4liultt OEllfl POtTalfiLLE. A. TIMM= IS4IIIII4MUL , The corriplexion of the next • Lekisiatore of Peniwyreiiiica is at. inorw 4 than, osoally interesting, from be fart thet ted States Senator elected at its eoui4 ink session. From-/the returns of the late/ electiON the tiki Rouses *ill stand as 'fob' lows • , • t i Deng, 12. -65 " 5. Senate, Mime, ' • ' 66 • 67 • t" - . • In the Senate there will be . a Union major ity of 9, and in the House aDernocroctic jority of ;On joint ballot there will be is Democratic., majority of h This' is So close, • leaving no : margin it all, for "disaffection _among the Democratic members, th;J. .the jeer:tale and : leaders are becoming exert e in regard to-t , he Senatorship: Their jor(inais }tape received. instructions to pursue member elect Who exhibits signs of revering; and threaten him with the .vengeance of the, party, if he does not support the regular can didate, itughes,or whoever it maybe. To witness already; how sensitive their organs are,!proies that'they hive not 'faith in their delegation. It' is , said that - a prominent Breckinridge pnlitician of Harrisbnrg, threat ens to kill the - Democrsktic member that 'bolts' on the election for Senator. If this so„it shows the desperate . expedients already being • heated to, to frighten the timid of 'the Dem opratie Legislative'delegatton iota the sup . polt - of the candidate of the .party_ for the United States Senate, no , matterlow obnolx.: , ions be may be to some of the Union Dein pciatie members. Our impression is, that - the candidate of tbe - Pemocracy for Senatnr,: most be an unexceptionable Union man ; ; to secure the entire . .vote • of the, Denincrntie members. Hughes's.ebanciis for success are below , The Philadelphia Demnciat ._ ie delegatiOri, - aeleast a pertion : of it, is her. tainly hostile to hint, and cannot be concilia. • ted, while, he will fail to command the nOited support of otherdelegationa. It is not pos sible that'every Man of siXty•seven represen : tativee can be dragnoned or bullied into the sup Por t -of a candidate tbey do not respect;', and in whom they have no - confidence. Under this ccindi!ioti of things if is the du._ ti of 'the Union RepebliCans . to select a• -"ntrong, unnhjeltionable vandidate-- • -one that the Union Democrats can support with 'lath ., faction, if an obnoxious - man. is , placed in nomination by the Democratic citneus.• There are •unquestidnahlY, -Many gentlemen' . in this • State, who, could .be selected, any one of Vrhorri would command the support bf Union Democrats.: Wevreuldlowever, at this time name one; whose s e rvices to his State-and country, are well known, andwhose name even in Tar distant Onlifornia, is now a household ,word, for his valuable labor in framing : ana urging to its p.asso, the Pacific Railway, _Bill. 'We altade of course, to The .11on'.. Ssmas li.. Craterinct., who is . made to appear: defeated iu the Tenth Congressional District ' • o f Pennsyl , iania ; but who is' triumphantly elected by. the good , wishes thousands of our gallant soldiers, now fighting in 4arginia and elsewhere, but who were deprived'of t-h. 3 right to vote.. Mad those noble _spirits lieen: . 'at liome,thr weeks since, we would haie different tale to:tell. Aif it the enemies at home, or the soldiers; have Iriuinphedfoi the - time. them enjoy 'it while they day. 'A day of bitter reckoning will mast assuredly_ come: We. unine Mr. CAMPBELL as a Candi-. . date for the Senate, and .we beliesgr tie can concentrate tnre, asany oghc,r gentleman.in, the. State:— • His defea' t,fur Cengress, is regarded through out - the State, AS a national calamity, and gen. • eral regret'is expresied in New • York and elsewhere. • L e iTemisylvaniti etilf retain-the • ..services in . Congress ,of.her cherished son, by placing him*-tbe Senate. - In his hands her interests wtjeld always be eaTe, while 's -s a 'Gni ted States .Senator he - nrOold hai , "6. 94: eye sin,. gle. to .thesnnity.itid.progress of the 'Atneri • • canßepublie. - - • ', s • - ACTIVITY INAT.II3I4tATF.p. The inactivity of the Araks of the Potomac has ended, and it is advancing. 'The.heavy hisses. sustained by the series of,conflicts closing :with the Battle -- of Antietc‘nt; have • been ci more than supplied : The army i s now. comfortably clad and stifid, and thoroughly • eilquipPed-circuinstance's, no less agreeable. t• o the_army itSelf, ever restless in inaction,' and the Conntri at large, thin, adapted to ' the attainment of what all desire. On Sun day last Gee. Burnside led the advande, cross ing_ the Potomac 'at. Berlin... The rebel den. -4 Lee, however, instead of retreating down 7:- 4 :- - the Shenandbah Valley to 'Staunton, as -was • at first supposed, is Still al we write; in force between Winchester . and Bunker. Bill, and, as he is known to have sent all his siCk • and' • superfieous baggage to the rear, it is - expected he is prepaiitig for a battle with General Mc . Clellan,.which event cannot now: be long de layed: .The recent lnoveinev• of General Burnside IS mole significant than at first sup., posed: ~ B y it our deft wing is, ;placed ,in a • more eligible pcisition,and, the fight flank.of 't -he rebelsis se4ously threatened. • , The antiounCement in addition, that Gen. Banks and Gen. McClerland are about to..in - vest Texas by' land and sea ; :the - appoint - ment of Gen. Jtosecrans to the eotrimana of •• &lON army ; Ch- intelligence that Gmritls preparing to meet Price and Joe Johnson in' Upper Mississippi ; ,the victory of Curtis over the: rebels in Arkansas ; the investment of Mobile - bY Admiral FRC-ref.:at ';- and, the indi cations everywhere of activity among our at-, • Senate and navy yards, all indicate .an active • • campaign, and the prosecution •of the war ,with the •unnott,vigor, to a spetidy Close.-- Wherever we look we see Or armies on, the' ' march or preparing to March ;we see a unity of purpose that Shows the great will at the • ~bead'ornfftirs, and the great, master• Mind orgartizing victnry. Never, reinarks the Phil - • adelphiii Press, hive We seen so much harino,:• ny,arel • energy in the Government Italie see' • ..Weno ,longef :hear of enmities and Rearrels among our statesmen. In the person - of th'e Administration' the Republic presents 7 a niiited frectsto the rebellion„ and this the. rekels are beginning tt feel_ We lei irkliCa'• Cons of alarin in the ' Southern neisspapers. They know the mighty preparatiOns :that 'art . taking tee among. the people of the and,th stupendous ezerlions that are - being m.sde to'accoMplish their overthrow. "An . i evasion is 'designed," says. the - Richton 'id P. - spate/4 "to which all we, have seen „ 4 itN - / is mere child's play.. We speak;' it-., ...noj fur 'the p'arp:ise 'of creating unnecessary" alarm-but warn, our' people of what they have taeipecti and tCt prePtretheat fur tht ^p .~~ .~._!f~ V. ,;:_r occasion; This viarnintr is the knell,of Southern hopes. The rebels belie olefin a gallant resistant 4, ,bot their gallantly bathe reckleAness of, der-. 'wait . ... We are oatting, coneentnaing, strength . 'ening"; and oh 411 , .., reeuhs of Ihe7ntenths iiosr coming this irer rill4epend.. I'be Presint hoe . ,placed' the P.o.publie: On, the: ,alrippe,, kroi4 liberal sentiment, awl ~ or. ., ..bettle's . . ii is ii tiv aio r : • .-.-. CL t* - 4vq iiiiiiiiilnigatirl eiTalll l 44ll% t p. '- ' -- i z ito e oa of itisistsilt A4,lataat disezo% and Union. The 'inapt.. on, of thus iiag i t i , • • •.,-.. ie. to otirMmee.mOte dui' sti t t army _• trieTs.l 'I , "...}. k of 6 4 4 0 4 -. --,_ Ptfr i t,,_. 4 '.!! ore - Hereafter we are '.,. klitrii nosh, rig: fint! % Re , 1111 "71-.• • e " *l e _ • - • " I. U. • i . ,: . 4. Wilri'lhat P ea F ° . may . " S" 1114( :ft 1.." ' Zi!!ft:h0.'48.,0,44. . Aalitiliii* ik. , 4 ,0 p.m to come 'quickly, Wears 4 4. i . 4,s PfSailytrwits toebwillie;tis hies I+ l . 1 , oteial burl a nnite4,- yip:lrons, orth upon_ a tb r ,ko f ; P:msti A! Assists Altant 4 411 /1 11 1 1 0 4 ' • s outh. • , I 'w o l i no on I ' .. the rack or Faptain:,...l ipiheat Biltoletii wile said e zh f L l4l2te l .;. :_.,.." : , , ;,. - . 1 . 1 .". . - severely Weeseleii in die hesehattle ot Bill ' Run; lance time here --in i . e Y and -II f, ' hieat land hoe bean at home faunae weeks toe fOrlough. public sentiment,. ,Th •dertioit !w • me is ems . 1 1,1 b, sge i„„a ir .-- s id , -j u t s e 4 ) be 1 7 3 the people show to the .A. mini ! stratioi * , ild ! s ta,, ,t ,ii i ttitstyl 1 .-, -- : ' . • ..1j ' ihe respect Whichits e,• mi paytai it h,- ,! - '' ' --- ---' - tievu i i ilibiticizikeinstm4 . :-• 1* t ,lia its,friendir, show _ that . bin m Lineal . oly 1 -'. w"11. and d triai resents the popn ~ iv ~an ~ the ;people in - this holy c'• ~ flo cords, Juni 'the hearvand trio. of tile;:istiott n . , Activity, energy, pow , a a mighto:au to marshid our boats' "thi is ocari piiiiii n now, and ` out of this ,we I Sol. spray sic toriat ands speedy pra.e.l . - , i . 1 I Union Rep: 21 45 . - - THZ SOLDIERS vote. , . , li IQ compliance with'our raquest ; t 1 . vote of the; soldiers in Schuylkill Comity Regiments, should 'be4kei, and sentlo ?LS tor publication, in order do. the : peopli luny s: know thesentimeuts or those who peril their i n lives for the maintena cii of: the ' I'lii n, ira take pleasant id lajin the following vote be 7 l fore our Mader& • 4 was taken': in the five companies-Nak Huh ylkill, County, nay lin the 129th`Rea., P. - V C'ol.J. G : Friiiif . All vote d except , th ose i cutbers whorlin hospital or:on sdetac . service , - T vote was takeit'on Presid e t Judge and, CciOgrlis; Tbrimghl,the kindness at ' Col. thick, wO hive received ,the original., 'cation 'papers,logvith.i er - with a paper conga ding the ' vote lof be,,, four field.and staff o niece of the RegiMint,l rfroni 'this . County.' - - 1 'Vote ofikai29th Ileg,,j ,P. i Prisid44l .1! Field sod BUZ, .• - 4 Co A. Cap( 0 3 Lairrener,49 " " (itosOt det.sarries) .-- "'ll,-Capt Win. Wrso,, 43 " 1 1 % "Z. J.ltedlnir, dd " o.:k Lest C. Lloh.v . ' bd . " I t % " /ohs /L. trovai,rio Pangs ' 101 Colilp. maj ,186` additipn to the iborW we have the vote of the rank and 61e of Co. D; 48th Regi, Pt V. Col. Sigfried, , .NVe understand ,howover i thatif -the COUI inissi?ned offieeis of . the comt pang had voted , they would 'hive ' voted for Mr. Catupbell. ••'There are . thirty members 4 the Company entitled to a vote when athOmet The vote - of theDonipany. ib tut follows.: I " • • . r Cimgreas. I • 'etimpbell. S:rouie. Co. D, 48th Bei., P.. V. 30 Of this number .fiVe` are Democrats but they say decidedly, ilia' if they , hid voted at • t • • hoine„they 'would have vetedihe.Uoion sick: et l -the same as they, did ip camp. • I I !. .BEMIREOARD, secsCs i sion:Gene 1, Maya, " to benefit:bur cauie, we must call all s tinioU men` abolitionlets." Tol Carry -out his lido*. practiCallY,• he in his official dispatches in re . 