•_• - t I'4 - I- --- 4: - - 77 _ r 7,3 . Pier 13 North, Port . lllelltsaiond._ 3 ( 7 ) SCOTT WALTER - Sr.. CO., ;RIMS 111111 . 11311 011 , \ C) AL • Tb.; Pier N.. to, et. Inellissiii.s. NTA RD, WARD, dr, 90. 9 Pine Street. New York. 190, Walnut ". 211 litany " Boston. Sole Agents fot the MAPLE DALE COLLIERY. Afire* Pailedelplata-4COTT. WALTER & CO, 225 Wr.lnot . Slew Work—WALTER. BROS. & CO., 119 Ittoetl - II Wotan— SCOTT WALTER & CO., 29 Doane St. Jan 1. . . • 1-1 y GOAL Or ALL KINDS BY TEE 0. 711 Jau 1..68, _ Pier V. 13 Pan Itieleasastd. GEORGE s. iREPPLII , -.LIM AND 1111111,1:1! Or . •,• ~ C 3 • REPPLI3II.IIOO3I3 k 301.vrixxxist Koanisin. GEO. RIMIER'S Ils&moth • DUNCAN COM. C 0.% Lewis Vein (Red Astki.f 3CgERT &Co.l3Lorbarei. • • , • 011101141:-.329 Waimea lit;. Philadelphia. . 111 lireadeway. New. 17 Pease Si., Ilestisa.• . • deepiesi. 'CS - •• . . LEWISIUDENSIED4 co INE=2I:I ' Also Bitamtncms) tANlsbed reputnt 0,0 Lehleh Spring Rt. k RRkesbarre, Laud Dale & Re:item Locust Rt.. Brieenhatk ShamOkba,Trement Lorimar - Wolf Creek Diamond k Star Red 4 oh, Plaa& [Mee Shenandoah White do, CeOrgeoCreek B. Broad Top.' 1_ Pier a. 9•Peril JOHN R. WHITE ik - SIJN, S t HIPPERS Or 00A11,,,,A ..N9.- 316 -Walnut, Street, Pbiladelp DIVOTS I.OIIII . OIIILOLAND SAL* OP OOLLI, No. .614 West Thirteenth St., New York. N 0.1789 Third A•bine New Yak: Wbut, No: 991 erovh* — Colti)W Wharf, Mt. gton. street. 13cracm. 42igS Walnut Street„J ivelladelptdia, 110 Broadway, New - York. ovine Es t 14 Eilby Strivt„Boaton. • St Swath St.. Baltimore: 1. 1.83 Virmtainater St , Providence: ce.. • ( eziue. s :nta! Fed- SHIPPING WH ARVES—Pt. Ilheamood,Port Jam don. Jersey city, Baltimore. '' Pier ! 1. . . . l' 4 i 1 /MUM ' ORTON eipo., ••. • - - . ' iMIII/Ippersof - . 1 .. • ~.... ... C: A -.- L. nr , - L i CV!. 11101111T14•1/1. from onr HAZEL 11 DELI En IEONTIIIIISTAL COLLIERIES. , ' •• • 211 012111. from lENTEEPRISE COI LTERC 1.11 1121111,r, from KIIDDLEICREEK COIL. /MA Walnut imieot. Phlladelpt.ll.; OrrICRII: 11913rnadirayi New York. l• . •27 Done Street. Easton. ' I • ' ~ ' - , - • , 1-, - • . lI,EtI IS AITDENHIED GIEIRGE H. pont, VPAL O. AIIDENRIED. ADDISON CHILD, • FREDERICK A. POTTS. - - ' -March 21, "GS PAY-, .1-113101E1.1 - _& .111.IN!MS .:LND SIIIPPiRS OF . .• - CO , - Unless:—Nn.,2a%X Walnnt,Ff.. • • 111 Broadway. (Trinity Building) N ' i Donne Street. Boston. Sole Agenis for-O.e.Salepf the following aced •.• . • Ciltite :• • ! • nAntortrion r,Euran nromogit.co4i. coiwitecitotivok OiZAPER CO 41.1+ 1 / ' • • , and the EXCF: 11.1 1 110 COAL / C0. , .6 RUA. t 101411 1 411 CO* Sutvrr:o Wu ...r.vr.4, —Pier, N limn. Richmond. . . 'Pier o. 3 Elitabethoiirt, • - . • ' N. J. , Feb __., - 1 Pier MI. 14. - - . - - '4 _ - . BORBA, SELLE R .& NIITTINcIi Wholesale likaless in Bad Varielliia of i •INTIIRACITM ii BITUMINOUS COAL. i. • • , —.— . i . - 327 Walnut' Street, Philadelphia. , ,OPPICESt 1 4%,ki' Hi by Street. Boodcm. '. . 1 ROOM 154 Trinity Building. N. rork. liras% Agents far West Lehigh Green wood Coal and G ri lg i lsa's Girard Vaal. GEORGE CREEL B US anacrd ai Balti more dr Georgetown. Jan 1 ' Vit r 10 Port- "'S ;:. I N 1; T_C,, , K S,O N & Co., v i flipper,. ad • Vtpoleeale Graters of the , pEfEBB ED' FRANKLIN COAL . 7 0 LIV nail, VALLEY. ' %Ile ' rTers cal...irs of the well-known - • ,I'Xg/Nil.Y 01, : e,7 COAL. 13:11Wtnat'illit... Philad 9 n. : OFFICES I .{ (IS Trinity'. Huilding. N.Y. • '•- . 11 posse. , 11., IFlgetoti, /' • JOSEPH G. MOODY, General Agent. - -' - '., Jan. lfi, .08 ' - ' DAVISPALES & ,' SI3IPPERS OP , LEMUR. LOCUST MOUNTAIN, A -1 HOKIN, LORBERRY, and BITUMINOUS COAIA. (Bear Valley :Amoebae COOL r te for rat ia p COL) rrr Ces c ,l ll , t C4l/ * Gam No. ahaeiWalsfit Ra m ; Phistadeipids. Jan 1, '6B 'riot No. pa. BLAKIEVTON, GROFF. ir, Co., mama &ND ellirPll3 Or LORBERRI 'ISO LOCUST MOUNTIES COIL. OAST= STIONNEY & WELLINGTON Miners and Shippers of C4cd. Buena Jae pen their ihrrnatteCol. at it ti) Lewin Vein flied ilatki, Locust !Mountain (matte rn Ttinit7 Building. New Y OFFICES n 7 4303 Walnut SLRct, Philadel 00 Doane Street, Bottum, Wkart,Mo. 0, Port Sieki.eail, Planning. Jan 1..68 &tippers of other approved qoa)itiee of WHIT. AND BED ASH COAL: .• OFFICES: 214 Walnut Otreet, Philadelphia. 16 Trihity Belding, New Ydrk. , 19 Doane Street, Bb ton. . 94 Weepuinster St.; - Providence, Jan 1,'69 Pier No. 4;`Port.lticoaoßd. I. J. Dorn. • 8. Ettn.ax.re: *le. DOVEYi'BULICLEY .& CO. • •4 . lon J: DOPEY, SON: 0., a. a. novae, at. S. stacciii:wle. 'a. e l navat) Miner. and nippers 41 the C AWL PRESTON AND' GILISER ON WELt, NAGLE :& CO, liTennsiVAND WIPPZIRS Or • • TBE BEST ' QUA LITTE4 LOPUBtlffilUntain & Black Heath C 0. A L. S 00A.LS, FOR MAN FACSQRINO AND DOMESTIC USE, ►iD soil ►a£STS vi H PI►RKETM. Mink' Na. 110. Pairs Sidman . OFFICES; ; • FHLIADELPELt—No. SSO Walnut St. NEW YORK—Ttiony IMEdiag. Room N. t IN; H.' AoMtemacht. Agent. • BOSTON—JAA. W Beed,A.gent. No, Ol- WASEINOTON.D: donor, 'Agent ',dial. .- 11 . 01 Tat enzlitArto • . . "JACKSON LORBERSY'!. coni . - .•cvon - , i • . r 053.1 a St.. Phtladelplrlt, ••• OFFICES :. ISO Broadway. New - . fort, .- . -.- 19 Marie Strict, Boaton. Gm M. Wimp: Hams W. /ii,il.lt.. Bowl, Sim . wit,. May 16, '63 -':'''', ' --- • :20- .--. • VANDUSEN, Bl4ll' iTIIIER PierNei. 14 Korth Pt. Richmond. G. J.. d& J. H. EASTWICK dc - CO • • SHIPPERS OF ?AND BED ASH . co i ii., • N0...104 'DOCK ST.; PEUI.O.DBLIeId, and • . -NO. 19 DOANBST., BOSTON. . • Burnside Bed Ash, 2 • • ditanikokin White Ash. Comae Wean*. White Ash COWL • ) hlO/14. - • • . is mpizza AND iptomis-Dir 0. • 0 _SI Is - 04 D CONPANYSLVDEIR, LOCUM •NOONTAIN: ! Locerrcuir, , mussaimum LIMK44 AND MIES , WHITE AND RED At3H ,L8 1 . 5m 7 .6 : . • Walnut strdet, Brol4way 'New Tort._ • Dom th. Jan _NEW • YORK.. pluADELPfliik, SeiIIaYLKILL NAVIGATION,. Iblpphig Whence for WiTHRICITS CiilL at Greensick @desire Inver, pinata; P. /1.. 1-IEO a.mm"2lll3iSHER'S° ianias AND EINEPP/DP3 OP . LEWIS AUDENBLEII-& Co.,' AGENTS FOR TIM seta Ot. WeirCralt Diamond Cent Cele lltamiend nine* Leath_ White 'Aett Coale. C 0 "4 Office, Room79,Trinityßuilainft U way, NEW YORK. .WHARVES—No. 4.. Port 111,10 mot -. Foot of tietit Ewe ' New York. 4=l , 69 • - - ,• , ", • . Wabac stroet, Philadelphia, OFFIthiS s 110 Broadway, New York.. , 4 Sllby street, Boston.- Wiarr No. 2. REPPLIEB & BRO. (N. E. cor. Walnut & Fourth sta., OFFiCESI { S 5 Pine Street, New York.. ' • ilderchante Sauk Building, Providence WHITE,.. FOWLER & (SU9CI23BORS T 9 JOSH WHITS & &kippers' Lv rtrason, ran.A. purr= east, 6.10/1.1104 ' .D A N ' IS P EA RSON .& Co., amxis &ND W OP Tll'. . MaXBRATEDLaOUTOR ti WEITZ AS . H . LEHIGH, LopuaT MT., I *ThIESBLEB,E, St BARTON arid RED'ASH' a, 119 Walnut threes., kliiioaelphls. ovinc xs I ; No. 111 Broadway, Room No. 9 Trinity • Btakting. Now York. • No. 11 Doane Btreet, Boston. • DITLAWABE LYARTS. 1- . .. . -•- .: • '. -011101111 LAND .. _ ..... . CO t . , . , r- Ornas—NO: 73TRINITY WIELDING LI BItOAD WAY, NSW YOBS. 1 16-17 - , WHARF Jan 1, 64 GAIN, HAOICER IV OUOIC, £~FII. 03. • ' wnm o, LOCCIST GAP. LOCUST 7/OIIM I TAIN,___ x., BLACK 1111KATIL 8 , _ Also. &aline jzt other And Oddities 6 _ warm AND BED Asu ociels. No. 414 WalnutStreet.=ta. and Woodland BOSTON. ; JAMES 'M. REED, No. 17 Doane St., Boston. ' HOLZ AHEM FOE EASTERN YiltiCH, OF . limey, Illelkley ac Co., lenera an&liblppere of Prestos teal. Jetta J. Davey. wow & Cl., sad air r a sl:frlbertwo V . i. oAal HASTINig-S" & Co.. nor ullseiessee of Olt and Ciaridlee, mod Dewier. llk Cordon' (Dile. num aril' oAsn AND DARNELS AlWaya on hand mid for m% at the way kiweet market PrIFIL, _ _ Mew Temc-114 ?comet ., corm MOM UM. WAMMIAL UMW/ INt. .MEI HAMM 0;M , New Hearard. 1 1 • v at New Hellcat. iiiirt I galcall. iiVa --. /CLI r 'no store dl. sold at lianalketemee Prim 1 1 111ANNLN a HAMM Peter/We. i Th o m:, Sarni Musa. data Y. Co . day i;;TAZ-1 B 1 P.. 8111 1 4 4 I, IIIZII TinvmA4 Zan 1. NS CENTRALIA COAL OALMILL, W GORDC &COL Of !WadelOW sole A grette If the reaof fhb air bnawl Onlorbkh will aldpped okay wharf at Put Itlehaweal land be lapat Port fo Oarboa maw 57 own dbeetioa... Orders sier be whirr ined3o tars at Paroaatutua , --dike. 111 N Wahl) it No. - Now Ifoac—Nw. 33 !Ina St. 'I • 808ofw-4-1 1 1w. 144 Wass alt. • • • . J. M. FSCiL• OratiNkassourry.lol. • 1- • OJAI since the late elections, finds hint nged still deeper in a 111311 of trouble,-- - conference between him ( and , the el Democratic ;Executive Committee., to the . ipembers that he wee not:Obis . clOaf uoistitig - lake Patented April Id, HMS. Me now eve years Mare the invention of OUT eCe Bowing maeblab end Dover Wore, with hat innithine have we been favored with Audi mime% there bet TOO of than in iun: ...tt iseginple. :eodisgsrof Operation, all - benee CM - large number soki ma the Petted eatieteenon_ itts • ,We make them with wheels of 416.4 amker Ds reAnmytiPtheAr4buidel tree 11* Feb 23 .te TO COAL OPERATOkiI. - =nom GOAL BOE4= • _ J. & L LAUBENSTEIN, , !Maw WM &SQUARE ROD ! :maw . me lor4s • Is" aureyeenvam or_ t O zo ilibidie na V C rab Cant et VlZ ie lbged bestei la mi t ti tar Il jea reallg t o am = 115 1" : "." aballibacroLair sad pba ota a *:1 11 9 PAM*. Tilt HOVISMI4IIIII.O 040 $1.111.41111111111S ; roa imPLITKO DWkI.Z.PO3II, STOW', raarroStra• O ♦ND taIMIN *II[ q{79 OAS GENERATES OM WITHOUT EMI OR =ATI The aiblielti and Me* leinge tins asebisa PI! also as meow Rad mat mei% mmo isiet illias n L i pliblie form. sal saa Ito siciltbill • oanalleo at tbistoea. Maabbertarar aatoolia= 'DAVID JONES, Tie P'endilatig. Sum No DM fit PalladelptAa, foe .111aatestat• , .1141M11111ap- -_ _ Calizatt ik.. lbs4 44. I._ 'an din, Iftoiti= . _ad* Ulm those int an sieoe Ito ' lifts, wilt alai* kr hews et tho 11111, , COQ! TRADE AD V.,ERtISEMMNTS. Pier 7. Pori' liiiebasep:a. FllO3l 116, TW&AS GOAL CO7'S EILNO and BOYLAWS . • HAMMIMI` &. NE11.44, - , ) WHITE' BED ASH • 0 'a AGENTS. for Pae male Or the •eelehest - ! Myer IRreok. fletlrla) rikeirendeab Cit . gen IV Tiriebelve Loren* Mee is Weise ilsk Coal. Also Spoke end Pe eh SAL ' • , RED •ASII *4:j.Al4s. :0 : Erit, - JAL, " alums & MLA. Itbrig - FAMILY COAL. d Caibizland Coals, of well ea. aTIA., 211 Walnut St. . TORS, R om F, Trinity Building. JROV/DENUE, 1G Weybasset, Bt. BOSTON, 21! . Doane St. " • . 