL Mud by the • • • \.„...ifilesars. Packer,. =DIM LRAM Mt ISM • • . I 11 ID WWI CL . idiom by the •• • • tlasslokolo ww• la Woe loiwairds to las peowelOws wit Ow I mari as limiltiVroMUlClLlUMlM: 6 i• .0 ,38, 9(1;42. Building, NEWT© _ • crateemirur ww No. W 1 mow,) . , AMMO sr ilium 4/4/ei, aksaitommeadi • rib• lbws mil lhoOky haw Ow inowposs • Owl • - • 1.! yIIIAI 4, .11110iiW.a SLUM n - Lewes.. • kl".llll WQLeebawL e 7 = senustes 4 • Q. AICIP AL XS • s lido4#'lo4l Arc lemi:OZN Z. . X4CkiERo ASH COAL. ciinok Tealtamaft, I st_witiewit, Nat tart. (tompantry aw lowe nal, um. at v a ;TM% star w. nweas. Tann w:wous. wiwzoop. Nook. Fs. murannecothila' - +filiperadly its Itirßiri*TitiJ, 111161.111 . = MUM CV 14141# LOOM Xo4lo44 , lnikir *ffejittite g Otal I ' l ani kola L-g-tir•;, BOLE - AGENts 141*,":"22/Wwirm•aw IMOICEILLI --&- PAPUA „ upOrpirstotere . _ i , _ . )31'NotliakkaMILtiatitT; 7 !1 , k 1-- . .1* Wm:3mi lie, . Iwkeeslai lk w• -44 1 1 .. . . . • . • . ... . , . . - : - . !. '. - ',: . ' , - : - 7; • :.': : '11: _.. ' ; 4? ;: .. . . ..• , . • *•• .* ' ' * •- ' .44i0ONIMUIP P.-4 , - "' • • '17;!:- "' - ''''' -4----- ', ''''-'-'• 1 . -.. '7 , '-.' '''. '-'• .'" l ' r '''' ', • - """ - 1 , •,,t" , ` * ' • " •- •" • ' ' - - e • "' *'' s:i• • ' '-'•"'••`.'' '',l-'•':'.•.`, - -':_.:'+.• .. t.l'ilFT:'.• t C.* --'-- ~ . -'!" 1• • I '!' 4 - • •••,:'' '.- :- 1 l, .."...,.. {" •--! ... ~ „. . _ .•--- -,..i•L-,:...,-.:,--:-...1.--,..1-• • • • ~..._ - --.•.-: --,.--4- , _;.,--•---.- , •:,--,' , - ,---... '. -k• .---. .•;:il': : -•-- - , ',..4 . .!:,...•.-: 7 , 1;-- - : i 1, ~. -_.-..• _, i ,„ , . ~--- k i . ....... .--- -'. • f'--1, - ,A - 0.. . .. . 4 t, ili It, . , -_- .. 44 . : • • !l_., ~. • at , .";: s 7 ." .. . .. , ; t ' e ;I r . ''', -;'. :'' - .1;.:. •,- - ,.t. I 4 1', , •i 1.. I.& . .•+•1 - • „_ ' .- - ,.4.::„ '• 4 *-. ';.. 1 1: . 1 - itil 1•7, - . ii, ' I, J , r '• ' .'.. . • .:-.. 'Age ` ' ` ' • '-' q'fiak:' ''',l l '.LF . ; .' ''. ' 1 • .:, • .T ~. ..,.. di. • ~,,,..-• 1 , , •' ' 4 -,-.1 , • :. - 1 '. ' 74 " I 'At? -i. L. - .: . . , . . . . - . . ... . . • • . ' '• 1 • • ' " `''-• I 7.. . . ..• . - , - -. " . "•••Wava ' 0 - 3 ^t -A k • • : 4:•••• '''" -' .. • ': : • • '..:‘: . . DTOTTSVIILE . - . . , . --- -- - --" •'i . • --- - • e ENERAL ADVERTISER-• - • ..- i: . . ... , _... , . . .... . . g . . . . ~ . .. . ~., . 1! I 611 16•111 wee se Mow 1111 1 0 4, it 01 . 111168 amd 110 101 01 Pilo es eral. I I 1 . 1111111 , ilibb „ / lrlitWo 0 /0 If 4161 bald° Mil 1.1611611 / 16 ono jai 'iiniin.—as. ma ws.... --:: •.. ..: „, • ~ : .417,f...., -- L 7r ~.' :.:-,. ..•....:--:. . , tisinurg )I'SATURDAY • MORNING' BYL,BANNAIt it: RAMSEY,i - POTTSVILLE. ~.,SO: UrisKILL.,COUNTY,_• - • -ft , 'ENNSY --VA .. ..._.. • .• .... ... . l: , ,., i ' 1 ,• _., • 1.—.,•.. -• _ • ....,.._L...,-. . , ...,,, ..,.. • ... 'P , 1.• • ...- '' -' • ...' • 2 ' "; '''. ' 'l . ; '.- ....S.A.TTITIWAIr bit .q, i... 41 1. •8, - .186 9. : 1 .• . . •- • = - - ./... -- -- '.- '- ' - '• .1 - ' . 'I, . ' . : ------- ~.`~ PUB Vol. Xl.V.—;l4''ol Borda, Kel C • 0 A Li WWl' LZR I U OUEIVOOD. W u lan. ZOO= LOZBEIB,Y. arra nava Bed At 6 Zan SLUE.. • sorxrcumurr It I DOVEY•. & L J. nom. imam a 0 DOVEY, a. 3. rano: Bois Amara • liffiesisia—lio. at= 111- - OINK, W. VW! 3A 111 J. r . inolllllll .. .. = 1 ' 4 .' 0146 - 7 I I aims s. cox. 0 0 A Imo mums—% . pran am =sta ts, ....is. .I' boo b , billadellile vuuming Wiiidat Mr eihrwWw.llll7 =NOR OM Ws aria limbo awn_ is 11= 11 01 illowo6 WWwwir knit Fwanwe lam MO shwiftwoortabortm whin ~.a . , vamp , to • lawl% ea •J. - • w. IL ..- , W Ilio.o 411111.1n0k ~---- T! :1 - ; :4 RI ' - C ril" , • = E 2 -, , ~ - lift On as . al CAII 4a72IWI lesiw Mice& GOWXOIII Os. vie *NW_ AIWWIL . wisa itoth e• awkwil IMMa r e illar anumer, WPII9IIII. lbwrMwW Twit. • IMWO.IIOI. - ...=1....- -- tij---7--- %lb Ciar la MX SCUD Mg sal an say te assersi Ono. eniciiipok • JOILItIMIM I / 4 *EA • GROSS isponiameilamma imairommft. •-. lot prif 1111 D Ufi ream: ' &titan:an lk Clo. am l itle - anis soma. 1-11 s Wei be noise:. ems. et eat aWe e der tee Mee be :I=llll Mir geftellilt VII MOOS SA be ha stm .Pereuelela Ve p trel tble Cob - . l ea,-t iir tale eeeeeleoreit et MA ler we boos le Ma am we Oil 1, 1... (..,_ eebb ai rtalteibee ebeeineleVbese ~me.. , ye we Vls am bt tome ter sererr iw eete i s taw -.. _... .., •' t ' 4* •:t'l -I 1 7 : -.-. 1 • . 1 -., --- ist- - - -- - - - ' ' 13' '... • .:. -- :. 14 `-.. 13' ,:, ;/. • .isitisisessl s Odes isissit' Z • Wilt Iat i tIi s rPOPP:r".WOWNIR . . '. ' " . ..,i.;,e, ~_ . ...:1- 1 01 1 1 1 11 - ... '•. ~ 71 -• . ~ -• • '.. -4 * ' PILVIIIIWIIO I/p.*o. ; _. ' . poll Sllllllllllll, )11TINOICR.--. . 1 ;7.- Vialn . A1 4 i. 7 .4. ' ... - Sallilt,EY 4 •.-,-. , ... ..?1-104P/IVIESIPII.--' 4 - IllitifilppislabdisilsrplesOs , finfolil 111 DL: 1 'A ' ,s ' ---`- 7. 4, : 1 '- - • ~. - .' ' • -1111W,3001fi • • :a 4 ; ,„. • :__,;::.,,..,,,„:„............„,..,.14.k.: GOAL AD' :1; =NM'S,' k Ir .. rub a . - - . . a 0; . . • , - • Ir." , • Oita . Irpe re tta . 1e e . ... 0 a ry da 11‘ 11/0. BEST Lehigh: • MX be Of the MI6 0". ' Very tteepeetr - -... ....10 gravity. .---.. Oiustagi. trion,:ao it l, ,- . - ter -Tbe Co Per, Winer ' ter-reir oes• :11VMM •, , , 0.00.. ha ill lOU and Pew v'xig• sma niartnii somessa. as co.. to beget. la - ..! ,010 7 • . eil hMitre of the tr• ent, be sealed 4, tndeltiO*4 at "wiz . . 3d eraatr i at , , EMIT W il lp s kyalt Oa, 1.130.. - - igny A l o3 CO OARTIVICIIISKIW NO TICE.' • nottereleied are the dip formed a Co I*l lar thelossasetios of arbeteeeletwl beak*. dO tb• On name of WO. RAMC • C / 'ilintl mo yak. end WI2.D PHI , . r r' ' RLL s , InkNI . a BE D ElLi • AH IrliWeßly; ~ i . 4,..... „. 0 ,11. 7 - in Ji. MCN. 3 .. et MM. Coataine-moTe pure Carta S. it• legatee More freely • It ON Wit zi4simajug MU= & ock, %II COAL, BM= GIigtRAITD 4103 Coa 91,1 Aisehttr ! 1114 - 10- imam. Agt• stt B' alkftedkawasi I WOOALI Cleeia; MEEZ=I . 101 114 Vl44±r ,=+.? s 7", t; COAL , It makes a more tinmemaltralli . . . . , . ._ . . ~ . , . . . • :,1 - , . . . . . . v I Thilf--1......m.... ; . , :1:1. 110 AL SOLD ONLY B Y JOHN & Bro., Wee est 110. of Oa as, Tag we Um. MON OM NW sibibetila eieWit tormates shol. Ow t misolow-ilia-Ilitra. =MUM lielaiMelikaaimilb, tun tit tariligalba "Imesonils. sio msrt 04E+k a 0- I : c ..ear j 41)maili imprdha woo at Maas ft 0121 . va.• U5...-^ amD vd" wan pima 1 1101 . 