=II .Zir; d Srlki ' ra. Ix D. mb, COPE: ?4, br'rQubl' HORO: jazeiary.—Cor,, month,' bla all f.cil Tilted by a'airatall ChildrF cutting they'll/a the:razoni for tlie eon eequepti . Chtics mita/141k 'tats bow mate, • g n u • ai r ard 'Mare I . 4dhsibrittu March, of c:ilree , bell' a ndani ,Thotieands of ',.., e therojclres ilL.Aty eating kg s troy and so 1 —There may ly , an t tofition of .Ter ~,,,,,,,t , ' t now, and I ebraill adfl-Le all MS ; "ice -- '7,..,, 5 - ; intent the enrrottodul toa-nt. i 9 9FiVOlttt 7 ' intent 'try. On eccobd - ibottll , - prrhaMett'drity en ' V t i ,terremaini - h,re ter , are, as thempty bo r . his Meat tan ctr.P . tica, afyrr ell. , 1 '.c.i:r awry cm _ ' from,tbs dear crier le P.-3t swrT 04; i ..,, - Na 4 ....-11.1.tr ;marten...ix will t , -r.. - .shoe about MR ZVI oht fth ~ .., . ;;;.0 . ..'an the eigrabeAucc of titre rate eh& eon" coint oat the feet that . 11,,r aurMellll4l 1. ' "with the ethnic biter. .Prop? ,, ruiTaritages made nn lees grounds triAn thiyecjaeaoe Or Jura,—The end of tb , l w orit amount of , may . Co for many other Mciith u on n i p ,. the prediction Di that nobody ' Out / its fititilmett 111C13C4 4°117 P eric l Ul i . 1 '41y.--There well be 5 , +be and low Ws . "by the nee of the' thw"rnelendere in the nee in coneheo eu e. s . -'-i lire tly any labor, -der-storms. ' - 1 -i naply as pa -At., .• _b., 7 - be le very life's • about 1., wa Will be ennui ' .. mm i m i, over ... - i ' 7 tht*n ...' ' -- - .11,.r . e • Nil ' ht.l lX Wall ht the ,1, ',. ,. . 7 1 P i ; '. ( 11PE.10 , 3, pill; 1! ~ mf tO domestic r , . 2..,.• a the entir.rry 14-1, 5 1 1 It il 011 • Par ' ' 1, Red pp tro::: - trl s tgat a duty of 1. ~ . any borrow -art •e ~, yanbei advanced 1 Lamy 1:80 POW VI g .;:1,1., fib, United Edits. at yen hiqi brtp-r ; o, I • 'I, Ocrol , r. --Ns vol Len ban - - I . dieles of ocher Coon . Jayainet the Thug of }fie JormtAt advia re htntietiVP tr.nel 'their A . Xorytabei —Dub Cr,4 ll l l rhe as follows ; 1 motley, dart. dreiir.' A ' 4ad I should adrpe tht4d the Coicoulasioner n to , or too. _ Thot „... o . a. indicre , d his eo slew' In ~ . ).• *oath, theta trill be inaa.yiny mete tribtrior yicoagbt, A. a tratbrai,'cir tirt= i-e:a ... - 14 teeisibti., elrept:',ln 1. , ‘,/thal w togristOtt the Arabs. ' , - T hins now . -pesidln be., I o voneate . the coy at ' c,,,,,,.11r'Mr. The. , . , um, 50 , 5 , w tenors to tmpatr m popular In lactl.ret+ to specie PrJewnni:, c1a55ee ... 41,411. commies as it is traitorous domes ,likettu - y. 1 , , 1t wee excessive 4 fellt -1 imp 'xistions - igna . duties were too low that "have 'always caned 'suspetsinns In this wan.. 'irY, (except during the Rebellion), and bod ing but - the checkineof these excessive 'ra pe/miens, either trout inl z e y lmost total im-,,. puvertabment of the ecan ,or en increase of A:Miss - , has enabled us{ to resume again. It was the greit argument of the late James Buchanan, "that if yon +ice nur national standard of products and wages to the Eur> IMOD standard. you will pei tver the country With blessings and pros tyi'Which caused Ids) to be ! dubbed `ten 'cent" " tea and' ibis is the argument Of ecimmlwdoner Wells, thi argument of the British manufacturen, ~ wide' league / ,of New York city. , entry with bits> 'ld cover it with Wells ittotelly he diseases, l and breech 'and a few o we wdl capital. lief ,particelastr =IN BEMEM `. ~ i :.. • • 1 ' =ME of our - .pean gov I ' ..• .. ...;ntry; an ,A;i i , g _enanity, an' wtocii nr er by I. itLlOll. treachery The ernressory '-'uinak.SEP ol 4 lo 4 " Icilepub ger • \ oren to be f \•.entry, to , hold • lgeito the 1:03 . 1) cam If dent apology f.• flp ful how tamer:lle tthly trtia A ors-' .General Post ra• yca may moat .lo'ilaera am hi the L- Y. Tribune v? . protectionr In hit Iterrt on the tariff,- flute to the tremendo trends on the Thts is certainly a ',very proper snb lanOttsstoner. of Ifortmne to report Ss he afraid he would hurt sonart of ids, or those 431 the Secretory of the Treim ll 6.? ' • Thisi [quesUon is beginning to absorb a large portion of public attention, simply from :thei i tsar hat business must flutoate mote or lets, .4 , mg se the Baal and Government, remain 1 a matelot suspensitin, with no Axed piliciflh.,,the future. Tie recent able'speech' of Senator Morton has attrated much atten• lion and also the . letters of Horace 'Greeley Ip . reply. They are however, both wrong 'because, they do not begin Olt, and both ig. lore the very ground onyhich to base a permanent resumption ben:idler. . So do reisi t nearly nil the speakers in. greas and the Writenn i for the public p hey all begin at the wrong end. Synth ' busbies. men; and the producers of the wealth of the wan, try, wooid first rantoddel the Tariff in the interest of American Inffnat i r, so as to man ufacture at least one-half Ilia necessarks of life atrme, which :we now Import fr om abroint . . This - Would throw the balance of tra d e , i 4 our raoftr, and. check the outward :now Of icoin. The aliment of coin clang. ed, together "with -our domeshe product, mould noon rentoys the premium on gold, Ind the Blinks' and - Government Could %N -ome Wittlixtt any trouble, because there ,wciulff "wetly be'any demand for coin.-- Greenbacks would then be hike° for duties, because they would b, equivalent ' to coin; IV no win would be recenied to pay Inter est except on ?rods held abroad. In this manneiremmption would be forced upon the country in lees than kyear,• l without contrac ting the currency or disluthing the Witham of the country- to any great extent, /imply becanse you make gold: plty and cheaper -in fart it Woulksoon' l4come almost e nuisance, and paper would, be pry:leered tci 'gold: [ WE BENT ABROAD $80,4:00,000 OF COIN LAST YEAR, AND FOR TUE LABE is 'YEARS WE HAVE BENT" MORE COIN ABROAD TO PAY -FOR 'RAVAGE GOO% ' OM-HALF OP WHICIFWE. COULD HATE MADE AT .EOMH, THAN THE WHOLE' COIN rROIMICT Or OUR _COUNTRY DII- RING, THAT PERIOD. Baiiptiniceas have alwars been: caused by exemeive drains of ecru' from the country, and resumption can never, take place, withiatt Uttar stain to the *Mews of the country; Ruth that drain I. checked. and no one but et, madman would wake Ithe attempt. • Thiele plain coatmoit. muse, sad why is it .that Chogrees . cannot is prevailed upon to 1.-- ,T.n. lararsoAxi oo3n*Alezioirs. Boma= &sten Yet vicl cotton as 'with a determlnatiot to Ma the co. It appears by a moat circular sent to I TN that lb ! Pliddeas or tbs Wind* ads are Dow setting tbesauttas ap - to het t.:Pettrh mod - keep ay the high Mee !aka . *taloa. Therogio wiriaode by a .- texablastlom at zatiroad ma& and this laostaleat triW akin a Stain discovery.ol:Pid• F • it la tL~ 'Pr cx opts& =pa • lows. SIMS• It oak, At toes ?l, • elKnit Ow country : tbsi will woods*, thra/...thilL • Ot WIN itl'lW 11 gat Plllk4/911/ ' • • Red ' ytvelitssib. itT,l lll l=Pl* y.• ' - • ' - •,•• 4? - 1 t, i na}lnne, ~- ~: ~ a Mile on I graihag ,oar. Je misery and countries. tion In declaring or any other t down who, In , bovernment• In . ernments, la In ""9 to PNgrelta, ought to ,be ballots of an din a. Presides% their .10014 fatted pa the here of Con . de of the'indua= end not fal . we hope will I speaking. thus perchtenUy in- t. Wells devoted to mach to ON or lIIPZCIE .. I" t • • •• . A 'Y D irra, ,02° D elth a —4" e - r o es .," 41 . • and freedom of t. ei 04,ea ss ao a Bemired to all astltrejtiorth, the - th will become mor ~roui than It. .8 before the Rebell() sren slavery exls ed; notwithstanding tit growling of a few of the "old Bourbon".p tees who never can learn or forget inythin TucLcuctro l'xlvlceitc.Tie abuses • have 'growneo grest ander this System, that the people demand its abolition.- With the exposures 'beady made, we hardly think that many members of Congress will be found bold epough . to vote , againikabolishing it.- - By so doing it will says a million 'of dollars to the Treasury ,anneally. The Cops • corn .snenced its abuses years sgo, and it has been 'growing, ever since—and - past be. Wiped- Otstentliely,' or so modified as to be *lined to mere official businesiof the_ government, under such Sulu and regulations that It can not be abused. Worn/ and economy are, the order of the day,' andiwoe to those who do not conferM to It. • Oen. t rmt is leading 4 and the people say, Amen; - lDr 4ttaiXB.