The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, July 15, 1865, Image 2

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    . dl
BittV,.n - 1 tat
T r rS — VIIM. VAS :',0:2_14.11-7.r> at
- 111NTIUMM.1. 1 6 -4113- IN ALs,-.lSigai.
SusticeTtompsoil of me Supreme Court,-
who always,made it a point to
„ aid . Judge,
WoottijOloiftrisktictpireimic4t. du-,
-ring theßebellkm, recently discharged: a man
Ccozerralreiii'lbi etistinijr Of
enema, .under the Wit of fictbeas corpus.
The I)2M : tar: "Meet -Printr., held'Coze ed
- - ridisr an order . the
_ c v overisraeriti, ,has
...upon a verdict of the court-martial: recently
oaitfismc in - •• .
The act. of Judge Thompson is certainly,
Unwarrantable. Be ‘ffischarged a prisoner
- who.was arrested under a warrant issued by
.E.' mld.ent of the United : Stair :.: charged
- with ansoffence.agalnat military law.. The
? offender was a contractor for furnishing, mill
pry goods, and subject by Act of Congrass
lo:the jurisdiction of military la.w, in . regard
to all contracts performed under his contract.
,By4be Act of }Web. 1862, it is provided :
'''.Dstring the pre:scot, rebellion the president of the
• 17nited Surest . whenever in his judgment the
• alifety insy usthlre a
nyurised to suspend writ
of habeas corpus I that:case throughout the culled
-St, or any part ' And whenever and where
avert:he NMI thlege shall be suspershal as ahresaid,,
kip. military' or other officer_ shrill be' compelled. in rine
iwie to any writ of halieuieorpws, lo return the body of
ar.y prisoner or prisoners. detained by him by authority
' of the President upon the tertiacate• under oath, of
. the (Ater having charge of any one an detained that
such person in detain' Caine
by hire as prisoner under an
' tliority of the President -further proceedings under the
writ of habeas comas shall be suspended by,the dudKE
Court having. fivued the said writ. so long as said
suspension by the President shall remain In force, and
'Mt d rebellion continue..
- ' On•this 15th of September, 1863, under au
thority,of this Act, the I'resident• issued a
proclamation,' suipending the writ of ha*:
corpse in- all cases of a. military nature con
cerning soldiers; 'sailors,; spies, deserters,
'prisimers-bf -olliceri thecrnited
Stares, persons charged, with resisting the
- .draft; and persons charged with military and
naval offences.. There has been no official
notification by the-President that , the rebel
a e
lion lnded, and thatihe habeas corpus isnot
inspended, It is true that the rebel Govern
.-ment which the United States never officially .
,• • recognized,
.is defunct, and that the rebel arm
lea ate: disbanded, but the rebellion is not a
1 - an end...-Guerillas are still at their murder
. - one work; a rebel cruiser is still busy cies
. x*troying our commerce, and the rebels of the
SoUth are still iirtpudently defiant. The re
. hellion is not ended. That fact remains to
be decided by the-Government Yet Jiistice
- Thompson says that 'it is. The fact is, that
for partizan Purposes, he hasmullified an Act
of Congress, and decided when lie had no
reason for it, that the rebellion is ended. To
favor'and please the Copperhead party which '
the beginning of the rebellion has been
assisting the traitors, Justice Thompion
-plays the partizan on the bench.
It is indeed; lamentable when' a Judge of a
Court is found - ready and_ irilling to shield
men charged • with, peculation, from merited
punishment. • -I - leaven help the pockets of the
:people_ if the Copperhead crew should in the.
' future obtain power in this country.' , Disap
pointed in their expectations by the - failure of .
their Seuthein friends to make Rebellion a
' au - Ccess; they would rob the people unme.rci
for they are , even now
_terribly hung,ry.
But the people are wise, and x in. Keep the
"pickers and stealers " of the Cops. out - of
Uncle Sara's Trdasury.
:endorse the following sensible suggestions
from the Erie Disparh, one of the best con
ducted journals in Western_ Pennsylvania.
It is high time that, some, vigorous action be
taken to relieve the iron and coal trade from
its present embarrassment, both by a better.
co-operation among the manufacturers and
miners and by a demand for higher importa
tion dutlea, which would materially interfere
with the purchase of foreign commodities
and give'a special impetus and encourage
meat - to home industry,
The Dispatch says. We have two or three
times lately referred to the,depression in- the
iron and coal trade of the country. There
hae9f course, been a general desire among
operators, particularly those in the iron
trade, to 'resuscitate the business if possible,
but, the high ruling rates of material and a
want among operators has
made this - impossible, and is not-likely, now
that heavy demands for Won for government
use bas.been stopped, that the object can be
affected until the price of coal and iron ore
.Itimaterially.increased. Primarily, this de
-Trends upon the fall of the price of articles
offood by which the price of mining labor
will. be decreased. Nearly nine-tenths of
. the blast, furnaces in the country are now
idle, and' most of the rolling mills are work
ing on halftime, While -the _machine shops
are also getting destitute of orders.
This "condition of things is likely to remain
to for sometime. Not because there is not
a positive , demand for the iron that can bc
made, but because consumers are in the ma
. jcrrity of cases, awaiting a general decline.
And 'because the tariff' on imports is not
sufficiently 'ample for the protectien of our
manufacturers to enable them to compete with
- foreign trade, which threatens'again to seri
' only interfere with the prosjierity of our
own establishments. With this view of the
matter it seems essential' to tar mufactur
ing interests that prompt and efficient action
be' taken. to ward off impending financial
difficulties and save many of our heavY ‘)p
, perators• from bankruptcy, and it would
Nero as if no remedy could he at all effectual
biielfigl,er importation duti:s thereby • heck
ing the purchase of foreign commodities to\
,:,the value ot exports 'exclusive of specie. •
Passenger .I?dil;ny ilkting r ... , --A meeting •to
forWaid the much needed improvement of a psis
.seliger railway • het,keen Pottsville, Palo Aito,
Pun : Carlton and St. Clair, and subsequently wit h
"Minellaville, was held in the : Town 21.111 tu this
llurengli.mi Thursday evening last.. T hemeet-. tug . waS nnt'as largely attended by the Merchants
and business men et PottSvillc:, as it should have
. .. . ....„
Tata •Gaelfirr..rtuAna OF CAB. 110:: COONTY...-- I., been; but We - trnst that - when the matter is laid
Lieutenant-04)1 , 1nel Jon" A...:1 - lunness4, 521 Pa. I - • bl.)re.thentots it will be by.a tionmiitte . e armointed :
An • illtereitin-g pwrit:pe of the Anthracite veiai- air „us that his It."ginleut .will
. h e iii for the purpose,' they will lay hold of it •elerget•
Cohl - Region„ to."visit,
.is between' Tamaqua, If arrisbut . g about .; 25th iestant, to berniuster- ' iently, takutho bonds of the ,Cornpany-wbieliar,
. •ed ont of the service. : • • ... . alliety seciired,'.ottl -thus alit a work „winch: will
:and Mauch Chunk: Now. that we have
. di.• • - - . - bit tit them trade aura, Melly • thousands - of .
rect railway •cOnlmUniCation • With ..Tanlaqtlit - "Mactliina.r. Stuirl:;•ftts"" are now all the rage.•,-,' dollars tin,
.1f they du tint„ . they wilt evince ,'. . -:........ . - POTTSVILiE... •- - -
The rim is prodigious, fairly 1 , g . • the bright . ; - a lack•Of • spirit . extrenielv clisereditable, " and aJhn Sh ' - ia• On Le, "ft kb •• '
the trip can-be' made with' , comfort, the' . only. The
ben . eath, Mit it h.i. - a. great protection - against blind oi:Oeitard of tiisiness* interests' 'Wit kilt e st er t & PPFn Thom ... rw - ot.sts on Wrn v" ..Se n r r ne. ard .:.. •7 ::• s - 1 1 (P m .
bit of staging being six miles from Tamaqua -the . wirteth (..f.oid •50,'.4 ,tieetieue. -: - • -..-• .- • to shrew , ! men of other ' communities will appear • - D...G.: Ynengling...: an on Dant; L. Krebs ..,..- . 1 - no
• ' • . .• . ~ .
• • to, Summit • 'gill. .. The' . gravity planes and .. • • . .
. 7 . , ~ Surprising: •- . ..-- .:, -' .":. • • • :..
..... ..; .: : ~
~.. It .1t... Morrie; ...:. ' 4O p.--- Kopitzt4 eh -.5 00
. . .
•••" •. • Orders have been tweiv: il .. frenv'the War. De- . • The ineet,ing of Thursday evening . , was pramt. Bent. Dartnan . .......:.- *?5 fie; R. •Hey . dt.....- : . .•,1. no
roads of the.. Lehigh Company, . from their..
.partnient re - Muster out.lise rortpeigth .:Peuttay I- . izecl by cal•ing, to tile„chaiii,J.',W. livdbeitx ' ' 4l ''''• 'Pftitrir e u n Cii:' '' '' '. ,lt) ! Il l tatip=t e on ...- .. '. 2 s
6 4
mines to Mauch ChUnk:•fire among the most vania Regiment, They: will be mustered out at - and . apOinting.Fred:..W...lf.,aher and P r - R• W
.: al; c.,,,,0 4 . n " 7 . 1 'tnolt D. Tbrrey . :.:. - 5 09
friteresting.Ohjecta to be seen .hi the Region: .
we . p .. renTe," , within th . e. - coining . fort.: lace Secretaries. ..- .:'- • • . -. ' - -- I eh • - ' "--- •onD B. 'Seidel. -• "-- ' 5 Oft
' - :Cel.•'ll. B:Greeri'stitted the object ofthe :Meet-
, c ; a al mt i;j li i i '.,,.i.....,7.::: •: I. orb c o t; z. * . p. fi c ;,..;:: . • ...1 . 0 - 00.
ight. ' • jig, and dwelt - Upon- the - ndi-tintageir.that-PoaS:- 'John Pt slia ' rd. .... ;.• .2 on .iphu ilobtot...• .-, ... 500
The CoMpany bas four platieS which hoist
• " .. , vi . tie. .wunfd detive. hum .tile 'reads. in a business John sterner•,.• ..- . - 1,00 Jacob A. Hazen : . •:. • - 3. inn
• . - ..
'and send their loaded coal. cars- by gravhy : • Mit:Jo/tn. ilf._KieniZe is *once:Ong the State, tis an enterprise that ; shouldre- ..p. F.:. . ft, on . . . - 0 . O. arty . . ..... ~
. ' " '' • - -La ~ ( 1. •'• " ' o'o' ,E. 0 P - ' s 01)
'.: to Mauch Chunk and return them empty to w ec e ,. tilt_ Bounty' tax, its the South ainl. North.;' "P"r'l ll ', o vie".'! : - -I '
Prompt. p aymoor , . cove -Use earnest, zealous supfeirt of; tlie".mer- • las. B. Jones .-..."..... .1 on it. W- Pitman sNI
q ti t., t Wa a ti 7l l l B Of this Boinligh:
`the mines- - One man - takes hont the mines is desirable, to. enable - the.. collector to s e ttle his . 63 ot : a alla. - .linsin men . of:P.ottsville;and.the. .1- , a1..41 : . .! : ,.... : .•., .. 7 .... .. •
' -
•' to Mauch. Chunk in . a day, from three ston . p
.. 7.. . .. . .
~.., , Colonel cited the e*. ne in which 'other cornrow_ D, W. tamer
.. ,: l 3' in. 0 . .
du licates at an early da -.' '•• • ". .. ' ' 'nittes fostered similar enteriliiitee'tOtheirrnate. ..,,Pre.d.Lk ~Haig,, . „,. . 1• 4 1 ,,.. - 111r..,„.' 5 (:)., .
hundred tons of coal, the .cheapest :mode •-- . - •- -- riat benefit: ' Re: - tamed -- that the COLOperation of '"„.... L ., - al- u f a t r w . • • • .•-• •.. • 250 7. 1... ."."•••;• • ••• •• 1 • i
I'oo Chas..Saylor.... .... . 5 t o m o
0 -f -...Rits-appoinied.-,-Mrs Margaret SilliMani"who '• the - citizens lof•Pottaville would be secured fur the - 3 -.„: . `„WE' - ' 3 ,l n .,., P '''' . ''
transportation, known. lt• would be very during - the. past four years = held the ,-- position of • projee .. t. -- The atit,of M . corPer, of the : Mast : fte, es , --- ""itc - l -- „it ' tt- •-• - 1 -1 1 - r o Vi m :- t, s'rnell,s, . 15 s. no
• advantagebes to the trade if a similar system _postmistress of Pottsville, - in a very .satisfactory ......
uncial okiaracter, giving file Company the right .E..W, Commis:lgs.... .5 .00,Shlotia-as Kuhn - 2no
manner to our citizens :low beams-aPP9inted. - • to eouttruet. roads in any direetion within ' six: 3, • •G :Shoginaker ... 4.ooiT:•M.'llussel - - -- 5 ll°
• Could be adopted in . this Region. , . We are pleased to notelhe fact:: - . •
-- . t - Milea'of Pottsville.. lie hoped that - the ; bands of. Cash . - • ; - .. '' 5 ofeG. W. Boiiman...: - -SOO
The grades of the rends are from one to - . -, -_.• -- - - '''' '• - . . . • ..-- the'iCeinpany weuld - be:taken: .' It is prOtiosed, Cash. - '
...- I..enleice. Pc.rh . ." • 6 .*
- the • A • - In iron:tilting , the Cellar of '.the hotise of Mr. ' I.hat puttsvill& subscribe-150;000 • towards mittive .M. R. Snob. n . ....• - :
.I•oo i t'Ash -.- • --1 es
. - three hundred feet of Mile : train is Hofferhainp; at the corner of Centre and 'Ktirwe-• ... the rand ihroughto St. Clair,-eis,.. Palo Ai ti s iw zif ,Jonathan. John......... IS 00 T.' A. G0dneY,....... - 5...r.10
. Composettotten - or..fifteen ears. ' The mo- , glen streets; on Wednesday, the tfoundiltioi , slip, . :Port Carbon. .. The: ,Company will. jatie..,thatit:,is,(3lottit.:-Iteteber;.,--1104.' teIL7-litilrunet...;;..llO't,o'
menttim:tif the . trainds controlled by. a .n-:an i . r i ld a , re -th ‘ r i tvitig down part the gable. end. -The
~. stocked , . in the . manner after •-tho.-road" is ...• - . •.• -• --.-, 2 8T ot,siß'...- •.- :-_- . ,-- . -.-: .-1
se ~bc l ,o ..l l4 lt r i. i .itC ot eel .o G f re ihr eu e co b tel a n p d po ed ili. Ilna to ov ac ing t t c h it a h t a z;
, : xarg ,'
'Who . sits on the rear car and . vi ores a :wind- of. b i eing ' rilehbuailt to
. 1 ,
tdk .
