~,.,. , A ta-tt , UMO;. - .. e NABBY. _ • , . (Prom the 1'... de Meant -- ....J. _ . - „ ... _ „..._.- ' • Two ileaulhoret• re r at.wwera la ltiontin - lodorsten es .be sew riveter*. r. *swan it s• Olt tem:swat obi. All 4catai !Ali &Moen ,• tallalmemilatthedltananarrea - i...,i • . :v.. . - Tame. jo n_ ii, _ tio rru:Commitri.llhmo uan s i t ; • . ' Clriab . e:erit ic 16,180. • ' - - The l epesth Mode by Ble Ex:online% 'h. • :edam* to the inggert or Fathrills, *troth nos . abide a strokien Ealkprtatt we ought by di msani te Paints. .1:44 / big LAIC WI tha oPkdtm that this ant id Clarthly yens in studin in front or the ea crpenanni—that wo megembr j r. get, onto It or be tutthol. reed es math to Dn.' t • _ lin Pogrom and Eder Ponnthadow. anktbere ' ; • paw a 'dated nwent • • - 1 -- -1 ' ou t s edger to goin to nth anyhoW,•rentmitt .2, 'end Win we batter gabble on than In • than votes than ic her gm all man usl° 1 - '. I Wasted a meetn, to is bold al the Wirth, u..; inch oor mired blether= shoed bi all kniird and at with Winton! diced be forint Donis! ~.a lost to golltikis lonefeut in with Btoine &Lodi be a earl or intaglio. a on While, a reran together. et it were. .E" '.........P.ointanoteted ; to, the ttermatith einedderthle mum On; : c . .pwitinded it, sad Bascom with a blade ma-, gutty that makes him on um the VIM flastalaga air i ltal 110,, faltalid it ivastarkin tbat say marl. moat with wood Bentham man iota Ammo* rata. • mad lia idvatilajtla to LP- 1 . 7 . ',entered into the work wilit into thso my t . 3 . 0 , ) , , ,, a a acsicr . , t denuded th 4 ohnnb with ''.. notteisand hrtimpirreades. I bed it awned. • kreit mm us the mottoes ara . , :rather bib seat ; 11 f j,,, th e Desitbs. but I :reined him hyaboorin him that they was caly,l4 e ff ect and that then, ' Waal Diann' moo. int o did by 'em lima thinkle ; yalatiallf in party nielfmrtl- " i 1 -. I instructed "the Deride, and the others, duly Ea to sot they mast do to mut it a perfect ease 1 - oats. Tires- mast, I told 'en not only be opflaip - sSe eiggeri therm/ran but their Mires, stall - --a decanters mast be likeslie. 'nor f - . a=r, ID , „r, dvipas =Cot bounden understand , tbs.' ire `1 , ,.- wain earnest ;that they wan to be roily nod- I - - • ol la ea:batons; and by us. ”We aniat,' /4* . - mutt, "oat coder-the Ablishnists.` j 1 Ererething Anuroesded bared thy wildr. hopm.• The white inhabitant, or the corona wog di there, and at least two-thirds UV UM* _gen. I hod an hireduntarY *Udder ea I . tette* - , Jos Bigler and Pethwk mandtallits' the thegsra• . tot I hod hopes, ett the mestin' was galled for tbis payposecs reestaLths' their rite; that they.wold La T Lego cif without intarapshia -. r ~,, '” I wcz applated,Chdrana, sir name. and , the • new Assetior, wkiii-i* a nigger, was made Mae 'P•sallint. -• _, • l •'• I opened with a ttibaie•to the dauseter 'addles to, oar Afrtkie bowbrin. I übeens ea: that I bed the highest reaped for em, init. 7 - vidocally and aoffretirell.lind that, so fur sell wog edso . Tectruni r l wet Brigand to reitemi am IA terms art's-teak skthty In overthine "I agaY 1 her had pri4A•talal,• I russarkt ; "I gay bey al.. /need them preloodisei to any tai•beyond lila ~, booths or rite at times, bat thank Henan then. prejoodises Is cared. I kin take this worthy itiut • -`... by the hutd—tat wish pinittook the Aisequn ; by the bead and shook it, the eireek or with this. ."; pro,' however, wag marred by hie triplet his hand j k, ;orally tin osteutasburdy on his breeches its. cl ean at Vtat go toe it, it inat the aliment iitteir.' ed.) I took bins by the band, and In dein lq I wish to be taldouttend os tinkle the entire Atli kin lace by the head. Illy rattle goes oat in,lloni toward all ow eta." , i - ' ..Deel tie Pogrom ramarkt the: ba coed esidans . cal that the °bowman bed eed. BC felt that the , stun. hod awns When color *hood not be nonage sd, ''Bless the Lord,' sod tbs. Dania, .'l•_ , hin tail' that I Ink upon adult nigger' a brothers. e ..., the younger caws de chneirest. Blum the Lard; I ho reeoghts in the Afrikiis my that, and I Moist . that they thin be, from this time beneeffaiind Inver, on peroisefethe same foistlo we staid oat % }`prom this logo I slisl goo no settll r t r bitazi only min and wimmin . - ,The co yout alset it!„el .0 to -ma ii the white yooth. Ale 1 • tits nd? Eller Pe!.* .. , ad 1.4.er, 1:4 avid and6j t • csmonconed "Assn," ad the lii4lit'on about 1. ' to twirend.4o6.l he didn't. Joe Bigler jampliat onto the *therm and entimscfn the Dole er a . cllercon' , transtka that ilea erne th e b "1 • tire us ors. Thywet, the oornmeneenteut a • the fyi w'th a wn Or the lion soel that lamb togeth te e child to teal em. "Let no," tea" Tmet, "kt its make this . praottoal. Corot tit.4' my saddle ookaed friend; ono op, and embraces . yoor kindled. Mingle yoer tears and be quick . alcrot it." • _ , t 4=144 every malstter, male sod funale, pit the honett rls to their feet and made-'s instil., Ttr.lr• of cm or all thadee from th e regler WS' osier op te the nearly whtte, fpfl polo 'Deakin Poll gram, the men ell altakln trim by the band, aui • . the rim in all kin& hid, and all In hoidens ei. clatraln "rather I" ; : , rlrsok upon oto ed c.hildren, Deena:" rang out Bigler, "roots a nadirs] rite to. Every Doll or tin ben got yen one, and hereafter there's t be no differentia'', . • • . - • n. nil number, or nitro more, woo per • Ukelele* onto Ilildre Piantbacker, bap!) tdcPP cr and Broom. 