ma_ • POTTSYILLEi , DAY. VZIESEIVAIINS. FO A , ir ____ COSWESTIOS , SO AIyIEND THE ST4TE Cols7lllTrr a; man*. • We rebs:. ilia' ahusn- itnlieLn`antl beteod Abletrtg It ca on this Hoe. We propose in the Constitution. torreadrig tionee` t . • tier of ravereil lath? , To 410. sell becatcce , ttni bwm,. tuz the eon :to 40 days with Pay at Mt* 00. Th e R eprt , ra l.tivo to be cloaca frau single 'Afatritts th soeitout the State.- . arporice6 4 . . • Pass a eral lair for all •,.terme, th e na C ati reach of nffirldnal enterprise. and DO "Kiehl laws., Ali c ono ettih - an tocomenoti eadtrtg ggs,.: o wl . to owed by the courts. _,_ ,__ . , ... • For the balance of the btisiness of thin Mts. 40..ann j r , /a c t. 30 days, wiled be sufficient for , di the Oen the people - my:lM This la the WI/plant=` uP the Premt eorroPt erten, banns Lug* baleen short emioncare not eo.lieble to b*cotrupted. - , • , ~ . - • NEW tORIE.-;-.IAMEB ii. WATT& RCI II -' tio. 4,1167 Broadway, ParmleyßalidlisgsMerT.Ort toleceled ealtici4o l o l . ON the r aw{ Jammu. also. lo' collect lam &sift MEMORIAL PiTitlollBll .4 alF SCI/11MIL MITT. Greetiteareti•ii lei Price. Tug; LA Er at&NCE TO GET TERI BOOK: In. order that a/ll who desire to Presenm -thM, Recent of thei'atriona' m of Schuylkill Omar duriig the Rebellion, may io be debarredby the price titan pmeharing, we have reduced the pries as followt,for the remithder of the edition: cloth, reduced from $2 50 to 111 50 "iheep, Olbrary) 2 75 , 75 "volt morocco `" 4. ' 2'25 " 225 imorocco - 375 44 2'75 -SHEAFER'S MAP , THE GOA". 13,EGIONt3. In S'5: shoot 4 04 and on redlerk le2 50. Alto shearer's; cosi sad Imo Map l e (Peinksylvaals—ta *heels,' $t (00 wad "Io rise '•t,St Z. For sale at. BANNAN 1 RAMBST'S ^ - Book and , Stationery Store, polfro.oe. WANTED,--An il intelligent .boy not over ateen years of age, to learn Abe printiog business. Apply at this office oo titer Monday next. Mutt eons men. re&m• mended.., A PowzurmliimEou.--01i - oitt Fri:stiPage will be fdund a speech-delivered rl:tcentiy o liy S':enstor Morton of Indiana, on the titration •,','otißeconstruction. We advise every reader the Journal to . perde it attentively, for the position °Leong:re . siind We Republican 'party, has not been owe forcibly and plainly stated by any tither speaker on theiloos of Congress, or elsewheie in the couniii; shnuld jpe read by' every citizen vfho desire" ' act and vote intelligently and Oriently : at • the _coining Prepidentlal.elention. tiaki admission into thetiainn' %ae a State.. We h9pe . that Congtesswill :grant the prayer of her,Oetitioe..l:.„ : • Tire President - has signed thet Cotton•Taz bill. - Also the bill-to provide fol;• a Commis sion•to examine au& repokt on meters for dii6 tilled spirite, Alio the bill authorizing the *ale - M iron-clads. ‘7, Titz-Lebigh -Coal aid liaviiikory, Company's Railroad was•opetted for paaaenger and iieiBht' traffic froin'Senntott to Easton. ?The bridge at E3.8 , 011 4 / 1 not completed, bats will be in April, when a eOnnection will . be made with- the j ltorria anti Ease: ttaitroal: -2 . Sriptr, ETC. —An . ..lectiort has just:taken' place:at Braintree, a large nituntlitefluing' town, df Massachusetts, to fill i vacancy in the Rouse. of Representatives of that State.. The town for years has been, one of the few Democratic strongholds of the COim . on-‘ wetltb. but at' thia election the,Reiniblican • , candidate wassuecessful . by a deelded ma .. • jority. -e rapt= in the Ohio iliemociady has become pronounced', C. L. Vallartdiglaam prima in the Dayton Ledger an article on the tate election in the Eighth Ohio Dlitrict,. in which he Predicts a Democratic difeat in the Presidential contest by at least twelve thon rind majority, as Weil as, the defeat of Pen- Alleton'a - Claim to the Precaldendalnoininatioit. Tin Dora!As Bnacii Atacranit.,-In bringing this Invention to the noti6o of the Pubhal,: the pro . prietor, says: that it is coneiderea, by these oom petent to.pnign, to - be the Vied Peteeiril fectir e of any brick machine bow in psiatenoe, and withal, .the perfect embodiment of airaplkity in , constrnction and positive ?notion: These requisites have heretofore. never been found combined in any trim machine ; and while it +iiil be universally conceded that power ifod simplicity are esseldials 4 there are finny ether ad vantages possessed' by this invention which will /be recognized by the practical man on' examina- Any information, an to the machine or purchase 1 of rights, .wiikhe :fnmisheti by adstreisaing Douglas,. Esq., "irpo Muth' Fourth Strietenila %delphia. • • hin, CoiXeszi. of Lebanon, presented three • bills to Ntharige the vim:Lein th-ce suits at law from Schnylidll Cheinty tb.iistaptibi.Couttty, the ttyle of the stilts being SA follows v George. Munich N,3. Charles E. Smith :' '.James M. Pettit vs. ,Chrelen E. Smith ; Richard Bahl. ridge vs. Charles E. Saillh. . -.4 lithise suits were brought by three ex.conductoes of the Philadelphia and -Inadiog Itnilroad. , ,egairorti °na tio CtutrierrE. Smith. Itt lac 3, three conductors re _accused tiffinith with having embezzled the fun a of the' csimpauy, but they were not_ prosecuted legal ly within the time earned by the Kathie of Ilmi ont. viz: two Tann. They have now brought suits agitinft smith in the Court of Common Heal of Schuylkill County, to recover the value of certain moseys, bonds and securities paid to the shid Smith In ISM. The snits are riot brought &colliet tau company, but spinet, *Quarles E. Smith, who now asks that themes may be changed from Schuylkill County to Dauphin. because , „lathe former County there is "'laid . to exist among a ' _portion of the citizens of the said county a feeling of ritility t:, the company of which Charle•E. Beata Is 1 ... Toe affid i avits or Charles E. Smith, setting forth that he believes injustice wIJI be dote him If the case is • tried hi ScbuylatlPConnty, were referred together with the bill thanging - the , vett , to the Load Judiciary Committee ' We clip the above fro.. ' the Legislative • proceedings' o ,-- f Tuesday. .., is • looks rath •' er bad. Mr. Smith swore . ore the Legii jativo 'committee in Nov - amber, "That the coil merchants and miners were tingiwith - lam with the utmost cordiality ' .. frankz Iness " No w he swears that tnjustlee,would I 'be done . Man l y tried before i So h n kill ' Cointy,jury, /where he ,allegeili feeling - i I sts• ;against the Comptuayiaf Which he l'resident. Here is a direct_oantradictlonin t,voietfildavits: NOW the truth 'ls, theriiii nes hostility againstt the 'Reading Railroad , ", ComPany, but what does ixistiotiggnst Mr. ' firokk l itnanagement of the) Comtiliny.,' And ' ''"' 2l .besides, ewe think it is ratilei insulting to these '"lisniteuipus miners and soul merphants" of Schilylkif County, for- MOmithlo make such a charge agelnst tholes Who:give hid their trade. ' .We,holie our meinimi will re sent this insult to,,the people Ot Schuylkill --' County, onthe Presidia of. Ake Reading RailroactCompany; by rAciiiitOg the Leght tare not to grant request: ' Mr. Smith knows that halms treated the business corn- Munity of Schuylkill County :in ihe most -shameful manner'slime he has been Preside-at of 'the' rod and it is his guilty nokuicime • that makes him afraid 4. There is no danger 1 'but that justice will be donehim ire Schuyill kill County. , ' ' /)' - - ~. Istrsacusessur -•"Tile grant-Johuson oor retipondence, we ob erve by Washington de. • .spe. titles, is important aspect as regsi'ds the impeachment of xid3ew Johnson, and possibly, some of hitisatellites in the Cabinet. TheF Reconstructloe, committee • had the Matt it ow Wedared# last, and they wen , almost isnaelmirusly of the zeothilion that 0 Prelident, ' hi (Tagging den.- 4Srant to dia.; the Secretary-of Wu', acted ~ 1 in clear violation, of the last, and" this it showed a deterrainstion ou his part to deft*, the laws of C,ongress." Moira. Illngliamind Houtsvell - haie f been appointed a sub4conOi "tee to ihvestitte all the facts bearing mit t and lf as the Committee believe — , •the Pied dent fits violated any of the laws, said gab .committee ,are empowered to draw up arts..• •cles of, impeachment and present them at'ther next meeting of the Committee. The con.: , duct of certain Cabinet officers is also to be ,aav_estigated by the Committee,, Ind 14 so' ,there is reason for supposing, ennapiricy to i!lefest the Isis - exists, the aunt Ommittei is empowered to include ancliofflows lathe ai: ticks of impettcliment it is significant that, • Mr Bingham and other members at Correa who have aiwsys °Weed biieauhinent on 'the ground 'inaufficlantlitgai esidenCe br it* doing, are the prime 'tnoyers 'ln thine pro % • teeaings, and arc in favor Of taking initneni. Se etepi to bring Mk. JohMion 40, the *Of tut senate.: Thera POIMItto be little doubt bi the Committee that Jolmsam` hal at last ovliv• stepped the line,-and' Mt Vet himself ixan siletely at thenurcy ofeopgreak - ' , . it is stated that the Committee are idp*Mll64 'facts *Aix sting .iohniunk in•8000149 1s ~direct ,ilolation Of law, ezifitutitat s do . ; closcoobolOode .out _ 4' !..• lA,- be ItUPOibut 1 46 Ir , once pme . theTeDdlog !AU mdAtpikiltOlo .ceedwp l case d'impeachtnent, sad 0 0 0:' • diag.thit Pa: - 1: 01 ,g 11 4 10 m,t_ , or '.7.f' -parchment sgainsti any omov, - e*er • shall neap"- to act i#4l4.o24o.lspecity, and that in que the Prisident is the offal** thP. 4flicieSto . 4kA44 l 4 o fitr s!e power Malawi .latXklowlb, It lath , 110104111MMAL tft• 4 2 , trintrg PottswillnY Deals ' Ikon:. ' Otatal,' lk the: tog dlstalb Balkoad. out. bract Phtladelpi 41w= km so lUdant ti d y Y • 4 •l2mar AY Ike: OW, o sielCi t l i the sag ow :y/Ary_eit 'eted i * g2 ned In ttut, 04'0 - 1 1 , 2 ,0epeta - is _Thelsrsa, 7 in bum of 0.1sOklolci a • ' - . 2 . - . - -:3 - - •;.k • -. ~ ': -, " • ' We_l6l the aboveln 24. Fenton's; Phiii4 l iseiptds Rattled and Mining Register of . last :titiamia,y; _.' , -_We should rept notice it, tempt that It crietes;an impressiiiin that we have not give Itthesß4ding - Reek tbei credit for all She coal they ferried. k l at is the only in= fere° ce that wiy reader iit &emirate ILL-- Inter line tables we have always credited thecciii to Ilia delivered_ this of the Columbia Bridge. "A' ;,toaton of , what be claims tor the city We pug on' the line:to cra tespond with our tabu' . a The 7.s,ixiii4sr,.- , ed from Port Richmond, ansent sway' tutUgh*, - (principally !to N ewjersey.aid factories on the line of 4e Delawtire,) is all embrieed in the supply .I , :rnt: L tel_tort Rich- , trod - WEI did notPutfliown 'the supply 4, 1 coal by the Reading ' Railroad 'aid el as the whole .-; conaneaptioti : of_ Phi phill>,,, ----I We do happen to knov that eMvea at, Philadelphia'. NorttPi : ' Alga ROI" .Ala dt - ifrala ~ sliiti:x4 the Delaware and frotatseetrd.Orth bitetainins:teigiori. .-. itow as 34. 1,, ,: z gerneSt is so Aeby about, Philadelphia.Nbt . • :::;' 7'• - • 4/`:fiis Mier ., to condemn the gielilt , -:,-. :-. upc l is . Philadelphiao .. ". r, 'a l :' • ' back sys liem, by whichi: . . '7:7, ~. 