4"..,'89. ' • PRESIDENT ELECTION. , Slietiff' a Prochunation. . , - --,, WilliHAL Tit ANACT OT_ _THE aftIeTRAL alhbf of lbe.Muntomeel=l of Plimuybre- BM entithed as "An ate rthabig to the General Mee. tloos to tbie OcimmonsiseMs. twamidon the td day of Ally, I'M" It Is seuts dirty of the Shutt' or every county to Om the Mks Of nub decline to ha babies, and to make in midi nodes wthth saill-. , errs ate tithe elated. also Is puma& of an Act of Congress and Saone ow ma/cite day for boldine fee ilecton of President and Vice Prestdest la all Stetestiethenuon. apprerpd Jemmy tireety-third, ear. Therenns. I. Gurus .Wneedee,Higli Sheriff of th e , Wot Schuylkill, stake known by Ole waver est to the e of eaki County of Schuylkill. I that, a Getting Election will be held In said oxmm Tues4ay,;N ember-3d,-1868, At which_ laxcroas sr pritil- Vild. Vice Prei of the - United States vs to be I elected by the white of Pettheylvattia. • I eke hereby makeknown and live cotta, the Electioneof lliii districts of the' said ollinty, will be Wild it the • plues hereinafter designated.' to wit:', ,.' b - . The , electors of the Middle Ward of the bo rough of Ashland 11 bold their election at the buss of Trout- 1 than • • 1 - . tn s .- eleetoM of ill: Ward of the borough of A .1 .d kill bold tb r elution at the home Ot Jete. .. eh S. Hall, in odd The electors of the' West Ward-of the borough of Ashland will bold t heir ekctioa at the hones of Cathie I rine Career, in said inlet - ' ' The electoes of the borough of habeas will hold Abell' election at the Mouse of Abeatrnin Moyer. In is* . borough i. , • -, . : - iThe electors of the et Bury will bold tbeir electrny t : of Chubs M. Mliman, in add boas ; noto, tow ' ..*. • • The of t he North Dberict of the 'towed* of Bo will hold election at the house of John limier, bi Mrs:drill . ~, , i Tbe electors of the Mote Distekt dal the tenenehlp of Botrerwill hold tr election st the home of Charles Kimmel; at Pountaln Epriethdo said township. - The electors of theltoworhip of East Brunewitiwill hold then. election at I the house; of Joshua Boyer, in licKeenithorg, in said towtohlp. .. • - The electors'of the toweship of West Bruen* will Width* election er, the house of,Michsel Moser, to said township The electors of the township of Blythe will bold theleelettko iitt hei onse of Patrick Fogarty, In lad township.',- • . ' The electors of t • township Of Branch will hold their election at the house of Cornelius Goldman, In saki township., . _ . The electors of the Northern District of Clues town ' ship will bold ti4election tit the bouscoof him, 1:r ottener in said hip. . - The electors of the, Southern Markt of Cake hue -1 ship will bold Weft election at the house of Michael Kelly, Weald tornottip. The electors of tbe borough of Cremes will bold their election at the Imo of George F. Dangler, in' wild boeugh. - r , -__ ' The *mom id the of of. Eldred will bold ' their election at the 1 ponce. of John Wetzel, in UM townshiti 7 Theeledoni of the 'township of ?niler will hold I their election at the house .of Diehl Lomiaoa, In-the town of ThmaldsouZin said township. •-i • .. _ The elector of the .towtehip. of Porter will- hold their eleetionat the hope., of Hiram Moyer, In said., i. township! .. . ' • 1 . ,The electors of the treejohip 'of Regius will hold I their election at the borne of Wm. H. Bressler, in wild township.. . • The electeirsof the- township of Ilittiley will hold their election at the borne of Poet Kopenhafer, Ite said township , ' -, r . . .. _ 4 __ Tbo elute:in of the borough of Mont Carbon wilt hold their election at the buss ot Ms. Gain, in said korough. The electors of thit nut of North Miebeith township who formerlyviatedlin the borough of Orwigsbnrg. will hold tbelr election at the-house of Israel Colter, In Loxidimraille, in said township. Thaeloctore of that pan of North illatheim turnstile who conherly votedlin the South Ward of the borengh Lit Puttutile, and all that ter 'tory on the east side of the river Schuyikilh and within ,the Penman election line, the southerly line of the rm Zli of Pottsville , end theold lip* of the township o Blenheim. wheys eleaoribitherto voted in No election &octet.. except thexpart now comprrning the borcentheof Mount Carbon; will boldthelr election at the beneeofFrancis Donohoe, In math thwriatip. , The electors of North Manbehn township not em braced in the foregobut districts, will bold their elec. thin st the hones of George S. Helot. In said townehlh. The elethoraot the township of South Itiardielm will 1 bold their electlon'at the house of Andther. Reber, In said helmet* 1 The elector* of the gut Wald of the boiongh of bia- I hum City will bold their election at the house of Pat- rick Hymn. is saki borough. , The electors of the West Ward of the borough of Na-' haw, City will bald their eleolon at the house of Mat-:, thew Donoboe, In said borough. The electors of the townehip_d Nahanoy wit j told their election at the house of Yrs. Groody, in &than. 1 dose horough. .‘,.„ : . The elecineselthe EMI Ward of the borough of tit; nerevare will hold th eir election at the home of John - Maher; in said bqtough. The electors of jibe West Ward' of . the tramegh of Mineriville VII told their election at the house ' of John Moll:Mita Said ward. . The electors of St e borough rof Middleport will hokl their Othello*i at house of Henry Kix% In Said bar: oneb. t, - - The electors°lithe township of New Cutle will bold their election at the house of 'Naffed & Shsefer. In old township. ' ot ,l .Theelectore the township of Nrieweglan-will bold their election at the hone of Martin Conan, ,in meld ! towilThlP. ) • " , . Timelectore of the township of Hut Norwegian will bold thelfelectkin at the house of John Dormer, hi said tOwnahip. -I • The electors of the berovgh of New Philadelphia will bold their lelection at the hone of Margaret Kelly:- . . Th.elector% ,of the tearengh -of Drerigebure will bold (heir election at the old wort House, in said !toe onehs -- : • ' -• The electors o f the bormigh of linemen,* will.hold their election at-the house of George P. ',ender, basaid boroh . , . .. The electors of the township of Pinegrom wllthold their ielectiote at the hone. of John Dobbs, in tisk*. townehip.• r• I • ' - The electors of the borough of Pab Alto will bald their klection atthe Wass • of Thomas Ite_ ltannuats. in all boronett,l - , Th electors of the borough of Port Clinton wM hold their election,at the home of Joseph WeLkelan said borough.' Li it Thy electors the borough of Port Corbett will hold their election at the Peregartion House, in said boroUgh. ...• The electors of the township ot Porter irin bold their; election at the house of,George Reiner, in held top. • I • The wn thi electors of theof Pottsville,. in South Ward. will tiold their eleethi borough n at the house of J. X. Feuer a Co., tit said ward. . .- The' electors Of the borough o f Perntoille. •hi South Emil Ward. will hold their election. at the American Ln said ward., .. - TWO:dors a the Numb of Pottsville, in Middle Ward, will bold their election at the Mime of David Monterich, in said ward. The electors ht the borough of Pottnille. In North . East Ward. will hold Utter election at theism, of Ma. Mien Cony, hi said ward.' ' • T h e electors of the borough of Potterille, la North Wut Ward. will hold their election at the. of huifiblas °reale , in said ward. ~ Maws. . The electors( of the township of Reim will bold their electlon at the lichool House of Coal Dale, In TIM Town' mbi lteelectote of diatom:Miler Rash well hold thair election at the home of Philip Mother, In said town . ab ltie elector* eof the township of Reilly will hold their election at the house ;of Edward Conaelly,. in said btownehlp. I . • The electors of the township of Ryon will hold their elettion at uchool House. No 1, in said township. . The elector" of the Borough of Schoylldil Haven. In . Sonth Ward; will hold their election at the house of J. Marlemer, tti said ward. The electors of the borough of Scimylkill Pavan, to Nest Ward, will bold their , electiern at the home of b rut Wagner,th said ward. The eWtors orthe borough of Schuylkill Haien, in' West Ward. , wilt bald their election at the ;how of NM John C.lStenton. ha Paid vent,. • • The electors of theborough, of Schuylkill Haven, In North Ward I will bold their election at the house of Baize& Teter, in said ward. , ~. The electors of that, part of Schuylkill township lytog North of line on the top of Sharp Moautain. will bold their electioa at the house of Hugh Haggerty, in Tue Mom. I _• '.of Schnylitill tortiblptr NOT,ICE. WE h&ve apixttnikd litesicra. VIA !NINE TT Si NEIL L, 211 WALEtT STREIT, PHILADEL. PWA. sole Agents for the ergio of our - BEOOIC LEHIGH 009 L, Prom Port lEetnoinui;Phpanelphla. 11110,191* LONCIBTREIB T. Blinero. Silver Brook. Feb IS, 1869. • 011 N. ROMMEL ' h 1 . • sou Adore ?cm hill & Barris White Ash. Daniel * Webster B. Ash, Franklin Coal of Lykens' Valley Bed Ash. Sil ver Bun Free Burning, et. Oak dale rink Ash , o'o' A. '• • 'pl:EB, 17, PT. 111OHMONt), PHILADA Georges Creek Cumberland & Brsad Top. -Raven% Wing and Braleisn Leldgtr. PIES NO. 2, ELIZASETRPOirr, N. J. OFF1C1115:—:103 Walnut Padded& JAM Trinity Building, N. Donne Boiname. J. t (i.lliOODT;iiesetal *Kent. I ..lanulry 1, .OS 1-ly • . •.' -. . . Pier Nia—M. LEWA„ BANG OFT , 4 , 00., ~ . . .. luaus urn sarerraa or Ina . 1 . . . • Celebrated AbIlLAllllO \ COAL; •• • • : FROM tu4ktiar motsirrkx. OPTICB,--111 Walnut Street, o,ommercial 'Solid's& Philidelphia..! . I • ' ew Tort. &flee-111 11 Broadway, Trinity . Hooding , f Dain CO, ISAAC SELTZER. Ageot, . Boeton-Oince— oane Street. . , I,laci I,'B-1 oPpleu SWATARA PALLS COAL CO., :JOSI Fount 4rti Sr., PL5114.01111.11.11A. SWATARA FALLS . FREE-1317RNIN-G 00AL. We have appointed-itrli ot tp, ° IVA' /k el cro u . o f 13 sad 1 7 ve n V . Ace a lls for the de of our - Coatin the Newtork sod or muketa. orders thmughlhela or direct through= will re- All celvoprompt attention. ' - . SILAS YERKlCS,..Tressarer. • {Weld, 'Nagle &Co., 205,V Walnut-qt. Me Orrtore : • " "7. " 110 Broedway, N. T. Weld. Sherwin &Co Doane Si., Batton. Pier N 0.4 Port litielsiiiesd. March 28, 'CS ' 13 ti _;PT. JOHNSON & HOBOKEN,.. LOAL.- . . NAN' . WICXLE, • • t - • Saco:saw to T. moat & Co.; MINER & SHIPPER OF THE CELEBRATED "Fulton'-!.