11.1.8"1" 1101_11.10.11L/10* =mymama lan lOUS I. slam MI mho Or pm"( 11.11 . pmeasses es oil ashme. They aa *inimam et to weft ta grail. Mira len of en - Om S Isms at aim st IWO SON* AM TM. Lam - I . Stephen= * Safety mm As al ass Cialaelas In taw lv e = t a. aid Oa tassaaa Davy u all ......,.. wellaysynowdaistatale Thai anallm a elmaler w ei apit ialt WAISA V a=1 24 1% mita Lost* la us. sad VI rossassastrearyAdarissia, iII e&AIDIT LiN7CaNi7iWini ma *dal WO totes 110010,11 l 1110M111. foie at la. WO ID" ay to arm doom kis. . . . _ — r - - Thaw tattate aimalitatne a Da l oars vier_ , aid we sivassa Dam ales i a reattass , ,tly Da llaC ti V ri Vitsit 1 ~ lonl la la . - SorsTrall lav tomegtsw ram mufti to ot: sr. mum thew. ......ara ea sone me sals VD Ill=ildk 11/IsNlali sal Da • . r , , - - . _ : anneal & .11azinuur. • - I CIUITII3I N., relliirlilie, - .lPs. . . ii i ' i G LOOOMOTIVEIV teuni- riivmmudjourstritriadmi. as In Maid* Ur ana of do at DEW 1110011 al leaslallaalateLlaksk do Da Oa Mak Albs swassersty. Dui and Wass Is sat vaNbal la Db. at Twasena 1 gars ayallesliv lelltav ilia, ivlsoro Calatteteut, atm, Om mmia 'PIM b ALE WORE QV . sits iiessois• or fie Ipie, en ix OMNI vila dradie Yr alOosi ear dam • , • Inallmates la;astml• to LAISOOseI lad Da Mow ildittga l iti l li el=. ' . 1tt.11.2•11m, Mask Calell. . . , • Wla. vo. l = t itsralheridd. ' im p • Al aid* pass OW as beam i ThaMoldem Um = ICluatiaboa MINIMS st --....pi sie. mia. vow*, tallesa • . • t - - , • -BANNA.N & RAMEY, , 1 is• cRIIIIIIONE am" • ~ ireumni, PINIIIP LEAVTHEIti TO - COAL. OPERA 5..- - 101 ......4..asa PIMP 10141 , 7111 e ii 811 Gaeta a Paymil,„ isibionev, m tibilii!ilthiberockr mai ' fasinawais •- . - _i .7 5...; 1 ska:airission aw".. - phmsro6, a ,_., .1 TO 1,11- 11- 4 .• i hem...1...t., SEM 1111 Ve* — 4l l / 1 11•11l 1/1" et r COAL 1 13orda„Keller & Ham, wi =mos et time seig_inimtimwse* or, COAL. 'Miners of *EST =GE Gl*;# 111 WWI uxeQuasaaFT, wylAsh. 1 , :!. wan sout-mizit4.-yes NINTH FRANKUN MN gams AigEO_ .. o *l N. FRANKLV,I=I4e,Ner _ ore' $. maw by /omit .1M .7:: _rtran disek _ _,:•1 • - - Mori Cud out 4441444414 . . I • • ..;. 4We twoosocin '4O 0, • 1 ..der to' Now Tot* re owl* : .wülwtirrn Cs *'b taop.... .H. 7 St Eemer:.-4 4Lw . —I .., . 2 3 . BALO .... 4 Oboolatt.. 4 ' .14sgbi to g Yok 45 444 i pmkm. Lemiemalastaa Xamil am Sommallimmi. . .. Lasso- „Si 3 l Ettlf U C a SWUM... 4 7 Stant_ -. ... 5 • Brokss- -1 _ Obsgast . 4 . ' Freight to Nam Teak 5 slate Vu tam. . .• rzlisee ma'am Oasis. P'maeriaamt , ' Dab. IX ILI • ...11111110•11. - At a mt •- = bi - b . • .. p ...„ mmy t/ ri •• t . .I r X • S ir . k . t . an ..id-a at . _Xd,. 1 r 0...- n= " 0 ..• 1 . s -. 7 • • "1 11 4T: a 00 m 1. - ._:....'"*-a I t *tie iii.'' • LOCUST laitritini,• •al • BIG au mum ;win Otani MSS 111.111.1131111,.. • a r ' 11=1 Winton of amen:2aq Prima hr Wee ' P i e .abosesuaf rnerior Chest and lilatmleas bop as BOOTS AND OM which loh atilutar. Itraw 444 um"' : • M th. low vie - in.liar ask. • • • Aga ; enah prime Caves RAM • r..s. ISAACIWAIM • ' B.,usry hum Akelprivil Folk * - • fte... aN d fh.,,,5,a, Jib / 110 no Ilmmd St.i.dlo talo t ih TIMM Oinnellibl.. (kVA ration mornings Asst, WTI Inld.tor.th he er minim Gan, trAim vi E d beft f c, in rent. Awkr_hollllllll. akat !IL Foe . •••g•K sims lorarrerr. err 'ma T deategillismskso rmias lal " • Vire ar" oromps. • • ad , int • . espurt" rrs "." . • .Llllllolf •& .riumu iiers ounime n ja., • DO yr! , 'dims PITT MINE ........;:. , ..i.....i. • . it our Worloolk•o• Immo IMO ousolo. woo ookra. oloreito am la in al eta rem= OS • • . • , Adana a . . . , Data I atrt••• I, Pam • 'llms•S• Omen 04 ilk - • , • •• Var. ilissli AI . , : 60d 111 11 MtAi. BUIL ri r olo. ll =l l 7 l., coo Rom= i ., iNIII. Cl.* h. =en oat oioicoson; TIC ' , , . Demo OW Clio. Mmuile. VIM MO OW Ck in 6. 1 =m1119,... ft. : Illosiltari GodOa, :Taal Col aka oh soars, Po;iikomia; ' Ws &Si No vow Poo Moo Oh t_ . Oolocialoollooos co.. omoillok Tom Aoo Os ilsood a oroodir oftwoosh -, • , 'wen 100 11. . ! ' T aus soasstssusis ar d ‘ t ipass. Cosa 41. l op l ar i wor I". d Pooh or ••■••111•1 atm Irii MI sL 11106••••• Oil ai; Ufa: Miss din limisma *MI alma • MO a 111* c=4lll WIN 11•11. i lat i et ikg"a r si. aal trarlt taw ilme km egad sa. • . „ 1 a Lila ft susui Cami1L.............1111 • xne•CII•all 1•0•MM115....,......J. ;14 . , 1 , ' • , ; . • ' ^ al, 4 ' I A;t 111 aisllps ILO% *Want Iltiatio, 1 I Ptjlwtlealit!lnirioefelft•' ' ' C ,:. ' • - - • 1 • alta•IIII iftill•iimiloa, MOW" Sint Aft MIL •• • • ' :- Ma i t, L It.K EA_ _8 Air A tele E V • 11Miallire ails IMENINiaI llrrediiim& Li= ist - i tia.ltir enams M a r s rarafealleNtla " s V im Itsrvietaaar waft sitaelmitial si, El li rit ad =rti l % 4 ll2ZU Mot Or sZeddelelliv • 1111101101 York ad Its I I ~ 1 M il " ley -00.01taa0641AU-* • --1 ' . - ill • ' , .. 1.3 u t ._. • , , _. --- -1 J._ .3t ::- Tra -- .... , lE. c iii,,.. viOrAittait : , , r 1 ii. • "ii X: 1 411' TO ' J.EIT. - • • --41 F,ol_, ALE. A Lerthigtor or , . TING BTILORMIRY.`,.- --- 7 - 7 . 7• — •• 7 . .., • , ~ . OD OM 84444 Engtie VI 1 :I Warne./ sod oft. ibtici. •30 ..- •• •Is • " , 4 • • . t! .. , • 1:;,i -,1 • . I : ~ go ..; , uo Iv, I 1 IS i . 1 1 " ''. I 9 4 ,-4 •- ; I ... , ~ •••• ': 1 :* . li• N 9 * 1 • • .io , # al - 4 wood Mimi NAP,* 4 .tri tlanam.r Ulad i = i ; 4 ieenid ta.4 1.1-4...111.'-erej ....th Vire ii,r, •1917ter far. 44. r. yek. A Cheek. Va 1101894. Ana 11 4 0 4: SO.. id 011; .r ri`' II 10 , 11 041104=1 • 11 hot If tzeoCela aPR WO 'Wen 1 11.4.___: Pr* 4 It.th a'.o 131,1• Tim, It 1rdb2484 ....91 0011-4 IPC.I) .41 , 14 r 4„ reap VIA Cass; A 14444 k 4 of Sate Po : I ..41041114111, BOY; -le Ilroleos; of 4 , 1 tli •, 10 , ral !Wrott4lt toml - 111.0111. be. Mite, , std ter .1.4 Om, 4 feat Moth e*ltable fur •r. L. 4.6 1111sciamlit i = ON * loot Ittaitult 44 Po/ Ms ealotiLi • *Mid of 411 4 1 04'4018 4 4.44f0r .. ' ; 1 limo Witakor kr &a skew; 11 4 Parnr...,...111190011 4 kit 91 6 1 .PiCk.t. i CI) Y 141 A, fram1110110111•44- 414414mtar: a lot of NMI iiitlti : ss, MI km d Volt Wrleght 13.. r. ' .. At Cho llacatorrytnepot I'm C.4•Of 11,1*A; is —4-tf • ( JADE* *IPA IL . .f .r F p, ~, ~,,, A 6 , 14, 41 , 10 it. 'Lill 44 Mona Nos and 4. 41) a tat,' r 0,....a04.1 b,* T...f. Goroof a tai.' 44tl4.a. , P kV.* Om tormatatitlr: Ap ply tol . 1 1 , -J. , . CONN*I4 1r0tb.41114. 441 I: .49 . 14 tf • ' Fel Oh LE-10ae b dialLu ta of 14141, Mind Pia/as, efertr, sr't.b Cow, bon:4mA Mb* at, vionin: Alm 4 rixl Argil of Weir: tlioLlooil Is Cim4V44.3 del l:wed, Ab44l if 414 44044 MK Orma um the 44. d to ocwlzeinvg. illipli4 L SO lb! Mc,: - . I I • •41 .1114411, offi : I ~,,.. 