K ~-_~ ; ; - --- ,creating a terrerntin %,,t-re Is . H . iga cropti.o nftri F O TlOPtageg from - the dear c - ol 4 f9tiertee of May....-11iLT Lft!? amount of shoes ebect now, ax oA !nine ,.., ~.,q- l o the Cignifacattronly Pis valet oat the fist, and lc .. we: , . • , . with the eagle le t I L the , made on Ices gr`" June.—The e . - Iv any labor, , ... • „.a..- may', for 1211 4: 41 . 11 kr 7 P°. - • - .., • the predictive We very Ilite's - • out I its froskuteen impover , -, • ~,,-, .fi.4.---Thernaxidaa; this _ • : by the het) of tr to do ne tic • • !tee til 00138( Snit ht on par . . ,i -149.- " t i' rms . that ! 'duly of. - .. - - -4 '''''''' . — l - mber advaisced • ~ -: L..... will 1:e. - . ge tvuerle. U ni ted; sliatic - _ 4,,,-,:-., ttditile - " u: Nvre ian 1 " t' 14 . - -, r.sibut , licles of other cOttn • - trout .tro4ctlie `from their • ' .. . " wee eutirks n3,1'0110,8 r • . . ....; .nevalsoe• . L .tted the Cmamisioner /43:Va . ~., Indite:ell tde views to • ' . octC,',4. 4. retest the conehteke . . ' ' eakataireit thely rd / rP e cu , thAdol: . ~ • _ 'lts Jorge:Aloe stout is deiced IGt:enthfie that tclrin eeL' In ' t. , -•• .• ..,1,,,.,••ii0 aggravate the verl, tilt. 1. . 1,011 slimy now labors to Impair ora• mi LO speck pay M. I lse Atilrc i s ' •;-...a1t ■I as - it ill trai , '...:4Y.07...rd0mea lt wag ex ve • importations wik duties were too ioW that .'''. have always caused auxpenainue li2 this cotijii ' try; ) (except during the itelicilion),end noi.b.. , ' ing but the checking-of these excessive im i. mutt ons , either. trom an 'almost total int pouriahmetit of the .country;or an incretise i• of du has has enabled us to .resnme again. • 1 it xis the great argument of the late Jame Badmen, "that if you reduce our national • jangled tlf product' and wages to'the Euro . ' , peon atandard,you will cover the country with blessings and prosperity," which milled - ibis to be dubbed "ten cent Jlaimy,74-and. this Is the orpiment of Commissioner Wells; the argument-of ; the British mantifictureni, audit* free trade leagde of New York city. • Indeed , '' 4.1.4 -',' - ? ...1-',;.-°.*: , -!. 7 ;' , r. i , I ' -13 ' ' 1 . IM=EI EiMil rt- ' - lAA b•.? rt rD. cta sp=out iiontwerni. ~•L beginning to absorb a .rge por,.. 4 public attention, simply from the feet ttt business must fluctuate more or less, so lo g iss-thii, Banks ; and GOverortwent reinalii Inistate of suspension, with no feed policy for ;the future. The recent able smell of t3enatorldortoO , hail attracted much linen. eon and also the [letters of Horace Greeley ;la reply , fhey stOhowever, both wrong •betaufe th . do hot begin right, and both ig. more the era•Firiconii on which to base a permanentl, resumption , hereafter. • So de nearly all t e speakers In Congress' and Chi writers for the public. pren- - --they all been at the w end.; kkinsib,le business men, lid the prckI racers Of the wealth of the orami try, would ifirst rimoddel the Tariff In this interest of Arneri46 Industry, ea as to min.! "nfacture at liast one-half the necessaries of We at ; home, which we pow Import • from abroad..' Thia would throw the balance of trade In on.favor, l sod check the outward flow of col ; The; current of coin chang.;• ed, togetbee with ' our domestic product c would soon remove the prenatutis on gold, end,' the Banks 1; and ' Government • could„ re: same witholat 'awl trouble,. beeause _these would scarcely be any dema n d for coin.- ` Greenback's Greenback's limpid then be taken for duties, because they! w.ould be equivalent to ; coin, end no cola would he requirea to - pay Inter. eat except cit lxinda held abrciad. • In this manner resconptlon - ivould be forced upon the country in less . than !a year, , without contrac ting the crarn.ney cal disturbing the badness of the country 'to any pelf extent,4ltpli because you Make gold plenty and per —in fact it ; Vrould Soon become almost a urtiouie., and paper; would be preferred to I gold. 'VEr. SENT! ABROADSB9,Oon ,000 OP :COI ..AFT i YE&R, AHD. FoR THE LAST 18 YEARS WE HAVE SENT MORE 'IN ABROAD TO PAY FOR FOREIGN 1000011, ONFS-HALF OF WHICH WII COULD HAVE MADE AT HOKE, THAN THE WHOLE COIN PRODUCT - IOP OUR COUNTRY DU RING THAT, PERIOD. Elospensione him always been 'Caused by ercesalva drake of coin from the country, and ran:myth:au cars never, take place 4 without utter ruin to the business of tie country, - Until .that drain Is checked, and, no one but a madman would make the attempt. - k I • . This is pilafs commas nose, and why is it that Coigressi,: cam:mete prevailed upon to heed la • I 'I " , ' BATLEOAVOCtuatiff, ATIOXIL , The Southcia p.tWess set up a*klu as Kau& *Mt t lomat/14 1 g to rule the cow. try. It spoil* by a secret dreslas sent to Cowls that the. ptstildotiof the railroads ens sow mike themselves up to rule .the axtat7, a#l itieep op the bleb nisi _ f .. .1 ~!' • • ' sing elfin. dined . nations, t trade ba ,grinding our if &leery and `pea . coontriea. ition lu deelariii „green, or any other eddent down who, in of our Government In „peen govenimettis, Is ea wry; en enemy. to progress, Amity, and ought to be Tr' by the-ballots Of an , treachery in a President. To:Autry, and their tool,, lispOsltion manifested on the Aepublican members of Con :dem to be friends.Of the India mttry, to hold pack and not fai t& the people, we hope will upotogy Re speaking thus Tribune very pertinently in ': Wells devoted eo' mach Ito lion In his Report on the tariff, the treMebdous frauds oh the is certainly a very proper sub• tmlosioner of Revenue to report afraid be would haft some of thole' of the Secretary of the Y-o;:i"N 7 :; , :'lf.iF ... 5 .-1.. ~,,--'''!;.-.;.. ,11"!:::!. ..-iff:::: , ,:i.!:., - ,... - - ::„,.... 7:.: . :t.?. - -,r - -- ,- . -,,, , ~,. -,:•• ---.., - ~,-. ;.: , ~ .....3. ,' I . . . 010 Op, th . - -w- "oar - .....4, ,„;,,:_foi, White ' and freedom of I. • las ao. - 'w wand tcyall as - 4 T l e r.rth, the ilk will trcome mor t o : 1-J -7, „, ; . .,..t•,.. . ft ..a before, the Itebell men •r' eats. i ed;ootwithetandier t growling of a few of the "old Bourbon" p tera.who never can 4eam 'or forget anythle . • : ' ~ . ._________ ...,_ __,_____ • VIC FRANsrma I'vvii.z.OE.—Ttie abuses hive groin so great 'andefttib system, that the people derciand its &both*. With the exposures 'already made, we thirdly think that many-members of Cringresti will be found bold enough' to vote against abolishing By so doing it will save a million 'of dolliis tothe Treasury annually. The Cops. com menced its abases yeari ago, .mid it has been • growing ever since—and rapt - be' wiped' our entirelyeer so modified "u to be confined o mere official business of 'the government, under such rules and regulatiolui that It can not be abused. Reform and economy are tile Order of Chu day, and woe to th.we who do' not tonformto it. ' Den. Grant is leading oil, and the people say, Amen. . &oral asttairti., _ _ , • 7impa•aAor for State of the thermometer for.the wceY mdlnQ Shun• lej " Kept for tdeYuaaa Joni:net. try,. B. WtD. 'Mil . MOIL G V. It. I Friday; 11-Sunday, .... - .. W l'll ednard eld" ay .... .• Tbutiday . . . Weekly kliaatisite • alla.-419. 81 " 11 " 1 1 steles awisli. 9 1641timaT....1 7 24 , 4 111 D. a. a. io um.% 24 4 au L t Q.. 6 . 1 51 • Mo. 11 ' 9414 GI New 12 14 1 .57 - ev.' 12 T 02654.2..,.. 7.434 64 Pirst Q. 40 t 40 n. 7 2314 66 Pull X 2t . I $4 .ev, 14 ritraituf 1 , 2614 r 4 • ••• 15 6 162541 7 223 Seta'e your Aleuts for the-Concert in time Lardy styles of Sha;rls at 210 Center street ' Or. Tbnris.lay of 'lll4 -week, • lialnia niunod fdefF Tobin, was run over at Mina Bill - Plane, and . • 7i.-thorrote. 'Second -Sunday a the year. and dna atter Epiphany. Day'a.lenkth hours am 8 I:tauter: ' " • s . at reet /: you . seixt Fats - esti at Usllus.l'a 210 .osatar The PotteePla Witereflopsey bia, declared semi oubeel , Vidend of 4 per mint., 'piyable on and after the , 4 altb Instant. . sleighing in rite County is A. No. 1. It bag brea xttb tee es ler ebout five .weels; and lods fair to continns all Winter. 