The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, February 17, 1866, Image 2

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    :- . :,-vo - TirtivlLLE. ,,, -m -
• • 2 4 1 44 1 .wirrill ON.
• _ In.,another ifoluratt,we publish-3 Xetition
prephired -by a citieen:orTertn
great importance: xli** , Yrtvz . 41**e . 44,0Pastioii:
to • American Industry,
of the system of Protection; through ade-,
drake 'that rettdoiceliould tie read
:attentively; its truths and strong -arguments
impresied 'on the ritemorY, and it should' he
cat out;.Pasted .ott paper ; Circulatedlor.sig
natures, and then sent to Congress. There
,noaultect of More iteportance to the peo
. - .
ple of the whole country at this moment,
than that of an adequate Protective Tariff:
Foreigio manufacturers acid importers,.„ with
their paid- agents, are lab:fang- with :assid
uity to haVe the Tariff mbdilledin "their in
terest. • There is • hardly a Paper in•-. New
_York, except the Tribune, which is' battling
for Protection, that is not in the.
interest ' of . the' importers and against the
workingraen of the country. The entire
:Copperhead press with few. exceptions, is
~committed to Tree Trade and against. Pro
tection:• den.: tleary we are glad to ' kniow,
expresses himself
.whii much force on this
subject. He advocates: Protection asa prime
necessity of the tuition ; The people, if• they
'Would build .up .their manufticturing
estaithe mechanics if they want - steady em
ployfnent at good wages,. mast 'stand up firm
ly for this principle.• Remember, that. the
wages of an 'American iron-puddler, in i 8645,
avertiged $3 . 27 per day,and that those of
PM 'English iron-puddler. averaged 96 _ cents. .
Abandon the Protective system, sand Ameri
eau. manufacturers will be .compelled to dose
• their mills, or American workingmen will be
compelled to accept, the low wages of Eu
iope. - Workingmen of all branches, you are
vitally •Interested in this matter, which is one
of bread and butter to you. Stand up firmly
for Protection; and'oppose at the ballot-box
and by petition, the men and that pirty,
wbo would rob you of your means of gain-,
ing a coinfortable living for yourselves and
families. „ - • ,
A3mmu'ATß , -BAMMION
Of. the Biz . daily papers pliblished in the 1
• -
City ofliew :York, the home of the Foreign
• •
Importers; the TlaBcNE ts.the only one that
. . • •
'advocates .Protection to American Industry.
. .
The others are all subsidized by the foreign
• • •
,fareign interest - and foreign gold,. .
- which rules tbat'city and rolls .up majority
of 30,000 in favor of free trade and.Copper
beadism. .The -TSIBLINE ho*ever, is: doing.
noble duty and in _aqui:tent - is 'a - match, for
theni '4111; Without :adequate. protection:to
American industry; tbe price-of Wages Must.
go down to the starvation point again, carry=
ills ruin and desolation p. i
:ts train. •
, . .
Frbm Monday's issue of the Tatturin we
copy - - the _following, which- we commend to .
- the serious consideration of werkingmen - itnd
. • . - •
the'whole business ce , mmunity-t• •• •
• Ttle AZPOSt of iron in dollars and cents depends anent
•the wages paid for the labor "which produces It. The
contrast between British •and American .Yeages in . the
rmoduatton of rails, Is presented at a glance in the :fob::
owing table
.1860.*. • — IS64:. 1E163.
ton. - vi day. V tom-V. ( 11 M% t 2 .10 0• 13 daY:
Wagon of Ama- '
• rican puddlers $3 04 $1.52 $6'49 •• $3;24 . '56 54 • $3 21
Wages of Brit
• isktuddlers, 1 - 20 '" 60 1 66. 84 • 1.80 • • 138
. :The question of the protection of American industry,
which the Selfishness of British. capitalists- and mer
chants. and the perfidyy , of the Amid= Vols whom
'they have hired to advocate Free • Trade, bare. again .
thrust upon our legislation and our politics, surely.
should be foe/Indy decided, solar as hen is concerned,
by the simple exhibit of figures— • •• • •
• ••There are ASO of wages- in every ton • of. American
• rails.: That portion the.price of a ton, of marketed
AmeriCan iron which stands. for the wages of labor, rep
resents districtschool education. • fres_h* end. wholesome
.C . - saL good and handsome clothing; the homestaid,ttn
"l united freedom 'of movement and 'Change of a:cups.
tion, • participation in 'Municipal, Suite, and 'National
government, with a prospect ' of Comfortable old aips,,.
dividing accumulateskeantings at last. with blessings
. arming prosperous children. •. . - • '
-Thsre are•s2o or wages in every ton of British rails.
That portion of .tbe price of a ton of imported tom,
'Which stands for the • wages of labor 'represents gross
and enforeedignonince, coarsefood mean 'and Insufil.
dent clothing, political nullity, serfdom for • life in' a
single occupation: with the prospect of an bid age in a.
ptsm.houae. and a paupers burial by the parisp. - • • ".
British Free Trade purposes to draU down American.
iron-workmen from their hight or freedom and well
. being, to wrestle for. existence . : With the Stiffordshire'
and Welsh sheres who sell their • labiir for the' sheer
meats to keep sold' and. body together..: "When ,crimes
-against country get. truly defined, this .crime. will, be.
, .
State .Tax an Beal Estate Repealed.
. - - While Pennsylvania was under. the rule` of
• the so-called. Democrats, the State debt was,
annually increasing. Dating the. rebellion
the debts of nearly all the States were largely
increased, except in Fennsylyanik where it
was dirnintrihed during the
-war about TWO
.31ILLIQNS OFDOLLARS, notwithstatiding
the largely increased expenses incurred as a
• border State. So flattering are. our.:, own
. State:nuances RepUblican rule, that
, the legislature has just passed a bill relieving
the' people from the State tax on realestate.
"The Harrisburg Telegraph of. Wednesday
- -
Seinitpr Connell reniarked • tehay. that they would •
send on this day tthelith of February. St. Valentine's.
day.) a Valentine• to every taxpayer of Pennsylvania,
releasing them from the payment of State taxes on real
estate,' end they have fulfilled that promise by passing
'ie hill finally .: this cety."tbr that'. purpose, . fiereatter. all
.teal estate is 'exempt from. taxation .for State purposes.:
The bill..aa pass.ed by Both Ma'am. reads".as follows:'
Stenos 1: Be it enacted by the Senate and /Rinse .of
Representativee of the Commonwealthof Pentisvlr.tnia
in General Assembly met. and it is hereby enacted by
the authority of the 'game. That from and. - after the
passage of this act. it shall be the. duty of the cashier of
every . bank in this Commonwealth, whether incorpora
- under the laws of the State - or of the. United States..
to •collect annually, from, every stockholder of-said
bank, a tax of .one. per centum npon the t ar value of
the stock- held by said stockholder, and to pay the Same
inlet the. State treasury.on or before the first day ofJnly
in every' year hereafter, commencing on the first day of
July, Anna Domino one thousand eight hundred and
sixty-six,-and the said Mach shall be exempt from all
other. taxation under the-laws of allik Commonwealth •
Svc. 2 That in addition to the taxes now. pre - Vided
• for by law. 'every_ railroad. canal and. transportation
company incorporated under the law of this Common
wealth; and'not liable to the lax upon income under
.eXisting laws: shall pay to the Commonwealth a tax of
three fourths of one per cent= upon the From receipts .
of said company the said tax shall be paid semi.anon
ally,tipon the first days olJnly and January, rommen..
wing on the day .Of July. Qne tholisand eight hum
Bred and sixty-six ; and for the purpose. of ascertaining
the amount. 'of the'. same, it shall be the duty of the
.treasurer. or otherproper offer of said" company, to
transmit to'the Auditor General. at the dates aforesaid,'
astatement under oath or affirmation; of the amount of
the receipts of the said company during the pre-.
ceding cif months; and if any such company shall re.:
.thse or fail. for- a .period' of thin) . - days after such tax
- becomes dee, to , make said "return. Or. to pay the same,
the amount thereof. with an addition of ten per cetanm
thereto, shall be .collected for the use of the Common
wealth, as 'other taxes are "recoverable "kV froni
StO 9; The revenue deri under the second section'• 'of this act shall be applied fe d te payment of . the priu.•
cited and interast of the debt contracted under" the act
of 15thlitiy. , 1861. entitled an, act to create a loan, and
. .provide for arming the eftate: "
Sao L Frain .and after the pastatge of this act. - the
real estate of this Cominonwealthstialt be exemptt from
taxation for State purPoses:"Ploriided. That this
'ton' shall not behonstrued to relieve the said real es:
. tate from the payment ot any taxes 'due, the Common
wealth at the date of the passage of this act.- :. •
Schuylkill County. under eooPerhead:
. .
has accumulated - an interest-paying debt of
:nricrartis of NINt. TRINDRED. AND
. .
;•. It - matt only $70,000 font years ago.. Oth
6r-county. in the State has run up such a. debt
uurtug . theJsiar: : - - • :
THE NArtosit. .11Exottua...—The - ceremo
nies in - bonor of P.braham Lincoln, took place
In-Washington on. Monday last, under the
direction of Congress. The flags over all the.
public buildings were at half-mast, and-busi
ness in the, city was. pretty, generally suspend
ed. The pniceedings took - -place in the hall
.of the Rouse of Represerititfyeti: - !The Preal 7 _
dent and Cabinet, Diplomatic Corfis, Senators
And Representatives, Governors of several
States, Lieutenant General Grant and a num
ber and navy officers were present:
Rev: Dr: 13oYnton offered prayer, and. then
Bon. Lafayette S: Foster; President pro tem:
of the Senate, niitde a brief addrm's,
cing Hon. - George - Brancroft, the orator of.
the day, Who then delivered the - Memorial
address. This oration is attracting much at
tendon, and will pmbably, be read by more
persons in this and foreign countries than any
:other,of•Modern times: WS Will publish. it
,hfour iext;
PairsanvAiirA. VOLOAADO; 1 ;1 4 3in :UM
kfri6 4 4 .`' • • • .
ledlikit a Utiiiipat — ltyWilit - 4;li - tile; in which
citizens of thikPOnnty i iikereintet•est4liad
been organizeVand app . b?ation thadeVthe
Legislature - frCit cluutri ' , The litesl:'le4r
maim-front 'Ake • inlittri : of this:; diSaparty
which is located in pi* Coenty,Aileiradp,
and "wiirited ~Nzttder suparinteirderice of
Dr.' ti.4,6,4111i4.441-ihat:sweiitY tonit-01
ore - are being hoisted per . .daY from it, and
that if an adclitionf • tsteo.:*plagett
on, One hundred Bat
the, capatd' the machine o ~tl4d[i~__
• • .TaT6*lCthat- furialitt-:--111*.
said to -be very heavy grey and yeithViiron
.pyrites;.- with some crystalized littler,. is
rich and qf 'kept now
being, iworitedistwelve fek Wide.- By= Met
.11.4f..Quitzruti,ari01d New Yerk merchant;
who` t visiri the mine in Decetnber, the. ore
prdeounr.ed to be as fine a Specimen as he
the :most proadsing.. Ili consequence of its
extraordinary width;Aarge-quantities of ore ,
can. be raised at a expentm. >The op-.
eration is . beautifully lo4ted in a desirable
part of the_cotuttry,, where wood, water and
grass are in great 'abandance. The
privilege . of Company is on the Platte
River, and wilt furnishpi:4er for propelling
all necessary machinery required in treating
Colorado is now springing into an _import
ince which ten years since was not dreamed'
94 5 By a new proems recently introdueed,
the mines we now yielding 'unprecedented
results.. Within"two years it is anticipated
that there will be riiilroruk communieation
between the Missouri - River, Deaver.. and
Central City, and.then"Coioratio rapidly
beenme one of the wealthiest States id-the
: Rev. :L. 31._ Koons:, late of this. Borough,
now aresideitt of Denver, writes asfollOwS
to lidr: • G.- -Weaver,' .The . .extraCt
we givei is peculiarly, lnteresting, disclosing
• - •
as it sloes, his impressions of the wonderful
• . .
country .:of which. he is now a 'resident
wits we 'know,' be read "with interest, - ...hy the
.. I
friends . of Mr: Comity.:
Last week Thad the Pleasure of seeing a box.
of ore from the Weaver lode.' It:is very promis- I
ing. 'Pinar specimens it Will be hard to find. .It
;is a complete success: • Now - I' ,want to • write
about other things.. What. language shall I mm '
to , impress you with the glory of this • country?
What • shall I seize hold..of to stir your soul into
an, aPpreciation of the wonderful reality'of 'this
Paradise rif. God 2. Let me tell youth 3 such a
climate I
have never een. ruing I wrote
- until breakfast .without fire' and in'. my.' Shirt
sleeves.. The Weather haS Oen' thus. nearly all
winter.:" I feel more'vigomus than I have felt for' , ,
two years.. Again lean do with half .tlielemount . i
of sleep' here that I could there.. I Wish to. ini7
press you with.the fact that yeti could, do good'
here, and with your business capacity ou. could.,
double your :money every month.' What 'is the
use of . your feeding on - those tint-hills in the
East?' Come out here Where GOA has 'deposited
every : manner uf. wealth in' the world.'. - Where
there...will be a new East" surpassing the old, by
as munch' as redemption lu its .. - progressivenem.
surpasses Le .Ecelesiastio. fq.:44,115m of .the.'dark
Bring slot of men with you.' Merchants and
Mechanics or all kind's; genie out here arid you
will say the - half was . ot • Mid you.. lam juror
. porator in a mining Conipany, and toldayl would,
not take less than $lO,OO for My share. I..have.
determined to make this tny'permatient hoeue,
It is the grandest country 'on God's footstool:-
This is not exaggeration. No pen cao - de.justice.
