The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, July 15, 1865, Image 3

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silTiThitlPAY+ JiTZIr- 1563
Orr Egg°l4%.l- Vilii:Ogi.o4; =kin
ont onT Mill l4 theW e ". 4 4t;s 4 4 4 .441 ! hiPPY
obtain SettlittinOes g#41:11/4:i170*thege u
opeedily sa
ceiv'ed a pat efitilik a cad breaker.
ESIERSON ETHIMIDGE has - been arrested-for
delivering incendiary speeches in Tennessee.
net:IR:AN furnished more than ninetpone
thousand men for the war, or one-eighth of
her population. „ .
Ticted of murder, *illte executed In PHs
deiphis on the 11th. of August.
Tor: Permans recently in convention at In
dianaPolia, have issued an address . in favor o
according negroes the rights,of freemen.
Sot - rnEss business men any that there are
many millions of gold
,Stowed away in the
Cotton States, which, when order is establish
ed, will be brought into circulation.
- Ding's POWDEIL-Mr. Jolin O. Harper is
agent for the sale of Haz.ard'srairting powder,
a well tried and _excellent article. - His office
is in Market street,, three.doors above Centre,
this Borough, •
D. Fount Lit Co., wholesale grocers and
commission merchants, Philadelphia, have
removedlo Nos. 143 and,. 145 North Third
street—the. stores formerly occupied by John
Brock, Sons & Co.—wbere they will be hap
py to see their friends.
Tue_barbarism engendered by slavery was
illustrated in Biockville, N. C.. on the 2d
inst. A Miss Neeley shot .a negro woman
through the heart, while the latter was argu
ing with her master. •
a view more effectually to prevent fraud on,
the Internal revenue by distillers, ordered
the appointment of au additional assessor- in
each district in which• there are distiller&
Nonce.—Attention of Coal firms is called
to an adrertiement in this . week's paper.
*Wanted Situation as galesman.! Any house
wanting a man wife can control eastern trade,
would do well to engage his services. Can
giro the best of Boston referencei. at.
Saturday about .51,000,000 of 7-30 s were
shipped for Frankfort, the export of 5-20 a
was to fpity that am 'nut, making. Saturday's
export ,of government securities about $.1,-
SNCRETARY STANTON'S . health--notwith
standing the solicitude of Col'p , ritcad pa
pers to have him- withdraw from office—is
good : hr attends mgriltriy to hi , : official du
ties, and he does not intend to resitin. The
President does not desire it They get along
admirably'h , r..
ROBERT M. LEE. the 'Philadelphia lawyer,
pardoned by the President, has been re-ar
rested anti committed upon other charges
similar to that of which be was - convicted
fraud in the vlistment of volunteers. Lee
must begin to think by this time, that the
Way- of the transgressor is hard.
DAyls was 913 unwilling to hear the
Declaration of Independence read .on the
Fourth, as his friends in this Borough. Gen..
Roberts however, who commands at Fortress
Monroe, thought to toitchleffe. conscience,
if') he had the immortal document read Within
his hearing: J ff. wti.' more unfortunate then
his rebel adherents in .Pottsville. They es
caped the infliction by absenting themselves
from the Celebi-s)leri of ti‘e People. •
Company is now manufacturing merchant
bar iron, railroad spikes, etc. Some speci
mens_of the work turned out we examined
this week and found them to be very fine.
Experts in the iron trade were of the same
opinionr The Company is preparing .to
make railroad iron The metal used is
Bloomsburg, 'which is of superior quality 4
Sarni. Ratcliff, Esq., is President, and John
Ralston, Esq., Treasurer of the Company.
OLD BUCK AND . IIIBI3ooK.---James Buchan
an has finished a history of his Atirn,listra
tion. it will soon be published. If he hopes
to convince the American people thlit be was
not an imbecile and a traitor' while he was
President, his hopes will be blasted, - for:
nothing that he :can conjure from his brains
will alter their opinion of him.Thr. work how
ever, gave the old man employment, which he
needed., He can spend his last days in. read
ing criticisms upon it, if that will afford 'him
amusement'. • •
Jun Nemo RAILRO/D.—This important
improvement is being pushed forward with
speed. On the California side, 21100 men are
engaged at it Cutting dowia hills ,and laying
tracks. The steam engine . is snorting 48
miles from Sacramento, and - 1800 feet above
the sea. A coutinuance of the energy now
displayed will soon carry the road over the
mountains on a race .for Salt Lake. The
heavy work on the line west of Salt Lake is
in Placer county, and-is now being vigorous
ly attacked by the Company. The people in
California look with as much interest to the
completion of this great work as the world
is doing to the successful laying of the At
lantic Cable. -
"TIM' PRtiSti of 'Philadelphia, appears in
a of new and really very beautiful type,
n bile the "working" of the paper is unezeep•
tionable. Typographically the , Press is a.
model for its ccitemportiles.. That , journal
hears evidence in its advertising
that the busineSs is caret•illy conducted,.
while editorially it has from its first number
commanded.the respect and confidence of its
readers. No measure of right- tailed to se 7
- cure:the advodacy of its able editorial chief,
while its. cheerful, hopeful tone during the
dark hours of the Rebellion, was as inspiring
as sunlight througt storm 'clonds. The man
ly, independent 'cOurse of the Press, con-'
joined with.the interest which . . its corps of
gif : dials, correspondents and reporters,
imparts to its colurrit.s, renders
,it one Of the
most enjoyable daily papers published in
Philadelphia We . congratulate Col.. Forney
upeu the beautiful appearande of the Press:
generating machine is the most simple and ef-
Jective means known for producing gas with
ont heat.. Gasoline, the liquid employed, is
the more volatile portions of petrolcum, of a
specific gravity of 0.6687. This liquid ex,.,
posed to the action of the machine is vapori
zed, and a close mechanical mixture of the
vapor with common air is effm ted. . The gas
produced is equal to the best known. illumi
nating gas. Mn E M. Nichols is agent for
the sale of this machine in this County. Its
operation can be seen at. his dwelling near
the 31ount Carbon' Bolling Mill, where he
has one in use.. By means of this machine
persons living remote from street gas pipes
can enjoy the luxury of a pure gas light, at a
comparatively small cost, and with little
- .
Tur. Ohio Copperheads are in trouble.. At
the recent session of the Slate ...Executive
Committee, Alexander Long, the"notorious
secessionist, introduced, his States.' Rights
and Pro-Slavery dOctrine as the platform of
the party at the coming election. • The -plat
forth, which says that "white mastery and
negm'slavery is, in the South, the Very best
form of their society,!' was supported by a
portion of lite. , members : of the Committee;
but was opposed by-others, not • on accOtint
of tbe . principles profosed,. but hecautie
was not in order for the committee to dictate
to the coming convention. Long Co.
have accordingly seceded, ..and prOpeise
. to
tam an Independent State ticket that will be
in their estimation truly "Demomtic." •
i - *".r - , r• I' **, '1 •rA '-
v --; T s f tt r ..- A
IT is INIUMISD• 11Y11031r t . . : ,,gip .:, r ilitliszVetkrtAdsts .
tri .il Is - 44. glud - 4*Se44l*:* -o ,o l 97 t riig - priked,
..otrTllprotyp wtofip., dEtctinmstg.
Commission- a's".:V.lsatted,‘~there'Will-'sOon
,f stiOiditmoinf itiudnisii Mai and nierehantsat .
1 ?e -- !io* ditATifte'it& 4l 9n - c#celping - „uie - `o4l, ' :tht..nieltingtdibrivardilta*rojeettit a iiiitV
ofJeffer)3On'tiaviii:lfll ..stuiuld b ' ti , lekit s « , l. l 4.434 . ,t#L`4 this,• l3o *o l o l2 dl.! 4 :"
mined to trytitn fcir treason, the procet4ings:t` Clair: iii..-Palo - 41tclanir pint ..Oirikori.:..-If
,„ of ,co*e;,:ta li i'liitei t Vitetge a' blyijg t4,9,y*Vtiiist - it'of t44'o l ' o4 P*ii:P4i*ti.
tribunal ; Li3ut, -from prettent indiestiont, it , -1111-- gugh will derive from the propoie4 „conaes•-.
more probable that he Will'be tried :by • mill- '-tiOi4ltitip'"Nili do-„.Well •th4;;Bali;et
tarp:winMission aa „the leader-T.or. Instigator ” In .4444* 1 4KtiiilikA - 6114111g4tt:.«*.
of the .: PoWtiSeK; for - it 4', said In Gpvati 7. • mittiesppohited at themrigt to pall upon
ment quarters there . .are -, :neiviy discovered+ t them, and 'post:.,,,thenwly,c.S „1941w0134:,
proofs-against lconnection.itu in thatconnection. - 'I. ehartaiiiiipw (Oared of adding thi) ... of
..; • - - - e ; ': .dotletis c itnittiallitahe;triideOftiutie.;_
sidaii Wading .1" - cenVenient -_ and .'plat/3144 .
cintrptinication - with 'neighboring,-loWw
wOcit litti ',Ong been needat.. Weearnesily
tiniriliat our citizens wilitake held of this:
-....,....... ~ . , .
passenger railway project in the proper spirit
and -push it through—Let this be an .eicep
gob to ottrnstiSilliPTair'Virintleltiteinetia
Tun Fm - tiati coth;EGi. oiePrpc
srLvAnrA.--The sixteenth annual session of
this Institution, located in Philadelphia, will .
Commence PbtrAlei ; A; 1865 , 'and 'o2thitte
five months. In fifteen_ years during which
period the College has been in existence, sit
ty- eight ladiqi have re - Ceiked its diplointt, and
nearly four times that number have niatricu
lated and attended its lectures: The* thir
teenth annual comrne*trient was held at
College on the of March;iiheri the qe
gree of doctor of was - conteitedby
the President, T. :Morris Perot,, b,, upon
Lucy Abbott, Maine; Ruth :A: Ccerryi,,
Michigan, and N. M. LeaVell, 'Ohio: To
women, of capacity, independence and posi
tion can be readily secured by : the study, and
practice of mediclne. ' The ridiculous oppo
sition to the movement is+passbg away, - we
are glad .to note,.and this College is, yearly
incressinz in -power and usefulness. ,
• Tits Norristown Herald thinks that•papers
in`thls State that profess to lead liberal-Batt
runt should express.: themselves openly and
fearlessly, that ' • '
"Nolda] man in the rebelliMia States should be re
ftwed'arlght conferred upon a-rehel! And that -
•'No loyal man in the, rebellions States, ;competent
to vote, Mould be deprived of that tight be his color
. Our catemporary names 'the Philadelphia
Press, Harrisburg Telegraph and Chambers
burg.Hepository. as recreant. on. this:topie—
We trust to'ri them, yetardent advocates of
the right in this matter. , In the meantime
we know that it is the popular sentiment in
Pennsylvania that the leading rebels must be
punished for:their terrible crimes; that the
disloyal people of the South should give sat
isfactory proof that they will become loyal,
and that every Union man in' the SOuth,
white : or blitat, ; should have the rights .and
privileges of an American- freeman. It is
unmanly, cowardly, to attempt to shirk this
question. It must be met, foritis THE queS
lion of the -hour.: . •
Sew ridge Packer 'of
Mauch Chunk, Carbon County, has given
$500,000 for the establishment and nikinte
natice off' a collegeat Bethlehem. Acommis
sion, at the head of whom is Bishop Stevens,
- is already,_engaged in organizing a plan for
tbe .A. tract,of acres also giyen
as a site for the college buildings, and the
Trustees are not fettered in their action as to
to the kind of buildings to be erected, orsuch,
other arrangements as are necessary to carry
out the munificent purpose ofJUdge Packer.