'Mad a of • Aholand h New V.ar's day_pre ;Liver Ai's bort) to o the Washlogion Rook and Ladder VotopanT, ' ak- F ra: n r ,rqk , Thl , muy macho,' this 80.0,4byt .0,4byt oom on a brif suit, sod fa • guest of Coiousl Rated IL Rimacy. ' , e • . • I=-he pripiis of Aatibind Fkbonl, presented Lippiuroti+ (lantteer to Weir teacher - Wm. J. Burke, m Christmana token of - respect. r q he publication of ”Tie Lucia! News"- of Tre: Mont, to deliyeit ttits week in consequence ail iv:coo of work, and delay in'reeeiring paper for it T.', &tunal meeting of the atockholaera of the Schuylkill Colony l'ark Association will bo held ai . tbo Merebtnta' Hotil, en Monday afternoon teat at .1 o'clock. RtriCai Jeri anteing held ' la the Port Car. bon M. E. Chnreb. The indication are enconr ageing. The altar is filled each night with weep. lug pewitenta; mostly "diets. The. colliery lease of&pplier. Moodie Ash Wet has expired. and dierhase ceseecLoPer. ations. Etect7 A. Moodie & Co.. Wm Weed the wake of the Preidon Clammy.. • TIN Weeicingenen'e BeneVident Society 4 Ash. lend received one hundred barrels of now how the Wine on licedarlsei, and ere turnishiest it lo l emilanignien at fd 87 der barrel, delivered. 2he Ittr. John Manisa,: of l'ifesr 7 ,Tentey, via preset' In the 24 Preabyterian Church, toinerrost. morning and evening, at 10; and 'f Was*, in the Gonneil Chamber, Market and Fifth atmeta. • Gin, James B. /Crotty of Pittsburgh, antvid tows cm Thursday snit 10/1 impala for • for days. GIN 3 ff pilaf hos bosU of wino finds is &ho th n. h =ty who $ of* &Sighted to meet awl grasp • • • is ming man abonla can a I.ll.Pau kormuman Plan," sand by do Ihmannos Company. oar cm 414 Iso Centre MAO. /Mims* Mao B. Iteetinete r = l Geo. et, &tilde Atto,'ef the , T R ' Railroad Oteepaily, tree UM by ae In the cue at 11W 1 0,_ to wine Chi •11=11111=02.' The uoupury 4th. On Nabs dun* %•411" V IZUWI rd ei ttrt2 n....... _ . 'W ft e ld 9 :ll64oliisoored to Lobisb boo totomott_ to be 11=mow of tto !fame I I .isereellika. =poor tau_ Pang% On WPCS Mow ale Ur OUCH INlgnikleweds Mr, NAII:e. kr Nap xli Mind , " 01101.,--r woes Ak COCOS MM. AND Zed EGG BAtl DRAUGHTS MEN'. ISO Opt STS ettret. rOtteViary (Ur ss' • C. J. 4ciissimiArt. um:caps s IMAJJ I Watebeu;Sieeks. JeWielri * 11111 so. opirßisr.. Porrsv ru.#, • ' yam's. caremny ituchin. 1210 1 . a r si im . ■.. , BELTmar ' mclFiß A` LTATIMa, ...... 00 . ... • 1.00 .ety R. IL A. Chapter, N 0.196 'lO 00 .ri. Wm. Newell ....... . , ....... 500 gra Christina Pot* 5 (0 aim J. I'. Ilobatt, clothing. Calico party at G. E. Fainahar's ticsati—tisnnela, calicoes mei • . - B. Bacutaciesecond donaticni 10 on • Fire. -:Ott the Nth ttie bones and store .of Patrick Ilan, of Mahal:toy Tontahlp. was en. dectfcTed bY lirn. which is•aupposed to have originated from • &teethe fide. , The family barely escaped with their ilea and,nothing was eared bat the clothing they had on: The build ing was insured In the york Mutual, 'high loss was adjusted and paid on the 30th nit., at about $9OO. The merchandize WAS inagied In the Col. =big, for $ 3000, Mr. Elan.was the•city . purchasing a la* stock at the . tirne,'• part of ote new stock titling wind and Wu 0001illatid. ',=,Godd TemplarY! , :7er ...-Oti.:New Tear's eve at‘Williamatown, Dew in County, a magnificent sapper was partake f by . the . members of the Anse eau . Lodge , No.-612, I. 0. qf 0. T. of ibarpl and miimberivLodg, NO. 642 of Leybenatown." fdr. ILKhmnu whoi recently erected &Hill in Williamstow n , win the caterer. Etpeenbeti were delive - ted by by. J. B. Davis and others,'which with goings and plays .enabled the participants topase a dellghtfril even tog. In consegnence gif Waited apace we are . - time compelled to abridge'an account of the sup • per which we received from W Contti, W 8., and E., W. Zarb', W. C. T..• . ..- -;Tke public "reading" given by Prof. Refine Adams in Mlliersville, on Tuesday evening las was a,pegfect success in every respect. The and was well filled with an appreciative audience, and the reader could not but succeed in pleasing, the most captions. Mr. Adams' style is, we behave. Aiimitible—bia peculiar sphere sperms to be in the reading of Shakespeare, and It is said that in' this he strongfiresembles Mn. Komble. fits remit. UOD of • artmasua and the Captive," notwith. statuilng e_eckii6what revolting nature ' of the subject,. was "dee:4lBly his most successful kfforr.. and It called tare' the heartkat applause, Adams is undoubtedly-a meter 'of Mal rte, . and we hop4that he will frequently in thehtfuri favor oar citizens with his readings. , ; . • MMM • • If_yon_selab to be probierly suite/tin D;q4 . ,; Goods and tell it GAUL:Id)% 210 Ceriter greet. 'Beggars.—lt l a common ' remark that for some months put our people have been less an noyed than formerly by-street beggars. Tcds, it has been suggested , is owing in a great measure, to tbe eilbrts of the Botemment Lmomation. 'We tare told by Lts Officers, tllat it ia the wish Of the Assocletion to disoonrage—if it cannot abolial, this =Mame. Let oar (Stigma, itadead of ma /sing donations -at their &Mrs and pod,the streets, refer applicants- for aid, to the proper an. perdu= of theAsiatiation. If the. Ls done, the wants of the .dersermeit will 'be rebored, SA posters and professional beggars will not =pool upon the Societ dot charitable extend But t th e operation, of this yot bum= the Bormigh—eod theme hints auto designed to relate to cues of 'worthy poor who , living without the Borough, are driven to adios. alms within it. • • 4.2 0 79 0 20 00 Is 9 / 2 /6 ftz 41 ...5 /2 !I 40 1. RoakingN, : ty & Gattid's. Skirts, ',chi great Taxis. aT-1 The EicannetaDonehoe, D u ey and Prior, ch ed with t he r m der of A. W. Res, of Centralia, c ia ccinntf, are now ly.. In g to the Jail at thin place. awalthk, their trial which will aims off , the Peicrcuuy The Grind Jury found • true bill against them list ilia*, which was presented to the ,court for MILL • and on motion of counsel for the defence the trial -kis postponed. John W. Eyoh,' Esq., of Polk 'silk, Oat . Freeze and 'holden. brothers,' of Ash lapd, wig appear for the prisoners. This will be' an exciting- and interesting triad. Aline hum. her of witnesses have been stibliceneed on both side& The Comsat for the Commonwealth, so far as we hare learned, are Lin Bartholomew, PAW. M. L'Velia, of Ashland, and 8.. F. Clark, samoytminc . of Fun atGallarid's The Afo - rei Coneee4— Onr mimic loving citizens should : Am . arget the concert of the Mozart Maid , cal . re next Thtmiday. The pro graitune L *my attradtbre, and Judging by the en tertainnunits which this amateur organization hal given in the peat, the execution of the archer bral and solo sekoticaM will be very satisfactory. - me arrsn_gemente for the entertainment lure ex cellent. The stage VIII be in the centre of the vide facing the entrance, which will greatly Add to the effect of the music, and the tickets pixrcharcid &SUM boOk and mimic stores, or of the members of the BoeMty,, secure a good seat opposite the stag and linos there ki no extra rMarge for these seats we would advise onr friends to secure their tickets In time, it certainly being aver y nnpleae ant task to hunt &good seat in a bile hall Ditigrune a Mikhail fro the on of those wishing to select 'seats can be seen at Ban man & Barrisiers and alinigtiese bolkstores, The beet order will be strictly preserved during the performance. t" here is the beet plies to buy Dry Goods' W At (.Hand'., 210 Centro street. "Eat , 'froweraace.—The mond teeptlar monthly re union of the boron h temperance societies,' was held In the UconeA Chamber, on Thursday erten ins. After a stAninr address by Ben. A. H. Sem tower, and some remarks by Benjamin H .Esq., ems eras In cart made to wan= oven tem social. Some 20 names 'were owned, al the Meeting viol vary slimly attended. The eadsty will meet this evening. in the Connell Chamber, for cassava = B ea t a lii no spares for admission. At a nigniM mooting of Poltemni Section: l lqo.. 99, Ceded of Timpitanoe, bold in ' thie on w the evening of Dot. 21, MeV the st members ewe elected to serve inn sainenn unm : •W. A,, John Edwa.