- State of the thermal:edge tor the waft inuitag_Ttmrs ila . Kept tot the Muur Javiami ll* IP. FL AHD 1' • JPait.r7..1 14119 Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday..., Tateaday.• WadaeadaY, Tharaday. ' Weekly •Alwilanae. Jaa.-469: I s l w " 8 tan OTIS `E=;M 0 ilavelimv,.'..l 7 514'4 01 6. 14. ig. - 10 SumAT 7, 14'4 1001•111% 0 191 'lOO. 11 111060,1 ...1.. f 1544 Di NOW M. 111 1 01 'n l9 r1•111,5/1...'. 1 . 4:3!4 ei Ptelt (LW!? SO. ev. 11ISIzrolvs04f . I' 73'4 . 94 Poll IL 117 : II $4 . ev 14 Tarroax .!.. 1 '55j4 74 i • 15 0tr04r...j.. T 42:4 "73 . • • Secure yoir .eats [or the °concert in time leretystyies of agate at THYOestaratteet OE Thars le} of 14.4 *pet, a woman snood Mar Tobin, ileSifi ton over* Mine 1111.1 Plan, tad killai ' daeond Sunday sd'abe Tom, and, dm otter Epiphany. pay's nangth}n noun asst 8 nansdea: I:yon need Fora at kialland'a 2.13 Cadet afloat • 4 . ' Tte, Pottaeile Water emptily:tor 'declared a ' Sew annual, iliv'Adend or 4 per cent , payable OD sod diet ttie'ttielt instant. aleighinkin dna (boner in A._ to. 1. It bat te. ea, alit, ue so far 'bola ere - weals; sad bads fair >6 continue all Winter. Thi lad,es of Ashland on.liew Vsaes day & .01131 Ai 6 in/If`t ticyn to' the Waahingtorr sad Ladder 'Company...No. 11l °MOT& iv•lmrtp• 71. 3 7 / 1 . , 111! Te , 1V1144 this Co. rni..th at coon ytaterday, oats' brief visit, and s Um guest of ()Mabel Ret.ert H. Ramsey. . *The pupils of Aahlaott High Seiat*zoneen Upplorote• Gazetteer to their-Lowlier, WitiP4i,- flurke;oti Chriatmea Eve, Lt token of moped. ..11.r publication of .Tho Loral. News"..of Tre mol t,l delayed this woalrfn cortiegnence of • press of work, and dilay In repOrtog paper for it Th, animal 131M1Dtinglif lotockh olden of the fiahoylkhl County Park ifiwooiation will be-held at the Merchants! 116ta1,-ionA!onday afternoon Dezt at. 3 o'clock. Lerirat serTiern are belga liiid inthe Port Cu ban ILE. Church.. The indication are mom- Kiang. Tbeall.ar la filled each leg penitents, mostly adults. rued- with weep. 71. e colliery lases a Emptier. Moodie do C 6.. 'llabland, has . expired and they have ceased O p el , Wow, & CO, here lamed the works of tbe. Company. - . • 11Z=1:11 TO Workingmen's Benevolent Society of Ash land received one hundred barrels of floor from the Wan on Abode laeoLand ei &mishits it So yortinflunis at $9 97 pee : barna, delivend. !Mao , . lobs lardoek, of New Jersey, will Probytarian Chanty to-sorroir amine, at 101 mil 71 MAD*, in the (lcnieft Chamber, Kunst and Fifth *seta. Men. Jabs S. Negley of Pittabewilt, ireived In Idws as Tl2wWay and will remalnlar • tow dm. lliglay has bolas of warm Mesas is fiebayl kui • wit° weft del/gkitekto most sod grasp .... . • , .ABibetolent Aeeoci• ..e."l"Sfecelpt of the.following • Ra e ' y : R. A. Chapter, No. l •". Vim. Hosea ' • ' ' Ilirs.Etiristina 'Fog, Airs. J. P. Hobart, clothing. Claim party AS O. E. Farquhar's bomo—ilannela, calicoes and clothing. B. Rouen, second donation Fire.—On the 24th. ult. - , the house and store Of Patrick Bart, of diabanoy Township, wu en. tirely destroyed by fire, which in supposed to have , originated from a defective flue. The family barely escaped' with their lives and noshing was saved but tbe clothing they had on. The build ing wu insured in the. York Mutual, which loss wee adjusted and paid .13t1 the :lath ult., it about 11900. The merehandire was insured in the Cob tunbis, for $3OOO. ' ; Mr. Bart was in the city' purchasing a new stock it the time, a put of nis new Stock having milled sodium consumed. • . • Oeod Temp/or's Supper2—On -New. Tear's *eve at Wdlistestowd, Dsuphin County, I nuguifkient supper was partaken of by , the member, of the Bose of Sharon Lodge, No. .4:t, I. 0. of 0. T. of that place, and by the 'Members of tiocial Lodge, No. CU of. Lykenatown. Mr. Robert Thomas who recently erected a gall to William town, was the'utterer. Needle* were delivered be Dr. 3. .11. Davis and others, which.with whirs and plays enabled the participants to pass a delightful even tog. col:megrim* of limited space we are thus oompellal to abridge an riecount of the sup. per which we 'received from W. Conn., W. B_, and E. W. Zarby, W. C. T. , The -public "reading" given by- Prof. Mats Memo in Minftsville, on Tuesday evening leei Will II perfect pumas in every respect. ; The hall we. ell filled with'an appreciative audience, and the reader could not but succeed ifl pleuing' the most captions. Mr. Adam.' style is, we 'believe, inimitable—his peculiar sphere seem, to be ih reading of Shakespeare, and It hisaid that in this he strongly resembles: Mrs. Kimble. lin rend!. lion of !'Parnassus and the Captlve,7 , notwitta. etatullng the somewhat revolting nature of the Subject, was deeidely hls mast sacessaftil Obit, and it balled forth tbe, heartiest applause. Mr. Adams is dlyw mast of his art, and hotwilthat be will fraquantlj: in er the future favor our citizens with to readings. ifyou wish to be properly stilted in Dry Goods and Fan, eall-it Os land's. 210 Center street, .Beggars.—lt is a common remark that for samosionthe put our people hive been lees an noyed than formerly by street beggars.' This, it has teen suggested, Is owing BF' great measure, to the strata of the Benevolent Larooistion. We are told by its odious, that it Is the 'wish of the' Assoefatiotr to dtscoarme—if it eunbt this nulaince... Let our &Ueda, instead of nit - king donetkina at their fordoom sod upon tbe streets, refer: applicants La, hi the proper sp. penis= of the Association. If thie is done. the wants of the 'deserving- will be , relieved, and Im. paten end prOfeationsi will Cot impose area the charitable. Bat the operations of th is Society dories extend-beyond the . Borough—arid these hints ire not designed to , relate to eases of worthy pus iwho, living without the Borough, are driven tout Mr alma within it. 42 0 ,19 0 20 20 SS • U 555 a s . :5 U 3t 40 ET Cloakinga,,Biltaoral Skirts, ste n in great earls ty at Gaud* . 7 . - 2'M Floornabarg Democrat Says : Donahoe, Duffy and Prior, &erg* with the murder of A. W, gas, of Centralia, OoMudd& county, are now ly.. lag in the jail it this Place., awaiting their trial which Will come di at the February term. Th e (hand Jury 'found a true bill against them last m o t , which ems presented to the court for and on motion of counsel for the defence the trial sae postponed. John W. lipn, Esq., of Potts ville, COL Freese and the Nur brothers, of Ash hod,. will appear for the prisoners. This will be ski molting and. interesting Mal.. A large num. -hor of witnesses have been aubpconaed on troth sides. The Comma for the Commonwealth, so far as we hare /owned. are Lin Bartholomew, Potts ville, L IL qiielke, of Ashland, and B . F. Clark, Begs. • /kartifui aisortatant of Fan at Gsllaad's The Mothrt Cbrurra— Our music lotting citizens' should not rget the concert of the Mozart Mnd tal on next Thursday. The fRo gramme is vary Mouth% and lodging by the en tentslionents • Which this amateur :organization haa.glven intbe past, the execution of the ceche.. tral and sob selection .1,111 be very matimfactory. The anangemetas -for the entertainment are ex cellent. The stage will be in the centavo( the else facing the entrance, which will, greatly add to the effect athematic, and the Saks purchased at the back and mode storm, or Of the members of the Society, seam a amid seat opposite the align, and arms Iberia, no extra charge for these silos we would advise our trienids to secure their tickets in time, it certainly beings' very tunpleent; ant task to bunt a good meat io a well OHM blic hall, Diagrams of the hall for the . of those rdnu to select matt can be seen at Bau man Lil o :neap and Qarrignes ' bolluitorea. me b e et will be strictly preserved during the porton:autos. • - Wherf is the best place lo buy Dry Goods or At Chiliad's. 210 Centre etrise.