...e!. down ;
~ ~.. the purpose
re . t SlMWerd:;s.s:tio Jorie iN _phVownsend.. $ 1 no
I - I -1 , ' Mary - Watkins and .; - Pollock.;....._'!John-
' las. A. chain rieni.lile..windlas9 runs
tlie. en' - -Sile - of G - Oreltnenillie' s-
ses -. . , ...- - iii.;eferen . oo : .-..”:. ' .u C4i ya ni m ill . t i li t e t' in 6° e f rel t t .h ii e nte rt . -- a ill ec Ti'a l.lius t L ' e ill a P s 4 m ti' t " n . t i i il f .,c l; l C a. * . : 7 7, 14 P ary " .. #. 1 , 1 7 1 ." .. , ...
'.-: . 15 , ..:,7 0 7 1 :. rt f- Vir ,,, n g so ne n r. ....... 1 2 . 00 00
tire length of- the. train., A. rope :from . the i•aT l a'lreArtlsementin anotttereolUmn-ituilt be per- .. rifle, to lay the project' befOre th4m and. silk their' John P. tleriutteie:.::". ".:0 OG Sarah Shinten. - .1.00
• - 'brake of each. car is - connected with the chain. ~ eelved that two hundred. cavalry hors Wilt. bet -. co-operntitio, widow, wasitdopta •-• -.•-.. C . -., ..... ~. - - m ara s tu td...,...x.::
~. 5 00 -J o h n . A mT W e .. - „ - ...• : : 1 on
I IV)Id in this 1341.011.0'h oOFrirbi -- ..-, July N • - •1865 at , --:: Ou •mcition .01 -- H e. Reilly; the' Conimittee•- -Lbisie'Dawson• ', ". 111 nti•G.• W...Lookingbill . 'I. On
The, trains notwithstanding the . heavy grades, • 10 ~, , ,;( , ,k,
:A, m.„
.: . 2.ozire, ia . 10..1 ' .
, - ' •1 - 00
.'• are - ..easily Controlled .by brakesmen, .- The -• • • • 1 The -Chair ailiNifirca'We r e t1 a11 ii . ..., 7 ,. , . . . •-• . wm. Yen • . - 5
J01f . Jg r eti........ ...
~. -.., I t i l ) ( 0 1 !
" 1 :l ii t ,„ i i,, , p " e l . ,' t ' • - 100
speed run is about _ fifteen miles an hour,. Theis i Pain 1 Mining Amideut.: , :A.6 in nest • Was held - t• - Ciil. I.: P.• Biwer-titliP - Danid"P. - :Browii: - ' ' :---'.' - ' -w; T-'lllol'ai rd "".• •-- '. m i re .". .- .
• , trains start - .about tett „minutes , ...apirt. ' ' The '! in Millersville on Wednes d ay last - blithe bode "id' ' • !The COmmit.thetur this partof the Company . ; are r Joeeph tPerrebee.'.. - ;.s - 2 . f i .. 7 , 8.7, 3 1 . ap r -.. ;:• i:
• i John Davis ; a'nlinet - whose dtqlth. was cad at :dames J - .• Coinier; . k .. F ! ':W . h l loey ao . ifLin fiarthul W itarr ul ie S tVit l i e rtee r- ti, ; . ' ...1 6 0 - mh Joseph . _ 'it e etrney - 11.. - .-
. 1 Le
employees of the CoMpany, • both on. the { the slept. of Potta'e colhe.rv- -boi , being . caught- be.• f .oinew. , -:. :1 - .... •.. : : ... ' •-•.-. : ••. •• ,- - . ...1Z . N.Sniiih.,....'' .-'• :5 00 - ;sunm:Holl .... •.•• • ‘•""•
.• • . • . ...
planes and '.06 . the trains,..• are : temperate, , iweani car and "rock, iti co - o' bie'quirice 'of thti - xer j • • Col: E. Pleasaute,:en . ginier:4 thii , ..road; lirhe'. 'Av• (I nidu'et•••••• ...
-. I On • Ja mb Y arne Y : " . " .. •' /-°°
1 .:: ,:l . 1-00,emb ,' - lOO
Steady men, and tilt feW.accidents hap Pen. :' flying thetraek,,.. Verdict in accordance with facts. ~ 131.45-surveyed iststlaid out tberoute to st. 01 •
.with -- '-r-- 111 4,1, 1 11 :;,E 1 1 3 , 6 Airi , ,
.:::,:•-•-=...". ' 1 onVailiel Will -.::',..:- 100
.. The two finest . planes of the Company :: are at
' ''.3fr . : .Tli , iniiis T. lidrisi his been ' removed ` froM • 11 :1 1 - cti ll 4 0 e titiii,l i ie it Ur " ecut e erl -P t i l l i a rentili.lth P is r , ° • l" ; -" C r i
.0 , (4- o R n erv „,„,. g .L• 4011° ,,. lr,
..1: m ." Rd . R j " . ,l:l l l' ev ",': .
...."" '.l 2
. 4.101171!.. Pisgah • iind Monnt . Jefferson, the' the position of. postmaster - of Minerwhite; and '.t the 'glided are light 'and"faYorn,b;e; wltliV,ery. lit-'l„.jiliii:',iil=:• 7 ..: ' ':iii•iitalia Sarah Ihii:• . .. T.
litre. Pritebard, widewoF a eoldier, - has .been ap- - ... - - , ' tie ttirVatrite: , - The road ' Winild , '•be '6lnstrueted
former of Mauch- .Chuni, the: other' severai •
,-. . Jobe S, Thoines.. .. : 1 Olt 'earn all she had in :.. • ,'"
. . - - pointed to - - fill:the vicancY , .• Mr. Davie WWI' au ',hill littbatantial Manner with the biteat linpreied Mei NV E ' Tiiiiiis-' - ' - . 1 .4- the World. - .•: SS
.miles - nearer. Summit' Hill.: These planes excellent' phatmeeter,.lmit the : claims of the widow . t. ,rwit.'•," 'l ..',,,,..: • ,-- •.- -t:.": --. -:t: 4,"z..: ...i i ;.,.; •.• ft en d,' - '-- , . ', --, ~.• ' • .
hoist the Cilia which have delivered coil .at
of _a defender:of the enuntry wexcpniterior. = • . rChi‘triX JAI: ,
..' Pl ' i : vl i ' ' - eini
.., -.1....,.,--The,,ear-t.:it::'is,•,.epiatempleted Jo:. uee, - --..wi1l hold '. 'The' ilei. , .' , r. , hough. osl e. the• Rev.
the ManehChunk . se.lintes; and return thetni. Hugh Riddle, thealleged,airderer - tLe Theine,S l'' ' ' r ib . .. f y 9 .( l 4Ut i n can gensi be ettip and l l_wtt [tsno r ii -b - 7 (IW- a Zee -13a".
Si: iit c rii Illokitroilnerggvtigtr''Plibulinbotf fur
- • to the minds. - Thp - .ciCite Inept of riding: for" Hi!aaertr .at Mount*.Carbon, - *as hefere Court "... tenets of 'fttteen St; the-brakeillieing•ledryPCiver.. this or formerlits. - dish now. soOrvbe added. - te
this week: , on a Writ"iif : habeas" .coriMs ' tri :admit: ' 1111. -- ' -- ,-.- ''' '-•' t .-. --' "' ' '''.'-' -"- . .., . villebiioawell.' St-Claw bee dninewell -P e e ry
• the Stet time on - &gravity road, on which-. if : Ilim to bail.. - Conuael tit. prisoner argned thiit l if[,! •! - Ori-motion'of Iti..L.:1":::-.1lnilttief-it-fleast'ritliol.• 'ale_ tu rna7 the ki,Xent *nad:het•_,•liee , •Eteeewh r . , tm s tile 7
owd Iva ,
one lets the car-go,. he. 4 3 1 41 : speed ' Kiting ` : the • : -/l e should-be titled to 'Prison; it" --akalld Mit t -Ved•thrut theTroceedinkant thai Dwelt's.'
. g'be pub 6 -' ~-130=1",:lictir.env.771-47gr;Prui ~_.
that account die should•;', lleiled in - the , .papers :of / the tior9usli. , •, -. •". -.1... •'" - .'.- . ••-- .
' • • side of the mountain at the' rate or a mile it • "t" against b • iill ' .1"1 Ml Your respectful! . . - '., •t". ',.''. • '''
. . M....badeti. .- Novel argument that,: Ma , Ci.,ort! .: 01. tie.a.4 . edieurait - 14 . te
.s. neo, tt t hees,ll 4 . th,, .. .. • ~. • • - . • - . * Timums,.tvg.risom. .
. - -
minute, is indescribable. It must be. expo-.; holds the ease under adviessneni.. ;, .- '''- ':., I - President. - -- ' •• ' .-.•- • .: . . t - itient Panto : State Rem• for Soldiers andSellors.
- • - ' . . . • . .
. .
. . •
rienxd to bi
kindness of
who furnisi
tion the Othi
Back RaPri
hundred feet tzt
ed by a imwerfttl,
two flat bands of iims; 4 3.l:loiitlti. anchrs calla
The advantage "of these bands, , is, OM-kW-Oi
to mare silt' l
deteete.d - thaw ha wit t oripeOnad
that if oneibrelgui . r . /her lbet ;MA; the
I train- . .viitimant4 re tutu - r 4 inert arts
safety truck-s„ which in case- - the - bands
Mtl#, throw the cars immediately
from the frack. The arrangement of these
tlauesis-most- -- Onrorthritrve tittar
views in Pennsylvania is from the summit of
the plane t ortMouut ,chunk
:lies nesiling'on the .banks oft the :L ehigh at
the foot of the pipit. Hilland dale, fertile
i4e:Oliery tiire4dipeaftridin,g streinis,
the c1044.-eapPed .distant , mono
tains, are embraced within the view from the
summit, *bile:forty miles the spot on
which the beholder stands, :can be, ; distinctly
seen;a day,, the_ 'Delaware Neter
I-Cgap.'. it is an inspiring scene, yet as charm
.irtg as the moat tiniihed cultivated' view in
the country
Th e American, especially. Pennsylvanian,
who hassnever • stood -on Mount, Frmah at
Mauch Chunk; is estranger to• a 'bit", of'
scenery that imoressed _us t .mucli more forci
bly; than,Nittgaraz ;••.,t !Lt.. ; • !
Mauch Chunko 4 Witi'oll is unpleasantly
crowded iu its mountain location, has.-im
proved the past few years. - Hon. Alia Packer
has a, beautifulatesidence -there, . and the
busin&stportion - Of the town, is well'and sub
standally built.
• A. neat iron' :biidge, two
spans, crosses tp!. Water of the
stream is much discolored by the coal- dirt
discharged into it at the sehntes: Arta Imi
rablYtkepthOtel, and a clever host, are the
American and-Col: Robert klotz,"lts proprie
tor. : The Comfort of-guests is a- great point
'with the Colonel, - as all knowi-whci have so
journed at the, Anierloan. ' ' _
If any of out friends here. or- abroad, wish
a truly pleasant jaunt, we t can 'safely corn
menthe 'Found - trip over; the Sammit Hill.
Mauch Chunk and 'Switch Back Railroad.
Visitors from Philadelphia can matte it con
veniently, via Pottsville, now that the Val
ley Road - to Tamaqua is Completed.
.AYLANTI.C : TiLiCAIAI4I.--Tfie Great
Eastern is about laylng - the Atlantic cable to
connect Enghtpd and Anierica. It is .a great
enterprise; and all bid its good speed. The
ship has in her ai...tearly :as :possible 7.r00
tons of Cable, or; ilicludilig.,t l te iron : . bunks
: which contain it and the Water which - it
is sunk. about 9,000 tons in all. In 'addition
to this she has 8.500 tons •or'coal on board,
and other weight; inchuling engines;.amount
. • _ :. to 21,000 tons; bringing- . her down -
to 32* 1-2 feet draught. The niestiurement
tonnage of the Ship :is '24,000. Probably at
this time . the great ship i's engaged in lie, in:
terestingWork.. Valentia, . Ireland, : will •be
the• European station . ; New %Foundland ,the .
American..: If thewenth7er. Should Pr2ye • fed
vorable everything it .is- predietedi will
well. : 'Telegraphic COMElWnication• with Eng
land may . be looked for by the 21st of August..