I to .the works of God: in this region. Every, re
'source 'under the :Heavens' is here; a . grander
farming' .region never existed. There : is good,
society here; you must not think you are' going
out of the world, but just entering into . God's
great palace wherc.the majesties of Ills omuip
otenee andlhe splendors of His-glory are written
on rolling prairie lauds and thunder gifting the
mighty mountains. *. . , ' •
-A - TERRIBLE, colliery explosion took• place
on the -24th ult., in England,, at Mercer
Evans' colliery, situated `about_
mile:from the highload leading from Wigan
to Ashtoti-in-Mackerfteld, and three miles
from the .. boundary•of the borough, The ex
ploalon took place aboot noon, and the Man
chester GOardian says: . . . •
. . . .
'Between two and threeo'clock • the flint dead body
.Was found. a few yards Irani the ton of- the jig Prow,.
which, Is the tunnel We have already men-.
Mime as 'running threughAt 'the to of the
browthreenr foiar.mote werelying:lprobablYfimwers.
who had , brought full tnbadf coal toll*. spot; but even
• this cannot be stated' with . certidn.y, as thelr.iseorched
'hnd bliCkened cornice Were notio'he reengnized.ln.the
dim light ofthe mine. • Beyond this lay the working
places, and the disiery of the remainder of the podies
now prOgre-.801..e10w1y but steadily, its the places could
..An.eadh.body was.found It was forwarded to •the.pit
eye, .where ehertly . after tett o'cltx:k, when the whole of
the mine had beep eitimined, lay a grim row . , of thirty.
The cause of thelexplosion is involved in
mystery, as the fireman , just before hadt:re
ported that the workings were perfectly , free
from gas—in - fact, that the pit was "•as clear
as a bell." - .
• • 'The Alms House. 7 -The Steward of the
Alms Houle, who * met_us this week, thinks
that we are too Severe upon tbe . managemerit
of that. In•ititution.• He says in explanatibn
of the increased expenses of the House, .that
those articles which enter into consumption
at the,House,•'-have doubled, and, in some
cases, trebled- in price. He says that last
year 'he worked to dissdvauta,ge, the conk.
Missiotiers not advancing at times, the money.'
needed. . He. waEccimpelled :V:. purchase in
consequence, as he _could, which .
•ved_..a loss he estimates at three -thousand
• •
dollars, to the CountY.: He says that labor
on the farm has been high. All: this may be,•
yet we think • with careful - management the
expenses might be kept down to
.n lower :fig' .
ore... We remember that some yeari• elude
the Poor House'was in the hinds of the par
ty now in power in this County, and tIMt it
was asserted that the expertscaeould tiot::he
kept lower: A change of. Directors,. how'ev-,
the majority of the Board being elected.
by the . Unioii party, proved that a reduCtion •
in expenses- could be effected. The Poor
House was never more carefully nor ecohom:
icaliy Managed, than when that change Has
made. - - . _ What has .been done: can. be done
again. Let careful management be used there,
and. the expenses can be reduced to a .lower
figure thanthane the statement for 1865 shows.
Where there is:a will there is a way. The
statement for the past Ye'ariwill be found in
our advertising columns: *
MINE lasrilcrioic. 7 -=There can be:no ques
tion that a:period has arrived in. the,mining,
history - of this liegion, : when the appointment
of one or more inspectors of mines, is nem
cary and desirable: We observe that it bill
Was introduced this week into the Legislature,
With this object in view.:: We have not seen .
-its prOvisions, and therefore; cannot speak of
its merits and demerits.' WC might remark
however that so important. it matter, affect- ,
ink as it would when•adopted; mining:econo
my in this *glon, should not lie finally acted
upon, until , all interested lave had an opp Or -.
tucity . of see* what the provisions of the
aet are. The ill. should be carefully drawn
up; and approved by those who know exact •
ly what ia.wanted here to' protect life and
- property. -in .. .connection ' with working'
A OREAT and impOrnint queStion before the
country is, whether red-handed traitors shall
secure rights which are denied loyal blacks
who . :fought for the Goicrnment. We find
that the Men who (hiring the War opposed
the right of our'soldiers to vote while in the
serVice, now oppose Egnal Rights to all free
men.- Every -Copperhead north and south',
now says : frankly, that he -would rather see
the murderers 'at. Andersonville and other
'rebel prison'pens, of our -ppm . boys, exercise. •
the rights of full citizenship than the black
man who- bared : his breast to rebel bullets
that the nation might live. , -
:English Tree 'Traders area assisting the
Copperheads . -to get. the representatives • of
the -unrepentant traitors in, o Oangreas, 'that
they may through . their assistance, *break
down our Protective. Tariff. The London
?dining Journal and other _English papers,
express the greatest sympathy with .. the ef
fort of these peOpip,niget back into power,
for they know that they can get Free Trade
only, by their return to goVerning the noun•
try. As the Copperhead Papers contain no
articles favoring Protection, the connection
in the interest of the -Britisk manufacturers
is plain. Workingmen, are you willing- to .
assist- in bringing- back red-handed traitors
into power, and inc closing , your workshops
and mines? • ,Thinkl' • .
Ma. SAVAML RELNOF.IIL, `one of . the -pto
neere,of Lebanon, Pa., died on the ath jhst,
ages' fears,- •
: tegidature: . X.. tha:..workingMen Of , -.4he.
plOr.. WO reactive to stand nOrml.yfOr ;Vrp-.
on, ind' thus Ireikrftite ftitiucl,enf :
.-,titl: illy and'qv*, o4FBd . labOje, otAi..
rfipeTir) I,hey iviiill 0, --- ,-Ifork i _ . 443 .4iitio# o f.
i s
~, Bo:that there . ilkii be ' '`:te*File'
tof#ose*ho wrld hkre ...7 . letitre
'.- ' e the - Proposed -61 '4 ; ' lf Or I
would employ that time profitably , we have 1
: nbjltli4 l orik,in sayitig that(4 *We Infil '
: i-aysient,viMildbeasuiks , iiiftd '
..t hat ilie*l4ll.l4l"-aji;*4k '.....1 2 Z._
oi 6 ivelPft Pll,-tti- ' ,9PAPEFiletst i 5..:4P, : -, real! t
- CiltirclY:whliniiiUplen to - decide whether
the proposed:, chtinge . ' shult : be, for giz?).;:l
ISVIL . The roppOteids WITOP4 r e tie ) ; ifil , !'
' don, 'mpt.,:frektn anYintensit - tit the welfire -- iif
Vio s ikingmett,' butiOlelY, - to Make *Eriiii;t
tat. Their consistency to this in s titC.*:iflual,
trated bLtheir advocacy of thle eight tour
71Wetent,-; . lessen - this - time of !az .
bor. for workingmen, while they go,ip for
Inekb.* * 4le keltbeth ft day of 10 0,1 :110 1 th' ir
-' ekl:ried 0 04 No4 l nensPel'wOrkingman. kicon
. sequence of fiercp . competitinn in nusiness,
to labor emery day in the week. , Such advo
cater .exhibit hut little :Consistency, and are
. not time friends of workingmen. - •. -•, • .
. .
MyrrAk.s.,—The Republicans ..of • New
'fork evidently Made a great mistake when
they elected Raymond of the New. Fork.
Times,. to Congress.:: Four years, ago:no
person could tell on what side he was for
'two ...days in. sneceasion, and now since the
Rebellion is Over, ,he is ;gradnally, iapsins
hack . into, old - .vagaries: Re'evidently,
is not- troubleilz much , :with principle, - and
cannot be' relied on in times when stern
- statesmanship is required. is already
half a traitor, and the tone of.his papal' ita
frequent attacks on. the representatives-of the
people; is hilt ~ little, better than the tbud'of
the Copperhead papers,. •' • • ,• . .
goat Affairo.
- *Veenly :Almanac:.
566... Feb I • Eu i, s , I t
BUN I 11100 `II MI
.6.,,5915 :@gll X • .T.T • 66 . mreg
8 61 f 5 ;AA . Q.. 14 5. s'l.rrg
849 5 • 401 NewlSii.2l" evB%
645 5 - 441. ; : ;
18 St - NDA:Y..'.;.
•19 111niiliia . 7 1 .
20 Tuy.snia....
22 Tuu*iior
23 . Faii).Ax
'A-motrcne.-- - -Setetith Stlndiv of the year end
firet' in Lent,- Days length,. ID hours and 45
• At davlightc.t - estisrclAy ,itoriling• the .tb!,rticgrio4
ter'marked,s"clerees above At - 9 p'clo9k.the
mercury stood at 4 abd7"...-.
. _
tireakdowns On theqleading Railroad oil
Thorsday last, delayed the arrival .here for s ever
ral hoary, of the•morning. passenger . train frimn
: - f - •
.A "soeiable":was given:At the. TOwn
tall on Tuesday evening last. These are among
the Most pleasant terpsichorean reunions we bave
in Pottsville during the Winter. . •
. .. ..
.. .
..- .Severe Clinnye.H-lii t*elve boars, frOrriWednei
Arty night. to Thursda:i.inorping, the mercury in
thenuometers exposed, fell Troin-tiv.ent7 above to
eighteen degrees belowOw freezing: point. •
Afessi.s. Beck 4 . Collo kavir for sale fine 'bre nth;
of flour. also ,corn;
.4eate,.fe.ed, laotittoe - e r ete.
This firm has obtained a favorable reputation. for
the excellent'cinality' of the articles sold by it.
. . ,
. . . ...
itrinther Crrnirni.—lf-the weather aluinld be
favorable there will be another Carnival :a. the
Bkatink Park. on Wednesday evening next: :The
Park will be illimeinated and the Band' willbe
Yn otir . advertising co . hullos: will be found:a list
- of, the gcio& - Sold at the new:cheap .Store of
clalland k On,•eorner of Centre and :Norwegian
Bire . ets; this Boroiteh. The" advertiseesent
flaw will alWayo be found in' this paper
. . .
. . .
.2eioper'ance.—Mr...Chas A. Roshyalrell qf this
Borough, has been .appoint;ed by liolliaiWriknel' ?
Grand Worthy Patriarch of .the Sons of Teinper
apes of Pennaylvatiia, t9.-.the position .of Deputy
Grand Worthy .Patriarch of _Pot tsville . Giv4sion,
No. 52. Mr. ifostwehell has-received bifi
with the seal of the Grand Diyieionattached.
. .
. .
.-: Miqhler's 11;tlerk sold by . Hennessy .k. Duffy,
'• Silver-Terrace, this Bormigh, has the .reputation
of posiiessing tried 'cal virtues. and enra live, powers
'in diseases :of tho'bloo I, etc. .For list of diseases
...which ille claituedit will enre,', and eertificatre of
coreti effoeted, See 'advertisetrtent in . Another col-
. .
"7r'mont Trnion."—This will he the nameof a
I new weekly paper to be . published in •Tremoni;
this. Gene ty,• . by. ' Alr.. Jacoh Sanders. ' The. first
inunlier will appear.on the 19th of April next; In
politics it will be Unhin. We shall be 'glad to
welcome the "Union" into. the ranks pf the - army
:of journalism.." '. ' ' • . .' • .
. .
Fire.—On WednesdaV. evening a frame- stable,
between Market and Norwegian .streetei. west of
Ninth street, the property. of Frederick Makin,-
cabinet maker, was destroyed by fir© with a plan
titv of bay which it coutamed.. Two horses, nar
. . . .
nese, ett% were saved. The.lose is light, -Cause
of -fire uriknown.' • • .• .
W. C.' BET - gstre.q.ler,
..k.shlainl; . .tflis Conn
ty; has. been admitted to the .practice of law inalte
several courts'of. Northumberland . and Colombia
-counties:. Fronionr knowledge orthe capacity and
chiracter or, Ilergstreaser, we have no hest:.
tatiou in aayin - g that. any legallmainess :confided.
to hiis care; . will receive !wareinittingalteution:. •
. .
.. . .
. .. , .
. When the Act o:spiriting real eslatefrorti taxa-.
tion;,whichshas jnM passed the Legislature, goes
into effect, 'Selniylktll , ConntY. Will gain .431,582.
For this tneasurethe taxpayers aro indebted_ to
the excellent. management of, thel State tnaneea-
UV' the Union party. . They will thus .see that it ts
their intere4 to keep that party in'power; . . .
. Washin7tore.s liirtitday...The anniversary of
,the day on .Thurstlayhest::We .have not
hoard of any arrangements hiving been made for
its formal observance' here, hat.-trnst that it , will
eat be Permitted to Peas by .
entirely . nnobeerved.'
Letlags at least, bi thang to the'breeze through=
out the .Borongh., We observe thatelsewber+ the
returned' soldi?rs will celebrate the day, by hay=
ing parades, - dinners,.balhyetc. '• „ .
