The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, February 20, 1869, Image 3

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ne Great Work on our Estional Item
A 1-.1.47. Orrseo VaLreg lee Fez's, wrra
rve kiwi-eau Esesevzsos
•Tire r.lztalyr Amami b the
teat wet eat rr..anettft melba on the sehtece
actin WAIT her sad ales tits -
I. t,. lead hr all ittellteest am."
The Leamoi Imam Jammu elys:—”Aumee •
yeeltemlye atd exbauetive name upon the ••
Uerted could ocardetY &An&
may adVely be said that us lave no skids •
this country ao thatooaddy tattletale!! o• •
pertor colder eti4 lima-corks* MI all • ••
rppyus is ovemetket mtels Ida teminest .
TM Oi+t edition f. warty multiettivel. sad no
editloo, (urine to the =peg % Mill he . • •
*myna yele, • •
, Pelavv—lrt •,Te Cloth; flair iriitbri •
,r(*.sie by nock.aert,b4 sent ma ?la •• '
'w,F wire 1440tm• • ' '
411110 1 13ABIlit /1,1 1 1/1141M, reibibber.
Peetavllltv. Om.
sripar.AL INOTICI—We . will
greatly obliged to itioseptOciik ,: ta..
we lave sent billijaiLaavertleing .r stsr• •
acdption if they wiTiromptlys4pond •
send us the amount disesZieraccis kri•
bag tbenlvess to bibeffibted
rerlottmi;And roefiOne can see bii•
.at the printleirlddrees on his me:n=1011 7
us a Breit favor by : sending us as, Boon
psiiible the amount they owe. With •
enlarged sheet. incresutcdospenses :Of • • •
and lab which ire sU cub' bills, to be
llca for when colOsctia. It makes It
nary. now, more than ever, to aak our
friends tb , bepronspt in their payments. • •
sum doe bt eao`i one may stem small •
of no grealScOount to them. bit In the
. theyautount to.cmudderablev
sufficient to'enable us to. be, prompt let )
business transactions with eaters:- •` .1
IVesre trying .tolitthiteh a Brat clan ne
paper at the emalleat coat to our an. 0 .
and. we bore oar Iriends will laellititte a
et cot onr 4 et l orti b i t a pontapt - ..
to thie,te Inert.
Dr.. Charles H.. nameler's
1n order that tee may mete it an luductir
Went to person.ttn in , erest themselves in rip
tending the eiretilation of the Kraal' Jii6iir
SAL, we lutes, ennipletea arrangements j
-Which tre are eustileilo oiler this very •
ferestingsvoitunene n premium to any pe
rtfoinaring iur us ranee tiEW aresclunic
to the-Mr saa' JOURNAL, and who th
money in the same to our oftiee,,Wlth deo'
tames.'llereir subsetilptlopt
and 98 2:1-1 . volume, For thr
snlsirtelpnone and 813 74-.-9 vo6.
rs, • ' ' . ,
, THE.
C 941" Statisti: cal Regiate
FOR • 181 i
'i is 5 V:Trph",et is nbir ready, andoticTil .b!
tenabbcd at the prices -- •
, inielgree - i" to et.
12 eopiea.' to *l - I'lo . •
40 toPieFo • • do 3on
100. c /pies, do ; do •ti '
It lia - v'ertireloolile tlicraohey, and ongb i
to be reed by every,neennfacturer. coal-)-.1
Owner, acd all those
whoowner, desire cheap fue l
The Coal citatia'tics which nre.tbe only otflet
recordiln the reentry, and also the yelaah!
Iron titatistirs, :mike It. *tor% doublet .
tiftt naked.
Semi in- y.)nr. orderP
FOr Millr b tbr fletbsrerflis parries.
' TURNER BROS. & Scrs Chesus
- Street, Phtlsdelrahig.
-D. , 11.4 N NOSTRA - ND, 192' Brosiwat
:New York. ' I
1. L AEA 3: SONS.. Pituburg.
E W. CARROLL lz CO ..c.Ancionati."
'rue eivil.lounre Is" WM not be telleled
Bo's. E B. Waslibume is dangerously ill
Led4+oa.tetfeetingssnldiece tanntimcmf
Tut oi'Viiii — riacd at (ha InaUgaration-ball
*upper, weighttl:oo.) pounds.. '
,40), frit , !kleritit. en unincressinf ettemiii
was mete lallidrl4 lo'sesseßinate Gener4.
- Prim. , .
'Co Wm. Wm. I) Kelley, lion. 11. L Ctk
sna Senator Coleman';we are Indebted In
renblM Ancument R. • • ' •
Tea Reeding Esgl, had been reduced I.
size and made a penny / paper. The Dispute ,
lain' Mire new'. type. .
Toe powder gid' vertised by Mr. Beveridge
kootbez cpleme, we learn Is.'s most ezcellen
article faemiateg Purpose.. • -
• Awnsawdnuesoa has 'lively° days yet 1. 1 1
serve as President, and then InEwl
obscurity, unwept, unhonnred and uissuniT
e41 ? 1 , 24e attention of our readers to th
sivertlse ot of D. Esterley..The office
be offers for rent arcoonv2nient to the bust
news centre of the•tcpart
Is the Hansa itt Ihrtlshurgi on the / Ilt .•
roar , Beard latraince.l is bill to Into
rate thejamsgna Life InanranCe and Trull .
Company of Sobnylkill Co t'y: •
is the Ptate Renate on Wednesday Mr.littolt
read a btll to incorporate the Bate Deposit 81113
of Pottsville, and one authorizing the Unlcut
Association et Pc ttpvtile, to borrow $20,000. •
the House et Flarrlsbtug On the &tb
in Mr. Breen presented. a petition from
one thousand oddizens of dila County, in favor
of a bill for the tier 'ventilation of mines.
&c. -
TuF nee of the 411 of the flamer of Repi l
resenottivett. He , Isbuti„ bee, been Vogel
to the Greit Conn it II of the Improved Order
of Red lien fort eesAone, twat the 20th to
die, 25tIf of duly, 1969.. ,71
r• Is the 4misryon the sth last, Mr. , Nima
read in place a blitrittiorfzing the auditors!
of Washington Towmthip, Oda Coney, to
audit the account Of Daniel Betz, Wm.
Reed, ant others, for money expended for
purposes & a -r.
Manx they re.bnlied Booth in Bsblinore
the. other day, it would have been e good.
thing for the conntly if-they could hove
the bones of Andrew Johoson beside those of
the man who made him Prteideot by the 41
of the assveArie.bnilet.
IR New•Vrttk the ipiwnlators are Tasking
poney artificially !mre by lortieg up green-,
trade. it embarrasses merchants, and, the
desire is expressed that the Ptesitent should
lose no tithe in tigning_the :bill bislang all
such consplesetes erintinsl.
br the Home let 11.triaberg on Monday.
last Mr. Nice presentei n petition Or the rem
_peal ofthe set vacating East.Centre street in
this Borough. should be repealed. it,
passage In the brat instance wu uncalled for
by any ppblic want or this Bprongb.
Bensirrt of the Nett York --fier44; - - awn
rending GM. Grimace speech to the Conlin ,
Montt Committee sppofnted to not* Mat nt
IM titan:lon to the - Proddenay.- coacindas
'that wb are to bate
- another Jeciono,,. awl
not ettotter_Jotumm, In General Gnat" -
Tee Reeding Jointel ha Jost bid placed
Ili* ales e mammoth TiPlor Printing paw
That well conducted pspdr Y t riglid to
tai very prorperotot condition. Nisi
like Mend Stisbb'f, relied credit tociel!ene•
yards jo u r n ali s m , and well down liteco
cosi..they amt. •
Br Misr of /sadism Joanna the resale.
at Bolstts the aseassin of President Ltnoohl.
have been disinterred sad handed aver to be
.• taken to &Uhlman and interred by the Me
of the father. Janina anon Booth,. The re •
%amble of Rerrold anal. Anima him *9
...been delivered to their Mead& -
Asr lasetaa Irlibtronsea antated the White
BOW the mbar day with It Plated, and said,
that tt wet her mission to shoot John ioa-4
Sbo wan arrested; the 0001 wen i b and to
contain DO losd, and Andy remind hie
Apitits alter a poll at the whialtalli..
'would suggest to . A. J. .Outt hircosee bent
and devote the reosidadsr ct Mt Windt
after Ids rattremeat front the rbealtheney."
enserchfor that tea thoaliteddolllol •
.sensed in 45414 dem, lionever,
figet,tt feel Algoma to keetvir Ade ' • -
Iseandillos;in gratitude fat Wiled on*
Item C Msgr. tbi
Report of Special CiesotWilmer Wells to
lades of !gotten palliated la Abit'biladelpbts
ead Mew York papas lie eivei (acts and
Spree, and while be trials Wet In it very
vulvas:o maoser, be points out diary
that Ur. We& fa totally 'potent of the sob
)act os which bs grew or abet be boo
telly perverted the facts to deceive the people
sod thus moue tottDe legislation. to tie
Wow, of Uot conotty. If rot ligoOrattt, Mr.
*elle would sot resod to sueledistepautble
aobtadelee obit boo dot*, Weer MAW,
boats to aiti Indult! 101 l Peta alto for It.
Fie wee fa Etelleod to teat, ma the Eaglith
people ere , exceectlogly twill:poi to have our
/a hair of FAO& otters is nor/ twee
floaidway.. New . York. firsPiiistal 'A
tm eoewrsctiou refs pee matte railroad,—
in the operation the earth is net : dui oat, but
Irifalsa war by a sidifid: which Wier hits
- actWtherphuseter of tlestnenet. Thishirdd
Is kraut ahead by means o;= itinbsi of
screiria-the rear of the shield, worked by
levers, the dimities! earth' exuding 'Aren't
the trap•doors to the shield. The Proven
made Is slow, shorter= inches per diy
plated. Bricklayetwfoilew. In the raw of the
-shield and the the tunnel sarith. hard brick;
which prevents the earth Irani caving lo.—
The prbwlPle by:which the care will be pro
pelled le now petty, generally kaolin. do
ordinary Mined track is lahi at fhe i bottom
of the tube. over which the cars.pre propelktd
by sex/rent ash' seine& to return by the
creation of a vacuum: Aitisoge, closely Ott*
to the Ades of the taunt, tattled to One eta
of eich'eu, upon' the surface of which the
sit WU be supplied by immense faniwheels
worked by stem et each eed of the .route.:
PAWAL • ACIIIOOI TIM /17111117111 3 01 Da'
atM — Caleb Calling's treaty , ilth the
tad States of Dohxobio to ITtoreoco Ito tllll
project, snows We Gaverameett, or any emu.
Pm, of its citizens who may be 'authorized
by. It. to opestruet an leterualkmatehlp caMti
across the Isthmus of Darien. or bt the O
rate-river route, if fatuuldedrable after an -
'rel. The terms of treaty are reported to lite.
of the mart remade character. ~ Thera Is
.company or ontzed l'el,few York hendmi by
the Mr. Kelly under whore direction end rp
pease several of the most fessibleroutee hale
alreat3Yeen attriejed: Other parties. hate
irogrqvuogis, itgn ilavetitions to facer Of a ;satire- .
teethe taxilL A arotettere tufa makse eaptiallet•
rktet sad voniaginn loom. Tbo viveldngann of
reglied hava•bpcn ralned,by a prolecttee tallll.
Readiag Em s e. • •
, The store Is from al.Wititteratic paper,
and is a lair sample of the gencral,siguments
of the Democracy against a Tariff • Without.
Protection against the low labor, Cheep 'capi
tal and abundant machinery of pirope,.the
workingmen of thlatoustry woui4 *obliged
U. - abandon the.r Mechankil pursuits to a
amreting tO 42 testa-per bushel- rof L. • gre,st or workfor wsges which 'would
t.egqind,. n 6 coot. trapw• York, 47 cents in .. o!nly r keeptheir famitlealms stirring. We
New Jersey; .45 cents in Penfisylvaiii.• 71 , An only hare proeperntts times with Protec
cents in Oblo, 77 cents in IllinoG, 46 Con, as the history of this country for thief:At
lOW*, with differences less •strikitig ftaypiarn4mia shown. • .. '
Southern 'State., which grow cep‘lS. t1;313," n why,
for home consumption . It is asserted - that " 'rte '4 0 7 1.4,0mT111°2 are 11,170Y010^ is ow.
in the 'central and populous Outs of the . lag teethe faerthatthily aro always nude up to
the otiginstatandard. sod of
pare ikkaterfia, let ,
West the prices are Ills pear tower relatively the woe he what It will. The Trthvor just tilts
to the more Western ant liorthwatern the nail= the bead, for Paiwrsiloa 1111171211 00:
t the
then hut .year; " " n" ic"aPared net
str:l l / w a ltrtew P rre m a le gi . 4: ants retTia
wit. lows, $1 97 to $i "43 last .ittiliajr ; strapped m esa eac h bows., Dce:i , go lwmo
$1 20 to 9-z; cents now.. , S ithmi bomet& •
. .
somata 11 . • charter from the. goveroMeintk of
Curti Mot to construct % 0111)_ Ai ,
'route, howem . fsialito bokloog sad dits.•
cult one:
THZ Wunar Cnor.—Thn Januar" Import
of the Agriculmrsl Bureau states that iba de-,
cline in the price of wheat during the• past .
twelve months hat been verlr,-PerciPlible.
