)Itittexe : . ..1 , paTTSVII4_ 1 E,.. • PA. TormtY. Damen Tl 4 MINERS' r JOVRITAL. IT- i 4 NEW. VOLUME. - - ou ,ianuary 4..1-Sa, the llll42TEP.Rtt'lllilit will a , tar up,. trite Foully- lizturth,Volutne, and Thlrty-reighth A We it came into the powsesalon of thew senior , , 111611151kr The MINERS' JOURSIAL le thtl raengnised b r gen of the Coal Trade of Pennathrwita. It is the Limiest Paper Pablisbad isa I Peralurfletsuillis end but titn:e (wirier In thieouni,ry exceed it In atm. Its eir c ulation , newt wall an large, as at Utla tame; and tai aqtaliption lilt has doubled within the last five years, _anti li conilouAllr rereleineaftecessiont . With, we th ink, but a eLlngle,exoentf in. it has the begest eirtubs. t inn of anylpiner published InPetuaapnia., cad of Vhiladebthis and Pittsburg. Its cheated nowreacb ,l p . es teat'l FOUR THOUMIX.M • Tbe e Mae of Atli piner In the paw shall be a gnat anthe of its position in the fatare. In the/fart wh.eres er , The Itteht uhist need.ul at stadia, we have endeav ored to !Inge thirg.md Aght. Human Progress, Free dom and--lightentnent haws been the impelling virs. , . t ea in :our course, not petty partizan alms.'. We std 4 , firmly by Freed-in &trine rtwi darkest period ;of the : Siaveholdrne Rebellion Were combated usurpation In every foray - and oar best ergtes ,ball be directed In the tutare,si , accitre eons, ithrbta to lull classes of freemen. In every dt pirtratnt of ibis paper we 'hall Nendeavor Wire/MP ale sad unthinglt,l to t rttalntalp Ital chancier pa affßoT CLASS JoUtiNAL.I ' The Inflow - lit departrnents wilt reeelverull and caw- i fat attention from th. editor", In the new 'Yam): . 1 THE STATE OB ITIDE COAL TRADE.' k - I • f LOCAL NEWS', ' p . LEGAL IVITILVANCS. - ---1 Dowrgrie NON. - 1 • • FOREIGN NEWS. ' , THE PRODUCE M AREET; 1 LITERARY MA,TTER. '1 AGRICULTURE.,I, - • • REC'IPES. • ECorrscrIGNAT, MATTER: k ' • • .111211010138 . • WIT AND HUMOR, • . EDITORIALS, e.. &c ,it Thciee who wish to be posted In all that goes on In a rid out of Schuylk Connty„ in nneetlon with Cost Interhsts, or snits ill of lan aitmoor co tutea,! should take , the MINERS. JOURNAL.. The JOURNAL goes free of postage within the ; keine elf Schuylkill 06anty.! Out ,of the County andin my-other. Stste,tuf the Helm the 'postage paid In advsnce, if only 2i) cents slitter. • TE . .02 IA in edvince, or 03 Lf riot.,paid In. adcance.' The cor.ttnueith !Rh 'mime of peper,,lsbor,!Ac ;'compel •ua to — Uintinur these ravel of snbacriptlon to the • JOURNAL' which is only3lti; percent. Orono! otrthe rates chareed befdre• the Jteheldtet A , and T; paper la one-third huger than Steve then, • cLVB SMISCHIFFIONS. To elute the joUßNALailll befornlahedidMe ra. lowing rates: - • •ej . a copies to - bite Address, " - 000 , • a .; 13 00 • . 10' .1 *. t. 91 00 . " • • 3000 , 111 ,- Club,eubacrlptlone mug InVarhablr belled advance. Address' 1012191C1e, Pokllalbere. ' I 7- . •'• ..11F - Make Op Clubs by the jig of Jhuirry, e 0 u commence with the new Velome. CO ! ‘A, IR ON AND S .011,..._ .:. BY DAIDDOW .ANth BALl7liAilf. . . Thha new:Profit oti our mineral amerces his posed i- a complete Meccas. The edition of 4,000 copiers is . • '-nearly exbauated. As' but a portion eft the work is ateremrped no new cditlon wilrbe !issued - until after p - ,70, :ta d • greet Expense. rime and hatter rapiratin ...-procurhit the necessary. sesibtles will not warrant an other edition before that pert id. It aMtialms 868 Urge ::nctaro Pages. and is prof, ply Illustrated Viltlinbwidde ' of 951 maps and erglivinis A single map cart f,1000, - Weippend It few notices of the press at home and ; • ifiroed . - . The! "SiOntiertriii .Amentoan 'fflir :-,..(30: 4 loos aaa ilo. le,themost practical and exhaustive treatise on the suriev.l tltst has come under our olwetvatlon. • • 1p is a most valuable work, and.one that deserves to be read by all intelligent men 'y 1 . The Lou DON Visalia Joreorxx. the treat authority in ' England:ea/I : — ''A ipre camPrehetwirestd exhaust, ire volume ppon the aterials treated of Could scar&lf be desired than that.. n et leaned . by Mawr& DaddoW d Bennett tinder this tt le. • ; • •1 • • '- • • • Regarding. the we '',.118 a whole. it tej certainly the 1 mo.t coinplere.man for the practical Coillerymans- ger that has yet been pitbilahed. .. • ,j• '1 • • . It May sa'eiy be said yat we have no !Abele-work In. this . country eo /boron hly calculated to afford theviti... j„, ' penor collier . .and tron worker all the information he requires In connection Ph iris lupines% as is the book ; of alessni. Daddder ..tnan. tif inei t l ine wants Of those l similarly engage In the -11nited a l i Statre The work goat hard 'entail it large ampunt of labor, and :• e an there is - mplVeyidence thht the labor ti not beet ap. plied Without being made to yield the lamest - resultant Which it-wai i.apable. , The it - 'illtor .iit the t. S. ITILIIIPIAT ANI , MLIIIShe 11.1- , aurinvaiya.. , —.•e'om., Infix ass Orr. is ri,iv i nk•of exer • y utility. resent la,end Industry.. .ie emonnetof • patien t„uniiringepe -eYcring labor of whicltteits vol. nine is the einxinct; can( only' he measurablytenictw.- ted after canefal examination of Its cOutents. •- • 1 • .• The inevin-ic worth of this took will make It indisper sahle7to all who wish toi possum; In a &impact, Conan , niqne f onn, tiatim known any that is anehoritabie, facts . tribe authentic ”. • •: 1 ~i tr •_ -fn. rio. work published can . So . correct an i. Ides, he ' fo med of the Immense- resources of this country, as In ; the perusal of iho page. 'n Coal, Iron and Oil„. and it. wIlLp rove quite - as interesting to the general reader ile . - those more directly Intencattal In duyelopleg the miner al wealth of the cannery I•. • i 1 ' Price,—Vllotb Or O sEratiinitoroet• 1114. liv mail on rev it of pr bent free ice. Address • , BEACJAIIIIJIN ANNAN. IPuipli•kar. • I ' Petisville, Penna.. .1. \ OII.I4tTGITAM FELL bas been elected ' President tirtbe Pbtladelplkiall l 6lop League.. ority, in that" ;943 *. ' • ftr4nl.l,l kaina by it kapsas by spil THE ,, . praspect prospectus ' of the XOB.IC. Lsnain, -the_ great family pa •r t 7111 be l ' fonndin ntu advertising icolumn:. ltd leeiy reliabke document. - • tnuhfully 81d that the, lesia . man \. • krur*a. rind the more liquor lie drinka i . the More determiimd he to to make this "a white roan'agoierniiient.." - , ,following the commendable ex ample of Pottevifiei‘ will snort liave.a Fair for the benefit of the `destitute whdoWs an or. plan of Union soldiera.. „ Jerre. BLACK wpq is DOW the }'reside right hand map, l i e said to hethe-ttu'ho Aecideney'fi late:Diessage: Well, itlr tike a bieckprnabstion. THE colored ;Ile is coming forward as inventors. The P;'pent-office;rePort Shows that dpring thepast yearseveral haves plied . to the Patent-office for pstenteon Chet Aiwa Inientiont; SING Gl: n. European Governments express great sprit:lathy tor traitors rind mint: pens on=the continent of America, bnt inva riably hang such rtisonti at bnine, when they bave the power to do so. • I . I dr' - TUB absentees irbin the I!oium on Saturday. When the impettchMent vote l iven takem ceived a deserved tebutce ou.,Moriday, by the defeat of a motion to .suspend 'tbe r ules to - alloFthem to reiord tbeircvc:tes. Tir Chester' Ttepublican i advocates the'. elaction of a. Airictly, honest man' for "the speskership of the neat Dense at. Harrti- 1 burg, to atop lirings7 and cheek cornipticin. Oa contemporary names: John HHickman; thester i county, for tlie' . To De. Picroleybte,th . ectorof the United • StitesMint; we are intltioted for a copy of L his annual repOrt for the fiscal year ending Junes3o last: It iB an: important and inter esting documbnt, to wikicli we_ may have•oc c ',Alert in the future toj refeir at length.. • • I CnrcAnn has been tlipt:d rin • - as the - .plabe,• I,atkd the 20th of May next •las the Rine,- at )whch will lie well the Repnblican Rational Convention for the floirdostiniiolaPresideas tial ticket. -It is caicnlaied,that by - that time _the Sonthein - States will be in a condition to. participate:, • • ii_otrrtcsuist of West4rt, Ct., with blight c:d affection's; has brought a snit against a; —ISO for breach o( promise of marriage.— The lady has ilbt4 Married.- The damages are likid at s_o,obo,just double the rimount as the reader wd! rierceive, of "them" Ten Thousand Doll4s. I , ‘ (LEBANON tit.' EY COIL Etpi . —Tile Winter !' to.m 'of this adm ' • l e le fi aositiootil Xnatitntkai ',, for hOth_sexes, to:le tetl,, , at Aonville, ettittioti county; Pa; , Rev I T.. !t, , Vlckiol, reeklent, will commence J tuiri 6, 1868 , ..',0r falki , T . -off partioularsw r e fer lb, reader to Ito„tid,; - ,veAtsemeht of th Co llege in soothe col va1n ..2 7 . 1, • . 1 , T - -± :, .• i , ~• Tins !slay'yona eincws,i—The ' ':' - tif die , Tribune will bar forrii4 in on adverts= plug whin:ins. ':lt ,is a jOurnaliStic power , in : the • land,' and ins; assistedmaterially In ad rancinithe T ense Of:human liberty and eda- I , cal -a 1110,ii continent.._Al( of its political _ 'iliwii may not pe eadrsed, but no one can: '.,• ditiestion successbUY , ti e honesty otpurposd -•" eibibited in every Ilne t nor be blind th the ' .444ttent ability with*bicb it is . cdtiiitmted.- 7 _, N . sl, cordially •commendthe Tribune to.Pcnit -3ltaniatts-^ ,1 — 7 --i:----4...------------ - _.: 1-- Alacaloms LABott.- 7 Not one solitary dom. went':, emanating 1 frcim An4row. Johnson a cabinet, so_ far as we barcotiseried, speaks ,n 4 -1 fawn. ' proteCting Americaniaborigahmt '`the'lOw la l: of. i t trope, _but ill squint/J.9- V; irarda a reirenne d nOt a protective/tariff... •,-, Ttiep ndvocatew resumption of:special .1'4: : ; rents, but seem entirely :"to 'gnats mpt_: . ' tion'whiCh. Pieven; i tiL ea drain ot,Ooln, and . , ;without which no 4.1410440W sea . , ake . place in thiscarry, o l den bump*. i s greatly -WOW,' -an wages iethPield *the -. ). starvation Point wit the present . pri el Ogv- , 'l, leg. The,otslyihope tor tbllotaideiii*llt to. look ic"Corigres , lond : Poir in: Peg 490 .1 1 - .' mending such legislation nit the.exii*W .. of , - the country reqttirs ./ 111 1 1 ( 4 ; 'Thittii.,tro• - : , inendonn foreign infintnice brought to-bear on Conirenn,llll fre e.trOe ' rerease biU, *lila tai not t int na:stiot frac 'tilde t4,Vte pantal destincilM,OrAMW. 111 ( Industry; and a great paw:Ws m the price orAmetietti labor:, . Next - week we will lesie petlllolt. AV'S ' Protective Tariff, to be ciriulated juts. T - 1 , Alititagetniti TAM , The Vidisiletptds ' Conitriercial .. the average prise of enietiltte dot market, In the month' of ovembe list Mary-six years i . ' 1 ,I , 186 i... .'...0z Ma e& - -$591'1523.J W. 63 'M.,. .... 8 504844 - ',4 3111893 ".; 650 144,4... .... 8 6 0,1643 4 , 3111821+ 1 650 1884.- ....late 1812 - 14 251520 .I 4 .W 1863 ' ... 5 - .54841 , •14 711181 f .U. al9 Isar.„ . t -e 13 1840—, . If 004.318.1 , . •9 25 1851.:..t:.i 6 3 1'1033 - ' — l6 3 3181 r 1 • 3 la' i LW.— ”J 4 f 4 11438 . 8 0 648•14;.1. ... ..ts ea mt.-. ~..., a 254817 1 4 68 t 1 1 313Q S eel ism—.... it th'ists - te 011814 I . 815 tsar__ ... 5 st i ls3s I , ; a ante[ •.. .-"' 8.25 0 933. • .'., ~. 6el 1834 5 18 , 18121r.1 . .41.50 / 335 .. 1 ,'1 ... 6 3U1833 ... ... .. 11 T 511811.1:.„... 9 5G 1554. . :.. ... 819{1839 6 18 1810.. 6... 40 94 18!.1.: 1 ..L. 1 1:41831 • a 811180. 1 j. . ' 715 M..' ..L. . 4 90,1830 .6 somas .... a"m 1951. : .4.. 3 112:18202...r...... 5 ..W .190 1.•.-• .• Tee 1 430. 4..96:1845....i.,.-8 16 1900... ... 1 i ; 7 . 25 .. 5414;1911.. .. 5 25 1805 •8 25 rs4s . 1 ..... . .. a-zoos */ - also'lafte......-to , za, 1337. . - 1iti1925 ' '5 06 42.03...,..... 720 !SIG - 6 101 ,1.924. / .