1 ~ gard to the Fedemlimusek on .ociosawatchili calls the Union; force . abolitionists ." l' Hie • - .1 - I , ' • , ' i. l'. Northern. tools, this-Breckinridgers,, acquiesce ~ r• in this ide`a, anil'iho result Is,'thstievery m an , • i I - I be he a Unior. 'Dqmodrar, a ..Republictm, of . . L ... an old line Whig; ik called:an . Abolitiontst.-:-. The man Who will nut sclindwledge the' old ... • I Union' a failure,•and 'J.I. Davie rights an . abolitionist. Let this tact he distinctly vo djrstootl',,. and OiltMat ies Of a rife.' Ws idiyalty ' ~.. i *ill be,. , that he is thrilled by northern sy ' mpi .. thiters with secessi n, - n abolitionist. ,1 • , - •-" Corrsautko'' EU. '9N i 8 8 blackguard by __, • . nature, and a.. - iria b 'profession.. be camekle:.. teiiibly - "rile " cause. we designated ~ . who 'his- owners ere, and let off an unusn : al ,Itiantity of bitter i ieetice.. This we :et. , pected, and was great y amused when we pe limed his article; three ed against oirselves, •We \ therefore, - orstn edgy to the,: mo read ersi . iif -that napes., or, tke'blacligpardi!lth in•• • , ' dieted •nporr•-themby copp erhead 'To . •We . • - tit i ; ea . heed only state ' th at we , lire accus At 0 . each abuse from the w' l hole copperhead trilr,• and we gloryin it, tietistse, if they should praise .. us,,,we 'Would ccinsid r: o'nrselves . diegra c'ed, { I forever., . • . - .. , ' • - ~ IDDITOWts'TABLE. 1 A Dot.tan noir PATE Wit6t...—.one Of the.best reasonable enterp4esi now' befurp the !Public ' b is that of. the publisher vi th A me,sicon lAlircelu flat:. lie haa skuretf for his satrieribeis fine col ored editions of. two splendid -gaps - oil localities of great' interest.. - ,Ouel, of these ' "covetingnow . e than ten squure frit,' t ows'Ab• entire: , Statei of );"ittoinia. en completely that 'fiery roottisty, towel, city; village, .river, .1) oh, i.ountaln,i bill, .and ' priocipril"road, and . the movements of the unites are readily'troced. l it alsd ' embraces 'llarylaiiii. and part of ,Pennsylv, its. The otber'%l ap, ads. erforabout 15 square feet, gives all, th e Southern or. Slave States. Walla ing Missouri,' lEentilcky., -Virginia, Maryland. en Delaware. T ough,-•ot ,s 9 minute as the Map ;Virgiois, this bows! all '•the counties,,principal Miens, rivers, etc., of "the' z.'9utliern stattit- An person subscribing now fur the Ariculiftrist,( t $1 a,year;) ielpresented with a choice- of the a ore two Meta:isle:lt gnat' paid. In addition to his; every, new;` itibseriber receives the ..ixicat: riar,..not only...for all. of next. year, (VDI. 2l' _c nsplete,) but ale for i the i t s rest Of ,this-yeari for. o e dollar , iWe i ve long received' the Aciericre ;Agricesituristi , and "can testify to itstnerite-H. Vl4,nutisher is !well Wis. crated; and contains a ery Large amount Of really useful,' practical, rely hie inlormation- io; i the Farm.,the Garden. ag. the liousehoidAneluding i t a very interesting dep rtment for the 1 the Utica . , No one esn_lsit to get manjdollate w' th ofAse jful hints froin a vol me of the ilit ireftirist. )f 10 while the. maps given ust now ate so rich „extra. ' Wei bivalent for two pies of the p er ea as to get both maps., Se d a dollar Zr • papkr on oar recommendation, or if you ,prefer, send a dime for a single' c..p and examine ii for your self •:rbe addrets of the Publisher G ls, 01458 6 JoDD; 41 Park Row, New York. -,' '1 -, . Btacxwooo's 'Maastax.—From Skierpahllsh- I ere, Leonard Seam. to., 54, Gold Xtreet,i New York, we-have recei , d the October number' of this Magazine. Tbd, —.- contents, are,' l'eri Dale in, ,Itiehinoti'; CastoniebsPart IX.;: German and Aier_Pro.peetst. Chronicles of Carlingftird: alemi ichispid.—Part IX.; I phigenis'in Tiaras; (loiter, the first M. 21.1 Tiester IL, &pant; Itali - aticl Franco. The ouriber is an excellent one in every lel:pees. • e.mleti Chapel is a fine. stbri; 'one of the beet ever p'ohlishecOn Blackwood. i focal - •wrEirtY AutaimAc ' : , -- ,V — ——— -• 'Ji l l .ux . , .• , , I,oes—tgov. : I .SILTs I 1100.11 9 tCitiltalb. 1 1 S i kreDAY,..... 29 459 ' ; 0 a if. 2' 8 %DAY... 2.- 30 458 riot Q. ei Mini. 3 g05nAr,......., 31 4":57 rut M. 14 I I( et 4 trustuy,..:..:. q 32 4 56 r,,„"11. 1 1 :4„;: 15 r. Vi r axmer.. 6 33 4"-55 1 6 TAUMDA'L.... 6 35 4 53 I. 7 FilDiY,- t 636 4 52 1 .. - Therssometrical nicord iist the Wee* •:• • Prissiyiraniti M Oeta 20-Bsitirda.4, • 43 - ina . 4 . • 24—T . .u0d..5y.1 . . .21—w.aukod14--.4 , 1 an,rtbamAsy, : 47 31—Fr1asy .12 er" C Ts. las . barn detailed a in iarsi:aa at Fort osr , QH;fe* Cum oty . ,•bis iek good .1 . - perk rhoinerat i Re, V.,' died it ; r sliito;4 tun, thii alccf#.l Apeviratpecemqut URI 144 the first p tiett:stitieessteity, • ,mined this week, reteolred. Seise ;0111.iikeqd Ay CoO,vtiFfrom tba ift4led up his dup 404 ilibtia i tossnedisiths:6l2i• . AsirTetris,t . V. dieti tbh weir Iliinte l le s saspoi . ait4. iprei ~ tnaghA . to 11S zenzithiy *Ws .u 9 orpmsl. oil ! Fins Yon!, pained toUnsicrea that. Cipt. Horace !int IIU Co.,:IC' Fifty- Rag.. P. V.;iran !Med -al the-28th 10 the operations *plant dirleston suss 6seap4sh., - 8e fell while . 4htiag Cait.:Beitustl ! wan `u eoa ! efDitailsi'llt. liensitt; Esq., , if ibis County, and young Man of west. ! estimable " ! P bone „Mel hint . ! bet Vs) lorehim, none name. bum but to 14isiss.' 1,-- , . . .10.1Prestierifiis 'iisAlts . 3744:=Trisiii e .do I‘ 4, i Soli 'of ihO litev.A.:, icw 7 5d — this place , who was appoisitediki "this . pos 'on_ of an. actrog osaster'r mate. i r n ieseraty last, awdwtteelsed to. this frig. 1 . ate St I Liorenee, hisi. is promoted to tts link '' of .actiSt r i lim iter, and transferred ;to the 1 trzoted ,: •Statel Ste er Santiago diiisb‘ 8i sidvatoe-, merit Was !entirely unseals:lied, and solidi tote re:. ward nt Merit. - : . . _ ..- , • ,•- I- :---• ~,.. . ~ • .eli a regular meeting M . Ile Pottsville I Dl vision: NT. 52, &of T.. Geld In their Nall,,Ooi; 1it,186 4 the following.isire - sleeted Dl** i., , IW. P.=-John O. Deek r - Af- A,s4amet Glillill7 wood ;I RI 8.-LJesse W,llltisles,'(re.sleated); A. it. 13.—,-J. 8. Jones; T. chiilts,..t.l Bashysbell ;• F. s.-CII I a HOS 11..Wansel;. C---sTuesph flllosteli ; A C.--"-, Debt: nada ; lc 41,-R. A. March; O. fk --Sanil. : . Whitney i'L'haplein—Win.ll6 - Jikon denbuish. .. I ".! A 111;;; _.. 1 . bera of this flide;, whir are ~in the Artily '."'...' , Navy, sin. requested .Ittfoviiarli , tl:Siv address ;'d time of enlistment to the 1i.F8., ..‘ • ~ ' , JIMT.J , *e, A. lie leas, : Egg.. GOVlSTOteellt ielitCll . oflltevesue, for. this Distefet,* tieW attired upon ..he,4uties. of his office, sad; is, ,ow; residy , to ' *toe; lieeoses, 'be esiFitos • bored iGtiit Governor Bittwell, Pciipaiitsioner of Inteleibl:Rtitenite; hiss decides:l that ell dOcumetipe except clocks, fse which stampikbavi, hess issued, will be lekst if, not stscePed; tip to.Jlnusiy, stumps see_ issued in. ihe ,If they bee , Wood before, .of souses; doe notice will be given.. . • • COL./. a.l TAGIL: iaj94- I '" you. Compboll..Stronoo.i • .0 4 •i •S ;^. ! 8 i. Zi 1 110- I 'Bl4 • 112 - 1 I - - „tidri)estait of. Vi.dastee4.—:Zeter foyer, :of Co. H, 48th Reg., who•wee wounded at.the bible of Sharpsbure'seas bronglit.hihtsibOme Cres. lona, where he lingered. and "died :on Wednesday of last, week; Ile seal hailed on §sturday hut with military honor,s. On Sn' Tidal lastithe r rem sins of Thomu Camy bell, a member of 'the iftth Beg., were interred in tit , ” Borolgh with 'military hiimors. 'Camp bell had, been sick at kis resideUef in hlinersville street, btit.wu evidetifly minvaleseing, When he - did suddenly last week, Again. Tim:cairn OVIITCI4I , Ilna. Pbetsrilif. ! - it %11..i l VJ ' • ' ilea : i 14; 1 1 . eydatry: 49 - i 5 .eliar. 1 5 / 1 .1 . 4 1 1 . elnudy: 66 1- 01 . ;Olesr. 64 4 61. :....- 1 ts, of Co, K. 127th:R4g . ., one of s eisnrt: utortit4 .0011 AUeri,.ziess! Washington, of drafted men left this arrisburg.', (They *era.' u 4 - , r , Ott Reg., Iluspital, •' , r. : italkiSiatadt has • pSiforcoed talossaooeistioas, ails Doe.. • i'l*laa to glerforta thin StimykkiliTnuot,y. We Sa4ral •sitines- 'bias:* had St quite large. - • :1 friiii—Mr., Win: lidatbair Tax 101er:rills district, ;Poit rdl,P,' cute in 101 l fur Cont 4, , taie the year iS62. Mr. Hilbert iltetur, lard ought lo hit re oil lie; as It • till' Like it. üb 4 t3 , ot C0.4. 414 / 1 !gig.. i... ;lii drever Hospital, Washing. I iraka' 44 at t,14 llRa r hod FOutivienily i ; . itit4J • hits it Imre! rallied, via died. from, t AP/stilt.- Ills retstitss ; ms in Ch11414,..,10C ; inteF:llcd 1 i< . Or; Catholic Bishop" uf , Philadelphia vial Ited thii a ltegar, fiat Week, and adminlateicd .° l33 e ' wtiolesomea4%lce to i the men recently engaged in the distorbitices here. 'lle tadght them their (ltity Oilier , the laws,!ai n geort . :citliets. lbw gun day lint tlrapriesu kilts BorOugh, and ; ounty; Preached' atrTmg ~rartnoos op, the. subject: vhich bid their eine!. 11 the Itreckinridge /politicians 'Mr County, had not eSuied the minda ',Of the werkingoien, by the moat itifamoni ialsebriods re'l'ereneh ti:the Government, the object •of the rear, et., we would not have so rainy ,diaturban ces•to chroalete.' "'` r 17re Xilkesbarre /:eeorri of rite Times.in noticing the fart as.stated bins, that some..stran: - . gem &atilt. 4 from'Lnaerie, were here recently. ,to'Ment . g among the tethers of Care,. rein s: - 17_07 likely. . Lucernetoeofoioieut of the . Breekihridgc etripei opposed the, soldief's , vote. called .the voluuteers ." drunken 'rowdies," and -did steel thidg that; mean, underhanded, coward iy sympathy with.rebellion could prompt to op phee the administration, and interfere with 'toe draft. Laboring men were told that there would lie no idratt if the Loader!) ticket wsisAeleoed, and thire can be no doubt that 'the .sue spirit iameanenough to go to Schuylkill to stir up.rebellion.. • • , pir: dad .Jteettling The followlo4 etateknent ehowe, the booliess of the Itee4i l wg Batlroad during month of Septem her;lB4l2;o4mared with the ea:We month of 'fB4l : ' 180. 1861. itseelval ," . 2.1 , 162.130 . 87 • 4 ~M.tetiandlee,, .18,1050 Ot ' 32.108 56 • ..',Ttavel,,Le, 42,222 , 68 39,216 62 TrierPotjainit. Rnadwayi - Dompitif+; fteutreall'uod • and ,111 - V 11,103 $9 1:1,620 90 24et rint,et forfbe'motilb. 'lsm).Bs o 3 73 110, 4 33 03 pnlyius tripotbs, 1,193.051 00 i.onerz 43 .. T0 .. t41 {Not pro3t 20 m40th „.. 