'Qedttin the old men three en th ooslanlc nig , gen, stimalatid thereto bp Jeauf Bigler, whi4 kept dapple Lit heeds and fjtattlatin, "rime , • Indy) - Oh what e. mlitglin I How ;entist 'oe to lea brethren agree I" et *Miry, made =wheal , •LA lasalcer Gaillt, Barash PAireare..Ellphscet • . Pena:Ram, aid Tenn Hugh /dasher atop 'their alders, at& fsllen onto their necks ktat em; ' , Ejaculatin "Brother 1" or "dieter l" as the case mite In. . - ' , Now," sed Jnef, ,••10, the colored mothers or these newly nrogniged lambs go to the elderly, • whit* faun saints and embrace eai in elater / by tore. Trets they slot blood eh bat thou* -is nevertheless • tie with biotic. The eoni and daughter* um these shaded sieten - L blood rag. . shone or tits Fire with. ones. 'ln ibis happy: .hour all there airmen is to be_bariel. ri, an/dawns le ' t And innyine a score or more or tremens rilt andneatertoek' to embraterarial Usk the wives De 1 . Pennlhir." kar, Postern, hic.P.lter, Basoom, at 2t i . These tamales hod beam billa doorio this eat _ r periteo l itn. and title finished em. It iron sers:t ik ludeagin wool immently. Mrs. Pognm, who hi : rather bony, Lid oat two no the first with corn qq at her, aid her daughter 11.1 randy ethic ezirmo went-for them Cohen:ix allecluthustelystallln hei • •Illitar I" The Ito become general in leesthari o mkt* among the wlmmin. I hard no manij the gentle word "astir." On the contrary, other wads; not eo refined In their nether, woreyined to deslirtata each other. And at it, they all wed; tooth and oall, tha entire ban sew ma, male and ; istaale. black. Whits and vale; and others ,loch: . la, litiligg lin,' billet and noarin, an the goer: And all this time that eolith _ Bigler Ira* on thi ; tsp n two seats, 'hound nonaraglaly to ba th 0' etiame,.aud'Bollosk wee Instil:rout to peels or tho; , aims uproarious laughni. ' .. The tarsal* lathy eudid, the Combatants b 4 -1 lue completely eggsaustn. Thom no on the; -- ' 2 door at kilt a bushel ow heti', wool, cotton, false ' teeth, real tooth, ribbon, stay; barmen, at set-; ',., try, with an outudienst spot we etc - And to add' , insult to linetry, ) lce Bigler threatened to 'whale' us alter not *mint oat the programme is was ntleinallY onstempLand. ' • • I ' "Myself and Mends,* renakt this comings-. *Omit* "haw bin swindled into oomile ben., - Aet - eph, Eleskin„when,l think timbal etch s tine: " j too sem i. . Do cold hinted ea to runt natbnel i?etticts4.-„Whao too tens surroundid by your oft . Awing, didn't yoor heart warm toward 'am P ifhf didn't yno emit 'em ear, El yin cau'incogilgo -. the fatality en • edgier limn that nigges man -I Isles yea, whim kin yea? And wet kin our colic, ad 'rotors meet so long or yoor trite entertable• theee same prejoodis min yoor children? Death,'" I- . And the wrdedirollsd dr, vlnkbe I, mod to.' wilthliii7 Meals' wink at ms. I fon Ms that ' --this dinlAgelnal_lt i US many others I tree Mids. weecstallyear. WelVare are no warn off than itefors ; we can't be. • ...,,Pinorstx T. sans, P. orirb meats Yost ![sitar.) SailElll3oliS -WISf33IIG Caipets, • Cloths - , nattings, &c.,1 - WAIL Find it Advisable to Call en; E. H. GODSHAL I K • PHIL .A:D E.'"L P. H A... - t ; Aron= TEM STOCIC esti mom • Erie Goods at • DrAr Prices: ': &Remy* . • wank . e`BANISIAN ISF SA entre St., Pottsville, Pa., BLViIK.BMC IWITTAOIIIILBRB, piummitai,VVlDEßl, 4EV )17,a1TIN4fc-IR-,1-; Oger of tale at: Le*Priectol . e • Lam lesim guikeePitai Watitebtam :e** Se . Comb sot Doyle* Betept Bodo ike m Mtilmaato trao to order Wad axe pried rpa to abtterm 117 dab( rem. toed are gab, ,Lettar, Calm 2beem Lermr mmt , amber of tory MM.. amisraalti.„ I rimatoolaceba Prarem-7 mme7 mad Maple eameserz Fdtegir: = etair a ttervittir i a Ifrvitivas..l - - ata ri . kia:4s4o wad.„ Jellrfir7, Solid 6111131 ;re castvaP. 4 1.. 4 1 . - . MEMIBEEM NEW_! ADVERTISEMENTt. . --ther' !fuel • leall Tao I.,sorto.rot. • ros:ntot . 4.1k1C0m. , Isaac,' it; pTtotod fa bosult,.l dl 'Woes. to.= OOt to Palm at ttoOrttoion..lo UM Wore ,o* Vas . ".It.tmasfizo lion° 7411LD!.0611414: tomb Ito Axemoot of 0e ... /OF. !nos its mini. *nit Illuttsticist. Worm. itt, solstoop. Orin lino watt!, et* /Action. tloUct rt 0011,111112441 Pent/ not Gigolo; Wolin& - It lULIU cOotookto o woo ellootto-Po ingtolltit every tomb at Ittustato tottkotploe at al' motifs lodoistlsta-tbo 'nowt at tamok. tortbsitt; Moto: we the ad at the most IWO to , ltoolowo 6,01 sot* gi t sientg e w tt .4.11001 . - Cot. rtAlt *Woad Congo nom . SAMOS& Ifttw Tat .-AillianX. .a a -a.a " . ' Oro K 0... n .... Prninial, Itirigii. .. "ARCTICMORATIONS i o: AN tor allgust echos. = i 4 tares sod tAAtatuaii -- 1 and At= ter. smen "Nelat Imes. 1 Hsu PA.Ai eta* irstAge. by Prist C'W HLAte4 At Penc.stim Coligrt. lteclPs .MARL . " t6NANNAms2 7.1 drealans agosAk us CO4 A 0 11 PI N 1 iir Aillir 11, Ni -SON VOW& ra. maws s.-716, Isom. Aglaia. lag addles. swat takrogauga _=. l 3 dhogibt. Arabs at sheassat. Weil* deb nlartenisaCtheilait imehmirataik tare. Sores .11,0eadasess. Pdvimeir-Maim z anus. NotANNPT a Oa. tfUWaaU. Ps. • 1 . • THE DO. •• ' ..1S * • c MI AMMAR/VA. 1 W rarita. izimaavejsacet,b TA. 