'toely 93 mill \from the Coal.: :‘ - '7. , 4 Min. the; pill. ' ' of her fael .tie : , ,' ' ' -, lg f ior of life*: York, thus •. distiiiintiwW the cadvaemiril that Philadelphia blisitti_Welose• proxitull i to the'Cosliteeons ere- t is a wide field 1 opea-for the Philadelp la papers . Do you • sappiest that if th ey 1,. ' ' are Or New - York' if incorporated altroviti 'Compatty to carry 1 (foal or say other . ' Why,' say 93 Miles to thls . city, and won' , ,en ,ailpw a draw-, back Otto ceattill ton *lnst. • .wn citizens and give it to a rival city, to pia; • .er inter ; seta on the same froth* with her own, .uld' 'not the press of that opy raise inch a , , ~ Of, hulignation, that to.ptiiirteTed Company .: of that State would dlife dOIt? This will be ' a much nobler themes; wonhrof his caustic pen, than such a pettt inalu'ea inh as is eon.; tamed, in the *hove'Markt. We would be I :4lnr glad aerie the 4onsaitiptionof,cotil in , Philadelphia increast# to 'three - militene of tont, and It would have been &just - to that now if Philadelphia had n*t beds robbed of the advantages she posesjes, b the policy of the 1 Reading Railroad Co.'O *blab:the press of Philadelphia has connived by its silence on . the subjct. .: ,•• 1 ,5,_ . •.. , , - 1 " , . . Form eait i . ~. is 'co a t u re n Alik s • r u tT u l h,„„ ur tr,..„' , Di.e.,70,' . ,' ..!,, 1 Is used. than all otb er Medlelnes combine& 11, Is • only remedy that re-; ally Plaid°. the Blood. an has , rev lOW In curing rimmireich Skbost Airectim: i .0, dyne: and P i t - 1 eases of the Lim% ' '• • I As a rtenetsU remedy Cobol __ - ' ._.• 11 0 a Abs , ,,___,BonA and, broken down Mo usse const i rean ,r.... 4112 , 10 ongn i eg t. \ 1 zts 7l l ; ipe ei c i for min, Old Itenn — rai Bkenmatbon. and all! deflate and Nervous diselims: I bold k . 7 ,111 Druggists ' and deakm Dr. 88. PAnnan 4S; 0., Lancaster, ' -1%. and Chicano . lii.. 5' , Jan -5. '41 , 1-4 - 3m , ~list dust* izorddng . To t pkwo . ilMnstraetared In Lynch bong, iimongst, which er‘the sqll wing most rewrite breads. via; Ovoirutatsl4.43z3nsamom..Sncs - rAuTor Joists Mae. Dims Dice. kw' sale at CHARLE9 WOLTJEN 5 BI3OTUEII.IIIO Bantre Wed,. .. , Dion& Neck-tier and see. in std( ‘vei taiie. and' at redacted prizes. at D. 4. Itatttra.gmtre street. 11`mtact PiDDED :Erap#lol . belllndiGi artiClF, D. A. Smith% Cesare d ot. Szeone of the PRIZIg CUlrj In another .lemn it awarded to . Speer to ' g Me ;celebrated Port Wittythe best rape n e ever radar, n and WI .4.Wthe: lNi ttie standard Wine fn communion pevosm and the,' magt bezel:trial for fe males and weakly pereops._ Erousr.miLp-Vi r opi.—The bent; the only reli able, the cheapest. Wri:it: Mrs. S. A. Alletcs Improved (new style)gur IRestorer. or dye/44, tin. One bnale.) filyOvife and-children prefer it. Every Drriggistsells ..Frce one dollar. .34t illrnA Goon WAN br4VITEI ilantrra , Nol- h -All - No man with a reoirtifsear family. fe • free iron re peals* If Ida We is aoatrunred. dee J. 0. Loirter di C 0... adverneemeat, fourth Page. , ; THE COAL TRADE. ..~.».~~ I~t Pottsville. Atbrigary 8, ;1888 The quantity se* by Rill Road this week 1135,862 19 tons itlralost 35,990 tons for, the corresponding tirect last year: • • The trade sums p < this week as rollOWs, compared with yell/ : ••• • - m Ni 88.698`*61 6291 11,953 1 . 14,3,4v0 19,600. $57.123(0 5,08 V .0.012 6,6 r, 2,1E4 4231 Gilt 3,3•21 J r 13,6171 404,Ga 0 ' 1.' 54 , 42 r',l P.tR R 1 LNaIREt.I tleranttith •• Nth Penp C C Shamotin. Travorton Wtt. Mt. L. V. Co- Wharton. Brd Top. . ..„ ' The Weather ccfntin • ''s intensely told and creates an increased de ;. . °for opal in , the mairkets reached )3y the carr3r . lt clg2pittiles: There is scarcer:Jig) , shiPmenni ire. the dlf- . ferent porter . to.. the accumulatete in the riven.:' ,The only pott for shiPm •." . we believe at prernt, is from:Port 30tUi013; at •Bergen Poltitand of course the gretitly reduced priceS of. coil tudiliiiised at . Phila- Aelphis, which . *lll be: found triotelk lb our columns to-day-awl, prevent shipments except for imitedllito-usti, The dealers abroad will . clean out ;belt *du betoriAeY will make • y net!. plirclugies. . • -• I, ok Toe New York ilining of Bat - . • y Isat,..published the Coal.Btatisticr, which w e pnblisbee.the week previous; a life' van.' in some tiettPects, bait identicallyp same, nt.thal they Isere pot so kiltsp peared As tht. mehcent• ta b wh n benejli withoi. that Iry Poi of uttkint Mitten theirs more\ These talkiL Mining digxmai g ratiL T IS 11 4113 arranging - AtePoil . _t ... _ _.,... has been imitated by eve abet' i JolmaC. that balksincesittempted to ; p 11 these, Goal Stattstice4thelJnited State. Aild wears alao the leas dis po sed to.quarrel With the_ Journal ' Of Idinleg, tOinae they fully appr6el+.the situation of tlinlicipylkill Opel Region. end, ' t:4 ire disPossti to aid uslnihrovinkoif tie t;-;' 1 ninny that bear* so heavily on the . pros erity of, this V i Veit and extensive Coal Region -, Tun ?or ice ITax.—The Coal op, In' the Nalutoo_ylTlleginn wi ll :bold a goat grit tbe-RePiller use. AaVvadi •on ;M V, February 10th; taw to : take some "liin on tin? Police 4= of one .cent per Lou tit on now; to pay ill expenses the lame. „ "_ ' When the -Pence Bill was applied or by the Coal OPIFfitOIS they lik4ed r AC I, Vailhe Men% per ton tt:ntipportlt, beisniesit waken aperhrieut, til# its trlll.ct has been ao bejiefl 'dal is securing order-In the coal region ;-bat lhe.whdle'coulluunily has been , largely l*ne- Ate& Thelaring.can 01 his Produce with out fear of r:otoblypr imaininagodanti we learn that the Obeid - business of the court haS so dlrainlsliedAtatt it . tiss saved to tile eo.• pie of the9).1144 more: than It has wet.* austain IL i The idei if tt; • limit tie number of Paiiii:l4# l 3 r, tie : i W it _ f _ " e l ° ti t: cil tbtf - County-Thilueiry..e.Theptlee are Al4lllOOl . lastesery Jfs iti voal-,reFlon BO tltis: and A omits to tieniade a veil' nii*t 'feature, le , labiakeejeiejibrebo:pel*lee dea epesre- i goo le thcAtier,pertleqe of A/If:reps! reOng, 'i F. 71111 r -tll5 -..° 0Ca°11.4t44 609,4 . 11 0 /6 F . Pre , i *Tillneeteft* - 16 *oda** ,', T.: v -- - -- ,— * -7, ir' ► _ A 're to jaw .a- baxiiiici *ai r 1 . - - - 7 1 1 . vzia z • . , ~1 1 tail 7 vialtt**' folEiid,go to otiort4 41131 7roilts. --- iti: &Obis; rim c 01 10 0,1 8... _ , -,1,„:ce,t0 1 the tied.' ~t 4 -4 i caiiiiadaTed - to laa.4 • tax lasi any tbdoiit'irlidelaiii.'•? , ,.ot,l4. Mat i t • . 1 ,.' • tea aluOitiji tittia, OA in* 4 :Pli ; t , • ' "' ' . 16671 i1kd lbs„fta,t44: 4its*lt ;,, 1 . . - 10 1 11n1 Mit piblio#o, Mtn - ' ' 1 : : k i irlill e s in ie .lo r li '.- ,• . . . , ' 1.1440000 t • : _~ ~. .a'"`-; MOMS :~~:; , 1 1 , IA • - St. . hale e, •El R4re ." Mgr ,___.;'•. -1' -- '-400 : ''., * ' .50' -75 Wi t ak ,. . - ataitzink. 2 . i ''' , Aiiiitally:taicoal gap . . -.: . ' JAW P.4 l *-'.- delpbia. List yeai's rates co , tibne at Ptklii; . de)ntda tu4d on thi lini. Tb, of comlit , .` lA zatbps severe on , Isbiladelpit - : *kad . .the thie; and, if the Enanuftiituress,-& itand tt, they. liitlelnitrre inealatt *• Ihßil that we suppoaa.- , -i ...!-- - i ., ' ~ -- - ' - • -.-•..... '9 - Same of the trade below publiCation of these- rata; ready beta pUbliilied' else here, and we [Whit in Wart :to Abler wit ' time persons Quithisltebit- F Ifni! paps .. reaches all the prctuiiiterit &aim) . abroad, ,and it Le tight th '4 tamstoi,l;llmow irstaaVll they Potsstt in Orcbaring S -County coil.' t „ " • ' The [Nuw companies thit buy, mine will . sell their own coal, can !stead tutd the Lehigit Valley and Now Jet;ieybentral Aril roads are sp , :strong that s they can stand' it all°, and ply dividenis.. The New Jersey Central, i lkowever, has met Mr. Smith by the adoption of the following im.wepling tnyit ink contracts; and giving all their facilities to those who'send their crtsleove.r Oihir road: derma RarcsOio Coarawa or New Josh, Pinola% es Oeriria. Nay 'tole. las. IS6S. The fOttosirililegalation tiaa been adopted this di, by the Execrates (committee. sea WM De lint in'oPern tion forthwith. Parties. deshinr-to macro arrange - meets tar. tht preseet,seeson, 7114.1 ease apply to the binpertrarapent - • rarialw-", "Aron! not only -to the foture , prosperity ofd the road, .but to Schuylkill County ,and-Phil adelphiai that she Is not;liket 36 earn dirt lends again Lir some time, it least; under Present auspices. 'This ithe brought up on herself by,bigieediness in' dtyrsany,over I'a - tbe trade, she will havelt. r t es. •e -con sequences, Under these cir— .. stances we ,would advise all our ft'• s Who bold stock in the Iteadiag, t rid 'l3l it es quick as :possible. 'Au.d-lf the peOple of Schuylkill keranty win - only be true ltd themselves, the, system of tyranny, which has been so pro i ypreetised"wUl he turned into begging I .a. ' . & DZO. $5,9 ,. ,::', 353,443, 01,914 90,14 - l• 30::,7.10: 113.2 , 16 21019: .. "4321 '3,409 o,loii, r , ' ,19::,, 12,903 11,09- .- 63.040. ':99.300 - 6,810 , ,1.;,39.:i .1, •ZS ~.-. . ',. f4:3! , 41,991 3 , 101 , '• 9,'..95: 1 25! 1.012,1 •. 5,2,45' ',3,52.1 ioev, , .11,?44i 02,313 '- 117,57$ .59 . 2,212, 3i4,4 , ;(), , . , -cy • leatit thal. mil Company intend aban lot 'pi coargietifter. 4 nd Western Rail teontinning 'ley were Assns.. thC Penns - 14 , 1(m._ Boning the auction.. Wethcr the Lackawant.. rold and Coal Company interia their salei, We have not learned. the first j. to „set ;the . exiil44.s and bly may ionilniii_the practice. 'WE learn that the managements of the Raiding 'Railroad Coinmuly A and the East Peruisylvaula Rallrmsd CoMplftny are in con- SW. - ;fliati ReaciMg Company humbugged the EWA Pennailvanhe Coinpany into build ing a cut i on* at Tackerville, promising the ,ectallorusage leaping'. to New York, in order to defeat the building of the Auburn, and Alieutown Railroad. ,After they bought up tbe,Amentown Road, they refused to prirmit the East • Pennsylvania Company to carry opal., Presidentelytner was riot satisfied.= The Reading CoMpany purchased stock to • control the East Pennsyliritita Road and hate turned Clymet, out lust 'as they did J. Dutton , Steel, Esq.; . because be would not! 'consent to do . "dirty 'work."' The case Lai mow in the. courts on tin 'start of 'flock; the; ,result of which may affect theresent manage-; meat. I We believe ,the Clymerahatre con siderable interest in the Birdsboro add Wil-i yrington Railroad. This, however, is pot an Wage in which tyranny seems to flourish muchil, The people are gradually putting their fees on the neeks of tyrants. . • The case will be tried in thkSupreme Court Philadelphia,_ tc-day, Saitirday. When itliv' 4 a i nsaction becomes ,fully known to the, pub it will exhibit tmr.h a system of rascal kir ` as *ltalie the people stare. More than one repnt•florchas already been sacrificed Id this butiines,!! • - • Ns. :WASTE! OP Offill7TlTEt ACIT 13 REINti . A - , i • AND ITS TILIZA.TION. . .-.., '' 1 • :- 'IC • o I. ' • rip - . . ' •.. . __:_. • ... , le' In Europe, whe fnel la 'corn lively ecaree and dear,. there la I far, actual waste mining opera . . tiona thanherri,.and where each ornate re .it IF g(7- % Melly used ell in some 'form 6r • another . eve; the "coke duets-which is less valuable and more iffie`olt 1.6 consnme In the cirdinary way than. anthrtreite"weate . Lis utilized end Mainfictored into a desirable fuel-.. \ It is true the'greit belt of the male of -Europe in pita.' minas in chnract.e..