The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, June 27, 1868, Image 2

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•-• i - - a
tsi; 4 .
....ifi - juirdad
Let a thiesitellast abritoit!istki.Mitfl/% .
The Efteliippitriti, , • i
TUB IllialladninAL4l4loMAUf.„,..„
While the 'Republican patty ;presents '- a
front, : united fn hartibilons,TAtleicandl-`
dates and upon a Piety ttlha)-ele, of Petheifileh
• whliih ever, tiro Id* gal. 4 r cuitr7
maid` dam endorse, ire Mad the so•eudledtlei..l
__mocnatin party dloftblxi*lt doh of oPio
- 1 0 11 0 30 the be" e;.:se.!e• b.
- riot merely the man whoshallbe selected at
its approaching OonsSatilin in New Yeidr.,.
~,that. exercises It, but' l the what questkaPro.
nista to be answered, 1, 4trat shall ear idat
form_ e?" The nlelligenf muds 14 the(p e r 7
- ty,remphethe fact that all the lanes width
slavery. carded with It, perished *ail ithe
• eath dr that institution, end that nnwlsariii
• • ringlngfr mu the fteedom gained by fonr
fi millions ofhlaek merioire forcing thematic'
-1 upon the national attention. -They 101thst
to reassert the Mess:ries with which they sink,
theiPreside iihl
• . •
upon h hhighlio 18co
'and ;18414; will be to enter upon the campaign
• of i?,cB , _ with burden they,cannot any and
' These', mbids:lo .disposed: to fiecepS
• riVOiretdd l te MOMS, eirell hapilitta =Make,
and. they found until quite recently,
.erpSoent of. their 'views, in the New Tdrir
• Weirid. But they areldrgely to theSdnority,
-aid the orthodox prcf-stase4,,neari•luding,
Mel ignorant element Of the party through
thel Ls Crosse,l) aunt' o th e r organ i , ,
hut othied such a iiiiwl of - disapprobation at
• the mere mention ht inc9rim**l h 1 .2 equal
'.t rights plaik In the platform, that it is now
, i 'quite apparent. that a -man' of the Pendleton
aims will be nominated by the tietaderaft
(-I.:invention, and that is platform, . ignoring
equal,rights will be adopted.. 4. • •
_ _
4 'Whom the Gods wsrtdd destroy they first
- make mad," is a trite latittgilint very Vig!"
_cede - in - the cue of the Baam-Decoocricy„
, The 'only hops / alumna that Tarty could'
1 1 0 1 0-041'400n ofa platfOrm •
not - of dead principles. Rat
. the ecnnposition °Mist party it not favorable
to it, and iti l action and its coming Conven
. tion will butsdd tO the forces which will de
feat it signally at the polls,lo November. .
'party wittumt sterling, Just,principles, which
will advaace_thecottntry hi all tlutrenders
- prerful, canitoutow succeed.. ThedaYa bf
101) -slavery tyranny and dough faced subser-
*any, have passed away never to return.—
c As the course of the Democratic party]during
ifiepast eight yeses has lost it the conAdence
and resPeet of the people; so will, a ctuttinu
iince in that course so inimical to liberty, sink
'.it yet deeper - in public estimation.
• Per contra, the. people have the utmost
confidence in the party Which saved the Ite
public during the Rebellion. Bad men each !
• Aura traitors to it, impede its great work, '
-hut , the principles of the party live, and will ,
live until, every iniportant measure pnoposed
by it iim'ehes creation. The people feel that
during the 'coming four years it is otAlte ut
encat4teti6eutnce that the 'reins of government
• shalllxrin the hands of an incortuptihk) and
• . arm mini, who will %Amid those prim!-
' plea, and see that the-lswi are rigidly no
•_ cited, and that the hordes of peddle plunder
-en( whit are now protected by Andrew Jolm-`
son, are not permitted to iongtn: &one . the
• ` burdened tax-payers of the country.
The Rept:adieus themselves havily_realise
'bow , great span they lave as anandidate
far the Presidency, in General , i d rant,
quiet, modest, And tuissatiming soldier and
_, statesman.,:'lf' we honk abroad we find that
s the best European Writers on military sci
• ence and civil adntinistrati ' on award the
inghesi-praises to
_General Grant. To'give
•• some idea of - What is thought of. Gen. Grant
in , Europe, let-us make an extract or two
from English journals. • Spealting of pis re
- port after the battle" that crashed , the Re
bellbon, one says _
. General Grant's report Le about tobecome salmon II
"Claws Commentaries... It is infinitely more im
portant, fortn tbe,recent civil war America Urea
met Gsetc, and Grant encountered a More Ibrudditbld
, • toe than Cass. At ithelhe report faceted eitteekm.
- it came in a bundle of official documents, all figura
• •exuliee anrumenta hut wizen the story of the -atm
•pelen of 1844 was looked Into, matter waa found la It
• calculated to interest the world at preterit and: for all
hunretnne. . ,
, • Genesi Grant 'neither writes nor th inks like ati
moirry*Mier-thephikisopher, a historian, and a
preouncl starceman. - end be sinks self in his narrative,,
but a met fa lie to praise others with a palpable con
, sciousomi which bespeak. the nonce enmity. in
perfect .Nel:ft:4 with persoul admiration and friend
sio• bad endured three Years when he was
mud: to the trod of the ermy.- "The all mile
him the ilavionr of his country Unobteusive and
hutbleuinded. though full of profound thoughts, his
merits discovero2 themselves when the opportanity
unseated flesh . Ne seethe man for the time and the
place, sna be wan the only fully qnslitivAl our% Events
approved of Lthcolns selection: for„where Waal=
proved an abortion. Glint alone Moperlt pat laded
Judconent. •- • Sheridan, the Mast of_
the Federal say, Cleared the Shenandoah Valley of
therms', .10thed the main army -Shea his 'Ureters
Arent required. ands= the lin `mien gai is a hun
dred:4nm Grant taken Pride in min. and
• on Sherman be pourstbeiribute of bis unbounded ad
- uttipition; bet, u we have recently t eibliabsd priori!
Opinion of these two great solders, ft is NS aeceslazy
to Introduce them here: Getteral,Grantt report wi ll
brevet Maw the , attention Of soldiers, . etateloutn,
And the London Times, not given to praise „
or - anything American, says t I '
- have been accutoset repaid him merely
, t c annOtildeT of the army of 't Potortm, because be
..eieentel Weenie as the imaeof Die personal exertions;
b a t d o e .. :astir that the fumy of Virgil:di was act::
• en d er the command of Meade, Jut sa••,•che arta of
q‘mmemee was under th e command of Sblenan. e
t g l r e f te4l=7=inpt:lr:4 plan rv'ertbzrz
• armies at once. What readers :this repos, too, the
mere remar kable is that it explaska a new end as the
• eornt prorniea irts:xrAftfi slistem C' viardfor ,
the ormeiou. Vrtten Grant usturied the I com
mand, the Federal foontwere m st V little
4 1 1: ra ly t,•t o el- I rt tl w cTrt :Maas 7 :tdopma °
=Warfare, and the moult Su' that la Issue ,
hue the war was st mend • What OS Meth- I
cd was, on what principle Idea. toss, .and bOW it :
was called into mecntion is very intelligibly told. 1
flit ones was suereseful where every ether methrut
bad bri. =pato brouebt the war to In
-whereas every farms campalgalad left the
f peal : uit stood bete. It man be
key wherever military science appears mere
than brute ford e'thst dieritis erases
_ silo, 'The scheme , of Sherman carcipthrtt was
• ' mold by Grans, as were others lac Important sad
was a SS
- Sietemate. The gruel principle of the Shoji MOM,
- With so Great a man on,a platform of Re=`
pktdicin pgincipleil, the intriotle
7 -labo r with enthusiasni far success, convinsid'
that titrelocal= will. bring . complete 'puce
4 ‘ .1 ano innewed proriterlty .. to all factions of the
'" 7- 14public. ' A
?tie InOct 7c.+sos=o imams n! PHIG:
From the'Philadelphis papers. we. burn
ling u ine iteremonials Vi r ednesday,•theident
to the laying-of the corner stone' of the new,
MasonieTernple of BroSd . awe Filbert its:,
were of the most imposing einiramer. A•
general holiday was Made of theottathm.---
The lodges assembled at their items,
and with their guests,, were hi line at
-alt ear=
ly hoer in the morning, so that, Mai-o'clock,
when the order to. march was given there
was no de/ay or confusion. As every menk. -
ben of the Order was dressed in dart cloth
_ lug, there Was annifcirmity Idiom thedisplay.-
relieved only by the jewels end Insignia worn
by officers . Ind membees of the Grand. Ledge.
The absence of mere display made the pro
cmagelt 01We:wire Impressive. There were
• . 9000 Mations hi Erne. IL W. O. M. Vent
Said rht corner atom which contsMed the
Minn articles:
- - Cope of Ifoly Mtge. . .
Cepi pf last hound Publication of Abe Gatialf ,
tC t ogergL i tssobilkisa of the amid Lois la 'mime !
to bs
• List *lodise in this Jutaidiction.
Cetus of the MAW Rata; ,
4Wilibblette Pain of ITll.
. Peony of 1167. - • •-•
pum a ot
wood; eta freak one of We coasts of Moat
- pu b , a t insitte, put of the Gan of 'Temple
4= ll/11 131 'ti , fooldsam setae of, ColoO4si,
• Another taws of stozieirom the kliPdAtJap
-601 d Naga& modal "Vystons;*
Gold ogteitt"
. . . .-.,
. m'
iiiiiiiiiWorP7o. ii:itrou isomrs. - ~
=medal Mgt la ommemaratioa - od agt
or ft, Prime of Wake m a 11.. Mk of W .
' l '.' a uplatild sot of idirar.kmoll ilia "it* impAr
i ! i. Mom amoub ludjge::
_, , iskeripay ci Bro. Boma Edna. i ;
• - Nemmours of tbu da. - i
were . • • L - ,
Iluomff of tbd Hob Blbte
- cgs. a Homburg. - I'. IL Co N 0.4441. ~ . .
TIM VI , M* and Prurddin pima*
4 bramber - Mbamaggre. • . , -
_...,. ~
Tbo Latinos Citlikr. Pime al dalda*A Pote or
-Vim trim the ' plitslpili at Jemmies% • PeseiNted
by Smarr Tbarms4. edillin=s Zk
itagii; s Gold Hum* *did mi. . .
Thu laver Hmil of *Him H'lntisisM,'' WS !
itarniMilodto;Ho. W. d - * •• ^ ~ f.
• . 'TIM rftned - fs wit/corer *44 'p?thciler E-
's.,. . Ito Ines= ar ndetioa stawiegionmawit
• . IMoot4
lauraar 4 Hvo fb. of ibur !..! 1 *"! .
:74 • - lat MO raft toof4. biSlogigigomik - a
•' 'AO itilire tiremoiles ire* 4tii familia
-• ''-
' 414-1 4 el * cul ti..! ;o4 PINIeI 0
. - . l illilliid*licoldenf. in tbsimmk Au.
- . r io l4takt*moie banf inet4 l l47
- . 0 -11-4110 ' - ' - *- .
*-' * '
- The Ledger thili 119010 elltdrbia r it
oedebnalon :
. Tha t ** notable event IS M . ' i
010 1111 e t7 o •ll-' -;
fY to PhUsdelobla wit that ameeeted with fie
of the emnebetone of the seer diesonle I lltellikt I
day. It will become lam
mei It of th e eon , todeffor — Wil
pluede;end °TN
Um esserptliebigo r SO
eirenmetsoot of
domino; the of a mnstnot • !delta
that will be so echnsetee is Its.
V: al
coetly In In . 11 '
downy; te Ise to s mgebo
asst IWO I.
Itself se k_
awe et met de tellemmwelm gem -,
the seen of
Theo f
11 0611g ee"leallekleadoe. The
111.11 01161,
11map aa m om ewe* at all bellnint dem.-
neon. The Whets was imenty=
r s - 17
ammo good twin It tese the
mares ot the wellAado men of flie. e
pith black talk Mt. To Ole to edditt s
le Imam iyiron "Most Mark or etssemest; I
Lb. of the often of a lodge, Me slim bed
ed by 13 ;111111114.°84!' ta andlaittple& i rlde l lmvor t i ll
ot monotony to the islott, sad tiny may
tamed away *Shout et the whole "at 11.
there was tail: mitabses mettetom ti * 4111
.telePer• Who welted to see the vie& Use go by,
them the mos themselves were tbd am- , IMF
'tor they Mese tilsbtly, comokKodettyr ,
lifial Ille * Atotre Ind inleingeofe and,
their Wares. , Itlenttlito hotindeo ams
in emredentey. .Throughont,_the whoii,pro,....
th 4 woe miasma at a detetelly thonettold vim pi,
etrityttioaversdl cedsted. as Meninx eememetti
ehie P.e. WS well feel prodit
OWN/maws of their , &salt a dd
half If dm meets of thi liot :MI . ..'"Wsei
lbeilimbemot the .., ... ~. .--,
- _-
J. I
1. 1
. .
A:PAcinc .E.Assoan nv 1t369.--Tbe NW=
Wet Peek, - 1 , 0 *4 comPetlY-' edit eie
bnilding die Volker* portion' of * i,or. z
...hind Boios then Oondeene-:
log at the-t navigable arse= at the bead of
.settifof gin Francis* have enccoadkilly
cart*** track scrota the snowy nroet of
-the Sierra Nevada,. stal the whistle of the lo
comotive is now beard in the !foam Dia-.
l'ict et the weetein edge of the Salt Lan
Vale. . To tsces the: illsseati to thetutward
Wrili, *nuke child's play, in comparison tO
theworlithat is' hilt behind,' and -there is ii
rate chance ibi the trim& 'eeeneetiell Wei
inidein 1s60; -' 1
Ideentitne the great mining niti ; :Oman
ral region of the Pacific elope are feelint the
,benefit of the railroad which la doing abate
and - Tradable businces. 'Mew* Fiak &
Hatch, the Financial ',Agenta at the Compa
ny, in theft adverthienient of the First Mod
glipil3onde. in another , colamn, present some
interesting feats relative to the program and'
proepechs of this great wank. •
Ttra hannonionif Dem ocracy , met in their
several conventions in Philadelphia on tame-
Say last, and amid scenes of the wildest con
fusion, induced by liberal-potations of whis
ky and the dishy of contending - tedium; in
which bloody Imes , black eyes and tort
clothing, were as diets as blackberries in
Atlkust, eaade the fAlineing nominations:—
F 9 00PljAtrlet, Seduel J. .
d District, !Thos. 8.-Flormum. 8d
th District, James.;
Nichol on._ Presid the
District Court,"iirm; 1.. Rinits- - .; • .
may, _ Furman Shepherd.- For
fey pevid r. Weaver; the only
soldier selected. • If thia city - conventionlof
the Democracy, exhibits so much Witte:mem,
what 'may be expected•when the Democrats
get together et New York next Saturday P
Ctrs 'of the arguments used against Grant's
election to the. Presid oncy, that he imolai.
cemnot be denied that Grant irrested the
eyi of the nation by his procliviti ,f,o smoke.
He smoked-at Belmont, : at Dcmaldson,:and et
Pittsburglitandlng. smoked furiously
- at Vicksburg, at Chattanooga, attheWilder
new, and:at Spotteylvania, and kept it up all
summer until: he - reached'Petersburg. .Re
smoked bound Petersburg and, Itichniond
fol. nine Months, and took a final smoke with
don. Lee under the famous Appomattox ap
ple tree. ThO old adage assurei thet a
good deal of smoke "must :teatime) , be ic-
CcimPtinied by some fire;: and it must be ad
mitted that on all these:occasions' Grant did
ranch of Ids smoking under fire. ,
sEctruz linven) Ass Cerrsoiscy.=
The Union Pacific Bonda run thirty years,
are for 11;000 each, and 4ava zinipona At
tached. They bear anima interest, pa •
on die first day of Jannaty and July at the
Ckepany'a Office in the pity of New York,
it the rate 44 7 sis 'per cent. in !gold. The
principal is payable in gold M maturity. The
price is 10i, and at the present rate of gold,
they, pay a liberal income cm their cost.
The Company believe that three Bonds,
at the present rate, are the cheapest security
in the market, and reserve the right to ad
.-mince the.price at any time. rinbacrlptipoi
will be re c eived .In New York.
TA cpn titilleti_on Involved Lii the two par
iigraphaannexed is explained by the fact that
in 1807, the Demwraci wanted Osuorr for
.their Candidate bat could not get him. while
• in 1868 he hits accepted the Republican nom-,
ration, 'Hence tbe Incongitti4 of the fol
lowing : '
.. -
, 1 "Nobody la hardY enoneh to claim dell capacity for
,Grant.''—Seir: York World, Nay 1141911.
• "The War Department le. for the prege. at, in the dis
creet and able hands of General Grant."—Ser York
World, Augud, 1P47.
, . . _ • -_., .
A meLitHso of:CaEumissionera, from the loy
al Stateslaving soldiers} interred at Antietam
Cemetery, wee held at' Sharpsburg on . the
11th, to consider the question of the Writ/I*f
the rebel dead in some portion of the area of
ithe cemetery.' After every earnest dismis
sion, the whole matter .was pOstponed to =I
other meeting, to be held at Philadelphia on.
'the I ith of liovernber. , , ,
HFIMT CLAX DEAN, s copperhead orator, recent
-13; delivered a speech in lowa, in the cciaree•Of
;which lie gild that "one (fined and one legged
!soldiers *eust uoder our lions as dig* eds 'of charity,
,are carcasses for , tni gallows." 2 _
* Tun Arrwrrto Morrnrir.--IThe contents of the
; July number ; of this magazine.. are—Along the
godson River at. New York;'- The Dole at, Jae
Thorkell ; Bt. Michael's Night: IL; Klan
&betroth Pilate ; Some Coral Islands and Wand.;
orraz•The Po ris Crttiel; My Ship et Sea; Defire7:
*a Bananas; f3tage-Strook; Modeen - Prenoh Taint
ing.; Tostellfs Marriage; -A Itonr" O'clock : The
Greatt, imbroVioAttroewa and Literary Nalco;
A. moat admirable number of tbeAtlantic. Prtb.y,
iiihed by Ticknor and Fields, Boston. • .
Otts. Tor NO FOLTus.—.The July 'Burnie! of this
`magas:we °obtains 'the eleventh chapter. of Dr.
.Ilayea's "Cut Away in the Cold," which the bop,
are bunging with impatience to see boned in $
vellum.' "A &Cry of the itera" by May Maths', it
thrilling WO: 3 .lltrawberWir is swoon *mit;
the ilinstratkoi to *blob , by Bower, conveys thS'
WNW spirit of noonday. The other eattents en:
varied, interesting end besiatifolly illustrsted
`The publisberepriimise in the August number tt
colored implement,. entitled“ The Strang Play=
ere _ 4
Tai tirenurc,—ligitb the - July number We lb.
equalled pablioation for vets young readers. en -
tae upon I nen volume.. if.we meriaarte train
the large number of excellent Pietas' and inter
eating reading b Ibis, the editor intents to make
Nursery mornatimudivithameste. The pub.
, John L. Menet 18 Waddegto arm* Dee.
gives valuable and useful moats such ae
writing &As, traveling-bage t etc.. to the little
boys and girls irbo get up duke far i na N=
No family tritlrebilaren ;earning to read '
be without TheNumery. It Le an birtinatdip rid
in the wink of teaching them.
1 =1.)W.:
atipenThit 7 IC% the Mieek.
ixtliiitardiVr? 14 ! "
43. 74
.t . l 11 I
1 -rove (vmpa , 44l .hikbien Mask ,
hid it, suoary. • -
Rolle WYO. A. S.; Oro 1 4 04 ins
tia tZitlawkin oirToMdsi wa
• Arm:ft Wetsteritsi treibli noes aumbir
ot UK , todae of Un. Xxsigrbiktat Pilkimereeliatr,
listitubut 01,11aaaux CRY, -. ,
A... 4of thellraoli Argot ilf , V*9 l l4 l f , iths'
Wan ortalatelledin Try.fa,:fut. :Ifs ' awe : , flefi
audit is In I. fl.Bo4thing - oodithew ; ;% -
41 '•''-L• = - • • 4406- .... ---- ---}-:, .i ,
' ehofritittli;i. Y. 4,_ o_ii th is egithirothf, '
31 - dej i 'on' teoikei of UM Atiobth itM
resetio4n the eetersi Coeftial Labile= =
• of. 4
. Aim atilt Him . 8e is I
Wed 0 yew, vie dawned ia ,
; .11011 Cad Ism Philtie on #%. ' a '
= l mA tat* eV*. 10 • 11 4:-' 1 . ,i ,
.. :time. tam nodd... 4 iikyla it Belel7‘lll
Ilitliramett**l et - July_ .
_lsamu the Prue*
mob re Girkehiat sad inualueute gldb fit
*TS*. - ' . - .:- - ..,:*
.._ ..............—....',...
~ r , 1
• et: leePust_ Ike, heel** ,: , . bt, li
Con% ceuea Joltistlt*uweird y r. , '
To aelo office is teemed i* the dread - - • )
Wu; ebroungell. gam of ',fry& . -- T • ' ; ---"
lb-dtey ea eleetitteUell *ry, s u s „
leaueguavirl thf t t i , " • ,'
la ups fr om - bouse-4 MIL: • , •
looser Whit of Abria4 aibUgilaft - ~
• • , --- .1 ----- •'..* - * ---- t , - , t-. •' ' , .. ' F,
,'. Dim . x lictiC -Arista Paw willi 4444 St ,
neartille ots the nth lest; betas,* *lb t , 'Z
and Preston dlube,vatiolt resulted • id' Mee • ,
of the lattlitXfaingairlaU IL ' 4
OM so ea
gu 4
4 to 7 %IR " • . 'b. a. 14, -
4 ittl'3s - Pull IIL 6 "1 6 , lap
4 litiliT al 144 Q, ir .4 11 140
' 4
. 207 11 .. SA New 11.46' v 44. mo
41 . 34 rim 41.sT o''64 _too
-4 22t1 .21
4 :sail $4 ' - • ~,?,
.._ , .
aluctilegia to ,
f o rs avit,----o"
any f ,
apt. .
the 1
arsitot .
ottlicys '
• . I
by—aWlat •
Jaalr o.
)(, MOHO
sad 4011N1
&TIT& • =
;4' ;
Pretritti. • P.
0. - U . Std.
G Ke e eo: I
1 11;OV'et•
1 1 00 e 'fawn'
• about ! y'ox- ,
1 - Poir lot
• • ethetr ii •••; , l,
weal!' It.
Od Feacktrohi,
been eleeted• tor
'No— ,*l. O. of
J..W Iwa
This 0
and num
• Od•
.._ APIS to_
Q un, O mime p,
4 :.• • ful : qf Halt' .. of 1: , greatest
ofape...l. 4
rsonel • - To 4:1 ;,t ion have
only use "• , don Hag' 1- toter and
i t t ." to i i t t s th . oral . il ecdor and h t ; it
thr f g out, Us ' insure s
ni tre, tub M I L. nt is
e l t rolor and
coo . 1 , ,
r 4 11% 0 /nu=
h m Lidi who de
etre sunefshe. ateata , heir dee 'me should
not f to sum thei"London 1 Bar 1 1 ' ~ Restorer
and • Ilis - tunsik lir — is experi
eno6 All our l.•'
T honing
m a g In the rnst.
J. 26; 11188)• H-[• •
;lama }Mee
" John
Clor ohn J •
-De • Abram
/fob - .•( ico
- •
•T tr
of.; .lt the se
'G. •
be • tirro
msee of lu
gene U t lit
lb • ••• gill be a,
grb lu Ism
sae . Will be mg
dell . Val pi'c
see • the cue
pie -1 • peculiar)
• r
ou t
_ r ate.—On
Fell wa' Hall, T.
ti • I discus
lat pus a las
soh 1 r 'Thi s
ths. ttsintioo of
of o _ Rep'
it Gallande
the Mozart
• Tuesday
flia4+ . were a
=me ta % were
peer olliaj. Wi flute; B. Gonad
oaths Tiotia,a,Rrof.. V gon the piano; were
most e ....
Alavi MC Miland had
nada most muted mentaitioe goo orsan
*Woo of the M
t r. ioeihte
wtdelt =Weed 160'60 was lealrat
we gralMled too that i Aaloatatiora
la 40 auhataatially 'nom by. the accumtuallY.
for to teraldOey lit to eleekta asil'ireprore•the
.11 0 11 = 1 " 41/. 8 .? r1 1 140i Im ilV dE r sie4 " -1
' JAC*BELA — for ,
ibemai (Winds%
Wo* , iferteeil.—On :- , ty meet* last a
vas (=VA_ • of
that Seem& Air: WM: , . *Mid as Clhafr•
017 d Ad u c tu i t_ ie ~(aostetary. Bar.,
s linaVe deli ' hie "10 Trip to Chi
capft—, 'which stable ' latereettei . . t prodne
Ultra . r - IL : - - ' ' j 1
tilt leettic - - resoltithe Of Mania to sre.
Leek tree lealthootali ;AO arreeoletioa
it meet -this ( 11* of
the Welsh
etaalle(t/h _ or - of formlog a
(heat sad oaf ee (Itab. ' All: doh citizens - hp'
verableto the evampaare rood earatetty
incited 444 " ) Mao** • [ - • . i
Reached and latent reeking, hi ,
Gettiods' at the bogie Wee
_AlbtatAceitleet et,sio . ---4:h Titania lad
Masa Italatnemi, %. 26 :ars, employed at
Use Palo Alto Soiling li as padBWit taper,
IMO leM over oh latti • -• • Beigeold re. , that
poles- end kited., The - ,• - , • • me as fol
iose :=lleSametri ' , , •
t ' h is; e tlisrMold e min.
Semen. am as ,• • s m* lir go Der
water, taich was, onZ wing opposim side at- the
rellnisa: i A Vale ilea down meld"
asceakthe stmt. - arse ding ise ths•
Wang whine muds up by the Milli ,a AMC, INIII
coming down this sidling ; the tram that - Wu
passing nocatittill his anionon se thee he alit Si*
noticeit. The ear tweeted him dloilm and meow
bite, netting olf -bia- rigtdi arm. mad am a bl i m bi n
hejeubsslly. 'He - 0. - Al ..trinle -being ootereyea I to
hie boom :The ontominste ma melded lit Falai
Alto, and hi . sves a wife arid nes and. ,_ . _ I
.._ -...-
.—Wiwititunised and enters tied
a the hate ion Led Abiediy eveatz a l=
lading ths bicerei delivered hy th.
&eta batoorist. iii - of Ptittedel
ode, vie bilestarteg . - Matahs Osedisiti
um ,
pros ilet ine r wlta ler the ansploss Greed Lodge
of Me. Vrair,rit - Template of
s"tea ite.veryjarge ulatiiMe
moke at Williamsport on the ilth end 12th.,
ands month, being the th animal cession
Bt.. art ntitiseprmidand itemitii irierhitehig tab.' ,
W iimvigiw w;kiirr , UM Mr , Basal , w4ll
vat wither tree ;faipSll4oo kietlite in Patta
vale belisrebstessermsUanty snillmelaiddiuir
Mesita who aid not hem SI pais
it s i point to go atid Itter f r , hs . i, irdreinffili
- ire thardoeg thrtergietl
colithe Oottay snag iyo Way;so work.fis
oleos ant sidle 'met:RlP - 51*as Mr. ftk:
swoon. tar asse.Mirviettlesamikes**.
lag tr irt i ler l e-V oni % / Pt
9. 6 a aaillite ' it IMO Ilir.l , Is'
*ON ~.e-Olik*AdAtei-. No Allelmtstese antAritr4
-`4Striiiiihirtilir ilinZet ..ii 'atiti, r i et .4 . few
Aims same 11m 0 - 11 7tAttrit tame it Zr.
Mak Bante,Sennerirk At ..... 1 ....A mmi
robbed el a qtuttettyot .-I ' ---- - -n ----
'On th. ftiaotitsetedi ,
i t=csigo ll *ll-1421thafT ettlit. ICI
bit st WOW ‘i $ 1 • *
.. .,, . . , . . .
of theAkesothelloa.. :
tie - r. 0 ' t Arecadasse: -4a:
ieereed , the olyeerlemeaUouvWto
• • • sal eying this reason you
er emsc i atlikatne end
dem catz - peelle hi as wizens an ‘tiri t trezillinatiwit 10. an erilligisne n t tar t tli
L ow motto Athly ed, be& rime bawd
to areation diy.,...,. westiow .. it would toe acceptabie to.
/ 1 , 1 1 1 kk="'I , • 1;r J. A.IL Pastoroar.
11- I -
rarest )
4 10,3,
l'uf" " n e f%' 91 4 1 ' -. ' '
i •
purr ratios ire:Peeiesitte,
i _ 1. - - Juke *I, lees L
fr: The broom of the estettethmeot ten
al Dote of the will
vergeb acceptal.
, of favor to to
al , th e thanks . of oat , Me . -iedilit,.l= far their
ktod; trance of tl poor. arid Its appreciatket of
Wale 1 Havre. to aid t isi
o f work of amevoltnce .
Tad . en",
, 1 i ` - i• W L. Wirrnar,)
.: , ' Jicte it 111:-Ifietzt.,%-, qteimittee. -.
I ~ , 1 Jon eP. Ettorriwej -, . ,
4. X. Purim', 11•4, ?Auntie.
L 4 L'. _ _
,4 1."•- - I ...,
_,---; , 1
of trot.' I Artere'..--On Ronan we
a ,th deep regret, of the rather sudden and
leire clad dMitb t r h tt= " lt tl4 a
C S IP I ,. : • ' ' wh o ' la a t a q
' 4 cap t . SeTtWn . been su ff ering from a
affection . duced by fatigue and 1 ex.
. ... .. . ... in the .wrier, ;but Well
- , . • . Wide... • : hopes wee, entertained
• . -, . • 'But , appertain trivial cam,
Id_ . bath. It - , that on Saturday ,
led Swam Id. *ay home from Sr. Stichta's
oin which he was .. avid as bodikeem; he
,R some paean and libido eating. tW a
Of onslodged . Ids throat produoin tiTi
' .le vio l ent Ai of -ugldrig, sad hemorrhage
of hangs.! ... .• aid was procured, I the
hemorrhaz checked, and the captain Peeled it
„ n i:1 1 5: 1, eemi llig g tit! . Lit wll lly . o= l night
' imionPer, beinorr , again commenced, ;and.
so Wan* and la y that he was suffocated to:
death before his Han who melded- opposite,
could be'ionomonell.
Hie sadden death c a gloom over tibeitesey
city't, for the people ere bed learned to love the
estimable qualities hick commingled in Capt.:
Severn, made: him good um, an affectionatC
husband rind father, sincere friend and .art ur.'
exreable . His age at the time of his
L dee tree 33 years.l menthe and 3 days. •
_•I ' '
remain* were ht to this Boroug h , on',
Tuesday Jest, by - s squad of Post 110,10.;
4%-!B4MaharlWy Qin of white Post be was.Ocenr•
wader, and taXen the feebleness of his mother % I
,Mehantongo street. They were interred in the ~
Pleidlytetien Cane e on - Thursday afterthehrl
P~d were - .to the grave by Pulaski-
No. 21(. 11., try the Odd FEnOWS,
Post and Pail L. 8., and by %ha TWO ll*.
• the =
WI, • •
--1 . 1 # 1 3 1 4 1 t Y
°ere have
or, P ;
dux Kopp,
is TOMS.
" It t' ll ' lt' '
AFracilziPg ,
sent a. oortinkin
- the coming 0-
The lead cSa
trained the t
bone - stilt°
who were
their yells
'WM theTetil
tretherbes of -
Ellie, a gin*
and.itliaps gigm
in same Inter°
manifest itself
by several equt
' sections of the
trio of party It
Mr.. Handle
at the pvevic
mid being I
of i rasehltiol
John W. k
meeting. T
of this' expos
plea, may be
that before;
years since,
;resided, P
letters to
wnie, Pa.,
Geo P
-Is John
lac IP
N'W it
Itt the Bth
ion of the
Ishere will
from all
At meet'
the 9th
rat Tat*
the twat
to hope to
render the;
y to the Odd
to attend
rttld arouse
rho believe
'wee who
v even.
will be
when .
g ium.
hind Sticre
— The' t.
to oan,tti
spoOnkit7 2
tottOsit* -
loxow s ltiO
io or
rit X Ih)y/o.
Wass th- - .
Padded of the I'm:all
ied Mak tho Dank* a madderably mtecer
tient° than hit sod - ,
__ - - 's
; • Witham% Ile ...sled • Sou MU 'ono Edwin IL
StantiM, a idc minded Ablishinist, a thing alas
:tasteful.** the. Witte hum and .
Weems, Per . AAM of junta a litarap-Oongele woo'
?icalpacarged In ' to depose tam. and - .
~ Withea. -- the =woodsy cv =1 OClenti,
lathe a love fa !vain Wein Mite in our boo.
mena, And Smith. that the red Y la in lanai
mud dna* ta tad entire dearnekahen makes
the opera. theme , onicohcb‘Convie le cheeky:l; thdre
fore be It l• -
' Rea ld, That - *MUM alma upon theaciothen
tra , amine; at our beloved Preethent. mad do
hereby eeriest lick acitaben.. •
Roriv4, That ey Schsithlt. sispeatfullr maw
Maul tbelmnedit tv even meetheetre lee lamp
Couipht Who for impeachment on the ground cv
the ay. the will or the Szeentivm - -
meut lheak .thei pa i rs i u m ; i, l=t: to t t t igt= c u re
a Malabo we, the Dimoedth nv tictinyUdlZ
fondroano end oumeted holm
macocelo vo by all the math in oar
i o logwii.
arpcired, Thai Comes IR the Tweak thetas
a =man Mail body, that mu:
edam up the gorernment trrTe il =
• vow, •-thr mozia peaddecta ativin to
.. 'a •
ReseteedM aoly kart tiv Toccoa lea to the'
• t fa Innen es Grant. Ilasoca Ind
and the in their pia= *set lma po
via' es 4pb_Bri*, Telland_
: Iteximil. 1114. Min IT Ufilitonars la dad
Ake name sr hcath for limit habeas= la not
.tiaing to 'moth radical beam itnathe lani of
48ratecti. That Itha limmaiest ins sea Mehra
Mai man and that white men mill Map # !Mad
i whito men end their wank, harm •, ' •
1 I , - Baothrd,•_That tha Talcu sh outt =lklll Casa
.th had no hems for to ety th
1' . fitaitek Th at the yang ' Dhnihrtlim wad to- ranfi
lath on the day itv election ma sty, tote ono
*Me i vi n o;
Scroteck Thst km death= th e tins Judiciary taw
w Jai& . .
jf . .Ths= • Iwo' Mopted
wilb the emmtime of mos dtessettag -that
;of a drunken lrish Jostles of Ms pesos of Misers-
Mlle, who had taken offsooe at s remark made. by
Ithedemdem Paton° in blames* and arm rend
1 ,' and more in fanning: most approved MIAs&
'balk aseetino in Schuylkill Ponnty. • • ' •
amanuon• iima shO t _aatotad, Imlllins the
. ipatuo4 Ettiodlig Coma thee; of wtdoh) a 1 Id . '
I iWetheriff . is Chatham ; appostiaolog the dole.
4thra ty conmatione sit follows :-...T0
• very mos datmersde votes or trachea.
me ' W.
_tmot In Saab led
mow statilathalehetimait the
AAIUN *Wok Mae lima
MO AlthieteM. Pm:Wok OM ago
. Adios OMNI shaff tom* - ,ldedadd i ,
' 'sod !Wag the , -
lid to elsetthas for '
. itkemetkpo cm 'July Dowd Wit. holding
. 122=WilltaW
ti a l g , kii.
IlidisoottWSWegosadri dmmt.
.ia yardAo
I divas, sad
141 1
ir lidak
r , iti.ty,r
died riiiiiiiikr.
WA Coosalasi‘on4agelitaio-31.;stoi, 'L.,
Illeessil "444 „sof Pepares.t , i
• Aar ftowi _ et ISO 000A(1.4
ss rud
mid to boomed in,Nesslork. i -
_ SarThe o f azi, s o„ , ..giogoefoi
lobe liangunded ate" r V ItiGetider.V
• Arnie Chi , Veit spent 1•
hundred thous and Met sipped
iiirgeber ' Eimb,ll, ; President of,
' hiermett Ctilitok died et Late on
tb . i. -
..Ltir Ull N., 3 has
atr.o27 owls of *nee =slack •
eOO,OOO. _ •• - • `• • -
airlb.tomeeer General of Canaan has 1 •
Claimed tho let of July a •. • a in httte r : iii ,
feitemitkei. ,
•.. - '
, - sirp.ev. J'AL Rink . the eminent .7 •
vine, 'died MN*, Yak • Tinseder el ' . 1
at the age of sixty years- ,
_•-• • _•••
Sr Frascati:en - drowse d, Ws=
of a bad, at the math of Mice ri
Moe Friday a - ......‘ • I ,_ ' . .'
re ears of a • •on the Nimes • - '
weal thrown ....s i trode kocio, 01
t3stu ey, injuring five . DS. ,
' Arall leer
. , . . EdliSfa C. 0 . "•
'SOD. 1101 of fissisior : • • Johisson. to- he
. W i ne Poet : • AMPS , the '.
sometime con
& i n* an mftrsion la Etettffith •
trite. .
American fashion of pailemea ~
lig umbrellas to protect them AT o .' l l
M the ' ,
been favoriblY Illeelyeti t p. ...t.- - •• l io i
- MePotighteepste is. 7';•.•• •x p o t
have Gerard Logan, J Bmghata sod " •
well and Senator Nye, at. for Fame' of Jelr, • •
tors..; •• ' Greek 4' • -
M•Nezt fp Napier, a sutler, WOO '
ma' etejzzr a dollar a box, * asid•to have - •
the success out of the Abysinnian l'pe
.4llkle• ' -- I .
,„._ _
„„MrEloals roarChazdetNew York bare, • •
together,* raise a fmad.with which to . •
dreari mob* matinee the 100= or • • one
;,.„ ..;:a r.. Vassar. of Nigh '
_itetFetel..,_rf'.' de
V UMW College for Women, a= mad •! y
sedtraddle reading an Odra* to the? •
tee* at die Cabo- 40 had lue.eeteP, l hie
17th year,
United _Soprani Court de.
tidal NMI writ of , that a •
is sundered
hout void by any change ledge' - of date its
y ertt the sod gong a/
mitt* in interest. ' I . t
W'Fhe steamer lif . . g Ellar,fropi
for Dant., collided the
takeitrie, last El Weak U4 th
sunk; Of 83 persons on both ` were
pa ll
sterna, had therm:Wren 20 are puisuar e l
dig•AS Chicago the Little Western, a I
• oat. on a new model, intending shortly to
-the Atlantic, capsized on Sandaynfternoon,l I
on a trial trip. Dept. Garret and Haw
holm; a reporter for e Chicago;Entesj t
sit-A citizen of Nei ark itte lawellied tit
mank pocket trumpet. Ills a novelty, i
arranged that it takes little space in
pocket, and when - out is about tan to
cher* length.
~,It - to sensiosity, view 11 al
it useful article. .• ' __-
. 12 •
STA premnfient tic politici . "
Of tin.
herr Was eowhided atMace t A: Mon of
last Week, by the whin of a - re dikes., who
bad foam a resident of =bury for bout a year.
The reason she gave :f the iiolllooll that
be hid ',hindered her.
for John of Are has hsdkiititn fa
countries. The latest , s young . : 7.
who recently
. arrirg il l Athens, dreamt the
masculine atom, which she has assumed *V
purpose of preserving er inpagnito while ht.
mg lumina the Turks • Orate. •
• OCAS Boston, on . a y , Albert W. ush
„ill a
ti I
man and Stephan°. ecomehre sea to
pay two thousand mitt, with two ng the;
imprisonment and Ps &Kiernan an d . y trick
Ryan twenty-five with three the!
impdsOnment—all for Illicit ling. ._
arJautes Mcifeery,lllle •MMO_Englillb mg's”,
operator, has tailed fatal& 00v ego, . • Ha proposes
to psy in full in *tend of yes*. . His dial ties
Tem ceased by the failure, at Sir Morton eto,
was t /the t whose mowe
emtrsowarrs at te tio wn ot tlr a -.He
So and Great Western Usiliky.
, . WTbe freedmen are ihrgpr,
_Moteri g
the assertions of their einetalta - tbat the
Met were spendthritte,Mld would not save
a rainy day. The fithosolal statement of
Sorel Freedmen's &wings WI Trutt
establithed in Wasbittatelo.- DI, Id,,?tir
a f ul.
year* sr follows : Deposit V7,1114201ti_
$3,677,763; kKal somata ovieetwitoc., Fa
smeared donate Ovet MUM Ocr,the ma
May; MIMI; motel of elemilleaver draft
big 11*-111mor wombs rodinglieltbd May, ill
.3. by
mere at.
wrath, and
tit..fratarWg• and
..alcultles,' so es iii
the terrible ItadieileAt
Eine aceetmtable nihniter . :
performed their gyn.
sad thorn of them
idars - meeting, omitted
r dances which so ustially
an of gmp.itty at these
racy: Attorney
felt. gravity of Manner,
dity will nmaesticMably,
don, if be lives so long
tented to pmide, si slated
in divMmih from
as Vies Prect4entsfenildifferent
re fortunate -14 this then
heing allowido remain,
Mt; et 3 the committee. . Mr,
43de cou t i =Z address the
and honesty
'4•Arn Demoeistle et
%wth. feet
_is] stated
,it Conatr,
_Mont fi ve
countyln videtibe then
atet When
ged political
41 hive been if
Mandgi t r uat i
trout thal;
weight is
with them
red Mr. Ryon . and iut
`la es^ illth . ough he
eiDWOd 1011131035-
)lictorded to Mr.
ech with consider
tied thit a Saltys
Infiniti of the
in the 014)
twOr ItNiAnuirdien
=a H all
pse of s bad
stir eontintmliy
DIM was owe of than,
reectintiormause in s% the
loses spieet,inst in time)
from' the thlliaoa of a
*ll4-wlteee *Moil saiti
dime Mom of hie m-'
facildiTaxisilb . to
1.0 IMO s nmoich
1 4.1"Piniehrst,". rands=
weastometers at "Cooled-
Ary. for ;Myadopted resole*.
t, national sad ether =Mien,'
k :IfOltTLlrrli -CONG7IBBB.
' - . . hioolso SRIAMOM: :
• ' - 7 - t.: 4.-` . ,*
WirmuccroN, lane 19...-iimravg.„--Teat :1
lacing to election DC figgSfr . - ,yr
an stmatimint: Ilk W ,pf • 4 10 .it • I ,
ed itreseititiondropticit -f • .. - , ~ ,
army offieers absent fruu)j i tir cumminds • Mt
Pomeroy, of Nimes. iimml ried it'li „ . . err
Ing:thellm'iluresu :to ir.,Wite 1 ... '•• ant:
The, bill fbr, the relief of ..m.ti w. r -• • .rt
ers war Imonsidered and lamed,. the lcobol
party h a ving been itrickpen Opt ] The 6 ~. , 1)r
elite ikallroad bill wasdniMitiM; ! .'' 1:i ca
ROO. -- , Mr. O'Neift, itamesuffisr-b:_,.. wa s
paseed.- The bal.-extending the Marley Sdew
Patent w sefeated . • The Confetenee ... on
the bill the • polio al, disabilities Of cer
tain' gi-ndiels was .voted upou,, tbeless 1 be ing
78, and the nays 55. This hftg - lega l tg • the
two thirds beeemary Womb mei, was a n.
Aliiiitiou to recouludat4 , lB made t una pined
until Mrsiday. The Senate amendrnien o 'The
jiiin resolution giving damaged' Icir
the Lincoln nitzinment ;id libe intend ate bill
g • to, foreign ' mills ; to the Free en's
Bog a hill ;to 'Abe . Annaba ' COuri MI aim
bill ito the PhilsdelPhia-eolidetionf diatri bill; .
and; to the
,firtnekey., !twirlers' relief bill, were
conennall_ M. - ,Ttilf Senate remeMion. ot , thanks
to Mr. DivelnE. Stanton ingt skip igiotarred in,
June 20 , a.-Eirmrs. 7. -Mr..yetee tried '• to oil! up 1 1
the Colorado biti;'hilt oribilloefillt.eledet he
withdrew his motion. Sumner owed ii,p_tft.l.
jointresantion to Otfirtboo to the owners of -I
the British steamer bulus, 4 illegidly ceptterad 1
during the wiz,
.41et it went over after aerate.
Muir passing some privale pension hills, Mel
M ild itouse, a reessagewei received from the
4 vetoing the hairnets
.hlll, and the Will
men linmediately_pseied over th
the ee — yeee 111 ;
niya 31. Mr. Schenck, from the Ways and
Mame Committee, reported the bill relating to,
the tax On yhtsky _and tob•secto, and to the tax au
births. giving notice Wit he word& rill it up on ;
Mooney; Tne contested cam of McKee vs.
Young, of Kentucky, Was discussed until adjourn
meat. •
June 22. —Smart .—Thejoigislatime Approprj,
allots bill was oonsidered litrnittee of_ go
Whole, and after several' amendments' hid been
made the bill waspostpooed. , Tnehill to ICIIIILL .
Ark/meal to mreemmtien ' itl Metre* which
had beam vetoed by President,- and afterwards
peiewiii by the Howe, a s taken tlp and nas pier
ed--, yese3o, nays I. jemmied. . ,
Moilei.—The a of Belmiesntatives tinkledcon
the discoMMA of the - Kentucky =tested '
election pass or KAM vs. • Totmg; bill did , not '
mate to a vote cm the subject. - The call of States
- for bille and joint resolutipps for reference was
then gone throsett Mkt. Mr.-Selefiy.insroduced
shill to provide for funding the , lath:mid debt,
and for taxing the interms-hltatiMl bunts
•After lifted by the 11i led Stakes. -Mr.' Q; 1 1=
preparing:Z ap ttr give to- apprentices under in
-1 In the meehanical shOps and sail-lofni
kot navy-lards the rase rigid and prisuedges is
are I gimp to lards
apprentices. Mr. Co l l,
bum, a bate provide for the removal ef disabili-
UM enntlisidatu paeans who thaveheen
'ed in theMbellion. 'Mr: Miami* a bill tbs
• of the indepeodenes - of Crete, , kr,.
= lO
offered a . no= 4Materglitg- the
Calamities on Ways add to prepare and
=4t bill incl Pe trie lisikl recniticer m 11 :tft wi rsal l eet
jail, Woke, in inane Macerig and to arab Mt
=sag east Mission Op to 'reduced and omit&
H ad is !Mae point/le. Aleutian larder ippon
mums ee Ways and Illeirri was rejected, attune
l'imeintinetrae addlitedi - A tatoluMin tented Wr
Ws Pei* bistruetWthe committee cas wok
• Mena to WMii w pi MM. the expediency of itp
-30,0rw tam a ir maund
indribtednerte ot the Un toe iaadMeeese
.. in at ritme76 as the riarnewreg •
[ am mo isle. The vote br. olden
the mat of the itri- Ccialmis clellistill=
r , Wo polish:al disabilitieg. was taifd was
.rtmearaisre‘ slid after 6 lAilik. 'go
mon-was *Plod ID::: T O.. Oen%
Von Ckarmitteeht tea '
Xs. them =S6 4a4,1111.i; - vies=
io *Mak
Ts bilk Wee lim sommemcia tin
At the Mbois, ami SW liebasek tire e
ves* ariplimitoW Of Wit
Bret ' flr 7l l7ri
WPM Noma to amend the gret gsearee 1 1 , 466 .
Mg the tar 05 'tuft Ininfo-to P_"*.l4o ,
Me anieudment was not actedingt, _
kiiiii ri,'
= l , 1 4:atir ---; Oat mann i. fli,ll4pailiallitalt
% Wm i itt il 4/7 1 . • ; 4 1toe Aer e ' nal
dr! 1: 0 1111 " late • - ll , ' '-• > <",'. '7 : :-".' ''''' ' '
. '.. itOr 'a°l 73ll3lll l {lli,A ) • . ''
. ii3d - OliailCir '.) :
. Abe fabille. - 44 . . , !lIMI_ lii K", •
'' J3cePtdC "/Ifildr ChM '.. , . , .I' • !'. j- !
' 44 1VM thei bi Vie '. , It CNO01.16: rt
aka lino Dodds. ;. '' -• * .t , -, , .. ~-(;-.T
.Itsill-4cnrd b • pi a',' i - ' • 7 1 • • '
**Rot t" yelled •• • ,lallr - • 1' - 1 ". - • * -"%
• *ltarbr palatal Wook Ilialtplath,.to' re
red i,
;lice fa Cher ail posiglesi.* 1 - l'
"Bar tor Obale. • and tdritalliten der h
wln :4
d e b t r • . •i ., . ,
' "ilior tor litoob_ 'Attik,riritorabal pt' Pitt
• • •
- *I .'
option ' ' ' * *
- **llailli` 11 - ' ••1. 4 • • _ - ~
: ' tar ter Cite, d'imanatir ri
. "V S Veil 'ld ilitiei• " y «!.
I t
Q pie then spored. ALI
brethern. et' 'd In pot Uncoil t te t Z .
etindo.-tiot the 4; ' Aollettn for atalle
7 00 poet to id---n. ' that lint pliliteler
tftee died as time *Ha went oat and bawl
btn board ne elan I• Re' tnetamorphosed like a
unit: He alledbis MA and than/
inpried_ralo to bat UM, es be come to lie. ' b e l e
F'we Der tdo .l e that. wee fen *Pas
Men get to one daisy, ea
ire tone* pa s tio to git wawa -later. •
who alit thee fixed on place. bat IN CKIWII 61
pa sag abet pats at ballestber; .1.4* de nianti
Is it
and air; I t im =et 'sit am- cansedea= anal
Mittman r tbegoodLord whosloaketaaare
the deed of S Jar;: *all Oxon Platt Ilir an 1
rut=lb o unapel to bounty tor. Ant no sonton •
all, we mar canoe mac batinatag , 1
and oddlte teem to e to: ur gat toes.* And d flip
in l
ia ta ill itunet. ftti n t rat • 'lmbed ellay•okieitio:le. 1
i t
ea nedaernacee on nigger. destroyed rentone)endy •
' all tt uil y i; and mil* bectany reference to:
0 ,
lithe_ lad clean:debt tor ar.-• , i
*um • . *APO him to. Into the Ate with Mae
end eadnepsi ..I tto onennelainarliOP ell
to get. n ' try Ono, P eyrie to:royuyetten. 'll'l
' ititheie'Oelitteal grtanali_ea. ten teal
i4l4lll7.tblitarnor 0 ecterrea., - -;. •,. •-••- .. • -::
.' 1 7 I payeenten leatrr,T. 11.e•LI •• I
1 . - )7 . ' • '....' ';l t • ~. I picket te rabnineet
int 4
I te,
;;1) SASEK. -' •
6 IWA . VII1 1 ! , 11 F,, 01l Pr T. NI E NIT
, . iiit,tirlt intaio_ac.Fmenon, ..*
IN 'Flioht , !9 . T( , 40 4 HOUR !