1 • ! I‘lOof .1011 A 'OA L11 . 1•Iii *0 I. trie:—Tbs Omni Jr AIM sitans44 4,44111184 flormidyfilif , flat* by - Wm. , U. Pc : Tram :Th. SW bee am pito ist beors out ipitt4 of co ;p1tc1Ai...43 • 4Aberss plower t;*Jan gn to A. 11144 ropgt4e4 la and Ai" 14.1 . Isof, 4:4l4rni, all. ' 7.-. 044 x, tio. IC2 four 4 44; P.Mitll4, Pa. _ V a i l !Veil " -" IYA ll. a tt kneel cost land be Ns/ Owls e ;:nrcedip.llldisr•M Comp* sown is the l'et , trifeta costa .111111 6V i rtre "*". of •ObAl. TOM* 1.46 . 1 - 6 eselltiZ - • , ,as Igabeatnago stew* • =lot as t tEe t Iklll Aves/A MI teeth/at os the sad II ( mat ott,Clruth Alley. o•Westrtht .tbsi 11111^ 'hart aloe. th SAMOS" "Amisetp, Sd tla..w the /Was Atl the' Isla 11 1 / 1 . • 11114V 1. • pipty to 1111LIRY C. 116=4 • 11418• As it ' d • maw/ Airmt. Fo. 10, Nehleslase , Pettertlia. re- Je/.1.1*-1-11 ; St.'.teear Ci~ta.h o rkt~ . fr ( T7 fa coder! I H: PL6ABA.`r 18 i >bllav~ ~'B~saauy BaUding . P i . .Fm . . EILAUBIc.—The - v•lnatple timat at Laud Mown jut Robb* Wlnebremer 'Thie4 loft 'rabid. taws Id Blythe. 21.1 Schnyiktil fmrsAilph Ind ecerlaintog Omit 350 um% offered for Miss vir.. timmoseb‘• rem... Apply to• • Ptibmit W BLPINAN, Act.,Puß.N•llle et Pt, lastbait. o we. 10.4.LE,J.r0 o f It Inch jealous yips IV with bons ard " ' • lot of b:47 ptitr); Six remilsl-basi .4,1104k0t lonic by 34 Inrtmeln dometer: Aiwa Sot of iref , .... 1-baud N. 14 „oboist ink UOI itebloe7 Depot Oa 0,1 Jarutt. : , Quail !sot sin" Emsad I.lddit awdoir„, JAI= iwatx , I . bluety 0 1 a1/Ths. bare% 4i/borve at.l d'Ave er.ig!nef; bona% ammo., *TS. OCter4, 2,1!cra..4c.. ttos Now IL att. Also - an 14 'tort pomp( eamplita, ' • CO yards 41111 au4 laria column. A triz : T •Ettate 'A.,arsC IS 1,- , 01-4- • NAB. it.-41 row 131.3t0 Wj Dirt Dant.tre., 3 naontVt!sz Ways io &Vit tn stiit . QM* liCitjEt.—A. r q Tria Locomottror .. 5 I Crir . ' l't gu tile er ;ll:.* 11" k e tnel t tlit ° r '''= i . , (SEP. W. 814 a 1)611, !WWII*. 1. LW , . ' Threto 11 Dora ; ._ln. Port 'euton, the prop t 7 ea - Per tow amege trri t am. r(III'AMAZ PIIALST, Esq., - - 111.11.1114 i 410116111 e Veal eery lirlet. Mango 1. • • • Maw dory Mat mat Apply.* RONSICL. 6cal ,eewe not.. IS Ipikaplppe 0 11. 1„ vs. • ' I Tr n C • LIILEfiN TO LE • brtr cw . ! ler Te z (7onl Co 614. r i i im r: 001 Jes. 101114 twit , / tam i . r=operstoi iilll A* a alooron tbe:rnrilar Ws, orexturetto irettnmel to the virths hick at the 1101110 oft*. rot MI la th e atoll fr. torso% at . to t tsc9ttl ezd YLEnsl - TO OBTAIN I"'' GOOD' COAL "_ LEASE. • ALE COAL • • A tottivr D EL* * mAlatt a their Lanni Ms • t i o; rjta.,"tttglit.u.'etPo.blileffri dt 'T andovlnlytrg .7-11 , 11 4 . In SO* t 6 Dig oade' toro£o. Va , 01131,14. 11., 110 Lmr.dwil, liew remote i 1 Oen. c• 1 0E 4 : • I 4,1 0 0 ` 4 Z .•IkeirsAiimr at. r•ustwai, PL; , IMO& ' • 4= l l 01 1111 - 111 .,„,,...CPPL !B.A.:MAIM AF. 4 , i rug rota° wise i IL . g: Machinery. . i; I' • Cotnista • Ball sassoing seems Ow riled strAte. with banns out all pSkow, a, and it iinDorp s mpi Sapid, ass, we aim attar 14 WO DlClnger. solikra cc ElL i IXODS Insilas alttlis• 12 tack 4 Int. ' Spud soutos and boilers 1 .. /Uso.-1 2 0 'ea loss il.ma"T sisps me w h = . . ' w e ft' i sm a, Ist 4 Isit out. ' • 1 kszCSlllet . ,Pan sad lizitaii " alt! tabs* Mit h ', • • L - I ~ .421orChos gortax.tel e : e i= LON 112 tad' 4 VS*" goal sal boss Ind two Slit r ,loons f a. wlts 14 lady pSußsio. • MSS gbh** tusi book ; hi! no* bells Ss poil womiSOiron:l/m • I - ! • . li ilitsiess w. imenini.... • I: , t • r.ttimp 1 ,• JOITSfiI 11. taT ~: 'I ' - . . A. Mk • iggc M.' • g wee.' Mine giramsol. erersea - ' • , : 7 4 ::ilt RENT .. ' -.- , I Collieries and •Leises. - . F t Swereamallettierielit,initi l LykeinVape l * ft i ratto lei g lags ci w*& li the IMammotl la Mkt . . l IIIII ILIWO isitsastiof Lkwg . OW Mk sag WO, ph Cabin" Vitt lawevas• Mania as gm West SMIMISIX i • • • ,=101• Leh Colliery at XcCioler Moicksto, ! or lid tm the Ake Veto, 1' test Wilk 1 MU Ivo. sp , milatolnalbeCiallleig at Loki .g. Wm. War • good rite 'Conlon • in lam* bur ‘ ,..t. • • . I. pgri,‘SAl.E. -. TIOSI ,AND FASM LAMS. ...' • •'" • kat ask 'limbs! rand went Saii Milk to Moab. 411 Yang. 1 1 ' • • • • • " ' • • •• - • MN' sotat Thither Lead in Potter Canty. Ti." • Worms amber land; atar milir soak al Tillket Mllll44l6Mhzto tries to auk teactiasin. • , Masao Weber land cm Takao Creek Meta. ... Asplemild Arm. , Ow kiln sal Tinting loadorn 01111,Malt galle• gessassow MG Ea= l 4ll ,' Iliad aa km Moot Ilialmagitailma• betimes' Suribe amigo goike• kies WI to mat parthaters amt offend ceastp—Mag A Mos Wilt Ot 4'4,, leS term 'and • lapeoim.. Mao I ___ . .1 • - ' .. - ' AMR= Isar inglemisaileo. D_Sephat ansiy, Wr ap two with kaishaseasmah log ha= "Mal Col I NM t ' • - ' . ' '. Ottnrii /CIS 4271 Sitrille. . • • 1 Toll Lars et oixgaanacia t y.et T r. mu . =Wiwi= Fatalss;:aimi= filineiralariutestaTnivaitiiff. • ____.- A alielltm sad pre house kr sgs et GUM& AA, kyr calllea. &mood _Waimea staad,_ S turm • liadeiscos la Amu; Adillska as . Paw kites street. Ifs ked tai tly 101 NM V im .111=Dmil a lgir saga:led" Alsip Halal at rarthambaled;ft " 1 - • 1 • . i mamma= ic., I. 1 0ur,48 boispcirer•gaglsoh sags to MT. SO sta b ! ' -" 1 , , • Oat e ar liSerlllll and 0, !kW MM. ban r'' 14111Milail ecifiße. • • - -: . ; , Asion IrAgoos, , 1 ",11 IR: NNW ' • Nadi IxAEAgesd L Use , Eitri ri le li m 1 2 I ron ' lil t rir too ltiat"i lMilto . raat ikl ,Vl L y l"4. tisea: ni ".., 116 . 1"1 ..• !aura*. honor , . 1111°09 , • ' . ' T 1 1 .' 1 .• 4 G- ,:. :O,,,ERii mr,„„.. tIiCIINTYKr PRIMESALE „ WERUNBI. . viii=aw s :‘ wiurogai tr ue kw Nptilamt USlL.Tiiii. aniiiiiii.ahatkikaik 1 • *IC. — Tali II It ' ana ""la trail 6144 Iheak On% "dm% 411 a:• lin ."1.61 M. 1 se 1111•111114 11 estopriet. 10 are =I luata somplimabseirses haw Imo ...411041Liot, wit /1011111 . 4111 . -- fAkiikallaiing .„.• as ID • .".. 1 . 147/% 1 7 I it ail ii!, vehavi SPRING & SUMMI3I. DR ~, T GOODS, 0, vipt Lanirryrrus or ire 1111111 C arivitte siasu tin caziernix - - BliokiL;0010red ail* Laois and Embtaiditias, !Mb Goods sad Diouf*, SHAWLS OF AU. MOS. A4so CALL ATTER/OS TO 012 in= .0./ Cir*aim Quoinunirm _ WM* brie mil Weld irllk 11. Owe amyl ll ler eft Orlist.. • We Go met assign ft triatilial 111110111111411 Ina IPS lam bat amain la De mY ana ilia alexia Noah amp. st mar al . Ma a. V. I g3jik .' *4THHnE. IMID Popular Dry . iluNs . lls r, Cheetatt . Street • prtADEzinne,, Pet law pass tosiludel ii as • 1 Paris Oka and Nantfila Emilia J. J. W.