c,~.zi'. ~ , s~ ' `G~ h' ~~i ssß~.i- etr i tuitet (sa.: the '4oiiiitplits 11.7 • • 4Wialtih Itul"f" ' $ uarptrirteso ixi, , • . - c!.:‘iirrr.cci.-L'fitere %e'er) ru - - o n e the fact ',that Alm anti. bait badly' du ~ • aIP 4 the'. traae'..of a local reforter..... velti, , " ..still lakes his ro un ds as of. yive ;; he poll •• ‘ hiS materials with his accustome. d . Indust . soil - he mikes his conirinutions talks 1. ~1 - .history of the time siitli . his.. ancient •l and with a correct appticintida of - .thiiiir.. *insure of his •yocation es, the - "abstrikt.d brief -chronicler .of the tinier ''But Abe i t s has dimaged his tede,ind, `so far as the b: Aorption of public interests in "hat he wri . is. concerned, his.ottoptition• is gone, Ia ilni' .first place thifirreit rebellion .. seems to hive monnootitodiill thestirringactiort of the ti*k and: like a jealous iiutocrat Irk) *ill tn*k; - ad rival, all inidor. local 'incidents of the ay asp erashed out and scarcely asinine lioffici nt • had. to - forra the...material for is gocid ".Chi " `wile iheiritivinC.,acCidents by. flood and fi kl th t4O tailie •plice . - . in town are slurred O et' fo , tbe stike. of any bit of news which re* • u frail the army of the Potomac, the' Miss ' xi i, or the - hlockiding.squ.adron. 1 ' . .... I t In th t ia dearth of local news and interest .0. , .Ii i me matters, •-it is refreshinitto lime:sift 6* ` ertions inade.by, *tido:lC.olo4 - 'of , e• i encil ind Note -lxictito iniintsin.-their ' x v - Oil ' iiite. in their iteinatic Mom'« If 4 a .ba,netwes'stati,iiarcoeStlts_J:notewnd t o h t e a in ti ci irati den on ts d , .d , 1 ;it e make mois t it- ,:en e l *A srgikl r li t bers be. dm lity rak in ; ;b t 'y he litiels of g mall cape and 'lloi-hi:tile, .. I titi re '..rts i n , " ner in Wh wiii ich ch .: ai lt i s i erv be' :; ' P l. ' f f e it li e tt et ily nn olll l ',:.,_ ation or-nothing , are a lively - cane in ,' int, fz" -- nd we furniilinifrreiders with an illn . er lion !mg o ol list, week; With.:* slight d' . i ir , 1 nce,i the ;report ran in thirwike :' 1 - • '1 Atrocious 04trage in tiw 24td W , d t PinmetsiD. I The. ' s I Aiaioial'lnvettiOtOn THE EVIDENCE 12{I 1 WOR't YOU SPEAK TO ME, T ME - C 0 M NITTA 'THE PRISON EH IN The' Grand - Deno.itjimil 1! e s itintiali 10i—the igooriot, iegardfeoo of ezpes .e.] , . List night`at precisely„twentypiout - a ft er_ eight O'Clock, lime of the: most atrocio . sand diabolical climes that ever disgrated'h , maiti:- ty, or - tidied for the. - services of a poli man, lookjilace in this City', Night-bet set n, and -.• iteeable 1 0 mantle had been. thrown 13 kali sublunary ,things, - wheti . et , fi end in " linen form. one 'Thomas O'Flaberty by,natne, Carted 'out on tti.fhtaaile, of crime, 'and in psi iing, , by the dour' of a: grocery Edema- in the 26t ' wardj: ~•be capiett a kit tif mackerel) ' i . • . , . ~ .. • - . ,:i- , T•sa Grabs a Pbga I ' - : r •-•-. -7_,At . ..ihis inquient, 'all the - fell „passions 6)44 • degraded W.rlaherty.aere,tiituaetl, add, seize` tog the fish front its; adopted. britte , , , [..r .;.-• ... •.' 7 : .. . :r ~ , Se, !fade TracirLl, • ..1••!•:',5% • . 1 ~..'.-But iti. the language oi the' ininortil•'piiet, ' * !rive Clould•play is ttkaikamsii ..''' O'Fleheity was seen by Sergeant Cdlliuetn, who immediately ~, ::".."; , :i , >•: zieti4seet tsi-pairatataz . - r. . • _ • V The ptiltriOiras:*relt I 'he vac taken bey fire a' eagistrate I .:the 6ffence ~.iras:Orovedl and justice was satisfied I'"' I ' l. ._ Tba Ilaparteris'_6fictse qufrlat ea, the ~r *lila I -,!:.' ' 1 • •-• _, _. — .The reperters'pf the Phaa'detphiti -Daly Qicrist.iroritediately. went in quest-of the par ticulars of the.atroeiousotTlitr.! :- J - f- - _ L'-'Tneitiirisoweir, 0 4 Flatterti• '' '‘ ' .*- ... ' ' - .. wee found in thO'statiou-houttelof the Twenty: siith 'ward. - The". worthlessileSpOiler fl33llCi. .. Is erel, kits nppettre,d .calm.: although the dam ', ning pfoof . ol .hil - ,crimelay' (wrapped .• iii t. ioce of straw paper, a 3Try,infeEtoF article '.lll comparison . -to_that the- Querisf is printed, .!ist.npito) before. him. . -• i 1 . .-..- . . 1 . ' 4 . 14 Wont riii'speakite.edrer 'r al: 1" L . ' lfrs:.o!Flaherty • cum . upon ' the stage of : action at this juncture.. Sheappro . ched her . husband, and, ,in a thrilling Twhiiiper which touched . the hearts of all present,She.ejacu ', lated, "Won'/..you speak to - mO, TM T'l , - The Wretched , Tit r e Ma* I . V . . said nothing in:reit - ponse . to ibis hent-ren-er.f irg appeal- , 4 reticence which Ser east Col-, i r el ~ lentos attribUted to the fact that the ;prisoner was drut4c! • - - •'... .. • - ' .. . The Hearin;. '\ came off before Aldernlan Blank, a O'Flah:- ; arty was:committed to answer. erily,-the i wee of the transgressor is. hard. • : - While there is sufficient gelaitw. . the pro "feitsion td diitill journalistic,ltninbeama Out of cucumbers of fact; and_olsensationj here out F .of -a thieving O'Flattert,y,local reporting will. I not succumb'to war news, arid "Rhine! will 2 maintain his sustain spite of fate.' .So mote - 1 1 ...- '.' ..,:---. •"- -- . I ' 1 I • _ - ' • - - - , 17' IDdli Vale DEFTSITiONS-• - •LaCnIl?. I where'children have theimown way , ried men resort ,wlieti tirey have .11 to take themselves. - . _ . i • Wife—The woman who, is expe chase without means, and sew.oa fore they eome..elf. •• . •-",.. .1 : Baby.- , •A thing, on account, of, which its ' rnother.should never go ,tothe•op r,a, cense- . goently need never haves new dr as. .' Dinner—The meal which - is e . . cted to be ii in readioess`wheliever the master f the house happens to. be at !tome to Sat it,l whether at one-or halfpast six. • ' -,,, • 1 f l'An 1] iOa don't knot wfiat thuthiathni ith r said, a raasic,m' • "Exvuse me; madam," riplied I do.' Musical enAnsiasm is like 1(4 everygallon of 'lest there fire, gallons of coca, and calves'. he& 4ipn "OH You IrCrtILD .11E •EILY j Ogi,D1 :111 0 a gentleman,: patron Lwing lady, "if your . eYes were:, arger .", . elly eyes may be very. small, - . `people as YOu doo't fill them - 41- 51i642 COBBLIL— Erray, prOfealOiiitrariu 1", said Mr. ; AOs witness, who had come to and who was not deemed a ye - . "Sir, I am a shoemaker and ik wine mar chant." • "A- what, air?' said. 'the learned' coun "i,wine,meretiant:and ,bhoen Aker." . ."Then ' said. Mr. Jatneai'"".lmay describe ion asherry . cobblerl" •i • • !"On! what shall I do if Theodore is daft; ed r said a , young girl to her." grandmother, while thinking that perhaps her loV,er might be obliged to' shoulder his musket - and go Icy the war. •. • i ' • I" said`; the lady.- her venerable eyes aparkling with the light of other-days— "do ai I did-lor Nathan. the last time the red coats came over here. Make coarse shirts and'. • akin' or bial", AtiEstnnt. - -kr C.tn..—Mors• ifer--I'm afraid Tin sitting pn,,your crinoline, ma'am I ; • . • dfflib/E-Toting Lady—Oh, never mind, sir! It's of no cointequence ; . Sou, clittet hurt it. • Noneteir-No. true,atn,it's ;not that;-but the confuOnded thing hurts stel/ • - • ::111c xs.7 STAY? a 11,A$11;7, ruler existing iircumsishees, not totally .II i ticontsecttil with the Wimps. question,. we would suggest the following- new reading Air IBurns' stl.rring. 11 4ilt -, H • . ) . -..;. 'lboo.rattlL Is Ent tbo • • - rho the sold tor , . { el .• PR ENTICE ears: "4 chap metiorea cornea -in our'offtee and site holirith r.hour, without telling :one Word of truth 'ths *pg th e i whole k ii rine. Re ' tien &ash - i he' ~and outlie the evil 1" • - ' - ' ' - - i einnst be one of the 'tele for the Associated Prese. I AT A MtAIiSG of a . parish a straight•lseed ind'exemrlary deacon submitted 4. 1 reportin writing, of the destitatiOsi_di and others who 'stood. in need, of:isiti tame ifroM the parish; ''Are , you sure; dea f,"' asked an. other sOleaiii brother* "that u embraced all the widows r 8e "id he iegied At 1441 • A ItioGSD,tarttit Cltit.tr' as besitd to call from * window of st. tOehrt- ailing house to . her npisosite neighbor: $ _ "Plains Mrs. Jones, .moth 'a best eoalpli. • merits, sad, if it is tine. w tiler,. will you to isbegging with her to-tOorro 7" ' - DOrratiLVCC amid um:Yearns AIM ,Tacooststs.--Girlsr iotendin to be boiletroes •*bould,tsle lesions! A feni*le recruit in Itst; abater eat . detected;',:b - y 'ng to. pot bir paittiott overbor bead t • . • , . ••;-' trim bins imartaifted %ad *sky) **last" was a Winki's Cisztr—A. tie tttc'' ~~r HAIM I PICTEL tXeYa:SIOR gai*Cure4 thIL t S.saue..lar4L Plonk** &of: - I 11okirea ttaampa, 41 Jaw 21, e1..1 I • ' PATEN -1 PATEN. FORT XtIR • This - i,v€ tin. SkTWIT belog*kOki . bay thkklamo. IT C OY% 0 BEAT TOTRSQI4 ar, i 4bsoldely itt • , i• • .r,.tider the Olt ha • - 1811 a'.ll kOoktk !bet tool boo, flatottiktd• lii in* y 'MACS:- By k PM, CENT. is 10 • •; lowing result nra ebwkir. I - Sod tkot *maw, Is kk , baron , It loekoksorilbk kiosk ow to ra04..." ft tom -INIZtt;1181510 TAR. rikto off lb* bias from ,kbo W. led on kkplodoo fiko 1 I eorpre/y mom • and i I !NSW cfpreksialog - • _ • 3 - *lrma tabs tit C "Streit, Steiltaip Marin lamp amain toktot a kriffi *member sat, i • :-THE *BEI ; wilir.Theetat Pal este THE:l:htity .Giohei aidlbe! rigres i s. k00k.% sad i diteatiz. *in be published due. log the-neat snobsof attsis.ti sostase to boos tbsturst•ilasasy Is stay Dareestmir. .Tat: ftsitt-Otoss Witt cattalo a fen ilespert Girths fi* - bees fa both Iteanettes f4losartini'aba- Use m•wlir erf :the ,dey; toccata; pith sueh palladia MIAS so issy . he seateeted by pessioit ereonti - - I,'Tas Cements:toast Gioia ltaa Atoodiont will entails is report of illy Ihedebates of it. sessims:'nerti•d: by:the r rpriarit,eir. Out ,11posares of the . President 'of the'll7alt4 states-the Reports of the Rude tif. thsi Rieoatbraq the 4rtstits, the Laws teissed4srinar*heAlessloti. alma se a. . m lodezel to all. They be prirtrill. tai dolt le royal sheet, Tiarto form,eadb sheet erttaistatMstisto total quvrin mom • - ¢ i • '.