itiners' )ournal, (WTSVILLE, EI:M=MIE:i amts. uscESIIIES lie, toes. _ _ I. Ater - at. ttri . Xllusts* Jogiiiiiil, lar' .ed ry...ti izAturdsy. xi tbicibilo!rjoa Obi* :-. ! R V, BA KKR. slitrentnloll:: ....,,_,,, .., ..., 1141L,Mr,4. "St. ell , ! f :. ,' l' '..:,-'''.- ~.. . : 4 11..1111011. d"...:---.., l' KY 11,--HPNgitt dial -01 %i •; • . : " , •- : I Clitii'Ll.'. -44 - .1 , -_ • 1 V,I: MO MK. I''..rt Cart 013.1: ~.. ~. word swear su b s cribers. . , .. I T,,i, are all doubtless misfire that owing to , - „i ar city of cotton, ' manufacturers have tna- s i .; • I . with i n a for weeks commenced working Up - c0 ,, 0 , r igs into shoddy4ot. various , fabrics in which „ Ato p wu heretoforet died,: This de inanaihis.daubled ilie pricelof . rage, and has c . siused • a great scarcity. I This, of .ctoniii,. has largely affected the price . of ,all kiudi. of, ~.1,•:. , ,,., pq:per. Writing I end - litter papeits, wllich ..s6ll six weektfago, wholesale; at alma :z.,) c ' its per pound, his night? to 40. and ;50 'cents per pound.' Newspaper harttildo about `doubt A in price, and manufacturer* demand the el-sit on-thedelivery Of 'the paper. ' This great advance falls'heavil,y .on the publisherit .of n e wspapers;'.and. many in the cities and el;ewbrie have .advanced their, rates of 'sub. s;:ripion froth 23 to 33 per . Cent:per annum. We lave ethicltitied not to advance' theprice of shscription - to the JOURSAL4O the pre sent but will adrancothe rates of 401;tertis: •Mg 1.;:mt: 115 per ce n t. over. former rates.—. We' compelled. however to - reqUire ill • subs riptions Co be Paid i n adiatfee•- hermit i• ei, iymmencitt; , from . January 1, 1833,inac corditnce tvititoilftertnii Which will be found our Prospecttialaelow.l; . . - Tese' terms We ,Intist".'• strictly , •adhero tol anti ` there is a change in the price o mate •rial used in the publication of the Jcii;asaL; ' As tfie whole circulation' of the 'Joult. ?tat is nearly four-fold (and within the' limits iir of t e Coui l ty"ttearly.three:fold) greaterthin -the . circulation . of any other English' piper pub 'shed in the. County, cmr.advertising rates ale till cheaper at_ double : the • ltriee charged bye other papers, and besides, our paper „cis ulittes among the whole Inteiness commit. nit 4 and ulsn'the , best ponion of: poPula. We append the rates ikf Advertising which wiLifecharged. hereafter::: .' 7 . • I r, RATES FOR Abyss:ll9l*c. 0 e silt ,reot 8 lines. or legs, or saore t bast l ibretti. in , rim 'rig 'late. re. nun or thrte insertions. $l. Three lin . Inetudluz date, for one fosertfoct, 60 reels, and . eVe y •uttsrqueuitittitertion, 13 rents. MO.. int. ' . a , ~'lliflit.' . EIX.. - '" !Willa. ; Toi re lines , t • •• -•._.; $1 ho ' 42 SO • .$4 00 En ?lines, I TO" ,216. 600 El lines, . ,::: 00 : . 350 ' 6 Cl) ' tti ilues, , ~ •:12 50 ' 4 00- „,- 500 i .., / en lints, .. • ' 8 00. .•5 50 900 410 vitisrt7Slolsl,. '3 50 ti 00 10 00 Tis ,f roam., ' Vfo •'' :9 00 14'00 Tb ee 5...10.1 rex, „t,_ „••7 50 .. 12 66 . 15 .. 00 800 .14 06 1.4) 00 il Fn r tviria ie.*, . Qu rler column - , • - ; 12 00--' . 20 051 . - ... 35 00 i ` ir., : y l .... ri r c, Tni e si, r,. irt s : l r s : c l e : for ,a f. e ,,,, ll :l., o u r c, ti ln re: kr i : l ir ;!...a . S ., s - b p: id r ipe. a g :st ree sb: m 7 e i n o, t b . p. ; :,:: , tr.:. words ar e cou nted as a line in advertising. r,. i, a teas., on reg,ular ',tea. ", I • irSniall tlusineiir‘Nritleara. $0 eaebt ;', ageOmpanted. ' , .1 n ... nderti, SU. rents. t... - (4i. i . . f C eti nallir , and Wilier.. advertising liy the year. to lib ch ante, slid, stanifinit n advertisement ot eacwllbii.lll ho 'f, will he etia.rg , 1, tricliding subscription. - ; $l6 00 S. % ) re td tbe,,,tiamut4 of Ill) linen; w itti - citaugei , .- - , tel subscription. • • , '. 7 . .• . . ,D 1 00 Ater rt 'seiner ts'aerba bieger type .tban' usual .111 be e2\rßi.l Pr. the spore oer•uPreit' at square prices.: .111• curbs , . ill 6echargild the sanie as letterpress. • ; Icn Tit !IT adteracornenti received from Advertleing A •entc nlionti. except-at 24 per rent. advance on these p - riee, unless by spoelal agreement.. . ' • - • . .1 irrilge* '.1% cents retell_ Preithraeeunpanled with to, ti -ea:-.2.::•entsr,withopt mittens. on charge. . All notices, exeept there iit it o•liglons character and' t. r e do e ,rri,,r,rl purposes; wilt I••••iliiitged 25 cents (many imalber 14 lines up to 10. O r ver.l.ollore,4 contaperpne Oldilionnt;rl• •• • - - Pr....c..4iiizA .4 meetings not eta general or public r armeter. charged at 4 eon Pi 'Per line for eseti,tratrertieni . Scarf) irrirerlbers it. ost confine their advertising to t irk own direst bustmiss.r. Agene ten Pir other.. se - partite i isoufsiq Uri.: ~.i.t.ikhn,ent.,.,i,:wfq n, , ,, T Est its. Ay., re tOrt included in re . gul.rr twines/I advertisiMenta. •_, TUE N M)NERS' JOURNAL:, .