-PROCTOII4I CO., . i iilinc if reurts e Mla r re s = P'4a & ' Domestic. Dry Goi)da, elp=twommr OMNI "SY , sad Vainese Illika. • , L aissia.lrldistimatil Seessurilea -. Ilissiser. swop or ail Mak. . _ illimoo=s is— L em i l alar i mpuillii as to. mum sim on vois Ibings spersta„ , 1111tAWLS OW ' ALL' =II" ' Ihm Lams mar &woo. «e is. & roam, 3 il " i l IPi d rir I 4 1 1 A A l di j e " o. 5."7, ECONOMICAWPRICIIII. -K. : 1 4 an a niard i ttits gia lr e sew-Met 'aboiU . irc L 1 ..111,00TOIL 4 oa, THE "BEE HIVE," N1N920 'Cbeirtaut street, • .. t YEIZADELPRIA., . itita /ASA ORME' Mk COI 50401/d.11!., • NEW. CARPETING 4. lit pa, we *dm. NEW CLEPETINGS. Ppedidanglisti mer. .Cro•Ws Velvets ea TapedOm ENGLISH BRUSSELS IX thlilated lOW iodOlk,stioW , • . • , A' ' • 1 10414- 4 110 (4-7 1 1millke& ,14,415 Oil cloths maul Driggetts idiurrim iffivripms. 11111$ e ZED OlDia /JD YAW Voiotia& InaM K -OnA Ban ao.;, chow Bt., NNW Aischi.usi moor I LADIES'. TOILET.. A. J..lAlLNDEZi allommeslitsaim* Mn Jlr ali dl W anisut 4110 e e.. ummuarrimatossamusiosorr, • • emersics _ ' tainzwounsa, pee caw ei moans WINO" MAI awl SIONIMOIMINI Mims list ail vial imeimme. WOW= 4WD pas a . 4 dot WM. WIS. . I , CA.RP.ETINGEL • R. a sox, ms cumin. Briar, Alms • PHILADELPHIA. Spdas Imporeison_ -Ow Open, w- arldvaiminiva,„,„aft kdiadd BIEMSEIa CA'/STS, lid egd *op% wan mow boom MOM gale Ibis Chipet~ll24 Viosthialty Oman 4 Olossledesek 111 0 11 . 11 mews eft =AM Ltst Merin it s MOM NIMOSIBMIULA*A. • • - --- - • ,i -- 3 -- ',. ", •-.:---• !_. z.:- : : • 1 I ,- •, 7 . • ~.. -, 1 i • 1 • 11 1 1 1 - 1 00, 11 1 11141 ..' '' .'"( ' .' llll l •r ii r ri lr ',. ' '. : ' t , l t - 1111111101114 Ila BOW , , ',-:, WArfillitAegM l . l % ', . 1111.11114, 0 41111111111** '111.0•. . WM/4W .. Ifteradislifileflik.o-; , , ••: .- 3:'. Ilsome.k4a.irossr av i t ~,.- S. 116 N -;. 10084 .... - • • • . --'- . • Ntitgp" .CABRE I T I A 44 42IO4t 01 sew a 4 - A - iii - ~ -: 4,. ; ..:.7.‘7,....„.,_....,.. DirE l Efid Nees AiLiperit _ .. Y ... _ bugs Hatiritsre OWN, ELLANEUS. .!ti ill ill • . ,•, • _ • . ti* Sti;„Ditbxoi, Lt; .arrtarros fro nits sor.. Glom of all kinds, Oloab, dko.; .sto.; to. i witite saiiismutst mum =MEI ''''t . i . 'i''U''iiiii''' -7 ''' 1 .-.--:1'. 104,azzor. _ iPli&Arnai l agA` PIM Mt Birtplt:l ^ " 4" ch ga tom, . . , m i.. . L. ~. Liit FitOW ifi1a1011.11.04.. , (000100 00 Or; Law r .51 K t , • • .0 isee. UM ~___P lu' L ls h •- torreas = ,.. ,...•JiMeser.; At the cosier or Thitteenth sad W Ammo% ID the lower section of day, port will Now led a gamine, theibuctedtwal breaktr .on the ;Aid Cottny principle, sod. athi s Tmed ethateedithr mid In Pomming ea &Owens date a superior prepareds:Aka coal for the • t MIRA% stakst. toners ore '" • • • • wire made by Y eiz s totheroy & 50th.. • the wines work Wel mathifigured by .2:. J. G. IfFicti. both ' belonging to fluttery, The milers ant capable of . tmo about le dote of coal o, day. *Mu - • ; Screw to of a stellkfrett dimes to clean • erperate tom items lifer swam inadtitho aboold condos to fettnrieqtint the wiNg; lag of.the rollen , - Tit tali toe the Obi 1 novas ockeltylireht Pithodelpthe w 1 only be *Wag ma anima Ont. The I operandi of the watt ant souttehing • km: ;The attar behm t b =ive le d ....stu And drawn ki th the where the It dropped the cat end ilietir Ind btu the "Wasitet; ' which:ls pleoldthe• math oOw =ran o prO f these g s round. widunithe 'wl sodergoem the of being arnalited. "after which It drops Imo devathig badirds. they bethigo s t It sit eitliki the arra i tem i sithns for . ' mill. ,Teesit Cra l'i ta t rag a iijr pod& all Use coal taw ot re vont", sonernlitluk Is in -thoUpo-by the wee that the • D al il.the anew being_ Wily Its bdng of mix , shrew the della sz cog of all fine ethet dirt, after the. terwi renai4 pea Mal Are drape through, th e • esitestint dew 'then the lab, end of stove whitethe egg coal nos the- , Wel of th e nalen,lend ettally . p . out ,a 2 its sad. Meetly wedettnethe, th e Is a settentabthegh] to receirrotch Oe cad v iwkich andecte It to a Isiga renewing bin below. both where by thou* of egthist It le nut into Wets for bean sway ai>ate., glop *Oro% whhidoes sway With tilt SI. • *thee of iodise tee hand ; -sod Wt.); art , of.thachlkeponsnos in an itictowl• ail s4=baelnese, 1 tbr the inejmity* our praises oittindhed to =Wad 'trim opue by ebonl. end agate Ind myths can IV tier sante; while I s m{ la is thi the east far . unload& lag sad spin demented with. the Mrat Uis work thus being tet .by Rids miring. • The • aught. Ow doing the work comethoce s quarter of ,a No of east a day. TIN- breiker hat 'dot rot' been; st work, a sapient - *will of ,itithe to fully and ,sentectintly dateonsuath whether It win prove a* pecuniary '• • eiq and just at the premot,thne wheo ere of coal are in , saryllemand; In pet lion of is strike. -Ocular the terent eggs my tat y, algid con e .. e parr tinder winning of casing a breaket - away front the piano of mththig coal, taustibe . the dlthreece which geothally pnvaiXver the prks• stood !which will be and hi o di ainthof prepared Soil from the ~. di• - cue As the kW Mr erecting coal Weaker' to air cities, had peobstiy beim Artarth ted in the eciditibe tem as jitomitu, - fol • lowing resy hi fts readim. as 1 i r ie tt to the caile ed,•the here ht i t i pi& Oat' , 1.5,i0ns of It/oh ' - rest through th e rotten! end ecreened, result, was 7 tons of don toe,. Suits tout, 2 tar'of per ems), god one • ton of- l i cv dada ton of dirt in It -tone r of '„f em: isthmoid. erecmg shwa ank b''''',, k• when 1 chipped fume the pleas, is no t ' ling comunece, and frequently th e , tof dirt esosedit this quantity, whiclA is all a slinks on the part of the enl • • ..,-. as their reputinks for a pore and tier's' ele.., ci coal shoaled be it first considers t.ittn. par• %Malady within coal nipped for tit lortaideg when they bike ' hito co , the bet that can from eh' the - ere as noddy in Into our -pude; bal. :the Achnylkiii region. 