If the line should work, it is' estimated that
the operation of telegraphing can be safely .
conducted day and night at the rate-of from
sit to eight words a minute. Both Professor
Thompson and '3lr. Varley, however, are
confident thetWith the new .machines, they
haVe invented. this rate may be increaSed• to
nearly twelVe. Words. a-Minute. : The charge
for messanes will be Xi per word,
.yielding a
revenue :of. £1;000,000 • per • year, - or nearly
twice the. cost.of the present cable. .r• .:.. .
.K.l.4.i.ett; the Orwigsburg correspondent • of
thd. traitor Letcher, has not- called yet to ex-;
ntnine the 'original . of his lets & • of hill, : 17,
1861, It is his last chance, as we willsoon' re
turn it to the ecliwrS .<)f cup Philadelphia Sw:
day Dispatch: . Don't you want to see it,
Keller.? •••• • •
, .
Jody number' contains a due. portrait of Maj.,
Gem John A. Logan, with a sketch - of - his
The other contents are, What to do with our Gen
erals :No 5, of. Seeking the Bubble ;*Brigadier-
General:James Si Wadsworth
.;. The Yankee :as a
.Fighier ; Napoleon annd hiis Life of, Caesar ;
No. 2 of What the Coast Survey has done for the
War; two- spirited . poems, The Battle and. the
Homeward .March of the Sixth, 0 erps. through..
Richmond ; Literary Intelligence ; Editor's Spe,
dal Departmeut;Yersonal Items, and Oftidul Ar
my Intelligence: A remarkably fine - nuaut,er:—
Published by Charles-E. Biclutidseu, 510 Broad
way, New York.. Subscription price, $5 a year."
' Prritoi.;Etrat.—We Have received .a neat little,
book on.Petroleiim, from the Publishers; Messrs,
J. B. Lipincott & Co., Philadelphia, ' It is entitled
"Petroleum and Petroleumby J. H. A.
Bone, who ivrites' more from observation than
practiCal experience be gives neither theories,
or geological problems, and:writes Simply, that
which he has seen.. It seems to be a reliable lit
tle book, without pretensions and without novel-.
iv, but whichmay he read with .interest and pro
'fit by those,who "take stocli7 in oil schemes.
gocat. 4tfairo.
Weekly' Al
IS65." 1" 17" MIMS errs
10 5t1141)LT... - ... 1
11 Mnripsy..,. - .
18 Tortumx • • ".
19' WitmiranAlt.
20 1 1 110103 DAN
21 - Prim '
Ph uip
. Uriaollz of Tremont, haa received a pat
ent, for. improvement iii rotary pumro:
. .
17.e1t. Nichols, IL S. A., isinrtown,-in the enjoy
ment we are pleased trrsay, of excellent health.
~. . . .
7b-morrosi.—Tiveuty-ninth Sunday of the year,
and Fifth after Trinity. Day's. length 14 hours
and 47 minutes.. • •• • •- •
The Re.v.',lfr. Yenninson will preach in The 29
Presbyterian Cliurcb,.3lirlint &Mare, to -morrow,
morning and evening at 10:k and. B. o'clock. ,
. . . ,
lie°. Daniel . offidiate -(1). V.)
next Sunday, A. M., in St. Patil'a church, 'Miners
ville and' P; iu Church Holy ApOstles, St
Clair. • `, • ' ' - •
• . . .
2rl Baptist Churc fr , 3(1 -1101). s . treets.
The ot;dination of. funr'deaeom by the pastor. IL
•il t Ain3tio, after the. aapal i>erviees', on LutAls-ilay
evennig next. *, ..• ; . •
. le
rice i fs . I ant
' u oic - 'd tidi eri . .. rib '111,.=„vi1.,... 4 . 6 e .. 11 ,, 11 , 4 ,, t 4 , e 7 - t . .rrialigt:4“l
• .... : ..
• . Bintdiri Dert . r.ks, airs Galls her Of Ailitiii . 1
Id.`giringliteepn t ', tilt+ bai144314 ie
7 .._
10 0 38 401 Ea ..
d d llo`Suddririly tn relief:limns of poisoning
:-ware simnel]. - An invostigatkm-ShoWedthatitiey
had recently arrived . at New York in a-vessel
which.. was crowded with passengers • from the
wreck of the California steamship Golden Rule,
~a s &-lbetothevoiseknitiviwtakewsoatettl inr.
board that ultiinatelv caused death. A. verdict
was rendered that the ' deceased came to their
deaths by irritation otstoinaoh caused - by eating
11.3.9f.49.014°,1141r.P..-•.: ~ • ..,.., ::: '. ' • %
Terrible Accident—Om. Wednesday morning
last as Williamf.aged - 10 yeara,.son of Mr. Amos ,
Foreman of this - pomugb; was walkMg ma the
plank walk betiiitLeit'liforris Addition and 'Mount
Carbon, that runs besidetiMiloiatl4Railioad ,
became aiiiy as n train lia,spag, and fell upon.
the track, the Cars paWng ovef,and crushing is
left leg. He also Sustained other injuries by the
falL The, leg was-subsequently. amputated
11.11berstaAlt, but lotutg,Forsman's j injuries
were .f such a terrible'character; that yesterday
Lie Narycritical 'condition. There
was TS - ex-Tiede - tic:in tbatlie'veuld . survive; The
familY has - the entir;tf synirrithy of this zommuni-
As- * their severe.and.painful a idiom
• Steam, Fire- _Engines i :
in the: matter of procuring: th improved'
tire apparatus? ,liattisburgzorttich ia :pot inuela
-1::17,-r !tau Pottsi , ille, has three:ateairier:66. and
:irtbat Place - inta itpprOpriated $9;600
~v three More. AV e. ought to
flumaii' FireCinn.pflUy
tlit:ving -slie natal' as :well the.:tiood
te:,;„:.tad to be . liopeti that both vtill:ituceeed'
be getting st.immiereittiroukb-the assistanceid the
citizens not only.of this but of ,contiguous, bor
neuths. .If there hiktbeen a' ateitiner of - two here
on Saturday eight , last i - :rniuch• of. the: improve ,
malts at the 'St. Clair Wotild - haye • been
stved. Our people sliould, not wait until a'large
• tire opens their eyes to ilic - neceasity of steamers;
bat aid, these companies prpeuring , them at
more! cakrzeitp.,
4AI 7 90 , • Fall 31 S 333 evirg
4 42'7 29 `net Q. 15 11 1 mu'a
4'. 43 7 29, New IN''-22 1 33 meg
4 43,T -9.8 i Flint - 4,90 2 13 evng
4 44,7 27
4 45'7 1
4 4617 27 •
• • • - ' -
The Forty-eljhth::Peto.itittrtniit Regiment.—Ae
. • .
kalla . nt "Begithent will . hope next week, it
is la be hoped that • our eitizehs arrange at
once a reeeptiou ./oys.. Let int show them
that ce fully. appreciate theit.uuiformly excellent
soldierly conduct in - whatever:duty they were cal=
led upon. to discharge. Tho '• •• • ••• .
is•ii list of the field, staff and lino
officers of the Regiment ' -` •• r .
Colonel, J. F. Brannon:: Lieutenant Colonel, ft M.
Tones: Major, Jacob' Wagner; Adjutant, H. C.Bontz
liergir ; .Quartermaster,!Thomas • Bohanan ;.Sargeon,
W. It 1).-BlacksVOthl l'AseL Surgeons, J, 8.-Culver, B.
M. Smyser; Chaplain:L. B. Beehley.. • ••. • A.--Ceptain, A lat.Lieuten,
ant. William Taylor ;'-d lieutenant. 11.11. . Price.
-•CosreAairCaThus. P: Lieu=
tenant, George M. Denier; 5.41-.Lieutenatit, Jtihn Wet
Come,tiir C.—Captain :. William Clark ; lit Lienten:
ithf. James Clerk ; 24 Lieutenant, Henry Weiser. -
COSiPANY H.—Captain: Jacob • P. Werner ; Ist Lieu
tenant, 'Henry Rothenberger ; 24 Lieutenant. Henry C.•
13urkiilter.• •
CIeMPANT B.—Captain. W:'Schnerr; Ist Lien,
tenant, Jamet:Mat ; Lieutenant. John C. :kick:Wain:
Couivair F LlVilliatne:let , Lien
tenant • James A. Easton t 24 Lieutenant. Henri Reese.
COSIPANt Aimed; 1141Lienten.
ant, Wm: 11, Ilaidell ; Lieutenant. George Fame-
CoarAsv'll.H-Captain. Alba C.Thompaon ; Ist Lieu
tenant, Thos. Sillyman ; -Lieutenant:Peter ,Ratlei-
Coer t !1Y L —Captain. J. D. 'Koch r let 1.1 - mtentint, 0.
A J. D. , vis ; 2d Lieutenant, Francis All thaeb.
CoMVANYF_Stitzei ; Ist e nant',
Thos. A. I, win ; 2il Lieuten !tined:XlS%
• - ' ' ' ••
I rap/ ink 16 , 1 , 1 th , . 1034
Regi., N. Vols., Chief Commissary of. Musters . ;
on GenZ.ral Ifirtanif staff,_ died at ,reteri-barg,
4tity .7; 1863.
&pt. R.r.tutlils a native of . Germany, he ar
rived at Pottsville, July. 25,1.860. • • W.liew the're•
bells, nt broke.out took up arms fortlM country
of his adoption. He vas enrolled in C,apt, Char
-1 anaugeroweros ' COmpativ,'. - 6th Regt.,'.Penna.
Vole., on the 22 , 1* of. April: - 1861; ant pr. moied
li, . the' three -months service. ' After,
wards he entered' the . .lo3d Regt.; N. Y: V 015..; he
was promoted 2d • Liemenaut, :Sept,: 29, : 18P., int
Lieutenant March 18,..1.863,- -.Captain, 'Rine 1,
1663, Chlef, 't:ntunissary of 31nsters,May , 2 1 , 1865,
for the district Of Nottoway. Capt.: Krauth, after
haying undergone the' harkhdlips of this war, and
distinguished -- himself by ids bravery in Many
battles, was, assaulted in a dastardly manner, by'
acute_ parties,' ..the"evening of die
'27:11.6f Auto; at l'etetninirg, :pas, . and received
- some:: wounds *the ;bead. The:, wounds
were unsung T4CA ly, and there Watt every prospect
of his ~eon resuming his acenatoMed duties when
• lock jaw set in, from the eifeet.4.4.whiCii. he'died
-in the fcirenoon of the 7th . of July: He was bitried
the next day; with appropriate military !tonere,
in the Cemetery' of Petersburg: Isjor •Gto.
Hicks, est. Galeria, in announcing the
'death of Capt. di, to. a friend in Pottsville; re
-. "It may be .pleasing to his relativeS and'friends
to kno that the services'. of Calif: Rrantli were .
highly appreciated by the,illajor-tien.
on .
ing, o wuuse.staiflie , was serving, anti that he,
beloved and - respectod by his comrades
Capt. 'Kraut:it: was: received into. the. Yottrille
•:Scieotific Assoc...M . 46a. Dec ; 14, 1861. . •
- .
. ..77te follnwidg soldiers Isom hits County; died
in prison at Andersonville,Ga., between Febru
tirv:lB6l,'andilaridi, 1865 :. . -• ' .
.• 'Brtmny,. private,.Co. E, 48th,Reg.', died joly.
8, Hai; • Number of grave, 3,027: • -.• '
Bann an, private; 'Cu. .55th Reg:, died
0ct.:.15, 1881'.• N umber or- grave, 10,983..,
J. Fetterman; private,.Co. .11,.48cti Reg., .died
Septemberti; 1861. . Number - of grave, 8,1.75.. . ,•
E. Git ghee, private, E, - 18th, died Aug . : 22,
1864: .littrither of grave, , 6,339.- • - •
•.- R. Hilm - private' C; 50th, died- June 25,1861.
Number grave, 2,130.1 . --'• ,
' Jas. Tubia, priv E. 55th, died Oct. 11, 1861.
Number of gras.e; 10,735..
J. Meftath, private, C,l-8; died' July 8, .1861:
Number of grave, 3,017.:
• M. Muldatiey,-private;,K, 96,"died.Atig - . p, 1861;
Nember of graVe, 4,898. • _ -
.J.Mase; private, A 4-48, died 00. 4, 1861. Num
ber of grave, 10;846, -• . • =
D. Boot., private, 11,.18„, died Sept, 11.. 1864.- 7 ,
Number of ttrave;.8,712..„•• • '. . • •
H. Suomi', private, E,. 43, died 0:1.4, 1864.-.
.tittrulki of grave; 10,299. ' .
A. Wike,'private, B, 96; `died June 30,1861.
.Number of-grave, 2;699. - '• - - - •
Wineinger,'priva te E, 96, - died July, 6 1864. -
Number of grave; 6,790. • .
Bet Ween February . 26, .1864, and' March 24,
;1865, 12,801 Uuitm.soldiens died in the rebel prison
pens at Andersonville. A large proportion Of - them
were starved to death and - 'murdered bY-„cruel
treatment and neglect..
The removal of - the bodies cannot be effected
• before the • ltit of October, - accerding to orders
issued from the War Department,' regulating - the
disinterment of the liedia of -.SoldierS.. At the
meantime. Colonel Gregg, chief Of transportation
„On - Governer .thiftin's buff, will institute an in to the hist and most' .convenient way of
securing such removals; and '.prior to the .Ist of
October issue a • circular . setting forth there
fatits, for the beriebt•of the, public:* .These. hints
are thrown but' to pi event -ny unnecessary haste
in apptying for.:trineportation to, convey their
bodies from -Georgia, to. .Pennsylvania. - At the
proper time this tranoportation will be issued to.
the 'proper persons; wnen IGis lit:Med - the honored.
remains of evert gallant ;Pennsylvanian' who per.
billed atAudersonville.will , be removed to the soil
of their native State; to.. repose amid the scenes
of their youth,. where their ,naves .will he watered
with Vie' tsars 'of
,grateful generations * yet to
. .