SgW.iORE ICITT Fecms to be it ibis Merck
of wings Of armed outlaws who mardr,r.clti
zens iti daylight in the crowded thorough
. fares ; who riallt in plate wiudotnron
way with Iron raisailes, and escape with trays
of diamond rings; who enter oßleet. ecnst
ing-rooms and dwellings with impunity ind
- rob citizens while pOinting piste:its st their
heads, and who, tocspytbe cllmis, Invade
thncearts-cfjnittee andin the teeth of the
judges en the bench and strong police force:4,
thresten to rescue from custody, prisoinsis‘
their 'chums." It nonld seem a 3 If that
city terapidly approaching .tom pQlocwhen
t 10 interposition of Vigilance Conuntfteis Cif
be needed. - ,
• '
Toe beinocratlc papers thmug s bout the
State, publish with a-flourish oklystripets,•
that the Postmaster at Poitsiown, roamed
Mist(mar, to under arrest, charged with em
bezzlement., it le„ trite, and they might base
added with equal troth that he was draoi •
half of his time while in . the oMee. But,
11110 la Missimerf Answer—hi' fee Demo
;rat, appointed by A ; odret*
M Henry Mintzer, a fitful:olW, 'appointed by
the lamented Llee o ll3. t ad Irtri , Wal reioved
for fidelity to princip'es arstrefusal tp sup
port 'My Policy !" .Will bur TVemocratic co
temporaries please to add these fisifnets to
their notice of the arrest of Mr. Misstates for
defrauding the Governwnt
A (Iwo Excsiutios xo
is stated that the Pacific Raliroad s Cerapany
have initiated the necessary sirangemebll! ror
a grand eictirsion through from New; York
to San Prancisco, commemorative of the com
pletion 'of the road. The time Is not fixed
yer, but it Is expected to start on of (about
' tbe tat of July.. Invitations have - bete Si- .
tended to.mtiny oktha leading railroad; capi
taliattrand bankers of F 3 arOpe, but in litricasS
wlii the amid ejteerd'2sO, including
egation from Wall street. It Is tbough . quite.
probable that President Grant will be one of
the party.. Two trains are to leave simulta
neously ; one from Thu snd the 'other •
from San Francisca ' •
Too ClMAN_Qtrstrjo3l.—Thts question Is
at last dectsii4 settled by the , submission
of" ell the insurgents to Turkish authority,.
agreeable to the rule of ibe Paris Cemfeipooe.
The right of the care unquestioriablylustigas
this conclusion, as Crete was a &Tendency
of Turkey and the-rebellion there was pro
moted and aided from the, main ! Still
Amy Will regret teeming that the Moham
medan Tower hut re-established itself 'more
flrm'y'on a part of the °stand Molts 'of
Greece. Concurrently with Abe decisien of
this, the . ..cense of Greek troubtes, Msubles, an.
tioaneed that the new' Greek 'ministry have
revoked earlier preparations for war..
le7oativirTizotatos—On Monday at ins;
portent declan was made in the Suplente .
Court to the effect thit gold contracts Must
be paid to gold wheitlio other Idol or cur
rency Is mentioned, The Court stood three
for to one whist Ole opinion. - 61 thoie fa ,
voting It, two'cLetalified ,their-opinions in:a
manner not reported .
, Tbirdeciahni 11: sot
likely to effect many cases, brat It Is prohibls
th a t Some of those •It does touch be
It recognizes two kitids of liurfal
money. and compels payment to cols When
coin la specified In the contract, but Sloth.
'swiss .
Tam PAzoxyrra is Mrs:r.—lt has litely
been noted that fire-damn explosions in
MIMS line ill been preceded by a great fall
In the barometer, showing such a - change Of
atmarpheric pressure es to permit the cues- I
sive escape of foul gu. This. instrument
Las therekre been - recommended u an! im
portant adjunct In: mining operatiorg, and a
writer recently recommends one tilled with•
water instead of - Mercury ; • kind,ol
atm welD. known to physicians ice• &Mg .
highly mudded indications or changes of
i• • ;
Pen.stexxase, lily. the North damelesa,
is nepaicedentedri psteperons—sellast
Isere end thriving.: We.arse sally gad to
best, it, b e t she Is iseaewhst MOW fri some
thinks.-- Few cities of hike issecataacei . fat
Instance would allow • railway atcaopoty
to chute her astanfacterers sad other dd.
rani the prize for feel, *bleb that monopoly
&Moire It to be pat Into New York tem ibis
Reston. A city ht . wblcb ire feel reedditre;
bit pride, bet slow limes tkinp. idoiri
Ma: Pazu, tin Domande member et tie
Coogroutossl ccssualttes tbst Istonsod Osa.
Groat of Ws oisselos to es ProlOsition
possissit tbs so w% of Ls petty to the
susserss of G. Ciriaa's Malsistralssr
limy* Is Walsall Admit soillso. wadi*
Ors. Qs iqsgebvsf Q,u tie party - . M.0.
dos Sat lan ILL P. promising scso us& t
Wired& so;• mass tiss Damao*: Wars
cump - S lalho taws.,
rows. Tastaidwr_.-;-litda Mins' tais
porta to Sandia loth, Iplapintdiriad* at
ono-third V* posit. pilot *lila Maw.
car inainadannigaily wain* Whale*
of do had, isd do midi al
tic at woootaili to Oa dd "ssualaiktilk
fa, adittlint tetltiq, . Thi fieptridas MP SO
ISIS; WI grambiliattlial do *I Indio
amide liters 12 4 1da WA thiittro
ara witprioid lbws *odd la any witnia ego
tweaks toil Tat lady la tda 14sidani
a risoindoa fawning lid trunks of the
(mph aim to .11w Goriniaini, woe lola
down. -Ia * die Ligjohistidla.
dead told* ti e
olidt add Miro at
ep. Tar ebelemmeel le wilt leeleparr,
se wow diem pimple;
Clultegliee*Ompeagy, dire* te*
am as ale lisolik ems CC toatltijUts ti
algae alisitand taallallMA *lid*
s i
Om. Fouts of nuislielphis OM., lies I
sugared igaal setelce to'lt t South bad in
WO, tante entire countr y , Ik• —• •
to that seettno. sod-through bib: Mies of lot
tars which Lot appeared; la the Pros, to ref
armee to the induzements for citpital to la-
Ten in the Booth, sod far industrioos, steady
people to migrate thert . : tlener'il Isougettowe
stays that the cootie oPthe WM:laded press
of the Nortb headed 14,' the lefluentlal paper,
edited, by Cbt. Porgy, • togetlier" with the
known det " lof aeam/ Giant to es.
siss Zia
scum the I sod tip4it , has pro
duced a of enolidence In Ithe minds of
theof-the &UM which liss not este
. • before sines the doe of the war. FeeF
liggibat there Is milli no salad of hosti li ty
towards them on the O n of the citizens of
the Nortb, sad that OratuNiAdinlohustion
will beteg pawn to asiction where violence
eadbloMbited werestMtams dating Andrew
Jobestink Altalalstrinfpn, the p6ople of the
South are chsaging. lnottsandi upon than •
Muds bkthil Booth wbq were opposed to the
'standout( Grant.' no 4 speak of hi& With •
remelt mad bid Air kt become! s hixeuttest.
sappcmars." We feel tkat la niaittlag• kids:-
time the - growth of this niter: MI feeling,
Col. rata* throsgh'ths Ea* hie done and
la ittli doing, a good Work., Now, let the
Mamba° Its share In throwing kinithe r Soulh
labor end Messy. width it coal do through
Cot: Toracy's Lead Agency la-Washington,
and'that sectloswllt , la a unt+ law years
reach an naprettedentarbelght or prosperity.
In this manner Is much less thruttbon a gen
eeallon. ell Oftbe bitter -passions lead pre In
dlceiempindeeml by the Itebeilloin; will have
pasted *wily never to be revived.
Tea finmaramsn..—A commankation Wit
; mit nonce. %boat our re:.
mania onWlilaskeralp: hag too late to
publish, and we bare only tiara to remelt
Pat al/faience we csiaiot rely upon
assurinees glean wlthat th 6 fats. If /di.
Ban ad Iti?..toidras have adieu a st. , cong
disposition to piocura protectla. it can be
showy., and asked facts' are Utter than' sp
anned?. We retreat, if They anent be shown
to be friends of she industrial interests of the
country by their Oates, the frlendiof pm tea-.
Lion ought In hold every member 4 Commas
reeponsittle for lilt vote.. It will'be time
enough to furnish that Information from the
records before the elation of Speaker-of the
nett Coif's'', n jf it can be shown. Recon-
Oration will be concidded with the advent
of aen. orinvind the penp!e - sre: now d
*tined to watch - aunt closer :the acts of
lb* representatives In Osiogresi. ,Haseto
fore they overlooked many thing*, while g.
two-thirds majority In both • branthee wag
necesary to secure legislation on important
. ._
MAGICILIA Wane -- SOPeTielr 6 the best
Imported, German, Cologne, and se)lcl at half the price. " 1 - .
Yin it man Aim read with slimmer the, an
nouncement that:The American Lifeilnsurance
OcattPerd' of Philadelphia." declared al dividend
of fifty per cent. the first of Januaty,lS6%
Sorrow, not became of the great preeperitY
thatCompauy, hat became, dnring,the past seer
he had 'haat made up his mind to enter it, but .
hatiAllowed himself to be direrted i4. - ‘7 , 5038 other
'Company, which pars him no dividend ' at all, or
a much ember clue than fifty per cent. He'll do
better next time, sod will advise all h friends
to itot foto 'Th. American" In time fee the 'next
dividend. ..,
• O. Little Magma for this County
. .
SITT, Ekr/T ; HAW; H41111....—Wb7:1301) t yob VIPS
Woleott's Axsuircitoi- 7 plat - bottlei ttieod dee
rid of Crdarrb ?:TieuDid by ell drngguu. 7 21,
Loot -47.4* Doter Toccm mime inimile
wrapper., be* Wolootee Pau ELM; for•pata,
and Ids Asserrtercet, for Catarrh. Take noae
other, or j:lti are cheated. Gold byOng
. .
gide. jt.
E. J. Deur; Wtkeeste acid Retail Tobacco and
Sager. Dsabw, - 413 Obeetont street, PNla delpble-
His assortment of -Fine Segers and Tobaccos
has offer bean excelled in, the City. , ; AU repre
sentations in retard to hie stock may be rood -
dently relief on, He therefore Writes the biters
of good flegars.and - admen Xo Illsannoth
Store, 413 Chest/Int street, and would say to all
in the words of the renowned poeT: .
This being so, do not delay,
But go at once this very dar, •
To E. J. Deiut's renowned Hazes?,
' Where you cart get a good Cigar. •
This EstibUshment 'le known thronghout the
Halted States and Ohinsout 14rthe place gee
(ream:ameba dmooi Mei is under
the supervisioncif Jas. N. Ulm , wbo respect.
tally sellette you:pat:7page: ,463 m
, •
Bee the adrertlaconent of Bradbury Piano la another
RE - prelim, re Pam, or Canon Oaasse -Tbe eew
style of the celebrated Yuan al/walla eabluet Or.
trolzA;ttrie bet MaThs o tlo
ne atop 0 rye 1 7a te mea oteerel flfirciar
wd w $lOO, to redaction of oae-foartp.) and the to
'tote Orcia Mt. Every parebaaer at rot bistro
meat will receive a guarantee for eve years. tw well
'known saperlorlty at thews tarentreettte overall °then
la ataeleatba Coma:used theta to every :over of tool
=ask. }trawl" by thee sole. agents for Schayllnll
Meaty, at masa BROIL' (Lahomeno I Jewelry
Sam 103 Oestiwarneet, Yob ei
OUT em nay not ear int's good looks and io
woe cum non ltno** 4 l 49e 6 MPah
role an conddered obiertionsble Std_
an meted to
_ toprerent or get rkt of Hen
We know of no rude so - little troobbmit,' or ohne.
tioninkt se lbs we of Mors Vegetable AN140011%. en
ankle Much at lets Wegnome eo
se Immesirgro-
In e toilet snide sod Nielagar. It Is e
plied, elisions gray or tided hair. preteens, and%
any nen cern baknese, Omen the scalp and
In the tub ISlspleadid coodltion kn . tripirt¢g. et
A GOOD 61( Octave !qua far rla cheap at Lem
ma* 113 Oartre 94., Poltrillie, Pf. 041
!masaWeb aid Amid= 0004 sit 0101. lod
tha Abut itsallum sz D. A. amuses OWN Maid
lillloll Yummy Lam. Lou" • bseatitat arada •
D. a. 9151133% Centro west.
a1=1140414. mi •
pelt" it D. A.:
as lamouvutra.".4llll.
famity, I. hat team re.
Bee Bizam
• Fsll*. :
• A.Goao rs La.
NO an arta a• • •• •
Edit ! a
, e Ws wit
josiroald be • • • • matted witlileisfeek
Swilbelell. SIPCO ED 1113118.
e and Watetunaker, IRS Oita,* &reit, Putty.
Odober44. Ni9-04f
Ss' Depth ofGc ~
cessmodid by physeSPie kir Dyspeptics, oft =mai
ales propississ, ILlperity,ksod m! &Wow
Totisirine, rebruary 2fike 18410
qnsittlty sent by Re!bead thls week
la 42,868 19, &plot 44,799 for the; cares
putulthg week last year. ,
The trade Is dplier than we hive ever
known it here at Rhin sewn it the year. The
high rates of tall to Philadelphia! on the .
Reading Railroad, equal to the price 'of a ton
of coal, is cheeldng tfie trade to Philadelphia.
yid tatter legions ere supplyingthe coal.
The charm Philadelphia from the Lehigh
are less than the.. charged from Pattaville,
and our Company, We learn, will not reduce
these charges for tome time to coati: unless
compelled to do so. While the trade has
declined from ScheyikM County 4,08.5 tow,
this year so far, the supply of the orunpaniek
centering In hew To* have Increased no
Ise then list,oo tons. Then Ogures tell the
'the tradellams opals week es MOM,
comma IrUtt lief year:
jigs Vigil. t ivillik IroW. r i te
J r.
114111r " 4111.2111 44,016 4111.11Mip CIO
SIMI - 1111 4 0. Ey* we
11,11111 11, 101 IN 1‘261
AIM Iskon se,u4 MOO 004%
1 Rai I SUN vis moo cos
lo , ion
, 14. a. isms 1111.1P4
Ile* WS
' .al -UMas • w. ;Wf1 1: 11115 1 -, -4 .- ' II. L 111 0 4 1" 02 1 :
I 1.0.11 1 1. LBS 1( ,
1111/1 4 4811.
arms .t 1 .1041 . 25.ta nrale
11111.1116131171.4011.1111111,1 .
