Mina( :.iNittl.irt4r* P.QTTSI.VILLE,. VA.. .8 ITURDAY, jANILi4rtI • it. I 567! - . "Ee just and lear not: ... - Let all the ends thois ainest-at be thy cotiottries, Thy God's and truth's.!' TSB. KELLEY AND THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY'S REPORT. In the United Stites HOUFC. of Representa tives on the 3d inst., Mr., Kelley, Member from Pennsylvania, made a speech; in Which be examined in detail the late Report of the Secretary of the. Treasury, which - Mr : K. justly terms a "budget of inaptittides; incon- • gruites; and NON storm - as." In a powerful argument Mr. Kelley totally demolishes the' positions assumed by the Secretary. , He shows that the Report abounds in, phrases 'and propositions of doubtful meaning,' and that the means by which it proposes to, reL turn .to specie payments and extinguish - the national debt within given periods would, by virtue of laws as fixed as that of gravitation, produce bankruptcy, individual, corporate, State, and national, and postpone the perma nent resumption - of specie payments tor a quarter of a century. Mr. Kelley think-, that in the preparation of his Report, Mr.• McCul loch, like an oarsthan, rowed one way end -looted another, and was too. nuidest to an nounce his real purpcise. Mr K. says.: • .fie may have unproved the occailon to repair a neg lect In the education of the . people ; for Rev. _Mr.l3at" by tells on that the secret try was present at the -Calif- • net meeting t onvened. to consider the "onparallelted loosenin •nv• - the NaPianel-ilntou4ohtieon-Dliikekratic natty in the various States with held 'elections on the nth cm October last." and . that he attributed it "to the limited knowledee the masses bed cm lujeany ." But, be tb's as it may, I am sure the: country will Sustain the assertion that whatever commendation this report may deserve or receive • from -Injeany" other bankers, it is marked by no leading Suggestion adapted to the existing exigencies of our country. We regret that in consequence of its length we Cannot: publish this 'scarification of the financial policy, pf, the ,"Irjeany" banker. We have only space to note one point made by. Mr. Kelley. Among some prescriptiOna other -than that of excessive taxation, by . Which to restore the . country, the Secretary 'says;--"With proper economy in all tile de parZments of the Government; the debt - can 1); paid by the generation that .created it', if wise and equal revenue laws shall be enacted and continued by Congress, - and these laws are faithfully enforced-by the officers charged. with . their execution." And again, that he "has maibly'direct ed his attention to measure-3 looking to an increase of efficiency in the "col lection of revenue'; to 'the conversion of in terest-bearing notes into five twenty bonds, and to a reduction of the public debt. ". To' this Mr. Kelley responds : - . "Eflllfieney in the collection'ol revenues," forsooth .The faithful -enforcement of laws by 'the - officers charged with their execution I" These are brave words to (all from the lips of One whose faithless exercise of official functions in this very matter has - doling the past year cost the Government more .than i1.450,(5ay5.0. Brave words. indeed.. are • these from one- who in a wicked attempt to subvert the popular wall by the cor rupt use of official patrrinalze has removed hundreds of capable and experienced Officers of the rev, Cue and customs detartments.' and' salsfiltuted' for them Men deficient alike to cipacitY, 'exrerienreand character. There it not a congressional district It the country whose people , arc not grieving over. the fact that the Secretary of the TreasurY, who embodies in his report reiterations 'of these.fine .phrases, has want tonly and wickedly aggmrated -the onerous taxation under %Vhich they groan. Let who Will speak of the necessity of a faithful administration and dale enforr.e; meat of the revenue laws, for which dvery patriot will pray, becoming modesty would constrain the Secretary of the Treasury to avoldlhe topic. _This is a matter on which Congress should take early action, and if it means that the customs. and intern al revenue laws shall be faithfully and irapartiatly enforced: it must see that another than the author of the report I am con sidering shall have the selection of officers for their en forcement. Mr. Kelley has : certainly - done well in his expositionbf the ineongruities r inconsi . atencies and impracticabilitida contained in tbeeport of the-."lnjeany" banker, and the tnatti , ial in terests of the Country are uraThr obi ikations to the able repregentativefrnmPennsylVaulafor his sigutueut . in favor of 'a true financial poll.- THE FIRST STEP TAKEN. : In the United Stafes Muse of Ilepresenta tires on Monday last, Mr; ASl4ey.of: Ohio, rose and said with solonn.deliberaf ion c..` Speaker, I rise to a qUestion of privilege. I rise to perform a plinful duty. but enewhich, nevertheleee, I feel to be imperattee—a duty which 1 think cannot be poitponed,,antl cannot without great-criminality oh our part.,be longer neglected. had hoped that that duty would have devolved on an.nider And More eipe, rlenced member than myself. Print - to-the hot . day re cess I asked a number .of gentlemen' to introduce the resolution whlch I tried to introduce: and on which the louse refused to euspend the rules to enable me to. do so. Conecionathat the loyal people of the ccruutry de mand at our hands the proposition which I am abent to submit. I am determined tt at no effort on my part mhall be wanting. lie then sent up to.the 'Clerk's desk; the following . chstge and speeifications„ which were. read : . • • • do Impeach AndreW ,Tohnson. Vre Thrsident, and' acting President. of .the United States, of high crimes and miedernennor9: I charge bim, with usurpation of power and violation s of late: ln that he has 'corruptly abristsci appointing power; in that . he hue corrupt-, ly aged the pardoning power: In that be has corruptly need the veto power in that he has corruptly disposed of the public . propert vof the United States in that he has corruptly interfered in elections, and- conspired with others to commit actswhich, in the contemplation of the Constitution, are" high crimes and tut:Atm:mu ors therefore be it . Ifasmorrn, That the Committee on the Jndiciary be, and they are hereby Authorized to Inquire into the dal conduct of -Andrew Johnson, Vice President,,dis• . charging the powers and dudes of the office, ot Presi dent of the 'United States, and. to - report to this House whether, In their opinion, the seed Andrew Jcilm.son, while in said Mike, has been guilty of acts, which were designed or calculated to overtbnow, subvert, or corrupt theMovemment of the United - States, or any depart ment or, officer thereof r and whether the said Andrew Johnson has been guilty of any act, or has- conspired with others to do.acts which. in „contemplation • of the Constitution, are high crimes and misdetriNtuors, re quiring the interposition of the constitutional [wiser of this lionse :.and that the said committee have.power . to send tor persons and papers, and to administer the customary oaths to witnemes. The resolution was adopted—yeas 107, nays 39. . Thus has. the first step been taken in this important , matter. The New York Tribune objects to the Movement because it will take . up the time of the present session and be cause that journal thinks that it is not expe dient. We do not think that there is force -In either objection. Let the House Judiciary Committee report. Let articles of impeach. meat be prepared for the action of the Senate at its new session after the 4th of March Having then, a new Speaker who . will be elected to take the place of Mr. Foster whose time expires with the present session the Senate can go on with: the trial without in.: terruption from any cause and without inter . fering with the business of the present ses sion. Expediency has and should ,have. nothing to do with the Matter. The people demand his impeachment: lie deserves it, for his nets of ctlice have been so atrocious that Mr, Buchanan's have pcisitively, become rebeltable in comparison. It should be done as a *amine, and scrve ss a precedent. The business of the country N% Welt is prosira tedfrom thqffect of his conduct, requires it. The effect of impeachuient and his removal from the office he disgraces, would be good. Business would revive; reconstruction would be- advanced, and we would be strengthened as-a nation in the eyes of the world. Chris tendom would see that if the American peo= ple committed a folly in placing such a man in the highest office in - the Republic,. they i had the courage to undo their bad work 4:13 , removing-him. So; • speed the impeach ment movement. The people ask for. An drew Johnson's removal. . . THE SIIEFItp3E . BILL On Monday last President Johnson sent in to the Senate his veto .of the Act pasied by Congress extending the right of suffrage in the District of Columbia ..to cblored men. The vetoed , bill subsequently passed bOth Houses by_the constitutional t cio-ibirds ma jority. It is now a law of. the land. Although the President once.declared him-' self in favor Of negro suflrage., now he oppo ses it, sand would rather see disloyal men en 7 dowed.with the right. He calls the act un constitutional, although as is well known on. der the Coustitution the District of Columbia is subject to the sole legislative authority of congress. The real reason of the'Presi-. dent's opposition to the measure is that Con ferring the suffrage on the freedthen *ill over Vint* the rebel power In the South, and cs tablish the Republican party there.. Now, that by this action of cOngtrss this principle of colored suffrsee is to beconie distinctive issue in our national polities, let all tbe States—Pennsylvania among them• - • prepare to abolish its barbarous laws on this subject. Congress deserves the thanki of the people for its courage in this matter,- and it is to be hoped that it will take another step by passiig a law'abolishing all distinc tions of race and Color in the exercise of - the elective franchise In the Organized territories .of the United States: - DUIUNG December, one trillion of dollars was paid to Southern claimante, for cotton captured and confiscated by 'United States _troops daring the war, and which - they claimed was illegally taken from the ownent.,.. ?Store than three-feurths of the amount Stated was .paid to blatant rebelii their symPatifizere.'. Isn't it about time this' thing of paying money from the treatutrit t.ci bets for property-taken during the Rebellion, we. stopped?.hope Congress iiilteo decide. : • St TV GENERAL•I3 . IMPORT The annual report of Surveyor General Campbell contains the following fads:. For the year ending December VI, 1966, there „-were imned.32s tickets fern-ate:Ming, /144 patents written and indorsed, 514 recorded and Indexed, SIC warrents writ ten, registered and forwarded, 25.10 Treasurer's certifi cates ol Indebtedness issued, collected, receipted mid delivered, 640 vouchers written, indorsed and ionsnal ized. 2:5 accounts chased, 05 surveys examtnefil sad re vised. r5O new surveys received. fees to the amount, of $5,G55 collected on a variety of work, enumerated in report. Arrren:mt of busincss is farther Indleated by tlie receipt of $13,10: purchase money received for lands sold, $1,050 for patent and warrant fees, empy of fees $l. 549, &c. Total, $19,030. The office is now perform- Mg the laborious task of making oat t list of an lands held by locations, many other office 'tat, teemed from the Land Department of the ecanmonwAlth, 'of every description, upon which no intents save been leaned, designating the county in which tamli lands are attes ted, with the amount tine the commonwealth In each case. Lista, :wimp made, to be transmitted to the Pro thonotary of county in which such lands are situated. there to be entered In a lien document. The interve ning formation of new counties and towns since the granting of many of the warrants and returns of the surveys make this a difficult work. The amount now due on nnpatented lands is estims. ted at $ 00,0e0. At present the law of 1%1 requires the amount due on unpatented lands only to be- made op, but Surveyor Campbell recommends that its pro visions should be extended to patented lands upon which the State holds liens, and that the rate of inter est be made uniform, Many persona have squAted on State lands. and there Is no record of such unlawful entries. It is proposed to analogue them, and add them to the list of liens when the parties are unable to pay the fall amount of the State claim, or to peas them to such as may apply and pay for.them. No, length of nrumthorixed possession secures title Against the State. and it such parties are generally wynred that. they will be compelled to pay for the lands, they will come for ward and settle, but not otherwise. It is also propoted o make a penal offence for any party to enter upon and cut timber from State lands until a proper survey tuts been made and accepted by the Sate. Ago icultriml collegriand scrip to ttie lenient of 790,04 G acres Uni ted States lands has been granted the State by the gen er-I government, of which 200,000 acres have been sold at an avera9e of 59 cents an acre. Receipts from this source, about $' 5 1,23 5 . As this office contains the sancta of all the land titles in the State, its destruction by Are would be an Incalculable loss, an irreparable evil. The Legislature is urged to make it, what it is not now, but certainly should be, thoroughly are Report. • The Annual:Re Cort of State TreasureiiieMble shows a sadafactory'condition of the State finance: . • The receipts for the 'past year' have heen..$6.S29..CCS.- M. all from ordinary ...v,Urces, .excepting 1 , 661. refunded by the reneral povermhent, al . :41100;CW re ceived from the- Penneydvania BaSroad Company on. - account 'of Indebtednet.s. The expaditares during the yearhave been $0,A62,a0.141. as follows for ordinary ex pen.es. $4,091;010 4t : $.10T,f,0; TO for' the Chambershorg sufferers, and $l.,S6T,Cati 15 for the liquidation of Jae debt. .Amon the ordinary expenses' is included the amount paid for the relief of the Chambersharg Fu f-. The Treasurer says.that the act of list Legislature atv hori zing the payment of pensioni to-soldiers Of the war of ISI2 cast the State much more than was antici— pated. over 2600 claims having been already received involving a disburtenient exceeding .$.1Cat.030.•• He'ree ommends that the law be repealed, holding tliat the paing of perishing 'should •be done by the general The.cilicer complaints of the 'negligence of the local 5abi...4.00m in procuring returns - of movies on interest-- In the first: . fourth: sixteenth.