' come.'
' 'Governor 'Crirtin and Surgeon General Philips.
are engaged in efforts to preente'Sinnlar . lists of
Poinsylvaniasidiliers buried at other rebel pris
tine. -It 'hoped.. soon' to have. alist ready for
publication, of those' who perished at Salisbury, ,
-17 its
teitoeing4 PIN 'll4lO
- sloo,ooo.—Abort-twelve _o'clock 'last Sat.;
lofty bight; the Sib of Sttly e the hiproienients
ofSOP*: 01,41:5
inr,./Arref enttritlylditetroyesibjlit
ort• I/00h latge•AimentilOns;• f•
',great height,-and - was - mact of our first seisms col
lierz.einablishments, inr,hijw,)realting,,hoisting.
LlVintiViitur*llll '4'4"Pri!g.
billityto. no utiftretrthonearul" dollars; and on
- sand doll.ire of iulsnrdnbe . • :
- .I . t, is reported that the flee . originated from a
lamp which was left burning in. the . upper
tion of the estabhehiknemtlibich was the first to
ignite, and wheraW."-i:pOneans of ignition. el
istexl; In about ~• :Venn the tnne of the •
first cture.was laid in
smouldering rlitAhe raging ofthe
flames, that baiirliWihiareds of feet into the
air, the scene wiferArillyfgr and, and to many,
terrific. Most'oft hilly holders of St. Clair,
spent the night on th eir house tops, eitinguish•
mg the. hurnurg 'embers, • :which blaiing
showers over theiowni • '•-• • -•- "
Lhis l'
is the second. - time • the shalt colliery has
offered . this misfortune::ln; he month of An
, t.lttWiVitasx age43hs;eitnieseerie.liwall. pre-1
sented, but on both' occasions,, the weather' was
calm and'serene ; not. a breath seemed to move
t.lo air. ••;Had the. wind,.been.bigb:it.would have
been almost" inepwitile to hive saved the town.
Even under - the• - •titicitnistinees - reqnired
greatest.' watchfuluese an energy to greyent a
;eneral conllagraiion. .'• • • .- •
. .
, • -- .
Grand EistedVoci.iwid'ori-the. 'grounds of the
'Pott-sville Water Cornpany,Julv - 5:4 and 6th, 1860,
President:lles. -Edward -R. - teals; ' of Pittston,
Pa ; titatt Prestdent, John„ Lucas.; : of Pottsville ;
~E.iteddfotl; Bard, Joseph:. Prosser, of Miners
, . . e .
Adjitdicators;:on Emit* and-. Poetry:—Atiow7
rin Jones, of Mee4iille, - .‘'• .• '.
Po. mi. Masleal . Composition and Singing.-i
--Prof. Write Aubrey , Powell; of Seranton,..Pa. •
Do. rtor Reeithtiint hrid
D. Thomas of Mahamiy City,anditec.Theophilus
Jone. of Minersville: • •
-Do. , on' T. Ptietry• Composed- on the epef..-The
Bard of the•Eistedilfod, . ..••• , • • •
'Do. on 3frrlet of Air Fan's' for , 3fines.Benj.
Haywood, Esq.'• - •. ' • •
.g atrgnilcier is.folatit „
. - iradWiint
• _ . En lir. & gallant • .
• Ondawidlt Walta.r
'• • . • Inly sth; -1665.-510aNING.
.Eistecidfod.ritiled to - order, short ad
dress from 'the chair!' Ths'meeting•was then ad ,
dressed-h*theßef. jae.brJarties. 'r:-Rev!: Tlieeph
ilnijonen thbh olliiiveiT 'with - a Shrift addre:is
English... Joseph Prosser addressed a few:sdaii
zas to the Eisteddfod-.Jarenile. Chorus, "Hurrah
to the woods:". I.."l3rutust)ration•int the
'of CiSar,".recited . dly . - I `Shermaii,"
Prize $2.50. - 2. Duett o.laricheater," two - Comp.
euecessfnl, - "Y Ceiiicsiyr." Prize $3. 3: Adjudica-,
tion On "Carton" on -let verse of 61st Psalm, Com
petitors simeesisful; jos. Parry,•Thiq:. of Danville.;
prize $2O. 4.• Quartette, - •"0, • the Old,krouse
Retho,"two oompt,it itors; successful, "Cinftrians,"
prize $4. 4 .'Parties in the andienee gave "Viiican
at Biota?' the misucccessful;:sl.. 50. 5. Adjudica
tion of- - stanza to - the.. Greenbacks, dorripetitorl
snecesful, Jno. A. Roherte,.Termont., prize
6. Solo Bass;-"Teyenasoefiri di,infor,” five cum
petitors; Sinecessful, prize - divided betwefm "Mar -1
ens-and ,"I?enfelya," prize $2; 7. Adjudication
on. Essay on total nostinehee,Competirirs; :s4
.Siaece ,
ful,.prize• divided between "Eugene" and `.` E9r
.ive ci amsee,". prize, $10: 8. .ohorini."Worlc
enough for • two eomnetitors ;',BricCessfnl,
"First class,7 priie $6.. 9.•Adjitilicatinn on Tour -
Best stanzas to Joe. Davis, - competitors; success
ful "Rh imaytd,", $4. • - 10: solo - • and chn-
He "Down - where . the Witidinr WilloYis.;" sung by
"First. Class," successful; $1... Reeital
of "The World for sale," two- competitors; sue
•cessful, prize between - "Sheridan" and
`,'Cyntro Back," plizor $2 .50..• 12.• - The. Mighty
Cenquthrer." Two *ichoirs • competing, sitecessf n 1
The Sanfords,".prize $lO. • 13. Pr if:- WAIL Davis,
of Tamaqua, sang a Comic song "Bryan i 5 Lynn,"
accompanying himself en the piano.- 14. Prof.
Powell of .Scrantou, •Ha ng:."lPri . ' gad:dement .1.1/
nthotri". (my mother's old'straW-eliair) accompa
nyie. himself odthe , Piano. Adjourped'at
P. sf. . •
July sth..—Arry.romou. • _
.3.20, P. M., Eisiolgod celled to order by the
chair. • Benj. Haywood, Eso., then :delivered
short address. Poetical addresses the',
'teridfoil."English StanZas by "Jrii;tiqin Opiedd.".
Stanzas by :-"Main at, . stanzas. by
13enjamin E. Jones. I.,.Prpn Powell 'sang "My
.Nat we land," acconipanyitighimself on the piano,
and-chorus sang by some of the best: vocalists
present. - 2. "Brutus . and. (13issins," two setts ef :
competitors, stwieessful-".Grant Tbrimite."
-Prize $5. 3.Mr. Lewis. gave $1 for the wan
-is, to tattler that told the eh:air that. he - was slim
ing in- andieace, tiro sneessstol-;•
"terry' :("Son a!)"Demi;"y-, , This.. created a
great. deal. - of arusement. 4, Adjtirlicatip -on
"Rssiiy - en thellible,": four competitors; success
ful !(..ti/des,": prize: $l5. --,5. -Recital of, part - of
` . -Diegker fernsgterix,% folic competitors, .` Area-.
rI • ylim) : :" prize $5: - shining, •"Catch," two
"petitors; suceessfel ;.:"Tlie. Politicians,", prize $5.
There were three politieians Anging,.-two stood
"P threatening each-other - and calling each Other
liars, thieves; &e.,-cvhile the third sat down-call- 7
ing - them fools; &c.., for' quarreling. TheY. crea
ted great deal trfainesernent.••,'7.AdjudiCation
on "The BeSt 'Collection ,of .reading, matter for
young folks, biographical. sketches : 'preferred,'.'
two competßors, -successful
." iinar. or 'e
. an,". prize $l5 - . -8: "Rittempor y.
Gapeons Spee Mim
None to hear . the subject- until , ready to com
mence and then to 'have but five minutes
faur Competitors ; successful, " • arßerilen,"
prite - $5. While one of the - competitors • was ms
king his spench the others - were out of hearing,
_The subject was whispered in the 'ears of the.
competitors, one afteranother and then they Were
to eminence right away. The.siibject announced
was - '‘Which is best, to tharrir, l marry."
From-the want of presence s.f.reind in the speak-
firs, it was rendered very MTVIATig. The success , '
:fel:competitor dannilitining that they charged for
marrying. persons ,and that money- could not al
ways be found. .131 e having reeeiVed,-
have no more reattort to. complain on that score.-
9. Duett; "Death of Heber;".,-competitont ; three
couple;sueeessful, "Shona r Shan, prize
10. Dnett, "Watchman • tell' me;'..' 'Competitors
ten conple; sueeessful,' -"No. 3,-, prize $2, 11.-1
".4/rtaipqraoorein." (tbe best Welsh air,) _core-,
•itorS,' - auccesifnl, "Gymro,", Jos.. B. Parry,. of
Danville:; . prize W
Solo,. "But than A,'
not-.leave," three ceinietitors, • saccessful
dividedi between '-"Bn4ilay," and .".otrenckloffd,
prize $2.3 13. Adjudication on "Essay on Rite
toric,"` competitor,' successful, , "Essay
D.:Jones, Hamilton - „College„ N. Y.:,-)prize $4O.-
14. Dnett,. "Pa b0th.71717.0f.4," (ivhat is lite;): two
competitors seceeSsfnll "Leith and - Rachel,l'
,ritize $3: 15. :Anthem, "Cydi:posithVen." two
choirs competing,. successful; "Ashlanders,7
led by Robert James, Esq4Prize $3O. Adjiiiiarn
edtillli,P. M.-- •• . • - :•.:• :
"-- • ..
July sth, EVENING coNcErer. . •
t. Prof: Powell. sang and played "Dear old..
Maids of eyrrtra.". 2. -By the same, "Petti diarif
lawn yto Oari•e,"
,(courting is a very ;delishtful I
thing.) 3..COrdettip -it fairies o'er the- grass,".
sang by Messrs.:Sno. M.Tryse, 'Wm.:Bert, - and
Robert Jones,- accompanied by. Prof.- Poivell
the pisnri. • .4: . '"Defneh, ir MintyplarTilitr (come to
the - by: the .Aiibland . choir,' led -bv
petit: Janice Esq.,'accompanied by Prof. ,Powell.
ett,the plane... 5. "They.have: 'stole ny child I
away,' by-Prat. Daiis;•:.orTimaqua,. stmt . :and, I
played on -the :piano.. 6.: Patrioticsong, :"Orie
Flag or No-Flag,!''s - ang and played-by Prof
„ell. - He as if he meant it: The mreile was
composed - bylimself. -.7: Comic , song,. "Since
have been in the Army," by-Prot •Davm. Davis
ie . good on a comic song. - 8. "Hark the .Glad
notes." by -Mesabi . : MObert Jones; ' Wm: Bert;
Jno: M.:Pryse, Henry Davis and 'Francis Davis,
accOinpanierlbv - Prof. - Powell, ori the piano.- 9.
Song - once knew a Nnrmandy Maid,"bY Prof.
Powell... 10. Song; .",Y - .oi - renitit- (Sinn," (The
white WheaL) by Prci!..Pewell. - Adjnerned: •
: :The proefttlinge of tile : - ernicluding-day,--July
.6, will be publishedln nur,next issr e • . •
- • -‘• • • • •
. .
The 'Penn:4y lrfinirt .stare'Haihefor bnrali 1 Sol- -
niers are in receipt of the to]:
lowiit; jotter from - Itev, A.tlinsori, Agent - for
the Rome.'. , to be lionecithat his.eng,gmbione
will he acte!l..upon, and*.that the auhscriptiOns , in
this Cennty;.in tiler philanthropic object will be
increased largely
. . PAILADF7,I9tI)L, ;filly R. 1565..
Eorroft SIR—Id addition to for,
tiler lisde publish - e(1 in vier jotirnol of ! , ohscriberr to the,
fond for the etintear d iated , home . .(Penrstilvon ( a Stnte
Iltime) for Out onidierti and &c.: permit enclose the- follOwintr,, from Pottsville and
. .
.. te r tia t ax ..;lbat•C•ber,
daa U 1 Ins Fletche o
r Gldbwerersit tnitir trentripta - " .;
Grayli pbelnlau4 o ..Fktaii tr •'• • • = 4- • •-*-
eeeakNesitan_itilred e •••• ,14 .1
- dobn . Kane b Eshelman' -2 not ont 0
• 4 , 4 4.4
WY* ... 0
Leg-byes • '
- • • •• • •
,it ,
........ . 1
b • zr i;k. 0
Isaac Geiger 113 ..... . itsPs
Treriry'. IL Ileeliirr trick. • 4
• Fitzpatrick.—
Reuben Maine b Do r * -• • 6
eft, •
DanielWiuterelecli,p- b:Di AAf ert i . i4. • 0
• 8.11 . 1. g. Don*tiiirtY ..... ..
.. •
pl:Pat ric ,_ . &,4 llll ' l4,b74l. • ro ' .. . . 90
Fre . ed b Fjtrick , : , - 0
B. D: Culbert ti Dougherty 777
Esliehriau • '" . -5
- rick.
David Fletcher h iFqx•
• Uatrick e.olllingent
dos. Eisenougb
... i r ft
k Kane.— 0
0 b:Newia ...