• . • 1. ; Vat Csstassiastu. airs •APerstet 3a .trio ribrough the omits et tbei Onttol. Slates. seder, a plat relegation of Crenirses. peseta Um 6th apipleast,ll3t: The best *piston of ampule robsblY, br ftts toostbaportaiit that ever ; wet. , • For OM ' • • TRIM& , • I topy pf he Deny plobedstioalt • Fosoljoa, $3 Ig o .rose no. loopy pf tbie.CoogrOirloo4 Otolti tiat,:ap-I 1 . Podia. duisig On drier** , „t _ ' 00 Th• Its;stuturatiy b• tabus Syr oleo, atm tuotatte;' at the,rnsti'n Subsenistlllonslor the Com. irrosidetzal 0 braid Appepdix toast b l e l ihr Abe entire - seseleer. " I .• N. awe** tr:alba:y*lor.! say smut oaken the' natteyakeoaappay It. 4 , c. city No - v.ltora.! • 4i. Ay! - - . KerLi r Ay! n4stirps. V NVir....l l H 4RD I 5(.,H16,1.14, Import l _ A cre of iWatrltes, Newt ork. beirink nceirsit4irivi; mos to thelite'tiirlif coin( Tito 'aftpet, heavy lamiees of the niost'eliatent styles of archeicrhst bee. criree bprii 1 ,toirierted Into fhb, counter itionfler t to at.on*Oird lore !ton the ,noes no* iti tired:lhr mu h inferior Niles: We ennid tall atteeitlet!" tally to n . 4 :111 dust Gold II MI MI I'filkaa Watch. otistrperlor el nee, lkirtnwl* re !food at tIN:113 SW to Ski trblehlvre estrsell, fir s3l—i bis bolsi the lovvst wholesalieiesh l pries.L_"' 1...1• ' 4 !N W AIISORTNItNT IN . 1 LADIES' Open face II first Gold Witches, of wider excellence and great laraAp o infinity Wild lei ilial g irliiichs frehlirr for I= .4 _ 1 :_ : , . • , ,"_1- , y • The ..... woo. ..).1...ii..tr..t. . tic bawls rasa , Visually wild for , 4rom NOP 1156 , we so i for iplf: - I j ~ ': •',' 1 • 1 ,tritkvicnrwATion Ella" : I. , :. 'Lad 'Ali. nen fa*, qattally mom for $iii:1110 Ilan fOri!..4 1 ,_ L " lrairthrireaaro #r rr - ~yz . ra ..1 , - Theo a n ; rod, tosatil4l. , ~, . .. ; j.. . pin t lettistre open, Oki, riartally' pold for Ifi,vre seilfw;slo. I 41 . , ••• ~ 4, ,* . 4, , .. 18 . - .4,, . 1 ., 1 1. 1 • o ,!• o . 7i la . 4 4611 : 7 as' 2 9 . ai yg . - ' " •" J .. 1 " ... • : i i t . _ _ , • i" For risntlemetiii itiontlia tile Watbli 414210 $2 . % *corp. .. . ' , THE ARAIr °WA H.,' • I t.: . • Thew 1g. , . ,nktlerid efifiyisalf 'for h's army. pal* ire deemed siallabte lo *rem riipikt. .T y consist Of . - . - Nary elegy:if. itylei of illyerbitotii) -csee Lepinseillo. :' .-. 1 . .•,--' " , ...z.„ ". i i cs. ,!. Leveis,l, $l4 • ~, '.- NI . heavy coldiplate on ail r i , *ore illit tollic. Theicasitvis superb:, i ~- : . . . , • i 11 '. • We hive on bend. also,ii on style - i • , . ........- '',..l{Stillillgrpfbleollali platein, wit e ih.l , - ..... eiasis-"flerrili . Ploorrl*ith gold, and is the aiiet beautiful Irate offt Ifind:.eci. here, ever Orris: prircitYo,l : i : • 1 ; ). ': I' . 'l' .- 1' i • Ws ..cisv 'ath ei r ricsa icuOcasis op iooda sold Itif - frota Moory . -loay I* root &Unit to misfired felon Or by es presiii ' Address 1 ; . i,f l GELIf AHD At PM:LT,. 31JOaiy at. p. Yfi t. , . i 1 . ~ yt : Tl4place '..and roar• where else Led to per awns be Kben thi iNd rkty.• All t Costa, Pag , to *Terybodr .111 • ,Vp. no hand, to far tower itrl Ncif. 8, '6 uthical ea ,d miss. wit, abut Ord° soup ninety-ninti in propar: it-*iii . , I • - , „ • , ._ _,_•• 1 , . PrieCiinTai r tAolll7. • E* toil,: Ba nk ers,'. •TOIt, nst i toil{,,: ~, • • • 1 ;Pntaant..4 dr. I, !Sat rri HE ON DE G;VEI:I, I , - liaving bein L • iippoln'ted Sable Yale Ag r ee Irr thei Stsersta47 of the Triune . I•nolt. 1 itti fur bib. at, eete, the NeW: T eqty • ear III -p i er et. IBoatts , 4 nf lA. United .Star . .designetsi 0 4 ' 5114. tirentiStO Tm • td•*t hel sone of Obi, thieernniest, afterite• 4, l4e sre. and 406 by .11.6 t Of Co 111.441- finery 25. I 01.-; , • - j .. ' 1 I-• , i ' ' 7_ , - 'f. TbeCOlj :f 80. Ar.leined 1p tat* of: $50;1100, .. 0 450 n. i . . 1.- , r . - • 1 '. Tb• V RSA STER B 'NID tn• me of IlisO, ilia); pop; ~.- stoonomd • • • _. i i __..' - r - I ... - ._•_• • Interest tMx pr• rent - ply sontini t ot cometics from date' pinch* and is 1 ' f.! - ! ' . . . , . . .. . • - - ,'P IrA LIB IN. FtOI.D. „ I t sent. Ann By. yht , is easel et ,he pte•int etendute on eoli'. to etotat ZIMIT_ PIT. r BST. PER ANNUL Farmer* *ratan s. 3 Mistake, Capitalists; and, all turbo bass ny nn. - to(lnsist, ttilioald kothir and re. tostobitr that !hese, nds , arty tri.effertot WIWI MORT 4. 0 AGlB'stron all rail day cam its. Bank [Stow and Se rorntes. a d ttn. nun, prt3 obi of all the Mairodit , ' torts. At - ...-itithi eon try: Ina tbettwitiat and seo 0/. proviii ' lied* for the iteyminst of Ilse interest and Roddet - of, pry/meat ht Casinos! Did*, , Exch., ) 0 {tamps 2411 Iptornal Bimini*. offs•sl to malw theft Bboasths! - •: .) rI. 1... . ,'• , ' , : , Beet, "host Avallehle mut Mist Portlier ~ . Iry eta he the lihk ret.. r:- Pubeettotkientleetelved at P4R iel i tecif .Vinifor %Ow iir 0001 anti chetheca binkp at *kr In 1 Philmeelphts.-- Baheeribere by; at al 'irllll,seetelre Om pt attont kw „ soi gory tie ity and alplanatkaa el:ltattdratded on epph• colon al reesco,' .I• .! II I-• . - ~ A to il e ppty - ot .11 . .. lint be US on band •Ibr Inane. ' este don ery.' • 1....• 7 1. -. ,. . • ' / . JA Y ,Cilol(ll,Sobietpthe Anti. 24101,72. • • ~1 . :, • 1 1 ' Oh s . •••• 11E3 I AMY IN: 'tingly; to I.oly a liule is, bat midi Ital2E dwin 'James prove a face ry. replta!ge :, '• 1 . ,; j • letfbiltat LE O'6,T ,-, ' . •• E.- ' sitEdiciar 001021E11 WSZiliptiSt. * ' . ' 1 JOHN J. MERRITT • IMPellerilibilesali Stabiliser, . • . ~ ~, And Sold Aaint for . 1.- , • . - 'wapiti:ooV CtItFtON itUIS nziiint . L - itiPPlB/ i 1 -..-- CO!!Fistlrdi of cowiddial !Pees ; AaFtetaßlikinial and . I - . ; , Bee '',- / 'f ' ", No. 18'Beiekmaiti Street, • Ne" Na_ . 03 ° . ,- ' % I j ' '.I *SW YORK. Al,.p Plep i ipirer sad 901eApia; for the h piwiag newl and umtol artlclei: I _, . Oliver'.(verts patent isitsVo; Tips. , This Tip a difemet fot any bentMem, med.. being many ,Atted to any pneliff is seinufsetured from Tifb embed Sabre - of welted irides Oustify; zie taelly cluted frail ono peocti till miotbie; and lon at ea en treMatlOW /Ow: It fa* mod Idedtabla sends id thi, hind In ihematitet. , •I .. I:: 1 .41 alilliket4. Patent; 4101041 ; IllaiStaidritail '- - !Racks I I i in 099 ' ' • te r ke‘qt/T 4 'irisi # ar; illit. " le 4441,.. ' , q . • fat abet of debt.: e : I . 1 .l ,-• .: . - 7 . theftefala Patent wendir ilia Paper ... ' ltai ,Ik please., ii _ . . •Ttiiites!lartlete 64.64 Milblai Ott veldt anhi.ser eeetpllddirg the *Mk In 14 ; bair UM time ofAITATI rubhm. I ' • i I.' 1 1-''l _. ".. : . - • T. Palest Cwhaltteditlina 'Spew ' tatter. . j andlititter• J' .• 7 . . A iv. iiiiivweia . utiti.,*ittuing kikia.'eli. Lusii( twat bliarrlkM,., Piatiii Paciiiiii Piriptaiblai Co l as !roes; ~/pigatietiaapilaajasiaill a rlic i a; . t'. • . • blehrtilhAll MTh's I 1 Pen, .• A neriaapeder steel 't. - ,mad., and mt/eted . with the 'greatest ewe, pas op S damn la het. li le.see !lithium" la 11110illef neatly finished I tna—lhe sag ,asavaakat 'sbape peon*" for 4 italllsir. / 1 l , -H ' ' • , the* am termed it Selland eeWpkte aamatiaast of dwell. IRE muitoymwArtirufk n.pb. • , T. astiimiii liliitraite'c' 4 CliMaue* 1, 4 ", 211 * - .1 ' .1 - , • . • ; A ANt, ininAloAakewsio 'Artigir Ihr Sib Millloo, test I pledgees the assail ndienellie Ittellite le, of ar in ear h• 4l o•Wist omalimas alert Peaddent.flemetimewt into; SIM The pidares Mew wenhaf hint donna emend et the Dark .1 *in ••••*••=thnit *OM stleathei. ; Sell MI esandaealimet the ' • Ash lmit amadan I etedui id fliedemmy le ths %dime - ^ • - 1 ; ' . ~ # Olllll ar 111111141111 0 t 9 . k . 111 LivirroiltAr IT irtiOnEt.' ~ r :1 . ' •. . • 111 SasSaaima su, 1 1 . I I SsW TOM - ; • ilia- 1 • 1 . . taste stamp; 1 Stast.,.* 'MO! report e r. hat thiiiriaa . who ' t:' - BOT bonnei itisbouaL nu 1 isitoist, trdipi* by e , MILATOR . • EWE ,'- 1 1-0 ieulatel to insure,rilsttl tonrAuk thesilar let • i COIII3ICAT/OT Or . it • ' - . /WOO ali101114" 61 ; tba beam+ wir h vitt .te.-8 &gem tbi2ll ;19••• !pi EXPLIM. ONS RAT ' Ant .i.11 , e0011 ,He- 4 c.. 0 1, ioal a sairiegje to the emirate*. lb* Ilil la 'Yam Test lit sabientad p lea holm vittilbe arallebi ausimata hat of .Me nil 'so' a tO Mr& .eboo solute 4111A101t;'1;,11ed :41;1 II ici that, It la pet Influents- , ilia Vara alma It la sad.: .., , A d ri a tap by. the *bile as a eti to entat II ematios DUIL rl : i11a01118.4..X..t1ti. , D;. r , Arlo ,Proadattan, 240 ,Pestl **ovals be enisebinTh te gay rpm*.. • I' i . anat - i .htei si,' Tholapon, l ,Iki ll rixTrarstc i w . . ~4 S REEN, l'l- -- ~.. - , _ . , - .- •, I! I 'CAR, ? , ... BRIDGE 0 L TS S E . ET; IRON 'NAILS. D! FLAT Rita SPLOIL I 1 ttir*sn'y Istigth 0 dilemma ma eto order. I &T. Cipitre aguist sta. ! . I. 1 • ; ' zr ras its UtPL i 7 T- ,01-: ' . •A • • l --I LIII LORD. otrriais Taos. 1_ T t ewe' "I .-. In imeeleal4 -. I ; r - • _ Jr nd•rs jrreat and wand l .. WO MO tha tisanes Otho YArfb: -'1 Th• Orion nfnaory;lattd.l • Oir iwttntalent *re maAnteennt, 3 . . . , 1.. Op a r Orion alrolnitnenso 1 1. And loath I . ,tars Did a 10 oily atylit,l• I not till's 4zprs, .1 . • ; - - -1.11 to . cs l b i -., Oar Alm nnwn n all t • *odd. . ' • -Tho &raiz ..,q i* final 0110400 Ibl. or tot dry, - ns !ro ; for be I odd. t , 11s4s nrntor and ambers. 100, '1" i - E.: t o Itb' total is or Serest) ' ...! '-• • R To tattlna s scattered anwywatalys . ndint. al faiii . :llonic ' -_• 1 • 1 - Os Olin . ha s;halsofy,srltaind Oars t . . syqo Pb rtotna. pleat and tat! I : ; ; - En thin grentre r tbina w• biro, .k n ow tn • n ' a faott OAK lIALII. ; H ' alland at+, Streit of Ifirit•Oasa CLOTH atly In ' ,s stutdanen atiCantatest vs.' e nolo st la Oir COATS, Sacks . Onotnesa , Panta," , , ars salting al ptatis soilpittsat ' . I 3IYA Vir*,P" ai;nti4iir,l-.