.-"`--11 --....-
111161111 11114111
Pm C
- The C M Niw Yob Iwo tattooed
the Mail prlos of cool to ild Od pod too. tbo
lowed tato teat pieneoliadimit
IleboAtil want debts& ot dailds be Not
Tadc, boo cod thato:optordo oel s• - •
tbie tairesquote bait %bay Imo bird
liorstal idiom tail otpody
IsSonied Wooly at cad la tbolodas
at Cuts dt deo tat ot Itobanyi ins vy
ing& al littibdrinte oditiori to loot
Ora soil sous doto Time *otos
dodoes yid Bat boy Ind OM Ilia Mans on
dant on. Irbn tboranidy nor=
ha sad tiPO l 7 stelt other orttle Soonntit
So motels abound
woo* sated IMb* pinbind Uott
iM inks =MP fa NIPPY it *
motido tints Um obey on' at alt bad
(fair sows* . 4 11141 WaNtereglieldP
t . s , s nuldop.
easel nit illneeb,
Wit *nailed - IMO - St IBM* tar,
TH ,
ti used thew • ' lice of the Schuylkill,
eistmicomal we yiwtertstry that be sold only
los esti 481 lad Chadarit goal. and
.IM 50 a toe was e highest price to coidd
obtain. The fteXhi tto Phtlidelphis by hit- 1
goad ie in es per :' sod Air Chevron coal,
'bleb Is not !rani low, $2 VI per
too, while Cams a coal es* now be per
chased 4prOte g from $1 ts to $3,2$
secordleg s to guiltily. How can any 'red*
prosperlisader saes a volley t
_ Several eollieristi OA were working who'
„ m ass w i n good, pow that prier are down,
have stopped to arts repairs, as they state.
%Is will gin the otitis's. a little dome at
Os lower plate
Oar coerespoodeat being aliseat from Phil
adelphis, has, olaorse;, seat ea so report
this week—bat ass Ito* that the trade Is
extremely doll et trot polto. ,
The following efipsales give the ilst of
prices for cold etoc Ixosid 'apple '
at Hoboken; rriog to thetosiires f tbe
elgbv to change Otos at any Outs :. ' '
l ~ot.n Lestroi Cosmos:a eau:
Lamp Ss t tIII Stare .....: $5 95
aftlltss-:•--- •-• S IA ObatIMIL , t,. Is
Ea ...... .......... 575 Pea. ,
iiruleteasse 01:14 & Imo Commie' Coat.
Lamp $5 Os 1 Egg : .5 25
SISIUMW..:*. 5 pii. &mi.... - , ctl2
Broken • 5 5 5 041 , 1111 , 5 w
We copy the following ft* the Lykene
Valley ReMster : 16
Li NOM V mut, ft intes—Closort 4 MiatWeetott.
—Tell med.:NW * , teweat ,bouftgtrees
gtarof the ittr:s shoat .telesebi Cows! P e s tel blartbsea Coe.
WM Banned Oomme, tomtbet_ , with the liemtelt
Lamb mai owenoloMet Wtemettiem. he 41114111
41711111=111101 Merest rep sem Weems at Me Coope
r/teem • • ,
Pithiest -R y reeks leeldist ol the
Iftrettese-2_, A Pri* nt the North
' elltiClMMet : 4 - 1011,E _ _ at
at Peen
op Imile Names,J. Atiabbeettl, Gloom: W.=
assn . . Sorties .01:(r. P. 'WM
sea W. B. Tow* liiiiirer of Ur Imeigi Spate
npricgritusimz4mmi cm ilium:oi most ae
rate:ad bi lbaltantrit, sod win,
we ire corbOst,Meedert tbe *Mgr! of oar paid wilt
peopaisky. ft/ la a mita watelbetwy to tbe ntMdly
lomesibm beldam Limit* of Ibto melte. We twee
Do doubt Wet soda tbj sew No e.m , mt Intense
mote Oft be oak. sell the general tetereel of the
mica emsettally semfoesd: webby. bower bee
lam to Wiest, this policy a the tows,.
- This Is herd ppop the Reeding Hailroig.:
They were gradipo nod to 'connect with.
these collieries, and "Pfeslo7 they all &bap
peer at one move. The Headlag is dorMned
if they do cot clan e their Policy, and that
they will sot do im -er the Torment miserable
'Management. . • '
LOCOMOTIVES /01L7dince.—The locomotive
constructed for the ire ofthe Lehigh Oal and
Naviigation Compels) , 'by lisams.. Odes lt.
Lang, of Phitadd l ittla, ble. proved 'qialte a
seam* It welglat,it,ooo/I**Mlsivatarsuld
4 14 is 12 feet's Mlll l2 S‘ 100, la th es !Me
Sod 6 feet in litightiktnit rill to 2 0 P'ohladi
Dermot, and ix* 113000 - 11tVeitiod * the
ipb 6111 .1i 1144 , 410 12 *, ONIO,Sgth
of i,lsofrfeef.'"Ph gene ortlititrack is t
feet 6 Inches, and e'ralls mid *4640 lb
•to the. jard. Mr. P. Rothermet, a 'com
petent min*, enighieti, Om the dlirptEee
ID expense crr the use of ho rse cars, as fol.
• Lecond ems Ilsy. '
i engineer 1 ' -, ] ...;••,'
Repairs, oil, fuel,. f
• _ Mori
21 males* $1 per
drivers .
Eats cost Of keepl
He also givts the ,
referred to- •
Loco Motive
50 mine wagons
1 aiding '
21 ink* et - 4200
100 mine cm.ts it1125.enth,... 12 on
3 Whip for passing trabis..:..l„B4Xto
. •
, . ; • ' %
~ T h is shows ',very heavy tav , ng bo th D
first outlay and the daUy expense it pollieries,'
where the locomotive can be Introdneeiti In
anthracite mina there la but Mit anger of
communleiting fire in the gangly. ys. The
only.aiding required lest the end o ( ithe road,
and is arranged Vilth an air shaft I carry off
the - steam and gates (tom the Com natlun of
the coal. • : ' • '
, Messrs. thine S: Lct ng have airth Azed of to
receive Orders for their locomotives or anus,-
and any information wilt)* given y caning
at this office or addressing us. bey will
constrneethem of different aims trti It gang
ways of different collieries. 436 sat fled ate
the Lehigh _Coal and Navigation ompiny
with the one in use, that they,are c rocuring
two• additional - ones. Messrs.. GA .k Long
slab adapt the engine for use .at .funianes,
rolling mills, .t-., whiciewlll ello'brontist.-
ed . by applicition to Bennett & Tinny at
the J OCRSAL office.
am told coed le offered tcoday at two llars and
,tifty , centa a ton at Port Carbon, and }hat ere offer
as low as two dollar a ton f Is some ear at_
t Mauch
rank. Will anybod contend that It la aced
that low spice at this time„ a an ammo ?.
dome honorable dealers bargained for their amply
for t om
bs month of February at primary:Waft (roar root
dollars and dity cats to data dollars - a ton. Many
who are not so hopo able. candannanded their mate
as won ae tbe priee beam Patna. eo that falai ol al
most the entire pedant of canal collated bad to be
made the second ticaa.S Two dollies le • high aloe to,
'spat In March. and a gad r0n9 1 7 can aal , ain W
itten Ant, at sop dollar and Mg cents by *be sharp
dealers...7bl. Is the w 4
to do tt Let every email dealer
order twi as malt les be mate In Then,
about the ce
woad week, Whe ad t =ba in r M loto lull
blast, let all tbs dialers. gr as P * ,
trans. Ve, gra dreadful bed In , April, end ! - refese all
tare is
never wanting a good exam to .refore' Ida coma,
so tilted tried, always his the Oared effort. Thar ,
operator eer,es down like • lamb. M thief b tat
trade can c ge om t his coal at bolt peke by Ma plan, and
the victimised mina will goon selling bir these men •
for matte, and bet tbem to order mammal afun)tbey
bare repeatatly vntalited htm In this manner. •
This is no racy plan. It has been Med lusty near
with sumac As long an some tan will meal, otters
will do otter things se damnable. II no mat Is
mtsecd In Aprll none will be asettleed la this way.
Mod PcboylkM Canty bear tba whole weight ot
ace of the trade, at shall tt take cue of Itnelf i f e 2
letting It take we of ball all coal will sel l at
Wow ea.
. . .
If aaytbtog b to be disc tit It be don le April and
:L7 5 4:4 wrn hi J
oon amoag i tl e r r og l i+uotat,l l . l l plc* Ray
Thmes, 70.17. Via , . 1Z r Z.T. -'
4 41 a.
' a Zhi . 1 . (minors tOILTZP.] '. 1 1
. 1 "... ' Itareassu, P D, lie. ;
.**71 . 71411LL: —Oa th e In dig of lolk
tbr 1, Railroad was sold to tbe PP IsielPhts.
so Railroad Comma,. who are pow MOM-
In o t6 i s i t ilcomplete by the trid day day of 11 y as
. the Trounce Had to Stokrla. thao
pl . - property so enters outlet by way of
a. At the time of out
tbe stole
art= coal estate lowed to the dim of Z P.
Boyne II Co., ud onaprlstu 4000 ware .0t the beet
coal land la its biste. loving cm ft the two lobos Val
ley led lab vetul be good r tier, we:rimer orren).
also the susonoth uto abided by s slat of Sr fen:
=two vitas of optiodld qu il ts te ese =4
bet thick. Whoa the present lase* tmor to
of thbrUopetty there was a ember *Ono minty
ob t5,0t0 toes per 11104.10,00111 WWI Wilirilat 001.
till Ma been &Ulu, ....d la now preparid to help
• tow . t ally. There San also - been a slope
sub littlest Is now downol, pee le the tan qui
sha ya
cd No. l fakers Tabu Bab ash COO. T
a too on tele prunq a( two and a hal f Ile mot.
and two Wks sri. eras the boar= this slope
than is now ended a Damply( autos og In) bone
Poorer wait 111 tech &able eaten pomp. atit two wind
bag mons ot liked, dtesintitt r7zsooth 4 Owl woks ,
with e LI bet Mannar drab, mates the flops
complete runt to one In the WU. - TboMaseblaery
ts the semen that now to we at Wadote P ot eßat
both being nob ty Cet. Z. P. Bum it Mer Cor
bett Illathins Won". • • • I .
TVs veto Is lit test thbtfollb fora, top and bottom.
and no top intim In LW vete. A taral Irtil be which
the bottom, of Um slope to the ft
ho. 1 Tito. erblet
I le equity Ili good as Ito. I. They be also tow Peoa
-1 by to awn a ember of the raw patient Ord outs ao
the ow sow at Minna Breath, which MO =lnd
IMO tots pet day, Thla Is by propiOng ttio bola
the two 'bite asb Wm This bersPer. topes/ With
the von Inn now beteg opined will be
ready boa madden tea day of hily olt (his year.
Thai are also drlnag a yingonty OD the .*rids of the.
clu on Ito. I veto. Witch Is le hst Weir. orkb ITO
yards bunt above worse lOU tics width 'a tatinel
will be deters to Ito. a also II lbet Meta toe wldeb
they are also = la ths aturnal nen to bald a
brisket. oda • of.loo COO Its aanolk
thg a Iltbd ecillert. kb. Watery tt hi to
tutu Indy by the lat tbu 01 tißmbor . year.
Thai Way will be Inured to iron Trevertoo to
101010 lent Sato 404000 Ow bee Woo oat ts
the State aludlng higher than this Murton eon. as
all know the charenee aad oUrpro nlPoot loa PI i 4,71,34 Tal
ky Cul. *ls bent ta wen 7 opal Ito Is. and
end for the saw papoiso Tons Woe twiny proves
tier Ifs white ash te the ben nabs( WI ;and aim
cool to the Puts
The odes:Maya oftbb rubs are minutaibe tie
ostlit by wire ot Icbsylkl,ll Vail
Reload Oolussy no sow =tit ennui their •
nod ban Mt. Cowl to Ole photo sod WM OM' tbe
• t ee Patrol Sorel to BOVlzons,the Zoo nt lb*
' Butz* and Ede, promata a line Isis tar las YU of
"this end. 11.11 are anamoss oda* IN
sod some so the pour Wake sr se,
eifordsetry the Whale map soisk WO gout:kg Ideate Is that Orsnks. . z I
' Ilos emu of UM puma propeirionliabms
Is sumukie. am unto do WI abtp winds min tiro
years sa umreosionna amok at nodal arm hem
bolt of alo Thu bids re nu by Orl.
limy Tbanosntlterdsbern.lad gm. Pedlar of
lamb Mot Tom traly,
.- Zama.
.. .
ma every Mits. god
°entre street.
thriven ,
do aro orkental OD ad on On A=111; "47 / 1 1tan.
GRIM a W.O. lot no son ottani Innen tad An
Zamerents, one will IWO% Odd OW
don or illoottod odint, do
ns.. to.
nand ce tlio *Z fit no 1 17. Mr no of
now Wm. to oot coodbod to Was 3s
i n
x nnti l ,
tot do In Ind* to SIMI% ant Ma% i
lon to otry don 111iNIMI WEN WOW
• ' ALL WO= GO ,
An bairmlibli al 1111 taillat7 alldelk, at to
. win *mks In aoglioollin oat oliso; .
adolonnol is =On. no 1 :
Joint Clod onl j
ifiE l firs riguil l i 1 •
s mr.s. resuassainbatalg. i.i •; • .
Ira arm lisi tour
Ina. mms. gieleat •=1 11 ).
At wllan Vona, en tot nos mot. • .
Tin Alloonoon bon nd do Ins
tkommtp. A lool m ix i l Il i teldd IMO.
1/11 rift to OMNI& i
imp MIMI! dorealk, IPOlonnili. rinem.
Ste*waif Safety .i i
• Mid S• Ir a is i : 61 * .a_ rsellirl.
ad Ilke eanorsitiv t aft
vs Yoe panne an Om
106 ,=liatsealor OW IrIdWILM
Om suesOnrlYr Erb la
WTina Um gait sad
army ia&
aisrawl ma tasM es ass li
. 11 4 111 kArrarke u ntaiotd — tier
gel dille7W.4ll4o==er b.
IdlinVil . 01111101M111)
a Les• 411 -11.
rirdsi . . . -"Th6Cfir o iVl
, ' m ai - i i ' od 2top ClortiiiiiiLL
o Tgorpoomoottoso. sot sot, *WPM
• JOHN_: ROMMEL.I. ,1114
,1 : : .rollrr• EMMA • 1 1
.-.. ' it ~ '.l‘ . - G rt ia , *s. .
riall witr. tin l 1
berg*, OnitentUfli. 00 / , -
' • F ' 1 1; '. -41 s.
