itiFt`' = onna • PorrrswiLLE. PA. I 'INATII3IIIIOAI. /WWI. U. 116119... . • • . • :•••:11.:".7440N • - ' - f• • • - 'L".t.'" • •-• • • • ' - loneaaAja?act,, Lrt att PI (IRAs jlpn - ainfd at R. 047 i'A.7 104 ' . - . _ ' ' rHE,VoLytifFitllac - The Pollee ft,U,will csniteehortlY by ibli,' • .itstion, and the peepie dc;iire its conticusanch. Inc Coil drade i ohject to paying all tbetlk . sepses or theasrne and think they oct,ght do 11,!' paid ,cint.of the County Treasury. .W i e think so the, because It confers as muCilic4- -.efit orir.the County as on the Region, to , ' check.Mg,c4ime R eid diminfahing' the oil et+ expenses of the County. lt 'has saved t r ije - -.. C nnty more than It costs, and with a Pirt r a Inalnistration.of the County Affair', dcottla • the exPente cf the . csme - could be saved ai singly. Solbeornitini bare been the clients t ' ibis Bill, lo connection with the Crinairod • ;Conn. that not a tingle murder Or - horniclile his been r!cmirnitted in the County since , s . pacts ge two ycara ago, and. there has been tint • little clitlicrilly at any of theililliertes Wale . • , lo ontisige ei. The Ouvemor is now the be d nt the Police,. bat 1.073 C of the cost opei/at re _-: who pay the'expeneea of the, Same, desire to \have it...under their- own cmatrol, and p Ci r•ORC to titian it foverned by commissfonts . selected . b' the csfal operators . Others tL' k ... ,it Os' bell! in Its present-shape, aild the it . . will he more elfeetive with the Governor . at • .: the head than In the hands Of veramisaloit re j ; 3l. selected tram the coal opetutorr. We . cerels; hoPe • that through this a!tr rent! ' r t . • r opinionthc,Bill may not fail to be extend .. . •-• •car•nemlccii will oppose the e: of c the 811 lri any shape, if they can. obtain tiny ',. - r ace , ...e foe . doing no. They-mode It a pa l ely 4leotion by bitterly opposing It, and calling • on /I,ll.thic political friends Iti clq, ro wbit - • was parsed, anttherefore we appeal' to the iteinihlicarrmernbere in both Houses to us - tabs and l extend' the Rill, in any She ,in p it ~ . Which:it 'ctn. he extended, so that it is rot ' • 4icirn of ail pOitrer,to he elective:: Ilcittcr . • piss it Wilts prevent shape without any miter . atioo theft - tole . the P.ill. if net • eateraled ' all the pent up tloodg4es of critic wit be • opened upon us again, and murder, cearassirr . ntlon and other crimes *ill disguirmi ttic Connty. ,_.• Inputi eetfruxuith the above we are alas • , to learn that How . ernor Geary, who has ,ler• - extent all! his IDfilleiCein favor of law Boat . . order, liSs sent a special mitessge to the II:1c - . . Islature Urging them to extenil..the , I'.p& t Bill. 1 Jcs - r six we. were going to pled we litre informed that the Police: Bill viae not. lex tended, hut we expected titst result. " r. istown Itepoblican advocates tbo Mien of ICI' pital Oniehtnent. It th mite i -the eases Of ttio 1 , 4 went elinald Love been comointed to ,w en, .moot . • This. le ti natter on Which there w .1 a ways be 'a difTarnee of opinion Vibtle.wr it oboe to the aide of tnerey in the tdintoiettil of ink cd, we believe that Ilie-Arttglodgeltli the wit:it:f4lring of life will be publebed br I is.treme penalty; will deter the enximissi 'n warder 6 s great extent. In the tattiest t ete fore, of the -prefect-ion of life, we cannot hip t bat it would haell to do away with dal,* pun ," ishment: The tnaas-of bad men mu only . . datdr• w7l from ths,eonnowskii of the *fiber, glades . , of crime', by the certainty of adequate peeler anent, flattovi* the cum of Ibe . l arofebe4i l uncle:lMo would increase in a fearful ratio le-saJ doubts of President Grant's Reptiqesi kiln, tea vsletsd, they are dissipated. Th 6 of gaos of the sham Detnoersty; ate 'pit et - 41300hr Lim tight and left. For laity:we, here is Mhz: : the Brutliny Guz , ,tr, asks among (Aber things 'ire intimating to bend the knee,tor it 'drunken Ititools tanner-:4 mut- who was ouoo erpetled. from the army is Jima: ca--and call birniyeur sovereign lard ud master ? The editor of the Gaz,tte spat harp penned. that while under the iniluance.of a dose tore, and the news front Connettiont. WeitiopO that he felt: better after a appeared in print; and that be spited the . lireeldent'i feellirge‘hy mitt trending him a copy. . Trail Free Trade Lescue annonneri l . lerturres in NT* cit Free Trade, in Phlladelpbisi The lecturer is a lirolqsry of Political F.unbotny in si'ltliariiiiietaettieollee.' We have iteard . it ineidently stated that the Free Trader" are active in ycni.idsug . proroisors in I number . .. •of our eolleges for lea, .edllng Free tole [ doctrines, . aid 'such iustnittletns" should.' be s h atm o t,y rho people. Th'4l ‘ 6ughtb. rbs 4i iilquired into at once. The Free Traderi rip are supported andStienursted ;with ash • g •lA, Me mucti..more../Xliva thin lbe friielida or . ,lloiue Industry. . . . ,Er the firati of MS! . Were will ho a 'fits m g American fIeMV in front of 'Havana. .. 1 EDITOR'S - TALE. ALL: boas and pEttodicitenotice.d' tliis de partment cis Le had at Dantitu Ratuney's Bwksturb at tlKtimblinhere prices. •CAN 'Edna( is Legtneerine hiAga• tithe for Apt il . obetaies it large moot! , 11 , 7 .. tte z r . i i ) i f tur TrgaunrtelTigrz;latimnt7llr taoce ty of tLat it present wit Lin Unite of Fe' ttod that all ran affil, the ereani of nn . t, leas th an fifty en t ginee i tfog o , bu tnX ion haVea . g e eh;mleff,. t eheli . and rl:r t ni til a n n inagri! o ne. hand) . trumh‘tod. I Pn ls " hated by p. Van Noatrand, 1.92 Broadwayi New York.. Pane; 'Urn' po_ar. ' _ lA:.NtIO,I .ir,triaritaly Rertww.. 7 The snootier a- this Ermilsh Itsyiesi has bite Yerrib ?••liibed by The board Stott rablisbiegiews rpstry, 1•10 Patton irreet,. Now Yolk. , I's appears suss has been dslirwl by the minters' 'dram. ,The article, are. Loril Campbell's I.lyee :Lord • tquillierst sod Lent Realities of Ifish-Life ; ItsrthpiSkssi ; Str:l3lsdWoria's • ppoto gia; The Ultra-Ildrualists ; Lord tzrerpo6l - and. his Times; Cfrisieney of the Nave; Deal man itna St. Psni's ; stid . rlairts -Poli _ Lice u a.Profomion. •• t' Moe. Low S. lit*cur*:, Nit, ,, F Nell - n. 4 "Tau Coast Or. (.101.D." DOSE 1131311fEISC thrOUgh. 'UMc of the New York' Weekly, where ill hoe proved to be the most popular novel that ilta ever Frtitared Iwthe colnoute of that pt. rr, IA; tithed 41:4- , 11 frit . Aikytl• by T. It •Ntfibinip here, Penns. It will be tiond to be ttitl toteneely alagettitig, tw fnilingly cod delightfully , riewattu story whielegtee Slepheue 1114" seer puutied. It will be iaatea'rin a large doettlecimq , Toltuut of tire hundred pages. and sold by all bra, -,at tin low price( of 11 75 to cloth, °tit 54 fops . pei cover ; or.e&.epies will be sera by'toe dort• toy plow' poet-pall, by the publishers, on insielpt - the prices! the Nrerk io • letter to theta. .gocal Affair& zirrEoitoUteitass, romper tu, Jar AO 11.116. I !ilbtdottbeTheilbornvier Mr tbellrivltteaitli• city. Kept tor ticJoranu. by • ftaiat. pr 41-1). /. Sat nntay, 4. Men!lay. 11 endsy -0 4 C.• 11 4 I I 15 TbUrrtlly.tti • I • , . • • Weekly Atuiame. Weekly Apirll- 9 619. ; ""d wmers celia9r6. 15 , na met - f, 19 C •41 . •p. a. •. 5 It 6 62 . 1.691 Q. Z Z 6 116 41116 m; V ;11 - 9, -61 :vv. 5 141 „41,,;;;461.161d. In Eno. 5 16 615 PuIIJL 96 - 11 6691. 11,6 . /161 5 -15 6 c: . PauL" 1. likwrunar.... 1 1 1 15 MOtioar liComrstu.4. '4llNltsainv • .. Sriagla fairly inangdrated by rieslaralre l dry 7i°548. • - • . _ _ • 7! la bald ' , tyat the . new roeßig* nc't • Spring weather yeiterdat The at* o• phere had a fbwery twang _ Ron. RZ. Coke reactsa this - corho.o%iT t U. i , "day, lest from Washington. - oehter, of . Iktroylkill Hater, who weispOrtid,in our last -seriouslyisteoisres mut. .. • - 2b-rporrerr Enudai and third after Easter., bars leagt and 23 tab:mfrs., . , •Pa ficqure of Dr.';Chafto, ... .-- ' . foej - Wednesday awning Rest at union lisp. sas bsub - . postponed. . M.. • lcia. J. girdle Its reamed h is bent sad shoe store troW 253 Omar. oftest, 101 No.:v s.- kg street, Thassipeifekoa. . • •• d 9rnmal wortment at Dry . EklodlivGroceri.o. C 4 J-Pstmizi.lisilietaNn oilCia&ffOostreotivod at roota'• •Wro, 261 CkOntre atfOot.. r i • An Gpottult biveloota flitof /tg 0ri 7044 !A• n.; will be held or Illtittdry ryPtifOg Selt. Kilo! lb* commies v. • 0 0 00 lOelf!tbe r Pelebt• TErfteisl of Datty,"l"..... aM trYbiNdelhere 4 wan botokaonossoidito theatordoraClL gial, Nil ootortieneo in 9ottosibhi manly Oa 0•01111d 1 Y, May 1. I • , ißaSs otsitipitoaiipelz Acct . :4r tAluitek I most b.. paid for.--0.1.40....u.0 restri,le4 this-vainable, that trs liod woe** we,- So sotiklisb: • . , • I is stated that th. .441 .. ,nrf0s Ji-mhHS ,pdb • tithed at Toinseint, Ottoman T, Vitas • pilaf WOO, of Cho lapin in This taste to . . Amain wbpte slate we were tumbler, tin .for poPticattoo, al..zott rafted t twift rear ak.tbe tWon ROOM the occasion 'lt Uses • .ittrt ! ' t lecture, Ly wwittink tobteet lake upowtt. ' . - Mr. El ii. DaTIN the artist, Us been ambit. tad cotmv to Cardia, We/ea, a laetalir• and bar. orable poeriero. Tee e;greitira suriiatl "4 14 coopstelsto Han 7 irf 101ack: Qm Xatsdsy Iset a Prize tight titok o 1.3 ma llionotain Wean 1.0 Welstan•ro Smile silt/ Maiwq . , Th ere km iaricypot lat +what %la 13 • t sperlesof allausenmit. IM vr4—Yei IL A. Fruit rookln4 tocr [nett 1110114117 111414 from AlArket. liquarb Webs expert. of TtOrd sok Elute. emote. Tbankra far liberal patearagA M/11 1)601, Froort trusts thst-ki Itillbstontinued in ft4cut. 31.• • We fal tofoolion titot Frank T. .anal of thin Wooly dining UOP Wag U1513114/O.IA-C4401114. of tha n re. los, tw ogoo to Colo oo otaff atiotrioorpo goig to OM for io ol &Plato". Bowed spells thi tipaoiih 11 1 4 14 11 6 4 11..,. .. • • • •. - - - • ' As delliiol6 hilt Goimay_ boperioteiudsot of Pub ~ De edlceelootalt btu told le the Ooart Home io` atil addleid Os Teleedei. faq 4- Riot be elected to writ tam year'. eied Oa of etao ... &Um trill beau& . , • . —n- -- _ - ,4 *istfltilnieto. *woe lbw liuwest.swit ones twits, was AUK* d swi',Wssiwwwilq night hat. et it /wool sorooras tOITISN. Ow *mow of *be beweillsbyier• tad's all it bp g 11room -si law paaiwswierwlS; isa - tWy deseribs i; as !AMPAYWASelt sd i alg t Thi COl2ll4otatioet - Camper, lo New York, is not i 0 ao7 way eionaticted'witb awl ..ti er 00101PUIA1‘411 bra oryirs. It istbs afoot swwwwwfarlasisistrsaos VospuOto,Qt. oostia pop, 134 • -dLNlew*vie - 4.4l•qpinbel this 444 standc :.f 1 4 6 4 iat.obcrile la prepart!l 14) OnAgnting n_s4svitlig. to al lbw vadotiOrandias. lead madmen in tinsineno naaribei , you., bapes !Ohba 110, sikr: et ftheynbtlesnirugs. 14 -41 T M itiththicy tAttr Gasethe ogye l tihot, the Maio andhoce treamoltf , WI L labsofttrio Vol itot - negb, .I.