-Chi Trogiernam—The monad angular monthly re union of the beeongb temperance societies. won_ tudd In the Ca stirring oundl sddresstry Bo Chamber, oti Th l% A. B. Semursday MC - iag . After m bower, and Mine remarks by Benjamin Esq., there was an effort made to mesh= men temperatios society. Some 20 names were obtained. alttionith the meeting was rep • slimly attended. The society trill meet this eweptho in Cannon Chamber for organization. - tree and no Matte for admission. At a molar meeting of Pottimille Illecticer No. 29, Cadets of Temperance, held in their hall cm the evening of Dee. 51, INN the following nimbus were elected to germ the scum term : W. L.. John Edemas; V: A.W. Blest tam ; See.. 0. L. Boon D. W. Edwards ; Tams, 2. Kola ; A. V. Y. Emit ; 0., J. Rahn ',11., Oteding; Witi* l A. W., Juba Pollard. Operations of the Aped & Pace .nece.—Tho following stoloateut aboos tbo ocorOolor of thr =wbrieho faro oppaloto& for , Ms Bee" 11 bun lo operatics : Rumble of orrair bus No ,to / cow = 1847, to. Boblyikpl Ind N 478 prxn Doc tit to pro. $ll4, ING7 o totrastro.. 72 Polity_ au the New Y. P. Mee Tow immbr. mom= Is rss wawa or Glum mute a' • :UV. ' • • 1868.' , Elabgelln and lianisaw Skillossber. What ' T Ma aoSSlolasabis .. Wilma- ' • • ' . .1. Fatima ' 19 Nardi. • Kw* ... ...... ... :IS GS 4 ISI ?IV . . 11117 ' • S/ Mork ' IS 46.1.---- 4 6 l ia d vas bid by sway tbe As &be eleoluad -11:61*i ta "-Mum lisnambei 111 =wig ..... , ate _ ' Da.--• 12 Taillaltaabill Walt • anba s Al Normaclealba al as /01 i • partasso b a.., _ Vie beam elomma• amail Mai% dais art an awl brat abaft ban Or mai Wis IWO as Am vas worm assilimft loss to' Oft 0114101110141111,01iNtrik • 414 44 old mil lAN cl • • ofgaturday last we stated that • p of State and County taxes for Pelo j ir. • 0 . Maloney.) bed tent paid one cent • linty Treasury on his duplicate for nting.to almost 48000. On , Monday last, bright and early, friend Maloney appearance at the Treaeurer'S office; id in neary $45(10. This is probably, one t remarkable instances of rapid tax ~o g, record.-world suggest to Mr. ' • at as he is io successful it would boa good 731 for him ILO go to work today again, and by in.otidapnextprobably. he can settle up his do licani 'in full. . . _ • -- Grand (Sneer - tat Uutuu on the lith o- Junta**, b 7 tLe Mozart- Mules! Aseocialtott ut Pottsville: C'•cirge rf Con .4 a . m.••• 'a ?lop PaD,ps at a col.' li. rya—on 'fltureday rust Wallet Daiey,Thellias Brawn and John Clue Men, had • hearing before Justice F. W. Conrad, charged cm oath of Jas. Ryon., moth conspiracy to stop the pumps et the. atop.. of J. S. W. Byqu A Co., Glen worth tkAlicry, Eaute Hill. Evan l'owell, engineer at G!enworth Colliery, trended that the defendants came there on the Slet of December. lie quit work on the day alter Now Teat', hocause it was made up t•etweeutho engineer., to quit emit whavhe defendaute ranee, The defendants were commuter men of the Wiwk ingmen's . Benevolent Assaciluon for .Glonwarth Thn commit teemotiticil them that they 'should .not -work more than eight hours t sty. There w s I large erawd outside It. .urine He atopp.!,l beesu.• • the .topped,-bui tie wee willing to work tea boura & day. lie has not worked singe because, of the notice of the &m -u:also, , • • • Benj. Tleddall; boss at the Glonworth testillad that the defeedantslOire a elnamithie of Workingmen's Benevolent:Avaoclation, but! did pot know that any instructitue were given to the committee.- ' • GtAtt%bath , ; an i',l4" • in Maw - r Ft, 'K., 'Jgicsb Lori; &,c., H. C. as . 55 00 1 00 . . 500 1 00 .. 10'00 5 00 5 4.10 . ... Janie. C. Oliver teetithxl that he wee owner of a colliery in the vicinity of the Meese. It :fines colliery. Hie engineers are not working. ric - „, c of Marshal Hieelet's meo are now punipin . i his elope: The engineers told me that they at not work unless they , work only eight h Ur Ryan's slopes !nee been .topped working. To committeeiu,the 'Airsociation ca ll ed on m .. gave notice Wet I could not work unless I ork ed ten bourn - day,. I said to the commit eo would he willing to. work' eight boors if al, .... ... other Collieries did tho same. The com ittee then told me that 1 should not'irork at all. I Joe Herrick'. another engiueer, teetilldd to about the same state of facts u narrated by 1'0*,:,- ell. ' r • I .-.) _ ._ lK . After oaring the di-fondants wore held in if2oo e answer the charge. 1 Itek for:reserved seats for the 310^5 , 1 l'.u. out, at the book-and mulie stuns. . ;1.'4 ' "Dead Airk."--On New Taut Day )Ir.'J. I:tiank lin Horns of this Borough. sad .per Eapr.vta, to OIL - plan W. Forney,...Philadelphis, a tared; fat dead deck. ,Arcompauying the„drich , waa the fol lowing /otter : - -: . ! _ \ I Forvent.t.g, , Nyw Vion's MothuSO, 7 o'Ctot N. - . . 'Jail. 1, INI9 : Friersi Forney. tote fat dead 'illOr you nn see.; ' ' A' New Vest's gillsett by KIWI'. nuts thee, I ' Now thaskAndrew Johnon too basins not Welt, ' It's now sent because he , filed Tuna Dead D '•. - I wish you a happy - New Year, and man re= tams of the season... . Thu is tbo true desire of one of your thousands of well wait, who all appreciate your valtiable service. thr ugh your excellent journal, the Put, adelphts P ,In doles so much towarde saving . 1 17, our sloth:nut country and Union, when the dragger of the Bend ebellion wee aiming it the heart of the Nation. May Ood bless you with good health, long life"... prosperity as this itorid,'Sitit eternal lumpiness in, l the next. I remain Yotirs, ;non truly sod sinoetely,!, •* • ! , J. Fes:yams tiailibt. To YoTis W. FoaNiv Ecq , editor and PrOPietor of the Pr , Philidelphia.. I Col. Fero y acknowledged the receipt of the duck; as fo ws : „ . • ' • - ; , Pira.abetrina, Jan.. t, Igo. Mr DIAS Ili:, ttosilk. fur your remembrance. I feet prom to know lam not forgotten by the true men otl our • , When Andrew Johnson deserted his friends and his faith, !Predicted that he would finish hi. ca reer the most infamous man in history, and I ill, have lived see that prophecy fulfilled. _I sod sure lam tactuated by any personal feeling In saying this. Be could' hate called me arty hard named onl he had been true to U. cormtde le t wben be tri to betray that, I denounced a bsdesery : . The dead duik will be enjoyed talky blv \ lpy family, and they will not forget you. Your friend, truly, J. W.: Fong ir . J. F - Sarnia, EN ~ Pottsville. i - , web/aged 2; Died, 5. u 153 per— ; 3 faziailtee, . ~~: • Jan. 4, adn, Jan. I, 7 Boyer; k*Aarcoon As -4s L. film.; ;(4.aker. airy ';:ker ; Farmers, ; NursaLlsane .:- ' ',i. , -r.s.-- ef, Post NO. 'Nt. • • ~.. i lt s reiya tbe rail . arra for th e k ...'_utz ; 8, V. Om . - ~e, ' 6 V. Ocsaraender, 411les: P. Garrett.; . . ', r .';.: ts.:NoWis ;• Post Bure -t..- . Irv, Chnpuilo . • ..i r , Lase , our ; Q. X. tier "t Principal Illusiciao, :- . ~- .l' his elk:in& the lot; L .- ' lanz 't Ct,Tattl'itor t , , ts of Dusflouilty held' :..'.. tarday Out, in 'which =,- t ass was repressoted, resolutions, were r- r'. 7 disobsrusdsoldiers •.- County, desiringf to en e" make applwatiou to the random to the coat:MIT • "T: - coodent of wild invest :IL_ _." • ~.ierragritill Ccumt* detests ! Bute Dotrreatton at Meet to inscribed e'"Bchuylkill No.—, Dept. of Po., G. :,. f ; instnetm to hive them : L i. . ,ready didag y for das, deline w re bic . o b e w tb al e , 8 411?, d a s t v e em by th Pc el 'at tb " ' l z to Roo Wm ,. M. llanclL Y d Poet. 1 ;1 ii e New Stoel• r i se I r New Stock already? ckful Muni!, Taxe3.:_The alisettling up th eir dupliCaus ..- g, ..ba t not so rapidly as the 1 . 0 to see it. , Cams, gentlemen, -•,• / Step up to tho captain's ofilee • -"I Augusta:a Dinger, collector for T k nevled up his dtiplieite for . therefore lased. No. 3 oil —4; i re or Buda and County taxes who ..„„„. theta duplleatew, since we that --n, a few weeks mace to do so. s, ,• - rat. Benjamin Blobig, collector for 4 itp,, settled up his duplicate, for Aso. 1, and a long way yet from, the of Dm' Goods oiednit at Cialfind'a; irikeed of the Borough. thaw& —A iltated meeting -of nocil wu, held on 'Maeda, evening last. IP •t, Meows. Cochran, &tanager; Hill, Lauer; 8 Heffner; Kietzle, Brown, Rasse4. Fu *ober, li p 2g e lner, Shearer, and Fox, FreetJ The Committee reported the folitnrinit bills dam*, and they were ordered to herd : Sob. Co. Laimbee Co. . .... : . 