1 Chesnut cost_ Present. ethentenas the was rata pricer miCkbe stn d z whirls would los* the actual W. itt stoat '7 per Cent., tole the ditherece ta cam pdos all the larger dui cf ofkst prat• rim, end the , r price of pea-boa - made here, Se a f or per-east; riote r . es sit the' peeing thriethh ' Is fine Wry y ilithattoid and the - slats reinored which, ea r s amoral raid „: es MU the-pea coal of a loon amnia;- etbobling It to .ftmmsW,. a larger pike -on thti account; then the peit coal Wint Wren frorelhe mines to the market. ; ' 'AndlUde doeilisli only up. ply to the, pea dol. btu to earl,* way kind, which from the pallor:l34in sire led doe regulard free frog date and dirt, important ' hit to a Isige extent greedy tot s• good •Ei ch ild Ike this city Wide.' T - these orerwont. fectsanci Agues Into owner y ~„ tiyi• kill Omit, who are 'Wan at the differnes lil the of COM cotargil WWI 7 01, the o th er sink, being the IF,_ md . died to the ban when can thrm Utd24 own titan -kwe, thomigh oaths Into ~,- " i':considera-. Una that brolteni coal' generallp_commends hoot 25 eentsto cep dodgiest-than the4o! weeder dthenred elses t ,Prookt leave go ode that War "home *kW mkt* wi 1., tO say thebilig of • thnOmpsibillty of dtuiththit sone pies for she dirt.; saittetter tare the limb of the ro= ftwoun the,bredus toroth Pidiadelpbb. thentroat yom Pommy whOlunithed a very dosedve eitgairthoce Meow the cottlatee_ of you nem end who are patting tbair,c.va atroaldwa - No thetwheerto tuni,l2 to success, dad thee tar they. soma • to thiaktbay. blue aoaccatiol but tO SW ancounr e though the drousetinces ts the cosi :At pros- - die are motto tb*r edeuttage. ,•,,? • 1 . TIM nod. esethinnial • • - •notgea-, th e Odd tellowent :Weeny test noVs3l_ ~, a retrial mew both sap the senthen.whichrter tiMpated, and the - attraction, d "Interest twantbsted in the entire :thin . the *poxes.. dm The wee not ~. .what wog iielbedleu the. prase% 4 5. soy erwina doskuoirbe aiwt i tmasiialiasi gt cia rs t's onlisime7ioDou:so, T ni t i bo madei oa mind tti matt: ID astritbs outagoaa lap Mown mutat be Is ha. gig of gm outlomat ltd eartial Womb some of the stride Ina hor, boatel ion this scathe, thb'• bete tb9 Clips whet anthtwinekukkm Bcoed sweet.. Thentwas ba th a z dry In Uskproothekw; 'se ow th tbe led to owlets" the . many . ... „ iiblithair apprcipdatafaaatialoas• . . • a besgeommiand ,Iplesebsg. •alski, . bile : th e beige di mode itedidress • • ntiinitiv eas aid itafiattitaged •,. . .. tba Ude, tieodeAbe ben . end coon. Wee Co e bind Colf in • • w• - from their =aid eimatry ••• f. to burs, bet at they • , • down Broad west at Vasa, mid amok ag.T gat .1101 y. air of "Thzeir." wideb tit •'et „ 112 Blitall with mtriatio*in than wookt . thot we :been soy ritrelti attired by then ftinaout tgaots. : tom In thee ateigithorbood;lied thee bout nee occurrie, to data LW:moving of the pothedion jut* the Um? l lit most eases the embers of the order *ached • either Aar or era abraito, Omagh:where the ledges . tamed out Is atom fares, they Mere Er atm* sad it, a Pew 0000 they a bead al nigh as abut tbot*" taken I Way avanyd about twi tab itt _th veryi few AienameWh they rave Janie het; and pit orite 'glom; • of masa tba Noarktlias meted: Wog of either a beau oral pen, blue; rot or pnlide 'velvet; ;with edging afgold or dther,•••;e 7 presenting the eppearshes of AMC 111 goo. width in some clams the ' of the order ,only wore bend sad* edia cent the aboiltier ind - beloirrUits *its am while =4l2lthrworts a bine "ribbon spout', kiliont (..tint: _Wild ere breed 'of thetas; iteditikti, , _l4lllter Opeethity =atcelloel ittAtetly beneath It. algae wets White %keg Is the PoxamiteVbl bit% MO tie. Pa boom= thee ihneofg, showed Bap and thossands of mod. =OW lies to a Ilse edrenteem. wit the stun an s t t!iS ti,,x liett t a m g fibm early' treaty tense tog*, - 4: & i i 6 tity, unfurled thoweetwei to full disubtylog tier bight colors la i mama, trot vim one CC the distirabof the diqr end a Mlglu In UWE , The Order Of Odd Fel- AIN do* li‘wf.. ol o 7l tY s yttb the Twang of Meow, sad then - were therefore_ scree wore le aseprocuillaili`coly by a very Uwitedkonstor of lodger: r'ew rit witb• In 2 isienum. other oompled iti pdedog IV /T o rt by the ! doot; wbVe the I . Waging , up ocempirillf cidentesLoon; this a Point ;Where , Dow of ea *Wok . ottartoi bid , • 00 li s c:Coftlda lattadiag Oa ' .tbom ' ' „,aambatatd. about ems wins taft numbed's la coo, lisps attiataied 0010 thouasoli air of Goma. stagy.Sarfatgag4i satin rani of eta.paratig 0100 tilt to Wilk ctetk .ietd *Dealt deka& .. ith sitar loklecti E. - 314- lin‘ resehing . boleti 'Eked eithit wig les ,- slant the thOW ihW, !Ad the' ~,_____.- et . thow,... ,ands atipsougoes who .'mmo= ww Pro.. wooles. kepi Iltdribtl qiiilit*lct.•'„thOlighj hL • awe lesseco he •thathoweest. with.' the line scan aremesonsimikag. thiptems of the mkt broke Ulei W- Obi It .s: der niti -- Atts% bake s . la'aoald - ba eotottelbod wpm:b Oglitatotte. Nodoabla =Maids 001 nig Oft a l i ribi ttn.. . leadrettudt oliti rel=frath..l .- andher-Pool.feßeeraiiiteredble elevate} Ale Older licluat i t With 161 lodge, 12 Wei/ Odra Is bewai°4ool , ..., 'of thirties it Oftilia test. - -Tim lotd bog* al caolo‘.. 1 100 MP ter s long Nrbga, 0 110110. inaditg tifogg tbor saga, Gtboaatill" 7 . . wet lagetatated -10001100 ago thoogh 'Puy few ir _ l ittP il k l • 111 , 1"likik• • , 4 - rmitirca.krimirso. 111:0 ", ir i n gagitir xsai r i,41 ‘ltosi;iSisakfia lova Irks slat lib violists% OLIO of wigod. ardassladlloolll.ll l 6l* Al aoll b~4 fits saw troilillawkiEsadbralauls ibeyp of Ode Aligobeettowisippie , Time thegsfork apan'eaell OM, tie deb eset traibe obscure tbe batbsetbd, ,eNjoa , to .Widee. ~wopMr~ w. lsMompilsira - . • BANNAN 30 , 'llAllBErtilf, STLUCIPRINTINit,,iOfIVE-. . • - ig = %az au aid, DXPAß74llrtili Oil anal Add joiscda Ape. at me. we lee now begat CIPI fret irpecti to rotor 9 ,_.vs. - \, . . ... . . otemitypseeptios at the Oinul el - tbt_. .11/Wl3O •TOWlSAL;gegge,lsel MAW this It go be gee at any o th er eigniot to Ow OIRCIAN,4I4 ar- • :irwills beg efty garb. •We arepeeptred to gig gagegt nnit at , linoet city adigg-ond rerpo foga idtbt agd . (kick tbl Pea ing9fikea ag. • • i - , &imam rnipas.... sims.eiL•dhur. IWO., lintidlir 1 4 Laingleoesera, litage7W4busbetm•lD• , ssel - ' =gad Ittu., . Pager . neogenew , .., egeo, - • Time uk . Clicolaigh "`""." - : , Mood% - girder Seelig t `Cairdtb Lialair '. • , At ge, mg, aborted a glee 43‘cr staled JOH TYPE . ;* newer and tone s gum gat gikvtanat ale. ta tide widen at the= au bende i =gge, *staoorn. listag Perentat lIPITAWRIVIAtattsbad aXollll rms"l ate dicaset - . aotkej .. , ' . • irovessitia Isegrap MA thiegagh Sod faggi ageMagglMODOgg, MR lot iidedisisisasidgammi. , • - . . . ,-• , 1 •,1 - - NIL • - • -B 0 (Me B D E.R Y.: • • ' ais ThEn ulallised au•D.toomot qicr bitebilikam•bui MD boa road4•l•2 sad lad v iu r g wodows who has• Mil many yearn of apso• km Ms .