The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, February 10, 1866, Image 4

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    ,- ~ . ~.
arit and IL', -*tutor.
itoar rae.-Pk 44(.4 4 P 1 4 4 s"f"radY. iNt9h l -
• Jan." 290*
cianfidlitg If
>dars-say one prominent faalt, 'tie. -that
Wie4a In Pacil*lt ; KetY i!bitAn EKT-
I sun credulousref U I read an
adirettl6ol3lBl l t of a Patent medicine, or • rif,a
sewing Machine, accompanied by Immerous
testimonials from Clergymen and members of
the Legislature, *I am so conviacid of their
indesPensibility that I invest immediately in
them. I have. spent several large thrtunes in
Sarsaparilla, and - clothes wringera, and have
hall Cotnpound fir Antes of the heart, tut in-.
calculable nuMber of. tithes In =sequence
of pinning' faith . in. faithless damtrett- -And
now I have been done again; beep impersed 4
upon, taken in, and well. nigh brijught to
that state of mind that always Preeedeti
rAirms, proprietors; and printers, lend .me
yourears; you needn't offer me money, - forl
owe more now. than I can Pay, and I . don't
want it. IrloneY is worthless to * a- min in my
condition. Filthy litre can't heal a broken
heart, can it? Gold, or rather greenbacks,
can'tbring tali back lost, affection, can it
. think not. , • • • i
"I could a tale unfold," end I'm going to
do it. I 'intend to unwrap it, coil by coil,
until yOu have the narrative'laid le all its na
ked deformity before You can wager
your internal revenue on that
• For six weeks past I have teen advertise
ments stuck everywhere stating that a mask
ed ball would take place at the Academy of
- Music, on the 25th of January. All the
papers /laid it would be a first-class affair.
Thatt the dire Of t h e city - WonW * lre ihere. That
ittvould be rise/lc:The, and a good many
other things that nobody knows the meaning
of. I had never seen a masked ball. Had
read a great deaf about the Carnival of
Yerdee, *and heard interesting young ladies
execute it frightfully on the piano, several
So I concluded to gO, and take Tilly with
me. Tilly Is a fair maiden, who says she was
once sweet sixteen. She is rnellitluotis twenty_
now: Frizzles her hair
. when. She doesn't
wear crimps. Wears fringe= on her;jacket,
and red_stockings when she eicatcs. I taught
her to skate, - through much tribulation aud
physical suffering, and she confided in me.---:
If•tving_ wealthy parents, I couldn't do less
fin . her. Wore the knees of my trousers out.
one night, on the parlor. door, Jelling her
hoVr much I loved her. Referred me to her.'
.Pa, and had the thing arraugelf. Going to
be. married in the Spring. Been' talking ; it
over with her for six months past, until. I
know it by heart.
Asked Tilly_ if she wanted to go to La.
Coterie Carnival. Gushed Out in a gladsome
.shotit of sweet surprise,_ put her army around
my shirt, collar, smiled sweetly, and said, she
did. Got her to dress as glee!' of the Morn-.
ing, or the afternoon, or just before tea, or
something of that kind. I got myself up as
'the Wild Bedouin of the Arabian *Desert.
Baggy trousers,' and a table cloth around my
head. Presented a fierce but somewhat fes
. five,. appearance. Paid $lO forthe tickets.
-Recollect that. Cab cost me $lO more. Bear
that iu mind. Got. to the Academy, and
couldn't get lu for three-quartets of an hours
small _boys all around, making sarcastic re
marks about iny—excuse me—malves. Face
tious young man wanted to` -know why I
.ditin't get two laths to prop, me by S and.
Gut le, finally. Tilly went to one rocm, I
to another. Took off tny. hat. Fellow charged
me . half a doll,W for hacking it. up. Took off
nay coat, ania her half dollar. Unbuttoned.
my vest, fitly cents more. hoots on,
and they cost fifty cents apiece. Didn't take
checks because I hadno place to put them.:
Weet for Tilly. Woman wanted $4 for
taking care of:her fixings. Paid it, and
moved for ball room! First_ thing I saw was
an innocent old ass, dressed as a Feejee Is
lander, in a shirt collar and ornamental tattoo.
Seemed to think he was cutting a swell. But
Then there was another, _man dressed' in
lleih-colored tights. Tilly blushed like an
August sunset, when shesaw, him and looked
the other way. Didn't du much better, how,
ever, fur right before her eyes was a damsel
dressed like a ballet-dancer, only with a
shorter skirt. She. was curvetting around
like a turkey on .hot sheet iron pavement,
and without any apparent regard for the pro
priettes. Then.another fe.nale came along
dressed as a page, in silk stockings. and
another as a Turkish boy, all apparently lost
to every sense of modesty. The floor was so
covered that- we coulda't dance, and Tilly
was considerable on the rampage; bee tuse .
1 had brought her among such :a company, 'so
I took her to the Itstrestonent S awn, to get
supper: Ordered a dozen fried' 'oysters.—
Waiter brought the whole of. them iti one
teaspoon. TltOught 'would try stewed.--
Wa.4n't enough to cover the
,bottom - of a sett
cer.-. Concluded to lay out on chicken salad.
One mouthful apiece. .
Got' up disgusted. :'Went to pay the
Youtig man merather . insolently,
as it he had done meta personal favor in let
ting- me come there, and asked me for $lO.
Took all the mouey I had to pay it. West
back to the ball . room, only to see. Julius
Ciesari dreised in a white sheet, dancing with
a female whose dress was as short at the top
as the ballet dtraper's had been at the sairt.
Tilly blushed again. Then, she . .leard some
scandalous remarks that were made by two
youths near her, and did more blushing, and
bail rather .savagely she.wanted to go home.
Went out to my dressing room Man wouldn't
let-use have My clothes because I bud-no
cheeks. So had to go• home as an Arab.--
Called, but recollected that' .I had no.
money. Nobody - around would lend use any
becauae they didn't know me. Very, likely
wouldn't have done . it if they hard.:-Very
late. Cars bad all stopped running.
Had to walk! home through the slush.—
Tilly waded along in silence. Told me to
come le, when we reliche.d the:house. Said
she wanted to see . me'partieularly. Went in.
Tilly -looked draggled, but serious. Said
rather sharply, that a young man who would
deliberately take a lady to such a place,
araong.bad_ people, must be .heartlessly cor
rupt and depraved. Said she didn't %liant to'
have anything more to do with me, and that
she had loved, not wisely, but 100 well, or
something like that. .
Tried to explain, but she : wouldn't listen,
so*" went away in despair.
Consider myself finally laid:out and ruined.
Think of taking board at a private .mad
house.. Reflect upon my chances is a row•
with the proprietors of the ball. Have
chasen the most valuable.portion of valor,
and concluded not to fight. Have pretty
much decided on taking to hard-drinking, and
choking Mr. Gough off as an antl•ternperamee
Constantly find myself repeating some pa
thetic stanzas; like this : . ' , •
• • -B Myt J, 4 nor ,
Find much relief and .sympailietin feeling in
the concluding-words= • • -
I am riot cad. bat goon shall be.**
AN Irish drunamer, who now and then to
dalged in a noggin of right goad pCkteen, was
accosted by the reviewing general, "What
makes your nose so red?" "Plase yer hon,
or," replied Pat, "I , always blush when
*pike to a general officer."
Eaten sad:image is responsible for the
folloWing : ,
"A cow was struck by lightning ad ba
shfully "filled, belonging to the iillage
clan. Rho - had a beautiful calf four days
WIIAT IS the difference :between a spider
and a duck ? One Ilse its feet on a web, and
the otber a web on its feet,
Massa, one ob your oxen is desd—;tod
der one too. , 'Fraid tO tell you ballast - once,
fear you couldn't bore
• • 1. . .
- - -.• ' - 116TEI •••--
.... ..
-AMERIOAN,..-1-10USE r!
. . P0TTP11 1 41 1 4,.. ...-. : ..
i.cituTtlat7:cotrzet27l ErnsrL, . •
- -..
U. 8: - IfEWOODEEP,i,Piopriator.. •
- Iltis “Ifoneel having, bees , dumb ftw the pest four
re-opeurilla Walt* =Add IA err,
pirtieelar meet Ma went* of tha public. • The Wed
and tieslit degrabielineurveanente have been introduced
in every department: Large anAspeOlintfi Ha bee
Mint Parlors; Fit' lug Roam. 'Prifiatr Buodlie r g Erma-
Ilird all ;the conveniences . and legilesmentsliniedlirst
CUPS trade. pun:abets-with unleterrupte4 nattilsilon;
each handsomely furnislied with sold Walnut : superior
hair mattresses end Tacheive hair:pled ivringa f . Dallas:
Bank Eillialde.' &ft. ;loch have :theft respective de- 1
'partmente farniatiodiosood gatle.: ' Large end come'
ulent gelding is oinnected with the. harem ;tinder the
ownerrbip of Magni!: 'D Doom and - Jaiii" Lm • - e.
whose names are sufficient to guarantee that no neg.
lea' will he allowed -in that 'department: - In fact.
nothing bas been spared in make -The American" the
Donee of Sciutylitill County, - The - lessee having an
experience of some-.fifteen years • iti public .bu.inces,
during which ;tittle . having been Proprietor
Union," Arcit - Eteeet; Phlllidekbia. also -Ephrata Mt.
hprings,.. Lancaster Co., Pa:. anti both - In operation at
the same time, will give , et.. least some, atenrAnce of,
competency to cater fur the public taste.
170,172;174 & .176. Greimw . ich.l3ireet,
• ( (o.wEsgrAzi- MOT 07 1111:CiADTALY.)
Betweei Cimrolandt ac.Dey ists., N. Tfrrli
JOHN -p.eerrvi, Psortimi.
. .
.- . .
. . . . ..
The PACIFIC ROTEL . ta wet( and.widely known to
the traveling public. , The location is especially suita
ble to merchants and businessmen t. it /sin close prox
keit), to the business pelt of the City—ii : on the high
way of Southern and .Western travel—and adjacent, to
alidlie Principal Railroad and Steambiiat depots, - -.--.
•The Nettie has liberal accommodations•.forover Bon
guests ;"it is well famished. and possesses every .- mod .
ern hnpros'ement for the comfort and entertainment of
its Inmate!.' The rooms are specious and well
ted :' proiddesi .With gas and' water ; 'the attendant :6 is
prompt and:respectful ; and thutable Isgenseausly pro
vided with every delicy,Of - the season .