963 ... . .. - 9 60 2 'GO .totes on Rooms, Stationary sod Fite reported that it bad lent 2120 feet of ' Philadelphia, to Mr. Greer, lima that new hoer had been given to the Amer. mum Fire .Comparnee. icon shoo prisenkd bill of Mr.preer 00 F. W. Conr: J. IL F - y - The Apparatus.] old hose to 1420 hot o IC= and P • The Coto: as follows •I 1220 feet ni RMI . . e Mr... Greer M referred. • iT;; 82 5 I • • n of Mr. Farquhar it was rewired that , tee on Faro Apparatus be requeitted to of reducers and double males fee at to plugs. Committee reported - Flicenix I hose tannic', and reorannended that bal - tract price he paid. „ t of Borough Treasurer was read and flied. ' • Borough Auditoria was read, and re e Finance Committee for publicition.' ra 'state that no account of the'Chief been handed in them to be audited, t that the Councii tate inch steps as 3 them to procure ic. I of sfr. Russel it was resolved that the of the Auditors In - reference tel the ten, tie referred to the Borough isolici- Finance Committee, to see by I wh•t amounts of that officer van be, pro kahle the Auditors to audit it accor di ng he Committee to tie empowered to act tee. Betinoo d The bill On me .; the Comm procure se tubing • • Wanes I building •• L IMO Of 00 Btateme • I ordered to Retx - ..rt o !erred to The Audi .1 Burgess b end shghe will erable On mut: statement Chief Bo toe by the mesas tb eared to to law. in the mitt Bill of E. tot extra I Committee. Owen Perry. E.g., Borough So li citor, larriCell, was referred to the Finance 1 'tstoment for Decembor,' relei rtcd 13 138 ledger' sod 1.7 "baramerri taken t element referred to Flamm Cornmit- I t POLCO fines pad cue of. taw The toll. Pp the Soo are make any bonds gi the • ... . . nat eolumnoicatlon • was mall: - .punu, of the BOrou9A of Patsy!Vii: hereby forbidden to draw any order or pa br ymen B t. to T orough homa s fr-•' firmed on - the I. the % Pimbyterian Chr • ' Att. foe Find Pres) pp •• •• of Ile. Farquhar the •• be referred to the' to confer Ur the Borough ' =1:1to reference to. the I 01the Coaunittes I the m , sod that the Cht neasseMY. to authorise the of to draw en order hood ••• the let hit, If even • die Borough shall Et Kr. 0. • . Pitman made ven reference • changing course of Nk gg 1 • street, when oo motion the • • ••• • resolved to meet ht Cam Whole at the' got, cm 'Wednesday mare sn • hoe of the pls.. Ou • •• of Mr. that s • • at throe be mos to • •• nrePleq wet • oink street Ws*, The shirr sino limes. - ran Ind gh•eite. _ • On motion of Mr. Lauer ._ the Chit berequested ieferst gess that be inlet ngey &eh posments *ea oti of of m M BM of Smolt Den% tat 76 theme Onatnitess. The Monne MN we A. Waterer, A. Waterer, for moons B. Pen • E. m Hindery - - E. O. Piny, Ilaperrborend l i Vlsode Ches. Sedan- - . • t Wort & Smemerten. • .rain =les .... _ / • *kb. Oa Lambe 00. F. W. Coond r.IL Peva Ega .sChart I.4lamet ea% AIM 11/11/2 , tT AN IT _A_ RiY 9 , 1. 8: ci 9 COIIBT PBOC ZEDIXOB. almrinverr lot Tax xrcria• roma& sr caumnsia urn. I,c, • Puma, C•i'errr:—Tbe'qiiarterly tirm a the 410- trial Curer .4 milts. Itlll Cutttit,.•ot the Markt 4 CA.:DWI] Jo* sdbtke 8188 act . a of moularima—r. 1. v. Oil, ocro d ow Nand y usurp. It—sci".s.o..- D.Na B Gnash Pr9.l6nst tie 13.“11. 11.1. I) fan tataaY a tll.6lzatd aaa 1 . 11 . 1 , 111 , 1 , 11 Mire pne.eut " _ T. . oneetabi. the ferweed ternerelps Monroe, the 1 - .43 ey weer eerie , and 4111.• a bursa anserared Mediae& their retailer. • in-etc ei erne) ffivP'reerili'M thaterletal en-revi ve. boo been re ere r 1 ie. tom ^sly that m r eyed orbital he weed kettle ith to. pa a hi b ref teethe meet to tithe to be laid brfueletbe Grand Jury at We alt:math meeker. and that In the theentimeihe ;Are, posed to prea cut with the dial of certain Cams, to which true bills had beeu Wend at the Drecenber Tenn of the County Court of Renner berreterr, which, be leered Milt; are° the peeve Cove. mermilkg to the Ad of Aweenttly. The Ceartthea delivered there:leering chimpMlMl °rand Jan_' timertarree •or Tell GLAM. 3rue-ellen have bens sternmend to cede as Gruel Juror. Or the Jeremy; Terri id time Ceurt. in our charge to the - Jury In 'fea th er I let trebitshdl -1 In the - t per, at the ilium , we took occasion to dwell at some length lupin the Art of the Afethribly„erear leg this Wen end also upon the of th ektenreme Court, given to Jell. bun. upon ',the emmintetionallty Of that Act.. We then said that iffinsted the oxetitutkmality of the law, Its prarrisicem were_ to be _carried out to good faith. and thetve did sot beliere thud. this Coen had been recognieed as • legal bibettak Wed/wit to be strippid of all plower to act se• C art tollowitm tide view of the law, we'cLarthrei that all the directlees of the law were tai be obeyed, at d titer it brume the duty of all the cadistatem to tune their ,Vi rs o t i tirx yr, the 71r,t,►b led tenth e llimi tty leW and .firtte Mew fur their sp.carence here. and of the IMMO. Attorney of the Lomat) to Weedlike the Vets I' the tkiemeowealth before this tribunaL Ve farther claimed that pelt. Cr. of thee onleeni could bate soy whether [be g, would ni praaeea ; i;kr theie thereweirsettradna. one Coed M the other, utrey saw fad the Maim than. the leer gsve them no inch option. f there was Al; coodueent criminal Jurisdiction still remaining In the Court. at Oyer and Terminer and quartet Mettionk— shie medically It co .id amount to nothing. anew we, -Waal me row that the bald* Could have the mime eases dimmed and tiled in wherever tribanal they maw beet: tens ;earth the *bole .trosbeia and jariadirtiuti of this trthenel entirely at the marl of them' lame We then rotted dist we did not believe this to he the • law. and we also Intimated thit Weise whore disobeyed the ithediene of the Act of Amembly, would proba bly make thimireivew liable to prowicalion. lot Uthirk. Mell.oOr In rem and them the penalties tribe inflic ted lot such offence: We hare den no rearm to change out views of the erve thee tiara. It le dab. however, to candor, W state that! a different Mew a the decision of the Supreme Court her been taken by other., and Mae to a very temeeterable extent been aped open try the 'mime committing mug streets of the County. The ren t has beep that a coed ct of thrlidiether blur stern bet. ere the duff-rent criminal :treeing fr, anden tar as we are now adelfedert b er C ilia ma only be fettled by a, truth r aleeisloa from the supreme rourt of the State We ate ID hopes of ha. these visions yeMtlunti 'relating el jurisdiction Nettled' definitely and atehorltatbrely In • flirt time, and thee' of Nene Witted of the annoyance and mot lou r which seed firm the uncertainty,relating to this Met- ter.. We shall endeavor to do,oueduty under the law, 'but we have no rewire to ktep boyeed oar groper limits' Ind attempt toareurne powers which do not rightfully !wrong tom. We might order Indldments to be beinght, against thaw who dearbee the previewer of the law.r for oliedeuie nor in office. and palette what Might lig regarded as a relent course Mrittiets them, but er do ore think that anytelog e tale be, wilted by PO doing. bedtime eVeutuelly the whole querrtion moat be puree upon and de:ideal fly the Court f leet resort. and Into their sal da we peewee to bete in for the presets. Weis 'have thought It ere merry t • preerdse thee moth to year in order that you may underrate:Line prevent Mader of et... Court, and what prospect there is of hiving ,alf,. there vexatious emettote nettled• Since te. tast'meethes d cola ttoact. in October last: dime and violence have teen nimemalle tempest In Ids amid). Seine ye the (Sides.* %Arch have been 'committed cement biomes of minimal striclty. and at one time it seemed as thoueb a amend of dime was about being itraugierstori. Thuile, to malcient pier eystem. this hie emelt:is great meat. eneeke.l4 and many of the perparoms of Mew ri are bean exerted aneparieseed Ina ceurstiesiade up of seen different natiewahtleC where -Many turbulent spline ,are always at work beeline to violence and dlsterhant ore of the pith. tom' o, where, tree hemmer of opera tor and miner, ernplojer and employee, often come In. to apparenteureiret. it le but neutral to expect that • there should be more creme tederetrage than In many other wee a the Male. and on this account It become . the duty of all the peace (treed migietratee of the County to exereoe a eouble eigilance for the m eow of preventing mime, and enceinte - and punish. tug offrnders. 