'year. Tall mons_q cal Pralt Cifewenf .ltd s Printiste r awe . KC am Srait-Weeitti si turbar. • WWI me. • vidthen istitli77lW4r. MIND. Pita Va g" -1:011t/Piltell ae ...e s pegrrost a rLamr SOM.! SCHOOL T I TA• beat iNot RitAf owed on Dd. WINS JOBS S. HART. LL. D., ftmor,lidkor. flimmlo_.q, mix no apples:lon *Attiiios J. C. CRIRMGIORS lk Pohl ,to Sabba th / Mootrests, 'Rß AS* sweet PARoSolptdo. Pa. • - Ilion • CITY COLLEO.O • PITITIRDROff, PA. Tugst sad ette tbta ls" asTlqrsV i tr7ofted IMAM Mo VOA Othllltoth.ReftlitAti. Rankest. I•Wlicifoosti woe soaks of Um * ream Ivoral (*to , toolsts, tog RIP tnforMinm, fif pmioaa 11* . - I gii *LP*o". ' & llaSigteit&t dP" '" `teu44, - • Vltiotiti Ves, 114.011,1 T. tarns Orr /I.B.dswaza:* tasty =Wear* -100 dive as moil* golost we tot mot qofba Madre* sad Oar ded • l!dadiamotly affirm ea 4%6 OM OTT ar iimofactotrat of Oaten.' Malay. =Law* ANC rivti..Cat has. Obaoplad4darill thrpaa. Col barc•a Patcot am. - .llaovad. Bodes sod - Maw Pat. opt Ow. rod Pen .D. Stearn Engines AND 4TO 2342 Dorm Power. fraftgliss Mir • eektsitted Cor;IA3 Cava(' Eoglsos. Slide Tan F c.f.W.ary me. .E 111.4 Siu littlirt end O* Sew Mink Sha.frult, poem- L,th and St wheat and Cora MU Circtillar &MU& lii•Dd ford. H• I S. ea , ar .11,4 Price ,WOOll MA= - • IS- O INS (V.. Mks. A. T. THE FRANKLIN ', • Brick Juan ma To saw sums= IIdiCTArE skit tilth eery MET' AIM end two.nowkaz, or AOC • • le •000 per hoar by shrew palm. Ras ao carer Ales lesettnery to be eettfag et; of Ordertre Amite; dowc.. I defy the waddle egad tt. 110 piy molted ni II alter the reutchrze h a l - P•4 0 1• 000 4fra !IS 3 - tad at the tants sr. - • Fr. Room 28. TI Ticridely'Nne ark C tat SAr.4rßOYialE • • ARTIFICrAL lAMBS; " A11i4218- AND ZIINGIOL, - Pamphlets teat her, Lather IMERALL“ - Eroo.i. , cal Arch Bt. Thaedelphia. re. .WANTED I AGENTS, 71 1: 4 .th esmirbers node an d feeintoo introduce tb•inzitr. s ma' nipßors to CANNON Nrivir FAIRLY SEW. . INQ MACEIViE Taho Maine Will alltata. bent, lack. qill. cord. tdmt. brat/ and Nnbroidet ha smilax superior runner. Pries only 119. .Pally wasteland tot e.e years. Wa pn alOoo for as 7 moister *at oll! sew *Emirs, Tom beautiful; or kiosk Cagle ,sera tba* ours. It make* the -Elastic Lock WWI... Every esewol eaten yon beta; tad (till the cloth ma• not be oat e 1 start *Uncut taming tt, Wo bay Elect" from VS to pub per month and ienpsnaw, or a cos, mission treat walk* titiut that kroonnt can be' made. Address 11:0101(If - CO. Plttalniogn; Pa r ?kaiak er St. Lotibbilo. Coe dot be Eltlinuneo2Pofi- by caul PO' palming o 4 worthies/ casharoo machines. - nodes toe none tonna or otherwise. Onsa la tha oar Op. lne and really prargell - decay rakellae-kiatrathatmeth n A DAV to agent* aniline Same ridrifer .1. Er..airric Bponsra. Horne Greeley says 1 ws. 19, succe99. CTEGO &CO . .ortloultat.. It T. ADENTE WANTED for the osly meek ea. srfolag or Rea. Gram sad his faatly t pat, ls . hatted alth their areL NEM' *Ura te(g)fISPEILD 00.. STspfe Pies flair, Num Tort. • ITOoo 47rIZ14KE ; 4' 4 4 To yri, mann Ct.essP-1 am notivnetetron to tar nish sil WIMPS With trawteat espleysolattat tbir Cows; the whole of the time,. or Int the span ww, menu. - 13relocte net:. Ilatt Lod profitable. YAP rests to Si am centre, le ea erred by etmeose of dtherrts the b..y* and aide earn newly as womb ea mem • Ilro, t Winces:wow are named those who will dowel their *hole time to the• eve pe e= wh pee this no bovine. and that addr y essgal let o the s hotfo. d tmuewe Ca r the Layartarr ismisratieled .ordier ; To all-who &resod yell satielled with the buslomm I will yard rib par lathe troubleoi twitted re. Pal pertiallaret S IDcent makes tte.. warm/. Wimple MII4 Ifir s Addles, B. C. ALUM atiatote t , . ITEDWASIia, Its soil, ellmetat people , itala POPP& =et to too. Addrertempsay t Reda. Ltacola..,Zieb.- 'A. root Mosier or la or QrVirimiit—tt • Minn Qatabilk • CrarAients— 111116 - 074 - IT MG MA MAE. Prim ea. no sith /digt,_ mad best Editing Madero ewer invent. ed. molt 20,700, sateen pro nitrate. 'Lateral tit. dam:mots to Agana. totems Ammo= Lamm Namur Co:, Deem, Yam. or St Lords, Mo. ratan% ugpeae6To.....PDLlk..&eAnite bedsoffend lee Smote; ens wed by etwele liV""o)llthat thy and e. bar to mod the miteles I t to amy one idottlatly ebillid. neldom Ilea It Witholtemat. A vitroABLE AtEtd AßT 9Almpri . Mania mat tree a rseelpt ccDI caper Mares the CREMICAL LMITITCTS. el:Union llsoh. it Y. IN THESE HARD . `-8 . Tod ratiol atrt t ii t irio rarizg .firis. rat • PARKER* CO'S r GREAT ONE S DOLLAR •SALE or Dar 900D11. IM& PARASOLS, AMMO. EIOStErrT, MUIR PLITSO Went. lIIPSLES. (=LIST. FRCP= red ,Eats 1AN02400011 of mg demeripares. La can memo mete in ONE DOLLAR 1111,01C larrti. see* of maim gems beats:—We /ban Weary m Pet Capitol. and ham teen e all the orb& perdue. of tes ermatry and he Sarten la ebroysechm . •.WR CAeIL DIRECT Mit Tag MAWDTAOPPD SEQ. el the Roods nod by me, um eating the me mew the ma muds by their:mortar or Closonladoct itandent. the Wholes& and Roan Dealer, mob of %Isom demand a 1... t. profit than takes by , an We roe otea YORE OWDS POR ONE DOLLAR than the Sataiferchent tor mite et three bees that sem.