*into' / 4, 1. POTYSVILL •ASUBDAY, APd • „ , • . ""•••2',1% \s' , 4, • - • • '• - . . "Le Plat and Aar 1.1; ; - Ike calf f.Ar.O othx.st. ot V tAy. tor .Itirp Thy G.gi's . 44.41 frralh.a..•' ANOTHER . 0 1.1 TgA(3lp. EXTBAOUDIft.iII I I ?OD T r OWNSEUra f . - • -.____ _ ..-.......,,,,- , ,,....-4-- _, The feereithig bill was Beaked thnwreb the i.egislatnrehat weeli.be our members, id ' il few hoer's; at - the instance of the Carroty „Commissioners] two of whom visited iliuvlsi ' burg et the expeeee of the taxpayers oiesbe County of course: , , . ilacnns 1: Ite.ll amulet by tin hauls M! - fees 'of Kepresentattres. Li.. That la the atamellooment by l'Alnlyltill Comity of the taxes levied - tar Wally par. , •,.Le uwootbe boronabs. ward. aid toarkselPi -02 -. ssl,loocinty:lrtire a ampler ham been p 124 by 221 • limb hortillyWwerd. or Townstip Into the Treasnty of wad Minty. It shall and may be lawfal tes Apple us smelt ferias mosey to the psyment of tbetakhednem of said tkinnty ac.sted be twenty parpomMA • - This laestrange preCeeding. lathe first . place why collects.. large . = eicentlif bounty - tuxes - in the townthips and tisrougfira lt ii ' malty ,irraeged by so modulefing7the tax so as to make buts very ame4reeli in any district, and this excess ofeonrsehelonge to these boroughs and diatricte thatuild It ;,_ and It can easily be paid back egainillts limit . ownpurpoies, as teems already beeldone in several districts. #ll the Comualtainkles !cited 'this tax on the several districts, Wilr„abotil ` d • one district pay off the bant4tai of another district?: There was-no excuse for_ Ise piur . sage Of suctrEs law, except to, give alCoppor , lunifylto pleader the *pie. - 11,1,18 .well • known , that ttie Commissiciaera collected an - excess ief :, barinty tax in - several elistrietk This was ekinowu Until . the : distrinti began to suspect; 'irtat something was wrgeg, .aed they demesided fin inntligation, itee(disianv erieg thalhey had overpaid, d emanded the eei4eding i the money . Other districts have, • donettile ale, and whide this sifting proome . was going la)) th e Cotin4sioners yds* In -0 lisrrisburi , ,*d oOr rue*be.ll of the Lees. latore artitel with thouAns .. ol4lo this DIU through the '. I,4la:taus° in lees Uteri a day: and took It Co the Onvernorto sign as a pro ... per bill, (wit; of course knew nothing Abut the merits ol;ibe bill, or the !sunnier of rte passage,) before the people even .knew such project was ',before the Legislature. Now; • matt the dilTerence. Last winter, sitter It was iliseeikredgiat the Commissionme - Were col: - lecting extrelottinty money, a bill wei sent to - - our inembeni',lb,..both Douses by a Democrat mitring the'Legialatire to pus lt,,,Mimine i' s ' •• committee of,three, (two Democrats and one Republlean),:to Investigate the bounty-bush. , • nem of thisSounty, err eels as astlitOti OF 'Mg I.l,l2l.ATUfflillt 2;,1 . 1111. 2, 1..7.11ia TILL 111i.L ; but to pass 0;131;111 - at tbeinstatice of the Commit , sinners' to ilefraffd the people of lliedistricte . of tbetr taxes, these members cbuld - haire the rules suspended in both .1 louses, and rushed ~. through in thesourse of a - few beam: 4 ff our members were selected fromtbe Penitentiary -we believe we could obtain beftei legislation • - than the County no gele.. •- 3 . The only obeieefor tech shill can tte, that . _ • if the surplus 'is to be : appropriateMas the , above bill directs, the ditlerent distileist will. • hate no motive to livestlgate the( •bulibese, ' ' and the plunder thus obtained can he _psi: • ' vately disposed of without any fuitherinquiry l Obi the snlject, the moqvil for investigatod , . •• ~.1 .. having been removed, When_auch an-e:ltra• 0 . ordinary course is taken by ',nee oftleees• to ' . divert these hinds from vb4re they pinperly ; licking, they May rest assured - that If they . • esti keep It butlittle will be appropasted to • the . payment of the bounty-debt ; and, the: ' people 'will' not know whether - it his' . : been so.appropriated or not. The may way. -__for the districts will be Co continue toeln .• - _ ~ . vestigettons i ascertain . the temples dienray tax paid into the Treasury from theme die , -- t stele, and demsnd the rceindidg of the Ante. ' . Next winter, ..iitli Abe proper representation - made to the Legislature as tO the matinee in I. . which the law was passed, no-doubt Sn act' ' . , can be pissed to rttild, it to the 'borciegite - and tow ustilph thaLlisve been robbed by the - passage or such adiarepatable law. • • TRE NEW SERI:MR*OF Oi'Plolll,-A.W - It'llen,Andrew ' iuhnson proved niffaithfn ' 1 not only to the party which, placed Adiu in ', bit bighmaition, but to the Ninth:des n . *Which the war fur, the, Union was'fought to • auccessful conclusion : when. heexhlbited . ,_determination to rfmove officers simply be 4 Ctese they would not support his matey, andi I . put in their plicee his toots; and when he' pladtd himself in a pif,tition of open hostility, . to Coogress; then to check hit.,' C4ingresi • .. esiscted the law "regulating the tenure (1 7 certain civil efficr." - • .. . . , Upon the entrance of Generel Grant on ilia -- duties of the Presidency, 'the quesplie at once arose whether the act should brimiteme ' ditionally repealed or an plort•fied u - to ens .l ble the rresldent to make Such changes asli • wished without embarrastment. The lion ' • :insisted on repeal, While the Senate woulo only consent to moditiest. Finally, cOin _l: mitees. of Conference ere appointed by ' b ith houses, and they agieed upon the ft • ' lowing law, which was actepted and passed ' lay the Senate snit Hoese, and Cor:Xonda , - - ilea signed by the President: .Tbat the got anersmond sections of the Pi nth) "An act regulation 'he tenure of certain tivil offices.. We'd 'Muth 2, 1.29 be and the same she . by retested. and In Ilea of said repealed waives • • Whowlaa are barely enacted : Stenos 1. Be ft snacte.l. etc , That every Pereoh bilding any civil office told:di:li he has bomber hereafter 7 my bs. appointed by and - with the advice awl. cosi , of,.the Benate, end who shall have become daly past ' ' dab set therein. shall be entitled to bold mil ofil ammo" the term for which be shall have bean appoint, . al, unless sooner rammed by and with the rennet at • the Senate. or by the epuirdement, with-theta. Urea and consent of We llenatK of a increases It his On" „except se herein nlberwlse provided, cwt 0 And be it teethe, enereel. That daritA „ . 4 - . of the titillate the President hereby hem • ' . 