}.. and cr.ausequently More . sivailable• as a fuel InIN naterat candition l -or as it, come from • the roines-Jban anthracite. 1. e latter Is equally as combustible, ardztalne v latent beat In equal bidrillan. the fo r.' difecultyJr , that' anthrs- - \ cit'e is l ,harder toluene, or my igniter. at a hichei tem, .pet`:retire than bituminous al. The fart novever, thaecilke dust to mode available, is e enfficient &mon , stratitua that antlaradte'can also be utilized:. In France arid Belgium the dust oe(Wieste of the Mimeo have tor'reani years,:bee . n manufactured into haul blocks, Lug made nse of hi preference, to the net. oral lump OnalifOr many purposes; While et the,pre eent. day In England, there is no wake at: the mines. though there asi'fbleewhe-e, the AIM coal t••culm") Pella foc loos irteettuin the 'run of the p I," or select coal. . ,Where male are highlyblbanainoui, es intire valley... of , the great Banawha, all the coal, Or the entire pro ductof the mines esM tie made tree of for all.ordirtary prirpuses ; but even: these no one thinks of burning any thine but.lumosoal , for domestic purposes. The finest dust:of the splint coal 8., when thretin into the botest fire of the steam : engine, or Milt furnace, will blare and, um to ashen Without cakhrg...Ttie Most splendid. coal' MI the world ll The same may heTeltikoralt - the . . 1 great li.'snawha costa.- ' :.. ,'. . i . , . - - 1' Some Tellies:A l essi also exiats in the; IllehrPotad (Van Coat dad) Of n greeter VIIIICIX le found there thin in any coil fllstrieti with which we are familiar.- The good 141(fthli bad , ant in close porluilty, and'no... w re do we And a-stronger prOtall in name aiainsi • the • mere vegetation them"' .4 4 •m at met -: Though ._ ~ .:.. a blinminocurcoal. we-yet iind vale. ;'ties that than • • Anti the richest hydnigetlided tO the nattiest tar" , -• • within the same acre lA' induce , area.nndle the mine -• cil warm. not fliehatudted , feet, spirt. Tiers the wpm 4 gitidt7 Is apparent in re. gird to the tineAust. or woke ~ as that which e s t i:" .ges car ittention In the sathraht - one. We f6rl mpg bespi of pure coil arounduimm .. .:. Richmond mines; only leis extensive than aura in ..- - . . . ! to they productiew Though brae mines are . ... . de.. eelopmeut than Mus by at !cut fifty years, and in • more Womble locality for the tra.u*artation of coal. 'we now ship, over one hundred temple every one pro ..-drieed in that field! " • 1 ~ - . "But:without farther digreesing„ we . may cite ,these two extrentes-Atere , and .heie-sa offering a practical sedutioe for the Pertlal,remedy of the waste difficulty. We do not mean to he underatood however, that thin , suggestion. though mentioned Jr r, M the big. yule Who may have the Curiotkity_or•pationce tolallow et; will find Mani' °thee suggeitioni which will' apses: More practitad for our present mid persona! flee. Be .3 In ribiard to the be,sefits_ witch would result•to our rebus. are easy =the able to offer witting intim . QM , i rtt-iting ttade, between - Port Nil taland on the Bilaware,'lnd the city of Richmond on the 41i noble rivet of i s Powhattan-except we vicinage Wilintrigtditou t&• • randywineror Baltimore for Port" ildetuncao our end .the water-line: - s • •- . Tua Theinto:roßrrniosircs sin PgANATLTANSA x • ~ , ~..4.oir,rrusracirr, ' - .i .One of this moat phactical mode sof utilising the an.. thraefte wise is-the adndxture of oeedhird to one,trlf by bulk Or height. of a rich bituminous coal - tirolble: , or 'the lowest ,pdoed-'-wltli one-half or two-tbirds of. Our rine - or waste anthracite. There Is enough bitumen in the Richmond or other rich ydluitelria and, ti. Cs -4 ment-tbe nirixtureimder heat &Immune, pertnnitent *or budietently so fbe handling. • . ..: • The first proems after biti • mixture. is the poi : zation, • or Mducticm,to powder; -,,-Tids maybe done • ..mmon Mllere,lbonnected in the manner of, break.. of , 'without the teeth, hat merely roughed or du-- giindinir la important and is not .. e -coal inti mately mixed and ground, • an . • pritti , „ to a moderzte beat -nay from, 1,.. I - • ... pps e 'rotation' cylinder: of on common : •.; '. 1. . ' *Met, temporary abeet-imm cop., -Writhe . - . ; The cylinder taunt .be Axed i . • .- fly behind the beliefs :OP tf ' , )g- • ...i• are used. they remit tre sat ) Wier Swami passes till•iiiit „ t ••• . .1 . : to the pressing ma. ) At mist" hu . handled •• • .. e ern &cow .. ition t. erar 'be ..., ( • .. 2 , , . . er rd ted. andly.i must then ; rano to I,c I , plater. Walk. eel. tooter' the . In the dad d a tna the plates, or tTryhig4 'arer is make. -TO thel from the mite „ertthoat ehineri. hit , on the pl ' turned ender ditheult etreurel There le bowler. another expedltiosa thongh mere r inception, Ilea to by the use toarretare &melees tit the d tasted of the hydneneeens coal. But , ~ : i ut t ion It le ba r ds:et 'calorie shotdd•heN hied. and to eon idth the AP lore ,sattibeteror erteasthoesto of the . aet as die easenther of Memo. Teel G.; bitGm i It requlrol thus elhatheltel Is not. r f t . nd "lB , l6talt i dietrthoted. -1 l a n: tem , Sistigy fitidd moo of tto cientdnof enitiotilte sad S. taohnoili cella i Is Inde'coaditlon the 'prepared theta. \dot le west lb Pe iamb* madam iftict - mane siren ..netaft*airet by tetteaistiesnearnewitia -TaletAk:theriitteed be en vatienadtrcia tae rtio so p, w oe we, or illock kWh; -, „. 10114 t'3i the , Puzigi° of Prtroilithe tied and"theelkoteolidettea It Into &Mrs block* is of many esztellea„ dome tortddleure tomateete and - -coOt and attar al,,eletitie endetaltaretfitaY._ , et 4 S=' let 11,4 the hreettod ith4eaceindal iestid.• am toe - prop eadd to operation. end 'otalKeently elloa la their :::The ytitticiemstmetel p_,l 'WA of godi i laseldm 4 Na, . 1 1)sits" ire 04 Pali" sad A oellthinetell bat we also thalpoiltroes. "Itdidedre.ritrii nteredm Ada; with "Wit vszik; .431",:wi:sail.camillamilef vadidione in utiiintitr-Thleitioldtheo will deadest, epees of how it to 11l Sestogal4 sad 'old sot loan leilicslo l6 . agow4hig tostelool power. it, nect“ilightegi Irgetildraandt hi peodetlivi'espedri , ,iiiiiiillsilat - oiiiiPiNi sat thaillids maid MO he' • „, hi tho tomella a POW° 10 ' - V ille PO r , if Woo se thhprolethitoli a I' * l . l ll B k dlet.:$ 0 • 010 46 1 1611 4 mailme*Solidseeetedhahilftlerie he teiotk sII ilimaialiiitol la . * $ 47 . 1c" . 'sirlitOitsll.l l oo lo. 4 sila a 1111 • atidliall 41 0 OAP ea 0 110. 0 66 0t.4. tss or' : ' -r> - . - .1 , , .. 1.-_ - :#l. ,I. i• 4. .t. :. k ..' ' ":s—' I,P ........ , . . .. ~ ..., . ....s . -" - - ' ' Ir j i• + ,^. _ ,e ,-...,•-, '1 , 4 , •-,,,, , ~..,.... ..,, ...,-.-- :al, - .. ~..,.. , ~.. -,I , ---,„.•• 7 t '', '; -' 7 . , ova /trite mg be iiiikeilleb eamilliNsil *llk a I Iweeettee altiao readspersteare etack . ailkeea le bi. • Wu! Int Malt ,- -It I Ali annibleek le natl. "Wit ' ltit. N ll3 s/ 044/1 1 0111 ° Ik 4 . 04 • 41411 1 00 . be idly PS* i - 1 1 4 ii*Ortne44 ll 44 l lnn. ea ... ' ,1ntirt,1nn. , 114 0 0 1 0 4, 0 4 ‘44 " w in t me a, pyintr at to twit ai a watilleile. 01, 4 taw- If tbelnen n &KOMI to wetwoildete, tee) the *Mae ebnt3n lain kw than Mnflinin 4 1 7 "nue lath of nibs stes.,„ . - ~. . V.IIIITRALIA COAL as twevestaere wee etweeeze '',...„' , -,„ ' 4.I3)WEItt, fIORDON & Co. I tutiadelphia. e3lerAirents eib for the silo of Ws rib- .. bed 034 whir* win be taped_trwa wbettst - , ISelosold sall basins as ron Cobalt tap inelenna • dtreettoet Mew net be *Mem* le them at ItiiNtee ram* New an ~ N a. ile t Stile ettett ~ .. in Wallets St, tbtlerberem- • $ 0 SIPH M. littar cientralts, Yebetteie 1124 .f‘tB. - . i. n. ; , hjeeted to the t4ey hive' al. ` ' tteieb Axe 'THE CoCo-vartatrehip ell oirg V ' • wider the Ann nsw ouoaliwpxril a. ~. ill Ws day illanolied by .si &meet. • JOHN WHIM • .• . , New Tork, Lk Mk • - :LOWS T. MEOW. . attiershreed have this T diy _fumed* Ocreart etahip =der the tirek time of WHIT& MMus 8NOW: for the tracasetloe piths Deal bdNrs at .71 1 kitY Banding, N0..111 Etroadeary. JOHN !, ! . """ : LINDLEY IL FOWLER. LOHIET. SNOW. ;Kew Tett. Pelenetr 1* ISG9. Ent _ Pier 13 North, Fortlitielimemil. SCOTT,_ WALTER dr, .0., pole Agents ti the MAPLE Daue - COLLEXIY."-. .0111ces:—NCOTT; WALT= • W.. 111111 'Wood , rtinadelpbls. WALKER 111108 d CO .119 Brow lkam York. 42.00TT, • WALTER& CO.. 21-De luis Bo Jan 1. ,Ess—tali 410 IC OAL 11PONLILIFIll11164rar; .Tiro Midas' Collie:dm is good 'wading seder. Alto to the Ethameldo 'rod llgatunaor Eadcw. oaths Mammoth Vela. two arthree toed coal leases cite be lad by applying to WA. H. MARSIIALL. 1, P 64-5 3m ~1 Shiunoldn. cOAI. Irrtifitifit; from Pt. Blelumead IfialPs. - i 21k s report. Ifireiglaws froiiintsabetiperit: 11' No report. . • , Pr ibis tram flialtinitre± .To Phi 151.4 Tufk— acidern ..... Sr Mil . • THE CO .MARKETS. , ?Mat 0r 110 AL B dA 0.. . , • • 1., d (COMM= WilttLT POST= ••••-11:e•-• • , AT„ . , VIIILIDICLPIII irOlt suimp - rii-f . xurr #sw savarger.,4ND *rN," SOOTS 01 CAPE 1111OSIt. , • . . . Fob: 7. VW. lihirmilin Red Ash stsa 4 SO aestnnt,. ..... 2We • Wtitte'Ash amp .. . 250 • • " ' St. Boat and.Bsokon..... 2Se.l, 50 , E g g. • . - • • 315•21F1'00 " " • Btove.. 1. 1 ...... ....... 4.005A:4 10 . 1, • .: .. 2 5110 75 iLoeroat 514 Lobaly, 4 253 4o .tsou Broken...; 5014 • " "- Egg OM 4-00 .0 , " Stove 000:4 20 " (Eteotanti • " . 2 751$ spo Luny 3, • - A , Bost aniq Brbkon. . t , . • Egg • •' • " Stove i r • " Chaitina9; • . • • put Tor; •• •. - - 'atria, NL Boat end Btoleti.. 75.L1.4:i • _ _ „ . 111 • ' .V.0811: 1 ' i) BollnyUrilf2Od -Ash ity Dist . fi t l • ” 011eatbutv " t . " ..Whito Arh Lump. • * 0 Stearit Boit and Broken..! • si mss - . - . • • ; • - " Etoo' ' " Chostnnt, Lohiati 'Akita:Leh L " Steam - Boat atMroken.......r En. " h ut, ir„e " 1131"tn isk Coat ac Pert visa -tamp, by C,afr , 'fic.ftuat'wlßrokan 4 ! • -• Egg, - Stove," attatiuit . " . . - Sri anion Coal at Elizabeth . ' Lump, , Auction priced . • Steamer. - z ate, Stove, " At private eta 25 to 40 cents a ton. Freight to New York 60 cents per , . , To trade by c a rgo or ear. load. • '_ Wilkin're - ‘t Pittston W. Any. , 50a 5 75 Lukens Val. E. Nish. , . 5 750.5 2.5 Shamokin; thitoor .14. Ash *... 5 50Q , 5 75 From.prd or . wharf, .75 oents additional. DeHgor Uteonimmers 7 00431 775 Gen creek and Cumberland Coal ~L... t.o.'b, at Locust Point far shipping. „ l'At 4 554 5 00 Sarre tte, , c oraro it orgetnum,..o. 0., are both cloeed by. Ice, and will remain ao fur tome time proba bly'. . • • whlcit otay laore led and itostlylo the tm heated to a . Ittion of Co M et twatoil.' kali* . aronizsAlED tatencrir AT BALTIRIOK f~c6uylklll CO. , Railroads { for 1888. The following is tho tOtantity opt forint week • wek. - emu 311trnili&S.11.D, B. 10,2111 IT 13,310 11 Sebtrrlktft - Talleyl3.oll 07. t. Carbon • • : .413 00 4,040 IS (!reek 1,103 33,617 17 BLACK BAND IRON ORR. Sant over, the MU Creek Rail Rad •For the . wee- k endleg cm Settrday Awe, , Week...,. Previonsly fieuW' fir 181114. thefweekesidin • Coal Trtide by, The qpikratty seat try , nir/day last: St. C1air.........: ;Port Carbon ttaville • try] kill Haven idburn,. : ... rt. Clinton I Total for Week Pretritwly thin year I • T dift Pane time blot year . . leerealie • Dee 1. rove Coal Trade-for 1668.- kazioit* daring the Itts, t month 1106 . 