* aisdipited komoritat Ath ton /he Aernare be etoolooleil "lietf W flumplaetttl. rear of Trtqlti.. Church, thibotet- WI, Rev. J. O'Neill of Umiwalw sad LT. H -cedar of .Brogid *reel °Moth, PhilideL, _ _ , mated Isdasingkette to. tapers rerred • Ilaiori Yew YOfkPfy Gorda strporiatu. . I}, 'yarrow will be the enttith . ; anniversary of the arrival of the ere liirat tom:whin in Inetv ingtftr, at tbe trowsineneeminst of the itabeitew Or ihe firer titiodted abtr. ratably wee who corn oend chat littye force, tiro timers& and forty Wive were from Pottrrille. They were the sit rime of two unlike' of wen, are were the tint reluntecra mastered tato the ANTICe tbst war Cowl Prints seithig u , kw so libelist emote ,st Mr. Morris flakheimer,lga. 280 Gents* went, (okoccessor to )tr. Jamb !Moor) ban not only; on toads lugs statitoi awadr adds olotbing and gintlent•D'a fornlebing ignOt. Latta has • Lies someltaeot of MAP sod alocosnii• cloths sailattoknonta.. from shitt lonian c4bitur to order tithe latest itfa and best intrintembip: Mr- B9brbeiThett woe woo pr. "quick oaks anti atnellvoiltaT lea . The. feilloarinr,lia - Ilet lit remaining in tbe Pottsville Palk Offire, Ind! di m , : Baker Vaud 0.11141.3.06 • Hiller ;lota Dtttef PUMP Holorsn Join Hear. N &O'er lin H Bon Hate Hoak -- Mr Brost re. bus • lake Mae. .-Htorg (Anne 7:77H0n. H *bvati 9 i 11[11.bkola IVkker on J o. l* DaTiol- 111 PIXO. Haat= Home laird/au Hama' Polon Two., • Mallon Dooldi Tout. Joisk, Frod.4l Hen. 1111.01149 Ant.bol /-: Ge • • D■.l4 J Iterginakan Hopket., Camay, bruktestatt, White. Coode, teak , PerClita. (Wehrle., 'ere., to meet Otigeot variety 210, Ctrl street. , . *- • .. . ?Ira Ineeodiarj AMY 111111.1litiglIpte.1. to thin ' e norneuih op Tbeteday—otet to the &turmoil at iCecelfa iztltsitroidetrest, where some ehariegl inn met coo tire. Ind le the spades -at the' tee pin /kW. rau. of Town itelohm me career the haitdioo wee eel on ere. The Ore egeo ,a pantie ;cave to rich tostaseelpiemotty oo the , goottod, but.the Aka were extieftelebed , without reqairitto the oocotettliei to go into Qantas. Po ffimieß and .INtsling • • • ilitager, No: Ityl Opotre street Th 6 Areal/la/I f— 71. e gtirs h an exarirde • Vali troupe which bu been da flog andk.nees in I ariona puts at tes•ra slut., wit, prnprielor and manager, LlwrrO Limit. of E o men reputation, 'MI 'lett Pott elfin mane and perform. in _Union Hell ; on the 21st, at St. 1 o Clair; end tie/ 23l al Iltiownroile. Tberetforin , leen will &embeds te eutertaieing and actisaing. . and a full attendance will mow Ms trouble. 1 . • . -- - ?V .m eneoplAn spit of' Dram Gonda in Ow; is to to fopod at Ogillsod d Co,' 210, Goa , tie itletgL I . . 1 .. - , • • " mageflieent atirnit borealis was ',Moaned . here an Tenradar 'Agate. Tee vines of light et swept {new direction Thom tlierin to the r. forming Tar wiere tbale a our-a emo, plete canopy of light, being 0011 of the moat bean , Lifol nitmel phenomena we ever irltrwesert. &minded me strongly a a elsallar. northern lisbla seen bore &bait eleven ycata IRAKThI et7iosl. BVleitt Spring ;Styles at no, , Cootie se . - - - -i - '.. - , - -".. 106-- " - -- i - —, --'7 ~,. The &Apia-I* of the eases wee to aim al -- the Ageteatteteal" by ,tk, Mr.L %armee., the pro. 'r- 1 - grtotor, em Satardar, May 1. There will le daz e' Meg. add Jobseellsod hubetmeagiaed fie the moisten. Arnoog' the souwemes44 , .of the der there Will be , a valcieipedo rose—Mlo yard*, twat 3in 5, for a parsaait 110. Adoilseirm, f,o cettln It wilt-be a Oaring appal. Mr.' Lammas we are glad triktiow, is reaohred to keep the rail arootals free from toYwonoyatteaa, abd to make a aplesitnt plus of resort for,famillee. Addis. orderly parental witloo /key ceMiutiosa, be arommar. lty dealt with. This is rig Lt ., _ . ,_ 1 . FT 84 Peri" 134* and &tics Ars t'amder, .oaD at tio. /Ss Guars street, Pottsmillo, Ps. _ Librory —The novel remotion. .1 1t eirdd man's properly b 4!, itahleet sate_by 'probes* at law for an urdioary deli dthaced th e, ~ hitoerarrllelAterarY Aseociation, on ne x t Monttar wining at is Vela*, in Moorhead 's Hall: An. are iuyd.,4 to kr proment„"ar this ml set will be bandleCarith . moro than ordfoary, Tbir •ameiotkar has, we learn, beee'rellnab vigorly ago armful during the pastortntet. Its the ball Wu trees crowded every arerdi with tombola and viei, tors, tho'oer. taiga. rivitntione naddebites of it. inoutberalkave been etrellent ; Its library' Is can . arantlyinerraeing to eisevod yalrie and its inem bey, appear to be very mob benefited by the d 71141.11 practice required by the, association. Try Hickory a'oiral.l l ,9l.lavil.lS zird yard. 4i. A Atogutcl44g gparealpsdattot the Ma ha.oy Utty Granteitssethe fOlkllliri lIIITOV# ush er iteudhAs.laii— Wn'T warnikilk• IsibaLoy. had the beet !ref btruntl were, crash ed by • fall ef ea Igh Orabt'e cob*. atibetquebt ea 'opeistiab Wee performed by Doalor• Carr ata UsagaD, Albeit several ;aeon of ibalterid t.O OW* wraurr2l. The Cepa, Which oettainly els a oilical one, /Deka!' tp be gettng sionK nicely: A trhattar:tecident oeoefred on Weiler.- day it Milke's mine. Jainri Mono • ' name. Led hie head oretiedy bruised. ••4msda shaft *no* being milk by •t•sm drill lastest at the old bum% drilts.'.l sot &bet it et a wwwes. Of tbd mutt of We nee I will peak more reenrately 1 1l xxy next." • : '.2rew stock &wet Iron . item Jock mar ket, asi, epobieir U Gelfwecl'e New Yolk Dr Oou4a eakpoouo, 210, iljeetre Wog. , Polies Caws —BitiwiliOustrait. On Fluoday bat PaolaUon sad Tho,, so-, Conley, were -Amid 11 sash Cod owls, for belbrg grata sod daitirdarly. I. - - Oti Moeda, Mania Eagati Barry-,Tomes were fined S 1 andsOnts for balm &Oak and die. ordwle. • 4 .„ * . :X. , • . 7 On Monday Jai's Elettzlorer wu load Sod coats for Wog Pant oad-dis'isdasiy: On Tlituadsy Zatibisniab tlrdllb us flood $1 and cstal& below dkv.k..sad disorderly. Y.aterday Lawrence trlaultblin was tiled St ,end -,tote for !King drtailltand diamds.rly. • ~ - on Wed:lsobar tut Mallard lionolds wea coin m ittad in datoulaol OM bail to owner charge of assault arid battery on kisi wife Elizabeth. . On Monday orsoing list Joretniab enrra, , Jobe 0411 M and 114 mull ("bawd .ab roUnpirinpf to stop the colliery - .stake. of - trawl, liv at. ,t Co., it lattor; mutts *lOOO each to answer. • Ho rlaw. of Cis!letur.,. , "A' firei . l7tifir Li". — , rbh, teeters of Mime DieLimon, attracted , ' tar e. to r u in Hall on Wreineaday eveunielavt. The position taken ht Mien IR' te„ tbokentmen Id be edit 'coded to -01iilleiltaleir„ m hither brain or timid,' (rested justly„ as torAgeneopmeatirm, and then they alirliceoniti eg more salf•reliart, Married or single, it • ill be well with them. ' lihe condemned the tiniest l wo di e scr , i minpaltim b i e i m il u s s t e th nt e i y m a a re t w on o m m a en de aae contends M m i stern • • sal ability an equal, women should have in ,egn tt cbance wdb men; in the profeeeioos 'PI indoor trades. We hereto! Spasm to advert Sete to lb. rimy fart • moots Atop idisotid to suitudabst powldoe on (hit gosoloni andfn !saki: Mt joy that atm inade a wcparriatr a Oho lOW/ of all who Wo ruairtair het eiliock pnithia tine, InNitatovertibb, le dto bias no druid ,• that the des te 'not hit Maud int se women sill ' occupy every branch of lasitnaMihrsirtaleh, men. telly and 344ekeill. aSe isOsiptod: bacoms we ray. to Miss Desliinscm, int his beg present gnat 114m,Iiks..mws or. vood.rful {Meise -1 lost Misery ti e d St indef. Spisipettletie teeSSite, tad 4 Leona .9 succeed. tx tat, oho cannot foil r bin a great Impresalotioulbe War mind en t§la oadjrci'M leanest' to women in this mat HOES 11112 UM H.,,. you animi Gallo kr si tiner3ptieg dal' al ready I • - • . . . ~ Trolet4mie.L...filwine, 4 vilett4.t me; is - ems aistustwtly •ti tinted' Witli Vali sad ihk. .14 an Anierktau piril :' 1 _ . - ' Ti4ell lbw hirowi. iipolat . Owe inns Pughthit.tilougli the tills. Sonait with ennui alma advances, . Suntan. r Ittriit.g atttiltlargw. ~., ' - Iron the W4irtilt 1-the l pilnhow art -. . • Civet* Itia coottallite ouch : - . 1 .. times tilt telistrt hee!abd brim" ' . ?Kum each Ihwettormilling rive. :'. ' _ Birda'aerail4. .E 1 3a sow& :: .. .. rad ittinit =a lb, doe& ~- . • ' - •• LOW ma tipicihit, 'lnn, . . flanhem ilgto, woe tales qiiiray. - :. : • ' i - ' ' = i . whereAil' beds- trhiriniei it* L , ' . ' Ahd ibedmieta sipswalk 6s,4w_..wr" . _....13! ad& bledukagilarieri traiollh . Auer:tit 11.14 scarith,nritli. \ - • . - ' ''isilluiiiiiii,/ *hut' ► tijlhni, \ • Fader tlown Ilmimilowi Wail i •., ; , Bilill'ulteutilw ths,..= . -, '' 1 ' !Tel; th e erihinis k. the - '' ' • eitik. '' • 1 - ," 1 , 1? tqa willOrtoteeiiiiir ; • - , His come Mae usaftwielhaad ~• • ' • Ihwabasas dime eta sowlese ate. 1„ • ywhel sips, tw-foos*dia. ; . : - - ~• _ UP Viz 3 howl , . ..- Omer p X . Clitib—X** 1 iteUteuedUr. _ • L. .• .3a se twirl Mari A lb* liethollai Chink bee reafilli randtSealllen but the peevireatelletrat illt Wiaei ma idler. am at tar greed lOU r • penseaer mph* Ttie ChUret, 02Slig 4,44 atel Xahleur leo ono the rale Mdtaboe IMO et ' , Ur to he deniera3 or the lith tett ,le the ester is edttlee 'bah heir 133erty. The heat us. met u .0* arra fief • 111614 I bat , in 0011.•441:= vamp ad pear aparkenuebip. del in rule* en thwssoi at Grebes, nib ,i't ia t i t e= " l•2 l ‘ 46 l4 BaM _Rd. d•Veit ib itMe ll t her Inti, 1865. The total one of batittemilp te7tbell £b.. a' AIM lairomenerits owe some VhsproPiNkat.Teat. 8,3 ibil aartlaYar -Teaiasietialikei au unit Amebae' loom w i ll be sheet WOO. ralefliellelleminin of it: - V i tr_repo i t t irj sa , te li . ._ . 1,•• .. Olt Ibill= "1" 'ci eldfrylat t i ammeiserasean; elllblillit•lerted 34 No. =ID , Os PablIPIOCIP.111:plillia eft ilhg . go: Y. ' hii_ . AIN - ' 1 ' a 13GDalintitag c4r a k. A. ilt• ;31 1104 1 4V1.1“,. B. Vr. lab , rtfiee., S. InirtiviaB 1. 07411 ars elpeetid to tar*. t, 2 - 1 • - - Be rive to !Oho thea -Life bearssore,•--7,i-- 'bib Ckwithiaifit . mu* siorristVW 1 14441= fr."14. ' PP, , .tiald 1W • 2F.,rairtellttit Hickory coil at Pollard* gejl yard. - • • 21.1 urinal [oboe al UM. 1140 • 4 4 10 d 'Sardine Maned amass, I to siotheibat tharing that par rondelltil she WWII" of tenty..trien occurred. • moat of which ' inert , chargeable to great. carcinomas ori the part Of the persons Wined. It te.8084 of ntsuart that not • single pearengse was foinrad. wbklit atom- I aably rersmitaide' With theLietustive,oporatione of, the mad areoptoridenttk and the f pee pof wwwoorloorro.arady.a4 • w roved roads to the eantrtry. ' The iceidrsds which happened In this Comity, sod to chimps of t t)cunty on the rdad tenfolda dark and whieliars doted inthe are oaf. lrr . inca. Mire& Gt*. W , • of Schuylkin Ilavon, - was nose • • . by a coal train chas= cm the track 2t. Tao& •m ad atikandthathbl lb 3 1 bnalO 1 bitt Mg rod east car, • beptember• t& Mutes Licidernuth. of Sun hat& m trying to :get ca.