— Oar mods are dwelled Mt petted deft wbkh teal be sent he Clubs kit Tha thee sets, to Pe Palidell, If the ratio heed as the Obscit JD me me can coeisome hoot Det s memin ni M =NV= A= rim r OLISI. umegg srbicit Ladly , Lib Param'a. Lela. Pow White Tacked littrta Site. Plated Pyre Boatel. and g lam variety of metal articled, not sae of width can he brabzge other any torn. a:lv the 110111gy. In rill be rem tt from tbs most reliable Wholesale liathenre %non sae To& es to oar stetedlle sod deo IttleDy dander ot oar trobamt 111” We want Aimee to griret toWO tar IRIOn Oho failcarlao Casoalsamor ate 21110111 TO Per w eheb of 110 sad Them Ithellace= yam% Brows or Bleached Sbeethnt. Yard wee.. All .rota Pante ard Test Pattern. Mareetthe Quilt- tit yams e .rod Pet Theme.t yards Bed Twilled Plan tee. IMle° . va m not I doe raw Lhim locoed. liwelareeil=el Slart.in==r; deep 100 olc^nm Pbotommh Alb= Siliernlated eerared dee bottle t wade - wood tramp Lea Ceetre. alt ally Ceram epenc elt Awry*, led. beaded andltnolibmed - to Mae emed pant' bud co,.la i Pave Da 'rear Gorr.Oasis dm Leak Tow Weir nee els.Tyner =mew 7ranitert Be. Ded.ne DretePattern. II elegem em. crated Saplon tones 1 drama ane Werke or Cotton toodanes. Violin and bow to tos oceopleta. Ser &et c/17. with kor lot?dent dime ladles' lutdoembe rooms ithawL wood. Meer therm Pee to men &WA Weer beet silver Dowert Porta Or one arta. ele nom the, ot le sad me from airman* Llet. Per e Vieth of Ss, sue le lee ertimes— ensoin*44l4lVabliiirialiZi cuter ilefer onlor. set Lacs Cortaina,..l no. Wool Ineeketa.. Ennead elemplated aliceso.W Omar. Ile yards vary tins all wool Illeadesootrr AM Met. Set Diatom bondled teat/dm illiauplead Porta Thendsomie Man or ear deadly beaded and thee- ISSINSI Iced Pieta, hal team Ladle' or • Mr thom realmoroom enveltoshmareamt trace' s Porten Deem Penne - LEIN MI whoa. Odd_ em, mita lmre A silks Mt.. . Ur I hineMehemietellerle , Bodes. oos made Oltdr=ma t amt_ ger at le at four amides tom _ awls of tee, sad Teo ihinalkiela tba =llobelia: 1 del lteetaeorTkftet Driers* et taalkoeink Wei alopa tt iodereag e o mem. gtr Cob. Avoca fliet it & mos all.tareol h below cloak 411P l israr or Beebe Iheettne yard wela , almond wed eul.ertattiald Sem Peen. I Vent Ckel Wm" emore • JelladilasOismasis I sit bob eamme. , Ames Urea and Pods 11842111 par Mi r giber ligebeissa %kb. I base able andel iimitss. leis. snot lelmoder m atte record sad Myst& good 61datteapn E ss co Mit it • eine Alltehliti sagestVa gar sod :111;o7 Om.- Item On* seemed itt="4ltreoN Castor. memo bottles. 1 Tarr stel to ors t lbw 111-went Iter donbe QOM mggikg. rota front law IlleVor 'Awe o,6 o iii is 1 Cleatier. Mures* ere adettottal Omni* One Projeeticell/11 man Maned. IM rods TeX eat slime bo leiranseba idea oestalle Lib =llet r N lZtig g 'S 4* 1." bl3 / 4 4 " to illirlishum sit beast, wet trwllle Rye aprtiii INV lam Wi t^l3oolty Isped,Ao., sAnyi t or ' r mar it1;1:11, itlaulaolGtara togica I r ift greprolorisiork =• s • NENE litUN IN ORAN. men 44 , 41mital am wesissal. —MR sub•editr *mg. .. emu_ was. Mule. fral r) a-au. - Ida& or ••••••..x. pad fondly" made so order- Owed susotr im el tie . Firepeser Joe iisOr • - TeX PALO ALTO 111‘01.1 Ca. ass tar =se fandsb T RAELEGAD 1110 N . To p.m& par yard-STRAW tram Is toll paaarls pit raid. somas . *Met fat bOVINICIO km asssothsa.,-. tc" ./LI/ ?bar instlssr• atlbetteTtliT . •,-..-- 1- .4:7. iwer ,lIITROVID PATTERNa.— ,'@ ... alma Moral assortoirat bt 11312C11 asT DAN !BOX Ilaaarla Maw Ig un anArr m 1 . amid sad (ham& HOOP AXD ILL b obs cams. 12tH PLAT:BA= BOOK Ist vas. WILL" sails at the tea boobs al cob: abaraoal btu: Me S;kr asa eltb. sr ix T raga galls ar bar boa Alm allbards at GASTISUILTO TAILING /ULM .._ _ _W• aLsa la. ytt.steuevea le - ear DITIIIIITTT- MIMI= OT BMWS be =WI cat tu l reagrldled !Mi. &a, ibe. all 6 Muir SI aall/latat 1114 " TO; Jaa LVI . 50r..,. ~_ .. I, _ TTSV.ILLE ftol4.llX4qi • - :Arrtirs team, imir& bt 2attest hew ISOM I = MM .@ premed to emodie ad est- - eels s aim el abet seam ha es, IT;" era ageism dale la an. ,--- 114Xtag oar °vs sts veal. we as im sends] to whet wow Is wee r • Lae thereby 00 spoo Z ellon* dap mei, rill NNW* deerat T=N,2S ilk as= do geode the std. shops as sac ol d asha late he noted, ilacemoTnic WORK& • : m . & Liss Ali CI • Pt ; Wald tall the=Mks ppad• hi width dialed • ca as to no badaiat fat ••• that limbed; lry am at ask • aliso to ittaidlo *Mad mad& aadiar meat tlio tealm gal Ada at do lodatt adi la didtmala tor id. tad la VIM la a= at ma Ed tall Ing."llMise aimillhodatlidon Ull matt latiositlo naiad mak Oslo* 111.• addiers. cal at Itid, mod toilhatlinail mad Imam taso olio* dr mail toiadr tlaoitalarfaiOnt Villinaual iaidosai as las tutor by oar r. ire mimaktaavdmi Mow kb& 41 rid admattloara °titan al art laid.- Admillos, add to Or ddo• eatrlatY.ylrdolt tid &O a. Ow knit obastalair larraloaarrppl ear to web titi they acodpre Ida tacie at itat caw Med la II& • We is did% odd* soled sieJoro dallaimativaaillimat m = =Wail kw Mt a - riCZ - ilbset aid midi miaow, at. teda40110081414! tO NVIP % tah e • ! - Gitalt - 011".Xlia SAL ' ...Mosier Paler llramips. • • ItiesitserlbasempuitisaviiMitia UI• rifrr-• Ea in ;-,:: Mas • - • . :=34 01 6 • 31i2= !I , • Ids inkr..ll= l & ortioA-4. • ' - • VIAJMINCireIf (ply Walla& Kotula ....Tbe worts et tbi bits Ilaal id Was onalasid by ,lab of olatter la ID to EL/ ballot blindiall !Ss ; awn intro ballakag. Sod au mad. at siatataaa 4_ Warr ea& ar ant, Wad mm Ica or told all blade of ammo am lisp sad adkaad damns a anal& mad ant bac ; ail btada at taus meads ; all =of ma= aad it Ar w a of the Wad tar ACME- anakMall Proaddkr autly timatat Dl mew atootaat to amain tbs;adbleriber Lauda bratipreeindvabanaot-tbe paldbe .6 MI- I sptizt boatowe az Ms kW dros. JaMppl.d+ Jos L • . suLArnm IsOl wont,. - • - • ••::•bee are taw tally pra • to- lltatU t r.:Baltkat, •• • r Mil, • aui 4241:4j1tge~ akeatawed„ of miry emay Coal • • 'Daft • • ot all cli tarnizo matal tatternm largo Treat • •Jiorme Cart an tantlabsd at tim abcsnett roam The entecrtberi Uttar than:4mi tlat, Inaannal as !Ivry wombat of talWil l aS k tgat l artmla th =b be I° lc ta, aftva.: oram ereerto o c l i Ns MUM. Muir= COW), Pa, 'urn rine & ....._Aahland, Jan IL V AVIrt:IIIOLCILIIRE IMOP. ar Factory. Ilps. lLs 1W itsat i Va. —The W 4 t 4 , f r.' will liets4 coottnad by /bib ildmber • aiaahl" dote branches °Maass ••• ltlle of llualary *e.