-I . OtEME 311IRTT-IINTII. - ommer.cing January - 3d r 1863 Tto• Thirty . i Mitth voltitneot ths , Mustus` Jo - tit:JAI,. and ,fil. 11,11-ii i , ,tr:lFSfst, , ,-, it ita.• Itten published tpy 3 he' ' 1 ~,,,t vr ,•.vidur.contment,4 on the first week in Jan• 4.. „,,,,....„,,....,.,eut.,,,..i. h„,. Incren , sett. i t . t th. lu, ?.,:ftr, end to now more than ibreofol4 ,gen . r thin Ih• iutett r iatiutt ur any . ott 0.1; English vim .. b. li.h.• 1 1 . 1i' , 111• Cm;111; , V. . . Et ,•ty rff,si wri3ll - 4, - -noPla tn.iceepf-up Its artaliliApd hat`,...tar as n Firsl - Class .tuurool ,of th l ..lDay, both fur geo.rernetisnutt'a Tainit) inner. • ' • - Thr f,ll,niinTdepartonents will ireelyassery atiebtlt}n In the rotverolacnet, • ' '•/ '.. - .. - • •-••••• • -j . , LAT, W ST All NEWS, l . ' GrstEltat. BaYinn who was killed - t he • I:a:A I, NEM S. - FtiltEittN NUR?. ~ ' battle lastSaturdLy, was to; h• ve been r Inar• LuAl EIPTIC N . CW S, . I . •• I.iivi 11. INTELLIfiENCE; . ' -'r : , - . rioi on tho.lBth i e 1....,. to it. datughter of Col. , - • A.I:IIIrULTURE, • -•-•• , . . , ' IlitEt:lPEw. •t . , • Bowman of West :Point. - Thenratch had al. • f • • ,LITItIaIiT MATTER.' • . . I LoccAv toN. 4.1. M NITER. ready been postp ned twice on account of 1 “ E1.1"1"11.4 I‘NIELLIGENer ” ' the elcigenciet Of the service{' The General . - LlWTtt'll ALS. de. be, de- ke - • _ 111 .tiIdItIIII -I to lbc 11 "• , c, tlncall• all lit' Icllcr-x Pr the - died in. , full anti• lavery faith, converted on poldiers fri tit 60111,11 db Colint. in the GREAT UNION ; , ~ , ~ , -,I • I . A 11,41 v; t u:pept In its c;quttitiP, a hi. li gives-It peettliar . rps 'snug netas • its [Attie. .-. rittereetfu tiebuylkill County rendetP. • . I The nia• volitive , too.affirci , tio•tte sbnd , nnt take-the :Intl:sat' , }et would like to hare It went_ re tietn. an ex . - , , . t GOVERNOR Ccitxtv I cotnpinietl:by. Sni eell.tit emirtilyilty CZPUtlictlloo. ,T.- keep irt4l p•eted co, , geon l Qeneral Ilitt,g, left; for, Washingte An tb.“ I. e,•.ing on In and taat of-the County-, take the • a : I I 11 - ' ?aril - am' Jot - IPPia" • ~: " .-.. ' 'Wettsieaday; to make arrangementg rta....rit.,,, - ......ts p..1.11.1.,..di,,,th,- mitino.' JvcatttE., On . - 1 . ,0 ..... 1 , 1 I f 1 . , 1 •4, account o f alp eio col:lanai. PiC , Itertti a. tuirii tri the ad removal ,c l. • -” cin• t an‘ . 8/C;. Pe n ns; ,r,1i....r na if nuldiahrti in three lather Eriglieh tapers cf . . . soldie l ri - lo ' hos - pitals withm • • trig -state. It, o .•urity. - This iv an In aportant cqusidetet ion spr ad. • 1 :•_.;.t.- :-....••••--- 1 ----I------- •ert 'sera. • 't -•- ,- . TERMS: : 4 . --. t , , .', . TitE NewJ:irotte .I)tiksuxc.i—To the sllli ' le " I "' P ` I " IIII P th• I " ' 4 ""' t• I $ 2; °I l 'l pe•pas of this • Fre om an • justice it pi PI Ul9llll . tuontbs, • 2la 1 . - ) • , •...Vit .the mid of the year. • ..,.. • 2 f' ll. l . jolitnal, in another otumn, we Invite Ectool Traci - tits and 1.1e411,13, in advance, I Ott - I . - , . 1 • -.. • • •It ti ' ciltaitl'in adaaciee, '.. . I 11l ..7 (lOU. -. • 1 , 1 1 . - Three elpit e. In nivanelt, .- s! . -• 5 It l t. a i--_,.1.---... I I _, Ten melee. in ada nitre; • . E urtren copiec.iti ntlvanco. ' • •.- 211 (a. 8 . 1" -8 8 efilellkuo asseci S. Ail ustine The gel tt - -r up nt &Atha of Ten oe linty-leen flew ipti . :l'Fldrida, 'Ain %ate 6th is.. 1 . - 1 • r,ril ors Pill receive. 111 ailditlnn. • non, - rit ihe .ltrattait.'• . ,,,_ t - ' I - - fi raq. F.,. 1 ,, ,,z CO th e clubs rout true in full. .3,1 - i •-, --•'- I— ' I• -- I. tra - Clult , ilt.' , lPllng , ..n`l .th era alu'`l l 1 * P Bl.l hi- • alt£ :WAR •N • VIRGI A. tip-10.1y In Puratire. , Thope eittgle aultat•rtiaatat who do .. •, , - • , -, • 1 , t ' \ • .Iti.tpay in advance , will he Charged neerrding to the' •-• ,- ~,,,,,,,...,I „,...„,, I ~..,... F .., .1140 e, le”.•. The itcent vlran,e In Ihr price of Print log _., • 1 lan pzi.h.a.un . onTIJBDAY. I: paper, which halt doub'st In price, hoe rendered thin . 1- . i . , GOZITI. aletolively neer/L.3r V . ' - - Our Losg Estimate at en Thousand. The prevent 3. , 3 lAvorthir 111210 ft r Ova. - who de nnU . .. ~take the tern \it tr. 01.111B cents, and take so other. It jou , maim* lest It at olio atom you can at another. ; Sold- by all Druggist, and Storaltaepste at 'l3 sesta. and In larmr bottle, at SS oneets. - MALLAb RUICIERL. Proprlleters, , • -it KW YORE, JOHN. 4. BROWN'i.BO/130ruggista, Agents tkir Ras. 25ettt—+It7 Now. 'A '62, ECHO. . I'm *mai Eche, mid and rem, I'm POISIXIII, for-my cleave ars toed filed Echo, that I Way be blest. Pray say—lo.wbat skill I Invest • And Echo &powers, Viii • . A Tod! kind EeAq thet.liw•ll, The óoø I bare was ten writ, I'll !ry glut Il* *lift,' grants; !.111 rat elm? lbw is ay bosom pinta. ADO Lebo luirisra;Parii. Aoki good febs.lnir rx , 'diarist ' • • my ewe ars barer fit to dare; • And pray. *bat • dont sr fidarini ends, WU, Wm or um .19.7 ooso. omits: And tan scinnnis Comm I. • * Costs! I thank los. noble frliosd iaits afire, tab hr to used Buten" I baud to biz tbao all; Where eau 1 matt the gronsakit btu'? . ' - /led Etbo aninnas, Km: ' HAM why. tbariate three ot: RLW otsentottr afloat roils beflots; ' • Obl Speak, be amdaesbota's stroke • - lbw made my beast as bard of oak. • Aad !do arenteta, ' ' Bo U.