0,. $1,3t9,969 33 _1,1341Cp11" • Fleas James Nagift paid.a visit to biehorn• !acre this week ; bat did not remain more than a Couplet of days, -irnporitual. arm; movements re iluirint hiePresenoe with his command. We oar derstand that Gen.! Burnsididesires the apPoint neat of den. to the'. command of the Division of.l.he late Gen. limo, of which • Gen; liagielis now acting Major General.. In out . Opiti. lon the honor cou* not be i)eitotied on ,tno're espabie offcer. or braver pin: . ithrough real merit alone Gen: Nagle hasitesdilyirisett during this.war to l'hie present important ikwitiOO, and is fully expect to - see him at its closes Major General. • Since the period of the Meiiian War, in which he was a baptain.up.to this time. Schuyi• catirked•With pleaiure, the manly career of James• • - P. se- Tier Commissioner •of. Internal Revenue ,has given the following decision in reply to a ;query PeopOundid bY E. T. Foster, the, Collector !at MauchChunk:—" * 'Where ;party ptodtices, coal in two countiii in two, differ. lent collection districts; there moat be separate leollectiOnal of tas, the .amount of coal pep- j ',lanced in each district. The regulatiOn reg wiring. taz 'on any corporate body, or property l of an in., l'cOrpentte body; ter be, payable at the 'offse of then -ti - tressuree of suctreorporation -,' does - not itiplude manufacturing - companies, 'nor be eon ' 'tried to include companies, even if incorporated , .;engaged lt . txtining coal. . In, these cases the tax I must be pod where • the manufactory iaaitaated, t- ,1 or where the coal le produced." ' .• .... ifferla.ttte lief of patent chants *issued' from' the United States Patentoflloo, fur the week end log Oct. ,14, 1862, we dud the foll Owing : • , 36,639. irillicsi• B;eke - , , of Potivoilk; Pa. - , for ,• : I • trapenotintealt t le Slopes .r. -• . ' ; . I claim the' omPlO'verterst or use tit' ppl, air ebeet,D, faired eetilrelly In the fireplace of a stlye ter furnace. ttomninsk•iiting with the aidthox'therenkartd provided 1 . Stith hprishtital tubes; F .in etitatiostio ' with t nisi , . 13, attached tri the aides of, the hodr•of the a ore or'fiftrusee. and.rotnirion'eatfuld with the external al ; substantially, asand for the pot pose herein set forth: : • , - . • I alsoriales th• salsa: I. plaited- within the air chest. D, and thi corers ta. Ades; N. applied to the ouhir'ends ot. the tubes, 6, for , the purpose or re:rotating the ad. tni•loo of; sir into the flreo,r.• as speci fi ed. I further chill:nth* triarigubr form .of •. the tithes, ir 0, and the inclined each, when .usol as and. for the purpose -.herein set forthJ ' . ' I , trbe nbiset of ;this lossuiton hito facitttate the barn , tot of 'very ens chat to storm:Cud focusers. and eimulhAs to rinirod norm/sir Into lb* body f coal in the - fire-boa, in inch a clic • As to inAut • &circulation of sir tbroCcb tkAs enti4 mi and the perfect combustion of that . XI. Co'mpli , eatp . ll.-- . The folio ins. from thy Colonel of-h t.. 3d Iteg , ichaddressed' its' 1 0, , . M; Vol:, , the Colooel: r the - 48th Reg P. V-: mentions' honorably the andiet of two otlleers.of the 48th, 000 (Lieut. C licit.) alas, now cold in 'death . ; ! soc i r 1 , .- r -,, .. ~. _ r. : lltatalnartmta 3011,it. then, Vox. 4 , .: 04, caltairced sky 44 , 1 Kept. P. V—l Ixote the honor to' MOO. teemed* • no•ntion ofiXoro elli intro of your vivi fies no, Copt: J. A. , olteroork . or Co . IL and 'Lieut. Wm'. Cullen of Os..s , •._ . •-• r - .';! -- t, .; . - ;t -- • Thbee aliens rallied Testate's until, thway'hadeleitit's eompioyi of th and Milted with my Re-Alumni form. log no the lett Mit therro/', mitered Into the battle Iti• "hlrh my Re/I not Wan anOsgod on Itrjaay i ft,,, c , c ,,,,,. !ha :nth 'alt. r..mained. totiCiha men 'gat/0. - rod 14 , them.'ned of my mealltwit'inniet had been' killed or. sansdni; (we lag :40 piled lad wounded . mit oflYl taaskoli en -) - , !I . ', . ' . ' . . , • Ikm Mantra above tererred tn. re reed tio the geld, *bile any of thbir own entstinand triaiitue4,, and ootll items t the prraid of the filillitc back nUtnyinwt;„ Ragl: Meat. Baltic fno font her mni, I then exeneed tams .trim I'M t her Mks, ' Thiel! , eondoet :vie brave and highly 00111=110 blio, and they were of nrcelaWirreles. • , • - I here lb. honor to be de, . ' " .• ' t • 8.13 cit.tunfut,col.34 sag .I,tteti:vot -- • lTie Iti Reg.. P. r.,X.11.1. k'Fr;ek.--.; • Annexed bast extract's!, a letter to its - from cal,., .. Prick. dated•• Beadqaissters 12fttb fteg.,.P. V.), CaMp, Tower, 31d., Oct. 234., , 1563 i:" - , : - ~ I tiave - no nova to omnontaleate newt that 'ail .•'-- re - ' =alas nowt a ' tau tipper Potomac , " ; List weed thi ism partici /84 In a tet01211101111111:1011.' int° V hirtata• ' and aided to tiny the mom y foor i milm, ail of ,bleb wardonedo I t _of *Min. Oreisinnelly: the dm iron E •Iliefr latterly* pretty brisk and-lbey weemed to give , Vital, &tient to ttes_3l9th ehteb , was' on the ea- Aimee Wt.. =the amity expkelled amid * 1 110'1ns( `asuibmis tail lortande proximity in lb regimeot. not osielmeti mu twisted: The - dila behaved yell. Ina received after tuff retaro,4os: thaohli lid Gee .. Port., andlireys. • I 1 , , • - r ',et« to 4,, , r'bitym., tut tb4 t v ieft•l' vs the' mgt. wet lif-aiftatly larger. The morel mart owe tel lei qtiaruire. Itegictiesial Ana Geneve! Itotpltals. The pfespiestr mortaametoo aed-,troateotatey floanthe are Maiden in their pilrotta,to allot tate the, saitin Int n/ the .led and *apply _the wine er the well den In the Rego' ' meat rromthost &wallet.' I telshl yOlll4ll l B mash or the! petoi,efetir manienteite , . •t • • Virsteeelfelly Tour Obedleot fierearet. - , : , . ' d'...0. taxi. •- - i k . - 1. . -.. .-A ci.taloth ni4t, P: V. .. • C . II -. • • . _ . -. .: , , qmaishidessec.--dtinesed a dm" • • ad dratted meniiholtave be e x e m pted by tom - ***Der Hobart. By diractiMM4rett the - MIL tory tarpinmeid of the fititsitobiamtemil persons • , ever p are directed to be stirnik k heili the iphireligidieathin dud for paititmeti . 'imids..llbis, toinadosionstlia bees i ' Redid I. ails 4 s • swim ethed• 440'arly ant_ savictillrons physlial disability. Tim' Aillitising pirsicas , have be ezimpted.for thamietigel' hedmitil"3 ~.! • : Ward.„ Ridges Dixop, alien"; . • Was-1,1.8i •rahitilds Ong ass: • - John Moamar physical disability. Joseph Quit Optical dliabliity. "Wm. ELlfep or, defect right eye. Martin• McGlynn; Physical disability.' James Baobrielt. over IP: 1" . I Richard Senile. physical disabliity4 Daniel Lahti. physicaldisability. _lldifitti WUlisma r phyticiddisability. Owes Rorke, „ ' • 4 Tho Colopy, over age. • Amen. physicsi disability. 7: ac masse, physical disability. PetePliead, physical disability. ,Daniel C 4 {ser.'s l / 11 eal 4 4" ili kr: • Patrielt Cardin, over age. , John listoteaC, owes age. , • Calvin !Tobias, defective kw." ' Henry Brill, andel. age. , Pat** . Finney, alien. Wm. H. Collier, physical disability. Aitilassel—• West Ward. Christian Blank. alien. - Petrick.' ale Cray- Dien. thristapherlicier; physical-disability. itbYsici4 Thomas Jauses.gihysisal disability, "Marta Bannoia. alien. , Caries Momberrr,"plip set -Daniel Paul. physical Jame* Dolan. alien. l• • ' • Perd. Joyce, physicid disability. Wm. Williams, physical' 'hos. Doughefty, Wear lgee- HearJ Bickest;elll-' - 1 home James, ov r ago. , Jacob Bierman, (e empted for pd 04e/se.' ' Edward Fogerty. physical ' disabilitY. Richard Wintack, Wm Murphy. physical disability. t EdWard Wakens, physical disability; Peter Siegley, ever , age. Sohn McNeil. over age: ' krone Spots,-physical disibility. Lewis Yields, 'alien. - Jai. pe'rice, (exempted for 30 days ) Mitbew Relit'. overage. Jobn Ereas,,pbygicat disabliiky. Bostor; John Breckeri over age.; • .. • . lamer lost one . foot. • , •, Fre'd..Roderor, ((Recharged . on prder or .o . or, Curtin) . ' Frederick Rice, over azis. !ace& Stevets, blind left eye. . Patrick Norton, cinder lige. . Slob. Westrich, physical disability. Ludwig Zimmer, alien. Igrael tileel; physical disabllity r • Luke Nolan, over s'ge. Nich. Miller, physical disability. Patrick item"; under age. Peter Young, alien. • Geo:Wood, over age.' _Michael Colter, over age; !James P. &vein, physical disability., Mlobiel"Briai,'phyeical Charles Kids. phy!lial disability.. Thomas Benj. Williams. over age. ' ; George Weasel, over age.: Thos. McAnnepy, over age...; Hoacheny. alien: - ' . Christian ,Frank, Dlunitioic Craw, alien. 'Henry Welterbolt t nli " Matthew :Shale, over ge.•'• Frank terdaitia.:obYltOst . Elias Seitiingeri-phySioal .disability. .Jota.Brahaney, phya cal disability. , 'Chas. Tobey, phyamil Bonen fichniettr, nude age. ' • Br/Amick:gait. . Moses Leonard. under ,age. . litreisaisiek West. , Jer,e, Mower,physical disability. '• • El in Good; phi/Acid , . Eldred. . j K:fiabler.pbysical 11.11inuter, physioal, difabiUty. - Nathan ilepler, physical disability ! . Geo: Kobel. phyll4ltlisab4ity. • ' Abi Zinn:aerials% v.:loot-director., Andrew DnffV,Vdiew: ''. - • L ~..,..' Charles. M. Hoimberrr, Phyaliralldisability: Michael Ryan. physical disability. • Thos. Neal.,physical disability...l .. - L - John Brennan, over age.. -. ' ~. . - Jloset Carboys..., •. - • Androw_Seigle: hernia. . ,1:. I— . , Wm. P. Brittbn,..phyeloal disability, • . john Fitcrerald, physical disability. Dennis Weish,:over age. , ~ • • Patrick Donahoe, hernia. - 'Anthony Medd:lle) , * 'alien. : • . ' Win. Parry, over age. - John Duffy; alien.- ' • . .'; . R - • A:Annoy. •::, . .? Thos. McCormick, alien- • • , ! Jas. Demplen, physical disidgEty. - i Miles Herold, underlie; ' , , . Mahan:as/ye. • 1 .. ..c ' 1 . John B. Ytider, bernic• ®. ~. 1 - Henry Rhoads, - hysiesl'disability. . 1, D. 11. Maurer, p hysical disabiliy. Jacob W. Erdman. physical disability. i • George Yoder. ,pine injured. '...- i Abraham ft: Erdman, over age. , Danl. Silor, physical disability., -. I Benneville , Baum. physical disaility '. Joel Daniel:.phyoical disability.i ' .ki si •st dr...-B.' Wort. Y • Edward Meitner, physical disability. • if tddleporF. 1 , • • Wm. Epeara. physical disability: v . Lewis Lawrence, physical disshditY. • ~. John Coogan, (exempted for 90 riga.' ' - , Mararim B, ! ark. . • John Reichart, school director.'% .. .geso Castle. - , ••'' Daniel Moore. over age. ' 1 Michael Murphy, alien. • Dennis Donavan, erippled_band, .' John Clark, alien. ' • ' ' ' Andrew Fay, physical diaability John Cummings, over age. Thomas Horan, alien: Thos. Crosby, over. age. - 'Robert Bradley. physical dilabi Oliver Cromwell; alien. ,James Murry, physical disabili John McCarty, alien. l - ' ' Joseph !Brady, schoot'director. Edward Cutlery, pbyificaldisabi James Howard; over age. ' 1 John MoNelty, physical disahill John Callen, alien. Gcorgalonea. alien. , - Edward Pierce. alien. - Patrick Cot ned. Over age. 1 Thomas Knox, over ago. • 1 ; 1 , • Noiwegiaa. Theis...Prelim°. (exempted for 61 John Kelly.jphysical disability Joliii Calvert, over age. ilioeireaias, East, Tbdaßeirk,tdien. - Michael Foley, alien: Michael Sennian.'llien.. , -Tbos..Emuilan, Jr.'