` &Miss Willa 7 ' Yana. Carl. ie Es wfll also •• . • • a tha of matersurstatei se enee • 16 - 17 - . Whits Ash sad law* red *atm Yeas • • Ash Ocala Wag soli. proprletos of the Calderas. Jan 1. 410.-1.• - ONOB4II W. SUM= ir .1: iJkIOPINTCAIiMEL • Mi ItIPANZ ..- moUNT OAR If E L I aroaxintriazatairo COVIITIC. PA. Osaosto Don tits Lw otJuir lint, INA. DNB AND - BRASS TOENDRY, Blaehlaa,licre;en. am! Car Shops. ma 03 onsof Cominsoi of Radical Yeabanks ft, all the branch*, azul waLlattbfally ell all order* ilbt Work itanistad to Mato, lf• ant aalt4 Jour Lao = Pawl Ix. mkt% equars.xxo n Waren T.O IIArA. FERTILIZERS. • see TeX/ Sava 0 *Ernie faros. rEArrit-or ILENE. limantitoorelt Ikea* 0..•M0t&-: Warrar.tal posctrotholtotaged. octlTo Sod nI4DN inettliser. Ifta Ws • GLIM Aimptitrirliattrattrartet — 0 . •• tto oludit!itionmatiolactatrontprlota. _ • wit. poltiLD4p . s. poespo., Yitch.r. *MIPS kW Vii . : / ~. Super illoophate of —Lime.' ift;i4a.i . q '--. -- - hos. 1074111111M.4-.Altussab Moans tar gramma mama ofitittylkasflapat Inalloata of It to DM Afikto dale ci OW mOO% a aoll to 01 1 1 •=11f. calm The as , UM am a ablealtaia foal fa still manakesoof tho cakforieffpryftora „ a., .Oft% _lLlier,_ orlan . . !Law Deal. .....a • . ' '", . BAUGH •Sc_ EVONS; SOL. BILIUMIACTVISZAIII4 eiko N. SO Moab bolawairo a vonuo, PlAnsii ilk ••• . . , BO WEBS COMPLETE MANURE, r - r_limomkommun inswiowahanum. M... • ; 11,100411MISbas SI Use, wabahnst em bow aitavibtrait. • Thu May= tobtstos all tha etteinto to pniefues aopp or all lead~ hod to ,It ei nteobto= 11 11 hawks have shedt Who tf/ baobab" bit:Obi. tatatlb Paohod Bora of SOO ms. wed. DIXON, 'KARP Co.,'it OD lkesti Water aaul 44 S. Dela. Avarua Swims b 7 WILLIAM 1111TIVOLDIS, le M~ti Meaty; Eamon xvinriu k And b 7 &Wen Reaerarty throegbote the cowry Woe tot emettoe. adoireee Emmy Bower, It/Wk. Jaatery . wr. HAVE,NO TRAVELING Agts. Ttgistriisut Dealers who Kid *stir enders DIMISOT tO ant rrall thatembvi of tbs LOWEST' PRICES alk!I ?Ex COSortsuos ;AV; ardees 141114 elk ALLEN & NEEDLEg, IXPRO,VED WU ISSIETI Of Lin LTD TEM AMMONIATED FERTILIZER PERUVIAN GUANO. Welen ostr 710. I—remind On s et Ine!Cloitiumni. FISH GITANO... ,AlSPletd7dlisalvelW-ked /D:t4ria4 I. • We glen. after Ice se4 run LAND TIMM . HYDRAULIC URILIINT.A.T4 a top • amketakts• ft pus sad CANDLICI A;DISCOUNT TO DRAW* • - ALLEN • ei'`'NEEDLES f AO heti Delaware . :Air*, odylpitia ' rsraal.pniui li3 3 . . ;Mrs" tele' MORO, PHILLIPS' i s Super- os t phate of lime. 14.1111111•1111, eilliMiLiwriso. paeideist . fmr# , l ii‘b.~ lArtgo. liter 1117 11,1,14seti Press rinamilsikpida. aira es isma matertsra- 11al by poiliem,):ilegiimi t taoogyis to•Oasita - - U•Varinitei of TM* berstmundelitera. l 64 at etoib ill h an t SOOF OEM ex the trithsitheithil eft _esaitheetththe 2theolthoi theth the theme eledeth s • • s. i t t i r a rthrtheeetheititth,4l. sal ilia bisis,it Ammisolie woos Is Vas ad .% 11 **Tibiit visis• l n a sse opal" th mow on. Is I =IV= 4 wamm a ar 4 4 II i t tlt r ma= • a* ANNA MINN EMI entOjengimiga• "to Moe Ma. MIK ilinstika - Prim 11111101 i Mar "111110 . : 1 „ 1",i molls .ato ritIILUIPIV. • Ina Rillfatift . 4 AID • asit.l4ll ' • o • ; BOSINEWC A HOS 111 A It CAIRO? HIER. • C.1117/IL ismoisSESIIII,,• • . • it As I 4( *kaki 2 61 ornagi- 2, ftrwrittlMiva• kern.' 3 'EN,o_.I. ftgwAw,rfs s$ CUT= um amnia zarctsgicisr; - SIINVITA, &ND Aid Mosta* 1111theiil mar.--nasaapii Cesare Nu; EVlPeaft. tlinonelli. • Jae Io4S-1-- ;44wisras w. warmer. • •• . tarn Nei Abdo restamer_ •-•- WTEI7III4 MOrstas Bo =mw lIINOMIZAIONRiI Ploturvalbs. tarp !I" • dim Ponatioda Hau• eild9tlal ilanlPl•4l. lima lade, atm "VIKAI VAIRTIM. Real inns* As*, Y CITY 5 _ 7 klUl*, 1111111111 t Pc 11111• MIL ' OXIIMiI.I fIirILUINCH Q COCIEIRAN. _annl. AND .11EUGM)- ZNOLNELIita and • . . DRAUGHTSMEN. 'U Camay MO", raatasaya IIT41115). -Jan - lIMJ.INERY _,NOTIONd AND LADIES ; 1711120110G - DONA AT slogs Centre . .Btrett. Pottsville, I,__.oageoti, ma hand a am Imd Ind aaleMad atook at n Opals "tab Istataad mad aommall efts. am • , • • , , *ad ICOM u t r ft ileaeve•yeeq itleerl an e w am Pap Wei thoode. - 214serlr Jen. ' T. SYRAVOIN. • •_I3IJY.N'OUR GUM LEITEEI WIRING, LACING IND PUMP tEATECER, SC W. WOLETIPe 64, Cro 4th sag Market Elm, POi 4 TSVII.4I.E. - NWT N sew EAKIIias Woo NE iligiATViiirrlill.—RtOrat Jut rec,l 41. • BASUN a AWFIZT'S 4791. !unusual.* trarinema, • - - 'bor. i:entre Csison sts • 11, 1461,41411 Into 14 . Dodoes 4 J 047. tho &at le now oropsroo 1124 pY c 4666 4 4 vkinlly. 