- Ilintiotkoiso"— isiolifilith• '
a,...a aa
I : lA_ writ% vow or vim
. "" tio rine w i l Va liml
be le IWO*
ilsoleMb. liee *Gaol Oa*
W be 7
spas WWI
00l Irr Mt Oast • •
roottrottod 11111
Mr. - AV no km lows to li* AI se
..... ' lora. we to 11" =. loodatoli t
maw , It W* tostAntAllt. Doey it Mau that
oat:. bell IMO SillatilL aid Orollow SI Woo tot
WS lb. vonlisli•lasa Masa a aril u:,
d a. 110IraeloS. 411=1211111a00. '
Meow Ms. IMO. ' - SAS t- i
. .
f •
. ,
BANN . &
I , 1 55
firk,DAT -
1 117 $.ll .
roadie repair.' 200
.2 • j •
. .
'lntl have 4ppo4neg.,
ltern °Dm as runHicic, et tie oeci,stse;m.
Pidua , ohri. sza Peasaylnala Hall. Pourrills. the
tale apatscor the ails at the '
St. Vale Shaft nalsbettikblts .lasar Coal.
Partial ithiletrog to bay WO eelatastaleeet. I, pod
lag ;bete ohms to.*tbee at the above ofbeeoVOl
'have then preatgly attetAaS 10. So , Otitcr party Ali
tborlred, toaell thta
• ' NOUTIMati.
'Feb ta..60 Tay • '1
Q°9 30 1
'brit 'con :of the moten;
....... 0.000
~ 't'
• .h, • e"
Inclined Planes; M , Maud
lug • Ship* idgsg:', patellae
Bridges, Perries;
a ttifuz
on e Der .
ricks, Cranes*
Eleesters, Tillers, its.
- ,a WWI MCI OD r
WireAOPO CO4SaittlY: an Kant
• oarnats PULED ,iirrni AputirEF. I
lib von Wens stratia:
ooh sail bad ft* ctipdar. '
• lias 'a • ~ Vii/
Taal Trolls is
no quantity Silt •
TbanOky tut: •
Put Caftan
lkikaylklll theft
Port CUM=
Ibtal ;agog brAttit.
Coal km comma, t
Pnir!VV M lkke year..
To ums tlms 4ii '''''''''
. ildwilkiu C. ataurip.a. sop iliac!
The 4 01,10 0 5 the .541154117 01 45 141 lit gest: 1
'Woe MI illi a:ROL IL TANI St 144.141 $
i tlet= 4 / 14 7.•.. ....... ~. 449 45 ~ 15.444 14
LIU at AO Is 4 41
.11111. Ortme. • 1!111 IT , 10.1149 Oe
Leman lulu!. itilevitam-asse.,
uteus 'war sanioLD.
QuanUt • Valor litlitaid tor Ilia
warn on Ilatodn pla ltr par:
--- !wan I, pm/A •
" IL. Chat .
MaII. ,lieklitti
•• W.lClMinff •
Oriad Talal
Boas tbskit tut tot_
lacers •
... . ....
3,0 !r: AeOn' Lebigli • &in
IM wow, and the eograpmdba
Fax Wyouter Loos. k ....
trurt sau
1 - Batista Rafaa.
Lato.lgb C.• 111aw.C0.4 Wars
the week '
Previqudy - .
Eat szcrirres sum at nir sztranni l z, Asti
' NO. IS sm.
1161 Lei irsgsged.. N 666.
liall e, l ,
.. .1 , 51 ai r i 5• 3 11,53,41; ..... ... i 595
" ' Bt. Beet 6 595
• ' " •*. Broken .. .. 5 625
" • BAP 6 695
" •.; •/Biays...., • 6 • 6
" • Okeennir,
Lomat 151.141.0..
COM v 1 1 .— 1 25
0 .. 8r0ken..... . , ..... :r. ... 6 ' 525
, " • : ger ' ' 6 5 Ss
• 5 540
~. ..1 Ohaitc4, , . 4 7 5 00.
- '
Tbe price of "P.otapriie Bliamakla Cloak" will
be es trdblis lung farther yolk.; at SebayUcla
Ilavao r
Stave_ . . ....
• • Tab. 17, INS.
81:49131111.1d Ab F 7 Ott lad,..
' l =ll Lamm
LOW& WU* Aah
Ram Bastod
,From*.' -
' Chedatak.
• "
row ea 40101 Cles! at
`Lee* - $6 600 .E6111
eteansu,•• 6 Pal Om 6,1 1 1
Bair 6, .
Peteasilletaabisess6 as maiselosigaii i ru
n :
ga"" 5 9
411 i.1 .
ARO'4E 131100
C 0"...
AlwaiLmmitsw: ,
, , ,
OH lb
ISO 21
11.4457 11
104 04
1111 "63 ,&33
1N,1,T 0
418,07 Ot
wassine orgasm raged i *mar aallawt
♦T mrtler ram;
11 !‘ 1141 .0*•::
tale 11
. • '1
s mri
ire mateimista -
hrimipersie rm. _ somi
ViVemr.44 - iriiiii . V
- • QOAIP- Man:
indi Is a • 1114 - WI lon e i 010111likati. :
"4,...,4. •- • ....•••••••Ar•
•••Ifr AN,r4;.-
arOirtstsati. tWo ',me/'
• • 1- ' LS!
U'.:l lll 4lolsaints•a.c.wpani:
?Vara fif e....74+ airflow
2, %Oita 18i6'ili4
: 1 11M 1 21.111 ; C i 15. 1C ' xi ~= -4 t
, aistret o fee ,ITCS feo lona '
anked . Oil CM 143.143 *43 30
The Wee 41114011A1 &Me aes 11-easti per pat
lid A!, coss Rue tot hachoh,
• - ugionivotar.
tti lfilimslllert smoll 'sirs 41411raros'wt•
.110411. Why sag Irfrowq emarqd.
t. +lt 06
WICK ant. J
itmetaibriaatper tau : • .
Telliktills Ida a taw: the au*. -
RAC SS, airaspes.' at Madam Ica an.
emoted to act r gee tko Cocatheiall the
amilatY alg al IT I 6, eiteas4aatris t 4
a 7
' '• 1 orailla. a.
PORE estOttelber iteakt• tail die etteattomieCCeO
alltabion eemed to blautu, to as
alto quid, of dueU- peTdired • Baltpetr-..
Ptiadfin 111111111atel set I. LeiD, , nr oar .lonve any Watt
as slots tar a blot, Itlthoosti sled to 6402
"Um *Mk se outtleeku 11. to Wu trots V i t . / 1 1 i
per Nat. scot poutetal than sey.,B6lU.tre
voutig o esedlbrettedu wows. end din be sped
I rtik jemy. _ _ - _ D. StVgatte3llL.
_ I Soh litiabeteing sad Propetetor.
Vi i i iternarLte, tea OW tr,
• ,
• Piens*
*he ring of s Clouse or ,'Fear
baterniftir, bastructive
. _
Lana Vr . rt. 762 I tl , -
IVILL Y 041.1•111.141 41
• ;
TRnitrr 1111170R11119 CHURCH. Val* •
ihrylay lifentirr ISO". is
' 1 a l e iogiolft, by.
'Bay: Prot G ' •
r*Lies' s e mbi,".
omorreirmit at iltspAlte - 414 Mandril C4bge..
Lasasseblb.jr natiset—Tlin illhrolioo of brown.
?Mute SO 'thee WWI" 60 MUG ice the coarr,
Eck) by bids] Bun= b ibonsees urd (larricaer
Soft Rana lb b. MIMS of beribnore, will 4.t.
tan War roe Mire% on Wednesdar, moteg,,itua
M. on tin Illyboitnnete of Mot • trek tirk,
?UMW SWUM ILAIMM6—Ttes onderalmied pas'
to stsoMlllll 040 km Ms arils lard ramrod
abort cos jest amo. *Mutate fa at primal manotarti
ttair all tdadaotateltbr s tmlidtog andwins pmpo
am.: Tb oot brie* ars mods tor outehlasey; Mal are
umlauted tortiva mdataakas. Damples may as sees
is the samilatmeMi ballt bytbs WarDnaltallmad.Ccan
Fnua=:=Vlrbil: 7 4°4 %T.% . in
Clootsat ires* 40 stb. Tie iwri-k yard is arm.
led uppults Ito Emt Pronsylmada Car and
seer ISM* by rood rood on old**. lah or, 3.11 `SOON
SW* %idol aam
reiida of Mmi
ay nstrel,. and are.
Omen satbsit Wad= eoal , dmet or soy other for
Nial beta Xginu paid ;to pot Essantsiinis
NMI bind *Owjad ito salsillYksoo brick ltd
hum is osesoahleh bcoold at VI GO per wound.
10.raspiettally solhdtad and promptly sounded
READ !I iiism I!' Btu! !! !•
S!W i•AzzFriAi;•mr.viis diD irAczniurs
. . .
scnat Elms At tont 'ACRE% !SR'
. salmi DR WATER.
Wrikrald attextßA o' the tet:
in: 10 oar dtptltntr ROods. Being whelks! mathhi
Ire 11111atto andlabeet on airs pods, w trot they
My haat tbsinn7 but gustily .nod latatA Intfaver.
tannic And rtarstatzetri . ohll ea law. It art beer, than
,on csaltnnthOst la&VAT Negt TOelto PlPladol ALL
• misLieviss.
rebsoo. .• • • •PA
XVI NW% 111.11ILM.—Dy Time as a vent ut
Plkrit Arias to mei dlnyeted, will be .:posed to
Oak. to 010:1133011d Slidbod4blddar. kir cask on the
pteslea,limidlikaat. awry apicottit the lst Hiltons!
Bwaaats Tamaqba. Pa.;
41hs,Thstsseiss, rebirstain 93113, IE6O.
at 10 eelccit. the mama/ Pec9ertY cd the Va.
tiller, and Hotel. comilitioy ts 3 empty essmi and
Itertaht, Grindstone, 1 Iron fistthr, Hamm Corks, 1
Pabeidtmnsor.!a Mt of tor. about 400 Coke Of Let
Liqoara..lo have Hogsheads of Vale Lkpiota.Permet,
ling and Receiving Tot& 1 patent Copper Pomp, 1
Mena &Aka &boat 300 toroWs Wt. 0 hales Bops,
a lot draw er,;' Mod% sub as plpoi, below,
.deisithe, ie. Also, Doe ran% beer Tablas, Chaim
1 Stare and plpo, 9 Pictures, 1 Clack with Centre , in
tor room, 1 Looklim6boa. besides other aoc artl
elm 1 Bons; sSlnles,.ll3 Hoge. 1 Cow Truck
Sleighta Mt Lamp C„ I donnle Tract Wagons, 1
single Tract VrtgOil, Stoves, Imo Hoops, 1 Wagrel
Dame, a lot of Dord Wood, reed Mist, Hay, Oat s.
Harms. Welltki-billbs. way. at.. bdaistag to the
Hotel and 4315•Sresy.
Used sad taken In eimeittko as tbiepeoperty
&SPE ADA - W andto be !Mb)
P. C. =MAIM% •
S & Ylagsbal X D. a Penn a.
Slalad.'phla:. Tema Ma, 00. 5 It
Supei phogihrtte of Lime.
II *Naei Wsmuie/
. ,
Ws . oltaito mitt 1118 and DIIALIMS Id- 111 'antra'
Mamma MOM oar H. Bono 3arar PLOspbate or
Lung, nut= Wed, totpravad.
It Is not beesseary at ads do; to Arne the rl stets of
this mantra, u a aserot sad economical applicaticm
for COON. OA TR. and all earths mos. Tbe ar.
tto • teraltallaa of over Alamo years ',standing.
sad Is 081 msauttettirsd by the ortaitud proprietors.
?Ansa* r. 711 ptaubt wad Mau orders to the Deal,
R tart►. ea thltioaly ISt tams a supply.
0111/te Ni. 411 Delawair? Aee e
Febistiry 20. 1 .69 ' 5-3111
Has always beam ouldered • most desirable thing,
and as many talthime 'Meta bare been made to get DO!
nab • one. Mat vary many people bare COMO to leak
apes It as in timowlibillry, and became prrjadtred
&vatted eveng or the kin& Tbe Inventory orabe
ensulayGliPTAlSHl2lo macaws, basing taken
Misont by thwtailitres of others. and atod.ed the mat
teraboromitlyand macticlay. base prodaried a Ma
thias whych. hi a cheap, simple and dazahki Manner.
attains all Mutt haSbeen ws earnestly sought and de-.
alt d. tow bat fare pirle, and la eo Gimp'e to con
.larts:tkaa and aPeaktiolkand so easily workel; that •
Walt) ea 11 yam of age can operate lt with eve and
facility It tb Dots° ham to mustsh uto work oa
theanshboardthe camel Meth of time. It ocroptpo
bat the same spate of • wash tab.
els Was In Seam at hum or, • ,
i Paw Wash In , Pear II le mew! or.
• Bolgodltor Upland to Veer Wilainsee tor,
&then PiDow-Daiwe In Win* 9/1 lank%
And other dahlia In ppeeooppoorrttlloo.q—and that to mast
'Pert et wannen, No neat tubbing by bind es.
gored. • • -
It washes qinaunt„ inkilsll,• MAXIM and
wpm Tan caoraninnana thin any other machlan or .
P ICE BEINGS IT,- 11171713 r, TFIE.
• RFAca OF JA,Lt:, •
' The andetat lonnwowsir ol tan4tay. for the
connate of Beim labia= Dauphin, car.
boa. Mat Inealta liorantabtrllind and co nimbi&
am cons oo• nld cootwoetpun tthzu lk
In widett MERV be willies to OK • rocr a to ev•
ay town. to tell Ute Alta
able* and Chanteuse W .
