Ivan OF Tilt ][FEES' JOURNAL . . villiza.Alrfan DVANet. • s3 j 00 IP . N o OT . ta, IN • 41tAg . rdr.,. TO ettr:bat Artytt. , na paiiirtabl7`tistnula4 ago. . I .. « . • - vr r ek cbio, si) °op./Nano ~ . -44 ♦ - . • Te es `E _ y ftslll ..._. . :... _3O 00 : To n r ieseseune . --0 4 00 P.rloCli ielltdoo" t o clenanten and bcbdol Withers gnu oe - nusoa3. I ~, w ith , tbi Jocznes nt 11 bo tn ednoro. or ei• TIM ti.„ 3 w ftyx the year r .irrer opo plaid toll tat": I . 1 1 , 1 maims or Aovoicooornia. „ . 'Nine Vibrds-19 once; seven Mies to a even. Tor one Krone of wren linen et le,e. &chiding . v: • j ; or.o. In fettlon. II CO. Eaboequenttasertlons 23 mvil 3 mow- x sat Zj e -,4173r0 111 711$ 3 It," 40,S S 00415 00 KICULIVP ........ t+ s k ," 12 obi - 21 00 ........ !• .bpi 1 0 " 1 1, 14)" 111 ! r 20 00' 31 00 Local Notices and Imre over !;square, 2e cents& Ilse • Avv - h thaertJan. • . jaraw Advertisement! as per scream& tr - The circulation of the Joriniu. ta not exceeded ty liar paper published In the State out of Philadelphia Pttehnrx. end tt la now the largest sheet, vgaiabed ponsylvania. Witmp the en' yearrthe-enbeestptlott Het maaa, and tt conttnnet to y - .'„aa 'an A d c ettichig metiturcritio7ftie of the beet to dui State_ COAL 'TRADE -ADVERT • - , . • • 1 • • 'am' • -`).r <7. 4 • g l '. - ,-;,. ,i.,••-.,\\,., .\ „.i,.,. --- r , T ~.~:=. indons of the ,• ____ ......, • y irr 13 Monti; Poet Ichosoud. • L . • . 1 . , ( . .4)117; - .W.ALTP. '. & - CO., wawa win cimPcsi pr ' - .- . 0 .416.. Ma •.'" .z , ole Agents for the If o A l ;L:E DALE COL D • rbiiitariputa—scyyz*dasa wqi,ut. St , . : . . . . NrW irsrk—WALTER BROS. 41c CO.. 1191 14f. ' ilol/400- SCOTT, WALTER I CO:. 29 Befoie 8) Joi 1. 't. - . . . . '. • c si..l) , LEVitte•AUDENRIED'a CO. kim=s tro saurrres or '0 - . hlch Spring lit. b. Wilkesbarse. , LOW Dale k Merriam Lochst Greenbaek Shamokin,Tremont .LorboiTy _Wolf Creek Diamond k Star Red Lab, • f lank Ridge Shenandoah Wiiiip do, . George% Creek & Broad Top.-, . , I • , ,•'}, (203 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, • " ~ ' I I 110 Broadway, New Cork. 6F iIC MT:. {l4 Kllby Street,Boaton. - : 131 South_St., Balitmore. - • ,-,. - ' 1 , •• • . . - -133 licqatidneter t St , Provide**. . . . • s• I sUIPPING WHARVES—Pt Richmond, Pint John , . e i /ton, Je ey City , Baltimore. •• - - lEWIS AUDEN - TOED, GEORGE IL POTTS., • ( WM. G ATIDENRIED, ADDISON CHILD, FREDERICK A. Pt/TTS. • , ' Mar 21, 4 05 - 114.. , DATir,.- lIUDDELL 'it' Co., , • =!MINERS ANI;ISIIIPFBILS OF ". • . . 268,ty• Walnut 81.. •• 111 limadway, (Trlnl4 Banding) Zi • • ' "i Dgiule Street,'Booton.. • • s ,, W.4goits for t'. e Sige for , wi n g Celebrat ed (;.%iti: 4 ; trAntxrcin LicurGulcoAL... nicitouv - coAl. (O.'s ikicKosit DRAPER COAAA, L, :be JEXCIIMPiIgIL COAL C0.41811A -1110,KIN COAL. • Fittrrltte Wita.r.vzs :—P, ire 13146 . . IS Pt. Richmond. iP . Pier . Pho. Eltrab'etbpott. . • N. J. Peb 15 '5,.7-9m Pier 10 Port - Richmond. S C K.S 0 & Co.; thippers and Wtusleree Deer of the . F.RA.NKLIN COAL or-L , KKErvs viEtatir. • Snle 9hSpperaland Denim of the well.knitern • HENRY_COAL. (1 . 32 Walnut' iia., Philekina. FICE/ 1 1 I Ruildiaas, V. (.. Al Donne St., Beaton: • JOSEPH G. MOODY, General'Agent. Jan. 18, 'n's ' 'Pier No. IN. .3T.AVri3TQN, GRAEIT Or, 00., i ' auaria Len surrey's or . LOILBERIT lAD LOCIST MDCYTIIN COIL. Ehlppere of other approved gdelitiesdf WHIT • AND RED ASH: COAL. j• •*•••. . OFFICES: Epq Walnut street, Philadigpitt. Trinity Bat'dim..., New, York s 313 . 11mtne Street, Bern:fir: 94 Westminster St, Provlddnae Jan 1,'68 PHILAISLPIIIA',:&.., SCittriLUILI. NAVIGATION, 11hIpping...W6imes for ►STHBLCIT6 COAL at 'Srecavith, Debt Ware Ither,'Philadi. . , . .... 4 . . . . LE . WIS UDENIIIIEIi dc- Co., • . AGIWTS FOR TUE Coal' Or TM{ yoltereek-Disitiond Coal' Ce 4• Diamond Ked 0: Mack Meath White _Ash teals. , . • lea Walnut b'weet, Pt:Algaelphtit. : 110 Brew:lwo% New Yerk. \ It Nilby irtroet, &eton. . . , . . . . , ' • *heart 1110. 2. -'' ' • • • - * IVEPPLIER dr BRO. \ • (N. tc: tor. Walnut & re.mrtests.. Phil& L;encrs : < S Pine Street. New. York. I = ' Oderel4nts' Bank Building , Itovidece -•.- ' . , ixTl IrtAinnlN4 PUMA. • ItiLlnl7lll. IA" 11111111. . . IIAVIS EARSON 4 Co., • . atarto. &pin ourirnssii Tins • Ciii..W.tthrlat LOCUST mourrtem wrerrit. mg .sad SPORN-VON • . --.-. -, . . R.E1)...4 - 814. - COAL...; . . • o,l3B=at, Street, PhiladoM; ,11 I'l6/9'_ l Nci. I l a i ildtit 2.7 iir York. s° . • 9 No.ll Doane Fltlet. BostorL. . . . %-11,,16.--43REMINFIC.IL IMELWARIS AVSNI3II. - Jitpl, C 8 ...- : - ' • 1. • - p - H. E. Z A L YWARD HAIL 4.4;. satrPras A:crt „ . Loctst Mountain, Lehigh, W . • • tp.okin, also, Allegheny dcßrpati Top - C • 0 Ai T—J 9 • • By Itallroad. Canal. and fern Port Vineland aiEDRGE*3 CRESS, LINBERLOIIS, PROVE • •t ORUETOWN., kLEXANbRIS and BArnitOßZ. QITIOE, 5i.34 WALNUT. STREET, PIIILADELPitiA. ISS • 1.2-41 m J,. J! Dori:. , . X. B. Bum - I.m. • Wm. formica. DOPEY,-, BUM:L.7 .. /z 00 .• .1 i• 1 • • '4-4; • A ma, JOHN J. DovEY, - 6511 'Axi l .......... . J. a. Dcierf, ii. B. IrviliXT, W. a. r.." - Own) Atimmand Shippers of the 6 brard -7 .7,i .i PRESIIr AND OIL ER 'ON • :- , 'lO 0 ..A_ I, .S 1, • . . • - wi.arr No. - 4" Pori! Itleb ( Mmad: ~ - • ~` ' ',' OFFICES: PHILADELPHIA—No. 2344•Wrian94 2 N-BW TORK—Trlotty Malang, lqo. eti :. H. A. Aerlitirrnscbt, ARedt. , _., • . . BOSTON—JAS.Aeon, No. 11 D ome St. •• 'I .WASELNGTON, D.T.-11AJonag AgeriL - .. Jenl. IA , ' 1. . .. .. DAVIS,. FALES , arreeinis pp - LEHIGH,* COCEI MOUNTAIN, ill/A JUOKIN, JAMBE, SRI, and .p.rrumiNd'ufs Cd (Eau Sliirookin Coal. Agents for /Frock's Maratha - 0014 Locutt Mt. Coal. triymonth W)lkaPbarre coal. OM., Pte. 333 _Wataiu,Lt 131, lan .65 . 