414 144 of 4144 414 446 4 Let 44. t 4414 ., 1=4;64 4 4444 =WM to. , GB IA so a ow._ t July le ilaiN SAMUEL OftitlSW, dm Peter. Meal Ea*. Aiwa. • I and Lititiamed ALlactlese!a. • *o. ilLizanoamo"erutze..Ponanaf; attentlte oilirat to all oaf Lae above llora;ochal Bulge slete'exturiasol, asitidaMoo tnd guaraeed- Oollectiose aspa daltr and arm radio nt tsamedlata atutailloa. , 'lltoot's Bentoint * I wrought:lron. SAFETY BOILERS soots creams tuna matt liticakmary, ferubtrand Marisa, Double Piston Square fictlsting EngtiCosa Hohtaif n t g s; a o h ng, ey Grist Kitts. Stores., &. One of those If therm the be ken =gag ds Slli{ A, zr.nßid , qagGry.m..4,0 4 1: 41 , pa. pir,k2urotedian L tr7u7d to tke Mister irikk bat 110t . no threll potota—thesthg too &teat to eglti roe althea , al of trblett tall fel sena when rho Is parfOrA :cotrrt. ro, As no Mc dna aAAA, cattails nr brakr• of any Wad. Swarth mused or atraggl WWI/. and at 11/4 part of rev. otatico sy,thil, kr.* aotratoet. of • str‘l• Freekpg og kris. gibe. set -throws, or o th er ealthatabb Gartl• Whltli la otter holsters re,trOr• Ms knowledge apd cordest nth of as apertezreg eagthar, tut he' Vfa tbe [thin& of the MOOT Ilfirrperterucei All Itl :AM ire auk+ . led lathe cal= Wee, thaarethoe protaget troth breakage, the et theta of Ogg., digr get or Ira tuns= ltittalee• rnaa rapid theca. highly c Ott kit We tse. Olden MOTO* aerfP~e Ifilt thir MOW Woo luslinats4 W* will abo'fintok ayegm, pike Eak dgawogs, eatkoakei tothemaft, • NAMainft GAHM', Miami no, PL 1 A. B. 4311L-B,ClUaaytths,„ anors3-ssr---- MAIL VOLUM- & BRO ff , wirousALE4ate, .20,.. • ... i OB I ACCO .WAREHOUSE,.- - No.jBlo Centre St; (Old Tana:tad ! - porrevivel, PA. - 1 • . ..:-.....v.-- - .. WesteptcCrly call the She:ohm. of the pol+lle to ow ; ame tad Weilsesorted stook of Cheitldasilltavass Ruh 2 'helisestio Sept% Lind. Illissidebb mei ma., Teliases„ ' • - ' Illbe•reeltsurs. Wies4 aid Clay Vile, • Al pliCse oa ern err eons be nor ukases toms •Il c LIESII2IIB *DJ bad lt tiled to their terve iti OWI teems beytes 10//0/41" sel a nZ . it eftua Mb:skalds City ftlets—eay. by them thS the mil shltdobal dons os My hills Offs Ise • Wel. des NOW yooselt nether tee bomiev to att modes Or an saute bs n u.= ter UM etthshosh in the Isnot stook' Ltd is-, eieg o tt io r bpi le Obi One . ••• • -, ~, Sol Opts told hod le l'hiehmss tettellYsteatalog to fee-we 0 to Ott OttoOntal the lit of nteatetectst bald loses . Am seeishaesta et oar Store. wtdch Ababa tot yams triseehr 11.1= 61 . ma: be retuned. shd the mop isibt trill be tilt& Welljelf a 1114.# 1 Fib 13 vs-4 it _ . Sto Oahe C.. Potteat4ll. • • r - OP $ll7lll IMPORTATION. iL~ doer fiimatO am =timba le arPsailisktirertr rat Etas tar Pritat ' I N SE llat e pente b alar . WZ fat ptoosims. ta on" 4 a OW. satri . ." ll 4l9olo Mom* iontasnr ta Nom of oniifili, —.Diitiot. _ Aziportition i . Ilia Mass of lino Dams arelli. maw. Worn? cum. et 70; Nill 11, : li aa.uTmeAswputui. man, . . esal etaiL swim A.l . " t er i 03 1"1 4. Ihhilt .tala: . . ______* <1 AIV/P4__ _CFNE. .., i ?IA& aAiters NMI lad CARTY mararclur. la camat -1 • - Aloe 11182)1aUlt int canal: we goartatin all this aims to bohnatta ara tax tralt a W tor attiotraaosi Wo ittrl soli trot a , :Ira ' team Ur tlatartatloa. ima !toot Moab via firs IN the faxameasig. aolded,,l INII I II% oho Ws taauta ohm bums to Melt Loa Shat,:itts Who coittotoo,htil tanotaa. • , 1 In& Welting,* Bra, • , '.- I . - p:f °NUJ*. Peurrlaai. . , „ - kip e w eir eint lelniPLltzfr Ma Por Um - lar igill i :4=4. - JNDIW. Cab to reutwri-Arr AND PATILIN STORE to tba . W. Orraar at • MIS tad Calat s OTlkrarb., PtitkrarlAlL -, • z • , • twitrail Clcak Mikis& -Mem as& lc • 0 roe eat elarroarThe woo amowtiasat et ~ D raft rid tiori moraine la Wm etty. tube • riot - 1:r tu, dir Ike greaats4 at Mad sorbs. • Rai - • • Lam. Jtlbbam Mid 'Vethl -0 IV itteraesidel sad hail Gorda -' - ~. sad Cutting lad anri W trqt. A prrlwith Inki at Dm. Prkl 0 Ohm Pillow mat or • to WI wrw rpt VaA-641 Wit lacono% 11. 1 r • . • , ,F. • :i: .2._ . :4: . - • g le di. ~ iNah .iakw.., vI ~- `tktSHIONS. .1 l i ar ti la M A X.WE Lt , , AND Natouttim - • 1 1 OP iAbILIAP DOW - ellnlinnies, 4..5ai1l aliittpt___4Dimmese as Magri sorb irzlimaaptLlPalt&t. 1 Lipka ad taidiallirliellawsi _-- 1 rArtialatnittiAs, irre- 2. ...• le 4Weirroat. Who, eseZek reW Was low ill Apr a hittui ro an r WPM MU. Lent lnror Lasko lard Park rylk ad reollell li roentri,, _talk sky Oir Sot af kr *emsomorre reairesimer — .lpreeser. Zurek Say PINS& , kinlkeritni rocetizal be >al& as las arttral at Pt eo = . li traei rilr " rede ' ri ac e seess " b P f 0 1 4 4 , ZI B M realm sake. tkm ke Z piper, at Some rir4 v errpogr iimee le mv,przr ot kik , . ..... reil Polk* loam arl?n• Was " lin aansraftg 41"6.8.11' 1 iTURNITtrit W.-,- - ti ' 4';'l* K - /; 3141A - NBitiV ' I . -1-. mos ainOrablitiza • . .• 7 liftvreallbtikafieft-Wt" .1. apsedik-41"ftwil. ' ) raret, 111 w 4 4 2 , 4 ,ACCELARD lioW: 1 , , . 1, ~ - • Sheaferrdk - nergrimrsi --- 't -2 • 4 .. INSURANCE' t o'tb: k i S . , t 1 • ' . 1 , ~ 180 Centre Si., " •`;' , -rillev ' '''''' \ Actiwnsmit . •,bi ...,.. ,_ . 4,- , " detail of Hastford, C0iar..,....,.: -Wr '.. 1 ........."4 - ..... i401 4 .. Hartford • " • " .. ••••.4. . 1”.......rt0..... 11•0 • Pisrats of Itrooklys. 111. Y» » ~ . :a..._. Mer-1 .......; , ;„;....,.......... 7 .. wi t Lorlilard of Moor 1 V0rk...--- ' , 4.:..W -4 . Z ' • •• - 4 41, 1 , ... 14 rue ß Pliant/ of Hartford.... ' , ~,-„;. ~.-...-.. , ...4..... 4 . lig.a lateraaillosial of hew Var 15............. -. 4.„7,,. - .;,•••• : - 2 _'• •-••••••••••,-- /At mostagdold Fire and marine erlpirt geld, . l OTaltd• ..... • . d!! t 7 Voakeri and how York of h. 1r........ •,.4-4---- --.4...... , 111111,1110 Ilierelisais of Illartlord.--......„...... 4,..... • —...