'The law meet he made rptiClerit for the preposeuf protedthe end eieserflog Muked ty, said PO that It tidy becomes teeth evil ift r ier '4 l : 72.. We do net d eibtehst the it ibunale of the Conley w ill do their duty for the purpthe of preserving the peace, and predating crime, and we expert all officers to be merlin said vielltht St orderehat cadence may be re . prem.i and t fiend•re pet ithavie We have ntr doubt. Oeutlemen re the Grand Jury, that you will do your duty in the premiere. ' - Judge tired' theft went am to explain to (ice Greed Jury thee:nature ,t. their duties; and the manner in which they nhoeld,he performed, or, as to secure both erterietiey arid pretniMeer. the grades of rime as di. velddento felonies and miedemeemes, and their pow, r aver the corm to the latter clam of react, the greed duties of the etreeraii of the firma Jriry, an.l all thoselnalteeilonseviech ion uacally deemed nerthear7 In order to enable timed to - act latelllgently. and merman to Lam - (mine to therahr,aence of Order-atom arid witnetwee Ina number of 'canes, and forbentattachmkte were taken out. the tided Ime acted 'aprfitaret lb • bil of iteletment. tine of which wen leucrett, and the ot hers were fined true tells. The lareeevrere set down for trier neat week, when we'endetiteed the cane -of the Colemenweslth to. Ihethus Pier, barged with in. fiattelde. and transferred from Jade!. Hyon's Court, Is to be tried teeether at. h poem others. • The Vow alter dlreharein the Grind Jury, ad joueved to Monday text, when the Petit June, are re. Terri to return, and the bustmee'of the Court wilt be n. rimed. • , : c . JO au LETTER nom ICABEISBURG (Comme roNvitoF t•V JsOCILN•LI - Hamtrarcro. Jan. 7 ‘15L9. - , '. The le......;ialaiure cornmenCed da et. ion—the Howie if noon, and thi, Sonde 511 P. 711., on Tneadigy. Af ter. t he tratel r,rellmttintlez not forgettior prayer.. and maple frame Wray rireant7.l• lima. hand in attend ance, Hon. Wilmer*Wurtlararton, rat (limier— by a Totem! Is to 1 for Cnarleton Barnett, Of illopeoe 1 Monty. woo elected ne oPerker ct the Senate; *tale o . the Mare ...cited Col.. John Clark, Repomentatk e .t of thol7thAlhetrict of Philadelphia, td proilde over , t , he deliherm lox.. Van will'recodere.ktr. Clark ill uee of the kw Republic:am, who; ILA et4toloh. ntststpla tett byour rth e-t rep yresenttitie .e voted with the D. : . . ht . .ter.ev tot. the repeat of the ••CAminal Watt MIL. , Ilr Cate Innu. , :nr.l NM quite Grintir In Itx_enn. . ileepthni. and occntrial An ,one im•nute %Lein cry. Mr. Worthicgtouli widra filfa one 'column of the is Leath After a severe tight, lien. lathes L., Selfridge'wso re elected clerk - of the Home, and Mi. O. Lee ea Philadelphia was re-elected assistant Noterltridand leg all Ow exertions which were mate to defeat Ole fin; years r e etdent clerk. John d. Small of Harrlahure tie waselcete4 wbbent. oppcsitlen, his competitor; hating all sfthdrawn. In the Senate, chief clerk liamerely n 1 Philadelphia war re ehrtes. LA arere•abo Inn Rodgers nut .F. i H. I:ragging as asolet . ante. • , Owing to the net that tlie - lest l.sighilitcrte parted an ,„i one the number of employees in both Hon.,. ion. • -tight difll -rutty was experienced In ".makirg ap the r•lcii :it bat :1!- matter arid at. Net tr, ranted so ao to gilt metere r .4 the dominant party ore appointment. To O. • I - this will ri quire wine Uri tattoo. and 'sharp tooling. of political tarn.„ ern thing, very mall, eieemp. Ithed. • - On W. di,e.-tay tort, Ifionesvafter hating argarilked and strap,-1 the VII boance, adjourned over until bent Torsalac; , iontotry to the a how of liniment Thomas Nichol...an of itiner Contor,.who with bin tonal Cop_ doe. denonrced the saj mromelat as unwarrantable ... • It ha. been filly 11.4 !•ticterili deb:ll dued .tifr a mucus of the thienlinan mead*" who have been molt adroitly mithiniardi try the politicians. that the Hem John Scott of Hamill:oo4 dicciede COY. A. Bac* alew in the United rivithe Senate: and that Rota. W Mackey, Cashier of the ,Alllttiany National Bank. of Pittsburgh, succeeds (len. Irwin ao State Trewiarer. We are not disposed to comment cm the elan e selec. Rona other than to state that the honorable ourphisni alter Senatiorliii honors, who is nildentably a very able lawyer, and so far as we can learn. exialiplary cittren. was a War Democratic member of the House in lift was chairman of-- the Convelitio6 that nominated Judge ' for the Supreme Mart. and that he is one .of the re:tomer for the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Though he la claimed se toßsetral some of his trends, yet there are strove t -at he will turn out a rinser. nitwit The Democracy hereabout. vitro well yetis. fled with the selects or, and over It the fridii of,Senw for Camenm,•who, with a bad of other pablic men have been In this city tor several days past. are -Jed. , lant. Thie tatter may seem strange to these who re. collect the fight - made by tbs. felened of ,Cameron -to prerent Scott from becoming .Chnimum of the,Renob. liemi Conventlon previously referred I to: Yea' newt , them, It le true Surely, pollika metes innings bed fellows The earlobe candidates- 'debit , : bow the tide' was flowing, gracefnlly yielded to necessity; and with.. drew tonwthe contest. Gen: Irwin. than whom no more honest. tipOght, or blatetoned orotlemtin extols to the Rath. hY - been ruthlessly sacrificed - at the indium of ti the ring." tot re o ne which will ironer or later „Masture the ' only decllix.ll rethominatlen when he Momoil otad that his to eviction was imposed tile. • It hill heretofore been customary iolumord to the State Treasurer a _tittoler ; tied—the taut Inmmbent. Hon. H Hembie WWI elected three years In encitewhin—and the custom would proldhly not • hare have been departed from had the General folloWed the behests of "the ring" icultead of the beet intermits of the State. It Is well for the people to take note of three proceedings and 'at the proper time apply the remedy. The Millsalge pt His tteellency. the Governor, kW tog been Prepared web great - care, meets with very general mtbactlon In this wetted of dui State. It is printed to pemptiktiorM and will moo beiewiy for general distribution_ The Pinta, Report ao:ompaay „eg It Is a newleattire. and wilt, undoubtedly, give sat. -ion to the pulite Intetrfl, th,agh interested par- Oswalt, bat like it su well • • The Annual Report of the Surx e yor General out and rusty for distribution. TM yen it gotten up with mach care, and contains valtiabie itifortuatkin tor those wh.se intercalo lay In that direttion. Mr. Bonn. Republican, contests the mat of Witham,' of Philadelphia Democrat Witham . * majority was MY The cositaittee contests of Merers. Strang. Herr, West lake, Utile, Janina IL Clark. %Incept Hiller. Mira Philip and DIII. , The Report of the State Treasurer is -oat, bat sa lte contents are to be found in the Auditor (lancer. R . • port, it le not necersaly to draw fermi It: • t To - tickle their' Macias and elevate their Ideas of Democracy, Wm. McCarty. of has his nams placeeCon the tismoaatie slate is me ot the Tliasearib- Mg Chides: Than. 11. Howard, as not of the ASssistSnt Sergeant's AMA. Mid Frank Mdleirk. as me of the Aseietiont Diverteepera. ' If t.here WU any probability of their Milne electei-V the probabllity.no that theft names would not is- where they are. Mere follows In our c dreepor.dentm letter some sta. Rotted Item of local and SWIG: itaterisst form the Au ditor Ondenilto Retort. We regret that our crowded columns, this orel: compels Os to deter th,tr phhital= tam until our nett—Elst Jo: no. t.. I .