* cast mar Part ()Ireton tunnel, lost a leg -o,toher 29. Scojamin Miami _ensinsee; and Rodeos Oughea.,llrefeskolfli.W 8. passenger trail; were thrown down the *bank with their on. gee, and kaba), hoeStkrl classed e, 126itat aatt iber 1: - loin - liiEtrOL — of Botoolk 'Sayan, was run over , and tiled, at that toy an tzarina. wiring stuck . jytt reotived at Oallaxid:a. "4 10 4 Jo Age., *Mr .211K.E4a lei sat Lye -; "Mows. Lane pi Natty -If there r seiother Litt bosom:tee . Dom petty. seperseltesl is iiebnytadl CounCyothicit diem all pertain seasest analset tot team. 4 tha Nese Seafood blinesal Lit o r Till W41t4.0 Emily Hailtara slay W rest/toe offeied, in any other first n41'4.1.114 In surance employ. represente4 in this tatateohat le Da offered bribe Hew EMILIO M tail Ors Tarr Worst. I.mtvaiscar-ii oats is &DI tea. ism why a moo should ignore the - pelsilese Se curing the protection oftbelismsebswatte Lake Las'. stew be can do it Is Po good a anspitayeut the Now England Ifstnaktefe.' • What liner this Illamactmastti IAW swan? Jost ado , : --Stiptsse a Man sge4 '10", slatting to insure tile life roe $lOOO, payable tOtdsial .50". makes mte annual payment, and 'FAILS to sabot hie SECOND r aymmt: . TIN. MAY& 'LAW stllisild the patty Mented Mal (4) TEAM and fottysialit (A) days with out !unbar moist ta, and 'boob' Its dm &bins th. se 4 year. and 4e dap. the WHOLE POLICY MUST BE'PAID dednethiO obly hlaameamteet. th, , taw of b*deatb. This 4 not the pupil IsF, or le "agent, IT 111 THE LaW eget!), sb nktbe be able to meet his Lack _par. ciente de no Mit years and VI days, the OLlti pony wilt Ws him to renew his Kaki AT . THE SAME 11 rE OF PEE1111;14, rider ha rules. sp ‘ ,Dit 'opening The:we rtaisiment of the f. IL Bathe* Senn* of W.d iUe. Lek phew at Union BA on Ws- Wit._ The school cow into tows:le. Daft '41.5 &clock, in proOreelow and Ike .children 1 their 'dihedrals*, and rod, whits and' hlne Ar*re, looted very pretty. Beloit unable to nista grangeMfetil far e trtia at areesomahls priee, the managers Of the enteetalpment .wire compelled to walk the ehildreh liVelrar td tenon a neatly three mike - ..• t• The entertoo meat which laded saillif o'ckdr., cosseted , or Owes spoken by .tbe children, pf and Beads, Hebool goyim It see the sand interestine end pleating' after of the hied we ever attended, and It was With a fooling &Ma to pun, that we witnessed' the montee• attert- , dance.. Ths.hall should base been filled, for. the fmt.rt‘intiont was emarettlngly m . ardlthets shd worth much mine than the pone, of adrolielto I charred.. To bear • swot tittle girl, of two and: chill yews. recite the Lord's fraser to bre URA- I ilia; artless moms;. &Da EIYMIS Nosier °tomes pert mama cm this *ha, !be le *4 years old); were worth Woos Mmifilidas a min*: Moo. Between II and 12 o'cloetlt bight . 't be patty Lent their eops.tiomeward, end the clitklrect hid to stalk to Wiatattißle 14 that'll hoer. We hope . that our -ealsona wilt laihtoo ibis , School to gore another aitiibiUoe. that ,tbey will see that Ahoy are greeted on the omits son by &imp oadiesea,her Wood, they mobil I deserve it. • Norelltri in ®harp int! Dress Goods Cleland's. . • -- . • •. .„ • , earl ail J. C , Pottiville, Pa heitAbffeihorie Approach**, (hietworisa We Gloom bill. Philadelphia Mime that the joint committers to • make. amuggsathebt for die grend Odd Tam? eelebr . stkes ardhs=li araporformusif the inife,eit heiglsed;to them. The prooemicie WIM doaddllom be..ege.ol the most imposing Witch has ever Nikon glesein Philielelpbta. It is intimated that Imp aldy to. toitylhousind Members of the Order leat bete hoe. Slates to be repartee . ere' Ohk4 Delaware sod New ierver, -- ese prdb .lbil New York. Tt3e &striae a Oeteektie 'the hareo espresoltstket;.=ofthe &aphis lodges ore mak sj e for the parade.' Partly Lod will re at I. head a young lady to Piggy. Lodge will bares repeommtettee of the ptekee• Aber srib hie kits, ILO etbec bilks. Ind 411 10 diePhiSp. • President Oriel Ina 64,„-noleit Itirtatt o 4 ,lo -be mew, Hewitt* that MP esemitire dudes will net admit of Ms partielpsUeg Is the estidits tton; Tex, Preatactit Oates hilliwitetierldrat it would atterdOiro pleasant to Ilepressol,buttilet be los .tee.. 94,1 111111 tet/ 4 0 101004 1110 ode. Mahon In ilholl e tiapaile. comedtlee get ancomitfudallonsi kale. spdon decors 'of the Academy dltwie &MAW Work. 'heft yet made a hoot report. • All, bow 4111, et wellijecitrel*, and the ansegesoade posodisi oi be e complete. . _ The Odd regain, of thl#Bdrengh„ wilitUdeltride Me Mut alikeness., stuovsmary Os the astoblith.. Order,tae by a supper &no Eschaisse Hotel f ori b kin ndty night, 20th tiodant kola rl 50, can be obtained' st Dr. W. It_ Itutigeoh'e Drug Imre, No. 263 Outtre evert: • • , • thairaprff.Drtca Coods lorkr siffies; opening's, Thet —Do the sth heat. an engine - trials at the • colliery of Cain, Rocker A COO, New Mines; tom destroyed bytro.- . , .. . • - .. oats ath, shade eth, ceeteth. • IL fialikailiera . . disouversd mrsainit frma the ,of of the 'rattle d welhog of Wm, Rowell. Mew Patikelelphis. ht tecepte were made to extinguish the Ses; tied it Iva. et:tenoned they Lad eucc.rded, hut about ttro boar. atter, the lire beim ant again, nod ene botere was iteetnved with og reagents. - Um about MOO.' Lowed la thi Yak Metal for ITSO. The tin is antifoied to hemihmailheirtark Oa ,thioarasy morningitetahante-dirate near too railroad ha St. Mar.. was amt.= ere i apart' front to tinging, and deatrork& . -t. On Monday pettifog-Alt about 51 , 190.104 a tiro miutosted in the Mateo ittaidwil&Mt thr dashing of Jacob Moose, In a. Moak of ftioe (livelong. located oo the debuytkill HUM tarn p lie, near tbe ilaittuad mowing, on the east of Vat` 54431131 i river, opposite mooni-Nroq3 The Moo. spread roidly. and ow envelarg 1 the d welting A person *ea' despatched 151011 Demo (or stre apparatatioied in ptheeof beta& lox an Minn oit of of the bells of the haelligh, be mint around to indiratual atembeallie the companies to arouse. tbem, will& took enetedgh time, that a Onople ee inotaixtersamenned bin the time the ere broki out before the spgaraths retched the grand. By . that aim% th e leatiof eve bone., was on tiro. .The (kind rote* Humane steamers duets water from - the loot at tto.t.eor, the Amdate.hkeMobit t. tattled to theoit latent aleumer, est br it exerbou 140 doubt, saved other bowies in the an. tin* frio being horned: . The retametearothed eff.etive . Mad they bppo pa the mound theft. ly after t e ere broke out, they armed nnuneshato 'ay, time etrottoed the era to Me. Woosee boner,. Toe property destroyed vol. IS 'folloaniz+A double bon.. .yowl and set epted by Mergeellov Goma, hi:cuedl Mokition It'll* ila 01104111 f of We huddler ; a Biagio lir.paa, owned ad gaga. pled ty miaow Vaß ; a eingle hopes owned:and stm4 occupied by Frank Donahoe; tthd s kr owned and Occupied-be leeolialfereie.' are .--111cOmeati, $606; Mrs. cab; w e, .. -hoe, $OOO, end Mociett, IMO. Ibis* o was 15th ea lioare'e tip y. in thelYMeln The Tremont :Yea states that =Sitar day piorning !serf WO stables in 8 inaylkiB owned by Mr. Reuben* and Mr, Jacob Earley . were destroyed talre with their voetwate, nen. sorting of bay. Me Ranters was Inwowden "be amount of IWO. Mr..jtaseber. badnolaman4a& on hie property. - r . . . D.oit forget to call FFt PeUte 'Wise end /I pac °t; cream ea Dining Halonta, VW* et entree, tea, ccatere in earry etylititeWeell IS retreenmette can: be bh‘tii, at all Lo Ptak* cleaya hinnehati Opi at abort Dation and modern" rifts. iiirF9l •likatitre kit., second door team liattautopipc...! ft: . Gi,,,,otialr Pc* Offitss.—We have trecei red a enanroimiestion from Oiratihnlia, complairdcg bitterly” tem .val of the Paternattor atillas pi, 0.10,14 , 1 snifter, tipot'another vokillsr. ak, 4an atle b.idomi 'lanai, in hi. plasm. Ilia -cominuoieto s e is too tone for patties:law, irid therefoie a a esti .ash allude to d to a few words, 'Ebty cotspisin that the desire ertbe : people its '1...0 tlie..ned hyttio aiguatures to • petitln. which . ber....Ltsuied ontaide of eitardrilla trid at Altal,, Pottst ilts., de. lt is chard that Me also , Of the edition. This Le ineorriel. 'Va bare wed mar orisopritleton for a partelnedie .tbilikority,:and OA Warta Tow of A sold*, whore ths' , nice Wee held byname who lath) a soldier., Ile suited Wee for the - Girardnb Foal OM«, nor .1. we 'Oh:afore* any of the ;Met effice srialohnet t; oftlaide of ettr,Own Beransh, except:Where 4 ffleafttra May orrorwlid • abate oar serVires may hp Solicited to amain le saliallog such dirtienities. For no ottier.mormose OM les fraerfetwin the a porrnewienistostrida of Potter Ile, sad !OM/Rh* , bare newidit WO Wader the Illiw swinbild by latimabera of Congers. in corddat•! ling ills apporotturols ate have not -brettelen salted with maid to;avy of the appoirdatedis, and .we tun . .t c , far ow we awareo. earned, we Cr. rather awe beristie it relieve, U. a grad dial of IMO and daty. W. belt-vs that nr;atielbritaif pe4lo clearly asceriaitiet onght Li be IT , by ilio ar.p.iint,ing pot= in sTe7 1. c ".,._sr , , mete Weal r lira a, la Obont ietarfiessee bymit .4,t,,,,. on/ ..! to ell oar Moods iii,,.arbet ti..t. 'ma. thi.e.isama if yon Out by baymiebas hes withrat it If carotidal is adeadiii the ° eke. fa. terierittsvery unoartaimoder limOlfer arsnn of •oriaocetdaUtats. sad $ may, diKnallry rot fur othor accupailonit, and other Mabel of I • life! '.Not,,being elm) . "teams itantetres=s [ t he Advice we tie. to 411 op fekVii,' 1 -thagrnoTtufiik.: it oared.. -: . se 4 , - t ; I dud we Ilbow tricartitecaltire which tic millet ' 1 le to adopt the Crawford court) J ul a 0 1 04; . . for the wept,. in the townsh pe con ar, I .that tb , .se tr hum they dc airs for Once, by I Mate ,f Mr pestle. lii many ennotleired r Mars they ars teat mobie directly facie *h. Atdotes tomes& et alu, wag Alidamiela Au embity cdtteeliardi 4ta tear - ousitimilliow sad a t i.l4 Onions: iscerriog the Lislatd iar of I at these plow" al ealone„ are pthheCth . Utz. It 'mks Itat tehtleTer It - butPbPetr • and we have too - doubt. hot *hit 111 trill -bitallote . , universal in a viey,latattlinsta.- Tilletatlei trod vepreesatative prtnowle, and will ewe die Oar ladle if tee maple who =rem *dr Jades um chubs. ha tbri ' arid emit oho genera the mitiabere of from moch.of the oditun that to wow one theta ty those who are weamooseshaL Ala ark. Arai fealty in favor of th• aitctimar ail aywen . sod seller* that efforts mid be- to 1 cur.; It li,to effect for the elgeOtiollad • MEL 'kb. hersafter, and Oho at the • • •• • pd. tataleviselloneta QMOonall.", Thill Win * an I candidates a fair opparitutitt slid - it ette • . - Win we them palmist theirdttlitt is • ' ... they have became to romplats ad hatlod madam or the abides of frediroyer are • ~. t. ad to *dim' in tbrdr &shriek.. • :.... , • eand snit idtdia dgliolliirafel VSIIIO I I. fitivisitiatiotess. fat isle At , An; Tber are tree Tres UM; aunt p " - ebanpeet Putatoen that eau in; prodnetien *Semi/ doable kind, either tidy tor late. Tdießeseteanile ' kot table Pcdstom _ I AerideAts —A sissioyer Ansa, to wow& r oma arena tom • .lina Onowla, bad ono too a a tall alto bat in On Oanalty Ina eodassattoo diovallad to shit Mad had a lugs, lioniV skkb Oa bloat ' • Woo A ewe ; down' tba nava vim loAiAss " "tra Tames, V Wird in a sari ley • fall et coal. tao Tueelay far garen,'ul Cempurf, *hilt liinhatine Landtag, awl cart and ay*. whose character, Re wrapover' MIP Mr...W . ' was Omer .