.refer onr
reidere .t& the healthy Condition
of the
.Old Franklin Fire Insmanee - Cortipany.: of
Pbilaclehibia, as shown in , their cord hi anoth
eolurnm With pf .$400,m), :the: assets.
amount. to over two and.-ope 7 half millions. The.
losses paid . in 1885 were over $113,000. - This is
foie of the:et:4)Oe . and.safest.companies in .the
Unitedfitates; fa - et worth considering now-a
days. The Coiripany in represented in Schnrlkiil
County, by Henry o..ltussel,.corfier Second` and
ble.hantangostreetS.. - : • . ' - • .
. . . .
. . . .
Pebating:Clnb has.changed its
place 6f meeting from ThonmsOn's Hall to.' the .
conimodirms . ball in the, basement 'story of the
girPegrammar school building, on . Centre street.:
• At ite meeting on Monday evening *riext,..Dr.
B. S. Langdon Trill'give a select reading.-.
.grretion "Which exerts the greater influence; the
mitten or .'snolcen 'language ?" will be ' dieenssed
by Messrs. Prior and Marts on the .ntlirrnatiVe,.
and by Diessrs. Langdon and Miller on the nega
.I . f there is, treat in an aneient custom, and inek .
'in odd umbers,. a married couple 4)f our. ae-*
onaintanee, who started on'their wedding tour: on.
-Thursday; will be fairly-smothered by gond luck
in thc` fntnre.• AS .the.. carriage' containing the
bride and gra-an; . started frornthe.door 1 - 4• the
bride's Yeaidence; we aaw five old shoes in the
air sent by some enthnaiastio 'male frii.nda, after
the vehicle;'icentripanied We know '3'v their best•
wishes..•Altifough we sent no dilapidated liana
.faetured. leather after the couple; they.have our,
A Pivalahli 'Cbarleallnminel vf-
Friedensburg,. this County,. a few: days since
slaughtered a 'hog:: which.when..killed was one.
year - and seven .months old, rand 'weighed' 504
ponrids; Diming. life the animal bad trim :litters
of ries. The first numbered nine, and were sold
.for 354; the socond r idicteen; :rained at $l3O. . The
hog when killed . waS valued at 11.00. The hog
•thnst-nrodneed for the owner, t. 231. frOM
: den& sB9 . egpetises for feed, ete.. and Iluiri
mel his airing.iirolit-of .1145 left. A dozen Such
hogli would- afford a .fine.iggregate income. .
The delegates from t hia-Gonnty . to the . -Union
State-Convention• which will meet at liarritilifirg :
on the 741.'13re:1min:to., • ard.,-.Senitofial,..Lin • Bar.
t holotheiciFaci..;, Repreaentative, Lit. Coiyelli;
Gen. F. Wigcaa, and Wm. It. '
' We do not know who Our delegatesirillanprxe;
but if they carry out the wisbeA the people as
far as we can learn; they will give' their support
. .
Our delekates were . elected'at the County Oen
•ventionlast September. This sPiterri wrong;
and Might to be changed. :-Tbe delegates might
to come fresh. from the _people; and thus repre
aen t the people at ". the . time , they, are eleeted.—
This ielhe course adopted by other comities in.
. .
.• Since the above': was to type, it .has been.
siiggested .that a' priblic 'ineethig of the Union
party be Oallefilit.thi3 - Ciiurt , House, oti the Ist
Monday of. March; (court; week), to express the
sentimentirof tbe . people; and instruct 'our dele
gates; if deemed necessary, - We hope the Chair
man of the Connty.conimittcii - will make Vie call.
Narirotc Ewiwpefrom q Serious Accident on the
Seadiitg RaitroatL--X few.eveninge since as the
'passenger train from Pottsville for- Phfladelphia,
on the Beading Read, was.nearing'k'ort Kennedy,
• the hind track of the rear ear ran off the track.:
This cadged* the end of the car to to the track,
'and in this way it **Mt about two hniulred verde,'
until a curse in the road. was ; reached,, when the
sudden -turning.. of the - front cars caused the
wooden _coupling 'which held • tbe'rear par 'to the
one preceding it,' to' break. The damaged ear
stepped at once, while the ethers ran several kin
dred-yarda before they were brought '
.to a stand.
Over forty paitaengens were - in the hind ;car at the
time, and of this number was injured ;
the end of it :falling caused considerable tomb.
ling wheat for s Isis minutes, but °Waldo:rid a lit
tie uneasiness no iajni7. , was Pw . .Pliati• was
tortunagg4o444 " •
;::= TUfs gdep=.
jepue s WieltMgton, Feb. 2. MI6; C *". i i ‘
- A.„ •Brdlins glees the following decisions rept.
' Eng to the Terstreoftmrs, engines, bailers, .te: As
thefticiOnktreethig to manufacturers hem and
e xaseylirr"rsgive the following extracts: ,•.'-
. . ~.....k ~ e .,;•.l k attlilientrefthatnettnegipreiudire existalethe Minds
''''' '''''' - 'Of - 11. sielltlmtowhat they terattionblkittoute,
, , • • - , ,- Remand many ititisteleneuff them huthhirePreaffitte!
•ne 10/1011iailiskliXat'hunde4 to P1....f, illY,- 1 and,MeolitottSest, Uutftheirprodnets cal ie :plaluel4 1
on r ..`"'' „:„.. T: - --' , -..nt:,. _....„,..: --;-, i'',•:. se tonMitheWand.alatifffintshittitor eekr! attidafe
RAN ilUitilllhelt*DVo4**l 'I.OMII ..._.,s un '''°.' " - Witeltati Out Perla tin mtl& kraloth)w, likthaolsalie
7ms Btu . - UtaintirPtilliota , Th t iffial ltal th e"/ " 14 .- . • • •,' Or
~.;;- ' lo'lll.Yeeindlettitdisteei,
rebellion Anite..itnint-Of os prseivi;bleAu.r.= zirr , , p a rr - ' ..., Vey!, -istiwideMSatlentilikbuts- :
deice fromillie etialweltkfithelite, 1d0 5 . , ._: . ,; _ - sa d Iv o. aaotate Inver
theMa r ek art
-0 1 , 16 'W . ` tl w ,- I Vi ta r ta aM ':' , 4liahteellsattrklMo ,l *.ti- . .
~...."4 10' ,4 , ....
# e w ei _folki ! *WS e„ , • ,4 -
~. , atructed'ont
hart •
~ a1t...,'..tAr1 . ,
Tol‘o % / k•
'- a ' C 4° '"igi t = i ~• ' - IlierriOalOgrtt.lV"''•"-: „ .„..15 4 -'',o""•' ~ "
,_ ,ffr? yo ~ this. - It la ,...,.......... - '•' . s„±Mdmi: rnemitsupe; boot Making: The lair imposes* ,
WI P r° t hat ' W 4 ailteld amdata " ramie° '''' • rintot-t L per , OwatecerttirlifitteetheoWinferthdeo r ff
iffettestettkartbrtlie ~ ' - -- per cent. on Om japer, 6 per cent , en thevipk i 6_ per .
' ? : °l4= " llreil*l ba a e ? li abi 147241 ' tit i tsr lilell A si er led ha are fer rated ei: Trce c t,n ai r il te ttt.
ism which,' when the existence : of the nation . was, made therefrom, are. taxed again ,f,,,,,. cent:.
ihnikeened• liniti to forsake all `we held - moat dear and ate ssos A rm oer i r e,,,,.end,the -articles made'
snir ? i ,ai . E.. f g„nrieet isb treAle x t' n o=d i o n t vie lglos , ,t i ele;tit t . i f to wa cb t , .. 4 ii4 , li , rrirt i oi i tat us : j e ,
thalle 10 1 701.4 bit . l.. • itodjmitnad, ittachment4
.. s'h - euld be deducted fi•im the dudes assessed upon Rail
I when together, shoulder to shoulder, we breast- .
Read Cars. any dudes which had been assessed and
ed thelereisterms of treason. end kept step to. the palkon ear-wheels: Thesame ect,provideci that cast
es( 171d0p,41 keepin never d,Yieff ire_aeut.2 ' sof 231. descriptions , where made exclusively for
s,' ' lffith , ....doutide"./a— J:sr gm' -• •!allar e '. 4 """ '-‘."- '' %streaming articles err machinery:noon which duties
• • same mem of "those or our compan- a ss esse d s od pidd e ettaitt, skitateratta from &AN .-•
• • . ailltistin ele-iliethehmli a tak ••,. Neither pmviet onsrre reonverted In. or re:"
„.., „ .„ ~ , • tiveteas:a - propitiatkin that We. 'exacted by the - Act ofJune 30, 1864, &the Amendatory
through their blood and sufferings, might he contin ued lied ' Act of March 3, 1565. . - - . '
in'those ineetinishUe tiltreiNetkatia, 'PFirtera.W ca WO lt has nothweti thtairactieet of Ois. Office to Multiply
DOW as I lligte. tip:. ''' . .- '$ - ' . ! parts. ' mete which 4, seem % sermeto andintleperident
With l*sesolklectiturvieen a, number "of the honors- I. tax ;bat only to' Impose , the tax, , in . m em where the
113 solunteent -of the -Borough ar - Putt"B le • ' makiMinfetat i Mtelatts-hecome,a. speciality, and the
enlisted for ,nine _menthe end uperaree..have or , puts themselvms are well-knewn articles of trade and
themselves Into .its constitutional batty eommerim , . , .... : .
rite Mune of thm`lffehurele - Casers4l: Lemurs oe POTTS- . sti , ~.r delea a s o .. tie, , ,epl i es. _ rivers. bons,: nos,
[ 'Timms' and now.through this address of its delegated weeh - en ,: n s o at es. t ,&',,, 5 , tubes; pipet, springe, axles.
committee. "weed Meet earnestly Press - the matt er thee, car-wheels end castings of all descriptions. ex
home to your convictions, tuld urge upon yea to conneet. ceming ten • pounds in weight, aretaxeble. either, by
yourselves . with it; .or assemble together in par re-, .
exprestfprovision and by nam,e. or tinder the general
spective neighborhoods throughout the' Counts". and provision as manufactures not 'otherwise provided for.
form'yourselves Into associations oft eirtilisr sature., . Many of thew: articles. with others. not. named.' are
In the furtherence of the movement:it is not , design- .ivexl or consumed in the manufacture and in the rep**
ed that the organization become whittle strictly termed of cars locomotives. 3c,', 'end there Jr4no proyision of
a beneficial one, but It is rather Intended to , belong to law. in eitheausei,ln aseerting the tatter' a new car,
that class of charities which , leiteth not the right hand -engine or holler: or on, a repaired car, ',kr.. for, deduct
know what thelefltedinetit.” ; No one will be able to ,
okethe tax piddapon these eerie eir marerlals. ......
claim as a rightany benefit whateoever , and whatever And the law further provides, that when a prnducer
is diMe,for thagood of the meinbersor of others, mustor %manufacturer 'trees or consumes any artioae,,,, , 4 9 .,
be doneeliluittality. and of the societies' own free Will.
-which. If-removed for sale. wouldbe liable to taxathm,
It is intended thatlbe Interests of the members shall he ehall be assessed on the salable value of the article
be looked after so far as it is just and practicable, ..and • 'so used
with that end in view, it, is expected that all who'con- 'A 'boiler builder,.purchases boiler Iron. : ateliers,
nevi themselves with,the Order, will, individually, aid tubes, rivets. &c.. all - of which - beim been previously
and assist each ether fn the every-day relati a os of life ; 'assessed and a tax paid thereon. and builds a boiler, re
contribute, sea far as they are able. to the ,ceilliortpf the.-
„,turns the same to the Assessor. and pays 6 per cent tax
widdwasimil &phials of deceased 'soldieri: visit tPo' on the entire 'sine: The la* allows hire no deductions.
sick comrades and administer to their necessities ;..esY - Suppose is railroed, company to build Pete own en
fattest, hone" to gwebof their nunalie earl) reef be firm and - boilers, nod. instead of purchOnglron., cast
---- • ands' each other acts as the „.. • --- -4-; . thevroll the' ' - i.el
Gettteiti:.Steielle,. Port Cai-bon rola well knowe.
agile Blue Tat'erii, near the Water Bade; in this
Borough, fot. a keg of ale, an A No. .I,..artick4
Thie . ."Brtn. lccure d thA4 rasitos k tit
mating reawkitily tliscilie and. poiter.,
calWaivit, from 'W., .stitdricr.inch other acts ....
members 'o the different 'societies,. in theircellective
cagscities, 'may *en. 'WiEe and expedient , • :: .
, ffite'neeessity or such ad institution i the County
tqm , _.:AletPleVereltfialt.anffticir that the mtrremittfi has
beetianhatitated . , - Ittieldioves evert:soldier wl is eli
gible, to come turvvard'and lend his 'efideltiors to push
the cause to tiAnaceselarconautomation. ' • . •
' Those persiontorlss'deaire,to connect themselves with
the `.•SoldienrCelAtcsiteap,tie ofTottiville..". can do so .
by applyhmr.tkany of theoftleers or members of the'ls
sociatioty.wilieoe.thens all Via necessary info' ,
Ituitintyee sqllr i thitm,tthout the Otastty.. who
&mire (I.- orunlso,tich foiltaes.. can .obtain- ail the in
torno:Hai h rOtte:desired end. from - the Cror.
=„ 4e
rr nicom2 ptind u kn a i . ;:iiej .
joe n , r zter OiC.:iketo hell., npun st :
f' • • . ~.."Eit5.1 . 4 : kz...... .. Hamm Ptcatimil, . . • '
, 4 . - F . 4 7", •;,,f,t fi.. , ', . •
Jimmie A. Him sizes?.
t-tr . :. '.. ..' 't'..-li` ' 0 ' .. .!.. ,1 -':.,` joas T..80n.z, .