•. • r ( o.tilliALL,.) .. its, Etat and Stark St :!..Philadetalna. ...ITAEIr .15)1111NO. dpniadr, ntsrays ball any rt nt . 1 . tan telt Stab's - wiltripi at 't than ben snide an Oder.; 1.- . ' 1 .'. I t 1 I. - **that 1 ; '63 d _ ' ; :' Coo 111 [ Nev i Z. 41 ' "\ .....4h.. pliers. at Pottsville) ATOO lute AO brval 41.P8. il.Lim lo4 ps," asset 41. Si4o. esivinsolt a ICI) I I z,.00,1 • sot ' Imps, a D I If *v. variety,l 4 If wars sr MEN, CY , _' ; HODS i ) ftiaar c 0.3 I - trot. sonspotursn, et; DOS: ± zits STANDS. sa r;ip tor. putt og , peak d • rdj:ii • of buDdr.a.at - ::ktttomprptbe -• . A LA. achooks. NoT.I. , l iseistiy coo tisa at salsby the d , I taxmA, LW illtOittij Si:try tienFrvv!trd =l. l ;X* Btor*. fgfri a A • Jest pi. Yt bloc g,..,, . . . i A 3111Aler' $1 11 LIED:•' A GOOp- fuoki 1 11 untert 4 l6 burn ii. twatt a kt a Clitotory, mak* or samill„irtth improved opootte to at tk wvVvrighoge...p. arstbag the bottom. To be , • • yd . Nov. Zt lit , sr car R A rnonrsosi. lIMULATOIIIBI 1 - ULAT-ORS•1 CAN be attached to any lamp now in Keeps the sod ht s OSTICII; CIC/0 per , trot. to tb• coonartier. P eosl 10 NOT: 21052: , CU 215 - Taomrsom, mrof irAmps. READY Chao:,, Note, Draft, of Attoriiry Stamm. An b. dawctltrips will kopt for Ul s em oboo olbo obis Wri t BAKNAWS • '62: . Boot, nd Slattotkory Storro . . co w roqulrsaZlA • Rll - i47. YRLIUC CLOrza UCD. it!!. bit :kiwi Oatrikal t tee , 1! Ittita3-43INLY I , * CIENTM i t INSyLATOR, to . prevent Coal L 1 t ciamn.y. !mai bresking." piamed l4. teem M bersiersed e4lar of the lamp: it tita te ari tow itniccamin of had( PI the sit thee i reeiterlies it stenhe Iy impsesible torplods the Ism poi? reader tbs oil Ted • Matti.. It pre tete the hams hem hamlet up throes • th e stilantiy, 211 ensign them ti IneaL To hotbed only of - Not 'lSt BreliTilt a rnotirsoirs. 2,10 "---; 'HORSE ' LAIIKET.B‘' . - • i.Wastras k HORSE Braun:kn.- LAIGE a • elegant assortthent ihsealvird. r MU. km in prleei Call andel belevialityX i ... 050. BitICIIIT k CO.'S x: T . t and a • 4 Imp' Nom Pottsville. AL 22, 'pi. , ' :. • 4741 .4. pH° EaLA It E a f Sfausfsetursrez • ad•natlo• • e's•prtmept • J ot forty dill fIAILE4f. Potts•llla. 1 PH AVIUMS. splendid assortment iTipa 'or the 11014ais. 'Sot A ..is at I CAO IA IA of ebb: lAA 1 street I riowl, vor4Oefoir elsorbere. 'botoiltrsett /men. copiloting 'torn eries. _ • • . of Cootie sod _Merkel A.! IL ALLEN. I 41•1 f . SUBS I E SuBS thirtitpfory t ennable terms, at • rill: he' emaided as er the stable rest he anhscribine • C. L. Bt. Qt ;a 1101/INIAR. , • 1131t.will• take . f rom . 4. 11tt0 omg Z e rlfitor, oa . eft * It twin , ill tbarelfs' Onod a' frisettl 3 ; 4 , ro e Author wile:War; ad. , Pernoilli P. 0, Dark* cousity,Ot !soli. w,'N:rz 'WASH' ACHINES C Washing Machine, to , do an kin le of Wasble)E. - nas bee-niln nee lb". two vim and I•en esti nth* action', . Thi. ankle 1r no, ofnli , nd, but • live Neebing.Znecbine: pin be opentlid l a thildlit.n pantof age, %oboe perVetly, ettboet trktltiu.,l4 hat • trittlae! V . r . rlHet.r . nite . die . d.2 can be ot it s PH LAIELP 1. '• ,• Re i encyrkm t T.UON4SON'S. IRC,4 REARINci R. R --- 4 iiii 4111111104.1141110: r tikoti or arnst.binwe•la Pents,loe, and Wallkill Illatellit_:_ . ) ACKAGE (IF Six TICKETS . , .. A _ I c rtpeen above points.tinc4 missy Passau/ter Trs 14.! acid apy day, nil be solilatONlt DOLLAR. Apply to' ' N. U. iWUEMLIIII. Pottsville, , . , 1 or It. yOUTA, Asheyll4ll Haven. . I i ' Pilthrrttles.Nov. td,"folt , 1 i . 4741 . .. Pt' ILADELP IA iv_ READING R. R.) , I. IGE ,o the, Philid'i Readiegl I &re. in . et)44 .), 1 Pnnannra: Jae 2Sth. 1862. T. rains lot Fre t- and lolls on lAntbraelio Coat on and after Stvt* hot 1,.1141, will be Ito follow, • • ' Parbon." Mn ht Carbon, Anty Ilarooi p ra. Po!Clinton, v I "! 'y order of the •ard of Naosorfs.,__•—' - 11. WEBB, Eferotati.. •: • PR OPOS ALS ' FOR BUILDINCr 1 :i i'. SCHOOL HOUSE. -..• 1 - 5. EALEtI tW.IPOSALS. will be iii. . „. ,• et by th e Boor. dOf ,Dhnetors of the Pehool,DlO t et Of :the Borod‘hof Potteellle, unta.TUBSDAY. the Ilttb day; of Deeralow ext , for the ereettoo and constrn"` tloss of 'PUBLIC COL HOllitilt, on the School lot oh IF , ...tr. itreet. Pot Me. Plans and rketfications of the bOndlint may ho an , st the ;Oleo of C. /{ refs, E. ' Beeeetary albs rd: •: : ,-.- , ~ , gro r et the „ .rd of Diteetors. . , • •I' . -.. - ..11. !If. KOSEB EMT, President. ) F . .. ' • terhie, Nor: '8;. • • ; 44 7 6 t, ,l IEOI 7 111.trTiti CURED B 4 . , AL:TR OSS of the kind. (f ir0i070.414"4rd d y tatisded tn.' histtite, been abundantly deuionet+ tell in iniintoeribirlostadeeeby throw or the MVP TitiltDsit t TRIM:S Hof DR.ittlitGS: doling tbe: last 't yeirs. Thin tritalt, being scored sititi Itubbei,ta pertisetly water-proof, may be 'eland: In ',betlilng. and )11 1 always cleanly Ys erellus indesttnetible by ordinety, tl It not anti factory atter a fair plait& piety days,' I say be Warned; It challenges etimpustimuarlth sty. t l74 "l . ll ;tiNO n i. N 0.2 NANoLAI - Sr4lgoir Tart ' Noe, 1*„ . ! • ant 'ALUABI.E FURNACE PNCIPERTT I t ! • AT - RIVATE . BALE. 1 I.IC E IA D, Buildings, , Machinerti tiltNvo, te., .If owned by Om liiirdwiii Ir pi. iiiito Coinpiiny, hi • Ciliptir near P o4l l l WlOntbr 011 0 . , ert.tor NOOO Acres et Latte r mostly Distbeirete A *ell built F' KNACII; with A , esparity of *WS SOO Awes per Annom•, .. .1 . j , . I'A STEAM-S:O4NR of thirty horse-pour, with tip Womb* Cylind encipl eta. ._ 1 i FIVRE4IOI7BIt,, SHIM, ..BRICN. • CRIIRCITL 410 ROUNINI, ke.—tb+ Improeftinernts'eosthil Oar {$1 0 ,000) i'mr,Nisty 'lllioNisaset Dollars. i i the Ii abandant, , en the Lands: lkii mint,' is the etie• Inlet ii Mineral tiNgion, and PORTISMOUTIL is strongly aired es the site Of a NATIONAL ARMORY. ' i• The Peopeal_, r will .be sold teit'reisso... able larvae, gar *show Its value. Apply to 1 /I.IA. TOWNE. Up« Portsmouth. °Mei . • ' . CHARLYA BONSALL;laq....olstelowatl i Ohio. ' 4..D.ONINDOTH. Req., CS Walnut ilt,!Phlled'e: 1 Novall.'D. i I - ; au, 2 ! I 81111141N0 'fIiEQUISITEII. ro rs and Others THE'suirscßlßEß is , Agint ,0,1-nr I • THE riturAcEs, of the odd *swim!' mods, for maid g a Osman brat, witttpat yoralat: ttr. E I LEGANT LATE 111 A NTELS. Isionllnt Marble, and sack norm durable, auabout eastj - r ,Titalla CO TA CRIAIRET 'TOPA, *ow )%_34 to 6 tent In rblot different tinhorns. • COTTA USAIR ring, trout t 612 Loeb.* to dtatniter. mono ;durable thee 1 ewe, beeeteel not inotiln tbo wood, sod at about ban! trio TERRACOTTA ELVES, for bulldlogn 11.011N.DOW 3 ORATIM. ;ciliated and plailisalr dtfrioioat 411•01, for t tree matall rooms. I TEITTLE'S PATRIC'S' ear-Ante anon vitas AEI* VirdllTlLATßlUlf.4atu gime, Ireitivana taxa. - • ntlitten•itrtletes wlll,l* !unstated at Minolta*. taws' lostist rata*, with egorttip only adao4. at •. BaNNOCA vt2. ; totti,e. POtti7lllo. I itutui , . 1 1 , 100 I rasitum ' rugto4. 4 l44 . amll4 l llstiel V e t fiTs 6 , 1/ * A Leatalia Trositaraillts Bad radical e s t rwmis t Paalrageftialwil W• 111 000* Ineelbalary leatera, froal=4;, *ad Zialimik rietacte lairds reorall less, apilsasy and FR.: Slastal sod PO, • orapeelty4 rr salilas from telf Abu% dr.-41, Br' CULAT,d, ilreLIA.l ll . , Author ot Grans The srariameestied minter, is tit admirable lee, sta. theriy prove* frog bis mina • qua tbs. 'oral bah:minute's ebtfabani‘ay be effsettally , resolved witbear sielriebse. sad alttout dmormisa s tar . soiltas,lrostis. %Mhos* ts, at~eat i mods ditearett erre tamale Same 1, by WWII rutty snaersr-: eo aMttfr'Mat Lira temitti may . I, be, 'arrears bitose# tbesti4 ! .,prlvateiy4 and rad likla lectors rat peeve a 'lrma to tbassanda soap's's. :gent underipatja a pbgi esivetatio, to say a4driip, do , tbi reetippof Adz esenta., or hro'phstAmi 4taass, by *alkalies i Ds, COAL .11" C. ELM, ass sisvitr,litsarTork, Post oaks Box. oms. *fiv..i.s.-es. 3 617 ' r*:CREAT MIIPONMIIMENTB INS 110LA.CIIIIFIES; ;' • • ?be Nubble - tgr,e4 Me l'• I ; Nanumitai . —.- ~id es oeteet Pio I • • c.prkeig4o l l ailiscOmate. --- 1 all i rier4 723 au _ ir 16 It boo We Oroodsoloiet . • poolosseettoteoloptiolry j,; • ; ' mei role.** emoblzele • • - 1 , . It Iwo o straight meet* /i poopoolieolorsedow, I F ' , loet at isinitslip vadat will eselor rip ear 1; - ow lariametodThir op' both I . 4 peelbnol . :perhot as mohr diserlptlce ol siesda, from M0MM .. ....t0 ap owe NotKet Mesas, sith' eetOes UM* ' 4l '! ilemed, hes Ile mese • Ike here ogeoler.• 1111'0os seltbor tee etio teat tad "bi sui,t pie. It tali as upees, ape Ismopeoati ‘goii#Cll.ll4ll - iltiellisici 7.% • ilibllll la gspiii abut- eitheisits.4n44 b filisiaosisomket.[lkipireastea Op. to peewees , etdon.: Prlntiel+ frotreekom agetespoor or* free io,thosi Idetlt a 0184 ores .lOoro pow weitly lei to•o sief loop Ilre oreor.l !MK/ :31021t1e0 ede •11 ; „ , ;.1 "IRA tad me me Wear. ' • • • -•-• - • • 111/Ipwrini lk:1111111' • - :• 1 iht.lllloo gild boa Moot: • ViroMedoktrOuol Metal Nes.:ltKinlne AMI 4 O I II. .1 ,4 * - : 1 • 1.- i • . . . AL , star 111 E IF° kiadit 40a is for salio a4i a,13 •S 1 - • 1 1 1111TIWTH &A SWEET IMO -1_ . Jab • • 1 .r ttritatma Toarsiosin'di 311,11111/ile noroe wilVtit ble 4 l•4WI * and s fo Weirs and'iouad TESTII klssi 1 1 • - : -11 0. Ws. Be Hare* II valle#lolo irorrsliolftee frem acid; &hal; or anj sliatitnes. , Trim 11$ Unto Ar. Beware of the oridinury Toiitbi ; - dorsorbieh.whiten.hat destroy ! DJ yon wish to oortalitthat your DRS • , ts Sweet, nod as:mak to nshiind, wF • love'or friends f. ; Vso !tic Mire's 'Celebiaated. !pate a pram; la cats isisingtent was abio is "tiy" world for CA*lliti„ BAD I BB Al DLARDING BQlltB, P.401t16017T11., s Oland hundreds. I• 2 I DO you or your - children safforlroff iOOT t • I l iDr, litatts , 111!igle,. Tasathathe 1 ; Prieo f 15 Ceuta paw 5151041 Ai* pot sillfeted ;Aut R tfliOLLGlft fie Dr ww.;'s. Plaitero. Th 'scat eiroetivo and detigtithil TrinUodi known I. . 