&s "Mot" (Lehigh) Coals, Prom the Eberrale aer i ttbe Stout Collieries, near Ha- Denim:Minified:from = 4 95 on beardle at PT. JOHNSON, HOBONENnnd N. BRUNSWICK, & J. OFFIICINX-44 &46 Trinity MI pilaff' ri, 111 Throarlway• New 'Pull' • May 16.,'69 • I 20- COAL LANDS L BASIL—Mb: lienytkill Ond Comm, we I now prepared tb Peeler Township, Schuylkill County. These lands are located on the very best 'portion of the Heelmeher Ba sin, taring over km mike run - on the Daniel, Cros s Leader, and all the Total =own in- that basin, both shim and below water level Favaable,leases with an abundance of timber fbr mining purpaen, Intl now be made to gW tennis. on app [cation to H. H. BODY, Praia of the Company, "No. Wt TeSt; New York. 4.,0 1. 1,9, al-1121 LORBERRY-CREEK. VAST 11MANALLIN _ IL 0 it B AZ AIM N . LA VEIN 139/A.L. I , • 317 Zsit. Pm= 1= 4 0:41 is pow sold ezeJ a. cive, by Newre. CALDW GORDON .al Co., who are nay sole -nb, ortierial se HMlN there, ma? elver apmd Watarting a era 1 Walentms., PbilaSteptili. litncillA fi c i . : itPlitte St. New Turk. . .-' • •Tarnewil, "as--- 1 " - 1 * ^ a Mor inn'. OfW.. ' UWw t liticsaltrAPed. baTittf, consolblated "cor Thies soiled es in the Wherry Baploo. will beresttertranes act =badness slider the name of - • . 1101.LEB.GRAKP'F & CO. STICES • rtiM & NUTTING. • GltiltP7. a member dour drat. hiring =IOC* ted - himself with 'J. IL BIABISTOIT. reside IA Philadelphia end all ourcoal shipprd by Wet-wider win be under the escinsiSti:control of ILLUGSTON, GRAMM & CO. I , • By tncreesed care antattentke in Its preparsßoo. we ttoeCto maintain the reputation dour cola Lor.bratal berry Coat Pmshasers abroad can rely non Mr* Ms coal shipped la Ow veg u b m t x i& order. • GBAJO7.I OEN OIL Bd; 1 11TECIK, FLING, tea IiCHWAIEGIC Hum mums, saaidoctoiethe stmen9t—etie , and Blasting Powder Iteigelabt fee tbe Anliaselte Coal Trade. Asty iiiae qua*, dente* A or •11Pooder. &Mind at the kerma seeket Team to aninconstkol Melds. aveb tom &be Bpdng Brook Innatinal labs- Wl= anatanteed. • compbee stoat a the Lein Powder Comisais • CktrbiPONMER Ctannantly es Iliad. sad an kteds of SAF I AY FUSE. Ceders fee tbe via= Raitlen• from Berinlon , rata kitths W Relliosh bee Clianoblars. roe the Male aa• lame saetne. tram , October Oa. r 1.13"111"46" 0 Pat heelettori of that pig.—__.... Sontb of a Igo on the lop of Ithanistounteln, w i llhow their wn elealon at the home of Joseph - Boyer, in Lode. to_ . . The electoge of the borough of Shenandoah - will bold their elecron at the Douse of Ifilton L. Bickel. In said lxirough. The elector. of the borough of Saint Clair, In Smith Ward, will hods their election at the house of Thomas Campine, bil said ward.dej .... The siemens of the boron hof Saint task, in North ward, will hold their en at the Youth of *mg _BC4In slid ward. elecuan of the hamlet of Saint Clatil In diddle We'd, will bold their election at, the boon of John 1 Betz. In odd ward. ITbe eleciars lot the borough of Titungua. of the but Wm* and all those residing - meth of Seam Maintain Di West Peen tosnoldp. and. aso including all those who reside within the Itratte.lbrmarty a part of West lStow:whip, and mow annrced to the borough ,of tm,Distil: Beginning at a stone in Union street Aborough, and then Including the gam notch lb ven east Mods to a poet; times , north ir de. arch. 13 rods to a poet: thecae brain bet alley. seutlil ledegrees vest, IS rods to the begtnulug.,-wtil bold, their geed* at the heath of Otorlin Prendenherger.l le said bortaldb. The, elegem of the borough of Temequa. In North Ward, sell bold their election it the house of Michael' ftvd, in odd word. 1 I The electors of the borough of Tamaqua. in South Ward, wilt held their election at the boast of lireneh. issylXessbue. to said ward. ,- , • "'Ms electbm at Tremont borough will bold their = 1. 14 IND bxlme or kbelib / 1 1DWIloPIMM in odd iThe electure of Trlgnost tuwobbilt will 11011 their elect:too at house of Jeeeph litexthiserdwr, la the borough of: Tree , 1 ' Th e element elite township of tipper Mahnetongo telx hold th eir election at the bane ci AL Z. filar a 1 . said toinotdp. - . I 1 !The is elegem of thettnnintdp of Union wift bold Mani at Ilia tionotof Joni IL Shamus is said daittmaftommmwemitm tuna US" at aglow, of ado F. theagey, , to maid rTle lliglig‘ i alse‘olls of des township of Iteeth Veins will boll then , idettion at th e hem of John Bond, its add 11 .ofe cd the tOstaatdP ofWeatPuthirftl bidd Ocean at the home of U. W. Zlgtot, in Wild 1 Ts. e ftthe eemed, et Wallitidhafill held their election th e hoard Ism Bad, tn @Sidi towsildp. I !‘ The elegem al the township si Wayne rell Mild Oar denim at the home el Jolla aid. la add tow .electors of thelemough at Tether. will Mid their election at the tone et lOcimil Boiliks.)aight ,l l MlSlietlea to bloomed Wiesen the gem} O c e s had lets Ocrock in the ailliellei by ogle .roc: 1 and to be opaa nesB sans length to the ewe** wigs the polle acing bail sod... 4/ 1 , 1 i And the gereral Judos, Ins :Maeda itho lliall te m =bistat the lastinors ineabens Of the greeinall.l4l ,ll Wind se I ,the amid alectio— s lag ths Hap Its 1 Awes all Um las ar manta/ uteri are or abaft MOM to Mime amp, ;bggs of thr Gemini Aggealas, - _ ~_, t Aid thisivisof Ithethepscitm ' aionstra, ali p t. are by the act logiOret to a mt alk the Scow In the Boron& of Pattwille. on tie ddrd 00' ,terra or@ ila__o4lk Wad dY. p: 4 naD ,DAN of nu =ow than there to 'forth the rep requlng of Om ur . , Goo Sara ran Zontarneltsirs. • 'OIICOMULWTMOM,SWO "lsed*.lMM4l4,od6.7 f‘LOVZII,I3NOTHY andi GRABS SZLI) buten V sad edit et, *MX.4I'I kamsers . • • ' ram *are. Pletnlll4. tribe Oldasaablisbed Firs& J.J. RION 4 / AMMO!! 4kce.. .In , sum PHILADELPffLi. ui *tea Maccifsetertog fectiovere and %Wade Owns krentio, Wm, Ag... hi w e ma i d .• • Tola-404.? INIACIIIIIINEST rote sAA TisT M il aup, win Two so boom ellOsee drum, dram deirtor, and a 34 Isabelle* Se feet bas: emo **bone engine *ld dna; otte is Sam vamp.? Mot stroke sod IT Pipes ibe the low aim i pap 'Meets sloins‘ aD te Oterod order re 5 loree power mom; •boa lot of 11;Mo* sir 0 :04 r .PMVIL or le reaftto either ottbe WORMS DAXL, Vort'auboo; AND. BIRTOON, Yotinides DAVID WHITSBOUSII. P55 5 , 5 5 5 t* warm - Mime 010A11% 011164-11- yea would have a Cam WOO PlOklAid bla tee tnrougpt °1.e10 4 ! M O "(It THE ;.CAMpAicit Rev. HENRY WARD BEECHER on the Issnen A powEsnr4 CONVINCING ' •[.• IL - i 1 •- - ot cud% or,lttherty, and of cooper fideli ty. -Now, vast; the work with ten yeses basemen thus developed be censummated by themes ; who have conductea it thus fat, or ideal it.be put Into ether, hands ? That is the quad pt to-day. , Hu the Reptibilemi party heti' failure? Hive its' efforts been .upsukr ? Are we to reverie its pen ult 'ey. 0! I!_e Perene that policy ire, we te in tim Dena leaden and better workmen tp earmit to eat execution ? That la the ques tion . • If al Change is made It must; be either that the -Wlintry it dissatisfied with the poll ey Of liberti=and no Mkt will believe in.that , —orthat It chooses to pot the development of liberty Into the , hands of men-who will , better pertkirm the teak than the Republican party has. i There la but one competitor for the place. , the Republican party, and that. tithe I ..,.,', . . party. I sek-yoo to-night, has thit ;y earned the right to administer the Go er :Meat? Hu it earned the right to on the goods ofthe Republican party i as it been one of beedom ; has it been omit *stiles Mod ht the emergency. comegeoun Pir Sight and for this land? Not is a partyt It is ndt td be dented that it was PsrerAes ef • elthl antecedent to the war In all those coeutitels which, h ron on the war.--; The Dantradeparry *nein sympathy with the South and but ;forl the assurapces that were give 1 to themr 1 its hailers, I believe. and yon believe, th t the South never would 'have ventured into he:moult:pus blander of that greatlrwar. - When war came such was r the spirit Of the Democratic party that the truly loyal membent• of, It—and there were a great mai noble hen—found It • Impossible to maintain in their party their standing and . yet be Übe to their instincts of liberty. As. •suming the name of "War DemOcrats" they became • ithbatentially,r Republicans. The party oppOed the war either openly and frankly oitneidolxialy. . Give me a man that strikes fa blows at ma th the • (am'. Relives me from the man Who takes me by the band and says,llt'llow art thou?" while be ismitni metriderrt he fifth Oh with a'concesied deg , rd. (AP Plante.) "'Even' steP fahlei In the pongee, Of the wit by the stepublinans, emancipation, the enrolment of colored men in the ar y,, their self-protection, by inffrage —at ev ,step l of deve • lopment the =Demo y cratic p was, is Opposition.• They hung e 4; heavily o the wheels, not of Phitranh, but of thelion. They restated by one Plea LF . - and ano ' , one pretense and another, every MO' by bleb the Republican pang sought to work, a t'the , problem of liberty during the blaze war. , Ali! If yon were 03 select a parry it was to carry out the great work of rend ins liberty let every man in the land, if your to search the world, it -seems to • me yon ; 'Eaa not fled another party . that bx to its antecedents—by its present influences at e 1 teast=witi less qualified Us- do It thin ,The= Democratic party. Here; before the people;'' 1 stands minim 'idea party made up - ot men loyal to Venetic. loyal to-their country, toy. al to the ruion, who haye given their , soma, ; \and have Igiveh themselves, many of 'whom have co'n home maimed, wounded ; who peeved o t their Mood , their money; who nave co led nothing too dear for the salve.' tion of t ' nation by liberty, end this for ten . years 4 their consistent, and unvary 7 ing cours . On the other aide, there comes a party t Bt for ten years his ;aft untried- no expedlen ;to undermine the cause.of liberty, to rivet e old doctrine Of oppression upon the coda again; and now at this last me ' ment the ' come before the country , end claire, 1 the privilege of taking possession of th e Go vernmentl and ousting the Republican party, Genticmii, do you remember • the parable when mei bridegroom camp, the five virgins I that were; wise filled their lamps 'with oil,_ and trimmed them, and were reedy and went inteb h the bridegroom. - Wow , come the five', Democratic • virgins, eiying. , , ' Webhee no olir; give us of your rill. for nor letup ;has gone out:"; [Prolbpged ap -0E38,41110 laughter.] It is too late. . While they were gone to buy, the door was shut I [renewed laughter] and (rant elected. [Cot- I dined laiighter and apreause ] Bat ft ispro-. I posed bylithem, in their new born zeal of pa triotiam,lsn their desire to serve the country, they col saying the Republicans have been false to eir tont. self-seeking ; that they have ovraughed the great principles of lib erty. an that dimwit! revcree the policy of the litp plan party, and undo all that they ;have deue, declaring it to be unconstitutional and voil r;., Let us .then see what they pro. Pose to in if they shall be elected to power. There het least this merit—they have _pro posed fr v itly their programme. All the States that ha been brought in, accordieg to De mocratic; purposes., are now tin be cast out again. they are to 'pass again into confu sion, and by the shock and recoil be turmoil ed sneer; as if nothing had been done. For I the , lac; ;five years no complaint. , has been more I ant than that the Republican par ntess ty werekeeping out' the Boathern`States. sad 'tor the own bad purposes it. We .P s charged • Now t ey are brought in, th e Democratic party s a they than not stsylin ; they shall I ; , go out gain. • They would not receive the Southern members when they offered to take the "kneeled oath.;" they would not admit the Rernesentatives and Senators. Now that 'they. hate admitted them, the Dernceratic party siYa tbev shall be kicked out ; they *hen's stay in congress ; they shall go back. again. 