The subscriber; - who, foe-the past few yeartc.lins been
the, leaise. letiow side . pmprietor, ' aritlinttnids to iden
. titv himself thorouuhly with the interests 'of his hie house.
With-long experience as a notel. keeper, he trusty by
modereenhargee and a liberal podiey, to : maintain the•
avoralile reputation of the Piieldc Doted — . • - --, -
Sept: 2, ' . 66.,--Sti-dy.... • -. J 0 11./if PATTEN,'Jr.
. , ...
• •
... - . tlesti*St” IPotsville:,:llPn. '. .- • .
FIIIIE undersigned. would res*ifally . inform - his
. L .friends and.the.pehlic in general. that. he has taken
the well , known “North-Western dieuse," "recently dc-
copied by lir -Daniel 11111.. in the Flor, . -, . .
°ugh of Pottsville. and will devote . ' --1 , ~.."-:"").. - '•
his whole time and attenti o n tomak- -- ,
Jug his guests' comfortable.... The. -` ?fir- •
house is laree-and continodiotia. ...Ills -- '---v-F.f., - -"'" -
Trails will he supplied with'. the test provision* the
'market affordi. and his Bak will be stocked with the
choicest Liquors.. • There are..exieljent-and extensive
Stables and Sheds. and 2 large Yards . for. : Drovers, un-.
tier the snperintendenoe of 'a good , Slid reliable Ilestler.
connected with the Hotel. • Ile therefore.-fespecto l li
solicits a fair share of .the public patronage: - - -C
....- .Apiii:27, 65.-IT-tf: , . --- .WILLIANI. STERN - CR; ..:
. .
• •• • .
UNION • 1-I.OTt „ ••
hate gXCIIANOE - lIQTEL.) •.
JACOB LiNllfrp •
aIUTII, ' -
April 4: Ha • • -
N. Y. & Haven & Weatern Depo
Beach. Street, 805t0n.... :
B. PRATT; forrnerls , a( the American Tromso.
. .
• tiAuitirA.H t E„ CUT 11 4 11KRIfi• Into*, •
grwrsz MARKST.,.. ":SIGN or Tut. SAS
rottsville, •
- -
scrap : iron. and - itletalltiOethanlB,...
• . . •
• .VACiltSle AYD• FOUNDRY: pun
„ll4. R. Omer of ;SWUM :..;
ISQUTII Str.est!x,.
rigot Copper, Ingot- Wise/ Red.:dn:
Tin. ar.Tin.-Plg.Lead..:Rar Lead.--.Spelter: - .''Avramony,
Babtilit Met il. Bism'utti, Solderif,".":l3a.-rvon: - ..Stieet Don;
Sheet-Zlne.. - Steel, , Bar4x, Cracildea,4Pimiiilry Faelrem.
Agvils„.Viees, 014.Nlia-ala, Cupper, Old
Anise.. Old Lead, &e..
irßr - New and Niachinitt+ , ..aild Black.
arnithe , Toola, and Steam Bnglne.4, bnught ' andanid, .:
ot every de ! , erlptiQn to nee by:Machin
ists and FoinadiTmem ii nlo,ed to order. .• •
Cash paid for. Scrap Iron, Old Rau.. • and all kinde.of
Metals. • ' • • ..Feb 7, '6l-6- .
Governm.ent Securities,
U. S. 7-30,
Bonds. of 1881, • *
:5-20 Loan of 1862;
• : . 5-20 Loan of 1864 , •
• . • -
.2 • 5-20 Loan or 1865.
ALL kIIsTDS - OF STOCK Bought and
SQla nu Comtnisal6n. -
COLLECTIONS made." on all poinia at
lowest 'rate. . Nov. 2.5, '6s= i 7.
. . . . .
A o r i t.- •
Chances :for $l .. to.
. 100;000 Widebe, Chairin.theiteta, Maga, Bracelets,
beta et .. .Jewett t. tiukt . Pette. ' -
TO he:disposed oi at OISE . DOLLAR. earn without re
gard tv v - alue, udt to be pald you loam , what
, .
you are to teeetve
..:100 Gold lituiting-Caie Watchee.....each $5O to sllb
600-Silver Watch .. . 3tl
t o 36
•10.000 Gold Paul und,SllVer Case • each bto $
1000 bells Ladles' Jewt.lry;. fareorted)eacti 3to • 1,0.
Aud alarge a>twrtment of Jewelry or every deecriP'
tion, fur ladles' and gents'.near;varying value_from
$3 to $.2.t. each. • gnu !netted 'of .disposing of ;hese
geodis at sl.each . is as follows : _ •
. ck.:ItTLFICATES naming,nn•AßTlOLE" and its' price
are olacedlo SEALED utsiNtlopts - and well nfted.
one of which will be tent by Nail to Any :addreei .. s on
Nceint of Price. - tide Certificate 25 - cents., :• ?tie for
I $l. 1. There are no BLANKS; - Yon must get the vaine
ut Yoermoney. '.Circulars , • particulars NREff..—
Ailiss. • . • :'A. liAttPltitA C 0..•
aato LtrondwaY, N: Y.. *.Boz 4213
October . • . .11-4 m •
A ready. and Conch:mire - teat of the properties of
rtzudeoLo's Alan Ex - rn..cir Beene will' be a cornpari
agn with those se..lOrth in the 'United States Diverts&
Wr7• . •
)321.xisor.D's 'ExTgAer - -Duran! and Imnoorru
W.P.-eu cares eecret• ind delicate disordens; is all their
stages, at little expense,' little or , no change in diet; nu
t own , enie D ge. And no exposure... It is pleasant Inuit&
and odor, immediate to nauctiott; and tree from ell in
jurious prypertles.'• . • ;' • Oct. 2-8. .G 5. 43-6 M •
. . .
ChII.IIIII3TEA4 SUMP. 114BILtgl; —tile beet
-"‘" -in the-sastrimt. . Try it: Try it! Fur pale at-
• • '• -_. • •.• . GEO: IIIttORT t CO.'s •
ij ec .3o -.. • Ileidwaxe and Lon Wis.
, .
Rolf IL&WIE; isusiintsepudi by Lilly—the best in
the eirentryr-tue sale by B. AtiNNAN.
04keesini avidligiyeerita:•—er interifir
4.." • tide for '
prumotiA. ghe growth of the Ilolr.-st
D!trt: ft; '0411.1 BROSVNT - . Phatzwientbilil
~. . .
•iti •
Isloo •
I will pay te - any rqe , Fri •
tesetty. the 'din viT tin° Mr any anzipoiind duit Pte` - :
_ars more medial .1 hues sitrU: axiom pima
B, MlSRTAL•Prpixiewr... ,
egigini.L4loo o 4 2u .
. •
$ too , *
PrY Sloo.ltewaM'teitindleraraery or any medtair
nal prepanainn that oar, care a greeter variety of nom
plaints than
~.)Hablers Herb Hlrteta. •
. • • BralrinUraßt MintwArk**.
• • Orl%irinflkOtreSHlStqr - JalMag e !r I*.
I will pay $5 0020 the - ProOrietra of any no
can show a greater number of .genuine Certif ates of
mires effected by it near the.ptace where it Is made. than
pecerfa. 'Liver' (141 m , Ilkorvlrlel rit, 'Diarrhea- 7
Mudd Remittent. Intermittent and Mimi) 'Fevers, Fe
ver and .A 4 Pr-.. ateiteraMorlmwTelkow Jai:Make. Scrof
fula.Buunlng.or sore Litv: Csober.. Abeelle.l 4 :eneal - .
gia Rheumatism, Conchs. 0)1(18 :Cramp In the Stom=
mayoriorrh,, eicald
Whig-away .sickness -peculiar o l den.
Lenchorrea. Falling of the Womb, all Obstructions' to
• the'due come nr. Doom in fernalekz.sil venereal dis.
' moot' and all complaints arising from impure Blond '
a weak and disordered mate of the. Stomach. Liver or
Kidneys, Certificate , of oireirof the.YellOwlire*r in
Mexico can also be furnitbed. Reinember if it does not:
cure, the money will , be refunded by the poror.
• 13SNIAMIN Mina Eft,
B.3..Corner Of Centre .Stplare: Lancaster; Fa.
• • .
The Irigrectents, used in compixinding
. Miableralierb
Bitters are not kept Pecret by the I'mprietor. Fend-for
a.Circalar and you wil learn the medical properties or .
an the artieler tried In the prePiration also . in -.the
manner in which they.operate on tbe antem, and much
other valuable information. .If..youitre antlered with
dlseaPe send for bitardere Herb.: Bitteiat'ireulari nerd
it tan:fully:profit by the - Mute It containi, - andycin
be plated nn:tka 'sun, road of recovery. .
. .
'ArisuLEßPs..Erirrisus WIILL• .•
'Disease , of the'skintre - ntrineronsi andwlth 'brit. one , .
tirtwoex.Mptiorts:.,raay be traced to, impurity of, the
blood. • in many persona. this impurity is born le .
system: while 'others acnuira •it throne' '. imprilper
treatment of score: , 'of diseases: . Under this hemd may.
•Ist. Scrofula .- Tully diseasels hereditary and is tnms
mittec.froni.generation to generation...4t lam : used by
a transgression of the: laws of nature: both moral and
PhYsital ;.in other words; it it Matted by vice: • Acting
'as a latent 'whim) It reduces , the :vttality'Of the tdot4
and weakens the depu-stingornam, that.tbey fail to:
discharge or cast ont the Impurities that are continually
generated in the systeni; A eerthn physimtlg Imre at:
quires nonorrham, orsome other secret disease :1w on.
derettet , a stilaeof metctiry, - the disemeis
and the patient pronniniced. Iran delusion. The
clan lain n‘wcured . channel hi only divertd..