7114 o do not adhere nor llsi,er r but: sootbn sup einien patio sway. ' Tr r them Price. 18 sa i d 5 ee4iii. //failed on receipt of Flea. po you wish'u nompletoos _of DEITTAkItI EDlge, andi Taians le ex Get DI. W. D. zmursz ties neateit sad moat I Taloa . • frieito ean make to another. • Enron on receipt of pries itor ale at all the list, I dAtiTlOtr.—;Ao this ix . wastage of our lAlvertinio t - J their eartomers loferlor pre 44 to insist OPOw tiOving • I 100 will or.: Tag scfrs, • , . , vAvn,riatirrEL • ~_ prepared by an experienced A!niteurer of the New York . i lotion, and:Vice-President I 1 - . LI A t Dental gaiety. • I THE HODS 3 I NEW FURNIT - :Prepared from antarip • red reolpelay i ,11,e pro prietor ot. the "BlOThell i Jt r iArlANtt'oLlSl4:: la certified by all the i t leadidgew Yor ' Furniture Dealers :and Plant4orte nmicein to el i e beat in bi. the world for remeving iiiernaMhes, I ,Ofi l trits, and filet, and restoring i n his mad puitlo Igloos to all kinds of Varnished Work; m t ritatiture tt; Leath. i ro ,f 7 , car. It is eheaPer and be ter' ~ .a tt V 1 eh, dries iMmediately, and 4 avail applied. ill a piece Of Canton. Flame', and bottle or two of th is 1 Fil '.Arai Fultuttunav iPoms , i 'lions kepei o . can I iriark_magie in the r furnit re of shofar, and keep ii looking like new Now,is• stamp' . to "shine Up " your ,Tables;,,Chah D esk. , l, Planos,lleture - ratites, Carriages,'. eta., dad Make tiaem look 50 percent. better. : This Icarus eeonoMy. FOrial• ~ ;,by xfuralture beater* sat St4irekeeprs generally. Priee'2s and 50 'cienta bOtt.le. D epot, ;No. 1 , • I: I 13pruee Street, NeW To ~ ; "I ' I ~.- ' Sri , , 1 . CIAL iiimirrs WA ti.- - • r , ) I Address. Bon 1142,11 • .01111 P.l ' q i . • ' ' Juay 19,'62. • I ' _[l tj ,' ; I 29. To Rletln'd. , To Pb od4 $2 - si 2 17: IS7 '4 • 210 ISO :I 2 00 1 70 1 00, 1 611 PLaZING and•6a3. _ - 1 . Xl =o Egtolighllnsi. l Ore 'Strip - I iPetiiirfll. riml 8u bro. announce" to the pub. that he! 0 purchased j the Interest hie late, nor, lir.:11.1 B. Burnt, la IVI 0 mbl g Ind tho•ifittleg Oust uses.. 1 4 that be . will tarty sin the business rinfler,o bls own account., Ile reo gully- kits the Strome of the On. whl be will endesver to merit f Owlet at Hon to business.' Ile hse lorstsd him fis 'Centre . street. nearly vposlte the Aineriean Dies% where be 'll be happy:to meet silt those who de. Nis serr Cis. . 1 , - I ‘ : r , , -• coast* beige c stlasid ally hinds of Brew wets. Water Closets, Iron. Copper gut Lead Bath Tubs, Porcelain and Copper Wash ilistna.lrou and Lead Sinks. Firdnusts. Pertinent P1110,4'4001 and lustber nOSI for Pavements, Branch - Pipes 4f all wises t logither with a general inwortmet of ass! Plttures,,of the most ap. purred kind*, all of whletkilU be void: end 'pot op At the krises& noes. •. 1 1 - . ONO. N,', fiCil ll-W WNING.. Pattern% Apr 1114,741 1, ' ' '• .• ' - . . Tr WA !awe worterrAt lima. °Kiln erllid *Kb stql:eaut;mee oyeulat. riana _ 4 ponied Avoid tettere, • tbout the covers. 'od goo of the eeteertbfff• - lot the and lavre . WOO be lost.- • &They. , • '• , Noe. - • • LBOII • II ACES' hol, vd Snow Drop& with gnat sit notiev.soltable for tor Wont Nov.B. 'et • W GOOD : - • it a 42 . 1:LaiD1 ,. assort ent of Fill o, ;ed., &wows.: INISIa Ocala, lag, Haab. Wk. • Neetsaa. Weck-Ptami, .1, Nellier7. Oloria, ae., le. jai* rwslyed at N.C.,' ORRISON'S,tirat *or 004 apt. /rani Pete* Illati r• &am emu" atnatoral altarid at tag tiweat;' arta* prtem ' . . .. mar Call,itia amnia'. oat stark. ; 1 N Pottatirie t Oet..iltb* 'INi; L, - . 81111 M'S JUELTII •usw ARATAILD 111 irNIS JUSTICE: 4:1 Daily ampullae', itiod by •.mew—.t..isil car. - - I ' Pantos% Digsell—over Ort. 4. 12. 14111/11111NMS:t AMPS. I - AvIN ti auk,/ *Tang . tr Meats to keep Cs bona toll weeetssWt the Geeremeet Agave, es mai es leseiell. PO.m/ •la be sePPThelt b.I impeding la their cederste ibs in • bee.- They eon be we Is *my pleeeobeeitlee Ample pay tbe.peetage. B. HANNAN. 0et.4.'4111. ifrooksorlat and 9tatioerei. . tern i ntiVrlttl e l ti at i e ill tra ''- vr Pala, a latialtatlia assaitataitt of Phattario. lc/Moms, matandag 30 to 136 Portnitta.' Taboo styleadf Monts sod priiir. For mkt at • .Nov. 101:. ;B. Bal!NAXII RERELIIOOI RECORD. N°W REAuy, Volume :2 - '.of Put . 1k0md,11•447 Mestimitt. Sob. icriptleits Neelvi4 tor • IL RANNAIf. • lupe 111. 1 1124 Atilt itir Sibuyildil Nasty. OK 'RAO. ft' JMO Frerior. Gieen Sr sal Melt T by - • I. iIIATTT. Jas•11,18. • • • CERMAIII•1111101C1110, TOBACCO. ( 31ENCY for G.-W.,GAILI & AX'S Talmo, A la i r ble gawp' 11111.111.411. remitmlia= 000Dii • JOU feCSIVed alsoreast Irailoses asoottikim of Mt SMOG PatW.A'AVOr r"1".""alleas" IBS Alse.Oosilutiesk, 311,1;r541116111hfr tin=ne ' Powder,• r assriviira Tiria? Ai TRiASOri, le 1 pres#at F. 50 01 tits lithrou EM=2! =MIMI! ; bat 'you call. 4r, and oraughly tested, and and scientific Dentist, fits a Pentiai!s Ana oi the a New I'Sric I Addras 4,,. wm. Hu ILI& CO, , INC! York. , RE 'P Wire Ka Works of OEBLTNG. JOHN A. jimesey.' Win Rope eandatitly as ' h. lop sise t stringtb, pau.los2. ,Ozp. vcreAps. J. ricita: pai4 per r• *per of oba Aceonot toprr ke. t 'at tb. fk , otflor• l• yiulber tip all *be , pipet. as 'rain seen boliday I , B. RAMUN. w_rA Roans. ..CPOCII9, ;Thew Ds bare Awe efe eeep.lst ot. the Dept vs,. Glesseii for Pot Calton. , . BANNASIS : ' sod Peed Stare. FL HS, ate, ie. ri„ nod an br I Mad ANSI IL UN - . - - • . ••-: ..kre taring Ike Skk to an.esk. saver • *fain know* of any , - • INCILIDS;Ine INII4IIDtt FOR 1'0tE041.g... ItlLElit ' him; a% r gwiatM•; . Clewed Pigott; Pliitaddphia., whetter choke, petadmillo • me hood at ammo trey , mile, my*: ase'bippr In r‘i.t.e, that *ye bead Awe abetter family eneditiate, for! mem* - - me; way mbar withal IT knowledge. • Many of rapt biro& baler realized anthed.hEnefde bum tiseui, and au • kewido with taw in.boliesing that they poorer eatiaterdinary: Jvirtues br aridity, out ilhartans end" cutlet Jbe eitb.! They . antibl only effect:oml, but lab and yeasiant kW taken... Wanting *bleb 'omit outlye them\ ig,l by. lbw Pettily obee.tbey L ake knows." . , r. j [ Tbs orramehlifilhanmalloa!WAlDLAW wriest Moo throws l.Mb April, lei: t , . "Da. J. a Area—Sit: I hate take your Pala with vow basofit, fog thit Stthismiass. hope, Um of appetite,: we Moue beedadrie, *Sidi ha* of bur yearn, intonate* ink la the Melog.. A OITA dew of your Pith naiad are. [ I ham lewd your Chatty • for.eough•Naad cadet wide =dialog , mecum You make modicums itrlticli girt and kigl,it a pleasure (grossed , pis foe t* good you b ars thotiCand re [ . . Penn. 'abroad ass • • . 0, pa. oik*, nesdayaki, 13, imix • star: 1 glut plow* is adding; my. testimony in the slkaky of rut inedici eb barinig,,detived very_ malaria: betel bum tho Wm of your tetisorat and cautheetie ass aster without then in futaily,,; nor shall I tear tueetet In be, White my mune will penconb Munn.", TIM widely eiwowood B. It STEVEN®, 1(. b;;„ of Went. L writes "Baring mod your as : i s sammic Pluto In my . partite, 1 certify inns itiperieftee t they. am an laraluabbe pore lbwln Mars iddiaonlitord functions of the Uteri causing hoggroe,, indigration, Winne : nee, ,and th e peat vatic, a ahem* that follow, they ant a Meer mamas 'than; any Abet. I. all cases whom a purgative ortmoly is trequire I confidwitly, tenimmend them Pills to the public, as saperb* In I* other i ham ever found. They are sun to their operation, t perfectly gib—.qualities whirl • mato thaw an lovainaldo fie publicc-min ' I -bare for many Teen known your alarm Pram* as the bast Cough medicine Mites world ; and these Pills an in , • wise infinite is that wattainibl• Mtnistation[ fit the Smarr mini of 'disuses." , i• .[• • [ ".Setea, Afe.. Xse £5. 1P53. "Da LC. Amis..= Door kir: I boo beim alliMad In my birth with scrofula in its , Wo4ll( - Crtn, - and. now, dim. twisty pad..' trial; sad an untold',( antounkof suffering. • i• ham bees completely marida few week. hytiout Pills. • With what *Wisp of rejoicing I write can only to latatit•4what yw nallizi what I Ita•Orilrwia,•and bow' 1 • T. • 1 "Nee until new beta I bre fiem.froto this Imiterono !T. „ disease in shape. LAt times it. attacked oaf eyes, and 4made tstm alowet blind,; besides the onendoirable twin ; at de abets it settled in the wait. 4 . my bead', and deatri,yed toy bah, and has' kept me ;artly bald ail toy darn; outuetiume ratlw4wi in b,y fare,land•Cppt if hit, month' a um ewe. ",Abu nine weeks ice.. I Couinteuredmkitig.,.yrtir Ca t thateic Piliwind apt 411! ,,, 1ftit free tom the complaint a My eyes are well, my chin ma and my hair has coos . misread a healthy grohth ; ail of which Make atm feel ' 'dowdy.* new_ perron. '• 44 Hoping this samisen( may be the mesas conveying • Infinmation that shall do lima toolbars, I am, with oven motimant of palitioloi liours, are., • MARIA IItiCKEILr " I ham known , the above' named Maria Ricker bum bar cbildbuoil,,,add ber!statement is strictly time. - ' ANDREW 1. 