The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, July 04, 1868, Image 2

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    pinto' Mutual.
e_OTTS viii: .1 PA..
■ATETSDAV,•,IiLI itSlltt,
&Jigsmite mot;
/42 eat tke was awl *it at tray abaft%
*my 90. '4l ad truth's."
-Wear!! happy to state that paring the
sertee at New York,'4ohe Copperheadmem
berrof the Committee - orliVays and MSans.,
who are free tradeno;.the4leintirlican mem
bers,of thebonam t ittee 'authorised Mr. MoOr
heed to report, whicloe immediately- did,
- hi's abridged tariff bill, which embraces those
artieleii of Amerldan Oanufacture; .. that
. suffering the most frolt foreign comistitioii.
The 'passage of this bill will 'be of immenre,
Importance to the labpr and industry of this
eofintry . ; in fact next ito reconstruction; it is
the most Important utissure before Congos!,
- and we appeal to Ilk friends of 'American
labor andindustry In both branches of Con
:gms not to adjourn. before they_ peal, this
bityas, reported. The cars any quti!tion'
and:many other questions can lay over : myth
the:next at:Salon, 'which is cud', a fewmcintks.
off; wltlout any injury to the * country
tliii farlil bill; short` as it is, will infuse life
Into every branch of indbitry, end, will add
millions of dollars to the revenue. of.---th
- •
tibiae the year 'l'M', the balance ef l jrade
4" been itgitinat thisountry, gold value,
about 4723,266,7 1 7, to pay 1/11 1 eli-'l 4 t : - have
exported coin in e*cess 'of theyupariiito the
amount Of . 5'2803,96:5688, SELO the balanc'v
44136,100,b29, has beed-'paid,by Gevernmeikt.
bends kit abroad, and from 183010.1861 in
elusive,period of twelve Years, the inciporta-- ,
tians ex-ded the exportsitone of the coun
try it.476;028,616,;and durisg.thegame peri
od• we es:polled - coin in - ends-as of%-gie-Amper
- . - -
4424,551,10, making the . l4o3ance of,
trade ageirst, ua inta period. Of years
1it1,002,1 4 15;331, with St loss of celir.of e711,-
5r7,667, which iu ecittric twins whole product
of otif gold and `siliSri miner tinning that
c1n38645 the consumption of foreign goods,
- while our factories, &e. were languishing,
were equal to $12.2 capita, based on a
population of ft 5,000,000; and in 1867; $ll 16. ,
wheq the great crash occurred; the
'‘onsumption , was sil 81 per capita, and:un-:
der the tariff of 14842, the average iconsumpl
title of foreign koode for 6 yeats, was $5 , 44„
per cal:Att.,: • • • •
othsticou-ntik on the . faCe of the globe:
could have stood.such a drain oc to cola and
`industry without total prostrittion., ' .
o ESS.
When Qprigre3s- adjotuts they : f ‘ough`l. to
ptro g vide firthe re-assembling of the same,. at
the call , o f t the presiding Officers lit any time ,
beforti the fast Monday in Decenibkr. With
such a dpapera!e mad at the bead of Gov
einment, (whet has shown himself so per
'. sgectly"reckless of 'either' law or Irinciple„)
during an exciting )?residential election,
the people will hold Congress /responsible In
case any great outage is committed, if they
do not proilde for such a dcintibgcsicy. The
recent retnoval of. Citt: McDowell from
'the Department of Mississippi and Arkansas
by the President, because he fearlessly.
-.formed his ditty, shows what such a traitor
..President will do, when left , unCheckd In
oaieer. Thu very fapt that Congress ,
toalies,provisionfor such a contingency may
avert thp committal of Outrages on the part
• of-the President. . •
-• ' FILA.IIDS IN T'S.NlitStiVANists r
The N. Y. Tribene is engaged in ventilate
tog; the v3llsinoua frauds practised in Pcnr.-
,1 iyivanyt - tit the -late electitirt, which resulted
IM - the - .deliberate murder of a witness who
- • testified to these frauds; which it hi, now hilly.
•asispertained were connived at and enconriuged
byte Chairmen - of-the State Central Corn
- — mince. "We copy from the Tribune:'
flaring pointed-out hew the Democrats of the ISlst
DMfrict of Penn•yliania. 1.50, stewed na
`l. toralleation papere in coffee to,-make them correspond
- in appearance withavrindling dates, and haw they stole
,t I - ihts-med of the court, together with the - records; and
bow Ater farthermore .mtudered .mes -of their own
Auplidta prevent him from bearing heetimony against
t b, m l it Se a matter pfltitarest to ilmulre what isirtahe
.Dernbmstk State Central Committee played la this
. ! itrittia of- fraud and (Many.. It aPpears tyea
otto body, on the 17th of Septf.mber. 1967, embout
. secret and oonlidential circoisr. addressed to the Penn.
ty. Diremitteek , recummanding that the itieseuras
adopted shotild be "comparativeiy noiseless. bat foll of
arty-Sty:" The Committee didn't pretend to dlagatac ,
their ibilon that money should ha: freely spent. and
avowedthat said arttneycta dlsbureed was better
than melting." Their plan r ota
bribery., was. in carpect
bf whiming - the devil. 4 ronnd a etump, 'delightfully
ahrewed mid ingenious: - They recommended "a speci.,
!* -al contract with active min,' to be based upon these
; . conditional 'tiny that - in ISM the District polled-449,
Democratic votes , lidDeniocratievoter; tots;
leeryDenlocollic vote over polled We will ;Ay
• aktfed writhe day after election.•• 'Mere waaatecnfit
- lag offer for &tare MOO and !Orals undoubtedly
~.opceil this hint-that - the operate:re In the XXlet.Dlitrict
, went'o work. The trampler :f UI from localities
where th ey were , not needed it were too well known
an places characterized as "Republican holes,h'eams
taanestd. r' The shanties of .Clearfield County were
• 'emptied,' and the wale inhabitant,` being molted to.
Centre County. wereimielehed With naturalisation kee
• yeti, coffee.colorml, -with tax receipts: and with Dem
ocratic tickets. Thus triply armed they_were marched
• to the 'polls -under the guidance of Mart Leda:ad
• Michael O'Meara. This ryas at•Pitillpsbar4 audit Is
remittable fact that tour days after the erection hot
• one of this precious gong less to be found in the neigh:
- torbOad. These ready-made citizens had all gone back
plearfleld Coutty„ and tbagtat, was "elected . Ufa
• tinge Senate by virtue of Ife, ury, colonization, grand
' larceny, and thestrongeat of eoffee.
• . Now, who let Mark Lede, and Michael briffearii, and
• ' Squtre Reynolds, and the rest of the cohspirators, to
work f Who sillgxested - the -*holm*. mancifacthre of
•-tote mem", tie robbery of the Clerk's oflica, and the
tranahr of this : Crowd of dopes from cite paint Win
. ether wherethey.were moat needed? owe bags w e n
that the drat auggeation of 'tinting min to the polls'.
same Iran the Democratic Bats Caminittee. When ,
the iniquity was brought to light,end the senate had
'4 - taken the investigation in hand, It was quite neceseary
Michael i:l ff eara, the agent above named. should
abecond. • lie card to do ix;, for, the neat awn of
• il,Vdd r „ and tarred until virtuonk nose at WO, which
. wa s proposed to pay to hit.: brie Temp. who Will_
employed to dimi with O'Meara, was p constant cord
respondence Senator Wallace, the Chairman of
• 'the State Committee. He tvparteCtb Wallace the
titiridans contumacy of oltears.. Wallace gave tt , as : .
, opinion that SI CO per mon•li forasaabsence of tbree•
months wor-14.34e - an ample 1 , -mnneration; and at last
consented to make himself be/ITO for the taw
v4irtginally proposed- He went off to lie* York, was
441.2cted.there, sr.d brought bark to, testify to
in liberality, the "kW. and the patriotism of the Items
~ • wcnitie State ['ventral Committee, of which har•-benetor
• . Wallace wart:tiairmaa. •In view or all three Interest;
tag 1112d'it/taLbte incidental we ;would suggest to our
•. Set:Public= frionds'in Pennsylvania that the AS. C.
eenneultuw. as it appears to much better tug:piled
• ' 1
with cub than incidence, -ill bear watch! R, in case
„Itittould biome. in lithe, to a repetition q! tbe
1-- - • tic taxis of ldt.7. Polbeaotatiee would espwc,ally
- advise to keep the seals and.: blanks of their utbunals
burglar-proof safes, even if they thtend to nuke
merchandise of the one or the other. The Democratic
• state centrai committee lima use for all its money.-
has 'often solicit charity in neigh
'boring States. It Could even give the e;emoral vote
• of the Mr. Buchanan without kegzing in Boa.
ton. lie,/ York. end other Iscravolent cities. Ceder
; Inch cltc,anatiances The temptation to steal the
!* sills and blanks may protelrtrsitalbte, and the psxr
Protbonotariee be thus defrauded. Let them look n , it.
, • ',Author frauds were practiced In Schuylkill
County at the'electiiin in o:.:tober, 1866. • In
one township an Irish tentrictpr took to the
polls aboiit f .7s Irish +ten. working on Con
tracts, w o
no more right to vote .than a
. •
child unborn. And st was prit , atelY. ad-
Flitted b y a leading,COpperliesd," that not less
490 illegal coherhead vote". were Pelted
in the county at that - election. ; - The Registry
• Law, which the copperheads' are trying so
hard to have declared unconstitutional; - will
check some of &de frauds if it is '
by the Court,.. who are to give, their opinion
. hi a few days.' Copies of the fraudulent
. turalization papers ought to be published
over the State," and tiey holderifl one should
-have his vote rejected.
' • 11.'Pitety that would resin[ to inch villein
• ens crimes, ought to be Omitted by.aveiy
honest man In the community: It is a die
i grase'to vote with Inch a porty. t - '
t •
- enthushotle Chicsgo'cilitor; writing an
elabonete pun"' rot • steamboat Owner, wbo
- gave the;. fraternity:a dead-head amnion
upon hla vessel the other day, summed up the
marine . 01 iirtues by d^x/aring that during bis,
sunsohoet lease transponiad l .
; saillions of piasengere, millions of *lei, with
$ total loin of aasarsaa ors Busmen": Tie
..:!! worthy ceptate. meriti•are as nottthig emu=
pared with thin, of the Democratic Directan
;of the Poor of Beiniy!kill 'Comity. Y
:have many ftwaireda of thousands ;of
1 - - dullard from the Treasury, and hays taithfrilly.
`ae:Lionnted tor Olin their monthly itatenamjnr,
exaopt forthan ion ihornond dolma.- Thai .
••• • • is iiertiitoly,ilolng well for Hamerille--01.
Ir has leaked out that the Prelideni, Past
ed out the Senators that cnuld le readied
Ott the Impeachment business. ficalltPrYPl .
) 10 P, kilo it is known la Plo l * . lrell allnigit bat
Johnson stated that there was no inte!or try-,
In 4 hiin. He knew,,through
applications .
for appointments, 4t.c., IF* ailibt
h e
'ed,-and now pkrttudir Meal ottl*e 'B43-
Mark 'ROWS „fa # lO- Peale* lAt er eoO' hi
country in'idtinde#4 the Government, are
urged and appointed„to orrice trY-Johriscei, at
the instance of some of these trattmit We
hope the Senate will Nod' that pen stir
oad . gado.
Weekly 'Alsiaanae. aill
IPle, . I
July-VS. I En . ins MOW! CILISOISL. '
4 84354114.4. p. 4' XVI - II - . . a. - iT.! it.
5 ticvnim..—. 4 ST,3 4 4 Pall it. 4 St 41 ' , TT
6 KmiLT„... 4 35 T 34
. 484 Q. 19 T 44 'isT
. T TtrisLT.-- 4 151' 113 lifewll. 19 6 0 ey
8 WIDIIIIBDAT. 4 354 S ia 71341.Q.141 4 59 mo
9 TaTmour.„ 4 1114 33 . i •
10 VikoLT.o.„. 4 17;3 n l3 - -.
I • .
awl, for the
..11 edb Tt 1
•':`, -- -..c li • T i .. : . ' ii •• I
ss Saturday,..,,
aa s:a
Tuesday Monday,
1 Weduesday,..
It Friday.
.0w tanners have been haymaiiing
rat goads; latest irtykis, lovely
loeuita are very`thici its . the'
at she Caung.
„Arr. Jonathan Eckert of *monk
,Wedoeidly . ,
The *either ieneaaoriable....42ist roneti si t least
can be said in its favor.-
_ll,anry Baker,-Shenandosh (My , was
ligataisg on the nth. nit.
'l sxiod eeoood hand Piano, for sale r . at
- Lettaniera', 193 Centre street. • •
Ftretc.orke of all descriptions . can be tOught
day, at Philip Nagle's store, 20.13entre street.
Th. lit, Rev. Bishop Stevens 'SIC oftlersts in 8k
Jolua's Church, Ashland, next Tucialsy evening.
Toiday.—Whis—pop, pop, poii—bangi4nd eo
on, ad Young America is Oidel Mar
shaiji . j •
Stictlebirrite are retiring from the f.el
piece th - respber .. riee, birckberriei, mid
berrlEs. . •
On the 241h'Node 4shanoy
Cim-wan cone dere.bly ioj ared by light. .g. Not
body tort.
Ni'. A. CINOVen, eaehier of A...34and
vloge' Bank ta'auloorning at Bedford Spetega:for
the benefit of Ein hu4th. - ! , , •
. ,
liennis -Shields latelY injured at St. rpacholas
- -eolliery, t died a few , days same at Peurtaylvacds
'Hospital; Philadelphia.
.Scans, miner, was injured on :lie 26th
.. ,
ult., at New Boston, by a piece of coal f up
on him. He will recover.
Reached andtrown stem
Gallanthe, the lowest rate!.
Tiro desirable dwellinge in Market st
occupied by Mx. Geo. Bright and Mr. E.
are - offered foraale' orto let.
Three boys were seriously burned oil Sunday
hat by firing the sulphur at the fan engine of
Louden Beadle's coal works Ashland. .
The Odd Fellows of iihecandosb dedl;
cats &nose ball to-day; Two - lbdgee from Ash
land will participate in the ceremonies.
.The. cherry • crop beieaborite la a fai
year. Clause—apnnt rains that rotted tit •
fore' it came to inalurity. 7 •
A. Welsh miner mimed Elmo', Waz ee
jnred • a. fall of coal at a colliery.of 01'
Comp ,Ilahanoy City, on the 28th nl
On Wednesday evening 'next the Sunday School
et the Earangeliesi Lutheran Church, Duth ie Bo
rough, will hold its anniversary iu th church
Ti Otiinfrvrillttquiet . and respeetible dor
the next three or four days. 'Quite a large WWI
- of Cokl.blve left to attend tbe. be -halting
at Newlork to-day.
Sum w 511470, 04.1 how Mean
at (.111:
Al.busitiess meeting of thellozart lanai 1
dation will be held ithe room on Blond
ing next at 9 o'clook.• Punctual ' alto . 1
The water melons now' matlt•t come
trots•the south Ward; tied° the peactrt. Both
look colicky .. For a sure attack, stick the two
"ca"—cucumbers and carelessness. ' • •
Satteneed.-00 Monday last John Kre,. con
victed at the last ter of Court hter.
itailling his brother,,waa sentenced to five years'
imprisonment in solitary confinenOnt is. at hard
labor. ' • •
Street water carbioare now rendeied tonaineetal.
Time was when they =side& of I hogshead
mounted Cipos wheels. Thew ars now tieudeonte
reservoirs, got tip in good shape, with. • Tertiso.•
manta painted upon their sides., i.
On the 24th ult. John Mockler, , wig
killed by a talf of coal lirVoirler's . collkty, near
Matumuy City. On Saturday luta& man natae;d
Jones, from Shenandoah City, was - 410 at the
name colliery, by a rimilar atc,dent.