*CatTLKaI. FORTIETH 'CONGRESS. TilH 1! SF-•:S11,N - 7„ • • Is VIE SENATF., 11,-4 xy, t)74ll.roCd coutnitini, corona, p••ti•ionv,...... • , a. rereceired and sPI,IV-• priately relerred. and e revehttirne wan yarned lurking the Provident to irvnvinit'n (Ivy of hie lab &inflect,' proclaenstinn. ri element of , the authority he rein+ I. It'll,. It. "A large number nf bit!, tr••re iotreeliteer, including the •Inlloning oun nmendatnry r•r the IMAiitial Cur= noel act ; ono aniton.nec a Intel vteamahlpline between this . uittry and Mexico; one anther ititlg the laiid or m au telegraph cable., upon the shores of the Coiled Sister; foga proei - ding foes farther rte couvtrneeinn of Georgia ; one reel:dating privecutiine,tv dice government in cues of umbr_xxl ind kindred (tepees • and one repealteg I.forther act prohibiting the hive. tattoo of certain pereone intp certain Malec - Ia the Boren' of Itcporsenistirea, several reel°. Intkme were offered, tint objected to. ' A Another _ 1 I • 111... v. a J , & - . - . Itawbeessit Ilissartlb ,splwralaz reavntated to fele. *en three who hare been towed by nativie With iitmeg ri• nu and sip:rens framei 'ars apt Toler : Nam the pea earttleii e.eirary i to orrs. net Om inelotte eittiotr trete , itti;led,'Ses rate.-tee-tone y :and rtr best a ease is,,the more IthertieS he laimcithed to tate . ieth - blanwa " It .a I ant; - the barunitly.wesk 'and' Ye4ble to know het thTeyAnin ba so insigoratod and bniltPq, byja prrper . 'eMor the means witith science plaid at their duleiM4' .as to have a bomb hater ctutesie , of lengi the and ex emptions froth Macaw sod path,tban die mat tier 'lett• of th eir telkfurs who are - tool hl *ugh to se,p• piceethemisilreS loralicrablc. aid tc tionardingly. It is not too owl ty, se* this mit's it= half people of the diered werld tosid• to enable tbeei to 'support: 4 ,6e tlraia titibii their bridtail Wadi mind,' which thitriat Ilfe of tlils wedes age be., (WOOL In fart. a parr, • Wholesome, • nnezdttrjr tonic is the grand dietherattuzi or the boi and they hate the asdite In -110STIITTEIV8 .13TCOI /Leff BITTERS: It Is • iraturaist. • tesitrase, itswarti pen:nice' it ale:mkt to weak systems 'tw irisowttes i dellesis eo*ltiitloof, Its. repetition SV sslel tiara sjeadflY likreued. Cpwthettdre pr4r. rations bare been Introduced own iNtuni and, a. be . as the . po4lk ticoererniA 'ad ,toutseivis.; in the hope • rivaling lb, bat they bare 'all either - - pedalled in the attemie, th t beint left tar In the rm.. If has tieen ifbe Gnat Yetheol of LA, Prefiserkinture, molt • la snits ',tartan that no proptietau thedletnei to dd. country is se widely known, ow an generally meet.- ' Ten lightning primula, Maim loreminUy tgandidt lereepted4 th e whoie yea ttintheb,.'harelj. supply': de .demand for the Integrated Aithame, in welch the la • tare and WM of the pieparation,are Set! forth, •trie,er ;tidal !cut pow WAR leer 11r4lailllotis a Year. • lib HiCrillEAT ChIES BEAIII,q, 114 k; Herm lurk! • I\: , ad or the breacf Alt sound or the Ix. ..:Cast lien, The tinkle we love se well! ' For It tells ofthe cties, Which bakel • 01 eleitantlenckwheat .. • • • -a 'And welanrry 'to eit J •1, • h?aCh &luscious treat, ' • s king to devotM . . The griddle she's • - The cakes are:le The 'savory odor's bewliching, I ? They're cripp and they're Mowry, And ire ;wallow tliewdown„ As tut sathey - ore, from the happy arewe, sooniss we see The smoking hot bOrkwheatcala.o Itk l i.tht Litt from the fire, Anp we Intly deilre, • Toleai them as feet she ; e , bakes- 1. ll Truly; the cakes coneiltute an . apiet ring •dieh: ;'Hut what-wouldia men do wig a bar rel 'eif buclrheet, cake.; if be bid no lotbei? Bette; linve l elothes and no cakes,thn cakes Clothe!. - • 4. • Itut, mind you, befoied fellei,r-ciren,. one' of die ad Tail tagee Of dealing "at I and Wilaciifi'li,lthat they sell clothes o. cheap. that citevery suit yot bug, .'yoscan !live money enoUgh. to keep ,your fimitt In buclF wlat fcake for a.inotdi ' ; rt our llothei 1, the c.tiespeistt the best the wont's] pat. ' , . I ,Ro.more Eifl next time. t. your friends and fetlier ; pitirens, ROCKHILL Vii. WILiON • g _ • Great Beeilia Slime Cliptidit unit. 603 & 605 Chest:nit St., P L 1 2 H I A . . - December le, • c i V of Wu men •ibrcolerally ettred by aplNc i.4ADELI-4 MA RIANN% IL D., :-.l::;.Sort.letb set , Philviql+bm. Pa. " • • A:PERIIII47 I I7 ?Nft, Stir) One at times feels the neossry of something' to tone up thit system dyprianed :byilieribil or to uldy ettianstion. At end ttmeirt sills one. tante:ad of taking Uleoluille . or med ielnatsibesull S. 'reinvigorate Ids debilitated system by thetank elementsof - • I ! • '; • - ' ! PE RIP VIAIS filli.fP, • or Prattletett Solatiun of the' P 'afields of tron..o hi- h ?bailie tad nub hoe Utz: blond a auk plylr,t lt•with • - • Its Life Klement, lots., • I. ' ! • Betag tune from Alcohol!. kti Worn, PI evert lute effect! are not followelibYCerrsindlng reaction. but • are permanent, bliftialng..lstreleit rikor,sixl,new life Into all tsetse( the system, and dllthlt&np on - i!tON Co! , 1117 - 1' PION. STEILLIiKi Mo sne!si.'llkcensie Y , . • • ••Sipre tebiN: th e p,reo l s ;•rhp I fctll lirtter, raj strenkth iebnproved, my boor are] rea,•nlat r 44 op •petite drat rate. TbSre le an old Phrdeltui bib ci y, folderthan I am) .ebo boa been In the urgybunlo for 40 years. nerd thaSyrup for* , mouths. end elven it 11.1. hl. IleCidedOpintOD. al* 10 the best Tonic Mediciue be en erltneg ,• Pot Ilynneyals. Debi!ity, Penikle ' the Peruvian Syrup le a nialr..*. Inge pamphlet sent tree Ttie 'genuine tuePeravisn th in glare, • . , . . tf ~I.Propr ie tor.• • • no :al ccii 7 1, (wk. • Sold by all Draggistr.• • ! ,' • ' 4finiee'tn Cel7;alevi 401 we .11t . e.... itne.nr, ticalin, cote, (lapped Hat,St, l'lttl- In a. turn, emotes the reduce. the mixt anrry r • Imago . thtut afnutllng t by mall rtr ':.5. cents. la SOS . Proprlntory ' I , i' Trent 1,51.. Boetnn. warin. Intimack OW Wrain Bruises. 'Sims blaini, de.; .Jt I. t t,i, ta g n . ea It,tPm end 1 m o t elle! and a entny,..ese en Only 25 reap. a Ana BEIM w-. j 4t.: . Dew/Wine. Ellin en and irliarrb. treated vein the tamest sac , y dle viol,. ht. D. and Pro feePol• of Di menial: r r and tar an tit, dfediral ceinve e f peee.e,teir prrre eitiialent e, (fernier*. 'ort,, 7 o e ry •e ,, 5 Mtn meet, flitted ,Te••• limantale can be trier • b. other The ine,bcut and are United to secoutz their - No no secrete to dfis treats. jot :natal eyee itaierowl without' pain, NO; charge ler eft-math - IL •tt, ; Jane 13, •irt , ; 24-tbin IAIR ViGO psi.ii . edlgnent,,tt oaa will Pl e elalltnt of e r. and ,eterlona anhatancerpateh mate meneratlone i t . daneerixu, and t el ;to the Mar. the. Vigor can only benelltnnt n nil It: II wanted merely for a .1 , • -. IIA DIREMeIIING, notaln, elm can d KO, devtranle. o:entail:dor neither oil nor dye., netii ,l l t , tod'eatahrle and 3,1 lama longer =T., Marl pielog It a tt.h Omer laftte d a mitefillerlinne. ' = •• .- _ 1 - _. . I &pared WO.. a. Airei'kti. . . 'ptakmou. a Ana r. Cunt LOWELL, 31.,.. Pelee, $1 liabold' et limlner /Weir Sto,e, Potteellat. igat'all PLOP. i shd dealers . ererlwhere. &Kellar Barmy, nerrrille. i . . • tiT 6.: IS 1 • . .. ~ ..y. . -; . C: C. DlerwlreJ •i• Jean Fula. in lin aryl's, POR bait. now Ay ides stock ' ' pf 400dii4 !scaly, tm•. ported, of the belly)! sect colats, for gentlemen? Wear. Weionlirpectiery In plultilop;usqn which department we *nice a dt npkicr to We or etly other tlty.. t. MITES:C[Ii tXe., Tat lote, Cotilneatel Hot.* Beirt.,l2,!Ga 4.lverdi Meats bailee be done on a lag ate not Oriteate the Hoe or r,eri omnllgne4. tee! ItE)Wlego wheel tbOlgma sod J large towns yeleto the' qt, ate*, with a condensed ow rally mentor heel in wear iilonebokl otieMegce - t4 Wade of the the anommen HEIt3 BrITI t° es is the toile/ States ill.ie filirnvere4 that bottling can' Vale arabout sirertvins' bat they . ilta tbn tketrepativa.ll/ofik% Alms piths , and turnt•lke, theinside of [, its of nett and late steimerth'sli Ildits sort tal going cot, and the. . marker* al great cities and a, are Sacrod fans nee end of the a ctaracters• sit to be Maunder. rend ••USIC hUSLILEIrd HeRB ;is, 'Wait:aver*, open contains a ob. setting forth the air n:v of this article, 'sal eberiewite evei have by pel:prtii.ily awing thscelehrated .y %riled but .ll.fre tram. that in .theigu of the I at% eat...pent.