• seventeenth: and eigh teenth wards of Philadelpltia;thefe iecno inch return made and the same' Is true of other districts in -the' State. The amount of tax . puld by this source-during ' the year is about $300.1100.. He recommends that the Citate tax on personal' property be d ispet-sed with, - and in lien thereofeach ' county lie .required ,to pay into. the State Tresanirer forty cents on each taxable. inhab- He believes that the State debt can ire reduced here after without iricreasing the burden of taxation...at the rote of abbot three-millions of dollars per ant,uni, which would hi a very lew yean3.lirplidate - our. entire State indebtedu6ss, - • ' If the satisfactory'conditima . of our State' is to' be continued the Union party_ . renst be kept - in poiver: 'lf the Sham Peinuctacy ob- - Lain power again in Penpairlyania, , : the debt and taxation .will ,increase-,i, .That fact should be .63pressed upon the - niinds . of . the People Ton Cone:: TAx.-- - -We trust that Con gress. will embody in itSne.w.T;Triff bill a: tax of..tive cents per. pound on cotton, with a drawback of three "cents per.pottod - on..that used in this coontry. ...Manufacturers are In favor of it: From a large revenue could be derived While itwenld protect our cotton manufactures -and them -. up in be South. This latter feature is:especially im Portant. We.advocstcdthis matter last year, when, the Tariff waS . : under Consideration; and_ we favor it still.for . .Wethink that, it is a 'tax which should be imposed while that; on manufacturesshould - be removed: The great necessity now is to build up the :manitfac tures ..-of the. coumryi , and every 'measure tending - to that de:sit able' result should -be gout Affairo. Wekly SUN 6" • • * MOON'S OUANUEB 1, NIULS ; BETS • •• 11867.—.1nu 7 . 23 4 5:1 New M:: fi.7 3 4ei•e'2 . 7' 23-4 E4,.,Flrst. Q. 13'11 33 mo. 22 4 57i. Full 34.20 2 40 ilk), 22 4 IX Lust 'Q. 2 ,7 9 51, 1.224 SF 7 215 IV - - • . . . .12 SATI" SIINtiAT 14 MONDAY .. .. . 15 TIIrtMAY.. WEDNE/31,AS TinnstrAs... is VriraN' MkTEOROLOGICILL TABLE , • Temprratzire. at Gregnicood iittring Nye ,reek - ending . . JANUARY, 738 T Sl:aiing on tlio Park ia.fino 71i-norrorr, --Second Sunday or Hitt year End first after Epiphany: Day's length, 9 hours . and. . 33 - minute/L. . Oni , ' of our carriers lost his route book On Sat, - urday 'morning last. The , finder will confer 'a favor by leaVing it at'this'ollieb. • • . . 71,e owner of tiro fur cuffs , dropped in Union Tian on Thnreday evening,licelett' . a Con 'curt, can obtain them by Galling at, thhi office:, .The late Fair of SL Parriek's Church iii this Bnrongh, realized•for the Chnrch a 'profit above expeneee, of S2G2 40: This inuet-he very grati fying to the nianagers. • . Masol ir.:—.Tho following, are the officers elect eclat Jost meting of Tama9na Lodge, N. .235, A. Serve •the ensiling' year: S.-B. Gr.eff,- W. M ; Win.l3rOokes, S. W ; H. Martz; J W ; ill. P. Fowler,': Treas •; • .Priscr, At a setting of the Good Intent Fire COMpRInc held on ,Thursday * even inglast , the following offi cers were elected : President, .S. 'Xi. Russel; \lce President, W. H.. Gore Secretary, A. 8.. Cochran ; Treasurer, Samuel 31. 31eirtiruer. • Ife 7 Jer's..Entertainments.—The entertainments of Professor Heller the world renowned magician,. will commence in :Union Hall on Monday 0 veiling next-14th instant. Hie Sphynx will ho some-. thing worth seeing. Reserved seats 'for these performances can lie obtained at, Bosbystiell Brba. In a list of the names of soldiers of Whom, up to this•time, nothing definite has been learned-- .published by Miss Clara Bartonwe find.' the, name of William Lord, Co: A, - 9Gth Pa. Regiment. Does a comrade know, what became of him'? If so, address Miss . Clara-Barton, Washington; D. C. - Mr. Peter F. Manley formerly of this Hortingh, printer, and son of Capt. John A. Hanley; died in Philadelphia ou the 4th inst. aged . 46 years. He had worked for many .Years in that City at his trade, before his death. His remains werJ. in terred on Monday in Odd Fellows' Cemetery, Phil .adelphia: . : . Slierifr's Sale of ReaLF.:gtale.—The Sheriff will expose to ssle. on lifondar, Fehr:nary 4; '1867, at the Conrt'llouse iri.this borough; the following proptrtv Coaliand in Tremont township, 4Go a ,, reTa•and dwelling, as the 'property of •Josiah .( William V. Beal and John B. Prince. , • . The oflicers of W. C., No. - 73;:J. S. of .of Mahauoy City, recently elected ,are as folloirs 'P. P., M. B. Allebach ; P., Benj, Focht ; 'V..P.,. J.L. Shipman ; M. of F., J. 8.. DeSilva ; It. 8., Wm: R. lost ; S.,..Srlvester Schuler ; -. F. 8-, W. Scott Yost ; T.; Geo. Decker; C., Wilson W.. Miller.; I. G., 'Chas. S. Bonner ;.0...11.; T." J. Foster. . 04: 7, P. I.llfrrwat.tho lucky ono at the Eis teddfod on- Wedl'resdav -evening last. Re drew thelarge fruitcake baked in Mr. Lincoln's stove at his former home in Smingfield; Ill:, • and pre sented to our Welsh . friends •by Mrs. '.l"ilion of that City; the lady wtio:madc it. The Colonel will 'accept- our congratulations Upon, his good for tune in drawing the cake; • and nu: thanks for piece of it. • • : Large Pumpkin..—Lest season, Mr. Daniel Del bert a farmer of 'South Manheim Township, raised' from two seeds, eleven pnmpkins weighing in the aggregate, three hundred and • eighty-seven pounds. Tiso largest which he brought to, town on Monday last, weighed sixty-four pounds.. This may be considered an extraordinary product from two seeds. ,The species is known as the barrel pumpkin. Yesterday.morniwj the pupils" connected with the. Paschal Institute of this Borough, presented their Principal 'with an elegantly finished gold headed cane. It contains the following inscrip tion: "Tn J. A.M. Passmore, January 1; 1867.' The intentibn. was to present it on .the. let, but the pupils were disappointed in not receiving it at .that time. Mr. Peen:lore is in every respect, worthy of thii testimonial. - . • • • - Temperarace.—,The following aro the officers for the .preßent 'term of Perseverance Division, No. 46, H. of Ti, of Ashland P., Ed. Ebert ; W. A., Daniel ; R,- S., John T. Davies; A. R. S., John A. Gamer;.T., George N. Howden ; F. S.. Moses Owens ; Chaplain; Rev. T. R. Sykes ; C., Ormon C. Baroard ;.A; C., Thomas Stevens ; L S., David pies ; 13.-s , Thomas Tindle. Lady officers : L. C., Miss Maggie Dryden.; 'L. S:, Mrs, Heil r Ist A ,-Miss Burchfield ;.2nd A., Mies Henrietta Keller ; 3rd L. A.: 'Miss Mary • . • Thc second mas4nerade and fancy dress canii 'val ofthe season will be given at the Skating Park, this Borough, on Wednesday evening next, 16th inst, The' band will be in attendance, .and. the participants'mill we , do not .doubt, have a good time. The Park istiow illuminated with powerful reflectors and If the moon should be propitious on the evening' fixed for the carnival, • the smooth surface of the Park will present a brilliant scene. We might state that - whenever a red tlag - is dis played, on the pole' at . Ctntre' and klahantango streets, it is to inform skate* that there Is-skating Phonography, -Rev. Jones of Cincinati, who teaches Prof, Pitman's system of phono graphy, is now in this County, for the purpose of giving instruction in the art. He has formed a class in St. Clair where he is now teaching: He will proceed from thence . to Ilineraville, And afterwards form a class here. A letter from Mr: Ephram T. Daries,of Hiner:mile, commendatory of Mr_ Jones is a teacher,. will be found anion the advertisements in 'to-day's Journal. Prof. Pitman's system is exasllents and All wild can should leap It from so capable ti teacher as Mr. Mc Lincoln Oface.—The icknotiledgments of the Eisteddfod for the pretreat of a caw baked in a cooking stove still standing in-the fanner real-. dence of Alwatuii Limo* Bpritigtlehl, EL, are • expressed In the folksy - jugn*3ldt= adopted be-, fore ita adjournment: ... - . Rewrap, That the :memory of nor. late patriotic President Lincoln; the tore lover of liberty is sm u t dear to-the Pottsville Eisteddfod. That tbe cake baked in Wog 0001 K Stove which was seat fur • =abeam. to.: the Eistedd'od b m oat lton and James Esq., of Springfield. • El. • Is' - • gratefully received. and. that the sincerest thanlia of the Eisteddfod and Q om _ nate° are berebytendered to that - patrioile lady and gentleman for the ooze, , • • Th e .Union Bail Lectures.-The firsts teefunief the.second ooriree was delivered otabindayevo-_ Wing last.by Mei: Dewitt Talinadge.of.Pidladel phia:.- The subject was "Oft Home." Kr. Tel roadr.M after describing thortnnoyanneeibf houset hunting , and the ineonveniericas of , boardhig, dwelt upon the ;building of What should - be . eur. house,'or hOme,.. Re gave the idea of:laying the corner 0.01:10, WWI alithe family present; then.de- Pcribed the:hall, the par the alwping rooms, the dining•roorn, the nurse and the kitchen. It was a delightful lectnre,ipartictdarly:xemarkable that so rnany charming images, so ranch that ht • useful, so ranch fun could be elicited from appa rently so homely- and dry. a. Enhject House." Those who - .were present are under obli .gationi to Xthe. r... Tahnadge for one of. most nleasanfir,tellectnal treats they ever experienced._ It bite: be hopea that this wilt not. he - ,3fr...1"..'s laurtvisit here in the character of a lecturer: . All who Were present on- Triesday evening Kould Ilkm to hear him, again. • • .. —At . a ..rrghlar communication of Swatara. Lodge, l Nci. '2i; A. 'Y. - held at:Tre- Mont, Decembitr 17, - ISM. The, following officers were duly eleztea to Ferro for the next Masonic .rear ; couunencinu on St, John's - day : • . :W..31., Thaac D. Lehman ; .S. •W. ; William 4. Lewis ;"J..Vl'; George R. Miser;' Secretary, John 'Tottr ; Trnsfets, W. H.. It. , :inophl, J. B;Ziobael.t. and 'Geo. P..owen. . ~ ' - ..:' I -. • -.•- ' - ' . . . The above (Slicers were . dtily . inatilled by P. M.• Tice, on •St. John's.clay. .Deeember 27th. appointed Bro. M. Reed S..D ; Bro :'Hamilton 'Bayley , Bro. John DeibleeTlei; After the installation the brethren retired in.a.ftWsly to the National Douse , Tremont. •,rind • eat - down to a stimptuane repast prepared by.ltro.JoSephEnien nper.gerin the usual excellent style, _to:which the brethren did jusilee...... - After . the . 'n.saal. Masonic toasts the brethren we:, ent crtair.ed with .an instracti:re arhlrrse b.B rrn. Wm, Garrett, after' • wide]: songs and recitations necupierl the evening; .until a late linur... Brethren ell. retired' highly phased with - the night's nntertaininent . The - Pottir:iPe - lii'Arttiny' Society was this Week 4ain. disaptiointed by the lecturer ann. - in-teed. sn. the debate .was it OriC3 opened,• and -.the -ttitestiqu "Did the' Sonthern .States by their net of: :and isttellinn teileit their statni as Statosin- tiietzion . ,7sva . .s:tliscrisse — d.by 31 , isrs..31sriz ati.l Intrii'retante on the ntlirmitive and hy 3IesSTR. Schalek, Snit it,and Bechtel niithe negative. This Tteeiioti •is no:s , concluded; but the Associate Judges hying absent,..nt3 decision was rendered.' 'Rev. Mr, hir.rveS Inis.proonsed to address the Society 'lnesdsy Evening. :Messrs. iE:11. Biirliagame and C., P. Bechtel haVe hecti . appointed - chief debaters for next: week, they to...elect aud'also their assist- . . The. officers; of the Society beg-the, public to pardon the irregular pncenclings-durimi• the past -few -weals ; they. hope to be more: fortunate in their selections. and appointments heicafter: Tile members of the - Societ;s: are-earnestly' in questeA t.O . at tcinti- mare . pm:Mt:illy,- and :show more zeal.in the cause othenvise the Society . soon have to adjourn sine (he. . . , . . . DeaiL a Soi.f/ier...-, I lobert Morris ..11nutzing er, youngest eori of Sanmel Einntzinger; Esq.- ' of this Itofonglt, died on. thd.morning ..of. the' 10th inst., at Ills r sidettee' in this Borough;' aged• so .yettre. ' 11 ntontlis and - 27 days. .dentilf was caused by an affection' of the - lungs. When the rebels opened on. Port .Sumpter Mr. Iturdzingtfr enliste.in Conmauy C; Capt.. J. K.; Sigfried, Gth Pa. Regithent, for the three months service.- Atthe expiration'of. that service he en-. listed in Company L; McCortnick,7th Penne,. Cavalry, in-which he - served .aboht four teen months.. At that peribd en service in vicinity , of Nashville ; when his horee fell with him, brealiing one of his legs in two. plaCes: InConitegnence of thii lie became permanently disabled. and was honorably dischargyd froth. the service. He bore duriug - -his. service in the - Army' the repetatain of a faithful,' brave Soldier. • lie leaves a. wife and two children. „. . The funeral will tako..plaeo . . (Slni , . afternoon. at - 2 o'clock from late sixect; . liOtween'.-Cc;nire and liailrbad The public is respectfully: invited to attend: Silrer 11 edilinq.--.on • lAf;t• Weclnegilay evening, `Mr. and 3Trs. Guit.erm.m. of Port carbon, 6 . .eic_ brated their silver nodding .. - Beside' the family consisting - or eight children and four grand -chil dren, there .wan a large number.of 2 gueets front FhilailiApiiia and , other plaerm present. Mimi* those frein Pottevilie, were' Hon: F. WYTlnghes, Hon: C..tt...,.Pittnah;,Dr. Chas. Ila,recier ? Sr., D. E. 'Nice, Oliver Dobson and L, F. ,Whittier, Esqs. Tho ccm.iible Henry Eituesler a ed . lady, father and 'mother of.,llrs. Gniterman w*ere-also present, .Everythingconneated' with the -entertaihinent was Conducted on the grandest scale: The table was loafed with good • t dogs, wine and Other .dritiltS were Eicellent, anti- the - inusic 'ivas nished Pref. Conrad and. iiidy-eliecch es; songs; toasts • and social amusements Were the order:of. the evening, and everything -was gotten: np in a style - onnithensurate with thexell known hospitality or Mr. and Mrs. Ouitertnati. , Many of the presentS:w. , :re.verp• tine; and the : well pleased company 'adjourned at a. late holy, with many .wishes' for unalloyed pleasure to the !`happy. couple." • . 2reirormtAirairs.—W6 . e,xtraet • the' folloteing •ilems from the Tremont llnion.qf Thurdav last : TAM F,.`: Rtic..—The "Mica' Fair elosed.ob Saturday ClAtt.AeorptUri.Tler. Mr. ljerlin. of wimarnspo'i, :ma., hits acceptod aball 'of the' Sr, John's Lutheran vont:root:ion of this:. place, and will enter upon - . his ministerial duties here about the tat ol February nett. .. : Perete..kerro Eleangelleal. CillITO of thit,lace are bolding I{ series of meetmrs; and we nn, derstnnd a deep interisr is being manifested. On San-. day evening it • was -crowded to ecc..4, many -.being obliged to go away for w ant room. The Mr. Rev. Reinoehl is being assisted Garret.' • FATA accident Which ti nppen to to Mr..George - Lehatail,.Some three months „egg, in the mini.s . in Palish Creek:, fermimited fatally. on the Iffith of December: 'Mr. Lehman .WiL9 n Member of the order Odd . 1 1 ',11.ows Ilia remains. Werd:depr;siterl In file M. Barial-ground, on:New...Sears Day.. The funeral cortege was. one of the largest ever seen in Tremont. Tremotit.Lodge,-No: , of which ~daeased. was a Meriaber.. 4 timed nut. In ha ge :nurrthers: - .Donaldson' Lodge,.'lsio:ns2, anti V.ine.Gthre LCAlge No, 145.. 'were also Largely represented. Rev. Mr. Reittoebl,.Pastor of the Evangelical Church, offieffied . for the flunily.of the deceased, and preached ill' German an , Impre.:stre ser- Mon from Matt. 24 4d. Rev. McConnell, of the M. E. Church, officiated an Chaplain for the Odd . .. Fellows, reading their beatitiful burial rerviee at the grave:. 