On Saturday eight last s thief sttami to et.
fantrances Into the dwellingeof 111 k. L. 1%
ey and fir . L.
ra W tresl a w d h l e ff 'n i;Cee pire
ert,l4 ilitrOtot Arad at hint by Mr. w.
- Notice.--John Bindlep, collector of sehool tax
and water-rent, can be found at tie-stoke of Mr.
Solomon Hoover, Centre street,. betreen Abe
limo. of 6 and 8 o'clock every eveningdrtrere all
indobted for, - either can call atid settle. '1 .26.14 -
• To get up a first pleas the abdominal
regions nothing More is neeeseery thou rho
coatis:mot of a dune in the inalajdOlS peaches now
showing themselves upon the frtf4t stall in Peopie
unprepared for tterrucy 'should give' th a wide .
.. . ...
Baer Exp,losiOn.- oi i lilaturd t ay maiming last
t! e' toiler or a Locomotrie exploded 14- Deist:4
near likelianoy City. 'An engineer named Michael
Clemens,tia4 killed. tieveral Other4nien in the
immediate vicinity escaped injury, lb! boiler
exploded towards the tender. . - i ~1
Robbery,—About four wewke ago,'While Kn.
Bough, •reaiding in the upper part/tif Centre
sheer, went up main on an errand, rn who
ie known, mole from Awe, cupboard' 615—a 'lllO
and as 6 note. The person who
to the monej
would' do well to refund holed save farina
trouble. . ,
A Nuishnce ?eh iefri should be:Owed.— . bath
ing -avail hours or the den, by boy" and ales in
the Canal within the Borough limits. The Chief
Burgess will be extremely direleot to his duty&if
he ours niu see 'mat tt is stopped forthwith. W.
have lieardmany and repeated complaints of this
haiaance. ' •
Asa and Beautiful Soci.of Goods.-4Walker l
Price.. 'Cajun Hai Bullchng; Mabautougo street;
lave inat received a largo crick a ;am and beau-
Wok goods, which they will MU at !Se
tumble prises. We advias 142 igsPect4o .44 the
stock, which will be cheerfully stullo3l-111Atloat
attentive and courteous or 4 •
I "
Oa Thmiday last • box was left at thuresideuce
M this Borough, of Mr. EL EL Davis, the artist..
On opening n Mr. Davie found a haredeome diver
goblet, aids the buthda of Ida name heady en
, grayed thereon. Lira Davis (ennui hie Maras to
,the ;donor, who le entirely unknown to hud. For
'this heated term decidedly I cool proceeding
..Picposed Balloon Ascension. —Mr.VJohn A.
Light, Lae aeronaut; of Lebanon, WtiOAxiade • a
vary etoseesful &acclaim hare a few years sines;
proposes to malsianother cue Ott Siturday after
noon ne=t, 11th host , from the loarear of laet Bich.
blurrier inure: Should the weathei Frown fine
.the spectacle will be as beautiful se it \is towel;
midwill afire a large number of spectiune;
Business lost now is rather dull; • "Saleslady"
in * dry geode stare told us the ,other day that
der name was a decided misnomer as Ito the drat
T.3e "lady" remains, but she had minis
no eale. , The "melee genUemen" were]
the damps; while the young "salmi gentleman"
aged titrteen, was ehocifing marbles up the elde-
Yard. in the very extremity of a dollsr4-week de
T r y . Baking Poirdei. tbs beet
Abitig in use for ocouttng, aaci is cheaper sad ninth
better lbau crate tarter mid soda. it is Ins sale
31.ICHULS, - Put y4Pa-4 - oHti WALLIN -
'OII:ItATIVE ASSOC.IATION, Si. Ciali z —sind W.
D 'DitEdia; Pori. Oarbou, Pa. 28 4t
- • p
Ow fogy skirt Corsetrand Sommer
tßaiLtwiai S.alta s iqu4l to luy elol4
,u f $2 every.
'where;lady . uagbt to Mao front 210
Coeuue 'turbot. ' .• • •
It 4 - 2 thr.mght that Geode! Urines resent trip
to New Yqr k baCreferetioe. to soletteing the imp,
pott the empluyetit of , the Great lUni&ei awes:
Tea frayb.r,...m.e.,f T. 31.: 4./eney &
Y 9 aria 3tt_ eey ferret, N. Y. „but' 'atm it was
diec...rerta th their time ia Ooccipled put
ticg np tb.- Veituttful .4r.: magas packages of tea.
and 0.1.1, fit, gtl to up. Their ■geot,, Pr. W.
H. Bouiuson, this Borough, suppLisailisoummu
he lattanoy . ()untie. of lase Saturday oon4
as the ft , llowwg chapter of accidents : •
Wts Mtddowny tad hit .back !Oared br till of '
o3sl Conisri on Moodiy. • ;'
Zama Waal= hadhis tin tek batity
& Barris shalt on Tuesday_ t. *-
pa 1 4tit Thoidas. of 'a 611 tad difklettat
Lb shbalder on X
• child of 'Mona of this rdaosi4ll .
Sacostai his Tight arm on Y. -
110 Ce
NOW fignuan stock jog opeamthir at Wanda
ntro strfet.
. .
. . •
i. . •
'. on Tsteidsi last while John lieffosr„brakestl
N ew
*ten. was
Philadelph engagia, ed in his dull on a anil treks near
the axle ot
broke, and several of them one or the Dare'
were Wed np oft each
ot h er , . *r. Heffner who was standing on a brake
• at the end of one of the ems, woo thrown to o con .
eiderable distance in the Cr. agd c om i c , do wn
°head *rst, his breast In a una bole.
-When be was taken out he was nasty -• .. .
Mitts was not injured in any otbar way. 4
ndon Lear:oil( SedYrkia 04, v 2 aH1.-41 a at .
-ted memint of the League held et Us .100 tel,
SeltWe Banding, on liqedeY eveltdx=rol
lownart °Some were elected for the us
Pusmern-.Wm. R. Smithy . •
• :
W. Vice Pamumnrr-Hon. Wm: pmkaldean, O.
Darorats-k. e. ldeorbeed, Jto. T: Weiner,
Gumbo; Band. O. Bari* col. Jamb G. , . ,
N. Watiaata. ' • - -
771/Vasa-army C. -
I[, 1 7,
are bein
minnow Donaldson oul ludo! tbe Tremont
Coal Company, superintetolool by T. Gairetsce,
Esq. Irpe being oduk to Me Black - Heath
vein, t. th of 2,60 .from "bleb tumid
will be ven to the KalMM.b.t It 'inn be can-
Plated hi nTO month*. The Inechtnery which 'is
substantial, la being put iip'by Ma j. ?fie. Wren.—
0 seta Lens are the 'goses: . The capacity of
the colLwriben itis flinlgumPleta and is op
eration palm 1,75 cant Pee dsy.
,844104- "Wks :Jot- au*, sidiaal - irides no
attnak at ad!aadif. • .::.: . I
Two . payl Dtottiviikt - 'On'tholiftetmxii a d
--- '..,15. bloom @cal - of 0711
sarodl i sa. - and Au
iT J of tbs. au
to La Ora* be&
e.- etkitat got booed 11
'limit& Whew rasairiiiirod
anruntner. ettempted to aw
_berth were drowned: TI
werecl ekwut two boors attar ti
a jt s Outt4oor Physidoes.—ln
• AT, stoos4 Gib& things,
/mimeo (4 _poor pe)*
Poor Roue for m w elted se
,colostesvistiao. fa good,- 'and
cbe adopted on Abe • moors of. economy, in
log the towbar of bunter sad mower st.
.)or Roue, tad for the relief of till poor sad
Physici ens eboold be mixed for &be follow
71)•_es : TiteliMt s #l4ASillt
rat, andorsznaqus: I -
law . 1
the •
eidc. I
114 p.
=ca. 51, Rd
in'OPerntiort.--Thrt'llonnt Carbon 8011-
1, ,, which impaneled ,OMintion* some
_ _ 'Joao, wu red in operation e again on
day wider Ole management of Maims.
tolatte. The Rill is weevil one, 'contract from
the Reading' Railroad Company to supply their
rolling mill at Reading. with muddled hon. The ,
_nutria of the Carbon ildwrotedto making
merchant iron, will Writ to operation in a week
or twb. Thesenewal of work at this mill will gin
that orlona bonhomie mason= whichit hair
lacked of We. • '
A ~risde of the Patriotic i
of • .rietwill. talm place ~
n i
The ollowityi Camps wit' •
pits . , •
No 14, of Pattamille ;. N.
yen ; N0..49, of Pirkerove ;
No. 2, of 3f.a.banoy City ; 1
No. 5,0 f 81. Char; No. 7;
78, - Hamburg ; No, 84, • ,
of p ti Carbon.; No. 86,0
89, f Reading ;No of
Tbie membe of amp No
=rib kg at `lf o'• 1
the early kola foe 1 i
Oared 67
' I ' ruing Oocurrence.—
this : , rungla, employed at
in adjusting pulleys, was i
dayi scorning at 7.30 o'clock
intensely irmat yesterday,
he was affected by a inn
ing n th e plane, tend in
en e does track, on w
train , of ct vi a coming.
`card Re, ' - over, and k t
hron ht t this'Borongh yes
was boa .V.• years of age ,
at Ie G of-his 'death,
York Ste AUX/ warn hignly t ,
knew him During the Be
soldier of Ci.,.rupany G, 48th
T owing is a. list of •
n the Poet OM.
I; rig
W Doyle,Xtrr
'Er9!ck Pbroel
Williams Poxfflehael
ts Wm thence nal
Margaret Elmabsi
; MraCathHcoler Mart
P Hummel Mt
James. - .Jentanas A
johu • Kline • •
C.ptJno Kelly Web
• Ilen Knudson TV
Lotd Yarns :
/kith BOO= Wal
. .
• :Sc uylki/1 County at . • lesson, hut many.
poin . where thelovliest • . per spread before
the ye, slid - enchant the beholder.. Standing
with scale friends a day or wti since on the ter
race; ;vineyard 'of Mr. Cie.: Schnering, on the
,Branch, 'south from 'otterille about four
mile ', and looking aftbeve k lLey and-the graceful.
ly el •ing tali _through Which the sparkling
mon • tain *elm dances with , merry twee: -ene
rem 'rked that it reminded him Of counarin min
iature, evr, far as the hills are concerned ,) of the
'Valli 7o f Chanionni., !The neseinblande was stri
king., , ;And we have adores • d moires of just such
gems.of scenery withia th • - boutidaiiee ' 'of 'our
*". .. tit - The wearied ..'• •. of the heated city
oho .Ic - seek 'Abe interi. .f. Pennsylvania, and
. . in renewed health .. strength upon its glo
rit.o Mlle: Pashionab.4 •erowd t a wa t„, rima.
Ole . .11 sink info ineiguil. - • -. ln the eetePerhien:
Let he languid' cit. . • and exclaint—•_`ho I
for ;e, Schuylkill Valley '.. v• =Ojai I" ' ,
are this
trait be-
'oisly in-
. B. Ball.—h **l7 *
was ph4ed on the gtoun
at Oirartiville, on 'Word
Cisrneoln ,and P
with the following zostd
Lit In
Pioneer _
Rain Coming on at tii
the,game waa postpone
aftetr a sharply amulets_
suittld as follows :
Litobln -...,.
...15 Atilt
• .
Pio*r , ' 15 runs,
Time of first game, 2 bites. Scorers,' 8.. - 4,
Smith and M. Horan. ,Umpire, 1.. C. Wolfe,
.Preston Club.' ' • -: ' , • ,
Time of secoptd game, 11 hours. Scorers, B,
J. Staab, and J. Donohue. Umpire, W. S. Thom.
as, estop' Club. • '
T -day 'there will be a Match game of Base
Bal on the Agricultural Park grounds, between
'theottavllle and Tamaqua Clubs, for the chem •
pi° hip of this County. : •
• The base ball match which was to hen been
olaNieo at Schuylkill Haven ,to -day - between the
Preilipti-Club of Girardville ~ and the ginerstille
Club lof Idiot/mill., has been pos tpon
II ___..,,,•...,a,,k...-.... • ,
, .
Ulna. Organdis, Percales, Chintzes, in spiel
. *.triery, at Gallander2lo Centre street. •
.Mtlrlystilifi of a Welsh' Grant Club.—A. num
ber_ofthe Weleh citizen's of Pottsville, met at.the
-Welsh Met hndist Church, Jane 27th, for the mar
pdso of establishing a We!eh political society. E.
B. Lewis was elected chairman pro tent. As soon
as the chair was taken and the meetibst properly
organized; th e following resolutions were passed t ,
geSolvid. That we organise &Welsh political eerie/.
RODired, That it ohall be called "Tile Welab Grant
Club Int Pottsville!'
Beaelseal, That two commineee be appointed. one on
reeoluttons and the other on Dollialltiteral. the COlDlikite
teerto' repot% at our next meeting. I
ROSolotd,oThat the proceediemi of this meeting be
reix)rted in they Walsh newspaper and the Moms
Jetadrar. • ' -•- .
itejulead, . That we adJourzi to meet on July Bth, at
the .Welsh Congregational tninrch. for the purpose of
Perlo*zeili/Y organizing, when es many of the:Welsh
citizens as can makeitconvenieur, are lav lied to attend.
Ite - rsr-NrArtarniza I and , foroird to the eeenkt.
us puye to the tyrants that . fatten to trample on our
eactsal r' hte, that .thiit Li. for which mar tomb.
there bl is dearer to ns-t. life itself. - ,
D. C. Juane, hee,,'-pro tern.
Postal Diffice4 lty with Reading- Raaroad
Compuey.—There - is' a • ••culty between the
Reacung Railroad Comp .1 and the Post Moo
Department at Washington. It *cents that the
contract expired on Juba 1868, snow
one toramencieg on the Of July 4.t.
The route between here and adel= l a
knowo ssecond-du =M
al . but the
R. B. Company • want it made it first-chum one;
andthe - paylo be accordingly. A report Lin
'circalatiou that the company 'Want twenty-eve
thousand dollars a year, which the Department ,
will not sow to ; . hence the , company say they
will give only second-clasa tooommodations. The
employees of the oompattywers_notilisdlo elites
the mail car on Wednesday morning last,ukdoot
to admit the route•agents, but tOiet them men.
py a portion of the baggege Cu. Iri oonseqnenbe
of thut order, the Spots arewithcstrionting
table. or boxes, • • must separate hall on
the floor of the . • .- .• • •
' The Govennnen can settle th is ttenipt 0-
tortton by' using 1 right underth Ooostitution
to eel •lish p;et • • Let it b • •a • • from
this B • • and 'e should like to i bill in.
trot/o• • forth • in.Ckingrtmi fm , • • Torepoos.
- estlng X 'Unfitting
en ant w ; given st. Union 'fiThurs
dat g Lost, by the papa of the • hid In
stitute of this. Borough, superintended by the
Principal,J. A. M. Passmore,Meq in sant the
depicted tummy of the Pottsville Benevolent
Society. The attendants was large. and the ex
ercises emulating of.declantatlou and dialogues by
the pupils, were - exceedingly creditable to the
yrnng ladies Ind gentlemen who 'partieipated.
We observe a marked itmptovemeoa at, each of
the _exhibitions given by Institute, and con
sider throe public exercises as most advantageorte
and instal to the pupils who seem to take great
interest in them. At the conclusion of the e
tainment, Mr. Pessmore assembled gi fichool
in kir, Getz's itabon below, where the
toes' of lee cream and Miter refrestuneu and
enjoyed themselves hugely. Under Mr.,
invro's management assisted by Kiss Lima B.
&ranch, the Pemba' Institute heat a deservedly
high 'reputotion fut the thoroughness 'of the bi
strrmtion imparted. We underdand 'that for the
next term there ars but few vacancies yet to be
filled i which is the strongest evideneeuf the ut
teacup/ afforded to the parents whose children
are being educated in the Institute. • • ..