„.... G 1151184.W... i i.... G Go' By reference *the above Table, it will be ciliserved that - when the industrY .of this, country wits protected.either by wit . or pro-, tective duties,' therprice of dour edwiys ruled" higher .thart when we bad` mere reVenneer nonj-proteetive dudes, , *or *Me the trail protective tariff till was pissed: in -1828 *Mott was succeeded . by_the. compromise; bill OfitiM, which reduoid'ill ditietigradu , ally to - :26 percent. in Hie It iwill tie ob served, . served, that dour ruled higher inwf 1828 to 1840 tbwfrom,lB , 4o to 1841,"arh ... the tarid, of 1842 tor, -Iffeel, and-Continued nrail 1150 ,in connection with the Irish 1 famila. 'l'l3 1850.1 L i 1 1 1 1851; and 1852 we had no p r o tecttgat ri ld only ,the Usual foreign . detnihd,‘ alui. p ruled low. Orom 1874110 1857. the Wall in Europe created an extra 414maiid abroad , lied prices itiled higher. The smash of 183 T; which u caused solely at . the want of protection . ..,to oar industry; tensed prices to 'rule lont' , Again nail! the protection gliren I.or, the Ri , . ~, belie!' run prices - iv again. The above Ti: ble'shOws conchisiirely Itrat -when we bad inadequate protectlori to American ' industry and IP extra fcirelp,deuiand, !heti:, prima of flour itlways ruledtowi ex cept. wtierithere WU a 'gest failure in -the , propti'• whic h proves conclusively that protection to American is hot . alaraye seettres to ;farmers , ft better •priee :for their. Production 4 becanie• the misses are able to consume u ore largely. i ' , 44. 11867.- . . - Bowies I.,sonsitrvia—paxiooormsx:—lf only merntCeii of Congreis could - ferm any bleti•of the effect of unwise legisation pt a period like the present,: they would' hesitate before they Introduced such ineatureOnto Omigram i particularly with regard to cuiren cy. It I a question whether Congress vied wisely in the.loan bills authorizing:the issue of, 5 26 bowie, in not designating_whether)hey should beipaid in gold or not ; but titere in not an Intelligent person in the country:thatidees not know that the authors of the bill, the Sec: retiriof the Treasury, arid. the whole !press of the ccinntry proclaimed thaVihese, bends would baciedestned hi gold when' paid; oe what is etalvalent .to - gold, and the y were taken by 'e people under, tbak,* -belief. 'All legislation shank the payment iin - coin or paper now, is not only. irjurious; _but abso lately perniclotti In Its effect._Notke of these itOlds are due; and they hive twenty years to run, if the governnient is not pTepared to redeem th before that period—oithey may Make a new *Me and convert• them, if the. ,peOple wiliAakethem.ibr a' longer ;period at a fairer rate of interest. t We belle/Fe the' faith of the country' Will bp*ostahied, and. when the 'Government *ready to ' pay these bonds or any. flirt of them; that specie: pay -meats will be reMmel and they Will be paid In Coin •ite ha:equivalent. Everi: , leader of, the fiction„ called' the ; C tpperhead party, in_ and out of Cotigiess; so feet* they have ,ex pressed their sentiments,, show that they_ are fighting i r nothing butlpoWer and Plunder, regardles of their mean% and we are .sUrry . to see th t smite Of the RePublican members of Cangren are a little Infrcted with dema gogueisaisn, I Tile reCent epeecii of Gen. Butler, an then : coil and the National Bank systetn, - Was extremely, highly, colored .not sustained by,fiets, and was CalColated 7i do greet Injiny among the unthinking and:less intelligent portlon'; Of .the conlninnity. ,If CongressWould'onl) , ,. grapple thoie questions /which require i immediate legislation .and leave such uncalled for legislation' alone— that : is look More to the business interests of 'the country which* suffering, and cut . loose from .the money changers - far awhile, • the ~banks and the! GOven,imenti.,conid resume specie' pipients Within. and yea', without contracting tkelctirrency below the wants of the country, lint without irinring any brSnch of productive industry. . - - i .'1 1 • ----- D ---- - IT may be interesting_to the traieling pPb lic •to know that the, shortest Slid quickest , line to the West and gonth, is by 'the way of theTennsylvat Central, Pall-handle rbite, and "Old Rella • e" Little 311aml Itallioad.— Passengers by this route reach Cincinnati it seven and a hat! hours lc time-than by, tiny eti competing lin , The safety and" comfort of • aseengers, the 'l' quick and , certainty of king , connee ions, recommend these roads hig ,ly to;tha, attention of trave)ers.• and the unifo ~ politeness of the employees t 'cin the trains i•lritste Much of the unpleasant expo iienee us t* , met with In travel by rail, Of the e*cell menagement onhe I'ennsylva nit‘entral, wu need not speak. It is well kno*n to all In\ this section. , But- • thosi whtth , tve never passed over the Little . tared WlroalL 'Old Reliable'' as It; la Went, 4 .;,. Wu/would say bat in ti entire' ~ , ,e ~, ctrl th , ! public is aisured of the most comp ete natisfaction. J. Durand, 5 - q., the General cip Buperintendenl of the tioad; , lss and com petent din esiful rant - gad bfltfr.' and the good condition t Matruh and rolling stock, with ren/arkabl etempthin from ti cident on his Road, Veryattirally give conga , , ce and ease, While Intl, litaj. IVM. L I • OW , the General ticket Ilgent . at Cincinnati,. the • as ttenget IS safe ht expecting find gratified , • receiving every comfort and accoinmodation. We•then say, onhealtatlngli, to every person contemplatingatriv tb lb° West, or 84iilti; °try the "Old Reliable" Littletltlifimt,:and to 'securelltei unequaled advantageself-this line; . -be particular at the ticket ,oflicus; to ask for tickets "vita Pan-handle "' , • 1 , .' Tux 'lcistsr. Thwart —hi EngIOW the mo ney Changers control all' the legislation wi!h regard to currency questions, and Oeir legis latlon is alMost a disgraceto s coinmercial nation, but the people in failhave failed to change;it.' , In the Unitedi §,tateti this power Is also beeoplig supremtf. 7 :13carcely a mem ber of ,Congress wIU Iliqett'now-i-days to .any hotline:4s Mjtrt on tbkrnbject of the our. rency, but givelear to thlite.sofho dCal exch. sively In Money in the liege cities, and the legislationhaped sktco - Ohlgly.,. It waif the money changers who prevented Congress 'from impeaching Aildrewlohnson and the money changers wit! ruin tlo — lndustry of this counti7 if the people remain quiet muck longer. 'What do the "bulls" rind "taStia' care about the- interests of the cOunt, ey barn a stock speculation en: • , d ? net] persons will spend tho , , of dollars . securing papers In onr Cid - • d .in prom 'ng borers, to go to Wait ..: on to atave'off , dicta! legislatims in . that they msy e ;benefited in som speculation. Unfortn . Sely : the-,peop • , o not. always select Com , etent tins , . men to legislate for 'them ; but on th. contrary, too natry who show, in .., . are selected in preference, mere y,beieanse they are ineri . actire, in making ,fesslons and priimlic and sometimes out . 1 0f mere charity. 1 .. - • ' )- Tan' VicsiPasineracv.- 7 1t deems to conceded 'Met Gen. Ote4C - t ne. Repeblicen cendidete ihr the . I'yeettleney, 'Mould he live, and the nex4rtion b, will '`- - t,. *dodo 4 end Cd. Jahn W. Ferrol ham reidered greet eerteee_iti dummy, ever - 11104 the Rebel HEM yi n Srat initarated , 0011024D1CA21._ , TheW1 11 41 4 46 12, tretik -00 040the UPI k!lthlgiftiriliatuiltd oft 04011146121 1 M. wit ha l.. IL ' 01"Ildilgellisit Colottid Otiotit. 1 itt ru i - Jobtomadasotommittlitatr tioveroo4 toorosquitookoorUo t.... .,ll6 M . 180 . ,. A_ !0t:.:, Jolts atiarthe bi liltthoo l°" "Tolalirsilsie_ : ad bf A. J. Inas rte bitter was gift wow t altittr i nga= 171 11 4 4611 11 1 046 OW Oa" wo w thyroods dim* tklitUfteo, *4 la ou, ougo thy tag beg mits'orthe &Inhalator, opt: n 1 thoalloalbrillabooot 101 l ban &to ma. * ppoo.. dad ilia I Moot MP port dike Ittihad - y= lotleyL Ttiototoolit borto *boo , to the olltoollooto Mg I bad_ aesertot theta. Ibt' gThL stipti sroll34 teas &owl too pea V 1 T lr game wiiiidetp cm: Il llgs ieipsetil ic i a=r4W atai llasia aik weft: as =kind OW et the • • 1/04004 • 1111 " 18102"lialit " Is i lf. . ro . gebzw,te ; , ; be_ , ‘..poutas.lio not Liwgitlii . 'il itiiit,4iika imorblitie, the x , ist giTei in U 404 • for •the aid the eoidierti fdell3die: (31mrwr, MaMMEI A Stnif i r w!ntat.Onnalms e, —This t . e, the I,labor . carried.intanidital eleati by abort Rime thohaand Republica i candidite for Id ,did not give that inotection diatry at We hattiessioueth hence tLe detest hf the date at the ieceitielection. itinw,that they have Capper end labor, end alms to reduce th tlon of E a twerCbj ittiocan b tritt:bilt et th,grSithe 11111 0' minedin te; .CongteaS . SUSTAIN DO WN.I We m o a t , M n2l2l i ll *L • election !us -‘thdiciate the Rohl. Talc-Reform. , ,publicins, 41; pemoctrals2, BO * l as we say, the defeat c candidate, is a sign which heed. To out Bous&tiottas.-- scribers ,to whorri we are hills of aubseriPtiOn toltbe fer a favor t hy remain: amouute due ut theh.earll enema:entering ; Into the Jourrud; for 104, paper, • paymerda, t l a d those su Indebted can mist •thia tuatser, by eariy oleo Taw Shares of the Wash viny l , of philadelpliis are • • • uneumpled rapidity. 'The ceahnent, the honesty of p • tame who first inaugurated fairness litith 4ziaith: the • • • tion Is to be.condueted, and t to which-the entire surplus • taken drm hold •npon pun. shims of stock %Übe ....• at' the great 'distribution • • Gao. A. ~Coo 4k Beni • street,Philadelpicii, are rec and :their name - ti ID ass • • •arid reliability of the Comp zed for i good purpose wtuc . 1 ft:misled with the bogukcon.; wounter..»Sead advertisem ' Fan all i thase Dharessing dies which originate in Seto or vitiated state of the Woo the tonic and pttrifiing eft% dine Water, a pure solution pare wa without , s soiven • Hsu ra • °TWIN WINE, : A. !beet , of Paint, N. J., bottle of, his Port', rape W ., -preekited it to a ftiend who After giving the laic* a few cures_us he derived marked We find 1 that man ! invalids,' Eppel , . Port GraWine wi Moults. • 1, • pinggists keep It. - liVtlistre been ptirileged icon Organs, man factored F. p. &H. fr...itimith. F Music aid as.aiirtooomn "an Instrtuneht of ;its sits, anything more 110 b or gr prised .to learn that the VD, difficult to enpply tho deuo meats. The church &mat match for the enterprise at establishment. No oongregi poor music , i ben it s so e ew llttle.oost, by the pnrchaf gene. ;.!-21:ii 'an addition to ti hardly,ificoad to the-piano.- ..11M! ifftheir tone,) a variety' sion,tb at is an inialuable ad find.) Jm 111tts. PARTr,...orovlst-tr tains . of ile,wilalpshire tionvery avy frost dollar dinners. at the pea' renownikt-Drake saw those at and thereupon laderned and path to the Tip-ton House w —lB6O—X. PlarrAnoN Brrr ire' f the /Its. Pa l rtingtorusl hams of the Granite State / heads together, outlawed Dr a offence toi.ply the a beloved I hills. Vtrilv, qie 111 count in New Htnishire. I pay them for this Ispletdo ..BIAOICOLTA WATI4L —A deb superior to Cologne and at h LOCAL N • Tax driest Siraoktag _Tobacco burg amoagavriqh are the brands, viz Citn VitainaA. 0 UNaki Dhea.. f wx.yarN . S BROIIIR, Stu It flesh and Amer!. of the fittest qballtiee, at D. A Ir yon want a g0C.41 Smokln, Lrobncco, ito end call for.the. yOi - GOif4I34AN," atCIIAtiLICS WptTJliti LEtS,,l'renttirSt. 41 , • Lloselt6 erttleCi*y taste, and IL Smith ; Cent'rn street. • Gurrea al reduced Sec one . CIII awarded to A. 'flier for his 41,1ni._ It is thSr,best Grape this cohntry and has become communion Purposes, and Wei males and Weakly persons. ft:Wm Panora Luna Dan. D. A. flainbv. Dean+ it, t. THE C .IPotisvolle. 1 The 'quantity ient 'by 1 la 6,1.85. 