(l44 LA. W. Ilintarlidener ; Bee., O. L. Dom L.ll. R., TA W. Eihresd• ; Treas., J. Noble ; A. T. J ; G., J. Riven _• 11., W. Stetting..; W., Jibs Wend ; W., Jobs mud Operiitims if the Bipedal Police at the Ariemh. •hilkortoa atatanent MOWS Lb, Operatioas =Balite brae approbate:l nu tide, Itegiod. thee been In tVeruldon : - .:: Number or mow' boa' Nay let to VOX,' 4. eala BaturylkUl and N ttel .. ..... 478 tram Dee. let to Den 31 s t , I$ C7. iseinstre . .. 72 • ' Totalaumber 550 COYPU/00X IX 'OM IV OP Algiirl. KUM /X TIM TIAS , &buyalli and II melons. &amyl= 15 . . _antins - birbuid. - . land and yammer &awry.— ........ .. • mama ...... ..: :44 1 Fehenery. . February .. ........ .19 Igardta. *arab 'l2 htti • * ha ir7....: ... :; ... ' g• Jane ....... ........ -tai le t' - as July . - July 61, 'llnguit Beptenber WI Mmilier ... . Erk ~.._ _ _ .16enunter 27 annunee0.......... .61 4711 .. Deteteier a Totalhelibtobbelle 447 - - Totellbramb In V 7660 -' - • I an linnoir e A: bunanelat ulerollos Of Ihe AM ••poliwheue ti 0Y Me sa be ibis heehaw metteisr et lehh, dim that the me. he d iseille hider Go aroall ”itt , ebbe a• t he as asaam a•••••••••mer ha to' Mall SOWN =SW KIM iNt auk , ~ P,"G.=•: . • 1 V ATTRACTIVE PICATURES, titan Company Is ineMmal to edi , ct oc upon L ives . ~ _ ....x.isT APPEAM POMO. ' Ina ' ja:14101W rp,LT.Es bp . I) REALIVIVIS \ • ,rtheinth Um! Of yam nen U. 4" tee Um!. rompanto, y aftet'a:%orZlTPar4". thereby to en 4" eu.si um. of your one,. Ptiple tree-lit-7S NON-FORFEITABLE . 10t 1 :fa bi "Eolder whirrs to dlnoontin_ en bin rartaatttP: Ma , Company' iri s li t: 4 ;admire= Polley, FIJLLY PAID UP. end atta belonAutp LIFE AND ACCIDENT roucred , *awl y o „ miELY COMPSNIUTION of *3 few every of it n.,...,5 PULL 4 lilut.elT UP Plitt PULter Ls PAIL II not 1111"."414 not thk ' ' n• t ••••••AGAINS'1 1 , A I'l'lllElll 'S . Von* • ' Reek to all. 4 i . I bar ig e i d led ,51. 1"rda c,, ttl e utaa. esPP9: ,... ri of! , ir • --1,,42.,z,11.4„,:,...,,.. win,sictirei.hlpmftowlttotortib: them et •si . a babiliaaar mat Ey tompernatiUu '. atm e a ria f tn l tti . c.ts rim me illormla Co a• Term of Tear.. - eunimit-- . c.,. Lii,uIQUIRED IN iiOOl,OE-NT IIireIIHANOE.O t shoa V IL .'• I 0 lie,,,T *TICKET. PUMA Wt. •. 1 suagoL-4 4 ,0,14 ' it dair ,, , - UFFIVIAN,' Ge t nerai . Agent collector for sr , i a, gal/G h. To. a 351 CIE nedicate, Lie cr . 0 , t* ell IL' KEE IL, I, mod CA BB oil COILINTI K. ta • ° lb og wacs ' tit S t(it" et from the tor a talfeme..._ the`' 1 , . 00 111/1 - or ute. _ • to ' stated that di English Mouse in•irew . l'ork• 1846. Li u 1. - • . Palo ether pe _-- one cam She &cm ap 45....0s _ ----- i. vsiket one f or the Conialfl (20 INT lia 9 '' • _e, _______.-- --_ - „ - te. st 5,51.27.0.•1• Idniu ., ay r k .4 . 9. si _________:- iv Os . i . .. unY cperpose °Mee, iyi and PO id. le l l i k ...._.__.. -;...., J -,........-...,-) a \ gl ige.' . • :Keil Iv 9, Gee We do not f id tax ito their d l l,l`. i •••• 4 1 . 4 , to Mr. • and - uninao. , 44,‘, 4; ,_,,, d db , .4„,..,,TER HOUSE ..., 8,• - ... aoy pnreud and t .... * • s r i t -•,„ 1 „,,, A , 1 . tietMemea ot the NEW yo Et, K.. • - 9 l' -. per Week ......,.,. =•••• ;:'L27 00 0 um & p i ety , duin g % the u r ,, m th ir oiret ND els V% Juirtbe moue of 1016„„ ,-,.. 2he 14t4 o emit they aboerd la' n ' a " W eetere Helleculd Depots And ita,n" ... 1.4..., . ~,,,,,,, ~,, ~,i ti11, ..., prom " , Mr to or from European am i d and ail part e i r ` ... -. 32 ... 4 'Wed Into felonies, we d e V l , 7 it le m lanl m it fro an m d lorwthear,4l,l jtoetdmtlense.tl4us, pal - '„hiru , s4s , ,, x h eir ~‘ one' nas,,h46, rii " .. th tiro t : l, o il ro th li d .2'r " I/ L .1,0 U end nieentablp Ire aver,' ..ard. le - ..,..uvre. lOW. „,„. e ,eu 0a- (;,;.. ii,,, - .4, 0 ,, to., „ri. this qt ...1 soy parties rrpru go.- _ _..., w...,i; S . Z.coilliivril - e: 0, 1 i Mid_ esui to ble h. ti, H. 114,121101Te1, Pro p ri etor. .ftd..ei ws. WY" uOne''', me " ~,,ded, _ s ' 0, 54 %..N . cugol.:lngit Ix'..__. in wi t. UM' oiele - --; - ''' .- 1 k ' t i n rad I - ' ~,,,ut, in ttees.3 _____ -- %,dtdri! -.--.. -111114)16113:Eillilwe.b.V! ' -, -;:. - ..81 ' R 0 , 0,,,,•, s • . fh-- a i. lit dall 4 . If A(cued from. ' i •, ' na 4 an bar I' ' the ,-4 T , Sr, It -Oalt irr *' "k 1 ERS' lieu. when tbedit L. 1.1.1 ••••‘ • LE i ~. -a ,l the bdatetsuof . 1 ' ' , • ' WI/ OISSV IN Att. E , INDs , ` -- - I•ii------=' -T, • [ , • ,•••••• • WHOM H •,. 1 4. „ • • °;•, e.ri \ d ‘' SIiGIV •t_...1 pipylS slilan . -cr' 'MI. fiffil` r l kk . . VAVO, ItaUtilti. . dia )41 ,pIL' ••• I ..,, 001.11.!) CIIIMMCIICer i eiregos, fc ' 'reale 5 mute at 3. ' i ttarlen till I not kra •r*lltr A stle e 77,,,".. Town hall). . coma = • a colliala 310 CVAN k . . ,-r colliery. .N r 0. Col ...--... . of Marotta OTT S -N T' Lj - f r., r o 1' 9 - , VA; . ' tali slope. 2 ' p Orr - , not. Work oak Ryon's' skip* i. , teal . committee of IL • -•------."' —— t 0,21 . 111C111A.... ~, 11l IC 12 1. 4...11 . , I, our rna,, a ,i, ~,,,q gave oats* that nil the lateniton l e in or tole st; 4 4 at orl , r. tYN Pk: to W-i i d ml ten hours •d. „„.„.ctfull ea ..k. of eir , rY V IT ko;perlN 0 1,., til II uiriPmuch 1.. taw'. advaltag . ; to WOUld La Wlpias. virlo. ` -- „...rtod , '"`ltearS3- '',.. °Tt fell Wm ,* !slat vtrfreo, pavin them tat, freight other colliertes,drei 5 ,Z. Ta g 'LARGE. e i,ewbere• 7, oared good. 43,„„0. Olve al r trial. and patlati Your then told nse that r.,,Erisdl Leta. be.f t° lrlian 0 .... , • Sawa; 11. a ,,,,5e5i de ?l,l n p tr 7013,..°1° 1 . were " b " ld i . "v l s oP e tl.ttlf mneactory, maybe returned, about the name 11611 . .ih0t ere_,,c7, 4 b „,,,..nt In . ••..--u - --- • ,ALLG'',,T.,,,ri be eer" d° " . • ' bill E 9 1 , or • , After the hearialk to m _,.. 00 „„P.,,,ortnee ,acra *rib 'LICE I' I (Wryer ' tam) each , to anew" t d''..'" • ' $ •-•.- - A LA RG nrke. for r eeereedit ' = j otos, at the book and** i . Oft _..Utlehwal-a . mars,. ”DrOdi)..ok.*--oo flee - I EF G TDBAC(.IO ' - UFF, ' , f 1, lin Hamm of thin Bo Gil. John W. ForneyME I ' . Pipe.4c-Fancy,- Goods; &e. dead deck., Aruompauyitalt. lowing letter : r I , ‘elc'tht at'Ll i'ol2 tootir I I S, of our owe InruKa ' r tilre. rcmrarrxvr, Nre - Vitin . SACCO ate name ' ; ''• '! .1, ',ut, .Pennsyl va.Lio and Ohio , , and Fillera.) :NG TOBACCO st• • vi. gropf, ‘ll Dna IVlLaiKet 131 s -4V-117L-VA. 13.01!.11,, .11. coat stale V-Ak pe.wals. • 614 , • tit • t t lai ,e,ll in ge. st:s K , Jac;l6o 2ll rl sac., H.. C. ,EleneToient toned. the following ffM IRON AND PURE ,•1111ANDY • It HR. HARTMAN. Rigidal. arsdnuept the Valverei ante" Ir la. It will posuiret core ci,nrotoptino. Liam- Colds. sad al/ devise ottheX.ol;o 4 or Bizpoch"ihr% 'blt has bees the mune of tissTuRINGT is b". .urried.b'alptleafrthhu.wit.netanW hazYs.rbeeld.eftndoe%:iiP to red Eevi,th:!ZlLLN-ce? B Y •• g tt e,uor 40 d elAte isellW and ;in. "I"nad , Proceed:rigs of thole: 'row) theethat IA Council wu held reels nettle rattail'. sh e .....1 l a. net er ewe poem/I. s 7 -- -1• •••• Woe. - The cure of Co nerunrgion was itiwt".efeeffeetedill'%; the ' last. Pmeot, !tear.. Coot taa,:p.....p.r?ttiLize....edit;:f githa:faimathatc7,..% attlautttr.btu...l:Luovlittmp,:a.opibtl,tila,ir.7(,;:eyrme......arat:ll..y. Lauer, B. Heffner, Kienzie. ipthar, C. Heffner, Shearer .-_ The Finance Ciommittee ;nem Who:erect, and they, were oe" Sch. Co. Lumbar Co . . F. W. Conrad. , 0 ,... iaz skeptical) may Ow:Ole °mein= by . 1,141:. J. IL . Fewer The Mmutittee on ROMA, Stationary, InC ie l li vidli ' tirtviut'lltnailt =itito b ru i te ' ici" ' I SI per bottle-ale for f,d • Y " ' ln t!' Prig old ILA gboralory 312 iwollh 13 6 - 4 Apparatus, reported Mat it had sent 2120 foetho , " old hate to Philadreplffir, to Mr. Greer; and lt, ' MO feet of new bole had been given to the mi., ilk , . PIIILADIILPIJI il " S lean and Rime's Fire Companies. -7 1 The Committee also presented bill of Mr. , Chwe . i W r iegaie Al"."