Suicide at Renato. Oftnion County, Pa., of n
Stiypcsed Citizen, of Schuylkill Goonly.— By te fol
lowing letter winch we received Una - week from
Mr. Goa. Armatroug,. Borneo, .of:ikon amity,
Pa.,lit will be seen that a man interposed to have
beta • citizen of this county, committed. suicide
on the .24th nit., by ditanuorkimaell in the Laver
as tliat ptcce. day information ro persons who
mar etrKkiaii that they knew the' tutu; will be
cheerfully given byr. Acanthi:is by Addressing
• Benno, Jute 411124 leal.
Emus ltuncea•Joctutax.:4lL . it r—Tbeda canstathls
plate on the St m la d Jut" a man, who on the new daj,
exantahted suicide by drowning himself in the vim
one Infie above &novo. From all, the infartaatiocf
that ate aloha of the owe, ,he to supposed blame
Daeti deaustsd In hie mntd.. lib =sweat Ware wUd
atoll ltaihezeot. the, bade set tam him teak
- Seisnyiklll. I will give a dftvziption ill new as I can.
was, I should think,. betweed SS or 40 year* old;
laway beard, lather sandy, vnth iiaaslacheF ronaa
Doily Stiool:4 Celt 10 Wane high, with a vary poor salt
01 cloths: a black
blu iciased_otp„ cloth teak bdte_ablni
flannel *Os and Icon gwnewa. Hag worked Mob, coal,
dont, e eat Toon Itia hada and Owe. awl'
co Win wham found, St 4:4 le =ea% bat attLlst to
toestite him at all.
•Ity PODUabing tile, liaCto
CO mum kusetlette' "bolts trot, sad the 4 0
1,4,104 taw beocssetcutett.
• • Itagstste l loiees, ' •
The roaro4 July There ban been no fan.
scat preptrstioas ma de for en obeervanoe of the
oliada in Pottsville. 'At 'limbs be:mover. it . " sante
f 00 One will be fired by Poet 311, 0.. A. B.•
9 Voiock this tninsing, Paw 23 will most at its
to oelebrate the day and to toiler.
Dracts • swim of reeeintione beautifully ern
grOssed end Bum% ezromber thanks tor - Lisa
seem= delivered to the raps on thellist af last '
oceismensorttiver of the floral ateoestioa_ of 'the
nice deed. The Deestruba et ho
ZPaaet 4 . 4"ll e the
willbiased by ail Jae. Who ; .tbe
wand=mg Wren of • /inertia
will be bl D. W. Blend. ILO,. ond en lot.
maniac address will be delivered_:w.
_Lia m
Th e wai t s sod gentlemen of Out
°scattily invited to MI peevish at this' .- r
partode reunion. • .
The Botha& and Wore' Grant end Colin Oinf
cc.pretN ec t
l ill meet in the Unto Lagoa tem.
adlOi o' Ibis smith( wile° an eddies will
beldalivered :Illn. lit Nal-, Oss Deo.
ligation of In den: r e
xma ta tood bY Blskr O.
0 . llaabyelieltalthe
r tomarg i alteme .
of President
Beath. The - pub& are Invited to attend. Q..
is . cute win wastrels the annlvessary of Amer.
with Mat emosoniew.- Jo
be a parade, lino to be
The Mowing imeletles
( „ md xW ae.i at ,
ci t otock, hers will
espeetod to partidatto, hooded by the St.
011ir Voion Braes Band ; ft , el Loam' NO.
:L O. et O. IP. ftimporesseee Ilhadeni WIC O. of
T. ; Mite Star La**, No. 216,1 0; et o..'‘T.;
WatibtagspoOesststlo. 75. P.' O. of J. L Of Ai:
Poet 47,0-A'. of 8.3 EN& Temple °Moan Nsi
.-dlt NoPo. Nolo rue . 00 1 12 1 40 1 r, 41 4
. 43 0,9"
1 / 00 01111 00111414 t,
Themirions ego* will ie.a boldibetia
sea ido4m. aweless deli lid
sB ll lCellapptlillesea WSW w illillal le
l irriaeof, Janine Boom
prese , v to
-147,;0t Bch
I Din, 64 of
o. 13. of Gremoori ;
of Taiwan"; No.
I.srwtgitnarg ; No.
. • „,
,r. WilliankMason a!
the afahanoy Plum
tasitly killed yeater-
The weather woe
2d IC ta *apposed that
stroke while work
that condition, got
;doh' at the time a
le was *troth by the
ed. .Etli body will•
terdry afternoon. He
Mimes a 'Wow, who
ras on &Tied to New
peeled by all who
Woo he wet I breve
NCIDII. Regiment.
. • •.1.
tkenperince.Ender the -
aupices of Pioneer
ge, No. 676, L O. of G. T.:lodated et Middle.
n. Idir. Thor: Boberbildelied on Wed es
r evening every impreeitive and -entertaltaing
drew, upon the subject Of Temperance.' ;The
aurewas well attended, and theltlifienee mein ,
• satisfied with the Masterly manner in
Ooh.he bandied the Subject. He is i ready, and
it::: speaker, and one mu sesicely fail to be
ably eitte•ftained by him. . We would advise
who ham an'opportnnity, to go and hear him.
social rd-union of the temperance ekimout of
Ebb, will be held in Holmes' Hall, •on Tem
y 'evening, July 4, US o'clock. All persons
• ether engaged in the cause or not..Srepordially
ted to attend. -
le n Friday evening, 26th nit., a Teri. iriteireetieg ,
•• perance meeting war bold' in 'We T.;. M.
, rub, St. Clair. The °vision was Weigeed as
. 'buts , of respect to lbw. Charles Spurr, (Omit
I remove to Brooklyn,N. Ir.) and also as • Union
-a:marines meeting. The followleg,oritaints
1' no clothed an regalia, attended In.* bode, and
, ted a very creditable appeirance: Parse
r ranee \ Section, No. 16, C. ofT., White ;Star
1 . •
ge, N0.'428, 1. 0. of G. T., and Es„gle Temple
Honor, No. 47. The meeting was called to
~'der by selecting•Wm Teo, it a chairman, and B.
A Crawabaw,.as Secretary. Eloquent and etiming .
' , dresses were made by Rees J. Y. Ashton. of
' I Olair,_Riv. Thontu Roberts, of Philadelphia,
• 1 -r.
B. FoveY. of Girardville, and. Hey. Charles
• err„ of Bt. Clair. The remarks of the sprok
• elieitad•rone.h enthnsisam, and a good feeling
;„ evaded throrighont the entire meeting." .Rev:
t Spurr has changed his pastoral duties to Brook.
1 Er. and by tiffs change the cans. here !oils an
rnest, activeadvocate. We are *abided ;that
I* will prove not only active in his ministerial
*dies, but also a firm supporter in the canes of '
Lletel abetioenee. He has ear werviset eyeing_
s lied wishes to his new field of labor.. Tab
tiogyriseme of We mnsfeuceeesful held bore •
:F -Dome tide. Ti'. P. H. poll. furnishe d mu
for the occasion., • . k
A Strairberev FeAleal wax held at the Odd Fel--
era' Hail, itiMine nettle, on Thursday, Friday Ind
skturttay i tlr last week, ender the management
.11 for the benefit of Sib* Spring Social ,and
sal-Wave Temple of Bondi. The affair, we
• • derstandi passed be very pleasantly to alifflon
• rued and resnitod in a proilteirll.2o. The MI
LL revile Braes Band was per rent at the feitival on
,ridgy and Saturday evenings, and en/irened the
alTsir with very excellent rans'e.. The Will; was
tastefully" decorated with evergreens' and
'•• ricab Rags. , One - of the attractions of the
, Ural was the competition for the various ; arti.
• '•a to be given to the persona reoeiving the high
,l number of votes. Tile articles voted for were
re follow' : • I
tilvory silver-mounted gavel fors Society ; gold
-idea cane for handsomest man.; eilver-huded
micewheel, man • writing desk .formettlest ,
•y ; ball and bat for base ball club. The letter
• cited the greatest interest in consequence of
° P .great efforts made by two rival baseball clubs
, • WO to secure the bat-. .Thl poffirivere closed
, ten o'clock on Saturday evening, MO the Tani
.' articles were finally awarded as folloWeiti
I Sllver-momited gavel •to Washingtoti Camp,
. .46, ;. 8. of A.; gold-headed cane CO Th*. Wm.
.. Beach: silver.-beaded cane to Beik' Noble
' 0 : writing desk to Miss Lottie Troia '
4 d' bat to Exper 'Bare Ball Club ; silver lc
1.1 et Whiles, H. Kauffman.. We are glad to
g fir that the festival was so successful.-IThe
nee of temperance certainly deserve the warm
t sympathy and earnest • support of all In the
mtfuity,ftod we trust that all affairs q this
d may be liberally.patronized and encouraged,
444 thus - Lid . in pushing on the great caul. of
.4elabried'lettere re
1, et 'Potteiriße, Pa,
.11eClatn T W
Mariann Pblllp
, 1
Nadu, N
Menu Bervild
Mcoll Petrie*
L' Margot Arm W
C Atyl. MAO
s Bo." John R
Waltzes Thos
1 ' 6haw Franc!'
0.. „ Raw :obi •
Balder J C '
• • glatae of Due Ball
of The Prostoia Club
7, June - 20th, between
Lao, of Guardville,
: ;• 1 '
28 rub&
. . :.28 rues.
end of the 9 . th Inning,
until. the 27th, which
game of Ave tatting. ro•
.4 Grand Army of the Bepublle.-00 Wednesday f
• ext the semi.anntral Convention of the G. A. B.
f Ponnitylvanis.will meet is this Borough, at the
a .itrt Boum. The following programme of the
option of &Attest and parade, has beer la
tfid-bv the p commander :
il r Circular. ,
"TT - , Blarstraaves.Pons or limp. A. R.,
, . -.. Scurstwat. iCo. DaTASTlntirl Of Pa1..1 .
, , - Prrrearu.t.a. July 1, tufo
Cornrade D.III. Rolmes, Rat No.. It, having been
lected as lionsfor the Parade and Review of
~ Poem O
of Suy. County, to take place at Potts.
lik July ti, lanes e following InstriMtions for the
• idance of Posts: •' - '-.:„,?:. I
I Id. Ruh Post el betnrined . as a company. - I The
I-. - .. • der, Ben* and Junior Vice Comoiandets act.
I. g as captain, and Pint and &coon • Lfeutenan , I re
- rely. These officers will •ieW sword =dash.
• a Adjiitant ao‘hergt Reitz wilt act as let and Sd
• meant& - They will each wear a sash. Where tt is
• prar t„*Ok for officers to nerve salt:eve, their pls.
Ciswill bhat rem filled by thereat. 'Should Poet No
andel parade iti fall force each will be ahrided Into
two Computes, the Senior Vice Commander of -
acting u Captain at the 2d Company, other
to be filled by udicommit of Um er of the
Std. Poet,Market &inert,
Potterille, I In line will be sa-:
stoned by the neat according to 2931.
ari a
Poets awing with them sash
c h i ... A.llll2nd procurable. The [color
wit, separate ompany ender
inirLid of vom.sole TM& A. Nichols, of Post ..No..
4T.. Commie' Retry C. Taylor of Pat No. IT, and
WlLogton Rum of Post No. 4f. will set es Linden.
ant and Comrades Ferdinand L. Sphtgle, of Poet 110,
andEd.' Hausa of Post Na tit, will set, se Sergeants of
seek color comparty. _ i
. Theme countries with the color better ' of the Meer,.
eat Posta will report to Comrade Nichols at the Camp .
of Post No. 23, at 8.80 P. N., 4to The following
details are made for recent of tbe battalion: • •
Comrade George W. Jilmans, of Post tio.• • p,T as
ct . Col. .
Comrade Seth N. T of Post No. 42, if *1101:
" Ikett. R. -• 811., Adjtstent.
• ", J. a Dm& N. R.. of Past No. sa, as
. • ,
• La lic ' 3L D,. ct Post No. 4T, as
list Sargent • -
Comrade .•••••:.' areas. N. D'.. of Poet No. SS, as
Comrade 1..., H. Getman, ' of Post No: St, as
lain. •
' o n omrade James IL Helms, of Poet N 0.20, as (bar.
ternator. , .
comae. Geo. W. Kennedy, of Poet
.14 22
Leh C. Leib, of 0. 43, so Q. gm,
!Vas, ofilMws Q. Y.
wit., will tat Th ey will each mess a sword
aM sash. -,.- 1 - -- .
SM. petetnceles mil be eor ducted In accorthace
Armin es, P arag raph flak de., B.S. Itemnatione,
'Welch shoubi be read to the different Posts. •
The ofncera and colors will salute as_ thereto pre
emibed for a general raker. -The Rattkllon at the
coormand .Present Arnie will salute by. Melo? the
*tit band to the Thar of the cap. palm tithe front
aloow Wail as Web as the shoulder, and there "re.
main until the command "Shoulder Aram'• be given. -
' Metre and colors only will salute 'whilst pansihr
In MIAMI... . . .
nth.' The Officers detailed in seetiona II isadd, with
the COMMltiden of
-Posts will repots or limber in'
fttirdony to the Battalion Adjutant al, the Ilatep of
Pao No.' V; at sits ;reelect,.
ith... PO* 80.13 will metes the offitars < sial del*.
galas[ the. Department Cenventlen at It. Carbon st
no of Wednesday. eth !lbw - They Will make gl
nemsesszy arounponmits therefore.
Vhdlitm Poste Wailes% Potievilis bekee noon are
larttedtojolnin this munition. •
IX , Posts are secoartly tweed to scam to Witte to
make this display one that will be of Wang benefit to
the came we represent. - ny OnStirof
D. R. Baum, Post Ife. ta Parade Camminder..
Hon B. Seasa r Post No. 13, Adjutant.
Among the stiognisbed .t 0..• as who will be
here, as of .Post , 513,_ are, troy. Geary, Gen.
11 1, AM 8 : Kegley, Gen. Chilmion,
A. G., Oa Ocilla* A. A. G., Gm. J: T. Owen
and Gen. Mods Wagner.
Gsa. Login, Commnandeohi-Ohlet and -Gen.
Basside; it is tu= i3 i2 be present.. _
Tbelollowing -have been elected by
Poet 2S to represent in the Convention :--Gam
rides B. B. Beath, .0 0, 13osbyshell; D. M.
Bland. James Wreck E. E. Bodey, W.
_J. Hinkle,"
F. B. Wallace, P. lt. Leib and Prank Hinge.
- Oaths 9th there will be a too -nto at • the - Amtvl
cultural PaAft'grotinde, to continue dining the en.
ltre'day. The Ladies very geasrallyk.of the Bo
ms II hoped and believed, will Nt - presen and
IDs we oonadintly predict, will be na- •
lUD Piastre and dojo
Mowing Dal jut = lnk lestisti final this
lietabletsrtses in Wastmington z, ' - • ,
, ,
.. i paaturirrus Gauen MIXT or toe Roma"
1 , , • . .. •
__..lux-eal Pumerearea arm%
, • .- Wasstateume, D. C.. Amu* Ices.
.. .
2 Ossaut%_Oemmass No. 14.—Thu Commandem-to-chief
co s ionnon to the Itillotrlng Oengreadonal Wirt
WO repol to the tomuattal outemonies of the 30th
poorest of flit lldeed (Pates In Gs House 4 item..
eastatives, iioo In. late:
On motion of Ir. Icon, ' ' .
taltrt s. asgeakffikat du proseedlaps of Die Maud cities.
gm, maw* bold In itimoratitie of the
repeat heroes Who Moe secrincedtbdr hose ln deems
of . Rebtad/c. and the meads bf the eareamosies of
the dsOtea4taa re the bound tosberif the
WWI as ceileised,inal bound setae the dila 'e h m Parte .s
In palm es taw Iliasherifulli - ibmigniti‘Pc,ft !IN
14, CCPPIIII. ,' .
7 E - - R. S 9 ' J O Trri
Alio Hamm*
stifloool left ids
tbs' Republican of
zing macs of the
Ds has
troops fth sash
.r ` their .