. alien:-' Michael Begley, alien. • John• Regan, alien. 1 • - - -Patrick Murphy,: over age. Jobn Megire, over age. Nicholas, Whalen , overage' Robt. Thomas, (exempted 10i904a Sandy Frey, phyticatdisabilitY. . John Morgan, physical diiability. - Nich:Eatbeasar,phypical disability!, - tinthnny - Dubey . ..Jr:, physical disah 'Anthony:Bake, under ligo. ' .• ' . Orse;gilmeg. - .• , Henry Freed, physical disability. • 1 Ctudil Ilerinansader, physiegfAisabi • John F. Linder. physicist' diWsility.; ',., Pia egroce Borcisah.: Cornellui Mann, underst 1 Edward Fitbert,,physica ability J. L. Eutting, physical di bldg. • • - . • l'i seryeors ,Tossaskip. Christian Bruhd, alien.' j ; ' Fred. Gabel, (etc:noted for 30 dap C•nmelias Umbenhower, physical d Michael Shitxle,.allen. • i J. John Etein, Sr.,-tielif and dumb . I ' ' - . Poto, Ado._ 1' Dennis Harkins, over Cite. ! • i • Michael-Toobe, sebooll , direct4r. l , 1 Christian Brang.alien; I ', Jauies Barns, over. age. •• - ' j Henry ?dosileley, alien..' . I -1 bos..Conway, over age. I . Patrick Dougherty, physical disati • John O'Ciginer, Over age: ''• i • Win. Bused:alien; 1 ' 1 Joseph Bishop, school director. • I John Carr, physical disability.- - Kcal Glass, physical disability. Mittbew Wbaleh,- average. • ~ Daniel Doigherty, over age.' , 1 Patrick Condon, over age. , .! James O'Coriber,.under ago. 4 David Wortley, physical dllabilitY James Martin s -. Over Cge., -,- ,I ~, . 4 - ' '• ' l'oes Carbon, i Wm:',Aiorden, physical disability .. .l Them Welsh, alien. : 1 -; James Martin, enginl 1 ,1 Lewis.llsirty, alien. '', ,i ,I 'C 1 3 1 ' .Chartes, Oallageri'slien t,, .. Robert-Dinetirstot iliga L- 1 i • - :Tames iCiasley.'phoysical disahilit; - 'Patrick,Frolep,;alitn.. I : 1 i - ' ;Abraham-Abley,litiyalcal disabili ' lOsiish Nox;physieal disability. tt --- Bernard• Redly, physical anthill( 'James Nolan: under_ age- 1 •.; •-I liiiirell leakier. Obksiail'ilisibili :Benj. Wnifingeriphysical disabili . L Thomni Gorman, - over ago' 1" 'James Ei,twist lei - alien. . 1 Ild'artin Vaash, over age. ' I • is ••'- I i 1 . - • : or t e:i 1 l :Isaac Sponssler,i physioakbillty. I ~ , i Pollyi . Itt6inis I)lcOes.' over eige•J, I ... . • Thomas coehnui, alien. 1 . • IPhilip Alwetl,•alien. • . , : !Petit ruipstride, alien.' . • I,4lmi:we Idegupend. slims. 1 • -Tbomas O'Briar4 kiln. I James Golden, lietwol dirietlr.. ;Weisel PiiricleieulPi•Oer 66 • !Robert Weir', enigi!eer. t i. Altai.. Piliirphhititmismuluip. ;Pah lot Heinass,,iebl.el ditisi.er. 1 Jetta _Dulles. iiSt., ovgr sus .; 41Am l'ilebolsoo/,4lleit. I F IHOloirt lisalei. t alleii. 1 . ! !David{ ,/isadenylphysteal. $440941 21 -- 214,450 04 owsiser-4-4.--?77Frri,"*.jarh--.4 is 454 :-. Joao. Gliontml,ipSYsiimil dividitlitY., hi,Nia lta i baid ert y y no pti e ri ct. esl disability Thom Wm. - Daiii t laltsii. -t1 : • _!..lne:3l6•EarrelL alien.. - . i I • - Demio Bryn'. ever age. ' - - Wial MIS. ittr/ 41 0:clist4ILY- ! . ' •: _Wm. ,Wnrd, idiom ' . • -_ Inds* pbriest abiataty;,: :Et 4 vs, aim... 7 •;-.1 ' Bey* eves are. • . ,''' " 2. ` . " 144 Ihriall4Pl'lllival. dimbliltY. : Hugh Pmeitt.- wrier ago. • 6 _Anthony Oltettiti, alien. • •,. . ' Jas. BOW "Ulm.: ; ' • - fionryllinek, school dimmer. • • • •Jtict. Thanes. PitYsical disability. Thos. Stattleton. alien. , -•. Sebastian Blain., physical distabillt7 - S. H. Sbitefer, physical disability. Ilenrylltartmsin, alien. ! . - '-• ~*! Michael Clotili.bver. agi. -.Jos. P: 'loch, over age. t__. • ! . Abni. Skeltati, Phisietl disability. :!, Adam Brow a, iphystear disaliidity. - , ' .100 Jennings, seliool Alrector. _ . i!.• Tina. WY. rvar age. • % • rWm.. Tornsr. Phy sisal- disanility. • Nathan - 3tennish, physical disability. Isaac I Tonesi.MbOol director.'•• - - ,' I l e sitst levelly:4. school director. I• .' ' I &ley/kilt. . • Geo. 'Ninths', (exempted for 60 days.) . ; Condi Shark., (exempted for 60 days.)_ Danl. Ittunnin. alien. 1 . . • • • ' dactio:Keribzier, physleal disability. ' John Ott,tiver ago-. ' •_! - U. C. Rili1101; (exempted for 311- days.)" , •Edwaid Slart. over ego. ' , . - H. 1.. Ems, 'physical disability. • • Toilagaa-i-N., Ward. -': ,lintolißitinbach, alias. ' 1 . • - .• . • - Wm. (Mart, alien. ' 1 - , Itiontis Carter, pbyeleal disability: d-f J° l2 ". Pius* disability: • •• i - ; Taisavto--B..cWerd. .• , • • - , ' ' t - gl o j e i Lim. phys mil dinbilitj. . • Inseph gimek.iphyaleal disability. • 1 . joseph liferks,! physical dietbility.. - • ••• PreaLLltobinson. physical disability, i-,_ , jos. i'leod, over, age. :,„ • . ~, , - I:Mild Kleckner. (exempted for 30 days.; . !John Gitelman, alien. • . . . !Charles Philips, physical iiiiibility. Henry Bishop, physical disability. - IL!. '. i •• Talliamta—E. WarYL !Thomas' I. Breda physical disability. • Mhos. Carter. physical disability.. .. •• , IL/14 Becky physical di/ability. • Irian k -Millet, 'physiCal ditability: ' j it mai-S.Fry„!pliysisal disability. itleorge.SherTy. over: age: i IPbilip Erbr, physiealollsabillty. lJiathes Walter, physical disability. ohn,lcrili, physleal 1P4.1)-VenstermacAter, physical disalii . essoat ToWasitip: INi - flak:Callahan, physical 'disability llcnij Strasser, under age: - Timothj ,Flinn., Over age . . _ JashiGautmel: alien. . ..„ , Union. Tlulothy Ragan. Jcu; Eisenhower, blind'lrght.eye. Simplon , Bailey, physical, disability • , troyseL James sraret.ey, Jo,..sph Brown, 'school direotnr. Andrew. Smith, alien. George Lunkeuhill. overage. • Wese:P4i4a . . Ililderman„ rheum/visa:.. Charlie Behler, physicsl .Eamitel Shoemaker, phjelcCl disabi !- Nathan D Monts, crip pled Diehl ha Behler, physical Recaptitslattein. kI East Ward. MTILASFD; • t . . Binnswig East, Iliunstsig West, Eldred; t- Foster. Mount'. Carbon. Malianoy,' Mahantongo. icerirille. E. Ward, NliddlepOrt. lklenbeitn South,. New Castle; Norwegien. , • .ISorwegian East; • Grerigtherg, Pioegrove Borough, l'inegroSe Township; . 1 falo4ito, Port Carbon; !,Porter,' Ru=li, Balm: i- I_ i! t TIAIL tlk Ic W. Ward, TAM Ap t;;Wali. - 'E. WOO. Tr i emilut oo uship, Unian, , _ • Wayne. . • West,Peop, .I ° ICEEZE Air.fit oar last we gave.a list eently i drafted here by ;Camutissi Since Ithon a number or ez.enipti tiade l for physical debility; and of l 0r er and under tbilegal age fors 'Another draft _ism aito place to ft, leasioned IoY the 4 eieropltions. I -1 lAniesed is •• fat of substit ‘drafted men, and elated -by thr fAiti E, 1 i. land—F., Ma I l e lielfrich; Patrick Golden for T Jncoh Drumetter for Wrn..F.; B fOr Mira& H. Fisher; Martin :Keller • Cyrus Shehis:forJaine 4Lrobei fur Ferdinand Trotter. Ashitivd-r. W. 117.—Alhert 1 flanks ; Peter Wagner fur Gen Blythe-leter lion& fur„SaJ 1 11,ranch—jimei Sheedy V ' Prank . Dutenbelfer for Pete - Zinatterman for Jacob.: It Z' , Wilson for Win. IL: Goyne • JacobF. F. Faust;' James ,Sh tirickl . ! ' . . , 1 I Buifer—lonel Weis for Garet for ileum el bict r enne John Young ; Conrad Soy Ab.‘aloir. !lain for Lewis I . - East. BrunsteigL.Morgau, pip. Kiirroel ; Adam' Swab Daniel Smith for Samuel hart for Amos 13och. .: - ..I •Efili Norieryiatr4Ohn.. racle. I., 'l . I EtrlreiLtEliu Wolfgai ter Santnel Wolfgang; :Timothy Grove for Gide i -Monter - Elias 'Christ fur J o h n . Christ . ; • Em..nn Kehler for PeteriKeh , er ; Casper Wernrr fee' ohn Blttaman:l ' I ' 1 Forcer —Thomas _ Gel worth . :for John Read ,. ngton. I • ilai,/ , ,y—Lewis Aits r Bans el C. Miller Geo. IKlinger for Win. Klinger.. I : - ' • • . ' I -,llegiueLNathaniel 8.1 Otto or Win . B. Otto; (Daniel Morgan tor Win- Morg 4 ; Josiah . ' JreSs• 1 der fut Wm. Fidler. 1. • I ' -i ' ''': j - .4lititikpo;l-I.3eurga Magary for john Hertz.- . ' ;4fuhun , ..y— Fleury !lowan fur tqlitip Onir l it, INew ffastre—Alatn - Eichly fu David 11. t eiger„ ' Iffurtregiuti—Menry Becker f r: !Marius 4ittitht. 'Orte; : r.burg-t•Vietor Wernertifor . John A - 4 Kge ; llenrrSunth for Wtril , S. Albright; Joseph f Shoe. ncr fur . Reuben Feglel., . ~ -.... I , - 1 — I Port t'arbust-Anthony, Teich for Bartholomew: fr. Reagan ; :Patrick Williams fir,J.stike. Willtams;, ' Geo. K. Reed for Levi Mattsun.l 1 . --1- I P,i.rgroor TomatAli —llan. Itanochl fur .Bphrs, 'im Knapp; Wm. Wenrich fur tjeorge %Yen chi; . 1 t' ' Piiuivort. Burmayiri-John A t Burn for i urdon Tracy : Cyrns $. Dull for GOrge Rice .; Jame* Sptngler. ler Wm...Spangler. I: t .' '1 t . Purrer-,Wm. Adam for- Daniel - A - Jiinol';• Paul 1/Kessler. for Joseph hand; Adana Rand for John • Browtt. : _ . l ' 1,1 • I ' ilw , ti—Daniel G. Beaus° for Renry Honek, • Tr.-aloof' f'utrasa4l—.Jitrues Delaney .for John Delaney •, TA1 . 0191111 •A liscm fur enjamin Charles ' worth '; Daniel Boy .tr Albs lietOrieks. ,* . - Ti"ciwiti.-4Percir ' Eckel or Charles Wolf; A if!, . - Bonj. F. Pinkert° , fr K. 1.). risen; Jusesh Mil. . let foriJere. 'Wetsel: • ,1 , . Teasayius-,,5. B. , Abrahans Long . for .Danie ,• • Peaku; - 7 s ; ;li l i t. . - • ' Tuatsuotot . W.+ elm Stark' fbr,Johri J. Kant -Coati; illeistir M. l'alw fur Daiid K. Ethsocinds. ' ,' Upper, if, .(I,,roiiii,- 7 -11enry; Fetherolt: fur "liar ' rison Fetheralf.; Petciial .Ras herglr fir Beubtut • Mehri a Samuel Behleigil for ourySchleigit. . ' Uaftur, Tidrasit.p4Chas. hi leer fur Samuel M. • Miller; Joh t ,Eiserthari for Reitry 'Mill'er s Jr.: • Henry DeF ehn for ! illansb , rgeir ; Wm. J. Ituytert for 11 , ur I. Moyer ; , Samuel EOtenbart, Jr. ) , for Daniel M.' Stauffer iliideott 'Beaver'fdr, • Nelson .Itrandon; aniel ; A.' Ikturnbet , f.r Jacob . ' ll.olln§el ; Wm . . Lo g fur Joltit Road s ; IWtn. B. • Ziainterman for Ile ry..BreisV •-. 1 ;Wear Brognew;:i Lewis it it'd ' for , Daniel F. •• liininsel;; Relay Ny man for I il..ewis: Maiburger ; Jasnas Oatntan tor. Charles' K.: Iddyer; s I ~ ' . ' :trains—Jacob Limb, for ,IltenjaminS eigert.; • :scab tiessenimrgerfor, Warlf. Marti. . • • • Washim 9 t..*—Christian W 144 !dr ,lien y Fehr - i Joseph Wagner far ,flatauell illeiin; Wit. Carey 1 fur Wm. - Fehr. --' •: I I t - I . , • . A. • 14 - - A A. _IrIraPAPER. epic - amokis•VD.—_' corrilspondent,br tie PhilSulelphiss P ass yri tint frmo, Civil/ie . ,. Pa., ander date .1-Octo ber g4,sumes: - : . , , . • I Censidirehle excitement r ya/ °amyl ned this veiling 1/ the dedolishing of the Ams ems KifP steer Fainting °Mee: Ther. , dreams were rielly as - ,follOwes—Yestersiay'e issue lei this Could sheet =mined ea .esli on which I sold only insenewi from, the pan o Jobs :Is. Bretton, from which we quote the folio, hig nen - tense : "They have, io the (see of sr ihrent3 1 and perseutions, 'thisbeid their 'Cletsche li sts in his very eyes, and branded bids and hie Cklitsg r thieving, rotten, Administration with s e Mal. of their condensnetion: 'Owns i syst of e ti r ekair, Asstanex Luscot.s; is the demand of A 0:. people of this State made on Tuesday of *I els." • Thicitisens, end the !