- 1" ti pwassmphis,we pew* lo .Mag le • out ies own WirieliololSMlCia Ur dare to Ms most alabarift SWIM AND N/UOID BOWS atsisor Ilomtsdos...aa• ad Had is aMs at Mr slorpol nada, did agallala Wimp. . Ma committed to ue Ibr the gene rations to, kaalell 8 MO allaaaa nada Or It, we weed is, we imperil all that wbo l d moot seas& gWe are a e smears mindful of thecherge; we booor - the statesman vies OW lIP fib TOO* for perdu education, and Ire spurn wish indlenakie any attempt to Amper or rested It. What we lack Is s nonseicamem of ledividual repeatability,- We Camelia of and mouse ova the general Indlffersore, folleildid that lisithfotems it antagioas. sad that had we pealinmet• our whole duty. our biediand sidghbors woad 1 ilany hen loud to aramenas and activity.' ! Vial tad can we dot We Can wok ri ankh% each bi our gern epluire end In on; 6 owe we; to astir ii ra ct : m aadiodrootes ',these' Whoa= both mkt boot Maids and amass can be totted If we seek thm,--there is always ilia in the way of the doilifet,—bat sonerag Mow rabilltlanes t f peals the power of ague% lag. I ennt lak. 1 ' Oa MS duty bajattlef : IhS Wither/shoo the r elthod. W e sot will. nor ens ask for4limaistkin to accomplish this, System ea Atompsraties east, wen judicious tute ot e... th:t mm , al oar command, will secure ii, regular steadfast, and without this dun an be nd complicit snocas. ,We should seek he high acholialdp in onr Leeches. Is is was, that they ender , send the Wachs* mound hy law. • but toe shard ask he far spa What would we notelet to Itaveepat the eight or ten years I of our school life ander the cars of a teacher whose mind bad teen Wanted, elevaud, * wide and thorough culture. the *Mid le charge ot a teethes who• is an ardent lam of nand edema who knows lb Id* las name, the. Was of bird and illilltek who has read the record of the rocks t the dowers, therm, ad With wader and dolled be opens his eyes upon• • new weed t hastedles no longer dry forms tad the beim hadiwork of God, To hts embitter, mew antioday his any task is item to the dasiy, ma. Glee to the class ea tbs7sar whose mind It rich with law ie low, vet* the' tosehtsge of the past sea • Gs Mesas of todesalan asuri Thneydides sad the "old man oat" ere-not dead num. but thing. floilow-belngs ; let him Surre comneed th e with Lor al:atom ad dialed the mounahis with Humboldt, ha the AMID frosts with Has, and walked theme' Nerve with Taylor, and. as with leilis letatest they lista his words, the grey old tepid became t o o Uses s itiotrvallogis talallaoo, from grime de lla:ak ga they will ante Ma to the vapid a trash w me hichnow Whales the mord sod' corrupts Abe mesh of such multituda 'of = nth. Let the eematr of our noble be narrated by a mind not poly awed wh Is the amnia of our owe gran. chowiee, but familiar with the silent t from Which ours has sprang. and the living Istatuares which have &omit ?Schnell and upon the "valley ol dry es," is upon by the breath of lib, end from the graves of dead names spring the hosts of thine Wald. - W the relining hillance, the Indescribable alum of =lmre be enforced end sactified by , an Wd.Mg love of purity and truth. and in the hart of the (Wad. arrow sell-eccositUUl glee place to de4 . the humility of wisdom ; veer is coarse and rode will hide Met for y shame, and i all that is lovely be to edges and I bless his Morelli% Insp, d by, such in example, he will pursue l i ds i 4liee with tire lase ardor, not With the conception shat they are the suer of all wisdom , but be- ease they will unlock the wan= treasure i is is Asked shwa in derision; If we can line such teachers In her common schools ? Bock I teleflie s 11l may, have la one and sit. Not this year, ear this deeds, the time Is not yet. • "The Needs of hared progress are slow in ripeargiomd the generation that plants is not thedeneratlan W hi ch gathers In the !arrest" It is Lir qui to yrepare the , way; we mut show the necessity, prove the pordbasy, makes the hope, and create the demand M• this vest good, and'.thea by slow old oxisioni - actress it may ,he at: tithed. - Food puma} care counts no eat *bed the suffering body 'pleads fur relief, but the knigry soul makes no moan, and we sea , not, drawn not of; the heaven born facubles deeded', palsied and dying by our neglect. it is for up to eve Yoko to this silent suffer- i reshow bow Infinitely superior la th e al to the Modal nature, and how m more haporMys hi weet• end then we coal ook nor ask In vain for their' relief. Fez more than we knees does thesehool house form the diameter of the child. Not . merely by the palpable effects of wardith and light sad pure sir s which ate bit= sadly .. estarl i ,.but by a subtle aflame almost How legitimate stem 117,..:---., 1 5 6,4 and coarse, care. is betas w are hoed in the barren abode of disorder and by squatter ; while fawn a de beentifil tate and elegac, go er s fo ma rth • suet kindness which -e n cheeers , even the transient dotter. And so in the what room, mambo and beauty will do more theitthe rod towards securing good oo• der, and infinitely aces toward the agar ..'' dealdevelopment of the mind od the child. Orderly, 'carafe] habits may be hit enforce; sad then weerended mon they become the gurl7Ofthe child. 'la thus Imam one ..., 12° 01 611161.3a1 f ,gr e should teach entire end Wiling cbedi mos to editor*, not because It is shrewd and will outwit, aroma ad can crush, but because Is a Jost and tight,' and self rapeCt Ma& lts violation. N or e and more should the child be Muhl to be slaw auto himself, for only se he inns tali sslZeontrol end obedient* to right, Is be oen rto amp his duties an a min a twndo a mt etas&dis. The perrallingladtof thccraghness shikuld be consoled In the ethos' The necessities of a new coati" can be longer pleaded se an excuse for thisaltki Wt. and it is tbs duty of all to strive to r exact It; We 'bald inda upon thcamemsse in all Wee; than is weft Um trivial to be dons will. TM pesparaboo clan ererdse. the perform big clan example, =atm the floor or pup. hog • book, -*cold all be dons with that pans Which marks the dareeter of a gen- Osman. The pupil should papers his les sow, not with headlong !baste get through the book but with the precision and ears which will make Ida asseer of be mink. The habit of complains what we comments "' of ausiedng whet we mistake. of know. lathe certain what we I what Ito kin* eat never grudging tho pleat Wort near way to seam this whoa malts Is 112 ven dible Kling& All clownishness and rouelliesi should be banidtsd feat the schoolroom. Noth.ng that would be contimened In the drawing room of a =Mated family should be per isdned heat ,Tbi mamas, far tam thin 1 the sadistic 'attstsunisits of the child will deride Ithrposithm In society sad his iseehl. nano In the world, and should third* a atm the teachers epeeist are. • J V The dilldree should beaded dos dignity of labor. •it is God's pticomeark of a:al binos from stack the= abstinent -Without it. existence is worthlme ; and he al, who Unlearned to Ms leantid to lire. We peed me look to nations across the Na.tor seen% the swish of the past for 'the mead between a birthright of honest toil,lnd a Whip al lamas sue.