'ed in his discretion to seepend any civil °direr gno; , - • Led by and with the advice and consent of the /WA& except Judges of the United States Owls, until , the end of the next eession of the Senate, and to designate - some suitable: pinion, sereet to be rewaveetabledls• amine, or by the resignation of another, to ardor,* the della' of each enspenda3 seller In the moantham. moms:, veteoe so &crewed shall take Um eglui au . 1 give VA, bonds segafrd by law to be takes tut &dm 1, 9 th e snap ended affloey,,and shall, dating the timeplie• ,- performs MS 2Cilisw be entitled-to the sallied etrieg. • , I • nments of such carer, novel of which 11 beicing 1 ' to tbe Whom strillitrided i and it shall be the ditty”( , the P‘esident wants thirty Washer tee conwaerwe - ' melt al every session of the termite, except for env . , pew which in ht. opinion - onght not to he filled, Ito , nominate persons to all all vacuities In °diem ,ash et - exist mine to the ineetLef the Senate, whetipsetem..• penny filled or 'not, a so in the place or all omen w easpendkl; and U the Senate daring stielisemlon shalt - name to adrue and convect Wan appollagaeot to to places:l sash ampended tanker, then. see lesteitsse . wise, the Presddent Mull emeatnale mother peoma as • - zonze ze pzactlcable to said Kaska Of the Senate !bar ' ' ~• It WWI be observed that the proVisions; l dr • . this law still leave egetiderahle power inllia ' bendrof the Senate ,in the initteri cf , ~. remoVale And that the President' knout* * - ' of some reservation of power-by' Wet body In this matter, is shown by his ittinlng the bill. i There is an evident desire oiethe part of 'Mngrees to hsrmonize with theiF'realpkit - during his term of office, and the satiril4eity ' termination of ibis question is g hisPpygee • ii r ; , ry of the future relations of the keell tbse ti and executive branches of the ailovernment.' THE intzes!ness AND ic*thafi, 1. he large 11133101111t,0 outatanding tai in I the bands of collectors, addle lbe;; '. pie I , pt # since . taxcrl LeavilY ,to pay Interest on item 1 W, JAhas induced the TreastiverAfter firidiag-1 that the ComMissieners seesetil lidiftl 6) 1 the subject, to 'make such ellot* as- tha air 1 allowed hint to tome thole outstanding taxes'i geld into tie Tmantry. lie en44tayed too l• sit at bin ortOxpente, wad: - to have there tare collected accdoSing to $. - Incredible as it 'alit) , appear, bat it le vet theleu true, that] the Commiaionere of the County opposed all these effml ta . and 1 ituo employed comae' at the encase of oasis men, uicheek the promo:BO Talbert*: surer, and to protect those "iellonuest taa-' gollectors. The .Injunction LAO foritylle Commlaslotteri, -fa now .pead= , Court for a aedisoit. Thew ._.. - - are elected to' guard the inlweeti of I' tat payerti of the County; bet** wbektolley 'appears to be to oppress the 12 4-1103'elri gad • use the calla for their oiidual benefit. ..•This moat singular pro sOilitatilit id 'the dommissioems, lt,la atiesed,Wilipe riot' of a bargain made with the laz ' take* that they may bold the finds of thi y i or In-other wordr, they wilt net '64 - 4 preceldia they eaCtue 41emiateaL.lalb l,4se Clit ukts•for the re-election tartheckitamiselan - :era it 'Salaried &scat-IU% Xi:l thert secured a re-nomlestkn ei r ma t t h itl at w. a'y':' ' ob i i k t*ht:,i I. - asototofifP th at the w .glrcndnpjitstee to .4rOlie lnotsettled up therlter eaa la clefirlycontrary Ale lati, and wb* — ita4l ' strongly tat plrl'alot rlttlo afflitlt. are very -- • No oatsfiseo,44o 'be so • yatracurneary pocidtm, Out the pertetboboammlisioDers of tiOtilfditt ; S. - ..1........- . - k Braze Maltillfiligly op - are - in B . night to go to Orem:attend pay 400: 444 y, . • ,iIML miu „•-• oretecticAtl) the But o frage Alenament• :1 _ • ..".• .11tlim* , their eminear, tasiorDsowlassolgh aad Mono Dr esesomilligitideamlia togislaturs6 • .1. On Mnadq lot tie Binte• eleetiowriook place. b Ocethedilical• rth it determined 'contest had bees Wiled by tooth partieti the reel:lt WIN looked korwerd to with anwhierable intezist 4011 feeight.to & ' tab irottld fifteeat mend _ . , . . 4eat,—while the rellThts ay of the Sham' pernecesiu: digger.' ,i l P* l oi w . i4 0 4 0 1 0 ititC ol 90 1 0 1. smacracy j: , i The Republics° ramhbabo-Jor lieverso4 S ada Jeirell, Is elected by - rnbuijogi t Y• the ,rol° : ',:sr..,lpritt,,t 0;„0, 04 ) $ • N, 4 4 11214 i The des •ibr -47letrairalls - titi emi'Varlit 4itrfd 19- 43111 ,*'7. 2 4 010 . 4 . 1c5141 . 11 . eX ; D;zos, rhicki#4, ,itoss.ritala L*l. 34rilY, 746 - -..... • - j '-__ I ' • Itkoosd • Ditteirli•sii.db* • iirp.4 . 111431; Stbcoet, Dem, ISX9."ltepubtkidi Insiotu itif, 1172. . . • _ I' - I . : Third District—titobweather, 5ip...4,12'4 prive7, De 11.08,150. ttarbileue tirjoetty. • liar Fourth Dirtrivt- - -Betiry, 1464 11.90 1 ; gush liod., la.QUi. z•Ltamoorslis Wiwi t , 1.1it3. -- • L.. , Throwftg, oat 'ate ' digit irate. - edit' io -t it e..24o blk r Y •4•4 1 .05 1 0 Atfulto4 l 4414t1y,k? /MI- - „ -, - A I - :r .' i • .' ,l , • I The totglslttere Slaaal SS (mid Vote 41tritubitanh g; f'D* 3o fek -A t! lioTte Republic"* :442 :'•Pi446F°a%1 .1 06: • , - ,i Tie s malls ta 3 tbe ring um =coati Die wetic - ave Was for alai Itidislaitimi. 11 Welt •doPt.. o3 iii . g tAkr, .I This4 l .... ce' i trove.' =A. Ibb pript,Tretas -cy,the Ittemtb assitiodlosel _Sind Dobtylrialtimird by the free expromitat of ; year fro* pro*. • - rittrawn.vidit. • ermsr, Spill S.—it Ole saestelpal,elettles bald IS We dly to day. Sobs loulle. Jr.,. Iftgebtlan, we clicooot Mayerovat Ida Steatinatir. oatmeal bye ma. trl, or orer a tee, i —vb .! w. it !,:ca. too tawny data Alla 19. Coma rlotto State Comatles, tad Stolttattooll Ala Tuts led (id' ' t"ceicti - 4 , 1 - • o.l.xwitt, -- br ar gtirtbi•timi iliettsoio to tltli V r APIPIO Ye =I4. • Jo ISM riir li" .tatiteeo ll =ll7 apllt. Led jeer euatybt ballotaa...,.. , TwDon. ~,„,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,t0i.,,.. l‘kt ty *Mb dar °this MO llgodoltaila, 10, "1111.1100 f.• I t t a tLiA•;:ipoil 4:iieilisWittoatol;claiibek '.tote tleir . et 'seek?. the dip pougoolotter lad Ilree ea. at the SMooklyskoteetko yoeSaillay. • SC Una SSW 114C.Tilo. ot 44 itimooodatol to.day dm mope, apt lodleatets electloa of Nathan Ode and the entire Itepoldkota tkket'by s harp m iortty. It tt c =thent lietrbe a Mel W.e. illbibtaeli}Ofillia. I ' ' . ‘. . e•PiZZaN. . I - -Thentt;O.Apotitt.-.11,e Ilepablltoute elect Tina. M. 00"103.14004 of the POMP , Coen. lad Joan IL Wooten sae Joseph Iletantillt met% of Abe State tht.eitio.by me mat rwarturi. Tie earealtjalte ate yeasty oil lispatilsola- ~I , ..,...