`Anderson T op;" e' • timed here, having:their indignationuse ibli foul use or rather abuse, of the p ivilg the Oresi, niter a 'oonsultatinn; decided at . would save'the United Stateakieribil ato of timing i this estitslithment.,l So. at st Mai ' they repaired to t 6 ,1 office, !shout'orte Ts odrt iti nuMbee, where. meeting with no iitiit lice. 'resit Apes 4 to work ,and_ SOV ' • offir "pit'' ,ruissing Ora ."fons" pitching the typeino thires tiniefebei eh whirs into l' , ,•• 41111P.Wintair •ii .semiega mothers of the Addles, brdlyto knit twbs or ti . pate; of thick whistles soaks, to be!forlei" ,eanisun end InWth/r. '• - ' , •-• _ ..,,,,.., ~,,i,„-.c.., •.., 4A., 0 ,.,, , ,f,- -- -...:‘,--....,A,-..,:•,,,-,--ta,:•,,,fditr,si fi r,. „ ~ . , all . . 7 tt"laitir rs liiirteiniteers. 1 wool Fa this plats Mar winter Ow , 1 t„ l ik -, thingo w re getting fixed up hate. „Thiestieelth 4 the re. L & IL' LEE ' _ , . .. 21 ' III • • l'll6----"Tairare 7 431 ” II: , C- —lf " . --• Tailliells"l 7 :" T :4:Ttnni.' " ar ' l4.:llt4l';l4.blij.:Elud 41: 7, - 'li 7 '' . 1 1 1 1 - r 4 ; i : :Li n n , t i t 1, I , L1::11 1 ....:::::::::S, , . r0r . . : : . 1 0 :71 ' , 1 . - n r : Ce . t:r.:.. l l .l "r Y 11 : 11' ;':::' , 'i ttl Ttileg , r : 10 R It E Vl' l •--- -- i - - t ----,, - 1 - f .-- Ni• koPP. Colouuldbit I . • #..............r........m. • - ' - CIAO dllCltiltat. *T.. Ode Cttl. 1 1 4 2 . illii" - ille Philildelphila Volunteer flefreithment t '' 11 '',"•" ' ln e l ' a i'eri``• 'Lira' , " he11...11 ei1 5" :;. 1 ,,, n ," 11 1'r draft..cd tnei°, daily.- 5.;., . - ''''' .- L .„--ipts‘ l i ke botr t abt .• mwei,4l;lll3o-zglesnajG..Cir,y7.fil r ive " bee° "li the ' &Moans now entertain , , wry, I -Apply t 11 m.. las t FlOrritte.tliakitra lt - intscesible. to4tiere yea a entree§ AilFteennterfeit .S 'a and - $2'S of the /lank of rt ft ...1— 5 " ;re :...?:7:..„ 1 1.7.!: t ' . L 1. 4 '.1 1 - ,1 ,eemeet eg'ths pot t ee lat Matta**. Ith PiL OltilakrYo , Penni , Township, are in.ctredlation. - ' - •, r i,) .I, ET..--Thre. • -------- - L-4, „st,it uar .- ( i t Oa ' eistry '' .) esmotom . Hted tty.. Cial. l kr , 4 1 2 : 0 %M* o eli tt i tt esti ? matt it that bi _ Illinois ' wil l • produce , _, ', ..-- '... - ,-t r gr J(tUr r°Oille. 1 ~M.tt,re tar , teuros, and one ..Lut_irm I, i ~. -' S rerelk.:tert BM At nuts /Liver at 6 e'clock, P. .. , U , s es o cotton t 1 I sar, and. the crop is or , t , , , A .4 oboes in my . .... blitib,:t. ev u 4ht , l CoL Waithas let v. Cavalry. Is lb. %draw,. %athirst!' now gathering. The brew tintla grow 000,000 - i the itiinerte Bank, Dttas Ole. 13er tertne, r 4;',':, , ,aete by. *Mr_ Matilierit Tretritterei of Men'let an n'S 4111 a 41 2 - hales profilitl,ly.• The sorheiro crop in Illinoiri 1. - i , . -j, ~.zu .ottc . imp r! '6' tat Arillitirl.lid iodates 101 l al Ky. Carat,. Ger i er. t a istinshttot to amoutato to ,1,1,0Q1),000 in value the t _Lt...4 '• •. - eot . ' &Mites lustiTan Chote's Divisions foliowet. Wear eed ee t , _. —_____--.....,_____: a *ewe miler. Do the senthwast side est • Perryvilistby a PtesentlYear. 1 ~ - , Weßg.t.„ - V:l4. "Woolen any /fame bad engstk the __ oridt great ~,,,,istion'iras erected among the *near* right wing early in the =mitring. AI w ,.- e Rd. : Freemasons of itonadetieut a few , days , hi Tamed Wilt bard the loud rear emitter? welithe warp , 1 crx . .. m o tet th ei wseeketry. DI ei. er,lloe q t guru.* gas Mt. Chart , * Stratton .. aims Tom Thumb; beirig t I I amazed. with •Watford's *Keeley to the 'advance-II Out initiated, towed and raised. to the sublime' tiegre,e , battalion eappotted the artillery. • Securely was the Roe of, Master Mason Ist' Sr. John's Lodge, .1'1re.1..01 crannied* when ens beard our pickets firing. Co. A ref One n 0t a.,.,„,,,,, 1 . . 1 , baltaliata Mao yealortol to take the advance mod skirmish. I r,• - ii`ip' ••• 1 Fifteen agnates Saw Co. It was ordstwt to hole On A. ' ' 4Fgr'i!t Is a singular fuel that in the govern.' (Ca. A toweberri 36 men. etenurinded by idell„. t . ..; J__ _ob . "o ' mint I sane. AsyLitn t here are a nutuberl - 01 -eul Thirmspoctits elatma• I I's" t " 4 "'" 4 " 1 h i "''''T -4 " *Dt diers and se - veral Officers whose minds' hive be- Prk* and Mermant Peter Kelly, 00. F ',withered 23 • mem ronzamoded by • Wont. Usher tt. Thenapson.r (The come eras d ' 'O m 0 In t h e iertWe •Of th em let platoon by 0. r:wrgaant Ova V. &while.) Our peel country. Inainityr in linumber of cues has been.' (lon was ID a raring., I Co. A was ,1.T1.1.d and under produced hiaronnd. rereive.l. ~,. ; t Its active tillia.Mo anise**. Sly.platrana .10. mut ' to she , , 1 immimememeommem... right. •Wont. Thomouin • detdoyed to, the left ,under a Bracy an .. , Tbm i ztoo and a c orpo ral errs vat on t h. ;if yeti want Fide. Lae., t.tr . Pin. Ntehleg has ev.. . blithe my rear. As my plata= •I advaered: thy- rebelsr ppetnuitts, Oils market the ran compere with this l enu 'O d 3 33113 / or 19949tr Y 9e9r `llr beads. 1 gate was et Itteention for chasing Ott the distempers that lathe reached. ' lf • re we halted is,seeend' °i two. . het took , . They'are the Philosopher's eller of adeigieustntague'pittektli u r ll l sy e r te tlg4t w ilt aa tie te gr :i i i p fe er y e a t rd a i t ~ li di td . I"' t that b id s b u r ' da n d u elia LL nee to disease , an d will leave us no More to make, lie !,*,4, safe Whine' she hal stacks . /1 al einailte but to die of old age. it disosounted tint then to act Modempshooters. l They • mimed the artillery ova as. We were ton low kw them .. to do we so y damage, except taking the =pa ofd ortley 1 stark. and megiog the limbs off of the tree. behind us, • .whiettesukted tha corporal's squad to shelter behind the trete. Two skirmishing herante general: . Tea 'men of CO` 41 sheltered themeelree behinds house. Fnmo theirs they killed eighteen (18) men , and one Major. e held 'hi , - % thla pot.P.lnn for6o minutes ander a gelling erg t meg .., a ketry mid wintery, We did toy latira eaten inn tel theta, on they prepare, d a eolatim'of cavalry '{or thane upon us. llor4ltivaniahers on the; left could's** them or/paring. Tfardlstinc• apart erWs bat ono.ti.dred and, arty (16 4rd yas. The chine* was made. .Lieuta. , i : Jones add Thempean't Men took to the woode lib the , rebels en their heels.' I heard them; yell. Orieb the or , der to retreat. As We turned. the artillery maned. A column *weep my 'fah% and left, We would etve been captured bad ('not ' entered a man ( James A. w Ilgoo.) to l it open the fence behind u 1 LW, dal ` sot reach i'l Worse, bat Mid, good Mine on VOL The horse fdicolred us— :Jame t Amok Welter undo , iltay stack. The retinis pawed. ; him- Our artillery opened and 'gawked lbeLlay sleek ow. !James was again put Arcady conabni IN raw in s cary:leg the colons of the ! et Ky. astral - whieh they - 'left - behind as the rebels ' charged mean u The lit-Ky. cavalry behaved anything but bravely. te DOWN IMP wore eleen'enoogh to the sabre. and came lir taking ttka pieces of artidevi and Share Oeuertdot all ,used by , the tat Ky. ettrairy aliting Their Colonel 'tn. k I the load '' and, begged thaw to charge. but alas, they turned • ttfeir backs to (be rebate. Out loss was tour men taken oda. - onem allot Co A—William Thomas. from Ashland, 'Mar tin CanoOn. Wont Swears. Peter Clark. Pottsville. and Jairnoi Brantley. ,St Clair. Frederick Itarnmer, from Warner's; on the %/Woad Mountain. wan woundk in the 'side. tint dangetowly. Oar bu,:ter, .10...00 .tartridge, had his bOfte shot from undts - him. I boss since learn ed from a pawner, that we kilbsi about sixty men awl wounded some forty. Their force at that pole tea. five • thowiand (Stioo) eatralry, under Oen, Wharton. Lite Col. ot the Tex= Rangers, two regiewl,M of infantry. and one battery of artillery from Leuisieba. Our nil re were to fall bahk it ( they presaed us too. bard. W thougut that we Were doing good terticc.. and would n t turn un less compelled. Our steward heard Gen. Van Cleves re mark that we were either - .fools Of Berge:."' One h tur later'Co4 arttawdered to skirmish 'on our extreme right wing.. first. took aiplatnon'on the left Ode of s field on the,edze of a growls' • I took I tic rtglit. do plofed es fontgei a. (In monad. of f )ur.) thinking I would develop their infantry or ravitry,.. A. we relsthed lbd top of a bill, they opened a battery. A shall Struck - 71c, a fret on the right of my left section. and 11 ,, a lerr,t4 sty „left. Tilfhltl're Wheat bad a larze Steer. takere-te af the rigl3t shoulder; Jame. Wilwn. better knots u as 'log Jam," was sounded in the right band ; NW net Cliry, In the test finger of the right band. All ,rt, . ••..,• did then are troutLimaidem. Clary's herw e ram.-it Lim acme '.ito yards, andifell, a large pier., had entered the borer's riz,lu shoulder and thattered the. pc niutel ol the saddle LO atoms.' The wounded are ;lulu; well and ,coovidered oat of danger. .Inlantry were then deienvell We hi— vons-ke:l .tbout one mile le the rear Noll ut•••-utily l the army advauced and found the enemy had lett Wider' toter of the niziot. (o.iving their dead an s ...1 0 uoa,t "n • i the field Friday wowing we, hot ,th- ado nee - on the Uarrodetwry road. 'A Union man' grin: .itt i the cold , Cautioned us to be vi4llaot. as the 'lite) etil irk" tee the - Ke",trtuekv to.) a tall the rebelo.) we, c 1 0 ,,,. a b tu.l d I tee strajtglers were CAptUred 'Thenthe rung coital mewed., Cos. 1 and D were ordered idea -to eo I cc all ebir =labor,' and fought foe an hour until Meg AMMO nit iolk t Ore out. then . ith.lrelr. Co. A and V In lilts of battle .F The rebels' slircniWers rime within fifty .ca rd.. 'f us,, and fired" , dire at 11l- Not a wan was. h urt-' v o . A' poured a trolley into them, which caoseildheris I. cease., A battalien of notuattel infantry, and one battalion rif t ~t he tith Pe Cavalry. came up es releforrements our' klejor took mote:taw'. The Outwit! dietwoutated and de-1 played. As the Major was bounty the Jinn. threektelik kicked on a dust bottled his bores, which wo l eg,ted noel • shots. A, equadrocket the oth V's cavalry mad. a-chars:4j • and lad Otle horse. The: eluadrou was etIQUIPUIdtkiL tkr 1 Capt. (Albert Waters, froth Lewisburg. (fortnerie a tnetei l i ", bre of Cl,lpt. James Mt ren's Co- 8.25113 Ilea., PI V ).- WO 1 , then took a n‘cition unbind a bill, throkitar the rebel:St _ 'wont d advance. 'A tug .4 f tree* esuae 104 CO 4 wIS or) i detect w meet them. They gut proelawnef tr. their 1041 LWOTICEat. 