••••••• 41111,41f0 Also sassiTs so - "5....,_ . " •. MM. 11 1 / 1 0LAWD anfirrim L ava ioniv -- rciplaraliT Ow dlariiii, . rta• OLDIDIT sot are d Pod MOST anima IA bring= ,* t, ___....5." - "I' . • IM:a - Arad .Lrlia SITOCCE Zalloaalo3 AST_ -iojjaroaritOW.D. artai above an mai ale OLDIMIT ert WIT InimmtVoiladjedlillirbantoma to eta Ttd ATM Made Pad OM OSIMO.••• lame tli SO MIL; i (Doe t• 418—al- s CONTIIIITAL NEW. YORK. Oaf of tAe itntigut, Wag, eso.. TINEII4VIL 14. Luarcwr . . . ,s. ii:liesnegs, iserstary. . JuMB LAITREns, -ht.— NO CoNNELTION trra ANT OTHER TO! ARTNlartirt oli• - , ____:.,.___.--- --,i,• 54 , , ' ~ - + c -' • ME. . 1171 !Ski Alb, MIMES, ACCVIIIIII,4ITED . . . . '' ,..iii — ," -: s' • ' . • ASSETS JANUARY 1. iBOl, -L 1 • - rKillk: 4 ' • .By dada mon of hosaaaaiDsprtialst ORM* of 2t .2 4 . _,. %.. , 7 ' ' L .' iiiiiailitalH :: ;". sitligasca ^ Its rota of Loire poi to lamas. only "or ' "T . ''''.. - . ' all" A I M la ONLY FIRST CLASS -RISKS TAKEN. ''' Policies issued J11 4:1 868, 7 , .• • . Total Income - • - . _ . • Amount China' paid In 19‘11, __km:— Interest me - elven mid amlued Iti lege, IV **edam Wl_ . 014totto of the Often at Now t P o . tit,llll tilltPlititt clalig Mutton to nut 116 4 1 ,11* mantral to tt Illto the Kato DIAIII2II2M, SP gaZIONIS aStibilf *Mk a WI 04111== lig , : 24, .. 4111 ft"' glial'ili 1 1? tozaligt kw cowwwLw tom as c0m0tt0tt,............ittik Wats,' brsitspiiikalassuarirelitio that' so to tiort soma. moo ibt with est dam st y ortimoo tltototoattott tor iiheeteit Weeks of all compudai tett° lave tomtiketrlth Owls Low to Ito loads of Agotookst l empitl unlltif.,l ' F. B. W1451 , 26:-E A rt . • . I , Cashlei.Pll9lll9lloll3l Bank' Ashli4*4. .. , - A•.• S. DO I TTER', -- -.- . . . • - S. li. putoir,' .• .. . 193 , CEPlTllklitivett Pothivillel ra, • . ' E"NNSITLATANIAI- lag**:''l 1 - WINTER & JEWELL, ;AIfa/Lagers; oa.. CIS. Cbostiont St, L a ' lttlhotilalykllto. P.. Z Grassing & 8011 rovrairszLe. Manti 117, .X 1 NORTH A.MERICAN-77 Life and Acaident Insmiance PHILADELPHIA, PENNA., 1 a. KeIIITZ, President. OFF ICE B 9 , . . ~ . • BOARD . o Din - miotoß, : W. .w..m.ri.z. tqa., a Harts 4 RowoOSAIS .Met RICIIARD MOOD; rmts of Wood, 'Ranh, Rai want, . BAWL C. PA WES, Garbler Clarramerclal Nati Bank A Co a. . IRO Market St J E KINGSLET. - Pv.^...:1,,t,a Couttffestrd Rote;. . ^ PR i CEIS.RUNK. :Mt St. EldisSolt66,_.. _.- • lI.ENRY W. awry:chg. Ghel Tlctot act rumeitir .14 aA. NE •, e at. ho"-641RaRograt It R. • Glot 6 - 1111 at St i,., — l, ' r'' , It traLEI,D4, Firm of Mlle& II Dro., 110 N. 616. i EARL t• 1 R. Ettraratijor4.l.ltoratif A Nattlral, T 1194613 X. I.E nu:sox, No, It &cab notch gt... 31T W t. - . • • . . z_ 4, • • , • • 6100,000 in Government Bondi: bernwited with the Auditor Gen . eral'or the .tinue of Pettlialroofri• 11 , , gecurill for POLICY - UOLDERS - . - • . . Nattu# ft{os , 7 stltted surix NEW . I s , NDATERICTItIt YEATIE EA. I tis Co=ka'ar. Is ptepan.4 insaralice .upOrt ..• IN * THE NOSY APTEGV ED FOlll6. Roza Its mazy adrautuges Ara Its VERY LOW RATES:OF , PRENITEIMS. :bein g tram 36 to 40 pow rest temper then ' Nurse of grant Aid rr.tx;4l contiUnlrs. thereby ;sr inure doulariat se Luis ÷:ad 'Et *m &NMl's Mors compel:les pay afar strerst lears use of your rams,— . 1846. .m. of Established h Reese _in, New Torii. 1846, • , - 1119 - 1 - IW-M- Clo- Nis ~ • . -' ' .. . , , t • a A • .... is- .•,-:-.) ,-* ~ 9 . , ' A - :* • ,: i. , 0 • e i --•--. ) ,- , . , . AND. MANCHESTERFIOUSE. ... IP • - 1 • NO. • 2 FRONT ST.,' NEW Irtiazfa• ' -I • Board pee Day.,, '• ' 11l 40 1 Beard pee :Week.. • 0 7 00 , , mu knee to tamale:l to 'Ginn amen sod Olive rattan sad Wiliam Rellinal Deans and neap.. 'Maea ensemble Para. Brea taxman= Pia Ir Pram tmallieUinthi arm atasui Pna. zal e/l mem k ing:es t amen troy albs Allia cat Uwe= tan at la iSenlainnea an tartrametat by new. Yble lam ere be Mend by street sus boo tie Pew Jersey Olm to Ire Wnann at • met al etc aura eat are pee the dam an alt aad stattaable Inge retry km alitatai M. IL Th ere an reoavnintsisimeoeses wish an sad ary pinks rim. wooer theareira ea Noel seirt be eividee. . Jay 41, 441-17-Iy* % ' IL a * 111 " 11 . INIMPIkean. . • .IEE.- I*. • iIIigVIVEVP.IOI:II.; • Hardware,lron; Glaks &Miners Suppli ~ es , • 32 A'l:l,A. NO . I?' c IT-or :- P-A.- , . • • eannsitAi. icuurr ion i. HAZARD'S WM ROM ii,'• , i I' 1 B. DISBTO2OI 0111,01Mul BARB, - : _ . POTainiitto =AI( PUMA ' . ' . I TB 'isles," aim PIP! cautsirs, :-'• -i • , aszeinoriii pawn on. CM -. - Ld ' t ' , '' TREATOMMIN, Mt op CLAY, g , i ' - ,t. i, 0t- - Paso ALT* t Barn • ' ' ' ' • .. ' Oillsr,111•11 wish dlispaise e miregos. W4sh 3.111. Lita_Npa. Ilia • sN Itaith io Is ' \ I ' , aegis% PNIUSVILS. Es. , - - 4 - - - ' ' GAB p Es E. E,15 S, . . T iro UM Ot *Otto* tad N* et trot Wawa of • . Pal . Zug at 6.4.014 . ,ri't ciairoirs, ;art *V AND _TM! . I,IIIp . . - • : II illtlL :subs ma sop Ai,* Omer% to lloot titostos,. • youth* ton Ihntl anctitcot tie • ~ ti • , 1 0W ff R., 114E14 tett Ctib;atlon totolittett to so ..otonouto olOolom tad Ittorlat tondotoullio . ofietatuo!,, pad& '• ••• . oina. - ms; *.tmoiramoir &sm., info& ma /hike !Om* . . tiih&Minn aid Gerbil wit N. J. • 11.—Tto Trails moiled CS Liberal Ursa. Masa; 'ft ' 16;14a PETER 11110BEDIRIMIll • AVlNChtit 01 40011a40W - • tim..." l =tpArgree k V= Closs.Cleihewr.sl= =lrnispa timMirt"44llr wins mem 'Ran VAZIOAXMI Maar: *ear ' - " pots Amputo LOCICO. 