. • A ...: :.:•,, .:
.....„... e -,., ../lasioi P.. BIiANNON...
die r:lfviiae j The 'reglibte mfMthl,*
meeting of lbeltirecitoin Of tbe Toofi" of
, k tkiVi Initbeld:ol the . Aline kitinaeiTeh. 5;
Orwig o l
• The folidyring. of the fur
the mouth,ending. Jae: 31.-; 1866 ; . • .• . •
. No. of inmates in Thinse, Dee. 31,1865 ....401
" • 425
• . Increase last. month... ... : ...... . 21
116 . ..tif inmates' in House, Jan; 31, I .
• " :to e.srne time this year • " - 425
.„ „
Increase' year . ... . ... .. ... 24
. of. tie 'Above 58 are insane.and 70 un
der raedijniltreatmentls9'ehildren: •S• • • • •
Admitted diiring. the month; 49 ; ;
d is:harged and'
absconded, 15 ; 'bound out,. burn; 2 died 4..
:Lodging and mealfi . were furdiahed.
• Outcloor relief Wail. grant..ed . to 306 - persons,
amounting:o $1,150.75_ • • '
' Bills ..vtere read;..and orders drawn, imonnting
to .. . ; .... ... .. • ... . $10,259 pr.,
- . Observance of flie'Aiptiversar yvphe _Airth-day
of . - Abraham. Lincoln..--:Minclay last • being the
first anniversary-9f the • hirth-day of President '
sitiee'his.assasitintition, - . it was observed
in: this Borough.:. • The First Presbyterian Church
Maintritatigoatreet; wits offe'red for'the,:iise of our
citizens, and a very good audience considering : the
inclement state' of the velithet :wan prt:scrit in the
evening. . . .
Tlie-meeting orgaMied by:calling H. D. Torrey,
Pici:irto•the chair, piid the exercises- opened with
prayer by the Bev.Mr..lliley, L. H. Burlingame,
our.talented fellOW-eitizen; was inen intro
duced and delivered aMoratiomon• the life,
Pt , lit iititter,"ittid ',character' of..the:
dead.:, Mr. Burlingame paid
to theme/Miry . of .the. Martyr-President, and did
not besitateto;esi Lincoln
the' 'age or An/Micah
history Abraham would stand as a patri;.„.
triot and statesman; besidekleurgif WaShington.
Mr. Hurlingstme's "teimtrile tif.3ll....Lintitiln'e life and
,seryiees to the nation,. his ( - .leileriptiota of Mr, Lin
raaaterlk ' guidance ibe Ship te
amid the brealte.s of. Disunion;: an.l.liis estimate
of the Atittyr-Presiclent's character as.a' - Mari;
were highly appciated by the intelligent riudi'
&Pnttireille 'as fttrie We li'ab - ..notiixii • : ..wa4 -the
only:pltmet id the State, wheie this interesting
rsary iris' thus apPraoriately.:olisffrved. The
fact may.notbe. creditabbilo - Pennsirliania, but
it eertatuly to the.thoughtfulneas % and patriot-
Ate eittiene of thiS Bdrougti... • '
Sale of TriiNable . obreriptiOn..:::::
4s our esteemed townsman; the accomplished ar
tist, Torrey, .-.Feq. ; intends :going to:ltaly .
- shortly; for.the..purpose pf pursnicg, his mefes
sionilf.studies,..hehas been urged: by:his' 'friend r.
heretoodiepOse of some fine Paintingeupon Which`
he has been engaged during the past Year ui twu . .
.proposoki therefore, to sell. about about: twenty - -th
oil p alit t ingato subscribers, representing one un
dred.shares. at 'five' dollars each. .Only two• ur
three'of theskpaintinks, can be called-sketches;
all are remarkably. tine, and several were painted.'
by lar.. Torreylor his own use.. Their Yalue. at the
luweetanetion prices, iS.estimated by the artist at
seven hundred.dollers,. - im,Jortunitylor
obtaining .ehoice s•a t . 80;161V, ti g
- may :nut be offered again, and - those Who .feel
interest in art, and are friendly to the artist, 'Who
1011'as - stated, Soon lease thisemiutry for.. Europe,
.should - promptly' fill tip. his subscription
'6onie of the subjects which Als.''Uffers.
to hisiriends and:the public, are—The Angel of
'Freedom, 29 by:36 incheS Fnrest and . Deer,
20 by .38..incires ;.,Tumbling Itun Danis, - . in kilt
- 4 -
:frame, 18.26 inches; Scotch Scene,: atter an, oil
sketiph:taken.imtlielepot; 18-lay'26 inches; pair of
Frintintl 'Vegetable piecei,l6 biy.i) inches ; View
of ' Port Clinton 'Tunnel,,. painted on'. the. spot,
by 30.• inclui; Sunset - . and:C.lMo, 'with .
frame 4 Soldier's. Wife,. composition; 1# 'by
inches. Cittlie• merit of these painting.4. - me will
not enlarge: , - They'oan - be seen _at the • Studio - Of
-Ur. Torrey,. Mahautatigostreet, Opposite t IMl.l.ip
tiatChureti,.by those.inteteated is this matter:
-We' Miklit mention . pzsiont,' that a large and,
,ftue painting:Which Ate. Torrey 'recently comple=
ted—a,,Westera attraCting attention
and favotablelconfinent in Philadelphia, Where At
is 'on exhibition, • • • ' • .
. .
. .
Slterifs . Sales of ;Reill'Estili e. ---,Me Sheriff will
expose. to Sale in the Court House .liefe on Satur
day,- March ff,• 1866, ttie•following real estate •
Lot, P,eacocli street; - k4tsyille, ar the prinpert-Y .
of William Harris, John Burnish,
Biokly.. - Tdstiplr Downing:-and Janies-TallSot..
Let and House,
.corner of Hunter and% Carbon
the' propirty.of - . Murphey
Tan aeres--;of .land. and frame - .shed,
and-twetity . ..aero3 atid - dwaling, Butler.- thvitt.Altip; ;
se .the property of • Joho.8; WybkoOp . aitd Harriet
.Wynkoop,' deresard, -in ;the hands 01-John
• •- ot *itWelling . ,,* -Pock street, and lot and
dwelling,Triint street, -Seltuylkill Haven, tli6
'property of John Doh , rty. •• •• • .
Interest of Charles W.- Clemens in three.contig
uotisieti, Goat street :On lot nf ground, ti00r,..,,•
street lot and dwelling,' 3farket street; two half.
lots, NorWegian.street ; half of :a, grOuri I °r.Onr,
George•street,' , and. •half 6f tx ground ~retir; .Nor-
Tregian Street, l'otteliille,Ss,the property. of Chas..
. .
• .Furin, 600 acres, three . houses. b i,rn, s a w -niill,
Schuylkill t9ivnship,.ll4 tho.prop'znyof tbz.: Bank
of Cootiliorce.". . .
.-.- •
.. • •
_ .
. .
Your lots' and' seireq. . orwigtiburg'
street, anil la and four dwellings, Hunter street,.
Tainaqua ' las the' property of &amid - Given.' •
and (Welling, aorner' of Spring Alley and
.Boiretreet,.Tawarpia,.tui thOproper ty. Of • ..13.1rney
Gollespie. . • • . . .
•.. Twenty. senile - of }and and dwelling, E
.wig 'township.: as the 'property, of 4ines Nuna
_ .
Lot, and dwerlinc;iehighntreet, Tanaa.qua,.as
the'property, of Samuel Martyn
- Lot and dwelling, Auburn, - aslhe property of
Patriek . • , . .
Lot am dwelling, Cressona, as the property of
Th 01112115 Rcbei.. . . - . • . • • -
- Lot arid dwelling', St. - Jstnee street, Schuylkill
Haven, as the property i'yf Lewis Boyer.
..LOt and dwelling High street, Pottsville; as the
property of Lewis E. A. Saler!:
• The season ..sf Lent conimenced'oa Wednesday.
list. It , cumniemnrates the trial, fasting and
of the Saviour, for forty days, in the
wilderness. • The season is observed by several of
.the Christiati.Chnrcbes, but with especial etrict
nebi by, the Catholics: RL Bev James F—Wood,
Catholic Bialibpof Philadelphia, has - published
the -following circular in• referelice to its..:ob-
the faithful:who have 'completed .IhPir
twenty-first year are bound 'to observe the..fir - st
.of. Lent, unless 'dispensed . with` for legit:lin:Lie
2. oho Ingal . allowolVopept, on
S. This meal -lei not to:bo.taken until . about
. .
4. On those days on which permission is grant,:
ed to eat iheat,.both meat ands fish . are not
to be used ; at the same even `
by by - . .waY of
condiMent. •
A'e.o a on, or- partial meal, le allowed in the
evening. • •Tnegerieral practice of the pions
itw quantity to the fotirth : part of tit'
ordinarrmeal.. • • • • •
• .
- ..6. Breacl, bntter; eheeee, fruit - of all kinds
salads, vegetahtei,• and fish; Are permitted at. th.
collation: • Milk and eggs are - Tirohibited. •
7.. Custom hls made it lawintto drink in tin,.
morning some wairn such *a tea, and nof
faee, or thin chOcolato madeirith. water.
8. Necessity arid custom have-authorized the .
use of lard metead.of• butter,- in preparing fish ••
vegetablai, etc. .
7. The , follbwingperiOns- ire'not bound to ob
serve.the fast, viz: All under tweuty-one 'years
vears of ago ; •the sick ; pregnant .women„. and
Those giving suck to infimts; those who are- obliged
to do hard work ; who,. through weakness,
cannot fast without injury to theirhealth.
10. By dispensation, the uio of flesh meat will
be allowed at any; and .once a
day 'on hlbudaya, -Tuesdays, Mum:days and
-Saturdays, with these:o44lot. of Ifoly 'Thurs
day; and :.the second - and Jut. Saturdays of
Peons 'exempted' from the obligatiohe oS
fasting, by age or laborious occupation, are. uot
reatifeted, to, the nee at mest_atime may,
on those aqs 0 4..whia.4 graWKI ,07
ings. tubes, tints, .tbey.roll thetr:Own - iron, make
their own tui:SUC'llOittc..tiirita......caatingaltet. -wintt is
the company`allability limier, the present:EXciselaw .
'Lis , to return:l - and' *ty tax on all the 'materials they
have mannfactUred andiSed, and then rate:stile finish
ed boner:at ita fuer - het yatne.. ' • t
This, ofil"e • instructed As:Ras:Mrs 'to regard ear
wheehi. axles; springs and, tire' as manufactures in.
themselves, and taxableas Such:Nei:Ara .used . in thu
mannfocture of new: or the .repair•of ohlears, looonio.
thma, hat - we have never ._re,zared the smoke:.Stack, or lire-tank.. or truck. as articles or,
pirts to be taxed separately.. and egaiO conneeihni
with the engine or boiler : nor the 'different partrotan
engine, made according 'to special plans, drawings and
measurements, liable to" taxation separate from the
-When any of these parts are supplied in making re•
oat:T. - they are not, to he taxed, except so tares they are
included in the value Of •the engine or the boiler. and
the one, or the other hai been increasecl,iti value 16 per
.'cent- "
or upwards:
have endeavored to be thus *•explicit; in order: if,
possible, to remove all , misunderstanding. on the sub
ject. and that the exuct ruling of the oltice, and the rea
• sons therefore, may be apparent. Trusting I have sus.
lxvded in making myself understobd.mi the subject,
tun, very respectfully.. ROLLINS,
. : • • •• - Cdmmiestonet
• •
ThiatisisntrnG, Feb. - 12, 186.6.-LSizlATn.--Not
Fiottse —A bill authorizing the doirernar-to ap
point two,hispeetors of mines iu anthracite oia 7
tricta. was' presented. ' An act :emending • the
mile laws of the f3tete'Watt called up. It . demands
one per cent. from. baulks, three7quarters . :of one
per cent..from: railroads, - transpOrta.
Ile' if cerana . s, a If& nthorizi.ifq the' military loan
of 1861 to be 'paid With the product. Of these .tax
. :It:passed to 'a:third reading: Tho:.bill, hill
redeem $1,000,000 nor- annum Statt...debt:
wh6n pinged altifl.led.Vn o:l3lirpltLe in -the' treafnow.
It will eventually, pass.. The. 'louse then . : ad- .
Feb. 14.— . SENATE,--arn. ..tiaild , tiLprenentel a
bill establishing a new boundary line bawoon the
two Wards .in the I3ofough of llahanoy-;.Sclinyl.
Mr: Connell Paid he' desired to send - ont to the
people-of,theState.a valentine, 8101 as thfy bad
never received - befo•e, and he
. wouldt call
the bit to amend the revenue -lawa of the State:
This. bill relie%'es.real'estate-from State-taxation;
except the half-mill tai, and' mak,.a
in banks - nay:One per cent; upon'• the-par value of
their.Aock and-re Unites Railroads- and Trans
portation Cnnipaniesto,pay a tat ef of one cent
upon their gross.receiptsy - • . .