Bethlehem is one of the lovliest, villages in
Pennsylvania. It is in Northampton County,
on the south bank of. the Lehigh River; at
the junction of the Lehigh Valley and North
Pennsylvania Railroads, 11 miles from the
flourishing city of Easton, and .51 miles froin
Tar; value of the estate lett" by the late
James DTl(las, Esq., is $1,200,000. The
revenue stamp upon his will cost SGOO, being
the largest stamp upon-an instrnment of that
charact..r yet affiredin Philadelphia. His
bequests were as follows : to hi gardener,
`John Pollock ; housekeeper, Henrietta Long,
each, $1,000,• and Ann Fine, servant, $5OO.
To his niece, Virginia Watson. $5,000. To
his friend, Joshua Lippincott, $lO,OOO annu
ally for life, and all his wines . - and- liquors.
To his niece; Aguas Dundas Lippincott,
$lO,OOO annually, for life and his plate and
furniture. Mrs. Anna S. Smith (late DWl
das) the interest of $15,000 ; ,the principal at
her death to go to her children. To his grand
nephew, James Duudas _Lippincott, all his
books,: paintings and statuary and two farms.
The remainder of his estate is divided into
forty equal parts, sixteen going to JamesD.
Lippincott.; twelve- to Anna Maria Dimas
Lippincott; three to Agnes D. Lippincott ;.
five to the children of his deceased brother
John, and two to the children of his deceased
brother Henry. There' are - lands. in tills
County owned by the esf4l,e. The executors
of the will are Joshua - Lippincott, Richard
Smethurst and James D. Lippincott.'
. PRESIDENT JonicsoN is "winning golden
ppinions from all manner of uten,";eicept
Copperheads:. They don't -like the prompt'
ness with. which, he hangs Murderers. It
makes them feel •uneasy. He gave In Wash
ington or.the • day of . - the execution, another
example Of.his intention to discharge his du-.
ty with SacksOnian firmness. A:Writ of ha
berta corpus in - the case 61*. Mrs: . strratt was
granted by Judge
. ..Wylie of the 'Supreme.
Conrt of the Distrlet r otColumbia. * The Pre
sident quickly disposectOt the nonsense, by
snspending the :writ, and directing General
Hancock to proceed to execute his orders in
regard to the execution of the assassins. - The
murder party- don't like, that kind Of work.—
It "is . rough" on its convicted members.
Again, the President on eaturday last, talked
Very plainly to a - delegation-Of 'Virginia mer
chants, who wiehed him_ to.. strike -out the,
$20,000 clause in' the 'amnesty proclamation.
He'wotild not. tio it. Noti
-a bit of it. He
told them that the
,"men in the
. Soutli- NS ho
dragooned the people . into - secession .were
wealthy. . They arethe,.anes who must auf
, fer. He • thought they ought to be tamed on
ail over s2p,poo to keep the poor, The del 7
Liegation- went arVay - with the. opinion that he
Presidentis not a man to•-he bambooiled by
rich rebels or sneaking Copperheads. •••
"Occ4.!_izosAt," the NV ii . shngton c'.6rrespon":
dent of, the Philadelphia Peess; thinks the
Copperheads haVe missed their mark in try;
ing to bring President Joheson : down to : their
level. He is a Maa•ofjustice, of firm resolve
to punish eriniinals, : and a.. Democrat 'of the
Jackson, not modern style. : "Occasional,"
under !late - of July • writ es . : : • -
The practice of holdinu everybody *responsible for the
strong measures ot the Government but the President
himself. was most sedulously
.maintained dnring the
term otMr. Lincoln. At first he was denounced as a
usurper and a tyrant ; but gradually he came to be dis
missed as a sort of protest-Nation-the decided doings of
his Cabinet. Whenever he sanctioned what leoked-like
a resolute policy. he was credited with a rehictant •
•yielding to exacting counsels. The ACCCSSIOII. of An
drew .Johnson did riot discourage thore who preached
this text. Only they "made a different application of it.
The new-President was to be aloft and pliant ruler. be- ,
muse• ha twat! a Demrxrat 1 As anon as he took the
place made vacautey the bullet of the traitor. he was
expected to be uncommonly lenient to all twilit - Us—to.
the same who, until he. became President ; . made him
the target of the most shameless and nameless. c.altun.
ores.. In fact, he was no Democrat then—nothing but
an Abolitionist Bali a despot.. It is not 'for .me to-nn
-1 ravel these metaphyales. That Andrew Janneon should
fear-to strike at treason because be is 'a Democrat, may,
mean that those-.who _expected this sort of timidity
think that modern treason and modern Dernocracy are
terms of equal meaning.. The,Demotracy of Andrew not that kll= ar is made. of sterner stuff.
It is ofJacksonate to _the hard "and bitter tench
ingerof his life. nakterhisfrifit was the watchword of
• his success. 'W.!' alitalindrew Johnsab to-Jo Lane
In the,Pebniaryof.lB6l, idter brie. of the
threats of the latter 1.....`2. Irtell.that Senator these ryes
never saw-the man of whomlistood in fear I" The De
mocracy of Andre.W.Joimeon %Instinct with horror of
cowardice and hats_ id-treason:4Hr very finst ?real
dentin' act :wail- to treat the assassins of
Mr. Lineoln...`ThieWhalelarid'wai thrilling with In
dignation, and black,with- the- thiader:clouds of un
common wrath. How should he' proceed Wait to
take advice from the Conrta.+maytiap.from Mr. Justice
Wylie he=or from lawyers' from Mr. 'Charles
0 't...'onor tirNeiv Tork—hOwmuctireward he. ehould of
fer for tno capture of Booth, and if Hot virtuous yoniie
man was 'caught, whether the- Government would pay
the reward 2 Had he anyxight to 'earth , for the ac
complicee 2., This was another question. And when as
the proof oozattant.drep by drup.llkrilhe blood that
betrays the slaughtered body; allowing the relations be
tweerbleffenson Davie and the assesains;-it Would bare
taken a.coilege of philosophers to.._knolvrhat he was
F.thers to do. 1.16 w would Old. Rickety have Met ouch
an exigency? Suppose him to have. been Abraham
Lincoln's successor, we'do not think evert Mr. Reverdy
Johneon would have : inducted take a consenc
tire coarse. Indeed of a sour :apple tree, he might have
found a more conrenient and a shorter metbal attune-
mining the high priest of; Secession to his original la
- lavatory. ,And I -apprehend that his militarr court
would have been. far-lees formal than that. of which
(lepers] Hunter was President._ General Jackson bad a
very sincere regard for the Jaw; to. time of pEace .; and,
no doubt, if Judge Hall had,beeniop the bench while
the General-IMP rieiting New Orleans. wit gay young
Teprieseeera. before the war, be would have - been ter
rided at hie frown • But when . the enemy was at the
door of the city, and the latter infected with, treason,
even Judge Hall, and the lawyers and the' dignitiee Of
that place, had to give way. Andrew. Johneon bus not
, been cotemporrineorte: with twit ofllds greaultian's
' career, has not livid in Teeneseee. bits notbeen a JaCk- I
son boy, for nothing. 1 respect" that:following his ex-
ample. end recalling how that example was endorsed
tothe people, has -been a pared
thatpl of
silent heels. An3how, I fear the *kedge who
expected him to be lenient to traitcra because he was. a
Democrat. -will nut be so eager in his praise when they
bate realized that his Denmeracy bats-taken another
-shape, and that With .hiiu country
:high shove all
8.11.14 OQ
A book of some ffve hundred pages, •iAtich;
Wiltlie complete roc* of ,what
-Calitity . did•• duringthe Rebellion,
.will . soon
be published.' it Wilfeeiltain the names . . o
all Volunteers_ who enterthrfotFarly tenri: . ot
service during' he - war. 340' ituthber,civei_.
twelve thousand. It will contain a list, of
oltmea'Of soldiers from:the County, who 'died
in the service,
.the company, regime,Oyhere
and how they died: This , list embraces - near.'
Iyaevenhundred names: It will contain nor.:
ratives of battles in which our soldierpwere
engaged; incidents of the patriotism of the
citizens of the County; list of. contributions,
'etc. There will be a Chronologies! tabre: . hioi
graphical sketches of officers and , surgeons
from the County,
,and .a Warsllap with all of
the battle-fields marked. There will also, be
portritits -of the: ibrigadier-gertmilf:'and'colo
' nels from , Schuylkill County,: eieented liy
Haltof New York, one of the finest engravers
in the countiy. •
The work will be one of interest tci . every '
one who has been in,the,,Artat f•rora Jhitt
County; to every family who has lost
. a rela
tive in the Service, for it a record fOr all
time of their honorable service in the cause of
the imperilled liberties of the Republic., 1 •
It is due to the patriotism of-Scttuylkill
County that suchka memorial should. inzado;
table form, be in the possession of Our citizene,
and we ask for on
-its its appearance, which
we hope will be early in the Autumn, the
consideration of all who appreciate what the
Connty has done , to sustain the Government
iii; its contest' against the 'c,ohorts of treason.
. • .
have noticed with' Tegret that the returned Soldiers
were not out in theirstrength onitha Fonlth of July,
.and at 'foment' the late ffinerals of deceased comrades,
-arising front some Jealousy of -the different regiments,
and three, two and 'one year,' three months and -emer
gency men. This is all wrong ; we ehould allbe litre a
land bfbrahersand co•operate.together„andform
'ltsiociation.which will be an honor to hhlbtig to. -' The
- sole object of said association, shouldlie . to attend the
,ftmeralfrofdereased comrades, who . faithhillj , stood by
their country's rights. without regard to length of ser
vice. 'As the.Gnard of Honor has failed 'to receive that
- co-operation-from all on account 4:l,USealousy . Jealousy-as to who
is to be on the right, left or centre. fic - :. I would sug
gest that each body of men Who'served different terms,
-form separate companies or organizations: Say, the 3
lear,.4.•yean-1. yea' month; - : emetgeadyand.drafted
men, the- 48th and 96th. Regiments. no. matter how
many men each has,. ten or one hundred :. when 'all are
organized the whole to elect a - commandant, Who will
appoint his own staff, and assign places in line accord
11qt° ^the service rendered.. All - tol adopt blue cap,
..white gloves and bap. ' . • Remain) SoLDtaa.
The Execution of Mrs. Surratt,
;lambi; Payne and Atzerott.
.We briefly i‘tated in our last that foul' of the assassins.
'of President 11niolh.were hanged •at Washingtbn on
the previous day. The following additional particulars
are interesting: " , •
Timing the night before the • execution bone of .the
prisoners slept 'save Payne and•ll scold, tenth of Whom
had a sound, quiet rest of abord.two boars. None of
than had eaten anything scarcely except Payne, Who .
partook heartily of breath. t. Oplatett had been given
Mrs. Surritt to produce rest but. without avail The
Spiritus] advisers andfriends.of the condemned left the
.prison shortly after 11 o'clock. and none returned until
the morning, except Miss Surrntt, who remained .With
her mother from.ithout midnight until'S o'clock, A. M.