' •
:Alex. Giveninot out... . 3
Byes ''...;:••••-`
- •
de5...... ..
• •
Eshelman...:...:. iB, • , 38 , 0
ScanlanlB 8 0 , 8
' al: z 0 0 -
... . .18 .
- • - BECOI4Ii-TWEL '
. .
Dongherty • 60 . .. 26 . (I • • . 4 ,
IhtziwtT . .06 •
.Chillson..... ' 0 • 'o
Gene 6 •:.:•••• ;:.f• -', 0
60 • 10 •t.O ; , •
. .
eary B. Seb•inger.-• :Robert •. •
-David Wilkins.. . Levi Hilbert. .. •.,
An interesting and - exciting game was nleyed
' on.Tuestlay,;'JulY-4tb, between -the •Eiret Eleven
of the Silver Creek - lintbraeite and . - tile - Second
Eleven of die Tintearora Excelsior 'Cricket Clubs.
which resulted iu LaYor of the Tdscarora.Secoud
Eleven. by 4,runs. • Annexed is the score :
• lar , ISNIMG -
Sullivamb Shields' . • iS.b Shields 4
'Thos. Wignell b Shields .2h"" . ...
W. Davison b Winlack •
5 "
Thos Wolfstelholua -I? _ .
Shields 6 b ,
lion. Conway b' Shields 12 b
John Dovey .k,Winlack • 1 b Wiolack. --
Walter; Fallip. and '.l? -.-- • ' • • •• .
Shields . • b. .! •
T. Davison b Winlactu: •.6 b Shields,- ' -
Robert,Hyde - .b Shields: ,S.b . ...
. Peter Shepitz not out... 0 e Wild b shield;
B. Yost b Winlack ' 3 not out
Leg•hpas" . ." , ,
Roadie' .
- Wides • . ' '
- - • 50
-• • Arai' Imsrsoa. • -• • ..11 r aNNINGB.
Wm: nosd c Morey b •
Wolfstelliolni' • •-. 10 c Davison' b Conway...: 0
John Young b Ibiyi.nn - .; 3 run put • • -
J. INlclatt re b Davoson.. ob . Conway • - • 0
.1. Coulyb Wollstelholm. •IC Dovey b Davison ; 0
Tbos. Feely 1b w, b Da. • ; . . • .•
.. . . T. arid b Daviion
James ShAelds cDovoyb • .
Davison ... . Omiway,
Peter IteLee b Wv;lfitel
holm .. .. ••-••• .
Ales •Winlark c
. DoTey
1! Wolf•telliolm '3 h Dailion.
• Jas. Win's ' Dovey b • • '
&t• •
' . Wolfetelbolm...• .. . . 20e Dovey b 1
W. O'Brien:
lu lm ' .
. ' ... . • ... ~• 0 'bit vvicket:•. •• ••
•Wm. Wild net Out.., B.not-out , 1
Leg-byes • .2
3 0
. ,
•The•Tnscarora P•econd.Eleven winning by 4 inns, at-.
ter u very dose and interesting contest:, ,
• • ., 517,V1C1t CHUN.
UMPire • Thos. nordair, • Thoe. Miller. •
Scorers , J C.lrortbell, John Russ.
A match, between the first eleVelis of the Cb‘ce
ola and drib.. will be played cat Vied
nesdav next on the ground of- the Osceola in this
u..h. The wickets - pitphed at 9
o'cloelt, A. M. • ~ • " ' • •
. • .
• (jolt TUE ILLNIES' JOURNAL.] • , I
Since the'remiWid of the County seat • o Schuylkill
Orwigshurg to Pottsville; the old'c ourt Rouse at,
the foimeridnee has lieen devoted to educational pupa=
ses. and" lis been known as fhl A iowifalt itifute:
We are much gratified in being able to chronicle the
• fact that this-school has weathered the 'fretfulstorm
which Curing. the four . years just past, - has' sunk so
many of onr feebler'instlfutions of learnlng.• It
-lives, :ft and its special friends and patrons 'will in par..
tieular; thank us for infOiming them that it gives good
evidence of pine into still:More efficient operation . at
'the beginning ot'the next session. At least we are as
sured that. although it "changes haiids,"•the present
indications are that It will lime none of its former pre
tige and vigor. -' -., .. .. .• .
Rev. I. J. Stine. a gentleman of sdperlor attainments
I . and. much ..'experience in-the art of teaching," succeeds
Prof. Friese.. As we understand, Mr. Stina, has leased
the entire property for a term of .years. and is subject
ing it to thorougn repair.. The whole building is to he
cleansed out and fitted up. so as to accommodate the
Principal's family and a limited number of select board
-, ink scholars: ' The fences ore' to be rebuilt, and the
yard is to be made a - pleasure ground. fie the .greater:
. mat of the- linilding has been unoccupied' dry several
. years. we, presume . some work will he found necessary.
' But we have no doubt: that, with this, it can. and will.
I be made a very comfortable with
and boarding .
i house, besides nfordiog ample room . for school 'porno
-1 ses ; and we are told that alresdy the hamnier. and the
trowel, the saw and the. plane, thebrush and thebroom
. have begun their .ciptiroprilite Lebors,.'so that. the
thine. - as the boss of the . says, may he in good
running order. by the opening of the .. Fall Session.
.. :• The new, Pribcipel of the "Institute" comes to Of
i. wigsburg with a repulsion as a surce-sistiil teacher well
I! e4tablished.. 'His -paperer' are Orthe first mule. • His
education -is. knovrn to-be good, and.-his experience!
large. He was one .of 'the that webelleve,Ao receive
I 'the teacher's professional certificate under the 'revised
- school "law .of 1854—was one of the. &hinders of-the
!Franklin Educational ../iwociation, one of -the • oldest•
-Teachera'anstitutes in this State: has ' ocamled the
Vice President'S chair in-the Pennsylvania State Teach
ers 'Association.; edited..-a= Meritorious' educational.
journal." and bah bad considerable experience Rs a
•, "teacher of teachers." • baying been Principal of the
Mifflin County Norman School, and the _Normal School
'of Cumberland County. He-is well known throughout
ourritate as' an earne s t and practical'edtiestora "live
teacher.'!; Under his - management .the - School at Or
vrigsbnro, =nit succeed' We wish it success; and es
pecially to young men and young women preparing to
- teach in our free schools, we thinkrwe are enttrely safe .
in retionimending the Normal Department of the Arca
dinnrastituteas worthy of their attention and attend
. epee. ' No:doubt.'-also, the boarding of the ptipils by
the Prineioal in his own family, will edd to the.number
•-of stiidenti,iwidespecially:bf girls; from abroad f as pa--
, rents .will- feel that, they. are safer. from hrirtful influen
ces nod temptaticius, and a more Watchful care will :be
expettml to be .exercised under that arrangement. •
.Mr; Stme informs as that he taught his first school as
far back as the winter of 1&46-7. at the Age. of seven
teen: This was comparatively, in "the olden. time,"
and whilst scarcely yet of "middle age," his time of ser
vice in the great work has been long enough and'varied
`enonet to not - Holy gfribitri *good imaiatatibii:but to
afford him arnple!opportunities of immparindifferent
systems and methods, and' impnWing - upon them.:He
bits also . traveled 'extenteleely,. , and - thus familiarized
himself with , the educational:systems. of different sec-
Deus of our country: .. . - • • EbIIdATION.
. .
. . -
• .
•TN .• N . . .
; 1 •
pa .
. .
• In Schuyikill _County. . .
A number - Of theite excellent Fatally Mtichinei ire al.
ways kept on- hand rineein . .be seen in operation bj
calling at hie residence in Market. Street, avoye
next dtior to the English Lutheran Church. • •
To tkcoinuio lafe persniis "tising, these ,Machines, a
supply of Maehtrii North's, Maihins Oil and Soap, and
Clitrra Thread, in all numbers and colors, especially
adapted to Sewing hinchine use, be kept on hand.
Thorough instructions for working these. Machines
will be given to parties purchasing. '
Orders by'rriail:will receive prompt atiention. Call
and examine before purchasing elsswhere.-.. • .
Gray- . Illatir;'.llatftncros, Dandruff, any
Disease of tile @ealp.—No: Dcw.irear Gin :Cos
YAW: Wall rr. IT 18 NOT A DTIL
!`l,onduri” . Color Restorer.^
lAsntlpn"• ,TIMM - ,;, Color.Restoter...
"Londom. .-wonmos •• . Color Restorer."
• ."LondoM. oazAr -,“Hair Color Restore....“
• , “Loudon" • ...ILENINDT ' "Hair Color Restorer "
• ,
"Landon" • : “lialr•ColOr Restorer.!.
FRO-V.IIAM DRPONINO count:gap, Delleately,perfaMed.
I. will restore gray hair toriti-eriginid color. '
will make it grow-on bald heads: •
3. It will restore the natural secretlims.. '
• 4 It willremove all dandruff and itchings. . • *.
6.ltwiltinake the-hair - 30ft; liberty; exid tlexilde. •
• 6. It will preeerve theorigirud.eolitr twold
1. It will , prevent the hair from , • •
8. 'lt will care all diseases of the - sculp.
" . ..Londe." ' • ' ."!//ofr.Cotor Reirtoiei."
. "Landon. ,• READ • : Color - Rittirrer."
' , 'Landon" •• : • - ; " Hair Color • ReAtoreiP
"London“.., tuts . "Hair Color Restorer.”
- "Lo - ridto" • --. 'Wait -Color Reßferer."
"L00rf0nt...... - caininoire. :”Hair..Cobtr 'Restorer .•
"Landow , • .7 .. Al/air-Color littdorer..!
. Du. Swavira A Rots: lionte all keens . age I began to
lose lay' trek, and (=tinned 'to do: to nntil:' the scalp.
became. (aMae ye the pilm of my land: :troubled alq,
with,a disagreeable itching fever, great heat; and land:
• na email pusteleawcathi form. quite core tothe touch.
litultlntreng.portlotrol the . hair on the side aed:
• bach:of my- head :WORM' e quite gray: . After tieing a
number •of Restoratives called) without &memos,,.heurt, nearly Ajellitate , of her; Lretnctantly 'I
1., commenced uninv.,:thrb7lo3DON.RAlß COLOR , Rftr..l
.spoftftEt.AND DR051NG.1....-Now.-..7candonanui - Jue - :1
tice-comPel no to - nerf..tonft , .tliat thrl ugh.. ita nee I.
;:now,a new and beautifttl growth of.hairerom..
stored to Ite - originaltark and gloevyoppear
anatvandtventoretbeassertion, fUrniehee
Bn N p o p a a ll r n o t h m o a o e & O h r e ba ld. ha d dry cc a in n e d ct ehn harsh: inal:g Y
felling. tense litl-fincei' this- cleanly- aud. delightfully.
...830.Lentriardetreet,.Ptdiadelpila.: ,
krt . .* .15 - ixnts it bottle r eix.hottlettr&k, Sold by Dr:
BWAYNS & SOlik.33fthlorth filch: street; above Vine,
Also, by-
GW - DROWN As-ftol4,:Progglati,.Pottaville. •
;4' lIHNIII-SAY.LOI‘.,.. , .
'Anne IT:. Id.. r •z ;% 24-;
. Those stdr4 to tick. ,iii i recceed v r
lo anything they ,wisiu• should send for 9De4r turti g done
GI V 4 & F en 8°4.4
eotun! Atbiee-. -2TPerT ccst:nuL stamp lull
o r ior ......atistVlsmestrotite rtft - rWs lier"' l rsteliall'firigii — Wl - iiiiWil
Fatigue -,..- . _mitt , ...A
m ii,... , . . ,
---wag. Whites. and all the painful, ...-
..... tam 'wet*. to either of the three following forms : •
- .use -.,... anlSad b , iitiliceddsrallstelidea beo2 --'
( 0 45 ' ,, 1111; Ail Caab.
will eflect a cure whin all other means, have failed. ' ~-. yd., gh t ir cool.; Half in nest /Mortgage
Tuisertu.s itiVe intirsi near crown -To riatt.wmour. i ii ip na, nji p„ oa the Butt a au b . Bum.
. 241, l ' PP L C art9s9 c",, TH OP POI, oir PtlCruilF A/ 111 * * su. ' . ' :i i MIZAWIRsuIIi4 411 'P.ltri I'l:ri _ _ * .4 ' I _ .
tToiseincod ii, t I; .: , : • '',,7 '.- . -,;., t. . ,-, J r - ,- 6 J. Agatera.: erkld be care fat tcrstSte 14;r, i w .ii.M.l et the
rir fultparld mv p get i;LO. Ole AO; t tiA k ui bf payment they Mike: - ~. A, i lt ...- -.1
'Sold liyall Price $1 per bottle.. - -,. -~ . The cat& payment made. numthly, reserving
- ' Sole Uniteff, tfit'Agent. " - • - • . twenty. Per cent., until the completion - of the. work. in
JOHN mons. ircortianat Sr., New York. the usual manner. By order of ;Boarder Directqrs. IL ~-
N. 13.-$l and a postage stamps enclwetltti.any an. . '.. .W, ft. CASE. Pieskient. i
therized agent. :will Insure s bottle containing over 5P .. , For. details, 143 further Information. apply to
: ,.1014-11.1-Sellarafig, l l4.ww ,- .%...17-:• ,. . ,,,,. ..; , .... , i - Nsa ---, vt -, v -,,,...,.~.•:-.4,,,.---,,,,,,,.a7Ly.:Skl&OßErciltHftglneero,K,
. ,o-1 ' July 15.15.-4 8- St , Columbia. Laumater Co.,
• .