111. TOTAL. /.120 19, 1,14() lit 2442 111 . 1.52213 3,643 OS 8,643 od. Lortierry Croekk. tool 6PrIOC Uui )13 Caoisi • -LekiWADoel Trade Hr_ teleti For week. e I:4l , Batodsv lasts • orsne. j."..... 1 . 1528 Kt. Planal. fled& • .%UM 'Earlelgh -- • e" 1,096 One Bra& Co. , ' ° Ibberwalci Coal 15; kilo Bloat.. 11 Cotmeti Ridge 1.447 Back Mountala.'.... , ...1 l e llft NO, York & Lehigh away Brook Coal C.., i. " &We Berra= Pa. Coal Co:. ; ..... 11' ' oat eralne 871113 . g Mt, Coal Co I,3Sa - 1,359 or Boadoar X4 m,connelo Lehigh' J. B. Ltc Cb. (.=V1C0... , . . Rathbun CaklwellOo... . Glendon Coal Co. ' MT m !lo &al Co.' , . . - • Billtman ' thulmorerpal C 0..... . " Franklin— - 7' ve• Letilth & fa:if:CO.. TAadmegtro ' - ' Wilicoallam Parrish & Minas. .. ...-: 12t• Cad &Nav c 4 .3 Par4er Slow &Co Other VllPPela....' Mt. 'lrsia .. " - - North WaltertOjli..... M. Jena Coal . Vb. /.... —...., - Aka lanbach & Co Co.. . . ..... . :..... • Trenton Coal . . row cow , co ~ ~ . :,.......... ; 1 1 .1 =g Coal Co CoalCO.c" 'Thomas & Coal .C 0... . .... : . . WMlama : •IlLiatft. '- • Aatillutla Coal C 0... '•••• I Lit ailifiiirek7. .... :.. ...,... „1,;121 KoAnt.ltall Coal Co . . 140er LellliP.'o3.- . , . . ... ' lOC NelikPoet uost Co • . 'Everhart Coal Co Valley Coal Co. . . • • . .. .- i :: - 7 . sg77 I • 2 , - • thgt. tin* ji:4 l t r ilL " - - . . ~ - ... , r ~.. ..i iii..1... i . .... ~....---.=....-. Ai t. - VtlrraglB-1 4ticrlst••,•• " • d • ' • . • ~i T .4.111 ittinkft _LVIA -fOHN . =CIL. --- tuumanatent , Whaler Olt , i• e i ceige t ' = l and S I F ria , 'ate i. , 0. MOW isOr 1-0611 at lout)" lailoata iu mxsiped tei _rntilig' • L. 4111111 f Ski .w..A.t" deal Jo) Three* km" Is _from fir gab Da =NW dilNik 11,1412 ....01VIMMIMION 7 . ' ~ ' ORANDIOWIIICAL, - :.• 7 • F ; WEFTL. ::1040aLlowom . 40A.": r'• • ' • ..• •-• s -• d U, 4 11 P 4111 . 1 ~,,,, A. 111110ViALLIAli ittgiaina, . . • 1 • I- 1 - . H 7M11201!"!SON ;• itib 1 4 le • - _ 1. JACKSON. & CO. 'T. . . r :;: a iiii.i.isso.- i cceas , i by Vie thatied Ablift ) - - #21.1f0111 SMILAX, ga i tt±,;‘ • OP vieb imdiabseble did* mlidfti At Dry Ger* Odd and Mra Wlirbskelr Pa. FiftWor, SUM' need W,abr, lb* •••••Ch 18•11 tog Msebbissi jr.-± 80„,.•01•••11rier Of meld red's. las soft dad area le' ?Att. mid tr St 111 - . • st:goods for Winn* ildiXiders, Adokrept somba2ll at their sedircoar e t ddrir ' is is tam: %ban one 1 loan •• tbeb akar aill; suturally-deo **ol. _ y e irm I***2* by ball • edgy_ nut name sa d n ea s t iouat the s e tp ri = mill id Ilbr $l.- sad On. by tetanal= DO witk nu ste *in or. ward the snide weed emir stidumk We offer Ede helloltioS WM to WSW_ I f Urtikeiteel at hatchet -, .. i , et SO g .. • i: :.. ....,..: ?.. .,.1 . ..,..--- ~. , . t :, • . i .„. .. - ~-_,.. , >lb op exiesbidharb ;UMW Aneefie_ 1 _imas. 1 a fen*, !Writ fai Ow th, llo ea * mod kir 11..- _- {; _ y^. I I . 1 .11 MOWN a CD.; Dodd*, &op*, min, , ' libbli, 43 i i . 4 :: i . Shtt ' ! a . , • examicostimAt Os Public Iteboole • • t in g be add yrildsialoirr and Ttintedizr. • • •-•. itiuttW TlNe_ Aitijkis reogretrully la t attend. I 'U'S RODGER* " yogikviv t t. - 'I4-It ..-....- Dinnol.VlTldeld dair it 46,4111.7 ' a t m , _._ misusing ...Maitre • lat hereby. tri • .• , tbaArstnarablp _ ruled:kg between • . • . dendirsid. tn the KM NM Gas Pettee taw le WOE day - - bl amend enneent. Th • of old be wasted by Walter P indn ; U. B. &WWI will =dew War buena, at , • .• 1 1 .. -., --• 1/.13. SKITIV____ . _ • r' ' • , ...,...-' • WALTEit P. ADMIX i..• , 1 J-- , •• / SW ' . o ff yet'. g hit IMAM a -14111lialt. aidlaag.—Panotant 'l4 iv," an order of lite a'Wir rout al tt• -Count, et !Ba Kr im in tbeooutanitnieilth of Pesterybranda, the anbandber. Min of th e estate of Jobs Baud; late 0 the botoeidi. ____,,f , l !WM in **Cowry of orevoneue a , xPeee to ode ny pub talatl reu . On Illatiev= a nbo l 2 1 ,11 6 dig •r ieblinsei nett, at tnlttie' a;ternoon, at the- public Hame of Negazein Ta et. la tbe.borough of haw= ,* arzweedgi....en that cartam lot of idolise AM' . tie in the , said beenanhigattinsibui Rms. ,bcaided is mum"ikt a earner of lot darned by Rebecca Sehappel, on the ntelbeastalde a the Mare buipUtObanal along enli let nintbnanity ?SO bet to land - ot Gideon ; Bast. theme loatbeertuenity ikon eald land ID !bet to lot dittoes lieber. teepee *lobe 'odd lot aoutliwathe Centre tonspine. theme Oiler the aaina heiso. 4. 0.. 0 .3 kei La th it e i Coro a 91 Xgro ,7 .1. o. 77 ;f a il l i l ito l - eters' e dwelling ftsaewith • nneatoey kitchen waded; the ea dirk! demand. Trenneasil eon dopeb - known at the thee and place _et sale 1 t 1 lAltrild Ting. "Adnduistratar.: by . •By cyder ai the bfleogrt. . . , I - .• • :--; C'emarliechra: - Omit: pettseple,'isbeali • • , 'LINDA .011—;uat*. , I • I • "‘• Tat 3'y :iHARP'& CO Earl a. -• D •• RY I GOOtos t • p it i ; r9jr.441:!.,.P•11.1.0 E.S. • two tiono*ozoovit divessitted met in -thialtarket, et the •Nto*,low pr4es InFueot to Abe ebtteithok of velem: Thole too* is compte#4 'batty of oew and dolt& Ma We*. is Pam Oa Ate*. Dry Goods, to wtLith sxpAr4l.luidett setthe cheapest and choicest 'osretriagel t hi s p- •stet a liffered to we sittocts si Tagalog. in pus biopta tt . Foreircfila*iddrees . . • • • i • ' WINCIEVITEIt& i;rebinaty 8. • • 4-33." - 1 o trFucE 1 1 1 'No. 1 . 4)0 ISollth Fivarth street. • ~ ,' .. ' t i• ' . •;',,, -, , , .. D OU-G.L . A - : I -. 1. 1 '... , .. I. "„ • .• 1 IRI.CII.IILACRIVE;, _L., , I.i , T 1,„,. , he Orestes' prick *Skim, Offselifielet . i r - , 1 . 1 IPstessall ! ' --- . ' : 1. UM , in ftliroPeratina In Philadelphia; Iat_TATO3. , so24lll(lensiustpwrltori, Sid 'unlink eat li'm • _ , , • - I f -;• :113,000 . Ss I rdli .4111.Pprieks Per Da i. r. ills only rasehlise of thli ktril isrS in use Su' Cif 4hejltountalas 0 '• ' -': , II - ' 4 . . •tt • ' ' Rareß r i e p an inne r pen kJ*. E mir to ittlan; . _ cr,fti /fist lif MVO yl, 1 1. i • 9 .. , .. . - d=4,. , Pot CO iftIiARTS a d any In I fn i; dials •_• _ v_ NO 1.. ISOVOLAIk, _ •.; fro. 13111441111 Ifosralt tilt.i. Phtlites: tc,490 43 • 2,472 06 396 141 • _413. &Z. • a. 414401 • • 311,151 g 333,443 23 361,62 g 20 91,514'031. - cifiiiiiiiiims —34 off AALE Es. h', TATE...jay illudri Wri411'11 ..........i neri f at ' . 6 fili, Levert Pax** awl Mai "ammo ......,-,. -. of cgs Omuta PUP of scsallkill gatintl, 1',.: and to 'ma, Matti& thaw , , bee ared to a-ic ;' ;ale or outcry, on ,• . I , I ~--;,,, lladredely; le .11111% . . tilti., imart _,-"'"'' Atl9 o'clock in fors. 'at t he . Boise. In -1 77 the Borociti of lkill i , y, l'tilefcd "7°T"'""' loathe real oda% to lit% I 1 N.,. shat. Analogs* caftt iota or pieces ottgreinad. situate on the of laorsagtan and Ballard 2 2 2 .1 1 "..« 111 2214 Hseong i M Ptalitne. SCAMYlkill 00. ':‘,-!•••"'„.. marked and timbered oat the plan of lots, laid oat nabate Starr maim% 14 as &I. hooded fif treat 1 1\ - -,,, said Norttamarat. rut the rear •try aloha wide 1 ~,,,,` "Menai wet ow lair WS Rallrosell Erse. and as • ' • ''''..,-`• the esallidll*, ' tifflOar 4, the add 3 lots together , ,A. A . A •I 7, contaa in foot at Norirogilti litillet 4 2 feet k hides. •- 'MA NM seauramant to alialltelek 4 tbsconter of mor. A 7, 1, wegian and Railroad strostkand to Mad eastwertili iiTiN along Fiatersicula'stastot a 94iii!_f latent 140 lbst trent -''-' the on= ot Coal sod , s 'n .1, 44 Ift In width pa said le m ltilirrif t r init ecla itoV; "„"""--, M. and hi. kagth AO Oster odd Ihdlroad i . 7 - '' street lit feet, lad along la mike' Ala 9:3 1 lb* 4 L ticile taagVol r c i. til ====l7, Li' a - . Mims wsith Mee. - ,- : i ~,--. ' • • ' . ...a ,3, 4 1 0-:-All tans I add" cm iota at plex. a . ..t -- -- ' gronati:etuatti la tho Wolielth if rattrelleeticher• 41 ''' en 006110 11114Alledb4d IS 1 4 110212, 2 ° IM: • • i 011 thalitlier - 0 Oilite Ittitteis l tad extatall .blot • az Steel; - Moat southward], . 6 ", a L 2 taittbichea ad alikr, theme aloa3 add 3 0111 elt 1 '1 -1,- ia, Bigot to stmt. Rants soattnewik ......o i i.e .% ~ **Mai 59 4,loclus se that place nf. osonolos. 1.... sad mantand onliairisej Wftion'it Os VP the • - **'"'T hutaber4 and 3 onZita it V es witk the dictineilin : c' ' ,as comaptlnt pill kick states. 111th the: mkt Nahentorgro • j siv natts,.s - ' ''' 77;irca-Alisertala lot fir lAses:of.fraiid, i ,- 1- - • - -sztaketitfte - a n , nuidi a , ~,, 11,488 t,tbS .111$ 1 3. 1 10 1108 Ili 80 34"435 . ' s ilikleir"iial tif i g t t —le d u AsI E M - T rios 146 '747us na m . tie.alAViosaiewpl; 1 ' •‘ • 1 M I=L7;i siel4sl ; lotllr it ntthuitsei t e t s bae i s o s x o mfto. saoi m s 1 i 6 n a " g n s , - • Wl*anted,sdeofDotterels hi M . d e = r ont csils Lein_ s oDVA,LitteIA 0 b. 01 4 la *VW id UNA= A!liLiuptiemerriple et i M i IV int trWo orsitissiiiisfsEAT h 7 los " to aid piss A solithiledirby lot to loadolsgiffilid by :14 4t, ulds sat% sod Ad* ' AAA WI.. II 'M11; sidoll3nog. l a Whi.or IFIMiot A., Om reido=tilmO7Mds 1 of isid sor. Ishii oot asty Mork:- _llbiloAdr. Minim A; 4 liddsr, Mr y L MootioLlaidss 'A. WANK& Sliossokse.ollssrsod hilts WIWI Ado iglF;iiim:itimasse; .- ' t . i = , a two wain 'Atom olvenit Oasts . .. ar_imipem etbiontlll Cower bxosied r sierhod so WPM, to tots r,Oihmit • MN osithillAilylisa soda sidoosaisMstlast. ciitha sisimathe at Ansi thaw wsitistdtr slang slot to Dishl *TS ANL- *kir 411riesS. tO az* disy t AdArtriaddir MS Vaavjr.r...............).4 sw a nsitussAljd puss ad NV ',4l,fisii MN ono* li w=ablid,lhoostottli titeidit e"ai OS . :---, ' 1 6 0 = litalart IlutbiWTlC - memit, itig, - ii411:1 - amtpJA - ar , as A it , ill oselh — liast .'' ii.' - "Thiliiit VIII= Astak %it , 1.10..,10,...00 .: a.,..... rw it i n i tammi titilksir, ; 10.1Art, St ~ t ~y :~i~ i • folikiallis • ima. /Warms 4.4. 0 r; • • telleadk: • 111.1011.-114* BRICK!' BRIO THE MailM=l=l4 _ . • - , , . . 'ilidnew Ce ilde at Semi 0. - ' isielhalt — sal eiminnirittridieldnaleodt IL .Waidlik- Oinnad sinedll=ri t Me 'MUM = v ery . , triairii A= i . dia-411 s train lei or Mace el c = to adallek' I,,,illtri=ol-15dholiba I— lorePriller I, .seitsdeltr Ist 'GC; • liallph . " sods to -of Ihekst titasett! I big =4 1 4, jeal isdrt oe low a:dls 45.01 90 llem s fl flagib , . ..• , . . nee 4: 4 4e-Zia mit h x 4. l6l .. go of =ittni6 i 112014011 • i. • mend , led thriller West, by Id og Xsta, yse. eolith be ke , „ 'Jett: :,,• l• • - coot-brill WA& Shatones. mWiWw tet • . . stet mail deeds .110 IleaU store or two .. - segeritsesinask catideoht or 'of san s temae Wielileglipent; mil. *veo ' o ifill s. - ;• ' ! ;', lio brat! itignouNit. .lipid ~ 44 by hula of lidelard . 'Hess Ble w. Jet* ; Doti " 4 .l*ln i r l !' - :eastFTicri‘siorsl fi guis,.. .:-.1 .1 ; , " -Jra.s-niutibelpi Blek delisted', Of raid. Wage in MissitTohnibli9. 