1111ESERVE; • • -• peewee/ Of tbia Portsmouth Mittinfitc. eutios Co." Carr. JOEli, PRATI*4-of the ship Ilan* silt., the Bruton, 20th April, 18841: " VOW Pitts have cured was (mit a bilious motet which Irmo boos divan watt of the Lirer,Wiiirli had towyme very mrioint. I bad Wiled of any mtier , by m thystriap, end Irma every remedy I could .try ; but a few doom of 'your rifle bare eidttpletely restated Pia to health. . I hire given them to my chlkiren fur warms, rittj the best ef kens. [ They were yrimptly roma. - reromMendod them so • friends for.cootireneay which had troubled him ate 'innuthi: ha told to. in a few dais they had. cured hilt You wag the beet madician is tlitt World ; Mid I am UM lo soy lo. ' . • . *evi l O , de - ftbm the dtetinguished eidieitor of lb* Purrimo (7,,, whom' brilliant abilities ' have made him well berm, nut catty in this but The neighberbia Butes. Jf . ftse Orleans, Mb 4prll Jets 4. • ""flit: I base greiii-hatisfaction 'to assuring you that impede' sod family, hate beemeery much beefitad by your otedwinew' Mx . iiifis was cored, two year. since, of • se tram tend daulenius cough,'lty your Cues, Piitsoart, and scrim then haa eoloyed pertect health. My children tiavi .erverai times been cored from chicks of [ the ludo one and Croup lor it., It te an Invaluable remedy foe thime complaints- I Your Cris oast te nal` Chaco entirely cured- from • dyspepsia and truth...mess. which has grown upon me! tor • NOM year , _ indeed, this core is touch mom important, fret the chat' I bad failed to ' get relief (tont the Witt Phyrreiane which this section of thwcotiotry afitsdr, and fruit any Uf the IMISMIIftHia MEN' dial bad taken:- • • ity " Yost wee tows, fkraor, like a nrovideutial blearing [ to our family, and you may, well, suppose we an not un of it.. yours'orsparthill ' [ [ ! I.E.A V PIT r :TH A XTEIL.",' Min &nate CA.neket, Ohio, Apra W 1,1854. • ' Art. I. C. Area - 4 thawed Sirs: 1 hayir metre a thor ough trial of the CA IC NUJ, left tee by'your agent, and have been curedlttv themi of the dreadful ithettmatiom undet which be toned ate e n tering. The Stet ,titoe re lieved sue, and t a few etitt,etnient d.eeto bare entirely . ItemoVed thsdkease.'• t feel in haler health now Mentos lorne'yeare before, which I attrittte.entirely to the effects of your C tcith great restwct, LUtijUS 13. AILTZAI.P.,” The above email riven peewee wbn are pubHely knows Where theyveside, and who world not make the -e liwatllllltbdtt thorough couviction that they were true • ft:OMA hir DR. I. C. AYER, &.00.7 wraetical wed Anelytinal Chemists; _Lowell, Yap B'ol4 hy .7. U. BRIiIVN A SON, H. SAYLOR, It. RAC. BENAU.V. &ANDHRA/N.J.. C. II VtillEd, Pottsville; H. ILItVIS, St. Clair. .1. K. BURNS, NIEL A , CO., Tremont ; le. If. LEVAN. Schuylkill Haven ; R. J. flty, Tamaqua; P. BARR, .PluegnAsuni by dati ves In evil'' , town In the County, Aug. 9, ',07. LISH. . . _ ONPUTArN: - RUP EL BC y ENCn's PO NIC 'SYRUP . .HYr.the Cure of Cbighs. Colds and Cinuninplian. DR. SCLIENCK'S SEA WEED' TONIC. - Air Dyspepsia and an Dcbt/i4aend Conditions fut 4-e Stomach. i = DR. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE Pitt.. Phi Diseases of the Liver. or to ad as aNdok Pavane& ALL OF these three.medieines are bitan required in curing Consumption, though , the Palmdale Syrup alone ham cured many despond. MS's. The Sim Weed•Tonle and Mandrake piths assist to regu lating the - stomach' and liver, and help the Pull:noble Syrup to digest and search through the blood vessels, by which means a cure is soon effete]. - Them medicines are conselent lonely offered to the pub lk as the only safe; certain and reliable remedies for Pal-. monary Consumption, and for all those morbid condi lions, of the body wbkh lead to that fatal disease. Liver -Complaint and Dyspepsia are often forerunners of Cor suloption, and when they manifest themselves th re quint the most prompt attention. Ttee.l.nimonic Syrup is • medicine millet huh a long Probation belore the public. Its value has 0 provid by the thousands of cures it his made them h • period more than twenty years. In all of which late ltty reputatkna has constantly increesed and the mras ob stinate skepticism can rto longer doubt that it is a m dy which may be used with confidence in all cams w ich admit of a cars. If the patient will peraeveringly follow the direct which accompany each kale, he will, certainly be c If his !swears not too much wasted to make a cur pamlbla. Even in eases supposed to be incurable .friends and physicians. he ve despaired. the 'use of medicine has saved the life of the patient, and les ' him to perfect health. Pr. Schenck himself was eared lo ,preelsely suet entoatances, mina many others bate been equally nate by judiciously making a timely use of D. &be remedies, Dr. &hinds doe . , not soy that all ,elisas of Palm consomplina are within the mach of medicine. b. l empbstleally asserts tbst oflen;when patents baw l most alarming symptom vorueh RS a violent erragb. log chills, night sweats ind general debility, eve, sash a gave* that thoyans -obliged to Ile in bed • when tbeylare given op by their. ph,e4elana, Mil MID be eared. tie mintiest teesiment ran cream lung!. bat when the lunge are very sidiy-disc • td some extent destroyed. s sure may be idea Shenek's medicines. j! . ' Alin, In Persfoloas alressee Dame Miedisinasam eilleient. Dr. Sebenskihas,pbetograptis of a nom t persona who have !min nearly mimed with re .) soresi and now all , beilad up. This 'twerp its h pnipartles, which meat be dons to heal amities lutist In the treatment of Consumption It Is of the n impoelanee to give 'low and a besitby tone to lb teat Dente, it is tienesceary . to strengthen tics a. .of thie patient, and to improve the digestion. • pourietiment Is required. toeether with such •• will make (OS food Melly digestible. The articles ...4. minable for ore 4 diet of toneumptive patients a • oiled In Dr. Schenck', pamphlets , whieh are dlst r matuitoualy. Integers'. ilia most biatilyinutriti Wise are to tei preferred, bat tlicitilmethe organs be etroosthened to order to Wake wither 1 - od or • einkeemleciablit Thts requirement Is •met by t Weed TObie, and }Pettit. purpose is was designed .. Wham the diseetlva powers are put la hood n . the 1 food ban Its prnpir effect, the system of the patten is ita. svigoraced, and the lona; Nein to exercise 'bet tone ttons in a taxibelarot healthy manner. -Plea th heat log power of the Pialamnio Syrup will complete air tare. Pulmooary Consumptleo Is almost always complicated with ID, 'Pepsin and Lbw CoMplalnt. ectionek.:l2 l .las. drake Pills are intended to remove obstrattlotte ft the Deer end to resimitlts .healthy action.' They re all t Wretch:my which to 'IOW to calomel or ....IA tielulus. , and are *errant ed not to contain a particle .of ante mho mai palms. These pills lure the moat obstinate qostive. nets. ekh headache. piles, bilious alf-ptionii. and all cab ; Pr divest". 'bleb &rim from • torpid or obstructed eon .dition ether liver, • One box of those pills. vain at 25 tents, will prove the effireej of the mediti rut , • ~. - In Consumption. the Set Weed Toole and itt drake - , Pithier*: lava:owl* auxiliary medicine*. Th-lr relieve • thosufferingsof the pat sot , and 'aseist the monk. Byrap la elfertiagia tuns.' .They bare been foto awful In advanced 'stages of Consumption. where lb lunge were shwal. entirely' , destroyed:and all *imp cite. cording to 'the judgment et th e physietens, to kited • vain at Thi livers of pittertas who wereaft ualte: •la allying tondltkM bays been preserved for mo %hall Om m aof Dr: ftebiWeic'e three greet remelt* ~ :- ``De. &bete* ;Motes himself to effect a+ more if the pa. "glut will apply to lay before his we is-altogetMer des. *ate; that is to seiyiAcifore the vital arenas a t r . itto far gem to admit of Ice mire; extept.by, a M - iracle. • - Dr. et 11. Schenck Is the tat rotor Of that .ale • led in. atransent celled ....Sehentles „Reepiremeter," with which be maker examluatiotie of the longs, with the Ortalaty of discovering their true condition. The *bane for an eximioatlon with the Itinwirtsweter le three dollars. •-,'. • As stated above,"Dr. &hawk himself was mired or con: gothokra, to gas of its most hopelate wage% by the are of therolocconletiyntia- "Sxperiented physicia n Orli :id ' that be mild not live a west ; yet poet after a I Mime of twenty-Sve years, be Is In petted health, swill weighs same thami two baudred patina', ' ~ i'' flatlsikatory evidence pf an thee" statements 4 exbibi led at Dr. Schenck's Mlles. la Philadelphia. Ito. 3e, :tooth Math street. Ivor partitutare, welbe pamphlet, which is suppllid, without diary, to all 'applicants, at: Dr. etheack's one. . ' ' moautFos E. TION. Magistrate's red. C. Brishtliry, greaUy es- Dr. J.11..146,04 ean.be eonatilted it hts grillage oR leer it 0.29 North Sixth strait. Philadelphia; story list. wally; on 6 st N 0.22 Bond stmt. Now Tort. or*" $lBl2. day ; at No. 411 Eighth street. Washington. 1). C.. *eery caber Wsolosidsiy tat No. 108 Nsititnare 'treat, &Mi meo, *you other Tharanly, aort one" a Loath In 11/4rNaas . hrboseksPriodima 01114 Is No. mo,Norih• tlath avid. POlNl4olghta. Pa, when letters tor Mr Ira sbookt always be diroetid. - :WIIOIXSAVN .113rti3. ' 'Bev Tort City. Coated Pis, No. St Baretay stmt. st Ikea; Mom, Osa. C. Goodwin dc:s., No.- 11 Marshal mt. . . • setbsid. 31s. lto 119 street. 2' Intl stir, ri,lSr Ova It Islssr.NelSl Weed stmt.' /fifths Koeli. MIRY. Colour ea misty, Bt Us* 140, Ili sty Elsksloyjcsrust 13•!etstssil Iw *sots: Esltlisi;rlk Md. Seth IS bass. iio 1011CalitinOts strut. • Wasblagtos. Dc, Bswook Waite, comer Breath it ssd Lsslstras Arises.- -' • ; r - MOO- 4r4 Pal 114110 25 Lilo 'Snot.. -De RICE • ; lubsosle Byres, St lee ttettli;, SS bait Basis. Sea Rad 'll, SI sr Sett* SS kilt damn. Masibiati PIPS,,SS asstssit 110s.12,1Z1.„. • WATXR-PROOF ClpaTifaCi. Wit L i •TOOKER, ‘:, Asia. audis•is f - - ' - X it NUFACTURRa and liVitolesal• -vederigLACZ MOD Mtn. Non tpistrioro',lssol llogiarehr HATS. Alirm 141CII PARTS, Mtn. Dial, 01131411,141te1, tr tomb. Ordlop!loolooll bp malt prompt), 31. 01 t0a0b.a04 1441,1 !N a0 d W.11:1101i#1. AY 'S mtmoltitt. *L - M ' , •,, IltillinlAßV • L . • • - taoSorilo intnortp-noiNatt reosympl •rE ,EMBROCATION; FOR fitintteD I.llWlavoar jet U p la awe; lek eamearttbla !Hat of ?1L A aikido eara Itt Trrat:llt• Or Charbtals. ,- As s atavaatly• thr itkess antraialata , it fa terralitataa. rrall etiattaas ataappia, patit!paekaga: grad at, Is t Ito Itecinady. Patinas at atatsaaa byeratosiat tar anty-taa amts.' alai Rah • 1 0 030 orft to them frac at att faettstr expeasa. 11:4t valevay Inktit. tAlllt. litratiaectaT 4-1.10 tEli 11 tliJt2 Shea; ratuartsL . Plll 4. Pa: 1t0v.29.112. . ' ' . 