1. _ . ITANDUSEN, BiIOTItER7 .4PC4, mrium.4,4 , szarriss . er C 7 1-J OLD COXPANT'S LEHIGH. Loam =OTIXT..!+. Wel-CST GAP,; WILKS4HAItRL LE111 4 4)4* , AND OWL= . WHITE AND RED ASH 00W' • :1 • • • Ct: • N. savrir s Wicurizi Elliabettiport, • - • edgy CV. - rtm -Walnut oreet, Phltadelphh. • , oarless: 01 1 arwedwar: New York. Crakweekt., Boston. • Jan 1, - ?63 , -- 4. RAPX,EII ig. 000/4 Q ILI 1f12 1 .T GAP. , 2 'A 4 • LOCUMVNieItritTANIV, • • BLACK HEATS. . also, boilers in o th er 2rirt quantize o ' WHITE AND RED ASH COAX No. 214 Walnut Street, Philadfilphis, 444 woollind Wharves, fic.ll4ylklll Rim t • Trims Wars EtAzos. J X. COO& JOHN B. ItTIMIX M 4 tattarid Ageq_ ait I.'GB-1 , 8121171,1 Halm. re, TUMK , 305 LicLIMEM ATENtg. SCILUTVi, 80Pience "Stse Uining an&tiasting[Powder, Ezinved7 for the Antbrada Colt Tr de. mry lime or quantity of either A or ll•ParnUr, deltoeled VOID= • # l 2 o 4 , ll :rwA tozdrot prom tb rgs, to ar pting A a rpor=inai ssuo. focticre enanateraL - _ • A complete stock of the Leto Wpm wiping/is GUNPOWD*II, Caortudly - . ce band,drad all Wads cif 2,A.FETY"F.IIS Win .E _ • Orden for the Irma linear'. hu m Pa - , for the Wrentheitelitan. from • ' wimesearmila. • WAIL Aizzi. AO, Pini404.1 .1 4 • Ike the laion• sod lams Dube, from 434 Mi t o (wow? IS, or - -411-1 r ' tIMADING, AND. G irri 1771.1WiD TO IN sua. aa.ixoaa. iiroll4llollll mum °ram isei it tea.__ of iositnalin sib MD. - lad 8.11010311 et: Cesare 14 -raft! pang attaliss..olll Hem owl Laid losiglit 1 11•4. 411 RU . . . :-...• • , -.- .. • - • , . . , „ , . . —.. , .. ... ~,. .... - . - 1 ''' . r-'• , - ,• : - 4- 4Wasoloomosii -,-- . , . . , . . • . .. .. ~, . : - i! . .. • . •- . i . i .E . :,..4 ,- . i k-' - --, i, ~, -.:-.. 1 - ~. 1.. - .. -. ) . - ~ ~, - ' I 1 . 7 ' • ' '''7. • ' ' s -' .. ' '!....: ' 7 : ...7: . _7 , . ' .•• . • 7 ......,..., . r . p 'l :' , '..... . ''' '• ' ..._,, ..-: 1. : : : .. , '''' . I. .f. ' ; ......! ',• : : .‘ . . 1 ..:: •- ) ...;' :-.-.. -.. F , ... :. ~- . ... v. • 'IL .. -4, * ~'. , Th •..-,, ,_ . •‘• I' . f li r •. • • , ~ • _ .. I. : . , •:' ,1, ~ •, • '', . .. l • .t . -.., '. - •, __- ....„'.: l'. - 7 , 7 •- ,, L . - „ , c,•. :: ~. i ~,, .., ~ , •,,, ~ •••„ ~.. ..!.. ... I. ''• , i • ' 1 ": • " *--" - r i."•• :"*" * 4 ' • • ;-4 ' ' •'. ' ••1 1•• .- •• W .•'•-• • • - *I •-• - 4 1 .• --•!--'. -' 1'•••'• '1 441 '' l, ' ' 1 ' 4 . : •'. ••• .- : • , . • - - 46 1 • • • • 1: - ....; - rir* ..:..' '• I• '; r • • • , .. '' . • V 1- I l': '''' s ' I 4 ' - • - •; _L? ' • v li. •'':•: "- ' 4 : ~ : ; ~ , . .._., ~ •, _ - ~, • 1) ...... 4,•S it : ~ '. ' '-;',..f . ,' 14 ,- . -• " '''''' ' . ,', " ' ‘,.",,, . - . . . ... : -n , -,k-,. • . .. .-: -: ~ . ~.. JoB and , A I ..- •'"•;:' •• r • • • 5 ••• •st tissedice • .* •`• I k ' ',. -1 .. - - - • •'V A, ' ••• ' •" , • A .:, . --,Ar . -4 , - ~. kv : ;. : ,;.,,. v , ..., ..:,,• ~ . 1 ~ . -----r: • '''') l . : :-, .-•.4.-.- : ...1.- - ...,-i i. -, ilia:111 • 18411466". . . _ •-- .M. c : '"' . '' •• : - ••' • I .; 1 • - • - 1 7 i- - ,- '..:' .-, . ,• - -• ' .....,,,,.. .• ~ - - , f r4 -, , • :,.. •ri , t ' . .stY•-•1 41 1K . ... . - ••• i.• .., - -• • L, ' . I: . , •1 i • ' : • • • . - lir.. -• vs * „ . „ • • 1., 4 4 1 _ .1•0. e, .i• . ..• • . , ~ • , 1 . , i'—' - ' • •. •--' • • , ';c :• ) ••*" •- * - - ~/: , -.. , •,.,„„ . .5••••=*- 1 ..---- - .' ..7 •-.,. - - ••L___- ...- ' :• * • • :..I. .1 , • I ' , I • . i. . . - ..., ;577 *: a ~ ~ _ . , 4• , joh." l / 4 -.. • . • • . . , ..... . .. . 0 1P '. . • .f 1 `:, - i. -r - ' . _ . • '..--- .7 ." - -1.-:- I t . '.: .::•.: ~ 1,- . .., . _,._ - .- : . . _. - ~. Rte, ,- k ' II IirERTI. : IFA 1:L :. - ,--d -- ....• - -.•''--- - .:-: - ...•-r,,,,#gry-,.., •.. . . ~. - - AND • • 4 TTsvILL , F4 ~-• ~ - ._ -.2-_-_-. ~.-..---• --• 7 :7 17 " 1-• . : . ',.- - 1 -z - :, , :..1.. ‘. . - -7 - --... 4 1.1 - . 4 .'.•.*,-7,---:. iti-- .. -!.-,-..E ., .. ....,. ~ ~-, -, 4 ~4- , .- . - I, • ~ ::, ::. 1 , , . , . ~ . .., . . -..- ' 1 1 II • ~'. 2 . . - I.' ', • - - '• . - -1, , , , .. , ;., --• :. .y.- , inner, shortest - - ... , • , . , • • '" 4 extensive tl '' - •!• -Ii- ' 11 . , 1• • . i - the " so • m : els . of -; • sh l . e • woe ' r , . ant mug . set In. the cumin sir wantai • '.' • , , m,.... - . . ~,.,..... -- vs . - 1 ;. 2 '. • ' -; I te • o d '-* •- „ ',', ! sis i :.- • •, ... , iikli a taiitiog.mii*Billesioniii. •.- ...'..1 ,•],... '...' • ! - - v• - ,...a1.' 1 ....,: —.-- ..,. oft iteittsie. ": .• I. "' , - - itresqob , —, , .. ... . ' - . 4 • " -. . - - - ' .' ' • .' , . wa554.4m......4 . .:. .• . , ' . -7---- ' - '• • '' •' -- ' • •-`..• . <, : ..' : -.- '' ' ' . ' -i : ; -4 ' • • - - . - 4 ' . . 11M00Q1NEM10N..............., . . • ' :-. ' I ' l '' .. . , : *l ' 1 ' , s_ .' V . lit . ~. i: ' i . Bi—RAl AS E ' POTTSVILL .._ ••., I . • ' .4 r - PI :LISHAD - EV. ,R I . SATURDAY -MORNING .By BA. NAN, _. • - .. . . ,• - --,;,,,..,i ~. • ,-, ~,,. • :-.. ~. ~--.-; .. - . - ,- 0; i -KTlTl : Yjilittt- 'COUNTY , • .• .".. • • : ..-.-.....,,, 4 . 1 -..- . .lur ...-,-i.. : ..... :” i-• • _ ~ ..-,. 800 • . ''PtNNSYLViI - 1:11 - • • -..--.,:'. .tie • • • • - •.:,,,,,..- • .- • ... . , 4,1,0,0.,...aft. ,• .. . . .... . . • . • , •,, , . ~ ~ ~ . .. .. 4 ~.. - , ~,.II ". - • 1.,.. ~. .1 , .. tetydeveription • • i 1 , :' . •,. .r, ' ' 'll • 1 1 . - •i y N 4 2 - • , Sinsil- Citi EP' 'en• • ': -'. ' ' • g4T. , • * PST Vol - • - atka& Reading R. L on Pier tie. 18, Pt: iehittead. QUINT A RD,I, 9 Pine Street, Neiv York. 920 . Wainin • " ehlioLdelphia. 191 Kilby •. 'Roston. OOAL OF ALL 'KINDS BY TEE OARG Jan - 1...68 . 