Mrs. Surratt had hope up to almost the hour 01 her ex
ecution that her sentence would he respited, if not com
muted, and
. sbe had apparently lost Sight of her
terest in deep solicitude for her daughter, or whom.she
constantly talked;=and repdhtedly, frantically Mad vidth
wringing - of fier hands, asked:. '• What will becomd of
•her rwhat will be Anna's rate.?" - • • • -•
,Theie statements , embrace'substantially all the pri
soners have given in the nature of •confessioni, other
than what le found in the proofs and admissions onthe
, .
. .
: During the morning of Friday Atzerott was in corn
panywith the Der Mr ; Butler, a Lutheran minister of
.the -The...prisOne.r.was_lytng.upen,hic....hed au
intent and quiet listener to the whisperings of.themin- -
ister. At another time Atzerott seemed utterly unnerv
ed, and tossed about frequently clasping hi's bands to
gether and wringing them as in hopolessness and des -
pair. At,noon and thereafter ho liecanie:naltiter and
scarcely spoke or moved. • -• • -
Mrs. Surrott throughout the tiny continued in 'physi
cal rtostrat ion. bnt grew calmer as the hour lippreached
for execution. The parting between herself and dam,h
. ter was borne with more fortitude than_ wai expected of
her ; and whilst the latter swooned army, and wns car
ried to an adjoining apartment senseless, Mrs. Smratt rally in strength for the moment: Soon
again. howeyer, she lost strength; and when taken
from her cell•to the scafteld,she. had to be almost liter.
. ally lifted:and borne along by the Caldera.
In the lot south of the prison. and 'surrounded by
Wall thirty feet high, the. scaffold was erected. The
- structure is aboutimventy feet from the prisoh near by;
say. thirty feet - distant, were four - freshly dm-graves,
and beside them , four-lafge pine coffins, .coarsely con
. -,TheScaffold was tio arranged that the liar cotudetheed
could lie hung at the same time. •
In the'enclosure and upon the top of the wall: which
was.literally packed With 'Soldiers, were quite - three
thousand, spectators, three-fourtim, of
,whom mere aol-
Aboat half-past twelve o'clock. General 4ancoci ar
rlied. and remalfied personally inspectinvall.theolll
- acts" . '
At 1.15 the procession proceeded from the prison to
the sciffold in the following'order; preceded by General
llartranft • , -
Mrs. Snrratt. supported by an officer and a non-com
missioned-officer, and attended by Rev. Fathers Walter
and Wigett.
Atzerott. attended by an officer with whom walked
his Spiritual iitiviseir, Rey. J.. 0. Rutter, of the Lutheran.
Church. and Chaplain Winchester:. . .
Harold came next, attended by Rev. Dr. Olds, of
Christ Church, Episcopal. .-
Payne, attended by Rev. of the First.
Baptist Church -of thia city, and Rev. Dr. Striker, of
- - -
Mrs. Sarratt,• attended by.two • rnlcliers.• Her wrists
and ankles' were ironed. She was attired inn plain
black alapaca - dress, with black helmet and thin veil.
Her. face .could •be easily seed ,. She gazed up at the,
horrid instrument of death...and her lips 'were moving
: rapidly as in prayer, She was aasisted upon the scaf
fold, and seated in a chair.near the drop. She gazed
upon the nooSe, which dahgled in the wind before, her
face; and again her lips moved as if In prayer: •
Atzerott followed, with a . glaring, - haggard look: He
seemed to' have
,Changed in appearance greatly since
his incarcerated He. also,' was assisted by two sol
diers, and seemed very' feeble.. hut appeared to rally
when on'the scaffold. and took an evident interest in
the .prociedings.• . • • .. -
Harold came neit, sapporteti on each side. - He seem
ed very feeble: tint - revived a'llttle Sulrse,quently.
realized.his position now, ithe never did before. Ile
was very pale and careworn-- lie examined the it( at
fold- closely, upon approaching it, and especially the.
. .
Payne came neit..Nafth his usual bold. etraight atti
tude. lookhig.,withreeming indifference upon the-Instru
ment of death. He wore a blue idatrt. and • etraw hat:
There , oinetflrmneao la his step Gabe marched to the
The Catholic *tannin ;attendance °pore: 4 4m Snrratt
declined making rair. public ?mark. Dr _Gillette step:
ped forward and said: • •
The prisoner, Lewin Thornton. Powell, known , as
Payne. requesta me' on this occasion, to. say for him
that he thanks, publicly and. Pi occrely. thanks, General
Rartranfti all the officers and Soldiers who,land charge
of him, and all persons who have minitered- to ~his'
wants, for their nn wavering - kindness to him in this
trying hour. Ifeit an unkind word nor an 111-feeling act
has been Made toward tdm. • • • . .
Almighty . hodonc heavenly Father. We pray thee to
Permit us to cornmittthisi . sottlinto thy hands: -not, for
-any claim we have to make for it in ourselves, but de
pending as we do upon'the merits of our Lord Jesna
Christ, grant, :0 Heavenly Father, we beech thee.
that his spirit may be accorded an wiry passage out or
thin werld: and, if- consistent-With the Turpones of.
mercy, and thou delightest in mercy, receive him. This
we humbly ask; through Jesa Christ, -our Lord and onr
Redeerner. . Amen. .
Dr Olds., in behalf of Harold, followed, saying: .•
"David E. Harold, wbo is here about to undergo the
extreme penalty Of offended taw dasires me to say that
he hopes your, prayers may be offered up to the. Most
High God forlorn: that he forgives all who .may at any
time have wronged him, and asks of all . forgiveness for .
all the wrong or supposed wrong he has done unto thigh;
that he thanks the officers who have had charge of him'
during his confinement, id priml' for ,their deeds of
kindness toward him : he hopes that he dies in charity
with all the world, and is convit.ced that his soul is to
the handsorGod: .."Ameh.”- :'T
•,- - - ,
• • Rev, Mr Butler„ the' epiritual ndvNer .
or Atzerott,
then rose 'and naid : • . -• • ...• •
',GeorgeA Atzerott requeits me thutottbllcly,to re
turn hie unfagnedthanks . tollen'entYllartranitrand BIY
associated' with' him. in this prison. for their uniform.
courtesy and kindness during
flit hisimprisonntent,.And
now George - A: litserott,ay'God.have.roemy4ipon
:you. . The way of.theliansgressor is bard. -The wages
o I sin is death ; but,we freely confess" our Sirts; Pod.
will in meter, pardon Ahem:: :,PuisLianns into:, the
,world to save ainners,--eren the chief of sinners.. Be ,
lieve in the lord 7estot Christ, and thou shalt be Pined,
The blood of :the : blessetkliedeetne.A.4estts
cleanseth fret& aft'Sin. ` You' • MOM' hnbe-.
I ieved to have .pence-in'youi heart; and _may- God be
with vou in this pour of trial and suffering; tutek,may
you be enabled Rota commend'yonr siml to the thiattor
alt. that you - may have . peace In this last moment' of
. life., The Lord. God - .411y. rather . of Mercy, ha*
mercy upon. on you, and, remlye you Into His heavenly'
keeping. 'lord Golf,'llidietner - Of 'the world, have
Mercy upon this. man'. ~ - L ord - God. lioly Spirit of the
Father and the Son have . mercrytmn: him and grant
hiMthy peace . Anteti„.. . --
•Tris LAAT PALNETI; 1136'tiE.
'General Hartranft read the ordceO,f,:theiWarEepart.'..
went. embracing the F . tesidettt , s Executlie Order;lor
the execution, • . . •
The limbs of each of the prisoners were new pinioned'
The caps were drawn over their beads, Mrs. Surratt
exclaiming in a faint yelps, " Don't let me fall ; hold
Ateerott exclaimed In a lend tone : "Gentlemen. take
warning ;" then. after an interral of about MO mingtedi
ho mid ; .1)06d-by, gentlemen who ate before me : may
we all meetin the other world.- , •
• It was now twenty-ilve mlnnlca pait 1 o'clock, Mc'
officer in charge of the 4caffold here made some precori
certed muttons to the attendant soldiers to
froth the Maio. and then, vnth a motion of his hand, the
drop fell colt the bodies of.the criminals were suspend
ed in the air, ' - • .1 •
t i .liikaibod i IN .. •,.
• , -
Anne and ionni4,C,a few ita!kettaa. ,1.,
the •
t m,Ptilfe:*.-' • - c:":
' itit
' ,-.' -tkrm4•4lidiawine,
- " L ' '.4. +Wi= u unat. l"thl AZ*l7ilu e i-W" . initr7 l4. ficai •
=lf M l tri.%•to be of but veryshort .
. - • •- .-
. '-- -:::. ,i•.. A...".•
~ - T .:,
t , , ; - s; - 4 4 , 34 „*. of testMfiestee Plearlebeekein . , '''
-:: • 'IIT- ' Ak a:, l * * , Ilt:',Otlif U. 801;116/1
' - -". • ' '''' --- ' ;itilli Suwon of thePwsk
i ' i ",i !. *,-biaos, an&petoosiesstlilkellit
- 1.
4 • .oe. - the hOdt4-Isvictiehstiectheinpost - •
tope thecoel ' e ra= l "W"skodeV i rttee'
einiositabtstelot bi& . .
neclUtoftm*eslitteinstan_ t, broken. _ , caw
•At e *P P- 4 01(wi q be .p. sw . r 4•• - • - 11 ! thia
.... • • •,
r anirbutiottT- . -.._1.1 hi let idt‘tbas to
[ Tin 1411"1161°
re s
lea:teen UtVelerant
Ahe mareldans of Company" F . . ,
~ ._ ,
I gem. They were Chosen bs . the leeltatunft
what'(T. Pt t..
l regimenteate,lwithoot irogricr known _
n : ( 1 7 1 : 6 ,
I plarpothotaired ?lour able-bodiM men, of the _ t
meat to be' selected from the left or.tkie. Al*, to , ffierfer i l m t :b l . :
a apeciat and -I.ntitle rdizirlimnited lie.,
cordingly truldelre the' • .
clime known to the natembentot th e regiment .;.
. : 1 :
• Modd. Ansiatnamitillr Itedireer Yr PI besent .
to the , Albetry - : : Pe:flu:taw'''. Waked telr.i, ;
.. • . -.- 7
, r -:, :.
,-....,;•,,,- ,--- .7 -- - - t- - -7! .
-,- .riElm maga . - - NOW Orleans," - ,
: • 41fir.17fief i *ilg - ,. - titi l o s tl a b - sts bra ye 'out in 'Bolivia.
oirlbo - reScdntion :in Peru is 4 gainingfru&
WrOregen yielded . eight millicgis of - g ,•
sclrAtiransas is .reported _in a destitsate - eaw.