A rray Itch, Tcsser,„All,ltrasptioesa I. , ~, NOTICE. is hereby given that the part%
"DR. SWAYNMS ./a,t,-111IALTNG OINTMENT." -- . t _l' mership betiveen 'LOUTS SNYDER di We
" bit. SWAYNT'S AIL-11EALING OINTMENT." ROCKIIILL POTTS. Was dtsiblved by Mutual consent '
No case so obetinate, or long !tending,- It will not :
care. In s short , time. All kiwis of Tettex__.are'PenOth.. e l3 ` . '.
. All debts owingpartnership t I i A
tottaid Arc o is. rece ve
andameement on the' 10th dor or April last. •
........ by said W. Rockhill - Potto at ' l3O Broadway. New Yore,
ly cured. Army Itch...Whitt IS ArP li r PL Yl4eB " 11 ' .....- and all deMands on said partnership are , tole present
fails to care; Chronic Et3lslPelaß, Ma- Mom ed hhn for payment. Signed.
worms, - Berbers Itch. ac. -- iiimeons coreriglit a! =g . - L outs . R,Tymat.
whole surface : surface, of the body, 'old
of rasnMesrl- : , • ' . W. Roc alum rotors. ;
deriding. that pin at derlarme every other ra w' bt . June . 27, 45; ' ' 284 t" -- ''
' .
treatment, all yieldto thettesillg rapertietiof the MD • . 2,
stable salve.; • • ' , L • . ... ''
NOTICE.-The Su ion • Booki - Jor
' • rite 60 cents. - . 74 Sending 80 cents - to Dr. Switint :. - ;;the stock or the phibidelpithr rind ,North
&Son; WO mem SIXTH_ Street. Phltadelptis.. ll WI - p m ,* g a m m a emesely, lent be , .
, onsned • sit the .om ee
will be:notiled to any part of the United States, _ 'Fee ' Ol . • of' Q. W. -Le Mir. Asti-, ITrir.,' , "l*A.:l4 ll .-1 54 :k1 7 . 1 1 1
merge . . , - ......._
..,_. .. _ ... - -,,,..*„.•_, ..._,-~-
; - -' 7 '891 - eibitatki*,a l .4l , 9Ml ' :2:'.: llo ". l o-r•;•,,t 7 "; `,- _ , T itat i di fifir ittistet * Fatkril tm irotAiiiiirniVlSMlX
„7,110204 . !w;_q.„.;:-• ~
~.., .., ~ -. .., ,: : ',14..., , ;.,::e . '''.litid.veitttontifine`Opeulit'_ltoorp or isath. ,, Jtsirtist tisk
ii it in , tu i '''• Ralik* wieint. unless the Capital Stock - or the COlilpitn.
It seeitiorti be meniiiitesi lir'east- . - - ily dual be subscribed for berme the exPiratimt of_ thal 4
„. . •
isenseut Of Mankind that Del..- J.
C. Ayer A Co..SSaria-.,, • - time. •- ' - - , --. ; , - - ; -,,--. , tzt. - .
pasirth,Tettetsfshd,pmikira _the„greettiet-.oohedieti Phitsdeiphis, July 15. vs. _ ', . 91.4 t ”
. . . . ... , -
yet discovered fur the treatment of disease; that Mery - iii." - NdITICE:-A- Special - -Meeting or Abe
Sarsaparilla is the grestilhai;Of Life, . which Philose,... , •••••= 6 '- ritocithrildemof the STAR" 00,1,14COMPA ,
and NT to act upon the question of buret& the Ca ~..
-Phetabiii - ii ii l ht 'tit' purl
ti q . blood
_. __. TiY „,.. - . 11 ,. -7- •• Stock of the Company to Atte•snuttor-Thien C ~..P.114%
judge for:yourselves. - ..-- - _-....-.Tuil / . ....'° °- P mk , -. '---' -and Fifty Thousand Dollars. , and - also. toast:Apostate'
_ ,_, _question of extending: . the , charter - of the company to:
-twenty years from the Ara' day . ..:of..Tanoary.- ,t 865; trill
Wield lathe Office Of -tbe compinyi.. in New-LrmdiiQ d
• Cdttw. on - Wedneerley,...the lot dar orAilmst - teitt; -
ittilb•cklek, - P.M. - ,- - . - -WM. 11: STAItI2: '
...- -.::.
New London. Conn;. July 6, :65',-13- t] Directors.
,• , a
Irrora - tha Large# in—niat tAi
,WorllL] -
- I am acqualMeifs.tilti;,MilUZTlTM.L.Maitia,
tacturer'ef.Hraaintii , u , a - rthaatitila skrtnika.
occupied the, drug-store oppcete residenee,' and'
qumewful lis coiaCneting_ the:htildseis'Wherit *theft
hat not' been equally au before hint. • I have. hem fa -
nrably impreased with bis character and entemrLac.
111:1,1111OLD . Vbrf Othr:riflit4lacrr SA es 4 rmait.A.
Put ()ter:
Both are prepared • according to 'rale - kivi Pharmasy
had t,-eraistry. end: are . the, /nod active that can be
made . April 80.0. , 14-6 m
Ladiei and Gentlemen : If. yon' wish to
marry you can dO "so by • addressing me. . I will send
you r without,and „without ..nrlceo-P4ufahle in
fcismittion: thSt will enable' You to marry -liaripily avid
speedily. irrespective of age, wealth or beauty.. This
infotmatios will cost you. nothing and if you wish to
marry: I will cheerfully assist you... All letters strictly
confidential:,The desired - information - sent by.return
mail, and no eward asked, - .lPleifie -. inclose postage or
'stamped envelope. addressed to yourself. 'Address;
SARAH B. - LA.M.BERT, Greenpoint,
•Rings Co., N. York.
I,hit wicket
g J
. -
. . .. ..
• Firm of Powtor,s pt WAILE:IIIT.MAN, . •
Idanufacharing Chemists,
3 th 3fid.Bro.ww.§Ueem-Philly.
Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh, treated
with the utmost success,. by- Dr. J: ISAACS, Oculist
and Aurist; (formerly of Leyden . . Holland .)' 'No. 519
PINE- Street. Philadelphia. Testimonials from the
most reliable Sources in the City and Country can be
seen at his . The medical faculty . are invited to
accompany their Patients.. as - he has- no secrets in , his
practice: ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted without pain.
No charge made fot examination..
March 'Ob.
The Guiar ov Max m STEEKCATIL—Theiefore the
nervous and debilitated should immediately use
EXTII:ACT Buauu.. April.B, 65. 14-6 m
IC yon 'want to knoyv: n, little of Every- .
thing relating to the human 'System. male and. fe
male ; the causes and treatment of diseases ; the r mar
riage'cnstomsof the world: how to marry„well and 'a
thousand things • never. published before , read the re
vised edition of "liimitcAt. Commoli &max."- a cptions
book for curious people-. and a good' book for every
one. 400 page,s,.loo,lllnstrations. 50. -Con
tents table sent free to any 'address. • Books may be
had at the'SCtokstoresoir. .be, sent by mail. postl
paid on - receipt of Price:Address' VOCYM M.D.;
'0.130 Brolulteny,.New York.
. . ,
Thin' Chsirizbe.i, an B.cmay of Warning
and instruction for Toting Men-,-pnbliSbed by tfie flow-
and Association; and sent , free, Oretisirm, in 'scaled en r
yelppes. Address, Dr. 3, StaLlp PIODGIITON.
limtard Aitioeitilion;Plilladeltdiiti , 'Pa:fly
Thing of.flennty is A Joy Forever.
Thoee • who desire brilliancy of complexion,. ainE
purify and enrich • the. blood, which I.lM.ainot.n.a Ccal
morradirma S.iataArAltlL:Llk invariably does.. lie
collect :f is no patent.meilicine. ".. , A4c• for Aelmbold'e
Take no other.. • • April 8, ••• . • •
4414.4iiitered CoN4errrirnoNs•Rrifrogra) wr.
BOLIOR 'EXTRACT Bumw.. • .Apri!8,..65.. 14-6 m
- •
Dim: • intiun - DvE :
ItatChieligi o s - Hair Dire. Is the beet in um'
world.' The only true and perfect Dye—Harmless—ln
stantaneous- and • Reliable—produces a splendid Black
or 'Natuntl Brown—remedies the ill effect - sof Bad Dyes,
and frequently restores the otiginaleolor: ' •Sold by all
Druggists... The is signed, W. A. Batchelor, 81
Barclay Street;•New York. •
January 7.1:8115.-
Extract of igurmapiarillrt clean
ieittud ienovntMi the blood, Instils tlidvtor of health
into . the system, and out the humors that make
disease.. . April S,
Gaitleinan eared of Neriotts' Debility; Pre
mature Decay, and the effects of youthful' indiscretion,
will be happy to furnish others with the means of cure.
Cfrir of chierge). This — remedy simple; safe, and
Pot full particulars, bireiarn mail. "please address •
I JOHN B:OGDEN, 60 Nassau St., New York.
'June 3, . • . 22-3ra
Do you want Whiskers or Moustaches Our Gre
cian-Compound will force them to grow on the smooth
est fade or chin, or hair on-bald heads, in Six. Weeks.
Price, $1 00. Sent by mail anywhere, closely .sealed,
on receipt of price. -.Address.
WARNER Sr, CO., BOX 13E4 Brooklyn. N. Y.
Febf 11, '65.. .. • • ,
111.Cluttiold 9 s . Fluid Extract" Ruchu• is
Pleasant. in Mate and odor, free: from all Injurious pro
perties and:imnscdiale in its action. [April S, 'GS. 14-dm
. .
To PeirifY, Enrich the Blood; and Beau
tify the complezionOolp litt•stnntu's Cosur-N-
Tivermn FLUID Eximp.or •SAnsArtur.i.A. One bottle
equals in strength one gillon of the Syrup or Decoction.
: April .
.0141 Eyes made. New...A. pamphlet directing
bow to speedily.restore sight and give up spectacles
without aid of doctOr or medicine.. Bent by mall. free
on. receipt of 10 cents. Address E. B. FOOTE, M.D.
Feb , 4,.05.-5-6m 1130 Broadway, New 'York
• Brotherbendle Circulating Library',
Market street, Pottsville: Special arrangements ate
mule with' person in the towns of-Mahanoy. Schuylkill
Raven; Minersville, and'Tamaqua: FOUR DIFFER- -
ENT BOOKS are allowed to subscribers at a 'distanca
from. Pottsville. All the new publications are added as
soon as issued. (March .26.
...A Clear, Eltnooth .Bkin mud Beautiful,
complexion follows the use of Hat..nuol,n , s CONORNiRA'
spots, pimples and all eruptions Of the skin. .
April 8,'6.1. r . itfm
' • Not•h — ferr of, the Word Disorders that
afflict mankind arise from eruptions of the blood:
'the utmost vtiiue. • 'April 8.:65. . • 1.4-6 in
ltdigi . oo : :gtxtellkoOce :
Irdrad Marilee Church*, ad. 'near Callow
hill. S trev t.--Preaching on. Lord's, day morning and
evening, at 1034, A. M., and TX, P.M. ' - •
lecture and Prayer 3feeting, Wednesday evening at
TX o'clock. • .2. • . - • •
Sunda . ) , School, at 9 VelLck Lnrd.a day afternoon.
- , -..R..H. - AOSTLNI, Pastor,
_ .
- • , ReSidenceabantonito above Ttlt Street.
Cr Clecniata: Reformed: Church, Market
Street, Re* . .L 0:- &wan 2
; glata.: Begtilar service, • alrnately„'in tbeGermati and 13*liall . languages, evil
ery Sabbath day, at 10 A.: - .11. & Prayer Meet
ing and Lecture. every WednitstbWevenlng nt T 34 P. M.
July 16th and MAh, Englisli In thamorning and Ger
man in the evening. - • ~- --...• '-'• ' • ' • • • •
' ' July oth and• 2 3 -41: German in the morning and Eng- .
liSh in the eveniPg- . ~_ . - .
lift Mertilees :rtt alinity (Episcopal) Church on
Sunday. Morning at X •East 10.. Sunday evening at I
M' past 7, except on the saotop SIINioAY IN Tll6 Ut/lITII%
..when the,service is at x past, .3, P..M., in place of the •
evoaing. l --- ,' , .. , I. ,• . . .
)x - V init. .Presbi!crizirr .Church, corner Ma
hantougo aud., - .3:_klaStrepts... lbw. Isaac Ether,. .1-'as
- tor. - Seriires,s - ni(day 1034 A. M: Arid' Tx P. M., e-x.: , `
' cent on the lid Sunday of every inolith; when.the second
service will be held at 334 P. M.- Lecture, Lecture, Thursday
• evening at IX. Sabbath Sellout,- 2 P. M. Prayer
Meeting. quarter before,•lo..Sanday morning- : - C
, tur Urtioo Prayer, lleetitax,. every Sunday
morning, fromBXlo 9_,X trclock, in the ..frame . Church
: - on Second Street, between: Market and Norwegian Ste.
All" are invited. .
.'. Cr.EvUurielinitrelairrai; Calif - midi! street.—'
Rev, Sim.t. t:/. Rinsxos, Pastor: will preneh'Gerrnan ev.
• - erg Sunday - murning - at ,1l o'clock, and English in the
Evening.kt to'Clotk:' '' ' -•' ' • ' - '
itiriliinthodiat - E; Church; Second - Street, above
Market: ilev..J. Pc , MoCt.conan, - Pastor. Services: l
- Sabbath, at 10,•A. M.:, and' ,T, P. M. vraYer 'Meeting,
Tuesday evening, at 734 o'clock - - • ' .--
firEhg - .