3 1 2 Nrow that governments have been formed the South, and the machinery is -working smoothly, the Democratic platform boldly Opposes to overthrow it, to supplant ' those /vernmenta and plunge again those Suttee to confusion, if not acting rebellion. At least. gentlemen * there 'is the merit of I trankeS s in this enunciation. It is said, however, that there are to these States condi tions aid -usages which destroy liberty and violate the Constitution. New what' is the nature,[ of these new constitutions that ate eeisting In the , Southern Statist and bje whom have they been ordained: It de sal that these constitutions were framed under ' ilitary orserli tr m Oh! gentlemen, In the i t den time; stood in Norwich on the o [green of the Ch where our Peri tan fa rs used to come to warship in the I first settlement of that town. They , were' obliged to come ',with their rifles and bk . /9 their sentinels standlamont, because the In -1 dims Prowliwrould 'otherwise steal upon them li their Worship end destroy them.— ' Sapp* some 'man bad raised the charge that-these men were singing psalms Under , the coercion oftifles held by-these men wbo [ stood there tolProtect them Where Lech. Lanni who lipted to do the work of re constnietion, and violent men in the South undertioolt to destroy -.them, end our army put dada there simply to protect -them, did ' 'form their Constinhiotts under the el i eoerel nof the, bay o net ? It was a protector and n an arbitrator; a sentinel not athspot. , [App ttse.] Rut is said these Constitutions I were formed by the whole people. No. They, mild not byre been so good if they had. li f the men that had before that flamed laws te metro* 'iniquity, If the old plants. lion dam that'had.dote the thinking and le gislating for thelionth for any time for SO yalef they [had • their trey to form those C tattoos they. would not have beenol. to sof - just what they are now., [Applause.]trno were- they formed by They;, ere fo ' 03 by thii comnion pefAte Very ' aimon7 they are down there. They [ Were (nand by the 'People, it is said, but , they ere tbei poorest. Ladles and gentle , men, her e hi im chum of persons who know s what; wait so well as people wbo have hew ' d i Ser the heel of o premien. [A lance .] , ere hi nobody w can tell the w the ache Is- to w II as the man , ho arts. [laughter end optima.] t Look ;at those Cooslitutionii In, what re. sliest are Hi* °optative? Have they rev olutlonitedthis 'astute of courts, and intro. daced ' foreign:,principles ? Have they, in. say hunter, Changed civil affair, and prone- . dare; In no Whit ? Have they in any man• ner e ged the channels • and courses of coin inhrfaing with that which god should he as free as th e air? Ld no to Whit. neye tiume d >tutlims intro. , d monarclical ideas? charge that is te' made[ if say 1 , at aft can be it m to stand, is that they are too excluders! ly d °cream They are COnstinitions, that corn are berorablf with °gm in the - • North.' orth .' ;In fight of the experience of the shoat 5+4 gene, the ColtalitationefflouthCarolins and ed'llOrida. sit e d of Georgia are. in many re. 4 saves, better tthan the Constitution of Nept Yon or Masemtrasetts. They have not oei ly ed them, butt -they hive carried out eta* of a re itda ndrtm ies w f o or are whlch anab r e t ' o lia cure elt ry tla oar fundamental law; and 'I would ask o other thing by which to test the finit in, ofgreat war urged hi behalf of the free. d of the people and of the land 'than' to to 'shoes Oieseitations made by the 1 , Of his& moo who he two yeas • toiled ; 4 ' musquited in' the ries fields and cotton Abide I* point to those Coostitutiosa sod. etude' I . t . tworid to find I Constinition which with times lir regard to the WalThett=tbe_prOtlettion Ofil i =the - NOR , deltroybig tee: 'point the `world' to Ootpstitntionsr al unequaled: Tbey, are thls mavYel of titt i ih r uis,. in ; w eir :we -Uve.V f otgl am ezi j in thier ek 'Oemati . al tttt le na ll i;:l is?they tee decode: - They Mit troll überty. , r Th at , .i. : 4 0 .40 „n o w, I 1 •" 1 41; i s of 1 I ADDRESS. Last - week. at the Brooklyn :Academy cc.' Music, a large and intelligent audience as- • lembled to hear the Bev. Henry Ward lieeeli-, er discuss the issues of the tampidgn. There were folly as minrladies att gentlemen pres ant, and all had bemi seated fully -half an hour befor‘ liar. Beecher 'came' on the stage,' escorted by Edwin L.litudweli, Presidential Elector for the llld.Congreitsional District Ott-tbe platform were some of-the mods die-' tingnlalied citizens of Brooklyn, suiting whom were Judge Benedlet, the lion. Geo. O. Reynolde,' and S. B. Chittenden. As Kr. Beecher walked lin td the tahle s curtili, 'shiest similar to. the one dropped at Chicago . when Grantitras nominated, was towered.: This Chicago curtain repreiented Gant sit tiegko a pedestal on the, left the White [loose,-with thiGoddeasil Misty 'pointing to him, and above • her ',the, words "Rfatch him." _ On the right, pedestal! was 4 blank spice. The amain last bleht hiul this specie I -piled 'with a - pletnie of Seymour ,leanlng against a lamp on which tities inibribed"City Ball," and a_ negro hanging from We crate bar. Aboth all were the !Ord!' "mat - Cho." In the distance the flitines Of an orphan Inlet were, seen:"-s> The whole Chair was very AsSoeor, and elicited aPplinse from the au dlince. As Mr. -Beecher stepped forward to thO table, the people, applauded hicks° ln talkie that it was sotto minnies before he could speak: - March; AND a ENT/X . llEli: When, nett March,- the President: to be elected by the people'.ahall take his place in Wishington,„ it will have been lour years, lacking a few -days, since the war, in itasetive force,. was closed. Dinh* th at time the country has gone through vast excitements, ran rapidly forwird, question question until nbw tter questions' are not: the same--only the prieciples - are the-fame. The issues of 1'668 are not thelasues or 1865; but the prin ciplea that underlaid the • one underlies yet• , th e other, Parties remain substantially the , same as were, in 1865 ,and farther back,' aa they were In 1460 ; for in 'NCO the Repub . = lican party. then young,; achieved its first victory. It was new. and untiracticed. Ic - went before' the country to claim the admin iteration of the Government from an old ex pert petty which had a long record, of writ glory and late eclipse. rAnpisus.) " The , Democratic party began by being the friend of theoothmon people, and of the whole of the, common people. Corrbpted by power, It abandithed this ,principle of faith in man kind, inhumanity, and became subitantially an • instrument of a clati - That -was the ,damning sin of the old Federal party_ that it represented a class and not .the whore per- , pie, and • that, to a certain extent: was the sin' and weakfess of the Whig party. The Democratic party slew. them. because it did in its better'day, believe :fervently in tha :common people—siew those parties. and pow has stnnibled itself info . their 'grave. '[lip-, plants.] 1ri1865 the two , p3rties again ar gued their calms to the management of the Government beforejthe'reople,and - 1 second time the people determined that the Repub.:- Haus isrty, by Its principles, by She record of its deede, by the men who chiefly shaped its policy. by its tendencies. In short, to , its past and by, its , future,- on eh t.: to administer the Government of the nation.: . (Applanse.) Now, in 1868,,the question is once more to be determined by the people:. Shall the Republi can party be instmeted tocarrY on toes:ample tion the work-of the past or shall the,Demo cratfc party be installed in poSer, charged to i•complete the work which thellepnblicenpar ty has begun.? Look at the Meaning of th - e last ten years of American history. .The le: ter and the Spirit of our historical institutions,' .of the character_ of our : people, made 'tante that sooner or later there would arise a moral ' s and then a political protean against Siaiiery. It ,was impossible in a nation of such institu Lions. of such early ideas, of:such spirit—it -was impossible that Slavery should exist. and there be no protest unless buinanity ,dled in the bosoms of men ; ttnieis conscience be came but a name, it was a matter of certain ty: that first or last there would be men who would feel the tinder, inward- power of our own institutions and of true American* ideas and would assert them. The Anti-Slavery agitation answered to that' neeessity. and was the logical sequence of Atherfcan ideas.' Meo did not make that agitation. h lay in the very frame and structure. and genius of our American institutions of government, and men were the instroments of 'causes deep as 'everlasting principles. Against the influence 'of this protest. Irritated ,but more ambitions, of power than !pinned. At interfereithe with rtheir welfare, the Smith 'at last, committing the supreme , blunder of the' centurdrew . 