'their conduct in
.o the oohs sod bsso•
fiat is tblitdssio.'
dhodamis of Orin
thrr • better mamma
U: A., does bow to
therefrom, to the yotmg
m u d r g-- •!1 12 1
*cc •woric
t 4
-411 t
vaquero' . ipslificationsi
motion. Mr, Little wag. made Ctthinnaxi, land
Haber apppinted to lilt the 'near:7.
. ,
', ... •, ' , '". , • . ..... , .
.- : . ... -, , • • illf.amoroo, Jim SOM. ' '
' Pt* XX* 211.: editor of the/Widow Itio,d,.
li wow oppoodot 113261 a Mb reselation.- .
' :. , f • . . .
_-• , botimas Odo; •
Ipeoller ot Us Bois et X•pgeos .
, la oolin womb, seocootal this elan to prputeall
WI sword of • NO tritmas to co v iirrotis aug =
=1.4,0161.5a cookroSts lbef prod tO
4 ffeat 2l2 2 ll to lb* estesoolis
_ ,... sun dad *IRV* am toms u, mark pro.
Plilltsgeo. • 1•4 s•P•s!
Wiliti IMO likicataito topes oS idioms
sad tibmvoilow webs,/ ma km lomm . M ,
' 14 , cillir ° lloll 4 . /0 3 1 1 4 Oanamoler • • ,
It. P. Coosio;ASlstanS
' lb* follootos dims vie* sieetod ealtaffirt -
Oviing Irk at a VOW - ositing Of Toil.
.Tbay irMlis Itstalloi tansy-mod
.0111•018 6 . 1 04
inpek. .
Port Oomosuader. ILABIIIIi._... _..
': Bosky irks Clowool,Oof t - no oteithek. '. : "'' •
' ;linter " quo: J.:114114•4:' ' —.
;, Mfosios. , ..2. l Finlek: - ..
mss, Or Om T raast ' • .
,''. i Wigan ftigo, •':-.':—. - ..,.. f. ,
`e-• - c
1/,e....i /
• •lierailoa bovirrr buts. - /1140111 a 1114 tai.
hartag froas the Letmatet potable at Ibliti*
124tharroati deoblisibt-104 Nii4tbe, biT.
isaklablarbbrod.wlllba rib satlirem aball
g4 cil
paspbto . . ' any iin • amearda u rall_
Nom tram Ilielmtput by UM
1 &mid Oftberairmidettimia;aseei ulibied4'
410 , lbila ut tr a islttababoar. abbot&
at UIII 1100,41911114 tO n
ibs boors of labor ~ . • ,
f' T"-tfra
-1W aokinitiftilibiniiiria a t i s c k
,;,,„i *has worMag totality wart
hum sod boa rid atm Mod. - Swag of per
pm in the hum oelibborhood,have met 41r.t. a
lika amadetit Irlihotit ao s irr reialts.. latal
coptebrava arbor Ik_ ' Moira bat tba -
Pk" ' wtv & P " ri al a tbst ookbearibe
ta *maw
...- thew the poor lomat , isa!t "moire
abated Est tbao Cooing." 1 ; , •- ,
ling our gotta;
sudsot at Cis
ad order watch
Wry We hes&
ogs. By ludas
adtivated sad
- at
. , .
tOtorst i rt itio • ' ' -
'iertfiel. 31thaleth.anil 1. to ressetnheind
. 4 1 0 1 0 b
d e :Biretta of Hazleton. 0111 Thrawall edge• *
hen MOW eheleltoo.
agape • at ,tilt he wield be
in I .
~ • L
is,W;or Friday: that iml "%Rai. -
that a gentlezesn end tel. • c 4 1 = 1 )2..;
At 10 o'clach a. cethelathe df , . U..=y of the
Rept:loth. In a cizduge desnyeby , • looms. startolito
meet blash. =re ... . 3 Ram a,,.rt_
vie, the cell; emba , . State - o u t .
(Naneanorture4 Mt mike "oat of town. - -a.nd_ditsed at th e
C4tercinghare hotel. Soon after dbuier. S . 101,14sarlesdei.
"Me., started adenrborse back to reset the Governors
`piny. eon eel:weed bringing the good new' , . •
the Gourmet Inse in light and mould icon be •
tew is coon an the evolagetql:flendeCt i lt
-tell. three cheers were Rhea fee . Gail. - As aton
ed be idirhted from his carnage be "I*, I moor-
Dire that cbeer.., /t crates fecietWeefdon as Mb
aylvanike 'fle We. then pleated To the Open ourtsge
and took h neat on.• -the emedeap flag. width was
bwiie aloft B. nide: pea Ws left eat Obi.
irlizostrick„ old commander or the 99th: to toot
of him • Aimee 29th Pa., add Harr). H. David.
Wb - • " itottreeetthed tbeonteldet ar.tfrint: ifte7
. • joined by aborivekcarriszes an d a number of.
Persons. on horseback, maces thette the three young
Path of A. Venire. Itse , way 743 ' eqa their tim e
poni As hone sit the Tarty earn ide the town, a,
salute of 13 nuns wee fired by a •stationed at OW'
right of the town. The line wite thro w ttill - taihi by the
members albs G. 'A. Et, Sobs of TelapWada.-411ate
feta Ifeebanted. Soldiers at the War of
_MA agletak
At., maiden's long dm heeled be the HiWdon Braes
Band. Tbey marched down the awn Street the Gay.
. erzor receiving tbe theme 01 the ma., the Wien wav
ing dsgs ant, handkereblefa. At trent points along
the route he:received beano. and In front of
Hazel Hall,.} began fal .w real of chides &WIWI
At Br ent
rrpm the garde * of A. Pardee. q. The Gaireence
, was thee aborted* both, Watery Col. AU
- hotel. He made s few mode kiteetbeftlA Pi lt
kind receptien thelr had shwa and said he would
speak in obe bell it 4 o'clock, and d be glad to see .
the tale well attended.. as it was a good object, to
take'eare of ;the tridciers and s en his late pow
rides who bed falleo,lubitth 4 Weld* the flow_
Warne and party entered the bilgl in t he following or ,
der: Yr . Davis and Wes , Prof. Carver and
~ . •
titer of tßloomeberg. Gov. ' end Col., Pits
. weathers of the Grind 7of the aglow*
lil t .
~.. g the tall the band . yid '',Efell to the'
Met"' , th ew seated on tbe stage.
and the of welcome liner delivered b 7 Lb•
Rev. Nolte.. Gov. then nude a aebeell to Ws,
old commies in.errns: and gave teeth Trent het
their devotiten to th eirtorintry in , the = Rebellion.
He wee tre a rtly interrupted by .hesh of his old'
soldiers eh ewereed tog, be Ai the batiks Over
soda. ch they Were Iteteoing oideemicsand
wr. who haled them thrtregh. tit tangled woods' at
Chancelterille, who Ita.) etwered them em to daty'at
Calp's 11111.1Gettribirrawthd led wild th erge on the
Babel write at "Illiwoon Ridre," Heal end his'
mew planted the "White Star" e e th e ?yang donde,
At ther. coatlnsion of his speech three cheers were„
'gWell far John W. Ochry : The Ge rube then dawealwl-
ed from thefstsge to *bake hands :tithe people, end
ell Permed to enjoy the privileire ne affarded th eat.l
The Governor then visited the bc Department and,
wet mo th gieseelto wee the But! Plageof 6:baylklll,
°misty. bloadatalned colors of t Immo aatb and
is e
dab Regte; On Sailudey the vhdted the
'Wore at atidenried and , retuning to Berle!
ton far dinoer. 'At 9 o'clock P. the %maim left
' Eliziltr.n on the train for Harris arg, a delegatiortbf
the G. &Ili 'and citizens a Pun his Bnadirarre
to aisle Creek - Brian. - In 'pit leg. three row*.
cheers were given 9thisbedoff a ...deer:. One of
be party, Mr. J. Punkas II of Pottsville, ,es.
pressed haveurprtee and mid. Damen. I did sloe
.ththryon could raise inch a bre tiger in this rough,'
rocky eauntty." The ladies of Hezleton &wee great.
Credit for devoting' so math of their tithe to thslate
fair. - They : they feet susenred th e l l their Idednent chi
never be begotten by the Boldi of that:hand Aram
of the Rept' htic. , • • 111 "11:,,84.
r .
Boma. —A
%ipid ati
, lyttals,
nd Se*.
of priji
al ro
oe fln
1 , • , - -- ,
Lau, and onmerrets Orman hliam riche' are
being organized in Michigan.. #' - . .
A row flit of water—Salmon 0 1. a
high Democr i atle
platform. Cifictnnati CArotticia. 1 Is an early riser. It le aid. : • las i wad he Is
riming all the time.—Ciactanatt C melt.
Tea Reinidcan Executive zolttee of Louisiana
claim that the State w'll givet and Colles 25,000
majority. ; '-
An exchitnge up the dent of a "Conservatirte
ti. .ti
soldier Is um: who never did h anybody and don't
was% to hitt anybody. A • , ._
Te s Deixrcratic Preis is co scaly Complathin
about taxes The, are hoary. wOregretthat Dem,
strata forced upon the Gauen ' th e nesteselty of .
levying them —Boston Trasnri
l a
Iv is stated that the bonded *anuses. within the'
put few dip. have reached a Wither lure tbao before;
tor the butt twenty years Such is the result of del
horrid-this of Drownlow in .. goo cusemws.—M emphis,
' 1 , 1
Toe tire Soldiers d Ballots. of bile.'
kbery met In cony Bon-lust Wepterday to elect dele
gates to the :few Tort-pariven In. 'The attendance
ageregited lust eight fill didged narrative soldiers,
DO less and no court. ,
i g i..
?SAT tie Damoemlai honk! trek Gant,
,I, I
rather Huth ran after h fa namml, ' the b ad
wee acquired by We So th em niembe of
Motor the' war, and has Instinetr followed by
their Northern alllee,- , -
Is sooo k , Tramer ea in the IlideplOteritt : "Verily,
this Is a changeeble wild i Lug alpirtisan of Com.
and newer a pettiest of Grant. we frankly avow that
Mote these two met: haulm algailly chanced plum,
we now a thoneand times prefer Grant to Chase,.'.
Tau mliMnderstanding bet General Grant and
General Butler h al at length amicably Settled
through the interver Mon of . the former dies.
.cowing hie intention to wrong latter in the lan,
gnageof Ina report, made at the thee of the war.
.... , L'Anz i tte,” of New thleus, does not admire OM
Chase der ion of Ite party.. It : ''/f the Demo
crats mei themselves to act •as they stead; and to recognise the Belts of ' . mass u sound .
why need they straggle against CI •ten a candidate ?"
Tae Chicago AM says: ...A . . the pos ioss o vr
soldiers in Ohio named u del •. to the Tammany
Fide show; Is Gen L. C. Duo of Toledo. WA/ lieu
bees dead eta mango • And • rest of the delegetu
are like the Irishman., turtle—.• I'd, but not eensle
ay ft .." r," . ' , 1 `-
Tut Chicago Times um : " Ithough there la no
mobabilit, that t.'l. . f Janke et: will be eregie s ud
by the Democratic :.. ,t. oos/Ton ution for the Presi
dency. there is little itenb* Spit e *lll cordial, sup,
port the candidates and p ',Yon the coseentiots Will
present." ;.Of conme, thee Is w . re all traitors go.
BLACK era were voters ill 'Fe • • from the first
ozminizstion of the State nplo 1.'4, when a new Coo.
stiftitlon was adopted which had the effect to 'geode
from the suffrage all persons of • blood trtmere
t o r oo s down.. The earlier Cots lit.on maladapted in
Ilse from that of North Carol . where, also, there
wag then no diactholnation on . of color.
Day by ,day the Richmond.. syse r ie sio d s* .
reiterates; Its demand that to ivy empire
shall t umnirer (reel:lawn who' mums to vote ;Auld It
aseerte the if feels -quite dtttered"'by the denuncia
tions with which Its proposal has been visited by some
Of the Radical ' papers in the liertb:-IDI programme, It
AIM, le Ye17 . 00.p1e,:. •Iht4) „, _thymfait and no rote, or
Sots and steam.
pt... ,
• I
plummy. ii sort oat of one hundred Will
In additlob to tossittstatel reps • to Datoocritc7.
i mbed by,tbricourse of that y toward them in tbe
war. ther th at, the abuse Muted General Grant
iv. lyemocra: lc prunes and it ttlleseeteeMer
10 I decent respect for all midi Is resit, a creel
Welt to themselvee which th will resent th solid
columns at the poll In ft .-•Elogfpri Awe.
AV ire one accord the clamant% are be' .
sting to open Tae
cab angry is
on Gen. Grant. Tft "b utcher," be- , .....
the 'dumb bayonet.' reTclendf every use,— si
zi.. , ways ego tosinertyred Lineal w as sooty men Id
with the bitter epithets' of "Ipso s. sy ssoper.. ... % ,„,
It es:mot:be forgotten that ft the incendiary an
jugs of, respectable Democratic papers that sped the
tittlieeot th e Booth. tr ey - scheming an.
other runnier now T--Phfi
zoned at 'Sew Yur)i.wir
cock , Hendricks,
mai be, hla
,sua be bat
tins which rates the
prtheiplee are tbo — predotai
'heap, and the Demoerstic p
ie the exisment and edvo
no note free Itheif of thie
qteleops.o east Owl*
. .
Firs may 'to the Reepubl
est sialay..l Let Grant a r
come in veer, village and
ahle, and know your 4
mita Pat witul
every lesierin4-11= upc
Deiticeric* Mown!
IDS R-4011 - cisk Ucket
inatifss l ouganu! work / Mol<i 11 p f Ohio:
. • . e ,
di.'July eight a grand mars meeting of the Union
soldiers sod Whin wilt be held at Portland. • The
WI is signed by. General On_wire IP Shepley, General
Jo g , C. umgeali, gretieraLSWW Conner, General
Fberk Peteenden, General George L &G, and many
ottani who have borne an booorable sod exerr eere
p i n In the war,• A commer , alma of the Bolton Ad.
teryiew mys that the Commillem et the
Bolero and seiteve.beld Yottiold rartstiar Wit t
war an 'wax and ealsersals fathom" Tho soldiers of
%doe, like their comrades throughoni th e count r y. at .
molt onaninsuusly endorse - the snmelnations of the
knilearro Convention. They meant the moss of Great
mid thplfm is oppmed by the same influeacis and sae=
WM madam watch they fought bl i the warOf tits rebid
110.—PaN. Nem -
/ha hOpeltlialine of thstilehaerase fainfelti In the'
Islet Mates would be more elholr apparent upon an
part poll of the pipuLtr wad As In
t tnlyunts.
no in many other ages of the Nock, pi t o - , b at
bran enabled to what= soom respectable pretensions.
1111 4 'Ten nennetimes to secure a temporary meters. by
Its statewide and universal omit twice of tits Opel
andadoos sad ellfwbi• trend , ntwa the brdlot. Wm*.
The latest Indicumed for Domotratie fends comes
host New Dampish when it la DOW mentrtamed that
eS teen three frandnlent rotes ware ant a
fest weeks sham for dlnclair the candidate Mika
for Governor. Upon so none t p o i),[t arr i mws
li mn majority fnuall hare been ambits of dm
thanessd. A Vmefordlouthsi stakes that mhe ;emu
itt the Setretary's dike show tut !lithe ICI Demme*
tetra bike mem they retuned seven headrol more
*OM thaw they had citable polls. white to the ige Ise: t
waken towns,' the number of rota mows& was
A,lll Ws than Qs lumber of mashie pow ,
Boom Boum:as—A Rica Yaw.—lt
that s 'Oonsemattie Soldiery arid thdioty Carrattkm
In the uttered of the Collsonead iamb will lONA In
New York today, The call iftlinees td he ftsed by
!'Flatboat &Awe Exthottle thrinialmr of oat
lam each Northam Sack - Vlll.lotomme
sumbedt to the Ball thee
inner Colette; and orW 'lOllOl, Li Man Old Odd
111/ Ort Ida e rr atVW• eautesspecery
has taken the trouoie tO overhaul th e Aing
and imam the lolloottig 'Wait* of title batch of
"bathyal:saki and wsr.woeu othipairearting
time mud pink and sante. Rail Itio• - .