Lutheran Church, Market Square.
'Rev. L. — VC - Komi% pastor.' -Preathing every Sunday
morning and , eveninat" 10X A. 'll. - T
, mid 7,. M.—
Prayer Mcctinga e
nd Lecture Titnisdayeven. - , ii 9 cetiock
, . - . .
. .
tiriTSl*MitTE . .
A ... ... , D. for the Secret Ser.
.t - viite.'4the Field, the Dungeon, and the
' The -.. oat intereating and exciting book ever pub
liehettlembraclag Mk. Richardsoma unparalleled expo-.
rience ter four yeart; traveling through thogOnth in
the eecket aeindaa.of the -Tribune , . at the-ebtbfeak of
. .. . . . tliti,wat, rub mil. armies and deetarittiitiCAbist and ,
'-r e e lie we fe °C U
tilinky, 'tithe'
..,DETNER.LBE--At Cressona. -On July 4th; 1 ,' • • ••, 'th aro t Vns thirllfebillion • his
hy . the'Rev.' Gl: P. lihMver; Loma?. Damian ofSchuyl-
~,. ~,,...,1.J..••• 2', • ' : C°D . .
M 11 1 1 , 1 ,%_„r . 2 ,l:_ip__
kill Haven,. to h'.."axalitox of : Qrvtigehurg. .- ....A,,12.,t,,,:i..,„:„. 2, , •rcrit rebel ronoia. pinetteeßeitumos.,
._ ..: • tp... - " - r - I•rt 'Jamey liy night nearly : taw - MAL it
--- BROWN—TURNrat..,-On the eth inat. by the tter i Av,:** ~ ; ~„ Luistiqhigimettig4int.e"t" more, of the.
J : "(, Sauey, at the haulm 'of the , bride's lather,- Mr. ..E . k,,, k I '..lieske,:prEbeitartindE7afgrAither
errar. BILOWN of Jobio, - Luzerne COunty, Pa., to Mbar 7 .'tkork , peleliattekt - : - ••• , ..•:-. • . -- z ~ . ..' , ::-..--,7,. - :',, ,', , ,,:,,i,
Euzaurni Tread of theaame Place: • • • .. • •• _ Teaplieredadieik,energetteybring mehi'and:eatieclal
r Domestic worth gives "Beet" the amyl'," ' • ' .•7•S -- ;!li fefttfillblittittidiltehYstollcmeandAio dierikirt_want
For tanning `Tetar(e) into aflame; ': .!' -7,?' -01110nrilbiertin ' *al -1424itigM 1 - 114 7.4 4a P t.
' Though "Prue. did Tuat4u)tia into Bnovra,. ' 4- - ...f.,04 . .iwtbdt .- : - ~_ oa s rp. mesa_ .einniagliatt
'And aperhinu quite consumed her Mime. - - -pertinfith; Utikiiire - 1-Provitteanydenibtyntappll
- - .•.
~., z .l; C. 11. - ... - ..tant7l3znd , tor4irtadaw..Addreas - „, ,, Lw0: - : - %f....: 4 _ •. .. -, F ,
:..,...-. .-.. ' - , t IONZ8:-Ii*Mge 0 ;.
--- - - i - -N. R. c o rner Eld'ITU4 - lo Ste., PhSedam-. Pe: •
- • • - ... Jot) , 1, 256, 264t'
.A U.Marriaile NotiCes runt ' accinOcenied toit?a
cents to appear fl> the Joutr,:lAiL .
: 'anuottneententf,:of - deaths. free- Those ar-' - - •—
sostiPanted- with notio; must be,paid for at the (111:10 - TIUGINk:C. Plstili c iCavraslisaM., •
rate . 4f 10 cent:per tine. . - .. : • •• Sweet:, • ; . .
'Al.o W . 'estent made
2 -; BUMMERSBACH —in tit. Clair. on , the 7th inst. Pluw7, ' :"'
deooa.• sou of- Menry 'and Catharine. Itummensbach. Viivendieb... • • .• . • -,• - •
:aged 1 year, months and 't - . • Com grebe: -
.d rsiNTLIGS.7L* the Pottivale, lints - , • op us
Jesttriaa, late : a prlctite Chrpt. - .4 1 1.1 1 2081re. Co.. 48 th ' ' • • Brit lit iimiliest
P,: in the 44th year pf hit , age. , The _ . acci, a r e, -
-ctgaTd Apo it wivate in the 140th Megt. Tots,
• 'For sale - Wholesaldand - . • i k•
• , - GUSTAV WOLTJEr• '•
-MMTZ4—in Osowhollow4m the ,lst: .Centrelt. next, tisittnion motlidni.
of- - ,Charies and. Margaret Metz.. aged. 4 yeara,..l -• .*- . .
• •• - -•- • -13.WINTING115 4 PAIN 'RINGS ! t-The. sub
' valadßLoii Ttninany, -- otwoliait*„..,,,A, v iib er l w prt . an wort.
Fe14 1 3 41 4 1 .i Coiloti,'Y'Ale°"3*A-• wife o f 131 °m 1 4„ 1 r1 r : - -,.. nier.t-ot One. fremetV Ps.tho l ll B . 8 1 808 8- %idyll. h e'
- ,iter,F4l.; ; liked . 29 , •Tet,4 l . •• ' following s••••Pllot Boat, haMsittitt,,,ltallark Alps.
Ist.- 18 8 8. et: Magnolh4 zPseilesartheiten,lkyrolett,,,Nritia. _Lake Como,. Take.
JAMES WA9NII4, In the :;sth' yeas of.i&agm.. truperior.-tretest It. , 84th "A.,. New Yak. Group of
Mr. Wegner wares member of the.4th - Delltetare Beg. Chlckens, - , - Also a line Painting 'by Mr. J. M.
iment and died front disease contrasted while in - Abt lloundy, theAlleabled Miner, Call awl eoe. them at our
iervica 01 Lis twuntry, - ' .' • "tore, . • , B. BANICAN.
be had titAllenho'Galliry for $1
.Jtily . -
meeting of the Fubscribeis
. to the:apital stock of the "Great 'Kanawha
Petroleum.:Cual nod Lumber Company.r ;wlll%be held
on Monday, the 2 4 th day of July, 11S6S, at
S o'clock; 1",, hf., at the Office of M. O Meitner, Esq...
Centre street, in the Borough of Pat:3%llle, for the pur
pose of organizing said Company; electing Directors,
and for the transaction of other business..
By order of the Corium:germ. • •
IAGENTS WANTED in - every town
'-ship to mynas for the only authentic edition
of the Life, Speeites and ,Public Services of Abraham
emln ; presenting his early history : piditicaleareer;
speeches n and out of Congress: a view of hie policy
as President: his Messages ; Proclamations ; Letters,
,kc. A history of his eventful administration and of
Scenes attendant upon his' tragic and- lamented death,
by, the Hon. JtrepliHeßarrett. Commissioner of Pen
sions, Washington., D. C.,- nearly ready, in both Eng
lish and German, comprising one volume of over 700
pages:. Priee, The data concerning the material
. points.of Mr. Lincoln's early, history and political ta
rter was furnished BY 'HIMSELF to Mr. Barrett, who
for several years stood in .tioarrnatertsi. relations to the
President; aside from the Orr - Mai relations that he
occupied. He has- resided in. Washington from the
commencement: of the admlnistratisn,,,, and -has, ex
plored the records of the War Office frir facts; and had
access to other sources of information - not - usually ac.-'
:colsibbs. '• • ' .
. . •
Immediately upon the decease of Me. Lincoln the
'publishers sent an artist that. traveled over 1200 miles
and sketched scenes closely identified with.his early
life,"and also S oenee associated with his burial at Spring-
The work will be embellished - with -ten original il
lustrations. Nearly 1000 men are already at work.—
Remit $1,50 for Prospectusand outfit for canvassing;
arrange a dozen ToWnshilw`in the order.of Yonechnice,
and if, territory cannot be selected, the cm& received
be returned.. Sold ONLY by canvassing -yule.
Address B.X. SILLIMAN Gent. Agt.; for East'n Pa.,
- -100 f Penn-Street. Residing, Penna.
EDWIN COOKE; Canvasser for Schuylkill County.
July S, 2131.* - •
s.'irA • By uirecently an officer
1 .- In l the E ann li ;;; hfivi a n - k o. i.o n nie'el n. perier; 1n bnslneeh,
a situation connected with a colliery or manufacturing
establishment. . Addreaa4l. F. C., at thia Offlce.
• July S., . • ti-lt•
• .
AGEfii i IEI.EiIiATV wants a litro4tion m general
or sub-aftnt of a Colliery. - lies experience. 'Will
give references. Address J.J.' J.i .llox 332 F. 0.
July 15, U. -
WANTED by the School Board of East .Norwe
gian TrilAuphip; 2 Male and 2 FenteleTeachera.—
An,exarrilnation by the County Superintendent will be
held at Mill Creek School lioutie, on THURSDAY, 27th
ing.„at.l o'clock, P. M. By order of thelthard,
• . July. 15, '65. • 28.2 t
, .
xx7A.NTED:-2 Male and 5 Female "Teacbeta for
the Public Sala°la Of Inahaimy • CRY. • ` Term 9
months. Salary of •Males from $55-to $6O per month :
FeMaleB . $25 to $35. • Examination, Tuesday. July 25th,
to commence at 8.14 (Oink precisely. By order of the
BOard. . DAVTD PHILLIPS, Secretary, •
July 15, . Mahanoy City P. 0,
t 1 KEE TEA CELL: its -WANTED in the
LPublic Schools of Pottsville, Schuylkill • County, the 28th of Augast, ISO5t .
One Male Principal Teacher. for Male "
School. Salary $lBO ayear, payable monthly ($6.5)
eqdiValentto $lB a month for the school term of 10
months.' Studies—the common English branches (in
cluding Etymology, 'Mental and Written Arithmetic,
!Rtimber oUrmile, :about 1511L120 average at
tendance. Two lady asslstontO in the school, with sep
aratetecitation rooms ' -
One Female Principal, for a'Primary . ..Male, ortuJed
school. Salary from $240 to $3OO a year, accoviling, to
experience and qualifications, payable as above. No.
of pupils about 50. . ,
One. Colored Female Principal, for. Primary Colored,
mixed and ungraded School., from $2,0- to $25
;by the calendar month, fdr the time tanght.l, -1 , 16. of
pupils about 30 .
- EtcperienceiTeicbera preferreAl. ~ T he lawreqnires
the_oarties so • employed to : be _provided with current
--Certificates, either, State or - COunty. Applications in
'person'or by letter, accommailetd_ with testimonials,
A-c., received by the underiigned. 'to - Wednesday, 16th
August next. • . CHRISTOPHER. LITTLE, •
Secretary of Board' of Directors.
July 15, '63. '2B-8t
dersigned wishesto pnithase 3 :Second-hand Steam
Engines, of 20 or 30 horse-power each. Address
JAiItEZ SPARKS, Pottsville, Pa.
"' May 7..,?641
'AND:MORTGAGE , Secured on uneneum
bered"real estate fu Ihd - 'l3orongh of Pottsville. worth
three times the amount. SIX-THOUSAND DOLLARS.
Apply to Mi W MATCRIN, Pottsville, Ps.
June 24, , 66 • ' ,
1 „-trANTED tip Paretint o 3lx ft Sight second hand
Engines from 6to 46 horsepower: Pninps and
Dmils of. all sizes and Boilers of any' size, ' The high
est cash price will be paid. for the same by
BBOTREB, Coal St., Pottsville . .
A. 1..65.. • ' ' ' la-tt
lATANT E D.—A Fitnntion by a young Man, agnui-
Y uate of Crittenden's Commercial College, as Clerk
or .Book-Keeper. . Having several years experienc6 in
clerking in the enal region, 'bwit of references for abil
ity and integrity ;'gmeri“. ;Please address "BOOK
KEEPER" at this °dice. March 11, .65.-104
VIVANTEIOI.--Infonnation of :lames Hughes of
T T Philadelphia, litho left,that eityln October, 1362:
when last heard of .wtg. , Working' at .Johns , Vines, St.
Clair. An information min his 'whereabouts will he
thankfully received by addressing , ' - PETER HUGHES,
1233 Cadwalader St., Philadelphia.
• 27..3t•
T -
EACIIERS' WANTED..—Four Male and,
twelve Female Teachem wanted for the Public
Schools of the Borough of St. Clair. An examination
by the' : County Superintendent will take place on the
lath inst., at the Brick School Hodge In - said 13orough.
By order of the Board. JOS. TOWNSEND, Secty.,
July a. *65. • -21-1 t
AV ANTED by the School Board of Branch Town-
TT Ehlp fur male and two Female Teachers.—
Schools open September 4th t Term nine montha.—
An examination will be held on
_Saturday. 22t1 day of
July, in the 'Bock School •Thins In - Llewellyn, con
teeming at B,‘ o'clock, A. CO
precipely. - • .
' •
Llewellyn, July 8, '65
e n t rgood Coal y
'teinperate habite,• who can•farniati unquestiottable tea-,
'timonlaTs erhis character, and • general bag
. 'less qualificrtions. ' gas been four. yearn in the East
ern trade. rind could influence good trade among East
ern dealers and manufacturers,. • being thoroughly tic
qualuted through -Maine,. Massachusetts , add - ',Rhoda
Island.. please addrilsi "Salesman,' , lditiers' Jour
nal Office. Pottsville, Pa.