'the sword. The Issue theritably involved • the question of liberty._ The Republican party, at an early, day soteg,ht to avoid the true issue of the war, end to maintain the Union without meddling ; with Slavery. 'lt was the necessity of inexperience to do this. But God's logic prevailed, and the Republican party were driven by efents that were might ier than. they to 'Emancipation,' which, was the logical sequenoe of their position. They hesitated. They .were carried forward. The next step was to confer citizenthip, and all its privileges. end duties Upon all that dwell under our flag, without distinction of colcn or of nationality. [Applause.] That infleX ibis tendency of the principle of liberty irre eistibly carried the-party forward to . this, and to-day, Parfaits,. its own intelligence aid ye talon, and partly by the logic of events, the Reflehllean party is based upon the doctrine of the inherent right of all men to life; lib-I arty, and the pursuit .of happiness. [Ap-I Iplause.] . It is no empty pretense, it is a !Iv thg question springing fmtn a vital ntintiple: It sprang from our history, trom tine ophy, from the genius orour,peaple as well as from.the straggle from which it came forth'. This their faith they.have witnetemd on all' the battle fields. It has one through fire and been baptised in blood., It is the faith :of the Republican party—their faith in the liberty.of the whole common people. Now I do not undertake to say that. theßepnbli 7 can party hait committed no errors., It w made up of men, and that 11 to say thatl e t did commit errors. Political parties .don t relate:sent' celestial thiugs In this. world. - Viattghter.] „And_to 'attempt to cleat a: party • from aspersion an& blame -is to misconceive one's-interests as Well as the truth.: All par ties are but eitunity machines, and are.theal- Selves acted uponas : • wires actors; ?led I am fat from laying that the Republish pM is a PartY without tablunder. and. without i mistake . No party , should lays china to 'this. •Bat admit that it has been both on one Side too 'cailtiousAntt on the other:side too rash ;• admit that the, party , lost a golden op portunity duithethe first yearitillowlng the war, if you Mesa A,litrdt,, if You choo se, that It lacked: that within:art of othciliatirin to manage men; that is.so much to be'desir ed in parties. ' Admit that in its eagerness it has been I less' tolerant 'of dissent Or free speech jd Its ow n connate - than Was to, have been expected. Admit that there have been moo' leading s in .11, or seeking to leak that IreffelSOtit Asst iiii“Pement with its pesos ar * Its principles. Admit all t things, and thenzwhat r, left therefore lan worthy of the r meafitleittat' of the Amer elm people bemuse it lasi &ambled or hesitated , 7-bemuse it htaie many respects had faults that may be proved upon it--deat it loUoltr that the AUleriego people should no repose the government Suits hands t k rhg have-ant been errors of minciple. They'hitse Wen Lehi fin thei bark, and eottsu the 'bath Wool '1,130 Me party, auteds trfklay. *fitb`_ ell its faults:roe o pletforce,balit up of the doh-- trine of• Impartial Judie% and of Boost Litt: erty to ell, and it Ise Americas parry. L . plause.l What have been Its deeds? in the Mlle length of tints Uwe/never given tot* party to perforia so Many %stilt= deeds i-7 so semeisted its . aame..with-chances prOr found, aowighipmad, Old that, are to be to ilbsertooks pedal of :Inoue historp - It Ass` retleets tag. *sled again the itt doett.hWice-Ottifiet2Wh? 1 in , i . .111 i Mid , studied th e glitz tost 'of and achieved en lammelpaticM•of hoodoos second onl y to , simseination• arida:S=la has even to lt i Lmft . ;-11 , hoo: vompeg Me eirinitaingit Of *du apartateittrie&the One** • = ti thinte•loBllo,4thetf the 1300_41110 Wasi IrsAttise gel!ean'PirtT..." rased , th e Nam the- Mimeo and mormair Coitinia illideer 41:11I/It h.. arbicik tMashoißmeskti the tsar_ frisaaly WOW irstnifuNt ltired td . WOW it* therretheld* tie ',db. Omni VW:ft be Ititilaratutoondsr , _ . _ ...• - • meat; 3 to and their euteipriseever alace,they have been. free.- *boy ' 4 hoTe donned better' th ::' to Be, Wet" 'Ot ridicule or . shun. .', have mud the right of self delouse. - '• , -tv must., elther be anal- Misted OF ' -1. - toSlaveri, or they• bust defied- - ' 5- ks with the gword. or they !curt •Iltid I hied %barns vote, is the cheapest akklf miens cor NW-krauts. , [Great eliPhelle.) tllnt intheright to vole wasegie -441 te,./,ietar, more for pond* ramp then ueft the force of politfeal .prindple,l hold tkat,ltisttfiedin the event the, tee= 111 X 1 Vita_ trallOrt leglidatere to give it; illeaegl : 3k thethe onlY way ea which, we es! repay to' tee txte obligations of- hector. (4 1 4Phtele,7` ' No &glace "it be conceivabhs greater that diet of Intim given treislom to do bliseiteinceepted their services in the ar . utY. *lei through them. la oat. the g victory It kit sada us i uirsieoLeet ' De . tketonek token' theft to be seeded and tato timed's" by • time that hate them.. 0341 4 vheerthe-) !If ' there be one eteleatioe.that rests upon tutheadly and that eiveay mini'mf conscience and honor should feel wltle~growlngemftilire, ft Is the Obligation eetiee kilt that than poor crea- Urea &tint solar harm applause.) -Bat - if you stileAlonbt the Wisdo4u of giving suf frage to doubt. it. [ aughter.] It is" ave-got it i There are some tdags dial have ?earned it is e folly to do. Is My gdedLyoungen days once or twice tried rum„ afieran'exp gai n when "I Arse Werth depot. -I hve giv en it. up : !never oilt now. (Peal& of Otter.) I t ieir thittlifter a while lone Men will give tip tided OW reifoludon• d the results, of rerele, : (APPlellee4 lielhokge once Pei "into the haus of men, eaten It if you caul For the of "gement Levillcoltede that it was In dick= to give suit e to the bLackst that question has Intake by i "oat whilet ago--thatis attold dead issue. [Laughtetithd etteeriCl Itls note question anyiongerlithetber they •-allail or shall , not hive the" Ford:' They hate get it You 'Wight jolt., !fell ay that they.otight not tit be borti; a ct. but they ere- born' blade. s • (Laughter:- Yon might Jett as well say - that they °ugh not twists born 1 with early,hair, bet they Ake horn -with Burly hale [Re.' t i newed leukhter.] How ate -you goleg to take etithelithe ono or the Other from them ? You mat illy that iris not wise to give them the tote;; lout the question 'of today is, is t Wife• arlpeisible to take fit sway ? (Art pleuee.)l That is a differeht question; and there are many men, -I think, who would side agelieitlee In. regard to the, wisdom of giving tber4ote,'whe.would side with me in the belief tat it cannot be taken away.— • Now, die valence). partihategiven it, and tee Repitinieen party wills rivet what they, have gidep (itppletnet) lett the Dembcratid party, wol e tete possession Of the govern .ment.for mike of-stripehtg those men of that "gone which is f-, now in their . 'hands; /1* - the Democrats snow ' to cast . out all phi the Republicans have done sta unticoustinationid, redolutlonary and void:' (Langhnter) Oh, these are the men of peace li TOY neci to settle th e "entry. [Laugh-, -ter."-- 13 ' the 'objection Is made that the Republieparty, by its adrisinistration, hat gone far toward deeming the prosperity, of Abe Solliti,.i - 016 no. , Teat the,prosperity of the ,Soe c i ill lor thelbee being overlaid, I cannot a bt. I .shall lever have effaced, from my.l4nind" the impiesalens that were made( thies some four ~ yea" ag0,,1 went to South Cf,ttiblina ; went itheolgh her burned streets; *Oat ant- into hail vii em saw the land lylaCtiesolate: The things that I bad read of hmered writ, ce in histtny, of the desolationt of war. were *night home to me "there, and saw "them with my own eyes.— And hie* sorrowed' I could scarcely be •In the housebf my own dead than I was In the house. ef s `those Who mourned , there, But whit biotat that desolatien? Whence , sprang t ill it? Is it a result of Republican legislation? Has, Re blican legisla9on laid one single bar tci - nroxress? Has it put one single, bur don tipons them ? Has ie.done aught to im pair thahNliberty or - their ;defenses e The die trees of the South arises from its awn legiti mate acme - The dlstreseof the South arises fromthe,eactlhat hie theown suddenly into the chaniftywhieh Whets induced ; it-requires „thee. l irt beyond 014 time, beyond that •changiii. e Beetle, are sewn of a prosperity such "'Myer visited the tomb before. I believe:that in your 11111-time and in mine, we shalllAkever seethe - oath assume again that'politibLe prminenOwitich it him had.— 'lt newts begot to. 13ht we shall see the' South otaterially, socially, and intellectually advancedio a degree thFt weald never at tained fluter its old ayst Although I sym pathize !Nth the stiffen gs of our Southern brethrertil moot symthize as it they were suffering's's= our han. But they ,tire not. Iti is thetibfontine of h eir own conduct that has broint ist this state , things noon them. I hold iklny band' a let: 1m which I received., yesterday. which- loud!" on many of these peints.! q I will readil:•tiret. and - then / will make loge remarks °Weever" points: "As Ten are .iii a few days to make a epeeelild the citizen. 0 Brooklyn on. the sis sues of the re:Attic" carman, upon which in my "Unladen, may net improbably depend the coitribetton of Ot4Repriblicart GOvern : - . / inhibit" oplefon.l RepablicativictOrY will certitinly mediums endeentinue our Gov ernmdtde - letpplauselir --. "I "eke bold to snesest to you several eptesthilet presented leethis canvass, which I, with pixy other loves of 042 r Constitution amid country, - would desire to have discussed 131,0n01i0 oc pies eo high a position -- -rand iat at. ' ( nehtern The following k are thaileao) : -- Fiksr— Does the Repub lic* perty Wok pont awe Of the South ern vs. Mes as still in_ rebellion because of 'their trfitment 011ie yalmen . Booth? lieceeea-, Were'the Reronstniet Measures 'weed .t.