• sweats tbat*bo, Ulu all entomb yisticet with the diet that• _ • , 112011V/Ij (0/1 NALL,) • " L Comer Elltb and Kota its. • I s lb. Ng Plu irltre Molina, UOIIOII Aft 11111adeipbtai— tissrytblag la tbe best, ttorobleg bribe etterpart— :Nomse b dlsmtbilad. leery WIPP* W W 1 " : 04015 tsld, tessity stkletra, "bee tbe sat iate% ofeletblas Is :aatatioaad, sob bialltidtrd Isreest but atiabseakiliap• a.Oiz lists. - N. IL—MILITANT CLOTBING, allters es bead, to welt say pal* WON" thaftasiewsslardossi Air bowie psissiisisa whoa ands le wear. Dee. ; IlltJee I an be . •_ MINCE I. CAA .- opill __-;- WORLD.RiXOWN ID _ XEL01:11101111 sal 1L527191110n V ITH theclatest patents - imprave , aim& sicteasethis cs• Asap -Logisio, wick the, sMet at Midis% co the chfoom issourustr-froa . Ft" SIM. 4 illest‘abliPee miellused — *WWI - . is 4 PA octavos. hal Lie tesiime, nveriltriag, iiiiill NW iirg• s‘,"" ," Oslo sad i r A rMly 11044 hull Sm. 5 L. ' * =727 1 7 , 2r..41.1"7:1!= wow% iprices, tad &liberal regteettni fm mgt . ; s<.2 Milt and emtveitisat senithly filitartigre. : ti 1 - JANIS BIWA E. Air*, Talk of soittiintikat ,ikbei. Srinie et, maid* : DI& Val!. ' ' -_;_ s , : ~. •,` 0.00 ET lkAr Oak I.3IIIAIDIETi giAOT Umd , ,Od win art bort bit 'aft sem • apos ye u. toot. radial/ liz i M i Ssolairthele fri Weir es TUOMPSOWS. .-r , a~~s rp r; ,! 'MAIWOOLAIL: Or. P111114S) , ;, = hugt. ernes um ram, it anon minim* an pp. Kam oralid. bre; esi ISt rano boll Lhoodooi Loud. on Is mod* Deolor woad* i1im01933y1111.3,33t3 WI MCA trooortiry34NooDrrlahor ihrOoo. ApobrardioodArobe aM rolookot anew (rho r sr, zlios, bi lum3 ort)aioirs fto oroi world , Ala% esm. • write eft 1114 ram, AO writ filet of Wood 4WD iliailtowsisiblik, 3 mils forty, irrotio. - 'IV On , papier, is *Oa 1 / 1 1111r thlt etillitila Or fi111111111114.1.120 onftallio trefoge. Dairy or Mary tor Garim. Twoolkirdwatio oriarolooo loorry ma* re• solo talboloot sod promolso Oros tad Moto for WNW illrbemabom. wok" so - r MANIOILT. &ON& lir pie.. 13. 'et • *IOIIIIIISTRINUALIC OF UAL' ten 41311011111111144 W" "itakl_of 04 boanoo al US. fa flit Onet7 iidutylklll, 4l•eamiii, fa bad taloa UT NM* Tbataa ea 1 ' , , , • 'llaillutdaiA: illotomfory tilibi "1 WIS E , I^ . - it icesioak, e.•ir At of Pubile Masao a D• 14•1 airr.' ia Onolg•bitgilbellglearlag Olmlllatallei waft i - - . - Ai, vim* emu% fares er s E af had Waal, ice Via Boss. ,ef ibirillebalf• 100 d by ^ bad w or. Jamb flast*m. Sr.; Jaiab U . Itioadeb- Pay. VIVID • Greiff, Jaoba gallaiiuml If•firealkad. lbeidiodek , mat by Libody stmakiall li*Uklif I Feet"-Ibef k ll.' easualabss beitm iparkkrity Inza ; me buildboa;- as lial ill dirmaiii wages* Sank sad vt•O afitrod.. - ..“t"- , - -' • '--: , : l'• ''l " ,• I , . ALSO, Mai adjabkfai ids at jimmied, Mambo tb• lionnatb of Ororkstrs i losiodollvicinity lfelllio , unit by.Ub•Klifatit; fad iamb bra bast? bate loth gib, isoptaraumai,roubriog of a 1}(1 Mori two.stm 61kebea.13alos Bait. 'I fikoadliobia,9 Max aboya,otber akifita• taktbUngs.lholl 220 be bits* •4 bor. mat • goad Kati et wafer. ~- - - —r, •,i : , A1.80.' gal,' lot . ofittounf lan lb! 'fame la fila4old.' fabikyfklUMany,,boaa4.4ll* float by litlfroad Biftol, retnar by Nokia; sad enloo, l knflY•bli ream slis. 4 ?, • toebNEtano. . i - • '• I 1 470 t t., Oa *We if Ni a .- 'llia stars dieektbiol property 6 Oat Mod to be,. Was of JOU flionum,- _EN. A - rad WU nil be is. " : Term. *ld eocatitbous Imes knows aktb• Um • lobia•ef ••10,br-. . • . , 0 YAMS 110111110 t; - ' - .I.IIJCIIIM IPOLUILKR.' i - . ,- f.,ibtaisfmaissars., . . It . . .., , . 1 . ' 1111110 tit OP j ' -.: i ~ ~ ~.YALUABLIE• R AL. ISIATR '1 ANlit, ;,131ibickibeili Executoia! zi Mtirt , i IR deliwartit, areas wlll (leer attitallie alathi Oil DAY, the Dlth of Drewmilier,next. at 10 etivilein the daverwar at the Pilaw Bea* of Obsess Ilia wasal,ln lie inri Of Ilti dansterg, Wapiti' Totranhilir ,11410,011 1 1 Coalitymietibitimaidner boa mot plata :, ~,:. i.:, :: , No. I.—.A Varwilit 1100 , wiews, Wirt, In-Myna ,Town 0 4 allmlgo. 4lll o 4 d4=4 4 adierJaiotbe.Oiliartit-Obal. SKlngarr, litlitte Mtn . and *War millt .OW los; provousents,eolng ofa, trellhog hooli,tain. dal • - Y No. 2.—A Irina tof 10d versa ant lit perches, a lusts In Wayne Townstilti aforralild. arlininl a g, hinds of bra, bent 2, Itilsod; Daniel W. lionstnaeliart 'AnthantOW. ate] and attain. with the haprofiasseata; emilisthit'§t a'. dwalllng hottas;bara; As. ' __- -..-_. ' No. - .3.