`-rbrioviy '. ue Rl=l Ind loweltild WinaTUlaiiiwt. William Biggins,* stouts masoe. of Biller Ckmek, met with. an socideat wheal resulted hi his death y T .01 gins left his g of Wilding tidy Barb= zagieWaihNiarigaria e l si b i last of by which it wis supported, and strlking Mr. Mg. sellogektreemee i 41411tellh pn. azt end '1 to big _goo y. • ayes a wife and three chit 1 trowemßelearreem - - kgre On Thursday tareuhig last about 9 o'clock. so 51 / Ere ins ti EVnolir: do¢_llf. hill road which creates the railroad at ill mm a Walda-abota-ht. Port Carbon, he observed is'i t We bitelfig fluent Ile tiodommred to push acmes the track holey the engine came an. but the home eloppott CM the track, Nililhe ewe stench the wagon breaking it to poem ga tau- , tog Sborner. An inquart was held by depu t 'y y- - e r e.f - ` rWn l ' 4ul whole of the • T Mai bow. =Wel, gone, awl the posterim • • •of the front lit boor u aloo, • • t t . nenalpely Aka- 1 / • 11 1 , . 1111 the ly " '' t -4 . ' l, ' . ed aLl u t t ell , • • 1 t' ' t erliy. l' ., t , " ' e ld t - fir . 0 I .._ So' . re• - • , sr , . . . 4 Inba. ner Woe to his death by taiug run over. by a train of coal cue drawn by the Incomouro Pt. • tiohitOol, On the Peltnylkill Valley Railroad 0 sow•ti by eartleamme of the. Readiest Itsillgt Party in not having a flagman on the p .lesibust from Part Carbon to Palo Albri , - i - Kr Shooter wwi in the employ 'of Ma Dreher, of Part Carbon, awl was a blimsrec: He wail a sante:o bis G, . „Ug - iss il lM il it i tut i Shoes= wut billed, boa slava bean Ms, in consequence of SO magi' steadies thee* so that it is im lb* track ID ewe usher rosei.. Thaday before a r.,.... demo Mr. P. B. Batman was creating the road in i buggy. With his wits and chid, they narrow. ,sea being run down by • train thatursa 1 ioaithe ...LOU anSet o ll GM , tiettfi 4/ hi -lOC -41butiosa 'ltem ere ewers! utliest.4noteedsetArsular charaelir . To aeon! • ttMir darkerowe , it few yew! store the eel ' zeta of Part .t.labon and Palo All,, had a Jury appointed tall out 'a mat with a bridge, to, wore the +alkali • ample of hnodred yards be low: each Borough toeing willtng to bear a pro. pont= of the expenee. They of course, wanted the vkIIPIVI COMP4trareet de abireot thee: pattagenduch.: I 46*. , Adele week, sines the ettizeta cif Pali Alto bed a Jury ap Umuleapagpana,e' .., ti 1 0 1, poi that V i l bil=gl_pasploy ellt negt.t la cartylog out firs ogzigittir.aggq.4l,bawl the irrtulip Moe, Len from a , sal atlas =woo tams of •litslino. On Tburiday last Mt Jr ha Waters bad one of .4.1., r ating," 4./scoa by • F ill tsf ciosl on_ a im' ~', tot t , • j A little da ug hter of Frith W. Soyder, sgod 10 1 years, of Schuylkill Havre, Ida etsionaly littredl.l are the 5th_,..1e5t. 04 4411 .1 4uL eiltd by the cow catcher or„. • *411.1.1 -le ' aio ' iseri•-•-•-...1.ka 1 ", I 2 . 4 ol Berlik qf a rrr iNall e ako4in 011 glut we noticed Vie fart i s lacatried limit bdre- i (tier (laurel William Nichols, died to St. 1.,0ne. on Medal enilt,l of jOilwiiitsik; afaithisilllness of three weeks' Attranon. His.remains wore or. tarred on the Whitt th.t. Neflortat eethetesi, Job 1 f!""1 134 •171e1 2 1C ,1 : .h .7 , bcf m ni t irllll:s lof Ptlu s a 1 ph)kand to Jolly, lealkoatesmlkhrigualereArmi . era at West JiMmt, geettele led lelbeeihth ut We due four years a.ter...,,CM the istiott Joky. 1838, 4 , 4 WI brevet record lieutenatt in the ga t ,ilellisrileyif per Ihtlikl ltroloo- Matte 6' it c, ,• jpWing fog emend to Michigan and ow York. In Zone. teti4, he was made a first henteuant, and two rink i lamt. to .)1 sit cot whose. ae aik de -timp to. • thetativaltsAelsogthabed ,eW ..Tttale flforitarirg angina protec ted**, graikefilikeloi B. alit '=. U.:mated with dtshnction the battle d CforiAstaittniesentin nounim. Isottlos of Qbern.• Mom and glob,* del Rey, storming of Chapolt. spec and itainadltiall replete d.thrs tiny of Iloati en. For gallant ttondoet at the battle of Malmo did Roy he was brevetted major. When the re. hellion broke out he WAS ,eeriest Mit ant Gen. oral In Te was captured by the rei i lo sod pa roled. And ton r tirat therkobleet end be took when 12 get hs. Mil= afelfhir Dill ow In US in Zile, distxmortd the culotte be were by •.• a 1 •ar Jr 5 . ~,. :k yalt • 4 4" '''' I ' m li reMagnai of the department of Teta.; at ti it wn, turned crier terOolonel Cedes it.' It'aite, of the First Bee t ISIFALEIVe c d rj i il d s i g l i it* i I an were informed of its arrival at Titus' head quarters, at the Alanitvhrthe City of flan 'Attn. oio, they took measures to .p - event Ps reaching Coined Waite, Whose filighontstwl bentlrinalters was st 444 sisl was cattail, ton•yhe Verde Malt, •brantb or the Oandatoope hirer. Bat the vigdseekiduLactishr of Osoessl (Otto 001- Goo!) Nichols, who was Twins' Aast.taut A jo• Use OsogreA, gad she valofwA Me shirt web ue keen eye of fall suspicion, foiled them. Be dap. tNested the solos, moll see Oro warless by &rog ue, nudes. gas of them was captured and taken' beck to Ban *Magee, and the ether emoted Waite with the order, on 'the liar of February. At that =whoa when everrindurement was held out {reopen and Tea us thatielod anent _ko de sett their nnime, ta - dotorl shit • *Otto a letter to &friend in Palest Ste, ha athlete/to =id the rot lowing litre,: la 'teenage : "If Let one State re. Matsu to, thgt tho nag of tn., - two., I win 16. main with that State, be it hhil. or Tt.xse." In _ Jane, 1861, he wee appointed Aaphaet ()moral of tOpPeveatesige of tes kakt and in Atugsraut Um 'acne et er wee Mai:or...NA a li' btotiant :ulna% - ileums satheasteseelly ealetted - M , litity us New 'York city Ma entisteriug and illsbutoing othaer. it f ales, 4864, the laseiebad it egplitamted to lb.. _rang of coladel on tie, mall and in S.; tensbq of the'Mute yistr was brevetfed lirle l edier general: and In Ilarek,Rai, 04.4" general "4.l4•Margeti ore and Withal loorW,ii during the rasoTr , wl. - In August MS, °Poeta bilehole sat t rdartd on' the Mar t f Geneva 4 , oorneseste. 4 al of the Military ter a too of the ts,,,vrit.p.. Wt. Wog as such nttil 1,15 &alb. Ho of of taw ablest elecative edicts in the la - wrier tree to the scums Will kw iteollif _lit t.. - 1 ' - The Who dostnioLgtrolllcit ed deep and poignant isturow n this community' where his youth led rally reaullext I were 'roost. and where be atte•ye met a booty twin** from allin toe . tlaile to th” itaeuel . o.of hie clithlhood , :3 mminsiolaa uLlest 0417, - VrlfidlantilllO Itna bey' N lolled, ewe reeenttilrVhired testtrlt the pada, of fat 1.-s roodworth Ilk Sono/04 *alb tral7e, mimed alio r bin %thee 11 rtift at fitti-A, 114* shoot twauo, , ifsisic Xs' -- , I willbsilitie of Coal_ .Nottlnda.wo:ploiewso from glls. U. ii Ntchols, elm raterrod en Thew* Rona Ft. Loom, was placid to the extreme. He 81 M 1611 1 1 3 011 RMet alkalaphlallk gliWiti7 ko a tiled child world fall aeleedimliitesserm of rte mother.Atlnger wee with him in he last ince meats, •• et • &he, hie de oteierele - 1 From the .. Longs RepOirenn of April 11, we I t o ll OM l V l gtr i ' a f !, Mc .r " ,l ll l l'hs Mend olisroales of " Brevet IN. Gen. Wed A. Nkkols, Isle Aillatant General craps Litskaw .of Was IlOwnstri• took piece rs seder, and; doleithetseding Itagr.ibteaf=, otticlais c Duni _general y to pity MT meets to atteledaden-v. tus stay Site • j be SS et !where of i hilkairrkwaksteleiLlskitecoseeleilkihr4Plehletas hem' d..,,i, geplong u gatlgarg4WilegrAoakt-okoola =,4mbion _ fig WeglPtltia.ans menseut s ltt*Mliedieleci esallkiesellespoo- Whitby antl trea t.- ownps inraboodoge ma . Mad try qty. et leff thE Yr olunit u. - Prow wane of his old onnand who wry e with dim InMexic_N we leant tut re; d go del Dry he weaved Os ft, no," from • darter end calla, exploit n Wrier owe 61 air batteries nun being capture.d bijamenty. Fie ere . •then meting as Alas totem. Gunsi , nlberW deem,. of tbeeeneral bit , Matory ton been very frilly given h. r=trat ti l s= e ra tkrea= s. t"*.d 1 awed, was born to ftila4rlphls. lila Wr re WitildlailllnkkawitollnlegillOWllslialiZen years old, and gist place be law ever Moos considered • •Ait WS taftlissoftaldt. • nkilbst ofilniogid hdlg. , how oft= d, mewl Cameral malted follow.= t Do,. who were aimed at pill -hewer, sneembird at the family re. deuce on hellalfttorne rtorts. A. J.ltarte. ' -Lien. It, P. Clarice. then. L P. Unlearn, lien. N B . Brawn, Gee. D 11. Racks.. (.1..n P. D Callender. (Iwo. . 1 .7 -D. hers pod ill. mat. • ihmono the t u l . = .in s etzt . .M rd= b 1 ., rank It wig Inclosed in acts 1; "I lect, t m e li r ation of rosewood The casket was et=ei n g ornamented. and on tee It inns glair* her phdi, with the following Inscription rograwd terreon : a Dortret MAW lOwessal Milani' A. anetets, ben lite My. Ma dad Ins Illeit, INV. ,- - Tiw Wawa of the *sawed sped ss,nainral sit in life. and Litowe present artlingl ipta iscladwir Ilse .4, 811111titnilitt CO like a tiertlikledtitt le loomiuss.. n... Woe him bitonethate lima7,4he e wiz prident a lumber of the Utwaerst. MLR. w hole i.r= ai re:alerted with the Iltilsdelpta Rahn leg midi maths.' I al Potterille, bet ell e,. teteltedrobot the Same* iVi started tor to. Log*. hot -=etMe hi hia broht, ,is swim t eight ender Ilr .k m tbe Arsine, win detailed to at motet agd etude" ebelleet pgll-Magagi. , muellet were tie on and We wirlistaks ashowl, to Mist Mire abinglusWsl sash* to o t SSW It to clock. , , . 4 ~ , • - ,i i, i. THE M.I - NRS.' J 0 lI:4N_ 4A-1 1 0', APRIL '1;71, .186 9 I; ,d . , • , , . . . i Prti ` ._ -----.7t--4—_---- i -,-- .k.frAL NOTICHL • -PlV•t;;i I=3 The Omits were dark "and' 101eilitla and the rein pound down brevity as the preens on entezed the ,tenrus. W. isle eilge at P Wi t li: luciletr i rAV i crill oin oaten 43 Owe were-preactiGen. flbethi "-4 V " 11. Gee. !tykes, Aiirs. telit. bleatdi dIWIO, tegalb- LB: Booneville, Gen' 3.W. arum 4Z!e;, Forth, Or_ .1 4. 7, ,. ii• ,',, eat!. C. V ii rt;Ti . bilf,ithe h'etb' the other ' 11 6 11 and 2114 wry illereoglt, IrellAt tithed , • whip thole rowniande the eight pcify.ioitt . impagioseppilsl liellilaledlibreligeteheirtited. Aii at mairtihr: mingialiblealeallth ebb 'word an belt ,of &teased On the cotau was alto a besiatlnal dela toingarad reevergreene end boditlerti. Toe inthilute wiede of the Splecopal bared airrice ! were read by Rev:Dr Schuyler, end the ail, amid 1 the gloom cared by the hurtling melancholy Moen, Thewttbast, wan tnexprenalbly onleinn• and trantewlee.— The nag tbe hymn, `lien., anthill of niy Snal, o sad** tenger ate! cled by a payer and hate- Mt. after er%ith congregation hadag•tgiporcn.. , i' ' eVAng l" show = "l==ir= i be Dr; Schuyler, and followed by he family and an ''' . ... lith. '' 1:4 : t tm : l . ll :7! l'l •.!rr ir" P" un'. . /...t. ' • . non Moe VOW item awe= ~,- ' .- T be teratee lottowed by a lent ttnacif cerclegiah time weteid tette Illeatilitatidiget. i - • - - -Unit wise ' • , A i nacto toln. Either elletsw•di the Jifferitaitteldent flardhar, took down th e mealymealy in dory escort. Auden.