* Protect 111 01 10 Yettete; d. to mike 'life love-and nape" th ? Tame -Is' the- Reconetruction enures had itr , e ff ect, and ere 'not t ' loyal men i te tit worse treated by tem than In I: mar of 1866 ? ...'': Fame How many 1 natructkeracts will be r equired h ' law. ,otter, and juities will be, 4 and,txtt the etception at the Booth? - at e, .nn-ki at-ht or enti the necessity of pon gee" +king ettudde llhe Constitution since the cliiiiitt, - of the. wait - - and -preventing the Ifulted,lStatei Bumf* Court from passing ittionstich Recemstruetion measures ? Stare '—ls iti.ilefeito lay italdethe fundsmentarlaw .and Oottatitittion of the country mhos:river 'a 1 utaloril deal** acteutside of itrilaresen I—, W yidid not thepublicso party inform the * ,ti th to 1865 Witl was required of them, 1 • . otaiking for "rutin setwtole done, end donveasking for *them and so on I i tlr nation down to the present time ? l ltte • ‘6.-Wittdd not ithe country to-day be Imes " 46 ,:etts and ham, - and liberty and 'fre -1 • , Artat in the ole country, If at the ciede et the liebeillott in April. 1865, thin goleltid admitted th ose Southern Represen ted 'trite could dud would - have - taken the Iron cl,d oath, and4punithed such of the, ficerthern leaders._ in.l the Rebellion as the ppies4ted dignity 6.tbe.country required,f Noretki-How can hones 4 patriotic, Intel. ligent t - hristien 4%114 support the Repaid. estrprtly r ..?, BitotlegforthitKetant, evidently. Vap.. plaustit Now-yea:l you have here, Inset- 1 eralegt shells, II ter.) what is discussed on the greet, and , la dimwit out to you in theietirspapent, In city of New York. Herit ton haveln a. drop what you Will get in • Tias lie* York ,iWorld 'ha a prolonged squirtil [Greatiling titex and applause.] - ' "Di thh Repribilain party look upon the mail", r the SOuthimit . whftes, as still in Re , bet became of t f. he 's oath tenr treatment of the,loy lea • theisrelsiiil in the condition • in i w_ ,' the Re lioe left them. If a man lieedrhis leg; had been said that it takes ad tatsinenths4at well. Although the a d s g the leg and the time w 'he -walker° dls two months; the d , has had holder his leg, he will set it 0 14 10 in tt nte•bat he don't get well in 6 minute. Thatbroke their leg veryeffectuaily, [laugh r ter; 110 it doertavrt welt in s day, nor in a , year. , (Renewed ,merrinient.) We do not to th the is 141 in ti t t li tai ebe t Ul pod on, b u tt on ' in we iv ez h aid the er d e Itl io *alett]thein; met you kreiw when have! than:m.ooe Abe doctors tell , thine 'Jo *late Of the sequeta—tbe se-. j qusstee or latlni--which. are Often worse 1 toe , the anal attack . Parents are to I ly gn *Or children against Wee erg la. as being Very dangerous. • It Is the %sof the Re pel t on that we are afraid - ifi -UPldetise-) 1 : _ 1 - ,tiptcoso : W pr i set *e Retionstroction Mem- mosteased to the loyalists and to -railleithe Rebels and respect, the& VI) Kit. , Taw wire .passed to *keels.* thandtole corn tl, Marina white, 10 9‘• - al eieldhloprt. - alletonatruction mesa wheitedertaliar laY the hathdalloal for al p .60* on wind to leli• and.lo ineltule in .title -o,m i nt thillteolea every liv **shag that -bgeathed. - - Of course they hopld that loyal* w ould-be protected—, rtiafteret It ; be the ohject?of the Been-. rtrtittket stesintrak smiths e(MINI VW 1 46 , bO l O, KilcAt sAiw smil's m that Is tau to ran by tints! cannot 'run by steam. ow God Aintighte . made m a mine of in treat motivepote er. and I.lirlieti I you app external Modes powerttfmtan You Vereinigte machine, and - make oitr, ;of it.the'verywarst thing thet man can be fig to. Nan waknot: made be be 4 slave, to ties self governing caltnee.--. All Man ere made se The same wheelie - pig hark head of the poor Woolly Aidcan as is peVinto yours---consciettee, ;faith; hope, similar reason, pomptive, reflective .assn* r the lovelif children, the love of companion. - skip, a - d aspiration to th e e things are in the I MAW'gi of the cold mss as much as In the me trig up of the ' Idte man, and to U. tempt *t make attains of en, machine! et Men, fi !smut monstrous * M Whalen of the rig-, der of ntture and decrees ofAhaighty God. We beet - simply contained to God's original decreesselten,„ we have made men eithems hi the SKIM end I am sure that, it ought notto be an offence la .a Northern oommutilty that; those tAsUttaknie for • the flag timohate pear:lain* liberty to all that" vein the land.- fff•Pleite-) Bat, it is - seld that while the blacks. Ocople should .have their, political rlibtollieneff, they are not Alt tor the trx--- melee'. suffrage. FORT citizers, .there , has beett:s. question la my mind; whether 1 we coiled seders suffrage ! best for than by. peed ch it suddenly ,-; or - by Conciliating their i ma sters, the whits, I so that; they should t it, delayed a little lenpalr-asee, cept US:W(4ga is beet for them.• Mffrege b . best for , :tvery mw; for every woman se well as moritSurely. • I never have hid idiautit! as to the man. ... (Cheery.) 13 , belong eto every .creatures in society V= compe 1 4 t to think, to choose to be aenexe. , " Bible b ' re God and before men kir hie mor al ch er and his actions: It bea 'Mad as be nity. And to say that the blacks' were trre fitted for it! No man is fitted libr it until-ilk° has exercised it. Why,' voting wisely fiames from voting often—not at the same eliettkna.= (Laughter Ind apppQLose }— Vogue - nett come. from the which the &lief voting imposes on men. 'Toting right es not belong to the color et the skin. ' does not belong, to nationality- .. It does adt belong to any particular filth. , It • springeout of the wisdom of theit self love whittled has given to:every. Ogle living man. ...„It is the same in one as In anoth er. 'Tknow peeple say men should be edu-, 'cited t vote. I &greenling educates men to vote.- But if they are not intelligent,- thli lis the aliening' of a door toward it. , Can a man- situ his rifle often -without learning to . aim - it *ell ? In the,verithlunders that he meedittin the very missesShick marks he mar up 04thetboard, he is being gained. - There are, 4, ttfloAsand , men interested, in ,, -gie South - • - ..fiersblack men tote, to'persuade them, on ?, . ont aide and on the other ; and do' you Vappoch that those.haughty Southern' candi 'deice viould trouble theuiselyes Co pour into the bank ear the _reasons againit such and snchAliclei r if - it weienotlhat those-black • men Orr ,the talisman of a vote?' Why, I tell y4b that the vote n.akes men origam— i telt ytett that a vote turns all peliticians in- , to schtiolmasters. A vote makes men is the Southiaroleesors in black universities, Nit were Pond when you give the black Man a vot4 -you make every politician inter-, ested - )11- that man's voting, and willing and aearious to explain to him his. tilde and his cause. ' Who before thought it worth while. §-o explain to Sam, or Pompey, or Cuf fee, a thing about laws or principle* of Gov ernm t? Now they and:all their confreres are bele-lag wondrous things about the beat lawd WO principles and methods of govern ment.-- Is net that education ?; It b the vote whi i m .s to.edocate those,mee as well as the ech boo. And the vote will always bring ' 'the cal-house, and the edictal-boatel will always bring the church, arsithe dmre.li will alwaes promote the right IMO of both, and conserve that liberty which has created it.— [Gred cheering.] We have begun - to_lind oat that, many as are the e vi ls which are incid'ental to suffrage, yet the good that is fn it is Sir disproportionate to any, evils that are incident to it. It is quitein vain to quote to me an argument egainst suffrage ,' sethe vot ing of those . poor Southern hordes—if you , choolle to 'call them so. I have seen in let tera On the newsmen descaptious, and did not doubt that they-were true, of the trey. that Men voted in those Southern precincts. • gaitil ridiculous Ifwas, mid I could not, Be-. - publican as I am, help langhing; but laugh ter iS free yet in this ;century, whichever side a mu is on. • ['Metter 3 - But, [bethought ,myself, these hordes ..of black, voters Who • ;don't know the Maiming of a vote, who don't kook' bow to read, wbo dose know whaft 'the word suffrage means, and pertweetthlnk it fs an idol, or something of; that kind—they are very ridiculous; but Melly I can point you out a gang of emigrants in New York who will vote .before 'a great , while, and whose voting is quite ai ridiculous. [Applause.] - -I doe); think that Southern plantations have yet come halt way up to Northern New York , Wards. [Laughter and,applause] Ignorant -vothig! The .plantation votes and the emi grant ship vetes, and they both vote blunder inoae---tbe one as well as the other. Men say, hove would ,you bear to have thoseignorant blaelts brought up to vote stupid& of Ion; an educated and refined l ' white meg / - I an swer, we have had the poor , ignorant and- . gritint voting alongside of us for * long time, an have had to bear lt.l. 'lt is not any hard er Tor you to beer with ignorant black men thin it is for us to bear with ignorant intend greats. , When Southern men comptaid that oily are being pat through a severe ordeal in %hie way, we say to them, yon are not suf. ternig any more than we have suffered ; we in ;he North have had to go through this or ' deal of free voting, and; have learned to bear it eery well. You protest. We did protest, but we have got over that. We have learn ed;that, although it - is not for , the lime being a loyous, tut &grimes thing, yet in the ad it does work out peaceable fruits in them thin are exercised thereby.; [Laiighter and sp- . please.] It certainly is Very annoying to me, here in my own native land, to hear an'tet . greilified son of Erin &dere that I ought to hi hinged on the nearest tree [laughter]; bat I have learned, ' to bear it.; It does not hart I Me. any more. Why ?,; Becanns ranch ' men , knob not what , they safe—they kmoW not 1 beta manner -of I*bl - they are of. But .i . know that this , untamed and rampant --zeal: ts a 'part of that great fermentation which is I &Ong on here, and which by sod' by. will pemipitate the lees and leave •• a pure at* Itt Cif wine—my temperance Mends_ 1 1, I cusit the figure. [Lenghtee and appluisa I know, in other words, that while this far incitation is going on, - by means of it We are' Making-our best citizens out , of men who; T came to us ar - migrants — mein whom we: I did not original y want to Vote, but who would vote and • ave voted , and th rough vo ' ling as we ll -as rough the ether infitiencem that surround them hae,tave become er are i becoating most worthy citizens. [Applause], In 20 years every ship kid ofleimigrents ; either dies off or makes a hatch et good See; deg citizens. [Livelier said cheers.'; Now the only question le, ( lilt the bider belittle; Oressure? [Laughter', With us it - will: .: -It has done lt. It has one it in meetalign( times. If we could:bear the` predate e Iwe be. on us the burden ,of a gigantic veer, if we could bear the burden while we ! were taxing oarpeople, - while waxers levy-- 1 ing recruits, while the arm of the Goirern=-, merit was so heavy ; 1 lf even then, under; those severe testa, we 'could maintain the in ; : tegrity of the Commonimiltb, and'of Amer- , rea: principles, - in spite of toreign votes—if . could stand that test, we can band any., Applause.] 