1- • " Pier IVO.l3lPott Richmond. GEORGE' S. REPE'LIER • - . 1 -C) 4:::) . . JEL Mi . . * I. • ,•/ REPPLIER. MOODIE & co *Locust *attain. '1 - , GEO.& REPPLIER'S Mamoru: h ,Vein.... . 1 DUNCAN me, 00.13'Lawis Vein (Reid Ash). ECKERT &CO. l B - Lorberry. - • Omosa:-329 Wallin, st, Phirsadetphlst, .', • - 111 Mreisidwal. New Voris. 2! Dsssine• pt.. Mosier. 'I -Jimmy I,'aB' . ; . ‘. • ._ . • 1-.17, - ,. 1. Pier Nei: 10 'Pars Etiernaorta. JOHN B. wiliTic.ai so*, • SHLPi:/t11.5 . 617 COAL, No; 318 Walnut Stpiet, Philadelphia. . . MOTS vol rrozmislira, sacs or ciora.: . No. SOO Wert Thirteenth St., New York. . 'Third Avenge Worry -ninth St., New York. sulves. , Wharf, Pr note, Rhode blab& ' el. 1- • •. , ----x Pier J ii. . ' • ' AIIDEI'iItEED,NOETON & Co" Mama and Ethwers pf_ .. ' - - C 0 .A. ' 1.2,,' . 0 .... . , 1 . LOCtlaT BIOWNT4Iff, from oar aidEFL DELL and CONTINENTAL' COLLIERIES. 1 8 HA. MOH M. from EiITERPRISE COLLTEET. LORRE BUY. from MIDDLE cater. cc:a.l : ' • : * 1348 Wenn% street PMMdelphla. .1 'OFFICES: 119 Ilioadway,. View York. . [ 27 Doane titreeL Baton." ,Jen 1 18 • , . , . , • .. ~ 1- - BOBD4 .ULLER & MTOG, Wholesale 'Dealers In Beet Varieties of ANTHRACITE kiIITUNINOUS. , $27 Walnut Stritrt, Philadelphia.•' OFFICES: 1 .411 X I . :Why Street, 1.1,,awn. Room 64 'rrtnitY Building. N. 'Tor/. ; —7 •• •1 - -.• Pir'r N0..9. t ' 1 . .. , ' ' •., ~_- ‘, . I itirlhole Ageism' for West Lehigh: Orrorn- 1 ' ' BANOROEV LEVI ::& 00 wood Ctial and Clarretattn's Girard Coal. I`.. • . ' 1 ~ " OLODOE CREEK BITII.M.LNOUS on board at 4.1 idtl.- 1; •'• • inm". s ,i-iir' wo, (ll Thrr 'nri " mere or L'elyttoWl7. .. Jan 1. '64-1-' 1 \ , ellebrated ASEILAND- COAL, t , ' i viikaikN 6T MottiTAIN. SOSEP II F. , DEAN - Si. •C 0 , -'.- vlu"m,,, , - , ~, • OFFICE-111 'tilnal, street, Commercial Building, ' . 4 I - 'Sole Shippers at 0 4 :• M . ineral Spring Coal a co..i 11 1 Ph , , • 1 h V °, l r to n • , 1 • I i I ir .t a , d g ,a t , . Trßin .i.t.yt •T ° ci . ikai ctne:• - :- .. ' • 1 .' 0169, 1.44,AS S l+ LTZE,R,'Agea t . LTzE t ,. l• ' o'f Baltimore igluWillrbae Coal froh the 7 Doane Street. ! (-Jan 1, .ro-.1- WILEESBABEEREGION.Ven %Maar Creelei.e- Miel COAL, Eipectauy adapted to smelting Iron' and foun ,. dry.put- • ' . OFFICE SORANTI:E4 FALLS" eo AL p 0.4. ~)_ ' • •.1 ° i : t.t4t9 FOLTII 4T1.! Si ,11 4 111LADELVOL. ). TIMIS 4 AND 9 Ittf.,I2ABETEI PORT, N. J. ;•1 43 ! 1 ~„., . ~,., ..,_, _ , '' • TRINITY BUILDING, N. Y. - 11 • 1• 1 r..- I .:_w A.'l" Ali:A VATA;S , BeS . TON• OFFICE, WI DOANZ KTRERT.ii*. i , =-. - 11 "&" 3 ' 63 . • •., . / S4 l. a. I r 1 'FE t E , B II 11 N-IN . G ' 0 ,-A I-, 1 , ,-- • O ASTNEB, BTIPKNEY & WELLINGTON i Ire bare mplu.intrd WELD.' NAG-LE: ftk Co., .... • or Proiad,;lntil And New . York and 'WELD, 6HER 'Moe& and Shipper's. of COol. . 1 WIN Sc co., of - 1110M.011.' -re A '", .. ~..- I. .r . !..111.-. rill, o f ou rs Bartasido otont their Bursudde Col. at.Shamph h,) A.:011 to the N,,r Yo-k anci,Eo , era , meve , t. Lean. veau-ated Aaa : )._. - •: , . Au eiders throttiNtoto or direct thrpugh la will re -1 14ffietuit tioustailat (white Asa,). - i i . , eet T eptsomptattenu 0- . -..,-, ___ _ ~ • i SILAS 17.1. w.Ns, Trial , urer. -' • PM Tritttl Building' , New Yulie , r 1 , I, cw,,idi4iigh,, &co. ; 2itisx Walnut, R.. Ph il 's op:plait , 4 Sert.Walnut street, PhiladelparlL • . i omo y,. .. .. '1 i,. • 119 Nr.lsdwar, N. Y. . ' L 2O 41941" Bri:cat " /3.4t°6 '" ' I'' . i- 1 We.4,i, Atrrn - in •k.C , I. 1.3.,n0e St., Poston. Wharf No. 6, *alit Itichosond, Ph!l'od , s. ; ' „Pte.. No. 4 Port Biehmoodi . • Jan 1, .68 • „ ~ , 1.11 - , Ilkiai:lb 2i, .69 • ' •I .1 . I . , .3 0 ' Entem 2. eriwra. r. A. ILEOKS0411; BOWNS ,d& . Office, Room 79, Trinity Brtildinril, Way;, NEW TOE.S., 4 Pert' littetkasoua, Foot , of 10th Mt. Feet .. • ; - New 'lark. • • Atki.';'l9 • 'l3hippCia and Wholt4rile pealera - - 1 . . LRILICIP, LOCUST MOUNTAIN. WILE 13 RRB . , . .• LORSERST, RED' and other varieties of . IL . LI • :S toe_ Afzeitts for New fork scat thg Nortk of the . celebrated COUNCIL. MOB FRE&-BURNING HIGH. &pilot other ttrStrate Collieries in the SCRUTL' IdABANOT. d WYOMINCi.CoaI Ytelds. Ornoss—ll9 Bro)stway, New Viric. 13.6.W4nat St, Phttsaelpbti. - J • us* A z = . • • . J..A-WE - 1:. M..... 4.,E.E:D, - • St., Roston. SoLs So pa, POs iitirrFatt iceman% of __ Hovey, Bo!kley & Miners and i);hlP__ pem at Prom's Xonl. • lollos J. Dovoi. Non & Co., Miner* ;ezd shiP' of Gillbeoton COM.• J4lll, 4.9 ; • . 1- - , • . C OAL. A. T. STOUT iSic.l meneriviad Hhippers of the celebti* i rlialtOn " & "Stout" (Lehigh) Coale;: Front the nerve.% and the goat 'Collieries: neat lir' • afeton, Pa., and Dealers tia the beat eartettesed &run . ►crni irninsofs COAL.. Deflected direct: fr om MUM* on board veipes at TRENTON, Noll:, SLIZABETH_PORT, N. J. N. RRITNEWICE, ?Ca:, PORT RICHMOND, PA.' 0V1P166166.-4 4 Alr 46 TirtitliT 1361141.14, :111 Ittfadlicy, Nell* 'York. , '1- T. erotic S. y4 - Weacca: O. Laßroar. Jan • -...7. - -"Zi.tt;-.lCr. .. • . - ... ' • - - -- - ----',----r.1 5 ,:,7,;;: . -,7„., • s - ~ • ~ ,:-. - ._,..•-•,,,--, - • 1 . • '...:.--,.. ,--,---- • i _ . . -, . - .. . • . 1 'RAVEN'S WING LEHIGH: COAL - : ~ . • i3EUPPROBT - .',.. . . - . . ', , , jOIIN . .R0391 : EL,. JR. 1 : Phi Na: 9, litisisbetiport, New Jersey.: _Ns. 9031.7 Walnut M.. 'Philsdellpimis. noses 418. Trislity Heildhai, New.% era. , No. al Dour at., Illootoo. .1. O. MOODY, Agent. • • • March 7, to :--- , " '- • la-4M HASTIN - GS.& - Bloautlieuireie,of Oil mid Candies, wad Dewleis it Currier" , Oils.: • OASES - ex) Blame Always .1:01 toad .ad iialo at Osier, lowest market pries. • New Toes-1N Front St., corner italdeefLeiie. WAITST BASTI ILL HAST NG INGWk. 