* all ithneeld g o I,oJeferacibtretahlgg lwatai.. Arrived at ietrentro &mirkw the proeepioe eett!it - • w the motley, le the lend. Ito "'l' lie t i r Sim ?brie woe warrety iny etwestint le the fall ante.. • att= whiettlecred to Ihe pro rate_ of the 1611MCregeette of vague vs Pur=iiiirdeVitt us Or lagf r e a. e t st „II la The -Ttev.4 the stllletry hied brie Oen einem! theittoend w balm At the [ " 1 " 114/0 PWI a ll o r . v.' tt&.•.; t +, War , ttn x. 5 r , :17 2 mon= =mom= r mimosas' s PT ?) ~1-Putiftwalutionotowz: NIl tallmilellimmmilaii.±4olll4.. *Oft* 114 of Sionortioy,„ of are Mk !mums Dime. fur MOSlMitheidoeoNlll6/111MOIll J =well did mqC whe , I lig eckielt.lic,i: de os yolkMut v opened TW NS 44.1* Clartipcrat! . . -a_ p 1.... dor )he siaect sumo e.. toget .otaPetZdflullir. her eras to Ifs rhumb "Oa lettegeteted by (bet fat re4* lotto festAs ; der I leSsoot dirdediseat -rost talesiesa et tlisolikaA rbed. tbs bto Vrtilts Me 96110 WWI ' 'Sm.! 4,1411kb =spot a cars. schools tad otberaedittooe oldie arm sosoithrl who, is Icatesola :od deed issdaslood'bo the a pea , The dareart4 abfbed bhms !swam se-Nrs eeeeSe ot cosoliddal o sidle sable to tbst oseerttr this re, derasesey orlathwes the added et the yeiisp; - dji.. tsthoo. a tie proceeds to pert at the de the.j,k7 pod (larch stiffs. The obots come deistic., fife -• • • a abkit SatOs las paid ts abassdart lo bonds to tame. all bang headed Me lo the dotes& 24e e s.sci bed accUaLignaL aft* lioq , • Wilds C 015 011 1 14,011 0 1 tettree ' t ttetteled tellool l 1211011111 MIC 4.1 came. do sot yrotead to mows allow opiates ar ossuessi ; be she simply rasa the %bay ewe artpierred hod the time And Wed OM by bots e...- treesstassayiou they were regarded by the 011ata eteeteelty- 00 actor clears or boo iiebegarit bopolimmtval the tooltace um! varim w a wsai , (be partite, led &wooed than toward s dleres: .., , Aims": it . compinfivoi *bon Oa, eiriiiii' , 'Otllie tort** nel paw la Leather, No the retthcla 1114 M) from tate Sec thereat Lochadlur the defended. - crane elnatitlel with the MIMI. add • •• • • ...,.., , idaventlivardeek, otte'", x ,,,. : ' 'i t ," i f- •-, '-. I . ' , :ntilti4. ebit - bs:o tt Once been eV* . 7 M. letrai 1* eint. ethlle=lenetthe,,,. 7 *risked LSI athe leader kW. • Lir '' Ili t a i l l atrVe llge' l l iM ite V re ; l i,.. au.. I. M a r.. 1 !la Sunny, .4,1 ligrJaares C. 01 sod Jena Ceder. That et,* entitled the See nJ , bin flan Clurre, dr in the IZ . t . Preeeptat alone, sr 'and t Motu K. a pm , ... Itganctlea t... owl . ra1 ., :41 the lust . ' - lf rue.. proMedinge et law, to prevent 1111111thlO paying tame lb. rye demanded. tri meh-to the ethicist el the eke* .. , . • and to mobto the rat Moth to se need Chords en mean tmenit mt.' ,Men poseleatim of by rim edam& •.. • • Y.tbe ethisalldetke. ant the:dame was to the *tech tea the Ms • ''''''''' movement Inerwrare and witharint . sth therelneene . l Mad entdab loam:nil* the tot sweetie: the pi alatHY Is the meth* . bat wh-tber te bet slid et law the me . . rtendee... hthde he to th e 7 .a uj to the Cbareb, lard tierce tbe 1 tetloa or this pre m_dlog to Beatty =pencil* : mit at law, to seder ansr.-ty to mom thmtsmeetioe, zoLta n t i delhthe platotida. ecieseel Mimed. thee MI. . mete Mee ersagers to the premise lad 1010. and led no steins whatever to the (ban,floe on ye* of than were In may wpi, leopard zed bi Lth pending lace; 44 tatat ot el Meld therlnlerfue hy Int,klag the ',inure rentable aderithetilm or le any other en. St the lewdly fehthi Ale ewe wee reel im g winery celtd fat. peaj _Tla . tbily VS re lard web tee th bill -11 meld De rale ty eset, but tint In the steartnnelit was con • tts,rontey is roulrorasy *heath be placed when i _b ac= in the Trmenry of thePlraikeetercia ; and , ar teeny th e ei-ethrd Sot mold hem I pt.., malady or lts to recoil ry by baton seethe .. 'mt.cidotech. . . _ I - The aatathetht was coatlead UP the a d Of the Court, when the Court bald the Meese Seder sirtermeM. On the Sailowlee morethe, Memel pleaded an mower of kindest ri k trt i l if the day heirs *derive d° me the *Ste JIM. Una* end mythic the Court to allow ithe Seemed Qumr* to Interphud. and thereby to deterleithe the title to It en betemen the two churches. I Thlrwas Wale objected to by phiettre counsel. the the gamed that defendant was not se the ocietthots Of *cote wake bode; between two rlatemeta i Ali . shore Le am* ovally Manta..lira ducat, bill lost ea plebitifra lothebth offl et or •gett be hall rt memo leraeln property from phinclaf, mod sebum aim, be mice emend. I, Atter some further argument, the Court. deithired 1 oplokes.-be. se to the thlanotion erased,' l ; Sad h se to the tepareseio and natant of the defendant. - Aber etheauluz the nature aed at,itat at and vein:inane upon the extreme caution e by the Comm UI UM one of the eethemellrePft entreated to there under their Lbancery parledlon ,tbs Jethro pu.creded to my ts saketerthe thee lthe ly tethretton of an lantana to reetratn pointed:am* law .tra of eery rare onnirratems land la tie coital amid be warranted only le eats:Me mat le Übe., Loot M Into I helli Wart. the metter:o . sot complete Ur want of a euctent fecal 'remedy, or allege any than the . probable laiolieney ea. tat Maud, *dam thole dieleclineke l =to IV, beent men drammemeem be might Mduelbe prey* of the complements et SAY tome, bet Met of all el' ode este of Um preetedthos. afar iike &seed. the case voluted. a *pedal Court Colpreeed neithaJoggell ma the tome* for Ito trill 1 W thialactlela writes"! furs mimed. 'I A* to the offs of defeedset, to pep the came lett. Caert.-thde ober, him Hamm cnotlseed, Peat made th the Igo cue;' but ander the pogo!* Lelaity loge, The he did not desire to my mare at =. na l than was menesery; bat that le mid ZIOI 4e. to 41 that bad both mid, any roma obaterior to Interfere with the propmed teal : and therefore the OW la die 'allowed. . I - Defendants content then Same, lens to GI ti bmended pier, to. the effort that th e money In bb ands vegetal:tied hytbe gaoled Church--that et Um time att. marina, he ins Kline fa las dotabb'espiello or Temperer of-both rtleretwe lard everrlng that 11* money gidie net belong to the Stand Church / -._ lil'aertiteOudtne the * iet: dgoo tth I dounest_ lbe otbervelle, on theretand that Stile tso to delleispee bat a estettion odthe &lam Pan $1 p. atbe-olmthiott liprwittleipil to 'Oeticttesiff. - Warteepoeolt Par4111:1•0 counsel {resented a pettto4l in the name of the Mood I Mardi, signed by Jamie O. Oliver. es Vrearket of the Zama' of Turraem. ask See tater rDlovisiikPiklaltUtapii di , laajo or la. , , I ••i a • B led t o on of the tem t. 'Set Or' wee added to didendantwides . Of the dm rm..' called, Stellaittln II 'Genie and sauna It Onsrom were challenged. and Withal, Tho m ism'. Gan. F. *Meth all Mahhasit:l944o Were tsrt -.I ou auest .4114, ems estimated to or r e imi efee the ties wherries. !olio% On pith - wed my t rnpaerlted and ammo t - . Worm tar Fehr • fa• mer. Wee Bnattrwor :1. Miller [Nob, - fl note, Cutoo ; Joho 1) 111, m [chant. Yom Tbarowlttr; &ter, / Kent er rutin. !tater -. Hiram • Emmet lartstr..iltie ey • a. , ,,ii . :4.111•014. teamster. 'New • Alastle I -. Henri Studer. . carpenter, Twp ; Matthew Shut boa. Zeller Top.; thilliasrWa - , Palm lunkeehet,'Portaalle; John Fume; lankettpth Uukno ; 4311=1110 (Mach brenstor t : Talltagall. . I ' _ , • The EVlaltlita, , - four mead* Mg idgrest pane 6aithied es with tbeesidmice in fall, bud the Cnarts Chaise; bat to econceelet eptee in pub Ilsattou.lhe his at our nine* . satettleted the tommitog trameory' ,—spi 'Mita.. ) The theta thoYeninalertal to the hoe* Were Saw and In the mile en 11*patel. The* thee be brio ref summit In ksrrtr i ghTCh - chartered In id*. bowel elected Treasurer Mclotter I Lb, 18J7, entre elected Aped mb. 1.164-saut elected Trewee Aprth lith, 1363 Hee Weal' hob officer Learnt 3d, lam. Wilt. Tgiessre.. be re. mired. throngh 901. F.ater.-Preetheet. of Board of : Tontees. r.Ao ~../,mat SOW abathe. theaPecceill. of isle of Second Cher b. I . Awn ft that boated p! at a Pollen** thinalrneel Ira. rhorenc en exc.*. of 1443 91 hr en. ithedl. ems emir curreut ryt.tpOl. to Whkh tree added i t thetennet that he. held , atees pc-merle of 5.C.141 ' Ccurrh rate Oncladleu $ to- the Chloe, 11111evaloa tfatclaay tot up adVartria. cramivas er,redese ef said church), -which tanarly he um ready to pay mfr whenever then church d.Pirelthet we, att. , Volt TOO sl,3nedithee wesebolern to - be in to .., ~. t ote. arai Oil. Nit to be relay ned tf 0 any time the duel changed MI embatolical tylatiotia. The treetee. admitted the ills Pt milt. • Sol Mee Aso tblectise to tha Treoutere ;retaining the bilat rig the 1 &wee mulct; hat dmathdla tie bat •elell he Unwed to pay tore r 1111 the pethleniellonas - Is disputa between the Iwo chart - Ms_ The chit:i.e. - 4 the Mend OM. eh, and 97=1./ , 011h0 mare .iyiyed to evaleace. Oa belulter .... but the Etttottatreed to thrill. llama • -.._... The chime of the then WlPldaitltTeetTadat'ada, leceeteb mcitlog enelnetly the fees la illtheethrmall I eszrownth down the whale eithh•etripped t.. 4 them* •.1 7 , s ot pr. lidlccz ut toe othlendll4 ParUm• So SiSS Llffiett=v i f landlord etb ear tie attri= : ore, of a cog...mica, the Judge cootbanot wee ith ' deiced.. °Hoer, *Ape& bathes It was eminently 50 tatteerlitt iced from the cothbentlal rellitl&la when them be was eaopped temp selling lip Any 1 Win duke le Mmerlfor ease other Demme, to the 'tan& ot property In his hoods eh each eer-I6 Amt the , be pain ant (peers' the prieetmll title • 1 IskAild beeyanot U. coetrut Vila* goed-rallb. ia etmtrary to the {dean policy of the law. ' 41t..ine sob ~ be wag Pb, dire wed Sthethitillthis ' iptle pot as a patriot of to* iollithile no melt?... Race of the baleen le the pregniety of Otte Pa* - thspetuned A proper credit 121 be ellaleell tbededbalb let; but lime orricaddeallos he Wald tee see no moo* !fly this mane% theatothe 101 hod tat be* loped *Mee limeeekm bordellialmeall as beldsolld the memo the other mane As thedek•diaro Moat. her dedsethe the 11113 81 actually paid oat ;Melee, fel Lea. leallOoll atter biroSlbiallailtt for 9111r7 S.-bang the amount cd the balance of the Inn I ebol l -enexpeadtd, with lamest added. - : ~../././......---- / • Clone Prir, Iretama, Aprll I, garrnes Lee' .talaNi4 POITIV/11.1.14 SCIICTIJIMAL 1j9.• Per isameret: 1 noticed ammo two se Oak wets .aro a motesekathi faintilflabl A Jd -6,, arterial!' Co., Pa askant a solution to Inectinp cal tiroblesa. 1 mamma to tali* It la Ilds- Prt—The arittinelcal %realism It perlbelsed eletyki rin. The same reliM that onipelley Nieto anather 111 imminence ar itammten elriat be tween the velocity Mow to MI other tin tan Psildlit the pit% re . tee Arnim% (the dlivot) hr he, and the one ou the men abaft (the donee) es 16 eche.. The given velocity; if that otth6 dries, to rt•Ohni0111 Mow tor the kdlontem we led .. esthe6M of the defter. 