Mr. Hall moved (fortlie pntrrae - of having the
matter di.cnsserl): topostponu indefinitely, which
.motibii,,after discussion oftha bill waeloit,' bra
y0u . ..0f 21 nays toll/ yeaS, • . • •
• The hill finally passrd.hy a :unanimous vote ai
it came from the [louse. • • •. •
.Mr::geo•nanelay .calle.d up the hilt, providing
.for the 'relief of the. citizens of QliaMbersburg f
by' apprOpriating $500,000 otits of . the State. treas
.urV.• • After a short- debate, the hill pasSed
by a vote or 18 to 12: - • . • ' • .. .• • ..
. . . . . .. .
llousE. , --Alr..Crosland•prrsented-a bill for. pro'-
railroad's from Charging more 'than 2 cr: . ..
per Mile per ton for 'Coals Anil- ores:- 3. cents for
the pt., dues of fora* curium - es 'am:l'rolling mills;
4.-pects:forths products Of sea; ffire , st and - farm ;
5 mots for articles of furniture, and . 6 •.colits. for
all other articles: :' , . •' • .." . ' . ..- 7:• • • •
'FJEFO- 517,4651QN
. .
:WAsynia - rON;
.Feh. 13, I.B66:—SizzAr.,,-The
el'etlentiale,of .Senatpr.Parainia of - Alahama, were
presented.: The - Committee nn Itee.inatrnetiow re
.porttid a"ennatitntif amendinent gietng Con
'g.ress power: to - legislate fOr-rbe
,protection of the
Tights Of, all persons in all tlie.Statea;• . A' resoln
don. looking to legislation against. tubular boilers
.was volkiptecl: -.Thewarehouse bill was debated
and the . military hill introduced: " . .The - eonetitif
titu tional . tinieOdinencregblabng'ibe basis, of rep
.reseutatiott was - afterwards - debated, hut'no
opsn,—Some - resolutions,. and .also
one. to Print •31r.. .13ancroft!s, .oration ' weree intmi
referred,jt 'was. ru'oved:thUt 3k. :701M-.
san,uf Arkaneas, bA'..given the privilege nf.tlie.
flOor ;,taliivd zeds 78, nava-70. , The Reeenstrne
tion reported the arnendrnent relerred
tam theSenate.proeeedings; The, Nielligan eon=
tested election ease .e considered' but no action
was taken. • • •
. . . .
. . . . ... -
.:: Feb: , 14.—II.ENATE.--Petitions asking - adMil-.
Rion, li•ore, pyosentet.l from 'the'Tenne:;seb'' mem
-liers ; abio petitions for pinteciOn of people of
coloi ; 'by ..Mr. Sitmnet for female :
stiffriwe ; :ilia.
from Assistant 'Asiessora a.:,iiting for mbro.. - .pay..
The :Conmiittitional ameniltneptr.was..thon .aeba-
. .
linrsti. -A reemoriar waS. preseoled.fOr the re
nioval ceny,rees of .r6ckafroin San yranciiice.
lirhor. .A resolution wairpasiyid gi:art,,e , . the -use
of eertain.vessels to:New York forhospital.shiPai
A memorial, Wits presented for' a Bureau' of Edu
cation..-Various resolutiods:auFgestin,g-inquiries
into .the t a - laws as to proapeett ye ehanges . were .
adopteil. refused to .:print 30,0)0
Copies *of the Agricultural:report. An increase
of the .nuniber.•.of - clerks. in' the; 'Post-office . De
plitnient was authorized:
.A resolution 'autbOri,,
zing. a: GonnniSsion to.-select a - site...kW. the- New
York Post;olfice, was passed. " The bill for, the
sale of postage stamps' on credit was 'debated.
:The Michigan centesterl . :eleation case was con
sidered, -arid , Mr; Trilwbridg,e. :wrs given the seat.
The bankrupt bill. was. debatol.. • - '
ST, CLAM; Feb, 15, 11366.
. .
MEssits,'Enrrons:—The.honee of 11r. Ramey
Brown; in this ItOrongh, was entered on the night
'of 'the 13.•hin5t...,,. by some, thievish-. •Nvlto
carried off two s,ilver yatehes, and's. .new pair of
,boots. • his unknown how the thief effected "-an'
'entrants; butil is suppoSed that ho
key-With Whieh..hettniocked.'the.deor, (to. which
nb itettillateh was attached,) . entered, lielped him
'self tathe watches, 'perhapsprit,n.ri the horite;
'and:then . 'ilia, relreated.frorn the p'reVe
.il4es: Several fight 4., as usnal, took
urday night lust, it bring.
. .
• • • Thrbirfirpaarople into: Ra. •
At lanc.rth Philadelphia can fairly:boa.t • '
Or a.real, old•Cashioned react:A:inn ghost !" •—.
Almrist deranging repartcri , %vita .**
. 5 * And putting - the nerwals,follcs lntn ftts. ~•
'NoNk'...' - pnttiti4 in • tit sr a hnsinesa prirpied- .
At PERI[II & co.'s where gh , lsts don't Intriale ; :
And those Who go wisely and visit the ...57,17,r
Will quickly.oerceive• What MOE Fr's -thei ere. '• •
Not Withstanding our Immense Sales, wer have still a
fair shirk left ot • fine r %ma: RE h ity.m A mi
' Which. Miring turbo a yeenter& which we have
made'Wlth the insurance:CM • nies, we are selling MY
naciawni.asa orearrY • , • ... . • . • • . •‘.
lot of:Nests tor one dollar each; •-• *. ; •
•• -Low PRIVES /CND PASIiiONARLE 000116!
• 609 CLlEJiivErifiv., Sbarr.or SHi STAR. • -
Feb 11, ' • • . PERRY &
• • •
The Von Crimionss and Experience of sin;
Inwailld.;-Fablished for - the benefit 'and as a OA11;
TION.TO YOUNG ?AUX and others,' who stiffer . from
-Nervous Debility.' Frentature Decay of Manhood.
.supplylng at the saute time, Toe • - ltsaas or 3ccr-Ccxe..
Pp one who has cured himself atter undergoing consid
erable quackery.; . .By enclosing postpaid :addressed en
' velope, single copies, tree cif charge, may be had of the
author. . '• • • NATHANMAYFAIR, Esq.,' '
•.: Feb-17., tP6-7-4, • Brobklya, Kings_ . . . .
London Gray': • flair Color The Only Restorer
London' •-• • Hair Color. . Restorer .
LOWOn .:Idalr, Restorer
London •• • - •Hhli Color ' Restorer
`London :Changed Hair Color' Hair ' •Restorer
London , •- • Hair Color. . . -Restorer
London Without. Hair Color '
London •-. . • •.- • Hair Color • • -.: , Restorer
London • Dyeing '•Huir Odor . tire. • • Restorer
• It tithe' only known restorer of color and perfect hair
dressing cbmbined.l, Delipttely Perfumed. •
-•_.- '. . ' •
Loudon Does • Hair-Coior -..-- Removes' 'Restorer
London. - . - • Hair Color • - Restorer,
' London ' not '.ll . .airrAlor • all -. •• Reetoref
London , - Hair Color • - -. Restorer
London Stain Hair Color. Handrail' • Restorer
Loudon . ' , •. - Hair Color • . • Restorer
London or.Soll Hair - Color ' and ' : Restorer
London - '. . • Hair• Color - -. . . Restorer
Lobdnn Anything: -Hair Color - Itching. , Restorer
..- Hoare VIE 11.1 E SOFT. GLOSSY AND LCl,tlaiNl. .
London : ' • Hair Co . ' -• ' Resthrer.
London Cures 'all Hair C o .. .It . .It will 'Restorer
London •.• . ' Hair (..N) r - . 1, -.• • -
:Restorer ' London: Diseases - Hair Color
vent .
London . .- • Hair Col'or • . - , ' Restorer .
London -
-: cif the - Hair Color :,. the hair. Rastorer
'. London •' . ~• ' ... Hair Color •-- -• ' Restorer
London : Scalp. _ Ilair - Color.. -:. 'from jiketorer
:- London , •• Heir C010r... , .. - • - Reiliner
••• Landau - ' • Hair Color' Palling. •• Restorer ,
• -No vomiting. Of preparation before or after the •use :
applied'by the hand . or soft brush • '- • . - --
batons:rm.—lt will positively stop the Hair from'fili
- ing• and tame it to grow on bald beads in all cases.
where the follicles are left.: ' ~.- -• •• - '-• ----. - 1
• Only 75tents abottlet six. bottles. -: $t &list Dr.
B WAY7 I # 2 4+ 330 No th sriTti street: ataive Vine,
and all the leading Dn . :mega mad Fahey. '
awes dealers.
.- • • Sold at - • .• HENRY SA Lt,
'.Feb, 10, vg, .- : ',-01.- -.- : .- Drrtg Store.:Pottsville •' •
Cares itching Piles, Salt Rbetnn, Scald Head, Reksh,..all
Price to cents . . By sendin 60' cents - to Dr.
& =
Sow Wiet
BSONOBTB 611. TH t.,Philiulelphia. a .
will be mailed to any . pert ot,tbe Batted litte;osilkee of
by TIMMY tanoit,mrdiel* Pottsville
IS a none= exkut a thcchokieroa.. Bo cprik
bleed theraubstancea , , of .sereater • alter*
Dye power ' 44 - afford an anti& . to fbr dinette'
es . repnted;to oifire. • " a remedy
surely* ted by these who 'suffer fmittStruniouvignme
plaints. and ft:lett:eel/At - eh vrilf Yccomplieh theireuref
must PrOvia; alt!ittiartnts, of *moans,. service this .
large class of- otti afflicted lellow,titintne: couti.
: pletely.:thla yarpottnd has thaten proved
experiment o .many of the. went wee- ft) be found
the followln eumplaintsida , Seinfukite Swo
- -11 age ' and Sores:: Skin Diseasek, Plintilatt •Ptistrdet
'43lotchek Eruptions, St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Err
Tatter or Salt Rhennt,,,Scald Seed y 4inzwortn,
Syphillanr • ihnerit. Itrexpellmt. hem the'
systerelbylike tireloaged aset &Ibis Sans mkrilla, , end
the patient is left in comparative health.. • •
,-Ftmsalalltamisits' h af t oleos.
and Brennen stabil adedi by .ttdi, 11014 0f Paelepa.-
e: , 4 , 4 4,74. 444: P: 4 , 44 , 4' •44
Dd.tkot discard this invaluable medicine, bemuse Jon
have been J1111)0 . 4ed upon by something pretending to .
4.oct-Saraaparilla.ttehilela watiraot..: White : you ha •
need.AYEDiSL-then. and ups tiq thin; isiD you•khow
itZe trittiaii Of:Satseparitlai. For. minutia I:extlenlars of
the disaases itcurea, we relyou to Ayers American
Almanic,• which the agent below named: will . furnish
gratis td all•who call tor : • •
4 s er , o2ntbartic,pints, for - the. care of .DOstivene.s.
Jaundice- -Dys reia, • Indigesitlon. '.Dysentery,. Fo ul
efeartl= -
'itriving from - Mortared - Stomach. Pain, De 7ifoltdd
action of the. Bowels.- Flatnlency. .Loss of Appetite.
Liver Complaint,. Dropsy, I,.Worms, Gouti; , ll.geralc* .
and for . a . • • -7 ' . . -
. They are sugar. coated. fil3 that thetruiereensithre can
take them plevantly‘. and they are- the-best Kpatlentl
in the'world for ail the pnrpo.3es of family
Prepared by J. 'C. AYER &130., hLttgle,..4lnl
Bold by - .all . the, 'Druggists '„puttsville; elect
Druggists and thialenaermyvthere.. '
• Feb E r la . •
. . .
Hundreds and thousands 'annually die prematurely,
when; if they would 'eve the Great- French :Remedyr „
' --Celebiated speciac' Pills:: . :I
rimmd by Grande-re Ss :Dupont. - No. 214 Re-Losa
hard Pa e
ris. from the prescription of Dr: Juan Dela
mars' e. Chief .Physician of. the* Hospital --da Nord' tni•
Larlooisiere a fair trial, they worild find immediate , re*
Bet-sod. In shott time. .he folly rcogoted.bajlealth
and Strength. It Is Used in the•practice-of -many emi
nent' Wench _Physician., with. uniform enecesis.. mid
highly recommended as the only positive and Specific
Remedrfor all persons suffering•frOna GenerarorSea
nal Debility:4li oerangements of the Neiman:l Forms:
Melancholy; Loss of. 'Muscular Rnergi„.Phyiked Fros.
tuition. Nervousness. Weak Spine, Lowness of Spirits.
Dittmess.of VlsiOn, - RYster:cl!, /VIA lit the Back and .
Limbs, IMpoteney,, • - -•. ••
language can convey adetildett
mediate-in:id almost, occieliotis:tn ,
the debilitated sod EThattergd system. lu - irct. It stands .
unbiltng: cure of the wadies aboire .