1212111=1 I. 10 • 32 0 26 0 I 10 L ' ' 20 30 .1 . 33 ' 20 21- - 28 '122 1" 12"-- -10' 15 . 2T 26 . . In cur hst-we noticed -the fact that.a series-of hkebway robberies was - committed - by:three high; Waynien, between Bear, Gap and Mt. Cannel, Northumberland County, on- the2-ith. nit. _Ttie follbwitag adtlitional particulars are from- the Suhintry ijmerican .• "Thu - first inirselis robbed . were liaac Hummer and it boy from Bu- , 11.-• -The robbnrn, with --revol vers M hlind,-,camitt.the horses antideruanded their money or their lives; and took from Mr. -H. :BD and his new orCrenat; . and front:tilt:boy $2.50. Soon after they robbed Peter Yocum, of near Gap; of .$56 and a:silver watch. : TheMer.t victim that came—along: was Simon Vonnlit, of Montour county; from whom they - took $5O. The: fourth 'victim. They. enctiuutercd•stas.Abrallant'.Haaa,_ front near Lewisburg,•from whom . theYl took $.1.6. and d revolver. 'The fifth waSAYashington Swenk,-' from 'near Etynburg, • 'whonr relinted.ef tind tipped him on the . heatrwitti a reVolver: heL eauSe .1)0_ had no _more. These; robberies.-were . committed in had_ space of an hour.-• 'The condi tion of addle§ in the coabregion,.uear Mt.: Carmel; is terrible: Many of the miners ate ont of om,- ployment,,and lawlesn 'men; inflamed with liquor, threaten-to rub, and shout itnecesSary, --all tral: , eters' thatmosupposed to have Money.. Several. of the etinduetora on the railroads. near Mt.'Car-- Mel, have: been. assaulted, and now carry reyol; Repo,l.-,The iegnlar monthly meetAig'of the Dirktora of the Poor, 6.4 ..Schnyl.; kill Comity, )vati held at...the Alms lionne, Jain. 7, 1867. • Present,, R. C. Wilson, leaa6 Orwig, Jr,7 The - following ia..the :cousin et' the lionise for_ the month ending Dec. Imitated ilitlie.House Not'. 30,1866.-':'.-426 " -• " Dc c.. 31, 473 . • " ....frerease last month .47 No. of inmates in ilie'Llonse' Lee.' 34.1865, , -401 to same time this rear •' • • ' 473 Increase last year • 72 Of the aboVe, 5S arc insarie aulidietie ; 97 lin-. der medicii7 treattneut ; -67 children.. Admitted during. the month, 84 ; Discharged and abscoddewd. 34 ; bound out, 2 ; born, 3 ; died, 4. • Lodging - and meals were furnished to 4 203 per- 'Osiolgor rebel_ Wlll3 grapted to 404 persons, arnatirthog to :11,5J7 00.. • ,• • Bills Were read, and orders were drawn, amount ing la • • •• •' 99,957 50 Previous issue. • ' , . ..... 71,902 79 . Total in 1566 ... . .. ... 75,878'29 The followink appointments were made by the' Board, Jan. 1. 1867.: . • Steward—Michael • Seltzer ;. • 3.latron---PLIT Seltzer; Physician and - Surgeon—Dr. B. Shan non ; Asst. Physician and Clerk—Dr. 0. L. Say lor ;.Shoemaker—Henry Shropp; Baker—George • Huntsicker connsel—Charles Hip*. 31iis ITeirlett'q Concert :--A large anal appreciaz . . tive audience was present at Mu:alien - lett:a -con cert in-Union Hall on Thursday evening: It was her first appearance here, and we -believe in a 'public concert, ass performer, and she made a favorable impression. She was ii pupil of Perch'. She is petite in. Persbn and young, and it would be unreasonable to expect a lady of so delicate a physique to possess a voice of. much volume..—. That she has not. ' But she - has a •voice that Is fresh, sweet and of considerable compass; _which has been apparently,:carefully cultivated,- and she executes difficult passages with case and. brilltaucy. - She sang a selection frOm the opera of the Sicilians, a song "The Nightingale's Trill, 9 by Ganz, and Eckert's SwisiA song (especially the latter), very acceptably to the critical : audience. This was evinced by the enthusiastic applause that rewarded her efforts. . . . Miss Hewlett was assisted by Miss Denegre, who R. - wsesses a fair' Contralto vole°, and 'sang with effect the dashing "Drinking Song" 'from. Lacretia Borgia,• and a daett from Linda with Miss .Hewlett. The duett was encorded and they sang rery, charmingly, • "2deet Me by bloom, - . The other pelformers were Prof..-Ruharts, .'a fine 'bask, and Prof . Becker, the accomplished pianist. The former sang two songs well, while the latter . played •two solos very effectively—the one from &naming& being particularly Plea Sing: Miss Hewlett's concert was all - in all a decided success: - Wino time ripens her powers • she will without doulit,. fill a' . prominent • position in'the musical world. 'Even now she is a-singer of no mean ability, and Pottsville Will be. glad to hear her again should she decide to pay us another via it at no distant day. • . . - • • . . .Black *Band Iron Ore.--.Tbe interest in the dis covery of this ore, in this. County is on crease. . Where.. it is - now mined by R. W. me. Ginnes, at St. Clair; it is ' sepposed to lie . Seventy-five feet under the 'Diamond Vsin, :not seven as was stated erroneously in out last. . On Tuesday a huge mesa of theore, ma's brought to -the Union League room,- and is . pecialiarly inter eating. showing as it does, the thickness of the vein at St. Clair,. which is thirty-nine inches. There is no v.ein of this orein Great Britain which - can approachtliis.of Schtiylkill in thickness. The' great point now is to ascertain puOtiyely whether it permeates the Region. So far, it has-been discovered at several-points in' the Comity, and this. Week' we understand that traces of it .were found at an old working in Sharp Mountain; this Borough. As all railroadSmnst in course Of time, on the score of economy, adopt steel rails and' s this ore will mate a fine article by the Bessemer process, if found, to the. extent anticipated,this can be made the great iron and steel - producing region of the country: . , • • . ... A communicant writes-to ne on this Subject, atiticipating.interference from the low duty pm•• paled to be.placedon imported old scrap wrought and cast iron. He is fearful. ihatif the low rate of duty which he names- in his conimunicatiott, should be - adopted,'-Itwill 'interfere fatally. .with . the development ' of our iron interest. The matter is certainly, worthy or investigation, - and of: petit thin to Cimgrese. if found'io threaten as seriously • as our correspondent suppoSes:- Mitt eominunica tion is as . - .. • • . . . - . • ... ." Porriain.*.ianurwy 9.1867. • Ya Ethos—There /13 quite .10 exdtement now ex-. tiding in per town and county hi regard to new dump,. cries of Iron ore.:Thia is all very good, and It h. hoped and lielleved that the endivW be that andidentoro will be fonnd to make Eldraylkill Oonntythe centre 'of the: tronimainese. • Bat while thisla being - done. and Ver.' erything Is "couleur de raeo an. far as regards 'abnn. dstneenr alLneee-barynederhda to reakelron, the Con. ;greet of the United States to ecinalderinethripropriety -ot, admitting-at the : nominal datpot threwdoUars per ton fro o - enabler, oldserapborchntb :mega ootaket,.. afetiy.of.the pr udnall EogilahandOentit 'hil roads are now taking up their hxerridla and anbatl lutingstiel and relingthrirOld itotiteln rot Abai: „ ey taus offer ir ed an _;•inveire ot woo .two-oto fee; Id'. rails then Lending in New.:Yorkflanusiderablylen than he could buy good - pig, iron . and airrral a l mins it la .worlhisls per ton lziore -pig iron; 'I I II,E JOIrRNA.E,.JANITAR - X * 12;1867. . . Five. dollars were awarded: to' John:Davis; • Cass Township, and Sete Richards,-St.'Clair, fbr declamr.tion... There were nine competitors. • . Baty dollars were awarded . : to "Cor Cynon" for 'singing .!`The . Heavens -.are .Telling" from. Hasdn's"Creation.:7 There were. two' competing choirs who did remvtably. well. This was the t:priie for singing 'wad created -the most • row:4ollßn were awarded to Danl. Davis,St. Clair, for impromptu speech._ There were twelri . co m petitors. • Subject, t e "Old Bachelor." Fifteen' dollars: -were awarded to ."QA. Oysion" for singing an ancient; Weleli mar iong, arraiged 2 by Prof. Parry. Two choirs 'competed.., • • Eight dollars - were 'awarded for best "Catch," avepartiekoompeting- ' -• • • -• •' • One dollar was awarded to air. &met Thomas,, lklabinot , for impromptu' performance' on organ. 2 - • Two dollars were awarded for beat impromptu . sinmng, which was yery ImOsing. • • • This ended theafternootes proceedings.' Ins. the :evening there- Was a'grand- concert; Among - the 'performers -was lifr..T. , (3.Powen,. who" ang two songs*, the greatiatiafactiort "the --- itamoe.: 'fie was encored. '.:.This Was his Arai - appearance ;Isere since hie. retorriftvini two atiocessfat angagenienteet the Bast; andheisings 'heifer milt More pleasingly Utz Twenty dollars . were; awarded to; Bei. - BerfAi late Patter of . 7 04ettri/le Baptist Chunk therle for .: th o e ld ratis iglis c iii i . ep w - lietrig hich . . ,are irot_ ben ked " r e ;t il l no wi w th rialls the add. of tbe.Govemmeat. notwirboanalor. the.requhe. - ment that American iron wet to tie used in the rails:— So you eeel dlr. Editor, berms wo thimble annelras hunting material m make imm- we bad better first Mid out whether Government is: going to rint..us 031'11.11 emiality with.the cheap labor of Europe, In thith : Mise-. Ewa haws anyamorg curicus to try the iron making tateinese:my advice is to no to England or Belgium: and I think these views %%lithe endorsed out by several gentlemen who have recently returned from a tour of . **Mimi 'of English iron interests. • - - Ituudtem not . what the duty may be on railroad bar iron .or pig iron, so king as the Englilt can send iron (wrought Jon) in to the muultrY V' free, or nearly an, it has the same. 'effect on Iron m ng here.. .- -Buns Maio.- • ...._. . . . -. • - About Sf. Clair...Overthe initials, "5:.0.-- Et. 7. se correspondent furnishes to.lthePothatotifn Le d- • • ger - tlie following notings of EL: - Clair.- - -4nth Witten '.borough= -] -.-mider,date Of Sam. 2., .1857, - - . - • --- .- , This bortingb U. three. mita itixive. PORsvgie-.. and midway between Port Carbon and New Castle: It lice . in a beautiful valley. through the.e.entre of Whichilovria • Kill Creek. and is well laid out, the streets interseet-• ing alright angles.. ' The buildings are attetlyfrarne, a* large number having been erected daring. the past sea. --'...n, and ethers were remodeled; but in architectural. *fey_ the s plain. Ls far behind.Pottstovrn. There Is a .populittlen of about. 1,00(k of. Tarim • natiorm , "tind nineties, such'. es. Araerican.. ,German. English, Irish . and Welsh:the foreign' element greatly. prevailing.- - This is-the mining. district,..and' , here Cash is King. - raillieries are all around ns,thenrine.ipattif which, are those of the St. ClairComparry, ConSolidated Mammoth 'ein ContraY. the Mesars.•Johns..Rnyder st Coe' ftc. Great heaps f coal - dirt clo s e by the town, attract the L l . ey e . - In .be ••• times. immense quantities. of coal are sent to mai . 2 from this neighborhood,' bet for several'. Weeks pastthe trade has...been very, dull-liftle or noth:- Ing dote at moat - of the mines. -.. In ()fir place the pros ' pect. le hrightening, although I. fear . it will be :Several ' weeks yet before we have brisk thrum again. • On the other side 'Broad Mountain: by means bf stationary. engines: matt brought up to thetim, thence Along the. planes.- gold_ down by a fearful grade this •side • of the reoluitrun. The road passes through here to Palo Alto . .Where the long trains are formed:: There.is one' blast furnace here and the recent die's - reties , of. iron ore in • the neighborhood, . give . promise of aria works before to p e 's have chin:dies enough. ;in the place;lf they were • only more ettlefent. Salmi and his cause • Seems to be •on• the averident•-• .Few towns perhaps-are more suer ed with intemperance ; drinking houses of all kinds 'abounding, and when all :other kinds 'of business is dull, the rtim -Irak flourishes. 0I it is •fearful to - think how Many husbands and fathers, sons and broth, ern, frequent these dringing hells,' spend time, money.. '. billies and conscience, pawn soul end body. to the dev il: We have several temperance organizations that. . are doing something to mitigate the evils of tilt moi ster-vice. Recently a lofte of Good Templets has beee .opened, which bids fair to be Very useful. A few weeks • aim see lied a lecture on 'temperance by Mr.. Carswell; of Canada - West. which was an, impressive and' thril • ling address; his style very, much "resembling - that of • Ne.• John B. Gvirigla.:- - I would advise the Mena of, the cause in Pottstown tOI3SCOTO his services for, a few eve ni •• Dist week, on Christine& and the following night:. • the Sunday School and Choir-of the M.' E. Church gave in exhibition and concert.in-which - a great variety of pieces were spoken add sang by the - children:Who gen erally acquitted thernselves very well, while the Choir . : 'accompanied by the ergan.nisconised some grand mu sic: The entertainment es ii whole . minted off finely, . and as far as I have learned gavevery general eatisfec-. • -titini and was also a pecuniary snecest, yielding consid . embly over a handred dtillara,: - for the • benefit of the . . On . New-Years Night •in the: Primitive Methodist Church. Bev: 11. Graves, pastor of the Lutheran Church -in Pottsville, delivered lint popular lerture on Matrimo- My. . lie bad but-a email hem, owing to' the :pricy of admbision being fifty' center. and there being eeveral babe in the town_ the church hada pecuniary ben ent in view, on their own account, as well as. the spesk, eve, I regretted tbesivallueei of the assembly r.-it .w 49 however; an appreciative audience: Thelecturer was lively. earnest and. fluent. handling his theme admire hip, deecribing the character and e..nduct of-various ear.didates for - makirimey. - the caw ea ar.d cures for 'matrimonial troubles. awl abounded in apt ilinetrations. The lecturo waswell worth bearing.' ;I ik It would' pay min Lutheran (Si• Reformed friends of Pottstown to Graves to deliver it in one of thelechurches, • • 6rdnd Army cy" . —As - Posts of, thia :patriotic cirganizition • of , bond 'ably. discharged soldiers' are' being - established here' and elsewhere thrungbont.the • Nortli, we - .publish below for the. information CI :soldiers and the public; objects and aims of the Aistaciation: • They are embodied . in tlfe „ following which was adripted by•the recent National Convention it 'lndianapolis • . • • ' That the Grand Army of the Itennblic is organ ized to nialtitain its civil life thwin great principles - for .vvhich it stood in arms under. the nallorial ttig ; and it stsinds.pledged • to Crush out active treason, to.edvance and suituort active. loyalty, :o secure sound Vonstita. 'Mimi liberty toaltmen. and -.to • vlnflicate.everywhere.; and-at all thnekilie fell• Mid complete rights of every loyal Americuit citizen vizi:install combination of force 'ordratid that may attenifit to deny or deprive them 'of 2.