Inste P ad of making its appearance outwardly t s etsen
theintettial organs, and scrofula., which. is imlueathed
from lather to inn. is the result. Many—pereons
arepprfretly free from' all immorality and. vice 'are ars. :
flirted with scrtifula. They are Suffering. for the'sins of
their fathers, andlabOring ander the Curse inscribed in
the Soak of Books: Will visit the InlqUitieti.if the' fahers:upon their childrilLe •.. ,
•To cure this dreadful complaint It. necessary that '
the blood shohld. be thorimehly padded, all the ornate ,.
of the body brought into a healthy state of Whin.: and
the system braced up and strengthened by invigorating
tonics- Look. it the articles used 'in "mtn'pounding
311shlers Bitters: See the array of -porifying'and 'nein
orating medicament 4, and say - whether there leawartk
de ha the, wholeof medicines that equals it. :We
,here emphatifidlyiaisert without the fear of .coritradic
.tion: that' blisideraßittertielll cure all kinds of scrufo
`WU& discateti..."lt purifies the 616).A:it:strengthens the
internal Ornanitand'aidatherstio perform thew natural
• functions. it Wu stimulant and a tonic and cure
• . 2d. Banning SOTed 1611 . : Ulcers , —ltnoning sores and
ulcers invariably indicate 'a scrofadons [alai, - They are,
mused by the effort 44 riat are to, discharge the impart
'ties of the blood...lllanypertont inflicted "with .running
' sores and ulcers suCceed iri drying-them' up: end Mink
they ate . cured :when ' the -Skin grows 'crier the sore.
They : are, however: bit -'making 'bad... worse." for the.,
. impurities : : that "were dlicbarged from' the 'system.'
.through the Medium- of 'the'sore now act
and: cause innumerable often death. • The
• On'y true mid' cure cure Tor all riuminn sores and ulcers'
. l lishler's Litters, a cent ailed and persevering wept'
irl biek will most certainly effect a: perinatteut core: ,
:id. Salt Menu). —S m eit - Rlien :is a vinile.
• fh,trough. 'popular term given to shined all the MM
., febrito eruptions of the skin that - Afflict adul.a. • It. is
;generally au eruption of 'vesicut in small distittet ulc
ers acc"rapatti, with. 'a smarting. ttitating
: sen.ation.
: • with a tendency to creep or spread over lite adjoining
.surtace. Mishler's Bitten!. are a. sure .cureforthis die.
4th:l'imples and Blotches. - -t'imples and Blotches on
the skid are sin aye a sure sign of impure. blood. Al
:though never:dangerous. eicept in cases of carbuncles..
they are very disagreeable.. Otten we Will see the . mok
hatalsome features reuddred. hideints by. gresi blotches
end:pimples. and iterfead of the "p easing look which
.shouiddrradiate the' hutatui ' late we. see. nothing hut
disgusting corruption, for
: pimples' and' blotches
nothing blit the eltriupt.accumulatient of the system'
expelled throstiph the tnediUm . Of the skin:- The use of
Mirthlek.s Bitters Will force these:corruptions:to tie filer
charged through tbe natural chattnels,•and thus cures
all kinds of pimples and blutenets.;--Ladlett who.
a lair complexion. free friim.. phtiplet, should bear:lids
.• factin mind; '
• , .
11~I$E1LE B' S
. . . .
. . . ..
. •:,' WraT -IT: mkg..DONE . - .1..
Capr, b "b. trablos says .be ware cured et neevere - case
of .hibuidice anti Chronic Nerd:Kea: "contracted- in. the
Army, by the use of Ml:rider's lierb Birtervi.- . -• •.
, . .
. .
The utatemgoem a former rm , ident of thin city: now
Al:aiding at }Gat Wayne., Indiana. having been afflicted
with the above eotoplainto While on, a .v1,1 . t.t0 Reading.
'wan Induced totry' Mohler's ; llerbibittera, and has the
sattalactithoo abate that they have performed- a radical
Cure. lu gratitude to , the discoverer of thefu.Bitters.. I give this certificate and for the befietti
of others similarly situated. '. . '-• - -.. • .' .
. HARRY - A • V9tIITAtAN.. '
dersigned certfies that he was fur ti long time • severely
afflicted wittißhetimatic pains, which incepacitated him,
• from MIMI& iug his business. -.Not being able to obtain
relief. he littully,reSirted to the use .of Mishler's
brated herb Bitters, which : effected a permanent cure
hartbe course .of ten days: No return of .iinyof the
. symptoma have been experienced since and: the cure is
a radical one. ..• C: M. 'DEEM,
' • S. E earner SthinalMtarn Streets..;
Reading, 'December fith, 1865, - •
SFr :—The tinders!, • ' hav
ing received great benefit • trim the ase or your Herb.
Ili tiers; tak e opportunity. bf acknowledglng the'
nine. in order that others iiimilarlyatllicted, - ma y learn
thefaet. Having been afflicted with severe 'rheumatic.
paine iu my lett - shoulder; contracted by exposure,
was lora long time unable to sleep.. I tried y.
Ditterte:aud.after taking - one :dose I was able to steep .
twobuure.. I took another dose and I slept two hours
more, ahem regain. awoke • Ltheu took another dose,
Went to • Sleep and from - that 'time I haiie, not been
troubled with rheamitisin, 'bat I continue .to use. the
Bitters once in a while as a precaution .against the -rer
flea ot the c I think. the Herb .Hitters.the
.. best. triedicine in existence.fur rbutaaratn,. - •
Itezdliug,-Nov •
,j oHN FEHR..
. For sale at the New 'Wholesale ..Wine and-Liquor
Store. Silver 'Terrace„.Potteville. Pa.• • • .•. •
' • 1111 E NAlltltSbl." & DIVEFIV, Propilefors....
-_ .. ...
. 1 ) ".
- -. y 1,-c-i
.- e -,,
...;,i , .4 . r 1.-
, .
. - .L. A .-
~ •
103,5. M. G.. BROWN,
. .
Froil a life of study; bbl,:er . Vittioll • and oipeti
sacs, and : : years .. of ,practic a l. application of my
"Alet'.physical Discovery". on thousands of .
eased men, women: and - children,: I have .justly :
come to the conclusion'. thet every fan:MY:in the,
land, who Witlll to get rid of diseabe, acid keep it .
.at bayi mist, lisve - .my, Metaphysical Discovery
always on land; . It. is a:certain pre'vent.ktive
against disease. It also treats•and . .destroyesthes
eauSe" of 'itt,;ease; consequently the-
. effccts die ;
beginning - with Ddafness; . Clitarrh,:Rhsumatiani;
Neurailgisi eith every :disease. man, woman or
It is the only safeguard'sgainst 'Cholera. It
- cleanses every sewer of, tlio,human body, hard
ens the flesh and purifies' the blood. In i untie
queue° of the above facts, I have this day re
dueedihe'price, so as to.leaye no barrier hithe
way of. the diseased... • •- • .
. . .
Tha . package' consists •o f three 'bailee - , one
'rated for,the EYea, One" for , the tars,. and
. one for
the Scalp.. , These . three .work - In.conjunction, •
parsing . into the' ystem by absorption,....tlini
ling the very" root of disesee,. is in a.spe ,
cifie - locality inthe , :head. , '
MetaphysinalDiencipiry is picked in a neat
wooden ease, and:Wilt he despatched to any part
of the..weirld on iencipt of.: the prine, which will
be.from this 25th -day of November,: sold at $4
per pkg.., or three $lO.
Celebrated Poor' Richard's Eye Vidter. Large
size, $1 per bnt.tle, -or six bottles . for 4'l ' Small
'size, 50 cis:'. Scalp.. Renovator 41,.. or six bottles' ,
fnir ; ss. "'Ole medicines can be obtained through
your Dniggiists,' the Depot, 410 'Arch' street,
Philadelphia. " -•
The following letter is one of the Many: which
'I teceive'daily•at my different Offices': .
.' • ..• S•raTiorr,ltov. 20th, 1805.
IlDut. M. ltiowtt—lihidam noticed. an
. .adeertisirtent io a•newspapei-"of -your_ iiletaphys
• ical Dliccivery. I sent for a package,of the med
icine.. I write to tell'. you that it prove 4
• perfect success in 'a . case ;et deafness • - of many
.years' standing. - NOW I send .tO ' , yon for three'
packages for my-neighbors, who,are
the same' Yours' imagedfatly
. • ' Bnapp's fitation,Crawtord County, Pa.-
. Perfect enre for weak and diieased eyes:
The Metaphysical
l'A tecorery works bflawa.alOoginai
as those Whitt revoke Abe stare: •
Ibe Celebrateii POOR. BlCHAtties wA'TItR
.'• is the kw/ which opene the door. to the health of both
mind and body. Lei:all use It men-nlng.and
Pleaseaend to the Depot for a circular: , ' ..•
' -For sale 'atria by JOHN 0. BROW ' 80tf. !Drag
gles. Pottsville.
Dec. 2, - '65 •
EW CA NH S T 0 ust . °pelted., itt
II the. stand letely ocetipted bj Gen
tie etreet,.nearlyoppoella Market,A New- Dry Goods,
Grocery. and -•.Provision Stora;• in, which will be 'kept
constantly. on land • a choice • 'stock - of Goode In that
-Hoe. Alen. Queeningare„ Floes and Feed. Albe. - .1
The undersigned 'hoporty-ablet attesitket - tolareP
ease, ra receive sialf 'barrio? tha public patronage; •
.• , ROB=T 91.0. 1 ;
• pottrilie„ October itt, , 44-U .
- Jost opened, alendid seserinient. of Foreign end
Domestic a WirolinfirßES: and. ITEST
INDS, which will be eat and,flt in the latest end
most kettroved styles: at hie Old. Maud, liteiitet" t
streat,-s few dome above CeniZe, - Polle. •
• • Taildr.
rune wham; Chesse• in *be Blearkeu cost
statbrit B.pun i = 4 .4x Dek7,Psne
a -M arid
• ft • MarkatitLeet abov . e Third, Pottallix.
• ' • • • - •
•• I '
FOR': willlEr
loon Atte new4tonewniodlietwkSui
.ll: t u Oinva frouTruutu:llo 4 o 3
hem orinanuut 800 awl Scollop fiewes z•-•
with wery. now raio• and . action—. Any I . t •
one desirous of pirchaning. q 4 ,ses the_
Inolansiont an Mira the terms . *Wu. (lOW ow
dersiglea ac tholluico IholalaaUipsiat.
Zan 1.14 , • -. 4.46,1i011M • I
FOR nifititi:44 iOrti itaa
irtal s,coomU,7ltUatWffiBasellirkie stilt. PAW
tula— -APO %co - , • AWES Mt-ISOSILN.: - .
- - •
• VOING-16.111,11.—0ue Mites= Malls .113V1
a: Abaft, ry - Wbeel. Pumpi.Ase. =. Apply. atiOlace.