- . I • ~ • • JOW a j • rult,oci,)lollll.l.beßeeliniedEeokek, I ass. u Clufaudelpal • • • R&NSAb, LaYeale.er, A yell Hadley, Repabbcia. la Mated Mayor; end lbe RboletteCaabell will be Re pabikaa. - . L9l4ltlR - . Peovumene. *evil eneittin tor state oaken lad "rnefebtre of the Leeetlettoi 10-41.7. Pond of very quirt e ray liehtwobtrwee cut, - The Repot. Bean anateGliandel "nail Madame tar ilonarnsa ilre'ed b 7 abate 4.0 W ondoellte -Retinas "bum all bat Snot eine Pedelord e.,55 end Pierre, Detccolkf" SNIP 011 1 prontbly antanrisettltnianbutina. ands DIIIIIPCMA Thellonen, SI Plrenbilatne. end 11 Dtasecraaa. Proves 4, nte.4.'nte LW' he Wl* -414 6.111 lennottatle voter. Si teletort. 401-JcepphupO. an 4 708 Donaenitle Parntractaaa, ape t.-.ltein... Omelette terra ill Tee &gun. 'crept Mak Min& ere Peddled l and Mew The totel tote anbont baltof Met vt:tattleat.- • t e• riot ease, April Oen Arline st, Peck Minnesota. 00 Tender. ' , 1241111241 In the dadktr - rf outdidatc,for /11WW. 14 aye =lnt tv, neer Ullman. Drmorget The sinew -eqty elected titv Ir vendilatri for rentterteltr, terv•ehlott anent ; ,•- • 1 • WLORA.I7O.. Sr Lott* Awrll I.—Tis eat Repalpik•eu city tlet• et was elected- yealttrday $t trser, coloreds- The eltizser,tleket was elected at Feffieswat3dl.lllloddlt• 4110NRECTIONOOB NATIONAL OZN. ' . -: • - Dyes .lomiset.• —ln fb lakt,ionier.; cal tut. I led no erik:e with the share gapicia. 1.1 t there ale. ted that the artabliallment tabu Ilaltenal Latkeiterle• fru foal pot to practice at Clrettioxiskya l VW _wog rented eat will lattaliglelmallt welElleips and wwietaata. Gol= lioneldeda end CoL Ultima* in emigrate, and by .Crit. 3. It Ignore ta Nimbi* - sad •ttree this Planate Cemetery at' thattanocws, Tummies, am the kali SO moved for the reeepthlelbflthe irgloilOW of off , d er dead In the guar: • Athlthektt_erWil due to Monahan' cue et Gamut t Tinges, whogibelonge theerealt IRO ftviite! gad earip. leg tEL the Oat of tlitlartyd . fulaterlial for OW Illeddief ' dud: • Not wtabiag_to deprive the theleol of riolit to which they tell be V scootsrpliebloeursod. Ammer that Er illtheYsatiefaction •is s UMW thoreV, /saweir moo lbertuille isnertably With the el yerneer. Re must Inp Filmed before the psi siircurembrj tabStmonth ter sine leer but re+ sf *Ai helfy erwielerthosesiewfmrthOrsidues dorm* Vultftleir this hlerteh hitcher le u ewe -egTt.. the reeedutiouri the 000:1 above ,dra't bepsemodir, but rw. this tire ri* other branchnLbusisem lust Itsseirch. Er Prehlkwaselciatier will twetify CO Matruh. Mae rwursHisoisd furthermore fbspirili lay itwlllrawertfwfmtetop. Clesseue dimes ir milrettram ire 'eherwhees, thittlrey • who tali rithertm the Meth ftweruttrfatties hy ewl• Updraft WI it:their etrOlet Iliwter "WWl most fbirApfl Aram a r ita feyhe ,ntraelleelere. em the beet oteliefltto th If yea they x3ll stUsetelll try AU e, mother, egosiorge‘bothrei meljoot` Mum, r • 418 , 01 t ot !Mit • Goode • ' lilitotelfrat Gotta otionsono , 4 logo of wets to llabilltotszehodiog thatatillo OW* ter "astir. ;., A. Mqatir , Pirlibilikiii(Vassaini l'egaiff.lan 13 , G.911 . 1r,. .11)..1514 dielre eireet. Petteeraleore. . :27As Amid gralati-ir<hal triatt'isiVitotr-41. h• loat her • 1 trees Chopaity sapless is &buy County, which offrrs as tartest Ott hisSoltasees the Ilmot Zoiimatt Mooed Lila ihrldortletizz re Epow--/t there tin i ritalswiteawedl, Ws* dther4sat des LW - - ,14 warfare eallipard.represeptsd li Alar m * sot Off ered in the flew Ll* Et WOW. or --Me Is vony to. ma shy a_ , the 'privitseeli c° 2121 I, illtiatlia, 0.1 4 : t r Law. w so g oods Company the New Eashital nallif" mat ; does It& Illasatchtnot's Liu al .la* ddeiAliitowimilikiar alle7 "1111 wish tit itassrabkrilum 6:41004. - psYsWie Ma itt " r Pro* tend-FAnall tellet- , TETI( . P artl6l *a die peril . , *MR (4) Y ARS seerevetegtt (45) gay" on eat titbit pousen414:1144141148111 be *le** Uses e yeareaatir m irs IMOLA Mit AM St IWO totellies AM rot kie dess46- il ill is vot-tios 11 . 44417 SMRR, It = 1 lIS %ire rba t % si aKihs Vi r a m austr im ais twoiris 1 =lt -7 M ar imillinn4 efts. 1 .• Bp fie di" pot tesshid al 210 4Deigtoill.:,A i -2. .. t i. iw t The ON at WM' -Cistratikin.- fit ra tterlarics * *NM, cadial WirtiDA 21 /01i . ji b s t o gnaw affsbratlem ilirt; ye tbs MU 401 t , lot NW Rim ~ellbiee•mea As Oa is Jimmie*: imam ye maw, sapacilyfikan 410 Aisidew *I 1110114 viiiiM ieth lieulwlskairktairial- I,....abellimllraliFl 9 1 bg. ar 4 l. *rota Ilrkil oa _ riesebiidbO in r 'a thio4erbe to s .Im ‘zbil= rootia awl It Mg - til i rt it ent i =il l = , um/NJ* i jah f : -.-- li . 113 eiHll . . im or a Now I i k es Jlmilesimilla JlebiellMW . • V., 1 4 . 7. Llisii - ' P IM* " "ksjr•v . 44,11. ....,-..-t • • IMMO hriaiip _ etPlililliONNYi: I Mad Mom 77 , Mlogglelikly=ll.ll2=gar . ' kr ta =M aga ilea irdatra ~, wos t Ibliall;elg torto rign 1911111 Mil t NW ti11iridd1...1,11"1,414 4 - 1 - 1610.10.6 A• eierrui Ire Derait •to tli. - the lest' - • 1 ems., rr tasteriete le the Yest eddi - attaMal eel 0211=11:, admen In tb• stream they TM Stag: tt ai was tad Ta•=oWilass. barttbdda Mgt. an it , much sattiattaist. Tbay , Santa thatoratdai.. Thin aseharlaty b Mud belortaiiss bathe Voartit and timed be absoned altb eiosidizt. WWI tratiele nf Jibe tbak W e i chats of tway,ther /Ittihad. I . • WI two that do day was asistiestsd Witt alualt , stout la Warm, OW by Past M. ibie bad • sad word ao ballade addrarela is the anas.tt.dathiand by 114•.7:1 Z. Rim Bay. W. 2. Labtagorta God Stils• 1 "' mom rs- Webers and Wizen ads , supossa 13.• pani d ' Hedttsrd, Adams J. 11,.. IL . V Pro• , QS the 80n:. 9 4 C6IOICII ' 4 •1 . 4044 ma tiaa . , ComMI sae lekt ock Tamday.tpre Net. IPteimet, Illeems. Biettiater„esißefamr, Bill. Wafer. 8. , Eddsr. Barak 'lot. Ftrophar.llLioodr. aoi Grahre4 P olio r s lCAL Or. assebro et lite. Toombs/ tt vas tut • grade beieelabtlobiet in Wmel Wert , Pollee tern for Barth woe Matt agkrelhereo tithe Firmocie Commit-ea. - 1 1 , /I omatemgeattoo from the PhI2OOIIOIIAL la Bud)* ItiLtroad Co.. to refire** to:hollahat a new Jew Wipe ant the nod at Nap* Chau& sr* simeMilms lathe Stoat Cosamlttea, with pemerimaet is the matter. • ! . • , 2 leasoFtliTeemeemea stateateM wsimad and Ilea. - , 1 - 7te faertiag tille reri , 4Mid and ordered to ' Polk*. •, • ' . , - 0285 03 Bt. taella. . . ' - B. Barr t. ' 10 OD Clhee.Lord "67 91• - (to to &abed to Jo. lill - . eVisoicooool)..... Si g$ 03 de` 110 - 111100‘ ' • .J. 8. 8010 . 81 00 Ptahmallemeooi.ol Prlrickfte lane AdieWSMI4 • . Zeort-te ho ohms La the chutes • ae •• -I. 