• '
Sutter no more, but use. The Great French: Remedy
It willeffectltotire wherw. ati otliers.ferl. and although
a powerful, remedy. contains noittiog. hurtful to the
most delicate constitution. . •
Pamphlets: containing full particullfts 'and directions,
for.ttsiug; litsEriglislilerench,9anisii: and:German an-
etiriaptiny istich box:- and alio sent- free . to tiny address
.when recitiested.- • • • • . '
PriCe.POPPilar per bog ; Sts .Fiye poi--
. aßllrugglits throughout the world t or will
be sentby mail, securely Sealed 'from all o))setvation,
by inclositiltspeeilled price. to 'any 'authorized agents;
Revere of *Counterfeits ,and Imitations:
Prcitntieioi's exclusive Acenti - OSCAR
O. MOSES* CO., 21 Conraandt St ..New York. •
,AntliotiZed Agent.lor.Pottiorille.,.llENßY,SAYLOß,
Tamaqua., Shlndel : 4 Bond. ' [Feb !66-5,1.y •
Celebiiited Female Pills._
PriPareigfrorn 1 . ? ;Pr:Pm/I'olmi Jot Sir .7. :l 2arke, -
'.. Ph yPic(arr E 4 .rirdorcltiic;ry • tol the
tovalnahlamedicine is unfailing in the care of
all-tMise,palornland damierOua 'alaomtea tti Which' the
female constitution is' subject. It moder Ates all ex:.
ces. and temores all obstioeticni,,frbm whatever cause,
and a epeedyenri. maybe - relied on: - • . • • . ,
• . To Married Ladiea • •
it le paitienlarly gutted: Ifwill in' a short Buie, . bring
on the monthlyperiod . with.regularify,' . •
Each bottle..priee One Dollar, beafs the Grieerntitent
Stamp. of, Great Britain, to prevent Coni)ter . .ll, , itB; •
These Pills should not be ,
in.g . the47.lfiST l'EfilVE MONTHS 'of PrOna 'l
ey, hying 'on .3fiscarriage,
itt , itiy.f . ,ther flint they nrg soft.. : • • •
Ever3i-Svothan knows that the bloMit.. of health must
hule, %rah the slightest. irregularity or ohstrurthtn of
tha Menses. These Pills are truly -the woman's friend
iq her - hottr of.trfai, and the -only sore, 'positive and
.never fuilMg cure of Suppre4sion of nature, froni.ishat
-ever cruse.., So mild-that
"the feeblest can, take them
.with perfect security. yet-so powerful in, their effects,
'that they-may beettfely ceded, a never' failing Regale-
. . .
. .. .
- -lii ailmA es of.Nerontis.and Spinal Affletions. Pains
in theltaelt . ' and' Lirilly.,... Fatigue an *Beta exertion.
PalpitAtion of. the Ueart, - hysterics: tuttl'Whltee,ditese,
Pills'vitlf effect a.. Cure .when : all other- means have
failed i . anctalthungti a powerful. reilledy, . du not con
lain iron. calutnekantlinonp, or anything hurtful to the
consOtntion. - : . •. ..
. .
• Pall directions in the pamphlet around each pack‘ , -e,
which shoald•he enrshillyAretervsd. • •
Sole General Agent for the Unitcd States and British
DoinfolonA ....Jols:l4oSES:27airthickll - St.; N.
N. 13.-$1 - and 6 thtee cent pti^tage ktamps -en
closed to any antlintized :Agent, frill ensftre,s-buttle.
containing sii 'Pills, by . return. mail. - Itecniely Pealed
(11301 all tibsertatiirrt.. ' • Feb 3.'.60-5 , ,1y ..;
:Enfeebled and Deliciiie Voupiiiingionx,of
both•sexes, nse Helmbold's - Extract ISuchu. It will
give brisk- and. energetic lee:lugs .and enable you to
• . • ' Oct. 21, , 65,424 m •
To A - 118MT, - ESTACII TIM 131410 D. •Alin BIaIITIFT , IIIII
ClnllllAPTirrh.. use Ilelnibold's Highly Concentrated flu
,Extract Sartuiparilia. One bottle equals . in atfength
one 011) . 101/ of the Syrup of Decrivtion. • • ' • •• • •
Oct: ! ' " :
ITAIMI4IO3I ..111reilk!
'• WHEATON'S Ots./TNIHNT wilt cure' ttie ItC4 in 45
and alt ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN: Price 50•cebte.
.Ftir sale-by all Druggists. • • ••• •
By sending- GO cent • to: WEEKS ;ki POTTER. Sole
Agent& 110 Washinaton Slsost.. Roston. Mess.. it will
be forwanled by !nail.' free • of postage.. to any part of
he T.lnjted Statea.: Sept: . 113—'0 •
The /Le ridral Cbaanber, kaiay (if 'Warning
and lo.ftruetion for Young lkiee!--pilblisbettby,.the'How
ard Associati9ri. and sent _ free of Charge, aealled.en
velcipea.*: .Mdresi.. Dry J...5.F.11.1.114 'IIOIIOIITO f.
. . . .
' Those who desire brilliancy of corriplextie4.,rtittst pu
.rifyerid eririch . the.blorx.l.'which 'iIEt.MBOLVIV Corms:ls
,TCATE,‘ Ricrr.tar Sir.s.".protit,LA. -iiivriably does. 'Re-
ColleCt it is no potent medicine, Ask for s elmbald e,
.-•Take • Oct; 84, '65, 43-6 m-
.•. , . .
nr1.41.1301.D . S EXTRACTni SkaaArAktm.a...eleanaei and .
renevatet the blood.' instils the yigor of health Into the
ayFtem. and purges-out the humors 'that make diamme.
. .
.... , . ,
.Tgike.lior: woie ViaplensasitT.aitil Uninfe
-Remedies fpr unpleltgsint'atitklangeirms Altitases:.--
ts.e.Hv.Ciiii9Lui FariAdr Dubuc,. ' and• Imritovr, R 042.
.W4Bei. • , .., ..'. -:'.- ' ' - 3Ciet:-2L.436.::-42-Grol , _'.
. .
2 yon :want .hiakers Moustaches! Onr Gre- .
ciao •Corroxuni " . W will force thorn to grow on the smooth
est face or•chin; or hair ori bald heads,• in Weeks.
Price. 11. 00.. Sent by mail ••anywheroi .closely sealed,
on receipt of .price. Addreisi • • • ..• :
• : WARNER 73rocklyn,-N.,
.• . .
"If . . .
E 'of outh.--A,Gentlenian. who' suffered
for years 'front 'Nervous Debility;.Prejnirinre Decay. and
all the".errects Yiinthful for:,the'eake
or suffering- humanity, send' free to. ail who. need ittb6
recipe. -and directions for making: the lithriple remedy by
which he was cured:-Sufferers wishing to sroSt by the
adtrorthter's experience, c an dd PO hy.nddret*inz . .
NO. la
"Jab 27,
111.41L1R, DICE 2 UrAIit:OTEI
the befit. in .th'e
The only true and perfect Dye -Itarmleea—ins
ituntf..../eous and 'Reliable—produces •ft splendfil Black
or Natural Brown—remedies the ill effects of Bed
and frequently restores the original color. Sold by all
I)rnggists. The genuine ii"signed, W. A. Batchelor,. 61
Barclay Street, New . " .•.
-I.7o.n:fluty 10. 'lces. 6-1 y
. .
ITCH, ITCH, SClaTeil 14'0 •
11 - icti.7 • . .• •• • -TETTkit”
Dr..§waynei; Ointment:- .TETTER't
Dr..tSemyne's Ointment. ''FETTER"
' • - “T.ETTER'•
+ICH" • .:NEyER KNOWN • .
• - •ICI I^ '• . T0.F . 411i.. "TIiTTER",.
7e "...Jell" • • • . - "TETTER.
-1.C11.7•• IN •ctritriip• . • 4 sTF.TTEIV ,
ICLI^. •
• ..ICH" ' ' • • • - "TErrElt"
NOT A FEW or VIE W.OEX.E . DISORTiEES that. afflict: mot
kind arise trim corruptions, orthe blood. 'Helmbold's
Extract of tiateaparilla: is dremedy of the utmost value
•,. . .
• Stranue. bat -Irrno;—Ev6: young' 'lndy and
centlemon in the United States can hear goniething
very mach to their 'advantage , by .return mail .(fret; of
charge.) by atidressing the underidgintd: . Those having
'team of being ban:Lb:avid will oblige, by not noticing
thii.card. - All otheia'vvill - please 'addmot their -ohetil,
ent Feryant.•••• •.. • • • Taos. P. CIiAPIIIAN, •
. Jan 27, 488-44 y ' .. 831 .13routlway,,
follovre the nee of • liehillx - dd'e. Concentrated Fluid Ex
tract z Saraaparilla;• ieniovee, black spots; 'pimples
and all eruptions of theskin. ' 4a-atn •
A Cough, Cold, or. Sore Throat,
. . . .
leritation of the ALOntro. n Permanent
Thront Affection;: or anTnettra--*
bio lllbseasto
• .11301#21 1 .9 BRONCMAIUTROCHES •
11441NG A D1.1*115i41.13ENe151r0 ,. .t111.1..P1.111% 91VE DIME
For liroitchOtis, '
Asthma - , Cnitar*lei Von
'. is!mituption'ateid ThroailDimenscs.
TRAVIIES ARE TISZI? , WI ' 4 II :Atsviira soon. 61700F80.
will find -Troches useful in clearing - the .voice when
taken before Singing'Or Speaking, . and relieving the
throat after an nriniquit exertion of the-vocal orgaris. 7
The l'rochea are reconimended and
. .preseribed by. Phy.
sieLans, antlhain hid testimonials from eminent mei
.throughont: • the. ce/notTy. .Beirig en article of trite
merit,, and baring proved. efficacy . .by a tel . 510
many year& each year finds them in new localities it
various parts of :the world. and . the Troches are mires
sally pronounced better'than other articles. • •
• 'OurreiN Only "Ilfievxzets ISt otioniktjnonim." and di
not take any of the trartlikis imitations that may b(
Bold the United States, and in POrel
Countries, at 35 Bents .
.• • • *".
October, '6
To CoosokoptiTeir:—.Ttie adve r tli er .. .1 2 , 14 .•
been restored to health In a few weeks by a .very ,
pie remedy...after having suffered for seve ral years wit]
a severe l ung, affection ,: and that . dread dbssoe Con'
srunption—is anxioto to make. known to hle fellow
anftererathe means of . • . - • . •
EO ,
-7- ill Who desire.% he , nd 'A dopy ot the pre,,
seription•nsed (free , of eher.l9,,,,yith the„tiltectimik 4 ..„
preparing:, ind thshigAbs Wame, whkh their will find r .-
sras man - for Coniewrtiosr,':-.Airimen, .
Cikr6ile, Coins, and' all Throat . - and Long - -4:irectlnnr
The only object of the advertiser ,in sending :he Pre
. se:Option is to benefit tie afflicted:And spr.d Inforink,
.tion :which he enneeivoiato he invignable: and he hope
every sufferer wilt try his remedy. it Win cost then .
nothing, arid may provera bleasine.-•• • .
Parties' wishing tAe,..greecriptluit.:_anat, -hL y 'einn
mail;Will Please address Itev.IIDWARDA. WiLeol4
Jan: TT, s-ty: • WlMEstsbinvl.4.lo4.oo..,N.X.
Da. . . .
s, C .
.11CPertectliair ilhOiDreising
Comb axid best ; SoaparatioKfor the lialß
eve; pr•Oeurettte theldiblie:t7ll l la:_every instance
reatorel2..yrsillat_ir'4o It , :'.4:lrikinirr - *lor (whether
ot, • SC awn). Wattause' r win* upon Bald ,
when their.diseuseal,!Thit. ll oreilitarY•
t.! frowirrallilas , Oir,f4ir Tornio;
Grso., Ciaria:4 4truOtkono. o
Scolp,•rsiliteosaive 136 . Eilawirulr, Sind
I allay all ikhiraipg , It *elegantly Re-Aimed. and
is that eat be des ired fo - rCD.ressing. IT IS NOT .
A. DYE, but by nopplyinu the secretions Of the..emills
. ry glands acts IS a ROSTOREII. It will not SOIL the .
7,:flnes(lblett, *SPAIN' the nicest bonnet. .• . • .
AllightSM*lll.ll4 that when Children's hair la harsh
r 'aadwiryoeth meindiscant immediately improve
-..izon tar - Inittrtanrhead- " Tbdr.preparatlon
....pull/dna sagai of leader other .articleir deleterious
:.tri thitirdiso common in most Hale preparations. now
In die market.: It la used and ,retzuomestded by the
clef e rd the faculty„ ' -
, f e,..rolirtstor ityntielliat Nati Vet* al4p.
Pp by t hit b1.41 - .Bopat#gf
s' pftease; or tee.pumer
one preparatirm with the' market has been.fil
foia Few Jearepttet,' bit' such Coutidence does he place
". le the inertia ot his Restorer that he offers'itt all casm
••to ivy - urid the monty after a tanarrasuk triak of two toP!.
ties if give.perfret asNajodiiar" , 4 .r
• We w.isastvi it in every instance, and one.trial will
.7torrritiekthotineietWettitfigrortter . nittife!!"",_
- Call for. DR.' CLOCK'S 'Excelsior
• Restorer, ASU THIS NO taut& ..• Sold by all Drug.
iSit°4t.P.l4QW bottle. T six bovles for,Ss 00,
. r
• hanchester.
F, SANDERSON,' Druggist, Agent for Pottsville:. Pa.
-1 1 13118:':: , •- - :.: - - -FURS.'.' - :•...--F1J813.•
,- . .w.A.0..L!§4:4.g . ...A,ND RETA.Ip:
•' • • . •
- emus . & .sorrp';.
Rase nowpen theirlarg:lo gpieddid,,itoci
CAPHS.: • '
Alio the finevt itssortntent.ot FANCY FUR ROBES,:
• CA.PS, MUFFLERS, and GLOVES ever lbel ore offered
.by them: and which are "warranted toleita represented .
PIPSNIP M1UM5,.310117 61/1T.":,..2
Nov. 4...&5.. .