4&4t • ' T ~ ~ 1.., ~.. I i CONSTITUTION WATER. Tire 'nu' 4EXEDIP FOR VIE " ColTartirtr#C . ) 4 V% AND VI; ONLY KNOWN REMEDY DIABE T' AND DISEISaI OF ?fl Kidijeial: '. aid 8144•361-: rh Dawpirosui and Troabbleare Disraroi. adkol Aave Aso far .1?«44.11 tAt bbLl dirrd.ct, rrohataaat,, caw , COlikpirtay Celltraind b Vse:REN/Pr am leant wl , •.• tTTIE arrcArfrx propertlrant the needle's' direet theinalitea to the m ean,' ' Of mamettons and be. NO altering the miedillon of the stomach and newt that tbei starchy principle of the toed la not .coneerted Into anger Nei long outthe loam te tin der the Influence of the . .. • _ . . ••'. , COMITITI6IIION • " . • which glees !twee organs Otos to twiner their 'healthy • too* and rigor. We are et4e totter: that the Cornett*: don Water has mired every matt of Dlahstes, which, it his been given. . • - • • • Stoma la. the: Bladder. Cwirwilwil• ;. .armill Brick laszat - Deposit, and Idisseena or Milky Disellsarirea *tier • ; • Vrid!tini• • • • , , Dimes cavorting-trout one and the name Mum art!, be eptirety tarred by- the Constitution Water, If taken kw . any length Pf lime. The dm* should vary with the 1.14 tartly the disease. from twenty drops to a traepoonfoi three timer a day. in water. :During the pawame of the Calcolue. the twin and n moot - email:un ahould In tom: :hated pith:the proper Ventedires then followed rap. with the Omailtution Water as abore directed. ; DYIiMiSNORRiIiISA; oft PAINTITh tillENFTlitrd i rrON, , IAN!) :111)1NORUIIAOIA. Oft, PRO,DSIt. I • • • ?LOWING. - . • , Both diwatere arising from faulty secretion of the man struel•firtid—in the one eVe being trio little, lottleccorle. pa nied by 01.14.T11 pain: and the other a too velem aY.' testion, rbieb will be speedily cured by the Coma Illation Water- • - . . That direst*. known a FA T.llll OF TI . E WOMB. whleFi to the Mutt of* relseaticin. of 'the ligaments of .that organ. Ind to karnce by a ernes of heselnele and dragglegyales ID the bark and aides. and 'at times IM ernapantekt bi them lacerating or shooting pains through the'parte: wflf, in all nem; be removed by the medicine. There is sootheoelimof-symetoms artsluz from IRRI TATION OF THE WOMB, which physlciens all Nee Tni3) . tnibss: which wont 'curers up Muck Irworaime, and in nine mows nut of ten tim•do:tor does not r e ally - know whether the stmptome Art the dii.elmo: or the Miami.. the symptom.. .licemn mile enumerate them here.' I 'peek more particularly of Cold reel. Paloltatino'ot the neoirt, Impaired Memory; Waliefulnes.. - IFletbes 0f Heat, Lan- Lassitcile, and Mainers of I . SUPPIRMSED jiENSTRUATION, Which In the tinmarried female - is • enostant recurring I .dinessee, and through neglect the elfecs of more grave and dangerous maladtea are the result and tis[ month" after mouth 01111.1.011 without. an - effort,hetng•made to assiat.Tim titre: the isippir•ainn lieeotnesebronle,the' Relent grad Daffy loses her appet ite.'t he &met.. are mind ipated. night 'wogs coma on, and criesionjo:inet 'Oman rods her ca. rem.: Lr.timitttn(EA on vrarrEil.:.. • This disreSederende upon an inflatumation of,mnrous, lining nf the vagina and womb. It la. Iti all esters sie .companied by severe pain In the back; ammo the bowels and through the'hips. A tearentinfnl of the medicine may he taken three timme a day, With an .Injeetion or a tahlagitiOnful of the met:Wine. tuned with a, haltpink of . Soft water. niorntrigand.ccening • !IMITATION DIP Trig HEIM OP THE TILADT)PR, INPLAMMATIIIN tIP THE KIDNEYS, .AND TARRII OR TIM BLADDER. STHANGGIIT AND .13UltNIliti. or. , PANFUL- - • ITAINATINCE . - • . • I - For these airtimelt tJ.truly a nverelge. remedy olnd fee, moth eamint be PAW fe Its prmlae. A RieoA4o.4llo bee in known to rellevethe most tingret sylotttm**;"4.,' - 'Are you troubled with that distressing pal s cn..inte 'mill of the - hark end through thehipa V, A to ul a day of ConatltationMater 'Micelle's you Ilkis Mamie. • . FOR-DYSPEPSIA, •. . It bas no equal In relieving the most distressing crim p. tomra„ Alan. ileadarlie, Heartburn Aeld Stomach, N o el. Ding Pond. de. Take Is telannonful after diner,-; dog In all came mar be increased U desired, but sbpuld .be done. gradually. • . ' 7 - I , DUTSICIANB' • Haie long Mote given no the nse-of Ihnebn, rubehrt and Juniper in the treatment of these diansms f and °alit* them,forwant of a beget: rimed*: . • • , . • covorrrurioN-cwATER - . • IlaWproired Itself equal to the task - that - has devolved boon It. , , , . `' . - , DITMETICS • Telltale and drench the Iddrioya. r -and by, constants use scion lead to - ohronle degeneration ana - rontrased dlaease. READ, Davi.!us. Pa., June ; • Dr. Wes 11. flame-LDrar- Sir:. In, February, 'itas ataleted with the Fogged labetes.an d tor eve afoot ba I paried more then two gationinf _water,bs twenty-four hour t: was obligSd to getup as oft eiclint ten or twelve times dories the night, sodio fire months I lost-about fifty pourctr, In Weight.. During then:mob of July; 1&11, I procnredtviobottlesofConatltutton Wipe, s od iw t w o days after using it I esneriencialrellef. and after taking two bottles I was entirelv.Cured, soon after retaining toy nsnallpxvil health. 7 Yors truly, DE . • , . - ---• ... , . r Boston Cktawnis, [ IS. Y.; , Dee. T. . H. Doran I CA—Gents!' I freely.glve you liherty to make nee of the following , Certificate i f the value of Croat Water, which lean recommend In the. high. est manner.' - - r I:: • wife, who nix attseked"with•pain in the @boulders-I whole length of the beek,•and In her limbs, • Ith Polpi tatioit:of site Mart, attandoxt with Fallirl of the Womb,' Dyratenoirtura, and irritation of the ftidd&r. I !celled a physician, tv to at tended tier about three unintbsi whim he left her worse than he found her. L thee 'motored aues•f the best physicians I enaid find. who attended tier for about nine's:imbibe. and •while rho vies under his Mr* she did not suffer quite as truch 'pain ; gave het up, and said: • her rfue was imeutable." said hr.., she Mit , auch a cotatfi)talion f maphliali, Mot tivedigistegitwitfor One Operable against sone athor tot hro drfficiates." A bouttbis time she commenced t , be use of Comfit-mow Went. and to one Otter oistotilAh'inint, al. mnst!the first dose.niented to bare the desired effect, and she kept on improving notify 'ender its trietuterd, and now 'superintends entirely her domestic affairs. She bag ' net. taken any of the Constitution Water for shout four weeks, and we are happy to; say.tbat it has ; produced's operninnent sure. ; Wlt. M. 'PAN BESISOIIOTEN. I 'no red, itn ; hen Ittiis r red Miaow% Conn:, NOV. 19,,1V1R1. ° Dr. Iris. IT. Stria —bear- .sir r• I kilo* for several -years been aillitted with that tronWesonto and danseroda di seavar-Grurel-ehich resisted all remedies and doctor", until I took .Cosmummos Wafts, arid you may, be as sured that I 11/.11 exceedingly pleased with the result.— k has entirely awed mr , and you - may. 'make any use of try name yon may see lit hive:ant to the medicine, al I have sit ire eontidenor in Its etticaey. Tours - truly. ,' _ , , • _ , . POND, STRONG. TIMM ARE 'PACTS. EN01.10II; . ;There no, elatatlif direasie that P - md nee snob exhaust ing effect,' upon the human conatitstion as Diabetes end Diseases of the BtdneJ,, Di tdcl4.r and pinery Passages, and through a fates modesty 'they are neglected' until 'they are so advanced's" to be beyond the control of Ordi nary remedies, a Id W. present the . ' y tit* roper Its . at. . most Muted us Le. must IIIIKU• • Se* CONSTITUTION'` WAT ER _ ~ To'the wlttt.the emarktlqii that It has no equal in eallosinethe elan of dire/set, for wbiehl It baa been found so eminently sucoresfiti fit edring ; and ire trust that we shall be rewarded ; for oar effort!! In ploring en valuables remedy in a forpilo Mint,the reitul,etnents o patient and physician. - • •rr; 1 . FOR 8A LE IVY ALL liltII0til:PRICE!SI. 411R6G4 C ,Proprietor.. "SORG AN A ALl,EN,Oener*iettts, No. 46 'cliff St, New T.ek. JOLIN 6.'13R0W2i, A SON,Wants for Amtust 2:1,"611: • CURE THAT COUGH OF YOURS! Use the Best, SureSt, and Cheipes Beiedy the World has ever Produced. , oi3ly 13 and 25 gents per Bottle ZADOC , tali" ~„111A14.111.--31 0 C - FoBVILICR'S, tarsi. Ilsro Bistssios , s war. it aged selpording, carel all room &stbais, it. ill affection. of %mat and. Limp: 0 111.T.511.11 - ., 11 all. Mk pirepared:witb all requisite .eery and from.' combination . beet retnalles the veintabla kierboatelloala tentedial T 111116,1 are, lateen eta Ite errant to as. isa the healthy and yip .:net circulation et the linteittbrettiga the Neat. — lle apt a, elotattrentedY, eat oinoillent. —wangling, binalthltri awl' Wettest ate be taken by the .Writ -"emu 'Or yottogat ettll4. !Ileira-LIDOC ,LS/0U has beets -wail 4 tbe 'peak tee ~rill, flare. bid bee impaired : la prams% tale amply by wing otenteudtd .. by Ow to alto intei seed 11 . hi their aellellat Moak end ab ate. , - . MOST.3.IIIPOII I O/1.10.-111* . diii - !Lase Parities' Curitttve Iltalswas•ta ratil it a nark* Arbiab Wapitis Oat Fbaeb of even! oats to beep tea' rindoat use. • Tlta Waal, law of aatagla pont* *lll prrnirta he trartb Itttlaseklti root • NOT 1e.1116-111*** raw* , Assay i t—Do not PeriMaiiii taylletbaaa Wilde" at 44.. to Illortilcit de sat steads Ibirvlrtatit eta Dims Bottle of Itadata• .tar'starattaa Bahasa. the eat of auanataetariag wtdeb is at gnat as tbat .11Ma any Aber leeneleal Mat tba kre pried at *Whit is aold. 'mutat, tb• Wald ta tad alike itypareatly Baud!. atid*eprtaaliaad dealt, 1411 eavaettaaaa ravartaied at bur; IMlelatirzed - *Ma ttistr rialto spa law, lakes tbiplatausata toilet yam tutus Ilaikamo Parties, est Isom other. "AA far IN& mop yodalea Omagh, Ibtlattiiiii,phat I ;essh.aadfutaAa tattles at StiaialdoM labs se ..ert pi It at ea. atorvicia can 'at mat . •-..:411141.610 by alt. Druddirta asd •11;daimptis at as 'matt*. tad to bay* bathe it 113 dataddc - 1114114. i RUCIP.S.t.a iftessaistaiia,'l-1 • . - J oll2l WX=amlitts...l . . Was;26, 411.