8 , ..i1ul Conn.! VA Ind mmitedes. as lots _Nos, Tarte IA themthil Ding 411 Welsh be led isitesdieg boehleo &NC -anded izettsnifdil by ftottd West easenrdly by, • /*pm 1.161 Weil steselly lermsebse Whet wide elhtt - Atel ' - • • ~. :b e l l let Indy aited,br' lila* IL.,Fwe. itids the • - - . eoludating of sllti dal ti . • • ••; • , •WiilMehe hameent weer the ems*: .. . - '•' , , - • Nal '..41. dist Mews . • or , %A n land ideate. la 'Bleb tiatemidp. •-, hill '.amindrid___ bZi h i & a m o d e l et , . • ~, - /7/XUR. de tessoClMlAl4lo9s PA* ' ' • . - '' Pc:l4 more Pr ' a- All titillatininlet or piece of had. &mg& • in Bash lloweshili, 7»lil. . boutdal by lamb of Wait Blew. esetwardly;illmiL'Pand. welt • *2O tort wide Ailey. - northeirdi, y, and .lands i- , ! ILI Feed. , lonthsenily. , miili - I.acres,.. - . or lae ; .as the property Of Atto--All those Mat ;e: Mtge tract. of Malland - Plnegnalkind Branch 79 9 0105.11. Plan:' ray hounded and sac ' m l °mat, Whim namely,: • the. large tract tilled - the. Red Mountain: tract. eavedteg to a semi of the same Made in May, A. .D.. 190. by .lames! B. Phhete.! beshic erg ntnid s o &Web le serener anon= to both of the teacts be retn described. thefts liy Ithe of the smaller team herein described south 19 , erases perches mid a half to a Zirixe by WA ilf taholdsAbun Zeta north 61 wit 2o 4641 potato memo WNW by Mod ee l lament Breetim , degree wed IWO pwebee to a pestles:tee by 'of Jonaihanf Zetbe ant.lona. thin Albright Meth be degrees. warted perclus to. a pat thence by tied of tbe **star* Cod ,Coropma, watt: Ile degreeeieest 11 perches Ws wok thence matiti2 duress list 64 perchmto a white oak, thence acedblo end a guarted Sweatt Wit 56 perches to- tbe Place of batinnutg, containing 650 wes and 33 'Perth. n es, more at nes, .• :; • , • - • - . the • And , Mna ton auctiey of same, mile in Maretsber. Al• D.. 3.543; by Samuel fatal, beginning it s pine which is a maw Merman to bath the tracts bends described. thence by . heel dila larger Met herein described south ITX Met 116 Sad ihreO4nOantninOn to a=l ll9 hhie Wald of tbeintszetbal Compa ny til wad Vaud eixalgts:Perehm to canna .in the d(• Counil med.nalthence, Al ote the said. road b - the Weer mums filirediesillkiwgioltedi let de gressweg I and Mialentbe pert-best° &Moto mete sycidgeetieweet tl and sillenthe perches to - ISOM thence north 14 degrees, watt,s perches to Woe, thanes north . degrees West 1 , perthes to e strise...thmes north 1103 l degree. msst 16 and sine:- tentlw•petclies _to setae, th imeenor th deigr' see west Sand it.. thil pen:bate a etwe. theme north I,Yf - degree* sutra to a, thence north 15 de r gew lee nthatenttre lt Maase. thence ;north .1.83‘ sit 5 sad nteelisone perebee-to it• stQoef thaw-% degrees east.l4 aid three-tenths pee d:este &stone. theme north .6 delouse mat 19 end tiro-tenths perches bate pla t e of beginning, iodate.' tag 16 acts and 101 Perebes. width said mortgage hi: recorded to mortgage', book. No ...page516,...te., with the applutnasoote - maths sing % of 11 . double 1% dory buns mimes. homed 2 1)4( story flame milers" based. &al - a small frame coal breaker,: as' the mop. arty CAROBS= A. PAILRIOiI; Jr. 4 . , .• Ater-4Alltatteertaht lot orplece of gthend, -situate in the Borough . of Addend. Schuylkill County,:bound ed oath bylot of Michael Withesetn, east by land of I lan p..Brock.'oesalt by Brock street. west by lot of A. Loam contathing ln !width 25 feet, more or lees.' 1 And in depth 150 hey more sto orry Ws ;with the emunte- ; WOO. WOW , * Of a I amedirellin with tem* iltehes annOnni.- fr Inn a frame M ade: 55 the prwil of 1810BOLMISOROLI...: _ e .. I • - . 4114 Na. i l-4tll - that caftan lot at piece ef rroupa. Wawa imsw set dee of h .oest repatha stre rg et; , In Wynn Addlikat 'th ile • Boroug 'of e- gthow ndod.nodth by lot of Km Mut Mat bthey,y lidlroad stree , . oath by other lot tifJohn Backlefind • 'weinhy Mitre inane, containing to width 1111 feet and . in de feat the totwartetances. • comisting • . OA rearm dwoiling.--loonse with atone base- milt, ial a snide. • - !, -, 5 -0 . 0=44 t certain lot or pieced ground, eiblT'. Ate oaths eldest Centre street. in , Wynn'. Ad- ; erditlon to th •Nceoughbf Pottedlle. Sclualmll Count!. 1 -. wooded by tutothetlotat John Buckley; emt by !. Railroad sou th by 1M of Henry :Owner, atd. west la Ce he drat. cautainlog In wid th 24 feet. and' ;in delotli . feet; with ther. apptinf engine , consisting Of, • 3 flame' dwelling- l AD With stone_base. =merit. ''. i:. • - ' • ' - stone su t , No. a-A th at - lot oi. dece :of a, eta , aitabt aitiNom ate in the llogotigt ofPuttmille. 13they Conway, being lot miark,ed No. S$ on the nap or plan of Nor - weenie Addition to: Pottering,- and bounded -41. e. 'scribed, as follows : !B;nW at a post on the . • wadlyiliti of North start. MOW by lot 'jacked No. MO on Ng 'map or plan. me th 19,8 f . west 433 :. let 6 tos punt, .hang by land now or late of the North Coal,. Compsey north 10 degrees; ;eat dB feed 6 bathes to a poet.t.. as by hada Da:lw Pot; t i red .1 degree Wailes emt ,155 leet and 4 inches to a pod. theme - aloe the nertbwardtraide, 1 of•Noith etteet doremtd south mg degrees west - 639• ' het 9 Metes to the'•Vsete of theit.: nciing, containing 4 meet andl.3B pereba. •,... - - ,- : • . -4 • ; No. 4-41.11 dot certain let, at pima of be „env Me in Whinoy Cita. flandidll Wants. thg lot Ns, tin tdockl29 Mf r tth map or plan id And ilscuutb, bounded northwardly by. *Were streekeest by tot No. IL seen* by street, and .wed by -lot No, -5, ocsl- watt ti Width II feet and in nOPUI boc k wh theramortmenow, conahtligt of all story dwe it l.! ling hones and einuat stable: in the Prollea7 :i:if . JOBN BMW:Y. , • •..• . _ - - - N. , .. . W.80.1.4._ AU phoe64 eantiffni lots .of grotto. MAW lathe B ongo of &Beryl :Rage, SchnylkilY county. citnteinto fr ont on a9O het aide public &Hey 20 Seat slob . extendleg , in depth to a 10- feet alley the het each. and 'nuked with numbs' 101V1T, 18. ana 19 manding to $ plat' of: iblward . Robley, and I. tottalug pedant lots numbetal 44,;45 aid -411; • in the ' miginal plot OfAiehnylkill /WOW with the improve.' ' menu& translating Cllr *May 'frame ewe bow* and I.stoiffrensei shad.. • • -•— J: ' NO. AL-All tmight tract or dece &lend. situate . in the Township of Witynealebnyikill County. bound- I.edanilditiedbetas &aloha to wits, Megierang at a. I nag In s itneeflanditow or late ne - ,,John 6,OCb=III, beethe'deng the game meth 3it degrees gist 12 to a itnee,tneace dung , the • Mlle nottb 69 = gut Ingerthes to &chestnut tree corner. thence Ma th .laof Orem yams 1.59 Inn .nine4estts. percher -.+o a. public road : ,thence south 85 degrees west 14, prides to a part : thencegeethafdtegreen - weft ye- p er C., esthee Ito a pat: thanes se MX degrisowest, .33 bee t* a pcst : - th ece m bee.- sox degrees west fig le a post: . thesteheouth di.' degrme wed Se -patches l ig /toot thencesonth .36. &gram east .81,i:etches .ill the Plane 4 1 bellinanir. contailhee 66 serer, moko - or ion, *WI thi wurNanens; . Me. the estate of JOHN W. OillAMlAN•Wdeeemtd, tn-the bands of William • Le Shatimluer, tillstrator of the estate - of said de. sirens; with sotliehto Nary :h c filisiondstr, William A. Saoemakezi a r J. Shoemaker.. Louie% A. Shoo.' maker and in A. Shoemaker, widows and. heirs , of add JOHN W. OBBLABBIL, 4.. e - , •-• 4 , - Ales, Ain I.—All certalniot or Seth of. ground ' duenttu; toe ! rengb . of 1 a -m . 'eo &Walk:ill County, immded . wattle by lot No. 1, block Nu. 5, (it being lot utibildA'Nalkot), southward. ' T I O .IOOIO, e; ;deck No. 6. esetwatilly by 'Jordan amt.: end wedwially by West street, '.emtelolugth width 30 lid and ill Meth lnefiettiand bell s lot No. ' 5; in tatick No. 5, ititbe =Poi lam of mi boiduktt at made by P.-),N. Sheila .ilt MIA UM, ' the sp. purtmancel eonstidlng of _it 12.the7 frame fandbre No. 2 4AD the tight. .trig' Sid tilt ' -of Cyrus -I. .Heller. °f on and. to all the ltertallt,let or piece of ground situate in the Borough of Shenandoah, Sthuyl. hill (Chi:loaded in front , . bel lain street, oe the • . - roar an Pi lest wide alleytinthe nett% by lot of Dr. J.7g. , Oh the mink by lot of Joseph Biddie, the. a is ; th easimisw illest and o le a depth 2 I,c,m - ,l6o tritae feet. i i - wi we th i.. ileg ' oaths _ Wry fridlyteek bathilltftaillehed, ecalt*st ' niaii, IMMO 03 , .._ . .T. - ' - • fl b'o j tf—Au the rlghti title' and intend of Cyrna J. ,gellers',o4 le vaa to WI Shit 'certain lot or phice of 0:1- :d il ate Itt the - Bormigh . ot - letesiandoth.. ' Ac ups i blxi X i b t Xt t rie= t rvitr x cii 9 k ik -the - tie Joiden street - . Oad cm' thei great by'Weat•, street s containing in Width 30! St. and It: depth 150 - feet end bdng,lcd No . 713 block o. 5. on the papa' anatine Wei Dwane le wile-- by P. W. Shafer, in tay,1859, with tbe impulestancee. counting of a II eteryframe cerpanlesTaboz I 'Wile pipped)! of Clf- RUO',.• ' _!, •:i.A.A' • ' - • _. ..._______ , . Ates=-1111 thsatierteinrraetl oi kod. -- alosie .lathe Ttraret °lrma Schuylkill Candy. 'hounded 111/ towel :Beginning Ili iljaiiCost, , cn a l E.Of laid 101 l 193111 p :Pfeil. thence fry...abbe last sisentas it , ==bel smith six newt= . alstloo perches to a obestattt north TTX delve= east liiperebes to I dux rt , Mt &Wert: eat itt. ;aches to a i losta.,.essar tblune sceia by um iand , derresi. of mina 10 7/Lorr onses ano = I P. =am .by i lnd of Henry Tambo, mod} 11 oast` Haase_ Whoa stoarcnnter. lona= hy .isif AMMO! abort north , 1 degree* arlaKjels ea l ' ts 11 stow north . 11 'deans was Ito ' sod Ye-ten Val e = and oath rig de-. trent , f. ' d 6 .lerches to a stoat. ;. sad ; at WS= Schnabel stora Mersa e s sobeftis. meth a &gran sad IF parchns, north' 5A11N1 6 ,1 4 path= north raidelierws. eon la WISP* ignag r anal *AU "pelidearaorth 21 de. Ves# lo ## # 111111 1 11 # Sarnotwat 19 predlOP. AnOßßlagiPel 111aelasolorthlti doneness= a =rase toe ebsamitadt eau= • thence by lands crf - Jac tb liessenhana e a r, ti 4s si dispeek east SO perches' to sibecb.leth 11 Sa pathos to a stooe. i tess and north isT 'aireitlr.. ..pais to a mser. and tbannity Snip t 5 4 11 ,1 , I N degreelast as u i m a, T dant= west and oath. -= peed= Co . Os :. at bent sang. an saes,naces , oriese. with, the aptnte. Emu* ortiT GC al fitsalinats litvern home; allthel)d upplatclene as bin Ind a , . saw telaM b t ty Id JOHN Loan 14 b iki r i ll Bet and(l a! l artet . . Iss z t l ailey *out by baciaa of Joseph Whildeld.• preperty of Ram maid= is width feet actin depth 16 t. with the coastal= of a hit ' Alap stoti rl"-gi dslt " l"rikell tdoon ee" bassai r' cat. : the that 'attain ; dr of rated *Oita la the , ' at lichurmal County. bandied Swan area. welt by 4116 fist Ws alloy. lics tank Mk end north by (kn. . 1 0 =feet. taining 10. adtti 30 bet and tit ftth 150 fee tot NoLl, Bina A SitalNN4 oaths Laird pad 1114 1 by r r w. libestes of said Ilcanagh. LA...a-Ail two Cava continuo= lots or =Amu/ Q eaot ta" . 16 the Bcc ri g t4= fret and la depth:l6o feet. boo*oea ninth byot 'No.* ;Block 44 fast by Road* :skeet. MOM tit P lot No. # Jficaltal. and wad by fatal= nag any bead lad Now Read ala Moat- Ail. wit mart= as Use nap or plan of said Borough ot S K henandoah, nude by_l. It: ft,W'rk t 0 dirrat _ p fTHICIE CONS!' ' ,i1,41.v ihsOlatarest ot a* A. Mora I### . 2,21 . lIIIP- 114 ,IN , Pf Folt IMPPIe. W may-Mtiow-- _ Jaw D. DAN& emtb 11ed or, pstserr web wwwWwws and &wir es II i llaw OWWWII. I . OO Was_ th. =it amid vs& Worn ' Wikowies wwwWwftiblow Not ilimasidisoi lad Waal Mem* Owl mow own 249~1111setaMaeD eft* abissial log e irspe sseatin WO NA emersie t o sipost no tS ;sem arm_ __Aitentiii7 Mai Nowa ersimerimakto samoult• -0,-- - 101dAwAnt wt. sans _ _ _ I !,_t ;pr ' I 41 1 earl 1i6141111,0 i t tlitiaV.W 1111 P = l, ll=trer Ow Iltaiiiiirt• 11)16 tripe 1 i 7' at Om MUM otellpll.