Dank. Noose /WI Egad sad Alpelles.
voi.....Ajw. prom: .liajor; sot in the Sold
o rt „,_,y , pomade, ,flame am home on the
Dot—S. C. lanaley, ...... —Utak deo wow re .
Vat: BO WU&
Ain—licgasde,.3.-... oath Gitmal ca
CoLL-0., W. Wick. /a f t the nenloll lo' die
, I , , -, 3 . - 4 10 11 1 / 1 146111 toot
tio this mom cow.:
01 11thlatios of
, Nabs glee,
61121--E........ Add Colonel,
Allsomit. • Ile =Mk Mai WILISIOng
oldal mosts.
o.o.—Li D. Campbell, / 811 11.
Brandon; wan Is AUL
I iim—iithis Lova. .No e-erd of
%thin . ..._dhchargid se CM.
Gatt.-1 B. Brawn , 1!!041m100. 4imeo bot.. Os.
Gen of - • '_neseion mrllol.
to amend, -MOM DOM& ditto.
WO. W. Dorm; . . ..... 44." mand Many thistl.
34irLideMs tti.fise
st hu staima neem,A l oo rakmaillb mums 10
i r* D re evia ' ari t Amil l _ed to ilmotl to tith
r im : artie r up a worsened Of' UMW
tpry can mate up for It ftematton
et the 1111/111aidlem ad ll Ol _ nth 1101., womb ,
nem Rebel diem who so rt ed nuor
JOAN*, tad ethers. sad km& *OW tbs old Am
will tossiottaad Wen their Who the Clops. hi a m.
newel the batch ander Cbase. Peodlatoo, &age*
og whoever may be the mew .0 the lbw Toth Ono.
Vela* There IDOt Virbatir WM laid alio
chi aot the glople4egioniairill slbeidko
I`loB. 4 1 7 1 :111 all be of oo nee. Gm Great oath.
Cart ist " r i tterft lll = ll4ol4B 4=
thebehpsspisod thclinited Skirts. .
81111 51MBI - • -.
a! Old= would eißtfithale 11111111110
to a stfyitiog witehlnsde 10 Mar, digyeffleill
"OS diatom!! plats with fdd VMS% saltithieDir ft&
toad Oar Roe gams 40001D1N157,101141 •
libtabei UM W'S Day maw um Sl!_wdyrinhell
10 MI lsifabbu 111011110011_101111. -am 1011
. r si r 11.• JCL 1111111,111:dre 911111110111101106
V I _ _ wit bl i t e t t
tag; • ' •
b Ork
Frigi tbs.
• Otto*
And the rocket's' teriliere,tbs
Ginn mot Wasp Om(
tbe j ; ' di:Pes
O'er Us bind of
•ot loan'? *A
- 4 _ 1. 1 6; 1„ ,
tbe WOO,
Mbar le lbeatit
As Way Wee 2
cow booms
In la Vortyr 4 rOVlr
may It wire
O'er tee pert
".! tb. r e !' •
And stirs I ibe bentfwihO to
That the barer et liar and r
A boor and snointrt
Ttra'rbloo4 bin WIIIIMPOIS
No refers tuned sM Itse Wel
Spit the tam at rift •
I, AMMO:e. -
dvth wr
O'er Mil
• lA* t4l)
0! thos " to.
Tbei eotir
4id tit%
kind 1
ate crew,
That tt
aria of t
right of I
statists • 0,
sash principles. _
*ion, ea to themsbal) sins
safety and , happlucee.• pro&
that governments long , este
cluniuredlhir l'grit and trausiest
all experience hath , shown,
dbpoecd to suffer , evils
right themselves bt abolishing
are accustomed. out when is
dstepations. 'Portillog 1 111 1 911 1
eirtttaas a design to-rt atste tb
tlatti, It Is their in the
gotenment, and no praside
revseeeofl :Sorb as ';llsceal
theme colonies, and War, in
cowman* them to alter their
Most. The history of tts,
am is a remittal blatory] 001
abings to stilted ,orileet.
l er ut tyranny over these
licts be ettbanltted to a candid
Ea hesaell i ; maiw d merit
some she n arias
• Se him idden his Gime
Modish, aid Area lie
User op , - WI ids awns
Whom pp he his it
ti;i" them ! • 1'
Be i infused linger ,
ta,” Matteis Of get
tattoo t the hgt , notlcel
-and foreldshia to tgrastalonll
Salsa Called torsi/Lang]
tor tuassOl, rincomfortabltd
t their goblin
fatiguing them hito compliant
He has.disolsof retreirent
tor oppasieg with madly Arms
Vitas of the people.
Be Imp refused tor ion* tit
license others to be eleestad:
en; teeettible ut =OH,
ipso at large for tbeW
. _
I.:•.in lb. mesithine, exposed.. to ill the_denger of In:
vaqaffimui with Out ared.cioal'alsions within. ~.
f 'He binnaleavoted to. , t trieWpcipalation of
thee States; for that pa , . obitructtng the laws for
natorallmettcht a bottom; rush*. to ria
to ettemete , 'tacit Anigradon :hither. and raising the
tooditionea new approprian n. of I.nd. ; • .;
• He has Obignicted the OW castration of justice by
tefeelog tils;aniest to hose , 1414Mb/dog Mittel
powers. 1! '
edges • • .._ ; , ..,..., •1, .•
-. He hat made j de ton b l i Will alone. • fa
'thy tenure of their aka, the isnount: and pap,.
micit Of their salaries. , I '.`,-,_ .11
He ham erected a monads . f hew'
and seat
Wier swarms of "alpaca t 4 our peopie, and eat
out their eui'stince. 1 , . 1 • . -.. .
He kept among es In t melt of Peace atend4
,armies, without the powierl o . oni• legislature. 1.
He tmeaffmneel to •rendei milluvy independen t:
Of, a and lopericie,to e o l .' 1 ,
. a has combined.; w it h 0 e •to "object cis to utak;
rinlictlon foreitrn to oar nation. and rtaiclinoww.
• =brow laws., giving th anent to theirs aria
-For quartering large boil
Fe; noals* ite by in
for iny pry:g murders which rce
they, el
habitants a ive I Storms ,I )
For. cra.*off Our tredelet
- For imponog tumor, ire
For depsiring ua. in many
trial In_ Jett7: •
_.--.- , ' • i'
For trilasportuig us beyond
tan - offences ; , 1
neig• abolishing the frer r e
hboring produce.. ' 411
IF goverment. and tufeelfig
minder It at woe an ex-xo;pi,
IntrOduting the ..amil ine.ipt
r libe• taking awayoar char
1 voluble lewe arid el tetiug, fn
ot 'oar i ii Fneati .-,
Por lug ear own I
tbenisel inverteo with p..,
all Wei whatever.
He has abdiceed go
out of his protection and it
He ham' plemdered 011 r
hung , our ten* and dein
pie.; • -.•-•-• v •. I , '. ; •
We WO MI Mos . . •
tr l .
• elga mercenaries co c o
eledoe. l itad Gram aimed
,cps of anelty 'sediment , -
moat herbarium sges,• and •
civiilsed nation.
He her annunitaed our fe
on tbieldglimee lo bear Antis I
become the atecalotwes of rt •
Or to fall theinsehes by their. •
Hates excited domestic t. •
Sod has eudarcated • . rig •
frontienathe anweilnee • • I
....of warfare la-en undist •
88 *
e ver l •> . Cage Au*a
or these : •
ticgie:rfor redrew in, the
• - • . petitions have blew '
••jury. A prince whorls chat
imam . act, which inn dame 1 ..
rule/ of a fro* ;wpm. I
Not have we been witting u attention to our Brit
isti baguet. We lisi*warn them from time to time
of attennits of.thele agiel to extend sa unwle•
ratWeJariadlatkM mar, . We have reminded thea
of the arcuminumes of oar on and remanent
bete. .We twee i appealed 1 their native Junco end .
metieutardo; sad we hem jared.tbem. bY HI tied
of f our.CornMell kindred. to ' von these 1 10ffriftlit
which would inevitably interrua our Connedlotill 113.12
Conimepeitiatit. Tom too,, bills II * " . *if t ° " te
vo atingle:olnd cormengutolty.' We Minit , itheret•
aegatesabin.tbir; necessity Which Eleaohneee our
acd hold them us we hold the east ,or Zan.
• vainulas In wetl; In pesee' Mods. ,
Ws. therefore; Mr Representatives of the United
Stair of 'America, In Generial.Congrese amiembled, ap
pealing to the norms 'Judge of the world for the ten. '
Citadel of oar intentions. do in the 'mote sod Py the
atialgielty of the good pawls of theme colcl,e4 scam*,
ty publish lad declare, net 'these ra tt ed Woodall
are and of right ought td he " Pass sod Istarrensee ,
Swats., that they ate ibsolVed kiwi all to Menke tq
the 'Alin* 0 4DWZI. end thellalt poli inmattien be.
teem them and the . state la 'Gre tical at Britain: ,iii aid
ought to be. fatally Oral* • and that us fres-sand fn.
.depundemi RAW; they hale 'fall power to levy Inn.;
=A Fears. conikad i tram, Wabash etinmet . , to. •
all other OSA ttilosor which telependent
I = o ld ttir rtk l it de- And fort e also 4 ths. aft>
a *Wide on the probeettokof Dt.'
•vls ProvidLee, we mutually Node* to with Oche roar ;
Uwe, sir t,s siase.* said oarlsinued honer'. • ; • -, ,
Sartii ingesiode floglielenee. net „keg efals
enaoaamil in the *was of the Fr e i depart
meat of *mobs, I bat MI enmkt Made "two beet ,
tifatlyentevedmed colored portraits of the Gilman
Inelewe SO Atit, pavan , enclosing him; the
modest' ema t of ilipaied.. Bice Meg several
Mamma leucite 'enattosing sispendes. ae twat to
each pf hie oorreepoinietas two poetereMemOe
*thibiting the• anima iimammte of
.Be{- Maj.,
•I • ,
}Looked TIM littileS4 4 1a.-Lthts is TIM ! di
rival of Pzeunta rpm pplumll: #* 14141 DB UAL
LI &reliving CAA* 'ironing! oolasoanda.
Health OmafilindoNl elanld laiiiiii 41. It
'ls Mr Malta Mao thn 81-einenint, salamis.
1&l bY 41 4rool. I 17-2tEnt
'Dm; ktiaiscaita kceli ambri, otai l t, biota WW
111., croup,, inflaecnik et wbooong-agb, grill
flat, snreselief In PM: Warrses Utua or s r "
MI Iftdith hiioOit been LI 'use fa/ bessly
hot ik, ow*" SO OM 10:'aintiais Da Moir ait4l_ • 1
Ilatottrapaation Li Wilt:sat remedy . foe &It am
01 I/ 01 "WD it 7, sad ebeet.: . i 1
ftui! Wan anibi , acqiired dissama?
citir e :ort, het go , . tt Y ?atat i =
german or ' NarrneeCees..Bolll . _
, _LOnlvOt Main Wellbuill.
ilDsbuity, Davondeam Biala
Mbar milataMi exitance. Muir ere' Awls.
I-of ibe moat OK, 'awl barbs, ea:WO
Apo taw as ,a to Riley- - le sod geode
sat *WW I la air IV or Airodt l 4 o3l
, sreasSiaeintly molar wita wain
.at amteattuil aro , . '. • ' "
, #
Wwroliirs iSebibtfal tad el l tc
to Ci0k4 224 # 04 uie ool t .' 27'211i
ii*Oissit Itlna4. ; '- '- Osasi.—dispo• Wei
thisM • • lasinirmat. •Wh
p ir g
bias boa sterna Ps
13 0
ea tros o sit
lad . s&asda sad Bawd*
dlliLs d i gi i potions of for miss
la as fps liseetb 1 1 11*
Vy,riSta7rlistal to tin masa et the MAW
Lag of isstadrislaiad lass *Masai for st
as 111. el Orgia
. ..asallas. W sair
assasid: Ikea mass WM loft sin
'Pismo, are Wilmot dab* a awl of la
with sassalasd sad sagsaallsd.
*sal Oa bay task = l :a .
: *. Li
W: •of Dostaa, Oda old* ti t
IDi _
Idsess pay . X .
g iastp ramisaid oall i Z
la tist ai jai. hadmialssols base
10; that %aft
alarm sad hats boss ref oall
.. ' the Admit. la Os bawl elph
clio_.- , I . ~ i ,
rciPmair4B24 ---- aL st nili ci zlia 111132 Z its:
B. • AWirso L . • - • l
.- ) Ibp las- -
MO or •P••••••, L N bola& alu, Dew.
18111 "4 , Al. ' ,Polisr• 11 f .. .' ' 1644
. .
sorr ill4 aa '' 'a '--'" PAW .
— ` kille'
111015 VAis
illear ris , - "I Illts Ow
-- 'lB lia
- Is 11•110411.1 , , .1111010. pa t. Milk:
...._L • , fib, ap . Malik lii, di* ed;raidiys,. boa jai '
liaterwimit wish COW Jaeger Calmia—
pr- own itepeme ielf.thie.Day Diernieemi.
'. Irtire isaltheeireui arrived *MI; 1.
'• fort tante, comrinsrr I Reuse (Via le in the
bi t t7]. Jape iti, WM —TM Chase wow
t W ten woubMiepoil ley admillta atimbnit.—
Xloba oloort oas : people a biotin gm tbittaurt at
idea wane epee our caridldata a men, %lib& to
. say the leapt, wee• the bkollow. abltebnat wbo.._ .„_over"
wortthememy4 I madam deepen tiMitilli
resulted to ma la the iii 7 am
.l=tra bed but tioe,i'la ir Chum
treat Meat lON rmt,
, era him ao lot VF t t Igoe to
Mame and Kobe, qtaiii and hamma him
wit it„ Ilewiri.n , W.
,t — + •
forp wis as :7lNraskbisics tol,lants. with
Mama , I
lebe Cheri a riiiiTil , i.. tkker. lnik k
: hand terea Eater K , be imparted Web, rem
Milted thitl. came when was oef Me biota; es he
at =rw tett Maeda*. to her adjoined court to
ar an , sad be pray Melted
td baiter:l% public Minh
mi n,
,liiciw, kb," red be, 'i ern reedy to ere Jo° =ton
retract Atusedon. ea yoo. rimy dame. Too will me
. pyre end pew2ll on the table to put Morn MI boriera,
°clef yoo pate it, I. will km te ebort Mad repartee' . of
r r..tri....ii - iiitwaria . ' rabil bolailidot__.
"The DernoctlAy tot Kentucky bey lion edirikod wow
Ili aortic, ' sod tile Werth, Wittemearea atm;
pl city tit yn or Atwitter. : 'flier *pod hew Men gad
-- -
tobew ter - '
Mit the
•*... 1. -0i5t .. ..,.:0r.,
bogial'eet i. izi
tau oar oir imu,stur
et l i 4 iried b.. 5
e+ aid Opt . bouts
. . - .
tebitatthe &MO.
la &eat nite
ala, t diadems
tbetables brat beim— .
mu tbe stream ;
tbeittsaabr, O 1 wag
I •
bee sad the mete at
• I
M . 1N51. '
of therm's!
. 1' t11:ytMO1
11 "Thseosuo
and the boos of
l i t,
r i
z i
i .
166 Os
there 6
1"4el• ----- - - DIAPR stethP' r - •At
; 1.4 objett ailidly bat LW, to Uta jeers tone letat
' =4/."Tber 'ls watch a sad Webair pate the
111 ‘tee = . 1219 * 11 !" 1 IP *** " tie
;letter tiy , - A cutrahtka 11,
. the N hiteethe at
.llllan'reee.ll;o4. IC however.
4 rePanie ex 'via auto
. et /mediate ‘qateetio&
with, taparao ' erlth. It
' might be di 'V 011.
, Mak or it - MO
ehillty eat • lane
be gives to,
'1 it . nits
fili Tilt - falba
at* pomace%
s*all sty life,
&Omit, Illettig
up toy ppd.
Upt bled. that
tp , ,the that thit
client a dud
rs Svs4!!
a r;aari.
two steksh,
the war over
ended until V
Fel) , tics
edred by
' U recce
rather tin
alettrOti let
etlth Homy
talt o n m'
tient the sal
is .
Ariestloce t
,•:Cerlainl ..ble to
ere yob et seen de
ta ' , the oth4 ..., _ toe usfei
paid any &Misfit At ne finance
alit am not COtr theresmoo.. I
ledge myself mead=
diligently. sr slanted,
I Itto recos Ay setts.
-faiton to ‘, ea the W
ilmot blade , "eminent,
the &tele Of t., Adams emu
peen nit em.' Present stud — Flat and,..with
my limited krictieledge ttvthe Mile*. am Inclined to
bold he. that that ttil it yet e •' the onct Ay ba , .
wet aitee,lentre Welly dead be" I
• commit some Um pbo Mina nod I nuet
saellat I wan chart:Rd setth the atrarefeend bonen
net his replies. He saWdred me that, be was a Dem:
cast and alias bed bin. Re bed been Meowed. ?rata
hj 4
thn piny on someminor neetiomk wich bed bib' kap.
ptly settled, an upon 1. ath 'the obit* all me b e
emdent find a ogle dtlf enc e stamen em..4Jl the
-eirMettobs aid divieed win. dead Moot., and be
glad now bands illy with am. as me not
a. opting; in proof at w eh be cited me to his moll= .
Abe Impeachnest ' • , ,
,White be bedallne ben 'a Democrat, and therishid
~ thin prinetpke art the as the appielal apple se his
eye. herbed "thrt, It to trop, altar acrid 'wits IL Ma'
lIMI 'vote was agto plat ; Ids amad and third tor. ,
4c4% the , Liberty , 'Patti 1110 • 6 '
meet, ra in 0 :a ss, ;Re oho was eat" 1
plto the Sena' irl the ..Etolline, sod apposed
aelrie Sanwa Re Anent. and' In tem 'wiz
, elected Downier of Ohio bbyy the teen with boa OM
ben opposed to the Dgmoalay. He ()Mimed that be
orleinatefOreenbez, Watt a* Nastiest bank and tariff
and bed mimed *Me [ware* iasse law and se
cs ion. but what sot Dim? They me mere • plats at
po ey In their. sy, and now, to say thelei%;
w ean
' t Was want. trent mom vicinage t
&dry In rItS &AMR rasa Oaths may coo be
rvo•ty filled. Thla. be4 c lelt vid lnletbeir Ol i al skt b ,'-
ti,it Abner Amerikin
b 3 . .
re Jug !red ; very Mite afftw i , e t t taisha" ov
al 'wife children. Mite Me Meletch
In Kentucky. and lot tad et, be 'hood
Id. it to be ids dusty seleek tribe germ
: t hus
• t paddiena in mmentim.. me tried mat .
, Het leered leery that the etlarietmv the
tea In , the - 'llex place west tithenkutalr.
11, and he abOod to. renotanteet than to be
I. parttd with hem em ly satisfied wa.4ll,6"Deinoc.":,
tin. On my return. I tad the cornmeal:on to
the Demorriey a* .Dra Onners,' who with me
that It was el_tirely eadatactory Jo let. Wore.
1 5 esed
kt that et Demo
shoo ld marry I:ritshien on
Fourth tie Jooly end eve birth to etch a l:
fa CUPS. that It seisila be trooly Mad be a ded
. ou. bet sever. pay Mg attenaben• to bins do ,
pl wort a citismis De the Carnets at the that
w r
tall the tineatlotuf el 1 bed bk; troutaln usuth so
I were dead , that th e to.wan4 bang three ninnies
the trowir g ;an oft Northorre , and net and re.
s.,h , ett that y isood never pry , a cent nv a. debt In.
killed In a itthuipt to oLllngat4 em.. '
Wt. are eurd' roc Chase at 'be C o rers,,,. :,..
, • !.' . Prraot. e.s V. _Nam. P.*.
(A'iclts Poetautiter)-
4 .1=1
And ettud
nro , s VIII
of man-
. all mai
by their ,
,at among ,
bonito - Ma
, the itioW I
Ith Of gotl
Nlt id the
- sod to lb r
idnnaatlon on;
powers in zilch
likely to reset their
Weed.; will dictate'
I .ll.hed . should ,not be ,
!airmen; andreforerdfOß',
I that twitiud are tower
are eat :Able than to ,
the forum t vehlth they!.
trot usin of abases unit
/ably the Anne eket,'
• ander ateolute) , Seetz ;
; duty, to throw off rude
.ew guar& for thou In-"
• patket eellttrance of
.w,the neeeenty which
• ••er eistela f govern. ;
nt Mg of Great lkit..;
art,d i ztt i tne,'
the . 1 .of an,
tot. To p_toes lot
• laws the, molt whole;,
i Ulei l eeM ialri
, • • it to yowood; snit,' :
• utgleeted to attend
leek the scrawl.:
,• • , right: of repkee
ineittroatde to
' -
.slathi bailee ei place% '
Idea ' from. the depneti t
the emleparpose
seem area "
the boors repeatedly;
ti Ms lel/melees cm tetir
e *net each trsentotleee•
I obereby
tton retrieve:l'th*
,erelse; the Staterematn4L
el ot-cokeliii. , lir aulvia Mans DV.
. e the Sprint or the year netaiedemstbi en wrist:
to driving Olt the',utorblfle Imbstar.ce collected In
blood; which is sure to geaerate Miller's complaint,
• Orange the entire b win trysts= The only tehp.
edS all - 4 1 1. , itli VffeOttia to eves of thin character le
II er s Herb BittekSi irtttch thoroughly , millet, the
bl d, c vriectz all ibeJrfegolarttielt of the ryetem,`reL
ir,i igoraort the ;:cenerall conetltutlon. and ' PrOdeCe4
pe Sect cealth'and goodacirlte where obey to general
deity, , nereonsnees. etc, Poe all diseases &d aft
i ht
to ih IcuidirldeFfif tile b wet Herb Bitten ifs
lie winced by the hie int medical antricelties the
m certain, eil:.edy and agreeable remedy eatantJ-
Thdruutude Mills tested ltd ellkacy. and &Whir* lt i
al/41: gteattOt aealstant e cif nature in bee. conflict with
altiOase, that the light or science Imo esite bfangbt io
ceranowledgei. , &1d bY all, druggists and dealent.-.
Dr ;-s. B Hadrian . B Co ..Preprletole, Lencsater. Pa .
.July 4, .44 f• r - ' , : 27-4
ik tthkbotiiixtlatiment,
• ottht-toa!ntit on the-41:04'
- •• • • 1 : ,
h all puts or the ; WOMAj.
Mont °cronies' -•
, of the • benettta .of
to De *tthad tor pf 4,
of 11,4116 tois 'th • 4'
tn; !herein an arbltes , .
1 4 ,ta b:ondatia,ao, al to
and At 1r mem tot.
rn:e !WA:it e.. I IJDLIP:
oar MA .
einalfy, the ;palm"
i •
I Tr. 143 - .N 0 T _ A.: D YIE .
, . . „ . , . •
I - : -., • ~. !
_,l-1 ...
T I OR ', TI - Iy.A.IR 1
ke .....ii•`' •' . ' ' '.
(Perfect at T air DI lig ' !1. toe& ' sal
IlalrOolor litestersisnd Dreesteg.r '
• Ip'slosi Rats Restorer. ) ' ,
• er, sp err ,
lestriaeligur Restorer.' ' 1
WY 11#.1X ! Loodett Halt Restorer / taistuot • it ,
~ Raft
*sp . /tau To , a Mir Resewsr. taus rs oil
~ - • . • , liar Radom. - cir lite
russet' i Iltedoo lietr Resume& Chiessessr.or ,
Long= Heir Restorer. 4u. , Plll4OllAt.
141-Du115...: iandonlitats . tairster, ri crampta • .
1- • r ' ;TRH E - 4iltl• • •
.., , .
. .
It ls'to impart 114, growth sal vigor to the
. ' . '11.11% fasters sod otOpo itO *Dag, and la
lrto prodoce a new growth of Rair, to it... Original
[ . omens It to grow ttik% sad Smog. •
alginialiti, "LONDON Wa- IDDITOIIIII 4
to Opt [ ' kicky. tia tali() abscresitas odorinns im
eoseptained An an *their mirstkpig,, -•-;
rer /MAY DY MS AM Li odnistot WO: I 4Td•
ga4. ' , 1
[ it a• zi,rzs.alogulatfulr:
. ' [ Ast mom or the idea Re
i g,[ . -Co Itiousoi .as surto 017.1ati to Do
' [ Ail num Woe. Ildlls o
, 'MID DENlnte.'` - „ila thing. /Milos himuy.
bri.le 73 . osirre ems atirrLig.
ataii. to Dr. SWAT N 1 a eON , PtilladsW
Ph b SI eVISSYLORIS Drsgriesw-Potterttle,• end
at Drestrlstessuldaskws is PeakTeTti Tops ankles
weirs. i : Ness Ms • ley • - r i ts. - -,
lemon's. and deebottut
to Jagislate bar tie ip
bare;by declaring ee
• war 02. •
rinrilked Oar tarifa,
H. ell UV'S Or oar vita
the Wort otdierta, des}
• • ;with eirousdana,
ly paralleitod lb.
14 / 011 VW.4telt•a4"
! 3
algabst theirconntry4 to
ftic_ipprits4 beFthrem.
ehtd, . magnm, uN .
I . the = i egy fi r i
ist r lnatthedart or all
aria, we have WU
bumble time; our re
• only by repeated
lathes makkid let
:mutt. U unlit to be tha
. "
. ,
..• ,Torila OR smiles. • ..
uibiiii..i unricauSil ruellehliyit *-: ' Sur Ho'
°I 0011 m/SkPls. HYRPurath; Um
1 .. Ilk tu4 •all dhows or the Throat. Breast '
WV;itl l e l l i Ali vrace I 9 12 irlllgtv•Ml.
bianufacared stun* Ws by JONATHAN lIIIMEW
ma co.. MBA= • Mimi silo 1 4 . '•
J.. IL - Jobnico, ietterstille; Pula Plarpote;
Doom, PuttuitEls; P. / 10 =CIUN QIN% i
R. Case, Schuylkill Ham; , ilk
J. H. It 11 1 14111 Rd; 8. O. Dom Puat
Clutou; Dr. Gem Yeoman. .Aahlaud; P. J. Cut.
til" Vi ii lUM. Aluosandasli Cahn P. NA&
ski .L . Milunal aB. Diviu, a* mak:. John
. ran 9p,roaa: sa thaw, mama. , . .
- WHOM . ' °:'. , .• • 1 lIRT 2 . ' -
*A Ir rt-E -1 111 ezisrialiptir
ftifretriindicat., cdt.tbi6
.rECOM 1191 140U118 I
000111 orerrier
'Mar' • t'l pm glißga
- : ram, 1
Tele ' - f r
- ;
. Toitzgrtwiti ' ' !"11111141,1
d i ' ' L1:41%4M . “nernot
4.1 r e = cuili . lip.
414 fries Oktment A .__
eassees Olabasst • ~ .R .P . lila t
toNarramessa . .
-tom '.9 4 1ial 'kaki Rai'
- "-efiant
p litlita j tGli'S
4.14. • ,
, weft rat, .w... i
lareWi_ .._._.._..iiiimi_
p._ __.- mam
.Tam Sabbath 'Schield TVV .Unlon will hold its;
iinotahly immtlag m 44 tth t II esentog- -pelt a I 8,1
Xeckek,ts the . Chu on Second itteet:'.'Thk` . !
Bev. Dr. lircartat9l deliver a lecture_ This is the an
noel mstaurft the electiorr - of it Meet! for the eon. l
intytte-;We Dope there will be a tuft at ~.-
' --- J I t ). A. b!.P11µ11011, cr ov,
~v '•
There is li rumor that. the Rope will hold 'ant
‘lnagneolir tai m* ig peosatber. ma, end' the u
net only Behismatic. bet , even Anglican bishops!
are to be summantid to attend~ :
1 . Algalcag Itrruausg.—Mish Fr I rionT 4o4o. , I iit ,
i Ohm: in hie itkirews to the Isterißpissopal Inothl
Gan Onavention iti that Bide, titheeltirootrOd
attslrlat 1 0* . quite familiar in .the : Ert l,
baf°_,,4„ Nom; ism of I novelty' ig:Cdtiot
all RR sa d g Pablict, Porship. by 'a 'pro , :
Pl .*
canion et surpl choristers entering the church!'
singing hymn* while the ertagregation stand pi/1
their f e et.. The Bishop &Venni that. the,Prstter.
Book Prontrillett lattertaln forte . of I,worde • with l
which-to beginairgulog and everting Prier'''. abk l
that tike singing' of a hymn str all, sod still more;
so inpreemption, is a ablation of the rubrio; that ,
the wearing- ofiztrplice by any other pereon;
than ordained - is aer unstaborinedinniTh
Bon: ;' sod. miner
.ly,' that' tine rocettsional epee.'
log out of “thetdpsconteattrum with the old thiSir;
at our liturgical land Protvsts t worship,. as ow 4-;.
'lablished by the laws and ussgou'of`all the centu
ries sioce the Raformation, and one of that mot!-1
bid coveting of increased ceremonial, - of which;
rho extreme ritui. of these days iulEoglstut, ,
sad, in certain phloem, this aide .
.sos, is the no-]
torlona ntanifestition.* Arco ing to the Mki
meats-on t h is Moieties which 'end in One of our.
Brdetimalisst exatiangee. th e an ject of tituelisin,
of whietfprocessral singing, ss Bishop' Mal.
mane says it but part, it like! .to come un fur
idisecussion et the emeriti Coot- orlon of the Epim
&tett Chureh,'to Ow bald in lie York city next.
1111; sad if it doeiklit will 'mamma quits , at
ralotittence as the question parish. ofv bouuttuiest
ittinlredini therg ease., For the perferman- .
COI octopi bled ;f. by the Bi hop are nothing
unfamiliar ict the I.'cw York and other are;
and as at .mpt id forbid or ev ucensure; them;,Or fai, • ' • forty: 'ritualism, Will tuset. with 1,
`,..., . • •
• , • NOTICE . - f
' 1.7 gist Clesincle. . • i
' ... •
Ilt.. Bee A.
. ,
K Piece. Reeldesce lge Norgreedgn litk•
enn7 Rabbet at 10,111 **clock Az 11.; *Ad
1311 o'dock .IL , • . . iv- - • ^.,,
And 0 Ikbool ascii Satolit . h th at i otlocit.l
I - IPravergAgetlag every W evantogi st;l3(
jar/ode , . • • • I ' • . _ -',
i r Bible plagefarery Ftl eras .at TX wawa.' . -,,-
edas !oo
' I All Ire eorthall , Inv to atten4. ',Seta, free. I 1
sir All - 1.11: Cialarcle. Second in•-.• ikko. s 4
Kola* Rev. Pal Wooag, D. 11..1"sgtor.. •see.,
if...a... Tim! s lOWA. &Clog:A.- /L. Vic:
,P. IL „ rrazet:
. =i=in: t re T34 ll4 1 0141 Di Street. ..4 ,
Rev. L FL Deems. per. edil pretal Gerrais 11";
eqr Bataber Moraine at 10 cecl yet liegUsb In Rsk.