1 • 44 bleb. I_ 14 Ire& • 40 rer. i m rte. Number et wet:la:low comic Dy the driver, - hod leteeti. : fifth r m roe. 40 fey. Nenbeehf revelation. tealle „ , • • Now le order to "edit,. tee; eirsher 40 reroletirele or tee Mirth to 30 - retrolotiOsti .lidtrad of inelalle Plebes - the ewe end Peeped tern we we the terolutiallie for test temper. and .raerreeteitly will hare idles OW SWIM. Tae,: re..: • es • of Meta'. pr eo re..: 30 I of drives. Now we set. _omen mete ID revelations AT made Nig r pr ttie driver emelt would De °•(Piruii to ' ivr, Ere mete dilether . tbe. eltruad, 111". br the as abort raw would Import 1q7 14 " " sth!! dijabel of Lest at ever) sm Tor I.- ipiisn iv.l 'Cosorque%Aly ,feab.-r sz!Nal iirirrt I - 4 1 :11.3 74169 ,• CM= 00triallbroi ,- e4ree.sorl ma *ewe of the dr , - BIS t!/ • - m;e pmeeee. turf to Ott. dr.— LETT= PROW scrinairm March tr.Me/ ' Drat .rci . "4,l4eat.. *ball outlutoo attempt by It kith letter to tow matt I or do not know t Zen whore eitaollto have weed with tho tta.nollw - Ftuir otherwise. ham* httle emote, to croamnalty In the woild, but gin a b p =Una :Wog tillgytaw font net AnSan boon woldll at -lftodava 'Abbotadast- "Afro" * 1 sad knit *RI ,V , rv r lisrety, la m I , d, th peopaetion to amber virOttay, dotty of ',110..e.0nt the way rows grosad te==sallet the ane eat glory of Roo t chimaera Of the Mier Tears which I heap Yawned le amp* to Ole Uthe ; wadt In thle eountty Whew, rey prterteLet d :rlth a tTler " 7 " 4 ih r =Maa led old oodles sad .he daappearteg Must date* . katete to reeldesteerltten *tor mike otthelr elotos.ed there rehtr with wit palpable. atelble - , cations of pot grateleor. at t. In eiteleedaset Many deat wo, or , bit Ikea. aradded other window% and loop holm with lam /Ittateabla shoes god besevit e lited eelretathea.ecerer the /*tin Amy/th ra upon which they Mead. Alt Med to own of hes to mod legend* sad Waikato* _U• at which, to a lire Teak" whim tat% to artapte Wok /who of that notuuible talped. • 1 Ton km hu Or hooeuesithe. the tfle gleans «chinnut ed r• b ow the ttegereropia, merlon fear cantors new the Solo and bread Ile chore to the beactlle Adel of Lack Lomat& • Really coplared, l IWO* bakable la Us pentekt inch. aboehea ot a !Most. We WOWS tale WO"' hoe mesas- atat tau ad plit—amdwr ~a~... "a 4IZ . ' — OOll3ll - 0014.., el taM to Maori 1 , lkaltoltral labit 4 : ad *age - of tat : laivi i *asjcil la las plant a la f=Mae , ar h abaft Bows aao r Afoot too ktl la la tea la Ataaa bp, bat to iala . • - 1...31.1" 5rcil l arhs rho 1 • . itka c r. Ida lau so tiara tatoalf t bp la^ at "litot- I M=lt of Woes* tatils, =la:a out bl bat ism, ^ f" - `1 1 s lei tbe 01 the; armallow.7. • , Tipsiest adokkAellellialt lira Ipso Wilda Mit pow mil ROblt Do Colisind silt ii~asKt~ra= treiliwgYmattat mtledve icrui tt t. WO r -....e6 1,. `re, l4 . =TT Orl=lll= 111 elialk . f i rilo . loll4birtif is haltbatolltall is_ Zotioall—lateuivi irW Mon - an Witt. rt. • obi* Oaten over the Wei io, iontral li tine deem . Abioplioll In * VIE nhar. , ll Mir . trl ia n n itt rr laro ion • • Monty thamodlobatitsonlai semoasher of &ISO _ooll l Obtriti On In inn, ' hi Mal as I us Irani 1 boar &heady tried yose eat/ This is Ma birth_ pistol or Fir J. Neer Pont. Wend In; taigtiat ► l." • al sod ills Min *nil on ws, Kill itioll.= other ken of aotiquity. a • nation, tar ...,=.8358-- & totAr d% itel. l w saw I Ile. tfolliti P - abatabl. Unresta laa4RL rano& portkotorly lb' 11 16k1 = t5...1;:. ‘ t : i huh t tisl ra4lll to, ledr. tWs ist li s r Oi 'l lS `=taftrterner the t il Loreao*ti e " In=r a C so kale. Nast bat shall not ion* so im Brad, tent I ~sad h i a l lts sari.. to...kaaw buzi ill&O Slittin olot:4 durum ep * tin to%ortrilt wry prisift...• } &got to soy lbot Mr , nestnon lo et bona &nu Sir anal Roy. horn lola the Cane Ohossierin tha etry.. _111± .. " far tan atte to the moos reen *Oat ?DOR MAT Ihrbear manner: , t , :.,...- 4 . 1 Itirutt*Corron Donssaarn. Jai.:llh 14,1 1- g .. aikeri, gag, ouvonir-postr ear 7-411th rot Ilinaelsto nth, Mo tak e. . " lowan - Mat nib la earrantl som in albino olf J. Pt Sok &net of oar , E ........ ... env 1.6 .ifrilevo ..,... set siiiimw Swag ii as to natl. ti is my 114 s lwaribt Mt liolliabl, tad It rei. li . I,I O. I RIMO__, IOO el 411311 i! Bonn sr ; tlohl Win bon sensos en it. ni al Woe root only re ObnifsAntionetro bat dintotitt LIMO Si NITIOII that it Was anoint ”.• Vinson Nam ow oli Mo: go totaionial big en MI t& log tjno Man trisi 1r Me t!di . . Wn 7 .llO. II 112:14 kari.". 11,. , :. , a ' MA •I '''' . • ' ' ' i ' ' B. OL T • • ATIVE16.11151011r• 1001147RE$S. , ', e• r 6 " it111 42,.... 113 74 f• istl=aars AillAnLvd. diot •in '• %Minis 114 Tor irss oa digr ii ess tea rettlyllballods= tOgidotopt eltltstaon sothroidinir tba ensossisdinly usserst f 4 sosislat opsoessiss - aba.EssidaSsassodossolndss was poised' • • ' ass How. sossforosi aas ordered Stballsy sad Tabus* Worm Balk% Ms* , oaf Illatirsahrt woos sworn to So Hoye [S•selttAt&los flVlnWonsotierit. - ' Tbs embalms cd Pis lkeilltrtr Osttostttoo, ,dlrdsztog_teocutrd ennikiim..lo .SIN teem aloaTink,Poposyl. MIA s alami.; foal Xr.Arssu!lll laforti%74? - • -Alosst• 40 ass 11 . 51 " Meir gar I. l=susts ig = • and ram cososrsolts} moats to , the rjtoilto ItAdsoid stscistiss 11001. siteiersed al mmaittst tom - Bee I Cos; Porn.. l / 4 s, 'both :be.notrro sloydad Left. fi`qaf Vited, I sat • the Sot* lit Usarrisolldlsfl ar nma Foci of , papa km two cam Mairgants ma passed by, I 911 to 24 - . 41b5..1e-fis llooday. • A Isms stnaless-qf sosttostlass ipso mud In t - Isshodiale tls folkoriss :•1111.0ser Its hisd, J. Toothesplitialty ;111ords, iinarmaa Jontiq . Wood Swaim. /sea R. Dsz•go. ississorsr4ritt•PoonsylvichoDistact, 8.11:431week.; _Mita Raid. Okileetal of Sislik Nattier owls masies, _ =,tar for f`11t...11. tuatiOs trees thillfstoos be. Ise sseusiod to irsedieek. Rely. vhi ai mesa with Badirds Illtlake!GlWASO stateo, wars stifled. , Timanissaina - Trorthisaiensilarimi in mama us/laminae of the Swett te:Toeoo7..aud On* . isay ma ammo/ nabs f=lintio• ensor lingram . make AS lossatis *ma t to It. 1,10 Beasts on Toantity. , osettnned 1,0301 r4 Miskolc Emhart ay •• sod dohs J = l to Assorts. • • somber of sesame time SIM tolls. IL of et oe . • •nem_ . tun Corseetim 11.141atscr-t4 tan • Idia. 4. Pile. or 11=44,Wileii• Ren , W so, Ise to Swisosilast -doese& Oldiss,-.oo•Hss N. LISSA Or" Sias ; Ihrbor Of lad. re, ;Sollstel L. l ' of Oath Ocilloslip. zganit ; Firm _lan.•4lcosso, of Nat 041MWAD/110a111/Nifalio •• t. 4 It, at.'1173303 =Lk C 0.., mil manegenag ?at DA NO _ iltnsoisruiljay• kuati and snot win, c:n*lnkr n !Ahem! emMt etlemste Ongleetelh, gm end In Wei di ai: .1r 4 er...40,5344 1 0, tolod, trt tOe dog; 1 /4"ittfk:+ l * te-UttectO algtletmtozare met IcOmPtl7 wiLLlVllMltOgimatioept. Formal aricrwAtresarctraks 410.011101014"1"' rtrrizatetrAticsarcr< Aolit,entees the Miltpmemin orem:lollmtibkLiir Ibsen r any !vain OM* Mat Mc, itaDoal Pala ti ameollal maimedlimadarinatatatia clam bottramiampitima , jy . tensaat *ad aatiotm• '4 all v., co?* bi ;swum 4.; led**loo ;' 6lo csOrrallaaofttie boaq poem: Somellmot It kammikilliiithOsAllte &Minim mote Mad MO' Miladmidi, aim mom pitman Mita la requited to keep atbe • toil Motoga of the . #4.Arculterfook la to Ilia' altar , to th al to ittiolteqeekierthe dot, Imposed eit oa tt by the Mge*y sod. capable ol mookytait teillgoKloWar nOi mai". • hum u >r aa skvoll._ . _The Os Mum ciMaiintaal, Taal lain lalk itellmarmasenanir madia - Idemitis ma mulaltliMa aid Um mai& M teat *row Ala tar ' Tat au u. aolumam. matter %tonnes - tR ea tha mliflidd.: &ails a *fey d'Appetila iota* an, comemosatnig s dedMitart etre of the tonic Is to stimulate a iMilme dlirkflaDge 4 MM.! reiem buttlistta tipso, and I tit M t rta &bee and pekoe to ahmh mai- Jietril*ate 4 pelart l ity ithisilaittgibra oOthpuest., tit with bintoonxis :! sad an both these motplateit, llooloftwarcilawir *reeks a,a me* •Osairaly. edyand ceiaalo nerd,. WU I==== lelinem; bayed p) - It Ls plush ;I !O ccUrlq M ISt: vadat! let to:elves _ Wass lild Ist Ina of =Ma =ll tbq Adla Mier, r ititter iireaval EE3I 111• Cbsn 1 Mina Ca .741* NICI taq mons. POMOt thiligiUos6 Show sect for Tirenty-ke mtg. =UM CCI E , )seru St. Aeviatiraty....: i UaO bk. 104 M. I SKIN: DIEFEWAVIS. ii-whojuw - w-sTrAiviii-T NA W T , • Inttritl7 'Hirano, oftaathsee :: - 1 IN . IntbM vii I'd' 411 - VlCitilts v 0u5t ,,,,, , „1,,,,i....:l .. C ,'. 0 .11 . 1721. . - • ' , IL= 4-61111r !P lii ri l .1 t -actr , _,- o.: ,ougmanns. tvirerse , i ...p.e. oh ymay.... =,. Srgehit ,alt ithaam - oink telling Moir . lhapiar's st= ,„ Amore OM Ilai&Calllitl -.- - Hanfits's Oflatpintt ~„9,, b p dpieris c bu . ' B.spws 1 ItirikajOripMey' WC , 'PklOll U vii, 1 r al: . l . 4 allikr_ fidliallortt or g" lP.maitibe. fti.l lje GV. - . -.. ” McmiliMalir 1 r ' , : -:- - • ' . . . , Bealima. 11111aJlamat ItLr i r • ' =tMmiam qf tkt - pd Ear ea WV •" 40b&j ...... f./ .... .ar, aapallammi - : )Nm MO ape& , labiaio mea at Maeda Tbe medial . • 4 ~ tb SCCOMIIIIrI MI b . 22. ~ Mla blip:l4m )1111,10111 WS ire** ~ ~ . tab etregeMimmiataillm. ~ , • • , 1 `a •1 awl 1 4 , • rro oP/MCWIII4I4 *iTaa y troaa bin; ruler, Mono 44, as. Itapaaal only by lat. C. Para.' .kk ki4ollll. fa .0,4 4 71 be 114 Wt Pumice - ow 1_ =b, Dr. alr =pi a unt "Oribin. 7 -- 7±G• rmaosge Zed Iclae Asko. 1401110.:171M; . , . NeallearClagjind Ihip*llastart . him OW tri ' ' .airi on* . . • lull ours . iellekl, Is acute a . J . • • ..,'Woilrarma ; diverso% B•rks.: 11 " '.; - .. ''' . . cc fisyrilon*Dmeedis. , . • . _ - 'DE the VverellninOOK .• • II * ' . II; B.—The grontok • irr yellow esw-irpirtth• Waled twee to my trots .• i t (paLlinpm q_lsell —mall sedl tat aid ... 11.0.1, at 111 104 : 38, C. 11. N VW sale by bat Droggtits • Weir 7 - '1" . " 3. 1 21° . • `," "•'•:l"al'''' Magligaglai 1.2 .1. - Jrikatitglie dU Voir_ take LWiue mu, Wel imerwE . nicilyt ignermttie 964149999'901411.g.'.1 Ett it 9 r , . ' • Is' . 10EROANTILE , . , . Tbe uscia.. airra, Or tnii vicinity VIII 'do . . alliinnapip an eye oparto lain a we price., of oat , now Myth( Wain Inv law la net offered to Lb*, pan. iftlin lama peva; ' , . . POLITIOALI - iirallivniii-.4.nrri riisde of rokttl. - st steiS sad 4 cr wipe., w.ii 4 , ,a thoth.• 0 .^ , l' .ocikw r . sniped, ceox d.. r... 0.1 .1. .1, rttrd, aid everyt i 91 . 111'g eiSelrttie:m or c.,10. of 'Acura., WA V44o l ;at•lf A ' a ' r 4 ,„_• 4 al ' . ' 4 ''. t —it t4_ .A.. ZCZIESti a . . • • . . • 'The• t • I • lIPLENG VMS /V Se tbel'euzstmoulty• s olr twat reepsCtfally lateasest Qat tbere Is Do otbei els . tgastmost re do, planet, at solicit•tbey can be asp. OW to Weis Dods ettlstsetlOD,. better Ibis at tbil Omit 111011/12 @tow Hall 01 • ~ • - " ' -1100EHILL & WILSON.. ; IXIMESTIO I ~ 1 ...• . ' • - 1 i • Tal b.lne tato roar 1 / 1 10100111101.D Ufa ewmfori smiljoy wilett follow ofl laving all Itermala masa at Me rIIIIWI bellll/4tuili ai4ecilafetadly glad. EU Top , ' 4or 11144Vr BAVIIIIELL & WILSON'S.. PEOUNIARTI • . To get the most elothea air the Itig Apr now. Kir g tho Itstat gamma tot the lowest dolleri ; glutei eittemiket Sou lb. 