16--by canal 1 week 74 iilG OGitons aga 1 the cnrrespondlng -week f The - Reading RsA R. year very angpiciously, s ai . far: fur th p revent tons. ~ • • • " Tbetrade a tiffs up th, 1 eorapitria 'with Last year:; . . tr. Had Mt, fed Rhukib 8.119 Try'. rtotr 94 &alit Mt. 8,191 tr.V= 2.111/ .11vd Tot. ',..,8,918 P 11 It it N.IE4 L Val R VW/ . ' whole wb le supply of nthracita... 1 from all there ' n this year ill eSceed ,th sup. ply of sat ye , 'attout..2. 0,00 lobs. .., e handle id" closed • •The"coal torn • e (/, 11 the Schuylkill cinal as : I /' - , , In 1867 I ' • 1,029,1: Tons. do Schuylkill Canal. • I,OO V /: it •• do • Del. dc Hudson C nal 1 „S• ,83.5 All the ralln i oda end 4+na .' ealifng direct ly to Phe Hew:iyork h ,t ( , are rapidly in creasing-their tOonage, 1 bile the on . the others areAle2 The I ' ,year o coil trt - o'll9 - r •th . his participa ted to a greal#tegke t anAny oth ....Itch -i• Of busitiessyili The gene :1 deprealon whi i has 'pre iilelli both in , this cotin ry and in . , ~. , k . for qui last; Y ',Ur so.' 'rhe pros - howevq, , are v ' encitthrSging for 68 Ibril:Who can rocirreadvMatageons outlets to e On prospects/ will de pendm , n tbelp licy o oar carry ' comps- At II 'hey concon mpe with oth r regions bak iri • , they will. I e w, that!ey h a ve, I tubed to 'do so, but. e also know that the porii c -l omPimiesi do not' anonte•to much Imine tb AL o 4 i MirEI:LISD to fulfill ilium .. ;•' I' ' wz twit AND optot.o - =_ •.. The followtng tette/Orel Dr. r.-lir.l b Uni t tea ewes Ocelot* Ibr the Mate of We that cod and Imo: delicate great richness are to :found; to Coloredix Me ea en der date of October , gash. tatil f— Vigra ositly • geed deal of .Oro the &writ this . ~,soO. I cannot emeis • . blglilitof edge. / ' 11 111 1 ,)1 that Mew I leatt front gbot to el beds ce coal al bow am to . •- -• feat to utak"( an aggregate Icelhantb k • • bet &seldom' et last. It MU be merit come 1, , cap; mot be inedawaftie. Ate to 11:5 4 s e tt +... . • • Mire tea be no &OS that Gm to , L ,... - kid. and Abe awl." of tbe bate , It, Is . 7 Pc" . •- , •.. sad WO a PedtbMb Mem day . - aod t he ••,. or Pennestreats. It bone ,• a Wham red . oot - as illistibmt of sod leans ash. _ Indeed the by Dr. Tallow. .of th e Palled Steps at Tbek, MAW that le MU contains only 1 err of . • and ag per era& at aged carbon. For *men my It mot prove exams sod Mere Is no rea son to mimeo the t Irwin not bit meta Ibr melting pre. Ice an deapeade• whore tt Mid Mgr leak ' nallo antluselhn It ia: i l l e hug se thy wood, gage go affsaidekydkje. no distract", el" meat Maks", MOW there nothing's 11 tbsd will Wan itssaybonete. Worm tenwees mare Om dry wood. .Tbe sea whish wig et some Z ile •,... maim o rl=llllBlllllllllllll .. As • - 111 Ike Millant et la 41~ seisseeth. VW ' :N 3 Inde 4011 bt the Naar -61 'Sot wore then ma tit Kam me. selestedtetas et • lOU he sem • Usk that sot oats Colimin, hat Illabrankasellismess. Goodtels% dag. trukb• Milt Cad *cm MIL Ime tedelolbia all delowde m z= sod., ,th...140.1_,,kr of the code 10 the WWI StaterorM offite elate of rum. ilhisdio - Illose_ _ ' the Ualas r•eing La.. imam Perak lidlosy. mar car ae. , • .. s • NAM offoie d Oft ; tea win M _ itideliwg lOW which awakes.' • 1 ores - ‘ data lnigOlsolh void • tiotts ccaelofthm ,this' eat bees teled striates Seer zielpila. . topedally 91 , 01ralw. Mb* isagmillysim the • VIM MOM Mega 'Meatless tea Am Isms et , , cell Add Ma MAIM VaillMitillefic . it s 'allot' t lbs ',:_ , 1 . .. 1 /1 x 7 ll , * - I - - \ • • '- ; .. ..r - Lr":1 T71,- 3,1\1. - Ntits4l I '7 ' ,AT to HELD. them' ticket il.. in iPittebt4,- ' Y 'ow tbs . . Caniptee, . Ameticatahr, ..r. reqtdred, . , , loin mil a ey cowse, - . -*Al2liliCti .t. to.the' coadl.;, g` llll(4lll2 gfree ' . . kilt, defer- i ., and one tie. E the Republican pcmi 7 ess should I. ose o f our sub-. now • forwarding ournal, will con .the respective iionvence. The .I;lication of the , requires cash ibers Who are ps materisilY in n to onr request.. Ca (cat con- ; • manifested by ,this enterprise, the • final distribn- • patriotic purpose to be applied, bevel Coaddenoe. Every . ned by a present 1300,000 worth oot 39 Routh Third ire of ell the fonds, ea of the Integrity y,'w hie ould ' nhot o bregeoani shn. •rtus that infest the .d Lehetiog * or an atimbled: notbir* can equal Of Dr. Anders" Io , flodirukdisolsed in 'me mince Mr • emoted na with it our trim. ire • sad feeble health. dale. our friend as• benefit from Its nee. ." this city ire using thaume beneficial . , examine: the Aste r-' nßta on; Maas:, by !.r1 Parlor or Church t to ,eloglag, for 1 hare 'never;breani. d . We. aro 'dot cur nnfactnrere and it ad' for,their instra:. "ti alone would be etkill of. this large. 1 , Lion, is esti:viable far to Impure it *t:, e of ontr..of three or e ',parlor"; they 4 rauk- I There ieti ricih ftil. F ad power in Alves itiou to hams nag- The White noun wreatlvrininatite- licatitifel view, fear tical eve Of a. certain oethed-faced Teats, • arirgiteo the bridle th Ids faiiilisr S. T. RS. Tilieraised the .topcsiiqir'thelliegia i who Rit - their! wise Drakeland xaake it istic brpsh onftheir fcartii afro at 'a din- Qecry.--Did Drake vertieeraesit ? , liiful toilet art.iitle_ If the ptico. . 49-2 t.: tam i . . • nfactnied in . Utkeh- . ninit [synth° LTD PCP r nele at::CITABLE.4 ntre street. • elotlLAli ay1e5,410 . Bmlttee. centre eared.. In wither : coluratt I• brated .Port Grape I e ever produced In the 'standard Wine for malttertellcird (Or fe- a beantNl article, a AL [TRADE. g -7 14.-1,1387: all 129actthis week 11,230 10—for the net 33,1{.22 tone for &et peat.; • operis the `flee ORjag an 1q aie Leal year o 30,338 w = as follows; 11§167. ' I MESI I Tons. I ..—<---_i ~,/43,( • 3,000,6£03d337.725 23111.029.17 Taa.ta: 1,910,=63 211,91 Oft 1,001.01 d 159,699 1,165,310 , 141,5t6 TO' 477,276 i 69,1711 1.492,65, 1,739.4T5 1.166 802 1,623,952 408,141 411.209 24,909, 11,8 0 3,80 441,161 • 106.1 631,1113 082 7 8, 109,N55 44.2' MAU 1111.97 okost I ta !‘ 15.517.6113 559,,0pti aus on the • Paelik_waheraffil ha fraighted next- . ly &Olathe Sant to th e Witi‘ and sill radars amt . oiss7.' aill.fficantawA'_ as-hearemither to lianeport Waled to Maw say betroth w as lithe Becky lonntena aid 'the 'fffirea - - As tothe Ina area a air Mo. wino to to , inintanaffible.,,TW7 occir to the Wan of noduie or , nancralloas of aft teach trim a Mind to. sescral' • • • weight • These tooselonahre siattendAttef 16 , 400Atiet. q f itrati./ Harm *Mtn theibinagb peatisea Yahnicaapkeed U ter riert at au f Coltado.Dabiti Hobo. Owelltisa Air eclittothie - Mid ' ismackatiocelp ray. that La mg trona ham / am: gad with co rich o,lo2ffit7 as this wit ' • • Ilheisappi. - be lievelist Mara •.• of Cokesha. - Nebreeks -and • isesseccerfuldeaelG l meaFast •••'' • • konifrifined 4 o lol W l air othela , • ur l idoisd Mari B ho take •••• •• of :••• actliti o Coal Mace o n th. Dorer • • ••• _near • • • Xisilatis. • • Strict refesenom • to tameefty and • rr' , . er regain& Applicatim to. beard. to the office , Mier Companp,.ffirman It, eil.Watlaamakif st 1 INPu ' ►CBIAL OPZIRATORS.--ita macr e signed hart' t been for etsny years *gent of the Nadine keypad Co. for the total dellsereel on the Hag's[ Brood aad Wane Welt& Wing gait the or ibeCutopeny. his turned he attenUoe to of coal to the:ety Ueda. I have as intimate bolds* at the MY DoStnee. Blurs sad etioanay desire to seems goal city costae'. tau end It to their sittentsge to thee cold in my tumdc— Bellsble.refisences Address - " 7 ' * DAVID L hiciLAIDGEILIN. * 111•Iii - Wahlnigtm Avenue, Philadelphia. December la. 961' I . p- • - OOLL GILT& • lerelogins. hem P. illUellaiwadi 11.1111170 P.• Bo ks 981 i I 25 Batt 4tk Norwalk. . 03 Chnikstown "- 2 .21i London 2 0 0 Qwelasa ........ 2'83 Now Nediard ' " 00 .. .. 2 10' 200 Mei; 00 =at 3 :0 01 0 0 :0 0 ie: ...... 9 73 .... 11121 mummer' 3 02 • 225 Providence. '2 00 SO 1 44 Recter:7 1 /5 NEW Haven 00 .t :. 2. eti . " oreis and tat Wits *toad for sawn. •.; Wreillmta Crook tiew , 'fork. $ eoprevaumbn Pall Elver 5130 w; lanai Newport IPastreket... Boston - - 1 50 Taunton: Norwlek. • 1 511,Naw Provkleneol-..., 1 40Portinoonth..1 ' ' Norwalk. • ' oolNew ' 135 3liiddletown llojadditeport...i, • •1 00 Portland - • -1 30rharthird•• ••• • • ISO ate• Hodson. ..... . 90 Anima, *Wan Fr[!lUtallS Haldanelie:. mideiptga . -,, 1 , 44 3 New Tarp. ' ' I 90* &atm .... -a..' -504 Th r.e iriatte lis fro ,,,r. . : .. 6ll2 imprieglows or Alex merle' , $l, New ' , 1, 10 0 GO 13 "44Ft • - • '4 ?Gap 00. - 4'HE COAL ISIA4IC.E' TS. -4a-- • 11/11JEB orooarriy:lU (Ludo • tramacran warms sea eal spar 4ommes.,l • .! ', ....:.i.m....,!.... lic • . . ' .ll' PUILADELP i A. .• , ,son 11,A14 1314271 7:MI 110:1179. : • t ~. • Dee.i 13. 18M • -414buyikill Itedloh Prlgiredq l • it 504) 475 " ..Cheetnat, • . 1 - 3 Otha " VilgteMith Lump. .. ;14 00 410 - _ St. , Boat and Broken :A oig 410 i. • Egg i• f, .. •4. 440 ~.- " . , Stove . • , . ! -.- -4 440 ...7, !' " i11iminnt„......'.... • 500ta '' - Lotiaat Mt., ',..3 - m_ .p,, - , .. , t 4 OM 4 10 .:.! a• " . 4-St. BoMonad Broken.... 4I14• 4 10 - . -- „!z._.•*Egs-:7- r - , :: . `, ,, ..1 . ,.....-. ..... .... Lo ,• o et ' st ore .: ;• .. -" " C p hestnut, '', - '. 8007, 3'15 Liiblp,h . Ln_ • • ' '- 5 ,.., .' c St. and Broken. ' .5 00 •.. —. m si Egg . ...,' 5.250 • ~- , • Stove • - ~ 5 "'; ' ' 4 0042 - Broad Top,. . ' 4 90" a 500 - - Braman Orkm.s.. Hill'i Barrie. Lump. .. . 1..- ..,. • '" • St. Boaiandaiolierit . i • '• . Egg. ; - . , . . . "• .Btove. , #. l 'Chestnut, '- ._, ' r . The following prices ere for shipments out of Btonington, Com., by Chas. land J. H. Fastwick. -• • - Br - Mull:le; Broken. . " Stove... Nat.... " ... . Lorborry Coal, . • . - , 4 734 fraokau, (Litens Valley) - ,5 2.5 ..,., itarA ii coals &aired to ISa repotted as aprial. will be put under nil head. ;collided the quotations lac fur nished by the putter Interested. - • AT NEW YORK. ' Ore. 3 - .71567. Sehaylkill Red Ash by,l3ciat'Load..s.l.l;32l©l, ' Chestnut, " ; • " White Ash Lump—.. '.5..25(di • "' Steam Boat and Broken.. 5 ,25rdi .114, Egg . 5 otvz .-. Store .• J... 5 75(4(.5 00 " Chest fini; . .1 4 250 Lehigh White Ash Lurnp' . • • 5 50 , 41 ' • ." Steam Bost and Brokett.... 5.504 - " Egg.... v . 5 son - 5 50dj Chestnut:: • ' '4,50 Ti 2 - 'Lehigh Coal at Eltaabetiport. Lamp, by Cargo 5.500 St. Bost• and Broken " " 004) . " 5 254 S , Stove, • -o is • - r • Ont Chestnut " • ". 4,75®, - ' Nevem ton Coal at Ellsaleetileort. .Lump, Auction prices $ 3 7Gta • , 'Steamer, S 92Q Orate, - 4. 280 Egg. Stove, ' 5 'nu . Obeetnnt, 3 4 366 ' . At private elle 25 to 40 mute • ton - adcattoo. • Freight to New: York 60 Conte! tierlon.. - Penna. C4lllll/4111400 C 41111114 Nealmvilt.7 - Lcunp, . Auction prices St. Boat endltroicen. ' ''' ...$1 604 Stove. 4 4 074 . Chestnut. .:• At private ealey.o to 40 'cents a ton advance. . Freight to IkTew„York 70 cents per,ton. ' Del. is 11111111141141 . C 6.4 Coal al load.: teirculu prime for October . and November. .1 Lump r Steamboat Grate !tog' . • ye: - • • s .Cheetittit From Roandoat to New Y. k .. .. -AT BA IDIOM.' i.. , • Dee. - 12 1887. To trade b o or car load. WLlkee're & • W. &h. .... :..85 575 Lykens V Anat.. '. .5 7 625 -Shinto , whit* or It: Ash .... ... . 5 5:75 Fru vard'or wharf,. 75 coots additimial. p o. iverea to oortatimere. -- . .. 7 08a 7 75 rgew.creek and Comber land Coal-- i -... b. at Locust Not 'for abloptAir.' At 4 1 1 .150 5 00 Al EOBQETOWN, D..C. Ca Lad; o. b., for ' silp ' yg4 .41 t 48641.60 AT HAVRE DE GRACE. winDstsure a Pitman st..n bau : d *1561110 Sunbury & •-tiainokla • 23 Lyketui. Valley 5 1 . FtWa 85 aelnivlkill Co. Railroad.. few The following is tbe quantity of coal traniported over the following Railroads fig the week ending on Thom flay evening last: ', . - A Mine IEII &S. It R dean 'Valleiy. Mt. aion • Mill Creek 1 BLACK BAND IRO !! Beat beer tke Creek Rill . • Week.. Preelailly Z fttai 1!!!! rn !IN 4 astilmadis 18111', litho °um* seat kw last week:, Schuylkill. 