% the pie have aced as desired-answered t. and than the **lore[ hiISHLEWS . have..become knowth and Its isle . serail. • .. 4 •• I • I " ''' . : • itAakf.Poixtili• BAST). • E.D.4sTIV. - Ta. - .1 North NINTH met, .Mattle... B. F.VER itively mn. Ndptnr ti Cho* Tram- StodriziDs. !•lip WM; bliouWer, flea, Pik • Ito Animck4 ' • • MO .68—'1.1•17 t OM Elton,: Bracer, to by gap 'S GREATrIsTOREIt i C; R E Z ' FROM I* TO '4l* HOUR CHI zurna L9O y. TO TAIL CV y =MR '1 T. • --" 1)3111141295. C0n Ilan ' Meas . I j i i I . . 84 = L eans !thing Pfleo ' J ; I I P Ol . imbit. Mb . l 'i. - 1 ' !ii•MinitellallPetr Me N teas. 14 tl - ~ ..,......... Illows. • ail is tiii M frier' "1, 1111 11 1116 , j j i ' : . .. -S ; ' II ! . . J , ' 1 j IES NE AlitrE. TUT ~ 1 1 ,torsti. Cold, or re ,p Wicont, • . I NO4 oikk . • [QM!,LIENTUt•T b e.4l•lllarwor. L. 11 .O w • • COsTitstr., , • foCkks eras •f caw B.llTillig, . Illwasseus hr *Mr Ina. Or Oft .a laelsawbte a.aaj ellasaae t,C..1U%-1 sto arias ram aancet. AN Brown Bionclti4l Troches; On, ,-, C ") . LUCID," a direct tenor:tee to the gotta. ' Immodlate pre - - 'wad Becasahltie, Aletkesa. Calawrb. Esda• asampala w sad Throat Olawares, • TiOesthe ace cnts, coon leach's. H SINGERS .AND. rtfIILIG SPEARICELS ' wilt find,Treel:o haefal to ,elearinif . the sake when taint balm if.logjo:a sw.ting. reileviltz the. throat alter an ardtqual eiertkm of the Whiacernew.. The r roam are rotommended and ptescrttioa . l37 sletana. and have had tocimontals froze eminent scan' tbroogbcat the coontry. Being an wile:ea Warmer% •asS having prated their efficacy by a test of twiny yesna verb year lady them In now localities lawarions sank of the world. and.tbe Dr.ch. Al, are tettiltrowd7 prat:tonne:al utter than 'other ankh.* o a e.oa only . .1111,1WP1 . 11 B ctreLar. Twevaa s .: and do ad take any , of the...vest/44m imitations that way be effendi • EMEIX3 IT IS 146 T. A DYE,. LONDOW HAIR COLOR, RESTORE& AND DRESSLNG.- , FOR "D l EM 1-IA_IR! i . Tie self hewn. itemiereir art Crier awl Peiiett Blair ;Dropiiiiiii ••thncluFt 9ali'o3liotestorei and Dromilag." v.g mots Loudon Hair Restorer. atoisv, • - Loudon find Reat.ier. I MM!MISEIIII= Ass lirsr To London Hair iiestoter. LLara . ir, oas London IL.Ir Rranixtir. or "IA rirrnrrr Liindon Ualr Iteetr!„ , CtatArzsr qr London Hair Raitort.r. 'Au. „reason/a. 1...i.0ga5. London Hair Restorer. eases& Fo It 'T 11,F, 11A OR! nc , or IV. to I,,,xtrt growth and vigor to the irrr.lferi -II It. and 'anew its (Altus. and in Fate 1, , MA U'. a naw krowth of 1U - lia orienal color. t :meths !Stream , * them and e.• .- RSIIKHNAt ', "LONIioN HAIR IiESTIIRSR ',/ is not stn ty. as nndleaarrmahle odor trrittd ',and complained of be all other preparatiptua • r • ar s y r 1 sfrviso4 - Air'idreas)ng to Or • • ••• .•• ju site. Bto hair Imm tt Luanne HUI ; .11 falling. Cruse' all !ho w ; .401 mom older scalp. Its. fir - Count itt!roux' . - _,14 stores gray to Cr• .gas natural coke. Solis no- Mr saw Daniamo ", ars th ing. A todat luzitry. • ONLY 73 IC &MTN PEII4• BOTTLE. '`Addreia ortforti to ttr:tlWAV.it A - SON. Plilladel. phla. • Sold at SAYLOR'S Wog Store. Pottsville. cud ail Llrtigrl•ter and dmlcra in 'secy and Tol:et .nAdes everporhero Puna 47, VAI .24 M'ONTGOM•ERI'S • ' • CELEBRATED . • HAIR RESTORER;' lu Invaluable istlek for the Tolkt. T Cazorta ruz F•ctae+o (kr or roz:li•ta, (I•c•n • Nr.w or Elam 0,1 Bit. Bern.; R.F4TORRS ITS NATURAL - COLOR, , • IMPROVE'S ITS OKOWTIL ItiVIGORIVIES THE SCALP AND ROOTS OF TUB HAIR,' Incres.L . . the Secretlete.pt the Csolortegyetter of the '• Removet - ItindrOft, (Crostr Erorittve Dirt a the Scalp, .[ • • Cbatrzes Wbtokrot •nd - Mantactlen to their Natant • .1 .Cojot, Does nOt. Stain tiro MEW , IT IS NOT. A DYE I • A'Few Among , Mani CaseShi rPeoOf•of its tar.iluable 'Properties. . . fOL017,1:!?,7:01:KD I.%'..rtißEE DAYS. ' iyh. MaY74;•,1012.3. Req.. POllhaeltalls, Ph.:—/tear ; lattr,tmviog been ftay, and falling oat very much; and twath.e of !he groat reputati o n of your %dr hoed home of It. end In the &meet trotted:l.:o hhort tense of three 'd•tyn, fit not belmrlie ( ..r It not ',tot anything,) 16 i t yyf e ety • req , ll to . ; tray e,rr to !to ortilikil, eitopp,, the)alithe 01 the hair et - remand?, teem my heid cletat and et.tlrely free fy•ont denthytT: mottle' hair ditthhit.t, I do not thole 1. •hhh.. er " , ener can be snYtheved, k reOlne the lisle very ;oft ord elnothy. • . .. All e•roor,wito htve h-iel y.tur preprnket iriteak of It In t • blentor tern• of pralre I know it will pro relit bilitn..*.,tid :q.ty tour one ir Mg uctsze of the salt, .1,1 how poor nerd it beftwe—now I will nova? bo-wittnt IL ,- . • Yours, tally, .. . - , Y . ":^ LOL IS MPHIL, 19 Minion Bt., title' 'Lek, Aug. 1, 1,46. ,—' • . . ', . , ,• A SK IP ORO Will OF 11A 111'. Mot. ocatras, 140 North Simb itreet—Dear Sir :—..Thiatm tit certify that .1- tr,the, btat flew yearn my halt. lAA, heel. kml iu LNP`C to.ditlties. In fact became - bald on • the t, ip of - my, bead." 1-have klven 'aeyeraltair preparat lona a (air trial, but none kave me 'be :earl eajlafactlon. A fdend.of mine purchased tor , himeelt tw.f.hottlt. of Tour 'Hair Restorer, mid pave ,m.• Merle t o , too. After I,Lutd,nsed about half of • the bottle: my hot, came oubulcclyci=cr the bald place; sem 4fibi nvut the balance if the Restorer, my hair heal, w trotw cut thick all over day head! • 1 chret•- • fully rtcomtrocd m'm. u . Monteomerrs Hale Reatur, er to all 1.4.7115 wheee'hale la ratline net. Prof. S.- W.. 101 1 -114102 utorietreet. Philadelphl3, - March In, 1 , 64. I • • ORAP HAIR RESTORR fAr 17.5 NATURAL COLOR. • - • ' Atz Vrr, C. Mtecroovarav— Dear Sir :=lr.eheerbilly et - Annuli:rid yonrilair Hemmer -An all persons whose hair tit fall.rut. on tbl, very bem remedy they can uae. It tot only etrenethens the half, but &leo reetoree gray hide to Mt natural folor, and as catty to nee watkx. I have nerd but two bottles.' and my halt, which woe nearly white: la now remored belts natural ctilor'—not ■ rear bale to be scam. , It alao.promotes the growth of the hair , and nrerehta Its fallink - oti. Votirt, tfely, COI'LTER Rl, SRL4IInI-Fllke Menne. IRtiladel btu, October 12, Ita.M. i , • . T 11-111: I'oNR" OF nriT We. c Mosroosser. E.I.—IA or Si- sew; ynrk there IS not a preparalloo 'tor the flair that can c om p, with Montgerner3's Bale Rertorer, IN • Ire tiewer of cOlor - aril dreealour - rn.f,nbterlly yours, is the gnat hair tonic, of the day,. ,, teneak troth expert sure, having, ervri m•Lny yreparttlons and yours Is the 'Only one tlett ha. benefited toe. My hair had neen 'eery era for a number of years, and yr:mai Restorer : has uerfeetly renewed the ornrlnal color. .14 the hair and greatly improved lu urowtla An a dreseltuf for th, hair it le exdolette, and in every pieunte to nee It. -U. LICIKROFP. lOU 6104 Malden Lane. New York, August 19, INTO. I )rorraomEnrs n.t rn nnsrOnEn. ' L . cr . 140 North Sixth thlrect— Year •Nr , heir be. lwellaraY and white for over Thirty feore. fats. a-merchant of thie plsae, •prilettheevl ~me rriblontsontery'sßair Restorer. - I was induced "to try It. and in one -week it restored cop, hair kilts original color. which was a dark brown. it not only teirond my heir to its natnYal color, hat rendered it reft anfl winery. and removed all dandruff fro th my ad.• La...a hair tonic It is the- , herd I have ever use 4 feel It •or.lthy to let the public generally know. that they neeo not wear guy hair any longer If they, will only ,ode 310:ntgomery's 11.1 r - Restorer. . . . . • JAIMIII:BARIr.F.. town,-1 1 cL,Mageb 1 b 43 . • • . • ' f f ./SPA /PA LILL' HTIC.f.le FOR Tag TOILET: , After Wog gray for severil Tram my halt has been reetored to its natur l C , lnr by Hui use of a small nhannty of Itontromery'a flair Hi-Storer. , It hat also accelerated tic growth of the ban, reprxed the dand• tuff, and kept toy scalp thol, and In a perfectly healthy immittion. Prom the,large number of person, whom I' know to have been , benefited by the trey, of Mont gnmeryfa Hair Reetorer, Lcan.aay with perfect trath- Maness:Mat lila lrfallable far, prOntolthff the growth of the hair. restoring the original natnralleolor, and .curing eruptive, alainiscs of the ammo. . }lra JANE. Shath Jitiliselslphim Aug. It, 1166. • • : • • . I RESTVIZER•AS A llfueS:36'ol - '' - In M. C. 111.1.11 . 