'Uinta Ilfe of Hartford, ONO* • Sri • der obe-eilbth ot tbe satire tectite,lse 'Neer heopesime, ea the metro , all the • • • ledees is the tosoped. J. A. IL Pammerno, " •• ibeinninesting of Town Ombra Behrmibb Tana melon on Tuesday • born pronent, Illnera. Corgi n mk g9 l4 l . F ir =l, - , Wageeklfemple, Leiby, Bikes. Bensemsr, Barb; en... : ltetbeihrs. Buts. arns., 5 3 30 Bin Chief luny • 1 ~ . ••;.. • 'Ws bf lad owning mos rue ;IN 4.: pro...i. Benet of committee notifying Bre Tmeinheret es; bineAnti= wee nutted. and '4ee die etMorion, the FLOM* Cionunit were 1- anneted to aseertein of the Wm= , thou= t of moon rre hand. and request him to have boon ready at mil meeting. • fftre Bud Oananittee repined theennitinn' Ot the tamed made in their rene=, ein ss e Use emeulaor was Inatneted torrent ir t (br mother, the Ounce aa a of the ._l(bele, nu the different made to the ' Bercuth ao iraturday; April 10th, 150, at I *Wink V. N. ifterreperaci the unman, ma chas ten was eccrepted and the eommithec . Mane repel of the committee on Boyne` was enesprad and erommittae disehannel. i L od ; w The motion paned an Ifebenery ti. , en, referenee tar t e•Merent Of Jes Helsel, was on enotim . On moan. the Chlef Barreea u z orrod 1 0 ,11 present •the MB of Joshua Beier and Sr net I . • pity paid truce to proceed int to law. - Irpoun ir thetoccumekation reining te nub. 1 . e and pay storm was laid army Oa antine. FAWNS Otirsitt•• min irs airman lo dinleci the Minot Jas. heehaw and the School Bond. Jobb Baylor penmen him ninon** as Rind Ocentable, when cm !notice the no Intim was. . , 1 it =oose was ruminated for Binh fineable when on motion Dr. Jones wale by 'eels- ' malt= -, ti On motion, Ih super. visor rue eructed to present hie boat. -. . Oo motion, Wain! Kemple„ l /14111 &Aimed' wee spoorned a Cagiamsttie oit L op. The folio-ries bile were read and den &in • arnounts. love It .-„, • J. It. Guertin " " ;..... ..... ID 4KI. Daniel Boyer, i . - e oo Waal Wakes, SO -J. G. But, . . ._. .. ... ..... .. 4 . ti 00 John Slaniz .. . .... . . , . * 23. 'lan Fieettiaur,....... ' 1 S 9 lens he the crentng, ' 9 - 7rll __ PreffiCoe How, . . .... .. . 3 X.. Trial ietue, .... . . ..1 , . 349 3. On mot 00. the Waned slArneil to mat on aprll3llb MO. t • I - Be :ere to call on Ma • Anenk of thew Continua Life Ineursoce Company of 14. w Took, before te, woo*/ P *4*mph/we. flee mutvettiameof 0O WO! OOL • . 13-tf By means ofjelloioce eonninny in YBlMlgi tneet of its business, the Contl e tal Life ef Efortferd be. attained a finateital tion neatr candled by any company of equal Jot. gee Tatimasio*. i. AL Peeentone, Agent. The Thntpercotor • fi r stos.-41itiortanirtliOn' held thiothetithotstatly uthelling Friday ors Wi rth. t t e; ;Zdrm is the alai :, d FAL W Jamet ll!mites of lit nthetteg were Tel and ail. proved. • , - I be questions referred at last thettlog we Wed Ist—What would be the beit inee.As of teetuiner V001610)0 ? Mr. Oen. Marta to *bath the quip. lion bed teen Wetted,. eakt :1 I would say to anew ring this heeetteie that hit rt. oteriloll. tbe WM ItetifaCk be done. IC torpare r ,.., *entrusted up to th e etondstd at iOnibib , ion. fee ee..re thist real no Public opiate. thlrellon to. 'boom he oar drat step. How WWI - we rid It most etketuall 171 arot by revietaing within ;bewails of orr lilts weenti. It le tote wenn, dos great dal the* bit the wool ttiert be ikee abide. We, oisrelaree ate prepared fir • Pia , ' le*. bet was nowt make abets real ea we do. we mdlamaketirm teat this It tetalthen luthrot. that It tarthelr duty to belt. emus seek s law. We moot oegnolze, bold staetlesu km pkityOf rpeakere. nee peemesibn. We. want tall. i' Leh all take hold of this mattee. Bold estethige eyeryeibtewle:boel bums. es tbe street wrens: let up at t eras, =este based on it, pr Bethke of oar= • matt tam oat to a body ones, e , b 4 l n t ei th Mr thee Nome we oil hare ton presebed ; 9 sad teette au Mat* an 1 paw NO" poirettli I' sad Some tiOrialuganaerst - tha •CadetiP "Viet I/ N• Let us juin 11,1111- into the' - - la —. so Ola th e, ..,_ 0,37‘ 0 i ---- /= t . 1 _ tpetr lles of proMelall, ii by r....,- on be to with tbs det. I lag won, easteeted we moat to ahrolse separate end d.stlnet. p3ildeal poly. I menOppt:l to that. 'lt ertm , d be an !Wary to to We era not ready for 1t..-. Pak sentiment le not ready- I w say I tor We ow inflows with the Leglelitare to few an Kr a low tog the whole wetter of • wohibitney law to the p.i. Ple By burro kw this Is, that we litelllitheo at care Melt of both paths As Aresderes. Oaf wane WI. Whey Wan the deft troth now. OW Is atelat itaidence with the sphlt'of the Of ow ems*. the right of. the peophi, to. govern, / propose not to Vote at cam eteettolo2. Ilia ea • 0 11 -- gate rlectiom Iter this o lect, sad let the Wedtble be• - ' preddblitom ar no pecallettlool By re Welltries . willgath,dut_good Iwo of bath Muds. Ws I: a Oreeoth., We woold ask no mow to UAW . bawl Weal alit Uwe all to cam forma I.4.lhomord ot %shandy. rod as ell the pea pie. If we hulas yowl bylaw mi. lawn W plies a prohibitory law op ear gelato petit wait be wore the so law st alt. If so Wain sena nest to lock It. I tell you thyydradothi Maio lair we, sus tow off =AI sautoth w while lea .t.• taint. cote other wads get the pit ma cher thildt WI Ile -doKead oar soars. Is • lied haL _ .... 2d- Law can temperances Olen be to tbelry?loty I Rt. Wm. J. Parker The qteonia, - "teir Mall thenerwicemen e thaw: 1 ed to cloth& ftlye would &away give rho po,the tcpsiry, Whet we the dells_ Of temenersocesellmi e t •0r.41 le onatted of thew There te sadgenes woad expect of them. thear, the tat' I =then. would atl o delicacy IV r, °Women In mundelpal police dm , leg w a spy. hawser. or posprodar Wares q/I are of Bear law am other proonion Rat • MOW Wands to those la aa th attly , 1.4 4 encomiast the yeapostader of the la. authors In divas requind. . .111 tag Ow mo shell I try he shrew WOOS of ay . le • enlleflf• la peoellettlio. :1 latthistalse.Wastree tastes ads owsnai as Uses( walk ta Ith. It , what*" Weft wet larder, the mon= 1 I die rat alma/ ezedlos. wow to wry dory maa 1 WA nelameede them gottudwilybr ilea- Cesowskag Iblie-he be .a.t we ltrhel hes horr i da , 42. last todt. v., Tt. , others of the prcessolag teaming Welk matte of laproselom, yet do not dhe ' ties enacted of th ew - Of these diy thely ailedby exam ,be maul workers In the 110. boot and teseldna, 'alio u l . Mow coat lnWry, the Emit . -dog. matey sham Nebo Oa • a damp tbat t• mobsd by aria at ,tlisle .., ruse their Mathew caw. loa th la , ST Wee iii. l . tads what great smellier eft do, ammesh, :Ma lad ••erfthorytan blow as rod wilispy, Whit Wmawet %dap ar m as Mow who has named • fellow Wag ROA of istammonaws. and at. tie aid of trap awl he Sidelhid in IMO Nay 1717 eta Oa nyttAxtry *am tow. ' -. • ~ Ttel W. • free wad*" wen tneWered A hittliotilloa Wlts Otte. IC Slater. orsitmg We opal R. yoalgy 10 oa t "Toani Ran. * It use oo amtioa, 1 doselosf. (The Tewnerwire Welstkwall That the iketattlemsgroe to der Om Ir. suilr. Mt 1„,-...ft...... ri ved) rem* ilwevadeed, It ball. lodge nook tend for Ire yeerkeet th privilege . f t... It the tate4 Wed .411 to laPols.: . imagamitteillf throe . lir. dletor, and if he accept, to t rehash taw. ' The commit'do le We weeded to atl stutbilipleil- a: aild - taw, -Committee, II Ilsaaall. ilmitiff. .. YX_ltitatectttl Jab. t7oLetga,, ,I • --i 1- Tbs:folkraloir gnat-Won arm MN tooptlsa bi anstmed at OM thetAlog: 1 I•t: 'What are the &Ma ot T•ar •Ralll I It•fatyad telt/. H. C. Ilbo afar. ~, U. It IMtampyraDoe cause at k., Dog iti raportiom to the gethawas had Ibny (40 yams T Bayarya4 p olietaid • problb" ble lire. t.' It. Wiest he the ', e a mid to Rey. L , itarfeed to mote ..11111. _rag tortirmseal Uhl ince st lb metal eci POIRTINIPI s s ibi swab. deed i Earab eolsye.ferto ey_riereir 0111 aid bor. pm parrok tor tag earl narks d _ mad at do Wl= 41111115ress. Ibis wins T. : Ira L bat sod term dess:, _ CU RTAINS_AltDrll4lppi.) MIEWArttYLOIT: A41..1 t 9 , 17 4 1. 