8, New = B. BANNAN, Pcitterllle, will supply otr 011ie at rm. dieters" PIIOIIIIL Ktanf ery __ .New Tor!. Nay 18. Tr BCHUILICILL . “COUNTi t ti I I 8010,404§ME WO Se Teidt, So C 0.,: mormoixo to mos: P. NOP Cornei Secold amid High tre ' e.tst POT.TSVTT.T TI ; A. I' &nary U.'o _ UT.' PhUadeWidri. MINIS LIED 111J11771i or NEW YORK. WELL;. CONA.NT k co.; STON. ELIZABETHPORT. ISAAO; MO's4."ER. waottems Al® It7PAIL Dm= m FLOI3Bi TEED &it . AND NANIIPAOTIIBIN, 07 !CO R N[l3 RAD 0-Bi sittrim,a . b4lireasissikeificanow* • antii opened a uric Mani Peed stores. n Idelted to tbio in nor of Dorn Bram*, Au briny to mat Ali old _Opdowiel. as be that be can ger, Andre aituutuan t s w eb l ats rquilliddiocallind =Was AA e* Brani.4 Drama dianadvddil4 to order. (April 11. 4T-1-11! WM IL STM:IFFER I A 14. rim.. .. • . 11PaiLtADRE.PMIL. as 01frat of Wad* iripidzawribillita. 'urn=roE zugspAr rotas TI , iliZrillof WIMP law lar ' • 141 0, 9 • • s 4 1 1 - /-4; , :_.;" 4=V4t=J;7-iii. f inthruites. . c=rgg=l ~,,,, J 11.41131 Err' - &. . • 1 ' EILL i . , Pler.7: raw! Rich= lid, - . ..... ‘f,' -•• 1. •':' - ~ • wiry,* 'or • , 7 t - I, , WRITE AND AIED ASK COAL !AGENTi for the si!.e. of the celebrated iailver IhroOf. ff.....b1e..) rab eineedisnb (lily, And Wig. Ran 4: Tiiiebeiles Il t pirunt, .11lettiotain Alf bile .h 4.404 Aix) Mpotin and Pell eh :TM . Al 'RED A$H d.Lcv !COALS., --__ ---,- - - • • , ,• FllO7l/11110011K113N, • ' • T!.I6:ILAS COAL CO 5.c6.3.1.,. Wit L1A.319 k• HER- RANO lSOYLAN'sloelo:rated I , ..kNIALy COAL. • • Bittidnoukana l Cutatnirtait ePot ttno.• Oriliozia—THlLADAi. 217 Wilma st.. • • I i C 'IWi N il l l7l } Fil''E%V . ; 7 ; l 4 ,a t t g. • • .POSTOS, tri Deate S. . 'February '" • ' - - • _ • jN • - *R toiie appointed Newiii4:II I )LiTIRT.TT at N ILL L • 21'7 W4,I2iiiT;HTEKET, PHI/ADEL, pllld„ sole ,Agenta tortbe sale of -dot • • SILVER BROOK tral6H 001,4 , _ Prima Pon Eteknond, - Pbliadelphis. •l • EdOP4lll. - I.OViIIidTREIET, Milers ! ! . Bllfer Brbek. Feb 2.2, '„ • .- • . ' -,1 -- JOHN RaM-14.:,L _Jr I' .. , , .. / • ,/ . . , . BMX AGMS! TOIL 0411 & ilarrni, White Ash. aniel • Web to R.A'sh:Frankli • COM of I.ykens • Valley R d A 'h. i'OW ver Run free-Sarni g, & Oak dike Pinic Ash • • . . Prrfurt, PT. RI TIMOR ; P . IDA. 11. t . T • ., - . , . . Beorge`a erect Candorriand Br d Top. ' • '• I ' 1 - L I I itarenliirino and Ilazleton I,talFh. ) • . PIER NO. 2, PIi'LZA.BSTIIPORT,IN. J. tiFFR,:m4 i-Yles 'l_•., warnai Mt.. Philads I I '' .6,4 Trinity Building, ft, Y. ' . tilt I:tostne Mt. IrrrAon.. , 1 'J. li. il o 0 DV.c 4 . 4 eßerri Age!" . i JalluarY I.'rS ' I , ~, .1-ly SCHUY,LKI . • •, . / • 1 ; kso?-1 l ./ A 171 IE , 'S/11 ..: C I O Bir/ it , •• 00,! , I 1.. 4 ....ner inid Shipper of t4e Celebraieil . -....` • . 1 .- 1 LOCUST:4OI)ITTAIN . dOAL. •! , - •.i .4......,,,),_4. - „ Ai, :, t. ! Poitivi He; - Sch yl k ill ,otin 0 . , Penna. •, ''., ' '; ~lad:!, .117; ', - , . 1.. 4- . . road' . - r --- . - ; i i • 'C'OOl A.i ~ ,,,1:7:- . 1& N 1)1 S . ',.. rri 0,. LE 411,51 E.: , e .- -fii -. .'ooliill posi ecippany arc ;11- ' now pirwired :make • r(^3+ll 4 011 thria lincla . in Fortdr"Towthkhip.,,Senyikill-Colnty. , They land, ara ti .. I Inciaki 011,thaveri - I , t ,piliticrp qt the ilecif•ctit r lle. orin. having over 'Com zallea rim Intl the panfO, 01.11, 10:alcit, • rind n.ll ttie: etwl kr,ln in .that 1 , 1100. n, NO , , ..• level. •Fr '-• now ;-1 ~ter ial'lne St .New York. 144 State Itifteer:Wevid , IiN.VIr • LIZ 1 -.omTs4 fli z iti,tln4/ IV' fkiin n l int coALi • . , ... ----• t •-" rigi,, the ende:wegned. hasiuk ormielliia, - 41 oui'reree solteri es In the torberr.y Retittin., wilt` brlter twine!. .340wirbesiiteil under the netne (4 ' - ,1 .... • 1 4 1 . . . • - MILLEN GRAltri tb. ' ' STEM (in. „ tr . y . i • . GfiedittFr d N ii. . 1 kr. GRAEFF, it in iatiet at nip firm,l: l ing eisochi - ' ted , hiamelt with .I.t IL SLAEISTON, , 11 reelde In PhiladeOht andkellipur cent ii hipped by de-watet will ea • nude!” the eiiitnetve ,eatttrel at pAsicaoN, CIRIEFF a pO:., , 11 i. 11yithereme4 care pi attionthin to Ifikti paraWro; we beeplomainthle the repnt4ten of tqr ee Orland Lor hem Coil. "Purcheilers alitcd can tell tea' hiving tit% col ehlpheil hi tisAl vett hest ( - advt.,. MILLVR. 43 a CO. leal.'&B • I I .. hoo. L. Apptinsi. •nu a ira,paent: - o Coal Dealers, Gas C 's. &c : rue 94ensigced Imi I l lig succeeded t,t lg., 1440 in the ?polo minatat or Poch celebrated tent gelfi rptaiglnt r i ie 11010tillie L' -.4 , .. trfe t -4,5` Coal; Hoisting; Machine . Patented API 1 1 Sises. irbowo, yens Ante the Inviention or ear Cot Hohetee meeldne, mid weer beibre, with any maehipe be* we been famed with :such tattering - Meat' 'there' We( TOO af Mein in use; derime.l Mei may ot tweretinti,==the nembee sold and the pedal We make them erlat wheeled 4X,4 end fer tauter. no) 9214 " efrc131221- 1. 271.1=Cik Arbenj . ard Nadi* Wants, Annum Wet iTears bintassr hi! the hadaseej PETNB WintittCHtti • AMMO Mrn OOP W011ak! Trutst Newt Norm. tam in» imasiod wbo tr. pciakat dna mb& t ia maw cua °swoon lot coast hat ht :=tomes rat at Cone Meat or modes 11 1 Przticslst sttsetko tea : a pt Chili he -JINN Selhet• -•, • - Eh, - 'MISCELLANEOUS. TO DEALERS IN COAL. ' TETE undersirned beg, leave leave to notify the '. Tr , ..b., and copi'vanaers getertally, that they have ar- i ranged for theNt tie Vat 11011 ,, e OLD COVPANT'S /MUGU I Coat; at New ,Yoilt tidewater, sad theseli.lo dmine. to parehtee the genuine article atwholeesie Can obtain I it Ir.no 99 ntly. • • ' . "•• " • . • The 'ulterior quati!ty et-the Om Cowearnt's•Lne•oit Coatror don:tee:in, manatattnrin: and foundry porno -tet in no generally recognintd by i.boite who have hen nitorn teed I. th...t tt needs no rettootmenttation fnosi T 3!: 1 . 