-rrcti••• ;,...';:s, ut Xlitintbi '''' .11/1711111 , '
"ITCH' ~.-
ett , t . s, ': :,, • , ."Taltftglr
'.7ITcH.; ''' •-•• YAW '- - ..TETTER
«auto 1 .... i : r'''' i ',.. wililllth
"ITCH' , ;'Hl. .I',. 7 J.. ,St:: '. , 0111.212110 i i.
itii : ), RiamTING . , -- Term. ,
"ut , , ~.i.orm., ,
, •Trcirv.4. 2 : 11.11,1114T1L •'r' ?' - IVIIIIII - 4 •, •
Suxsyn. Otntaant • ' • • I "
=,, b odii ,, fra ~ Owen . Silt Mount , ,f ,i , -4 'i ,
a Oiatrasai -',....... ...,„• '.. ' .n.....' , 1:.• :' 1
Ample' Oinbaent ' .‘"t`' ''''" ll , ' ".. ' - ! " :
SaagmaosiOinflaest - -,,,„... Q A T - A . ii..', l t 7 v. 2, ~
Swagnea Ofahmeat • -`^'""". """'"7 .•"""1' '' '
'Aulayaers Otaimint ~' Cages garbed Iced
Sigista 4 ;a • Offitaiiit! l 7 • t I '
• It is luseirinted s' apie. • PricelOtoota.. By
.P! Pat Par VerM i ll i titi - ,',--;
T i er
*id atria i pi t ais 41 2:4= 1 “ ; A l l e t •
.net ill eadto pa 4 . - . +
Jan% SIT.i F 411. - , .- •• E., i .... i• , .
-,.. •
is, F i. .0 Te .ilt ' DArEi
' -to /, t /111.41:6 IA
MBank, 11.4,;,
iLES T O : ii ' I'AND
-,;. ils , .. . 1 • ..'J-: - :- ,
;FOR:. TiitE , FLAIR
irbe ilisir liN g reviiiitesserer. of Vela" wadi
'Nide* Sale l imos slow Combilidier
. * niedoi Vat COW adorer WM Dredainit."l.
i • Orman , Lotoloo W r itattorer, . ounirv,.. it • ;
atom 'lank - = Holt Rogow. LoorausT), /
AND Wit vo Bair &Mom . atm go toloct
~.I ' - Aar Remora. ,_. mem : ;,T.'•
rsata>Rßeit.ltestorer. omktatzse ev I:
Hair Bottom Au, Parmal-,
I. j 'swkwaran Nair Restorer. [ Count. .... , jr
*dlt • ill E 4iiiiiti , ! ,
, -.,,,,1. , .,• 1.-- 4 --ikr... ._' • !;., 1 •
0 4 wive itlii to
._ litaittoOth Itod Tito , to the ,
'gat': .` 4 13 4 40 9 1 WI Mai god*
oitio to aim o f 3 . v11 irtciltili or Eriti r • in its
wa x
Foo t . It rustwagnoititustr•mummi• . ~.., ,
not guru Wolflike° :aitmatai l od o t Ithiiii*s
.?ziosatooit of to pus , pfritzatkomh y .., v!.l
.W . pritItYBODITST Ail
s i i i:draisM ad . litt,
Er L '..Loingla ilfinw K
amp, 1 • , , L-; 1 , , J ~ ..jigibitoottbotompootol
.-1; " 1 Null ' ! Ip i lail k:- 0-14 =" $l4
fir - - ' ' :- - Jell Mks&
or .. tm."0.#.., Jaw.* fikidffigillitr,l
i" OTOGY'tik idgrellr Wilt trettlita . , ' ,,
Addrout crolontair sin worn *son: rta
ra d r a tor t ezza .
g07Zra.7"... , N oars tIN
` 4... , • , _
*:llMl l lW 4 lretiliiiir4 ,..._
~ ro all Mkt It, SW
wtio ll 1, 2
bi ,. .b_hlell. be canlrot *
Wrris ebbe ' : • . •
birrilltarittllbirdh '4OIL: '•
111r".1116=r= . l l '
MI Pr 7;-,--0k 1 4-., 1
l' ';111103110 Ilsothlll‘ol
1 1 1 _2„ 111 1,_ 11,-41P 1
1 11E4 ', P atella riedieleit i bi '
Q pr . " I v;4.. „ ; 44 .... .:•:...___ Clhe '
,1 " . ; ..
1. 1:21W -,' ..". , .:::. 1 ':. ' , • 4 , w ,, :4 1 -. 7
~: , - -,;.. ' tg. n; %' • -.. -.!* 1 ....
,MailM ' rreVirlit
`'.. ,444';''11-• Lt,
lbw firr i ....±.l - . t,, ,, ?
Witrabiselb 7 11 =-11 , 1 . i . i
1111111111111111 NOW eilt al
4 ///berbrOafteberabbs vlbell t ' I' .
i.. - : 01.0111111ilir Midi • .!' '.- •s -, . t.'
•• .
A OWL' — r,!• 1 --: t . ..3 .. ~ ‘v:
- icilaPP tois? tillg~tl'irrb ll . 4t-4114p,
. ,
gel ,
411' • • • ,!!! , ,ri*
r 3"
, :•••'•
-- I
,- I •
, Wi..01 -1114:1Tseir 4110!--Iii all Now
York pier, 1a big I !or, the hair that can
•• . • with HMI Bair Remark Y e a is•
col!Wwdd • Alliantbalatiel
• I bar leek o att day. •= I t Moak Ittan -
'. - Tri . ._ . . 31 0 9m9 Z,rieb,% Ira
tag 07 7.4.1, 4 ymis. lad , sitaZie
thii Wldlnat qvlot• g,
_sve 1,.. • ovellitirowth. ite e,
igitert." 4 l/.• la Walli lli t 1 1 SU rm I re.
New Ycetoditglit it, Wilk 'z' - •,• ! - .lv ' [..
• LL.-_ - 4 ., , I j id if ivia lc iei t p• --. ** s . zirrow i t • - • - Iv i i4;r % - -
•C. Hoerommar, 140 Nook Huh
diri-Ay hair het bens Illykkol white tor •
Itoutt,"; -- arstiu. a mmaant of t alc ' pack,
soiXWagon:m*oSW Bestireu / wilt lad:iced
W' lt, mid to ouvire* a lifters To welt) as
Mkt,' tibia Ira taat bialth._ , It not aaO
i restored ay hat IM lia• attired eair. but rendered; U,
• on laid, glamy. amlitegueed air dastnasa u a s
meg, Asa hair tea it Is the heat Than
ItZt tmy duty. tivotetille iV tont OW
not gay Patrol :10 if ploy Will
, Wra. , , !f,P, 3 IPT) sim ii*
a i ltiroz
Det•t "O. •"!..- .',
.. , ~,,: .i•-•
# oolm
1 .
[Ai I v i tarkketarrabitinaM A=
1 • pay for "mud ma my hale hem
restored to- MOW Mier 11 0 - s t o ke x me of ambit :
q " Ltilte l lisk, renoVed the, Jr
rtj% kept my scalp axd, end la dpedeary_hoettor
Pt= the hugs number of permeMerhoet ,
I to Mee -Mar pt by the UMW el .
thatpromoting owth
of hair. arearlig tar art oatural ; i t, tea
i l
' • Hair it Heli wiefia l b / Vi le to ry: with pr-C•
wing anses oi theset t .. r x ~,-,.
4 =KiltilifiniYES,l Soda . pt, •
- _ __-__ a 1 t- "--='• • , J
!THE diSTioaitilS 4 DRIIFIEWIG. . • A
Wit.' C. Ilderommar, $,4 --Dear dir.l--1111 jab
being gray and falling out very hat, I kualue dit bot
tle ot your Hair Remora. amiimed aceordlog to di-
In a Short time Om litlllig adr of m,y Mb
cgased. mid the original natant color of my hair •
IMO* mama- It also makes the hair staled
item accelerates Its growth, and cleanse' the scalp.
tanaaatag And Y Milarstaseldnid, I , hive lamer
hand Its equal am holy, - 1 , •
._•_' I • , • 'l_, WA" OMAR, 410Caittue Matt.
rkpadelpius, Minium 1111, IBM. . . 1 1 -
2_, i raikusci Oifflill HAIR RTOPPIM • I i .
W. C, liarreamaz,lll= eata feer iiih:-I have hem
Ilsktili Waltiffatlere fhb at the purpose, of
chanitatnly bah from ip ay to oaths] mime
eoliwouto icons had the dratted - MOM It hie kept
rail had free from dilutor. pon'etaild th ellintor "It
or tmltutle, mitered he natural color, and pens al
Its mowth HEM DRUM. MT Hide Aram.
ni " del i lhia • kie P L , SlE S / " 6 : 5 '1 ; I • ` !
•1 1 I ,•• - '. V • int r"' •, -
' I 11WST/MC/N4 ar walOtrAt; Rosa_ , I
• Wye;. tiAllowevostmtv-Deor ..-I take, tommoi
Intattnirarllatior team Miliscg" 011atriralr
Rawer. My ha tia ir to ban km several mem
and bearing your Beidorer • - ken °Claes:-
milted to tall. ; I
happy' Mato that It to.
done all lo wirertioed it Mato- relletedliqf
IMO. which "le Teritnil, WU uateesl rotor.-
' It Is s spleen! yeeperatoa for the „ and . 1 tads*
all, permed *behave gray hair, and who It mewed to
he natural item, to me Itantgemeare Hair Restorer.
It 'betook} We mak emit sad See Inso deedrod, ,
and hi nap lea aseasnk to me. Aar WIWI_ WWI
doubts the truth or ale certande,
,C, 12 1 MU and, 1 a",
Ph ei 1
pf thetiek . eM i lpltt, teal A = si rise. :
au a. nougat; aini!