4.1491 MA I 3S ;it tia , ifivistr4terctlfit - 7410 =Ery aff Ta • Wiethri Gemlike% is 6itt, Walnut, Ind In"' mod sad Gilt. Drereilis latest friniqi ,tee r., Phiiirliturs, which requires Ito OW, Carringtod, be Zouche Co. ? 11 1= 4 Apil 3, Ito . :. ly rriicbg,i'h""M -thlosTral6o Raked wee eg 01 0,!*?. lead 4' 1 . 42 Um *Mpg OM ma !tow Oar iletrd Peso Mon* to Liaissit_ to as. =IMS siestas hos the Irrtth 1:* 0 121 Tr ' - 8. fkatake adopsdal, tba • irtilt a lfr •- fir 'ea bill is' prevent emai— -1 . te!tg• .. ..Nr• WWielle,-- _ —.ll. - 5 - NAtelrThbUlaittiV• M m x iiii wy m akl i iit IleA _via mod with * .I 6 UIM I 4 tar 0 • 11 m!**- teem ac 3 eRe tetedethai vs, pot poised; GM the . • .31101 , 1111areimutdered we Owed with . emeedmilee• A • tree t i l i • 1:011MIEM • i None Is ThlielialeUgall *se Igo o a r st Ai d - A t iP t A ll * Ifolegra Irk.* tal Smite le the Boa" a MANI repor lirem the W•Te mod Nome Cesslakee tia. apse* tge thaw* shorts/the semi* eit esthete tb lle Ulnae Coen ia meta Mei boots' m a sateante. The ElectiWeiasidtte•. • WU to end* / D. to billets* Viet 141.01, . I=lo ewe .4=o tolls i= "l". impV wise the itilimellow i l Um' ow dikerebry• esparteil tied pond lb, Jettletary tee ireentellsoftia• ,r4 i, A =WOO 113•• Vse ile "Jr ' is% ' - tii" taitstiallimites. sod • paid* ,si Rs giaddidary ali• Hotpio adjnornod. . k , I.2:iftlia.a.T._l2 - :_titk. , - c• .:.:1131:40 11.100140142 C :. I , lIESTOREILASVILIOESM • „... 4 . --:. , I - b i FCM,:-.THE "gc.A.IR? • Tionsiro isrossanninot oi'lltolsoamil *tenet lOW aintliallatt 1Q1101004:, , ,” 1 ', :' .tbottin par dal 1141WitiatedaiLe." , , aim. a f ItLe.6llol•Now.. -A *wax" .- : asiiiiii Loodnati*Postons. larsistuss 1,..6 0 . my R o o m , . . . . aNDIMIIiItiO WWII Etadrlbsitsns. suia 111 on - 141 : ~. ibatiiIIIIFINC. ...,' is ass !WIWI alkaillOlNEC filllWlNFi r ell g Ewe sairmi..A.s. mwm.4,. . .L... 2.1. , aroolsows... Quin. • . ~:I. '''..:,• ge F 0 it' 'TILE, a Jill( ~ . , Ila astortiOs to nom too sod nesr* vine to tits 1 - w KAM Ilsoste Oa ollse. Ili inntr u ls one to noilsoasonsnelb Wins, la Ito 1 snwealliritillilltig ss4 sOoli ewtz MIS= 11. '• LON IN MUM IV , Vont . intro no easirosnlY odor 'Mast; utd b all otthelsoplestntt! • • ..., 'Or . . I ClNgt!4ol - As ithsiOalii.essol .4' awns: Ens Das too .E.—.!.:Loastnillan—, ans-SOnts. C i der IN koo Pr : . 0 0 L 1 1. 1 4001 1 1 - T ' .. ja i , ma NI • ass Tip, ' ONLY TIC* Adnesocsdankills, . ti s . • 1 ' • pItUL NotS pi BMWS • , an 4= astiatatnin-Psonabiliottnaitatios • , t ibualL OS- Al .1 it,. WWI nantradvi sioini. fiti lboalir Ileratok• matin Infillon Wrenn nea, 1 1 11 - Serbleed 11 2 . 1 01MAIS I . ll=lbtll** Lin t% my tmlb , to su n'ot 'sal , Nonana snot slight n , serloos, It Is atone Indy , to niteosona nib Lannon In bents ine ni - • km la Min, adios rlnsimillimilhilis ! I INNIS and add by atm. CMITLIii: *o. Hsi e K n Oß rea u :P /StOWie. 1 to Ll, oassttOn de . ' I L L A W 1 , . Dr.ases., •• • • & .sortis. , I 1 . 10 / STULL trAT 6 / 1 44 immagimaft ! =smog i t saassasq iw l igeWeeig =lc.Z. ,isiadia . be~.lllbrberbt_ = 0. % .,. 111,11114 , =tlllimenson , a u , liernman eon! 11,='estalind 110opoL .• i nos J Unpnitiod or nstaan like In • , ''''N.* ergt ztAZlo • Ite s# IPortotaNiS 1111initt - t& l : " 1 1 4t 111ap',474-17.; Ma' 1 ! IMP IEVIIIWI ( , r / ..1 ! „ IF ',Wee*. ha mid . prig imm dottal tetalkm-1 1 == il milr MoMmt IM miM4 bf mtilimilliMiltpr o tto. TM 11.• mile fflt mil gadmi,mg 0 wi ,,,,, ressaysetfit MN mak' tor er 413 gir: - ll i dy i r4 12 3:7 : 1 .. • - • • -t• 0 "tit =S he : e; r - ', - •- • 'norm'. Cry — + • • . •,‘TI ir iheii -. ilm . iti m. merrre and midi* ~. . 7 lei form'and Imm, pummiot Ma,M. 1141 mils by m imealgo droulota . . . .., • 1 Am wrsiss*, - AST r oa vt. Macon us md.ra l run al gets wlll webs by id.batkooaaacl-eatlbfamiller tbella-talitle.wilt at lasabasd. - I sups sr, clam asisip- ts.. s, i.. Jai- a:s. 10 63 a$ . : sax As.ittftatis si . , — IiLA alt liceirWirtanig. Pa. ,' • ,' ' 10 ,:t.u.ss-s-is . ..,, 2u.sc..rtr9Diglac cb, - 11t...us gron6 ____. mime ta Ai wet Tdmits far Bakt r g ,”r i rr i. '1• 130 WPOIK 41 ; 04 ' AMimmirotrit_ cosi aesavitsu stow swim F, J. prllia. Altdaadj 4D-14.111- 21. rum, Tilui 1 , 14: Wirral IMPRIMIL, alehialf iagath Maltei vtio carsa, 4 tigt.Olitahniaraa IPS la gal dietedme. Bening WiVettla:wW4ll l llB Igpt aympkilas et Mobility Me. rem* loMplutheflet mak . I >nitgilll44o l ),► %nausea. ovia mow. taco at Its item Mettle TXPITEMITOitaLIt SITTSItIk mai almost is m* l to mint MU me, 144a41 taseumas ewes al till the ameneumamml,madammlosetamelply am Bawl* ty pub.& ebilierittibh thahgeramt lad eat Lie s k , twitvambiaeretAtAiPtiog. elataam meelmese ot bodAy4l4ol/ . tillyretiellit *R140124140 as iftricik4wi Airesn Amp aNtalimik them MI reqatradlo Imp up the flU peo.Ala lama 4w...the difoseleil*iits - alias ago;. ate **emit *lt -00‘440.00. l!t-wog , * Aig it« Valli WO: 11/0. ID 1k le siaW,l. Object W 4WnlitonoW Wad tbe Dittos They MINIM really atlemliaa. ° 4ll ar PAMAutrimp to. menu! • mad the mat ecteeeelle - miegied . will 'zed SOS r; as aka WOW plOce IP, ~a wtieisiii ampamosimibiihirmiN dipmerwsier, eAet trritii*mi twit ier bit - .driftwOmoilk **gee. 1111 , aomiamm thardemallpmella 04•161.11 lee wed atio aI piteritif boisatt 162 * g r10 4P0.4 1 44* MOO* CalliC+ eed web wawa. : and ter'eadi 0401 . tiesternmes ditasoWintriss= as.iti Wile.o irtqlOPlMlc4./4, OVlcit.-*MORM -4 ; SWAY Fill oft • Ala! 1 Wsit twcur•ot - t t 4 ne MIMS TIMM: 1.111111111 anat. _Tclip9tmq "ITCH" COIII.74EITIL 11.111411 ' eerie': Soli bowers • irdime ItalgabbiC Ml4l n Z.!‘-e , • i.: - . ..4:9 - ,.. :. ;€ . !:1:.p_, PtWOOS giddrglengt 111e,first !web, twirls_ rkorkekillaz;l aii Mak=lmam Firm& • Rm.,. W. Sosticx. Makkah lionices—lfeentor. lex o'clock; Pr= l 2 , : t. Z .a :k. lied mia datk Pe:hoot-4 ceek,mk. P. IL • Prim, k litoroler. 