• That we pledge all the txitier a • xiil influence Which as Individuals or sin - avociation, ten legitimately wield in the most especial manner totbose gallant men :who stoed „NIA by . the country in its hoar 01-*ngopY,•in. the •rebellious Slam' and -who, through all manner. of doSses Mid lain; les,. ptrecutions under Color of law, •rtinintained th , liintecritY and vindicated their loyalty; 'and we tolemnlfileclare that no Power (list we can use shall neglected nub' .they,age. thorouehly and .eran' pletely protected in the active exercise of the rights of the American freeman, through the entire coin:try eve: - . which .oar flag flouts. - . . , ' .• •' • .. • • That •Cong,rt•ss... jusffe, and . riot in charity, should pass • 1:;vv: eonalizing in aArist manner the boPolles A. 1.71 ,i6ll soldiers and sailors., • ." • That we: pow, as- onreelves'to 050 our bed endeavors- to . preenre anprbpriate Stifle and-otional legislation for the edecation" and mainte miry of orphans tind . widows of deeensed and maimed brethren, knit to enforce a speedy.ailju.t .theut mid rwyment 'of ail .in kful. claims aglifist. the Government due soldiers 'Mid-m . lton.: and .1 hei r ,S. That Inoue opinion no titan worthy to hea free citizen of a - free - country :who is. not willing- to bear 'arms in its defense.' and we. therenire saggei.t. 'to Con gress the passage of a law making it the Inexorable. du ty of every citizen -to' defend. his country in time.of V -need, in person and not I substitute... • .. O. That as a matter ofjustice and right, and bee nee the sacrifice made and dangers encountered by the Uni— on soldiers and' Sailors who served iu the late. War for 111 c preservation of the country cannot ever be fully T . C , paid. we respectfully ask that those in anthoritYhestow upon needy end worthy soldiers and sailors such . p isi- Ilona of honor and profit as they' ay be competent to fill. and while we seek nothing. for ourselves, or tho Se. • of our comrades who are able to maintain themselves, ive do earnestly-recommend this request to the cooped . era: ion. of all' in authority. and we . especially ask the attention of the President-to his policy Heretofore' de clared on. this sublett. • •• . "... ". • ' • .The folltiwingare the . results.to be 'attained by the organization; as slated in Ipe.thmstitu I.:The preservation of those kind laid fraternal feel lugs whichlave hound together with the strong cards .or affection, the comrades in' arms of many battles, slegM and marthes. • • 2. To make these ties aiallable ill Works and results - 'of of kindue,qs,. of avor, and material aid to those in need 'qf assistance. TO make a provision where Wl'S' not aireadY d ' one;. fOr the support.. rare and 'education of • soldiers'or . phans,iind for the maintenance of wfdowi of deceased. . . Far the protection and'ati — sirs-afire of .dlsablod tilers ; whether disabled by wouuds, sickness, ~%1 5. For the establishment 'and. deferSfe Ofi,tlst. . Of the Soldiery of the .Cuited.titates, mordly, socially,. :and politically, with a view to inettli :Ur a proper ap preciation of such services and rlaims by the American people. . Recrnfts'prrTented for enlistment in the ti rind Arniy of theltepublic, shall be soldiers or sailors ,honorahly. surfing. or honorably discharged soldlerk or'sailors the Volunteers or _Regular - Army or-Navy ; and shall" exhibit their di.ehirgesim enlistment. Orbital' produce satisfactory evidence of h wing beeir:horoiraiily charged : No soldier or sailor who has.baiii vOnvicted Of dascition - or any . caber; infamous 'crime, shall be eli gible to. membership. • . • s • • - • Th 6 -association composed of National; State:: Conntyand Precinct' organizations. 0? -thw.Natiorfal Organization Gerwral S. A Hurlbut' has been rho Sen Commander-in-Chief, Iteadmiarterlf.at Sprincileld: 11-. linois Each State - Organization is called a Depatt... went: and each Precinct -a. Post... ESCII State... District and Post has it-a own. officers, including a Commander,: Adjutant and "quartermaster.. Each Department and Post. bas iii addition, one Surgeon. arid • Chaplain, and each Postan Officer of the. Guard' and an OffiCer of 'the Day. All officers are selected a ithOnt regard to previ .ons rank in the service. • . • - . ... • •. A :PoSt. .been established in. Millersville,' and ;Ve underetaiid that it is' in eoutemplatiOn to or: , - ganize. one in Pottsville... There. should • he at least one in every-borougli in the County. -, • TheiEistedgfrgLl—This 'met in. the Pniiiit Pottsville, ou Tuesday morning list. The onep• ing address vas delivereci.by the President, Gen.. H: L. Cake ; which was 'hinny and welt received:• Tben followed.poetical aadresSeS by nutnber' ae gentlemen from ciflerent parts of the State. A dad t;`..tiaric.the Goddess Diana." wee. then sung by five ,competitive parties. The prize was .?-1.; which was won by : gvaus and joint . . Ten dollari were•awarded to the Belmont Band of Hope for singing..- ' . • For a Seriptriral Poem Thirty dollars were awar ded to Thomas Solomon Griffiths, Utica, N . Y. Fifteen dollars were awarded to "Cor for singing "Isle of .Anglesea," 7 - 41.ve parties corn- . • Merril Jones and' sister from Blind Asylum, Philadelphia, perfornied ou;iiolin and piano; very acceptably. • • • . . • 'Five dollars were awarded".to Mies Esther Hughes,•Hyde Park, Pa. ~ f or singing "He-Shall Feed His Flock.". There *ere seven competitors. Five 'dollars were awarded. to Silas Evans for singing "We, the Disciples," 7 -eight persons ;c.otn ev. E. It .::Lewis then delivered a short -lee- • Thirty dollars *ere awarded, to '!Oor:Cynon," Am:singing "The Stimmer"—ve choirs' conpe7 ling. • • • • Instrumental music, by - rProf..Parry. This clOsed Tuesday morning's proceedings. .• fiThe 'afternoon's moceedings opened' with inr. Mx - mum:dal music by Mr. Morris and Miss Maggie Three dollars were awarded to a . Son of - John 11, Davis; Eeq., of Cass Township, dged 15 years . ; for declamation; the Subject was Fort Sumter: This. was delivered in an admirable manner bridastei , . . . Eight dollars Were awarded for 'best "catch," liting..by parties from. Summit Pa.,:ftve par ties competing. ..This competition created. :much laughter and atensement.. • - `.. • Ten. Dollars. were awarded to the .Belniont. Union' Band of Hope, for singing "Make your Mark." Thesejuv.enile ,singers executed 'with' great credit to themielves. . . . Five ;dollars were awarded to . Miss. Esther Hughes and Evans • for aitiging best Welsh Selo.. There were sixteen cOmpetitons. ' ' Instruniental and vocal music by. Prat: Parry.. • Fifty dollars Were awarded for ikpoetical story, the enbjeet being "Courtehip.''.- Adjudicator, Rev.. R. D. Thomaa of Mahsnry.; • • .• • Fear 'dollars were awarded to Silas Eyahs for singing "My Motl ier's Old St req ., Arm Chair i " com posed by. • Mr. Thee:. T.. Jonee of Mahanoy Plane. :There - were twelve'competitors. Three dollars were awarded to: Daniel Davis, St. Clair, for be,stimproreptu address on the use= fulhede of the sewing There were. Mx competitors. 'This: was I:crystalising; as the parties.were ignorant oft-he subject:until:brought beforethe andience.to - speak„ . With a' rand. concert in -the evening in'. which one hundred and fifty. performers participated, the first day's proceedings closed: •' • On :Wednesday morning the proceedingiwere. opened by an - addthke by, the. President,. David: Richards,' Esq., of C , oldpitiia, Pa. - Five -dollars Were awarded to.: Mrs.. Emnia Hughes, St Clair, for declaination. " • .. Fifteen dollars were_awarded toProf. Parry for ,:origiu al musical composition, " The _Crucifixion." Adjudicator, Rat.' James, Hyde Park, Pa. • .. A song was Ming by' Miss Maggie Jones, 'Philip; • Au address was theddelivered by Mr. Richardit . ; Ten dollars were awarded to 'Miss Jane 'Eliza beth Thomas and Miss Esther . Thighes, -Hyde. Park, for eingirig "My Childhood'aDreatna:" . Sixty dollars were awarded to . Rev, D. E. Evens; Providence, Enzerne,Co., Pc, for best essay on the elements of 'criticism. Adjudicator, '. Rev. . . , . Eight - dollars ' were awarded •to '"Peep-e-tisy boys, —for singing,:"Tylwythteg." 7 -Were being. seven eonlpetitors. • ' : niernmg'S sesiien.elesed withinstiMnental 12101Sie by Prof.' Parri, The atternoort.hteebug opened . with the - penal for Tereee- on "Linett Grave." -'-Th'ere' several- , Twenty dtkarti'were airaided to Prof .I'arip for ransiovat by: him: to .jbe verses - There were-siveral, competitore.-... - • 'Alter tlibiairsid ell the choirs 'united ender the: aireetlini of Prot.:::Parry; in Singing tho- above nametiertraposilicki: 'Tltidwa*.ar - grand effort;att was loudly applauded,' • - - After • thhi _the dratring':tir the ,l ins. took eald the lucky one tr . as Boyer or thi Borough. This closed .the rihiOti'lras a mai"' .plete enceese. - :We ecingiattilafe tier - Welsh friends on their literary _and miteinal °mania stiott,' and trust that they . sill oftetahave these , pleasant re- . . Befoie the Anal sajnnrnment, the following yes °lntim' was nnatkilZfOTlPly idopted 1 . . • r Rescasite, That the 'P hereby tender their thanks to. Girs:ernor John W. Getup:Gen.. TienrvL Oahe, Gl:torew. W.; Jahna, T.sq roe Andenried. Wrn:G. Auflenrird„ flan. Edward Owen _Parry and W.., J. Beath. 31 - 11 and all • othera - Wbeenntribated tn.Ftiprarfthe Eigeddrad. and that a eopry of . Ads reoelution be sent to each of them- ~(cnecHc~ - resicn.] sultrit3sz Ma Enrrotti - I.lltrd ;working -and deserving men sometimes meet with' Pleasing and. encourning.teel-: dents in 'the earrent.cif their developing history.- Such an 'incident -Occurred . tai the happy. eXperitrace of the worthy pastor of the First, Reformed Church, the Rev. C.. Bucher, of -Pottsvill...on the..altd, ults.the last evening of the old yeaffiSS....lt was •a.dimiplete cur- It te well known that: ulthis leistire hblars he spends among t be. sick' et his charge. and is. therekire. often absent from bis - . study and' home, and to.prevent .hls absence, be was politely requested by one of his dea :ctinato remain at-home that evening,. an a. few special' friends desired an inter:View with consented. to complv'Wißt the reqiiest; 'Mid to postpones previous. engagement. At anearl, boa: -two elderly ladies, memlWrs of his -cbco:ch; stepped in, net‘Vitbstanding the inclemency of the evening. and.entertained the pas •torand Iris. faintly' with a pleasant lute:Tien - at the close of the eventful.) car ISql. •• .. •. • • .•• . • • • • • At about S o'clock :the door' hell rstig,.Which datiehter promptly Miss - Med, when in Tuned n barrel of flonrg next came a barrel - of fine appletaillien mute • or steriling.fac*And a tornado Of tripping footstep S, and an. avalanche 'Of •-baskets . filled •to the brim with mysterious- tokenslof affectionate Christian Vonfideration and regard: „TIM . torrent; was aorsurpri . : sing and 'overwhelming that our parsonhegaif to:tern pale slid to enquire most earnestly and anxiously, wult visible trepidation; "what- this? and' what-doe all- this', tumuli - mean r• '...The demure • old ladies gravely' replied-'-“Why t it, • looks as if nn armv.werff coming -to null you. oat of - your hired house "before the time... This reply di:root-allay : his agitated mind. Meanwhile the throng: having depeaited their- pre dins bad:seta.' in the. back-building, rushed into the parlor and hall, filling and crowding- every. spare and the cicerone of the-company, elder D -Roffman, Reg, appointed for the work. opened on the surprised pas , for in a neat and well arranged address, explaining the • meaning and object. Of this .nnexpected• visit -of love andaffectionatet - egara;which removed. the -agitation =twinned by tbe surprise. told assured the•payson that . Ate army before bim was not a host of hostile foes, Out a posse of warns hearted and fast Christian friends and • . well-wishers. : Off his .momentary -reeffvery -from: hie trepidation, the paittor responded to the complimentary address of the elder, expressing his great furprise,:and. pouring forth his heart-felt pleasure occasioned by, this. :visit on the eve of thedeparting year; and his unfeig,ned gratitude . to all his kind friends present,; and to all his: peoplensticrienda•absent,--wbo bad taken- .part l'o -this encouraging measure and token of Christian synipathy and - affectionate regff-d for: km, and - bit family. And :having expressed his gratitude to his kindpeople, he recognized the hand of tbe.Great - Read of the church in the . dittrien‘ation of this charity,. and :thanked. Rim for,. His gracious protection of his people and friends, .and himself and family also. invoked .for his friends. and people a happy-and prosperous New T.ear,..and .rich reward of grace for their work.of faith and labor A, most pleasing - and delightful Interview ensued, which continued untlllo n'clock; wheirthe crowd dis ..perscd amid* mutual' congratulations and 'expressed wishes of a hippy fiance, • _ ' • • •The - glfts were seaf•onable 'useful—very j udicions ly :designed and selected. and when: Coined and bi= voiced, - amounted.to about SICO. • The poStoreipresses bimself..greitly encouraged, on& deeply grateful taut God.has given him so many friends-Ond:kind sanDoll 2 - era in Pottsville: and such evidences of the presence of the true spirit of Ctuistitinity in his rlsing congregation. Well .done,, ttuly,•l4 this noble littid band • of•Ftc , (miners la - Pottsville! You deserve - the Cespeet and sympathy of ail God's people, in this town. .Thelawd. Of Zion'prosper. you In . your: church • organization and. your distinctive fOmtlies .• ON. POcrokit.i.s,.PL, Jan. 1,196 T.— ' •• • . Letter from Dakotali -Territory. The Masiacre of 'United -States TroCips near. Fort Phil Kearny—The Military , Force to Oppose the' Indians, • . - . . • . ..• . IconO5l;Q;Sfpk.NCF,I . Or. .tii.Elllll . N . F:R:§' JOURN.L . . • • .• . okr.LAtiAmir, , D. T... Dec. 95th, -• In order - to - comprehend .wha7-follows it'? necessary 'prAmise that the' Indian trouljles .in this section which are now Immense proportions,: which have Anisedltie loss of .many lives And are likely tic canoe the losi - of many store, Are. dne to. theca{ t the road to Virginia City.in Ate .Gold Region of Mon-. Linn, commencing at this point,:,paoiesin a north-wes terly direction through* thu country or-Stuns, Chey enne.. Arai - IP:Moe, crnw,•Blackfeet. and other Indians; andlhe• section traversed by this mitt to abundantly stocked with gains andclaimed by•the. radians as the only; eounrry left them in which they can subsist:. . The...right or way.to claimed, by the* whites because Alm route saves anion five hundred roiiesOf travel over the old route to VlrginiaCity.via Salt Lake. • • In order to keep the routeopen:Forts "llcnti,"" - Phil' :Kearny," and • "C. F. Sinith'. hive lie& •eidatished— •the. first trt miles from "Laramie:"-BPhil Kearny" abOut tifi miles•from "Reno," and "C. Smith". about -the same distance north Of "Phil Kearny:" •• ' ' ••: Frequent engagements have taken place between, the troops and' the IndlanO for the mitytery,.tint ih cose:- qmlice of the hiskimlrleanen of the niimbers.;•of the troop 4 rtationed along the..fise the results have been* mainly in fu (Mu f he Indians.' • Only . a row - days - before my arrival -here. a 'imilere engimement P.ok . Plaim near - Fort Phil Kearny, In which .fieveral soldiers aid a vat-' - sable young ofileer,...Lient:lringhani,• 2d •C: Cavalry,. The news of last night, however, exceeds nu.Vthing in • Indian wurfire except Dude's massacre in Florida:. • It appears that on Friday. the at inst. u large body nt Initiois hovering netir Fort Phil Kearny - threatened a wood train, when a detachment' of troops consisting of ihree ofiliors and ninety-f Our rntit,..went out to thq • asslstauce of the train. 