41 throe who hoe not tried It, we beg to ely that it it emetinsied in quaint, and excelled by no other Leiddi Coal ',inning to market. ' Ordezi addiewed to either of the enteetihorns will meettel l M b Prompt attentiou. - • 'aned), ' • LEWIS ArDIMI.BO a CO., i •'• CALOWALL, CgiNANT a Ca, 1 • ,_, . • CALDWELL. GORDON a CO., I. . , DETWILD A COX, . • „ VAN BraEN: BRO HRR a 00 t • • , t TYLER a CO.• •''' . ow •York. march letb, 1&G9..• . . ..iteterinkto the she l ve notice, I rontirm the agree; ,' "••::.: - ,(Sinned).• W. L Warren. Vaneger Co o l -Derartment Lehigh Coal a Nay aa Mar tr , .' 't•••.; 2"...- - ,... 13.3.m • , , IT RI E i 4 I . V A . I.atti • THE anderplgued kale tPrnflan2 Boom NO. IM Trinny Baird Sag, No Ill'Brueawa No. 5, Pine - St., First Flr t, - oo p r 912 - Betty n Nasian and William St, and offer fat :le LuItURRY E.YaT FRANKLIN COAL, from min ~ of HE 7 lien: CENTRALIA LOCUST MOUNTAIN, from mine.. (4 . 3. M. Fret c ; LEEIN .. DI, from OLD COM PANY and otherwell known Mlues. • SCHUYLKILL RED AND WHITE ASH . • CI;MBEREAII3D,viri BROAD . TOP SEMT-BITUMI zipt3 cons.. •• .. • CALDWELt, GORDON. tic CO, Feb $9,'G9! ' ale, of well ts- CENTRALIA . COAL tIMEESIGICID sae ark:memo • • OALD W ELL,' GORDON & Ea Of Phtladelßbla, Asents mr the sale of this tele- Irsted Coal, istdrh redi he ati4mod from MI wharf at Port Richmond and landings arPort Carbaamnder my own dlreerion.. - Crdere may be addressed to them at, -Pun..naLiraff—ttra. 111 Watiasallt. ticw Toe=—N•. 33 Pies Itoseon—Plo..l 44 Mime Mt. . JOSEPH DI: FRECIL Centralia, January Ist, 1948. : 1- Monti. Lim' R. R. P. lam. NOTICE TO .THE PUBLIC. the,Qldertsb -7 • LEWIS ALDENRIED & Co., •ot . PRIL.A.PELPRLI, SEW 'YORK and 'BOSIVN, as tp3 sol.:,:kgcrits for the sale of our ' „. • LOCUST 'MOUNTAIN . • 3 - IA N1310TII:• VEIN COAL from our 'Plank 1114,te Stiorianiash.-1 . Cfnlvnirt . erp may te , y upon its being xisy enperlor t , eje for TrAT:oractartug lmn, neueratlag•gpteam,'and fin domestic -parpo.e% and that its preparation fort market by oar own toirtxn t personal attention kept fully up to the hlrhest standard. \ LEE, GRANT .47t, CO, JarittryStl; $ .4 btu - • 1 HATE APPOINTED L'IIOTIIERMEL . kt. CO.; NO. 311 wsLirr IT., PHILIDELPHIA, NT tout Lazar, rot sr= IA LC or YT " Centralia!Locust Mountain - Coal;IV VIIII.ADSLPD IA AND VICINITY. - . 'irdess t [trough th , m, re-rirefron3pt at rot lon • . • d 171,11.1Ei IC K. Mar 1,;;G9 T 0 A ,S. E TILE ItUId.AKER and 'other • Improvernenta •St the Nocelty — Colllay. In Neer .Pbiled&phis, with the ilArt i;) mine coal Irmo the ••14VOILN.'. -•LE.WIS.• and other vein* nn the -Barlow 1 Erane 4 Tract, eo Alen tte Bre.her. itn , rnvemenn, and min ng en ;the —GATIII" Vein, in'ealltd mad tract. 1 An plm nriatnty in ntfered to •renpointhle parties tor olo.aininp; liberal lennen alum theno well known veins Ottmte vei'v favorably toMatk:tt: - Applidatinn may; 'ln• made to IIffARLIUI 'MARSH, New D.. 8 11,AA'a, 219 Walnut Bt., Phil& delphln, nr C. A. LASUaIt.D, Ba‘tim. ' ' • !Avert' 7. , MS 10-U THE NVEST - kT.LAITEE COLLEEtY, ,nth er.ft•of 1411r,p 13111 C. in cord working order,having one t o le ot run on • the 3itunmoth And-Seven feet veins; with Ave hundred )ards to work: on the .present,lift;whlcil Is hut one hundred and twenty. feet -(nerpentllctear) below aster level, with all the regal- Nue pnm9e, engines. kc.. and a lan-,.e dontde‘Bretker; will Ur, teastt - trin snitsbne t.nant. Apply-to I lIIAICH I ft" .11110T111f. ICA. - Civil and Mintz finenvers, Pottsville. Feb 29, b A—S-tt , , "LEE I.NG I.S° ,13F.LIEVIN G. , 1 .I'4- At 7'ol .Aftli, t . .,* ~:, . . " , ..41 ~ . • . • r :.,, • .. • . - .. 11EW , C.00DS 1! . M' • 1.. ‘ - ,•"" 4 !. litiCilt B,ILTEII. and "..... ', • • , S LVER. PLATED AVA.I-tY.S * ! ille; d t lng every ;tyle and description, made exprrisolj lot le WINTER TRADA. rkni , h for neatness and dtu. .• Ray cannot be surpleBo4.- At' .. , . i . ' J 0.,11N L B 4".! W: :11•A N'S ~, '• 1 'WIIOLIZILIL & EtiAIL.IIArttriACTITE.I3O 11115TAELiSMYTNT. No. 701 Arch Mt•s'Phiillitriphili:' 1 " Re-Fluting ni statrt notice, Aug. 17,'67 ..REMOVAL 1. ~.BEMOVAL • R C. GREEN. N.. 17S Celar* Mmes., sear . 3llideie Bask Call and 'PC.:I the best. selected stock of Watches, Clock!. nut Si:iec Wlre e•et offered to the public at ilfirer m.A the Cries. Jae Vt. 'ca -3-8m . .. . . . • NEW STORE. NEW STOCK. . ' '. No: 17m 1 .,..„.....e m... -near likelier.' Itisak. •.:Call dad pie the best stock of SILVER WARt over Cf: . ..red:at aeij low view. .-• MI goo& .watrastad at revlt..-Ft4ißed.rt , R. C. GREEN. !• • Jn IN , 64...11;6m • '-' ITS Centre St , • . . . . SHE OLD STAND ,OF THE .041614 EN 'illil. AND FANCY DIEING EsiTABIAINWIENT . • • --- - , :u svii.s. ii-.• . [ !• . . ~. 47 N. Nth' St.,. East side, Philadelphia. 1 • . - No connection Istitti any other . once In this ty..:... Wti.:l an experience of over 30 years. and faeiittles no ,grinned by a .y other ariablittment in this 4:email, we:may in claim to be as We intendlo =an. th First tiny end Cleansing establishisienty LA:IM D 8138.4129, CLOklig.BßOCllli. W 1501.. EN .a. °TARR SI3AWIS, DTEDA CI..BANBD IN A ALPERJOR KANNER. •'. 1 • 1" . ./' VET CL OAKS haItipSO,VELY DYED ! 66.-TS`COATA. PANT 4 AND 76.5711 DYICO AND ' --. CLEANSSD WITHOUT RIPMG. 1.. ,'-/BAINEETT .NEPIIICW6 as co., ~ '' 47 N. Eighth Ns" -But 'slde,Pliihadeipkia. ClP'''Glorle PiTc•lvecl and Uttar:led b 7 Exprea. VehlO. %A • • - I).A.PHEL. H. KARCHER, City Cabinet Ware . itooins • and Randietark 288.86.11T8'5499Nr0 WritlEra, . - . • Pkiladeirldiu B; —refiins mbar to the City will find it advantage to, call and examine the stock . . . - I- 1- . . R • - Rost& RO P . t?