41( 0c1.k.k.. Lactate+ Tlnusdai emedag.,T,k (Mock. • t . I Panama mildews. Re le. Oddly stied. t ar r ettimeg; did Ohms widlilli red, • sou aovldnd toe silt) Wipe. lipag lord soy , et al sk 1 . . a likes s lUldoreler. P. ST IM, Parini.—Seithstb' bemksi.—Pesochtme•-aboroler id le oteek:•eveolag .it T. Addrak School 174 not Tkieedsy rotor. DMA:* sod Prow It 1.44 o'clock .Tsoktsy stator. Yaw Seek patrolkw mist aid other renews itendoes. • ' flllymerll and Übe peddle grewslly Ws ladled to ii ind ill thelme seestlelM. . 1 .. •-nrWellibill ebeerebe eke lies. U. Eliziourch Poem 144 Ikeirsdia et. . _roma/grip Rib WM( cedock A. 114 sail T 'dock P W.._. celledWedieml waxy AiMlNsilk aftlinent& on &dock. Fiala Weekmidsy muds& it Ikl . Dab orJock._.tln I M. 1... H. Vow. Pastor, will preset. Gemmel errr=e , ” C ATII I .PVIIVII s,... _alpii. , rr a rzzst .... F t =m , - - IlPilleedied Pewee Mama ffleibrete; of Putts vine, bell wowillp ' a Z2V4lat. IL. sad TS !AVM March .Bolkllimp.ldarket Wirt AU ' lre Millet Sesta free. Boodoz n Ag w k w ai 4 1.4 6 ' ' . .k. .... .s.:SPIRROPORY_ M et greet, between Wed me Pborth mem" Y. J. X. lig:minx& Parke.. Rervlcee every ponds, it W A RMIVAMite.. . 4 . 4kife ' l.. -.- 4.4 log Tburaday mean i eicomi ; Calechrtic id; Clint, Friday deeming at I o'clock. Pastors eddy; to the • Marra balidloa. - , .• IMg2I=MM=EI ' The - Fleet Preetryterran Church bee Wee ptocered end • 111 he need .11 , a Free Mewl: z Hey. IL' R.' Pmai preach every Sat.diy &clock P. M. Prayer earetleut teneerreen” A. IL me• lIIR ALL Filth% eaedlul fietteetlea la exteeded to all. _ ; Llf *crape Neter east be eauttatl with • getatOs twtMJooaut.. 4 y r, lti 4181.111 he sw ' tfrWt. 1969, at etnlqui,_be th e Rye, 11. a. Netts Mir. Ws Biennial* IO MIS littemsrru Ormuz,: both . of Wane 7oirtubtp,l%. bstrnciaalre—SHlPP -On the , lit Itat..at the enlace:a of the We'. father, by Rev. N. S. Beata* BIIITH-11/IT44—try Fty. J. W. Setmack, at lbe reeldenee of the bride. father, on Tondo r ererinll. ' April Gat. Yr. o.4sza Facto and Ifies.. Eachns liars* ed.l of Irovathle Ai Oliver la one or ••tbe we mold not helpea 14 nianched Odra! or^lisloai rake Wail he Beat t~ with '4lWiteirleadWr4e, drain r tf nee, lUerliketyieg the toliowing ponatee am. ecene:; ' i Oltrer &utile wife • , . Ware rtvbq et theft.% Wilnott dornen a «Ate; - ' In wedded XT Co a ikailLt Pon* WC+ 'Mee Paean! and tamed al* I, • - Firsteked op a *.anra , of tired.' • And - .nlearad awei.akeihe "Wee— • ' •:4,-ktiav4R . 4 4444. , , 4 •343 • Ott aft In " (spate) for nee,; . I love jon better far' . • Than Ir” (capital taark tell. ; Theirama ati arellaeida /44 .pulteife • jeio",-,Rfarleirs't, The wideatne4l-^e.Warellibile 6---412 04 Ai µ ... .. .r vacs void s: Zit nos 1p eastsfi4 , • BUBUTT—Ici Voted Tneoptitp. Lrocialnic CO. ,of PO liNgillol ll69 l .tU. muse, Oat lett' VA, his age. . • EIXINT:-On.llcriday. All 5tb, : 1449; • Piky doetra Mtge Awd '4 years. 1 9earis a Datini liftAtiNAN—At Ortrigabar. ' A I Ob. 15c9, ",do Haiti u' .. widow or A ham Benito. do esteem& the 79th yaw, slider pleangut=. 6 cit.oess:nampai 14. rill year. 4 month' and 12 &swam Swim; A . . PONIR—At Illabarevy Clty..Pa oil Saturday.. Aid' 1989, Mrs. nuscuuk Bona ', 4;453 years. (Maki itbeity twi gib 'diet ; Maar. widow ol.t.be late JOhtenedirer. Peseta to. (ilandiv) artertiew at v o'cloce, to. proceed 10 -Presbyteitea Cemetery, Patients. . . the ISM nit ,a; rwRcITY, IA L *MORI TOORIRV,4OO C„.lizinna. *zed St rim . . . ROWCSON-00 the Seth at Nlpk . In Pot Cub* IfstafAMloa air go* , •Jisolt odioth, Plitikirn-On . ftinclay orean, Cb. 1%9. Minimlls. flume of John Pierce. aiti Al yew.. tOol!libla j _ scanikorair...at OW tic.;4ll:. Ipisha Lira* B. Seeemets4 altalAt Smill!;;*- . Aeniesiedingetrazragoratil rashiler • WS. alrOleldffeMlXtigniny •`l l Soodayerafgera..lraelt Mb, Irak rafftra to, sad felallitellE e 1711A0b110111ft • 777 ".% . • VAlinitekit kir emikailitl--1,411•• paigtocror sukciArtsr &mem ear intbeatiftiVroit i l t: ap =taike .1 .esegtltcf of M .l ll-411'11 = deratinglnahmet th !_ifraWratitilnn.gote ennf4 sae ihrah.fraff logrudahrabgenved tam Ur,* oar engefera. big , essit.deputerito We *We of Dalrarael Brothertxxd. vhlth Is the Mann. of the rand and 'belga. Resolved. That oat of fraraet ime integrator Ogr de- Veg i to=r4l4ene en! cherter ,tatocianter Resefeed, That a. copy of theme repolgtlonvb ig t:4 slabed to the widow of the &teased Nigher, and they te panelled In the Mahe nor Oa efif ited locittt.t. • Wit. It. Calm • T 1 rz at ... 1 Wean,. 4. Wea; l • . 00ramittoe. .6*4. st(4* AprU rie a lt ' higbiased read were adwetoi. to eft: t aini ms., bas planed Alutiel s Ood to His tzt - sits wisdom sod ofeeestltte ee to remote boa car saldst-trother Vexes cleart; sod • airrarraa; bast Wisest* *etiolation to tb t. wtM deals ;_ dais" we deeply krt. to. woos ortistrated by bar decease, sod ea es Ids brothers. adabsislied ad rifled upon to tees oar weapon, to by stfroory. sod also word, hu relations • Misedbes be It . _ • SEVIMMI*Vgar . itentaaa. Tjpavits flOClfitty apapathise 'with 1 elicame sad cashew at oar amused brothe r. and offer seta Meth Lb*. coseolatkaaiwbka ease bet tree Cattf Pelloseeas as. 11,rekart, Mit in Warn uf oat tete tatters hit ow cl, ported tallier Vanes AV isms. that Ws lAA. be draped is INZUraWrlff26......ne's three stostha baas ••=ir ... hedge of aroarettat tar Obit dam sod AM the goad the *Waft of oet &owed brother la a bed as Teitshrt seek at 10 ado:wk . & IL. at CMINIOIII. Ihellial, 'Met the etrofiary be Wars dee 1 10 alt i a;•foesurdes preamble sad . to the of ar i h ilese rapr , t "; if Jtersaaa sod ' tr ies"°n; t -• , ' . ' Musa &MI WSW, - . . Seam IL Name. Secretary. GENERAI. NOTWEs. 44? , 4 1, ri4 _As ..... mazy d I ed to of um, qfs mama as eaddlihas Aor MO cake cater -litritotbs.Nubßcs f...5a1V. lfr ="o,"=ita. ! Inc 14m41. bre es=bstmests W,• • .7,tobiktexat 01.1 no sass at TB • WA= ri= diss*Nd by mates! ommest. TM, toM of lb" SWlns Ida bkoletbsed by Samba Wu 4. THOMAS uirm I - • JIISSISSON MAT; Taboyirik - April 110 L - : • lAst rem tat Oa amiss pm 11111 Ilea al tallilaphar LW* IN, Ito H .titivet.P.Morana.llis %Int day tee* 'dap at Kim VS, batmen We lairs at II at sol I .od; P. .azzu SAYLOR. • Mall I. 114 ' 1?11"."1.0 ":- la • Ilie *oast of 0111141111 aosnos. am= •1 , % t lt ton cosoinfl u at otrullsoltlo, fkolat ig no= I TO idlink boom is of 'of MOMS olltooloi, t W • tii of laill" DiPtiilt and lobo 10411adrial foolf, - by di el C Lif Yo eitzW.iti • at let Tmftnia. .. , ai POMO., the oar gauoast Kilo tti t 6 .1.; um: ' i CUSISTOIIIIII AOTICSS: .svisaitzer. LEGAL NOTICI4 Nil If~TtO~i~ 111 , : er 13= US SAW ellitiftliZlO NOTIOR • A119r..