45 The &Ala* ! • s. a. Vs(-: vat, • ';;. E~'~'!~t''!*'!~'.~J'~T'~f i / J / / • .81. Clair hut Cuban : Potter M- .AtSchubtuin uylkill • Haves • Pori Clintcon. - is • Tow for week / Prirr — ionslyttpr I To woe • lift Tosz• • • 51 Tra4l rof *1967. Sttrathilt AR: • MMEM Mill It9AJX:I CANAL. ' — i*. trese.l Twat, win: voter. . . z .. JAMES go- ELL ciiiii a; co.; _._.h.._____._ . 1 4ni • 429 Mil: ‘,.7. _ NO W . t a,7 ,, , ...t ABS RtiD - Y-1 2,903 • I l i* IR ' i . I, MS ',4 134,T4 - -Tic i,,;,, . - .WITH , 1 $. , -v -: '. I:Zg. ' jg ‘. i 1.141 6 liZ: tnurehui . tor;iiiiois • ie. 1,339 f_ 200 85.,239, ' e , op . - '-' ' ' 854 .. 94 , 91.738 ! ; s , l f, • I . • 1."5 -4: " 4534 CII R/STMAN GOODS' • lA'S/ ..„ , 118 44,281, 1 1,840 l,, ft 11,176 . • - . fio • . 4,45.9 - in WW I • FOB Pll3 MIMI` SU N, to," whtett they r u es! v 33 *byes , ritePeettellv li.vita We attentlt3n of those tan 1 STO ,', IPA% -;adrilr,6lll.fill= an early dill' 1 f li li Ztgt °.) i . E 4 fn 16. ) " i t:: " pervert tha t; g i ll th at n ti 7 ' they ( *sett* el. --- '-! tended to elf their I Tialtofe. lttj e lk of • •, , , The ,,, i . %%wink DiAmarri.s.l .1 : Irir/LatY. - IPrat - • [i sij7 . rAlt2,.l'LATBDoichnel. OLOOL/Ir b O /1 - , • .400,1 ~ Zed. &EUROPEAN NOVEylt 84 ;,. 1 1 Of eTery demerit/cm, offend this setter iiy the Iftntle. ex o e oo9 111 Tichheee Tuley and . beanie, the effort* of 1 .. alli tut,,rje k t me l r feMe e e i, to rA put u.ii iriir. - 4 ii.v. ,1, —;*.c. •..-1.1. hilly Idyll ed to eta oat atilt.. { 14 Itelft: 11/ All =by' lett/t; or Inquiries respecting , i .. goode fiTh:Frlll receive weld end prompt. Wes t •,.. coo: Geode ally whoa awl tnivarded. IMF ; In , 0118131ULATLY ItEDKOICD TO SUIT TIIE TIIIB9, • 9 JAMES E. eh:Lk/WELL*, -4 , 004, I 1 ,, ~: . amarrie•ad B freq rol . llllllll6 .l' L ---- ' • ' a ti: io. 822 cnyitim ' t tint, taidejithati;' ` 19,,1 1 9 n 7. , • soir "- ,' 1 - •. , ' 43 -ink- 7 -. 314,444 ~ 1.9 1 M 4411 TIE< GREAT '1 AMERICAN 4 UP l ' in j •-, \-, • AIIPC9 IIII ./' ' '-' •!- 1" '' '' • 8 ' 96 ' ' ' T E 14.0 .0 04;P,i101 Y .' " " 5 rt-* -sr I ' 74 ' 991 i'•; 4l '' ell7* ' lON ' •rmig tl . , . !.. , ~.'1144• . .• ,k" -' ' '''''' .•• ! - 'ile 1 *- .1 •• IP .. , .`e! 0 1 : 4 0.1 11 12.3 ' ' • • a.ses '-,/ - ' . • ~1 , ....4".- --- --4 1 1 ]Ape We % , ' '. • , \ • -- --I ' , Ape •We mobs tentimittit Ptibits oat tbdestmp coo. iffi, l B l- emir* hive iiPme up Piet few' iirmr, a-4ti- • tai % ; 1 esm i ' sB6 !tide ease lien* *vat aid ,gr,tit basalt.= i 77, - . Velem up twasieettos with ,44,t- O l e"' bowl 0 1 9/ Ago 479 lett ertme4ll4 the bcoad teletteee 4 telleeeke I:ipot.ldeick lei calame to itiarset,'oo6.ol.*# be'. t areptabielo . the pabgealifeitreeleffeeekte o Atm &dam 44 gitelps op Chile (111101 • oft , • ptcl4l4).4llohate IT: ee*, each day CO ' - , • ' lll = l2o IT I PS II , IB 9 I4II I w II SP." l l4':, ..ef . 'I". ;woo* tt to # PIT, pit Oxitid.* -- •• • • • Oat 060 ,4 Illi Call* , Illitll011 0 klefO rlirr;4 - '' ' ; 1.. 11!..; '' 061001 Tila6- -.' ' . , - ioe . ' 90c Oleit"9l 00 et Ilk deed (anis ai Mr:l4 , '.... = tie r''. Briialmi-loc _ $LOO$ ' ; 1 4 04 4. , , Virile - , lie , 1.60, 140.. , T 4 4A.,.., • " . Gl‘ditt - . ...1, . t • 1 .1,;.1.00 I.St , 140 g • s!.;' T.., -, • ' sik4leriao Lae" ! tee 4 . I • ......... . ' soki!...;Ztoeir LOU LW" -- Lie, : 4 . • ' l ;7 ' s• ' ; -'' '' ' - lt - 1:1 1 4-1.1184 *, , .' - r si.L...' 077____ 1 'ssif .Wiiic. asst Aspic* Ilk iiieNta la -41.6i-sedt tvii - litigejf **lva' ?.'• - V !I - I ; w-mi.. "-' 447 61, , , . OPErtATORL • B • etcm •• • Sugar Loaf.... XL • awl , Jed& .. ... .. Barloish COXe tiro Co. e . libberval Blunt. ' .05uncil' Ridge. ••• • Back 'Mountain.. .. Few York a Letlet Honey Brook Coal German Pa. Coal Co Mt. Coal Cp. John Oman:.. Lehi& Eine Co J. a Reba- &C 0.... =',iiii;t*iiii -- Coal Run OW C 0.., Innktonn C•Jdwell Co Glendon Coal Oa— al.b. Delanck may ooal Lb H. Hems • alma Baltimore-Coal Co.. Franklin: Andienikal WasteslnaiA. llilloobstro .: ....... . Warrior Rah. . Uri .. Ray Co . 1 5h.pp001.... • L a.131:44 WattirCo...t. ‘-:-.• Soho lanboch i Co. TreatAin Coal 00....1 - Union Ocol.Co.: . . ;,. Wianteg OW Cio .... Femmes Coil Co.— , i Moues Cool OD. ..- Wilms a lieertog. Aabbottoo Cool Cb.. Itledood Cool Co.. ~• ..•• • • BA Coal Oa 's'. $,, • - .....: • C.Vo. . i - .• _. • -- • Co.. Zoolart • - • . 'VlilloCoal Co , John 1M0....... : 4 I no Man 11=1 Ivy R. Cad Borth, lug Tam KMM • 114.11111117. imesslS 440114440, Oaks tbe Int slooth: ' 113 1474 lit U 14164tripirie 11“ wax or Woe - - 4... 5 , 4. Moo Com! MIT St ; if ' 1 15416114611 ".1 41 Olert e rsikh au l a!•:arE t .1111 1 011;7; . 10,910 z.lllll 1111,60 hi Wier' '' "AN= z MAW • wow mhos- - • wow ale, .Immoolit2llo4.ollol, - Thrli ' • er d - tr tt MB 'D C R 4 - , ilateay 4411011- • s 19117.4184 ' -11 0 ,4 1 . 11421 7gr iik , 4(14 -. 11 .f lat k r all. 101 1 1 46 elltOng, S .. - • -• .15 *** • .3 1 0 3 3,11 • • ' j„t :•••• '''''''''''''' Lys% Ii sits is - , ' - otsl Viert .. I • 11"1"14,t,hil 144*r Total '... . 105,3421 Z hale u st "tar 13 Decrease ,. i 2/ 01413 r • Mina Sou42=V giagai Cksl 0:14111 , 7 . .. • Illoant Rua L. _. • • 'Co " .4- I Deillool s'lnert Gleodoo •-• .Vongst,„ ;. Wenn. W• 4•44 , 11105.4. *. 4i Cam p getTiot „„ vane, Coal CutoPlat Nor; • -• • r ' TrAal ' ..... . • 1- " • - . AMAiIiT'MENTS, IME '-'Clireieb Peones,lN:, Tanunonec (keret Oom,• Green r- Pea, p nmal Gotel. Chernes and Illaekberrleit. - 1' ! • - I • Jso. Oi BROIL 2ar' car'' " d rrrsoA"Mia°' I I 1 15 1 20 • 1 U 5 jr Dutra Corti !teal Bodurbeut. and Superior ' JNOI. 4:1; BECK. '; I_7o 1 1 00 De& Pit a :—Bed mull citmeuperi. ar quality . o A tun Kook on band and for oak by.Mhe anent ter tanidlea. at cuanntantoy, Inloao by L. C. THOMPSON & Sl e d. sleds Sleds d :I......icortiplefe. mart- Mem of all id.nda Just reeetred direct from ther manufactory:, Ooh' 'Necks and Plate. made with two and tbre.etandarda. etay atrong, and welybeated4oe sale by the dozen Or 'lngle at., • L. c.tuoxesow a Q leash Ber ms' every description. both loam end strapped ; Body and Variegate ; Shaft and Pole Oblates, and a hill aaportmerit of all kindL, Met 3,oar self toady vrbtle the snow is 'here for, is Jelly grigh ride. Call ‘ sad examlee oar !Met 1 / • I ' • L. O. TOIIIESON & CO., Peose&ta. benh tdillal and oroamr/o" aa ti c. = b t i acleeted from otayeateradve ,stott of Haase Fernianinz Hanlware. Silver Plated an d pritts n ly icasicga, Brlltaata T Seta Silver Plated Toilet Boxee,Cologna Starkia. br at !Ann Holders, Spoons and Forks. Patent' S'lrer-boundl Tab'e Main. Table, Tea.-andPoeket.iltdve.{. Dian Feast Ivory and Hard Bobber, ?int PlO5. and ad endlearrartetyoiss ' ucles, all at:lt - meat rice!. • • • - ' • • L Cr. THOMPSON & OD. Friel tClairadra; Or 2 0 , , -31 eery useraltpreeent for , the holAys,ln oncnurate Indust'lona hahlts—a satiety "less and prime On' hand at • t L C':.TI.IOIIPSON at CO 9 , ; Fj CY 4R40D9 RANGY fawns ! .7 ay e December 9141111, A twoitory rrante Mote. linth a good otobez i buesteht. [helot beirg t 6 byloo fret, with Sta. ble attached; It le favrribtfloestell oh Centni 'Meet, EL Clair. Bchhjlbltl Ctihrity, Pt. :Dec../C 'at -W.2? , I I iterrilltionmea. RC.' GENIES haa zeothvetl to NO. If 8 CEN. .. THE STREET. hear Miners Baia! • TDe met beautiful diaplay of Jewelrk 'Watches. 81vat Wide arid, Fares-, Goods tier - eireled to the eitLzetat of 8011411 W County. Call acidic* estaigiabutelat and judge for yourialreit eheerfally ad.. Call at 178 CENTRB,bTRitIit near, ' bulk. Fottaellle. .' • ' •De&mberll. UT AND ERE D AWA Y.. . • ItlstelMA4 1r an old lady, between 50,and SO years of:age; lilt the house of her son-in-law. Nathaniel Rader, Pott,t ville, on Wednesday the 4th lash. and been heard of bet dace- She has bon lniatia the'ser. eral years. she had on 11 , i111, 'toilet a wornc.)ai rti !, dress, stterlsti s hmtl. •A m id a tie/that faded !rooks toltd7 — Any- infortion nflbecriherelbouts Pan he ?ert with Mr. OFIARLILS LORD or bee win-in-11W, NATIIANIBI RADIAL f • 1 I • Pott.ville December I% 147 ' , 5.000 . 5 DO@ . 3 LOU . 2 75(0 FEGHOTN larree 1. Patters, w Family; elevilars Intathisre. or Gold Watch. lltirre,orzeaist ! For one or two dare servlre!lo any town Of village. Tarticolara and' samples sent free by tuldrbag, with Swop, N. B. BLOUDDIAN &BO , No. dU Hanover Street. Dec 1 • 1 4 •' 11' ET TEital liewahlwanai Glelmai rel weed Is •La the Peat °Mee. at ott•rille, State of ferwtqlri• eta, on th e lath day of , c. totter. • - • —. To obtain ' any of let .ens, the aNalcaid toted call for ...ectvertiaM re," ifive the date ell this Bet, and ray one cent for adverthisi2.l If not calla] for within on iii . onth they will be lent to the Dead Letter.OHlce. ' Borchelt detia : Margaret ...o•NaliefTath •'t Heraeme eh'lu G etts Mr,•; j Robinson Mary Caftan It • R,nny Mary Eint.h Mary, ; Darla Lizzie ' Molten Om - fee Ster li ngygmtria • i Nage° Suain li , Sowers JX ' Eying R Keiin °limn Path WithrOWPl.ll .F.ilwell N T , I O'Neill, Vett . • Dee.. 14. 'GT ' • inunitA.w, R EIIIPY. . 111E.SIOVS1.1 - ! GREEN reepectre!'v•intortie his citsto 're and the public generellY. Pat ht. has removed NOW BUILDING, ' •.. ; *D. 178 Centre St.; raUsvilleal. Near the Miners' Bank: fir Be'erlll hatie hen& fsellitles for eunpiying'hte customer. with ereerbtna, in his line to than eter.,tuapes Abst. by itriT=lty and ettett lien to tan ems, deserve the re heretofore eo fiber y bestowed. , . t - I firltrrrS . NEW , BUILDINCi; ' ; 17S Vinare St., sear' 11It.ety' ' Settle. P.O . f;.'Ait, , : • :: P A,',l'C pp , 56 o.cmta a ton freight., 1& ‘ .RIC I", SHARP & CO., • -' 1 is; Jobben Re 1% ere, `OIIESTN .ST.Etg;ET,, I / iILADEPPIIIIA. 30 1 . • 'CT 4 1 4,1 a 7 1 . 4 Cal, .-AITIOIFTS -CLARK ;Silversmiths, , ~ Jewelers ' a 'Silversmiths, gtv ~...,., ciT 1, ( 2 ow r. 1,413.9 19 rr: 19:16 375 CKI 349,746'14 . For the week Liva ii - 9,457.1 A 4.170. 06 Are now of iflOg their instil.* stock of • ! ii I s • WATT { IDIANCFNDSMI*EL,RT, SILVA% ~ '. z 6.I4yJA•PLiTir,D , WARIE, CLOC/03.. :..rpUTLERY, FANCY (10005, ~ . • . , t 1 ' 1k.....1c...., . . , ... , . Al a ' Grew Lltedisetleis =ea timer, priers: . , , .onr stock the ptesent season Is loner !and more iota. i . pieta than so; we have,erxribefde cdfercit • 't, to,og 08 11,c25 239 bo 4806 ;0 . . $./ 000 ' • REWARD. ~• . ZIPT HOPIS 1n TREMONT, 'PA OM the morning of ffereisb•r aboot'll o'clock,' fur the: puktiose of 'going W DONALPSON PA„; • cor fa that tlireetkm; , %' GOtprnElt 1 RETIRES. •• He wee hit seen Shoot oneilMlf mile from Tam:Mf r . on the toad to Donitldsoo: „: ;AO. suPP O Sed is hi" been MURDHRED. 4 • Srill'be Oven for the recovery of his bad% and for theeonlictlon 'of the =ltras.' BOWLIthIDIONES, Tamagni. December u .67 • oft ':'• 11,450 10 111.9 ii 19 1.042.118 09 1,291,680 14 tooosss 00 8,425.413 00' sums ite 20,1677 2SI 1 : 1114 190 407 11,17711 MEE us; -zistov--c:74 A tiduilsofteai tor .11111117, !!—A.kit ofdna dried Sweet • I; • I JNO. Oi BCC& 41E4 gocd. • eV:46 t Ina J. e .0. BECK. . ftad ever A.RBLI; .VASEb. TAZZAS ISCANC224IIII VASS., Centre Street ": a c. GREEN, be 0,314 at bllc sale DRY; C4,OODS wAitgr - AU r . • - . • , ' si?«■*, '- , wha, -• nallatim • I; , - I . ~ • 21.,!!!•,,, • 8F 8 TE N G. El K. r) AD Oa* Waved soy name wauzurriti. Wes ei,E ,l 6 1711 Centre St., rear ibierel Bank, FSEITZI3 NSW 81.111.D&O. 3 4 0 4 1, - G • - H 0 1.1-3? Y D IHEIRWIChi tokaire *feet, poem - ilk, Theakthl be the patlit ti vattaaege extended to Mai. would tamixdfidlyla n , of nabs - Tali sad Tidally. that baby. wednd dock of 111 r, AND, BEAVTIFOL GOON "TIOLIPAY' rRESENTS,-' - , Cccalitlity of ;b." raiter?4rticia , . ac. width he . amnia attendee. I t Ci; _ lirtilTe aim a call in. , . 