—kliniethf thirty aertiof nab* talidodlotato In wiyos. ittornablp 411set i ki r and_ 8 091 ,110 11" °I /mesh &bwilets..titisrlaa oiler , 5111 1-, SUSI.Otn i Z ta : NO. 4.--A Piet op:6 soil and eight Inesbalt of loam, laid. innate%A UN, fattish' p allows I d, acids mg lands [of • 101 •0 1. Dcblijulli C la rks 13 P ric n 26 .1' 1 [ " 4 1 mbar*. .• • .'-* • • ' ' No 6.—A lavatory dietlnchottra and tot of ram , shoals. ots 'Folpsborkeit Siwir In the Eloniufba= goorry tooltaialag arty fait In howl and one t . mid atrurtyfeet la depth: lth stabling. de. - _ i Fn. 6.—A two story law dwelling borne sod tiro ad. . Joining lota of round,* ib and 19, in tbs. wro.oc frladensburraforesaid,' With ,stitling. ic., sunlit. Jou, Mali street. ' • 1 ... . . .-1; . • - No.l.- —A two story 'Arai, dwelling briar* Mud lot at ' ground. situate. on Front' street In the Downegit eof Eth art kin Waren, withal thling.'dn. Toms and eoodttiotts Sala known at the' ales . . , . . , : . ea mum ammo.= .-.:, i„. : JUSILPfI &CU WANT!. ' 1 • .. - ' 1 • ~ -. npur lig fil 6.0,1 ' ' .Threntsbrw 6.4131 Oil ' . - , ~..-: Fxriebtori: . . t pll.llkßnti!Lli - SA L:f.'t ` Y Nlll3 ur. I a writ of vendttioni . espouse. teentel on of the. Gewalt Cknirtoi.the ttnt Melee for the Ka4l s erti,Dletriet 'Of Pennsylvania y e i In the Third areal'. to directed, will be rota at the Damn A NTS VAC ti AK fl N. 1 0.1 he City of Ptilociolobia; On Wodaleadayolstataary Iftb.11118a: at 12 O'clock, 111.; the tottoolog dasertbad, past:arty, to 1 4 ' No. 1. One/Oat andi 'Wed fourth pert of a. kviilrtaiit tract of land welled the roomette!' Trier.. compneed of three smaller and cant mu Irene. dorvribed alr rw lawn One of sold *atelier tract situate In Wet Prtiiiilnwn• ship. Sehttylitlii Octant); bontuied Werth and nest be' - land? t y of { the Lehigh Oast Navigation Comps „and' tooth and West by land f the Little SebuYlkill avid*. t ion , Riilrosti. sod God • mpany,•cOntainlOg th ashen. Bred and thirty-Omit , more nr lint with all . theep• purteuanees.cttoristlng a trawl cue' break , with ; schotes,-screeneodopea. ' ee engines. rellroed. linable two sto r y tom e deeliblivhowee, kraus sew: mill. Meth- ' midi shop and tarpent shop, together with the nab, mil leading from the as Greenwood Trait to.the roiW, t breaker. *hems and - hates; alio:, -Railroad Ileadist Ikons the laid breaker a serene to the •Littiel Schayt 'kill Relined, Is tbSBD h of Tamaqua. used In. con- . 1 • Section. tch said tree.. Tee setond of saitth amall• er treas. being Seurat .'4*Cof two acres. d - ibrd , ln deed dated Nneembee • 1841. free Little Schuylkill Navigation, Railroad, a d Coal Company ,: ?ohs K. Smith: renniedst Solt „Rifkin 'local Nh. 37, page ca. February 12, t 852, on a leh'said isettnentionr le entered one double tenetest_ house add, the ' a:— • And the third of said breet entailer 'tracts. leg' dre• lia serlbed in deed dated or ember 16. A. D. 1646, from Thous,* Witseciend W in Levan Uri John M. Smith. recorded .WM1.'1 , 1118;1 !look Tit Paire:tO.lTlrsettiber Sth; • A. 11:1b0S. containing ri e arm, woe het . . Ind four teen and . ne hill perch ' on which thane are two double icw tenetnent houses and a rn. -• . • I-• No.-2. All that cerfai lot or piece of ginned' pued of three confirm's* Mt or Wive of ground : tooter-JO tbe lidenotth of Tamaqua ; &bronchi county.; i ihoutidegf .;, ...twat' by land of the L tileStbaylkilllNavigation, hall. .road and Coal Company aculareet by S twanty.Teet wide • alley. containing In wi Giotto hundred end Aktirthree feel, and in depth one hundred and • ninetylbur • feet.. i otWo at lees, with ...... portesumtverosisistlog if &two. Mary etant loandma • twontory shim mart:lad shop. _No. S 1111 that tertai tract or parcel _ of land, ilinsts„ in theAtnrough - of Ta oa, Schuylkill Co n n ily: booty . - .tied autb by Howe. bean. by the - western halt - of lot marked No. 2-on t s L ittle Schujlitill lunpanyb(l • p oef id plan- bt the no' ugh of Tamaquic,eoutti by Brood ; - street., mid West by N stout being lot marked ..No.. / I. aw l part o f t o r, m are - o o t,on said plat', ditatoinlog.' ; to width osviesityficre * , and in depth iot, hundred and fifty feel, with theoeypuriensoces; rands/rod . o f a - timer storYtr.ioirdwein e a housewitheth , eciss tory brick- hack buildloyi thereto • ; ; . No; 4: 'Ali that certain- lot or piece of ground. I di o m. 10 the Borough 01 Tiemequa, Schuylkill County t -- &un ' , ded north by itowe stu4, east by lot ,snarkedl N0.:9 01 -..' th e "ILO tlo Seim It'll Company's theiteril Hsi r of the Soroadh of Tamaqua, nth by Braid ,street,and nubby Med Of Michael Baird tostalnlog la width defy. feet, and in depth one b and fifty bet. with the away. teusicseolonsistiagof ' thrweetoey brick (Wonted benne . with's large none oaths dist floor, and threratory brict back building;eji i th a tticfstory. fume beck build.- • lig attached.. ; . - dleid third - ''Z' •I ; ' • Na. S. Two a pu l e s of: . 