The. 4
14taithein kalroids :are tieing ram*
• the retail prisoner's at iiewport News
har,e..4eermleased. • • - • •- • -
. -.LIM() d
_ifficulties -between • Spahi and alai
,'Va., has been: tnr4o4, over to
the eivSnutifinities.' • ••
sir All sohinteer officers and men are. ordered'
to Join their regimental. •
wlf - No demiion , bas:yet been made, about the
trial of Jefferson . •
. _
• WThe balance...or the.,Ninth. borrili brim
mustered out of ;advice, " •
WAgreat like, the source , of, the. Nile, has
I:We discovered' •• '• • • -
ittirOx-Renorder Tillon of , New York, is dead,
in thii7Otit . year of hisage. -•-• • ,
rwrien.,,Pitpe : . left Washington - for his -com
mand in Minnesota: nn Friday'. • f
The Tnitett:fitatee .icinadrchrixi the East
Indies is soon to bereinforcod. • •-' • - •
WPantligorplif, - the cliesi player, has arrived
in New York from Now Orleans. '• -
WThe new steam corvette. Madawaska was
launched at BrooklymisrSaturday.ez z •
• Wrienry .A. • Wise is - named as a probable
candidate for Governor of, Virginia. • • ••
IfirSenater Ynlee •: and Governor . . Allison of
riorida:stramonfined in Fort Pultuiki.. • •- .• •
", - ,,Hr z Two vessels collided at sea' oft the' Chalet-
Pelko, •Tunii - 26.. Four lives *ere lost,
31170131 Y, 250,00 'soldiers have yet been paid
off. As man* more be paid. • ' •
July 4th, 75;279 persona and : 4;7Bl car
riages were at Central Park, Now-York. - . •
aar•The St. Nicholas Coal Co. will pay a dividend
' of S per cent:, clear of tax, on the.l7tb.inst:
'AirßoVernor Sharkey, of MississipPi. is ramp
pointirfg all the old county and toWn'officers. - -
Sr The GoVernment of Memphis,',Tennessee,
has been handed over to the civil authorities. •
/317 T-he Flasard-Powder.M.ills, in I Cortneatient;
explode t on Thursday; -Two men wera.killed.
• WA-weekly newspaper is to be started at Ra
leigh; North. Carolina - and 'a daily at Newborn.
'The: Presidertt returned to Washington-on
Monday frcim his'eXcnrsion down the Potomac. -
- Bar Tha tOdies of Mrs Surratt,'Atzerott,Rar
.rold and Payne have beeit-given to their.friends.
37rNearly all the railioid workmen
. in Buffalo
have struck on 'account of a rednetion'eif wages.
. gCol. Harrison, Davie private' Secretaryjs
confined in the Old Penitentiary' at Washington.
WGen. Rooker will not take command of. the
'Pepartment"mf„the Feet Until the middle
Wlion.Seiefili G. Wright, 'the Minister
to. Prussia, will leave for Berlin about August
AirThereis said to be a muck larger quantity
of cotten' in-South Carolina thanwsa atfirst•sup
writ is reported that allthe men left in the
army of the Potonise wilibe mustered out in two
WA delegation from Florida,- asking for
Provisional Governor of the 'State, ie,in Wash
ington. • •
WThe' assessed Yalitistiori of thereat and per
sonal propertyin Cheater virility amounts. to-$27,-
Control of Norfolk, Virginia, haii been
fesumed-'by the - The city:' is tinder
martial law:. • ' . I
WThe report that- Secretary ; Seward, line
placed his resignation in. he President's hands is
- contradicted.: = •
• arGen. Grant's log,. house, in which he lived
Whilst before Biahmond; is now On its way to
Philadelphia. ' . • ' • • •
WOne hundred and fifty Generals, now bay
ing commands in the'Northern States,. are to be
mustered. out. . -• •
in' the interior of .'Virginia are still
at sea. •The people ate much disaffe.cted towards
the GovernMent.. • 7 . . • ' . •
.wForty.sults. for. pont:akin are - pending in
.New• York against Colonel Baker, the.chief Gov
entmept Detective. ' . • .• • •
. to-The guerillas still, control the Southwest.—
Franklin, Louisiana, was recently sacked. ,Five
'Treasury" agents. who went into the intrior to
search for cotton are supposed to 'have been
murdered by' • • ' •••• •• "
Ilelmboldrß ErrAkcii Bccutr and lidruncen Rosa
WAstt cures . secret and delicate . disorde lc in 'ail their
stages, at little expense, little orjto chan;elnAlet,
Inconvenience. and no ekixamre. It is pleasant in taste
and odor, immediate in its uctinivand free from all in
jue.ons prenerties. Aprll a,. 74.6 m . "
Pottsville. Jul* 114.,/,136.
The quantity I sent . by Railroad this week is 58-
931 . 03—by panel 27,972 - 10; for the week 80,963 03
tone,- against : 23;05 00 for Ale corresponding
'week last.year. . .• •
There was a turnout lon the laterafßailroiids
last year in 'this region,' Which silmeet • entirely
stopped the trade. This accounts for the short
supply list year. • .. • •
There is an evident improvement in the trade
within the last week,• and although 'prices, have
not advanced any, they are more firm at the pre-
iimis.loW 'rates. This feeling' - seems to pervade
the whole trade,* and therefore we may-confuleut
ly 'state thitt the 'prices Of Coal bait." tOnChedbof. -
tore " this 'season,. and will not be any - loWer..
rednetion in prices in this ; region is from 'BO
to 90 rott cent. on the highest rates of .Itist year,.
present state of prices ruling on. all
other artieles of consumption,is,a very large re
duction, and ought to satisfy allemuminers. They
also receive' a much cleaner-. article at the re.
&Iced rates,. which is another ThipOrtant consider.
. . .
There are several Collieries standing idle yetis
thiS region, which.will net start until the-price ofji
Coal advances, or Nviges,are farther reduced.'
At some of the -Collieries: the rcdnotion in thi
price of wages hai reached 10. per At-som(
Collieries they ace asking a redaction of 50 pei
oent:. This is"tpo large with previer4 prices . co
living: Forty per cent. on rriinerS„ and thirty-or
laborers is All- the redoction that ought to IA
asked until . prices` of living areredneedt6 a great
er extent. .. •
We are decidedly. opposed to all low wages sys.
terns, and we.hope that they will not lip'redliced
lower than there hi an alsiolnte'necesso keep
. . ity _ •t • .
the trade Tinosing,' buSiness or country can
prosper:with low rra . ges,.ancl,fhe :pan in business
who exPeCts to benefit hit:ll:self or hikbrisiness by
paying lOW w_i_iges, 'does' not understand the . first
_principles on which business •. sums up this week: as folloirs corn_
pared with last -year : . . .
. •
- . 1864. . 1863.
. .
' DEP..
P& R. R.l{ 19,42911,589.473 58,091 . 1,323,5644265.339
Schnyl Cass. -4.036 L 899,528 27,972 269.115181110,413
1, V;al R. R.. 19,033 791.462 3.94171 .641.940 d133,542 '
Lehigh Cani .14.619 276,550 22.673: - 264,3951 812,1r4
&rant S'lll.l 17.271 409,071 14.311 443,60 5 'd55.466,
~ N. 1.111 6,071 163,726 6.989 - : 122,100 4141.6261
Penna.-C. CI - - . • . - - . - , -1
BY'R.-Roadl 1.61111 litass '11.236 , 257.775
By Canal., . 18.761 .181,612 . 240.16.4114405:191
Del.& and: '.24,058: 3311,1 24,69,9 .7: 324,5321: , d 15,568
;rang Sth. ~ -' .. 112,400 ; - , - .4,0564163,404
Shama:in:: 9,091( "154,286
. 10.097 .171,672 -17,386
Trevorten:. 7,864 - - 37.041 . - 378 • 11,919 826,722
'Short"... ~ _ . — 135.21.3 _ . ',
'..„. 74601'd27,712
Franklin C. ~7;144 , .. 91.941 ' - 851 - 12.887 (125,034
Broad Top. 192,325 - - 124,246'. d 68,079
;,.152,797 4,4414074 191;757;;4:010,048..
-' - 4,010,045152,797
634.063; . -' --:-.
week lad yeanis 38,060 tops frornall,the regions.
The increaie . 'freak.County Over last
year, when there was s enspoPsion of the trade,
is .58,091 03 tons. . . • •
CoaStwise freights which were very low, are be
ginning to advance' again. . The,' transporting
.Companies-will make no :further reduction in
freights this : year, and wages is about ea laif
as they : are likelitO lie, ,consumers abroad, can
therefore nomniencelaying in their:stockaof 'dual
with safety. *
Our attention bas,been
.. etdled to an article on
Miners !yogis' from The'frmer, published at
The editor is in:n error with
regard to'wages paid in,this region. The wages
paid to inside and outablerlahoreis at the Mines
in Schuylkill Conntyidering a large portion oflast
year, and up to this`spring, ranged from $l4 to $lB,
a nd .W 6l ed ik."'••••l43/3 $10: a, week. ; „.Thes wages paid
to miners employed by the week - was front $l7 to
320 a week, and would. average alxutt $lB a week.
Many of the miners who workedity contract made ' HAZAWIVAIVE B RATEI)
to akrsro 4 - roonlolV tind4liii ( e was scarcely 4 sed..' Ui de r 6 lg ne d• AgfAlkfor
a ef / W e a * !he region wbere the Men d -411s4thil a" vine 4
INC*tlertl f 6l4d worked '; e _
,„tannonnes to his numerous frients. ,.. and
steadily, That pity bath; did,not 'eve stip i til i ;‘ , 4 4 :Verldom Senereilr I'llWDi Melva Is not t p n r oce red an , ta d
month for mitilog flimin4; gangways 41171 c f i Itc s l;the
by contract., In ems insiarialrt) had 6 , 1 their Ristrontlee.' , "Intse * -1° ." 13 . " .!'a ;hare
monthly psTe /If t 20041 /d 1215-11 moth. At one '`! tr a t r e ,- r6 .l l lP 4 A 44l°° 7 a tri falebterit li. ..fhomp =
cc siliery, employing : sßout sixty lands, the Oper- AtlY ls : l6 - ° 213 ' 7Magt.
ator has assured rus that the monthly Tray rolls ofAT Voltle Ai iisnwm -
MfileP l w.orkingilliplorm**AfgAngl4o:ol2, ~k 1 rAicst.eK rravAlia"'"" mw
averaged $175 a month. 'These are th e N at e e ,1011Y..-`
wages Alia t Were plod: this cesip,i,edpn Whiati 41.11;11;,59°'11" Vo( r i k p r vl ;l B l e , t.7:rpe , t shice,Fi
'thv induction, taigts per cent..on laboietra r arid gs - _ We;are erecting our mill at the • Mine.' 14 iMoss;
Per cent., on,roi nom t0ike444,4 1 1p wept-a. frit=l 7 sl2:4 e lrtiTitf al triti s ti l*4 Z A fe ' w
The wages paid at the • inthisarui oth- we A 611 3 6 Y luculfb/Y elulder l 4 eall' et l l l llY' . tik% ad
er Coal regions, were mach greater than
.vantage °I-Pre"nt. "antes:
was paid, Afew good Agents wanted. 41 Lazy
tilantrpi - stAirlfw.„
-Nioit.s. a A K i kt i t*lll *Cr 1 14Filla,
Vaacottieries receive; now—from 111 to $l.l & v.0 1 , 4 1F._
-itetipaand , pekes Ateltrark:4Thtv Purehow
Abe. ilaitchud 4Yederstltp
T, trOkt i tiffAt 46 e o o:Veklatne/AMW
'l; 2 Blab
virat '.144A-StIt.ET
:113,10Z8 0E.00,91L,8Y....THE 043161,•
Bad Ash Prepared„.....s 6 500
I L. ra l4tatrt
_• " "
• : -t3t:ltost and Etrokenc.'.,'„ 6t,.1
" Egg C
-er " Chestnut,. . Ant
Loetust 31t. Ltrap, Bt. • & 6' 35 -
" 'Broken ..... 6 636 - 6 25 ,
• m=
..Prepared. 6.00®S 25
Chestuut..-. .