'The Indans retreated, drawing the troops in puriolit torn point'abautt tir Mile: from the Post and behind a ridge of hills. "llcire a 'stubborn fight ensued, the ciretimstaticeS of Which can never be known, since not eon: , single Boni id . the , troops, racer Or soldier, surVivcd to tell - the tale of thei light,' Every man was killed-and' scalped, and -the. bodies , of many horribly mutilated: •• • ' . : The noise:of the tiring weibeard.st the- limit and „re ipforcement!+ sent nut; Jun too late. The mass.acre wzis complete, and thil Intlions_Monnted and Well armed to the number of over one thousand, were retiring victo- The names of the ollicers kill^d are Lient. Fetterrnim and Lieut.: Brown.. ISth-1J S. Infantry, and Lieut. Grummond, 2d Lf:„. S.. ett,Alry. • ' : , • . • • . Indian runners in our interest. h'we jag:arrived, and . say, that a treaty offensive a :tletetiSive ba.F 'been formed between: seventeen "different nations, Who have now in camp ready_lor naive operations; about fifteen. thousand wiirrlois, end •who declare their **fit 'uteri tionto attack' end desirpy:the pisti named.. Ortleng ratchet' here t - o - -day relieving Col: Carrington In.command at -.Phil Kearny,". .t itesigning ti en mil Weisels to the command of this the Afoottt.:tin District. two - of ravn Try four. of infitittry, . taroltban or.'efed to prOceetl.frortt this punt to report to Witst , ols f. )r duty. • : - The whole foree. which •Jhe Govern Meld has' to op pose to this Indian.conferieration 'amounts as-tollOws - : Three companies :at Fort Reno, 'origiottly five, on - ,v only abbot three at Fort Phil Keanry, and two at Fit C. Smith, Which .Mied•to'the six .comoahics..aboct to move to the scene of hoitllilies,malie.4- a iota) of fourteen corimanies, which at an average orabout -six; ty men to a Company: gives an aggregate of less. than nine hundred men with - which to oppose th a most for- , midable and stubborn-Indian eombiehtion • which has beenlermed within the last halt' watery., •• [COYyII~IQATKU.] . EDITOnS-MINEL.S' thirlt . .tiAL TOttetilik 'English 'Rebel Organ in Jts:last eulogized a man recently de ceased here who in. its -own -language, "entered the 'Confederate service with the rank ofliajnr, and fought through. that - :eventful, war." The least that skeet. - might have done... would bare been td have' mimed that fact over In silence.. When it.. IA remembered that da ring the Rebellion and since, Many a brave Union sol dier has been buried here without a word of culoky of the dead on the part of that paper thtti praise of a man whose highest claim to respect in its view,-seems to•be. that be:served tour yeara'li the Rebel army, is au in ault•M every retumedtoion. soldier and to CAS Tern , monk) , that gave so liberally of its blood 'and treasure to crush an unprovoked and wicked Rebellion. lapeek the sentiment of my comrades on this subject. • . , . . . Rrenv-mAiDic • . ..Pts.or. • Glopna • • VARIETY, . ." • SPLENDID. Criisr.ft, ' '• .• ' ittst Woiiint.k.segtp, AT , . : • , Piturr • CIITA T STiIt et.OIIiING S7.IP,ORTILY, , 009 .CflibTNOT ST.. PittLADA:, 91: TATC. s. IbIIYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OF: I`IARRI4Q.E. . . . . • ...:-The.Oheapestßook.o4e . r.PuNished. • • . . Containing nearly.l' farm Ruulfred . . . And 130 fine •Platea and Begravinga of 'the Anatoiny of the Boman Organs in a Piate of Health And Bliense,' with a Treatise on-Bariyßrrors,' deplerablecomk. qiences open- theifind and Body, with the authors' pliti of treatment—the' only rational- spii mode of cure,..asehown by the reportof lases treated: A truthful adviier to the married, and thdae contem 'phtting marrlige, who entertain double Of .tliefr.-physi eal'condthon. ''Sent tree of postage, to any address on receipt of 25. Cents stamps or postage. currency, by addressing . • • r1(0..3 :Maiden. LDize, Altoictztr;*r.c. . . .. . . .. . . . • The author Okay be . coniulted ' upon: any: or the dis . 'eases upon whieb"hli bocili treats; either personally or by mail, and medicines sent to atikPart.orthe world. . .... . • ' AND C - 1111,11BACY; an Es: - gay of...Warnink and Lostructiori .to ITpuag Also, rand Abases . which prcattrate the - vital powers, with sure means Of Iellef.•• Sent true'ofc e in sealed. letter envelopes.- Address , 1101IGIrrOlsi: Howard 4 2 .9 0 441t1 1 291 Pbllndelphia 'Pa • April • - • 11 - .1.y • . . . Strange, but Tritte...Evmploncig .MO Mid gentleman in the. United States - ban .hear something verymnett to-their. advimtage . . by, retteit.mail. (free of charge,)' by addressing the andersigned....Th o s e hayi ng tears of beinglambugged will oblige by not noticing MIS card. • All others plesae address their obedi, d a t. Berme, .• • . . !MOS. P. CHAPMAN.' Jan 27, VG-41y . " 831 Broadway . - N. Y: . • PREPARED OIL OP PALM AND MI OE. For. Preserving, liottoring and Beautifying the Hair, . an And fa themostdol.igtfal d, 'fronderfal . article , the .el . world ever prrfpoo; - . - - • • • .." . . . . . '.. lodies•will find le not :onlyrt certain- remedy_ to Re. •ritorei Darken and Beantity the Hair, ink :Also a desh:a .blearticlefor the Toilet; silt is 4;14 perfumed with a :rich end delicate: perftm..,. independent ,ofth e yi l i.. grant odor of the Oil! of Fialm . and Mace. ', ' • : .: THE TriARVEL or PERIL • new and t!satatifal perfume, tvliklils'delicacy Of Scent, and the with ;Which itClinis . to the • tutilkerciaef. tqui perms is risequallert. . • The above articles far sale.by all Druggists. and Per fametv, at $i per bottleesch...., Sent by 'entrees to . ,ADY address by proprietors. • • - • ••• . • 190'141prsly. 1 3triciOffesi York: • . • , . . 20, 436 .. • • . j, ' . : - Deeirrriens, /I finidniaa and Cailariiii treat red Altai the . Utmost eaxems, by J. ISAAM M.D., lietimd Acrid, f fomerly of Leyden, ltdiannj.liro. ate PINE Street;Tbliedelplda.. :Teetlinorilale tom 'the raced - reliable eoratea in. the' City and County cam be IN * ll a t tas ne.madical e faculty are invited to accompany their 'nenta;.' as .tr g=tebee. no *ends bia. - MITIN CIAZ Elt lone rted wittart I rata. for azarninadon, . .24. ,66--12-om' , crisarimirtlierhe. idrectsee; '1;114 been &stored to health In a few weeks' by a very, raw. pie limo*: after taming suffered for aeveral years with a mem ;long erection, ..".Sed: that dread - disease Can. .ipareption—Ls anxious to' make knora to : fellow : : . alarm the means of, core: " - .. • - • .To a ll irbo deal:tat; .he edit en 'd a of the pre- - . seriplacat toed Mee tKr 0111 134i:with the: dire nnstor* pewter and using thewite,'irbleit - twrtit ea a erns • cimeige.,,Crot TAirririrzt Bsosterms, Covet* Cetta):. and 111.'rlirgat And LOW-AffeCtle,nt.' ,The only tiddeet 'Of the irdrerthier: to s settatog the Pre; seripthmile to benefit the efilicted; stfinVitialtdortiuk: tion *Adahe eoneeires Aci be 4 Thittalae;iikidbit hoPtit.: _evertifilittalrldeteraedl.:lll .11,k, treit,eh , pR and Ina proo a igesdag. !a. • lath* thq .11nietihser,.-b2jeturri. tot Seam +Wiese 'Bee. zuwARDs. vyamoN. : JairAls .14:4.47,T.1,1M11010u101:1/40,96.; A Gough, Cold, ,or. Store BRONCHiAL • 'TOV,S c ,? thaaLLTE yrrsbrriox,.AND ‘ . • .7 ::aacnitt ai*aato. Ir - COUGHS. N D irritation. of ith_e Lana.; a Cei t Par ran t Throat eenie,,or Coaaaasplt-'.. - ISIOrTEN BROWIPB BRONOMUiIi , TR.OOI2tES • 21...truia A. DUE= 17frirmipt TO Tux RABTp.„ alt•uoatpurs sparc.:.• • • . . . roe Brontlaitio.-Asablus, .Ciatarrb.Cosi; sumptive amid . mwerini At!. esiro"• WITU AttclTB GOOD qv-twits. : ''cSINGERS .44\7$ PUBLIC SPF RWRS . .; . willind.TrOchca itsi!trif ckiiring.tho yoke *he'll to=. ken .....herciCe tsingin . u . or -.Preit!ting, and 'Tellevink the the atter ari . nntinad exertion of the 'focal oriae2;L - , ~The,Troches are reOmmended And prciertbed by rhy, skiani,.and hare had testimmdati front 'eminent-men thronghOnt the.tOnntry. Being anarti* of tree reerft, and liavthg prnvod thek - etticacy by :test of: many yearis each year thids them trimew. localities fit vinous parti . ot the wOrlif, and 'the TrOchea are • niikerially 'pronounced beiterlhan other arttder... , ; . . . . . . ..• OBTAIN only "OiOWN7II BRIVIIILAI.Ttpciirs," eued : k mot take any.of the Worthleselfaltations 'that they be ofrered,.:Sem;-zylersvaiez:% ' :'.. • ...' I : . 7 : - . .. '. .._ ljecemhet-S, , GL .'. • • .:• :. . 4?-Gm ~' '. •• • .1Lt..4111R, •• • UAW EC . • UnichillerPar. Hair bye is the best in the world_ The only trite and•parfect Die-4.Tarnilms—lu atantt.Jeatts_ Beilabie—prodaces a splcudid'• Black. cirSatnrat'Bravvii-,,ranicdies the ill etects of Bad Dyes, and fr;Nncnilriestones the original color.. Sold.by.all DraggistS.• Tile genuine is iggroo,.w. A. Baal:mbar, Si Barclar.Strect, New. Turk.' . Ftfiruary • • •• •6-ly • • . . . . . . . .- . Employanent for-both SitSe/1.• • •• • ' ' . Disabled And 'returned - withers, widows and Prphans of - slain soliliers, and' the tinempiciyed or boar a f mini; gitnerally, - iii want of . P.-spent:dile, and prpfltable ena • ph:qv:lain, incurring, no risk., ,can Ig . onure _Hoch by en closing a posttrildiuldressed .invelope, for, particulars, to Dr. dOllif,SL. Dii.r.S.A.LE 4 'Box 154;.Bropitlyri, lii, Y. *ITCH, SCRATCit 1191:i4. • • . •L . . 10111. • •• • • "TRTTER“.- SWaric's Ointment.. •••TETTER... • . - .•TelPi Dr. •,Swayue's Ointment: i . PETTER” - . • • ' • • •• ."TETrEIf" • • ..101it' ,;NEVER _ ."TEITER'f., • .• "ICII"- . To "FETTER.. • - • • • :. T ER " ICH"• IN • CUTtING. "TSITER” • •• . • - '• "TETTRIVt • ' `ICFP' S 'TOILNWITIIN.IG 'TETTEIto . • • "ICE , * : •• • - • ' "TE,PPER. • "• ' • "COM_PLA.L.NT:. : • 4 •TETTER , i • 4 41 CH.. s' • . DR. SWAYNE'S • ILC-IIEiLtIG Cures Itching Plluii . Salt:Rheem, Scale. If eatii.liaab, Price Skin. so centa.- - By, sentlin,..- to Dr. Swayrre &•- Son, :Ile NORTH SIXTH. Street; Philadelphia, a box will bn mailed to any part of.ttut Ut lied Staves; free of . .• Sold by LIENDY• SAVIOR; Drrigg. LIFEL . -:HEALTH-i-STIENGT . H. LIFE-LHEALTHSTEENGT H.:. • LIFE-:-HEALTH-STRENGTH. limulreds and thousands annually die prematurely,' wheti, if they would give the Great French Remedy,. , • • . '• . DR. J BAN DELAMARRE'S Celebrated siSce,ific: richt: Prepared by:Grmiciere D0p0nt.,'.N0:.21.4 line Lora; hard, Paris, from the. prescription ef Dr: Juan Dela-- nurrre: Ghief Physician of, the Hospital , du Noel on • tarinoiz4ere a fair trial. they woud find immediate re-* lief, and, in a ?half time. be fully :restored to. Health and st Te r- rtz ta . . It to 11361 in the practice of Illaffy,eilli nent French physitiaus, with uniform suctess; and highly reeommended as the:Only 'positive and Specific' Remedy for all persons suffering from General or Sex ual*Debility, all nemratiments of the 'Nervous Fortes, Melancholy; Loss of Mnocultir Energy, Physical Pros-. tratiowNervoushess. Weak Spine, LownesS of Spirits, Dimness of. Vision; Pains in 'the Back and' Limbs. Iymotency, • : .. • No hufgnage can convey an adequate ideaof the fm; mediate and al most miraculous change it occasions to 'the debilitated and shattered system..,ln fact. it Stands' unrivalled its 'an unfailing cure of th maladies above mentioned. . . . - ...Stif fer no more, hat UPC The Great French . Rettiefly it will effect a enrewhere all others fail. and although - ii powerful remedy, • contains, nothing - huittal. to the most delicate coostitttion. •• . -.: '• . : -- . .:• • . . • Pamphlets, containing full Partieulal-S• and directions for using, in English, French, Spanish and German ac company each hos, and also sent: free to any address. when requested. - • • • . - Price One Dollar per boi ; Sir boxes ••for Five Dol . • Sold by ail Druggists thinughont the Oiforld,i or Will be Ptrnt hv.mail, securely 'sealed frOreCall observation, by inelosing specified price.•,to any authorized agenta. Beware of andltuitations, . • ... . ..Proprhdor.i3 exclusitn.Adenti -Anierien; 'OSCA:It ItIOSES & . oO3,.'27.Courtlnndt St , deb York. Authorized -Affent .R:d. .11ENRTSAY.LOR.„ Tamaqua, StAndel ' .•. (1 1 0 3, ,'66-6,1y, The Grezit reinaie Remedy. DR. DUPONCO'S :G9LID,E . RIODI6A . L :PiLtS; : . . . . INFALLIIII.F; IN cOMIECEING IREVOITI.ANITIES, REMOVING " OlismuerlONS of . THE MONTIG.T'•TEENS,' FROM - • - ,_ • .. . . .. . .. . - • ALWAYS .SUCCESSFUA AS' A - P.REKENtIV.I3.. -. • . . ... .. .: ' .. - ONE,PILL'IS . -A DOSE. : • . . . . .. • . . , . . • Pennies peculiarly situale‘d, or Liaise supposing them .sh'esio,.are cautioned agaMst using these. Pills while in that condition - le;ls' they: Invite -miscarriage, after tchich - addionitiOn, the . Proprietor assumes no -respon , sihility, although - their Mildness .w,ntld '.prevent any ni . 4chief - to health, otherwisee the Pills are recommeded sea ' • . . . . . ' . • MOSVINVALUALtLE REMEDY . FOR • Vbe.l.Oicorrhow„r, • : And In Relnoyiw, OlistructioM and .itestorjag Nature to• • .•Illiiner 'Chapati]. Quieting : the', Irvin • ' and bringing hack the "R.ey.ciAnr. of • •• • to.the cheek of 'the most liciicate.. • I2.rice $l. - periliox;: • Oix.lloxes $5. by' HENRY SAILOP,'SoIe Agent., Centre St. • • • • . Llitlies . by.Pcnding s'l. 00 to Pottsville Poet Office can have the, pills scut (eonfaigritially.) by Mail, to any Bart of the countth "free of postage.!'. Nov !CA; • . . • ' .47,Gat . .Ei p• ror of Youth. , :-A aeritiern , an .N 4 iio suffo.ed for years front Nervous Debility, Prematn re Decay 'and tdl the elects of yonthful.indiscretton, will, for the sake of suffering htimenity, send free to all Who need it., the, recipe and directions for makitur, the simple ieniody.by which he•was carted; Sufferers wishinu to prodt.ny the lidN'ertiser's experienen, ein. do so by addregginu JOHN B. OGDEN. jan:27, No. 13 Chambers Sr.; • N.Y LIFE GROWTH AND-BEAUTY. London, I. t`elor . The Only 'Restorer London . Tat r Color " • Restorer London Hair linir color Infallible Restorer- Londiin • . . Restorer London Cliangoi •liuorQolor • Hair' '.:Restorer London .• . Ilnir Color. ; Restorer Loridon without Hair Color ' llestora-. • Restorer- London ;flair Color . ;Reisherer London' • Dyeing :. Hair Color' •-• tire. • Restorer It la•the huly known reetorer °twirl rand perfect hair . diessixig.combinecL. Deliattely perfunted,'.. - • ' London ' ..Does . 'llittr Color .Rentoves Restorer Loudon •-•.. Hair Color . „ Restorer London • not Hair Color.. All .Restorer London • ' . • ileir COlor -Restorer D 'Korea London Stain HnirCalor.: Dap - Ira:if Restorer' London - • . • Hair Color . . .Restorer 'London 'or Soil 'flair Color " and , Restorer London' • • Hair Color ' ~• ' . .Restorer Loudon .'Anything. -'llairdolOr Itehlng. Restorer . Miami TII F. 114111 SOFT. ,GLOASY. ABB. LITXLMIANT. .„ . 1, ' KEEM.TIM f3O.IMP (BMAN, 1 11,'001. 