'ladoballeasii. a ISM I , • 7
. ' Prim:VFW; three hi so, "yea , ;
Bit,.. is am loth
C-- , boil Preteistor, I
~ a .
soak &met, liflatigabid.' I •
Gil li i i
No. lie Arch tiLi PhiladelObilt
7,444 24 'a . • • - • ' IT-em .• I
. •..
i s
IA the mom 'successful medicine yet discovered for, the
mei of cimamnie los Dyspeo•la, Liter tknop'llint,
ltroathltla. and all enema of the htat t. Brut Ans
; hanks. It IP made eitticele of. axits end -Herbs.' lll 4
,Vrair"..2 tis&
AIICO. - .lll2thatlkintar e dr. •
ic Johnson, Mittenrsille.; Peal Bern PhrwOve
EL-Roblneou; Pottrcille; P. !tomboy, NEM MOM ;
L N. C..te, Schuylkillßaven: !Model BondsJ: U. AMOK' ll maat-:8. C.Wecten Port.
icluttm ; Dr Geo. Yemen.. Ashland:Jr,. 11, CUM;
phiuncaln• G. L. Reagan, Shenandoah Chi;
SlSOTRattanoy City; )1.. B. .Davls,' St. Malt: dm
Stilselnc, !hut Cathm.; Abbarn. •
; so, . . 21-Iy-'1
. .
ivirta , '--xt: LEIGH'S
Q'"4:: * • • 1 •
VlTOrrlnt I.IIMIOVIID /1141.11111101111
;rtorvalletierand, debility.
.Tnneee;iiitkoulder Brims, and all other
ladles sad Maven. SIM.* 11E,
i above RAtli. PILEIAThe. ' / 3 0 1 7 28-17
Dr. WI outfoliatuai • .itlibUrikireiry.
t 04 irtile. e ka " 1/ - "' W U * at lg ar:
. eidiftEnl ass: r ani iota tat • loiriiiattitweV
u tuAdimr retudris 0:4114 (
`Dieted* ego*
oft e Thud. Chat:ood iaAPlaa.taitilost
dreaded of ill• aDatia. , '-*. l / 1 31th pah
:toolaisisuthotity, nee proiumeed to toi - itiotato . itap :
:Gar -=ltictik lad
; kipaie *who 1404 *or* tips tblifolgwingie
•trial;Cobklitisli*lit if /A eibis' aiUdy.
Tim RUV. JAOOa ; '
Wellbt*ilidl o itspeitid lid* the Aaiun
rimpaiatibik alootootri, wrattaillanot
'l` ItAireacma',. Vac%
_MP; 1
liamiocit. Dans a atoiVaostow;•- . Dag 010tt.4-
theZ.% er e
Wlld poirp—lt dram me plualto to is hold.
ft 6•r' Illallrelebt ee s 4 - noi'our Orr
danghtel Oiotoelllto ak _
13 6 1 4seill9 = 1 . 0ea rl= -
Lip* ,
• 11911110111 '
.10* • of
• *y. 41111. 1 =
?WM thiL
44131- 4i mm i x ti t i rg r w.
710 10 1 ,40 = me . lau - csO10:: a104.4 14 - 6 4
. 010 1 ~`
1 4= 44 =1 1 M 11 .1kr ul esett le3 =11
Ge r
g00v.:.:(i,„.4.,, - 4,44111 . ! e
IF • * EL Al'
soil; ibillaw*Wo et.." Rirt" : ::1;
Yam. 144
t.„ Nueirostiat,
k i')
A ---
t oll ehdr- O OCI
"/4 • , awkiiiimitla imerpordat. 1... ,._
• OrlPPri'llio •s, 1 ='l' _ 1-
R I FINIONT—B1LICL&OTON:01 iii 4 :'lla; V]
.1 by tba NO. L, H. Gebout:' Nr. Ilitaiutimmr
v . • to Nisi fassou&A,Nraudinox, 'bOlt*
•, - fli. i - ; • - , r . '
va sol t4
A., IL Newicirir: it No modem aUm
%homy - Demur' or-
_Nridevairt. A:Nopeetsciali- 4
MIWEIAINEOI /.6 . / 1 44aeltiglalla OM' ~:
. ' tiVArgtil tilM tbitr. tiy
t lte ik it
: k rill ANkuytkiN Ocian " i s VoilNi.
• at, NiEs , 011NoO r i Na.. 0,. bob et Dawn .
1,10 , I '' --,,, ',' :: : : ; - . 1 . '!• - i i '•
.......,mod f t,
Ais!. NiOirle*:c
:-'. airr--111MIMEA r• .. 1 0iiii,-44r the ?isfof :
. 14ie
W Syr.f , L. N. Wane, ni.,TaaratlLNAtric
liassurethirmsbas.mumr„ll9thalt ilekrtkpl, l -
.: .Itiatt444lBOrt-04 Oul li FllA IVA
Trim. 4. N. Ombeise, Aft Ambit to, Nib
VPl4 l lv. MIN 4 rrANNOkil e
lilliri—SlONNlN-Mib WZty; iNii '
It motes clan*: AY as arr. -2: _ ' , i •
wa.ruerikwo: tars. ammo at = g, . ,
Proainebri, Nous** swim
ItiV 4l7.— agg"&rel " .
/LAE Tir: rsitz
- .44)444 WA. .GCSMINTaIIast : ~ - '1 • • - . '
~.'. 2:4;,
~ .351•,! -
: TUNNILIN—DORGiNI46O ' NON : kti. / 1 . 1
o e/.
oris. fti l Ps . llllts 'fr br il l". a 'i
_ sTuatil
me .4.Cle
to M.
us •
t ; eakie.4ol ,
ltee tbe
Totni. l M rt..
`we Albans ,---7--
0 7 f --. 4 1 : 17 0 11 " . "4 61 1 1 L ig, g 1
9,40,17/ - 717,r
J EARIII3.:4I. Um ilat
0 1140'
.. Watt soa aad/311i -
28,1 A)1 10 .4 4 . 11°111 0 1 1
11}11SEI-43 5 5,.. 4 1. "Joan:44krw t
vtri, LAM ate or lupin 'iota il;
Te4r. iloattli made daYa. 'f - • i
KIIIVIC-On *OO4 011401*._
idd lipliastemned resamm
4 .;
:;11105Ms . :
backlit ar1214123:: • ."2°sltrattatili
Gina* firdpelpifilPrOta*
Jane IT ' ' • " I; ik;4r,
1 1+
W.IFICUiI-lre • 1111346 • •
ett Ipy the Coint.rat ..', z,, , '
mentlitilltr gra* leir • '4: ~ '
91 0 11 01 or l'abrart t pl, ' ••,' Y. a ,
to best tertlaw isi wt. - • .
irowu re, .0 -.
RTA.lrsr of 14 or 4 - r_ -
or damages ineta44l hi • or vthltrts • .
tames ban *toilets
.., 1 F.e:
i \ cl.-' ' • c
.. Imi.'
Jape 00, 40 . . , -: t MS lir , i-:3
- '
wit' - . 1021,2141teitt .
- .., „erg of fttbfl 4 . 0 9 0 V.141 1 f29 0 1 , 2 terbito.,
Weiler me atelio& Os • • ow. to ne ereXt
the &WWI Ocebef R• • magi! ott tt
'Moeda, Jane 29, 1268 •• tbeigibb2b- f
I Add& to be . etetti ter •• • 611121112202,_Vtatiet4:
Pico sad spbetrieestdha ,•
• time comintaraw
-• i • • - , • . :... 3.1: 4 . ,
-•- NOLL ETBRT ••I• 1 ' - t- t .
• . ..„AEOR 0 .0 - ORf... WIDOW* 1
..'-' . 4 - ' I.PATriV .. :, • N - I •': '".
Atteet-0. J..itereoos. Cl•rlt, •'I ", ' f ~7 ,‘,.•,,,:
• Connatolooeri trice, Po Me g ', I= Iftb s lbee.
t t
~- t orett r .' i s outo,•
all tAtradatranr tcr -: pan or at twat attr
troatide. or lab la, Um Little v- writ"' k omagEs.
through m+ropAnzr is t rat i
Ci iylata rat, %)
tail or the" tv may pert" or. paracatal who ntai.l4;
lbasi ear
HENRY 122:kaN,, AA ii. Niii.TW . \ ,
JOSHUA:. 4', I• , _ • J Na ATTpww , p,A
mu lan4W-1 . 1-' . 10 mskPriv, ..,. : i:,;,
. - . A .101114 II T. •1 t. ,
, Itineami, tielnollttlLV.o., Anialo r .es-26-it - g' t
losion i ut hi ZnA w inr.
of Elebtolkill,t)4 7. l43:V.Z
• April 4,18 . ' • I
Sapp NOTICIB.—Bids , ~.
ll* lielftt .. ' c •
•• DEPARTY'SNT t he. of 114-2111 e i'
of ' . 74 r- '1
aAL It.. to be bald br Ow' eatlzral Pair theizA
Pottsville July 9, 1864 will ~ teceirwl by The
!signed. ilo intlottbsy . , In tat sold Ott )14 ''-
-- . . - ... •of Cold ; oil PieNttil t
Pottsville, Joss 9/1. 48-, :, i- qr •. •I 94.9 t x,. ~,
viE F orisiti ia f o ll #.431 tbai ßbd
*SCA ii tint tile al—
_ betweeo
lt mag• •of Palmate; saw ma Mete& 511 t "
North aahelm •
___lktatar i rtirdt.,
"mtder the tout at .MOS rlkili N, „
dimoired ®, this IMO float Safi 411: 4:4 p
11 07 *Os''
mot ooallettt. , , Alj deg' • tote on,
=s ab soliszeothatby sem.oa t t
to hbe, ooid norpotok.•.*
4 -4 ip • • AN
dattfsl3, .
Ilkotiesii# pitol[olW_. •
____liiikkaltir* '/. I
i llige . " Imes GUNS at EraMITITIIIT Itaa ,
taantred Glom ahill 14. / 8 4". al Aii• ._ . 111 '
debted to the lalothm apt oa "
beam the lath at Jeste r
t l iegett le lleatiaadiht ati
1 aO. initeMlMlit'll=
'llitt, Needles. . -'' , . : CALGILENN. ~:
~.__.... 430-4 4 41 t CU 101.,: , t
litt *-- rits,
ander, atitet
7 41111118.1
Sa 2bl‘..
m 4
Alms ;
per ratth
kill Claratir..... t_l 4 _ l:l r 111 4111, " Se.
voId e roALLISON . • , • p
nitAr÷ • '7•4 of ,-
Sinop t aaleto sL4l ; e4 l:• itie
!M it
, Jessolll6,
4z , " - 4.4 rrlA v JM4e , l-Irg..
-I '-, - 1:' ,- 2.
14ANTIMARO 41 BitAll i . ttlt ~.. ft liiiiif
'R4l' 11,161,11LIVIIiti ..,I , . bt•
WM* /60 RiveAtiltal Yllstscoo •
- ,it; et i p t ge t ,-4 IVISESS, I, E tallantrual e e l
iinsi itglattolUe RAW RY B. tiCEIRINI R
41, Plitestitil.11 1 1*1' at ) of 'm uf t, tia
Ilk ~,‘
Roger reciarrhuoiCwbo b I'm altladited a Yea.