- .6 114MM. , -11 .. . In WIMP, Of JO moors anll IL . To 1111 ft so lapin Wilk of rothoift, 11•11”122110o. • gin/ seats of blo ol t as k at io %Woo a tido ot o rall ... 5,. to lotifootho 41.6 day or — di. D. .----- -- .... aurn _ kilo A DM in itirMAlrealr T ' NOTaltar. ril tint of aftlalatrallas bow qadiesizzioli , of the berelffill ‘.. WIN WOW maim isobtAkir SW IN Pi" s l .llllPtaltuP are • • .41141111111NN !WWI id lIIM •CO Vrillr• ii 'i • 1,11141.1.14 . Ai 01.10... 4%. A 4:: ilia ' : 1.1 .. ' . • 11 . 1 f! a f tl ! ,4l ' .. . ..' i m pirmat wootlibiec ft- - - - 1 emus mut,, , ,ftwom4 - -• *rim .. ill* et .;,... , fir .! aok, . , ,_ • iiiAliairisare — estartitioi - aus - 1 - 'l v a: t=st tathe AtrOes stl2letame 61 66, 6 6 66 • 110 L:, V 111 : t irem st ibroomi, . ittifitidaglikketethirillt Tim a. V MILTer D $ TAW Sac lb. llasasra 011eaeara of Pesamelaaa•AL ' JOlll4 Una* aatitheilleeteta the Cant; a( Aalts/41•1. ihialtmma, Whigttd hettatt4ser= Mi e der,:d e i e pk e V e l e a l Z.M e t. bet lure Realeter MAY( P. - HOSART. at his calm at haardite, Per that thallamolasthaaorthe Ihmilrapt may be Astabed. sad soy bedew at 11•111•44114 teretiteg, royale"?' hythailth alli llll l l l 4 ltb. 4 141 ($ • trameted. , tbell•• amtM, Baskrai d las tmefuri to bleA W., • hatelillaratakm be at Weemeday, Aprfl Ma o 110. beMi the 4emt at Philadelphia, at 10gYLolt a ,L what Pa••• bur' meted Way *bow muse grans* tft.d NettaMe tintemabia SOHN F I VALL•DIR. 1 616 1,,1adge, sad SIM eithe coon at / '•ll#446lata. -.43llolPottit4 Aturc—bianip.aoaaarkumirm un o• r ;itmliak4f i r ns ciegaiutrra vb. iim a a_ llltmt . lXtfaa Pli al! 1 ,4 . L i° VVOT2:O 4et a t2AttLar hathitkie.tta a la pion-thee tt• at the all *Mak 'Mk— ta—dmme t ome or more isit bees et lb *Rat iettP4 a W1= 1, 114 NO Widest et - AUlyal hmtiAlt„, • q Itiortater. . the 41 the Suth dip of Apt% A. D.'1.919, p,alybolt, PI At. • cx, • • e.c i'LLSihElk MOM U. .0-4114 - C. 9 111.thet us liteppower. isitelC•iire of a Waitaki Osman A LPEgft e t t; . :6 2 a n ft ' t e . 4 1 41V4sped "la 10=4111 'oinifta AU be bid 0h1ha.)34 day flAttrit. Or " ne r* si r ) " 141 "" 411* ' i l arttiZ i er l irA t t aIP had e l .a Apra auk WON , Cyst Ph At Molt Vtqh Ihht Whets Wl*ts:. !WAN* 4 411 ithhist W ftla. chan • : • _ -Atteptad 114 thoCleitilbd Mlst *mne al Lido, - ImOderthoStal of Ifittbst; fie obe . DieVelie Cear a ,11 etas Vatlied Pewee; II fer tb6 II beeves Dames et realsasylver : ; Ri ttrhilibl le. tiniimitisitsaiit it imam* al tbe ortuntlitet Ilerbetmet IMO" et lieuteelleale. 111 i er g d r e tit ie ..10114=i111 41 . 1! Tweet ying ewe* ..II.:- D. IMl ai I creme 4. P. 11 _ll amillen, Nidtsionsw, st NI =I 61 portb Vl= dent. Reed .R. Umbel. .We PI tbe Beabre2t AD •, ea Ileilltiej: sUripellty *bet* Ile OR PittN, he ate Abiterthrellt limo be breve be AL 11..1 1 / 4 , agt =ip.ciaticiknitli!*l minplteemeWs. abet tbe Said Dbotriet Poem sae 4011 1 1 .4"...,, 1011tdelpE4e. the artypeN a 1:0. rAT . -4itt'efizenteti, ' 1119PL11111% . , Viz IP tea -..... Tithe ellteeare Comm orallikVol,44 ipQ,e . k derma feteeliet irt• Iteit(ltiinniiiii 4440 " ril:ma* Dom& C.•euty, PeezreiTtele. "' far Ild•dlidiewistawflaget - Veandaa UM& an deal U.A terr -.the etraiiatkas of Ur Bodkitpt Itelberrter wtU etite!Y weiether the • ' 1 04- cad&a:madtoboilat. , • t.e,addo dlf.% aimakijarbilis. A. D t ,et at 'Vide tewteewitoglodZeci= teed tnr Ma Hoc. Joen Cula•!_ Etaire: ad seal of tee Oaart Plillaidgdpidd, , is sic not7o Vir,4n..! P. Ilosaar, Itictider. • • Max v.! ! ! yet • .; -Ai rgrievavroits , mre Weangpad—e, andentaetd Rpm t..0•431 1 2CM11. HO t ar= Rol la tOrrart=en ctil t a : sle*-liralllitV tATNI ibiliAttaiii ;. 'a t riY i liar ay. t W. MISB 1 ° ! 4.1 1 60164c4,1L- rt 1 4 e • ' 0 4 , "e " ' 'WANTED: woes w,tarialkora- Imo *tit wart tri the daY =llll . IKitil Si 0011111:". icyal operati say A** st 41.= St.. -11, 4•10-1111RTS- L- 7 1 mestgaot dad ROY ARINNWI eforattact 1414-r ■ . + wrao 14 1 1 4' t i g."!"" . 6 . 6 ow' auk A Agetta snake all r ; t• PT l4 . l " l "rt e: • • • -Ilquiesat MOW ,4 7 .!•' - - .3, . 611141ftZ t I Mildhs 14 1 1=1::: 4 , WNW ' • 1111710rekast * a lit Ir t ""ltlar, a xPlier• - Ih*.l4kr=arli: Par tyllig•110111:111: , " 7 a • .;: . ' llll * 4 1 01 41 . laiatet , !• 4• - • "••• EW ;limpfas estionst; 3 r: tlClMlnairifirnernWingWOU :II Ms estaalms Ns 4111igitiirof NM; , at: , wtOpi NEW • Ydag IVERKLy'I T. mails ,ammuumusalioobsablivUomosspc BP .' Arai ear tetties. gee 11#411 224°War " ---, " Ole Tr irOt own fi !hie -- - ftliM=UlkMmA'lit't I 1 •o M 22121 . ow, %itaMitioNTALlrita Ito _ It commanalitosinailia Illy. MA Ile CON- I TaliiiiT 441:1141Attlirseitonelilid in Jet)) Isa. The Liatifoid °Meals. come- Xtelatt lad ldaraLlailLassrly,tßitEreFoplitiUb •ONlly,ll- thspbe New 'Feet elliee. if°lo' ' tolilltAii. l 4o l in, 0 1 .7 1 • 0- ~, thi l t i ..renwirt9, o m , .41P. ...."11 sad fiv , .t thi utiford Cloispay we itl'al show. . Beforeeit the faikmis ditfidass 4.the [ "ComPlir!sQui' wa 147 the fitulf, l 4 [ Preacialbilbe iodookiahlopa I**. f itb. 4t. cI- , I tot the:lstwa, 4 qiicdosim swiants. irisl Deeded:kr dt, t r :. . . 1 ; .. .- nut Potidis . .floattleiuntil l4. P.1,44,.. 1 4*.s 41,;4/4, A...ft t TrAa 1 Nut ,_. -rmi t i l" ': '''- ' 46. 73.4) l iaw :0:71 etZSita, l64B.- tti ' 0 1! , 40 '4146.4 5..49;g5. a t:5.1t i ,COUtibellUff. '•• •• • . - ..------- ...-------.... c ..-..5y..........--, . Of aaaa _ a 1.1.15114144! Sawa I 110.iiits,1! ifs L "lescatill4l,l9cat a c0mt.....v.. ItßlbitlOS‘ wv..... V 4 .4 th ie iNriiP4 -1 4a4 lokstench" sigefori, '' . .tdet' bmigsg. in 0 4; .it pow sompoto, of otifisealts whole owner less.thin onOtslf the badness 4 the (30ifysitytty t 0 , li:Fir . *t o yikts sh o rter doubt's,' sisf in Yea, fell so fir behind tipse to priesoke Itself . weiigkiltieshpliscits.7:.- MS not, .boire*:; with stub aeoiops ;•growth of d ie New Yoe* Cankany is to be con „program ” A Waite en *hi Manna NYC' la ~ "NA so recently si nay, fist fatted with the niplipir his , over eel j in the the Inamineih",deld i'sia In so galning ratio olatita iditemM \i:isalits, sad the aitt• - I Is,scelotailitlea espattity I. slifosd'y strong is lb' its titkirof b't'tioittlin has inentesed, z sundae, is no lawirfsoidirtsly than the . coNTINSFTACOrizaziv WAN grimed .'i ALERICAN LIFE Opt - IN 11164, and , Aber New, l'ofit,,44.Ripatti baud ah many. .'ofiF4tapititi 'aithiketit yew Ole. . •-• griiarth, is titalis tioetelsoortiat one of the I ido we etneidste by the following figures per; ny th!ge6. NM Cal wilt! lad 1 grand am aurial 4° 41 41i rictif - 4 r-i '*- - : .. "-...- r, '‘..