Lorberry Coal, .. .. ... . . 6 56c4 6.75.
8e124014t.11041 - . 47-41 - ' 1
Lehigik rAgup,' : k -.l‘ i
" Chestnut, 5750 - 6 Off,
BrosaToP, 6 75@i 00'.
AT NtW;ioltlii.
Schuylki Bed - Ash by - Bnat'i:;ad t'.l'7-0(kg)
• a nut . . :
".. - White '
Boat. . . ... 7 2 5
" Broken: a Egg',- • 7'000,7 415 -,
Stove, • • • OQ:I_7.SM:
Lehigh - White Ash Lump'. S. Boat. -• , Cb 7.00
" • ErePii.e4; ' =.t
" 'Oheettrat ,
~. ... .. .
'tool set ElizabOtispel4..
launP and St. Boat by -.Cargo. CA I.
St. Boat 0. - , -
Broken.'. . ... ... ..
Egg' - • ' • 0
Chestnut, .
_Bee Auction 5a10p..."
Lehigh Cowl at Elizabettkport. .
Lump and St-Boat by Cargo 7.2i0 700
Brokm and • Egg -"- . .00
Prepared • • 4 '. " ( 41 TOO
Chentant • " ".. . . 0 - 25 . 7
Ditill..*lllll4ll.ll 1110
C0.'0111 , 6' liontlont.
. . ..... .• ... ;3: ••
St. Boat.
Broken:, . . ... .... ..
Egg CtA
- Stove - • .
bo:os Coal ntillkivrbisri".
St 810t. 4 /
Broken • ' ' - • 0'
Stove " - " ,• *
Atue - Auotion Saki. •
1 4 i E i ism '
Sha'kin & Pittston*. Asli-whiolri j jei - 7 -3 500 - 475.
" ' -retail. .•' 9No
Lykerte Valley Sha'hin 114(11...eit
- wholesale ..... 8' 250
, iratan,: 9 50 ci t io 50
CIISiBERLAND y Codel.-Litun of mine 1. 0, b.
s7_ 50 at Locnitt. Point.• •
. . . .
Freights from F'tkilliehmtatadAFiailati 9 a.]
Portland I SO 4 Portsmonth........;:q 90
Newburyport . ' 1 % IBoaton • - 1*)
'New Bedford.. ... ..... 1.75 I Newport; • • 1 70
.New.Londen.. • 1 10.1Nonrich • • 1-75
'New Haven I 40 r Bridgepont 1 40
New York.' . ... 1 40 I 30
Rhode Island 1. 504,Alexandria ..... 1.75
Washington*D. 1:15 I Hartford: .. .. . 2 00
Taunton • V6O. Newark- ' — 1.40
Albany • 200 I' .. . 2. 00
Richmond - V..A. L. ..9 , 75 J Norfolt Ya 175
Dighton ' • 1 90.1 Derby • 175
/ 2 9.Ve559 1 .. 9 and, 45. bstapi,aniverl ((r the w.eelc.
,F re ~tiitr trot Eflznbet6por•a'
New York.... ....V 60 1 Portland
Fnll Myer. • 20)Newbniyport.
Norwalk:. • ._._.. _....,._..
-001Portillionth , ',,
Dliddletown, - ... - -„, I .„2,o;N'ew Bedford:*...'
'Una5un.;. ‘ ,..,..:...;,....tiati8ridgep0rt.,..„.,
Lynn. . - 1 to l l.lartforo.
. .
gilent .`'.-- .. -' ''1.,D0tA1b4ny.:.•...:;....
, Freightlifrom -
To Philadelphia ' ....... . . ...S/ 25(3
New York • I 754
2 004
'Freighu fro m Georgetown or Alexandria.
To Philadelphia • $1 250
New York
.Pittegreve Coni Tiade for 1865.
Amount transported dating the last month: •
4101T71t. t TOTAL.
• • 92214..32,085 fIT
' 507 .01 ' 12,065 OS.
.1,519.15 . 44,150 15
Lorberry -Creek:
Swarana , Rallrord
nton Canal Railroad..
SrChuylkill Cantu? Railroads:far 1885.
• The following is..the onantit,y of coal transported,
over the different liallroadi, in
. Schuylkill COnnty, for:
:week ending on ThrtindttY•ewenitig last:
Min6•lltll & S..l,laven - ,111 .• • . :591.610 16
Mt. Curbed... • 2,913 06'1; •'• 1*.f3.13 01
Mil].Creek " • 4,006 19 .100,000 On
'Whitney & "Broad Mt • 16,316 06- - 971,470 11
Little Schuylkill.
Schuylkill Valley.
. ,
Conl Trado. by
ganntity of Conl sent bq
week ending-on ThOrsdaP e
Port Olinton -
• T0ta1....A . ....
Previontlly this 'year.
TO same time fiat year.
Ini=vas e Bk);
Lehigh CO
For weekending
Seddo ' •
liar . •
Fulton , Coal.
• Stout:
Sharpe: Weisti & Co..
Brick Mountain
Smith's Spring', Mt...
lioney i ßrook. Coal Co
Gemtan,Pa. Coal - Col
Mt. Coal
W. T. Cafter& Co..
Tieaver Meadow '
Lehigh Zine-Co:
John ()Miners ,
L. .& . 11.. Coal .......
Baltimore Coal. C 0...
Franklin '
Coneoldated. Coal Co
Anilenii .
. .. .1
Lehigh :& Snag, C 0,.:.
Villtielabnrre •
Leh: Coal.&-Nay. Co
• Other Shippers...
Warren .Itun
. McNeal.. ' . ... ...
Total by R.
Same time 1114 yeat.
United Statei,'Rairroad Oanal and Local
Reading Railroad Stock
" ••• Bondis
.4 • - -1510. •
Schur 1 -Navigatiou r Titock, .....
. -
. : ) . i6iidtil • -
Mine Hill Railicaut • .
Lehigh Valley
" • "
Lehi , *h. Canal.' •
• raltawisai -Railroad.: •
_ -.preferred
Miners - Bank:Stock—. • -
Farmers'- Bank Stock..._ . • -
Government Bank Stock
'Pottirville Water Company Stock...
" Gas'
Tr. S. Bond 1851 (coupons oft I
II.•13: 5-20 Bonds (coupons
f..U.13 1040
, I..Certitlca tee: of - Indebtedness '
'obta. cpreniiim
Preston Coal TraP. ••• . : •
-Patton Cord-Co' • • - •
Green Mountain • C0a1....:::
Locust' Mountain Coal C 0...
. New York and Middle Coal: .. . .
. MoOntairr... 4 . t' ,
&satin's Falls Coil Co
Black Dlainond Coal Co t -
Black Reath . • • _
Mammoth Vein Cupsididated Coal Co -
Tr eroont: ,:••• •
Coustinwe: Mutual coal co . "
- Giraidltutual Coal Co
Sal em Voaf r "
Aloneyhmok Coal Co •
Glell_Plirbert . ..Cofit , cft••••s• l :',P P , • V'
efe.cfrivoi* Coal o-- ..
Auourimmais-,Lavr. mpktilx.l422-
• `:tAtitkorkertrbr'Laiv komitibiter:amdtrvits
'and. to take tiepostitiOnei 'and itOknowlellgment : az o
4eede, mortgagee, powers of Attorney,'itc.,) , •
• LAW . AND . OE74E;
• - :Mahantongo: Soppoatte'Poist OMMLL
9. 1 1 New • London
'Mb Pawtucket.:.
20! . New Ilaven:.
....'“:2;069 'IT , .90.396 04
Brood - to
~ilrnnci quid
eniuz. hist:
r 1565 •
Canal .fot the
2(!r.6T3 10
0,846 PO
1.320 00
16,091 00
007 19
23.333 19
2.320 15
10,755 00
• 4 68,991 as
1,264,593 02
27,972 00
396,6'8 00
al Trade foi;
On' Sattliciny' twit:
i wr.i.L. gia
SO T 6
' 1.412
l 3: .535
1,03 S
itt, .., 29; 7
...• Table;Spoons'and, Forks:2o "100
20 ' ' 23' - suaniii•OS—borrainertoic. ' '• ' •
77 . 77;4' ". ,CBSTIFiCA.TBS.namingr. each article and its Value,
65. ~ mkt' am, placed lu SEALED BDIVBIJORES.. •which ani well
.29. , BOX . mixed. One of. theseEnVelows, 'containing the Cm
-5 ' . ' tificate or Order for some 'article,- ( Worth atleast' ne
94 ' • , dollar at retail,l will be sent by mail to any 'address.
fiG . 5731 without regard to choice on receipt of.ACests. -The
, 91.3.‘ • p 234„ purchaser will see what Article it 7.lAvre, and its value.
12 la which may be from One to Five Bandied Dollsia, and
24% 25 . can then send One Dollar and recermAtie Article
ho r a named, or any on the list of the. same. vithx,, and alter
50. • an Seeing the article, if it does not. give perfect istisfac-,
• 60 1 50 tiomwe desire ft to he immediately 'returned-mud the
26 128 amount paid will bereft:Med. ~ •,,,,,. , . , -,. : - •
19- ',
.:' , 07
25 By this mode we give selections from a varied stock
of fine g6odx, of the best make,and latest 'Styles' and of,
- 13 i.
104)f1ns' ‘ Intiirslc worth. 'st a namittid '•price. while - all have 'a
' gix ',, 96 . chance of securitur articlee.ot the very.bighest .value. -
..:011,i( -9Fis .. ' mall cases we charge for iorward,ing.the Certificate,
141. — :443 . - postage' nd doing the bigness _the :sum of Twenty:.
• • .. . - Ave cents, Which vafebeertilos:ed likrthe order. "-Jive
` , g m Certificates will be sent for $l.; eleven for.s2; thirty
st , for $2 ; sixty-five for sp, ';- one hundred tor $15.. •
r .. . Parties dealing : U 77
s . ICly elepel4 on - hatirig
1 ,prompt.ri ki t h
returns, and the ar t icle dratoti'itn7.ll)e im.-
Ili_ -mediately: that ta . afey'addi•ess by - return snail 0r
Eralrehotirfaction Guaranteed. in:oll .a154r,... • ..1 .
Write you r,Name, Town, County and:State . plainly'
and address '
. - • ' - 813 L DEMOS CO.',
27 Csiurtlandt Street; Nevi 'Work. "
May 20, , 66. -,• ~ ,-; ~ --. . ~,i -,--,,,.. , 20-oin tf,.•. ; .