5 I. '`. and wounded. They wanted to, outer our lines. Whielt en 1 we wouhtiont permit. but sent the...tore. into the ho-pt Sae THE SECO. l'iticalTTLLIAN CIII ft 11 vi .., elMellCeN their note lar terviewt In their illickldeetioa dal. We' left them an I deel o y e tt t o „,„,. St wheth e r they • 11008 e, On the corn r• ,of Ilaract Irel Wllilain Street:: werelaking advantage of the time to pre pare colume. , TO iltaill.ltlf. 11t ,t-icteher. na fling PtaJor. 9%, E. to advanee Night raw. on, and 4 cold rain fell. wetting , • M. Public ' , Mik te. 10; .'.4'''-.lh.'lltit and it,4 P M - __' us to the skin. 31• remained i.n picket until Imo ~... tr - &- ?..'itlLlall ~ 9 -rits.x . cucncti. ill:6 ERst 9 lAA o'clock.' P. M. COF. A and I relieved us, (Coe F and 0.1 —Pet...chum evety gabbath trlOrrtint, it .14,PA-O'ClOar in As ergot in camp they ' -bad e"ffea and meal "St: fhb I the (1 , 1 , 1. Yellows' I IL Sabbath School at J o:elork: , ant tied we.had fn.ni.r. o'cl ck. 1.. it.. to 2 t,'..10. kir M , La- m E moms qx. cu yr...ILL-Ater. C. J. Toloa).• Oa Saturday , 03°CW air, mt six o'clock, we rave," Cue A tiny, the newly ap inted Pastor. with Providence -PFe and 1. The rebels • caine in terve. We fell itvek , stir • t wittily. preach to. prrow eta') o'clock, A . 11., Awl i O' sublime: We prepared a column end marched in line of clock, I' 31. ,I I halite inte Itarrndsburg. driving the rebel het .re ug . ai- EVILISII Er' hundred left twelve hune (l l) +telt a n., , w00n1,14- lln i Prayer Meeting re, the tioaptials. As wtentered town the mrelaants open e'elttek • Weekly 1 e.l the stores, end ther.lo , lll so.li as..unt,l 4 b0i. 0 1.. like 7 0 . e i 0 ,, k „ • aspet. 11 V e 1 , 411 rent that eight to cu r D0i 1 m,,,, 4 :3,,, , a 0 . 0; , N GELI day a:towing we alianeed in. line or battle on nrugss 1 C. ii. 11,,,, R3 p vt .t oi rear. and again drove bitneCreSS the Kett t uct.y Ttaver.— Morning at 0 o'clt They low one Mired and two prisoners. our lees none-1.7 ...' lork. fired - Their plekefe red - bri.3.ly for two hours: W.thout any ot e S... itEutt,Aß elf et. ". We returned to camp Our Cahn could not be ] i p,,,bi ti , ~+O . : , , found.' No supper tor the bey*, so they retired hanger. to , A. team' Mad ordero to 'este at live .i'clock. I'. 31.. to wagon. to ' ' 1 1,,,,,•ta te , .1 , he found. We coved our and nicelved orders It, Wtit for t the wagons. By lii o'clock we had W and wer e an were _ cm otie 'way to Elanwite. Three miles ertem town we. ' l were in ilne.iind under fire again *nitwit' Itedog a u 7 tan. Itivouieked in town. At tw. o'ritst. P. 11.. we were in the 'saddle and marching towerd*Stat.fordlEll 6 o'clock, ' P. M.. were coder fire •again. Thee wetted their; attn. lery. in Una hour we madelhooa Skedaddle and entered 10t.ro. :The citizens cheered us. Ali produred the ' , to* faid str.pes from every house. W.l then 'greet into camp 'l%e Infantry' and artillery fallnwed.„Then we heard I calinotielln.t. Lite ail, nieht. - so'clock. A 51, took up the line ot march, and barbed Crab Orrhkrd before sun• 1 rhle. From this ;ewe we fotticht th . ... 'rear guard of i ßra•e aI array for fifteen miles bWe made a. eietree oa them anddrore them to their teraillery. , TI,. ,Loth Pa. battery opened on them. We disabled ode piece of thmr artillery. killed three hitesest and two inO,n We fought them under all the diftleuttlea. ' Yeeterdays the whole cavalry, farce was ordered back to this ogee. the country , being too mountainous and. that or under brush fur the cavalry to operate. Last evening Gen. Crittendetia corps way driving the rebels close op to the Rork Castle: River.' I left the advance at ,t o'clock. A. kL We had test butt 011;3 {bran U. to that lime. W ' were shelling l i hem rather strong . They bad 'route to t the I.st resort. felting trees across the road. which imp- li eu our adtanee JD . a little. two o'clock, P. M, 1 heard hemory flog iu the . direction of the riv-r. • .- ' Our batten ni t,,a bom under Are for Six lave . twine al• but flour men as prboners and four w4lattard. During fur this lane, we had bat one fiundrell wn I: thirty men In , mr ; ihd.bltitgl. Lieut. - Reilly bad 70 we eat Itacdatortn, shoeing' the horses, awl 40 men pith the teams at Louis. lie vane. We long.tu Wee the Jpurnal. It hag not atm° to hand, slum the'brat week in September,' 't. Yours iespectiully, in . ^ • " i IS' I P 3 the 'liken re er Hobart.,- ,us hive -been those who are the l'acaiiicits e obtained b'y Commiesi4ner : er fur .0*.7 , 11. ornae G. Smith ek ; John,Afed ,I 4 tolin fur Peter U. Connor p, lieu on •for "Snaane '..Wagner. j. el.Byuthat enarick.; easel; :fotilic ercnan ; ,Samitel 'llllo.rt for AYm. LK° . B.)lieb.; ; lNV cargo' Ypuei , g.f Georgebe er for genii , awls W..li l;! John ; • From.the 84th Reg.; Indienaoiunteera. - ! HI:AMU/Oct/RA A irilitni... ifo "N0t...C0 E. t -'•, -- Camp near Ouviindotte, Va,-, t t 22, ~ -2 l Enrrous Misses' Jettutitt: A spare miWnent and I - de Vote the time to giving you tali irt account of rov : ago„. &tire in a Booster Ilegimene,"-: W. wept into'camp on the 10th day of August. We left Cameo McFall on 'the tit ti day or Ortreier for. this plate. So you •••ta. we wept tight away from the Ranaw,ha. This march sac tone in . three.,data. • The distance we marched ,c 40MIles. We, did - nit haver err.. bird march; and ha t ! plenty of chick, rue end turkeyson the road. 'We hate-a very good ieet of reghnental otfieeri. ' the boya trilulta -rirr,•ar deal of them,' We are in.attrigadi commanded by. Col. eviller, "of the, 40th t)h1o. .We• are all anxious t meet the rebels, t.ut'alie. toys-are afraid that as long a they 'are. under his commend, the'y will pot are i bait but I hope are will; • lOur Regiment Is all In a Eine conditeon : but little , aleknees, and We have a heal' hy.eamp. ri led on the hank 1 4- 'of the Ohio ricer. close to Gunthi e.-This place• is pecto•h„ and - sedans not touch a thin 'i. , lit pleaned,rne, k few tuinutee ago, w hile reading your Parise. tOste how largely the ch.izen• of my- old ; home turned out.: I }el* that there were:W. - in the sereice.— ' nave they noCturtiesl outline? . , A si ins letter Is *tier t. I semi wlthlt l aswesh lose.let ter.' -opted from the .~Moat, which wag Erought into ramp by our plekela. • ' • . I .. . I' onnaiaa goad Cilia.' soldier, and a , friend itia - the Jorklat. • •. - linart tespectfullf, I s-' :C. '.4. 5.,. ' i ' Thasecesh love letter which Mt coe • resporpleot erwitis . ne. la as (oilmen. We prit,t Mart ha's interesting 'Hutt; L . , rerfiettiya et lile c rett - : i- • i ' , '. . • : . : • , - " . - 1 1 ' • , - le t tial 21th 1562 •- , . • , • - • Itubilo.c •ek • . , •., ' .Mr .1 W - Manley . My only loie .- -' . . ,-, •-• . • • .: .It ',twit Plowmen I take my pen In hand tei.lnforin you that I :tin terable -- well pt present hoping tliene few - lime will find you the Wee !toilette hoping they will find , you ',titter satisfied' thin ' tato at present I am atria that you utter hard of.the yo wrote ta me that wine p.- - s - ople tot yam that some of, my•fclks mid that your coming here s a just to make fun crate k I thinklif they had any one thau,A t V> ts aa, that' the they - would Slate It me as quiet it any other person at I never heard of any Path a thing as that I dont sup-, 'piste you think what I told yea was. PO , about what 1. tt ought you was coming for. 1 FO tr knowted that it was just lamella! thought what you Weld to me the last might you was bete was - alllis tun il finnan** yogi-116W what It sae *boat von kniewlyou mid kin was sot cum ,- log back soy - more but I thought it , eras all to Inc k .stilthelleve in I want you totentne backlit - Id are - vie 'sol. I4ro you we olear Sway . for all that I - tate in thia world' m la to be with you hut Johney des it It' be flodearill ,thit .shall* nevermeet on earth a mia lel no prepare-to ~..„, .in heaven I want you to write and 11 ine who It was: toed you that sortie of his- Puke Mid ouvraa coining here to make fun: of Me I Min tell you e thing that would please me btier that lair wet covet be parted It , would I.ee kr we to have:oar 'Aliness takeie together you want. e 4 tine to tell you what- I llionghti of your petition I • think yon have a very,griod 4na lode ti I haven% tAili ycei When I ;re - aired your letter I VII I It last friday is thialetter Is Dot large enough I W' bring,thid to s '&P4 and begin on. another sheet bo l t: dear John - renietn. lx;ryliur lave:until death , . ' - I ' ' ' . "- ' ' • . ', ... • . t ' ‘ 11163 -Maalia 1, POWERS. .. Aflre•halleheet is as fel - town:3 . l{ : , . 5, ' :. • i' Al will hereto mud yottk sheet and • balf ata ilauroh 'mould tail to•yon mach More Man.! can write to ytna sWeeteet love I'll riot- lorgit thee il,hd - Yet 0 yet Again 103%1u:wet hoe and repo ye our hearts et Mat sweetly - it will be sweet lore calm -TO think Of , i our sorrow a past to no more at present remain year lop until death Mirk ta Ironton - ell in the can of Mr Robert Scutt or the Ot h. er way Jost whlch ever way rile think ~ or ilkagnesttlb• 01.- d e ar hoar 1-40 legeyen' here o 'earth'- I prize above yon inf. bier' you have my heed V I give -you onesweet kite antithen l'il lasso you , matt me Pee kips !a the peat . . ~ . . labeller fo 113 From diet 48th Reg- P. V.,__ Comanding.ll PIXASUIT Vtrt_ October:l l 42 Sit . _ EDIi. 1101CItie '39I.IILNAL:—To !will phne o pablith to r•tar vallushiti paper- the, thlto log demHere from I..apttty F. Illtb Reriment; P. V.: INTaar4 Beige ; Jo on ' 1 *chivy. Laserne Calsoly. deserted ote the 'rooks'no, the thatch to the.hettle— of. South Ito atatn. MC.: 'Mottles } l.loyd-doeertect from the !moonlit t. Philadelphia. I!. .... ... frbTha ReboTikiil *mit? • [ The (elide - kW see the' eesuAl les Oumpeoyfh the ,r•ttles both At Belt Run. Smith Menet/Lin and Au titic prealt,:44. At 81111 • Rau: kiiiroirmwal W Mien' Mien'`; litamtbef :• Wounded —Coireil,- rime ..Jenkine. If i •:, !died rt - 114 ironed.. ernewal 0.0 N blades, arlitatos !II Ot 'Willies Jim isms, Thotom : !m.p.h.,/ .. Thomas Lloyd; - de: they sorted Iron, UM hospital at•Ptilla ebb', erwhkh Ito'', ably ,offlrial none*. Joo Pone% Aleph Tazgirt It miming-, ul i k _ !John Devine. fla ni uol 1 Dunk..riy. Jr n I le;werty:ll Wrest ' i Widralo, Richard 'Lill iebiles. JIM orrisser. Joo J itsAlm lifintl. P Woo; T i bunas - 4*-.TbOolik: bt ibe . mksiati they, 1 thir telhaeling won waled.: Joopevioe.-Sewitiel 005- .into kerly, Richard Uttlrhates. Joo H.Wrissey,Jno .1 Mord. _ ' !ri d ikiit=ust-Ittomas".l Thome; '.Lt Ititre -battle of Wrath' . th.: ,- MimiltalwOrets wounded.—Corporal Jeremiah - o.llsthe t sod ;whit* 'stork Patitir.. At itiO,iiAo virwtho,irdor. 1 - - I.l' Perwraat Jno W Jeokins sod-, . Arent Win •lt rellor- OtJaollmalevry.lllwhealKilleilo 'sad Potottlowee. 