- Wi; ItIVIL aM 1 Pialif [ Telmisook It mg OiIINEW-4 1 i* Volk* , idosigs•Npl dirk • fato.- et 'Politttne. Clair% Itirsagraka. boo, sigma = % NI: alt sispetinat Ibt ariM di at W. Wog PooKle. la the 0( addsall ' to sistaissid. We gib was. •to fa, tlw asianaba t 4l. 4., ISM Ai ed as Paid* or =new. Wks da Cagtearea. 'l7Ettett etattto tot tbs Ream WOO at 1401101 ,1101 4 , Thad at Prititer* dr tab air ot ,tilb s it ie.. . D. Isis. i . iodacuma, mu. _ • ' ! 11114. 11111 • • _ -A.D.. air Platertur _ Featastemait.ltraylooloa. nrtskiihele ffiverleeeke t ea tho nth *jilt assooly.XD. 1116 a I llama to Lo om the boas at RlCltAltD a V i a- LU• X& of Ihesiattap., talaa l wholes taelts toseolottr of &blown, sad theta at Peatall. atitethat Benk-. sent. ait tit= rt s, Iretitinit ; that the lamest o f lav oat s sod ot soy popertt. lwoolatbs to wth. likkinpkto Wit ,or lb: an lamina the ttioadhiat tit 1001011011 ' ; that • at this Chodttoso OA .sotd PliWbv% b istoie their Mita. esd la *ease ow or, Rum' SRp ow of kb Ibtato.llll by NM* *Gaut of ar e to be Woke at the atm of SOWN 11 1 =, hatehmettle.Pasattlyants3lefore TORIt P. Hop/INT.' MOW. on tle WO' day of Pa 1141•111 , • teb i s 6 l t gowbox Meseeeest. . . - ii ‘, - X, D. ew,aosraessiferia. - • 1 --` PinorwaysteMOs'l4.. ISIS. ' v trbls is; Us w Ise Molest Tbst we Ow SOO dayot ,- ill Milty, A. g., nes. sn 'Mai Orensat in Bank. TuZiwas -Weed awdest the Rate d JOHN, ot OorloWeun. In tboOosso otbebor. rul.-and of Pessellrents. wlsFtwi been adjudged' a on hi conk Penbion ; tbat Ibp pluneae g rot any Debts lead delivery ot any probertt tra ,, snln to nob Stoking. Whim. or for hil,00:1104 Uw Warsaw et art propetty by On are tlnbibisnito law I Oa a Da tum Oselioff lot the emittow' et aid Dintrebt. to prove WU Debts. and to abaft dos or war.° of hbastere. will bel teases Camila . to be. , boats it the office of:JOIM tki HOU .In Pats , vine. l'ennnylratia. before .101Thir. Ucl ,Urogie. • tee.: on the 26th Os of rebroakt.'itL. D . ISIS. at diock, AJIL . . .' _, . P. C. ILLIIMULE. • rebs-4-st ; UEL Nalitga. as Mereenser• 1j . •l,-,j U. S. aLtibillatiti 00MR.} 1 - • i tTheemerr or Paseauxam.4. • • Y" inslla mmm fary'ail.ast.tmni. February 3d. 184 --- J 3: , - frills io igias notiosi That on the Visit ,day • 'A J ofD. 1110, a "Rfant Ettoluifot. Sy masitstied asitnit the • sitate!oy JOH N seamy. SR. of Warm TOmmftp,:ln the Ocanty of fichaltill.. and Stile Of Pennsylvania. wkirtais Well adjudged a ,Banlcmpt l on Ws Om Peßtton that the ent of MT el•-buissel delivery .ot ant ; pioimftl helmets to such Ibuitimpt. 41dtc oeforldinie. and the Imam of any property by Min me forbklden by LW ; that a metal= et the jczedltors of the laid Banlmept. to -prove dielr debtad and to choose one tm more atedgnees ena l stb at lila eitmeor be held at a Court lit Rankin_ elm to be holden at th olllee of JOHN P. 1:10R. in Pottaille,'P walla,belt“JOHß P. WRAP. Register, on the Al of Febinia, at 10 (Mock. &Li ' f',C. XIXANSP., ,. • Feb fl-ltSt 1 - . :Et. S. Maisbil'as Weeseager. . • T . natilticir CIDVEIT Oro TIRE: IN Vatted SUP.Me am tic ' Itnamna DMIArKt ot Pemesylvsialm. 1 ' i : In the mattq qf ranglacic.L. pOSTER of Pntta villa in ry' e Coantot t3cluirikl4 and State of ;Penn-. Tboveld Bankr ßar upt, hiving ender set of Corgiripri of ltd MOM, 1%1. tint Ms petition for 'dhoti:arm front all has debts proVable lade: the gala iiri. and am , s eer. Meats thereof. alleging that no MOM base c oons to' ' - the Wind!" of the seaWnnm.. it is ordered that a Meeting) of cradtterene held on the third ila, of litarch;:A. D., 18118.4$ 10 41104, A. M., betinitlMßegiater, John P. Hobart. BM, taps office tit the Bgb of Pottavil.e , to be continued ;by ndJouniment - if uecessam; whirls and where the - examination MUM said • Bankrupt will be tlalsbied, and any business of the E second and third meeting. of =editors required . by tile twenty-seventh. tm=y.elghth sections of the Paid art, may . be. ; and , that if neither asidmiee or creditor: moose, the Register artifice. to , the .Coat' whether the said Bankrupt has In ell thin . 1 conformed .to bis duty under the mid act, and it ;M. what respects': which certllleate and the mid ' when closed with all other papers relat to the case. will be died by. the .11 later in the el '0 office. ' ' lt le fat ei, ixxiiztatkra thee ordered ttuit bearing be , the said pen-, ti on to:Alm:barge nd certificate h WMnriday,_ the `loth day . of March. 1848, before . ;said Copt at Phil ' itielbbia. at 1,0 O'clock, A. it... iiit witeni*( creditors whebirre proved theirl4. and other pnr-, san s Inliszemmtuay appear and Show cause, Ilf my they hate), why Arid mum of the Mid yeddon Should not-be granted.l l : -• , t ,1 , ' am SVI tnesithe Hon. Jol.llq ;CA:BTUS:ABER. Gage Of the Bald District pan and the sail at Philadelphia; Lie litth da7 of Palma u7:/, ' 1 : 1 ! 113 1 c i ' ' • I 0,,, , ,13. PDX, Click. .4 tfit f rA: JOHN P. HOBART BM:, Register.' - ' • —Feb 8 Iti ~.. =, • .I i I • • ) 4-It -. XXIV 13 TOR'S irfOTliC X.—Whereas leuers. E of .d.dmlnhdradon on the Mtge of Wm. G. Grim, deceased, late of the IfolomM Of Mt. Carbon,• have been granted tooth e enders AU persona Indebt ed to kald'estate wUI make • mediate payment. and* those turd= claims anted • e Same. will present them for Wilmer/A to ISLXAH GRiM. XL Carbon. Jan • 9, .69 -Aggutox. AA niiirtiOTlAirifir4 l tirOTlON.J..-NOtke ts hereby Oren that letters of Administration on theestatiticitor "ThMiTart la te pi tbeTonneldp - of grithrip in ' .County " of nettuvikUl, decedra'A ' bate been granted , o - the understate it-14,11 persona Indebt ed to said estate Ike hereby requested to make parent and all "persona !urine claims or demands against the same are requested to'mrtire thenal known without de leTto • wat.i.pip*As. - edlathietrstar. .f or to hie Atterney,4l); .k ....; n „. Centre St., Pottsville.. Feb;l. 85 1 , • GASP IR THE insirnao covtaT OB TUE . Vetted Matra Dori time 1g astern Ditteiet of ireateylvaolo. Jt BAtigRUPTVY. In the matter of JAMB. P. EMEIAnW. a neut ron'. genera Diatrietref Pennaylamila, as."—This 111 to give -notice that Ike second' general meetineot the creditors of said will be held at Pottsville, - irk raid - Distri On the 11th Asa of February, A .IX.. 1515.. at 10 as A. M.. at the Mike of .JtrEilf P. HOBAMT, one of tin Registers le lisolcrupta in said. Vent/I,lor the purpose named !Atha Twenty.ssrentb Section of *e Bankrupt Act of March 4d. ISM. • - • Feb , • THOMAS Assignee'. , Ijlll THWDISTIIIIICTSIOIIIIIT OF TAE . Isis d Stateafer dike *sisters District stroww•PltetrurwatTl. saarratupTcT. • In tho matoi. MIME:BT. Pottstilltv Banitrept: To whom it concern i—Ttie under 'vont, John: IL Millar o _ gothrtille. Schuylkill COEttal.. Peturisyleanis. hereby given notice of his ap t=s sesignee of therrettate of THOMAS of Pottsville, to the ikienty of Schuylkill, ' District and who war, to wit. on the llth day of, Povembar; D,11347, adjudiredaßankrapt ea th e pe tition of himself byte District Ontft, , of the Dulled States toe the Eastern Diatiplotof ;Pennsylvania: - Dated at Pottatille, the Stith de, of Jatinsry. MS. • , ALMIUIR, Astignee. 1ch..14 ' 0-31 . . --- - Fm!Tiaz coviair •Coosuitori riLit.o • IL, if Schuylkill CAlutri.j .• . • . , • MATTHEWfittkatiti 1 ... - • • : . •,-• • I • • 4 • f ' t Le. N. lit -pgite,THY WAY; owner, Or ,:' n'Term ; •ISra. _• I °WE*. and L 1 Sep t.— .. , —.• a Clantraottn. I. • - • Tbe pad; in Auditor. i annotated by the raid dart, ••to distribute the fund ui t.kpurt, to and among _the lien erwiltors." 4 / 1 11 meet. the parties warmed for • =I FLIPPO of t h4sald aafoistmerd. st !us office at; .1%. ISt Centre ti in Borough of Pottsville.' on Iteedity'i th th da of February neat at 10_ 'acid* Ai Y., w en and *bu 'all pars one are bere-' by requitedlto m anna their , stables or be debarred hem • coming-in apart the paid find. 1 , .._‘ , WILLIAMiIt. WELLS. Aialtori - PottSville, Joundar.29. .. .., 1% ~ •. Mite la tie gisessetiee i. 's That malls 90th day of I January. - A. II; Their, h• Warrant In Bankrn was,bsual against the 4:dative! JOSUPB FPO of the City ot Trenton. State of New 4 oho been* kludged a Bankrupt otitis own • ; . t the payment .of any debts snit dense., of any prep may: belonging to such bankrupt, to h. or for; Ms nee and the transfer of tnymroperty by bin rare for: CI bidden. by law ; that a Una of thee:tattoo; of, the, said bankrupt. to prove t he ' debts, and to choose nee .or'; more assignees of the estate, will be held 'at a Court of Bankruptcy, to b eholden at the City of Traci tone ton e to of /iew Jersey $1 number 48 Bast State tit., bef WHITFIELD S. SUMMON, ,Esq.', Register, on 44th day of Hannay. Al 'IL 1060. at 10 o'clock, . . , , -- ' .-;• . Blikr*JArt lilleCON; - ' , • Feb 1.18--t. iit` `L' U.: 114mbill.an7tmeetriter• ' - . _ . • u.otsamos opri Dr os Parninvair Barra. •Plttan s . aanaary 24 lasS.l Tab le to live Nod; 'Baton lhe kid day of January, fA. rh. • Ms, a:arrant In Bankruptcy was lamed sealtuit the Estate of ealiAß,lf. MOORF, of Philadelphia; in Unt Om of Phtlads4. and State of Pennsylvania. irlin iniera adjudg e a liankmpt, on tits own Petition; that pal payment of. any Debtor and delivery of gay propeetyleknaring to ;itch Bank rupt, tO pSm, or far' bia• and Manger of any mopmly by bhmlra forbbiden by lair tbst a Meeting at Ma Creditors' of the said Bankrupt, •to prove their debts. and to choose one &more asidgneas of W lb- • MANI will be tield at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be hoicks ar,No. ban Wahniti 8L Philadelphia; before - William Nati •Mital, Eq., on tbk114,4 . dal of, ifebteary. A. 11, IM - nt Mr.k. P. P. O. lELLMAX.O4 17, YMlAger: • !thrall 1. VA. • ' 1141 IN VIM Dielrarthrir *V TIM IT Srates 1' 'lllratentie,lllrariet at teltrielloral ______;- • - _s_ ( In the msra D: r alb . ems ' et •Eit. Clair. Is ale ecestY oT fichtrAdil rod Pate a Pe ansyl. eras, a Daeltretar : I The add Beisicropt ibehl; raderths set abongrese ey Ai Keith irn i gild his petition for a discharge. Does alt its debit potable coder the add eick, and foe e ipmma cerekete mo lereo utia t. : lll tha teen t i ltln ueets t no ivie heldei erfte . heye t pen the - hiodll dun late& t• fit ordered rah . Wrath 'Cd treditra be pa the hada of `1•80it In redo* A. MOW= the Parater, '.P. . Wirt. PK . et hts Ow Le thapanegit Pottiville. to be earanded by adjourn:halt( • whet' and slam the Efilah"" Oftlis rend Deall;rat will be Ararat radany bratthis 'a - the mei& and third \Wettings as creditors reraired by the .hrenty-aeventh and tweet teichth seraene of the rad, eel, may be, u• ; and that it neither imilitnee or creditor tito•• F ader 6o l ar va. hi ana tirn"l edl it eido l la t4e lO3 w lt i e° llll: eveu ed w a ethft hil o gri wl ty ' hematite the said .raildlon, • ehen dosed With AD o th er eating to ! ttle ans, wlll tbeTt4) I a l : the . In elerith,*ce. it is Anther _ Unt • I tuk t i, lipeln We said petition Re . I Riled rialhAteeday, the 11th day a Mgt be thiraM Oravat Philadelphia. al 10 D . A- X, when itadoWtere aAn tra who, k m t wit pilotage", endste Insliphier end Ito* cause, they. why, the refire of the aid petition not he m fflnted. Minna the Hon jouscs..pwAT i Awl= Mine Of the said Dletriet - Oora. - -and the seal erea at Philadelphia, the Itdb_dey or Prat ary.a. D. is l.'