7:10-irimeill7;*ii. •
" 14111* and .t) - 1
: ViA ailoye4Aride A/14{i A IN,Fgrjr6) o..}4aPoPular
, c.butkp,C3l4*..;Boliks,lpoWli. riteme Chat
&Mat, * eataptialag the "Hattattirrli,r $ tali; ' , The
SliverVhanpr -4 .l"be ShoiwerotTeatia.“ inif:Hotiipitte
4.'ealia,"—.lttairal tit abtlfitaarnattd oaldat th e samal
,prieettolaz—P/ain t ..s;l. 30 ti .$3. ca :.Clota... tall
gtitt St4o) , 3tUsit. Pezaeri:, Coplaa
,pOK-F693, - "cithiNiriKor , pried. • .- - • —:
k OLLVAR DiNSONA CO., Pablifiliittl" , .•-•
.1, 1 4. 1 . 5 4% , "" - Att'- VT: WaShigetlin flOgan,
eititimed -Ark
L iltilmvat'Tottisvtlletsr reentrylva , '
ill& en the-. /4t#Ablior.Jlll.3l-3865. •• ' 4
. 'ettya Ow lettere, the applitat meat mil
tot. •tisdrettiAt4 . lltteisi," Rite the dtde orthti'
paptvect centalor
If tkot chtted ifotlrittdutone Pa =Ed
to the Desuilietter.Office• • --•-- - - •?• •
. . . ...„
Arnold-,04). ~ N elsoo Robinson
Beecher( Mu ll en , Mu ll en , Itrin
Darett HM ' Potter -, -
!Butterfield I M • .211:01MyTaini. I ! - - , Porker Mies MB •
BontollreJno MetaCk.Ant.tront, Riebard.son &dm
liturue BadEO:Sh:MatroY colt. _Raker Simah 3 .
Plnlidngyhos eat - Mtaltn C ZE,Cd ' ;Route Maggie 2
Gibotson Sarah MeMullinAnneel' 'Wan .MII • -
Bareagon $ Ri. . MeDermottlitettiOnith Arnapli
norther Elirtti 8 Maim Mns . Smith, jidia
Kemmerer J W'nos •
Kelly John: . . McDonouMn. MaryWhPa James D -
•Leonora. Miry Bri,dgetWidm Hannah J
.Lutijno ' ' Miller Wee E ' White Catharine
Liadennith W H ?SUDO Mrro John
I J 09 .1 5. ! 3 . 5 . , - , .r M. BILLYMAN.
• ..--I.lP,llONrEp'
...„: i f anofactnted ONLY, by them 0 that, . -
We give the ,as;tinane'nio lif,*
lielnlo,ns• cabled: forleale, i:ky:F3l3)4 .
-'; 001,` :6* - 14 ,1 •
• in New Bag% 200
Price, $6O per 2000,1be.i.:(2i -(i aier Th.)
We desire to impreaa upon farmera end dealers, that
we make no concealment of its principal components.
Animal Matter. .&cid, and
Finely Ground .flones:
,Every %,day brings ne additional 'evidences of the et
perior excellence of this article.. Those who haveneed
it for:nearly seven years know Its good qualities and '
This 18 the best proof we =lave turtoita value.
- Peeked .i*New Buggy 150-Ibw; each.
• . . • . •
tri.ce,.s3s: per 2000 lbe„ , (11 per lb.)
car.A tmde discount allowed to dealers. - •
AI;LEN . . &'erEerpLEs,
42 S. Delaware Avest, arid 41 S. Water St., Wird
..'Stare Above CheAnut.)
We sell no articles but such we can' safely recom
inend.::.. -• Dltdy 15 - , .65
BANK OF POTTSVILL'E, of the State of Pennsylvania,
on Pad mornte of thetlyst Monday of July, IS6a :
• • •
Notes and ins Otscohnteil and Loans, $600.842 39
Suspended Debt (under arrangement) . - 72,858,64
Bauldna EionSe ... .. . . 18,972 -rr
Other Itenl Dztate - 5.802 83
Current "Expenses . • .• 1,907 85.
Taxes paid and Costs '
'• • , • 1,766 64
Remittances and other Cash Mims.—
Dne from National Banks
Due from.other -Banks • .
U. 8...80nds Deposited with U.S. Treasurer
to eecure circulating notes • •
Other U. S:Securities •
Cash On'hand in Circulating Note.s• of thin ,
• .• Bank • • 32.298.00
Notes of other National Banks and U. S.: . 27480.00
Mites Of State Banks .... . 95,759 "00
Specie' . • " • 1,013. 49
Other Lawful Money - 801,260 . 15
_ .
. .
Capital Stock.ppd in
Simplot% Food
Circulating Notei received trona Comptml-
individual Depo
Unpaid . •Dividendii.'..,`
Duelo s pational ;Bank*
Due tolitati Banks
Ditcou4t...Excbange and - Lito,reet.
'Profit • - -
Amount of Circulatlon tiNtAiireis ,
Bank ,of Pottoille: it the . g,ounifT
• Schuylkill. 4; , 2113,048 as
'DietreparidY In cash, .. .. . . ' '63 NeS
. . .
1, CHARLES LOESER, Ciudiier of the. Miners
tional Bank of Pottsville, do solemnly affirm- that the
above. statement Is true to the best of my knowledge
and belief. • . •. • • . -:.C. LOESSR, Cashier.
State of Pennsylvania, County of 'Schuylkill, affirmed
'td and subscribed before me this Bth day of July,
• • -* SAMITtLCEIRISMAN, J: P._ • •
301 j 15,:'85
Manufacturing Jewellers,
100,000 . WATCHES,
• &c., , cte. '
WORTH $500,000
Splendid- ; t
•. - , L ist
of Articies.
All to be Sold for ONE •DO 1. LAO. Each. ' •
300 Geniis Gold Hunting. Case Watches.....ssotoslso
'3OO Ladies' - Gold &Enameled Case Watches 35 -" TO
• goo Gaits!' Ranting Case Silver . 35 " TO
200. Diamond Riugs • • - 60:" 100
3,00 GoldNitat and Week Challis • • 'l5
3,000 " " • " • ' " • 4" • 6
3,000 Gold Oval Bandliracelets 4 " •.
4,000 Chased Gold Bracelets • -
_5 " 11
2,000 Cluitaline Chains and Guard Challis - 6 " ,
6,000 Solitaire and Gold Brooches • - - 4 " 101
.2,000 Lava arid 'Florentine Brooches .... -4 " I
2,000 Coral, Opal antlEmerald•Broorhes •
5,000 Mosaic,'Jet, Lava,;and Florentine Ear • •
Drops.. '' • • ' 4." . 8
.4,000 - Coral, OPAL and'Emerald Ear - Drops..:- 4 1 °_ 6,
4,000 California Edamondllreast Piria '-2 60" 10
.5,000 Gold. Fob and. Vest Watch Keys., ....:2 60 -8.
4,000 Fob and Vest Ribbon Slidea, .. ....... 3
- 4,000,5 es Sleeve.l3attans,•Stnd 4 , : ete...., 3 8
4,000 Gold Thimbles; - Penells, etc.:;... . 4
6,000. Miniature :Loriiets • • • - ""- 8
4,000 Miniature Lockets—Magic Spring. . 3." 20
4,000 Gold Toothpicks, Crosses; .... 5 8
a,OOO Plain Gold Rings -• • - 4 11
5.000 Chased Gold Rings_ .. t ..• . . 4 1.1
7,000 Stone Set and Signet . 2 . 50 " . 10
5,000 Ciiiitondi Diamond Rings • 2 "- 10
1.500, Sets Dullest Jelvelry•Tetrind , • "• 15
6,00 Sets Ladies',JewelryCanieo, Pearl. etc . '4 " l5
0,006 Gold .P.eas,- ,Extension-U.Olders
.6,000 Gold Pens and Gol&lidonnted Holders.: 3
5,000 1, !ens an.. Bxtensfon-Holders 6 -10
ha 15.000 Silver, Goblets and'Driuk . .in' g.Capa. ..... .ti .50
1.000 'Silver Castors • • . ' .15'• .
,000. Silver Frail. and Cake Baskets. .. . 10 " . 50
1.000 Dozeri Silver TeiLSpc.ons
For - nOn4itetitiOn or incontinence of wine; Irritedol%
indammation•or ulceration of the .bladder, or kidney's
dieenhee of the prostrate,,glandNetone, in the bladder,
sselculto, gravel or briikAllet'S3eposit,"and ill dieeaaes
of die bladder,..kidneyentiddropeleal swellings ; ‘.
Den listainowee ftz.usp - * rriAc.lT Bllc ll l l . -•-
April f106A., , - 14-6ns .
;3 -, .:4-: - 41411:41144.1118R1V11PAA61144.=
At ;**CPWAIR •
/6 Wl4ll rfi L ita ,c
. . / V lI PT;fO 6 .PM4.. - 4 "1 2111 11 0 Y1Vaula,,
. • • itltiLfSEMbirtgCll.7i)4, ,
'Maids opp.etioad*tilikati:ini..ftrapgki. iirmm:
;riglabed female adticatian itadght,l, by FIRST.
• CLASS.Ptafamoy ; rqach,...Gerpi* and Italian
l• by a laffilitairabriaid:
..;1•111e,•7,211-„Aiwial .Term - opens 11.(3 1 1 . 1DAT..-AINIIIiT
mEar.circulara and infoilnatiowaiibly-t6.1/..-..,.
•:, PrindPal-
I 7 .4a1y k!ab. :.• ,;14,4511;
1140" . ENV" , GASH' 81!4(111116.-rmirant, opened et
the Mend lately:occupied 41- N. Q.-.llosrispri.r-Ces.
tiestreet; nearly atmositu'ldiutpt, a- Now ) o ". im
: t aws:*
tocerY AO& linifsion • Store. .in which -.
IxuatimuY rhOlC#iltkek- Of. - "A Ms;
A l B o ; , Sneel4nrae;•Flour , and - Preed,.dc.,:„., l
The tuulerstvw tames by Strict attentintaskbnal•
nee!, to reediest& share ot dm bile patronaie;
1i5.761/ mg) .
`tArot,eutrs which tbokii MI uplhe
,].poresottlid ikin,
a art time leOss it bank _#riAdrY r:lrla its
:the blOad, and if you'ArtitiVieruanh mid:MY:Adria Ugh
-Httrnamee &Maim ainsarritit:MVltti
es b'brllllea
cy to the complexion. April *Vied.
Ili .._......
* i f
-, „.,.. q
Viiii' -
~, , _ ...: ... ..._ _ L.l
i ../ ti jf ,i 1 . ,... 11, .itWi! . * Zilli 04 -4 1 * al, tf
Dealer hi .-z.'t:s.7.*
; '''''':i• - t.'-'Av' 7 ?:r4j4Vt.W 71 riv-i - t , ' - w.olal l
' GO/4i AND .- IitILVER,' 1
Foiiign trebiaiiie - ' ' -
-' -;-- -'
united State!.../19 11 di, • 0 , ..:'
• - Quaritennuteva Vouchers,
--- -- "
rid- tria ziAelitifongi.
:- :-_, • , ..,,,;., -t..... 5 ,-... • ~, , , , ,r -3,1. .....7 . 7..,
motini . :- most iv siii.** - } DEMstrI. '''-•
, ~ . .., ....,..—, .. ,---
INTERtST idrowiid La per speclid agteementi.
STOCKS'and BONDS bought-And sold at
the Ne w' tokir aid. Philadelphia "-Boards. of
• .•
Brokers at ;the usual Commission':s ' • - :
/iamb 28 0 65 . - ,;••r.,, -17 -
Ready and conclusive test of the tßoportleS of
Hat muoLu's Furm-Extircrilituontrivill beat:mope:Kum
with tbOse set forth lathe WWI Steins pfinmiusato ,
• iPaibiarialibr - 'mind Maker,
11011WEGIAN ST, 00112.11p1 OR liti9llX . irly,ll.l.F.. -
Sole Ageritf6l. berkorest iiow' ajetem of
eating and making 'hese* Yotillg ladle; inetructed
In the art: . • - •' - April 1; .41A :43.tra*:
forenpleseant. dangerous &ream • Ulm •Ilaul
sours Bazaar Same and leelovio Rater..Wian..