'We did ',stand it, and now,for ens, lam not o i ly' not opposed ineil-': tants voting but, ill had the power, te I would 1 !torten the map of naturalizatien, not length it. It a man gave me subsea:4bl, salidacip -or evidence that Ike intended to dwell hetto. - - ; itte should not be here's yeir before be shouldi l'liii; a citlfen because , ' bold It betterthat Mesa who la golig to reside Isere 'Maid bare, '-fine responsibility of eitizenship upon lithe - St Mice than that he should remain twirls and; ;without responsibility. ' (Applimise) I'dei nib sly that free suffrage has no evils attend-1 int 13 Pon ith exercise, but I do lay that she tow is iremeasureabhr greater than ties salt If Applause.) Now I- do not ruidertske to psi Oat his sa agreeabbitidng tubieethe *Ado Aria of Southern - today, 'woken 'AK tii Usre el the .old stiba andleistiotut id' rank subverted. to a tomato .1.410 . a0t My that It Is pleasant for the acecesedinted 'plantation owner, mieeteted, perhapsin :ifs gow, or Millar °Med; is to cum home to- sa ft ounded by bird with a tie mien lo serve him, an to And to-nwasow , that iii is iolblactiaLli Main mega salons miti.l - Ting is noipteemet. 1 Out Wks andgenthenen, it never big been; 1 pleneantfor say nisi !anywhere to give. Op power to a elms bele,- thent—serer sines t ize wceld ha reirt- , Th ere never was a time. when P ao tilit i lbeaffialrest of , caught to be ftee.., Thflme never 'was tf li rat *mot *eking tlioigid, the Detail bis aqua?' Thew naves was a time woes - the stable* thought the burgimMe Sun tia themeeftees.—. 1 TOwnirrervillget pewei , r to'be distributed trout above downwitibi r lt sheep; Ms td couth by revedutkin pub the Whoa; ttertferdl ;041110184-, ;40 1 1. 1110 to tolleistameeiejes gg le is ,ible ease. yea hatury roes .lift Itlliki Arairi OS Mg_ 111 _031 00 = 11 0 010 7 , - - 0 ' 't.MG.fo" . . eves are to suppress the 'theist and It . is Inlet ProOsisted•:‘ , Let• It be - :understood hi the - math - that Geor:• o=4 by.: We over- wkelmlig determination of the mares akthst • country, is fa be Preeldent„ ind• kr lea Ikon. ; nee mouth from • but Noverabee all !these , • e, tunnolleiral loisk, er4.11 11 thelfiPeterks !111 ..-4 1 - -6. be whief., ,(Grestse.) .. `"- i' • ~.4 - ‘ ~4 rovirri z How 7mcwe 14tAiiiiriiitlori- • ~ Z, , ,••• mi t re scat Inuabe replied law, 'Oder, and., -41 - leaks will be tke ink, and out: -the excep. .• W doe: hr tke•floethf . • .: r . - -- 7 • •••:-... •-- ' -.- ie-ii i li Wohavagiot there all but hUe-thgi"- Wet . .;'•-i, have got oar reeottelraction tzteasorea. hatib-, ' - .. 1 : - --;:p ••,, tithed: What we now ' la,,edmhslatia- - r f 7i ' lion. tad that, wahre - golngto have: .Alli Met 7 ' . l '' j ; 3 . - any team will run away it you i threrw.-,ktose . . - 3 . the reins upon the', dashboard ; but met' let : I': ' • • it driver gather them np, and the hemp ,- bo..'• - • - 1 „ ..''.. gin to feel the .draw .of the . tabk burl` hay C. i t . settle down toil W work, hearths, &W AG , ' I,' . the,road, how gentle they are! That Which •. i -' l , " I- -. . - they need ; now Is to feel dist there ' she - I - , A, . ..' in • the Preeldentlal• chalk An Vashlogioa • 1 i ';• ' - • . a malt." who .rhoolve . how' `to drtre t -- 1 ; - ~i','. . .7., (A-Oplanse ! And- langhter.) . "Whet _,• thin, " . ... l! I, thee say, "you must pat a gummy ,-, ..1:-.• •, , Dictator there ?" ;There is•ho man on the. ' ~.. • •-• , , r good God's globe that la so far from being in ••:: . . the spirit of e dictator as Gen : Grant ; theri '! l ~ i 1 ;fl :is no an more tender : theft bi;no Man leas 1 ! :), 'self-seeking; there It DO time who to.unloves • i; 'dictatorial power as Gen. Grant:. No! -be ' 6 - won't need to send a soldier . ; he won't heed .. •• to draw a sword:. When they know that_. '' J• • - I Grint Ii there, that Is enotigb.. [Applanse.r -••• v; ,• Wren, : "What is - br was the necessity of Con- . ' •....; aryls acting outaidei of the Constitution sines thei :'• f: claim of the war, and preventing the Baited States , • • „" ' •anpreuisOotut from passing ripen their &eon. •: , .' ill-i .. Marlette; teener's'? - .. • '' • ••' . . . 'There is a great distinstiebbe.twerin acting con. • • , -' - .,t. teary - to the Oonititbtion, and soling onside of it. We vet =Ridded the - Conititudott simiify 'where ' there is mil provision. in the Conatitdion fat, oar . action, sad where: the times Compel. us to do something. - Zithers was the. Ponstitutioo a provision for the rohlibilitSlion•fiffithe rdsfilituts States, the liegebbian party eantaitly invdd have obeyed the Constitution ; bet that never Vii con... templited, Ind 'there' were no each , proviaions made in it, therefore, the likluililtosn party was, .obliged to ti Act outside the ComitiOtiottor not set,_ all: A. ta.this matter I cooftsall don't -feel so sensitive about irks do Gni men ;who !paid hir, years fighting lighted = the-OvedfnUon . 'I have great resPeoi tilt it, I. like itilßutlt a is not so "dear to me es it-has become _to -them. .1 have a reiaonable hope,_too,ther the Consti ' lion will qbe maiddned - ;-1 - think the broad of*tinon enact of the American people will take"oare ottheCon ititution. It. is very affecting to' aty, feelings, therefore, when I hear these outcries, these most Affectionate yearnings,- and longings; slid *tinn ing* of the reconstructed - rebel/ion M lir South '' in behalf of the Conatitutioh„, the dear,. blessed ' Con - dilution. [ Laughter ' and .. applinhe . 1 Why. I do I• love' the Conetitatimi? ' Bitearreel; Wises , It McAdoo and =eaten tib_erty_ evg6where. Why , are they lo solicitaisfor the Constitution? Be cause it breathes liberty, everywhefe: That is' the trouble.: ' The Constitution they mourn is the • old Conatitntion OM fancy constructed ; it la the - old Conititatkre • that was brought , before the - courts when Southern , man Pet Judges in the • COnllB 'foresworn 'lO make decisions infavor of Slavery. That•is =the Conetitution `they ruin. I Mean tbe 43onslAtution that our fathervistafie. when all Europe was duetted with a love.of liber ty ; when the world shone like au aurora with the 'putt of liberty l' when our • Whets, under chat divine magnetism; built this 'irlorioris Conetitn.; hoc, and built it for liberty. That is the °midi. tution I mein. (Prolonged• spplauss.3- •Wilat • ' feature have We taken out of it that / wilicircum scribe thelnderienderfee of the individual ' What ' festive of the Ooastitntion that will mike liberty - narrower. The-volry wise of offence fattish we ~ .. :ig hrie made liberty so , broad that cher° is no erne.' ', ;II titre born of woolen that doss not 'become a - , .- ', , 9 citizen' undeethatiOomeltrititin. Thetis •the of- . , .'"1 'tense. [Applinee.i 0, o ! Ily -friends , yon - . '.. , are invited to attend the funeral of the Conentti. • " , , 4 :.,t . eon. [Linghter.y - The ' ate , members of this.. ' 1,! , F Democratic party,4the acnitherupeopte in genetal . ', ',2i '' are all affectionately invited to attend the inter; .• • q''' , id. Sae them goitig in preceesione diet the Clod., -.. '' - .. - kti i standee, [ Laughter , ) some reeling with grief and . . ' .4 other' things. rlainghter.] Sec them . going. :if ~ with 'their bowie knives reverind ; " seer totem '., ' .. - p • going, hardli yet wiPitig their betide -with the ' fil • blood of the sat"aessesination vseeitheni going, : k, - 4 , the men who fought 'your sone and mina, and that 5'.... ' I'4 spilt, the blood of loyal; valiant sone and children - i 0. like Water ; • see them, moaning. Availing, "The , \:-- Constitution.* Al I this "desecration* of the .•-• • ..;... Constitution, this: love of the . Constantino it is, - • . Peculiarly_ affectitur tome. When Sodom and ''._, • Gomorrah sit round about the temple of levee. , -.... : Ism and prates eta beauty, and long for the pre- , ' .1. videnee of thelight that shall dime ont of•ZiOD. then •I•ehall b ete that them men who are ery. lug Out "the' Coestilutitio, the - Ocroetitution." . 'I. have any love forlts essential prihniples, or have .. • •, . 1. any right to say anything - about it. - , _ - , "SiFrix : Is it safe to lay aside funda mental - - . -'-‘ law, and the COndittition of ihe eorintn• whenever • .:- ic majoritfdestre.to sot outside of it r - e No ; that was the very reason why we' btalned : the South, it hadimbusinees.to go outside of it'; ••, "'-., we have brought: it inside; [Laughter and ;els. . ' : i Phew! , • - • ' ' 131vszorat : Why did not the Republican party. ', f inform the 130014:18 /863 what Was required fain. • ' its", , . ' 'i •-- ' ' - • • ..:,11q - • ; • The principal bailee, they didn't ]mow 'theft- . selves. Do you suppose that every Member. of '' .;.,.. ••Z• • the. Republican party was a prophet.? Do . coil , , suppose Any item all inspired, and that the gift of foresight was given to them ?. ' p: How did th ey , .I . know how the South was going to est ? How did. .., ~ they know the epidt and temper ? - It. was a ten.. , ' .., T .•': 'tat* busload. . 1 . The Miriade difficulty of races* -,. - • 'traction leass - im be carried through with 'tidy , . -• , and with speed.-. I believe' mistakes hive - been • ''- - • made, andl tried to forestall tome of them, and • : ' - rebuke others, but with. ill-miccees. I believe • . - they .madtithem; -but, neverthelese, I think re." -. ~- • omiatruction hair been second only. If second ", at ?I' all; to the'manner in which the war limit waa vie. , - ~ i torionely carried - through. We were WM men _ ~ ,- - • * 'crossing a ford .4 'shad never been serous it; we had tor feel our way along its bottomk.pad with. many a souse before we got out of the - Konen.