Went. Maw hakmaaDon tor tirculir to E
noblanik! nennythllt County, Po:
imicart so t ine • • son * , _
' Beet IVO
ell cs,alle
leAr: 01.811,
A OUDINIATCM preraiting the, mama to
zu *tit& Messes far memo et:to and building
191111191 Mtn be Mood.
le tetrad eed eencted Tooth Council of
the Bormith Porn:Mlle. as hams ; • •
L Thet limeiftecOlornere for, Stile rshibltiore no.
dec the ordlashee • Peeled 7117,te, Mk end het-line
maim, nitwits& ordlnesoe prow Jobe le, idea, itull
6r .d to the foiktelite manber, and not otherwise:
The Odd Intripme or the Comm of the Buret Com
mittee. op= it eptiladkat br a Thome or pradt ar
pro Med tn. the cohninue shire mostloood. .belt, If
the risplltreiten be approwed. Mee to the applicant ea
order to Um Town a nd In
nd &henry bone a brews It,
non the protection a to lb. Chet
of the mid onlickwitb a receipt of the Trestutor of
the lamotith for the sum sientioord In the order; sod
OD much of Um odd ordloanom of Key seam
Jae 111,1 SOL m authorise. the /hews and cote
to he gouted•by the Chid ftrgiss, nod Ptemdrnt of
the Town Council, and the prying to • • nothing by
them reit colliely. of the gems of moo thereto on
timed, fat east Wilma sod perodts. le. • • •
111 sum of moy pild for •- • ed
mitseekerondtt, dun b e se e
pahLto th e Treasure fr r • •
nagor Potter Me. as store provide&
s Celt ettsil outer the directket of the
Ordinenim Cbasmlttent Immure Ord We printed emote
cameo% receipts end boones. will' a ennead record
on which shall be entered the points, became end pet
mil the is of mow mentloned to met orders,
and Moe oho imsed by to. Chief Belem, •• • -
of the Bowl Commlttee. Trenatrer and the SIMI
Ma, to the rteendon of the dater Imposed on them!
ympectliety 10'1881 ordhmoce. I
IttCHOLoe PDX Rtes. Toed (hewn.
AMA: .EL IL IS arms. Chet ,
- I I s•tr -
4111 LO
r: 1
nursing cow woof-band Boot Masa tat
arra Depot, next dam to reet<thee. ken* wit
eiaada=etr anketahont et School Books,
itahwhin. Ntr n ia. summit, te.
anti Ono mid tempo. hand Book', It
, e ad Pe= 7 .ll sonaltrrat f i ondri a. .
111.:. , • I •T.v ,
Km Ma molar&
•r *I gnat laver •
•N tbo ildreagiteeas I
• at *minim s..laitteumusetc.
voissa AdMatort•oll imatalia, and an
Pone V iew wit* and SCO diseepthe mad photo.
cola View* lot Uge essm7.retlae. Law* Mks
lad Cannata of the Om:
The prepteess irdirsats tad *Wad til l tbe !Ted
West,* Mr Mato* 0( that Tad .14 Smite regton till
wtlog fill IStabliika• Of Militeaca. OWN( is It dabs
want datboutie odd MUM* mita.
tiMnM ts ' amt Nt fund; ac
lir :raid so. at Clieulan
idds. BWISID3AI. oda. Ps. s.
" se ae virarjr, D i ,* Er.
A at ISUB•11 et NM/ Tesn. , '
ee l % eas gs o mismi,orths tam t umdio iA
' l4 9igriggartlinirl
war wow nwm 'MOW, wt* a bias
, Ibis ad lo wiellt seilm. - nowt bay 'say MAO=
lira*, '
BL~dpar is i aZ t Vil JRlrtra:, ,AAles
se m* WIC= aid=4dadoadraram 4.3m
aradriat papildada, mon Cleareadasuil b sad (dry
widersy alisama, sad papaw panott,h• aid=
appdersda.t -Tstvdseafte lobradiuma. Mahe.
via IFIMMINTERIII6TaIn. ll.Obak•
loft ay. t
• • • ' ' low visit
'll #-V i". lmrn be . is mbar 3,l=Gang
higs Car -
V;M a OW INStelSi ppm
irctako warr
Kowa t ItoWs PLOWS !
v ek easurr
'l9 -67•0111 , V
- "
Asuniedr_Amthume at Atria •
Cactus* FREE To ALL.
- 14 rare Steil. N•T
Mame, counrsat .
tea 111. ,Ars.Ogia e.s
• •
u m. 4 TO WHO nom NOD. Waist Mt
caltimar4 Ceti* Cutoff &pew. fitids Wee
61.434umi Weft% Potable tegtog. 44 Moo Cte ,
tit*. 41144, Umak_law MN, Illhatelm - PillrA
41 1 C --• sp4 PA 14 410 sum wt..* sad Oirs NOW
grra.srja.A.AtimAr. fined'bre CU.
OtrltCo]:=Ci, N. 1 - 7, ") . ! lI A 3I
• '
JANOS ! . PIANOS ! 1: Pipit I
TDR La am* dime Mt We papaw ft soweese
bsi teamed= to mite to osasetectsee awe&
li s l i ty, at 4 we sat tootegewelly nate* so ore Urns it
ea lower non teen as cosy rd toe sisallar tram
mete by other mane l it n wo ot medial Weeiese
,'eteseoil kw ow Mew Mid end poles lbs. 416
ettAX9/0111112Mtair L I l i 1 / "IICIll a •
I f
0 pet mosilhere•
euxita m ele. to
.111AALINIL Tel• eaddee win tack beeWeelt„
qat, ood. tad, ball ad wereidet tit e
darameer. ael7llle. tettilerniated far=
tease. We *ill pay VOW ha ea 7 meektoe hat Ida
eel, autehree, eaae-lbeiatCul. Mae eliMie
has ewe. It mak* the • lack SOW.
Ado limed allehlaahe eat, at UM the cloth tuliet
paned *Olt boot Welt a WI per Web
ram Eh la OW pot swath aid impseisia; or am.
*Laos tenia'ataeli Woe that 'Admit le cow
Addii•sstaill id A CO.. Pitteeelell. Pa.: BOO , "
Ileee. vi St. Leath, Ko • -
Ca reheic.--Do ace toweled ado Ody pal ,
the Waling at wortidos cad.lias thaehleeh *Am
tbseaSlolllllloo at eoberedaa.. Om le the este Ma- 1
het aed really mak* doe* sueelaaaiseateeeaead
$3 -• Wonder.'
811111111110 invon.
coptr Tbriv, Dollars. pm:OW led in
ele).l,.. • NAM We Matte NAM HP* d and Played
AA!! Mode of plOalearteir. Any Wet eon operate
te. An eleeeti3lo.-• Teettnearde WIT Pent in
petAKI Order on /melee nt ppm 03. Aildrees yea.
Al sigtrft SN, wise 424.,111sacbiater, N H
wind !MINT 11 1140 11 rEllae.—Send farm—
ilpelare uPlidat's Instoroeed Trait Tree end,.tne la-
ImeatDmgv}e.` Sonia to test arUl
b raedto any part et the United States and per.
left eatedattide searanteet. . Wad Amin its wasted
1 4,i7f2 panty to Lew Unked ;Sum e4dem.
AncitirS. IS eared Street. Hattleeee. NIL
.t ANTED--AGENTer-ri
The •Impktt, Onions and best Koltilaor Maim
Aver limpted. WII bait 10.000 SINEW pw tante.
Liberal Inacemetra Pt pieta Addnew ANNItICAN
KNITTING SUCK= CO.' Nottrt' ]flab.. of BC
Loata. NM , •
Evftwir wP miTARIALIC WatintalMlNl wad
1110111111 t MAW, &mkt lewd far am pemnblat'
0 ( 20 exam. embattle( it fell eteetiptien ors new la
ventlat by 'Mkt the meat Inveterate Mama runs.
nom lad ablaut berme ran be driven with redact
Par N . - lensed Crafting banes, It le better
Pin Rome* er f other anion Pent reel Adagio
ItiP. BLAIR & Parkenbaym Mates fle.
Cancers, Tumora, Ulcers;
to Leg*. ogee , Ptillidelpels
I. making eelo•bkla• aim of cruererorod ell TO
by sew Phreme, • CBE VVIAL CANCIIK.
TIDOTE. that moms the laziest et Mares and To
, lap* vritbnit palnkle , the we d . the knife ; erLiboat
1- trestle, wing or berritternadlclefe• sad .eritlost the .
ler of a deep of ILaret. Forputleslars, call or madras,
, .•, 111. 1111.1111 1 1111.
Ple.oll Alrelb NC, Phllmilet.6l.. Psi.
- •
Seeley's Rarl Rubber Treeir BnpLorter
i t 4 l2 l ll i tg fi;1 1 ,211:
new meta, brealntor•olls; oia: and cumfotts
, we. -Heeler. B d Robber Abdo mi nal Elapxxler.°
WWI PON salted from tamale trteslcae or Abdo:M-
I j per weeleweere, ilreirds Immediate relief, sUPP O MiII
ibe baxt ; Jtzbt, mat sod eiryttual. fleod for Pan-
PtIP 4 - .
„afuess,i Catarrh', heron'la.:
LADY rderhad wilte , 24 Au-sears rem peewee,'
I ill , CatarrL and goorals. was cured by a 'ample mu-
Iray. Drr enneathy sad grathada piroupta beg lo
teerOthr oggiola !moot charge la any one Almgarle
AdirraaNni.ll C. Linen , . trothlteo. N. J.
gay% Vegetable Airmail, Pow
d, t). N.tralLtd ii , (1.1114 .11:1 'Pedal On
Pe.< Pica Odresa Ww. Ray, K. D., P. O. Boz
- •
lAPAM PflLl4toioleui valuable Iritanutian on
EA rabb et of Advert Wm. A Ltd of over Obb
.Ttionasz.i rte re, Cm am Any: manta !taw
moo and pea statist adlurdeog Ad.
, drese ORO. P. Ecu, i co 4 Ne. yak.,
Yet 010 •n 9
" °URN.. &. BRO.,
witt r .u.3 I tst) irraa.
1 , 1010 OeOre St., (Old Town Hall,
j*e 4,417 atteottot Of the public to our
• !••• • • '
3, ' I• go aa4 sorted stook o•
'Genuine wrung and Deposittic ewers, I
Lest ttiosekt awaited Ottewists
mreir4insumia. • weed sail Liar tires,.
Irsacirpedwis. 4ke. ire..
At proses 63rreexao 4rn. ANT *nvu TS Ty2.LL7OTt
1 oyes STORRICEIMIS Will led ft ouch to their
,; • ••ordsee to glop* a tall Wan boylneeletrwiette.
as 'we sell !hem glens! Wholmale CCllry Prkes-1141 ,,
lug tbern.the greed and the tool eddlttonal Oros
ow city , 4110 os a 11W. and satisfy omega(
whether we ooze rip to our prowler. Of all Roods In
our haixot Auricle* weWei::
. w i leratst stock and
rt•tY o'er. kept to this than
Tahiti:os sot Clore mold pe3 lad to Packages
*Wetly *cordite. eo 14W—we &tog to oar rartienete
tto . euirentee at noising tax_ pild4ooft. .
it grs*blasttlt at our Moo,/ which shou'd oot
prove It.naetle sakisfactory, maybe tetanal, *EA Ms
cLrey pa fl will tie Wooded. i .
, • Chia. Wolgen & - Bro. •
310 Ceatti u. PoUsellle, Y
Feb -
• S
INDUCED by einaeof oar bleeds wbe are &Qua's , .
ea with oar ELOttpaln Latitttes to establish la
Said PLACE, au taapostag WINE EiVtitNa3o Is eat
ilteetlo4 with csarloh ices Saslow; artier' they Weald
el9olllWarld getting/an anwialtworid Sakti. 11111
1010Whhtfrtel 04112 zweestal esperliesee the ditHenity
I:if Seen:hoe a mato, Wine, and In pa:Ocala a Wine,
lortnediad parpormw, weenaittaded to tee It • Wal t
and la onseisseoes ordensd awl Imre bow In don or
'Our 'Own; Directmportatip,
- .10 Como of Oslo' D.M.D sieb,
,PORT WINE, salaam. p6itner ceztrr. cm, .711-
, YALU:M. Ol the Ladles Wt e).
'4l.lan—DE yr. ILA ROZA= a CO. of Rebus :cali
• and pldta.
Also 111111111111 Y 111111VARAIL
*separates ail Uwe vines to b aventne, and can
tato recommead tar all parposen. WI will sail with a
Alibi advance of nig at hapartiLlos. and Vora trier&
An , ilitigthOW•3l Rtintu Ina MeOnftreilett boded, ealarea also We brooch Ow Warm to iamb
loa Burt, as any home ennazana may Ossood. -
Char* WelljeA am.
Imo:centre St.. Padua* Pa •
Peb 1Z,19-4.tft
4113111 a ntif o w"?
P.' BATS CO,Ol ilavrnfogg
made W.-Beek ft
AbiEr all""l nimats r Omni, azulrb‘stlitl.r.
B s t aulbil ati.r ed *Ak itede k, geld It, tel ud ebracidat
Tali amet
= De o lP:
4.1./111 B s thw:4 l ONI7. WOLVICS BIZO.:
no Cann BL, MI Tavel SOW Pottinp t lf ti Pa. •
rib 13
- '
1.. BRlBllflr,
~ ,—By vino. of Imodry write of rwedffiewrlfsprmor
r..• Learnt ?Wane tweed ootof the pout ofComma*
r • tae d Sten, ikill Oast,. sad, tome directed, Ohara
will to mooed to puhtle ale aro:tomow •:-...
, Waters' so. Jima' Sea. MIL ' .
Atlbelf pu t 1 ottodr la the slaloms. al the. (!s t art
Mom. to the Borough of Pothollte. deboltdll. Comp
. 1 ), the follooto described real Math to wit:
ALL certain ritermiace.Aenmintat sal treat of
hot& Amite In the town of OtnOna. lowneato of But,
let; County of Schuylkill and amp of Amongybrariia,
and bonded sod ifirerfbal la &liana% M wilt 'Cow
rwrocatx et a poi* BM Celt west at Iblootoy Area,
twarriannon of - OW% Moot tan a twit. bum sett
Biddle Motet, theme fa • aortber•rd ted rettoo:SOD
Ora. does westwardly 1 foot • •thress la a
'iorithwardly ttbsttloa to winds SS bat Wks of sa
w e rest at i l l==s t lrwargel d or eg iall
.Itt e street * este COW tweed lees ilierwalk rod
ether rapow. Ocoee oleo htd Iliddletaterst toes
Worry erettecnk ed bet It haws ter the than of be.
shorn. with the apportewswes, eoeststrag el a lar
son frame dwalllang bass ant 'a ow Serf awe
. kites attached' de tbs property of WINS DOHA
SIM . , . •
Air—hit that cline's tirt at Sees of snood, abash
to the Borochtbiof Innaleate. Behlyitlll Cranny,
boundid Date int 'of UM Mlle saaVtry Taloa
twins Mw, ta fro llot of hada Robes" lad
ca tko'ire wide OW. Mithilatag In width
eaTiftwhoeksa that and is dad hSs foe,
with tat wok eamlittag Of a &sale two.. ,
ebrep reams dent Wee ; as he property or Illt
-13110N. BriTlllt - • ,
•. , .
Al.—Alf Hot to_ tit tarOem of stend. Outs.
.104 he Someirts of •Sre Ocaltellral Cowan
, ;..
boOtatad northariotty by .rot of Swami
stammitllYtrYkltltamr'or Lie the Who ef li =D:rl
deems& edotheSSl by lot of Obaries ltostreg apt
westvaddly by Otero OW, watatalaa lareddh be
' Mrs, sena &pallet bet, soma kw& with the ap.
: tatersoftle..=U s ofar r a z a m i tners
Gurus back attaled. is! aNS Sap ; sii tb•
!;'=of TO DOOJIL&S.:
.4. F 11 that lot orapsed aid, WON •
to the Soma% et SOW. hasyllalleetway, boned-
OW the earth by Cknlr• street, on taa away lot of
aganialle Vahan., oo the seta by sea bet hide al.
by, end's the writ by lot *flail Nor m& cantata.
fag In width Mr kat, sad m dock US art. wth he
apputeouses as of • two paras taws
'and dwelling boars audal OM skew a soy
weaset, tad ohs
1 stery Crime Mew thereto Stoehr& 'sad a trust
Mbar ; sa tasrapsn of LOAN
Atm So.l all= - eats tot Of pkg s of moo&
Outs to Owe. of WOO', wyaffll Meath
Ps. boosted os he ash, by lot of Wend cites
mIZT ae he Meath, lea soir is later of assoll
st tter set by lot of Pas :asps aad car
/lbw west by &wed sew. eastetates la shah ast,
tat ta dicta 10304 Wttlith• sopiernseal.; ambit
tag of *to wary awes direUlag • Owe
baremest, sad • two Any lapis trek MOO there
to attache!. I
NS I—All Oat ands iiielipims <4=4 Its.
Wta the Sonork of St nab, -
. trouarket =tee ra oto Oda hews aonlorry 6l 4
karst Pubs Taus. seiterod4 Ileatoble_glaidre la
'et IssolsyserisehreelOpey WO mesa rho&
eel •rese3r lot of MOM IL Oho sal ash.
awed or rad the theral . 1•14=111 WI
=bSt MI Im bawl
lamed Own 0. 1 -4 Utaketagart Oak
whia MOM Italksta. as as
libido of al% Niro tams Odor
eras SAW Was rateletr illt LOSOSO.
. Ate--
UM 451111211 Ma or piss el oseraOstab.
So Ohre lewd wf Otheell!
= l:4l sest= try fillaaffreh ashAro
crak r
et as* zafix_ owlimmuirouzuwe sit i swerritr madowiib ...
les st ivll
fisam twielio *M ai Mae 11011101 r
ailharal., .. Cr •'- ' '
Itthw OW OOP thallso Wars asy s l
Mallielleilip s
be 1
• Sr 1
11 1 11 1 .1er 11 1 . 1 14 11.1 =al SS 1011911111, '
all M ail% as lir saig. ma MO Ilv
111 r. aid wallthrbeadka jaw is
Add ra ver - • • ft
.boimarepplogro.4 -. • • - s .:lr . • '
.Au woo it - I. _ at
11 =0 "."111.
wood as - Ili as li ii
ma' eft OS
apelOstal hael
r is lIM
SOSSII i. allattliftr i rs i tt
Illr*o l lit i llelhallalls
Nm eti ona
zoo swore him to Ilas AllriM
.Ma l l!
,610!..... OS lanliass'
740.14—.11.6 ---.
ea 1111 Ilsiaolar 41 a
=Ng err
11106 4 1 bn 1 11 1A6 teeth ... dards west let tett. BOUtb
61' degrees 96 hirt, thenceldettinlided et dark
pah* thilthrEl theenethered 61 aorta 4 pett wz mb
154 amend* lth bet fe tbil Ihdel at
cootatille k g a r:l yerds* wltkrbe Itopetteduca4
coadatteg thxy frame elikev - . •
- Se.
' fa tbe Barcegb ot WWI= wee,
0 4 1 1 1 thestr, banded ad described se Raw
Zlthattl ii i thawed bad otTbeeme IL
eSO " ;' ode Wen threadlike . % card seed bar*
Ithdethers ,‘ Idled etodhee Marrone, the 43 ten.•
that street. .';• • by said sued, with fold threw
cattle! bat, • ate len ka •da fell lOW. dad.
' • • '. • alley south Ikerne wet 04 net 0
r ' . ' at elth•Theethe th, Whew, theme
im ~.....,.. tio •
i, eallagliff west 100 bet owe
- •
,_ 're. AEI ' • Incepkieoleiß*de,
la th e • • 'et ikthylkill Eine* Co*
rt. bodedid If. •• q . WI ad Cook
' ha Reset •
Dock eareettramorketherb li t ill'il igtf .
Delbert did OM kb tho, 44. ha
with addltiat that , esekdobsi ta Li g i ;
40 het eidthdotthlth len mon or We.
decotwardreltact cesialleg at I nine 1,011 pea a m
k I'
aideliell etht it _ „_
So It.-att ordain lot under et' snake
• lathe ot I Reath Ono:
hiasedhd Ilip other lot of Etat i
j l i s 10' 111: 4 ='
Icy in
wetly* deft alitelArinkk 11104 net
mama hm* Od`depth lee Ilpet, Ws, etiolated.
kilt id Nadi ta Yr ahlthoo to sell Dw
ell/04.0 othelethig et alltable,
Lk ekes ' dad owl olliselEar Wm, a'9 that
keen enek . ,..,, Id a Wad atethe; attht Mudd
41M) .... • -.. • . 1 A
- ITORZIthe tat er slim et mond, idea
stela the thitheetver deberklE Rank SebirdkUl
•Ohottp.. eutheed rd ikermibed se bathos • Dees
dug ea Ild ausancd/y death theft steak st . the cor,
not of Path odd Margentas Wed. Ueda Menthol ',,
WWI ddthretht skeet 2011 bet. awe et %Okla • SO •
SW Wtheikkabeeew how eat dad la • perallel.
, Roe with Medi Wad NI bate tedamds tom bar
' i 9 :1 1 1 A1110 hd. dea th by the Thendote ltheraer
Ne. 00, Wow dose swath n Mend Tbeo.
den thrice
tit-bet to !tint Wad, theme
1111Mleist Wed* ket il WIN WEN place of n
It Wad kJ /bet ti --- -".• asked 990 feet,
4 km daybed?,
: killed ithreto
't w eed a hese
t =Ma. .
'said by ket
_ --- __ . 41 V=
==ror: gill; •
'N. .
'nil elt=
of situpur
' Dewey, :and
at : Ilatur
Cotten* bled Ithen
ma' Court In Potts.
ed. baiting cm add
Abe* and -- exteming
I Word tbe Ins of sald
eta) also et •
;411 4 4111°5.2
estate of
.......... - -______.
bet 9 lathes to Mundt
ey to the teth, adtb tbe tree and ammo debt its
aed%thr a tsad to the mate frank eetteme kith
fed ' Meet epee and tkortgb tbe ' stalk .
Ine Ompot toad abject Loth* bee mid eelinnOn
EMU, and drew of de moue ot the adjotalag
pekoe, En ti re II la and to the and IS het 4 brim taw In ths et No. 1, add* the appertenanom •
tit trantary Ohms dwilleg tame, • •
sta cja nle Var i ttil4atornstable . a.. es the property
at /OWN H. , , ...
Atee-All .rtriet7 unteorpernthof bind, 'Wale
in town at . prownahtpti in the Comity of •
Iklarthalt and of Pestadinala. ' .-
No. 1 -AB Dean piece n kW. ailed Siker,
ton corneal. hammythe Jolter Mandl* had,
at ~.„
gm op the Wet Enna of tbs. loose tcheyhdll. in
Beefy et • staorron the soutb
'astral, side , o i =tract, Wand this la pm*
a 1 the d at t . and droektia teethes feall the.
Woutheramort /mar thereof sod .:boding theme by
tth ather Psre the, add otigtnal trod oa th 41 W
meet weer= •
g &erome. la the witheat
wwidlise of said al ken, at the distance
of 113 and iteralatln frau tbe weatertmon
b o th mg "that said Una oath 49 degrees
e vod eat Alai pinball a post, thaw try
• Inds ow or late of lEetei sod to
Edirne* tardy of
Esy end Ashdod sad land of . Ithigwey cad batch,
south 41 degree& net 1110 to estate, the eta
unmet •01 Yd titer. sod thews south
4illegreell wee 198 Welk* Settles to eiel Place
mo t et(, ***deft mg scree aid 9 pruned shin
• . .
. No. 4.-411 1 tar t cieta at lead. anode sell
Rama p.• st • Odin spruce ln , and
ezreadina by. flew wry beim .
north ID dogs eel. Itlyg throne tog
t. thence
by land. sew 01 110 New Took shall
Card Colenn ~, lard of Rearm Did W. north
to degrees wedotbil perches toe Md. thence by land
de met by day, meth 40 degrees west IN per,
damn a by lend of . th e add th e New
Toth and kb kill Oat Comm, south 40 degree*
i t .
net 176 to a pm* end moth 110 degrees east.
Sid( Peened ..
With of becialdne. coutakteg 174 ,
scree and TS ineabee and allowsnce, de. , r
5w9,-411 iett tractor place afield caned Rime;
liteak lor mid NoblyToradd*beglonlag at • stone
owner of / oddrer or bds of Rattan taller' and /oho
111thr, ante lag thins by leadenly or hie of floe
tad Joan •nartbllo4 degrees east taw perthee
to • *ahead a mp aeorner of lath pow or We of
Jahn-Zelmaa, ken by the setae meth 14 degree east
- 175 pactee to tetanal, at oak .breea 4 comer of thud:
now •Or lath CI, Eldest • Eallobeeb. than by the
ems .thelth con laC degree wen the perobei to a
atonal • .y 1 thornow or Ws ot Nathan flol.
lea,. end .:therfth pull by the Wee end Only by, by, lad 'ocarTor • Isle of Charles OMIT and
Jams Duetted:- north 40 dev/04, wed lth porches
'to the placetenlng, caskidat lib ear WI the
algalOW , II per strata totes tin rune crew
Ise Ithilth Anne Crewe and often, appotree or
treetanautderle - adeenents• made Oy Jana,
Joluid. fled/ce.Cracice,a4 pato= of thabrm,of•
Jamas therm al &Tamale rasped to their maw.
.406. propetd, arid Frederick Prelim mad elk. by In
dentate datedtth dry Of flephentber, A. 0,1664
e*-4 intoned b odes fir reonding of deeds. to at*
far the eat Oig Potts ale. la Deed Bruartro
td, pthe thif. 15.. In sod connyed non Latta
Caper. Almda beery. Robert 11 Chet; Ctatler
A. Ruhricnun abd Thome
Auk* le ha and
' Jaw Cresson Mid otters, .. he surildth aviators of .
mbi Jam. end John H. sad reddens amines of '
P ee n ,thdratand; by Mine and In execution
of the ee thtbontlee and Aidolons to them
dew• lo and by,the lot arab of then nweetise deco.
dents, by their WA Poll Wed the tblnleilt do -of
Octoba. ult.martad Intebded to be toitherlth
rat! and weird Unto the odd Lewis Comer Min
at . said.grantets, In fee. an rhe erste, tint. title
at* in elahlb and of them th em e said denied* A
S ot
the °freer ; telpecdre &label to and to Eta said
Wad and tbiaddereribed karts which oaly were of .
the raid autnentth wooed. And the sad ILearie
Z7 °62'1 414 itsbaextilletereestreTisrgibbet Deed
state and ktes In, be torrewith retarded. after re
citing that said thrmlentrad-beiro purchased by them
with the, pro *Males of the stockholders et the rad
Salem OW , and were so held oaly tn trod
fer Nark es. th eir dlottLlon_th exam ton of the
t i;ai rd.
tan In th em , glinted and toaelye I the same
auto them tigtel Belem Cost tamped In fee
A/ear-All ~; I certain cootlgeous wen, tercels,
or oreooe l ofy= In said Rally, Iste None.
irtioi Tunably:a' and dealt& ea follows. als:"
Betted at a al, ittorner of this' sho land for.!
mad Of IMMO, now or lately &dotted di
the York Pantret. ied eradlng - therm by Ind
now or kt• of . EMI= sada th.davese 11 talk
mope wept 360 52' anent, two OW bundredthe wrens
to • spruce treat rheum by the some and alter Send, ,
now bf add &nanny, north 29 degrees 13 mlontee 1
west ME and tine one nlindredthe MAWm to a dot.
pry tree, ditliat b r ism:know or Isle of Isabel Rand
north id degre e Maid lofty. hal one becortredthe
.Pere W4lO a le t In • Its of laud, now or late d Hew
dC. 91./17, .te by die same south 40: dawn VI
.sektiter tenth-had th•rty• Mx onatmodadtte pother
to 1 stook enOcullt cis; derma eat 41 end thirty
nits orce-bundalthe tendia to a poet, on„the wed
side of-the Weed Eintnehof the Meer Bendel; dente
down the esmelbe knowing 19 ecanota and dthanors,
• to whi'eonth 914 tan lb and twelve one hundredita
pert" south C 43 dames east 14 and niseteseven
onalusaireattbaperthea to • block tree, loath thbf de
letes ant 19 Pointer, .tooth 11% degrees cut I sad
air.y.biee oinaudredtbs perdue. south .4,0 discreet
an ISwrath* 13.15'11 deg see east 116 and ninety.
wren mid •Wthe perches rd mum, . south .66
degree east 10end detain one•huarbe perch"
...t i . peftheleCie,beactMitte, north 76
nee 9 k degree*
patter, earth 044 Wren east h paean'
foot 44 1 = ft eth ad 94 sod dory wren' . on - n
*ad d* and south)) cl• geese west la Perches
to *thew tn4toor by the said. Sod nantiened
land north 40 El minutes east 47 and,alebty. '
one nosh pernbee to a pod. south 44 de •
grab net le Wino a Pd. and. /oath dk degeth
rictralandalglitootaheadridtte puma the
piece of 'thatabang 4161 Urn tad 1101 yet , .
down the mono, bid being the nme mud.
which 91011 W and end'otbas Id Went= deed
tie•dtt day of .y. A. D. nth,. and twined to the
othee tor the ' g. ot DcWit le Sekiya:lll CO. In
deed brad No. , p, page be, granted sod ragged.
onto the add . althea Coal army In lee, • with
the apporternetridEd of a frame cod breaker
with sante* de., a fame wens bathe with
Death horn pent new with I bale* Ind two 011
born power p Oses with the Miran Miler Mend,
aIA hone ' amine with I boiler for drlstog fan:
a faimi cu ed blacksmith end one 'II story
home dwn le tiro-story frame dwelling
he hams store beam with state bow
esent,a large Wane stall* a 1 nod . frame school
bowee:a 1 trade ak • hams 01l end 'powder
Man a 1114 50$ wren and dwelllne bowel'
doable 5 mod Wane Ware' houses, • doable t they
'Ream miners Mara, t wedary log desilthe bother*
• Mese stable dal* leg dein I base gins with Wire
facia lig. • baby dale for wad all. an 114 dia..
:re thaw dires t hone, me t dad frame dwiding
*bows sad a bun ; as the property GYM SA
11114 COAL ' ANY. •
A fre-All MO cerladnlot tither:ea doe' nd, lEaste
Is Ild Ilknoran eg ilfahanoy• Clry, flebnylkirl Otranty,.
lecinded borth Id •St kit . wide alley. cut by la of
Renard Iluddeordb by Cann Wen dud 'west by
Sof of --: sowthes. teetelnfed la width NI fee* matt
or law* ellCia depth 10 fast more or toy witb der ef4lateeicsam, - Wader/ado! • two non.
bathe deal home tad .dean Lifeboat. attach
ed; es the pwpetty of IDWARD BRITT and CATW.
AMINE BR • Wk. •
'Also-dli 04 wale lot at Wce of mond, sante
ter the ElorocurtC of Poet Clarke, Ntheythill thank.'
Occulted wetherardly by lot of Dr. G. le Alai, evil.
199z1 / 1 ,4 I ff 19191 a Tdulti-te , sectlontbly by lot
at lam Re Oda - and weeward'Y by
sued, con udatos ht. width Ally feet. more or
ton Ind In depth lanerr. twee or Ma with the ap
..pettenraces, canaille' hammy brick dwelling
Men and a frithrdeble.
100 -All that taitelo ter Or plea a Went); ii cola
In the Botoogh bt Part Cl bratrylkill Clonnty,
boarded inettitardlf Udg
mdhr er mi erin,
i n t , i
Jolit qr
for t eltlitlataly by &etre Teripille. by
tog la 60 feet, and to dept no hid. with the *p
c kaisting of a anory baud Manioc
clar altlistoile laseened; as the poderty oIJOIII4
CIA POED. . , -
A terZAII the Stint.lltle and attend of Thane B.
Maack and Hewed Purer, on 01 ad Wall On tea
labs tenemene, thew or parcel al land. else •te. In the
Barengt of Rt. OW, ektroplkill County. Mobbed and
deealbed eat Elbow .: Br gleatece al • pleated cone,
when* &muted thaw Wooed stood. thence try and
lonnerly of noose Eland" web 'mg degree/ east
439 ant to a" don sem the. eastern able of
lettliCark , theme - by land of Bard Pew-
Ada now lath es •IN bet 'ante alley; 'oath et de.
I ,
grew met
to a plankd stbue„ Ibsen by • part
of Oath: Cialei, =ma th MI degrees wastlld ket and
• 9 dewed a stone, and south- Phi degree
east VIS bet Inches to tbs. Was of betinning*
contdefog 9 saris cents* ebb the Improve• i
means of • Mat Yonne and Itteck - f.ase .
eirreble?ehop.4,. Wahl* trims allltee,l69eo leg it i llnl a tiritWeed e Viiiti. I=ll
' ' bathed ad blEhee ta arenthion end will be mai be
- *1 .0108E11 a WT4EOOI; Swig,
ilbeilra pout .pact . s7usk Pik 41, 111 Fat
th4nwixid NunifirYv M.
A teltisiiiiit AM TRIO. eIIADII TRS
the (1~ Wale, sotettatt Irak ,cere • tot Nee is
hoscoremill u rtaeo at r.O3IIIOIWOOD PIM
sw._. Red OR Ordrilie In aim •KW MR.
=MT, 1 , yid 031 . 1.1 TIM& wen size. to
beano: leaf& ittßM:2olo amp, As lOW of them
met 111111111 1 11140 OrNmid the Tram Vtaee, iu
swat anactitsiallft ARM, tom: “limbiet 0017
tbaseßhalutiplar aim. sad - •
, .
ws bitse vey oaks at atirLf GOODRUM
rorastoimenaia. :tact sweeesi aft we a
4usisermi • ••• saw ram. Was Os
POTATO "WO gestseil tbs o ida r k Ais
.41 idi mbig sOnsesat4.. Midair se ONID MOW m to est .1141 is SS our se a s tmos, • Pa.
satdis NOW 6) sus iturpram
sal is adi Miss •
W Os oo, sasimmipisdi itroftrif.
Alo.s int Orbs MOM MOTO, by Oa
soil. . ', ' - 'sluaamicusieg. •
To teal - :ilas di Ai,
al aters.
wemomps , . mita.= I "' a"
atsuiritlaa .
masa so] mil
iNs. misbar.O. 40 1 -#..
BIM kl ' inallias4 a
riliON 'i alliiii ' ' _ _
- lll.*iiiiki,:: -
111 ,, 'gri, _ •
.. -
—le we sa ot*: ea romeme*,
:Wm as Ilkil=
0001 4
aFias/Mill. 1
. ~ '~,~.d, s;
000 Mixes,
'or .rnz . -
: AR A . _ NOW COMIP„.1.111:*.lk:
-;.its 500 mar of the wet, vortiaaet the Mr, be.
1 Tu skramestlN lin , *UV 555- S tr • -
Wifitslea; Ope n praise ,
. ,
kirsigglitiae is th e Pacific; Ttii. pyea.
tritsliair take Ore.: earireklis '
- •
, ,
, Reddea ,s
tss qoU'erah•unst -
!Muslims/ Ns talk. its , .046Spi Ss retitled los
subsidy S. Hams os-tts 11134 eampteted and
acaePled, al the average rut t. of &heat r26,: - .00 per fat*
areoefte Wee dtel , Sti4eaedara are* , „ ter ratell
Gevapliarnt fakes • !leer to oecaritr, %%I:K*0
.subsitiSes Ars eves to sti.j es co: pastes of not. the
(laremmmterlll Comply ttb, an its coutsictif with dui
Union Ateltitibillsosi Co pszt . s. tho
alum& of Stitt§ to which Laa: - P.:4l‘all
ilettltste strOadybestidel ettitl'
. • 1 . s
-AT. AR.
. .
BJ ft, chatter; the (Antiquity Is Perlailt , oo I.o;isits hi
011,/ riawr xoaradas antasti the iame ainoltut
telltreOtriernriett Bondi. Ira en rifuP, Thtie Boats
ale a Ftrat %Nth the intt.r rasa sh.t sh hi
eilattionite. , ' _ . .
?VHS USFIt TIURTV VtAitsl st. AT sit
PER CCM,. aa.i - txitb •
JP R Pll D 111 - *NV
Bach amstrltlee ere gem - rally inlonbln In propeolon
'to the len,...thof ante they hire to tun- .11.0
six Int'reent'beinde et Or V. S. •,1 1 .9.
will be date id 12 yearn. and"they . sic er..r.h .112.
they too 30 years to rain. they mould stand at not le4
than 125. A.pirfeenty *Ain Fril:4 M.rßueae.Bood
the Delon 1 1 ,e1ne Mould eproacn thte ire: 'The tle
mead * for Ritreinnan Inv:no:meet 1. already eenniderable,
moron t h e completion of the atuitcl: duabiihe
ri the pdie ton bug. priunfro.,
. .
BEOUBITYY Tilt 11 011 . 1)3. •
unedalpdszttefilitta shoo that:a Fits% liortgrie'
01424 OW per mile uPoww*:at kr 'a iongkmo. animpb7 .
it 15 1 .0011 nultAfeonnectany OA; Altiatie and PactSß
Males tartisonmr wean. The enßreatitormtof the
mortgage wlll be about Ith,oo,th l o,[ amt . th e Intrinat
41.5011k* per annum 16 gold. . 1 1 1 11 . e 1 , lemma earn:nil
. Oudot ibis Inteleel by kw Was sttrxeuo per Ovum,-
mtanetliat gnma earoltme for the ther WI. PROM
WAY ,pcethtse only. on AN AVTIAGE OF LtISS.
. ,
The iletelsOf which ern an A.Panne :1 ' -I
Pram PaMermen' I 11:n ',tear, 91
. .-Vrelght - . t.449,13a
' It:woo •• • ' t 4423 Oti : _
Mails ' • • 13 6 ,233 10-
." 1111ACenla . ........ , t,616
-Govern/neut. • ; 101..1 l't„
• toeght : .: . .... 1... • U 9, 44 31
material ' 11115330 33
Tem! • -' i.l 09d,6:151
. . ,
-Mita It w meJont hi only an huniAtkm et the. tm
maws truffle that innet go met.' the thiengh lint In e
few manthe, when the gtont tide hlliecifle coat intrel
and MO* will begtu. • It le entlent4 that ant ho 41•
ner mnet.melenthe omen* of the ;mad from . PI P.
AA tie =poly of 'thole Ronde wlitiwon ec,...e. WI,
MAI lamt &atm tolnyWit. In them wilt gni it to their
lutereft l) do ep at : r anee. - The p . ece iWithe wan:nide
per mid seentea Ine,areat: nom 14. niturrency.
Subeer4elone WIT be yeeelved tu lo tractile by •
. . .._. .
.L . • r.. , '; 11. H It .2 ~.. Y f
. . ~.:.
and lu New.tbrk
Al Einn'paktiy , * Nosslso PIS..
t: Cisco tt . Noss. 6 l1 k ciniencs, No. SD .
Aisi by the Copspairs stiveritroi 'Oct. ihrocichirst
. ' ;tits ins,tcd ettstc4,7l;,, ' •
ronl4 *Nit free, but partk.4 ei:,.iV•id tArotyh
Liegqii.gewts, wig font !.+ them act ref,vl,-fi , sry..
A NEW.PAMPIILIrr ND *AP 15"4, IS:917E1)0e r.
1 , 16. '4:4lll‘rainga . Teplrt or the jrogi..Fit of tbo %voila to .
th4t . date, and a more complete nt.ltetranl ICI relation
Wine Taloa of theb ngr than tan bq glsgrOn al; la.
vertionneit, which Pviat treo apyfV.Atrort at
the Oarapanra odico, ai -to any ct 'tha'adiattivd
SOUR! J. CLIC Tecosunt New York.
Jan 2,'6) , (-2m- ,"
Vocal & Instrumptal Concert
szsx. Da etvil Dk ,
Wednesday Eveing,Feli. 24, r 6 9;
in: 211,391,1 T Or Tllt
TICK ETS • < AO co ni4.
Ireb 6 '66 ""t_ -
11..°1b3 Cam Vl* Hirai, Pcnarlll.,
. •
, .
... ..
•- ~ N, • 1 .-.
Hai bedscitivotatel sotr: Winn' hi tbn candrated •
OcartroaCouratC-re. tat Leos; oraWketircd -at the
Thaut IrOaer yd. &curl froai. the dada ardad sad
wild act get data or rrratehrd • ' Tbry
r dp he'
da or made ;tight wittroi_TßYl:A4 ..' a.TIGISIZZO.
c .
la Ilea. and data:tow an!l ro+aq rtrenthea sad'
10 :toirte.h!,.. . - . - , ..-
ta, , ad ..• ' i ' -
• R
Fat ?'• •
• ,
tivoilw . • ,
- ,
.o , fr.t
- .. • -Lormtl, - .
Ent ithmotrat: son/Jr:Si Cottraott tit •
11011101111100 else 't pnetat & I t!
Owed-Jody liro • • '
CASH CArnAL, 5i,0n0067,4tr4 PAID
Lawn term alter rit
tto deti Tirnt'tliobliton.v
ittot7t4 gnat or
Tau uraimeetmlied,nntoplTLltllSt ear otlk,
k e.4cl4="Lf. Vp'4 1 .3,ZZA1-4,T,MNIa:
ihina4ll.l l 014.40•41.41 . ` V.cr15., be het -
E. W.:LULA •••,•,. 41t• C 04.• •
4 tie. ',.Ynntl Th.r.q..4lL •
7:11.114-EttatER. Pi#toTtllle.'Aiest tat Rehtqlkttl
Q Aarißls,l6,42-Int
ife • • I -
ongutzes '
'460.4,487—5emy a Norio . -1 •
:1101111 0114417.7.-Asoots,s • 2,.)p,Eo! • .
*Job Cliapi)lj—lkver keit iiiSoror: or
a& Oompasy=nolituiss— lta/
• rOmOorlansiostlV. . •
,: • A noine CamPanri.
Siladilphiau and Pennailvaniium
k utritlitrnuil , '
. gem,' Tao wi t l rye metre '
_ IMIIII N ' A 4 L Willi" fir
* 11.111..
er trritr, 1 • .
~. Agent. -
4pirtve i . 1 sidi
a lliFordslif• ritorgilirl 20. !Ai.
ItLE- LATgat!
31N;IAtalbotio," 'Clidets' lircati --I; labsa: iii oie
a•felltalliC o '.4/WeePAIIY• . ;
This U. B.l3enatb elalt-i .
e on 1 4 oreirm .
\ ftelatlone recommend teL a Senate the ty.J.'e. t h
vone,er the Alabama' el .trelas Witt, Tx g -
Ws& - It lallealiabfe tb hate a:lnconel:la:l.n*
em itllsmatter, and the po3plei-or Oda coon.
by 'Arnaud teat it shill ho bee - ea - ppm Lon
orabht. and Jaiting lut•ange*nle.:- • - - -
P* C'ubsti Reprbegliwg , M 4te,3,- hate
voci i ii
' men detested, and. aro fro
trirt In; the bland.
-Wan et aro:wand' strength hr the-SrianMea
are litii* , , cense. , ..Ttle , day; of Cuter ,
intlliMendenerOpinti-delaired. At will coos.'
-- bairldladelphia the.Phiar market If And,
inch' deelijitvglirtces..% Wheat sells id. Is t Ea
_C*;tiiirca - Ctli: Olt*, ,70.,41.1. cl 4,
Gold Iciest-al' A 1:14 416. general tatcrly
merkek aise - modorately L. Petit and .quotet
Illeadrid - Ilherlose. Thin &Ono to Ginvern.
Manta continued, the fall In soma Wing f .4,. ,
Conamw . m weak. ,; • , . .
.. .
. •
iiire4 Lottcinstr.. foutht busily foe t h e
Babel eau" and when thateause finally tett,
senetited thei'lltnstiattiett a . good soldier
Auld. fie [a notelLptitisitsent represents.
Alta of the memo Intettrgeat -sentiment or this
Butts Ire was mint*? area I
of aunt His-
YP timatiki I.l.c. s taitd‘ (.1. 3 wad,
took.w. of a mfdlers - onion. To care= Pla
beam,/ swot L 7 tt eosin lie' a rose =at* ttlaler
.left nag gestrmen of intone be wive
nimble gawk Et Mandan. and Mel a man of genera -
tafeenthoo inn is sot ji_borfi. Giant:6n :WA tta
wry exteenntly., bat it la amasing haw clear swipe. -
, Os le as every eattl. et. Hie mind wea , ..l appear t:t
nag none aquatlakhke Ntilning over ft
sad nem after &briefings., begivespar big Wain I a
'the shaping wen& bat In Mar form. kb all a.
rcilitalaniboatbiti Monne. • p rola tanllirif. 4
bat asset him. as MI, is lonia conversatlea. ar.II
der the earrinalakeed of a sta ir end no tun !Met
Wbe mom attettalalni Mare Pint: le noi
Wad be upend go. sad I Woo bin s t out Gran
abbe ailePIP, bet bike afro lon atolliat a
mat. Yoe will Cod him deriatop lie Tolley -snot in
termed It will be a stand one detail s as a‘f erter4
aofelblie lib plea of battle. - tinder hie inbatatetratic&
this CXIIItry will take a board torwsoi and
=` l l Of ProsPelli7 bored e nei Nagano ezi
Alts.*4. sva 4itcri.—.l3tcau.e Ike
steam-rOer enittniettinery 9r £3lan.i .. sr
equlvilect to 6%000;00Cr 4130 rt WW l ° 41ti
troitia:„Sites bas , but 34000;000. ,Wt 3 lattitb
Arat ontrAntsnik - i•ilvt - firtelininkflumber oC
ming width:tiny ave aecumglige4..
etle3PAll6l3ti 131304, 4 13h1413 tag alwlyeml
wed ittiypolitlCe trono33i. 13 Dt.irasli Re
eclant-iii*mmisote.** the tineoi3stimtpic
elavee " of England . - It is _ON superlce,ty
*blchirenderi r protectkii Fo neeeo guy.
thee end inoileraiim—lt .13 &buil sac
• •
Tea mire' thertemui.—T9 001. Gcq. • •
ane(Haperffaberideragtif Soldiers'
arpha* arrisburg, yee]•eire Indebted for a.
copy of hbrannusi repoioo the oil - 01710r. .
There'sre in he Statc43.lidvanced . acboob.; -
d primary soligife; orphan;;' seiciolc,• and fec
Homes. Total number at actsolsn , 4nno
.1868, 3,43 l—males, i. , ,0561
Amount expended last . ,yetr,' 1266,910_16:
»Mane CCM per Pupil: 6.138 13 per ertnitm.. l
Estimated expenditures fey ppm' ending Hap
I .
61, 1610; 1494,700.. Thixio schools areboc.)
sidereda decided meal and are a credit tut
beneflkence at the Slate;
A &UTZ T6IIIITRAIiCif CaliVlliilolll SOF b 3 ,
held to Harrisburg ma Tueiday.,next, •
.preaedee of all 'lntimated in the Eithin"oe
Temperancels earnestly - sbllc 'K ,
ira the '
csidon. Railroad . arrangements have beets
=death the principsivoids is the State li - jr•
free cetera tickets, Or Waif excursien - ticket , .
Idsll who attend the ciiiivehtion. All lbe
Chtirches, SundarSchocie, Colleges and all -
11 1 emperanekorganixatictis are- requested t.
.erid their ith'ft men ante ' women es de c. ,
Qptea -TLe Committee alb Ratan Interes‘lss, :
Public and private p9iyer',fpr. the snecesi
theesnie they Fleet to prnitote.
Tua Teams=Alie Hip
lora f v 7tia WathintiorittuA the present C 1 4 ,.
geese 1111.42,othiuT;Uttli tile Tang, as
that le ire de semi cti on :Tariff Pctltlrtt 1%4
doa!d' to ell protiabilitetle itauggled late t.
Center , . We I?aee thetlitere, ceeetuded ta
Withboldilt from the pteteet Ciogrees, -and
40 Ott obtaialig - ,signstuteeuntll It Wee large
that th ey wilt esvo to cum it lota Cougruq.-,
1/61 040 ft cm nit b6.Amaggled I,m
d acettratoe from 'WOW,figton !Merritt,'
as in Pbtisdelibis, th t he . bsd an Ititeivie or .
With (Gen. Grant, and tite !Opted foto grd.a,t
ty imptesseti With the neeessity of ittfranclo,
the inlinstrisi Intetfida . lif the. country', 'ltt
order nitinaintain the faith ofthe notice-,
litijite ibis may prove - Vie, and that this
monnpinists 1041811 in 1101 r Eiford
to control his - ; , - •
elTuzjhbsitas' Jornicti: - pores net :wii h foiti
teal atalbtici very v4rEta4ly trreP+red and In
teresting: The Jove/AL : tla, been enlorge4
and Ii j now. tbe largest 4prr in not Stniv
and lwalwaye well editelli+•:-Wilkoliarre Itor.
cord of the Times. • ,*
tia u
o zo Hn Ir.--:Tho Untrees.. dented or:actor \
ottlstorraptr Cenupati oC
thGriciatiy, olidettin Would in. -!••• •
dentine Agement of Ur. J..A: Id. Passcoork
beetf.ahe °cots len for conaldcrabic • Comment
;moo ear citizen' end had Jed to I carafulea- •
Illatklealon of the merits tut isdvantescs or.
-etettoott es4,l reliable Company. 'lt will atiffiee tys
'u t4t the Cavan) , has an stipector itc this unk
10 7 maT eoulamT• oll 4l ,3 amPrrattilate our citt
sena upon bavtft. become ;t m
ibal of thfs . zrgat, ,
IZACOO. • • -
We publish id Shadier colptinto he coirespin .
demote testing to th e deathlof :lment its mem
ben. holing that it-will be of Ware to our rea
der% ny of Alto, ottreelvAt. are holding •
Volleles in the Cootttottoteb4 . .• .
POtutoYß DENCCRAT. —3tat.'et “Drick" Pox
_tool opw paw; alre.dr diketAti In eirOnia.lov
otheri. ar(llll3s4PatllViaglostlift:.
'mid. copier. rqatiat 114010101411414 NilWl9llr.
LETTER FROM H 4 4,381.1118178G,...- 1 . - •
L 7 -`
teo,ll,THenv‘ca vi TZX 1111=141' Jocsxu4.
' • - _Remise . Mt, Feb. 14, tba. .
relia gao tO flow rt, fwavier pui bebbyl ra kilt, to
bt" -- nil
passage bran itt for lbeibetter regulation sod ra i'
_ ilon of Wow. Mors 'bill al ;relation thereto, eta -.*;
wblett has been drawn a Keith sede. has been imported ..
ham committal mid Is now td Me bawls ci the trae:
As megrim It emerge* thonetrOto. WO will forward a dopy . •
krepabllestirm. No hogyamitm will , be taken. sod
these Irderested Will hire ample lime and Opprirton It I ~_.
to MUM and have Ireorpurth•l, or eoppreieed, that
eitirb Is neemem top r istrfoStica. , . -
The bill relating to on cad Purcbuied or mined ;-••
by ratheart , mast or ruportstion CotOptoleA, :W. -
to emanates •• qektly at a dote Sark la s poppy bed, t ‘
I meow that Aimee *We tattlested, very generally. -
Meow by thla lime Met such If; ba,haii,terea h o .
plate.; .If they do nat, tt la Pot tegraae Ahoy tim e
not recelred frequent, std NZ:tent notice of the
feet from liarri.bam Gentirotan, do you recollect
wbat crochet mired of the 000 n 1 , - -..; -
Tee bill relative to the ocemdblll Conney_pollea ha; -..
not yet been Ibtrodoced to ell bm none. Irot baring /-
mei li. we see enable to deternalser Ito Its ebanteter,
bat andennand that It props*. to draw; the tax -from .:
1 the body oldie Gaudy indeed Of torn the coal inter; , T
eke. As a cOrroopmftot we nutertbe lon. leaving It
bar the people to will. the Mw se ;to . vall.tato, and the
-Leeialaloor to aer -
~ ~
alhee my binocular Model( MA it plate en vt - 4
to twevonde W Pottsville Itoir MA Cl Company;
and to ineorpothte the Bate DoWdt'amk of Provide:" --"".
pee setbodong thre dinar/ea of Me halo Nail AWQ,
13111011 of Pullman So barmy $lOOOO, and one to re .
oafs pot of a certain four feet wade alley-to the rear
deb* Piton Rail-la the boromytiol Pottnille.
Tbefolloettm bills meerd the Wm. finally • The
bill relative to the WWII* 4. suet In New ohm.,
- Nellifebilfe In eet aattexislaf eAd reqablort the Prn
tthohotory of the Chart of Whew Mesa to moms
atatiostoT he the - use of the charts einttibe et at,
tUbaldo' John lehmatos to Iledl and. ~,,,,T .Y CA 1f , 1 4
tool trilatelalastriqua. ,i, . • , •
A Whoa hos chlorite of rattarillator Um erre, Mot r
'an setneattng a pottiest of hatehintorlitter t. to Prate. i
• rata. rem resew:din th e Mx* la was atiooce lota
Minns of Rail wad RIM Monett" - eakft.w fora Isar
regaladog Idyl og and booting Ip Mid towastope. --- 1
Mr. Eke Infriseed the following bb/a.: Co. mkt ied
to the cohretiog of Mate and QOM/ tame id 'NOV ,
Merwede *le to leave lee collection anima
net to the 4 bidder, sod Mit pad drtheenee between
that and thePreseat • DU CoOt. to CollecOorvOe civil
ltdathosal fund 3 ose incarporstbet the Potsttle
ines i Chewy 1 owl Madre to enmity to In - •
Washington township, and sootseryelalve to tag-eel. -
'sr' Wahl/vim and MINA! townships.
Ivy act. to tho lOCOn)orlittoa VI of
tbe tvel li s= Readlrgt and rottayme uhig,i 4 ,4 .
Coon Dead dully.
TrA h ,,ppiement wybie . hart
t he
cespony fo chatter' reetrietloas, eltsli a rrumas. ..i. alai '
maintida any Ilhe rwltoee upon. . Can or - . -
mewed' the tailed - of ItlrP of MINIM In Ws
giaaysionersaltb,rstneberaw stogy wtilett beratites may '
be operated. owned, tallied of W:nletracted by sold ,
lb* clewal Aperia St, altiniehb. =gages
tbe Wallop ollbe Maw Seib tlialle Lod vl7 baa •
bees rind *the ProollWilltheol the sums comm.
tithy the Owed whoraterty ell Ilta flahhollandr, that
•he lumbers bid *it to hat thettlbe oporebe Whole. '
and CaSel OS DK ;Wake • .1111910•11 at tettenstansat
end WSW& Mita anwanentalne With.
BoUt Was are well th WO mu, bat tbry eboold be :
Wel* wen awl seevsktiy yeallemos Met;, -
COW el re being needled not hroltexptmp the buaad.
mated out by wleaoatrd OrrlatetthlWe agree
WWI Perm PAW. WbO.i webbed:Et In Co. ,
. .
, ,
. Trpe grnowy's
• -hoo o d to . atibl a eee-tett hcc rep=r '
• .I• 1. fratdeliretiithwe freliali- ,
riatertbeht t g
ics tint= tormr. '
oh• lb owerwebbey thane, wed etadif,
fir bhl will waddle about both wawa Ira aga an , . o.o o
tents. foe war Ow to meth altar witreh tr
• WI ha shy lab the bands of Um GOVeregg with far.
-wet latearal thottemd &Owe tifhled OW eadoddoll• .
teMrtia of 101,00 1 vielft . h. , .
, Judge Parma, iiT,l t t rt , •
deeleted the law of lalle. wa mo r i ii r wi kr dm.
ol theeawwits_. 0 2 4 fi k t l ara= 4 ;
sa dver. haewitteo.v. 7,wr, the flabetiaa Jim
um bes b e
i t
am tlies:ltn.„, y e , we
WM , ajamootthli y
the people famine bealdig s = sins =2
~„,,,s , °, * dnivra,Va"rem.,o7 .....o 4404.
~,„ .„„ mg a lowtoeo=4 l ll o l .4 er i tO t r t dreseoe
ZS' sat r= aim co al sad es nada
avow to the law as oar coal ii*ta lad were. e•
0 - •
Amosarnelf• - .AIM , 41* * 1111141r; le
-2.Alyit.-Vehmest twat *OITA the
Coated the hadhatetwelbrlllti,AWent EY=
[ PalajW takiffigith iscladmiolis, sank
we • zags; i!anignor. WIN iota a pub.
Walt •
• alb 101011WieWe Ilhordollo4 . UM 4
At It *daft*. at Ike bowl et Mgt W. Rebt . - •
Llob la Wept rot lativatal collatufs
el illeta.lll3a 041 of the wad WM
tin Ofilled e rdt Mit MOM lfloa or ems.
of Wadi
'Stift anode tig= l
illetil =
1214111 44-8-- i -06
r•=il l ir
Wtba t m OO lm *
I s i Nf l
I a
m llh myl a ia"d
r a l
fle4l 1
• i e p
e l ,d o • i - a •, k - 1 4
0 4 0 • : 1 : , -
amstbs woe elaremo las
lothraltihr per _
em s on=imal lass Ca abouthe :
Tit/ fa the Welt 01 tbiraftw
11Wary TN. aW OR Pot . sad teak
k the anew opett me larknor
4)=4.16=1100101./Pisatics -
•__ aarpms•ClßM**MoU4 4 '.
'AMINO , " L