503 I • 4.794 111 ; .1e0 NO ithas 1;181 88,431 Mei mun 64,11118 • 111.688 18,1118 29.2411 sr Ame U,' 2.412 2.133 1.32$ 161 1.011 39S .1., setiNirt .1, • , , iiEsT **iris" '4Ol 150111,13 i , Mdrly • . , • AVARTERI - 01-I,oEriukty.• , , . • • ``Thus Bplendid NewspapeueatlYi =Urged and tin- Prlto*d. Citte of the MoselliOlable;_ useful' and biter .-r!dbirg intrmals era ,ptib mi r m 'Bevy number !a riesaufally prthted and el ly Mnstrated with ger. 11110,1 0=BorfrarinittO, Beg New Inventions. Nunlike in s s hi*anhur, Apl i t l i eeti tni.:Chernistry. Pho. teltraplth Alatufacturin. my, Science and Parineraltechax i i m Vpibiaineers. sr proferdon of life. will tbe C cnisilo be of great vvcip ,, their, respective ga • Its ommels and *eave *eds. cif Dollars ann. M i trialdn is i !affording thee.ra continued source of icnowlsde, the nine of Web Is beyond p , cunlary -.• All . pstenta pm: . : -- • with the dairt,, , puir• i leery Pub far orPtivatiklibtury,should have the. wnrl4 . • • ••• . and preserved foe • . yearly; numbers of the;;: . ,scrgsrrinc Minute a splendid vn.ln,,of nese, orie thousand' • nazto equitalerit ktinUrly tour thoitaraid erdrr SuirY honk A NeteN.lume commencer Jane • re? 1;4 . 59. I rublished Terms: Oni Year, 53 $11411113V Clubs of Ten Coplen for Year,,liteo epstimint IWO. sent Hi: • &oft's ' - 4 MOURN ilk, CO., '37 rail*, Soli. Neer York. gime Publishers of the SCUrtqlffe In •edtoo wllb the 'publication ;of the vaper. have feted asi Folbdues of Patent* for twenty-two years.— Thirty Thdrurand /kept:cations for Patents have been made throne' thettAgenty... More item One iluitred. Thousand Luvesuors have so ig.rht he counsel or the Proptore of the sClesTirte miERICAN concern ing IS trisections. Itionsoltstions and advice to fu see ors by msll,hee. 11Pampidets concerning Patent 'Lam of all Conuttles, Ave. . [ prA Mandsorue Bound Voltune. coetalnind 13s Meehan est Engravingil and the. pitted States ir.'enens by eciuntle.. with Uinta and RCetiptti' forldmhanles, malt-d'•n'receipt of ti3e.; • • •• • • itso-1 • . F04,1136t1 • t t • 9f • 1, I THE NEW 'YORK - . - iLEDGER, ,•• eißEAl44itlthi THFI; iIitEITESTiIiCIFER I S WRITS For It ; . • The reason that the MEW .LEDGICR has itse ;largest elrenlaUen IN'that it la the agar raga:. 'Why s litionld It net have the-largest circulation f, I More la bor. more talent, more Inshey, we' bestowed ap^n it than aciun any, other paper. Its moral tone av always pure and eleVated. lending ;Clergymen lot the United Flatlet., the Presitiwts.dt the Frincipal Colleges.' the greatest Poets, (Niglio:id - SW.o=on of the country. are Miaow tee elintsibutsrs to.loll:hiumw. The read er alwayagetit More thatt‘aticitioney's worth In the Ledger. 1 . We have alarspi bed the Myr a mirth& and' always shall have them. eon — what It may. Whatever we bate promised to Ode, JitiverilAtmentl herettlsre, `bur leaders Will bear its Ilettutpur that we have afiv.vs perfwmed : and not only that. but a great deal more. For lustance r ia MIX /fit PrOttpectiz4, we atmouneed story by limier Wane fiteestes.• which' we. gap! ; hot ¶e nht atioonme Rename Oszat.al'i Ati ti'svuusi is a • may, whlyhi Wei are Ow .publishins noir did we an nounce theeetles of Shield entithecLAuvons'so Yorac Mu, by the twelve College F. cm's. The ride cm .whigh the UM= condaZied the beet of everyt?Whetbeeithu,been , promised or got_ s The public Mee this - fief and It La from their desire to ob tbe very besapatittr that ilia, give the Ls Dora the reference:p tenet , ttl unparalleled , and unao-• Oeclearettlatkm, beineover three hundred' th 09- mot copies. •'• ••;.. ' Now. for Thine :P All our nteeent corps 9! Poppies' altheraselll tessritebutiv we shin beets-the nein.yesenitti s near story hr y, • SOUTHWOirra I thei Flow.i -110MACII GREELR WULpposlnne his Amobtearanhy; FANNIE' 'SIM lair Ffsao-IW,e; shindies JO 0. - SAX& hid.; hatarotis Poem: I BYLVANIIii Ja:Ask. ientestaluitig. liltltrßV WAII.G.LISECILEIthis original Pia weetoIANIttiYARTMI ' - bistritetive listooreiiksl Skold:ea: Mats. HOOF. Yaw Dentatlc :Sanative,. : MIRY KYLILDALLAG. LINIC CONRAD. -Mali VAUGHAN. fheir -delightful Start Stories: WILLI kid. LUX' URYANT.'ny.wg, cam; DL CHAIL:D. !GARDRITE. GEO. D. PEEN: 'ICE,_ _NATHAN 13.1 , i3WER. • MARA - AWE, BROMM. Me., SCHULTZ, Wlt. ROM ;WALLACE. pelt Poems. ; 1,1 A Maw Frtiatase Qv rtiviasteots—Abvina iro, Yarns. Wong,. t.--A Awa. Csatthe of the Lair in, la the begin :a:deg al ;this scar, wilNbc a *lira of Fiwelre, Written expsesely fur Young Ladles:by Twalve of the Wiest Ditilngutiated.Watzten of thetnitallaratee, inclu ding Mrs. iloitAor...l4lo:l, Mrs. Ist.o Micia Mrs. General Brims; Mn.a lioaabs l7acu v , audlMact ame Ls Very.; ' : .• OUR TERMS:FOR IaGS NOW Id Tiff .TO Single 'copies. s3,peennetun: foni•copitia *lO, which Is $ 1 . _apY e2gta. Tic ,seat -- . ____.,.. .__ ....... _. ._ Rebell4 brio . cletaid,we hare now *dee de wheth er the fundamental id ets ` which impelled ; and ,Justlfted. the Rebellion *ill dosidnate'ro. r our *hole t-cientrY, molding half. stionimis and A g .her destiny. 'if it he trna9tat.floti helmet. ere ,Ityl ' men. but only . White riten..*llla own imarge. ' made them millet' In Politica and civil rights, t o' it Is a..ivorld wide ea-. sy g !amity that Grant - dbilnot ' surender to. Lee At Appo suritox:' and "Tbn Lost Cause. 6. trodden Into, mire udder the: hoofs of 110 rough tiding cavalry. not only ahotild betWil be tegalnedth 0 - met al:Wow< Conventions' and at! th, tkilbs-b,ixes: . If ths Mach race, because they are acv, should be excluded from the Jarphod Sod repelled Irina the .ballUt-box.then Stonewall Jackson ougbt to' bead the roil of Amerlean martyrs, emblazoned Irish above' the nudes of War ren and Waver and. Pr laski t .-I litlaworth.' Lvon,; Be ker.lleydo7d* Wads worth , Kearney, Sedan lett. and li t c.Pbersetti ' ... •![ .1 • '.. ' . . . . It Is dtfrlcititto airttol with a - Mind, I,,,Felttod petit'. dice grounded in Igllqtrice ' and furtitkd by fvlf{lit--- oeie Dev4l of. rearon.lit Is hardy amenihte to Ira,. 'sob.. But minim , w o would Meg nompined to sp. • e b...d!on Justice ilumaulty ran tarirred by b an a which life i their , Interest and s ' ety. The naked treth!that every thorn Staler-Cron , turfed on the White basis li to ; a rebel Stater-4E ed . and ; ruled hy m n who ex 1 • Lincoln's 'reluctant and Lard to the; I lion as a .canselesi end. tiondir 'rektked,over Bun Run at tbe le rl i c .l 7 26 tqry prove, Invincible, if .we can az r but brirglit: bome tolapprehernalost of very -loyal voter.. j The* is no rueestion of 'good falthor gratitude * the Blacka4 'Their.votes are as neecroary A tm to tbk*eperrderanes of . ,trite loyally - as to their own VotM . ..cin And seturityy Iliecoustract the Son* - OD the • White beribtind eventOe of Ihe ditto States which held slaws In IMO will intensely, overatelmingir rad tbencekirth and evermore. Allow to day tit that the Slacks are ignorant and defrosted. and those Wheei you tbenetry-, them with posed add. take' goodwelt* the pleal. shall ,be as valid and well. grimmled'a centroyischee as It now is. Public Educe. Von and Civil Righ: - 4 Col the' loteedmed can only be achieved and matotil i I through the et.. "We litre for.lfigro IMP , the trap.flti? au n eed in New , sVolearis„'.; was the br_satiptkin an a late Conservative or Debriocrattc, proc - in Balt: MOM e mit OS gait which/ dictated th -.4wiwal is stel ram•astrit in. the SOnth.: • Bat for w at Is stfloni ,. Used *ll,llllMY'Doiparism, it Would ' ly . avenge by *tine and Indiction yrhat lt deems ' s • .o 'treachery to the Bentham mute. 1j... - • • . .- Tua,Tutsare !Ms deellned to twin or canoed ,'sside front the MaueStion. 4 has mistantly iti ' hued Maven the clamorfor veirsepace the detested /- Iteisfes_whethot.tti Mimi' o!' ::/ and allattLieseitnalli tobel foe tbriletrarsi ateenictiao /UM illetalserf e =o i ctiold le ' tteolly.'idsliber stelythgetOilbrint Sled ot dithmerhriadorlryl4 the of rpilisritat,mod • : littodemeof talon . / , . • . ft bee dentinded Iteminametion, I ca o. lbseti : .at aisorind=:llstoelly - Milt mpertiat le • e/Peliot eatimiaomme Of the Let that G' thoeht MIMWeel • ..hettesith 'Aitio . bad been at 1 -indoodissifibid .Iller teort /patrons. - -Vas hour of Its am*** mmaktaimis moot tie dir Mend. - • Aa de the; man who I. to be the . thorn etandard- beareiof the Republica:in* In' t 4 Impendlui;; eon- Wt., we ; arm*? eitterate p ferexce of OW' Jartme Chase ss the rob , and 61141: eminent of • onr livinsmatem Tea Tater sa will twiner a hearty, cher_htis • Amon to Gem Grant, er Pena l Wade, tor ade, or Speaker Oilifim, should he be nominated 1 and supported on/a platform width aEnna and tuTholds 1 the e4dal pialtlcal as well as civil righte of all afire* ' of the Republk.. We do Mot eontemplito as possibie . the rapport by Repuhlteins of any candidate who door I not stand on this platform. ' And we do not apprehend .1 that the ca*didales who,. ,lacar approseting,Struggie Shall represent genuine Democracy in 'opposition 14,, the puembeb,. phase Of Aristocrat" tan' , be beaten SIT propmmaits be systematically *kepi as they must I . and will be,' to enlighten and .arouse the American 'Pegle• -I . f' .'. :'I • • ' 7 - I . ' • pewit! thank such friends as believe **VA* Tat.'.! aqua will glom an efficient and Ct*lP waY to Winne* the mid ... to aid us fuerdeuding Its circulation. Though ours Is eminently a political Jodrnal,• bet a • smell portion of Rs spate is devoted to politics; whiie .an of mere than V 200.000 per annum is Incurred' in collecting/and transtridring. news from all puts Of the world:, /We have r qtrht mormspondents at nearly. Witte capitals of Europe, artth a director It Lonagri. -- lass is luthirtizeti to &Snatch" special correspondents to *Ali pointimbere Im events may at any time be itairspirineor Imminent. 'Ttie proven of the war in /Veda vsh . li,* is the preen of* still greater war, hair 'bee watched by lower* special correspond/rite minal s 'WIMP ancebet telegraphs foil= I Constantinople each navel phase of the edam diplomatic situation. Every . idep of Genthaldhe recent heroic though unlintrusata meterpriseidrom its Inception to its close, was not e d by :1011eom=dents. Who Tare Ow hitt molt trusted 0.. vises: an tspd member ,of me edly.Mal ' - ahnthoslalt man . the Elhassedor ofJaares to ' Neithes to lan the Mem problein MeeijsMd under! timmiceemi it iavogable 16 he RepohnotWebkt than Mom MichV. se sob:OMM t ° Mai e. m of - our regular corrommtlents and ii thrgittal , . ' Another eanrespoodemz• ' the tion to Alaska. W ' lie • ' oar nal splinter oexpedi- f the North Pols may be ealletkissid Is now tenoning on the maiets end eapabllitiestof OWchilly region. W ife Tkida r while al le Intim; as is own n from Central' =de , • to us from we Mt 1114 1414416 marM . ae Our imft ltrdests d i litmks •thlti sad =seam tam In chrOp• of one of thud. past d scholanti 'Mile AgrMlthie, under a umeez Zon main.," inning place - In otrr, EternW. 4 # l =4ld Weekly WM In. Mort, we have for . BIMMO lane prove/thin of the Income of z our IM ..M ettliets to reader Tin Timms a better and nerm; _ond. Wire. have not anceeeded.; the Atilt Si illM4/I,l,lllselt of Means oe °IOU* whether as / / 011/111rtyt at that at a rheum and ' 1 Sr t 4ei'll „ ad) '/ /• s da. eddy .10,,s as pa r . •/. - .., tangs In admit: To dohs for the - '''' / .we . IMeesitais Jiesg, for / $l . : dm - • /AC arm, tar copy.' $11: us recekt of s t ',leo he / _ l M:spies we/ said Ps extra .. um, Mt Month& Opt meetpli of /br nom aloft we/ Ina: te11 , .: mitt ma Japr t lor ..$l2l. 