Little Schuylkill Nwrlipitlon, Halltraid d Onal
riy.*Tascittpis, Pa.. -'• tam: 6. '65,
... . .
ti. far Sale.—A two-gory Brick Hotam a nd
a tam story frame Badding ta - the rear
. of t
Lot Lot twenty feetfront lia oho - Minaret'
ninety feetdeep to Ulm street eamer of Market'
Fifth. street. • - - - J 05.11511 D. - JONES. - ,• --.
JunukrY9,l•66-4 tf - .•:: - I , on the Prembem .
,E l ollt • aACK. —"MO "ITNION BOTEL. 14e Mr
• ohlageltotel; to the Bornosh OT Pottrrille"
• - . No!'ISABELLA P . , 41,1014 or..
' • -
Dec 30;..65
M .
VON .8A1F;E:-5 bet of
/TA pump stubs.and /mike Oates et melons slues, and
siarge lot of spade bandies. Rodt or Sltb shaft" , Al-.
an several pump shafts and Wheels. T.Wo large pump
*tie* '1 feet dbtm;., 12 Web fare. 33( pitch. . Also we.
eral.abafts and spiders. Two small drums suitable Air
a breaker • also a lot of pump pipes 14 andl4 Kobe,.
A large +string of Kleirator Buckets.. new. suitable for
boistilig dirt or coal. One email Cylinder.floiler suite.
bleier a 3 horse engine dr for steaming Wilber.. Tinsel
new boilers. 31 Inch diameter. 21 leet in length. ...Two'
new boilers. 36 inch diameter. eo feetin length. at the
)fachinery Depot nn Coal street:. JAR= SPARKS.
100 Tens Nos. - 110,16,44 06.116 SHEET
Roll 26 inches wide, far lining . Cosi Shute's. Apply
. • . 1608 Market Street;. PholicielPhia•
F on: 14.41.11 C.--A tbrea.atory Brick 'Dwelling.
. Douse on Mabintongo. ''street.. Thehousellt
eontit ins 12 -maw; with the modern-improve
ments—bath room. gu. kitchPn range. Porpeir,
ticularp apply to J B: MotahlANT. antoPßo 6l, .
eecond duor below . Fourth,. North aide; . •
Pottivllle,.Dee lath,
Housivo worrsiti.lEv•The undersigned
mas for sale,4lwo-story 'Warne ands rwo-storyßricit
flousseo, situated on the corner of 4th and Callowhni
streets. The houses are all in goad condition.
PoKsessinn, elven on theist day of 1566.—•
Also w•ftne bnildingliit'fmnthte Arch • and /lace
streets, 200 feet deep, and
.160 feet . front, on which: to
erected'a cellar wall, 30 by4o feet. calculated 'for one
or'more houses A good well, and all hinds ()Unlit
trees. Under eood cultirauon.:'•• This is a. tine - lot for I
cottage building. as It overitedcs the t0wn.,... - .•
adjoining this.lot, is aboutan'aere••of ground,
- well fenced and under good cnltlvation, . , •
For.further particulars enquire of • . ,
Dad L , NAGLK.Merket Pothwille.
It,l A 11.11111VERW -PPR13, 4 1111. . short
IU. trot : e Stoam'Engine:l2% bore, 'it inch stroke.—
It luta hien refitted: 'cylinder bored Oak and:hits stslit
packing. One 12 barge pouiir Steam - .Rnsine. entirely
new. Two Dlmpfel's Patent Fans. suitable for a form
dry Or smith Shop, at, the , Michlnery .Depot on Coal
Street. • ' JADEZ STARES:
1 - 4 .4 Of'office; Corner. Centre and
ket ntreete. me oil Market street five daces
from Centre. • Apply to ' L. C. TIIOMPhO' •••
Nov. 16; , 05 • . . 46- '
14, 1 1.11.4 L- L-SIX , NEW ROILERM,
I,' friehes by BO.reet.: AO?ly . to LITTLE SCIIUTL- .
s• . Oct:k4;s• '4A tr •
LOOK 144.11".E....i..0tei undiiided . /interest. in
. 1: a vplaabla"tfact prolluctive -COAL LAND, in
New Cwitie Tirirnship,'SchnylkiltCpunty, noiv:worked
by 01 , 6 Apply to .
'FRANKLIN' GOWEN,- Pottsville, ra...
• Aug. ' - . .
. . . . .
' 4 l O EC t 4 A 11;11,..."—0ne new •20 Home Power Enitne,
■ In-inch .tlininoter. 2 foot Woke_ • .1130x....:bed plate,
gfrrernor snit forcS pump complete.. -
Also one second hand Engine. 6 horse pnvrit;l. Mat
dieTtletee, 16 inch stroke. Box. heft plate, governor and
menhe'.sld dienp, • ,
: 'ALLISON .;t• BANNAI 4 .T.
Franklin krob Works: Pt. Carboi..-
No;i:s, ;m.o.
F4)11 , . 14 41 ,1 t.: 1 0 0 ' . Acres. vidnable Red Shale
'Land Air, Farining,- situated: In Loenat
There is'A" tine streankoc , water, 'fey : end -rirge:aininis,
a.dnetwo story nuuse.akid bain, and.thresh
.:. • B. .rotttivlllei..Pli.
,tinee-story Brick -Building, mad as a Store, ',Ware
house and ihvellinr, situated Won. Side Of Rail.ljk:
road street{ and east side of Logan' strent.,:in thfl
Borou,tei of Portsvilie. - For farther:: particulars,- , • .
Inquire'or ORORGB ft POTTS &I.:o.,.2dineresißp.'nz
A: S.MOORILEM), Pottsville.
~.Jane is. '64.
VAIN /1.1? PROPERTY Tor N.4:1 7 7E.
7 . —The - Water .Power and front Ilino to W 101) acres ol
liinuntain'Lanl is offered for sale. This proper-M .
ty Is situated West '.Bruns*ick, Township.'
Schuylkill Contity; op the Little Schuylkill . -
er and Railroad. 'one mile'aboceiliiirt Aninton; and • Is
knownas the • Schuylkill nate l'ioperty.:-. For tering,
&e:, apply 'to GEVROR .SCIIALI.,"at Or
'[Nov, 28, 484 f
if lost Landis 'nt Privntg .tiltile.—Tive nub."
Pcribers offer:Ter .sale TS% 0 TRACTS OF.COAI:
LAM!, .ecated in Schuylkill County.: •
Any information co:men - dug theree tracts of Coal Land
aUI be . given on iipPctititt-tp Bugn PAii/iDON,'EIIq.,
of Pottaville, or either of the subscrilAre; • • • •
• . - .GEOHali - SCHALL, •'.
ExecntUre of the Estate . ofJohn Schell. deed..
R R.MERO-4319 S of excellent Timber
Land. contnin.over a 0,000,000 feet of
PInP and Ileralocktlmber, situate on 'rroutßun,...e .
a branch of ,Lyecanlng Creek , . 1.4 milea from
tianosport.' . FRANK CARTER.. .
. Real. Estate Agent s Mahal:My City, Schuylkill. Co.. Pa.
nest ruble Dutni I ing HON taC foe SA ic..;.The
1-I.undersigued offers for Bale WS' threer.t.ol7A
-brick do Ching.. Situated' on -Not weglan Street..
east of COW.-lioie twenty . feet front, and_ .
snout : sixty if nt
eep. withg lot adjoining. twenty feet
frofit and about eighty-two'deep.
,The dwelling has all
Of the - modern conveniences. incluilinglas. bath-main.
hot and chid waiereaange, slut hot and Cold water in
kitchen, and heater in the basement to-hest the house
throughout. • For terms; ett.i apply on the premtses; •
Ditc-24..G5,4f WREN. .
if`tOAL LAND FOIL 11.113NT.;;7 , 4N1e. IMMO 201
Coal and Maher Land on the Eastern Dim Tract;
Containing several Arelntrof Coal —the lifinorioth 75 feet:
the Lehigh:lB Teel; rind the ,Skidmore "1U •feettillek- 1.
mile of a rim:which forma a basin; 1. mil e sinith of
barmy City. itjoins the new Boaton Company; who
are now operating on the aujoining_ propertr orvthe.e
%nine. The Itallrmad 4Company. are. now" locatino:the
road, to tie completed neNt''SprliM. " Henry Snyder, a
.tenant on the propeyty,.heePti a hotel. For farther in
form/Om apply•to. . •' MURPHY.
Polte~illaSmitember2, I SGS: .- • • '
TO. - iiiijamiE.-.-The Schuylkill _Coal .Company are
poW prepared to makes Iruses •on their lands in-
Foster Township. Schuylkill County. Tlieselands are:
loaned on the very, beet portion of the Heckacher
sin, having over four-mites rim on . the Daniel. Crosby:"
LealOr. and all ;the. veins % known in that basin, both
above and heloW water. level. Favorable. leaves with
an Abundante of tinibee for mlchig purposes. will now
be.niatie good tenants, . a
-pplication . 'to E. A.
PAClilifi..President of the Company. Thrifty Build
trig;.-New, York,..iir to. C. J. 'DOLMEN% American
House, Pottsville. - ..6 . 5 . .-3T--tf •
Gion tan: TO ILEASE.—A uact:of
Iland.' situate half a mile - west of Llewellyn,: in
- Branch and .Reilly . townships, Schuylkill: County, con
taining 430 acres. :having . a. run. of threu:fourths of a,
toile on the folltiwing wins/viz: The Grite Veins. Sel
kirk. Black Mine, Tunnel:Faust ank-Salem. Parties
wishing . to purchase or fo losse will' Make application
to ~• . . , JOSHUA. LIP.P.INCOTT. •- ;
• , *let - atom of fhe• Estare-of 'James Dl:intim.. Accessed.
• at iiat
Or ticeIiARLESIL HILL RSA Estate Agt:.Pottsville.
Aui.tnFtl9, • .. 33-0 .
4100 huh Street,
. . , . .
- 1, • received Pelron' ratent.Slotes. with • leaf for. OM-.
ces and - (. loiole. ' Also. Lehr MentOrtiodumei'. tor tke
rcizet. - • For.rale'tit B. BANNAN*.S.. Centre Street,
, , ... . . . . , . .
• For - tion.retent iori.or
_incontinence:of nrin,
inflammation or ulcerhtion 'of the.oladder, or.
kidneyg.'diBeltoes of• the prostrate . glatts.•'etope•th the
bladder, raiculue, gtavel yr. bria. - - du-t deg ait,aud al'•
(11,4.80e1i 01 the bladder,*: kidneys' and • dropvical r;vel
hngir,.tiae •IIkI.MBOIVE4 Rt.tiut Errsiar I:sucitu.