- i . i t We were like at army to a foreign oxtntry,. trod . - I ;. were'obliged to flank ourselves on every side with - . i ' cavalry, and try the probing test as we went on .. i ~ 1 • - Dorm : Would not the onintry be pnwpanne t and happy, aid liberty and fraternity exist in the i "., . whole cormUi, if it'the alone of the Rebellion in ' T. .• AprillB6s,egr -as had admitted those South . • •, n era Se fives who °mild and would have ," , • takenthe • iromolad oath, and punished such of . '-. :, the &When States in the-Rebellion as the' peace. • -; ' '• and dignity of the country /wired ?_ ~• - " ... 1 1 Ido not know. - Ton do. Tell me why:.Nornan . , ••I' l scan tell In that matter what mad have, been the ..; • 'result. My father ones Hid to me idtable"'Elen- ''- ' i iv, I mane rea.near, Nailer ,Baton.— -. , ''' [Laughter 4 Ifa had roarriedl marrying er breteedor Joni ., : ; ' ..; I mother, would yen be yes?" [Grestand pawed ... " f, • jaughter.] Now, for inrybodyto go back Auld take - .' , . r .. f ... the vast complex question as it stood in 1865, and' .! - i'. , ." U n dertake to say if it had been aU.dilierenttrm ' : " - •1 • yhet, &was, we should have very adrOrept Wake - : ' LI. • from what we bare. • [L 1 1 =4 ,i de au ra LatAy. '-, ~' -, P. - . "Harm an honest, p intelligent-Chris.. -H it Man caber support the B e parry P'v ~,? ' . My friends how can an honest, gelded°, ititelli•r, „4.1 e, ;gent Oluistiiii support the IDernemitia - party I , - I . Fi- - [iiatithter.] That is the giddies, It is acid' ::,' *R. that Gen. Great is a 'drunkard. -It is said that, , it , Gam Blair is *tat' [Laughter.] -I do not believe -/3 - either of the/mil knositoordill how , thentateries ' L ig dee and grow.: That in eithar s oeUethere should .... t 27, liev't been, under the privatkins of, army elDeri. ' . ' _fr - eneeNiMe when the in oetinsiona am • ufraid , i . , .. much--t , stimplinits, Unit therernay hire been etch times , • 4 .1: . Ido not deny,". &I hot know, but -this, . .' ii ' _ - that, Gen. Grant or Blair are habitual droulcarda • l, , , and are liable to ay imcircharge that should va. :;', t; i: . cats the entifidena of Christian and temperate • '!'.i men in *ems 'a do not believe A word of it.' But - I ant tripoli:kitty that if it were so I had rither , 2 : :- have Gem Orin! drank thari'GovAisprour sober.. - ...:- Wrest applamma .f.latudder duet a. moment- , 1,7' • these taro mem:. Das paid that Gen. Grant knows ,ec nothing of (Aril affairs. It 'is certain _that Gov. , :1 bird nothing of 'military affairs. It is - !I' • raid ateretheild a statesnian, Is.. there not *. 1' • good deal of deception in this matter of "bid '-',. statesman t they* always 'thetrabt and taught • - • - that what is wanted to makie Bresideld is a great . i.!'" deal of =non sense and signed deal of uticom.- , ...II: - utontlineety; That is all.: [Cheedir Now; if - 'l.l . Gee, Grant Is-trot the Ira torn of common.' '. ' l:' sulae,'ldit would you select? mid it be is not how . . '_ 4 V - .'.' II r il detemtlerman, I; thp o te nt rety it ut il tll i P a - a b t f ig ( ik. AP'...: a. genius. Hs is not a germs in the 1 sense in ; 1 which Gen. Sherman It-the most brilliant retina -i . in war matters of our ere. The Usti-who flits me . • -f . with. immerge enthusiast" is Oen. fitiennark ! — E. , Mood cheat] He has opine that is brilliant; i.,i.; because the. se= very largely is , a part's 1. .. c , hkigenitis ; Dot Gan. (kettle a man without im- i , -Ip sguistion; . Ittik.lte is a Ma.A.Ol genius; and diet, ' 1 i,' biz Mi s a trains atomism!) trod. IHreat a • 1 1 - f• nitarensedill; less a , truer, , , deepe r r e ,=oompi.and ..t..' , i t : [Applause.].:l Now, what has been. Witold: ter ^l^ . - I: . Where sail yon And a man so modest?e-e¢ mod- • . imalan t o set that lam afraid many American ei • will .. t:..- not vote tor him, for modesty is not in , will t:.-i . our day. tkorneelf eseking s .eto to ;.' 1.4., . Ms equalet< Ido not believe' ' w. deeps. . 'Ai; , that Uwe li suchtmedaels °tithe fa . of - the ~ . ' I; globe as the freibichetistabetweempen. ~... Grant, Gen..Ektudeld„fieni St ,•. '.. ' ' : ,f....,, idiot, and Gem. Thomas. tinnitense A F- 1 • - ,:- ' When, not Mug moil 'received_ one :4WD - , ..! a t 'thillsigniftW not 0110.•011151, Ido ;mean, I : `-'1 when they Vera casting ghost for a kr - the Democratic potty, sonar - Senators the --!,..: Secretary or War, den. Schofield, Mid him . 'la, 'to became their candidatai After they ad *laid . .4;-.1. their plane and demises before. him ha I' f aith- . . - tad ' ' to his and friers& Gen. Great, .....-:: him what. bid been done. t Gen. Giant ; . kid '' - i, ,. t. 'on and - salknothillm - IlAtilmer Mid - l -,•:' fXl' Thelma mood* Gen. Grant went down to Oen. -,;', ,t Scholledd end saidto hini.i ''SobtAsid, It; M ear- W. rt twin one or the other of tilfir_oandideme - of Mat** 1 milks hi g.'tobe elegiac l'oriddliet.:Zgh‘ it tei.l -“rotril do pote3aft• a lbst "1" - ', thkor; but Ida oars that ei 'y' , hem .1, a wand rasp. and .I do toss boo/_ Ti 1.. sistently settee to be the csrundakt 01 1 1,i'.., 1 they wiont you op i good platforgi. w t i if' "Bat,* saps, 80044 ~"Geturrs. I, I am, I, s , man ; Team* ito against Yea_ 11 ant e' Want meal' lir:thourdit Wary dufy,T. satitifieliki fail you what I thought of lik." and .triturt, Up pliduar.j'. Ithink that WON* it s‘oolloll 0.. - [ ring iinoc ImatilitaillahlimillW ishgull: OU lenghter" aDd lecoroasALitilp/we„ e lkow. Great, pratittnerdit 1 1 1 $ ‘ 41 !believe r" Only -- .4 he lair N' -' - aERMS Or THE MT BB' . 84 73 PER ANNT3ta ,-- MAN 041'W WIT & PAM " ' ADVARRIL . _ _._ —: 0 .......-- t TO CLIJIIB--Sabeen_ yuonelneadebly ba edema. \ T dee .eoylev a 3to one MOM it Op t sa . .6. , 13 ow Fitte,il ... ',-. 1 * , ....- 4 . , ~1 ~ . :.... ...SO 00 'l",, 7.: rwsuca.t.ra-114 AO per bio:coPacs.-- 41 : 4 4 rer.Ciergymen end School- WAtheill will be nunieb ...l with 'hr JOCIIMAL ft ii 0 ill sd'oulce. Or 111 Ilk it ' pt I within the per--over one dear ntiln/1 rates. - • • " - -•4IATES OW ADVEUTIMING. Niue* itordo to a Ulu...otos note to u mute. - Por one nun 'of pros lines to loot (tDelotitng d toy . nns ingeruor, $lOO. Subsequent insettloas ntP Pech. roe 6 Nos, VI Onexiosre or less.. 171 'nip squall* ..... .. :.1 tho Teo .au " .......... $ 28 4-SP• b et.Elo T ni term, 1% (1, 4soosnoe lit*. 47 00 00 t 2800 =OO6 56 00 '' apeaal .boucee ii) per 'pent hiabe. . c .. I omi Nmene end Undo mer $ squeak 20 codes line • ' 'el* Ineertiao. . . ~ . - ~.r.cr.t ....avetti al per ermentent .• . ' - or The ciree*lon of ;the Jorseal. to not exceeded by nv pipet pobliehedbi the,f3tete out of ildladelokda or pmilumn end tt Is no* the largest sheet Pibli.ed • In Penneylunda. . W,tain the wet dire ran the imbeerlyttoo hid eV , d iibled, and It continues to loaner* rapidly As all - Alvertbeng melt= It In one of the beet In the Rate_ , - • . ' ,' .Y.;',. ' ' - --- - - -- _ ----- - , ~ - i, . • - • . . ' 7 - . • ,- -. --', 1 T . ' ! ,; --; r- , tx.1 . ..1. - - ,- ,-•‘ , , - 1 ~ ti-, .-, ~.- ---:, . .: - -'---- ~,,';.,, 1 , t . n - , .•.::::,-. , 4,-, r, . ,i , , i 4 t, . .;,_. i ' , , ~4 -4-- " ; v ''' I - - ' i • , - • t - . •- , _ • ..,. J ..iv. . , . . • -i‘ • ~,„...... ~,,,i,„ _,,,, „..., , 4...... _., . , . , . - 1 '-' . f . , ' ,': ''. 7. ).• .' l '-t - .: -:".',' - .1 4 - - 1 1 ':%: - ': • , '.... 7 •`..--- • : I , , Al! ••` l .- A 0 -:, : .-...,,- IMP., ~ , t s- ,1.--. {-". ' - ' ~ • , i rr , f --, . , . , • - ~ -; _ • r -, / - : 1 :, ,t` v- i --; ii . : • ..._ - - • , . i -- i :' . ' . . • - ' „--,.... ~... •r. S - , ,t *.b......r ,—,e . AI. i . .... '-- Wl' - • - . - -• • -.' i '. ' 1 . 6 - s - - --- - I . . , , .. .„ . - ) .p.--- .1 '-, , • --' - . • - A -.-- , •, i ~ . f•;, ~ --- 4. .1,41' ,S . . . .. ' . v-- ' -•• • -. • * ._ _ cs • , , ll • - AND- Pr 4'• o iiT-Y, •; - ~--, . , :•.: -- 171"k".41111". • ..-:-'• '• i -1 . . , _ VI ,r. • _ . Y.- i'PENN ....„. . . . .. ..,,.. i ii..,......... Bawds d ti. goth. kW Mt km tlia Cam at . ilsintablii Saab illiii oti ihNi . doOlgllt too. 'moll lanai all Won to ear Se all 114.16.44/. - • 'i "-.-- . '.• 'r." il .-•' : ' ' : , • ,F 1- - - , ;„ - , - •,, ._......---,.—!....... ,-..---......---..--..........---............- . ''' .. . ' - • .I'-,' , ': • ' ~,,--, ' ,.,, •r'- , .' .• .:,, ' .' .. i. ' .t ‘ ' l ' ,' - ir - , LISHED EV-ERY 'SATURDAY MORNING BY -BANNAN;.& RANSEY'I' . t, I, • ' - POTTS ',ILLE, -SCHlrftli ' I CO - 11NT •1:. . ,- -. : - . - •- ,-,-•,......,,-,...: 'TINA VoL:XLIV.-,-- , 14:5.• 43. ELIOLTIZTADAIr MORNING, I- • • - • • - - ;. • e I 4 ttiL eartigle .Copti c `'4o Six-Cuts. , , PUB Ohl% is el they FRA-NKLIN, COAL ~ o.F • LY•K.ENS IV A LLE:Y- ' THU Summit Branch Railroad. Company and the Short Mountain Coal Cdmpany now eupply all of this Coal that finds a market in, New York and the New Ragland States. Threonly agents for the sale of this Vol by the cargo are SINNICHSON & CO-, end JNO. ROMMEL, Jr.. of Philadelphia. Their New,,,York Wilco is in Trinity. Minding—JOSEPH D. MOODY: Agent.; their Boston oak* is at 21 Dame F. - HUGO, Ageo_t. , • Parties wishing the pare Article mast purchase through theshoso named. agents,. Further informs tiod 11 &elm], _ _can be, obtained from -WILLIAM B; FOWLS Treasurer, Cityittchange, 13oston.• • 12-tf SCHUYLKILL CO. JAMES J. CONNER,. • Maar and 81496 of the CelobroOsi • LOCUST 1401111TAINTOLL, - Pottsville, 19el.Tlhf11 Conan, Pesos. Jan I. 419 • I • 1. :,Broad - . . BANNAIi & ROSEY'S atm pluzinNo tinaez MIMI Betterutowaed ieverst Pius . Arai 801, 0,e" wee to eriorskJOßlllet BOOK" INTING Grovel. dowttPUollettbeoakeaiturlikrawqrieroukellar. wawa* oorbe dosteOS : sap ot4see astablahawat 011', etch es --• • • • Lute;eafd, , ai. - ; Bali 0f:444 • pp p esten • B a k gems —"- alit Pliper Boob, • ArAoles iftf Agraeoce Boore, _ • - BM HAW ". - wda Beci4l4.' Asti...mamma nOace: . 04 stadot .101.TYRie sore attendeethen'tlrtolail b thH waft et theStatto sod we keep babas ftWol,* es . pees* sza Zobbtog. ~11e/or pleated Prager, Oar. ' aeries we will PRP* oar *et tote NS GM t ni sag.• 4 that ow Deterred cot lalfseoltlet. parCarg la COL.: °paw: , ettaw Oita , ma* - r BOOKIIIIMDERYA. ' • axasixmla to orre*vorto4 pot*. Blar,k Boob of descOtkm=anwiFedi boat pl a tted '