--R0 E Oh- 00E0 rt.cofismisi We have a large andl'llnely grown tap& f Wiese eminzeing over illOta varieties. .inailding the =him and initivalled yellow climbing Rove. !Veil." which we Dowdier for sale for the hoe time, Price of “glaraltal Neil each, 0t 00 mg 51 50. . GRALNWOOD IfUREIMq; ' Jan 1, Ina • 1. - • • ~ W A. R ITED, I 3III I ir.DIFATIRL'itOA.4.O TOI2II 7 reared-mod T 23 it:ed be be. Tbe Witti est. eutt prtee bOeitt.. at. the Machinety Cod street. . Jenny) , Itt, WATt:IIIIO4.:IWATCHIRSII: ~- • • In Gild and RUT& came IloararblaCo., Ap pleton, Tracey ft Co.; P. S. Bartlett Wm. Etlery. glen the Tremont Watch. all of. Americas make. Trrese. Watches nowt be glimpsed for stnarag .or amp.— Cali and minting - , 'PR/CRS LOW. R. C. - GitERN.:III4 Centre . Rt„ Pottatillft. ' Jan • i-arn B~.TURDA., „___,„ ... A. 6,4 , 127 , - . CERTAIN. _ CiA Allis ”) am' @ Tip, / , Speedy Om -...-...---.......,----.....--- NEURALGIA, IbliTecsau4 ~, ,1• , 1 • Ai. A " • ' C /lIWES .- NERVOUS i -I ' DisiNIEL . r .a...... . . I 1 Xfs =Nob we , l b. .a. . MAIIRNN• It Is sarrramme morror alt are ctililmies se alert effeettog a eel awe 111 hie than twenty-Om Wars. from the nee of ocr . toore than two ' os elEsn4rue. , I 1 , Soother form of Neural& at Reims= Ise Mad to yield to this werovarrs ma iest alarm • Ives the oeftwells oases Cow sad geral ln *MOS ormageoreet. es —re user Yeeee NW -Owe= the entire system, Its me fora feet acra. K e weeks at the M. &Imre a ff ords dreamt, bins relief , Lod! t er Atoll Calla to PRAM a sod penatoeht cure. I . . It trierdne no drugs or otter mstaidele ti the slight. qt degree hdortcam, emu to the most dellsate Apetete, midterm amen be mat with smarm Amer% It him brat best to ermetant au b s t m... l l l= ,tyre! trammorr monthemto. l A o Oen sad reosauled lIPPITAIL est w zooda as riceipt of pike soeptetigh, -Ow losekegie....lll elk...resessi • :elhole. 1 *vintages' ....t 1 ii... '".Si, At • . ... ...- ii—• • g f" 'ow• ' st - - I teslisol tv lasimiside Oil WWI tom ita imealds, aimilmsiths Thad ad*" _ tlititat *bon: Tian aft =NE MOR INSURANCE It B. KA :vi i i," psessylvilials A.P. Ps . sysi*llle,,Pa. VIOHER. 60. 1 051/rce 'Agt; 1. f 101:WOOL & LONDON & MODE OinepaNcs c o I.Oheit Capitol sad Meets '" . - '.1.411,000,60,6 iterwood tu the United States our., ... 114 00 000 - . . ; - , ; , ~1 . .„.. HOME rtiintßOOS CONE'lif, -- -L " Nevi rtavra, Clotareticlt; ;:- •.. C;agi , . 1., ~ P 300.040 Durplui C /atieCiSCs I Inausiee'ofteeted'in the beet Vote . tan .l iOr al9 :l 7 tatc e b. 92ll ble Orem ; . poem promPaT a. Ina Wit without, aelur. . . -_ - • . fI . lul 1 .*. r .1- - , CHANTER • '. I 152 9 . .' '.' PEIOILTUAL .1 - ,FRA.NEB FIRE INSUBAt i co, .. ~ toe PHILADELPHIA. i , -,, • I • %tiSSieEfil of i . ann47. A t 'llst37 1 $2,453,146 13. Cillilitalh.L., . IF .! 4 • 8400.000 fi. . 0 Accroca lurplui..,‘ EAvorrl PirelOrao. 1 1.431 - L s Vastoi • Cluino I lo c. mirit r Ise& : -. $21,331 I% 1 ' . 0323 Oo ' 1 -,OS II PAID &ME 1910 ..0vr r 83,300,000,,,,. pg - e.r -- .1 - Tts , riii. AND TEOH:PONthi.Y.POLI. r' =ES ON - LIDERA.L•TEIMES. • I , -•; DIUNCTOILAt le - ~., • Cammin N. atNesZa, la&AcLee, .'- ~ .ronms . waNNEN,, , EDwAxm C. HAII, . - 1 SAOL, C ALL, .1 - HEIII`PALay ,• i , • c g d prrmoccari... ; ..'i ALFRED PI S R. um E. R I ~, MAR- W. I,Zwis. M. D. i • CHARLES N RANCKSE„Pmaid e ,,, THOMAS X A. 1116 1 14 irice:pr ei dd en , A s . W . x' See. Pro. Tem . I,- Mho oalroiriber lo t for theahrms monUoned io ptlintitst; *rid IS pre to VB innrarce cm cam diremiptloM , ..of pro... ~at t lciwort rates: . .'. • Jan.l, NTS—'l , . iffirsw Clee — nte Otritni Life Icaur. Lance, Annuity •!Post Ve. of Phi Lida. ' OfSee, ,No. Monica at. E st door East of Cr....tme Boner. - cprna—pokooo,caotTEß [Continue to make immrancee *Bees on, the, , - nicit, I tremble terms. -net:spina heinglield up arid ther with *ll:r''''"ll counted Is pc amity tep Premiums May bemaid yearly.mar-yeary olAu j bte r i ) , The =away was Bosse periodically to th e MS ' flktee for life. The fast bonus.; amaileieted to lly~m_ ixer. 1844, the wort bonus in Bocczar. MO; and th e third bonus In DeeMnter, which additions make an average of more than Oa per cent upon the pria. nsn paid; withootincresaing the ennui premium. • r. I - MAN&Qll2ll.—Thar , gld •way Ilonaßobki Pearsall. John ft Warw. C. P. Jana; Slack, Predk. Brawn. John Mitchell. creme Taber, Ism Barton, Wear 0. Fromm , J. Starr. raintedets containing table of tate.; inn explanm k , ‘ „,. form of apPliostloo and (rather information can be, at the office: . THOMAS BIDOW: . ; rms,ident. Joss P. Jams, Actuary. ! • Oi of B. HANNAN, Pottsville, Agent Conn p. Jan:l, .CS 1. 628 i . 1160 P -,SKIRTp. .' .628 ,---- w7Ltuir T. , SORKIN'S "OW A 7 ,if. 4 iCk• ' . • .1 = •Or ' . I ' ' ' . ' "liitYsToNE •siCTRT.S. i Are the bixt ad Cunneen? Log. Pirace ~ al ripo p ilkkiit s in the market. ' Trail Skirls. "ii painge, st no -, no apringa, 31 2d • and 4t ept"..nte.l3l 01 ' rain M irka, 6 tam, s 6 epriiign, SUCents ; 0 nprittge. 95 rent!: aa epar gall 15 ; map springs, Al VA t Warranted ill ever., respect. ' - - , :v. 1 .., Oar 4psi - N , 3irdie" of;!•I.7SIIOIC,WKSITITs," Xleyen Tape TM*. front 9 ) to 60 nprlngs,9l no t,) 22 r. 0.-- Nom Six Tapes, TO.to (A eprinva, from 0 • cente to Si rd Theee likirtal arrcbett er'ilaml• Oder; sold by, otli• -.er. e etablishmentis an flrnt .c lase goon , ar.dt at Much lover price... -4 ' tr , • "Oar OWN lialce.