‘ P " .•• i lt ittiMits h_ .Co. 1" lb I as follows . ; - ~^ , 10_,_ ,nractitelta.; Johnson. ollowal 8 vowden:ol 11 1220 feet new hope • ' .;... von all , 'ff Ad i li ciL lb.oe_rrativa. 2 it ir tzPoeith and Race 11.-• Deduct rake of old how . ' WO t 1 M. we awl" dew b. .1.0 ..",4,..--.: ...---... , 0 ---------.....__' st rrn • Bllsttoo due Mr. Greer . 815 ' 38 1 ... NOTICE L rbe "h " c -----. . nee; elides .- On was referred On =Shoo of Mr. Farquhar it was reYolved tht le ''• et tjttettr'll• uut t ll7l ;;‘, -m sro '." t . : l 4 ud. ge _ the Committee on Fire Apparatus be reqtieited ' 11 1 / V ~....,..T....l ' W° /4 / Gin& Jobbing-11 mm o y procnreesta of reducers and doublwmalee for ail r ?intik 5 1 33 ‘....;u n i05 .. R n iE w. G .,.. E t. f p" , h et. ii . T .. taching base to plugs. . .1312thtiayr Committee reported Plicenit hoe i w in b e pk..,... • * phis, building completed, and recommended that bil alla le, often. sum the °ma jars to we , sacs of cootreet,price be paid. LARGE Mfg away,. on hsvd. I in- Statement offforough Treasurer was read - - it_ %variety and theipnos, are mature vr ta i h ordered tote died , 0 _ye and 'wenn of all bayent. I feel. I free " Y Report of Borough Auditors was' read, and tar by the Orimput7W;;P,.._,lW Wolff,. at my ocrimand lam j° !erred to the nuance Committee for publicatinigher linVtei•••L l' o ''' -7 u ' .I. to th. Ll , de I iimm . g Lh, pr e. The Auditors stare that no account of the Cl t i s Te*". l wtet Olark/Str 4.. nll.l Mt rhtiv- 11: BUMS. his been banded in them to be midi re , civ. ,l rhea T0t ,..,_%,... e 1rh." , r ThaM. - MI -i, paat retries and surceit that the C.ana.ni lake such steps . end the TRAMS et i _ end nov 4 erqusinr.,,_ I hope t 7 , ta n Oteee*, fr.,,, tg , , 1 4,... im , i , will enable them tb procure li. Oct motion .1 nr. Rti*ael it wee reaolved that t ' • %Pr rl f.of;j l'"u ' E s . 4 l . 'n , ' :foil* v. 4 9. tray, . - . 1,. Li VI/ENNTI% IN .ms tr:11 al statement ol th e Auditors In reference tot otter Burgtsx, be termed to the norough so 01t42 -T tor by the Finance Committee. to see by - wha - s t means the accounts of .that offioar cut be pm NEW f• , ~r ,". cured to enable i the Auditrs to audit it acm , l6 . t gAI rigs ir i • • 7 , •P 03,1. w. The Committee - re he empowered to t o sis • . ' .Llr, -0 i in tbe matter. . • gtOi DV MAIL. I '4-, ' . Rill pf E. Oren Parry Eeq., Bmengh Solicitor a, reo Traci, . ' l-; ' rot extra .gplOes, wie referred tot he Fauna Okl ConiPaer* i • .'-c i ; , 1) • Committee. V. ,, tsi• Pole et9ti en, for eceber, reported er l is_.i: r*Cr". ,RE R r O L.D D F es:: i.r.", i,,4R,C,11TE;,5,,11:8.. dn. pm d - T.lB c is and 17 ''broamers" take.% "' '''''', care of. , Ardement referred to Finance Comma' T P.4 Tr:s / tee. , , The following ariermanication was read ' ILL& T 71, /he Owned of t' 4 .e Borough of Polt_lre'le - 1 • Ton ars hereby forbidden to draw any order at , awe Rod Sew•ea, on scream of ti.eu• save ma. an paymeota to Thomas Basset ce al writ rib •ed darstiLV.v. are "ore to .1 . 1 oth beds given P r ob e Eforough•for the purchase 01 I et tried. cm Mobs minnfletunst to order. the Second yterian Chtuth bufklang - was lit . 1 . 4 ` 11414P • al _ i t r t let awes oa barse. ..t, I- W. RU I de, 'Moab 101 4 - 2 7.1; / ll 'im E t .eo,rals mica. • Alit. turnoff Predinerigh Church. t I'' 'f ---- - On motion of Mr. Farquhar It wie resolved that .. the Matter be referred to t h e Finance Committee, 1i to confer • with the Borough Solicitor and get hh ,- , i - ' opinian in . rehrence to the teat way to proceed. ...nada" sees, ago. that. the Coeurdttee hen power to act ilif - . . the matter, and that the Chairman have. power II GEORGE...ICI . Dil '' i e , ,i MI deoemary, to authorize the' President sad Clete - E 0 1 of 00.il to draw an cobs for the atisomiLdm ' 43l°l t dCg r'‘ ' . . . bond itto on the let btat, if ample security l iones -13 11 ".. ' b.,.1 _ .... . overt that Me Borough /ha softer Ito k••• l ' - I C M . i - 1 jiARIES it 11r. O. Pitman made venal etatenten 2, , reneges to changing =nue of N MIMI' - a t Nigher/a street,. when on ageks7r43,4l , i 3 . the Council resolved to Met to Quantities of the ' - ID. i " 31,jese i pt. • Whole at the mpg an Wednesday townlag. ti e Tir-dis-b, • make en examination of tbilitata • ' 0 V1 8.91- b 1 Oa motion or Mr. IL H. it Ira: , . -NE Algsgnffris mor AT. i l tbsta oonnubtee of throe be. appototed In tel j • . am 0 , & maga to property or John T. litotakui. ~........1, war Manch Chunk street bridge. t Cariiel The chair as:pointed klarall.... Iledowr, -• ,e, 1 .. . ... Pan 6 -RarAisevit On sod Mantle. mann 'gig ' Ili. ;. F, • • On motion of Yr. Lind it was resolved • , , .....L ...... ..)„,..,.. ,L. ~....,..; , the Geri be regorged to gem the chid :. ..... • •••''' 1120 4 110 turratorg. filli that be moat ugly prows" hew n t o Total brlr.' 0 &dr pagaseda dear of les sod mow. ir' BM of &mon Derr. IX 75, was referred to • lb ' I , : sip Thane Coutuaitag. N 6 gamma The following bills were reed sad -ordered . Itsal for I.lEd thbyesr. gage to. Fidite. 1284 - • • Tag . •• L elline dad , • .• _ S Mawr, for renege stumps.. - , ,-. .e , Isms Wm est ivies lkin B. Barr , ......... 10 1... 1 . u tr, hese Itswily 16 _ fa . 5,„„,,7m.... &lath LO. Piny, ulal lan:gs . - 11. Is wed llopervinor and St. - • • 60 - M Ch i as. Madera. 26 • weal' Ow ni, am ott llatuntartoo.,..... .. t. ...... ... .6e Woken le gr. 6. st . om . ~ ~,,,,,r . , i TATIIET—Tt John =sr i Ad ... 65 • `t.t; ''' 1611 il• NAO W i; ,• •• . • . .49 ' ilsogii:::...) . • • . •.. ' 2 PUN •=1 , s mime §,TAs a ilmsEira I . icazuto ea • rms ~. . .. . ':yu I ; OIL or WAS ' ' 4 ISLLTI"oN.k I . . I ..'.. - Lumber bo.. P. W. Ociarad • • LX. - Tiew W I" Mietniml.. • a is AirolCbeart .. l-Ikoll=tgpirek t.. 4.„ : .1 ~ Olt __. __ ',4 pi tkincliaratTeleittneite ifOeile et. '..,, -.!___..... ___ .-. i. ' ..i . :1 .- ,..e.. , hes elected the re 1 - ~. ?_,!et Oot .... vei c t:gm Lulea; Hotted% Deposited -with theali 4ttot Gent 4 d A, ice of ;Pennsylvania, an Serially ' hai l!. ICV 11 0 LIPI4 It S. il)r • - • . , . ;bleb • sod, Aelb ft Friend Fotney. this rat dem. A New Wart wit by RI • Notrthank arew Johnson It's tam sent butanes ht /'wish you a happy lit trans of the sealant This lathe tine desirioi of well mailers, 'who ship ferrite* through — yeur slot adelplua Press, in_doinkt our gltoue.country and of the end Rebellion we, the Nation. M. God We , ' long life, and prpeneritY tt happiness in the next I remain suers, moat trul .To Joss W. Folotix, Etq of the Prre; Peilailelphi Col. Fumy ►ckauwledl duck, a fullows , Putun Idr Pus Sia :—Thauke t. • feel proud to know./ am true men of our country: 'When Andrew Johns= de his faith, / predtHed that h reer the must infamous m• have lived to see that mut sure I am not actuated by saying Mill. He could hal .name only be had teen t when berated to betray thi Ikeda's:yea, • itrailead duck will be • family, Mid:they will not fm, :Your friend, trul3 . • 4 X , J. Fahltrtni Hatata, EM. Neic Moci pf Drees ilooda . NOTTS, 'ZEST AEA %Ts or TWIST, CONGRESS, rranain, NATURAL TTIO GABLE, lINIO.II FLAG, &c. h"Ziae,":,Vair.i gs ' 3k-A " it 8`'"""f 'l';' lamest stock atu) carit.y ever kept in Ms countr. :lection lortheir • . STRR;TLY AlCOliOtni TO tat ,TVEN & BRO., ,tre'lt.,•p:lttavilk;:Pa. RIES I. EMI .wciki jx ,„ t aeuar a Namt,g. IQ 1111tIL WOK MA 1i.E....te an d otter fin' .at the -.IIOI,iNT Calt.lii.r3i [ILL.^ leaded at Mouct Cuba, tear mylaill County, Pa. . r W 4 &lade puddling Lun ar en e a t b ! train.l4-Inrn rolls for priddleri non. 1 iron train, I train plate mile :2 Race b:i Inaba! diameter, and al/ other Whiner, re= ttbe More dew:rioting' I trod od_poddlit raiiiia are by yen). rf coo towee power; dhetar mill a bowt. tit of BO bone power. sod the of ot wy...Meli le shatileil, shear,. tea, etc., by' L'4o and-IQ borne power renecti ....0.41 which 7 ,hear cover an .....",u,,. feet. ant al! 1 11 1,_ =4,20..,MAU they . yy -- "..Me r in nnUel inanner, and cowered '''' hum the Reading itied. IseiLately saner Mr the oterenient ot toil, metal. ar_. end lbe Mims*. . stsmtsine itediiji!..t.t,..