___Ou our lend has tandobsi th e parallel, ad its arias *OWN* thiq entrallon an'nev er Med, loft the waft' Oar" a palate with oar lifelixda sal sees , _ an on oar souls. Midi we ot. the frestNath boat dt this teberiteme of labor ear id pride de fraud a of ihibismiseil L IZ already lald its maim apes em, unless roues maims to manly And by precept and sumple lath the *Oren to rearenes and booed SA epos id Oleo will come Marty blight. : I Shall we probes to UMW - labor and seek: farmy num to lead ecouSpor. ost Shan we impress It the child, that the man w upon the or In the shop is earning his breed by UM sweat „of ids brow, however 'raga his handl or t muss his clothes is lasseumrably superior Listto bat who is heedba cm is idlanassjo a crowded probake, or alagi with the raleadM swans of oflictel M 1,.,, That the woman who when ,dretteastatmes make it moms& an. without dieguise or shame, maid saviose of her bona =Meat this edam In the, nobility "of her womahomi by proving WWI , a trite' and Maid Wham so tow babied. de trues nothing bran !headiest:ref her Wet , er-ibe AlleilireE her - self revea— -1 Teach him to - seek tad employment which se. null him tat by di m+ r r ico ma labor, not, ray alone, remember' a ' the lidandhlk - Vet Work Pt Itotk, is b hear am what Footwork toga," sad hav ing band ft to Oaks notnatit oEttor. .menu, Show Id shat VW .w ith bola the plow or gasps the may . Ida VOW sad Um at the =koala oil wields Ute peo-Tbathosaddicatithonght hl atentlese to sists4 wits end mother, wadi ire the hart's Widths tit bate boostry Mrs Ms costly own** sod ;be , WOW cOttolp. That Ira abould•oot sok awake seedy beaumeel les multa Teat, Ate Us nohlatadiabl.statO4lll-the purse but kr inriels'the INA. Tat labor shoed tiowakheas, bet ell= l * Vr a bo, 4 11 11 bane emir data of Avery en asannad of section: Um the effpa tO liaslallittdball width pw mom Atm% imam bias en Mtbo to sled to btadalmbrod warth; In stem =ln manly aottrogalet. Thm shave Amoco matomm man not ini 'the breadth - of his *Mot Ma - Urea of t hill hotly' the neap otlktall lo Oldi e ala 4 tb• t Ithi sod. - Wa ha NM& o a t. Oar Med 10 t...1402'..` The most peal dog* aleulfthal3l B o l ffellts ID . r.h".., , WO la witiliale- =he I D which otatellsots face tato.** of oatimod, WM* bill* *Pat Wll= lll elareefersed Vspeceek epos Mr animal am - Av Assiesas we t z . a 2 held t Emma tad Mt law.tend= ria llll 7oZ al*ajka t i :+ moot{ alt , 4116101. Ira taw UM totamtarolmo Vall Ilditalut kno w s go uogpyteplifeels slialne, gad a Ida ha altithas VIM. situ Milt tro_ A......a lotittts atllM il OWN& Imam balurend - Chrialse e the sga i so cs the acrednas , ,ki use '' of Oat atrillith Wit' age .° that von WON ad boadadfaaniamal that Todd BOOK AND f JOB .1101MNG • Mkt cos -112 i lllll". Oilieteldlia 'm hos:Or to the **kat elegem= with skean! her of bribery aeon the „ = • me ;work of ,education MVO be tmeiStre. -• tin atclt will rarely be =word with otur. cies. AU those haying Interval or antborby ' • should labor hand-bOrand, tionsultlog esid - earrecting each others plans with the utmost ,' • freedom. - The - pv*lB should also be adralb , tad to the stela.' The day has (die by Orem antsemilrm bemoan ending and popll ' k-coueldered the natural order of • • Still thin soak is. far from omopleteeda li should be our elm to carry on M Niko. bon. The teacher fad maybe let to set In entire sympathy bermoof, sulk - swift consiantly to preemie UM WWI • • lawns moths • . This and mu P g x L i r% We may . Does that/fork of reformed= boredom De , t eausrof Its megehade t • Mewl, we: goodim that Amodarustuay OM hepatic. /Ltd more Is parka Um cedestbd nia=p4 end who pais Mat Ingest for have the'almighty to turn bls wheel s Had wethe spirit our forefather's/he loft their undrdshed haw to Deihl the admol. hones lw• • -• side the church, and were we willing to glee of ourtatiturciamm is they gars of Mat in = rim our y, o record like thefts, origin be In charaviere 611 Ming Ilghtv sedee the Use. , sad reward of labors, where adlghtenedf Christian freedom was bora-there it would . I°BlEoT ... end aeourely while the Ow& • laming mus endure M/111A L. &rpm M =NEWOAJW Y and Nitioait •, Ms Amite= TeaHoo t ßeeks; published by 0. U.. Ore 4 Och t • '• • edited by David N, Oausp. dames Into 1104 pages a large .6001111 of tot- portant Information ropixsuskoss own load .;-- sad other countries. Besides vary hill and complete talendir . tablekit includes all the important celestial for 1869 ; tables of Lukas and - - de, and difference of Ante Joe SS of • 's trielta ir t as importato pheee on the globe; s. list of the pnwidents, •pens, mew bcri of the Cain% jades, Cam, ohm 17111 and of the tikmtruors o sates end ter- 1 ducks from their organizarks. There Len account of each department of the General Govertimait,'"with lea bureaus. ' and chief alms and their dna& In the • state department under the, hood of Into with Foreign Nations, them hill "- hit of minister; diplosnatio.sgenle. and non-' ndstedlioetrs, with their 'Add residences. ' • embriefog all the places at which our.gov- • _ ,legatioeminent n repeeeented ; and of the foreign • • tithe United States with „s isle of foreign countries, and their - pl the aces eon- 'of • ' but nee including. In all, more than four teen hundred names The full swami of-the 'De r - meat, Cout Barely and LTg,i l l a t ele gouse clots; the Army And Navy, the military and • rural academies; with hats of scar and ns vat officers; the .operation of the Post Of 4 . flee 't; Patent DB es and the - land ; the Departments, of Alticul pre and • the. lists of Colleges, einliegbite inatitutlimil, medical, law end nor mal 'chat: s, will beat Interest to many who have not amens to*larp number of public ' documents. , and Who 'could gain the -In- tocriatioomtly bytiong and laboriestativeste Was. 