-- .
IT" Tbe tindersigned having lama. Steam Saw
and alno stock.of Pine, Oak arsl. Hemlock Logs,.nt
Millersburg,' Dauphin ennity. Pa, - , are
,prepared. to.
,and and
fortfatlLMorder„thehilaylest of
'Lumbe'r-tor.Breakers, Bridges, Ski Bad ~and Car tim7. ,
Der at short noticestalheAilies . e f PbiladglphSa,-Bahl
more, Washington and New York, or to_ 'any points on
the Delawaro-Wee_ 41;InIne,.fsgmytku . NBaftm,•.ftm
of TldeWater - ftWK,?,-pri, or : NOttlxn*Cential,
PermsyliMila'ot notheftenneeting sliroadi: - Address
N. e FUCK & •
Millertowirg Danphili"Co:,
rillWLol444. Perfailaiblei arVitlet .801Ipti
1 may belted in all their. Variety tit the new Book.
and Statione4 Store of 'BOSStSHELL BRO.,
Centre Street bttmrTrititp Char h, Pottsville,
Jan. • • - • '
.1 14y
1 —The undeislp r ed is prepated to t Steve orders for
PEA COAL. Can supply from 4 toll me pet day, •• '
Address C. H. DENGLET . f.,
May 91, '65 • , ... -. • 212tf
L atest Paster
Style Paste no,
- 4.•./k
• ...TarG. - 24!615.-46.43m :;ROTITTILLE.
4 ErnßEß.w.Sextial.; thormajad a:meg Of" Umber,
Hemlock. - WhltellitiONitite Oitk and other -ye.rt--
etleaot unusual
„quality; with', steam 'and water mills
thereon, capable of .sawlng the largest - dimerialons 're
gutted.. Orders solicited. and promptly executed. '
- Addresi ' CIIARLES.TETR.
Girard Manor, Tamaqua P. 0., Schuylkill Co.
. April. '/2., ld-Gge
N. Y. & New Haven & Western B. R. Depot,
Beach Street, Bpston.
B. PRATT,"formerll of the Anierican Howe,
May 13,'P5 - 19-ly
vx c_n_EA,
• G T
Emigration and Foreign; EaehAnge
,Oftice, 86 South
st:. New York....
Drafts on England, fielaiL . Scotland and Wales.
Tapscettis favorite line :of Liverpool Packets , asps
every three dam .
.X line - of London Packets sails every tendays., . -
Also by Steamship sailing weekly.'
EirParties wishing to send for their.. friends, or re.
mit money to the Duo Coral - ay: can do so at. the low
est rates by applying to . - STRANGE N. PALMER.
June lii, !Sh.—r.3...arn Pottsville.
78.000 20
20,076 18
7340 NEW 73-le
$500.000 00
100,000 00
166.00(1 96
634,923 . 70
7,276 73
• 7114.549 31
•i 2,143' 07
.23,599 0$
11:127 011
nteres t 7 3-10, in Lawful. Money. Coupons
attached. Interest payable each Six
The Principal
,payable in. Lawful Monti a
• the end of Threetears, Or the Holder har
the Tight to demand at that time
THE .5-20-:.BOND.S
.1r This priuzlege is valuable, as the 5-20 Bondi
are noto:eelliUg cdeight Per eenl. premien,.
The above Loaq, and all other, .17.
.S. Sa.
earitles for sale by t e , . • -
Feb. 11, - .G 5
T NV - 0 0 ' S
And Hydraulic Sand Pump.
PRACTICAL TESTS•tutving-fully demonstrated , the
superiority of this machine over all others for the
sow °rebuking Oil Wells,qhe madersigned'•is so w pre
pared to receive orders for the • •
This machinery' compriis everything requisite for the
boring'of 011 'wells. melting-4h°.STEAM ENGINE
AND CAST IRON DRIVING_PIPE. (but will be-furs
nished,lf desired, eta reasonable 'price.) and diSoenses
with the use of tbA• l) errirk,roPe. 33 nUol l ed, And other,
cumbrous ,and expensive dalures nowin resecand Is so
arranged, being 7 .constructed •on - wbepla and fortuble,
that it can be easily removed for the purpose of sinking
wells in dlfferent localities. • . • ' .
• THE DETRITUS is remtved from the 'well by our
'Patent Hydraulic process, and does not require ,the ra
or the " d rill from the boring. Thia,,process not
remelt:es' all the detritus in from 5' 'lO minutes.
but likewise effectually ulcers' out and - opens all the
small oil Veins that are so often entirely closed up, by
. theilld-process of sand pumping. • • • -
WITH THIS MACHINE - and a practical engineer, a
well can be sunk from 400 t 0.600 feet within a period of
from 15 to 80 days after the soil pipe has been driven.
Arrangements are being made for the construction
and delivery of these machines at New York, Nug.wich,
Newbnnp, N. Y.:, and Pittsburg,' Penna. ' •
For farther information. price, terms, addreis
- srmisoN LIMAND, Metropolitan Hotel, New York.`
April 5, tGS " . . : 14-3 m •
Olt 11, 'V if* I A Vlgls of .14toek, Chick's,
Dralfts_, Notes , . dec.—The" rnibecrlher , Is pre
pared at.hisTrlnting Office, to tarnish all kinds of Cer.,
tiEcates of Stock. Coal. Banks, And other CorporatlOns.
Also all -kinda Of Checks: Notes- . and 'Drafts engravell
and printed plain on stone and in colorer: Also small
Maps, lithographed at short notice;
- .• - •• ' , BENJAMDT BANNAI , I; -
- Bontgetter, Printer: Strtilmei and Binder.
tO 5 0
vutonia CITY, NiIVADA.
CPW-a.5 2 .. 1 XA 000- - 20 , 1 ) 0 , 0 Shares. $lOO each
. .
7 : /RAO eharea tii the*Treasery,' th be Bold. or ISO ranch as
la tear:died, mfrs the neceseary working capital., the
mine neW.belng worked
.with the most prordstng re
'26o6 shares of stack, Or, Be Much thereof aistuti , not
been Wild:are 'tattered for sale to raise nionesi 'to parch
'atc.mactiltiery; and, to extend the work of,develoPing
theMfne. •
Forty dollars per share, for full Id, and not subject
toaktirnettt-• alit not e ' •thaemore - tthan this
amount. will be sold belovxpar,thus offering great ad.
vantages to first ptireinCiera- of *ilk stock. which is of
fered in thoiffW.Otireitifoididinimrtitrilso f iwye one of
the riehestiiliiktm4ditterin.tiftElvoside - mut that every
share of stiginrilf he vq . rth4e-fitoftinErcine year:
that ' ; ' "Og l e year - ;
that there n othing offering •eart fi nd a
more safe WM profitable invest* tit, andthet the funds
to be miscd;ivill be ample, for the, full_ dafelopmeut of
our inexhinitilbileavidg ttio,ibirdi of the stock'
Wil in.theffreastify:tif be divided bilhetaockholders
or lieldfoOffeir benefit.
- 7 .Theimangiftident of. the Uotinpanyjnin:*4eommit.
ted to a, Board, pf-Trastifea• composedliC*ll-knowd.'
energetic business merwin whom the stockholders may
repose implicit confidence..
Ail desired information riglituat tag • Company via
• be furnished upon , : personal or 'written •.'applicillioa to
thd -President ; • Daniel - W.' Yenghazi • (Vice-President'
:American-Nationallinki, of New-MX . O: 13: Brawn,-
- 80 firoftthiuy, llemarestelitakfain, 111.•Brividway, N,
Y., or to ' W. Bactin u Fsq:, 11 I.Frontstreet, N. Y.
.=-•• • - - -- 4 BAIVLIV; VAIIOII.AN A ,Prest...
Wsr.x.t4msoulhatotv, Fee: aniPrivise!. -
Otlice;44o= IfikentsliariaYi 1V: Y.
Stock for sale at the American National•Bank;No. $0
- Broadway. or at the office of the - ColttPanY;
. JuirB,lo4.l's.
, ,a,EB T ITAPHIO JOBE p,-By. wand
.<!— or smile!' quantity, velioleside god . retail 'for ',l,a le
it ' , ',B..llAlllsAlits Seed Eitore. Pottsville.
_ . .
• ,
417 Arabi 414:, aa a 4 Pa., •
• •
..Eagliteit,ittitihinteT and Railroad flap 7
Agent* for the 'Pali oirillai
.....r...ehiniatat Teel., /Manufactured by
Vk l ot,:newt. irt o kit 541gi eg b i
Reading, Pn.
:Euelln,Etiniei of ah'thiorit anegillatylete gilt bands,
' lunefin.male to order. 'Address - •
ti3o Court Affey, Rending.
May rt:s. lB43a*
sutnr~~eT~ : yl~ji ,= i~ .:1883.:.
... .. .. .
Mkt! Great(*lakes lilt '--• ' Ag i t or
Mara manly Biwaaim biAr. ~ . ' fag
--. Jltaisseeltalop e '..„,, vb„,34„,....,,,,?7"'”; ''?. J , E . 'VI , ' l.
;The great cricimrciusatcli:betweeti. t ai Geirr - gete
Club Of New roltraisfflith" 'Young - A ' .4 . 'phlla.
i <WPM*. took lihiMiltf-Thilted , v. op. the. eyounda.sear
Germantown. Therewas r a
a fr laigerliftestdiace of
wfssitore, and the glaiilair WS 01:1211 =WI melting of ,
Abe season, It - zatalteg,ll6lsl4fflrsig4roork:,9/ttb_
le° lll: l: Vrn 9. 's M . I:Lemur - re:4i ilinifisireatadian i tn" sild-
-Inge in NewYorit werelleargypit „Iv:. 410. so_ . 2 84 /k7
afternood: "NOthing be thirgisett in 6 muse-
war saved. ' Six bnilditsgsorn- tight on
Arm street and arson Fultonetregossra deetrolffil,—
: ;The loss to estimated at. fil~ooo, This lathe
of Barnum's musetraurat .ith hasrleen - deis by
'fire, the othetheklit,ta likll4oebbis.
: A ch il d. named' licelitirns,' war iirria-iffy
treurßri•thn on Viltaidarbylltreer rofflasztowba were
atsheetdentlyarreetaLl: , :_,..! , :p —.4. -, . ~,, ' ~,,,,. ",,,,,
• The superb:oo4qt of the _Pe/don'ts *rah to
Louisiana will not permit aged' end' infirm' negroes to ,
as driven fro* the Plantation''. : - -. -' • ' -
RailmatiCommtinlaition between tmanestortitad the
North will be cons by:thentonth 4 latitst ..
, Th e DiclanzmuL,Whigites.beel-uq4.-mli
itary for printing disloyal articl
_es. . , - •
Gen. Sheridan arrfred lit - GsPreetew ociNtaho 22.
Gems. WeitzelArdAtesle are- at. Brazos. - • A demand .
has been made Upon the Mexican imPerislati-lbr the
surrender of the cannen seddio thanhY , thelebkle.