*,,i to Mel:Rolling nano ,lit ~:wt.. 87 "...„.1 fr, itiodilrand eact?tlett well. Z . an wallas bum. Pat of the. tt ha mead meet with a ready r ah A dem Me MLl•td _bedlrees. suppapure eM w mo m. te mom glum on Me premiee. Yor peoweetatou of the manolamme from; ' =lla with an la rarely' 'CoaleuMmel.; ,of 11adeed In .tbe Immediate *bait —. 4 17 :4 namponamp ami ampla....mh.r by Mug goarood poi no*olloooog cormoidowoi thiamin ,Coasl. TOOnzo tAti ot boo id tit tbeetisl maws erterne a tom ...a s isis sad im stessdasteupply ate , *briber ari , I _,to• • JAMES A. ramming Pa.. P.:C. OND NT,Prineeton, PI. J. ,: AISINit ILSATO A Pon Clihstan za Pe. Is est !' -I- , • ORE!! f .big AS .4 ,, L E . • 2.... au actika:os.o. sad ~11.16.titys w Mats. 44;, _____h , id tliftg b e t. L . ~ ,721 ... said Jana l a - - - "h vg ,........ ?be eisr.' Lle the ha - 7 to lcUn lava, Of X. P. The. Ali_Let_lllllV elea li ad . rro,romooro‘ viamma te.PLium smIA'!pow.PLARD.. Ass I, IW-ea °KING GLASSES, • P/C/113W raimes. Orsommttil Gilt *Admit pa as fusa soaLL/Maltk. tt,urs rpm* errant:, II GM'S, u/ kit Is alissi f - r; a Carl, tact Ole of 'ook mem= iiree7 famtly.stemld tuna atm Alted aad.ald tarts Welshed at I L. C.TH/ 'Atom; r: A 4 , 333.38 0 *,626,32u - 1,663.033- 1,31 0,646 1 421,1113 /,039,7110' 8 27,172 ,601.3611 4111440 Qkagm: Whoisea: Jame. V andUGte blOttcs of all Also Okottok ilualela and !Wpm! ATE IC DLlgi of "- I4a ; 1 2iLt a P e e 7 in a LijiY whoig a sa n d hitr info a refiL Plekes Lai eadles, lebrated lebrateder7 /ar =atm. ArkludicA Vm idoortal lallvmeortmezt of the ea very bait eagle and pat op ta!eases. • L.C.TY or soarer HAIVITTUUN ilk &tug business Me s VS-411. irliaidary Cm Christmas - 4 • I n M an dy oar get,de o f oar ma ver proypa apperAce `roweltst recelpt-of a fa_ twitted mad* Aleka, Table , st,- Lt T 1 ICA, fog Ivory. Lubber. and I Re/ bancom ao' ill*? Planed Yorksory- Tr"' BMW& mpan' y, s:i Ph!ludelpplL / 0 1. r m u 1 /14114ie1l Atrial.% 453."-- MEMEE EfARDWA IPA =NM INEits' POiTg PA, Juotry 7 .rs . Tha hst jeli Diat : "Giay xsi )11J'ind beigni T , . int rifOrth. it and is prefer:cc( preprzation' -'by Ewe heod. of hair. wilt' 1 to nowt. loss And. p e ' r f g h, le it d —‘1•131,2 /Lid pro( perfeetb those vi se ►ell, i It. Thu Is DEPOT 1,411$ 47.1 i BRANCH UTERS Y. ~,, 7 . ,- A ~'lb' agreeable TON J 0 ST I I t STOMACHIC itzld rrERS ' , Ertnot4rely r froni. HERBS di?d BO(TSghly beirecial in . . I , , DpPEI.,:- . , . ..1 ,1 GEALi DEBIIJ'it' ': , EdoSS'of 'APPETITE ; , - , Ind an pt 'CORREOTIE '.ar peison4ring fiona, Disorders of ' 16 BocPatalenee, (to: -.. ...____ 's()I,t:VERYI'VIIEIZI. • MIMI, nehol-wr., Philadelphia • ,J;TAI 7 I,OII',Se •60. PUP' LEATfiER. PAL OPERATORS. . . I a m r f to•e1; fVenti a .Paind, And huiiicie r ethwilf'theral eartSslc with say hiw. Pottilvalei • w., W.OLF.F ; Pottneilio. biv. 6 . • 47 Cal orerstrolipeyiet t ei In ilia Buyiess. tEl* KENDRICK. 7 1) • .N ORME OABLE:WOUS, IrMILIMII• Nevi Jemr7. 'Roof who a ririatleal Ctatti'Mitroilr aka Coal Opentors °Mara 'Matti(' •le Plat or irane Cliatna of ern; Mee. .Partlcalar attention. Oren Fiat ra. dor fpripinr Information mind for Peti i6n_74l • .1 1 4kRiAvA L. -F. ;1 WHITNEY • . • , : - JiA.;NI-Catit; • Oginqa,...lnir:7:l:•r ..POTT-SVII.LE, •---..---;.- -- T! -- - '- fiezi le i li ' '' ' . e.4fl i AmEthog ANtI!FOUIGIi i •(•VoLD A • SILVER, 1 N.li 1 • , ..33.-LL ;Foreign Eschpnge, - • - - t . An4.iltripeurrelit lllone,. , I t '., .....'. . . - ... . :1" 51() NE:r. ItECZA... -E1)-4)N- liziN)srr. osratik-s-r.nowea iii . per 'special am : cement l SPNIKS, and I3ONBS li , ucht and sold at the 'New . -Vilit anal Philailelphi a Boards:nil Or, diCrs at thelis ' iJui a, , 1.,. tkalleinntniasion. - . ' ' kl lthi pi; Else tiiiiiiotc,TW cAtitrst of the must 2,1 11;:ruvti.1 Day; Patteria: fur ourknar. nude 'of Nl'imettaltfaare Alrothe!‘lauoy Lamp Pattern Le eer,. and raal fur "hairier. A 1.., Itou and Wan, ).4. 4 .-, r,..! Of . -.lart 14..ple.Siold I . l .lJe..and r3datl ' I fimp e i,.... 1 ; f!.... , , i 11 : " . ;t1 m t Alt. artilYdopP,outro:vi,,teid, ;. 4, to ai ... A n in h.v.4 t bill 'W., .10/;,,,i..• 't ••••.---.•-•—,-7 ,--- --.---7.----,--_----- • t - --.-- • Harlra i nii t ,Fablon iMahulqturing, • -I . • ( ..1 c(l.o)anburyi t•opu,',• vrk•isvAi. 4 nfl".:, to the nat.lin nor }',ll PROVED. • Xi hi:BO:ft welch wa a:larrar,f in :re perfeet than any' other ee•e!ey. spotlit, =We. ...1 •1 ,r , . • . • alit 'oe* a stramarar eel more.elastlcaearn, and do It hie the h teitt t litiflggeater range of work than any other, fl onor of balheihe only ehnrle thread •ma.. :thine that has Pa-en awarded a drat prate" over double Orel., In direet rota-iv:l[ln. ar . All re Ira lid Wean at the Dlnhary Shirt' Factory • q ref , th.:l,, re n:;:ng by power, a:de by.elde with don 't-A••1110,4(14ns, htnen, - • , _ . , •Ilein what those that have toed Blear fay: I •A'aar trearldnearrlve entire satkactlon. . Iti D. 11: Salmi. l'at.,*A.t•y, Wartilogron, D C... "I'bd most Derleviiii6. tlave trf, , women's hand 1 have ever vier, I .. ' . ' Kea. O. 11. S. Beta. B:ooklyn, N. I^." • "Coo dalin",nt an a ell part with oar tam. .' , , • • . • • hilt. Th . . , ' lbot ru ff s l . n. arly. /very' kind and never atori its 'i .al - 1 311. a G. he A a r nola, ava Franc , eco, Cal.. "A :frlartry of neatly Ile ..h..,1 s ' artnenta folded aid 11; Ile f li.l ILVIi. a 0g.:4 pOxilltat Melt at. F.lllachlne s dyt ol'y teener Chan NOy other, bad really pot' fert . hf ... ii. 11, Naeons, N. Y.. ...I'oo ka.e ebartne. Mao. CeArio,k.pc, Palle, Praiirr, 'T'aN' io'c of :he 6,l'K. ~. ibiLpin, we therefor.- .rhn.nri..ll treireto honore . ol ate .. tlnit abon. 3 J i v.", A 4.71-,:i,AA i.e./vet F smoi4, A :`'Ts S WAN TE I • ~,, 64,•4,4 , f.. A 1-.11 0.1,n, m ih .10 Inc anh3 il;1 !t 5,4 Mutt, A., ..g1 ..tr trt• ittniti ~ , LIIIiiEiIIIILCEIIIITS GIVEN 2 2- ueet2 fir i ireulnr nod Term* tu'Algui A 1)151M,S ) `'•.' II - PIT R°D 17 - _, 1 -. t , ii - El i RAL AOUT, Offirt. At No, 153 Cengre Street, 140's A. tTISVII,I_,LI, PA. tir':,iN ,nt NA A i RCA iA V, A,4,..at fur Potta% Ulu, :7,; la .riettert • . '• 0. r 11 ICA de 111AITEILlit, Agents fur ma. IL r, Yu.' , _ • tr . ." ~, I , • , 1 41-Ir I , ~,11 o.d 0194,,the,Grwr , cgrt 4 0 , .14.r at Ii - 5 rad WIT .2 i 0 '.5 Durlware Stare. et.cll Ts *, , . WATER *IINR '---- iiiiii 110V.,,g01.:f.tc Putuja Tao b iNg. "l. ,and - 1W - eau"e... Ilurelsl `fawn Water laid * Pipe I,lles'; r :rod ga. ,r, ri.l., All pipes wad •il MN trtil,.-6. p ... fe,' P , D;11,,e,t Dow k.N. . - 'At era.. ;fur Inctin)R.lll I onn:}', Atniand, Pa. (rte.., i 1. •ci - . PLUIIII3ING AND GARIETrTING A 7.7. r. A D ICD VD IX A LL TT 1 HIR SRA SCR M.= Ila - LII i t 11411 KIA RODE RA T11:4211 and Onfr 1.40 ,4ft11013 ex ho Igor. ril IIteiRYIDISLL I BRO., 11,3ILVET. Centre lit, will receive prompt artildlotr. tEd itrama,_Ouppte atilt Laud an I. •e bought. ; i 1 GEORGE N. DOWNING: ' q.:-.1 , .11. 