'sea will/ mid / andlrm Darts Talcum , We • send . ta t=o O d m e u l il l m * s - s m l t l li o twee-. Wdeeotom_ M e iMbine. Itsd; ten {MOM he 7 . whim. $11.: twenty totem to eise.. ad.' erni.sik: 44 !MI ect , IMI WM OM eiett. ;Mb 'elf teMl I / i will AM - Wei - porbeltotum . S4 1s last tr i fje , . 'Nat i ,. k f i ttw st! ......‘ -Oft a to - IMMO to . . Chili of I osiers . ..; Iry - . SOUR ii r sin , m etramt Wighttsk or - • -• . • 'hod pOMM/st the time of - .. /./ .i i Toil Wm' lid . Noseird • .L II y•t- ~ , '•, ' ! r, , . ,`-- \. •l • .I '• • . .' . c L-9i ,~ MHOMI „ / 11141 , 1. lIIIAMS WINWARk rw l 7 ll mstec", 'fbittrphi,Ficiuse-ft*hi4 stem" itmet, . - -- -- -pgpirszi o n4 . ll cqQa- 1)- § THE MOLADOS, WITH CifiLaT C.LitX nemesialiPrices. outs grodic or xtmaismn Is also very and proems &Inmate/Its co tontatif, chums tUrt i l lay or elsewbseik‹,, , : 4W1 . 1114.11311 * I,olloll,lliftly ": 1 • _ arestostaireer,?- • - ' , • 1 wi na • 11411 li'E $ , it' A`E'll A ; ' I: ', . 'xistir• F rracsecor , • . ~,. f . 0. ( l OE FINE' 6cINEBOTIij#II I 9106• Market. 114., 011illiiiii: t ,,..., i FiR Id , FRUITS,) NETS, itc., : it:, .'LI A Etna. oactmen' tor —" '--: ' ‘:,''''• . .., . IREI!CH FANCY B OXES . — A' P t - E SER,VD'F•i3D'IT,S. rsecelber. To,: ,i . ;• -, 4s4t 1512115 Ilii -11.C.A.11111 16 L . - i- - ---- 4------ - . :.- .1/NJON . i-PACIFIC :RAILROAD ,- littuudig.Westifrsii-Osikt ' • ! ..,i , 'ACROSS THE OoNtrinisur , . ~. . .4.E..W.6.,..,Tic..c.; Thu plums itic unit io tho esoton, base of.tim Rodm Mcircateini. and It Is erpeeted the the trackwill,be laid thirty miles further, to Evans' Pass, I Me highest point cm the med. by Jemmy.- - lye Ma.laat guide front the foot of the =entail/I •to the stontilt la bet eighty feet to the - mile. while thstof many astern 'roads li overt= hundred. .Worit id the ruck_ -canin e , .on the Western aliipewill maims through the winter. and there Is Maw no ramie to doubt - that the 'entire mead line to the Pacific win - be I open ter badness to The prodded for the eotertMutien ;vitas (test . Nihon Work are ample. - The United States grants ha Mx ChM Bends st the. nits of from. $16,000•to put per mile; liar which it. takes a Wasp usar aa 'security, sad regehres payment to a ;large If not to the Winstead of its delft in liervfom • . Tteist.Bonds are • bonettes each, tweaty•mtlejseettem le Mashed,_ and atter Hama been examined by United Stales Malta*. .sionereand pronounced to belt {II respechttelltettlem =roughly ited with depots, =dell theul e ., ce mery miller sto equiMents:L The Vatted States . also relief edonatiocrof 12,800 acresland to tho ladle, mhich will be • source of large ne to the Company. - .11i itch of this land In the P to Valley Is among the moat fertile la t he world. and e t larze_portione ere conned with • heavy pine M forted land end to cod of the, best quality: -• '.• t en The Company Is deo_ authorized to issue Its owe. nit Mortgage Honda to an amount .equatto the lime , of the flovernment and no mom. i .Hon.-E. M organ Hdn Czar ei Ames are Timmer Pe the ent mid dellverthe Bonds to the Company only as the work progressed potted they , always represent AM U tast ird productive Talus.. , -.- ~ . • ' The inthorized capital of thd Con:teeny-h , a Ma Hen-1 dad Ilion Dollar" of which over tire millions tenet been 'd in soon the worktdresdy done, ' ~ •I iit64 'OP THE COMPVL -• , . ... , . At p t, the profits of iho. Company l amtend only! its local- ' trr flitci -isd. Htds Is' al y much meet an enter lent to palette interest on I the Bonds, - `be Company cin wee, i tut:another mile were built.' It Is n4t & u bled Hist wheOlte , rem& Is , pteted the through tradic of tile only nee amiecttog At lantic and Pacific States will be large beyond p t. mat as there will be no cempitithati. It can al be done at perditable rates. .; ; • , i , . - ,ft will tlej noticed that theyoltm[Pantie !load is. t In faet., , , a novriazia , or .Roil , built under the Pupa .vlshan of G ov ernment o Mcsre„ • and to a l extent with Government rarafey, and that ire are Memel under Ilcoernment direction, . It le bell that no similar! security Is so carefully 'guarded. .- certainly so other is hued upon a brat, or more .; ,valuable 00- P,t70.,1 As the Company' - ' I FIRST lORTGAGE 'BONDS , • ar'e otrered for the Present et 90 CENTS 0 - •TBE DOLLAR. the are the cheapest - •"ty tn the market, being more than Id per cent: to : than D.. til. si „ StL3,l, CENT • , -GO '1 , i x. PE R : I • ; oiliek NINE .PEB-0 A s • upon ta r e in . t: Salre&Plions•will' bo rrpe ed In rottivill o r' ,* LlF.'. WHIZ` .@Y,, Ern . and 7 UNTZINGIDVPrestdent ' , Mere' Ilk if:earner, and Tirrat Co.. /end In Near York it the Ckitrp 3 pelee. No: 19/ street. - , CONTODINT NATIONALB&AN4.7rianaiat, i"az ell CLARK. DO g• It &'130., Bankent‘ No, at Wall it. - • JOIIXj. ' , I & 80:4Etank-N0.,:4 Wall ft .. • • and b . * t , Company's. adreolsed Ago:arta! throughout the II , ed Stun,. Reml.“- • sbould be merle In drs , . 3r other rands pv*l Ne vri `fork, ami the bonds' I.b sent freent riutige be retentexprege. 'Arany rAstrinirr itcp YAP, attchwing,the * per grestror the WorVltesourees 'fin. ethistructlort, Matt, Value of Bonds/May be ;obtabaid. at the COMPanr.' Mktg or of I haverttled 'Aga:lM, or wtll be seat flee on ii pli 'rt. Subscribers through ,local scents' will. kelt thenifer their deliver:. '-. •1_ 'IN. ' A eii -.I: CIIITIII, Treisurer; Nriir York:. rpo w ; Docrenber I', V; 1 , ~ .; ~• 49 et, ,/, HOLIDAY .PRESENTS .. .. - .?, Infloli HALL CONFEO'rIONERY, I am now receiving fort the craning &Ways aline; aleortMeat of Confectionery, Toys, Fru% NOM, de.. . 5.'F. WHITIOIPs Will fttinotinoi 14.1:Meares C. of duets. Also-ordinary grades of Candy a full a ssortment. Pardo Nets. Raisin'. Pig*, Prnttes. Mites,. Oran/et, ;Almonds, Ai meriajGrapea. do. . ;• Out ,assortment f Wok* Is good, I Would puttee. laxly, data Leo attention of the ceremony to Our eel& bratal Fria Cakes; a large lot always on hind. Give : me a 411 Before purchasing elsewhere, I rebel! have Santa,Clahs, life a lee , in rmy window a Jew, day: be foreOthristmsa, 'tusking his yearly visit to theAlna, people of Pottsville tont Ita'rkinity., • Cone and see .SentsChis as he comes bet once ayes:: .' CIIARLES A Gat% Man , Rail Confectioner, • 'Next door to, .'the Poet °film Fontaine. to lot of Xiennart sitanatiesregcellent slums— le for holiday Present*: . ; ' 49•1 t .CS I A.LM NAOS I I & 8 1 6 8 n..itaaaa I p)piAPET N)• ) 4411.(3U5E, • .1 7 . i • I • 2'. :. ti74;114 - rctliiccitully call t e attatalooOt.C.arpet.Buyei the NaW STOGIE Jr "". pouirne cialltrClos• , . 1 M itv'izT ITRcs aao.' 4 :aim. • Prentle PERINI) 11/011 -*ALL SALE" BeSember t YT' . EXCEIE L . - Olt - .SOS OR _EMPORIUM' melt trr, coal 4haot above Mb. North llbie4 3$19$1111 3 41(li aIaILDRIer FANCY! FlOghav • . 3 - Of evez) l ,oeacrlption, 0..11 prlrra • wholesale arid _ z Genlaul l e WINK male.. Dela4r.lslo 0010 up/mom DO. SIBW tlb.N sQUinfog. Beta it $lO 60 Dupers/di Porsone-wiablag to per/unr., willako well to she Ile a o'4l Imr• Dlaitalaa, Allard 4 1 1 5 1 1 1 4 9 1/ 10 11,116 - 5eat.44..41' I ,v .27 sear ,—...... , . Vi. 0. N 1.... rtt ucx, E$ o. A .c..iwito c ..illopnisca., ..-:, 11 4 . _ v.. _ . ~.--,t.: , or SO. P,,AND CANDLES,. i 1r I . l ''''i . / . ..:' " . .ii' dullish ' 1 ~ 1 pr,,,, !eau ~ ,so . Sta," . i , • , 0 T TSVI'LLE PA . .." i• i • __., , . ~.. ' __./. Star, ribletys4 Saar oqminatly on bead ' .The well known-reputailea of tbetsoso wade at UM Writ will be malntalne4 byllicanw dna. . ! 1 lierdwats will dad one term. as' ' mid Me quality - 0 equal aot manioc any oilip ui 4eatab er taiardliotara mm , beta o lf r elamtl i d . ; ,f, CAB us todualm Oct . flospi mica babes ptir: &WM eliewbere, .! ! . . No. 2. VT `44 tir •1 , , • , . ' ~/._ ' l. • i • !FRA N K /113 POH N-". • ' Itsi..eti the Bo Stop. No. iIM. Hisaigiatt ittreel, tely octopi IW. filiewayeivarbere be will keep p rythiar told* lae of the Ilwatituality.' Ha la: item Me patmaite of WI old Meads and mateennws /4' ' NOREt3,TER. HOTEL, Is ip MIN a's; "nowne, hie Would ' ' se“'ilrinir vaeir.. by HORATr 'IIOWARTH. + 1 , J 1 . ( of Lakaitdre. Itingland4 1 ' • ' Coacenteat to the "Altieni. Philadelphia aid Bootee Boat* and iltastent and.. Depots. 014 00 4407 , p ew ., regu l ar ly meg . Pio , - amm Ineatelhra...- Mt. IV. Y. WM11•111; (ehrfly* sum) also guides to the above bona*: so th at al! Welshmen wilt dad ban every takeout* et. lil - • ihn 7. S 7 . 47 • ID e is quur 4.7 ;ne g g a lte lA g riv irranits., !ADT I / r tn tie - roar, aimed lied Baslawa. Is MI dho l r ln ut laldTIE iourTme• NI /Y146 0 401 4 181 /4 • 4114 e 1%1 OTIOII . juiie r l ltr !J. N , Aereer allafeassit tea an Pinsii. l a SIAM C 044; IRON 0 1 / 1 1W *NZ LODI/ Wkilestra tg moral e pter ami;elloge pe+, Ike; that somerol Wen) an' the , ievellegeeme r*lneraliesidi istbefiete4seledNee, newel *ell hie, 1 BO ensiled La tae'. Mut el ibet milemieoriala spas: allele althea& sad • Oink OA elpiodeer i to n°lll.th ! • °I, thet. 1163615!..,50kinft.:. •ft 112111.410.4 kit isilift . % of rates& aot_Domatie Trie — Z="DolLos kali& t auxin wo. - ostomairmilisrikolles. dellimedva • -' MOM ' N0v,1140 Itinhrarelit 10414 • pi ss i o. Fah&dik amt u t !„..4 amuck ot all use ."--". WO Opo lOW no* ftlit • ph. Merl{ .141.1ir ' ' ask LOW , .Prille cf UM ,ar. e. Ilkatabg WOO elisp"dloni, niter imil pm - t er bh mkt. - Call wig amuse oar slor , ~ • e ____,- • • t Ot r.V. , .i I , • 'AMNIN. . . -.=~ ... . , JUNE. 4 ANL) JULY V. S. 7.- 1 3 1 0 • 13 0 _NIS. 8_ . ativreicianglag the above nond;for S7.l l llri l / 2. _4lroldnis tikwarracr; BAlrgiu, NM 14 4 66, 42 2,1* Sinn; P 43I 7SVILLS: , - Ott ear -10.17 , • Fe BANKER,, .sTiEET, POTTSVILLE, ' , • MIBIAN'AND FOREIGN, _ 0:401Xk 1 -SMVEII, - , - _ • - •, Exclunilte. • .• - tJalte Sisitiew:Bonds, Vito!urtensum's I.irouthers and trateurrent Monet. MONEY NECIAtit ON thiik.V . slz , - niniftESTalk*ed sa per spseislagt*ersent: IFlNKkared Blsl%B._bouglit and sold at the New Torii and Pkiladephla Boards of Brokers at thernsual commission.. Jaw 1. 47. GtIVERISMENT N i; lON Al :1 for sale '4i Zoioost.markei ryta! 'GOVEIMMENT SEOtnirrtEol, \• d - •41sT3upv114 • :I' I . • 1 0.1.13 Treas , later gate of - 114415. ' l l 4 •U- •44 JoaelS, l ll " a ••••• 'Jul/ Leila"' =of 11162, 3410 Loan. of 1864.. , • 3-10 Loan of - 1863. • I A• 1040 Loon or 1864. • . ntiitifts eoNtuiONT atointrnEii . nouarr • •- •. AND. BQLD.. . • • : • • ' ••••= 0 :1.--• I -• DRAFTS tit'siiiiti3a. helm!. rtanoe',4l3irman'y, tor sale br sumo to cut pootioion. - • ' I - • - EITINTZINGER, Quibier. Paitrrkia 4 alifila '; • [l4 . f "'. I. .45 :.S :. . . .R,tl N. _i: . m• ENT' .. ,;: .. 1 : cißOEDici For BALL,' Ham J-I. TAniAqtra.* .1 .• • • '''' . i -. ....._.- . ..- l• ~ I.:- J... . 1 . A;int bet 'of Tickets tl- reaudni:net remold the -Comikates - ot ', Hall-- fee ,:thej bertefit'er 1 PERS OE HOSE • CO. NH. il.lefgrnettput.'H bays &Odell' 1.0 "poetponeelte same from; FRIDAY I EVENING. I4ovember Mile .until ..- I• , ) Friday • 111 lieseeng,l Deeember..l7tkr,' . 114157. at which:time It will positively take placet ' ' ' Two IMAlLE.Pliivillibe Oren, one Id: ItELPRI tS', NMW HALLon Ceotte street, the other in • ' fpgi - HAL of Chan Frendieberger. Catalina ' •- 4 . , 6 : 1 • iletheilleterksh 'f TaMeque. • . .- . .. , • The Coettite have issued 5. 0 00 `Wk . i sr a s iel imi teh: and!! eedthe timber ;of premiums .4 ued at SA ~.=.l The , premiums , hive all ••• • p in Tamoque. And can be seen' In • e witutaws of out 1 storekeepers : all the articles • g" or 4wg0.1 1 quality.. 1 The HOUSE and LOT, the_t fli prett4rint, IS I h o prop. etty Of B. T. Hughes. Fe d I.the; hetet(' hot last . been newly plaotered. an • ...paint*: add' r,till make a vod house fur the wi • er: Wet eartimtly tippell; t o at:liberality 'or our citizens sed 'Mel fi remen of our neighborhood; to .