• ,
.. above aattet, Ray J. BarieCta.T.ocon, Pastor. Sem
lova ::Sabbath 'at and 7. P. M. Prayer
Meeting, TucEday evtalag, - at 7n; o'clock.
,gttligiauft futtiligenct.
.Chittriti..—.While the
ChureliitCtindergoing PleiViet.s. will be held 'Ai
the 00ert.lIouse . at ocirkils. ht
R. tigwis, .krviees eery Sabbath, altonaatety, at 10
o'clock, A:ht.; audit treleels,P.3l. . • • ,
Hainiet Chtiich.—Sirdiy mnrniug see:.
vice (10 . 36 o'clock.> evening nervily Q. o'clock.) corner
Malaantougo and itti street*. • " -
• • • : • ' S. IL. AITSTN, Pastor,
. • • . . Residence Mabanton - go above •Sth Street.
~gar Val On /Prayer .Sunday
morning, from 5Kt.0.0,y,1 o'clock, in the frame . Chnrch
on Second Street, beiween.Market and Norwegian Sta.
warrEvnugellcnlChnrch, Cal loWidil treci.—
Rer..Sautt.,.G.,Rnortns; Ploton.:Will preach German
Morning at .10 o'clock,. awl English in the-
Pieniiist at 7 o'clock:. . •
Or First .IVreabyteifan 'Church; . corner Ma
bintongo and Third Streets.. Rev. IBA Pas
tor. Services, Sunday DMA.' M. and ".7 P.' M. Lec
ture- .ThurSday erenium at-'7 PraVer . Meeting.
quarter- before 10, Sunclaymorning.. Stindky School,
2 P; M. Monthly public meeting 3d, Sunday of every
. . .
• 41 - 4871141 Prerabj•rerian flhrieht. Market Square,
Wall. S., D. E.. Pastor; • Services Sabbath .
rnorpinga 14-10.4 i o!clock: Everdnfra,''at. WeekV ,
Leeture. and • Prayer, Meeting, Friday, evenings at. 8
,o , c?.ock. -P 'asfoea reaidenco,•- Mahantongo . St.., corner
6th or Chnrtlitiul street.
Ver".ll4ernmion - ..ltecorneed .letrierch, ; Market
Street, Rev. 'J. (2 ,. . .13twitRE. Regularf io.m . , fces„
alternately, in the German and English Janguagr.s. ev- .
ery Sabbath day, at in A. M. & 7 P. M.. Prayer .Meet
hmr• and Lecture every Wectileeda,y evening at T P. 2d.'
German •in the morning. and English in the evening.
February :441- and IStb: . - • •
English in the nikening and German in the etrening,
Febinary 1 1 ant1.2;411. . . •
li. RKIEh.
All .11arriage, ,Votiees must be acermipanied
,with 25
cti+tx. to appear in gile4ol3 MAL,' ' •
, A I...I.IIOI.ISE=WITMAN—On-lhe 15th inst.. 'atTrtie
residence of Edward Owen rams', , by Mad Rev. -W.' P..
Lewis: - DANIP.I. S. - At:moues to CLAs.A. M. . 'daughter of
the late iTharles Witmau.- - ... .
BORDY-MILLER-:-On the 10th Inst.,
by.' he Eev.
M mm
J; Phil Stein.' r Aar Bonny lc! Miss ELLEN Mn.-
tar.a..both-of.Sebuylkill •Raven; Pa. . -.-- , : :. '.' • '
13Ah . ,
Roir. - .T.
S. Jaues'NPCoUnell,,Mmicisc. Donsozi.-taq.. of Tanis
glut N Miss Itzzir A., 'AiitMhtei - a Francis .Dani-11,'
.Esq Kaskawilliam, Schuylkill Co.
EDMONDS—OWEN=On Tuff -clay tifternoon,. IRtli
Inst.. at the Church' of the Rpipbany - ,. Washington.
hy. the, Rev. Dr. 11811, HOWAlLDl'Emtntin.,,or
Pottsville, Pa., to NARY. S. fivirms, daughter: of Saml.
W. Divea, - Rsq., of Washington. ". ' ." -•
. .
• , WILLIAMS:-lIALDE6fAN—On 'Bata relay.. 10th.
1114„ by.ltev. C. Spun'. Mr. liplovin..T. of
MEL!)4,P O Y PIM: htivi KATY. HA!.nr.lB A 14.0(
Simple. announcement* et deaths, free. . Those air
n•mpanied - zirith notices, he., maul. be paid for at the
cafe 4,1 10.:centsper line, :
~. .. .
CC/DOOM—On the 7th -het.: In • Ginirdillle,. ANNIE
TRAnone.:danglater of Johnand Ann Maria- Cohoon,
ap.'d 2.years, 9...tnonthe - and 2G daye.
..Danville papers please - copy, - : - . .•
POTT—On the 6th Mir. at the reeidence of hi. fa.h.
er—Charic.•Pott, neat Ifidnimapolls,..Witmxit Hay
Parr, aged 20 years. ' •.• • - ."
' we'mparn departing. 'friends,
• .. ' Or shrike , at deathM eittrrns
'Tie.but the voice that Jesus sends . , '
•• • •
To theta to Bia arms. '. . • .••
• •TREG'F.A.: I On the inst.; in Pottay,flle...Tonn A
TRFAKA. a native of Ermlood; and an. old and hidhly:em
teemed citizen of this. Regina; in the 6.3 d yea!' o bbt Age
NOTICE..--Those who monia over the loss Of their
'departed Dead and wish to Mark their Once of iCIX?£ , P
With a suitable memento, are herehy-respeetfully In;
:formed that an extensive' Marble establishment will he
.opened In Pottsville. .fonming April) Norweizian St:,
between Chid and Railroad St.. where choice assort:
mint of Marble Work wiiihe ready for eelectioa.
Also Granite and Reriwn.tone work done.. r •• .• .
Further _notice in due time.. • • • :
(ai;:NI4At - A I.A NO Yr IC E,S-
- TO icz is hSteIAV gives that letters.
Oalent' dated the 19th of May. 1563,- have beeutssued by
the 'United States to Richard B. Dttuty for improvement
- on Coal &liens, and that the' patentee ht. prepared to,
sell colliery and breaker rights to such 'tie desire to,-'use
his screens.. All:persons Infringing the said piitent.:rvilt
be.duly, Yew:toted. For.righta. softir '
'• RICIIARB B. 3:101ITY.
. .
or to YRANKLIN R yt: A lowEx . ._
torney , , Porzi l le
FeblT, '66 .
Yo. 23 Phitridelphint Exehange.--.
Psti,Afts.Lcst.,!,.. Fein -situ • 1866. - -At.
"the Apopal
alecting, of the Stockholders of this Company, held
this dily,.the eentleirian, were artanimoirly
electrd so'gerve the ensuinc. year : •
D~airFurss, T: Ellgar Thomson... ffialthew.ilinfol;
Thos. J: Woolf, Coffin Colket;. Charles E. Lei, Robert
W: Ryores.: • "
• C0141:113 CVO !SALE.-
'virtue at a warrant, „directed to „jtlell. by_
:Tattles A.: fitness., Callecter of the ' Tenth - Cfoilectiott
District of Pconsytydnia, •Wiit . CXVVIC to Politic &fie;
at the Lewis et' in the Township of-Norwegian,
Connty of Schuyikiil,.. at 10 o'elock.. in the forenoon;
. . .
day of Febiruaryi 1.566,
the following articles to lease from the ?dam .
Moth Vein Coal Company to the Yottsrille Mining anti.
Itia onfact nri fig Company,. t Mine coal at. the - Lewis:
Coll iery..having about eighteen years to rim. Also one
Frame. Engine Reuse. and cOntents,• consisting of a
sixty hiMee.poiver hoisting, Engine With linieting Att.'
paretus complete : also three Boilers and connections:
also a Breaker and fixtures!. connit•ting or'o.e six Mime
power •Eegine and. gearing,: . Screens ; coal
.Schtitm.2tu.•. Alan one Frame Blacksmith - . Shop, with
Tools and a lot of Scratilron„ Also a Frame Stable,
one Bay horse {named Rock). one Bay Mare foamed
lietiy), one she. Mule (iron gray). 1 one-horse. Truck
'Wagon. onu sett .11arnetec'th,n00 feet; 'more or less.
stmared.Timber'for' Breaker feet X Inch
Wire Ropk• three - Wheelbarrows,. three Shovels, Ave
Safety lumps. . one ker. .Nails, In Slope Cars, 2' Dirt
'Care andebant tie feet 14-inch Leather Belting.. • •
indzed and taken iu execution as the piopeity. nc. the
pottsvillb blining• and . Manatacturinu.Compauy, and
Kill-be eold by me.- • 31 , 10: NI:MILLER: Depnty Cod.
Collector's Office. Potts.ville; Feb 16; - • .
1110T1418..-The ;riodervianed giVe notice
• that, they have let to JACOB Kt:MIX for him
1.14 e.. 2 horses : I.two-horee spring avagrii); Arida doable
Etp of barnepa : - 8.. NEWCOMET &
'Pottsville, Feb S., 1 . .5,3 e .
thin. day been admitted as a partner. in my
business. The name of the firm hereafter
_will be H.
Pottsville. Jan. 29, P 66. . , HEBER B. SMITH.
}I.. •
.B. •Se - ••
. •
Plutifberai,Gsiii Fititio 46 Dealers in Gips
.;• , Fixtures mad • Plituabrns itlntpranleo.•
Alt work.warranted and Paomrrtir attended to..
OFFICE,-Matmutonga St., Oppoiite Union'
Pottavine. Pa.- • • ' • ..
Nia",--11gtrest . price paid for Old Copper, Bmsa and
Lead: ' • Feb.l. •
NOTJVE partnerehip heretofore ex,
lating between the'nudereigned in the black
amliblng• and' wheelprigitt bus} nee.a.. n .the Borobgh •of
name of •George Ae4cnbaeb
*.t Co., Is this day dateolvpd. by mutual commit.
• - • • J011:^.7 F. EFEFFNER. •„ .
• Millersville, Jammu 11, ISIIG. .2-6 t• •
J. C. RuLLINGER .Proprietor.
BROKEN COAL, at. the yard $4 50-;-delivered, $5 50
EGG ' " ." - 450 " 50
STOVE. " " - 4 50 •• 50
CHESTNUT" . • " " SOO " - .4 00
rE.A. . - " " 200 ' " 300
July SS. .65
. .
CAB.- .D. . -
• . Porrevicr.a. Jan:sth.: 1386.
To the' Citizens of Pottsville and Viejo':
ty.-L-flaving completed our Ci3illery on Sharp Moun
tain. smith of the Presbyterian Cemetery. on the Vein
known as the 13tutiough. We are now - prepared ',to for
nish.PlNK. ASH COAL, of a onaltty which has
no Oupertor in Schuylkill County. We shall prepare
• ' our Coat in the very best manner possible, and AL
We have erected schutes capable of holding: a lame
quantity of Coal, so that parsons coming for Coal may
not have to go away disappointed. - '
Persons wishing to have an article of Coal free from
-• elate and all other. Impurities, will find ft to their ad-'
"-VW giVillg•Olar Coal a trial. • •
Orders left - at our office in Mahantango street, (Sam
uel Cbrismanns office) at Lewis Grim , s - tobacco store.
Market street, or at the mint* will receive prompt at
, •
Hoping .that Mir enterprise may - be .appreciated bj
the citizettraf -Pottsville-and vicinity. we would most
respectfullyeolidt a liberal-share of your patronage.
Delivered. •At Mines.
.. ."IP 30 .1. $4,00
330: - 400
3 50 3.00
1. R.' WOOD. :
C . ; Q.:CARTML4
" niekei
• Egg
Jan IS 2.
tif - ANTED;.4, 36
v., • Oaf anteing wit tl t blibt_elrety -.4 " 414 ,t:
addrday,-with• ntninnn• 'MANITPA RERk.`44
is; No - . 400 Chestnut titt2eet, Phnisocipt i i c
'%lFeb 416 , '• • .--
wai •
• Therunderolgnetrwant 11: trop old
lets 3n any 'quantity. b. he dettvertup n •
,•Iowa( &,11/41XESIIL,'Conf
IPeb-17 : • - • • •
a.." ilaitA.Da•:,,WALNTßix—Acrote Corrtn.ll
la „Fa.; ," for ttre...beet,lboint Head • oil hig - ;
ilsroinev universal Broonr-ii the botv e n h , 1 . ,,
in. the country .; No Patent-Richt to !xi, ea - c t" T••
territory without &vac.- Agents an, ~,• i ~.1
fast: -Send $1 25 for *ample , nr for Hlnuill, l 4 ' V. ,
~. ~ .. -...J. H. 10 WCROFT 46 CO . MI ti
';'• _.
Febdire ofJaa. - L. Haven di eo,,Cinviaw .}-.'
• • b 11'. `64 -' ' - • I.I O N .
1 1 1IT T ;ANTE d
tanami ...An experienced Paver IP -'
who on era P Plata Panty P IT , 4..
.. : who
to> , PHILI P N AGLE, Mark o 1 ,..4 3
y "TANTE. xr,,To obren an iaterei t i ll ~,,,. ,
R , nliteri.vOlere an Vlive Partner will IQ -...
w e. . ovriomtiol some canimi. j u l dre ,„
164. :‘,..,-,
.x,„ 1v..,Wvv..54.11111A P- O. All eAtaitrovi:
arenc . -..- ~._ - . Achland. Feb s. vf—g.i".