Pennsylvania- haw furnished two 03110441:10.114
thousand soldiers for the war. -. ,
Gov. Sharkey of MituariPpl, N ansppoiitedltignst I'
as the day for , electing delegat, to "a State conre4tion
for reconstruCting the "State: The' Corsinton swill
meet at Jackson on Angtsstit': , :." . ' :-. -T. _
Extensive aliver.ndeete hatre,treen __eredr . weer
"Denver City, Colorado-. . ._.
b , •
The rebel General trorniet tie een setionsiPlojnred
,by a railroad ancidenClauctiNaldilata - Mississippi
A train on the' Michigan Central lbarnad was thrown
off the track near Ann Arbor. on July lih, and several
soldiers were killed and Wounded. - i-, .-. ,- ' --- -, '.'
The, Pressifient, has. pardoned; Kennedi,Einyttor, of
North Carouns: ' -
The - rebel General , Gularius W.:Smiths ,111,11DISpPlk•
, atnt forpardon. , , .
' President Jolrrisorr granted ISlPPartiona OW Them-
A petition for the part veils*
' - ' ionof Go ' " itAviiih:'of
'south Carolina, is. being extenalveir signed In that,
tale. Tire eic — crition'oi MrCliforritecainied iiitenal iiitite.
ment among the rebel: sympathisers in tlanftia., i
A convention of f plasterenkfrow all parts o f the pit-
ted States ; " met otrThreday In 7 Pittahlarg:: - • r---
data-ton. 'July 'Pah, ISGS. '
Entrees Murmur Jorraaatt—l , was very agreeably -
amused aid entertalited-this morning by the recital, by .
a friend of al*. cif the following fact& ; A certain -
Jouzig lawyer erPotferille, who la. I believe, a Catltil- •
date rot the lucrative attics of:District Attonoty atlas
CenidY, lataglning himself to be 'the Identical=
alluded to [tithe article of last vreek's !testie-of ;
Jouasat. (Oh, the vanity cr.:4 l ooly by Jack Slow s .
and thinking the 'description "therein contained itAita .
"fee sitelle. of himself, thought :himself •
rieved. that he bad to make „conddente of . all the Per'
sons assembled in'the Prothonatorra tithe leeeelfdeA •
and there related how once. upon a time. he,arrived
Adffand,' and got into a company of resPeetable young „
mew got drunk. roved. about town: made foole him- --
selfgenerally, and wound up. the evening by entering '
the private rooms my frientVbrealringlocks,,and-re
airing whiskey as an inventive isit go quietly , home and
go to bed ; and how, the. next. day he left"unea-itite A
kill Sheep dog; withouteverioftiny, an liplike* foe ,
fences committed : • and how, because he had Mu'
Offended a quiet "and' inoffensive gong 'nab: ttietetbre
this maned offended Wishing to reek his yengeaee uPoz!
him, 'A.poor, rtjieerable dog. , ..did..vnite these wicked
And midielbaS articles' for the litrroxasid)trawat s lo cre--
der to cheat-him out of the ,aroteattid. lucrative., .
anal:hue deprive' him of his means to 'get bread and
batter aid :whiskey.. pardcularly thelatter: • •
liow, let ineisay to this young lawyer, thatthetbreat
be' then made ; that he wouldliorsarif this:friend
of mine by publishing all the elanderlie ciunki rake and
scrape up, ;(and I am infornied he is seeking out till the
blander mongers in the Conutylo discover subjects for
his article,) that he hi absolutekfAnd entirely 4 Vari
ance with the truth wheelie 'attests miltiemlet- the
authorship of the articles bearing my etgnatutey;viz.::
Jack Slow s and that if he to silly and contemptible
enough to, publish the aftffetaild article of slander. he . •
almdl have the pleasure of swallowing the pill he works
up, and drinking a glass that will not be so palatable as
whiskey, ale and lager beer.
His career in this Gonnt,} since tds extreme youth, fe
notone that will, bear very close :inspection. and if
feel so inellncd,'l Shall make Win appear a tit candidate
indeed; for the office he seeks •; ;• , •
What poor. , contemptible fool! some men are, that
When !'person characterises 'a class of Individttals.`they -
-must attribute all as intended forthamselres,when the
writer perhaps. never knew such sa individual was ha
-existence, and did not imagine so much folly and wick
edness could be in one man. It puts ice in mind of
foolish and silly girl, 'who bas beetiguilty of VOliler min
: demeanor, and walkingalong the street., bears • !widen
ontburet Of, laughter .across the v/ay from some boys,
and blushingly imagines - they are laughing at her, when
perhaps, they did not know:. she was , away from her
Well may we exclaim, "Oh, the vanity of man l"-
• •-, Yours_ reepectfully, „Jac:. St.9lf.
• - Eif'lltirs. Brodhc7a,oetr - rrif the. late, Eton'
Richard Brodhead, of thie State, visited, Wash
ington, about ten days a,go, for the prirpose of
haying an interview with her uncle Jefferscin,Da
vie, bat owing to the illness of Presidentiohntion,
she was unable to have her wish gratified:
itritist week, at New York; a second Oil Com!
pane bubble exploded, but not until the persons
engaged in it had raised some $50,000 -or $60,000
by their fraudulent 'transactions. The 'style of
the company was the "First National, Petroleum
Company No, 2;" the company being lli fact the
firm of EL S. BowesCO. whose:plari'seeins to
have been be copy all the advertisements and cir
culars of the genuine company of the.same name,
and, after sending them abroad; to notify the:par
ties addressed that all remittances- wereto be-for
warded to their care. Money,,flowedzaphßyjato
the bands of Rowe a Co., who are said to,have re
coiled at least the mini first nained';' , Theyvmtild
probably bay° obtained
,much more had nokone
of the remittances. for No. 2 accidentally been re
coired by No. I. That acdident exposed' tbe swin
dle: The amountof less inflicted:Vy these,,care
-fully concocted schemes Covers many millions of
dollars, and include in it viotitrie of all classes
'and conditions of society, from the capitalist.whe
invested his thousands, to the widoW who put-in.
her Mite. We have heard of some most-distress-
Mg eases, instances whale long treasnred savings,
and the proceeds of sales of hornes.of orphan chil
dren,.have been invested on false representations,
and are now wholly lost - . .
Upwards or TRlltif ntoraiane ceithicate.e and re;
commendatory letters have been receiied, attesting the
motile Of HEINHOLD'S GENIIINZ Perx.natriosa, many of
which are from the highest sources, -including. eminent
stateeMen, clergymen, giff_aftiGfs , lii!4e)tidraotr'•
April B,' 'O5. : ' 417fhti
Philadelphia Illarkria,
PHILADELPHIA, Thursday Evening, .Inly 13.
FLoun - iNu Blx.ct,.—The price ?of - Flour: is un
changed. Superfinelirquotixi at-46-0046 374;
extra at 16 50@7'.00, and $7 11,@£3 expro, 'fam
ily, according to quality. 'F r aney hrindii are quo
ted at $9 On 9 50. "Aye Flour qUetivl:lols-00.
-Peruisylvania Corn Meal at 14.15, , andi.Eryndy
wine at $5 per bbl. • . ,
GUM:l.—Wheat is dull but firth. Salesr'tif
at 11 6001 75, and - white - 2 0002 10: Rye is field
at 88 to 98; new an old, Corn sells R' 95c fele
yellow. Oats are arolfm' at 68(g69 cents: -
. .
'••r• ..
Corrected Weekly for the ;7111nris*IOn rtt n
Wheat Flour, extra faxeliy,
.per barrel...
.do 'do 'do do per cwt
do ' do .extra: _ per barrel...
do do superfine, do
- Rye Fleur, ' • do t •
.. do - „ per Cwt.....
Buckwheat F lour, do
Wheat, prithe white per bushel:'.
do ' do re . • - :do ,
-Dried Peaches, 'pared . oe tpound...:
dy do unnarer do
Dried Apples, _ _ do
~ . „ r v , i s L .• F ' i urt ,'".l
~. ,
~ , T . 1,3 . 1 L iz ,"
Rye,. V but. . 4 . 03 1 21 20 1. Eggs. -V ii;0z.42.1 -27
Corn, " 1 051 $1 20 , 13 utter, V 2.42 . 02.5
Ono!, ' - " :- 70 1 80.10beese, , • "18 , :20
Soup brans" . 3 001 2 5011.ani, . . „ • ',"' " 1 20: .22
pew, " 9'25 1 ITS llama: - '`'.- •"25X 22
Rye Chop, '' 105 .1 20tbhouldert, - "• l .
Corn Meal " 1 114. 1 30 Beet hind qr. •"12• , 1$
Middlings, • 60 751 •" frditt ." •` l2 .. 15
Potntoee," ' .1, 0 0 , - 1
22 1 2 / 1 1 1 1 .074 - "t„ 13
Hay, V tin. '35 00 35 'oooPork, - " 20' 25
4. '
• " bale owl V
-'', -- 200 Veal, ~.., ' 46 AS
Straw, t
. OTI. , , , , Saga r, CU,bit, , !
'" i . 116
Muller, " - - ' - ' Sa.arllonse, ' 13
Salt, V sari. -; , 4-211 Patollieo, " .
- 1 19
Tim SeeP, h• .. INVllite, . 10
Clover " '.' 4 -.. ' ' : Crnabett . - • ' 122
Fla ::". ":, , • '.l„ -IA- O. Syrup. " - 15-
Cr) sTr,•AI 0
"14 iNti !tell the
Ij ni Val er. :from
which - it 'take* its nafire.
.31anuoetur.efionbary-MIA LON d o NON.
Beware: a ..couiltetfete. f.r.Pha,19.4.1. 7 -7111 , : r left . ptll7! ,
Sold by draggPiti genes Iy.„ . •
'Jniy 1.'05. • .16-41nr i'cOitt ;
ttEIiSE 'I HE' . 'SYSTEM :OF ALL -Allll2l- 1
Eatabliehediver , ll4llmarter at ti:Century.
• "Dr , Swayze's.' : , • • • ...;"PaZOcet.”
Svia3ne's" Prittrr sipatpqr.A.e.
"Dr. Swaynew" ' Tint ..• `....Parneeeto.
"Dr..` wayne`s" 8.. to 7 :rTitoacen."
"lli::Swaynos" • '..plermEen "
'Dr. Swayna's Bleed4lttfit . rinser/a."
Bload•Perlf3 log Panatilit"
SwaynegPanne - ea.".
Furscluroigct Throat. Indolent Tit
lAul erects, ,o,f,vereary, i4G. ts raperiar to suy
reniedj. Prepared only
• r. IMAAVNI Ng at SON.
• - 330 '3Torth.Btxtb timpt. Phi 1 0 1101 1NR•
&AA if, the - Drag Stoiepf HENRI - SAIIOR, PottsTille
dune • • , - . ; : • St..: •
INE AND <Pi 1 1 RE :faintly
Wine and eidet gregs,,, Tri7 compact.
imit a fate of T. rei:i ;mitre : will grind and malt !rum
of all description Heil Venn - Ammo_ time. cb er ,
stones crashed. Jubt the art kle for fai !nets , and fared:
1 1111Cel..
Islo 00
1 Et 00
8 00
1' 00
7 00
3 110
2 73
2 10
1 20
60 OW
T 00
• 6 (10
8 28
2 60
1-8 b