011 , eel , NMI' 5••••••••• 12,1- 'll 241 . , tt.stis I'S Wolk licit:Nam.... • ■ Iley ;ewer re the turnees4Er wet *rather. E‘e J should bkve oue. For mile el BRIGHT ry & Of_ 2s 1it,,,,,,•*.vi11e .,_ • 4,- TO CARPEpTERS , fc BUILDERS TN. lfrbitylkill Eionnq , t • ~ • Lumber eti Manufaetarmg Co. Gate on tuiSd a their entendre evtabliatimeat, on li.34lroati Strhtt, a treat quantity of lumber of every kind and tle.vriplilo, which ttney tan Emptily M; Operator*, Ouwntena aid Winders, at lowal. rate"; Gaut than be bought ;lector ere They are ready to lamop la nil through the ttlear-a of awl: extesi also sive tuseligler and ta., bre vavinif mltiones ntanufactanal articivelnltheir line at A fitir.,; Of tr. per cent on former codt.,l Their large 4orkthoi* have been in atimeiniql °peva. tian for the pan fear, tan:dug out vaat qq ulultitl4l 02 Deers, • - 1 . • Waudow nalues,, alo*b. , i , . Pausel w,Nrk, • Meg Idlage, . SedPeuol, lillnt , .....,....r.., . I eibulitene, ' fend all liindell Filmed,• eled and Turned Welt, which they haw , cotalandf oho laud. Mei are ail to exeerito mikes &tithe Portentnotice. fcetan • ty or guilty of rlaw,td or Manufactured Whiff. • Dry and green . l l7mlock of all kinds, for b dins' prtroomea Oalittlll de. Poplar, chair. plank and ling boards ; Cherry, Walnut. Mahogany, ac, fo cam O• . network: Whitt affil Yellow Pine hoard), fur d IM, M, mad e to ki; White ng, beams..rail kaAtlin I raw, or mad,tgaite Pine plank,,,l, ax, 2, „ 1 / 2 , M lack panel. always ready; alau, p ir..g."pueta, abingite, la lath, ft m. nailing,, ,it , 6c- iluilv line , a,, lllail or ia t o of Rizolvlaenhtl everytht.ln ,' ortott Pottaville, Ja4 1. %a --(1,./ -1-A-11.1.21*Ptrivilta77.,eenne erne: manufacture.; SA ye-MA NDEG SAFES. itzt d ' flquilt ranted Ft proof, wilich In point, of wuricotandilp otter evta will compare l with Mope obtainatt from a ly liatunent. I Ile keepOSafes on hand for e, make th and will em ursine, cheaper than'thev pbe obtained from abi,ad; Joi. 1 . I G -4 "- -_______ =2l LINEAWEAVER • Gradonte o DiliWl.-) K ENI 4 B - 4' ,,...L . ': 4t titt4-., f Pentis3 , lrnaLt Colk" of Dhow ih' im k ri , itoo.::—'3llnelk es !stares a base Third. •.. novas Ozyde fisa, /limier ainl • Chlonhforto Mann istered when dealtsali % ' Jn I. ata—.l4. _____—_ _. _ ...._._, „..,.... .T:0 I-I brit .-. D.l E, - 1 - 11 VI . NAIitiFACTITRER ot COAL - SCREENS, O? sbe Latent Illal4 In:EMit ApprOVIP4 *Wei. Thnonderslnntal whO 19 II tettli'lllr down: lannihr,r— ' met. informs Coal Operators and others, thatqwrid,. inannhetantirr Ctleh.d.. SURE life.! _patented' June tl, r.,64, anothe n • patented _ .1,,,at.a. teGa, RE GIIARANT MAT TUB Mn...ff WILL AL WAYS RETALN ITS , QUICILNAL Sl= UMW, N. THAII:LY WORN pm, He respeethmi solicits a enntldnance of the hatrefr sen heretofore 03 ,11berally bee van per, - • Mir ~ , JOIIN ft DIU*, Itannhad SC, Mir oil waterlrs Hari Stoeh . , Jan 1 ,.18-1- i'l , ;Trit°4l sTVPZll67l.lfal.hit'll4tlTl: PLIILA.Datalli ' is tin} Iserret ttonotaetorten tksa. lectioners gal Wholesale Nolen. In Penh.., Nerd, ite... In the United SO ,gin. Moth 7 in.....in.is• hl in is Its, elipPer-letre...The iimbeertbrra gz,lel are Aerette Rte the male of the Boom Om Bettleg and rartilabee Bette at Iraetory tress, eleSs. WWII mid I • Beitteaf greater thirkoeter , kept rie hend'esete to order:at the ohartear _ ala al. WI Ord* fir When wpm= bereft:ls pre. ekronee at the MIDI Al* Steam Packing of every de scription. liturtingtrapor by the einele, or ten reams. orhate tonosf_itiithoZarenr pricy,. • I , - Lehans, nf t he na.t approored Patent*. made tinspoet,,,d est Wire, rty the aborte ddi'. httottreeL fol.n. Wire by the roll or Yard O%Nom no band h tiA!..7rAw a Rmurna? tiliii.7hil. ciiii:t. 131.... 43 ,i --- I, i p..z.,„ -- • , ,i - • • .7 0 ,. ..moo•aterp r 1• e Coifirrk4 rouf Coat trrnds.' 0.41r50. itrotr, Qv. : • • . • EZMilllti4llllll4 reports ma ] de for. pertiee desiring be Porese or Or=teretla - Itrt/es owning eollia -- tee ted eaddlng , ** ad often' etre thousands of . donne by twine tie telarof an to co erpr it enewl patine a— d their wind manage: Eli e ms sa ad e de* Wore than thlny, Imam ht tele too sqli beryl yea 'lige. 10 inch erinarion. _.,,tr its. vz rak ii—inickieE PIITTSVILLE. P&p -• •Itognst et% ......,....es sro - 1F,1,0A KS, • ° Dr ` Suites, ' FOR FALL ? ,AND WINTER, 9PFISIN6 DAILY I. • I , C-REAT, VARIETY: • FLNERT MATERIAL% Ny, E'§ T.' E.S GNI& . ' • off Br nal DUNN Zt.l Loirsn AGNEW WIENGLISH, Chest fin? 639 OtaltnW droh abre OLA oponte, Out • ! Tbtut, Oci•li. ft Pi & g F R an nig , MID ;mourn:ma WARERO TO OMS .111131 Clhin, loft 11161* NU Lk 4111.11.4,: irel)Pairoif Aftrak LEGAL:CARDSi. couw. W. BT stti.rory...l.l. a. ar Go r• Ccitzr,i f.. , ll4.tarlte„P. l . • Qin be Isnosatted to m . . 8 Dee A./ --ti kV R . et 00/.; ' Aasaary as Filt 3 r.---matanton gl a tayeet atcat VLA EROSTIIIiNSECI%__J i4lla • ' •tttsrwe al, Lini, 12-ind. tletilt.'4. Cobjy..Ps. Offic I. r—ott Gs-- . Centie Izact, 421519.1:e I be Pokt _ ir' eltrairor mut - ,LiTT L Ili eiLatlo.-, Altearrimoy at Law, and reetatry arldlle, tlutined by Law to adz/Water Illtldlvilo. an• .to leen depoeltlotuL: and * 1 a) 0 Itlortneieo, wows of Attconey, gle.,) ' ...' . Porrs i D I.m. senuTuaLL (x).. PA.. I' LAW .AN COLLSOTION, /OPP/ ..' I , an . Nabanntte,, a St. Cope edtelcet CIL I,Y.* ti://2/ KS L. qL ,,,,,,,,, ' r -0 - , Alit . :it.. ia Law. Ronan 74 and 14 Pena Bull g, In N. Mu Walnut SL, ~ PhliadellJdo. ' . . . Jan; .03.-.1.; .. .' . . CHUM, . GLASS, ‘ • . CROCBERY 1 isitxr., , • ;.236'i Centre hiieet, IPOitsvillip • c T uft citizens of Ketzniticond ntel.lborline hair= troere invited to call and examine y rock ef wane t; borne ol.ertcre, aa / am nol. to benndereold, a d rat farnleti banwkeeyere inn reery.entel a they want in ray line otansineae . • . -, i :VILE Neale it'U INA Tat Yletta, 114nnet4e A.,,, Ltdognee. I 'bins Seth. for Children and ago - cepa varlet of Toys, de., d.e. - : 0:11.41toel W.0,111/K.-;-Llne•lcvet, latiot Piiieriph . Alt*tell/dna of Tab!eatal list l'utun'tre, (Jobb:oy' lyinti. Jaw.anti Cteer libutve, ,te , ,he., Le t ap i of ,ery.eati. übllntleas, Lapltrnit. }Andointicks, (.'ands aw. itc.. ke. • M . a tROI•ItIBRV..-.l'ron Stone ("Moo and C 00,., p!,i,,Ne. to n . Watt of dtr patterno., On twits \or Mocha, ealt the gereo pobbn. . '. 6 WA At/Lr *NED 917076111R.--Zild r e 11l Ifeci. Milk Anne aeiry .11, - thip, Tea rote, Nut ., et ter,P,:te. ;tan., Joel, etee_ 1 . „to Ime it i..a.Natitoetr...--Tollet St lto, Mows, ~1..,', , . 1 ,-• to 2 -Y.,lt 1.1e...t4,.;'quut and lard ri...eas ; L...ii ".• a . . • I ~ l urybol.e.A.: I 'Fan Aril y..a F),1.1 NNt'elty ?Mi..l,' ,' 0k....if 1,411 ` 1 11n‘E11.1.. - ' ilailted Siii:tes Bonds Q unr!cimpster's Vimeheis • . . ~ lissais awn rim sattsosn. . . . _i t • • Down traloiNos. ..t. /I and s .Sad at , tram= .... 2. a - and 10, cattiest at sastor, with trains of the Illarils and ]rise Railroad to and from . New Yort. . irons rsonotrtvam,i assurosn. - . , 1 - D,',i,s trains Nos._l, 5 and 7, and tor trahni__,7fos. II and 1,1, connect at ammeters with trains for ntliadel. with down phtt. Trains trisn Ptdiadelptdri connect at Elsuskseg i top? No. 7, and wetly au tidbit Nos. 8,4 10. r :'. DOwn baba Nos. 1 and 5. and - up trains ottatzl, and 10, oosnect at Miamian with balm' 5 ,, r and lls rris...Traltsi ban Ilarnsbarg and Noartng tanned at Allientown with all darn trains.' - =morn teastrarSILAULDWID. . Down trains Nos. 1, 5 arst 5 oonner-t arPhil tlna drani with trains for Pbtladrahi Train* front Phitsdrinnia conneit at Psllllnsbar,c or,ith no traits Nos. a and 10. and traias tom fielr%ors coonsq. irittlr, trails, Nos. 6 and 5, . No ezninzn. , 4 goatlikeDOWD loin NO. t and up twin No • 9, concert at Junction 'with trains cd the tntawboa H. tiL - azeirron unaoan. • Dunn WM NOit. S sad 7, and up crab No: t, cab , oact with treble of the Hazleton ;walloped. - • . 4111 AND. Dien - tonna Nce. land L rd baba Nat li and 11, connect at Mate Limn WM trains of tba ... Lahlgh and Susquehanna Hidiratal 1.0 anortrom_ Wunreberna, • anthem of awe betwaen w umlaute: and New Mat. No of are hrtWeen witicadans and rtiLdelphia GU an nab No.ll and down train Na.:IN 1 wonwELT_JA.- B - and =gum* L. V. a 11. ' .. • LI. I CY (MIM IV ! ;lellWet 2 Anil cier . thip. • - Jan... 14 %S. t • Wlsae mirk pp*parlY ilhii let• ofMit ban tit Sentrad 2 , which will he ma mom wiertetiltl nezifid, than acy anent la : Ink Paded Jl&* spare =amp te mi s o t t r Ina g • Dealers eannitedim and at at 1190WW/Iltirdln2ll,lll In" atename2;.,_ gilrArsol t -- lamb ins a taus - \ BEAUTIFUL SP CISIEIS 11. 