.• October.2l. . :• z . ' •
. .
. . .. . ,
t• xi E1qic.4,41 WA TCIIIES, In gidd.and 4liver
ii..mwes; American Cloelie, and: Jewelry. or all*.de
,ciip.tiunii, can be 9bMined at the .tore of :. ' , . ,
. - . • ... . :. . • ~.. Al. LEIMAIEFIS, Agent, •
SeM. 1P •63—tri _- .. •Unntre street, _ Pottpville
. . . . ,
WAIICI3 which choice or fill up - th . pores of.-the akin,
itnd•ln a rhort time leave It harwh and dry t Itls in. the
.Olood: and It hiLI.WOIII. Smooth.awi stilt skin use Heim
hold's Extract of Sarsaparilla. It gives* a' hilllianCyrlO
mpl • :- ' Oct.. 'Ai, p 65. 4341 m, •
. ,
raTINE ill Poll TEO Ai tfE .
GARS, isold‘Rattil.M, '0 cento•e. piece by
• • ••• . • .0 CSTAV..WOLTJEN,'
Centre's:: next' door to the Lnion. llotcl, Pottsville.
. . . .
-.. • 113eranrk.x.frnm Coramer Anctionia.l
• After a careful examination of Itelmbuid'a hennra
timie, they - e 1 =moot confidence. ....We conridcr
them fade and rellanie." - . NEVEERS..t YATES. .•
. Fulham-mu. Jane 12,.18a5.. Oct, 28. $5 . 4:34 1 n. '
. „.
MANHOOD ' AND YOTITIMIXI: VITVVEL 'are ' regained: by.
Uo4.sraucn'aEiraier Bccen: Oct: 28,415! 43 6ni.:
Petenta . .sMicited—:Consultatlons Engitrm inn; .
'Dranahting and Shetches. Models.and.plachinery or, al
kin& ;sane and Malfully attended . Scathil atten
.tion gikU' to 'REJECTED CASES and INTisIRFER
ENCES. . Antlientic • Copies-ot ..DocaiineMs;frola
Patent Mee p.oCuted. '
N, 8.L.-save yourselree useless tremble
ling r xpensea. se there is fib actual need for peramal
ithervieW with mi. • • All • business. with these Ollces.
eau be transected-in writing: - For further intmmighn
direct as above; with stamp enclosed, for: amidst' Kip
references. .
.Jan .
Fin' Sale atllitnnfaetureraDepotis=„ • •
, •
Nokia ltrova Pa.
No. 1.41 Haltiolore t Ind
And by Dialer" In general thionghbat the paint:V.
. .
The 'nulterlaf of 'Which MORO I . IIIILIiB'FRO*
PRATE L nianeliired contains ity percent. mere
Bone Phosphate than. Ravi Bone.; therefOre if, le viore
durable. • .The - ammonia . pirent_ sixes 'it - great ad ,
Fieeyears• experience tine nrOed to the Farmer that
it makes iii‘xier eves stable Manure, and
la not only active " .
INPRO t b ril.LLIPB, • •
• • • Bole IPr9pTietaituid-Ilanifactaier.-
• ' - flke.GrOmelgttritte. • ' : . • .
8 " 11 r5 ,3 4...
11C3,0122;CC6170410f Iftilril46
itanittog that can 14
Buth -01 1"t ial14 -.-* - are gis.P294-*l:ttre 49 Gin.
a cticyo.try• -1 o:titV4s. •
NQ: 435 . WALNUT 5r..,.f1.111,.41)A
genviiike lmpro►ed
Super-Phosphate 9f Lime,
)050t1,1,tQN.5.1 . ;::',[,-:..
• butoithls ihsv trammel fan C.m"oart-.
nereMp ander Me A 44,LAWIII:f. for
the ttlootolkii'Vtit4l bidden; 6. .; 6
, W.V. J. WARLA.N.
Otio; if) awaliTtiollYikindinto
'ew *0 14, * ii001)173,
latiPrillata diß ilidlirfor=imaaa a
Aiaptrittelebtr,llar.tha , of'tbo
ITholswokr-40.4iXdmiiusw. - at No..:1111.8 WALNUT
81186 T.;•- Thopuao of Wo ;kw wM twr R. A W.,
'Philtietiiitt. Jam 10. VS • •• _ ,t•Elt•
TO6. II A * UT P -.heretofore eitstlng
mess Attna of CALDWELL- SAWYER'&tw ati
Philadelphia and New York; HALL: CALDWELL
lila., and E. ft:SAWYER & CO., at. Boston: Is this day
dissolved: Ritter of the partners will ate, is ItgaWr
73 H:MWTSI;_
ienitary.l, 186&•• ' - • •
.•• • .
us Endeesilstil' have We day yetereit In to
O•pirthership. and Will ctinunttelhe ow business
mider.drins of:CALDWELL. GORDuN & CO.. at 1 , 12
WALNUT Street.. Philadr.lphia. - tuid NO. 33 TRINITY
BUILDING, ,New.york, • and of HALL. CALDWELL'
tCO., at 144 HTATESIreet, 'Burton: • • -•
• .
• • ••• - • • •-• / 'SAMUEL S' TOITNG,
. • - • . .
SHE ILinderslitited hare .this. day enteridinto
I.'Ckwartnenthip. and will continue the Coal bintness'
ender thefirma of QUINTARD. SAWYER & WARD,
'at No. '0 PINE Street: New York; and 118 WAL
NUT Street. Philadelphia z. E. - SAWYER 4 CO., at
No. 42 RH.BY•STREET,' Boston. -
IL D. W AHD. • -
Phibulelptdit, January 1,1866
ctojit;ILIERX,O4; handentnely
Productive CollietY , itl COrldilloll.. with plenty
of Coal of the beat quality, and on an tinuattally- liberal
lease. ',Loaatiownear Potteirille, and Mane liberal.--
Apply-to .F, ,WALLING, No. 36 DRY St., New .
York .• Jan 6; .56.' •
.. . .
' A . Liege .irthite"•Aeh oif.the
eiletutuoth , (fl- teet thick 4 Black Valleyi (16
ft-v. 1,111144 fled other Velma.... • . . • •
. ' •
. . . .
. • •
. • oanviks . driven, - admire,. iteadinga arid. breasts
opened, and Wier-piling .ready to elain a large quantity
°like Beet'White Ash Coat in-the - illairlket:
for Fismilk Roo.. All, the iiticeseary [-team enginft.
drift tare, mules. lanritee, -T. frail: rood. timber, - nowder:
01; &c., ac.. with a tireaker, rnlik pereene, and every
thing need in mining and prepatingixml On the'proper
-4,.wi1l beliold with the nollitry. Atpli to .- . . ...
121 Sialuut street, Phitalelphla,
Real 'Etate Ageut, Pottsville.
.'1R.0,d. ; Tb41...
Centre Street, Opposite . Mortimkr House
. The citizens Of Pottsville - and: neighboring. towns
'villages and bomb all, are Invited to call'
And erninine•rny of wares. before buying else-,
as lip" not• to. be undersold, and can tarnish .
Housekeepers with every aiticld, they want in •my line
of business. •In the - stock:of -• '• :• •••• •
. _ . .
. .
will be'fannd Tea Setts, pinner. .Seits:' Card. and Cake
Baskets, Watch Cases, Semi Polders, Match Sarea,
Motto-Maks, Motto Cnls3 antrtiancers'l , ace, pohnfri v m,
China Setts for Chitdie4, and geperat variety of Toys.
Glass Waxe.
Choicest. lvist. patterns:. eonsistlng of Table and
Bair Turnblers,'Phampagneand. Wine Glasses, Ale and
Beer Glasses. Decanters: Bar and Bitter Bottles: Gob
leq Castor Bottles; Pitehers - and Creatris,'Cel-.
.eries. Sugar tkiwis Spoon Holders: Syrup. Cans, Frtiit
Bowls; Fruit Jars : Cake. Stands: Kerosene Lampe of
every 7 variety:l:Arno Chimneys, Laliterns. Candlesticki,
. Crockery CrOCkery.::. •
kfull assOrtincin itiON STONE CHINA. of d.
rrent' patternsja .oetfm itr rhvgle pi . ece.,. to nit the pub
large•aesocteientrof or.trion C. C. Ware; which
.1 will Bell at low kftwei. •• • . • :•• • . •
•:• • Vello*•and •Stalle - Ware:: • •
Piaddlnk Pieties, Pie Dishes.
Mould hitchers. Tea Pots, B - ttek Pots, Milk
Pots. Jars.l"ites, etc., CLC. ' •
• MISCELLAN.F.OI.iSi—ToiIet Setts. Castors, Slnp,Jars
and Foot Baths; Quart and Pint Flasks; Cialoll;*.te:,
ac. - ' Fruit Jura. of every . deseriPtion.
MERI HANTS t von floods at C" Prteet,
Lhursitving yoit freight: Call wind see lilt is r so.;
Itfr.'• LEICI:VIRIPLS, of Pottsville : Penna.,'
PIANOS; • ME,LO.I).PiNSs ORGANS, having been
avpoioted.solo aiteut .for-the celebrite . (l•. • •
. .
• Mason. Organs, .-
. .
tri. the _Cininty- of whitld respectfully ail
.uounce to thisinueleal community that. he can.;:farnish'
thek - unequalleti.favotite Cabinet Organs, in all, styles
And "eizes, at- rnanufactureri': prices: The : pialtty•and
volume of tune, with the power eameSiion in these
organs, is universally-admired and praised:_ while their
*portability 4nd•bettutiful finish make thein•theanost sl
email parlornrnament.••• - ' • •• ..• • •
, .
'Every Vomit*. Should Huge One.
- 141 E CABINET ORGANS are 'railaPted .to
They'very In price froM $llO to $6OO each.
tar Every lnwtrnmeut Warranted.
Ails°, Agent for ihearts3 of . the much admired
. . .
.Spring .Melodeons - - and llarraoninm- Organs,
. . .
for the. Conntlea of Seimylkill, blorthriniberland and
Lebanon, v,hich • instrudiente are tinivecnally lilted.—
.They.po4ess a sweetneei , and fttlinetvs .of tone, which
hats received ttietinited commendation,: of the muideel
prolmsion; and induced an: alinopt.tinitricedenied mile:,
• ,:' Varcindereare.reepectfully invited to call and exam- .