• of 4 .CISA,NIPION, SE.III.TS9•, Ifuntifectured of the 1)414 linen toletied linglirh SWIM Spring.. eery ruperior ;Oen, middle - yle •ol tbe me _Jt. talk na . fantenge iind manner oteccnri Wu:ion: l 'eliii• 94 ' for durability apd exdelkran any o ther palt-in Ante eon city Every lady al.ettid try Mint', I . T.. he had r [Stead ,at Ming' frotory; araT. of !tarla tan Trade geuerady, and tit Wholoiatt c); the 314, nfactarer only,: to , whim all order' econla,lk.l - iiii , nreiied. , • • MANT,IPAcTOitY A..ti,) 1 5AL4410.4, 62S ATti.li BritEm r , 03!)tvice.n-ctaisiNiit - s tteas, ,vitit.,hokatriaiiw.V., : . • T' Pr;i -•- WILLIAM ' -110PKINS;.: m...t,,7, , G3- • , !-- - 1 I,)•sna -.--- :. , . 0 , 1 .l • 7 '7 - -I , : •• t . ! 1 .. - . ' .. RICKEY, - SHAR P 4.0 '. . . if liarrairas,'Joaltriti .avn‘ r in..ativra or 1 - • . • D R..*- c4O rB, •'•1" . • :;-:,.. i A P ': 1 1 - 'i • ~. - 1 P9P IT L 4.1:i.,Pil C . F. . They have the moetlelegant ; and t?llv re•APd sleds +n this market, - at the. 414 ...low vicisiln •,•f3entotn. the, great shrinting of rave. . . i'f•j::\., • . ....? 'Their au30...k le'comp?.t4 wholly.* tvw and derlra- Me fabrica, In Puny nod Staple pry plods, to which arc daily added the chelpeet and 001 0 4 'offerings of I this and other ms.rkati: -.--• _ ' .;.; • . RIOICEY; ::SnR- & CO . ~ . -5, .777 Chestniit Street,. ~ 1 ' •.., • . . . • • .* •• • PHILA. LPHIA, 'F.ei, s, sfis : 1. - ' - : 1 ; , :6-11 , I, -- T" -- -- -.. At his itoiii Woilni i , N.. 70 & 72 tor. Illorwegf win & 9 ear gel Sta., - ' :Pl7ll'lleir%LrAi ' i ' t, Ia coldcat a loweerriee than the ame clue of ,etCrrec not minufsetured here can be sold for In this martetd Mao a barge. stock M Other Cooking and Ileatin Th 4 Storm, Heaters for Chu .es and private dwellings, Ranges, Cut Iron fitn solte.Th Also. e fulheacort rnent of Tin Ware. , Roofing, and Sheet ,Iron Work. Alan Imn ,- Water it, Wash Ref doe, and a variety of wor done in .tae Fontuiry to which epedal attention paid. All in want of stove* aboold bear in mind Met those, mantifactttrid by 1110 ran be kept in, repairs, less ,expemp and be more ;promptly attended to then rut as art brotteht here from other plates. which In ' manytarei, when ont of order. moat be sold as did ion, awing o the difficult, of obtaining the necessary parA i khen !anted. Twenty years pmeitel ex ente in this lanfineaa,' and other edmMute. enables itat to cell• at the tiny lowed prices. !, . . ' • lield9N DERR, Jan:l, '63 4 1 , 1 1 WALKER . SL - PRicr.. NEw!ogostr . 4o/01.)4. WALKER,' & PRICE, ' ', IN10 t : 11 4 Two DOO RS BAlk* pwr. 0764142. 1 I t.i - .1 _, _ •MAIIANTONG9O STicNll:• I ' 1 . ' 'titiLtlat Are now reeetetpe their spleadld 'trek of WINTER 13001 n, &met. froel Nest - Yoe and MM. depots'. and respectrally ask you to call eseralste oar goody before pluthaging elsewhere. ' What Is tt, at ocr More hrtittAlbt We keep nothing hat 0001 GOODS. *tat wit recoutiosul Memoir° catalot ' ennillethOe all tin Or, Amp 'mot e t but Me fa pitt4 I 1 QPILIE DID Jp7LIINS. Of lowlf Wok" ad 0 all halls. `-- ' , I , I_ . I ' A' p REMUS' . MIR 11 , 10?", th e WI elt, all dee 4 wo°l•4nd elegant 7 .,,. the niceet asbortment in the motet.' 1' j,• . - DOOllO. GOODS—plain, Odd • 11 ItriPod.ht any shade degrokand kor in prices. • . . • I i 1 ._„" CIJIRIVAN BlERlMolll—bleeek brown ° . a " 1..11 other oolore. .Theee goods are chop, 'SLY 60 =NM one yard wide. d , I SOMR*. lllLKeli—cpar I Kock of Black Fumy ' mike is complete. We Pell the beet 14 11 rs' loom for MILLI**. ' Qom and lee there if pm , mri , -.. li I Wee silk. 'We sely,parpcalsr • attention o the elk' line gIIAWLIII, !mdff.d.wg„sh...gterant asPoittmeot. I Single and doObtel ft* * breakfast siik to the One, large, street` short. lo this line our mitre are wed loll' .; single el Doable Stack 'Whet :bawls, 1 "I - ADIES , Ilieltl 11f10.—,We bay them fore 1 J./ $3 TS to slo.lllce y Warned. ad atrrertMe OtYleo I , • 1 I • " st.MEN% iir*A, *mot dna Black Ckeheand I 111 Cinialertic! '4 Beams fns overoCate, fluty Cassieserem, t kweek, Ake ~ £c. peacoats trimmed oat wary 1 1 - \ ' " I I isatia. 4 ll, "LZ AF1NE1.11....-. ~White, Bloe "and 'Frogs 1 -e" Salxtipitsr x. si i4d one yard wide, end chestui KID ate PIM,. the! , Ude Tires& and Beet . lie fur ladles and gen 1 ' ' HOSILEAP for ladisei - gdre And wits,. Ae , 11 sad erer7 kind. o f i ll ii 00P Illigialld I di la. . ' ' " ' 't . 'ono e k 1 ,111341 Tii, t t 2 i t €l, I • "l' . i3IFERTEr I .. 1 To m 8, T 1 1 , -; 'STS, _ .._ 1 XENS,DRAWERB .. v BRERTS. I NOTIOM i GREAT VAIPRTY'i, Is' /Kt. aPrlng 704 Cla i r. •If lot yal Ott char store a wit, 'eV to , fttow y 01,41 oar rmle, and acvtace jou we 014. 1. , Artemlettl tar p eat it, t , i i 10 Peel lon aloe, 4 W • i ER it P,,ICE: Xateltl ;€3 ' 11 /. li , •,' i alli , , u i I. ii ~ . V I l' E _' INTM ItA a iII,NES. Itim *sedan) - oil asset wee or otber . 451111. Ilittii lean : the . . 4 A ffl .n erv: t =s ; , sift on boo A lioar i gith: IlewtoirMotlfte • not • • rainfool so il Lik ir a cinitio, ‘ ' tDeopl~fdlwltrtbs=6.7 , "dr:7 !v.v.:, elid wil s..;:" *b rio4V ' = ft°r" l ii. Is ir. AMIN IL MEW. ' ‘ l O l /Silk '•••. , •• • , Lava : WGARD'S BEEDITOR 4868,7 ' 1 A nitg«Nelndlia .. .... ii * soled SO - • , 4 , Eil A-,Prt.X l, QUENTANDO. EzbOcriber t± nc ROLM' EnitiMeN fat and Drift r e, 940;' total number of baggage, mail .' sli express cars, 498 :' number of freight -" c on . trucks, ,7304 k number of coal cers.,-. A 8,126 ; number of iron bridges. 281 ; • ntim pit' tsar) of wooden bridges, 1205 ; timber of • 0r ati) brldgia„ 828;_ total Value of realer/tate , 111 by the companies, $3,864,061 . 