'little K expo:Kitten cash ; All you have to do la to BUY YOUR CLOT AT. - ' -. - ; ROOILTILL .it WILSOICP ,l ; • ...._ • - ,CH?01) NEWS FOR TtlE BOYS ! Akeeirieirloi.*l - .iceeoidithetl:. 14ral 'der al oaken Ibt frit eta bora.' CloUtos to go 14 Wadi& ..01013.1a OM. a 4. lemi,l6, Clanalai Sunday. Monday and eijii ottior Oily. Itottll clotb 4 i.,...41 bqo; out toatt,pOr:4 l 4 o 4.)Kbqi 1 44 axon Mil tholt liollbetli. to • 4 • ' • • 4 - 4 4. , ' • ' IMIKHELL -di WIL9011*! •Rocimucro.:* , irtiveom bo!ii. - broebt tbotr iegiinit to ine adainitig inn sOp , tettlto Publ?l. get 8 •"!:" , " VI Vii4lkivnt - Qr ma* maaliAming Ctoultat Door Go,* tlo to entirely , dapiroilleled, 1.1 to . Itlactoto. total, tiosuuwaty, 4110,114 y Of outtolot 'Witte ItolsilAilittt, W en; II t Above Atlit:ttAti!. me allots , .` . : ... We won't be ußdersold.; ROOKTULL & 11 Great Browny Stone HalL 603 & 60,5 Chestnut St., ,XLA 4 ; ) /IT. , X v :IFIAr• April r. ro = "COUSIN CURTAINS AND SHADES ? NEW, STYLES ` L i " N 0 T I TOI6}OI/on SWISS L'AIPTi.CURTAINA • Embroidered Kano rind Tablet:Wets. Window Oontfces, in Gilt, Valtint, andllose: vi.pod and _ F . Witirlota BraPerins from latest ErenA Def L _• 1 41 f" - • •• ; - - FineWitidow Shades... Etc. I • Agents frit Bray's Patent Spring i3alancil Shade Fixture, which requires no Coq.. *Carrington, De Zonche & Cor. Thtrileenth Ctieotno4,4 i nikgistoso • LINEAWEAVIIII,PLEASANTS,.Oo tin* StA • Amil. at the Pint trottatiso Chitral, by ttra Rita. 'Dr. W. U. Furrow Dr. Warateroroe K. Ltegozerse. N Yotterllle, to Mite K. Ytoeettos P1.8...71, mend, daughter tA. the late Hugh belly arid,daughter o ttl BSOlurr... 1 t . 11 4. 1 411t 3 1. 1 0t noes, of 'Easton, Pa , htd Some M ought, oilitter Birk, Of• rottarilie.. • •,. ' '" • . DArGitf;-dt Decdhin c oozy. Pa. April ltx4 Aseta. - Gna of =nod Deadethaod dah cut tiollea.Willtaina, of LlOOOll7O. ' - GGYNII—On the lath end. at- Alteatowe. Pt . it. Westin, tiottre,loriterly of P.dtsetils. aged ST Vara. ?merit IQ tate place Goon' Ids late residents it -41 oft tiaeday aftetsooe. • • •• I i e GLI the 144 test; va - Leodd. hrPotte. en* 'II ferell.ditattitP4lll4 04 o :dme.' lll Get tear 01 het 4.4. Relatives and In of the WWI are reepeetfalli Invited to attend bet team] toot the teetdenee: of her heebtad, itaUteid street. ea flatatda7 exdfdalc; ?MI Inkblot. at 10 ttlat, %Ittihad , fmther • HOT-10 the gth of Ale% Sgeo ol og,jllrt. 'UMW ctr &W, o,ltit MI. ' . d'OHIS-0a the Pith ltd rilbta, Eva IL e. =ter of itaabd sad:, Jas. donee, aged 14 'elm 4 ead tee doer - • 1 1111011M1-ott am, tatit. tine .tooddeoli. it 'roil Cubes. Gomel P.- roma:L..Bbn of the late Go: Werner, of Oridepare. In the M Itla;era ^ Mb yaw of 7'?M tgel l 6= l 2. ll =ll ll.66 os.l:rber tetuty.) =Gift et Wiretap. • • I• 1 '. elblemiare. ' AT a meeting of Mk Woeklainvies Benevolent Assonant= bed at Mt Carmel. Northumberland tlo, alallartda7 eveldata AMU leekthe Iblimetan pool Mob's Mut neeolutlaur were susalsooudy adopted: , Warman% It has pleased an Alladas Prmtelesee ..... t =Mar -li elltaniariaNW; R Thatto the death of our kllow arearbeh WILL4•II sea. we have km a wens Irked and , stannett te Of oar CRIMP; sod be tt furtherl Rooked. That mere wontalMl 'to mar Wa g. pater we feel towards Ms bereaved lhailtr, or Oaf 000., 10W ii 41 Isoo . o22=lol=Vooooo 00 14017 61a4 .40 ,•"rab. 0 41, grith wi lirboes g" t t imene mlu"‘ m 'bah to sod out of me Amodatioa ,• and be . cae — 70,1,..4 • elree derallehthlMl Of IMMO OW mel that 116101 , 1 114. • • ii6utear . tsfelbasON Pist OW* WS the Ltia• t"'". jef w. Wassabs. MOMS ''''''"tE • 4 ' As e =‘ . ll:L/P'S'CIP • adJairabli . amande Ms ,oniered from .the gnittati= why A. „... linid ii **ire dieor 4-'1 4 7 . : Atat e as rowet or i sof win. DI BAlt i ar r. /Prei -' 't Tbe Loden t ift,llof *titer a e stator JoHmiatt. a ‘sailt.": - 4171c4 r* . 4 rl. tho 7r t of f r ifforfile. ff;ThafffilllClon , . I VO evizi o Ort i r m , i am a i l % Illf fft:Voll. id Datriet.. sad alio Vi . ip 6 ~ .op th e elth 7o( of. ham:: A ii IWOOMlg=tirb7t.di "".. ..n Piglict of tsasyfflflo. - Poi Polloville: die.litli de of Magary. a., U. CIIHSSTOIII/1147T1.5. alaigt!lay ii ta .0 • i ,;.iiiist- itievinginure dark_ - mmuicwr.-11111 dig Ilieeriee Veure — ei r 4 { t p= 4 B La MWt 1 . 1 , • I qle the lest,- . t 1 tfte whoa hoe, oeheeth :Are .(:: thetter ULU% of Pontiac. EchultillCo.. Ps ~,,—..... eves make et Ith lepoehtlatie es kla . oolaf MD aIN, rotj JOEilq. KILINISOA., qt Seethithe. lh the (hem, of Sdshethill, is eat aherict• adl, elm eahe , Vieth ea the le t 41, ' i sat hit 7. a. Al WI. iii. pinged , IM( bu tt tithe the grz. Poe of lteethit,lll the Mind Mutt el the Seto the theAthteth --e -- 'l" , :k-4.• , -1 , ' , 4••:‘l • et eget me *fib% j i.i ir tar- ety. A. D. tete. CUM PHU l'Apriflo•tr_.-21-: ..f - :1' - i , ; ,-- 1151 .%.• I • inAlinnurrglllitrair tete 01 eathhoweense beeeitilie meted to the o iclocatened epee the oetehinaht4 MM.' AM °lithe Bor dough Ain: . - • heivb, sietisspiti • • • • ".4 ". := 4111" 1 :=4 P g!imi lie n . r• - " W. ' ,4 1 ' . _ ......4, ' MIL -1; - a *-- ' , ,-' • ~ • • LtriattVC.;:rii i,Zl:•',.:. ''," ' 141 i, -'''!4 I 1. 1111.14 ,31= . 4 .i ; 101.0,0.1411.1 41 r 0 7r - lie. lb4 l - 4 Z. leg *set _ Itslits!it City. Argik-INIF.. • -- ,„ , • , Aliwriaof reelasetill* • , ipso illiorripes *WU tamed ; I.ltrY resbeAeria• mew' to Tressme ebterlt. 1tbl; be wit neleapue el Me WM* in tie Neve,eb- D. tra i eek, ti z ar t ie IWO fili4R4l:ll - r .2 t -- - Acelnoi. —l-41.1111Irr*"" MOientliTalTlALlP iiiirsoL-L4A4I enier744. l l=i l Wi rr a d arl eeseed;—Zieglee Isetiestemo t pews' ed fo nld estate to melm 101.1.4114 , PRIIIIC94.I2*q .LOMbatli Nete tV t ee' 717 or .10.9171111. MM. 4.1 t. SWUM. Al* Aiwa Ic , fl . •44 , 4*; - W A NT E INEO"re‘eiviebelelPlelaPlee Potteeetiets., • - Atoll - 10.AMS.=Tbe - stlettual essedlog. of ' Itatebigliteteilll beheld at thiellkeettlbe Otiniteey. So: Wlksallt -Wed stele, ea-Totedirp, W IMi itt. le in., *beta lILL Callos will be beld Pee isle Dbeetnve to sentfoe the apeliot—met -". 11 .MIMUft. 20 2. • . oseimier now ifwesbowine oam dr. Porobstua Atoll Ui Iste,=lle axonal sweat* of tbe itedentadens or , eae Pottsville Ges Cusseeny,•63e tboeleetketet Illseelosio elm 40Vin tee missing vier, . will be belts: Siete eSeeeet Noe , ly. the x dir ociewiais. between the hamlet I and Otter* 4 4....„ ; _ D. 4 apes, smret if i . alit: 111:01 • ~ • .' • • • lest ~ ' • 01111011 indisotatati AlkowairiTh Ilse Of rimewillh , 1T1.1‘11369 —Mr ailonii 11 714 1 =44 ta e M ilettarZ i = t ritaa irt.t M brld at ibattullea Xs, 1-W Matra 'Wirt. 011 'ol4t• WI dlgy ill"_l9da. Wpm libeJpeart 4 eta 104 oliesirr.lll. :DOOM. Sew. ' F - - / 11411, .gmelim i ., --. -- lt• Mu %0N0.... . Wrillib — ler oeilli feelliesYlklTl Mei _ __ _ 7_ Mtge 0 'day,l6l 41b. A rl. 1q69,...4, IV, weinek la the Are oron;lad onkel Mesas* Frye iknojnetty nt the • amber a dierct., it vroomt, one potion of Mewl Solliallnflllt a gofx=ff 124 lug Of WS tat say fint. .retelethe Jet el.tee± at,-re Outpety• aspertilead• ent::tue Abe tbs.& Mocee4lng yo 0; &tenet*, the =deal of alielittiltneilur.tlet dime; sad gutty the *Olt to the M l ete it tl- iteyerleleeelettt et Ileertstwe = re, •Intittared . , by hieo,l)l.-ettt Van of ~ - f , AMIE teItAtLINI, I Coo ty fneeAtitc4rest at Lcba,tlAlll Comity: ' ." 4 t . 9 1 ,17 -; • - it...,,... .. , ..1-. A ii; WA Int l .lAtv 41 , 1 go Tat by A{ " lelelrtt ttlattli Ilalg eetiteleneee. ,A, 'it No. 4 Sneothd tit ' AprlEl(l,-1644' A62IIOXTII WAIT". In 114:111161113-CSelLta X Xtd 'TWO. • lanisaaaly•paidnasimWrlkat dame, pez day:. brad for comma 6311 fen matatam 10 AgaiscliClL s • I • 164 m. W . OIKA. W • Dite. I , • G E ERAI; PI.QIIOES. vonme t Ak Togo amialliryillid. re. —PrOcaais win. be reedy* tiatn Lay tatic.ll, andanaipaa4. inaltlair a *mart at. clarboneatlerf. Plat to tie MOM at *Oaks a• • . ' et. - JOUN LUCASCa, Pai c re: A pit trjAprozwirsort ~um wxmoisar;—.re. betweec2 ibe sadient TM. is lot din:boil by IRguni Copia% -The buirtaeoi of the wll birtutllnned TWJeraion nem- eirtfprAitwit, - LictioN va.oktuisi;b*mmuaiemak.' is pr, -et, .41,tea sanp.t., tuck of Irtit vaqui.s; fo , MeV e *Resale' r`lirj,2lol te bad utile, of- - lir ll6' tfelekifte tlli eLI, , L-q., 16 Miessiosito eiet..ftele`Me.litefillet " eel fbibllle the fill, Nee— dptyi of Mar, 1.564. benne* tit boon bc.__Y aelolt k. II saditereimicf,A(: suanattatremikm. wipirtimt —meet Ittbe - predrill O. of Rodlike. .• • we:trete are frfyloPLed to be prevent OMBbuielleif of tbe Prier re April Milt'. buslllue ot IMPOrtikbee Befeemeeidebyr By ow* id kw& .1401513.4110 •a _404 0 *DIMS' AIPIIIIM try , 11S. 9. P. BECIITBI, Attorney at Law. cuAlemPra„al liaildlek, con nee Cadre ted=tl= 4 lrhifla N. 4 4 sod 0. ietim.ahtt.ipnrectlhr .. :• ••Trehrt lisalpoil Maar. • '14,011110.50_ — 4 , ' • la tit OTlleit.--fti Plawrikti) baftolore 0N -U-6 existing' beirwm Juke J. Conner nsi Wkaioaaa, tradi la ng valor thmlin.l. 01 4.. 1 t irthla aato leib7r-illosoffori . mire: glair tom of Doilowatireo, 41pe., Is floboirl• kW fr ia nTlf •MI 1 , that lam lotto __MA. .10 Wos tf en, Id ~ r., P N. and bon is = oi rolrModed oM neill t0=412 a. ruff. . Waldo. Po.dolf le- U. . . . - , ...WI 0 E2E1400 - • 1111 clawiu Alum, PoprvlD4l. P r ?" . • ^ /4 " 1 • is Irma rd e9s•cimills Y6llCi v alk ir t mal norm titoaritanma. Tlct- itriarialara 11 241= 4 alter to Mid th RN ~YoRL- Wax= • 'Ndtreiddt — itTtem ate ?(4-Ifim Aj E 4) 9 1- 1.64 ' tP to ma sia ~S 0 NOW/ fel.o - , N4IV 'YOR K,; WRltlct belustit t ittlito ibrimbei ga o: r i Gi wal. fttft tir • - ot Ito door ad Us Ileetetied 111121111tdallierrttea MIMI= 11* .1 O mura 1W wernsaar d. ddeador tee alpeier't eat NOM i that OMR) id riel Insenieuvto de Vllt- Vs= k.rds Arseft" ' A r" . " aid est i == ll° . =to eidestviddltaimset dre omit Wont the wild. 0 tertitstvorelrni "" 44 as MOW AV' IMlt'llond in eemers P.m" le MN ILIV Pleb Imecoettlee tem Xt M IN . Storim sad Vadelett_ eididelf *DOM* Pow.. Is addittop to the nor S aint mad the rend , rN • 41 / 11 1 4A..i., a *id*, eleldilell t. he Itaw.a. eke. se. s trk: ll' I I J. I MAT 20 Dr,Pußi . VV. AMTS . tres - tikkunrunta. clump ablimi impit.siteAsirrd I !! #* o 4 94 14 1 1 11M1 • 7 emu"- - - • :WARM ; , - eplsmorAt f 4.841- rz.t4.10 1.24 W !t4ll ,1/ - . 4 6 S. .1 1 / 1 11111 itrill; rt 4 • " '? " 1 4, r - 1; . ; vor '• ,4 011111 - 0 1 hosz.v. `,t-VA; =l4) UT.. I: 4 za - z, — , - 0 •, - • inciumg‘inatmaaa 0 • ir , 215 ' 'lt e r g A t itild *".l it t # ol4,l "! 14441 reoxas Lia.itkil z . Jpespox EIEME:2III J. C BOLT MIMI -,--- i --...- ----.--- -,.....- - -- 7....77- - - - 7 - 7 - 7 •-*---'--...- - r ---1 : 1 - 4---—. - - - - ' COBF I TIN I EN I Titsiga( LIFE INSERANCE.-COMFAIIi :, . •4' Cl 4- -1 : n ~..-"; —. %..'' . .. . P(':. • —....