51v1 - dortlgurcua ' lots of groand,:tairtlyil in Rush Township,: teboylb.lll County..atell partly in 'Carhop County humd on. the ' north by lead. somyrd to Andrew K enned y'; &dacha' Robins, add John barer; as A by lend cur 'eyed ioJohn Heath and Peter Socuirdi; south -by, land se reefed to , John Reatel sod John Knakle, and *est 'by land. say. veyed to George Illidlit, containing one thoulang j ams hundred iad Stir:deb acres angforty nye perelfes.striet st . mustne, with the ap Hli emnes', tOdSlStlin t o f t wo two ; . sto r y f ot tna 411.11111 g h usecvnith Soria. glory fritant k Deb, en ittlactied, dad a ire gum sal atilt, *NW ii twenty bone power stems ea the.. . . . ; .1 . No. ft; All that cart a traet dr Pens of grouted, Glue,* 1 vanilla:Ruch-Mow s ty, Schuylkill Couaty,and vim, ; . in Kest-Pens. Tetras iy, klieg - AIN County,:beglnnlng at a Maple treeriou ;tbsuctOciy bind - surveyed' on. w. f .., rant to Venuo Lewis,sod now or late the property of ; Thomas Mitsui:4 .wort - E' twentynix. degrees! west, musing Owl creek o hundred and forty yerthei, to 'a stone corner lo linen ' the Labia Coal and iiavlgstloai o m p ao ,:s land, then by Ow ..uMe,...riorthl elity•liour & K i v a out, one boo red and elghtynensa,pereheo to a :rue of s t orm . south tweedy-Mt *pees feet, tete:ally eight perabss ton Mot Oat;: north ; sistydoa s d e : liTala east. two IMP aad_._ _,,..tiremt, perches to a pile of stoma: loath twenty a murrienc east, twentyafterchas to. a.stone,.north slaty degrees east, one hundred per rhea to a. yellow pine,- south tweoly-fig &grew out, - thirty-two perches toe yellow pine, north Seventy die Soma wast e -ermaing÷ine of Schuylkill 'Oolinty, oaf hundred and.cme ' to a pile of same by a Chest. • nut oat, thane by Inc and south ewe degrees nest, extra , * an .011 a bait Portbet IA a yellow One con nee, meth silly four, &seen west, three hundred and; twenty perches, droining the Cooney !hien) a oftener. north twenty six &Omit waft, Sixteen porches to hones, .0 ugly l oaf &dues nest, two hi:indeed and eighty-- tala b l i nt at f al o ' urb a n a saaaar . and gi b let s . noes * at ; 1 22,12L en wi , °- with the appurtemonyea. consisting lot 1 oniyandsidmo;- ; Gary Game dwelling bout* and fraeleitable, .i, • ' No. 'V All that certain lot or place of 'avant, stoeteo.; I mi d of three mail iota or plus of ginund. - aituere; in the bomegb, A y! Tamaqua, .3tbuylktll - county:' -behig loth,' marked Mutt; 19. mt, 20. 04 tat:Little; Schuylkill 0, fopeny's General Plan" of the nab df Tamaqua: boooded north by lot marked N . 7or sold plan, tut bt i llentet street, south by he marked Na. ,31 .on . sold. D b. and west by, Bow stunt, constaininifin width - one ' 'handled lend twenty-Mi het (meta lot fluty 'Aorta and In depth one hundred and stably-live feet, with for a tome- tinances. copiloting of a block of four two-story, frame I musts' dwelling houses with beiecninti:. . • , . No; S. All that coital° it or One of mend. Musts •on the Vast Adore! llearlir stoat in, the borough Taar 7 aqua, fiebuythili tounty-; hounded - *se by fluntor street, worth , by a tali ,geot wide elfin earl by a twenty-. d a d wide alley, aid *lath by lot msthed4f.o. Mb ion the - ...Little SchujiklliCompanyyt General' Plan" of the ho- ; m o o t Tatompuraothalatig in Width tatty feet. and to depth on•bundnedaud tiny feet, with the aPpiirtm 1 . sais es s, unsits: log of a doable teriatert tonne twelllng honer with twitementa. ; H.. . , ... , I :, N o .. P. All that cumin lot or Amite of rienifint,- situate.' on the west aide of If eater idellgto liithobortiugtioffens.,' aqua, Scbtlylicill eithatyl bounded north by outst of Ratcliffe wed Johnston,,eatt b 7 Bawler atelietvu hy lot eflllsety &Au; end *4 tee Sow strait liontalulng, . In.wldth twenty-three and a tuff feet"end in depth one hundred sod serrent dvie feet, with the, appurtenances, consistingof a th kith dwelling'hues, with a ywaforybntiding *veto ettarhiet. .. ! . - , . . . No. 10 All those:V.6 lota or ploreeof: Method: Mute ' en the North aide affiliate street; to the sovongh .of Tei. learrea, Iteheylklll Comity: bounded *nett by the :raw road. sat by lot marked SO. If on the "Little Srheytittlf cowpony, Gioelat Blew" of throßormigie of- Tamaqua, month by Rowe street, and weal byte Marked N0..14 on said plan, containing alnetj'Atet ow Rowe sheet, tweedy- sight *tea for efu 444 iniforty.ela - hada* on ' the western side. lathe apeirtentioena enordahli of,' -large blot stable d nudity house I .I. • • :-. •,. No. 11. ,tn tbat lo lot or plies of groned;sititto: 'oaths got/hoed carper of Broad end Sisters Arista, In the Borough of Tamaqua, Schuylkill Meaty t hounded], north by railroad Wert, rest by a•atata.streit, Werth by • Broad ginner. and _tart by lot worked Na.! on the •out.! Wit U. Seanytain Cala . faltiberal nee of the Borough tierilDelilllA.Wh Wit le elith IR7 - ierti.old le depth! m i. bu o dnd Bad y hit; with the sOtorteearroes, eon-' slating at a doubt* 404 fatal dwolleir boons .