Ine.tor themselveis. All commenicallatis and (Mims
will be iinncinallianswered,o.r.filled, and every in
milthin In reunion to them,,gladly civet', ..... re .
.• .
..IStcire and Ware 'hating,: at the Jewelry Store on Cen
tre atteekfour doors. from .Itahautango street, Ptitts-
T. P. WATSON - ,
Respectfully inViies tie?, ti, this Licqutiful Alas
fic Fihish forthe. Exterioi , ' Walls V. liaildings.'
This material igentlrt ly different from ail other co
melds or minting:applied heretofore. It is composed of
the most durable materials mixed .with fine propor
tions of tiurelinseedoil It liecomes. perfectly .witter.--
Proof: and adheres firmly to any stuface, of-brick or
stone with unequalled' durahility, malting d beautiful
solid fluish•egual to die- finest quality of . brown mud
stone or to, any color desired.. • • .• • ._.
- 'The 'undersigned has beeD 'applying 'this mastie fim
ish during "the past seventeen 3-ears '
- id which time be
has made many improvements and finished the.exteri-
Orti of some of the most elegant buildirms In different
parts of the country.. among. which be refers to the:
luilowing' •.. •
BOSTON, MASS.,..lloniero Haase & *uteri..
BUFFAIA.);S. Grand -.Beablence Of.
'Ex.Presideist'Fillniare,Beinware .
CLEVELAND— Olllo.—Annror 11111ouse; - and,
- the Beautiful Residence of J r W. Clark,
• pirrrsuugu, PA.—Girard .11ionge cud' 161.
• Chortle... Hotel, and the.follow.
r • ' . , steutiemetes. splendid resident
• • J.. U. • ShOmtbeeger,, tag.,
Venn St: .• • -
• • John. litiSsett,.F.sq.;
. Jame... Wood. Esq., do
D. itteCord, Erg.. do • .
• • Cal , in'Adittit.',-
'• • • • Esq :, Nrivel
iy Works, Third St. ' ".• •
lIARBISBUTIO , l'A.—The lierfatfful Beiddence of
.Join B. Coxe. Esq..-Front
• B. ..V..ll..amlberioit, Esq.;
. , • , . Second. Street. •. : ' . ••
Br: U. Vleriiimg, do .'
• • .•. Bev. Jo.: Colder's' fiesta.
5 • tiful - hetr Runt. Church,
, • •- Luke SittiOn, ,
POTTSVILLE, PA-..—The inlainitieent Motel
• •• • of '14...P.•
. .
..• . known as the 'Priattisylvni
• .nia IlistlL Ventre St.-. Also,
• .• ''' "The lte.ideuee orZ. P. -
• , Haver, Esq., Coal:St.. and
. that of Jutssua
"Illahantongh , St. •
All kinds cif - Ifyfirriulic Cetueutproperly applied; and
Anished cutirely.differenr to any dour heretofore. •
.."All frork done:im - reospilable teilics 'and strict: 7 .g
vgiTirpfeq bi give .tattsfactii ni.
Please address
.• . • ,
WATSOIIf, Bar ~163. Pa.,..
: . October i• r..40-ti 3•• • ' 43-..-
.• . •
I.SCW.IIIII,IIIPB • feinted Copy * . Book
• - Juat Voreeived...lills'worth , s Slated Copy
Bunks for ramlliesand Prlreary Schools.: Complete
ht three numbers. For sate at 1/..13.011.1A1V5, Centre
Bt., .
g.. (I'l4lkA Pig „ F 3 TING P.AEft of dit
ferent weglita jnat received and for 'gale at
' B 1,34:14 NAN'S,. -Book and Stationary Store:
. . .
Printed . Oftlicocs; Muslims. Ticliinz.' Ito.. eheilp,
' at - . - • It.'.A..;LOVER.S.
Centre St., ifiarlyopp96lle Matto. St.. ,
2... tr - . ,
Jan 13. '66
A.t7.6.1,1....trifirev,,,°7cfrart".72 cbolwOol!mg
• ' • Centre nealy opposite Market SL •
• • New areengrocers Store,
Market at., left-hand side, text door befina.Xtinea
• •
.tour and Feed Store. • , .
NM. Tryst purposes to keep on. hand a. yarlety of
her.friends for their former patronage, nod
h o p, e6 that, it , irony be continued, by giving her an early
deli:- [April s, ;4/4. •
t in.latge and ansitilaacks. for rale by
Dec. 103. '*arehonsevidorria Addition
It is vEnaper, lighter. arid aiore , dniable than any'other
'offered for sate.: Call and examine It at - - . .
.Hardware and Inin Stoic; Puttevilie.. &Ale tir
ICP ALTIRIOBE 41(411111104 •••fic
'.l l l:Thetimiersigbed naryacttally, infPnas MB . ..friends ,
and, crtatomett, that he has again entanie:nced ream ,
tar weekly trips:to . Baltimore, for Flash °Wars and
Fish. the }!nest I nest in season. can be found. every Fri:
day' araiSainitay atilath ailitairs 1011. Raaroad
Give me st ' . GROltaßlitirEßghatig. -•
Pottsville,lan • aim
UPWASTIS 75a117T TR4I7B,AND certificates sad
commendatory lettere have been received. atteining" the
merits ot Helmbokre Genuine Ptepaistitmer, Many of
*bids - am front the bighei;t, lank*. %eliding eminent
Matetenem denallletkVarengni Bate aC;
Ott. , 66. • . • .4.1.66. •
.r.: .'INSURANCL.';,I',':.:::::.:,''
s. - "rowan "at ovit4otiOst -
4 , ;o4usblefirLbentii_..._:- • .I*** 74 4. 4 . 2 1 32 .
. -,D/v otioue, &na v e ow peg cen.
' ROBERT 0.. KELL _.
Has been a ted Are t this 1101 e. Cki•MCZ
and will bFithNiged to tt;u : ihsaTisitu r.e nzuatkon reget
•-- GIRA.I-t1),
rrat&lsidan_lllSlTßilliCE do;
Phi Isidnipkiia. - . •
. •
This old - and reliable Computi have appointed
• ';„
- Oinc;::—Centre Street, Potisville; Pe.nasvlvenla:
C/Sll CiPITIL . .. 47
DAL KC'S. S.ecy. • 243.1I. ' WOODRITFF, Prat.
ROBT. C. BILL, 'AgG s Pottsville. -
141 Brotidway; N.
Cash Capital
. . .
ifiticerea segaieist Accidenia. of all: kinds.
GENERAL ACCIDENTS Include the Traveling Risk.
and also all forma o[ Dlshications, Broken Bones.
Sprains. Bruises... Cue.. Gunshot Wounds. Burris told
Scalds; Bites of Bogs, Aseualts by Burglant Robbers.
.orlfurde•ers—the action of Lightning or Snri Stroke.
the- effects of explosion; 'Floods .and Suffocation by
Droalling'or Choking: • ' •
.EDWD. GREENE. see 7.— WM. A. BAYLEX, Prest.
Brame A. BILL& General Agent. '
itose KT C. laaLL," ..
Oct. 21, '65.. * • - 42-ly "
Brooklyn, N. Y.
cask Capital —.81,000.000 00
Surplus 31 5 , 91 1 0 79
Siiruzet CROWELL'.:Prei: ; EDGAR NV. CitowELl4 V. Peer
• Purl-Amon SUVAr, Secty:. ' •
Ts authorized in Policies for Schoylktil empty.
Office oyer:Dright , Allardware •tore,.Centre. SEreet,
Pottsville; Pa,
.octolier 7; '6.5.
TIRE : INSURANCE '004..5.;.::t
.Cnab . •
• - •
Awimia - oirer •• • - . .630,000
C:0001)RIDGE: Secretary.. • • •
D. BEVERIDGE. Anent' for. Rehnylkill County, will
receive applicidons•aud Ivsue Policies. '
Ur - Losses iwuruptly adjusted : • .• • '
Wyoming Fire Insurance COk
Preeident —G. W. lIOLLENBACK..
Vice • Piesident—t.' SIIO EMAKEP.,
Secieterv--R... C, - .SNI ITH.- • • • • •
. • • b A.VID BEVETLIDGk, Aar.
For Scloiyikill Co.. Office; CENTRE STREET, Peitz.
ville. ' • [April 11;•?., 't.;5.-16,4f1 • • ...July . 29.
General Mau:ranee Agent.
Office ricataylvaiiia !Inn; Pa.
Cash Capital. and .. .
Invested iutlie United Statce $ I:300,000
11.0KE INSITI3, - ANOt 00iPANY,
' •. ' ootiven, Connecticut. - .r
Cash• i 4500.00 0
Sutplus Jan. Ist. tSd.ll ' • .
159.070 OS
. insutauee effected ia , the best 'Companies .m furors.
ble terms: Losses promptly udjueted and paid .without
delay; . • -• April 15: . ,
. :or EksTrop,p,'COlTN.;
OFkill E••••;.1C ' hairier" Oil* : 11 ' Fink. Buill4ing.
CASH CAPITAL, - - $200,000.00.
Net Saiplaa, Jan. 1,1865, - $120,231.34;
. 'Sticretary. • greaident
.8i . :0 .- B . Fa - RT: -. c,...' . .,11 . .:. 1..L Li
•Aionit,:Pott.ville, Pa:, • • -
Is authoriZeit to issue 'Policies in the abate -Rea
__ • •
__ able i umpcpLy,
November 4, •65
• •
6 14 ma- . .1b29 .:PERPETUAL.
•", . . •
Ul Plll - IADELPI-1.1A..
Aksets of4anuary ••.
. •
• .
501'297- 04 . • , • •
. .
'Cupitni,• •• $400,000
Accrued:Surfilmi, 997,860
.11skyeased Premiums, • 1,103,4118
. . . .
Vusesiled.Claims,. Isseoisi6Corl664;
•$14,745. - I ' • $310,000. -
. ,
LOSS PAID SINCE 182.0,... . ,
• • $5,000.000:
'.• : •:
• CELARtES N. BANciout,lsAac LEA. ± • •
EDWARD. C. DALE, Vice. President.
JAS.W.*cal4,lsTita.. Sec. Pro. Teni.. •
-Thesebseriber is agMnt !Orate shove mentioned in
atitution,• and it preparid to make insurance on every
description of, property,. at the lowest rata. ,
Pottsville: M arch 19, '6l.