-' ~ . _-...... •.. . .. sr _,.. . : . •• • • :,•,. r tz.riesmaki A,,ble-;:et! ea Oteltittallisl We lasenereOwspaoy it Ilan fordtt, •- • - -, e , , , , • . - -,_ _ . ! able iwahhilithat they telli.A: thalmoottor itirckavi,tagl, ! Alhr, IW_Conr.,. e . ` - theittl'4l. LOPE otPxzwToita. , , , ' Ai ,dpi egie4ras c . .l' the !mkt c, z ,,. ; Isellta r:— wellad ititlitlitht%hatter otthis ectaliWilso4and t ey e _._ ....„. ... o expo..e ihe trl ..,, , s , . ' milt with wblch it 116:111;146. 'thitlMOlllki Mill MU to prr4t . a an:Liman , of the u: . 11 * et Ire two clhestallod Shoed tikes' retitle la.levin g hire thigtarwaktutaa ap.ln eit,,o, lalit Witte of funinktAlon'aid pritention rest; the p:abile wnlid..4en;ll , od.l),/, the ex 1:,... Y_Lite t Ilaceltra Cialanit it not: . ' •• • • .•• ' ,ii: 2., • ''' ,- • . • The CtllTlTNlelttl'Al. OlirliplyY9RE., corr.ne3cedtrasimatin Alit: I :-.',.•;•, V e , ~ . TIN I'l. Ek.:tti!tkitO li i YF, R . ,6 4 :e . ont ~. rnTl.Ged , , in Inly,- 1 4 : lii c . 4 'fai t fn'c I . 011- e haa I ' S - , . goody, had i daradoitneitily Tilittrri'4lTlllll9 t(leStitß 'An the te w York , •ti How ibi s akee s! en i t eby vielol:beeph.teen occupied to tit! 'l4lXE;tell . ,ent' ,, anclicrit envetneit . :: the Hattltod litte4rriwe4itt:shnl4. ' - .Before rertaarkinCOn .thO r otat iota I.lcialonir i. i, • ' °comparison," wo l Ali Tel titret.n, preEenting the fr4shietiteed_ll4lol4 pel ,- ,tton et th e ~h, of isiesittivittatithcialeecottats, 'vit.: DeetWihr et '..,',14tr,. : ' 1 ' at '' • f - -- i . - 4aiarw- t iv... Pt;u•i;a• 4 -ti r 17; Er il: Ni •'.lwc - ' • ' . r id. ';• ' al rrs I -C , . ".' rri n .l.7 ' '.. s '' r ' - ' .. I. Contleaclad,l-,----4- 7 - -4--;...., -.--_____._ ___-.,..„. 7 :. , 4,________ _______ 1 likit York. , : 'Wit . $611.6711.300 ; roe a SSOolinf4mik 11.,301,49, 114,067,1,, fr tt. 11%42 ii a.i:12.11.• 1 7 330:1 -'; -. 40.0%7,1 - .10 I 416/ I,3o9'ol i tiii. au - 1 , It Ores sppeire that !It*: old . end str .s tu Itch - organizatlon , whiel'ind,..tigee in .fi rigs , , younger lll 'v owl .. hen - traireas44 let lits . 'w hde eareeileis than onill , "%alf the bdsium f t.,,. • CO/inNENT6,6 lifetlfYOMl halts shoarr dttralton, rind Inpo,-, felt co far N.,, t • - panil wr as to provoke Be et Into makiSig "caitapaeisons:: - It !sit, irwei4l;_iith inch a Cut-. ' . I ' , . . ny as the Contiseetal of sawserd e that the growth of the New Yor , V Co mparq la to hc. , : ' twisted, for the pu pose of showlms , its peogrees, . li welkeon 14 - fe Insurance 11,,• ! ~ • efening to the .I , •,, orme toattcgdoot New York:: ', • ',.liturtiiig Co reccriqy to IL- .. MS, Idle w• ; • . iblesaa!lifltal4 iiparard with the rapidity that Laa overleape4 ,_ . . • overcome the hicks atteiding.hegginners in the I.,ife InannsneNtid i. ISId in so eAlei : - wpotr time, ism a a ided theithawittiltytal. ratio of expenditures. W. reieipta, awl the in • 0' 1 .8' 4 64 4n of be espeenaelttatertege:- , 41S secomnta...tive es p .. • alum,ly etrocg, , with the itrentir : yisti.- :'! "jicoati hylnontit its ratiodioiothe ibi. outgo, I,3i'iee t/ t,,,, 1 •-, - OS •- .-.. .._ and Its anneal ' pla 111 kWessies• cle:eriMuecf surplus,, IS, .no leatC4lrscatilnwLy "xt,, i , 77. - r'. ; • .. ..,..,,-,.. • rand total of ita new policies. ~,. 111_1E01, the CODI•MktNTA.I. 9ii,INEW '1(111H. grit.: . ea mini policies 113 the' 4rEATV , YI 0 . 4,241k.,R1PX A. Liirp oF . CcEd is:' 11;131. 1..:. with,the exceptio 3 nt 1 ,,, cokupsolcs;nVoliter tit vs, yu4l . , p,fg,,c4iii:rby it,,tut.di Ls 7 •-tf Pollelealn the pwl year. ,--, Bali ja.thwetorkhfa cciirettepr'llol6s!e pin ea. . _ ! ..p a t beyond I p ectiketiml of mete bminese growth fe . .o2e. tar rani* important • eke r nt • . II:1 results °raids! Inszuk,gemet!.- ' 'II hil We tlei-rntinwin,; fi r .,,, r , i E!SIE .'.- o::: . . • !. . : . . . ! ,--:., K. _. •Al - r ~ • A: . 45:0- 7 ,...,,:::,:_-...,_ ~.., .: , :.:-e.. ~,1 . .. . . •. . rete tainlng Willa •El or leu, t l -_ ,, ' , - • , , , ,),, „„ t „,, -,ft ' , lei - . : Pvl it , It r / • • ' Per I: ntum ',PH &est.»; en0th ,,, L.1 , .. , ' b.,, O P , •" a.. , of E- , e• 11 , , , ro , •,. .. 14f A.r•Lortlartiosrme WI Meat it , r 1 t, .. it - ld tJt 41.2 Me—me i t) ,•:., •,,, j. n . Cint77Zs7 -- ---"v --'--- —.--- • - NowYurX , 13' 1 • 17,,53 „ :11 13 •4 53 , • 2.....- ie6l Calittusstal, I 1 . , 1111114 d ..:., Seisfe 46.0 p, t 30.94 ., • - 7.3 t 7.3t 49.41 . Here we haves bulk", courtootsd at a rit.n of 40 per cent. sitter espense, re., Lag is mach ' . l, eeltetkat of fllis,'ee 63354 lb , safety: of the corpsy, by 5r per ct,j, wenn modality It %, - - ...; ; "a ' NOWFOR. THE C 0 ifth.A . L.f4lSol\'r. • • • • : - . .., -0 4 ‘ ' This intcresUng document, %real Nib a Itrnentattmaabout au Eqoatire of the infer. politick held by the Coollsentikf of /1040; , : in the'State of itina 4O eretta. . Here art words . .' "frechely,whatiotereet policy ho ' llem in oiler Comp -fey can stave, to 11, ,r . ticielbein transacted_ e die Stale of :Vveachaectra, welditto ges. ‘1.5 publirstiou by -.. Muhl of the New VotliCeitinei3egitriff*ll to carry' with it the . ediete they hope i.+;l, It Twill be looked by Ike tufting insurey; .`aa 64 evidence dthlut'poverty of prt ir-called, of their boasted superiont .:` -' , : '. • - ; . ~ To this we reply : , 7the Cardiac t4I of I.inttford e ifiritarany.firickhait 1.5 t btizt - : tharlzed to trannackbatistesain c the S we - of ,New Yorh : .• ',„ 're, the t eal find iriestli"-' of the New York Insurance departineut, nearly aivery,respeotable A lean Ltfa`Coroi, has submitted itself, in order to have the adorteiriekt of n deparin4ie, Willett permit. - unreliable trryiAlaaticai Orecelve It: certificate. ift the Contine(ial of Barn , 51 Ipt.': . : *ell Yerin . tetek we'irere own pellel to turn to New F.rigland. - ls"Fee bow this erm-i ny is accepted l Ira own vetion, even tere We find, aa we bate be4e, s. shown, in the ry qi iisssiebiset net fellowing prWerottec ertlbifeil In 1.'641 for faroithrbtel ~.4 '.5 , York over the oelinitotal of LlM:ord. --"''''! —'— ''.-- - 1.------- -... ~ r:i.,1"1 POEM! U. 11114 Continental of "Kew Tori $2 4 71,1b6 7 Continental Of Hartford , - , .. "... ; .85,353 • /CP UT A The Hsrtford 'retest born of its apitil stoet 0f ... 14.-- W r ltngelil s reriees. the real value of attire ettidinl, to in established We cnorpin7; we , eirnPil reniaA , li t • the niNillled tapltkemf~.d* pisr cents --flit*lniiLAST a tAno-consiete °flew; titutiv.i o ti a l ,i: , `.l , 1, - i , kl.l - ...1 ; .•. . . I The,c‘Pilat i llaclaof tin WiTDIENTAJ; Ql7: - N . F.* Y l (.4ll;,.thet wale or 'l. than It calms t 4 be-11043,000-4iL Cesa. , ...g - ,... .'.. ... . - ' 2la &cosset' ottildi the '' - 1 .ittft d ded biSlin3 - n.. ''''isi. ^f the Cory.. 7: , i ~., gret er eyn or I. 4 -..!" ~ • t , - ,• . 4 4 01 0 1 bri1.„7 1 , Mire in Alkflnylford_ecosipariFin an 7 stmse old A 4 esi (not quire in ri::% -,,- .. Ili 6 * iliwisid 44A'Nir.gfitailkiiriligiotilftieblif lifife;rY .• 1,.... , , Insts thin a Tell' it , ' , l night months old,, it FR . as eritlFryikunier tennternOns deireitse ill - 0 tonpitiS . c t at.etfi ,fr.:, , rc.l liabilities. f:On we , l4, , te:nt-liie int - n;i roost '( . : . 4 f , ' . , ' .3* A_ .N , , •.:A. R. .y--1- - ,8 6 9 . . • -..,;.. ... .. - i Amos inatedhig a u gio:" iti.4o4.o v copaasse z .., CONTINENTAL OR NEW YORE.:... ' ' E'S owsiata 1•• ' 'an a 1107 . " . 7. 7 A. 3 ii (.7 , entrrinstrrar.OPAlßTFOßD. .: . :::I 1111:4114011 ,-.i; . .. .411 E 1 4 5 17 1- . 0 !/ 4 • 91* 1 . . hong,' t.'le#3i, the net earpiaa of the Ciantinental oeffessT. was 039.8 1 '. = t. much fordeefhto 19 rathiefaifito tq' llabilitiii. *e, CoPy are.' ei words of oar crit, i lit's* stiorsOanialiity of itretMEe cpnippsos#l l -oir owl ipit?li, 7: occar- Fa 5 :wastieetrolitiitiiiisr66lli 4iiiiiii eiiiit 4 t toii. 44 , - of tie eondients' Hartford, Is not 4aite one-half tint ctrthiContniental of . 14.e:ii . ti41. " 7 • ' ' ' . 1 ' ' D - T.irily. e 111. 4 - ' , . . • b x -A,E, "ce.. l ,4iiiio "at the Gendlindat SA HartfOsiti - alto 'l.l , We are ii/"lnVd... , 13 ,-th . aloe of fillips* ertut,*( its I . ol*y Ifolders,..lncreuott its Mb 'of it rte. from, I n ' . °' 1110,21 ;Mikil iblettnaliteatal of Test, ;by, paying, a 04424 cll. only toly rer cen • reibunni, Itilislaintivtiqll*. to 10:92." .' j 'olikft. In' a nxot t iaciedidnoriong thtt)l . • A*, ; ; ;1 0 ;41 44: 61 4 61111. 1 1 4.!* , !4'ii..:" - ; As hi 1867 .. 1 1$ er ComPlinr .I' lll-. /:1 4ii7iginniinr Ind in 11Unnignatimpftt*Itinsy. liability oldllends 474 b) ifaantetl*tir r , . 9 ,i, ft ? 1 .1 2 .- li , t ll.l-' 4*! 4- eillitnereeini, Shs4onlgoing Imagliiiiettect of diirideodf, reserse,lis slaipiy atattr i d and riticnittsfi : .* '''r` ".''''.‘' -' . : ' ''l . Pao . . „ 106 - ars of the Con.tionntafot,HartfryN roman 8 per cent: -•,- orfnl i itplarest on. theif skr*lsposie at Ura Continentalof Nea 'f.7 per cent. '.lle. n: 1r4116 : .. ._,..... ii1411414 .. 1 ft*"1:*iriif'- 4 441. 9 •l i i; to ihrik' beideri ' of ,tiii*oninental of New la. 7 ~.,•TWITI II, I IIIII fFriletiliiii A tnen!2L 7:71i label , o 1 nt the Cninpany hineho;s no. , .-lei,stot - 4 apra leriaaaa It* enillatreitt gale to pOLerhiSgetn. ' The nee; C *.erin.ntin'ktrowliiir initittsiitaiiinead eat Barnes : !IgniOnalften , bn. Or l'n'''' ' ''. ...._,,,,...- ' •' 11 •-. 4. 1 .. li r lt , i7 - 2 4 4 0 6 7*? 31 a . naketadralleal;;*aalli auks .6 , . - _-&ro. Ilabao of iakitaff paolVatiolaari:': - % - ,....f.. - . - .::!.Ft ----- : ., ' :- : - Prilith:VAiiiii jelit6l.--Lizes . ira1:1) to • /aidip*,,:Ciiiero , of tenti,;7` , - . ,f i - 'Mai Is . : ii:-dlai.aialitabia"oai*t ' orq' as the 'report tcribii-asinta;Geocrsl o' t: Snits ke the its: ending t ffrentftt.m, 186% is a _decatt*S4 l . ,44 - diffellitt. ',,,, ~,t,t , :r , .• %-.- valets of dampen Of Itraniaarrjam alpha enliy , imatita!limiet nos si lea '3 C.' 3 '' thefolloaligltlitiat'iiiiii Path iiteicar l ii ; iißitia.i:' l :! - 0(110;61Iiiiii 4 ali r eila : . .. ', '..,•:-: • 7. -- s÷:kl-4",.; :- . P . - i f 1610 44 ' n - Fat!' et pnralaing t;t lave C :, ""ITastitesteialf Port:Wt. kr. the re/ dd ... .4H . ..litsFs...b.4 lor id ui po w ,lii b'r 'aka epald'ocrtl44o fir tag the 1-1 ": `bilbte theTtlbi!evlittid It abide by rn" 11 ' 0 ; ap or deer M a k - lito.en.i, tide 1 ' /1 ink Pr deer Unde d tl'e l '" v to dlsetiasisiste mom e ree Wet - cad - %prove' euminitifon in Ale termites : ‘ tCr e = 111011*mt laitePigiti , e. c uci a ne...._ oatklit d mi, 'tCollaPirim l _•? , as 41.4111411:40CM. g 11,3nitif z ry, - A - N 1 A '''\ , '!r • . m.. fio,. Il i I - - 1,• , -.: R.L.t . .,, ,:, ~.- , ...u , „.„., r . r s , • 046 )I.l' , r," : ; . C , ,,:_ 4 ,, '2_ „._ _ , .I Z tki • - i i * - -.•'*' • . -1 1 1.!:-..-',„ 7 ' . ~ . .-5,......!' -.--- : r. 4: ,-..-. ...- • . I.:t ~ ..,...,m o. ...iiiimii. f ! z7 , . 1 4 , '4, O.; nr ..' ,7.+,. .} t, f ""I , ''' 3- .fr" " " 11 , 't ,s t , " . :',Zot t'.'•MILI *, 4 ''' '. ' iii. 4% l - ---Ar- :, ~- 1 • • I ~. ..., l:nc l -Atatii! f 7/1,: , -*! ..._......,_,, • , 1 ,:jf,-, _.,, -.*—i ...awl, 7 Arai ''' '[ . I '"": "* -..-... ' 2 ,7 4 ":' ° s r"44 1. ; 4,7,#,M,",11 . - t • s • ''''' - 1V e 4 ' ‘. ' 1 110,1 Mtirgik_pirAT'wffit /10M4AY, *': . . .c" . /1;013. 0