Yves id 7 x dedocia.. •• • . - _ -,.. . , ,:
raddence , N.ii. corner ti aid .C*lkrbil
ilta.i*UP L , I '
Slir Vilma IPssystr. Riestisig, every Sunda/
soogstog, from 11X to 9X etelock. Is t frame :Cbtutb
gm Second fared. l
Mtn= Market and ilocwegl Sfigi
AD are Unttesi. t,
larlitaistiale 'Ream.. Ligiberna - Ognarelai
Market &Fare : Rev. U. Gummi Pastor.. S,rvtcel
Sabbath veren. at 10 o'clock; Itvenlas, •Z. Wee
li Lactase pad Prim lieettrig i ,. peach *Wahl*,
It o.o3eir. : , -•- LL ' I n -
?kb are
,eally rude
• tr. seene
Wakes must ift issasisOusqsd EWA %I
owl ts SOPPosr IIS Joesiux..• • - • _ y,
BRADLEY—Pikbliair—On July .Ist, by The Few;
7. T. Alibtam. 7. Wousroza liaanctt, Beq., and l o nnit
J. Nanair, Wot St . ' ' : , 1
81782;1311-424AUTIITLETT—OhJilne 19th; nava*
the Rev. J., Y. Ailitos. Mr. Sou we and Eat*
*aim flatfort rra. both of Wailleerffle, Sobollelll Co;
DAwsixi—Hunn-on Tbar•day mortleir. 'tor*
llStn MS, at the realtleike other brutber-ht-law, tied,;
11alferitamp. 129{ ikatotorood -Etreet.
by Parr; Dr. 8 .Hassan BaArrea. Waxiakaoli.
Darnell to JUST oara. 1.1., 01 Dalai*. Mentz
Co.. Pa;
erA.TiB-BCDO 4olle lilt, ise9. by
Rev. J. Y. Agit Mt. enista avalis, and Was
.u 1 &worm all of lk pair. •
BCYMED—Jane 150; 1868, by
Witstem Maw to W% ltatarloi Bon ,
',kat of St Oak. , • ,'•
al taiW,.
somparsted in*
rate of 10 ands
IhizAurrv• • •
tan, In the ti9Lb y
of Poitsvilla 'lnce
snows ber Ipee.
4;trtnr-Ati 7s, mt
h-btx QuLx
Bans, &ashler •
V .plats and II mo•
s te
.1114 10j O. F., followtneresocalens ware Tim r in..
batailly *based 1
Wesa*. It ti plresed i in allscrffe Provreencet. to
take froanstes saw beoesd -treater "P.'ll eE....0.
Etnisteessa wed We hint boost to Skit seleetlet .1. ad*,
' above, to derail keener. nab Use rest N. 0... •
: . itsograd, 'That eiblks we bon with hatable c ab in '
'skin triell the acts id Hl= who:ninth life end tak h
it again lit No mint sconertooridispensedon. tee direly
moans the lase ere° exemplary al brother, northy c.....
teen, kind and joinns father and hnsband." -,..
Braotead, Thit to tbrir biireeireparnt we deep! pita '„ .
'Pahl* with the finally otoar departed brottair; ilell.
of them oer beitrifelt end, oolatlon.
&Mired, That 4 copy of thtiee reirilatloss be tra m
tnittin to the Willy of onr deceased trotber, eneto
the ktuntes' Jotralras of . Pottril• to for publlcialon4.
r- , • • F. 4. Ileseln, , i - -,. • '
James J. 1,.,ier..' ? Comasltteeri '
Levi Bastioer, ./ • , 1,,-'.
• meals will•be received until July-leth4mr.
the fused= of a-two-story brick Eoplae Eionsej-10
feet bre' feet.) on the Jai- all/W{ OCCUEIed ky *en***
Nose Company in Onal Meet. rtwofide mart*
toads for the brick, stone , sod woodwork.eeonreteir..
for pia= aed 'epectficettoos OMto AViftp.•
BROWN Cr IiENNY C. „WNW. - Tor Band) c!? CO ,
=Mee of Borough Conscil. - !7-lt
1111111 th• owners of the traaet
• land fa Natures, of this Cpuntal
ilitOWn Ilatla 'Mint= Jcalene? retr, Ova Iltgialk
that Pegg w.lbisallhe lobo I ro r Ageot and lit%.
tartlet to feet, Lod that ail relating to the chid
tract of had most be Unneeded with, and lisments
due is as, mast be made to oar nt auxl Attorney, la,
tack .DtiVel Ilataunk . MILLI _DOWERS,
JOISIA R. warm. .t• :,
• _ • BANIAL H. JAITDIDT.• • - r
ors:urn N. YOORIL JNO. NOBLIT, het rcne
July. 4, 48 . . • % tuft
ItlOTAbli 13 HE /BUSY qlYflf.l(
that apoteatlon to the Boyd Of agem
of the totteeflle Water Company has been made f. s.
mimeo of eertilleate No.' 19a, face !hares dated
Notember 2dtt. 1134. of sakt COmPitura atoelt,te'the:
Muse of Evan J.' fusee, the said 'remr: beet 4:
beam lost or - JOHN SHIT OS%
Hurdled (duke ••• •or iidtdien of Bun J. Evan deed . ,
Jane 97'@ ": • . ' .98-ItY
• the Vona of_qp..l lelllt
poet - at the Ft of SOLOMON PRITHER.t. tn. the
'Holongh of Po ethe. cm TtriellD/CUJIINZ 5 0 ,1841.
to bear In the ownplanantm.eeser, JAYS.Er
KY bt itaesLogy . Township, ot loom;
ore nfn beldgel mama,. by the kot
etuon'e Mari tn.
WIC atottmomj
C2W14113 PMta.
; hale_
JIM 110. eat
ere or Schuylkill clouaty will receive propoi
fort he torwoo-work W s betkling. to be greeted. *V;
the SetotylkAll County Alm Nonce, until 12 celork'etti
Ifoudiy, Jane 19,19011: Also, for the meason•wriiit or,
sWse to he rat an Mho-foot of Maharicry ranee
P P iahe irpeettications to be sees to the Oosandoeicrii4
BENJ. Atter. _
.% -. . i. - ...
1. - tiltOkat WILSON, tvasimmooment: , ,
DORMER.. • i 1
littest-0: J. All'aseeee. Clerk. ._ .
Joke OA V
~ -,,. • . Oese, 'Pottsville, Jane tlib, 11E1t r
ise,„4DAVlllON...Wehitgeby ve notice ter
ciltrsot to treepswor noon ear
illai n
the Little.Ostawises k wiltik
=oaf property la Union Township, Sceeylkiltr.
Hownty, Pent, ea we will proeeente to the
'tewt of the law sat Tersl 3ll or Pm= who PAZ.
lined on helms!. - - - •• • , : ,i•
JOSHUA TORT, -- JOHN. HAM M.- f 4 i ~,-,
'. C. Hama, . " PETHR SCHA.Pm •i i ~,4
'JOHN HURT. • ~" , ".. l '4,„
Hieseteee, *Mullikin Co., Pil'Jnne Sq. , Iltl-411541 4 ' , A•
raIbaIRMSL/P1•1111114 • „
illealer or WO W& mielliinerimiev,
Ildinyikt4.lo., 14, alagazuo, !bumlllse
April 4. • • • _ • 14-4. :4.
ukbilems sae the aurrifultarilt
DSP ' Of
A. Pk-Nic Of Yost IN
0. A. 2, to be a nbe d to the Atftitaltatat Patti attioniak
PottEttno li talt S . Mk remind by the ibitior
11 1 411011. Intaticatiog Ibison to be sold ott tbili_
Cbabtaaot Ca®. CM PlC4inetl
italleilik MO ii, NW ' .. • ' ; St4t ' • .4,
*tilt_Vun tat U. •
Yip hn ni-nntint tottinntilhA
truhr wl44l 4i_rottuvlin, and Mound Banktn_ itio!
kinohohn Towsin Schuylkill Otooty. Proisht
under Ma Jinn 1187•UAGE USX-14 7 ii.
libtohud the Mahn, of Way, sto 4
Wel omen. Ali debth owls/ J:0 tbo mkt ,Co -9004
skip no to Do reaftved by YHdl sti/ IliVerigeo, s 4
dam& on tko bop
Co ink mid Bettnint Sur Dement. • - •
•- WM' Sria4 le, 1 e ,
jaw u. 'ls
aitsakzur Pant ulatir:—aft iiii#
inwier, fLauMiTtinest nth* Omar* WA:
Je wit troclmode for it mit
Posmace.) WIWI. it at write: Detfrort4 Ai
P ° l / I !ll Nic+ ' 0, - )t:.. 7.4
, iiii i A u= PRIPPr. 'tibial's:l,34l=kt*
IKebllSTlClLadbcamfahrodU be facetted •
iii : _ tlw Adabbbai of Roar at fbe • Seterytkßl:
Wadi dame goeeeda the fird,Wedwitpteacbaceqb
til VW =einem PROPOSAL, Me ..g arbkor
Pock. I Cooly, licanDdS Ritea.Pab' • I , 'ip ,
~ • 9 .. • C ORWIO. Irl • • l':
.. ' R. T. IMIIM i Dhafttab intiii....-
' . IL W.
' ' Jana 1. - % a ---"
?"" '. - i-ii• ,.. ' , a-'
-_,. „
ll* " 1111assaliata 4.llli4Oikk
Mimes *Waw_ * c., l ia aiebiall
kW i
_q/Msggiw....l'atxlß NUMMI Ma* I hay
mitt* aursoN a DAMAN of of aka
lam hi IV PLTIONT BMX sad hi*
opal thos as UMW aootialat Silt ada vo:1
=ar Oa maks das as to; boom
. far Oa nagniftetare mod via cDas woe.
lisalasaa...The Or 47 -. 4 .4 VAVID
Tilvillie •Ir MEM 'BOW
4A CO, 40. 11 Ti& o..t liagdi 0 ,
, fic4 i ... Wee SW am i n Ai l
.. i, mi , alaal cormea,Air.l/100 ~
'.'• - 1 • -- - i MOM 424 44 ,
- AL
`-11101,1/11MaiiiirWo mai 904. Kt
Rim vill lisambisii . tat wait
les,aarraii et* ot pai.f.iimailik
abaaNaioq* =dm
4 ''M'' --T
' 1 : v
• A
' .
k r •• • -1321
11a. i j ' U-t",-a e Mtt-E-•P, -- . t p • liq
A t4P
- N owa
DlSfh ,
of. dealt, ',rte. ThoitrA".
Ike., Ivey be paid firt , at Ltie
; tine.
(.kuThuriday June 25th, at
anartAm, wife nr Ww. Rowboi
'• r Orr site. I Sse waa a r,e•locat
929, and leaves tunny friend!! co
••' • "
. .
earbon, cp .
,Jkine 47„ 1648, !Low ,
41ot. year of ber lige; ,
• .- - ::•••
.4adentled, Pa ., cla June 29;1.5/it,
R. L. and Mazy WW.llllams, 'gill
Obituary. L • • •
'toattair of 744°0.64e, Ni
.---',.,-- - -:114
. ;,
STATE OS* DAM, SPElrii3-41. 1110 s.
Alitlet cruiser/I.—W steam, ••• of adrute,lurrits r
estate or DA. SP • 0 'ER, biro of 114 DA ALO ,,
C,unty. d‘e ofor.d. have Nen
SO,tue. undersign —All udrifts Ledetred
. tat e a r e reltree , to nualfo malt-di:aro) mud ETA
t4twt. egg .€1 agnilm: I t ~ n " to l'rtvet , t 'bua
2ilt hotri.g, I„St,
2..68—gf ••• Kern St., Ph' Nu;
„ - ......__
ihi ,Tais itAi u rsta6.*' :41v ILT 0 F *li%,
:',,. , Valprilleil. few .k E lb Altattleria Ifkiiitri er
Of. Peariyivtifia. •.P4. NIK111 7 11`0Y. , •
; I
4, ,, ,
, 1a . the Amain .. .of BEN.'4' to,SYDFN. a B ank.
IPS.. To Maoist it . mak, fDoUck•rr 1--TGP • And,-,
*Aped, Jima, - W. Bamitii.d'bf - A,Sland, . s'Oh ark•ii. ”
Douldy.:linianaylvabta. bacilli gi'ver_nOicy. of ti,_ cp.
Xistatent as Avert,* uta totatkr , ;(4.Bi.TXiAslLx .
!DIM; or Astpdd. In D ainty Of Schuylkill, la ,
Yukid DiAtzlek. And who gramai-,_ *ft. OTI
_the 2.r.diday or „
*larch 4.- D. IS+l9, adj ' ed ,, fiahkrupt npOn 1.4 , ;,
pftittOrpakimliell. 4'7 th....,):' " foe Coutrt. of the- DalAi :••
es iliti.,,AfikAmtorn Li•si ', or Prnr.sylvanta., • •
- , arid. tb. V., , .'1.b., ay of :fir AD. ;4;8 , !•,
7,111iS .. BOW N , ' , 04 , 16e.e. - , ''• •
I. . • 1 . 41.31, 1 • ''
- ,
14411i4. q.B
. ,
r-r, 1
4 ..
, 1111)1Z0111 1110711 111....... Th - uniiet*d .
! . ISCAlidit 4 r. ' pr4sp4; IQ the .Orptrane• Di, ry of ; • .
... 4 1 Count ,to re4.4e14 - 4 roettle the., •
l c
Marry adentatattaf of the estate br JobLi •
xent, Aare of the &Sr . ot Vert Ctrbon, In .1 •
Onutly • .• - ••. endtta I , 'bore the to,fat re, to ft;
;artier. , emity el:allied he I. WM atiet,d to the dui . '
I. 0 f ... 04. - Appotatme[:t at] lis ora-.. I
. h the Ilttricet t of '
rprtmrpre, on Teeeday. t 11. r dty •,f .4,-,.,,,p,... 6 ..a . ; ~,t
t i
.Sai'eloett P.M.. hen ell ea inteo•kfed .0•e l olgo•-t- -: •
'ki) to attend. ' - . •. - OV: BEt. LlTEL;`.ku•llt,r.
• .;•141y tk, la . . , __jr._ .: - . ta..,i .
o.ltorriglatri PR „ !IP "F OF , P Ptri.. ,
.x. Ai r LirA 1.'.: • ~.t1 3 - t .
:,.110111411ii t• it re, a otitt:That. on-the • tittt day
-3 ~ oirStrne.'4l6. ,Asiss, fit ta t tto Bankruptcy was
. Iplane4egilnrj ;estate #1: ILART B. SCHkiNEtt .'
of Lyken. To , • .121 p. In the aCr,._ gray of D4nr•Mt, and
Mate tat Pennell , th, who As ~e en tidiat:te t t 4p au k „
thpr. on hta own petition' th e payment 'F); a n y.:
•debttattt 4 aldeli ill anY 10PJ Pen, bel - mtttg to .n•-t, , •
, s t ik tvpt. -i n , ,„ or for tity11.....,461` [be tranefer 4,4
111 • 1 4PteoPeetrb, Itim ar LtbiAdni t I.n: that a
,hteeMag of the • . :fora dtt*...isahlßankrtipt. to ttr.n. 4 ,
thatedatna. anti' • dna* eor morc neat,mei ..t. bu. ag a t e ; wilt „ Nadia a rt of Buthropt'r - .to he"
-Waded,' at Bs • • ryr. ran .yllianitt. 'before j... m . '.
:WIZaTLING.:.II Atte*, Ott e d day of Jolvkla ; It'
•IMB. ati o'cloe P. M. tiT 'D. GRSENAWAIIT - . •
• : ittontitbt • •
lalbell ' Wad/.. . ,4••
.•. -. • I, -fag Measet4acr.l
nott : • 1 • '219CF.,1
8,111.1Y0r-Panthrortraat... - tr .
4 ,
„. . eztet ' Jane M,l - 563. I '
' eevesepel 2 That pn the Jr a :., V .
D. I RS • warrant in - hap - ropt,
the , of NATMAN I . O, :t IEN
to TititiChl4 lii the eonety.oWto,
.Pentthytttria., who I has' tr.,, i.,
on his at ri a petitlg ;; that Ow - pe; ..