PI" w G 4 :4 4 _ei a)
T 4 ,-, .--. = . 4 cp • w s .
1 ,„..
E-0 1 T I E"' bin P-4
4:4 ri niviiH.,9., o pm .
pei:::: r , f - ct 5 4 '"' .4. ,
rrt cra 0 i-I ,_:. 4 pig
•'4 f ' r 9 .4 '' ocb
, 0
4 .4 ' ill ‘.). t › . 3 fq 3
.-- CI ty% zn -
P 4
PI -.
.COO 44 1. P• 4 › - 2 1
-4 -F 4 T: ua 0 g
o z
1e031.11741; .COLINTY 'MUTUAL .1111.
-11-4 filUliA.l E . OOiIIPANIIr. • •
• NUNCY, PA.; '
JUNE. 2 0 , 1865.
. Alintraci af the .43th Annual Repiprt..
Amt. mew Min notes and other seceritiea, $2,414.04T 73
AmL. or cash pads , . ...... 30.071:56
.Total amt.' of assets ~ .
Total amt. 01. property inured to e. - 1
Iva • • • .. ....
Amt. of losses paid - ths pa !t 73,312 29,!
Total kisses paid since. March 20,1810..: 1,48 . 1,058 04
JAMES RANKIN: Pre , ident. • •,
. JoSillrA BOWMAN, Secretary, . ••
TllO9, CHAMBERLIN,' Treasurer, • . '
• JACOB A. lIAZEN. General Agent. ~
' ThOE. old and reliable Company._ ranking at the head
of all similar. institutions lathe State, continues to is-.
• sue policies against loss by Are on houses, barns, Ord
breakers; merchandise.'ind other' personal property in
town and country. at matt or 'mutual rates.. •Applica.
Lions ter. insurance May be made to any of the local
agents, dr to the General Agent of the Company. at his
oftice.'Market street. Pottsville, Pa, -
.Pottsville. Dee:9, 435
NI4 4.R A
O F *7 1 c E-. 1110. 12 Wfill Streei,
OA.BII OAPIT'AL $1,000,000 00
SURPLUS 246,83130
9/MAlry. Preeident.
•• EMT MT, Superintendent or Agenolee.
• • • •
Agent at Pottsville,
who is anthorir.ed. to Larne Pailleies !hp :Mora
Jaa2o, 164
Armogsts. Prepared . c Ulnae neat, :
EL. Float conventeut article for houeekeepetp. .
. • • BOLLARNAN SO /CMS.; itet street..above Third..rtatettlia.
1000 . WlRE a f r a c : L TUT,
Holiday finseAts
Ladiesand Gentlemen,
Depot, 54, 56 and 68 Liberty Street, and 37
and. 39 Heenan Street, N. Y. Oity,
....-.: - A.N. .-,
Rosewood Pianos,
Rosewood Melodeons,
Pine Oil Paintings,
Gold & Silver Watches,
. :. : :..pii*ef.W 4 i.e, :.:,....:--'
Dlainond Plus, Diamond Rings, Cold Brace
lets, Coral, Florentine, Rosale, Jet, Lava &
Cameo Millles , Sets, Gold Tens with
- Gold and Silver Extension Hold
erg, Sleeve Buttons; Sets of '
Studs Vest and Neck
Clains, Plain .and
aney Cold •
. . .
DISTPIDLTTIONS arc made.iiitha following thanneri
CEtUTU namine each article nod it= value
are placed 14 SEALED • hNVELOPES which are well
Mixed. :Chinni these Etivelopni , onnainion , the Dcrtill
cite or Oitiwa. for ; - lick, Will he deliv4red at our
oflfhe, or item by rani' to any..uddresa,'without regard
to 'choice; ou reCeipt of '25 cents: ' • . • • • • .
On receiving the Certificate - the tinichaanr will tine
what. aitigle it dr.twa•and ita value. - and.cau then send'
D rl re
Our ollar'au ceive the -article 'named, or can
choinic at:ionic*. one article toa our . Liat of the saute
, •
C - 0 - Purchivers of ...ow' SEALED ENVELOPES ma3',
iii thtt manner , : obtain anOrticto worth ( rein One
to litive IlOOdred• Dollars, - • . -
whi.h they peed nit. pity .it is known what' is
draich i'alt4s. •. • . •
Entire hatlsfaetlon Guaranteed Igari Cases
...'Americ*Jeweiers' , As . gimation. •
. „ .
,ifinii• .
attention to. Me fact.'ai its tie
ing the largest and most POjilarAticeiry.
A.;So('iotiOn in thii cutintry.. The
uf::vs" is and. always hi4' been conducted in
the most rand id; a . nd honorable • manner;
Our : rqpid/..y.•ineieissiug . !rade - . is : a sure
llaora . ntee of the - appreciation cf -0.21 r pa 7.
.trons. for this
. ineihod of obtaining - rich ;
elegant cod costly g00da„....
•Duriuq the just year we have forward-
iiumb . er" pi the most, induable prizes to .
alliarts of the conntrr" Thase , who. pa
:tronize•-us receien;:the- full- value of, a *article on our- Lit is
worili (as dean On4.Pollar,..retail, and
there are n 9 Ulna; • - • -
. . .
, .
. . . . - .
Piirtie . s . cle:aliny with
, us . nictif . ilpen d ; on
hiOin..q. prornpt . 'rrturns,.arid the ortiele
. will be . .inone!liiitel:y.sent to- any' addresslTreturriin.Oil or express..,„ .
. .
initivo in .cv.ery enne':ite.nrcotuptinid with
the :Cash, with. the name of the permoss
arudin~l,- and town, County . .sud State
pininly.written. •
I.ettere Should , be addreSSed to the Managers as, fol
Max 3319-Poet Mice, N. York.
itboutrepird to - yalue. and not to be paid for , unfit
you kuow what you will receive.. . • : •
. .
.15 Rosiwood Pianos, Worth froims2oo 00 to 4.30 00
16 'Melodeons, Ropewrxid Gimes. •1151+0 to 250-00
75 Nine Oil ............ • 00 00' to 100 00
150. " Steel „Engravings; Frroned 00 to 504.:0
50 Altsic'BoxeA. • • • 26 nO to 4o on
150 Itevolvtng Patent enstortc.Sllvr 20 110 to 41) no
. Sflvgr.Frifit And Cake - Baskets. 2000 to -05 00
400 FetO of Tea' and Table Spoons.. 20 OU to .4000
'l5O Gold Bunting Case Watches
206 Diamohd Rings, Cluster • and
Single Stone , T 5 0010 250 00
175 Gold Watches 55 00 to 150 00
300 ladies' do - coon to 106 60
500 Silver Watcher
. - .
2.(0 Veal and.;2eek Chains - 10 to to' 30 on
Par Ear Ripon. new 'style 2'od to ROO
2,000 Giild l'eneils and Tncith-Picks.. 2 TI. to:10 00
0.004 t Real Ours. & Amethist 4 (s) to .10 00
4.00 u Lava end Florentine- 'do . 400 to no
2.000 Ma:ionic, Pine ' ' 4Ou to 600
. .
. .
3,000. Fine' Gold . Watch. Keys, n e w
pattern - ..,' -....... .... ... .„."..3 50 to- 6 tsa
4000 Children's Artnlets
.- :' ' •.. 2 fin to 6nn
- -
. 3.000 Sets of Bosom Studs. - .. • • . 150 to .500
. 3:000 EntuniCd Sleeve Buttons . 2.75 t0..10 00
15.000 Plidn Gold and Chased . 2to to 500
r 4.000 Stone Set of• Seal Rings • 2 50 to 'lO 0'
4,104) b.).chets - of • • . 2MI to 800
15.1141 Solo of Ladles' Jewelry . ' • 8.00 to 20 00
.4.000 Chains. • each • • 3p50 to 5 00.
5.000, Gold Pen.; tillveiEx.. Caen`
and Pencils - 400 to 6 00.
10.000 Gents Breast and Scarf. 1 (10 to. 241 o)
3,000 Ladies' Ne W.Style Belt Buckfes • . 400 to - 6 (40
: 3.000 Chntelain tltiard, Chain=.:...:6oo to 20 4*.
'• I,oolloold Tldnabims ' ........... 00 to . 00
• '3.000 Set,. Ladies' Jet and Gold.. 4.. 15 00 to .25 00
10.000 Gold eiweeri • • . 150 to 600
5.000 Chased Bracelets' • .• • 800 to ,16-00
' 7.00 Ovid !Sand Bracelets • 6 00 to,
20 00
2.000 Ball Dtr colors 300 to. • 0 00
4,000 Pine Gold Pens.. . . . 2IV to: 350
. 3,000 New Style• Gold & Jet Eardrops... SOO to 7.00
10,00) Soldiers' Company, Regimental,
Brigade, Division, Corps, and all styles. So
thety and Army Badges, from $3 to $2O,
FiVeled Envelopes will be sent-for VI Eleven for
$2: Tbirti . for ; Sixty-tive for slo;'One Hundred
or slli. .
Agents Wanted Everywhere,
To whom great ind!icemenMue.offemd
Afresh assortment of Cerificates for the aiticlee enu
merated above are thoroughly Mixedln proper-.
tion on the Ist and iith.days or each month. erettutt all
will have an equal chance of obtaining a vett:able prize.
The following parties. have recently drawn vdluable -
prizes from the •American Jewellers' Association, and
have kindly allowed the use Of their names: 1 •
John P. Kintzler, Baltimore. ?dd. •plano, value 200,
Miss nal 11. Hall, Pittsburg, Pa:, T 3 - Wood 'Street,
Melodeon. value $lOO. •• • '
Seymore. 62 East 34th Street Y LOH/Paha—
ID," value $lOO (Scene of Catskill Ifouniiiltaa.)
CaPtain Horace Cummings, Co '•.E^ 157th ?Win. Vol
unteers, Gold Watch, value $lBO. ' • Id; . •
Rev. -3.8: Moyer,'Haffalo,. N. Y., Silver Watch,.
Alles•Benni. Leielerc. Diamond Ring, inlagsl73. •
Wm- Bird. Marietta, Ga., Melodeon; value sta . •
Min A. Id... White, Baton Rouge, La., DISMond
• vidue'S.loo. . . • • ' _ • .