'there is condensed stomp! of the pro- etediDgs of Congress, blending the Int- • - =eat Trial, Repast:action% in th e I•l3tatee r and other imVortant mat ten i the nation! debt at Mama periods; receipts and_ expenditures the govern ment ; sake Of merchandise- Natimi Berths i , , anCebstrecta of the Roblin Laws. ' _ - •ACbrief historical notice is given of each state and territory, With a list of the emu- - tive and jud officers r the number nod term of 'meta of Members of the Wide; tures; an acionat of the finances, Kate debt, "educational, charitable and penal Width- Sons ; and the population, wealth and in- • . -teary of each. Thera is also a sommuj e l, - all the foreign governments, with the expenditures, revenue, army and navy, - caber important fade repsimg each mem Thistatbtics of the religion@ of the world give not only the genera elsedneallies of • • different nations, bye a detailed Manua of • the number connected with each denontins- Son In each state, am/ he other pathos oY ` the civilised work!. • • There are miscethelotte eespit epos cultures; Owing Ad Iffirearrer ; Literature, and the I.suy /Blossom of the - .• • INPALA a l gitiff#o. • sin es 1685-. More. thanlopagir 'Le .; occupied With' the Record of Events In.lB6B,And the Obitumies=e notices of HO of the most mine* pereOns • deceased is lEb6. - . This book contalnimech that every man . • Would like•to know, and more than. any one ever did know. The labor beauswed must have been immense, _end It gives it bitter . • collective View of theprogress and enaterial • resources of our people than any ether towis • pilatioN'and faun writers will maw toM ' volumes as thebeginaleg- of a wise sir form the treate-woritof statishial knoWladge. • A cosseirourser of the Ekencearstsiler. diteeriblng tie Cautery . near. NeWbern. north Carolina, relates the following: • At oar end of the row us two gratin, of which di:common cars has been fora, sad to.which atm imam was celled b y the keeper. They bear the following tooddag ' Insulgtione: - Slat 11.' , • - . lthesoreto to - L C. ' . name Is not given . on the board, bet. - ar_r k of .• •-7 lear ne this letent.) d that it was a member of Comps other rude as follows: • , Kiss Cents VOtratitV • - Herat oat To .2fo, 17t4. • Baum err ter , mn er,rtisowsisQUlß. . • Probaley many in the old, Tireetrdirst. , .will know the Wm:stances and fell UillitO• • ry of these two :Vet the ImmtptiOn on th eir headboads we know of tide' ' are-of love or 4 at death.' But ' - gibe:ldeas we do know that are fall of In terest to us aid we doubt not to.your read. . - mg. width are recalled as we stand by. the • fthiptalf and read rover the familiar' asmes - _ . on the white boside belch las "Muddy • 10th Conn." Lb. yiet that Is the very gtsys they teed us ahoutt and lids is the me mar Olt WTI" • they told not: "The 'Seidler lying in that • • grave wee rested by kind parents In Hart , - .•' • . ford, and at the . age of twenty-4n honest • inteillant young man—he went to New Ha yen. There he became acquainted wake - to by the tuoneof Fent& who mate • to vist her brother then be-cO7. L T hey '• • became engaged to be marital all val. gunship° In the path of Bo the rebel- - ' lion came, and she rani:tate her hassle , Harlem. to wait for his retain from the war. • „ • to which lie was determined th TwoT ri Yeats of ccethepostience and two e=mted their affeatioa, until they . hdt • . do earthly obstacle could cams between _ • them and the sweet loyi of life` testate for Bra to the,loviag " In HaTloll::thirit .ono !thy mine a report that her tostrethed was inue. In wild suspense she salted for . his Wen, hut none onto- Bat tether • . to the Coked and to the Chspieln. - Thar_ coald,..onlxsay halite wee . `mlsereig' 'With laoudu mall. or trouble, co are,tha -Old grey-heeded nithsewhoseMelace -• • the death of hie • son, mac lib, neembed , unaseshogy for south die 10 the cam f Milifeateteg within the Zeal of the enemy. . • IPA with that sublimelbrtitade whictt . colY , ' a women on counneadmiten trouble homes. and with thshdevotion Which maim a wo- men's love so pure and sacred; altered the -- dangers aid Atee de two rims' searris, Z ny i tI g c re= t u m bli ime 1 M; - • grave wee found in the woods moat where the Thoth once formed a sktrtsith thse, tied , a little heed-board heeling Ms name coved • in crooked liner trittca FAO WO. was mat matted this resting phew Word to • manna% and the nest convrience totaghtv. them to the spot. Far:Awhile the denglltter . • • sat In the canter, sad would sot get cat ; A , . ••••• ' not darion'to trust herieftwithht Tiew at the • apot wham lay the direst fens, dr and ' kaaw. 'Conte Nellie,' said theold men. with a forced calmness be ass ter from the canine. - .Goths to the mans be walked around It—read slowly , the -in serlpthes—and then biding iterhends same • - ;her breast she err •• t, Charley: ' salon um the grave =pie. _The old'. • mandeft allthe in lithr world of grief iree' led. - away by - the driver La msaiites. • Toy:feria the. at. New York- be* r " •trtip=ida Wean etitylki= not . (1131. =Mtn sir. MMUS ALA:W. . Wilms... ' The Beleatifto.dasodatios of Wosthlgton '—l Dam that fa the',oomesett opoo ~ ties. Thomas an tastualoston i Zzas. • ~ herilds atom: of die beta,- Arta. Thomas, Id* r itr"—_,„.. , I koosethat ea..dehei tools to eve soy sawn Of tt, but t tam nem. The day IR osarwhen every tielt:atell way , aim:dote sof SU sesasslosble teas mitt be 1 Arisaered nyitotillt i r Ihrtelle be dr died for reeordlss *hest With o a s t tom nee tbil intkaptisiisto ;• id with a moo, tbeesetwort *mot the soma before Utts Utaie aom, et ands embamelad as a iskl. ail sakerbo - bad masshaled peat mode% susbeittat laey toot titorevla lett= etbea the Us of Duey on the boa% bloated 's boy; sebiba ye& *ad= Warta le - ati epos-kb Atm bead. • II Ina Stith die Osaoli eflost that. be felled bboodt ims Alm did. Mk beirli"ri inik = =U MW' - Si allardid '°vis.i.,.., do buds before " OW of %As boccalbidot FIJI sod i =tg. NI toilL vial* - POMO *orbs whoa VD. -00 1 61911411 111 04 1111 ahlgatiO6 of Vl' ' banal so by Wag Ilea .4011111e , hoeit 060 *boo they were- Wel issz lemehtsiolK 1 4 111 cif ow 'etsfooffibil , *4ll/10010oaswestitaelalied Am — a osi. Torgelimeklea% or t did he tbe a mewed be: r i b= its It 41 10. the 'Veit Nash , t o& uftww./and'lzoseamig she tufts le the owe ibli had nob Mot twos i n * li p*, la coutookei 100.5111144. c ......" . NOR tee. No. 1744