'AND [MALTBY. ' London - •••• -• • Ilair Color - '..• . Restorer London "Cures all Ilair dinor .. It will ...Restorer London .• • • • 'Hair dolor - • - - 11oBttrrer London • Dlseasea Hair C010r.., Prevent: Relitorer Loildon- r hair Color Itestorer Londori of the flair Color the hair -ReAorer Londoa • Scalp. 7 . Hair Color . from. Restorer London . Hair Color • • ' .Rentorei London - Halt Color 'Falling.. Restorer. No washing or .praparation before or 'after its -use ; applied by the hand or soft britsh . . • • I . LIVALDNEES.—It wil l positii ely stop' the Ilnir•from fall- . lug. and cause it to grow - on bald beads in all cases where the follicles me left.. ; '... • . 'Only 75 cents a bottle - six bottles; s4'. Sold at Di.' SWAYINTE , S,. 330 North SIXTH Street, above Vine, Philathy., and all the leading Druggists and Fancy-goods dealers. • Sold at "lIENRY:.SAYI,OR.S Feb. , Drag Store. Pottsville. • For Narking Linen, dice.. THE IMPROVED INDELIBLE PENCIL. • l'ArrturinlSs9,l46i.. • Orbstly. superior ro'lndellble Inks. .One Pencil will mark over 1,600 arriclea . . . . -"Desirable, convenient, • and uselbl."-,--Springileld (Mimi) Republican. • .• • - For sale by Bonksellers,•Statleners, Drngeste, Manufactured and sold at Wholesile. by: , • THE INDELYBCE PENCIL . CO; Noithamp — ton Every Fenell tV • arra 50 cents!: ."-' :•Dec.ls. ' • • : .50-1 m • Perri Davis' VegetaWe Pala Miller; TAR GREAT FAMILY. MEDICINE OFDTHE AGE. Pain Killer, taken internally, should be adulterated with milk or water, and sweetened': with sugar it de -sired; or, made into a s3 - ruil -with molluscs.": for a 'Cough, a fai drops on saga 'eaten will be more.elteet-. ive than anythingelSe. for Sore Throat,gargle the throat WIW a iniitureof Pain Killer .and Water: and relief IS immediate and the etire.poiltive.' ~.lt ehould not beforgottenthat ' the: Pala Killer Is equally as good to 'take internally, as . ts.tise externally; Minh bottle 14 . WillpPtd Vl4l tlireetioni for its use.. ...PLEASE Habitual...tonstiliatioM How TQ EFtEci , . A . t..,,hitT4LlN AND. PERMANENT, . . , Some occupations of life predispose to co - mpeclally thosewi kit allow.but little exercise.. Per;. sons who Contract this unfortnnittehabit of body, under. ' such circumstances, mightpossibly be relieved by chan ging. their sedentary employments, for others of a more active kind ; . but this by no meertacertain.. Habitu mil constipation is a very obstinate disorder: All the ordinary so-called remedies Invariably aggravate Nothing can be more injurious than the continued use of strong aperiebts. They. at irritate,.and "finally. • aim* paralyze the bowels—rendering them so • torpid that enormous doses.of cathartic. medicineS have no of--. :feet upon theni: irtild aperient, combined with agen-, tie Stimulant; is the true remedy r-and a - .combination in. the. happiest propertion • of 'these ingredient& is found - in HOSTETTER'S STOMAEIit BITTERS... Thlis famous : Stomachic:invigorates Ore whole intestinal quietly removing from its' convolutions all Impedbae n t a .ta a free passage through them... No mere Purgative has this double operation. No ordinary stim ulent effects the desired object." ,CaSes Costipetion atandonetras hepoless by distinguished medical men have been cured in a few weeks by. the .Rittem. TO those who have tried all the medieinei of the dispense r/ in vein, we any try this irristible atinielent and aperient. • There is no sufficient 'Mason why..Consttpa ' tion should bathe consequence of Sedentary ,HOSTETTER.S BITTERS, by- supplying;the . vigor *Wit wOrdd - ottterwise . be derived from exercise; will . in all cases enable the eysteMto perform Its excretory funttialts regtilarlyand healthfully: , : . • . .Aa Effectual Worm Medicine. - • • • - Brown's Vermifuge Comfits, • Oa Wean. tO2MFMEI3: iduch archness, 'undoubtedly,: Adth Children and adults, attributed to other calms, is. occasioned ig.ivorms. The .t . VM 3.l oMEPos.Urtrii,".e l - though effectual in .destroying norms; . can - de .ne point:- 1 ). 1 e hdery tothe most delicate: child. Thhi valuable combination hie been sectcsatellY used by physichins-• And found to be safe and. sure In eradicating worms, eo hnrtlhlto children. Chileirtia rmmedlate attention, as neglect of the trouble often causes Pro. longed sickness = G ,; Sympiteiiis Children are oft !i.oyerwoked.-;)Vorma ntorpichi end : boucle cause lriltathui.'lchich in be removed OAT by the 1 1 9.3 of . e sure remedy.- The COMbitiltion'ot :Ingredients . Amid lit *ring ~ Ts i rminige &gate.. la such !sato give the beat peolleeffect ! with safeti. • • . • CTIRTIS ;lc BRowzi, E'roprietori; 7 - 4,1 To* 8014. all #ealCra Med4Cina;at ibex: •Ta* 2B . 8p iy . - I 116 bit VIM _ ' ,scituti7staxrcal. sauna I • WHEATON'S OINTMENT 6. -. 4111 II( ~ ..Alecicaree ailTHHEELmezus. cabucEAltis, and all KEWRTIOIiS OF THE SEEN. Price BO 4 zenie.; -Tor "We bc c e& Ba tintgrete. By - seedier 60 cab to WEEKS az Bele Amu, Tra• Wasbingthe ig t io •ow &wow Ape. tunneled blr veer, to pert of the Halted Bata, - • •-•_. • - • • FOR -FEMALES. Hair UoIQr BUY YOUR TEAS: itAiOettle STRT:-TEA itouß4 corner of EE .llwasickes gekeet.nn: poiitetbefireitramast-Mittet. OYD Pebtr, ' 6 B-447 .1149 4G Mldella l 4 —-• ' " CECENOK'S PXYLVEO2#O; 5Y . 11,11P.. • !Miasma trieditinie - Cared . Di.".l. IL Senisex, the Proprietor; i&Falmonary . Consumpt.on,: when it lad as uraid I ti r tn&-i formidable aspecL and when. speedy. deathappeared to be ineviiablw physicians-Pro- • nooiked his case incurable; when, 'he the use of this simple but - powerful remedy.- - Dia health- Was Testrired very short .time, and no'rettni.ofthe disease tiro apPrebended, , for all the symßtom. quickly 11' y ared,.,andhis'present :weigbt Is more Slnceehs recovery, he. has' devoted his attention nx 7 . clisivelOcithe cure of Consumption;-and tie diseiies which are Usually comPlicateds, with it,. and the cures effected by riselliebies have been very, numerous and truly wonderful,' Dr. &ons-ca makes professional_ *lets to'lr veraii - f the larger .citlei weekly, where he concourse of.patiina ts, • and, it ii , t*ly as-. tordshing tif) ace Thioi . • consumptives • that' hive to be lilted - .out: of their :carriage/4' • and in:Clew: - months healthy, rebind persons: • Dc:. SCHENCK'S PL 7 L40:4 . - .10" SYRLip, - SEAWEED Tql:IC, .14 , 113x413 PILLS areg.enerally all reciaired in c . ring , COnsamp. :don. Onlidirections accompany each . . so. any, one can take them Without seeing br."Sortatintc.,lut when it is convenient it Is bast.to.see lie gii•esadvice . tree, but for a thorough examination With his flint-, namwer his tee is three dollar.. . . • - Please ohaeiva, when porriMairtg, • that the-two. like -liCe:o4e4nattrallt!: one .d t9 t.h r4 e o it t e he i Ttit eli he i 7l lth o)K e ts, lis . 61 .1Z00 -o i. f health'—are Goternicieof stamp.- - . ' Suld . by all Dratiralate. ind:Deslers.. prig $l,• 50 per tottle...or $1.50 the half. dozen. All letters fur advice ahooldibe addressed to Dr. Seuw4cea Princip!il °Mee.. 15. North eth.S;reet, Philadelphia, . • General Wholeaale Agents: Demas...Barnmi N. Y.: .I.lax.ce, • Baltimore. Md.: John . D. Parke, Cincinnati,' Ohio :•.Wallter'...h Ttlyk)t, C.:lllcago, • Colliturßrothers, St. Lotas . .ldos. • . • • , , • October YO, ?W. • . ~. .. 424.* t THE GMT ENGLISH BrinVi r . PROTECTED. BY ROYAL LETTERS' PATE • : sut JAMES CIiARKI3 . - Celebrated Female Pule I. Prepared from a prescription. of. Sir I. .Ciarke. M. D.,' PhyriciAri Er. rooriinuiry to the queen.. - •Thip bavaluable•niedleine Is unfailing- In to cure of all those painful. and dani,Troustliseases to •whlctithe female constitution is subject •It moderate all ex cess and remove.= allohstructions; tram whaMynamtnse, and a speedy mire.may be relied On. • • • ' . • • To ;Untried Ladies! • It is partienlarly salted: It .will; in a short time, bring on the monthly period - with resplarity: • • . . • • . . . , 2Wese pil i l s sh o uld not be takett.bt Females dur ing th,e....F.IRST 271 MONTHS of Pregnan .cy, as they are sure to . b'tlng'on ;Miscar r iage, M init at citify other time they are. safe. • In idle-uses 'of Nervous and Spinal . Afeetiona i - PalW in the Back end . Limbs, Fatigue on sli^irt ezertion, Palpitation pr the Ile:1M. Hysterics, and IMus, these - effect a care- when' all other means 'have. failed and although a powerful .remedy.. do. not coo._ Ltio irod,.calotaul; antimony, or anythtng hurtfal te the . Full directions in the pamphlet around eachpaikag, Which shinild-be Carefully preserved. Soto DT *LI. DICITGGiSTS. PEI ten .6 1 prft • ltcy . rn.p.. Spt.cin I Notice. . • . It is lite•fate. of - every valuable Medicinitci be Coca- TEliiKiTati; ne:Ctintlol9, • therefore, --and see that the letters ".T. „blown In the • lxittle...atid that each wrapper hears the FAO at a n.ce? of the signatures ot. L C. lIALDWIN S CO.: and aw3.3lcisEs_rerwithour 'which, none are genuine.. • - 11;—$1 00 with Eighteen:Cent Postilge:. enclosed to :any authorizedf•Agent, or, to the Sole' General ,to ; for the Unit•ed States and„British Dominions.' ' • • • JOIll MOSES, 27 Cortlandt St., New York, ' .will insure a bottle containing %Fifty' 'Pills by return mall. securely sealed.from all observation:- . • ' Oct,-13, ' . 41- -•-• • • . ; 000 gu - - NOTICES. • . Fir First Presbyterisist 'eh mire's . ; comer Ma-. hantongo apd. Third Streets. BOY. /SA . AO•Rrunt, Pa. , tor: Services, Sunday.lo.k A. M. and TP. M.- -Lec ture; Thursday evening at T.T. M. Prayer Meeting 9.45 A. M. Sunday School; dP. 14: • . Ur"Evaugelicuil Church, Uilloschiil street.— Bev. S.S.-CIIITIIIt, Pastor. -will preach German cry Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, a - .llRuglisli in the Evening. -at o'clock. Residence -Market street CV - 2d Preatirscriiiik Church. Market Stinare, Poinea, 1). 13... Pastor. Services, Sabbath InOrDing B , lo . lo .V o'clock: Evenin., atT34. Weekly Lecture and 'Prayer Meeting,' Friday' evenings , at :8 -o'clock. Pastor's residence,„ Mahqntongo St., corner th,or Coartland street. -• • - ' • '• - itiriTicihodint. E. Church. Second street,' above. Market:. Rev . J. S. Coon, Pastor.- - Services; Sabbath, .at 10, - and T, P. 31. Prayer Meet; ing,-Tnesday-evening, at 13.4,0'c10ck.'• •,- • - .rjr"-English".-Ersta. :Lutheran - - Church,. Market Square, "Rev.. U. Gaavcs. PaStor. Services Sabbath moiptng at 1034 o'clock -Evening; T.,- Week-, ly Lecture and Prayer Meeting; Thursday. evenings, . ff - llitt ion pinier • 31(eOing,, every : Sunda ,motoint. 4 7 from to 9% o'clock, in the frame - Chun. on Second Street, between ilLudeet eud Norwegian Ste. Ml are invited. . . : Dr — Germitu . lteriwuted ell nrels, Market St., Bev.4. C., I 4:ourn. Pal4or. • Regular morning servicta., alternately, in tha Gennan and English liinganyM; rt 10 e'elock. • Germah a•irt.i ces occur at In, A, the • . • 6th and '2oth .Of Jana:lrv.; the nd and 17th of February and the Rd, Flttranti • filat•ofMarch. 'All other cervical each Sabbath evening, at 7 o'clock, are held is the Et - fdah. Inagua ' • .• • . Prayer-Meeting and Lectnre,•each Wetinmday lug itt.7g (mock: . • . . • , . • Ist Baptist. Chitral, corner . .Itahant,ongo and 7th etroeta, Rev: J. BA's, Factor. ...Services . Sunday 10„V A. M.:, and' 7:.P. . Lectern Wednellay even-. ingot TK.n , clotk.; Prayer Meeting Friday evening•nt 8 o'clock. 'Said - ab Selmol M..• . .• . • . IL&ERIED: All :itariiage ffoticesinuol Le accompanied with' centirto appear in the JOURNAL. . , • ....1 • -ADAM§ . -13'AYWOOD--In thEAßotroutb. at the res rde'nee of the liride,,a parente,'.n.Tuesday, Sib ifipt.. at 12 irelkk, by the Rev...lrvin 11. 'Teirence,'Sfajer Henn Armen A tuns 01 .Lexitte ion. Kv., to Cbmouxe B. HAVWO(II,. dangbter or Benjamin 11ayw00d..... . . . FATIIRRINGALE.-MASONL-Deceinber Stab. I SGG, by Rev. J:S. Aida .ntell, Mr. Iforu.mo,F.Theii.or•- liA1.1: to Miss MAHN ANN 111Asori, bOth of Rausell Creek. This County. - , , . . .. - -. ".3IIJNIZINDER-110YER—Rilie Rev.' Ur ; Gruver.. . .ilactiory I,oth; IS6l'. • Mr.- Al.4lft'T ' BUN: ilNdi:l2 IC, 311,7 s LINDA .BiihF...batb of Volt,Tilie: ' . -• ' •• ' I.;7O.S.SSTERNER. , —tty the Alev. • U.. raveN on the 21,4t - ot 15 , ;6, •itrr.: ;Jolv LN'IIN Of nerrvi le; to Mb Er..t.m.: STERNER of Tptts•ville. N' .. LOG--;110011.E--On Decembet 2501. - 1SGI.;: by'Rev. J. 5...1. :Mr:Co:melt, PvAtOr•cif 'AL E. Church, TrernOht. Ittr. GEORGY.: LONG tr.i . .NliikS ' Ai:SIP: Moofiz, both of Ittiuseh Cteek..this County: - . . . . • . SWARtZBORI3- 7. 04 the CH' Ins", by Rev: John Phil:Ftein. Mr. ALFLKI, SrAir.... of St. Clair, tr Mies LEzion.i. Bonn of Schuylkill Haven. • " • - PE A RSON.L-A t (lath* . Jantiary 9th, by Itr.v. A. hi; Lo wry, 'Mr. SASirEI. 51)1,M5 to 24160 . .. .-. THOMAS—DAVI FS-. On • the Inth• • inqt... -by . Rev. Wm morgnn. Mi. Sinurl. - Tne.mAs to ..SIiesMAISG.ARST As DA vms,.4oth of Cullleoht. - I •• . - • .. January Stil. • by 13.ev.' Shliuile..,:Mr. 0r.0..ir. Wrrue of Mahan oy.Pity to'Bllss Fu's Fc Frx : ",• , DIED. Simpie • riiimmilzemenie of . ileaihr, free. •Thooe ac eotiwanird - withuoticeA, cte.orttiet be paid , for at • thi zie of 10 of7it.por .r , • „ , , CASEY-L , ln:rottsCille . on the .?'.2(l'of Dece.niberl - IScn,i of dirtease el;nttacted in, the Union Army.. Jour: C.ttskx, n native of Comity timerigh, Ireland. aged , :,3 - years. He had, been a Member of Co. bsth PATTERSOli—On'the-27th . or December: In Morris town,. PAULINE ikSNIK, ..dititgliter of James B. and Mary Matilda Patterson, tuber 11th year.: • " TURNIII— On the 7th hest.; -Ream 'Tn..mvsos, *lre of Jesse Turner, Port Carbon.. - :* , . . WIC Gtn,.1467. at Gorden, Sebuyl krd .Couniy, aged Llyeara and 7 'months.: . ' • • . ADORN THE GRAVES OF THE DEAD EAGLE mARBLE WORKSI', ' •• • . • Pottairille;. Pa. • . • • Marble,. Granite, Beton 'and Brown Stone Family .Vatilts made to order. r .The *Work warranted to give . MoarnetiM, .Plain and Ornamental, Head . Stones; Tombs, •Enelnsares, Tablets,- Urns, Limbs Flower- Vases, Mantels, Barean, Table. and - Wash-stand Tops, . Desig - ns•and Pleas furnished and-the work executed in thetest style of art,-and-of the very beet material. -.P. F. ElSTlNBROW'S . (of.Mitiersvllle), ' • " East Norwegian:St.,. betmeen.Coattid - • Railroad_ Ste. near Poturors FoundrY,'Potteviile.. - •'' - V ERSE WS ItAILErr. :Woollpl fl; • • - Estithlished in 1533. , . . • :Hrs. 'Reever would respectfully main - mice to the ptib= ilc that she will continue the Marble .Works, at the old stand comer. Callotvhill. and . Second Stit•ets, (near Market,) Pottsville. • . . • .. Constantly on hand -all kinds of ' , • . - • , Also F'amililranita Made to order. ": Work of: every description promptly eiecuted An the • best style, - and Warranted to give satisfaction: " • • . Plans and designs furnished at the shbilmit 'notice. • Aug.l B ; . SAES:LEWIS RREgglit. . .t.'Vi-AtA.,,,:NOTIt'ES:: iCoctri of Common Pleas el" .1 kill County. In the matter of the first account: of C. Little, Esq., fisalufee of the Dime Savings, Institution, .• ' • ' The undersig.ned, appointed an auditor-by the Court of Common.