- . hit usiyoar linden/kick. • The following 'ere •• •• g the orimitenst:' i ~'. I - 1 ' ..1 Home • • : Lot onrehl,gb "Street .; i 9 : i Gent's Gold W - .$l5O :1 - ,Otay,Haree 9 years old. Alm I Two-11 • :. litgh:Torp Spring,Wagon. $l5O ; I Sleigh - (Cutter .•.$135 ; 1 1414.0. Gold W atch.: .$ lOO : I Melo deo • VIM ; 5 Pine Overcoats; 3 16 : 6 Ladles , Shawls„ $ r- ; I Set or Dediee Furs. $5O ;,,l Black Silk "tree% 5 ; 1 de-, $4O el Colored 511 k Dress, $45 111 Cooking • ve• ando , Htemule. , $54; 1 sfornhig Mliny .Perlor Stlin ssa; I Set Fißeet•Plated 'lTerneek 445, and •It•t• • other - yAtiable ptetnlottus, for a 11l of Whkt i see small bills stodadrirtisemeets. 3 ' •-' • • , , - - --dpirTlin Drewing will CDMILICIICO threedays previ- Avis to the Bell,;and will be held in Mmencdpf a pub - is andlence;by prisons chosen' therefrom.. • " Atererenems taThe Joilowlog o ntlerr_en can be terenedlatitipn.of or wooed faith with which the enterprise ` will by 'cotoolukted: IL J.' Fri., Hardware Dealer ; Conrad Sandie. liEq:„ . Attorney ( a p Lily :M. Barrette. Dry CloodeMerchant :. Michael . Heard. .Itsit., L. Beard's Hegel : . Ibt Allen, itsfir.. (of the Om or Cart er ,t Allen ;) Philip Taber, Dry goods Merchant; W. fi• - • Allebach,, Crock and Watch Maker ; tlitittOel, Brewer: C. F. er, literebant.Tellor : Phltip''Altpacb, Brdid.: ' er,; Simon Ifrebs, Dealer In Mats. Cape, T : Daniel, =Carriage Bonder 1 . ..T0hn Geoptut Dealer to . thg. allot Tainerme.' • . .4. •I, • • .. Persons lading lot Tickets by mall gill addres s ' either of the outlook/tap& end the Ticketa be sent by return mill:. ; ' . g. V. morrraulzit - Chairman : D. T. fit:claim Enrebefli_ Wr s DRAPEM, 'promoter ; EDWARD IT DAYIf4CHAIS 04. RUF E, Comb of Arran menus, EOM° money moiteceompony a ll orders' or, .tickets _Mee of the. Conitaittee to the. Hall of the Hose Hones. or every day, (Sundays excepted { .from SA': The followl.m. 'miens are Agents thesale of M Tleksta ali Borgh:-110SBTSIIELL BROS., and , kit?. JIINOKIIRTIL .• • , • , Nov 1113: 1 -4I It . -cv,x1.4,,.w FAIR Si FESTIVAL iii...i.,.....i.i.,,,ii,,,,,,,,,, Intl Halters , ' 1 '•ll • Faiellies,44, be- Weld la' t- .; • .-.. , . . 1 . ''• . ' '' EJ N. Ir . N, IT: A , LJ - J, - . Ou Monday Tuesday .• iVednfisday & • Ther 4tl ajr;l6th, 17th - 18th & Itith,ll6ctliiber, 1867, , . , `l - ' • ;?. .23qG. • A. H. inirltiticias hire 6S:6xtended to a' nritiber of ohr most ilittiOstriahed mliffart and Eivil onlv.l 8, some of ...whom hare already egnifiekt their intentil to be pre -The differentthircht . i tri:' the watotuifi htive anal themselves In the ; morentrat.l and nti effort. will I he - spared to make t the most e...,enstre • and sueeess* . fat We of theltnderer held in Pottsville.: The Retrathment Department will be coroincteff town the.Reetzarant styler? . &MIMI ;visitlolt the town doting tbe Patrare requested - to , call and Ohirtia their meals:A Oast vartetiof Ctoistinas Goode 'and ffsnej eke will be offered fOr.'eale. time affordlng lam citizens., - art'oppoitanity of holm/ . their Christmas ;presents. at mas else* ere„ ailow ;de and it the same time con .tribrittnir cane Which should. appeal to the-liber. 'alit! of a/I.•' A lame numbers& talitable art leles.will ke -disposed - of Ist vote ar,4 einmees For list of articles see circa-.; 811rContr1tratioisa -Maybe eft with NirsZ C. Little.lid.rmartagff.-ot Me anderalan .rommit ee.•• P.R. LEIB, . BOSKY S CUAEL LBWS? ,8. R. • Moyle-4a.• ' :Dr. D. W. MANG.- 1.• 1, '..; - , SLISPPN` 14V4 1 .-% I '1 . 'AL his get ks• . , ,: , . .. - , „re,. or KM.170 Air gii,,eig.#lerer ' t ea /e.G . e late. ei ; -, 1 1 ' - po 1r T al O l. Lilß • . I le ecad,at a lower MiciFthasi . sani class i ikr - stC,4re magutzluileharled herti , ati be' rc or in thl market. ; Also: a _large Itockkof other king endi'lleating gtoyes, Heaters' Ike Churches • d Private dwellings, glow Out Inzei laillitaArr- ,'Also a lull nesalt. or Tin 'Wnre,;i Tinelloo, Ong. land Ikibaet Tina* t.t, _ Also iron Etell3w:' Water gipes.l Wash KY.' Ikea aerie rarlety'br , lik done in liras i Foundry to whictissiil 'Meath: MU pald: Ail in dint of stUres *Mild ln inied gut those nywufactuivd by me_ rao,be hi Apar* , al.,.leas expense a tame promptly attemled to -than such ark., ire Igo t bore Rom othy&out. which in' 'malty ciMese . tsh Ai out Of. wiser, in he sold 0,014 Iron cror zo gio the Itlicsilty, nije s .oir ob the nee parts parts Ili ' waited, .' ' -, ty Tetra pradlcal rzpnin tin,.Thla boldness, other adnutegee4 enables*. to; WILY 'the very, Azzti g ir „lovieskprlay. !. .. ~; I • !SIMON 1413.1 R. geptember t s .-11t. 1:; .• • ".. , ' ' .-'..1 . A ka sin.. ~ • • , . . -' SOLOMON 11007/ER; :- . NEW uotsg- F4IiNISHIN4 STORE. • sOLOKON HOOVER ' sencrancefs to, hie Mende sad dittotorti, gait hal* complewd We hir e He. MIS teeetle !arced. roeseville v iebeni be taw the largest stock of bowie frordeltbst goo 4 ever cidbred In Ude klocuitj. 'WWI idll be-sold at , tl*, very itereet , ; -pclori, Hereon whillogingthlag In- treil" holmium lebticlowill ntle• waled .do well. by. *liter otiblza lain Pankidll4l : _•briwhar. -Ile bela,eglemaid'we. lortmect of all Made of stereo:nage% b 0.... "• s eat Ha calle panioder altemtlati to HO: 41111224 kroU de C2C4labit 2145, 2. ?NW& bi !re arm/lola as the beet ever Dunned hi Ude to. gloo.„-, Abo Ide celebrated .lieenlng Hlory raior dorsi and Parlor Mahal, White; be rec. oeireend 2$ mow the beet stoves ever talented, He at* Irene co blued •loge aportmeto otllloArrencb, Hrittezda. Japineel. end women, wad l Willow - woe. broom coeds, bozo. Iwtre Wam dower baskets.' I Wire/ ware; glare war". wham Rhos, I Path: paints. : olden bow% ail cdl. register!, be ware. bishop ; sheet do r. oil Cloth. ft, and a great 'onager goods immortus .too' norawbus to wallop. - AL* : rectally an 1 UAL at ilniod *set- 31114 1102 k. ' q all Web et; losoltlat6Hdoftoildlid 4532412 g &MO 2/1054.11.04142;' He alio ao baad • lute t ot. lettele' aid bridle Ho rigale Nom "Old end obi i c a a= ar taken lowidatop OW aevergineo A liberal amoral to pow Idaho! ti eel daido. - Nov IV , Mink lii• 17.-11:41) 1 43 • , • • GE / ORGE' W. SLATER, Best Este -- _ 01111/11Cro." Ikarl pakt Main k May :V" 10Alitit or hris nem, • v I' ,MIL 4 i.:; ; • TORTE IoiitiTY ADD t •, I . . ,ROTIDV 1 . • re, • ot GA • ., • - -• k DIS f an alorri *Ar :,... ...217. , t • , • .... • p-f Ida Si - at •the'kerthe • '. Wilt ecth thiseVuthi OM_ - - , attar the Median le epodedith .th' ~re 1 he A a tilt:mot thew. theft the.thdthedrevail. Ithei OMIT° DO Ma .ft lagth; teeth Meath the t er the , th the Ildcet or, thy* V iz ake thole-this dormer eakil_Direir li#' , . . thUtheek et guide; &el - . , 'A ir kith ilie th thd it rath wb reti a ilt i nirteet t li. .:4 9 T1 O i 'IT • P 4 1 .14 1 . -- ', ';'-... : •,1 . 1 I • I .= •• • I .• 't - I. • ' ; • 1 Wan , rv- 7 7 • I t • _ LATEST- ' Sitisidny, D,oceniberll4, I - 87. , , , • ... ~ I . .Witelltilegt/A Npirs—Elliftri '' .:. ,i The Senate las: rietagreed to. •• ' miss resotutiart to adjotins over thelurlidayt. ' The . ' room wartin part' to.wait tor the eta's,- • ,exPected .- veto of the civil righte bill - r the - , District of COlumbia. , The Moo re Oka-, providee,for an ea:UM:inherit from the al of -, Decembir to the 6th of Artier"; 18 - and- - as the tan_days during .which the Ex Mire natty conetder • a bill Oill expire ,betwee these-.... - ; ; dates theAenate,•fisre, resolved to , . t for the veto ; : > ' ~, • • -I_ '. 4 ~,` Avery; interesting report 'will- ittlype... l made by the agent 'of, the Timmy DOrart, „.„ I memeal,, showing. extraordkorY 6 = 11 P" ,.- '"'""` the collection of the internal revenue_ in - A l- . legheny, 'county ' pentutylvsnisi. - I'lt 101 l ailsr I be levestigat4in Congfessa, I#o*.ll49vist. 1 • op a ; Here supplement' to the 'Ersident.lt_af t , . 1 .tack upoo,the Avil-tenilre DIM " - • , , : Entbritudies.have Wen felt SA HOD Grail I ma i 'and in Is enrisuel and the islands in . , vi- V -4114., 1 `. I •- 'i " • • Toe King. r f Den ' has toned a .preciamatio to the inliabitainsi of the I.blalinda, hich are'to be transferred sco l l Milted Star on the .tat of January. ' General 0 d has issued ad, Order 'that th relation hasbeen erirrledin lesippi and . kansas, and direpting •ventionsAo.rissemble at Jacks)* and.. Rock January 7: '._, • - .`-. i The 'President on >7lltirstisi• re the Senate "the suspension of lin Stade his reasons thelefor. -- ' ' I 1 - The stock Imarket was exceedingly Philadelphia' on Thursday but MOO without any Material change. la flour was very little doing. -' NYlteati rye, OP r oats were unchanged.: • • •I - - • 1 454n2 FOBTISTS CONGltgatit . . j* sEt 0' ..---- .osEss toy' . vi - mmii.;;Toit.:NT.‘4l.--sim,Tt.;--ThoLseruir e b. a resolution of the:Constitutional Contention o Mans. praying for the tal Of the tax,tnt eo trod °rimer Intreducecti hi making 'farther prow widows and netts et eflicers of the n.y and for thaw Mind lifebasitrance. - 1 The resWilkei of usett..._ of the Secietery) . of. the Tremor, relative :to the a noint's:tenter armed ctisver. as .Asslatent Sc 4 reties' .oPthe T.,..1 , Irlgladopted, ..fdro..a remolutiost M artini/1g the l' nonce Committai to ketulto Into the" expedlencrof reporting a hill 'to authorize a fled Per : cent. Joan; prins.id interest Vanble haeoba. for ,. ' the,ptimose ei eedeelitiong the dre-twel d . s t as they cure ..' mdt. ' Th.. resolution cement:l ties Prost- , - •• dento eneeregewss postponed until Te yinext.- , . ,' " litr,Edmundki bill , Pest:leg 'the filth of thecUidted . States 14 thepayment - tarthe public:debt hit oa th : era* . i taken up, I •,, Yr . .. Hendrick& armed a stite t t l ituto peed'. •-: ing that th e public debt. ekeept - erten' et • hoe :pro-. ' , ' ,. ',i'• •:.: video ter its payment In earl. than la astikaable in „,-., . • , 'lawfhl money. Both propositions theta then rebid kt.sthertnance Com'pittee. A the all _.., . . . .. 'the col - reepondence relative to the Intententl „,, , • 4 etary4erence, held' at Parts in Mind J. . , .: • .was ' ted. • : Azi Bxectithnsenten . as bid •/ ' -•'.l ' -...'.- lonrxted tit Ifteiday,„ 1,.7 . . •' .' ! - , ,„' ~, .- ~ Florki',.../11r. ildopereffeted a meolu t t •I - . : drag: '.,' :,• ' the Corienittee of. Ways and Meatus to •• t ~bill en. "c . ... - - modifying' the internal revesue- •• , • assieduce ' .-. ' the revenue hem lill • ernal taxation •', t . Iff to $3OO, ~1 • ... ; tAoo,:and inetructleA the Committee •,.: pprotehttlas : ..- not - to timed - that amount , locindl; totasnan cel g. the '- • N nubile debt In appropriations re •-. - sins the Boom. '-,--. ::-/ , The! roipee.chmont t a i n n esnen we", hen reled,,,and Mr. ' ' 1 'Bonteell howled hie . - . hfr,..W.llson,Cnannthe c, of. th Judiciary Co mitt then dente. -4 an Masa ... a a t i th e:4 I be mPea laid eb e ixi n I nt tabre l . "l° Sev u'aixt enddl m"Pa istory it'a mc t ".: '• i ti ere made, . yea, and nays an Una wet. • 'i , :'' , called. A vote yr not 'taken cati the ankle to lay • :',: • , apnithe table, . lij nuted. • t,.. 17, --., • ~ Dec..t,-:-, Th •.' ate was not in oesalon. ...' - ' - .1 • ..,-, -.•-,• ' Elocer.=- otter took a the imprechletent Vim- ' •. , ^ lion. .' A veral delaying. motions baleen - the; ~ - " de poeed o . kri. Wltsoti, atthe request of M. 1 2 = - '' ' ..--• , ial fits motion to lei 'awl Welsh% and id l w linso ul u u : "3: Pre 4'll eide 9a nt : 9 3lm l - th e ria° -1/ 144emi' Olted - ien itit ''-ise An fiel . .