AA ARIENTO 'fb .every Totireship to
ACanva-s for the Life, speeches and Piiblic
Scrviccv of A81L5.11.1131 LINCOLN, by
lion.-JOSEPI I. .RARRETT,'.. Commissioner of. Pen-.
Moos. Washington. D.C.,' whose official rciationis and',
intimacy with the President for tnore..thnit four years.
placed at his command every soured of information
required to make the work - reliable. full and complete.
This it the only work -for which Mr. Lincoln Aimee(/'
furnished calthe material'ftwts Afais early life. It
is nearly ready in both English and German, comprising
an octavo volume of over NW pagearbeantifally embtd
• listed with 10 line illustrations , and steel. plate-emirs- .
vines. Nearly loon men are now canvassing for
Send etamp_immediately for circular , and terms to • -
' .D. 4 .1; - RILLIM.A.b4 No. 1000 Penn• St., Reading, Pa.
. 26-20 env,' .
2 - 41:Ev.„.
SCMW , i.K:iM4 - COUNT
Tits subscriber offers for sale thaßonds of the
COisiPlelli *. or Schur]
Cosnasy. ThesellOudrand 'iuterm are a first
maturity, as they art securedby a first Mortgage
ralliiay : to the: zisit that the slime lepow. or
Moe bereaftecioujbe =stunted, under and by
of Mitt , authority veered in the Company'.
The Bon4e . are for'pno Hundred Doll= (V 100)
Interest.Coinionsattached, payable every viz
_ei:thiiratiot- - aix. per , oent. , tlear 'of
County, Municipal or aoyennent.
(C 1 •-• 'IZ,WU/1"./VEY,;Bnioike
. .
•,:i OST.--Betivten tbe boom and. store of John t.
juAcinieok Bound Gold Chared Breasirdn. ' By re.
teen!enztbe same to the above mentioned store, th e
~, ... vill be suitably rewarded. July 15. 166—tgt.
QTB4VED.—Came_ to the preintserof the gab.
I.criber nt.Branchdale, on Sunday, July
9th, a Browri and White Cow Hetrec. wtth
.. ,ntraWbotzta. Min owner wilt all„. precis •
thargee sad talrolt away. or _
• 1: -torlag according to lavr. .0. ON3TELOW,
' ' Brtuictidak.
g1.1004 , 0 - 14.„-.4lunie_
rth , to .
r the pin:irises of th e la.
Pinegrore, on
2 . eaiber.lone ltdieuno . lea; one Blank
Brnart3C" ll2,, tb n 'im are tur ". 7 .4 ll one Brown and
I.llllM.lseireortaiiirdo.. Thcownen!)"
141 am!.111" any
...1--riracid•ficconllngcbargeo A! law;'
w c. :kw ; L,T
1 .
'.. - . illirliielliiii ' ten i
120=tasidniiiriteei il;= 1 To r re:lt
Aeniteaninty: "inn Vie 'Often! Jetty 11th. a i li i
ailfrptllierititattO•Years: old. left-hind foot
Ist o:AO( hasidaligh ; si little white on fore-
me -
- !heask:stud.possi, a, pacer, by eidiug sold a trotter iu hug.
gs.oi - 11insebianadd onleft fore root with x. irb,
above reward will be' paid for the arrest of the thief
and horse or for anz , itiforniation that 'iii lead to ha
arrest. AARONIL MIGHT. rerniille. Berke Co,
July 15, '65., , „ ,
~ - ; Sii-ite . .
- 1T Tll3llL*B.:—Oittiei at' Malta bi n
iieen r take ' n 'up upon . the propety Of View York- /4
Schuylkill Coal Oompazr at ~ .otip table:—
The owner Is requened to , prove property,
pay chargee and' takeletweaslon;ot
7 thenitdea •
will be PAM. Recording to law- •
JOY 4,-'65-
10.1r1FICAYICO.....illme to the prendies .of the nil.
scriber at Bear Ridge, on Wedierday. June fisy
045. A Clow , and Car. Cow lam and Red. - The cos •
calved on the premises • The owner will. pleme
pay, charges and take her awa orehe will be wad sc
cording to law.' ENV- REALM
July 13. _ . Bear Ridge.
LlONlfli—.oo.,Tnerday. evening. .. Tone ritb, 114.:
the hour of ll'o'clock, on Mr, S. %Vastthe's par t
meat, fronting Mr. C. • Atkin." new, huildlue„ one An
Black Cloth Drees Coat. and.vest, together with serail
other articles. The owner can have the same by prop
ing. property and paying expensee. - •
July 8, IId.A.A.C. MOORS,. Wu Alto.
k STRAY COW.—Came to the prenliaes of the i
r subscriber An the - 49th of June, a, Light Brown
Cow with a crippled front left legs two bind lei' wEtr,
with a silt in her right ear, a bell on andzbont L yes,
old:The Owner is requested ,to come forward prep
property, pay charges and. take. her away or .4he wil:
be sold accurdinE to law. THOMAS Ii:VANS.
July, 8,,,•65'.-2,7,8r Black horse Tavern.
T S &YE D.—Came to the premises of (onaelta
thupenhower, In Pinepv„ oviTownship, on te,
Jane 25th, 1865. a Dark BayMule4 . with white-
t t,
spot nndge-the throat t• had'. 9wn: &halter with
put any strap. The owner , ia to •
come and prove property, pay dunes and take it mull,
or will be fold according to law. _
July 8, •65.-27-31.• - Pinegrere Tp.
- r t p 1
Ct ebi l ata s2o 00ha ! t h ;l teineiltteie
'oue side, abont.o years• old. . One dark' brown
blind on the right side, about the same age. ()nevm -L
mare mule with thick fetlocks behind, some white int
mixed thmagtethe brown. about 10 or 11 years old.
The above reward will be paid to any one returnint
the males, or givingg information when - e - they.= tE
had.' • . PASKSupt.Baekawilliam teal
Kaskawilltam. July Q vnti. :
1111 Alt C 0 . 0r.--Strnjed from the uremia.' a
"Jrhe subscriber, Rising Snn Hotel. Potts- ,
vile bu erw,„
the:tOth of Jcme,.a: mall Brindle 7 1 t 7 A,
Cow, about ei yenta old. Ten dollars reward
will be paid . for her, return. or for Informa
tion that,will lead to her rcr.Ovori.
Tidy 435.26.2 t • • JOHN. I.,HONARD.
S •
TRAYED...Came to the stable of..Joteph 3E.
ler, Plnegrove; Jane 22d,1,Vr0 stray , Mules; ore r-.
dark brown home Mule, the other a dark
brown mare mule.. The owner .W requeated
to come forward, prove property, pay charg-
ea, otherwise they:will be mold according
law. : . , . JOSEPH MILO.
Julyl, , 85, . - - '. . - -• 26-3 t•
`TRAY COW..-Carne En • the premise , of
13 subscriber on the 22d ,of June , .' B tank' ta-at. .65
tug Brindle Cow, white on the belly, and ;owl
white on her- fore feet half the tail Is •
white : a white spot on her , shoulder, and
one en her hip. She has Crumbled horns. Thc,
is requested to come; forward. prove properly ,
charges: and take her away, or she willbe sold turestgr
to law. ALEXANDER C( Dl,
July 1, .66.-26-31,' Brockville.. Schuylkill Co., PO:
kill Countyl—Estate 41 William - T.
lor, deceased.--The undersigned, Auditor, epto&-
ed by the Court to restate and-resettle the necoun:?,..
ELIZABE'rEIGOLDM 4 Gate Elisabeth Taylor), Err. 7.
utrix of William Taylor, will meet the parties inters:
ed for the purpose of his appointment. on FRlnti
AUGUST 11th, 185 atat.2, M. at his Oglse
hantongo Street (opposite Post Office). Pottsville.
-• = • • CHRISTOPHER LITTLE, Audits.:
July 15,'&5
letters of lministration on the•estate of Cape
Hermann Smith, late of the 103 d N. Y. Vols..
minary otMusters on General Ratted(' 'a staff. n
tetsburg; Va., deceased„ have been granted to the.:.t.
:dereigned, notice; is berehy given to all those indslri
to said estate to make .payment, and to those hash
claims to present them without delay to •
• JULIUS EHRHART, Adminfeiratat.
Pottsville, Pa., July 14, 1566: V34t .
A lIDITOWX NOTICE.—The underilgte
Auditor. appointed by the Orphans , Court
Schuylkill County, to distribute the moor) , In t
hands of SAMUEL CHFLISMAN, Administrator of :
estete of .JACOR KII'dbLEL, deceased, will attend'
hLs dntles at his ffice In , Centre street. Pottsville, :-
PMI'S', the 21st day of July, lea at In o'clock. A.I.
WM. L. WHITNEY; Anditx '
4b at
Jiil7 1. 'GA
Deeenned.—Lettert of Administration es,
Estate of CHARLES WALKER, 'late' of
ship, -deceased, having- been daly,granted to
dersigned, all persons indebted :to said Estate .
(pleated to make payment, and t4o*k ; having chit
present them without delay to
SUSANNAH WALKER„Fortestville, Schnylidli4
• -46 i
AND NOW -15, 1805, the Comm ,
and direct the Treasurer and Collector 0f..8:5
Township, to receive no Township Road Orders Sid
payment of Road Taxes for the year isez, in Or.
Township, except those Orders drawn and ISIIPA
1565, for the current expanses of the-year Ms.
June 3, .65.-22-6 m . • BY THE COL 7
IN TunouVll6lll44 , CZOIT*Ir of Schl
J. .Cominty..-In the matter of the Dm
GOTTLIEB BCIIINKEL. deceased. The under
Auditor, appointed by the' Orphans" Court of &hal
County, "to distribute the balance In the bands of
St:Hnger, Esq..INKEL, dem •Adtainistnitor ot the white of (
and. asiier Ws account.
will - meet 'the parties' Interested at his office
Borough of Pottsville, 'on- Monday, the. ritti
July, A.D., 1865, at 10 o'ilOck, A. M., for the raid;
pose. • JOHN P. HOBART, Audi::
PgfitaCille, June 2T. '65. 46-3 t
N THE BPII4 A.Nie,C.OURT of sit ►
k kill Cousety.-.ln the inatter!of the
GEOROE'SFATZLNGER, deceased: The undeoi:
Audior, appointed by the Otpbans , Court of I.3(tu
Voruitgi "to di/Ai - 113ot* the moiler% the hands el
ria Davis, Adotielitratriz'asald 'deceased," I
gives, notice to the parties interested in raid
that be win'mee t them for that purpose; at his
the Borough of Pottsville, on .Tuesday, the lip.
4tay, 4-10 o'clock. A. 201 .
• " : .TOHN P; HOBABT, Aed , .
Pottsville; June 2T. 'GS:.: • - • 26-3 t
2. kilt' County.--In - the matter of the Etat.
JACOB 11.TINTZINGE1t, Sr, - . deceased. Thep
simdtd,* Anditu; appointed by. the Orphans' Coe.
Schuylkill. County, .-to restate and settle the arn.r.
William ,M.; Bickel. AdMirdstrator Id said dor
and to Make distribotionOf fhe balance in his'
and also to ascertain and: the amoent due
the heirs out of proceeds, of Beal Estate taken
appraisement and, calculation thereof," here,
notice to all parties interested in, said Estate.
ivill'attend' to perfortathe della 'of his eproli
ttG bleoltke in the Borecigh of-Pottsville. on Tb:
the tteth day of:4ply, A 13...:18 1 5 5. at .10 o'clurt
forenoon. z ' - JOHN HOBAItt An l ''' -
- Pottsville, June 17, .05; .
• . 'Ne:t
%TOMES° 4 1FOICAALIES. , -. A number
.111 broken MULES at Et. Ger. &quite
SAL •coveurnmerer mow
Q,VMLITAII•I4Tife 22:01
r ; WAsuitorros June 2t
Will' ,
be sold at public auction , during the ,
.1865. to the highest bidder,ak the time
}Xs tto below. -
Eanton pa. •Tnesdai, ?ill* IS.
.• usictins'ore,illd;;WellssrldrtY. J
Newpwrt. 'Pa., Friday; say
Pu.; Wwlda747.l l sly 28.-
• Wilossingsmso turd my, Job
MUIMMOttI. Elid«; Sloulluiy. July 3 1 .
Tao hundred CAVALRY" HOMES each CV.
For road and farming purposes; many good lc:
may ber had: -- Bonsai sold singly:" . • ' -
Sales, to commence stlo, A.-M.
Tinos cash, in united States curroarl ,
.• Orr:. )3rlg. Gen.
- • let nlvision q.. 11.
Jeweler- kid Watchmaker
Two Dporji above the: Miners'
Is now•prepered to manufacture all kinds of.
:short notice, Jewelry Watches careful'?
durn,3 3. , 61E. • .114
141E01C-117.1 Mardi
Memory of Alirsilanne Lincoln,
Or Prceident. bY 31te._E., A. PAIIKEI LTV.
- ler composer.: The 111/1114 jOUTOIIi Esyn:
ne mposition; well worthy the rep
4 utt
w ri er .”
Very solemn Imiccstle. iN` •
ARK 'Wlla WEEKLY. 'Price 10 cents: 0
netteid the Plesident. 50 cents. Mailed free.
lirter..llolL+MaYr:ATE4l3, No. 481 DOO 711 '
July 1, - .6G. ,
lIMILBEE .131101.TEtip
duced enticriber Jo -t
Indus:Rubber Belting of elier ‘.:5 Icr
lion on the old rates . Alen all kid of Goin.f?".
Gokets, be., at reduced rater. Itt))-`'
Centre fit., Potts-vll
09; 11 4
agen t
$ well
13y to
. Tu
a vh
the '1