8. nuonosAi oußaorgy. - PHOTOC RAPHICI COPIER • ' NA'fIONIAL aura= 1 ,,, ,...db7Ad..r0 mr ., lord bow fa op*. • feassfed aa Caddie satiable fbr Varraldi bra blurourft tell* pima dam aad a =nen ragig, at 011,11 F arlear Sfreab rad orttbreii* - • r. • . AU:UN ita=rll, swirrubi. ' 11 i. I .NOENE-.WEI . hate WI Lgu-g+ sl '-•• t /4. t lON (We SICIII UD IrTRE JACOBLLNDJ .6r A A(D Ise w a „ by IioRA coerentent to t, poqta, arid ibutern. "P"s , regutativ ' Mr: IC WELLLAJII In the above booms. IV I•Vt•r• Igformatlnn MINA 'AND . • Dpppt mißkszoi s %yr Beat~biro all prin . irce kitcee Ileirrarla Urn! Ibt Va. &mit Prioch Chin* for Bert hoe&one T Best Paris erazdi Ben 0111 Chins • Plain Premet. Got Crlt Preach Tatge. uPtaitC:l.P'enclißohnubeiLillbSieeirrHTotletaet _ p r ti ll tifi a osta. d.xiett. k, ., , • &rue 27. 212.. 22.711. flNE.cupTom MADE 11000 7 : it i ND , HS HOES R GEN , . . : . AD Ow LEADING STYLES oerilnd Or made to mvaeoto.- IYrleft tivi-d at LOW PIGI7RES Au Blair tivettrtine Lig 1.3.1 a glgruchntli far srlf ineviare tack cent pik.fe.pOpit of hit Office =Wren., • . . Wit., Lti 11 F.'. BARTLEI4.". 33 *oath oils th Strife( labor/. 'll;iroleilig i P/III.A1E1)31:11 ETC! AnE! , .'2..C+ • -- iii iiTisAii.illt.q..l ALTvirl yilioie . . PR.teT,ICA h i r.y4 Au lißperfirp., ' . ' '7ll,ll4xmlc Nts, , , A- ..J---' . FUR nir ig 't"Rft ND -rolicEDY CClfil o.' ALL Diem am:s. wIZAHN*Ss Es' .it i ' TRM/11.89. LfderjoeanNi :1 - 0. trr4 4..reil st...PAliarbO, Ti„ seliire , . lh. have ritfrd op roam fur the' Aeaiii;el Aia% - The Doctors , ore whdivalf other efforta and "totems have.falled, mid when cases have been. boinutinmsl - ..hopeless by the Miret eminent In the wallet:le, No_ surgical operation. No pabicamied. All abr. receive' treatment are Instantly benallttod. The DoAorocafe, tied restore 1,104 ni , •Tutvz of the bogy hat trill always. relieve pain from whatever chase. The praerips- is In harmony with rill miters l laws. and' Is explained.rinboi‘ pienutie ',doctor.. i Nally 01211110. Gt physicits of NU' ether apneme not only ackno.eledge tbejto cr.'. hot receive tersionent to t.&urnelres and fiuntibirn i l sa recomMeridlt to their patients. By this eii. seemingly mysterious treatment it . tare , fautA, Minutes to pentium a change in the. morn ate Ozonic ear .a. Mid so mia i r the effect that Maul ost_ l'lnirl! no more th an 5.61 n le Di...rub:FL •• . ak . t. , 5 V, r. atvcrn ' .. . i 1 • . t , ~.7 ........ , , , - c . .W . rmi.pr• - i . ` . 7 -- . ._- for Proof/loans, ' . a , - ---, i ...rue . • 111.1111S0 e.o.m. ..........,.._8&A.=.0,....i .1..• ..cur......... et --............ ....es.= I • Ae N.. .I,l....taireapa.., • .J. PAY & CO., . - 7 ---- . - . :At VISA• 5111 .SCAM411111; X. Jonol. • 411101 . ' . SePt 12.'6v Rosiao .410.•ararnu ussa a JaitEksa, , :ada. 149 NAHA SAAB.. C•ormer Quitawr. • PUBLADIfi•PINIAL Ac ammonment of •WaftheA• J • Sliver ararP/1- • tat Ware conreptly 011 eurresurant, souttex •PitIiSILITEL „ • YFgairltepalrhag of Watcher, anil Jewelry promNy at- WAI N0v..119. "V irirtAln . FLAT & ROUND IRON & STEEL,'. • And all,Deseriptionli of Wires; . . ,- . Tie liA :LA O D 1111111.11VPACTIlitIPIG Co.. - Maud. CAu4k, Carbon !•ci., itt.. '.) H P. EITICHTER, General. Agent. fmtn whom ali , Into enation relating to ropes can .be obtained. AS dreia-Pottsvlre and Mabanoy Qty.. - . Hay '2.3,' 7668 • N EW' BOOICS-i . ATT ANNA N & BA MSE:VS. FOUL PLAT: SPANISH MOSEY—By Oeo. Eliot. 401.111. NEV INIII/AZIL-L-Agazziz All tier Illry•- .. 111 Atm A. sown! i•Ab11.18.4. i=M mud( G REEN Akio BLACK TEAS — AND THE - - I :. al ANIDAIi CENT corricES. Also the JS rept NYIPIT . inidati , . '-AT CO. W.. CROSLAND'4,. 130 CENTRE _ STREET, - .. • ihjiicr In WHEAT. RTE. AND BUCENiTIZAT 4 , 1..0UR. DARK BUOULDERS. DAIRY cunit, PRIME BUTTER.' - LARD: -'4ICDCDI,- POTATOES, 'ONION; (lit Kit .NIN EGA& PI - RE SPIT E.% • AT. 31.012,4"4 MINCE Al f.: Cr. DRIED rum. de., &c. N. B.—one Allilifor, Top Remy,- on 4 Pleasure Sleigh, and a 131%ry Two Rorie Wboin for wile. ....--, • Nov. i,,43s i _ ! " . iia.fin C R . •Y• S T A. L •• •1 1- • • SPECTACLES & TYriILASSES. 1 ... I • JOSEPH Itia,.::l3.lL'elkire PettAir;lle,`peasta., • . . Rat herd a. Cameavo.consex Crystal ' Lentea ROLE . aGELNT anafact for Vie celebrited• a muso 'at lIIILADELPLICA OPTICAL,INBTITUTE. • rte 'lleeu glAraft, are mond from Um duet crystal and will nct get-4 Int or, sds,tched They am' be need by day or - candle light without TRYING or FATIGUING. THE pr LY s." the sight. and tb . erefore - ; will greatly streantben and am • : • Sept 12;::ce , . : IT-tt. _ , _.... , iIarARMISR4III64II6ivECD'PRIIIINCOPs 6 - 0 1 e era yr IC IL RS Impart that el sad Militancy of par... Wok that Minot he ob=4from any caber form of Glawies. Then sintemp,..hy-so nit other, TREY STRirsOTITEN AND RESTORE TUE BIGLIT. EVERY ONE SHOULD L r elil TFIREJ• We have Meek Glasses mounted In Goid. Silver. ZOOM aud Steel' Premee, • A, vaair • tmscrains HOU-, DAY PH itsILNT, Wholeams and Retail Rooms, R.; NUN Monk Righta. , 6lt.,; C 2,1 Floorj 'llekilmeliel.• 7 phi a, Pm. ~ . Ills FIL.--A'alvitisu.-=•NO TRAVELLING AOILSTTS• employed for the ea gle of toy goods; arrest promptl :II pen., re p re scatistbernaelyea an Wren. and report y to tie, anti save yourselves and no from Imposit likt, • Na LLIAM BARBER, . • • ; n iresorcies or liecorsoua. . • '. ./. • N 1140 IMMO La4thth IL, Phllad'a \ tr - Agente wanted In army•towu . • , ' roct al. 60 1 ~ .. ,' , • 44-6 m 1 - rld7-• iti.fleir II t r atrillAl9ll ar . Anti., 119 tkeittt ' TENTWetreek Phiadelph4, auks manulecturin 'pt the PATENT - sscia.moft-, • - ' . . .Wood &Rubber - Weather Stiip. A chests sthiple atek . effeetual• mein' 4 Lci • • ' - EXCLUDE COLD. RAIN, DORT aMISNOW. There is not a hothie hrthe cityor country that could not be kept warm dulingthe winter. with one or two tonerleie of fuel. It these aimple appliances were sad.. 41. a' matter 'of economy. tbzeepeciaily cosamsnd themselvm to housekeepera .811 are guarantoed to remain In good order for flmilears.latiii sid es than repay Mali coot In the Sating VCoaL besides seeming each comfort an n o of foal can command. Pate: Lore. Recruiter %mow Notrunroa . 6courieled White Motildlng„ 6- eta, per Slot: Painted White hicrtildlar, Tote per 'ks9t : Walnut Moaldine, 7 ern per foot : 'On/ MotaidlApr, 7 era. per foot: Fl ue iliouldlnge, Bete. per foot.: .• • WCATIIII Brame: Fin Ors or Dons. Ornamental Bottum EMU... 0 els: Per iraa : Plak: Bottom Skips, 11 Ma. per - gm-Liberal dletoMata to the Ensile. •'7; ' • 96 .na_.as-rm - Vila Eli livAL ' L A - '. Erillii NMI:Aral - ' 1: ONTRAINS ON MIS LEI3IOII VALLEY RAILROAD AND AFTER MONDAY. APRIL 49111..166; Wall run in counectlon with 'the harr- DOWN ;TndAINA. toads miming- 'to WllkeNew Tort Fhlladel as folk/wet R . ....• • ; *,; .- 611 -;311 * : 4ami f: ,, ,.... . ~ =e -..a ..z.e. za. ~4 . 1 , , 13.110 1.60 - T7o • 'Leave. Wilkaabarre. . . limit Carmel.. Ya.batmly ' • Il• ituich (Ua.. •'• • • • AilFramn; • 4.30 /0.38. 4 8 . 40 9 15 :35 "4 . 6 .44 13.25 4 6-1° % 1. „ 03 9.15 2.20 . 8 1 ° 0 '••••••• J.. .. 10.13 5.15 10.25 6 . 00' Mine 13361 i /9[1;re...- t hui, OrArsov9ki -wentoirk. Bethlehem. rtaladelphii. New York. ``.A 1 : 31 . "pi k:,.; 0.30 13.00 5.00 1 . .00 , 9.13 7.46' 5.20 • 3 . 4 V. 3.25 V 8 . 0 0 11.62 10.54 - ,10.20 t 4.00 8.30 19, 44 11 30 10.374 4.15 .3 . 43 7 • 12.1151 5.36 10.15 7.43 • . 3.02'1 5.48 P . • " ,I•Nim.t d i d! All tr . p .. t imd Down telluir 131. 000! eel'? lnll Ratted o (Naw / 14.4r34Awdlci• cm. Lam New Vet__ Plitladelpw &woo . • ..... '"NathJetti- Altiethere • . Nt. Cannel .Wlllefepere:::•: 4 ALL virt. j _ 'MAURY NOTES, „ilysti bestinr.kdawf: lying fortrit . "..itii •_ Sh tiretiallye.- .Vitais is the esseraceral i : pr. LEprla.rea ... shm in martirer : •• , •„. 1 ~ ...4tightest- r nian Mg, plow vv...p.r_prci.,47,,i. to l lsiOn of 4)1 fithr re It veritild4,... 1 ' f this eiliintry ii.k thst,orin a year: • arer.e !ildi.renet; of ”r;feinn timt•nt'f ; t ;dr r! . ..ei ii l'i,i:riiers whether i pais :'. teilk dh' y''. - - , Th 't.• 't ' • in kes .... ~.,uo h c,, _ 4 8 esming ~ it -stalull.w, andi.ritirse hay,•sti , tut , as gi; , .r ,1 ad! le,genirillietincedLd, •,'' -, /*fabric itl'i at,'” r the SA:Mt 1., It %mi, b .....111,4 long' atidas strong as lix, it is se,..Whya line . 'aus Mitten, and as•al4y- • ai title fess ertitiirailon Than ' eittellr)earit.t.lireerrir!Pil-a ' year.. ll is • not fiCy . •,, yo sells irir doriiiie . tha , l l l s°t ll ?- ': . . ,1 - ~1 ;—• ' ..:.' D .'S c ssfrotita. ity or atable"ctiend . the ectstsilliMpoVeriah alarm. The ridbeat meell ;paettnit liave been so treated !' as to, er, -- "no'sniell. - Dried pa'st-13 . . ~ . . 1 3 the , act.. Idihnre that has given . I Off the. itiatench is .lilrel Cider tLat has St .y In an open pitelfM. * .-'•. :. . -'*'' The owht la.,model farm near .IVest I:Cheater. : Allieddal. the (*tide e thiiile .. 13.1 fragi*pria iyith ti -hoe atitilelitting ,ii - . the Mots MI inches ,below the silifsi'e. r .0(4 imlttaraelr iri this t ' tl r• • z., . . .. y wo Or / Le ;is times; the 'MI all. - enteiprisel l Ned dies. Ap%old hitilder, in ninth:ore it... - 5 . 1 1 ... '" l ' h.'tias rx: e7,vvinc.ht,on,' hilrvlScerdy-. - -five 'Tara'. tat a in -- rech , . l ehite 1,,i le '. plant ttoei, r. ` „'vel,....with . I bittarn. iron' •-• gratie 'llictid aa,...i0 , refelve the: ririne,'ls It!e.- li ' argtruent for a. trorse. Clay ittol?e :lei Le ryj ctii. ''' . ,ltie widty. .of e horse! ~ id be a" fnet :., inches. • .. - 1 Cle'ser. p 1 - n hni,tiltee 4tteeti 01 given. ' j1i.1.. •Tiie'. roots bring] Ill:: tae soil ltl l lt- tit, °lithe subl.still ; tri.l the acid prod . _ hen the dee47 is'a , !ing pa aids id dies the micera! Parts 01-•,lre soil 'lin grant i s thi s last is a .. 5 r hu ,.h im Portallect, is of the others.l ' . • . A pick of Will yiela- I :gellen. 4 r 1 T ine ' c '''- ; Iroti'andgen -' ADDitsas • . - droppirkga ort. gra wheat fields , "of- - In Maseiatturet the that- airiculi emnty seal4,the ch at the State .exhib C9l2Dtp:fuifit, r.— BRINGING RICHA . • _HIGH , FA The plan is half tell er than that, for it I*4 then. So unive'rsally d for the last thirty o year the country is brougli, at the end of the crow s nithrlmentabstracted, s ia'not plant food to ~pro Pay Ow harvestingt This remedy is 21 cro fr e Wiltlili it t u eaterron the land ; and ere the larm-yard marfore.does not hold 0 nd on a great pro portion of the outlying can large iarms. some fertilizing subbtane nth as superphos phate, guano, .k.c . , Is dri is whb tit, 0 for-' nip seed, and through' 'g In suet (.I.,s'e proximity with.tho tni ps; } they itheorb• nearly the whole virtue .the c hea p Can yet the dung and Wine frail the act in a ma nner B° 'PoTertal the% full "crops can be grown tillin due e'otirse it antes round again ,In manymstances the artificial manure gives the turnips such a atirt that they absorb the whole of the matter in a few'weetra,ythen. the leaves take in support from' the atmos phere and perfecta heavy quanthy Of bulbs, and this ia particularly The casoon light land.. ' in ihtSNerthtern States the weather in the wintei-iti eo much moresevere as io,prevent the eating of the crop on the lane titter the •Iniddlye'en Dec., lint flea to ;taint •that time, and from the Middle of Sept,; the consumption of itunipinan be quite as well tioneorhich is giv- Mg anipledimejo4ar dot 'the ayateM. Any one havimt sheep ' and ah English shepherd woulkiiikeno,c4ble to. the matter,' except ing in r :Olits4timg Mardi or a substitute for them, so , that•theitheeti Can bo daily inners' on fresh grolinti;.fio as .to have their drop- , pings leftp,kpality all deer the surface • - ft would' ttw:feircetttine nefft, to this conntry 1.1 ,travellerexisillite'E'eglaild would give par -Ocular. attentiitit tO this , Oatem„.whicte ena .. urn y,faiherir to pai.heeivy rents; keep ' • up th ' S:shtinitlierof the soil'..' and makeinnefkil 'better livings; then America dO who own - '- their larnas.i. ; , , • • 1 .. • As,thei.popelation 'hewn:lea , ttii n k en, l‘ an d farmers cannotiani'down •their land_ fa r ithor ' ,or Nit Away Worn it' BO get 'more in the • Wtiii't to Serve the.eame:'. the exhausted land wilt Itt'.yelo be farmed r iti the Eng-Imb ilyie. or thete.will be nothing ~ u t. , Utile plot farm- , ing—a:feW acres kept uft in. tolerable Leart,, , * at the expense of the rest Of the farm, and th any grical agricultunal there can he no,Gin4 ' so dikgraceled as one portion ',.4 any man'e find sacrificed te support the rest ' •,s Tdbring exhausted land into a good state of fertility is one of the easiest proceedir gs • in the world; for if there is no heavy or any manure to be had Within a reasonable ilia- • lance, it Is Ofily imoittalti a light,concentra- ted kind and grow turnips to be eaten, and the clang and urine will, cause ,any crop to 'grow after, among which cloveican be sown, • -, and that can be disposed ofin the rime way ', as the turnifia, or in any way circumstances '.., mityaleintanth fraying ce reiestablisbed-, . \ fertility;:_thre re:nation btu ' 'be brought. to comevoned often enough to tip up the lich ees's, andentleavor to increase the depth of good soil as well. Where therels good nat. .' and graincland, like the Kentucky blue gratis ,•-• region, h any other good natural grasses, it ' Is, Wiv to contintus z the best' portions in Oer- Manual Petliuo and mowing r for be' it known, thrlitr,xo-, mineral t glArell,', when - alanaged PC o Thelli. make flafequil to 'any on the face'fef_the ,ghibe. ' - lbere" are three inurthe.,‘Wie fartherilri America who have no idea a..hat a tart owl in England ; the term laneverWl , , te9m_gbElszt old permanent nieti .ill'''res---*,,,_a5hiett1,Ae.119.11r,..A.---r"- 'enough to he often MO Wed *,,,,,i ll l:l4lln:infy td - - t,tiailward.,:-.,.,Exhilif4a meedssiOd is read.' Ily tenovale44,good giriiitiklind there* no nifuitlly-good'gnsas which by bad mait4;, : ' :, ageMentlas been reduced;and run; ont; butl-,,,.r_.--. may be brought back whitout ehy; -. plowi eg Z":"!,.2- iiy good gritting. whoa variety of-„stock,.-- Co 14 . ..r.._ st. Con:crux GEXTLENIAI;.`-.1 . s.'"'" 1, - ,...er' 4 ' , . CHEAP AND 000 D Et*Kattiol7BB. ...- A Wenern New Yor ler oblishes hls a j z •plan of a email. Cheep, OrilAsi o ke - boort I which, as it may contain so practical Lints 7 . for'ear re admit , ,yve,,egpend't ; " • '. .• - No farmer ifiniil44.lgtffxfOaerd emoke- . house add l i *lrlistfia 4 Y . 'oll tie' nm-proof and tolerabl secure Aft'., Wens- Fifty Itaine eau be y smoked at Oceilmithi a smoke- ' r• house Seven by , eight are .- Mine • is six by wee, end Is largeenougg for moat I Annem I first drill! the .coin..l out below , ' when:flits frost would reschi ace ailed If up • to the surface with at stnues. • Ort• ibis E. kW my brick floor, in little minter. The. -- _ walls are brig, night Incloithick, and seVeu , ' '. feet iilth a door on gins aide lwp fief • 5 wide. The door ' shouldtift Made of .wood .4 . and lined with abed Iron. - tt, or. the top ;:pot ' , ! on joillu, two with - P , r s litre' ert edgeise, and 1 plot end a bra:ladies frot4entre to r entre, - covernd irltb brick and Pal a heavy c trl - • of mortar. I balls a entail Piimney on t IX , ' tap le the Maitre, arching it)tiver and arm- 4 tag it with • tingle roof le ate usual wily.— i Au arch should be built on :ibe - 'de; with '• ! ~. , r *Dealt hoot door to shirt irap, imilar to a ,' Move door. witb a bole *visible thregi t ,- : the will of the areeke•boaXe, aid an iron ode over d. The web le lista MON it*. , '.; MIMI' qWier to pat der Are te, than I : to build It Sri bide Se la` the eldadio mad Albin titrottgb brto the r sailor haft Good core titlie. or hlcifory - 1 , IPOOillit thS bail ami4ilals4amio a imille t t EN *as. Tbe cede etch ikereoke4lossq. ' iii /Amite li "oat 11F0.. '' • • • ,draped with grape - . zreet #,riorPrewiiittpr r,vit lime is .ti e geeeral yge, shell Cu be - 'iveu to &r6iiu now will *ice Ev.ery Pnit reaper next spring. ntrt. - Hence, p" ut , tite anigtels rTh - liyrn fed eitirivi . lsleSti gr4si: fOreS:s. C.li- and the', drd 's:ra, ali nßiog At he friim eactt tktwo, atd the pici 9l1.31:,& TED,ztAtiD IN:ra ILLTYI uty.o • generst iq Et),.„14r1,1 ' . on in it there, ti.it 11 the n til3 ;~ lint iti to A tv , tat;ina if ricith - 1 Fe na?tter izrop