32. I ion 'A e number of through piaserigrs daring, all. t L. ~t ,e year was 4,392,964 ; ' , timber of passen- . igkrS of all kinds, 114,232 103;• nunther of tons ar- 1 I Wen& freight, 7,550,587 ; gross tonnage for ' ,elll ! th e 'ear, 35,562 819. , '• 3,5.] •-' Tpe aggregate receipts of the roads for the ' in ) • at were $7O 24,868.0; and thitaggregate allth e e• `-pease $32,432,257 - '65, - ;• ~ • '.. urLog th Om e 'year 303 ens ere killed . • Mt . t' ' the" roads and 415 injured ;026 of the - en f - er and 211 of the latter. beteg employes.• l P tigel r f4 ° A rn lori e ng, ho : " T e o l tal lif et7s Y t o a g ,..o .. ll 3 4 .l tfa nd 'e seq ß i i r e i aa p- 7.. ~. 'a etit $5.925,356 68 . ; figure wild stock. a thorized, $10,5617,250; stock stil”cribd„..: - 1 I 301.525 ; • stock paid in, K 969,289,02; 1 tts, floating and fended" deto, $1,A'15203 s.realest‘te ()weed. $323,1,14 65: iiiirsos . iced, S 885; cars 714. J. toett ..;penises, 1 4514.759 78; total:tea:opts, ":,125 2,8.0.54 b 4.... • , . i 2 Welve personS were. -killed, auti twent4 . tn- . ; . rod duringthe year.. V ' . , : -s tut tabulated results pompiled from canal -; . '.• Meanies are as -iiillo.W.e; Authorized capi- :. li $l6 617;850 ; . •espitrfi riiil•in, $35,257,-* :• • . ,4 73.; toial funded andifloming dettt,.s2s,- . . 1 0 584.50; total cost ot eanala and titturek, t 28.660,397 80; total _metre; of " real, estate,: • 950: • . total expenses iir.. - '411e,. year, $l,- cti.f,Bs6 32; total receipts, $3,127;9.2{1 31. - .• ttTee volume will be f tend' of heerast . .lo - -,- flers than persons intereated in. railroad/ in: : • d earials.— State Guard, • • . - ~; 1 .. • . [comaresick.n.] , .., t ; ;Si 1 THE.ALABAX A CLAIMS. • . ..• ' i. What true American .can couiYu'filale this - ----• . eltbject Without-A sense'of mortitierstieand • ,I.' thaine! It is , note nutter of ("Quinine cer- . . tc .411 Elite, damage wee - inflicted upon our ert 7 Vaecce by that notorious l yes-el, nor ye a,Mre. any: ' foundation for .micertainty as to ', .. ', 4 ,arbether the Government of Great Britain, -. • .01 lit to be responsible foilt. :The jact tha t • , t 91 ' l •Alabsma" left s a`Brith.a pert, the • au-.... . ' 4 rates knowing her character, is ' midterm.; • K. .by-them,. and yet'they have failed* Alms far; to makdAte reparation for leaser. hien we as a nation have claimed (I cannot kit., ; _,V nemertmat)., : • ,Are .we a nathin of - cowards, or beggars, ' ... , het - we ehould quietly tempt what they ._;',. 77 bones to giveusi"er to await thefirtitrie and lea/tore 1p the settlement• of this dahlia The „Pwrenti of - 1861 and '65 have fully deinonstrii- - ed' that we merit not the former title, but. , • the last three .years, I with - shame' confess, : "Tender us liable to have the fatter impelled ' i ts(, applied [O. us. ' ; 11.14 the country . 1 itibickbonet, Viet we should be humbly ,supplicating an ' inferior. pitwer i to grant its. 'Ourrights? Have ,we not eiiough young ': ,men mitt- left. who , are not only willing but fanilouit.to punish-Engler:a tor her ps•ititiy?, - . In reply to the first of these questione,-1 lan- • ewer no, but ita repretientetives have. 'ln. . regard to the secrind, 1 say yes ;„ for - notwith- . • standing. there • are. hut taw who pased . through 'our late nobspoyeivil strife, "IMt -, What' have had, enmigh •of wSi, yet rat/ter ,- than see the national honor impugned, they I , .. 111 once more gladly substititte the mesket • , actiontate fortheftimple mentstr. bounty,, y of . pea:ocue, may iakingsatie possibly? . k how this would expedite the payment of 'his claini, to which I reply, - walt not longer ro r them to pay us, but pay ourselves by iaking possession ol ; Canada end other British • provintes,"until we' bad obtained' anteMaiva- ‘,. -lent in"vilue to principal , and interest ofAur ...-.. lessee, - besides a small - surplus to give the . presumptuous Britisher/ire higher apprecia- flan, of_our national dignity antlettength than bey at present seem to entertain. • , • Mass meetings-should he -held till twer the, • length and' breadth. of 'Or country to, aiii4 ~ those tn. authority and the - whole world bow I beady - We are misrepresented In this,respect, '` and, to compel "the powers - that be".to Dr,' .11121 D the satisfactory seittemeat of this - jest claim within a spccifiedimOnd that very short); also,, to: inform ',our flebthrs that in the event of theirnonetimplienEe,.to apprise them 'of oitrOntention ,and ability tO :elm „bum Muscly/mi..' i4This is the one; sire, and the Only, 'dicate our honors laughing stocks'Uri Weeding eit a'nati& .... the expenditure of a fivi M b . millions rlizi . e . bon .the We. might as well resigns our prctenantis to riufk, and class ourselves' amongst the most petty Of.nationablea, that first-class' powers coal prey urion4 s with' frepunity, .Let th e people of each • . tries a tt• ' Viefiefs; Paper.pa isi Oat, Timm rlisaks I - Order `lllimilis. : 41is;; Avo w , * Ong met of JOB • than ditto! siiStlter . altos fa fits u t a,,ye j ieep bands =plaid u. Esetrig practical fitntersonrset‘sii .cittr work s 3 be la Deist as -fun , tis in tie cities, PTUNTIELI.rei COL POl4/TIttA.L; NiirA man to onwof the ilartrord: Coltitt; mjj oO.d &Woof oxitton the they day and tonod voliot Oontsiolog $6,000 io Confederate tong.. •Itutito moino del:tuition before. 1 . . - I. Ortincinntittsopree ttionsaixilivior salOoni s all a l ibieh. ar s keptopeoi on Sunday: - ,and ors 11Ued ate / 1)141 .; am out Ittero-k. - i t arlitroonotil edits ise befog ludo by dedootooltototow, the loom, to go,lijoi • butiEth , Po% gran , • Oregon of itkele dricettles_fais to Battaki-tbirty- orreeirk.; ands r "thic.UPß alsAktit • I. ' 1