H. - Comm. N. City; Oil P2O
- in' Winter.) ..• . • • • • • ,
blist.Jennie Watson, Seratogn. • N. - Y.. _Piano;
• $400: • -
John H. Campbetß s atreiy C, Ist Mimenni
Gold.Watch,,val 1 75 -
.Toney 11. S. C. 1., Gold Watch, value
$ 750 ; •
. Many names (mold placed= thls.list, but we pub.
• ash no names' wlthizaut permissicin. Our patrons are
'desired to vend United States. Currency when it is cor‘-
Lcing letters are unnecessary. Have the kindness to
. vows plain attectiOns, and In 'choosing` different artt.'
eke from Sere drawn.. weather the style , desired. . We
miter letters to be addressed to our 80tt;6219, Post
for greeter safety:..' • •
snsam.AN, waTsox. &
Nov. 11, O4lO
Tut §orgharn Syrup, spoken of la the kg:
lowing communication;; can be seen at
oince,,bi.any who are : interested 'i ii the n
. .
Ilivaa, Feb..l, isgg .
Boma 311:4Eirs', Jur RNAL:—liaving
litel l
taken- a trip through Bucks County, one q•
rite friends, Worstall; niar Lumber.
requersted, 4, Ettle of
his s6rghtnrr . syrtip.lbr your inspect - j ot , Ai
they im:Ve.cernmenced raising -it to wale ex.
tent in that Part of the State, and find it v eryprofitahlt, thought perham,, his experieuce
would be' - of interest to Raul of our. &hay).
kill County :farmers. - I know f rom : exprli.
erieet hat it will grow welllu this Q,oUi tty
.my father raised. some on his farm_ sev er e
years ago; . near this place, which grew - hi,
but nor having the necessary eia u hi pery
for its proper 'manufacturehe abandoned i ts
culture. Mr. soil -Was I - got
'sandy -loam uoon . Alie. top - of a high hill al un i •
the Delaware. River: I give his manner at
6ulture in his ; own words : Itook: 1 titbit of
• seed : to a quarter of an acre .of ground, - a n d
-sowed in drills 4 feet apart, quantity,
allowed for thinning Out; as the stalks should
not be.eloser than from 4 to 6 inches. I sow e d
it abaut . the. time for planting early cora,
sowing ashes in the drills to give an early
4tart... (Other fertilizers will answer the per.
pose:) . ,lt is sloyi about starting het grows rep
Idly afterivarda, if properly cultivated. 'After
the canes were mature, f l stripped off
leaVes -while standing, and after drying, tied • ;61'144 - 41 -
them up for fodder for .cattle; I then cut oil • . /1111 ! •:4 , 1 !
LIM canes hear the ground, and took otf about -- 4 4a 1
16 - or 18 inches of the top with the seed ,
4 .Nrat
whieli when thoroughly, dry were. hat:led
•and threshed: in- a threshing machine, saud • V
: ..4111'd
- yielded seed • to the ant:l . unt ot 50: bush e ls
the acre,: which when :ground is ; very g0.,,d 1 4 ,4, 1
feed for cattle, or if ground into flotirniayb e
used-at a aubsOute for buckwheat in making -
cakes. Fowls are.als6 very fond of the
After cutting off the 'caned they, were hauled
the mill and there made into syrup,_ the-
, ;;;02 04. 1
charge for which is 25 cents per gallon. g
There.are twii-Mills of two-horse power each
thii neighborhood, with:li ma& about 310 , •
gallons each last season. They could with 3 Mil
hors6S - make from - 75 - to 100 gallons . bier II 7 . : —..•—
The'.syrup sells: readily 'here. fin i;4l 25 per .10 " 3 „,,,„ 4 ,_
• gallon:. The - quarter of. am acre
...yielded 61 .
gallons Of syrup; or at the rs'e of 276 . .
Der acre. The same field with the s-mie-cul
• •
tivntion yielskd 40 bushels of torn per acre, . ..!.y
The relative
.value of the two crop; stands, as L 'i
follows: •
, . .. .
2-73 :gallops - syrup less cost of manfac , „..,,,-- ~
cure . - - $276 00 ' ''.TY____." 5 ""
50 buisli'. seed at 40 cents 2(1 00 I ..°.):iiil
. f 2 -6 0 0 , rtosu
-10 bush. corm at 8a ots. g. knish. 32 o 0
About i ton of fodder_ : 15 00
4 7 0 6-Timituril
.4.41 , 40 , 1
Ditr;.renee itifaver of trlrgl!um.- •.
If in . thre.•viarrity . of u pipirrthe,eaces "WWI
. ,
:}fit r !icing pressed erku, be sold for .nraking
paper. ; • • Truly .yotira,
:•_ .. limn diff*AtaK•••l4 A,. 1101 th!
• '
• Wororrya As taiia.B.--0a these the_ fartherA
dePendi for, almost eve thirig of success"- - 4, 4 110
They are.aS necessary to" most tillers of the ! - ,stiii
hind on a large scale, • as is the - soil itseif.a.:;. ; l l 7: 4 7.
Their' good condition for just: so much :7 , -"t
dapit al,* .::,The abominable farming whit.t 5111 fr.:h.ow..-
iu ninny parts of, tbecountry regards '..spring .; - ..,..4,
poor" stock no- disgrtiee to :their owner, and- be-= fi t"
4.7.4: ,
looki upon the' condition of . leanness, wiiiii. , bpi %
ninny oxen and steers present in the Spring; " . , a , •,
as pt;xfectly natural, cannot conic. under ton . .1 , 11 ),
.strong- reprob,ition.,. It is - not . ouly. cruel in „it, : "
. damaging to IN.- . firalet:s *WI
own interests to the:hist 'degree. - Poor stock it.,,,,, : •:
give out: soon in plo,Wing - "and heavy W 7. 41. ark I . P .
Four ezren 'will hardly do. the work that Pao -:a b l ii;i n ,
• should \ .. Pluck and .endurance - :may be' sc. -0-'• •
curately measured by condition . ;. - -, .
. ,
..:Braa , §roca . kept Stalled; will gain. veil - 4 ,....
rapidly as the weather moderates.' The this).
:Or oil :cake .fed 'Should, if-anything, lse in. - •
Cows- Which ,"come In'.' in the sprig
should have zood hay or cut-feed (stalk's or •..r;
straw) with bran upon it,. and if possible .
pi dh i
Some rootit.daily. • They at least aped warn
sheds and.sunny yards : Good 'stabling at
.. ; ::::1) .
night ,and in cold
. weather, and. warm slid , -it : 10
tered yards - p 4. pleasant days,' will, make ns
only a cow's - Paradise, but reward-the fluor;
Qty :4 , -, i ,- , 7
with fine calves: and, a better flow pf rnili.-
'lt is eapeciallY important that. '
stcrc on 'AcclDES•ra.m..k.taamst,v,Danitaaa*. b! . ..tse
confined away from the herd, as somas Os .-.%':4
injury or sickness is discovered. When cost . tl!?.r .i
"are near their time., an-accident to - one cats- :-. , 101Th
"Mg "slinking" will' he very likely. to aids .. ; ;;.
' the same . disaster: to. several. . Evel 819ci , itt 61 ,
yard should have oue hospital, and many 1,11 - ,:t r, . 2 ,,,ri
Animal 'nay. bo preserved -from severe siolc..V l
nets by taking it,frem the herd "and dusk: - i..:T
lug its diet,, blanketing, currying, etc., for t ..,;,, r . r ,, ! .,. :
few daft Neter "doctor" animals' by guest:
, ln the anxiety to deiomething, many*,,
' are juit as, apt 'to do the - wrong•thing as ikt* '
right: : Conshlt'your family : physician ins& -:, ;4 ,.„ . 11
vere.cases; - y - he is a humane "man lie wslripAit
think it uo . unWarrantahle liberty ;, or Watch- 7 : - F , t.
the symptoms carefully consult the dm,. )
gist. -:
60 00 to 150 00
20 00 to 7:5 00
HortsEs.-It is quite cornmetr -tor urge
horses to'have swollen Jeg,3 in winter; eils•
cially if they are , not kept in regular ale-
The sunie bur:es ,in, sunitner,..
more or , leis in , the pasture,. are not trout l
in this way. These 'enlarged Pegs indicates
weakly constitution: . In a system per*
vigorous, these secretions : would well a
and leave the limbs clean\ and smooth. Ts
proper, treatment - in winter is' to. keep nt ..=
horse in fair, condition, not It, slid allowil alike
stand a part of in a roomy e
hor.l o ,S
large stable) where he can walk abbot a 7'... 1t ,42
tle: Then he should have regular outdenie tot
exercise, riot -less than •an hour daily. :Ile=
legs should be rubbed dry and clean air 441
eeteh exposure to mud -and - snow. Indeet s:•- - *.
the more elbOw grease" expended in rlll. •
bins the legs, the better. -
Barton IlAstes that are kept tied in surif.t - li
should luive.tuiopportunity to exercise etet!'=
day, the yard, or by moderate drlllu t r,
ing. A liberal supply of water-is also e4e: - aeon
teal, as we have khow mares ict "slink" s‘bo ' 7 9 0
they did not get drink, for a day or twc-i
... 4
Work ... horses not required to labor; slccidk,
be driven moderately at least omen day, wr• .111 . 14
eral miles. Teams that are worked hirdig' lolll
winter, endure the severe fatigue of plosig..
harrovi ing, etc., much better than if viorkt 4
but little during the `cold ve -- eitther. . • - *
WATEE row Sromt.—When water 0 0
pumped for..all kinds of stock, in. very rt I
weather, the weaker ones sometimes flu,'
get a suitable supply, as the surface hergi
over, or the master animals -drink the t '',
ted quantity that boys and. lazy men sO l i r
draw for the entirg. herd. ' •
A) GARDEN ITANDS,-.'..7,7.41
prospects, -as we judge, are, that there =
be [ewer applicants than plaice, even tligiltuwil
the war is over • awl
the 'great armies_..
ORLEANS CAKE .-= 1 cup of raisins,-, mnraw,
butter, 1 cup'of molasses, 3 'cups of hour,. 6 lli
sup of sugar, 1 cup of sour milk, S eggs 47
teaspoon of soda Boil l hours. . Die
APPLE CA.I , E.-1 cup, of butler, 2 cups aly g i
auger, ;'1 sour milli or buttermilk , Idiral
eggs , 4 apt, of flciur,. teaspuon of soda, too
cups. of dried apples , after they are Sa l°
and chopped. •
1 3 A.iSON.: