The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, August 11, 1866, Image 2

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    _ .
yby which we could benefit our saffering_eonicad eel p i
...enhance the glare- the Confe„ if
terealmed tei make toi attempt upon Rom Wanni the
Copperheads would foraishe to of the long
• 'promised raid. When, briesedlo the test, 'Walker,
rett; DWI; tioCositteld not furniah 50 men for the:
-ptirpose. Alines andiOitathman then admitted the thter,
a Whim, inrAitaxe the men the choice of -retternlng 4 to,
Canada'oritecompriying them to '-'43Tti" derided
. The men. with few exceptions, derided ta
Thinkbarr my ittstractioneinstlftedme; I order.
:al their return fo Canada for the pm - pm?. er
•.iout my original mission- • . •
thls - af
• actingAfter;eddon. I nits
so unselfishly in f air, and also
Offing . strictly me orders"from 1ik21.,S
nomewhat surmised to find my own name and those of
my men coupled with the epitisat..l' dverter r by the
ether , Cominissioner,find that to ladies In aPublic
Had not my condi:o been instilled by. my in
straction. certz3n . ly the offered by Capt. Canto
- man wonld exonerate an well in mynelf.• '1 hare. a de
sire to sustain mirepotathaa as a soldier.. I %ma sent
her .,.. r , r ib ms tc aeiato. I yielded all returnest,
and do to
yotinow deem it justice to me to me to
~..Ttichmotd without an opportunity to do that for which
was sent!
t op
ezpedition failed through no
--fanlt of mine and all I now demand is Ja:stice, and a
fair trial. which ben certainly ; been accorded to others.
• Since being hero I have tried to &my dutr, anti hardly
imsztrff. yorcatirchri—ti me as failing to 110 the same.
• I ask nothirez nor niake:lm—ddiMilid'eare-thal-Wtrteli'
justice and-ctitetlity accord. If money is sears, little
• : will airfare.. I will iallict loss and mate•this trip - pay
-the (apemen of the next. Col. Thompson orders me
home. I refuse for two reasons: First. the Secretary of
War reserved that right, and - nowhere in it delegated to
Col. Thompson alone to order me -- : second• before an
•atteropt and failure to do that for which I was sent, have
lany right to forego orders from Mr. Seddon in favor
- cf those fanned by Col. Thentranon. again demanding
snntice. and are good for my own reputation. I remain,
yours, respectfully.'• •
In apparent connection with the foreign letter Is one
from Jacob Thompson. which has been largely mulibt
v mai but states that come person has received from Ja
coblitompaon. in gold, $2:1,614 between. July 22
3 a - nd
,august '23, 1E64, $lO,OOO of which. wan pa- .. by Pi
Ilolhombe. • • .
Following thin statemente Thommon Says "Aboie
• you aria find account as it appears on my books." He
then proceeds to ray
~•• I shall tate steps for My departure friim this city and 1
from Canada.
On yesterday. Mr. Brirleigh. of the Johnson Island .
men. was we shall now have that affair ful
ly ventilateil. After the miserable failure at Chicago
• by - dincovery, and the qniencent trate of the Northern
n u
public mind. I have but little hope of aid to the Con
• federacy from this quarter. I have been expecug yo
for some time. •
Incloeed you will find a letter from Mr.
• whom I advised to go to Montreal and par into your
Lends the money he had obtained at St. Albans. Ile
'offered to pay me the money, - wben I told him I-should
• -at once turn it over to yon, and" therefore, he had bet
ter pay it to you at once., and this be agreed to do. - I
suppeenc -I shall see him no more.. He wishea a:state-
meat from ma- and it is just I should detail for him
our conversation. • •
• ' Yours. truly, . • Tungmos.
Alawrogh thin letter in mutilated, and the name of '
;the person to whom It was addressed effite4 It is still
-apparent fiat it was written to C. C. Clay. - Jr. The
letter itself furnishes internal evidence - leading, to the
same .concinition.
Onthe lath November..lEo4. "3, D. Manias.' who.
1 • is undottlitedly the person referred to In Thompeows
• letter without date. writes to Jacob Thompson,. from
- Montreal:and nays that "upon arriving at this place I
found that the raiders had refused to give np their
money to Clay, - and that he had left the place toe huff."-
Then he bays:- wish you to. give the 'a
letter sta..'
Ling the factskithe cane, and how I exprenned my wit
. !bigness to give up the money to Mr. Clay If it would
hate any favorable bearing on the case of -the. pris
oners. It seems extremely hard that the prime mover`
In the affair should wok so severely of those who only
did his bidding, whom-.he -promised a release
in e 4 bourn, provided they were arrested In canada.•l
This letter convicts:Clay and Thompson of the crime
of Inciting and organizing a raid which rmilted in the
destruction of St. Albans. • -
Mother lettter dated Hamilton, Sept. 20. Pt belieied
- to be in the handwriting of Bennett IL Tour.g. and a
portion of the signature remains; showing .tbat It was
signed by Young. The cement the person to whom
It was wriuen is not gym Some of the words ore
removed. hat the-meaning of the whole is very clear.
The following 1a dopy. • •
•:: ~ HAMILTON. September: 7 .o.
I . .
stn bare this.Monaing on my way hi the Falls. to
see Mace, Denny do Co. The river ha , Wien Ilia
fact threetachesin the last four days. and- by a wz-ek
from to-day will tie in a conditkin for us to act, am
ts , hopefulandconildent as of- yore. I found my alt
gun in Toronto it shoots 30 times, and will kill a man
at SO yards. r would rather, though. you would send'
liuntly to New York. lie Is a splendid mechanic; and
I think we can secure a better article at a cheaper rate
than here, Illabee, niyself and one other:a messen
gers will leave Thrusday or Friday for the scene of oar
opuratp,m, nnless you dill order otherwise. We can.
the roughly arrange and perfect our plans by the time
the men will be there. We .will send you by mesaen.
yrera emariv and exatt statement thereof. You can
lirepara greenbacks far us, and send them by any mes
s...l,or. In the meantime, I will want for lilgbee,
Price end royeelf,.five Or six hundred dollars: I
. stral or come tomorrow. The air-guns will cost about
,ith-or $25 to New York. They are needful, and will
ssefit greatly in the safety. certainty, end dispatch' of
oar work. Six or eight men haveteturned.fram South ,
.n Illinois, and they go with me. I will leave Denny
fie rurcuth'e oiliest in my absence. -.I will ere you
1,t01)..My. no More ere the attempt is made, You know
s.o.v oil that I know. But. Mr. Y.—,Jet me b e , of
'you to be careful who yoktell of our intentions. Nicol
La a ter). ma11,./allitold.fill iu Tar.eito what
yet thioto him. Men .may be brave and efficient - in
active service. but this is EL tleJd in which prudence; and
IV").)1 body. 19 demanded. We can and must do
:or-eon:. tad that at an early day. I hope ere long to
gratliv )ouby a report of success. All told, I have now.
übont 5, tro U. I hope to make It lb. I will give. you
the directions in my report how to Fond me men. I
wilt not return. Mr. until I have done sortie
thing. If thing else. may D. destroy the northern
hoax: of Vermont and „New- Hampshire for lib miles.
.:ftwohm: returned from Windsor last night. I will come
or cit.(11.0•TOOITOW.
Yours, lists. 31=a.
Una .1 -B. Castleman appears to have - teen engaged
In the . Weq as he'agent of Clay and .Thainr.son ttn'or
- secret societies and fomenting hostilities' to
the Clovernment. The following letter was written by
him. and although the name of the person to - whom
it Nvas addre:sed had been cut out, there in a copy as It
opr,, sus on the nes ref theDepartruent, mutilated in
some particalers-
Looaorv. Sept. 5, 1% . 4...
—r. DC..t.3 'Yuman : I have directed Shultz to ace
you before going to Toronto. son hand you the comb
um nteari(.n he beam. If yon. consider it favorably,
pleasa attend to it with the least possible delay. I ap
-1,,1y for smelt authority. because of knowing the im
mense good that may in this way be accomplished: I
w,ll Rend yon frequent reports of work accomplighed,
anot her thing of the utmost importance to • melt the
nothleat ion of the Secretary of War of the cause of my
detention, and a request made him that a note to that
effect be sent to Gen. Morgan. company, and reg
.:taunt are :id -Kentucky Cavalry. 1 shall _rely,
npon year attending to this matter for me. I must
confess I fear at present there is little hope for the an
ebtopllshment of env great gobd here. NShat can be
done we will do. and shall reir ly- uponthe ,.\ action of the.
rtelreediiltiTeetifteyinivericor.forat m " u • ch, except -wll t i tt ia r v o t O n el o ,
the areidtr.nee of their influential men, but their shrink
ing from re,ponsthility leads me to believe they will do
little l nm makinfr arrangements to hold nightly meet
ings, and by addressing the country people shall hope
to do, something.
Thinter . bas t'-- adjoining district, and not'having
beard Saturday, know not what he is effecting.
The coupe of Vallandigham and his associates has had
'a very potent and equally undesirable influence upon
the people. They are impressed with the belief that
pledger cf • peace scented th eir coOperation, and to a
.peaceful solution they looked with eager certainty:
Present my kindest regards to Ben. Young. Karuse
me for reminding you again of the urgentnecassuy fur
- •stercry in the twitter submitted to you. Plea-e, on
receipt of theta. tin me-the SindneFe logo yourself to
- sec Thornisen, and witatevcr Le your dech-ion send
tinhnitz bat ic otwe. With many tbmolce for the kind
nose. estended to no torny mother and sister,' and to
toy coraredes when near you, belief - e me, with true
'sincerity. .1. B. CAPTLEILLIC.
The Milowirg is a copy of a letter from the saws
person, addressed to "gentlemen" T. and C., rodaning
no doubt, 'Thompson and Clay : • • '
Isnta.Ns, Septr'24.
. .
Gss - rztums:: • Yon find here , lib inclosed theSe- cx••
tt sets. whi,:a show for fh,•mselves. I regret to say thst
the grader portion of the business part of Cairo has
beet' d, stroysd.-and union': tire losses was some stock
of my own, which was sent there fur Investment.
was also so unfortunate ns to have some lost on the
steamer hunted, a copy of which disaster you'll find
herein. For a few days past I have been in Indiana,
and find business much more flattering than in Illinois.
I return to the latter place to-day, and arrange mattefs
M my district so as TO give Hunter charge of the bust • What can be dons .1. shall do m conjunction
.therewith. 1 ens going to Indianapolis if a house can,
fribreDeil there et a reasonable cost. If Ifunter is near,
you ri mind him of the most urgent necessity id' return-
In?, to his business. ' There never has been in this
•er.itntry - such a time for a prillattle - business, and the
time must be taken advantage oL The machine in MO
its use ill radiate from the - Point it is futrodneed.
shall set tip shop from within 10 to 20 days, and
most likely about the former than the latter, •
- • Nest respectfully, your obedient servant.' • • •
The following letter, which appears to have been
written' by Thompsod to Clay, has reference to the
psi:ceding:lettere written by Onstleman to Clay:
• Torosiro, C. W., Sept. 6, 1583.
To (tom out l.! • . •
• • Itesti Stu: Tee proposition of Capt. Castleman em.
barrasses me, - It Is evident that no authority of aura
can protect him from consequences, and ae he and those
to be ommuized by him are oflcers and 'soldiers of C. s:
A, we have no power to make details. This' service,
if rendered, would be valuable but there is no way
tbat I know of tot for them to act on their own respon
sibility. One thing is certain.: an authority given by
us. if brought out, would place us in awkward position .
to the Canadian authorities. If a demand .was made
upon them by the United States. ••• • At all events, it.
Is a danuoaris subject limn out)—Due, and mie in
which I feel unwilling to, make documents which may
lirelured against us and einbarrass tbe parties who
t h e m gavel Dr. Huuter'ar.d Castleman to take
- the mew to Chicago, and take care of them afterward%
gt 4 CM, and I wrote a letter to Castleman for our Joint
signature If .he wants money it 'sliest for him to .
. 5t frem Hunter, at all events at fret. I wish to write
In you. on ether shbjecti, but hare to time now, •as
--0-reiri-in a burry to return. I ant tndeavortag to
Jut the beet face on thtnge, your obedient servant,
. .
(Tom mat.)
Toe tollowing correepontitnce direl6.ei the charade:,
- of the menus of bringing abo--.1 a riyil war In the.
West in the Summer and Autumn 0f1464. and re
• . verde the names of some of the .persons engaged In.
the movement. The first letter is from C. C. Clay, jr.,
- • Jacob Thompson. Yee fallowing copy t•
Wurtar•sr :Illy 11, 104.'
Tacicraws, Moraitat .
lle Dtaa Ste. Walkergo , e offtcseiglit to the tnited
States. Ile will tryto'prey.cre our-friends to aid us in
• the conteniplated mote. D. 'nosey is bere,
• .of lieday, and will stay until finding. he Is a high
- pricy't of the eons of liberty. and 'can be employed
• • most usefully for as. Be and W. might traverse Ohio,
• Indians...and Illinois, by the Toth. and have all the Or
ganizations ready to act in cooperation. You bad beet
come from lowa here Immediately, and let than lamer'
• all the plans. They can be communicated to W. by
a special messenger. that they may ge to ii - oric at'.
I. once. They are only adrised 'that certain escaped eon
' ' • federate pricOners can be employed to start the bill
. ' fur them. if their peoplew - I/1 join the play. They think
• •.•.- - will take the . fancy of their people. and they will
• • -take a hand. The only feu le, they will not be pre
•.pared for lt, mud will be eurpileed and stupefied with
. r . out notice.' You need not fear as they are of the sworn'
.•• - brothertioxl. 'Voorhees is to be here on Monday or
• Tuesday. and rierhaps lien. Wood. Indeed. Ise peo
• f 7- • :• ple from the United S'ates here daily. who come to see I
its.. Yon meat not fall to come. and bring plenty of
• •gumee. Indeed, you had best transfer rut back to I
Toi . ooto _ can buy . lasses in the ailed Steles
. 7 ; •4thich will serve our purposes, and two capital stump
orat - ris to travel anywhere. Come here as soon as
. .
• .
The proprietor and all the people here are, your.
irlends. I send this by him. • In haste. ' • •
• . Truly un: C.. ji: •
following letter, without sitrnamre, was written
•Ity Clay t o Thompson. This letter is addressed to "W:
••- it Carson,'! which - was the assumed name of Jacob •
7hompson.' The following Is a copy,: •
N.IAGARA FAI.LI:,C. W.: Friday, July V). 16.64.
1l•;•• Ma , W. F. Ccatiots.--Dras Siat—Oar.friends had left
• . •'• on my arrival. ' Your telegraph only. cached B. a few
t: ' itibute+ since, owing, It la said, to sone'derangernent
.. • of the line. -Be has, replied by telegraph - to,your note
• brought by the. Beexpresses himself Much surprised
and disappointed at it. because he saysli- and himself
both understood you to authorize the investment and
- . • ' ...R. bad, beforeleaving New Tort; arranged to obtain
the goods atter anacultationyith D. and B. He says
It., D. sod S. all lett New Ydik with the belief that the
goods world vier tie sent in email lots to the different
' mints of advantageous sales, especially to Indlanapo.
I • lie, where they are deemed indlepensible, • Th er oi s .
, more formidable competition there than waif expected
.• —fully SOO well equipped competitors, Thehazard
tyou serge/twee:l - fully centavo& and it area resolved.
••• • ' to take it, as the goons We " in 4 LWenatbi
• they not deem the hazard great - The partypartyltiter
:: _ ested in the salt understands the delivery must precede
„ oirooo t.. o.ympt as to small part which wan to bead
.fanged, and .WhiCh was lett herewith the intention of
advancing out of lands to his hands. and will doubtleea
• .do to-morrow or before be can hear from us_ *
H ea
; r. • ,ittNi as scan as he porn out to the original] to pay
teethe good ( to leave New York for the wed, t o pr .,
vide for their disposition in safe hands, -.Be thinks the
• • terms required would be offived the Rev. b ooms
• i t eo lying distruet of hialidelity. andmoreover
guy. because in any event we must rely on his
,r • for the faithful application 'of the money. 'Banos he:
thinks It beet not to conununicate them to the Bev. D.
l r:
or S. so the same time: as their suttees are Quite bidle.
pensilde. Vile propose( that we forward the email par%
-•,-;.•-:-• tient:l the sum required to be used, aa earnest of our
ability and purpose to pay on delivery, and be trusts
'you will provide the balanee: He-andl, between us, '
"sr2“, could make up about 420.000. if we can negotiate our .
draft/. beside the •gold. I might forward titimealteti
by the special messenger. I think, on Warning all the
Act,: 'lads, it is best to take the'ziak. for at beat we run the
tilk . of the goods being unavailable even
" " ' 'ton. I wish your conenr.
?on concur In this stew.
I acceptym tnvitatloa
lged to decline yourinvi
smourenes will lose. the
ild. J.gain anggeors—
itdrements are impractice-•
icatirut to -and - fro:would
the time even it must be
hors. was Important. 4A
, &romped by - him in a ghat
to be rent lyy epode] seeseen-
Ala then sterittorhUle of ciliffes.
could send to diffarent•purcha.'
'Were designed to bring oti 001 war in that - 3'4on of
the =
Th c. e
following. tritiont data, appears to _be Thoinp-,
eon's reply to the foregoing communlcatlou:• The six:
- nature is partially torn out, hat thee
"J. Th
Itinattl. The lather is as follows:. . . •
"Tear prop:Within' is agreed to substantially, While
I fear the experiment ak-2oUsiblyleitdingio erposare.-
Ruh is thefear of 8.. with wheat I hatie. talked.; But - .
the-party selling mnet be tatereatad geitiag ,
reread accompaniments." • .• • .
The ortginat, of which the follostingAs onspy.tuas_
this inaorsement in - g - g hT e :
• Walker's letter of _ his purchase. Copy. Aug. 8, 196.1.
has been
The bearer has just arrived.' 1113 delay
mort•unfortunate: - My purchases anionutto over $73.-
Of.O. ,These weremade hysorder. It has been rer3 dir !
I limit for me - twarrenge, - with the addition of the Pinds --
In my office, to prevent - t.rouble. -I shall expect you to
Isend - me a draft to tudianals_orls at the earlielnioseiblo.
moment for $11,0,000 in, gold ,or sterling.. Tag I wish
you t o send here to square my accounts... My reps . t-';
Lion is involved in tide, and I trust that- an gentlemen,
to whom I have confidence, will not base me to wiffor...
j ',',4.loPOOSEdnirbeeently me te -
Indianapolis This answer ought to' have been there
. before now. There are expenses to be incurred there,
which cannot be Avoided: - If low hare mot sent the
S-30.00 please send $lO,Ol/0 in geld colu little. time von
tneimpress draft for like amount. start West, to-nigt..t. Let
Ind the neuirsitrof haste: - -Lrise nor
S moment. - • • .• • • . . x . „•.
The following letter, which appears to. have • been
written by Thompson to Clay. has reference tnidemb:- .
edly to a movement in the West desiened to bring on
civil war.:
• • YosTMEAL, C. E., June P, 1564.
To Y.—Mr DEVIL SIEEI have rterisined here for
ten ,deye waiting for you •.to keep appointment at Tor
rent°. Think I ought to go 0n..1 wanted very much
to ree you and report prot,,nwe. I cannot arconnt for
your delay. I hope no accident her. happened. I have
communicated with New York. A moot reliable,gere
Semen his met me here. In the present:state of
things I do not think anything ie. opened to ns there:
I go - where I may familiarize myself with the condi
tion of things le the West.. George Sanders has gone
to eat Mrs. V. Ile crime from abroad,-Earope—ter do
what he says be did not know that we were intrusted'
to de. and be hes gone on to .do it There is such a
thing re spoiling both by hevingloo many hands In It.
Clay has been in Toronto' for several days. Be•Writes
me. to crime on. I cannot do anything more at the,
present at this place. Let me .bear from you as soon
ss you get this. . . •
• . Yoms traiy. . • J: T.
The following letter, written by Thompson to Clay,
relates to the tame subject: : • " • •
Teaosze. C. W.. Jane 11;16 4 1
• (Torn cut.).Drava Sir.: Arrived' yesterday. and to
day I leave fir Wiudser, no arrangement having been
made ;merit - Maly for my coming there. Here I got ac.
qnsintic,d with Judge Moore of Kentucky, a trueman:
lie left for Cincinnati list evening . , and agreed, if pore
elble, to meet with Mr: Bcgt, and I requested him to
say to Mr--Pugh that you wished to see hien at the Clif
ten Howe or such place ashe 'might select. lie is to
.felegraph to Mr. Cleary and .Mr. Cleary will notify you.
I want yon to ace . Mr. Pugh. Since I hove bean to
write this note I have - been informed' of your s aril.,
sal in 'Montreal: When will-yon join me. beeaueel;
ehotild be glad to communicate all I know? I viral
• return from Windsor to this place, how Mon I cannot
*ay. I left a note for (torn out in the original): lam
es_...yo---..(signed)"J.'l‘.”=(uern out In the•original.)
The following letter (mutilated), written byThee: B.
lialcomb to . Clay, throws light on the plates of the'
Rebel.s in connection with coesplracies .in the West. •-
SreneY Brous,
My friend tuts jot left me. - .A I said to rm. he Was
'at first overwhelmed with the reeponsibility of speedy
decision on so momentous a: subject. He has been
thinking of it ever. einee, and met With an. Intelligent
and active friend from his State, who cape to see me,
.and who is sanguine sato the immediate condition
My friend is not only satisfied thet the time bas. come,
but is ready and anxious to prepare as rapidly as pos.
sable. Ile had pondered your inquiries as to the !ear
l:dirty certalu matters, and has made such pertinent
(torn out)—ortant suggeetlons an to cooperation-Born
era)—oet deeirable.for Carson to see him.. I - told you
he would be one of the M. G. of his State.' Our appear
ance or his finder -the circumstances at St. C. err.or-.
row would excite euepiciere. He mutt leave ln the . p.
in. train. 1 write to Big Carson to come at 11. or at'
all events at 1:10. Let him come right etraiglit to my
r00m,..Nn.-T, and „better not seem to know me, or be
seen with me. To (torn out) e.- where the room le..
Events in W. are likely to precipitate matters if - a draft
is ordered. I ata etartled at the mire, end feel that
with activity and prudence Cansonteriestgics may result
in the grandest denonment. . 1 fear to write more ex
plicitly. I hope the asthma is better. If C. Pan come
wili look_for no meesage. It not, telegraph hole yen:
eithme is,. and I will knotyit means he eenr-othe here.
• . • • In haste, truly, . Jan.
Thismay inform you a few minutes in advance 'of
your paper that Wallace is whipped,' reteeatieg IEI
order, and burning bridges ;:Gen:Tylerprisoner ; Cola
Seward wounded and a pelsoner •, an advancer rester
:day at I o'clock, -a.m.; 16 miler from Baltimore force
euppoised to be `0,060.. Some Memplths people-new ,
here. I believe Capt. Cole true. Ibis not emart • hut.
I expect a bold desperate fellow. - I haredetained
thinking he would be useful.. I gave him $lO to pay.
:his bill, brit Carson must put him-on his' ateoant-and
keep him at aeheap house till needed, if he wants
If. he does not-please drop a letter. to:me.. If Carson
is not there,.detaintim till he comes. :..
The evidence examined is thtts.reviewed and presen
ted by the Commit tea arid spin the preli rn nal y bra nch
es of the [AEC eritablishee, or tenje etrongir to eetab.'
lish the following propneitionei • . • •
' First r The Rebel authorities at Richmond proceeded
'systematically and criminally. and in violation of the
dictates of our common humanity, as well es of the
usages W . civilized war, to imprison, enrlare and de
stroy negrues employed as eoldiers in the army of the
• 'United States. • • •
Second : They treated nith go-ore injustice end krutal
inhumanity these officers who were teken prieunere of •
war while In command of ne.gra troops who. were . In
the service of the rollEglSEE:r•lt.: •
Third: They sYetemetically. : knowingly mei' mali,
cionsly subjected soldiers of the United States taken
prisoners of war to the horrors of disease, to brutal ex
poem e to, the elemente, rind to seasthig, fetal starve.'
Bon, and all eombined—maiting 'a chapter of hefro-re,
. sufferings and woes which have no parallel In% the an•
nals of tiny other people, civilized or h.arharious. -
Vonith That Davis, Benjamin, Clay', end Thomson
planned, organized, and incited' the •verieus s. hemee,
expeditions. and conspiracies, referred to in the testimo
ny submitted, for the introduction of contagenue and
infectious diseases In the United States, for, the de
strnction of euesommeire upon the rivers,' lakes rani
oceans, fdr the Wslcase of prisoners at Johneores Dined
and Camp Douglas, for the indieerimltiate dest r action
of privet. property upon the border and the, murder of
the inhabitants, and tinelly by the overthrow of the
Gneerhinetit itself by the agency of Secret and treason•
able organizations in Canada and the States of the
Nortb•west. • • •
• These criminal acts area bar to the plea which other--
wise might with foreq and 'reason, be, tendered, that.
Davis and his aelsocinterinamed were incapable of the
great crime of • aeresslnation. Men' who conld remain
quiet in the presence and with a full knowledge of the'.
barbarities that were practiced by officers:under' their:
authority in the Orisons and pens; of Richmond, Ander
sonville, and Salisbury, end who justified themselves.'
to themselves by the conelderation that it was neces
sary to accomplish what they had undertaken, cannot.
'plead that it Is improbable - that they sherild have pro
cured the aimesination of those, who stood In the way
of the accomplishment of their design. . • • ,
• It now remain? for the Committee to present the'
evidenceiendirig immediately to implicate Davis; Ben
jamin, 'Clay and Thompson, in the asemistnatton of
President Llneeln. - .
We herewith submit copies of several papers found
in the Rebel archives, showing that the propositions
were-made by different parties for the destruction of
2persone,cOnneeted with this Government of the Pelted
States, and- . indoriementre,thereon. It appears that
peopoisitions were not only not rejected, but were enter.
Mined and considered. • The first of there Is a letter
!mails min ironed DeKalb, dated Riehmomr June le,
1561... and. addressed .to the Secretary of War_ The
writer sere • • • • .
'Year lirmeris met:eter:ly aware that on the fourth
o f'„ cal mont h the Nerthern.Congreis assembles. and'
that the e ideral Capitol, as well as the peddle build
ings. are rindernitned In regard to this matter. I very
respectfully beg the boner of a feet moments* private
On the letter is the indonsernent otthe name of the -
seeker, date of letter. and .the phrase, "About
blowing up the Capitol at WashEliglon." •
I: seems from the following letter, dated-Jane 20th,
1661. that' DeKelb had au interview with the Rebel
Secr..tsry of Wer, P. 'Welker; on the very day when
the fleet e.irmnimicritien by DiKalb was made: and it
seems, LIS" from DeKallee letter of the: zoth of ...Tune..
1061. that Walker did not hesitate, to ernpl..y hird on
account of any onjections evilest the perfurraance of
the &ed. but for the reasonthat - Delielb was a stran
ger In bier. The following is. a copy of EeKalb'e let
ter of Jane It. 1651;
June 1551,
P. WAtlin, 'Secretary !Jf War Suutennii Con
federacy. • . .
In reference to the subject -- Mxin which I had
the honor to converse with you yesterday, and on ac- -
connt of which you bade - me call - to-day, I take here
with the freedom to address_ this Most respectful wri
ting to yon. • Teur honor seemed td hesitate in giving
me an affirmative answer to my - statements because I
cm unknown to you. Permit me to remark that. not
withstanding, I - can give you no reference in this calm. '
try, I am, nevertheless, fully worthy of your high con
fidence, Itly , grandfather, Major-Gen. Baron Delitilb,
fell in the revolutionary war of this country, at Indian
Mills, Camden, N. C. I received an edudat ion proper.
tionate to the means of my parents: served - in the Cri
mean Wier as Second Lieutenant of Engineers: Front
lv troubles induced me to leave my country. I landed
in Quebec: G. E., in November last. Arrived in Wash-.
ington, D. C., about three weeks ago. This is - a short
outline of my history. but I cannot in the least perceive
why Your honor should- hesitate because I am a stran
ger to you. The matter is to my lour, ignorant per
ception, nothing regniringrefeiences or confidence, for
I do surely not expect to reap personally. any benefit
before the strict pen - arm:dice of what I undertake. The
task.l know is connected with some danger, but-never
will it in any event. become known in • the North that
the Southern Confederacy bad anything-whatever-to do
with It.'_The whole transaction resiolves itself. there
‘re into one question : Does the Southern Confedera
cy Consider the explosion of the Federal Capitol at a
time when Abe and his mrinidons 'and the. Northern
Congrase members are nil assembled together of KIM;
dent importance as to giant me, In ease of 'success, a
commission as Colonel of Topographical Migineers,
and the sum of 01.000.0001 If an, your. honor. may
pleat intlandtt.i count the transaction - to be cairied into
execution between the 4th and 6th inst., and as good
as already aceempllshed. .1 trust yen will not press me
in regard to the manner in which Intend to perform
it. or anything connected with the execution.. In case
of an affirmative answer there Is no time to spare, and
to show you still fin - titer my Sincerity,- I will even re
train-from asking for any pecuniary assistance in car
, eying the project through, notwithstanding my measure
fof such an undertaking is .very limited, and that some
funds would materially lighten my task, 'diminish the
danger, and doubly insure success. But I beg you for
a pawed saes to Ward h91%-,,D , 0- and A. G. 11.
it's. as intend to throw =yeah at a convenient place
into Maryland and to enter Washington: Teryrespect
, tally your honors obedient servant, • .
C. L. V - ..DE - Kare:
Eon this letter is • the Indorsement in pencil;- par
tially erased:
see this min with Benjamin's" "file."
The letter and the indorsement shows that - Wallier
not enly received and considered the proposition, but
that be had an interview with the writer, andthat •It
was his purpose to have another interview with him in'
company with Benjamin, Secretary cif State. -*
On the lath of September,.l66l,-alettecwas written
to Jeff. Davis by J. S. Parramore„ which was received.
as appearsby the indorsement on the 20th of the same
mont The following is a copy:
BOSTON P. 0 , TUOMIa CO., OA, Sept. 12, 1561: • '
• jesernisoir Davis—Sir t—Gaving a desire- to. be. of
benefit to the Confederate States Is the only -excuse
can offer for addressing you letter and, believing
the best plat would - be to dispose of the leading
characters of the North ; for that reason I have tried
and experimented in certain particulars that will do
this withnnt difficulty. Although It is quite an under
handed manner of warfare. and not knowing whether
it would meet with your approbation. or not, prevents
me from giving you a. full 'at-counts of the materials
used altho%,..trl believe any .one of them -would take
the life Of a Southern man litany manner they - could.
, If-you wish it; write to me midget the - whole process..
Hoping yon-good health and future victory. :-•
At ihe top of this letter. In the handwriting of Jeff
DIVIR. 1 / 3 the following note: 'See. of War—J.D."
rpon the back of this letter Is the following indorse.
merit, tinder the name and residence of the writer :
'II as discovered suede of disposing of leading charact
ers at North." "File." - -
On the lTth of Atignst, Pg. one IL C. Durham
Writes to Jefferson . Davis a letter, of which the follow
ing Is a copy : . •
• Headquarters63d Georgia Regimentt
Thunderbolt OReery,
Near Savannah, Ga., Aug 11,1 665.
To President Davis : . •
Ma. Prawn- v r-After long meditation and nu:crate.
flection on the subject of this communication. I have
determined to Intrude it nnonyon. earnestly hoping
my motive will constitute a full Tindleattort for such
presumption on the part of one so humble and obscure
u myself. Though I mutes" Out the evidence of your
Christian humility lataagt fallyunires me. I propose,
with Tour permission. to assist in organi z ing, a number
of select men—any not less than three to lien hundred
—to go into the United States and assassinate the most
prominent leaders of our enemies—for Instance, Sew
ard, Lincoln, Greeley. Prentice, .to. Considering it
unnecessary to discuss the =anises of success at this
timea willonly say a few words es the opinion to its
effect. I made it a point to elicit the opinion of many
' men upon thbs anhJectln whose good sense I have
put confidence: and while difference of opinion Is
=scot inevitable. woe have conadence in its benefits
to us. The mostpleusible argument seems to be that.
to impress upon the Northern mind that.lbr -men in
high places Mere to wield tbetrinflnence ha favor of the
barbarism they have been socrciej*practieng upon as
Is to Jeopardize their lieu—tor tog klaersre
no Isel Agit thl moment tike, array oSes for ens de
.istruction. at that moment user eminence is in tire et
:Most peril. would' produce a imitation and maul=
that would lead to pens ardour independeitee. - With
u m , -meager emotions upon this atihject; 1 will
leave it for 04 this.. U you deem matter worthy.
of anyeneomagement and will 50 Opriume,l.belleve
I eon give you each. evidence ofloyeltynad teen,
city of cearecter as will entitle it tri your oonsidwarkar
1 as hr anl am concerned. J will Sain-broulwithert
was hoist and raised to /diddle Georgic; slimypined
"ip and . affeettone are partly Southern. ..I was op '
nosed to Secetaion. but am now congsmed to the
death against tritildligstion or tension -with TM of
whose instincts aM nitsral thunder, t#l this war, I
was totaliy ignorant If I have tramitedftyserupie or
prindple of yours. - I begto-bn pardoned» I
neglected to suns in the proper. Ware mad am mob
ewninleionad. °Meer In - the vdcmteer write*: Beg.
ging yoortespeand adetrtion to dile tolanamtptten, I
. 11/ r i g - 51 4, 110 Ver.f,ta i St flbodlint sem*. , -
Co: 1. 4 iSit Bo at , Snores ibta,!_avannsh. o*. .
!in His lisselleney preddest Davis. Richmond. -
This law tau resolved Aagatt We ISO, and le co•
L tieS4 II PUPIL rad* pwlwq le Isktlita 190
tees nay fnUltumapp.
S; utt wet, irmini
_. ....
~X ~~T
.- . •
to-, 300 men: assessinie.the lead in g ha the
llirdted SOL.," respectfully referred by&rft - non :attic
President, - the,.Hma. Secretary •of War, J-01ivi,.
gel. and A. Aug. 24: ! 4 /110 - .. •
In addition' to die' testiminirthus presentee upon
this point. the Committee. offer .a letter of silent $.
Alston, which. wasproduced at the nisi of the conspl
. ntninfof LthealteilWoadon of Preeident.Lincoltt,ltum
actiWthefeiticrnirtgls an.calinett •
Inger Ake. yeanaraiervices,..anit iflOst*lfitverine'
in my designs, Vain proceed: an. soon se in halal
wrg country of/nevi:if her dn-ainst
eirETA etriTy iWas Arms .ery nodirttrose
.who seek to enchain. her Slavery..l consider nothing
dishonembielnuUlg elfe.h. iAttident- ank Of l'On
to to favor me by granting the necessary papers. &a.,
travel. itinaPerfeedXfalla i l i t t r. with the North. and .
feet conddent 'that-lean exeentesanythingl
1. min in the ritid-last -tune in Kentucky. tinder Gen.'
. John 13., Morgan- scan taken nrisolw: and escaped' from
theta 1w dressing myselfin mu garb of 4-citizen: I went: .
through the,Canadasr frerrn:.whence. IV the asSistancer.
of Col. J. 1161colmb; I succeeded to working my way '
around and thronallaide-lahonliiiike to hare...
penterfaiiiiterview witli yon,lejtirdertolierfecr the
:arrangements before starting:: . • ' .
• The followirv:ia the . indorsement upon the above
[A: 170. Ablil3oo.l
Licht W. Allsorr.golatgoa.ol7; Salphpr, ;142rhyp. Ye.
is gen.- D'uke's command. AcCompanied
into Kenteeky. 'end was .capturcsl =and ear_ aped into
.Canada, whence he found tile stay back.. - Been .in bad
health.:- Now-offers his services to rid the •couritiy of
come of its, deadliest enemies. •.Asks for -papera•to
permit trim. to travel svithfn.. theiurisdiction of the.
Government;- would like to have - an 'interview and ex.
plain. -
liespectfely referred by direction of the l'resident.
to the Honorable Secretory of War.
• ' - (Signed) Borrow W. IfiemSoo.
Received Nor. 20. 1861. 'Recorded Book A A GO,'
• Dec 11, ISM: • A G... Far "attention:: By order.
. Signed, • J A CASIPLELL,AS W. • .
The Gnmettre also call attention • to theletter of
S 01411.4.01, 'ad 4 lree_ to sTeffelson.Dovt., at Blob
mond; .Fen 11, 136:Vend reported at leentia in "History
cd'AseaseMationsof-Prefrident Lincoln," pege 41.
Ten following are th , itldo;ECll:Cr.tb upon the letter
of S Oldham referred to • • . •
The Ben W S (Whop., Slchmood,' Feb-12, 18115.. in
relation to plans and means for burialur, the- enemy'S
shipping, towns, Ac. ereparatious are to the hands
•. of Prof Alcilailough, and are -known only to the one
other party.: Ask the President. to, have an inter:leer
with Gen ifirrie, formerly a member of Congress, from
Missouri, on the inhject: Second indorsement t. S•c
retary of Stye, at ids convenience, picaae see Gen'
'Harris and learn What.plon he has for ore:comic." the
dhllroltc hereteote esperierietd. • (Signed 4
Feb2o, 1563._ •
Receivevi Fell 17,136 V . •-- • -
See 44-aaeiMatten of Frottient Lincoln, page 42
These documents are conclusive upowthe point that 1
Davie-nod Benjamin and- Welker. in the Years 1961: *
1232, 11,34 dud 1565, 'received,' etnertained; - and
considered propesitions. for the assassination. of -the
chief men of the Government of the United States, and' (
nitre:a:4 s probability arises that they-took steps to
accdmplirh the. purpose that for en long a. period of
time they entertained and considered, • • ••
The testimony at the, trial of the assaying justifies'
the Inference that the Murder of Mr. Lincoln was pro- •
cured by the Use of money turniehed by the Richmond
Government. . Louis J. Weichman totes' that 'Barret
arriverin Waisbington sin the' sd• of April. Fids, from
Itielammd ; thatt-ha there had-had anlnterview with I.
Davis and Benjamin on or about the 26th of March pre- . 1
celllng';. - that barratthad in his posseesion at that time
-a considerable quantity of gold, and that he remained'
in Washington but a few hours. Sur-alt is connected
with It t oth, arid w . :th the assassination by an amount
of testimony .which cannot be controlled.- • •
'Baninel Linogg (.'heater stated upon - the conspiracy I
:trial that he was acquainted with Booth, and that
Booth on several occasions tried to induce him to take ;
part in kidnapping or murdering the. President. • At I
onetime Booth „sent him .by-letter, the seta
When Chester finally - positively refesed to take part in ,
the crime at-returned the money to Booth, Booth say.
ing as be received it, that he would not allow Chester_
to but that 1 - 4 w vary ahart cf. fends, end that
he or some - of the party rart 6 t go :6 litcbotond and ob
tain means to carry out their wasigns. - The interview
appeare bait: been us ia.t,e'as I mokth of February,:
andla probably in view all the facte that.the
visit of Barrett to Richmond and hie return with feuds
, was I n - obetiis ins to the acres sty dieclosei by Booth In'
,the conversation" with:Chester—the fact that bnrratt
wine in the secret service of the Ricktiond Gevernment
'l,l---oved by :the testimony of Jae. A. Fowls. Thin wit
nes:, woo himselfinthe sec retf^rtice. of tied Confederate .
Gm eminent a aceat of the State Department, and his'
appearance before 'Abe. Committee, In obedience and
the tonnority of the- House Rexeaentativee.
mains( bin own vtiS;re, ad' without any verities'
17.nOnites.,e - his part. Ilia testimony disclo: ea -the
fear that he is, in a degree: an Unwilling witnese: that
- he &el:vat to avoid implicating the ler.dera - ef the re
bellion ha any criminal 'net, and that he is rail: devoted'
to the causa nl the Rebellion: The Cot:mince Were
assured, howeVer, that he 'ls a: Rebellion:.
truth: Fowls
, says that he was first acquainted with John 11. Serrate
In Feb., hut that be had heard oflion before. Re
knew he was an agent Of the ltehel G 3 avernthent. And
'had heard of him as such from the lath day of. May,
.1663."8e 'says: he knew that Barrett woe a bearer of
'dispatches, and that be-was In Riehmtud about lamas'
ry or- February, 1665. Es states further. that he thinks •
Sarni( ,was a secret agent of the. Slate Department, but
does not poTii ively know it athat each agent -watt kept
to himself :.he did-not know about. the ()theta; Benin
! mm told him Surratt was there,krAgaintodWashings.
tOn told- him the !Mao This harermation from
Benjamin and Washingten be received on the 23 or
of March, 1535. ' •
The terthnuoy thin: far adduced renders it tertain
I Sfirreit ‘ison employed in the'eriret service of the Itch
: el authoilfie:t ut P.lchnannd Cent he le-A:able received
money in his capacity as agent from the ,Stnie Depart
!. m-nti, and hardly a doubt . exists that the feuis to
ceived by him .(;ere paid to Booth fdr the commission
!of the crime of assassinating the Prealdpia. • •
Daparnentery evidence in T,assesSion of ,tha - wen,
j merit shows that the secret service fend was In the sole
I . melody gad mular the. euclasive control or Devi? and
Benjamin and not paid from that feed except by his an
, thority. •• •••
. . .
This fart appears from the • correspondence of-Bon
i jamin. and Iloidombe, .already. quoted.- - and it Is ban
[ armed as the settled policy of the Rebel (kwernment;
-be correspondence between rlienjatatn and Seddon. in
1 J a b e a r y,- jar,a,.seddokavcote: a note to Davis, in which
1. he, sap, be ha:, received a dispatch from-Gen. Hardee,
requ , eting that he may be furuirlatil with fmt,ht.ionAe
etet service.. At the same time, as apileitra by-the reply
IBenhimini of.the same dote, inelaseth a letter
I from 1 homes N Conrad, a copy of which Is' herewith
I giv en
Els-o - Groner Coerv. Va.. Jan. le, 1305.- ,
Env: Jik , 7:B A. Sznnoo, Secretary of.Wfir. • ' • I
Str.: Chtf agents write me- from Washington for
funds. Let me, therefore. give a statement and ask
for en order. -I - yreeived from ire lion.. Secretary of
War. Mr. Benjamin, last September. 4)700 in 'gold. '
which yfilded rue 81,00011 Northern funds: • -That has
hearse the expenses 'of five of us for- four months, itt.
eluding twohoraee, averaginz i. 30 a Month': therefore s
eon at once perceive -the economy we haVe. practiced. I
It mess have been much more had not used our pri- i
vale funds In many instances. If our services have
been satisfactory, I would be- obligedlf the. lion. Seems-
Lary,would at his plessuge, remit a draft,.which I can
have cashed; I presume, - and thus relieve of embarrass..
ment and encrierage ns to continue our. labors. -Corn-
mending it to your attention, I 'am, respectfully, your
obedient servant, . (Signed) Tunas It. Co:rasp'.
P. S.—Upon hearing from you I shall leave for Wash ,
'eaten unless otherwise ordered by you.
.. This communication was referred by Seddon to the.
Secretary of Ss ate.. •
In reply to this reference and 'the . ineloatirea, Benja-. -
min says: •' •
Timm is bat one 'way in Width 'these fends can be
'given you. It is necessary to address to the President
a request: that you be furnished with the money, and
the exact Sum must be stated, so that he can draw a
requisition. . .
-it thus becomes satisfactorily.established that no mo
ney could be drawn for the secret service fend except
by Davis himself. .
• The fact that. Surratt was in the ;ferret service of the
Rafe Department, that he was In Rdehmoud on the 25th'
of March : that he then had an interview cal t h bo th Davis
and Boijarinn: that he -returned to -Washington on
the 3d of April• and there bads:tills possession a ce.n.
siderable sant of money in gold t that he left for.Cr.e
ails, and returned again to Weshingtem on the lath of
April, end that Hs connection and 'complicity 'with
Booth in the assassination doee not admit of doubt,
andpiesenta -a muse of connected ts- atimany implica
ting Dave dlrect y. In the assassination of the Freed::
dent: which in nu ordinary tidal for murder would go
very far toward - eh-1 conviction of the person accused..
It fasiso a sizn l iicant fact that; ikaith, at. teatime of ,
the ass:efsith..stion , had to lora 'possession =the same.
cipher,.whiels vote u-ed by Benjamin, ascappears tu the
testimony given by Messrs. Danond -Eckert non the
conspiracypea 49. If IN to - be eme..p.,esible .
- that,-Booth mioht have obtained it from some agent of '
the Rebel state Department. Bub connected as he
by the testimony .with Davis anti Benjamin di, eetlity.
Ina own.tO Richmond, and indirectly' theiough
Serrate. the elrcurestance that he was in poasesshin of.
tire cipher ilenjam-n, in the 'office 'of rev-let:n . .7
, or State, leaves 'no rof..nato doebt that he obtained I/ -
from Beulumin or Davis: 'and that it was the means by
which the secret correspondence between the p.:rtlre
we. carried OD. It is not - unimportant in this connec
tion to quite the .words used by Davis when the til
patch to John C. Breckenridge, annenociret the 119311f-'
sinatMn of President Lincoln„ was received by-lutes .
Letviterllates testified that Davis remarked: "Well,
General, 1 don't know it it Were to be done at al: it
were.bkeer that It were well donee and if th Same had
'been done to Andy Johnson, , the beast, and Secretary
Stanton, the job would then be complete." Tnese are,
• Mia thewords of a teen who was either grieved or sur
prised, but -rather the -.unpremeditated declaration of
one who realizeis that a crime which he hail anticipated
has been committed, but. in part only, and ate mo
ment too - late to save a cause already renderedidesper
ate by the conflicts and disasters of war.. • .. .
The remark made by Davis upon the receipt of the
intelligencezhat Mr. 'Lincoln had been assassinated is
in harmony With theeonveSsatio.n-of tue Thomp
son, Tucker snd others, in Canada, as given-by Richard
Montgomery, his testimony In the assassination
trial& It is proper to My :thitt Montgomery, •it the
year 1084 and the early part of 1805, rsessaesssed the con
fidence cf:Thompeon and others, and.wie frequently
employed iu the secret -service of the Rebel. Govern- _
He has been examined by the Committee, and they
have entire centidenee in his statements. He is .now
'employed - by the Government of the united States, and,
as far as the Committee have been able to ascertain,
- there is no mama to question his integrity in all varti
callirs.. Be says in big testimony: "In a conversation
_ .
I had With Jaci.b ThoMpSon in the Summer of 1564. he
et/Id - he bad: his friends. (Confederates> all over the..
No:there •Statcs, who were ready and willing to go any
lengtlis to serve ihe eanse-of the South; and he added
that he could at anv time have the tyrant Lincoln, and
any other. of his advisers that he chose put out of the
way, .
. Be would have bat to point entitle man•that bacon.
eldered in his way,
and hie . friends , ashe termed them,
would put him oat of it, and not let him MiciWanything
about it if neeessam and that they would not tonaider
it a crime when done for the cause of the Confederacy;
Shortly after Mr:.Thompson told what he *as about to
do. 1 repeated•the conversation to Mr. Clay who said,
"That is ao ! : We are all devoted to par mese,-and
ready to go any lengths—do anything under the can to •
Speaking of events that occurred after the aMasdna
tkm, Montgomery rays "I have been in Canada sines
the assammation: daye after,. met 'Beverly
Tucker at Montreal ; said a great' deal about the
wrongs that the South had received at the 'hends of
Xt. Lincoln, and that he dessivedhle 'death; and that
it was a pity be hadn't met with it hang ago. He said
it was 'too bad that the bays had not been allowed to
act when they Wanted to.' •. . . • •.-
-.Mt; boys. • was' an expression pplied to the Corded
-trate 'soldiers.- and others. in their-'employ, Who bad
been engaged in -raids. and who were to assassinate
the President. I reia,ed a converistlim I had with Mr.
Thompson to Mr. W. C. Cleary,' who iin'eort of confi
dential secretary to Mr. Thompaon, and he told M e.
that Booth was oneutthe parties to whom Thompson.
had-reference, and herald; in. reference to the REEZEVSi-.
nation; that it was too bad the whole work not, been
done,.which Innderstoad him to mean the' they In
tended to asswislnate a preateitumber 'than they ant-.
ceeded in killing. - -Cleary remarked, When speaking.
his regret at'the whole work notbaing done, "they had
better look cut we have'not done vat.. and hendded
that they never. would be .cenquered; and would never
give up. Cleary said that Booth had 'been' there vial:
ring Thompson twice -in the winter; he thought :the
last time was in December; he had aka been thire in
Iri his testimony before the - Committee, Montgomery
says: • "In almost every - part of-Canada men' from
Montreal to NiagaraTaile, including both pedant and
:simian daily while I was there, I heard .Thompson;
'Pucker and Clay: certainly tete_ threats'• in general
terms against officers of the Government; and eared.
ally against Mr. Lincoln, in a manner like Ws: 'They
had lx tter. look ont for themselves, •as oar .people are
getting exasperated. They will get themselves in
trouble theylittle drew :tot" . • . • ,
Thus it is F.cen that thereto sabstantial harmony
tween the evidence tarnished by official documents,
toned tn-the hands of the rebel authorities, and the.
testimony of Montgomery as to the. participation of
Dario;• Theron , Cleary and others in the
scheme fni the atiasssinatlon of the President. .. •
• .
When the Committee entered upon this investlica-
Mori In April last; the evikeame In the .War Deparment.
if accepted as tree: was continalle , as to the guilt of
Jefferson Davis. The. Judge Advocate. General had
takerithe affidavits of sever 4 persons who professed to
have been in the service of the Rebel Government, end.
who had been present at an Interview between Snivatt.
Davis mad Beeketin. ' These affidavits were taken by .
;he'd cdce-Advocate-General in.good-talth. and in. the
mg belief that Atm .seddavite were vetting that-only
which were true. The otetannentatruule b b these wit:
.nesseitiarmenite - in ormy betartant , toartienba , with
. theta derived tram domimmts and other crth l twa t tby
eaniVeS. - The entomlitee, however, thought wise-to
me and examine mane .ot the penmana who.. .affidavits
had been takeh by Judge Bolt - lieveral of the witnese
tam - when brought, before the..-Commdtee• rambled
elltlyely.the tetementa wbith they had made In their.
=ls, and declared that their teatimonyes given.
ly war alive isi every particular. - They failed, ..
;however. Writes to the Committeenty inducement or
towddetatien which seemed tothaCommitteett MEM:
able explenallanfor,tke course they hattpentsed, and
the Committee are-not atAbla time 'able tonay sa the
_mutter - ... I k.ionitiwytaves - r0.d., - -whother the'
muted 4atte*M'llied Uwe* WitnesSegereirrtie orbit-6..
iyn t , Alp syseetion. vote. -Ity woos, of them depths
%ma of ill .waM`to WM% watt theirmaxemems so tat
itatnahtor throwedeett aeon the evidences-Own by
Otter witness., whose agidavila were taken-by Jufts
„Holt: thert , the'CommittesAn the' inveadeatione ty
Unruh' and in this rePort have dismitansattirel
- X , =all those perms whose en y Mendips has
on the ethet-hand.iiti Cotamitt4 tome:Vied '
1 . largely upon documents itittitt he tbeibtbet litratlVll .
AW totes Untanned eadY thsliwthfronl tif-ti.q* . par.
, 'l4lrlel_ elAttigtaprwithatiume been
rtiramilt tedithn
to draw variatzral dr Dated Rorestess from the wens.
worthy testimony OM they have . eistelnot blit te.
l ibutOre,t titt as IMO ktnttidal siteftpu of its
. .
of on
etth 1b tit is tbe - dtty
of the Executive Department of the doWanntent, fur a
;reasonable. time, and by the proper aarmut,th - panne'
the invesidgetions for the parprice of itaCertafethE :the
truth. jr Davisand his sie:wiatea are innexient the
great crime of whichthey were charged in ' , the .P
dent's provlsmatien, it is due to them:that a Itawciugh'.
in:re:sic:l should be - made. that they "nutrise..re7;
*hosed the int:Odor: that now rests nrmtheent.. -
,- • If, On ekther herd, theyare guilty, it isdnethins
the country and to the memory of hintwhb was
i a 'victim of afoul conspiracy, that the ;nip:Mors should
aulfertheiest Penalty-of-thelaw. --The.Conandttee;
of the opinion that tho work , of investigation should be,'
'further Prosecn", and. there:are, in conclnsion. they
recommend the adoption cif the follcriving resolutions:
• Essolverk'rhattbere is no definite or insufficiency in
the preset:Mantle of the Isar tojneventor interfere with
' the •trial of Jefferson Davis for the crime of tre_sann;
or any other crime: for which there may be probably
'ground for arraiguinghim before the tribunals of the
Resetred, : jtirther. That it IA the'duty of the Essen
eve DePartment of the Government-to proceed
the inmeati gado:tor the facts connected.with - the asanssi
-1 nation of the late President.. Abraham Lincoln, with.
j but unnedessary delay: that Jefferson Davis ended:ere
named in the precis: nation of President-Johnson. of
May %ASP. may he put upon his trial. and properly_
'penished. if guilty. or rele4sed from the. charges
Akaabee—tbeakir-feekeite be birbeent. •
- N1*.0 . .*..,..: . !.. -. ...;m00:41.....
• •
• "Zoluseig?ofeter' not
Le. 512 fka nide thou :atilert at b , chy crutiftir e.
akgrB ait4 tiutk'a.•'. • . • ,
• The. Unieir County Convention which as
ambled at the Conn House, on . Monday last,
was harmonicius and enthusiastic. The lIIG-
CeOngS will be found
. in another . column.
The ticket fOrmed agocg one, and we are
glad to see so many ':boys In - blue" nomin
ated:.ltestricted space this week prevents a
detailed notice of the different candidates.
We will attend to this matter in our next.
. • . ,
The campaign . in Schuylkill .County has
now fairly bpened,-arti the Union mealy] this
section arecalled.upon to
. join their brethren .
of the State and to lahor phreinittintly, until
the principles of Liberiy arevieterioueat the
pelts in October neat.. We have a strong
and.. popular candidate. le.Gcn Geary; tie
have a good C unity.tleket; . infinitely saperlor
'to that of - the Shattt Democracy; we have .
- the geestion to decide whether the loyal.pot ,
pia =shallgather the fruits of fhb Union vie
tories won on the blorrly fields of the .Rebel
llon,:and we are called upon_ to say whether
Union men, maybe ruthlessly . Massacred by
.11nrepentaiii rebels are encouraged in
their. bloodY work by Booth's .President.
1 Therenever was a time in the history. of this'
cOuntry'When it was so important for the
People to ant and the despot st'Wash; .
iugtonr th.t his policy is despised and spurn-.
ed Close 'pp the ranks thou, ".Boys' in
Bine," Union Geary. alien and ull lovers .of
.Liberty, and -move On to a . splendid arid oVer- .
wheiming victory . in October . next.. The bC the dnuth 100100 us. We.are
their only . frieeds...' .They once plred.their
dopencletice on Andrew -Johnson who de
-rlared hiMSelf ftvorable to" the d.c . ctritia that
- "none but loyal men:should govern". In the
F..;nth.. Mts.. since he has art-,itrarily deposed
ilLanislana. a loyal Governor to recognize
• the".Usecrttive an Attoreey General who was
.•aribtlider in the rebel army,' and since he has;
-f countenanced the suppressiOn of a cohyention .
Of. loyal men, they
.look tows for protection.
I Ilea of Pennsylvania, Shall , We desert them
We 'dishonor the Memory of the_ brave
who - fell that the. %tittles of the . ceun
try might he • preserved.? . 'Organise, -and
r answer at.thepOlis in October. . •
The*New Orleans Ti n es, lhe rebel organ
of that city, in trying to 'palliate the butchery
of the mo-t prominent Union men In Louisi
ana, gives .the following description of the
scenes that Occurred. Th.e, repOrter 1+ as in
the convention when the mob commenced
the attack : . •
"Both Messrs. Cdtler and Dostie were at
this time upon the pletforM, ordering the
doors to be 'shut and fastened. This was
done, but we could not gather what else•they
said for the 'confusion, which had now be--
c.orne intense. - • - . •
"One poor frightened darkey attem,iiel 'to
pray, but being stopped in this, ,he endeuv:
oreid unsuccessfully to get 'a hymn sung. '
"We got away, and what followed no pen
can tell. The bleed splashed walls, the_
masses of clotted gore, the wrecked furni-.
tore, - and other evidenceS of mob prissions
tell a fearful story, which is sickeniug now
to think of. * 4 . t .
"A lull-occurs in the firing and ilia front is
now in comparative quiet. • The police Ock
not enter, notwithstanclag a lull In the fire,
and the negroes who come 'out ei the front
- door. as well as those.who are dropping front_
the windows, one by - Due ; are attacked end
Added—me:ly of then.--notvvitlistarteing the
efforts of the police. •
••To See the negroes mutilated andliterally
'beaten 'to death as tbwv sought to escape, was
one of ; he
.most horrid pictures it his ever
been our ill firtune to"wituess.!" • •
This is the rebel, account ' of the butchery
of members or. alieaeerible, loyal and legal'
convention; assembled under the authority of
the Governor of the State—a Governor Who
vitas 'first • appointed - by Andrew Johnson as
the Provisional Governor of Louisiana, and
afterwards elected by the people under' "my
policy." . Gov. Wells supported "illy, policy"
so far that the 'Union men asked for his re
moval hist year before thepeopl &elected him.
IBut when Andrew Johnson demanded of him
to violate his duty to his btate and prevent
the-people r holding a convention to modify
the Constitution, Gov. Wells could not do so
without a violation of h:s oath, and trampling
on..therights of the people; and'then Booth's
President at Washington superseded him and
addressed bra murderetis. despatches
. t . o.the
Attorney General of the State. The police
made no effort to arrest these men if they
were guilty of au illegal act, but joined the
I -
mob, and tallied under the cry of "kill the
1 d—d abolitionistse-- the President. is with las
i .
—didn't we see Its despatch this morning?"
The deposition of Gov. Wells by the Pm
) aldent, except for the crime of ticasou to' the
couiatry, is the' greatest act of usurpation and
I tyranny ever s eem:aimed in this country,. and
Congress: s hound to arraign the President
before the country for trial. liebadnO more
right . to-supersede Gov. Wells 'than ho would
haile to supersede Gev. Curtin, ortlie Gover-:
nor Of any other State in the
) L i nion.' It is a
direct blow. at every right _that a State pos- .
sesses, anti directly'contrary to all the pried
. pies BoOth's President his heretofore kalve
- wed,
• Forty-four .loyel Men, white and black,
embracing the moat prominent loyal Union• men in that State, who have stood by th. -
Government .dufing the whole rebellion, were
butchered in cold blood; one hundred and •
sixty wounded, some of whom, have SifICE)
died, including . a minister of the cospel, who
offered up the. prayer in the convention ; and
the Governor of the 'State_ attacked, wourde.d
'and thrown into prison by the mob after' he
had.been deposed by the President, because
he dared.sanetion the convening of "a legal
convention in opposition to the behests of
the tyrant at Washington:
This is more than a mere partizan clues--
don, and concerns every law-abiding. cVert
of the country. -
, y . ` •'F
VOTTsytux,;... , P*
. .. 1 .
10:47 , •• •
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vracai COUNTY TlcirzgT
Do not fait to read the Report of the Judi
elary Committee published in to-day's Joca-
SAL: The. testimony shows that Jefferson .
Davis had charge ol the rebel secret service
fund; he Alone - disbursed that money which .
was used by the emissaries of the rebel Gov
einthent in attempts to trim our towns, raw ! .
"der, our people and introduce-infectious dis
eases. •• It is shown that the terrible condition
of. Union prisohers at . Andersonville„ Belle
Isle, Salisbury, Libby, and other . rebel prix
mis, was brought to his notice officially, end
that he did nothing to ame.lorate their Condi:.
tion. Ilootii and Surratt, the assassins; were
in itichniond repeatedlY,.the latter ieltunting.
.to 'Washington just before the murder of,liir.
Lirtioln., The evldencei . ,furnishild lisufficipt
to convict . Davis in: anylteuest court . in the
~a:litritty.: Read the Report. . - • •
, .
SiU=Xl 1133` GEARY, exrzrrni
A. grand nose oteedng; -under the -ample:es
the,State Central be held
at Reading, .on Wednesday,.:August 22. I'
le - important that thla meeting, held at the
lome.or the Copperhead Omen_ telergely
attended; and we therefor% .urge upon the
Weeds of, Geary In , Schuylkill County to
make timely arrangements to attend. 'nom
what we learn, however,* we can Premise the
thslownien of "Ali Bake a good remain
4416'dr:oil the mountain. . ,
latibtrebet 0
fOli for 4bitioß uld
4:7lyrotk Tobitioldiers mart ortiti to
stneudiir jut yet to tbs olto tlisy conquered
oktb. UM.
TIM MaarrOilir '.oollll9iiiir ;l . t drea4si:fiii4lBsingataat ..2641AG#143'?'611.4, 1 g O biititOillititfillonoollQl63ll ,
f.,. I. l m o ., o l u t ti t s ItuatarthelkpnemEsti. e aggnmentsit ~
-1.41 ea 1 1. 1 0. 4 . 8th ......1' 4 " . • elF s .. MP_
_ CL „,...- ••••••Itresembtakulkiimardlemen proved Cita if thin 4 , ' - '''') ' 4 , ..' '
- ~-
delegatol.o4oTraltora: POiiiiii*li,ilkik , 'lnonntristaistikmpttitse the fruits of foot voamotil '`, A ~ , ; 1 --.4 ,
ti; liiiimble in pfibT l igii& -h r .' - , 'thilfti k - iilii4S., iljallerfg-emdeZ culminating in lecislyeri Ep t iatsimitiotota itarmonktact moei,alneti.
' - _-- , —_---- .... ,_ 77 , ,......:.-4.:.- • --,i....4littiomitrarittii)ottott,bf treaton, it must sustain z ., , - . • ----- w -
W 0310411011 IttialdAlni_l•-!44. 1 0 - _, - .140, ,41t4'Ctuagalelaiagainwt the :, - acts of a President row I 4
."'' ”'- '' ....""';,''' ..-suiTh e "."-- net ,ttiDDieheitarritriatomeoftel de n* VlTitlif tifILWILOOLII ‘ - -
hie Ailltrb3c4rOttlWidell lsrittilktiuso I. o.w'''' - - t a u i*VW .1 fd'd - * l t y 1 (1 11 -
log for the 00pede benefits .or,lllll-040:tf -, tre are 164.---Pimeakora NVOTO frequently Inca-4, ...ia- 14,. i 4 .•.,. , 4. 4.a d,' . . .a... e
- - ---
• - ru ed by the vociferus applause of the, larg,2l _ _
--- wa ° r: i in eve dood rY 111 05 " o din ver g l era -bOt en tr m e crib 11 9 5 f : W rbe hich i li t4' 11 . On motion oflfr. Passroore it - was resolved that , . - .
t,, L . ; I
~,Illeears,_ - -Bosbyshel4- KO= alind- Garretoem t loo„ . .a..i_ ~,, . ~,-,,, w ,. „.; ,•••••;-•,-"' ,
ware ' " 4"ivil Wall 3 ee P eei°ll7l- ere- th e ' P iet ''''' I -COionit&trtainfaidasplTelefilitS3tlfib. ' 1 - `'-' -- -',- - - -
parents, jost now begin to be felt. In good faith t Qua:Lotion of . Col. D. R. Green it was resolver] The Campaign O r perse s si_Fall im ilasa Watch•
and ennestin - as 1. - beliteve.....tbs - Prosidctntlaborn_ - .tiM" that - ai,14,5'-'=".."." _:....__. 1 ,-. ....=V I 2I --- 7.-•. -- ... , ==
day and night to avert or to mitigate these evils. I a Geary Drum Cnros. The chair appainted Col. ~
His is the rare, but wise, healing, exalted DO 1"
' lie " l'rrafin. Thmuilird GArrrtsen, - .E.51., A.•,Bouren. l B, [ • - 7- 7 - . , -..... -' .
of conciliation, tr.agnanimity--the policy of the rp rulae ri n d j ,,,,,. s ter li ng .
_: i
t I ,-. i ". The "Coiereiattner cif tlie a nion Men of,Schttyll
publican pnrty represented by the &In.. m y
4 ` s - that ti. committee of five bit annointed to draft i.,
"greyhe :BL." .7°4 ni°titth 01 Mr ' 3ini " -S C ' l;2llin it I " 3. "" i " d t .gill
I. C . ottni2;for he parpose=oftdating intlerrrina,
t ein for C-on- , ress and tor County officers
be ettel med niP In t w -n "t n .: Fi n ' il i- 4 k7 "Wi 't In -'-_-; f-aitirlisiiiiiiiria Vie'sliW,e--Terillife.',ol4W.,:and4hi ' --444-, t „ i ,..
tle co-queren"-the nnwiee, nrrw,„„irritatitiii,
the constitution and bye-laws of the Union League . 1 1; i. ..a . I nst .
pea . e.
policy of the barbarian and in- ' h e i n it as far .1X DOSSibls. .The ;
rate. Between these the ennntrir must now: Broil...district of rho County - was
re r ' et:Cidedin the Conveotion, and we nevdr wit
choose, and the life of the Republic hangs upon chair appldrltell Meters: Olen, Passmorn, ,Bur- i
4 Biased a more intelligent r.nd respectable eon*•••
lint:awe, Martz And Werner- cation in the County. The utmost harmony and
the choice- .- , --, .. Oa:motion a was,,Thsoilrell. ea thosi‘m - provitited, and wittetheir inrgaintabdots
to I
ens aware that s-harolfelof misohiov.:.l•ziti4swl
evil-dispcoed persons of the Bepublican party, that a committee of three - Eilra - pp:lntei to Malan • .
, prmciples hasereffrialbffilffffEtclll .1
now among the professed faiends of the President, S . .ainTs for the ,tnrostings a ti.,.. club, Tho chair • - n ic men irrespective o r ta , N -_, an d ellor, the Union
a . limed Be.ers Passmoro, <los, Patterson and
but themselves, a peculiarly °Monti - ant! 'unpatri- . T PZ„,• -' • 1 niensf •chlayll:ill enter upon thu campaign' re.
Dd.: record antecedents. pretend to set np testa ; • • ~. - .
' " Werner. - * ' 1 solrod to leave no effort lintrimi, to - win victory al I
for admission to the Philadelphia Convention,- as .- On nip ,.. at 71a•res.pbreA - thtrt ibtrproc_ . eedinga 1, the palls i n o c t o ber, a •
l of this . teciatirtg he pith:billed ia the:Villas papars 1 At 10 o'clock the Convention WAS. °tiled 10 order
against certain men-in fact all meu-of the De- t of th , • , c uatt . ~
mocratic party. The combined. indecency, - - - by' Theodore Garmtson: Bp Chairman of the: .1
sumption and folly of this pretence, together with On victtion 0 f lit. Km•ta it was re-solved that - I c oun tilitandiug• Committe ...after , which the fol- ;
the minaled treachery marl hyprocrisy oT the mc- when the Club ailinirna it he to meet at the to.:.- f lowing permanent officers , wera elected.; • •
tivea whith 'prompt it, render it too contemptible °n Fr' tel• ° ll ' s4 tatdaY '''''innr-rt AnZ• ii. ": 1 " rim11D." •Toues, St. Clair.._ . ,
for further notice. If the- Philadelphia Couven- The' ditili then adpurned With eutlinoiastict 1 '"Tzav Plitszomcra4--•• W. II- Dorms; -Schuylkill
lion is , to apply ant other test titan the present , •
i elects fa- Gen. Geart - .. '1 Et - lc n - II - Ell yd r Pinegrave towrishitp;.
aven4.. : ..- ~.- 4 4.>
stall:Oland ptinciples of the delea -upon the ivart - E..-..lcneS, - Rahn ; E. S. Mein, Port Clinton
one great. question of the day, as settee rt in the Christian Frantz, St. Clair; John. F. iJewis,
call-above all, if it is to ba pervarted to nn in- Strata Butler ,_- Gen.. W. Roifsnycler, Addend ;
, . . .
quint:on, on enher aide, into the record' and an- than. "Kblap,. Eldred; J. R. Caver, Ashland;
teeedents of tho men who shall present themselves Fie.* Carter, Mahoney City : ;' Chas. Bensinger,
with the ordinary credentials of member .ship, Middieport.; H. K..,Nichols, Pottsville. ,
then, appropriately, it shordd be assemble] in the - • .BacienvismS--0.151. Brumur.,llioersville; •P. C.
Temple of Discord. or, far better it had not been Conrad, Jr. Tiunagna ; P. B. Wallace, Potts
:assembled at all. 'Veen the heads of those, cf. the
either party, who shalt first stir these fountains •Oa motion al Mr. Huhn reporters of the
of bitterness; be the evil whi. , •h shall fellow, -- - - re invited to taloa seats within the Con
pessw , r t.
Barton Ohio July SO 1965. 'On motion of committee Dr. Coryell, icornittee of thite
. cnt credentials was appnintcd, as folovro : Dr.
Correll, H. Elan, J. R. Clever
- The committee then examined the Credentials
\,. .JaLdelegotes, and founti the followitag delegate*
-emtitled-ta seats in the Convention':
Anburn -Henri Eiseuhnth„ W. 'R. Staßts. •
Ashland. East Ward-W, Belfsnyder, .11.. M. Moak.
Middle Ward-J. It. Cleaver. U. S. Boner.
West Wtrtl-n. A. Eicatan. B. EVADS.
Barry-Israel .Reed, C. 31. Dittman.
Butler, 'Sorth-.1). T. Hendricks, Phil. Mmignld.
Batter, Booth-" John F. , Lewis,Johr , Thum ell.
Blythe=Chait. Tanner. Jas. Wortley. t
Branch-Alain. Ernst, Phil. 'Censer.
Brunswick, East--W. IL flock. John F. Reeser.
Brunsuick, \Vest-Franklin Yost, Franklin Ko.dt.
Case. North-F. A. Nehmen, Alien McDonald.
Cate. South-John It. D3ViP, Thos. Patton.
C. Cressona-Francis A. Stirrer, Geo.. Ferti.;.
Eldred-Cites. Katz, Joel Koehler.
Foster-Tehn Fraud., Hiram Moser.
T'ralleY-Adarn Eden, John A. 11..tra.
Ilcgice-John Jones, Moses Dunkleberger. ‘.
1/to , ley-Sebn H. tiler!. Daul. E. Arts.
, Landlogoille-leract Koller, Edwin C. Brown.
Mahrtuoy City, .Iforth , Ward --Wesley Hann:nor Jos._
Smith Ward-Frank Carter, John H. 7 rter. ,
' M.thatarty Townshire-La Mar S. Bay, H. F. Manger.
Minersville, East Ward-Seth W. Geer, Charles M.
Wen Ward-,Trieolt S. 'Lawrence, Francis Bedford.,
Yount Carrion -Henry A. Bell. A. M. Gray.
Manheimr North-Win. Butts. Mask E. Eckert
lfanheim, South-Ti ink-I-Delbert, Wm. Eerehner. -
"Mtddleport-Chas, ti-mninger, Henry Trois.
"PtZette Castle-John March, Levi Reber. ,
. Norwegiart--Tacob Madera. Ni'eh.Grees.
Norwegian, East.-:-John Shia:mann, Sand Dewald,
Orwi , ssurg-J. IL Haceeler, Capt. Wm, A, Shooner.
Palo Alto-Thos. F. Wright, Wm. 3L Stellwagen.
Port Carbon-Jas, Tolle. Rich. Join.. -
Port Clinton-R. J. Hirlln, A. C. IlurkeY••__
Pinegroeo Borough-t-Dantel R. Miller, Satoh rit
P. -
Pine:rove Township - , Johu•F. Weruti, William H.
PM:sville, fCretrit Ward-W. IL Lesely, Jets, S. Pat.
, Booth-East Ward-TienrvAiressong, IL K. Nieliold.
Mtddle Ward -C1 ..1,.. If ell iter..Tott a Et,er• . =.
No: ;it West Ward-Daniel 11111,JOIII1 LZ:C2Ii,
NGIlh-EnAtiVard--.TM. C;`,11:1, i,tt's ;,1 101.
p er te r _e,eo. Bluer. Pair Schwahn.
- Ttneh-Geo. Robinson, Wm; Keinviu.
Evott---Dselel Er.op, A. B. '.111:1Pi
R.stm-t-John Mon-r, Evan E. Jones,
Reilly--Abr. B. Evans, Martin Zatbv
Schuylkill-B. Itowbotnirn, Jacob Deily%
Schuylkill Howi), North Wnrd-Adam dn,ler, Beni.
East Ward-John W. C din, Wra. H. Levan- .
South Ward-Jas. K. Debra, Ans. , Human..
\Vest Warl-Tho-. Win , en, P. o , Betem,
St. Chair, Nuril, Warl-C. F.autz, It- 11 Correll.
South Ward-F. W. Richardson. Ctriffith 1' Jones.
- Shenar dm,h -.Jumps B. Lesshit, , f , nathan D. F.:45..
Tamaqua. East Waid-C. F. Slaindle, E. M. tVhee.
stone, ;
Mira': W-.r I tin-kviits. Rerveselnle Ntm 11.1.1. -M. P.
F.uler. .1 r Cent ad, Sr.. Behind 3 1 .)a ..:,,
•.'it.,:lti_ Wil ti-jilin S:li vet.. 'Henry Reim.
iternon,D•nrugh-Ikud 31cuu 1 z, Wm. Ga. mt; .
Tremor,' Townthio-Wm.J. IPWLF, lit - rtl.l C. Rot's.
tr."...m .-Jushth Jana. Ele.ietr ne , i t
17:-.1e , 7sfe'l.enton-o-telarint tart in. Annul .'z•Dite.
WE.51.1147,.,,1-70`J`l f".171.11-.1, F. W. Esher.
W el l 1 , - l'a . Geo. I% Lehr. r.3o.llefin
, l I' t-n- I`, - ,vl 'ir ',trim' ii- Wnt II FiatW.
y, t , r 4:-.11-e--Teos. It. flattens . Beery T. Yerger.
On mutton of C. r. film 1•.,, Lt.i., Geo. ,„,b.„..
s-, , i Wm, K.' , 12%:r1, of Rash tcomebip, were
ndmitted nithout el i (act:On:6, there igi in en
nn otlicers aprf.i , tt , .(l to li-ia the elect ion in.salt
township, and the doh gatus hat lug bccn elected
at a ton ugh', p meeting.
On Moticin of F. F. Shingle; Esc., a Crworaitt-.-o
of thirteen OD re, , 10.0 , 3:',5 V..". , 9 4111(.:ZA0 , L ai fol.'
• lowa . .
O. F. ellimllo, TatnAqua ; H. K. Nichols, Potts
ville . E. J. llirlin; Port Clinton ; Dr. R. H. C ry
ell, Si. Clare ; Jelin It. Pertor. Mith ony -Citv ;
Alin Ebert, Pottsville ; Henry Huhn, Tama:pt.;
JATTIC.4 Glenn, Prittavillo ; Henry S. Ironer, Ash-
Lind ; • Seth W. Geer Micarr,ville - ; S. Filbert, Prue
grove; O. ltdirnan. Bat ty; 1.. Reber, New °sena.
On motion of ii Huhn, re q.; the Committee
Proceeleil to nominate rive core, a oandidate for
Coneres4.• ,
Gen. H: L-Cake wits then nominated by nec k- :
ran tiln with power to appoint conferees to most
those of Lebaneu county.
-On hi-'ion the Convention , then procceled to
ball,t for a candidate , for Ass.ttciate Jude, with
the following result:
rncsstA—EnccAmmr:—Prussia has Ilst o
!shed all. Europe in ler bghting qualities—and ,
the reason is, elm ph: because the Prussians are
better .educated than the subjects of any oth
er power.M:Europe. It was education that.
-gave so much power .amtskill to the loyal
masses during our.P.ebellion," and it - win Tzw.
so wlierever the masses 'are edecated.: It iS
rumored that Lot is• Napoleon feels verymuch
chagrined at the extraordinary military (Mal
hies exhibited by the Prussians in their.vic
tories over the lustrisus, who ,'ere supposed
to he the most warlike people in Europe - ,.
because it . detracts.finni the greatness_ of his
victory .'over the Austrians at the" battle of
Xocat ffairo.
:Weeklys Aliiiannt.
. $ 1.r.E.1 . .1 6 rx " 1.
<s". .4 Lut Q.., 3 • 81 ere!g
5 T:7 .8: New iii; 10 • 9 4Clmirg
.5 81; • I ' Full Q... 18 •4 40 mnlg
8. . it IT mieg:
:5 11 -•-
3 1.6 5.5 i • •
19 ',SUNDAY - ".
14 11TY.131.1.T.......
15- Wrxx.m.ty. -
11 Fs . r.rmv: .. .
. .
. . ,
In't. forget Ciardirt . er Hemmings' eiretm.—
It will Of!, two. parforautoaii ..kwre on Tuesday
Sol , liers'.o3o .l 3ll , eay.:e
meet at its, nom on:nett- V( eilliesitty. et:ening , at
. To-niori.ota.—Thirtv-seennd Sunday .. or the
year;*und e!orenith..after Trinity..: My's length,.
.13 bonrit and 55 . minutes. .
•. _ .
..gpeakai . .s will be at •'ttio Goary Club rnwiing,
Baton Hotel, ibis evenini,'and a.ddrese . the Club.:
'Lot nallave another good rally to-night.
. .
inconae.rehtrn for
last'Weet; an error lainporieJ ennEU, , -Ii0:1 with
the titine:of 'was printed
t 5. • rflio ranountir., 0 . 00. - • • '
• • want to
v-oiloiniis er.-.;:t.P. thnie story
• •
.., . . .
nree rninere name i We.tberill perilen, Ellwani
Donahoe nnil.. John 'Foy 11';'-IP 1..i1!..4 by 1 , ;1 ex DI.):
eion of fh— dAnip., in • 13En , 7rt , ft'* Illir.:),);•A•1111intl,
on tha..2f.d.1,i1i.. J. •.. . : - , • -
• Thii Tamaqua - Jonrnal ha I.weu ottlarec..ti. and
improved. iu'appearance;., We zottgraiulal tr;rr.d
Leybnrn evidence - of. tho pmaperity.of his
skaunch Urtiop paper:: • •. .•
. u. -t ,Fox, bnfal , a , mftn, was run,
two- on Iha al in° Ibtilroad, r.t Lac , rat
nu iluesciq night last, aid had ruin of his ftr:us
sa badly onistkoci that stnputa tint): rem; yhindered
"79p2 - Boys itt moldiere
hero fayorrble to the election of 0 CiaarY; and
they can be numberol by bonilred,g, are forming
an c , rganiz ition to be 111t71::0:1 "The Boys Blue.
They will make the, c'empai;n a lively ono.
. ,
The Pc.4evrille.Sceitgirbmil iu their
plc • niathey 'will haire on Monday; Armlet
20, on the grounds of .thePottaville Agricultural
Park Assoriatioe, will givo. 'and
tnen tel euneert in the evening at 8 o'clock, in 'Vol
on ' The Ileadinglteennerehor will pro-,lice
on the occasion, in' aostnrne, the new: operstto by.
Frendenthal, - ehtitled; "geese and Squire, or'Who
is the Thief?" •• • . ,
. ,
Burg/al-ions citizens must keep
their premises well.seenied, as repeated attempts
have been made lately to - break in and rob dwelhn g
houses in different' Fectica:s of the Borough. 013
ItfondaYa.ight last an :attempt was made-to enter
the dwelling. of „Beni. flavweorl,' Market
street and• also the • dwelling of: Mr. Alberti,
Georkri_and East -hiarket Street. In both iustsu
ces'the burgularti we're seen by theirimatas and
frightened off. • • .
Viiiss - and Judicious Setectic-r t,—We are,grati..
fled to learn that on the , application of Lieut. Gen:
Sherman.. Breve: Gen. Wm. A. tells's;
Assistant: . Adjutani: Gen. in the War Denartnient,
has he.m assigned to duty as Lis chief of
Th.?. Lieutenant Geueralll.ks, in this choice, fully
°unarmed the excellent rcputstionheli- a obtained
amaun there whis hays seryerl r,hia,lPedrr
n, for sAjf.e and, judicion4tielectithla in oTicers;
Geneal Nichols, as chief of. etaff.-svill do credit
to tho judgment of the Lieutenant General ',and
u . illbo an honor to the'sorvica, , •
ritt&esting to Soldiers, formerly Prisoners of
War. , --A. notice recut the °Mee of the Cointitsa
ry G, , neral of Prisonera, - Wahington 'states that
olnitim against tho funds inkier the chargei of that
office, (moneys recovered from the rebel anthori
tiee, taken from Unites States sold ere while held
.as prisoners of war,)'.will be received until•Oeto
ber 1,1866: Claims made after that date will not
be considered. Addrees Gen. E. A. -Hitchcock.
In all cases whErestlaim is made, the amonnt dne
and the charactefof the. lands taken .by the .ro
bels must bo..clearly stilted.
-An trnvy/come Oustopter. . I —Mr . Scions° -whose
jewelry storeis in °entre street near :Norwegian,
had an unWeleomet ustornor in his place- yeater
day. About o'ploelt hoMe attached to: a-v , hi
ele,..behingiug to a hlr:-Nicei.from the upper end
.of . the County., ran away, and-When opposite, Mr.
Stronse's store, the horse brae from the vehicle,
ran - upon the pavement, and. Mr; Strouse's door
being open, - into the store. The horse ran to the
rear of the store and then ft:ll;Sb° floor being
marble and slinpetv.: After some trouble • the
bora° wail. led out. :The. - onlv.damage done was
the breaking nf glass in two * doors. ' . - • •
. .
Atrui House Report..-The - regular tnonfh'y
:meeting of the Directors of the Poor; of Seirnyl•
kill Bounty, was held at ; the Alnia House, Aug..e,
Present, •A. Bressler, 1t.0.. Wilson. and Imo
- The following is the census of the House for
the mouth ending Daly 31,4836.; • •
No.' of inmates. in
House, Jdne 30, 1886..:: 419
!! . " Jury SI, ISM ... 413
Dearahre latt robnili .. .5
No. of iotuatAl'in Homeo, July 31, 1863..: ' .. 329
" .to tsemo time this year 413
' • -Increase this:year B.s
' Of the aboce 58 are'insane - antridititiC 1 85 un
der medical treatment ; 48 children..
Admitted during the month, 51; discharged and
absconded; Out;• 2;. born; 2; dial. 9.
Lodging and meals •rere, furnished to.lslB l .per;
Ont-door . ielief. was :granted. to 160 persons,
amounting to S72G 50. : • ' , .
' Bills were road, and order! drawn, amounting
.to:, : .. ... ..... *- 43;592 'B4
' Ptevione *no 44,498 .77
total in 186 G..
Eeaaj dfr llegy: uh a was ,
COfiTieted at !set Mar& sessions of en aggravated'.
assault. and -battery' on Umplaby; 'escaped
from the pchuvlkill County Prison on Safurday,
morning last during a temporary absence from
the main'bniiding of Mr. Rard, the keeper, and= hiiassistant, Mr. Walker. -It seems, that`Kelly
left his cell; and seeing that thii iron gratmglead- •
leg to the hall and to the outer door, was ajar,
and only.cenSned by, a small' chain, and that the
boast was. clear,: ran quickly: to"the gratinv, re
moved-the chain, and in a .moment was lathe.
outer hall. It appears that the _front door was awn,'
Idra; Ward at the .time being engaged hi:scrub:
Bing the front steps. ' He 'passed quickly thmugh
the door, springing Over Mrs. Ward in 'his flight.
When he. reached the outside fieveral.persorie at
tempted tempted to arrest hirm.but Kelly seizing. stones'
threatened to knock their brains oat, • and finalljf
effected his escape, and has thins far chided cap , '..
tare.- . The affair for which he was ootiv.icted, was
as follows I—Reand. Limpleloy were passengers
ou the Mine Rill Railrciad near Ashland, and Kel
ly being drunk, behavaid•indecently 'toward seve
ral ladies on thelialn; which llmpleby resented_
when Kelly with the help of several comrades, fell
upon and beat hini in the.inost inhuman manner. ,
:We trust that,Kally.will soon he. recaptured, .and
'that this:escape.will make those in charge, of the •
Prison.more careful in. the' future to ,kesp . .the
• doors locked. when they are elisetitlienille buil !
since' the' 0)&0 hid! been .:placed in -type we
- heard of a cool thing: On Thursday lasts friend
.-of Kelly oallecfat the Commissioners' _Mace, and
asked for KellY's•clothes.. It is_ hardly. necessary
. to state that
.the novel request was 'not: complied
- Fornuttion of a' Gault Chtb Putticia#3--
%The Oarrtßaign Fairly tinned—Paranant to it
call the friends of Gen. John. W. Geary met at
the Union Hotel in :,this' Borough, on Satniday
evening the purpose of forming a Geary
Club.;George Mira,' Esq., wan- mdedflo the
chair, and 7:A. lit. - Passraora, - Esq„ -appointed
13eorelary. - On taldog the-chair Mr. Martz-made
some pertinent remake, Onzoodon &committee
of Ave was appointed to rf s lo i =tascentofficars •-
-for the Club. The :guar, the following:
on the Committee : lames catty, lameit Glenn,
A. M. Allen, G. - W."Good End 0 . 0:110abyduall,
Penaing the abience otliatOinnraittes,-Hev.:
Y. Maize delivered In eloqueut , addrese to - thosb
present on the useessay of uniting sad malting,
earneedy for tits election - of ClOM Oeart. Rich.
Edwards Esq.', also addresse4 the meeting. Be
thought that the;gouts of. the Welehuien in the
County would support Clear y. •
Tire Ccitromitte•Ociperrotareutorgamisation then
loads the followinnrepbrt, which was =adopted:. :
That-the SUMO of ibis be , the: Potonillk
That GA ZACOB - 6:4ificit
= ForNiee t'sradilarM. AA. alp shertleirn. * N. E.
Ward; James K. 13eattyiNirattlIVoho SY
, Werner, Zeq.,lit W:ad J.7to.7abiltaitikN: W.
Ward ; Henry_ 0 -taug Esq;.l3. - E. Ward. • •
tearetarra B. WAUdkozMißlf.
-In the ahsence of toe , t. A`de. m Sbeztle
..Edsp, trick _103,.tb148; On'4 l °t l C 4 " bfaliPodo
% L ogos lat . ! committee '
ottated WohleM
election. The chair appo gEo l t irf theTatt. ut
Mittee, eartitiou, Beatty sad Denier
The mestiair Was . than , ably pad forediar 44•
.. • . . .. .
. T imm:alit-w. Offita ,ilort.tOk Council.,,..L.ataied •
• raosfing.of. Councitltas.held'on !Tuesday evening':
last. • 'Ereenf, 3a'ar- - rohlridn.rsx., Reed ,•Kien-z.
ale,:%loyers . l. r .:Lifii: - .r; .I)9ll...on'antlNw
''_Vag President.'
,-• liattee .of pr.:Tidos. meeting - wets
.reid:' and'.
1 ' St.'. Com.:inade i-Opait in reference to draining:
I .of cellar of .Council buildhlg; and .putting up in-',
"(.2: BPl:against Wm.-11.offinan, -tit' , itY, wad read.,.
It ear solved. that Iva' be reoneated to :pay the
. , , ,
tinfoil:lt to Borough Treasury:: ••• • . . •• • -
I .. Coin. on Ltinp . and Poliea reported 14E0 on.
Rase and George ats.- finished.. - • - -, • -- .
. • Corninunication - asitinn.' that George • street,. be
graded; Ices referred to
. Survey Coil.'. • - '' ..
• . •
Borough Treasurer's statement - road .and filed.
• Boroagh - artz . veyor'a - grada of - Laurel at. ermine-.
'.Order Of. Oonrf 'diyenthg• that. road.. frOtn' Mar
het to LyOn est. bECUiatea,. etas read. and.ftled.
Mr: lined nfrered the following--2,. : .-.
~••••• - -.. '',,''.., - :
it'esolni . cl, That the - St:re-A tliato;heiandis hereby
initrunted toopeiftiio atientei froutthei Main atr.,
1 ,Talijipa." lathe-street along therpfilroadi:anif- to
• tonneet - Rsilros.d street :with the St. Clair road. to
Sae. talareyli.;- . .„ , -'• --'• -.-..- --•'. •,:i- -- ;'..:'..,. -,-. -- ' : •
Adopted. •f.' , '....- -; -' '' .- ... - -...41 . , ,, .f. - . ~ •._..-'-'
' . ,Mr.',114 - sysr-Offered the folloisingif , j.i. , 7: , .. - --:' •
. fismene,d; 'Vat. thA IhAding Railroad Cointiany
• he notified to nlein the- new - enlyett and Itaitroad
Street,: andifinisli•tho' nttlsiit.'
.. -..- ..- . .....
On motion of MrlStrteeit it ',,iiislesolved. that
the St. Coni. ir.vito Propoetils tht - Tihtat enlveit in
Railroad at. alraie , Hiel4 and that aame Commit
tee layer sipne itt Ninth, Tenth atiCklahanton
Mr. Strartelitiffered the folk;wirig ", •
,10.151ticl; Vast..the, St: instrnoted to
priaretait,o erect tile: pall on, Cie eaet kideorNer
vregiau Greejaetween Union atr;awl, , PatSlielly'a
property, in• order that the, feholutien adopted
soma weeka,einee Ordering theCthlt: *widen the
had of saidCreelt may. be ostried effeet •
. The 'YOU and nevi were' deinnr.dedirld the res
elution. wan 'adopted I.3.'the folloyciugy . ate ;._
4 t .lB.:— , Mostirs. Cochran, Fos,- Straneh,:: . Kien-•
zha'and . 3loyer‘-5.:• ' - • ..:
Ttobanm.:l3effner and Reed."—S.
On motion of Mr.: ,MO.rci , lt•,*ist:',lveOlvis.t'that
the Sr. Cam. eniptoy persolfte.anperinteed the
woft at. Norwegian -•
On motion of Mr. reaelya.rd that cut!
tort , M.llarrison at. beerinred, - , - .- • •
On .motion of Mr;'Flotfn M.. it' iriva reaitivgdihat eetablialmil in Wood 'and
The-following - billa ayere read and:Ortlored to be
Sol: Hoover, .
&It: Morris,
IL. Barr, -
Tare. Reed,.
Yrc.anc., ineua
• Tilt (‘ +Wu; ivaiAi . .t.lo .
cf idc , ',lnoe. iit tilts 1.953.: •
. .
, . •—• , ' 'lPort.i:ritic: ..,,' . I ,
.. .. .. f.iv..101t.101 , :r.1 1. , ;51 - 4.. • • . .
it,-..d;, , -• Vi.m ' •.- ' 124 !FAlllttY,llido4 ... :. . : di'.4,
IldirSEiiza. (1 - d 214,rox1 , :vdh ddir .... 0.,)
li ' ll7 l7F rli H. : 4'l-'ii"r l rCh 2 s : . 7''
li n . l .,: t AvF.?.
.;:r,i , 4 itott4pDf::; t 52d
Allisonßr , , ton ' .3,261
Alexander Joho , Martin .1 - 11. 1 521
Buil TOTS - • ‘loore . Dar 515
1„,,„1 • -E
Plant er • la'l• : ,T , Nlin, ~ • ; .. 366
P,oon 1,121 1 . ljeatr J0hn.. ,.:.', •
• 1.092
11 • 59e 'sort John
13auchman •Sll9.l3l:irtz 1. • 930
Ettrl4S 15ni5iA.,:igi1 DR 130
...If.'.Donald • g • -2.)n
Perrig,nn • Jea:1..... 426
Geo W..,...3,3 6 e , 0 . Ni1l Alex • - 0-14
-Darn , John • O'Brien Mich 250
Peu i na 1)1:11 . . .... l , fit
Duke .. . . &>....A 170
-Cornelyllich . 4.)Ojnelter -Tac.ll ..... : 224
Comely Thos 1':a; Joy.:. 0..50
• Davenport I“.;ltoahy Jglm IA!
Driver Geo: .... • le) Itobinaon
Elacnach c 09.; Tilly tie:narti. ..: • •
Gray Semi , 4.;
Gane Uriab • 1.011 'Rummell Chas • 4;',0
Grim ;him.' • 2. 2.r,7, Smlth:Jaa . .... . • '1.1".9
GarrivinJere .11 1 0.iSralth Chan .290
G..hzer IT3'Smitii .14s atiS •
Gfbsnn J E . ISO Steinbach 1,474.
Gorman Tilos • 19,559 ;Scanlan SI ' .600
Gordon 2 :... •17 lSlatte l 7 ••F : 161.
Garbs Philip 9.2•Seasinrer 8..:... 92
. Glib:leer Danl., ; 164',6brilor Geo 146
Griffith David. . 641AI:even5 A B. ~.. 149
Gilmarten John, :66 Sturman Jos 41
Had esty H. luFilSe.4 . Trzerri' ' • V 1.3
fine GeO' 161 ishapell4. w • gle
Rni'n6 . • • 1141 Turner .Jesse • 1.041
Holder Gen W •• . I.."s l TehaJale . ..1;006
Heebner 1 1 95GIValdronlos • . 153
finie Ilen • lc'sin'oixisikionlps • 100
llohimin Wm SllTlWlntersteon-G W. 055
Hammel John • . 100; V:llkins Darla
Heebner Gen 2;5; Wentz ..... " 321
Tieebbeil: 1: , ,,r. 1 1 . 11 - n . 0 , 19 : - 100
Eim.-eh•D_ ••• • - I.solWilsoo,,Geo .150
- Johna Alien • - ;;1&11 - WixterJam ' 4'o -
' Rattle Danl •'• .5 1 0 , 1WinteFitvien T 2.7i 3 0
Annwlea -: A. .fCI Young -Thb's • 0.2
Klelnamith N ' Tirnat.s.s;.. 21,0
tewi.9 T• .21TZInk Albert'..'.....• .16s
Lyans Wm..-
'Toaru*liip. • •
:Barman ThrmMaritz John • 161
'Bildlielser Geo 161.18,4:et Henry . TO
Brennan J0hn....::. - .115 Rtisisnt4rker .Ar . '65
•Ilyerlle DanieI.. .:: EXPSA:III 9• 'Wm . • ' • 122
Frani:en...tine . - .241 Shaffer. 161
.Gillaeher 45 Schuler ..... , -.GS
ilelaenhereer Shit , elhaff 'L '" • 165
;Nalcv :Mattln• 253.Wlar,Joira • 14...1
Lee . .151 Z.rauierman !kid, L'SS
• .
• .
Sltott : ,G 3 3Eciztra ;oily „. •-•
Brady -,•
P..,... - .... k • 281 , Mnrgan 41T
8c..4 II m . ' .... • 149 Mr:rgtin
1T'rr.7114 , 8 . . " .. .^
Itrown . tavid .. ... 1,308 r. 66
no,vler Samuel—. • '64 Phililp4 Rot ! ! • Grk)
• ' . 678;Q:licrt Jag • 42i
Gorman .lyre 'l6:i'lltas Ben.; ' 2:16
Irwiti Win . . . 496 I Weloli
le.Willir.tils 494. , ,Zie . g1er Peter 1 ; 793
NicKetin .7,•'lBl. l .Ziitgler Jere ' • .100
• .•••
Beddall Tho. ' 26,1121 . 1rIackey Chas 76
Berry Albert.... . :VC-Matthews John '
Bidden 292;Manley John . `_4
• Beibellielmer Dani • .118.3iorgan.Saml.,.. • 71
BrsdTer Noah:... • 2041Harray Wm. I- 1,939
Bent Wes • • 42:Perry Geo W 1 1 25
-Cain John - 6471Pirryjoiso • ' - 332
rain .w -3121 Ferry Aquilla 12T
Doyle' Thos 1 . 11411lhoaeaAngustne..- 275
Doyle Edw . • 371 Robertson Andrew • 28,914
Ennis John 62 Reese Wm • • 41
'Evans Owen • • 2126 Roonev • Mieh' • • 1,131.
Elba. -Henry :1,450 Rtinit:l Walter....• ' 985
'H ay 544,Schmldt 31 '• .• .191
Garls.Jno •• 386 i Thompson Dant.. ' 293
:Harting '4641 - Tanner Chas • .317 .
Jenkins John '.lo7lWinisek.R . 1,360
Kern. F. B • 295 Willisms Edw...•.. 46
.Lumsdeis Henry... -.723;Weier •
. ••• - 144
LalngJohn ' 64• Wild Ann • - 69-*
. Marsh Chas • • • • 7121 Wnt4ini EdW: • 07
- '2dOrriion Chris.... 8 1 WarnsherJohni3::-
East liorwegian Toivuship.. '• •
Allen Joe • 349 Evans Lot F.....-.. 396
Brown David T.. ; .'2S4 Gilt:Ulan Thee, •.395
'Bainbridge'RobtW. 127'; Knowles Nath:...l I •
• Barret John • • .172.3105er John
.313 -
Criwshaw Ge 0.... • 218 :31orrel Hermon... ••
Clciuse Franels.., 138, McGuire Thee....: 500 ,
-Clark 701MdCormick • 72 J0hn,..:."• .94110yeterSaml ' 46T
DewaldSaml:: . 991Sehlottnan J 05..... 389 -
Diehl .....B;BlMthin John.... -290
Dix Frank •
• • 1191ToWneend • 325 '
-Doriner.Tohn:, • 56 11 1:CrehJOs" - ..239
•DienerJuc. ' 167 Wilds Geo • . • - 494:
Evans Jokin•C ' 41 11 •
. • Schuylkill Township. • • -
Atkininn Jris 476 1 .Teffreys Hen • -• 8.
Albrighton . Jolnr.: 6111.1ohnson W , . 6;a3
"Boyer. -Wm.. ..• . 300,En:tax Sohn:: ..; . ••" 4117
rtehem . Jos........ • " 73; Km Omer Jac • '917
Conner'" l 6 9 tKershner Dan . ' 184
. Corby John... • . 2661L1nk ..linses • .101
Coleman' Fat - 16:Mullen dna •-• •19
Cambell John.. . . 77l3Diler T-• • . - 630
Bossy Wm. ... . ; 3151:15tter •
Dougherty • .- • . -64
.Davis" Tri05:.....:. 0181
Evans I.2l2 l RichaiOs: A • S,FI•. - .:. ; • .15
... . • • -268 inowbottom B -90
Eraus. Jas .434 ;Ringer. St ph •• ; • 10
. Gruber Conrad ... : • -33ItReesei • .47
: Gregory. E •• : • 41 frteb, GOO
Gret'ory Rich ' 460,Siatt.ry J 9".
'Hub - blot John '"; 39n Spittle- The:b:
Horn' Thns.. ... .. ; Geo.
Iroskine ' -97 •,WOPf,OIT b.D
.11agIrtY.0 • •• Wood Geo
• i ` •' . . • • Palo-
$ +1,091 61
Hobbs ‘l'm ' • l73}R !tent , : H.., .;...: • 535
BassettWni • • 26 i LiNagherry J, ....; 91
Bowe - Jos. ......, ; 576: Lewis J. :. ... .. .. ' . - 180
BensingerWm..,. • I,43T.MeA l lleter Mark.. 285
.Ityrnes Andre , a... - - 1871.111:0nyem Philip : ..61
Brenner Win 11.... '.105 MeGowrn . 'Bl .. - ' 455
.Byederyek Jae - - -165 1 1Lanis J G.".. ..... .-.. 175
Billington C - -. 172 Martin Hugh.....".... . 99'
Barnett p p.c.", „:. '. s7:MeGOvern• Thne... •, ._ ."60
'Condon Prate's. .. 78 1 3teDopahlBaml. - ....:.,
ColterZepri • .. 6 271 Mnrra9g4r9 " ' 48.
Campbell Pat... .i . -.. •99 Mnernamfeinart T.. '.... - 64
Cooney John :.:.. .' -' .180 71eGovern Hfigh'..' : - r-(2
Cooney jip.,; - :,, - , , „ :`. 4114 MeratldertPraacts - • .1: 69
Carr 'John': 6sB MeMannamy shIP .. .. . 446
Casady_Patt.,: - . - ... - ... - .. .„.20036eGovern- Terry... • 418
Million WS.:., '
- .: - • -,1500 Norgan AS -., . -• 98
Commll-Patr......' . ...... -.15L• - ewtort Muut . ... -...• ....: .100
Dugan Hugh:: ... ;' • 240 Osier John.. ~...'.. 216
l'./inening.Jas,...:... •ST Rhoads H.B. ',. - --- .. 315
_Daily John P,., ...- '142 Rath john.:, ' • 652
Donnell Pat 0.....: 226 Bath Peter a....,.. ..- 115
Duffey M., ....
....., -.. 200 Starrett Jobe.:.:. -. 286
.PannenJoe. ..., .. • '. .466 801gmth Men_ J . .. so.
Plannistanl3 . ...'...: - 133 Shantz Sol. i .....'... - . so
Farrell /...... ..... . . 87 Smith Martin ' • - - 172
GoldenLpat.. .., ...,_ 132 .'eitzingerJere_ ..- .. ': , 170
- 00,p - part...6 '': • : - 6 StellWagot,V,3ll.. .• .'279
.ocoran Alex 249 Tnehy Math . , : . 165
Gillaspy'John,",.;. . • 696 Wannamakerßenp.. • - ' lB3 : ',
.Garumn 8. - .. .. :.' . .. '.31 W:pniatilm....,-,. - .. 481
011martln - T -' .., -- 200 MernmerWm. . . .65
!Herring Wm...—. .• 61 Warner. Amos.:.;.. 482 '
/llLlthatatich„".... 4 " 150 Wagner 8en.1.:, - ',.., . 674
ineß ' - . ''' ".:40 Wearer' 0 ' -. '' 288.
HarlidniTlennts.-4.- . ... 29 Whalen Mat., ....... . -100
:rMl•*.. , Caw..... - .:., , 7:7. ' ' - SC Welsh •Wra ,:-.....-.- ^'.... '73
. - 11:e11yDay11.........1. •,...-.- 8115Rthiablis See - - -, ..,. 91
Banish:4w ..'.. , ,.11 .-- 'l2B eGintertan.,:.. - - 20
RtistanaZils...... - , - .:: " 7161 MeArdle,..,_Pit ."' : -71 3
l out
lilter.lchn..A'..,l - 1....; : :.: - '4 1 9 2701 t- 1 101160 •'. , • • ' - 7 4 '
Heibler J - N; -- ..... : --':' ' 274 Nen " - 04.0: '4,' .-..:• ~ '
Herald( P.. 4 . - ....';',.''. •'•• SO kel-Solnili??:,.«7 •• 19
ITerneirm .Wm....',„_'• .'; 793 fritter) riA :.„ .
_.- ' -,- sot
Jeriningt.Thos.: l. .•,_' - `,1170 Betiradl eeyy ..llmilirear:,' , 910'
Relraher.Peter."..,. - .: - . 266 Syrahrw.m.„ ez,',:::::."- - 51
: Lorena - T,6whi,..,:'.4.' : ". .91 6peardolur.:a.„ -- ::".‘. 897 ~
Morbaehlir....,:: .
.66 Stephenliieht.:. ' '1,090
...P. • ,•: -.. Wasaidialliban Ti 81 1 •11 9 ,11 1 6 , • :.": --1 '•
-41inebenbach Jae..:.: , : .167 HabaJac,,i...l::::',.' :-.,1" . ..' vs =
,Veisiati,John ^ -. ... -,....:. .493 Mali Win,..'..:;,,;.,:, 1,106 ,
DeTerlrs.o:„., .... • .; 400,Eittimp4041...1',..:....... 209
Geod/31k ~,;-.- ;.., . .518 StrappnAlr6o.... 100 •
:-.' :i..: , :•:. ',...-.. , ... : A • Simpleviir Tiseintsalet* . ... , -7r,... • - 1 - . l'
'lLlnit,Tohnltik..::: • 7181 PrineeM4w , •-on ....: 630
?....rr .MI RumpJohrn,...:4 - ......- ".: 676
i ntreseorreit - A-. .. : 7 . f . .2InARIMIP-Pegte;••Coret .-- • .--.82.1
1 ';'=;,,i. ...1 ~::. 3 . 40 8 a 11=isc,=. if .
,01expeneeDaa.:. ' . :: ;14 - 13 Stearusea......; ~ .: 111.
, Mel Daeist ~..1614*. 121W im * lnt i o ty SO
.t. . t,. - Xe s t
tiCti so l.:
.Katic Said -- • •-, 453 Etuunerassad 0:- ' VO
3fisittig Wain— • }4,1111 StsuainnaLi:,:i:. . ti
. . .
4 :~e~ ~~' -?'a'
I .\: " '-.1... 44.
~. -V, ..'. 14"..-,
1833 23
91 20
23 23
28 09
CI 110
'1 63
223 00
20 90
15 00
7.52 Pi
3,7911 31
44,540 '4
- _ .emu..
as tats.
, . lit Dl* te
. . .
Jno. J. Paxson,.. ' 67•':
'L. C.
•Leydnirn.. Tam - fa:01. . ... -.22 .1.6. • •
M. Bepity, Pottsville......
A. Auburn •l7 dithdrawn.
V,lis declared te.nomined,. and on
mei ion the-nomnistibn was inide unanimous: • -
The Convention then adjourned until o'clock,
F. M •
- • • ArriDNOONSEF.,6!itN. •
•The Con" ention raassembled at a tgolcielc, and
nn South
to baba for a ea-said:a° Air Assembly, South of Sharp Ikfountsio, with' tho fol
loiring result:: '
let Br - IPN. 2cf • ~ t z.o
Sas,' Garner, N. Mantielm: '65 .
pirl l 4grnvet -,.43 • 64
Cent; A.. C. Buckey. Pt Clinban..27 withdrawn,
Samt:.H. l'efaddaa; Orwits.ibtirg _l4 . '
Mr. Gaynor was diclared nominated, arid on mo
tion the.nomittatier , was made, unaMmons:
On motion . the Convention' -then proceeded to
ballot for two candil areS for Assembly, north of
Sharp tilonnt ainovith the following result
Seth Ynenm, Ashland - • 117
slant. Elward L ;Severn, Mallanmy City : - 115
Gen. .tn iOsr - •
Benj. F.lTEhehrian, Port Carbon. ' _l3!Scr . erit and Mr:" Yocum, were declared
re •rn inated, and nu motion the nominai ions wore
made unanimone; . , ' •
There being no other candidate for Prothono
tary., named; before the, Convention, on 'motion
Major Oliver C. Boehysliell was nominated by ac
clamation. - • '. • ".
•On motionthe Comientioa proceeded to ballot
for a candidate 'for Recorder, with the following
result : • • • a
Lieut. Jos. P. Dengler, Schuylkill Haven • 118
Morgan Reel, Pottsville. • • - • ' 21
Chas S. Emhart , " '' .. .... 17,
Lieut, Dengler was • declared non:tin:tied; and on
ny,tion the nocnitiati - a , \VHS made unanimous.'
The-re being on other candidate for Register
named before the Convention, on motion Lieut.
Alexander-S.. Bowen of St: was nominated
by hcclarnatiNa. . • ' • •
' -On motion the -Convention thon proceeded to
ballot for a candidate for Clerk of .Quarter Ses
sions; with the following result : - •- • - •
:fames Glenn, Pottsville . • 95
.Evan J. Thomas, Crcesona • eg
Mr. Glenn bee declared nominated, and on rtio
tihn the nomination was made unanimous. ' ,
'On, motion - the Convention then proceeded, to
ballot•for. a-candidate for County CoMmisaioner,
with thefollowinglesult : . ••• •• •
. .
Abraham T. Trouman, Branch
Capt.. Glim..lC,Reed, s.fahanoy township 28
Paul Paul.— —.. .. .• .. .....
Josh. Bock, East itunewiek • ' '
. - g
Paul Bock, •" . " • ... • .... 7
Mr: Troutman Wan-dectlared nominated,, and on
motion the-nomination - wee made , unanimous..
• On. motion the . Convention then proceeded to
ballot for a candidate' for Director or the -Poor,
with the following result : • • • :
• .
Renben'HoY, - NorthMtinhofm.....• ....... • '
A-. B. Evans, Reilly-
Paul Book,' East „
• Mr. Hoy was declared nomlnteted,.and ortmotlen
the nomination was made :unanimous. • •
There being no other candidate namedbefOre
the Convention' for Auditor, Mr. Eli Thompson of
East Norwegian, was nominated by acclimation.
On motion _of Afr, Elnhn a committee .of two
WAS appointed to wait on Gem Cake, .TAn. Rae
thelamew, Hem, and Howell Fisher, Ben;,. to re
(pee t theta to address the. Convention.. chair
appointed on the isomnifttee, H. Buhr. and
- The Committee on Resolutions. then reverted
'the following; which were unanimously. adopted:
Rs;seittid, That on the ;teat natimint.questione now
before rho people, the Union men orSchnylkittentint3 ,
.endorse the
,position taken by Concrete; and •belleve
that 130 truereacti can he established that is not based
on the principle of tnstice and equal chit rights to all
Reotob , ed.„ Tbat we tip,
or tile baste otrec3n
strnc.tion adopted ha- Congreestand that we are oppose
ed to the aderdsion Of the Representatives from the
States latety in rebeliton to vents in Congress:until
their re...pertlve States shall 11.104 rittopto the •Conati
tatioiii Aniefidatenu, - •- • •
Reseived, Tbat the Policy' of. •Andiewtrobuion !FL re.
latinn to rev torationef the Stateelatelyin-retielit on.
meets •our t inonalited.condenniatiorrand_roustreetilt
-only in-continued immix anelactli,ef , ex
ample-OE width Oho late horrible Ininatinrcriatrnion
merlin - New Orleans, by. reennenructed rebels** hoist
the rebel tag over their =4:11.t?I and glory - in, their tree
Res • eateed, , ,,That we hold , treasori to tie . the highest
crime known bathe laws. and that traitors ehonki be
.puelshed ',that We' condemn the pollefof thn w es t.
dent hi pardoning Apipperttant.rehills,.'gallty:of not
only the Most heinous. dimes; but 'or' the'soatighter of
our brethren, - and that wedemand that Jefferson - Das - 1i
shill be brought to trial' for his tom.
plicity In .the!..aftsaesination of Abraham Lincoln, our
late lameetrdPewddent- _ • ••• .
Rooked, Tliatin Geneva JOlli Kr. i3saar. the mien
candidate for Governor oiPennsylvania, •we _hive a
man •reho is eminently worthy_of the support of mar
:soldiers and. citizens.. for has stainable service-Sin the
field in defence of tbe.Unton, and for his consi , tent and
-able - advocacy of the principles of univereal liberty...
&waved, That_ we are now- as we have ever•been,
the friendi of the soldiers, and. we deentit a duty
and a privilege toreward•their sacrifices and services,•thein in elvil positions of honor ' and, profit
wherever i t our power .
_. ; • _ • • . • •
Remitted, That Gov. AndreW G. Curtin; the
friend, the, incorruptible magistrate, 'the sumach de
fender of the Union, possesses the re,...sard and•afiecticin
'of the people of Pennsylvanitt, Which he will;beer with
him upon his retirement from the office which for two
succettsive terins he has - occupied with honor_ toldna
self. - and to tbesdvantage of the State.'' ••• --
I , .•••Restoteed,• - •That in - the ..'event• of the eleitlon our
:candidates .forthe -Legislature, :they: . be•lostrueted-to
,cote for the ratification:of the Constitutional Amend
-merit; end'to advocate retrenchmentin the expenses of
the County,
.by cutting down the salaricivofotlielab
-and thus leseentnk the burdens of. the tax-perere. -
"c - Rssetteed.' , That M. - P. -Pongee" Offfistroasy_na:• be the
Senatorial: and R. H. Coryell of St.:Chdo
of Port Clinton, and Heel W. Gee; of Miriam - 111e. be
,the RepresentetiveDehhistee tti the next Union State
'ConVenttetg tied that - theyhe'instructed - to vote for
Hon; Ettwenz.Owe s r P . sztre as *candidate ter_Sepreme
The Conventiortwae then eleginetiMy. addressed
:by - Lin]3arthniomew - :Esq:, end: Howell Tither,
They spoke of thelitsportanew itt..liberty a-the
- `ictetost of Which Re eke engagecti sod nrged3hat
estirylloirni, man should labot nrirethittittgly
'sconce stninesti - .Att'libP:t§lWilf:Pkr.OP: l l s .l o ;airig
61atobee election-L:B=l=4 ;Cithite_ise •a•Latee - etiive
'fbe - oppiesiesr Urlien'nitin ofthe.Sotith:;eiticl..are
now at the -mercy of rehele itictinatiitchtattandek
the-6:4: Thessistelires , •griNtS now Ilk
,erse i dnrinellua Rebellion. -'-Both speakers were
frequently n ,interrapteitrzbY.;;Artmelttums-3 ap.
n_o_t being :tows d o ubr oo k
raf.Mie CeursenticV/Addreses
offieenee Btu
miming - cheers an "a - tips" for Gin. Geary and
the ticket lorninotod. . • • - • ' • •
r • .' liiolll sad stliPisessisalF ,-. r.;', Am' IZSlreetit Worm m edics _.
Weelhing sile, , 'Water T-USE WORDEa - '....4 - _... areiw , 4o . • .yerstifoge Cons atZ7
ent- yott;ltfll, • e th better aid cheaper Utak_ ,o t w aix,
~ ! ... r .5..„, 141*sic4ass,
Ta)pen fs
el i tin bY g l4l .w s e 9 ri t- : - A.
1 „, ca n, 'esiekeZ sna g mm i lm eilt re.ea nY t t i l a d il. .3eitttet4dcren nod tefultisjitttributed to other h...,.... r..r:*
.t a tio n recl tev 9 o l. Te r rt r , anlereflrnatlLZ7el-3, to - eholFei. c - I Sal . . osess!oned toy Nr_ ores!, • • The wVsit.enta x ,.c,"7 tv ,
phor or other teinerststase theta Ito leJorn rd gl ,, Ithohgh effsotne.l hit des.troYinti wort* condo nab,
ler will leave the ptpes as freely se reeelved. Til t e :st i Aisi. % .±
abate t..s-rliii 3 Otothe ;meet 'delteitd . chlid.' Thi A . le ' r ,'
:.15 .11 1 3:. 411n urg d Pii "ies ft
,m °ln ale W to l o inchm rele; rw otz in e ure. b :mq a ori n icti or coa dur tod a7 . ,
: .. issr:est "l ed for an desired .21 :1 c°i'llb Orcfu llia nd ti. 6 i6 a l l ls im etja r'itil t in ui-i liter *
• tatty. Send for &talus: r l
' '•
• . ~
. ). ,:,„Inetfctli&eittireu. ' -, ....,..- .. -..
~..... , . -
...e4=.,...,,z..• , ..;;; , .. ,. .: •S' .
~,,, •• , 7. 1.• . •• ,.. litiallarrl - ta hamitt o ift -Weems 'KV i
Fs. XI" , " . - • .Altriedt,
' • .;
. ''' .. ''''' '' . - ' •- - .ett."ilomihsheliteet the. trouble.
— Errors oflreeth..AA Gentleman tvho - Stift - ft:eta
for yews ft Nervous Debility, PretDAM@ Decay And,
all the effects of • . andel indircrebbn, will, for the make..
recipe as . direction for making the simple remivly by,
Avh.fsb tte qued...BsiffererswisW -tAts e r 7 1.11 1 , h :7 the..
Ovettieles-- cindohultit g • •
.• -1 • ,JOHrt B.
Jan iff,:.64-4-Iy] 240. 13. Chambers tit.. N.Y.
Now the cable Is lel& all &she to behold • .
Thinentluraleintelliguneoltet fm bent:old:
And sal persons tik message.wcntld like if the einem.,
Was not. for the present. confoundedly !vv.
And few people themselves from good clot. h i taz deb t ar,
Silica they found %out -there :was snob alp ace as he
. .
A full Ilne,of einsonaide Clothing on hand, .
, atngtocnielt finer gradeA of floats and
l Alpacas, [Ma
as ' 'aro usually go:Wrap for resdy-tnado as ea, as. wella
tboittinal stool.c of..toW•inic4 goods. 6
-' - • -".„-- , 4 .7 .- .!-, , -,,-, eriii CrAraliNG.Bilielltlll)l,
1300 Catzsiir ger., Pt:mat:W., SIVA. or sTax.
:-::-"' '''.-- AriesTille;• -- ''•-• - - 1
• -11 l RH yori.eink.' feebitiiiii . d
'pliining r , - You ;
M.butnt'order, with_Totre S y s tem - derarMed asd Tune
feelings nriemnfettabiel Those symptoms are often -Um .
d ef
pteludo, .'Fste inets.',.: Bomellt:. otsletratuncia.. i
preeping , fiptist ye d abotild*.be asertad by a tbieelt 1
.nse- etitte:righ *remedy. - ~ .Take: Idyere...Pille..lin : I
cleanse but; the, lionlered Intmors—portfy'thehlon4l ,
and letthe - fluids ;move-vin :unobabncted in-tenitiu
again. 'They etlantlatelhe Ilinetugia -.of the beefy Into.
vigorous activity:Tardy. the aysteM4rom the obelsoc- ..
tines which make diet-mac: -A, coldeettlo aotturatate
lithe. body, - and. deranges itinaturel fazed -- rem Thee.
if znct, relieved , react - upon' ' themielree and' theaur
thanainglottaPlL Pe9dticilti-4tlnteral- aggravation; enf- - '
ferinspd . ; derangement. -..,W1ti10 .in this condition:.
:take l'ills,andatishOta, directly they restore the
.indars „action of -thesyntem: and with - Atha buoyant .
4 , elipsi of beilthmadri:]% Whants tine arid: au apparent
In : tide-trivial and , comosiin.-nomphthat .-istdeolxneritt
' many,Of the deep resteehmedangerone - distempeis.- -
' The same purgative effect: expels - them. -
'similar, obstracbons-and derangements . of-the natural.
"functione of thoi body, thee are ...rapidly' end . • surely .
'cared 1,1 , - the same yneatia. - lime" who know the virtue,.
41' Owe PIA" will neglect -to employ them when suf
. feriae' from the diserders ther cure such -as Headache.
Foal Stornach;.DymMtery, Billiona, Complaints, Indl
guidon. Derangementpt the Liver, Costivenws.'cod
stipation, - Heartburn,- Rhenniatirm.'Dnnery;'Worms .
and Suppreesten: when taken In large doses. '--• . -:
They are ' Sugar Coated, 'so that the taort eensltire .
` , can take them easily, and they SO surely the belt iyar..
gattre medlettp, yet direiatlred... . .
. ,
Ayer's Ague Cure,
• . .
speedy and certain Cere of Intermittent Pever,
or Chltis and Fever, - . Remittent Fever, Chili Fever.
Dumb Ague. • Periodical Headache or Bilious: Head
ache, and RillOus : Fevers indeed, - for: the' whole
• class Of dieesse.i originating in WIWI derangement - ,
. -caused. by the - malaria of rtiluethatic countries. .•
••This remedy "has' rarely failed to cure the severest
cases of Chills and Fever and it hatt'this great
, toga tier other Ague
,medielnes, that it. subdues. the
corntaintsfithout injury to the patient. It contsins
. quinhae or other:deleterious subacute , tor does it
pr,,duce quinient or any - in,judons effect whatever.—
shAFing, brothers of the army and t ~
he west, try it and
yon will.etickirse these. rte=ert - ons. •
Pritnred by J. ,C. AYER CO:, Lowell; Maio... and
sehl ell the - Druggists in Pottsville; also by all
Drfiggitta apd . dealerreverrettero.
Ang ii, ' , 145 • • 32.2,n
. • • . SIP. JAMES CLARE'S • •
Celebrated Female Pink. • '
Prekiied front a peaeription - !!f Sir if. Ciorksii.
Pllveiefan Extrvordinarit fn the Queen.
This 'lnvaluable medicine Is unfailing 'in the. cure of
ailAhose•yiainfallaud danzerons diseasee to which the
femaleconstitnttonis subject: jt" mod,rater ;Ell ex.
co.s anii . rensiives all obstructions, from whotero cause,'
and•a speedy core maybe relicd Cu. : • •
To "ITI arried :Ladles
It 1 , pAI titularly stilted: • It will, In a short time, bring
on the umattEly,pyriod with regularity,
' Each t',Ottle, price On. Dollar, beam the GOvernment
Stamp of Great Britain, to-pear - ant counterfeits, '
• •-• ' • • .CAUTION. •
•• nisehoti' riot be taken b 9 Females' dur
inj au FIRST. THREE' 3.IO.NTHS.of 'Pregnan
cy,' as are sore to bring on - Xiscrrrie . ge; but
tif any'Lother time they ore sore.
Every worn haotva that the bloom of health mast
'fade, with the slightest. fargelarity or obstruction of
the 'unmet'. -These Pills are truly, the woman's friend
to her hoar of trial, and the only' sure,' imitive and
ritrieNdifilii earn trf SuPpfession. of 114tve; froth what
c,,:r cause.. So mild that the. feeblest can take thorn
,with perfeCt eccut.:ty, yet so powerful la , their effrets,'
rhey may be safely whoa, n never failing Regala:
lusll na.cs of Nervons an Spinal • Affections, Panic
io Beek and Llnibn, • Irat.,, , nto on nlight okerrina,
rellie3aeart, ilystmlci...apd Whites, theca
PH,e w il l. effect a cure • Nyllen nil other mews nave
'anti aztbaug'S a , l . - remedy; . do. not con
tale .. '
iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful Toth('
01;10 I :loci. • • . • •
direction tn,the Oatopl . .let firnarid oath package,
which eliould be =really prerervtd. ' • • . •
s , .,!ej.iahe:rs! he United ,titates and 'Beth&
Ik-ninhnn. dO3 MOIES. '27Cortlancit Y.
13...-. d 00 and 6 three cent pn.,tafto • etamps
cfored to any ant hozized .A.;:ont, will WISUIO a bottle.
tfontAietufr an . Pills, 'by retcrn mnl, aecnrely FeS:Ad
trim all cheery:it:on. . Feb 3. 'Ca—n-1y
Strange, but 'lrett«.—t2yery young lady and
gentleman In the .United Stateecau hear something
yery.timehto their advantage by jet= mall.,ffres of
clnurt, by addressing the underi•tuned, •Those having
teaia of being hanibugged will•oblige by not noticing
this card. All idlers will olesse address thtir obedi
ent servant. • THOS. -F. CIIAPMAN,
Jan ST, .64,--1-1Y • . Bat Broadway. N.
•nAin..tots •
Batchelor's' Bair 'Bye - le the best to the
The'only true and perfeet'Dye—Harmlese---In
suinmaeous and Rellahle-- . peodores a splendid Black
or Natural Brown—remedies the 11l effected Bad Dyes,
and frequentlyrestores the'ortginal color.- Sold : byre
Drauzists. The genuine IN signed, W. A. Batchsaor, SI
Barclay Street, New York. . •
• February V", 1g66. ,
A.yer's Cathartic Pills
Deal - near, 111Indneas and Curare - Is, treat
el with the utmost success, by J: ISAACS, M. D., °en
list:and Aurist, f fomerly of Leyden, Hollauo,) No. 519
PINE Street, Philadelphia., Testimonials from the
mostreliable sources in tho. City and Country can be
seen at his The medical: faculty are invited to
•acrompany - their' patients, .as be hits no secrets it his
practice... ARTIFICIAL EYES,..invrtod.rsitbont vary
lltatinagefor.examination. • March 24.016-12-103 n
London . . Gray .Hair Color' The Only Itests,rer
London • - Hair Color • Restorer
London-- Hair Color Infallible Restorer
`Loudon •. Hair Color— Restorer
London, Changed , Hair Color ' Hair Restorer
London • • Hair Color . - Restorer
without • Ifair Color , Rostoras Restorer
'London.._ Hair Color • • Rostdrer
'London Dyeing Hair Color • tire.' : Restorer
It is the only imown restorer of color and perfect hair
dressing combined: Dellmtely perfumed. -
Losidon Does ' Hair Color • Removes . _ Restorer
- -London . -• . ' Hair Color ' Restorer
London •. not Hall . Color 511 • Restorer
• London . • . Hair Color 'Restorer
. .
Lo::don • Stain. • Hair Color Diniliuff Restorer
Loodon . • Hair Color . ' Restorer
London ' or•Soll • Hair Coloy and .Restorer
London' Hair Colot • -•. 'Restorer
Londow.Anything. Hair Color - Ileidntr.-c. Restorer
liDates ICE 11.08 8071`. *west awn tgaustaxr.
London . Hair Color. . Restorer
LOntion, Cures all Holz Color . It will Restorer
:London • • Hair Color Restorer
. London 'Diseases Heir Color,.prevent ' ;
'London " • Hair Color • . Restorer
:London of tho ; Hair Color-, the hair ..Restorer
Lonio •Hnir Col ' • • • Restorer
Lontlori 'Haw Color frOm Restorer
London' Hair Color - Repairer
London .. .•• . Hair Color- - Falling. Restorer
. No washing or preparation before or after Its nee :
applied by the hamt or soft brash. • •
Dit.nsest It will' poiltively stopp, the Halr'from fall.
log.. and - ranee it to grout on bald. , beads in all - cases
where- the follicles' are left, -. • •
. • Only 15 centio bottle: six. bottles. $4. Sold at Dr:.
•SWAYNE'S, 330' North SIXTH Street. above Video
-Pitilads.; and all the leading - De : n=lsEs twid Fancy-goods
dealers• • . • HHNRY SAYLOR'S'
Feb, 10, .. Drag Store. Pottsville.. •
• ro Consumptiies...-The • advertiser. having
boen restored to health in a few weeks bye very slin
lie remedy, after having suffered for severallears with
a severe lung. affection, and that •dread cUsease.Con
suinptionis analogs to make' known: to his fellow.:
'utterer.; the Means .ot- care. •
To rat who desire It, he will send a copy of the pre
vcription need (free of theme), 'with the directions for
prepar!nv and using the same, .which• they will and a
agar _ for 90115C,VV11071. Bsotonurrth
Condos. Coi:oe, - and all . Throat spill Lung Affections.
Thennly object of the advertiser' in sendingthe Pre
.serintien is to benefit the afflicted, and spread informa
tion which ticconceives to: he.invaluable, and he hopes
every sufferer wilt try. Ms remedy. as "16 •will cost them
nothing, and. * ay prove a Wes:tine. • . • - •.• • .
rattles wishing the. prescription. TELE, by return
Mail, will please address Rev. EDWARD A;;WILSON.
Jan. 2T., , A13. 4-15%;.: Williainshurgh,: Kings Co.. N. Y.
• ' "TETTER"
"ICH.* . Dr. Swayne% Alnt ient.. t'TETTER"
"ICH". Dr. l ,Swayntra Ointment. "TETTER"
*ICH" ' • - "TETTER" •
• "ICIP. . ' TO FAIL . . "TETTER"
- "ICH" ' " • • "TETTER"
• -. •• "TETTER"
- "ICH" ' C0377 , A4Vr• • "TLITER"
"ICH" . • • • - • • • •'TETTER"
ClUei Itchiug Piles, Salt Rheum, Seale • lietui,'Reab, al.
Price 50 Center: . By -zenftfr.-66 eel- - to ' Dr. - fiviarne
See, 330 NORTASIXTH Stieet, falladelpbla, a boa
Nelll be mailed to any part of.the-111 t led Statce, free of
..•Soid by HILNRV SAYTAR;Druggbd,:Pottsville.
*Mikes!' 1, ,Wiiiskers
. . - .
L. 0. liori2l..e. the greateirtatlnielatei
In-the vettrld.:. will three :Whislers : or. Mustache's: to
'grow on the face.of. china never Irnoirn to
fall t sample for trial sent. free to any • one desirous of
tektrg . ita merits. AdrlreeS,.llr.tvzs Ss:Co.. T 9. Nassau
St.; 17*.X.. • ' Jttne.30:2064-I.6,tat
40i3LIfElkiffif; an Es:
sly of Warning and Instruction to ,Yonog
Also, Diseases. and Abnsee wiiieb.prostreto the vital
powers: with' sure menus of iellef five of sheriff
i6nled letter envelopes.,Address Dr. J. SUITAIN
‘IIOI7OIITOIA iloVrerd AssclattoniThfindelplile,, Pa.
April Id: .66 . • . - • 174 y,
Em torment for both hexes.
, Dl.ablausnaeatcrneditolelbure...tddcnnts
of slain soldiers, and,;the unemployed of both erica
generally,- In want...AA:respectable and profitable em-.
ployment, Inentilng nrio risk. can procure Poch by en.
closing a tioetpeldwird envelope , for particulare,
to Dr. JOHN lupAG ,80x.153, Brooklyn, N Y.
June Cr-ly • -
lltertive.--Those *Wring to become rich or. success.
[al in anything , they slab,. eltould eend . for one or all
of the Gipsies' Seven *vatic or Secret Charms, as they
are all important to atteceu. For farther particulars
ari - to their great, benefits and use, send a postage
stamp to B. F. 3MAYO;; Ballston, Spa. N. Y., and get
fall elphutaticaTa. ! July le, tw.wgraitiz.
:11.113:EALTH ' Z
_ALIFEI - HEALTH- ..A3 : 1' •
'•ibleanateas and thousands inn • „,....4; T"'
-io.ll , l9l . thirwoOkeyscutecktit . ..... -
IiVSI bra
- - muchrpnria„ -- feant N3 thettitielldrigebtritdor '
_ Ira ir it gi o nk o n
an dso,4,, , aeist pritetleflor dad
Preach thystentrag - siftVoniMii" success and
tlighly recommended as the % only positive and Specific.
Remedy peftotal tottering frank•,General or Sex.
nal Debility, all cerangemente of the Bervotte Force%
idelauctsly,Lose of Mnscultu anew, Phytdcal Pros.
tration., Nervousness. Wink Bpilte, Lowness of ftirita.
Dimness of Rotates, Pains In. 'the Back and
Unit*, Impotency. etc. ,
Nn language can =ln ides oi_
10 "'
mediate. and almost miraculone It occasions to
the, debilitated and phut:tired system. In fact. it standa
unrivalled aa au 124115147,5tire,0f the maladies shave
Buffer no more, hit nett ilieTdriitirieWai
- it will effect a cute where' all others fati...o4 although t
a pomaded, remedy.,-centatal. =Wag' Martha to el
mist delicate cOsistittdVm ' '
ruonddeill. Cautiabbet ilk/Pa/kind directions
nch, fliPlinfah"stuttibirrean so=
-- attaaraar. oft-noz. adirrt s : l-1 0tY Made
Price Dim VoiPX mat Nix - =um Wr sly* 4/AT.
Oold by alltnbtlitidethetnntitlait.igiwortat o-will,
be Rust by andViteenself sea lodqteutealt,bliamvatlon,,
by ineloaftripeetfledprMishennyAlltunfked agents,
JtatborlNedor I Ned Agra t Ibr potfnllls. : 1 • TiOli,
ram% Maid i lad, pi* Is
longed efcYaev..
. *mappens& Of Warm& ha, Children a
ut orolloOked:- 4 „Wein:Ain this stensach xed rt
7iaoso hilt:slim. ;which cite be removed only lky th e ,
gt a aiartii,i,higy., ' conlblealleo or te.:-Ar,t.
ustd In snaklngtrowitt'S .
Tie to giro the best Possible effect 'with
cuitTISA BROVP'S.:Proprtetov; New Yolk;
by alt deaters in medicine.% at 25 et>, I box.
July 29: T4' s -'s • -
:g:Cljt0.;0::.:0 . 1.1tillig --- i - lt:,
Xfadrtitr ',Hay pr . r . t .,..„,
Rut Of the S.aniyikill county agri,uftu. a f p,
katr . .grplac[dr,' Sunday; august 1,, at t s
f.!• Come all ft
Firer IPreabyieilan Chord', r0 m ,.;..y .
bantam A
° and Third Streets. ' lieu: RI Lky, p !"
:tor. Services, Sunday 1 0 );C A. M. and 7% P. a.
.tare, Thursday' evening' at 73i r.'11.„ Sunday
• -• '
limy. S. S:C3V1:11, Pastor.' Arm .prearh Ct rryp iz
ery Sunday ref.rning at "V o'clock,
6verilarr at o'clock. Re4idence "SiN:ke.
:'arad Presbyterian Cbureh,
,‘W*, 6, PLMILS, •D. a.. Pcsto:. Seri;
morcalOge at i.Ost o'clock et 7%, pi t
Lecture and .Prayer Sle'eti'ng. 'Friday
o'clock. Pastors residenoe,•.M.f..h. Sntifege
•".th or Coortlemi street. -
f;lr 311 Jai/neva , Meeting every Mteolav, ,
V., at the English Lutheran" Church, 3.larket
Claus:den ot IN:Attic - 111e and vittntty are iud
viraelbediat E. • Church. Secc.c4
'above Market, Rev • J.
,8. Coos. Pester. ,„
Sabbath, at 10, A. M.. s.
,„ Sabbath, .TSS, P. V..Prayerii .
Tueedav evening: at T 3 o'clock.
- Ewan. -Lutheran
MarketSgnate,'hoe. - U Geavas. Paster.
Sahbetb moi tying at 10 o'clock: Erenifig. .
ly Lecture- Atli Prayer Meeting, Thur.'?
tx ceeleck. .
..110 - Unitas Prayer Meeting, evil?
morning, front t 3,4 to 9).6 o'clock, hi tee. tif.zak,
on Second Street, between Market • , are invited. . •.
VP - Garman Rei:orrned Chnreh, Mart
Rev J. C. IittILEP.; PaStOr.'4er,
alternately,. the 'German. and English laigehi
10 o'cleck. . - • •-
. C crican on 6th and 14th AtutuEt ILIF. 4r, • '
Sent; Ptth and '2O h Oct.. Enelisb nn I?tb
Angtlnt : fit h ;Ind `..f . - 4 Feet,; rill in:LI 'l,-t Oct.
it, litili event: .ervice ir. ".'..,, t, ~,,, •
vsys in the English )nngihige.. Prneer Meciin;
Lecture evrq IfVednenciny erchini; nt ',.").1 reel,'cl/4.
31 Alt
ret thlryi'r (age -Yotres mtort 1e aer:,;np zi,l
et nei tc appear CI the Jorm-suc. •
Noble Frame, Mr. Joerru
Low , . both of Xtuersvgle. •
FARRINGTON—WF-STWOOD—.'.t , r , &.;;;•C.-.:-
Potterille, July Mat,' by Eh. , Rer.ll"chi,.:= - 11 G,r
Mr. OTolit GO ItlkA. JrNs.l.3
ter Of Willietason Weetwoml, • .
• NESSE— SMALTZER—Auguet Ict. et
re. cage, Taradque. by Et-v. J.
NExtz. to Mize LOCIak bma of P. t!...4,
rOWSLL —THAYER—Oa th , :- f to
at -. rorooat. Pa., by dm ncr. Juba
Pow= of Nev York dry, to Ester J,.
daughter or Jelik Trayer, 31
".- R.P..4, I IAt4—DEITRICEL.Oti thZi - Cr tr Ir. L Kt V
boy. City. by-the Rue. L. K:Derr, Dr. G. L.
Shermidoith City. Schuylkill cr,d,3l;m
Muni= of Berwick, Colutablitro*„.l 3 e.
KICHARDS----WILLIAMS . —On tFte :d Bee:lVi Yeo, )!r: wm. r.
it nuu:•a
Clair, to Mies LEMS:WILLI.I.IIS Of Newbrichie;ti:elii
trurhice. Wales.; . _
.Andrew J. IL).
B. 0111.1? SIUTEII CO 34158 . W1:411 . 1:.rD JONia;, both Of .9
announcemmts of &Oita,' fr . ?
conks/ fed urilh no:iure, nsuar be paid fo , a'.
,of . 16 1 oento per line.
40IIET July 2=.111; in , Xortl: Manhetni,
daughter' c,f.William,,and.b".arah Acbey. aged 1.0 Dior.*
tur:i 12,:ears. .
1 , 6111,—1n Philadelphia, on the 1:d of Ate 2..
of typholdlever,i.J...scii K • , ' , .le..,est son of
ert and CSkharl7a) lianiG•nl: in year of his
DAVIES—At Port Cul on the UPitt of July.
3Llsav Ass, wifouf Henry Davii‘s, agsql lest's ;
and 7 days.
' . bhp laid tier wall' head to rest, .
• meekly said --Thy will he dols.' • -
— GINIBEI:=On the '.2'2ud'ult..,,jn Ashland, PH
DZi. 'reed 4n Feale.
LiG".—itc the:,l.stCfenly, in Ar,hla,lo., ~.L
Lisa, dmu.:lst, asted'il years. •
Rh or ro:!MV!
.Josurn Sc nosEi. in. the 13th year of hia ago, la s e
a wire and seven .•
, .
The reiativrw and friend% 9 r the family ttol .
~7 il'f
iovitedro nzt,nil his Ittn6ral." from his 'la.?, it: 4iCie.l, 7
(ton). etreer. to-morrow, Nautili!. ) at '2 ;.; o'clotdr,i' :.
•11AILALT-Ott ihe..'-ith ult.; nt Lociuttetale, ntt•t•. -
lan-h. ityszr Umt...t.,T. aged CO yont. ' _
WOlXF—thi the • '2oth Of July. In :Tremont, At‘
Wocre; it; yews, 1 incmth
ceased fapre , :entecl tte.m Connty fn the I .
Pet.Lugylun.:l, durlug genre um! 15 iL.
. Pottsville, Pte., • -
Marble, Granite, Pluton .and Brawn. Store 1 7 ,t
Vaults rarde to order. - T::5 work .Warranted t• •
attire sittilactu.n ,
' lion - mew% Plain and Ornamental . . Head r ,
Tombs,' Endneures, Tablete, Unto, I,n - ,ut i ,
Vases, Mantels, Bureau, Table. and Wr.:4l--eter.6
dhe., •
Designs. and . Pines furnished and the %volt: et.;
In the beet style of art.:and of the very beet tuao
P. P. EISENBROIVN (of .nfica , r4virp,,
East Norwegian St. • between Ctial Atcol St
• near Pon-trope Foundry, Pottsville, -
. _
G 114 . 1 N Eli,. 9L Norte ES
NOTICE i, hereby given that 1 !lava
vurulutc , ed of Reuben %Va.:her...foeur
three cowsi a:a hogs &e., pi we. harrown.- 'tbreibb
machine ; together with the whule" stork of the • rb:a.
now In hie possession, and have 'loaned the maze
him dnr:mr my.pteamure. Ail lii,r.onri are hereby el.-.
Ooned not molest said property as it behmg , tom
Aug 11, •6:6—,:ia . .8t • GEORGE.
PR OPOS L S.—Sealed proposalA
bere6edeed until
.the 2oth of by :
tog the Mei; (pa 'thousand.) of the German
Charchicif-iltatiamoy..tidty. iall ninterialuiil be forn:.-s
-ed on the zeound. Work to he comp! , ,:tt-st IhSur, I • ‘,
ber . lat, 180. 'Proposals to he addstsed to -
GIRARD WELTER, Seey, 3.iithanov
e 'Angust - 11,W
SZat,PTIOPOf 4 JILLIkt bc remiNyil by tit , i
School board of the-Borough of Mincrovil',...
uritilAngatt Sift. for the erection of a thre'e story brir's
building in said Borough. First-for the brick c. •'.
and platfterinfr...Becou'd -for the Carpenter work ar
the cornpletion, of . the bnillinfr,. it:ridding prflntir
Oath*, berths's.: e, Iron and tinning. .For , plan 's•
specifications, partice will apply to J.
.11nerfwille, who hae charge ot the erection of the t , •`.
114. Propoeals to be addreffeed to
J. WITZBIAAN, Sec'y:tifinenfwlllel'. 0
Artgaitlf; '66 - " -'
N0T1L1.16.--Whereag• my %%lie 31firy b.: : r .
kft my bowie and honrpCclthout CRIIEC.-Y
persons' Aril lie:c ,y notified not to tru , t tier ..n my r. , ,;','•
count, SLR i will pay no debt of her c,ninicrum :i ,,, .... • '
Ills date-.. . • .ELIAS IiLL.N.GEL,
. ,
Schuylkill Ilas;c11., July 1i0th,18(14.. . 31. ?V it
PEtOP. 6 M _i. LA will be re:,eired tit , .
September Ibt, • 1t713, for drlvln, -, a ci,v.*
track Tannei 8 by 13 and .!.0 yard 4 long at - G:lber.
Colliery.- - Apply to - ~. -. JANES SAY Ali E.
, Supt.. Gagner;
. . oi-r..-I#. SIIEAFER, Itrig.. PottAille..
Aug. 4, '6 5 ' . . . - .11-3 t
11.10. PA LITNERSIII P.—The mid
- igued hereby give notice that they have
feted into co-pUrtnership, in the Priutiusr Liu
nescat.htahanoy Chy,. chnyikill Coonty, under
firm namo of Wm. Ramsey & Co.
RAMSt" Y & Co.,
' Tain and Onutmeutal Job Printing neatly adl!
r,edithaudy executed= reasonable terms.
[Fall orders lent at the bnoketttre Bothy.thcf; -
Bro., Centre Bt., Pottarthe, recei:o prompt etto
don: • _ • . • Atignot 4, .613-31 of • -
. .
••••-, The thiteckholdeie of the Pottofillo
or Compauy, 'are hereby hudned that a d,t• •
dend of four per neut. on thdesphal swd of said 0.-
;may, was declared on the 2d day of July, payable
and after theath - day of August next.
My order of the Board, • CHAS. NY', PITMAN.
• 'July 28, 136—50-St - • roars,-
11,111110401.1L1T10N OF P.A.RTNI 3I : -
is hereby given thn! 11..
partnership heratorote existmg under the Arr ,
MIMS & SMITIr , Was this day dissolved by. meta..
'consent. The Mildness will be continued at the old Sent. 4
by. B. B. SMITE, who assumetr all the liabilities o( ea
Arm; and is authorized to collect all debts told rcc , ,ent.:
- dne to the sMd Atm. : D. KREBS,
St. Nlctiolis, Illth July, iSBO
1 6.1611C18113 TAXESIer
I ....;:ftic annual assessment of persons In tr
lOth Collection Dietrict. of Pennsylvania, liable to tat
on Licenites; Carriage., and other articles
enumerated . In Schediale I, and on In.
combi'for the Year 1865 having been ample*
ell ands list thereof.placed In my . hande by the usu..
• sin - for - collection, notice itherebr -grven• - thax the &-
ties and taxes contained in sale.ilet are now due ace
payable, and till persons In Schuylkill • County chair,v:
therewith a are required to pu . rtlie same at the Collect
or's Office in Pottsville; on and after Illordny, ihr
39 1 1 11 iIrAT of July, 1€,360, until weoicidny
I.b day Jingoes, 1866 . incluiirr.
Payments muet be made in United States ll:ever!'
Notes, or in notes of Banks-organized- under the
to*Provide a Naltonal • Currency, known as Nees:-
°dice horns from•S'A:l4t. -. .:t0 5 P.M.- - .
N. B. —A penalty of TEN PER CENT., add a fre
twenty cents for service ornotiosr, will be ncieeqd
• those who do not Pay- within the. time prescribed 5,
laW, and , a fine of Five hundred._ Dollars, er
Ifinpii.Minient for Tyr...Year., or 'Vieth ,
are tha.penalties for doing t
bnainess without the lin:
require , " .. • ' 8101165 A.:. INNESS,
Conector 10th Distrirt,
Pottevj'aly 'Mk 1586.. • • - 50..3t
_ . .
tmdersigned have, this day entred
intoteep.partnenship, tuning. the • firm and - name e!
.itogiarr 41,-• thit,pitrposeof.eorino t
ing ft:General . Insurance Agency. (12,1 °:
MascinAe Bonding. err Geo.-Bright & Refil,gl
B*I,TORIABeati... - ROBERT C. MU,.
'July 1, ism • 29-Ait •
NOTICE .•••••Tlte iithenthip heretotr ,
existing between PEv ERBRA,KBLQW
It r W
G; BIiIILTZ, Bost Bandits at Schuylkill :
yak; Schuylkill . County. , trading . under the fire.
pa &Know i- .SRULTZ. was dls.olved by mu: ,
ttiOsent on the 16th of July. inst. - The bnatisese w..
hi continued by Peter Grakelow . , at the old place, .s.:
lik authoriied to settle bp the bnsiuess of the late eiv,
?8188 GEtAKELITX ,
iLß s iftT Ct. BIiTTL'II.
PRICEs.--31 -
"COM tuts' joßrdptned a - large 'and well selected
stock of New Seasonable Dry Goods; boot'
atlitexeceat decline, tunt Which he . olten at verz Um
Oen for Cook: - Quo bth a call. - Tov#6 bt o,Y,
-,triO4treor.: Aprll7, '69-1444
isirg:l, N
..., .51TEA31 lltille - ...T0 - silt whom t
snot Coliaerst st-Tor and in consideration or
In band. paid by - JAMES - WREN of the Boroogh c
- .Eohttillie, PcnO,yu ot.Sthaylkill. to -Lewis Eikeober7
of Plawiellgft.tne feeelpt whereof has beer. acknovv•
edgwlli_the:ealdA Eikenberry has Sold to. wild .11 • '
WEER the rift u r sl u i tpply Is in the County Schux!
" ltiZigisto of. tants, on all Steam - toes oor
•IwnsiVarEat may. ember be twedi Lends ikenher
. for • Estosearkisin,.
Steops_lby,",Examtawlens-4 for which letters r!:
,illAratia.44"ovema--.111,-:1861, have been . :Enito '
-,ihe said LewleSakenbary by the United 5 •al
lassangtedrotwot Information - marling th 6 e/ 11 , 6
; . - othilla Valve tatilaceive the tams at my oftlse in l. •
• . • • - . T_lM . benefit, of . .0116.Valte•h0 all person' asir,.
.., .- - E-Mittlilloill_. z, from Sabo 4 0 . per cent. On the boo!
'•''' baulli/Seell v liergedio all old ermines.
- ' .--. • are rag so,take part in . this Willa •
? They can emus' from me the et°
jsabelldlegnewenglues indillso for pauloLitt l i t "'
. onfoltitospnes.7,7 They ow sat the Erl-- . .
- - . - where! WV it On raj
• . hada OtSted. -WOO P .
111111WelliAt Xittns ai-Broi's
ifirlihington Iron Warta*
: 4 0 0 4 1 % tot It 41 . - . . elt
. . .