-, No. IV All that • lit Of phut et pound. intuits' In Wlhne's and as% addlikro to thee illarough of Ba•I isentut, lichaiylelll sty: hintoded. meth 'by lot mark.' 'Mlle:III on the p of Wilson'. and Lenin's addltioal to the Borough of, Tamaqua" rend - by -Railroad htfatto 1011ttf kV Uokli ettwat, and wait by Oak Witt, costal:l leg i is width One ifkjaidral ill& thOlf hele H end lii dept h tt os . that,tooreerhati. with filo apiturfeuelion. Multi! M tweet a onaturdib &fiery dwelling boari,aodekbleck er" entnere dterfate -:. - LI. AU that is toter_ploai iit ground, alias • ,ht iiMi. Borough a Teicaleorl,SWWlAlll.tkolikfr_blith , 10t llthfitid Ito. on the Taecatent CospeOra TUB 0 . add lotenghi laded north byl lot Marked 30.13 d said *amid( by Trio etrili. soutletratestunt street nod wart tea sleet iontahilary is width WV. mono depth two boodled fait, with thattlcaffeausel Coadettng ofit tw4atory hoof* church. - . . ,7' .' i & ,there MA takenis execittkis ea the pvtatfee J . Cartia, a.dtises a ;the grat• - or In it ludo* de beide of the meet*, of Blanked thrter," Una tel . lata a c of this 'State of Petiakrlveitio, a ' es Bet woody of the old lueei Owlet, settler* attti stabel.iit Patenel islet Mud nietritee of ftw agate • . Jolla ;Cedar. 'sod Ito Vor Protaall of Inillosi Wire,* titbit" of thettakiof itrarseyttanta; terra • -lq -- • • ' IIIIIIAII lIIILLWARD. • • 1 Ll.s.l# Isisinittbstict 01_ higkey... ! .IPbrimidrik. - bet 110062. -;! -•• ! - Iladt r - i •I ' f i e ClitiED , . he , . , , - 1. -: HAVE. A ' m r th. I .im po . . 11 41 - h: Hi, N i t te, l l . cmudis;coorety.ra..tuo f f i le i',& t toga* dl' . Wood to Wool ~ ,Dr, yr. 114 N _ . , , /4:44,411%,Dite1121,012. ' , „,,, i . ,„ , , • 0,1,140,' a p i , • ,-, , ft ., MIL • Ird I_ 31, Ia eby, rtni - that I t ,' - swi ft . oar 11140 b to 04. 0.41. 1 . Sam lielobidiolk Moo op, soil Iloilo' le . o.lllol4tetisesion.laiiotHliAtmem.amy sboirT i 111 ledooks, A. IL or _ _ ._. -' 131LUILX6 lIIIAISINGIit. 1 ... )11114optitiShOi illii/ 818, , • • - 1641 .1 I - 1 : "- •- ' IMME .. , .....:Ft1.t . : , , ., 'Y tv . . , ' • 1 : ni .Bii~~'~`H~e~ iii . ~;18~.''~=', THF, . 11 Alt ilittailiONl*: I Vim i .', Amy*. the:lissaw-.,..,,, -ciiiiii tee_ iii the Candid of tle--:`,. ...1 1 a .IPreierieksitr o Ace.' i-:: ;: ei. ' ''' - oiiiiitail'ingicfaw timpiibil, I. -, o h o . a toga trim la' od:Wothmela y k s 2oll •••-• :- 1- - saige e Z ir kla r ett*aarrasitliaL - !UMW MN , ' , I 1 Aras, pat' tiati,":'_-aat woe at -wok' all tta ;,;•.:. ',., !bandy. ' %rotor Mout 'pia that tlet Real al l . - '-'. ; • ~,, suoimairbatot sat aorlievelataidak MK tb••••••1 ••= , mina itats'intkpo alopporlaw. lola NOal.i ~?, 1 lea Abil i talait koala aslabllre WA artalow liftlogri. Ms i l. -. -tbat - ,tho'eollidapililtlea atio.:lapropaable, to' a lbserof! 000,000 ilia. A tegry_of the Rlelmaoril 'Dtepatell, noise . • - al at Tridetiektbent•AMlWlAl4 1111 . , t ibs !" I.llt 114C4-' r . 1 la the reetat battle. , • ;-' E * -. 'I - • ' 5• •'• Caviar, la WO* mob *ea tlee'Booretaryot War sad . ...:_' ' Goa: Wallet Ibr di . 1144114" 'at it .1111ktiii; lb. moat rte_ , ion* lit 1 1 Plidrdtb•mti Iliellbet IsMeamal is . i "; ':.`, -tail tbrieoataaltellar"Etaall at iodic-, . .p.:-.-. boom/4ft IliabelpiAbl, l *lbeit,!Mwsudoillsia.let• - • _:.'. .bb bus s tme* not blare; bat so place or plan atbit-, t;:- .. = SI. TM elletataleo MB. !rota Jil'aoblartaa; ear tirar '..:--, oattalawiaarbteaera Oloblitratamali awl ;Rae ,- ';'..^,;:`, - Tlei prouptlltalreakalketritb abEett.tbe Anil - baliallomprbitlas VW Ow las proimaulleicor at: - mar l mai pawl lop the eel Tbaraaap, liskibstillin,;, -, 'Of Up !game slat /roe iboyer , .. .•._ -, ' - ,' • _., _ ~ .--, - :"-i - TbaCioarialttoi oa Abo.ooteloct al tba wa r lett bit 10104... Th.-, Itapptbinsioelrob Tula*: #Trifts - Pr•b• ••••• 1 •*/ ":•,_;.::-..,, easkaar tbeveseat boob. i ::, i . :,., . , , 1 ' ''''- ''',...' '' --.-.° Ma trauttey Dote swami tope 6. 4 444 la baelass, I': .. -,: ; Mo., The'areea batiks ow teeecalsiel 'and ti (brit* . l kr - . f::::. Wm 404 lob. ii tiral l aud.. far all ragas. • • :1 •.