. / , G. R. FQ.L'ekri. ••' Attest: JOEI Pi HOOkr, Itsq., Beght‘4 ,. Ig JilliINI:0111ATIOW I , IOTICIR,t , I .0. -*gleamed Adolltderattoora the edateoe ) bat e d l ia =late •o r t e4 l:-decessed. ran I duly MO the andets 411 persons Indebted to istaterare to stake ,pirnent, sod those WAWA* t ' hoe W thethaww•ttWet delay to pM& AlinalthtiMM Ofilee Na 10. iftabliffOngo st, itwits. hujuniy4llB '; • •• . 1.4 t - annutratooiliw . Stodee,-Jitteress ZS. lettere* aduilulstuttlau spcui the estate of Jere mtah axe.: .'ate or the ;Borough of Pon. woo. Of Schuylkill, deceeeed, have been mated to tha sablattlers, all pa. , tedehted to es autlft mate ore requested to a Pa7tveat -Wee tovlsys cisme or demands sicalust, the utuse.loll make • . 1 ustoss4te some LIU= delsy.! to - • t • ‘:. Takla.= L; 11001E14 Tli.o)Lall . Juttll.l l s—Sat • • Ml MX Metrateti: • IN TIMM YOSTIMICT COVILIP OW TlNit ' AL Walled Otatelvanr-lbe Wies__LOlletries ',..) or rentalivaida. ' , WI FLitcHR... ' to In , tbe,mattet - ct llowiLLW 'tibiae% ,1 ikar z ..... - , Tg "boom* Ostieent:- - W odu itetee. , J . Vemol; IP. of Tssesquic ,I. I • ••,,, Aleiritnidll, a ft of Ms sp.'. ' tebrOpieOftlii o ft PIMA WOW- , OW . , • citAita ' Setnieell.breeld nod • • wqb.: tr.Vint, ds tbe Roe Oyer 4 . imam's*. imbibe A.. ..1 , by tie C,oart eltbeljetted O - Pat:deter Pemmtvests. ase , Dated 4 . . •,;_, •• 1. eblesetbAler_olatecre .41.11X1NC1.. - - • .. .: A 741Eigunft.Asskenas. i '-falatillg Ow. - , ~ . ~ . 64 _ , A UM&Li_ 2_711 6 4 Jam TA ll MPariestit li szi • - - - w• Alegenlitilhotorito • • • n al** ' atm : 1111"1111 , willi , . Alit. Zot a ts% " gig - " 4 1"--, A . I . Lui , ‘ ~.. - . - ,.' .- . --. ',.‘_:). , ,- I -, : -, Pe.ti:),• 4 ` 4l V. 1 : . ;,, .. , 2_ '__. . 'elf lie a 1 :As imi les 4 tiggio1 lie 1 iet b ris .) '-. T win 0. ..1.7 , 'BA .....5, Y •A f. : . , .*_,..: ,, rEa '...r..r. ;-:-.- -...,'.;)ifi::,, ,- . ..„: 0 - ,,j401.. 4 * Atl - I 7:, , s 4. r i! 1. ..,, ,r 4 ti ..F. , ,,t , •, , i1g i. f. j: - .A 4 ' O lO ...44*4=-14# i • 1.-yr -•„ • '''?' .i - • 4 -•-;l• ms , _ ', 'll-5. ' "' ,sid DeCtc'and attrier. .40 111 °°'- - .--- -** d ll4- 1 tib a post thence .by MA 4 0 114 keg Of Rebonorth,4 eso OA la and two. to a•poos, t •bmn - by; and 115 4 1 bet• Wide . xint u f Menial eol 'NW *MO 000 the Pot. thrtom byraid . MO* br s ol Weal doe south It M. tiro-tentes loll* Id= of" begterthug. BA ntriut SO} , mesieft. with thos 11. ( e Over Mr! llama evening Dams stable' Rue. h ' u ld .. "/I ' ; an 00 • 4 1 1 , 012na ti In**. 1 •,- ALT. ' ' ^-- ,-- , - • • Z ! • A losi-kll that " 4 . , _132 Nall frillis l ar Ithithen, situate • nor of th e front in Ql6lll, Area. Mil* ...../. 4 . .. . et. Ashles4 insi. iftedbytteadd • • .••ta 1511•01ttthgt ..&M. maths kit ce -•• ^ ... • tea s mut ThSteiload covered, D1D111111 11011 6 2 . 5 . 0 .....a.z.i ~ . _, Dent* =Orli m aline lamed .- . ihatdorp as saall.gtisees 'Nig* Ito • • neat martte aka OS NOS: IS the iliroteety tudi rlit s .s* BA:rocialp t : Oink or re: . -••- - •.,1 1 1 . c Aim-Ali that ottiga."twOetisy frame ileiroi..... a.L atcauk baseman% and tm.stoty Dame Unger eigh situate the twig 0 Wacktina. lielins a . Ana b 06110.66 oath. stet* by popperby or PlM &ilk " the **at hr tai of n 'rolas waft loath east by pebbc ' am g In -on had mad is Dad, a nd In is Din, and marine), 41.1/1111g 11Lvidth 14 and .Is depth 16' and th e lot or pins of and nitrate., and - stable, it het Wids 14 feet , pendia feet bley - • • • .1 to said humor*, tem grcnod'eterend •tri , baths. in% and b, =tab nAnground 10nn... 7 ibljaaant thereto aid hsbmgit like anew M . ,•. of ants buildings as •••• y insean 5* the •• .% oarvand metal • ' - • th 3 lIS Me 1 160 5 6 0, ' . Tim DODD • 4;-: * ,•• .Or mated owner .. I WASS LFIGTO24 11.1 t' liontrsdoe. - 1 Ato-411 • cc -, lot or_fleffa el g • sheath in the • • .• of 24.. • • ott7. --_%• • • • County, tessakat lablio 17.1310 ck IT at , map or general tin .el sea' florcogh, east. t i grk t a week south by of JacoN . L. Winer, and tate tea wide alley, it Wealth. :No. 'ill on .4112 ~1 or plan. containing in width 66 Net and in depth'lolo erixth br kat with• the*amine& consi of n two story fr ame dwe house, with frottei at tached. and a Dam les 0 the Cot NARY l ib .Alae-hAll ttm r ig dad sal taterest ' Ithuilel Da. icy and Ann If sievllts~et nod to flat certain' lot or Inn of 'taste in the hot Na-; tummy City. Wool l Conty, on " the of Dana street and Lintel bounded north na lot No / in Block 11, mist b , Del wide alleNib by Lau groril rel and is iby j Naus street. tri width on it 25 fret, and - depth feet, and being lot '1- in•lthints. as marked cei map or plan of sa id Bogle" with the soptetegantes ial 1 the of DAM. NA= dna ON 'HAW, , s i tni4 th "V i • I • Aim-Atilt AO la of aea.a' - sit to the Beecetith ommanoi MY . Will ly, at lon the meth side Pine street, hems 1 No. 4la ' Won No. s ot, 4= gta width 25 tad in depth 154 feer, mote or; to litalmatiy 044 th the 11P^ 0 of a one and *lda thune 1 iit r .elli g how. r th e taoperty • cir • OLD 1 NIIIA and 21..0821.'1ann 2 , bid wile ~1 c . . ', Atao-All Wont*, certain conpanoos cc pm , fm of gl ut sit on th e south side Mahan" t in Avenue, weeu street Ind 2 1 alley, In • the Boro Of- y pity, beteg 4 and 5 hi . celt on the map • fir an of said B wo u g h, each 101, ing in front.o4 oy AT- I enno 25 feet, and ifftendine of that Wllll right AA le. therewith let to oath Alley. 1 laded north Kahane!, fiv aubety,by lot ielaiilliam H. tier. son • by Ailey; and soil *fog No 3. ititbtbp go .•• ••4•611, consist:lnt ot 4 ildiable three; atoryd 4 home and a dbalft twdetory . Iran kit a• f • thereto, and a Dame i soh and dr • ~...a aye-hone wares aloe therein. d the ' .s And , ted frait mxtri .•• A i.c.- ttbeftf, Me and in . John Dri m hempen and J plubeespedr. of Of fo all that ein ce attain other Mt of ground, sit the' south. side of . If:barmy " ne, in the 8..51 4 .o„,sthpylkin.„;:being lot another; Mic Nepal: as numbeled on th e top or plan f aft Doe cough, boonded notth byydithanoy Aveithif east by in No. 4, soq b724th Atte! Mt meltIEW oneo her ro i two, coolie AZ gefest• and IC 121 feet:' as the p .001 IN DADDY/MP • and lth- COB DAL , • , 0 :1 L. Also _All etitin or piece of ,g•-sitnite j on the northsid, ...litalianoy *Avennf treen Nan street and .Y. in, the Borough it: 1, 0 )1[11 hour C! ty, bonded a. t: deeccibed as follOwa L vic t 80. worth by AVikle, east by lot worr..„. . Blorioa. • north by Pine auvl au sndirest hy lot sim ~ Sink No. 40, containing Ur' ton blahnoy 15 het, -and in depth 125 being ' lot No .5 illock.So es marked on the flit or plan Of the of Mahan oy City, toietherAalth the *Me emit/Meg of. stwo-story. per Zdwailingbouse with stensbasemen tt as the pro o pall) KEMOILERIOD.I st la'-All e r tettain menage or rinnunt and tract of lead. sitFite in the TownstilD , o2,lllst wick, higho Ce:ext of Sauflhlll. tril*hed and 66. scribed toll i c+Beginning at a 2:11n lins of landed Jerem oger, thence tryi ' same north, two and a belt .„. rein. .weet one h ,Mad 'My lone perches to, ir; Stone. north shank ileffrects. west sixty four perclintift width pine, and th . twenty two and shalt •• west tw -ftb•-ftai to a poet corner of • • ft, hereinafter thence i IL;11 11 by the same •• - sixty-two gran* 'one hundred and elem.-4th 1,1. . . 10 la reat in the .0f Una, of eldem Whets • •• thence by la im4 by lands : I . 2 igh of Jacob Baer, • n Baer and others, thirty-ft •. degrees. *sat • . ty on, penes. t 4 Stone, south aixt.-cightd west one h idd thirty-ono perches to a ,a o d south' thirty, mat one Ni t a hundred and tour •peretiew:to a etyma of mountain in . re . Whetstone._ an by the same *aft a din degrees wool ti llndrod end yo b . filtrable td sza, place Of contalu- Ana two huodi Mid twenty-two and twenty thrtaertriettteh. ig porpri su t a i se h o t h eat estate neer; Leintoger, • ' Atao-au bat in lend situate. In thete IP aro said naj - the Above described Matt, Dining been originpirt of the same) lionibled sad de. meted as Sol t 7:Waning at a o*, a corner Of purgers A,nee* twenty-two adhalt degrees. wen seven ty- perches to e sonte.l. _ld Us centre of arced. thence liig the same irrth ,sixty-tvio east lbety.nine clue to a stone. than south dej = ty•one degreesAlset" eftr eight perches*white oat, north sinpaistet degrees out ons h and forty perched to a a - eolith thirty.* 4 -, etas kw. teen perches -st son, a dames of Orlin A. and thence by the - sou th sixty-tiro degthei one hun dred and eight Ight perches to, the &co of Wen t* bag, conning . ,the same. th irty4l' t neves and Outdoor-hes. being parpart }3,...115 zeal• Mato Proceedings, ft 'the, said Isaac 'Lebiloger, deofted.' with the consiating of givrattory Dune dwelling with aoneStory iron* kitchen thereto attached, shy barn and other •ontiblilkiings, and a stenos sail-ml awt bona potter engine. with three elm etc.; as, the pilf*lty of:Emvp: 8. 80LIJDA 4 • , .-5.. . i i • SO -411 I t two-stoky dowi Dame twat.' la s tars, 114 bouse, t hi flont,..lsteit lila! depth. 15 feet we • -.4,„, -. 'V tlitrith ' - s i rs: 4ol. 6nd Is situ ate between Cap the. Borougtrot NW, - on that • 4 lot numb*, Alma& anode 1 0.WCoMand lot co dt. ,rtitiothig. ~ ......trigi. ~,,,,.... : sm ; land,eitaate tidy. adioithat Rein aad db. G&W , Il s ; l l . terea wore of a two. ~.7 - 1 00;* • le ; es the rtorii2A,_,G.' J Out WIILIAM ff. 1• , . • " Aaso...zoi-J.wet,,, thetas lot or of *mod. &We Jose Ul a ntra rt sl aill'. 4 twie c b) b t a lo i nt Jost ';', tr agt eoath na rty 'sod *est be lot of I talieeith do amthai. - - • ••• bf - eriolth W.. la depth us • le* with y. S'apporteen—aces. a a UO - .•- ' . ;Mpg Wise and wothF u r a t films idiom • .t •ed ; as theriportait MB " Bethed -, '. Wien theitecition' Will be Wthiyir ; - GROBOS 0_ I:sam • ,:, —7'-pourdn•irstkm, : ..-1 at . ° - ;4" ' cep i l ii at l'N k v ezeleners,- A. 0 -, 5. , '; \-, '443fOtiOatifk 1 4 011 1f#ql nirglnh • ' 101116.01N138LigiitONS NMI : CIEN4th. UK will Atte, oollleted tiykeellthg nixllcit Odavoing 10 Ilaullliilt 11. 1110:40,6 ... , ii.i.4 \ Alto .. 411 1" 1 / 117 1 • I " , lioilmvll4' ita..., iv-pittitoniV zo: pHit. :iv ~- WAIN, , ' - mows. tof Putak ray /eir 1' . ',' el : • , tree to the above I le , cestelan de77-_. ....1 1 + - r ~...,—,.,,,, ,„pc. ,,.,..., i rt --------- 4 4 ,',ii r aiss . ,1, - - ' • ' I i ieltrieldigl i l .• - A ri erkL .: i i ' ; ' ,:. - L . , Ea t7. 46L- 4- -,-,.. .. ; It t .. L . ; ESTAT ! E(ORD - A jotaiati 7 'o l o l dh u it ' imn.di ' -- ' t .n.titterclams,tteti' •''' - or: -• • • It doierVissik •- ' :_ t! "‘F.,....c,fseri*,. • '''". • . iPriqW to- Viri t iii:Cky Onkini Pk ' '''.'g 113 ,4 ".. zAcariAGESAND i . . , • igurs. - 4:i t i•;; : -. •,!, , t il•- • ;. 7 7.1SEILL _WU* 111111111.11, .c-- f : . , ". r. ,TheOr k _ lIMM I , 111 ,. ' ..:. • itnid t l ss ., iiiitc•- . • • : ViLLA ' . ....e' : - :- s 1 t• i : - CAROUNIki . 'O-7 ' -' • .i • oam or - k I; , :14: , 4 ^ . -1 , ....• Pi ', igt _,......: _:; .. , ~. 1,1 ~....4- - :,---:, ..`l, '-' 4 --• ' 0. ....' , -- d r ia --. + ma y. ,•• , •,- 0:4-, . r'":77" : • : . ~.,.{ • , .. I • "..-•-:•.,:•,•:, '' • .. .. ~,• , s , -.40r ,... ..- z-,..... :„...., #•ff------ . oli lint il iftuta. - __,A° tOt• vali is i bat .. , Ailial tnig inr it oseita tam 14*• O i s. ti— Inn ,two, fl:iii tij 7.011 book', gad td IllitTi wok Nog • 30% , .. ,. ... i„ ,. , otk. 1 , ~: - `:- .. • ."