1011.tii Silver, 4 , 1140421.1asten, ngoac romatiiigi pommy - T.III W VAICNTEISE - came ?gm mivagou• me s!if 7.46 01110 '& /►ESE for sentsrLau t ive44 cyLiip T OSA& First elan OluTiligeclawLStiggleal or !Win Om fiell:24Metio WTI". • ILMIt7ALTOZ74vor. Ltd a At - its., _lmmo beak *f 11110eir. ar.• Coaditistitr bud. a goaivedetimit Wan, asi Inceediosi aMigratp=tol to roporug•i'':'-'-r /016.-11: I 4: 1 AXED 319 1 4 2 7 4 4125...1iat., ; 1, ,lAMam, taV ili mat= 144 , ,tai as, 1 ai.:" :," 1 14- X 4 *li; ile (- wtombi,...;.. ' , • '' COrlso.. .^.. . , 1 al - • , ///021:/ta.... .... .. 11 . .0 ILLS .. 21 k0IS •Mu. ..... ..../ . • Lao Mal &la ' . , A g u l l .. ..,....a • . 1.00 u Am lea Aka. Its :1.0 . • . 4 .5......,....... 1.0 11.0 111.01 ILO 1.0 ; 1 11 .. •," . ......... 11.111 11.0111.40 1 leas 1.111130. X 11.00 .: VillailbalLiaspran— .., , ( Air; . , ' - aidriPi;,-, '.i' iaiVdat: 4 311:fid 72 4 . I V_ x da: • se le/vi a 0 Lai Call 4..j.T Call '-_441 ~,,ti - . „ us lig• ' - • - -Wage a . . - es ..,, '.• SAO Taa .•.. , :': tagoties. 1 . PAL Lu s k i - q : A n 4 1 . 11 11, *awaits Map. I ndio ....,_____.ansaullakm_ Lamm* a& mob gratis :Air rg71:7".! .I,l..walmtlibt.9lry, . ~.~ 1 ' ~ tlXli IZEN777 Mal ;8,004 $11514,080 00. -$49.1).10 -E. U. 'DENXII I I, lecriga on. °° 6 Wrgai ~rng¼ iili= - = ;.-~- HARDWARE. , - BRICHT- de:loo.v ;HAEDWARE., IRON, PAIXTS, plus" ) apaLT oncens :Hi Katmai aim PoilTivir#, PA. iiararr ‘4l ,_ ! _ 111, • 1 - 3l(,~[iT & c o H A W k r Ts v hake_ CHINA, :AND!: GLASS WAGS -a wrrpr, lU ctiatio st:.vinsas. plods, twee adt pekes rs.tottd, mni o sang kow Des Iron Bess Diner sad TO tlere. et 1O puinik Best Psis Gestate Mo l es and 'Tea aim it tar pale Bart Preach Chles %met ad Tea Bet* SW. of Pty p{aort - Binelmo sae* Tee dirti‘4ll pleas. torte Dart PastsEintatte Tr* tat 40 piece; tar P 6 714 Eva (ftlit,alani Tea trvispie. 6*: : Plata Punkt CkAiety 11 , 2* Sas an PAM% Table Tombless. ls CI IS Ss* Cat Froth Gotokts dlocia. ' nae Elettellika FrPirsnold (tablas ier $ SO *awn. Mils Leda Mace Twist at purr /co ChM 11, CON. P. - Tao Oat 'Dealers, Gas Cog. 4te. Tom erdantined bahel(lFlreced,d Focht sod R•te erreo, to tea.we maga Ira= et roars Aelebritel elltLieD • • isourr *t6eel3 vomit e, r • 1 " n ! ' r )8. erwa Rapialhis do naioadlyCome Cke.esed,"a • 4 •"i^ '- . 11018 aim le the leatelaatate %•*:•- niezi 1 ow moo • • . vrititamssAmmigno, - • - ' Are conk.ti to an all 00m 11;11h pecnagne. io d dUrrityi,—Beibit JD sola comes ct teat Etiaet Mot int Lea SW DaziPt ' og. Rotatics ,, Bort:octet and Dark Nock era atalkon all pommy aga exaa aeseeniag aurdlealag ar Vacmea* fromfromany meet canting re e .111 pro Ut wso the armed llr;ila arty ,ar t . tbe ter' /ale Papist ' S i ARREN, Daellaa. • .Tali eilbardber }meld, WI the asyeati9a 4 • • • • COAL OPERATOBS is-to 0,71±6/111.10CiAGED to as extia Men, Pr ciamleally prePome • SALTPETRE PO, WDER' "imam so? To MO= nor lean ary Wad eas Carla after • bln, aitenah *E13.41 fn C Ware wines theta le no Writacka. Ir la area &ma NU IS per ant. ante poßrrtil tate itay 8510cts Zoinier resireelea Cal arra:Alec yoryasea , ,,nd eat Dewed with Pala t estelY. , D. I DCVMDGE. o, 4 snmett , to isatltej.warine ,Erprt_ctoft_ ^•'!. ' ll4 arfll media at littirat47 HitrAPEL i PHIA. ar„94aple9 ee.nt by nini/ a - ben written for THE - . . JO the mint, proadind a axe batiks &lids.- _ prod kit Chtular cootaislog 14donemeiti and Price MR Wan parchlitog ANT o=lb , ions. `•••• . • , 'Ai/DRESS . BAILISFNATII & . RAMSEY,' rertirvirLLs. ramuca. • I • , AD - TEEL - •. - • 8 - W..f . 11.. IHA' OICEDIZER. Agent' E'-4' s MOLD TOY" Loinios srrrins: . -' • ..!' —4IAO I* •I ,-- ; : Foreign . Wiles end Liquors; iamb* Prmaintas SAD. giv_ruczeir IC WHIBIEs; '.• sae ,D ism no mmustens, :rm. ikeetriain et 1041 laid TivartilLivntro, Mpnitil . r . _ nallleut sad Oa entracte reasrallc td PtITTL TIMLE ardaritexcno" - tetrrecy =peter writ of t•li am* 'Mem it•lp• Ps 06,1 bt,CA.ll* Xathelbol=7l7'4l.Oialeetii.r lit . 0 3 : lx 4 1 :: Bata 000yor7tatitlett. a,.41 00 pa qt cr tolla. vrt i n. IN ! , , ft, st.-iv . ets. par at.• ac !M, , . . • , Motu Um Celcbtatri L • .L 0 • .• CRUX GIN,. i t it Ci2icqt. - re battle: ,• • lint zit V ..IllitUrteal creAltat L i lt WttMb roc-4 cei • flarrassreg= st t.t.l l 7 di ll . oD ir ir. ri4 oe . ~i. moue *Garr Ton nu czumAns '! Uphill %tilde lottdoußitteri; AL Partl7 'V We Curt all pcittco curt, 'A Illtr74m.i= rs Via* Loilbtvitid s tow lifAxivida. 4 tifiri s ,o4 dillNai m • 1.6 'yews* istreet. .J pllii oErsp!Pemminisa,BalrturrivELLlG ]. . cilAß.Lgs. LQGU,E, . 1 . i• .; - s• . ,: . • • ....i.i.-.. - . .• , ii?onnim . .orrbii;6iinexieshm es& ~ ; ;A... • Lieuenivs,;, ireidoi(bewa fireetrEdiabinb Ale, ' • TAM labliii.fotfrii- -- is. Rao Camera Iltlizitte. ticertanslloooo.,. f. - . ; 4141114 00ta 'a,arreroi - ' Lagoa ltarßitters,s, ~ la Os inetzioira r#l , l*.u' ) ' " - AIM-MILLS - BOURBON - WHISKEY. :tiii. yr. iv .. .‘, ~,. „.... 0 , .. lINIIIIIIPS Cbsap asocind-nanritaalt Own uO. Illemixpog, rr:::Petitaildi INN_ 01 11- . , az load, a • moommit of Stool moth . Aikaak Movella, Ihrissgain ft. g!em WI beftrail ! Mad 8 311114 AIM i rd Pesnik.t law moitari,vaiLlMia. ~. Nif e- - . r. -a, , • :: , . .: 4,:t4psliStaichei 1 fe li : l' aiiii,... ~.,T.,..... . ! z..... 0.... -,, , ....fi,...t.m„ k : .A*J...,... .ton. notalais. Ses. Andre rnit, s initelmit..L . OEM"- , . 11,b• no_lattog .., *,--,-, . 40 , • /MLR OtraTatitAll _ • • -