. ,
tax .
oettqlk t the pAymerit. or, ta x
•L , via . .‘ llQry espy Ar bel'utior; ;to tte--
: , Rolgolltor Pr -"d lt?" l l t a re vi
Mo.lletaell=l. OtifoottillitiLlPE.igt44:
• am to ee move ontspototet
Ala mulatik w 7 Olll bade. r a iknitette to .t,e
i i t titukt medels.„4. 1 fit befolN,j, t i
ife&er, I:td daveJly -- 4,
BlREELSekicitti% IC- 'T.- GRIM. AW AI T LT :
. 4-, Thoollirl7slo4 OW" (tiollreamotite N
• Bettor VS ~.; '4 .:.. ,. :•• - I ER tt.
. jalikkoHALV ON'Ffek.,--7
'"r,..L: 4: * "lg' qo VAIIIII. t.: .
l ' 4OO• 1565.. ' ,''
re 11*** give.** r a t ea 1110 . 1.** da l
1 7.
' • b:Nane..1...D.'1111118,1 *wan in ...Bankrer,
el fbieilit 4of .NATIIAN !Mit gli t .
= ° '' ' - . •-• .1,6 Itier Conniy of t*ci
17 1111: I i mha. had eeekii
lialial a fa% 00 li vett r Ukilt , Skit my
.0101 40114 . and dot , ' of ' oeftrbe!,ol 7
1 ___ f 0 Of *e nee, and I
114 , . 7, 4 l**Pefla tbe
(zed ~
a l le le,
m fbldd m
m e m o k by ri tz :
Barn .441; *1 be held at - Coin f Bark furicy.
S oap;
1)6 .01d. 41113 .1retint "I Vem:JOHX °111 It & RA , Irgist I ;7 '
4tU lattl dey cofJoly. A. D. f.• - _ .• at 1 tftlore. A di
" ic,C; BLLAWASEjf, 11. *Karen . as Ifelifefig rt.
' Jake T. 168 . • ' % • - :11.3t; •
Pride lie ei give N . r ye t oti the t it
fi: 40 otJtute..lL D.
.. 1 a Wan tla Bilk:7.
so treed egebet the - - raf 84. 1 f URI, Ofillftt w r:
of Viet Beam** . '....11wW CiArnarrtrjeli t ij
kill, end Istateof Peeper ', Ink tise.ween *Alec;
ed a Bialarept., fields min , . tiop t" that the paye e
of we y dltic god detheir ,• - Per 3`. belon2it
toloak lisrlaupb, to b , - 4: ~ and this tn u ,
IX .41 1 06 t r* tir ):- rb ritw; ib
ft :
ir a si ghw r tag. . . . . 1! .or the said BukTay. 1
01 1 ) tbeitdabok, sod to ... • free rim Amm e ,
et Ideirtliet, win be held a la foett of Bteltrupurr,
bibeddlee td. Ilse oats' of EN P; (MART, ,POl
etne t resteerforettla,Mbfit i • fiIICP Media, ffcg ,
P&p* th e obiti dav of i . vA.I).. s:s, As to ,4,,,.
A.M., P.,,. .e. isslt g ,
Jilisonour ‘. • -,• .-. , . • , 24.30;,_
.6. ,
. D. -
cm./ - •.,
• ...--, .- ~ ,- . ____. _ iticrjade 19ib, i§t*i
.14Hall* I. ie it„iTttat on ?hi . .. 414in
4dge*i wave an
tions. A. D.' • WsetkiNt 101 Beek re r ';
liibratediediestblber fBRICALD NOUN II yli
of runivilliclia tberirbn i Seintaylkill. and Si lid
•Pamisflvants,- wbo ban / .adbdged a itaniomi;• 4
ilt °Pm petition* ; Unit ii***nent of nny 006; 1
de ve r y
of all tOpett.t. -ACrgiug 10 puce lii....irkrii
l ie
•16.1daVartbr b rd10.:106 Ilinnkt nfial rim:*
by! Wailes. Scebiederts- by. Vinbill• * itt re. ,a 1
LVKltoni of do; paid ; *SW move their de .
,to'Om* so* fa t lanigneeset bl e It.
j p ,
I. 'oll big bald : itt •Co o fiankrnotry. to hil • rini
:WE' %be 00 * of NO r 4 onwr, .rottsiine,
T.,0..,...0 Ablikisibr, on ihel 9th dal
J 4.rt-ises. At- I. eel , - A. lc • ...
, u.lll,tarena!;.tri latehal is Stenajager
duns 20 IS . '
, ebii;i.
'4. I . . .44 % VAPANk-IRMAL ' S OPPIVE”
.i . .' .. • CA 4 • 1 A.D. apPaxestrstault. '.
. 31, 1 1
..> •. imayukaa,oll / A. June Ilth, ISe... 1
; 'Oki* se .$l4. - Phrlieet e That ow ttle 3d ,
. - .-0_ .
_I" .31tn. A. 19.. ISO, a Warrant In Bankng
-err kareadlaraiseathe E or ItEItIeFITAAS e
02,0routpiiiih r in _ .' ...ot , l3ellinliall; - 4
4 NOMA= a n Atikdittld a .
.• 'tie hialrali pet that the I,ayrc!ent er• ;
de .he and.ctelfaerrOt WY rcrperty,belerg,teg to ) , r h
Bankrupt. tritdria.oe for nee, and th e tanner ( 4 ..
any, prupertyby Wm TorbiAteri tis IF; tb ..
4 ,
= rre r mil t t mf-die ; said. B limp to,
ankto , ease one or In re Aft 1,..
Tea of his Be ..14.141. it • Condi of .
Teddy, to be at ee of3NO. P. BORA T, ..
Tottastile, P 1t . oradOliti P. HUBABT, . •
Re•f-tar,. oh - the of. June; A. b. isGS. st tu.
..o'dedr.,A.ll.: ,- .: , .'. ,
,' •41. , - •1* -' O. lIIIMAKER. , ~
AWN. 1 3 1 1..",215 . 3L,f - -, M, .ManduAl.aa )110ffligrager:
&Kailas: OFFICE , j
D rre N a, Tara:4lC . *
it " "Jnasrl6ti, 1 4 6 a '•
114014 s That on the Bth day of
' strata' in•Biusscruploy ws,
bowed asodast the eetate-Vof CHABLEI BILL, 0(
imetbßrOosu3, of be,agylklll•euxt Nate of
Pearsaylvasita. who ha • • adjudged a Batarrnps, nn
hie own •oetitioa • itat '•• 4 " eat a t 111 4 aPta. and
delivery of safffl'opati oteilag /DIM= .134tkrapt,'
to,hlasor tor aleasse, - . • • efraaafera f any 'roperty
- by him are totaiddets by:a that peeling. of do
Credited' of add B La to prove their , debna and to
!boats am or wore < • era of hia patate4:llll be
held at i , Coart of to he tv , ldetret'the
'dike of .101izt E, H(i a, ; Pattavilldi rea) ruts.
bee:lO4OEN P. 803 "net o n lAsitk
July D,.14411, 4110 •N. •
OS. Marshal al aftseasinger.
.• Jane 40. ' • • n
riglrrigger COI6.
14" lhaFlei; !bkpt.!,
• ' i-MT
GBAROgRARNE Baler TincustlNikiinvt-
Idlleaanwnoy! ' Bankruptaviint petitioned
for- atimlkaima, a at crialrets will be keld
O. Biomilay tbe 1.2t0 dikyntlnly. 1869. at 12 o'clock,
ka=JOECji, #oll.fklirr. it ?its °lnce,
Reign Atreeti
'the Bankrupt may bar
ValTree2l•674 7
li r
• 4-•!.
P reeu l tbai
Frbil i.
J.. Jip
batted igal
0,1110 tit
sad .Btaht t
11.1 :
any amp,.
11! .. the
hoiden it
31* A.
sued against
14.71 r
• and t
4tar ut
Sankt C u nt tbeiV . P etition ; th at 4110 lairiadat
of oar naandodek ; o f say, primarty.lbolooititt
to ow 4 pts.lo or for their toe, 'atii,lbr
Wig 'of att,T,prope by Went are forblddegbytmc,
, thr. ii cedar Of .the in* of the eau' PiartiPt .
to ' e tbeivilitoute told:twee one or more k...
of their'will be held it a• Court ,q.
s ßas i pey.ler be - .sol at toe Mice of JOIN l
11 . ,;,tra•PotWiffi, PC, beam .10. t'. Bo:
B • tektb4 . 4d day oflidi, 'A,,`D..1i1a , ...
at. :tlt i M r it t ' ..,V - 1
r . saiatAa-p.„:: .S. IfirOmiiil Mep:eNrer. .
J. A V.. 9 -..,,. - ..,-.! ~- . . 7. I 24-in :.
" •1 1
Arai 'e Pot 4
i • /4- 1 3
-VI . . 3...r,. 1 4 & MARSHAL'S IiFFIC,A, i.
h i e
41 4
ST:LIVIA. Jane 1l 1%8. J .
so ;Iv sc al co 2 flat. on tilo ud - 4a or
, Al, - i '4l. D.,.1 'a, Warne. in !Haan*, i-
Ina Imo Nminfot. Me of LEVIS. SPA:W.4Iot '
daddigalrowtheap,!pigt;te qounty of 'Lebanon: * •arld
e. "44 - 4M' - --- ikito bet... - 41404 a Baal -:
,lAYmet3 , ...of any
belooo4 , io mil
the ,traf3'ider of
r.lmLtat a
)ff.. - Ctlrlegt
I Jim .im i , LlStii.-
- " 1 : .41104.9q:0it.
E `. C .
11 8...).-
. T *IT I
•. • ,
Tof TIE k MIT tralt'
Uric( of Irirulaqiylir it.
49 1 n
Stklailik. -, '
«Olittlottg.ll 'pry or
—MillllaktCyr -WWI
!BMOK Pine
, 4 'lnd State
a attiketta,-
meat.4f rilzi 4 0 'Pl
jUilgern Bank-
ViDof. tiny
to' vo their
.loldotiem ot hfi
inittorc7. 10 be'
x14.11T,; In Pat,
ltegiee:,, Lio
, itft. A' I.
rarhids - TZ : r
A of fh•
- 0, *a) th
• Oa of
ete ali
al 36r7
l penourd
V, them
deed of
Alfa. the
Ar e area
l :
mug be •
b -Pl,