),iiikieo'. - .: -. l_,O.o . iiiitlf, POTTKVILT,E . ,: PA: Pf 4TIIRD AY. DI CV, 8, 1867. COAL, IRON, AND OIL, BY ,DADDOW. &HANNAN.. nnr-3Uneral R4ources has proved The bra 2 , 01 copies .are already ; • c: v t..1.11,...t.ti1L and we will soon enter on the third which embraces. the whole. edition of the „ o ft, Isinied. -AA note uortion Of the work is stereo .l2 „1 new edition will he issued anti] about !Sib, ..,.. rreat t•: , . - pense. time and-labor required. In pro , ••.:•T: , v tie toa.c.••Fsary ststi.ilics will not warrant numb— wt!':;.,llll-fori.• that period. • . T y, 1;,,, k 1, , ,Atieen written up at great expenit we , the- meet experisive single volume. pre. 1,11 .. jr..!1ii:2. in this country &mint; the 'Rehe f.r , t cost upwards of 1 , 12.0 00. It ~ .1•11;!,..ottsvo peges and is . profti„iely lilne a•• of .-'Sr, maps and engravings. A append a few notices of h‘dne and. ahrati; • . • [From the, kiwuiflc Americtib.) 111./N Asl, OIL . IA the moat-practical and ex oe:.,tise on th e tsnbjent that has come under our . 0' w,ni!nn. • • • " It ig a moat valuable work :kit deserves to he read by all intelligent men.!! ; Fr m, she U. 5. Railroad and Mining Rezister.i A:sr, On., is st work of extraordinary ..[,, rrs ran h And, indattry. The amount of patient, per,veritz labor of which this volume la the ,-..ol;nhlF he measurablyappreciated after care- F.l! r•laminati , in of its contents. • • The_ worth of tills book will make It indispensa nho wish to ixmeFs, in a campact, form. tc•amony that Is authoritative; f•cra known L lie • (From_ Tliilyer'e U. S. NI iniv Journal and Petri)lentu Recorder.l_ • • ..• • "COAL. laon A Nn OIL. SP Illustrated with unalor.n , i 'mar,• and engraving.; and la altogether the comprehensive:aid reliable work let published iroportant Ptaplu.. . •-. • • • . "London' Mining Journal' which is the highest oitkority on mining Pubject..., gives the fol lowilg flitterinf, notice of our Book on Coal, Iron and. C. Prom tb , l,oll(lnn InuinzJnnrnal; Jril7yl4,lSCG.3 ('O4 6.. IRON AND WC. . . . . ''A ni,ro colnln el:let:sive And exhanstive volnine upon i; .. niqterlnl t rented of rabid scarcely be desired than i!1;,;; .1 , .; is,ned.by Ilest , N. 1)A1.1)0W •Ito BANoNAN under_ . . . . I.;w.tardina the Nvork • as a whole, It is certainly the -t cornpfote Manual for the practical colliery mana ger-That has; yet been published ' • • • an,t. safety be said that we have no single work in I„ . =go thoroughly calculated to afford the pm:. perior c.dlic't and Ironworker all the information cemller t ion with his bus:hies-a as is the book ,:.)le-=r+. Liaddow.'et, Bannarb. to meet the wants of ti - a-.11,..;1ariy engaged. in the United States. 'The .al, ninst have ents.led a large amount of labor, and r I:ere ample evidetce that the labor has not been air hont being made I.