-Pleas of Schuylkill County, te distribtite the balance • of the fend in the 'hands of the guld as signee to and among those eutitied tothe 'same, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the Borough of Pottsville, on WEDNESDAY; the 30th' day ofJannary, 1867. when Atli* where all 'parties inter ested are herehy notified to attend. '. •• • - ' • • ' 1.4 US.WEE.% Auditor,: 'POt . . : • : •A .11ffli aST IMATORMIR A LlC.aWill be saidd ..1 - I..nn Saturday. January 19.,1567,•at the late residence of William • Phillip% 'demand, the fah:ming gOods, •vic.:—Bedsteads.and Bedding.:•Chairs, Carpet% Tablas: one CoOking Wove, andn variety of other' household goods too numerous to mention. Sale to commence et a trclocir.T. 4., 'of atdd day.. • - e . • • • , • ADAM.llllOBlfte .A.cyoartistritfor.. Janaarg t1,"61 • ..." : r • •• 1-at` • A ...D2IIiNISTR A 701 1 ,8 NO;l'lCE—where -TX: as letters of Administration: having. been granted by the 'Register Of Gmnty: uppoann the estate of Jaenb -Clouser, Late of Branch -To County, deceased, to the undersigned,—All persona in debted are hefeby notified to Mako payment, and those -having claims against said .estate: to presant,them to the undersigned svitbnot flew. • . • • . • JACOBI% FAUST,AdriOnittnitor:: • Stanch ..iownitip, Dee. 11; 50-6•-• • ' A DMINIST3IAT'OTR'S'NOTICE.-Where -171. letters of adifilnistmtion on.the. - estate of Jor seph Wilde, late of Blythe Township, Schavikill Conn tv, deceased, have been - . gtantett. by. the 'Register. of Wills of•Sebuyikill Coun ty to the *sabsetiber,—all per sona indebted to said estate are.requested:to make Ina mediate payment and.these having claims - amtinst the same to present thetll-WithoOrdeTay fOr•Settlernent..". ' '• ..• BENJ.-BECKER. 'Admintstrator,, ' ' . - • Cressona P. 0., Schuylkill Co., Or tolga atteinney, fil&M.4 ESTATE OF JOS:, D. JONES: Decvd - : , —NOTlCE—Whereas lefty* orechtdnlstratban•to' the estate &Joseph D Jones,- tats of the: Borough :of pottsrdlelScheyllottl County, and,Statis of Peolusylse, Ma, - deceased. bare been 'greeted to thessabieriberi— AII persona indebted to thessld estatt,.. - %On: requeeted to.make Immediate payment, end those elatme ordsmends ageism& the estate of the said ..dw—Went.. svillfutire Imown the samissithont; ••• KATE A.• JONES;Admlrdstnitrlri" . .'• • Corner . hLeftt • GENE RAI4 NOTICES. _.All *m NOTICE ons -are . berehy cau tioned ant to" t.ra# my .wire Sarah flohl;.ftor . •thii date, will pay no dtbha of her coattacting . hariittler. '*. • • . z JOIDi 11011 L. • Schuylkill Hariri. Jan. - .2-Bt"' . Russo uri vrtto OR PA ST at- HIP„:..The: - partnership hereforpre cr Istlnebetweeo- JOHN. T. .NOBLE & JOHN'.GOTNE; for the authuraattre pf .te- at 'Pottsville end : Mahoney Cita.ls ihls day.dissolaed by mutual consent,. and the bosinees will be eandneted hereafter under the wane or-NOBLE t RHODES,. 'who - NOE settle ell ac -'counts or the late:llan. • JOHN T. NOBLE; .• Jan 1e: 4a-24f 1 -• • • . .GOYNE:" ' NO have lent to George Ber ger, of South' 3lnnlielm Township'; Colts; mares. about .11eors'old. • persons .are beta! .by noUfloAmotto aiolefit'or seize upon thtisftme. , • • • ' • •• • " • '• S. K: . MOYER.: • 'Auburn, Jannary : s, ..• . • . • • . . . . . . - .. ••• DISSOLUTION • OF. CO-0-41ART - .NERN.IIIIP.—The co‘partneeehin here tnfore eihiting between John W. Bedford and Mitten - 1 • 'Darer in Centralia,- Columbia County.:. is thia'day dis solved by . mutual consent.. ThotnenceS will be rop_. tinned by ,* •, • '. : ... Wit. Toiamy. . . . , • • 11016 ICE.—The annual meeting of Abe R3Voa-• Stockhoideri of the Great 'Kanawha Petro leum Coat and Lumber Company of Wat Virginia; fur the electiiin•ot Directors will be held at the office of John Tr lloerberry'on the 17th day of January; 1667.. at S oiclock, P. M.. FREDIL• PATTIELRSON: • SentY• Pottsville, Jan 5..67. .: 1-2 t . • . , . lEN IC ICKIIBOITE CRANTURA.- 1 0 1 4 . CITE 'COAL COMPANY....The • hymnal meeting :Of this - Stockholders an electiOn :of Directors of this Compahy will'. be held on Mondry; rebrtik_ry in the City . of Phllirdelphia,.at , y.05}1 tricert,.Room • • . • . Secretary. 1: : IsTeir York: Jinn try 'GI ; •.' 1-4 t. bake of the Locust 111oinitedia Coral . mid -Iron Company, PHIIADEL, P ll7l . Deumb.er lE4.6.— Th e annual' meeting of -the Stockliolders of the; abovinamed Company will be, held at -their ellke, No. '":'3o South 'Third: eared; on ..110N1lAY, the 4th of Feboaary next: at 12 o'clock, M., when en electlen will he: held for seven Dimmers,. to serve for the ensuing year.- • The transfer hooka of the Camp my will IMTloned for fifteen:days prior to thi day ot 'said election- San 5,•'4, - 1% , . F.DWAND ELY: Sixty.. • : ..erriitie • CO Partnership heretofore exiitings •iork•-s' . beterren Chas. E. Beek and AL V. B. Colo, tradidgrinder the • firm name or BECK & COHO, 'Ls .thliday diesoired by mutual consent; ' . . . . . . CLIARLF.S . F.. BECK, . accontite.nt the late - Arm will be settled. and the Intsintse.continued at the old. Band in' Morris' Ad - •dition by the andttrsigned, Who.relpeeifully.rrquesta - rt continuance of the patronage 13, towed uf.t.c- the late - ,„ CIIARLES: E. BECK. 'TUE WNDESSIGIVELO • hive • thli day formed a Co-partaershipasaimers and 'Shippers pf.loal, under the mime of JOHN C. SCOTT _ . . ••• Oftl6l, No. 4 2:13 street, Istobnic.No. 4 Grigg But!dins; JOHN c; SCOT" r, PlAlatlclpida, .ISGT., ••• .. •• • -1-at TO IRON AND STEEL iIIAND. - VALTORERS.—The Proprietors and --As.ignees of the several Letters Patent .cooed to Hen ri neigenier and Robert ..ltfushet, of England. : arid to . William Kelly and others.: of this country, 'fir. the .manufacture of-lt rota and' Steel, - by their various protes.es. In the _United States, have, for the purpose :of all conflict - of claims tinder-said patents, 'consolidated their interests, appointed thennderslgucd Trustees,' and are now prepared to -grunt Licenses for - .Ranitfacture and Sale under the various lettere Pat ent; and to: furnish all. necessary - infermatlon and Working-drawings.... • • The. grent STEFMGTII and: TOCGRICESS, aid • perfe'et nomooaacrri of the Bessemer or Pneumatic Quit Steel, and the comparative cheapness .of its production, as well its Ate aln 'tidy enormous consumption of it are too Well - known to you to require Cortiment.- The profess" Tony be. Witint+sed :at the 'works of Vessin WINSLOW, ORLSWOLI) s.' HOLLE'T, at .: _Purifier information ,as terms and particulars of cast; instructions, fie., may he obtained by addressing eitherof theAnlereignell..• -• • JOHN F. WINt-iI.OW, Troy', N. Y.; • . ' JOHN'A. GRP.: \VOLD, Trov N -Y. Trititqei J.l%;ollRELL:Johnstciwki, Pa., ) . . NOT/ClE.—The annual' meeting of the Stockholders of the •Schnyllsili County Ag ricultural Park Association. will be held at 'the offir.e of the Pottsrllte Water Company, on Monday,lith of Jandary. IStii. for the election of Directcirs; between .the hours i)f . to and.l2 o'clock, 'A. M. • , Dec -29, '6G-52-4 D. TiEVERIDOE, Secty. Hill rand Myren Finilrond Co. PITILADA., ll , an.—Noticd is hereby, given that the.annn .Al meeting of the 'stockholders will be held M.:their of fice, NO. I.5'S. Ithitree , ; on 2d day, (Monday) the 14th of let mo.. (Tannery) IStiL when an election for offlcora will belhold and the annual remort read. • WILLIAM lIIDDLE, Secretary.. Dec. 29, '66 " 513 t • NOW ICIE.--The. annual 'meeting.. Of the . k. 4 •- . Stockholders of the • pottSviße Water Com-, pony will be held •at the* . Wile° of. the,. COmf;any in Pottsville. for the. election of' MaliffOrs', on - SkindaY, the 14th day of January, between the' hours of "and 4 o'clock. r, MILTON BOONE. Seely. Dec 0 66-. . • .NOTlCE:—Notice is' hereby given that .1 team ail persons from ptirehasMg.Or nem,. ti stifle,. a .eertain note' in the hands of. Catharine Rich , inoticli.of :Kurth Manheim Tp , County,' for, three hundred &disti, 'given by Me on the lOtlf ddy . of July, ISti, as she has no ciainingainst me. , . • • • • • J.E!IF.3IIAII. HicCARTQTr . . . .Per, (dd Choter 'Delawure P h I . lad sit." .k Rending IL R. Co.. • Mince 2 . ! South Fourth St.,) PIIAM.. Dee., 1S r. 41- 17. Notice is hereby giyen to the Stockholders of this Company, :hat the annual meeting . and •an - election ter President, FIX 11anaveis,. Treasurer and- Secretary-veilltake place on the SECOND MONDAY (11th) of JANUARY next at 12. M. - ' 22., !ti6-,xl-4t • • ' 'W31.11. WEBB, Sectr.:. Corbels's,' C neck. .11irt pa-. oy, Prin.AD7.t.Plll.l, DF.1:0111F11 17th, tsint. —The optimal meeting of .. the stbekholders of the Lorberry Creek Railroad .Company, will be held - at the. OM& of thii. Philadelphia and Reading Vail; road Cotentin*, NQ. Smith Fourth street, Phil ad el Oh hl. on, Monday, January 14th, 1.'4;7.- at to cool oek ; A. Id:, When an election will be held for a President and six Direetm to serve for the ensuing year. Dee 22, 'tl6-51-at ' W3l. D. WEBB, Seeiy. . . . . . . , 11-. Firms Nntiroisnl . Bn'uk OP ASI7LAND, . PA., DEBEM - 13ER•Inrm 1400,—A meeting ~ of the'Stockholders of this Bank will be held at the `Banking 110 use, on TUBSDAY.•the 15th day O:JANU ARY next, between the hours of 10 AIM. and 3 P. M., to elect Directors to serve the miming year. . - • . Dcr. 15, ~ G 0—r...0-fit. .F.B.WIbIBERT, Cashier. iItistSiOLLITION.—The firm of GEO. -BRIGHT& CO. has this day been dissolved. b the. withdrawal id' George-Bright. The 1111Sii1M will lie ethr,led. on by J. C. Bright and Peter E. Beck, 'under the flrni name of BRIGHT & CO.• " • Pottsville, December 4, 1566. 411-Gt: NOT IC E .=-Oak Laths_ Cheknut.Shingles, 11; Prop Ttliiber and. Oak Boat*, for sale by. • .D. B..CRIST, Agt., P 0., Pott,ville. NO . V 24, • tea 3. , 47-13fit' GOVERN RUE NT NATIONAL " BANlE—POnsviLtz. Nov. 8, 1666. —Nu; tiee hi tiefeby grven that the Circulating Notes of the Goverunient Bank of Pottmille, Pa , will be nxleenupd ai,the'cumiter of Ibis Bank:: . ' • !66-447-6kir".. 'IL 11. ITUN'TZINGEL Cashier: irRPICOPOsiIA 1.4.1 11 7 01 it • 11,1111111% •,Tllll RE R.---Proposals Will lie receivedat . this office, for delivering gangway, legging, relief and prop timber at Thomaston, Ileck.schery Forestville and Otter Collieries for the working season Of 1367. r: 4:Timber to be delivered at the different Collieries, and payments to tie made on the third Saturday of each month, at a specified rate per ton of shipment. ~:Ten per cent. to be retained as security, for. perform ance. of contract:. , • • • . -11S — Ftir further patteultira apply to • . . • • : • • W. W. DUFFIELD,. • • • .• • • Resident Manager: . . Oface,.New •York and Schuylkill Coal Co., Woodside, Gth, isno; • • : • Oct: 27th,• '66: : . . • 1 43.14 t. • DRY - 6001111 . AT GREATLY • REDUCED . PRICEIL—M.•- R. NICHOLS has just opened a large and 'well - selected stuck of Nene Reasonable Dry Goode,. bought at the recent 'decline, and which, ho offers at very . IoW prices for Cask, Give Mina ealL Town Hall Store, .Centie Street. • April 7, 'C6-14-tf PATENTIMPBOVEMENT. OF - STEAM all whom ii may Concern z—For and in consideration of in band, paid by, JAMES WREN- of the. Borough of - Pottsville, County. or Schuylkill, -to Lewis Eikenberry .of Philadelphia, the receipt whereof has been acknowl edged, the'aaid Eikenberry. has sold to said JAMBS WREN the right to apply It in the County .of Bchilyl- State of Pennsylvania, on all Steam Engines now in use or that may hereafter be. used,.lewis 'Eikenber ry's Improved .Cat-off for EcOnomi t e ct ip ...E Steam by- xpassionf - for which letters - ent,. dated November "- 19, 1801, have been, an to -the.raid Lewis Eikenberry-by the United States.)'All persons de:de:ins of information regarding the. benefit of this Valve can receive the same at my office in Coal street.. The benefit of. this Tatra to all persons rising Steam Enenes is - from „20 to 40 per cent.. op the been engines built. It can be applied to all' old engines. . . .chinists are requested to take part in this import- . ant- improvement.:- They can secure from me the use forbuilding new engines aud also for putting thb im- . provenient on old engines. - They- can see the motion' at my works in Coal • street; where I have it on my en-. gine working to the. savings herehratated. At also can be seen at Ruch Jt-Evanws 'Mill... at Atkins & Bros.'s and Palo 'Allo.Rolling Mill. . JAMES 'WREN, ;.' Washington Iron Works: • • Pottsillle, Feb . . - 27, .09 . ' 9-tf . • . . LOST AND .POUND. LOST..-ALatly"s .Sable Fur Collar. coming from 6th streetto Coal street. A liberal reward will be paid-for, its return to ' , WM: L. MAIZE, Jan l 5; Coal street.. Ott e llrst day of the year, between the Seven Star. Tavern and my Lentbef.Yard in Potts ville, two large Buffalo Robes. -The finder will be :liberally rewarded by leaving them'atMortimer's Store, Centre street, or at my Lumber Yard. Bottsville.:Jannary 2, , . CHAS. LORD. . . . Q . TRAY -11011.6 - 2.—Came to the :premises of I.7:Wm. Loy,. In &Amyl HaVen, on the 19th Of December,' a - small CANADIAN. STAL-.. LlON,'ltglit bey:color, with 'a white-stripe, ..to.on bls forehead, abOut 9 'yennt'old: The - owner Is requested' prove PnVertY, pay expenses, add . tube Mine% ay, otherwise he wilt be sold. ... '. Dec. 29, !SU - 52-3 V . ••'. , WILLIAM LOY. •-. WANTED. 'XTANT E'D...an irnitutriona ..Putteim Maker or 6 "i y adifZelin C t in .l3tVit,SlVlGt e rt iIAVA e r .Jan :' - Lykens, Dauphin - County, Pa. . young frith ten years' expe- NVit r ic7desires a altuatidn to take charge of or. .In a store.. • Competent to lily goi'als. Best re.. Terence Addrets H.R.* S., PottaTitte P. O. Tan. 12, 'GT • , , , 3t. .: lAT4II,.NICED;—A teacher iri the primary de . „part; T. ment of. the public Febool,3ol'. the lkorough of Cret. sorta-a 'lady of experience. preferred.- Salary, 425 - per month. "Addretta„ or apply to the Undernigned , • • • . Sec - ' Creesona. Jan: g. la - • o iy; AiIUANTED.-The subscn , ber desires a Situation m miller. Fully understands the business, having'. a practice of It years, and can glye entire satisfaction to anypeomn. - who. desires to employ him. • -Address Kunkel s RilliNevr. Ringgold P. 0-Schuylkill. Coun ty. - Pa. . • . . ' ABILWAIIII)O?LtA.ND. . Jon. 12, '67. . . - - WANTED.-A situation by a yOrmg .married • T man to take•eharge of or assist in a - store.„ Bart references can' be given. Address BOX 3St Clair. • January 5, • - • ..• . • 1-3 t.• 20s000-.A"Eril's WANTED : — A min , .ple lent ftee. mitt' terms.. for any one to elears2s daily, MN three boom.. • !Mathew entirely, new, light and desirable.; Can' be done at home or traveling; by both male and: female; No gift enter; prise or humbug: Address W. H. CRIDESTER, 266 Broadway.. New York.. '• .• • ' Der. 5,68,-1,11, . IAT A NTS D. 4.-A, situation. by a. practical miner of .v.a twenty years' experienca, to superintend ander rotind or ontaide.. ...4.4l4rees, J. W. IL, Port-Carbon. MINING ENGVIER R testi • ItlifirßAZ ' COLLIERY lIIANAGEIL-L , Wan tad,. all:nation by-a *at-class practical; man, thoroughly ed nutted in. all branches and requirements_ ot practical - tnitft•, with large eapezience m financial ritatterstors:- nwta therewith. • For _p —artful= . and- testimonlac . address' IIEEPriIIiFIKHO! mavto., ituz. cm. Pi., . . . `CANTED Twelve goial sea:lnd-hand Boilers T 1 so orStinctiniaio. ' The IViest.osali Rice will Oa 101 for. Machinery or- map of AnyOxviption. ..sztraviire paid kW. *nil or. railroad' icon.