-4.113 =EI ~~ t ~ HEAL' RE&D. ,s. TRATELM‘S: 'CIELPHIA , • 11+11"17`... ANDRIEADIN •, . , —.A T . Aipitaimesike Pt, Nov. Ito 1 ! 4• .1 IiOWN PASSILVIERItIi 1158.'. -1 1 lattitii Popasilia.daily. (except Sainclayal at 15 A. St, , end 1.30 T.:8 . ...Pa...0ng It ea4lng at. 11 JJO A. 51., and 1.251 ' P.M. \Aite)tsg ItiPpitsidliphia at5AO P-..M„Antt, a53.90' 1 e . • . 'Stb An Batas eon neet at R dinAtetta tai tor iEI ittoPo sod der York, and - ''tPort Cilton, rrith 1 antseit 'Railroad halos, for W Rltanteprtrt. 11m164 . At, tri ~! , Pine Ira P411314/3.7.(1 Will tato th09:13 A. 511. rala,and ' ii it ereelal atrommodattan !train :it 0! , ,j. P.,'M i ybic4 num ' I! to Poet Moo ; and on Bit ardayni to Baat slll sP :-..' . - 'i . •-• , I'‘ •• UP PAS.irtilid't PRAIZia. -• , • :. ' i i taairi bllatletplitt, 4111 y. (*meek t 4 ttridayeint.S 35 A. i• M., and P.'14.-- Lairs Iteadtlat Sat .1.31.,1110 A. , T e.x. - - _._ .• •1 • . •-• .. 4 t;t 1 - • - • • ,OUNDAT TRA IL' .: ~• - . ...• 1? • 4. 4 peore' ottsyMis at TAB , - 41.. 1141 aatt i PtLya !AU o._ :3. 8 •4 4 P• -• ,• • •-• :- - . 1" ' '• • I• -' - I . . LEBANON VM.LE I f BRANCH: • r -- COnnierii at Hi orfaborptarltte ' Paaaanger I' Ina vaned ' bola Pittillatrkrialei Otattlberabarit. I.atte tater, End , bury. William* t.glrailat4tork !and Baltimore_ • -:-. • :. Tailiii leave arrtaburit at Ili A. M.: k fui Cabana*., .41411 , Ptia Iv* liork`onV.lll A. M.. And .oc, P.:U., Inc Partaellla ans nifsd.tphi l i..: Ita tiamley teetfile. , . ' ' Pbtongh tickets from , 1 1 4tatt!lii .to N., Nork,Baitl., loot.. Oolltabart. and all'thelpeitterpat 01 to le ttiii North, Northietat. and Catoadea. t Emigrant Tiokats to umit titacea at radoontrfar.A. I,•' I ~. .: . _ . .'. ~ • ' " P ha bissg"nr 6 ‘ 1 .4 3 4 15" Fseillr'• '.. ; ... , •OM Li - . ,-ON i TICKE, , . ' Pa rkii --- ' coupon, allatbed: betv , sl ao.j. Pottro saaireili iiika an di Firms; lit •a Or reatosc. .!..' , • 1 - '• MILEACE -. IIOKETB.I - 2,000 lakes, btyfounx*potatie,for ittpllies and: D 'MI of ( With lbr Mimi fa at SiASCIPI- 'TICKETS, .- 436wit4 hove." *ay pOots,,it Teduecd rater. f1e3:0.1:4 It , I 4 . • rieksta grqNbe . purobisod bethnottill,Tralus vtar't.. Mutates euirged 14440 kp ll:mews- • •-• • , , I < ; 1 •i poqiiraf 8 aped otoodiesi. Nov. VI; . ,*1 ' _PlitidliD'Aik, READINC RAILROAD: - asVcalre ea wickets, rr,,_.• e t momma Foraatelladelptai to'Potto•Will villa tad ratara, will b. Bald at 4'hilattripblia, au aid or. dayli allid SoisAmir. at *a lA. eabb, toad wt anf train an thoiii dtsg, and on ch. suctar4lng stoo•d 4 .. . •. , •, • fi - I : tt;.A.:. NI C OI44;Ge rot Sag ,13 , -.. Aural/ Vagt ; 'H t 1 • • •t- rt. ' U.- . • - ' ' LENICH ,miIimmiI..II ....... IIK VALLEY RAILROAto.;•-toet; ain „ ~ ......... . . .. MENCING:,,INNE tOo**36t: ••i ' MIME PAMIR:if:IER TRAINS DULY,- '. ~' C 94" (Sunday Koneptcd) .: ' .... ' 1 TIME .s. A*l.l. zr., Showlng. -Arrirals and Departures to and fro ' Nev. WA_ '1 I I and Ph4adalphia. r • I . ' DOSt " .": OR I'AST*IIII3 ItAl, ' arm ca:' . .'- I NoL 1. An, , No. 3. • ;'"ar. 4 2 '- '" ,4 P t " +t : 'l''N' l''.." 1 .t.as •-; - ii-, coo 344 s ; _lll.lO 4.10:• ', • 4.91 13:15 -7, 4.16' 4.16. • • 11.29 - • 4.30 .. l'l A 1 .d2 - • 11.34 "cm' • 4.43 . - 11.46 4.47 : ' 4.43 • 11.55 , :T. 4b7 ' "460 12.01 • am .4.64 '12.05 • • 6.08. 1 . 4.66 - ,12 09 1 ' .:6.12 ,' .1.• 6:42.. 12.1.3' . .6.16 " s 6,W F.• 12.26 . '5 27 • :. i 542. '12.31 5- , 5.40 . I 5.43 . 12.40 .8:49 ...1 .1 , 6.-13 F. . .: ; - 6.50 • ' 1.40 12- : . 805 1 • 1.35 , . e. 31. • P.= °!.-. • 946' 4.90 . . 9.50 ' - 1 UP OR-WES WA .1:t TRAIN:.. •V - ; , , Sta oast - Itie. 5.1 1 ....Via. 4 . , - Aro:7. • :Co. 2. _ 'Z. re -:, ...4: Jl.', , i : . Y - .1" -V. 1 , ....if: - - :Cm] Y ork, 6,00 - 12.00 . • 4.90 :' . 8.00 . Phil delphht. 940 '' ' ,' ' 1 - '. 6.15 - 1 * ... I ' , . Bast al.. (arrive) 8.60 . , . 1 1 ' .31) ' '.7.40 - ' 10.4ur .K4' atop.* ... ' 1 _, 3.122 -. '', '1.42. , ' • . 11.ini Ridge.* 4 ,' -' 1 - V 3 1 .36 - - 71 5 3 1 tr . 3 6 1 :m b , urS' ' l4 i f. 11 7 "; ' ' ' 1-3 31 3 4 ' . 1... ... • t.:1 1 : 11, . 1 11j.4 ' '. • ' Alle toirn, '9.30 ,' , 4110 -V: .- 8 11 .30 f ' 11.26 C4ta iiiiol, ,; ; 9.43 - ~. 4121 ~1 8;41 .. ~. 111*: ditinjua, ' -948 ' -4,26 6 1;46 . • Copp t y, _ . 963 -..1 . 4.11 Sin ~ .. .. wt e 11411,-; - 9.68 s: ' 4,36 &s6' , - • 1 E l l Lan 'a -11 10.06 . 1 4.43 . ' 994 • .. V -. Roe Dale. , l9lB . ~.4.63 .. 9.14 ' ' . 1 Slat ogtori, • 10_8 ` . ' 606.. . .- 11 25 Leh gb Gatio .. . 1034 . 5.12 , .9.31 Partryaillz!' . 10.48 . - -•' .6.21" 0.45 -- - V • Lehighton.. ' • 10.54. .6.34 , : .. ' 9.50 •; 1 , . Marieh Chunk. • 11.05 - - 6:45' , 19.00 . - - • . -Al star (o) todiratesylag Stations: • Through Tiekete, are • aold for Phlladelphh4; l lfeie Yorit t and alt-of the prineipallatariona 010 the , central R. R. Of :iew deraey. a lit° 4 - m , Reading; Potlimith-, nail+. burg and the West. Wititeaharre, and the priocipad . st44 • 7 ti0i35 , ,,n the Cate!, lama Railroad:. - 1 , - .Intia •.!2.. , n 1 . 1 • 1 „1 -- ..5, 2 . StA4II CIIIINK,,, - Loh too: . Parry, 0.1*,•_.,. . . ionrsp Gap,* " tzlidleigimi. Roere,* . . . Lau 'ii. ••'• WAR fill,' Copla s i,* '• . Untie d‘ockuii, , , • Cam uqa_fi., • . • Align', Ming ' • . Itetßiiebeci. - . Freeepansburg,„ . Linitg Ridge,* r. , S. !too,- Es+ o, (arrive): Phil delptila,(arrlis) 1 Neiwlliork. " 01 . ._-lisri , R.ss: lilti A'l~ 13U I b INCID Or TUB- BEAT EBELLION ZOe fie rots .of ou r atta Ilifors • ' • Ivor., st 25,. • • , . • . The retroe and then ptibtie eta right in .predirt' lag that thin will aurpOti, ; in ...graphic o •rratitr,.; e l aciting intereat."and eateniire p,palwrity, a ll tther. biatOriee of ,the yirar . for ,the Union, • Di theme wilt he the . heroic , daring,' patient sufferinz and hairbreadth eaCapea ()Cour soldiers and pail Ora, and , its incidents form the theme of eon: . . ersation 'at. innumerable finesidis fair . years 'to eome.-' ' It will contain] in addition to its-stirring details, the piailoenphicel • Antilyt.ls bf the Causes of the War, by Jo !a , I.,(YrilaoP* Arterl.V.Y. • LL. D» Author of "The illisei or the Dote 4 Repuidie,' etc...the dates of-afl the ; important events from the John Brown said, and an accurate and re Vised- account of the Principal battles. with 'en. ravings.. • . : 1 ~ i One third the proceeds of all subscriptinns tent 'rem 16 wild!! he ,triiten for the Helier - - of - Dix ; ?bled Soldiers, and - all iperions . who wish a.eoPY of. , the work, -and 'also to benefit the soldiers. Should,send their' Dante and address at ouce,— `Mph, any officer, oe paint°, or person in any sea tion'of the counivir.ibtitiing knowledge of' a hero d act or stirring ittniaSnt, will oblige us by.send.: Indus an accountlof 16.. t ' • ' .' BooKsiLLEns, Poartarrhas. and CaNyssaitta. AGENTS will be furniSited with a' Subscription Prospectus, on application. to the Publishers. - 1 412T'A ftf.erni 471,1105:i0n given to :sadiere dr siring to act as asteata..4 iaking`sabseriptions. • • THE.. HISTORY 'OP .1 AVIEBiCATT MANtrPAO PORES, PROM- .1608 to 1860.: Ey - D.r..P. Mess/Dan Btlstor.i 2 - vols. t Svo. TI?),. L'EIOW ready. Vol. 11. nearly readr.: . . : ' . This is'probably tho largest' ii i nd 'west importr irit work now in.the Ameriean press.. - • • . -- We have also jastl - nublished; nes eclitions'of the following useful and popular 'boots : '/ I IIE13US11 1 02::T IIIAN'S LE( 'AL Al/V;`SER; or. How to Save Monej,l4lCondacting Ha:. sine's according-Ito' Law,. 4. expounded by' the. Beat and LaieSt Authdritierw,. 400 pp., sheep'. Price, sl. . ' I ,' - ! -„ . .. • , . • - Ls OPPORTM. 11l pi .1_ D STET; or A • THOUSANO CHANCES - T) MAKE-MON. . 'ET. Clotb.pl. 'lbis has hien' republished: e in England . 1 ' ~ ', . Every business ma* and clerh lit ould have ihese ' books. They will - pay th e . buyer a hundred..fold.t Every parent-should get them for their sops. : • .., All these 'hooka. arelnai led, pi{etpaid, on receipt] 1 'of price. We pay particular at ention to mailing. books, wrapping them, carefully and 'will . procum and send, postpaid; any boiok nywhere;:oo re-: ceipt of I.)ublishers' &ice Orld . iis , stamp*, Ad,i , dreis .. ,''. ' 1 , -' t 'REEDLEY .'' .... FI Tribune Billdhigs‘ Ne w York. • of PIAN9B.---Perenue *to mil to Iniy Piano the beist•kkesi, 'be shown titre they istirare a hspdseine onto in the purobase; if they midi-nig PIANO, eibccof JOT,' Cox& Co., Publishers' Agente; New York' • • July t 9, '62.i '• [471. . - 29- ,PIEW STORE. TOHE, - .substTi4eis...vinounce to their !deride sod ibe eitisoos P3ttrriile and ificitilo.l hey , tiave taken _j • • • - , • •. .MOOItHEADII:OLD 'FUND." .Ornre of &pout arid Marb . l Strettal':: where can alweye be foinud a geed aisortmetit. of Dry Goads,- Groceries. Provision', end Times of,artklr a alwayr kept in a Ent Blare re. tail stop. Ueda:quailing' their beehiese- thoreuehly, they invite a custom ettiebs by strict attention to busi ness and fair de.eoF,ttley intend to de - Fresh Goods The beet tertliteilipreys on bandit theltrereet PitliakS ;19.1.1 CAUL . i I . : D. R. Nitmot.s, • ' • - 0 • -• tOzo.t‘imetti. Air 0A1L".4 sp . .f.,TA JIIIq.C.T#XIR,STQC,K. CONSumPTIVEs— rIMIE AI)VERTISER hsiviag: been _L. matt - red to Wealth ka a taw liaik• by • T• l 7 *4 l * 110 4 0 . Y . snot haviim loitered aevajal years alth a' air Irmo lung affection,n4 that &Neal diaasaamonatmip , ainlaas tp_aiata kpora - to !Ita fiello•-suarra Ow mama 4f earti._ " .; - who dreitellt, be etti - otad isoatrY eCtiaa,,Pia seriptkno and (fro* at charge), attb tbe direettona for preparing and al* itkeesaeiti *bleb "tbeglnrOt tad a ethin Cm?: for Gonanitrreott, Aarinta. : Banxesitv. or Thie only oitirei oftbiadvertialle lewilnitberte.ttle. Una tete- birailit thit sillittrO r sod sllttea4 Itifettila,t lol o bletebir teatiMits to be invainstds. sod tti hopes sloe,' . auflerer.etil tii ontisdj e al It nili Celt Ibsen opining, • and ally • • '• .