0011211": D.:l.—Lica,. • sir irMy 11A.11 . , being gray and tailing out very tact,-l'o..tained a lot .tic of your Hair Restorer, and nerd eccoidtng dl . rectums In • short time the falling' off of •my hale and the original natural color of thy hair aro entirely restored: It Oleo makei the hair @oft and. glassy, accelerates Its growth, and cleanse* the scalp. As a droving and restorer combined, I Imre never !found Ito equal. Veers. chi; Ate. at once ft-awl effectu- Abe halt., Fv Ain I! SOON RE, MIMI NA}. 031,011 , ht. IZZILIMILas Oir Air is tbeleord. ?eked, (Ind-Cold; ugh not. shear. i. Ziottdole eau where' the font red. or the gland, deeded. Bet eau be saved foe WM.; 0111:101, 43.0 Capinstreet Plalladel ph* .14unary 26. Islet. . • ti.3 - 3'o OF' THE HAIR STOPEEP.,- • C 3b..1401113.T. E 4 —Dote .air: , -fiLave heart to.Mg Atoragenterra Half Iteatorer, for the ,parpate of ehatgiaa• my hair from gray to Oa orightal natural :color, and It has had the desired Mira. It Nut kept my bead free from dandruff, prevented UW1.111114/ oat of the half, featored Its natural color, 'and!' on:mooted Ita_grontb. 11..NRY DEUX, 111 T Ittdge•Arittua, Philaelphia, :Sept. 90.1 . 963. • • • . . • • "rxsrnrosr OF rriLLAtir R. Rosa Wm. C. Nos:room:as —Dear •Str 4-1; Mlle pleasant In giving oily todimony to the. r tbany "odyoar Hair Roamer. •My Uhlman:l been y for eeteraljears. 'and hearing your Restorer high 7 1 anitken bf. 1 deter. mined iotritt.• I am row happy to, etato that it bag doncall you' adritr.tlicd It to do—nrd 'ft nle flltoied hair, which was very gray, to its originathataral color. 'lt lea splendid preparation for the hale ltd I advise all petsotts.who have era, hair, andlidstatleatored tr. Its natural color, to me Mantgoroingy's•llail,Reatorer. It el.° beeps the scalp clean Led free front dendretr. and Is eery and pleasant to use: Any person who donbte the truth of 11/ 1 e certidcate, am cell - and nee • far themselves. Yohrs, Lod ßO i. WILLIAN,R. SE. 00if LAIN &red. Philadelphia, Jan'. IL 'ISGS. , • •: 1 • • Price, Ii 1 1 0 'throe botlles4l sit, Bold t b7 . wm c_sl IrracimEit Proptiait, 140 N. all . drn tr. •• - 1 1 1:th Street, Philadelphia.' ' : JOHNSTON; HOLLOWAY & COWRR7, &Neel/ Ap Agents, No. Goa Arch pa., Phitsdelphia pf-em : • • - ril I. Oussona. Sete. Ituh. 1969. Jpvatnan ilinitga—Dcar - .3trz—Ddieno It my ditty to you anti the saluted pantie, to Rate - the .beuegt I foil' to tdktng your valuable TONIC or BITTERS. 1 have been afflicted more or less with the; Lline• Complaint and - Disetwe of, the. Lanyil.. l = oxtyn and with pains in my Holes and belts foe the lilt nine or ten years, od have taliOtall kinds doled. wino, that I could bear Of, hat none seemed 10•-g1ert. me much relief. till I heard of.yeer tainalsie sualkiloe. whia I have been taking about , tour moultw and am happy to lay this I am oow enjoying good health: wont wt. PO conch broken that I meld souively get my breth, and have often heat, obliged to stop when walking home.from my work: battionk. God sad yoir 'valuable inediene, I am now able to walk and ten tir y pleasu re. trithont any •Inconsentenee. now l m a my llftywcond year of age. end have not been, so well as at pnwent for the time stated &Noce. I am now yalning thish and rtretufth, and my frimd, all ray. ttiartbey never eipected to see .me so Well. again. Toll are at liberty to publish this to the cienmenity at .large. for their - benefit. -el/info use my name tot refer ence to the good effects of yonr-TONIC or; TOTTERS. I sithiscrile myreii, yonni truly. dc., Cause. • P r .k4,—My appetite and di:forego less aloe better;' for everything I eat. pioses off without any ineouveni. voce. and I eat everything that I can get-40.11 kinds of meat fat or lean; vegetahhle of all hinds; they all agree with my aymem tem Elrffituptreri.l4reet irewtedi by NEEDL at ha 691 .1cOrr.rr•TWILLETII =ll RACE Stmts. ThUidelp • • ;•Profenelboal ell , erfenee in tbe.sejestroeit of Media. 10l Rertiedleelo4 Sopoorte for 14 y e w, bile gives atm eitemaire opportunities for make la l`thle ittrwrtiot bat neelerterl. brancb,l To alt afflicted with IMNIA at RUPTURE, be can' fraarantee the Oarmarfalityph, call= of Trona. epeelany adapted 1O float cue dad Re =aims, oftea=t 6 fle rac tral Corm ' , • Ladles rale tkrrtera. Bela, Beodseop, l6 ltrara. Po 4 Will lad a Department adjoining le dace, • acteil, by mops tent and Intelligent FR11.91,138...... • .• Sw - lbaniaa'e • Unto. Vitctelotiaminteri. French, lodestructahle •T, ..e, Etude liwes.layw, Eihoubler Broom Spinal Irearcuaeate. etotabre. &e. . Veh 99. . • .• Pius ice• NOTICE*. i err? inn Presbyterian Cbtareb. Thlrd sail Malnatonro Streets Res J. W. r.st.ic Pastor . Sabbath Tierdeen—Yorstag. 10n b clock . Venn. TN welock. babbalbSehool-11 trend P Freer inenee....sabbent Koreas, sm rmixt, p iatha Thinday enable. I t ly *Vaal Panora ililidenClF No. tIX lambs ILMIIi ar &yawn sad dams eo dlally ISMS& lal airi l y. beatily veleoll2e. Eatil Wall be id Zfkied pretaptly tar all wbo will be plessedsto gal of the newton :Irliapties Clinteb, IlibilY4llleo AL Rev. A. I thaw. ra. Purer Rends:me Ist Nnwartait St. Fernald,* eatt7labbeh as 10n mint 4. 21 . lad 1 °rank P. IL,_ Sanaa Scbool arm Sabbath anatnalla Hl* dm*. Etyeht:rr twain Smarr Wadandar moug, j at tit awasmongiftlavow=elNotiodc.l =siontuito fru. E. Clardy 1=194 alto* Matio%Pautatta Woo.: IZ. tor. No Mast al 19X• S. an d tit •IL Poor at TM jil eali n%ll'lC mandill guest_ L. R. Gamsna Paata a wl ch Genes ea. at inaday iintsing at lamb:Et, anl lAnllati la OM Inane at I ovieda ....m. • SIP ra ores, maratat•than tes grra i r r tokrotiorCTraiaa as Eleand Wed. banes Mutat sad Rots'as RA All ars United. Pllleened Preablataisa tarab e at Pant nue, nu noddy mini, atm eb Wasik at Tog P. 31., sad :Zen lsa P .1. la Ilill Onatel Obi sbar. (old sarend par& 4 Itimina gra ft . AZ ate WIN& gem DM elkei,2l. AL i enani Chateballaglin4Cre- A ke al illr stmt. tal star MI Paco maw. • . 1. . A thamanah. • MUMPS Pia ellial at 10 .4. „ &mti ..1 P ilaatsom ;. P•Xson• al ; warm lial ttoremit eriY T otkokOnaelaatkat Vow MOM more itsdr la Ss Waft ACM TIG I ATLI It ihnivive . !dater.. must be 'am . n.ll mak pilaf to appacrin adi Jocioul: _ _ • RE '.:;iI6—LEA Thrtrwayi. Ihotabei '.tha Esev: R:C.l.Lard P.very, tlt. AL.41,..2:411 G , rareve ihne. I"Lgaft.r.ticbuillll Odary. Pa. • . DIAN::4I(IN B. bbilITT-41c0fbaliday s t Decozober , 31ff. by ary. I If: of Pottfoine. 11,2.1.0 Was 141ao Buurre: of I'f:entail; N. J: 7 EVA:7:S I -31011ii.ISUN—qp Mor.dly, Jam:Lary Clal, at St. elate, by the Rea: Sauttael iir.meelL Mr. TUTS Eem4 aml like 'Yana hex Itoestace, beth St. C4ll. • 1 7. . . • ROFTYAR-.RUCIIRR-3A Li/mishit:l Union Co. Pe, 00 -tht•TtliNYAf• - •faaptry.' 1 .5(0. tbe house of tba,bridivs Ettber. by Rev. J. C.. timber. Kt Jim* R. Ile, P.tOville,. thboylaill Cotuaty'PL. to Mee Rel. V., il , ,cl::hter of the offictatthit mtitater. • HALEY—FIthaS7-01i the 3d that.. it. anatellt. %lotto thebrkkra father, by the Rev. W. Aliersod.. er,..W.e.11 IlatArr, of Rowe, Kw:, to Mrs Is :yr Fume for gins well stirtked with Emia i. fruit; at; 11114 illa muursuil thweles well laid oat sed in • Acatiatilos centilltioo. . feiterlit i • TIM It within two Win of the Ovule:air *aka ea Ore Italwae. 9 will beaold ca flteesahle ter mit- POrr IPOitioulZ Ri. ~ -, - !.„L. P. WiIITNIi: 1 “- ~..-* Pee lt-- , :=111:20. POTT;op pee 'a - • Jr:.Jr -.• • . lc' W • AvAperp.a): Will u rtAli.:-.1011114111 MIAILWISS, RA wad ,GM. W: Weehlecriamtmis: Dee. LI, .6i A:7 y. t 4 awrimr•r - -Ddr..4.ga slat or e C O,I I V #Lif C I ! A u • liagtbrakuum ad 7Zikul wasmal % ll K. 4. ,0191.004-. "114 •,,the. "y;tilerl;eoell e nrphein . eonr , OP, ... nrlnn nci,the'!.4,lqh., . iiernivetratt, , ! ttla • Itie .4 Iie.TIWG.- hy ;!..v..4 NI% ...:‘, 1 tie I, .1 i : t!, t+. t entYe, / 11116 C... 1. 11;y. , At ' -- i I C6:l A rifttor. o • 't 'EL\ t °Obi! tAii clay ' rat t, ir 1. tz.k . rrrk.t• , of lIIENitY o Connty. of - pet:lion; that the - .f vopertv, be , furl ht. 10.1144h:dd. a 14 of' the •,,J.ttyo6l , a n COrt ofilOilliP Hip 111 , 11; nstv A. D. UIMAKER::, MO=2