Arierd.xliE of a u property ,b.” 1,1,...
rapt, to *tit or for hut ' nre„ mad th k •
roparty Ol e n. ia. , h,rt•latle n 1,1.- 1,,, :- .
the cretin.: cr xtle,rll2, .irk -tl;.t
:and-to ell tine or race at- nty.t.,.
lie ticlil o'. 11
V 1,1 Coort, of tkinkrni,,i...t,..,
oillceof .1 _ 08ART.1 l';,t.,
'of e Joll.hi' , 11011AAT; If estit+t, tn.
Illy. A. ILLASCS, at 11 o'rlo4. A at,...
4811;13,164hterehal se lieseener. 1
4 . .
1 , • . 40 •'•
: ~.. • 13ny.
1 1 4°liana, acal A;
-Iras Palled •
"ait Rate
:1 zed a Boil ra'
iV i t t oe r t;T: " ! . .l
Aranstarlaf any I,
tats • meeting
-s..ewe'tbelt delot
)4 hie irttate,
,h4dea . at the
t!ie lath day of , 1
P 00. SU
gate it! '6B;
E. D r Paul.4rarug+,
Pazt.mStrlatta Jane vlll rq
iv' Ilfritake : That oh thef t .4f :h
A. D 183$1a114strant Iti BAIA. apt y
i• tte estittr b i L ol in S i t,ttw a L it ? i b t u T ,,,..
l'ettr 4 /1.61 4 1a w who ha. t. et lbw&
. a koa on Feoltnn. that the t ir r ent 1
t, ijohery (i. nay lir in_rtj IN I fjt,
to him, for hl.l,tre" hi at l tract
ity by WO; li, TWA. hby, w : ,b.,
e Crecittonj of the raid Rankru, t to
iand to o‘tae ore why r e /...a .i e , .
be hal a a 4 Wirt of Tkultrupt y, to
'thee otJk HP P HOTIART, P t.
la, befote4lloBlN P. ROHARr x, g i.
;ii...v o fJalr, A D IS S,. at tao a a
t. , a Marshal ar Ike n ^;-, ,
Ithie II to •
- daY• of Jan • I
Ariyaned ORM .1
.4 4 and §kate
b any A&n at.
Bach Liankru
fifer otanv krope
I,meeting of t
prove )heir debt
: be holden 'at.the
tereanJhe Limb;
-E , C.;EL
Jade YT,
. S. M i t i ll i i:llAL'.3 OFFICS4 ' 0
' r : tr.:, st vrikm., A, 1 , ." ). '
l'Amat , u. Jnve 19th, 18G8, .
ire Illii'liitei That on - awl twe:::,.:
lA. D. lgtfLvt :War ant in li-Okm , tc,'
t the esti 41.1111 BED NOT&S , Fi ID.:,f, '
N... , witY'rit atlsaylkil, and 'rate Q
ai l
o has. it 'adjudged clisnk apt . . on
I; th ta ; vent 0 any , lebto to,i;
Pen 7 _naina:o Gaol" Blnknim
i..pae,,a d - trusser , fano, eivert)
ddts".b i th at a meeting of it,
said 11S+.
.optio prow their 'Ae , .t.,
.no .or in ...assigreei , f nio E-tco,
a COM of . Arnptcy: to t,c hotnen,
JOUN ,S.;' , lll.gtAßT,. Pottesoite, Ps-.
110B.Ska.hiegiver, on the 9;hdFly or
Ait o'cgick..'A M. ' , .
P :tit, I
or, p. Marshal se .lilessinz;v. ..
I:, ,
6ia ti I.
day of rune.''
. woe lesood ;
:Of to
hbt own petition
'deliverr.of *b7
!to him, or for b
by. btro are fat.
!Creditors at' thel
and io , eboooe
.be bet& at
at, toe i.lllcolt
ber , On4oll.V.P.
JOna V
. E. ft.
-•- Ely: of Puts 611,
PRiLiDtfi. Olt& draw l •ln I- • .
ye ttistikne t Thlt on -the lart tray
18f4'''.4 'Warrant in Penkrnpn
the Eii*.e of tfEYRY HAAS, 9 1
!, :the; county of .tiztanlittli, - aro
' anla.,wholatia been aetucisett ft Bank
ittbat• the AllYmoot of ani
- of any itoperty. betotrain to !Stitt,
Or foe b nan.'shri. , the transfer Or
hlm StrOorbidilen by lace that a'
.CrnOttusa the. said Bankrnpt
and tolleitaise One 'or (n Ab.tvt.
I-..wiliCi:4ss2ibekt• at a Court Ar
• at tysrifles tifJ.:4l. P. 1108 i irn
reforoJOILE P. Mitt
e Y.lth June A.. 1) atti.
• • P C-! - leLLMAELR.*
3t I cf. rt.:Marshal. as•hf•-•;enser.
" Is lei I
'of Janet
was ironed OW •
ifyau T•••wuthil;
:9,keteof Penns?
. q .dtobte tied helty.•!
!Bankrupt. fAi hi
iy Ip•r••perty b!
4teteltog .of the
:prove 'their 'deb
twe of, hie Eels
ittsblcl.4.o be hal
!P•xtvville, Per tie, t
•t;ectot..k, A. hi: • I
I • ____
t'. S. ii.4.136F1WS beeleE.4.
•AD o PrNso.eLVA .1.- ; - •
Fi1n.14441/11.A,.3gue 15th, 1 . 4.8 ) . • •
live s w ! file s That on ttor Sth day e
I. 1855,
itt T rritok t in ßanDroptri,
he eeta , (HARLE ,, N. 1111:L'ot
.e Conn vf Set.u11:111, hod ,i,Srair,‘,4
i , ho . haeiDrfiti %Tidied a Bankrupt, ,•t
112; that tiff Dement tit-anY debt!. 4 ., ,,
Iprtrport}i'betringing to such Ilaukrov,
au*, -0 11ditle trenskr p f aby 1 vrc. ,err)
ddeu • 11. w; ghat a r ,rneeting. of at.'
Ei tukt
,Ato prove - their debit+, ard'h,
or.. - .ll , ettlweaor bD 2.6tate ill, t.,.,
a . of ainFraptch to be 11.10.4' st it:ei
1 . Ho , 4l2ATTovaville, Pon 11.:IL. k I
i. E 1085.4 Regtiter, on the 'd day 1
4, at a wt.i 4 ,o ; I-. ..m.' • - - .
.• A liER,' n H _7ll. Marihal as ril,- enifr:
•:I ; • .
rp fa tat '
taant , d agattot
Pat... Faille, in t,
Pniatayly.inta p '
hde town petitt
deittery of any
tu him. or for
by, him ate for
Cl - tdltor, ut Xil
egb we ote or
told at a' Con
Joly, A'. 12 , 1
Tgne 20,
coif liitir er Tint,. u rug , ...)
notintAistries, of Pen . all7n
- f - ' i-, .
FiNFlAADAndatler TosTabi , l ,, , 11 . 1-
inaylvaidaMizkrupt, taaird-tellenue.,
. r
fr y
:. a meet rf crediVne wl,l, 11.• R. , . ~
13th dt laly(186• 1 . at 1:1 ~ c ..,:c.,
ater,,JQ P. HOBART. a tArlb office.
ottavilie. L i . that the exacaluatiou of
y be tinhdied. . .1
wilfterUffiwhetber the Bankratatiti t .
, a duty. AA:tearing ',MI al,n he had et,
ly Vatti: b. 41 1918, before the curt a.
10 o'clock often „tootle. tat .1-e:b.,:
e t- ..db•eharge. . •
a PotrOJettu Caltwaltalen. Judge. and
the Coot - Pllliadelph lt
ia, Jue lam,
t i •
: .H ' t ae#: PoX. Clerk.
P. Iforbil Reglatizr. . •
' •-. `25.3t•
ft I ail It
- . .
:080 - ROK B
~ tor t' ;
betnert r li
tentre Street,
Ttr Rtlisterl
Wad: } ety
yhtladet a;
arky. 9W .0 tin
},ell ai
Yn Jilk
re tewitmqntriry to tt:e eFtate of JNI.I.
loedi brOrlAt been granted to the 1111.
"arsonri 'Welted eitel vs',.tte are re
V irr 'fig
ed... Let
dorrigt"l, all
tjutesed-to •
• paymeigitine thoee having cwro,, to
THOS. IiFICANNAS 1..61.b0Ut delay
ne • 7144 t • Exectinls.
A ' Nillief TUA'al • 'is 2.lllaTlisifit.—v um,
*s-' , lettirP '. of admit' ration,"on , the 'retard . i
Piedeetek Bnrder.; Jr.., the Einiougliot Ttu, , -,
•-• .yr,lectutylk II Comity, yieceetset, WW2 been grant
to the he . , igned,'-r4il .pen-out 'Carl:* .claims
• alum. said " tit iine ieilSimtetl to' present themlor_
e ll
saute - ement, - en indebt' to the to make nay
". 41 4 4 ?____ '• - iILNRY:: SR.Trz, Adruhairt'iutor.
- , Pinegenee„ :• a$ ill , ARM 6. 4.9 '• .23 et ,
fzulteteho oe the estimg of Id.dry
ifilartetAlh of Potts/111C deFeserd,
.ted toAhn undemigned,-,Ajrporsoi.s
saldejetate tihoold prefent them.
thelebtee to the Paola:to make
-30. - • at' •f
. irletters
Wets - litter.ot
• haying been
turfing charts
for *cairn:tent,
pup:pent to
.bfrebit+On that bi a certain dead or
I. ti4.l the 304daq of October.; 1827. the
made II We A.pllenee of. the. Great
lae.ilueee.4.nd Ltet stock Inantatzioe"
eleirrie eiyi,kst said Company , ninat be
'tor sett etaoat. at 188 Centre Streit.
I• SNOW. Aamenee,
LEW •• • .t; 140 R. 6th St
tnidereguid ,
Peewit.' Detect
Aptil •
41iND 11,,, 1.141'1'
Oft NIA E..—Olfe ribli tams,. the les",
• itxtttres, cora *Ng Lebto Collfery to At'''.
perarturt. Jkatknraa D02k.,1 - 744 PLIILab , LPpI.4.
, • 3aly ,
11111,111R - AMLE. ovicsays-..gott sALt
Or To LBT— T iro !Iliac tit ri BRICM tiorr4N
Market street. With Mer k cE rtahlee In rev, for r
pap -.Apply to ~ 4:90 . 611r,
4Talea. 'at :.1 27.1 re, ,
7 .
Fora' 0A Rat .111. 'Urban. prnpeity
14uplad Oltenia rot leisuilppry
Ain" r; ' `" • • ' Y 6 tf
'CMS CK• Akligi 11044171.• Etias. liA4s,---.
' .The Warden of the CY,innty Prilou tuts a laiy, t as
sottment• of superior CWIr, and &ask u Bite oh
hand: Also MirilaurimoCirdAND blitm4 wtirch tic'
offers for sale, at the Prised. at low Otte, for sane .
albeit rash priers.pal4for Carpet Rap. . • ,
-Jahe'2o, `SS—YS- . •• - 1 - IsAm.3 WARD. :
---- 1 ,-,
-1214:14 SAllli:—The ..."b•ertber offers for mei #, I
:Farm' situate •In Ni t ,31..urbelna Townehisc?n,l 4 7.**,
the Ptiedenetenr toad. on e-Borcingh.llneof Coemavi.,... •
na, talnlagiSS. acres; ender enttraitton. end i.le:
Um ' .land.. Th ere are *.darelllter bosses , 1 barii,.
and Imy harm and air buildings. 'There ta•
i tan
a ll stream of.: grater rtmoine through the
farm, and a runnlel to the barn, for the ler- •
.voe of ws - theeVl eA tt. .6 good well ta mad.
neat the home: 'ferm iWe. I Apply to ' •
... if, JA., on the premisks
' artolat Ns- : ; '.:q , - - . '2t-et• ..
- - --7
L'O R imitair. , -41britiorA add: aboat 10 soot laou
pp Milford "tritrl ..ltost MiddTeport. Torras reasou
42dt. AO* to •. • F. H. /OXMAN,' agt.
:YoturtUkt, Urfa d . '65 t . 23-tf •
. .. . . . •
Wigan illoiliers 10.44 liftliti.-4 good Boilers: 31,
_ , L , " lathes dLtrgetei, 20: lett long, with the frrmuS;..n.
14 ,
Pedlars 23 *thee am 'VI feet long with fronts ..,
I Pine Boiler 38 Incises d
10 Welk flops Ind Sheet tafetygmilvos - New Bill-1
ers &Isms on hind , st ...' 101." 0 .°17 Detoot 'On COar - t
. . .
Q tom* Its/Oakes for te„ '
uom-q bon* paireric- - -riorat air paw.
• - :lot , -. • . 0 . - t4boz Nal Vat&
fierarar• am& liwlnas tr.* 4to power. .
•• One likia *swine 5 bowie pcoweg. '
• •• Attba bietunerliDepog.on Coal &reel. •
' Alley so..mat--22-tt ' JABEZ SPARE.s.
STE!AM repliPON , ltes- forAas.-19 tucs
•-• Aim WiluteN Pr,!l•;if men &meter Ind 2 fei.'
' -•
;ma hvii4irto.
. .
k 'VATIC -n . ' ' k '
Ina at cool Isnot in ewi4h.
county (known In tbikroVt Jki
JOlrout 4:Amax , ji.. •N,
- tract OM mos 41 004
In Riley .Somuldh , , .
Volpoble telleno It*On lidstutntottgo street. .4..
111 10 031 d__ id Iota)
t raistlelLrasoe, 33 feet fronton Ws
arinae Illk4l/1 . Okla 64
i.actreh A11ty.,..,- . .- ..-
~. fORIIII-103rininbl UPO4I MI" Tact otiszdt,
triTailMtraldp. tAtios
_thetas/Mt of then late
.Ilt 7 i ‘- nEri s iriailii
. 114144 . 10KkekAilook, }So. le,- '
. . Jan• tll , - 11 17 . ' - ' '.
ClAjtitßop.l.4 'story Thiek Dweillrob oi
. Cogrelitreet, . ''''•;',4: wit NUff.PUT; , -
4.118,3411'; ,-. ~- Clestre,St;ittbalit.;, -
,k.miniiirAzie.l:Asiwii.' '' 0ci.. ,- :ht iktem,l ,
. iiiit...o,o, Ws Ilt. iookueek. • Iciro.e'
loch, the Naomi pot of , Beettek , ,.. belweett tilk
Nortknof Homo will Onto ate dawn odtrAi t ted. .
.by Soinnel Kortimekuft pit, StoiO. Akikirtiv.
MO I'VCS-114151 ~•1_ . . IL 1."1/ale6trita: - '
a le
imilit opAs.s.,A ' - - - - 6:4 - 4 caw lAndt
Jr attatte In 11:141' , . ftitui ixi'llko 'whets..
Wm. otatie Login Motu% Isar Utast ustiA. Net .
thlftiberlattdobtatutog ' ON acres.—
Me totortitise , I actog loth owilittie
Bill Hamad. , thito tract.
.ttitt it-
IL. ugrw . a te, livi Street,
Cif te MUM .BM, pi t
gift iiillinktiars aoseentizi ottimitty. . -
. Olcitabilt 14. Ilt ‘. .. ,I. , 1 , ,, •Ku
Ahainarmtitigimitsins iron "Aux,
ffsick slokmqo St.
1110 . 14 , - . 44f
41.44141:"AL tad Ilia tilos* WWI"
, 4 1111tDoattoni. $ Water Ws,tio,olt
-tmod. to adtlibliiitt 41 . 30 . 1 "5AY D I M
: Jattillolll.44l • lidtbninL
~~~1 , ~~
.~ .~~
fit `AT
meta:teat interept4 m.
TowiLstilp; ;
trzal eutttalu:
Torklocoroothre, salt la
Tits born arid for worm,
' Jo tit good cork
Prtilet, •