044 -asd. a =Mims torts heard. What li beset tit. le tau W no. , .1 .... NA an aro swam taarehlng o totted tomeorrow, 4 ' .! -sad letwo title nachos yogi wo will - twin emus other 10. • , caNty,,lkboago, aro oreckundat 4. toresslou.tOnt we ! . N • • , • 1- r • REBLi. !'••. 114 . 114 'Greene Street. New York City,* coimailiMENT COFFEE', i i •-• .t tip c i„ tin 331.1'06d pipets. et to a =hoz. and- In Ilk • IJor price , ran,;efroni 3to a! cents. We put up follpwipic . • • ANA, MARACAIBO RIO ink* SteßitlOß. COFFER: --‘ We tellee• Owl:Softie to ie.better than any ciound Cot , onlere . eddririlect , ...tii pa, :or to. our ents, Iltes‘re Puce. At Sousa. - IS 3 ett.itot+rs• Feet, . lisbitigton 3treet, Nee tiork•City•... end 31Fxne. Pot- Roy* , DOASK. 18p t 191: Saga' Water' Btreet,Chlcsilo,: . ellt receive :prompt att..% I • • - . • weawat mot , V.k.'et. • .. • , . 1 , . 1 , - . ". 'llllPlee,R'- & CO.'S ': I. - ...: . , 46 i 9! Fao;ily Sewhig 31,chint • - Leiter • •—r •-• . VOTLI ALL, TILE itiXENT . III,PaCIVEMiteV , • , , , • 131 THICIIE• 1 1 1 : AND ,CtikArg - „5T..., .v 0) itir.4l . - , EALVIYUL , of all • Sewing !Lachine*, ; Tl:4 'Machine al,ir.:* a nything. from the •rennivif .of e tun, ay . Irbil) bit be unakintbisf an ftwereced •cdt nyt Mint tmtisl.l; ' • ;t or healer Cloth de, er to the softest- biausei•or Goose: • er , lssuet and Isere rready to. do its...work IA settee lon. It - can fell, hettf bled. gather. twit. 4uht...and bee • ty ; roe a greaten tier ornalletits l work- •ThiSts • ut the only machine' hat ;can ; fell, Liens. bitd• and 1. - !' hidsi Ii now becons I 'l,to pottilsr, ts: as•• Its - name ltn• lies, him that nib dsa , Ailed into • bog" invlatse. , which; ben 'operied. makes ' beautiful,' enhataittial. and no.. ' lows table for the wo Wrest upon. The ;m acre' are•lnf 1 4ad rely il uisAi noble third A-01.1111'as the w.?o: e t til grew tth tis .. o ri rci h ts .lb t ta te. , t ra l r t . : At i , i 7 l ro d r. oF .ier t;e l;B: 7 7,i • old,,,,,,.. fts s e l,!i ts w : a hr it i l h s nee tith 7,l, ' ib . i .! : f g pLh e l d.i ite - - ... native .fur or as cle loratttj' finished as ar ran nitec'e . kOecou The Branch met are. well; suppl et - Ih' Silk t w bd.; thread. needles toil, etc.o4 the 'cry bittt• quality., 4. 1 1 . L.:10 foi ls:copy of • ,A 4 ll4l.E . E. ‘ .l Em ea a l . ...4 c 1 : 114 L d i t titr z : o Y':' ' 1 4NB 811 . 6.11dt11114., Y. Y.: .' petICE. MO CEf.EINITT• ST. ,e s, .• (Hook •F..or.,Centitt c1.:4 'ltsPottsville.• ~ . :-, • 3r- i l .PHIL&DEtPIit/i L. P. GA.4eRII6 .Agee 01330 FOB; TEE INFO ' Tlll.l' 1.1•11111:111 1 16 .1 ith .w.sporttiilfy • taki.t . iii t ttt'atlgi. I to announcing to •Is frond 40.1 fornittr pstrctits. 1 that.. itt :connyetlon 'with' his • rathionahlit •Stork.l Of litlitary . anti Mize' a"klemly Made Clothiltit. he' 7111 o ttpou•Nlarrh Ist.lliti2, yoy Of the hyst asiortotl stoek's •of 11..yr,"..ltrouty•ttly I- el S hin{; ink osyr thrfore .t.tittOrd in ll.ill 'ritv.att of .whirh„wil lie 5c.1.1 at YoylLtw-isuif Tin twl.". A l'iortl..n or ti - ... sc. 13 so; 1,..0. rurolohed.fi.r this d. PArtownt .0:0 ustryl . In. 1041 -sryle..snittletreirulaiiv hriaatY fits Id iii. "wit irliihirou, We cordially ilwrity tilt to :call and oxaminy 0 stork . ty.Cry•• pur:hltsiott: -. .11 11 .0,0.14-4... id at st 3 Cli is stryyt. uuder.thet 0 r.tirosiO I 'Jul lintel. warraitted I n itireyorfeet.:reitisfarttin. Cloths. . 0 4..itIl.rcit. Vestin:a 414:iys on haud..ltreetl trout the 'best Iwitortink 110 u S iti:Attiori...a.. Illothit44 , liistlyi 10 :ordyr 01 short nntlre and in I.liri rcirrit.P:ishlohaVe St „r le.. Also. will heki.pt.on .I.iivd. 4 larze and ooritFlale 4 0 . 10,1 •'. tarot of. tleutliouit.' ihurnitin4 Clowitoleliirtiyi fnwu ,•thit mos: Fashi An.ibl I.ltrtittit - llonsits in : Nils .1:01.1t, '11t...d will receive our ter I attentioti. in - It - rder' _to , lat laito,ll of all etimpeti ,wt. • Itriro,lo4: mud titilforindii,all CA geli. Cmhreliar. S lc: Alapara • Cotton; Olo.thatti • and f all oilier .tries. Will ' fran.l In our stockist No. Ititi., 'Chestnut rtreet.wh ' the Continent...l Hall. '' ' •'• ~ t llAltl.i. STOE /IS. 1. 156?.. • • ~. •: ' :10-tf., „, Phlt .irlpbia. star ~~ptigio /s - A it g!, cods o aiii.Or IT ILL-111,1911P: 'Washburn,,apasa Idtughter !county: Pau nay!, §EITZ 41,10ber,, 'the phl.l, to At:UINTA' ,ut ib - e - lorater Oa , , I irEWN 1203.; pi/. 3001 al• yeariot bei• tr4r Chi frtetid z •filvltNi to :Mend' it 2 o'clock. from P. l'omfoy, E. Alec. • Tt. At s'inrAing pre.uubl4:4l.l re *CAS: i[..11 P Tol'lo , -01'0; 10, amok. tferrat M Chrirles John Sullirtro; reoutr)'e eAuee. , of AU_USt. arts I .Re,o/rei, TSIS 10 the tilt of Pr: 'slt 1. er artreciere. . • • : O. F. 3 Reaufrivf:l7*% . .enui ou tif4 s of !Ida to voluotri . tiou• of our cOu • Raiaghe4, th the bereaved ht .iorraaa Ina t. that tut iira• grn dead: litlarr,l. tel,t.l Iha f: ‘ inil th Corp LOST k 7 ter aul w T .bout (weer; the.,hea orciael! warded by. Nov 7' . • • 1 ((0n .. —Stfayel:awq. 'from. , . tern ireidina,atMount .4affee, ',about ; S t d' KO_ COW 'with a white'lare and a biOtth iitlit eye. 'awl bad a bell and ebalialo;!alo , r - ar il • WboeTeilrratul ;widener tOthit el , ie e Mai Irlotration trii to tie earl get tie*. .ionaat hly lelded.• , '-". . . '.., '• : I - ...,BENJ. RS atiTiNs.: - nll2er, i5.,'6 . 2.. • • • 41 . 410 , '[ .. r . 1. QTRA Y /COWS:--iCame to .'-th - ' - 'priti- - kJ iseii-nr. i ife.iiobetriherti, ;TWO t.„`Ot 8 , both rel l i i iod. white. One li long horns, with teals tiotedjw_ 04 . ; al iolt Anil the oitie r ed horns . the ow et is requested to remora thew 0. 4.pay.oxperiaer, or ettav will ti..:. dflioiod oEaetoidlog to ,_ aw. . . . , 'GEO. ITBRItT. ' ; ... ..; . ., 11 . : l a, - ..- • ' • • km Ills L. Old Chem; Fa , Ealtie ill. 11; "i - • -‘-?-..L...,.. - '.- about 2 _nil Irtim st!Clii t.• .. i. Ort: rt. 414. 1 ... •- j • . •;42--str I ,-- . ~ .. _ • Q'I'RA Y kubsr wo.ka I *pot over hrr bag a stuinp t Aikhaerib.r, or again wit! Le" Pottrrale . . . . WA . ;TED ••-=.A L '. Pu 're isei, /fa' ir , a enmiOgfe foet of 'Aiabrotype afidthotigrs't 40 . 1 - Paral as: 4111 k :Stk"- CaPe And Plettare*: i flea* fin., . 41t.ti Insfruittimpl given, if mit:tired- - Alipt:tt to,6r,,,llll:l,fess w. II BEN ' Kr. at . A ;Id. AlleiVa, gazithr-l'indOilai•ket . , itneits, Pot • Nov. 1, t W A CT! Borough of By order a graduate' 0` ling nihti real' • c Maw. Zama Nagle, TA T / to Sligo am TIEA I wale Po le St Tha exam tier, at t clot*. P... '1 bar VI en 870 . - to edam Bo: 214/.. CARD.' • • ATION ciT THE iPUBLIq' ,)ittel4gitice. r.c 11.:Vark et S•it.a re i larly_esury, Sunday annknitru, al hpA, Ayer' , ..l,luntiug..3.'biirday evenlug;at. 4t.ellUtiCll,olll.mbiliStret , Cßi , v. Akinunts pre.i , hll4,evry.6uutLi,y k; god • t:ll4llsb' It tbe-lvenlog at IIAPTIST and Nveniiig, at Wpineslay Erenlnz. 07%nrripe . k 11. AU;TlN...rwitor. . 1 111AHRIE.D. - , .2V;41 . -CtS nuext•be ancalwpaniat infh "z:- • , lo.Pil.tsfille,Oet.: , 4 l A. by Itev. , D. Jive Acquit& Ilioniad `4. Sinter C.; nudies, of Minagomeryi ;L—At Itieen-on The 251. Wm. Y.iitt, 3011 N nf WiLin,d.tughter ol IlearrSitylor, :4 • . DIED: • . . . Is Bur9ur.h. on Thursday rnlrilln re. Satin It. •NLlt.xsx, la the •53 1 , t. Wilily art ; tre n rl . u a x c L i r u :l in 't t :i:74t 9 ti f rds h ; ' ) late rn;;on t Lhe residenee of tei . tritAher, Rei , j46ll a' to etntre P1144i. Without furtilei; 174',. 041tunry. . . .. CAMP I . :I VLFASAN't VALT..ira '. ' : ' . ' °etals-r - 20th. lt , tt.•t. .1 , fkr D, 4Sth ite,.l.; r. V, the folloisttlit i t , • U tiouit,wero •atioptesi t-- • - • .., , t. / ` .4 pleastd thit Almighty;in,Vis Disirial ( those from oartutdot our , team mhritils:wittJ, les tlartaujrk, Corp. Gidilglt o ••ams;rl, It.* S'. Jslfitos., Ssmusl usiehter •arid: iyo frit, while -nahly alvft4i,liox • otirL. 111:lull Awl ecna,:Antkrtiat. au th4 , 2othi ,i, 17th or tiepternblr, there! .re be' It, 11 1„ #hile we hoar srph 'deep huutillathp t•sidoues; we ttinTrely mourn their Ir.fe,• ,14,f to the many ettmable trait's icrth.iii i ,hx . .._,- their'el '-- thl .-;' : it ' M I • j - ' h . ' ' ' e l rJ .1 ieoutryilrlzxil w e l .:c Kl a ll e itti n i". l :lll74 l ' r r e.lll.!' ' q tit 11, Itr.l. goot, -,, ,i 11 , •• w eiv •ai11.,i\ , ,,T- l!ill. in. the ttsf.tico of lbw - glorious It lrhu• • diry. : - . s, ,ettank) our warmest -Fymmtb en , C,l . t 1 i e i and ,frisii - ds of am r' -11,..i....vied coin, I t oe! 1 roi.itig from twooUttit Ihu t.rk vtli trs. any hil,l tiE! . . p1.1 . !..' 1' r o e u.sornii44..q rif kip' . mill chant tha , iprAi.s..l..r of tb t ft ev, of throe tesoluilonk be. pre4n el oft tlo . ckeceit4,4l. and _' flint they . • j‘ltx.re. , ' J , ,&v.:lit; .., ..,., - . ; 1 , ,i,S,igi. .11tS:;Ii.: Itstsit. , - 1 • ' • - • -a- . .- ' kowc F. It. Brcnr.te.o... 1 liasA Y • 'HOT 11 F N,BKi.tif ik r l Commit tste. l - l i l •• •• Z , TACT J.,11.Nt.N.1 I , ..! -, HI ~ . f II 47 tri,:soss.muttl• ' I . - • - • I AND .Fc)UN, !-lOG:Stras'.6l away.fr ber. to I - I' 110 , 3% ire gh• Lis n,!nto. of th. cut .11", ,4,14 • •hnublir 11 , •erlr ret m..)1.11' n criznal ion tberrof 'NHL s I , l2'4 , !rrpp • • -.IIY/IN• 4:1a1r.1 • I . • 111t•I rWANTE , rt l il.. . T-Ell—A- coMplete! t.-..rthict, ) ,i /.,,! ,t;,,,,....4 ttaff priimipa Betrof,l4 the Ilidlerr3rt..Tiinn o 7.or Iftmon ii. =MEI IE • r. r; .+1 I.ue Board. t'ED - - 4 ' '-'' 4'. _ .- situat on. yla young . • AteLeu6 s. a B intv,"l! at Cott la' .f a tN..ca merr.lll College. "S-41 ry, octimt.ltiet , t slake hihorlf .gstkoruir . u1.4?t54.; fr...: co, If leiluirsd: Witt*. W...4:A4 . 5ti this .1 .. r • :--.. . :' T .I. 1 1, ' : ... i.'''..44.•Vi.'.. CIULPOM ilvei; , Oteady , LJ ER. anos. ec . 4oco good "alp* 11 ill - t Wprlts, Jet tr 2. all-WANTT.D.H—Tweniy • sirovr. itouLimniw ra ted too pfito rty loyttietut and jowl-411H L A Nix to II • ABDUFT • , Merry Store 11`b!itiF, Ppjlwra: .- . ' ':WASITED IT4intliert ore: to ! - fake 'the akin tbo t tleting. k Irountl , 'Dalton take_ pt3,•-on' ;,• t h of Novell.. trelwol Houser . InDi ! .t.tief, at •..1 O r • ',Moroni on' 4o9day, N.ovim— enntll2ll4 atmx y. 'o4os'l)3rd. • • • Ste. 1, • ENGI --- ING • , KKR. to take ebererkil Largi Got Operatieve N l lo N I , II E it 31 N. LD,RS . imp AdOres*, *Rh' pi VA reference, • I • • , • thilsrlAlphis P`.: 0. . r - Warrank4 3ttutai , . ` I *x1.23, sricliT'"' .t • -I • • : 11:4, 1 ( it • "SALE.— A pii no f , r rApylv to •-• • . • 1 , • P.S RV .tilfESSANti.i.lati-St, f;nttreij., sporj viz • , , A Jir ib al eitual,go tr.a(ol pr-ductive, i - Neidelistle`rotrositit,; uolv, 17 ,tig4 n. 411.11.48 Apply , • • . tf • LEASEt--IM s Tl , O . 1 . 