- ;f'. . Sllat lbaniscea .Coaaeil of „New York .laorek ria.7,... ,1 '''-• ordlaws to. lemte ,rblailastetitto tbit MOW' 4 ' '-,, - 0 , 00 11 1 1 dates to tharlleoscatiod al Sol rriaeliiiK. ite,V '-- Burt tb, *air elbiztao as lbs . Dols. Shoe aaostreatel; •• ;thitly-t e *HileCeliii :Sesstee. • WiallfitliatifolifsY, fiertembei 16.1 e, Ming Meeented a petition to 14roeof tw anent budtrept vet. ;Mr. field mweented ask my SR a bounty to akk and woonsied, 14s. .11berouta totiodneed bilt amending impnitent:, mid • asset of. andseatinc Mr. Davie eland a tveadoitteet eanutriegl non Marinate for lineampiteity_sith G. , ' son, ,A nolui iota comenslog Cs eressional Itgawilttry L erittlbri laoreilitte operation wee alfera i lPhilltensd4 , MeJlifright offered ensehelimelaquirtigillobli,tho Moe. et4/ " li i I° 7 o ohms* obstftlalle tataktaed modittme. sac g efra?3; =efg f a c tlit7l,lrottilie at adelaisbitlioss Static AP armathome to SISM_ „ _Fs moans. the bill Id *pied to gamine, epirdissamotilfi. the rimy was taken pp andliseassod , f l f , mom hitiodutied• by_ Mr. Blake .to "Mb a postal or wavy iyillem; by Mr. Collis, to `nolgesi . she dean - 0 pOPefl a .bY-M24 f-0 • 11 .krrell" tb• Uhlman' 'of slavery lel Miamari; by tlitsorta, sii mr4 to thil OM* 001014 atid .01 Me. Itettnettlbit the development of osigationarresourrea. Ma Washburn", offered a reaciathio In reran to the payment of the tendon the yob* 604 le rota. A reentistka s _ltrofo' . sing revision of twit wax Mr- Low iLwolidisine wen offered !Shift-. Aldrich. radordhal boo, iltemiteal of iseceemetent Akers; by. MeWinati • gerelitgivadiers' boualiees,,.' arr. Steam OrPostikruito my approprlitlao bill lot lace. It was nada thenwebit - order of ThuredeY 4 mars of restarlunie neelatioaa' . • entrening thrritr4mi eaditheArar wan Mined by M. Oonie ay /I and were. tabled ,by .1111111110,1114 gamma/ . Tostaradert Ettit ) offeredlite folknehig Rniofeest, That the, pmelannitkm of the Panelist; of Minden of 15001.10ber 214.11162. la warato tat by the Con-. stro shag Akre ;policy . of to Ina'' , • '• 'ear therein. is well 'adapted to hasten' the rensratton ofselt sod is well Omen ae a war .wire. mod M ott oss tso _, ollossitf ISM proper regard to tha rights of cit- , • . - 11 vostSioir the Ofrintuity of firs reeiretnatit. Mr, Mishnah (Dese.Y.. of - indigos. moved tolay It oa thti. t•ble+, Disagresd trt-ryisui 63. omit*. • . 2 ' Thai resolatto• 1111111 dm' adopte4--yralitS, . Vas Wirt offend a reiolottoo willing for the roars , 'prompt pay of our Mildierie-Mleipted. A neolutiono'olt! feted by Mr. Pooterey,adthortalog lbw - payment, to nisi of the public boode'd (Salt eel dreg des previous to lb. let. offanuary;llol4. wag refereed. A reeolatioo asking the President to furnish -all tins fieniamsbeeempelga rotor spOntlears wax ildutited: ilea attabefinquidne tote the espedfiney of holing the bonds of mist romptain The ifoolo basing Mtn inn tluniattee of the Whole - 0o the stale of the Uulo on, the Peindente tonwain3fr. Cpz '1 Foote et, soon length as the 1 , )12 duct of thit war, at the dose of !nose Truths lb* Mouse adjourned.. - Tumour; Doresibm 10. • itmen.—A oFien.Hie ham the Preeldnt was preatand, plating it the dins:nal of Conran 'General "Twiggy' ' - swot de-hastened fate New CSrinees. .en *atm. dont by Mr. Itiesi"elanti trah4o binda to. Stlatenoti, end :in reference to -the sabandenn, department—inth • . referred. "Mr. Scarier oftite . d a reeniation eaudentng lite regal Of,Captain Mullen: and aim 'amoeba salable for the conespoodence months the caltivattoo of cotton - Asia 'Minor sod Mayo '=-attlstetL Mr. , Mats offered • - a/pieties inquiring Into the appointentof eaten MB-. .) . .,rera-ndiutted, The' resolution' mending .lames Bo- - &mitten was tabled, as. also one metalline the Wawa*. '' impits. - After the arsine- of tbe eustfactlarp.rloolllllolllll`,- of resent on thu , death of Mr. lisnebett, the dentate ad- • mrsa.—A measee from the President, to referent* to' • Twine! aworde, was prvrentest. Iff. intorene tooved-tho pnitponoteent of the oinsidenitton of hie resolutiom. for: • which 11 r Wiekliffe offend a eatiotiteti. ;The conaidene " lion of Mr. Tallandighata'a resolutions wai - peeteseeed.— On i motion of Mr.lesot..the Secretary of the Tanury etas directed to furnish a sdaterranst in fiord to the Malted , States loan. Mr- Aldrich Introdand a bill for tba ne• motet erne dna:lndians. TbstWeet Pidat unproven. -1 Mot, bill was passed. Mr. Niter &numbered' the..dealt of rt. illatiebat, and delivered a twiny op the daremed, as bo Mr. !table. otiodolentwerene pan., e i,j and the noose adjourned. ' _ . • . Wrositsaar, Der. 17. from Philadelphia ;was ineratali t aiding ibr a bank** act. were intettiseed to or • tablieb a bratietsininfin Oregon': to eilWilia• th Sri" of ilnes °flurry Meets; and to.allow installs in roe of , I.4:ll‘titiseue--all telerred. A hilt ansimiltre ; tbf inter obi r•vsoue iwt was passed. The bill Prleldjall OW the tilseharge'ot gists prbemere was taken up Okla , postponed' till Monday. wheo the Semite adipurned. Massa —Mr. Itinatijde introdsieed a bitten:mastiff of !L ,Slr. Stevens reported $ - • bill makinK approprtattooe tor Invalids and Obi* pen. ' •-` eirine—metpned. Thd app'ingilation bill was - made the spaciti order forTorsday.oetr. • ' - • enittiolen,;and Experteniee_ et an InvidiaL—Tabilaben tor the blunt. mon as strarolng add a caution to ; young oybo amt :Norval:it Drblllty,Treinsiture. potiti c 4 - iirtPlYlig thtwo the'pwrons cif !Oren -87 tots 'turbo toss e d - tdotiott spit , tmoligg put - to great-wipeout-through on r. perittoi sod qtittkoty. , enclOttog prost•polit dditogrA - finv•lope. Omni Onto vow lir bad of lb* author, NA. . !NAN I NI. 111AltIAlklfsq, Bedford, Lippe*. N. L. • • h 15„ . ; • . . iI ' • . • 1 FRENCH T PERIODICAL DROPS FOR FEMALES., • 4Tters altaablomedistoeb neer. offered to tbeitemnimn dies's& the only Mare. prdthei and 'Maar:Canis ear* and reiguhfor of sOpproimino- of nature. from . •batover Mum. PirfimMr Artie abeuld' Di urd . to kM3IO. that ,: Prrgibilley bikoi the mime. ma lbw Dr** Mould , ko produce an effort aid !rely contrary to the coarse ;of' tur• - ; tore. for - lrbleb- I nlll not bald myselfmeperkidble.