• . : . • • •.. - i •-• 1 . ~ ~, -....,-. , ~..,, ; : .: 7 - , • , :: -_.. - -, . Li , 7,:t A 1111,T - ' poissiSion 41t,;r•1446-r, -' -. ; '-: ; L''J ' Persioshris 4as Es. I ' OMNI* - essasorst.p.e.li., j Pir• imerinft si4iire pi tiki ebilarir liselud, .V.: .. t Ziplit Si t' [0144 \_, . . 1 ..m-2 , 1 - i ips t -L—w--,iiia. : ,lipiii.mmx.. ......I.•:—. ' ~". 1 . ' :' ' ...4 . :113 - . 1 .. '''''.: , •::- ' 111.43 . . a 0111110 1 V -36.5 i: •, .c.-'• • 1.,• - • .. S.SIL?", I. - . .... 7 ,{ : 211.31 t . • .7 . 4531414181 St i ratio of 4 0 itei Pori 7greLabsi . immense, alt. ' =, - 01 , vblll4 * is amok pie safety* a( tbi) °Stymy; by it per i poil. (ifs ii - ,. ' : 1, - • " '' • ' "..... i - : : '' .* * *4 'is ' Costiosatal. • -=.4 Tat t‘t 41411 ' -7 test~a~ Miss tooksoialbs TiYb pod*" Lei bl~lli 1 OR T fE. . CONCPA.RISON. ' ,s tar, IA . 1....jr1i111 11 1 1 4 libientatfalidiOttcerr eiposete or the Wein at Hertford, in the iltitt ett . ,4 leOrrisdkrrelis: Hero vs the —.l: , - - - , ~. '.. • i:: .. • ' . ilderein poitelettleee to either boteitiev *la* to the-amos l ult of • rtbelitto eneuideinathreteitawe'fall to see: itestAliestion t 7 the sithdict ibizie,:rait tsialisei4 l. 44l fall td liFtYlipc **gin the: IPPe for , &Dd .will be tootedv:lLO ii*tlis "Initilkedi Ineuer,'l4464ll , t , r- erthappoitiertyt ell 1 proof } so-called, of dusk boasted supetW i : i - P• :" ; d''' , l -• v . ' To this we'reply :-?Thitt4Olnental of flattforlll4amet.trideb bait not peen en tiorbied to • - "In the State of N OW Yank ::: 7 -• Tnibii ordeal Tied inititia4tt temeeit , ••-•-, .:-•••• of thelfirflfaielt I ' eel 'department, neerlyeveryarotoota#truedean Lift coutinli bier etdreilitedikt, In order to have the Odra:ice:Ai of a: depi . # Dint, which pennfts no unreliable of teide2 trireoetve 7 lta ceetlfleste . . .Al 'UM : . : coillif Hertford Us no New York statea:iiii • ' teem oemPilled to-turnto its, Easeend, ; eti,;4 bow this eteHpi. syiikro,uoi tit leteematekto, teetiere waned, at %Miner ibol l ur3liiir 'cue orelltuielite4, the *At* iLiefinitee r exlibited in ISO: York orterthe C o tOntinamtal tar gartered.' ~,', - . .. ?• -• ~ .'.. =TTTI Continentor. - , Continentli, C 4 • . 1 ,New-Y . _O 7 A••11Vsk; =IMEMiII --- - -frAiv • . .441 .4 i i . . ...' . t.: . 4.A1t.... ---.!.., • _ ... _ it - ... . . . ~.. ... .. .. , ...ft* : • T. #ntfind c,eticiate oga. Ita etoeb,44.lllX-4?01041);:itin* ea to . ,the nil value of shiicapluil, .. ad ti1 044 10141 1- Ika; f i t es i lea * titli l it . 01 / I •44 l ***-4 1 00e 6 / 1 11 4$54* ek-' i lkairktoafa L r . ' . *“.- ..1 i ' .: • t 0,: ,, ~4 th•;1•::::.i i - ..:.. .'. . • . 111 . 4 4141a.._ sattitßea r iwar4oP r lffigeril)o4is2.l4lM - Ili* , 4 - kis • Una It elelosskohfrgiompo,-1,4644ci5iti , ..': . : . :,•. 7N-..,,, - - • *1; .;• - , In toootoutiOiiiii tiiool4F . itier etbadoihy this LalefS i Oeisit ' el of the Proellts/• ' iOliable = l Mti l attat t"Y" Il r i A l f, ili f* 3 Otter , - i - iiii4talasitti r ittit mit wit that... yeie and dot • . •d, ' 'will ' - -.. . and er .1 44 - ‘ ii 6011eoplpeylk lia - Intrp . . len - lat - weerr liebilltita idt pfi w i ~t the !Oat t.itiopesitir:?::4 , -,.i•, ICA! t ..... ..:: : .:<,' ~ • 5 2E...... s • Riv: -;.1: ,, . 1 ; T:-8:` 9' . _ . .... : ~..: il, -.ii, : •-i A.....iiii. At e44,*:,,, r ., COVITMENtIi 414' YORK • - 0 1 1,407J10:-.; t-' -" fill Mir '. - 033 "? 1 91°7141 .4 1)7 , 1111 .P!''-' ,. .3 . : el '" 6 1 1 I S: '''!, „,.., __.„ , . • .!' ; 111.4 -. i r ..: . felanif.o ". ‘ heriurPlol - 0111•fttl*W 13 $. 91( !* .' 8 ? stab Ilifilicitais ' • 7 viiiiiiiii to usitutis. • Wa 47cWiitt-itt; mai or (AO- Otitith : „ kjiii . - . At Iv 114TridireliP le e meat L c. the & _ Mr oftte Coathataal of 1 1 . 141401 210 ' ' . CMl4lolo4l4ollo.lllitetl of **AM'? .:.: .. j• i ; : -,,i, A . .- ... . - • 1 , ..- ... . Irv , rar ....,..-.- a '. I l i , ..,.,......-„,„ •.. ,., -4.• .1- . i, .. w, ye it o o k p a d i p a i,- tt, d , - * s' ...!;....:;:: ... L i g ort 4 .tioir ! liv . ,- ii°lll 9 44lr l - "'WVA k tie !I"lial4: 1 00q,40, 10 16 !#* ' fre* I°"i in, 06!it *al* It/ ' ' °Mit INA. Peilk:l4lo4 ili!;11it pen 1 cent ' timAgt naaptliiiiprit r . ' Llitf to Ert,t2" i ***40....1411 1 .116bite - ifft lian:the. saftailbitiPirdpliatonatieektaiitttr ! -:# l *-...4fs:ilg,ilOlt__.9coopitl P4 l 4f . - 41i61111 -19 1 1 t. - .... 1 1 . '!". 1 10 1 A0P1 I r a * Cli . ' lto46 , l 4: ii. i i i: lia ii i Filir fie : anati . ..kiolotil . f: no Amiffif Sinigis4 00114 is !14'04 4 - - ~ 1. e :.tt•r..t) ,A , eAtZ ' . " 1 : ' -• ' . * ' • ' . ". ' t. Af - _:1 ,;-. ~ „... ~ ~,,_. 1 . _. " • . nOrnikirligliftkboid;s Ori uie . eci!" . ov_ , i,kriT pte r titti ail : all'ifkli 0 , '11711 ..;4r/ifi z ~( I *Tille ill*: . Tlie lull . - l iitlo' 1116 **09:404..**.iiiietetal of Ne w Yeti' _ 11:4 1 T1441 1 . fte." o F itstsissi ttirtoollitipitili t ow to p,.4404 t ri:.- .. The restl ' t cOo ansliilli._,ia°l/1411114111ilialn' sili - - '' ' Barnet.: '.9 l erligalli‘illialt%r those - ..--..'''' 'r" ' '1 . .'''. ''l ' 4 4 41 . 0 Polljligtfeltikflialbeiba ferret t . 4 ,- 1.,,1 ICllitiffe., ' ' - ;,-- g ,, .: '.,,. ':'-•!.. -'-'. •1 ' • ' ! I , l r . _, -. ...... „ ,..P. ':.:-....:. '''' ' • '' I'7_ , 7 -- ''"....'.• - - ''''!;::4f..' 7 '.. : 1 ~-, -. ill ** A NA Tigi iiiiitaxiedillii4lo9 i l:comptiloo„." ia tae I*,ili- sionii of the State stoittogoi ;gig Opntigot 84; tut, it fi doclijtimieuii - ' _.~,...., ~.... .- ...„ . 1 1.1...! I!!! -2111 1 Is l! . fa--• t i- 1 / -* a =- ..a:'-' PION hi enBB e contain tbeWala;,oflzesO — ltpVCOU., - a . i 4. ;., rr~b~ ; 121:1232211 ... --•ri: i ..".:, '. • : ~ , , -.F, 4 ,' • 1 / 4 ,1 , ~, ~ • • - t'l . -,1 , -,- )--- --' • ,ear.- iliwirp.o . • , ..E...i.e.r.,.,,,,--1_,41-...,,,,,'4 ' •• • - • - "7"' 2 Akilre I •I_LI •S -411 ati • / • ileara 11144.11'• tilk .4* . `e-Whoi:4 l • -' 5 4 , -k '' • • ••" ' • T ,C 121.1 V r . 1 11.6 iiiweli ..' ~ .i . w-ibt-li- lie; li.' i::!. :!,...,, ‘-...,.a-,..z- : -..,..)ii.„„,.v.. ,-.41 , ..0 4 .- ".,. , y ... N'tottig *Ur t a a ftligafi'n. •, - „...:,..,.......,,,,, .... , .... , -,.. 1....- r d......• 4 .. ii - r, , ft L ,',.....1a"4.V. • • ilea! r .. 1 .411,10,101 I* Mt's! --•=:A.'", X.,41.7.1-14,•1 1fFP. ,, .. 7 -47..7.37,-U ..'4O • •. . - .. 11244 4:4. • -...": s tto.'.-..40 . 11,, *...-4,,, t ,a .- . ± & 4 4 1• *4 41' 2- ' ' '' C- I ,l' • r, ' :•:, ,=. M=IM ii== *II., irit 4 - ' l4 ;er dir SO litter Oopli: - . wozatit____ aosiip l isposithe misdate ..: Ipety• ii, presept 11*Ins0 a the:isor!s • bizAii Isssi:;dossi*so., lipon wthesj s • 1 tbe,OtalieWlitiktlik 'by . the qrpooe. ew •York MEM '52171 . 41:09 ..... 39 :• " trJ;- • ,• ~ • - 08 / - 4;:er . -.-1 - ..,..571•;•••: • • tb i u boa.• ~w#aro is tiie aims • *beta /.now" oak; tlat!0:. h4e alai theorford * rate ; 1114ingehd del Wei "' arittle sod W es. 4C:N I AL MEI