• • " ..: ed for high crimes and 'mires sf -Ana 1 .. L.:1'...;,,, e wan taken , and the resolatta was di Ati_ - . . . • , • &Linen 100. The bill ituatonding *sultan). '. ,' i of the Secretary of the ''Pretisnry to make siarroduciltilt , -- • '''' ,in the neriency by retlring.or cancel,* Ileired Stak ar , notes w was pored—nalki. venal, !.Tbe.Houro then. went Into Committee of the it% hole, I The Prod,' -:..., . • dent's Manage Was referred to the various corteg i t l ' ', . bating chirge of the subjects- treated.of./ Xi. then deliverut an additia op the llnanceei * Nei • . Dec. o . 1 .-fntan—The-- Senate receiV' 'therein : .." ; " Alas of the Marne' Legislature In tone la im • ~..•4 .. suffrage, end asking that: the- - present thowisko ..;1"..: ,, ;,/ late_relaft4eus Sutter be annuilml. The •creony o • ..,. the. Treakey war - Anent:d to f,truth =fir wan en " /..,' -; 1 ' reeldencei of: ti a individuals'. to.' wheel . eapromed , : , ~.: ~... abendoned l'etroperty wiser eturned 'or eip,the . • tare, kind, quality and value or, the property.ke. life: - = - -...-. Banisey eubmittO a resolution dirceting the Coma:- . ..' - '4,.., ' tee on Foreign tattoos to inrintminto-the „.. cy of streets. between the C . Staten hn relativeth the excise 6 ~ the : navigation of the .„., great- lakes, the' -'corn ' er drheries orrthe Atlantic - " coast. an . , cession of. the - Bertha esterdTe.rntory. - .'' e.• • . net the Hodson Bey ComPanyw 7 ,1 U xE l: •,,, s ...7. - . I tilted Suttee to pay 1a,n0,001 to the 1.111 y . ,I- -...—. patty, and ammo .the debt athe' firers Critninbla. • ti' •_ d rri not exceeding s2,ooo,nist . 1 Laid - over; resolution instructing th werun tuft tee en Otlicere., st • the. Senate to , :. - T. define Wel duties of the . Sergeantot.arrea woe after- c.' .„ thine. disci : n*lcm. referredto that e learattec,Mr. Chan- ....2.-. ,; diet called .flp hie resolution to rebegnize the Winger.: - ..'-' • out ti.httea. Abytisinie, apd eepported 'I In alehirthy‘ ~.", - speeets; end . a.dtscersion ensued betwee Messrs, An; • thoet Jobuson; Sumner..`Nyeared .Ilow ," An Sawn- tiee C.M.101:1 was twhic Adjourned:- ~ , ; , ~. . . , ~.-,' • : Hora.4-Undee th e cane for bills - and rtath a 1 , - e; isn,:.e nurciberivere traria. ncell; and w retened to .-.., apphOrtate ommittrea. ;i.Atnotqr: - thetv ,one an- .., ~- • , thorteing tbe•Betretary"ori th e TrearserY tot Me 11 4 •0 00 # - • •-•,- \ .oeii In greenbacks inouthayin redeemer) howls and ';;;;- 'destrellag them , and one to poivide for the reenniption ' • . of. specie plymenta'affer Mirchd. IS;i4.' , •The Conant- :-- tee onßanking and . Currency - wee buifincted'te in- ~' - l'• q titre i . ntri 'the exlediercy of -- anipathug. the Nattot at - - ' ' ' currency I law. PO as te exteed Its , advantage' testi ' peahens who wilt riimply - with lee teen:dont% and to ' reineet the inning of batik-noire 410 two-thirds of the -- •' • ,capital or the bank.'.Thellenataliiil striking' ut the -' ' word 'iwliltee r em ill the , all and -.thane?. of . the - . - Din' let le was:Paned. Mx. , Ilopiteeaskel• : ' o f Irate th of ha liatio oce 'a reef:dation instructing the. eta- .. . • .! dittteeori Wars-and Mena to report a bill so niodl.l- '. 3, lag the Internal taxation at to - reduce the revenue hem .. -- internallaxesisndiari - F dalee -to $300,000,000, fait's.. - ' - mnsperiakin olfthe rules was refried. Several rejoin. .. ,I• ' :ions terrnimiry on darerent inbleetawere tuloplett— • '• . AdiOnmed. .1' • :' ~ 3 , . •• . , ;Dem .10. Serrivr...-,The Secretary et the Treating ~.. '. '., .ieplieft te a call for information, that Mi. Coopegt • ' been apPalnted Aeslistaer. Secretary to place - of c ,g,,,. Chandler. relived, tinger the. act of Februery, Va. ' ~ ,The reply.avins referred ,= A- the., front the Yew York-Chamber of Commeice on -the - reternthapeetri '• I -4 payments4aansferroi to the tantnlttee on •Pitutrce.. - I . - A res..'ettut Was adopted ennitig for infonathrn se to ~ • ... i the amount cif hot ds issuell to .., the Caen. arldCalrid -I ' I 'Peelle ilairread ertrifkanies, the interest paid and en. • th • . • r; paid et/ere boude, and the leegth of line com Plate- ' The President wee nhked to tninlol2 conks - of all cot , - ... • : respondtltice with limn B . ritain touchleg belligerent - ' l ' rights, and the depredattit a 'of the.AJahanus. Veda, • I and other British pirates on,Americed Chamereo. , A 'joint resonn lon, in ' regard- to Consular ,appolntmeeer ' MU reterrell. ' A bil 1 providing I that legal tenders abalt .be received:for nil demands:dew the. United Stites ex-. : Y.. hepttm ports, and for &tellers, on the'United States .•_, 'except for cuin interest, atdi /shall be lawhil mussy ie -, r ' ' stil payments when not speentsd to the. contriv i.. . referred to thcOmrenittee• Oil ,finance. att. ltala oireied an amendment to the hill Mown* the' . , • ticu of the, constitutional alnendmentit td the anthem „ _States bye mairrity of detail' rather than . reelatered Must have se its the United-S . voters; pmvi: e xithat the voters at ' &nth *alone , orge army I you, -• ,' : be able to read- EY United 'States Conatltuttoo, and. - - subscribe bla nainef - and hare a freehold estate of '160,; _• • • Mr; Wiliam Fold: as, the south was acting itsesedoubt,. •,: .rut whether hlablll Would be 0 eededc. Mews. cOntleas,,, 1. Doolittle, Dane and , Stevem digressed, the matter, - .' , which was net acted noon- art...Pltake alike at sae - -, tength upon hie resolmfoni condemning the homage or 'Parte of the i , Presidentar - rimers : gm .* The. fugtheci • consideration of the resolution wee pestponed, until . - ' Thersday. ' Theftenate scent intn ire pada . . , and allictimed. I . • . :-,. ' :-. ' - • ..! . . - •' . Ibinta—A bil Pie tendle, : the . barrette 'of add'- :!- •, . ilottel bonntiete toSeldlees discharged shortly berme '; t the,eloee of.; a ear. by thelexpirabou or !heti walla t,, \, . . •g• mentsinis referred. !levered committees mere an- 'C ' neared. A ornriber of communications wereheferiod- . 7 . , • The Military Vonsmittoe ersedlreeted •to emander the . . location of an arsine] at Cheyenne , Dakotah:, se. bill .. • 4 , , topsoil:de for the seallnirof weights• and nteseuree I . used by the vat.!{ naltake and Jo navy-yards and cue , ' [.. I' tom-t.cinres wee referred. ‘ A communisation from the' ' 'l, Serena' hi-Arens. denying extrattagarcee charged' agelost him and requesting - an examination of his ac- .1 cemate,lwas refentin to the Committee TOW:mugs.— -•.' . KJ:dm reeointion extending for two' keno the. time • 1 aliOwiat to railroads in Michigan: and Wiscoeein -to en-- I - title them to lands. Ingnroviding that their road's hihi'. • I. ihe -,cempleted 10 i3iiistaus pans d:/108 to 40: •Tbe . ...' I , Poetnia/ter Cienerallwascanthiriked to print additimal , • enlace of-his teffortiand slnes t :4otion was passed theet t i • : ing the Petelmastet (kneed allow etemborn oflsalis greet tense and copy :all duenniente relstineo tbik4.: . . A dval and apcdt4tnenttor postartstert: ; '.11111701i1111- • ' enUon - hlllwas discussed. billows. ,Ctunsfeelt Mar : , York, and IldrhigeZof;Wtecontin; In oppordtheie"and. porepersed hi the: 41st of January. ' An edianunent - ....,: wart areal to l e' this 20th lett., te the ifth, Re*, fala';'• ".'",- ' the Base ed ned. •.• ~ ~L , . '-- p o i„..' ' ' .., .' - ' ! Der:' ll : 4 4llnt...±.. Yhe'' name t'Yeel*li 6 ameer___ l: : - signed by a tar& nhniber of adopted entreat ,essrow, - ; . ••-• . that, tone skida be taken to'no 'th eir - . eighth fa ;:._ LI. , 107'02 the recenteeturnentio cab :_l.' -rift Antheers . ;, ~, Mthedlicedi MI • , --dealringlictll i*,eetriAillhailaw4:;• -rotations; Acta Of, cserithstition or tftereitaree. z . :,...,-..,,,,i the ilarl t tricalleCtiontedierattt - - • , America. Atie hill tnut end tertian ntionerth .. , 'bands of the rtilted fitatce : Trenenter IteePeelel agent. • ' accused front the raider motored and ribandenedPprop,4 ,: . . erty;ahall'be conveyed by warrant tete the Treltanry,...l, end nnt , drawn- ft:moron'', except s by , authenty et; lawi.,, , — was taken ep. xt.d wa di/mesa liel Misetranstalithnt, if , : Edmintdr.Momiatill, and -Drake. ' , I, The Nil wits thin. -, , postponed }- : A-Petah:in, sinned by thirty' thousand ne- ' , - grues of entnelty, ark' ug for the ?fed oar imams. '-i was prese ted. I ifr,Morrillailtut*ial air. was taken; 4 . ~..b,,,,,- pu.,,,,„„,,.....vr,d,„,, There.....,0... ......., Admintl Tbattbee,to accept a decoration from I - .: , the - King of the flawallin.,..leande Woe. pare* 'Mt ..- s lixecntive session was held.' , AdlineneL. ~ . ....I. ~ ' irocse—Dir. &titan Made , a personal explanation In regard to an' iirtkte to the New York Tribinee, ad de. - .fimded the vote - of the litilare. deleentlen on impeach/ „ . - mat. -Zdes.lPrnyis and 'Bitmwelralso Mao ; Per- . , soma explanatiene • The select eommittes.on autbe: • . em 'railroads reported , the testiniony Already taken.— ; .• - The bill provid„ng that 'commiesionse. by tkeeet, Stall.. - .... ,---. 'only be cm.fined to nine of wart nut for Instir 'I ' : .•'. serviceid thepnegente or the eneurfronsc ' • ' . r , Cetnniittee ma Claims retkirted adveately on theilr o . doh or Inhabitants of Chambersbum.'Pa./ fit dans gni done , in BeCattelane's rebel rely' In Contattn of •• ' . , • the,",Whitle. ~X r. Washburn. ot Isecesift; idea el ' ” • ink I \ .speech4gitinat the recent trainee for the mike of ' r tering ca. Mrl Broomall and,:kit. Waehberzes. o • Ilitnote, followed 6p the financial lettestlon. Ad/ . ,1 00 4 .11 e1. .: 1 .,- . • ." • ';' . , Ic • : ,, ..7. ', ' , r '-d------:-. , --'"•••re'4l4/110.--..----......-.• '. ',I . . •' WE jiicefrimn the imetiense alert - that Idrii:4o.; ': :' *. .A.lAlleu r e Improvhd (new:style flair, Ueaterer or, •:.., • ' Dressinein one bettle)ia peeferred by averreme4 ~ / ' Eery Druggist albs it. - 1e.. 6 / 1 3)1L- .'4141.4„ - -1 ~ 1- UlllllBittit SAVlrili" LAMPS' at*, sta. I. -Mama kit manktaiwi lemPlx -• ' • Mao tba Cla#rmap ' Ham =I vatidnit.'..; ' tem A (11=A all d will be.aold utateree. 7 ii , - ItBiItaIfAILSIT A -- ~ lartamp ' , both imp a/W. AA* Wirt" . )0A14.: I:o4d'alzas p ANdAli : 1 .. - 11.101Plkrtil CU 31101114 , ,•-r• . • _ - , 1 .- I r4iiiii toPil- : #44l:* -:,%,..:: 4 chavar‘l o Ccittilitin g 4 tie" ' ' I littaft . Duckling*. Vigtary,' ter- - Muer Ruby - -i - Neu. Piper anti Nut6raelalus thir . ~-° Real ilkuo-otiikrUl - Call augliame thaw or --:, '... - ,i . • 10,y4y4A14 aixotarramoosfoivi.:- ' • ..: .;-,.... . t ilinitigq•• - ):0 - '. 4 1 1 : . Di v--va** ps vi aAm , at IRAMlllloolllll4Wippewar • sikowirinvir Lzablit ~g ritil*PeCow 1 airssavveworguirvorm 4 . tronearens.retv azd fa eonneseein. a In hand, paid by JVCIA WREN_ of fhe . IPotts‘lllo, Ceorl attraftabliVll-: , of Philadelphla, übe teeelps lithe lofted. tbo mid I 1 40140 1 1 , WOW 14:1136' ,;,,tmziff the tto eppl,T It lit the tnand ncbcyl- ; , , ICI. Slate of mow wall Savo -Isar of that heivaa4Lrita ll ='• ' We , Islafirei eillemlr for Seeeiseehdhe .•; moms lb ISt irabq for Id& lotto* . ^ - 7 eat, dated lei, .1961, have been • - •to ; t tbe add Xlltenberty hints Xbdted :• • . ': • 1 •'- Amnia Persona of lannenalkm reganling• nrir • -• , ; of this Val nnehre the' at of tenets • , i . street: Tho of thbi Vase to Immo 1 41nm Is bons so to'aapor_. t.. au UNI • , .... 1 Val , cemi z i=rairptitlicatl"... 4 . tat norm ' They an seem Me fut beamna engine' end elm fin fhiltyntr dit d engines., ' - TIM alai .0 11 '. rl i rnonn Coal , street, *tenet atlas,* , • a t m wa de = the sertega herein It IRO U — seen At fr a Munn' Milk at A a *lnk ,', edible AnO Ilan MM. ' . 7 'WU* --- • ,• ' . Wanhtnet,4l2 slrlndlir 1 .' , Pit:sine. O. 4 1 1 . ,d' , , •. ; , •L, W BET 441u5tic.4.4 pa ; mu% sarrat7c, — I.7and CtilaYlator. a pare ankle. go to C. 11401 No. S. Eau Nattet Street, between. - Caen aid 1 9 11 0 4 tz r •-4 • • • It= • - ! :Wen 1 lbw U 4 ell is„ wer.s (there ; ad I !Ted' Lout - • tot aab- ~_~ ~.,, . ;;r =,. r :::~.-