-.: i, Tholak DonPk ill lalldliad . pleallant. that: thin. Grabbed' 4 . on take Want altb'perfrataecurity. yet to pewarfat•la their etteets t amt *bairns, be safely filled a never4•ll- lag- Regulator. Tbei ernink peoenred by addriarlai a/ directed bare navel tbisatedlelns for ' Weir, yeats la my palettes. and thertPie lett kg,. Its merit!. ' 9did byrdl.draacilds. • • Prim $1 per DR. 3so; L. Laos; New Hyesen. (ban. ' TAug 2,132 7 - SINC - ER" &.•00.114 Letter fut" Family Sewing !piddle , .., _ ..,,,.. . Willi :ALI/ TrikirECKSl IMPitOvaligNlll,_ _ , , is THE - BIN? ''.APIILE• CuIIAPI:ST SAD 'Yon I SRAUTIPUL of all Parthat Marldies,„ Itartdaat l,_irlll pow aurtlitna.• &Out ;Ma reard4ept. • tear In rrarlet an to the luau Insufan proreoat—unyttitiut boas Pi-. c , ilot or Ilaaver Ctrtb dorm-to, setae Chtess , or Gum. liner Tbatus.aud la Orr read to do I.ta aro* to porta , . tlo . u. It eao 841, bona, btu& • Our; Leseiti.iveht,and bat jraparWfc — w.,a great relay o orastoestal'arark, Male not Ms (ME nuirbloi tttat-r(ut fell, •Itasui bind: und - so - I Path. but It wiltdo robettot than- auroUtir Madame. t ,lbe falter " A 7 Family awful' Illartdrismiq hi bad In •.} Priest' aliaty.•••ot'eablatit eases. The 'l,Wilog .Cousi . dMat It Dim beemlet tit popular, la; as, Its Gams ha ies; otailltat tan bi folded Into 'a boi air lass. wbiql. ' 4 , bre 01: 4 “to4, nukes St bsaartlful, stibataallat. and -*Pa . • Moos labia for the work to nu epoo. The tans. art' of , Um, Imaginable gest/re--Phan all the mod Erry.. l * its • - Wale, ihreetilq u elaborately lotattad as art. can Bake '- them. The ftroneh Otlleawars wall. oapßlied witb 31* ,terlet; threndi Reedlos. all, etc., of the sell hiet;,,qifeligr. 1 Baud for keopy of "Symms 4.06.'s Guerra: • 1 • . I .-- ~ L It. PINGICIL di,CO4' ~'.. , 438 Breadwilar. X; X.,,,' PHILADELPHIA - OPPIUE , .$W cMirt, -et L. P. 041111116171316, . Saab 4 ltyersesates et..) . ' ' 1 '• " lgesi,3s P evino. --. -1 . - .A05.2, i3g. I• . ' j - ' ', • . 1 SU .- . hr illathrts. Ppl'l'llYiLLlE •ARKICTS (W diplomats Prised.) Insetlioor o extra taielte,if basind, do .do do ! do do . POPOrdolp do Rys . Whast, primp de prittesed; . Soup _ ' " - - Dried,Peerbee, paned, ,' . il redid, Dried A dd aswedi • do 40 1 , Itylt i $ !Mauli. . 9 Flutier.,parlisionf, - TO. Corn, di - '=:- ~T 4 S houlders , .. ' :'94111 T Oats, - .1. - .:: , Hams, ,- . - ... -,, 7 . -., - V -P0144444, do . 1 .. • 75 Lent'''. '.• : 9 Timothy ge,d i ..` -,... 200 ihrf,Alnd quitter sb' :T 01cret*sed.,- ' : ~., 4- 543 'do :foe' quail*, lb .• s Illy, poilon; 14 00016 00 PlasTrijlß wit • ' • a . gasotomm; , ... •t. - 2 1 ill* Oa. -•. :. 2 1115 ... _ . 31471111M116. 'l.(llmrtall - ,lP3ie,), , = • 114ndc.,41.itto Mundy noel: II '111; *alio ;410.* 01Opolis. do.. IA 00 MI; Er rout it $3 70; guettithaitMour. {S'OO sit nand 4 11 / 0,1310 0, Oars **l. ti - IC and 1114billogol0 4111.. b 61111 ., s,°.o. 04121 t 7i11441 00 10 39014. Cors4l2 du. 2•4.000 u, 10 : do. • . , • • - . -!luau-. fide 0.11 - etsll.lb4 Nelkoi. 10.12 AR:- • Void; 0.10; d 0.4,. Pot*, 9.10 do.f.slecoldisti c kit ii. - .• „ Hama, 14 Ø. disocithll do; bud. 1911 do. - _ • , Puonstoss.—ltuatt, 24 0 1 3 .. 13 4 . 123 34 . • .• • I ,,'' - Scaus.....:gusar lieussoi Oa." fb ; 11002.4.10 dad" For. 1 to a1e0. 11 04 'M." 13 1 1, 0 ; .;" 2 .1 11 111144 14 do: Crodloil aids Petottoodll3 30 ; Some taro Tioutuisui.—x.poh.. Psdatoot.lll do.*.Oskisk t . oto.. pima; OabliewAelir . 0.0140.,4 —l' ** R iet ta - vaiezatv• • „ . • , ••• - • M EOO. Heir Jawo l u nr _ ra .s."AlciveL•oritatira ~• laud itristl4, Pro_l l o 0 Want gf Prllt=pleasi .4-410.31 , • , 41 • • I '. itoupikv .einnts. • • BB,.araWchber hags on 4114 at low T • LP :0611, isrpflaileds. 034101 1 jogs *La, , . apssNota r ILLPSNUTAtti' to z • 1L1ND50115,410218 or ric Palm • • BIM& atalsliss. Is slitissili blsdlsigs—ve7 _Asap, .1 1 11A1101. AND, RUIN 10 ; 11 :1 1 41 1 1rVest almlitrag4l, t 4• 41 1 0. - - 4 peuvrousero at* iimpiamg• doss r .matiocis bleats,* . /, • a:mit:Mar Mental AND TOT BONINA—s !Pity k.oaseteirds.4_adierslanansisat. rsat. MFARIIS, 60181211. 1 suss Allmis*Piedsllsk. rivet*, 3. .hooky Parsis t lllelClPess, 4148., ' , - ' Coosa St.oppsdbil*t . • .2vmucel§ 104 cir - GE ---‘ MEM ...,,,, Real St 26 600. , 4 ce, 146 \ .146 261 ,_ 16 Il 44,