_ _-- •
. ANTED n o d -
F 0r13.1 inch Twel
The hi g h" c a.. elro " ‘ " e° 4
• paid On 3trarbinery': or- , Porno
E of
itra price paid for etutio .Cr ith,
enpioc : o arid.utachinery of all kinds beuebt .
OODIMIBIIOII et tbe.llachinery Dvpot „nc,
• JABIZ t ip .
I :
,Inri3 !dere by lien will receive pr om p , rE!..
""'" ,
&gn *Ube" to pnrchtpe y
Ny tom p tr
Frogin ! ay of 20 or SO horse-power sub.. Ai d ;
Slay kl
• • • • &PARKS, p ot 44... • .
. A GENT& Wanted to take orders rot
iinerbook.novi.publishit. A• .
ri r
ninz.sqsrofir es nu I ' GR E
•- -'
RELION ? I • •
iiimirrising.tierole adventures and heir.
of Kddieris.rcoute, spla; and refufrees dt.;;,. _
of .srnuggler% - tenerillas desperadoes and 43V11:
of jogai and dlsloys) women storle.. or th t
an d incident.. of fun and , merriment;-• • • -
Geld. By Lieut.-Gilead Charles S. Greene ti,
Unlted.oltates Army. . Handsoniely
entruVings.nn steel and In 01l colors. •
Bend km' circulars and'see tha • Mend ienii t
S..GREENB & CO.. Pahud,...
r t . -;
f• -14 n. 3 . THIRD Stree t
vcrAlicrlgD=-To glee to. Person-who
the' time and trouble' tn . procure pp- • :ri'ir' ,- Sptl,l
aeribers. to Ifall'a Journal ol Health for isns
*l3•elti. ite:cianlce"at "the c tabiletnnetot of
Wilson. 625 liroadway, New Yortt.l?t one of to - 7.:47'.44
V - %
s e ving.sulehtnes which are sold tor: cool,
dollars a:lab:and the tame in: Tin portion !or
priced Machine up to $l5O. - The Machine
sew all hinds otjalnica,.and la * th e chilp h t
Specimen number ; , etit v t ,t
tiro cents. F.C. GOL)FREY, Broadway. s 4 .
11114 N E lrretnrtted in full,. if after a few th,
of tiodfrersa iternedt,
finsatisfactory. Sold by •P.C. • GODFREY. ,"
..S3l Broadway. New ,
'York • Ss a ti , a--(ew
more is the preee,ription ill one of the MOH ar
of Habig 4tiocessful Plofeesors •and Sn'reem. d. '
trnitert'States. and is known to be a scirotific
effectual remedy. Occaeionally a caon may juvi,
•into an incnrabl 'stage. for man lirat,
that no one may be imposed on. the above :-'-
accordinti to the printeolataternent: on each ho r.
Feb.10."66 •- • 6-tt .
-tom Whereas Letters of Administration
Of JOHN J,FERTIG, late of Butter Tatrut ,
erased. have been to the tinder:lieu t .&
eons truiebted to eafifeetate are requested tr wn ,;;
ment and those havintz claims to peen num ..
enbecriberin Warry Toivnehtp..
WM. It Boum;
N TilE,OßPl3.4l.l*Blcoular •1 . 4,14 , .. •
Colinty.ln. the .matter pf the, -
THOIIAS LINCIII. deceased:—The
ditor, appointed by the :nth' .Court: 11'1 =.'
balance Int 'She hands of tst her Lynch And .6 1, 1 ,1- .'-
Adiefulstratorts, of . Thomas Lynch. (•tw
-v.:- their ircoant bud" ounon:: the - Pet,
titled to the same:"lvill attend for thst:parpoß , .• • •
Office in the Borough of Potrimille:on Wedn e m,
day of Starch, IStIG, at, to •
' . • 3011 N .P. lionexy, .
Pottarilte t .p.105, - .15G6 .
:FllO ALL Tale' iIIETIRM AND liitc
RE rit E Th2ra vES . of 110 i
'DAVIS. late, the Borough of Saint Clair
County of Sclittilkill.'deeemed. : . Puma:lnt of a; •
of the Ottre.csa• eomer of the County of Chu';
inquest .will be held on: the premises :of the de,.
in'the Bororigh i.f. PottaVille, in the 'county at ,
on-sraturday,.- the 3d ,dor of March, I%
' . at 11 melockin the forenoon, • to make trentisti
'Emil Estate of the Bald decemmd;;"to and am;,,
- thildretrandlegal ' rem esentativea, -If that ran be:
without prejudice to and spelling- of the wash. I.
wis..ttci value and appellee the t'mtheti. midi;
you may attend if you think proper
• • . M. HORAN, Eat
• Sbnrlinabflee. Pottavillv:.reb 11.1 . •
1. 111 " ilbss Quarter -ISensioiaa - .44chatik..4
Lt the metier of thh, petition of sundry freeholaitl.. i,;111
vacate apart of a public road to the Boriew,hofir,
'And how:-Febinary upon the petitie
Cherie's - Heffner.- John Ebert. Brown. Err: -
Giunz.. Gehrge Martz, Brivid Sternbr4itcob Star,'
John F:S'ramons. Isaac Quinn: George Z.h.
'Evert. Peter Mason and- George Dimmerlier„,.
freeholders of the vicinity of - a public road bate...e1...U.:-
mentioned, praying the Contt to decree the
the following described road in the Bormigh of
lige, in shill county, to- wit Beginning et a
Marketstreet s at or near the ; , corner of said aurr.v.-cl:*
Wood street, and extending to, a point %dee,
street joins or intersects with said pablic-roa.l-ir. e
IA granted upon'all the partica-desirfe,g to burl •
appear In Court on the seventeenth day of 4
at in - o'clock, Id.; to 'show Cauge, if ii4S Oval
why sald•road shall not be closed up and - verited : •
• By the Court, '1 • ,CHAS. A, RABS, - I
' .Feb 17, '66 ' .•• • 7-
GEO.IT.,COLKET:Se . cty.
Feb 17, .65
.C - as, Letters of Admlnisirsthsc MI the eslatti y a"Z- -
- 1
.JACOI3 KOHLER, deceased; late nt,lteens Tows..l
SchnylkilLeonnty r have been ginnt , site2 the
of Sehnylkill County to the cinderblock ante. " 1
indebted-to the saki estate are requebted to robs'
'mediate payment, and those baiting claims er db7:l
against the estate of the said decedent, nti
known the same withourdelay. to'. I
SAMUEL SafIWALIK., Adadolocvr
Feb 3, .66
•.CL•ne Lettere of Administration on the Estor,-;. ; i... 111
EXANPER GOVAN. •deceatied, late of Minc ,- 1tt•;;; -
Schuylkill County. ,hare been granted ! to
signed by theßegister of Schuylkill Connty,-41,
tits indebted to said estate are, requested to nub..4%'''
mediate payment, and those •.having claims wit:
the aline known withouttielay to
• ,ALEXA:s;DER CRYVAN, - Ja.,l P. T t •••
• GEORGE SCOTT,. f Admitiet •:.!• ; 1
. ,Feb a.. 68 - •
ITiIE 0 LEANS , CollRTefrtk
. ki 11 County..-ln the matter of the enewa .- .:;.•
the account of Abel C. • Thomas, 'Executor ofirt' ,
N. Palmer. deceased. who was the Ziecritor ".•,•-
will of Sarah Ann Fulltnahtt,. deceased.:.-The x,
eigned, , Anditor,•tippoititedby. .the said CM!:
state and, resettle the: said; 'unbent. and to ,2 27 ''t:1
the-fnntitsin the hands of 'said assa-twate..., .
the legal heirs otattiti: Sin& 'Anti
thereto, will attendlor, that puypoee at his OC:ti
Borough' of Pottsvil le. 'on Dontiftsy. the 1911;
of•Februaiy, A. D. 'ISOM, at la . 1
fnientyln, of which 41 peraons interested are kr , '
tilt N/ ', . ' JOHN P. ROBWIVitit
, 32n. 26 4 66 . • ' • '"
•1. ktll. Coutity:—.l4 the matter of the :
'Jacob Bieti.decessed.--The ntnlersighed. •'sakt Court' to restate • and rased
accottnent Charles Bretz: adnalnigtrator of thitsu
Jacob •Bretz-late of St. Clair, deceased, and
ate the balance in his hands among tYose
receive the same.-hereby gniea notice_ to all
terested tit raid Eatate, that he will 'anew:L(llW
pose atomsaid at his °nice in the 13Ornnell VP - !'''..".e)
'vine. on Tuesday. the 20th day of Febras: : ls,ril
.A. 1L866, at 19 o'clock in the fonntoon. - .;i:
:Pottsville:Feb 3,- .66: • : -51 l 71
TN. TUE COURT of ClirftllON PLY.
01 senultilitix"co [MTV.
_ in i vy! ,
• vs •
I 11 - o '1 De e. Terts
TIMOTHY c...ndyrx) . .
The undersikned having been . ippolnted Ash:.
restate and resettle the account .of Jacob Tkr 4 P ., •,"
receiver tu the above stated ease,: and make die
tine of such moneys as may be roana in his
attend to the ditties of his appoiramenVon Sale*
the 117i/e'er FebratitirrcifiGth it id ocYd'.
11„.; at his Wilco on Eahantoritto Street , •
•• Pottsville, 'Feb. a, ,66 • • 5• ••7
its" letters of Admintetratfan on the Pi!
CHARLES SPRINGER. deceased. note d
Towneldp. Schuylkill County. . bave beett
the undersigned by the Register of Schuylk
ill parties
estate will mak..
and all having claims will
_present them to Iv
signed. CHAS, T: SPRINGER. Admisifik
Jan .66'
FOR SALE . :AN.I):To -I:ET:i
uiL.Ero FOR tfiAl,l3.:—Tbe undedr).-
'four pair-of mules, *elf' broken and gn.: r .
env for sale Apply at Puttaiille Depot::
Feb:l7, 40,7-30 • AMOS Sal:::
.VOIR i 4 1 1.11 E.—A very desirable and cenr.n.l..
lI prov6-ty io PalcrAlto; trfew doom ahore tt.l
Palo Alto Hotel. crinslatiog ot two . good e•••
Pt en tial frame dwelllnok. For lxirtirulat. 11444 i
.to• - - . HEN'SKS.Srdfc DUFFY: PoSt.':', -
.'.or ELIJAH BENSINGER. hat. ,
• Feb 17..66 . • • , • ,
• 14, I:2'or one Acre Len
Pottsville: on.tbe Mineetollte Road or above tr , '
tnFlatibach. Apply to •
P. W. RREAFR.R, Attorney ferot 26 '
Feb. - 1 6G •.• • .
LT_ .
O.USE . Afifll 'LOT • FOIL KALE*; :: • : - J,:
enbacyiber will twit hiallonse andLoti•z o.
50 0
Etta 'Markt,. St.; in thellorongh of Putt-^"- t " - 'i
The lot is 25 feet' front on Eaat Mareet St.*
190 feet deen. The Noose la a two-atory Fara- , ...
In ~, o ixi condition With a well of water on tt , t 4 -giai',
well stored rt ith choice fruit. Poeeessical g 1 ,7'.,4,:,.
diately if.,neeeetatry. • For term*, etc . ain't,l ' ,
premiees to the sobtedber. ~ „ SAKI.If.II..r- - ,, .:
Febl7, 44 - . . - • '"
. .
. .
FA R.SI -Folit S A CS C —The anbseribe l l
. 7,..
at private sale bls Firm, located In li4i -.-..
.helm Township.-Schaylkfll County. 'alunitptg
mile froth Ornigabarg. : .-It mullets of 108 ICI/ ' "...;
of the hest red shale lend, about 50 or 60 strei, • .i .
of which Is in a flcer - sdate of eultivatititi.: ve'l' ~.,
and Is nearly ale level. The buildings' enr.,6' .
Frame, House. large Frame Barn, nearly n- - * '
well of good water and Spring Muse oil t heie ) ,
This Is a very desirable farm, and.will be LaU. , ,,' 25
than any farm can.. belt:alright .In,the neigbten
For term; and.othi.r. particulars.. apply •••
ICK FRIED.. residing on the alto nIng JO farm or!,
subscriber In Pottsville. • • . - . 115 1, ' , -q.
re — Rending Eagle •insert 5 tunes and sena :P'-•
mediately toltila 'Moe. • --- .'..;
_ .
I .110jETAlt LE EVIEOINE. Two andlt-hq, •-•`'
a power. for Atlie - cheap. -Apply .
POW TIENT.Ii. room 20 by '32, feet. 0 1° • 4
near Manch Chunk street. suitable (Jr it4r o
poses. A good location for a Shoe stors
partfruhus inquire at-the; office of asi MU S
cioarnal. ' • -.- Feb lo; 16.-.3-3t•
pOR NA partly in. St. Chirp
L in 'Norwegian :township, 50 by 100 Att•P
corner of Chemin and Aim streets.Tenns 00 1
Ctuutioritui bons, Pte;'
Feb S, '156
P. - .
IA NO FOR" u r 4
Whicb"coot 1500 about two jeans ago. ,w 4
feu been wed bat little, will be sold at $3.v.)--.>
bargain. Apply at this Mice for particulam
"Bob &• i-3)
•` t~,e~