1 , 1•115 e tuor, ~b,„ 6.401`444.0:1•11ft} - XfICNT2CIN .Vt far Azt C r,. Wet ;04.1 4 their I tisls, t:eatitt.vrt rit IC -11 from t , htor4lo spited fr , tn . S nil ! wft.4lo Ille.rigtattg of it rull, of th. and VallOy Rofilros.d. ' - 'Throe are two oVeninc. mad. ott puti.i'lo4'll3A to-1•s-4 a Ts I uAble itseettilntiems of 1t.0.r. Atriber...rlb ! fr,st;:_thmul!tht. Eh,iffloittn,J4l.y 11,INER,S; MECIIA:NIC . S . .k.: iIPAR, lIIL miAts--,F.,4m:spog,sAtti . oß inisr ip ~•1,.,„,„ . v,iii : cibuut.„..-o,,e'ot 1s) arm-I , A ) utrWr. co '.t. , „1; o,', toilapee-c ht•st Su t . Spr•utp,.B.yearot . grim th 'Tr , Cl's t,- sult:purrhaseri6 [13114 tuttaktal rtiP„ht-re....tvr.l- I . • tOt'aerk .1011 w. a tulles , Ipt. i'‘,ttsviile. Ntli t 1 tg* . 1, , -trwko,l. AP44 . t. '. • Y. ,L. 11..4N NAN; 1 Ite ptata Age'LL, Pottrrill, -, _______ ir Olt SSI.E '.,C 0 AlL.—'l'ht,ll . o e .. ..:.:p r ,,,,,. ij k t .. muting : Matrrialx, 6 , r: put hktiti , ,,• W.,..1t1y -Ni.wee.ll..r., . !lawn born in upobettirin I,r, atel . four'. ream. ' Alltittils this Odic* . • i • ._ . • .. - .• - M I ctY .I C.: I2 -. I •• ~ . 1 '.. '. ' • • /- I' ' • • • .l 11 t 1 N air CITY LOTS' 'MR . _...AALE.-I-AtOjr 1114.1011:0 Mahiticpy Cltg. itEitT;••• • •w • I-Ipilses; l A Ofryes.!..l ,l ,toke ItooMil.tinii I gill rulialti - ..feka .L....turr.,.itc..ifor:partleulars; apply to-.• - L, C.' 11103! -Ow. Centre- a", .Varket Stsi rt ; b. is, ',Go IT vor4 v!» king, sntr rnrpOrtely 001prril. gent, Ira. Apti! to., • Aprjf 19, ,64.-1-6-tri '4 • - olt -I ENT --rhe pr4e,ty : -nown .I'. as thulliliri STORE., - iti the .1 'ugh 6f rut!sv ill., : mulsi•iin; ler !.I.Dwellits4 HOU94:ind . ne,,i Ith 4. bap _ ':or: !WAN, '4-.ljiltulug. .- . ' • , •, . li'olezvsklocr!git'u inmeillatay, IfirtiVra ili t i ri ' L,-'i 413 I.‘ s • 4'4.11 . '''' , . SAI,E4—V ERN.. ...1 ,Juo eit lior‘a Kncin..otith thoiletHiti4 alt c I onarct lag lai r :ilia:4y rot p'utapi , ,,t. venter: - • .. ' - 040 .I , t nolient, with all oectinz for Coat • ' , i• AL-44. 1 :4/ort , t Ift Inett.pika, tolk 't , • , I •r 1 Tan etlas's,,. rr ire ropeii ac. , ', • • :'• Apr ) ) ' • 4UrSSEL, Ointirll4l . of WhsutangO s n A Ssealtd attrett.' 2 4 .''. 61 :• • • • 12•tt •• NOTICES hereby 111 cut Mi.. Mary WilMarns any erwilt, iv,. aJ name. ' . IS4rtrett.,l . Sill'. 1, .0: • tIFFICE r.Ntuu, N.l. , • Nov. 41St:; thesaauit mwding o the ettithhOdera pry : - and.l.ll eh. ti. n ft‘r a' Pre44vlll 31.1.1,40,1 . )1,6 4. ge. yin be ).141 it No. :tl6 Walnut sireet.un tti,tNavi . t e 1e1.13 . 5y of tt , tretuttee next,ai 12 o'ck,k, %1 . LLIAII 11.01i1N...9ti..rr..1*r;4314 . , . 44 , r:. . -,.__", ~_„..._.___________ ~. _..._ . , Ayorrou.s Ncyrics._-,--ti, tile Jr , b . p . Li s ti ta n t 4 1F o tit e to m v i t e b o ,se f S i c h u ll . i n it : e l l l. :c d tu , a ,...ix tl±ju ki :Lhf . ...u i , i t ,,,i' ,T he a:Wirt:Wuxi Auditor, aikoihteit ttyd o' i c i ii L t uit • r ' tii _divtribute the emotint ip the loin 1:i ~ d JUL•eI r. Rohrer, Adritinistrator of !Aid It.tiate; areg t tt• ili icier. 1 none entitled to receive the nine. .111 ettett - ti tj,tie rice or hi, apprentetent. set, hie .ottice, in n ,c-, , ,,) ..i ~i ; Fotniellfnoin TUE:4AF. th e ,sth - dvv t i N't ' , eater, 1641. at 2 o'clock. I'. M., where al) 1 art,ies therene 1 t tee totted are required to attend. - . _ . , i - • ... uotvr.t.t. F13111:11, A'udit .: 1N.‘,.. I, 'C./. ' - ' - - • - . iii.:,:i . {— 4- ' —• 1 t 11Dri . ()R,•- N-p . ricE.:--In 1. he )r. ~.,4- i .o4 t is' Court of SulluNlit 111 County—la- tit,. r. re 'cn toe account ot I)aniei•J:Hmtnis, lixecuud xj it:.lad %tilt; tc., of. Lie ujaelin B. Jiro:nut. di e - d. J . • i The underelaned Auditor, ap pori..t,t to ttiNtlit u' tr . , ctioneiin the hands of the Earn-. Jtor to and amnia." teu. 'olt i tl-d thereto , will attend to the du,; lei, ...‘ • I (IA .i i . r ,,„ m e„, at his otllce, in nevouti . street, l'otttd tile at 1 t o'. i tioekt A • M , tif_L'ATlnil)A 1.. the lath Nur..tler, h:,. j ),,,e, At in t one in t emvteti therein are re itLvel . t • il.. , Ititud and trci:hut Wets' claims. - 1 ' . • 1.'•• IIt)WELL FldtlEit, lui.re. -; --it t 1i N - the . Court Of 'Common I'le.t , of 't,L-,L County) 1 • . " I C- A. R e.,.. sk. sutaz.ett, r • . ' l',rci. Lrit 11. II F. 11./IZTON. i ' The underlsited Audi t i or,ainAlUtc4 Or't "per ;;,.Lkir,:, ' l in pare of Das id 11. ()reed', Eel . , to dist•rthttie the nthpei In Cl"tirt umler the above weitowill'inuet :he pto t4s. ta •: Aere-ted at his olive * in Centre stoat, to the ttetuu'oof„ l'ot lee Me, up SATIJAD tY, November I . .th. i , c .i. at Ito I: o'clock. P. M., when and where all per.eu. a tti..,iaatt 1 4.lteir visit:us or,lett debarred livid corm 114 - in , vl 5 . ii 42, 1 I fund. - . : • YItAINILIAN U. nut% n.N,'Auddir. I ,' Nov. 1:'(2 . „i - • , ca • w . N..the.. Court of Coinm on 1 , 1 - . t.r.04)1 ..4..buylkili.Ce,nnty.: • . ' t l'ulj" 1 .:)vo. 1,14. • E.:IA. YARNALI.. • . Auditui.nprr..intrfloeintl.c.:l , l , ' 4l In distribute 1130 cvneylin Culrrt, wade u'ut..l.4 the 31;tri w,lt, Tilt rove/ thk tulre,lv: •intervvred at Ldtce, 51 ce , t re .I.lkr 11 , r - uu,.th 01 l'ottSvlllv, U.) DAY, iii:l Y, tbtti - dly Narriii4er..lllPiloa u •A e k, 1. : At, wbvn awl a hi , re . a It',Ariiu; WIN mv;4o ur 110,d0b.itre,YVvus e . 4 um): in u;ion.th. turd. • • FII4,NKLIN 11;1;011;.k.N;Audi)or. • pottsville. Nov. 1; ''.' - ' • 4111, ' I N 'Alia Court of . C(>11 . 1. ifipt .. Ileas.of :I:ichu)iiiiiionnity: ..4- 1 - , 4- - '•• ,-.'- .8:011.:EL OT O, -... 4 ~Vii.i../15. fat • ~ : -,- rem. 1u;4:. - 4 1 i•OliN ,, ME:C.IE4nd .S.ANEL WEFIREA . .1 . 1 -13 , --: .i ' 'Eno - tindrinliturd Auditor, app Intel ', ort,oit 4, :;:tst, isti .- 2. - “ , dit.tistkutff ;the' money' in". Curt. in tint :dti. .ra,....-, Will ,w eer ' Ebel paril.n interroderk at in. - 0 . 2 , ... , 11- - cen tre• - 13 rent. In' chi , ll,ruutli 'or Pot tAvt fl 9,!0n T . Hr.* DA s.'oei 13th Of, Nnyyilit;ur. Intl; viE, 2 r;rio-k.P.. , 514 when arid where all Onnuos 'will ut,tto` their rilint , ,rl 'tie debarredfrouVcomine in-.upon Etnf fu nil. 'I .: . • '''. V EIEA.; I: LIN Et: 0014;EN, A dinar, Not. I ' "i 32: , ~.t, -. . . ; `l •. 44 2t... , . , • I. tioilfp.4 . fr,t,t r o trust K,l;ecknet, as 1 Nri 'Flottit-ot• •• • • I ' D :S I E ); ! , 4 • , = t 7 Toyrusliip, - 5 , ...119y111111 . C0u v.tt. ,Qct, ". , 45.3 t• .'LubrrOit.'s . thi. •. Cduri•of •CouOnn Pleam of hchtlxlklll G uuty: i • 13,c/I:IItLES • •- • • 'l-p. • , • 11.2. i • • SAIIIUKT:134111.1CII. • ; -• - The untle-n4uleyl Apdltnr, appointol ILI. Sl)..rini lute. (If d•••fradant'a Ileal I..aiote.podet•th'u,sla,ru •ex•vuti•al.. tli idtelsrl to thp duttes of hilt appolottnent, at ht. ,•thce .1); Centy.• tee , . Nov;iluber.l sr -;:lt IU o'iioefk, A: 31. All person:Cy - it'll I hal re•itlfe-1 .their chiictpi h“,r.it said! Auditor,lor toe iir , l_llr.:4 fr,ei eotoltig lapin) the food. •,- • I • •••` •• • ' • , IiTICE.—A I . Geniraf 'Nice: 6112 - di ~..1 tii.l.' :?..achboltlen• ~ : ii'"' The.' AttlurvA' hall, '-.(,r , it5 . .. ' till,' lo; the Ceunty:' ,- .1" Ai•till. lkitl.".*lFt be het)l a , their tiuukicr, theist,' un, TUE,ifiAlt. the fourth'thii„,,i Noiv. 1 .' 4 h''XA. 'i' ''. • 1 ' • `-.- ' 1, ; .. -Au erection' for Ulu , . JpeeeterA i-f Auld E 1 0 .4.10 Wu" the eus.;uitte,.."eur,..it ill' t.held It th.d.ll-eilkitwkteh liou, the; Iterl,urt? t.I Pott•vilik, between' the tieure. ,, t te,, ~...... ei.it.k. A' M., and thri.;..trclork; P. 1%1, ou 3to:\ DAY,.....ibt eVetitenth'efey tit Zi,:ivetaber 4 ... , - I': 1, 1 - ....•,CfleA.,l:ol:Bl'lt,g,ehet Oitolier 13.'61. A 1-. . • 42.-rt .... 4 I);MINISTRA.TI9N ' !' N OTJ ef:.-7 ! ' 171,, yibrre.o. letters 41' aduil'uliteitititi upou'theeestt: - tit iiiejerUtwis J. NlAtiiti. inui 4 Kttsvll r....-+...,•1 1 .,' here bperrAttly arant.4 to hte fr lamar:Yll)lerva NI st tits All wblt ireitidebte , lte itiii..t : Eptate , are requestel i. wtte i pspsinikt. awl thiew-halneielaiuts . aFai net 'the . ..Int, Di .pretee l tbeui, without :44y. te, ':. • - , " ,Cli tt I STiit i'ilfiß 'T.,lll'l,li, ' ''7 • Atturney , fur the ~.?ttitithiftrwtrixi Y.Atscifi.:!K • . .. ''NICE. i51,1.0..,y kiti r i,,-.,if,:t v ,ppli.,.- .._. ie . ; t'4ll;*(" 4 "nunol t t 7) l' .: n il' w b si v -i - i lhs ail:',!t i:11:.t!:::::t t •rel :,!' ' ttauk !or lilieettut. NI oxit And (Arco taiten. u ,, eiw ty ~Frei !hulking: LAiret tit entulltants. to he Dim...A t,TI II . OVElltiNth:NT 8A,„ . ,..V .si to tielloeated in'i the it- uAi . 4 , rt . t'otrtAritte. FiehwyMll County. with et. C_Watii - et F 1..! l'heutad.D,ltars. andl wiiti,:prtrileges 16 iwi.'reasetW 'Mute to Tito Ilutelted`rttoui.'turl Del.ir. . r • Wll,l.l'Aglill'ii:T7.lNtiFit. ' . •1 , . • ', I 'VVILIAASI F. lit - NrAlNtirlie -,. r... .L lAJIV.• - ''''. / . 'I DANIEL Kit kilt.i. , • '': . ': •-'. . .1 U. U. 111:7ATZIN1,11M. . ' l'ot6mille,..(irt.4.l3' 2._ ~ 1 - - 4 . .31;i4m' U -hereby .01'0- that a mietiiis!ht the Itf;ard 'ot."Ditector;it. larati.re (tank of tichn)lkillCoMot3 . ,.rill b- b,el'l?tttrre Rankine lln' o ,in thh ttomorth"ot Pot DAY.I the 4 th daj of NA' 'somber - tlext..st :51....11,1e the purpose of dentarinie a riti-j,t,n.l Alm; that s meeting of tilebtect.h :will be held at the same Thee t. 1114.Nti - AY S" v r" I the lith, at 19.0'etock:A. 11.,1114 the pOrt", of A'".l fise,Pireetore. I oleere the etieu log est'. wheriao.lete . said ateelittoldera ate row:meted to at , etut • • . J. 15'. 12441 ' 4 * Y , '" ' ' •'. 44.3 Aj v LII . EMPTIOIitES 1 1 1111 , A ; DRLPIIIt 'AND Ri %MN() t !dojo. (Vt VA :v :filth may , enlist, CrA4 Sratr4 for the purpose la ircablog the Iteteerkz rteitioing, ,the. I Ibertlei of tier; country. are hrtril sunr/, that their reageetiveituatinnv. *Ol he , 14 ' and, giveti then Int ateipaiely! on their return ; ' the- fact of their rpluatkorirg t,,Arfaed ttlJir `"4'l' t hin tintrarTency, ba• cenf.iiered bercaftet :''''' 1 ; t u their far ter prem9rion aoyriehatio • rervite,of thiai.:orntiiny. • ' • CIIABLV.S Att^usr Sth 1/02. ti • BIM, &eye ,V Writ The ~Ban , di OP, orititity ot give:notice. tb3t intend lonpidyito,thn l'roui'ylvitais...t.ihnir unXt xi:Wont. nn th.tr rtionter. .S.lllll 10Oltlid in Ih. i ant Potiorilie: s lu lb* Qminty ot,t4-buytkill,nifb n lied n:4111011- or Elio newal of.'.whicti will N ankn44,iiitiloot pi10tk 4 ,144-.. • - oidnr-of.tte . l.kntid. - : June 14,'6 - NCITICE :i$ hereby - ! ii:v.ili'llsat p... pllnition ;ill! ooltnide tp On. i;;;l:l4 o . l °''x' , ,. ,e' -.i!yEranlot. int thefr . text - mAqion; O4i 4 iii......t0t 1.1" -- tor of The Farmove .1.40 k of tiakli:t 1 i.511 0:416 rY• kt . " - 4 in -I' ?ttarlite , in tho.evuotr, oi• too of hill •JO Ibt c i l kLent capital of One llundrt:ilhou;4l3.ll.l..-WILOA.Ip-4, V fh . e.sinoal bmtlk)u'ilptlyilesei. V ' '• : ' ' C ' J. I . eXrtii,m .bie• _....• Julie 7,..61 sip Sol 'Po. ( syla mis .3.,,' 'ir fo ra itia malt Idit. does