- . :engbies aid warm i.ey of all kir& boat, and:sold on .aniuninnon tlin . /19 . .nryDepot on - thal treet: ..awTiiders 4.7n0.4 eilkiecebre Plx?t,4* attes2.4,ll°N • 11 4 111Mi1,../Ssig4:. Collector' of this, 'District; haitngrelinqulshed the sale -.af Stamps,' end ttuted,htil whore *tea aver- to JUN -we will, Ms.- titeetrahsh.ell.kttidi of Gomm:mt. Stantpvin some. toEnrebesets;,;.-/Wellitl-ilinseys keep wall 'apply ai-i , Tereckak-,10 the Dlattietr 414 Amount: FOR SALE AND To LET. Volt NAllite .—The.calnable. rain property cahoft Flohers4l.lll, Bib:late at Antiwar.. Said mill is built in the 'Most- 'substantial manner. with 'four .pair 'or grinding atones for . cusiom and merchant hnsiness, anever-failing -water .poster on 13..er's Creek.' 14'00d . ,dwelling 'house snd.barn and - notbnildlngn,•and laud enough tostnt the immltnittr. -apply-to.- - JOHN PiSYIER, Sa. - . , Voll44AlLE:bithe subscribes andd Will be In le P. an of for- investment, S. eert* . of, land on Third and - Fairview, 'fitreetS, Pottsville, two squares fruut the Court ifosse, 'all enclosssi, and a portion of It ont in building lots, and is one . of- the inost pleasant lo»tt4ora in the town., and the soil Is well adspnit to. the raising of fruit and vegetabies. Any other informattongivertbt • 40SEPLI J.= - . • . 2 41.• SOWN I.OTS .IAO EL, 'l4 Gllt in the Ilam • moth'Vein Coat Comnanre Addition to the 13.1 , - °nab of St Clair, Schaylkill . :Connty. •Penali. • These lots are located On the Mill Creek. and are convenient to all•the Mill 'Creek •and to.the celebrated Black Band trim Dre Vein. which . ta now fully devel oped at the Shaft ef 31.cilinnee. on the Mam moth Vein Coal Co.latand,' and Is ,Sala by competent jadok to be th e . beat Iron Ore yet , di:covered In -Ilia State„. donbt extensive 'Furnaces,R,lllng Mille" and Steel Weda. will ehortly be erected onthe priver ty: . Creek: and Mine Hill It:lnroad Paaces through the property, jiving facilities and wavenicne es, for all kindaof ipt , inesq. .For. term....tc., apply to . : " - • • . 'President, • . • .• " Nor. 4.1 Library St; Philadelphia, • l : l • t0.3011.ti SXTZI7`.IOE.H, Sect", St. Clair. •Jan•l2, '6l • . • • • •• .2 tf • . LE.—The valuable. wharf propertyjuet IC below the new railroad bridge In Havre deGrace, Md.. (mating on John street 300 feet, and running .hick 534 feet to 9 feet water, with privilege of further eatenSion into the Susquehanna, river. The pt r is port 90 'feet and part 120 feet aal 350 feet In length; and is all solid, lazing- tined up with earth' and floored 'over; and is in good Condit ton., The balauw of - the waterfront is very susceptible Of Improvement, and the property has been used for . srune years for. this 'shipmentof coal to the pietrict of Columbia ancli..rrrulh ern market, and has a storage capacity of 10,000 tons. It also atsseseei advantages for:tete= saw mill, ma., rine railway, or any otherbusluen Aspiring water fa cilities and ample room; Goal Office on the premises, and &Ivo a small two story bthlding. 'Enquire of • J. L. SUTTON a Co., 1Z South at., Baltimore. ALICAFIKAE RU4RNES SITAND'AND If BASIN PROPERTY FOR SALE —The - subscriber . being abOutto relinquish business. will offer at private • sale all that:minable bwin property eltante at Pence,. ton- Disim on the. Delaware. - and Raritan Canal, cent-. Driving 'exlenilve COAL YARDS, LrAIBER YARDS, • • SHEDS, wirtßvoi,..,l2 . • - • The above property afers inducements to Ihnsi - 'wistiltig to engage In the Coal and Lumber Trade - dem.to be, met with, being 'es good, a - stabd to don heavy Coal rind Lumber business as i'.. - 1 be found •in • the State. • .There can alga be • a large Misiness dotre In . GRAIN AND FERTILIZERS, being, abont eentral be tween Trenton and .New Brunswick. A very- large country trade centres . here:.rtnd parties of capital could do a. heavy business. Raying been engsged in the btu, sitiess Sir the •past•teo' • years, it is my desire to relin quish 'tin the soling. !therefore offer the' property :with the good will: on rcittantable - terms. • • Partieededring any farther information can. c.bMin . it.by-addressiag tee at Princeton, N. J., 'or by rasing upon me at.Prineeton Basin. A. W. NIATITIN. .Tan"; , GT• , , • • . ?At. , Toi • IS 4 RCIII ANT T AILO RS ...AND .ALII.4)TIEREIRM-.-The underiuned offers for salable - Stuck and fixtures in Tretnenst Pa. The print cipal business stand in the town, Terms easy: Bu.l - established and- in saixa.. , .sful onoration.• Main street, opposite the Batik, Teen:tont, - ,Jan 4.11-1-3 r VOIR 1 , .4.4 IL, E.—A desirable residence situate on 3:.: the S.. E. corrier of ilth and ..11fahantuagna . *is.: in the Borough Of Pottsyille.i" -.For further particulars apply to theltev. De 'PLUMED in the pren&es or to . • i KB. Ii.A.EDDDErt. . 4 Pottsville: Dec. 9.2,. , G0 .. : . . 42-tr . • Dolt NA I .E:—.A..Etisty foot lot and two sto ry liouve on 11ahaotongo s!ree.t.. note occu pied by mom. 11. Walker, EAqi • Poeves.sion 4:l2 l' given on May 1, IS4T. 44pply to " • • B. Dee: 29, c9O 's2‘ • . - .FRANKLIN B. GPWEN. . . ofir l r k Acres Timber Land fl:r Sale, on the Line rIJA/ -31.0.untain, south of the Maimnoy Crrek in Cameron Township, Northumberland connty, Penna., and near the Shamokin -, and litahanos Col Picids.— Applyto . • , ' • Engineer, of Mince, Puttsyille, Pa. Dec 29, .64 . . • • , •61-41 A 'Unit ic Chance for One or. Two Ilinalues• A inen.—The' subrcriber utters tor private sale a •gooilStere and Tivern Stand la a laew and thriving coal town, with the entire stock of goods. Alen the'furniture of. the . Any person Avlshing to purchase the.. aboyo property or atand -need only Inquire, It will recommend. Itself.. . • • - GEO. W. HAIN, .• Willlamstovin, Dauphin Co., Pa. hl at- Dec. 22,''66 .f.lllO RENT, Ori the'firet of 4anaary, IFOT. a store • 1 - iriih dwelling', in. Centre street, opposite Beading :Depot, Mahanoy City. . It le a bond stand. For particulars apply. to F..qquire Ntahanny City, or JADF.Z .WOOLLEY, boa .ton.Ran. . .Dee: 23, C6-111.4f VOll. SALE.-130 acres of Coal. Timber and -1-'..Farm Land. situate at the junction • of the Susque hanna and Lackawanna River 'adjoining, the town of Pittston and the Luids of the Penns.ylvania Coal Conn 'parry. The Lackawanna and .I.iloomsburg Railroad and NOrth Branch Cat!d pass through the property.— The attention of capitalists. desiring a profitable vestment Is Invited to these Janda. For terms ap ply to or address:TlloS. BIDDLE, & Co., SIG Wal nut St., Philadelphia, or the undersignyd at Kahnuoy, City, Schnylkill'equnty, Pa. FRANK CARTER. - Dec lfi. 93G-50-1m Real Estaie-Aet," TOR KALIL—The- Warehou:se opposite Freight. 1" Depot of Phlindelphla nod Rending Railroad C 0.,: . known us Patterson's Warehouse. with vacant lot ni ta:hed. This is dentist little', well built brick build' ing with railroad sideling attached, anti well calculated . to do a large !MMus,. • - Apply to Dec 5., , 66-45-6t , • • H. P. STICIITER. • . • ..: .V.AI.IBABLE Filftg . P.Elr . .TV .FOR gale. _ undersigned offem for -side in the 800, VI 'or Pottsville, a corner-lot on Manch Chunk and Coal Streets... thereupon a double two-story. Brick . a Dwelling llonse and it one and balfstorylraine •;:: house which is occupied as Reitanrant. The lot contains 123 feet on Manch Chunk ctrtet and 45 feet Oil coar stregt.- This property is one of .the best lo cated tor store or hotel In the Borough.. -• Alm 45 building hits between Pot t Carbon pad Potts ville. • A beautiful location for building lots tot Mc chunks, Lattotem, The.watcr pipes have been late ly,. laid by the Pottsville Water- Company" all • along -these lots. They arc near the Pottsville A,gricul tura' Perk Grounds_ The lots are. offered:reasonably.-,- Terms will be made known. • . , • . Also 316 acres of laud favorably known 19 the Tumb ling Run Fartn, 50 acres are in cid: ivation, to acres' ut in winter grain, .2 acres of over tioneyrape clues of the best quality, an erchard with-ISO tree., part of. them In btaringcondltion, Apples. Pears,. Peai-hes, Cherries, &c., all of the first clai.s fruit, two reliso_Mial- farm houses.with large gardens, large stable, shedding, ice -houses. running, stream of water and pump at the sta ble. For further information apply to - • • CEO. LAIJER, Orchard - Brewery, .Pottsville, Pa. • December. S, '66 • . 45. • - IfilOlt - MAl:E.:—'4e ,thvi.lllntt recently occupied -1` by John S.' Graham in Morrbo .Addition._a. Poseeaiion given buteediately. Address IT: • . . • -- ?MANIi CARTER; • ; •• ..'Peril Betate:Agent, Mahal:Loy City, Penna. • April 9.1; 'GC •• • • - . , ' 1.641 'VALUABLE 110 T EJ. PROPERTY V and Store Stand for Nate.--Orie of the hest, business stamps in the city of 11.ellding—,with a 'tarn country . and. traveling' custom. .The, hotel Is a 3,1 i story front it* on 'Penn Street Gail feet deep, on a.lot 210 feet deep and 00 feet wide on an alley in :the rear. 'lncludes' two' Store •ntands, ,with wheavy limbless, Also, a cloned yard,. good suibling end shedding, Stc.: etc.' • This property ti . odered at adow figure, and will pay a large percentage on the capital Invested.- ,For Path efpartlctilars, Inquire of 'JACOB SCIIMUCKER, Real Estate, AO, No. 30 N. Slatlft9t.; Reading, Dec 1014' , • • - ." 49-2 m! - .1-OR; SALE.. CHEAP AND DESIRABLE FARMS • In Delaware and Maryland, from $.l to $5O per acre.-- These farms lay between the Delaware and Chesapeake Bay ;, convenient to' mills. stores,. schools, churches, &c. They are easy to cultivate, end- with lesS labor than farms in' the Northern States, and are adapted to grain,trasa,, fruit, &c. Fish and oysters abound in the rivers• game of kinds in abludancer During the past three years' hundreds of the. Niwthern farmers have settled in these States - on amount of the low price of land and the easy coltiVation and low taxes. Per sons desiring to visit farms in there States can do so by applying to or addressing the' undersrgned, who , makes a trip regularly -epee a week to these- States.— Catalogues sent gratis to-an r address: . Also Farms in Bucks and Montgomery counties, and -Coal, Timber and Ore Lands for sale. . - • . ' • .• • • GEO. R. KROSSLER, • • . • - 144 South Fourth Street, Phridelphia; Pa Nov-. 44, '66 • . • 47 Sus ~s~u~~~ ~ Ii :i_l~ K 4 ~~ ;t l 7 '~ . _ MALE.—Tbe- property known as the looser. Farm, near Llewellyn - containing 125 -acres, 40 acri.4 of which-is covered with. good Tinttber,and the bal ance under a gootlstate of cultivation. With the ap purtenance=; consisting of a two-and-a-half story log home, plastered throughout; and a toga barn, with a running 'spring close by the house... Also Spring House, Wnsh Rome. and other outbu , . The public. road • from Pottsville to Tremont runs - by-the- house.' The , railroad - from Swears to Schuylkill Haven also passes through the premises.— The veins of coal inn through - the property, known se the Spnhu; Lewis, and Black Mine Veins. For terms Ind particulars apply to :. ABRAHAM HENST, or . : PHILIP GAHRES. Llewellyn. Aiwa pair of good Lumber Trucks 10 Mules, Wig 'onei and Harness for ERNST,. Llewellyn. US fyALE .— A' lot of secondland Machinery vizi—l.:Steam Engine, 10-horse power, with bolt; ent fire fronti, pump. ac,; all complete, . suitable for a small foundry. Also 1 Portable Engine with beller and governor, &c., all complete, about 4-hor . so Rower. ' -Also about-12 tons T Rails.: • - ' Also about S tons Sheet Ikon.. • . „ -] Also 5 Drift Cars that have ham used' in a slope-40 inch gauge . Fot salent the Machinery Depot of Sept 22, T 6 tf • JABEZ SPARKS , Coal St. 08. MALE.-':Two ' lingWes one 'a - twenty :horse power. and one a sixty horse power, and coal breaker.. Apply to . D. B. BWDEL. . • ' Eighth and Market Sta., Pottsville. Sept. 1.5, '66. 9T if FOR . SALEII3.-:Two• boree-imwer ANGINES, twelve Inch 'cylinder; two feet stroke,. box bed &Meowing pecking; fitted upfn the beet - manner. PON.ttplir & SON, Pottsville Than Works. • FOR SALE.—One new Fifteen Rome Engine. Shaft, Fly Wheel, • Pump, &c. Apply at Office of Little Schuylkill Navigation, Railroad & Coal Compa-. nv. Pa. . • . • "fJan„ 'AK 1-tf VALUABLE PROPERTY 'AT • V VATE KALE.—One-twentiethinterestin the tract of coal tend in New Castle -Township, Schuylkill County (known as the l'ott fk, Bannon tract) .contain ing about 420 acres: • - A tract 0f220 acres of COAL - and TIMBER LAND • • in Riley Township: • • Siz line budding lots on Bast- Norwegian St., above Jacksbn-25.1190 feet, a never failing spring of water on one ofthem.• ~Terms easy.. , - • Lot on corner of•Norwlgian and Ttti "streets. about 120 feet square, with two two-story brick houses there, ort: .Will be sold low. . . • - . • . . Valuable building lots on Coal,. Washington and .Mahantongo strode. Desirable sites; . for•warehonses, manufactories,' &c.' A splendid lot on Schuylkill Ave nue,- 83 feet font on 'the Avenue and 57. feet front on Church - Apply HENRY C. MUSSEL: Real Estate and Insurance Agent, corner Second and Mabantongo 9ta., PottavAle, Pa. March.24o66 FFI BALE OR . TO. JGEAM.E..--A. tract of . land situate half a mile 'west of Llewellyn, Brunch and Reilly townships, Schuylkill County, con taining 430 acres, liming a - runt of three-fourths of a mile on the following veins., via The Gate Veins, Sel kirk, Black Mine, Tunnel, •Paust and Salem. Parties wishing to purchase or to lease 'will make application to JOSHIIA LIPPINCOTT • . J. DIINDAI4 LIPPINCOTT, Executors of the Estate of damn Dundas; deemed, . at 121 Walnutigt., •Phil:ads" Oi to CHARLES Id: MILL Rial Estate Agt,,Pottaville. August 19..36. . . sg_ty .MvOR ISALE.—One econd hand engtne. 0 horse _power,: T Inch diameter, .10.. inch stroke- . Box bed. . piste,. governor -and force punip complete.' Will , be- - Abso one aCkhorse Power Brew Winch bore, 24 -inch . stroke, leavy box bed plate, fly wheel :pulley, 10 - feet dlans„ 16 Inch face. Saltable - focbreakeOr saw mil]. The above Eoglnes are our own make,will be sold below cost ifaPplled'for eeoe: . ' Also 0ne.20-horse power Engine; 10 Inches diameter, 24 Inch stroke Box" bed :plate, governor and force pomp .mplete.. All new: ALT API d BANNAN,.`Wrau Iron Works...* , one 30,..66Z-26.tr - , - Port carbon, Pa. . :rplille.subsetibers have for -tele at their - Colliery on iitillAlteekt A lot of PutnpPipes, Spada. Handles, n•MaStub-ends, Pipe, . Btnis•ends.• and' other lisitealickfleces,: Pole Bangers and Pales, Balance' iirreonnettingltal and Dote.* • Also a tle gorse i — • •• GICO. 8. REM= It - 00. • further particulars apnlY PUN No. 829 Walnut 81, Phlladelp_hiti," t oo mix 2.. GOUGER, at the Colliery. ' ;an 2; qict.t: - ." .:' . MINING ,IXACKEWERY AND ilk • 'rtRIAIS FOR 'SALE. Two 40-herea waver. Engines with gearing [or hoist' _ - One 20-hol"Pg"Rairineand breaker.ela eldnerY• : • Ono email rumping,Engine.• !0 drift card iii 'good order:' ./kjeo lot,Of rind .1948ar Bal* •*4 1 4, Axel, w.l;e.kiiel4biliuk 4i-1 ac. APO,' P.W. IV!"111°‘' ‘::fic4;10; NS! J. J* BALL