*."'", - 1,', 3 ,.?i,',..' 5 il 1,...,: ..•-• 4 -. !-:•• :::- -:- f - --' THE;:-lATEBT .1 . 1 . 44 "Lh 1 " 111 • 11, 1 1, ,M 11 4 oti• Yitilif4ido; • Upla f3tate Comatloo dirgplop am* fuss' Unpronounced lindbiejidgg 'of the tiny led oft fro& stied Under:: Grant eras; 42 ;l,_ etelonipppediloa dfdt •rTile lades theisa - ' Ind o t rattaz, .Neir ID Eltitstedlibit poldialiare ended too vealke'vlsy be taken: eiktg . hidielkiiitor• thoomodzigitetiono7 th e . -;:•-••-•;,..,-; • The Benatelflaanee COmbiliies s sit *We - tbt 116.9hennine ,bilrof • _ ba 17.; tircoldhset that boucortitiv Ina. bonds. PrthclAil lll4l lama' , in eon * to in imoubt sulkiest to A oatetandingjoblignicee of the• , -ober tban - Ave per oast. beeds - 4,_ ' - The Linede MA= dinned .lotbellidit boonsof Livingston oonstr, - . ntilent see, wasnestroyed brims" _ t hen • low pains ,(womeo); . were ,4 tialf auilqual otr!cirtuical vbbefir.i =ow tram a 'hundag. puifaa Tharskr, - meta fired spoil from Os nonteldti-bidis eipod *dont divers' Of tbit sindentemini Itidid or woindedbribe royal ittattli ,. .=f , •e • Gold **edit.•a. Ptdiadelpida se Tlitader, 'et ,141-1., Stodut, INV •Itidokz-ibt -11$110Ifig • market belatatoulf•41“11111111 le 414 4711-= des .advanced t .. Cotton 'mow r,s and Omit id- kid*. is • triks Pio:storm PariTiqx.—Persook bog.. hit VTotectlon peutioas ri1t.p4410 6 *MI .' ifital*ed uP 411 IPted l W _ lll **Sok send *ma to our Wks. Now *,l:l.lthiss' ib ra dice. • ; 'toe eity :decrial of Reedinelbeitetiiiit.,. me t eeunetimen;, ow, will he,' hill ce 'awl ~ inj Thellepublicen eaddate be - . Is liki... Henry 13 - Karla* Wci .! * 6 lo . the Regiblleans Irin . ,P 3ll , i ha/ Wt . *, - 'Yale elect° l / hY a nanal,mktorn7/811 1 7._ .. : ~'. blow. this year for the .Etlaht, latoA *Om to tell alittudly.- . ' - , _ Astr.4 Ramos or,resecasus,Oriiii. 7 -It= al Pinter, oas of ilia most - boost ' repiewstatlves as liarrislaug lias,ghisiikaa- tise-Cf Aliii introduction of a Bill phi .. foil convent* to sznini4flhe Stateliallikl• lotion. This is ` lit *Opine; isidiNia 14 irtsho. of -- the rap% `iiili l desiiif:.fcc ~: chugs". to mpg', coin:iPtiott,,V, -`,,,, . We hope that such s bill sili toisilths . . Ware. Srsaeun aidgt h „,. which reined up at a hotel la:Pdideohal on,Wednesdey evening liattlor the porDist of gapplyingthemll4 ofs the inner itsii, 4 ll4 in fact, of the inner woman too, thissOrible medldm of the lafidlord's cuisine„,*sOsie. whet , startled by a voila of *beet Feeeedblit vadat*. Aißt-feeettlP'• markable animal wit*. After smt*en! of the \ pertY tondo& fihsesiske• into a' o ittee lerientletdonOtid - isn't needed to the bar-roons,,,i - On ended* thy saw a huge animal gyrating on - lks 'around the " 3 "1- 1(11 4 15 '4 121 04: 141 .rii0dtig which sounded like "w-h..e-t47* psolaskid - Oplalonadiffsked yi:theigistpi:ol thasukatd, and The cause of,his eppeassoce in section. . speathalon ins finally, by the' feet panspirlng tbal Wiesel I;antum's tieleisted "What le imme.thirs. ' Witte great curiosity iiiks„ to And tottt it'POS:\ , "theta" Ts*,Thouiatid \ When eFicebeteied by the Perth be was merely *4/8 peculiar MIAMI' described. I Dim- AMONG sus DEAD aim', ate,. ak;thivele-, matt thousands who Udell, him bbelkillt!"44d well, had they teed that great life praierverilnia. - tattoo Bitters. •Let till living lay it to bee* *at they are the beat known remedy br complaints, stomach derangetoente, debility, Aa a delicious cordial, doe grad towle viztues,,thear, equal ousel bielkuted : Delicate Females, Clequwien, fere and pair ar e: d oo r i i i i:34thpat i sit e r Ma l li ZA mie 3 1;r=6 ar• gr eatly buitettedthebligNANlC . . . , ng • .:111Aasouk • de DUNI tonal talk& —4oxperior eci OologvAi*nd aktuilf ma pies - gdit ' , Tim areaway home. whichAhight:hienlodo • , ; 7 'Mote cheerful mad pleasant MY tiseMmaekbp t i •., • • introdootionof s musittal inettilso6o4 011W110, rapidly Of joule of the houiebob% Istdob ligild . '+•• ' in a new joy labiate hheeligtorear thief dedies , .r : Lemtbly s .there may' he ono Of ili4 ,Eitteriellell s• - -, bidden-talent for the divine eirk, whip ma Needs •., : :•-• encemageimesetto'beekeielopod fidttlitoh Who. . 1 ••,:., Son Vies °dark May derive mods; plemoorik,Sol : ' sides the aotruel basal win* IllePhlino TEL , PI- ';' : ' •• rive. To inch, the A weraire•lft 6tosee anstumeov' • • tared by Hawn. 8: IL W. Spills, liesitict. , J. Maw.. are merthuilirly adepte&-i - Not eltdrtlts, T the y give the nearest temmtehotos to the:- gips . i i - Organ in vetelity of tone; bottbeitEiiiineey•Otio. • - , -r, , Eon readers' them • copabler:of bsipgg effeetmeltr. -, ' q.• 1 desalts the Performance of lights ndftwfdlem.. -, do -Cincimiciti chemnercicd. -t,"- • - ' 1 . .,, • - 2 ; , . : • , rosiTlrni. °omnibus.' -,, t . . , I :.• • ' :' 1 _ tEEIOND SEBSIO2I. - .• ' , " . . 4 974wouterefelj - Jen. IL ittikg.. l 43zeseni:ATtelfkiate I i 'tecetred and referred to the - AMMO . oAlegitte a ' t.' rooolution or the Oislet 'Legislature' wintegent Alaue..r. :, :I sent' to the constitntlaull atnewileoll.... ._" Thelligpkt: Li ' mental clfll Tenure of Office' bill we nocoNswooto ' the • expifetian of the maiming. hour. Tno depodonon. - . • tad Recovemontem bill' Wm •theit Askew eak SOM-Wies N drama by EL Howe. - It was then postpmed etitil - .1 .i,!: tendoe„ • Adjourned until Madly: -. 1 . , - •,.. House.-.lan the Home 110 peasant le`: ,r,_ Joint resolution of the General Assembly ot Ohio NW, . draning the ettliketion of that State: of the mewed ' tburteentli constiaMcsiel enneudeneet., the t., retire of all papers giving mem toodd .1 , . Rebored to lit. Judiciary Connottose. • . • - , 1 Acedeoly Apprwriation bilL'emountlag to .' ; i roms was reoort*end Made thrsnecial odor leo • • ; : A bill to condone the Freedmen' Bursae to we Year • •:- '.after 'July le Ma. wele illeireported. The leit of .. I 0 the OnnetMee on Election In the gentacity ftnuod .., 4,- , District one was WOO pp. bat was trot d _yea 0411%., •• " on) A , report. of thCoderenote s oowwwee 'CO , cotton Talc bill wu =aw to I e awed a_:kag dhow: •41/ alter which It wee adopte d. Tbe Mod , I / bill. amountleill. we. t i', 4 alkk tbe Comodumed AUL 'it emouWft to $1.461. ill .. 1 ct:: to the' eoldlas Ind salloni.of the war of AA-. ••• V - P, loaned; -- • ' 1 -:'' ' • - If•Jlf,!•:. 'rob. 3.-Ilwala - Th e HIM* - plitiliell hill st, ,, ci• turf me tendon of dearest of _ ,s,lemil Isiah the . F.V,, orielesse the beoltilifit Iff , I: i;"i4 . • hood 'bp to provide for ilwiEffanti -,:.;-... l et I " . 1 army and to esim.w ,, - tmeepposely • • , • • . , •• The supple octal ..eemmiele OM 4,,,,. 'SA . ":A',,, , • end Wm eishotedby./lerme . Eceety MI • ' Ad- - ~-F.S! homed. , •• $ - '.- ttoifix;-A utimbet id biEsiticstit Idello. •',;••,,_ '4 7" were Introduced.. ' Mr. ILehni 4eried,,, Med ,- i !i -s.. 1 , S•E , the bollding of eM z d reoll= od . •'- New Tedt. Yr: • mote of j':ltr , 1110.0400 0 lo legal tenders Ittellllift ' Atli. ~,l• C: .cfsoo Anew eurreacy caosedft EP 010 01 1LIWIall II '1 , 4 _lsgl•Modm and comooaerhetermt l W Ilaw-, ~-, . .4 1 moth. de the nontwal et the settaged. to R. li„ - Iti • kale .111i•la MOW** of inc- M. tie Welelcoselnetre - Ile Jame aME ' Alt. edema ettlftwelli9 led protection to ! 2 i talandge Wales. blended OteMEMINS WU virea now pending. Serwelcesolutkme fv.,,i of the differtutdepostwente an • wow yya edepted. The Kestedry conteseof stalker eisemie t." 7-, taloa noised Mem= dtectswitairm us.: '4* - T lathe Utb.- A resolatien requieftg tbik il lit 0 - 4 g towhee an Immediate erszoloation into dote cow l• -, netted with' the arrest of OteIOOKIL - .lllolltiltdes , Women WM. 4. :34he and *othW A•lom =Woe tll4'• Imprisoned # Irivia4 . Bl4. wort letteekteed. ender a At , ouspendon of the rules; sad attar dcwebtesohle m ple • ''''' soot indesed tce the. Choonittesf settEMS‘lpt . 4 .! . •?! d A n r i , -flinears,-.The thenate reedejkAlifEESO - n ' :from chimes .of Coliesdeeedrof die pg.isre. ..„,,,,...= Mate. The %Elbe the *tented elf Spa* _maV . ,vil • illechaenres a* patties or as wt wows toied. -,„ : repolutkaisebeng the•Presideet to SEP •.1 i.: : • ',.1; emotions Mionlo Generals Pope .110.1.4 k tear ,•.,V. .thi epted. commuid of the :ninth_ „ _• waft ' , I - The ruppbtaintsl Beeeetwaction I: wee' ', p iiireu and Kr. whittles spoke sndentE.74Tliffta ,' Zz3 e 4 o be tenure ea:tabs Mime issit=tp. #.l .. essiattmot to Wept attain of - •,2, , • , State Deputenerterietoet . Asermkeded .4 ,t bill weirebnowitted.". AO.l __.• • -._ -' r t P'2, Woosa-egthe Scams mmilaavaitle DM leelsomitegl, 4. ' the rights of United. States teltheuts of elfelia BMW. r• r --* Welles. Butler ad Jencks* proposed ishotitittakt LW , t 44 alter some elhonWoo the settleetwoor over. Thse,but ~ •-,,1 etiolate* Welted to the fleeted States-.lead 4 W -,5 • to; ate' in the cosormtion o il if i Flp„lo,fwereeee:t ,A .iwelselput and Plaids was ley VeolfreaftE. ,4. • ridge •gme Eiblicir4 Eel c 1410/Ege*lestle - ifk i i=o4o=o rtate al e. W ie r= -4 1 ,0 1 X IA ot sago *KW foleuticurk gad W e allialk fi A k ror iaopire preeentWielleear.._ 1 dc.....ta,pnruea the- L sos h,t• . Preekkat and=stal knot lowtstr ht- . . Jp . r e gg ti notr f u l ta WU- ft , QS . v it The bilk to macers pollitcd-Ehill& • 4 - 1 ) :tees from lit.; le. Moo. of diabetes. wee Meewlee re. A • *ink . MOIR !Welting refitted Inds to tho meth-, en ilteteeso ll iP ool4oll2 Wall " 6 " " " I": 'Mi. aureate.-1 tap to temp: 4iao i„ etietintiaeof Thome f= t 4 n rwe lefersed *Ow di-'• May tioridtton A elei_this Er.....' A retisyred War to • enky Collaset - InEdlindWagellei , te, • Nome and Rego wee Wptsd.: Ss Mill litt.„# ' ” locresed homodeed law* wee - wilhilditlietheft . cal üblicLends: • Ils riseintione of thiC •,- lanai.lanai.Legislature regarding Laden ellidloimw to. Sewed to the Cbmmtftee on Peneigneletlelik9AtteriZz. veld& ite Senate proceeded *the ctishie setae reconst t r ti watenettery reetioi WS tad 11011111, Illqf_* , , ) , The huidsclaingierlitOdecelhOs 4._ 'leadiesune•cler hem Me *loose and weeendersid - . 7 *, Conoidttoe as Poldlerands. TheiJOhet OcostidEl%jr Itetreasioneed don Modell I wtheitilte__l l /0 0 .. -..,,,' Atioldithis to the hem cd sell"' act ! ‘elesetititte PI , ,I NVVo le terV_ .._:= l membet - elect. holtillaoLark t i : , sad bed adoeMisteresito Ea the semitao 1 L. u .'llie bui vomitus listligidiV. womweeldember ty to connect, with . fDiedraLßellroad me e 4 erde=teilledlootateceol udtted.• , , , ,Th•Jelkiw. 1 lot sedsood-Seith, . the bM ragesdhot Meoles toll V :tatla etd Mande WI tik 4 • mil endowed by slobs of el to ri. • • A," vi t 4.1 lia,tbs Haub itip:-opth! sr • Eathhir MI oin eroWow in tbe,=th e • , of ,_ _l_t , W111T,...A =lst Howl lws be the Slaw ",Thelgi., ‘ ,fall,l face' MOT 01Wor ID a ra tio,&" -- thm . - Wel els WOW ( OW the 'n gad Weed 117 tlfeW M1*1 4 1_ 1 5 4 4 11r ° r -- -- _ .-_ - _ or eered= 'ay be netts ! thereof, as QWDR? Of re . gnmind i altn- AmyWIT Man itreet and &y -e:Area twon -0 abicat3evestb eta, to water cm P. W. 6q*dod eoutb bl 10 WaterstraM, - 41 t, t;iirtspoutemsacco. boot ; tithe a by eittude , Wand east Jai at ,:t col ‘eli ......... - ' tam nada .. Safeet,. 'at a ' - of, 1 1 / 4 )4ntrli. Pa.