- - !Vieille Waning lbs prescription 4111,pleriseadd'enis ", ERWARA' h WILSON.' EiniaCountj; lies Tart. ' Sept. IT, 4111. , , 394na ~Elia Lian a, GERMAN ALMANACS ! j j . FOR 1863.' ti sT • PAIALISHED, The - rarmers'. - wirbe train. The reels Beim Ilieflottriurrprea. Viler ll* mid Coulee natelen Alutattere—alermee •Yll b lola 'handle sad retail, at the goolisters Of the eitWerttisr.Pettertlle. • - • ccuirrsteShopsn atiel Petialee‘autollot. - • B. litOltAN,Vistre street,. Alibi ArVINSIOTLY au hand i T Rani rot. Itjadalni purge% at mluerd prleakbe tub air pad cAPIM 1 1 11411. o& & Pourdue,l*.3•esi, IWO Abe te. R. it.. MIL WIVES! The farmers•• Wife,is, or at 'l3; She'neost cheerful, happy'b4ng iiurronncled"l44 she is: by everythiiiig bosun:el. n naiure,:iralting.e'very in - offline" byithe ful carolling cif the birds in the trees ineajd the 4ase, Soothed all d‘iy. by lha whieperiae, *Hilda and :balmy breez-s, 'with Perfnines .stpleci.frOin clover : fields or 's bliessOtrig, hialv' can she , Ise othervri4e Lbw, py p, hoi), from .hairs . yi tor„ pi e,,uneasy 111inde:d- • her ve' "vil or cities; where-4vilee inf.! 3 '. • -' 1, , . . 'ground eye precious, and . fiotte -but with is thert ler wheezy, chokine.-11111 aCiri the very.itreeslooked dusty.and - dim ? 114w-oftete, in , the .as„,ihry.rie z beast to doora and-witdo is to the e.., ng.air that came haitling e r e ' q breath with; pure; Sweet inlers"from the h e A: ' - ilineree.if and springing grass, have I iris'hkt env friends 'could 4 stami,in the door be ,• _ s de, and gaze. uponlthe lovely acette l spreila ' lout my, adoeirmg ,,, • . With everything sod` beautiful around 14' woman can w tei; • . she - iwally.-otighq hut) with willnig )You cannot look even !tmutiae3:tringt . - at . 1 the Open door; without seeiu4some, hale fA r .l. • -• very; busy getting straws I.' 'build, le'r n4,:i,:`l - flidgelings, or and:. ping -industriously to,,teach „them, the use, ,ig their! tiny Wings scarce hear, their, 'wei#,ht,,,or perhaps yen see Some inerrY, rutting, squirrel; adroitly. stealing his 'neck of grain, fur the winter he knovis must, come, anion -l er - or later, and ;tiding it wisely in the de. cased trunk of a, neighleoresq glyph: tree. The spirit. k 'of-em.ition is contagious. The hour glide by and sit does'Ahe work, and. whea dinner tima,arriVer, instead of the pale,..lan. guid•couittenance,y.ru - fiaid. 'ite ;the city *ire,' ds she sits down to her ' luxuriotiwtable,l6a& .ed, with over. cooked; niaat;-uni4er -cooked seg, itahles; stale fruits 'tilti,baliers breados brisk • cheerful lace meet 5...-vouett . the table,.wherecie y9ll rind hunt an - 4 .l e'ggs, read .Indian • me - ill pudding and molattie.s,, pegiaps, , but., g.od,- light, sweet,' wheie,hrtsd, and ; tem peit;g.ilien., es of iruit,'fresli finuithe gaideti, 11:i;et " L i c k' ". completely_ upset the equanimity of the gaests it'the aforesaid,`nity ;table... . farmers'. wife can concoct Such:dii , hea•si city folks kliciw nothing With ~ plenty of . tPiitk anii eggs, there is always skint-shingl e thelesue - a eat, You e,ky never'fake her . rc, meich,,by steprisc that she wilt' give eite •itiytue L tialn'.to stop at ten, and she is ;never so 1411 0 ; aplifiliies'becausis the !en isznot as tZe render you einennefortable?, • •• With a• mind ieiebly balanced, ti • made happy . by het' pyesetice, u etkotetpti din , piiyiticn, , wishing cliat , e;-a quiet, e.. ! • way' of turning oil. work,. tire farnters a .womien'to be enVied, 4,10 still pTbe r , foOlish, mortals:presome to pithier! Pity. deed t better . bestow'it where kis The highein,, noblest lotof'woman islier hums mission, and the most: superior place for the exercise of herr.power, is in the qiiiet the countrY,niidthe,soul btfaioje, vo f .- E 134 ure,' the handiwork of nature's • - . .; f lll .a,: l). he o l l. l. S B: il B4) T u rt r i ii, G .ir r.. d, O a F nd PO th ttLTA sea l' ii .. 3 t, o A, ,.. • • -1 e•leizs .rutigh,she,ikohl, wh'etlidr - ~)-,AI ice j her head or nut., butlthe. c „Peuti• *41,, c , ,rn,124... rate your :obServtitioat - g. the•, - q,, r i j iiri, ..:, sd.stid - Ititi you-,cattiret:-Pend ' . it. 4,-%:6,-nod, .. the comb' thtek am( .rongh, leave her'not Ow ter huW fat aridiphiMp,..lur.. saute 6 - o.lesi . • particular.-. Calor.- . A - young hen dias M'dy, the rudi• '' molls Cif spurs,. the scales On the •1 c . 21 ,4 01 .,:, : h ' ' glossiLand fresh' solored, whatitver the (n,!er , may be . ; the claws tender awl short; the ba,:r - • ! i i k y f i, - the under litll - stilt, and tli comb' 111::, • and stueoth. I. 'l . ' • -1; s Asa . ohyhen' r Atiikiy has rough scales onde• begs, callosities lon the' sc42ii ( 2 1 the lAt, and : . Ititio , strOtb , cla.Ws --- a votoi(r one thS,re - rebe 0 , 0 , •r- , .e of all these marks. When; the"!-alien, are .. onliat the old tnrker cock has lot.ii: nifi t : ,beard; ii,!Yo msg ne,.bilt a spruti t l, Laic; and When tley i are of, the - stun:all:scar e s - .n the, - . .legs• - decide - the Point, hijeid•Li the 2diffOrenit Pt size of the wattles of the .nirck and• In - as „ Jostle shoot . upon the nose. ~ • ' ';'''Ali old t i 0,.., when:alive ; - 41,7,wa hy I l le , rough irgs,•• i4iiiitietl - gtli of the:limp, panic. ~-, Olarty, : af. the. ,piiimis, ;the -thielifebs , ' ,pi airenittP.of thel.bill, and the fineng,ss of ,ibe , * feather enc. when plucked, 14 Illeieit4: - ..ths tenderness C 7, ale .skiAlinder. the wink;, ll : the -Pinions and th 4 bill and .the ,-coar,euess .4 ;the-skill. '-,:• 4. ' . ••.•• • .. ~. - ' .: i ' l . l 1) iiclils ' are 1 distingnished • by Abe 'smile Metals, put there is :.thisiddierence'—dott s' .dueltlin . :g's'bill is 111 ueh .longer -prn uac tu i the breadth - id, its' head than an.• uld'd - ock. . I 4 '$10:11114; pigeon is discovered by its Ole cui• eis, srnourh sceiesi tender, collapsed t - et if ., 'awl -ifl6 yeß('lwilon2 , dewit•interspors.4 a t onog its . leathers. ~•A' ' pieeon that can , fly,has - o Les t e, red Culd . red Jrgs , and no . down, an ds ipeictis. ofd'fur Use...-L•raeintvitt(oca 7aegrtifili. . •' ..4 :. - . ...4. yrs. — . , trE I &s. —)y 13 Op JAI tennr., tins comes t • I getter:ol . y ;.:cotntrienee . :them i the 'nubbins,' and:: alter' twv:..i.,r threw . . ,; weeks, follow .thnt'alth shelled ;This I ill;Vitys teed fig tlbd,wboiling, in- the nuirr,ii4 "hatis, required dnriog the day, nad at night what )3:neCessary for the morning.- F.eeatte,., thmti,', , brings my wo rk nearly all ILL agil: In tlillYay I Oh iliake . pry 110- Ell eWiagh 'for till i.taiticabtle purposes, n by ; feeding. nu from :fifteen. to twenty husheli of - reorn, each, and '3l4ughteling at si - iteo.. Months old, 'Ahey'Vreigh lion): fourftve hundred poliuis. I never ;Chet)) tifexCeed the .latter figure in iveight, tor t , havis fancy: for ')I.sUvO• and spongy .pork ot.foreed Faritiei and Gardener. . - • Ir "payto . colloct all the leates scree• . eihlej for the manure heap, .fOr the hPg, 'Pen, and for the horse and cow stalls. Llvra they gOod fertilizine PiigSERVED 'FRlirta IN: YssTiti.:—Prew ved.rruits are usually tot) dry when put . it paste that requires for rbaking,; those this have beetvlone with their full tioportion of sugar, require no bidsing, the crust for . thez BhoAld he baked lit tin shape, and the -iroit; atteraiards added, and a - tover may be -hake& ort croqUtfut fins. - , : "ti . Pu'i'lresh friiittshort -- crust ' h :very :suits. ble.: • - Tarti tna , ..sometienes be iced 'Heating the oven properly is very'rsateriel in• &eking. Ligbt-paste - reqUires tik to •be moderately hot ; it tftet quick, ittvili be hum ,edand not,,rise - well E 4 ..if loci slow, it will be sodden, not rise, and want color. -t • , • Raised pies must be . ptittimiSta quick sit: or the crust wilt 14. The Cook stwold.aceat f rately.kno4 theproper heatti4' each &lisle; as opening', the door to obse -c their ,prt; • gess, lets.in Alm Air and cite! - poils thettii• cakes or tarts athieh are ret irned into the oven attiii.teiug, reqUire hetet nott'gh to his den only. . ,-ti .- , t •• .. - • , • :• , - Tuckt;t Pole rktst•T-IE. it . ' initnifkiris or: winter squish; cut in 'pieces, ca.ke oft Or find and remove theseeds,•aid.lioll it -until teuder,lbert rob it hough a,aie..ret • Rhea cold - mKto milk to, thin - ii, and. to , each quart of• milk three well- beaten • Sugar, tirinamon and ginger to your taste. The_quantitiof milk must depend:upon. the Aim). and quality of the squash. . • Theee pies require a moderate heat, ay!, must be baked until the centre it'firtu. • BoltAtto Tater..—Take three orinorepacra l of tripe, and , jafter scraping it. weil -Du ,b 4, sides, cut it Into pieces, about . the il.Vg Jour haildAhen wash, and boil it, is ialtri . water untii.very . tender.:( - . ° This may be - entett witb:iird;in butter,, . ions, or oyster Satire. . 4, . ri SPARE Itta.--1-Vnih' and dr y -1 6 Ur ° P a 4 0) :rib, and, seaso It 1;491 - salt, •ralllitle RePi* 4 and powde „al!, . "Vnt it , it' p‘ui_sl 4 lec t' in. a • m 'rate!: 4 en. Instead ,uf mastii , l , you' may- hrcatria4 n the gritlinmic- ' . • , • '; AL4OND . CAKE.- Valk:. IthiUi:l.e'd itti ' a o ' l ' l ed altnandm, one pound ; tett eg"i; ' 4 !e't k „, ten) sugui, one .pound• ; flour, threeli rte-- of a: pound.. Stix, :,.- •- • - -. : - . . it .B*CEteII demptnaEAD.--Tlk(*ftyurt *pound of flour, brie quart , bf tourth of a pound.' of hotter; i -0 0 ct ettleratns 812 d one ounce . of ginger: • reseen4si,Eclus.-- Pack the,eggs to Tiriliented iu cdnamort. salt. thi. 40 1 , 1 , 4 tads dowpirni 4, and They. will keep 108 0° q ~good for eight or nine rapothr:- ltarst—rEialt ,butter the; • best titis4- ma ea a fiat:. crust .;.flirsitect,tking i • _,~,~.~~ Y , " fln r. F - Ilecipts. vial t gs 1.1 og 043 thro riot .4.44 4 I 16 Jo t $3 sr Pot itoita .010 h rarrovi r NW* M frmu cjeted If auto. tor Omen lreetWo , cb. ea,